#asked harmony or jenny!!!!
gallifreyanhotfive · 9 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 4
While trying to figure out how Jenny was the Fifth Doctor's daughter, the Nine suggested he might be her father or her mother.
The Nun once shot and imprisoned the Tenth Doctor on her TARDIS, using a psychic shroud to take on his appearance temporarily before "regenerating" into her own body.
The Eighth Doctor has traveled with both a Cyberman and an Ice Warrior before (albeit not at the same time).
Jasper and Stewart are a pair of Fledershrews (a type of bat) that took residence in the TARDIS. The Doctor considered them to be good friends.
The Doctor had at least one grandfather and seven grandmothers.
Horses can be cyber-converted.
The Seventh Doctor took Ace back in time to kill the would-be dictator as well, but they were also unable to go through with it.
At the same time the Fifteenth Doctor and Ruby were dealing with goblins (24/12/2023), the Seventh Doctor and Ace were in a Los Angeles toyshop.
Wilfred Mott enlisted while he was still underage.
Orlando Bloom stars in Indiana Jones movie remakes.
Sam Jones knew what the Doctor's name is.
By some accounts, the Doctor removed his name from time, meaning only they and the Master (as well as anyone they later told) remembered it.
Ian Chesterton was taught how to ride a horse by Alexander the Great.
The TARDIS once dematerialized with a Nazi (played by David Tennant) half in, half out, leading to his incredibly gruesome death.
On Harmony, an idyllic planet, the locals harvested any visitors for food as the other animals had all died out.
Sometimes, the Doctor has worked to actively change history, like the time the Second Doctor tried to save Horatio Nelson from dying in the Battle of Trafalgar.
As the First Doctor regenerated into the Second, the TARDIS also somewhat regenerated, shrinking around fifteen centimeters.
River Song has eleven siblings such as Brooke, Stream, Lake, Creek, H-One, H-Two, O, etc. All of them are clones created by Madame Kovarian from River's DNA.
Speaking of River, she's been married to both Bernice Summerfield and Jack Harkness before.
Amy Pond was once mutated into an almost butterfly-like creature.
The Master does not like David Attenborough.
At one point, the most wanted criminal in the galaxy was the Master, and the Rani was second most wanted.
Snow White and the Seven Keys to Doomsday was a Gallifreyan bedtime story the Eleventh Doctor recalled enjoying.
In this story, Rassilon would ask the Matrix daily: "Matrix, Matrix that sees over all, who has the power to make Gallifrey fall?" The Matrix would always respond with: "Only you, oh Rassilon. Only you, through the Eye of Harmony have that power." One day, the Matrix added: "Snowana the Fair, using the Keys of Doomsday, she has the power to destroy all of Gallifrey." Rassilon was greatly angered by this and banished Snowana to the wastelands, expecting her to die, but instead, she grew into Snow White. Selendor had created a great weapon that could be used to destroy cities and fashioned seven keys to it, one for each sin of the Time Lords. He gave one key to Snow White expecting her to get some revenge, but she instead ran away and created a force field around her and the keys. Selendor died of grief for his lost keys
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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names-for-alters · 7 months
Hello one and all, alters and headmates! I am Charlie! I like to make lists! I also hoard names! Are you looking for a name? GREAT! You can send an ask and request a specific aesthetic or origin of name, or you can look at my list!
With that said…
…Cracks knuckles…
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Findo Tach Tails Flicker Tracer Kat Iris Blu Brick Arlo Sammy Artie Finn Stein Aleksandr Vora Olive Luna Nyx Cyrus Qrow Orian Cello Onyx Skye Grim Opal Dawn Azure Fish Bones Poppy Bronze Eggs Sparky Specs Snickers Trout Navi Bingo Chili Bandit Stripe Busker Socks Brandy Frisky Winston Lucky Chucky Bently Judo Rusty Max Honey Indie Calypso Striker Merle Moxxie Vex Ant Bugger Bee Spider Tails Hook Indigo Amber Coco Coral Scarlet Ivory Jade Ruby Emerald Chuck Loden Copper Hamelin Neo Shepard Cinnamon Visor Macalister Soul Hack Hiccup Flynn Rider Astrid Jay Raven Robyn Bolt Dagger Viper Tracer Cornwall Flock Sapphire Crystal Ghost Mochi Trick Catra Rose Raven Flip Chani Racket Red Crimson Dragon Runt Scotch Tellie Gator Croc Crow Goat Duck Creeper Kuma Jet Jeep Draco Poppy Sombra Raine Squish Spike Blaze Ender Drake Sandy MK PJ DJ CJ MJ King Creak Shadow Clay Dusty Miles Dart Willow Antonius Husk Moth Cypher Jin Yin Yang Daisy Gray / Grey Alistair Halo Angel Cake Fennec Fox Null Lull Bastion Lucky Sun Star Cosmo Tweety Vox Nerys Sonic Bark Birch Oak Cherry Blossom Peaches Velvet Shell Coffee Valley Fang Moot Redpath Pudding X V Jr Ether Fig Trunk Joy Frogger Snowflake Snowball Snow Jumper Racket Flare Vendetta Loonie Coin Six Eleven Tropica Stelina Mojave Ink Sud Fender Zero Pollen Wysteria Page Ozias Rex Tortch Buck Nickel Stripe Lynch Tramp Wolf Pup Tank Jhariah Kharma Zenith Sparrow Prism Lemon Mune Lamb Pyke Diamond Parker Graves Fizz Nugget Melody Tink Blight Fangless Ambress Vulture Eclipse Luka Bangle Constance Constantine Sommar Babble Clank Bobble Chipper Aidan Slate Tin Twire Zephyr Silver Misty Faunus Atlas Birdie Brook Cedar Chip Coal Daisy Ember Faye Fate Fern Flint Harmony Helios Ivy Junx Kit Lyria Phoebe Piper Lady Beacon Elos Rumble Ida Cross Zed Scootie Smidge Clauger Happy Sonny Hath Soldier River Song Clawtor Videl Legen Onen Chunk Reid Pop Cobra Cash Clover Saris Volante Donna Belladonna Gale Chopper Morphias Vidia Loft Kape Levi Licker Howl Dustin Newt Creek Breezy Polaris Blight Archer Sirius Warren Dream Goon Cookie Ranger Amity Jericho Viggo Besko Asra Alice Olaf Mossfeld Issic Missy Rascal Creasy Nonya Hex Pita Miguel Manuel Rayburn Daisy Dash Lucky Becky Steele Cylo Featherstone Kingston Netherfield Reacher Saltburn Quick Rubble Dust Brimstone Humble Ado Grover Norvanos Leshy Blade Cooper Calcium
Pierre Rosemary
Kikos Wathel
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cool-fancier · 7 months
Midnight Whispers
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Jisoo x Fem Reader
Word count:2k
Synopsis: A Chance Encounter in Seoul Sparks a Beautiful Friendship, Evolving into Love, with Jisoo at Its Heart
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The bustling streets of Seoul were painted with the vibrant colors of city life, neon lights reflecting off the pavement. It was in this metropolis that your paths intertwined with Jisoo, the beginning of a story that was anything but cliché.
It all started with a chance encounter at a quaint café tucked away in a quiet alley. You were engrossed in a book, savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee when the door chimed, announcing the arrival of three lively individuals – Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa. They exuded an infectious energy, their laughter filling the cozy space.
Jisoo was the last to enter, her eyes scanning the room before landing on the only available seat – the one opposite you. With a sheepish smile, she approached, asking if the seat was taken.
"No, not at all. Please, have a seat," you replied, your heart doing a little dance at the prospect of new company.
The three friends settled around the small table, introductions flowing seamlessly. Jennie, the witty and outspoken one, Rosé, with her gentle and artistic spirit, and Lisa, the energetic and playful soul. The banter between them was effortless, and you found yourself drawn into their lively conversation.
Amidst the laughter and shared stories, Jisoo remained a quiet observer, her presence both calming and intriguing. She caught your eye with a subtle smile, her gaze lingering for a moment longer than expected. It sparked a curiosity that would eventually become the catalyst for something beautiful.
As the hours passed, the café transformed into a hub of shared laughter and exchanged secrets. You discovered common interests, shared passions, and a sense of belonging that went beyond mere chance. It was in that cozy haven that the foundations of your friendship with Jisoo were unknowingly laid.
Days turned into weeks, and your interactions with Jennie, Rosé, Lisa, and Jisoo became a regular occurrence. The group outings were filled with adventures, from impromptu dance-offs in the middle of the street to quiet moments spent stargazing on a rooftop. Each interaction was a thread weaving together the tapestry of your shared experiences.
Jennie, with her infectious energy, would often instigate games and challenges that brought the group closer. Rosé, armed with her guitar, would serenade everyone with melodies that echoed through the night. Lisa's spontaneity injected a burst of laughter into every gathering, making even mundane moments memorable.
Amidst this vibrant backdrop, your connection with Jisoo deepened. She was the quiet force that grounded the group, her wisdom and thoughtfulness shaping the dynamics. It wasn't long before you realized that your conversations with her were the highlight of these gatherings – a quiet exchange of glances, shared smiles, and unspoken understanding.
One evening, as the group gathered at a cozy karaoke joint, Jisoo surprised everyone by joining in on the fun. Her powerful yet melodic voice filled the room, captivating everyone in attendance. The harmony of her voice resonated with your soul, and in that moment, something shifted.
After the karaoke session, the two of you found yourselves strolling through the quiet streets of Seoul. The city lights cast a warm glow, and the air was filled with a comfortable silence. It was then that Jisoo spoke, her words a quiet revelation.
"I enjoy our time together," she admitted, her eyes meeting yours. "There's something special about it."
The confession was met with a shared smile, an acknowledgment of the unspoken connection that had been growing between you. From that point forward, your friendship with Jisoo took on a new dimension. The once casual encounters evolved into intentional moments, a journey of shared laughter, quiet understanding, and a growing affection that neither of you could deny.
As the seasons changed, so did the dynamics of your relationship. Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa were the supportive chorus to the developing melody between you and Jisoo. They teased and nudged, creating an atmosphere that allowed the budding romance to unfold naturally.
One summer evening, the group gathered for a rooftop barbecue, the city skyline providing a breathtaking backdrop. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, Jisoo found a quiet moment to pull you aside.
"I've been wanting to tell you something," she confessed, her cheeks tinged with a soft blush.
The rooftop provided a private haven, and in that tranquil setting, Jisoo's words flowed with a sincerity that mirrored the stars above. "I've enjoyed getting to know you, and I find myself looking forward to our time together. Would you like to go on a date with me?"
The question hung in the air, and your heart skipped a beat. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of friendship and the potential for something more, you nodded, a smile lighting up your face.
The rooftop witnessed the beginning of a new chapter, as the connection that had flourished amidst shared laughter and quiet moments took a deliberate step into the realm of romance. It wasn't a whirlwind, but a gradual blossoming of something beautiful – a love story that defied expectations and was woven into the fabric of shared experiences.
From that point forward, your relationship with Jisoo evolved into a delightful journey of shared adventures and quiet moments. The group outings continued, but now with a new layer of intimacy. Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa, ever the supportive friends, reveled in the joy of witnessing your love story unfold.
The seasons cycled through, and with each passing day, your connection with Jisoo deepened. The shared laughter, the supportive glances, and the comfortable silences were the threads that wove a tapestry of love, resilience, and genuine companionship.
— — — — — — —
You missed Jisoo for the simple reason that everything felt a bit off-kilter when she wasn't around. It wasn't some grand, dramatic affair; it was the small, everyday things that became a tad emptier.
Her laughter, the one that could turn a mundane moment into something worth remembering, was noticeably absent. The shared glances and inside jokes lost their charm without her. The quiet talks, the ones that stretched into the late hours of the night, felt like a one-sided conversation.
Jisoo had this way of reading your moods without you uttering a word. It was a kind of understanding that made the days smoother and the problems more manageable. Without her, those daily nuances turned into a solo act, a bit lonelier.
It wasn't just about missing a person; it was about missing a constant. Her presence was a comfort, a steady beat in the background that made the routine less mundane. When she wasn't there, it felt like something was on pause.
The late-night talks and shared silences were like a familiar routine disrupted. Her absence created a void in those moments, a silence that lacked the shared laughter and unspoken words.
In the simplest terms, you missed Jisoo because she was the missing piece that made the puzzle complete. Life was a bit duller, a bit quieter, and a bit less vibrant when she wasn't around. It wasn't about grand gestures; it was about the ordinary moments that felt extraordinary only with her by your side.
The soft glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm hue across the room, enveloping you and Jisoo in a cocoon of intimacy. As you lay in bed, the memories of your journey together flickered like shadows on the walls, merging seamlessly with the present moment.
Jisoo's presence, now settled beside you on the bed, echoed the warmth and familiarity that had characterized your friendship from the beginning. The ambiance of the room seemed to carry the echoes of the laughter and shared moments that had defined your connection.
"What are you doing home?" you stammered, almost disbelieving of the scene unfolding before you. The past moments flooded your mind – the cafe encounters, the rooftop barbecues, and the quiet strolls through Seoul's streets. The journey that began in chance encounters and blossomed through shared laughter had brought you to this unexpected midnight reunion.
A soft smile played on Jisoo's lips, and the warmth in her eyes mirrored the memories that danced in the air. "You missed me."
The incredulity in your voice reflected the surreal nature of the moment. "You came home because I missed you?" It was a statement that sounded too poetic to be real.
Jisoo, ever graceful, moved with a quiet elegance as she settled beside you. The mattress dipped under her weight, and the scent of her perfume lingered, an olfactory reminder of shared adventures and unspoken confessions. "Yes," she replied, her sincerity a gentle echo in the quiet room.
The pulse in your veins quickened. This midnight encounter felt like a culmination of a story that had been written in the margins of your shared experiences. Jisoo, your anchor, had traversed the snow-covered city to be with you.
Propped up on an elbow, her palm supporting the back of her head, Jisoo watched you with an unfathomable gaze. The room seemed to hold its breath as she explained, "Because I wanted to be where you are."
The words resonated, weaving a thread between past and present. The memories of shared laughter and the unspoken understanding you had cultivated during your time together were the foundation of her unexpected arrival.
The air thickened with the weight of unspoken truths. Jisoo, a comforting presence, had driven through the snow and darkness to find solace in your company. The tender confession of her longing and the acknowledgment of your hard work became threads in the tapestry of your shared story.
In the dim light, Jisoo's features softened, her confession continuing. "You've been working so hard, and I missed you." Her voice was a gentle murmur, wrapping around you like a comforting embrace that transcended the physicality of the room.
The touch of her fingers tracing the outline of your jaw felt like a continuation of the gestures that had defined your connection – a silent language that spoke volumes. The night unfolded in whispered confessions, a continuation of the stories shared in cafes and on rooftops.
As dawn approached, Jisoo's presence became a living testament to the resilience of your love. The city outside, blanketed in snow, seemed to echo the hushed whispers of your shared history. The first light of dawn peeked through the curtains, illuminating Jisoo's eyes as they met yours.
Time stood still in that moment. The warmth in her gaze served as a reminder that your connection, born from chance encounters and nurtured through shared laughter, was a sanctuary where love was the only truth that mattered.
The falling snow outside became a serene backdrop to the quiet revelation within your apartment. Jisoo's presence, unexpected yet welcomed, marked a turning point in your journey – a reminder that the love story, rooted in shared experiences and genuine companionship, could weather the darkest nights and illuminate the path forward.
And then, as if the quiet confession had unlocked a new chapter, Jisoo's gaze lingered on yours. A playful smile danced on her lips, and she whispered, "You know, I missed more than just your company."
The air between you two shifted, charged with a different kind of energy. It wasn't just about shared memories anymore; it was about acknowledging the deeper, more intimate feelings that had blossomed between you. The room seemed to shrink as Jisoo leaned in, her lips brushing against yours in a tender kiss.
In that moment, the soft glow of the lamp and the quiet snowfall outside became witnesses to a new layer of your relationship. The whispers of shared confessions evolved into the sweet murmur of exchanged endearments.
"I missed this," Jisoo admitted between kisses, her voice a gentle melody in the stillness of the room.
You couldn't help but smile, your heart brimming with warmth. "I missed you, too," you replied, the words a soft echo against her lips.
As dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, your apartment became a haven for shared affections. The intimacy between you and Jisoo unfolded like a delicate dance, a symphony of whispered words, laughter, and the sweet warmth of each other's presence.
The falling snow outside, once a silent witness to your shared history, now provided a serene backdrop to a new chapter – one filled with the quiet beauty of love, acceptance, and the unspoken promise of many more midnight reunions.
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bitchiswild · 9 months
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Right Where You Left Me
Jennie Kim X F!Reader
Warnings: Sad
Word Count: 2.3k
A/n: angst time?
Their love story was everyone's favorite tale—a charming narrative intertwined with childhood memories and serendipitous meetings. Everyone, from their families to friends and the media, adored Jennie and Y/n. Their families' close bond meant She crossed paths frequently, filling their early years with shared laughter and adventures.
In the midst of these cherished moments, something changed. Y/n's heart began to flutter whenever Jennie was near, convinced that destiny had a hand in weaving their story together. However, Jennie's feelings danced in a more mysterious rhythm.
For Y/n, each stolen glance and shared conversation painted a picture-perfect romance, a story spun by fate itself. But love isn't always a symphony played in unison; sometimes, one heart sings a little louder than the other.
In Y/n's eyes, the love story felt like a beautiful fairytale in progress, orchestrated by destiny's gentle nudges. Yet, beyond this enchanting narrative lay a more intricate reality, where Jennie's emotions might have swayed to a different tune, creating a delightful yet perplexing harmony between their feelings.
The delicate dance of affection and perception began to shape their relationship. While Y/n's heart soared with affection, Jennie might have been composing her own version of this enchanting tale, leaving Y/n to cherish the moments with hopeful longing, unaware of the subtle nuances in Jennie's feelings.
Jennie was fashionably late, as always, but this time, it felt different. Y/n had arrived punctually at 9:30 pm, heart racing with nerves and excitement, knowing this night was going to change everything. As the hours stretched past 11 pm and still, there was no sign of Jennie, anxiety coiled tighter within Y/n's chest.
The persistent waiter kept returning, a mix of concern and annoyance etched on their face. She'd inquire if Y/n was ready to order or if their date was en route, but Y/n, clinging to hope, asked for more time, pleading silently for Jennie's arrival.
As the clock struck midnight, the atmosphere shifted, the once-bustling restaurant now quiet, the waiters' patience wearing thin. Their eyes conveyed sympathy for the hopeful figure sitting alone, holding onto an unraveling dream.
"She's fashionably late, but this... this isn't like her," Y/n whispered, a hollow attempt at humor failing to mask the heartache.
The waiter, now more understanding than amused, offered a comforting smile. "Some detour, huh? Maybe I should've put a tracker on her for you."
Y/n managed a weak chuckle, their heart heavy with the weight of disappointment. "Might need that, or a crystal ball. Seems like tonight took a different turn."
The restaurant staff exchanged resigned glances, silently empathizing with Y/n's silent turmoil.
"I'll go prepare that 'search party dish' now," the waiter joked half-heartedly, trying to ease the palpable tension in the air.
Y/n forced a smile, a tear threatening to escape. "I think I'll pass on that. Thank you, though."
As the night wore on and the restaurant prepared to close, Y/n signaled the waiter with a defeated expression. "I'll... I'll just settle the bill, please."
The waiter nodded solemnly, "Sure thing. Sorry about tonight. Some people don't realize the value of someone else's time."
Y/n managed a nod, a pang of hurt lingering in their eyes. "Yeah, some clocks just don't sync up. Thanks for understanding."
As Y/n settled the bill, the weight of the evening's unmet expectations settled in. The ring in their pocket, meant for a proposal, felt heavier than ever.
In the eerie quiet of the near-deserted restaurant, Y/n sat, lost in a vortex of emotions, feeling the weight of shattered expectations. With a heavy heart, She remained in the corner She'd chosen earlier, the dim light casting elongated shadows across the table.
As the minutes ticked by, each second seemed to stretch into an eternity. The silence was almost tangible, broken only by the faint murmur of the staff cleaning up and the distant sound of a glass shattering on the pristine white tablecloth.
Y/n's heart skipped a beat, their head jerking up at the sudden sound. For a moment, the entire room seemed to hold its breath. In the fragmented reflection of the broken glass, Y/n saw a distorted image of their own shattered hopes and dreams.
The staff rushed to clean up the mess, a flurry of apologies and hasty attempts to rectify the accident. But for Y/n, the shattered glass felt symbolic, mirroring the fragments of their carefully laid plans and the fractured expectations of the night.
Feeling a wave of emotions crashing over them, Y/n rose slowly from the seat, their movements mechanical as She retrieved their jacket. As She walked past the broken glass, She felt an odd kinship with its brokenness.
Outside, the cool night air enveloped Y/n, a stark contrast to the stifling atmosphere inside. The street lights flickered, casting uneven shadows on the pavement. Y/n paused on the sidewalk, taking a deep breath, trying to gather the scattered pieces of their composure.
With each step away from the restaurant, Y/n felt the weight of the unspoken words and unfulfilled plans grow lighter. The ring, tucked away in their pocket, now felt like a burden released, a symbol of a future that might have been but wasn't meant to be.
Despite the heartache, a glimmer of resilience flickered within Y/n. She squared their shoulders, taking one last look at the restaurant's dimly lit window, where moments ago, She had hoped for a different outcome. With a bittersweet sigh, Y/n turned the corner, stepping away from the haunting scene and into the uncertain expanse of the night, ready to navigate a new chapter, one step at a time.
The encounter was surreal, almost like a scene from a nightmare that Y/n desperately wanted to wake up from. As Jennie appeared suddenly, the shock on Y/n's face was evident, her eyes a mirror of hurt and disappointment.
"Jennie, you're late," Y/n's voice cut through the air, icy and laden with the weight of dashed expectations. Jennie's response was callous, her eyes void of remorse. "I know," she replied, the indifference in her tone hitting Y/n like a physical blow.
"Why, Jennie?" Y/n's voice cracked with hurt, a plea for an explanation.
But Jennie's expression hardened, her words cutting deeper than any knife. "I never really liked you. Everything we had was fake. I want to break up."
The revelation hit Y/n like a sudden gust of cold wind, knocking the breath out of her. The realization that she had been used for years by the person she loved most shattered Y/n's world.
"Please, Jennie, don't do this," Y/n begged, tears threatening to spill over, her heart breaking into irreparable fragments.
But Jennie remained resolute, her demeanor unyielding. "Get it through your brain, Y/n. I. Don't. Like. You," she emphasized each word, her cruelty cutting deeper than any insult.
Y/n pleaded, her heart laid bare, but Jennie pushed her away, callously leaving her sobbing on the unforgiving streets. The onlookers in the restaurant felt the weight of Y/n's despair, their empathy palpable as She witnessed the shattering of a heart in real-time.
Alone and broken, Y/n crumbled onto the sidewalk, the world around her blurring through the tears. The pain was unbearable, a piercing ache that seemed to echo through every fiber of her being. Despite the betrayal, the love she held for Jennie lingered, an agonizing reminder of a bond that was once cherished.
Amidst the overwhelming sorrow, a glint of silver caught Y/n's eye—a small velvet box, now crushed within her pocket. Inside rested a ring, a symbol of a future Y/n had eagerly anticipated, a future where she wanted to propose to Jennie, to solidify their love forever.
Clutching the now crumpled box tightly, Y/n's sobs grew louder, the weight of unspoken words and shattered dreams pressing down on her. The night seemed to close in, the stars blinking dimly above, as Y/n wrestled with the heartache of a love that had soured so painfully, a love that had crumbled before it could bloom fully.
In the wake of Y/n and Jennie's abrupt and publicized breakup, the once vibrant presence of the favorite couple vanished into an eerie silence. Speculations buzzed for a brief moment before a thick veil of quietness descended, muffling the once-lively discussions.
Online spaces, once adorned with the shared adventures and affectionate moments of the beloved duo, now stood starkly empty. Social media feeds that had once overflowed with snapshots of their happiness became barren landscapes, void of any trace of their past romance. It was as if a digital eraser had swept through, wiping away their shared history in a blink.
For days, the absence of any updates, posts, or mentions of Y/n left a haunting void in the virtual world. Fans and followers, once avidly following the couple's every move, found themselves met with a wall of silence. The absence of any explanation or closure only added to the mystery surrounding the sudden disappearance.
Rumors swirled like dust in the wind, attempting to fill the void left by the absence of information. Some speculated about Y/n's well-being, concerned whispers echoing in online forums. Others pondered the reasons behind the breakup, piecing together fragments of information from the past in a futile attempt to make sense of the situation.
The restaurant, once a witness to hopes and dreams now shattered, held an eerie familiarity that Y/n couldn't shake. Despite the passage of time and the vanishing traces of their shared past from the public eye, Y/n found herself drawn back to the haunting scene of their failed rendezvous.
Sitting in the same corner, amidst the tables that once held promises and tender whispers, Y/n's heartache seemed palpable in the dimly lit space. The memories flooded back, an uninvited cascade of emotions that refused to fade with the passing days.
The silence of the restaurant echoed the hollow ache within Y/n's chest. Every corner held a ghost of a moment, each table a reminder of laughter and stolen glances. The weight of unanswered questions hung heavy in the air, mingling with the scent of forgotten dreams.
Lost in the melancholic ambiance, Y/n traced invisible patterns on the table, thoughts swirling like a tempest within. The pain of betrayal and heartbreak lingered, refusing to dissipate with time, as if frozen in that moment when everything fell apart.
Despite the emptiness that surrounded her, Y/n found solace in the familiarity of the space. It was a paradoxical sanctuary—a place where the heartache thrived, yet where Y/n sought refuge to confront the remnants of a love that once defined her existence.
As the restaurant stood frozen in time, a relic of memories now tainted with heartache and unanswered questions. Yet, amidst the bustling city, in the corner of that hauntingly silent eatery, Y/n remained.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, but Y/n seemed anchored to that spot, a specter haunting the table where promises were shattered and dreams turned to dust. The world around Y/n continued to move forward, but for them, time had halted, trapped in a perpetual loop of anguish and longing.
The once-vibrant spirit had dimmed, eclipsed by the overwhelming weight of abandonment and betrayal. As days stretched into an eternity, the restaurant staff grew accustomed to the solitary figure, a silent witness to the ebb and flow of patrons who filled the once-empty seats.
Y/n sat, cross-legged in that corner, surrounded by the echoes of past laughter and whispered confessions. The lyrics of a mournful song played on repeat in their mind, a haunting melody that mirrored the ache in their soul.
"You left me, you left me no, oh, you left me no. You left me no choice but to stay here forever."
The words reverberated in the emptiness of the restaurant, a haunting refrain that echoed the resignation and heartbreak Y/n felt. The outside world had moved on, but for Y/n, time had crystallized in that desolate space, a prison of their own making born from shattered love and unhealed wounds.
Yet, in the midst of the desolation, a glimmer of hope flickered faintly. A distant voice, a gentle reminder from within, whispered of resilience and the possibility of healing. It was a beacon in the darkness, a whisper of courage urging Y/n to break free from the chains of heartache and reclaim their own narrative.
With a deep breath, Y/n stirred from the corner She had haunted for so long. Slowly, She rose from the seat, a newfound determination sparking in their eyes. The restaurant, once a symbol of despair, now became a backdrop to a newfound resolve.
Leaving behind the echoes of a shattered love story, Y/n stepped out into the bustling world, embracing the uncertain expanse ahead. The haunting refrain faded into the distance, replaced by the symphony of life's possibilities, signaling the beginning of a journey toward healing and self-discovery.
Life carried on, as it always does, with the bustling energy of the city engulfing the restaurant in its perpetual motion. Patrons came and went, the memory of Y/n's prolonged stay slowly fading into the recesses of their collective consciousness.
For Y/n, the world outside that corner had beckoned with its promise of new beginnings. She had ventured beyond the haunting confines of the restaurant, stepping into the unknown expanse, their destination shrouded in the veils of anonymity and healing.
The whispers about Y/n's departure dwindled, replaced by the ceaseless rhythm of the city. The patrons eventually moved on, their curiosity giving way to the everyday bustle of life, leaving behind the enigmatic figure who had once haunted the corner of the restaurant, their story and destination a mystery lost in the passage of time.
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raspberrysmoon · 4 months
KEY- Wiggly, Webby, Tinky, Nibbly, Blinky, Pokey. Dead, no alignment.
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I CURSE THE DAY (the first fic!)
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Kai Drew- ⚡️🌺🌑⏳🌧️⚔️🪤🎤❤️
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gerald monroe
grace chasity
hank -
hannah foster
harmony jones
henry hidgens
holly cross
jane perkins
jason jepson
jenny peterson
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richie lipschitz
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seaton monroe
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solomon lauter
sophia -
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steph lauter
sylvia miller
ted spankoffski
tim houston
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tony green
trent monroe
trevor jackson
uncle wiley
wilbur cross
xander lee
zach chambers
zoey chambers
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tara-maclays-gf · 2 months
The results of my Buffy survey!
So, a little over a week ago I posted a survey I made on the show. I was curious about the opinions in the fandom. The survey got 86 responses, which is way more than I thought it would! I had a lot of fun looking through all the responses as they came in and writing this up, and I've gotten lots of messages from people who filled it out that they also had fun! Also, thank you to anyone who reblogged
There are definitely some things I would change about how I did this and the questions I asked if I was to redo it in the future, but I tried to note the big things through the survey.
Also; when there were short response questions it would be way too long for me to have included all the responses. I tried to summarize the main themes, and then include a variety of responses and opinions that I found interesting.
If there’s a response of yours in this summary that you don’t want to be included please let me know and I will edit it out as soon as I can!
It's also a very long write-up, so... feel free to skim or whatever you need.
Question 1: When did you start watching the show?  22.1%; 2011-2015 (19/86 votes) 20.9%: 2021-present (18/86) 18.6%: 2016-2020 (16/86) 14%: 2000-2005 (12/86) 12.8%: As it came out (11/86) 11.6%: 2006-2010 (10/86)
Question 2: How were you introduced to the show?  The main themes from these responses included word of mouth from family, friends, or social media, watching it as it aired, or accidentally.  “I found a bunch of the books and some taped recordings of the show in my late-mother's belongings and realized it was her favorite show. I watched it to feel closer to her.” “My parents heard about it and we watched it together. I was 11. Do you know how crazy it is to watch Buffy and Spike fuck a house down with your parents when you're 11 on a DVD borrowed from your local library?” (yes, anon, actually i was in a very similar position haha) “I stumbled on it when channel surfing in the 90s”
Question 3: Would you consider the show to be an important and/or defining piece of media in your life?  94.1%: Yes (80/85 votes) 3.5%: No (3/85) 2.4%: Other (2/85): “I really like it but no”, “I’ve only started it recently so it hasn’t had time to fester. But i’m sure it will become load-bearing in future so yes”
Question 4: Who is your favorite main character in the show?  Note: a tumblr user pointed out to me that I included Anya and Faith in the least favorite question but not the favorite question. I fully understand that this was something I missed in this question and definitely could have skewed the data in this question and in a few future questions. 44.2%: Buffy (38/86 votes) 20.9%: Spike (18/86) 12.8%: Giles (11/86) 7%: Willow (6/11) 3.5%: Cordy (3/86) Faith (2), Oz (2), Zander (1), Jenny (1), Dawn (1), Angel (1), too hard! (1)
Question 5: Who is your least favorite character in the show?  55.8%: Riley (48/86 votes) 20.9%: Zander (18/86) 5.8%: Angel (5/86) 4.7%: Faith (4/86) Oz (3), Spike (2), Anya (2), Jenny (1), Willow (1), none of the characters (1), tie between Angel, Riley, and Zander (1)
Question 6: Who is your favorite season big bad?  30.6%: the Mayor (26/85 votes) 28.2%: Glory (24/85) 27.1%: Angelus (23/85) 7.1%: Willow- season 6 (6/85) 3.5%: the Master (3/85) 2.4%: Warren- season 6 (2/85) 1.2%: the Initiative (1/85)
Question 7: Who is your least favorite season big bad?  49.4%: Adam (41/83 votes) 22.9%: the First (19/83)  20.5%: Warren- season 6 (17/83) The Master (2), the Mayor (2), Angelus (1), Glory (1)
Question 8: Who are your favorite big bad sidekick pairs?  79.1%: Drusilla and Spike (68/86 votes) 19.8%: Faith and Mr. Trick (17/86) 1.2%: Warren and Jonathan (1/86)
Question 9: Who is your favorite smaller villain in the series?  51.2%: Drusilla (44/86) 17.4%: Harmony (15/86) 15.1%: Sweet (from OMWF) (13/86) 5.8%: Darla (5/86) 4.7%: Halfrek (4/86) Dracula (2), Lyle Gorch/the Gorch family (1), Ted (1)
Question 10: Which season has your favorite overall arc?  32.5%: Season 5 (27/ 83 votes) 27.7%: Season 3 (23/83) 18.1%: Season 6 (15/83) 14.5%: Season 2 (12/83) Season 4 (2), Season 7 (2), Season 1 (2)
Q11: Which season has your favorite individual episodes?  27.8%: Season 4 (22/79 votes) 24.1%: Season 3 (19/79) 19%: Season 6 (15/79) 12.7%: Season 5 (10/79) 8.9%: Season 2 (7/79) 5.1%: Season 1 (4/79) 2.5%: Season 7 (2/79)
Q12: What are your top 3 season 1 episodes?  79.5%: Prophecy Girl (66/83 votes) 43.4%: Nightmares (36/83) 41%: Witch (34/83)
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Q13: What is your favorite “candy episode” in season 1? 26.8%: I, Robot… You, Jane (22/83) 19.3%: The Puppet Show (16/83)  18.1%: Don’t have one (15/83) 14.5%: The Pack (12/83) Out of Mind, Out of Sight (4), Teacher’s Pet (4), Never Kill a Boy on the First Date (3), Nightmares (3), Welcome to the Hellmouth (2), Prophecy Girl (1)
Q14: Why is that episode enjoyable for you?
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Q15: What are your overall thoughts and opinions on the season?  Out of 56 responses, the main themes seemed to be that people enjoyed the season but it isn’t as good as the following seasons. People liked how fun and campy it was, as well as the early dynamics between the scoobies, and the format of monster of the week. “not my favorite but a good set up” “It was a rough season that I didn't enjoy. If I started watching buffy from season 1 I don't think I would have given it a chance” “Season one is classic and campy.” “It's super campy and fun! While not the tone the show took in the long run it's got the ground work of theme” “It's so cute but not necessarily good but god they're adorable” “Rough but compelling” “Rocky quality, a lot of 'so bad it's good' type episodes, but with a strong beginning and end that hints at later show quality” “I think it's the most unique - very much 'monster of the week' but it holds the most nostalgia for me and really encapsulates its own sort of 90s aesthetic”
Q16: What are your top 3 season 2 episodes?  58%: Becoming (pt 2) (47/81 votes) 44.4%: Halloween (36/81) 29.6%: School Hard (24/81)
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Q17: What is your favorite “candy episode” in season 2?  17.5%: Go Fish (14/80) 12.5%: Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered (10/80) 12.5%: Don’t have one (10) 11.2%: Bad Eggs (9) 8.8%: Ted (7) 8.8%: Inca Mummy Girl (7) I Only Have Eyes for You (5), Halloween (5), Reptile Boy (5), School Hard (2), Some Assembly Required (2), The Dark Age (1), Phases (1), Killed by Death (1), When She Was Bad (1)
Q18: Why is that episode enjoyable for you?
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Q19: What are your overall thoughts and opinions on the season?  Generally, responses were very positive about this season. While people mention disliking Angel/Angelus as a character as well as some individual episodes, many people also mention how meaningful the season is to them and how much it improved from season 1. “Getting more solid, but still has the camp from the first season. Still would never skip an ep, but it’s still not like next season, where almost every episode is GOLD. The introduction to the fanged F… three is a big deal and wonderful to watch, the metaphors and arcs are compelling. It’s just the Go Fishes, ya know?” “The Angelus reveal is so genuinely heartbreaking and you can kinda feel the shift in the shows tone” “Love it BUT angelus piss me off” “Lots of clunkers, could have used more Angelus rather than him being in the background aside from Innocence, Passion, and Becoming, but still a good season overall” “Hurts my chest in a good way . so important to my inner world I don’t know how to separate myself from it” “i think angel is a cool villain but a terrible boyfriend” “I feel like the show found itself a lot more here, and while there's things I despise (the racism of inherent to the angelus/jenny plotline, the introduction and then killing of kendra) overall its very well-written and Sarah michelle gellar's acting is given the chance to really shine. Brought in more emotional depth and the campy tone”
Q20: What are your top 3 season 3 episodes? 45.8%: Band Candy (38/83) 39.8%: Lover’s Walk (33/83) 31.3: The Wish (26/83)
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Q21: What is your favorite candy episode of season 3?  25.3%: Band Candy (20/79 votes) 21.5%: Don’t have one (17/79) 13.9%: Gingerbread (11/79) 8.9%: The Zeppo (7/79) Dead Man’s Party (5), Lover’s Walk (5), Earshot (3), Homecoming (3), Beauty and the Beasts (2), Bad Girls (2), The Wish (2), Dopplegandland (1), Revelations (1)
Q22: Why is that episode enjoyable for you? 
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Q23: What are your overall thoughts and opinions on the season?  People generally really enjoy season 3. People talked about liking Faith’s introduction, but wished that she had more screen time to watch her fall. Responses that disliked the season also tended to mention that they weren’t a big fan of Faith as a character or didn’t connect to her.  “Season 3 is overrated as a season TBH. It has really wonderful standalone episodes but theres only 7 actual plot episodes in this season and that makes watching it as a whole Super frustrating since they never actually reach the full potential of the plot since they spend No time on it !!!! also unlike season 2 the stand alone episodes are not as thematically relevant to the plot which makes everything feel even more disjointed. Also Faith and the Mayor are soooooo compelling but its almost all in theory since we get No actual time with them in the season.” “I actually don’t like season three nearly as much as season one or two, despite how many good episodes it has, and I think it’s for two reasons. 1. I don’t emotionally connect with Faith and that’s a huge part of enjoying the rest of the season, and 2. Buffy and Angel’s story goes from the interesting exploration of danger and gothic romance that season two provided to high school melodrama that I don’t really care about and think was dealt with in a more interesting way the previous season. And idk the mayor doesn’t really make up for the other two problems” “There are no stinkers in this season, and the addition of Faith makes it one of my top three favorite seasons.” “Excellent--I feel like I graduated with the people in that season.” “LOVE THIS SEASON. Might be the favourite. While I'll never forgive kendra' death, faith is an amazing character and I love everything that's done with her. I love buffy's character throughout the season too. Just an excellent season of television. Solidified the show. The "class protector" scene makes me so emotional”
Q24: What are your top 3 season 4 episodes?  72.5%: Hush (58/80 votes) 55%: Something Blue (44/80) 37.5%: Who Are You? (30/80)
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Q25: What is your favorite candy episode of season 4?  28.9%: Beer Bad (22/76 votes) 14.5%: Something Blue (11/76) 13.2%: Don’t have one (10/76) Superstar (6), A New Man (4), Living Conditions (4), Pangs (4), Where the WIld Things Are (4), the Initiative (2), Restless (2), Fear, Itself (2), Wild at Heart (1), Who Are You? (1), the Yoko Factor (1), the Freshman (1), The Harsh Light of Day (1)
Q26: Why is that episode enjoyable for you? (short response)
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Q27: What are your overall thoughts and opinions on the season?  A general consensus is that the episode is weaker because of the transition between the high school and post high school seasons. Some mentioned that Riley as a character limited the effectiveness of the initiative, as well as Walsh’s departure midway through the season. Many people agreed that the one-off episodes saved the season from the arc and elevated it in their eyes to be a good season.  “One of my favourite seasons honestly. The overall arc is a mess and not that amazing but the one-offs are so good that it helps the overall season for me.”  “Weak overall arc but some of the best comedy in the show tbh. Also some really strong one-offs!” “Not a great start to college years, the initiative seemed a bit irrelevant and annoying at times.” “i get why people don’t love it, but i feel that this season is the season of character building, there’s so much set up for the rest of the series. the underlying narrative behind the initiative is good, even if boring at times. love the new cast as well” “i always say s4 is my favorite which is so unpopular to say and i don't love the initiative plot but it's got both faith and tara like cmon!! and soooo many iconic episodes”
Q28: What are your top 3 season 5 episodes? 67.9%: The Gift (53/78 votes) 67.9%: The Body (53/78) 60.3%: Fool for Love (47/78)
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Q29: What is your favorite candy episode of season 5? 31.5%: Buffy vs. Dracula (23/73 votes) 17.8%: Don’t have one (13/73)  8.2%: Triangle (6/73) 8.2%: Crush (6/73) Intervention (5), Family (5), Fool for Love (3), the Replacement (3), Checkpoint (3), Real Me (2), Spiral (1), Forever (1), I Was Made To Love You (1)
Q30: Why is that episode enjoyable for you? 
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Q31: What are your thoughts and opinions on the season?  Overall people think this is a great season. It has good individual episodes as well as a good arc, and responses talk about how the season becomes significantly more adult and serious in this season. “This season is so grown-up and moving; I marvel at how this season can come from a show that has its roots in teen drama.” “so so sad, but so so good. it’s heartbreaking to see buffy grow up so fast but it feels so true to life. it’s the first season i really understood the stakes and it was a nice break from the big bad’s goal being apocalyptic. glory just wanted to go home!!!!” “Quite like it. Glory is a fantastic big bad and is a contender for my top big bad of the series. The most emotional season for me is well with both The Body and The Gift.” “Overall a really good season, both in terms of overarching story and individual episodes. I know Dawn is a controversial addition to the cast but I'm personally really on board with her. The main thing that I think drags it down is that the person who plays Glory doesn't really do anything particularly interesting with her imo.” “Similarly to s3, really coherent and beautifully built story-arc with in-season conclusion. I still think the introduction (and way of introducing, and also general arc) of dawn was an incredible choice that makes the entire show exceptional. Getting more serious, building up for the following seasons' themes.” “After Riley leaves it’s much better. Dawn is absolutely the worst by it’s forgiven at times of real stress and trauma, and she grows at the end and iirc is way more realistically a teenager after that.” “It’s kind of slow to start and the first time I saw it I was really frustrated by them just dropping Dawn in with no explanation, but it’s a good and solid season overall with the end of the season being truly amazing”
Q32: What are your top 3 episodes of season 6?  92.3%: Once More, With Feeling (72/78 votes) 64.1%: Tabula Rasa (50/78) 21.8%: Grave (17/78)
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Q33: What is your favorite candy episode of season 6? 27%: Doublemeat Palace (20/74 votes) 24.3%: Don’t have one (18/74) 10.8%: Tabula Rasa (8/74) Life Serial (6), Once More, With Feeling (4), Flooded (4), All the Way (3), Gone (3), Normal Again (2), Bargaining (1), Entropy (1), Hell’s Bells (1), Older and Far Away (1)
Q34: Why is that episode enjoyable for you? 
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Q35: What are your overall thoughts and opinions on the season?  This season is either liked or strongly disliked by the responses. Many people talked about how the themes were important to them personally, but many others talked about strongly disliking the season because of how the writers handled specific characters.  “As a whole I think the first half of the season was incredibly strong and the second half was much, much weaker. It has some of my favorite individual episodes but I could start to feel how the writers were becoming angry at the audience and started punishing certain characters. I couldn't finish certain episodes in the second half of this season. The rape scene with Spike made me stop watching the show for a while, Tara's death was a blow. It just went from being what could've been my favorite season to feeling like I was being punished as a viewer for liking certain characters. I know it's dark, and I can appreciate darkness, but at a certain point it felt vindictive and I lost enjoyment in the show.” “Once more with feeling brings it up so much (the best ever episode of Buffy) but so many decisions were wrong ie seeing red” “Rarely ever watch this season. IMHO the worst season hands down” “I find that I understand Buffy's depression more and more the older I get. It's a great season.” “Buffy's best and worst season all in one. Elevated the show beyond a merely well-done Campbellian hero's journey tale to something truly special. And it also made several storytelling decisions that ruined several character arcs beyond repair. Buffy's depression arc is her best seasonal arc by far and is an amazing interrogation of everything we've seen in seasons prior. Her climbing out of the grave in the finale and smiling at seeing the world before her is so incredibly satisfying. Her relationship with Spike is realistic and interesting to watch. And then...he tries to rape her, and their respective arcs are doomed to be about that moment for all of S7. Willow's slow descent into becoming an abusive girlfriend and power-hungry villain is utterly thrilling to watch. For the first eight episodes. And then...it becomes a drug addiction metaphor, and her arc goes to hell and never recovers. This season is BtVS in a nutshell: some experimental episodes, some risky and bold storytelling, some satisfying payoffs, and some serious backfiring.”
Q36: What are your top 3 episodes of season 7?  63%: Chosen (46/73 votes) 61.6%: Conversations with Dead People (45/73) 32.9%: Lies My Parents Told Me (24/73)
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Q34: What is your favorite candy episode of season 7?  33.8%: Don’t have one (23/68 votes) 23.5%: Him (16/68) 16.2%: Storyteller (11/68) Conversations with Dead People (4), Same Time. Same Place (3), Dirty Girls (3), Beneath You (2), Get it Done (2), First Date (2), Showtime (1), The Killer in Me (1)
Q35: Why is that episode enjoyable for you? 
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Q36: What are your overall thoughts and opinions on the season?  Generally responses agreed that season 7 isn’t the best season of the show. However, many responses have something they appreciated about the season. “To be honest, i had a hard time getting through season seven. I was already having problems with the show with the end of season six and It felt like even the show had no idea what to do with season seven. I skipped a lot of filler episodes or didn't pay attention to them when I was watching them. I don't even have a lot of opinions on season seven because I don't remember most of it. The finale was good and I appreciated the closure for the show.” “truly amazing. i wish i could speak eloquently on this but words are hard, just kno it is perfect” “I don't remember it much it's far too ambitious but I love the spuffy” “Only good thing about this season is Nathan Fillion” “It was a nice end to the series. I do think Anya should have survived.” “No ending is ever perfect, because nothing really ends, but it tied up the series better than The Gift.” “Augh. So many bad plot decisions or character assassinations. My least favorite season. I would watch Go Fish at least seven times before rewatching S7 willingly.” “A lot makes me angry about this season, but there’s so much good too. It brings the whole series home in one of the best finales in the history of television.”
Q37: Which episode is your favorite in the series, if you had to pick? 
Once More, With Feeling: 14 votes
Fool for Love: 5 votes
  Restless: 5 votes
The Body: 4 votes
Something Blue: 3 votes
Tabula Rasa: 2 votes
Dopplegangland: 2 votes
Becoming: 2 votes
Who Are You?: 2 votes
Passion: 2 votes
1 each: Hush, Checkpoint, the Prom, School Hard, I Only Have Eyes For You, Prophecy Girl, The Dark Age: the Wish, Gingerbread, Lover’s Walk, Band Candy, Chosen, the Gift, Amends, Weight of the World, Family, Halloween, A New Man, I, Robot… You, Jane
Q38: Which episode is most iconic, in your opinion?
Once More, With Feeling: 24 votes
Hush: 11 votes
Becoming pt 2: 3 votes
The Gift: 3 votes
Passion: 3 votes
Innocence & surprise: 2 votes
Prophecy Girl: 2 votes
Fool for Love: 1 vote
Anne: 1 vote
Q39: Which season do you rewatch episodes from the most frequently?  Season 2: 4 votes Season 3: 4 votes Season 6: 4 votes Season 4: 3 votes Season 1: 2 votes Season 5: 1 vote Season 7: 1 vote
Q40: How often would you say you rewatch individual episodes from the show?  17.1%: every 6 months (13/76 votes) 14.5%: monthly (11/76)  14.5%: every other month (11/76) 11.8%: yearly (9/76) 11.8%: every two weeks (9/76) 30.3%: other (including every few years, or watching many episodes over a period of time and then taking a break for months/years)
Q41: How often would you say you rewatch the entire series?  28.8%: yearly (21/73) 12.3%: every 6 months (9/73) Other: including haven’t rewatched yet, every few years, and used to rewatch frequently but not as much anymore. 
Q42: Do you frequently engage with the fandom?  66.7: yes (56/84 votes) 25%: no (21/84)
Q43: On which platforms do you engage with the fandom? Note: this question I was curious about, but understand I posted this survey on tumblr and on a discord for a BTVS youtuber and those facts have absolutely skewed the data. 93.7%: Tumblr (74 votes) 25.3%: Youtube- video essays (20) 19%: Youtube- reaction youtubers (15) 17.7%: Youtube- edits (14) 13.9%: Instagram (11) 12.7%: Podcasts (10) 7.6%: Tiktok (6) Other responses: Ao3, discord, facebook, twitter, pinterest, books, reddit, forums
Q44: Do you have a favorite creator in the fandom? All creators that were mentioned are included here.
Passion of the Nerd (youtube)
@/jennycalender (tumblr)
@/lefrenchunicorn (platform unknown)
the_Eclectic_Bookworm (Ao3)
Summerfrost (Ao3)
@/all-seeing-ifer (tumblr)
Mona Fuchs (art prints)
Off Your Bird (platform unknown)
herinsectreflection (youtube if I remember correctly)
@/spikedru (tumblr)
Cass reacts (youtube)
Q45: What’s the most interesting lore in the show to you?  “the demonic dimensions and vampire backstories!” “The nature of morality and the self !!” “Vengeance demons and their whole thing.” “Everything with Ripper. And the Fanged Four.” “I think that the vampire lore is deliciously messy and because of that there is so much you can do when interpreting it. Do I wish it was thought about more in the show? Yes. Am I pretty happy with it as it is? Also yes. I can have both.” “The Potentials and Watcher Council setup” “The non-strength attributes of the slayer” “I think the soul cannon is an interesting concept.”
Q46: Which is your favorite Buffy ship?  Note: Looking back I worded this question particularly poorly. What I was curious about was ships with specifically Buffy because I feel there’s some debate in the fandom about it 47.6%: Buffy/Spike (40/84 votes) 34.5%: Buffy/Faith (29/84) 6%: Buffy/Angel (5/84) 1 each: Buffy/Cordy, Buffy/Riley
Q47: What is something you most want to change in the show?  Many responses talked about Seeing Red, the lack of POC in the show (and their subsequent deaths) and specific character arcs (especially Zander). “probably xander's weird like thing with buffy and how he was always subconsiously protective over her, like with angel, spike, and riley” “Nothing, I tend to love things/people as they are, the good and the bad” “The racism is pretty bad -- the way there are 0 people of color in the main cast, most recurring characters of color die, the First Slayer is treated in such a racist way, the Slayer backstory is so racist, the portrayal of the Chumash in "Pangs", the portrayal of Mr. Trick, Chao-Ahn's existence, the treatment of Nikki and Robin Wood, etc. So I'd like to change that. If you want a more easily-executed character-based answer, I'd remove Willow's 'magic addiction' plotline and give her a proper villain arc instead.” “Seeing Red character decision for Spike which was out of character for him even though he didn't have a soul” “Not to be basic but all of that? did not have to happen to women.” “so Jenny Calendar was my favourite character in the show on first watch, and although I think her death was done incredibly well and part of a fantastic arc, I would have liked for her character and the contributions she made to the narrative to be remembered more often in later seasons, especially when it seems weird to me that the characters never bring her up (e.g. in discussions about re-souling vampires, Willow's growing magical ability, or Giles' personal life, all of which she played significant roles in)” “Kendra lives!” “Anya deserved a better ending” “well riley never existing would be great, or maybe xander losing his crush/ possessiveness over buffy, but really i just wish her friends would cut her some fucking slack.”
Q48: Favorite funny line/gag in the show?  “anything harmony probably” “Out for a walk bitch” “dawns in trouble. must be tuesday.” “Joyce and Spike being awkward in the living room in "Becoming Part 2".” “I may be dead but I'm still pretty (that's the first that came to mind it's impossible to pick!!)” “well you were mythtaken” “Oz's line about the mayor and hummus gets me every time” “Grr Argh” “Tiny, Tiny, Babies! And other lines from Rupert Giles” “"One of these days you're going to wake up in a coma." Iconic, no notes.” “I’m 17. Looking at linoleum makes me want to have sex.” “Can I trade the children for more money?”
Q49: Favorite moment or scene? “Cordelia bullying a vampire into running away in "Homecoming".” “Either the "we're family" from family or Buffy and Giles in the car in innocence” “Anything spuffy really” “Willow and Tara floating as they dance together” “Rest in Peace” “Buffy getting the "class protecter award"” “the final fight between buffy and angel in the s2 finale” “The scene where spike has the gun to kill buffy but ends up just sitting with her on the stairs” “The confrontation between Willow and Xander in “Grave””
Q50: Anything else you want to share, feel free to infodump here :) “Okay, I mentioned little crossovers Buffy has had over the years? The basics of it is little nods, references, and shout-outs. The show itself connects to not just Dracula, but The WIld Bunch and National Lampoon's Vacation. Angel also connects to Aliens, Buckaroo Banzai, The X-Files, Evil Dead, Niel Gaiman's Sandman. The Official Continuation comics for Buffy also add Doctor Who and Godzilla. Yes, Really.” anon this is super interesting I had no idea “giles and jenny were constantly making out in the WORKPLACE in the halls in the classrooms in the library can u imagine how many students tried to go get A Book for School, the Place Where These Two Work, and had to leave bc their teachers were in there sucking face again. im obsessed w them”“I don't interact with the fandom almost at all but the amount of Xander hate is so weird to me like he's not perfect and I think that's a good thing? He's just kind of a guy and people are really weird about him. Really turns me off from the fandom. But I sure love seeing gifs, fanart, and deep dives into lore so I do still look at some stuff despite the hostility towards some characters that are very dear to me since I was a child” “I am mid rewatching the show with some friends, currently mid s4, so my memories are mostly there. One other moment I really like that I'm guessing no one else will put: Chanterelle asking if she can be Anne in S3E1. Also I developed my love of puns from Buffy :)” “I love that folks are still here for Buffy. That show feels like my religion.”
That's the end of the questions! Again, thank you all so much for completing it and I hope you enjoyed it.
(this took longer than I thought to write up and I have a headache, so if you see some mistakes in the grammar or wording or any inconsistencies please let me know! i'll edit it when i can)
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steven1123x · 6 months
A Half-Gem Boy’s Adventures In The Creek: Chapter one
Steven and Greg relocate from Delaware to Maryland in order to help Steven transition away from gem-related activities and towards a more typical life with peers his own age.
A mid-1970s Dodge Tradesman drove down a road in. The van was a white, two-door, open pickup truck with a unique design. The van has a large logo on the side that says “Mr. Universe." It appears to be a customized vehicle, as it is painted in bright colors and has a distinctive look.
Inside the van were two people, a man who had long brown hair, and a brown beard. The man wore a black T-shirt. He also had blue eyes.
Next to the man was a boy, who had curly hair, he wore a red star t-shirt, cuffed jeans, and salmon pink flip-flops.
But what was unique about the boy was that he was half alien — Half Gem to be specific from his mother’s side.
“Dad! why did we have to move?” the boy asked. His father looked at him, a concerned look on his face. He didn’t want them to move. But to keep his son safe he had to. The man spoke;
“Because, Schu-Ball. Pearl and the others wanted you safe and not involved in this stuff. I… I thought I lost you when Jasper kidnapped and held you prisoner. I was so scared that day. Maybe this new life isn’t going to be so bad. You're going to make a lot of new friends in Herkleton.”
Steven just sighed and looked out the window, the radio was playing rock music, and the boy put his palm to his cheek and stared out the window.
Twenty minutes later, they were in Maryland, Steven looked at the city. Greg turned to a neighborhood, it’s For Sale sign was still up on the front lawn with a little wooden board that said 'SOLD' on it in big red letters, Greg stopped his van
Steven sees a two-story home with a modern design, situated on a quiet suburban street. The house is painted in a light gray color and features a large front porch with a porch swing. The front of the home is covered with a roofline that provides an expansive outdoor living space for relaxation and entertainment.
The house is surrounded by lush greenery, including trees and bushes, creating a peaceful atmosphere. The presence of a car parked near the front of the house suggests that the owners have a driveway, providing convenient access to the home. The overall design of the house and its surroundings reflect the harmonious blend of nature and modern architecture, making it a desirable place to live.
Steven looked at the home in question…. It was nothing like the beach house/Crystal Temple, but. It was a house….
Greg grabbed the keys from the key box that was by the door, he stuck it in and opened the lock, the house was already fully furnished. Steven stands there at the front entrance. His dad put all of their things inside.
“Why won’t you help me, Sthu-Ball?” he asked.
Can’t he see that I’m hurting? that my friends are gone now because of THIS! CAN’T HE SEE THAT?
Steven wiped some tears that were coming out of his eyes. Greg saw him and put a box down, he was about to walk up towards him, but Steven backed away.
“I want to be alone,” he muttered
“I SAID I WANT TO BE ALONE!” he screamed. Without thinking, Steven ran out the door. he ran into the woods and kept on running, he wanted to go back home! he missed everyone, Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, Sadie, Lars, Buck, Sour Cream, Jenny, Kiki.
And Connie.
Steven ran and ran until he was out of breath as he put his hands on his knees, the boy heard something. The Half-Gem looked up and gasped, he saw a bunch of kids, He was looking at a lush green forest with trees and bushes, giving it a natural and serene atmosphere. There was a large cooler in the middle of the creek, surrounded by kids who were going to trade in stuff for snacks and supplies. A few other items can be seen scattered around the scene, such as a backpack on the ground and a bottle near the cooler.
In addition to the cooler, there are two smaller objects placed on the ground, one closer to the left side of the frame and another one on the right side. These objects could be anything from rocks or fallen leaves to small animals or other natural elements that have been gathered in the creek.
Steven walks to the cooler and reads the sign. ‘The Trading Tree.’ Steven saw a girl standing there.
“You have anything to trade?” A girl said, Steven looked at her. She has brown skin, dark brown braided pigtails with a widow's peak, and wears glasses. She wears a light blue shirt. She also wears a keychain around her neck with five different keys on it.
“Um…I’m new here. What is this place?”
“This is the Creek! I’m Kit, what’s your name?”
“Steven Universe.”
“Like the show?” she asked in disbelief.
“Is your middle name really after Rose Quartz?”
“Yeah,” he said awkwardly.
Kit knew that she’d seen him from somewhere before, and his name did sound familiar to her, she smiled “Oh, since your new. here is something for free.” she said pulling out a choco roll that came with two choco rolls in the rapping, Steven smiled.
“Make sure that you have something to trade for tomorrow, alright?” Steven smiled and gave her a thumbs-up. He walked away from The Trading Tree and found a log to sit down at to eat his snack.
Steven opened the wrapper and began to eat the sweet chocolatey roll. As a girl walks up towards him. Steven looked at the girl, she was about nine. the girl was fairly short She had peach skin, ankle-length strawberry-blonde hair tied into a large bun at the back of her head, she also had brown eyes. “Hello! I’m Steven.” the boy said, sounding much happier than he did before.
“Hi, I’m, Kelsey,” she said, extending a hand. Steven took her hand and shook it. The boy smiled at her. “Hey, you wanna meet my friends?”
Steven nodded and stood up. They both walked to an area with a tree stump, her friends were there.
“Hey Craig, JP! I’m back, and I met this boy!” she said. Steven still stood next to her Craig walked up.
“Hi, I’m Crag Williams!”
“And I’m JP.” the taller boy said.
Steven looks at both of them; JP is tall compared to most kids in the creek. He has light skin, a large head with proportionally smaller cheeks, black eyes, and eyebrows, and red hair.
He also wears a long-sleeve orange and white striped V-neck hockey jersey, black shoes, and tan pants with a tear on his right knee.
Then he looks at Craig;
Craig is of normal stature for a ten-year-old boy and is rather slim. He has dark skin, large eyes, similarly sized ears, a prominent flat nose, and black hair. His head is also large in proportion to his body, he is the same height as Steven.
“Hi!” Steven said.
“Hi!” Craig and JP both waved at the boy.
“Um, what do you do here?”
“You get to play all day until it’s time for dinner, or on weekdays until six, but we can play all day long since it’s summer vacation,” Craig said. Steven was confused by this until six, how come?
“Um, I have a question. Why until six?” Steven asked the three kids.
“We have school. So we get to the creek at three and play for three hours.”
“Oh, right! you're a gem. It’s a building that you have to go to and learn a bunch of stuff.” Craig said. Steven nods. He thinks it sounds miserable, being in a building for eight hours a day, sitting down in a classroom, and being told what to do by a teacher. He got that enough already from Pearl.
But, on the other hand… He could be a normal kid and go to school with them. Steven looks at them, he’d just met these kids a few minutes ago. “Hey, me Kelsey and JP are going to the Candy Bar, you wanna come?”
Steven smiled at that, Finally. No responsibilities of being a Crystal Gem, he can be a kid for once in his life! He looked up. “Alright! let’s do it!” he said.
They walked to the other side of the creek, which wasn’t being controlled by the king of the creek anymore, King Xaver. Kids can play freely without the king telling them what to do.
Steven was walking with them when they saw a large tree, and he took a second to look at it. He saw a hole that was made up of leaves, Craig, Kelsey, and JP all walked inside, and Steven did too.
He heard a piano playing, two boys were playing as kids of all ages were getting candy and soda from the bartender.
“Four sodas, please,” Craig said.
“Craig!” a boy said, walking behind the counter. Steven observed the boy; He had dark brown, chocolate hair, and burnt-sienna skin. His face flaunts a near-constant blush and he is thinner, as well as a little taller than Steven.
He also wore a tucked-in hoodie with gray shorts and white shoes.
“Hey, Shawn!” JP said.
“Hey, guys. How can I help you?”
“Can we get gummy worms and gummy fish with soda please?” Craig asked.
“Sure.” He said, pulling out four plastic mugs placing soda in each of them, and filling them up with the gummy candies.
“Thanks, Shawn!” he said carrying the two in his hands, then going back and getting the other two.
“Here, Steven,” he said, placing the pink plastic cup in front of him. Steven looked at it.
“Um… Is this even edible?”
“I drink it all the time!” JP said, putting his mug down, two gummy worms hung from his mouth. Steven picked it up and took a sip. He bit into the gummy candy and smiled.
“Hey!” he said, clewing it. “This is pretty good!” he said, continuing to eat/drink it. Craig, Kelsey, and JP all smiled.
Steven heard a tuba playing a single note and someone yelling ‘Dinner’
“What was that?”
“Oh, that’s the dinner tuba. It signals everyone to go inside and have dinner.”
“But… I have dinner whenever I want to.” Steven said, walking with Craig.
“Oh, but you want to go home right?
Steven nodded. they both went in the same direction to their houses. Craig opened the door to his house.
“Hey! It looks like we're neighbors!” Steven said, about to open his door.
“Yeah! well, see you tomorrow, Steven!” he said, going inside. Steven went inside the house as well. Then a familiar ringtone rang out, Steven smiled as it said ‘Connie’ on his phone’s screen, it was a picture of him and her in Beach City. Steven was holding up two fingers to make a peace sign. Connie was smiling and making a funny face. Her glasses were tucked in her shirt. Steven smiled and answered the phone.
“Hey, Connie!” Steven said happily, he was glad that he was able to talk to her on the phone, Maybe she could come over to spend a day in the Creek with him and his new friends.
“Hey! How’s Maryland?” that was her first question.
“It’s so fun! I met new friends and went to this place called the creek. it’s a vast place where kids can play!”
“That sounds so cool! Oh, can’t talk now, I'm going to have dinner soon, I’ll talk to you later!” Connie said, hanging up.
Steven went deeper into the house. He looked at some boxes on the floor that were unpacked yet. Steven texted his dad, wondering where he was. When he got a text back that he was getting sushi for dinner. Steven felt relieved that he wasn’t hurt.
The boy walked upstairs and went into his room, his room was fully furnished also with a bed and a desk. He sighed and started unpacking the box that said ‘STEVEN’S ROOM’ in a black Sharpie and a bunch of star stickers.
Steven opened the box and saw that all his stuff was inside. He picked up a purple controller that was tied up.
Probably Pearl did that. he thought to himself
He unpacked his posters. Then he found his GameCube that was at the bottom of the box. Steven set the purple Nintendo console on his desk with the controller that came with it, then he unpacked more stuff.
Greg reached the door with two boxes of sushi, one salmon for himself and one cucumber and avocado for Steven.
“Steven?” he called out, setting the boxes and his keys down on the kitchen counter.
Steven walked downstairs, hearing the sound of his father’s voice. The boy walked towards him, Greg smiled and knelt to his level. “Hey… You alright? you kinda got a little emotional a few hours ago.” Steven nodded in silence. Greg smiled once more.
“Come on, I brought us some dinner.” Steven sighed, grabbed his trey of sushi, then left. “I’m gonna go eat in my room.” Greg watched sadly as Steven walked upstairs to his room to continue unpacking. He walked out back and opened the sliding glass door and saw a man. He wore a blue polo shirt with white jeans and green shoes. He has curly black hair with a slither of gray in the middle and a black beard.
Greg waves at the man.
“Hey!” the man said.
“Hi! I’m Greg Universe!” he said.
“I’m Duane Williams.”
“Hi Duane,” he said.
“Duane! come and help me!” his wife called out from the kitchen.
“Coming, Nichole!” he said, walking back inside the house. Greg looked at his sushi for a few minutes, He put his sushi in the fridge and sat in the living room.
Pulling out his phone, he decided to text Pearl.
Steven’s phone played Your the Anchor That Keeps My Feet on The Ground by Mayday Parade. He was lying on his bed. He was halfway done packing. He decided to take a break, his tray of sushi was left on his desk, Steven sighed and turned his body, the boy sighed, he missed his home and his friends.
He can’t run away…. Maybe he can call Pearl to come pick him up. He paused his music and sat up. He scrolled down to Pearl’s contact and his finger hovered over the blue number.
He wanted to call her so bad. But he can’t do it.
Steven Quartz Universe, what are you waiting for, do it!
Steven sighed and put his phone down, he closed his eyes and went to bed. Another day awaited for him at the creek.
Steven opened his eyes, yawned, and stretched. He took his empty tray down to the kitchen. Steven went back upstairs, went into his bathroom, and turned on the faucet to brush his teeth.
Once he was done, he went to his closet and picked out a shirt, he picked out his red star t-shirt and slipped it over his head. Steven grabbed a pair of jeans and put them on, then socks with a pair of black Nike low tops and put them on. Steven looked around his room, he could unpack the rest of his things later.
He opened the door and walked down the hall. His dad was still asleep probably. it was eight in the morning, and he still hadn’t found a job yet, granted, they did move in yesterday.
Steven walked downstairs, his shoes touching the white tile flooring of the house, he went to the kitchen, but he remembered that they hadn’t bought any food yet for the house, so Steven decided to go next door.
Opening the door, the boy walked to the Williams house and knocked on the door. A woman opened the door. The woman initially was wearing a blue shirt with gray jeans and black shoes. She switched to wearing a black shirt with beige pants. She wears gold earrings. She has black braided hair.
“Hello, and what is your name?”
“Steven.” he said. The woman smiled. Craig had told her about this boy yesterday, and he’d also told her that he was half-alien.
“Of course. I heard from Craig you and your father moved in yesterday,” she said, Steven nodded. Steven walked into the house and went to the kitchen, Craig was eating cereal.
“Hi, Craig!” he said cheerfully.
“Hi, Steven! do you want to have breakfast with us?” Steven nodded and sat down.
Nichole handed him a bowl, Steven poured the cereal and milk. Then a boy walked downstairs in a work uniform. Steven looked at him;
He seems to be an average-height male who wears glasses with the whole top of his glasses black and he has tall black hair with shaved sides. He wore a green polo shirt, khaki pants with an apron with pockets on the front, he’s wearing red and white sneakers. The boy also wears a brown watch on his right wrist.
“Do you want some breakfast before you go to work, Bernard?” Nichole asked. Bernard shook his head.
“No,” he said, putting his backpack on his back, and grabbing his phone.
Steven turned to look at Craig. “Hey, Craig. where is your dad?”
“Oh, he’s probably looking for work. He hasn't found a job yet,” he said, putting his bowl on the counter, Steven stood up and did the same.
“Bye, mom! we're going to the creek now!” he said, running out with Steven following behind him.
Craig and Steven walked to the creek together. They saw Kelsey and JP waiting for them at the stump.
"Hey, guys!” Steven said.
“Hey!” Kelsey and JP both said. Steven waved. “Alright, what are we going to do today guys?” Craig said.
“We can be warriors and fight in the heat of battle!” Kelsey said, pulling out a PVC pipe taped with a piece of cardboard and a toilet paper roll.
“Yeah! And I will be your defense!” Steven said, summoning his shield from his gem.
“And we can be the bad guys who’ll try to destroy you!” Craig said, JP smiled and picked up a stick, Craig did the same and they played.
“Steven, cover me!” Kelsey said, Steven protected her as Craig and JP ‘struck’ them with their swords. Steven blocked the attacks.
‘Hey, Steven! you have anything to trade?” Kit asked.
Steven took out a few items from his pocket.
“I found this plastic ring in my room,” he said, putting it on the cooler, Kit smiled and nodded.
“Alright, Steven. What would ya like?” she asked, Steven thought about it for a few seconds.
“Do you have any chips?” he asked, Kit smiled and nodded, she pulled a lever that was attached to a filing cabinet, the cabinet pulled up and he saw slots for nine types of chips, Lays, Ruffles, Doritos, Cheetos, Pringles and popcorn. Steven looked at the section and thought for a few minutes.
“I want the ruffles, please,” he said, Kit grabbed the bag and handed it to him.
“Thank you, Kit,” he said, smiling at her and walking away from The Trading Tree.
Steven walked over to the stump. He then saw another boy he had his dreads in a ponytail with a single hair strand hanging on the right side and he was wearing a green shirt, that had light and dark green lines in a pattern, gray pants, and dark gray shoes.
“Hey, Steven! this is Omar.” Craig said, introducing the two boys to each other.
“Hi, Omar!” he said waving.
“So, Omar. how was that trip to California?” Craig asked, Omar popped the lollipop out his mouth and spoke;
“It was good, it was a lot of fun, I wanted to see the Walk Of Fame. That was cool!” he said. pulling up pictures from his phone, Steven looked at a gold star with a little TV set in the middle, and above it, it said 'STEVEN UNIVERSE’ on it.
“Woooah! Cool!” Steven said, stars in his eyes as he looked at the picture. Omar smiled and nodded.
“Hey, wanna go to the other side and go to The Creek’s Kitchen?” Steven was confused. These were some new places that he had never been to before. At the same time, he did move yesterday. So, he couldn’t complain much.
“Let’s go,” Omar said, walking ahead of them, Steven walked behind them, looking at the kids and the creek happily playing. Thankfully it was June, so he could play in the creek with Craig and his new friends.
“So, Steven. What was Deleware like?” Craig asked.
“It’s nice, I live on the beach, and my dad used to work at a car wash. And before that, he was a rock star.”
Craig remembered seeing an episode once where his father showed him a VHS tape about how his parents met each other. They both fell in love and eventually had Steven. But it came at a price. Rose and Steven couldn’t both exist, so Rose had to give up her physical form to birth to her son.
“That I know, and your mom gave up her body to have you,” Kelsey said, Steven nodded and put a hand up to his arm and rubbed it.
“You alright?” Kelsey asked.
Steven nods and they keep walking, they walk through the overpass to get to the other side.
The other side of the creek was a lot nicer than the other part of the creek, he’d been here yesterday to go to the Candy Bar, but it got more and more impressive to look at. Steven saw kids playing freely in the creek.
They walked to The Creek’s Kitchen — now called The Creek's Restaurant, he saw that the restaurant had tables and chairs set up. Steven remembers one time that he brought the Pizza restaurant and the Fry shop together in Beach City.
They all sat down, Steven saw a boy handing them menus. He saw the boy who was about his and Craig’s height. He has dark hair, dark blue-rimmed glasses which have one of the lenses knocked out, as well as a cast in a sling on his arm, due to his gathering mishaps.
“Hi, Craig.” the boy said.
“Hey, Tien,” he said waving, Steven looked over his menu.
Grilled Cheese,
Chicken tenders. (Buffalo, garlic, regular)
cookie selection (Oreo, chocolate chip, or frosted sugar cookies)
Coke Zero
Root Beer
Regular Milk
Chocolate Milk
Strawberry Milk
Steven read the items. They all looked good,
“How many pieces of chicken are there?” Steven asked. seeing no description of the item. Tien walked over to the boy.
“There are five tenders. And you have some choices of sauces like ranch, barbecue, buffalo sauce, and honey mustard.”
“I love ranch!” the boy smiles.
“And what would you like to drink?” the boy smiles.
“A Coke Zero, please,” Steven said, Tien smiled again and wrote it down on his notepad.
“What would you guys like?” Tien asked
“I will have the Sliders with a lemonade,” Craig said.
“Kelsey and I will both share the cookie selection and two glasses of Chocolate milk,” JP said, Kelsey nodded in agreement.
“I’ll take the grilled cheese with Kool-Aid,” Omar told him, handing him the menu.
“Alright, I will be back with your drinks shortly,” he said.
Steven pulls out his phone and gets a missed call.
Missed Call.
Steven swiped his finger to the right and put the phone on his ear. His fingers drumming on the table as it was ringing.
Craig looks at him, and Steven’s eyes keep darting from left to right.
“Hey, Steven. How are you?”
“I’m good, what are you doing?”
“I’m about to go train with Pearl.”
“Oh, are you at your house?”
Connie was packing up some stuff such as a tank top: shorts and his mother’s soward. “Yeah, I’m going to do some training with her,” she said, picking up her duffel bag and walking downstairs. Steven nodded.
“Okay, Connie. I’ll talk to you later,” he said, hanging up. Steven set the phone down and looked at the table.
Craig, who sat next to him, put a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Steven, you okay?” he asked his new friend, Steven nodded and waited for his snack.
Tien came back With their snacks and drinks.
“Here you go guys, your snacks,” he said handing them out, Steven smiled as he put his napkin used for his fork and knife on his shirt.
“Thank you,” he said, as he took his fork and took a chicken tender and cut it with his knife. Craig didn’t want to judge him too much, so he ignored it and ate his snack.
Craig, Kelsey, JP, Omar, and Steven all went back to Stevn’s house, they wanted to have a sleepover at Steven’s probably this week. Greg will have to talk to their parents on the phone first, Steven couldn’t wait! he can be a normal kid after all. He was so excited for this! He took a selfie with them and sent it to Pearl.
Steven’s phone buzzed and he looked at the notification
‘You guys look so adorable!’ then she sent an emoji holding back tears and smiling.
Steven chuckles to himself and puts his phone back into his pocket. They'd made it into their neighborhood, Steven pulled the key out of his pocket put it in the lock, and opened the door.
“Is your dad home?” Craig asked. Steven shook his head.
“His van is gone. He’s probably picking some stuff up at the store,” he said, walking farther in. They went to the living room. Steven saw something hanging on the wall, so he called someone.
“Excuse me for a second guys.” Opening the sliding glass door that led to the back, he tapped Pearl’s contact and put the phone to his ear.
“Hello?” Garnet’s voice was heard on the other end.
Steven looked back to the picture hanging above the living room’s couch, the picture was hanging in the temple after he was born in 2000.
He was trying not to throw up or pass out. His hands were shaking, Craig stepped outside and saw Steven holding his phone up to his ear and standing still. He stood there for a while. Crag walked up towards him, Steven stood frozen, not talking.
“Steven?! Are you alright, are you hurt?” Garnet asked Steven wanted to say something, but he couldn’t. He stared at the phone,
He stared at his cell phone with various icons and buttons displayed on its screen. In the center of the phone, there is a white caller ID labeled ‘Garnet’ with a phone icon next to it. The screen also has other icons, including a clock, a car icon, a letter icon, a heart icon, and a microphone icon.
The phone also features a speaker, a camera, and a mail icon. There are several buttons on the screen as well, such as a back button, a home button, a recent apps button, and a share button. Additionally, there is an arrow icon at the bottom left corner of the screen.
Steven put it on speaker, and then he spoke.
“Y-Yeah…. I’m here. And no I’m not hurt.” Garnet didn’t believe that for a minute, she could sense that something was wrong.
“Steven…” She said. Steven clenched the phone in her hand as she continued. “I can tell that something is wrong. Are you homesick?”
“I was,” he said, looking at Craig. Then he smiled, he had friends in Deleware and Maryland. And he loved going to the creek. “But after a day being in the Creek and playing with my new friends. I’m not anymore.”
“That’s excellent to hear, Steven! But why did you call exactly?”
“Um…” Steven said, as he walked up to the open sliding glass door and looked in the living room, and saw his mother’s picture up on the wall. She looked so peaceful and beautiful, yes. It was a picture but he could feel her watching them from heaven — or within him.
Steven was eating dinner with his father. The smell of shrimp pasta hung in the air. “So, how was your day, Dad?” the boy asked.
“It was good, Schu-Ball. You had fun at the Creek?”
“Yeah! hey Dad, I have a question.”
“What’s up?”
“Did the gems give you the picture of mom?” Greg nods.
“Yes, they did. Why?”
“No reason, I thought we didn’t have that in the house yesterday.”
Greg twirled his fork full of pasta and put it in his mouth. “Well. I asked Pearl and she said that I could take the painting, they miss her too as much as I do.”
“But you have me, Dad.”
Greg smiled, he stood up and ruffled his black curly hair, Steven smiled and stood up, putting his plate in the sink. Greg looks at him. “Why won’t you watch cartoons?”
“Aw, yeah!” Steven ran into the living room and jumped on the couch.
Picking up the remote and turning on the flatscreen TV, changed it to Nickelodeon SpongeBob Squarepants playing, Steven crossed his legs and watched the cartoon.
Steven was getting ready for bed, he took a shower and put his PJs on, and now he was in bed. he went to sleep, and a new day was upon him tomorrow.
A\N: Hey guys! This is a new story I’ve been working on! tell me how you like it, and I’ll see you later!
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jnstudios2 · 4 months
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Nicktoons Unite The Animated Series Episode One : The Adventure Begins
The nickverse and the universe were combined to create one cartoony universe. Humans and nick characters lived together in harmony in this 2d universe, until the syndicate attacked with their robot creations to try to take over the combined universe for themselves, scaring the nick characters and people into terror. It seemed the syndicate could finally win taking over the universe, but a spark of hope came to foil their plans. The nicktoons unite came to the rescue along with some friends like Jenny, el Tigre, Korra, and a few more to help them fight the bots and the syndicate from their evil plans. The syndicate fled as the team celebrated defeating them and protecting the universe from their evil, but they knew they would return and had to get ready for their next attack.
The team returned to their headquarters, the place where they stayed and where they got their missions. Jimmy lead the team into a laboratory, it was dark, the lights on the screens being the only light source inside. Timmy turner, Danny phantom, and SpongeBob SquarePants were wondering why Jimmy brought them here in this dark laboratory. “ what is this place it’s giving me the creeps?” SpongeBob said holding onto Danny scared when Timmy laughed. “ don’t be such a scaredy-cat, there’s nothing here to..” Timmy stopped when a clawed robotic hand grabbed him. Timmy freaked out when a voice spoke “ don’t touch that!” The voice said as Danny phantom and SpongeBob looked scared seeing another robotic claw hand grab a cube going back to the figure. The figure has four robotic arms and is high in the air looking at them with a glint of light on their sunglasses. Timmy tried to pull himself free from the robotic hand that grabbed him until it let him go when he hit the floor shocked. The figure landed on the floor and walked towards them. Out of the darkness of the laboratory was a girl with short brown hair wearing sunglasses with her green eyes peeking out. She wore a lab coat with a green buttoned shirt inside, and dark gray pants with a belt that was attached to something. She wore dark gray and silver boots and had four robotic-clawed arms on her backpack. She looked at everyone with a look and thoughtfully folded her arms while looking at them making them look nervous to wave at her. “ nicktoons unite meet Ella, she monitors, creates weaponry, and gadgets for us” Jimmy said as they looked at her as she pushed her sunglasses up “ nice to meet the other three members of the Nicktoons unite “ she said looking at them. “ Hi there, I’m Danny Phantom, ” Danny said, bringing his hand out to her to shake it. “ Ah the ghost boy himself, I’ve been fascinated by your ghost powers and your biology, “ she said, shaking his hand as he looked nervously “..thanks?” He said. “ And you must be Timmy Turner and SpongeBob SquarePants, you are quite interesting to research, “ she said, looking and examining them. “ Has there been any reports of attacks or anything yet, Ella?” Jimmy asked as she stopped examining the three. “ Not really it’s been quiet for a while” she told him until The alarm went off “ not anymore I guess” Ella said,checking it out. “ You want a mission? Well you got one in Orlando “ Ella said. "There has been an attack in the city, I’m talking about syndicate bots causing mayhem type “ she said. “ has to be the syndicate bringing out their toys again “ Danny said folding his arms in disgust “ finally some butt-kicking action!” Timmy said excitedly. “ take the self-flying ship there, I upgraded it with some slime weaponry from the last encounter, have fun with it, “ Ella said, then glared at Timmy. “ don’t break this one, I’ve worked on it to the best of my ability, if you break it you’re fixing it, “ Ella said glaring at him.
The team with Jenny and el Tigre who wanted to join in the fun headed out on the ship towards Orlando to see the mayhem the syndicate bots were causing. Broken windows, blasting at people and objects, and even stealing variables to please their masters. The bots turned up to see the ship flying as Danny and Jenny came out of it to fight them. Jenny unleashed her weaponry at them destroying them into pieces, Danny blasted his ghost rays and ice powers to freeze them then break them into tiny ice shards with his blast. “ My turn!” El Tigre smiled, jumping out of the ship, shooting his chain-clawed hand at them and wrapping them up as they tried to blast. Manny smiled, slicing the trapped bots in half as he pulled his chain back to him. The ship landed as Jimmy, Timmy, and SpongeBob joined in. SpongeBob blew bubbles and even used his karate gear to beat up bots, Jimmy blasted his tornado blaster and gadgets at them crushing them, Timmy wished to be a superhero and was crushed with his superhero powers. The bots didn’t stand a chance against the powerful team, it was like everywhere they went someone was there to kick their butts and turn them into scrap. A beeping went as they all gathered to see what was happening. “ You may have defeated our bots, nicktoons unite, but we the syndicate always return and soon the universe will be ours to command haha” professor calamitous said as they growled hearing his voice. “ self-destruct in 10 seconds “ the bot said as they freaked out. Danny grabbed them all and turned them intangible when the bots blew up making the whole city shake violently making it hard for Danny to focus on being intangible. The shaking stopped as they all opened their eyes to see a giant hole where the bots were and sighed in relief that Danny maintained to make them intangible to avoid the explosion from the bots. “ is everyone okay?” Danny asked them. “ si amigo, “ Manny said “ I’m all intact, “ Jenny said. He let them go and then walked towards the huge hole “ those could have blown us to bits!” Wanda said. “ ooh I wonder what it will be like,” Cosmo said as everyone looked at him like “seriously”. “ they just don’t know when to quit” Jenny said while folding her arms “ it’s the syndicate, what did you expect really? They won’t rest until they take over the universe, “ Timmy said, a bit annoyed at her. '' and destroying our sleep schedule, “ Danny added as everyone agreed with that.
But the time for celebration was cut short
Because a mysterious figure named Chosen Warrior looked mad at them and blasted at them with her glowing blue powers. This mysterious figure was a phantom sorceress, but the reason why she was angry still remained a mystery. SpongeBob noticed the blasts “ hey guys look! They're shooting fireworks for us!” He said happily as El Tigre saw them “ umm I don’t think those are fireworks” he said as Jimmy looked shocked. “ Look out!” He said as everyone took cover and Chosen Warrior landed with her black gloved fist to the ground, shaking the city like an earthquake from the impact. Everyone looked at her as she stood up and glared at them with her glowing sea blue eyes with black pupils. She was wearing a black shirt, gloves, pants, boots, collar cape with sea blue in it, a sea blue blue top hat with black rim on it, and a blue heart shaped necklace that glowed blue. Her hands glowed blue as she blasted a few kinds of rays at the team as Danny created his shield to block them, angering her as she flew towards like a spinning drill to slice through and punched Danny into a building. “ charge!” Timmy said as Jenny and el Tigre charged towards her and fought her, but she was good at fighting, very good, as she didn’t fear these three fighting him. El Tigre swiped at her as a glowing blue bo staff appeared stunning him “ well, that ain’t good “ he said as she swung her bo staff showing impressive skills with it to block his claw swipes and Jenny’s attack as she smacked them away from her and blocked Timmy’s attacks with cosmo as a giant green mallet and Wanda as a backpack full of tricks keeping her at her feet with her powers and fighting skills. While this was happening, Jimmy aimed at her trying to blast her with his tornado blaster, but she noticed it kicking Timmy out of the way and throwing her bo staff like a boomerang towards him. This shocked him “ what In the nebula?!” He said as it smacked his tornado blaster out of his hands and back to her. Jenny kicked her as she caught herself and swing her bo staff like a baseball bat to hit her when she flew towards her into a wall “ wow, she’s good “ el Tigre said “ but I’m better “ Timmy said as he had his wish blaster blasting at her as she spun like her bo staff like a fan to block it all stunning him. “ or not “ he said stunned to see this, she sensed Danny flying towards her and fired her rapid fire ray at him, but he became intangible and tackled her through a wall and crashed into a game when they both turned tangible to hit it,
Metal and shards of glass flew everywhere when they made an impact on that arcade game. She kicked him off of her as he caught himself and she got out to see her bo staff gone and growled at him “ what is your problem?” He asked her. “ You will never understand!, “ she told him, “ maybe if we talk about it, we could, “ he told her. “ not going to happen '' she said, showing her fists at him as he got ready for her, who was like a lioness ready to pounce with that anger burning in her. She lunged at him as the two got into a fist fight, showing off their martial arts, and their skills. They were both impressive, it was like these two were evenly matched and they couldn’t lay a hit while fighting. Danny blasted at her with ghost rays when she caught them then fired them back at him to hit him with his own attack. Chosen warrior lifted some arcade games with her powers and fired them at him while he flew away or became intangible to not get hit by them as they crashed onto the floor. “ cheap magic trick magician “ Danny said to her as she growled glowing blue “ that’s sorceress to you!” She said with her collar cape flying in the gust and swiped at him, but he dodged and went behind her. “ the top hat says otherwise “ he said, blasting her “ oof!” She said as she crashed into the prize center with a thud. She got up by using the counter with silly string all over her and heard him chuckle “ what’s the matter? Feeling silly?” He joked. She growled as she turned invisible then drop kicked him back into the floor then grabbed him and ran him through the counter, making sure he hit every single prize on there then threw him off. She winced while holding her head, she was struggling to control herself. Unfortunately for Danny, she growled at him while still holding her head with one hand and looking at him with her sea blue eyes. “ Why are you this angry?” He said softly to her as she looked at him “ you’ll never understand the pain and suffering I had to endure” She said clenching her fangs in anger as her blue heart shaped necklace glowed to show her anger stunning him. She lunged at him, clawing at the columns to slice some and even damage them while Danny became intangible. She used her powers to try to get him until she got distracted “ I wish to be a superhero!” Timmy wished as he chinned her to a wall and slumped down to the floor.
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El Tigre and Timmy tried to punch her, but she phased through the wall to avoid them then grabbed Danny’s foot “ oh boy” he said when he was thrown towards the two. They all slid on the floor to hit a wall, getting dizzy from how hard they hit it “ ooh I see stars” Cosmo said chuckling while dizzy. Jenny air tackled her as they both flew into the air until she pushed Jenny off of her, then turned invisible to stay out of sight to hit her a few times confused of where she went. A few more hits went as Jenny was blindly firing to find her as SpongeBob and the rest were getting out of the way “ Jenny, watch where you are shooting at!” Jimmy hollered at her “ sorry” she said as Chosen Warrior blasted her invisible. “ ok that’s it!” She said as she put on her infrared contacts to find where she was going to attack next. Chosen warrior was in her sights as Jenny grinned “ gotcha!” She said hitting her with her boxing glove gadget to send her into a wall dizzy from the unexpected attack Jenny did. “ Ready when you are, I can do this all day “ she told her as she looked at her after recovering from the impact. “ So can I” she said as her gloved fist glowed blue and clashed with Jenny to create a bright glow like you would see in a light show at night. The two clashed a few more times at top speeds then pushed each other off “ you’re good..but I’m better” Jenny said unleashing her weaponry at her. chosen Warrior fired her rapidly fired ray to hit the rockets “ we’ll see about that “ she said as she spun around in her ecto tornado to have the rockets hit it and explode then came roaring at Jenny. She freaked out when it came after her and stuff started to get sucked into it making it really difficult to stay out of its way. But no matter how hard she tried, she was unsuccessful when a token machine hit her and sucked her into the tornado and got hit a few more times with some stuff while inside as she got punched out of it. A giant blue ghost wave smacked everyone as they all slid. She landed with an angry look “ do you all have any idea what I’ve been through?!” She growled as she lifted games with her powers stunning the team. “ cause I believe you don’t “ she said,firing them at the team as they recovered then destroying the games to create a cloud of smoke after how much they were destroying in their path.
A few seconds passed
The cloud smoke was still covering everything, but she was suddenly tackled by Danny as they both slid and saw that he was hugging her when they both stood up. “ we may not know what I’ve been through, but if you can calm down, maybe we can help you” Danny said, trying to get her to calm down so they could talk about this. “ let..go!” She said as she shocked him with her ghost stinger “ ahhhhh!” He said until he let her go and she backed off from him. He recovered after a while from her shock “ why are you so angry?” He said, rubbing his head, still getting over her shock as she growled at him. “ why? Why?!” She roared at him, scaring him. She glowed blue “ I've been through so much pain and suffering! , my heart has been shattered by the ones I trusted!, and you ask why I’m so angry?! “ She said, blasting at him as he blasted back to clash with hers. “ it must have been painful to learn that, I too have been through something like that” Danny said “ nothing like I have been through! “ She said, pushing her blast closer to him. “ I had my parents chasing me around when I was like this, they called me horrible names and threatened to hurt me like tearing me molecule by molecule, so I know how it feels “ he told her. She looked a bit stunned then snapped out of it “ no, you’re being like them, tricking me into believing your lies! I won’t let that happen..AGAIN!” She roared, pushing it even closer to him. “ no..that’s not it…I’m trying to help you..not trick you” he tried to tell her as the blasts suddenly created a giant bright light, stunning the two. “ uh” he said “ oh “ she said shocked “ everyone take cover!” Jimmy hollered when he saw it and everyone else took cover when it created a giant explosion to send the two flying into the food court on the other side with a crash.
Everything suddenly became quiet for a bit as the whole food court was a mess. A Broken table, soda hoses flying everywhere, and the tiles cracked with the two on the floor still trying to recover from the giant explosion that they just took. Eventually, they did recover with Chosen Warrior getting up stunned to see Danny badly hurt “..what have I done?” She said quickly getting up scared and heard the team hollering his name. She didn’t hesitate flying up to turn intangible to phase through the roof “ wait!” Danny said when he saw this , but she was gone. “ Danny, are you alright? “ Jenny said checking on him when the rest of the team arrived to see him. “ yeah I’m ok, but she fled scared” he said to them. “ good, she should be afraid of us!” Timmy said as everyone looked at him “ I think you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover sport” Wanda said “ nah, it’s more fun to do that” cosmo chuckled annoying Wanda . “ Well before you do that, you should know that something is clearly angering her, I learned that when we blasted at each other” Danny told them. “ And didn’t she say," Do you have any idea what I’ve been through? “ El Tigre said as Jenny agreed “ she did say that, and that should be evidence for what Danny is saying” Jenny added. “ But she attacked us, she’s clearly a bad guy” Timmy said ignoring what they were saying as Wanda looked at him “ like I said sport, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, and you should really listen before judging her like that” she said to him. “ yeah turner” jimmy said annoyed “ will we ever see her again?” SpongeBob asked them when Jenny helped Danny up from the floor. “ I dont know if we will or not,..but who knows?” Danny told him as Jimmy was typing on his wrist “ well all I know it’s getting late and we should be heading back to get some sleep” he said as everyone agreed. “ can’t late for class again, Mr Lancer wouldn’t like that one bit “ Danny said as Jenny said “ my mom would freak out if I was late for school “ she said. “ Mr Krabs wouldn’t like me being late for work, I did it once when I was one minute late “ SpongeBob said as they all went into the ship once they made it. “ you know he’s overworking and underpaying you right?” Danny asked him. “ nah he wouldn’t do that to me and squidward “ SpongeBob said as they both were seated and ready to go. “ Even though he sold your soul for 62 cents “ Jimmy said softly and activated the ship when it roared to life and started to fly out of the city and open a portal back to the headquarters.
Once the team arrived at the headquarters, Ella was tired but she activated the portal to take each member back to their home world to get some rest and get ready for the next day in store for them. Once they saw their home world, each member waved goodbye to the others before entering the portal to head home. Every member was home except for Ella and jimmy “ well I guess this is goodnight neutron, I hope you’re ready to have your winning streak of the science fair broken tomorrow, by yours truly” Ella said confidently and chuckling with her clawed hands
Showing how sharp they are. “ We'll see about that, I expect you to bring your a game to be a good runner up” Jimmy said as she laughed “ let’s just hope that Carl or sheen ruins it, cause my creation is foolproof!” She laughed then yawned loudly. “ ooh, I need to get some sleep, I’ve been working non stop today” she said rubbing her eyes “ me too, we need to get some sleep if we are to bring our a game at the science fair “ Jimmy as Ella tapped on her nicktoons watch. “ see you tomorrow, neutron” she said as she disappeared out of the lab to head Home on the other side of retroville. Jimmy went to his room with his robot dog snuggling against him to get some sleep as well as the other members. But SpongeBob was wondering if they’ll ever meet that mysterious girl again, he wanted to give her a big ole hug to make her feel better.
Speaking of which, where was she now?
She was still in Orlando while flying in the city, stunned by what she just did. “ What have I done? ” She said while flying, shocked “ oh I hope that he didn’t see that” she said, a bit nervous. “ Oh but I did,” a wicked voice said as she saw the ghost syndicate of evil smiling while folding his arms and stopping her in mid air, stunned to see him. “ plasmius, I..” She said but he stopped her “ no need to explain yourself my dear, you did a good job showing those fools..who you are” he chuckled getting closer to her stunning her. “ I didn’t mean to, I lost control of my anger “ she said defending herself but plasmius wasn’t hearing it. “ Oh stop with the excuses, they make you look soft to our enemies, and you don’t want that, right?” He told her. “ ..no” she said softly then landed on the roof of a building. “ The Nicktoons unite are our enemies my dear, a bunch of fools who are to help others and be the protectors of the universe? Pfft” He said annoyed. “ But you gave me great entertainment while watching your battle against them, oooh what fierce energy and power you have “ he smiled pointing to her chest. He grabbed her hands “ that’s what I like to see, a fierce sorceress who doesn’t let anything stand in your way “ he smiled at her, pleased to see this fierce side of her. But then he saw the good side of her, annoying him “ I still didn’t mean to” she said softly. “ Who cares if you meant to or not, it’s still a great battle for you, and soon you will have them in your grasp “ he told her. “ Why do you still insist that they are friends? What exactly have they done to make you trust them?” He asked her. She was about to answer then stopped herself, realizing that she didn’t have an answer for his question as he watched her “ can’t think of one can you?” He said. She held her arm with her gloved hand while looking at him “..I can’t “ she answered him softly “ so if you can’t think of a reason why you can trust them? Then that should be your clue that they are our enemies, right?” He said. “ ..right” she said slowly still doubtful about that, but pleased him that she acknowledged him.“ but I’m still in hot water with them, and I still didn’t mean to, it was an accident “ she said as he looked annoyed then put his gloved hand on her shoulder “ we’ll work on that, but for now we should be getting some rest..” he continued while smiling wickedly “ we got fun and exciting things to do tomorrow “ he laughed while hugging her. “ Come along now dearie, shall we be going?” He said walking away from her and she watched the cityscape for a bit “ I’m sorry..nicktoons unite “ she said softly so he wouldn’t hear her. She was still feeling bad for attacking the nicktoons unite and slowly followed him into the darkness to disappear to not be seen in the city again.
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shuffled (sort of)
I was tagged for this by @lurkingshan and it looked like fun, so I made up a way to participate even though I don't listen to music on any of those services that people tend to use for these things. The closest I get is listening to things on youtube so I made a list of songs the YT algorithm suggested to me. That list was a bit long so I used a random number generator to pick ten. Well, I really hit paydirt. I couldn't have come up with a better list if I had chosen it all myself.
And then weeks went by and I sat on this nearly-finished post for no good reason! Now I'm dusting it off and getting it out of my drafts.
I'm never big on tagging people on these things, it makes me incredibly anxious. But after this much time has passed, I really can't imagine doing it. That said, if anyone reads this and feels inspired to do it too, please consider yourself tagged.
Orange Juice - I Can’t Help Myself
One of the best tracks on my favorite Orange Juice album. This is a really good distillation of their sound that shows their influences really clearly (postpunk, classic soul, the Velvet Underground, Chic, the Buzzcocks, etc. etc.) while showing how they did something with them that's completely their own. It doesn't hurt that no one sounds quite like Edwyn Collins.
SZA - Ghost in the Machine
For a couple of years now I've been trading song recommendations with a close friend of mine. In other words, we take turns giving each other a song to listen to. It's been great, in part because our tastes are pretty danged different (though with enough overlap to have common ground). I've found out about a lot of amazing stuff through her but I don't think there's a song that has stuck with me more from this project than Ghost in the Machine. This song just keeps giving me goosebumps after...it's been a year and change, I think.
Taemin - Criminal
Years ago I asked my old internet friend Kate (who I've been interacting with since our livejournal days) about kpop. She has always been better than I am at keeping up with new music and I knew she knew a thing or two about it. She gave me a short list of songs to check out and Criminal was on it. It didn't quite click at first but it stuck in my brain somehow. I came back to it later and boom. It clicked big time. It reminds me of a few things. The la-la-la part definitely has a debt to Kylie Minogue's Can't Get You Out of My Head and the lead-up to the chorus reminds me of Roy Orbison's I Drove All Night. It has a retro quality that probably makes it more palatable to a middle-aged listener like myself but when I hear the synthpop tones of my childhood through a contemporary filter I don't get nostalgia so much as a distorted time-warp feeling (in a nice way).
Brave Girls - We Ride
A while back I was emailing back and forth with another friend of mine who I talk to about music a lot--wow, I didn't know that was going to be such a theme here, but I love it--and we were talking about new and old East Asian pop genres. He made me a list of a few recent kpop and jpop songs that he thought were reminiscent of city pop, an 80s genre out of Japan that's a favorite of his. There were quite a few winners on that list but this song is the one I've listened to the most. There's another theme: sounds from my formative years filtered through a contemporary lens. I can see why my friend associated it with city pop. The combination of disco/funk elements (like that choppy Nile Rodgers guitar part) and soft pop (the harmonies, the synth strings) fits right into that category. These elements were everywhere when I was a kid but they didn't get put together in this way.
Tsunami - Be Like That
This song about a has-been ex-boyfriend is more relatable to me in my 40s than it was when I first heard it in my 20s, but that's how old Jenny Toomey was when she wrote it. I've never gotten super into Tsunami despite liking a couple of their songs quite a lot (this one, and Valentine, from their album Deep End). I should probably revisit them. They always had a way with washy guitars and interesting chords, and Jenny Toomey's voice is legendary for a reason. (The version of I Only Have Eyes for You that she recorded with Grenadine, her side project with Mark Robinson from Unrest and the drummer from the Eggs, makes really good use of that voice. It's fucking exquisite and literally gives me goosebumps.)
Spoon - Me and the Bean
This one's a bit personal. I was active in the indie rock scene in Austin in the early 'aughts when Spoon was transitioning from their status as a cautionary tale of major label abandonment* into the period where they reached greater heights on an indie than that major label ever would have allowed. That scene wasn't very big so it's not surprising that in addition to Girls Can Tell-era Spoon being nearly omnipresent for a period of my life, I also have some personal connections there. Anyway, people seldom notice that this song is a cover. I never saw the Sidehackers, the band who originally performed the song (I'm not sure if they even managed to record it). But if this song ends up being what people remember most about them, it would make a respectable legacy. I don't know the later Spoon stuff as well as this era, but back then, there weren't a lot of Spoon originals that were as overtly emotional as this one. (You didn't typically hear a line like "I have your blood inside my heart" in an original Spoon song.) Britt Daniel may not have written this, but he doesn't hold back in his performance. So I always appreciated how it balanced out the more emotionally reserved style of the other songs on Girls Can Tell.
*They channeled the experience into songwriting to good effect. "The Agony of Lafitte," about the A&R guy that signed them to Elektra before the label screwed them over, is probably my favorite Spoon song.
the Chills - Pink Frost
I feel like so much has been written about this song that there isn't much point trying to say anything about it. It has a truly important place in the history of New Zealand indie music, and the events surrounding it are pretty interesting. But mostly it's just a really well-crafted piece of dark, sneakily poppy post-postpunk. Among people my age with similar tastes to mine, I can't think of a song that ended up on more mixtapes. (Though a friend of mine always used to say he regretted that he couldn't really put it on mixtapes for girls he was interested in because of the whole murdered girlfriend aspect of it.)
Veronica Falls - Misery
This song is obscenely catchy. It only takes one listen to get me singing it to myself in the kitchen for months. It's pretty fun to sing to oneself, in the kitchen or otherwise, but I'm sure it would be a million times more so if you could reproduce the harmonies with a partner. Veronica Falls really are unparalleled in the harmony department, and it's even more enjoyable because they usually use those pretty harmonies to sing about morbid, depressing things. And that juxtaposition never feels like a schtick to me, which it easily could in the wrong hands.
Bolbbalgan4 - Dream
I've gotten into quite a few songs because they were featured on kdramas, but this is the only song where it happened the other way around—I liked it first, then watched Hwarang because of it. There was a video for it on youtube with clips from the series and the song made the show seem more interesting. Not to imply anything negative about the series, I think there's a lot to be said for it. But it was this song that made me want to watch it. I love this kind of super emotional kpop song that's so plentiful in kdramas. Maybe it's because during the decades when rock music was de facto banned in South Korea the country's dominant genre was the ballad. Maybe it's because of that particular brand of despair that kdramas excel at so much, coming up in a slightly different setting. This type of song is just more emotional in a certain way that any other genre I've run across. And this particularly example is, to my mind, the pièce de résistance.
Shearwater - Breaking the Yearlings
This is one of the highlights of Animal Life, which is my favorite Shearwater album. It took me a while to warm up to Shearwater. The thing that really sold me on them was going on a whim to see Jonathan Meiburg play a solo acoustic set in front of a tiny audience at the Cactus Cafe. I think maybe some friends of mine opened for him or something, because something must have gotten me in the door. I ended up being really glad I went. Meiburg's set was downright mesmerizing, and I was sold on Shearwater from that point on. This particular song gets in my head a lot because the washing machine in my building puts out this one repetitive tone when you're starting a load of clothes that is really close to the opening notes of this song.
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nathaylee · 3 months
“Hello, Jenny,” the man said. There was a strange emphasis to how he spoke such simple words – and, hang on –
Jenny sat up. “How do you know my name?” she asked suspiciously. The harmonies of the hum deepened as Laser Grid Girl also looked at the man askance.
“Oh, you might say I know your dad,” he laughed…
Ruby’s in the middle of saving the inhabitants of the Moon of Praxis – just a typical adventure with the Doctor – when a mysterious stranger swoops in to help. When the Doctor learns who she is, he’s determined to get her back where she belongs.
hello I'm alive I think???? and my interest in Doctor Who has been roused from its slumber?????? Russell absolutely got me by bringing Tate and Tennant back (and has been killing it ever since)
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Auradon background characters named;
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Judy the guidance counselor.
Nessie, daughter of Marlon (Ariel's cousin).
Elle of Tirulia, Eric and Ariel's daughter.
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Christopher 'Topher' Thompson, Great Nephew of Smee.
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Tsunami, Niece of Ariel.
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Harmony, youngest daughter of Ariel (girl on the right) and her friend, Cascade (daughter of Ariel's friend, Coral).
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Jamilah, daughter of Jasmine and Aladdin (@cleverqueenchild 's oc).
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Girls in the back:
Chi Fu's daughter, Min.
Roger and Anita's daughter, Amy.
Chien-po and Su's daughter, Chao.
Girls in the front:
Jehan Frollo's daughter, Jeanette Frollo.
Prince Lars Westergaard and Charlotte La Bouf's daughter, Princess Carolina Westergaard la Bouf of the Southern Isles.
Ling and Ting-Ting's daughter, Tyra.
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First girl is Naveen and Tiana's daughter, Nina. Twin of Tyrone. @cleverqueenchild 's oc.
Girl behind Chad is Chi-fu's daughter, Min.
Girl behind Doug is Prince Lars Westergaard and Charlotte La Bouf's daughter, Princess Aloisia Westergaard la Bouf of the Southern Isles.
Guy behind Doug is Prince Lars Westergaard and Charlotte La Bouf's son, Prince Brendan Westergaard La Bouf of the Southern Isles.
Guy next to Doug is Naveen and Tiana's son, Tyrone. Twin of Nina.
Girl behind Audrey is Ling and Ting-Ting's daughter, Lian.
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Demurra Foxworth, daughter of Nibs and Jenny Foxworth.
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Dude in yellow: Genie.
Other dude: Coach Jenkins (canon).
Explanation: it said somewhere Genie was a teacher so since most of the coaches I knew doubled as a teacher, I figured he was this dude. Also I thought it would be funny because I saw a theory that Coach Jenkins was the Genie in this fanfiction and no one ever really mentions this dude, so I asked myself 'WHAT IF HE WAS THE GENIE' like I was in an episode of watcher.
I'm also just lazy and couldn't really picture him as one of the mentioned teachers. So...
Also ngl people don't write enough about Coach Jenkins, the one true MVP adult in descendants and that's a shame.
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sunnydaleherald · 5 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, May 7
Riley: “Well, hey! Willow – and Xander, right? Jeez, what are the chances, huh? Yeah, I was just passing by when I thought I heard people inside.” Willow: “Passing by in your GI Joe outfit?” Buffy: “No offence, but you do look wicked conspicuous.” Riley: “I do? But it’s... – Paintball! Yeah, I was playing paintball. And then the aftershocks...” Xander: “So you’re one of the commando guys, huh?” Riley: Oh, no, no, no, no. Commando? No, I mean... (Notices Spike) Don’t I know you?” Spike: “Me? (Affecting a bad Texan accent) No. No, sir. I’m just an old pal of Xander’s here.” Riley: “Oh. That’s nice.”
~~Buffy Episode #67: "Doomed"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Bright New World (Connor, G) by CoffeeHunt
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If Only (Buffy/Spike, T) by Gabby
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In Harmony (Buffy/Spike, M) by Desicat
He Brought Flowers (Buffy/Spike, T) by Lilacsandorangeblossoms
[Chaptered Fiction]
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In the Company of Witches and Slayers Ch. 26/100 (Willow/Tara, E) by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer)
From Dancing to Dating Ch. 3/4 (Jenny/Giles, T) by Bobbie23
A Long Time Coming Ch. 11 (Xander/Dawn, E) by wnelson001
I hate the way Ch. 6 (Buffy/Giles, E) by DancingAngel0013
hit rewind Ch. 53 (Buffy/Spike, E) by untiljanuary
Angel Doesn’t Know Ch. 5 (Buffy/Spike, E) by My_Barbaric_Yawp
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Lightning in a Bottle, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, T) by violettathepiratequeen
Something Lingers, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, E) by goodbyetoyou
Hand in Flightless Hand, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, E) by tragic
A Ripple In Time, Chapter 22 (Buffy/Spike, E) by CheekyKitten
Maclay Down, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Soulburnt
The Neighbor's Point of View, Chapter 102 (Buffy/Spike, G) by the_big_bad
Because the Night, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, E) by CheekyKitten
Rise of the Wolf Queen, Chapter 1-2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by DaniellaWidget
Bathroom Wall, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, E) by hulettwyo
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The Kitten That Killed Slayers, Chapter 1-2 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Desicat
Early One Morning , Chapter 39 (Buffy/Spike, E) by all choseny
Coming Through, Chapter 62 (Buffy/Spike, E) by hulettwyo
Good Girl Gone Bad, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Maxine Eden
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Dawn Rising Ch, 62 (Buffy, T, LotR xover) by Luna
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Riley and Spike by MadeInGold
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Artwork:Spike & Dusk by isevery0nehereverystoned
Artwork:Buffy & Spike by https://www.tumblr.com/elysianfieldsarchive/749843730148868096?source=share
Artwork:it’s slay or be slayed out here by goldfish-inhaler
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Video: Buffy + Spike - I Believe in a Thing Called Love by Buffy + Spike - I Believe in a Thing Called Love
Video: Faith Lehane x Good Luck, Babe by lesbianboyfriend
[Reviews & Recaps]
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I’m So Evil, And Skanky, And I Think I’m Kinda Gay (Bad Girls) by herinsectreflection
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PODCAST: HELLMOUTH HOMOS: Goodbye Iowa by Fear Queers
[Fandom Discussions]
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Giles asks Buffy if she’s spoken to Dawn about the incident on Halloween by nicnacsnonsense
I think Willow’s suggestion to use a spell to erase Buffy’s memories of Heaven would have actually been a good idea, if she had just first asked Buffy if she wanted that. by nicnacsnonsense
Honestly, I feel so bad for Dawnie. by nicnacsnonsense
What the heck was Giles thinking during the summer between s5 & s6? by nicnacsnonsense
Wait, no, let’s go back to Anya’s Spiderman suggestion, I think she’s onto something with that. by nicnacsnonsense
I ultimately find Ben a very uninteresting character by nicnacsnonsense
On episode 6x3 by nicnacsnonsense
Another thing about watching how good Dawn is with Buffy by nicnacsnonsense
I forgot that Buffy blows Giles off about going over the bills together by nicnacsnonsense
You know, thinking about it, it’s kind of weird that Willow and Tara were the ones to move in by nicnacsnonsense
So what I’ve heard about the Trio by nicnacsnonsense
Buffy is working in the magic shop by nicnacsnonsense
One problem that s6 has by nicnacsnonsense
It’s a good thing the Halloween episode had Buffy foisting the parenting of Dawn off on Giles because otherwise ... by nicnacsnonsense
Something about how right after Buffy was resurrected Dawn & Spike were the only ones who knew how to treat her gently by nicnacsnonsense
Sweet deciding to waive the Queen clause by nicnacsnonsense
I for sure remember being so excited the first time I watch Once More, With Feeling by nicnacsnonsense
The ritual stops when Dawn’s blood stops flowing, right? by nicnacsnonsense
by nicnacsnonsense
by nicnacsnonsense
it always gets me by moistvonlipwig
arent angel and spike btvs canonically like. an 18th century irishman and a 19th century briton. by tauremornalome
Maybe not the worst plot point on Buffy the Vampire Slayer but one that has stuck with me by quasi-normalcy
Made a list of some various ways in which Kendra could have continued to appear in the show after Faith. by coraniaid
just watched AtS 3x01, "Heartthrob" by misskittyspuffy
riley is legit like "buffy isnt giving me enough love and attention bc shes too busy with her sickly mother" by leechjam
spike literally foreshadowing his future relationship with buffy in s5e10 by leechjam
I like how Spike is a source of strange comfort by breezybeej
had the thought "if the slayer lineage started in africa, how did the watchers council in england come to be in charge of everything" by leechjam
Looking for a spuffy fic! by oohlordhealthisbike
why the fuck arent they using Fire magic in fights against Vampires. by abadbadbrujah
One of the things I love about Buffy the Vampire Slayer by isagrimorie
so there’s a scene in Something Blue by tana-draws
wesley and willow were truly wonderful executions of teacher's pets. by justafriendofxanders
Top 5 bangel moments that make you scream cry and throw up. by sulietsexual
I still don’t understand how resurrecting Buffy made her Thee Slayer by theredpharaoah
Buffy and Riley Imploding?? by sftwolfstar
I love that Spike just doesn’t seem to give a shit about sunlight. by breezybeej
I really want to note how much early S3 establishes the issues that are going to drive Buffy’s long breakdown in seasons 6 and 7. by inconsistentlywrittensoul
Drusilla and Oz by thedeathscar
drawing/explanation of buffy and/or dawn summers scars/design? by pzyii
Maybe today I am thinking about Giles by hal-1500
I can’t believe there are humans walking this earth that watch seven seasons of Buffy being crushed under the weight of the literal world by raisedbythetv89
a helpful reminder for any Tara Maclay meta or fanfic by lightdancer1
I will also note re: Tara and her darker side by lightdancer1
That also said: by lightdancer1
I think I would have enjoyed watching the s5 Fred plotline swap Wes and Gunn’s places. by justafriendofxanders
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Question about vampires! by Moptop
how they dressed by silvermoon72
Wishlist: Pairings on BTVS/AtS We Needed More Of? by Multiple Authors
What If: Wesley arrived earlier? by xxstaindrosesxx
What If: Angelus had bitten Jenny? by xxstaindrosesxx
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What are some times Angel was nice to or helped Lorne? by The Whirlwind
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Aside from Buffy Giles Riley and Wood, who dusted their first vampire? by Hepcat10
Holtz death scene by Frosty-Inevitable657
Buffy: "I had you to bring me back" by Moonycoves
Which Buffyverse characters fit this? by Monkeys_Racehorse
Buffy connection by Flimsy_Reveal4399
This gets me every time. by ahawk90347
Not a fan of the Slayer origin story by brwitch
What is the best one liner from the show? Go... by Prestigious_Donut905
I just finished watching the show for the first time. I'm so depressed by Ordinary-Gal
Sunnydale residents not acknowledging the supernatural actually fits in the Buffyverse by ginime_
What's going through Spikes mind in this scene? by sushibananawater
Better physicist: Winifred Burkle or Sheldon Cooper? by TeddyKGB1
What if Adam succeeded in changing Riley? by albus_thunderdore
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inmytwilighteraagain · 3 months
Hello! I would like a free tarot reading!
1 . Am i meant to be very famous one day( like be an it girl)?
2. Will I be a billionare?
3. Could I be very famous in kpop and be an EGOT?
4. Will I be at harvard as an undergraduate until 2026? What i need to do to be there?
5. What path i need to take to be highly famous ( like Jennie Kim level or Lalisa level)?
6. Can i be a famous person that people recognize the talents ? Like because i want to go back to draw, paint, dance and sing. I want to start in compose my own songs, design clothes, do sports , speak many languages ( i already know portuguese, english and intermediary japanese and spanish), be a leader, learning new things every day, model, acting and be a filmmaker.
7. What i need to do to have a huge glow up ( being unrecognizable)?
8. Does my future spouse is rich, famous and foreigner ( i am asking this because my birth chart say that).
thankssss 💕💕💕
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A. Will you be a very famous it girl?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Ace of wands
1. the Ace of Wands is a positive sign, indicating that you have the potential and passion to become an "it girl." The outcome will depend on how you channel this energy and pursue your goals.
B. Will you be a billionaire?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Nine of pentacles
1. The Nine of Pentacles indicates that you have the capability to accumulate wealth and achieve a high level of financial success, but it does not guarantee billionaire status.
C. Famous in K-pop and be an EGOT
Card(s) pulled;
1. Knight of wands
1. The Knight of Wands encourages you to be proactive, adventurous, and willing to take risks to achieve your ambitions in the music industry. It also encourages you to be proactive, adventurous, and willing to take risks to achieve your ambitions in the music industry.
D. Will you be a Harvard undergraduate till 2026 & what you need to do to get there
Card(s) pulled;
1. King of cups
2. The star
3. Three of cups
4. Ten of wands
1. To achieve your goal of becoming a Harvard undergraduate, the King of Cups advises you to approach your academic journey with emotional intelligence and maturity. Cultivate a balanced mindset, stay calm under pressure, and nurture strong relationships with mentors and peers.
2. This card symbolizes hope, inspiration, and guidance. It suggests that you have a clear vision and aspirations for attending Harvard. The Star encourages you to maintain faith in your abilities and dreams. Set clear goals, stay focused on your path, and believe in your potential to achieve admission to Harvard.
3. To enhance your chances of becoming a Harvard undergraduate, the Three of Cups advises you to build a supportive network. Engage actively in extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or community service that aligns with your passions and showcases your leadership and teamwork skills.
4. To reach your goal of attending Harvard, the Ten of Wands indicates that you must be prepared to handle academic challenges and workload efficiently. Manage your time effectively, prioritize your studies, and seek help when needed to lighten the burden.
E. What path do you need to take to be highly famous?
Card(s) pulled;
1. The world
1. to be highly famous according to the World card, focus on mastering your craft, seeking global recognition, maintaining authenticity, achieving significant milestones, and making a meaningful impact.
F. Can you be a famous person with recognisable talents?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Temperance
2. Three of pentacles
3. The empress
1. To become a famous person with recognizable talents, Temperance advises you to approach your pursuits with a balanced and harmonious mindset. Cultivate patience as you develop your skills and navigate your career. Avoid rushing into fame; instead, focus on steady progress and long-term growth.
2. To achieve fame with recognizable talents, the Three of Pentacles suggests that you should focus on honing your skills to a high level of proficiency. Collaborate with others in your field, seek constructive feedback, and strive for excellence in your work.
3. The Empress indicates that you possess innate talents and creativity that can captivate others. To become famous with recognizable talents, embrace your creative abilities fully. Express yourself authentically, explore different avenues for showcasing your talents, and nurture your ideas with care and passion.
Combined interpretation:
Together, these cards suggest that you have the potential to become a famous person known for your talents. Focus on cultivating balance and patience, mastering your skills through collaboration and recognition, and embracing your creativity with confidence
G. What do you need to do to have an unrecognisable glow up?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Three of wands
1. To achieve an unrecognizable glow up, as indicated by the Three of Wands in tarot, you should focus on expanding your horizons by stepping out of your comfort zone and actively seeking new opportunities for growth. Set clear goals and create a strategic plan to transform aspects of your life or self-image, embracing change with ambition and resilience. Seek opportunities to expand your skills, knowledge, and social connections, and maintain a forward-thinking mindset focused on your long-term vision for personal evolution. By taking proactive steps and staying committed to your journey of growth, you can achieve a significant and unrecognizable glow up that reflects your inner transformation and newfound confidence.
H. Is your future spouse rich, foreign and famous?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Queen of cups
2. Knight of pentacles
1. It suggests that your future spouse will have a nurturing and emotionally supportive nature.
However, it does not specifically indicate wealth, foreign origin, or fame.
2. It indicates that your future spouse will be hardworking and focused on building stability and security, which could imply financial responsibility and potential for wealth. However, the Knight of Pentacles typically suggests a more modest and steady accumulation of wealth rather than immediate or extravagant riches. This card does not strongly indicate foreign origin or fame.
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still, thanks for the request!!
6 notes · View notes
smolwritingchick · 9 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 48- Don't Steal The Beef!
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Chapter Summary: For episodes 7 and 8 of King of Masked Singer, Jen goes on the show as a guest judge, shocked to see Taeil revealed and fangirls over Ailee. BTS are back on Weekly Idol. Jennie watches a video message that an idol made on the show as she looks forward to making another friend.
Words: 5,000+
------ At the Ilsan MBC Dream Center, Jennie sat with the other guests, wearing white high waisted jeans, a white top, a black beanie with her curly hair down and one of many favorite pairs of Nike sneakers. She was elated that she was asked to join these two episodes of King of Masked Singer.
The announcer opened up the show, recapping what happened in the previous episode.
“Let’s enter the first gate to see who’s the 4th generation of the Mask King. We’ll begin the duet singing!”
Before the show, Jennie had talked with the other judges, and they were pleasantly surprised that she wasn’t singing on the show and decided to be a judge instead. She had told them that she would love to sing on the show once she improves her vocal skills and to keep their ears open because she could be on the show at any time.
She was looking forward to blowing viewers away once her vocal skills improved. She enjoyed shows like this, where all that people would focus on is the vocals, not the looks. 
She and the rest of the judges watched the first competition, which was between high frequency pair antennas and daddy cheer up.
Jennie, being a harmony expert when it came to her vocals, paid close attention to the two competitors as they sang The Blue in You. She had no idea who was who and couldn’t give any guesses to the judges as they assumed the man was tall and might be PSY under the mask.
As soon as she heard the woman sing, under her pink mask, Jennie felt her stomach drop. 
That voice soundly painfully familiar.
Someone that she’s frequently listened to over the years. But she might be wrong and didn’t want to assume right away. But something in her body was telling her that the person that she was thinking of was the person under that mask. And if this is the person that she’s thinking of, then she has no idea how she will react when she might be able to see her face.
“Jennie, have any idea who any of them are?” Bong Sun asked.
“Something in me is telling me that I’ve heard the woman's voice before. But I dunno if I want to make a guess, yet.” She answered as she continued to listen to the vocals. 
‘I think I know who that is...and if this is her, I think I’m going to pass out.’ Jennie thought as her butterflies got even worse. 
She was not ready to be in the presence of this woman if this was who she thought she was.
This could be the woman she’s thinking about because Jennie has watched a lot of music shows this woman has been on and knows how she handles her microphone and how she sounds. As she continued to listen to her powerful but controlling pitches when she sang, Jennie decided to go with her gut.
‘This has to be Ailee.’ She thought to herself as she exhaled and tried to calm herself down.
After their performance, and sharing a few laughs when the man playfully pushed the pink antenna woman, the judges talk about how good their voices are together.
“The harmony was A-1! Loved it, it’s so nice.” Jennie added.
“One of the great duet songs in Korea. Kim Hyun Cheol and Lee So Ra’s. Both of them sang in a different way, showing different feelings. Now, this is the time for the judges to do the voting. Number one is High Frequency Pair Antennas. Number two is Daddy, cheer up! Please vote for the voice that you’d like to listen to again in the next round!” The announcer said.
Jennie automatically pressed number one to vote for High Frequency Pair antennas. She was eager to listen to more.
Once it was revealed that high frequency pair antennas was the winner with the result of 54 vs 45 votes, Jennie was thrilled that she was still in the competition.
“I’m so happy. I will show you a better stage at the next round.” High frequency pair antennas said. 
Her voice was on a high pitch to avoid revealing her real voice.
For the next round, Jennie eagerly watched as Hardware store boss Kim walked onto the stage. 
“I like that mask.” She commented.
“I agree, he’s cool.” One of the judges remarked.
The next contestant was named SangAmDong whistle. The judges point out that the first guy has long hair. Jennie noticed how shorter SangAmDong whistle was and liked his outfit choice because it reminded her of the movie Kill Bill.
The one behind the mask was none other than Taeil, who had a hidden smile on his face, thanks to his mask as he saw his friend being a judge for the show. He was happy to see Jennie and wondered if she’d be able to recognize him. 
They sang together back at the MAMA Awards, last year. 
Will she remember how he sounds?
The judges eagerly listened to the two contestants sing Only Feeling you, as Jennie swayed side to side in her seat to the beat while watching the contestants dance.
“The one in yellow looks so cute.” She murmured. 
As she listened, she placed her hand over her heart when she heard Whistle’s voice and strong vocals. Their voices blended so well together. This would be a tough choice to vote for.
“That harmony! My ears are in love!” She said as she continued to watch them perform.
After they were finished, the judges discussed how confused they were about who they thought was who. When the voting started, Jennie decided to vote for number 2, which was the whistle.
“Why did I think of Kill Bill?” She asked herself as SangAmDong Whistle introduced himself and talked about his love for Bruce Lee. 
So, that’s why he wore his outfit.
“Why do I keep on thinking that you are Nam Chang hee?” One of the judges asked as some of the other judges agreed. “You are a gagman, right?”
A brief pause before Whistle asked in confusion, “What?” as everyone laughed.
The judges assumed that the one in the yellow was used to performing and had a nice voice, and requested him to play with his nunchucks. Everyone laughed at his efforts. 
The two contestants were requested to sing briefly to a song for a short duration of their real voices. They heard the first contestant but when it came to SangAmDong Whistle, it sounded like he faked a voice to keep his identity withheld, causing everyone to laugh.
“What!?” Jennie laughed.
“What was that? Was that your real voice? Whistle!” One of the judges called him out, causing everyone to bust out in laughter again.
After the banter, they reveal the results. They said that the celeb judges were all the same and it looked like the votes were in favor of Whistle. 34 votes to 65. 
Jennie laughed out loud as his celebratory dance. “He’s so adorable!”
For the next set of filming, for the first stage of the second round, High frequency pair antennas came on stage. The judges start discussing how high her heels are and that she takes good care of her body. She chose to sing for her solo stage, for you, as Jennie and the rest of the judges watched closely.
There was something about her voice that made Jennie start to tear up.
There was no mistake about it.
This woman was her favorite singer.
It had to be Ailee.
She studied so much about Ailee, that she had a strong feeling it was her, from her hand motions and the tone of her voice. Jen had a bright smile on her face, as judges started to notice that she may know who it was. She tried her best not to freak out, but she ended up doing so, silently.
With her eyes closed, Jennie focused on the voice, and once she sang that high note, it was no mistake that this was Ailee.
Sang Am Dong whistle was next for his solo stage, as Jennie couldn’t help but focus on his walk.
“I’ve seen someone walk like this before, but I just can’t remember...” She murmured.
Sang Am Dong had decided to sing Doll.
Once the voting began, Jennie had decided to vote for high frequency pair antennas despite loving both of them. She wanted to say that it was Ailee but decided to stay silent because she was so tongue-tied and nervous. But a judge did reveal that she couldn’t hide her originality and that it was Ailee.
When asked about Sang Am Dong, Jennie voiced her opinion, “You sound experienced, I have no idea who you are. You’re definitely an idol.”
“You know me.” Sang Am Dong replied.
“I do?!” She asked in surprise, causing the judges to wonder. “I only know a select few idols so far. Can you give me a hint?” She requested but he playfully refused her offer.
Once they announced the winner of the third round, which was paired antennas, Sang Am Dong took off his mask. After he put on his glasses, he turned around to reveal his face to the audience.
It was Taeil from Block B.
Jennie dropped her jaw and stood up, while the audience, especially the women cheered. “No-way!”
Taeil smiled at her and nodded. “Way.”
“Hold up! There is no way!” She exclaimed while applauding. 
How could she miss how his voice sounded if they sang together at the Mama Awards?
For the third round, Paired antennas performed again, as she sang Bruise. Jennie jammed out in her seat as she listened to Ailee sing. Her voice sounded more like Ailee, as she went all out for this performance. And Jen was loving every second of it.
“Yassss! WOO!” Jennie stood up and applauded after she ended the song with a high note.
Once CBR Cleopatra and Paired antennas were on stage together to see who would be in the final round, it was declared that Cleopatra won the most votes and became the nominee of the fourth generation of mask king. The votes were 41 to 58.
“Sadly, you are eliminated.” The host told paired antennas. “We will now reveal the identity of paired antennas who’s sadly eliminated.”
Once she took off the mask, Jennie couldn’t help but freak out a little as she saw that it was exactly Ailee in the flesh
“Korea’s best skilled singer! Ailee!”
“Thank you!” She happily laughed and bowed, fixing her hair. She was even hugged by Cleopatra.
“She received a lot of love and voting. Are you disappointed?” The host asked
“I thought that I got figured out too quickly. I have expected that Hyun Do oppa will figure me out immediately. Because we did several recordings together. I’ve tried my best to hide it but he’s like a ghost. But since I can show all the songs which I’ve prepared, I’m really thankful!” She responded with a bright smile.
‘This woman isn’t real. She is so damn precious, I swear’ Jennie freaked out in her head. 
She wished that she could’ve spoken up and said something but her butterflies got to her and she was just too nervous and stunned that she was here.
After the show, Jennie managed to catch Taeil backstage, giving him a big hug. She expressed how much she missed him and how impressed she was with his singing.
“You know, you should be on the show.” He suggested.
“I want to. But I want to be on the show when my singing improves. I’ll get there. And I’d love to be able to make my parents cry when I sing. I always dreamed of that. That’s one of my goals. I dunno when I’ll accomplish it but if I could do that, I’ll feel like I can do anything. Ugh, I’m just upset I couldn’t see Ailee. But I was over there all awkward and nervous, I want to be cool and calm when I meet her.”
Taeil chuckled. “Good things happen to those who wait. Who knows, there may even be a better opportunity to meet her instead of backstage at this show. Don’t beat yourself up. You’ll meet her.”
“That makes me look forward to the future.”
Taking a selfie with him, she posts on Twitter, ‘I-MISSED-THIS-GUY! #HaveANiceDay #AllMyPartyPeopleReady!’
“Weekly idol!” Doni and Coni announced
“The people who are here to visit Weekly Idol this week came here once previously,” Doni said.
“They are back here again after 1 year and two months.” Coni added. “This is late, but we didn’t know they would do so well. But now, they are doing really well. They are now our family!”
“They are suddenly our family?” Doni laughed
“They need to become our family. And looking at their choreography this time, I feel it once again that these kids are really doing well.”
BTS watched backstage as the hosts bickered back and forth.
“Weekly Idol needs BTS! Our BTS!” Doni announced as they walked out and did their greeting.
“Since you guys are doing well, why is Rap Monster wearing his home wear.” Doni pointed out to his outfit which consisted of a pink shirt and camo pants, causing the studio to laugh. “Rapmon, whose fashion is that?”
“I tried a variety.” The leader replied.
“Why did you try?”
“I got criticized a lot.”
“Your attempt...failed!” Coni blasted him. “I think your original style will be better.”
When asked about their album, Rap Monster explained it. He was teased that he had an uneasiness with his fashion and that he hid his face with his cap, causing laughter among the members.
After talking, the show proceeded with Random Dance Play, for the second time. Jimin confidently said that he wouldn’t be easy to catch if he made any mistakes because he practiced. The hosts also told them that they would buy them anything they wanted to eat, only if they succeeded on the first try.
Once the music came on to play the beginning of I Need U, the members scrambled onto the floor, for their beginning pose. The song skipped to the chorus as the members hurried to their positions. Jimin ran to the front but started to become unstable, looking back to make sure he
was making the right moves. The hosts caught him but decided to let him go this time.
The chorus of Boy In Luv came on, as Jennie began to look puzzled as to where she was supposed to be, along with some of the other members. She tried her best not to make it so obvious as she stood in the back, looking around to figure out what dance moves to do because it had been so long since they performed this song.
‘Goodbye, shaved ice.’
“Can we get like, one more try?” Jennie laughed as the members tried to protest with Coni about the number of mistakes they had made. Doni decided to let BTS have one more chance, to show good teamwork, boosting their spirits.
I Need U came back on towards the beginning as Jennie felt V’s pain with having Hobi sit on him. But once they restarted the song in the same section, V had to go back to the floor with Hobi on his back. He ended up struggling to sit up this time and Hobi fell back.
“Ahhhhhhhh!” Doni and Coni yelled.
“Why are you like this?” Rapmon asked.
Jennie laughed and grabbed V’s hand to help him up. “It’s okay, don’t worry. You did well.”
“You guys keep making mistakes during the first part. Shall we exclude the two of them?” Doni asked, gesturing to V and J-Hope.
“Ah, please!” V begged
“The two of us?” J-Hope asked.
“Shall we try with the six of you?” Doni suggested
“But I’m the choreography leader though,” J-Hope informed, which led him to have the members try the dance without him.
“To make the person who made a mistake focus, let’s go for a toy hammer as a punishment.” Doni requested.
As the members danced again with synchronized dance steps, J-Hope noticed that Jimin had made a mistake during Boy In Luv.
“Jimin, couldn’t find his spot.” J-Hope pulled him away from the others.
Coni received the toy hammer and handed it to J-Hope so he could do the honors. Jimin bent down while Hobi smacked the hammer on top of his head, causing him to let out a soft groan, rubbing it in pain. He slowly went down to the floor as the hosts tried to see if he was okay.
“Shame on you, J-Hope. Mm-mm-mm.” Jennie shook her head.
For the next segment, the members and hosts are seated for the Idol King Selection Competition. Jennie sat in between Rapmon and Jimin, for the segment. The hosts decided that they would give the group Korean beef, which boosted their mood, but they warned them that not everyone could eat, and only the person who won the game would get the beef.
“It’s never that easy, is it?” Jen sighed.
Since their official grill meat master retired, they have BTS’ manager, Sejin, to take the empty position as they watch him come out, and the members laughed and applauded.
“When do you feel the happiest being BTS’ manager?” Coni asked him
“When they cinched 1st place.” He responded, as the members happily grinned and applauded.
“Here is the first game. Unpretty Dance King!”
‘The person who is able to dance excitingly will become King or Queen.’
V was first as he stood up while Sexyback came on. The members tried not to laugh as they watched him.
“I’m weak!” Jennie covered her mouth as she watched him dance sexily by moving his hips to the beat.
The next song was for Suga and Jennie tried hard not to laugh as everyone watched him close his eyes and body roll slowly. But then he started to go down, performing the I Need U body roll, which caused Doni to hit the xylophone.
“Your expression is not good,” Doni declared. “And most importantly, you cannot recycle your own dance moves. You recycled I Need U dance moves, right?”
“That’s right,” Suga answered.
“You can’t do that. Let’s have Suga dance again. Please give us the music.”
Once the song came back on, Suga went down on the floor, to grind but was instantly stopped once again.
“Oh no!” Miss Bangtan covered her mouth.
‘Dirty dance not allowed’
“What is allowed then?” Suga exclaimed as he got back to his seat.
“No American dance!” Coni warned as he was eliminated from getting the beef.
Next was Jin, who exhaled and stood up. Once the music started, he began nodding to the beat but was stopped because he was just listening to the music and not dancing. Once the music started back up again, Jen cackled when he dropped to his knees, headbanging to the beat, before bouncing around.
“We have never seen this before!” Coni said with praise.
“You kneeled down on your knees!” Doni remarked in amazement.
“I am this team’s main dancer,” Jin said confidently, catching Doni’s heart and is now in first place for the beef.
Next up was Jungkook, who had to dance to some electronic music. The members continued their chorus of laughter as he randomly moved around, loosely in a joint dance.
‘Shoulder bones which control the rhythm.’
But once he spun on his back on the floor, the hosts yelled in surprise, causing him to take the first place spot. “He really became one with the music.” Doni praised. “Next up, our pink boy.”
As soon as Chris Brown’s Turn Up The Music came on, Rapmon danced frivolously, causing him to be stopped, twice. The third time, the members couldn’t stop giggling and Rapmon received the nickname, Pink Soul.
“Miss Bangtan, you’re up next!” Doni announced as she stood up.
“Let’s do this!” She said with confidence.
An instrumental of Jennifer Lopez’s Get Right came on and she immediately started dancing freely. Then she dropped down into a split, taking the hosts off guard as she heard the three dings, meaning that she was now in first place.
“Ayeeee!” She celebrated after standing up and went back to her seat.
“That took me off guard. I thought she hurt herself.” Coni exclaimed.
“She is always full of surprises.” Doni looked on.
Jimin was next but ended up using too much of his waist for a children's program as Doni called him out on it. Lastly was Hobi, who effectively started dancing, as his mic fell off. Doni even started dancing with him and declaring Hobi the winner while the members applauded. 
J-Hope received the crown and the beef. But out of nowhere, Jennie decided to swipe a piece of beef from Hobi.
“Ahhhhh!” Doni and Coni yelled, pointing her out as she looked around, wondering what was wrong. “You stole the beef!”
“I took one!”
“Punishment!” Doni yelled as he walked up to her, making her get out of her seat. The members laughed as she complained
“I just wanted one bite!”
“No excuses! Punishment!” Coni shouted. “Let’s make her dance for five minutes to various songs. And if it’s not to our liking, she’ll have to do it all over again.”
“Are you serious?” Jennie groaned.
“Jennie is the boy group expert. She knows a bunch of their dances.” Jin called out.
“Is that so? Show us!” Coni announced.
“Ah, it’s a bit embarrassing.” She grinned nervously.
“I want to be entertained or there will be consequences.”
“Oh boy.”
“You got this Jen!” Jimin cheered.
“All this over beef?” She shook her head. Having no choice, she got in position.
“You familiar with Monsta X?” Doni asked
“I’m high key one of their biggest fans.” She answered happily.
“Then we’ll start with trespass. Get in position! I want to see you dance like you’re a part of their group!”
Kneeling on the floor, she waited until the music came on. Her facial expression changed into a serious one as she moved side to side with the beat. Once the chorus came on, she performed the movements sharply and with aggression, just like Monsta X does.
Impressed, Coni requested to go to the next song.
‘Oh, she wants me! Oh, she’s got me!’
The chorus of EXO’s overdose came on as she dropped to the floor, smoothly kicking out from side to side. The members looked on in awe as they watched her dance.
‘The members are charmed’
The next song that came up was the chorus of GOT7's A.
“Did you see how big her smile got when GOT7 came on!?” Doni pointed out. “What do you think of that BTS?”
“Is there something we should know?” Rapmon questioned with fake anger, crossing his arms.
“What’s going on Jennie?!” V called her out with the studio laughing at their banter.
“I’m smiling because of the mood of the song! Stop distracting me!” She tried to stay focused.
“LIES!” J-Hope yelled.
As she danced to various songs, the last one was GOT7's Stop Stop It as another smile came across her face.
“How come she smiles for GOT7!?” Jimin exclaimed with a giggle.
“Somethings up!” Jin pointed out while Jen happily lip-synced the song while dancing.
“Well done!” Doni and Coni shouted as she sighed out of relief and bowed. She was applauded by the studio for her efforts.
“I am very proud to see her focused and on point with the dances. But Jennie, how come you don’t act this enthusiastic when we do our dances?” J-Hope asked, feeling jealous as everyone laughed. 
“I do!” She disagreed. “I do fangirl over other groups in my special way, which is learning their choreography in my spare time.”
“Any particular group,” Coni questioned. 
The Bangtan Boys stared at her, hard, as she laughed nervously at being put on the spot.
“There IS,” Jungkook yelled.
“Spill it!” Jimin shouted.
“...7...” She murmured.
“What was that?” Coni asked.
“GOT7.” She answered.
“GOT7!?” J-Hope’s jaw dropped, as the members freaked out.
“Watch GOT7 become GOT8, now.” Jin joked.
“I just really like their style and work ethic. I wouldn’t mind collabing with others. If BTS and GOT7 could collaborate, that’d be awesome.” She smiled at the camera
“Since we are on this subject, who else do you want to collab? And then I want the rest of the members to answer.” Doni requested.
“A lot of people and the list is growing. To name a few, I’d like to collab with Ailee, Zico, CL and Hyuna. I’m nowhere near their level yet. But I hope to work very hard to push for a collab with one of them one day and earn the opportunity. I have a long way to go.”
For the next round, called Cringey acting King. Coni revealed that they managed to get hold of BTS’ special video clips. As soon as they showed Jungkook’s video, V screamed and jumped out of his seat, while the others cringed.
“I knew this would surface sooner or later.” Rap Monster sighed while Jennie snickered at the members freaking out. “I said it will appear one day.”
“I protested strongly against it!” Suga got out of his seat
They were showing clips of the guys’ videos they made for a Japanese game they filmed over a year ago. Jennie wasn’t a part of it, but she was amused at how much they were panicking over it.
“This is the first time I’ve seen these. Hahah, why does their hair remind me of Edward Cullen? I’m cringing!” She looked on.
Those hairstyles were awful to her. Who greenlit this?
Suga let out a yell of despair as he watched his clip, falling down on his knees.
For this round, they requested that every member act with cringeworthy lines. The person who made Doni and Coni have the most goosebumps, wins. When they revealed Rap Monster’s lines, he couldn’t stop cringing as he placed his head down, jumping up and down in his seat.
‘It’s the first time...that I like someone so much. Even if the world is filled with enemies, we will still protect the woman we love. Even so, you’re my woman.’
“Jennie, would this statement woo you?” Doni asked.
“No, not even close.” She shook her head.
Rap Monster was the first to go as he made eye contact with the camera. 
“It’s the first time...” He started off but got stopped when Doni banged on the xylophone.
“It is too light,” Coni said.
“Do it like the Japanese version, a little stronger,” Doni added.
The leader started again, “It’s the first time...that I like someone so much. Even if the world is filled with enemies. We will still protect the woman we love. Even so, you, are my woman.” He finished while Suga yelled in disgust.
Next up was V, who turned in his seat to yell, “Don’t appear in my dreams! Because I will keep thinking about you...” he trailed off because he kept noticing everyone laughing.
“How was that, Jennie?” Doni asked.
“I’m...a little scared.” She answered, earning laughter from everyone in the studio
The hosts requested that Rap Monster try out the line. “Don’t make me say this twice. I...even if I hate you, I still like you.” He winked.
“I just wanna punch him.” Jen made a fist, bewildered at how cringeworthy he sounded.
“You can rely on me at times. Do you think you can escape from me? I’m going to keep liking you.” Jungkook was the next one to go.
“Are you a Japanese?” Doni asked the Golden Maknae, as he and Coni mocked his confession, but praised him for his acting. 
Rapmon was still in first place while J-Hope was the next one to go. He got into character, blowing everyone away with his acting skills, “You...can just look at me only. When I look at your smiling face, I become happier.”
Jennie couldn’t help but stiff a laugh as she tried to hold it in, watching him.
“Is it because I like you?” J-Hope went on, as Rapmon stomped his feet and Suga kneeled from his seat, laughing silently. “It doesn’t matter! Isn’t it? I lost...because I fell for you.” He dramatically said with everyone yelling in disgust once more.
Jimin was next, as he looked at the camera seriously and sighed, but then he started laughing because he was dragging it. 
He was praised for his sigh and tried it again. “No matter what happens, I’ll be right by your side...don’t show such expression to other people other than me. Don’t MIA from me.”
Rap Monster was announced the winner and received a crown, while he ate Korean beef. 
“How is it?” Coni asked
“Now, I won’t make you lonely anymore.” Rapmon went back into his acting persona, causing everyone to groan. “If you like other guys, I won’t forgive you.” He picked up a piece of pork, about to place it in his mouth but stopped.
“Stop!” Coni yelled.
“Just eat it, now!” Doni yelled
“EAT!” Jennie shouted as the members continued to laugh. “Weird!”
The last round was called King of Destruction. The person who tears off the most number of pages from a calendar will win. 
The staff brought out a table with eight calendars. Jennie grabbed hers and sat on the floor with Suga, Tae and Jimin.
“3...2...1...go!” The hosts announced as the eight members began tearing away at the calendars. 
Papers were flying all over the place, as the hosts laughed.
“Ahhhhh!” Hobi slammed his calendar on the floor, giving up. 
Exhausted, the members reveal their dates. Jin got up to July 31, Jennie got up to August 1, Jungkook came up to August 4, V went up to August 17, Jimin had January 2, Rapmon didn’t tear in order and if he did, he would have gotten September 2, so V was the winner of the round.
“Okay, V, we will give you a chance to share it with one person.” Doni allowed.
V smiled directly at Jennie and walked over to her. Grabbing her hand, he made her get out of her seat and escorted her to the table. The members complained, calling her out and that she shouldn’t get any meat because she stole a piece of Hobi’s beef from before.
“Y'all suck, I hope you know that. I’ll remember that when you want me to bake for you. I’ll give them all to V, now.” She got back in her seat, with the members contemplating on their choice for calling her out if it meant they couldn’t eat her baking.
“Lastly, before we get into the closing segment, Jennie, you have a video message,” Coni informed her, as her ears perked up.
“I do? This is a surprise. Who is it from?”
“A member of a new girl group that was on the show earlier this year,” Doni explained while they show the video.
There was CLC sitting with Doni and Coni, and Yeeun, who so happened to be a part of Jungkook and Jennie’s grade a SOPA, was the one who sent a message.
Yeeun was asked if there was any group member she would like to meet. “I would like to meet Bangtan Sonyeondan's Jennie. She seems like a very sweet person. And I admire her dancing. We go to SOPA together, but I never approached her. Sometimes, I get a little shy.” She giggled.
“Why don’t you send her a greeting,” Doni suggested.
Yeeun looked at the screen and smiled, waving at the camera. “Hello, Jennie! This is Yeeun from CLC. You dance and sing so well. I hope to work just as hard as you. I would like to be friends with you. Let’s hang out sometime! Fighting!”
As Jennie watched, she giggled. “She’s so cute, that makes me feel really good about myself that she wants to meet me.”
“Do you have a response?” Coni asked.
Turning to the camera, Jennie grinned. “Girl! Hit me up, and let’s hang out! We’ll see each other when school starts again. And don’t be shy! I’m looking forward to meeting you! Eat well and stay well rested! And FYI, I love CLC’s music!”
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bitchiswild · 10 months
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You and Me
Kim Jennie x F! Reader
Warnings: a cuss word if it bothers you
Word Count: 1.9k
A/n: 🌕
Jennie was engrossed in practicing her solo, 'You and Me.' I stood outside, watching her through the door's window. As a fellow member of BLACKPINK and also close to Jennie, I knew I could join without being turned away. After a brief hesitation, I pushed open the door, but the loud noise made me flinch and cower instinctively. Apologetic, I flashed a timid smile, conveying my regret to everyone present.
"I'm so sorry," I murmured, my hands reflexively covering my mouth.
Jennie smiled, her gummy grin warm as she looked at me. “I'm glad you're here,” she said, a hint of nerves in her voice. “Any support from my girls always puts me at ease,” she sighed out.
Walking toward her, I extended my arms for a hug, and she reciprocated warmly. “Of course, Nini,” I said, returning the embrace. “Now, show me what you've got so far,” I grinned, eager to witness her solo performance.
"Wait, you want to learn the dance with me too?" Jennie asked, and my jaw dropped in surprise. "But this is your solo," I pointed out.
"But you love dancing, Y/n. That's why you're here. I know you, you want to dance," she teased with a knowing tone. I couldn't help but glance away bashfully. "You caught me," I sighed, then giggled, rising to stand beside her. The instructor guided me into position, preparing to teach me Jennie's solo routine.
Jennie and I shared a look, giggling at the unexpected turn of events. Then, we began to practice together, side by side.
As the music filled the room, the instructor demonstrated the first few steps, breaking down the choreography with precision. I mirrored Jennie's movements, trying to match her grace and style. Despite my initial nerves, Jennie's encouragement and the instructor's guidance helped ease my apprehension.
"Okay, let's try it together," the instructor said, cueing the music again. With a shared glance, Jennie and I took the first step, our movements synchronizing in a surprisingly fluid motion. We laughed at our initial fumbles, turning them into moments of camaraderie.
Jennie's dedication was evident as she patiently corrected my steps, her infectious enthusiasm turning the practice into an enjoyable experience. We found ourselves lost in the rhythm, moving in harmony, each step building our confidence.
As we repeated the routine, our giggles softened into focused determination. Side by side, we immersed ourselves in the dance, the room filled with our laughter and the pulsating beat of the music. Our shared passion for dance bridged the gap between her solo performance and our impromptu duet.
By the end of the session, we were breathless but beaming, proud of our progress. Jennie wrapped me in a spontaneous hug, expressing her gratitude for sharing the experience.
"That was amazing, Y/n! You catch on quickly," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Grinning widely, I returned her hug, feeling a rush of accomplishment and a newfound bond between us. Practicing alongside Jennie had turned what was initially a nerve-wracking situation into an exhilarating and unforgettable moment.
"Hey, I can totally be your partner for the dance if your dancer gets injured," I joked, a playful glint in my eye.
"You really could! You already know the whole dance. You're my backup now, Y/nnie," Jennie teased, a mischievous giggle escaping her lips. The camaraderie between us felt effortless as we shared a light moment amid the practice.
As we bantered back and forth, the atmosphere lightened even more. The instructor chuckled, joining in on our playful exchange. Jennie and I continued practicing, occasionally adding our own playful spins to the routine, turning it into a playful duet rather than a strict rehearsal.
With each run-through, our confidence grew. We became more comfortable with the choreography, injecting our personalities into the dance. Jennie's infectious energy fueled my determination, and soon, we were both adding subtle flourishes and improvisations that made the routine uniquely ours.
Amidst our laughter and shared jokes, the studio felt alive with creativity and friendship. The initial nervousness I felt had dissolved into a sense of belonging and shared passion. Jennie's encouragement and playful camaraderie had transformed what could have been a daunting experience into an incredibly enjoyable one.
By the end of our practice session, we were out of breath but grinning from ear to ear. We collapsed onto the floor, giggling uncontrollably, our bodies filled with the exhilaration of the impromptu dance session.
"I never expected today to turn out like this," I said, still catching my breath between laughs.
Jennie, wiping away tears of laughter, replied, "Me neither! But hey, Y/nnie, you make a pretty great backup dancer!"
We shared a high-five, reveling in the joy of the moment. The camaraderie we shared during the practice had solidified into a memorable bond, making this day an unexpected and delightful adventure.
The atmosphere backstage was charged with both excitement and urgency as Chaeyoung called out to me, pulling my attention away from watching our fans.
"Y/n! Emergency!" she yelled, causing my heart to race with concern. "What happened?" I asked, my voice tinged with panic.
"Jennie needs you right now," Chaeyoung said, urgency evident in her tone, guiding me towards the fitting room.
"Y/n, I'm so glad you're here. I need you to be my partner for my solo," Jennie said with palpable relief at my arrival.
"What happened to Young Sang oppa?" I inquired, worried about the sudden change.
"He sprained his ankle. I really need you, Y/n. Will you please be my partner?" Jennie pleaded, her eyes earnest and filled with urgency.
"Of course, Unnie. I'll help you, silly," I reassured her, laughter bubbling up at her frantic demeanor.
Jennie let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, the stylist has an outfit ready for you already. After 'Whistle,' change into that outfit," she directed, pointing to the costume hanging in the room, a close match to what Young Sang oppa was supposed to wear.
"Okay," I replied, a smile on my face as I assured her of my readiness to assist.
"Girls, you're on in 5!" one of the backstage crew announced before departing.
Gathering together, the girls and I formed a circle, placing our hands in the center. "1, 2, 3, ho…" we chanted, a ritual that united us before every performance, infusing us with unity and determination. The stage awaited, and despite the unexpected turn of events, I was ready to step in and support Jennie in her solo, sharing the spotlight in front of our devoted fans.
The energy pulsated through the venue, an electric buzz of happiness and anticipation enveloping us. Our performance of "Whistle" had just concluded, prompting me to dash backstage for a quick costume change, preparing to step on stage for Jennie's solo.
Once ready, I joined Jennie, and she enveloped me in a tight hug. "Thank you, Y/nnie," she whispered gratefully.
"Of course, Unnie. I'll do anything for you," I replied, a genuine smile gracing my face. We both assumed our positions, feeling the rush of excitement and nervousness as the intro to Jennie's solo filled the air.
The deafening screams of the fans reverberated throughout the arena, eliciting giggles from both Jennie and me. As the music built up, the floor beneath us started to rise, signaling the beginning of the performance. The adrenaline kicked in, and side by side, we embraced the moment, ready to deliver an unforgettable performance for our devoted fans.
As the stage ascended, the crowd's roars intensified, creating an electric atmosphere. Jennie and I exchanged a quick, reassuring glance, our hearts beating in sync with the music. The lights dimmed, focusing all attention on us.
The familiar beats of the song filled the air, and we synchronized our movements flawlessly. Despite the sudden change in plans, Jennie's professionalism and my eagerness to support her never wavered.
We danced with passion and precision, our movements mirroring each other perfectly. The crowd's energy fueled our performance, their cheers echoing in the vast arena, adding to the exhilaration of the moment.
Jennie radiated confidence, and I followed her lead, stepping into the routine seamlessly. The chemistry between us onstage was palpable, our connection evident in every move as we effortlessly navigated through the choreography.
As the song reached its peak, our eyes locked, sharing a silent camaraderie and a mutual understanding that transcended words. The audience's cheers and applause grew louder, energizing us further.
As the performance concluded, we struck our final pose, breathless but exhilarated. The crowd erupted into thunderous applause and cheers, the air vibrating with their excitement and appreciation.
Jennie grinned at me, a mix of relief and joy evident in her eyes. "Thank you so much, Y/nnie. You were incredible!" she exclaimed, pulling me into a spontaneous hug.
"You were amazing too, Unnie! We nailed it!" I replied, returning the hug, overcome with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for the shared experience.
The curtain descended, signaling the end of the performance, and as we made our way offstage, the rush of emotions lingered, leaving behind a memory of an unexpected but unforgettable moment shared between Jennie and me.
The concert's conclusion left us all buzzing with exhilaration and adrenaline. Backstage, the atmosphere crackled with excitement, but something extraordinary was brewing beyond the confines of the venue.
The moment the news hit the internet, it was as if a digital explosion had occurred. Social media platforms ignited with chatter, spreading like wildfire. Twitter was ablaze with hashtags about Jennie and me dancing together. TikTok users were replicating our moves, sparking viral challenges. Instagram was flooded with snapshots of our performance, capturing the dynamic energy between us. Even YouTube and Facebook were alight with discussions, videos, and posts about the unexpected duet.
The outpouring of support and excitement from fans across various platforms was overwhelming. Messages flooded in, expressing admiration for Jennie and me as a duo and celebrating the unexpected but exhilarating performance.
The sheer magnitude of the response was staggering, and amidst the whirlwind of notifications and trending posts, the bond between Jennie and me became a focal point of discussion, turning a spontaneous onstage collaboration into a moment that resonated deeply with our fans.
As the night progressed, the internet continued to buzz with excitement, echoing the unforgettable partnership between Jennie and me during her solo performance. The unexpected turn of events had created a lasting memory not only for us but for fans worldwide, solidifying a special connection that transcended the stage.
The aftermath of the concert was surreal. The internet was ablaze with videos and posts featuring me as Jennie's partner during her solo. Social media platforms exploded with reactions, and even Facebook, usually quieter on K-pop matters, couldn't escape the buzz.
Blinks everywhere were in a frenzy:
Blink3: "FUCK YOU YG"
The online reaction was overwhelming, and amidst the excitement, Jennie and I shared a moment backstage. She scrolled through her phone, revealing a message from Young Sang oppa: 'I quit! 😠😔Clearly, you guys have better chemistry🥲🙄.' His feigned anger and sadness were evident in the emojis he sent. We couldn't help but laugh at his playful antics, understanding it was all in good fun.
"Well, Y/n, I guess it's just you and me," Jennie said, a smirk playing on her lips. The camaraderie and the playful banter between us made the whole experience even more enjoyable.
Looking at Jennie, I mirrored her smirk. "Seems like it," I replied, sharing a knowing look with her. The bond we had formed during this unexpected turn of events made it clear that our partnership, on and off stage, was something special.
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jvstheworld · 1 year
The Buffy Re-watch: S2E16 (part 1)
Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
As much as I shit on Xander, I'm glad to see him trying in his new relationship with Cordelia. He wants to get along better with her and move on from Buffy. The gift is sweet and he doesn't need to over think it. (savour my niceness while you can).
Haven't seen Harmony in a while, she is still bitchy.
Amy is back too, we haven't seen her since 'The Witch'.
I love that Willow is excited to tell everyone about Oz, it' adorable.
'Bad break up?' And the award for biggest understatement of the year goes to...
Everyone feels the awkwardness between Jenny and Giles, the hurt Giles is going through. Their roles are reversed from 'Ted'.
Giles not even mentioning how bad Angelus is around Valentine's Day. Yikes. It's so bad that he has to ask Buffy to stay in for the few days.
Spike trying to win Dru's attention with a beautiful necklace, and then Angelus plops down a fresh, bloody heart. Even as a vampire, I know which I would prefer.
Spike trying to figure out what rhymes with lungs. Well, honey, you're the poet, I'm sure you'll think of something.
Love Willow's enthusiasm for her boyfriend.
Also, Cordy's dress, love it.
Someone playing spooky tricks on Buffy. Well, Angelus is. What's going to happen soon? Nothing good.
Xander really wants to try and Cordy does love the necklace. However, due to her 'friends' being judgy assholes, she thinks she needs to break up with him, despite the fact she does like him.
I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day, but even I know you shouldn't break up with someone on it. It's rubbing salt in the wound.
The students who see Xander the next day are over dramatic dicks for talking about it to him and behind his back.
Xander's first go to for payback is magic. The fact that he wants payback in the first place is disturbing. He's hurt, sure, breakups can be horrible, but you don't resort to blackmailing someone to do magic for you to get back at someone. I know he doesn't have the best track record with rejection, but this is too far.
I'm trying to think of something, a film, TV show or, book series that uses magic but love spells are banned. For the life of me, I cannot remember if there is something like that, just feel like there is.
Cordelia wearing the necklace because she still likes him.
Don't do love spells kids, they never end well.
Part 2 tomorrow.
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