#asteroid tag!!!! <3
fluttrbys · 10 months
me when i just did the impossible
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!!!!! WOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!
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averagemizukikinnie · 9 months
was talking to this mf (/affectionate) @nonaverageenakinnie at like 6 am (i hate time zones so much) and she said smth about the full ver of irony and bloom into the mud niigo covers so i went to listen to bloom into the mud cover (and as expected my skrunklies ate and left no crumbs<333) and we talked about it a bit and like they said something along the lines of "it's like you wrote this song for me" AND THE WAY I WAS SOBBING ON THE INSIDE /POS THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST HEARTFELT AND BEST COMPLIMENTS I'VE EVER RECEIVED also they said "i hated bloom into mud before you came to my life but now i cry every time i listen to it in a good way" and i just WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH /pos anyways yeah gay rant on a post on tumblr dot com over for now
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etchedstars · 2 years
love the name overdue love people making puns w my name pls keep doing it it brings me seratonin
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tsublue · 2 months
Asteroid Aura in Astrology (1488)
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All Rights Reserved to @tsublue
What does the asteroid represent?
The name of the asteroid can be much of an explanation. It’s the energy you may give off to other people and what their first impressions of you could be.
Please do not take astrology as something you “have to act” like or blaming problems on placements. Astrology is a tool of self discovery and development.
Please do not copy, rewrite, repost etc posts. If needed to reference or use parts always contact the autor and always give credit.
Aries - 1, 13, 25 deg
At the first impression you can come off as someone competitive, feisty and passionate. You can also seem to people as someone really outgoing and fearless.
Taurus - 2, 14, 26 deg
At the first impression you can come off as someone a bit untouchable and expensive, yet really clean. You have a caring aura and seem to be dependable to people and that may leave you with lots of responsibility.
Gemini - 3, 15, 27 deg
At the first impression you come off as pretty sociable and someone with a big social circle and knows what they’re doing. You come off as flowy and can offer an helping hand anytime, especially to new people in a social environment.
Cancer - 4, 16, 28 deg
At the first impression you’ll have a really calm presence and can look as if you’re really relaxed with your inner world and are comfortable with what you are or have and don’t need to prove anything. You do incredible work and are basically all an employer can ask for and more. Your warmth can really make people around you comfortable.
Leo - 5, 17, 29 deg
You come off as someone with a wide imaginative world who has incredible ideas and is ready to share them immediately and has a good voice to do so. You get things going as time pleases and have an amazing work persona with a strong inner world. Closed off people can be thrown off by it at first, but you’ll prove yourself and others.
Virgo - 6, 18 deg
You come off as you are here to get things done and nothing else much. You have incredible work ethic, but need to plan it out so it won’t be too excess, for your own well being. Everything has to go by your plan and word or it won’t work out. You’ll feel this especially during a deadline or a crisis. People are really appreciative over you even if it’s not physically shown out loud.
Libra - 7, 19 deg
You come off as someone with insanely creative ideas and warm persona. You are good at voicing your ideas and know what to do in order to achieve something, even if you doubt yourself. You have charming nature which can attract people to focus more on you as for inspiration and more. You are most likely first one to get paired up or get a work buddy because people enjoy being around you and you have amazing team work skills.
Scorpio - 8, 20 deg
You may come off as someone a little mysterious’, but have a really warm persona. You are amazing at taking the word ‘no’ and fixing yourself for the better for the next time. Your presence is powerful which people want to give you respect in order to be liked or tagged along. Little like Kris Jenner if you’d like to take it that way.
Sagittarius - 9, 21 deg
You come off as really friendly and down to earth. You can corporate any idea from others into your work. even if you don’t favor it that much you’re a good sport and know how to handle it. You can be a perfectionist in projects and have an ideal image made out in your head before starting something. Even if you know how to accept the ideas of others, it can sometimes come off as blunt and strange, but everyone knows your heart is in the right place.
Capricorn - 10, 22 deg
You can come off as someone who really knows what they’re doing even if you don’t. You are ready to give an helping hand or a tool anytime anyone asks. Even if your creative world is not always working to the maximum, you’re excited to tag along for any project. Thanks to your amazing thinking, practicalizing & caution skills you’ve really earned a firm spot.
Aquarius - 11, 23 deg
You can come off as someone who really knows how to solve difficult and electronical issues which makes many come to you for problem solving. You have an incredible helping hand. You can come off as distant or not interested in a conversation which is not always true. You love designing things that go out the norm and go outside the box which can bring you success.
Pisces - 12, 24 deg
You can come off as someone who doesn’t really think their ideas through which can make people not always listen to you. You got incredible creative skills that you can incorporate anywhere and everywhere. You have a friendly presence and come off as someone who really gets it which can make many open up to you. You may have an attractive or calming voice which can make people really listen to you.
Yours truly, Tsunami
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professional-termite · 8 months
imagine if the star trek tos gang had tumblr lol
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🔄 vulcanfuckerjt reblogged 1stofficerspock
😍 vulcanfuckerjt Follow
mannnn why are vulcans so.... ahfhfjfj lik????
🖖 1stofficerspock Follow
Hello captain.
😍 vulcanfuckerjt
🖖 1stofficerspock
Dr. McCoy reccommended this app to me this morning.
😍 vulcanfuckerjt
okkkk i think me and dr mccoy need to have a TALK
#in the meantime i need to purge this blog eughhhh
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🔄 cptnjtkirk reblogged 1stofficerspock
🎶 music-by-nyota Follow
rb for reach!!
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 scottishthings-daily Follow
FLOWER OF SCOTLAND SWEEP!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
🇷🇺 russianthings-daily Follow
🟥 redshirt-ensign Follow
who tf submitted a mitski song
🦴 bonesbonesbones Follow
i did. it reminded me of how @'cptnjtkirk feels about @'1stofficerspock :]
🖖 1stofficerspock Follow
🌠 cptnjtkirk Follow
#bones istg
1.2k notes
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🔄 scottishthings-daily reblogged russianthings-daily
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 scottishthings-daily Follow
if the enterprise was a woman id want her to sit on my face
🇷🇺 russianthings-daily Follow
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 scottishthings-daily
26.7k notes
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🔄 redshirt-ensign reblogged redshirt-ensign
🟥 redshirt-ensign Follow
abt to go on my first mission, wish me luck!!
🟥 redshirt-ensign
med bay
56.8k notes
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🔄 cptnjtkirk reblogged klingon-commander
🤬 klingon-commander Follow
this is a callout post for @'cptnjtkirk hes a vulcan fucker and a war criminal
🦴 bonesbonesbones Follow
you say that like theyre equally bad..?
🤬 klingon-commander
they are.
🌠 cptnjtkirk Follow
too bad im not actually either of those things lmao
#i wish... #not about the war criminak thing obv i mean #wait dammit spock can see this blog nvm
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🔄 klingon-soldier-6 reblogged scottishthings-daily
🇷🇺 russianthings-daily Follow
Posting Russian things every day, day 567: Nevsky potatoes!
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😡 klingon-soldier-6 Follow
they look stupid
🇷🇺 russianthings-daily
i have your family name and home coordinates. you have 3 days to delete that post.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 scottishthings-daily Follow
ay, laddy...@'cptnjtkirk said to quit yer fighting!
😡 klingon-soldier-6
stfu ur in love with an ugly ass spaceship
#istg you starfleet ppl are like asking to get bullied or smthn #not my fault ur easy targets
756 notes
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🔺️ engineerthrowaway74859 Follow
@'klingon-soldier-6 's full dox
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130 notes
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🔄 cptnjtkirk reblogged romulan-invasion
🗡 thereal-mrsulu Follow
@'cptnjtkirk Sir, there's an asteroid coming towards the ship at an alarming speed! 3 hours until impact!
🌠 cptnjtkirk Follow
cant we just move out of the way.? or blow it up
🗡 thereal-mrsulu
I can't, sir! Our controls are all jammed!
🪆 russianthings-nav Follow
can confirm, @'cptnjtkirk sir!! nothings working!!
🌠 cptnjtkirk
how?? how could this have happened???
😈 romulan-invasion Follow
🌠 cptnjtkirk
4.3k notes
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🦴 bonesbonesbones Follow
"ooo mccoy what do i do" "oooh mccoy im in love with my first officer" "ooh mccoy--" boi stfu im a surgeon not a matchmaker
#go talk to someone else if you want help with that bucko #bones rambles
2 notes
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🌠 cptnjtkirk Follow
i wish people would stop vagueposting about me :( at least @ me if ur gonna say something rude
0 notes
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🔄 cptnjtkirk reblogged bonesbonesbones
🦴 bonesbonesbones Follow
@'cptnjtkirk is a massive simp
#not what i meant but thanks i guess
36 notes
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
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We're going to have a CELEBRATION of FOSSIL NEORNITHINES for this November!!! The extinct members of the only group of dinosaurs we have today!
Each day will have a prompt inspired by the evolution of crown-birds and the amazing forms they have taken over the past 68 million years!
You can respond to each day's prompt however you wish - with drawing and painting, writing, sculpting, music, videos, whatever! Just tag it "#Fossil Novembirb" for me to find it, and it'll get reblogged!
I'm so excited to see the art you guys create!
Crown-Birds (Neornithes) known from the Mesozoic Era!
Options include Asteriornis, Teviornis, Vegavis, and "Styginetta"!
These are the only dinosaurs that survived the asteroid!
Theoretically there were also early Palaeognaths and Neoavians - if you want to do some spec evo and hypothesize what you think they might have looked like, go ahead! Follow your dreams!
The earliest birds known after the K-Pg boundary!
Options include Conflicto, Tsidiiyazhi, Australornis, Qinornis, and Qianshanornis!
Birds diverged rapidly after the extinction, so also feel free to dive into spec evo into some of the forms we don't have fossils of!
The first Marine Neornithines and how they evolved in the early Paleocene!
Includes tons of early penguins like Waimanu, Kumimanu, Sequiwaimanu, Muriwaimanu, and Kupoupou
Also includes the first Pseudo-toothed bird, Protodontopteryx, and the earliest known Tropicbird, Clymenoptilon!
Gastornis (aka "Diatryma", aka "Zhongyuanus") appeared in the mid-Paleocene and was a feature of the Cenozoic landscape until the end of the Eocene - so we have a whole day JUST FOR IT
Show your love for the Megafowl Gastornis! This giant herbivorous bird was fascinating, and has captured imaginations for decades because of it!
Gastornis is also present in many of the ecosystems described below, such as Willwood, Green River, and Messel, so we also just wanted to make sure people didn't keep picking Gastornis over and over again xD
The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum was the most dramatic incident of rapid global warming in the world since the Permian... until today!
It majorly affected the evolution of many things, possibly including birds!
The Willwood Formation straddles the time period of the warming, and has tons of birds that were evolving during that time period! So, for this day, create things involving birds of the Willwood Formation!
Options include the flighted Palaeognaths Lithornis promiscuus and Lithornis plebius; the possible stem-Ostrich Paragrus, the early half-screamer-half-duck Anachronornis, the early owl Primoptynx, and the fascinating stem-mousebird Sandcoleus! And many more!
Birds of the Fur Formation, one of the best collections of bird fossils from the early Eocene!
Includes such friends as Scandiavis (an early shorebird), Septencoracias (an early roller), Pellornis (an early rail-esque thing), the utterly mysterious Morsoravis, and the early swift-hummingbird Eocypselus!
This was a tropical shoreline environment with many of the first members of major bird groups we see today!
Across the shore from Fur was the London Clay Formation, a lush tropical forest near the warm shallow ocean
In addition to a truly alarming quantity of plant fossils, this is a notable locality for early birds, featuring many early members of major groups much like the Fur Formation
Options include Dasornis (a pseudotoothed bird), Pulchrapollia (one of the Parrot-Passerines of Prey), Nettapterornis (another stem-duck), Nasidytes (an early loon), Charadriisimilis (an early shorebird), Archaeodromus (a trogon-like member of Strisores), Eotrogon (an actual early Trogon), Lithornis vulturinus (another flighted Palaeognath), Prophaethon (another early Tropicbird), and Ypresiglaux (an early owl) - and so many more!
Turns out "Predatory Feathered Thing with Really Sharp Foot Claws" is a very successful niche - not only was there potentially one right after the end of the Cretaceous (Qianshanornis), but other raptors were some of the first birds to succeed around the world in the Eocene
So this day is dedicated to the early raptors of the Cenozoic!
Any "raptor" from the Paleogene is valid - so here are some suggestions: Early Cariamiformes (Seriemas and Kin) like Bathornis, Dynamopterus, Strigogyps, and the first potential Terror Birds like Paleopsilopterus Early Owls like Ypresiglaux and Palaeoglaux Early Accipitriformes like Horusornis Early Falcons like Antarctoboenus, Masillaraptor, and Danielsraptor And of course the ever popular "Parrot-Passerines of Prey" like Tynskya and Messelastur
Half of all living birds are Passeriformes - aka "Perching Birds" - but this wasn't always the case! For most of Earth's history, many other kinds of tree birds were extremely common
Where did this behemoth group of tiny dinosaurs come from? That's the subject of this day's prompt!
In the Eocene, the first birds closer to Passeriformes than to Parrots evolved, and they came in a huge variety of forms! So on Nov 9th, we're going to celebrate this group's interesting beginnings!
Options for this include Parapsittacopes, Eofringillirostrum, Pumiliornis, Psittacopes, Zygodactylus, Primozygodactylus, Psittacomimus, Sororavis, Morsoravis, and Eozygodactylus! Go wild!
Back to specific ecosystems! We're visiting the world-famous Fossil Lake of the Green River Formation!
This environment, during the Early Eocene, was a thriving tropical lake and forest ecosystem filled with tons of early Neornithines as well as mammals and other animals
Gorgeous fossils have come out of this lake, showing truly amazing detail of feathers and other features for these birds!
So here you can feature Prefica (a potential early Oilbird), the flighted Palaeognath Calciavis, the stem-turaco Foro, the early mousebird Celericolius, the possible shore-bird Nahmavis, a potential cuckoo roller Plesiocathartes, the Flamingo-Duck Presbyornis, the early landfowl Gallinuloides, the swift-hummingbird Eocypselus, and the Frigate Bird Trying at being a Gull Limnofregata - and so many more!
We're finally moving on to the middle Eocene - and the Messel Lake ecosystem, famous from the first episode of Walking with Beasts (hence the name of the day)!
(If you're going "wait, that episode acts like nothing happened between the K-Pg and Messel, but here you have 10 days worth of stuff" .... yeah. Walking With Beasts skipped the Paleocene and early Eocene and I am... very pissed. Still.)
You know about the tons of early mammals from this tropical lake ecosystem, but it was filled with tons of early birds as well!
There's the early ostrich Palaeotis, the crane-rail Messelornis, the almost-flamingo Juncitarsus, the freshwater Booby Masillastega, the early hoopoe Messelirrisor, Selmes (a mouse bird with stubby toes), the early ibis Rhynchaeites, the early nightbird Hassiavis, the early swift Scaniacypselus, an early roller with known colors Eocoracias, and the early potoo Paraprefica - and many others!
As the Eocene continued, penguins achieved true megafaunal status - there were tons of them, they were huge, and they were all over the oceans of the Southern Hemisphere
While penguin diversity never did recover after the Eocene-Oligocene extinction event, this golden age deserves celebration!
Some of these fascinating peak penguins include Palaeeudyptes, Anthropornis, Icadyptes, Inkayacu, Perudyptes, and Kairuku!
As the Eocene began to dry up and cool down, plains grew across the world where the tropical forests once had been
One of the most famous later-Eocene fossil sites for birds is the Quercy Phosphorites location, a French formation with tons of interesting fossil birds!
Here we start to see the early forms of Neornithine Dinosaurs we saw in the Paleocene-Early Eocene diverge and specialize further - often in particularly weird or interesting ways!
So here we have the duck-ish chicken Paraortyx, the secretarybird Pelargopappus, you can also bring back Dynamopterus from earlier, there is the stem-chicken Quercymegapodius as well as stem-parrots like Quercypsitta, the seriema-like Strigogyps, the sandgrouse relative Archaeoganga, Archaeotrogon shows up again, the swift relative Aegialornis, a potential woodpecker relative Sylphornis, and more owls like Palaeoglaux! Lots of cursorial predators in this ecosystem!
As the Oligocene dawned, forests did grow back in Europe, though they were now temperate and dry as opposed to the paratropical rainforests of before
This lead to wide diversification of tree-dwelling birds, and so here we will celebrate the birds of the Oligocene of Europe!
We start to really see modern-esque birds at this point, though of course we still have 30 million years of evolution to go!
Here you can feature the early eagle/hawk Aviraptor, the European Hummingbird Eurotrochilus, the seabird relative Rupelornis, the early woodpecker-toucan Rupelramphastoides, the tody Palaeotodus, the proper Passerine Wieslochia, the possible shorebird Turnipax, the mousebird Oligocolius, the hoopoe Laurillardia, and the trogon Primotrogon which we know the colors of!
The Jebel Qatrani Formation of Egypt shows the beginnings of the famous African Grassland animals, as well as many early members of iconic African animal groups such as primates - and, of course, birds!
Taking place in the early Oligocene, this formation was a tropical/subtropical lowland plain filled with ponds and streams and other waterways - aka, tons of swamps surrounded by plains
As such, this place is infested with waterbirds!
Here we have a fossil relative of the Shoebill Goliathia, as well as the jacanas Janipes and Nupharanassa, the giant stork Palaeoephippiorhynchus, the herons Nycticorax and Xenerodiops, and the mystery Palaeognath Eremopezus!
Once again we're just fully committing to the Walking With Beasts nostalgia bc these are the birds we wish were in it more okay we said it
Anyways there were some interesting large birds in the plains of the "Land of Giants" episode so picture these guys alongside the Indricothere etc.
In general we're covering the latest Eocene through the Oligocene of Central Asia
Here we have the enigmatic ratites Ergilornis and Sonogrus, the pseudo-toothed bird Caspiodontornis, the owl Heterostrix, and the stem-flamingo Agnopterus
We all focus on penguins, but over the Cenozoic, plenty of weird birds have evolved for marine life, and boy are they bizarre!
So for Nov 17, we're focusing on the unusual marine birds of the Cenozoic!
This includes any members of the Pelagornithids - aka the Pseudo-toothed birds - as well as the Plotopterids - the Boobies that became Penguins! Pelagornis and Copepteryx are the best known taxa from each, respectively, but there are plenty more!
But that's not all! We have the flightless auks Miomancalla and Mancalla, the large flightless marine duck Chendytes, and who can forget the weird flightless marine swan Annakacygna! Tons of options to choose from!
We're now starting our transition from the Paleogene into the Neogene, beginning with the brackish marsh ecosystem preserved at Saint-Gerand-Le-Puy in France!
This Miocene locality preserves a wide variety of birds that are near modern, but not quite - a sort of "uncanny valley" of bird evolution, all set in a somewhat-salty somewhat-not wetland ecosystem
Options for dinosaurs here include Harrisonavis, a transitional flamingo; the early gull/tern Laricola, the enigmatic duck Mionetta, the stork Grallavis, the pratincole Becassius, the swimming-flamingo Palaelodus, the early cormorant Nectornis, the seed-eating pheasant Palaeortyx, the early loon Colymboides, and the mysterious shorebird Elorius!
Riversleigh is one of the most famous fossil sites in the world, preserving the evolution of the strange and unique animals known today in Australia, during the Oligocene to Miocene transition
Most often, we focus on the bizarre mammals found at Riversleigh, and for good reason - it's a Marsupial Party! - but the birds here are fantastic as well
This ecosystem was a rich rainforest that transitioned over the period of deposition into a semiarid grassland, and covers 20 million years of animal evolution during that transition
Options for birds here include the butcherbird Kurrartapu, the fossil Sittella Daphoenositta trevorworthyi, the Mihirungs ("Demon Ducks") Dromornis and Barawertornis, the Emuwary Emuarius, the early magpie-goose Eoanseranas, the raptor Pengana with flexible ankles, the earliest known species of lyrebird (Menura tyawanoides), the corvid-like Corvitalusoides, the first known cockatoos, the flightless rail-like bird Australlus, the stiff-tailed duck Pinpanetta, the early logrunner Orthonyx kaldowinyeri, and so many more!
Y'all were probably wondering when we'd get to the Terror Birds and other interesting dinosaurs of South America, so - here we are!
South America, isolated from the rest of the world until the Great American Interchange, featured a wide variety of bizarre and unique animals - not just mammals, but birds and other reptiles as well!
So for Nov 20th, we're looking at the interesting dinosaurs of the "lost continent" during the Miocene epoch, prior to the invasion of North American taxa!
Any Miocene South American Terror Bird (Phorusrachid) is fair game here, so that includes Brontornis, Patagorhacos, Paraphysornis, Devincenzia, Kelenken, Phorusrhacos, Patagornis, Andalgalornis, Psilopterus, Mesembriornis, and Procariama! Note that they did not all live at the same time or even close to each other in location, so do your research on the taxa you pick!
But Terror Birds weren't the only strange dinosaurs in South America at the time! We have the large Teratorn (vulture-like-thing) Argentavis, the *giant* swimming-flamingo Megapaloelodus, the giant Anhinga Macranhinga, the rhea Opisthodactylus, the penguins Palaeospheniscus, Arthrodytes, and Paraptenodytes, the Cathartid Dryornis, the Jacamar Galbula hylochoreutes, fossil Hoatzins like Hoazinavis and Hoazinoides, the giant stork Leptoptilos patagonicus, and the owl Yarquen!
Aotearoa has one of the most unique avifaunas in the world today, and I often call it "Mesozoic 2" because of its almost entirely dinosaur-dominated fauna, especially in the past
All great things have to start somewhere or when, and for Aotearoa, that somewhen was after the landmass resurfaced from the ocean for the first time in millions of years - and was quickly inhabited by all kinds of birds and other reptiles (including tuatara) in the Miocene
This ecosystem was a lake bordered by grassy wetland floodplains and subtropical forests, a bit warmer than Aotearoa today
Dinosaurs here include the early Kiwi Proapteryx, an unnamed early Moa, a truly alarming number of waterfowl including shelducks like Miotadorna, stiff-tailed ducks like Manuherikia, and the possible swan Notochen, the small swimming-flamingo Palaelodus aotearoa, pigeons like Rupephaps and Deliaphaps, an early adzebill Aptornis proasciarostratus, flightless rails like Priscaweka, the lake-wanderer Hakawai melvillei, the herons Pikaihao and Matuku, the giant parrot Heracles, proto-keas Nelepsittacus, and the New Zealand Wren Kuiornis. Tons of fun species to choose from!
In the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene, the Italian province of Gargano was cut off from the mainland due to rising sea levels, turning it into an island - an island with lots of really strange birds!
This island was cut off from everything else and completely lacked large predators, allowing for a weird variety of animals to evolve and thrive prior to the island rejoining the mainland during the Ice Age
Strange birds of this ecosystem include the extremely old pigeon Columba omnisanctorum, the giant hawk Garganoaetus, the giant flightless goose Garganornis, the giant barn owl Tyto gigantea, the pheasant Palaeortyx volans, and the swift Apus wetmorei!
The iconic animals of the Ice Age and recent prehistory had to come from somewhere, and much of this transition is recorded in the Chinese Ecosystem of the Liushu Formation, deposited between 11 and 6.4 million years ago
As grasslands expanded, this ecosystem transitioned from a forest to a wide plains, and many animals adapted for the grasslands accordingly, leading to the appearance of such mammals as Elasmotheriines, Sabercats, Hyenas, Ambelodonts, and a truly alarming quantity of hoofed mammals
Dinosaurs (Birds) adapted to this ecosystem change as well, of course! While most focus on the mammals of Liushu, we're here to showcase the interesting birds that appeared here as well!
Options here include the the very well preserved Falcon Falco hezhengensis, the vultures Mioneophron and Gansugyps, the diurnal owl Miosurnia, the vocally fancy pheasant Panraogallus, the sandgrouse Linxiavis, the Ostrich Struthio (or Orientornis) linxiaensis, and the probable-Ostrich Sinoergilornis
Penguins are Bouncing Back! As the Miocene continued and the Pliocene began, many new types of marine birds showed up and were fossilized in locations in Chile (Pisco) and Aotearoa (Tangahoe)
Tons of interesting birds were preserved in this sort of transitional ecosystem, showcasing how birds adapted to changing conditions as the Miocene-Pliocene climatic turmoil continued
These near shore environments are probably more famous for their other animals - things like the giant shark "megalodon", as well as weird whales like Livyatan and Odobenocetops and aquatic giant sloths (like Thalassocnus) and marine crocodilians - but we're here for those dinosaurs!
Options here from the Pisco Formation include the "Toucan-Booby" Ramphastosula, the Cathartid Perugyps, the Booby Sula figueroae, Pelagornithids, Pelicans, and the penguins Spheniscus urbinai and Spheniscus megaramphus, whereas birds from the Tangahoe Formation include the narrow-beaked albatross Aldiomedes, the giant petrel Macronectes, the more regular-sized petrel Procellaria altirostris, the little penguin Eudyptula wilsonae, and the crested penguin Eudyptes atatu!
We all love Megafuana, even though they are usually the "Live Fast Die Young" kind of species - gobbling up resources and growing too big will do that to you
Usually when we hear the term "Megafauna" we think of Mammals and Non-Avian Dinosaurs, but birds have had their share too - and have lost their share as well
So, mainly to cater to the Megafauna Fanbase, here we dedicate a whole day to the giant birds of recent times - Pliocene through Pleistocene - that we have lost to the dramatic climate change of the Ice Age Era. (Those lost in the Holocene will get their own days, see below)
Options for this day include the giant ostrich Pachystruthio, the Mihirung Genyornis, the Terror Bird Titanis, the giant stork Leptoptilos robustus, the giant swan Cygnus falconeri, the giant Anhinga Giganhinga, and of course - we can't forget our friend - the last of the Pseudotoothed Birds, Pelagornis
In many ways, the real dinosaur winners of the Ice Age were the flying Birds of Prey, as there were many kinds of raptors during the Ice Age and they exploited the new environment expertly
Nothing like being able to traverse huge distances to find places where there are food, amiright?
So this day is dedicated to the fantastic Raptors of the Ice Age, both volant and not!
Here we have some of the last of the Teratorns like Teratornis itself, the Giant Australian Raptor Dynatoaetus, the Australian Vulture Cryptogyps, Woodward's Eagle Buteogallus woodwardi, the tiny Condor Wingegyps, the large Cuban Eagle Gigantohierax, the wandering vulture Neogyps, the Walking Eagle Buteogallus daggetti, the Giant Cuban Stilt-Owl Ornimegalonyx, and one of the last Terror Birds, Psilopterus
Oh Holocene Extinctions. As upsetting as they are, they include some of the best known fossil/subfossil birds, so we decided to spend a little extra time on them than they should have based solely on the time length
Here, we highlight the early losses of the Holocene - those dinosaurs that went extinct at the start, largely due to direct human activity such as hunting in addition to the warming caused by the end of the last Ice Age/Glacial Maximum
Days will be dedicated to both Hawai'i (see below) and Aotearoa (again, below), so this is for everyone else!
So options here include the previously mentioned marine duck Chendytes, the giant flightless landfowl Sylviornis from New Caledonia, the famous Elephant Birds of Madagascar, the flightless clubbing-ibis Xenicibis, the weird puffin Fratercula dowi, the giant Bahama Eagle Titanohierax, the Californian Turkey Meleagris californica, and the flightless "Cave Rail" Nesotrochis of the Greater Antilles
Many, many, MANY unique dinosaurs live on islands. The islands of Hawai'i are no exception, and these islands have lost many unique and fascinating birds over the years - thanks to human activity, invasive cats, colonialism, and climate change
We couldn't possibly ignore them, so for this day, we are hilghlighting these amazing animals found across the archipelago
There are tons of options, but some of our recommendations include the reverse-platypus/Mole Duck Talpanas, the Stilt-Owl Grallistrix, the flightless ibis Apteribis, the Moa-Nalo like Chelychelynechen, Ptaiochen, and Thambetochen, the Wood Harrier Circus dossenus, Hawai'ian Honeycreepers like Drepanis, Aidemedia, Hemignathus, Chloridops, Akialoa, Rhodacanthis, Dysmorodrepanis, Telespiza, and Vangulifer, the Oloma'o and ʻĀmaui thrushes, ʻōʻō's/Hawai'ian Honeyeaters like the Kioea, Kauaʻi ʻōʻō, and Oʻahu ʻōʻō, the giant Hawai'i Goose, the nēnē-nui/wood-walking goose, the Robust Crow, the flightless Laysan Rail, and the O'ahu Petrel
We're finally here: Pre-Human Holocene Aotearoa, aka Mesozoic 2, aka The Land Where Mammals Ain't Shit
I love Aotearoa so much. Why wasn't I born there. The universe isn't fair.
The ecosystems were very similar to today - podocarp forests and southern beech forests, grass and tussock plains and shrublands, and plenty of coastal habitats, all usually temperate in terms of climate
All named Moa are fair game. All of them, all named members of Dinornithiformes. So the North Island Giant Moa, the South Island Giant Moa, the Bush Moa, the Eastern Moa, the Broad-Billed Moa, the Heavy-Footed Moa, Mantell's Moa, the Crested Moa, and the Upload Moa. Follow your Moa-Filled Dreams!
Obviously there were more than Moa - not just the living species of Aotearoa still with us, but tons of other extinct forms for Fossil Novembirb. This includes the Adzebills, Haast's Eagle (of course), the whēkau/Laughing Owl Ninox albifacies, the New Zealand Goose Cnemiornis, the New Zealand Owlet-Nightjar, the mehonui Diaphorapteryx, the Long-Billed Wren Dendroscansor, the piopio Turnagra, and the Huia
And, for our last day, we cover recent Holocene extinctions (not on Hawai'i or Aotearoa) - the birds/dinosaurs we have lost in the living past, due largely to colonialism, capitalism, globalism, and climate change
Any bird extinct since 1492 not previously covered is fair game, and there are a lot of them. Today, we honor them, however we can.
Some suggestions include the Dodo (of course), the Cuban Macaw, the Pink-Headed Duck, the Northern Curlew, the Great Auk, the Passenger Pigeon, the Carolina Parakeet, the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, the Labrador Duck, the Saint Helena Hoopoe, and the Spectacled Cormorant; though there are of course many otherse to choose from as well
Kind of a bummer note to end on, but here we are
Living Birds already get tons of time and attention, so we really don't want to include them here - we love them, but the fossils of the Neornithes world deserve love too! So we tried to cover all of the bases, as best as we could!
Remember, Wikipedia, the Paleobiology Database, The Works of Gerald Mayr, the third volume of "Earth Before Us", and the blogs of myself and @albertonykus and @otussketching are all fantastic resources to look for information about these wonderful animals! Also check out Through Time and Clades' "Dinosaurs: The Second Chapter" series and the Raptormaniacs blog from Albert as well!
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vaaaaaiolet · 3 months
You move to the big city in search of bigger and better, so naturally, you get your first place.
You just don't anticipate the roommate that comes along with it.
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f / m, strangers / enemies to lovers, slow burn, hijinks and shenanigans, leon is bad at feelings :( but don't worry because there will be so much fluff omg like a romcom, leon being a little shit to a sweetheart pipeline, and banter!! so much banter
inspired by the Japanese drama Good Morning Call!
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catch up on earlier chapters // read on ao3
chapter 3: being neighborly: a how-not-to
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a/n: peep the change in tags :0 and the next chapter is already underway!
my writing skills are still pretty rusty eek!! but i had so much fun with this one.
burning question: is this length okay or are longer chapters preferred? i stuck with my earlier length for this update but i can def cover more per chapter. thoughts?
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You do not get the master bedroom.
Leon the not-burglar is terrifyingly fast on his feet, you discovered last night after he took one look at the guest bedroom and promptly dropped his duffel bag in the room with the bigger bed. Shut the door, even. But that is the least of your worries as you wake up with a throbbing headache from your frosty new roommate’s 6:00 AM alarm. 
Could he get any more insufferable? You curl your pillow around your ears with a groan in an attempt to block out the horrific noise. After the short-lived triumph of your arranged living situation, you’re at a loss as to what the next 3 months with blond Patrick Bateman might entail. 
“...thought I’d drop by!” Leon’s chirpy, girlish voice rings out from the living room. 
You must have gotten less sleep than you thought. Somebody else is in your apartment, goddamn it, not another roommate, you pray as you tug on a sweatshirt and shuffle into the living room. Leon’s holding a tray of cookies wafting with fresh-baked steam as you enter, shooting you help me eyes as you pinpoint the source of his distress: possibly the cutest girl you’ve ever seen, standing next to him with her hair done in braids and chattering away.
You cross your arms and bite back a shit-eating grin. 
“Leon, you never introduced me to your friend!” you exclaim.
“She is not-”
The girl is more than happy to interrupt him, stretching out a hand for you to shake that you’re just as enthusiastic to accept. “I’m Lena,” she beams, ignoring Leon’s glare at you, “I’m your next-door neighbor!”
“That’s just wonderful,” you gush, plucking one of the cookies from Leon’s tray. “And you brought these too? You shouldn’t have.”
Lena’s all too happy to accept the praise, clapping her hands and giggling in delight as you bite into a cookie. Or at least you try to. The thing’s rock hard. Leon chuckles, covering it with a cough as you do your best to clamp your teeth through the petrified Palmier. 
“It’s a pleasure, really! Just the neighborly thing to do. We don’t get new neighbors often.” 
You grin painfully. “Ehh hah high…?” Is that right? 
“Ever since the new changes they started with the leasing contracts, people have been moving out left and right. Really sad,” Lena pouts, “I was such good friends with the other people who lived here. They were a couple just like you, just so lovely-”
“We’re not a couple!” you and Leon shout. You cough, partly to shrug off your outburst and partly to get the remnants of that asteroid of a cookie out your system. 
Poor Lena tilts her head like a confused puppy.
“We’re roommates.” Leon corrects. “She and I…” he glances at you with an expression akin to polite distaste, “we’re under the new contract. It’s complicated, like you said.” 
The energy in the room dwindles with Lena’s continued chitchat about practically every event in the history of the apartment complex. At least now you know to not go into the pool on Thursdays or risk food poisoning from Mr. Demopoulos’ grilling. Somehow, neither piece of advice is relevant right now in the beginning of December. Yawns wear out your jaw underneath the cover of your hand as Leon gives you pointed looks every so often, the tray somehow still in his hands after what must be at least 20 minutes of your new neighbor blabbing away. 
You want to giggle. He’s drowning in a white hoodie and looking more like a grumpy baker by the minute. 
This is all your fault, Leon glowers. His emotions are as hard to read as a neon sign in Vegas. 
But sadly, all good things must come to an end, and so does this part of your payback for him calling dibs on the bigger bed. Definitely not because Lena was starting to twirl her hair and giggle each time he’d make a passing comment to be polite. She’s mere seconds from pulling him down by the arm to sit on your couch (your couch!) before you put a stop to it, bemoaning your shift at the nearby ramen place that starts in half an hour.
Lena lights up; you grimace internally. “No kidding? I love that place! I love the Monday specials, I always get there earl-”
Leon butts in with the enthusiasm of the Energizer bunny. “Right, right, we wouldn’t want to keep you from starting your day. Monday mornings, right?” He leads her out by the elbow as you tag along, apologizing and insisting that you return her gracious favor one of these days.
“Bye Lena!” you wave cheerily as Leon locks the door with finality, and turns to face you. Super slowly.
“What the hell was that about?” 
Frustrated breath condenses past his lips in the frigid apartment air. Leon’s so stony-faced that you might have chiseled his perfectly straight nose yourself on a fine arts final.
“Nothing,” you shrug, shuffling into the kitchen to get some actual breakfast as Leon pads after you, “just wanted to get even for the bedroom thing.”
“The- you’re still hung up on that? I signed the lease first!” he argues as you slip bread into the toaster slot. Leon reaches his arm above your head to fish cereal out of the cabinet. Annoyingly, he'd had the sense to stock the kitchen after you passed out last night. “That’s my bread you’re using, by the way. And my toaster.”
“Learn to share. You’re such a child.” you snap back. The bite’s lost on him though, seeing as you’ve got your mouth stuffed with toast so it comes out more like a hamster with its mouth full. Your intimidation skills could use some work.
Unperturbed, Leon tosses dry cereal into his mouth. “Says the one who egged that crazy girl on! Would she have ever left on her own?”
“Lena’s not crazy, she’s a sweetheart!”
“A crazy sweetheart, call it what you will.”
“You’re being mean. I think she’s got a crush on you.” You delight in the groan you pull out of him. “She liiiikes you!” Your finger jabs into his side and sends him out of the kitchen entirely as he takes the box of Lucky Charms with him, and you chortle, clutching your sides.
Finally, you have the kitchen to yourself and peace in the house without Lena’s (frankly annoying) chatter and Leon’s alarm blaring in the back. You might even brew yourself a cup of tea. You could even-
“You’re late for work now!” a far too satisfied voice calls out from the other side of the apartment.
“And say hi to Lena for me when she comes in for the Monday special!” Leon adds, howling as you hightail it to the shower.
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back to the chapter masterlist...
comments and reblogs are very much appreciated <3 take care and i love you!
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yourmoonmomma · 2 months
Re-doing my pinned post again, now that another birthday has passed and have returned from my paid reading hiatus.
I'm a 24 year old cosmic witch with a Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon, and Sagittarius Rising; I have a Cancer & 8th House Stellium. I'm transmasc, and my pronouns are he/they. I prefer gender-neutral and masculine terms, with "mom/momma" being the only exception.
This blog is dedicated to witchcraft. I will post about my life from time-to-time as well, but these posts will use the #abt me. If you are only here for readings and/or astrology, look at #readings or #astrology. I also have a #divination and #witchcraft tag. I do have a multitude of sideblogs for my other interests, feel free to inquire about them if you are interested.
This is my full-time job, so any and all support is appreciated. Ko-fi is the best way to tip me, which you can access by clicking here! If Ko-Fi doesn't work for you/isn't available, let me know and we can discuss other tip/payment options. I do also have 3 published poetry books that you can find on Amazon. Their titles are "I Call For You, Endlessly", "I Bleed Your Blood", and "Into The Floral Night" written by Alexandra Joan.
I started studying astrology, divination, and witchcraft somewhere between the ages of 7-9 years old. You can check my #reviews tag for reviews.
My free readings are always open! You can ask through DMs or my askbox. Please do not send more than 5 questions more message/ask, as it becomes a little overwhelming, however you can send multiple messages/asks! Do not ask about health, death, or pregnancy. If you tip with the free reading request, I'll give you a more in-depth answer to your question(s). As well, as a disclaimer, the answers you receive are not set in stone. You can make the decisions in your own life, and you should not base serious decisions on what a stranger on the internet says. You control your own life. Not me, or any other reader.
3 Card Reading - $6.25 - You can ask 1-3 questions for this reading, however only 3 cards are pulled. Meaning either a 3 card pull for 1 question, or 1 card per question if you ask 3 questions. Clarifiers to be pulled if needed. This can be done as a written reading or a video reading.
Multi-Question Reading - $13 - A 3 card, at least, reading where I pull a minimum of 3 cards to answer each question you have. Meaning if you ask 3 questions, you will receive 9 cards. Clarifiers are pulled as needed. This can be done as a written reading or a video reading.
All astrology readings require your birth date, birth time, and birth place. Some readings may require additional information.
Transit Analysis - $18.75 - A written reading to either provide you with a week-ahead forecast based on how the week's transits interact with your Natal Chart, or to let you know how a specific transit will affect you (such as Mercury retrograde). This reading does require your current place of residency.
Specific Placement or Question Analysis - $24.50 - A written reading to either give you further insight on a placement in your Natal Chart (this extends to asteroids as well!) or to answer a specific question you have (such as "what career suits me best") using your Natal Chart. This reading is best for someone who has already read their Natal Chart/understands it.
Natal Chart - $44.75 - A written reading analyzing your Natal/Birth Chart.
Composite Chart - $44.75 - A written reading analyzing your relationship with someone in your life. It is best for learning how the relationship exists as its own entity, the way the relationship changes and shapes you both, and the world around you. I will need the second person's birth date, birth time, and birth place as well.
Synastry Chart - $56 - A written reading also analyzing your relationship with another person, however this is best for learning how you & the other person interact with one another, where the pitfalls & shortcomings exist in the relationship, and the way you two can support each other & communicate healthier.
Solar Return - $56.50 - A written reading analyzing your Solar Return Chart. This Chart is created once a year, on/around your birthday, when the Sun returns to the same position it was when you were born. It helps provide an idea of what opportunities and obstacles your Solar Year holds for you, and how you can best take advantage of the year.
If there are any other readings you are interested in, and you don't see them listed here, let me know. As well, if you have an idea of what you want, but don't know what reading is best, also let me know!
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shycroissanti · 1 month
Yes... I have some more new OCs...😔
But this time they're not exactly very important to the main story (maybe just for one of my OCs that is related to astronomy hehehe)
I decided to make a humanized design of the constellations that the Sunlight members chose (it's still just the concept art of three of them, I'll still do the others :3)
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They're more for some comical scenes that I'm planning✨️
For example:
Ophiuchus hated the person who chose him (Kenta) so he tried to throw an asteroid at him but Centaurus stopped it, because they can't interfere in the lives of humans on Earth. (that's why they just watch what happens in the story xD)
Sorryyyy ( ´∀`)
Le tags💖
@c00kietin @larz-barz @knyinfinity @demonslayerdoodles @night-mince10000000000000000001 @scaredyfurry2 @pinkwisteria @giyubabe @pulim-v @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @tor-the-tortilla @zenitsustherapist @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @sunbrokenswords
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Disasters Week Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me @lonestar-s5countdown @she-walked-away @literateowl @bonheur-cafe and @the-126-family!
(1) What is your favorite 911 Lone Star disaster or emergency?
Like most people, I have to go with the ice storm. It was such a good arc! Exciting, involving all the characters, and culminating in the beauty and perfection that is Push!
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(2) Is there a disaster the show hasn't already done that you'd like to see?
It seems like one of the only natural disasters they haven't already explored on this show is flooding. I think it could be very interesting! There are a lot of possibilities with flooding...so many different things could cause it! Also imagine TK or Carlos gets caught in the flood and pulled under and the other one sees it happen and can't get to them and thinks they're dead but then they're fine and they have a tearful reunion!!
(3) If you're keeping up with BTS/spoilers, which season 5 disaster are you most looking forward to?
I'm very excited about the train derailment! I think it looks really good. But I'm also incredibly interested to see how the asteroid situation plays out late in the season!
(4) Which three main characters would you want with you in the event of a massive natural disaster and why?
I would want Tommy with me because she's going to be able to take care of any injury I might get. I'll also take Marjan and Paul because they work really well together and they're never going to give up or back down no matter how terrifying things get!
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(5) Which three main characters would you least want with you in the event of a massive natural disaster and why?
For the most part, all the main characters would be excellent to have in an emergency. But if I have to pick 3 I wouldn't want, I'd go with Grace, Judd and Carlos. Grace because she's amazing at dispatch but has less experience being active in person in an emergency. Judd because he's been shown to admirably take care of the well being of his team when something is too dangerous and they want to stay and help...like when he chops that guy's arm off with an axe in 4x16 because Tommy was taking too long trying to save him. I don't want my arm chopped off! And no Carlos because he's too hot. I can't focus properly on surviving a natural disaster with him around.
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I haven't been paying close attention to who's done this already this week so apologies if I tag you and you've already done it! Open tag and no pressure tagging:
@lemonlyman-dotcom @ladytessa74 @carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk @paperstorm
@nancys-braids @tellmegoodbye @eclectic-sassycoweyes @reyesstrand @reasonandfaithinharmony
@alrightbuckaroo @happilylovingchaos @pimento-playing-hopscotch @doublel27 @guardian-angle22
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ejunkiet · 6 months
ej's adventures in romance: the good, the bad, the ugly
i've had kindle unlimited for the few months, and have been on a deep deep dive into all the recs from the romance genre that i can get my grubby little paws on. I've read.... many, many books. so many.
I've made a rec list of my new fave authors in the genre before, and this is not that. I'm just gonna list what I've read, by tropes, with ratings, and you can read my full reviews on goodreads. I've gone there. there are quite a few of the booktok hits here, because they came up on rec lists, and I'm gonna give my honest opinions on them okay. my goodreads!
Before we get down and dirty, have my actual recs from the last month: Heather Guerre remains a diamond in the rough, although she can now be joined by a further two authors: Kathyrn Moon (smutty RH queen) and Zoey Draven, a surprise last minute entry that doesn't shy away from darker themes, but handles them maturely.
other recs are the obvious: Talia Hibbert, Katee Roberts, and our very own @dominimoonbeam (whose book Doors I've been reccing a LOT lately, as I love it so much, and the sequel will be out soon >:3)
Okay. lets do this. this gets long, be warned. >:3
the "grovel" trope
books where the MMC fucks up and tries to make up for their mistakes. a good read where you get a healthy dose of angst and then a lot of making up for it. can be a great cathartic read.
Cate C. Wells has a whole series dedicated to this, "the five packs", one of which I already recommended as a guilty pleasure: the lone wolf's rejected mate". Now look, these books are ridiculous, the worldstate is terrible, each pack is a dude fest that reeks of misogyny, but they're pretty fun. I've read book 1 and book 3. I want to stab the MMC of book 1 with a rusty spork. you can skip it.
the lone wolf's rejected mate however is a ride, with a broken MMC who rejects his soulmate because he thinks he's too broken (literally, his wolf tries to kill her), and then they get captured, save each other, and he builds her a treehouse, yada yada. mind the content warnings, but if you want to read something OTT that basically epitomises the craziness that is the PNR and "grovel" romance genre, read this, and hold onto your butts.
the paranormal romance genre: shifters, vampires and more
Heather Guerre's books. okay, so actual recs. She focuses on characters from working class backgrounds with a sprinkle of the paranormal thrown in, everyone is over the age of 25 (thank god, most are in their 30s), and she can really write. I won't tag Eeshley again, but the "Tooth and Claw" series was their rec and *chefs kiss*. this is still the self-published romance genre, so these books could use an editor/polish, but honestly, I'm a big fan of her writing, and have picked up all her books. (her contemporary romance is also excellent.)
post-apocalyptic trope
Claire Kent's books. Imagine Joel from the last of us as a book series. I've only read Last Light so far, which is the prequel to a longer series that explores life in america 5+ years after an asteroid collides with western europe, causing global environmental catastrophes. I'm not 100% sold on her world building, but this is a romance novel, and the way she writes the characters and their relationships are human and organic, and the most realistic I've come across so far. the world state is the walking dead, with evil biker gangs that rape and pillage. i'm assuming this is an american thing, but can't comment on what it'd be like in the UK considering we no longer exist, due to aforementioned asteroid collision. probably for the best.
omegaverse and reverse harem tropes
yeah, I thought omegaverse was just a fanfic thing too. it's not, and it is super prevalent in het romance. it was never really my thing in fanfic, and the fact it is not a shifter thing was very surprising to me, as knots/packs/heat/rut still exist, but it's just humans with animalistic traits. I kept on waiting for the motorcycle gang in 'baby and the late night howlers' to turn into wolves, and they never did.
So Kathryn Moon writes some delicious reverse harem books. I read the first of monsterfucker series 'a lady of rooksgrave manor' years ago, and liked it, although there wasn't enough plot for me to continue. she writes excellent smut. Seriously, just really, really good smut. BIG FAN. I've been making my way through her 'Sweetverse' series, which has more connections and actual relationships between the characters, and polymances, and I recommend starting with Lola + the millionaires, if you can handle a little omegaverse. mind the content warnings, this is a book about recovering from trauma, which happened in the first book (baby's book, although offscreen. Lola has a lot of flashbacks in italics.)
Otherwise, you can stick with the monsterfucker books! I bought her latest monster series off of regular kindle, instead of KU, and I'm really excited to read it hehehe
"mars need more women" and "fated mate" tropes
hehehe okay HERE WE GO. these books are all about women ending up on planets where due to some sort of cataclysmic event - disease, mostly - 80% of the female population of the planet has died. now as we're not here for angst, the arrival of these women are usually due to some other species abducting them, and they are then "rescued" or recovered after a crash on metaphorical mars, which needs a better sex ratio to ensure the survival of the species.
this trope is coupled with "fated mate" tropes, where basically the rescued/recovered women end up with a devoted alien husband, who yearns until he can win her over (we're all about consent here folks)
the ice planet barbarians series by ruby dixon. this is basically na'vi aliens that crashlanded on an ice planet 250 odd years ago, and have made it their home, living in tribal colonies. to survive in this planet's toxic atmosphere, they've taken in a native parasite called a 'khui' which helps their bodies adapt to the climate and atmosphere. the women in the books also receive the same parasite to survive (they're given the choice), and this is the basis of the "mate bonds" formed throughout the series.
now book 1 is a rocky start, and the weakest of the series. I nearly put it down because of the first 20 pages. you can skip the first 20 pages. it basically recounts the abduction of the women from their home planet, and mistreatment by their captors (tw for sexual assault of a side character, not explicit). the ship malfunctions, and the women "cargo" are dropped onto the ice planet, where they are found by the not-na'vi, who are called sa-khui, because of the parasite.
now the rest of the series is about adapting to life on an alien planet, understanding the culture of the sa-khui, and gaining a devoted alien hubby. look, I read four books in a week. they're fun, they're exciting, the smut is good, and it's an easy read. it's also written by an experienced and practiced author, as the topics are handled maturely, it doesn't take itself too seriously, and it has great representation.
(one of my favourite books in the series, book 7, is centred around Lilah, who was born deaf and had a cochlear implant that was surgically removed during the abduction. the book focuses on her struggling to adapt to life on the planet, aided by a sa-khui that rescues her and learns ASL to communicate, and it's an excellent read okay)
I'd say read book 1 (maybe skipping first 20 pages, or even to part 2) for context, read book 2 (my favourite of the series omg), and then pick and choose from there!! I've read 1,2,4,7, and I'm gonna end up coming back for more hehehe.
"choosing theo" is another in this genre, but it didn't quite vibe with me. it leans into the 'rescued human ends up on a planet that needs women for propagation', with a matriarchal society where the men go to husbandry school to learn how to please women, and all residents of the planet are required to participate in three month long marriages to try to find potential mates to propagate the species. the premise is a fun one, but the first book is not the strongest, and I didn't continue from there. (another rusty spork for the MMC...)
dothraki in space trope
we're at the end of my trope list! I liked the ice planet barbarian series a lot, and I'd kept on seeing the Horde Kings of Dakkar by Zoey Draven recommended, and they are good. (thank you woofs >:3) think dothraki from GoT in space; humans live in small, poorly maintained colonies on the Dakkar planet, where they aren't allowed to hunt or damage the earth. offenses are punishable by death. these books lean into the captive trope, and handle the issues of the worldstate and navigating cultural differences super well, with a heavy dose of consent and BAMF heroines that rise up to their situation and make a place for themselves in their new (objectively better) lives.
i'm on book two now, and I love the maturity in the characters and the writing (which I did not find in 'choosing theo'), and they're an excellent romp. fantastic rec, really glad I picked this up >:3
am I finally going to take a break from my reading binge now? I keep on saying I will, and then not doing that ahahahaha. my kindle library is still stuffed full, mainly with other books from my fave authors above, but also some nice space horror to round it off.
next on my list is gonna be either 'Haunt, Heart, Havoc', a horror romance that I've been meaning to read forever, or 'Dead silence', which is aliens meets titanic in space. >:3 if you read all of this, KUDOS TO YOU, have a lovely sunday ahahaha!
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tokitink · 30 days
Property Exception - Chapter 3
Property Exception (45298 words) by tottiki Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: The Murderbot Diaries - Martha Wells Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Murderbot & PreservationAux Survey Team (Murderbot Diaries), Dr. Mensah & Murderbot (Murderbot Diaries) Characters: Murderbot (Murderbot Diaries), Dr. Mensah (Murderbot Diaries), Pin-Lee (Murderbot Diaries), Dr. Gurathin (Murderbot Diaries), Dr. Ratthi (Murderbot Diaries), Dr. Arada (Murderbot Diaries), Overse (Murderbot Diaries), Dr. Bharadwaj (Murderbot Diaries), Dr. Volescu (Murderbot Diaries) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Heist, Escape, Humor, Slavery, Blood and Gore, Suicidal Thoughts, Hopeful Ending
Summary: On a corporate owned mining asteroid in the depths of the Corporation Rim, a group of plucky, heroic, indentured humans have just decided to make their first move in a daring escape plan. Said first move is a deceptively simple hack, putting control of their corporate overlords' single, overworked SecUnit into their hands. Little do they know, this murderbot is already hacked.
(I finally finished it!! Whoop!)
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mysticreigns2 · 22 days
Iron man (cyborg series 2)
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Roman reigns x Esme (OC)
Warnings: smut, fluff, angst, sci-fi, not proofread.
Tag list: @mzv11 @acknowledge-reigns @romanreignshairdresser @my-roman-empiree @romanthereigns @wrestlingprincess80
K6. A planet in the Andromeda Galaxy 2 million light years away, and soon to be our new home. The space program had been excelerated when we found out an asteroid was coming to earth. The asteroid brought the sentinels with it. An alien lifeform that sucked the energy resources from other worlds, leaving them a baren wasteland of what they use to be.
Humanity had taken to the cosmos to find a home but the sentinels were always right behind them! Eventually, humanity managed to isolate the sentinels to one section of the Galaxy near the titan quarter, home to the largest black holes in existence, giving humanity a small glimmer of hope that defeat the sentinels.
In the process of trying to flee the sentinels humanity had lost 95% of its population, dropping it to a mere 3 million people. In an attempt to repopulate, humans were paired with cyborgs. 85% of the time no conception happened. 10% resulted in miscarriages, and 5% resulted in healthy babies. Scientists were unsure why 5% of women carries healthy cyborg babies until they discovered the M5 gene.
Esme's POV
"Danny! Have you seen Roman?" I shouted.
"Lover boys around here somewhere!" She shouted back.
I put my hand over my face "Danny!" I yelled.
"I think it's cute!" His deep voice eched in the hallway. Shit! "How much did you hear?" I asked.
"Lover boys around here somewhere!" He said, smiling from ear to ear. I covered my face "dammit Danny!" I yelled through my hands.
Danny was the only person I'd told about Roman and I. We were the first human and cyborg and naturally paired together on our own. With humanitys very existence in the balance I had wondered for a while if that would be the difference between whether or not we conceived and the others didn't. Roman was insatiable! I know Danny heard us several times even though she never said anything.
I was to busy thinking about the night before. I never expected a cyborg to be so loving in the bedroom, so intune with my needs but he knew what I needed better then I did. His touches were soft, yet held a firmness that no human man had ever shown. His kisses, delicate, yet needy, covering every inch of my skin.
"Esme? You ok?" Danny asked, pulling me from my thoughts.
"huh? Oh yeah I'm fine!* I smiled. Roman saw right through me. He leaned towards my ear "I know you were thinking about last night! How I was pounding that pussy, making you scream!" He growled.
I bit my lip to hold back a moan "get a room you to!" Danny smiled, taking a sip of her coffee. I picked up a plastic cup off the counter and chucked it at her "shut up, Danny!" I laughed.
"she's not wrong though!" Roman chuckled, picking me up bridal style "don't worry if you hear moaning, Danny!" He winked.
"Esme, you lucky girl!" She shouted, the smile in her voice evident.
A sudden shake of the ship had Roman setting me to my feet "both of you run to Esme's quarters!" He said.
"Roman what is it?" I asked, worry and confusion in my voice. I knew he wouldn't tell me to run for no reason, His senses were far more powerful then any human, but something told me he should come with us "Roman you need to come with us! It's not safe for you either. Whatever this is, it's out for all of us!"
The entity that was attacking us flew by the window "a squiddy!" I gasped.
"A squiddy?" Roman asked "how did we get near the titan quarter?"
"I don't know but that squiddy is dangerous to all of us! It doesn't differentiate between human and cyborg but it doesn't just come around for no reason. It's a parasite. It's sensed the energy of the ship and followed it!"
"How do we get rid of it?" He asked "emp pulse?"
"No that dangerous to you and it'll only make it worse! We have to shut off the ship! Make it think it our energy is gone!" I said "the other possibility is we drive it back to the titan quarter, but we risk being caught in a black hole!"
"We need to do something quick either way or that squiddy is gonna take every bit of power the ship has!" Danny yelled.
"Go downstairs and find the switch that shuts all the ships main power sources off! If we can at least make it think it's drained our resources we might have a chance!" I told Danny.
Danny ran off to the ships main power supply "Esme, you look worried!" Roman said.
I sighed, plopping myself in a chair "I never thought I'd have to deal with a squiddy myself!"
"Hey you did an awesome job!" He said, sitting down next to me "I'm proud of you!"
"thank you!" I smiled, leaning in to give him a kiss. The lights started shutting off, indicating Danny had begun shutting off the ships power, Each section of the ship going black.
A loud thud echoed throughout the ship. I ran to the window, looking out into the darkness of space, seeing squiddy leaving the ship "it worked!!" I smiled.
Roman came to the window I was at "you did it Esme!!" He smiled. We all waited until the squiddy was long gone before I grabbed my walky talky to tell Danny to turn the power back on.
3 days later
A knock on the door woke me out of a deep sleep. The artificial sunlight on the ship to give us a sense of normality and keep our circadian rhythm in line hadn't kicked on. It was on a timer and came on at roughly the equivalent of 8am.
I heard the knock again "Esme! We just wanna talk to you!" A male voice said. Remembering what happened last time I didn't answer "Roman!" I whisper yelled, trying to get his hard drive to boot but to no avail. The knocking got louder, I assume because they thought I was still asleep and they were trying to wake me "Esme open the door!"
I had to get Roman to reboot and quick! All the talking I had done wasn't working. I tried to think back to how I woke him before and then it hit me. I got up as quietly as possible and walked over to Roman, careful not to make a sound. I waved my hand in front of Roman and amongst the heavy banging heard his hard drive fire up "hello Esme!" He smiled. The knocking stopped.
"Esme? Is everything alright?" He asked.
"a few guys have been pounding on the door for the past 10 minutes and they stopped when you said 'hello Esme!'"
His expression quickly changed "open the door!" He said "I'll he right here!" He said moving to a dark corner of the room. I took a deep breath and put my hand on the panel. As soon as the door opened the grabbed me and threw me over their shoulder "you have the M5 gene Esme! We're taking you to the breeding program!" One of the men said.
"the fuck you are!" I said trying to get away, elbowing one of them in the neck. The other grabbed my legs trying to tie me up. Moments later I saw one of them get flung against the wall, knocking him out cold. The other tried to run with me still on his shoulder, dropping me along the way when his instinct for survival over powered him.
He wouldn't make it far though. Rounding the corner, I heard him scream and Romans cyborg voice take over "you'll never touch her again!" He yelled. I covered my ears and shut my eyes, I knew what was about to happen but I was to far away from my room to run to it.
Moments later Roman came around the corner, walking over to me. When I saw his feet I looked up"Esme are you hurt?" He asked.
"no, I'm fine!" I said. He reached his hand out to me, pulling me up as I took it "so apparently you can make cyborg babies huh?" He said wiggling his eyebrows. I giggled "you don't miss anything do you?"
"nope!" He said, scooping me up bridal style "not when it comes to you!"
I smiled "you know 6 years ago If someone had told me I'd find my soulmate in a cyborg I would've said they're crazy?"
He smiled, standing next to the panel so I could put my hand on it "and now?"
"And now I have you!" I smiled, as he gently laid me on the bed, crawling into bed next to me.
"Do you remember that night?" He asked, kissing the soft skin on my neck, the softness of his lipsaking goosebumps form on my skin.
"The night you spoiled me for any other human man?" I giggled, turning over to face him "I remember everything about it!"
"so you remember how I kissed you?" He said, connecting his velvety lips with mine. His kiss had always taken my breath away. He kissed me with need, yet a gentleness that no human could ever possess. Slowly moving from my lips to my neck I finally managed to say "I remember!"
A deep chuckle escaped him "I love seeing you like this! It's always turned me in knowing how I can make you need my cock inside you! Pounding into you over and over til you're screaming!" He growled in my ear.
"how wet is that pussy?" He asked running his hand underneath my pajama shorts. His thick fingers finding their way into my slick folds "that pussy is dripping baby girl!" He groaned, flipping me on my stomach and lifting my ass in the air to pull my shorts off, pulling the straps of my tank top down over my shoulders "you're so fucking beautiful Esme!" He groaned. I felt him slide his cock Through my folds, coating himself in my essence "please!" I begged. A deep chuckle escaped his beautiful lips as he gave me what I wanted. The feeling of him filling me up, making us one.
"still so fucking tight!" He growled, digging his hands into my hips, snapping his hips against mine "fuck!" I groaned.
"is this what you wanted? Huh? Did you want my cyborg cock pounding your tight pussy? Uhn! You're so fucking wet baby!" He growled.
"when I fill this pussy you better keep every drop in it! Do you understand me? Answer me!"
"yes sir!" I groaned. I'd never seen him like this before but it drove me crazy!
"yes what?" He growled.
"yes daddy!"
"that's my good girl!" He growled, snapping his hips harder. Skin slapping skin and the sounds of our moans filled the room "fuck! Don't stop!" I groaned.
"uhn I feel that tight pussy squeezing my cock baby! Uhn! That's it! Let it go!" He growled. His words sent me spiraling into an abyss of ecstasy that only he could pull me out of.
"uhn! Milk my cock baby! Fuck!" He growled, his cock twitching inside me, spilling his seed deep within me. A few last sloppy thrusts and he stilled inside me, both of us trying catch our breath, a breath heavy with satiated lust.
Slowly he pulled out me and I collapsed in the bed. He crawled next to me, rubbing my back "I can't wait to see you pregnant with our child! You'll look so beautiful!"
I smiled "I love you!"
He smiled back "I love you to baby girl!"
5 weeks later
I stood In the bathroom, impatiently waiting. Why is this taking so long? It should have shown up by now. My period is a week late. I tapped my foot, the nerves getting to me. I waited the full 3 minutes, scared out of my skin. I grabbed the test and flipped it over. Positive, the digital meter read.
"I'm pregnant?" I mumbled, tears forming in my eyes. I ran into the bedroom "Roman!" I yelled handing him the test.
"You're pregnant?" He smiled.
"We did it!" I smiled back.
He pulled me to him "I love you so much Esme! Fate truly did bring us together 6 years ago!"
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etchedstars · 2 years
well folks it is once again wip wednesday 
i offer you some ghost gays as tribute
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also ps expect ch2 of captured ghosts today or tmrw :) 
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sponfawn · 23 days
SBJ More Than Human content Masterpost
Most of the posts I've made myself on this blog are related to the sbj more than human fandom so here is a masterpost for a lot of those posts
Last updated: 9/13/2024
I've included all of my meta posts (so far as I know), and some of the animation/amv posts based on what I thought people might want to see. For more progress posts, things I've reblogged for inspiration, jokes about the amv, etc, see the sbj more than human amv tag
Meta analysis:
Vortex/dream meta:
Brick's dream and vortex (I also reblogged it with an excerpt from mth)
Vortex symbolism
Rowdy Bros pt 1
Rowdy Bros pt 2
Buttercup & Mitch, Floyd, Lloyd, and Harry
Bubbles and Will
Color-in-laws pt 1
Color-in-laws pt 2
Color-in-laws pt 3
Color-in-laws pt 4
Color-in-laws pt 5
Color-in-laws pt 6
Sisterhood of the PPGs
Butch and ADHD
Another Butch and ADHD
Emotional meta rant: Butch and Buttercup's photos
Rambly hair meta
Romantic gender role subversion (a personal favorite)
RRBs and the power of friendship
Gift symbolism
Chillin' with the villains series:
Mojo Jojo
Mrs. Morbucks
Him pt 1
Him pt 2
Animation Project (AMV)
Most recent storyboard animatic update (As Of 9/12/2024)
Character design:
drawing style
why character models are important
Girls' house night scene
Boys' apartment layout
actual super rough amv animation that's probably gonna be scrapped
and another
an unfinished mth animation project before i decided to do the amv
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bonezone44 · 1 year
Muddy Waters, pt 4. (18+)
'Punching Bags'
Ezra x F!Reader x Joel Miller
Summary: A peek into your past and present with Ezra. A brief clash between you and Joel. Then, your best friend catches you with Joel.
Word Count: ~7,5k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (story masterlist) (my masterlist)
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tags: NSFW 18+. Intuitive!Reader. Afab!Reader (she/they). Southern!Reader. Established Ezra x F!Reader. Polyam. No use of Y/N.
This Chapter: Pet names: baby, angel, darlin. Fighting/Fucking. Unprotected P-in-V. Ezra and his poor hygiene habits. Angst. Rage. Humor. Adult conversations.
Warnings: The first section of this chapter occurs in the past and contains consensual physical violence + sex, aka fighting/fucking, between the Reader and Ezra and the Reader and Ezra threaten each other’s lives (it’s understood between them that they don’t literally mean what they’re saying).
Author's Note: It's amazing how many different version of a chapter can exist before I end up with what I post. I hope this is the best version. I might have had too much caffeine today.
“Just leave it!” he shouted at you from across the library with veins bulging from his neck. He splayed his fingers wide and threw his hands down. “We can’t take ‘em all!”
You traced the letters on the cover. 1,000 Facts About Space. Decorated with images of stars and planets and black holes. Your lips trembled and you fell to your knees.
Ezra groaned. “We don’t have time for this!”
“We were gonna go places.” Mars. The Asteroid Belt. Jupiter and beyond. To the very end of space and time. “We were gonna see… we were gonna see it all.” You swallowed thickly as your eyes filled with tears. 
“Yeah, well." Ezra spun around with his arms swinging. "It’s no longer an option, now is it?” he spat.
“B-but we’re gonna lose all this–all this knowledge!” You held the book to your chest and clung to your lower lip with your teeth as you pouted. In any other lifetime, it would have been a silly little collection of trivia you flipped through on someone’s coffee table. But in that moment, it was your ancestors’--nay, your entire species’--lost destiny and tragically unfulfilled prophecy.
“I am well aware of what progress our society is losing,” he snarled with wide eyes. “And I am just as heartbroken as you are but–" he placed his palms together in prayer. "–we cannot allow ourselves to mourn eternally over it and we cannot allow ourselves to mourn right–now!” He stomped his foot twice. “We need to move with haste,” he hissed.
“Stop telling me what to do!” you shouted, regressing into your childhood self, desperate and selfish and kicking your feet. God, why couldn’t Ezra understand you? Why couldn’t he understand the pain you were experiencing? Where was his fucking compassion?!
“Baby, if you don’t put that book down right now…” With his chin high and serious, he raised one ominous finger in your direction. “I’ll say it.”
You whipped your head up and flared your nostrils. He wouldn’t dare.
“You think I’m joking, huh?” Something about your reaction made his eyes glow. He dropped his hand.
“Don’t,” you threatened–your lips curled thin.
“Drop the book and get up or I’ll say it.” Excitement bubbled in his cheeks. He was grinning.
You stayed on the floor, snarling at him. Fire began to burn in your fists and ripple throughout your chest. “Don’t you fuckin say it.” Fuck, you wished he would. You wished this motherfucker would say it just so you could feel something for once in your whole stupid life.
“I will.” His eyes were positively glittering—sparkling like the falling dust in the pale white light flooding in through the windows. “I will speak it loudly and I will speak it proudly.”
“Don’t you fuckin say it, Ezra!” Your breaths were heaving now, hot blood pumping through your arms and legs. You were a wild beast being toyed with and prodded and the thought of pouncing your torturer burned embers low in your belly. You squeezed your thighs together–squirming.
“Don’t tell me what to do!” He said with a sideways shake of his head. He started laughing. You could see the beast in him, too, the way his teeth shined like fangs ready to sink into your skin.
You two went back and forth, taunting and tugging on one another while your bodies stayed in place and built up fiery momentum. 
It was Ezra who finally burst and snapped and he dug his teeth into the depths of your craw.
“I–" he started and your nostrils flared with hot air. 
Energy coiled in your toes 
"--the fuckin INTERNET!” He shouted and stomped, all red in the face and neck.
You launched yourself up from the floor and ran straight for him, screaming with fury and heated spite. You lunged forward, wrapping your arms around his knees, and tackled him to the ground. 
A loud pained groan was knocked from Ezra’s gut as he hit the floor. You scrambled up his body. 
You hovered above him, fingers gripping his shirt tight. "I am so fuckin sick of hearing you talk!" You punched him in the chest with the sides of your fists before tumbling over sideways and slamming into the floor, shoulder first. You hastily shimmied out of one pant leg because one leg free was all you needed before clawing yourself back on top of him.
"Give it to me–give it to me–" he choked out through short breaths. His pants and underwear were pulled under his hips. His twisted amusement was gone–replaced with a deep, snarling hunger. "Make it hurt, baby–" Ezra spit on his hand and stroked his cock. "Come on–" He whined.
You slid your panties to the side, wasting no time to sink down on his length. The sharp, dry pain went unnoticed as rage flooded your vibrating veins. You scratched your nails along the back of his scalp and pulled his head down and away from you. Your other hand curled into his shirt again. You wanted to rip it off his body and shove it in his mouth while he whimpered–and you tried, honestly, but the fabric wouldn't tear. 
Ezra dug his fingers into your waist. "Fuckin hurt me, baby!" He shouted and rolled his body, trying to get you to start moving. "Come on!"
You hunched over, meeting him nose-to-nose and screamed. "You wanna fuckin hurt?! I'll show you how to fuckin hurt!" You leaned upright. One hand squeezed his cheeks before the other swung back and punched him in the jaw–fist following all the way through. 
Ezra whimpered and jerked his hips. 
You saw blood in his teeth.
Fuck, it felt good. So good you almost came–it felt so good. The way your cunt clenched around him, sucking his cock deeper inside you. You bounced up and down, savoring the way his length stroked your inner walls. You reeled your arm back a second time and punched him again in the same spot to the right of his chin. This time, your fist hit the floor beneath him as well–sending a shooting pain from your knuckles up to your shoulder and right back down again.
Hoo! It hurt, but you shook it off–shook your hand around while bouncing up and down.
Ezra didn’t complain. In fact, he started fucking up into you, hips and bare ass using the hardwood floor as some kind of springboard. The rebound threw your body forward and you nearly toppled over him completely. But you were quick enough to steady yourself and met his strokes in a pounding, synchronous rhythm.
“I fuckin hate you!” you screamed in his face, sweat building on your brow. You punched him one more time for good measure, and the sting was so sharp–you felt pins and needles all through your hand. You clawed and tugged at his hair while hunting the billowing heat at your core. “I fuckin hate you, Ezra!” Fat tears filled your eyes and spilled down your cheeks. “I hope you fuckin die!”
“Nnng–I hate you, too, baby!” His eyes were glossy and wet and he was sweating from the exertion of his thrusts. "Fuck!" He whined and ached. "I fuckin hate you, too!" He croaked as he wept.
You wrapped your fingers in the hair on his crown. “If you fuckin come first, I’ll kill you mySELF!” Spit flew from your lips.
“Do it!” he yelled through gritted teeth, pain evident across his face. “Fuckin KILL ME ALREADY!” He shrieked. He was panting like a dog and crying like a baby.
“I’ll do it! I’ll fuckin KILL you, Ezra!” You were sobbing now–your abdomen spasming and twisting. You didn’t stop riding him, though. You were determined to get your orgasm–even if you felt yourself wavering. You shoved your dirty fingers in his mouth, down to your broken and bleeding knuckles, while your other hand braced yourself on the floor next to his head.
He tongued and choked on your fingers. He bit down hard and you loved it. Once you felt his hips slow–once his pace stuttered and grew weak–it set you off on your high. A creaking whimper escaped your throat. Your pussy clenched and contracted around him. A heady wave of blood pulsed through you, leaving you dizzy and disoriented. You collapsed into his body, limbs flopping around while Ezra chased his own end. 
You weren’t sure if he came in you or on you or somewhere else in the room. You just remembered the whole world going dark and quiet as you floated serenely on some post-orgasmic ethereal cloud. 
You were eternal. 
Until a waft of air over your bare ass sent goosebumps up your back and down your arms. You pried open your heavy eyelids with your cheek smushed against the floor. In front of you was a blur of book spines. A label on the shelf read ‘Local Authors.’ The title beneath:
'The Nature of Good and Evil' by Sylvia Browne.
Ezra trekked ahead of you, smiling widely in the sun with a red wagon in tow. Its contents were covered in a black plastic tarp and wrapped up with cord. He craned his neck back and chuckled. “You clocked me pretty good, baby. It’s been–what?--over two weeks now? And I’m still feelin it.” He flexed his jaw. "Hoo!" 
“Sorry,” you murmured, embarrassed. You fumbled behind him, dragging a wagon of your own. Your knuckles were still tender, too. 
“There is no need to apologize for your actions.” He stopped and smiled. “I am proud of my woman.” He had been perky and grinning since you left the library behind. “I love it when you kick my ass.”
You rolled your eyes and laughed. You walked passed him, navigating carefully upward through the dry, grassy terrain. Your thighs and glutes trembled and ached. The soles of your feet burned. You couldn't feel your fingers hardly, but you didn't care. You didn’t wanna stop, yet, because you knew that stopping would make all the hurt settle in and throb through your body like rolling thunder–make your muscles spasm and twitch like flashes of angry lightning. 
“Shouldn’t be much further now," you heard him call from behind you.
You laughed again and yelled over your shoulder. “You have been saying that for days.”
“Well, since every scale is relative, I am technically correct each time I say it.”
You shook your head and sighed.
You heard a hungry moan. "Baby, I am treasuring the sight of your ass from this lower perspective–"
"Stop it!" Embarrassment heated your face as you giggled and squirmed, trying to cover yourself with your free hand. "You pervert!" 
He grunted. “You know me, angel–”
“HEY!" Shouted a deep and booming voice. 
Your hand instinctively pulled the pistol from your hip and you let go of the wagon. Your heart drummed in your chest as you searched the horizon. Like some kind of optical illusion, as soon as you saw one person heading towards you on horseback, you saw two more in your peripheral.
“Drop ‘em down! NOW!” It was the same deep voice as before–coming from a man wearing a bright red bandana over his face and a black cowboy hat. He was aiming his rifle straight at you. “And step away from the wagons!”
You both complied, clearly outnumbered and outgunned, too.
“Are you bit?” he shouted.
You shook your head as you raised your hands in surrender.
“No, my good sir.” Ezra cheerily spoke for both of you. “We are clean as whistles, I assure you.” He cleared his throat. “We are merely passing through—”
“What’s in the wagons?” asked a woman’s voice. She was to your right, wearing a denim jacket–face wrapped in a yellow bandana, but nothing atop her head but tightly twisted long black locs. 
“Nothing nefarious, I promise,” Ezra pressed his palms together. But he lifted them again when the woman raised her rifle. “We are delivering a collection of books–”
“Books?” The man in red sounded disgusted.
“Delivering to who?" Asked the woman. "There’s no one out here." She shook her head. “Certainly no one that ordered books.”
“Well, we uh–We–” Ezra looked to you, nudging for you to speak by widening his eyes.
You looked at the three riders surrounding you. Their clothes appeared clean and fitted. Although you could only see their eyes, they weren’t red and sunken. Their horses looked well-kept, too, brushed and attended to. You took your chance, praying to every single god you had ever heard of in your life that these were the right people and you were about to say the right words. “They left the light on for us,” you croaked out.
“...What?” said the man in red.
“They left the light on for us,” you repeated, though now that you were saying it out loud, you weren’t sure if it was correct. “They left the light on for-for-for me.”
“Th-that’s right!” chimed Ezra, still smiling with his hands up. “They left the light on for me.”
The three riders looked at each other. The woman in yellow trotted forward. 
“Who told you to say that?” she asked.
The tension eased a little. Your heart rate slowed. “My friend, Tonya. W-we met her back in Kansas City.”
The woman hummed. “And where is Tonya now?”
“She stayed,” you said and took a tight breath through your nostrils. “She’s still in Missouri.” 
She hummed again. “And she told you to bring us …books?”
“Tonya encouraged us to provide… tribute to the good people in the Jackson community,” said Ezra, bouncing on his toes. “My partner and I desire to join and participate in the development of this, uh… small town that Tonya has told us quiet, but evolutionary things about.”
The man in red scoffed. “So you brought books?”
“Yes. Books.” Ezra stood as proudly as he could with his hands still high in the air. “We carry with us some mechanical and medical textbooks and some children’s books for the little ones and-and-and we also have some literature, as well, from some of the greats–which–” He looked to you again. “--we know was a biased effort, of course, as is the nature of any opinion, b-b-but I believe we chose quite fairly across the board to-to-to express the diversity of our world’s uhh… our world’s—”.
“Capabilities,” you added.
“Capabilities! Yes! Our world’s capabilities and talent and knowledge.”
“We don’t do hand-outs, alright?” said the woman in yellow. “Everybody works.”
“Absolutely!” Ezra said. He looked over at you, flashing his eyebrows in a silent cheer before returning his attention to the riders. “I completely agree! One hundred percent!” He nodded in your direction. “M-my partner may need time to-to rest after this long, arduous journey, but I, personally, am fighting fit.”
The woman grunted and turned to the man in red. She spun her finger in the air. “Go get the dogs.”
Ezra smiled uncomfortably. “The-the what now?” 
There were never enough hours in the day. You don’t know how Joel kept his whole house so neat and clean and still found time to go on patrol and build things around town and limewash new shutters and take care of Ellie. You and Ezra shared a small apartment above the Outfitters and it was always an overwhelming disaster. 
You two had somehow collected so much in the brief time you had been in Jackson. And you had no idea what to do about all of it. Books and papers and trinkets and gifts and clothes–how the hell did you two own so many clothes?
And the shower was never clean enough and there was always dirt on the floors and the bed sheets–God! The bed sheets always smelled.
And Ezra never gave a shit.
Your eyes bore into him with fury as you stood watching him from the bedroom.
He was reclining on the couch wearing only blue boxer briefs and …a baseball cap, for some fuckin reason. He reached down to scratch his balls and then smelled his fingers after. A high pitched pained scream resounded in your head.
"Jesus Christ, Ezra," you groused and pointed at the floor. "Can't you put your clothes in the fuckin hamper?"
"Nope," he answered cheerily and flipped the page of his book. "I sure cannot."
The thing about Ezra’s cheeriness was that sometimes it was happy and perky and jovial. 
And sometimes it was a big 'Fuck You.''
You stomped through the living room and picked up his laundry while grinding your teeth. "You come home and just fuckin… throw your clothes all over the place." 
"I sure do." He grinned and continued to read.
Fire built in your chest. It didn't matter that you were just as messy. What mattered was that you were trying to do better–trying to be cleaner. And he refused to make a single effort.
"I'm sick of living in a fucking pig sty!" You screamed. You did not understand how to get through to him. No matter what avenue you took, he fought you at every turn, so you gave up and yelled at him all the time instead.
"It must suck to be you, then."
"Oh my god!" You shouted with your hands curled into tight fists. "You are a fuckin child!" 
He turned to you with a proud smile, eyes disappearing behind his rounded cheeks, and released an utmost satiated hum.
You started panting in anger. You wanted to grab his book and rip it in half. Or set fire to each page one by one, laughing maniacally as he cried–the flames reflecting brightly in your wild eyes. 
But… no. You didn't really want to do that because he loved his books. He loved reading. And you didn't really wanna hurt him. 
That would break his heart.
And in turn, it would break yours, too.
…But you did kinda wanna strangle him right where he was, laying on the couch without a care in the world. 
You didn't really wanna strangle him. 
Because even though you imagined doing all this damage to Ezra, it was a cartoon fantasy that played in your mind. Like Looney Tunes or Ren and Stimpy where the excessive violence never did any permanent damage but allowed the characters to get out all their frustrations.
This was usually where the hate-fucking came in. 
But that was for ‘out there.’ Out in the rest of the world where safety and survival was a constant uncertainty. Where there was nowhere to go when you needed a break from one another and the persistent grinding friction between the two of you had to breach your surfaces somehow.
But now you’re ‘in here.’ In Jackson. In a community that allowed you to get the fuck away from him when necessary.
And–Praise be!–on this day, you knew the perfect place to go.
“I am getting the fuck out of this fuckin apartment!” you shouted into the air.
“Good for you, angel.” Ezra was so calm and encouraging. “I hope you have a wonderful day.”
The fact that he wouldn't fight you back just made you angrier. "Well I hope your day fuckin sucks!" You screamed and slammed the door behind you as you left. 
You stomped down the stairs into the alleyway and stopped once you hit the bottom. Your head was already clearer outside of the confines of your shared living space. The cool fresh air cleansed the heat from your skin and a slow, deep breath brought you even further toward peace of mind.
It was inventory day at the General Store and you knew they needed extra hands.
It was the perfect distraction. 
Counting items was easy and repetitive. And you would be under direct surveillance, by Derek of all people, so there would be no opportunity for your mind to wander and ail you. The man was impossible and it made you do better just to spite him.
Derek was one of the patrollers that first found you and Ezra. He was on the council, supervised the General Store, and ran the town meetings. And he loved Ezra. 
His feelings toward you, though, were tepid at best. 
You hoped Tracy would be there. She was Derek’s wife and probably your closest friend in all of Jackson. She was funny and bright and she loved her kids more than anything. She always wore a velvety soft brown cardigan and smelled like lemongrass. Her friendship made you feel all warm inside and damn, you needed a friend.
Unfortunately, as you approached the front door, you saw Derek through the window. And even more unfortunately, he saw you, too. Meaning there was no turning back. You took another deep breath and opened the door.
“Inventory day,” Derek groaned as you walked in.
“Oh, I know!” You smiled with your fingers tugging on the hem of your shirt. “I wanted to see if you needed an extra hand.”
“An extra hand?” He scoffed with his eyes all big. He crossed his arms over his stomach, one hand clinging to his clipboard. He glared with disdain. “We started over an hour ago. You can’t just show up whenever you feel like it.”
You crossed your arms right back. “I was just passin by–”
“Passing by?” He pointed his stupid little clipboard at you. “You live across the way.”
“Livin across the way doesn’t mean I can’t pass by.” You huffed. This wasn’t quite going how you had planned it would go. “Maybe–Maybe I could bring y'all lunch or something?” You suggested as you scratched your eyebrow. “So you don’t have to go to the hall for it?"
Derek scoffed even louder than before.  “And make a big mess in the middle of the store? No.” He huffed back. “We got enough mess to deal with already.”
“Heeey!” You heard Tracy call out to you in song. She wore chunky heels that echoed with every step as she approached. “How are you?” she asked as she opened up her arms.
“I’m doin good, Tracy,” you grinned and glowed and hummed as you met her in a tight warm hug. You glared at Derek over her shoulder and he rolled his eyes. “i was just seein if y’all needed help, but–”
“Oh, great timing!” she said and squeezed your shoulder after pulling away. “Derek, let’s get her counting those pillows in the back.”
“No." He was all worked up, eyes bulging, offended by the suggestion. "I’m gonna have Kara take care of that when she’s done with the blankets.” He tossed his hand in the air. “We don’t need her. She’s just gonna count ‘em wrong anyway.”
You raised your finger to defend yourself. "I told you. Last time, I had a cold and I was on my cycle, okay?"
"Horseshit," he muttered under his breath. 
“Derek, be nice,” Tracy hissed. “She is my friend and she is trying to help.”
“I don’t care if she’s trying to help.” He tossed his hand up again. “Let her go help someone else.” He stomped away, shaking his head. 
Tracy rolled her eyes, tucking a brown curl behind her ears. “Sorry about that.” She huffed as she wrapped her cardigan around her front. “He is bein such an asshole today.” She mouthed the word 'asshole' so no one else would hear. "And I don't know why–" she hid her mouth behind the back of her hand. "--'cause he definitely got some last night."
You faked a laugh. Normally, her little asides would crack you up, but your mood was souring everything.
She shook her head and sighed. “Anyway, if he won't let you help out in here, there was a little accident that happened in the tool shed over night last night." Tracy interlaced her fingers together and pleaded with her eyes.
"Oh yeah?" You really didn't want to work by yourself, but there was no way out of it at this point.
"One of the shelves fell and we just haven't had a spare moment to go clean it all up." She smiled kindly and you forced a smile back. "Maybe you can go do that for us."
"I can do that! Don't you worry ‘bout a thing," you nodded, groaned internally, and walked back out the front door. 
The large barn door to the tool shed was wide open and you recognized an empty space on the back wall above the wood-top counter. Once you stepped past the work table in the center, you saw the edge of it--the 'accident' that Tracy referred to. To the left of the back counter was a tall pile of nails and bolts and screws and broken pieces of glass from the jars that had once sorted them all. 
“The fuck,” you muttered.
The shelf itself was a long, thin, deep slab of wood, sitting on top of the back counter, dusty and stained. Its brackets were still secured to the wall, strangely enough. 
You scoffed. The shelf had no holes in it. It was solid. 'What idiot puts up a shelf and doesn’t attach it to the fuckin brackets?' You huffed. 'How long has this been here like this?' You shook your head. 'A disaster waitin’ to happen and then–' you waved your palm out to the mess on the floor. '--it finally happens.'
You groaned. This looked like something Ezra would do. He was so lazy. He never finished anything but his books. That's all he ever wanted to do was read. Hardly ever spent any time with you.
Sure, there was that amazing sex you had the other morning, but besides that–hardly ever!
You groaned again. Not that you would want to spend time with his unwashed ass right now.
God, Ezra was the worst. There was something wrong with that man. What kind of person happily marinates in their own filth like that? Why couldn’t he shower every day like a normal person? Just because he had off the night before didn’t mean he should just soak in his own sweat and muck and – Ugghh!
And he never picked up after himself. Sometimes …maybe he would pick up a thing or two, but mostly never.
And then Derek, ugh! How the hell was Tracy married to him? He was so impossible to please. You wanted to help with inventory. You weren't there on time because you didn't know how you were gonna feel that morning and you didn't wanna commit to something if you were just gonna let them down again. And last time you had a cold and you were on your cycle and your brain couldn't hold the numbers in your head but that wasn't your fault! You did the best you could every single day of your life and sometimes your brain and body betrayed you and forced you to betray others but it wasn't intentional! You weren't trying to be an unreliable piece of shit! You were trying to do better every fuckin day for yourself and for Jackson and for Ezra’s disgusting ass! You didn't mean to be a big fuckin failure who had no skills and devolved into a panicked puddle of blood, sweat, and tears by the tiniest inkling of responsibility now that you were inside the safety of Jackson’s walls! It wasn't your fault that you were never gonna be enough! It wasn't your fault that–
Someone cleared their throat and it grated against your skin.
You looked up from the pile of sharp glass and metals.
Now Joel was here. 
He was the last person you wanted to see while you were busy being animus and self-loathing. And he was smiling at you like life was all fun and happy or something when it wasn’t!
God, it felt so fuckin stupid to be alive.
"Mornin, darlin," he grinned and shuffled towards you. 
His sexy, smoky voice was so stupid and annoying.
"Mornin," you rolled your eyes as you sorted out nails and tossed them into one of the few surviving jars. 
He stopped. Tilted his head. Had the nerve to breathe in your general direction. "So…" he pointed with his chin. "What happened here?"
You raised your head slowly with a condescending glare. “The shelf fell down." You raised your palm toward the empty spot on the wall like you were Vanna White. ‘Is this beautiful idiot incapable of observing his own surroundings? Is he too busy being attractive and handsome to use basic deduction skills?’
He raised his eyebrows and put his hands on his hips. "Did… did you do it?" He asked.
And now he was accusing you of being the idiot that didn't properly install a simple fucking shelf?! 
"No, I didn't do it, you fuckin asshole," you groused and tossed more nails into the jar.
You felt him more than you heard him–a tense shockwave rippling through you like an earthquake, shoving you to teeter on the edge of a crevice. You whipped your head up. Your gut trembled. Your whole world became uncertain and unbalanced.
Joel towered above you from where you sat, shrinking into the floor. He scowled with his arms crossed. "What is this? What are you doin?” He shrugged his broad shoulders and shook his head. “Don't talk to me like that." 
His disappointment sent your heart over the edge into free-fall. Shame crawled across your skin and all the heat and turmoil in your head suddenly vanished, leaving behind nothing but a cold, empty wind. You covered your eyes with your hand and sucked air into your lungs.  "I'm sorry," you creaked out, frowning. You had seen Joel standing there, but you hadn't felt him yet. Too busy in your own storm to see anyone but yourself. Your heart shrank further.  "Sorry." Tension stung the muscles in the center of your chest and snaked its way up your throat. "I-I-I get like this …sometimes." The water that had once been boiling inside of you had cooled and started pouring out your eyes. 
"Well, don't… get like it… with me," he said, sounding on the edge of timid.
"Okay. Okay." You nodded and recycled another breath. And even though you still felt the burn of shame on your skin, the pressure on your chest was relieved. "I'm sorry." You sniffed and spoke to the floor. 
You wiped enough of your tears away to see Joel eyeing you with his brows pulled tight, chewing on his lip. It surprised you that he didn't push back or start yelling. It surprised you that he stayed instead of throwing his hands up and stomping off or, at the very least, saying something polite before leaving you be to wallow in your own shame.
"Are you alright? What's goin on?" He asked.
You opened your mouth to speak, thinking the words would come to you, but they didn't. You sighed, half-smiling. "I'm sorry, Joel. It's nothin." You waved him away. "You've got work you're trying to do–"
"Can't be nothin if it's got you actin like that. I–" he sighed. "C'mon." He offered you his hand. 
You obliged, reaching out and allowing him to pull you up. You wiped the dirt from your knees and shit, they felt stiff and bruised. You didn't realize you had been kneeling for so long.
 He carefully took your hand in his own again. It felt good and warm and safe. "So what's wrong? I-I gotta be honest" He huffed and smiled. "I didn't know… someone as happy as you could get like that."
If he hadn't been holding your hand, you would have ran away–you were so embarrassed. You closed your eyes. Your breaths grew shallow.
"It's–It's–I just–" The right words still weren't there.
"Look at me," he said.
You complied. 
"I wouldn't be askin if I didn't wanna know." His eyes were big and tender. The lines around them and in his forehead echoed his sincerity like ripples in water. 
You closed your eyes, nodding.
And his thumb was rubbing along the center of your palm and he was waiting–so patiently.
You opened your eyes and his expression was unchanged. "I have these moods…" the words finally tumbled out of you. "...where I get lost in my own head and wanna hurt everyone and everything. But I don't really wanna hurt anyone.” You sighed. “But then I go lashin out at everybody, anyway." 
A soft smile bloomed on his face. “Yeah,” he said and glanced into the alleyway. “I know what that’s like.”
Relief washed over you, removing all your remaining apprehension. You had been so scared and yet… he impressed you again.
“I don’t wanna be your punchin bag, though,” he said earnestly.
You didn’t know a statement like that could feel so good–warming up your chest and clearing out your mind. “I don’t want you to be my punchin bag, either,” you said, echoing his sincerity. “It won’t happen again, Joel.” You were confident of that. “I’m sorry it happened in the first place.”
“‘S alright.” He blinked and looked down to where you had been sitting on the floor. “That was… easy compared to most of the fights I have.” Amusement rounded his cheeks, his dimple burrowing deep. He leaned his hip into the back counter, resting his elbow atop it. He was still playing with your hand, interlacing your fingers through it. 
You giggled through your closed-lip smile.
He spoke to the floor between your bodies. “I … fight myself more than anybody.” 
Your smile turned sympathetic.
“You could say I’m my own punchin bag,” he said in a forced joke with a forced smile.
“Yeah,” you nodded, staring at him with open tenderness. “I know what that’s like.” Your hand found his waist, fingers on the smooth leather of his belt and the rough fabric of his jeans. You rubbed your thumb up and down the soft, cotton fabric of his shirt. You wanted to wrap your arms around him and hold him close, but you weren't sure how he would respond. You didn't move. Didn't say anything. Didn't want to risk him closing back up. 
His eyes–you could lose yourself in them forever. Especially with how adoringly he looked at you. You wondered if he was delusional or something to be so quickly enamored with you.
Shit, though. Maybe you were delusional, too, because he was constantly making you melt and you didn't even know him. Not really. Not like you knew Ezra. 
Was this okay? Was this alright to feel about someone when you didn't yet know all their quirks and viewpoints and world opinions? You knew Ezra for years before you crossed that boundary. And that was living every single day in his presence. You and Joel had spent very little time together, but god, you felt yourself pulled to him by some electromagnetic current. 
But you were a lot older and wiser than when you first met Ezra. Your instincts were stronger and clearer. And your life wasn't at risk if things went south between you–there were no cordyceps or raiders or slavers to find you if he wasn't at your side with a gun in his hand. 
You could trust this–whatever it was–happening between you. You could trust yourself to figure it out, too. Maybe Ezra was right. Not everything could fit into a pretty little box for you to label and package all nice and neat. Maybe it was alright to be messy. 
So when Joel stepped closer, bringing your bodies flush, you felt warm and easy. And when he leaned forward to kiss you, you felt no doubt in your body when you leaned in to kiss him right back.
The distinctive sound of metal clocking against itself and wood sliding against wood startled both of you. You both whipped your heads around to see Tracy, slamming the door behind her and scuttling towards you from the back of the General Store.
Time slowed down right in front of your eyes, moving like molasses down a shallow incline. You felt your heart pounding in your ears. You hadn’t prepared for this. You hadn’t prepared to tell anyone. Til you knew what the hell you were doing.
But… of all the people to catch you in the act, at least it was Tracy. She knew you better than anyone else in town.
"Hello. Hi." She waved her hand–a broad, panicked smile on her face.
“Shit,” Joel muttered under his breath.
She stepped inside the shed with her hands clasped together. “What’s going on? What are you doing?” She asked. Her voice teetered between casual and accusative.
“‘S none of your business.” Joel’s voice teetered on threatening.
“Um, actually it is my business–” She held her finger up and snaked her head around. “--when my best friend is about to throw her perfect relationship down the toilet.”
Joel scoffed and rolled his eyes. 
Your heart jumped. ‘Best friend?’ You hadn’t had a best friend since high school. And you and her had had a falling out, which was why you went to college alone in the first place. You needed this. You needed to save this. You held your palms up, attempting to calm her. “Look, Tracy. I know it looks bad, but–”
Her arms were crossed and angry. “After all Ezra does for you and for this town and–what? You’re just gonna leave him for-for this?” With a disgusted look, she tossed her finger in Joel’s direction before tucking it back beneath her arm.
Joel placed his palms on the work table, leaning his weight into them. He looked ready to pounce.
You stayed even and gentle. “I am not leaving Ezra.”
You felt Joel’s eyes on you.
“Oh, okay. Of course.” She shrugged. “You’re just gonna fuck someone else behind his back. My bad.”
“It’s not like that,” you said evenly.
“Ezra knows.” Joel added.
“No. Uh-uh.” Tracy shook her head. “There is not a man alive that would let their wife run around and make a fool out of them.” 
Your palms were still high, still trying to ease back her cloud of upset. “No one is bein made a fool of, Tracy. Ezra knows.” 
She scoffed. “This is a joke, right? This is a fucking joke?” Her head was still shaking. Tears rimmed her eyes as she dropped her arms. "Is Ezra not enough for you?" She pressed her fist into her chest. "After all he's done to support you and he's not enough?"
 You struggle to find the words, every thought in your head is blurry. 
She laughs, wiping pained tears from her reddening eyes. "Ezra is such an incredible, perfect, handsome man and you–"
"Ezra is not some golden child.” Joel spat.
"What?" You turned to look at him. His face was red and he was snarling.
"Ooooh!" Tracy looked sickeningly excited and started waving her finger around. "You got a lotta nerve to say anything, Joel." She spat his name out like an insult. "I have heard plenty of stories about what you did before Jackson."
He raised his jaw, his body gone stiff. His chest heaved hot breaths through his nostrils.
"All the killing and smuggling." She huffed. "The only reason they even let you in was because of your brother."
You scoffed. "Tracy, stop it." Your calm was disappearing.
"You don't know, do you?" Her eyes were now trained on you. "You don't know how many people he's killed?"
"Tracy," you warned. “I am not going there. There is not a single person in this town–”
“Innocent people.” She said your name to you as if to emphasize her point. She leaned forward, pointing at Joel as if her finger was gonna help you understand everything she was telling you. “He killed innocent people.” 
“I killed innocent people, too.” You threw your hands up–stiff, exasperated. You spoke through gritted teeth and trembling lips. “And people tell me stories all the time about murderin and torturin and-and-and the sick, painful shit they did to get by.” You pointed a shaky finger downward. “People here. In Jackson.” You stared at Tracy's pained face, wet cheeks. "But we are not who we were when we were survivin'." 
“Fine. Fine!” Tracy spat, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Fine!" Her head was shaking. Her body was trembling. “B-B-But you can’t do this.” Now her finger was pointing at you. “You can’t just go around… fuckin whoever you want.”
Your eyes grew wide and your jaw went slack.
“It is none of your business,” Joel snarled again.
“There are families here. And there are children.”
“What?” What the hell did that have to do with anything?
“And how am I supposed to explain to my kids that you’re out there sluttin’ it up like nothing means anything?”
“What?” You wanted to laugh. "That–that doesn't even make sense! What are you talking about?" ‘Like nothing means anything?’ What the hell did that mean? 
“You get one, okay?” She started stepping back, out of the tool shed and into the alley. “You get one and that’s all you get. That's how it works. That's how it's always worked.” She nodded, satisfied. “Okay? So pick.” She clapped her hands together. “And you know how I feel about this one.” She nodded toward Joel and turned around.
You stomped around the work table. “I don’t have to pick shit!” She was almost to the door. “I can do whatever the hell I want!”
She threw her hands up, shaking her head, and went inside.
Your whole body was jittery. Your breaths were short. There were people, you noticed, on the edge of your vision. Other people in the alley. But you didn’t count them and you didn’t look to see if they were looking at you. You placed your hand on your chest, attempting to calm your nerves.
Joel stood in the tool shed, watching you and working his jaw. He looked down and crossed his arms.
“I … I don’t know what the hell just happened,” you said as you leaned against the doorway. You were exhausted suddenly–every ounce of life having been sucked from your veins and mind and bones. 
Joel didn’t say anything. Just wiped his face and adjusted his belt. 
“Everything is happenin so fast. It’s too fast.” Your eyes welled with tears. You didn’t know you had any left in there. “I don’t understand it. I don’t understand what is goin on.”
Joel slowly stepped to you, boots scraping against the dusty floors. He placed his hand on your shoulder and opened his mouth to speak. But he closed it just as quickly.
You sighed and wiped your tears. You wrapped your palm around his warm hand and it felt so good to touch his skin. You didn’t need or want him to say anything at all. It was enough to be in his presence. You took a deep breath and looked at him with a small smile on your lips.
“I need to go tell Ezra what happened so he’s not blind-sided by it later ‘cause I know she’s gonna tell somebody and they’re gonna tell somebody else and I’m pretty sure–” you sighed. “I’m pretty sure some other people just heard us arguin out there.”
“A-alright,” he said–his hand staying on your shoulder.
God, being with Joel felt so good and so right and so… correct. Like this was what you were supposed to be doing. Like this was what your whole life had been building toward and you were exactly where you needed to be. 
“I wanna see you again. Soon."
Joel's eyebrows shot up, his lips upturned on the edges. “Really? E-Even after all that?”
“I'm not changing myself to make her feel better.” You spoke with confidence. You shrugged. “This is who I am.” You gasped and stepped back, putting out your arm to make space between the two of you. “I mean, if you need to take a break or wanna stop or if it's too much and you wanna think about it–"
“No no no no.” Joel smirked. "I'm good."
You couldn't believe it. "...Really?"
He scowled. "I don't give a shit about these people." He pulled you back in by your waist, adoring you with a smile. "I can do whatever the hell I want." 
You laughed, shaking your head. His tender eyes had you hooked again and you reached up to hold his face in both of your hands. The kiss you shared was just as tender, lips locking with only a tease of your tongues. 
You were determined to make this work. 
You were also determined to not lose Tracy as your friend. 
You knew it wouldn't be easy, but it would definitely be worth it.
A/N: I feel like it's important to say that Joel 'Bottles-Up-His-Emotions' Miller will not stay cool, calm, and collected forever. The next chapter will include a lot of processing.
tag list: @toxicanonymity @jksprincess10 @shotgun-shelby @walkintotheriveranddisappear @for-a-longlongtime @rubyfruitjungle
(story masterlist)
(my masterlist)
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