#as you can see their mental health is in shambles
skxrbrand · 2 years
300+ hours in Warhammer (600+ total between all 3 games), and 80% of that time is just me ogling the models
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cntloup · 7 months
Fem!Reader angst, hurt/comfort, mention of miscarriage
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"I might be pregnant." you mumble nervously to your husband, fidgeting with your fingers and avoiding his gaze. You didn't get your period and you've been sick every morning the past week. "Dove, did you check to make sure?" Simon asks, starting to feel excited but the heavy weight on his chest doesn't let him. "No, we don't have any baby checks." you reply, head still hanging low, "I-I'll g-go to the drugstore now." he stutters, excitement mixed with gloom, not really knowing how to feel, "Are you gonna be ok while I'm gone?" he asks with worry, "Yeah." you reply weakly. He places a kiss on your forehead, nuzzling the soft skin of your cheeks, his touch lingering, "I'll be ok, Si." you reassure him. He leans in to kiss you, eyes filled with concern locked onto yours for a moment before heading out the door.
The moment he walks out, you see the dark clouds looming over you and feel the familiar tingle in the back of your eyes. Soon after, you break into sobs, overwhelmed by all the emotions prancing around and shifting through you. You've been trying to have a baby for a while now, but unfortunately fate had something else in store for you. You've already gone through two miscarriages. You thought that life was playing a sick, twisted game with you. The wish to have a child and not being able to fulfill that, had your mental health in shambles. But he was beside you every step of the way. He held you tightly in his embrace as you sobbed your heart out. He reassured you that it's ok if you can never have children. He was your rock. Always. But you still felt it deep in your heart that there might be something wrong with you. And that led you to always feel this little tingle of guilt inside and blame yourself. But he would always put an end to that thought at the mere mention of it. It was not your fault. You felt guilty about putting him through all of this. And him not being able to grieve properly because he has to stay strong for you. You felt as though you were failing him.
All of a sudden, there's a buzzing in your ear and your vision is blurry and you struggle to breathe. As soon as he walks through the door and sets eyes on you bawling uncontrollably and gasping for air, he rushes to your side. "Hey, hey, it's ok, love. Just breathe. Like this." he tries to get your attention, taking deep breaths for you to imitate. You focus on the movements of his lips and chest, finally able to get some air in your lungs. He wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly against him and sways side to side to soothe you, "Shh, lovie. It's ok. I'm right here. You're ok." he coos softly against your temple, placing loving kisses on your skin.
"Simon..." you call out to him, voice weak and shaky. "Yes, love?" he pulls away slightly, his gaze soft and filled with worry. He tucks your hair behind your ear, placing his hand on your cheek, softly wiping away your tears with the pad of his thumb, "Is there something wrong with me?" you pout, lips quivering and holding back sobs. He's taken aback, "No, lovie. There's nothing wrong with you. It's just something that happens. It's not your fault." he pauses to take a look at you, his beautiful wife, woeful and suffering. His heart aches at this sight of you and tears start to well up in his eyes, "We'll get through this. I promise. If we can't have a child ourselves, we can always adopt." he adds, kind eyes looking into your tear-filled ones. He tries to pick up the pieces of your shattered heart, and when you look up at him with a smile, he knows he succeeded, at least to some extent. There's still sorrow in your eyes. You will always grieve the loss of your children. Nothing can erase that. "Yeah, sure! We'll adopt." your smile begins to get wider as you wipe away the tears. "Yeah?" he grins, gently cupping your face in his hands, "Yeah!" you nod, giggling. He stares into your eyes with pure love, leans in and places his lips on yours, kissing you tenderly. "I love you." he murmurs into the kiss, "I love you too, Si."
comments/reblogs are greatly appreciated ♥ 
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chronicbeans · 8 months
Nurse's Office
Needed to write a platonic Alastor x Nurse Reader Angst fic after I saw that fight between him and Adam like holy hell.
TW: Injuries and Blood, Medical Tools/Procedures, Anxiety/Slight Panic, Spiraling Mental Health
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So... When you got started at the Hazbin Hotel, you didn't expect to be a nurse there. Sure, you have the skills, but you usually don't have a nurse working a hotel. Now, though, you completely understand why they'd want to hire you for that, and not the room service position you applied for. Over the little time you've been here, you've seen more injuries that you could've ever imagined at a single hotel, with so few guests.
After the fight with the angels, though? You have been working on overdrive. You've had to patch everyone up, and you can't even find Alastor. You keep doing a head count after every person you treat, seeing if you can find him, but he doesn't show up. Your anxiety only gets worse once you check on Vaggie, the last person you had to help, and he still didn't make an appearance.
You don't want to assume the worst, though, so you grab some medical supplies, put them into a bag, then head out into the debris. He has to be somewhere. Even if he's not alive, he still deserves to be found. He also couldn't have gotten far! Yeah, he kind of... disappeared at one point...? You didn't get a good look, but he did disappear from your sight. But you don't suspect he'd have went far from the hotel while injured. Just far enough to be safe. That's what you hope, at least...
You continue wandering around for a few hours, your legs feeling exhausted after a while. Climbing over all the rubble, breathing in some of the settling dust, and straining your eyes to see up ahead is tiring... that, and you keep scraping your hands and knees on the sharp rocks and broken concrete. The most disheartening part, though, is that you still haven't seen him... Then, you spot it.
A tiny little splatter of blood.
Then, another splatter nearby...
And another...
Yes, a trail! You don't know who it's going to lead to, but you can see some lights in the distance. It at least leads somewhere. You quickly begin to follow it, seeing the red light get brighter and brighter. The radio tower comes into view. You know that it has to be Alastor, at this point. Why hadn't you thought of it sooner? You climb down the rubble, beginning to make your way over to the ruined tower ahead of you.
As you get close to the bottom hatch, you hear some footsteps against the floor. Immediately, you knock on the hatch, making your presence known. "Alastor! It's (Y/N)! I'm coming in there! If you're on the door, you better get off. Don't even try to stop me from getting in, either, because I'll climb through one of the windows if I have to." You pause, hearing the footsteps stop for a moment. After a few seconds, you crawl into the radio tower.
The place is a mess, to say the least... which, you expected. You stand up, then immediately scan the room for Alastor. It's a bit dark, and knowing him, he's probably going to try to hide, somehow. He hates being seen as weak, and from all the blood you've seen so far, he's gotten injured. Badly.
"Alastor? I know you're in here. I heard you walking." You walk around the room, checking every corner. Then, you notice an oddly moving shadow, alongside a puddle of blood. You walk over to it, frowning. "I know you're there. Come on. I'm here to help." You sigh as the shadow makes a little grunt noise, much like a deer would. You then cross your arms, narrowing your eyes at it. Looks like you'll have to appeal to his ego a little.
"How do you think people would feel if you, the great Radio Demon, died here alone in the shambles of his radio tower?" The shadow grows quiet as you say this, and before you know it, Alastor appears before you. He looks terrible, holding his stomach with one arm and the broken remains of his microphone in his other hand. You take a step towards him, but he backs away a bit.
"I'm fine, dear... It's nothing I can't handle. Just give me some time to regain my energy, then I-" You shake your head instantly, gesturing to his wound. "No, Alastor! Look at you. You almost died! Sure, maybe you can regenerate, I don't know... but I spent an hour or so looking for you, with the sole intention of helping you! I didn't come here for you to tell me "No, I don't need help, even though I'm severely wounded"! I came here to assist you."
You watch his eyes widen, his already strained grin becoming even more strained. His ears then pull back, the look in his eyes becoming more distressed. He mutters something, before nodding. Then, he leans against the wall, before slowly easing himself to the floor. "Fine, dear. If you truly came all this way, I guess it would be rude if I said no to your help." You are a bit shocked he gave up so easily, as well as how uneasy he looks. You decide to just help him, though.
You crouch next to him, taking out your medical tools from your bag. "You're definitely going to need stitches... my healing magic can only do so much, but it should work better if I close the wound first." You smile gently, before you point to him. "Though, I'm going to have to, at least, unbutton your shirt and coat to do so. Are you comfortable with that? I know you are very iffy about being touched..."
Alastor then begins to show more visible signs of discomfort, his eyebrows furrowing, and a slight static hum droning from somewhere nearby. You pick up on it, beginning to think aloud. "I can try to find some way to maneuver around the fabric, instead, since it was cut open-" "No. No. I trust you, dear." You blink a few times, wondering why he is acting so oddly. "Are you sure...?" "Yes, dear. I know you well enough to trust you." He then pauses, before quickly adding "You're a medical professional, after all. You've probably seen more than an upper torso, before. I trust you to not be a degenerate."
You simply chuckle, nodding. "You better! I'd say we're good friends, after all." You then quickly unbutton the clothing, before grabbing some sterile gloves and disinfectant. As you put the gloves on, you hear him mutter something, once again. Then, when you grab a set of tweezers and a cotton ball, he makes an odd comment. "We're great friends, yes...? If I told you a secret, you'd keep it, right?" You nod as you pick the cotton ball up with the needle, cover it in disinfectant, then begin to disinfectant the wound. "Yeah. You can tell me. It'll probably keep you distracted from any pain you feel, too."
Instead of a hiss of pain, the static noise grows loud for a moment. Then, it quiets down a bit as he talks. "I'm not entirely sure if you know this, already, but I made a deal... My soul is owned by someone else. I regret it more than anything..." You let out a little hum, your expression changing to one of shock. You grab the suture needle, as well as some thread. "Why are you telling me this?"
"(Y/N), my dear... I trust you more than many others. I've seen you working in that nurse's office of yours. You care more than the average sinner about others. Almost to a hilarious degree. I can imagine you patching up a soldier on one side of a battle and sending them out, then immediately do the same with someone from their enemy's side." He then laughs, before coughing a bit. "You care... but don't care when it comes to the right things to interest me. I trust you to not care about this, even if it means you'll keep secrets from me."
You nod, before gently smiling. "I'll keep it a secret... I know others could hold this against you and use it for an advantage. So, I won't say a word. Plus, you're right. I'm a bit of a chaotic middle ground. I don't like taking sides." You then get the needle into position, beginning to actually sew him up. "So, tell me... Is there anything else you're anxious about?"
His ears flick, the static growing once more. Then, it dies down again. "I don't want to be remembered as an altruist... I don't want to be seen as someone who had died for that hotel and his friends. I know that there's probably some people there who believe I died... and knowing Vox, he probably found some way to watch what happened. That man is practically obsessed with me, after all, dear!" He laughs, again, causing you to have to pause your suturing. After a few seconds, he begins coughing more. He sounds genuinely upset, despite his laughing.
"Why wouldn't you like that?" Alastor seems to disregard your question, instead beginning to talk about his deal once more. "There has to be an exit to that deal... a loophole. Something so I can get out of it..." You begin to continue, almost done with your work. "Are you sure...? What was it?" "I'm sure, and it's private matters."
You finish up, thing up the last suture's knot. Then, you take off your gloves, putting on a fresh pair, and grab the bandages. "... Alastor, are you alright...?" He looks to you, his eyes wide. "Why are you asking...? I am perfectly fine. Not a problem here. After I get free from my deal, I'll be-"
You narrow your eyes at him. "Alastor... you're frowning."
Alastor seems to grab at his cheeks for a moment, an odd, anxious grimace spreading across his face. Then, he begins forcing another grin. His tone is a lot more frantic, as if he has begun to spiral. Or, perhaps, just begun to outwardly express that he's spiraling. "I wasn't frowning. I am fine, dear." "You're not fine... but, if you say so, Alastor. I won't push the topic." You bandage his wound, before sighing. "Okay, so... This magic works oddly. You'll be-"
Before you can finish, he begins standing up. "Hey, wait-" He, holds a hand up, shushing you. Then, he points to himself. "I'll take care of the rest. You should handle your own wounds, dear. Don't think I haven't noticed your scrapes and cuts. You look like you've ran through a thornbush on your way over here." He begins buttoning up his shirt and coat, and you're shocked to see it repairing itself as he does so. Clearly, while your friend's power is limited, he's hiding more secrets than you expected...
"Fine... You better not leave me here by myself as I do so, though." You go from a crouching position, to a sitting one, as you clean off your tiny cuts. You hear him go quiet, for a moment, but can't see his expression due to your focus now being on yourself. After a few moments, though, you hear him chuckle.
For the first time, you hear his voice clearly, with no radio waves obscuring it. "Of course, dear. I never would dream of that. The others, though? Maybe..."
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granddaughterogg · 7 months
Simon Riley won't sit down and talk your feelings through with you.
But seeing that your mental health is in shambles, he'll quietly and effectively clean your whole house.
After hours of sitting aimlessly you've finally managed to unglue your unhappy ass from the couch. You find him smoking in the open kitchen window and that small act of consideration melts your heart. The sleeves of his henley are rolled up, exposing his tattoos. He's still wearing those rubber gloves.
You suppose that Ghost is used to having gloves on.
Apparently no one cleans stuff like a soldier does. You had no idea that your kitchen floor can even emit such luster.
"Jesus, Simon, you didn't have to do this..." you gasp, struck with a wave of guilt. It's your place and your own nasty, horrible, long overlooked mess after all.
He moves his masked face just enough to meet your gaze - and shrugs. With shoulders this wide, it's a Shrug with a capital S.
"Had to do somethin'."
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Render art by Bey (@nxxlnn) / X (twitter.com).
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iravaid · 5 months
🎮🩹🩸💯🎄---for Mr Tommy Riley (yes, I consider him your oc) (yes, I picked the Christmas tree on purpose mwah 🫰)
(from this meme)
Heehee hii womby!! Snatching Thomas E. Riley from Lapham's cold, dead hands after Szilvi's oviraptor attack squad is done with him. I'm so happy you asked heehee
(and oh, so you're evil? You're evil, now? you're sick and twisted and evil?)
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
Being a munch Although it was initially going to be his career (tattoo artist Tommy-truthers make some noise), I can see Tommy enjoying art as a hobby and way to relax/clear his head. He never used to draw a lot of people before, focusing instead on other popular subjects for tattoo designs such as ships and snakes and tigers. But his newer sketchbooks feature a lot more of Beth and Joseph, with a few of Simon and his mum interspersed between his studies of household items and appliances.
Tommy is a Man U fan, as is family tradition. I count football fanaticism as a hobby because have you seen these people. Do you understand the dedication to know so much about all those balls and points and such? Dear god. Tommy, Simon, and Beth on footie nights out were terrifying concepts, many Chelsea fans mauled. Sad!
It mightn't be strictly a hobby, but I can see Tommy redirecting any pent up energy towards making small renovations in his home/his mum's home, or even woodworking and making things like a jewellery box for Beth, or little carved nativity scene for Joseph's nursery class. Man works with his hands and his thoughts can get a bit much at times, so may as well redirect towards something productive, as he's been taught (even if this does encroach into dysfunction territor when he's working to exhaustion so he doesn't dream when he finally sleeps).
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
I can see Tommy having chronic pain from his back injury and the resultant muscle strain and poor healing that came of it. Nothing a couple heat pads and, uh, working a labour intensive job can't fix...
Between drug addiction and childhood trauma, it's not out of the picture for Tommy to also have developed PTSD/CPTSD from his experiences. For a myriad of reasons (potential access to counselling, access to familial support, not being autistic, not being in the military) it's not as extreme as Simon's, and so his emotional intelligence isn't as stunted, but he's still very much living with the effects of being physically and verbally abused as a child, as well as being addicted to opiates in the past, far into adulthood. Again, has better tools to cope with it, but Tommy isn't perfect, and I can see most of his symptoms manifesting in fawning responses than Simon's fight.
Tommy also has leanings towards depression, and there are times when his mental health declines to the point of it being disabling. I don't see him being diagnosed with depression, nor complex PTSD, as the NHS mental health services are in fucking shambles and some doctors mightn't even recognise the latter in his time.
🩸 DROP OF BLOOD — what is your oc's blood type?
So. I don't have a clear answer to this, because I need to know what Simon's blood type is, and it's not listed anywhere. I think there is a fun off-stage/underlying tragedy in Simon and Tommy having incompatible blood types, in that even if Simon had gotten to the flat in time, he wouldn't have been able to 'save' Tommy via donating blood. Something something, the nature of tragedy so deeply set in Ghost's being that it's biological.
Perhaps it's campy, perhaps it's too much, but whatever‼️my oc now.
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
TOMMY IS THE YOUNGER BROTHER! The wiki is LYING the comics confirm so here:
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Tommy is 6'2" and lanky as anything, and unless his brother is on leave, he tends to be the tallest person in the room, bless. Additionally, I can see Tommy having insane forearm and grip strength just from being a tradesman for the better guts of a decade.
Some people have noticed, but Tommy doesn't drink alcohol at all in 'I Wait For You', which is on purpose. He's chosen not to drink, in spite of Britain's heavy drinking culture, as a means of preventing any reliance/gateways, as well as the fact that he doesn't like getting drunk, anyways, primarily because of bad memories of his father after one too many drinks.
🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc's favorite holiday?
Of course it's christmghjgkfgwlisfhdn-
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(jokes aside I can see Tommy not having a favourite holiday until he's an adult and meets Beth and falls in love with her, and they eventually have a family together. Then his favourite holiday becomes Mother's Day.)
Augh thank you for the ask :'D It reminded me i have very big feelings about Tommy Riley and his everything, and now my chest hurts heehee
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mintytealfox · 2 days
my dear minty
I might be an au for you to nimble on.
Are you familiar with either HP Lovecraft's "Colour from Out of Space" and/or Jeff Vandermeer's "Annihilation"(which was also made into a movie starring Natalie Portman).
If not, then in most essence these stories are as followed: A strange meteor falls to earth, and not only turn the surrounding area into an eldritch location but also transforming both the minds and bodies of the people in that area.
So what about this
Norton five years after the mining accident and becoming a prospector is given a letter requesting him to be a part of an expedition team to look into the strange happenings of an area that no one can explain for the last few years, and he would be rewarded a large amount of money if he agrees......
the only problem is.... the area that's affected is an abandoned mining town and it's surrounding wilderness...... the Golden Cave being uncomfortably close by.
And having to choose between his mental health and money, he chose the money hoping that he will just be surveying the land and he won't have to go underground, right?? Part of the expedition team is Alice, Melly, Frederick, and Orpheus.
And him and Alice would form this closeness on the expedition while they are dealing with eldritch abominations, horrible transformations, and✨️trauma✨️.
What do you think
Anything you want to add?
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LOL you're right, he absolutely would choose the money! -WHEEZE- this guuuyyyyy, his mental health is in shambles and doesn't exist right now PFF
GOSH LOOOOOOL the image of Norton seeing the group he needs to work with and is like ".......we are all going to die, what even is this group" Melly: "well aren't you pleasant..." -folds arms- Norton: "yea, thanks for noticing" Melly: 😡
Them all running from these shadow monsters made of rocks Alice: "WHAT ARE THESE THINGS??" -trying to grab photographs of them as she runs- (it almost looks like she is having fun lol) Orpheus: "People Norton killed a few years back" Norton: "HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT" Melly: "so YOU'RE the reason we are going to die" Norton: "OKAY HOLD ON THERE IS A LOT OF CONTEXT MISSING HERE" Frederick: "what possible context could make this any better"
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scifi with a dash of edwardian! COLOR ME OBSESSED
OH and the idea that Norton and Alice get separated from the others and the find a place for shelter to rest and are just chatting: Norton: "I can't help but notice that you're the only one that looks like they are having fun here" Alice: "you can't deny that there is beauty here, sure there is mortal peril, but the rest of the world has mortal peril as well" Norton: "well, outside of this place at least we don't have to worry about giant mutant canary bird worms bustin' out of the ground screaming at us" Alice: "true~ but I have never seen a more beautiful place~" Norton: "....alright, I will try your way of thinkin'. I wonder if my sweet canary is around here somewhere, and maybe she will recognize me" Alice chuckles: "now isn't that a fun thought~"
So the group survivalist and the data collector are together
WHILE Melly and Frederick being stuck together and she is there to protect the wildlife while Frederick is the sniper and there to shoot and protect the team. So they clash BIG time
Then Orpheus is the NERD of the group who knows the most about this place and what is going on, and is all on his own having a wild ride of 'awakening' going on this 'spiritual journey' becoming a little too AT ONE with this twisted nature here, oh my GOSH
Orpheus being the obvious first one to begin transforming. Then Norton after. 😭😭
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
any time, any place
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title: any time, any place | part of christmas must be something more
pairing: suh johhny x lee taeyong x nakamoto yuta x jeong jaehyun x oc
genre: smut, non-idol au, established relationship, polyamorous relationship, smutmas
summary: the hectic rhythm before the holidays is stressful, but nothing that a lot of sex can’t fix.
warnings: free use | sex with multiple partners, with yuta (somnophilia, fingering, sex), with johhny (minor' knife play', orgasm denial, rough oral sex, sex), with taeyong (oral sex, dry humping, cmnf, mirror), with jaehyun (rough anal, tied up, multiple orgasms), praise, degradation, mentioned 3some, a lot of touching. * the scenes are in this order so if you want to skip one, you can. all the kinks are consensual but there are still implied cnc elements in the kinks so if you feel uncomfortable don't read it.
words: 9.233k
taglist: @webscreams @multislut @roxyvogue @dullparadisewithtxt @yutas-princess02 @seongwhaffels @cosmiczen | couldn't tag: @yutascoffee127
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Taeyong’s idea had brought back to the surface a few things Jade wanted to try, but one thing was filling her mind more than the others. It wasn’t even a want, at this point it was a need; the holiday season was the worst on her mental health and she needed to arrive on the 24th with her brain not in shambles. 
And usually, she had no problems bringing kinks up, but this felt so taboo she had no idea how to confront them. What if they found this weird? What if they found her weird?
“Why is this so urgent?” Johnny asked when Jade pushed him and Yuta into her bedroom in a rush, dragging them from the conversation they were having with Taeyong about how to set up the lights this year. 
“Because I want to tell you something, but I don’t know how to bring it up to all of you at the same time,” she confessed, making them sit on the bed while she walked in circles, biting her nails nervously. Maybe if only two out of four rejected her absurd proposal it would’ve felt less humiliating. 
“Are you pregnant?” Yuta asked, making her stop and glare at him. 
“What the hell, no,” she replied, shaking her head. “It’s about Taeyong’s idea.” 
“Uhm,” Johnny hummed, rubbing his thigh. “I thought we agreed with that, right? Did you change your mind?” 
“No, I didn’t. I want to try something but I — you promise you won’t judge me?” 
They looked at her and then at each other with a furrow but nodded anyway. “Why would we?” 
“Because we have never done anything of that kind and it’s… potentially embarrassing, but I want to try and I also need to just turn my brain off.” 
“Okay, isn’t this all about doing something new? Just tell us,” Yuta encouraged her, resting his elbows on his knees without dragging his eyes away from her. 
She took a deep breath, scratching her neck nervously, and then whispered, “I want to try free use.” 
“What?” Johnny asked.
“See! You said you wouldn’t judge!” 
“We barely heard you,” he defended. 
“Oh come on, you heard that right.” 
“Free use?” Yuta asked to make sure, and she hummed, torturing her nails. 
“Yeah… and for the whole weekend...for now…” 
“Oh, wow, you are stressed,” Johnny chuckled, making her sigh and sit between them, hiding her face into Yuta’s chest. 
“Hey, it’s fine,” her older boyfriend reassured her, caressing her back, “I think that’s kind of hot, never truly thought about it but why not, we can try. But we need to set some rules first.” 
“Are you sure you don’t think I’m weird?” She pulled away, this time playing with Yuta’s fingers to ease the tension.
“Yes, we will never find you weird. And you’re right, I think it can help all of us destress a little,” Johnny said. “Now, can we talk with the others?” 
She hummed, standing up, still without letting go of Yuta’s hands, and walked out of the room with them at her sides.  
“What happened?” Taeyong asked, lifting his gaze from the book he was reading, and stopping for a second of caressing Jaehyun’s hair while the younger was laying on his lap. 
“Nothing, she needs to tell us something,” Johnny explained, sitting on the other end of the couch, dragging her on top of him, while Yuta sat right beside him. 
“It’s not what you’re thinking,” Jade stopped them as soon as Jaehyun resurrected from slumber to stare at her with wide eyes and Taeyong’s jaw almost fell on the floor. “I wouldn’t give that news splitting you.” 
“Oh, you worried me for a second,” Taeyong whispered. 
“You gave me hope for a second,” Jaehyun joked. 
“I think this will make you happy just as much,” Yuta kidded, caressing her thigh, rubbing his thumb on her covered skin. 
“So?” Taeyong asked, tilting his head, eyes moving back and forth on his partners with curiosity. 
“It’s about the whole exploring new things, you know?” 
They hummed, eager to hear where this was going.  
“Well, I want to try free use…” she whispered, not knowing how to feel not able to read their reactions. “Are you disgusted or you don’t know what it is?” 
 “I’m not sure it’s what I think it is,” Taeyong confessed. 
“Yeah, me too.” 
“It’s pretty much what the name says, you can fuck me any time you want.” 
“Any time?” 
“Well, we have to set some rules but considering how horny and stressed I am, I think it would be weird for me not to be the one jumping on you.” 
“But like… without asking?” 
She nodded, “you already have my consent,” she explained, “and you are even free to don’t go all the way.” 
“Oh,” Jaehyun whispered, “like… like a doll?” 
She chuckled, “Yeah. You really didn’t know about it?” 
“No? Do I look like I would be into it?” Maybe, that sounded tempting, and he surely had heard something before, he just didn’t know it was a kink, and he didn’t know it worked like that. 
“I wasn’t expecting you to be this shy about this,” she replied with a chuckle on her lips. 
“Yeah, as if you wouldn’t have her anywhere and anytime always,” Johnny joked. 
“Shut up, I never thought of just starting without asking.” 
“To make it safer people usually pick other things that signal consent,” Yuta explained. “For example, a given shirt could mean completely free use, while another one to check-in before doing anything, and another one would mean that she doesn’t want to. As horny as she can be, going at it for so long might be exhausting, so it’s a safer way to still keep the exciting parts of the whole free-use thing without crossing lines.” 
“Yeah, that’s great,” Taeyong spoke after a while, mind already running imagining things. 
“So, are you okay with this?” She asked, looking at her other two boyfriends, waiting for their consent with anticipation. 
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At the start, they were all too hesitant for Jade’s liking, it wasn’t even about the thrill of wanting to try it out, it was cause she was scared they were forcing themselves into it when they didn’t find it hot at all. The most they did were shy touches and some more heated kisses, but all the fun stopped there. 
Yuta was the first one to make a real move. He didn’t even intend to try it out that way, and that day, but when he came downstairs after finishing writing an article and saw her sleeping on the couch he couldn’t help but stop and stare in awe. White long socks covering her until her knees, a skimpy short skirt barely hiding her ass, and a warm sweater as a top. He found the contrast quite absurd but it was such a typical thing of her, even when they were outside she almost never wore tights under her skirt — at least they were longer than this sexy trap she pulled out when she wanted to act too shy to explicitly beg for a good fuck. ‘I’m not cold on my legs, my feet, yes, my feet are always cold, and my nipples get hard at the slightest blow of a breeze but my legs are fine,’ she had explained to him when he asked one time, and he had tried to dissertated how at night when she pulled all the covers on her, leaving him freezing she was cold, but now, cold or warm, it didn’t really matter. 
“Is she really sleeping?” Yuta muttered to himself, studying her expression, flushed face against the mattress, curls covering most of it to truly understand if she was asleep or not. But then his eyes landed on the bracelet on her wrist, the silver one they decided signaled free consent, and trying to hold back became harder. This was part of the play, right? 
“Every time, I mean it, even when I’m sleeping if I have this on.” Her words resonated in his brain, but he still felt there was something wrong, she was sleeping, and he felt weird about it, so he decided that maybe he could try it out later. But when she moved around, skirt rising up and bare ass in full display, it got harder to contain himself. 
So one of his hands slipped on her leg, brushing her through her socks before meeting the naked skin that was, weirdly enough, warm before creeping up on her ass. But one more movement brought him out of his trance, hand retracting as if he had been caught stealing, and he got up again, walking back and forth like a madman. 
And while he was so torn between his doubts and morals, a voice distracted him. 
“Hi,” she whispered, voice hoarse because of the sleep, and face signed with the marks of the sofa. 
“Hi,” Yuta said back, waiting for her to talk, to invite him, but she didn’t, of course, not, that was the point of it, no words spoken, not at the moment at least. But she did something before turning around and giving him his back, the tingling of the bracelet hanging from her wrist dangling out of the couch was the sign he was waiting for. 
So with less hesitant steps, Yuta moved closer to her, legs trapping her under him, seeing her eyes were open, partially at least, she still had the fucked out sleepy look on her face but also a victory smirk on her lips.
That was what she was waiting for. 
And while he found himself there, Yuta thought that maybe that was what he was waiting for too. There was something about watching her sleep, not only now, but always. The way she was totally relaxed, the way her lips puffed slightly and her lashes rested on her cheeks. Yuta couldn’t deny he had found himself staring more than once. But this, her skin so exposed and her body so vulnerable for something so delicate to happen, sparked a new flame inside him. 
Yuta pushed the skirt up, folding it on her back, revealing that nothing else was covering her, and traced his fingers on her soft ass, eliciting soft, muffled whimpers already and making her hips shift side to side once. He got she wasn’t totally asleep, but tired enough to don’t even try to take an active role in it. Yuta didn’t mind, he actually loved that she trusted them enough to try something like this. 
He moved back a bit, standing over her knees, while his hands cupped her ass, pulling the cheeks apart. “Fuck,” he murmured when her wetness glistened, slowly dripping down her folds. “You’re so wet.” 
He had no idea how he could fight the urge to pull out his hard cock and push into her right away, but for some reason, he did. It was probably because he wanted to feel her more, to don’t risk fucking her awake with strong thrusts he couldn’t control. So he easily slipped two fingers inside her, pussy welcoming him as if she had been waiting just for that. A low moan breathed out of her lips, and he could barely see her nails scratch against the couch under her but no other reaction came from her, except her walls squeezing around his digits. 
His head rolled back at the sight of his fingers stretching her out and the cum coating them white. He should’ve been used to it but he gave up by now, accepting that this love-haze was going to last forever. His other hand wrapped around her waist, kneading the flesh, just like he was used to doing always, knowing how much she loved physical contact, and as a clear answer, another sound of approval rolled out of her lips.
Yuta kept pumping his fingers in and out, maintaining a slow rhythm, and casually moving his thumb on her clit, watching with a grin on his face as her ass arched back. He didn’t even care at this point as if she was truly sleeping or just pretending, it didn’t matter as long as her body reacted that well. 
At the start, she planned on staying in that blurred state between sleep and wake, but somehow the small touches were lulling her back into a deep state of slumber. It surely was all caused by all the stress that weighed on her shoulders, but this felt especially nice and sleep-inducing. And when the first orgasm hit, she could only feel a striking sensation under her skin, making her tremble in his hold. 
Yuta moaned, pumping his fingers a few more times before getting up to leave his pants and underwear on the floor, sitting on top of her in a second. He wasted no seconds pushing into her, reaching down until his abs pressed against the soft flesh of her ass. But he didn’t start moving, he leaned down, moving her hair to the side, finally fully seeing her beautiful, relaxed face, leaving kisses all over it, on her cheeks, on her lips, until he reached her neck, moving the top to the side to nibble between her neck and shoulder. He stayed still for a while, enjoying the sensation of intimacy this moment emanated. Oddly enough the house was also pretty quiet, even if they were all home, except for Jaehyun. 
But his mind got swiftly brought back to her when her walls clenched around him, he let out a deep groan, forehead falling against her shoulders, inhaling her scent while he started moving, dragging his hips back and forth slowly. When he glimpsed at her, he was sure she was fully back to sleep, eyes completely shut and breath steady. That thought made something inside him click, moving back to envelop her waist with his hands, squeezing tight. 
Yuta was enjoying it much more than he expected just twenty minutes before. He felt like his head was clouded by desire, there was something about the way she looked right now. He loved her usual outburst of energy, especially in bed, she was a lot, always, so he had no idea what part of his brain was turning him on so much seeing her like that. 
Her small movements, barely perceptible, were driving him insane; her mumbled whimpers, her ass pushing back against him every now and then, her hands scratching against the couch. He still tried to keep his rhythm steady and slow cause there was something romantic in all of this and he didn’t want that magic to disappear. 
Yuta loved fucking her like this, he loved it even when she laid prone bone and didn’t stand on her knees, but right now it wasn’t what he wanted, and he cursed her for picking the worst sleeping position possible. He wanted to see her, to watch her chest move up and down, maybe even open her top to reveal her breast, but he didn’t know if it was worth the risk. 
“Oh, fuck it,” he murmured after thinking about it for a few moments, pulling out slowly, and gently trying to turn her over. 
“Yuta…” she mumbled, blinking her eyes before rubbing them with the back of her hands. 
“Shh, it’s me. Are you tired?” 
She hummed, staring at him with half-lidded eyes. “I… Yuta,” she breathed out, eyes closing again and hips lifting up against him. 
“Go to sleep, babe. You’re exhausted,” he shushed, caressing the hair that stuck to her forehead back, kissing her lips, and sinking into her again. “Let me fuck you back to sleep, would you?” He hummed, caressing her cheek with circular motions and doing the same on her hip, it always worked when she needed to relax and it was working even now. Only a faint ‘yes, please,’ rolled on her tongue before her eyes closed again. 
Yuta held back the loud moans, shaky hand moving to unbutton the first button of the sweater, the material soft enough that her boobs were visible with no need to undress her more, they weren’t even completely exposed, but Yuta liked the desperation of this, of clothed sex. He liked that he could only partially see her skin while her soft tits bounced with his slow strokes, and his brain spun just seeing how hard her nipples were, peeking against the midnight blue of her cardigan.
Yuta truly wanted to take it slow and don’t rush things up and wake her up, he was already surprised by the fact that she didn’t do it, yet. Jade had never been a heavy sleeper, actually, she was one that got up at the lightest of sounds. And the only logical thought that she was so stressed that she needed to relax so much actually made him sad for a brief moment until he realized he was helping with that and his thrusts picked back up where they had stopped. 
He couldn’t hold back anymore, if she was stressed they were all just as much, and that was all he needed to distress. He didn’t even know how much she could feel of this, but now that her pussy was clenching around him tighter, and her chest was panting while her lips were parted to let out moans, he imagined she felt everything. And everything mixed together was what pushed him over the edge, coming inside of her with harder thrusts that finally woke her up again. 
Yuta stared at her, trying to calm his breath, still buried inside of her, watching her rub her nose and stretch, legs still shaking from the orgasm that must’ve woken her up. 
“Hi,” Jade mumbled, a sleepy, small smile on her face as she looked back at him. 
Yuta chuckled, caressing her hair, and kissing her. “Hi. Less tired?”
She shook her head, “Not really, maybe you can make me fall asleep another time.”  
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The day after it was Johnny the one that made another move. Jade was in the kitchen, a vinyl playing in the living room while she hummed to the songs and sorted all the ingredients to bake a cake. The house was empty except for her and Johnny, but she had no idea where he was, after breakfast and a shower, she didn’t see him anymore. 
But he was there, leaning against the doorframe, silently watching her swing her hips to the tune. He loved when she wore these types of dresses that highlighted her curves, hugging her body perfectly, and that was one of his favorites, antique pink, short sleeves reaching mid-shoulder, bottoms on the front, and a queen Anne neckline. 
When she turned around, she screamed, bowl almost falling to the floor. “You scared m —” 
“Shh,” Johnny whispered, placing a finger on her mouth, a brief moment of hesitation glinting in her eyes before it clicked. Things weren’t as hectic as she expected them to be, so the whole free-use thing was starting to slip out of her mind too. “Keep baking,” he ordered, turning her around again, his big hands placed on her hips. “I love this dress,” he whispered, starting to kiss her neck while he pulled it up with slow tugs at the hip height, “makes you look like a milf.” 
“Johnny,” she lamented, even if she found that compliment hot. “Hey,” she said when he slapped her ass. 
“You’re forgetting too often it’s daddy for you, mommy,” he groaned before biting her earlobe, “but anyway, I don’t want to hear you talk. Bake.” 
She nodded swiftly, luckily for her she had everything she needed within easy reach, and only had to add the ingredients in the Thermomix, but Johnny was distracting, too much for her to do her tasks without shaking and already dripping between her legs. 
“I was watching you for so long, and you didn’t even notice…” he whispered, cupping her breast, smiling when he didn’t feel a bra. “Are you that naïve? So unaware of your surroundings? Do you have any idea of how hot you are?” 
She didn’t reply, breath faltering in her throat, and ass pushing back as the only response, a groan trapping in her mouth when she felt his hard cock press against her. 
“Of course, you do, pretty doll knows exactly how to get us hard for her,” he teased, fingers lingering on her skin, making her shiver. 
The way he was talking about her in the third person shouldn’t have turned her on as it did, but well, she shouldn’t have even been surprised anymore. 
“Let’s see if this doll is only pretty or if she can do something,” he whispered before she could feel him struggle with his pants, only pulling his cock out after pushing her dress up, fixing it on her hip. 
She bit back a moan when his tip rubbed against her slick hole, teasing her clit, and making her knees buckle as she tried to read the process to finish preparing the cake. The worst idea she ever had. 
“Fuck,” Johnny groaned when he pushed into her, pussy opening so nicely to welcome him in, big cock filling her so well she couldn’t help but moan. “Told you to keep baking, doll.” 
She nodded, biting her thumb before trying to concentrate. 
“Oh, and keep singing, I love your voice.” 
She cursed him mentally but tried not to lose her focus. After all, she wanted this, and she had no intention of backing up, it was hot, but it was so impractical for someone like her that wasn’t the best at not being desperate, and always got what she wanted with the snap of a finger. 
“Look at you,” he taunted with a sharp laugh, “shaking, already?”
“It’s — it’s hard to con —” she gagged when his hand wrapped around her mouth, keeping her quiet. 
“Dolls don’t talk,” he whispered in a growl, deep voice hitting straight to her core. “All my teasing, all my degradation, you take it and don’t say a word, got it?” 
Jade nodded, nails running against the counter, and pussy clenching around him at which Johnny let out a mocking laugh. “Pathetic.” 
“Gotta make sure you keep quiet,” he said, looking around to find something he could stuff in her mouth, looking for a towel until his eyes caught a glimpse of a knife. “Open up,” he ordered, humming when her lips parted. “And now careful,” he placed the handle of the knife on her lips, “keep it in place, and keep baking.” 
Her heart skipped a beat, adrenaline rushing wildly in her bones as soon as the handle met her lower lip, the thrill of the situation getting to her head. 
“Are you turned on by this?” He asked, but it was more of a surprised annotation for him, he considered she would safe-word out of it, but from the way her body was reacting, he doubted that. “Oh, pretty doll is nasty. What if you get hurt? You know it’s dangerous, right? Gotta be careful, doll.” But his actions were the total opposite of his caring words, his hips slammed hard against her, fucking her with force, and it was basically impossible to keep quiet and especially keep baking. But she tried anyway, shaky hands moving to mix the ingredients, and eyes skimming to read the instructions as she kept the knife still in her mouth. 
“Look at you, the perfect wife, aren’t you?” His hand left her hip to reach her clit and started rubbing it with slower moves. She nodded, humming around the knife, shaking when she felt the grip loosen, lowering her head and clenching her hands on the counter before she grabbed the last bowl and poured it into the mixer. “Baking something for us and letting me use you just like a perfect fuck doll.” 
Her head rolled back and Johnny slapped her ass. 
“Careful, I said. You don’t want to hurt me with that blade, right?” 
She looked to the side, trying to glimpse at the utensil trapped between her lips to see that he placed it so the cutting part was facing him, and her eyes widened. “Sorry,” she mumbled around it. 
“Just be careful, doll. Don’t make me regret getting you,” he whispered against her ear and she had to force her head straight, about to roll back once again, this time surely cutting him. 
She tried to grab a plate and move on with the preparation but there weren’t many coherent thoughts in her mind and her hands were shaking too much, causing the plate to slip and crash on the ground, fortunately without breaking.
“Fuck, you are useless, come here,” he groaned, grabbing her wrists and pushing them behind her back in a rough movement. She wanted to look back, hating not seeing him, but she couldn’t, and only let out muffled apologies as she tried to conceal the other moans. 
“Stop apologizing, you just have to feel good, can you at least do that?” Johnny asked, another slap landing on her ass, making her twitch and nod repeatedly. “Good, take it all like a good doll.” 
She closed her eyes, a furrow on her forehead with every rough thrust that pushed her hip bone against the hard surface, surely leaving marks for days to come. Moans growing louder when one hand reached forward to grope her boobs, tugging and squeezing. 
“Feel so good, doll, just what I needed,” he groaned, hips moving even deeper and faster, and she could tell he was about to come, cock twitching and moans getting deeper. “You’re so fucking wet, fuck, the wettest you’ve ever been, fuck. Can’t believe you like this so much.”
She didn’t even reply with a mumble, too lost in the pleasure of feeling the orgasm so close now. Her ass pushed back against him, back arching, and pussy clenching, but when Johnny pulled out, she let out a whine, forgetting of the knife that fell and bounced a few times on the counter. 
The tsk sound of disappointment coming from behind made her freeze, hands now free again since Johnny wasn’t holding them in place anymore. 
“Bad doll,” he mocked, open wide hand colliding against her ass, making her flinch, and moan. Johnny chuckled, turning her around and pushing her on her knees. 
“Johnny, please no,” she begged before groaning when he tugged her hair back with a harsh grip. “Daddy, daddy, I’m sorry.” 
“I don’t think you are,” he said, tapping her lips with his cock. “You were such a good girl, what happened?” He cooed gently, but he started fucking her mouth immediately, grinning when he met her pleading eyes. “Oh, you wanted to come, didn’t you? Wanted me to fill you full of my cum?” 
She nodded, choking on him, barely having time to adjust to his size, it was impossible every time no matter that it had been years. 
“I don’t think it’s part of the deal, doll. But I would’ve, you know daddy is so nice to you... if you act well. You were a mess, doll. You don’t get pleasure,” he said through moans, facefucking her just to reach his climax. His head rolled back after their eyes met, the way she was staring up at him enough to push him closer to the edge. His fingers wrapped harder in her hair, keeping her in place until he knew it was a matter of seconds. “Come here, turn around,” he ordered, jerking her up on her legs again and bending her on the counter roughly, never letting go of the hold while he pushed the tip inside and emptied himself into her, barely fucking into her entrance, just enough to get off and make a dripping mess between her legs. 
She muttered a curse under her breath, trying to squeeze her thighs to come but by now her orgasms slipped out too far to reach it, and only turned around, meeting Johnny’s face, a grin on his lips while he pushed his hair back. 
“So, knives?” He hummed, hugging her, pushing the dress back in place, and leaving small kisses on her shoulder. 
Jade rolled her eyes, pushing him away with a push of her ass, and then said, “stuck in your throat if you don’t help me finish the cake.” 
Johnny laughed, kissing her again on the lips before nodding. “Of course, I’ll help my wife, if I feel generous I might even eat you out after.” 
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Taeyong couldn’t deny he found that hot, knowing she was walking around the house with no underwear on — not that it was different than usual, to be honest, he knew Jade liked being free more than she confessed — to watching the others touch her more than usual, tease her, push her on her knees or bend her over. But that was it, he liked to watch. A bit because he had no idea how that would work, he wasn’t the active one, he liked when she had control, and a bit because something about the whole thing was turning him on. 
But right now that he was going crazy over an essay he had assigned to his students, he thought that maybe this whole free-use thing could’ve been useful. 
“You needed me?” Jade’s voice rang cheerfully in his ears as her head peeked from the door, staring at him with a big smile on her face. 
He hummed, signaling her to get inside with two fingers, and pushing his glasses back on his nose. 
“Oh, you’re grading. Need help with the essays?” 
Taeyong shook his head, moving the chair behind before his head pointed under the desk. “Need help to relieve the stress they give me.” 
A wide smile crossed her face before she kneeled on the floor, luckily for her the desk was high and she could comfortably stay underneath it. She pulled his pants and underwear down as soon as he got back in place and she could hear the sound of the keyboard. 
“You’re not hard,” she whispered.
“Nothing hot about terribly copied and pasted essays about the ’50 fashion.” 
She chuckled, imagining his face while he said that; she couldn’t lie, Taeyong was very hot when he was pissed off, he was also quite scary, but as long as that wasn’t directed at her, she could only think he was hot. 
She swiftly leaned closer, grabbing his soft dick with one hand before licking the tip. She didn’t take it all in, taking her time to pump it in her hand and occasionally suck the tip, she knew Taeyong was incredibly sensitive and loved it, he wasn’t one for messy blowjobs, always liked things clean — except when it was time to eat her pussy — and he lived for attention, small touches, long kisses — wherever they were aimed at. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, fingers tapping on the keyboard aggressively and she couldn’t get if it was referring to her or whatever atrocity one of his students wrote in the paper. 
And those essays must’ve been really fucking terrible because Taeyong did something he would never do. She gagged around him, eyes wide in surprise when, after a while, one of his hands reached down and shoved her down. Her nose pressed against his skin, making it harder to breathe while she coughed hard around his size. Not only Taeyong didn’t like it messy, and now it was getting messy with all the spit she couldn’t swallow and inevitably spilled out of the corners of her mouth, but also he was never this rough. His hold on her was fierce, keeping her in place with no chance of pulling away. 
Her ass moved side to side, squirming desperately as she tried to adjust to his intrusion and breathe somehow, but she couldn’t pretend she wasn’t getting turned on. 
“Past their twenties and this is how they write?” Taeyong huffed, and she would’ve giggled if that was another situation, but now she could only gag, an embarrassing amount of drool rolling down his thighs and smearing on her chin when he started moving her head up and down, still keeping her pressed down every time she reached the base. It shouldn’t have been this turning on, it should’ve felt embarrassing, but the way her cunt throbbed between her panties was a clear sign it was driving her insane. 
She was also losing count of how much time had passed, feeling her brain spinning as the air in her lungs dimmed more and more, and only a louder, lewdest gag made him let go of her head, finally letting her take a deep breath that pushed some fresh oxygen in her brain. 
It didn’t last long, though, Taeyong was seriously losing his patience, not only the errors were getting on his nerves but it was also clear as the sky how they did it just because they had to, putting no interest or care in it. And if he didn’t have all that pent-up stress on his shoulders he wouldn’t have taken it upon her, but right at the moment, he was seeing red. 
When Taeyong pushed her down, she took a deeper breath, eyes rolling back as the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat, and low grunts started rolling out of his mouth. Those sounds were so rare to hear, always used to the submissive, breathy and high-pitched whimpers and whines he let out. And the amount of cum drooling between her legs was pathetic, but it was even more what she did after. Luckily his feet were in front of him, the left one positioned right between her legs, she didn’t even do it on purpose, her body lowered just a bit and when she met it, covered with a sock, her body started moving on its own. It wasn’t her proudest moment, but she needed to find relief somewhere. 
Taeyong didn’t get it immediately, he only quirked a brow when he started to feel the cloth wet and stick to his skin. He looked down with a smirk on his face even if he could only see the top of her head, and grinned. “Getting off on my feet like a horny puppy? Really?” 
She hummed, gargling around him, another river of spit running down her chin. 
“So fucking desperate you don’t even have a bit of shame, have you?” 
The harsh comment only made her grind on him harder and faster, clit rubbing aggressively the textured fabric increasing the sensation of pleasure. 
And Taeyong would’ve liked to act unfazed and focus on his screen but unfortunately, she was distracting, and the more he looked at those words on the paper the more he lost his temper. He lifted her head up, moving back with the chair, watching as she crawled out of the desk, face stained with tears and spit smashed all over her lower half and cheeks, some even connecting her lashes. The view was enough to make him groan and throw his head back. 
Jade didn’t move closer right away, she took her time to stare at him too. He was wearing normal house clothes, his black pants at his knees and the black sweater covering his chest, and yet he looked so powerful with his legs spread, hard cock staining the shirt with pre-cum and spit, and neck in perfect view, his jaw so sharp she could cut her fingers. 
“Come here, pup, you’re not done.” Something about his sudden dominant switch made her brain spin and her clit throb, pushing her knees on the cold ground to sit between his legs again. “Keep your mouth open, okay? I’ll fuck it nice and rough and all you can do is hump my feet like a desperate puppy. Got it?” 
She nodded enthusiastically before her lips parted and her eyes stared at him, eyelids falling shut as soon as the head of his cock hit the back of her throat when he started thrusting up with controlled, fast moves. He really was stressed to act like this. But she didn’t mind, even if his balls slapped with roughness against her chin, the spit that fell on them before creating dirty wet sounds resonating loudly, filling her brain along with the gagging sounds coming from the back of her throat. 
Taeyong didn’t think he was going this hard, and he was quite surprised at how messily she was taking him, considering how ten times harder the others used to go on her and how well she took it anyway, but he didn’t mind if she wanted to be messier this time. Something in the way her wet eyes were looking at him and how he could feel her throat clench around his tip was enough to set him off. 
She gasped loudly when he tugged her away, coughing and sputtering messily, ass pressing down to grind with force against him, eyes dropping as she concentrated only on her pleasure and Taeyong only stared for a while. 
“Take your clothes off,” he ordered, letting go of her hair. 
“All of them?” 
He hummed, rubbing his chin, and resting his arm on the armrest. 
“But I’ll be cold,” she complained, still rolling her hips around, yelping when Taeyong slipped his feet away, leaving her unsatisfied. 
“I don’t really care. Undress, now.” 
No more words of complaint came out of her lips as she swiftly pulled up her sweater — Yuta’s sweater — before her hands moved to pull out of the way the skirt that was already half rolled up on her ass anyway, and then the panties met the same fate. 
“Keep your socks on,” he said, stopping her from reaching down. “You look good in them. Move the mirror, wanna look at you as you get off on me that desperately.” 
Shame set her body on fire but she still crawled toward the standing mirror and angled so he could see her in the reflection. 
“You’re so pretty when you crawl, you know?” He whispered, biting his lips, hungry eyes following her get back between his legs. “But you look even better buried deep between my legs.” 
He groaned when her lips wrapped around him again, throwing his head against the chair before he looked down, grabbing her head with a firm hold. 
“Gonna use that pretty mouth until I come,” he moaned, hips picking up the fast speed of before, ass lifting from the chair to aim better strokes, the lewd sounds of smacking and choking filling the four walls again. His eyes fell on the mirror, fixated on her ass grinding on his foot, the plump flesh bouncing up and down with every grind, feeling the sock get even wetter now that her panties weren’t getting in the way. His nails grazed her neck, shoving her down completely, her nose pressing against his lower stomach again, leaving no space to breathe, but this time his cock throbbed inside her, ass clenching and balls tightening as his orgasm hit, filling her mouth with so much cum she felt like choking on it, too concentrated on his pleasure to even keep grinding on him. 
When Taeyong pulled out she coughed, cleaning her face and pouting in disappointment at another ruined orgasm. 
“Clean yourself with Yuta’s sweater and then take my clean shirt,” he said after kissing her, fixing his clothes and running a hand in his hair. “You can stay here next to me.” He pointed at the floor and she giggled, feeling a bit of shame creep up but still got up to throw Yuta’s stained sweater in the laundry, hoping to don’t meet anybody on the way out — or maybe yes, since she longed an orgasm. But before she could go out, Taeyong stopped her. 
“You’ll ride me later, I’ll need it to let go of the stress they’re putting me through.” 
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She didn’t expect Jaehyun to last that long, especially since the others never stopped teasing her and fucking her after the first time — the whole thing prolonged more than just the weekend, obviously. The only free time she got was when she was working and had the silver bracelet off, which was on at the first break, and pretty much anytime she even went downstairs to drink some water, praying that whoever was home was going to make her waste some time. And when her boyfriends weren’t at work it went smoothly, exactly how she wanted. 
They couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. Even when they weren’t fucking her, they were so touchy, cupping, squeezing, and pulling her body just for fun. 
And she couldn’t quite get why Jaehyun still didn’t make a move. He rarely resisted her when they weren’t doing this, so why was he holding back now? 
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” Johnny asked after leaving a peck on her lips. They were all ready for bed, Yuta and Taeyong already disappeared upstairs, probably to watch a movie they wouldn’t have finished, fast asleep before even reaching half of it.   
Jade hummed, kissing him again. “Yeah, I’m not tired, I’ll wait for Jaehyun up.” 
“Fine, night.” 
She glanced at the clock, it was quite late, and even if Jaehyun warned he had an unforeseen and would’ve come home later than usual, she couldn’t help but be worried. It was almost midnight and he still wasn’t home, yet. 
Jaehyun didn’t want that to be the first time either, it wasn’t that he was waiting, it was that he was never home, and when he was, he was too tired to barely do vital things like eating and cleaning himself that sex was the last thing that crossed his mind. 
But that night was the last straw. He was so tired that he was mad, he had so much pent-up stress he felt he could explode and he probably would’ve taken it off of something else if she was sleeping, maybe a quick jack-off under the burning hot shower, but when he reached his bedroom and saw her there, silver bracelet visible on her wrist, and only his white shirt on, he lost it. 
Jade was giving him her back, and she didn’t even notice him, too concentrated on her phone, mumbling curses while she texted him to ask where the hell he was, seriously scared for him until she started being afraid for herself when one hand wrapped around her mouth and another on her waist, lifting her up. 
She let out a strangled scream, kicking her legs in the air until she finally heard that familiar voice. “It’s me.” 
“You scared me,” she whispered when his hand moved away and she could breathe again. “I was worried for —” 
“Just shut up,” he ordered, lying her on the bed not so delicately. “I need you.” She was a bit taken aback, not that he didn’t usually like rough stuff but she was still in her paranoid worried girlfriend state and was more concerned if something bad happened rather than focusing on what was finally happening. “I love when you wear my shirts, they look so good on you,” he groaned, running his hands over her body, squeezing the soft flesh. “Wanna fuck you in it,” he leaned down, kissing her hard, groaning when her hands reached for his hair. She mistook it for a pleasured groan but she got he was annoyed as soon as he removed his tie and wrapped her wrists around the bedrest. 
Oh, he was pissed. 
But something about that was already making her dripping wet, her heart pumping loudly in her chest with excitement. His furrowed concentrated face, his dark eyes, and the greediness in which his hands were touching her, all reminded her of their first fucks together, when they hated each other and reversed all their hatred in the sex. How much she missed them, so raw and needy. But now it was similar, sure, he didn’t hate her anymore, but she felt like thanking whatever thing was driving him crazy right now, she could’ve saved the worried-sick-girlfriend-talks for later. 
When he spread her legs open like butterfly’s wigs, she moaned, her lower body exposed to the cold air and his burning eyes. 
“Is that a plug, baby?” He asked, pushing two fingers against the head of the toy coming out of her rim. “Oh, how did you know I wanted to fuck your ass tonight?” 
Well, if you paid any attention to me in the last few days you would know I’m wearing it for some time now, she thought but she kept that in her mind. Just like she kept in her mind how excited she was that he was going to fuck her ass. The others were always way too reluctant to do it even if they liked it, but they didn’t love it as she and Jaehyun did. And yes, nobody of her boyfriend fucked her ass like him; no fear, no intention of being too careful, knowing she could take it. 
“Maybe we are connected, or maybe your little brain knew I would’ve had zero patient to prep you,” Jaehyun whispered, watching her body react to those words. No, he would’ve never fucked her without prepping her, but he needed to send across the message of how desperate he was to have her. And either way, she liked it, even if she was letting out zero words like he ordered. He could see the cum oozing out of her cunt and meeting the toy. “Dripping already,” he teased, pushing two fingers inside her, before tsking, “how many times did they fuck you today, uh?” 
She shook her head, pretending nothing had happened. Blatantly lying as if before dinner they didn’t have a threesome while Taeyong watched in a corner — unlike what he believed, she saw him. 
“They always use your pretty pussy but never your tight ass, right? Maybe we should give her a rest and leave you gaping from another hole.” 
Jade nodded, eyes glistening in excitement. 
“I know, love, I know. You love getting your ass destroyed, can’t wait to make your dreams come true.” His fingers pulled out, wiping them swiftly on her leg before they fumbled with his clothes. When he came back to the bed he pulled the plug out, admiring how stretched out she was already. He tapped her lips with his fingers, and she immediately opened up. “Good girl, suck them well so I can lube my cock. That’s all your getting tonight, I hope you poured enough inside before.” 
She nodded, messily sucking the two fingers to coat them with spit, not even caring if it hurt a bit more when he pushed in without more lube. Jaehyun pulled out with a loud pop before wrapping the same hand on his cock, wetting it with her saliva and the pre-cum that already dripped out of his tip. He didn’t ask if she was ready, he knew she was, he only spread her legs and pushed inside. This time she couldn’t hold in the scream of pleasure, head rolling back and eyes squeezing shut while her jaw tensed up. 
“Fuck, feel so good, baby,” he groaned, his hips were still for a while, just the time to place her ankles on his shoulders and start moving right away. “Wanted this for so long.” 
Yeah, me too, she thought but that only crossed her mind while she let go to pleasure, hips rolling against him as a spontaneous response, begging him to fuck her even harder. And Jaehyun did, hands moving to grip her waist, letting her keep her legs in place, and bouncing her against him with forceful strokes. She tried to conceal the moans but it was impossible, it felt too good and she needed it so much she felt so close to coming even if he barely just started. She didn’t know if it was for the several orgasms of a few hours before, maybe she was ovulating, or probably it had just been too long since she had been fucked like that, whatever it was, she couldn’t hold it in. 
“Oh, honey, came already? How desperate are you?” He groaned, slapping her ass. “Didn’t they fuck you enough?” He cooed, tilting his head, hissing in a curse when she squeezed him more, and more cum dripped out of her cunt. “They didn’t?” He mimicked her when she shook her head. “Insatiable, aren’t you? Need to be fucked so badly that you offered — fuck — for us to take any time and any place as if you weren’t crawling on your knees anyway.” 
“Please,” she whimpered, struggling against the tie, trying to break free from it. Jaehyun only chuckled gutturally watching her struggle. 
“Keep struggling, love. If you want to mark your wrist you’re doing an amazing job,” he mocked, smirking. 
Jade huffed, throwing her head back, and giving a few other tugs at the fabric before giving up. 
“See,” he hummed, leaning down to bite her collarbone, “it’s so much easier when you listen.” 
“But —” 
“Shut up,” he ordered, cupping her chin before pushing two fingers into her mouth. “I told you I don’t want to listen, just let me fuck you like you wanted to.” 
She hummed around his fingers, nodding her head before her eyes closed again, trying to don’t come for the second time before him, it would’ve been too embarrassing how easily she was coming that night. But Jaehyun knew her too well to don’t notice, and as much as he was focused on his pleasure he would’ve never lost the chance to tease her. 
“Want to come again?” 
She denied, moving her head side to side, doing so causing some spit to drip out of her lips. 
“Lying to me, really? You’re making a mess between your legs, there’s so much cum and it’s not even mine.” 
She sniffled, trying to take a bigger breath from her nose and don’t choke on his digits when he kept hitting right where she felt him the most. 
“I’ll let you come, love. You know I always do,” he smirked when her eyes snapped open, shining with a hopeful light. “Later, once I’m done with you, maybe I’ll make you come again.” 
“Please,” she mumbled, voice muffled by his fingers that kept moving into her mouth. 
“No begging, this is not for you,” he groaned, pulling out of her mouth to grab her ankles and push them up almost bending her in half, both mentally thanking Taeyong for convincing her to take yoga classes with him, it always came in handy in the nastiest moments. “Don’t speak, don’t you dare let out a word, clear?” 
She nodded, breath cut short anyway by the position and the pleasure cutting right into her brain. 
His last thrusts were sloppier, with a less specific pattern, but not any less hard and breath-knocking. His low and ragged breaths came out of his mouth in puffs. 
“’m not done with you,” he hummed, pulling out and swiftly freeing her before he quickly shifted her around, positioning her exactly how he wanted; ass up and face down. “Need to fuck you until I forget about everything else.” 
She smiled, finding it cute how usually it was about her forgetting everything else. But her smile turned into a hazed-out grin as soon as his cock filled her again. She didn’t even try to hold the moans, Jaehyun was just too good and in this position, they both loved so much, he gave his best. 
“Shit, you’re dripping all against my balls, fuck, can feel how wet you are with every — shit — thrusts against your cunt.” 
“Feels good,” she whimpered, hoping he was going to let her talk, if she could talk back. 
“’ Course it does,” he groaned, before slipping a hand around her front and pushing her up against him. Her head rolled back, meeting his shoulder and he smirked. “Love this better, don’t you?” 
“Yes, fuck — fuck me harder, please.” 
“Harder? Can you take it?” 
She nodded, biting her lip, reaching forward to sink her nails into his forearm and hold herself onto something. Her back arched more as waves of pleasure ran through her body, Jaehyun was particularly loud that night, letting out groans and moans he usually kept inside, voice so hot and low it was getting to her head so easily. He sounded feral, pounding into her with harsh thrusts, their skins rubbing together, hips slamming against her ass adding to the lewd sounds of his cum squelching out of her with every move. 
“Fuck me so well,” she cried out, letting her head hang forward, mouth agape, some drool dripping in a thread without her even realizing it. 
Jaehyun groaned, eyes fixating on her ass, watching it bounce up against him, staring at his cock stretching her tight rim and pushing the cum outside while her moans played in his brain like a melody. Brain spinning with all the pleasure. It was everything he needed. 
He let go of his hold, pushing her face down on the mattress while he swiftly adjusted, one knee planting at her left while his feet kept his body up on the other side, the position allowing him to pound into her faster and deeper, forcing her back in a deep arch. 
She let out a whiny moan, eyes rolling in the back of her head, the white of her sclera the only thing Jaehyun could see as he stared down at her fucked out face. 
“Look at you taking it like a cock-drunk doll, you live to be fucked however we want, don’t you?” 
Jade could barely find the strength to move her neck in a nod of agreement, pussy clenching crazily around nothing, so much cum dripping out of her, adding to the mess of his, creating a pool on the sheets, clit throbbing as another orgasm menaced to ripple through her. 
“That’s it,” he groaned, hips moving faster, he was barely pulling out, just enough to hit her right where he needed to make her tremble under him. “Come around my cock, come on.” 
A long whine came out of her throat before her jaw tensed and her toes curled, chest heaving hard pressed between the mattress and Jaehyun’s hand keeping her in place. Some tears spilled out of her eyes as the second orgasm washed over her and Jaehyun at the same time, his thrusts coming to a stop while his cock rubbed in circles and throbbed inside her, coating her walls in white. 
“Fuck,” he sighed, lowering his head and rubbing her hips in soothing movements before he pulled out and laid at her side. 
“So, I guess today at work was stressful,” she chuckled when they both gained back some air, and Jaehyun chuckled, hiding in the crook of her neck. 
“Tragic,” he whispered, before pulling away, brushing her hair back. “Nothing that you won’t fix, though.” 
“Me and maybe a shower, you always make me sweat so much.”
Jaehyun chuckled, stretching before scooping her up to walk to the bathroom, “I have to make it up for all the times you don’t hit the gym with me.”
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I really loved writing this since I missed them a lot, so I hope you liked reading it! Please support me by letting me know your opinion with a comment, a reblog (even if you don't want to comment on it, they help reach more people), or even an ask. ♡
You can add yourself to the taglist if you want to, please specify what you want to be tagged in.
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polyhexian · 4 months
Okay so revewing your pre-canon Grimwalkers and events, I think I'm seeing the path Belos's mindset is taking that eventually leads to Hunter.
A lot of the Grimwalkers are aware that they're Grimwalkers. It's a little different every time, but this is clearly a model that has been working for Belos, so he uses it a lot. Currently I think the only Grimwalkers who DON'T know they're Grimwalkers are Temperance and Hunter.
I get the feeling that Belos is usually pretty cool with the Grimwalkers knowing what they are. Probably easier for him that way too, since he doesn't have to keep up a whole song and dance. But I think he kinda started experimenting a bit with Temperance, if not earlier, probably due to what went down with Tell and the aftermath of that. So I think over time the thought process is…
Tell-no-lies - Knows he's a Grimwalker, is good at his job, also manages to have a secret lover that leads to his betrayal. Crap.
Virtue - Knows he's a Grimwalker, is decent at his job, I'll humor his plan but actually it's kinda stupid and he likes the palismen so nevermind we're done here.
Enoch - Tell-no-lies's daughter, not a Grimwalker but it's cruelly cathartic playing house like she's my niece, it's a shame I was never able to control Evelyn and her whelp like this, this whole situation is very amusing--oh gdi she tried to kill me.
Temperance - Maybe it's the Grimwalker thing that's causing problems, maybe telling them they aren't real people is what makes them so determined to act like real people. I'll let this one think he's a real person. With amnesia. And no one knows who he is or where he comes from so that takes care of the backstory. Now he can focus on his job - oh okay he'd rather look for answers instead. Shoot.
Jasper - YOU KNOW WHAT, BACK TO THE KNOWING-YOU'RE-A-GRIMWALKER MODEL, BUT MORE INTENSE THIS TIME. NO PERSONHOOD FOR YOU. NO EMOTIONS FOR YOU. ANY FEELINGS YOU FEEL ARE FAKE, DON'T WORRY ABOUT THEM. Just focus on your job. Oh. Oh, wow, that worked. That worked really well. I can even rip his spine out and he just thinks that normal. And he is VERY good at his job, not that I'll tell him that. Wow, he's even lasted 12 years! Incredible! I'm looking forward to killing him but this one's had a good run! Clearly I just need to make them repress all their emotions and thoughts and feelings forever and that'll make them efficient and--why is he stealing the baby. How can your mental health be in shambles when you don't have a mental to health? Ugh, die.
Hunter - So I COULD just kill this kid and start over, but. Jasper DID posit an intriguing idea. This COULD actually be a Grimwalker-who-doesn't-know-he's-a-Grimwalker that works. It didn't work with Temperance cuz he couldn't just accept that he'd never ever learn his backstory. But Hunter here could literally just grow up in his backstory. He'd never question it. It's perfect. It's annoying that he's gonna be a useless baby for so long but I can deal. I've missed having a nibling to torment. Sure, Enoch tried to kill me, but she had a mother to give her other perspectives on life; this kid has NO ONE. I can DEFINITELY do better molding this one into what I want him to be! It's perfect!
And thus why he tells the Collector, a minute after Jasper's death, that raising Hunter will be an interesting experiment. It's a set of variables he's never had a chance to work with before, building on the methods he's already tried in the past.
I really do like the fact that Jasper's deathbed bargaining gives a good reason for Hunter, specifically, to grow up from infancy, while most (all?) other Grimwalkers in your headcanon were older when they got picked. Canon implies that there've been so many Grimwalkers that they really can't have had a regular lifespan, so most of them being picked as adults makes sense, and then Jasper's story makes Hunter's lifespan also make sense.
Also, I think I feel the worst for Temperance, in terms of his understanding. He never knew the truth, and he barely got a lie. Hunter at least thought he knew who he was, even if Belos lied the entire time; Temperance never even got that much. What a sad existence. :(
He is ALWAYS playing a game with them. He literally does not need the Grimwalkers. They exist only because he wants something to hurt, some way to keep punishing his brother again and again and again. Every time he tries something different because it is FUN to him. A way to pass the time, even. He wants to make something perfect. A perfect soldier, servant, brother, father, son, wife, friend. Something he can hurt as much as he wants. Something that will never betray him no matter what. Something good at its job but also without it's own life beyond him. And jasper was almost there. He was almost perfect. He lasts a very long time because of it.
But Hunter is presenting him specifically with the opportunity to redo a unique situation he'd already tried and failed, and now with some new ideas on how to do better. AND the opportunity to continue to punish a dead man- the same way he's punishing tell now.
And honestly the only reason he DID fail with hunter is he stopped playing the game. Luz showed up and he was SO much more interested in her he basically stopped managing hunter which meant he got so much more leeway to exist beyond his brainwashing. If Belos had been on the ball hunter would probably never have left. As usual, Belos is the one fucking himself over with his own cruelty.
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
Hi! How are you? can you make a Strawhat pirates, Whitebeard, Red Hair Pirate and Mihawk with an S/O suffering from social isolation/hikikomori? If you want, thanks you!
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Sure! Full discloser, I don't know too terribly much about all of the Whitebeard pirates, as I recently restarted the anime and I'm not very far yet, but I'll do my best! I also added a few characters too!
Straw Hat/Heart/Whitebeard/Red Hair Pirates + Others with a socially isolated S/O
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Summary: How your S/O would hand your poor mental heath and social isolation.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, mentions of depression, anxiety, overall poor mental health.
They didn't notice at first, just thought you were probably extra tired and needed more rest to compensate.
Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, Franky, Penguin, Uta, Buggy
They noticed instantly, immediately worried that something might be wrong with you.
Brook, Nami, Sanji, Bepo, Ace, Thatch, Shanks, Lucky Roux, Perona, Sabo
They noticed, but didn't act, either for a lack of not knowing how, or for wanting to give you space.
Zoro, Jinbe, Robin, Law, Marco, Whitebeard, Yasopp, Beckman, Mihawk
Once they finally realize, they'll bug you incessantly to talk to them, they're very worried.
Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, Penguin, Buggy, Bepo
They always knew, but they are still going to pester you over it.
Nami, Ace, Shanks, Lucky Roux, Perona, Thatch, Sabo, Perona
They know trying to pressure you won't help. They might offer to talk once, but if you decline, they'll walk away and watch you from a distance.
Yassop, Law, Marco, Beckman, Robin, Zoro, Mihawk, Jinbe, Sanji
Days pass and turn into weeks, and your 'off day' turns into a pattern. You've let go of your hygiene and rarely leave your room. They are concerned for you greatly, no matter how they choose to show it.
They finally bully their way into your room one day, begging you for answers. They miss you very much. They find your room in shambles, half eaten food and clutter all over. "Whoa...".
Luffy, Buggy, Chopper, Uta, Penguin, Franky, Bepo, Perona, Nami
They knock at your door lightly, pleading with you to come out, saying that they miss you and the times you'd shared. Slowly, you crack open the door and they are able to see the filth you're living in. They choose to ignore it, smiling. "There you are...".
Usopp, Yasopp, Shanks, Ace, Sanji, Lucky Roux, Sabo, Whitebeard, Marco, Thatch, Robin, Zoro, Brook, Jinbe, Law, Marco, Mihawk
They try to convince you to leave your room, to let them clean it. They're mainly focused on getting you out of your situation. They show their love through doing whatever they can to get you help.
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Franky, Nami, Chopper, Ace, Sabo, Usopp, Buggy, Shanks, Uta, Perona
They sit in your room with you and let you vent to them, holding you and rubbing your back comfortingly. They encourage you to let them help you, but if you refuse, they won't pester.
Yasopp, Whitebeard, Mihawk, Law, Robin, Lucky Roux, Beckman, Jinbe, Thatch, Penguin,
A/N: Sorry this was so short! I guess I bit off a bit more than I could chew with how many characters I decided to include. I hope you still like it!
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loserboysandlithium · 5 months
I’m gonna be dramatic for a second because my mental health is in shambles and I don’t really care anymore. Feel free to ignore this post. 🖤
I’m constantly finding out that new stranger things writers have blocked me and I genuinely just don’t get it? I’ll see something I like and go to click on the person to follow them and I’m blocked. I just want to say there is one singular person on this app that I don’t “like” and they are not a writer and that’s simply for personal reasons. I’ve never once done anything or said anything to any of these people. I don’t know if it’s because of the weird divide there seems to be (I came in late to the tumblr game so I don’t know nor care about any of that drama) or if it’s because of the friends I’ve made (who I love and adore and wouldn’t change for the world) or the beautiful boy I happen to be dating (marry me). I genuinely have no idea. But I know I’ve never once been mean or rude or said anything to any of these people so I guess it’s all just weird to me. I don’t feel like a fandom should be that way. Or maybe they just don’t like my writing and that’s completely fine too but as a person (writing aside) I know I’ve never done anything to anyone on here so I’m not sure why that requires a block. I don’t and never have sent anon hate. I don’t write anything and never have written anything “minor coded”. I’ve never even written virgin reader (not that I wouldn’t necessarily. I’m just making a point.) I literally don’t even write high school smut because it personally gives me the ick. I’ve never had “beef” with anyone. I’ve never been a bitch to anyone. But ultimately if you don’t like me for no reason I guess there isn’t much I can do about it. This isn’t a “poor me” post. It’s just a “what the fuck?” post. But anyways, sorry for the long ass vent on a Friday morning.
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taintedcigs · 5 months
i might do another review when i get some sleep and listen again but fuck do i have thoughts under the cut
i never doubted her and im being so serious. like what a wild fucking ride im in SHAMBLES. fortnight is such a good start to the album and sets the tone for the remaining songs.
florida!!! is AMAZING. taylor + florence’s voices mesh SO well together and the sounds just exploded in my ear in the best way possible. title track is cheeky which I LOVE. down bad is just so catchy and the way she says “fuck it if i can’t have him” is engraved in my brain forever.
so long, london. my god. what a fuxking intro. perfectly describing to carry on a relationship you know is dead weight???? the wedding reference ??? “how much sad did you think i have in me” ??? im literally dead?
but daddy i love him is unhinged. self-aware. again VERY cheeky. and imo a slight attempt to cut the parasocial ties a bit w swifties LMAO!
fresh out the slammer, guilty as sin, the alchemy and clara bow (the stevie nicks NAME DROP??? i gasped) are ALL SO EXCELLENT. i need a second listen to have more opinions tho!!!
who’s afraid of little old me is fuckiiiinnnnggg genius. same with i can do it with a broken heart. this album employs a tone that is so very self-critical (that she previously tapped into in midnights) and we can see how most of the lyrics are more in on the joke. its so genius and like i never doubted her ever i have noooo words. also the way she explores the “toxic positivity” in icdiwabh is just SOOO genius. she does so much twists and turns with this album and im eating up all of it. (also the overall way she describes mental health complexities in both of these songs is so important to me)
the smallest man whoever lived. THE ANGER. oh god im living for her unhinged lyrics its so fucking good.
loml: look i hate this title. im sorry. but ou my god. this fucking song. love of my life turning into loss of my life…. like she’s killing me overrrr here😭😭😭
i can fix him (no really i can). the sound. i just. i have no words. i will try to express my feelings better later but the “whoa maybe i can’t” at the end. GOD. thats how the entire album is. self-referential, critical, and in on the joke. im in awe of how good it all sounds together.
like ill just probably be rambling but holy fuck. it exceeded my expectations in the best way possible. idk how this woman does it. but shes a powerhouse. in every way possible. the album is very unhinged, depressing, cheeky, and entirely raw. this is seriously one of her best works and its MUCH different than anything else she has put out. 10/10. im gagged.
i will now be going to sleep, but if any fellow tortured poets want to discuss this album (lyrically, sonically, parallels, influences, ANYTHING) send me an ask bc i can’t be normal about this masterpiece
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delusinaldreamer19 · 4 months
✨Intro post✨
Hello! Welcome to my blog. Here’s a little about me,
General stuff:
Cis fem irl, but online I prefer they/them because I don’t really want to attach a gender to myself & would like to be viewed more neutrally. But don’t be surprised if I say things like “I’m just a girl!”
I’m an adult, but still on the younger side. The same as pronouns, I don’t really want to attach much of an age identity to myself.
I sadly don’t have a fun quirky name for you to call me 😭. I’m incredibly tempted to say “just call me delusional!” because I think that’s hilarious. But I have a smidge 🤏to much self respect to do that lol.
About me:
I have ADHD, the not-fun, shitty, neurodivergent kind that makes everything hard.
I suck at spelling. Auto correct is my biggest opp.
I'm an equestrian 🐴
I yap like a mf
I am a maladaptive daydreamer. Meaning that I have extensive, sometimes (more often then not) compulsive, daydreams that are very vivid and can last for hours on end. That’s what my user name is referring to.
I've been so aggressively hyperfixated on Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji for the past 6 years it's not even funny.
That seems like a good place to transition onto the next segment…
What's on my blog?
A lot of my daydreams revolve around black butler, whether it's the characters interacting or story lines I've come up with. And I've discovered that writing them out helps me from becoming so enwrapped in them, sort of like getting it out of my system. CASE AND POINT I have a few fanfictions :)
Fanfic masterlist
Other then that,
I sometimes have funny thoughts
I sometimes like to make long analytical rants about things in black butler
Fanfic Recs
and yeah I think that's it 🤗
Things of note:
There may be some suggestive comments or jokes on my blog, but I don’t post smut. Same goes for fanfics. (That may be subject to change some day)
⚠️I do not ship Sebaciel ⚠️ I don’t like it, but I can’t stop you from liking or commenting or following (Oh yeah I look through all y’all’s blogs to see if u got Sebaciel on there), just don’t bring it into anything I post. ie, no tagging as Sebaciel or commenting sum in favor of it. BUT MOST OF ALL, if you ship sebaciel pls DNI with any of my fanfics. The thought of anything I write bring perceived through the lens of that ship makes me extremely uncomfortable. That is a boundary of mine, please respect it.
Also, please do not send me hate. Not because I’m a little bitch and can’t take it, but b/c I have weird paranoia and the one time I got sent anon hate from sebaciel shippers I convinced myself that these random ppl on the internet were going to find where I live and 🔫me 😃. So yeah, please don’t do that.
I occasionally make little vent/complaining post about random things. Feel free to disregard them. I often just need to get it out of my system and don’t have many outlets. And lord knows my mental health is in shambles. But they don’t include triggering topics, and if they do I’ll add warnings.
Shit this post is long asf my bad
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youremyheaven · 4 months
Also! Lunar natives and “alternative” medicine is an interesting pattern because my shravana mom is into alternative and traditional medicine as well! She is still wary of the medicine I take for adhd but luckily I don’t give a shit because I like not having my life in shambles. My ketu in hasta father had much more nonsense to spout about me getting medicine to help with my mental health but also a Saturnian. He really believes sugar and not drinking enough water and meditation and other deranged pseudocures (for mental health issues HE CAUSED) are better than evil, addictive, control pills, also known as basic medical treatment for mental health issues. It’s so bizarre because both of them are very smart so like 😭I wonder what that’s about. Like you’re worried about the psychiatric medication that has helped me not want to kill myself because…what exactly 🗿. Is the water turning the frogs gay too???
It’s funny because Claire Nakti’s video talked about Lunar natives being so logical and empirical when they’re actually extremely illogical if it hurts their feeewings or whatever, honestly it’s so annoying because they will also condescend like they’re just wiser than you. It honestly makes me mad still because your delusional bias does not make someone doing correct procedures bad? Like…not everything has to fit your elaborate narrative of “logic and sense” for it to be correct and two things can be true at once.
Lunar natives are extremely emotionally biased in their logic, as all are humans, but they are sooo deep in it and are self aware to the extent that they will get defensive if you point it out but that’s about it. The most enraging part to me is that they’ll be so hypocritical when you have the same behavior on an OCCASION and then treat YOU like you’re crazy and overemotional all the time while they’re projecting all kinds of delusional nonsense onto you 24/7 but somehow THEY’RE walking on eggshells around YOU. I’m obviously kinda venting (mercurial apology :( ) but I hate this stupid ass behavior so much. Are you stupid or smart, pick one and stop exhausting everyone around you! They’re like ALLERGIC to standing on business almost until they don’t have to work too hard to see past themselves. It’s unendingly exhausting. I can’t wait to live alone 😭 no matter how much I love my shravana mama.
Claire said Lunars are logical??? 😂😂😂LMFAOO IM CACKLING
The Moon is the opposite of logic 😭 atleast Mercurials (despite all their other tendencies) are actually by textbook definition, logical and smart. Moon people think with their feelings and confuse them for facts
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majaurukalo · 10 months
So, let me get this straight: disabled people are the ones being punished for the economy not doing well, for inflation, for lack of resources, for poverty rising and whatever other kind of reason you can come up with (I am referring to the Uk situation but this concerns the whole Western society) because they aren’t working, they need benefits, they need money for “free”, they need healthcare and so on.
It’s always them who are sacrificed when there’s a crisis (we have seen it with Covid). Cut the benefits, cut the healthcare, cut accessible spaces. Now, force them to go to work. And if they don’t work then no money because you aren’t contributing to the prosperity of society and if you don’t contribute you don’t deserve to live apparently. As if one has value only through labor and work and how much money they make for the country.
But why I have never heard a politician going after the tax evaders, the billionaires, the corporations? You see? There’s a pattern here.
The fact is — and it’s a tragic and scary reality — that we are governed by people who still think that there are humans who are more worthy and humans who are not. This is slowly and easily becoming the rhetoric of the survival of the fit, the only kind of human who can bring prosperity is the healthy, the able, the skilled…
Moreover, it’s not like disabled people don’t want to work. We want to. But, what about accommodations? What about accessible workplaces? What about the ableism that still persists? And then, yes, there are disabled people who are so unwell, whose mental health is in shambles that it is impossible for them to work (or work for long periods of time). You seriously want to tell me they don’t deserve to live? Because if you cut them the benefits how are they supposed to survive in a World led by money?
This is capitalism at its peak. And it disgusts me. Before thinking in terms of wealth and economy, we should seriously remember that we are human beings first and foremost. And yes, we can flourish without sacrificing anyone.
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galaxywhump · 2 years
if you're interested and willing: would love to see wren having a bad day (depressed/frustrated/etc) and seeking out comfort from daniel unprompted, and daniel's reaction to that
[SV-240 masterlist]
contents: forced relationship whump, slavery whump, creepy/intimate whumper, depression, creepy comfort.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?"
At least, Wren thinks, Daniel still knows that something must be wrong when he sits down next to him of his own free will; and something must be even more wrong when he leans his head against his captor's shoulder.
It's not a good day. He's not in any physical pain, he hasn't been tortured in a while, but that just means that torture is approaching, which doesn't help.
It's just depression, really. It almost feels trivial in this nightmare, but he can't deny there's no way to avoid depression in his situation, and… maybe it had been there even before the kidnapping.
Apparently it took being kidnapped and sold for him to realize his mental health has been in shambles for a while.
Today he needs comfort, but continuously reminding himself that he’s going to escape does not cut it. He needs touch, contact, but the only person who could provide it is the one who’s been hurting him this whole time, making him depressed. 
Maybe he could make it work, get that much needed touch and closeness while forgetting that it's Daniel giving it to him.
"Can you be quiet?" Wren mutters, closing his eyes.
"Because I just need you to hold me and not say anything and let me feel like shit in peace."
Daniel huffs, amused, and wraps his arm around Wren, holding him closer. Wren is tense at first, but when he realizes that Daniel seems to have agreed, he allows himself to relax in his embrace.
“You know you shouldn’t be ordering me around, right?”
“I’m not,” Wren groans. “If you want to punish me, then whatever, but later. Please.”
“Alright.” Daniel’s voice is soft, affectionate, and Wren doesn’t know - nor does he care, really - whether the word carries with it the promise of punishment or forgiveness.
Daniel goes back to reading - Berkeley had brought some new books, so he has plenty to read; on second thought, Berkeley’s recent visit might have contributed to Wren’s foul mood - not saying another word. Wren takes a deep breath, keeping his eyes closed, and tries to get far away from the house. He’s curled up on a couch, or an armchair, or a bed, in a living room, or a bedroom, it doesn’t matter; he’s sitting on something comfortable, and, more importantly, he’s being held by… someone. Someone without a face or a voice, who, after a minute or two, starts to run their hand up and down Wren’s arm, gently, like they could never do harm.
He knows their name and just how much harm they’re capable of doing, but he has to pretend he doesn’t. Right now the person is nothing more than a source of comfort he so desperately needs, and they want nothing in return. He’ll have to open his eyes eventually, face his captor’s delight at him seeking out his touch like this; it’s the price he’ll have to pay for this moment of peace.
Eventually, when he escapes, there will be no price. Until then, trading tiny bits of his determination for tiny bits of comfort is all he has.
taglist: @faewhump @inky-whump @whole-and-apart-and-between @whatwasmyprevioususername @procrastinatingsab @funky-little-glitter-bomb @goneuntil @redstainedsocks @luminouswhump @lonesome--hunter @as-a-matter-of-whump @renkocchi @whump-only @muddy-swamp-bitch @girlwithacoolcat @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @sophierose002 @whump-headspace @to-whump-or-not-to-whump @kixngiggles @ohwhumpydays @whumpvp @wibbly-wobbly-whump @stab-the-son-of-a @his-unspoken-words @pumpkin-spice-whump @onlyhappywhenitpains @suspicious-whumping-egg @morning-star-whump @burtlederp @there-will-always-be-blood
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
Oooooohhh i have another one sorry :p
Asking cyclone to give you a hickey?? :p
I'm back :) sorry for going for so long but my mental health was (and still is a little) in shambles. Now that it's a little better, I'm returning to projects and I'm super excited to finish them and start new ones, than you all for you patience ❤❤❤
Mature content ahead, if you are under 18 I WILL YEET YOU
Taglist: @luckyladycreator2
"I don't like the way the others are looking at you, " he says, kissing your exposed shoulder. The bed sheets are covering your lower half as you scrolled through social media while laying on your tummy.
It's Sunday. The only day the two of you have off at the same time and that means it's the day you spend in bed, lazing about, chatting, watching tv and sleeping together. You love it. They're your favourite days, you wish you could commit them all into memory so you can spend the entirety of your sunset years replaying your favourite moments.
Sadly, this morning started off way too productive for your tastes. Beau got up early to walk his mother's dog, a disgusting little french bulldog named Leopold that you love very much and then stayed up to read a book instead of holding you close and falling back asleep. When you woke up he was sitting up against the headrest, his brand new reading glasses,which you teased him endlessly for, on the bridge of his nose, making him look like a college professor. Pouting because he didn't give you your morning cuddles, you had turned around to explore facebook and he had, very sneakily, gotten rid of the book and worked you out of your pijamas, kissing every inch of you to draw your attention to him.
It had almost worked. You were about to put the phone down when a text from your wingman had lit up the locked screen and Beau had been pulled away from his plans by a sudden insecurity.
"The others?" You asked, amused.
Beau wasn't usually the type to admit he was jealous. Truthfully, he's not usually the type to get jealous. After all, he has you in his bed, and they don't. He gets to fuck you into the small hours of the night and they don't. He gets to see you in the morning, still sore from the night before, bringing him his coffee. They don't. Really, he's not usually the type to get insecure. He knows you're his. And he trusts that you know it too.
The issue is that no matter how well the other pilots and naval staff know that you're his, it doesn't really seem to stop them much. They still flirt with you, they still gawk at you like starved men looking at a buffet, and a few brave (or stupid) ones still ask you out. It pisses him off.
"Seresin and all that," he answers, because admitting to you that the entire male half of the naval base is bothering him feels a little too possessive.
"Jealous, baby?" You ask, Beau doesn't answer. He tries to evade your question by resuming his kissing, moving himself so he's lying on top of you, his growing trouser tent resting against your already aching core. He nibbles the crook of your neck and then smoothes over the reddened area with a few gentle strokes of his tongue.
"Why don't you mark me up? Show them who I belong to," you add
"Like a hickey?" He asks, voice muffled by the flesh of your neck.
You hum in response. He grinds his hips against your ass a few times, slowly and carefully, making sure his entire length grazes where you need it most without actually giving you the pressure you want.
"Okay," he says, wasting no time to suck a purple bruise into your skin, and then another, and another. The trail of hickeys goes down until it reaches the waistband of your panties where his lips abandon their assignment to suck on something else until you see stars.
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