#at least give me lesbians i don't ask for much 😭
yamineftis · 1 year
One thing that is really breaking my heart in this season is how stupid and incompetent they’ve made all the mandalorians, like, are we supposed to root for these guys? Who live in Jurassic Park and claim their children are the most important thing to them, but just stay put and watch them get snatched by giant birds instead of idk, trying to hunt them? Couldn’t they like, have asked Din when he returned the first time this season to help them track the birds with his ship cuz apparently they took the space bus to this planet?
Couldn’t they like, be portrayed as the most fearsome warriors in the galaxy who are in the verge of extinction cuz they’re so dangerous the empire/renmants sends hoards of soldiers to kill them whenever they learn of a new covert? How did these fumbling fools manage to survive this long? lmao why
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shamelessfaceless · 5 months
Navigation | Marvel Masterlist | Series Masterlist
1. The one and only Spider-Woman.
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Pairings: WandaNat x F!Spidey!Polish!Reader, OC x Reader, Avengers x Reader (Platonic)
Summary: When your girlfriend cheated on you, you decided to finally accept Tony Stark's offer.
Warnings: Cheating with man, sad R, Homophobia
Wc: 1.2k
A/n: I will put my whole heart in this series😭 Next parts are gonna be longer.
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You promised yourself you would always smile  while wearing your mask. For this reason your mask was showing the bottom of your face. It was your own project and it had a special place in your heart. You wanted to show people that nitatter what you are doing, and who you fight with, you will always smile, just be happy that you can protect innocent people. Another reason why you projected your mask like that, was the fact that you have fangs. It's not like you use them often, but they can be really helpful. One little bite, and can paralysis villains for a while. S.H.I.E.L.D knew about your existence, and wanted you to join avengers. They even send to you the one and only Tony Stark with Nick Fury. You decided to wait. It was your last month of school, and you had a girlfriend you didn’t want to leave alone.
You graduated with not so bad grades, and you passed all your exams with almost the best scores in your class. You hoped your girlfriend would be with you, but she texted you at the last minute that she needed to take care of her sick mother. You believed her. How could you not? She was almost the most important person in your life. So in the evening you decided to visit her, her mother knew you really well, and was happy her daughter had someone like you. Well, she didn’t know you were a couple, she was a typical homophobic christian, just like most people in your country. 
Only thing in her room you could see was how deep she was in kissing a guy. She didn’t even notice you opened the door to her room. Looking in her cold eyes made your stomach flip. You don't even know how... no, when this happened. You don't know when she met him, when he started being the reason she's smiling everyday, when she stopped caring about you. Only thing you can look at are her sky blue eyes you loved looking at. You were always finding your safe space in her, now the only thing you see in her eyes is how much she is disgusted in you. Her words were something you were expecting. You weren't enough. He is a man, of course she would want to be with him, how could she love a girl? You were just stupid thinking he was just her friend.You tried so much to not end up like before. But everything is always the same. You are trying your best, but they are always choosing someone else, someone who isn't so complicated, someone who is.. pure. The most important, they always will choose someone who will fuck with them after a week of dating. They don't understand why you care about romantic things, when you could just let them fuck you. They are animals chasing their own pleasure, don't giving fuck about true love. 
It was the first time when you put on your mask and did wear your bright smile. 
There was no reason for you to stay. Your friend moved out a long time ago, and for you, your online friends were enough. Your parents were dead. At least for you. Just like you were dead for them. They didn’t want a Lesbian daughter, and you hated them for all the traumas they gave you. You half lived on the street. Most of the time you were spending in school or saving your country. You showed up in your home only if you needed to take a shower or books for school. 
“What are you thinking about kiddo?” Tony asked, putting hand on your back.
“You know, just how my girlfriend cheated on me few hours ago, and now Im part of fucking Avengers” You didn’t even looked at him. You only look at changing numbers signaling that you were higher every second. 
After running away from your girlfriend's house, you called Tony. Only thing  you wanted was to leave as far away and as fast as you could. Break ups were always hard for you. You just wanted to feel loved, feel important for someone. Looking at the sunset on top of one of the buildings was your way to say goodbye to the country you truly love. You promised yourself, you will start a new and better life. No thinking about the past. You need to let it go, and life looking at the future. You knew it would be hard, but you also knew you needed to do this. There's too many open wounds, just because you couldn’t let go thinking about the past every night. 
Pretending to smile while meeting everyone was the hardest part. Pretending to be happy while in the back of your mind the only thing you could think of was your exs, and how you couldn’t be enough for them. Tony left you just when you walked out of the elevator. Steve introduced himself and his friend Bucky. You gave them a polite smile and mumbled your name. You just wanted to go to your room and sleep the rest of the day. Next people that introduced themselves were Clint, Bruce and Sam. Last person was Natasha Romanoff. You learned from her that her wife Wanda is on the mission with Thor. 
“I hear slavic accent.”
“Oh, yeah…  I'm Polish.”
“Tony was one hundred percent sure you're from Russia.” You hate when people mistake you for Russian. It's not even like your languages sound super alike. 
“Chuj.” You said to yourself. “Uhm, nevermind.”You looked at the floor when she looked at you. Natasha just laughed it off and you smiled. 
(Chuj - Dick)
“I'm guessing you don’t know where your room is?” When your eyes met her forest green ones, you felt like you couldn’t look away, but you needed to. You didn't want her to take you for a freak. 
“Yeah… Stark just left me here, and didn’t show me anything.” You rolled your eyes.
“Come with me. Tony decides that you will take Wanda's old room. We have lived together for the past few years, so her room stood empty. It's next to ours.” She said pointing at one of the doors. “So if you need something you can always knock.”
“So… It was nice to meet the famous black widow.” You opened the door to your room. 
“It was nice to meet another spider.” After you closed the door you looked around the room. You didn’t take many things with you, so there wasn’t a lot to unpack. Just some clothes and books. Just a few minutes and everything was in their places. You looked out the window and a few seconds later at mask in your hands. 
After a while you were jumping between buildings. It's late at night, so one would rather see you. When you get tired of jumping, running and half flying, you sit at the top of a skyscraper.
“So It will be my new life. The spider-woman saving the world.” You laughed to yourself. “It's almost unbelievable."
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@marvelwomen-simp @andersonsprincess @leenasayeed @sapphic-simp4015 @taliiiaasteria
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How did it end?
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Reader
Warnings: : , hurt/comfort, written on my phone during a road trip 🫣😭, sad lesbians, mentions of not being dead, unedited, angst
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"Let me let you go" I whispered as I grasped Larissa's jaw, her blue eyes welling with tears as she tilted her head down. I watched as she closed her eyes attempting to blink the tears away "I can't" her voice cracked.
"I have to Lissa" I let my hand down sliding onto her shoulder brushing down her arm until I held her hand in my own "no you don't". It's for the best.. we've grown out of each other well at least it felt so, she had bigger things for her life than me. I knew I would always carry a piece of her with me always, I didn't really want to leave but I couldn't stay and hold her back either.
Now we stood in the middle of my living room toe to toe the air heavy as we stare back at one another. "You have so much ahead of you" I whispered "I do" she agreed as she raised her hands one on the junction of my neck and the other on my jaw.
I wish I could've stopped the tears but I couldn't "I have a marriage and a family, I have a home to come back to each day... I have you Y/n. I come home to you everyday"
"Larissa" I breathed out looking down only for her to tilt my head back up "I love you Y/n, I waited years and I will wait a million years more if that means I get to call you my wife. It felt like being ripped apart when I thought you were dating Gomez, I'm not sure I could handle anymore."
She rested her forehead against my own, our noses brushing "but you say the word Y/n my heart is yours, I could never give it away after it's known nothing but you after it's entire pattern only beats your name". This bitch I thought with a bittersweet chuckle "I love you Larissa but what if I'm not the same person you fell in love with?" my cheeks burned with hot tears.
She smiled sadly "then I will fall in love with this version of you and the next and the next because I love you, I'm so madly in love with you and I don't understand.." she paused taking a breath.
"I just wish you could see how beautiful you are in my eyes, my love.. my dearest if only I could trade with you so maybe you could love yourself.. you have such beautiful features". I closed my eyes trying to breathe but I was suffocating in her warmth, I was choking back my tears "you deserve the world, Larissa". The hand at the base of my neck moved up to grasp my jaw "you are my world" I don't deserve her and I definitely didn't deserve her when we were in school.
Why did I have to ruin everything, why couldn't I accept something good? I didn't want to push her away. It's been so many years she must be tired, I make her tired "come back to me Y/n" she whispered "your thoughts are so loud". Larissa dropped her hands to wrap them around my frame instead, a hand in my hair and the other around the mid of my back.
I cried into her shoulder before my shaky hands wrapped around her too, my tears soaking through the fabric of her expensive coat. "I love you Larissa but aren't you tired?" I whispered into her neck unwilling to let her go "of you? Never" her breath fanned against my ear. My knees felt like they would give way and snap beneath me "but I make you miserable" my fingers twisted the fabric.
"No you don't love, there's plenty of things that make me blue but you're not one of them" opening my eyes it was dark outside as I peered over her shoulder out the window. "Are you sure?" I pulled back to gaze up at her "of course" she smiled sadly "but what if..what if we can't have children of our own?" I mumbled. "There's plenty of options and if we can't adopt well, it's not the end of the world we can always get a cat" Larissa chuckled.
"I already ruined everything" I sighed trying to step back but Larissa wouldn't let go only moving to hold my waist. "I'm here aren't I?" She asked her ruby lips extra red against her pearly white smile. "Because of me" I cried the guilt weighing heavily on me "and that's the way it should be Y/n, wherever you are.. I want to be with you okay? On both the sunny and rainy days"
"I'm here for you, always on the days you don't love yourself I will love you and the days you don't feel beautiful I will tell you just how gorgeous you are"
If I knew anything about love, it's because I learned from you..
Larissa Weems, the woman you are I thought to myself we were only twenty-two back then standing in my family home. The same home that would become our home, the place where we raised our children and the place I could've lost her all those years ago.
A pair of hands slid around my waist where I leaned against the door frame to the living room. "What are you thinking about my love?" She pressed a kiss to my temple "you" I smiled looking back to kiss her lips.
"Me?" Larissa chuckled "why?" She pressed another kiss to my lips "I'm just feeling nostalgic is all" I shrugged turning in her hold, my hands on her chest.
"Thank you for never giving up on me" I sighed resting my head under her chin "You don't have to thank me for something like that, of course I would never give up on you. I love you Y/n"
"I love you more Larissa"
I always loved you more dearest she wanted to respond but there wasn't anyone in her arms. With a shake of her head she passed the living room to enter the kitchen, this house was haunted by the ghost of you.
"Don't be so dramatic with the story" I laughed taking a seat on her lap "I didn't die, I went away for work" I kissed her lips with a smile. "Though I am forever grateful you never gave up on me" I whispered snaking my hands around her neck as our grandkids watched us. I played with the baby hairs at the back of her neck "oh yes, you went to work and left me behind for three days" she groaned. "I'm sorry that you also had a job" I giggled looking up to see our kids standing in the doorway, they looked so much like we had back then when we were younger.
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eunnieboo · 1 year
IYHM ask replies!!
also, a current snapshot of my mind:
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💛 burrito-puppy asked:
Love to see the progress and art you made along the years! Can’t wait for the release 💕💕💕
thank you so much! 💞💞💞 i can't believe it's less than a week away... i can count the number of days left on one hand! AHHHH
💛 Anonymous asked:
Listen. The way that I too am freaking out! Gah. So excited. Can't wait.
THANK YOU!! every day i wake up and i lose my mind LMAO... the only time i'm calm is when i'm distracted, so i can forget it's actually happening haha!
💛 mickiee-art asked:
Where have you been my entire life?? I love your work so much! So excited for your graphic novel release! 💕🫶🏼
thank you so much omg!! i'm so glad! 🥺💖
💛 tabsters asked:
AHHHHH i'm so thrilled to hear that!!! i live for these messages HFDSKDJHSK HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY
💛 Anonymous asked:
I just found your art today and after scrolling through your stuff I went and pre-ordered your book. I'm so excited!!
oh you are too kind!! ;_; thank you so much <3
💛 nimona-antifa asked:
💛 albedosleftb0otych33k asked:
I don't know how but I only just found out about your graphic novel and OML! I WILL BUY IT THE SECOND IT COMES OUT! Anyways, I love your art and just wanted to tell you ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
omg thank you so much!! you are the sweetest! ( *´ω`*)♡
💛 jeweljupiter asked:
I just wanted to say seeing your art of Momo and PG makes me feel seen and heard I love the poc representation I’m a plus size dark skin nerdy black girl and seeing more women who look like me finding love gives me hope and makes me happy
when i tell you this means everything to me... it means everything to me. thank you forever T_T ❤️
i've been so focused on IYHM for the past couple months... now that the pub date is so close, i'm full of giddy anticipation and terrible dread. so thank you everyone for the love and well wishes! it's really getting me through it.
also, i wasn't sure how to announce this so i wanted to mention it while i'm here: Waterstones now has a special sprayed edge edition of IYHM! i got my copy a little while back and it's really gorgeous. if you like paperbacks i think the color is a lovely touch!
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and as another reminder, i'll be having an in-person launch event next tuesday with Brick & Mortar Books in Redmond, WA! truthfully i'm torn between my desire to interact with people and my embarrassment at being seen in public, so please feel free to spare yourselves lmao 😭 i wasn't sure i'd do an event at all but i decided to try at least once before deciding if it's for me. so we'll see how it goes!
whew. the 17th is coming up so fast but i still have so many little tasks to do. the last time i talked about my busy schedule on here, someone sent me a message that said "you deserve a spa day," and i think about it all the time. maybe someday, anon. maybe someday...
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demonslayerunhinged · 14 days
hi my bestie~ i was always asking myself with who shinubo could be happy? ,i know and as a doushinu fan i think that kny mother-creator made them canonly they even show up together in after-death, and douma confesses to shinobu that he love her & even complement how she cute. and i think that shinubo is a lesbian bc she dont even doesn't looking happy but discomfort with males, it's look funny that douma will turn lesbian-virgin into hetrosexual. if shinubo is a lesbian then who girl she like? is it mitsuri or nezuko or yae or one of kakushi who?.
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Hiiii bestie! Thanks so much for your question! Honestly, I think Shinobu is a lesbian or at least asexual. Aside from Tanjiro, Rengoku and Gyomei, her interactions with most of the male characters range from manipulative, patronizing, criticizing to straight up mean-spirited. Like Shinobu is mean and in a good way that I love.
As a lesbian who's been described by men as 'mean', I immediately clocked Shinobu's behavior. It's passive-aggressiveness born from a deep-seated anger felt by someone who isn't allowed to show her true feelings or be herself. When she was close to death, the only male character she acknowledged was her father, the rest of the people she expressed anger for were all girls.
The female character I ship her with the most is Mitsuri, mostly because of these scenes in the light novel.
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But also because they give mean, goth girl with her sweet, preppy girlfriend vibes. Like 'excuse-me-she-asked-for-no-pickles' vibe. Mitsuri is the only person that I know of that Shinobu has actually apologized to. ShinoMitsu is real!
As for Douma, I'm sorry bestie, but I hate Douma, so I can't stand the ship! 😭😭😭😭 I think his 'confession' at the end was just him trying to manipulate Shinobu so she'll follow him to hell or something.
I'm soryyyyyyyyyy! @kibutsujidemon, please don't leave me! 🥺
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hi Cas ! how are you ?
I'm struggling in the romance department right now lmao so I thought you might have some advice :(
Basically there is this girl I really REALLY like. We met through a friend three years ago, but in person only a year ago. Seeing her in person literally changed me I never liked someone this much like I was BEWITCHED or something. We only spent two days together and we only had one kiss, but I never managed to get her out of my head.
I never saw her again because she left to study abroad for a year. Now she's back in my country but we live a bit far away so I haven't seen her. When she was abroad we kept talking and flirting etc. But at one point she told me she had met somebody and that she wanted to try with him. It ended up not working and she reached out to me after some time, so we began talking (and flirting) again.
The thing is, for a few weeks now I feel like she isn't exactly flirting with me anymore. Except she kinda is. She is a writer and she has a writing instagram account where she posted poems that are clearly romantic but also clearly not about me. At least I really don't think so. It feels like a knife in the heart everytime. To be noted that usually if not always she does write about personal things that are really happening. So I'm pretty sure there is someone else in her mind. Which is fine because we didn't promise each other anything. But she is still replying to my stories etc and saying things that could pass as friendly but only if we didn't have history you know ? Like she's making lesbian jokes (i'm also a girl).
So the mixed signals are killing me. I also don't understand bc she said something about the guy before, but she didn't say anything this time. I feel like maybe she .... keeps her options open. (which is fine btw, I'm just unsure if she's still into me or not) I can't exactly ask her because we don't talk a lot (I'm so bad at keeping in touch if I have nothing specific to say yk?) and I don't want to come off as intrusive.
I would really like to see her in person so maybe we could talk and/or I could understand better where her heart is at. But being so unsure I don't want to propose a date or something bc I feel like it would be really out of the blue right now, and one of us would have to take the train and sleep at the other's place, so it feels like a lot and something she could refuse easily so I really don't feel comfortable doing that. I want it to be clear that I'm still into her bc I don't know if she is aware of it (it's obvious imo but I know she has confidence issues and at one point she thought I didn't care) but I also don't want to come off too strong and scare her away, and/or get rejected (not sure my heart could take it right now😭)
So I'm thinking maybe an outing with friends (we have several in common now) but again it is complicated bc everyone lives far away. Also she doesn't talk to one of them anymore, and that friend coul take it very badly if she's not invited so that would be a whole other mess (but honestly that friend is annoying and quite toxic and has a lot of issues so... I'm trying not to think too much of that)
Anyway I'm really lost, I really don't to give up on her, like it hurts a lot to think about, but also I feel like maybe she isn't as invested as I am. I would 100% take a train to the other side of the country to see her but I fear she isn't even thinking about that. Maybe I'm paranoid though. Also I think it's not so bad if someone isn't completely in it from the beginning, like some people are more guarded and careful than me and it's okay.
I don't know if you'll be able to help me, but I'd really like to hear your opinion on this. Thanks a lot <3
Hi!!! <3
What you said at the end is exactly what I was thinking though- maybe she's just guarded or nervous? I think you should try to give little hints or like...idk suggest meeting somewhere maybe? See how she reacts? Maybe she's just as nervous, if not more nervous than you. If she's iffy about it, it'll make it clear to you that she just wants to be friends. But if she jumps at the chance, then that's your sign. And even if you can't meet in person, maybe try being a bit more forward? I know it's scary but like...you have to know! You don't have to all-out ask her out, just be a bit more flirty and see if she reciprocates. You said you've kissed in the past so in my opinion, that means there's hope, you know?
Good luck! Naming you train anon.
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sehodreamsthoughts · 3 months
ooh okay i’ll have to check out ao3 then 🤭🤭 eunseok, sungchan, anton are my bias line for sure + seunghan.. ok just all of riize but fem!riize sounds so cute the way you talk about it :(( i’ve been wanting to read more wlw romance books too because im bi but generally wlw relationships are more my cup of tea, i don’t like conventional gender roles except in the form of like kink… lol like thinking about being sungchan’s housewife is fun but i’d never want to do that irl and honestly most of what i write and consume on here i don’t rly imagine it as myself as much as another girl (cuz i’m gay and the thought of the girl’s actions n reactions are like, just as hot as what riize is doing… u probably get me)
idk if u know a lot of girl groups but there’s def a few female idols that i would literally do anything they asked omg😳😳😳
- 🥟 anon
I'm also not into conventional gender roles at all, and yeah I'd never pay for a date with a man (I have a whole explanation but that's another thing I could go on for hours 😭) but I have no interest in doing any of the things we write about in real life (I mean with this for example being a stay at home wife of someone or even getting married with a man because I'm fucking traumatized with my family dynamic).
To be honest, if any man tried to even treat me a 1% like toxic!riize I'd cut their dicks or at least give them a ton of trauma back because no man is going to treat me like that EVER. I would rather throw myself down the stairs than let a man choose what I wear, how I talk, who I talk to or even what I can or can't eat.
That's why I don't get some people getting all crazy about how we make the boys as characters act, in the end this is all fiction and fantasies 😭.
I know a few of the recent girl groups but I have this big ass problem in which I have a hard time seeing them sexually (I have no idea why, well no, I can kind of imagine why), I could read love stories without doubt but reading about having sex with or between them kind of feels weird (I'll probably be cancelled for this), the smut has to be reallyyyy hot for me to think oh damn (I've read wonyoung stuff here that was amazing, I have respect for that 😍) but in general I don't read much about girl idols x reader or idol yuri that has no plot (I read lesbian stuff with fictional characters tho, but in the case of idols I'm more there because of the love stories).
I guess fem!riize is my safe space also because they're fictional too 😭 and I can create a ton of scenarios with them because it's all in my head, I love pure smut with them, romance, angst, everything with those girls.
I don't think I have any idol I'm gay for (I have a ton of biases like Joy and Seulgi tho 👁️👄👁️🩷) but I'm still curious of what idols do you like 👀 (if you don't mind sharing)
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kazuichikazuichi · 2 years
hello friend :)) how about kaede for the ask game if you’d like to do her!!!
hello!! :))) kaede my beloved, of course i would love to talk about her!!! lots of things to say lots of things to say! i think she might be my favourite v3 girl
least favourite thing about them: literally such a dumb thing but: her bangs. idk why but i ALWAYS draw them the wrong way around, then have to correct my sketch by checking reference pictures lol?? which is so weird bc i love kaede but it just won't stay in my brain. kaede please swap your hair direction for me and me only, thank you
favourite thing about them: i love how positive and encouraging she is! i love how she took up the leader position and tried to keep everyone positive and find a way out in ch1 :) and in terms of gameplay, i just absolutely love ch1's angle with the protagonist being the killer (i know she isn't really, but that's how the chapter functions lol) it was such a unique twist. if i didn't spoil the game for myself (on purpose, like, i just straight up went and read the entire plot on wikipedia right after character interactions and stuff for every game😭😭) i definitely wouldn't have seen it coming. but then going back through it and seeing all the small hints aa i love it
favourite line: i can't remember the exact words but doesn't she say at some point that she wants everyone to be friends when they escape? :) not a voiced line i don't think but she's such a sweetheart
brotp: i am such a sucker for kaito and kaede being friends, my silly lil guys, so silly such bffs. i just love them both and they are both so encouraging and sweet and lovely!! they would high five each other lots
otp: my two favourites are gonna have to beeee tenkaede and kaemaki :) tenkaede for obvious reasons, my silly little lesbians i ADORE them, so perfectly matched for each other!! i love how she calls tenko cute multiple times lol :) it sucks that they're somewhat a rarepair, i wish there was more art and fics of them out there :( i will have to just make them myself lol. then for kaemaki, i knowww it's so silly because saimatsu and kaimaki are so common and im literally just flipping them but....idk, i just much prefer it this way around! :) i like imagining that kaede is the only one who can break maki's shell and get to the vulnerable side of her. and i love their interactions in utdp especially the one including chihiro
notp: as with the kaito ask thing, it isn't a ship i hate at all, just one i dislike more than the average danganronpa fan i think, so no hate if you like it whatsoever!!... saimatsu :') i headcanon kaede as a lesbian so not a massive fan of shipping her with boys anyway personally (okay I've just realised other than rantaro, in literally every character ask post I've answered i headcanon them as gay lol😭 i swear it isn't everyone! justttt quite a lot) and specifically about saimatsu, it's sweet but it just feels so forced, like they didn't wanna give anyone a chance to ship either of them before she died yknow? i love them as friends though :)) <3
random headcanon: she has a little heart shaped pillow on her bed that she cuddles while she sleeps
unpopular opinion: i'm not sure if i really have any for her, hmmm sorry!
a song i associate with them: it has to be clair de lune, right?! :)
favourite picture of them: she is such a sweetheart! comfortin silly little shu!! i love pretty much any picture of her though
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thank you for asking about kaede!!!! :D this was lots of fun!! and for anyone else still curious im happy to answer about more characters :)
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one-and-lonely16 · 2 years
You haven’t been active today and i was concerned caz i thought maybe that six form thingy made you sad or something 😭 anyways im glad ure okay and just drawing :D tell us a bit about ur ocs? :D
im glad u asked >:)
SO! blondie in the middle is called andi. she is captain of a ship called the black beauty. she ran away from home at the age of 19. her brother died when she was 15. girl got buckets of trauma. loves her crew. was voted queen of the seas a while back. pansexual. bit of a whore but we love her
the one kissing her head is ryka. she is the princess of aeria and she joins andi's crew for a brief time bc she wants to find the heart of the ocean (theres so much more lore but its like i dont wanna give too much away). the reason she's the only one really interacting with andi properly in the drawing is bc they are endgame. shes a lesbian but was arranged to marry a man (not bc the world is homophobic, its just she hated the rest of the suitors her parents approved of)
next to ryka is lukas. he was andi's childhood friend and first love. they were together at the age of 13-14, but eventually broke up bc best if they were friends (loved each other platonically not romantically. thats why hes further away than the others). however, when andi gets with iris and aria leaves, they fall out and he eventually goes to find aria. at the timeline in the story, he is dead
laying on andi's lap is rosa. she is actually one of my favourites to write. a girlboss. an icon. she is a prostitute, but like shes knows what shes worth and wont take shit from anyone. her and andi don't love each other (hence the reason u cant see her face), but andi is like her fav client and shes andis fav whore i guess (that sounds fucked up but like they genuinely are friends and care about each other)
on the floor is syrena. shes a mermaid. and like she is completely and utterly in love with andi (they have slept together) but it is one-sided. andi cares for her as a friend, but isnt in love with her. thats why shes on the floor and looking up, showing her devotion as such, but how unrequited it is. the definition of the other woman. shes actually really sweet (despitr always suggesting to eat ryka so andi doesnt have any problems)
the one looking up at andi is aria. she wasn't friends with andi as long as lukas was, but was still a childhood friend. she met lukas through being andi's gf at the time. they went out for a few months when they were 14, but then aria said she wanted to focus on training and they broke up (andi was starting to fall in love with her but understood and was ok being friends). after andi started spiraling, she left and joined the navy for where they are from (i cant remember what i called the place and my notebook is god knows where)
then last but certainly not least is iris. she is a priestess for the deities. she got with andi just after her brother died (andi doesnt have the best coping mechanisms) she knew of this prophecy about the heart of the ocean and whilst she did care for andi, she was kind of manipulating her for the deities so this prophecy could be fulfilled. andi worshipped her. i wouldnt say it was love bc of unhealthy it was but she was obsessed. when andi ran away, they said goodbye and broke up but yeah. shes really powerful. she does care for andi and then in the future helps them find the heart and fix all the problems that come with the heart
thats all of them in the photo, soz for the long post i could go on for hours
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aviiarie · 1 month
i really really appreciate your response to the novel length ask thingie i sent HHEEHHE thank you ARGH it is comforting to know i wasn't alone. I FELT LIKE I WAS GOING CRAZY BECAUSE THERE ARE A TOTAL OF Zero GAYS IN MY AREA AND I FELT. so confused. very lost.
I'M SO SORRY ABOUT YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND OMG THAT MUST SUCK REAL BAD TOO. mayhaps i am projecting once again but theory. despite having evolved for it, humans find it difficult to adapt to change. wrote that like i myself am not one but there's such a common phenomenon of yearning for the past and even the fact that nostalgia is a thing supports that. Methinks. If that's a dumb thing to say then nvm I didn't say anything but if it's smart then I am indeed taking all the credit ever OH YES SORRY SIDE TRACKED SIDE TRACKED. with what you said yeah i can't imagine how rough that'd be to keep seeing someone from your past, especially who you used to be close with, and have to act like you don't have years of experiences behind you both arhrhgh awful I'M SO SORRY.
it is indeed two days later and i know it's really soon to be saying anything but i do feel better all around so far! like. this is a commonly used turn of phrase but i just feel lighter. everything feels lighter. and my posture is still god awful but some of my back pain disappeared????? i may just be connecting the wrong things but . it's noteworthy????
READING WHAT YOU SAID. AND THEN SCROLLING UP TO SEE WHAT I SAID. I COULD NOOOT STOP LAUGHING. like the conversation we had HHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD IN HINDSIGHT THAT WAS . REALLY BAD. it's just so fascinating to me how something that is such a massive life-altering event to one person is barely hanging on by a thread to the mind of another. at the same time, i think having that conversation, no matter how awkward and stupid it ended up being, was really cathartic. She may not have thought about it a fraction as much as I have, sure, but at least she never hated me. I think I knew that somewhere in the back of my head. It's nice to be affirmed!!!
SIGNED!!!!! FURINA'S WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! WITH LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HELLO!!!!!!! and don't worry i feel youuuu... at my old school there was like one lesbian, plus a bunch of homophobia so....... not a good place for a young sapphic 😭😭😭
and don't worry, it doesn't bother me much anymore :') it was pretty hard for me to handle it when i was a kid, but it's just a lot of nostalgia now... it is a bit awkward i guess, she lives closer to me now and i don't really know what to say when i see her, but i know she's doing well and i'm happy for her. in the end the whole separating thing wasn't either of our faults, we just kinda drifted apart. it happens. it's sad, but it happens.
but that's good that you're feeling a bit better! it gets much better from here, i promise. it is a bit interesting thinking about it though? it makes me wonder, are there people i've met in my life who still think about me, even after their face has turned blurry in my memories....?
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
I think gay or not, he still will blurr out the face of the people in his photos for their own protection and for privacy so it's not telling of much to be honest.
The queerbaiting bit is too strong like you said. Queer baiting is a promise to a gay audience that they are being represented, included and at the very least celebrated.
I don't think he's doing any of that here. But he can be a bit of a troll and some times he participates in the clownry too. It's just like JK pulling Jimin's pants down in Soop when JM said he should save his energy to work later or when he asked Jimin if he wanted to eat some ramen at 1am knowing well the subtext behind it. Does he not know rumor has it he screwing Jimin? Pretty sure he do.
I mean one time he tried to unbutton his shirt on stage while staring Jimin in the eyes- won't lie it haunts me to this day.
Can't take bangtan literal sometimes. They will troll and clown you heavy.
Besides, men have male friends too. Clearly he enjoys the male company he keeps and whether that's his friend or interpreter or both or other we never know.
I get the humor and i participate in it but I'm surprised people are taking it seriously that's all.
Dude freaked out when Tae talked about bts having kids and he freaks out around certain members who are rumored to be dating. But somehow we think if he had a boyfriend he'd post them and blurr their faces to the cheers of the members he seperates. scolds. and censors. Army let's not be weird and just enjoy this for the humor that it brings.
For Jungkook, really all that his actions shows me is something I've already been saying about him consistently for years now that he is not afraid to express his affections for Jimin or anyone really.
You are talking of an ig photo but forget a whole Rosebowl happened.
You say he didn't post for JM on his birthday but did he post for RM or Tae too??? No. Hell he didn't post for any of them for a whole year going on to two but clearly he had been saving pictures of them in his camera roll all along.
And I get that because this is his personal IG and not one hybe is controlling that whatever he posts are things and moments that carry meaning to him but really all he's been doing is posting and deleting and trying to figure the app out.
And this is the most active he's been in a very long time. That's what I find most intriguing.
If he has a picture of Tae, he most certainly has a picture of Jimin in his camera roll too. And please, Tae had 4D photos of Jimin in his camera roll and didn't post them on JMs birthday😫
Didn't even post at all now did he.
I'm still salty about that. No one asked him to go get creative with it. No one😫
I hate these discussions because I feel on one hand, I'm being pushed to compare and contrast and invalidate others' relationship when that isn't and shouldn't be the case.
I'm a bit of the observant type and like to observe, understand a situation before reacting to it. I'm just taking all this in as data either enjoying it or simply pushing it into the archive for review later
I get that it can be hard to see your ship captain pilot another ship but that's between Jungkook and us his shippers isn't it?
When he's done feeding and frolicking around with other shippers he has us, his main 🐥chicks to answer to😤
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Not jungkook seeing other shippers😭😭😔
Remind me to give him detention at the end of year shipper/shippee annual review dinner. Lol.
As his lesbian PA and ship clerk, I'll let him know jokers are furious and jealous and he needs to come do the gay for us too. Is Tuesday ok? Oh wait, Jinkookers booked him for Tuesday. How bout Thursday? Is Thursday alright? Whew. The ghetto. Lmho.
I think this is tame compared to the things those two can do and yall just tripping or too spoiled and entitled.
I didn't take them seriously when they said they were working on a song together. I thought it was a joke and Kook played along well. He's actually good at it even though half of the time i don't think he knows shit😫
But if there's a song coming it better be a bop about their shared love for french fries and troye sivan cos Friends is taken and Tae already has a soul mate🤺
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I think us shippers need to seperate our personal ideosyncracies from the subject matter and know our boundaries.
Take accountability for your emotions.
If you are mad you are mad. If you are jealous you are jealous. To project and lashout against these boys for your emotions is wrong.
Say it with me, IT IS WRONG.
Been there done that it doesn't help nothing. And I think we could all learn to have a sense of humor about these things.
Please channel all your grievances through me. I'll forward it to kook. And maybe I'm slow and don't get it, do yall feel him posting someone else and not his boyfriend is an ass move?🤔
Or that it shakes the foundation of your belief in Jikook as a thing?? Because if that's the case then I think you need to find a new blogger cos I'm not the one for you😫
If the former is the case then I'm sure he didn't think too much of it but knowing Kook- this was a deliberate act🤷🏾‍♀️
Pretty sure there are a lot of photos he has of himself and other members and he chose to post this on his own free will.
Good for Tuktukkers🙄
But again, it doesn't invalidate Jikook so...
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And if JM has a problem with this boy would he whoop someone's ass🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
He didn't post for JMs birthday, made portraits for others, didn't post him on his IG, posted another- my boy must be a masochist chilee. He really must love getting spanked and tied up cos WHY does he keep setting himself up. Lmho.
Funny thing is, he'd be out here posting lyrics about how hoes aint loyal and throwing tantrums if the roles where reversed
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I just hope JM doesn't come out here posting nobody cos please we need to respect ourselves in these streets and live up to our reputation of petty mcPetty 😫😫
May be I'm projecting but I only fuck with those who fuck with me and I'm petty as fuck.
I feel it's too early to draw definitive conclusions so let's just watch how they use the app and space and trust that they are adults who know what they are doing and have free will to do what they want to do. You may not like the choices they make but you gotta respect it.
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mushroomjar · 3 years
holding my hands out ..... please show me ur picrews for em >:3c no reason... im just curious .... (definitely not grabbing my stylus)
Okay okay aaahhh I'll show! But I think the post will get long with all the images so I'll out it under a read more
Aahhh this is literally why I need to learn to draw, most of the time Picrew can't do them justice!! But I do my best and I'm happy with what I can do
ID in alt text
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This is Avery (he/him preferred but any pronouns that aren't she/her are okay), the sleep-deprived punk of the group (it is very hard to make a visible punk on Picrew so you have to trust me on this one, like in my head he cannot wear an outfit that doesn't have at least a couple patches on it). Half-Argentinian, half-USAmerican (you should assume all my OCs are Argentinian unless specifically stated otherwise). Looks like a very unapproachable person but is actually super thoughtful and kind even to strangers... though he does have a very quick temper, so he at least tries his best. His scars are from frequently getting into fights, which doesn't help at all. Most likely to get in trouble for the most insignificant stuff, will fuck things up on purpose. Despite all this, Avril Lavigne is one of his top artists on Spotify
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Nadia (she/her) was one of my first OCs from the ones I'll be talking about in this post, and she's changed a lot but at the same time she's remained exactly the same so whenever I think about her I always get so 🥺 A very sweet and kind girl, but also a meme expert. She's usually the one in charge of making the memes for the friend group, not that she minds. Very easy to get along and make friends with her, but good luck getting to read any of her writing (wants to become a writer, doesn't show her writing to anyone. Perfectionism will do that to you). I did make another Picrew like the first one I showed for Avery since I usually make a Picrew like that for every one of my OCs, but I can never get her to look quite right in it, so I decided to just show this one, since it's extremely accurate to how I picture her in my head
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Luka (he/him) is the social butterfly of the group and the one that lacks all the braincells. Very passionate about his hobbies and interests (all musical interests, mainly, like singing and playing instruments), also very passionate about climbing the most unclimbable trees (yes, he does end up falling off of them a lot). Pretty hyperactive and easily bored, so he's always looking for something to do. Absolutely cannot stay still, except for when the hyperfixation hits. He can be very clueless and sometimes a bit tactless, but at the end of the day he'll be one of your best friends and genuinely cares a lot about you. Oh, also, French. Sorry.
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Felix (he/him) is the opposite of a social butterfly, would much rather stay at home and lie about all day than interact with new people. Which is why people don't believe he's Luka's best friend. A bit quiet at first, but once you get to know him, if you can engage conversation in a topic he likes, he'll talk and talk for hours on end. So if you actually want to know how bees are able to fly, just ask him, and be willing to sit there and listen for an hour, he'll be too excited to stop once he starts. Also really into mushrooms (because I needed to give that interest to an OC too) and Spider-Man, he forced absolutely everyone he knows to watch all the movies because "we can't be friends if you don't like even one of the movies"
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Ximena (pronounced hee-meh-nah) (they/them), aka the funky earrings lesbian of the group. This is another case of the Picrew not being good enough to portray them. I mean, the stickers and hairpins are accurate, but Ximena is the type to wear very bright colors and to dress in mainly rainbows with thousands of accessories at a time (think like a mix of kidcore and rainbow with decora influences, that's them). Absolutely stim machine, which actually makes them a really good companion to Luka. And like Luka, they are incapable of speaking at a low volume. Adores their friends and constantly goes out of their way to do things with/for them. If you're their friend you will end up with at least five friendship bracelets they made for you, and you better save every single one of them. Very optimistic and intelligent, wants to become a scientist in the future
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And this is Claudia! (She/her) It's pretty hard to make alt people in Picrews as I've confirmed multiple times myself ;-; She's actually a goth! Has been dressing as such since very little. She's a very blunt and honest person, which makes a lot of people think she's rude. She's not rude for being completely monotone and never lying, she's rude because insulting people is her passion! Not a single person is safe from her hateful remarks. So, basically, the definition of a mean lesbian. Luka usually ends up being the victim of most of her remarks, and no one knows if it's because she's really fond of him or if she genuinely hates him, and oh my god why have I mentioned Luka so many times in this post, he isn't even my favorite. Anyways, Claudia is also a piercings enthusiast, and though she hates other people touching her, she absolutely loves styling other people's hair. She also dabbles in drawing. She's extremely perceptive, and all her friends are really glad to be her friends
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And because you said you liked her, here's Ciara! (She/they) She's one of my newest OCs so I'm still developing them, but they go back and forth between lovecore outfits and pastel punk outfits, they are incapable of wearing an outfit that doesn't have at least a little pink. Seems like a cinnamon roll but is actually very foul-mouthed and has a bit of a temper. They are nice, they just find it fun to not be nice sometimes. Half-Irish, half-Argentinian. Huge metalhead, it's the genre she listens to the most and she doesn't listen to a lot of music outside of it. And like I said before, Claudia's girlfriend
Okay that's it, I've been at this for an hour. And I've done all of this without talking about Andrea, Felix's dads and their best friend, Avery's neighborhood friends, his sister, Nadia's sister, Ximena's siblings or my fantasy OCs. I think that's the biggest intro I've made for my OCs in one sitting! I decided to only mention the main ones (except for Ciara, I made a special mention for her since you said you liked her tag)
So I hope you enjoyed that! Because I did! And again thank youuu so so so so so much for the ask! I love getting to talk about my OCs, even if I've been getting to do it more often lately it stills always gets me so happy and excited (blorbos from my head I guess). Have a super nice rest of the day and/or week!!
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