lesboybug · 2 years
please read this byf/interact!
hi! my name is [■■■■■] but you can call me Bug! i have an alter named bug as well but he is not going to be active on here as he is a trans man and not a lesbian like i am!! i ID as lesboy and queer, arofucked and genderfucked, autistic, ace, plural... etc.
i am physically 19, 20 in april! my pronouns are primarily it/its/itself + any neos and other pronouns except for she/her.*
*if you are trans you can use she/her for me but please primarily use it/its.
i am a traumagenic system and this place is safe for educated endogenic systems. i do not participate in syscourse.
#bug rants - rants, usually about things ive experienced, so feel free to block this tag for less politics and discourse on ur dash!
#personal - general talk tag
#answered asks - all answered asks, anon or not
next paragraph details more about my stances/politics. this blog can and will have some discourse on it, but this is not a discourse blog, and i dont argue with cold takes.
ok soooo, i smoke wayyy 2 much thc 2 care how people Identify and how to Police and Clean Cut those IDs. we are not meant to be in a box and queer is queer. i believe ace cis hets and aro cis hets are inherently welcome to our movement and resources because they are inherently queer by rejecting the amatonormative lifestyle. i believe that transmedicalism is based in racism and classism and upholding white abled people's standards of 'beauty'. i believe you dont need any dysphoria to be trans.
this blog is intended for individuals 17+, but my inbox is open for anyone to interact and ask about my experience advocating, advice on any subject (if you are in an emergency, please refer to your country's emergency services! i am NOT a trained professional and i cannot help besides saying words on the internet!!! pls stay safe!)
i also am open to questions about my disabilities and diagnoses and experiences. i am working on many projects atm so my responses may be slow.
some resources for younger folks would be Scarleteen and the trevor project, as well as asexualityarchives, pronouny, and pronoun dressing room. i also recommend, if possible, getting involved in whatever local LGBTQIA+ movement there is in your area, or to at least educate yourself with online resources.
you can ask me for resources if you need help finding them!
i make moodboards for any and all good faith identities. if you want your pride flag turned into a collage, send me either the colors in each row described or a picture of it. i can also help yall try new names and pronouns if yall wish ^_^
ok! thats it! i hope u have a wonderful day and remember, its the internet, not real life, and the block button is a perfectly good option if someone annoys you.
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redbeardace · 3 years
I am trying to make some presentations for ASAW next month, and I was looking for some aro flag gifs. I remembered you posted some last year and went to look at the asexualityarchive website. Do you mind if I download the gifs that are available there and use them?
And in that case, do you need me to put some kind of watermark on them? Should I mention your tumblr or website? (i am in a collaboration with the regional lgbtq+ organization, and I don't know exactly how agreeable will they be about including others' work, but I can just not use your gifs if that's a problem.)
I hope my question is written coherently enough to be understood. Thank you anyways for making those gifs and emojis, they are really cool!! ^_^
Sure, feel free to use those.
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asexualactivities · 5 years
Hey I really like your blog and the sites that you link helped a lot. I’ve kinda known that I’m ace for like 2-3 years but I experience a cycle of doubt that can be very long or just minutes/hours so having a base of info to calm me means a lot to me. I also am not very certain about my romantic orientation and I wanted to ask if you know any good site for aro people kinda like the asexualityarchive. I mean I think I’m bi- since I can see myself with a girl in the general sense just not yet (1)
(2)with a specific one but I’ve kinda felt that with boys(I don’t want to say I’m bi and then have to go back and say I’m straight later cause illogically I know it feels like I’m just making people that say that it is just a phase feel like they are right)but what I felt kinda seems weak compared to others I mean It’s more like a faint but there annoyance/disappointment when my feelings?aren’t returned and a lot I don’t even care much and don’t think about them much. don’t get what’s a crush... 
https://www.aromanticism.org/ and http://www.arocalypse.com/forums/ are probably the best places to go for aro information at the moment.
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mrsmummifikation · 5 years
I came out to my mom a few months ago and like. It didn't go horribly but she didn't rly get it. She brought up the stereotypical questions and I did my best to explain. She wouldn't let go of the whole hormones stereotype, but when she saw how upset I was she apologized. Recently she brought up a doctor's appointment that's coming up and she said she wanted to be there and I'm so terrified she'll out me to get my hormones check. Idk what to do inn fighting off a panic attack rn at 1:30am
Oh no, I’m sorry to hear you’ve been panicked. I hope you eventually got some sleep in, even if just a few hours.
Is there a possibility you could sit down with your mom and be open with your worries? Being honest about your feelings may not be the easiest route, but I believe, in the long run, it’s the most helpful.
If you don’t feel you can be open with her, you could always ask, nonchalantly, why she wants to sit in on your doctors exam. It might not even be for the reason you suspect.
If it is what you think, and she is getting your hormones checked, you can backup your statements with facts!
Here’s a helpful page from AsexualityArchive titled “A Parent’s Guide To Asexuality” that includes this exact topic:
“We’ll take you to a doctor to fix this.” Asexuality is not something that can be fixed or cured.  You might be thinking that having no interest in sex is a symptom of something like a hormone imbalance or a brain tumor or something else.  While it’s true that a lower libido or disinterest in sex can be a symptom of a number of medical conditions, it’s rarely the only sign.  It’s natural to be concerned, but unless your child is showing other symptoms or there has been a sudden drop in their sexual interest, there’s likely no reason to involve a doctor.  Many asexuals have had their hormone levels checked, and often will find that the levels are within the expected ranges.  Some asexuals have even been on hormone therapy for various reasons, and they typically report no changes.
Here’s a page on “Things That Are Not Asexuality” that you might find helpful. It also includes a brief description on the difference between hormone imbalance and asexuality.
Here’s a page on signs of hormone imbalance that I only include here so you can look at this list and compare it to your life. Most signs are fairly obvious and easy to compare.
I hope these help! If not, let me know!
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fuckyeahasexual · 7 years
This is a really useful website and series full stop, but this page in particular is a list of ways allosexuals have described sexual attraction, which I've never seen anywhere else, and I know a lot of people ask you! asexualityarchive com/maybe-im-not-really-asexual-because-i-have-no-idea-what-sexual-attraction-is-so-how-do-i-know-if-im-feeling-it-or-not/
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Thanks for sharing! Check it out here!
- Fae
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aroacehogwarts · 7 years
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Aromantic Slytherin for @azalea-garden.
Amazing aro friends dancing by hungertrunk here on tumblr. Slytherin quote by speaking-in-forked-tongues on tumblr. Aro card by asexualityarchive. Slytherin watercolor by tee-kyrin on dA. Aromantic heart originally by brightredbirrdie on tumblr. White jade ring available on AliExpress. Adorable aro (and other pride!) ghost by diinadaring here on tumblr.
~Hufflepuff Mod
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asexualitaly · 8 years
Chicago? Non esiste. D’altra parte non esiste nemmeno l’asessualità... :) 
La metto nella pila del materiale da tradurre...
Spero di tornare attivo quanto prima, purtroppo tra cambio di stagione, dell’ora e di umore (ma quello c’è sempre stato...) non ho molte forze da dedicare al tumblelog.
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Day 13 of the Asexuality challenge:
Your favourite asexual website
An actually serious website, Asexuality archive. This was the site that helped me realize that I was asexual, and with a fair dose of humor without being distracting, it explains asexuality in a understandable manner. If you're not asexual, check it out. If you're considering that you might be asexual, check it out even more. Just, you know, go and look at the website, it's greta at explaining asexuality. (and if you want to write an asexual character, this is your place to go.)
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casuallydressedzombie · 11 years
Day 29 - 30 Day Ace Challenge
29. Where did you first learn about asexuality?
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silverstreaksinthesky · 12 years
No longer confused or in doubt or worried it's an unconscious response to my lack of dating or sheltered antisocial life.
I'm asexual. Completely and utterly and apologetically asexual.
I feel great.
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