#as long as i continue to improve n challenge myself. to only be better than who i am yesterday. that's enough. at my own pace
ahgasegotarmy116 · 3 months
The Art of Etiquette Part 10 | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Your lesson with Jungkook ran a bit longer today so he offers to give you a ride home but decides to make a stop along the way Pairing: f!reader x Etiquette instructor Jungkook Word Count: 2.7k~ Warnings: Suggestive language if you think about it lmao but nothing too crazy a/n: I can't believe it's been this long since I last updated this story 😭 (almost 2 months) I know this chapter is short but the ball is coming up in the next chapter so this was a good stopping point. Hardly edited per usual lol Start from the beginning
"Late again princess. I should start counting at this rate" Jungkooks taunts, his back to me as always when I walk in the room. "Prey tell," he continues, turning to face me and sizing me up like a predator does his prey. "what might your excuse be for being late this time? The roads were quite clear last I checked" he presses, walking closer and closer to me. 
"I-I forgot my shoes at home. I know you told me I needed to break them in so..." I say, being truthful but keeping the matter of being stopped by Foster on my way out of class to myself. 
"Why are you so nervous? Have I done something to frighten you already?" he asks, circling me and slipping my bag off my shoulder before walking over to the chair I usually sit on when I change into my heels before class. 
Gone is the easy going and attentive Jungkook from Sunday, leaving a hungry dominant one in it's wake. 
"I'm not frightened" I argue, following him so I can sit down but when I reach for the box that contains the shoes in question he gives me a warning glance, leaving me recoiling and letting him do as he pleases. 
Okay so maybe I am a little frightened but I just don't know where we stand and that fact alone has me on edge. 
"You look at me as though you were afraid I might gobble you up" he smirks, kneeling before me and helping me slip them on. "You look at me as though you would" I throw back and the look in his eyes goes from mischief to one of challenge, knowing now that I'm willing to play into his little game. 
"Is that something you'd like?" he asks, licking his bottom lip making my eyes draw straight to them. "Is that something you'd like?" I echo, throwing the taunt right back. He smirks softly and runs one of his hands up the back of my calf, no higher than my knee but still sparking a flame alight inside me.
"Answering a question with a question, I was under the impression I taught you better than that" he says and removes that hand that I begged would climb higher, him choosing to stand up and straighten his appearance instead, walking towards the sound system to turn on the endless ballroom music I'm sure we'll be dancing to. 
Damn him and his flirting! Can't he ever just follow through with one thing? 
As our lessons draw to a close he hands me a bottle of water, leaving me accepting and downing half of it in one go. 
I feel his eyes on me, watching as a stray droplet trails down my cheek to the column of my neck and collarbone until it disappears under my blouse and it seems as though he wishes he could tear it away and find where else that droplet might've traveled. 
I finished drinking moments before it disappeared, watching him as he watched it, his eyes fluttering up to mine seconds later and noticing my stare. Clearing his throat in response he turns away and goes to shut off the sound system for the rest of the day. 
"Your dancing is improving" he says once he's walked back towards me, giving me a towel to dab off the light sheen of sweat that had appeared during the final three songs. "I only stepped on your foot once today" I say feeling a tad victorious. 
"Twice" he corrects gaining him a frown. "That one doesn't count! My foot barely grazed yours" I groan and he chuckles, "Still hurt though" he says with a shrug. 
"Really?" I cringe, hating the thought that I somehow still seemed to hurt him even after all the time we've spent running through all these steps together. He grants me a devious smile before stepping towards me, one of his feet closer to mine now. I look up at him with a questioning gaze, waiting for what he might say but it wasn't something I had expected. 
"Step on it" he says, smirking at the confusion now running through my whole body leaving me recoiling instead. "What?" I question, baffled by the absurdity of the request and he chuckles, thoroughly amused with my reaction. He glances down at his shoe and back up at me, daring me not to and I narrow my eyes at him while contemplating it for a second but decide to do it anyway, being met with a hard shell encasing the front of his foot.
"Steel toe dress shoes? Really" I roll my eyes, walking over to my stuff so I can take my heels off, feet thoroughly abused with the whole task of breaking them in. "They're very useful when you're in the line of work that I'm in" he responds, amused by my reaction of him revealing his secret to me. 
"I bet they are" I respond and once I'm back in my flat shoes again I stand up but lose my footing after having spent all this time on my toes. "Are you okay?" he asks, catching me right away. "Yeah I'm fine. Dancing with new shoes was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be" I explain and he nods his head, understanding completely and lets go so I can stand on my own. 
"Were you planning on teaching me anything else tonight? It's already a little past the usual time we wrap things up" I ask, checking my phone and then glancing outside, seeing that the sun is long gone. 
"Oh I apologize, I seem to have lost track of time. Let me drop you off then" he says, grabbing his keys. "I drove here though, and I'd hate to have James send someone to pick up the car again" I try to refuse, ultimately knowing I'll lose the battle but still doing so nevertheless. 
"It's fine, I can come pick you up from home and take you to campus when I drop off Bam at his trainers in the morning" he says and I stop in front of his car while he goes to the passenger side and opens the door for me. 
"Isn't that a little too much? I don't want you going out of your way to do that for me" I say, making excuses so he doesn't feel like he has to do all of that. "It's completely fine y/n. I pass by your house on my way home anyway so I don't mind adding a couple of extra stops since I don't have much planned in the morning" he replies and I nod my head, slowly making my way over to his car. 
"I really don't mind driving in the dark Jungkook my vision is completely fine" I relay, trying to back out once again but this time he walks up to me and ushers me over to the car by my waist so I have no other option but to get in. 
"Okay but I-" I start, turning to face him before I get in, not knowing how close his face had been to me, leaving our lips mere inches apart. He tilts his head and hums, urging me to continue. I try to find the words I mean to say but they are buried in the deep recesses of mind, whisked away with the proximity between us. 
"I'll pick you up once your classes have ended as well. That way you'll be here on time tomorrow" he says, touching my jaw for a second before leaning in. "Get in the car" he whispers against my cheek leaving me quickly turning around and doing as he says before he can see my expression. 
Seconds later I could've sworn that I heard him chuckle and mumble a quiet 'Cute' under his breath before closing the door and rounding the car to his side. 
After we've been driving for a bit I notice how he's pulled off onto a dirt road and I'm instantly confused. 
"Is this where you plan on killing me?" I joke, curious as to where we're going. "If I wanted to kill you Pretty," he starts, paying close attention as we round a bend, pausing in his response for a second. "you'd already be dead" he finishes, sending a chill through my body and when he notices how stiff I've gone he gives me a sly smile before turning back to make sure we get to our destination safely. 
"I went ahead and messaged Matthew and asked him to inform James that our lessons ran a little late so they won't be too concerned" he says, putting the car in park and unbuckling his seatbelt. "So this is where you're going to kill me" I say and he chuckles again before tapping me twice under my chin. "You're cute when you're scared" he says before opening his door and rounding to open mine.
I cross my arms over my chest, thoroughly annoyed by the fact that I let him get away with stuff like this to the point where I actually prefer it. I'll never give him the satisfaction of knowing that though. Knowing him though he's probably already very aware of it, otherwise he wouldn't keep pushing my buttons. 
When he opens the door I glare up at him keeping that same posture and he smirks down at me while offering his hand to help me up. "Where are we?" I ask and he lets out a dry chuckle. "Get out of the car and you'll find out" he temps and I look between him and his outstretched hand that is still waiting for me to take and against my better judgement I decide to dance with the Devil. 
Who would blame me though when he looks at me like that, a heated gaze that never truly acts upon the sinful desires hidden behind them.
Stepping out of the car we're met with an open expanse of land, not a single soul or building in sight with only the low hum of vehicles barely audible from the highway behind us. "What is this place?" I question marveling at the serenity of it all, breathing in the could night air and letting the chill surround me. 
I shiver slightly as it's seeped through my clothes a lot sooner than one might think and just as I'm about to wrap my arms around myself for warmth I'm met with a coat being draped across my shoulders and when I turn around I see he's looking up towards the sky. 
"Have you looked up yet?" he ask, the body heat from him wearing it moments ago still present making me shiver for another reason but once I do look up none of it matters anymore as I take in the sight of thousands of heavenly bodies strewn across the clear night sky. 
"I-" "You were so concerned with the thought of me harming you that you didn't even notice the clear purpose of me wanting to bring you here" he say, cutting off whatever nonsense I was about to let tumble out of my mouth. I sigh in response, not bothering to ruin this moment of peace with nonsensical bickering since he's clearly done this with me in mind.
"How did you find this place?" I ask after having taken in the sight of it, countless start twinkling above us. "I went driving one day and my car broke down so I pulled off near the entrance of this little dirt road and while I was waiting for the tow truck I walked down the path and well..." he says, trailing off making me fill in the obvious blanks. 
"I see" I respond and we stay silent for a while, the both of us standing there with all of our thoughts angled up towards the heavens until he finally speaks again. "I should probably get you home" he says, turning towards me but I shake my head.
 "No, no not yet. Can we stay a little longer? Please?" I ask, this moment difficult to let go just yet and can see him smiling at me from the corner of my eye as I continue to keep my eyes on the stars above, praying that I'll be able to feel this way forever...
When he parks his car in the driveway and opens the door for me he keeps me there for a second, not letting me get away so fast this time. "Thank you for letting me keep you a little longer tonight" he says, ghosting his hand on my waist and it's then that I realize I'm still wearing the coat he let me borrow. I try to take off but he grabs both of the open sides and pulls them together, trapping me inside and in turn pulling me closer to him.
"I wanted to give your jacket back to you" I mumble since the intimate space between us makes even that sound too loud. "I realize that, but I want to get you inside first before taking it back. Don't want you to catch a cold after all the effort I put in to make sure you stayed warm" he explains, one of his hands now holding onto my waist while the other keeps the coat closed.
I hum in response and look away as I notice he's started to study my features. "The ball is this weekend" he says and I nod my head. "I know" I mumble again, my expression now one of doubt. "Hey" he says, cupping my face, trying to make me meet his gaze but my eyes then turn downward in response. 
"There's nothing to worry about y/n, I promise" he says and I nod my head again, not bothering to utter a word in response. He tilts my chin up and I give in, letting my eyes peer back into his and I notice how sincere he looks, an expression I don't think I've ever seen from him leaving me holding my breath and waiting for him to continue. 
"No matter what happens just remember that I'm proud of you. You've done well in our lessons and I have no doubt that everyone is going to love you" he reassures me making me feel a little more at ease with the thought of it all but also nervous about him saying things like this to me.
"Thank you Jungkook" I whisper and he smiles in response before reaching into the car to grab my bag that's still on my seat and handing it to me. "Let's get you inside" he says placing his hand on the small of my back, walking me to the front door and stopping right outside of it, waiting for me to unlock it. 
Once I step inside I turn around to say something but he steps inside making me take a step back but he takes another step closer so he's standing right in front of me, hardly any space between us now. 
I blink up at him, not really sure what his plan is before he slowly unzips the coat the rest of the way, making my breath hitch, the feeling of him taking my clothes off even if it's as simple as this making my brain short circuit. Once he unhooks it at the bottom he pushes it off my shoulders and leans in to help it slide down my arms leaving me shivering once his warm breath hits my neck. 
He hums, satisfied by my response and places a feather light kiss under my ear before quickly pulling back and pretending as if nothing had happened meanwhile leaving me completely flustered by his ministrations. 
Let's just say I'm lucky neither of my parents came downstairs to greet us. 
"Sweet dreams" he says playfully and slips out without another word, walking over to his car and driving off. I only close the door once his car is out of view, my back against it now, catching my breath as I think about everything that happened today and all I can think of is 'How the hell am I supposed to take much more of this?'
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
I wish it wasn’t true
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Pairing: Mean!Ex!Steve Rogers X Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader, ? X Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader.
Word count: 1185 words.
Summary: You are trying to forget your relationship with your ex-boyfriend Steve.
Warnings: Mean!Steve,  Ex!Steve, old violent relationship, broke up, new relationship, jealousy, past toxic relationship.
A/N: This my entry to @locke-writes’ 2K Writing Challenge with the song prompt #13 and the dialogue prompt #4:
“Happier than ever- Billie Eilish.”
“I trust you. I just don’t trust them.”
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
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My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817  @angrythingstarlight  @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940  @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae  @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes  @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1  @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga  @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare​ @endlesstwanted  @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555  @here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit
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You moved uncomfortably; you knew that everything Steve was saying on TV was a lie, but after fixing all the chaos that Thanos had caused, he changed. Or maybe not, and he had always been like that; he just knew very well how to act. After so many years, he knew how to pretend he was a victim.
" 'Cause that shit's embarrassing," Steve said in the interview.
"Maybe you shouldn't watch that; I don't want you to be sad," he said as he turned off the TV and put the cupcake on the coffee table.
"It's okay; I'm fine, really," you assured him, looking him in the eyes.
It had been several months since you had thought about him, and now you were happy.
"When I'm away from you, Steve, I'm happier than ever", you thought. Last week, you enjoyed activities you hadn't done for a long time.
Nevertheless, you began to think about what had happened while you were with Steve as you picked up the cupcake to eat it.
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Steve was not answering the communicator; you were worried that maybe something had happened to him and he needed reinforcements, or maybe...
You shook your head to get rid of those ideas. A few seconds later, Steve appeared. He wasn't hurt, although he looked very upset.
"You scared me to death," you said, approaching. Steve didn't even look at you; he just continued on his way.
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"I trust you. I just don't trust them," Steve said when you informed him that you would have a mission with friends who also worked in the Organization.
In the end, you asked to change teams; you had argued with Steve about it.
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"Are you all right? "he asked.
"Yes, I was just thinking," you answered.
"You can tell me anything; you know that.
"I wish I could explain it better," even though you had already told him what happened plus what was obvious that most people had seen.
"Take your time; you can say anything you want."
"I wish it wasn't true and that it had never happened, that it was all a dream. Every day was horrible, and I'd end up more afraid."
You went on talking for a couple of hours.
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Finally, you had decided on your old apartment: you were going to rent it. You had only gone to get some things you had forgotten. You were startled when you heard the front door close. No one but you had the keys, but suddenly you remembered that Steve had never given them back to you.
You peeked out, and Steve was standing there; maybe he had been spying on you all this time, and that's why you had had that strange feeling during the week.
"Y/N, long time no see," Steve greeted you, and you swallowed saliva.
"Steve, what are you doing here?" You said, trying not to be obvious, that you were looking for your cell phone.
"Are you looking for this?" Steve showed you the cell phone.
"What do you want?" You replied.
"Talk; I never knew why you left the house," he replied. "Don't say it isn't fair."
"You clearly weren't aware that you made me miserable."
"Please, I'm the best thing that ever happened to you in your whole life; you didn't appreciate it."
"And all that you did was make me fucking sad."
"Come on, Y/N, stop playing the victim; I think I at least need an explanation."
"I always said you were misunderstood just because of who you were before the serum, but that doesn't mean you're really a good person."
"Oh, come on, are you serious? You'd do the opposite of what you said you'd do."
"So, if you really wanna know the reasons why I left you, you should reflect on everything that happened and what you did."
"Are you saying it was my fault you ran off with who knows who?" Steve said.
"No, what I'm saying is that it was a long time ago that I didn't love you anymore because of the way you treated me. 'Cause I'd never treat me this way, you know, I deserve a hell of a lot better," you replied.
"No, Y/N, you have to admit that it wasn't my fault that we broke up; it was your friends', 'cause you only listen to your fucking friends."
"That's a lie, Steve; you were the one who was trying to keep me away from everyone, but I'm wasting my breath."
"You're lying; besides, I doubt anyone would want to go out with you; everyone believes me and knows who you are and everything you did."
"I never told anyone anything bad about you; I just told the truth to those who asked me," "you said.
"Stop lying; you always liked to draw attention to yourself."
"And I don't talk shit about you!" You ruined everything. There were so many things I loved to do, and you made me hate them. "You were having a hard time staying calm, and again, the fear of him was coming back". You were my everything."
"I still am, but you don't want to accept it; come on, Y/N, if you behave yourself, everything will be as it should be."
"And don't try to make me feel bad."
"I'm just saying you should consider things," Steve said with a smirk on his face.
"You made all my moments your own; you know the plans always worked; I was the one making the plans, and you took all the credit; why do you think your last few missions have failed?"
"You need me."
"So don't waste the time I don't have; please go away," you asked. "I don't relate to you."
Steve laughed. "Why do you keep playing the victim? You're the one who left me."
"Just fucking leave me alone."
"Rogers, you better leave; Y/N has been very clear; she doesn't love you, and she doesn't want to be with you." You heard a male voice behind Steve, and you smiled when you saw him.
"Don't get in the way, Rumlow," Steve replied.
"What are you going to do? Are you going to threaten me? Because it's not going to work with me, you'd better leave. Anyway, I'll inform S.H.I.E.L.D. what happened," Brock threatened firmly.
Steve gave him a hateful look before leaving the apartment.
"Are you all right? I think I arrived in time. "
"Better than ever, I finally got to tell him everything I wanted to. I don't love Steve Rogers anymore; he may still think he's the best person in the world, but one day the truth will come out."
"Do you still want to go to the movies?"
"Sure, I've been waiting for months for the movie to come out; I wouldn't miss it for the world."
You took the car keys, and after the movie, you would tell Brock that if you had agreed to both of them being transferred to another S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters in another country, you would start over from scratch and start a new life together. Now you're happy.
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ap-kinda-lit · 3 years
Request: KawaSara; Sarada running on a treadmill while connected to a heart monitor as part of a stress test, Sarada's heart beating faster and faster and harder and harder, causing Kawaki to become concerned about Sarada's health.
ask and ye shall receive!
Sarada was laser focused in on the steady beeping of the heart monitor and the treadmill's pace. Her legs moved in sync with the machine and she made sure to keep her breathing steady and her mind clear while jogging. Focus and jog, focus and jog she chanted in her mind. She didn't dare spare an iota of her attention to her newest teammate sitting close by, playing audience to her procedure from the comfy, recliner armchair. Why he chose to be present for her afternoon stress test, she did not know. Probably just sheer boredom she figured. They had been in the hospital recovering from their recent battle for almost a week now and restlessness was settling in. Kawaki had the worst of it to the point that he would wander aimlessly through the corridors, spying on the patients and doctors. Sarada's mother, the head of the hospital, said she was glad that Kawaki was moving about with no problem, though Sarada was not unaware that some of the patients and doctors were somewhat unnerved by the sulking, strange adolescent stalking the building like a fleshed out ghost. But it seemed Kawaki wanted to do something different today. So here he was overseeing his teammate's procedure.
Sarada didn't mind him being there, not at all; though, for some reason, he was proving to be somewhat of a distraction to her. Kawaki had always been a subject of interest to the Uchiha, ever since he first butted in to her life. She was drawn to him. Not in that way, of course! He was her teammate and the hokage's ward/student. He came from out of nowhere and was still totally new. She was interested in getting to know who he was and what he was about, that was all. It had been a difficult task, though. Kawaki was a hard shell to crack. Trying to get through the walls he had built around him was like trying to get into a solid fortress with no intel, no assistance, and no weaponry. But Sarada Uchiha didn't back away from a challenge. She was always up for one and the tougher, the better. And boy oh boy was Kawaki a challenge. Sarada couldn't resist stealing a glance at the boy. He was reclined back in the chair with his arms resting behind his head and one leg crossed over the other. His eyes were lazily focused on the machinery, Sarada, and the nurse charged with overseeing Sarada's test. He looked as if he was watching reruns on television from how laid back and indifferent he appeared. Then again, he was usually like this. And when he wasn't, he was stiff and irritable instead. Sarada didn't know which demeanor was more frustrating to her. He was frustrating. And handsome. a small voice jumped in from the back of Sarada's subconscious. Sarada's body went alert at that minor thought and frantically tried to suppress it. Try as she might, Chocho's comment about Kawaki's looks from her first introduction to him lingered within Sarada's mind. It probably did because it was kinda true. Kawaki was a good looking guy. But Sarada refused to admit it and would continue to for as long as she could. Yet, she couldn't prevent the intrusive thoughts and emotions she would get pertaining to him. Like not just noticing his looks, but also how he would react when he tried new foods, how he tried to seem like he couldn't care less but he really did, how hard he tried to improve not just in training but how he would conduct himself around others, and so on. Sarada didn't realize that the more she delved into her thoughts about the bi-colored haired boy the quicker her heart beat became. "Sarada-san, perhaps you should take it easy." the nurse's voice broke Sarada out of her contemplation. Her face turned red and she reluctantly climbed down from the treadmill. "Is something wrong?" Kawaki asked. Sarada blinked. "No, I just might've overdid myself." she said. Kawaki turned to the nurse. "Why did her heart rate go up like that?" "It was probably exertion like Sarada-san said. Nothing to worry about." the nurse explained. The frown on Kawaki's face made it evident that this answer was not good enough for him. "She wasn't running that hard." he retorted. Sarada waved her hand at her teammate. "Kawaki, it's nothing." she spoke. Kawaki humphed then reached for a cooler containing a number of cold water bottles. "Here." he bluntly stated and forcefully held out a bottle to Sarada. The Uchiha heiress looked at the bottle in his grasp with bewilderment. Kawaki was always blunt and uncouth, but not like this. He was being...caring? If she could call it that? He was fretting over her but he was being so angry about it. It was weird, but it was appropriate for Kawaki. Sarada shrugged and took a swig of the cool, refreshing water.
The next day, Sarada did her stress test again. Like the test the day before, Kawaki was present. "Try not to get worked up again." he told her when she got on the treadmill. With that said, he took to skimming a couple of the magazines that were left in the room for other patients and their families. But even while he was reading the articles, he would glance up at her every now and then. Sarada was caught off guard by Kawaki's concern and sudden devotion towards her well-being. It wasn't like him and it was so abrupt. And a bit embarrassing at the same, given that her 'health mishap' the day before was brought on by a moment of school crush-like fixation towards him. But Sarada felt like she would die of embarrassment if that truth came to light. Sarada treaded at a moderate pace on the treadmill and did her best to keep her breathing and heartbeat steady and her mind off of the grump a couple of feet away from her. This proved to be difficult because of the brief yet almost constant looks he was giving her in the process. She could feel his eyes flicker onto and off of her and the heart monitor every now and then. It was more than enough to make her stomach do somersaults and her chest tighten. Soon enough, her heart fluttered and it did not go unnoticed by the monitor. "Sarada, are you okay? Do you want to take a break?" the nurse asked. Sarada shook her head. "No, no, I'm fine." she insisted. A feeling of embarrassment settled in her and quickened her heart beat. Sarada heard Kawaki grumble and the next thing she knew, he was up and pulling the monitor's sensors off of her, ignoring the nurse's objections. "Kawaki!" Sarada complained but Kawaki didn't listen. He pulled at her wrist to lead her out of the room. "Where are we going?" she demanded. "I'm taking you to your mom. She ought to do something to cut this out." Kawaki said. Sarada's face flushed at the mention of her mother. She did not want her dragged into this. It was already embarrassing enough as it was. The tightness of Kawaki's grip on her wrist and the look of annoyance and determination on his face kept Sarada from trying to put a stop. With a reluctant sigh, she went along.
Sakura put away her stethoscope once she was finished the check up on her daughter. "Your heart rate sounds average." the pink haired doctor said. "If that's so, how come it acts up like that?" Kawaki insisted behind the older woman. "It could be nothing to worry about, but I'll have extra observation assigned over Sarada's heart beat." Sakura assured the boy. Kawaki's mouth pouted and he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. "Kawaki, if Mama says it could be nothing then it probably is nothing." Sarada said. Kawaki didn't respond and only continued to pout. "Kawaki, why don't you go to Boruto's room. The hokage and Hinata will be visiting any minute now and I'm sure they'll want to see you as well." Sakura told the dissatisfied teenager. Kawaki looked like he wanted to say something else, but he listened to the older woman's directions and left, albeit with reluctance. Sarada internally sighed in relief over not having him hover over her now. Sarada was about to stand up to go when her mother spoke again. "Is there something I should know about you and Kawaki?" Sakura asked. Sarada looked up at her mother. "What do you mean?" Sakura smiled. "I mean, should I address Kawaki as your new friend or your boyfriend?" Sarada felt like she had been hit by a train at her mother's remark. "What!? N-no! Mama, it's nothing like that! We're only teammates!" she practically squealed defensively. Sakura giggled at her daughter's response. "Sweetie, I heard your heart rate. It would speed up coincidentally when you would notice Kawaki." she patted Sarada's head. "And I'm not only a medic, I was once a girl with a crush on her teammate once, so I think I know the difference between a heart irregularity and a girl's reaction to a boy she likes." "Mama!" Sarada groaned. She couldn't recall ever being more embarrassed than she was at that moment. Sakura put her hand on her daughter's back. "Don't worry. I can keep a secret. I'll tell Kawaki that it was nothing and it was all a glitch in the monitor system." Sarada wanted to defend herself but a sudden shyness prevented her. With that, her mother gave one last kiss on the head and sent her off. Sarada huffed. Fortunately, her mother wasn't wrong: she could keep a secret. She might have had the wrong idea, but she wouldn't blab about it to anyone. Thank goodness. Now all she had to worry about was getting a hold of herself over that moody, overprotective teammate of hers.
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mbti-notes · 3 years
Anon wrote: Hello! I am an INFJ (26) whose closely followed your blog and continuously use it as a main resource. I’ve started typing people and you have helped me learn so much in such a short time. (Enjoyed MBTI for 7 years or so) I’ve become a typist with an ISFJ and we do it for free and always link you as reference. The information here is stellar!
Fanboying out the way, curious how I could more understand the ESTJ I am getting to know. I’ve been going over foundations for a potential future together and trying to be open and honest as possible. (I’ve learned over the years that keeping things to yourself for the benefit of someone else and that my attachment disorder plays into me not feeling I can ever connect with someone truly.) It’s going extremely well, but I suppose the difference between how we think is apparent. I feel despite our differences, all our values line up and what we want with our future. He’s the most consistent person I’ve ran into but he has some flaws, as we all do. Don’t want to quickly idealize either. I guess the problem is that it is long distance. You have any suggestions on LDR or for our types in this situation?
I also wanted to know if you had more you could provide on Tertiary functions in general. I guess that’s a tad vague, but I noticed there wasn’t too much for SeTe loop. I tried searching through your tags and couldn’t find ESFP specific example. I only came across ENFP. I have huge interest in learning about those who feel opposite to me and meeting someone who happened to be ESTJ. I think that’s exciting since I know challenges can provide growth, which is my goal.
I’m tired of feeling stagnated and I want to change. Dating isn’t my priority, but unexpected things seem to happen. By the way, you’re right. Any type can work if they’re both mature. Not just romantically either. If you ignore this ask, won’t hurt my feelings! Just needed to know you’ve help us, help tons of others introspect and grow. This blog is the best in consistency, information wise. Thank you and hope you continue growing.
Thank you for your appreciative words. I'm glad to know that my blog has been a useful and positive resource for you. As you know, my blog is mainly devoted to self-improvement - the key word being "self". I am careful about the info I provide and how I provide it, because I do not want people to use it for manipulation or to meddle in the lives of others. The Function Theory Guide is meant to be used from the first person perspective. The lack of concrete examples (what you call "vague") is quite intentional because the guide is used for type assessment and my method of assessment requires people to come up with their own concrete examples to prove the type.
With regard to tertiary loop: Te loop is about misusing Te, so the core characteristics of Te loop should be common to both types. The only significant difference between Se-Te and Ne-Te loop is that Se is more likely to choose concrete and/or physical behaviors through which to express the loop. For instance, aggression is a common characteristic of Te loop. Aggression in ENFPs might manifest as socially manipulative tendencies, whereas it might manifest as attempts to exert physical power/domination in ESFPs.
The same cognitive pattern, e.g. aggression, can manifest in a wide variety of possible behaviors, e.g. manipulation, competitiveness, physical violence, ruthless ambition, destructiveness, judgmentalness, etc. Therefore, it isn't practical to try to list ALL of the possible behavioral manifestations. It is better to focus on the core cognitive pattern of aggression.
Yes, there are indeed more questions on my blog from ENFPs than ESFPs. This is because I am N myself, which means my approach to everything is naturally abstract, as I try to strip things down to their essence. This naturally appeals more to Ns than Ss. If you're looking for a different, more concrete approach, then you'll have to find someone else to learn from. There are plenty of personality type forums out there. All you have to do is talk to the ESFPs there about their firsthand experiences.
This brings me to the main point I want to make: The best way to learn about someone is to learn directly from THEM. You being INFJ, it's important that you always ground your knowledge of people in reality. Avoid going too far with generalizations. Everyone is a unique example of their type. While each type has its core cognitive motivations, how a person chooses to express them is dependent on their own unique circumstances. Therefore, knowing someone's type will only help you in relationships up to a certain point. Once you hit that hard ceiling, you have to respect the person's individuality and understand all the things that make them unique.
I don't really have much advice for LDRs. For any relationship to thrive, you have to spend enough quality time together to maintain 1) the feeling of intimacy and 2) the sense of committed investment in each other's lives. What counts as "quality" time differs from couple to couple. It could be as simple as chatting every day and keeping the lines of communication open and flowing. ESTJs love to plan, so it shouldn't be too difficult to schedule quality time together in whatever form you both agree counts as "quality".
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chuckbass-love · 4 years
Good Enough | Ransom Drysdale
A/N: Here is my second entry for the Shameless Hoes for Chris challenge, hosted by @stargazingfangirl18​ & @navybrat817​ 
I got a lot of love on the first one so i thought i’d work on another. This time for my sweater wearing daddy... Ransom Drysdale. 
Disclaimer: My work is not to be reposted anywhere other than MY tumblr, wattpad and ao3 account without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
I chose the speech prompts:
“I don’t deserve you” & “we’re not done yet” they will be in bold writing. I’ve had this written up for about two days, unsure on whether it was good enough but fuck it. 
Warnings: Angst, smut, oral (female receiving), fingering, sex 18+,
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Word count: 2,020
Summary: You try to end things with Ransom after feeling abandoned...
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to @cevanscentral for the gif, go check them out 💗
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You hear a car pull up outside and minutes later Ransom storms into your house, to say he’s angry would be an understatement but this is the response you anticipated.
“What the fuck is this text about Y/N?” you shrug at him, very clearly drained from the whole situation. You stand up from the couch and walk away from him.
You were beginning to feel like he wasn’t yours anymore, like he stopped caring for you. He was barely spending time with you, drinking all the time and you can’t remember the last time you’d had sex. 
So you decided rather than breaking up face to face that you’d send him a text. It was wrong but you knew that if you tried to do it face to face then you’d only end up a blubbering mess in front of him.
“Don’t fucking walk away from me Y/N, we’re not done yet” you turn around, slamming your hand on the kitchen counter. 
“Yes we fucking are. We’re over Ransom, i don’t have time for someone who doesn’t see me as a priority in their life” he stops moving towards you as you snap. You can see he’s shocked. You never shout or get angry and seeing you get like this is unfamiliar territory for him, he doesn’t know how to handle it. 
“Did you know it was my birthday last week huh? Thursday to be exact and where were you? Oh that’s right you were at some bar with your boys because you forgot” you feel the tears brimming, this is exactly what you wanted to avoid. You can’t hold them back so you just let them fall. Completely baring your soul to him.
His eyes soften at the sight of you and the revelation, you can see he feels bad. This is the first time you see Hugh Ransom Drysdale on the verge of tears. He edges near to you, slowly so he can figure out how you feel about him coming closer. He doesn’t want to push you to be close to him if you don’t want it. 
“Y/N i’m sorry, i forgot and that’s not okay. I promise i’ll make it up to you, just let m-” you interrupt him.
“It’s not fucking good enough, i’m supposed to be your girlfriend and yet the last couple weeks i’ve felt single. I went to my friend’s wedding alone yesterday, i spent my birthday alone last week and you’re sorry” you shout, the last part comes out as barely even a whisper, wiping the tears as they continue to fall. He’s got some nerve. 
“Please, don’t leave me Y/N, i’ll prove myself to you, i’ll make it up i promise” you glance over your shoulder at him, he looks lost and devastated.
“Do you know how embarrassing that was yesterday? “Where’s Ransom?” they asked “did you break up?” they asked and i had to make up stupid excuses for you so i didn’t look like a fool” 
He edges closer until your bodies are inches apart.
“I’m sorry, i’ve just not been feeling good lately. Hence the halt in our sex life. I don’t really know how to talk about all this” for the first time you’re seeing him for who he is. A lost boy who just wants love and to be accepted. Tears stream down his face as he looks to his feet, avoiding your gaze.
“What do you mean by not feeling good?” you lift his head up so you can see into his blue tear filled eyes.
“Ransom, what-”
“I don’t deserve you”
You feel your heart sink.
“Woah, what’s brought this on? How long have you felt like this?”
“A couple weeks, it started when we were out on a date one night. I’m not usually one to get upset easy or take things to heart but the waiter that served us that night made a couple comments. I could see how he was ogling you from the moment he laid his eyes on you and whilst you went to the bathroom he made some remarks”
You try to take your mind back to that night and now that you think about it, he didn’t have sex with you that night. You recall trying to be flirty and bad on purpose to get the hot steamy sex after but nothing came of it. He said he was too tired to do anything.
“But what remarks Ransom, what did he say?”
“He told me that he had no idea what a girl as perfect as you was doing with a guy like me, told me i was punching above my weight and that i better keep a firm hold on you to stop you from leaving me for someone else”
“That’s bullshit Ransom and you know it deep down. You’re more than worthy of me. You don’t need to do anything to stop me from leaving because i’m not going anywhere” you grab his face with both hands and kiss him deeply. Like you’re trying to prove your point. After all. actions speak louder than words.
He pushes you away.
“Look me in the eyes right now Y/N and tell me that you’re happy with me, i mean truly happy. Tell me that you love me and see a future with me”
“Ransom, before i met you my life had no excitement. You’ve improved my life in more ways than one. Up until the last couple weeks, i thought we had something amazing. Something that without a doubt could stand the test of time. Before i met you, i didn’t care for marriage or kids but you make me want those things. I love you with every ounce of my being and i want nothing more than to one day wake up to you and be able to call you my husband and to carry our children. You’re the only man for me and the only one who will ever own my heart. You make me happy” he looks down at you in shock at your words.
You don’t know how it changed from you breaking it off to you begging him, but here you are, on your knees at this point. Just a girl proving to a man how much he means to you.
He kneels down, gripping your face with his hands.
“Come here” he taps his thighs, inviting you to straddle him, that’s exactly what you do.
“I’m sorry, i know i’ve not been here lately. I let my insecurities affect me and convince me that you were too good for me, that you deserved better” you lean your forehead to his.
“You should have talked to me, that’s what i’m here for. If we can’t be open and honest then what’s the point. I don’t want you to ever hide things from me, especially when it’s almost split us up” 
“I know, i’m sorry. From now on, i’ll put more effort in, like how i did before. I love you so much Y/N, i never want to lose you” you shush him before he says anymore, replacing your finger with your lips. It soon gets heated. 
“Take me to bed” you moan into his mouth, you can feel his cock pressing against your ass as it gets hard. He stands up, taking you with him and you wrap your legs around his waist. He walks you to your bedroom.
He lies you down gently on the bed and he starts casting his clothes across the room.
You begin undressing but he stops you when you get to your panties.
“That’s my job” you giggle at him as he walks over, slowly sliding them off of you.
He climbs onto the bed, moving you further up so your head is resting on the pillows. He hovers above you, holding himself up with his arms either side of you. He leans down to press a gently kiss to your lips before peppering kisses down to your neck, sucking on your sweet spot.
The kisses lead to your breasts, he squeezes and plays with them for a couple minutes before moving down to your thighs, kissing and sucking, even biting the inside of your thighs. You run your hands through his hair, tugging at it slightly.
“Please Ransom, stop teasing” he chuckles as his head and mouth are now inches from your sex.
“Oh god, yes” you gasp as he attacks you with his tongue, swirling it all over you and sucking on your clit every now and then, earning a loud moan from you. The sound he loves the most. It’s music to his ears. 
He slide two fingers inside of you with ease, you’re soaked for him.
“Sing for me doll” he kisses your clit as his fingers pump in and out rapidly, showing no signs of slowing down. Your breathing picks up as you watch him do his thing. He always knows how to pleasure you and sex with him is something you never want to live without.
“Baby, please” he slides a third finger inside of you “what is it sweetness?” your eyes roll back “I’m cumming” you pant.
“Make a mess all over these fingers” you feel your orgasm approaching fast. Seconds later you release all over his digits. Your toes curl, back arches and your eyes roll back again. 
He pulls out, bringing his fingers up to his mouth, his tongue starts licking your mess up.
He groans at the taste “sweet as always honey” 
“Come here” you let out a breathy moan, holding your hands out for him, he takes them in his large ones, allowing you to pull him to you.
“What do you want doll?” you wrap your hand around his hard cock, pumping it a couple times.
“I want you inside me”
He lines himself up with your entrance, no questions asked and he pushes at it, slowly moving his hips.
“More” you beg, it’s been a while since you last felt him and you’re desperate.
You normally get some dirty comment from his mouth about how much of a whore you are for his cock, not this time.
He collapses onto your body, his head rests in the crook of your neck, kissing and breathing heavily as he thrusts into you slowly. His full size inside of you.
“Oh Ransom” you know he normally has you calling him Sir or Daddy during sex but this sex is rare. It’s romantic. No place for nicknames. Sure enough, he doesn’t say a word.
“Tell me when you’re close sweetheart” you hum in response, wrapping your legs around him.
You can’t help but feel glad that things turned around, you never wanted to break things off but you were left with no choice. However, after seeing him break down the way he did, his love for you was blatantly clear. His insecurities too.
You lift his head from your neck, wrapping your arms around his loosely. He leans down to kiss you as he continues to push you to your orgasm. 
As his face is inches from yours, you lean closer, press your lips to his and whisper “make me cum baby” he uses that as fuel to pick his pace up from gentle and slow to downright inhumane. Fucking you stupid.
Your moans get louder and mix with his. The sound of your skin slapping together fills the room and you know for a fact that the neighbours will know his name by the end of this.
“Oh shit Ransom, just like that. Omg” you cry out as you release.
“That’s it doll, cum all over this cock” you clench down hard, earning a loud grunt from him.
He starts twitching so you clench down again and soon enough you feel his cum spill inside of you, filling you up. You’ve always loved that feeling.
He hovers above you, panting with sweat droplets on his forehead. You aren’t much better either. He pulls out, falling to the spot on the bed next to you.
“I love you so much baby doll”
“I love you too Ransom”
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xsugarysweetsx · 3 years
Alrighty,~ Congrats again on 2k!! You produce awesome content, so you deserve every single one of those followers, as well as all the love you get ^_^ 
I would still like to request Option 3 for your event if it's not too much to ask. ^_^  For a BC character, please 🙏
Appearance: I'm 5 ft 7 (170 cm) and I would describe my body type as lean (long limbs, B cup, a bit of muscle, lightweight). I have green eyes, blonde hair that reaches just below my shoulder blades. I like to wear a lot of darker colors (black, dark red, navy, petrol green). And I don't like to wear make-up. 
Personality: I'd say that I'm a fairly assertive person (but if I'm proven wrong, or otherwise know that I'm wrong, I become relatively meek). I do like giving people advice or help if I can, and while at work I do like being productive. I have been told that I can seem "scary" because of the aura I portray though, but suppose that just comes with the "assertiveness" 😅 I like to think that I have a long temper and that I'm an understanding person, but I can be very stubborn; especially when it comes to following my own goals. 
In terms of likes: serenity (overall; as an atmosphere, but also as a quality in people). I like knowing what I’m doing, or at the very least, I like to know which I certainly don’t know. (Which in the grand scheme is very difficult, yes.) I also like allowing myself some time to breathe and unwind. Good food, good people around me; life’s simple pleasures. But I do also like to be out there, trying different things and activities, even if it’s only for one time.
Hope that's enough ^_^ 💕
I match you with Fuegoleon! Unironically, I think you guys have a lot in common and I can honestly see you together so please enjoy~
A/N: thank you so much I hope you like this!
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“Come on Y/N I know I can do better! I can handle more!" Leo called to you as you stood up straight once again from the attack. It was training day and Fuegoleon wanted you to help out Leo on attacks.
"Leo you know we're only training on building your strength for now. Once you get the hang of it we can move to something more, come on let's take a break" you wave him over and he came whining, wanting to continue his training.
Coming to your side you ruffle his hair as you walk over to where your boyfriend was. You were lucky enough to be dating Fuegoleon Vermillion. He was much more than his title as a royal or as a captain. He was a gentleman, kind, and strong, and so many other attributes you loved.
"Good work today, both of you. Leo I can see your improvement and Y/N you're a wonderful teacher, as expected" he complimented you both
"Thank you, brother!"
"Thank you dear" you smile giving him a peck to his cheek. "so how was the-"
"Captain Fuegoleon~" oh boy here she came. Yeah recently got new recruits into your squad. And unfortunately, you had a new girl with a little crush on your boyfriend. She wasn’t subtle about it either she was very outspoken about it and has even hinted at them dating.
Now for someone who was a very intelligent man but when I came to this he was a bit dense. He simply replied with “I’m flattered by your feelings but I am currently in a relationship already, sorry."
you appreciate the effort but you still get annoyed by her. So at this point, you simply just stand up and go over to Fuegoleon and put on some PDA for her. Standing behind him you wrap your arms around his shoulders and rest your chin on top of his head. You make sure to look at her with a nice smile just to get the point across
"Yes, what can I help you with?" he asked
"Well, I...um...," she tried to concentrate on him but "n-never mind I can figure it out on my own" and with that, she was on her way back
"Y/N, I think you're scaring off the new recruits..." Leo pointed out
"huh? Me? Scary?" you ask confused
"Yes, you can sometimes have a very intimidating aura just like our sister," he explained as a chill ran down his spine.
I took your head to the side to believe him right now. You always try to perceive yourself as a nice person, or maybe you did have sort of a scary aura. It was the word is and powerful than any, some like Leo compare you to his sister. Huh, maybe that's why she liked you so much...
"Y/N, may we take a walk please?" Fuegoleon offered, standing from his seat. You nod with a smile and take his hand in yours. he took him to the direction of the gardens where a small walkway with available. It was very peaceful with many flowers, shrubs, trees. In fact, this is the same spot where he asked you out on a date. Only this time he was a bit more dazed out than usual. Like he was thinking but also hiding something.
"You alright there? You look a little zoned out," you ask him
"I'm fine, just thinking is all." he reassured you with a smile "although, I did want to speak with you. Nothing big, just a conversation with you."
"Oh? And what would that be?" you asked intrigued by his secrecy
"Just thinking back to when we first met was all. You had challenged me saying you could bring me down in 2 minutes or less. Little did you know I'd take you down in mere seconds," he chuckled "You know what I thought after I beat you?"
"Oh goodness, what? That I was a fool?" you chuckle
"No anything but that. I thought you were...cute." he admits "The fire in your eyes and how determined you were to prove you had what it took. And I found it very endearing, you truly are a wonder Y/N"
Bringing you to a fountain he sits with you on the edge and gazes down to the water. You take your seat next to him and gaze down as well.
"Awh Fueggy, you're so sweet." you smile
"I'd like us to marry" he said casually
"W-what?" you were shocked to say the least. That was something else you loved about him, but it also made you laugh. He was blunt and sometimes the sweet talking thing wasn’t his strongest suit.
“Was that not the appropriate way of asking?” He asked you confused “I had asked Yami and Nozel how to bring up the question and they told me to simply ask you.”
Sigh, poor baby “Fuegoleon, those two are the last ones you want to ask for romance advice. The way you would want to ask if just fine with me.”
“Oh alright then.” Standing up and closed his eyes and concentrates his hands dance in front of him as he writes Inter he ground with elegant fire “how about this?” He asked
In the ground he had wrote “please, be my wife?” Standing up you walk around the message and to him and peck his cheek “now this is more like you, but are you sure? There are plenty of eligible royals and girls of wealth”
His warm hand comes up to cup your cheek with a soft smile “why should I find them when I have you? I’m sure if it, I want to marry you….”
“Alright then, I will marry you, Fuegoleon” a loving, but passionate kiss was shared between you both in the garden.
I hope this was okay! ♥️( it most likely wasn’t :( )
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catxsnow · 4 years
REQUEST: could i pls request some gar logan x reader fluff where gar has a huge crush on the reader who's very self assured and confident and he keeps his feelings to himself because he doesn't think he's enough for her. then one day she corners him and asks why he's been so distant and he confesses his feelings and it all becomes a big fluffy mess. bonus if the reader was subtly flirting the whole time and gar was oblivious.
Warning: fluff, Gar being sad a little
A/N: First Gar fic! I hope you all enjoy! 💕
Part two
Word Count: 2.7k
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Being a part of the Titans was everything you could dream of and more. For once in your life you finally felt like you belonged somewhere. Your teammates, your friends - they were more than that - they were your family. No matter how much they fought, you knew that you would always be there for each other.
Much like Dick and Jason, you were only human. On a team filled with people of extraordinary powers and abilities, you should have been the kind of person that felt intimidated. However, being without powers and still deserving a place on this team made you maybe a little too confident.
You were cocky when it came to showing off why you deserved to be there just like everyone else. That attitude rubbed off on you when you weren't training or in the field too. Even just lounging around the tower you oozed confidence. A lot of times in your life, you found that girls would be envious of you and boys would be intimidated by you.
You became a challenge.
Even within the safe walls of the tower you were still within danger of being the prey. Jason Todd relentlessly tried to win you over. He adored your skills, your beauty, the incredible intelligence you maintained all while keeping a humorous mentality. You were the definition of perfect to many.
And you knew it too. It was rare to ever see you put yourself above others, but you were well aware the affect you had on people. After years of being put on an unwanted pedestal of perfection, you knew that people desired you. It was what made you so confident in yourself. Thankfully, you knew well enough to keep yourself humble. Mostly.
Jason continuously tried to flirt his way into your life. Though you enjoyed the playful banter between the two of you, he wasn't the person that you were interested in.
You and Gar were best friends. The second that you two met it was an instant connection - he brought out a side of you that had been tucked away for so long. Around him you could be your playful, care-free self. You didn’t have to worry about maintaining the facade that people expected from you. He was like a breath of fresh air every time you were with him. It was nice to finally have someone befriend you for more than just your beauty and skills.
"Come on, Gar! You can do better than that."
Training day was always your favourite day. It was the only time that you felt like you could truly let off some steam. Kicking ass against some bad guys always did you good too, but you always had to restrain yourself to some degree. Training allowed you to go all out and gave you the time to improve your skills.
At the moment, it was you and Gar sparring in the ring. Once the dummy you were using had been beaten down multiple times, you needed a live, moving opponent. Gar was the nearest person you could find who wasn't busy. Most of the time, it was Jason you sparred with - he had a similar set of skills to you.
"You know my hand to hand skills are no where near as good as yours," Gar complained. He laid flat on the mat with a bruised ego as you stood above him. As much as he had been learning from you and Dick, he didn't even compare. He had powers, he didn't need to be as reliant as you with pure skill alone.
"Then don't use them," you stuck your hand out to help him up. "Let out the beast, I can handle it." Gar immediately shook his head, he didn't want to hurt you - being the tiger could do some serious damage against you. Being human meant you healed like a human, he wouldn't forgive himself if something happened.
"(Y/N), we talked about this," Gar argued. He ducked, narrowly missing your left hook. The two of you circled each other on the mat. You were in your usual training attire - shorts and a sports bra. It also happened to be Gar's favourite outfit on you, and the most distracting. "I'm not going to fight you like that."
"Yes, you are," you confidently told him. Gar tried to make the first attack this time. He lunged towards you and jabbed his fist towards your face but you had seen it coming. You grabbed onto his arm and twisted it behind his back. His knees buckled as you kicked the back of them and your arm wrapped around his neck. "I'll even say please."
Gar shivered as your breath fanned against his neck. Over the time that the two of you spent in the tower, he realized that his feelings for you were a little more than friendly. Just like any other man you came to encounter, he had fallen for you alluring spell. It broke his heart to know that he never stood a chance to win you over. Not when there were people like Jason out there.
"I don't want to hurt you!" He broke out of your hold and turned to face you. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you. Every time you came back from some sort of mission with cuts and bruises, he wanted nothing more than to take that pain away from you. You were far too precious to have to go through any pain.
"You won't. I can handle myself," you assured him. "Besides, I always enjoy the view when you switch back to yourself," You winked at him. Gar's face flared up red with embarrassment - He hated not having his clothes after he used his powers. You on the other hand, always liked getting glimpses of him.
"I'm definitely not doing it now," Gar muttered, still blushing. Your grinned at him being so flustered by your compliment. You reached up to pat his cheek, but it had only made his redness worse. 
"Fine, I guess I'll go find Jason or Dick to spar with," you dragged out your words, hoping that he would get the hint that you wanted to train with him, not either of them. He didn't, of course. As always, unless you were being direct he never picked up on your desire to hang out with him. At the mention of Jason's name, he had already given up.
Gar hid the hurt look on his face as you offered to train with someone else. It seemed to be good timing too, Jason had just been walking by when he saw the two of you and decided to pop in to see how things were going. "Look at that, once again just impeccable timing," Gar had a noticeable tone of frustration in his voice.
He left the training room without another word, unable to see the sad look on your face as he left. Jason on the other hand, looked thrilled to get to train with you again. It was Gar that you wanted to spend time with, not him. It was always Gar that you wanted to see, he was the most important person in your life.
"Gar!" You called after him. He either didn't hear you or decided to ignore you. Either way, you frowned at his departure.
His smile would light up any bad day you were having. No matter how bad his jokes were, they always seemed to put a smile on your face. You even suffered through him playing his video games just to see him excited over a win. And when he asked you to play against him, of course you couldn't deny it.
"You ready, princess?"
"Call me that again and you won't get back off the ground."
Gar had been avoiding you.
At first, it was subtle. He would be late enough to dinner that his usual spot beside you was taken. He then started to choose someone else to spar with during training. That you weren't surprised about, after the last time you figured that he would go with Dick instead of you for the next few times.
If you were in the living room, he would stay in his room. If you ever went to go visit him there, he would claim he was just about to jump in the shower and he would catch you later. By that point, you were far past suspicious of his behavior.
Gar was your best friend, and without him your days were lonely. It had only been a few weeks since he started ignoring you, but you missed him. The short time apart realized how much you truly cared for him. You knew that these feelings you had for him had been there for quite a while, but you never realized how strong they were.
You wished that Gar was more than a friend towards you. With him ignoring you, it was easy to assume that he didn't feel the same way. You whole life was spent with boys chasing you, and when the one you cared about most wasn't, well it was a shock to you. Gar was the only person you wanted to looking at you with admiration and now he couldn't even look you in the eye.
After giving him his space for a few weeks, you decided enough was enough. Gar was your best friend and he sure as hell wasn't acting like it. Whatever was going on with him, you needed to know. The only way that you could help him get through whatever he was going through was to know everything.
So, when you saw him sneaking into the kitchen for a late night snack, you cornered him. Gar was peaking in the fridge as you stood behind the door. There was no way that he was going to avoid you this time. The second that he closed the door and saw your figure standing there, he got so frightened his eyes turned bright green.
"(Y/N)!" Gar shouted, nearly dropping the jug of milk he had grabbed. His hand was over his chest after the surprise and his eyes wide. "What, uh, what're you doing here?"
"You've been avoiding me, Garfield," you got right to the point. A nervous smile covered his cheeks "And don't try lying to me that you haven't, I know you better than that. You're my best friend, Gar. I'm worried about you, what's going on?"
"I don't want to talk about it," Gar stated. He turned away from you to continue making his midnight snack of what you assumed was going to be cereal. It was always his go to - you knew that. However, his hesitance to tell you how he was feeling was what made you nervous. He was never like this, not towards you.
As soon as he tried to pass you, you snatched the bowl of cereal out of his hand and stood before him. There was no way he was getting out of it this time. Not with the way that he was acting.
"(Y/N)," Gar whined. You gave him a look that insinuated that you weren't about to give up. He tried to grab the bowl from your hands but you were too quick for him to even get near it. That didn't stop him from trying. Gar tried to out-wit you, but had only failed. "Give it back, I'm hungry."
"No," you affirmed. "The only way that you're getting this bowl is if you fight me, or if you tell me what the fuck is going on with you." Gar tilted his head down, he didn't like either of those options. However, he knew he'd rather get his ass kicked by you, then to ruin the friendship that he had.
When Garfield tilted his head back up, his eyes were green and his skin was tinged the same color too. He was willing to beast out if that meant that he didn't have to confess his feelings to you. His action hurt you more than you ever thought they could. Gar wasn't a violent person, and for him to do this, it really meant he didn't trust you.
Gar went back to his normal self when you didn't budge from your spot. He was even more surprised when he noticed how glassy your eyes looked and the tremble in your hands while holding his bowl. Gar didn't hesitate to throw his arms around you in hopes to comfort you from his actions.
"I'm sorry," He whispered. The grip he had on you caused your shirt to scrunch up in his hand. You set the bowl on the counter beside you and wrapped your arms around him as well.
"No," you shook your head at his apology. He had done nothing wrong, this was your fault. "If you don't want to talk about your feelings then I shouldn't force you to do so. Just... if I'm doing something wrong, or you're upset with me for something just tell me. I can't sleep at night thinking your avoiding me because you hate me now."
You gave Gar one more squeeze before walking away from him. It wasn't fair of you to try and force him to talk about something that he wasn't comfortable with. You should have known better. It was just always so easy to talk to him, you always thought that he felt the same ease with you.
Your breathing trembled as you walked down the empty hall to your room. Maybe the friendship you had with Gar wasn't what you thought it was.
A hand latching onto yours nearly made you jump. Gar had stopped you. He tugged you back towards him, and if it wasn't for his hold you would have fallen flat on the ground. Gar held you up against him with his hands resting on your waist. Your hands were delicately rested in his chest.
"(Y/N), I..." Gar stuttered over his words. He was hesitant to tell you his feelings, but he needed you to know that he didn't hate you, not at all. The closeness of you made him nervous, he could see every little detail of your face, each one of them perfect in their own ways. "I..." he tried once more.
You couldn't take this anymore. You couldn't take teetering around him and your feelings towards him. Endless flirting that he never seemed to pick up on or the fact that you got flustered every time you messed up and he was around. This battle you were having with yourself about whether or not Gar's feelings for you were more than friendly needed to end.
Your hands slid up his chest until they rested on the side of his face. The warmth of his skin drew you in more, like you craved his touch. Gar let out a gasp as you pressed your lips against his. He stood still, surprised by your actions. There was no way that the girl of his dreams was kissing him.
Gar snapped out of his shock. His grip lowered to your hips and he finally started to kiss you back. Everything about this was perfect. The taste of your lips, the softness of your skin. He was completely blinded by you and your perfection.
You pulled away, completely out of breath but a smile on your lips. The linger of his touch resided on you and you wished for it never to go away. "I'm sorry," You whispered. "I shouldn't have... I couldn't go any longer without doing that," you changed your sentence.
"I'm glad you did," Gar grinned. You loved his smile, you always had. It seemed to be the only thing that would make you happy when you were feeling down. "Truth be told, I was avoiding you because I didn't know how much longer I could go without doing that too."
Gar kissed you again. The softness of his lips made you want to have them constantly on you. You wanted his kiss, his hold, you wanted him to love you. The happiness that filled your heart something that you hadn't felt in so long. He was your happiness, he had been since the day  you met.
"Guess we better make up for lost time then."
Part two
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xoxoperse · 4 years
the challenge. / kung lao
“don’t pretend you don’t love the great kung lao, y/n.”
word count: 4,641
trigger warnings: none
pairings: kung lao x reader.
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your fist met kung lao’s palm, for what seemed like the tenth time, sparring under the ginkgo tree that you both had been under for at least an hour, now. you both constantly seemed to find yourself under the same tree, whether it be while you hang out with lao while he is skipping his classes, or training with one another - mentor present or not - it had always been this same, beautiful tree.
“i have to admit,” you started as he released your balled fist from his grasp, “not to boost your ego or anything, but you have improved, kung lao.” you spoke with a hint of teasing in your tone as a smirk spread across your lips.
“what was that, now?” kung lao asked, putting his hand behind his ear, “i didn’t quite hear what you said; did you say: i’m better than you?” he cockily asked, raisng an eyebrow your way.
“don’t put words in my mouth, now,” you responded with a chuckle before you went to sit in the shade for a moment to cool off some. kung lao joined you, throwing his hat into the ground beside him before resting his back up against the tree trunk.
“that is absolutely what you said,” kung lao playfully argued, his snarky tone still remaining. “let’s not deny the fact that, that is what you actually said,” he teased, nudging you a little bit, which made you laugh softly, shaking your head a bit.
“often times, i wonder how i manage to tolerate you so much,” you joked, looking over to the monk with a smile playing on your lips. you may never actually say it to him, but you really did, somehow, enjoy lao’s company - he always knew how to make you laugh, and it was a laugh he always loved to hear.
“don’t pretend you don’t love the great kung lao, y/n,” he pried, now wiggling his eyebrows a few times, which only made you laugh a bit more.
“do i ‘love the great kung lao?’” you asked playfully, doing air quotes as you spoke. you had absently tilted your head to the side a little bit, still smiling rather widely.
“do i really have to tell you the answer to the obvious question?” he asked, shooting you a look that could bascially read ‘really? really?’ he truly did not think that you didn’t like him in the slightest; you wouldn’t have stuck around this long if that just so happened to be the case. that being said, sometimes these thoughts did reside in his head at times, though the doubts were rarely about you, and more about others around him. if there was anyone who going to truly stick around for as long as possible, it was going to be you and liu kang - and there were no two ways about it in his mind. yes, he was cocky, and he obviously knew that, but you and liu both knew how to put up with it, even if it was annoying at times - okay, most times.
“you mean the obvious ‘no,’ which would happen to be the correct answer?” you sassily retorted back to the man. and then, an idea hit you like a ton of bricks. “but, if you really want to say ‘i told you so’ on this, prove it to me,” you said in a challenging tone, your smile quickly being replaced by a smirk.
“prove it to you?” kung lao repeated, now furrowing his eyebrows together as he looked to you, with a puzzled look obviously written on his face. “how am i to prove this to you?”
“well, it’s simple; make me love you,’ you elaborated to him with a slight shrug as you spoke. “i mean, unless you are not up for the challenge,”
“oh, y/n,” lao scoffed with a devious smirk, “of course i’m up for the challenge. who do you think i am?” he sarcastically asked.
for the next few weeks, kung lao had been showering you for affection. he got you flowers, dinner, movie dates, everything. he was trying his damnedest, that for sure. to your surprise, it had been working, only a little bit, though - or so you thought.
tonight, lao was bringing over some food and a movie for you both to watch, and you were expexcting him any minute now. soon enough, the monk knocked on your door. you got up from your spot on the couch, going to the door and opening it. you greeted kung lao with a smile and a ‘hello,’ before stepping out of the way to let him inside. you closed the door behind him, meeting him back in the living room in your home.
“i got you peppered steak this time, since you liked it when i got it,” kung lao told you softly, smiling to you. if you were being honest, it was weird to see the man not wearing his razor-edged hat, or even his leather cap he was seemingly forever wearing.
“must be a special day for you to not be wearing your prized possesion,” you teasingly mentioned, helping him pull out the food and laying on the table.
“it’s weird to the both of us, y/n,” kung lao chuckled, nodding in agreement. “don’t worry,” he added, pulling out a pair of chopsticks for himself and you, before grabbing his own food: a container of lo mein.
you both found yourselves sitting side-by-side on your couch. after sitting for a minute, you realized that neither of you had popped in the movie. “we forgot the movie,” you chuckled with a smile, sitting your food back down on the table. the second you stood up to your feet, you heard yet another knock on the door. you looked to lao, confused. he gave you a light shrug, before you made your way to the door.
you opened your door once more, revealing lord raiden. “hello, y/n. may i come in?” he asked, keeping his hands behind his back, respectfully.
“of course, come in,” you answered, moving out of his way. once he walked in, you closed the door, seeing lao stand to his feet.
“i’m not interupting anything, am i?” the thunder god asked, looking between you and lao as you joined his side. once you gave him a ‘no, not at all,’ he continued on. “i need to ask something of you, y/n,”
you nodded in response, before speaking, “anything, i’ll be glad to help,”
“thank you,” raiden spoke, returning the nod. “there is a mission i need you to go on. it’s rather dangerous, but i’ve asked fujin to assist you on this,”
“may i ask what this mission is?” you asked, tilting your head to the side slightly.
“there has been an outbreak of demons killing humans in earthrealm, assumingly by the brotherhood of shadow.” he elaborated, his slightly hoarse voice filling the room.
“so what? you’re just going to send her out on a dangerous mission with a two person army?” kung lao questioned, making both you and raiden advert your gazes to him. “let me go with her, at least,”
“no, kung lao,” raiden spoke, shaking his head. “i refuse to let the both of you potentionally die out there, we can’t afford that kind of loss. if we need to send more out there, then that is what will happen,”
“then let me go instead,” lao insisted. he didn’t want to take this mission from you for his pride, he wanted to take it from you for your own safety - for the sake of your life. “what’s the difference between this mission and all of the others that you sent us on together? if it’s dangerous,” at that moment, you placed a hand on his muscular bicep to catch his attention as raiden remained silent upon seeing your actions to calm kung lao down.
“lao, it’s okay,” you reassured softly. he huffed as he met your eyes for a moment, almost like you were trying to telepathically convince him. “i can manage. besides, i’ll have a god on my side,”
“y/n, that doesn’t mean anything for your safety,” kung lao argued, raising an eyebrow your way.
you sighed, frowning before you spoke, “fujin won’t let anything happen to me,”
“and if he can’t? then what? i never see you again, i have to bury you six feet under?” the monk argued back. he’d be damned if you went out there without him, let alone let you die on this mission. kung lao didn’t care why raiden wasn’t sending him on the mission instead of you, nor was his pride hurt from the god’s decision. “i don’t want that for you, y/n. i won’t let it happen.”
“and i you, lao,” you responded with a hint of sadness in your tone. you took a quiet, deep breath, before looking back to raiden. “when am i being sent off?”
“we’ll need you to leave tomorrow morning,” he responded with a nod. “i’ll see myself out... enjoy your dinner, and thank you, again, y/n,” with that, raiden had walked back out of your home, leaving you and kung lao to discuss the event that just happened.
“i can not let you go on this mission, y/n,” lao spoke, his voice a bit lower than it had been before - he couldn’t dare yell at you.
“this does not alway have to end badly, lao,” you explained, sitting back down in your seat. you ran a hand through your hair, letting out a long sigh.
kung lao joined you on the couch once more, hunched over a bit with his elbow resting on his knee, and his forehead in this palm. “of all people, y/n,” he huffed, “of all people, he chose you - and i can’t even come with you,”
you looked to him, raising a brow, “are you implying i can’t do this on my own?” you asked, now starting to feel a bit fed up. “is that the real reason why you’re complaining so much? because your ego is hurt so much that you can’t take part of the fame?”
“that is not what i’m saying, y/n-“ lao quickly started, before hearing you take a deep breath, assuming to calm your nerves. “i’m saying is that if there was something to happen, i would rather it be me than you,”
“right...” you whispered, leaning back on the couch.”i’m going to pack and then head to bed... feel free to stay the night,” you offered, getting up from your spot. “help yourself to my food, as well,” you added, closing the container before standing up.
“y/n...” kung lao called, looking up to you as you got up, reaching for your hand, the sudden feeling making your insides a bit warm and fuzzy. he rose to his feet as soon as he grabbed your attention, a frown apparent on his lips. “i’m sorry,”
“lao, it’s fine,” you spoke, shaking your head a bit, knowing that your words were over-dramatic, “don’t worry about it... i should be apologizing,”
“all is forgiven. now, sit and eat with me,” he plead, sitting back down but keeping ahold of your hand as he tried to tug you down - gently, of course - with him. you let out a sigh of defeat, unable to help but crack a bit of a smile as you sat down beside him. you knew you over-reacted about the situation, at least you came to your senses about it. but you had to admit, it would be weird going on a mission without kung lao and/or liu kang, seeing how the three of you were always together for your missions.
you let out a bit of a sigh as you took a bite of your peppered steak in hand, before looking over to lao. “put your trust in fujin for me, okay?” you asked, stopping lao the moment he opened his mouth, assuming to speak against your plea to him. “he won’t let me be harmed, alright? and, i know it’s going to be weird without you being there, o’ knight in shining armour,” you teased with a smile, nudging the man beside you.
“knight in shining armour, you say?”  he cockily asked, tilting his head to the side and wiggling his eyebrows.
he made you chuckle as you playfully shoved him away from you, “oh, be quiet.”
the next morning, you were up bright and early, already having got into the shower, packed, and had even already made breakfast for you and kung lao. you just made some simple eggs, bacon, and toast for your first meal of the day. now that the food was done, you had to awake kung lao from his slumber on your couch. you walked over, smiling down to him as he laid stomach-down on the sofa. “lao,” you cooed, placing your hand on his shoulder blade gently. when he went unresponsive to your attempts to wake him, you called his name again as you shook him a bit.
finally, the monk budged. “hmm?” he hummed tiredly, squeezing his eyes closed as he rolled over onto his side, facing your direction.
“breakfast is ready, if you want some,” you told him, speaking softly. he gave you a tired nod, before sitting up and stretching out his arms as you walked to make both of your plates.
soon, lao met you in your kitchen, his plate resting on the counter next to the stove, closest to the table. “thank you,” he told you sweetly, giving you a smile as he sat down after you quickly put a fork on his plate before he walked away, slipping one onto your own plate.
now, you had joined him at the table, you both digging into the food. you had to leave in about an hour and a half, so you knew you had to soak up at least a little bit more time with lao before you had to be gone, for elder gods know how long. “hey, promise me something, lao.” you requested softly, tilting your head a bit as you did so.
you caught his attention, him meeting your eyes. “anything, y/n,” he responded.
“don’t annoy liu kang to the point of murder while i’m gone, alright?” you asked, a smile breaking onto your lips with a laugh. “i know it’s hard for you to... well, watch what you say,”
the man laughed a little bit, as well, before nodding. “no promises, y/n,” he jokingly responded, the same, wide smile on his lips.
and just like that, the time had unknowingly quickly passed, and you had just gathered all of your luggage - well, lao gathered it all; he insisted - which just consisted of a backpack and a medium-sized suitcase. it would have to do, since you didn’t want to carry too much on this trip. kung lao’s hand remained on the handle for maybe a moment longer than it should have, contemplating if he could somehow talk his way into convincing you to not go on this mission, or at least talk you into letting him tag along.
you tilted your head to the side slightly as you watched his hand linger on the handle, a bit of a frown tugging on your lips. you absolutely felt bad that kung lao could not come with you and fujin on this mission, but you’d rather something happen to yourself over him, and it will always be that way, but, of course, you knew he felt the same exact way about the situatiion. the previous night remained on your mind, constantly replaying the night over and over in your head. the thought that you couldn’t shake was that... well, kung lao basically broke his extremely cocky shell. for once, you saw that he cared for someone else rather himself, or the sake of his family name.it was an odd occurence, and it was something that you had never exactly seen before. of course you knew that he cared about you and liked you enough to keep you around for all this time, but him acting out the way he did last night just seemed like a bit of a change - but a good kind of change.
now, kung lao’s gaze fell onto you, and he gave you a small smile, though big enough for you to see his cute dimple. he opened his arms to you, now making your frown disappear as you walked into his embrace. you held each other tight, for not knowing if this would be one of the last times you’d see one another in your lifetimes. it was savoury, to say the least. your arms went around his neck while his went around around your mid-torso, though he moved one of his hands to the back of your head.
“don’t die on me, alright?” the monk whispered to you, a hint of sadness in his tone.
“no promises,” you responded, your voice nearly as quiet as his. then, you chuckled a bit at your own thought. “i can’t believe i’m saying this, but i’ll miss you,” you told him, slowly and reluctantly pulling away, though still each other’s arms.
kung lao’s smile was quickly replaced with that cocky smirk of his, “did i just hear you right? did you say that you’ll miss me, the great kung lao?” he snarkily asked, making you roll your eyes with a stupidly big grin on your lips.
you laughed a little bit before responding, “alright, you got me there. you actually correctly heard what i said,” you playfully admit, smiling to him, having to slightly look up to him.
“do i still have a chance to win that challenge, even though you’ll be gone?” kung lao asked, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly as he spoke, curiousity clearly laced in his tone.
truth be told, you had almost forgotten the challenge you had set for him, though it was... well, working like a charm, almost. you gave him a nod, keeping up your act, “yes, if you can still find a way to do it,” you answered, wiggling your eyebrows at him with the tiniest smirk playing on your lips.
“i’ll win you over, y/n. you have my word,” kung lao responded, letting out a light chuckle. as lao fell silent, there was a gentle knock on the door, almost as if it was on cue. you finally pulled away from the shaolin, taking a step forward and reaching for the handle. as you turned the knob, you were greeted with a smiling fujin. his flowing hair was tied into a braid that seemed to end nearly a few inches off of the ground.
“hello, y/n, kung lao,” the wind god greeted, looking past your shoulder to the monk behind you.
“hello, lord fujin,” you greeted with a little head bow. “would you like to come in for a moment?” you offered, motioning your arm to the inside of your home.
fujin shook his head, “no, thank you.” he responded, the little smile still on his lips. he tilted his head a bit, noticing kung lao’s slightly obvious, annoyed demeanor . despite this, he could also feel sentiment radiating off of the monk. “i sense that you are upset, kung lao... or even, distrust. is everything alright?” he asked, his head remaining tilted.
kung lao simply nodded in the god’s direction, letting out a sigh. he held his tongue for the first time in his life, remembering the promise you asked him to make, though it was never settled on - verbally, at least. “keep her safe... we certainly couldn’t afford to lose her,”
“of course, kung lao.” lord fujin promised, keeping his hands behind his back. fujin’s gaze fell onto you once more, before he spoke up again, “do you have everything you need?” he asked, glancing down to your suitcase and bag that was up against the wall. when you gave him a ‘yes,’ he nodded once more. “good. i’ll let you say your goodbyes,” he spoke, before offering to hold your bags while he waited. you thanked fujin as he took the outside, and closed the door quietly behind him. you turned back to kung lao, letting out a sigh. you found yourselves hugging each other once more, this time being just a little bit tighter than the last hug. if you didn’t savour the last hug, you certainly were on this one. kung lao pressed a soft kiss to your head, his arms remaining around you.
simultaneously, you and kung lao pulled away from each other, offering the man a smile as you did so. “remember: don’t talk your way into liu kang murdering you while i’m gone. just build it up and wait until after, because i will gladly help him out,” you teased, chuckling a bit. kung lao laughed lightly, shakimg his head.
“you would kill me, the great kung lao? you wouldn’t dare!” he responded, only making your genuine chuckles turn into laughs. you playfully placed a hand on his chest to push him away from you.
“yes, the great kung lao” you mocked, failing to match his cocky tone, “i would.” though you were, of course, teasing him, he couldn’t help but feel warm inside as he heard those words come out of your mouth, along with your laughs. it was like a melody to his ears, as it always had been. “i should go... i don’t want to keep fujin waiting,” you sadly told him, all of the happiness in your tone withering away with every word you had said.
reluctantly, he nodded, “right...” he muttered. he knew, at this point, there was nothing he could do to convince one - or both - of you otherwise, so he finally, unfortunately, gave it up. “goodbye, y/n,” he told you softly, meeting your eyes one last time.
“goodbye, kung lao,” you responded. you took a step closer to him, standing up a bit on your toes to kiss his cheek before you approached the door again. you took a deep breath, glancing back to lao before opening it up. “sorry to keep you waiting, lord fujin,” you apologized, stepping out.
the long-haired god turned around, sending a nod your way. “no worries,” he said softly. he looked back into your home, to kung lao. “i’ll get y/n back to you, kung lao,” the god promised once more as you sling your backpack over your shoulder.
the monk only nodded to fujin, before you gave him a little wave and a smile. kung lao returned both, walking up to the door as the little smile remained on his lips, almost as if he was trying to wordlessly convince you that things will be okay. soon, you and fujin walked away, only having glanced back to the beloved monk behind you again, wishing he could come with you.
as soon as you and fujin were out of his sight, he closed the door behind him, deciding to clean up from that morning and the previous night before he had to leave, himself, to meet liu kang at the wu shi temples for the day.
the days seemed to grow longer and longer to you and kung lao while you were gone, defending for earthrealm’s sake. you found yourselves writing to each other at least once a week through the three months, just to save the other’s sanity and calm the other’s anxious nerves. calling the mission insane would probably be an understatement. there were more demons than you and fujin both had expected, let alone how strong their powers were. after many nicks here and there, maybe a bad gash or two, you were finally able to come back home. in your final letter to kung lao, you were happy to tell him that you got to come home that following weekend.
fujin walked with you through the wu shi’s tree-filled field, holding a conversation on earthrealm customs, which mainly consisted of you trying to explain them to the god. suddenly, fujin fell silent for a moment, nudging you with a little smirk on his lips. you looked up to him, furrowing your eyebrows before he nodded his head in the direction of a certain monk. your confusion soon turned into joy, happy to see the man you had craved to see in these past months. “go get him,” he whispered. he offered to take your bags into the temple, you thanking him quickly before you made your way to kung lao.
his hat appeared to be thrown into the dirt, the prized possession standing straight up. you were able to grab the razor-edged hat and place it on your head - luckily without a scratch - before you spoke up. “who is the great kung lao now?” you asked, catching his attention. he looked up to you, smilng as he jumped to his feet as he let out a laugh. he pulled thehat off of your head so he didn’t harm himself on accident, laying it back onto the ground before he hugged you. his arms snaked around your waist as your own went around his neck. he lifted you off of the ground for a moment, the widest grin on both of your lip as you enjoyed the embrace.
“you didn’t miss me too awful much, did you?” kung lao asked you as you both pulled away from each other. you chuckled and rolled your eyes a bit with the smile still on your lips, happy as ever. your hand found it’s way to his cheek, genty rubbing your thumb along his cheekbone as you placed a long, loving kiss to his lips. it had absolutely been something you wanted to do for awhile now, but you almost craved it in these past three months. slowly, you pulled away from him, still smiling to him. “i told you so,” he whispered, bis smile turning into a smirk.
“yeah, yeah - be quiet,” you teased. on cue, you heard someone clear their throat from behind kung lao. you and lao let go of each other, the man turning around as an arm absently remained around your waist for a moment, seeing no one other than the chosen one himself. “liu!” you called happily, leaving kung lao’s side and heading to the other monk. once again, you wrapped your arms around his neck, while his went around your mid-torso.
“i see that you survived your mission, y/n,” liu kang spoke, you both simultaneously pulling away from each other, “see where actually attending class can get you, kung lao?” he teased with a smile.
“i’m still here, aren’t i” kung lao retorted, tilting his head a bit as his smirk had returned to his cute, dimple-y smile.
you chuckled, “i do have to admit, lao, i am truly surprised that you didn’t actually annoy liu to your death,” you joked,
“not quite,” liu started with a tiny, slightly devious smirk on his lips, “but he sure did talk my ear off about you,”
you dramatically gasped, shooting kung lao a teasing look as an obvious, dark blush appearing across his cheeks. “so, maybe you did actually miss me too much,” you teased with a laugh. “alright, children, let’s get to class,” you said once your laughter had calmed. the shaolin monks joined you on the walk to the wu shi temples. you were truly glad to be back with your friends - but let’s be honest, the two men by your side really were like your family.
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danddymaro · 4 years
Temptation | Claude Faustus x Reader
This is the original  [ HERE ]
It is pretty different and changed up. Heck, now that I'm re-reading both , I kind of don’t recognize much of the original. I like this one more, since its more recent and edited. I had actually written that one when I was younger and posted it up much later on that site... but I feel like I’ve done better now, like I’ve vastly improved. I guess cause I like having more details now, Idk about anyone else.
Thoughts are italics in quotations = ‘Example’
Flashbacks are in italics = Example
Word Count :   6335
"Don't cry..." she cooed softly, all whilst petting the young boy, her hand gently running over his blonde, silken hair, combing it down with her small raking fingers to soothe him.
"Shh...it'll be alright young master," she assured him, her voice sweet, almost saccharine as she spoke to him, "I'm here...I’m here... And I'll always be here," she said yet again, repeating the words over and over, chanting them to him in a low, melodic tune that only she could produce.
- And it wasn’t just for that night she had made such a proclamation...
To always be there; to never leave him...
‘Never leave me...Never abandon me (f/n),’ He thought to himself, silently ordering her.
She so often assured him there was nothing in the world more important to her than he was, feeding the desperate young boy with everything he wanted to hear, not because it served to her benefit, but because he needed it.
-Because she truly loved him.
"It's so dark..." Alois whispered back to her as she sat on the large bed with him, satin sheets draped over both of them as they stayed huddled close together.
He had insisted she crawl in there with him, and of course, she wouldn’t dare dismiss his request, not when his blue eyes were nothing but melted ice, overflooding, and momentarily causing streams of sorrow down his young face.
His arms then wrapped around her with a sudden quickness, surprising her enough to put a halt to the gentle strokes she had provided on the fair-haired youth.
“It’s so dark...” He said again as he clung to her tighter, his face pressed against her left breast like the needy brat he was.
At his desperate hold, she too held him close, quickly coming down from the light start he had given her, holding him tightly against her and keeping his trembling body near her.
‘I see....it is expected,’ She mused to herself.
"The darkness is what you fear the most, yes master?" she said softly, embracing the poor child, knowing how frightened he was of not just the loud clapping sounds, but also the blackness surrounding them.
She was aware of just what the harsh sounds of chaos outside did the boy, and moreover what the lonesome void of light caused within him.
She knew him through and through, or at the very least she believed she did...
She knew what made him sorrow-filled, becoming familiar with what made him angry, as well as taking into account what unnerved him.
However, she hadn’t a clue as to what lay in his past, because he never spoke of it, but of course, she could more or less figure. She knew, of course, the world was a cruel place, and even then she was still surprised at man’s corruption where not even a child was safe.
She could put pieces together, ones that created a dreadful puzzle, one that made her weep at times.
Admittedly she had shed tears for Alois, and she wouldn't ever hide the fact, because she wasn’t ashamed to let it be known that she loved him.
‘I know what matters young Lord,’ She thought to herself, ‘ I may not know everything about you, but I don't need to...’ she added with motherly love.
‘Because that’s all that matters now...’ She reasoned, ‘ Nonetheless, I'm here now...I’m here now young master... and I won’t let you be harmed. I won’t leave you in the dark.’
“I know it is,” she voiced, “ But no worries young master,” she assured him. “You should have no worries now, not of the thunder or darkness...” she added with certainty.
“None of it...” she murmured, bringing her chin down to lay on top of his head, her eyes closing momentarily.
Meanwhile, the young boy in her arms stirred from within furthermore, '(f/n) am I wrong?’ Alois asked himself as he was embraced back, feeling her chin touch the top of his head.
‘ Do you truly care? Could you really..?' He wondered,‘ Or do you fear me instead? Do you only stay because you have no other choice as well?’ He continued on while his tears continued to fall,
‘Could it be...? Or am I wrong to doubt you?’
Alois Trancy always asked himself this, along with many more questions that ran along the same lines, because to his dismay, he always doubted.
The young boy always doubted.
No matter how certain he could be, he always challenged the notion that he could truly be loved, and that somehow, someone truly cared for him.
‘How could anyone really?’ he asked himself with spite directed at himself, at his tainted soul, and moreso his soiled body.
All of him was used...soiled...filthy.
‘Filthy...Filthy and unloved... I am...’ He thought with a hiccup. ‘ I am nothing more than that...’
Hearing what was the unmistakable sound of his blubbered cries accompanied by the little shiver coursing throughout his slim frame, (f/n) brought her gaze down to him, separating from him a bit in order to gaze at him properly.
She stared back at soft baby blue irises in the desperate attempt to comfort the lost, tainted soul, knowing he was suffering and fretful, well aware he was hurt more than words could ever fix.
A small, sweet smile overtook her pale-rose painted lips as she stared down at him, hoping to somehow raise one out of him.
Kind eyes, lovely, sweet and pure stared down at him, absolutely sunning him, making his heart still. They were filled with love, pure, unadulterated love he’d never received before, making his breath hitch in a notable fashion.
The way she gazed down at him, it told him she didn’t want his body. It reminded him that she didn’t want his soul either.
No... his (f/n) wanted nothing more than to give...accept...wholeheartedly devote herself to him, not because she was forced to by contract, and not because she had any hunger for him either.
‘(f/n) truly cares for me,’ he thought to himself, pushing away the thoughts of before, trying to shove them clear out the window,
‘(f/n) desires only my joy...She desires nothing more...’
He hated having to be reminded he mattered, hated needing the validation, but the truth was that the way he believed love to work was different. His mind had been warped, twisted and turned so much that it was nothing but a mess.
‘No...No...The way you look at me...’ He resisted, his glazed eyes gazing into hers, ' The way your eyes fall onto me... The way you hold onto me...’
She wordlessly challenged him, more specifically his doubtful thoughts, unknowingly giving him assurance with her (e/c) gems, giving validation to her words of promise.
He was aware of the existence of demons, the same unholy creatures which surrounded him. He knew those evils existed as his home had become nothing more than a nesting ground for the fiends.
He knew they were real, so he often asked himself if there was such a thing as angels.
Did they also exist?
He often wondered if the light lived with the darkness... if it had come down to roam free with the meager humans just as the demons had traveled from the depths of hell.
Did those holy angels exist? Or was their world just a playground for the fiends to fester and feed?
Had the humans been left to their monstrous mercy?
Had he been destined to just be pray?
As he brought his eyes back down, he lay them on the cloth over her chest, more specifically, the white apron trimmed with ruffles that followed a heart-shaped edge.
He looked on at her uniform piece, mindlessly letting his right hand reached up to the ruffled pieces, the tips of his fingers occupied with them,
‘ How different they are, ‘ he mused, a small sniffle meant to let out amusement, though very lukewarm.
If anything the action itself served more to vacuum up the snot running down his nostrils.
‘Like night and day,’ He went on.
The young Trancy maid was so different from his head butler that It wouldn’t surprise him in the least bit if she did turn out to be a divine spirit, one being the complete polar to the fiend Claude was,
‘Would you save me (f/n)? Could you be here to save me? Save me from the world?... from Claude even?... from myself if you had to?...’ he wondered idly. ‘Could you heal me?’ He wondered with a sliver of hope, knowing he was being foolish in his pondering, cringing as he heard large droplets smack his large window.
‘ Even if I were to be wrong...’ he started, ‘ I wouldn’t want to let you go. I wouldn’t want to give you up,’ he continued on, ‘ In fact, it’s meaningless to wonder, because I don’t want you to leave either way...
You could be yet another demon... you could also want my soul and I wouldn’t mind it...’
Nonetheless, he loved her still, loving her attention, loving her more than he could love anything else in the world.
‘-I’ll give you anything so long as you stay, I’ll promise you anything you wish,’ He compromised, ‘I’d break my soul in two halves...share it with you as well to feed your hunger...
I just ask that you stay...’
He could feel it in his chest, the aching he felt when he so thought of the possibility of her abandoning him.
Whether it was all some lie or not, he’d still wanted her with him.
‘Never...’ He told himself, ‘Never will I be alone...not without you or him...not without you both....’ He insisted, not being able to stomach the notion of lonesomeness.
It was then that an incredibly loud boom came from outside, making even the woman release a small sound of surprise.
Being caught off guard, her body had begun to melt by the strangely soothing sound of heavy falling rain, so when the roar erupted she couldn't hold back the alarm she felt. Meanwhile, the Trancy head’s eyes went enormously wide, a cry leaving him, nearly choking as he tried to speak,
"P-please don't let go!" He pleaded, burying his flushed face in her warm chest, trying to drown out the thunder.
Somewhere in there lay her heart, ‘Somewhere in here, it’s cradled by her...just like I want to be.’ he thought breathlessly, his heavy tears wetting her uniform even more, his nose going runny as well.
His hands clawed at her, small, thin fingers digging into her back as his grip tightened, his nails digging in, even though the cloth.
’Please keep me safe (f/n), Tuck me in near your heart, with what little space may be there... I'll take it.’
‘I’ve given you your own spot,’ He silently reminded her, knowing his heart was in two halves, one meant for her, and one meant for his butler, the same one who had yet to show face...
Something he hadn’t overlooked, because, in spite of all his wondering and fear, he couldn’t push the absence aside, " Damn it! Why isn't he here! Where's Claude?!" He demanded in anguish, which to her, sounded more like a soft, muffled plea.
It sounded weak...small.
‘ Where is he...’ the young boy wondered, ‘(f/n) your here... but where is Claude... where is he?’
Unknown to the two, the said man watched them, all with glowing interest, one that could not be truly measured, and that was unimaginable to them both. His golden eyes were both overtaken by fluorescent pink as he continued to eye them both in the manner a mischievous one would gaze at unattained decadences.
‘Sweet little treats left out for anyone to grab,’ He mused.
Both were sweet and savory little bites to take at his liking, and what was best;
Nothing would get in his way.
Nothing could stop him.
Claude licked his now dry lips, eyeing the young maid from a dark corner, watching as she embraced their young lord with a hold so fierce, one would have to tear her arms open to steal him from her.
She held him with an iron grip, one that cradled him near as though he truly was precious, as though he’d been nested within her womb at one point.
The butler knew she’d fight for him with the same ferocity he would, despite her mortality, and moreso, for reasons that were polar to his.
While to Claude he was nothing more than a meal, (f/n) saw something else.
She saw through maternal eyes that had given her a strength Claude hadn’t thought humans could come to obtain,
"It all excites me …" He said lowly, smirking at the vulnerable pair, his dark, delighted voice there for only himself to hear and reflect upon.
He watched with amusement as both the creatures jumped as the world outside flashed white, a roaring cry echoing with viciousness.
“Yes, it is indeed exciting... Madly rousing,” he said, feeling actual exhilaration, his body growing hot, the temperatures of it rising to a boiling point.
He looked all too much like a coiled serpent, waiting with glee, glimmering eyes filled with excitement as he waited for his moment to spring forward, viscously sinking its fangs onto innocent, little beings he’d make dinner out of.
They both were in his vision and interest, but only one left him truly spellbound because truth be told, everything about the woman made him go mad...feral even.
"Naughty me, wanting a treat before the main course," He snickered.
He wasn't the least bit concerned about the want he felt, because after all, it didn’t mean he couldn't have it all.
By having her, it didn’t mean he would have to give up the boy.
It was never in his plan to simply let go of something he’d already worked so hard on.
‘All the humiliation... the intolerable brat’s constant swings in between bitter and sweet...’ He thought with bitterness,
'...But of course that wavering...it does make him all the more appetizing,’ he reasoned. ‘ And it will make it all the more satisfying to see my young lord bloodied red,’ He went on.
The whimpering child's soul was appetizing, It had been his only focus, at least until a certain point.
It had been all he could focus on until she arrived.
‘And then, of course, there is you, my dear...’ He thought to himself as he continued to eye her.
“There is you my sweet (f/n)…Sweet...You’re all too sweet with that aromatic warmth... all of that tempting flavor you know nothing of,” He sighed in a daydreamed state, drunk over her tempting image.
Her soul begged to be devoured, shared with no one else, and swallowed whole by his gluttonous hunger, and all the while,  he wasn’t even ashamed to admit it:
He wanted everything from her, from the soft (h/c) hair on her pretty head to that teasing, sweet soul she carried within her lovely vessel which was in every sense perfection.
She was perfection to him, pleasing every sense of his.
How he longed to ravish her pure, virgin body, run his nude fingers up and down her smooth legs before he’d have the chance to dig his sharp fangs within her silky neck.
He could smell it, she was untouched, untainted, and oh so tempting.
Never before had he felt such an overwhelming urge to completely devour a defenseless creature such as herself, not even his prior fixation on his master was in comparison, and it was indeed something for him to relish in with joy.
He was fortunate.
The day she stepped foot in the household, that single move marked her fate.
From that day forth, she was his, and his alone.
She was off-limits to the other roaming demons who he knew glared at him in spite...brewing in envy as he made another claim. He was aware he wasn’t the only one interested in her, but no one else would dare mark territory where he had plans to.
Surprisingly enough, watching her with the brat somehow made her more appealing, it made her much more delicious,
'How kind you are, how nobly sweet...’ he mused with mockery as he saw her being latched onto, no qualms on her part.
‘...No, better yet, How naïve and incredibly stupid, ' He thought darkly.
He knew she had a horrible inability to say no.
She couldn't escape out of the affection from the young boy, even if it meant living her life in servitude, even if it meant living her life in a nest of demons and possible death.
In his mind, such kindness and sympathy she demonstrated could only belong to a naïve and utterly stupid creature.
"- I'm sure he'll be here soon your highness,” (f/n) told Alois, “ I’m certain he would never abandon you," she added, lightly running her fingers through her master's silky blond hair to soothe the young male, continuing on with the tender action from before.
‘One’s heart would have to be black to leave you, ‘ She thought to herself. ‘Rotten and evil...Young master...”
"...And what about you?" He questioned unsurely, all with a quaking voice. His fingers dug into the fabric of her dress, fearing she'd leave him right then and there.
‘I know you’ve already told me,’ he reasoned, ‘ I know I may be annoying, ‘ he then thought, ‘ but please, please tell me again, once more... a million times after that as well...’
“Would you ever leave me?” he asked her, sniffling up at her.
‘ You’ve asked me so many times,’ she mused, a small shake to her head.
"I love my young master far too much to ever leave him," she said lovingly, making his heart warm and his body melt on to her furthermore.
She cherished the child, being pulled back to him, rendering her weak to the idea of disappearing from his lonesome life.
Moreover, something had drawn her to the home in its entirety, despite the cold chills she felt, despite the unease, her heart pulled her there,
‘I felt it my first day here...before the large door to this place were opened to me... before I knew what lay within these walls, All I wanted to do was to stay in what felt like home.’ She thought to herself.
‘As though a thread pulled me here, so thin...invisible to me, yet tied around my heart, controlling me every step of the way,’
The rain let out, sounds of fallen drops being the only thing still audible by then. and soon after, the lights flickered on, revealing a tall figure approaching them with slow, steady steps.
"Claude!" Exclaimed the young boy, fresh tears still running down his flushed cheeks, but none the less sounding completely elated, and just like that his eyes glowed, happily and with complete joy. He wiggled out of (f/n)’s hold, making the woman momentarily be forgotten, her own happiness evident as she watched her young master’s tears begin to cease.
"(f/n) was right! You didn't leave...." he said trailing off, furiously rubbing his puffy, tired eyes with enthusiasm.
Alois then looked at his either side to see the two people he loved the most; the two people he couldn't bear to live without.
(f/n) sat with him still, her head slightly cocked to the side as she watched him, the same warm eyes he had been staring at still there while Claude stood at the opposite end, his hand falling over his chest, beginning to kneel to him,
“ Your Highness, “ he addressed him.
They would never leave him... They could never do so...
‘I’ll never be alone again,’ He thought. ‘ With them, I'll never be lonely again,’
A soft smile made its way onto his young face, wanting to stay just as they were for all of eternity, wanting them to always look at him, always have him in mind.
Because he was their center, the path their eyes would take.
His angel and his demon, there for him...
' My Claude... and my (f/n)' he thought to himself, knowing he was safe.
With that thought aside he smirked discretely, his head lowering to hide it.
He then remembered there was something else he loved about having his (f/n) and his Claude,
Something that entertained him heavily...
'I suppose it's time for some fun,' he squealed inwardly at his favorite pass time.
He turned back to (f/n), wrapping his arms around her again, but this time purposely rubbing his face over her cushioned chest,
“(F/n),” he said happily, knowing he was being eyed by the other male.
'Oh Claude, u desperately want her...don't you?... Don't you wish you could hold her as I do?' He taunted the demon, not needing words to do so. With a single look shot towards the demon as he teased him, wordlessly toying with him.
‘ She’s always soft, she’s always warm... she’s always loving, but only to me,’ He thought to himself, a mocking, little smirk adorned.
As though he could read minds, Claude tightened his jaw, staring on with sharpness, knowing just what the boy was doing,
‘All the more reason,’ Claude started, ‘All the more reason I will enjoy swallowing you whole...Your highness.’ He swore seething.
His hands twitched at his sides, knowing he could do nothing to tear them apart,  his only choice being to watch,
‘And you...’ He thought snidely, eyes glued to the woman’s smiling face as she remained unaware of the boy’s games, and much more ignorant to the demon’s possessive nature towards her.
‘You...’ He added, not knowing just what to think.
Within his mouth his pointed tongue swiveled, gliding over his sharpened teeth as they itched to bite. With a press to his left fang, he released a long exhale through his nostrils, wanting to sink the dangerous pearly white’s to her (s/c) skin.
"Your so warm...." Alois whispered softly, actually loving her coziness. All jokes aside, he really was enjoying himself.
"Your Highness...” The tall, slim butler started, struggling through the words, “Don't you think you should head back to sleep already?" Claude suggested, gritting his teeth, trying to sound pleasant as he offered the suggestion.
“It is awfully late,” he went on, eyes shooting right at the (h/c) haired young woman, his piercing golden eyes staring into hers with expectancy.
‘My dear... Darling (f/n),’ he addressed her silently, a sharp end to his own inner voice as he addressed the woman, warning in his fierce gaze as he gave her an opening for her supporting input,
“Claude is right,” (f/n) said in agreeance, her voice soft and small as she broke the connection she had with the man. Instead, she brought her focus down to the younger male, “ You need to sleep,” she told Alois, her hands both on the sides of his face, making him look up to her.
“ The storm is gone, you can now rest,” she assured him. “ And I promise you if it returns, we will come to you. “ she added with a placid smile, being tired herself as well as feeling shaken by the Trancy butler.
The young boy became entranced by her (e/c) eyes and slowly he nodded as she spoke, somewhat spellbound, having no room for opposition.
If it had been Claude he would have toyed more, played around more with his butler, but with (f/n) there wouldn’t be the same enjoyment.
There was no real satisfaction in disobeying her.
Yawning, he agreed with her, truly feeling drowsy, watching as she slipped out from the sheets.
Alois then looked up at her with large innocent eyes, his hand reaching out to capture her long skirt before she drew farther away,
“wait...” he muttered.
"(f/n)…” He started, his voice gentle and sweet, “ would please kiss me goodnight?" He asked shyly, the bashfulness being partially genuine.
As his blue eyes strayed, Alois caught sight of the demon, watching him begin to grow tense, notable stiffness in his tall frame as the question was asked.
‘Riled up are we?’ He wondered, ‘It’s truly amazing... I would have thought you looking at someone else in such a way would hurt me...’ He mused, ‘ But somehow it doesn't bother me...
Only entertains me,’ He went on.
“A kiss?” (f/n) asked with risen brows, a playful, little smile perking her up.
‘Still a child I suppose,’ She thought to herself, finding the boy’s request adorable, not at all suspicious or strange, especially with how rough of a past hour he’d had.
"Don't they say an angel's touch heals all wounds?" Alois responded in wonder, putting up a false play of a sinless child, pulling out his final move for his game.
"I'm no angel, but I will do so anyway," (f/n) responded and giggled lightly as she was shaking her head.
Placing a soft, chaste kiss on the boy's forehead, (f/n) tucked him in, leaving him with a good night's wish. She turned, ready to wish the butler the same, but found him gone already, something she found strange because he’d usually stay behind with the young lord, but this time he didn’t.
What she didn’t know was that he had left the room seconds before her lips touched the boy, not standing through the show before him.
All in all, the only reason he parted from them was that he couldn't stand the sight.
He couldn’t stand the idea of envying some child, especially for receiving something as a chaste kiss from the woman he craved.
‘That brat...’ He thought to himself, his hands balled tightly. '...That damned woman,' He went on, yet again left at a loss for words.
(f/n) quietly maneuvered throughout the dark halls in hopes of not disturbing the sleeping child with any loud noise. The last thing she wanted to do was knock something over, much less something that cost more than his own life did.
She knew calmed steps would be best, and yet, she found herself in a fast-paced walk back to her quarters.
The same odd feeling that someone was watching her made her spine tingle, her light hairs standing on end as she felt a cold shiver course through her.
It hadn't been the first time she'd felt so uneasy in the gloomish nights, and even during the sunny mornings as well.
Regularly she felt the same unease.
Occasionally, she wondered what evil lurked in the halls, what it was that watched her with such ferocity that she felt her body bare, vulnerable to anything that could be standing there in its hunt.
Before she could think twice, or even react, another body was pressed against hers, caging her between it and the hard wall. Her scream was muffled by a gloved hand, pressing over her trembling mouth.
She felt her heart race, blood pumping through her veins with a high dose of adrenaline, "Shh...now-now, although I'd absolutely love to have your screams echo throughout the halls...I have a different method...." A masculine voice muttered, voice falling so low it was deliciously husky and arousing. And she couldn’t believe it, the sound being familiar to her that there was an immediate click in her mind.
The grip on her lower face gradually loosened, enough for her to be able to speak and be understood. "C-Claude..." she stuttered shocked, never having been so close to the man, or even touched by him for that matter.
It was to such a state that there was not even an accidental brush-up she could recall until then.
"(f/n)....." he said in the same sensuous tone, practically purring in her ear, letting his hand fall from her lips, his fingers lingering over the thick flesh of her bottom lip.
'This is too much...it's all a dream...all a dream....this can't be real..!' She chanted in her head, closing her eyes tight, squeezing them close together, before opening them wide, expecting to see the roof of her bedroom there, but instead, seeing the same dark hall she had in sight before closing them.
"Pl-please! Get off of me!" she squeaked, squirming in his hold, her voice nothing but a harsh whisper at best.
He responded with a low chuckle, amused by her frail, little voice, knowing that it was much more than the unwillingness to wake their master causing her voice to fail.
He changed positions with ease, her two hands both held above her head by one of his strong ones as he pressed her back to the narrow hall's wall.
His golden eyes flickered pink, staring into hers, trapping her soul and making her go still, her entire body melting into a strange calmness she’d never experienced before.
Caught in a trance, she stood dumbfounded, watching him draw near.
‘He’s...He’s not even human,’ She thought to herself, watching as the vivid color glowed, a sort of magic certainly held within them that she relentlessly shook.
The uneasy feeling of before when she’d feel watched and preyed upon were present yet again as she was put under the glowing orb’s trap,
‘It’s been him... this whole time...’ She concluded, understanding now that what lurked within the darkness had been the seemingly perfect, beautiful butler.
The creature that gazed at her, followed her so fiercely was none other than the Trancy butler, and it took a single look from the glowing fluorescent gaze to realize it.
' I should... I should move...but... but...I can't...'. Mind set blank as she found it difficult to think properly.
He came close, his glowing eyes closed, dark lashes fanning over his perfect, pale skin.
She could have imagined it, with the lack of light she could be mistaken, but over his alabaster skin was a touch of rose, dusted over his face as he drew near.
His lips pressed over hers with notable yearning, the press being needy, screaming of a desperate desire.
Unresponsively, she let him continue, still stuck in surprise, (e/c) eyes still widely opened.
It was then that his pair of mystic oculars opened up to her from their closed state, eyeing her.
"Don't be uncooperative...Ms. (f/n)" He said softly, letting go of her hands, deepening the kiss by tilting her head upwards and bending down slightly to her stature, giving her the true taste of his craving mouth.
Reacting, she protested struggling to push him away, her attempt performed in a  half-hearted manner as her balled fists pressed against his chest, hitting his strong chest with helplessness, weakening furthermore as she was lip-locked with him.
'No....' she thought desperately fighting the urge to give in, but she couldn't help but release a smutty, little moan as his free hand-molded her round breast, teasing her through the soft fabric.
She cried aloud as he squeezed it lightly, the male holding a teasing grin at the sound, filed more to toy with her to rouse the sounds of her purity being muddied by him.
“Claude...” She said softly, drunk on the taste of his mouth, driven mad by the crude crease of his hand.
He was dark-haired, tall, and handsome, always sporting  A firm pressed suit, one that held not a single improper crease nor a snag or tear.
He was always the picture of absolute, pristine perfection, somehow unraveling before her eyes as his hair fell over his face, his breath released in heavy pants while her hands wrinkled his perfect suit.
"(f/n)...dear..." he murmured, his nose buried into the crook of her neck, inhaling the soft scent of Lillies and lavender, the same soothing scent that covered her flesh and had been soaked into it as she bathed,
"You are divine," He added with the same tender longing, lightly nibbled the soft skin, playfully nipping her to get a small taste before he bit down harshly, finally tasting the sweet blood that leaked from her wound.
Surprised, she cried out, an anguished release that sounded strained as she choked on air, alarmed as she felt sharpened fangs piece through her.
'Oh my....this taste better than expected ...' he thought to himself, planning to make more small nibbles over her (s/c) toned skin.
His moistened tongue dragged over his lower lip before darting out to drag over the bloodied patch of flesh, making her wince, the stinging pain there as in the corners of her (e/c) colored eyes, tears welled.
A decadent taste of sweetness lingered over his tongue, dancing over it teasingly as he drew his opened mouth down further, trying to find another spot to selfishly dig into.
Again, she released a  strangled noise, one filled with pain as he had torn through the tissue a second time,
“It hurts,” she gasped out loud, her breath huffing out, voicing her pain while trembling in his hold,
“Claude...” she said desperately, her voice cracking, the sound making his body’s stance falter.
To say his name in such a way...
“Then I’ll take care of it,” he murmured against the skin, one of his hands trailing up to the naked flesh, his gloved thumb pressing over it with gentleness, before his other fingers trailed down it, falling to the top hem of her ruffled apron.
“Would you allow me to, miss (f/n)?” he asked teasingly, offering her a rather cocky smirk, knowing she’d certainly agree. Even while she shivered in pain she left him continue, silently begging for more.
Half dazed, her own hand trailed up to the spot, her glazed eyes looking right into his underworld glimmering gems that shinned with mesmerizing pink.
She contemplated the offer, knowing that it was best to deny him and flee, but nonetheless, she stayed planted, watching him with a want he could see.
He took a step back from her, knowing she'd already fallen into his web, and all she could do was tangle herself more into it, falling toward him and his trap. With a daring step forward, she took a hard swallow, "Claude.....please....make me yours", she practically begged, breathing ragged.
'Fight it,' Her inner voice begged, speaking with futility as it was ignored by the starry-eyed servent.
'Claude...' She mused, 'Your kisses are like wine...' She thought to herself, drunk on the sweet, addicting taste that fogged her reasoning.
'They taste as though I shouldn't have more.
They leave my mouth dry... wanting more...desirng more I know I can't handle,'
With a small lunge, she fell into his arms, where he once again took dominance over a feverish kiss.
During then he was met with a response, one that admitted to the overwhelming desire which reigned over him aswell.
She stood right at her toes, tightly gripping his shoulders as his mouth moved in sync with hers in a dance that had never been practiced between the two but was executed with perfection.
‘-As though you were made for me...’ He told himself, his hands gripping her tightly, her body melting onto his form.
He could sense the desire laced within words she spoke, as well as feel the need she felt to be claimed by him.
Oh, how he loved it...
She felt ready to collapse, her legs giving out as they became just as shaking as a platter of gelatine. Somehow, they felt like they’d never been used, giving out beneath her with inexperience as she fell onto him,
‘Like a fawn... an innocent fawn,’ He mused, and In a single swoop, he picked her up, breaking off the heated kiss with a harsh breath coming from him, a wild grin etched onto his features.
He watched her pouting mouth begin to press together, her own tongue which had been tangled with his now tasting the remains of him over her lips, leaving a glossy shine as she was left desperate for more.
He gave her a devilish smirk before he chuckled, “ Shall we continue elsewhere?” he questioned her, and with an eager nod, she pleaded.
With the same curl to his lip, he pulled her into the empty room, planning on giving her just what she wanted, planning on diving into the tempting enchantress more.
Yes, everyone would know she was his...
The Next Morning "Say did u hear miss (f/n) Last night?" Said masculine a voice while speaking in a quiet murmur. "Good grief, One would give to be deaf not too," another voice, almost identical to the first replied back to the gossip,  “ Though, I'll admit... I wouldn't mind havin’ her squirmin’ beneath me instead... too bad that glory hog got to her first...." he continued on.
"I must say, I agree, she is quite a screamer, not that I'd mind either." The last of the three added, tilting his head, curious as to what her face would be set as while she made the final cry that had left him shaken to the core during the previous night.
It was then that the three men, all perfectly aligned nodded in agreeance.
"Indeed....." The other two said in sync.
The ruby eyed trio followed the (h/c) haired woman as she continued to walk forward, slipping past them without so much as a word of address. It was evident that her mind was set on something else, a look to her eyes that seemed glossy and dazed being what gave it all away.
“He’s on her mind so it seems,” Timber said sighing, pouting. “Foolish if you ask me,” he added. Thompson shook his head with disappointment, “ Honestly, I just don’t understand the appeal,” He went on.
“Yet even the young master fancies him,” the last of the triplets, Canterbury voiced out with notable displeasure.
What was so great about Claude anyway?
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beatlebachelor · 4 years
May I? : Cedric diggory x reader
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summary: your Cedrics best friend and you begin to realise your genuine feelings for him after he enters the Tri-wizard tournament only to find out he feels the same. hufflepuff reader!
Warnings: possibly fluffy?
Word count: 2,257
Y/N - your name
Y/E/C - your eye colour
This is my first time writing one of these so if there is any way you think i could improve please feel free to give suggestions!
Its Monday morning, 9:10 to be precise, me and my friends Cedric, Hermione, Harry and Ron were all sat down having breakfast in the great hall. Despite the fact me and Cedric were in Hufflepuff and the other three were Gryffindor we always sat together. Cedric was two years older than us and did get teased about hanging out with third years but it didn’t bother him, he enjoyed our company. I often hoped he favoured mine especially.
After everyone had finished their food Dumbledore stood up to do his weekly Monday morning speech, but it felt different this morning. “Is that Bartemius Crouch?” Hermione inquired. “Who?” Harry said cautiously. As Hermione went to answer she was quickly interrupted by Dumbledore as his voice bellowed through to the other side of the hall.  
“Today, I get to announce something very special and to help me we have Sir Bartemius Crouch from The Ministry of Magic. Hogwarts has been selected to host a famous wizarding event. The Tri-Wizard Tournament!” suddenly there were many whistles, cheers and whispers coming from all four tables, me and Cedric looked at each other in immense delight but everything suddenly stopped when Dumbledore spoke again. “There have been some new rules put in place this year to ensure more safety for our students, after all this is a very dangerous competition. Sir Bartemius Crouch, if you will” a few small whispers formed from different areas of the hall. Ron whispered to us all “if any of you enter this competition ill be praying for you, this tournament is the real thing, so many people that have entered this died just from the first round” What Ron said shook me up a little, part of me knew that Cedric would give into whatever temptation he had to enter.
After all the whispers had finished Bartemius walked up to stand beside Dumbledore. He pulled out a small piece of paper from his pocket where he had obviously written a speech. The room began to feel slightly tense. “From this year onward those who enter and compete in the Tri-wizard tournament must be at least 17 years old-” He was suddenly cut off by the majority of the hall shouting and screaming at him. Me, Harry, Hermione and Ron weren't phased by the new rule. None of us were of age anyway and if we were we wouldn’t have entered. Cedric however appeared to be very pleased with himself, he was 17, he could compete, he wasn’t my boyfriend or anything but id known him for ages. What if he entered and got hurt, I don’t want to stop him from doing something he is interested in though because that wouldn’t be fair.
When we all left the hall I went straight to dark arts, I didn’t speak a word to Cedric in fear that if I did I would just break down and cry. I didn’t want to ruin anything for him because I could tell from the look in his eyes that he wanted to win that cup, and if he wanted it then I would want it for him. After all I was his closest friend, friend... that never felt nice to say.
In dark arts I could barely focus, all I could think about was if I liked Cedric, I had known him for so long and never thought about whether how I felt about him was more than just friendship. I mean would it be so bad if I liked him? I couldn’t get him out of my head. UGGGGHHH this is so frustrating. The thought always did cross my mind about how perfect his face was, everything about him in fact, I couldn’t think of a single flaw no matter how hard I tried.
By the time lunch came I still hadn't made up my mind on if I actually fancied Cedric, I mean come on, am I really going to be like every other girl in this school and fall for his charm. And as if he’d ever like me back, by the looks of it he’s probably into one of the Beaxbatons Academy girls just like the rest of the boys in this place. In all fairness it is rather enjoyable to watch them walk, how do they always look like they are floating? Besides the point! Hopefully I'm just unwell, surely that’s the only explanation.
I went straight back to the common room, anything to avoid Cedric, even if it was missing lunch. However, it appeared my plan to avoid Cedric had failed when I walked in to see him sat on the sofa next to the fire. Just him, no one else. “Are you ok?” I asked with a shake in my voice. “Y/N I wanted to talk to you. We have been friends for ages which is why I want your opinion, I trust you” I felt a small flutter of butterflies in my stomach and proceeded to say “you trust me? I mean emm what is it?” that made me feel rather embarrassed. “Well, I was thinking of entering the Tri-wizard tournament but i know how dangerous it is and idk if I'm capable of the magic I will need to protect myself. I also don’t want to hurt anyone if something bad were to happen to me” A horrible feeling formed in my stomach and slowly moved to my throat. The thought of Cedric getting hurt made me feel sick. “Cedric don’t be silly. Your one of the most talented wizards in this whole school and you seriously think you wouldn’t be able to protect yourself. If its what you want then we all want it for you and I will help in whatever way I can to ensure you win” I said that full of confidence, I really did mean it, every word. “Youve always been there for me Y/N, I genuinely don't know what I would do without you” He pulled me in for a hug, I always loved our hugs, my head would always fall in the right place on his chest. He smells so good, almost a musky bark smell with a hint of vanilla. I wondered if he thought the same.
A week passed and it was time for the champions on the Tri-wizard tournament to be announced. First the champion of Beaxbatons, Fleur Delacour. Next the Durmstrang champion, Victor Krum. As the paper for the Hogwarts champion floated down into Dumbledores hand my stomach sunk but then I felt a slight warmth on my hand, I looked down and it was Cedric. He had interlocked his fingers into mine and was gently squeezing them with excitement, I turned to him and smiled he looked directly into my eyes with a slight smirk as his cheeks flushed pink.
Dumbledore read out the name on the paper “And finally the Hogwarts champion is, Cedric Diggory” Cedrics face lit up with pure joy, so did mine, his iridescent blue eyes glistening. He hugged me so tightly for only about 2 seconds, but there it was again, that smell, his scent makes me feel so warm inside. He let go and stood up to go shake Dumbledores hand. Everyone was cheering, mainly the girls, of course it was the girls.
Another week went by and we had been preparing for his first task, dragons, I don’t know what would've happened to Cedric if Harry didn't tip him off. We practised basic spells on how to defend himself against them for hours and hours. Now we would have to see if he remembered them. Whilst in the tent I stayed with Cedric, he asked me to, his words were “your the only one who can keep me calm” After he had picked out his dragon the canon went off, Cedrics eyes glazed over slightly as he turned and gently kissed me on the forehead. He had never done that before, maybe it was just out of nerves. So many thoughts rushed through my head, surely Cedric didn’t like me? By the time I had gathered my thoughts he had already gone. I ran to my place in the audience, right next to Hermione. She asked what took me so long. I didn’t want to tell her but at the same time I did, I gave her a brisk hug and began to watch Cedric in hope that he would succeed and taking the egg.
Cedric managed to complete the first task unharmed within what seemed about 15 minutes. I was so proud of him. When we were all back at the common room I realised I needed to talk to Cedric, about all the hugs and the forehead kiss and most importantly, how I felt, I waited for everyone to head to their rooms and asked Cedric to stay behind. We sat on the sofa with the fire crackling beside us. “I'm so happy you passed the first challenge, I'm really impressed” I paused for a second thinking of how I was meant to say what I needed to say, but then he cut me off. “Y/N, about earlier, when I kissed you on your forehead, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Recently Ive realised how much you mean to me and I don’t want to do anything that your not ok with. I'm sorry if this is forward but I really do like you, its everything about you. Your hair, your smell, your Y/E/C eyes. I'm sorry I sound so stupid right now” A rush of emotions came over me, was I hearing this correctly, did I fall asleep and I'm actually just dreaming. “Cedric, I feel exactly the same, I didn’t want to tell you in case you didn’t feel the same way and then it was too awkward to continue being friends. That’s why I asked you to stay down here with me for a bit” Cedrics cheeks were bright red and he had a happy/embarrassed expression on his face, I could tell mine was doing the exact same. He held onto my hand again, it felt so natural, I usually wasn’t all for the idea of being touched often but when Cedric did it everything felt ok.  
A couple hours passed whilst we were just chatting and even played a game of wizards chess. After I began to get tired he walked me to my room holding my hand all the way. When I got to the door he stopped. ”Y/N would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me” I didn’t even have to think “Yes Cedric, I would” He hugged me and let me go into my room.
We practised for the dance for the next two weeks, it was so fun, we rarely took it seriously but that was what made it even better.
Finally, I hope our practise for the dance was worth while considering I have two left feet. I had just finished getting ready, I wore a flowy light blue dress with a few pale pink and beige tones. As I walked down the stairs I bumped into Hermione. She looked so beautiful, her hair was so perfectly done and she was wearing the prettiest pink dress. Had I not made a big enough effort? We continued to walk down the stairs and I noticed Krum was waiting for Hermione, I couldn’t see Cedric so I stood and waited with them both for a bit. And then, there he was, he looked as handsome as ever in his dress robes, a wide smile formed on his face when he looked at me. He slowly walked over “you look absolutely stunning Y/N” he said whilst gently holding onto both of my hands. “Don't look too shabby yourself” I said with a little giggle, he laughed too, he always did tell me that my laugh was contagious.  
Once everyone was gathered in the great hall the champions and their partners were ordered to enter as we were the first to dance. We took position. Staring into Cedrics eyes as he held onto my waist made me feel as if we were the only two people in the room, I wasn’t worried, in fact I didn’t feel anything but joy. The music began and we set off. The more I continued to look into his eyes the more natural the dancing felt. Every time he lifted me into the air butterflies formed in my stomach, my dream was always to be able to dance in a ball with a gorgeous boy and now, my dream was coming true.
As the night grew longer me and Cedric remained in the hall dancing for hours upon hours. Eventually we sat down “Tonight has been really fun Y/N” he started “i actually have something to ask you, well Ive been meaning to ask it for a while now actually.” There was only one thing on my mind “sure go ahead” Cedric slowly stood up holding my hand causing me to stand up too. He gently moved the hair from out of my face and put it behind my ear and the proceeded to place his hand on my cheek. His hands were so soft, I could feel the warmth on my skin. My heart was beating so fast. I saw him open his mouth as if he was too scared to say what he wanted to. “May I kiss you” he said silently in a slightly shaky voice. I leaned in closer to him, my lips very nearly touching his. “...yes”
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Monoma getting a crush on the reader who is in 1-A – he feels like he’s betrayed his own class and himself, but he can’t help it. y/n doesn’t treat him like an annoyance and even thinks all his obnoxiousness over the rivalry between their classes is genuinely funny. Y/n is just sort of like, ‘THIS guy, am I right?’ with one arm wrapped around his shoulders and treats him like a good pal
[ This is my first time writing this character. So let’s hope I did a good job. I think he’s cute but annoying, so. ] 
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“This is clearly impossible! They must have tricked me! How low will Class 1-A sink yet!?” he declared as he spun on his feet, one hand to his chest and the other raised in the air as if he were an actor on the stage. Most would probably agree, he’d make a better actor than a hero. But he never paid attention to those he considered lesser than him, so their words left him unaffected. So, it was safe to say that wasn't the issue he was going off about at the current moment, oh no.
This had been an ongoing issue with him for a long time and though he tried to deny it. Tried to continuously put the blame on you, thinking it was somehow your fault. The truth was, it was him and he hated it. He had betrayed his dear Class 1-B and for what? You. A  hero, a rival in Class 1-A. Why was fate this cruel to him? Or was it that you were just so nice to him? He wasn’t truly sure when his feelings had begun, though he assumed it was because unlike most you didn’t find his rambles to be annoying.
You didn’t find him to be a bother when he went off insulting Class 1-A, in fact, you laughed. You giggled, you smiled. You...you set his heart ablaze in the worst way. “Oh, woe is me!” he cried out before collapsing to his knees in the center of his bedroom. His hands pressed close to his chest as he stared blankly at the wall. Why is it that you meant so much to him? He had feelings for you, yes. He couldn’t call it love yet, but what he did feel was strong. Unexplainable even and it was horrible.
He hated how his heart raced whenever he was in your presence and he loathed the way you’d make his face light up with your slightest touch, the slightest hint of your voice. He didn’t know how to shake himself of this feeling, he didn’t know how to make up for the betrayal, the sheer disregard to his own classmates. “How...how am I a victim of falling for that glassy-eyed beauty from the class I am at war against, that I am meant to despise?!” he took a breath before sighing and letting his head hang low.
His bangs brushing against his face, how would he go about solving this? “Hm…” he hummed, thinking of possible solutions and only one came to surface. “Ah yes! It’s so simple!” he declared as he sprung to his feet, seemingly in and out of emotions. “I shall confess my feelings and surely they shall be rejected! After all, Class 1-A is undeserving of my greatness and given the one who's stolen my heart is but a pebble in the mixture of my hatred. They are still a member of that horrid class, which means I cannot put up with this! Yes, I shall tell them of my feelings and get rejected! Then I shall be free of this dark spell!” he declared as he spun on his feet once more, yes.
Starting tomorrow, he will confess to you. Though he knew he would be rejected if heartbreak was the price he had to pay to end his feelings. So be it, he simply couldn’t allow this to continue. Oh no, he couldn’t let himself fall for a member of Class 1-A. He couldn’t allow his feelings to sway his actions, in fact, he had noticed during training. He often took it easy on you, well that would be no more after he lost his feelings for you. Oh, to be free would be wonderful.
To be himself once more. Though classes often trained at the same time, they were separated. But as of late, the teachers insisted on Class A and Class B train together. To further improve their own tactics, skills, and experience other quirks which both improved strengths and weaknesses. Monoma had a smile on his face as he walked along with his classmates, his teacher Sekijiro Kan was leading them and frankly though he hated to admit it. Monoma was looking forward to seeing Class 1-A, if only for the reason that he’d get to see you.
Before the training started, he’d pull you to the side and confess his feelings and surely you wouldn’t return them. The result of such a thing though it would make him have a battered and bleeding heart, would also allow him to beat you to a pulp when your teams went head to head. He chuckled to himself as the sound of chatter reached his ears and smiled as Class 1-A came into view, though at the same time it made his stomach twist with disgust.
He found himself desperately searching for you within the crowd and he eventually spotted you talking to Kirishima of all people, pff. He wanted to deny it made him feel jealous, seeing you give your attention to someone so undeserving. So naturally, he had to voice his opinion and walked over. “My, my. The sparkling jewel of Class 1-A, I imagine your standards are very low if you talk to those whose quirks are simply unreliable. Useless even, hah.” he chuckled before continuing. 
“Meanwhile Class 1-B has various quirks with far greater use than hardening. Tell me why do you bother talking to someone so beneath you? Of course, I suppose I should be asking myself the same thing, for why am I wasting my breath speaking to members of Class 1-A?” he declared, once more he had one hand to his chest and the other waving around. “Do you ever give it a rest man!? Sheesh! My quirk is useful, I don’t give a damn what you say!” Kirishima declared as he grit his teeth and stomped his foot.
Clearly, he wasn’t happy, unlike you who actually started chuckling at Monoma’s display. For some odd reason, you always found him humorous, the sheer rivalry he created was something to be admired because the simple fact was, he got people pumped up. Monoma’s eyes shifted to you and it seemed he was frozen for a moment, damn. He hated how the sound of your voice, nay even your laugh, caused his heart to accelerate and his cheeks to flush.
“This guy is pretty hilarious,” you said as you approached Monoma and wrapped your arm around his shoulders. “Ah!” he cried out, his cheeks dusted a faint red color. Why did he feel so happy to be close to you, to have you touch him? It was unforgivable! A form of witchcraft! “Don’t be too upset Kirishima!” you tried to reason with the angry redhead, who looked at you with a confused expression.
“What do you mean don’t be upset?! This guy is really annoying, how can you laugh at his antics? He’s like the devil of U.A. or something.” you chuckled softly, “I don’t know about that, but he does bring the best out of all of us. Think about it, he isn’t afraid to challenge others. To make each and every one of us bring to the table our best, that’s not a bad thing.” you turned to face Monoma. “Right?” you questioned and he slowly looked at you, his lips parted and an unreadable expression on his face.
He needed to figure out a way out of this, to push himself away from you, the temptress. “Nay!” he declared as he pulled your arm off of him, “My threats are not to be taken lightly Class 1-A, surely you have learned that by now...however.” his eyes settled on you and he smiled. “I would like a word with you, Y/n.” Kirishima dropped his angry expression, your words had confused him but not as much as Monoma’s did. “What do you want to talk to Y/n about? I thought you hated our class and now you want to talk to Y/n alone, what gives man?” he questioned, and Monoma scoffed.
“Come now, I can be nice when I choose to. After all, Y/n did just try to reason with you. However, I understand most of your class is merely too thick-headed to grasp even the simplest of concepts! Oh, how very humiliating.” Kirishima let out a growl and grabbed your shoulder. “Better be careful with him, Y/n. I know the guy is off his rocker and maybe he doesn’t mean any harm. But keep your guard up.” you turned to Kirishima, shrugging.
“I don’t think he’s all that bad, but if you say so. I’ll try to keep my guard up, okay?” he nodded and released your shoulder before you walked up to Monoma, his eyes shifted from Kirishima to you. A pleased smile was on his face, “Well, shall we? Try to keep up, will you?” he said as he turned his back to you and began walking, you looked back to Kirishima before following Monoma. He led you away from the others and you let out a gasp as he suddenly turned and grabbed you.
For a moment, fear ran through your heart and you stumbled over your own two feet before your back hit a brick wall. Your hands immediately reached up, clasping over Monoma’s that were currently wrapping tightly around your shirt collar. “What are you doing!?” you snapped, your jaw clenching and a soft growl rumbling in your throat. Your eyes were narrowed on Monoma who merely chuckled, his head hanging low.
“Do you find it amusing to make a fool out of me? To make me feel such things and become the betrayer of Class 1-B?” your expression dropped. “What are you talking about-” he lifted his head and you gasped when his hand cupped your cheek. “You truly are beautiful, quite the jewel of Class 1-A as I stated before,” he chuckled though you still remained confused by his actions. “The same jewel…” he paused and pressed his body against yours, effectively preventing you from fighting back or attempting to escape.
Not that you were trying, this was certainly a strange situation you had found yourself in. But you highly doubted Monoma would try anything to harm you, especially with the teachers present. Though you wished you had taken Kirishima’s warning a little more seriously, as a hero you should never let your guard down. No matter who you were around, “That has stolen my heart. I like you, Y/n.” Monoma said, his voice a little shaky but somehow he managed to retain a cool attitude while confessing.
“It’s not love. No, but somehow you have stolen my heart all the same. You have made me betray my own class. A tragic Romeo and Juliet situation and it will end the same way, with heartbreak. I have prepared myself for your rejection! But I must do this first!” he declared as he grabbed your chin and tilted your head up. “What are you-mm!” your eyes went wide as Monoma stole your breath, sealing his lips over yours in a passionate kiss.
His remaining hand cupped your other cheek and he hummed contently into the kiss while you remained still, your eyes wide and your thoughts racing. Monoma had feelings for you that he expected you to reject? Was the kiss the final test to see how you truly felt or was he expecting to have his heart broken regardless? It was rather confusing, but you shouldn’t have expected anything less from him. After all, he was a strange but lovable character.
You had grown to like him during your time at U.A. unlike most of your classmates who found him rather annoying and well a pest. You felt a shiver run down your spine and you slid your hands along his back, curling your fingers into the fabric of his shirt. Sure, maybe some of the things he says could be depicted as rude, mean, and even plain unnecessary. But you still stood by your opinion, he was the only person who didn’t seem to be afraid to challenge others.
To say whatever he needed to in order to get them to bring their full power, to prove themselves the best. You admired that, along with his honesty. But did you have a crush on him like he had a crush on you? Honestly, you couldn’t say. But at this moment, all you knew was that your heart was racing and an odd feeling came over you. Your cheeks grew hot and all you were focused on was holding Monoma there and never letting go.
Your eyes slipped closed as you melted into the kiss with ease, giving a happy hum of approval as you deepened the kiss. However, Monoma noticed this and immediately pulled away. His own cheeks were red and he reached up to wipe his mouth. He almost looked angry as he stared down at you, “What...what are you doing?” he questioned and you tilted your head, first, he wanted to kiss you and now he was questioning why you returned the kiss?
Your head was beginning to hurt. “I...was returning the kiss,” you said simply and a growl came from Monoma’s throat before he grabbed your shoulders, roughly applying pressure which made you wince. “Why...you were supposed to reject me!” he exclaimed, completely ignoring the fact that his voice could reach the fellow students. “Shh.” you scolded him before letting out a sigh.
“I...I don’t know why you want me to reject you, are you used to rejection because of your personality? Because that’s not right, if you’re looking to be a hero I respect that. Despite the fact, others may not see it in you and find you to be annoying. I don’t. I genuinely like you, Monoma!” you shouted back and watched as his jaw dropped, he took a step back and clasped his hand over his mouth. His face seemed to twist into an unexplainable emotion, something between confusion, relief, and sadness.
You noticed that his eyes were getting moist, “You...but why…” he questioned, his voice just a whisper and you pouted before shrugging. “I...I can’t explain it. I mean, you’re right. Maybe I don’t like you in the sense of a crush, but I can see it working between us if you wanted to give it a try and I…” before you could say anymore Monoma turned and ran away. “Hey!” you called after him, attempting to give chase but after a few steps, you came to a halt.
Just watching as he pushed past his fellow classmates and continued to run. Many people screamed his name, including the teachers but it seemed like he wasn’t going to stop anytime soon and your heart sunk. Was this your fault or did he need time to process the fact that you implied you returned his feelings? Either way, you knew one thing. You wouldn’t give up and he couldn’t avoid you now.
After all, that was one quality Class 1-A was known for. Not hesitating and refusing to back down. You’d confront him next chance you got, corner him like he cornered you until he understood it was alright to have feelings for you. Even if it felt like he was betraying his own class, eventually he’d learn through you that it was okay. You couldn’t choose who you loved and though you now knew he wasn’t used to affection. You’d take it one step at a time, be his hero and save him. 
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satsuki2406 · 4 years
OPEN SKY Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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“…And never, ever forget that, your dreams are the wings that’ll help you fly.”
(L/N)(Y/N) has always been forced to live according to others’ expectations. As a member of the powerful and influential (L/N) Family, she has had to live with the heavy weight of seeing others write her destiny with no choice but just obey. But when (Y/N) finally decides to risk it all to take the only opportunity to regain the control of her own life, everything ends up going horribly wrong. Surrendered and disappointed, she receives one last chance to prove to herself and to U.A, along with some unexpected help that this was not a crazy and meaningless waste of time.
Maybe this plan could work after all…
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PAIRING: (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
GENRE/WARNINGS: Romance, Fluff, Angst, Mentions of sex (nothing explicit tho), dark themes, My poor attempt of comedy, family dysfunctionality, toxic relationships, Strong language (Courtesy of King Lord Explosion Murder 💥), Manga Spoilers.
STATUS: On going
Masterlist \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
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6- Have We Got a Deal?
I rewrote this chapter like three times, and hopefully, now it turned out better. I read my progress again a couple of weeks ago and it was simply, not right. I hated it so much that I decided to delete it and work again on it. The essence is the same of what I planned for this chapter and although it is a bit longer now, I took the chance to get into more detail about certain things and express better about others. The conversation between Reader-chan and Kaguya may have become a bit deeper than it used to be, but I really liked the outcome and gave me more ideas for the future plot. That's all for now.
Hope you enjoy it! q(≧▽≦q)
So, my dear sweet cousin, do you accept or not?
“W-Wait a minute! You can’t be serious, do you- do you understand the implications of what you’re saying?!” You said incredulously.
“Of course I do, why do you think we are here?” Kaguya said while she took another canape and bit it. She chewed slowly while you watched her attentively, the dread in your stomach growing by increments, exasperated for her to continue. She finally swallowed and took a sip of wine.
“So? Would you care to explain what on earth is actually happening, because you don’t expect me to believe that the cause of such an unprecedented change is because of some internet gossip” You said in a demanding tone.
“Of course it’s not, but if you are patient enough I’ll explain it to you with pleasure, so you better watch your tone with me, brat.” She hissed.
You puffed out your cheeks but nodded in cue for her to continue.
“Approximately three days ago grandmother convened a last-minute meeting in her abode to discuss this problem. At first, I thought she was overreacting about this whole ordeal, after all big corporates and companies are attacked and critized all the time, but after a long, long discussion, we all agreed that the situation should not be taken lightly and it needed to be addressed as soon as possible.”
“That bad it is?” You asked slightly concerned.
“Unfortunately,” Kaguya answered. “Walls covered in graffiti in Kyoto, people protesting and messing with the employees at the ER main entrance in Hosu, broken windows in Deika and thousands and thousands of emails and nasty messages in all our social media accounts. We had to hire the services of a whole publicity agency so they could deal with the problem, hardly. It has been difficult to contain, but it paid off because it hasn’t been leaked into any important newscast. Internet, the origin of the problem, has been another story, unfortunately, in these cases, it can be very difficult and unforgiving to work with; once something enters, is nearly impossible to pull it out and if you succeed there’s always a risk it would pop up anywhere when you least expect it.” Kaguya said while she rubbed her temples.
“Internet is a huge source of news and information for thousands of people nowadays, even millions, fake or not, and also the main responsible that this situation slipped out of control faster.”
You contemplated your next words as you soaked in all the information you just were provided with, so you could express your ideas and queries as clear as possible. “Okay…but why is everybody so angry about our current family situation? I get it’s messed up, but why go as far as vandalize privite property and nag about it on social media?” You asked slightly hesitant.
“As an institution, we had always presented and preserved ourselves as a family, working to, and for the Japanese families generation after generation, no matter where we went, we always went together, always radiating the image of a happy, healthy, and unified family. Throughout the time several members of our family had made multiple presentations in public inspiring kindness and charisma, earning the trust and love of the people, which is impressive considering the heavily hero centered world we live in. Now that there are strong rumors putting all of these apparent facts into question, some people feel mocked, disappointed, and cheated… besides other things.” Kaguya mumbled.
“Sorry I could not listen the last part Kaguya.” You said puzzled.
“Don’t worry, I was just talking to myself, the important thing is that the problem is been solved, millions will be invested but is necessary. We have already started a huge ad campaign, a lot of important heroes will be involved so we can reassure and remind people why we have been their number one choice during over a century, that we still the same and will always remain the same, that we do not change, we improve.”
“I see, but you haven’t explained what does this have to do with me going to U.A-”
“As I told you she decided to make exceptions, due to the unusual situation we are going through right now we need unusual solutions as well and as part of our ad campaign and for the sake of our image she decided that two fortunate souls would have the chance to pursue a carrier of their choice, you know to placate the masses.”
“ Of course, a different series of factors would be taken into account when examining the option chosen and its potential benefits for the interests of the company, if these results are not satisfactory, the other alternatives will be analyzed to find a more suitable one and the aforementioned process will be repeated. Once we find satisfactory results, grandmother will proceed to revise everything once more and give her approval or deny it.”
“So, what you’re telling me is that we are doing the same thing but with more options? And they are going to evaluate if we can actually perform well in these new career options?” You asked unimpressed at your grandmas’ unwillingness to let the leash lose a bit even in a situation like this.
“Exactly right, it’s a change but there are still rules nonetheless.” Kaguya affirmed as she refilled her cup again. “Don’t get me wrong, she is really mad, just the thought of sacrifice two pawns in one single move is driving her crazy”
“Which selection system will be used in this case?” You asked.
“Nominations. As you already know there are two potential candidates, besides you of course.”
“Two? But there’s other three-”
“Aya has already been selected by grandmother herself, he’ll be enrolled into U.A next year via recommendation, everything is ready and processed the only thing left is to break the news on him.”
You grimaced, anxious, and preoccupied to see your already thin chances narrow even more. Your cousin, Aya was a famous vlogger and influencer with a strongly settled fanbase in and out of Japan. His videos generally focus on his daily life, trips to cool and exotic destinations, and the typical ‘eat this’, ‘do that’ challenges that always went around the internet.
He also participated in different campaigns to raise funds for different charitable causes and was a fervent advocator of animal rights and the environment, even donating millions from his own pocket. He always did his best to involve the name of the (L/N) Group, allowing them to organize, participate and sponsor some of these events helping bust their image as a caritative, conscious, and woke organization.
The bastard overflew with kindness and charisma and knew how to surround himself with the right people to manage his channel properly, although no relatable for the regular mid-class YouTube user, you had to admit that his videos were fun, entertaining, interesting, and sometimes, informative, that was the reason they were always flooded with millions of views, comments, likes and overall the crushing success he was experiencing every time he uploaded a new one.
He’s rich, famous, handsome, and had an appealing personality, add hero to that list and you’ll get the recipe to success. It wouldn't surprise you at all if he reached the top 10 of the HBC in a year just out of sheer popularity. His quirk is also fitted for a hero, he’ll need some serious training, but nothing that money and elite PT could not manage.
“How am I supposed to compete with that?” You whispered with your head down watching how your knuckles turned whiter as your hands crinkled your uniform skirt.
“Don’t trouble yourself with what you’re not supposed to, Aya is not competition, not anymore, instead try to focus on the actual competition, and may I add that you got a really big chance with my brother out of the picture. Kaguya smirked at you confidently.
“You think so?” You asked doubtfully.
“Believe me (Y/N), my sister is really smart and competent, but has the charm and social skills of a cardboard box, and Himeko, well… we could resume all her virtues, abilities and skills to shopping, makeup, gossip, selfies, social media, being pretty and an absolute headache. Grandmother got big plans for her after she graduates though, so I’ll take her out of the picture as well.”
“Big plans?” You said arching your eyebrow.
“Let’s say that, right now, we have a great, juicy, and very convenient deal that is in negociation right now and she is a vital piece to close it successfully. Don’t worry, your curiosity will be satiated soon enough.”
“What worries me is that I think I got a grasp of what you’re talking about.”
“Aw. Come on, businesses are businesses (Y/N), C’est la vie.” She said as she shrugged uninterested.
“Yeah, because is not you.” You grumbled.
“Excuse me?”
“I said, why don’t you continue.”
“You are right, where we were? Oh, right.”
‘Was she really just dismissing the topic like that?!’
“Tell me (Y/N), do you think that I would have brought you here and propose this plan to you if I didn’t have an ace up my sleeve? Please. There are some important and positive points that can grant us success if we exploit them properly, but we must play our cards wisely, unfortunately, that’ll have to wait until we are completely alone.” Confused your arched your eyebrow, until your ears were met with the sound of the wheels of a certain golden cart rapidly approaching.
“Hello again ladies, let me take this off,” Hiro said while he took the almost empty canape plate along the rest of the dishes. “Is there anything else you would like? Would you like another beverage (L/N)-sama?” Hiro said looking at your semi voided glass.
“Y-Yes please”
“Alright!” With the swift and skill of years of experience, Hiro served your plates, removed the shiny silver food covers, refilled both water cups and Kaguya’s wine cup as well in less than a minute. “Please enjoy, if there’s anything else you would like I’ll be happy to assist you! I’ll be back in a minute with your drink miss.”
You spent the next couple of minutes in total silence waiting for your drink in order to continue your conversation privately and interruption-free. Just as said, Hiro returned instants later with the promised drink and finally left you two to converse calmly.
“Well, now that the coast is clear, let me fill you up with what you have to know and do in order to obtain a favorable outcome for both of us.” Kaguya began as she sliced a bite of quail breast.
“So, this is my plan…”
Now with your dinner night already finished, you were now heading to your house. This ride was as quiet as the one to the restaurant, but without the suffocating weight of uncertainty. Your head was filled now with the echoes of your conversation with Kaguya, debating, analyzing, considering, comprehending every single word of it.
“You seem troubled, you are doubtful, aren’t you?” Said Kaguya interrupting your thoughts.
“I’m more scared than anything if this doesn’t work-”
“It will, you already know what to do, just focus on that. I’ll keep in contact with you anyway, in case of emergencies or any last-minute matter.” She then proceeded to rummage in her purse and took out a brand-new phone, it was one of those not so high-quality flip phones that you can get for a really low price, probably a disposable one.
“I already put my phone number in it, so we can communicate without issue. This phone is a really basic one, so it has no internet access but you have unlimited calls and texts. Just make sure to keep it hidden from your mother or that blabbermouth maid of yours.”
“Yes, I’ll find a place.”
“Perfect, remember, the announce dinner will be this Saturday, surely your mom would tell you, everybody will be there, they must at least.”
Another twenty minutes passed before you were at the main door of your lavish home. Silently, you excited the car after Soichiro opened the door for you and you headed to the front door.
“We’ll keep in contact, until then, (Y/N).” Kaguya said softly, once she finished Soichiro shut the door, bowed his head, and wished you a good evening. He straightened up his posture and proceeded to hop in the car again. Quietly you observed the car get farther and farther until it disappeared. You stayed there in silence, while the nightly wind swayed your hair delicately. The sound of the door opening distracted you, then, you turned around to be met with the gentle smile of Nobu-san.
“Okaerinasai, (Y/N)-sama, how was your dinner with Kaguya-sama?”
“Pretty…unexpected.” You looked everywhere, making sure that nobody else was listening to your conversation. “I’ll fill you out on the details later” You whispered and Nobu-san nodded knowingly. “I see, your bath is ready (Y/N)-sama. Please take your time and relax, it’s been a long night after all,” He got slightly closer to you and cupped his hand around his mouth, and whispered. “I’m pretty sure you’ll make good use of this time to ponder any thought that is troubling your mind.” He distanced from you, crossed his arms behind his back, and gave you a gentle closed-eye smile. “Would you like a cup of tea after your bath?”
You smiled at him fondly.
“(F/T/F), please.”
You’ve been lying if you said that you could actually sleep the night before. Your head could not stop to reproduce in a loop your conversation with Kaguya the night before, like a broken record you couldn’t escape from. Before you noticed, the outrageous melody of your alarm resounded in the spaciousness of your room. You groaned in protest, unwillingly getting up to start your day.
Dressed and ready, you took your bag and went downstairs to have breakfast. Before you could finish hopping down the stairs you caught a glimpse of your mother sitting at the head chair, like always with your father by her side, she was holding her morning coffee while she read some emails on her laptop.
As always she looked stunning in her soft pink and golden outfit, she crossed her legs, put down her cup and started typing in her laptop.
You straighten your posture the best you could and approached the table with delicate steps. “Good morning mother, good morning dad”
“Good morning dear, how did you sleep?” Said your mother without taking her eyes off the screen in a somewhat flat tone as her fingers tapped nimbly over the keyboard. “Pretty well, and yourself?” You said while you took a seat at the innecesarily expansive dinning table.
“Not so well sadly, there’s been some… issues I had to take care of.” She hissed a bit irritated as she rubbed her temples.
“I-I see, hopefully, you’ll have a better day today, mother.”
“I doubt it, unluckily, but thank you for your words, darling. Now hurry up or you’ll be late.”
“Yes, mother.”
“You should have some fresh fruit honey; the mangos are delicious!” Said the cheerful voice of your father. You smiled fondly at him while he reciprocated with a smile of his own. “I’ll do then, thank you for your suggestion dad.” You answered while one of the maids served you a portion of fresh mixed fruit in a bowl and Nobu-san poured tea in your cup.
“(Y/N)” Spoke your mom.
“Yes, mother?”
“Your grandmother had organized a family dinner this Saturday that we must assist, of course, I expect nothing less of you than be on your best behavior, also is imperative that you choose your outfit today so I can determine if it’s appropriate for the occasion. If you need to go shopping just tell Sasaki, I activated your debit card again just this time.” She said authoritatively.
“Yes mother, I’ll do it today after class.” You said as you topped your fruit with some honey, yougurt and granola. 
“Splendid, now if you excuse me, I have to go now, Haru, hurry up or we’ll be late”
“Yes, cara mia” Your father beamed. Your mother then rose from her chair took her handbag and draped her coat over her shoulders. Your father then finished his coffee as soon as he could and went behind her. “Have a good day princess!” Exclaimed you dad. “Thank you, you too!” You answered while you saw them get escorted by an army of bodyguards.
Soon enough the door was closed and you were left alone. “(Y/N)-sama I advise you to hurry as well, school starts in thirty minutes” Said the familiar voice of Nobu-san. “What!? Oh, I’m going to be late! Ok, I got this! I’ll brush my teeth and I’ll be ready-please ask Sasaki-san to start the car! I will be there in a minute!” You stuttered while climbing up stairs.
“Sure thing, Ojou-sama,” He said with an amused smile.
“Thank you again for joining me for shopping Momo”
“Oh, it’s no trouble at all, I’ll also take the chance to buy some new accessories as well,” Beamed your ravenette friend. It was the end of the school day and you had asked Momo to help you choose new accessories to complement a dress you already had.
“But to be honest I never imagine that your mom would lose her grip on you so soon even if it’s temporary, what surprised me more was what Kaguya-san told you yesterday,” She whispered trying to no let your conversation be known by Sasaki-san although the automated partition window was up as a precautionary measure. “Are you sure you can trust her?” She said concerned.
“I still don’t know, suddenly everything became so complicated, I mean her plan is good and has a high probability to work, and right now I don’t have a better option, I don’t even have any options, to begin with!” You groaned, confused.
“What’s still bugging me is why is she helping you in the first place? I can’t help but find it suspicious no matter how much I think about it. Did you ask her something about it?”
“I did, but she went into this mysterious and enigmatic mode and just said something like ‘You’ll know soon enough’ It would be easier to pinch a glass than get something out of her.” You said with a tone of frustration.
“I guess that the only thing we can do now is to wait and see,” Sighed Momo while she shrugged her shoulders. “By the way, what are we going to do first?” She said more animatedly.
“Let’s start with the shoes and then maybe a new jewelry set, a new clutch as well would be good. What you think?”
“I think is a splendid idea!” Momo exclaimed.
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enneadau · 3 years
An Example:
Of how things can change between original planning and production. For example after what Otogi pulled, this version of Marik would not have worked:
Yugi smiled as she entered her bedroom to find, for the seventh day in a row, a bunch of flowers led on her desk with a simple white card. Dropping her school bag and moving over to the desk her smile broadened as she saw the same awful handwriting on it as had been there for the last few weeks but the words on it made her pause.
 “To Yugi, here's some beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl. Please make me the happiest boy in Domino by going on a date with me. Love Namu.”
 She tried not to giggle at the eye roll she could sense from her twin sister at their new friend's cheesiness. Namu was cute, she had to admit and it was nice to get flowers from someone. She had never had a guy truly interested in dating her before but the intern was nice, friendly, fun to play games with and he clearly wanted a date.
 She did not know if she should though. She had Anesan to consider before she said yes to his question. It was not fair for her to date anyone who did not know about the Spirit of the Puzzle. Especially when her twin regularly took over to play games and hang out with their friends...still...
 'If you want to go out with him, Imoto, then I'm not going to say no.' Oneesan spoke up as Yugi sat on the bed and considered what to do. 'You're allowed to date...we can always tell him about me later.'
 'Yes but...' Yugi hesitated. She liked Namu. She really did. She just did not entirely feel comfortable with saying yes without telling him everything. It was only fair for her to do so before they tried a relationship.
 'If you like him then I trust your judgement, Imoto. Go. Talk to him.' She felt her Anesan settle down to wait, 'If he's okay with what you tell him...he might be worth keeping.'
 Yugi laughed at that. Namu had been working in the shop since she had been hospitalised because of the fire. He was only on a temporary contract over the summer and it was due to end in the next few weeks. She and grandpa had been discussing whether to extend his contract and had not yet come to a decision. 'Alright, alright. I'm going...'
 She stood and headed down the hallway to the kitchen, where she knew Namu was heating up his food for his break and paused just out of sight of the doorway when she heard his voice. She frowned slightly as she realised he was on the phone, which to be fair he was allowed to be since he was on break and tried not to eavesdrop, something that suddenly because much more difficult when she heard, “Yes, sister, I know. I know. No, I'm not...I'm aware that I'm supposed to be getting close to her. Why do you think I've been courting her vessel...”
 Yugi suddenly felt like she'd been stabbed in the heart, her face paling as she backed up.
 He knew.
 He not only knew but he had been using her to get to Anesan...
 She could not handle it.
 She could feel Anesan's anger rising, but her own emotional pain and swirling thoughts kept the spirit from seizing control and shaking Namu until he started telling them the truth.
 Yugi put down the flowers and fled back to her room, slamming her bedroom door behind her.
Anzu frowned as she reached the top of the stairs in time to hear a door slam.
 Doors slamming in the Mutou residence was a rare occurrence. Neither of the Mutous displayed their anger that openly and when they did snap it was because someone had pushed them to their limits, in fact she had never seen Yugi lose her temper properly with anyone before. Jou was prone to fits of rage, though he was getting better on that front, but even he did not slam doors around here, especially not during the day when there would be customers downstairs in the shop.
 What worried her the most was that it sounded like it came from the back of the flat, towards the bedrooms, rather than the store room that had been converted to a bedroom for Jou when he had first moved in. Ojiisan would be working the shop right now, which meant that somehow, between Anzu pausing outside to answer her mobile phone and now, Yugi had been provoked into an incredibly rare display of anger.
 Concern flowed through Anzu as she made her way through to Yugi's attic conversion bedroom, noting the flowers on the side by the kitchen and Namu eating his breaktime meal in the kitchen as she went, and reached Yugi's room to find that yes, for the first time in pretty much forever, Yugi's bedroom door was shut.
 “Yugi?” Anzu asked, trying the handle and becoming relieved when the door opened, having half expected Oneesan to have barricaded it with magic or something. The door opened almost silently, not that the occupant of the room noticed. Yugi was curled up on the bed, back facing the door, her body trembling. Anzu could hear the faint sounds of her crying into a pillow as she approached the bed quietly and bit her lower lip as she realised her friend was hurting. She had a horrible feeling she knew why as she put her hand on Yugi's shoulder.
 The girl jumped a mile, the pillow going flying and furious ruby overtaking bloodshot, puffy amethyst and though under normal circumstances she had no fear of the spirit of the Puzzle any more, Anzu put her hands up and backed off to show she was not a threat, “Easy, just me. What's happened?”
 “Namu can go fuck himself.” Oneesan hissed out, her tone so close to the old days, when whatever Namu had done would have resulted in a Shadow Game that Anzu winced.
 “What's he done?” She asked, worried now. “Is Yugi okay?”
 “No. You know all those flowers and chocolates and games he's been leaving Yugi? And all the flirting he's been doing?” Oneesan's tone did not improve as she stretched and stood up, her body language reminding Anzu of a big cat on the hunt. When Anzu nodded the Spirit of the Puzzle continued, “Imoto finally decided she was going to take a risk and agree to go out with him...”
 “And he's changed his mind?” Anzu asked, wincing when Oneesan snorted dismissively and shook her head.
 “He's never been interested in her.” Anger rose in Anzu at the Pharaoh's words. “It's not Imoto he's been after. It's me. Imoto heard him on the phone, talking to his sister. He's been 'courting' Imoto in order to get close to me.”
 Anzu's hands balled into fists. Suddenly Oneesan's pure fury made perfect sense. Yugi had not entirely been comfortable with guys, except for Jou and Honda, since she had been kidnapped by Hirutani's gang. She had actively avoided any guy who had tried to flirt with her and kept herself well away from any potential relationship. For her to finally decide she liked a guy enough to make that jump and say 'yes' to him and hear that...no wonder Yugi was devastated and the spirit was fuming. Anzu wanted to smack him herself.
 “What's your plan?” Anzu asked, watching the Pharaoh pace the room like a caged animal and staying out of her way.
 “I'm too angry to decide.” Oneesan admitted with a grimace. “I want to Challenge the little...sod, but I shouldn't do that in the shop. And I want to ask him questions because he clearly knows about me, except I'm so pissed off right now, that I can't trust myself to listen to what he's saying properly.”
 “And what does Yugi want to do?” Anzu nodded, thinking.
 “Curl up in a ball and cry for a bit.” Oneesan sighed, closing her eyes so she could focus properly on how her other heart was feeling, “Then get whatever information he has for me before staying in here until his contract is up and she doesn't have to see him again.”
 “Can't you ask Ojiisan to let him go now?” Anzu's confusion caused Yugi to come out and shake her head.
 “N-No. I-If we fire him now, i-it's for personal reasons, not business ones...he could sue.” Yugi's voice shook as she went and sat on her bed, wiping her eyes and trying not to start crying again in front of Anzu, no matter how much her heart hurt. “And we c-can't afford a l-lawsuit right now. Not after the f-fire...”
 Anzu hesitated for a moment, then sat next to her and pulled her into a hug. Within moments Anzu could feel Yugi shaking in her arms and she rubbed the girl's back as she felt tears sink into her top. “He's an ass, you're better off without him.”
 Yugi did not cry for long but when she pulled away her shoulders were drooping, her head hanging low and her eyes showed how unhappy she was was. Anzu pushed her own anger aside to sigh, “Hey,” Yugi looked up at her, “We're going out.”
 “B...but...” Yugi started but cut off when Anzu shook her head.
 “No buts, I'm paying. We're going out and getting pizza. From that place with the all you can eat dessert bar.” She knew she had Yugi's interest when she saw the girl lick her lips, “No boys. Boys smell.”
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask friendship headcanons with Aomine and Kise (not separated)?
A/N: But of course you can! The story will start off at Teiko and follow up until their days in Vorpal Swords. Sadly there had to be some separated parts, but I still hope that you’ll be able to enjoy it nonetheless! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Tags: Kise x reader x Aomine ✅  SFW ✅  friendship ✅  fluff ✅ slight angst ✅
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in the beginning you didn’t know either of them, you only knew their names because of the countless rumors that surrounded them
one day you saw a yellow haired man peek around the corner of the gym like some kind of stalker
“What are you doing?“, you asked.
this was the first time you heard a young man scream with a voice higher than yours
“What’s with all that noise out there?”
the two of you were caught by a dark blue haired boy...
your mouth was being covering by the yellow haired boy while you tried to break free from his grasp and held onto his uniform
all in all you looked like a cute couple that was bickering over something
“The hell Kise it’s you again?“
“Aominecchi this is not what it looks like!“
So that’s them...
and that was your first encounter with your future best friends
the day after that little escapade, Kise personally came to your classroom to apologize just in case that he had bothered you in any way
you used that chance to strike up a conversation with him
the first topic you brought up was why he was loitering in front of the gym
Kise explained his whole life story to you and even if it was tmi sometimes you kept on listening
“So why don’t you just join the basketball team?“
congratulations my dear reader you just earned yourself a ‘-cchi’ ending to your name!
since that day Kise has been dragging you to the gym
he wanted to show you his own improvements and make you proud that way
one day Aomine sat down next to you and began throwing question after question at you
“You his girlfriend?”
“Since when have you known each other?”
and so on...
after debunking 99.9% of his questions you turned the flow of the conversation around by questioning him
the two of you got along surprisingly well and Kise even stopped his training in order to challenge Aomine to yet another one-on-one
you had to admit that watching both of them go all out just for a simple one-on-one while grinning and laughing was kinda...heartwarming
it made you feel like you had to support them and that amazing friendship rivalry they had going on
so you did
you’d stay behind and wait for them to finish their training
then the three of you would always go to the convenience store and buy something small to eat (sometimes Kise and Aomine will buy it for you as a small thanks for always waiting for them, your protests while waiting at the queue always fall to deaf ears)
sometimes the three of you would go out for a round of street basketball (which was just another excuse for an one-on-one match)
during their match you’d always stand at the sidelines and watch them, but they’d have none of that
“(Y/N), what do you think you’re doing?”
“Come and join us (Y/N)-cchi!”
the typical excuse of not being able to play BB won’t cut it here, because these two will teach you the basics until you’ve mastered them completly
and just in case your skills prove to be GoM-worthy then you should prepare yourself for more incoming challenges from these two
but even good times have their end...
when the whole Generation of Miracles started changing of course your best friends began getting swept away as well
it pained you too see them lose to pride and arrogance
you tried multiple times to convince Aomine that one day there will be someone who can beat him, but sadly he never believed it
he never said it out loud but he was really thankful for your continued support, like REALLY thankful
Kise on the other hand wasn’t changing, but he took the constant victories for granted and that only boosted his ego further
so as his best friend you felt the need to bring him down from his high horse (you basically were a mini version of Kasamatsu)
sadly your meetings and small after school rituals started becoming less and less, additionally your trio was reduced to two duos (Aomine/you and Kise/you)
only once did you manage to get both of them to go out with you and spent some time together (just like the good old days)
that meeting though was just a day before your graduation and I’m pretty sure you know where this is going....
“So (Y/N)...which school will you go to?”
these two had told you their decisions long ago, hoping that you’d follow one of them
guess what...
“I’ll be going to XX high school..”
Kise and Aomine looked at each other, sadness evident on both of their faces
“Guess we’ll be spending less time together huh, (Y/N)-cchi...?”
it was a very sad and heartbroken moment (especially for you)
of course you had always wished for the three of you to go to the same high school, but things just ended up that way and the last thing you wanted to do was choose between one of them
happy faces, crying faces, ...
it was a beautiful day which marked a new beginning for each and every single one of you guys
you were looking for your best friends to say one last goodbye, when you saw them hanging out with the rest of the GoM
what surprised you the most was that apparently all of them were going their separate ways
their small meeting was over quite quickly and that’s when Aomine and Kise finally noticed you
seeing them smile at you, brought tears to your eyes and soon you started crying
both of them were so shocked that they began throwing question after question at your sobbing self
instead of answering them you just wrapped your arms around them in a tight embrace
“You guys...promise me that we’ll continue staying friends, no matter the distance between us.”
seeing you that vulnerable triggered something inside of them, that made them regret how they’ve treated you these past few years, so instead of answering you they just returned your embrace
XX high school:
it was lonely without having both of them by your side, but you still had contact with them (as promised)
whenever you could you’d FaceTime each other and the one of you would always tell the other two what’s going on in their life at the moment
you once decided to surprise them on their birthday by visiting their school
Kise’s birthday was first so you went to Kaijo
what do you think were the chances of you meeting Kasamatsu?
in all honesty...they were quite high considering how you were standing at the entrance gate, looking around all afraid that you might have ended up at the wrong school
he was on his way to the gym and when he saw you looking like a lost puppy he just had to help you out
“Hey, are you perhaps lost?”
“I-I’m sorry I’m just looking for someone.”
when you started describing Kise, the captain’s face instantly went from sweet and welcoming to annoyed and mad
“You another one of his girlfriends?”
that statement should’ve insulted you, but all you did was laugh at that
“Don’t tell me his fan club followed him till here.”
Kasamatsu and you became the greatest friends right then and there
when you entered the gym after he announced your visit to his entire team, the blonde tackled you which almost made you fall over
after that...Kise was screamed at and kicked by Kasamatsu while the rest of his team either eyed you suspiciously, flirted with you (Moriyama) or was trying to get to know you
it was a fun day and it ended on a fluffy note (Kise was so overjoyed that you had bought him a birthday present and were here to give it to him in person that he hugged you for minutes and treated you to a cake slice in his favorite bakery)
now onto Aomine’s birthday
you were in the exact same situation like how you were back then at Kaijo, but this time you really didn’t know where to go to (Too academy was to big of a place for a visitor like you)
the man who picked you up this time was none other than the coach himself
when you mentioned Aomine you could’ve sworn that he was about to kill the next person who came across
“Wish I knew that myself...”
seeing your confused face Harasawa explained all the problems he and the team had faced alongside Aomine
you were not happy
you were MAD
“Coach...do you have his phone number?”
that man was embarrassed of himself because he actually got intimidated by your sudden change in personality
he brought you to the gym explaining that Momoi was the person you should talk to
when you arrived the whole team once again eyed you suspiciously
the pink haired girl was the only welcoming person there
she hugged you and both of you went ahead and began reminiscing of the good old days
“(Y/N)-chan, go ahead and give him a call”
it took you a total of five attempts to reach him and when he finally picked up you wasted no time with greetings
that day Too’s basketball team witnessed what real fury looked like (even Wakamatsu was at a loss for words)
when you finished your one sided call it didn’t take Aomine long to arrive
I’m sure you can imagine the faces of his team members ;)
on that day, the team finally experienced what a real training felt like and all that thanks to you and the constant motivational remarks you threw at the birthday boy (‘motivational remarks’ such as: Kise could’ve done that way better! You think you can impress all of those gravure models like that? Hold the ball like how you’d hold a woman’s breasts!)
you were the hero of the day
before Aomine went home you gave him his present and made sure to shower him with compliments
in order to hide his happiness and embarrassment, he embraced you and muttered a low ‘thank you’
like the good friend you were you made sure to go on every match they had and support/root for them
when the first round of the Winter Cup (Seirin vs Too) ended, you were waiting outside the hall for your friend as always, when Aomine suddenly called you
your heart almost jumped out of your chest as you heard him sniff and sob silently
“(Y/N)...I-I’m sorry. You were right, you were always right..I’m sorry that I never listened to you, please forgive me..”
you were panicking while your best friend was crying on the phone
after a long attempt to calm him down and find his location out he actually came to you
seeing him stand in front of you, eyes all puffy from crying and his nose running you just motioned him to come and hug you (which he obviously did)
when Aomine was finally calm enough he explained what had him so upset
seeing how he actually cried because of his team’s defeated (just how you had always predicted) made you happy in a way...happy that he finally found what he was looking for
once again things had to go south...
next match on your list was Too vs Kaijo
you knew that this match was about to determine a LOT of things for your best friends and all you could do was watch them play (you had to held back on cheering them on loudly)
Kise’s team lost and you were crying (once again), but this time it was out of happiness...
you were happy that the blonde had overcome his admiration for the blue haired man and had actually copied his style for the first time
with this, both boys had gotten what they deserved and it made them grow out of that shell they had built up from their Teiko days
Vorpal Swords:
all in all you guys went back to your relationship from back in the days
regular meetings, new small rituals and the newest thing of it all was the way they started treating you
you basically were treated like royalty
you sighed: “(Y/N)-cchi! Are you bored? Would you like to go shopping with me? I’ll pay for your outfit!”
you yawned: “You tired? Should we take a break or do you prefer to take a nap? I’ll serve as your pillow so no worries!”
when you decided to confront them about it what they said had you tearing up AGAIN
“We just want to pay you back (Y/N)-chii...”
“After everything you’ve done for us, it’s only appropriate to treat you with the same respect and care you treated us...”
the three of you hugged it all out and at that exact moment you couldn’t have been happier to have gotten to know these two
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one-boring-person · 4 years
I Trust You.
Marko (The Lost Boys) x Chiraptophobic!reader
Warnings: very vague mention of abuse, but they do not apply to the reader necessarily.
Context: The reader suffers from chiraptophobia (the fear of physical human contact/touch) and has somehow found themself in a friendship with Marko, who has somehow managed to understand how to not constantly need to touch his friend to show affection, until they take a ride on the Ferris wheel.
A/N: This was interesting to write, so j hope it's turned out alright. I guess I took a little inspiration from Death Stranding's Sam, but I thought it would be fun to do which it was. I hope it's enjoyable!😊💛
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It took Marko weeks to finally figure out why I always shied away from his advances, why I'd stared uncomfortably at his offered hand until he withdrew it when he'd tried to shake mine in greeting, why I always wore gloves even in the suffocatingly hot summer air (despite him doing the same), and why I wouldn't go near people I don't know personally, often doing my hardest to steer clear of others in general. Rather than ask, he tried to work it out for himself, observing my behaviour and mannerisms for hours on end, though he still couldn't get what was up with my actions. He'd had to ask for some help from the others, though only David and Dwayne could offer any plausible reasons as to why: maybe I'd been abused in my past and was now averse to unfamiliar human contact, or maybe I was a germophobe. When the young vampire had asked me about both, I'd quickly denied them, thinking that it is unlikely he'd understand the real reason for my odd behaviour. It was only when he saw another person try to shake my hand that he finally noticed the emotion passing through my eyes at the prospect, at which point it all clicked into place. I was afraid of the contact.
Explaining to him what chiraptophobia is was surprisingly easy, though he was a little disappointed by this fact, being a very touch-driven person when around others, even when not in a relationship, though he did manage to take it in his stride, taking time to inform the boys of this as well, in case one of them accidentally made me uncomfortable. He'd nearly ripped Paul's head off when the taller vampire tried to wrap his arm around my shoulders, only letting up when I told him it was alright, that there was no harm done, despite how uneasy I felt afterwards. Since then, Marko has become almost like a bodyguard for me, making sure no one ever comes into my personal space, all while keeping his distance, too, respecting my limits.
We became fast friends, so much so that he eventually told me his secret, revealing his true self to me on one of the nights we chose to hang out together, alone, on the beach, a night I'd never forget. Naturally, I'd been shaken by this revelation, but soon grew used to the idea, knowing that my friend would never hurt me, not intentionally. After a few months, I finally felt comfortable enough to let him touch my gloved hand, though it still made me feel a little uneasy, the sensation of another person's fingers on mine unfamiliar and disturbing to me, but it made the vampire unbelievably happy, a bright smile plastering itself across his face for the rest of the night. He tells me he had to fight off the urge to hug me, for which I'm very grateful - touching a covered hand is very different to being enveloped in an embrace. Since then, he's taken any chance he can get to hold or touch my hand, always beaming like a beacon when he does so, my discomfort in the contact fading a little over time, though I'd soon found that it was only with the curly haired blonde that my body reacted like this, having asked Dwayne to try at some point, to see if it improved overall. Having come up negative in this test, I gave contact one last try with David, who never seems to take off his gloves, only to find that his touch made me uneasy as much as Dwayne's had, despite the two layers of cloth between our respective fingertips. The memory still sets me on edge, though I am well aware it has nothing to do with either David or Dwayne, rather my own mentality.
A shiver goes up my spine as I feel a hand slip into mine, though I quickly recognise the young vampire stepping in beside me, my stance relaxing again when my body realises whose touch it is, though my arm still remains a little tense, out of habit. Reassuringly, Marko swipes a thumb over the back of my glove, glad that I haven't rejected the contact yet, meaning I'm doing better than normal.
"Hey Stranger." He greets, grinning widely at me.
"Hey Blondie." I reply, smiling back at him in return, before casting a quick glance around for the others, "What'd you do with the other three?"
"They're around. Not sure where." The young vampire shrugs, dismissing the question quickly, "How was your day?"
"Not too bad. I didn't get much work done though, I was too preoccupied."
"Preoccupied? With what?" Marko inquires, raising an eyebrow at me in confusion, though his lips are still quirked up into an amused curve.
"That's for me to know, and for you to figure out." I chuckle, tapping the side of my nose secretively.
"Challenge accepted." He smirks, eyes lighting up at the prospect.
I smile at him as we walk, knowing he'll figure it out eventually, the answer being a little closer to home than he thinks.
"Anyway, how'd you sleep?" I question him, eyeing the Ferris wheel off to the side of the Boardwalk.
"Better than usual, actually."
"Oh yeah? How come?"
"Paul didn't snore so much for once, and David wasn't muttering in his sleep either, so it was pretty quiet, altogether." He explains, smiling when I laugh at the mention of David.
"Wait, David talks in his sleep?"
"Yeah, but you can't tell anyone! And especially don't tell him that I told you, or I'll have my ass kicked to the moon and back." Marko grins, biting his thumb as if nervous, though I'm aware that this is one of his signature mannerisms.
"That's a lot of ass-kicking. Probably quite impressive to watch. " I muse, noticing his arm lift slightly, as if to give me a playful slap on the arm, as he normally would've done with someone else, only to briefly squeeze my hand instead, shaking his head in mock exasperation. I grin at him, before turning my gaze back towards the Ferris wheel, admiring the glittering lights in the black night sky, wondering what the view is like up there.
"Wanna take a ride?" Marko interrupts my thoughts, eyebrow raised in amusement.
"Huh?" I blurt out, not having heard his question, quickly snapping my eyes back to his.
"Do you wanna go on the wheel with me?" He repeats, gesturing with a nod of the head to the great circular structure a little way away.
"I would love to, but I don't have any money on me tonight. I forgot my change." I say, somewhat remorsefully, using my free hand to pat my pockets to check for any loose coins, though I'm well aware I have none, having spent it all on food earlier in the evening.
"Who said anything about you paying? Come on, it'll be fun!" The blonde vampire promises, pulling me into the crowd, which parts around us thanks to his reputation (and choice of company), meaning no one comes into touching distance. At one point, my arm brushes past some surfer's bare bicep, which sends uncomfortable shivers and goosebumps through my body, the bitter, irrational fear that comes with it soon biting at the back of my mind, my pulse picking up slightly in response, my muscles turning rigid under my clothes. Marko notices this, briefly stopping to make sure I'm ok, before turning to memorize the surfer's face, most likely intending to take it up with him later, before we continue on, swiftly reaching the shortening queue for the Ferris wheel. Beside me, Marko fidgets and shifts in place, clearly eager to get on the rotating structure, his thumb between his teeth as usual, doe eyes focused on the ticket booth.
"Calm down, Blondie. The wheel isn't going anywhere." I laugh, watching the people around us as they amble to and fro, inching out of the way as a group of made-up girls push past, wincing as I brush against Marko, only to feel surprised when I don't feel the usual discomfort rising up in me from the contact, setting a train of thought into motion. I barely notice as the queue diminishes, only really returning to the present when we reach the booth, at which point Marko buys two tickets and leads me into one of the seats. An attendant comes over to help us secure ourselves, but Marko quickly stares him down, doing the job himself with efficiency.
Not too long after, we've reached a decent way off from the ground, our feet swinging gently in the air as we watch the Boardwalk from above, grinning and joking with each other as we take it in turns pointing out random individuals, making comments about them until the other laughs. At one point, the young vampire manages to spot David, Dwayne and Paul, making some sort of remark about how the leader's hair "looks like a pineapple from the top", before comparing the latter's to a mop. I do my best to hold back my laughter, but it only results in me nearly choking as he starts pointing out more and more likenesses between his friends and everyday objects, tears threatening to spill as I struggle to contain myself. It is only in this moment, that I realise one thing, but it takes me a couple more minutes to act on the thought that has sprung to mind.
Slowly, I pull off my left glove, teasing each finger out of their designated space with a deliberate hesitation, wriggling them a bit once I've exposed them to the air, enjoying the sensation of the light breeze around my heated digits. Marko makes a point of ignoring this, turning his gaze up to the star-strewn sky instead, only to snap his eyes back to mine when he feels a single finger touch the skin of his hand. Gingerly, I trace it over his knuckle, expecting to feel a rush of discomfort, my movements careful and calculated, knowing this is the first time in years that I've had deliberate contact with another person's skin. From my fingertip, it feels as if an electric shock has travelled through me, butterflies suddenly appearing in my stomach. Biting my lip when nothing bad happens, I continue this movement with the rest of my fingers, cautiously slipping my hand into his, enjoying the feeling of his icy cold palm against my warmed one, my eyes finding his shocked ones as our fingers intertwine. In them, I find a tonne of questioning, though he makes no move to actually ask, instead remaining quiet, carefully tightening his grip around my hand as he tries his best to feel as much of my soft skin as he can, the calluses from the handlebars of his bike rubbing slightly.
"What does this mean?" He eventually queries, elated that he can finally hold my hand without a glove being in the way.
"It means that I trust you. I've had no reaction to your contact, and I think it's because I enjoy being with you, and also because you've increased my confidence levels a lot since we first met. I've been trying to figure out why I'm ok with you touching me and no one else all day, which is why I was too preoccupied to work, but I finally worked it out." I inform him, telling him part of the truth - in reality, my trust goes a lot further than wanting a platonic friendship.
Marko is quiet for a moment, as if not quite understanding what I've told him.
"You trust me?" His voice is laced with disbelief, eyes fixing on mine again.
"I do."
Eyes widening again, he smiles, his other hand coming up, as if to try and wrap me in a hug, but the awkward positioning of the barrier, as well as the reminder of my usual discomfort, stop him in his tracks, his hand tightening around mine instead .
"I'm really glad you feel that way, (Y/n). Not many people do." He chuckles, referring to the naturally predatory air he gives off, being a vampire and all, still surprised that I let him touch me.
"I feel safe around you because I know you're my friend, but not many people can have the same claim." I point out, watching the view a little, enjoying the sight of the many glittering lights sprawled out before me, admiring the tiny orange specks of fires on the beach, as well as the rapidly moving headlights of a train passing through the outskirts of Santa Carla, most likely heading out towards the Bridge.
"Fair point." Marko agrees, still staring at our joined hands, which he continues to do until we reach the bottom of the wheel again, at which point he has to let go in order to remove the barrier from our laps. As soon as we're back on the Boardwalk, however, I slip my hand back into his, a small feeling of warmth welling up in me as I see the bright smile splitting his face, clearly happy that I've willingly made contact with him again.
A whistle behind us draws our attention, the sound belonging to a grinning Paul, who approaches us, along with David and Dwayne, who are both smiling at the sight of us, the latter more so than the former, though both seem glad to see their friend happy. As they come closer, I make eye contact with Dwayne, who lifts an eyebrow in questioning, a smirk making its way onto his face when I silently give him a nod, knowing he understands what it means.
I've fallen hard for the blonde vampire who's helped me get over my fear.
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Love on fire
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Mutant! Reader
Word count: 701 words.
Summary: Moments from your relationship with Steve during his escape after the Civil War and beating Thanos.
Warnings: Angst.
A/N: This is my entry to the @letsby ‘s Rouring at Forty Challenge with the prompt list 2 #2:
“You and I, we were born to die”.
And my entry to the @the--sad--hatter’s Tea Party Challenge! with the title:
“Love on fire”.
The flashback is in italic.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Taglist: @sinceimetyou @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @saiyanprincessswanie​  @pandaxnienke @real-fbi  
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You continued to heat the metal with your powers to weld the vehicle parts that your enemy had severely damaged the vehicles you arrived in, you had to find the rest of the team as soon as possible to be able to leave.  
"Is it ready?" Steve questioned.  
"Almost, but will be better if I'd had the right tools, but I don't so..."
"I didn't know you could do something like that, too," he interrupted you.  
"Stevie, I have several powers, I just hope this works, if not... we'll have to walk because we can't fly, and I honestly feel very tired, so you'll have to carry me on your back."
Steve laughed at your comment. The work and missions after defeating Thanos had increased considerably, the fact that it saved the world from a possible tragedy was enough to revoke the Accords, many changes happened after this. The Avengers were a team again, so finally Steve and you stopped running, you were no longer fugitives, and your criminal record had been cleaned
 You were lying in the sand watching the starry sky, after runaway for the last two months, at last, had a moment to rest, the beach was in a lonely place, at that hour there were no people, apart some rocks kept you hidden from the sight of any curious who walked around in the dark of the night, you turned your head when you heard a few steps approaching you, smiled at the thought of it was Steve, you showed a small flame in the palm of your hand to light up the place.
"You and I, we were born to die".
"I beg your pardon?" Steve asked strangely when he heard your words.  
"Steve, I was thinking while I was watching the stars, in some way or another... would anyone cry if we died?"  
"If something should happen to you..."
"I know, I know, but I mean someone other than close. I'm sure people still love you even if you haven't signed..."
"They love Captain America, not Steve Rogers."  
"Almost all of my childhood and early adolescence I spent my time runaway from the Sentinels, I thought I'd die before I was twenty, in S.H.I.E.L.D. I felt protected until we discovered… well, you know, I still have that feeling that I'm going to die young," you explained.  
"Before the serum, my health was very bad and the doctors didn't think I was going to live long."  
"Okay, we've talked a lot about sad things, how about we tell horror stories at the campfire?" You proposed.
"What campfire? We can't get attention..."  
You raised your hand with the flame you created, that 'campfire' you meant.  
"We already have it, no one will find us here, if anyone sees us, I just erase their memory and that's it."
 After the mission you were informed that you had to give a press conference to gain more credibility with the citizens and show that the Accords were not necessary, you were discussing who the spokesmen would be.  
"There's only one little problem," the councilman interrupted you when he heard you one of the picks was Bucky.  
You all turned to see him
"Is there any problem?" Steve questioned.  
"I don't think it's appropriate for Barnes to come forward."  
"Because of my past..."
"I'll go," you offered.
Everyone knew you still had a lot to work for people to trust superheroes again. Although you could not deny that the meeting had been a success.  
Everything began to improve until a mission went wrong, Steve took the necklace you always wore with you; no matter how many times it happened, it was always painful, even though he knew you'd come back, every time you sacrificed it was like a knife was stuck in his heart, he squeezed his eyes tightly to keep the tears from coming out.  
The time you told him you were born to die, he didn't understand it until you sacrificed for the first time and a few hours later 'you were reborn', he knew he only had to wait a little while and you'd be with him again because, in the end, you were like a phoenix.
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