#as heartbreaking as the first time i watched
wizardpink · 3 days
Everyone keeps asking how Louis could be so stupid as to believe Armand's continued lies and it has me thinking.
I think Louis is plotting something in the present day.
I think it's the whole reason he invited Daniel to Dubai in the first place.
In episode 1 of this season, Dreamstat says to Louis, "I'm going to fucking kill you, I'm merely waiting until you're happy."
Louis can't hurt Armand himself, he's too powerful. He can only hurt him by hurting someone Armand loves.
I think Louis knows about what we all suspect happened back in the late 70s and/or early 80s between Armand and Daniel. And he's been waiting, and plotting, exactly when the right time to strike will be.
Finding out Daniel was diagnosed with Parkinson's "wound his clock." So he made his move.
And really, it's the perfect plan. There's no way it can fail. Let's say Daniel dies slowly of his disease after reconnecting with Armand. Louis gets to watch Armand's heartbreak and grief without having to lift a finger. Let's say Louis speeds things up a bit. Puts Daniel on the brink of death, and waits for Armand to choose. Let Daniel die, and suffer the loss, or turn him, and live with the guilt and shame of cursing Daniel with immortal life, knowing he will never forgive Armand. It's a no-win situation for Armand.
Louis may even get the satisfaction of Armand begging him to turn Daniel, and Louis refusing him, as Armand refused to turn Madeleine for Claudia at Louis' behest.
I just keep thinking, "I'm just waiting until you're happy." Louis has to be ready for some capital R Revenge at this point, right?
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acid-ixx · 12 hours
You know what would be a good add for you yan bat fam fic? We refer to our father as Bruce! We don’t call him dad or wtv we call him by his name sense we don’t see him as a dad!
I can just imagine the heartbreak look on Wayne’s face!! Ooo even better if we call him by his last name!
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a/n: this !! it's already hinted at during chapter one that you literally despise writing bruce wayne as your father in legal documents and even hated him to the point of changing your last name back to your mother's after your eighteenth birthday. the angst potential was stated in this drabble so it's something i had already expanded on but i love talking about my plans for the story so yk. this is basically the reader disowning their own father LMAO. p.s. one of the paragraphs here would be used for the next chapter !!
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bruce knows that you have every right to not even refer to him as your father— he is way beyond unworthy to be called "dad" or "father" or any parental name you had in mind. but he wishes you have a sliver of love to even refer to him as "bruce" like your other siblings would call him.
but no, the world always has something else in mind.
"sorry, mr. wayne. but i am not your child, and will never see myself as one. and you? you will never be my dad."
your heartless tone, the way you look at him like he wasn't your father, but a mere stranger. maybe in your mind, he was just a sperm donor for your mother, and he knows he would only amount to that, seeing as how he wasn't even there for when you were born; not acknowledging your existence for five years and simply taking you in when your mother had left you, then forgetting about you again—
it's now that it isn't batman who has gone too far but bruce wayne. your supposed father, the man who should've been there for you, to nourish your growth, watching you as you accomplish all the great things in the world.
he was supposed to be the man who should've kissed your wounds away whenever you go out to the park with him to play. he should've been the man who would sit on the crowded bleachers to watch you perform on a talent show. he was supposed to be the father who would hold you close to your chest as you cry about your first heartbreak, about your overdue projects, about the bullies in the school.
but he wasn't that father for you. and now, you seek love and attention from people who weren't even family. because they had failed you, he had failed you.
it reminds him of all the times he was left brooding alone, in the manor as he forces himself to remember the scene of his parents dying all over and over again.
yet it was you, his precious baby, that he had lost. not physically, but emotionally and spiritually.
he doesn't want to lose hope at any instance for redemption but fuck, he doesn't want to delude himself into thinking you would easily forgive and forget.
but damn it all, because he would have nothing to lose to show you just how much he loves you. and he will, he will spoil you rotten to the core, he'll give you the entire world if that meant he would hear you would call him your "dad" just for once.
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loveanton · 3 days
everything i didn’t say | eunseok + sungchan
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: you’ve always been a constant in jung sungchan’s life, he never once imagined a world where you weren’t in his life and often took you for granted. never once realizing just how much you loved him until it was too late.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: sungchan x f!reader x eunseok
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: friends to almost lovers!au
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 4.5k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: heartbreak, sungchan is a meanie and says hurtful things.
⏤ 𝑎/n: was listening to old 5sos and inspiration struck
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You've always been in love with Sungchan. From the very first moment you met him in the school courtyard, when he handed you that crumpled homework sheet with a shy smile, you knew he was different. As the years passed, that initial spark only grew stronger, turning into a fierce flame that consumed you every time you saw him. It’s funny, really, how someone can become your entire world without them even realizing it. Every laugh you shared, every secret you whispered, every moment you spent together, it was like living in a dream. But dreams are fragile, and reality has a way of waking you up abruptly.
Sungchan was always a constant in your life, a steady presence that you could always count on. He never once imagined a world where you weren’t there, by his side, supporting him through thick and thin. You think he took it for granted, your unwavering loyalty and affection. Not that you ever blamed him. It’s easy to overlook what’s always there, right in front of you.
You both grew up together, navigating the tumultuous years of adolescence, laughing through your awkward phases, and holding each other up through heartbreaks and disappointments. Sungchan had a magnetic personality; he was charming, kind, and effortlessly popular. People were drawn to him, and he thrived on the attention, though he remained humble and grounded. You, on the other hand, were content to remain in the background, his ever-present shadow, silently cheering him on.
There were moments when you thought he might feel the same way, fleeting glances and lingering touches that set your heart racing. But they were always followed by casual comments about other girls, reminders that you were firmly placed in the friend zone. Still, you held onto hope, convinced that one day he would see you, truly see you, for who you were and how deeply you cared for him.
You wonder when that day will come.
“Sungchan, I really don’t want to go to this party,” you say, trying to keep the whine out of your voice as you hug a cushion to your chest. “I’d rather just stay home and watch anime.”
Sungchan pouts, leaning against your bedroom door. “Come on, it’s going to be fun! Everyone’s going to be there, and I don’t want to go without you.”
Eunseok, Sungchan’s roommate and your mutual friend, looks up from his phone with a smirk. “Dude, if she doesn’t want to go, don’t hound her. Let her have her anime night in peace.”
Sungchan shoots Eunseok a pleading look. “Eunseok, help me out here. You know how boring it’ll be without her.”
Eunseok shrugs, leaning back against the wall. “Why don’t you just go by yourself for once? You don’t need to drag her to every single party, man.”
You smile gratefully at Eunseok, appreciating his attempt to take the pressure off. “Thanks, Eunseok. Besides, you know I’m not really a party person.”
Sungchan sighs dramatically, running a hand through his hair. “Please? Just this one last time? I promise I won’t bug you about parties anymore if you come tonight.”
You glance at Eunseok, who raises an eyebrow and grins. “Fine,” you say, giving in. “But only if Eunseok goes too.”
Eunseok chuckles. “Alright, I guess I can sacrifice my night to keep you two company.”
Sungchan’s face lights up, and he pumps his fist in the air. “Yes! It’s going to be awesome, I promise!”
Later that night, the three of you meet up and head to the party together. As soon as you walk through the door, the noise and energy hit you like a wave. Sungchan, in his element, quickly spots some friends and ditches you and Eunseok without a second thought.
You expected this. Taking a deep breath, you turn to Eunseok. “Guess it’s just you and me, then.”
He nods, giving you a sympathetic smile. “Let’s find a quieter spot, yeah?”
You both navigate through the crowd, eventually finding a relatively peaceful corner where the music is a little less deafening. You sit down on a couch, and Eunseok joins you, leaning back and looking around with mild interest.
“So, what’s the deal with you and Sungchan?” he asks after a moment. “You’ve been friends forever, right?”
“Yeah, since middle school,” you reply, feeling a familiar pang in your chest. “He’s always been there for me.”
Eunseok nods, studying your face. “And you’re always there for him.”
You sigh, picking at a loose thread on the couch. “I guess.”
Eunseok’s eyes soften. “You like him, don’t you?”
Your heart skips a beat, and you glance at him, startled. “Is it that obvious?”
He shrugs, giving you a small, knowing smile. “I’m observant. And it’s not just me. Everyone who’s close to you can see it.”
You feel a flush creeping up your neck. “I’ve tried to keep it a secret.”
Eunseok shakes his head. “You’re not fooling anyone. And honestly, I don’t think Sungchan is as clueless as he pretends to be.”
You stiffen, your eyes narrowing. “What do you mean?”
Before Eunseok can answer, you spot Sungchan across the room, laughing with Yuri, the popular tennis captain. Your heart sinks as you watch them together, the easy way they interact, the chemistry that’s undeniable.
She’s beautiful, confident, and completely captivated by Sungchan. The way she looks at him, with an intensity that mirrors your own hidden feelings, sends a pang of jealousy through your chest. You try to shake it off, to remind yourself that Sungchan and you are just friends, that you have no claim over him. But it hurts, more than you want to admit.
Eunseok follows your gaze and sighs. “Why do you let him do this to you?”
You tear your eyes away from Sungchan and look at Eunseok, confused. “Do what?”
“Play with your feelings like this,” he says softly. “It’s like he knows exactly how you feel and he’s just stringing you along.”
You shake your head, feeling a surge of anger. “No, Sungchan isn’t like that. He’s not cruel.”
Eunseok holds up his hands in a placating gesture. “He brought you to a party knowing you hate them just to abandon you. You deserve better.”
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, and you blink them away, not wanting to cry in front of Eunseok. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m just being stupid.”
“You’re not stupid,” Eunseok says firmly. “You have a big heart, and you care deeply. That’s not a bad thing. But you also need to take care of yourself.”
You look down, feeling a mixture of emotions swirling inside you. “I just...I keep hoping that he’ll see me. Really see me.”
Eunseok leans closer, his voice gentle. “And what if he never does? Are you going to keep waiting forever?”
You bite your lip, unable to answer. The thought of giving up on Sungchan is too painful to contemplate.
Eunseok sighs, placing a hand on yours. “You’re a wonderful person. Anyone would be lucky to have you in their life. Don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t appreciate that.”
You look up at him, grateful for his words even though they sting. “Thanks, Eunseok. I needed to hear that.”
He smiles, squeezing your shoulder reassuringly. “Anytime.”
The rest of the night passes in a blur. You stick close to Eunseok, finding comfort in his presence. He’s a good listener, and you find yourself opening up to him more than you expected. He shares stories about his own life, his ambitions, and his struggles, and you realize how little you actually knew about him before tonight.
As the night wears on, you watch Sungchan and Yuri grow closer, their conversation becoming more intimate, their touches more frequent. You felt like an outsider, a silent observer to the budding romance that was unfolding before your eyes. You knew then that you were losing him, that the dream you had cherished for so long was slipping away.
As the party winds down, you and Eunseok decide to leave. Sungchan is nowhere to be found, still presumably with Yuri. You walk back to your apartment with Eunseok, the cool night air helping to clear your mind.
When you reach your door, Eunseok turns to you with a serious expression. “Remember what I said. You deserve to be happy.”
You nod, feeling a warmth in your chest that wasn’t there before. “I will. Thanks, Eunseok.”
He smiles and gives you a small wave before heading to his own apartment. You watch him go, a sense of calm settling over you.
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The next morning, you wake up to a series of text messages lighting up your phone. Blinking away the sleep, you scroll through the notifications. Eunseok’s message catches your eye first.
[eunseok]: Hey, just checking in. How are you feeling this morning?
A soft smile tugs at your lips, warmth spreading through your chest at his concern. You scroll down to find another message from Sungchan.
[sungchanie]: last night was wild! i think i met the love of my life lol.”
Your heart sinks. You feel a sharp pang of jealousy and sadness. Taking a deep breath, you compose yourself and respond to Sungchan’s message with a simple thumbs-up emoji. You then turn back to Eunseok’s message, grateful for his support.
[you]: morning eunseok. just found out that sungchan thinks yuri is the love of his life lol :p
His reply is almost immediate.
[eunseok]: I’m sorry to hear that. Would you like me to come over? I have ice cream and a Netflix subscription.
You giggle despite yourself, feeling a bit lighter.
[you]: yes please! cookie dough ice cream?
[eunseok]: You got it. Be there soon.
A short while later, there’s a knock on your door. You open it to find Eunseok standing there with a tub of cookie dough ice cream, two spoons and a warm smile.
“Hey,” he says softly, stepping inside. He doesn’t ask any questions, just pulls you into a hug and leads you to the couch.
“Hey,” you reply, feeling a little better already.
You both settle in, the ice cream tub between you. As the first romcom starts playing, you can’t help but feel grateful for Eunseok’s presence. He makes you laugh at all the right moments, and the pain of seeing Sungchan with Yuri begins to fade into the background.
By the time you’re halfway through the second movie, you find yourself cuddled up against Eunseok, his arm draped over your shoulders. The warmth and comfort you feel with him are undeniable, and for the first time in a long while, you feel a sense of peace.
However a series of knocks on the door soon interrupts your tranquility. Sighing, you disentangle yourself from Eunseok and head to answer it. Standing there is Sungchan, his usual bright smile on his face.
“Hey! You won’t believe how amazing Yuri is,” he starts, letting himself in. His excitement is palpable, but it quickly dims when he spots Eunseok on the couch, occupying what has always been his unspoken spot.
“What’s he doing here?” Sungchan asks, his eyes narrowing slightly.
Eunseok looks up casually. “Hanging out with ____”
You take a deep breath, summoning the strength you’ve been cultivating over the past few hours. “Sungchan, we’re busy right now. Can you come back later?”
Sungchan looks taken aback, surprise flickering across his face. He glances between you and Eunseok before nodding slowly. “Uh, sure. I’ll catch you later then.”
You watch him leave, closing the door gently behind him. Turning back to Eunseok, you feel a strange mixture of relief and anxiety.
“I’m proud of you,” Eunseok says softly, pulling you back into his arms. “I know that probably wasn’t easy.”
You blush, shrugging lightly. “It’s... getting easier.”
The next few weeks follow a similar pattern. You and Eunseok spend more time together, finding comfort in each other’s company. You gradually start to distance yourself from Sungchan, realizing that holding onto the hope of him seeing you differently only brings more pain.
Sometimes, the days that follow are a blur of pain and numbness. Sungchan calls and texts you, mostly about Yuri and you can’t bring yourself to respond. You need space, time to come to terms with the reality that he has found someone else, someone who isn’t you. You tell yourself that you should be happy for him, that his happiness is all that matters, but it’s a bitter pill to swallow.
One evening, as you're sitting in your room, trying to focus on studying, your phone lights up with a text message. It’s from Sungchan.
[sungchanie]: did i do something wrong?
Your heart sinks at the message. Despite everything, you still care deeply about him, and the thought of hurting him hurts you too. You stare at the screen, unsure of how to respond.
A few minutes later, another message comes through.
[sungchanie]: i hate the silent treatment y/n :(
You take a deep breath, your fingers hovering over the keyboard. As much as you don’t want to feel anything for him anymore, you can’t deny the rush of emotions that flood your chest.
[you]: “hey sungchan. you haven’t done anything wrong,,,just been swamped with classes and needed some time to myself
Almost immediately, your phone buzzes with another message from him.
[sungchanie]: can i come over? i miss hanging out with you
You hesitate for a moment, chewing on your bottom lip. Despite everything, you find yourself typing back.
[you]: sure
Not long after, there’s a knock on your door. You take a deep breath and open it to find Sungchan standing there with a sheepish smile.
“Hey,” he says softly, stepping inside. “I’ve missed you.”
You manage a small smile. “I’ve missed you too.”
He glances around your room. “Where’s Eunseok? I’m surprised he’s not attached to your hip.”
You chuckle nervously, feeling a pang of guilt. “He’s at a study group.”
Sungchan nods, taking a seat on your bed. “So, about Yuri...”
Your heart sinks, but you swallow the lump in your throat and force a smile. “Yeah, tell me about her.”
Sungchan launches into how he and Yuri have been on a few dates, how he thinks he’s going to ask her out officially soon. You listen, nodding along and trying to push down the ache in your chest.
“That’s great, Sungchan,” you manage to say, forcing cheerfulness into your tone. “I’m really happy for you.”
Just then, your phone buzzes with a text message from Eunseok.
[eunseok]: Hey! Would you like to join me and some friends for a game night tonight?
You smile at the invitation and text back quickly.
[you]: sure! i’ll be there ^-^
Sungchan glances at your phone curiously. “Who’s that?”
You hesitate, then decide to be honest. “It’s Eunseok. He invited me to join him for a game night with his friends.”
Sungchan’s expression shifts slightly, a flicker of jealousy crossing his face. “Oh. Are you guys... dating?”
Your heart skips a beat at the question, and you falter for a moment. “Um, no, we’re just friends.”
But Sungchan doesn’t seem satisfied with your answer. His brows furrow, and he leans forward, his voice tinged with frustration. “It’s just... you two seem really close. It almost feels like he’s replacing me.”
You feel a surge of frustration and hurt. “Sungchan, he’s just being a good friend. No one could ever replace you.”
He shakes his head, his frustration boiling over. “Do you even realize what you’re doing? You’re letting Eunseok get in between us!”
Your eyes widen in shock. “What are you talking about? There’s nothing going on between me and Eunseok. He’s just my friend.”
Sungchan stands up, his voice rising. “I’ve known you for so long, and now suddenly Eunseok is always around. It’s like I don’t even matter anymore!”
You stand up too, your own anger bubbling. “That’s not fair, Sungchan! You’ve been spending all your time with Yuri, and I needed someone to talk to. Eunseok has been there for me when you weren’t.”
He scoffs, shaking his head. “You don’t get it, do you? You’ve replaced me with him. Every time I turn around, he’s there. And it feels like you don’t even care.”
Tears prick at your eyes as you try to defend yourself. “I do care! But you’re the one who’s been distant. You’re the one who found someone else.”
Sungchan’s eyes flash with hurt and anger. “Maybe I did, but that doesn’t mean you had to replace me so easily.”
You shake your head, feeling the weight of his words. “You’re being unfair, Sungchan. Eunseok is just a good friend. You’re the one who’s been pushing me away.”
His face hardens, and he takes a step back. “Maybe I needed to, because it hurts too much to see you with him.”
You’re stunned into silence, the weight of his confession hanging in the air. Before you can say anything, he turns on his heel and storms out of your room, slamming the door behind him.
You collapse onto your bed, tears streaming down your face. The argument replays in your mind, each word cutting deeper than the last. You can’t shake the feeling of loss and confusion, wondering how things went so wrong.
Despite your pain, you decide to suck it up and go to the game night. You text Eunseok, letting him know you’re on your way. When you arrive, his friends greet you warmly, their cheerful banter and infectious energy immediately starting to lift your spirits.
Eunseok’s friends, Beomgyu, Anton, Karina, Yujin and Jake, quickly draw you into their circle. They’re a lively bunch, and it’s impossible not to be swept up in their enthusiasm.
“Alright, who’s ready for a game of spoons?” Beomgyu announces, waggling his eyebrows mischievously.
“You’re not planning to cheat again, are you, Beomgyu?” Yujin teases, raising an eyebrow.
He gasps dramatically. “Me? Cheat? Never!” But there’s a twinkle in his eye that suggests otherwise.
Anton and Jake’s dynamic is particularly amusing. Anton is calm and methodical, while Jake is a bundle of energy, constantly in motion. They bicker and banter like an old married couple, which keeps you entertained and helps take your mind off Sungchan.
As the game progresses, you can’t help but notice Beomgyu’s suspiciously fast reflexes. Every time a spoon is up for grabs, he somehow always manages to snatch it first.
“I’m onto you, Beomgyu,” you say with a mock-serious tone after he wins yet another round. “You’re definitely cheating.”
He laughs, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “I’m just that good, I swear!”
Eunseok, sitting next to you, chuckles. “Don’t let him fool you, ____. Beomgyu’s a known cheater.”
You laugh along, feeling more relaxed than you have all evening but Eunseok’s keen eyes don’t miss the occasional flickers of sadness that cross your face. After you both lose a particularly intense round of spoons, he stands up and offers you a hand.
“Help me with snacks in the kitchen?” he asks gently.
You nod and follow him, grateful for the brief escape. In the kitchen, Eunseok begins prepping more snacks, occasionally feeding you bits of fruit or cheese.
“Are you okay?” he asks softly, his concern evident.
You sigh, leaning against the counter. “Sungchan and I got into an argument before I came over.”
Eunseok pauses, looking at you intently. “What was it about?”
You hesitate, then spill the details about Sungchan feeling replaced by Eunseok and how hurt and jealous he seemed. Eunseok’s expression darkens.
“He said that it hurt too much to see us together.”
“That’s manipulative,” he says bluntly.
You shake your head, feeling a rush of defensiveness. “He’s just hurt, Eunseok.”
“He knows what he’s doing, ____,” Eunseok counters. “Why would he say that it hurts to see us together if he doesn’t have feelings for you? He’s just stringing you along.”
You don’t know what to say, the truth of his words sinking in but conflicting with your loyalty to Sungchan. The emotions swirling inside you become too much to handle.
“I think I should go home,” you finally say, your voice small.
Eunseok’s face falls. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin your night.”
“It’s not you,” you reassure him, managing a weak smile. “It’s just hitting me how messed up this situation is.”
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Let me walk you home.”
You shake your head. “No, you should stay with your friends. I’ll be fine.”
Reluctantly, Eunseok nods. “Alright, but text me when you get home, okay?”
“I will,” you promise.
As you make your way home, your mind races with thoughts of the evening’s events. You replay Eunseok’s words over and over, feeling a mixture of frustration, sadness, and an unexpected hint of clarity.
When you finally arrive home, you text Eunseok as promised.
[you]: i’m home. thanks for tonight
[eunseok]: Anytime. I'm here if you need to talk.
You appreciate his unwavering support but feel a heavy weight pressing on your chest. You sit on your bed, staring at your phone, wondering how you ended up in this tangled web of emotions.
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The next week is a blur of classes and studying. You try to avoid thinking about Sungchan and focus on your schoolwork, but it’s a losing battle. His absence is a constant ache, a reminder of the distance growing between you.
Tonight, you find yourself standing in front of his apartment, your heart pounding in your chest. You don’t know what you hope to achieve, but you know you can’t keep pretending that everything is okay. You need closure, one way or another.
Before you can even knock, the door swings open and Sungchan stands there, surprise flashing across his face when he sees you. “____, what are you doing here?”
“I wanted to talk,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady.
Just then, Yuri pops out from behind Sungchan, wrapping her arms around his waist and planting a kiss on his lips. Your heart clenches as you watch them, but you force yourself to stay composed.
After a moment, Yuri finally pulls away. “I’ll see you later, Sungchan,” she says, giving him one last peck and you a smug grin before leaving.
Once she’s gone, Sungchan lets you in, making a snarky comment as he closes the door. “Where’s Eunseok? I thought he’d be glued to your side.”
You stay calm and reply, “I didn’t come to fight with you, Sungchan. I just want to clear the air.”
He nods, crossing his arms. “So, are you ready to apologize?”
You’re taken aback. “Apologize for what?”
“For being a bad friend recently,” he says, standing his ground.
Anger rises within you. “No, Sungchan. You’ve been a bad friend. You blew me off at the party after begging me to go. Then here comes Yuri, and now you’re completely pussy whipped.”
He scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous of Yuri. I thought you’d be over your little high school crush by now.”
The words hit you like a punch to the gut. “What?”
Sungchan stares at you blankly and you feel anger coursing through your veins as you realize he’s known all this time. He knew just how much you love and care for him and he took it selfishly, knowing just what to say to keep you by his side. He only ever gave you just enough to string you along and give you false hope. Eunseok was right.
“How could you be so... so cruel? All this time you knew I liked you but led me on and kept me around for your own satisfaction. How could you do that? We’re supposed to be best friends.”
“Exactly,” he snaps back. “Best friends. So stop thinking we’ll ever be more. It weirds me out.”
The argument escalates, voices rising with each exchange.
“You knew,” you say, tears welling up in your eyes. “You knew how I felt and you still... How could you do that?”
“I didn’t have feelings for you then, and I still don’t now,” Sungchan retorts, his face twisted in anger. “You need to move on.”
“How could you be so heartless?” you cry out, the pain evident in your voice. “You used me. You knew how much I cared and you used me.”
Sungchan’s expression softens for a moment, guilt flickering in his eyes, but it quickly hardens again. “I didn’t use you. I thought you were over it. I thought we were just friends.”
You shake your head, tears streaming down your face. “Go screw yourself, Sungchan.”
You turn towards the door, ready to leave, but before you can open it, Eunseok lets himself in. He sees your tears and Sungchan’s guilty expression, his own face hardening with anger.
“What the hell is going on here?” Eunseok demands, glaring at Sungchan before turning his attention to you. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
He grabs your hand and leads you away, his grip firm but gentle. You don’t resist, too overwhelmed by the confrontation to do anything but follow him. He takes you to a nearby boba shop and finds a quiet corner for the two of you. After placing your orders, he brings your drink and sits beside you, offering silent support.
For a while, you both sip your drinks in silence. Then, Eunseok starts talking about his economics midterm, detailing how tough it was and how he’s sure he failed. You appreciate his attempt to distract you and let him continue, feeling a small sense of normalcy returning.
Once he’s done venting about his exam, you take a deep breath and softly say, “Thank you.”
He smiles gently. “You never have to thank me. I’m here for you, always.”
He looks at you with gentle concern. “Do you want to talk about it?”
You play with the straw of your drink, gathering your thoughts. “We had a huge fight. Sungchan said some really hurtful things… things I didn’t expect him to say.”
Eunseok’s face darkens. “What did he say?”
You recount the argument, detailing how Sungchan accused you of being a bad friend and dismissed your feelings as a mere high school crush. By the time you’re done, Eunseok is seething with anger on your behalf.
“He’s an immature prick,” he snaps, his eyes flashing with anger. “How could he say those things to you? After everything you’ve done for him?”
“I don’t know,” you whisper, tears welling up again. “I thought he was my best friend.”
Eunseok takes your hand in his, squeezing it reassuringly. “You deserve so much better, ____. Don’t let him make you feel like you’re in the wrong. You’ve been an amazing friend to him, and he doesn’t appreciate it.”
His words are like a balm to your wounded heart, and you manage a small smile. “Thank you, Eunseok. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
He smiles back, his anger slowly dissipating. “You’ll never have to find out. I’m here for you, always.”
The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a while, sipping your drinks and finding solace in each other’s presence.
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codename-adler · 3 days
Jean Moreau & Notre Dame de Paris . just saying.
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orphiclovers · 3 days
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I think the most notable bit of character insight on Yoo Joonghyuk that Yoo Mia SS provides is how much the apocalypse did not change him at all.
It's one of those Big Themes orv has, and simply brilliant writing. Y'know how they kept beating us over the head with the concept of 'the people who find it easiest to adapt in a ruined world are those who could not adapt to real life?'. That applies to YJH too, and even more than other characters. But it's hard to notice on a casual main story read because genre conventions and his character archetype tell us not to look deeper, that he is just a basic brooding power fantasy manhwa protagonist, even when he's really not.
So the audience writes off his quirks because it's expected of his brooding hero archetype and the other apocalypse survivors write off his quirks because everyone who has gotten this far is a little nuts and also they have bigger problems.
But when Yoo Joonghyuk acts exactly like he does during the apocalypse in a pre-scenario world where there's no convienient explanation it's really clear that he is different and he just comes off as...off.
His silence during conversations is no longer mysterious and cool but just weird and a failure to read social cues. His 'glare' is frightening and people don't like when he makes eye contact with them. His manner of speech is off-putting. His blank emotionless face is not stoic repressed hero-esque but ""rude"" etc etc. Every single mainstream society conforming person can tell there's something off about him so they avoid him. And YJH doesn't know how to communicate so he ends up totally friendless (save for a literal mafia boss and a crazy time-traveling teenage girl - and only them, because they don't fit well into society either.)
Umm where was I. So, but I don't know how much effect all of that has on World of Zero. Firstly, because between Yoo Mia side story and World of Zero there are 3-4 years of '?????' where afaik we have no idea what Yoo Joonghyuk was doing. He stopped being a gamer at some point but also got rich at the same time (doing what?) and bought the house he daydreamed about and also became a total shut-in who 'doesn't go outside often'. I have fanfic-y theories but nothing canon.
Onto the second part of the ask.
With World of Zero era joongdok I feel like there's a lot of writers out there who have made their own versions that are better than anything I could come up with so I hope you wont be disapointed. That being said I do have some thoughts.
Speaking of fanfic, here is mine under read more lol.
I think it's super that Kim Dokja gains the power of an omnipotent god and the very first thing he does is devote his time to Yoo Joonghyuk's happiness and safety. The whole reason he became OD was because of his massive guilt complex about YJH, so it makes sense that he would try to atone.
Zero starts off mistrusting him but gradually KDJ proves himself as having Zero's best interests at heart 100% of the time. DKOS is YJH's guardian angel. And then KDJ stays watching over him even after the scenarios were over, seeing him go through boring life milestones, happy as long as YJH is happy, for seemingly no reason.
So it's no wonder Yoo Jooghyuk fell in love.
He might not know Salvation's real name or appearance or anything about him but he wants to get to know him, this person who has saved him so many times while asking nothing in return. It doesn't matter that he's a constellation because he is good, Yoo Joonghyuk knows. He confesses all of this to Salvation, looking up at the sky with eyes sparkling with life and passion.
Salvation lets him down gently, for what it's worth, but rejection is still rejection and it hurts.
In the following weeks, as he goes through the motions and pretends nothing happened, he continues to feel the gaze of Salvation on his back, but the constellation stays mercifully silent. Yoo Joonghyuk does not want to know if it's pity he's looking at him with. Even heartbreak heals, of course. Months pass, then years. Lee Seolhwa was a dependable companion to him during the scenarios and stays a steadying presence in the world after. They're compatable. She is someone with who he could see himself growing old.
Salvation told him to 'be free, to fall in love with someone who could be with him, to not waste his time chasing after a dream, to live his life to the fullest'
He knows about his attribute of course, just like he knows everything about Yoo Joonghyuk.
Yoo Joonghyuk sees no point in lying. He tells Lee Seolhwa everything. How due to his attribute he will grown old and die while the rest of them stay youthful as ever, how he doesn't remember his childhood or know his parents. His hopes and dreams, how he yearns to learn his origins. About the first scenario, about the constellation who would have been his sponsor, whom he loves.
Then he asks to marry her. She says yes.
Salvation is the first person Yoo Joonghyuk tells. He's happy for him, of course, says he always knew there was a spark between them.
They live a long 50 years together.
When Yoo Joonghyuk's hair started turning more salt than pepper, he told Lee Seolhwa that he wouldn't hold her. She laughed, stroked his head and said that she might not look it but she is two years older than him, that she vowed to be by his side till death did them apart and she will not break that promise.
When his time comes and he knows he has to leave, he tries to explain himself to Lee Seolhwa at least, if not the rest of his old companions. But he needn't have bothered. Before he could start, she took his hands in hers and smiled wistfully. She told him she always knew this day would come. That his heart has always belonged to someone else. She's thankful for the time he has given her anyway and that she could not have asked for a better husband. She sheads a few tears and Yoo Joonghyuk does too, but he leaves their house with a sense of purpose and a lightness in his heart he has not felt once since the day he beat the final scenario.
And then he accepts the sponsorship contract with Salvation.
... .. Sooo, that's how I think round zero went.
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who-datgirl · 2 days
Okay y’all so I have been thinking about the finale since Friday and the more I puzzle on it, the less I believe Ruby’s fairy tale ending was genuine. I of course was a big proponent of the “Ruby is River’s daughter theory”, but I am starting to be one of those people who think she is an unknown member of the pantheon. More specifically, I think she may be the daughter of The Trickster, I’ll go into why.
Let’s start with Ruby’s “mom” in the flashback, her hooded face with humanoid lips visible gives me serious Trickster vibes from SJA. A constant lament was “WHY CAN’T I SEE HER FACE?” Well, The Trickster really doesn’t have much of a face aside from ruby-red lips and sharp teeth. Honestly, why would a 15 year old have such an ominous cloak and where did she get it between the maternity ward and abandoning Ruby at the church? Granted a 15 year old still high on painkillers from giving birth could definitely do some zany shit, but it seems like a stretch to me. If my hunch is somehow correct, I would go so far to say that in the time window they did not see Ruby’s parent crying under the hood, but rather laughing maniacally. In fact, I honestly thought she was laughing when I first watched that scene. If the “mom” is actually The Trickster, then he would definitely have been laughing as he takes great pleasure in messing around with The Doctor and their companions.
The Trickster is the god of traps, which typically involves some narrative that a person falls prey to in order to be ensnared by the trap set for them. Ruby as the child of that entity could totally be able to create narratives that people would happily believe and become a part of, or to put it succinctly: a story. It isn’t any further of a stretch than the god of games having a child that is the god of music.
I think as the season went on, Ruby subconsciously created her own happy ending and bio parents piece by piece. Finding her parents seemed to be a process of creation as it unfolded. The DNA scan in 2046 only showed Ruby’s DNA twice. After defeating Sutekh though, 2024 UNIT was able to seamlessly find some ordinary and flawed woman eager to reconnect with and apologize to her abandoned child. Her bio mom is even willing to reach out to a presumable one night stand from 20 years ago, catch up with him, and see if he wants to become a father figure after two decades. Also the origin of Ruby’s name through a street sign that seemed to not exist in the footage, until it suddenly did, felt like an actual change to the timeline. I have nothing against this ending per se, it just all felt deliberately too perfect as if reality was bending entirely to Ruby’s deepest desires. To top it off Ruby somehow pulled the exact narrative of 10 and Rose’s goodbye for 15 and herself, almost as if unconsciously she tuned into one of The Doctor’s deepest heartbreaks to reflect how horribly she felt about leaving them.
I don’t think Ruby’s real story is close to done. I think her perfect ending will start to show cracks, and the reality of it will seem more created than true. Eventually we may even see her wake up to the truth of her power in time for The Trickster to come in and truly fuck around with things for her and 15. It would be interesting to see her owning her power to send her own bio parent into a narrative that The Trickster could never escape.
There is just too much that went unaddressed. How did Ruby conjure snow? Why was Maestro so disturbed by her hidden song that they said there was something seriously WRONG with her? How did she fold her own timeline back in 73 yards? Why were people so terrified of or infuriated by the apparition that we now know was Ruby? Did the Ruby in the distance tell people about her ties to the Pantheon of Discord? Did the apparition know the truth of Ruby that is hidden even from herself? Why would Sutekh care about the hooded parent more than anything else he creeped on during his centuries attached to the TARDIS? Is he a Jerry Springer fan, obsessed with “you ARE/ARE NOT the parent” reveals?
One final thing that makes me think they may pull a child of The Trickster into the story. In SJA before Elisabeth Sladen passed, they were planning on revealing that her adopted daughter Sky was really The Trickster’s child all along. The episode never aired as SJA could not go on without Elisabeth. I could see RTD honoring her show by making that story canon through Ruby. After all, Ruby too is an adopted daughter.
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wolfofcelestia · 2 days
What if the Dawnbreaker did get to meet MC in his world....except she's a nosy detective? She's curious why all the records involving Dawnbreaker were destroyed, investigates on her own and tries to do her own sleuthing to bring him to 'justice'? So they meet and she's like "you're under arrest"
Ok when I first read this, I started laughing because the look on his face would be priceless but then I realized how heartbreaking it would be if she didn't even want to hear him out and just threw his ass in jail or shot him when he resisted😭
Our MC is pretty nosy too and likes to investigate things herself even though it's not official Hunter work, so picturing her doing the same thing in Dawnbreaker's world makes sense, whether she's a detective or just that world's version of a Hunter
So I can see this situation happening with Dawnbreaker rotting away on his couch, drinking his disgusting nutrient drinks, and watching his old doctor shows. And then his literal dream girl knocks on his door lol
It's bad enough that he isn't used to social interaction or speaking in general, but when he sees her face, his brain just gets scrambled. He can't even find the words to say "It's you..."
MC's sense of justice is pretty strong but her curiosity is even stronger, so she wouldn't completely book his ass right away. Especially when he doesn't seem like a threat to her in any way. Especially when he looks at her with such sad eyes. So she'd hear him out - not as a suspect but as another human who looks like he needs help
They'd sit in awkward silence for a while on his couch in his shitty little apartment with MC trying to ask him questions about "Dawnbreaker". But there are just a million things going on in his head, a million things he wants to say to her, and he doesn't even know where to start
Then he offers MC some chocolate. It's the first time she's heard his voice. It's rough, dusty, like a forgotten, discarded memory. And when she accepts a piece of chocolate, they both start to calm down
She looks just like the girl in his dreams. She sounds just like her. Even the little smile that appears when she puts the chocolate in her mouth is the same. And MC wouldn't be able to shake the feeling that sitting with him and eating sweets together in that old, decrepit apartment was somehow strangely familiar
Eventually, Dawnbreaker finally finds his voice and the courage to explain his situation and what he's been doing
MC would know he's telling the truth because she's seen hints of exploitation and human experimentation in her personal investigations of a shadowy criminal group
Her sense of justice, her curiosity, and her STRONG feeling of familiarity with him would lead her to team up with him. And this would be the beginning of their relationship
When MC says "I'll help you," Dawnbreaker would lose all his words again, not being able to believe that his dream was actually coming true. He'd accept her help, of course. There's no way he wouldn't. To have her in his life in any capacity would be a miracle for him, and with her help, maybe he could make the world a better place
And when this happens, maybe he'll stop dreaming of the girl and her doctor, of the person he wished so desperately he could be
So that maybe he could dream of the girl who looks at him and sees only him, and loves him for who he is
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sarahjtv · 1 day
My Hero Academia is Officially Ending and I'm Fucking Coping 😭
So, it was officially announced early today, June 24th, 2024, by Shueshia and mangaka, Kohei Horikoshi, that My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia will officially end in 5 chapters on Chapter 430. The last chapter will be released at the beginning of August after 10 years of publication in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine if all goes well.
I woke up to this news. I'm sitting here on my laptop typing this as a way of coping tbh. On the outside, I'm numb and stunned. On the inside, I'M SCREAMING, CRYING, THROWING UP, MOURNING LIKE I LOST A LOVED ONE WTF 😭
*sigh* But, this was going to happen eventually. It was only a matter of when. When Horikoshi said that we would have more epilogue to cover, I thought "Maybe he'll give us 10 more chapters!" Turns out it is 6-7 chapters instead... In Horikoshi's defense, 6-7 chapters are much longer than what most mangaka have given us for epilogues to their stories. I'd rather have him give us 5 more chapters of an epilogue than rush it in 1-2. Plus, if possible, we could potentially get 19-20 pages per chapter which might be just enough to wrap everything up. And since final chapters of manga tend to be longer than usual, we could get extra pages in the last chapter to finish everyone's arcs and the story properly.
Still, it's so wild to see a series I have loved for years and have such a strong attachment to end as I am following it. I have been a part of many fandoms before and have stuck around them for years (Pokémon, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Breaking Bad, and many more), but it's not often that I've been there there to see a series come to it's conclusion. Sometimes that can turn out well (Breaking Bad) and other times I've seen it end badly (Supernatural; only read about it and it was not great. I bounced after season 13? and I am so sorry to the fandom). My Hero Academia is one of the very few series I will see through to the end.
I'm really coping here, honestly. I've been a fan of My Hero Academia since 2018. I first heard about the series randomly through the internet, but I didn't fully introduce myself to it until I listened to a cover of The Day on YouTube (I forget the artist, I'm so sorry). I thought the song was so cool and that led to me listening to more covers of MHA OPs (Peace Sign is still GOATed btw). This eventually led me to the manga and the anime where I became truly immersed in the series. I started reading the manga around the Joint Training Arc (I think) which was definitely an interesting time to read the manga because the chapters where so short due to Horikoshi dealing with health and I think moving conflicts at the time. It was still an enjoyable arc and enough to keep me interested in reading from the beginning. I want to say I started the anime around season 3?, but I started at the beginning and worked my way up from there. "Shoto Todoroki: Origin" was the episode that finally solidified my love for the series and is still my favorite episode of the series.
To say that MHA has an important place in my heart is an understatement. (⚠️Warning: very quick mention of suicide) I was very sad and depressed in the latter half of 2018. My life didn't feel like it was going anywhere and I was close to giving up entirely. (⚠️ ). Finding and loving MHA during that time honestly might have saved my life. As strange as it sounds, it was one of the few things that brought me genuine happiness at the time. I had something to look forward to every week and it was thrilling. I still remember debating whether Deku or Shoto was my favorite character. Shoto took the top spot in my heart, but Deku is a very close second 🩵💚.
Seeing MHA end is heartbreaking, honestly. I'm watching something I truly love come to an end. We'll still have the anime, movies, and spin-off series to keep us busy for the next few years, but the manga that started it all is coming to a close. It feels so, so surreal. God, is this how the Haikyuu fandom felt when it’s manga ended? My hope is that this fandom can be kept alive long after the series is over. The MHA fandom DEFINITELY has it's flaws, but it also has a lot of good in it too. I have seen incredible art and fanfics come from this fandom. I have laughed and hyped up some of the best moments of MHA with people who love it too. I know that the fandom is collectively mourning its end and I know we'll all cry bittersweet tears when it ends. If anything, I am glad to see Kohei Horikoshi end his momentous story on his own terms. I hope it ends up being one of the best manga endings in recent Shonen Jump like how Haikyuu's was. I think Horikoshi can do it. Regardless of how it ends, My Hero Academia will be one of my favorite pieces of fiction. I am really glad to be here to celebrate it.
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thefallennightmare · 2 hours
May I request for a Noah Sebastian headcanon in which Noah meets the readers parents and extended family for the first time. He sees her interacting with them and also the kids, all of it makes him realize that he wants to marry her eventually truly become a part of her family.
Coming from my experience of 10 aunts and uncles and 20 cousins 😅
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@missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @lookwhatitcost @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @blueskylinesx @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @pathion @flowery-mess @tashka @Karenfranco @its-inourblood @amelia-acero @xxkittenkissesxx @cncohshit @xserena-13 @collidewiththesavannah @meekahy
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Noah always thought he'd never want to get married or have a big family.
All he ever needed was Bad Omens.
But the moment you two started dating, you slowly begun to change his mind.
Especially now, in this moment. It was a birthday party for one of your cousins and everyone in your family turned out. It was a huge gathering in your aunt's backyard and after all of the introductions from Noah to your family members, you let him be to talk with some of your cousins while you ran around with the kids.
You loved spending time with them.
Noah immediately fit in with everyone in your family, he felt at ease. The anxiety was long forgotten.
He watched you with so much love as you let the younger kids "attack" you to the ground so they could tickle you.
He sucked in a breath when the thought struck him.
I want to marry her and give her a family.
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outmakingmoonshine · 3 hours
I know some of us will be watching S3 in just over 24 hours so I just wanted to gently remind people of the dialogue in 1x01 that told us what to expect from the romance in this show:
"I hate to break your hearts motherf*ckers but that mushy, gluey/gooey bullsh*t is not bailing us out this time. Ballbreaker is."
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In the first image the second definition is kinda mysoginistic but honestly I can see how this works into the story of the show. Sydney's not threatening (unless you're Richie getting on her last nerve) but I can see how Carmy could feel like she dominates him on a "having your life together" level but it's not Syd that's destroying his self-confidence, it's the way he goes about things that end badly for him. Or maybe that part is about Donna beause she definitely fits that definition for Carmy.
The second image is a more accurate representation of what I think they mean in the show. I think Carmy does see Sydney as demanding a lot from him even though she hasn't actually demanded anything except his focus, he just wants to give her everything and because he's failing we're watching that slowly crumble his confidence. I think aggressive and tough applies to how Syd sees Carmy. He does burden her with his responsibilites at the restaurant which demands a lot from her and we've been watching him slowly damage her self confidence throughout S2. Both are destroying each other's self confidence in different ways. These two fools in love just wanna do things for each other and make each other happy but they put so much pressure on themselves to please the other one. Meanwhile neither of them are aware that all they both want is to connect with each other.
Anyway I think these literal definitions are more in the background, they apply but this show loves symbology and metaphors so metaphorically I think by "ballbreaker" they mean this love story is going to be painful and heartbreaking to watch. They key is remembering that dialogue was made in the subtext of romance. They told us "I hate to break your hearts" while subtextually telling us what to expect from the romance in this show so I'm just saying, maybe go into this season with that in mind.
The lead up to the end of any show is usually horrific for endgame ships. They make it seem like they'll never be together so it's "surprising" when they finally get together in the end. That's been the case for nearly every single endgame ship I've ever watched (and there's been many) so I'm fully expecting it in this one. (Lowkey it's what usually turns me off of ships before the end bc they go too hard sometimes and make it toxic just for the sake of it which is annoying).
I have no doubt this show will eventually end on a good note, we're not watching Carmy and Syd struggle to find a connection season after season for it to never happen. The resolution to Carmy's story is finding a lasting connection with someone and the ONLY person he's desperately tried to find a connection with for 2 whole seasons (and it's about to be 3) is Syd. So imo there's really nowhere else this story is going except towards them finding a deep lasting connection with each other. Also the fact they started their story off with insane sexual tension and never let them resolve that tension tells me it's not going to end platonically. You don't bring up any kind of tension in a story and never resolve it.
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alexjcrowley · 9 hours
Listen here. Brocedes movie inspired by The Social Network? Excellent. But I raise you: Brocedes musical inspired by Merrily We Roll Along.
For those who don't know, Merrily We Roll Along is a musical about a tight-knit, years-old friendship between two guys and a girl and how it went to shit and tragedy mainly due to one of the guys, Frank, who was obsessed with success in the movie business.
It's really heartbreaking to watch a friendship deteriorate in front of your eyes per se, but here comes the stroke of genius that really stabs you through the chest.
The entire story is told backwards. You start with Frank, rich and famous, hosting a party at his house, surrounded by hoards of vips and celebrities. At that party we first find out that Frank used to be friend with a guy named Charles, who just won a Pulitzer, and then the woman who was the third member of Frank's trio (Frank, Charles and Mary) humiliates Frank in front of everybody, saying she despises everything he has become.
And then you go back. You see Frank, Charles and Mary just a little before that, with tensions who is just about to explode, everybody's angry and pissed, bit nothing's final. And then we go back again, and again, and again, until you end up at the end of the musical, which is the beginning of Frank's, Charles's and Mary's friendship, and they're all so happy and so close and would do anything for eachothers and they sing about how every road is open for them in life and you want to tear your heart from your chest because you just spend the whole show knowing they've already picked their roads and they all lead to heartbreak and they can never go back.
Now that you get the context, indulge my vision: first thing we see is Hamilton's news of signing with Ferrari and everybody being absolutely shocked and journalists asking Nico for his opinion. It's not specified who Nico is to Lewis. Then we go a little back, Nico's positive commentary on Lewis's races and Lewis flat out not reacting/avoiding him in the paddock. And then a little back, and a little back, and we go through all of the pivotal moments of Brocedes lore, we see "a better driver, and teammate", Nico's win+retirement, we see Spanish GP 2016 (plus Max's namedrop), we see Lewis and Nico as teammate for the first time, Lewis's first championship, Nico in Williams, the holidays in Greece, and then the show ends with young Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg meeting eachothers at karting competition and singing about finally having found a friend, the hope that they'll meet again, the dream of becoming f1 drivers and the promise to stay friends throughout it.
Now I made myself sad.
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Last Kiss
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I don't know what posessed me to write something sad but here it is.
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Words: 1.8k+
Warnings: starts with fluff, then angst, heartbreak, and no happy ending
Looking back, would you have done anything different if you'd known it was your last kiss? Would you have savored the feeling of his warm, plush lips against yours? The scratch of his mustache against your face. Would you have inhaled a little deeper, bathing in the scent of his smell, and committed it to memory? Looked longer into his soft, warm eyes and memorized the molasses swirl of his irises. Would you have stayed in bed those extra few minutes in the arms of the man you were falling in love with?
Yes, you would have.
But you didn’t know it was your last kiss.
Morning light filters in through the crack between your curtains, coaxing you awake. As you gain consciousness, the feeling of Javier's warm body intertwined with yours underneath the sheets brings a content smile to your face.
His soft, sleeping breath tickles the back of your neck through your hair, and his arms engulf you. One under your head where you rest in the crook of his arm and the other draped across you, splayed across the soft skin of your stomach.
The time on the alarm clock perched upon your desk blinks at 6:57 am. You reach an arm over to turn off the alarm that would go off 3 minutes later.
You roll gently in Javi's grasp to kiss him awake. He smiles against your lips.
His warm mahogany eyes meet yours.
"Good morning, sweet girl," he purrs in a sleep-laden voice, deeper and grumblier than usual.
"Good morning," you repeat.
The morning unfolds like most others throughout your time together over the last two months, during which he's been staying the night at your place more and more.
You shower before Javi, then take your time getting ready for work while he takes his turn showering clean.
He exits the bathroom, steam unfurling behind him and hair dripping wet as he pads across the room with a towel around his waist. His golden skin glistens, and you can't help but stare as he slips into clothes.
Soon after, both of you prepare a quick breakfast in your small kitchen, then scarf down the eggs and buttered toast with cups of coffee you refill twice before finishing.
You can't help but smile at the domesticity of it all. The way you two have grown so close so fast. It feels so natural to have him in your space.
As you tilt the coffee cup to your lips to finish the last sip, it dribbles down the side of the mug and splashes an ugly brown stain onto your work blouse.
"Shit," you curse, checking your watch and seeing the time.
Javi's eyes meet yours overtop the newspaper he'd been reading with a concerned look.
"I don't have time for this," you say, pushing up from the table and quickly walking back into your room to change.
"I can't be late this morning," you complain to Javi across your home as you duck into your closet and scramble out of your stained shirt into a new one. "I'm leading the team meeting with the project developers for the first time, and being late is not a good look."
You rush back into the kitchen in your new shirt, tucking it into your dress pants as you dash toward the kitchen table to remove your mess from breakfast.
Javi stands and waves you away. "Don't worry about this; I've got it," he assures you as he gathers the dirty dishes and begins rinsing them off in the sink.
"Thank you, baby," you say as you shove your possessions into your briefcase across the room and hurriedly slip into your work shoes by the front door.
Normally, you'd run across the room, kiss him goodbye, and hold him close before forcing yourself to peel away from his grasp to continue your day.
You look down at your watch, contemplating, but you don't have time this morning.
"Go, baby," he smiles at you and nods toward the door while still working over the sink, "I'll see you when you get back."
"Okay, okay, I'm going." You relent and grab your keys to rush out the door.
"Knock 'em dead, Hermosa," he calls to you just before you close the door.
"You know it," you reply before sprinting to your car and speeding to work.
Javi finishes cleaning up breakfast and gathers his things to head into the office to meet his partner Steve and interrogate their latest catch about Pablo's whereabouts or other helpful information.
The job is tough, and there have been many hard days and terrible accidents, but having you in his life makes things bearable. He leaves behind violence and betrayal for a beautiful girl full of life and joy. Your innocence is unmarred by the world's cruelty, like a beacon of light in his life.
But today, that reality shatters. He can never really leave it behind.
Work follows him home; today, it had followed him to yours.
Javier slips through your front door, silently cursing you for not locking the door behind you again as you rush to work. He makes sure to lock the deadbolt for good measure.
He slips into his car and works to situate his pair of sunglasses on his face to deflect the early morning sun. Then, he starts the engine and checks his rearview mirror to look behind him before backing out onto the street.
His blood runs cold, and his heart begins to sprint in fear. But not for himself.
He immediately notices the car parked along the road on the opposite side of the street, several houses down. It was so out of place in your peaceful, beautiful neighborhood. Its exterior, marred by bullet holes, which have been poorly patched and haphazardly painted over, makes it stick out like a sore thumb.
His eyes, hidden beneath the darkness of his sunglasses, flicker to the men inside the car. Two rough-looking individuals pretend not to be watching as he pulls out of your driveway.
He calms his rapid breathing and attempts to settle his wildly beating heart as he pulls away from your house, and they follow. Good. They're here for him, not you.
He drives to the station, fists white-knuckling the steering wheel the entire way there, even after his watchmen disappear down a side street when they realize he's only heading to work.
He moves through the entire day like a ghost. Never fully present. Anxiety is like electricity in his veins, and fear becomes a yawning pit in his stomach to the point of nausea. But he's not scared for himself. He's scared for you.
When you get off work and pull into your driveway at the end of a long day, Javier waits for you on your front porch, still in his work clothes and tactical vest.
Weird, you think, he usually peels away his vest, guns, and badges when he comes over, eager to strip away the reminders of his harsh job.
You're smiling when you park the car and walk to greet him, but your brows crease in confusion, and your mouth opens to ask what's wrong when you see the expression on his face.
Javier meets you at the bottom steps of your porch, his expression unlike anything you've ever seen. The light behind his eyes is gone; they've become cold and dark. His jaw clenches, and he steps away from your outstretched arms.
Your stomach drops.
You can barely register what he's saying.
"I'm sorry," he continues. "But I don't think this is a good idea anymore. Us, I- I can't do it."
"Javi," you say, voice quivering with emotion and hurt, "did I do something wrong? Please, please tell me what's going on."
The hurt and confusion on your face nearly brings him to his knees. He'd never wanted to make you feel this way, his sweet girl.
But he should've known better.
He needs to break things off fast and hard. The longer he stands here before you, the more likely he is to break. The more likely he is to keep you for himself. The more likely he is to continue selfishly pulling you into a world of violence, danger, cartels, and terrorism.
But because he loves you, he must let you go.
"There's no place for you in my world," he says coldly. Finally. “I don’t want you here.” The words burn his throat like acid, and his stomach rolls with despair.
It's like a slap to the face and a knife to the gut. He can see it in your eyes.
His words hit their mark just like he'd known they would.
 You are strong; he knows this. He knows you won't beg to have someone in your life if they don't want to be there. Even though, in this instance, he wishes you would. It would likely be his breaking point, and he couldn't go through with leaving you.
But you don't beg.
So, he leaves you and walks to his car, packed with his toothbrush, pajamas, and other miscellaneous belongings once scattered across your home. Evidence that he cared about you. Proof that you meant something to him. Evidence that you were his weakness, which someone evil would eventually exploit.
Javi walks away, not because he wants to, but because he has to. To keep you safe.
The monster he'd become if something ever happened to you is something he would never recover from.
He pulls out of your driveway. Leaving you standing in shock and with a broken heart as he drives away.
He knows he's done the right thing when he checks his rearview mirror and sees the same watchmen following him out of the neighborhood. No matter how bad it hurts, keeping you is not worth the cost of your life.
Days turn into weeks, and those into months. Your sheets no longer smell of Javier, his warm, intoxicating scent you hadn’t had enough time to be able to describe. Proof of his existence no longer litters your home. No toothbrush next to yours, no badge discarded on his bedside table, and no work boots cluttered next to the door.
A week later, you had found a lighter lost between your couch cushions. No doubt it was his; you don’t smoke. Against your better judgment, you didn’t throw it away. Instead, you tucked it away into a drawer in your bedroom only to pull out on the days you missed him most. Pathetically, it’s the last thing you have of him—the only shred of proof that he was ever here, happy in your home.
As time passes and no contact is made, the details of your time together blur.
He’d left so abruptly, and that day replays in your mind often—the pain, hurt, and heartbreak.
You wish you’d done something different; ideas of how you could have saved the relationship from ruin plague your thoughts. Most of all, you wish you could remember your last kiss.
But maybe it's for the best that you don’t. It would only add to the heaviness in your heart if you could remember the details of the man you’d loved. Maybe it's easier this way. To have forgotten.
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thealmightyemprex · 19 hours
Joseph Cotten ,faded star ?
So.....Why dont we talk about Joseph Cotten anymore
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Now I am gonna wager a guess,a lot of you just went "Who ?" and that is fair ,I had no clue who this guy was for a long time,and I am a big "Classic Hollywood "nut ,its only upon learning from my Grandmother he was my Great Grandmothers favorite actor that I gained an interest in him ....Mainly cause hes kind of forgotten now ,not entirely ,but he is one of those movie stars who has faded a bit ,which is weird cause he is in some of the biggest movies
He is in Citizen Kane
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He is in Gaslight
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Hes in the Third Man
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He gives a REALLY creepy performance in Hitchcocks Shadow of a Doubt
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.....He also did a few genre films late in his career from the more prestegious like Soylent Green
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To the horror comedy the Abomnible Dr Phibes (Fun fact,my first exposure to him as an actor )
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And ,probally his oddest film,or at least one of the strangest Ive seen ,the Japanese sci fi film Lattitude Zero
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So why isnt he talked about ?
Well for my money ,he was a very solid good actor ,very competent ,could play any role making you belive his character even if the premise is odd, you never feel like Joseph Cotten phones it in.Hes a very good actor,especially at playing everymen though he proved he could do other roles like a villain if called on to do that ............Heres the thing though ,Other then Shadow of a Doubt......I seldom watch a Joseph Cotten FOR Joseph Cotten .I wanna stress he is a GOOD actor ,really good....But he lacks pizaz ,and is often overshadowed by bigger personalities
The Powereful Orson Welles
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The Heartbreaking Ingrid Bergman
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The Wickedly Eccentric Vincent Price
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Hes a good foil for these performers but hes overshaodwed by them .They have stayed with us while Cotten has fallen by the wayside
I dunno,I like Cotten ,but he does like that pizaz the more memorable stars of his era have
I REALLY wanna hear peoples thoughts on Joseph Cotten .What do you think of him?Do you not know him ? Do you have a favorite film of his ? What other stars from yester year do YOU feel are forgotten? Please discuss,I am very interested in peoples thoughts
Bonus:A screen shot from Lattitude Zero
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@countesspetofi @the-blue-fairie @ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @amalthea9 @princesssarisa @barbossas-wench @piterelizabethdevries
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dark-l-angel · 20 hours
Imagine a rockstar AU(no capes) where reader and Jay were like high school sweethearts and wrote songs about each other in their respective bands 👀
Reader can be Gender neutral or fem!!
Mmm~ i could imagine jason through that definitely..
Echoes of Melody
Jason todd x reader
In the heart of Gotham's bustling music scene, where neon lights danced with the pulse of guitars and drums, Jason Todd and you had once been high school sweethearts. Back then, before the fame and the crowds, it was just the two of you, dreaming of music and a future together.
Jason had always been the rebel with a cause, his guitar a conduit for his emotions—anger, longing, and a fierce love for you. You, with your haunting voice and lyrical prowess, wove stories of love and loss into every song you penned for your band.
High school brought late-night jam sessions in Jason's garage, where the music flowed freely and your voices intertwined in harmonies that echoed through the quiet streets. Together, you wrote songs about each other—ballads of stolen kisses and promises made under starlit skies.
As graduation loomed closer, life pulled you apart. Jason's band caught the attention of a local producer, catapulting them into the limelight of Gotham's music scene. Meanwhile, you pursued your own musical path, each of you channeling your heartache and longing into lyrics that spoke of a love that transcended time and distance.
Years passed, and both bands found success in their own right—Jason's band rocking sold-out stadiums with anthems of rebellion and heartbreak, while your band garnered critical acclaim for soulful melodies that resonated with audiences worldwide.
Despite the fame and adoration, Jason never forgot the girl who inspired his first songs. In quiet moments backstage or amidst the chaos of tour life, he found himself strumming chords that echoed with memories of your laughter and whispered confessions.
One night, fate intervened as your band headlined a music festival in Gotham. Backstage, amid the thrum of anticipation and the scent of sweat and adrenaline, you caught a glimpse of familiar dark eyes—Jason Todd, rugged and unmistakably himself amidst the glittering chaos.
He approached you tentatively, a hesitant smile tugging at his lips. "Hey," he began, his voice rough with emotion.
You turned, heart racing as you met his gaze. "Jason," you breathed, your voice barely above a whisper.
In that moment, years melted away as you fell into easy conversation, reminiscing about old times and sharing stories of the paths you'd walked since high school. The tension between you crackled like electricity, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.
As the festival lights bathed the stage in a kaleidoscope of colors, your band took the spotlight, and Jason's band watched from the wings. The crowd roared with anticipation, eager for the music that would resonate through the night.
And then it happened—a familiar melody filled the air, carried by your voice as you sang the song you had once written for Jason, a haunting ballad of love and longing. His eyes never left you, his heart laid bare with every note you sang.
When your set ended, Jason couldn't wait any longer. He found you backstage, his hands trembling as he reached for yours. "I never stopped writing songs about you," he confessed, his voice thick with emotion.
Tears pricked your eyes as you looked at him, overwhelmed by the rush of feelings that had never truly faded. "I never stopped loving you," you whispered, your voice echoing the truth of years gone by.
In that moment, amidst the echoes of applause and the fading notes of your song, Jason Todd and you found yourselves reunited—two souls whose love had transcended the years, woven into melodies that had become the soundtrack of their lives. And as you stood together, hand in hand, amidst the chaos and beauty of Gotham's music scene, you knew that some loves were meant to last forever.
☆ i hope you like it ☆
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manichewitz · 1 year
sam and frodo’s relationship is so crazy theyre like what if we had a homoerotic adventurer’s bond that was so strong it overcame the power of supreme evil, saving not just the world but one another, and the only reason we were able to survive the violence around us was through sheer love for each other, and although we’re not canonically lovers our relationship is so much more intimate and tender than acceptable norms for male/male relationships that we transcend easily definable labels and thus become queer irregardless of whether our attraction is platonic, romantic, or sexual…and we were both hobbits
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jackharkness · 2 months
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gif request meme - @mikelogan asked: MIDNIGHT MASS + MOST HEARTBREAKING SCENE = 1.03 “Book III: Proverbs”
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