#as you can tell he is really not enjoying this wh oops
sluttywonwoo · 1 year
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liquid lust || l.mh
pairing: lee minho x female reader
summary: alcohol is the world’s best known aphrodisiac
warnings: swearing, alcohol, smut (mdni), drunk sex, sub!minho
word count: 1k
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“you look drunk.”
“i am drunk.”
you snort. “huh, figures.”
minho pouts and reaches for you as you pass the couch. he manages to catch onto your shirt and yanks on it to prevent you from walking away from him.
you groan and spin on your heels to face him.
“if you stretched this out i swear to god-”
“you’ll what?” minho challenges, raising an eyebrow. he smirks, tongue peeking out of his mouth. “punish me?”
“i might.”
“oh, yeah? then what are you waiting for?”
“you’re drunk.”
“we’ve already established that.”
“come on, you know alcohol goes straight to my dick,” he whines. “i’ve been waiting for you to come home from girls’ night all night. i thought you’d also be tipsy after being out with them so i wanted to join.”
“it’s starting to wear off,” you admit with a sigh. “do you really want me to take a shot or something so that we can fuck?”
“unless you’ll sit on my face right now.”
“i think you know the answer to that.”
two shots of tequila later, you’re making out with your boyfriend on the very couch he’d been sitting on since you walked through the door.
it’s messy, you now more drunk than him, and you can’t seem to control the movement of your tongue. he doesn’t seem to mind in the slightest. in fact, he seems to be enjoying it very much.
minho chuckles into your mouth, nipping at your bottom lip. then he’s pawing at your shirt again, this time trying to get it off. you have to stop kissing him in order for him to do that but when he tries to pull away from you, you stubbornly follow, chasing his lips with your own.
“baby,” he tries, mumbling incoherently against you. “need to get this off.”
you relent when he bites your lip a little harder, and take your shirt off yourself just to be petty. he narrows his eyes at you.
“wasn’t done kissing you,” is all you say back. “besides, i thought i was going to be in charge tonight.”
“oh is that so?” minho asks. “i don’t recall.”
“i’m supposed to be punishing you,” you mutter, pushing yourself further away from him. you need to need the physical distance in order to organize all of your thoughts. otherwise, his mere existence will distract you again.
“ah, right. oops.”
you glare at him. “oops?”
“yeah, i mean it’s not my fault you’re all over me. i’d want to submit to me too.”
“take your pants off.”
“fuck yes,” minho groans, jumping to his feet.
you’d laugh at his eagerness if you weren’t knowingly playing right into his hand. he’s way too cocky for his own good but goddamn if it doesn’t turn you on even more.
he’s completely naked before you can utter another word. you didn’t even ask for him to take his underwear off, but oh well. saves time.
minho eyes you expectantly, hungry gaze traveling from your face to your own pants.
“are you going to take those off?” he asks.
you pretend to think about it. “maybe.”
he frowns.
“patience, baby. let me have my fun with you.” his shoulders sag with disappointment. “this is supposed to be a punishment, after all.”
unfortunately, you’re not that patient either— especially when you’re tipsy. you only make him wait for a few beats before you’re unbuttoning your jeans with a sigh and yanking them down your legs.
“lay back on the couch.”
he complies wordlessly this time, draping himself over your sofa with his arm slung over the back of it.
“i’m going to ride you now,” you tell him. the look on his face is victorious, like he’s won. like he’s getting exactly what he wants. he knows just how horny you get when you’re drunk so he likely thinks you’ve just brushed over the teasing part and moved right on to the good stuff. but then you break the news to him. “but don’t cum.”
minho’s smirk falls. “wh-what?”
“you heard me.”
“whining is only going to make me meaner,” you warn him. “you should be thankful i’m giving you anything at all.”
“you’re right,” he mumbles as you sink down onto his cock. “i’m s-sorry. thank you.”
“you’re welcome, my love. look so pretty under me, have i ever told you that?”
he nods shyly, pieces of hair falling into his eyes. it’s been getting long these days and to say you’re obsessed with it would be an understatement.
you brush it out of his face for him and kiss his forehead before starting to bounce yourself on his lap.
“you deserve to hear it all the time, pretty boy.”
minho blinks lazily up at you, lips parting in that half-smirk of his. his cheeks are tinged pink, the blush probably the result of both the alcohol and the compliments.
you push your chest to his, practically laying on top of him, so that you can kiss his neck. he moans softly in your ear and rolls his hips into yours in response.
“feel good?”
“too good,” he admits breathlessly. “not gonna last.”
“but you have to, minho.”
your condescending tone isn’t doing anything to help your boyfriend stave off his orgasm and you know that. in fact, you were kind of counting on it.
he squeezes his eyes shut, trying to hold off. “i can’t, it’s coming.”
“i gave you one rule,” you sigh, still rocking yourself on top of him.
“i know,” he cries. “i know, i’m sorry!”
he cums hard, hands gripping your hips so tight you think you’ll bruise. you’re honestly not far behind him, alcohol always helps speed up the process, but you pretend to hold it together for the sake of making a point.
“i bet you’re sensitive now, huh?”
he whimpers. “it hurts…”
“that’s too bad.”
he shudders, hands still attached to your hips. “please… let me eat my cum out of you— make you cum with my tongue instead.”
“maybe after i cum on your cock.”
minho gulps, eyes pleading. “no, baby, please… i can’t.”
“you can. i know you can. if you want me to stop you know what to say.” a moment passes. minho is silent. “that’s what i thought.”
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avatar-anna · 1 year
Unknown Number, Part 3.5
i feel like the last part to unknown number was kind of rushed, so i decided to write a little extra part. enjoy!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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J: do you BELIEVE in love
HS is typing...
J: after love
J: after love
J: ...
J: after love
HS: I see. You're drunk.
J: finish the lyric 👉🏼👉🏼
HS: Are those supposed to be finger guns?
J: i'm not ACTUALLY gonna hold you at gun point!
J: now finish the lyric!
J: 👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼
HS: I hope you know that I am ROLLING my eyes at you right now.
J: 👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼🐇👉🏼👉🏼
J: oop sorry didn't mean to put the bunny in there now it looks like i'm shooting a poor helpless animal!
HS: Monster.
J: i'm not!
HS: What if that bunny had children? Think of the children June!
(five minutes later)
J: you made me cry ://
HS: I did?
J: yeah. i'm a bunny murderer :(((
HS: Jesus Christ. You really are drunk, aren't you?
J: :'(((
HS is typing...
HS: I can feel something inside me say I really don't think you're strong enough no...
J: :D
J: after love
HS: After love.
HS: After love.
J: i don't really have anything to base this off of, but i think we would be the life of any party
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"So...you and Harry."
"You...and Harry."
"That's right," Y/n said as she stuck safety pins through the hole of Ashton's t-shirt.
"How—Wh—When did this happen?" Michael stuttered, looking at Y/n like she had three heads.
"It's a long story," she said, not wanting to explain how she and Harry had unknowingly been texting for months before they realized they were a lot closer than they realized and were able to act on the feelings they developed for each other.
"And you, like, like him?" Calum asked, like he couldn't wrap his head around the idea.
Niall had stayed true to his word and immediately blabbed to the members of 5 Seconds of Summer about Y/n and Harry. She'd hidden from them that night while they performed and after they got offstage, but now that she was prepping their clothes for tonight's show, she had no choice but to face them. And their questions.
Rolling her eyes, Y/n said, "Yes, Calum, I like him. And he likes me. I've been on a number of dates while touring, you know that. Why is this different?"
No one said anything, which was fine by Y/n. She thought it was better than asking her for dirty details. Looking up from where she was sitting on the floor of the dressing room, she fought a smile. The four boys in front of her were in varying states of confusion and disbelief. Luke was blushing and wouldn't meet your eye, while Calum looked like he was thinking about the information a little too hard. Michael and Ashton seemed to be taking it well, though it was hard to tell.
"I'm gonna talk to him," Calum finally said, turning on his heel and heading for the door.
"Good idea."
The rest of the boys followed suit, all of them turning and leaving before Y/n could stop them. Dropping the shirt in her hands, she scrambled to follow them, calling out for them to stop.
"A—And say what? Come back here!"
Luke was the only one to turn back as Y/n called out to the four boys. He smiled down at her and ruffled her hair playfully, which Y/n promptly swatted away. It was easy for them to think of her as a younger sister kind of figure, she thought. She was older than the boys, but they were all freakishly tall.
"Don't worry, Y/n," Luke said. "We're just gonna make sure he doesn't act stupid. We have your back."
Y/n sighed and shook her head. It was sweet of them to feel so strongly about her relationship with Harry, even if their scare tactics were unnecessary. But she knew she didn't have to worry. The boys talked a big game, but they were all gentle giants.
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J: tell me about your childhood
HS: What do you want to know?
J: not specific details obviously, but like...idk were you a happy child? one of those kids that ate dirt?
HS: Dirt?
J: or worms without having to be dared?
HS: ...Where the hell did you grow up?
J: rural town. we had to entertain ourselves in strange ways.
J: but i should make it known i've never eaten anything that isn't food
HS: You know, I think the town I grew up in might be considered rural but I don't think I knew anyone who ate dirt or worms.
J: ok...so what were you like growing up?
HS: Normal I guess. Nothing too crazy.
HS: Parents got divorced when I was young though. I think that's about as interesting as it gets.
J: mm
HS: Mm? What does that mean?
J: i'm humming! it's hard to communicate humming over text
HS: No I got that part but you always have some kind of comment, and now all I get is mm?
J: i'm no psychiatrist h i'm not gonna unpack all of that with you
HS: You asked!
J: i know, but i thought you were gonna give a silly answer
J: i'm not very good with serious or heavy stuff
HS: Well you've certainly made that clear.
J: i want to know and i want to ask you but i don't really know what to say without making a joke, you know?
HS: It's really not that serious. It happened ages ago. No unresolved issues here.
(six minutes later)
J: i've...never been someone who's been like a source of comfort for someone else
J: maybe i have some unresolved issues but talking about deep shit makes me squirmy
HS: That's okay. It's not like I'm stellar at it.
HS: But we can work on that together.
J: we can?
HS: Of course. What are friends for?
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J: my clients are assholes
HS: The boys are your friends.
J: they are menaces to society
HS: What did they do this time?
J: they're teasing me >:(
HS: About what?
J: you
J: they're sing the stupid kissing song. i work for CHILDREN
HS: Kissing song?
J: harry and y/n sitting in a tree...
HS: Ohhh.
HS: Do you need me to rough them up a little?
J: now THAT would be a sight to see
J: but no i'm a big girl i can handle it
HS: Give em hell.
HS: Then come find me after.
(the next night)
HS: Where are you? We were supposed to go back to the tour bus??
J: the boys wanted me to go out with them
J: i was going to tell you earlier but they took my phone bc they said i'm on it too much
J: i had to hide in a pub bathroom to text you
HS: So you're telling me you've been kidnapped.
J: no! they miss hanging out with me it's actually kind of sweet. that's why they've been teasing me so much
J: i can't really blame them either
HS: What do you mean?
J: we do hang out just the two of us a lot. i could see why they would feel left out or something
HS: We don't hang out that much do we? We're a couple it's a given that we do things together.
J: i know, but i don't want to be that girl that only hangs out with her boyfriend and abandons their friends, and i don't think you want to be that person either
HS is typing...
(five minutes later)
J: you're not mad are you?
(thirty minutes later)
J: come on h it's one night
J: please don't ignore me :(
(one hour later)
J: big baby
(the next day)
Y/n got up early and walked from her tour bus to One Direction's, her slippered feet shuffling across the pavement. The sun was slowly rising, and she had a slight headache, but she was up anyway, making her way over to Harry's tour bus.
She didn't think he would be so bothered by her going out without him, but when she checked her phone when she woke up, her last few messages hadn't even been read. Y/n supposed she should've told Harry ahead of time that her plans had changed, but she hadn't been kidding when she told Harry that her phone privileges had been revoked. Michael grabbed it and slipped it into his pocket before they went out, and she had to beg to let him give it to her for just a few minutes.
When she got to the door of the right tour bus, Zayn was stepping out dressed in gym clothes. He nodded to Y/n, who simply waved back. She was friendly enough with Zayn, but he kept to himself for the most part, and if she wasn't with Harry, she was usually with one or all of the 5SOS boys. He'd always been nice to her, though, and Y/n thought that they might be friends if they gave each other a chance.
"He's still asleep, I think," Zayn said as he passed her. "But feel free to watch TV or whatever. And help yourself to whatever food you can find."
"Thanks," Y/n said.
She pushed her way inside, cringing when the door creaked and swung shut. It was still early, and Y/n assumed that everyone on the bus was still asleep. All the little curtains that fell over the bunks were pulled closed. She knew she could go right over to Harry's bunk, pull the curtain back, and see if he was asleep or just lying awake, but she stayed at the front of the bus instead, rooting through the fridge to find something to make for breakfast. Technically, Y/n knew she didn't do anything wrong, but having a nice breakfast to wake up to would perhaps make their conversation easier when Harry eventually did emerge from his bunk.
Quickly assessing what she had to work with, Y/n got to work. Nothing too elaborate, but she was still working on it when Harry finally came out of his bunk. He still looked sleepy, rubbing at his eye as he shuffled over to the kitchenette. "Morning," she said, setting a full plate down for him.
"Morning," he mumbled, his voice deep and rumbly from sleep. "You have a nice time last night?"
"I did," Y/n said. "You should come out with us next time."
Harry hummed noncommittally before thanking Y/n for the breakfast she made. She watched him closely, unsure of what to make of his disposition. He was quiet and subdued, but she couldn't tell if it was him still waking up or if he was actually upset with her. When a few minutes went by and he still hadn't said much, she broke the silence.
"Are we okay?"
He looked up from his plate. "Yeah, why wouldn't we be?"
"I don't know...we left things kind of awkwardly last night, didn't we?"
"Because I didn't text you back?" he asked, and Y/n nodded. "Sorry about that. Lou asked me to babysit Lux last minute and I didn't have a chance to check my phone before it died. And, you know, you were right. I wanted you to have fun without me."
Relief washed through Y/n when she heard that. She didn't want this to be a big fight, and it turned out to be a miscommunication, a misunderstanding. "Oh. Okay. Good. Just um, ignore the text I sent where I called you a big baby."
"You called me a what?
The look on Harry's face made Y/n giggle. She went over to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "You weren't answering me! And it felt like you were ignoring me. And I might have been a couple drinks in. So, I am sorry for that."
"Unbelievable," Harry muttered, though he sounded more exasperated than anything else.
"I'm sorry," she said again. "So we're good? This breakfast was meant to be a peace offering too, you know."
Harry reached up and squeezed her hand. "Yeah, we're good."
Y/n grinned, then came around him to sit at the seat next to him. "Great. Now give me a bite of that. I'm starving."
Harry rolled his eyes, but nudged his plate toward her anyway. Y/n hummed as she took her first bite and leaned into Harry's side, enjoying the warmth emanating from him. Now that the air had been cleared, she felt much better. It was their first little disagreement they'd had since getting together, and it turned out not being that big of a deal. It made her feel better about her relationship with Harry and their ability to talk things through. Y/n could only hope that they could do that when real issues and arguments happened between them. But for now she was content to enjoy her morning with Harry and hide from the rest of the world with him by her side.
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oddinary4bts · 1 year
The Forgotten Spaces | ch 6 (jjk)
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☆summary: you've been dancing on the same dance crew since your teenage years, and you finally have an important role in it. It feels like life is taunting you when your rival comes back after disappearing for a year, ready to tease you every chance he gets. Will the teasing turn into more, or are you going to take him down with you?
☆pairing: photographer and dancer!Jungkook x dancer!female reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, there is mature content in previous/later chapters)
☆genre: slow (SLOW) burn enemies to lovers, college!au, slice of life!au, angst (oop), smut and fluff
☆warnings: mentions of sex/hot tub scene. hickey. angst (oops), might be a curse somewhere in there?
☆word count: 5.8k
☆series masterpost here
☆a/n: I am very sorry for all the angst that is to follow. Please don't hate me and please enjoy reading still haha! Thank you to @moonleeai for her beta reading on this fic, I won't ever thank you enough, you're the best <3
☆Read What Was Hidden here, the fic that inspired this whole story, written by @daechwitatamic, one of my fav human beings on this app <3 It follows the story of Jo and Taehyung before The Forgotten Spaces
For this meeting of our end of the world
It's with you that I want to sing
On the threshold of the memories the dead of today
Them that breathe for us
The forgotten spaces
Je t'écris - Gaston Miron (rough translation by me)
Sunday, July 8th
                Waking up next to Jungkook feels weird. You reckon it might be because you haven’t slept a lot, and people are already moving around the cottage. You’ve refused to open your eyes so far, just because you’ve heard Jiho and Hobi whispering about you and Jungkook and you feel too much of a coward to admit you probably fucked things up with him already.
You think Jiho has taken a picture. Knowing her, she definitely has, and you wish you could just disappear for a time. You eventually force yourself to get up though, before Jungkook who is still dead asleep when you move to the kitchen. You suffer through Jiho’s questioning, but she quickly notices that you’re shut off, lost in thought and maybe even dabbling in a little regret too.
From there she shuts down everyone that asks questions, and by the time Jungkook gets up, everyone is just pretending they haven’t noticed that something definitely happened between the two of you.
Jungkook doesn’t really look at you. He eats breakfast chatting with Taehyung and Jin, avoiding you like the plague. You can tell you’ve hurt him, but you don’t know how to fix it. After all, you’ve never really been acquainted with feelings yourself. Especially not after your parents’ divorce.
The day feels heavy. It’s still warm outside, far too much, and a veil of dark clouds is looming over the horizon by the time you have to leave the cottage. Your mood imitates the weather, and you find yourself brooding more than you usually do.
You haven’t been able to talk to Jungkook yet. Mostly because he’s been avoiding you, yes. But also because you don’t know what to tell him.
“Hey, I’m shit at relationships and feelings, yesterday felt too real” sounds like too much of a confession. Even though it is the truth, you’re a coward, through and through.
Jiho’s been trying to get your mind off things. Texting you random stupid things, sending you memes as Hobi drives the four of you home. Heather is riding with Chaeyeon, Lance and Bridget this time around, so there’s a space between you and Jungkook. This time, when he falls asleep, he falls asleep with his head resting against the window, and not on your shoulder.
It starts raining halfway home, and Hobi drives slower, windshield wiper going on full blast. Jiho sends you yet another meme – something absurd you can’t bring yourself to find funny. It earns you a frown from your best friend, and a second later your phone vibrates in your hand.
[1:23 pm] Jiho❣️: u’re supposed to laugh☹️ [1:23 pm] You: i want to talk to Jungkook but idk what to tell him🫠 [1:25 pm] Jiho❣️: what really happened yesterday? i wanna help but it’s hard if idk [1:26 pm] You: we made out in the hot tub then fucked when we were supposed to sleep🤡 [1:26 pm] Jiho❣️: bruh i wish i had a make-out session in the hot tub [1:27 pm] You: 🙄🙄 [1:27 pm] Jiho❣️: sorry [1:27 pm] Jiho❣️: pretty sure more than just fucking happened considering both of you are upset [1:30 pm] You: i told him we shouldn’t have fucked after and he got upset [1:31 pm] Jiho❣️: bitch he’s into u ofc he’ll be upset [1:31 pm] You: u’re not helping [1:32 pm] Jiho❣️: are u into him?
You don’t know the answer. You ask yourself that question for the rest of the day, and you reckon you really don’t know. A lot changed between you and Jungkook over the weekend, but it’s hard to ignore the fact you have never really liked him. Because he was a dick and a bully to you for years.
It’s not something you think you can just forget because you’ve had sex with him once. And you don’t even know if you’d be interested in a relationship with him anyway. You’ve never been in a relationship before at all, and the thought of it terrifies you.
The thought of Jungkook being upset with you terrifies you in equal measures, but you refuse to admit it to yourself. Maybe because you’re trying to protect yourself. It’s hard to tell. You feel like you won’t be able to go through your feelings by yourself – they’re overwhelming, all of them.
Thinking about Jungkook is overwhelming. Thinking about dancing under the stars, about his scar, about the way he held onto you after he finished. Everything is overwhelming, and it makes you anxious. Jumpy, even, as you’re sitting in your room in your mother’s empty house later at night.
You’re halfway through a Studio Ghibli movie that was supposed to help you relax when you decide to text your therapist to schedule an appointment this week. It feels like the right thing to do – you know Mary has always been able to help you sort through your thoughts, even though you haven’t seen her in months.
You don’t expect her to reply tonight considering it’s late in the evening, but you linger on your messaging app. You can’t resist but scroll down a little, down to where Jungkook’s name lies on the screen. You click on the conversation, rereading the last messages he sent you from when he was drunk a little over a week ago. It makes your heart squeeze in your chest a little, and you scroll all the way up to the first time he texted you in April. You haven’t talked much at all, so it’s not like there’s a lot, but you can’t help yourself. You reread everything, entirely ignoring the movie playing on your laptop.
When you’re done reading, you find yourself typing a text even though you don’t know what to say. It seems your fingers know, because a moment later you find yourself staring at a fully formed sentence. It looks as if it’s taunting you, and you reread it so many times the words start to lose their meaning.
[9:47 pm] You: hey, i really enjoyed the weekend with u and i’m genuinely really sorry about yesterday…
It takes you all the courage your body can conjure up to press send. You immediately turn off your phone to focus on your laptop and on the movie, though it doesn’t really work at all. The anxiety the message has brought up in you makes the story of Totoro way too hard to follow, and you’re merely watching the scenes, barely even blinking.
When the movie ends, you get ready for bed. You haven’t dared check your phone yet, but a little bit of anticipation has been steadily building inside of you. Because you hope he’ll answer. You hope you won’t have to explain why you are the way that you are for things to go back to normal with him. Maybe because offering him your vulnerability feels like too much of a commitment for someone that doesn’t do commitments at all.
You know you’ll hate yourself at your internship the next day, but you can’t really sleep after you’ve settled under the comforter in your bed. It’s way past midnight when you finally gather the courage to look at your phone, teeth worrying at your bottom lip.
Your empty notification screen stares back at you, as if to say ‘you really thought that would change anything?’
You sigh, putting your phone away on your night table before turning on your side, grabbing a pillow to hold. It’s still raining outside, and your brain focuses on the splattering of rain on the panes of the window. You think maybe Jungkook went to bed early, considering you didn’t get a lot of sleep in the last two days. Maybe he’s asleep and will reply tomorrow…
You cling onto that hope as the sound of the rain finally lulls you to a troubled sleep.
Tuesday, July 10th
                Jungkook has been in a shit mood. He knows why, and it’s strange to think that it’s not his leg for once. What makes it worse is that everyone around him knows too, thanks to the hickey on his neck.
And it’s only worse when you don’t show up to dance practice. Jiho mentions something about you being stuck at your internship, but Jungkook doesn’t ask. He feels like maybe he could text you to make sure you’re okay. His heart wants him to do it, but his mind is stronger.
And his mind has been winning the war against his heart so far. He won’t cave in now. But he’s still in a shit mood when he gets home after practice. It feels even worse when he sees Taehyung and Jo cuddled up on the couch, and Jimin sprawled up on the floor.
Jimin’s texting away on his phone, and Taehyung meets Jungkook’s gaze where he stopped by the door.
“Practice is already done?” Taehyung asks.
It brings Jimin and Jo’s attention to Jungkook. He just stands there for a time, not knowing what to say.
Not wanting to admit he wrapped dance practice earlier because he was pissed that you weren’t there.
“Yeah,” Jungkook lets out flatly. He finally starts moving again, aiming straight to the kitchen.
He misses the way Jo and Taehyung exchange a concerned look when he passes in front of them, or maybe he just ignores it. He’s been ignoring Jo since the weekend, because it feels like too much pressure to admit that her plan worked and failed in the same night.
Yes, he got to sleep with you, but he’d take it back if he could. Just so it wouldn’t lead to where you’re standing now. Because he’s never replied to your text on Sunday night. Maybe because it was too early, and seeing it just pissed him off more.
Or maybe he’s just trying to preserve himself because he’s realized being with you might be a lot more complicated than previously thought.
He’s pouring cereal in a bowl when he receives a text. He fears that he’s conjured you up for a few seconds, but then he reads the name at the head of the notification. Laura. He furrows his brows, reading her text a few times over to make sure he’s read well. On his fifth reading he reckons the words won’t change even if he keeps glaring at them.
And Laura doesn’t deserve him being upset with her too. Actually, he realizes she might be just what he needs – a distraction, perhaps. Because all he wants is to forget how it felt to be with you last Saturday. And it’s not even about the sex. No, the part that’s been sticking with him is the moment between the hot tub and the sex. When he laid his heart on the table for you.
Had he known you were going to step on it a little under an hour later, Jungkook knows he would have never asked you to dance. It was a stupid request, one that made everything too real.
He can’t really blame you for getting scared. Because he knows that’s what it is. You got scared when he told you you should have slept together before, and he’s been embarrassed since then. Because he said the words in the heat of the action, and even though he meant them – means them – he’d rather not have told you.
Because now when he thinks of you he’s embarrassed, upset, and of course he’s pissed. He’s been in a shit mood after all.
He sighs, pushing his hair back before moving to the fridge to grab the milk. He pours some in the bowl, before grabbing a spoon in the drawer and making his way to the table, where he sits to eat the cereals. He’s halfway through his bowl when he finally decides to open his phone and reply to Laura.
[9:01 pm] Laura: Hey, I gotta admit… I’d like to see you sometime this week? If you’re up for it ofc [9:08 pm] Jungkook: yes ofc! i’m free tmrw evening if u want😌
He doesn’t even know if he actually wants to see her. It makes him think of when he helped her with her camera last week. Laura is sweet. Cute and shy. She’s his type, he can’t deny it. But she’s nice, and he doesn’t think she deserves him using her as a distraction.
He reckons he’s a mess. You’ve been messing with his head far too much, and he doesn’t like that you have that power over him. He doesn’t want anyone to have that power over him.
Yet it’s relieving that for once his mind isn’t clouded with dark thoughts related to the accident. Because he can’t really think about the accident when you’re there whenever he closes his eyes. When he can almost feel your warmth lingering under his fingers, along his body. When he thinks he can still smell your shampoo, and feel your soft skin.
The way that he feels disgusts him. It makes him scoff, and he’s frowning as he finishes eating his cereals. The frown only relaxes when Laura texts him again.
[9:12 pm] Laura: I’m available too! There’s a restaurant I’ve been wanting to try? Is that something you’d like to do?
The way that she texts sounds formal. It makes him laugh, and he finds himself replying,
[9:13 pm] Jungkook: wait, so then it’s a date date uh? [9:16 pm] Laura: Maybe?☺️ [9:17 pm] Jungkook: is 7 o’clock good for u?
He doesn’t really know what he’s doing. He doesn’t usually do real dates, preferring hanging out at the girl’s place or inviting her over for one of the many parties they usually host. But he needs the distraction, right?
And when he’s texting Laura, he realizes he’s not thinking about you as much. It’s relieving after the last few days, and really, maybe he should just give her a chance.
Wednesday, July 11th
                Your therapist works in a building that’s surprisingly not too far from your internship. You were able to schedule an appointment for tonight, which is a relief.
You’ve been thinking about this weekend so much you haven’t been able to focus at the internship. So much so that you were stuck at the office later yesterday. You didn’t mind having to skip the dance practice though – you were glad you didn’t have to see Jungkook.
But now, it’s time for you to sort out your thoughts about the whole situation. As much as pretending that everything is fine can be fun, you also hate the way your mind wanders every night. Especially considering Jungkook never replied to your text last Sunday.
You feel like he’s slipping through your fingers. And maybe he is, and maybe all of this will be for nothing.
Well, not necessarily nothing, since it’s always good to get a grip of yourself.
You sigh, and you walk into the building right before a rain shower starts. You’re relieved you were able to avoid getting wet, and you walk to the front desk to give your name to the lady. She puts you in the computer and then tells you to sit in the waiting room. You thank her, and you’ve barely had time to sit when Mary comes to get you.
Mary’s office hasn’t changed one bit since the last time you sought her help in February. You sit on the same couch, and she offers you a glass of water as she greets you. And then she asks what brings you there.
At that you still. You freeze, like a deer in headlights, because for a moment you’re terrified of having to say the words aloud. Terrified to admit you felt something last Saturday, and you think you’ve already screwed it all up. She listens to you intently, and you watch her scribble on her pad as you do so. You’re tempted to read what she’s written; you’ve always wondered what it is that therapists write on that notebook of theirs.
Is she piecing out your soul the way that you feel like she is?
You tell her everything. You tell her about how Jungkook came back into your life, differently this time. You tell her about the dance practices, and about your internship too. You tell her about last weekend, and you reveal every little dirty thought your brain dared to think. Mary doesn’t judge, and when you’re done, the only thing she says is, “You’re really good at psycho-analyzing yourself”.
You reckon she’s right. Because you know exactly why you acted the way that you did – with the example your parents gave you of love growing up, it’s hard to actually love. It’s even harder to deconstruct it, to deconstruct the fear until you can build yourself back into someone that can love.
It’s not that you think you can’t. You love Jiho, Jisung and their family plenty. But it’s different when it’s love with a big L. It’s always been, and you’ve never once really wanted to change it.
But now you do. You’ve been using your fears to protect yourself from others for far too long.
Mary makes a plan with you. Nothing too big, but she does suggest scheduling another appointment next week. Because you knowing what you need to do is half of the work, yes, but you still need to put it into practice. You agree with her, and you leave her office feeling lighter than you’ve felt in days.
The plan is for you to ask Jungkook if you can talk. You have the option to wait until tomorrow at dance practice, or to text him tonight, just so he knows in advance that you want to talk to him. Mary favoured the latter, saying that it’d give him time to prepare if he has things to tell you too.
You have no idea if he does, but the moment on Saturday felt heavy. You doubt there’s been nothing on his mind since then… because you were there. You know how it felt like, under the stars and after that. And the whole weekend, if you’re honest to yourself. You doubt he was immune to it.
You decide to wait a little before you text him. Just to make sure you really are going to do this. Because it feels like you’re standing at the top of a cliff, and you’ve never been a cliff diver. No, you’re far too afraid of heights. But the fact that you haven’t been able to get Jungkook off your mind tells you enough: you’d jump off the highest cliff for him.
Because if you don’t risk it, what is there to win?
So it’s later that night, when you’re rewatching your favourite anime, that you find yourself pausing the show. You go to your messaging app, and heart beating out of your chest you type a message. Something simple, something straight to the point. Because the fact he ignored your last message says enough: Jungkook won’t cave in for apologies, especially not over text.
You settle on,
[9:31 pm] You: hey jk! can we talk tmrw after practice?😌
You press send before you can convince yourself that this is not a good idea, and anxiety blooms in every inch of you. It’s a foreign feeling: you’ve never been so anxious when it came to someone else before in your life.
Watching your favourite anime after that has never been so hard.
Thursday, July 12th
                You don’t want to go to practice. Everything feels like it’s going too fast and too slow at the same time: waiting for Jungkook to reply is excruciatingly long, and having to head to the dance studio is coming far too quickly.
Jungkook hasn’t replied. You texted Mary about it – she said to see in person if Jungkook wants to talk, but to also respect it if he doesn’t. It makes you far less hopeful than you were when you got out of her office yesterday, but you know she is right.
If this is his way of setting a boundary, you will have to respect. No matter how much it upsets you.
So it’s in an anxious state of mind that you make your way to the studio. You run into Jiho on the way, and you’re worrying at your bottom lip when she asks, “What’s wrong?”
Your steps falter a little, and you throw her a side glance. “Uh?”
“What’s wrong with you?” she asks.
She knows that you used to see a therapist. But telling her that you saw Mary again about Jungkook feels like too big of a confession. It gives him too much power, and you’re not sure you’re ready for that. But you can tell some parts of the truth, can you?
“I’m going to try and talk to Jungkook tonight.”
Jiho remains suspiciously silent for a time. “Are you sure you want to talk to him?”
“I guess,” you say, shrugging your shoulders. “I just feel bad about this weekend.” Jiho offers you a sad smile, as your eyes fall to the concrete in front of you. “It’s just like, I don’t know, I liked where last weekend was going and I don’t want it to go back to the way things were before.” You pause, already feeling a little lighter now that you’ve started talking to your best friend. “Like I know I got scared and all, but he’s actually pretty decent?”
Now, Jiho’s smile has turned knowing, and she nudges you with her elbow. “I think I saw that coming from miles away but I didn’t want you to kill me.”
“Uh?” you let out, feeling a little confused.
“Everyone always thought you two were into each other,” she admits, and she laughs loudly when you push her. “Exactly why I didn’t want to tell you,” she says when her laughter subsides as you offer her a fake glare, lips jutting out in a small pout.
“I mean, I don’t even know if that’s where things are going,” you say. Your fear returns, and you’re back to nibbling on your lower lip. “Like, maybe I just fucked up too bad?”
“Did you talk since then?” Jiho asks.
You refuse to look at her when you reply. “No. He ignored my texts.”
From the corner of your eyes you see Jiho wince. Because she knows just as well as you what it probably means, and you don’t want to hear her say it.
“What did you tell him?”
You shrug your shoulders, trying to act as indifferent as possible. “Sunday I said that I was sorry, and I asked him if we could talk after dance practice yesterday.”
“And he said nothing?”
It’s rhetorical, so you remain silent. You’re reaching the bridge, and you know the conversation will soon come to an obligated end anyway.
“Babe…”  Jiho lets out carefully. “Maybe you shouldn’t talk to him.”
It makes you scoff. “I’ll be chill, don’t worry.”
“I’m not saying you won’t be,” Jiho says. She grabs your arm to make you stop. “Maybe he just doesn’t want to talk.”
You free your arm from her grip, though she was already letting you go. “I’ll ask. We’ll see. I just want to clear the air.”
Jiho holds your defiant gaze for a while, before nodding once. “Alright. Sounds good. You let me know what he says.” She pauses for a few seconds, before adding, “And we’re still on for Thirsty Thursdays after that.”
Of course you are, and of course you’ll tell her. She’s your best friend after all, and you don’t remember a time when you really hid anything from her.
It doesn’t stop your heart from aching in your chest as you near the studio.
                Dance practice feels weird. You can’t help your eyes from diverting to Jungkook where he’s standing, next to the mirrors. He’s good at pretending he doesn’t feel your gaze on him, yet more than once you catch him already looking.
He looks good. He’s in paler clothes than his usual today – light blue jeans with an oversized white t-shirt – and his hair is ruffled by the way he keeps running his hands through it. He looks like he doesn’t care, almost. Because you can tell he’s anxious about something whenever you catch him pulling at his piercing, eyebrows slightly furrowed over his eyes.
You don’t know when you started being able to read him so well, but you surely can now.
He calls dance practice off earlier than his usual, and he still hasn’t really looked at you. You’re pretty sure everyone has noticed by now, especially considering the fact Jiho hasn’t really been subtle about it. She’s glaring at Jungkook most of the time, and he just shrugs his shoulders to her.
It’s weird. Something is off, but if you’re going to do this, you’ll do it, right?
It’s in that anxious state of mind that you approach him as everyone filters out. His hands are buried in his pockets and he’s leaning against the mirror. It’s like he’s waiting for you, and you figure maybe he did read your message after all.
The first few seconds of standing in front of him are far more awkward than anything you’ve ever experienced in your entire life. You don’t know what to say, don’t know where to start, and Jungkook’s head is hanging too low for you to be able to catch his gaze without invading his personal space. So you stay rooted in your spot, and you wait for him to look at you. It takes a while, but he eventually looks up.
You’re taken aback by the bitter annoyance his features hold. “What?”
You’ve written in your notes app what you wanted to say. You’ve even practiced it, but now you don’t remember a single word.
His eyes are sad. It’s the only thing that feels different on his features. The rest is all annoyed: his eyebrows are furrowed, the corners of his lips are pointing downwards. His shoulders are low, defeated, and he seems to realize it because he straightens and folds his arms on his chest.
“Uh,” you choke out against the anxiety that’s building up inside of you. “I just…”
“If you want to apologize again, I received your message last Sunday.”
You brush a strand of your hair behind your ear, before folding your arms on your chest too. “Why did you ignore me?”
He shrugs, shaking his head a little as he looks away. “I have nothing to tell you.”
“Jungkook, can you please not? We’re adults.”
“Yeah, and I’m choosing to not be talking with you. I’m sure you can respect that?”
You can. You definitely can. But at the same time you can’t. Not when he says it like that, like it’s some sort of an insult.
“Why are you overreacting like that?”
“Because I’m fucking embarrassed about last weekend!” he bursts. “I wish it never happened.”
It hurts. It stings and burns, and you hold your arms tighter against you. “You’re embarrassed? Is that why you said you wished we did it earlier?”
His gaze turns vicious, like he’s a viper waiting to strike. “See, that’s exactly why I do not want to talk to you. I don’t think we can be friends either. We’ve never been friends, like you oh so kindly reminded me, and that won’t change.”
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath to relax, because this is not where you want this conversation to be going. “Listen,” you say after a few seconds of silence, “I really don’t want to be fighting with you. I just want to clear the air.”
“The air is cleared,” he says as you open your eyes to meet his fiery gaze again. “I don’t understand what you’re trying to do.”
You’re struck then. You feel like you either have the choice to confess or to stick to your anger. And you try to confess, you really do. It’s not like with Jiho – Jungkook was part of the moment Saturday, he was there with you under the stars. So it shouldn’t be too hard to tell him, to say you got scared.
You open your mouth to say the words, and shut it immediately as he scoffs.
“See, I don’t even think we should be speaking at all,” he says. There’s a fraction of a second when you’re convinced you can read pain in his gaze before he continues, “I’m actually seeing Laura, and I don’t want to fuck that up.”
Every word you’ve ever known vanishes from your mind. You just stand there for a moment, mouth hanging open, ears ringing as you look at him. You feel like you’re falling, or maybe you’re getting crushed. It’s hard to tell. It’s equally as hard to breathe, and your lungs burn as oxygen fills them.
“I went on a date with Laura and I actually like the girl, I don’t want to fuck things up by talking to you,” he says, slowly, as if he needs to hammer every word into your head.
Laura? The girl from his class?
“Isn’t that the girl you told me you don’t care about?”
Your voice is somehow flat. Empty of the emotions it held just a few seconds ago.
“I went on a date with her and I like her,” he repeats as if you’re stupid and didn’t understand the first time around. As if your heart is not breaking in your chest, infinitely so.
You didn’t know how big your heart is until this moment, when every beat just breaks a little more, and all you can think to do is hold yourself tighter. As if it’ll stop the breaking.
“Why do you want to know?” he asks, and his eyes fall shut as he pinches the bridge of his nose. You really do feel stupid then, stupid and foolish and everything in between. Like you’re a five-years-old that keeps messing her right from her left.
“I… how the fuck did you go on a date with her already, it’s been four days?”
“A lot can change in four days, Y/n,” he drawls.
You think your nails might be digging in your palms from how hard you’re clenching your fists. “Wow.”
The studio falls silent. It’s heavy, and maybe the silence is what’s been crushing you. Because you were expecting it – the moment you and Jungkook wouldn’t have anything else to tell each other. Because for everything you were willing to confess, now there’s just an empty spot inside of you.
You hold his gaze. He doesn’t look all that infuriated anymore. Defeated, yes, and maybe a little deflated. He looks like he didn’t expect the conversation to go there.
But you were right. Turns out you were right and you are too late. You can’t help but hate him for it.
“You don’t waste your time, do you?” you ask, and you scoff bitterly. “You fuck one girl and then another in just a few days. Suits you well.”
He rolls his eyes. “As I said, I wish we didn’t sleep together. If I could take last weekend back I would.” He shrugs then, shaking his head a little. “I’m sure you understand.”
You purse your lips, trying to keep them from trembling as you feel a lump form in your throat. “I can’t believe you’re already fucking some other girl.”
“Okay, Y/n, as if that’s going to change anything.”
You nod, and you find yourself fleeing his gaze. Because you don’t want him to see how you’re breaking inside. How every piece of you turns inside out, until you’re bleeding out standing there in front of him.
You think about the stars. You think about the way he led you in that dance, the way his eyes shone as he looked at you.
Jungkook is cataclysmic. He really is. And cataclysms are rarely good, are they? They can create, yes, the way the universe was once created, but they destroy. They destroy and destroy until nothing remains, until you just feel like you’re drowning and burning all at once.
“Save your breath,” he says. You think his gaze is shining again, and you don’t think it’s shining for the same reason that it was under the stars. “And I mean that in the most respectful way.”
“Right. As if that would ever sound respectful.”
He rolls his eyes again. “Yeah, whatever. I’m done here.”
It occurs to you that you’re about to watch someone you care about walk out of your life again. You want to reach out and hold him, to tell him how you feel, to say how everything has started to hurt, but you can’t. You can just look at him, hold his gaze until he makes the decision to go.
He’s gone before you’ve truly assimilated just how bad everything went. Just how far south things went, and how fiercely everything burns. And you stand there for a long time, holding yourself, waiting for the heartbreak to stop. But the thing with heartbreak is that it never fully stops, does it? You just learn to deal with it better.
It’s weird. You never thought you could be cold and burning at the same time. But if this is hell, then hell has frozen over because you’re shivering, just holding yourself.
You feel like you’re sixteen again, like you watched your dad walk out of your life again. Maybe because Jungkook really was the cataclysm to you, and now you’re stuck with the aftermath.
But you don’t cry. No, you hold the tears in. Force them to dry without having rolled on your cheeks, convince them that you don’t care. It’s something you’re good at. Pretending. Because maybe you’ve been pretending you hate Jungkook for a lot longer than you thought. Maybe that’s the reason why it hurts so bad.
But you won’t cry, no. You won’t cry for Jeon Jungkook.
You get home later that night, after having walked through a daze for the whole evening. You’re drunk, and you’re still aching from the inside out. Your phone is in your hand, and you’ve been on Jungkook’s conversation for so long without blinking that your eyes have fully gone dry.
You watch the text you’ve just sent, the only proof that you ever cared about Jungkook.
[2:31 am] You: i reall y wish things ddn’t go so bad
It takes you three days to realize it never delivered.
Friday, July 20th
                It takes Jungkook a little under two weeks to officialise things with Laura. It’s moving quickly, he’s aware of it, but he’s been trying to ignore the way he saw your heart break in your eyes. It seems the best way to do it is to watch feelings swell in someone else’s gaze, and so he asks Laura to be his girlfriend after their third date.
She says yes, beaming like she’s the sun personified.
Still, when Jungkook closes his eyes at night, all he sees is your heart breaking in your eyes.
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yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh.. my bad. I really went far with this angst uh? What do we think? What's going to happen next?
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354 notes · View notes
xutokawa · 4 years
I really love your s/o finding scratch marks, so I was wondering if you can do one for Bokuto & Hinata- if not Hinata you can do Akaashi uwu please crush my soul ~🥝
pairings: akaashi x reader, hinata x reader
genre(s): fluff to angst, cheating
warnings: langauge, cheating
wc: 2.4k
» masterlist
a/n: anon!! tysm for this request hehe. sorry it took so long to write :( but I hope you enjoy!! since i already wrote one for bokuto, it’s just hinata and akaashi in this one! also tysm guys for 400 followers!?!!??! i def don’t deserve it since i barely post oops but i still can’t be grateful enough for your support!
atsumu and oikawa ver.
osamu and iwazumi ver.
kuroo and sakusa ver.
suna and bokuto ver.
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Excitement bubbled in your stomach as you checked your appearance in the mirror. 
“How do I look?” you teasingly asked your boyfriend. Looking up from his phone, his face immediately formed into a smile.
“Ethereal,” Akaashi replied, taking in your appearance. You giggle as you walked over to where he was sitting on your shared bed, wrapping your arms around his waist, snuggling into his chest. His scent filled your nostrils as you felt his hand reach up to smooth your hair. Warmth spread through your body. 
“You ready to go then?” Akaashi asked you.
“Ready when you are,” you replied, tilting your head to meet his gaze. His eyes filled with adoration.
“Let’s go then.”
The two of you were seated in a nice cafe, hunger satiated as the two of you talked. Your conversations were filled with smiles and laughter. Yet Akaashi’s smiles never seemed to truly reach his eyes. How could they when nothing but guilt filled his mind, when evidence of a drunken escapade was marked on his body?
Akaashi had noticed your intense gaze on his neck, shifting uncomfortably. Panic and dread rose to his throat at the thought of there being a hickey on his neck from the night before. Despite checking in the mirror countless times, he still couldn’t help but feel panicked at the thought of missing one.
“Is everything okay, y/n?” Akaashi tentatively asked, rubbing his hand over his neck. Snapped out of your trance, you meet his eyes before laughing it off.
“Yeah, just zoning out,” you tried to laugh off. You couldn’t shake it from your head. That couldn’t have been a hickey. Even if it was, Akaashi wouldn’t be so careless to not cover it, right? Unless he wanted you to see it. Tears pricked at your eyes. You quickly excused yourself to the bathroom, not wanting Akaashi to see your tears. 
As soon as you left his sight, Akaashi hurriedly checked his camera on his phone to see what you were staring at. Sure enough, a purple splotch was peeking out from underneath his shirt. Akaashi cursed as he wracked his mind with what to do. All he could come up with was pulling his shirt collar to one side.
His heart hammered in his chest. Would you break up with him when you came out of the bathroom? He felt his heart crumble at the thought of you leaving him. Akaashi was hoping he would eventually forget about his mistake and move on with his life with you. He just wanted to move onto the moment he got down on one knee, the moment the two of you would buy a house for the first time, the moment you held your children in your arms. He just needed to get past this moment.
He knew as soon as he saw you walk out of the bathroom. Your red eyes and blotchy cheeks gave it away. You saw, and now you knew how shitty of a person he was.
Silence enveloped the two of you as you sat back down.
“So you saw,” Akaashi confirmed. All you could do was nod in response.
“Wh-what do you want to do now?” Akaashi choked out. He truly didn’t want to lose you. It was like living in a nightmare, but the most he could do now was respect your wishes.
“I-” you started off, taking a breath before continuing, “I want to go back to the apartment.”
Akaashi silently nodded in understanding before gathering his things and leaving to pay. You buried your face in your hands, not fully grasping the situation at hand. Why was he acting so guilty? This was Akaashi, your boyfriend since your third year at high school. Never once did you doubt the love you held for each other during your relationship. 
“C’mon, y/n, let’s go,” Akaashi said, tentatively reaching his hand out to you. You debated whether or not you should take it, still unsure of everything going on. Finally, you gave him, letting his long fingers intertwined with yours. You almost wanted to laugh at how easily your unease washed away at his touch, how you immediately felt comforted, when the man who made you feel this way had traces of another on his skin. 
The two of you drove in silence, neither one of you sure of what to say in this situation. Confusion swarmed Akaashi’s mind. You obviously saw the hickey on his neck, yet you weren’t lashing out, demanding to break up with him. Yet he could see you were visibly troubled, your history and past with him getting in the way of your rationality. Guilt and shame pooled in Akaashi’s stomach. He shouldn’t be using his familiarity with you as a way to keep you with him. He was unfaithful, and deserved all the consequences. He knew that, no matter how heart wrenching it was to have you leave him.
Silence continued to envelop the two of you as you walked up to your shared apartment. As soon as you entered the threshold of your home, Akaashi attempted to start some sort of conversation.
“Y/n, I think we need-” Akaashi attempted to start.
“Baby, I’m really tired, can this wait till after I take a nap,” you cut him off. Maybe if you continued to pretend you saw nothing, that this was just another day, everything would be okay. You and Akaashi would be okay.
“You can’t just ignore what just happened, y/n!” Akaashi reasoned. Your detachment from the situation honestly scared him a bit. He would’ve expected you to demand him to move out, maybe even a smack across the face, but your reaction was unexpected and unsettling.
“Nothing’s wrong, Akaashi,” you said, tears beginning to pool, “I still love you, and you love me, right?” 
“Y/n-” Akaashi started, “of course I love you, which is why I can’t stand to see you like this! I fucking cheated on you! I don’t deserve your love! You shouldn’t be forgiving me! I don’t deserve you anymore!”
Tears began streaming down your face at his words.
“No, no no no, Akaashi, no! We’re supposed to be together! You wouldn’t hurt me like that, Akaashi, you love me too much to do that to me!” You tried to reason. Deep down, you knew. Even if the two of you somehow got past this moment, new insecurities from this moment would arise. Your relationship would never be the same.
“Y/n! Get it through your fucking head! I cheated on you! I’m a fucking scumbag who forgot how fucking amazing you are! I’m the asshole here! You can’t just forgive me like this! How are you going to forgive me when I’m never going to forgive myself?!” Akaashi’s voice broke at the end.
“Akaashi, stop it! There’s no proof!” You yelled back, not wanting reality to hit. Your eyes widened when Akaashi moved to pull his shirt over his head.
“Is this proof enough?” Akaashi started, “What will it take for you to realize? Did you want me to call them up? Have them tell you? Y/n, please, don’t put yourself through this! Fucking wake up and realize!”
You collapsed to the ground, sobbing as you took in his appearance. Hickeys littered his neck and chest, red scratches on his shoulders. It finally hit you. Akaashi cheated on you. He left you for another. 
“Why? Why did you have to ruin this, Akaashi!” you yelled, “was this not enough?”
“I don’t know, y/n,” Akaashi began breaking down, “I regret all of it. I would give anything to turn the clock back, but I can’t! This is reality, and we both have to face it whether we like it or not!”
Pain flared in Akaashi’s chest as your eyes met his. He watched as the love you held for him slowly dissolved from your eyes. His heart fell into pieces as you walked into your shared bedroom, only to emerge moments later with a small duffle bag. He recognized it. It was the duffle bag you used when the two of you took trips. You were leaving.
Tears freely flowed down Akaashi’s face as you wordlessly brushed past him, nothing sounding in the room except your hiccups. 
“Y/n,” Akaashi started, “where are you going?”
“Away,” you replied, giving no other explanation. The coldness and sadness in your voice sent knives into Akaashi’s heart, but it’s what he deserved. He couldn’t beg for your love again, or have the right to yearn for your warm embrace. He’s the one who ruined everything, so Akaashi could do nothing but helplessly watch you walk away from him, leaving him alone in a cold apartment.
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“Y/n~” Your boyfriend whined, plopping his head into your lap. Your hand instinctively went to comb through his orange hair.
“What’s up?” You replied, not looking up from your phone screen. Your eyes finally met his, however, when he pushed away your hands, forcing you to look at him. One look at his pleading eyes was all it took for your heart to melt.
“Can we please go out today? The weather looks so nice,” Hinata pleaded, “Don’t you want to go to the beach?”
“But I just want to watch Netflix,” you whined.
“C’mon, baby. Please?” Hinata looked at you, bottom lip sticking out, “Let’s go outside and enjoy the sun! We can buy ice cream!”
You hesitated for a second.
“Ice cream and smoothies,” you said, “and we go to the mall tomorrow.”
Hinata sent you the brightest smile.
“Ugh, y/n, I love you so much,” Hinata mumbled out around a mouthful of ice cream. Giggling, you wiped the corner of his mouth.
“I love you too, baby,” you cooed back, heart swelling at the sight of his smile. Hinata didn’t understand how you still managed to give him butterflies after five years of dating, but he wasn’t complaining. The way your eyes crinkled and your nose scrunched when you laughed made him feel warm inside, and he wouldn’t trade you for the world.
“You know, I’ve been thinking a lot, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life like this with you,” you said, eyes shining with adoration as you looked at your boyfriend. The amount of love you held for the spiker in front of you was unexplainable. All you knew is he made you feel like you were on top of the world, the only thing that mattered to him.
Gasping dramatically, Hinata replied, “That’s insane, because I’ve been thinking that too!”
“Stop teasing me,” you laughed off. Hinata’s chuckles blended with yours. The spiker’s joy was cut off as guilt began rising in his stomach. Of course he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. You were his everything, the reason he felt like he could breathe easier, the reason everything in his world was so bright. But he knew he wasn’t faithful during your relationship. Hinata didn’t even know how it happened. All he remembered was waking up in a hotel room, his legs tangled with another’s. He remembered the feeling of his stomach plummeting to his feet once he saw the mangled marks on his back.
Hinata was pulled out of his thoughts by your voice.
“Is that Bokuto?” You questioned, gaze pointed at the sandy beach. Sure enough, the wing spiker along with Atsumu were there, standing on opposite sides of a volleyball net.
“Yeah, Kageyama and Hoshiumi are there too!” Hinata excitedly pointed out, already walking towards the volleyball match. You recognized a couple of other players standing around the area.
Hinata bounded towards them, yelling out, asking if he could join. You laughed as you watched him immediately settle into a disagreement with Kageyama before he came running back towards you.
“Y/n!” Hinata panted out, “I know this was supposed to be a date, but do you mind if I play a couple matches?”
You giggled as you saw the excitement shining in his eyes. 
“It’s no problem, I’ll just go shopping around the boardwalk! Call me when you’re done, but don’t play for too long,” you said, giving him a peck on the cheek.
“Yes! You’re the best! I love you,” Hinata said as he enveloped you in a hug before taking his shirt off and running back to the volleyball net. Your eyes immediately fell on his shoulders. 
“Shoyo, what’s on your back?”
Hinata stopped in his tracks as his stomach fell to his feet. He had completely forgotten about the evidence of his infidelity on his back. The prospect of playing beach volleyball with his friends overtook his rationality, and now he was paying the price for it. He whipped around, eyes now wide, panic replacing the excitement that was there moments before. The hurt swimming in your eyes was enough to make his heart shatter.
“Y/n, I-” Hinata breathed out, unable to form a complete sentence. The spiker felt his knees go weak as he watched you turn around and walk away from him, shoulders shaking. It wasn’t until he heard you say, ‘I won’t be going back to the apartment tonight, don’t wait up’ that he scrambled for his shirt, shoving it over his head as he attempted to catch up to you.
“Y/n, please wait! Let me explain-” Hinata ran after you. He stopped in his tracks, eyes wide, when you turned around. Nothing but hurt blazed in your eyes as you looked him in the eyes.
“Explain what, Hinata? Did you want to go into detail about how you fucked someone else? Was simply cheating on me not enough? You don’t get to hurt me more than you already have,” you spewed back at him, venom laced in your words. Hinata’s face crumpled into sobs.
“No, y/n, that’s not it at all. I never wanted to hurt you, not ever! I’m so pathetic! I can’t even remember how it happened. It never should have happened, I can’t lose you like this,” Hinata sobbed, falling to his knees at your feet. The thought of losing you sent Hinata’s mind into a panic. His hands scrambled to find yours, clasping to them for dear life. You scoffed at his actions.
“Get up,” you said, looking away from his figure. Hinata hopefully looked up, hoping you would give him the chance to make it up to you. His hopes were shattered, however, when he met your eyes. Instead of the care and affection he was hoping to see, he was met with nothing but embarrassment and putrid hate.
“You’re making a scene. People are staring,” you said, looking around you, “I told you, I’m not going back to the apartment tonight. I’ll grab my stuff later.”
“I’m sorry,” Hinata choked out, “I’m so sorry for everything. Please, you deserve better. Someone who won’t forget what he has in front of him. Someone who will cradle your heart and give you everything you deserve. I love you, y/n. I’m so sorry.”
“I wish I could believe you when you say ‘I love you’, but we both know it’s not true at this point. No loving boyfriend would cheat,” you said lowly, energy drained from the situation.
“No, y/n. Please, if anything, trust that I love you with all of my being, and I would do anything to try and fix this. I can’t imagine my life without you, let me fix this!” Hinata sobbed.
“You should’ve thought about that before you ruined everything,” you said as you looked into his eyes. Tears pooled in both of your eyes. The hurt and regret was evident on the spiker’s face, but you couldn’t give in.
“Goodbye, Hinata.”
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hermannsthumb · 3 years
Maria. *Grabs your face* MARIA. I would LOVE to see 15 bobbing for apples from the autumn fic meme written by you. Nothing would delight me more!
Anonymous asked: Halloween prompt #15 please!!... "Bobbing for apples but we meet accidentally underwater lady and the tramp style." OR "I thought we'd have fun bobbing for apples but you actually hate it and are really mad now"
15. Bobbing For Apples
from autumn fic prompts here
KATE ❤️__ ❤️for you id write anything... and anon the lady and the tramp scenario is so fucking funny/good
It’s a really good thing that Hermann has Newt, because if Newt’s being honest, he has no damn clue what the poor dude would do without him. Work himself to death, probably. Or spend every Saturday night alone in his bunk. So depressing. Newt considers it his big charitable act of—well, of all time—to force Hermann into social functions, whether it's fun nights out at the bar (with Newt!), or down the hall a few feet for awesome movie marathons in Newt’s quarters (with Newt!), or something like tonight, which is a super awesome and fun Halloween party that, like, everyone on the base was invited to (including Newt!).
Hermann was all set to spend another night alone (probably changing the batteries in all his calculators or rearranging the hangers in his closet) when Newt dragged him out, more or less by the collar of his argyle sweater, with multiple threats to make his life a living hell the following week in the lab if he didn't comply immediately. "Seriously, dude," Newt had said, ominously, while Hermann looked at him like a furious cat ready to take a swipe, "you're gonna put in those vampire fangs and get drunk with me, or you're gonna regret it. I mean it." Newt was not opposed to blasting the shittiest depths of his Spotify account over his bluetooth speakers or using Hermann's favorite coffee mug to hold his dissection tools. Luckily for both of them, Hermann decided the risk wasn't worth it.
Newt knows Hermann is bound to recognize how selfless Newt is being and thank him for it eventually. Probably. Maybe a few years from now. For now, Newt is enjoying the warm and fuzzy feeling of having done a good deed, and also of drinking a considerable amount of spiked punch.
Hermann is not enjoying either.
"I did, in fact, have plans for tonight," he tells Newt, sipping his ginger ale and observing Newt with a fierce scowl. He flat-out refused the booze Newt tried to push on him. It's fine, whatever—it's enough for Newt, right now anyway, that he actually came. They'll work up to bigger stuff like that later.
"Like what?" Newt says. "Doing a crossword puzzle and watching the second half of that boring-ass documentary you put on last weekend?"
Newt considers it an affront to the very concept of movie nights that Hermann used his pick on a documentary, and one about the jaeger program that didn't even bother interviewing him, no less. Newt loves a good documentary, don't get him wrong, but movie nights are for escapist shit. You don't see him switching on Godzilla. Plus, having to watch stock footage of Dr. Gottlieb Sr. blabbing his mouth about how smart he was while you were debating making a move on his son (who was currently in you bed, looking super cute in your sweatpants, because he'd forgotten to pack pj's) was kind of a mood-killer. "It wasn't boring," Hermann sniffs, which tells Newt that his guess was dead-on. "It was...interesting. And anyway, just because they aren't your idea of plans..."
"Okay, whatever," Newt says. "Let's just have fun. That's the point of a party."
He throws an arm around Hermann's shoulder and drags him closer, until their heads knock together painfully. He hears Hermann growl low in his throat. Newt doesn't say, soon, we won't have the time to do stupid shit like this anymore, so we should enjoy it while we can, even though he wants to. It's better to not make fun stuff depressing. Plus, Hermann might decide to take that as an invitation to bail and put on his documentary. Instead he reaches up across Hermann and flicks his chin. Hermann's whole body stiffens. "I can't believe I got you into this super awesome party and you're not even pretending to be thankful," Newt says.
With no great deal of difficulty, Hermann pushes Newt off of him. Newt lands heavily back in his chair, making the whole thing wobble, and he laughs as he just manages to catch himself from falling off the other side. "You got me in?" Hermann says. "Newton, I was invited three weeks ago."
Newt stops laughing. "You were?"
"Yes," Hermann says. The corner of his lip twitches up, with a smugness so powerful Newt can feel it radiating off of him in waves. Bastard. "I took it upon myself to ask if you might be permitted to come, too." He adds, sarcastically, "Out of the kindness of my heart. I know how terribly put out you get when you aren't included in these sorts of things."
Newt considers this new information, and then discards it, because it really doesn't fit the image of himself he's been cultivating as the cool, hip friend to Hermann's uncool, unhip nerd. Like, come on, between the two of them, Newt is obviously the one you'd want at your party. Hermann's gotta be kidding. Probably. Maybe. "It's a lame party anyway," Newt mumbles.
He tries to put his arm around Hermann's shoulder again, remembers that Hermann really didn't like that the first time, and then drops it back down at his side instead. "Totally lame," he continues. Newt recalls the Halloween parties of his youth with a warm, fond glow: elaborate costumes, tacky decorations, passing around bowls of peeled grapes in the dark, carving jack-o-lanterns while his dad hovered protectively over him to make sure he didn't take a finger off with the knife. This is none of that. Barely anyone even dressed up! The lack of Halloween spirit is tragic. "There aren't even any party games."
"Yes there are," Hermann says, mildly.
He points across the room at a large metal tub that Newt somehow missed before. It looks like it's filled with water, and...
"Dude," Newt says.
He doesn't wait to ask before he's hopping to his feet and dragging Hermann along after him by his blazer cuff. Hermann swats at his heels a few times with his cane, but eventually—like he does with most of Newt's ideas—gives in. "I'm a fuckin' champ at bobbing for apples," Newt boasts. "I used to—oops, excuse me," (he runs into two guys who are, like, twice his height, upsetting their drinks, and he hears Hermann groan as something purple spills on his sweater), "I used to always win it at the fall fest when my dad would take me." And then when he went back as an adult by himself, but it was less impressive a win when you were up against a bunch of ten-year-olds.
"You do have an exceptionally large mouth," Hermann says, rubbing at his stained shoulder. "I suppose that helps." As Newt bends to investigate the iron tub, he says, "Oh, Newton, don't, it's been out all night. Who knows what sorts of germs are in there?"
Newt gets to his knees and rolls up the sleeves of his PPDC-issued labcoat. He's a mad scientist to Hermann's vampire (vampire librarian?) tonight. Yeah, it's kind of a lazy costume, but it was free—he already had everything he needed in the lab. "I can get it in five seconds, max," he declares. His record is one second, but he's the first to admit he's a little rusty, and he'd rather impress Hermann by beating his estimate. "Will you hold my headlamp?"
Grumbling, Hermann takes it. Newt sets his glasses on the ground. "You're going to get yourself bloody soaking," Hermann says, and then he complains about something else, too, but Newt is screwing his eyes shut and ducking his head into the tub, which makes it difficult to hear him. One second—two seconds—two and a half—Newt emerges victorious from the tub, teeth clenched down firmly on an apple, and accidentally splatters a large amount of water on Hermann's shoes. He pulls the apple out of his mouth with a grin and waves it at Hermann. "See. I'm a fucking pro."
He tucks his glasses back on his face to discover that Hermann is staring at him with a very strange expression on his face. Newt can't decide if it's the blacklight bulbs overhead that are washing him out and making him look so flushed, or something else entirely. Then, in a second, he's grumpy and scowling and tsking over his wet shoes. "A pro," he echoes. "Hardly. It can't be that complicated."
Newt gestures grandly at the tub and takes a bite out of his apple. Hermann can always be relied upon to never turn down a challenge, especially when it means making Newt look—potentially—stupid. Newt uses it to his advantage often. Whatever it takes to help the guy have a good time. "It's all yours, dude."
Hermann grumbles something again about Newt being too arrogant for his own good, and something else about showing Newt how to do it without making a mess of everything, then gets down to his knees with a quiet hiss of discomfort. He shoves his cane, and Newt's headlamp, at Newt, though bewilderingly leaves his blazer on. "I'll be just a moment," he says, and dunks his head into the tub.
He splashes back up no more than five seconds later. Apple-less. "Bugger," he coughs, and then coughs some more. The entire front of his sweater is soaked. "I didn't—I didn't start out right. Let me—"
Newt watches Hermann try to drown himself a few more times in mild interest before he finally intercedes. "Need a hand?" he says, getting to his knees next to Hermann.
"No," Hermann splutters.
Newt takes his glasses off again. "Yeah, you do. Okay, now watch me—"
He emerges with another apple in seconds.
Hermann grits his teeth. "Newton—"
"One more?" Newt says, his grin widening.
Back under. Another apple. He winks at Hermann when he goes in for a fourth time, and this time, he feels the water of the tank being upset as Hermann (refusing to be outdone once again) splashes in alongside him. God, Newt loves riling Hermann up like this—he gets so funny, and kinda cute, when he's mad about something. Red in the face, and scowling, and sometimes (when he's real mad) speaking in a dangerously low and rough sort of voice with his r's rolling that makes Newt shiver, just a little. Like, Newton, you worthless, pathetic little man, cease this immediately, or else I'll... He actually said that to Newt once. It made Newt feel a little warm under his collar. Hermann's probably going to say something similar to him this time, and Newt can't wait.
Ten seconds in. Newt has been cutting Hermann a little slack at first, just to see if he can catch up, but finally decides to just go for the apple that's been bobbing steadily against his mouth this whole time. (He loves beating Hermann at stuff.)
And, well, apparently Hermann goes for it too.
They both miss the apple. Newt's mouth is up against Hermann's for another five seconds before he realizes what's happening (that that is definitely not an apple, that that is definitely a mouth, that that mouth is wide and weird another to belong to only one person Newt knows, that that mouth is parting in surprise, oh my God) and then he pulls away so quickly that he breathes in what feels like half the tub of water. He falls back on his ass, coughing furiously, and it's not until he shoves his glasses back on with a shaking hand that he realizes that Hermann has done the same. "I," Hermann says. His eyes are wide. "I'm sor—"
"It's fine," Newt squeaks.
"It was—"
"I know!"
Newt and Hermann's mouths were touching for five whole seconds. Underwater, while apples bobbed against their foreheads, but their mouths still touched. Oh my God. In elementary school, Newt thinks dizzily, that would be enough to catch cooties. This was so not how he wanted his awesome eventual seduction of Hermann to go down. For one thing, it wasn't even a seduction.
"I'm gonna get a towel," Newt says.
Hermann nods. He looks strangely adorable with water droplets on his nose and his hair plastered to his head like that. Newt has to get out of here before he does something stupid, like take Hermann's pointy cheeks between his hands and put their mouths together on purpose. He doesn't think Hermann would respond to that very well right now.
"I'll get you one too," Newt says, and it takes a lot of effort to force himself to his feet.
Hermann nods again.
"Okay," Newt says, and stumbles away. Out of the corner of his eye, he just catches Hermann raising a hand to his mouth.
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idy-ll-ique · 4 years
Pairing: Stephen Strange x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Mutual Pining
Warning: Forced kissing (?) idk how to put it. Almost one non-consensual kiss.
Summary: Doctor Strange, World's Greatest Sorcerer, is in love with his apprentice. Unfortunately, when it comes to love, he's a dumbass.
Author's Note: Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long! My college started, my classes are going on in full force and I haven't written anything readable in so long ugghhhh hope you guys enjoy this (Except for Loki, Spider-Man, Bonky and Steeb, the other characters' fics don't do that well 😳 but I'ma post this nonetheless)
Stephen POV:
I sighed as I watched Y/N sitting on the floor talking and joking around with the Cloak of Levitation. "Skedaddle, skedoodle..." "Y/N—" "Your dick is a noodle!" Levi made a happy noise and wrapped itself tightly around Y/N. She completely ignored me, laughing as the cloak hugged her.
Y/N was my apprentice. She also, coincidentally, happened to be the woman I was totally, hopelessly and obsessively in love with. "Y/N, if you're done, maybe you can come here and help me!" I yelled as cold-heartedly as possible, finally having enough. "Sorry, sir," she whispered.
Oh, the things she did to me when she called me 'sir'. Of course, Y/N was the best apprentice ever. She was the student every teacher dreamed of. Wait, that came out a bit creepy— She got up and quickly walked to me. Levi settled herself back on my shoulders. Y/N took a book in her hand and started reading.
I silently watched her as she focused on the book. Since I was so in love with her, my mind believed that maybe being cold to her would help me. I needed to get rid of distractions and Y/N... she was my biggest distraction. "Sir, I found it!" Y/N squealed, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Give that to me," I huffed, grabbing the book from her hand. "You may leave." Y/N nodded and got up, walking out of the library. I watched. The way her hips swayed when she walked, the way she only liked to wear skirts and sweaters all the time drove me crazy.
It was hard not to be in love with such a beautiful person.
"What's his problem," I grumbled as I picked my book off the stairs. I sat down on the fourth step and opened the book again. I was an apprentice to the one and only, Doctor Stephen Strange. I liked it at the New York Sanctum, that's where the both of us lived. I liked being an apprentice to the Sorcerer Supreme too, that is, if he treated me like a person.
He never talked politely to me. I was very damn sure that whatever it was, was my fault. I did something. So I started taking care more. I never messed up. It had been months since my last mistake. All of Strange's friends commented well about me. Wong and Mordo said I was the best apprentice there was. Even the Ancient One said I was good.
So what was Strange's problem? At least Levi liked me. She was the only one I could talk to freely, even though the cloak itself couldn't talk. As I quietly sat and read on the stairs, I heard a loud knocking on the door to the sanctum. Startled, I stood up. Before I could move, Strange was running down the stairs. "Don't move," he growled, stopping me as I followed him.
His hand collided hard with my chest and I was thrown back. I landed on the stairs on my butt. I groaned and scrambled back to my feet as Strange opened the door. Outside stood the two Norse Gods, Thor and Loki. My eyes widened.
I stood silently as the three of them chatted. A blush crept up my cheeks as I noticed that instead of focusing on what Strange was saying, Loki was eyeing me up.
I honestly didn't think I looked that great. Sure, I had a maintained figure and a thankfully unblemished face but no one would be into this. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and looked away, Loki's stare still burning holes through my body. I heard Strange sighing.
"Alright, follow me. Y/N, keep an eye on Loki. Make sure he doesn't touch anything," Stephen glared at me and went upstairs with Thor. I looked down. Why did Dr Strange hate me so much? As far as I remember, I had done nothing to him. "It's sad, how he treats you."
"What do you mean?" I looked up at Loki, confused. I grew extremely self conscious as Loki took a few steps towards me, smirking. "Judging by his tone and glare, he clearly despises you. Why do you still continue to be with him, dearest?" he crooned and I took a step back.
"It's— it's not what you think... I'm his apprentice, not his girlfriend," I whispered, uncomfortable. "An apprentice? How nice."
I got incredibly scared when Loki smirked more and stepped closer to me. "That means you're available, aren't you? Unless..." I shook my head furiously. "I'm not dating," I said in a rush. Wait, why was I acting like that? I wasn't interested in him, not at all!
There was no denying he was handsome and intelligent, but I just didn't like him that way. "Good. I've always wanted a pretty princess like you." I audibly gulped as Loki stood an inch away from me. I was standing on the sixth step on the stairs while Loki stood on the fifth. Even still, he was taller than I was. He leaned down and breathed out.
My heart rate skyrocketed, what was he doing? Whatever it was, I didn't like it. I loved someone else. I was in love with my teacher, Stephen Strange. It hurt me everyday how much he hated me but I liked him a lot. As soon as Loki's lips were about to be placed on mine... "Loki, I told you not to touch anything!" Loki quickly pulled back and stepped down.
I continued standing where I was, my eyes closed as I breathed heavily. When I opened my eyes, I saw Strange glaring daggers at Loki. It looked as if he was about to kill Loki then and there. "Sir—" I started but he cut me off. "Ah-ah! Shut up, I'll deal with you later!" he growled.
"Yes, sir," I whispered, looking down. My eyes filled with tears, what was happening? When no one was looking, I wiped my tears.
Alas, I was wrong. Strange saw me wiping my tears and his heart finally shattered.
Stephen POV:
I could not believe the audacity of that terrible excuse for a demigod. How dare he try to kiss the love of my life right under my roof?! I was incredibly upset when I saw that Y/N wasn't pushing him away. I knew she had always been a shy person, but...
"Thor, take your brother and leave," I grunted, opening a portal. Thor was just looking around awkwardly as Loki smirked at me and I glared at him. "I'll not be forgetting about you, Y/N!" Loki purposely yelled as he stepped through the portal. I looked at Y/N as he said it and saw her flinching.
So she really didn't care about that man. My heart broke. Why was I treating her like this? Like a caged animal? Like a disappointing kid? Y/N was far from disappointing, she was excellent. When the portal closed, I looked at Y/N. "Care to explain?" I snapped, crossing my arms.
"It wasn't me, it was all him," she whispered, her voice breaking. She was trying not to break down. "What did he do?" I questioned. "He... he tried to kiss me. I didn't want to do it. I don't like him that way." Y/N was still looking at the ground, her book long forgotten on the stairs.
I picked it up. "I want you to look up when we talk!" Her head snapped up and her eyes widened. I was holding her book out to her. She extended a shaking hand and accepted the book. "Th-Thank you," she stuttered. I realised that her whole body was shaking. That's when it hit me, how difficult it was for her.
I treated her like scum, blinded by my own mind. She was doing her best to impress me yet I continued ignoring her. Today's incident must have been worse for her. I mean, being taken without consent... my mind cleared up.
I had to make it up to her.
"Come on, Y/N, let's continue with our research, shall we?" I asked her softly and she nodded, still avoiding my eyes. We walked to the library. After that, I treated her like the princess, the angel she was. I complimented her all the time, became friendlier with her.
She worked as diligently as ever. But now, there was happiness around her when she worked. And I, as always, loved watching her. I wanted to confess my feelings. By now, I didn't care about rejection. I just wanted to get the feelings out. "Sir?" Yet again, I snapped out of my thoughts.
"Yes, sweetheart?" I asked, smiling at her. "Have I got something on my face or are you lost in thoughts?" she chuckled, eyes shining with teasing affection. I admit, after seeing her break down and finally treating her nicely, Y/N and I grew closer. We talked outside work now and she had a lot of interesting things to tell me.
"You've got something on your face," I smiled, getting up. I sat in front of her on the floor; she loved sitting on floors for some reason. She said it was cold and she liked it. "What?" she frowned, touching her face. "Beauty," I whispered and she froze. She looked at me.
"Sir, I—"
"I'm just gonna say it, Y/N, I'm in love with you."
"Then why did you treat me like I was nothing?"
"Because I didn't want any distraction from my work. You were the biggest distraction ever, with a beauty like that."
"What do you mean?"
"I thought that maybe by treating you coldly the feelings would go away. But they grew. And now I realize, my work is actually the biggest distraction from you." She chuckled at my joke. I took her hand and pressed a kiss to it. "Please tell me you like me back, I won't be able to sleep at night," I whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She grinned and tittered.
"Of course I do, I love you so much, sir," she whispered and I finally, after months of pining, pressed my lips to hers. She kissed back. My hands moved to her waist and I brought her on my lap, leaning against the wall behind me as we kissed passionately.
"Tell me you're mine, no one else's."
"Of course I'm yours, sir."
"Gah, you have no idea what that word does to me."
She found out that night.
A/N: Oop. Leave a like if you liked it lol
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Sugar and Spice [Maxwell Lord x Reader] - Chapter 9
Summary: When you are evicted from your apartment by your toxic ex boyfriend and have no place to go, who do you turn to? Alone in the city as the countdown to Christmas begins, you find yourself applying for a job as the assistant of the world’s biggest entrepreneur; Maxwell Lord. Little do you know, he has other intentions for you. No doubt about it, this Christmas will truly be like no other.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Smut, mentions of a previous verbally abusive relationship, typical 80s misogyny (but very little of it), mentions of food and drink, alcohol consumption. This is a sugardaddy x sugarbaby fic soooo… a daddy k!nk too oops.
But in this chapter - verbal abuse, reader is held hostage by her ex boyfriend.
Author’s note: We're approaching the end… I hope you enjoy this chapter. I just want to clarify that, although I have seen WW84 (and it was great!), I'll be finishing this series as if I haven't seen it. Sugar and Spice will not have spoilers for WW84.
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Maxwell must've been banging on your front door for minutes, yelling your name, desperate to get an answer. He just had to see you. He began to feel sick with worry when you weren't answering. What if you wanted nothing to do with him anymore? What if he had frightened you away like he has done to everyone else in his life? The guilt and the nausea overwhelmed him. He kept banging on the door until his knuckles were red raw and your neighbours came to look at what was going on. Unlocking their door, a mother and her two younger children padded out into the hallway, looking perplexed. The woman's face softened when she realised who it was.
"You're- you're the oil guy from television!" the mother stated with a gasp of shock. Her two children clasped their hands over their mouths when they realised. Maxwell stiffened up and ran a finger through his hair, straightening his posture and taking a deep breath.
"The oil guy! I'll take it!" Maxwell forced an enthusiastic grin trying to keep up with his charming persona. He couldn't let his anxiety ruin his reputation, that's for sure. "Could you- could you help me with something?" Maxwell raised an eyebrow.
"Oh Mr Lord, I would be honoured." The mother sighed dreamily and Maxwell smirked.
"The lady who lives here… you wouldn't happen to know where she is? I have to see her and it seems as though she's not answering the door. I- I have to get into her apartment." Maxwell explained, hoping the mother wouldn't require any more information than what he had already provided.
"Hm, I can't think of where she might be this early in the morning. I know she lost her job at the coffee shop. She must be in bed still… heavy sleeper?" The mother thought out loud, but Maxwell knew you weren't a heavy sleeper and you would have heard him by now. His heart rate began to pick up speed and his knees felt weak and wobbly with nerves. What if something had happened to you? "If you need to get into her apartment, I'd recommend going to see Tristan. He's our landlord. He has a spare key for every place in the building."
Maxwell's eyes lit up. "Right! Oh wonderful!" he gleamed. "Where can I find Tristan?"
"His apartment is the only one on the first floor. Back down all those flights of stairs I'm afraid! Oh but… he doesn't like to be woken up early… I'd maybe come back in a few hours." The mother recommended, but Maxwell was already long gone. He ran down the stairs, his hand sliding down the bannister as his feet carried his body faster than he anticipated.
When he reached the ground floor, he was heaving and panting. Maxwell loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top of his shirt before taking a deep breath and knocking on the door.
Nothing. Silence. Maxwell knocked again and he could've swore he heard shuffling around. "Hello? Is anyone home?" Maxwell asked, his fist banging on the door again.
Your ears perked up from the other side of the door as you sleepily rubbed your eyes. It couldn't be… could it? You must've been dreaming. But you recognised that soft, velveteen voice anywhere.
"Max?" you groggily croaked out. Maxwell's heart sank. He called your name and knocked on the door louder this time. You gasped and shuffled towards the front door, leaning against it and trying desperately to work the lock. It was no use though. Tristan had the key. "Max? Please tell me that's you." you whimpered as tears pricked your eyes. Had your wishes been granted? Was it really him?
"Wh- darling? What are you doing here?" Maxwell asked, his voice croaking slightly. Why were you at your landlords apartment? The reality that you had left Maxwell's side when he was most vulnerable to go stay at Tristan's was finally hitting him and it did not feel good.
"Max please be quiet," you whispered, and now the tears were free falling. "Tristan has me trapped in here. The door is locked I- I can't get out. I need help. I'm scared Max." you sobbed as gently as you could, not wanting to wake up your ex boyfriend.
Panic began to fill Maxwell, knowing that you weren't safe. He looked up and down at the sturdy door and cursed himself, knowing he wouldn't be able to break it down alone. He needed reinforcements. "I've got you," Maxwell promised. "Hold on baby, I'll get you out of here."
You were a sobbing mess when you heard Maxwell run away, his footsteps growing quieter and quieter. For a split second, knowing he was on the other side of the door, you felt safe and protected. For the first time you felt cared for. You held your head in your hands and cried, back pressed against the door in hope that Max would come back. "I love you Maxwell Lord." you weeped, knowing he was already gone.
Maxwell practically dived back into the limo. "Everything alright?" Jeeves asked with a raised eyebrow.
Maxwell didn't answer, instead pulling out the carphone and dialling 911. "Hello, I'd like to report a kidnapping."
Your crying became louder as you wondered how exactly this all went wrong. You didn't want to lose Maxwell. You wished you had stayed with him and told him that you loved him back. If he even did love you… his revelation came from him when he was drunk. You didn't know what would be next in your arrangement with Maxwell.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Tristan asked, padding out his bedroom in a pair of shorts and rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Do you know how early it is?" 
"I'm sorry." you garbled, wiping your tears away feeling embarrassed. You always hated him seeing you like this. Vulnerable. Weak.
He focused his vision on your curled up body leaning against the door and laughed. You scowled as he bellowed and pointed his finger at you. "Why are you waiting by the door? You want to leave?" He laughed. "You're not leaving."
"I'm not yours to keep here." you spat, shakily rising to your feet. Tristan picked up a magazine from the mantle piece and thrusted it into your chest. A red top tabloid with your name written all over. The headline was insulting and you felt your heart sink. Your jaw dropped slightly and your head began to feel hazy. In just the span of two weeks you had made a public name for yourself, and it wasn't exactly a good one. You didn't understand. You had done nothing wrong.
Tristan snatched the magazine out of your hands and turned to the glossy double page spread with your face all over it. "Rumour has it, you're his… what's the technical term? He uses you for sex?" Tristan, as usual, was being incredibly condescending.
"He doesn't use me." you shot back but your voice was no higher than a mere whisper. "Our arrangement isn't like that at all."
Tristan's eyes widened. "So it's an arrangement?" he smirked, his hand raising to cup your cheek. His thumb grazed over your skin as he looked into your glazed eyes. You looked down at the floor, embarrassed and annoyed with yourself. You had said too much. Tristan pressed his finger into your chin and forced you to look into his eyes. "Out of all people, I figured Maxwell Lord would know not to mix business with pleasure." Tristan chuckled.
You couldn't bring yourself to reply. You didn't know what to say. Your mind raced back to the first night you spent together, when you signed his contract and he called you nothing but an asset to his business. It angered you so much, and despite you both moving past it, Tristan's words brought up that same familiar hurt once more.
The hurt bubbled within you and you felt your tears prick your eyes. Had you really been so foolish to let yourself fall for a man like Maxwell Lord? Was Tristan right? He couldn't be…
"Are you- are you crying?" Tristan chuckled, taking a step towards you and kneeling down, breaking any distance. "Oh sweet girl, don't cry," he cooed and you felt your stomach twist into a knot. "Men like him… they aren't worth it." he shrugged non chalently. You were about to reply when you felt a loud thud on the door you were leaning against, followed by another bang. You gasped, scrambling to your feet and hurrying as far away from the door as you could get to. "What the fuck is going on?" Tristan snapped, glaring at you. His eyes flicked between you and the door which was already fraying at the edges, wood splintering out in places.
You were speechless, your lips parted in a perfect o shape as you watched the door get smashes open by the police. You stood there, a shaking bundle of nerves as they stormed the apartment, immediately grabbing Tristan and handcuffing him. "What the fuck?!" Tristan bellowed.
You watched them drag Tristan out of his own apartment, not saying a single word to you. Just a few moments later, Maxwell showed up. He cautiously padded into Tristan's apartment, but when his eyes met yours, he practically bolted towards you.
You fell into his arms, tears falling and dampening his suit as he held you tight and smoothed out your hair, quietly shushing you. "I've got you." he whispered and you felt your whole body loosen up as you cried into him. You felt safe again.
"Max," you gasped, choking out a sob. He gently pulled you away from him, and wiped the tears away from your eyes, his hands cupping your cheeks. "Thank you." were the only words you were able to muffle out.
"He will never hurt you ever again." Maxwell promised. "I'll make sure of it."
You didn't know how, but you trusted him. You believed him. You loved him. "Please, can we go home?" You asked him with a hopeful smile.
"I'll walk you back to your apartment." Maxwell offered, sliding his hand in yours.
"N-no," you shook your head. "This building holds too many bad memories. I mean…" you felt yourself trail off, wondering if you were being too forward.
"Oh," Maxwell gulped. "Remember what I told you when we first made our arrangement?" 
You spent a moment thinking. He had said a lot of things… Maxwell chuckled when he saw your mind wander off, trying to remember. "You will want for nothing. What is mine, is yours. C'mon, Jeeves is outside. Let's go home." he smiled and you felt yourself begin to bubble up again, wondering how on earth you had gotten so lucky in such a short space of time. You had found your hero.
Now, it was just a week before Christmas day and you had no idea what was to come.
December Magic: @100layersofdaddyissues @mrschiltoncat @honeymandos @thisisthe-wayson @this-cat-is-dea @blonde2bomshell @maiyaaaa0130 @autumnleaves1991-blog @justanotherblonde23 @softly-sad @laaadygisbooornex3 @kaelyn-lobrutto24
Permanent: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth
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novemberandmay · 4 years
As She Falls
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Her wings pointed to the sky as she was pulled into Earth’s gravity. Her limbs were also pointed up, except for her head and torso. She watched as clouds passed her, the rough wind trying to crush her non-existent body into molecules. Even though she wasn’t in her physical body, she could still feel the wind? How weird. But she was uncaring of this, as she crashed into her hospital room. She could finally see how her body was, after all this time. She looked at it, finding her body looking pathetic. It was thin, overly thin, and covered in bandages. She was hooked up to so many machines, it was a miracle she was still alive. But while observing this, she heard the door in front of her open. Glancing up at it, she saw something surprising.
“Chloe? What are you doing here?” She asked, shocked. But she didn’t get an answer, since she didn’t have vocal cords or a way to voice her thoughts. Chloe stood in the door way, her expression pained. She started to mumble things, things that didn’t make sense. Chloe seemed crazy and possessed at that moment, but it didn’t matter to Marinette. She raised her hand to try and get Chloe’s attention but was covered in light. She was forced into the older girl’s body, into the girl’s very soul.
When she opened her eyes, the light had make her close them earlier, she was surprised to see a little girl in a hotel’s lobby. She was gripping a teddy bear, but seemed upset, maybe a tad sad. The girl stayed still for what seemed like days before she turned around and passed through Marinette. The girl stormed out of the room, tears leaving her angry expression. Marinette ran after the girl, finally recognizing her as Chloe. She found the girl again in a hotel room, where items around her seemed broken. Then a door sounded behind her and worried screams rang out. As this happened, everything warped and twirled, ‘til she saw  her Chloe, the teenaged Chloe. She was sitting on a couch, her expression somber. This time, though, she could see that Chloe was able to spot her. As she had glanced over at her.
“Chloe? What’s happening? Are you okay? Do I-?”
“How pathetic, Dupain-Cheng even haunts my dreams. Great.”
“What? This isn’t a dream Chloe! I’am really here, I’m fin-“ Chloe’s crazied laugh sprang out, startling Marinette.
“No need to lie, you illusion. I saw her dead body myself, I know she’s not alive. Not anymore.”
“But I’m fine Chloe! I’m just fi-“
“SHUT UP!” Chloe screamed, throwing a teacup at Marinette’s face. It hit her, causing blood to stream down her face. Chloe stormed up to her, her rage filled expression being the main focus. The blonde girl raised her finger up and pointed at her, her elbows bent.
“NOW YOU LISTEN HERE! MARINETTE IS DEAD. SH-she left me. SHE’S JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE! LEAVING ME AT THEIR BEST CONVENIENCE!! JUS-just like mama. She’s ju-just like her-r.” Her screams became stutters as her voice became pathetic. Marinette’s eyes softened and she reached her hands around Chloe, hugging her tightly. Chloe started to sob, falling to her knees, bring Marinette down with her.
“WH-why?! WHY am I noT ENOUGH?!?! WhY-“
It was hours before the emotions inside her seized, leaving her feeling empty.
“I’m sorry Chloe. I promise I won’t leave you again.”
“Y-you promise?”
“I promise Chloe. I swear that I will wake up and you won’t be alone.”
As they hugged tighter, everything went white.
She was suddenly transported back to the hotel room, where she was not alone. On the ground, holding her hand, was Jon. He was sobbing, and looked as if he would collapse into a coma soon.
“Oh Jon! What happened?”
There was no response as she looked over his shoulder, he just kept crying. She laid her hand on the boy’s shoulder, where the familiar bright light surrounded her.
This time, she was alone in a house. But there was noise some where, it sounded pained. She rushed around, opening doors left and right until she found the cause. Jon.
She found Jon huddled in a corner of a kid’s room, sniffling. Her face lost it’s tension, as she sat beside him. She was ready to hear his tale.
“Did you know I can always tell when someone lies to me? That everyone does it a lot? Even ma’ and pa’ lie to me. Only you and Dames don’t lie that much, at least not to me. You tell me when you can’t tell me something, you try to be honest. But now you’re gone. And now Damian lies. No one tells me anything true anymore...”
“But it’s fine. It’s just like before I knew Dames! I can handle it...I hope. I’m used to you both being honest, so I don’t know if I can handle it now. So much has changed, some much is different...why can’t it go back to before you jumped? Everything was okay then- I could fix it! I could help you, I could at least try. But reality doesn’t work that way, right? Yeah. So I can’t save you, I can only imagine that in my wildest fantasies. Did ya’ know I used to think of you and Dames as my parents for a bit? I know you aren’t, but I just wanted to imagine it. Having a mum that’s not running off to get the latest catch, one that comforts me. Having a pa’ that’s not off saving the world every 5 seconds, but is beside me, even if a little reluctantly. But who cares? I’m just being ungrateful! I mean- who else wouldn’t want Superman as their dad? And Lois Lane, the famous and renowned reporter, as their mom? If anyone else knew of my position, they would want it! So why? Why don’t I want to be their child? Why do I want to be normal? To not tell when someone’s lying? I know it’s wrong and I’m just being ungrateful, but-“
“Listen to me. Nothings wrong with you. I would love to be your mum, and I’m glad you think that way. It’s not bad to feel this way. Your emotions are valid. You are valid. I love you, I love you so, so much. So please, don’t think this way. I’ll be your mom, I’ll be anyone you want me to be, okay? ‘Cus I love you. I love you like a mother would love their son.”
Marinette raises Jon’s hand to her chest, smiling at him.
“See? I’m not lying, am I? I promise to never lie to you, no matter what.”
Jon stares at her, tears gathering in his eyes. His mouth twitches, he looked pained, sad.
“MAMAAA!” He screamed at her, lunging at her. He gather her into a hug, sobbing. He cried, cried for hours. He wouldn’t let her go, as he collapsed on to her. He cried into her hair, as she pat his back. Marinette hugged him back, caring for him like a mother would.
“...thank you..” Jon mumbled. Marinette only smiled in return, watching as he faded away. She looked up and reached for the sky, a bright light covering her. It felt right. She felt happy.
Marinette appeared back in the hospital room, now with a new person.
He said nothing as he grabbed her human body’s hand. His face was remorseful and sorrowful, his scowl now including tears and forced look. He was holding back sadness, she could tell. She wouldn’t let this continue though, so she walked up to him. She stopped right beside him standing straight. She bent over, and reached for his shoulders. She gave him one last hug in this form, before zipping into his body, ready for her next conformation.
Taglist: @miraculous-ninja @rebecarojas07 @toodaloo-kangaroo @solangelo252  @neakco @dood-space @jjmjjktth  @animeweebgirl @nickristus-dreamer @talushi2002 @miraculouslydumb @stellar-star @myazael @crystalangelluna 
Notes: I know it’s a bit rushed, but I just had to finish the idea as soon as I thought it. Hope you liked it! The taglist is open, and prolly will always be, just so you know. I’ve had a great day today, I took my NWEA and made an amazing score, so I’m proud. So are my friends, like May. Anyways, I got off topic, have a nice day y’all! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it! Till next time! Buh-bye!
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we’ll meet again, chapter two
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: none?
Words: 1.2K
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
The next time you saw Peter was over a year later.
 You easily managed to avoid him, especially once you two started going to high school. Despite living on the same street, you never saw him outside since that day. Even if he did go outside, you spent most of your time cooped up in your room trying to get a hold on your powers. It wasn’t easy trying to get better at controlling fire when the possibility of causing a house-fire lingered in the back of your mind whenever you practiced.
It was even harder trying to conceal your powers at school, keeping to yourself to prevent slipping up and burning someone or something in public. Today, like every day, you started your lunch heading to your usual spot behind the school before you heard the faint sound of someone yelling.
So much for peace and quiet.
When you walked around the corner to find the source of the noise, you saw a senior towering over-
Holy shit. Peter.
He was leaning against the wall, barely listening to whatever the guy was saying. You frowned – how was this kid always getting into trouble?
“Dude, what even is your problem?” You sighed, figuring he wasn’t going to do anything to save his own ass.
You began focusing on the trash can a couple feet behind him, raising your hand in an attempt to “aim” your power. You weren’t paying any more attention to whatever Peter was saying when suddenly, the trash can exploded in flames, making everyone, including yourself, jump away from it in fear.
That’s when the guy – he must’ve been a senior – spun around, finally seeing you. He looked between you and the increasingly massive fire, eyes wide in fear. “What the fuck?” Pushing past you, he sprinted inside the school, leaving you alone with Peter.
“Hey.” You muttered, trying to ignore the obvious use of your powers.
“You’re-” He stopped himself, hesitating for a moment. “You’re like me.” The words were barely audible, and if you were any further away, you probably wouldn’t have heard him.
“You’re like me.” You repeated quietly. “We should probably go just in case that guy comes back with-” You stopped, a wave of nausea hitting you like a ton of bricks. Somehow, you were outside Peter’s house, despite having just been at the school.
“Super speed.” He explained, seeing your confused expression.
“Whoa.” You muttered, leaning on him for support while you got over the nausea. Once you did, you turned back to him. “We should get back before lunch.”
“Or we could skip for the day.” He grinned, and you let him pull you into his house to play video games for the rest of the day.
 That was only the start of your friendship with Peter, much to your parents chagrin, because after that you two spent almost all of your free time together. You were inseparable.
While your parents warned you of “boys like him” every time you mentioned hanging out with him, it seemed his mother was more than happy to see that he made a friend.
Sometimes, like tonight, Peter would climb up the tree by your window and coax you into sneaking out to hang out with him. You always said yes, knowing you could never say no to him.
“C’mon, Y/N!” He whispered, leaning halfway through your bedroom window. “I even rented that movie you like, we can watch it together!”
“Pete, you hate watching movies. You can’t sit still long enough to get through it.” You said, not moving from your spot on your bed.
“Please? I promise I’ll sit through the movie.” You sat up, finally looking into his eyes.
“You said that last time.” Despite yourself, you grabbed a sweater and pulled it on, grabbing Peter’s hand and letting him speed you to his house. The movie was already starting, and you and Peter were sitting on the couch. You smiled, excited to show Peter your favorite movie.
He lasted twenty minutes.
In all fairness, it’s longer than he’s lasted sitting still since the day you’ve met him, so you could at least applaud him for that.
One second you were watching the movie and the next, with a gust of wind, he was gone. Sighing inwardly, you turned off the TV and turned to him. He was only on the other side of the room, in the middle of a game of Pong on an arcade machine he definitely stole.
“Wanna go for a walk?” You suggested, smiling when you saw him stop.
It was a nice night, perfect for a nighttime walk. You kept your eyes on the sky, enjoying seeing the stars. The two of you stayed in a comfortable silence, walking the empty streets and just enjoying each other’s company.
“I’m glad we’re friends.” Peter spoke first, keeping his hands in his pockets and looking straight ahead.
“Me too.” You said, looking at him. He looked nice, moonlight showing off his silver hair beautifully. When he looked back to you, you quickly turned your gaze back to the sky, embarrassed that he caught you staring at him. His quiet laugh made your face go warm, wishing you were the one that had super speed so you could leave before making even more of a fool of yourself.
He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer while you walked. The gesture made you finally look at him, greeted by his warm smile.
“I have a feeling we’ll be close for life.” His words made you laugh, nodding in agreement. The night was practically perfect, if only you could just tell him how you felt.
  “What do you mean we’re moving?!” It had been two years since that night, and your dad had just gotten a promotion that would take your whole family to New York.
“Sweetie, I thought you liked New York.” Your mother tried to reason.
“It’s so far away, and I don’t want to leave Peter!” The thought of moving so many miles away from your best friend made your heart drop.
“Well I’m sorry but that’s how it has to be. We’re leaving in two weeks, start figuring out what you want to pack.” Your father said, putting an end to the discussion when he walked out of the room.
With tears threatening to spill down your face, you ran down the street to Peter’s house. When you knocked, he was there in under a second, grabbing your hand and pulling you inside.
“What happened? Are you okay?” You shook your head, gaze falling to the floor when you got to the basement.
“We’re moving.”
It was silent for a long time, but you couldn’t bear to look at him.
“Wh-what do you mean you’re moving? Moving where? I mean like you’re kinda my only friend and my mom and sister really like you but if it isn’t too far I could-” You knew he would just keep talking forever if you didn’t stop him, so you cut in.
“New York.”
Peter’s never been speechless before, so the fact that he was quiet for so long after you told him terrified you.
“When?” His voice was small, almost scared.
“Two weeks.” You heard him take a deep breath, and grabbed his hand, giving it a small squeeze of reassurance.
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Squeeze that bunny tail!
Part 3
Description: The RAD student council as well as the exchange students help out at a bar where, oops, the staff´s dress codes are those sweet bunny outfits that we all know and thirst for. The MCs, Violet and Clover, play a game of who can touch the most bunny tails over the evening without getting caught. Prepare for fluff, funny innuendos as well as my thirst over hot boys in bunny outfits.
Find the first parts on my masterlist.
Story continues under the cut. Enjoy the thirst!
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[The amazing artwork belongs to @tokamiart, permission to post was granted, don´t repost!]
Clover and Simeon were giving out drinks at the bar.
The girl was handing over all sorts of bottles, glasses and ice cubes if needed. Simeon then put it all together with such grace and beauty that Clover often found herself gazing at him, until the brunet would turn to her with a smile and ask her to let go of whatever she had been wanting to hand him.
At one point, without any customers walking up to the bar, Clover sat down for a quick break.
"Tired?" Simeon asked, having decided to clean the counter in the meantime.
Clover chuckled at the sight. "Oh, is this going to be the classic 'I tell the bartender of my problems' scenario?"
The angel blinked in confusion. "I am afraid I don't know what you are talking about... But I'm always there to lend you an ear, if that's what you're aiming at."
"I'm fine", she laughed. "I was only joking... I must admit, though, you really suit this job. I'm sorry if I'm misjudging you, but how come an angel is looking so perfectly fit for serving drinks?"
Simeon blessed her with a chuckle. "Thank you for the compliment. As for your question... You might be surprised, but angels do know how to have some fun, too."
"Oooh" Clover grinned. "So the whole turning-water-into-wine thing wasn't just a myth?!"
At that, Simeon only put his finger close to his lips in a "shhh" sound, giving her a secretive little wink before both broke out in soft giggles.
A little while later, their attention got caught up by a situation at the tables.
Luke was cleaning dirty dishes off of an emptied table, when a demon approached him.
A little flustered, they exchanged a few words before Luke gestured towards the public toilets.
"He's doing so well" Simeon hummed, leaning on the counter as he watched his angel friend with a proud smile. "It had been very difficult for him to adjust to life in the Devildom... But I'm glad to see he is finally finding his own pace of things."
Clover's head jumped back and forth between the two celestial creatures.
"It's because he has a great friend who's watching over him" she smiled.
"Huh? Oh, no, I don't want to take any credit for that. It's all thanks to Luke's own strength that he's able to go through this so well."
Suddenly, Luke hurried over to them, a full tray of dishes in his hands.
He looked SO disgusted.
"Waaah... What's wrong with those demons...!" He let the tray slip onto the counter. "Has nobody here learned how to properly behave in a restaurant?! The tables are sticky, the food is all over the cutlery, or even worse...!"
He held up a fork.
... Or better, what was left of it. Which was only the handle. The upper spikes got bitten off almost completely.
"Who eats a fork?!?!", Luke cried out. "That's... That's... Ridiculous!"
Clover gave an awkward laugh, she got over the point of wondering long ago.
"I am pretty sure I know who would..." she mumbled.
And truly, stepping out of the kitchen, the culprit looked at the fork with a guilty expression.
"... Don't tell Lucifer" Beelzebub mumbled as he came closer. "He'll get mad if he sees that parts of the cutlery are missing..."
"... 'parts'?!" Luke repeated in disbelief. "You mean this isn't the only one?!"
"... Those were accidents..." Beel whined, holding his grumbling belly.
He let himself plonk down on a chair next to Clover, then huddled over the counter in a pout.
"Ugh... And what am I supposed to do with that now...?" Luke said.
"Hm..." Simeon thought. "Clover, Beel, could you watch the bar for a moment? Luke, let's go bring the dishes to the kitchen... And that thing into the trash."
They excused themselves after Clover gave her okay and Beel gave some kind of grumble.
The girl´s head drifted over to look at the demon...
And her heart skipped a beat.
She checked the situation.
His tail? Exposed.
His thoughts? In some far away land about food.
The others? Gone.
The perfect chance for a squeeze? Right fucking NOW.
Clover swallowed the raising anxiety in her stomach.
She had lurked around the angels in hope of squeezing one of their tails, but now that they were gone, she had missed that chance...
The more she thought about it, the more did Clover feel like hyperventilating. It was such a stupid thing to fuss over, but sadly, her habit of over-contemplating would always stress her out in unnecessary situations.
After what felt like eternity of convincing herself, she moved her arm.
Beel almost immediately turned his head.
"... You look like you want to eat me." He said.
His grumpy face mustered her.
"But I will eat you before you could possibly eat me, so don't even try."
Clover's already red face curled in confusion.
"I didn't want to..." she mumbled.
"Why were you staring at me, then?"
"I-I... Was thinking about how to help you with your hunger..." she lied.
"... Oh. Sorry for accusing you of something else, then."
"N-no, it's fine..."
Before Clover could talk herself into more bullshit, Simeon came back, and the holy boy was there to save her from her own misery.
"Beel" he called out. "Luke and I will soon return home for a bit. I can bring you some sandwiches, so stay strong, okay?"
"Simeon...!" Beel cheered as his euphoria made him stand up and engulf Simeon in a hug. "You're a true angel...!"
Clover felt quite shitty afterwards.
Beel hugging Simeon was an adorable sight, but she hated herself for being such a coward.
After dodging another encounter with Solomon, she had pulled back to help Belphie at the casino area, trying to get her mind off of the competition for a little...
Alright. I hope you´re not bored yet, because the chaos hasn´t even properly started yet.
Also, nearing ourselves to half-time, now is a good opportunity to sum up a few events as well as the overall squish-score so far.
Violet was leading with a total of 12 points. Besides the mentioned scenarios, she had also encountered Mammon a second time, and she was lucky enough to find Luke having a life crisis over another eaten fork.
Heck, Violet even managed to squeeze Clover's tail once, and her friend hasn't noticed!
Clover, on the other side, has had a great start, but did rather poorly the later it got.
With five points, she only had another chance with Asmo, who, tbh, had been begging for someone to pay attention to his booty. (But to be clear, he did not notice the squish.)
Over time, she got desperate, but that only fueled Clover's fears of getting caught.
It nearly let her to internally quitting, if not for Violet to pull her back into the game once more...
Most of the crew was busy working when the clock struck midnight.
A nearby bell tower announced the change of day -- and with that, also the change of clothes.
The customers as well as the staff looked up when a certain voice echoed through the speakers.
"Good evening, my sweethearts~!" Asmodeus cheered, sitting on the bar counter and waving at the crowd. "Or should I say good night? Good morning? I hope you are having a good one, to say the least!"
He gained a small round of laughter.
"Yes, yes, a cheery mood is what we want! And now that we passed midnight... It's time for a special surprise!"
He stood up onto the counter, striking a nice pose while smirking widely.
"Those with weak minds -- and weak ovaries -- should brace themselves, cause things are about to get hot~!"
The crowd applauded and cheered. A group of thirsty (asmodeHoes) fans threw in some... naughty exclamations, but Asmo had already jumped onto the floor again, gathering the staff members around him.
Barbatos at his side, he was handing out another set of clothing. "Please get dressed quickly", the butler said.
And so they went off...
"I CAN'T go out like his."
"But... But Clover... You know what must be awaiting us outside..."
"ARGH... I'm not ready for that either..."
Clover was sitting on the floor again.
This time, their outfit consisted of a classic black playbunny suit, ears and tail still included of course, arm sleeves as well as a shirt's collar that was held together by a bow tie.
"Come onnn, I don't wanna go without you..." Violet protested.
"But HOW am I supposed to face those frickin´ snacks” Clover cried out. “I'm a fucking potato compared to them, also Violeeet, the moment I see any of them my mind will SIN and I won't ever be able to look into Simeon's eyes ever agai-"
They heard voices on the other side of the door.
"Woohooo, is that Lucifer?! Shirtless?!" They heard Asmo go. "And and, kyaaaa, Beel, those ABS!!"
The girls exchanged a glance.
Then dashed out of the womens' toilet once again.
Stumbling out of the room, however, there was no one to be spotted at all.
A little confused, the girls noticed too late how a cheeky Asmodeus had been hiding behind the door, pushing the latter shut to have a perfect view on his girls.
"Got you~!" he hummed, leading the girls to turn around.
He had a camera in his hands and seemed to be already filming.
"What a view~", he continued. "Could you do me a favour and turn around as well?"
"Asmo!!" Violet hissed, her cheeks gaining a pink blush out of angered embarrassment.
Not as much as Clover's face was heating up, though, as she prompted the demon to put his phone down.
"Not going to happen, sweetie~" he chuckled. "Devilgram will love those bashful expressions...!"
"WhAt?!" Violet covered her body immediately. "You WON'T upload this anywhere!"
"Uhmmm... That's kind of not possible, you know? This is a live broadcast."
Then, another person stepped out of the males' bathroom.
"What's all the noise about?"
Lucifer's annoyed voice echoed through the corridor.
When he stepped closer, however, his attention got caught up by the girls' appearance.
"Oh~?" he purred, inspecting the girls (but Violet in particular hehe) with a pleased smirk on his lips.
"L... Lu..." Violet's voice broke off.
She just... Died. Nothing more to say about this, really.
Because only now both, Violet and Clover, realised that not everything of Asmo's bait had been a lie...
The demons were actually shirtless, their chests bare as they were wearing only arm sleeves and, in Lucifer's case, a bow tie around his neck, while Asmo's neck was decorated with a ribbon. Rather tight-fitting black trousers and the bunny accessories completed the look that had left the girls speechless.
Lucifer's smirk grew wider.
"No, that's no good... I think I will have to speak to the manager. Those outfits are way too distracting... Isn't that so, Violet?"
"H-huh?!" The girl did a little hop.
Thankfully, Asmo jumped in to her aid.
"Fufu~! Lucifer, do you mean the girls are getting distracted by us, or is it that YOU are getting distracted, hm~?"
Lucifer crossed his arms in a contemplative manner.
"Well... I admit to a pleasant view when I see one, so..." He pinned Violet down with his eyes. "I guess I will have to be extra careful from now on... Then again, I might need a more detailed view, just to be sure..."
Asmo gave an excited giggle.
"Lucifer, you beast~!"
Then Asmo turned to Violet again.
"But judging from her red cheeks, I feel Violet might think the same... Isn't that so, darling~?"
"U-uhm...", Violet stammered, trying really hard to make her brain function again. "Well I... Think there's no point in denying that... Uhm..."
She glanced over at Lucifer, but every time she did, her head got dizzy all over again.
"Go on, please" Lucifer suddenly said. "There is no need to deny what, exactly?"
And her brain got stuck in an endless loop of not being able to cope.
Lucifer seemed to have plenty of fun with that, so he kept teasing her for the time being.
We do remember, however, that there was another still girl left to completely destroy.
And Asmo took it upon himself to achieve exactly that.
"Don't worry, Clover!" He said as he tackled the girl into a hug, simultaneously dragging her away from the two lovebirds. "You're just as charming, of course."
"Th-thanks..." Clover mumbled.
"Hm? You don't seem to believe me."
Clover pulled away, now only holding hands with him, giving a shrug. "You know what I think of my looks, Asmo..."
The avatar of Lust gave a sigh.
"There we go again... If you're so self-conscious… why don't we go ask for some opinions?"
And if the god of fateful anime encounters had planned it, the remaining demon brothers happened to have finished changing as well. The door to the men´s bathroom swung open…
"Oh!" Asmo smelled his chance. "Look, there comes our audien-"
He got cut off by the weird sound Clover made.
In a single movement, she had let out a squeal that a human throat should not be able to do, had completely destroyed Asmo's pretty hand by squeezing it in excitement, while in the end she was hiding behind Asmo, only peeking over his shoulder to glance at the mass of hotness coming out of the bathroom.
"Clover…?" Asmo sounded confused.
"Too much hotness", she mumbled into his shoulder. “I can´t-“
"Huh?" Asmo sounded genuinely confused for a second.
Then a smirk curled his face.
"What?!" he spoke extra loud, extra dramatically, so everyone could hear. "What did you say, Clover?! You think they're all sooo hot?!"
"A-asmo, be quiet...!" Clover mumbled.
But he continued.
"What? You love how much skin we are showing?!" he yelled.
"Whaaat?! You'd even pay them to strip down even more?! Clover, you wild animal!"
She punched the demon in embarrassment.
The next second, a certain scumbag stood beside them.
"DiD I hEaR 'P-p-p-PAy'?!" Mammon stuttered, literal cash-symbols in his eyes.
Asmo grinned at him, covering Clover's mouth so she couldn't protest.
"Our dear Clover here wants you to strip for her~"
Clover shook her blushy head.
"That's not trrngh..." she tried to press out between Asmo's fingers.
Mammon stared at her for a moment.
"… 10.000 Grimm."
Clover had freed herself again.
"... What?"
"15.000 and I'll do pole dance too."
The second born looked almost disappointed when Clover declined his offer.
But Asmo was already moving on with his mischiefs.
"What? Clover?? You want to do WHAT with Beel's abs?!?!"
"No you won't~" Asmo grinned, turning to give his brothers a view on Clover. "Guuuys, I need your help! I dare you to give this little lady a rating in this sweet costume of hers."
Most of them looked confused at first,
but, seeing one, her outfit, and two, how much she was unable to cope, a few were ready to assist in Asmo's tease.
"I'd need a full view to judge" Satan grinned.
"Yeah" Belphie agreed. "Could you turn around slowly, Clover? Maybe do some poses as well?"
Clover shot them some angry glares.
"... You could do that pose were you form ears with your hands…" Levi dared to add in a mumble.
"Hrrrgh...!" Clover was fighting her embarrassment. "All of you are awful... Beel over here is the only nice guy, honestly...!"
She glanced at him in a pout, hoping he'd defend her... Or at least say something as well...
"... So you're not going to pose for us?" Beel said in a pout.
Clover.exe stopped working.
"Fufu..." Asmo grinned. "See, my dear? Even Beel demands a show... Now come on, we're waiting~!"
You can probably guess that Clover wasn't going to get out of this situation anytime soon.
While this part of the group enjoyed this mess of a person, let's switch back to the other girl whose brain was doing about as poorly.
Lucifer had kept Violet by his side, making sure she wasn't going to help Clover in her dilemma… Or going elsewhere in general.
However, one certain jealous bean soon couldn't bear that Lucifer was hogging Violet all for himself.
"Oi, Lucifer, back off of Violet already!"
And Mammon pressed himself in between them. "She's one of my humans after all!"
Visible displease grew on Lucifer's face as he got cockblocked yet again.
"And what would give you the right to claim her for yourself?" The eldest grumbled.
Mammon crossed his arms.
"... Because I just said so."
Lucifer pressed out a sigh, to then simply push Mammon's body away again.
"LUCIF-", Mammon hissed. "STOOP...!"
"You are distracting us, Mammon."
"B-but... That´s not fair…” he shouted. “M-maybe I want Violet to notice me as well!!"
Lucifer stopped, while most of the surrounding people went silent.
Then Levi gave a laugh.
"Oh my god MAMMON, that was so desperate lolol, SO uncool!"
Belphie spared him a pityful laugh. "Are you really that desperate for some attention, you idiot?"
The avatar of Greed was gritting his teeth.
"Hnngh... Shut up, all of you...!"
The situation around them escalated a little, even more so as Diavolo and Barbatos joined in on the chaos, having changed clothes as well.
But Violet felt bad, especially since she wouldn´t have expected Mammon to act like this. So, in a silent second where everyone seemed busy in their personal chaos, she sneaked over to Mammon.
After -- of course, what did you expect -- quickly poking his bunny tail, Violet also gave his shoulder a tap.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
Mammon looked a little surprised, responding with a huff.
"...'s a wolf..."
"Lucifer's a wolf!" Mammon repeated, awfully loud and both feared that the eldest brother had heard him.
A bit more timid, Mammon continued as Violet could only look at him in confusion.
"... Ya can't just go hop around in such an alluring outfit when there're guys like Lucifer around. He could go full beast mode and, dunno, do some weird stuff to ya."
Violet suppressed the nasty thoughts approaching her brain, her heart beating drastically as she mumbled a faint "I see".
"Ya human should better stick to the great Mammon! I'd treat you nicely, y'know."
Violet raised her eyebrows in surprise.
"... 'Treat me' how, exactly?" She asked in an almost teasing manner. "What were you planning to do, Mammon?"
And it landed a critical hit.
"I-I-I-I mean tr-treat as i-in... I'd protect you from all those beasts around you!" he stammered, his cheeks a blushing mess. "Nothin´ weird, I swear!! Its just… There's plenty of those beasts! Actually, maybe you should go home. If all the customers see you like this... Argh... I have to tell Clover, too...!”
He turned his head to search for the other girl, only to realise the group was about to return to their work. "Ahh... Oh no, she´s already been caught..." Mammon pressed out.
"Mammon" Violet called out again and treated him with a smile. "I assume you´re saying this because you´re worried about us, right? Thank you for that, you´re really a good friend. We're having a shift together later, right? So, until later, okay?"
He seemed confused again, but nodded in the end.
"Ugh... Fine... Just stay safe, ´kay? Promise!"
"I promise" she laughed, then Mammon finally seemed to have calmed down.
At least he was fine enough to turn around and go bother Levi with something.
Violet was watching them in amusement, then felt a presence behind her.
"Turning your eyes off of me already?" A deep voice purred almost right into her ear.
Ah, yes, there it was again, the drastic heart rate.
"Lucifer..." Violet turned around at the mellow voice. "I just wanted to tease Mammon a little. He seemed a little down."
"Sure, suit yourself..." Lucifer mumbled casually. "But I seem to be a little down as well... To think you'd end our conversation so quickly..."
Violet exploded into a puzzled blush.
"N-no... That's not... I ... You..."
Lucifer was pinning her down with his gaze, waiting for a coherent reaction. “Then how abou we pick up where we left? I think there´s something you wanted to tell me…”
"Y-you look... A-... Amazing..." she stammered.
"Hm? Could you say that again? Your voice appears to be awfully thin."
She breathed a heavily stressed breath. So Lucifer continued.
"Pardon me? Violet, you appear to be overheating. How come? I would assume your clothing is revealing enough skin to make that impossible..."
Aaand Violet's brain shut down as well.
"Should I help you?" he hummed, stepping even closer. "In comparison to you, I seem to maintain a way cooler head than you do..."
And, being the most flustered he has ever been, Lucifer continued to tease the shit out of Violet for as long as he felt the need to...
The group was about to dissolve and (finally) head back to work.
The girls, however, had stayed back for a strategy meeting.
"This is bad", Clover blabbered as she was trying to calm down. "I couldn't get up to them with shirts on, how am I supposed to even TALK to any of them when they're in maximum sexy mode?! And it's not only maximum hotness, but did all of them collectively agree to unlock their secret teasing-modes, too?!"
Violet gave a blushing shrug. "... Are you complaining, though?"
"Hnngh... No... But I'm so short on points... If I don't start playing risky, I'll loose..."
Violet smirked at that.
"Yeah" she agreed. "That's a good idea. Look, Solomon's over there all alone, why don't y-"
"Nope” lover interrupted her immediately. “Not going to happen. Nope. I'd rather go up to the demon prince himself. I'd rather get killed by Barbatos TBH."
"Oh, you would get killed..." Violet shivered, thinking back of what happened in the store room earlier.
"Don't care" Clover persisted. "Like, come, demon lord, if I was to touch Solomon's tail today, you may kill me right this instant...!"
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kumezyzo · 3 years
Oops | Hinata Shoyo
SUMMARY.... Today was a relaxing day. You and Hinata were laying around, being lazy. Until Hinata started tickling you... and you said something that got him really flustered.
Warnings.... Use of the word 'Daddy' once | Fluff | Hints at smut [ nothing actually happens] | Daddy kink [ i guess ] | TimeSkip! Hinata | A little cringy | [ I think thats it... ]
Authors note... I could write a smut for this but I'm not sure. If you want a sequel just tell me and i'll do it. So for now... Enjoy!
Shoyo was on the couch, scrolling through his phone silently. I was in the kitchen, silently scrolling through my phone.
Today was meant to be a day where we just relaxed with each other. He never really got a day off and I never got to see him, so today was nice for the both of us.
I stood up from the chair at our kitchen island and carefully walked over to the couch, where my amazing orange boyfriend sat. I sat next to him, resting my head on his shoulder.
I felt look over at me and kiss me on the top of my head. I smiled and looked down at his phone seeing him scrolling through tiktok.
For a while, we stayed like that. He would scroll, we would laugh at something, every once in a while I would say ' send me that '. It was nice... until he kissed me.
It would have been fine if it was just one simple kiss on the lips, but one kiss turned into two, then three... then four, until he was kissing me all over.
I giggled at his onslaught of kisses that then trailed down to my neck and collarbone. He then added his own touch, pushing me onto my back and starting the tickles my stomach and any part that he knew was ticklish on me.
He was laughing as I squirmed around, pining my arms onto the couch. I tried catching my breath anytime his hands stopped moving. I couldn't get any words out, until I did... and it was mortifying.
"Daddy, stop!" I yelled out. Not realizing what I said until Shoyo stopped moving all together. My face then burned bright red when he sat up. His face was just as red, if not more, than mine.
"Wh- What? I- You o-only call me tha- if you wanted to-" He was stuttering all over the place, his face burning as bright as his hair.
"No! No, sorry. No, my mistake. Sorry. I wasn't thinking." I said just as flustered. I sat up and looked away from him awkwardly.
"I'm gonna go... do laundry." I said standing up quickly, not looking at him. I turned to walk away, silently scolding myself for not thinking before saying something, and for thinking lewdly enough to spout somethin-
"Wait!" Shoyo grabbed my wrist and pulled me harshly to his lap. I was shocked, the blush on my face turning brighter.
"I- could- well... could we do that..?" He asked shyly, burying his face into my shoulder. I let out a sound of confusion, causing him to whine loudly.
"Don't make me say it." He whined, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close. I was still blushing brightly as I mumbled a ' sure '.
"Yeah, sure, we can-" I cleared my throat, "yeah, we can do that."
I knew I was in for a long night when lightly bit the skin at the bottom of my neck.
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strayingdawn · 3 years
Can I request a felix one where they go to a small shop to buy snacks at midnight and get in a tiny bit of trouble with the store owner by accident?
Of course! And sorry this took so long, I hope you like it! :) (I didn’t mean for it to get this long...oops. Sorry about that) >and feedback from anyone is always appreciated uwu
wc: 1,8k
“Are you crying?” Felix asked you with slight amusement in his eyes as he lifted one eyebrow.
“What?! Why would I be cr-” A startling hiccup interrupted your sentence. “... Okay, maybe I teared up a little.” No one would believe your failed attempt at denial if they could see you, and Felix had a front-row seat. Your red-rimmed eyes slightly stung as more salty streams of tears flowed down your face. The image was quite pitiful without context. However, in this scenario, Felix couldn’t help but let a few giggles escape him.
You and Felix had been trying to schedule a night to spend together for weeks, maybe even months at this point. Whenever you both thought you had finally set a date, one of your teachers would rip it from your fingertips and replace it with a new project or test to study for. Sure, you could have study dates, but you both know that your heightened crackhead energy when together and deliriousness induced by deadlines would not mix well. In short, you would both fail. And if you weren’t both drowning in assignments, either you would have a club meeting or Felix would have a swim meet.
However, finally, the odds were in your favor. After many tiring weeks of missing each other's warmth, smiles, and comfort, you both found a clear weekend.
So, tonight, you’re in your bedroom, surrounded by many blankets you didn’t even know you owned inside the elaborate fort you and Felix managed to somehow build. Of course, the first attempt failed after you “accidentally” passed a pillow to Felix while he wasn’t looking which resulted in a pillow fight, and Felix cheating by tickling you. Obviously, you still won, but that’s not important. You finally finished your fort after cleaning up the pillows and blankets that were scattered everywhere (including the pillow that somehow ended up on a curtain rod) and prepared Disney+ for your movie marathon while Felix got snacks downstairs.
Now, the reason why you’re crying right now. You and Felix were well aware that as long as you were involved, it wasn’t truly a Disney+ movie marathon if Hamilton was not played at least once throughout the night. And Felix is always willing to tolerate your addiction to the music and action that is Hamilton. However, with the number of times you’ve already watched it, which has surely exceeded fifty, he didn’t think you would still have the ability to cry by the final curtain call. Clearly, he was mistaken.
“Haven’t you seen this like fifty times?” he questioned with skepticism in his voice and some confusion painted on his face, especially since you usually remained neutral through any movie, despite the occasional teary eyes.
“Who cares! It’s heartbreaking seeing his monologue before death, Burr’s guilt, and then Eliza goes on to tell his story and the stories of others,” more sobs break through the air as you recall the final scenes. Sure, you could admit you were being a little dramatic, but how could anyone not find someone’s death and unfinished legacy depressing. “Wait...did we run out of snacks?”
But of course, food is some of the best medicine for sadness, and easily snaps you out of your misery.
“Huh, I guess so…”
“Well, what do you want to watch next? I can set it up while you get more.”
“About that...those were all the snacks you had…”
“What! What do you mean that’s all I had? It wasn’t even that much!” You knew you went through lots of snacks this past week while you studied since you usually pushed eating an actual meal to the side, prioritizing your work. But you didn’t know you basically cleared out the kitchen.
“Well, what are you yelling at me for? I’m not the one who runs on four hours of sleep a night and depends on candy and coffee to make up for it.”
“Okay, now's not the time point to point out my poor life choices.” You paused for a second, trying to think of a solution for your dilemma. “Well, what are we supposed to do now? It’s,” you glanced at your bedside clock, “12:00 am.”
“We could go to that little shop down the street” Felix suggested, but you weren’t sure you should go anywhere this late at night, especially in your current state, even though the idea of food was pretty persuading.
“I don’t know..should we be going out this late?” You were all for adventures, and you considered your neighborhood to be pretty safe, but your warm fort and stuffed animals tempted you to stay. Felix noticed your hesitation.
“Come on. It’s not like we’ve never gone out for a late-night snack before...plus, we can get creamsicles,” he said, nudging your shoulders, knowing you couldn’t deny your favorite ice cream. Curse Felix and the way he knows you like the back of his hand.
You sighed, also knowing he had you hooked. “Fine,” you huffed. “Let’s go.” You stood up and held out your hand, which he gladly grasped onto as he rose to his feet as well.
“Wow, you’ll really do anything for creamsicles,” Felix teased with a slight smirk that you could see in your peripheral vision.
“Oh shut up, you act like we’re going on some death-defying journey,” you roll your eyes at Felix’s attempt to provoke you. He simply shrugged his shoulders and chuckled a little.
As soon as you stepped out of your front door, you felt the gentle breeze envelope you. It wasn’t too cold nor was it too warm; it was slightly cool and simply refreshing. The soft wind pushed your hoodie and sweatpants into your body like a hug and blew your hair out of your face giving you a clear view of the night sky. The stars twinkled like glitter on a black piece of paper. You felt connected with everything as you inhaled a deep breath. You started to get lost in your surroundings until Felix’s slight tug on your arm brought you back to reality.
“Oh, sorry. I forgot how much I enjoy nights like these.” You had a relaxed smile on your face, as you admired the stars and the shapes they created while walking beside him.
Felix simply hummed, submitting the earlier, breathtaking image of you at such peace into his memory. “It’s fine. It does feel really nice out here. Aren’t you glad I convinced you to come?” He asked in a rather teasing tone.
“Yeah, yeah. Ya did good.” You rolled your eyes while letting out a chuckle. Felix followed with some of his famous giggles.
The rest of the small, five-minute walk was filled with little jokes and clowning each other if the other one tripped or stumbled. Before you knew it you were already walking into the little shop, and the woman, who you assumed was the owner since you’ve seen them at the shop in passing many times when the shop was closed, greeted you both, fairly friendly despite this late hour.
You and Felix separated once he suggested you could split up, considering you both knew each other’s likes and dislikes fairly well. You wandered across the beige floor tiles towards the chip aisle, while the drinks caught Felix’s attention.
After choosing seven bags of different chips, for variety of course, you noticed a certain stand-alone display across from you. It held quite the selection of little cake snacks. It seemed new which piqued your interest, so you decided to search for something that might suit your taste. Apparently, you must have been so focused on the baked goods that you didn’t even hear Felix’s steps coming toward you. Felix also noticed your diverted attention.
Now, those who knew you well also knew your tendencies to be dramatic, especially when startled. So Felix’s sudden exclamation had you springing forward, arms flailing...right into the display. The whole snack arrangement wasn’t even that big, shorter than you, but it still managed to make a great boom and fading rumble as the impact sent waves of vibrations through the metal and some cakes went flying in different directions.
At first, you were frozen in complete shock, staring at the disaster in front of you. Until you caught a glimpse of the freckled boy who was now beside you, also surprised by your reaction.
“Felix!” You whisper-shouted in an accusing tone, even though the clear, loud crash surely already caught the store owner’s attention.
“What do you mean ‘Felix’? You’re the one who knocked it over!”
“And you’re the one who scared me which made me knock it over!”
“Well I didn’t know you were almost worse than Hyunjin and his dramatics!”
You let out an exasperated and somewhat panicked sigh. “Well, what do we-”
“Oh my goodness!” Oh no. You wouldn’t have to think about your question for too long, as the owner would surely give a solution. Whether that was good or bad, you didn’t know yet.
“Wh- I-I am s-so sorry! I was startled, a-and accidentally knocked it over! I promise it was an accident-” you fumbled for the right words to say, hoping the store owner would have mercy on you.
“Um...it’s fine..accidents do happen. However, you’ll have to pay for this mess you’ve created one way or another.” She still wore a calm, sweet smile that eased your worries.
“O-of course! We will gladly clean this mess for you.”
Felix noticed your specific choice of pronouns. “We?” You only jabbed Felix’s side with your elbow and confirmed what you said under your breath. As Felix attempted to reason with you, the store owner grabbed a garbage bin for the few treats that didn’t take the fall as well as others.
Forty-five minutes and a whining Felix later, the display was basically back to its original state, minus a few snacks. Thankfully, the owner didn’t immediately kick you out after your work was done and continued to assure you that the two of you were still welcome anytime. So, you both walked out with bags full of drinks and food to last you a week full of movie marathons, unless you get flooded with work and revert to old habits, of course.
“I still can’t believe you dragged me into your mess,” Felix commented, still seeming a little salty about being forced, by you, to clean up the little cakes crushed by the display. However, you knew his frown was only a disguise, so he could give you a hard time. Felix would have helped even if you had begged him not to. He might laugh at your misery first but would still lend a hand nevertheless.
“Oh, it wasn’t that bad. Besides, it was worth it,” you held up the bag you were holding full of ice cream. A smile slowly appeared on your face as you remembered Felix’s words from earlier. Felix seemed to catch on quickly, so you both spoke your thoughts aloud.
“Anything for creamsicles.”
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gojoyogurt · 4 years
Tumblr media
happy birthday gojo!! || chilhood friends to lovers au || short fic
pairing: gojo satoru x reader
summary: you spend the whole day together with gojo, your childhood friend. this birthday was special since you were the only one to celebrate it with him since all his other friends were overseas. on this day, it felt more like you were receiving a gift on your birthday rather than giving him a gift.
warnings: grammar and vocabulary may not be the best. also, i know gojo isnt 20 but... for the sake of this story i made him just reaching his 20s hope you guys dont mind. some spelling mistakes may not be noticed.
“hey gojo!” i screamed acrossed the road as i saw the tall, light haired man with a bandana covering his eyes leaning on the lamp post. he looked over and gave a small smile along with a wave. it was such a special day since he just turned 20, if he made my 20th birthday so memorable, i should only return the favour since the both of us have been together ( not in a romantic way ) for the longest time and we were always there for each other. “ayo happy birthday you overgrown man baby!” i jokingly congratulated him. “thanks you tiny tiger” he replies back with a smirk on his face while patting me on the head. i blushed slightly, i always had a crush on him but i never got the chance to say it to him. “should i say it today?” i thought to myself as my heart skipped a beat.
we walked down the street for a while and we stumbled across a cafe that seemed pretty quiet, the atmosphere it gave off was so simple yet it was drawing our attention to it. “hey do you-“ we both said simultaneously. “man... that single braincell energy tho amirite HAHA” i affirmed him as both of us were laughing our asses off right infront of the cafe door. after wasting our energy on cackling, we finally stepped into the cafe and ordered our drinks. “one cafe latte-“ we both said simultaneously AGAIN. “why are we so in sync today??” he questioned as we both started giggling uncontrollably at the register. “excuse me, are you guys going to order?” the staff asked us. “oops, sorry. we’ll get two cafe lattes please!” i cheerfully ordered. “two cafe lattes, anything else?” he reassured us. “nope!” i confirmed our order. “ok here’s your receipt, you guys make such a cute couple! you’re so lucky to find your soulmate that matches you perfectly!” the cashier said to us. we both just looked at each other and laughed it off.
it was nearly impossible for us to get to the table since gojos hands wouldnt stop shaking because he was giggling. luckily, we made it to the table without spilling the drinks. “here, its a small gift i made” i said as i handed over a brown wrapped package to him. the crumpling and tearing sound of the paper filled the area we were in, my heart was racing since i was worried that he wouldnt like it. “oh wow, y/n you made this??” he questioned me as if he couldn’t believe that i actually made the picture collage of the both of us. “yeah... do you not like it?” i asked quietly, scared that he actually hated it. “YO I LOVE THIS SO MUCH THANK YOU!!” he screamed in excitement. the collage was filled with memories of me and gojo from when we first met when we were 5 and uptil this day.
it felt like a heavy weight was just lifted off my shoulder. “thanks!! that took a while since i also added some pictures of us when we were still kids!” i replied back in relief. “hey! lets take a photo now so we can add it to the frame!” i suggested. i wriggled my chair over next to him and i took out my polaroid camera from my bag. we both smiled for the picture and i waited for the photo to come out.. “should i tell him now?” i reassured myself. i looked at him quietly, he was smiling while looking at the photos of our past selves, “i want to see that smile forever... ” i knew that it may seem greedy, but my heart always raced whenever i looked at him, even uptil now. “hey, y/n you ok? you seem a little flushed” he asked me with a concerned look on his face. “oh, uh, yeah just feeling a little warm...” i muttered. “lets go to my place so you can rest, ok?” you agreed to go over to his place after finishing your drinks.
during the walk back to his place, i couldnt control my heart, it was beating as if im about to go on stage and perform for millions of people. i stopped walking and i was shaking quietly in a small alleyway leading to his house. “y/n, are you ok??” he ran back after noticing that i wasnt by his side anymore. i dont know why but i suddenly started crying, it was supposed to be a happy day but... why am i like this??? am i scared? gojo hugged me and i cried into his chest while he was calming me down. / “y/n... talk to me, is there anything wrong?” he tried to ask me after i calmed down a little. “i-i- i li- like u b-buht i d-don whant to ru-ruin our fwe nd shipp” i somehow managed to get the words out in between breaths. at that point, my face looked like it was a tomato about to burst. i could hear my own heartbeat, i didnt even dare to take a glance at gojo. “man... how do i take care of you... you see, y/n, i also liked you for such a long time but i always thought that you would go off with some other man so i never confessed” he confessed while scratching the back of his head.
my heart felt like it just stopped, at that moment in time, i feel like the world was so serene and quiet. after snapping back into reality, “wh-what weally??” i sniffled as i looked up at him with my swollen eyes. “HAHAHA YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR FACE RIGHT NOW BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” he teased me as i quickly wiped my snot and tears off my face. “you’re not joking with me right?” i tried to confirm with him. he suddenly let out a huge sigh and walked towards me. my heartbeat suddenly increased as he got closer and closer with every step. he leaned closer towards me and took off his black bandana, “do i look like im lying?” he questioned me as i stared into his beautiful blue eyes. this isnt the first time im seeing it but i always can never prepare myself to see it. his eyes looked so peaceful, like a quiet ocean that has no limits. it felt like you could clearly see the sky even though we were in a dark area.
he put his bandana back on and gave me a long, tight hug. “you are the meanest person i know did you know that” i jokingly said to him. “hey is that the first thing you say to your boyfriend? ouch” he joked back. he hugged me for a little while longer before staring at me. he leaned in closer next to my ear and whispered, “thank you, for making this the best birthday present i could ever ask for” he gave me a peck on the cheek before looking back at me. my face was once again about to explode and my heart was probably on the verge of exploding. “can you not do that i have a weak heart you know???” i scolded as i jumped on him to attack him. “ouch ouch ouch!1!1!1!1! okok im sorry geez, violent much” he teased me once again. “c’mon, lets go to your house already, i look embarrassing” i pushed him so that i don’t embarrass myself in public. i clinged onto his arm and kept my head down the whole way back so that people dont see my face. this day was honestly the best day of my life, i had a huge smile on my face for the rest of the day.
and the rest is left up to your imagination...
hello people! sorry if this seemed rushed because i’ve been quite busy recently but ill still try to post whenever i can. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GOJO YAYYY. actually ive been on a hiatus off anime for a while and jujutsu kaisen is getting me back into the swing of things so im really into jujutsu kaisen atm HAHA. anywho hope you guys enjoyed this short fic and see yall in the next one byee!!!
also im so happy aot the final season came out today but since i read the manga, im really not prepared for whats going to happen... also can we talk about how the intro is just a whole gender reveal party??
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lovehatemysme · 4 years
[Mammon x MC]
"I just don't get it Asmo!" You whined as the demon picked the fallen cucumber, bringing it back on your eye. "He doesn't want anyone near me, but he doesn't make a move either," you sighed.
Asmo hummed as he lay next to you, bringing his own sliced cucumbers to his eyes. He loops one arm to yours steadily, careful not to move too much. "I don't know what to tell you MC, he's like.. a hopeless case," he said, recalling how many times Mammon would deny and brush it off when the brothers tease him to you.
You sigh once again, frustrated how long this whole thing have been going. The silent flirts and signs you give to Mammon and yet it's like he doesn't know or even notice it. And it's killing you, the way he'd barged into your room unannounced, staying there for hours just to hang out with you. The way he'd take your head and rest it on his shoulder when you fall asleep during movie marathons, the way he bites off anyone’s head when they get physically close to you, and even scaring other demons when they attempt to be close to talk to you.
It's like he's putting a fence on you, and yet he's doing nothing to move up your relationship. You tried, you really did.
The way you'd linger your fingers on his arms and chest for too long, he'd blushed but only to move away and ask what you were doing.
"What? You don't like it?" you asked, he'd gaze away and mutter, "Whatever," before walking away and leave you to your stance.
"How about making him jealous?" Asmo said by your said, his fingers lightly gliding on your forearms, "But isn't he always jealous?" you asked.
"But angry jealous!" his voice bubbling with excitement, "It's not enough that you get attention from everyone, how about you give attention to someone else? Oh I want to see Mammon's face when he sees you go with another demon!" He hummed beside you, excited to see his own brother go ballistic. He's the Avatar of Greed after all, what he wants he gets, what's his is his.
You thanked Asmo for the advice and the beauty treatment, going to the kitchen as you wanted some water, only to see Beel rummaging through the fridge door.
"Hey Beel," you said as you took the fridge's door, reaching out for a bottle of water, "Oh hey MC," he said in a muffled voice, mouth filled with cake. "Do you want some?" He offered the one with his hand, only for him to take it all in too, "Oops, sorry," he said in a small smile.
"It's okay, I don't have an appetite anyway," you said as you sat down near the kitchen table, Beel taking out some more food and placing it at the table as he sat close to you.
"Mmm, I don't know what's that like," his lips curling to a frown as he took a sandwich all in, "Are you okay MC?" he then asked as he swallowed the sandwich whole.
"Oh," he suddenly then stood up waiting for your answer, "I forgot I told Belphie I'll bring some snacks," he proceeded to take in his arms all the food he took out, "Here let me help," you said as you took some snacks into your own arms. In his cheery and kid-like smile he thanked you as he walked towards their shared bedroom.
Entering the bedroom you saw Belphie snugged up in his bed, cuddling his pillow.
“Belphie, I brought the snacks, and MC is here,” Beel said as he laid down the snacks on his own bed, Belphie yawned as he opened his eyes and smiled when he saw you. The twins always love it when you come over to their room, Belphie always asking what’s new in the human world, his love for humans once again ignited. And they loved telling you about Lilith too, how even though she’s the youngest of them all, she was the fiercest also.
Time flew by as you listened to the twins, enjoying the exchange of stories and laughter, but not food. The snacks didn’t even last a minute with Beel, but he was more than happy to go back to the kitchen and fetch some more.
“Oi!” a sudden loud knock over the door, “MC, are you in there?” the demon asked as he opened the door. A grin plastered on his face as soon as he saw you, “There you are! Been lookin’ all over for ya,” Mammon said. “Come on! It’s almost curfew hour,” he said as he grabbed your wrist, you waved goodbye to the twins as you followed Mammon.
Realizing you followed him without questions, you stopped on your tracks, “Wait, where are we even going?” you said, Mammon stopping as he looked back at you.
“To your room of course,” he said casually. “Why?” your eyebrow raising as he let go of your wrist, his face looking at you as if you asked a dumb question. “Whaddya’ mean why? To watch a movie you stupid human,” he said.
You looked down as you fidgeted with your hands, “Do we need to?” you asked in a small voice. Mammon was baffled and taken aback, “Why do you even hang out with me so much?” Mammon blinked several times, your own heart racing to hear his answer.
“Because you’re my human, dummy,” he simply said, his hands on the back of his head as he turned around and continued to walk.
“What does that even mean?” you asked in almost a whisper, a phrase you have heard a thousand times, as if claiming you are his. The words easily thrown out and yet actions failed to prove otherwise.
“It means you’re mine, my responsibility, anything happens to ya I’ll be the one payin’ the price,” a heavier tone than earlier, and your heart suddenly ache.
Was that it? Did that meant nothing but just a responsibility? A burden, a chore, nothing but a task he must complete because of Lucifer.
“I.. I’m tired, let’s just watch another time,” you said as you walked past him, leaving Mammon on the empty hallway. He didn’t gave it much thought, but as soon as he entered his room he took his DDD to ask if you were okay, but not getting any response he swore under his breathe, Dammit’, did I said anything wrong!?, he thought, throwing his DDD on his bed.
Maybe Asmo was right, you pondered staring at the ceiling. Maybe all it takes is for his human’s attention to go to someone else, maybe just a little nudge, a little more jealousy, then maybe, just maybe, he’d fess up.
The next morning you were cheery, sitting next to Mammon during breakfast and noticing the little things he did, he laughed merrily as he basked in all the attention that you’re giving.
“Can’t get enough of the Great Mammon huh?” he said as he took a bite from his food, a stupid grin on his face as his brothers just sighed.
Mammon was giddy all morning, his grin never leaving his face even after reaching RAD. But then your attention suddenly switched to someone else, to a lesser demon when you entered the classroom. Walking up to them and even sitting closely to them, much to Mammon’s likeness, he quickly went up to you and the demon to the demon you were talking.
“Hey! Move over! I’m going to sit beside MC!” he said as he tried to push the other demon away, “Mammon! Don’t be rude, we we’re talking,” you scolded him like a child, “Sit over there,” you said as you pointed at an empty chair that was three seats away, “Ya can talk even if you’re far away from one another!” he retorted back, his brows furrowing.
With eyes meeting his, in a commanding tone you said, “I said sit there!”
“Wait- wha-“ Mammon’s legs started to walk, he couldn’t control his body, his pact shining as he walked over to the chair, a little surge of power going through his body as he can’t resist. You smiled at him as he was forced to sit down and continued to talk with the demon beside you.
A strong gloomy aura surrounded Mammon that even in the hallway Beel was scared of coming near him, his stomach growling loud seeing Mammon in such a state.
Mammon glared at the demon, muttering curses under his breathe along with his lines of possessiveness.
That’s my human.
My human!
While his morning was all merrily, his afternoon was ill. The pits of his stomach churning, as if harboring all his negative emotions. Stupid demon, stupid MC wanting talking to the demon, what does he even have?!
With sharing only one class today, it was easy not to pay any attention to Mammon for the rest of the day, even coming home quickly as you can to avoid him. You fixed yourself in your room, putting on your favorite outfit as well as fixing your hair the way you feel most good at, studying yourself in the mirror you bit your lip, your heart racing and hoping, wishing, that this would work.
As if on cue the demon barged into your room, “Hey MC what was tha-“ he stopped the moment you stood up and face him, his face completely in awe on how you look, he glanced away as his cheeks flushed.
“Wh-where ya goin’?” he gulped, you past by him as you exited your room. “I’m going out,” you simply said, “With who?” asked as he followed suit to the hallway, “Oh you know, the one I was talking to earlier,” you said, glancing at his face to gauge his reaction. His brows furrowed, the ugly feeling starting to pool again inside him, the need to grab you and make you stay, but he couldn’t find move his body.
“You’re not goin’!” he then said a little too loudly, “And why not?!” you retorted back, stopping in the middle of the hallway as you turned around to face him.
“Cause’.. cause’ you’re my human!” his voice echoing through the hallway of the House of Lamentation. Levi peeking out from his room to see the commotion, taking out his phone to video everything, “His face is so red ROFL LMAOO” he whispered to his phone.
“Yeah yeah, I’m your responsibility, I’ll call when something happens,” you said, “Don’t be stubborn, I said you’re not goin’!” just the thought of you being with someone else irks him, as if something is crawling under his skin, he can’t even stand when his own brothers are too close to you, much less some other demon.
“Then give me a better reason Mammon!” your eyes piercing through his, your heart racing, waiting, hoping.
Mammon frantically looked everywhere but your eyes, panicking to say some words.
“Just say it! Just say that you like me, you coward!” you shouted with your fists balled up, your frustration getting the best of you.
“MC called him coward LOLOL this is epic!” Levi snickered, capturing the whole thing on his phone.
Maybe it was the tension, or the pits in his stomach churning, or that you called him coward that words spit out of his mouth without thinking.
“Alright! I like you, okay?! Ya happy?!” his face and ears turning red, gazing to the side as put his hand on his mouth, your heart leaped hearing his words, your feet running towards at him, seeing you run to him Mammon braced himself for the impact, opening his arms as you jumped to him, catching you with both arms circling around your waist as yours wrap to his neck. Your lips landing onto his, you both smiled like fools into the kiss.
Pulling apart Mammon had a toothy grin, his fangs showing, “Ya gotta kiss the Great Mammon! Whaddya’ say?” you rolled your eyes at him, “Took him long enough!” you pouted. Mammon laughed as he leaned in, his nose touching yours but his eyes looking at one side.
“Still goin’ out with that demon?” he said in a low tone, “Why you want me to?” you teased. “Course not! You’re only gonna go out with me,” his eyes now looking onto yours, his hands pulling your legs up as he wrapped his around his waist, “Got that?” he said, you giggled as you nodded. 
“Oh! Is this snuggle time,” Asmo asked in his cheery voice, reaching out his arms to join you until Mammon turned his back on Asmo. “Go away Asmo! No touchin’! MC’s mine!” he growled as he held you closer, walking away from him and towards your bedroom. Asmo smiled at you as you waved at him with a grin and a thumbs up.  
Hello, this is my first OM fic and I’m still testing waters~ Any feedback would be nice, thank you~ ♡
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alovesongshewrote · 4 years
Douxtober Day 6:  A Lot Happens in a Short Amount of Time | Hisirdoux Casperan
Plot:  You remember the child surprise from the Witcher?  yeah, this was it’s distant cousin, the surprise child.  (No one is pregnant, I promise)
Word Count:  2,442
Warnings:  Children (and i ignore how both kids and adoption work)
A/N:  Oh look, a Douxtober fic!  no whump here!  And it’s technically a part of aaty (if you want it to be)
Tag List:  @furblrwurblr​ @einahpetsyarcip​ @sorrels-scribbling​ @anxious-stitcher​ @alive-and-afraid​ @animedweeb333​ @douxiesdamsel​ @saroski05
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Life was a funny thing.  Sometimes you got tortured, sometimes you moved in with your boyfriend, his familiar, sometimes your boyfriend died and came back to life trying to save the world, and sometimes, you accidentally adopted a child.
It just be like that occasionally.
And you could explain this!  You totally could, 100%.  This wasn’t just the two of you plus Archie and technically Zoe shoplifting a kid, there was a lot more to it than that.  
It was about a month after all of the Arcane Order nonsense.  You and Douxie, your aforementioned boyfriend, had returned to Arcadia.  Everything was calm and chill, which was a really nice change from the usual world-ending chaos.  However, Arcadia was still Arcadia, and that meant monsters.
You were decent in a fight, Archie could turn into a goddamn dragon, and Douxie had saved the world multiple times, so you took it upon yourselves to defend the town from the things that went bump in the night.  Besides, you wanted to give the rest of your troll-hunting friends a break.
This turned out to be a pretty good plan.  It kept the town safe, let Archie get some fresh air, and gave you and Douxie time alone.  (Remember kids, monster-fighting is a great activity for date night.)  Sometimes you dragged Zoe out with you, which she enjoyed more than she let on.
All was well, and then suddenly, kid.  
As has been stated, it be like that sometimes.  You know the child surprise from the Witcher?  Yeah, this was its distant cousin, the surprise child.  
You’d been caught in a battle with another friggin shadow mephit or ten, and it wasn’t going super well if you were completely honest.  Zoe was fighting on a roof, Douxie was stuck in a tree, Archie was trying to free Douxie from that tree, and you had given up on your usual weapon for a folding chair.  It was mildly effective, but not enough to save you.  One of the mephits knocked you to the ground, preparing to take a sizable bite of your arm before a blast of purple slapped the bitch away.  You got to your knees, looking out into the night to see a frickin eight-year-old, arms outstretched, purple light surrounding their fists.
“Uh, are you guys seeing this?”  
Zoe gracefully leapt from the roof while Douxie fell out of the tree he was in.
“The child?  Yep.”
You winced, walking over to help your boyfriend to his feet, “Ah, you okay, babe?”
He nodded, although his focus was on the kid, who was taking out shadow mephits like a bawse.  You would have been confused, but hey, you could fight like that when you were that age.  Though that had come from years on the streets fighting for your life, so there was a place for concern.
“Hey, should we be helping them?”
“Yeah, probably,” you said, picking up your folding chair and yeeting yourself into the fray.
With the extra assistance, the mephits went down a little easier.  You and your gang made sure to watch out for the sudden child, but they were pretty damn capable.  It only took ten minutes for the tide to turn.  Douxie opened the portal to limbo, banishing the mephits from the material plane.
You took half a second to be excited before turning to the random frickin kid who just kicked all the ass.  Their expression was grim, with no trace of pride.  It was kind of a mood, actually.
“Hey, kid!  You ok?”
Their attention was yoinked from the pavement to your face, “I’m fine.”
You nodded, cautiously approaching them, “You fought really well.  Where’d you learn to do that?”
“Why does it matter?” their tone was biting and angry.  Or as biting and angry as a child’s tone could be.
“It doesn’t, I was just curious.”
“Don’t be.  It’s fine.”  Man, did this kid sound like a younger version of you? or what?  It was kind of scary actually.
“Alright, I won’t be,” you raised your hands in surrender, taking a step back.
This ‘fun’ conversation had caught everyone else’s attention.  Archie flew around the kid before landing on your shoulder, “They won’t, but I will be.  Where are your parents?”
“Don’t have any.”
Oh, mood.  For all of you, actually.  
“Do you have another guardian?”
“Why are you fighting monsters at this hour?”
“Because I feel like it, ok!?”
Archie pulled back a bit, “It’s a school night…”
You gave the familiar a pat on the head while Zoe made her approach, “No, the cat is right, it is a school night.”
“Cat?  That’s a dragon!” you smiled a little as the kid finally acted like a kid.
“He’s a shapeshifter, actually,” Douxie said, almost making you jump.  You hadn’t realized that he was behind you.  Arch made his way off of your shoulders and onto your boyfriend’s.
“A sHAPESHIFTER!?” the kid cried, magic again at the ready.
“No, no, no!” you exclaimed, putting yourself between the kid and the cat, “He’s a friend. I promise.”
“Your words mean nothing to me!  I don’t know you!  Any of you!”
Ok, that was fair.  You sighed and got down to the kid's level, “Ok.  My name’s (Y/N).  The shapeshifter is called Archie, but that’s not his full name.”
The kid blinked a bit, lowering their hands, “Wh-what’s his full name?”
Archie flew down to the ground beside you, continuing towards the child, “Archibald.  Pleased to meet you.”
“It’s… nice to meet you too-?”  the kid sounded confused, and they were reminding you of yourself more and more with every second.  On the bright side, they dropped their hands completely, magic fading into the night.
“Right, well,” Douxie got on your level, kneeling beside you to meet the kid’s eyes, “I’m Douxie and this is Zoe-”
“What’s your name?”
They hesitated, looking between you and Archie, who was currently sniffing the child.
“My name is Robin.”
You smiled, the ice officially broken, “It’s nice to meet you, Robin.”
You let the kid follow you home.  Through a bit of careful chatting, you learned that Robin was about eight, and their parents were wizards when they were alive.  After their parents passed, Robin was on their own, running around the country and fending for themself.  They reminded you so much of yourself that it hurt.  Now there was a child sleeping on your couch, arms thrown around Archie which the familiar didn’t really mind, and you had no idea what to do next.
You were sitting on your counter, a cup of coffee in one hand while the other messed with Douxie’s hair.  Zoe was at the kitchen table, lying limply across two chairs while her tea cooled in its mug.  Your lovely, lovely wizard boyf was leaning on the counter next to you, pretty relaxed considering the day's events.
“So, what do we do with this child?”
“They might have to stay with us for a while.  It doesn’t sound like they have anywhere else to go.”
Zoe laughed a little, trying to keep quiet for Robin’s sake, “You two just straight up adopted a kid.  Good luck with that one.”
“Thanks, Zo,” your tone was flat, but you too saw the amusement in this situation, “Thank god I studied medicine, honestly.  If I hadn’t we’d be sooo screwed.”
“Well, you know the people in this town,” Douxie moved closer to you, “Nobody tips.”
You nodded your agreement, kissing the top of Douxie’s head.
“We should be careful though.  These days, you never know where the next ‘end of the world’ will come from.”
“Eh,” you said, looking at Robin asleep on your couch.  They looked so peaceful, and you wondered if you ever looked like that at Robin’s age.  They reminded you so much of yourself, so much of what you had once been, “I think it’ll be okay.”
There was a moment of silence as you all lost yourselves in thought.
“Well, I’d love to stay and watch you guys sign the adoption papers, but I have a shift tomorrow, so,” the pink-haired witch jumped up from her chairs and wandered past you guys, “Later nerds.”
“Bye Zo.”
“See you tomorrow.”
You lept off the counter, picking up your mug and Zoe’s and putting them in the sink.  Douxie watched you, still leaning on the counter.  You moved past him again, and he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you to his chest.
“You’re sure we can watch this kid?”
You bit your lip, looking back at the couch before turning back to Douxie, “When I was that age, all I wanted was a home.  Somewhere safe where I didn’t have to worry about tomorrow.  If we can give that to this kid then-” you cut yourself off and shrugged.
Douxie smiled, placing a hand on your cheek, “I love you so much.”
You leaned into his touch, “Besides, we have Archie, and he took care of you, so…”
You both laughed a little at that, pulling each other closer.  His lips met yours in a soft kiss.  You pulled apart from the kiss grinning, but something in Douxie’s eyes confused you.
“Babe?  You good?”
“I’m better than good, darling.  In fact, I-” he cut himself off, looking behind him and around the room before patting himself down, “Oh, fuzzbuckets.”
“Babe?  What’s up?  What are you-?”
“I’ll be right back!”  he said, giving you a quick kiss before running out the door.
“Uh… ok.”
You ran a hand through your hair before walking through your apartment, making sure everything was locked and warded.
“Why are you helping me?”
You spun around to see Robin, clutching Archie in one hand and keeping the other levelled at you.  Purple magic surrounded both hands.
“Well, good morning to you too.”
Archie seemed displeased with your little joke, but he stayed silent for now.
“No jokes!”  were they- were they crying?  “Just tell me why!”
“Robin, I-”
“I was supposed to kill you!  I was supposed to find you and kill you but-” their voice broke, “But you aren’t-” oop, crying child!  Crying child in your living room!
“Woah, hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong kiddo?” you approached Robin slowly.
“Why-” sob “Why are you like this?”
“I ask myself that question every day,” you knelt down to their level once again, “You don’t have to do this.”
“I do!  I have to, or they’ll-”
“They… the titans.  If I don’t kill Merlin’s successor then they’ll… they’ll kill me.”
A little smile crossed your face as you took Archie from Robin’s grasp.  The kid was so worked up they didn’t even notice.
“I was in the same place once, almost a thousand years ago.”
“No.  You aren’t old enough!”
You giggled a little at that, “Looks can be deceiving.  Back in the day, I was a spy.  I worked for some very bad guys.  They sent me to get information from Merlin himself.”
“Wh-what did you do?”
“I did what they asked.  I was scared and alone.  But do you wanna know what Douxie did?”
“Douxie’s old too!?”
“Yes, Douxie’s old too.”
“What did he do?”
“Well, he fought with me at first, but in the long run, he saved my life.  He wouldn’t let the bad guys hurt me, and now, we won’t let them hurt you.”
With a sob, Robin jumped at you, not with an attack but with a hug.  You were a little surprised, but you rolled with it.
“Please don’t let them hurt me.”
“We won’t.  I promise.”  you let Robin hug you for as long as they needed, making frantic ‘be quiet’ signs at Douxie when he came through the door.  He looked confused, but stayed quiet and snuck into the kitchen, waiting for you.
“Thank you.”  the kid said, looking a little embarrassed as they pulled away.
“It’s no problem kiddo.  Now, to bed with you.  It’s late and you are a child.”
“And the floor is made of floor.  Goodnight, (Y/N).”  
“Goodnight little bird.”
You made sure they were safely tucked in before motioning for Archie to follow you as you grabbed Douxie from the kitchen and silently dragged him into your bedroom.
“Ok, we’re adopting the kid.”
“I thought we agreed upon that already?”
“Yeah, well, I’m confirming it now.  That’s our kid.”
“And you’re not going to tell him about-”
“Time and place, Arch, time and place.”
Douxie looked between you and his familiar, trying to figure out what he’d missed.  You sighed, knowing that this wouldn’t be something you could keep from him.
“It isn’t my story to tell but the kid was sent here to kill us, but they couldn’t.  Doux, I know that sounds bad, but Robin is eight.  I was nineteen when I was sent to spy on you and Merlin, and you know that messed me up.  We can’t let this kid-”
“I know,” he put his hands on your arms, trying to calm you, “(Y/N), I know.  We won’t let this kid get hurt the way you were, I promise.”
You said nothing, but you hugged Douxie hard enough to make him stumble back a little.  Archie shook his little cat head, but joined in on the hug, “We’ll keep them safe, (Y/N), that’s a promise.”
“Thanks, guys,” you pulled back, absolutely beaming, “I love you both, just a fun fact.” Archie gave your face a lil’ headbutt as cats are prone to do, but Douxie got that look again.  You were about to say his name when he pulled you close to him, his lips grazing your ear as he slipped something into your hand.
“I love you, too.  Marry me.”
There was a ring in the palm of your hand.  Douxie left a kiss on your neck before pulling away to look at you.
“Wait, I had a speech prepared-”
“No speech needed, just,” you kissed him for a second before pulling back, “Marry me.”
“I asked you first.”
“I asked you second,” with that out of the way, you got back to kissing.
Archie realized what had taken place before him and did the cat/dragon equivalent to a face-palm, “Really, Douxie?  The bathroom?”
I mean, fair point, the bathroom wasn't a traditionally romantic space, but love followed you and Douxie around wherever you went, so it didn’t really matter.  You laughed anyway.
“Thanks, Arch.”
The familiar grinned as much as a cat could, “No problem.  Congratulations, though.  I mean that sincerely.”
“Thank you, Archie,” you gave the familiar’s head a lil’ scratch before kissing Douxie, your fiancé, again (and again, and again.)
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Sugar and Spice [Maxwell Lord x Reader] - Chapter 6
Summary: When you are evicted from your apartment by your toxic ex boyfriend and have no place to go, who do you turn to? Alone in the city as the countdown to Christmas begins, you find yourself applying for a job as the assistant of the world’s biggest entrepreneur; Maxwell Lord. Little do you know, he has other intentions for you. No doubt about it, this Christmas will truly be like no other.
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: Smut, mentions of a previous verbally abusive relationship, typical 80s misogyny (but very little of it), mentions of food and drink, alcohol consumption. This is a sugardaddy x sugarbaby fic soooo… a daddy k!nk too oops.
But in this chapter - angst… oops. Some allusions to sex but not much.
Author’s note: Starting to get fun now! It's the gala and there's a little surprise at the end. The DC fan in me is LIVING for this chapter. Hope you enjoy!
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You and Maxwell had been having so much fun together, you hadn't left his penthouse once, except when he had rented out a local boutique for a few hours so you could try on dresses for the big night. The boutique was an indie store, not too far from Black Gold Cooperative HQ, and when you arrived, they seemed to already know Maxwell. Of course, everyone knew Maxwell but it was like they had a personal relationship with him. You later found out that the tailors there fitted him for his suits and crafted his ties and pocket squares.
You were amazed. The boutique was small but decorated with rose gold and flowers; mirrors and paintings everywhere. It smelt like freshly cut grass and it made you miss home. It was rare you smelt anything like that when you lived in the big city. You were already in love with the atmosphere. The staff there were polite too, although they did seem surprised when Maxwell had brought you in. You caught them whispering about you but Maxwell interrupted your thoughts when he held out a short and black dress. “It’s Gucci.” he announced, double checking the label.
“Hey, it’s just like my thrift store dress I wore to the restaurant last week.” You chuckled and he nodded in agreement, a small ‘Ah’ escaping his lips as he hung it back on the shelf.
The store manager came over to you both holding a tray of tea and scones. “I thought you both might appreciate a bite to eat,” she said kindly, placing the silver tray on the little side table next to where Maxwell had been sitting. “Is there anything I can help you with?”
“No, we’re fine.” Maxwell replied quickly but you held your hand up.
“Actually,” you spoke up, clearing your throat. “We could do with your help. You see, I’m not used to coming to places like this.” you admitted sheepishly, and the manager shot Maxwell a strange and confused look. You failed to understand her bewilderment.
“Of course darling,” she replied. “My name is Korin. May I ask what the venue is?”
“No you may not.” Maxwell snapped and Korin’s cheeks rosied up.
Your head snapped into the direction of Maxwell and you glared at him, in warning to be polite and remember his manners. There was no need for him to be so rude. You turned back to Korin after a beat of awkward silence.
“It’s a Christmas ball,” you told the manager with a deep breath. She took out a notepad and began to scrawl your words down on the paper. “At the White House.”
Maxwell snapped your name so loud you jumped out your skin. You spun your heel around to face him. “Can I have a word with you? In private?” He asked, venom dripping from his tongue.
“I’ll go look for something suitable while giving you two some privacy.” Korin said awkwardly before padding off.
“What the hell is your problem?” you asked the CEO who was running his long fingers through his dark blonde hair. He loosened his tie slightly and placed a hand on his hip. He looked stressed.
“You told her the gala was at the White House.” He deadpanned, looking at you like you had just burned his favourite Armani suit.
“So?” you asked.
“You do not tell people -locals,” he corrected, “private information like that. Do you understand? It was in the contract.”
“I’m pretty sure it wasn’t in the contract,” you sighed. “You’re just being rude for no reason.”
“I always have a reason.” Maxwell snarled before storming outside in a huff.
You stood there, alone, in the centre of the boutique feeling small and inadequate.
❆ December 10th, 1984 ❆
It was the afternoon of the gala. The week between yours and Maxwell's argument at the boutique had been awkward— too awkward for you to feel comfortable staying with him. He was working long hours that week anyway, and you didn't like the feeling of being alone in his enormous penthouse. So, you went back to your small apartment, paying your rent to Tristan. He questioned how you had gotten the money so fast but you decided you didn't exactly owe him an explanation. That week you shut yourself off from everyone. Technically you weren't working because Maxwell hadn't called. You wondered if he had been getting off with another woman. Surely if he wanted to terminate the contract he'd let you know. You thought about him every day, anxiety swarming in your gut, but you had too much pride to call him. You were certain you had done nothing wrong, so why did it matter?
Truthfully, it mattered a great deal to you. You hated that you cared so much. The scene replayed in your head over and over again. You were going to just stand there while he was being rude to others. It didn't matter, you were seeing him tonight anyway. You looked over at the dress which was hanging on your bedroom door, admiring every miniscule detail.
It was crimson red in colour, perfect for a Christmas gala. It exposed just enough skin, the bodice being a plain velveteen material and the long skirt coated in a sparkling glitter mesh with a high rise slit. You paired it with red heels and a diamond necklace. You didn't know if you were going to be overdressed… you had never attended a gala after all, but you knew for a fact you'd look gorgeous.
Maxwell hadn't seen the dress. He had left the boutique before you had even tried it on, and so, something primal inside of you anticipated his reaction. He hadn't seen you in a week. You weren't sure how tonight was going to go. A knock on your door interrupted your thoughts. Answered it, you were greeted by a group of three men with beaming bright smiles plastered over their faces.
"Hello! We're here to help you get dressed for the Black Gold Cooperative annual Christmas gala!" one of the men said, sliding past you and dropping his bag on your couch before any words could leave your mouth.
"I-," you were semi speechless as the men invited themselves in and made themselves comfortable. "Did Max invite you here?" you asked curiously.
"Mr Lord did, yes," the same man nodded his head and began to unpack hair equipment from his bag. "Actually your place is quite small. Shall we travel to Mr Lord's penthouse? Might be better if we get you dressed there."
"No!" you said, a little too much panic rising in your voice. "I mean, it's fine. You know, I can do my own hair and makeup. And I appreciate you all coming… I really do… but it's not necessary. And the gala doesn't start for another three hours…"
"Three hours!" The stylist gasped. "Come on boys! We have to work quick! Chop chop!"
You were pushed into a chair and one of the men began by brushing through your hair, as another man started setting out the makeup. From the looks of it, you would be doting a smokey eye with red lips. Sultry but still festive. "Where is your dress?"
"Um, bedroom door." you replied, pointing down the hallway. "Why?"
"I must take your measurements to ensure the dress is tailored to perfection." The stylist grinned, shooting you an enthusiastic chef's kiss.
"Really not necessary." you replied, wincing as the hair stylist pulled a knot from your hair. "Ow! Listen I know you have to do what Mr Lord says but I'm telling you-"
"No ifs and no buts!" he shushed you. "Besides, it's more so Mrs Lord who we're scared of."
You sighed. You had repressed the memory of his psycho mother. "Max's mother is going to be there?" you grumbled, already feeling a headache bubble up.
"Of course! She loves all the galas and events. Mr Lord… not so much."
The three of them took their time getting you dressed but by the time they were finished, the result was indescribable. You looked like a princess. You had truly never thought you were capable of looking so beautiful.
"Ah, just in time! The limo is waiting outside!" The stylist squealed excitedly as he clipped the diamond berret in your hair. "Hurry up now! Don't want to be late!"
You smiled, thanking the stylists for all their help and left your apartment. Walking down the stairs, you were stopped by an all too familiar voice calling your name. "Tristan?" you asked, hesitantly turning around to be greeted by your ex boyfriend.
"Wh-" he was speechless as he drank in your appearance. "Where are you going?" he asked, swallowing the hard lump that had formed in his throat.
"None of your business." you snapped dryly, turning back around and continuing down the stairs.
"Wait- you. You look…" Tristan was truly at a loss for words. "Who's having the party?" he was quick to change his tone.
"A friend." you muttered, rolling your eyes.
"Do I know her?" Tristan quizzed.
"No, he's new." you sighed, picking up your speed as he chased you through the lobby.
"He's a he?" Tristan scowled.
"Just- stop!" you groaned, spinning around on your heel. "It's none of your business. Just leave me alone Tristan!" you cried out. Tristan didn't say a word and you scoffed in disbelief, racing outside into the snow and into the black limousine waiting for you.
The driver, Jeeves, opened the door for you and you slid inside breathing a sigh of relief. You froze up when you felt a warm hand on your thigh. "Max." you whispered, looking at him. It was the first time you had seen him in a week.
He looked amazing, exactly how he looked on television or in the magazines. His tux had been pressed to perfection and his hair was combed and straightened into place with hairspray. You offered you a small but hesitant smile. "You look exquisite." he said, his voice small.
You were so sure you wanted an apology from him but you didn't know if it was unreasonable to expect such a thing from Maxwell Lord. But in that moment, you didn't care. You hadn't realised how much you had missed him until you were reunited with him in the back seat of his car.
But Maxwell Lord had missed you. Every day his fingers grazed his office phone as he contemplated calling you. He missed your warm embrace. He missed your smile and the softness of your skin. He missed the feeling of release as he pushed himself inside of your soaked cunt as you moaned his name, coming undone beneath him. Maxwell gulped as you placed your hand over his.
"Never been to a gala," you admitted sheepishly.
"Stay by my side, I've got you." Maxwell promised, leaning in and brushing his lips over your neck. He smelled amazing. Like mahogany teakwood with a glance of sweet honey. If you could have it your way, you'd squirm onto his lap and take him right now in the car. You wanted to make a mess of his expensive suit and fuck him so hard his perfect hair falls out of place.
When the limo pulled up in front of the White House, the red carpet was rolled out and ready. "Shit, we're a good twenty minutes late." Maxwell cursed, biting his lip as he looked through the dark tinted windows. Thankfully, it seemed as though no one was in sight and he figured you could both sneak in unnoticed. Wrong!
Taking your hand he pulled you out the limousine. As soon as your foot stepped on the red carpet, an abundance of paparazzi and journalists came out of nowhere. They were screaming for Maxwell, going wild. The flashing white lights from the cameras were blinding you as Maxwell pulled you down the carpet. "Max?" you felt panicked, squeezing his hand in terror.
"Put your head down. Don't look up." Maxwell whispered harshly. You followed his instruction, cowering behind him nervously as he pulled you through the crowds.
"Mr Lord! Maxwell Lord! Hello, Maxwell! Could we have a word? Just one question please! Sir! Maxwell Lord!"
You wondered how he had it in him— how could he possibly put up with shit like this on a daily basis. Maxwell looked up and politely smiled. It wasn't the same smile that you saw. It was his television smile. There was no sparkle in his eye. He waved and nodded his head in the direction of a few journalists. "Head inside. I'm going to speak to a few reporters. Try and get some good press. Don't talk to anybody, understand?" Maxwell said sternly and you nodded quickly. The second Maxwell let go off your hand, you felt unsafe.
"Mr Lord, can I ask, what does Christmas mean to you?" one cheery reporter smiled. "One must wonder, how does the Lord family celebrate Christmas?"
"Oh indeed," Maxwell schmoozed. "For me, Christmas is a time to give back. Which is why I have chosen to donate a sizable sum of money to the orphanage and the children's hospital. The donation will be made in the name of our dearest Black Gold Cooperative customers and clients. Because at Black Gold, we believe that everyone who invests in us, will get a little something in return." Maxwell charmed. "And what about you doll, do you have plans for Christmas? Got a cute boyfriend you'll be going home to?" Maxwell flirted, causing the news reporter to blush wildly.
You scurried down the red carpet as fast as you could in your heels, when an arm grabbed you and pulled you to the metal barriers. "I'm Angela Matthews from ABC News reporting live tonight from the White House in Washington DC. Maxwell Lord has just arrived to his annual Christmas gala, albeit late, and it seems he has brought a woman. We are joined here tonight with the sensational…" the journalist took a deep breath and leaned into you. "What's your name?" she hissed, thrusting her microphone to your lips as the cameraman turned to face you.
"I- oh- I uhm-" hesitantly you gave them your name, folding your arms over your chest and briefly glancing back over to Maxwell who was grinning and laughing while talking to a different reporter.
"Fabulous, and might I just say you look stunning tonight. What designer is that dress?" Angela queried and the cameraman kneeled down to get a strong shot of your red number.
"Uh, from a, uh- local boutique." you smiled politely, itching to run away and hide. You wanted Maxwell.
"Wonderful! Supporting local businesses I see. And so what is your relationship with Mr Lord?" Angela beckoned further. You felt sick; you were on live television and Max had told you one thing— don't talk to anyone. Whatever. You'd never been one for rules. But how were you supposed to answer? You couldn't exactly tell the nation he was your sugar daddy!
"Uhm, friend. He's my friend." you grinned. Yeah, a friend. Surely that was the best possible answer you could give.
"Considering Maxwell Lord's reputation, I'm not sure how much the nation will believe that." Angela spat back and you felt yourself heat up with embarrassment. "So you're his girlfriend? Let's see your hands. An engagement ring, possibly?"
"No!" you cried out, beginning to get frustrated. You were so loud Maxwell noticed and he sighed. "He's just my friend." you confirmed as Maxwell hurried towards you. He slid an arm around your waist.
"Darling," he gritted out, pushing you away from the reporters. "I told you to go inside."
"That lady from ABC news yanked my arm!" you accused, frowning and rubbing the skin where she had dug her nails into you.
"Inside. Now." Maxwell demanded before turning back to Angela with the fakest smile you had ever seen.
"Mr Lord! Oh wow- Mr Lord it's really you." Angela gushed as Maxwell walked on over to her, a smirk playing on his lips. "I- my whole journalistic career I have been waiting to see you in the flesh. Can I- can I touch you?"
"Um, no." Maxwell scowled and the colour drained out of Angela's skin. Realising his rejection was broadcast on live television, he knew he had to make a smooth recovery. "But doll, look at you in that pink jacket. Simply ravishing. Tell me, is there a man in your life?" Maxwell charmed. Something he loved to do was change the topic at hand from him to whoever else. He was an excellent conversationalist although he wouldn't stand for nosey tabloids pressuring him about his personal life. Shutting them out and using his charisma in other ways was something he had gotten rather good at over the years.
You were standing in the lobby of the White House, impatiently tapping your feet as you waited for Maxwell to finish schmoozing with the press. You were in awe as you looked around. You had never imagined you'd be standing in the White House. Just being in the presence of all these important people made you feel powerful. You looked up, twirling around on your feet as you took in the decor.
You jumped slightly when you felt a finger tap on your shoulder. A man, average height, average build. His hair was dark and his eyes were an interesting combination of green-brown. He dazzled you in the suit he was wearing. It wasn't quite as designer label or extravagant as Maxwell's but the simplicity of the black on black tie was something else. He passed you a glass of champagne.
"You look lost," he smiles, looking you up and down and licking his lip. "I'm Bruce Wayne. And you are?"
Taglist: let me know if you want to be added!
December Magic: @100layersofdaddyissues @mrschiltoncat @honeymandos @thisisthe-wayson @this-cat-is-dea @blonde2bomshell @maiyaaaa0130
Permanent: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal
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