#ask a sociopath
wet-canid · 4 months
Sociopath QnA
part of me wants to do a sociopath QnA for those who aren't familiar with the ASPD diagnosis. for those who just are aware of sociopaths through the media and have no idea what actual sociopaths are like. so if you have any questions, if i do decide to do this, send them to my ask box.
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daily-grian · 9 months
Made the epsky bird in a dress may I contribute to the daily Grian?
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What a lovely dress!
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devotion-disorder · 1 month
omg thanks for mentioning adachi.... HES SO CUTE TO MEEEE i just wanna kiss his stupid face. he'd be a cute yandere too... idk maybe i could fix him (lie)
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no bc both of yall are so real I can't look at his face without hearing the crunchy distorted vine boom or that fuckass piano jingle but ALSO HES JUST SO MOE TO ME IDKKKKK ARUAHGHHHHHHHAHGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
I will say though, I feel like he's a bit different in his japanese dub in that he seems to be actively more...patronizing (which I LOVE) ? Spoiler alert but in this scene:
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the second line is the only line they sorta changed here, but in Japanese he actually says something to the effect of "You're already gonna have your sleepy time*?" instead of "You're gonna let this bitch take you down like this?" *he says "おねんね” which is a really silly way of saying 'sleep' that you would only say to a small child basically
I know that they mean the same thing and its still the same shit-eating attitude in different fonts but hhrughhhhhgh.......i love how both the eng and jap VA's had their own take on it though!! I think in japanese he's sounds more comically exaggerated and therefore his switchup is more dramatic and chilling; but that doesn't mean in English it's less shocking when the reveal comes, if not more sinister for how he really hid in plain sight...in conclusion adachi is lewd incarnate thank you for coming to my ted talk
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
What is the difference between sociopath and psychopath?
OH! OH OH OH I LOVE THIS QUESTION. Also this is a massive explanation that really goes in-depth about neurology so I'll do a read more.
The main difference is that a psychopath is born with ASPD. A sociopath develops it during early (we're talking starting off as young as 2) childhood due to severe long-term (several years) abuse and neglect (generally from main caretakers).
There are also some nuances in how a socio's brain works in comparison to a psycho's. But the major difference that really determines all of the minor differences is that a psychopath doesn't necessarily have trauma related to their ASPD, and tends to have a lot less comorbid disorders. A sociopath ALWAYS has trauma that directly caused their ASPD and a fucking CVS receipt of comorbid disorders the large majority of the time.
There are also more sociopaths than there are psychopaths. The physiology of ASPD is that the brain's structure is different from an empathetic person. Specifically in the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala, because there's not enough activity in those areas for someone with ASPD. The prefrontal cortex is involved in decision-making, impulse control, and regulation of social behavior, and the amygdala is involved in emotion processing and fear response. Abnormalities in the amygdala contribute to a lack of empathy and increased aggression (aggression does NOT equal violence in this case, but rather an increased and pervasive level of negative emotion that makes you more likely to act out). Genetics have been proven to play a factor in how likely someone who was born empathetic would develop ASPD.
The difference here is that a psychopath is born with reduced blood flow to those areas. No trauma needed, that's just how they work.
On the contrary, a sociopath develops reduced blood flow to those areas because if you live in an environment that fosters the growth of anti-social traits and behaviors you are not exercising those parts of your brain. I'll go into a deep dive about the neurological aspects of how formative trauma turns into ASPD.
Chronic stress from abuse can impair the development of the prefrontal cortex; reduced activity or structural abnormalities in this area can lead to increased impulsivity and difficulty regulating emotions. The amygdala becomes hyperactive due to repeated exposure to threatening situations. This results in heightened aggression and reduced ability to empathize with others. Abuse can lead to a smaller hippocampus, impairing the ability to process emotions and increasing vulnerability to stress.
Chronic abuse elevates cortisol levels (the stress hormone), which can alter brain function and structure. Persistent high cortisol levels can damage the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, exacerbating emotional and behavioral regulation issues. Serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitters regulate mood and behavior. Abuse can disrupt their levels, contributing to aggression, impulsivity, and difficulty experiencing pleasure or reward.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) becomes hyperactive, leading to a state of constant alertness and readiness for perceived threats. This can cause chronic anxiety, irritability, and aggressive responses. Conversely, some individuals may develop a blunted stress response, showing reduced physiological reactions to stress. This can lead to a lack of fear or concern for consequences. (These two may combine so that safe things trigger stress and unsafe things do not).
Abusive environments can impair the development of secure attachments, leading to difficulties in forming trusting relationships. This can foster detachment, manipulative behavior, and a lack of empathy. Inconsistent or abusive parenting can disrupt normal emotional development, making it difficult for individuals to manage their emotions and impulses. This can result in volatile behavior and poor emotional control. Abusive environments often model and reinforce antisocial behaviors. Children learn to cope with stress through aggression or manipulation, which can become ingrained patterns of behavior. Abusive environments can impede moral development, leading to difficulties in understanding and adhering to societal norms and rules. This can result in a disregard for others' rights and a propensity for criminal behavior.
Trauma and abuse can also alter gene expression through epigenetic changes, affecting the brain's development and function. These changes can increase the risk of developing ASPD by influencing genes involved in stress response, emotional regulation, and social behavior.
A lot of people who went through severe childhood abuse may experience anti-social symptoms without having full-blown ASPD. When I was younger I did a genetic test that led to some very fascinating results that now that I'm older and understand my disorder I understand how my ASPD ties directly into my genetic depression, or rather my genetic depression is caused by my ASPD.
I don't process/produce Vitamin B6, B9 (Folate), and B12. These vitamins are crucial for brain function and the production of neurotransmitters. Deficiencies lead to mood disorders, cognitive impairments, and other neurological issues. B vitamins are involved in synthesizing neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which regulate mood and behavior. These are neurotransmitters that act as natural painkillers and mood enhancers. B vitamins play a role in the metabolic pathways that produce endorphins. An inability to properly absorb, process, or produce B vitamins can disrupt these pathways, leading to lower endorphin levels, which can contribute to symptoms of depression and affect overall mental well-being.
Because of how specific my issue is I had to take a specialized blend of B Vitamins. Unfortunately once I turned 18 my parents stopped buying them for me and I haven't had the funds to purchase my own at all since I was cut off (which has led to my mental health tanking). I strongly suggest anyone who deals with anti-social traits in a way that is disruptive to their daily life to look into these. You can't generally find them at a drug store, but they're on Amazon for 25-ish USD for a month's worth bottle. Which is really good because when my parents were buying them two years ago or so they were 40$ a bottle.
I have been on all sorts of mood stabilizing medications, psychosis medications, anti-depressants, anxiety medication, etc. None of them worked because we didn't know what exactly was wrong with me. All it did was make it so I couldn't feel the negative emotions properly, so I was constantly numb. What the vitamins did for me is that they let me process passive endorphin exchange and metabolism for the first time in my life, which meant that there wasn't a drastic barrier between me and positive emotions.
I strongly suggest this for anyone who is also just dealing with mood instabilities/disorders because it helped immensely. I'm bipolar two and I wasn't dealing with any major manic episodes while I was on them for about two years, so it helped drastically in that aspect too.
I know this got a little off the rails, but sociopathy is such a hard disorder to deal with, and it's so demonized by the media. Just telling someone you're a clinical sociopath is enough for them to kick you out of their life, even though it has no reflection on your character and is just an outcome of a horrible, hell-like childhood. So I think it's important for ASPD voices to speak up about the disorder when they can and try to dispel some of the awful stigmatization.
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anti-terf-posts · 18 days
I think I wrote the name right in my last ask but just to be sure I also got a screenshot of the blog
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for someone called “butchpeace” they do seem to hate butches who want to transition a lot (assuming they do because they’re against transitioning in general)
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kayberrie · 2 months
fandom advice: don't try to interact with the wincesties. they're not ok in the head. and i mean that aside from the incest shipping. destiel is a much chiller fandom space but i don't know how close you're to season 4. either way, have fun!
oh the pain of not even being halfway through season 1 and still seeing all the Destiel content.
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
I love how BettyGolb's "eyelashes", an artistic trope to signify a female character, are just cracks around the eyes. It's honestly makes her look more terrifying.
GolBetty's design is so good cause it shows she's very aware but at the same time something complete beyond what she should be aware of.
It has shadow's of Betty as a normal human, just enough to recognize it as her but no where near to say defiantly she's still all there as herself.
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crimeronan · 3 months
I think if u were fictional a fandom would have wars over whether you're evil for being poly & interested in stories of horror & abuse sorry
i can't believe they'd debate whether i'm evil over this and not the actually being evil. it's so hard to be complex and multifaceted.
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jigokuhana · 7 months
How come you haven't called out your boss for going to eat at places of the bds boycott list?
because you can't force people to boycott. you can inform them, but that's all. it's a personal choice they have to make.
and i'm not gonna condemn them for not doing so, as long as they're not spewing out pro-israel bullshit or being sociopaths about it. (ie: saying stuff like "lol tf? like hell im giving up my starbucks for ppl dying~")
do you look down on everyone who works at or buys from places that are on the boycott list, thinking they're all zionist supporters or something? because that's not the case, as easy as that would make everything. my own parents understand the situation & sympathize with palestine, but don't boycott. and i guarantee they're not bad people or zionists by any means.
hell, my dayjob sells hp ink/toner (which is on the boycott list) & other products made in israel. but i can't exactly tell people not to buy any of that stuff while i'm there, & i can't just up & quit. i sometimes even have to buy hp toner for my mom, if she needs it for working at home & can't get to the store herself.
ultimately, it's none of my business. i won't praise people for not boycotting, but i won't condemn them for it either.
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 5 months
I went from being like "oh Grian's demi gender he/they" to "oh they're non binary" to "oh he's bigender, he/she" to "oh she's trans, mtf" and it is the most beautiful thing ever
True wisdom is whatever this is I think
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wet-canid · 4 months
What is exact difference between sociopathy and psychopathy? In symptoms and in how it feels
I can only speak on half of this, being the sociopathic end. But from my understanding, sociopaths have a more in depth range of emotions. Psychopaths have that same range but it's more swallow. Being a sociopath can only be due to trauma, while psychopathy is either genetic or trauma based. It's more commonly genetic though however. if you have any more specific questions about sociopathy I can answer them. Have a good day, and thank you for the ask
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theokusgallery · 10 months
i have bad news for anyone who expects mental illness to be family friendly
^ yeah!
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star4daisy · 1 year
heheh thanks for this I'll finally be able to speak my truth (be aware there's a lot of rambling)
For Hogwarts I think he was just as sadistic as Barty, but he didn’t show it so he looked like the exemplar student, smart, good looking, aristocratic and very confident but deceiving/conniving, you never get to see all sides of him but he had a mean streak he was just more calculating, whereas Barty was impulsive in his anger, Evan let it simmer under the surface until he got the perfect plan to destroy you also he thought he was above everyone else (narcissistic/sociopath vibes) (this is not very articulate but basically how I wrote him in Arsonist's Lullabye lol)
I like the skater Evan, white dreads Evan with a lot of swag and his spotless jordans who worships pac and raps to kendrick in the car while he drives Barty around. Evan who loves to ride in the back of Barty's motorcycle as much as he likes to race him
I like insane Evan, killer Evan who plans meticulously how he’s going to end someone, Evan who’d kill anyone that dared touch or look at Barty heheh CANNIBAL Evan and vampire Evan have my whole heart too and Evan that kills people for human sacrifice rituals with Pandora, THEY CARRY THEIR VICTIM'S BONES AROUND IN NECKLACES AND EARRINGS he gifts Barty a ring with someone's eyes and THEY EXCHANGE NECKLACES WITH EACH OTHERS BLOOD AND WHEN BARTY DIES HE CARRIES HIS HEART AROUND WITH HIM IN A JAR OR EATS IT SO THEY'LL ALWAYS BE TOGETHER (I'm very passionate about this lol)
I like Evan who looks like the perfect school boy and everyone wonders why he’s with/likes crazy boy Barty but turns out he’s the mastermind behind all the insane shit Barty does lol THEY DEFINITELY BURNED DOWN A CHURCH OR A SCHOOL IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT also he loves to do graffiti and def spray painted the house of everyone he hated but did pretty drawings for his friends
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anti-terf-posts · 5 months
Cute date idea: you and your partner punch terfs together
love it
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babygirlphil · 13 days
I think they're fucking with us lol. Watch it go back to December at the next show.
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sessakag · 5 months
So I was thinking about Prey and Butterfly again, because what else is someone supposed to do on a Friday night?
I was re-reading Prey, and I got to the chapter where Naruto is reading the how to romance book and thinking about how he intends to manipulate Hinata into dating him. And it suddenly hit me how different my reactions are to Prey-Naruto and Butterfly-Naruto when it comes to their poor treatment of Hinata.
Prey-Naruto is objectively a worse person, and his intentions towards Hinata are 100% worse than that of Butterfly-Naruto. And yet when he talks about how he wants to manipulate Hinata, I find him completely amusing and I’m fully supporting them getting together. On the other hand, we have Butterfly-Naruto using Hinata just to get back to his toxic relationship, and I need him to repent 1 billion times before he gets his happy ending with her. Not sure what this says about me as a person, but I thought it was an interesting observation.
The juxtaposition of these two fics cannot be understated, lmao. We want both Naruto versions to win, but have way different reactions to both, lol.
Prey!Naruto is an objective threat to Hinata's safety, autonomy and mental health, who is actively trying to manipulate this woman into a relationship with his sociopathic ass and yet we are all rooting for this malicious nutjob🙈meanwhile Butterfly!Naruto is an immature brat with a mostly good heart, has tunnel vision selfishness but doesn't go out of his way to maliciously hurt anybody and yet we're all ready to (quoting another anon) throw this boy into on coming traffic 😂It's crazy but somehow it makes sense given the context and vibes of the stories??? I think?? 😂and if doesn't, who tf cares, we're having fun, lmao!
I'm the one writing this nonsense🙈what's that say about me??? And more importantly, do I care??? 😱
Spoiler alert, I don't 😈😘
Excellent observation anon! 🤭
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