#asl abroad au
Saw a video of a video of a lady on tiktok pretending to be deaf to avoid the attentions of some "admirers" while traveling abroad. It was questionable, but it does give me the idea of Lena being fluent in ASL, and using it to ignore people she doesn't want to deal with.
So, say Lena and Sam are traveling, and some dudes start pestering them for greetings/pictures/attention. Lena slips into fluent ASL, legit explaining to them that she's deaf (she is not), and Sam trying not to laugh as she's plays along and translates.
The men eventually move on, but when Lena later goes to the bathroom, she's caught on her way out by the same guys who try to press their luck again. They're drunker this time, and ignore her signing as they leer closer and closer into her personal space.
Just as Lena is about to panic and abandon the charade in favor of telling them off, she hears a call from across the bar.
The next thing she knows, Lena is wrapped up in a warm hug from a person taller than her but also female, who smells so so good.
When the woman draws away, Lena catches a glimpse of a beautiful face before her rescuer turns to her would be assailants.
"Can I help you?"
Lena nearly chokes at the sound of accented English, the slightly warped, slightly too loud words those of someone who is *actually* hard of hearing.
Then men try to explain that they're friends, but before Lena can deny it, the woman cuts in with a loud "I can't hear you", signing as she goes.
Quickly losing interest in a woman who can speak-- with her voice, loudly-- the men soon drift away, giving the woman room to turn back to Lena.
"Are you okay?"
Then, before Lena can reply...
"Sorry for the hug. Looked like you needed an out."
Lena grins. "I did, thank you. But I have a confession-- I'm not actually deaf."
The woman's smile only deepens. "Well, you sign beautifully."
Lena flushes a light pink. "I have a friend waiting outside. Can we buy you a drink?"
"My sister is already at the bar-- maybe we should buy you one."
Kara turns a little sheepish then.
"Actually... can we? It's rare that I find a stranger who can sign."
Lena nervously nibbles her lip, then makes an executive decision.
"That would be lovely."
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dragonpyre · 2 years
Secret Robin AU masterpost
Part 1
Part 2 Robin's beginning
Part 3 Red Hood enters the scene
Part 4 A wild Timmy appears
Part 5 Dick introduces Jason to vigilantism
Part 6 Hood takes a hit
Part 7 Excuses
Part 8 Spoiler!
Part 9 Bruce is faceblind
Part 10 Dami!
Part 11 No, Jason did not die
Part 12 It's not kidnapping it's express adoption
Part 13 Cass <3
Part 14 Jason's year abroad
Part 15 Pay my tuition, B
Part 16 Bruce's photo album
Part 17 Part 6 follow up
Part 18 Bruce is a dad
Part 19 Batdad with his batkids
Part 20 Nightmares
Part 21 Merry Christmas!
Part 22 Belated presents for the robins
Part 23 Naptime
Part 24 Bruce is a meanie
Part 25 Babs
Part 26 Dami has the flu
Part 27 When you call your teacher "dad"
Part 28 ASL
Part 29 The secret's out
Part 30 Bagged lunches
Part 31 Bruce likes to brag
Part 32 Duke!
Part 33 Commit to the bit
Part 34 Birthdays
Part 35 Allowance
Part 36 The Talk
Part 37 Auntie Kate
Part 38 Adoption amnesia
Part 39 Red Robin (yummm)
Part 40 Growth Spurt
Part 41 Piggy back ride
Part 42 Lift the bebe
Part 43 Tim's polycule
Part 44 Trouble at a Gala
Part 45 Bruce doesn't have favorites
Part 46 Grounded
Part 47 Family photo
Part 48 Sibling fun
Part 49 Betting pool
Part 50 Meme on dad
Part 51 Talia's patented growth serum
Part 52 Secret identity scale
Part 53 Bruce's coping skills
Part 54 Close calls
Part 55 Dichotomy
Part 56 Robin HQ
Part 57 Caramelldansen
Part 58 Detective Tim
Part 59 Happy Purim
Part 60 Plight of the adopted
Part 61 Identity reveal(?)
Part 62 Commissioner Gordon
Part 63 Dis Track
Part 64 A win is a win
Part 65 Family secret
Part 66 Don't carry your phone on you
Part 67 Eat the rich
Part 68 Trampoline
Part 69 (nice) Grief
Part 70 Fencing class
Part 71 Adopting Tim
Part 72 Spoiler's motives
Part 73 Betting pool winner
Jason's outfits
Chronological order
Dick's shirts
Fanfic based on the AU
Little Known Fact: Bruce Wayne Is Face blind by LittleDoot
Secret Robins by alliumtoms
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feralaot · 3 years
In a modern AU, what languages would the characters be able to speak fluently?
personally there’s a lot of languages I’ve tried to learn but it never works
AOT characters + languages they speak
no warnings
eren: he only knows german and (partial) english but his accent isn’t very noticeable. he tried to learn romanian to impress historia (though, truly, she didn’t care) but he thought it was too weird and gave up
armin: german, english, french, and spanish. and he speaks them all perfectly. he picks up languages really easily, partially because he travels abroad often. he defaults to german especially when he’s upset so if eren and armin are mad at each other they’ll have full blown arguments in ridiculously fast german. his german accent is slightly noticeable but not thick
mikasa: fluent in english and mandarin chinese, but she’s also trying to learn german and has been taking classes for a few years because she wants to understand what the hell eren and armin are arguing about. she’s only semi-fluent and has to ask eren to slowly repeat himself a lot when practicing with him
jean and connie: german and english for both but jean sounds very austrian in particular. connie also speaks fluent spanish (I hc him as part latino)
sasha: english, portuguese, and some spanish, but she has a very typical midwestern american accent and nobody knows where it came from. connie says it’s probably the western movies
historia: romanian, english, french, and partial german. (I hc her as romanian/french) she learned english during middle school so she could study abroad once she was older. her accent in english passes very well for northeastern american
ymir: she doesn’t even care that nobody speaks it anymore but she knows latin as well as castilian spanish, italian, and portuguese. (I hc her as hispanic with a very mixed family)
levi: fluent in german and french. he’s also trying to learn english and is semi-fluent but doesn’t start conversations in english very often because he doesn’t want to embarrass himself
erwin: german and (very partial) english but he sounds VERY german. he can’t pronounce squirrel and instead refers to them as “tree rats” in english
hange: fluent in german and polish but is also determined to learn english, and they can hold a good conversation in it so far. they also have to translate for levi and erwin because neither of them can understand english super well. it’s a huge ego boost for hange honestly
reiner: german is his first language and although he is fluent in english he often forgets words and stutters a lot or has to ask bertholdt what the english word for something is. he also tried to learn ukrainian to show off (since annie picked it up quickly) but failed horribly
bertholdt: basically the opposite to reiner. while yes german is his first language and he is also fluent in english, he often forgets german words and has to ask reiner what the german word for something is. also I don’t know if this counts but he knows asl
annie: german, russian, and ukrainian. she tried learning english and can hold a conversation pretty well but it’s not her language of choice. her accent is noticeably southern russian
porco: fluent in english and despite being surrounded by german speakers he can’t really hold a conversation in it and has to be reminded of certain words often. his accent is strangely eastern american and pieck jokes that it’s because of all the movies he watches
pieck: okay hear me I hc that her first language is polish and she learned german around elementary school when she moved. she was very surprised to learn hange also speaks polish so sometimes they have conversations in polish to gossip about their friend groups. she also knows asl
zeke: german and partial english, same as eren. his accent is a lot more noticeable than his brother’s however. although if someone asks him a question in german he says “I don’t speak german” in english despite having a very distinct bavarian german accent
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allsassnoclass · 3 years
hello pls tell me... top 5 languages you wish you could speak. and top 5 things to call ur dog apart from by her name xoxo bella
omg these are good ones thank you for asking @clumsyclifford
1. German. I would LOVE to move to Vienna but you have to know German to be successful there. even the jobs that you can sometimes do a year abroad for without knowing the language (au pair, that thing where you go there to teach English, etc) in Austria they want you to have at least intermediate german, so my dreams of living in vienna will not be realized because i do not have the focus/drive to teach myself an entire language
2. ASL. seems very useful, would love to know it
3. French. learned it in high school, might as well know how to actually speak it the full way!
4. Mandarin Chinese specifically because my sister is trying to get me to watch the Untamed but I struggle watching shows in other languages since I like to be busy with my hands while watching stuff and that means I'm not always reading the subtitles, so being able to know what they're saying would be very useful
5. Spanish, Hmong, or Somali simply for ease! Give me a leg up in the job applications! Let me communicate with more people!
alternate Penny names! let's go!
1. lately i've really been leaning into Sweets. sometimes Sweetie or Sweetheart, but often it's Sweets. No clue why this is the nickname of the last few weeks but it is!
2. Bugaboo!!!! Or Bug (especially because she's a beagle/pug so that's funny to me lol), or Ms. Bug, or Ms. Boo, or Ms. Bugaboo (usually those three are said back to back with no spaces)
3. Snoot! This one rubbed off on me from my brother
4. Goober
5. Puppy! She is not a puppy. I have never been around her as a puppy because we adopted her when she was already six and a half, but all dogs are puppies, yknow?
here is a recent picture of penny thank you for asking about her <3
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ask me top 5 anything
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fearful-kitten01 · 4 years
MMA athlete falls for professional Ballet dancer AU.
Cass is the ballet dancer, Steph is the MMA fighter.
Steph’s athlete name is “Spoiler” because she is famous for knocking out people quickly, “spoiling” the fight by ending it too early.
In every other aspect, however, she’s a showgirl, smiling, dancing and playfighting before she climbs on the ring. A lot of competitors think she’s annoying because of that, but she’s never disrespectful, always bowing to her competitors before and after the fight, no matter the result. She gathers a lot of fans quickly because of her charm.
Cass is a very disciplined dancer. Very serious about her art, practicing all the time.
Adopted by the Wayne family, she had a tough past and has selective mutism. She can sometimes talk to Bruce, Dick, Alfred, Tim, and Babs if she feels comfortable. Other than that, she communicates with sign language.
She is in Gotham’s ballet company. (Maybe she dreams about going abroad, maybe she doesn’t, depends on what’s the main point of the fic really) She seems intimidating to anyone who doesn’t talk to her, but the few dancers that made an effort to know her quickly realized that she’s really sweet and helpful, always happy to help others improve their dance skills
Steph is dragged to a ballet presentation by her friends, Tim and Jason, because their sister is going to be performing and they are endlessly proud of her. It’s an original play from Gotham’s ballet academy, and she thinks she’ll be bored out of her mind, but when the presentations starts and the character called “Black Bat” comes on the stage, she has her eyes glued on the dancer, and when she steps out of the stage she keeps expecting her return.
Tim notices this, of course. He’s smart and he’s known this girl for some time now. He also knows that Steph has never met Cass and can’t wait to see her reaction when she finds out the dancer she’s already head over heels for is his sister.
Of course, Tim insists she meets Cass after the show, and she chokes on her spit when she sees Cass for the first time, in her Black Bat outfit.
She tries to be confident, but she’s a bit of a gay mess tm.
Cass finds her odly endearing.
Steph, upon learning that Cass uses ASL to communicate begs Tim for lessons.
She doesn’t even tries to hide her crush from him, she knows she won’t be able to.
She dedicates herself so much to the lessons that she picks it up surprisingly quickly.
Cass is surprised with how quickly she’s able to have full conversations with her in ASL, even if she has to take it slow and sometimes needs to pause and say things out loud that she still can’t quite translate.
All through this, Steph takes Cass to all kinds of amazing places that Bruce doesn’t let her go to in Gotham, because he’s afraid something bad will happen to her. Steph isn’t afraid of those places, because she grew up in worse ones, and now she can activey protect herself and Cass, so she takes her behind his back.
Steph teaches Cass how to throw punches and some more basic self-defence moves, and she’s too great at it. Cass tries to teach Steph some basic ballet moves, but she’s a complete disaster when it comes to dance, her body too stiff and used to the short and calculated jiu-jitsu moves, or the thightness and rapid moves from boxing.
Cass finds her attempts adorable.
It doesn’t take long for Steph to figure out that Cass can read her body language. She doesn’t think that even Cass fully knows what she’s doing, she just knows that she can always tell how everyone is feeling. Steph spends some time trying to find out why does she have such a skill, and doesn’t realize something very important.
A few days later she wakes up in the middle of the night when the realization hits her
She freaks out about it with Tim, who is just... “Why don’t you confess then?” - “NO I CANT WHAT IF SHE DOESNT LIKE ME” - “If she didn’t like you then she wouldn’t go on dates with you” - “Those weren’t dates?”  “They were to her.” - “Oh. OH.”
She runs after Cass, who’s training in her studio, thinking of this beautiful speech she’s gonna recite to her, but when she gets there she just... Blinks. Stay still, watching this beautiful girl pour her spirit into her art, allowing her to see this piece of her soul, and suddely nothing she could ever say would compare to that. So when Cass is done she goes up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder
“I love you.”
Cass signs to her “I know. Me too.”
“I’m gonna kiss you now.”
Cass nods
And holy shit, it feels like the world is exploding and rebuilding slowly.
After that, whenever she wins a fight Steph yells “This is for you, my Black Bat!” and throws a kiss at the camera or into the crowd.
Every one is confused as fuck, because they’re not out for the general public yet. They just assume she has a boyfriend with that nickname.
When asked about it by the local news, she just says “You really think I’m straight? With all of the effort I’ve put in all this? Kind of offended now, not gonna lie.”
And when Cass is finally ready to come out, everyone is like “Ooooh, that makes sense”
I don’t even ship those two all that much tbh, I even like to headcannon Cass as aro/ace (Although this would work super well for ace Cass too, I guess?) But they are the pairing that fits this the most in my mind. (Although Dickbabs could work too, or even Robinstar (Dick is the ballet dancer, ofc), and maybe even TimKon? Or Damijon? it could work with many ships if you really want to)
So yeah, I’d love for this to be a cliche fic plot. I might even try my hand at it, but rn I can’t sooooo... If someone sees this and feels inspired by it, send me the link when you’re done, hahahahahahaha!
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 4 years
U did 2 latin edits. Be honest- how fancy was your private school? Let us live vicariously through you with dreams of every private school AU ever written!
I’m about to shatter your dream~
My PUBLIC (but admittedly nice) high school offered French, German, Spanish, Japanese, and Latin (they’ve since gotten rid of Japanese and Latin and promoted ASL from an elective to a Language credit). I was highly involved in the Latin Club (Certamen for the win!) and accidentally earned a minor in college in The Literature and Culture of Classical Civilizations.
So I consider the Carmina and The Aeneid child’s play ;)
Though to revitalize your dream a bit- when I was in college I got into a year-long study abroad in South Korea (that was not only free, but PAID ME TO GO THERE). The University, Yonsei, is the #2 in the country NO MATTER WHAT KOREA UNIVERSITY SAYS and our program was considered one of the most exclusive in the University. So a lot of the Korean students with us there were kids of big businessmen or politicians. 
No one was like to the degree of “Boys Over Flowers” (Or “Meteor Garden” if you’re familiar with the Chinese version), but... actually one of my neighbors (who practically lived in our room) was the cousin of one of the Boys Over Flowers stars. We skyped once. Unwillingly- he’d just finished working out and was all sweaty, I’d just gotten out of the shower and didn’t even have a bra on (i had a tank top on, though that’s practically naked in Korea), and she threw her laptop at me and said “This is my cousin, you know his face, I need to poop, be back soon!” ... ... ... At least we were both equally nervous/terrified of one another :)
My other roommate grew up next to Super Junior’s Heechul. Another was classmates with Kyuhyun. Another Siwon. One of the guys was the son of a  Samsung executive (who had a 4k monitor prototype about 5 years before 4k monitors existed on the consumer market). IDK what my favorite roommate’s father did but all she had to do was call and say “I’m stressed~” and the next day a car would deliver a large box with about $700 in high heel shoes to cheer her up.
So yeah, no private school, but Yonsei has some CHARACTERS.
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feed me,,, melchiritz hcs (i need writing inspiration smh)
yeah man ofc
ok in dwsa all the deaf kids go to one school and the hearing kids go to another but melchi and moritz are neighbors so they’re best friends 
even in a non dwsa au they’re still neighbors
melchi knows asl bc his mom is deaf so he and mo become friends in like kindergarten 
moritz comes over to melchior’s every day after school 
and when they’re 14 and 15 (moritz is canonically a year older) on a very special afternoon melchior teaches moritz the wonders of his body 
wow his mind :’)
moritz totally has a crush on him after that bust doesnt quite recognize it
melchior does a study abroad program after the whole thing with wendla
and when he comes back moritz is like HECK I TOTALLY LIKE HIM
this results in plenty of late night face time calls with ernst and ilse on moritz’s part
bc multivitamin gasnore is infamous for being reckless with people’s hearts and being a player, just an all around fuckboy
so everyone knows this is a dumb idea
but unbeknownst to them melchior realized just how much he liked moritz when he came back too
but he’s like “mo would never be into me bc im a jerk and he’s so cool and brooding and has that sad boi thing going on :/”
and he’s complaining about this to hanschen, who knows that moritz likes melchi bc of ernst
 and since hanschen is melchritz shipper #1 he saw this coming and plans a fanfiction-like way for them to confess their feelings to each other with ernst’s help
he’s sets them up to have a romantic candlelit dinner and doesn’t tell them that the other one will be there
this takes place at ernst’s house (bc moritz would not go to hanschen’s house)
ernst is their “waiter” and hanschen provides some romantic music on his violin
that moritz cant hear but he appreciates the thought 
melchior gets nervous and starts talking about atheism and rounds up all the bibles in ernst’s house 
moritz gets nervous too and knocks some candles over
his sleeve catches on fire
and it’s awkward but they make the most of the rest of the dinner and have their first kiss it’s so cute
i might make this into a fic this is a good idea
once they start dating melchior holds moritz’s hand whenever he can
he takes mo to the sports games and stuff (those are things in normal high school right?) but they usually end up making out somewhere and not actually watching the sports game
mo doesnt like dances but they do go to prom together and have a pretty good time
 they’re totally the “disney movies and cuddle” type
moritz cries during lion king and melchior cries because his boyfriend is so damn cute
they have sleepovers and build epic blanket forts
melchior brings up the stupidest shit late at night
“are hotels prostitutes in the home world? because they have all these people living in them but houses just have one”
“Melchi it’s 3 am let me sleep”
melchi writes his boy cute ass poems 
they’re kinds dumb but mo likes them
moritz comes up with fun dates bc he’s creative af
his favorite was when they had a picnic and watched the stars
moritz is also good at politely reminding melchior when it’s time to shut up
ok these ended up being hella long but i hope they inspire you :’)
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misslilidelaney · 7 years
Okay guys, bare with me because I am going on a writing spree and I don't even know when and where I'll be able to write something but I had the weirdest idea for a tree-way-fandom-uber-mashup-universe.
It all started with a convo with my dearest @marriedwithjosh , sharing a picture of a purple and a pink bikes, saying "I did not know Virgil and Wilford went to the University in Padova". And my lovliest @shetanibonaparte added "HC that in his basket, Wilford always have sweets for Dark, the rich student who goes to school with a retro fancy car". And that was the beginning. My mind began to race and I came up with this silly idea, which I have the time nor patience to purse.
So I'll give it to you, Tumblr, please use it well, if you want.
-The whole thing takes place in a Campus or something like that.
- Wilford Warfstache and Dark met on a day when Wil was, as always late for school. Like the best anime tropes, he has a toast in his mouth and is crying: "IMLATEIMLATEIMLATE!". A bunch of meters before the school, he is so distracted he bumps into a parked black old style Cadillac, and rumbles ungracefully on the floor, his pink bike completely destroyed. When he raises his head, the world around him stops. The driver opens the door and a magnificent specimen comes out. Black, soft hair, a chiseled chin, eyes as black as the void. "You better watch where you go." says the most soothing voice ever. The sublime vision doesn't even look at him, and enters the school. Later that day Wilford will learn that the mysterious stranger is none other than Drake "Dark" Iplier, son of the world wide famous Doctor Edoardo Iplier, and he and his brother joined the school late because they were abroad. The following day, on the spot where he used to park his bike, Wil will find a brand new pink bike, with a note: "Seriously, watch where you go." With that, he is totally in love with Dark.
- Virgil met Roman a couple of weeks later. He was on his bike to school perfectly on time, but worried nonetheless because, well, He's Virgil "Anxiety" Warfstache, and he worries always. For everything. He was so much busy being worried he almost didn't see the red and golden skateboard crossing his street. Yet, he managed to stop his lovely purple bike in time, and at the same time, trap the skateboard under one of its wheels. "Oh, hey! Thank you!" Shouted the owner of the board, and as soon as he removed his headphones and turns to the voice, he knew he is doomed. In front of him was Roman "Princey" Iplier, newcomer of the school and twin brother of the infamous "Darkiplier" to which his younger brother Wilford would NOT stop talking about. He was expecting the same cold, calcutating behavior, but the young man in front of him was the sweetest thing, worried about his welbeing, if the skateboard ruined his bike, and then asking immediately Virgil out to "excuse myself and thank you for saving my board". Virgil almost said yes, but there's something about the fact that Roman is SO SURE than he'll agree that pushed Virgil to smirk and say "Thanks but no thanks." And hops again on his bike, reaching the school. From that moment, Roman tries to have a date with Virgil on a everyday basis, to which Virgil despite being head over heels for the rich boy, always says no, just because he can.
-Wilford has two best friends to which he confides continuosly: 1) Sean "Anti" Brody, the school token rebel punk, always in the deepest of shit, always breaking stuff and always hurting himself during his outbursts of rage. Only Patton and Wilford know that he is constantly trying to hurt himself just to have the excuse to hang in the infermery, where the "So Fucking Sexy I could die" Doctor Henrik Von Schneeplestein, which actually likes the boy back but keeps their relationship a secret because he doesn’t want to risk his carreer. 2) Patton Sanders, the sweetest puffball ever. Except when it comes to HIS Professor Logan Sanders "We even have the same last name! Our marriage is meant to be, Wil, I swear!". When someone is too close to the amazing professor, that someone usually ends up very badly accidentaly injuired, with Anti, Wil and Pat always grinning in the distance. Nobody will touch his Professor. And his friends are happy to help him.
- Virgil groups with two of the Outsiders of the school, which to him are pretty cool people. 1) Jameson "J.J." Jackson, a dapper boi with a heart of gold. Always dressing as if he was the past, has a little, totally useless eyeglass, and is actually mute. He can hear perfectly but he cannot speak, so he and Virgil get along pretty well because Verge knows ASL and needs to talk A LOT. J.J. is in a relationship with Marvin, a magician that works in the theatre not far from the school, the same theatre Roman ends up working as a part time job (that he does not need, but loves it nonetheless). 2) Matt "the Host" Alpier, the second quieter guy in the school. He was J.J.'s best friend even before Virgil arrived and nobody knows how they used to communicate since the Host is completely blind since birth. Only Virgil knows that J.J. used Morse Code against the Host's hand, but pretends to know nothing when people ask, because it's funnier this way. He has a total unrequited crush for the president of the Debate Club, Bim Trimmer, because he thinks his voice is the best thing on earth. Bim barely knows of his existence.
- Roman has two bros he hangs out with, and he's witty enough to know that they actually like him for who he is, and not for his money. 1) Chase Brody, Anti's older brother, the only one in a straight relationship with his childhood love Stacey. Loves his nerf gun and does the best bmx tricks. 2) Michael Bing, an amazing skateboarder (he won a couple championships) with the heart of gold and the brain of a chicken. He is not the brightest. But MAN if he knows how to skate! He is in a relationship with the college dropout Remy “Sleeping Booty / Sleeping Bitch” Morphes, a wonderful, tall, lovely genderfluid partner, with a fondness for baseball bats and helping Patton in his quest for Logan’s heart.
- Finally, also Dark has two "minions" who follows him around, and he is just as witty as his twin and KNOWS they hang with him because of papa's money. 1) Jaques Septique, a french boy who simply loves painting, and does the best graffiti art, too bad he is a complete bitch at heart. He and his boyfriend are known to be the worst people to get on a bad side, because they can ruin you in an instant. 2) Dewey "Deceit" Seeth, Jaques boyfriend. He runs the school journal, and takes personally care of the gossip corner of the paper. He has a couple of pictures of Schneep and Anti clearly flirting and is constantly blackmailing the Good Doctor to have some drugs for him and his two friends.
Oh well, that was a handful! I hope you like my ideas, feel TOTALLY FREE to use these ideas because as I said, I probably won't have the time to write or draw anything about it, I probably add some bits and pieces, so if you want to be added, just say!
Love you all, thanks for the attention!
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iamgabrisan · 4 years
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Monique Serres -------------------------- Biography: Monique Serres was born in Port-au-Prince, #Haïti, on May 2, 1937. From a very young age, she attended art classes (piano, drawing and painting), and all throughout primary and secondary schools in Port-au-Prince. In the early 1960s she expanded her knowledge of art with the study of ceramics. She moved to New York in 1964, then Morocco in 1966. She returned to New York in 1971 and made it her home. She attended Columbia University, School of General Studies from 1978-1980. From 1984-1987 she took courses in serigraphy, etching and lithography at the School of Visual Arts and in 1987, she attended Fashion Institute of Technology (Textile Design, Interior Design). Her pursuit of art continued year after year and she enrolled at the Art Students League in 2000 to explore still life, landscape, and portraiture. She is a life member of ASL and frequently attends lectures, sketching and figure drawing sessions. Art Exhibits: New York City: West Side Arts Coalition, member; Art Students League Gallery, Chashama Gallery, Ward-Nasse gallery, Wilmer Jennings Gallery at Kenkeleba, Cork gallery Lincoln Center, Hudson Guild Gallery. Abroad: Marina Tsevetaeva Museum, Moscow, Russia; the Royal Canberra Show, Canberra, Australia. HAÏTI ⭐ LEGENDS #MoniqueSerres #artwork #artists #HaitianPainter #awardwinning #FineArt #Haitianartists #oilpainting #oiloncanvas #BlackHistoryMonth #Haitian #HaitianHistory #february #Haitilegends #womeninArt #ilovemyaunt #ILovemyAuntie https://www.instagram.com/p/CL3PMFljBIV/?igshid=1ucrwohx2awai
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