#as domestic and silly as they can be
owlyflufff · 1 year
bokuto wrapping a bandaid around akaashi's finger after a long day of traning but the finger he's tending to so happens to be akaashi's ring finger so when the realization sinks in he turns into a blushing mess + absolutely loses it while akaashi is left clueless
(little does akaashi know that the bandaid around his finger resembles that of a familiar golden band)
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kitamars · 2 months
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lovey dovey (alt ver of the first one under the cut!)
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bludhavensbirdboy · 20 days
okay what if buddie happens and we don’t get a big realisation of feelings or sexuality crisis from Eddie. I mean Eddie ‘never dealt with a single feeling in his life’ Diaz perhaps might just be like okay this is how it is now, i kiss men or i kiss buck and that’s okay. I don’t know i think it would be very in character to just not question it if buck and him kiss before they discuss their feelings.
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vialae · 5 months
So Gortash gifts a lot of gifts to durge yeah. Seemingly a lot of jewellery (I don’t remember how canonical that is. I might just be deluded)
But how is he getting durge’s ring size?
The classic trying to do it while they sleep? Bhaalspawn are pretty light sleepers, so I feel like he’s just get punched in the throat on reflex if he so much as brushed their hand.
Trying to subtly make durge try on his own rings and then just go from there?? Maybe various sizes all in one dish and see which one slides on? But then durge recognises these can’t all fit Enver’s hand. Cue pulling the knife out and asking who else he is seeing for other people’s rings to be in their bedroom.
He could just ask them outright. Maybe they get suspicious and they bicker in an attempt to get a straight answer out of them. Maybe durge freely tells him because they’re a spoilt bhaalspawn used to receiving gifts and praise.
Maybe it’s twisted into a half-truth. Gortash says it’s for his new invention; something that’s to be worn on the hand. Something for durge that will really boost their killing efficiency. That sounds mildly fun, so durge freely holds their hand out and Gortash can get as many measurements as he pleases.
He could just try to take a pre-existing ring, but who the fuck is stupid enough to steal from a Bhaalspawn? Maybe durge trusts him so much they are killing servants, presuming they would be the ones to take it instead.
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 6 months
went for a rare visit to twitter bc i heard con o'neill said some things abt ofmd and i wanted to see what was up, and i ended up seeing a lot of “ed is abusive” and “this show condones abuse and abuse apologism to a dangerous degree” takes. a lot of talking abt how the show was an irresponsible portrayal of domestic violence. a lot of relating the violence in ofmd to real-world domestic abuse.
and i’m sorry but i just can’t take that criticism of the show seriously bc the portrayal of domestic violence that they were talking about was literally. amputation and forced autocannibalism.
like. cmon. real-world domestic abuse does not typically involve forced autocannibalism.
we have word-of-god confirmation from djenks himself that in the context of the fictional pirate world of ofmd, the toe stuff is pretty normal pirate stuff, and only shooting izzy’s leg was “a bit much.” and of course fans are free to analyze the show however they want and feel whatever way they want to feel about the way the show depicts physical violence. but personally i just cannot lend credence to the belief that this show handles domestic violence in a harmful way because the physical violence in ofmd is so gratuitously and ridiculously over the top that i frankly find it silly to try and relate it to real-world domestic violence.
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ohitslen · 1 year
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Some doodles for this fine day
Closeups under the thing
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sparrowposting · 11 days
Unfortunately. There is an endless well of potential love in my heart. And that includes romantic love. And it has nowhere to GO
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mblue-art · 8 months
ough,,,, you givb me lust brainrot,,,,,,, hes jbust a littol guyTM,,,,
HECK yeah 🫶🫶🫶 good thoughts, i hope ! he deserves to be appreciated 💜
mme whne,when lust sans does anything that's so very him
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(emoji src)
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mintjeru · 1 year
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kaveh can tell alhaitham is listening bc he hasn't flipped to the next page 🤭
open for better quality | no reposts
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krispycreamsicle · 2 years
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Song-daozhang, sometimes I feel like you educated people are really the worst at cursing. You just repeat the same words. Nothing creative. No killing power. I haven't used those words since I was seven.
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rystiel · 6 months
doctor who is like: here is david tennant as the doctor, now before we get rid of him we’re going to have 2 doctors at once, then proceed to give david!doctor to a beloved companion for them to adopt into their family
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castieldelamancha · 11 months
Over the years Castiel has come to the realization that, when it comes to expressing love for one another, humans have perfected thousands of different ways to make those around them know about their feelings for them. Ways, many of them, that go beyond words, a thing that he is thankful for, since those aren’t really his forte. However, since he was completely new to what humans wanted to express half of the time and their acts to do so, most of them, of course, and in spite of his remarkable observation skills, flew over his head. 
He has learned many of them by now, well mostly he has learned the ones Dean uses the most. He is the one human he has spent more time around, after all, the human he has observed more too, out of duty, and out of that amazingly scary need to be close to him. He has developed his own, too. Gestures that go beyond grand sacrifices in the midst of battle, his usual style. Everyday, mundane things, like a kiss on the cheek or reading a line of a book out loud just because he thinks Dean might like it too. None of them, physical or not in nature, involve him dying. Again.
He pushes the shopping cart, amusedly following an enthusiastic Dean down the store’s aisle, “ -and do you remember the pasta dish I prepared for you the other day?” Dean asks, zig-zagging from one side to the other, picking different products and putting them in their rapidly-filling cart, “well, I think I’ve found a way to improve the recipe.” 
Food. That’s one of the ways Dean has to let you know he loves you. Growing up knowing it was a luxury he cannot afford means now that he can afford it he has set his mind to the task of trying every recipe he finds or he thinks of. An effort invigorated by his absolute disgust at almost anything Castiel mentions to have tried or liked when he had his first contact with humanity. “I’m telling you, man, fries and honey are a crime against humanity.”
“It is already amazing, Dean.” He enjoys the shy smile that gets him, the light pink shade Dean’s cheeks turn at his word. Words of encouragement, Castiel loves them, praising the one that never was, even if he was a selfless hero sacrificing all he was and all he had for the world. “I can’t wait to try it.”
Dean walks closer to him, stops beside him and bumps their shoulders together, as much as he relies on touch to express himself this is all he lets the world around them see outside of the safety of their own home, Castiel is fine with that, whatever Dean is comfortable with he is okay with it too. His eyes do all the talking for him anyway, they wander across his face, as the most loving caress, they stop on his lips, as the gentlest kiss. 
“C’mon,” Dean clears his throat, walking ahead once more, “let’s get you those fancy cereals you like so much.” Castiel shakes his head and follows suit, smiling softly. Dean always seems to remember every little detail he discovers about Castiel, no matter how silly it is. 
“I better not see you stealing a bowl after saying that.” He likes the light banter too, the inside jokes, the little jabs, the amused look Dean gives him over his shoulder. 
He will, he is sure, just as he will use Castiel’s coconut-scented shampoo after mocking him about it, like he won’t notice when he holds him close in bed after they share a kiss and a couple of ‘I love you’ s that cement the feeling behind every one of their gestures.
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raiiny-bay · 2 months
thinking about... monster boyz... slice of life
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marc--chilton · 2 months
how would house & wilson comfort their pup if she had a nightmare? like when she was still a baby and so small and too young to be able to explain what she was scared of, so she was just giving off ‘scared, please, scared’ energy.
like i can see them having very different approaches to how to calm her down/soothe her. pls tell me your thoughts !!
first of all, they have baby monitors. house makes fun of wilson for getting them but keeps the one for their room on his own nightstand. and this is AFTER having gone through the process of actually getting comfortable with the idea of her sleeping in the nursery (which takes house longer than he'd like to admit bc his instincts go a little haywire after the first time he holds her)
the first few times it happens it wakes house from a dead sleep and gets him moving only for him to fall back into bed with a gasp because apparently his body forgot, in its haste, that a pretty significant chunk of leg muscle is gone and We Can't Move Like That Remember?? and he just assumes the worst is happening and he can't get there fast enough and now his fucking leg hurts so he blindly punches wilson in the back to wake him up and check on her
back to the actual question. they DO have different approaches!!
wilson is all sweet words and soft smiles. "aw, you had a bad dream, didn't you, bug?" he coos at her, sleep-ruffled, gently wipes away snot and tears with his own shirt because this is his baby who's so upset, being gross isn't a concern at all. he sits with her until she calms down, holding her so her head is resting on his shoulder, closer to his glands to maximize the effect of the soothing notes in his scent. "you're okay, bug, abba's got you."
house, on the other hand, leans to a more primal route. he'll whisk her from her crib and weave a nest for them in the living room (or his and wilson's bed if wilson lets him) to hole up in. sometimes if it's bad enough house will be on full autopilot during all this, tense from the heartbreaking sound of his pup's whimpers but still purring for her benefit, all the while so dead set on making a custom safe space for them both. he barely actually talks, too, instead relying on instinctual vocalizations. not only is formulating the words for the feelings he's having incredibly difficult at times like that, but the wordless communication is easier understood by pups anyway. it's not a great habit to have -- for either of them really -- because sleeping on the couch destroys house's leg and makes him more irritable at work the next day but it's all secondary to giselle's wellbeing so he does it again and again and again
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worldlydesiretemple · 2 years
thinking about joshua and benrey’s friendship. benrey and joshua initially Hate each other because they both think they’re competition. competing for what? gordon’s time, love & affection — joshua sees benrey actively eating into his Dad Time and taking away valuable bed time story hours and playtime minutes and benrey thinks it’s annoying that gordon spends sooooooo much more time with his mini version instead of flirting with him and being gay !!!! they are constantly passing insults at each other. “ why did my dad bring home a stray ugly alien bitch !!!! “ “ i dunno but i’m doing your dad lmfao “
eventually as time passes and gordon stops them from being shitty to each other by proving yes, there is enough gordon for both of them and that he loves them both they stop genuinely despising one another and it just becomes like an inside joke to each other. as joshua grows up he starts treating benrey more like a friend / family member instead of his arch nemesis. he asks him for advice on things like he would his dad, and instead of being straight up malicious / antagonist benry does his best! sure he’s still annoying like if joshua asks if his outfit looks okay he Will reply “ you look just as bitty shitty as you did yesterday bro “ but it’s not because he’s trying to be downright mean it’s because they’re joking !!
they start to conspire with each other. on grocery trips joshua slips in a few jelly beans and hopes gordon doesn’t notice the extra additions — and when he does, benry is right behind him with 5 more bags of beans. and even when those get caught by gordon’s hawk eyes benrey’s sleeves are definitely stuffed with the goods and he taught joshua how to effectively fit as many jelly bean bags in his pockets as possible too. they come up with the most annoying and greatest tricks on how to annoy the FUCK out of gordon when they’re all playing multiplayer games like mario kart or animal crossing or smash brothers or anything like that. soon benry even gets bed time permissions. it’s not just locked to gordon, benrey unlocked the gay dad dlc and is allowed in the room now! he learns how to tuck joshua in, but usually doesn’t and takes to throwing the blanket over his entirety instead because it’s funnier, and when fun & games are over as he prepares to leave joshua’s room joshua will call out to him and ask him to stay and asks so politely if benry can please maybe sing the funny songs at him with the night light bubbles? and it’s so easy for benry to say no, for him to ignore joshua and go cuddle up with gordon but he stays and obliges. pink, blue, yellow, orange all fills the room until joshua’s eyes just can’t stay open any longer and only THEN will benrey go to his shared room. sometimes they fall asleep on the couch while playing games because joshua woke up having a nightmare that the slasher from one of benrey’s horror movies came and ate his horses and benry was already up rummaging for midnight snacks, so why not? gordon has pictures of this on his phone and thinks it’s the cutest shit in the world, but benrey isn’t safe from being lectured on how he can’t just show joshie horror media and expect him to be fine!
benrey isn’t good at being a dad, not by a long shot. he doesn’t have to be, though, because joshua doesn’t expect that of him — and neither does gordon to an extent. benrey is just Benrey and joshua is just Joshua. they’re extremely close and it’s just !!! really cute. he fits into their life like a mismatched puzzle piece that didn’t come with the set but filled the same empty space all the same.
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explorerrowan · 1 year
So, in honor of AO3 going live again, and in recognition of @magicalgirlmindcrank being bold enough to post her very good story publicly, I'm going to post my own fics where people may peruse at their leisure. (Links aren't embedding right for some reason? Sorry)
L'Art et L'Artifice
When giant plant aliens invade in the middle of a heist, Geneviève Diamant, aka the infamous thief La Grenouille, finds herself caught in the act.
Rhapsody in Green
Millie has lived in an isolated life-pod her entire life. She is treated little better than an unintelligent AI by most humans, and is currently serving as a science vessel's navigation computer. What happens when the one human that treats her like a person turns her and the rest of the ship over to the giant plant aliens?
These are both set in the Human Domestication Guide setting, where giant, benevolent, plant aliens conquer humanity for their own good and make the belligerent ones into happy adorable pets.
Read the original story by GlitchyRobo here, and more stuff can be found on the wiki here.
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