#asked and answered 21
away-ward · 1 year
This is the message from the Damon Torrance Hate anon. Below the cut is a message I received from someone who has less than favorable feelings (complete disdain, actually) for Damon Torrance.
If you are a fan and might find yourself upset over someone not loving your fav, read at your own risk. It literally opens with the disclaimer: "This is not a safe space for Damon Torrance or Kill Switch fan" so, uh. heed the warning.
Editing Note: Not as bad as I thought at first. It is long though. Edited with some added thoughts.
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I actually don't interact with fandom outside my blog or responding to select posts. I mean, I saw people hating on Em on goodreads and was immediately like "this is not the place for me" and promptly created a blog so that I could curate my experiences.
So...I guess this is the rest of the fandom, huh?
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(psst, the pizza boxes contain all my love for willemmy)
I don't know. I've always been partial to the "find people who like what you like and you'll have a great time" idea. And I think I've done a pretty good job so far.
These are the only PD books I've read, other than Punk 57 for obvious reasons. I have no interest in the others, so I can't relate on devouring PD's books. And honestly, I was bored with Kill Switch too. I was bored with Hideaway, and Corrupt my second time reading it. I almost didn't get to Nightfall (oh, what could have been. I could have saved myself all this DN brainrot...but alas, here we are).
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I don't know where you got the idea that having money and privilege equals competency... but that's very much not the case. In fact, I would argue the opposite? Doing without the things you need and not have access to tools creates creative problem solvers; people who aren't used to having excess tend to know how to get around that or learn how to deal without it.
Added Edit: Also, Winter went to a school for the blind for years. She didn't live with her abusive, non-accommodating family. They accommodated her by sending her to a school where she could dance and that would cater her disability. They also go her a guide dog when she came back, and tried to speak to the school about what she wore as part of the uniform because she didn't like it. She was just as privileged in that regard as the other wealthy people in the story. Her family may have been criminals who valued money above loyalty, who basically sold their daughter for financial security, thereby setting Winter apart as "different," but they didn't ignore her blindness. Arion grew up with a younger sister who got a lot of attention for her disability and being a victim of the Torrance Boy. She acted selfishly and stupidly, but it's easy to see how not being given a fair amount of attention after Winter fell might have given her a complex.
Either way, I didn't walk into DN thinking I was going to get a perfectly planned heist story with intelligent criminals, where you have to study their every word and move because you never know what's coming next. I would have loved it if that were the case, but it's not what I was expecting.
The horsemen in general have double standards. They see things from their point of view and only caring about what they want. I'm not sure if we're supposed to see this as character flaws, a result of their privilege, or if this is something we're suppose to ignore so that we can root for them. *shrugs* it's not really that deep, is it?
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What do you mean Michael and Rika got it together by Conclave? These two are a mess every day of their lives. As long as they're happy, I guess? I mean... Rika changed all their wedding plans at the last second to accommodate the multi-wedding party and Michael was just like 'yeah babe whatever you want' ? They don't ever talk about anything.
I have no thoughts on Rika being mayor at 22 other than it's dumb. I guess it's a good thing they live in a town that watched her grow up so she's the town's darling? Who's gonna vote against her, and risk the Torrance sibling's ire?
I'm not sure what character growth you're referring to. I haven't looked at Rika that hard. But I agree that the other characters needed a chance to shine. It should have been more balanced. Come on, PD, share the love. It can't be the Rika and Damon Show all the time.
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I always forget he's only have Russian. I really didn't like the surprise mom storyline. Half Russian, half Dutch South African.
I'm not sure if it's "fetish" with Russians or just a love of mafia stories? Because I see just as much for the Italians and Irish as I do for Russians...
The thing about Damon is that he has a valid excuse actually, let's go with "reason." He had a valid reason for the way he is. Between all four boys, I'd say that Damon and Kai are the only ones who can actually explain why they do the things they do.
Damon didn't just experience "abuse." He was neglected and experienced CSA and punished for things that weren't his fault, over an extended period of time. With no one to come to his aid until he forced Banks to stay with him. And the most truly unfortunate part of this is that there are far too many readers who can relate. Too many readers have gone through the exact same or similar enough experience and find comfort in Damon's inner thoughts. Not that they support all of his actions (I truly hope not), but maybe they understand where he's coming from and the journey he has to undergo to being a better person? Also, sometimes people just like fictional men who like to draw blood.
Now, all that is to say... I didn't find Damon any more interesting that the other guys. He wasn't more twisted or darker. Just a different shade of gray. For me at least. I wasn't here for the hype, having read the series long after it finished. I don't completely understand all of the Damon love either. I wasn't impressed, but I was sympathetic to his story. I liked him a lot more in the past scenes with Winter than most other parts of the series. But because he was such a wild card, I usually was paying attention to what he was doing. Was I overall entertained? No. but I was paying attention.
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I think a big part of this series was supposed to be "These men underestimate and don't appreciate women...except for the few that can keep up." Banks and Rika (and Emmy and Winter) are supposed to appear more competent than the boys sometimes. Otherwise it's just dumb, hot girls getting strung along by even dumber, hotter boys. And that's no fun. So yeah, of course Rika and Banks are going to pull the rug from under Damon sometimes.
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I'm not gonna pretend that if Damon had tracked down a brother in addition to Banks (come on, we know he probably has like at least ten siblings somewhere out there), that Gabriel would have chosen the male heir over Banks. Banks was a last resort and a way to piss Damon off. I can't remember if it worked or if Damon was happy to be rid of the responsibly. And honestly, Banks was happy to take it. She'd been underestimated her entire life and finally had the chance to do what she knew she could. I hope that Banks and Damon had a good long talk and he was happy for her.
But oh, Damon standing back and letting Banks kick ass? Love siblings who support each other. Can we at least agree on that?
Damon biding his time was weird. But I think that had a lot to do with the fact that the story was tied to only happening in October, so Damon had to simmer for a year between books. I think it might have been interesting if we had seen through the narrative that Damon had been making moves and October is just when it always came to a head because of the pressure of Devil's Night. But Damon has a tendency to go to extremes, so being overly dramatic (throwing an entire wedding to Arion to get access to Winter and her family's fortune) or being completely invisible does fit his MO. He's a drama queen, after all.
I would have loved if we'd gotten to see more of the relationship between the guys. If we knew how Damon's bond with Michael and with Kai worked, instead of only with Will. I think their friendship should have had more emphasis overall, since it was such a catalyst for events in Corrupt.
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I've never watched VD (and I'm not going to) so I have no idea how they compare. I know who you're talking about - just not the details of the character.
No worries. We'll crown you ruler of Damon Hater Nation. Here's your crown.
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Yeah, i didn't feel much towards Winter one way or another. On my part, I was mostly confused. It seemed like she liked to tempt and tease Damon and then convince herself she was innocent? But again, I haven't re-read Kill Switch so I don't remember very well.
But I will disagree with you on the Emmy front. Winter was immediately accepted by Rika because of their past relationship in school. Kai and Michael didn't have a problem with Rika bringing her into the group, and Will was all for using Winter to get to Damon, but did seem to genuinely like her as well.
Winter had the benefit of being the enemy of their enemy, until the Damon was no longer the enemy. And then they were all just friends, except for Winter and Damon, who were also lovers. At no point was Winter on the outside of the group or made of feel less than because of what she did to Damon (other than by Damon at his worse moments). Those boys, whether intended or not, tried to make Emory feel like she was the worst person for sticking up for family.
You bring up an interesting point about Alex. Unlike Banks, Winter, and Emory, she was in the books from the start. She got the chance to interact with every single character. So even though she not a main character, not even deserving of her own novella, we have plenty of interactions of her to pull from, and barely any from the other three girls with each other or other members of the group. That's really not fair.
I have no thoughts on the group sex scenes. I basically read DN for the character dynamics and wanting to know about the little nerd Will loved enough to commit several crimes for. I could do without them and it wouldn't change the story much for me.
Added Edit: I thought Winter was trying to comfort Will and herself from the trauma they just experienced together. I think Will went along with it because he finds comfort in sex. It could have been anyone and he would have been in the same spot. Damon was the one who put limits on their interaction because he has control issues and doesn't want anyone else to be "in" Winter, ever.
Beyond that, I have no thoughts on what it says about their characters.
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I haven't read ZA (zodiac academy, i think? I also won't be reading it).
So wait? You hate Alex but hate the way people treated Alex??? I have no idea what you mean, honestly, because one of my biggest gripes with NF was the scene where Alex was laying in a hospital bed while the boys made all sorts demands of Aydin because "Alex deserved it". like. Those boys very much did love Alex and consider her one of their own. Will didn't go after Martin until after he shot Alex. Because who did Will fight when it came down to it? Not Martin.
He picked Aydin.
He left Emory try and fight Martin.
So don't start with "the group doesn't love Alex." Because that is absolute nonsense.
And why did Emory have to stand there and watch them act that way in the hospital??? When they'd never said or did anything for her? They never even apologized!!!
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I mean...Alex said it was her job? At least he respects her right to claim it. Rika was always trying to get Alex to do something else, like she was still stuck on her friend wanting be a sex worker. I think Alex could have gotten any job she wanted (Rika could have hired her for literally anything; Alex worked at the dojo; she was helping Winter plan tours). The job she chose to introduce herself with was clearly a point of pride for Alex (healthy or not) and Damon acknowledge it was her right. Was he gross about it? yeah, probably. It's Damon, after all. but he didn't shy away from it. She owned it and he respected that.
The group/share scenes mostly went over my head.
Added Edit: I think I do understand what Anon was saying now. They hated Alex for being in everything and the way she treated Emory, but hated the way the Horsemen and occasionally the other women treated Alex as if she was disposable.
My only response to this is Alex made it her job to get close to powerful, wealthy men. She was also the only one unattached romantically in Conclave, so she wouldn't be "cheating" on anyone by preforming her "job."
For PD, I feel that Alex was whatever they needed her to be, and that's Alex's biggest failing as a character.
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Did Rika do that more than once? Must have missed it...
And I'm not sure if that scene was more about Damon than it was about Winter comforting Will. At that point, Damon and Will's friendship had been reestablished and Winter held some affection for Will as well. So similar to the Rika comforting Kai scene, Winter wanted to comfort Will and Damon just had to let that happen because he couldn't "control her" or tell her what do to. But he could control Will, so Will got the limits.
It was the exact same situation with Michael, Rika, and Kai. Michael couldn't impose his will on Rika anymore than Damon could with Winter. I have a lot of sarcastic thoughts about this scenario, mostly because it does conflict with Michael and Damon's characters up until that point, but PD needed it to happen so...
But that's what I meant when I said PD uses the same scenarios over and over again. What happened with Michael/Rika/Kai was the same as Damon/Winter/Will. And what happened with Will/Emmy/Alex/Aydin was the same thing that happened with Michael/Rika/Banks/Kai. It's the exact same situation, and even similar motivations, just with different faces.
I'm so tired.
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What do you mean they don't matter to Will? Everything Will did was for the family. Will was gone for over a year, and I'm sure he thought about home in that time. We come into the story with Emory, which is what consumes Will's thoughts from that point forward. The circumstance changed for Will but we didn't get to see the before, only the after.
Alex was shot by Martin while Will was fighting Aydin so Aydin couldn't get to Alex. And then Will threw Martin and himself off a cliff, nearly dying. Like...Will clearly cares too much sometimes.
Wait wait wait are you switching tracks of the Damon hate train? You know that any Damon sympathy is strictly forbidden in Damon Hate Nation! Do I have to revoke your crown????
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Why would Emmy need to make it look like she wanted nothing to do with him? In high school, she didn't want anything to do with him. After, they had that bond over you know...killing a person...And he was the only one who defended her (kinda). She didn't need to pretend to avoid him, and she didn't even really try to.
I mean, I think of all the boys, Will would have probably been the most likely to help Damon. But Damon wouldn't have let him. Mainly, he'd have to explain his abuse, which would tarnish Will's sunshine view of the world, and embarrass him. It might have changed the dynamics of their relationship, and Damon couldn't allow for that. But I think if Will wasn't out getting drunk, or was getting drunk in the cemetery instead of the bus, and had stumbled upon Damon, he probably would have helped. He's a ride or die kind dude.
I mean...overall, the guys do suck. They're also just not meant to be analyzed to this degree lol. I mean, I do with willemmy only because I want to write silly little stories about them. I really don't think this deeply about the rest of the series usually, unless I'm asked...
...and I certainly didn't intend to become any type of voice in this fandom.
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I...have no thoughts.
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Did you mention Em???? I mean yeah...Damon and Emory did have a deeper connection that Winter and Will!
Where were their moments? I want me some Damon and Emory non-spicy moments. The scene at the end wasn't enough.
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I guess they're over hyped but maybe I only feel that way because I think Willemmy isn't hyped enough?? and technically they're also just a bland white couple with a boring trope for a backdrop (I mean, rich popular jock and the scholarship nerd? GrumpyxSunshine? Golden retriever bf and black cat gf? who's never heard of that???)
I hope you rested after all that. Do you feel better having gotten it off your chest?? I sure hope so, that was a lot. It's okay. this is a safe space. deep breath in....and exhale.
It's okay. Damon Torrance can't hurt you.
You're fine. My day wasn't ruined. I don't consider myself a Damon hater and I was a little confused at the start (for some reason, I only get these messages right before I go to sleep so I'm half awake when I read them for the first time), but we got there in the end.
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If you have anything to say to me or the anon, all I ask is that we're respectful in the comments and replies. Thanks!! This is all meant in good fun (at least from my end).
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shitpostingkats · 3 months
Hello! My friends have PowerPoint nights and for my next presentation I want to go over why Jaden Yuki is an absolute freak of nature™️. I remember a lot of stuff like the monkey, eating forks, the whole genocide thing, etc., but it’s been a while since I’ve seen the show and will miss a lot. Therefore I am calling upon your vast knowledge of this weird little guy to best explain to my friends why he barely matches the definition of human. The more the better, your aid is greatly appreciated in this quest
*trips and 1000 photos of Jaden Yuki fall out of my pockets*
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After the events s3, Jaden chooses to move back into the red dorm which has, at that point, no one else living in it. He goes into a depression spree of hiding from everyone at school and not attending classes, just bumming around campus and sitting alone in completely dark rooms. (As is his right) So everyone at the academy is just like "oh yeah, that's our local weirdo. No, you'll never see him. If you want to talk to him, write a letter and give it to his cat."
Oh yeah, his cat who ate their homeroom teacher's soul and now carries around his ghost in its tummy.
How does he live without school support? Why, he just fishes in the ocean and eats whatever he catches! (Most likely not cooked) He's been doing this since freshman year!
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(Red dorm students apparently took to fishing because of their lack luster cafeteria options)
Though, it's questionable if Jaden even needs to eat, because he can
survive in the cold vacuum of space without any scientific or magical protection
survive in oxygen-less environments (like space)
survive reentry into earth's atmosphere from orbit (again, unassisted)
go a whole week without eating and suffer no ill effects other than being a little peckish
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After the finale of s3, he is part duel spirit, which might go a long way to explain his baffling continued survival. Duel spirits don't seem to need to eat or breathe, and exist just fine in the cold void of space (With the exception of Yubel but like. Physically they were fine being isolated in space for years.)
This tracks with the time Jaden got back from a daytrip to one of Jupiter's moons, got lost, spent a week starving in the forest, and became so delirious he started hallucinating. (Yes, a monkey took pity on him and tried to guide him back to food and water and Jaden thought it was a constantly shifting spectre of his friends who were all informing him he was losing his mind and talking like monkeys.)
But also in season 1 it's casually revealed that he keeps accidentally eating forks so maybe he's just always been Like That
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mewtwoandme · 1 year
I wonder what Gwen would look like with her hair wet or down.
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I love your amrev art sm it'd my favorite I think you're my favorite artist on here, please make more art
Hey anon I'm crying a little bit, here are some sketches just for you
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Im a fairly new leftist so ive heard "scratch a liveral and a fascist bleeds" but no one warned me just how much blood was gonna poor out.
Like these people are just gonna say theyre gonna vote for Blue Fascism with their whole chests? Imagine saying "Yeah hundreds of thousands of people have died and will continue to die regardless of the choice but What About Me" like arent you guys embarrassed?
....they're not. This is my screenshot from a real comment someone actually left on my own post:
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The graph being referenced which I wanna add context that makes it worse:
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I didn't think "look at the good ones who believe me" would be something a liberal would say about the Black and brown people who voted Democrat alongside them but they did. That's how the "lesser evil" racists are using Black and brown voters now 🙃
"with their whole chest" in fact.
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dear phoenix, I’m gonna go off a gut feeling here and assume you proposed? If you did how did you do it
-NOT the space deer :3
“I did propose. After the like.. 2 years of planning and collection of many blessings, I took him out for a walk in People Park at sunset. It was cold, being winter and all, but it was nice.
We found a spot to stop, and I summoned my courage and started my speech. And he said yes.”
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“So.. yeah. December 21st will always be one of the best days of my life.”
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malleleothreesome · 10 months
Not a request just a funny thought. I just am positive that if Yuu/you and Mal bang, Lilia will ALWAYS know. It’s the dad senses in him. Especially if his room is right next door to Malleus.
Next morning:
Lilia: 😏😏😏 Have fun?
HAHAHA this is absolutely canon. He's proud as hell, too.
It's a combination of his dad senses, his age, and also the fact that Malleus can't hide his emotions for anything. Let's say he banged outside of Diasomnia, theoretically far away from peepaw's bat ears and prying eyes. You know damn well Malleus is walking around like a changed man after that. Lilia later swears that not even his coronation had such an impact on the dragon fae.
He's walking around with a stupid smile on his face. He's glowing. Confidence increased ten fold. He just discovered the meaning of life. He's got a hazy look in his eye and he didn't hear what you just asked him because he's too busy replaying the sex over and over again in his head. Oh, there was a student party and they forgot to invite him? Who cares! He was having sex. He was banging child of man. He could be having sex right now. He should b– *fireflies*
Also I don't know about y'all, but if I'm gonna have sex with Malleus for the first time, I'm sure as hell gonna ask Lilia for advice before I do it. I've certainly never had sex with a fae, nor a draconic fae, nor one of the top 5 powerful mages in the world. I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into! What happens if I ask the dude who can break open a coconut with his bare hands to "go faster! harder!"? How do I know his semen isn't lime green and acidic to humans? Is he gonna transform into a dragon if he gets too into it? Am I gonna wake up the next morning to an egg in my bed?! Lilia, stop laughing at me! These are very serious questions!
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thelovelycircusau · 4 days
Are Gangle Jax and Ragatha in a poly relationship or was the third an “accident”?
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If you’re referring to their children- there’s little to no chance of birthing a child “by accident” -consent is very important in this AU, albeit Dubious at times…
Every child is very much wanted (and genuinely loved)
*To see the Uncensored you can join my Patreon or Ko-fi!
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I actually have discovered I lack the motivation for a new fic so here's various blurbs for Punk Remus corrupting Christian Virgil that I like. Insert Blasphemy and Sacrilegious Activities tags here. And there are a few suggestive ones because it's Remus I don't know how else to form it. Basically I'm sorry in advance :3
- Virgil got that purity culture BS from his parents about like being a virgin before marriage. So like. Extra virgin. Remus changes these things. No details because I want to still be welcomed on this blog 🙏
- They actually meet in a church bathroom (it's really awkward Virgil walks out of a stall to wash his hands and Remus is just sitting in the window smoking) (he doesn't want to be there) (went with his parents and then ditched) (this is only like 50% of the time of me thinking about it tho) (didn't go outside bc they thought it was funny to smoke in church) (made a holy shit joke to Virgil. That was his first sentence. If you shit in a church is it holy shit) (somehow it fucking works) (romance is not dead, fellas, its hidden in the shit jokes)
- the first not Christian song Virgil years is Welcome To The Black Parade by MCR. That's why it's really special to him. Inspired the emo.
- I feel like no matter what Remus' bedroom is covered wall to wall in just. Whatever he wants. Pride flags, tapestries, posters, signs he's stolen, random shit he's thumb-tacked onto the wall, LEDs and fairy lights and lamps. There is no open wall space. This is all a bit overwhelming for Virgil at first (remember: sad beige baby) but he comes to love it and all the things he can look at
- every hickey Virgil gets pre-moving in with Remus is hidden underneath a shirt. Remus leaves ONE above his collarbones and Virgil literally has to tell his parents it was a bruise from how he slept. Remus gets HELLA scolded for that
- Virgil does smoke a cigarette with Remus. He does not like it. They also shotgun a cigarette. He has mixed feelings on that. Virgil does the devil's lettuce with Remus. He enjoys this. A lot.
- Virgil's first time drunk on something other than communion wine (half joking) is with Remus. They skip town thrice over in order to go to a bar where Virgil won't be known and tattled on. Remus is surprisingly very protective and good to him. Takes him home, takes off his shoes and coat, tucks him in, puts a trash can next to him for tomorrow.
- A lot of late night drives through the parks. I mean, it's late, Virgil doesn't have a curfew. They drive through the parks and find a cozy corner to talk where nobody will see or hear them. Maybe they smooch a little. A lot.
- SO many religious conversations. So many. Just. So many. Remus wants the communion wine and the little crackers. Virgil has to explain he cannot have the wine and crackers. Remus calls him wine and a cracker. Then asks if eating the wine and cracker is cannibalism. Then talks about cannibalism.
- my favorite one: Virgil asks Remus to come with him to church one time. Just once. Maybe Virgil is having a hard time (not religiously like externally) and wants to go for comfort but can't stand the thought of leaving Remus. So this like total punk walks into a church and sits with Virgil and... knows all of it? The prayers, the statements, the right times for everything. Virgils shocked. They leave the church later and he's like ???. Remus answers "what? Didn't think I was a church kid? Don't I look like a pastor's kid?" Haha yeah plot twist I love this.
- virgils parents want to meet his "new little friend." Remus can't hide all of the punkness but it tries. Virgil is surprised when he shows up with a clean mouth (swearing + brushed his teeth), long sleeves to hide the tattoos, plastic (mostly invisible) piercings to try and hide the ones he can, hair tied back in a respectable position (is a mullet ever respectable? /j /lh) It doesn't make them 100% like him but he tries and he may succeed a little.
There are definitely more but I also have a habit of sending in asks at 1am and it is 12:52 am and I need eep. I looooooove corruption fics where it's totally cool. Like yeah there's some concern but still that's the good shit. Also hi 🐸 anon (or anyone else) if you read this and any of these inspire you, take em :3
— 👑
V A L I D but I fucking L O V E A L L of this!!! Ree W O U L D make a holy shit joke in a church and of course it works on Vee manz is dorksexual XD /light hearted Poor Ree has to get scolded by his boyf for the hickey wear turtlenecks then Emo XD I seriously L O V E their bond and how carefree they are with each other and the fact that the chaotic Punk at least tries to put an effort to look presentable around Vee's parents to make a good impression is really sweet <3 (Also I'm O B S E S S E D with that plot twist of course Ree would know the church like the back of his hand but Vee's confusion makes it more hilarious XD)
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bunny-hoodlum · 3 months
Hey I love your writing! You come up with amazing concepts and scenarios! I think your 21 Days was the first NaruHina AU I ever read and I was HOOKED!!! I was wondering if you're planning to update that story? It's okay if not I'm just being nosy lol. Anywho I look forward to reading more of your writing! it's always fun reading your stories💕💕💕
Hii! ☺️ Awww, thank you so much!! 🥹💕 It makes me so happy to have my ideas validated, heehee. 🤭 I'm so glad you enjoy them!!
So, for a little while now, I had lost interest in it, and wasn't sure if I was gonna revisit it or not. But I was just asked about this fic recently in Discord and I also remembered the unresolved subplot involving Neji I had planned, ironically thanks to some no-life Hinata-hater on here tumblr, and the amount of angst that subplot is gonna bring. 🤭 So my interest has been renewed, yay!
But I can't bring myself to raise it high on my priority list just yet. 🥲 I have AWY, Work Friends, Idle Hands reboot, Stepdaddy!Naruto DILF fic, Narutoland... and I'm kinda looking at finally editing Runner's High and starting it again...🫠 It's a looooot. 😅 I want to update each of these at least once within the next three months if I'm lucky. 😭 After that, not sure which ones will be my regular focus. I'd like AWY and Idle Hands to for sure be up there tho. I guess Work Friends and Runner's High after that. DILF fic and Narutoland... 🤔
And I'm kinda starting something new that I'll try to keep a one-shot. Shhhh! 🤫
Yeah, that's what my focus is looking like rn. 😅
Thank you so much for the ask! 💕💕💕
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bengiyo · 3 months
4 and 18 for the Asian ql ask game :)
4. Who is your ultimate Asian ql blorbo?
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If I ever answer this with something other than Shiro, know that something is deeply wrong with me. Being gay was never easy for me. I worked hard to reach a place of peace that I'm at now, and I understand that in Shiro so much. Very few characters come close to his importance to me.
18. You get to pick a side character from two different qls to put in a show as a main pairing--who are you choosing and what kind of story is it?
Okay, hear me out.
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I want Karl's uncle Cris Anthony Almasen aka "Santi" from Like in the Movies to visit Thailand for a gay wedding...
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...and run into Q's uncle Man from 21 Days Theory.
I want to see them in a story where they're friends of both grooms and end up tasked with organizing a bunch of shit. I want them to not exactly know each other at first and be really polite, but end up growing closer as they solve big problems for the wedding. We need them to see each other differently from the small ways they take care of things that culminates in a big moment where they both tell a rude vendor to fuck off.
Their friends get to have their big moment, and they're helping with cleanup before finally releasing their own tension. I want them to end the mini-series or movie on them wanting to make it work, but Cris has to go back to Manila for now.
I just really want to see a show where lonely gay uncles find the love they've been missing.
Asian QL Ask Game
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abybweisse · 7 months
I'm starting to hate undertaker after this chapter,like is he behind all of this? Doing this to innocent children just for the sake of blood? I know he is bad because of the campania and all,but this just pure evil( I really hope he is not behind this and it turns out that someone else is doing all of this)
This was also originally submitted in August of 2023 (sorry!), so it's from many chapters ago.
Behind the curtains
He and real Ciel do seem to be behind it all, as far as the orphanage is concerned, though what Sebastian says brought the place to his attention was a donor associated with the Aurora Society. I wonder who that is, though it might not matter too much right now -- it's likely someone Undertaker dupes into helping, just like with Stoker, Ada (to an extent), and Heathfield.
It's not just about blood, even though that's what we mostly expected. Now it's blood and organs... and potentially their somewhat malleable souls.
I don't call him evil. Yana-san has said Undertaker isn't the villain. I call him misguided and morally grey.
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mewtwoandme · 1 year
Do you own any cats?
I own a gremlin, yes
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
I have a qustion regarding the new lesson did asmo charm work on mc ? If you refuse to help them with magic?
Hello, anon!
Yes, I think that’s exactly what happened. I didn’t talk about it in my post on this lesson, but it was definitely something I noticed, too.
The exchange is pretty brief but it seems like Asmo used his charm power and that it worked on MC.
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I think this is supposed to be another indication of MC losing their power.
Which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me because iirc in the OG they just had some kind of immunity that wasn’t necessarily tied to their magic.
So this could be a retcon situation. They’re implying that MC’s immunity to Asmo’s charm is related to the strength of their magical power, which is currently dwindling.
I suppose it’s possible that MC is only pretending to be charmed since this version of Asmo doesn’t know about their immunity. But I kind of think they would indicate that in some way?
It’s also possible that it could mean something else entirely that I just haven’t thought of. But the most likely scenario to me is that due to MC’s magic weakening, they are no longer immune.
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jtl-fics · 7 months
Happy WIPW Ash 🙂
May I ask how devastated Andrew really is by Alex's disappearance? ~ Math Nerd 🫠🙏
Also sending good vibes for your day and especially for your writing 💝🫶🤍
WIP Wednesday 2/21/24 (CLOSED) | Math Nerd AU
Andrew settles at the top of the stairs where he can hear what is being discussed by his foster parents and the case worker. His mother's name is Tilda Minyard. She's an alcoholic and drug user. She's physically violent with Aaron. Aaron may be addicted but they're not sure.
His foster parents ask the main questions that most foster parents ask. For all that they very much don't seem to actually give a shit about Andrew personally, they have made sure he has everything he needs. They've even asked if he wants to do any extra curriculars.
Andrew doesn't need warmth from the parents in his life, but he thinks Aaron might.
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cutebendy · 3 months
Little Emma: Can I hug the butcher's gang (Charlie, Barley and Edgar)Pleeeeeeeeeeeeas 🥺?
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