#ask: nicky hawke
stabbyfoxandrew · 6 months
oh RIGHT it's wednesday!!! I'd like a vamp or angel boy of some sort please <3 - @quiescentdestiny
WIP Wednesday (3/27) | Vampire Andrew AU (Part 97)
The ride to the stadium is well… tense, thanks to Andrew’s little idiotic display in the elevator. Everyone is nervous, no doubt because they think they almost witnessed him dig his teeth into a stranger’s neck and drain him dry. That’s what he’d wanted and they all know it. He settled for the smell of Neil’s fear. And for the sound of his racing heart. The elevator opened just in time to save Neil’s life.
Now they’re trapped again, in a car this time. Kevin is at Andrew’s side in the passenger seat and Neil is in the back, watching him like a hawk. Andrew’s grip on the wheel is iron. Because with both Neil and Kevin in the car, along with his relatives, he’s surrounded by a feast. Now he knows how Tantalus must’ve felt. 
Andrew keeps his mind on driving. And the windows rolled down. 
Once they're inside the staidum, Andrew holds his hand out to Kevin. His human passes the pill bottle over and Andrew swallows them along with a mouthful of Coach’s liquor. The burn from the alcohol mingles with the thirst just enough to make him wince.
“You kiddies have fun,” Andrew says. “I’m going to go take a nap.”
‘You mean you’re going to hide in Wymack’s office so you won’t eat the new boy,’ thinks Aaron with his arms crossed. Well, well, aren’t we smart. Andrew gives his brother a look that Aaron doesn’t return.
“Don’t play too rough,” Andrew says, trying his best not to show off his fangs. “Wouldn’t want to scare Neil off.”
“I don’t scare easy.” is Neil’s response. Aimed at Andrew’s back. Oh, a challenge?
“Is that so?” Andrew asks, turning around.
“Yes. You’re not the boogeyman, just a loser with nothing better to do that annoy people.” says Neil, making Nicky’s face fall. Well, Neil isn't completely wrong there. They're all losers though, that's why they're here. Everyone’s eyes are on Neil now and from the sound of his heart, he’s very aware of it. “If everyone’s done gawking at me, I want to see the locker room.”
"Enjoy your grand tour, Neil," Andrew says. "Don't get lost!"
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elysiumcircusif · 2 months
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
Greetings dear guest! Absolutely!
Your second oldest and best friend.
Voted most likely to survive in a zombie apocalypse.
She got the highest grades when you were at school together! She even scored a perfect grade in the last year of her college which no one ever did in her college's history before.
Smells like Jasmine.
Life of the party.
If she wasn't so afraid of heights she could scale mountains.
Aurora's favorite snack is cotton candy.
She enjoys the scent of old library books.
Loves to break dance, it's an activity she often did as a kid.
She is impulsive, irrational and impatient but its all a part of her charm.
You know the guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows another guy, yea, Pax would be the last another guy.
Jewellery? Check. Piercings? Check. Jacket? Check. Black eyeliner? Check. No matter how hard they deny it, Pax is the fashionista of the group.
He has a scar on the back of his neck from his childhood.
They once cut their bangs and you won't ever let them forget it.
Pax loves playing the electric guitar.
Easy to anger, but just as easy to burst into laughter.
He has a tattoo on his lower back.
Believes that the past should be left in the past and the present should be lived in but can't truly shake any of his previous memories off.
Loves wearing matching accessories.
Vi's first love are novels. She won't openly admit it but she wants a romance like one out of the books. However, her favorite theme to read remain tragedies.
Stoic on the outside, emotional wreck on the inside.
She loves having an adrenaline rush.
"What's in a name? A rose with another name would smell as sweet." did something to alter her brain chemistry she says.
Her favourite flowers are roses.
Violet's hands soft like velvet.
Is definitely the person who is awake at 3 am dancing to super obscure pop songs.
She has a sweet tooth.
Vi appears serious at first but once you get to know her she always jokes around.
Once at school, she made the entire other cast bunk their classes for a day. They jumped over the schools fence and went into the town to enjoy the day. She yelled "Carpe diem!" on that day.
The troublemaker™. (Unintentional)
With things Nick gets himself into, you sometimes stop and ask yourself how is he even alive at this point?
Once Nick told a crow off and almost fought it but felt really bad about it.
Bubblegum bitch is his theme song.
His favourite drink? Chocolate milkshake.
Hates when people call him Nicky or another variant.
Likes it taking one day at a time, believes that fretting over things only makes it harder for you, which has led him to various situations that could have been avoided if he had a plan.
He's a night owl, the sun never really did anything to activate him.
He is blessed with a proficient aim and has eyes of a hawk.
Nick enjoys playing dumb and watching the reactions of people around him.
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devilagent · 28 days
What is Nick's favorite thing to do with your sona? c:
YAY SONA QUESTION / always accepting ! :D
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ASKS THAT I RECIEVE THAT IMMEDIATELY MAKE ME SPIN AROUND SO HAPPY!! THANK YOU! AAARGH i love any opportunity to talk about my sona and nicky ;__; this is such a fun question too!
so the immediate thing that popped into my mind - i undoubtedly feel that his favorite activity with my sona would be whenever he trains her magic abilities. i just refer to it as 'magic training' for short. basically nicholas teaches her how to use her abilities and hone them! you can catch a glimpse of that in this art of them, that one of my close friends /@the-commonrose made for my birthday … it captures their dynamic perfectly in general :)c
now this is a double-sided answer because Character Growth (tm) over time …
in the beginning of their dynamic nicholas was eager to train with her, but mainly for his own gain rather than genuinely wanting to spend time with her.
my sona is no different from Adam or Jeb in this retrospect. nicholas took both of those men under his wing for his own agenda. although my sonas role is way more of an apprentice to him than adam / jeb were considered to be. with adam, he took on a mentor role, and as for jeb hawkes i have said this numerous times but nicholas genuinely acts more as his babysitter if anything. for some reason adopting monster adults is just nicks thing, i guess!
also funny thing that @widowshill pointed out to me, all of nicholas' monster underlings have worn turtlenecks FEKMDWMKWD this is the nicholas blair brand …….
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anyways back to the subject at hand
inadvertently, over time, his feelings on it change to sincerity. magic training truly brings out a lot in their dynamic and it is a key factor as to how their relationship grew stronger! naturally over time they just formed a bond ^_^
ASIDE FROM THAT - my sona is very much unlike adam and jeb personality-wise, and generally unlike many people he is used to interacting with - therefore he finds himself in many peculiar situations he otherwise would've never been in because of her. like, ever.
she often has lunch on a towel on the beach, located in his backyard. he can sit out there with her sometimes to enjoy the scenery and talk to her :3 she can throw food to the seagulls which he doesn't approve of. those birds annoy him!
nicholas has also become fond of reading her books for bedtime ^_^ he wasn't really a fan of it at first and thought it was completely ridiculous when she requested him to read to her. he gave in to the request eventually because he wanted to earn her trust, similar to adam. but yeah, it's very sweet and it's a relaxing way for him to end the day - he ends up enjoying the time spent with her! this headcanon was partially inspired by humberts love of reading books.
every day is an adventure with her in some way, even the mundane, that is the joy of having a weird daughter (tm)
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jtl-fics · 8 months
Ooooh what is “Surely” 👀👀👀
1-10-24 WIP Wednesday (Closed) | Surely
Neil grabs his Shirley Temple and Andrew watches him like a hawk as he holds his own drink in his hand. Neil takes a long sip of his drink and Andrew watches as he closes his eyes as if savoring it.
He pulls off, "It's not quite right." he says but he's still smiling at the drink nostalgically.
"What's not quite right?" Nicky asks coming back to the table and putting an arm around Neil as he leans across to grab his drink. "Man, is it hot in here or is it just me?" Nicky continues on without waiting for the answer from Neil.
"This Shirley Temple doesn't taste like how my mom made them." Neil says taking another sip.
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rowan-sins · 2 years
Unknown Event Hurt/Comfort
Fatgum x Reader
Trigger warning under read more
Trigger warning: police being bastards, reader is crying (not panic attack but very shaken), hawks slander
Fatgum’s heart started racing as he heard his phone ringing through the locker room of his hero agency. His day had just ended, and he was exhausted, the kind that ached down to his bone, but all he heard was the special ringtone he had for the Tokyo police department.
The Xylophone chimes, despite being an extremely relaxing sound for most, never failed to make his heart beat out of his chest and his stomach fly into his throat. Just hearing it made his adrenaline rush. Carefully, as not accidentally drop the towel around his waist and scar poor Kirishima and Tamaki for life, he rushed across the room and fumbled with answer the phone.
“Hello, Fatgum speaking,” he said, when he heard static at the other end of the line he continued, “what kind of emergency requires you to call me an hour after my patrol on my personal cell-phone?”
“It’s me,” you said into the phone, your voice sore and tired, “it’s me babe.”
The situation only got worse from here, it seemed. He felt the towel slipping and pulled it back up before he scared his poor interns for life. He tucked the phone between his head and his ear and used his now free hand to gesture the two of them out of the room. He’d like privacy for the rest of what was about to transpire. “What the hell are you doing at the Tokyo Police Station?”
“I… um,” you pause, he can hear the gulp of air you make as you try to stay calm, “I need you to come pay my bail. I understand you’re probably still working, it’s only six o’clock in the evening-“
“It’s eight-thirty,” Fatgum corrects, “how long have they been holding you?”
He hears you choke up and his heart breaks, “since four.”
“They’ve held you since four and didn’t give you you’re phone call until now?” He asks, infuriated.
“Yeah, the put me in this metal room and asked me a whole bunch of questions about-“
“Did you answer them?” He asks. He knows you didn’t do anything, you’d never do anything, you were one of the sweetest, peaceful people he knew. Your hands were far to soft, fragile even, to do anything that’d land you in an integration room. You were incapable of causing trouble, between your gentle personality and lack of quirk. If anything, you were often on the receiving end of it, like right now.
“Don’t tell me anything else until I get there.” He interrupts. “How much is it?”
“130,000 yen.”
“God, I’m about to-“ he pauses, knowing full well this line is monitored. “I’m on my, I’m taking the company car, honey.”
It’s not long before he leaves the locker rooms, hair still dripping wet but in civilian clothes. “Do you boys need a ride to the U.A. dorms?” He asks out of consideration. He knows they’ll take the bus, it runs for another three hours and they’ll get home just fine even without.
“We’re good, thank you Mr. Fatgum,” Kirishima answers.
“Okay well I have to go handle a personal emergency, if you need anything my secretary is more than capable of handling any issues that arise. Ask her if you need anything.” And with that he was off. They’d never seen him move so quickly off the battlefield, they noted.
He was in the car, keys in the ignition and foot on the gas pedal before the door was all the way closed. He clutched his steering wheel at every red-light, and in a fit of frustration turned the radio off all together, jamming the on/off button in a fit to get it to stop playing Super Bass by Nicki Minaj.
He made sure he parked the car in one of the guest spots before walking into the station, where several officers enthusiastically greeted him. He kept his face in a stern line, and between him being in a v-neck t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts, and the way they’d never seen him don a more serious face, they knew something was wrong.
“Where is she?” He asked when the police chief came out to see him.
“Where is who?” The police chief answered.
“My partner. You unlawfully held her for over four hours,” he answered. Seethed would be more accurate but the BMI hero doesn’t seethe. He doesn’t hiss words through his teeth and he doesn’t cross his arms over his chest, knowing full well that the muscle under it was enough to lift a car. But here he was.
You were escorted out by the two officers shortly afterwards. It was like you were waiting around the corner, waiting for the police chief to signal your release off-handedly. As soon as your handcuffs were off, you ran into your boyfriend’s arms, embracing the safety and warmth of his hug.
It wasn’t long before you were being escorted off the premises by him. They didn’t even make him pay your bail, it was as if they knew they’d fucked up as soon as they saw him. You sat in the passenger seat of the car, trying to unpop the power button of the radio so you could listen to something. Anything. This silence was killing you.
“What’d you do?” Fatgum asks softly. Quietly, even. The hurt in his voice was worse than the stagnant silence from before. You wish you could go back to it.
“They accused me of a jewelry store robbery.”
Fatgum looked genuinely shocked. “Pardon?”
“Yeah, that was my reaction when they put me in quirk cancelling cuffs and accused me of all of this stuff.” You threw both your hands on the dashboard, to hold you upright so you didn’t curl in on yourself. “Explained how I “used my quirk” to slip through the walls and grab the jewelry and leave. Said they got my face on the security cameras.”
“And you said they’d held you unlawfully since four?”
“They snagged me off the side of the road on my way back home from work,” you clarify, “just pulled over, pulled me into the cop car and drove off with me, I thought I was being kidnapped.”
Fatgum’s large hand took up a good portion of both your knees, however the large thumb rubbing circles into it was more than welcome, familiar even.
“And you told them you were quirkless,” he asked.
“Yes. They said I was lying.”
“And they didn’t check your medical records?” He asks.
“I think they only let me make the call after they searched my wallet, and saw no quirk on my ID and the photo of you I keep opposite.”
His eyes brighten. “You keep a photo of me in your wallet?!” He’d completely forgotten the situation at hand.
“Yeah,” you say sheepishly, “I keep it opposite my ID so whenever I close my wallet we’re kissing.”
Fatgum’s heart melts into his chest. “Shucks, sweetheart,” he finally manages out of his mouth, “let’s go home, and order some takeout.”
You smile softly. “I managed to get a coupon for KFC, if you wanna stop by there on the way home.”
He makes a face. “And run into hawks? No way!”
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booksandabeer · 9 months
get to know me (again)
I got tagged by the always wonderful @somanywords. Hope you're doing well, Cass! 💛
last song: Not sure exactly, but one of these two:
currently watching: Finished season 3 of Slow Horses, which I continue to enjoy immensely and am currently watching season 5 of Fargo, which is excellent—a true return to form (I didn't like seasons 3 and 4 very much). Juno Temple, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and Richa Moorjani are fantastic, and Jon Hamm is absolutely terrifying. Note: I highly, highly recommend this, but if you are in any way triggered by depictions of domestic abuse/violence, either skip this one or read up on what this season is about. You are also welcome to ask me about any specifics if you are unsure!
three ships: Stucky, Stucky, and also Stucky! I did have a brief phase in November where I read a lot of TOG Joe/Nicky fic. And also I guess Hawk/Tim and Frankie/Marcus from Fellow Travelers (still haven't watched the final episode. aaaahh!).
favourite color: cobalt blue!
currently consuming: Some organic herbal tea blend thing with a ridiculous name.
first ship: Either Logan/Rogue or maybe... actually it was The Strokes RPF... I think? It was a long time ago, ok. 🙈😂
relationship status: Still not telling.
currently working on: Rec lists! Finally! But don't hold your breath, it's slow going. Did you know that in order to rec stuff you first have to find time to (re)read stuff? I know! Mind blown.
no pressure tags for anyone who want to join, and also: @some-october-in-the-future, @ethicalhorseslaughter, @elliquinn, @village-skeptic, @burninblood and @eurekaetcetera.
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thekrows-nest · 1 year
"Fuck you ! Least i look presentable !"
krow honey you cannot be more presentable than someone who wear a waistcoat and tailcoat suit (im imagine fone's outfit is sorta similar to joker since persona user fone does take inspo from phantom of the opera) 💀
also his codename could be related to bird, like Sparrow or Hawk yknow
(Look Nicky I'm finally answering your ask, are you happy now? ):< /lh)
Jokes on you, he'd look effing fabulous as a persona user. I don't have anything super concrete, but I know he'd be wearing intricate clothing that is obviously inspired from more traditional wear in Indian. Probably a bit more masc since that would be easier to maneuver and fight in, but yeah. His mask would also def be inspired from some Hindu masks. I'd have to do more research to figure out exactly what though.
His codename could be Sparrow or Hawk! Or! To go with him trying to reclaim some of his culture, his code name could be Garuda, based on the demigod mount of Vishnu. If that isn't Krow's persona that is (I don't think it would be, which may surprise some of y'all, but I am still considering personas for him.)
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wander-wren · 2 years
Wren’s Fanfic Masterpost
completed works or wips already posted to my ao3!! alphabetical order by fandom, post order within fandom categories. feel free to ask me about any of them but especially the wips—no guarantee i ever finish anything unposted, but showing interest might kick my motivation up. once it’s posted, it WILL eventually, someday, be finished.
everything is a oneshot unless stated otherwise. everything is a happy ending unless stated otherwise. for space, i only included archive content warnings, but all fic notes/tags should have more detailed CWs.
other posts have my current wips or concepts im kicking around.
afterimage- post-s1 nightmare fic featuring jinx, with vi and caitlyn there to help. strong focus on jinx’s trauma and hallucinations.
transformation- sort of trans jinx (nonbinary girl) character study, including trans dad silco and some stumbling blocks on the road to healing between vi and jinx.
day off (off day)- caitvi hurt/comfort where cait gets badly hurt on the job, ft hospitals, feral protective vi, and panic attacks, hooray.
the things the war leaves behind- whumptober prompt fill for “say goodbye.” a look at what happened when ekko tried to save powder from silco.
i’ll set the table (you can make the fire)- post canon/pro hero au with krbkdktd. izuku overuses ofa at work, causing a pain flareup, and his boyfriends take care of him
all systems red- 3-chapter todoroki-centric sickfic that spiralled out of control and turned into an “erasermic find out about endeavor and adopt todo” fic. mostly a fic about my headcanon that todoroki is dissociating half the time.
not what time steals (what it leaves behind)- whumptober fill for “caged.” old guard/immortality au where dabihawks have been psychically connected for centuries, but separated bc hawks is used as the commissions favorite torture experiment. then: rescue!
can’t believe what you see (all eyes on me)- whumptober fill for “waking up disoriented” and direct sequel to “not what time steals,” so same plot/premise.
lie still and let the lights pass by- decidedly unwhumpy whumptober fill for “tossing and turning.” platonic or pre-slash tdbk, there was only one bed, nightmare fic.
wrong place, right time- after all might crushes deku's hero dream, aizawa finds him on the edge of a rooftop, and they have a very long talk. first installment of my quirkless!deku au.
Check Please!
there’s a ringing in my head- whumptober fill for “dazed and confused” featuring concussed!bitty and pre-slash zimbits. iffy on the happy ending bc of miscommunications between jack and bitty.
The Old Guard
in the sea that’s painted black (you’re a king and i’m a lionheart)- au where only nicky was kidnapped by merrick, with much worse and very gross torture, then rescue and healing. and joenicky being in love, of course
walking heavy till the dying’s done- joenicky fic that asks “so what if you were impaled, stuck, but unable to die? wouldn’t that suck?” and yes, it would.
dry drowning- whumptober fill for “running out of air,” ft booker/nile and bonding over quynh dreams
The Raven Cycle
how to keep turning when the world goes still- non-tdt compliant post canon au where adam and ronan are accosted by the past at harvard, and adam doesn’t cope well.
how to be still when the world whirls on- same universe as above, but now facing ronan’s ghost. discussion of past rape/non-con in the usual vein of rovinsky toxicity
stealth missions (your cover’s blown)- transmasc adam has been going stealth at aglionby, terrified that if his all-very-cis friends find out he’s trans, they’ll drop him. turns out he’s wrong about…all of that. mostly platonic gangsey, bit of pynch.
this black thing inside of me (call it irrationality)- also a non-tdt compliant college au, pynch/adam-centric sickfic and emetophobic!adam. sort of a vent/projection fic for me.
hostage situation- whumptober fill for “ransom video,” where greenmantle kidnaps adam to get to the greywaren and ronan goes ballistic.
shields, surrender, shadows on shoulders- whumptober fill for “silent panic attack,” direct sequel to “hostage situation,” covering the hospital visit after the kidnapping.
this circular humanity- whumptober fill for “whipping,” set roughly around dream thieves. pynch crumbs. adam returns to the trailer to speak to his mom, and it does not go well, but his friends help.
old habits- non-tdt compliant au with established pynch, where the boys work through ronan's trauma re: past abusive rovinsky. yes i have two fics like this now, no i don't know why either
Six of Crows
the world owes me nothing (i’m taking from it still)- trans!inej character study set pre-canon, with hints of kanej and lots of Gender Feelings. tagged rape/non-con for canon-typical depictions of inej’s backstory.
without armor (or not at all)- post-ck, kanej, kaz-centric focusing on overcoming his fear of touch. very sweet imo as the author lol.
to take up swords and strike the sea- unfinished 1/3 part pirate!inej fic post-ck. not kanej, not kaz friendly but not kaz unfriendly. inej gets a gf. both of them are trans but that’s just a bg element. also discusses, not in detail, abuse and rape, bc *waves at inej and her entire mission*.
no matter how broken (come home to you)- ck au where inej’s legs are broken by van eck and she grieves, heals, and grows. lots of kanej, lots of crows friendship, lots of disabled characters still being badass.
best laid plans- whumptober fill for “ambush.” pre-canon, jesper, inej, and kaz attempting a bank robbery that goes wrong when dime lions show up. technically sad/cliffhanger ending, but no mc death or anything.
ghost of you- whumptober fill for “back from the dead” ft wesper. jesper doesn’t come back from a job when he says he will, and wylan panics. presumed death and misunderstandings cause angst trope?? my faves
Warrior Cats
swiftpaw’s chance- swiftpaw lives au with bright/swift/cloud, focusing mainly on his journey and healing from the trauma of the dog pack through the rest of tpb. 16/16 chapters.
dusk to dawn- sequel to swiftpaw’s chance, rewrite of the new prophecy focusing on whitewing and nightcloud, then squirrelflight and tawnypelt as well, with others thrown in for spice. 48/70 chapters.
Welcome to Night Vale
unsolvable calamities- carlos goes on a work binge in an attemot to solve night vale and stop so many people from dying, then collapses. cecil helps.
not quite perfect (so you say)- trans!carlos comes out to cecil, panics, and then they have a Talk about how things are different in night vale (they’re better. night vale is queertopia).
wilderness survival guide- whumptober fill for “self-done first aid/makeshift splint.” carlos nearly gets swallowed by the whispering forest and doesn’t make it out unhurt.
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butternuggets-blog · 2 years
@baldwin-montclair @adowobsessed @sylverdeclermont @nicki-mac-me @thereadersmuse @kynthiamoon @wheresthesunshineblog @adowbaldwin @beautifulsoulsublime @lady-lazarus-declermont
Part Twenty-Two
Summary: Baldwin Montclair had a string of ex girlfriends, a single child, and a lifetime longer than most people could dream of to make all kinds of mistakes. His family knew one which kept coming out of the woodwork to irritate him every other century.
Also on Ao3
They resumed their journey with new vigor now that both Philippe and Godfrey had a pressing reason to reach Ḥimṣ al-Andalus as quickly as possible. Martin and Baldwin would have been content to meander along, but kept up so as not to drag the whole party down.
Martin's respect for Baldwin increased slightly as they travelled. He was pleasantly surprised to discover that Baldwin had an excellent singing voice, a rich baritone, and a command over pitch changes that had been self-taught. He was also fluent in Gaulish.
They were within a few days ride of Ḥimṣ al-Andalus and despite pushing the horses to their limits all morning, Philippe was insistent that they go an extra mile before the sun started to set.
'Come now, you and the chargers may rest when we reach the next road marker'
Martin glowered at Phillipe's back.
'I know an insult when I hear one' said Philipe, without turning back.
'Blīno-nīs tū magon magjo glāw-ato-bergo' Baldwin said, evenly.
Philippe looked over his shoulder and nodded gratefully at his son. It took every shred of self-restraint Martin had not to burst out laughing.
'Is that..' Godfrey sat forward in his saddle, squinting intently at someone in the distance.
'I believe it is' Philippe rode slowly through the crowd mingling around the city gates and came to a halt in front of a young man with golden-brown hair and hazel eyes.
'Sieur Phillipe' the young man bowed respectfully, then straightened. 'Père asked that I to show you to our house when you arrived; Madame Merula sent word that you would be leaving after only a day or two?'
'A day' Philippe allowed the young man to take the reins of his horse and lead them, single file, through the city streets. 'We have business to conclude elsewhere as soon as possible.'
Martin looked about eagerly as they made their way to the artisan quarter. He had never visited Ḥimṣ al-Andalus before; the city was a riot of colour, yellow and red brick buildings clashing in a distinctive mix of Moorish and Roman architecture. There were carts and covered stalls on every street; vendors hawking their wares at the top of their lungs- spices from India and the Levant, parchment scrolls and leatherbound books, pottery and fish and spun wool and silk- while children ran about underfoot , shrieking and laughing.
They crossed into Triana by boat; the quarter was cut off from the rest of the city by the Guadalquivir river, so they took turns rowing each other and the horses across. They didn’t remount, simply grabbing the reins of their horses and following behind Jason.
Curious faces peered around corners and stared down at them from windows in the buildings above. Martin wrinkled his nose at the scent of glaze eminating from the rows and rows of ceramic tile workshops that lined the streets.
They passed through a gated archway and into a courtyard tastefully decorated with fruit trees. There was a large pool sunk into the centre; when Martin stuck a hand in to test its depth, the water only came up to his elbow.
A wrinkled walnut of a woman came briskly towards them, followed by a handful of small boys. She smiled at them as the stable hands led the horses away.
'Don Phillipe! Señor Baldwin, Señor Godfrey'
'A pleasure as always, Deepa' Phillipe bowed his head and kissed the back of her hand. 'You are as radiant as your name.'
'Oh, you make an old woman blush!' Deepa flapped her hands at him, and turned towards Martin.
'Don Martin Bouchard of Beaune?'
'Yes' Martin nodded.
Deepa clapped her hands together happily, and bowed.
'Welcome to our home.'
Deepa took Martin on a tour while Jason entertained the others. The house was a pleasant mix of sentimental relics and practical beauty. Martin had never met Bertrand, Jason's sire, before, but from the modest comeliness around him he gathered that he was a humble man
As they wandered back to join the others, they passed by an open door into a long room with several wide windows and a high, vaulted ceiling. Martin glanced inside; thick wooden benches covered in glass apparatus, mortars and pestles, and neatly-stacked books next to ink wells and quills were set up along the wall. Next to them, set in the corner, was a glass apparatus set on top of a rotund brick oven.
‘I am afraid I cannot allow you to enter that room, Don Martin’ Deepa shuffled round so that she was partially blocking the doorway. ‘That is the doña’s private laboratory.’
Martin felt his world tilt on its axis.
Swallowing, he tried to settle the sudden plummeting feeling in the pit of his stomach.
It cannot be...please...
Martin had not invented the bain-marie. However, he had created the early prototypes. When all of the kinks had been worked from the initial design, and everything worked correctly, he had gifted the final product to its creator.
He had run out of yellow glass, so he had had to use green.
‘Would your mistress’s name..be Miriam Sheppard?’
Deepa smirked.
Martin tried to melt into the floor.
Author's Notes
Baldwin's less worried for Hugh's safety now that he knows where he is. Martin was never particularly bothered to begin with.
I used this list of Proto-Celtic words to create the Gaulish in this chapter. Again, I'm not a linguist, so I was mostly winging it. I couldn't find the words for "are" or "of", so I compressed the sentence a little.
'Nightmare barnacle goose'*
'We are tired you great big heap of dried cow dung'
*I just really wanted to use the phrase 😂😂
I’m still not entirely certain that I got it right, but I believe that Triana was the artisan quarter in Seville. Please correct me if I’m wrong. Triana is known for tile making, bull fighting, and flamenco dancing.
The Levant was a stretch of land bordering the Mediterranean in southwestern Asia, and encompassed  parts of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Palestine and most of Turkey southwest of the middle Euphrates. Jewish and Arab traders monopolised the region, sending goods from the Levant all over Europe.
Deepa means lamp.
Surnames were not universal, and have been introduced at different points in history in different cultures. They're bulls**t and I'm not willing to try to figure them out better any more because they're complicated and I've wasted enough time on them already.
The bain-marie (water bath, or double boiler) was  alledgedly designed by Mary the Jewess. It is still in use today!
Is Martin happy for Miriam? Absolutely! Is he thrilled that her mate is intimately connected with the Clermonts? What do you think 😅😂
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
ok so insane lore drop about our inquisitor s/i Nicki! ok so they happened to stumble upon a bunch of books once that turned out to be Daylen's (we all know Daylen our beloved grey warden guy) old diaries and a memoir he was writing after the end of the war that was never published etc. so because of that they have intimate knowledge of the war and will "well actually!" people about it because they love being right. and because the diaries have stories about Anders when he and Daylen where still at the same tower and were very close, they will also defend Anders with their life which makes Marianne (our self-insert Hawke) absolutely delighted when they meet! also dont ask how they got the diaries its a very contrived thing we added because we thought it would be fun. they do end up returning them to Alistair and hes just there like "i should ask questions. but honestlyi dont know if i want to hear the answers so thank u for returning them. my husband will be very happy to have these back!" so theres that! - @incubusshipping
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me??? THE da mutual??? I'm honored
oh that's so fun how your s/is connect together like that, I should have mine talk more,,, like I've thought about gray coming along with is.abela and getting to say hi to va.rric and everything but also I think I read something about getting to see finn again so it might be plausible for meraad to be there too?? even without involving finn maybe le.liana would write to them
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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leothelionsaysgrrrr · 2 years
✨✨✨✨✨ for the OCs! Your choice 😚
✨ A lot of people are surprised to learn that Emma is really not shy at all.  She’s quiet and introverted, for sure, but growing up her dads kept her from locking herself inside her own head completely by assuring her she could talk to them about absolutely anything on her mind, and encouraging her - a person who to this day does not have the slightest clue what being embarrassed is or why she should be - to do so often.  Now, if she has something to say, she will say it, without hesitation, to whomever it needs said, and more often than not people are just...not ready for it.
✨ Lux loves the idea of using aliases, but is terrible at coming up with them on his own.  Usually his efforts stop at changing a few letters in his name followed by the first thing nearby to catch his eye. Some examples: Rux Barstool, Lex Tankard, Hux Table, Bux Streetcat, and Tex Fountain.  He LOVES his Inquisition agent alias, Piper, and is in awe of Tulio’s prowess for conjuring himself a new name out of thin air.
✨ Rexus is happy to travel anywhere outside of Minrathous, with the glaring exception of his mother’s hometown of Qarinus, which is just...insufferably boring.  At least, he says it’s boring, but what he means is unless he brings someone with him for that purpose, staying overnight in Qarinus means he’ll be sleeping alone.  Because there’s a good chance that if he tries to proposition someone, it’ll turn out they’re his cousin.  Well, there’s a good chance he’ll proposition a distant relative practically anywhere in Tevinter, but we’re not talking distant cousin any number of times removed here.  We’re talking a whole child of one of his mother’s siblings.  His mother’s eleven siblings.  House Callas, his mother’s family, is notorious for being quite amorous (it’s really no wonder where he gets it) and consequently having a LOT of children.  Between his maternal aunts and uncles, Rexus has somewhere between 50 and 60 legitimate first cousins, and who knows how many illegitimate ones.  He only really knows a few of them, though, a couple of each of his three living uncles’ children.  The useful ones, you know, who he might be able to poke for a favor at some point while leveraging the fact that his mother is their father’s favorite sister.   
✨ Tasalin Lavellan and Nicky Hawke both subscribe heavily to the idea that people don’t necessarily need to like them in order for them to do their jobs, but in different ways. Tas knows some of his decisions are going to be unpopular but they need to be made regardless, and he will put a ton of effort into explaining himself so he will at least be understood, if not agreed with, because whether or not it’s necessary he still very much a) wants people to like him, and b) hates to be told he’s wrong. Nicky, on the other hand, says this as a warning.  He will do his job, and well, but he knows you will not like him.  Doubt him on that all you want, but you won’t. And he will not give a single shit.
✨ After his self-imposed exile from Orlais, Remy struggled to get established as a trader and worked secretly as a smuggler until he was able to save enough money to go legit and open an apothecary for his husband.  The experience came in handy later, when he decided a great way to surprise Eynon would be to smuggle his father, Orlyn, who they’d been unable to bring with them when they left and whose fate was a cause of great anxiety to his son for years, to live out the rest of his days in the empty house next door in Starkhaven.  Even though he was moved to tears that Remy would go to such trouble to do this for him, Eynon had to laugh; clearly, his anxiety about what had become of his father led Remy to believe the old man was in far worse health than he actually was and had thus vastly underestimated the longevity of a skilled alchemist and apothecary.  Emma was six years old when Baba Orly came to live next door, and as of the Inquisition’s disbanding in 9:44 she was still taking him bread and tonics every morning despite his protests that he doesn’t need handouts and can make his own, even work the fields for the grain itself, since he’s always had to fight for his meals.  When she and Eynon tell him to go right ahead and do that, then, his response is, of course, that he doesn’t need to prove he’s right.
Got any more?
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cupofbrownsugar · 3 years
saw that post about abo vs bird mating rituals and it got me thinking. then my brain went, what about chaotic!horny jason who wants a mate that can kick his ass? et voila 
(also they’re not actual birds, they’re like, bird people, so wings and talons and tails and whatnot. they don’t have beaks so sharp teeth it is)
i’m working on a longer jalim fic so i figured I’d share this idea I had in the meantime! enjoy!
“I’m gonna court that osprey, Nicky.”
The wind from the red-tailed hawk’s wings rustled the maple tree’s early leaves as he perched gleefully by his friend, grinning sharp teeth as he sat on a branch above him.
The golden eagle was perched below, running his fingers through his own wings, preening them idly as he asked, “Didn’t he step on your neck and threaten to rip your dick off if you trespassed in his territory again?”
“Hell yeah he did,” Jason replied, sounding enamoured. He flipped himself upside down on the branch, hanging down by his friend to show off a healing scratch along his jaw. “His talon gave me this lil’ love mark too.”
Nick looked at him, deadpan, as he tugged out an errant feather and let it fall the long way down to the forest floor. “He cut you.”
The hawk shrugged like it was nothing. “Well, his injured son was nearby, so it was my fault, really.”
“I agree with you on that,” the eagle replied easily as the hawk flipped back upright onto the branch above. “And he has a son, he must have a mate.”
“Nah, I’ve been watchin’.” Jason scratched the back of his neck with his taloned foot. “Ain’t nobody. And I’m gonna make my claim before someone else wises up and tries for it.” He ruffled his wings eagerly, grinning wide. “Can’t resist wantin’ to court a pretty lil’ thing like that.”
“Little?” The eagle asked, “Isn’t he bigger than you? And heavier?”
“Red-tailed hens are bigger too, I like a hearty mate.” Jason clenched his hands into the bark, talons digging in, testing the strength of his grip. “But I reckon we’re the same height, I’d bet my tail feathers on it.”
“His wingspan might be bigger too.”
“Yeah…” Jason sighed dreamily, tail flicking excitedly. “And just thinkin’ ‘bout those big pretty wings all spread out under me-”
“Alright, that’s all of this conversation that I needed.” Nick stood, shaking his head, stretching out his arms and wings. He sighed. “Sad that you’re gonna die horny though.”
“Don’t count me out, Nicky.” Jason sat up into a crouch, flexing his lengthy talons into the bark as he gave a sharp grin. “I ain’t never lost a catch.”
Nick huffed and raised an eyebrow. Admittedly, Jason was the best hunter he knew. “Are you trying to hunt him or fuck him?”
Nick rolled his eyes. “You’re fuckin’ feral, you know that.”
Jason bared his sharp teeth again with a wide grin. “You say that like it’s a bad thang.”
Nick sighed and rolled his eyes, prepping to take off. “Well, if he kills you, I call dibs on your nest.”
“Don’t you got a bald eagle snoopin’ ‘round your territory?” Jason snarked with a smirk. “Mind your own fuckin’ nest, Nicky.”
Nick growled, baring his own sharp teeth. “He’s a fucking annoying bastard.” He dug his talons into the bark beneath him. “Keeps trying to grab my talons while flying, fuckin’ weird power move. How many times do I gotta throw him into a tree?”
“Hmmm,” Jason hummed, laying languidly across the branch he was on. “Maybe he’s tryin’ to court ya too. Lotta mating seasons ‘round this time of year.”
Nick snorted, tail twitching, agitated. “Not everyone’s horny on main like you, Jace.”
“Hey,” the hawk shrugged easily, “don’t knock it ‘til ya try it.” He twirled a taloned finger in the air languidly. “Take baldie for a spin.”
“Spin him right into a ditch,” Nick hissed, then bent down to take off. “Good luck. Don’t die.”
“Same to you!” Jason called back as the eagle leapt into the air, soaring off above the tree line. He watched his shrinking silhouette until he turned and saw another one raising high in the sky. 
Osprey wings. The hawk trilled excitedly as he sat up into a crouch, spreading his own wings as he readied himself to take off. He licked across his sharp teeth as his pupils narrowed to pinpricks. 
“Hunt’s on.”
Bird images for reference below:
Osprey (Salim)
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Red-tailed Hawk (Jason)
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Golden Eagle (Nick)
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Bald Eagle (Eric)
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frankiefine · 3 years
I still havent been able to shift and i just found out i probably have aphantasia and it’s probably why im struggling. So here’s some chaotic things to do in your BNHA dr. Most really only work if youre in 1-A.
• Tell Aizawa he looks like his high school friend group had a dramatic falling out after they all made plans for after school. Do this out of nowhere, and tbh high schoolers are just like that so i dont think it’s suspicious.
• Make a “fatherless behavior” joke to Izuku (but he cant have told you about his dad).
• Tell izuku his mom’s hot. Its true, so you might as well traumatize him too for the sake of comedy.
• in a group conversation where it’d be appropriate to say, say you think gang orca’s hot and watch the unfolding chaos.
• script a scenario where bakugou would have to learn how to either line dance or ballroom dance. Or both. Idk i just think it’d be funny.
• say loudly and confidently that Hawks (or someone else it doesn’t really matter) is the best hero of all time with Izuku and Kirishima in the room. Bring out statistics too.
• make a “your mom” joke to todoroki and/or bakugo. Idk what’s going to happen but i think it’ll he funny.
• absolutely demolish shinsou in the sports festival and ask him on a date right after (if thats the route youre going)
• casually listen to CORP$E, Nicki Minaj, Megan Thee Stallion, etc. with your headphones in while doing hw or smth in the common room but intentionally play the music really loud. Works best when Iida’s near you. I wanna know what’ll happen.
• before Iida says his brother’s ingenium, you gotta find a way to start a conversation where you can say with no shame that you think Ingenium is one of the hottest heroes. I wanna know how iida (tenya) will react.
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scorchedhearth · 3 years
a follow-up to this post. tog tattoo au shitpost in the form of a fic. technically not nsfw but it's talk about a dick piercing so i'd rather be safe than sorry
Today is a slow day, it's hot outside, hot and humid and everyone's miserable and prefers to stay home in the cool shade rather than sit in a leather seat and get themselves inked.
To fight the boredom Nile is hanging out with Quynh, watching her sterilize her equipment while they idly chat about everything and anything. Nile is the one who prompted her with a very graceful "So. What's the gossips around here." and she delivered beautifully, telling her about the drama between faithful customers, the latest stories from the boys and incredible anecdotes about her and Andy's meeting which sounds more and more unbelievable as she goes on. It's all going smoothly until Quynh says one sentence that catches Nile off guard.
"Oh. Nicky's got a ring in his dick." It promptly makes Nile stop what she was doing (folding a piece of paper in as many triangles as she can. She's at 5 already) and look up to stare at her. She doesn't know what to do with Quynh's expectant eyes on her and her devious smile.
"What?" She chokes out.
"Yeah, he's got a ring in his dick." Quynh goes back to clean her tools but Nile can tell her attention and eyes are still on her.
"Ok, first of all: Ew!" because it is funny to act like a 5-year-old sometimes, and it's funnier to make friends laugh which is exactly what Quynh's doing, loud and bright. "And second, how do you know that?"
"No one knows for sure, but he says he's got one."
"You're not sure?"
"Joe and Andy keep saying he's got a prince albert but no one else knows and those two are worse than pests when they decide to gang up together." Quynh frowns and Nile suddenly feels delighted.
"Oh my god. You can't tell! You can't tell if Nicky's lying or not!" Quynh who has the reputation to have hawk's eyes and to know everything at all times, who can tell right off the bat if a customer hasn't been taking proper care of their piercings, who can call out any bullshit from anyone, the Quynh can't tell if Nicky's lying or not, this is the best day ever for Nile.
"Maybe." She concedes between her teeth, closing a binder with a little more strength than should be required. "He's hard to read alright." She mumbles and Nile is biting her lips trying to not laugh at her.
"Wait, why would he have a prince albert? It doesn't seem like his type of piercing." And yeah looks can be deceiving and all that, she knows that very well herself but still. Nicky doesn't seem to be the type to have this kind of piercing. He seems too rational to want a needle in his dick.
"Fuck if I know," Quynh grunts as she tugs a stubborn drawer open to fish out her pliers. "Half the time I have no idea what's going on in his head." Nile quietly perches forward on the desk she's sitting to peer into Nicky's room, watches him standing in his own workspace, softly humming under his breath while he cleans. She's fairly certain it's the macarena he's singing.
"What does Joe says?"
"Joe is in love," Quynh says as that explains anything. Upon Nile's owl eyes she lays on her she adds, "Joe gets stupid when he's in love, like anyone else." Nile thinks back to the stories about how Andy believed Quynh was only being polite when she was in fact flirting for months with her. Nile also thinks back to her first crush in high school and how she would giggle at anything he said, even the dumbest sentences she heard in her entire life. That's fair. rings loud and bright in her head.
"His husband could ask him to tell everyone he's a pink chihuahua and he'd do it." She goes on. "Joe also thinks playing pranks is hilarious so do. not. trust. him." Quynh turns around and sits heavily on each word, hammering them into Nile's head as if her life depends on it.
"Do not trust the husbands, ok." She raises her hand in the air. Before she can ask more about what else to look out for in the shop the front door opens to Booker, walking in with all his gruff glory.
"What are you talking about?" He asks barely looking at them and going straight to the coffee machine in the corner, his camera still in his hands. He's been taking 'aesthetic pictures' of the shop for the instagram page, he likes it when his subjects aren't alive and breathing, it's more peaceful he says.
"Nicky's dick ring." Quynh pipes from her table.
"Come on. You're still on this?"
"What?" He does look up from his slowly filling cup at Nile's voice.
"Nicky's my friend. I don't wanna know anything about his dick." He says, which yeah, makes sense.
"Nicky's is my friend too, hence why I wanna know all about his dick." Quynh counters, the smirk audible in her voice.
"Nicky is my friend too, I don't wanna know what his dick looks like but unfortunately curiosity always gets the best of me." Nile is about to add a question directed at Booker when she's cut off by someone else.
"What about Nicky's dick?" Andy's voice comes from behind, startling Nile and making her jump at least two inches off the table but no one else in the room. She's starting to think the Do not trust Joe should be applied to everyone in this shop. How long has she been standing behind her?!
"How long?" She mouths to Quynh who snickers unhelpfully.
"Long enough," Andy says from behind her as if she was reading her thoughts. She walks up to Booker who hands her his mug of coffee and gets another started.
"You do know, right?" Nile decides that if she can't be subtle about it, she'll at least get to the bottom of it.
"Know what?"
"If Nicky's got a prince albert or not."
"I do." She says into her mug.
"Well?" She prompts and Andy turns toward her and fixes her with those eyes of her, so unnerving when you're the stole center of attention to them.
"I'm not telling you shit, you'll need to go ask him yourself Nile."
"You'll get the same answer every time, she even refuses to say anything to her me." Quynh is pouting like a kid. "Can you believe it? She keeps her own wife, the light of her days, into ignorance! Shameful, really."
"Oh shush you." Andy presses a kiss into Quynh's hairline and everything is forgiven, just like that.
"You're no fun, you know that." Nile crosses her arms and stare at her, prompting Andy to laughs.
"I know. Come on, I need to show you something." Andy walks to her workspace at the back of the shop, and before she follows her Nile peeps into Nicky's room one last time. He's still humming under his breath, a tune she doesn't recognize, and Joe has joined him in the meantime. They're dancing a clumsy waltz together, stepping on each other's toes more than actual dancing if she's honest. It doesn't matter though if the happy expression on their faces is anything to go by.
"Do not trust the husbands." She mutters under his breath with a smile before following Andy to the back of the shop.
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erinfern0 · 3 years
request info
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masterlist | kinktober23
☆ writing for adults about adults.
☆ you can ask me to write anything! just be specific on what you want included. also, you can ask me to write as many stories as you want, just make them separate post propositions.
☆  i’ll write the story if i am comfortable with it.
☆ i can do smut only if the character is 18+.
☆ you can send me 18+ links/visuals if you want a specific scenario, position or words used it actually helps a lot!
☆ reader will be gender neutral by default, I'll change that only if it's requested.
☆ you can still ask for a character if it’s not on the list, maybe ill make an exception.
☆ don't be shy to post a request, I love to hear them all.
fandoms and characters
characters written like this are the ones i’d like to write the most for
☆ 13 reasons why - tyler, justin, jessica, clay, zach
☆ alice in borderland - chishiya, kuina, usagi, karube, arisu
☆ american horror story - cordelia, nan, tate, kyle, violet, lana
☆ arcane - ekko, jinx, vi, caitlyn, silco, viktor, sevica, mel
☆ assassin’s creed - ezio
☆ boku no hero academia - bakugo, kirishima, denki, mina, sero, tsuyu, ochako, dabi (touya), toga, hawks
☆ cod - simon "ghost" riley, könig, kyle "gaz" garrick, farah karim, valeria garza, alejandro vargas, rodolfo "rudy" parra, john price, keegan p. russ, john "soap" mactavish
☆ deadly class - lex, marcus, billy, maria, saya
☆ fate:the winx saga - musa, beatrix, bloom, stella, riven, terra
☆ ginny & georgia - max, georgia, marcus, abby
☆ harry potter  - fred, george, remus, sirius, ron, luna
☆ hemlock grove - peter, destiny, roman, shelley
☆ kate - ani, kate
☆ life is strange - max, chloe, amber, sean
☆ lucifer - mazikeen, ella, lucifer, eve
☆ MCU - matt murdock, bruce banner, wade wilson, natasha romanoff, shuri, yelena belova, frank castle, thor, bucky barnes, loki
☆ orange is the new black - poussey, alex, nicky, dayanara, tasha, sophia, tricia
☆ sally face - sal fisher, larry johnson, travis phelps
☆ shameless - carl, ian, mickey, fiona, debbie, lip, kevin
☆ shadow and bone (netflix) - alina, mal, nikolai, zoya, genya, kaz, inej, jesper, wylan, matthias, nina
☆ sherlock - sherlock, john, jim, irene
☆ stranger things - steve harrington, robin buckley, eddie munson, chrissy, jonathan, jim, gareth
☆ suicide squad - harley, deadshot
☆ teen wolf - stiles, scott, allison, derek, isaac
☆ the good doctor - audrey, morgan, alex
☆ the meg - jonas, jaxx
☆ the sandman - morpheus, the corinthian, death
☆ the umbrella academy - klaus, ben, five, diego, viktor, jayme
☆ twilight - alice, jasper, carlisle, jacob, rosalie
☆ the walking dead - daryl, glenn, maggie, beth. connie, kelly, magna, yumiko, mercer, princess, ezekiel, carol, rick, michonne, rosita, gabriel, tara, siddiq
☆ the witcher (netflix) - geralt, yennefer, jaskier
☆ titans - gar, jason, dick, rachel 
☆ wednesday - enid, wednesday
Request prompts:
100 different kisses
SFW alphabet
NSFW alphabet
50 Plus Size Y/N Prompts
Thank you for support!
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