#at least the first person is just minding their own goddamn business
invinciblerodent · 8 months
btw anyone who says or has ever said that a bi/pan character "should have just been made gay :/”, "is basically gay/straight", or uses the word "playersexual", or does anything to that effect, now owes me money. yes, in real life.
if you want to be biphobic, at least fucking pay me.
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cripplecharacters · 4 months
How to Support People with Facial Differences - the Face Equality Week 2024 Special
[large text: How to Support People with Facial Differences - the Face Equality Week 2024 Special]
Today is the 13th of May, which means that the Face Equality Week has just started. This year's theme is “My Face is a Masterpiece” which is probably my favorite sentence ever said about having a facial difference. Huge fan, should be used way more often in my opinion.
Because of this occasion, I would like to share some thoughts about Face Equality that I think are rather entry-level, i.e. you don't need to know much to execute these, but you can still support us.
Stop the stare.
I know it's fun to stare - or so I guess, at least - but maybe you shouldn't. Next time you see someone who has a scar or who's face does not move the same way as yours, just mind your business. We can tell when you're “discreetly” looking.
Don't call us deformed. 
Knowing how the people you're trying to support actually call themselves should be an absolute first step, but most people still fail here. Most of us don't appreciate being called “deformed”. I certainly don't. Say “facial difference”, or “disfigurement” if you must. It's 2024. Leave “deformed” to medical reports from the 70s.
No more “What happened?!”s.
If you aren't a doctor, there's a high-to-100% chance that it's none of your business. It's cool that you're curious - keep it to yourself.
Stop insinuating that we are ugly.
“Support people who are ugly!” isn't very supportive. I would say, not in the slightest. Say “people who don't fit the current beauty standards” if that's what you mean. 
Or, to go with this year's theme, “people whose faces are masterpieces” : )
Use critical thinking online.
Is the reaction photo actually funny, or is it just a person with a craniofacial condition? Is the meme actually a meme, or is it just making fun of a person with a facial disfigurement? Is body-shaming suddenly hilarious to you when the person shamed has strabismus? 
If the entire punchline is “lol they have a disability xd”, it's ableism. Plain and simple.
To go with the point above - your joke is probably not funny.
We get it! You can't help telling us how "you're going to hell for laughing" (which yeah, probably) and how we remind you of the ugliest character you have ever seen. I guarantee you that we heard it, and that you are behaving like an edgy middle schooler who hasn't "found out" yet. It's boring and annoying. Also ableist, but you're aware of that already if you're saying that you're going to hell.
Stop with the goddamn trigger warnings. 
We aren't “body horror”, we aren't “gore”, we aren't something that you need to advise your viewers to use their discretion over. Every “graphic footage: child with neurofibromatosis” and “#tw burn scar” is a sign of ableism and disfiguremisia. People with facial differences deserve to be seen. Ableds can survive seeing a person without a nose.
Do a basic reading on what disfiguremisia is.
New word! And a pretty damn important one. It's a brand of ableism that intersects with more or less everything, and it means discrimination and hatred of people with facial differences/disfigurements. The bullying, harassment, endless name-calling, and microaggressions are all results of disfiguremisia. The ways in which everything is harder for us isn't some unchangeable rule of how the world works, it's just an extremely prevalent type of discrimination.
Understand that we are people.
I know, revolutionary - and yet impossible for so many people to get. We can be a visual representation of evil when it's necessary, we can be a feel-good inspirational story on a morning talk-show, but not much else, it seems. In reality, we are complex, we have our own lives, we can be happy and sad and have the same exact joys and worries that you have.
Hey, artists - facial differences don't make you evil.
Title stolen from a great essay by Lise Deguire (link). When's the last time you saw a positive character with a facial difference that wasn't inspiration porn? I mean a character that's not edgy, full of angst, a murderer, or a villain. Based on what you see in the media, you'd think that having a scar renders you evil on the spot, but in reality it just makes you loathe how artists apparently think you are like. It's boring, it's overdone, it's ableism. Stop doing this, and start noticing when it's being done. Point it out if your friend is writing their new villain to be an evil burn survivor. This kind of portrayal needed to stop ages ago, but tomorrow will be a great time as well.
Before you reply with “I've never seen this” - Darth Vader, Lion King’s Scar (subtle name, great thing to teach kids!), Freddy Krueger, Voldemort, we could be here forever. You're just not paying attention.
Pay attention to where we are not included.
As discussed, there are some places where you see us all the time. But where do you not see us?
Advertisements (unless it's for a scar-removal cream, of course). Fashion shows. Magazine covers. Romance movies where we are the main character.
We deserve to see ourselves in what's around us in the same way able-bodied people do. Trying to make it seem like we don't exist - that's deliberate. 
Interact with our art.
We draw, write, sing, act in movies, we do everything! Support us in the most tangible way - leave us a nice comment, read our books, listen to our songs. Watch movies where actual people with facial differences star, not pseudoinspirational stories about how “being disfigured is ok” where they shove an able-bodied actor into a full face prosthetic just to not have an actor with a disfigurement on set.
Include us.
As this year's Face Equality Week calls for, include us. In art, in movies, in books, in your life. Show us as positive people who are valuable, who are a part of your community - I guarantee that we are in every one that's out there. The world is hostile and unwelcoming to people with facial differences - be the change, wherever you are!
I know that it is different from the usual posts I make, but I hope it was somewhat educational. I just like to use every occasion that I can to force Face Equality into people's heads. To make this at least a bit about writing to keep the blog's theme, I will say that if you want to write about us, you need to care about us in real life as well. Otherwise, it's shallow and pointless.
Below the readmore are some links/resources that you can click to educate yourself further. A lot of them lead to Face Equality International because they have just about everything you should know. If you want to be a better ally to people with facial differences, I heavily recommend them!
mod Sasza
whoa thanks for actually clicking the readmore!!
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pin-k-ink · 21 days
CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR ⋆✦⋆ sakusa kiyoomi
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synopsis ➸ you and sakusa have always hated each other, but when atsumu suggests it’s all just sexual tension, it forces you both to rethink everything—and now your arguments take on a whole new meaning
tags ➸ enemies(?) to lovers, making out, masturbation, dry humping, grinding, biting, dirty talking, degradation, hair pulling, implied atsumu x reader, unprotected sex, blowjob, face fucking, deep throating, throat bulge, fingering, orgasm denial, creampie, praise kink, pet names, squirting, manhandling, begging, atsumu is tired of your shit
wc ➸ 12k
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"Say it again, Omi-kun. I dare you."
Your voice positively dripped with challenge as you leaned across the dining table, glaring daggers at the smirking figure lounging opposite you. Sakusa Kiyoomi regarded you evenly through those heavy-lidded eyes, handsome features arranged in an expression of haughty nonchalance.
"I said," he drawled slowly, relishing the way your fingernails dug grooves into the wood, "that your pitiful attempt at laundry left everything drenched in bleach. Again."
A muscle in your jaw ticked with barely restrained fury. You opened your mouth to unleash the torrent of vitriol building in your chest when a loud clatter from the kitchen interrupted.
"For fuck's sake, you two!" Atsumu groaned, stomping into view with his hands buried in his hair. "Can't ya give the bickering a rest for just one goddamn hour?"
You and Sakusa both ignored the blond's outburst, locked in an intense staring contest from across the table. The air crackled with unresolved tension, neither of you willing to be the first to back down.
"Well?" Sakusa eventually prompted, lips curving into that maddening little smirk he knew got under your skin. "Gonna try to tell me I'm wrong again?"
That did it. You shoved away from the table, the chair clattering to the floor as you surged to your feet.
"Why you arrogant, condescending prick! Like you'd know the first thing about doing your own laundry!" you spat. "That stick so far up your ass must be why you're constantly—"
The rest of your retort dissolved into wordless sputtering as Sakusa rose to his full, intimidating height as well. He leaned forward, elbows propped on the table as he pinned you with that heavy-lidded stare.
"I'm sorry, did you have a point or were you just enjoying the sound of your own voice again?" He spoke slowly, each word dripping with disdain.
Fire licked beneath your skin and you stepped forward without thinking, fists clenched by your sides. "That's rich coming from Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Constipated over here! At least when I speak, it isn't just to revel in my own ego for once!"
Beside you, Atsumu groaned again and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Not this shit again...am I gonna have to get the hose or something to break you two up?"
Neither you nor Sakusa paid him the slightest mind, too busy sizing each other up in a heated battle of wills. Adrenaline hummed in your veins, face flushed with righteous indignation at Sakusa's unrelenting arrogance. You itched to wipe that stupid smirk off his infuriatingly handsome face.
"Well?" you demanded when he just kept staring at you silently. "Nothing else to say now that you're called out, huh? Typical coward."
Something dangerous flashed in Sakusa's gaze. He took a single step forward, now well within your personal space as you held your ground defiantly.
"Be very careful what you wish for," he murmured in a low tone that sent an unexpected shiver down your spine. "You might just get it."
Your breath hitched at the implicit threat simmering in those words. But before you could formulate a retort, Atsumu hurriedly inserted himself between the two of you. He planted his hands against both your chests, forcibly separating your bodies as he shot looks of sheer exasperation in each direction.
"A'right, that's enough outta the two of ya horny bastards!" he huffed. "I can't take another second of watchin' you two go at it before things get legitimately X-rated in here!"
You blinked dumbly at Atsumu's outburst, barely registering the dismissive scoff from Sakusa behind you. Your roommate pinned you with a pointed look that brooked no argument.
"Omi-kun, you're leavin'. No more tormentin' my roommate tonight." He then swung his severe gaze to you. "And you! Take a cold shower or somethin', yeesh! The sexual frustration is chokin' the whole damn apartment at this point!"
You opened your mouth to retort but Sakusa leveled you with one last burning look before turning on his heel and stalking towards the door. Atsumu gave you both a warning look before following to show him out.
Left alone in the tense silence, it finally started to sink in what exactly your supposedly oblivious roommate had been implying. Surely he couldn't think there was...that you and Sakusa...
As if on cue, a vivid flash of Sakusa leaning over you resurfaced in your mind's eye - all intense gaze and parted lips whispering those cryptic words. The image sent an undeniable thrill skating over your skin like a physical touch.
Across the apartment, the front door slammed shut and Atsumu reappeared, pinching the bridge of his nose again. You glanced between him and the empty space Sakusa had occupied, perturbed realization dawning.
"Oh..." You breathed the word on a soft exhale.
Atsumu snorted indelicately. "Yeah, welcome to my own personal hell, Roomie. Told ya you were both horny idiots."
For once, you found yourself rendered utterly speechless as certain puzzle pieces finally clicked into place with searing clarity. And though the implications should have struck horror into your heart, a tiny, secret part of you couldn't quite quell the spark of salacious interest now burning brighter than before...
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You tossed and turned restlessly, sheets tangled around your legs as vivid images from earlier tormented your mind. Every time you closed your eyes, memories of Sakusa's smoldering gaze and the dangerous timbre of his voice resurfaced with alarming intensity.
"Be very careful what you wish for..."
His murmured words echoed in your head, stoking the embers of a treacherous curiosity you'd been ruthlessly suppressing for who knows how long now. Because if you were being truly honest with yourself, the antagonistic spark between you and Sakusa had stopped feeling like genuine animosity ages ago.
No, what fueled those heated exchanges and barbed insults was something else entirely - a slow-burning friction that ignited every nerve ending and left you breathless for reasons beyond just anger and frustration. You squeezed your eyes shut as flashes of Sakusa's powerful build looming over you infiltrated your mind again, heat blossoming low in your belly.
You couldn't deny the undeniable pull of attraction simmering beneath the surface, no matter how often you masked it with irritation or acid-tongued taunts. Deep down, on some primal level, your body craved the delicious friction of Sakusa's presence in a way that had nothing to do with combativeness.
The realization came with a dizzying rush of arousal that left you squirming between the sheets. You tried to dismiss it, chalk it up to a sleep-deprived lapse in judgement after an eventful night. But as the minutes ticked by, visions of Sakusa's chiseled features and unholy smirk persisted in tormenting your senses.
You gave in with a low whine, chasing the forbidden images as your hands wandered across your overheated skin. What would happen if you stopped retreating from the tension between you? What if you finally let yourself lean into those heated exchanges with abandon instead of biting your tongue?
Perhaps Atsumu had been onto something about scratching a certain itch. You shuddered at the thought of finally submitting to the magnetic pull drawing you towards Sakusa, of letting go and allowing instincts to take over instead of fighting tooth and nail against this undeniable chemistry.
Your fingers dipped past the waistband of your shorts, circling your swollen clit with a practiced rhythm as you pictured the man himself. You imagined what Sakusa's hooded gaze would look like if aimed anywhere lower than your face. How his voice might drop into a sinful growl of approval as you gave in fully to your salacious urges right in front of him, consequences be damned...
A twisted moan escaped your lips as you worked yourself higher with each fevered thought. Yes, you realized dimly. You were well and truly addicted to the slow torture of this constant foreplay between you, hooked on that tantalizing friction no matter how much you'd pretended otherwise.
And tomorrow? Tomorrow when Sakusa inevitably showed up and resumed your sensual battle of wills, you decided right then and there that you'd abandon the pretenses entirely. Just to see what would happen when the spark you'd been smothering finally ignited into an all-consuming blaze.
The thought spurred you towards a shuddering orgasm, back arching off the mattress as you rode out the waves of release with Sakusa's name staining your lips in a breathless keen. Only then did you finally relax again, boneless and tingling in the wake of relinquishing your stubborn denials to the oblivion of sweet surrender.
Because win or lose, you realized there was no longer any escaping the pull of this slow-burning inferno you'd both helped fan to roaring life whether you wanted to admit it or not.
The following morning dawned bright and clear as you reluctantly roused yourself from the tangled sheets. An odd sense of anticipatory tension thrummed through your veins while you went about your usual morning routines.
You kept picturing all the various ways you might be able to rile Sakusa up today - subtle touches and low-hanging innuendos he'd never seen coming from you. A sly grin tugged at your lips as you recalled his scathing insults and thinly veiled disgust from last night. How quickly those disdainful expressions would drop the second you disarmed him with a little bold flirtation instead of sputtering recriminations.
Just the thought of his domineering gaze snapping wide while you trailed fingertips over his chest or leaned in to murmur something filthy had your pulse racing. Maybe you'd casually brush up against him, sway your hips enticingly and see how flustered the normally stoic Sakusa grew. Make him finally admit there was more behind his contemptuous facade than—
"Morning, Roomie!" Atsumu's overly chipper voice cut through your heated musings. "Nice of ya to finally join the rest of us today."
You startled slightly, blinking at your roommate as he deposited a plate of toast dripping with butter on the table. He shot you an amused look over his shoulder.
"Whoa, someone kill your favorite puppy on the way over? What's with that 'cat who ate the canary' look first thing?"
Heat flooded your cheeks as you realized where exactly your thoughts had wandered. You shook your head vehemently, refusing to take the bait or acknowledge your brief lapse into an entirely different fantasy.
"Shut it, Blondie. I just had a good night's sleep for once now that the human embodiment of tension headaches wasn't around."
The reminder of Sakusa prompted a flicker of last night's...revelations to niggle at the corner of your mind. You suppressed them ruthlessly, trying to cling to the irritation you'd used as camouflage for so long instead. After all, he'd be arriving at any moment and you needed to be on guard against letting anything slip—
"It'll take much more than your simple attempts at deflection to fool me, [Y/N]," a low, familiar voice drawled in your ear.
You jolted again, whirling around to find Sakusa suddenly looming over you with that infuriatingly smug look plastered across his features. How the hell had he gotten so close without you noticing? More importantly, what exactly did he mean by—?
"Although I must admit," he continued in that same arrogant purr, eyes raking over you lazily. "Judging by those lovesick puppy looks you keep tossing my way, it's clear even you've realized the little game we're playing here now."
A muscle twitched in your jaw and you straightened fully, squaring off against his proximity and heated gaze with defiance even as your heartbeat kicked up a notch.
"Game?" you echoed flatly. "What the hell are you on about now, Omi-kun?"
His nickname dripped with acid as you enunciated each syllable. Rather than react with his usual disdain or irritation, however, Sakusa simply smirked wider and leaned closer until you could practically taste his clean, minty scent with every inhalation.
"You know exactly what I mean," he murmured, all predatory heat and sinful promise as his gaze dipped lower. "This little dance of denial you've got yourself caught up in, trying to convince yourself you aren't hopelessly afflicted with the same inconvenient cravings for me that I've been—"
The rest of his whispered taunts dissolved into a startled grunt as you lunged forward mindlessly. Only vaguely aware of Atsumu's choked curses from behind you, you seized fistfuls of Sakusa's crisp button-down as he instinctively caught your hips to brace you flush against his powerful frame.
"You arrogant prick!" you hissed, glaring up into those hooded onyx eyes roiling with sheer masculine possession now. "What makes you think I'd ever crave—?!"
"Woah! Hey hey hey, break it up assholes! We're not doin' this here!"
Atsumu wedged himself between your bodies, glowering at you both as his hands connected with both your chests to shove you apart with surprising force. All at once, you became aware of just how tightly clenched in Sakusa's unbreakable grasp you'd been mere seconds ago, and a dizzying rush of heat flooded your senses.
"I swear to God, you two are gonna give me gray hair before I'm even 25 at this rate," your roommate groused, pinning Sakusa with an exasperated look. "Sakusa, kindly take a cold shower 'cause my poor roommate can't handle whatever filthy material you're whispering about again."
He then turned and took you by the shoulders, steering you bodily towards the front door even as you sputtered half-formed protests.
"And you!" Atsumu huffed without slowing. "You're goin' for a nice little walk around the block to cool off before you try jumpin' that constipated weirdo's bones or something, capiche?"
He bundled you swiftly out the front door with a none-too-gentle shove. You whirled back to him in outraged confusion, mind still whirling from the sheer hunger in Sakusa's fiery gaze you'd been drowning in just moments ago.
"Wait, what the hell, Tsumu?! I need to teach that arrogant jerk a—"
"Tsk tsk," Atsumu chided, that severe expression melting into one of fond exasperation as he shook his head. "I gotta keep you two horndogs separated until you actually deal with all that pent up tension properly. I ain't dealing' with a screwin' match on my livin' room floor."
You felt your jaw drop at his blunt words and transparent implication. He sighed heavily at the look on your face and placed his hands on his hips.
"Look, not that I don't enjoy watchin' you guys torment each other until one of ya literally jumps the other out of sheer desperation," your roommate continued, "but there's a time and a place for that kinda stuff, ya know?"
He arched one eyebrow at you pointedly and you felt the heat in your cheeks rising once more under his exasperated scrutiny. Of course because no matter how you tried denying the reality of what just happened, or the nights spent fantasizing feverishly, Atsumu could see right through you—
"Like Bokuto's birthday in a couple days?" he supplied, jarring you from your whirling thoughts. "Surely you dolts can keep it in your pants and behave for that, yeah?"
Oh. Right. The event you'd been simultaneously dreading and looking forward to ever since the invites went out. Bokuto's annual raging party guaranteed to be a complete shitshow on top of all the usual chaos of his social gatherings. With you and Sakusa's rising friction now exacerbated by Atsumu openly confronting you...yeah, things were likely to implode.
"Tch, be a little easier if your weird ass friend would stop intentionally trying to goad me into destroying him in public," you shot back defensively.
Atsumu sighed again, pinching the bridge of his nose briefly before fixing you with a long look.
"Just...try to chill for a bit, alright? Cool off, think long and hard about whether you want to actually pursue where Omi-kun's leadin' things now. And if you do decide to go there, for the love of God, do NOT spring it on him publicly at Bokkun's—"
The sudden wail of a cell phone cut your roommate off and he grunted, digging into his pocket to scowl at the screen. He shot you one more look before swiping to answer the call.
"Yeah, yeah I'm on my way," he griped, turning to head back inside. "Don't get your panties in a twist, Omi-kun hasn't killed my idiot roommate...yet."
You watched as he slipped back inside, leaving you standing alone on the sidewalk to gather your scattered thoughts. Frustration and residual heat still swirled through your veins, fanned anew by Sakusa's unsubtle taunts and the scorching image of his intense gaze. But underneath it all, Atsumu's knowing words and sly insinuations stoked fresh questions you weren't sure you were ready to examine properly.
Did you really want to give in and embrace this undeniable tension instead of battling it any longer? And if so, what would that mean—especially with the chaos of Bokuto's bash on the horizon?
You groaned and raked your hands through your hair, already dreading whatever fresh hell awaited you with that upcoming powder keg just waiting to explode. Either way, you sensed this little game between you and Sakusa was about to reach a fever pitch you could no longer run or hide from.
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The music thumped through the car like a physical force as Atsumu pulled up to the curb outside Bokuto's place. You eyed the clusters of people spilling in and out of the front door apprehensively, the bassline vibrating through the soles of your shoes even from this distance.
"Looks like the party's already in full swing," you remarked, twisting in your seat to shoot Atsumu a sidelong look. "Think Bokkun will even notice when we roll up fashionably late or what?"
Your roommate scoffed and killed the engine, slinging one arm over the back of your seat as he turned to face you properly. His gaze was unusually severe, golden eyes narrowed beneath that swoop of blond bangs.
"Listen up, beautiful," Atsumu began without preamble, leaning closer. "I'm only gonna say this once before we get inside and all hell inevitably breaks loose."
You swallowed thickly despite yourself, feeling heat prickle along the back of your neck under his intense stare. Atsumu rarely took on such a no-nonsense demeanor in casual settings, and his solemnity made your stomach twist anxiously for reasons you couldn't quite place.
"You and Omi-kun have been dancin' around this..." He waved a hand vaguely, "this unresolved thing goin' on for way too damn long now, ya hear? All the flirtin' and teasin' has reached a boilin' point."
Your heart began thudding painfully in your chest as Atsumu pinned you with an inscrutable look. He knew. Of course he knew how badly you'd been craving release from these simmering tensions with Sakusa - especially after last week’s explosive confrontation and subsequent...personal reflections.
"So I need ya to promise me," your roommate continued, voice pitched low and gaze unwavering. "Whatever happens between you two crazy idiots tonight - and ya know as well as I do that somethin' is gonna give - just...try to keep it under wraps around the others, alright?"
Heat flooded your cheeks as indignant protestations bubbled up instinctively. But before you could release the torrent, Atsumu held up a hand to silence you.
"I ain't judgin' or anythin'," he stressed with surprising gentleness. "I just...ya know how batshit Bokuto's parties get. Wouldn't want you two finally lettin' off steam to end in a situation that can't be easily, uh...rectified later."
He arched one eyebrow meaningfully and your mouth snapped shut with a sharp click. Because really, what could you even say to refute his point? Between your rising provocations and Sakusa's indisputably unresolved attraction, there was only so much holding back either of you could sustain before fracturing entirely.
Letting out a heavy exhale, you reached for the door handle and pushed it open. You paused and glanced back at Atsumu over your shoulder, offering a tight nod of acknowledgment.
"Don't worry," you rasped out after a beat of weighted silence. "I'll...try to keep things low-key as possible."
The corner of Atsumu's mouth kicked up in a wry smirk at your careful non-answer. He shook his head wryly but waved you off with a theatrical flourish.
"Good enough for me. Now let's go get shitfaced and hope for the best, yeah?"
You couldn't help but snort at his return to his typical snarky cadence, the anxious knot in your gut loosening fractionally. Sliding from the car, you were immediately swept up in the roar of Bokuto's raging party as whoops and laughter echoed around you.
It was easy to get caught up in the madness at first - bodies pressed close together as you jostled your way inside. Random acquaintances and half-remembered faces called out greetings and raised glasses in drunken salutes as you passed. By the time the writhing knot of people finally parted, you were face-to-face with none other than the man himself.
"[Y/N]-CHAN!" Bokuto bellowed directly into your ear, big arms sweeping you up in a vice-like bear hug. "You made it! I was beginning to think you got lost on the way!"
A startled laugh bubbled up as you fiercely returned the embrace, familiar affection swelling at Bokuto's typical enthusiasm. Before you knew it, he was dragging you further into the melee with an iron grip around your shoulders as he called greetings to every acquaintance in range.
Familiar faces and conversations swirled around you in a headier rush than even the drinks being pressed into your hands could account for. You laughed and joked and danced, losing yourself in each friend's anecdotes or salacious gossip offered up for entertainment.
But no matter how raucous the music grew or how many distractions presented themselves, a tiny sliver of hyper-awareness lingered in the back of your mind - always tracking the nearby crush of bodies for a particular head of artfully mussed curls and a towering, brooding presence that could command any room with scant effort.
You knew Sakusa was here somewhere, likely tucked away in a quieter corner with Atsumu and the other teammates they still tolderated regularly. And though you continually told yourself to relax and simply enjoy the party without complications tonight, that same insatiable itch that tormented you constantly in his presence prickled stronger with every passing minute he went unseen.
It didn't help that flashes of last night's lurid imaginings and lingering heat kept resurfacing unbidden behind your eyes. Your wandering gaze sought Sakusa out almost instinctively, half dreading and half yearning to feel that heavy stare sear over your skin from across the room soon.
So attuned were you to this frenzied frequency, that when a familiar lithe figure finally broke through the human current nearby, you keyed in on his presence immediately. You froze mid-laugh, mouth parting around a startled exhale as your eyes drank in the sight with ravenous hunger.
There he was, striding through the crowds with his usual self-assured grace. A fresh cocktail dangled from his fingers with leonine disregard, eyes hooded and lips twisted in that same arrogant curl that always made your insides flutter deliciously.
Without conscious thought, you found yourself breaking away from your drunken companions and weaving a path right towards him through the masses. Sakusa's gaze, keen as ever even in chaos, snagged on yours instantly - twin sparks of heat and challenge igniting in their depths as your locked stares collided.
Some magnetic, unstoppable force drew you both together like filings to a lodestone. You didn't even realize how rapidly you'd closed the distance until Sakusa loomed directly over you, an immovable mountain of dark intensity radiating dizzying auras of poise and primal power.
"Well, if it isn't the neighborhood pest come to harass me yet again," he drawled in that razor-edged purr still tinged with amusement. "Color me surprised."
You stared up at him defiantly, chin tilted and jaw set even as your heart ratcheted higher in tempo. He was doing it again - pushing and needling like always with those arrogant words that got your blood boiling every single time.
"If by harass you mean have the good fortune of running into your pretentious ass at a party, then guilty as charged," you shot back, tone dripping with acid. "But don't give yourself too much credit, Omi-kun."
Rather than look affronted or irritated, however, Sakusa's eyes simply danced with dark mirth. He cocked one hip and lifted his glass in a sarcastic toast, leaning just close enough for his cologne to tickle your senses with sudden intensity.
"My, my. Such sharp wit as always, pet," he practically purred. "Although if memory serves, you were the one utterly tongue-tied and fawning over me this time last week."
Heat flooded your cheeks as vivid recollections of your late-night reverie starring Sakusa threatened to unhinge you completely. He knew. Of course he knew exactly what he was doing, pushing you until you snapped again like that morning.
Before you could collect the necessary vitriol to spit back, however, a drunken partygoer collided with your elbow from behind in their haphazard dancing. You startled and stumbled forward, the precarious contents of Sakusa's glass directly in your trajectory as you flailed.
It seemed to happen in slow motion - your forehead connecting with his chest in a blunt collision, his tumbler upending with a splash of amber liquid that sprayed across his crisp button-down in rivulets. You froze in open-mouthed shock as the soaked fabric clung revealingly to Sakusa's sculpted form, droplets slowly trailing beneath the waistband of his pants as the heady tang of spirits cut through the crowd's musk.
"W-Woah," you stammered instinctively, coming back to yourself in a sloppy rush. "Omi-kun, shit I'm so sorr—"
"So what else is new?" he cut you off with a sneer of clear disdain, raking a dismissive glance over the mess you'd caused before his inscrutable gaze snapped to you once more. "I swear it's like you were born without functioning motor skills or brain cells sometimes."
Your jaw clicked shut with an audible snap, renewed heat flooding your face that had nothing to do with earlier embarrassment. No, Sakusa had ignited the familiar, smoldering embers of belligerent fury you always felt in his presence with those contemptuous barbs.
Before Atsumu's stern words of warning could even register in your whirling thoughts, your lips curled in an acid simper as you tipped your chin up further to meet the onyx storm roiling in Sakusa's heavy-lidded eyes.
"Don't worry your pretty little head, Omi-kun," you growled in a biting coo meant to get directly under his skin. "I'll make sure to replace your precious drink immediately since I know you need it to wash down that enormous stick shoved up your—"
"Woah hey!" Atsumu's panicked voice cut through the music abruptly, hand clamping around your elbow in an iron grip as he wedged himself between your snarling forms. "Easy there, kiddos. I think we could all use a refresher, yeah?"
He leveled you both with the same imploring, strained expression that just begged you to back down before things escalated any further. On your other side, Sakusa's free hand clenched into a white-knuckled fist as you glowered at each other over Atsumu's shoulder in a heated stand-off.
This wasn't over, your screaming instincts howled even as your roommate inserted himself as a buffer once more. Not by a long shot. Not when you tasted rapturous victory over Sakusa's insolent slights so close you could practically inhale it already.
Without warning, you plastered on a tight, saccharine smile and stepped back from Sakusa's bristling frame - offering an exaggerated shrug for Atsumu's benefit.
"You know what? You're absolutely right, Tsum-Tsum," you cooed without breaking eye contact with Sakusa's intense glare still boring into you. "We could all use a fresh round right about now. One sec and I'll get my friend Omi-kun's sorted out pronto!"
You winked at Sakusa then, all bared teeth and challenge as you pivoted on your heel towards the makeshift bar stations. This had stopped being about keeping things under wraps or sticking to protocols long ago. Because after that last scorching slight to your pride?
Sakusa Kiyoomi had once again set the bar for mutual destruction in motion entirely. And you had absolutely no qualms about leaning into each gloriously unholy crest and fall anymore - all under his smoldering scrutiny and gleeful provocation at long last.
The bartender passed your order across the sticky countertop and you snatched it up before whirling on your heel to head back towards the writhing dance floor. A triumphant grin split your features as you surveyed the crowds for that artfully tousled mane of dark curls, mind already whirring with plans for payback.
Sure, leaving Sakusa stewing in his own self-righteous agitation was immensely satisfying on a petty level. But where was the fun in simply walking away after he'd goaded you with those scorching taunts of his yet again? Especially when you already knew exactly which buttons to mash to send the usually stoic spiker into a spiral of indignant fury.
By the time you located his towering silhouette still flanking Atsumu in a quieter corner, the twisted smirk was plastered across your face - brimming with perverse delight at the prospect of sparking whatever delicious meltdown awaited. You wasted no time slipping through the press of partygoers until you stood directly before his chiseled form once more, drink outstretched with an air of saccharine innocence.
"There you are, Omi-kun!" You called sweetly over the pulsing music, watching those hawkish eyes zone in on you with a mixture of wariness and brooding intensity. "I went ahead and got you a new cocktail since you seemed so devastated over losing the last one."
"Tch...like I need favors from a clumsy, ill-mannered cretin such as yourself," he growled out flatly. But despite his venomous tone, Sakusa's gaze tracked the tumbler with poorly concealed interest betraying his parched thirst.
You pouted exaggeratedly, swaying your hips in a movement you knew would draw his lecherous study whether he admitted it or not. Sure enough, his dark eyes sharpened infinitesimally before flicking back up to meet your taunting smirk.
"Aww don't be like that now!" You scolded in a rich coo brimming with challenge. "It's a peace offering from me to you, Omi-kun. I even put a little...extra somethin' in there special!"
Sakusa's brow furrowed at the clear invitation behind your words, lips parting as he drew a sharp inhalation. Atsumu was wise enough to extricate himself from the brewing confrontation and move to join a cluster of rowdy teammates, leaving you and Sakusa alone at last.
"The hell are you blatherin' about now, pest?" Sakusa rasped at length, eyeing the proffered drink with unconcealed suspicion and a hint of intrigue. "Did you spit in it or something to try continuing your vile routine?"
Rather than deflate or offer denials, however, you felt a fresh thrill careen down your spine at the unspoken challenge hanging between your bodies. Yes, of course he'd deduced what fresh torment awaited behind the gesture - he knew you far too intimately by now for it to go unnoticed.
"Well," you began in a sultry murmur, tongue darting out to wet your lips theatrically. "Why don't you take a nice, big sip and find out for yourself, Omi-Omi? I was simply trying to be...considerate for once."
You stepped closer, breaching his personal space until the weight of your shared heat charged the scant distance into an electrified field. Sakusa eyed you for a long, tense heartbeat through lowered lashes stained in blatant consideration. Then, with agonizing leisure, he plucked the glass from your fingertips and swiped his tongue over the rim in a filthy glide - never once dropping your stare.
Your breath stalled out completely at the brazen gesture, heat blooming low in your abdomen at the sinful promise laced through every unhurried motion. Sakusa tipped the glass back and drained the liquor in two deep pulls, throat undulating with each swallow as you keened silently from between parted lips.
Only when the final drops vanished past his swollen mouth did he finally lower the empty tumbler and inhale a shuddering breath. And rather than erupting into disgusted fury like you'd expected, Sakusa remained unnervingly composed - eyes half-mast but gleaming with something darker and more ravenous than mere irritation as he regarded you.
"Well?" You managed to rasp out after several charged beats. "I'm sure it tastes exactly how you expected, doesn't it?"
Sakusa remained perfectly still, coiled and predatory as those piercing eyes drank in every subtle shift and hitch of your chest in rising anticipation. Despite all your childish antics and provocations leading to this point, some instinctive part of you found yourself inexplicably pinned by his unwavering intensity.
Then, before you could summon up another petulant rejoinder, Sakusa surged forward with the speed of a coiled serpent - powerful hands snarling in the fabric of your dress until you were hauled flush against his unyielding frame. The breath punched from your lungs in a ragged gasp, body igniting in a conflagration that seared straight through to your tingling extremities.
"You twisted little gremlin," he growled out low and wrecked in a way that made your knees liquify. "Did you honestly think poking this particular bear was wise when you've been skating on such thin ice with me already?"
You opened your mouth to fire off another heated retort, determined not to let Sakusa gain any more ground with that smoldering stare alone. But before the words could rip free, he tugged you forward with bruising force - chest colliding against yours as your startled gasp muffled against the searing brand of his mouth crashing over yours hungrily.
Despite the rough handling, you found yourself melting against Sakusa's unforgiving frame as his tongue lashed past your lips in a scorching glide. An embarrassing whine punched from your throat at the first velvet sweep claiming you fully without preamble. Any lingering pretense of calm detachment shattered as your hands shakily fisted in the front of his ruined dress shirt.
Rather than shrink beneath his ravenous onslaught, however, you instinctively pushed back - all teeth and nails as you savagely nipped at Sakusa's pillowed mouth in furious retaliation. He growled in clear approval, hips canting to grind his swelling arousal against your pelvis in a blistering promise of consequences to come for your impetuousness.
"Always. So. Damned. Difficult," Sakusa bit out in a wrecked rasp against your slick lips between each punishing reclamation of your mouth, large hands bracketing your shoulders to keep you pinned in place.
You keened breathlessly at the rough vitriol still laced through his gravelly timbre, nails scoring down the sculpted ridges of his back in open challenge. Sakusa shuddered against your provocation, enormous palms dropping to seize twin handfuls of your ass and haul you flush against his writhing form with a harsh groan.
"R-Rich coming from you, bastard," you managed to gasp out before his mouth was on yours again in merciless possession, tongue sweeping between your parted lips on a searing glide.
Coherent thoughts became an impossibility as the two of you grappled for dominance through the molten exchange - all snarling clashes of teeth and desperate whimpers punctuating each greedy inhale for more. Desire throbbed through your veins in concussive waves, rapidly whiting out every fleeting impulse beyond surrendering into the delirious rapture of Sakusa's lithe power sheathed over your quivering curves.
You bucked against the rigid plane of his abdomen shamelessly, palms cupping the sharp cut of his jaw with feverish ardor to keep his mouth sealed over yours without pause. Sakusa growled low in the back of his throat, the rumbling vibration cascading across your melding nerve endings in further waves of unbridled longing. You writhed against him, already dampening through the lacy barrier of your panties with the scorching promise of how relentlessly he would claim you fully when the time came.
Despite your best efforts to give as good as you got, it rapidly became clear Sakusa remained undaunted - subjugating your thrashing form against his with single-minded intensity. Before you realized what was happening, deft fingers were already trailing beneath the hem of your dress, gliding up the slick skin of your inner thigh—
"Oi! What the absolute fuck is going on over here?!"
The bewildered shout lanced through the haze of your heated tussle with Sakusa, his tongue still tangled with yours in a filthy glide. You startled apart at the familiar rasp of Atsumu's voice cutting through the thrum of music and chatter.
"Seriously, you horny bastards?" Your roommate's tone dripped with a mixture of exasperation and dark amusement as he folded his arms, surveying your rumpled states. "Couldn't keep it in your pants for one goddamn night, huh?"
"Piss off, Miya," Sakusa growled, glaring at Atsumu through hooded lids still glazed with naked hunger. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of your hips possessively as you panted against his rigid frame.
Rather than looking remotely contrite, Atsumu simply arched one brow higher. "Don't give me that look, Omi-kun. The last thing we need tonight is Bokkun catching you two in the middle of..." He waved a hand vaguely at your entangled bodies, lips twisting wryly. "...whatever the fuck twisted shit this was inevitably spiraling into."
"And why the hell would Bokuto have any say over what I choose to do?" Sakusa practically purred, the low rasp making you shiver against him instinctively. "Unless you're implying we require supervision now like misbehaving children, Miya?"
Atsumu's eyes glinted with a flash of something harder for a beat. "Cut the attitude, asshole. You know damn well I'm just tryin' to keep your dumb ass out of hot water here." His pointed stare flickered over to you briefly, naked concern warring with exasperation in his expression. "Both of you."
You bit your lip, flushing slightly at the undeniable truth in his words. For all his bravado, Sakusa would hardly thank you for being the catalyst to potential fallout with Bokuto. Especially not over something as stupidly petty as whatever messed up courtship ritual had been unfolding between you until Atsumu intervened.
"He has a point," you rasped out at last. Sakusa cut you a sidelong glare, clearly put out by your backing down even fractionally. You met his heavy-lidded stare steadily, lifting your chin in silent challenge. "We could just...go somewhere more private instead?"
The air fairly sizzled with charged tension as your suggestion hung between your tangled bodies. Atsumu looked vaguely nauseous by the implication, shaking his head slowly as if to dislodge the mental images no doubt flooding his brain. Sakusa, on the other hand, simply stared down at you hungrily - chin dipping in an infinitesimal nod that made your belly swoop.
"A sensible suggestion for once," he murmured, blatantly ignoring Atsumu's derisive snort beside you. "I'm sure there are plenty of places we could...relocate to and get better acquainted, hmm?"
Without warning, he looped one arm around your waist and hauled you flush against his chiseled torso - the other hand coming up to cup the back of your head as he dipped towards your parted lips with dark intent. You inhaled sharply at his bold manhandling, arousal spiking as his tongue swept inside to taste you with possessive fervor. Your palms came up to brace against the firm plains of his chest on instinct, nails raking across the muscled expanse in retaliation.
"Woah-! Easy there, big guy," Atsumu cut in dryly, though his reproach sounded distinctly lacking in any real heat. "You're gonna scar me for life with the visual of you sucking face with Roomie here."
"Mmm...jealous, Miya?" Sakusa rumbled against your swollen mouth, drawing back just enough for the words to rasp across your sensitized lips. "Should I have [Y/N] bend over the nearest flat surface to help you work through whatever repressed issues you're still wrestling with?"
You flushed hotly at his lascivious suggestion, torn between scandalised outrage and a fresh wave of reckless arousal pooling in your core at the mental images his words conjured. Atsumu, however, looked utterly unmoved by the jibe - simply rolling his eyes at his teammate with exaggerated weariness.
"Uh, no thanks," he shot back, emphasising the refusal with a sarcastic pat to Sakusa's shoulder. "I'll sit this particular freak show out. Just do me and the rest of us poor, innocent bystanders a favour - use protection so we don't gotta deal with little Omi juniors runnin' around terrorising the rest of us in nine months, yeah?"
Sakusa regarded him in stony silence for a beat as you gaped between them, flabbergasted by the crude exchange. Then, without ceremony, he bent and hoisted you clean off your feet into his arms as he straightened. You squeaked in surprise, instinctively looping your arms around the broad span of his shoulders as he adjusted his grip beneath the curve of your ass.
"Hey!" You protested as he began striding away purposefully through the throngs of bodies, your thighs bracketing his narrow hips with dizzying intimacy. "What are you doing, asshole?! Put me down already!"
"Quiet, pest," Sakusa growled down at you without breaking stride, his baritone laced with dark promise that made you shiver. "Unless you'd prefer to put on another show for our dear teammate to get his kicks from?"
You snapped your mouth shut, leveling him with a defiant glare he simply returned with an arrogant smirk - entirely unrepentant in your damsel-in-distress position cradled against his granite frame. He turned to toss a parting shot over his shoulder at Atsumu, tone almost idle despite the tension radiating off him in sizzling waves.
"Oh and Miya? Do keep those wise words of caution in mind when you're inevitably imagining the different 'uses' I'm about to put your little Roomie through in the very near future..."
Before Atsumu could formulate a response, Sakusa had already spirited you away into a secluded room away from the raucous main party. The moment you were out of view, he promptly locked the door, hiked you higher and pinned you back against the wall - weight settling snugly between your parted thighs as your harsh pants mingled between your fevered frames.
Any pretense of deference imploded as his mouth crashed over yours in a filthy reunion, tongue lashing inside to taste you thoroughly with muffled groans of relief resonating from his chest. You clung to him helplessly as the uncompromising waltz of his hips undulated into yours over and over - determined to claim and conquer until not a single inch of territory remained for denial between your writhing forms.
"K-Kiyoomi..." you whimpered against his pillowed mouth when he finally drew back enough to catch your breath. To your mortification the sound emerged high and needy, lashes fluttering with naked want you couldn't quite smother even if you'd wanted to.
Far from sounding smug or victorious, however, Sakusa merely raked you with a weighty stare hot enough to sear you straight through to your very marrow. "No more posturing or pretending or fighting it, [Y/N]," he rasped in that sandpaper growl, flexing his hips in an unhurried grind that had your head thumping back against the plaster. "The dam's been breached past the point of no return now, don't you see?"
You swallowed thickly at the heated vow glittering in those depthless obsidian depths, insides liquefying beneath his potent stare alone. In that suspended heartbeat everything crystallized with blinding certainty—that you were both scrambling at the precipice of no return, with any attempts at clawing your way back into the comfortable ambiguities of before inevitably doomed to collapse in failure.
Sakusa braced his forearm alongside your head, face dipping to sear your parted lips with a fresh clash of bruising possession as you melted against him helplessly. One indomitable palm slid beneath your dress to rake searing lines across your inner thigh with unapologetic worship, rasping a promise of much greater indecencies yet to come against your fevered skin.
"No more taunts or masks or holding back," he growled as your kisses spiraled into delirious re-initiation once more. "Tonight I make you fucking mine at last, pet..."
Sakusa disregarded you abruptly, mouth crashing over yours in a filthy kiss that tasted of possession and dark promises. His tongue lashed inside with unapologetic fervor, stoking the scorching embers of lust already lapping at your senses.
You clung to his powerful frame helplessly, whimpering into the sinful waltz of his mouth claiming you thoroughly. Sakusa's hips surged forward in a calculated grind, pinning you flush against the wall as every nerve ending in your body sang with naked yearning.
"Fuck...Kiyoomi," you managed to gasp out when he finally allowed you a desperate inhale, fingers tangling in the soft curls at his nape demandingly. Far from sounding meek or cowed, your tone dripped with pure challenge - stoking the simmering flames higher. "What are you waiting for?"
His lips curved into a predatory smirk against yours, eyes glittering with roguish heat. You panted together in hazy intimacy as Sakusa leaned in until your noses brushed with blistering promise.
"Always so impatient and insatiable, aren't you pet?" He rumbled, sending shockwaves of depraved lust ricocheting through your very marrow. "Miya gave you that wise little warning about wrapping my cock up nice and tight before letting me go to town on that greedy little cunt of yours..."
His hand shot out to fist in your hair, yanking your head back to bare the stuttering pulse at your throat to his searing scrutiny. You whimpered high and needy at the rough handling, arousal spiking as he dropped open-mouthed kisses along the fevered column.
"But you want me buried in that tight, dripping heat raw and throbbing, don't you?" Sakusa growled against your racing pulse, tongue laving over the tender hollow between your collarbones. "Want to feel every brutal inch stretching you open on my cock with nothing between us, don't you slut?"
"You arrogant prick," you bit out through gritted teeth, nails raking over his shoulders furiously despite the fresh gush of slick tingeing your underwear at his crude words. "Don't act so high and mighty like it isn't exactly what you're desperate to feel too, asshole!"
He groaned in clear approval, licking a searing path up the line of your throat to capture your mouth again in a bruising clash. You gave as good as you got, all teeth and venom - furious lust spiraling ever higher.
When Sakusa finally broke away, you were both panting harshly. He leaned his forehead against yours with a snarl, flexing those powerful hips in a slow grind that had you seeing stars.
"That's right, baby girl..." he rasped with dark satisfaction. "Keep running that pretty little mouth while you still can. Because once my cock is hilted so deep inside you that you're choking on it, the only sounds coming out will be pathetic little whimpers begging me not to stop ruining you."
You keened at the promise blazing in his gaze, hips bucking shamelessly against his rigid bulge. But you refused to be cowed, dragging your nails down his chest with enough force to sting deliciously.
"You're all talk, asshole," you spat with naked defiance, upper lip curling. "We both know you're too jealous of Tsumu and me to really commit to fucking me properly anyway."
Sakusa stilled instantly, a dangerous calm settling over his frame in warning. You smirked up at him triumphantly until his jaw flexed and he dipped to graze your lips with his own in a deceptively tender brush.
"Baby, that poor excuse for a line wasn't even worth a half-assed attempt at riling me up," he murmured with an intimacy that clashed with the simmering venom in his tone. "We both know there's not a single part of Miya that's ever piqued my jealousy or interest at all."
You opened your mouth to retort but Sakusa abruptly rocked his hips forward, grinding his scorching hardness against your molten core with punishing friction. Your protest dissolved into a broken moan, head thumping back against the wall.
"No...the only thoughts keeping me green with envy?" Sakusa husked directly in your ear, undulating in a tantalizing rhythm as one hand slipped under your dress to palm your dripping heat. "Are how many chances Miya's had over the years to bury his face between those pretty thighs and drink you down until you're ruined...opportunites I've only dreamed of indulging in."
Your breath hitched as he dragged his palm up to thumb over the slick lace covering your pulsing clit teasingly. Arousal crashed over you in sweltering waves, clawing and slick at the crude reminder of just how excruciatingly long Sakusa must have burned with repressed lust for you both.
"So believe me, sweetheart..." he growled softly, sealing his mouth over yours again to plunder you thoroughly with dark intent. "Once that needy little cunt is finally wrapped around my cock with nothing holding us back?"
Sakusa thrust his tongue into the velvet cavern of your mouth until you were delirious, pliant putty in his unforgiving embrace. Nipping at your lips for emphasis, he sealed the wicked promise with a lick of searing venom:
"The last fucking thing on my mind will be caring about where Miya's thoughts happen to wander during the main event..."
One hand buried itself in his inky curls, tugging sharply until his hooded eyes locked onto yours with a fresh spark of challenge smoldering in their depths. Rather than rise to your predictable goad, however, Sakusa's mouth curved into a sinful smirk that had your belly clenching with anticipation.
"My twisted little minx," he husked against the fevered hollow of your throat, stubble deliciously abrading your sensitized skin. "I fucking live to watch you crumble apart beneath my attentions over and over until that bravado bleeds away completely..."
He punctuated the filthy vow by grinding the insistent ridge of his cock against your cotton-clad heat in a blistering grind of friction that had you writhing for more. You threw back your head with a high, plaintive whine as your thighs instinctively cradled him closer—already molten and aching to be split apart on his thick length without further preamble.
"Oh? Is that slimy bravado I'm still detecting woven through your bluster too, Omi-omi?" You managed to pant out in a breathless coo once you'd regained a sliver of coherence. "Don't tell me the great Sakusa Kiyoomi is still clinging to the last pathetic shreds of feigned indifference over my pussy?"
At that, Sakusa let out a low, resonant growl from deep in his chest - a thrilling vibration that lanced straight to your neglected pussy with relentless intensity. Before you could so much as process what was happening, he had hoisted your other thigh over his narrow hip to bracket his waist completely, the scorching brand of his dick cradled snugly against your drenched heat through twin barriers of flimsy fabric.
"I'll give our mouthy friends a reason to keep their judgmental warnings about 'precautions' to themselves," Sakusa snarled with hot finality against the fragile curve of your jawline. His teeth found purchase along the sensitive span of tendon in an unhurried graze, forcing your head back as he rolled his hips in a tight grind that had you whimpering unabashedly. "Because make no mistake [Y/N]...the only thing I plan on claiming with total, reckless fucking abandon is that soaked little pussy gripping me so sweetly right now."
You keened shamelessly at the sheer, uncompromising lust dripping from each gravelly syllable - utterly unmanned beneath Sakusa's merciless onslaught of words and tongued promises against your electrified form.
"And once I'm buried inside you at last?" he continued in a hoarse snarl, punctuating the rhetorical question with a shallow thrust that dragged his scorching length against your neglected pearl deliriously. "I'm going to ruin you over and over until the entire damned party can hear just who you truly belong to loud and clear..."
Despite the dominant cadence flowing through every word like a malediction, you detected the faint fractures subtly wavering beneath Sakusa's arrogant mask of lascivious control. Little hitches in his breath and slight tremors rippling along his flexing frame as he seemed to surrender more mental footholds to the smoldering conflagration consuming you both inch by searing inch.
Perhaps Atsumu had sown enough seeds of doubt to prick at even Sakusa's unwavering certainty in whatever forbidden desires were now scorching unchecked between your entangled forms after all. A fragile tendril of awareness that you weren't the only simmering powder keg primed for rapturous detonation within this incendiary rendezvous at last...
You curled one hand around the nape of Sakusa's neck, delighting in the way his throat bobbed convulsively at the intimate caress even as his hooded stare tracked your every breath with ravenous captivation. Slowly, you feathered the other palm across the ridged vee of his abdomen - savoring the way each corded muscle spasmed beneath your teasing caress until your fingertips grazed the hard swell of his arousal straining obscenely against those sweat-dampened sweats.
"Mmm...bold words from someone so clearly struggling to keep their composure already," you murmured in a smoky taunt, tracing reverent lines around the swollen heat radiating off his turgid arousal. Sakusa's jaw twitched noticeably, hips rocking into your tormenting touch in minuscule thrusts he clearly couldn't stop himself from chasing despite the flinty mask attempting to remain impassive. "What's wrong, Omi-kun? Can't stand the thought of me calling your bluff and making good on that promise right here and now?"
He sucked in a sharp hiss when you palmed his erection boldly, thumb brushing the wet spot darkening the grey fabric. The muscles in his thighs visibly flexed, as though straining to resist the impulse to buck into your grasp with animalistic urgency.
"Fuck," Sakusa hissed through clenched teeth, hips canting into your ministrations without his volition. You could see the internal war raging within him as his pupils dilated further, nostrils flaring as he struggled to smother the urge to surrender to the depraved fantasies he'd clearly harbored for far too long.
But the moment Sakusa's dark stare flicked up to yours with renewed determination, you knew his ironclad willpower had won out. He surged forward to crush his mouth to yours, devouring your gasps of protest as his fingers found your swollen pearl through the slick lace of your underwear.
"Oh, my greedy little brat..." he purred, breaking away with a satisfied smirk at your whimper. Sakusa's fingers curled possessively into the elastic of your underwear, tugging them aside to brush his bare fingertips through your soaked folds. You jolted against him with a choked moan, hips stuttering against the teasing caress. "The only reason we're not fucking in that bed over there right this instant is because I'm going to take my sweet time breaking you down completely..."
Sakusa pressed the pad of his middle finger against your entrance, the faintest pressure that had you whining in frustration. He smirked at the obvious hunger flushing your face and chest, clearly enjoying the way your neediness spurred him on.
"Because I want you absolutely dripping by the time I slide that pretty little cock inside you..." he husked, nudging forward incrementally as his fingers curled around the hem of your dress. You trembled with need as his palms dragged up the backs of your thighs, thumbs digging into the tender crease where your legs joined your pelvis as he hiked the skirt up and bunched it at your hips.
"I want to see your mascara run down those flushed cheeks while I ruin you," Sakusa continued with a dark growl, fingers finding your clit to roll in tight circles that had you panting openly. You squirmed against him, unable to bite back the wanton moans rising in your throat as your head thumped against the wall. "I want your hair in tangles and your lips swollen and puffy, and for every inch of that perfect skin to be covered in bruises and my cum..."
He punctuated his filthy declaration with a sudden thrust, burying two fingers knuckle-deep inside you without warning.
"FUCK, Omi," you sobbed, thighs clenching around his narrow hips as he curled the digits inside you. The rough stretch was almost too much, your walls already fluttering helplessly around his intrusion. "Kiyoomi, please—"
"Such a dirty little mouth," he murmured in a voice laced with gravel, tongue swiping over his lips as though eager to sample the profanities spilling forth from yours. "Let's see how it fares once I've got you on your knees and my cock down your throat."
Your mouth fell open in a silent scream when Sakusa suddenly began pumping his fingers with slow, measured pumps. He smirked at your incoherence, the pad of his thumb grinding against your neglected clit mercilessly as the thick intrusion of his fingers speared deeper into your sopping channel.
"God, the way your greedy cunt is swallowing me up, pet..." he groaned, eyes fluttering closed briefly. Your walls contracted at the broken moan that ripped from his lips, a surge of wetness gushing down his fingers. "So fucking tight and wet for me, baby girl. Do you think anyone has ever filled you up as well as I do? Does Tsumu get this sloppy mess creaming around his cock?"
The lewd taunt should have enraged you - but all you could do was whimper at the raw, unfiltered need dripping from Sakusa's words as his pace quickened. Every filthy syllable had your pussy throbbing, aching to be filled until the burn eased.
"Fuck," he hissed, gaze raking over the way his fingers were disappearing between your trembling thighs with feverish hunger. "You're so wet and warm, sweetheart...just begging to be used. So why don't we give those greedy little holes what they really want?"
He punctuated his demand with a punishing thrust, crooking his fingers against the bundle of nerves that had you crying out. You clenched around his digits, a rush of wetness soaking your thighs and dripping down his knuckles as you neared the edge.
"You're so close, aren't you, darling?" Sakusa murmured, leaning forward to ghost his mouth over yours. He licked a searing path from your chin to the soft shell of your ear, sucking the delicate lobe into the hot cavern of his mouth.
"Yes," you moaned, fingers fisting in the damp fabric stretched across his shoulders. Sakusa growled at the sharp bite of pain, his tongue tracing the edge of your ear in a featherlight caress that had you shivering.
"Good," he purred, abruptly withdrawing his fingers from your clenching cunt. You cried out at the loss, tears prickling the corners of your eyes as you glared at him accusingly.
"Kiyoomi, if you don't finish what you started—"
"Shut up," he snapped, cutting you off mid-threat. Before you could so much as draw breath, Sakusa had hoisted you over his shoulder and was stalking towards the bed with purpose.
You yelped as he flung you down onto the mattress with little care, your head hanging off the edge of the mattress. But Sakusa didn't give you so much as a second to regain your bearings before he had dropped his sweats, letting them pool at his ankles before stepping closer.
You stared up at him with wide, hungry eyes, drinking in the sight of his thick, rigid shaft jutting proudly from a nest of neatly trimmed curls. You had no time to register anything else about the delectable specimen hovering mere inches from your face, however, before he was sliding a hand around his length and dragging the dripping tip along your cheekbone.
"Now..." Sakusa began in a dark, velvety murmur. You swallowed hard, trying and failing to ignore the way his cock jumped as your breath ghosted across the sensitive flesh. "Open wide, brat. Show me that your filthy mouth is good for something other than backtalk."
You opened your mouth to let a witty retort fly, but your eyes widened when Sakusa seized the opportunity to drive his hips forward, feeding the thick head past your parted lips with a hoarse grunt. You gagged slightly, hands flying to his thighs only for him to catch your wrists and pin them to the mattress on either side of your head.
"Hands off, slut," he commanded, rolling his hips shallowly. Your jaw went slack at the salty, tangy flavor of his arousal, a fresh wave of moisture gushing between your thighs. "Just lie there and look pretty while I use your throat, yeah?..."
You groaned low in your chest, a fresh rush of slick dripping from your folds at the filthy praise. Sakusa's grip tightened, holding you down as his hips snapped forward. His cock slid across your tongue, bumping the back of your throat and making your eyes water.
"Fuck, your mouth feels incredible," he moaned, withdrawing only to roll his hips forward again. His movements were slow, methodical, savoring each shallow thrust as you fought not to gag.
Your fingers flexed against his palms, nails digging into his skin in silent retaliation. Sakusa hissed softly, but didn't pull away. If anything, the slight sting of pain seemed to spur him on, hips beginning to thrust faster, balls resting snug against your nose.
You could feel him pulsing against your tongue, a steady rhythm that had your cunt clenching emptily. Each drag of his cock against your palate sent another jolt of arousal straight to your clit, the heady musk of his arousal flooding your senses and making your head spin.
Sakusa was panting above you, his movements becoming more erratic. You could feel him growing thicker against your tongue, the vein along the underside throbbing in time with his racing pulse.
"So good," he growled, fingers digging into your wrists almost painfully. You could feel him beginning to tense, the muscles in his thighs quivering as his movements became more urgent. "Such a good girl, taking my cock so well. But you can do better, can't you, sweetheart? Take it deep like a good little cock-slut."
You whined around him, the sound vibrating against his length. His hips stuttered, a strangled groan tearing from his lips. His pace quickened, his thrusts becoming deeper, harder, the tip of his cock sliding down your throat with each brutal thrust.
"That's it, just like that," he moaned, his words tumbling over themselves. He was close, you could feel it in the way his muscles tensed, the way his breathing grew more ragged, the way his thrusts became more erratic. The last push he needed was the sight of your throat bulging around his girth, each movement visible through the smooth column of skin.
"Holy—fuck," he gritted out, hips jerking forward one final time. You felt him pulse against your tongue, his cock twitching once, twice before he pulled out with a groan, thick ropes of cum painting your face in messy streaks.
You gasped, eyes flying open as his spend coated your lips and chin. He released your wrists to grasp his shaft, pumping the last few spurts of seed out onto the exposed curves of your tits and throat. You whimpered, arching into the hot spray as his cock continued to pulse, your walls fluttering in desperate need for him.
Sakusa panted heavily, his hooded stare drinking in the sight of your thoroughly debauched appearance as he wiped the head of his spent dick against your parted lips. You swiped your tongue out to catch the salty fluid smeared there, eliciting a low groan from the man looming above you.
"Such a good girl," he purred, tracing a line through the sticky mess painting your lips. You could feel the tension humming beneath his skin, his fingers flexing against your cheeks as his darkened eyes burned through your form. "And so goddamn beautiful like this, covered in my cum..."
Sakusa leaned down to capture your parted lips in a searing kiss, the taste of his release heavy on your tongue as he plunged his into the molten depths of your mouth. You groaned into the heated embrace, fingers curling around his forearms to cling to him desperately as your tongues swirled and tangled together.
But just as suddenly as he'd initiated the languid assault, Sakusa pulled away - leaving you dazed and gasping as he straightened. Your eyelids fluttered open to see him gazing down at you with hooded, lust-darkened eyes. His pupils were blown wide, his nostrils flaring and the sharp planes of his face drawn into an expression of carnal hunger.
"On your stomach," he ordered, voice thick with need. "Ass in the air."
You obeyed without hesitation, scrambling to roll over and lift your ass in the air. Sakusa gripped the bunched skirt of your dress and yanked it up to bare the slick curves of your ass, a soft hiss of satisfaction leaving him as he took in the sight.
"Fucking gorgeous," he rasped, his hands gliding up the backs of your thighs to knead the swell of your ass. You whimpered into the mattress, hips grinding back into his touch instinctively.
"Please, Omi," you moaned, your voice muffled against the duvet. You couldn't even care that you were begging, that you were practically mewling like a bitch in heat - you just needed him, needed to be fucked so badly that you could hardly think straight. "Need you inside me, need your cock filling me up."
Sakusa groaned, the sound a mixture of approval and impatience. He tugged your soaked panties aside and positioned himself at your dripping entrance, the head of his cock sliding between your embarrassingly wet folds.
"Is this what you want, pet?" he asked, rubbing his length through your folds teasingly. You shuddered, the sensation nearly sending you over the edge as the swollen head brushed against your clit.
"Yessss," you hissed, arching back against him. Sakusa chuckled darkly, one hand reaching around to grab a handful of your hair. He yanked your head back roughly, the bite of pain sending a fresh wave of desire crashing through your veins.
"Beg me," he ordered, the tip of his cock bumping your clit again. You choked out a moan, your entire body trembling as his hips rolled in slow circles, grinding the aching flesh against your throbbing nub. "Show me how bad you want it, baby."
You sobbed with need, the sound coming out somewhere between a plea and a curse. Your whole body was buzzing, your mind completely blank save for the need burning white-hot in the pit of your belly.
"I-I'm sorry," you moaned, barely able to recognize the needy, pleading tone that spilled from your lips. "Omi, please, I need you so bad. I'll do anything, just please fuck me!"
The last word came out as a scream as Sakusa suddenly surged forward, sheathing his cock to the hilt in a single thrust. You were already so close, the sudden fullness was all it took to send you over the edge, your pussy spasming around him as hot, searing liquid gushed around his girth.
"F-fuck," Sakusa groaned, his grip on your hair tightening. He didn't bother to wait for you to come down from your high, pulling out and slamming into you again with a low growl. "Such a needy little thing, coming on my cock before I even got started."
"Omi," you mewled, his name the only coherent word you could manage. The room spun as your head swam, the sensation of his thick cock splitting you open overwhelming every sense.
"Tell me who owns this pussy, princess," he snarled, fingers digging into the curve of your hip as he picked up the pace. Each punishing thrust had you keening, the angle allowing him to bury his girth to the hilt with each snap of his hips. "Whose cunt is this?"
"Yours," you gasped, back arching to grind back against him. You could feel his balls slapping against your clit, the delicious friction sending shivers down your spine. "Omi, I'm yours. Please, make me come again."
"Shit," he growled, his hold on you tightening. He began to fuck you in earnest, his strokes growing deeper and more frantic. The head of his cock slammed into the tender bundle of nerves, forcing you closer and closer to the edge. "So fucking perfect, taking my cock so well."
The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, accompanied by the obscene squelch of your soaked folds. Sakusa was growling with each thrust, the guttural groans spilling from his lips urging you closer and closer to the breaking point.
"You gonna come for me again, sweetheart?" he gritted out, his movements becoming more erratic. His free hand reached around to circle your clit, middle and ring finger sliding up on either side of the swollen nub to squeeze in a firm pinch.
The added pressure was too much, and you screamed his name as you came apart beneath him. You convulsed around his girth, the waves of pleasure washing over you, drowning you. Your vision went white, and the only thing you were aware of was the same feeling of hot liquid gushing from your core.
Sakusa hissed as your walls contracted around him, the wet, sloppy sounds of his cock sliding into your dripping pussy sending him over the edge. He let go of your hair, his hands moving to grasp both your hips. He used the leverage to yank you back against him, slamming into you one last time as his own orgasm crashed over him.
"Fuuuck," he groaned, his fingers pressing bruises into your hips as his cock twitched, releasing the last of his load deep inside you. You could feel him pulsing against your inner walls, his release mingling with yours and filling you to the brim.
You collapsed bonelessly onto the bed, whimpering when his softening length slipped out of you. Sakusa groaned at the sight, his thumbs parting your cheeks to watch as a trickle of pearly liquid dripped from your swollen folds.
He gave a satisfied hum, a lazy grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. He slid his index and middle fingers up through the mess, pushing the slippery mixture back inside.
"That's a good girl," he crooned, pumping his digits lazily. He relished the way you writhed and clenched around him, the sight sending a shiver of satisfaction through him. "Keep all my cum inside that tight little pussy."
He pulled his fingers out with a soft pop, and you shuddered at the loss. You lay sprawled out across the mattress, panting heavily. Your limbs felt like jelly, and your core ached deliciously.
You were still floating somewhere in the clouds when Sakusa climbed up onto the bed behind you, the mattress dipping under his weight. He gently turned you onto your back, his dark gaze sweeping over your debauched form with an appreciative hum.
"You alright, princess?" he asked, the husky undertone of his voice sending a fresh rush of arousal straight to your core. But despite your lingering need, exhaustion was creeping in, weighing down your eyelids. "Ready for round two?"
You opened your mouth to reply, but all that came out was a tired, unintelligible moan. You blinked up at him, eyelids heavy and vision blurring. You heard him chuckle, and felt his fingers slide along your jaw, tilting your chin up so you were looking at him.
"I’m just kidding, sweetheart," he murmured, leaning in to brush his lips over yours. The gesture was surprisingly tender, a marked contrast to his previous treatment. "We’ll work on your horrible stamina some other time."
"Fuck off, Omi," you mumbled, trying and failing to muster a glare. Instead, you leaned into his touch, eyes fluttering closed. "Just hold me."
You heard him laugh softly, the sound accompanied by the rustling of sheets. Sakusa wrapped an arm around your waist, tugging you into his chest and cradling you close. You nuzzled into him, sighing contentedly.
"Whatever you say, baby."
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verysium · 10 months
😏 coming right up anon. gonna channel my inner critic and not hold back on any of these.
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brother complex. not much else to say except that he needs to get a life. not everything is about metaphorically crushing your older brother's dreams and brooding in the dark hate of retribution.
competitive but only because he is a desperate whore for external validation. ignores everyone but craves the attention of a sole person named sae itoshi. was defeated by isagi once and has never let go of it since. has a one-track mind that is impossible to derail. stubborn when he wants to be.
probably a virgin and will continue to be one until his late 30s.
has not known a single day of peace ever since sae ditched him for the popular girlies. as a result, he has developed a very concerning case of social awkwardness. his idea of a conversation involves a brick wall and thirty minutes of you staring at his resting bitch face. constantly looks like that one grumpy cat meme. judges you for your poor decisions but then gets aggressively defensive when you point out his own mistakes.
reeks of so much teen angst that even metallica can't save him. the problem is that he has nothing to back up his emo persona. his insults lack creativity and, unfortunately for him, phrases like "lukewarm" and "half-baked" and "hell" do not make his words carry more weight. uses the f-word but in the most embarrassing context that it makes you facepalm and internally cringe.
zero social awareness. this boy's head is empty. the lights are not on up there. there are no picture frames or furniture. the curtains are drawn, and there is not a sliver of clouds or sunshine. cannot read body language and does not know what a filter is.
the source of all of rin's stress. he is the original trauma projector, creator of generational cycles. not even subtle about it. "turns out i was wrong. i thought japan was incapable of ever giving birth to decent forwards." sir....with the way you worded that, you knew exactly what you were doing when you gave rin false hope.
swears but it's even worse than his brother. literally called his elders a "fatso and bob cut duo" and "insect turd." i mean....there is a line between what is considered a legitimate burn and what is a first grader making up insults in his coloring book.
has a horrible haircut and no fashion taste. i already talked about this previously, but it was so bad it deserved a second mention.
a freak but tries to justify it rationally. like what do you mean you can tell a person's athletic ability from their buttock size? just admit you have a kinky fetish already.
somewhat of a coward but i'm gonna give him some leniency due to his tragic child genius backstory. tbh he's just an eighteen-year-old boy who needs a goddamn break.
alexa please play clown music. this man sets himself for failure and then wallows in self-pity when he actually fails. like what did you expect? you knew what was going to happen the moment you challenged isagi like that. it was most definitely your fault you got violently humbled.
has a borderline god complex (currently calls himself an emperor but has not evolved into a deity yet.) unfortunately, he does not stand on business. cue the dramatic meltdowns when he realizes there is an actual gap between his ability and his reputation. if you're going to lie, at least make it believable.
insecure and mentally unstable. he probably cuts and re-dyes his hair every single time shit happens. no wonder his locks get shorter every time.
lazy when it comes to anything that is not football and expects others to do it for him. demands princess treatment wherever he goes. unfortunately, not all of us have servants with no self-respect like ness.
"it is not enough that i should succeed, others should fail" type of person.
does not wear shoes and even if he does, it's sandals. put them grippers away.
a literal sloth who has so much potential but uses none of it. has no intrinsic motivation of his own, so if he's going to do anything, it has to be you behind the wheel, making sure he gets put to work.
does not have a close relationship with his parents, and so he has no sense of community, holidays, or traditions. no fun at all if you want him to do things like christmas shopping or birthday celebrations.
rots in bed all day and then has to nerve to ask you to carry him around. your back better be strong because his 190 cm body is not going to be light.
not loyal (need i say more.)
second male lead syndrome. also known as that one popular guy who's always picked last.
acts like a victim but then when you realistically tell him to how to change his situation he refuses to do so. you cannot ask for advice and then take none of it to heart. no wonder you're still not over your ex.
"i can fix him" mentality. no, you can't. you are a seventeen-year-old child, not a licensed therapist and nagi isn't even all that.
touch-starved to the point he will stay in a toxic and abusive relationship in order to gain some scrap of affection. just because you were the black sheep of your family does not mean you can lose all sense of personal dignity.
probably stalks all the people he hates. has a burn book like regina george from mean girls. cuts out and glues little pictures of kaiser all over his bedroom. doodles hearts all over it with glittery gel pen. isagi's face and name are scratched out of every team photo.
delusional and prone to mood swings. medicated but at this point, he is beyond saving.
a home wrecker. has ruined more relationships than he can count on ten fingers yet still manages to smile like he's some angelic saint.
solves jigsaw puzzles for a living (not very cool if you ask me.)
has some unresolved anger management issues. probably repressed all his negative feelings when he was younger, so it all comes out when he's on the field. unfortunately, his twilight-sparkle-friendship-is-magic agenda is not going to work if he keeps cussing out his teammates like that. but then again, he is the main character, so i guess his plot armor makes up for his pitfalls.
says that he's a good guy but then holds personal vendettas against rivals he doesn't like. boy was so ready to throw hands when #kaisagi was trending on the internet. but when you actually think about, he's similar to kaiser in more ways than he'd like to admit.
has the worst case of high and mighty "holier-than-thou" attitude. isagi put his ego in check, but it still peeks out from time to time.
he was the ugliest baby when he was born. i am not going to hold back on the child barou slander because it is true. no, he was not a cute and lovable bundle of joy. he looked like a demonic gremlin.
he needs to take more risks in life and try cross-dressing. simply imagining him in a maid uniform will not suffice. it needs to be made into a reality.
with how nit-picky he is, i doubt people can realistically stay within a 1-meter radius around him. unless you are a clean freak yourself, his constant complaints will start to get annoying after a time. even if he does have good intentions, he needs to let people have a little breathing room sometimes. a messy room is not going to kill you.
this boy's brain is smooth. no folds. no gray matter. no intelligence either. his pencil and eraser have been left untouched since day one. if he wasn't crazily good at football, he would be unemployed and homeless in the future. not even a mcdonald's wants him.
one of those people who will do the literal opposite of whatever you say. you want him to stop talking? well, now he's never going to shut up. you tell him not to step on a pile of dog shit? well, now he's going to walk right into it. you want him to quit running around and act normal? well, now it's his life's mission to make you as annoyed as possible. please pray for your hair follicles because at the end of the day, you're not going to have many left with how much he makes you want to tear your hair out.
has the cerebral capacity of a toddler. if he thinks monsters are real, he's going to think anything is real. super gullible when it comes to any form of scam, ploy, or trickery. the only way he would not be fooled is if he's also played the same prank before.
a brazen pervert. says the most out-of-pocket things and refuses to apologize for them. sometimes it comes out a little too sleazy for your liking.
"to me a goal is fertilization! a shot is the seed and the goal is the egg!! and the birth of that joy i call an explosion!! my genes are gonna knock you up!" let us give ourselves a moment of silence to digest this quote. only shidou ryusei would come up with a sperm and egg metaphor to describe football. (i guess protection means nothing to him.)
has no empathy. if you dislike him or cannot keep up with him, you're a literal nobody in his books. no sportsmanship. no compassion. no self-awareness.
you cannot say "balls" to him in a serious tone without him misinterpreting it as something dirty. that alone should tell you enough. stay the hell away from him.
where do men get the audacity? right here. from this little bastard. he invented the term "shameless slut." boy was getting off during the u-20 arc and on live TV too. no wonder sae said he was disgusting.
and finally, he comes from a long line of cockroaches. he's even got the antennae to prove it.
i think this might have been a little excessive, but i have no regrets about it. you're welcome anon ♡
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reverseexorcist · 7 months
♡ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ♡
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You couldn't not give me Carmilla fucking Carmine and expect me not to go feral over her-
➲ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 Carmine + !F!Reader
➲ Romantic ☒, Platonic ☐
➲ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 Count; 1,479 Words
➲ Warnings/notes; Female reader, these are kind've all over the place, Carmilla might be a tad OOC since this is my first time writing her
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➲ There are so many different ways this relationship could possibly start. The mind boggles trying to think of all of them. Just think of all the potential shenanigans that could occur and have fun with that
➲ But lemme just say before anything - This woman is fiercely protective over you. Not in the cutesy, clingy kind've obsessive way, but the silently scary scary-dog privilege kind've partner. The epitome of 'excuse me sir, they asked for no pickles', and, because I love this trope, you are the only person (besides her daughters) that she will ever fully be soft for.
➲ Insert 🥺 right here
➲ Just, get you a woman who looks at you the way Carmilla looks at her wife. That's all I can say
➲ The soft moments in the morning when you can just lay in bed and watch her get ready. Pulling her hair up into her signature, gravity defying buns(?) and delicately slip on and twine her angelic steel shoes. The minutes of her fingers expertly working away in a comfortable silence as you just lay under the comfort of your warm blankets? Those are the moments right there 👌
➲ Probably not one for physical affection, at least not in public. Definitely not in public. Her reputation alone would probably put you in danger, which is, y'know, not good, so no hand-holding in public
➲ (Honestly, one part of her probably prefers not to be seen with you in public for that exact reason. The other part wants to keep you in her line of sight at all times because at least then she can personally keep you safe)
➲ All of that being said, can't deny she'd probably give top tier hugs. Proper bear hugs because this woman is tall and strong and would undeniably make you feel safe whenever you're in her arms. Depending on how tall or short you are, she could also probably pick you up if you really wanted 👉👈
➲ (She could 100% pick you up, and probably with one hand as well)
➲ Gives the most tender of little kisses. Small pecks on the cheeks and forehead whenever she's tired from work, her larger fingers gently grazing the sides of your head as her fluffy hair tickles your face
➲ And the adorable little pet names she whispers to you! Maybe you're just passing by each other in an almost empty street or just relaxing at home together, but she'll always try and take the chance to whisper something like 'mi Vida', 'mi Corazón' or 'mi Reina' just loud enough for the two of you to hear
➲ Let's be real, this woman is really goddamn tall, so you're probably shorter than her and she absolutely loves it and would absolutely tell this to your face just to fluster you. What she loves even more is the way you'd have to reach up on your tippy toes with her leaning down to meet you halfway just to have you playfully kiss her on the tip of her nose or her chin
➲ Maybe, very rarely, if she's feeling extra sentimental, she'd love it if you sat on her lap while she works in her home office, just so she can have your comfort and warmth nearby. More often than not this scenario would end up with you falling asleep in her lap and her carrying you back to bed with the smallest of smiles on her face
➲ If she could really help it, she'd prefer to keep you as far away from her work as possible. As much as she would love to have you in the office, maybe helping her with paperwork or something similar so she could have you at within her reach at all times of the day, arms dealing is a dangerous job. At least her daughter's have each other's backs' when they're out doing business, but you'd probably have to make it on your own or with one of her other employees and that's a big no no in her eyes
➲ Also, speaking of her daughters, your relationship with them would vary wildly depending on when you met them
➲ If you started dating Carmilla when Clara and Odette were rather young, they'd probably cling on to you like a second mother figure. In some cases, they might've even preferred you over Carmilla for the sole fact that their toddler puppy eyes work on you better than their biological mother
➲ Your dynamic would probably just be the three of you racing to see who could give Carmilla a hug first after she gets home from work
➲ (Though, this only works if Carmilla is hell-born seeing as sinner's can't have children)
➲ If you started dating Carmilla when they were older though, there might be a bit of a tense air when you first meet. Carmilla's protectiveness isn't just one way - Her daughters absolutely adore her, and although they definitely couldn't protect her physically, they'd do their damn best to protect her emotionally
➲ They'd warm up to you after some time though, seeing you do truly love their mother with your whole heart. You'd never be a parent to them, barely even a step-parent, but they'd respect you and care for you like family nonetheless because you make their mother happy
➲ Either way, her heart melts seeing the three of you getting alone, and she 100% has a family picture she keeps on her desk for her eyes only
➲ Sometimes she just waits until you fall asleep so she can cradle your head in her heads oh so carefully. She just sort've stares at you, her eyes glowing in the dark with her wild mane of hair spilling out behind her, and she just traces all the intricate details of your face with her eyes
➲ And then she just sort've hugs you closer to her, tugging the blankets a little tighter around the two of you as she presses the littlest of kisses to your forehead before relaxing into the pillows
➲ But just imagine Carmilla with a wife who died so much later after her. Just this tall, scary and proper woman that strikes fear into the hearts of millions with her little gremlin wife who keep talking about shit like reddit that the other sinners just don't understand (not even Carmilla herself, but she finds your antics somewhat entertaining, at least when she doesn't have to act as your self preservation instincts and keep you safe)
➲ Extermination is your least favourite day for multiple reasons
➲ The first being, well, the exorcists descending form heaven to brutally murder sinners left and right, but also because Carmilla changes around this time
➲ It's understandable, especially with what happened in one of the previous exterminations when she and her daughters got caught, but it still scares you to see you usually cool, calm and loving wife turn into a robot who's only goal is to get you and her daughters to a safehouse to wait out the terror outside
➲ Doesn't mean you're not grateful, though. You can look past all of that because you know she's just doing it to keep you safe, and in the end you'd rather be safe and living with your family rather than dead on the end of an exorcist's spear
➲ You probably also have a good relationship with the other overlords, despite never having gone to a meeting
➲ (It's because of this you've never met Velvette or the other Vee's, and if Carmilla has a say, you never will)
➲ Rosie, being the social butterfly she is, loves to talk gossip with you every chance she gets. Zestial likes to join in on your little sessions, not saying anything but bringing tea for everyone to drink and enjoy. Clara also likes to join in sometimes, but her sister would much rather sit with her mother and just watch the chaos unfold in front of them
➲ Almost certainly has caught you trying on her shoes when she's not looking. A part of her is annoyed because she'd rather not have you involved in anything to do with her work, but the innocent look you give her makes her rethink her annoyance in the moment
➲ She'd later found out Clara helped you because you also wanted to try and walk around on pointe like the rest of the family. No idea why you skipped straight to trying the angelic weapon shoes, but Carmilla does offer to help you later
➲ Overall, great wife and I'd give her a 9/10. One point deducted probably because she'd be a tad too overprotective, but everything else about her is great; From her bear hugs to those little moments the two of you share
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Rules + Info,
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
I think you've talked before about how it's wrong to assume the only people who enjoy taboo kink like race play are bigoted white people, right? Tumblr's search remains garbage. I've been trying to formulate some thoughts on it after seeing some videos on "bad books" but I don't really know enough about real world kink culture to know what's valid critique of racism or anti-kink just hiding behind it. So I remembered you'd mentioned the topic at some point and might have some thoughts?
Well, first, one should apply basic logic: If shittons of women kink on the ways in which society abuses women, why wouldn't at least some ethnic minorities kink on the way society abuses them?
Second, social media overflows with jackasses saying "Listen to POC" as a thought-terminating cliche, but it's good advice as long as you grasp that you do have to evaluate which people you're listening to and what basis you have for trusting that they know something about a subject.
Honestly, I don't think this topic is that complicated. There are just a lot of cowardly white people around who are too scared of ever being seen as wrong to be willing to do a little research or stand up for anything even remotely controversial. They'll parrot the first anti they run across but not bother to engage with the comments of nonwhite kinksters who are long-time community members with informed opinions.
The person I'd listen to, personally, is Mollena Williams-Haas, a kink educator and submissive. She has talked about race play here, among many other places.
Her comments boil down to it being about consent. If kinksters want to play with a concept and everyone involved is on the same page, it's not the business of outsiders to tell them it's off limits.
Playing with heavy topics in an agreed upon way is completely different from having that thing sprung on you without warning. We're used to making this distinction when people are playing with the trappings of rape but, somehow, lose our goddamn minds when the topic is racism.
Now, yes, there are plenty of gross white creeps who think nonwhite kinksters will inherently be interested in this sort of thing and should cater to them... but how is that any different from your usual pest in a bar chatting up uninterested parties and refusing to take no for an answer? The problem isn't squicky kinks that many of us don't want to hear about: The problem is jackasses treating others as a fantasy and/or kink dispenser instead of a person with feelings and needs.
Frankly, most of the arguments against this sort of kink are your usual "As a woman, you should be setting a good example!" bilge that's leveled at all submissive women but on steroids because a woman of color is extra, extra, extra responsible for living her whole life as An Example. (And I notice that it's generally submissive nonwhite women who come in for the most abuse even though plenty of other dynamics exist. Quelle surprise.) It's bullshit. People should mind their own damn business.
As for "bad books"... Are we talking bodice rippers with nonwhite heroines or what? Are we back to colonizer romance wank? Books about characters engaging in race play in a BDSM context? I think it's reasonable to critique books that don't seem to know what they're doing—e.g. not seeming aware that a rape scene is one—but stupid to worry about iddy trash that is trying to be iddy trash. People will always like socially unacceptable id fodder. Some books will always cater to that.
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juyeonszn · 1 year
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PAIRING lee hyunjae x f!reader
GENRES smut ﹒ some angst (but very little)
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, ceo/ceo’s son!hyunjae, assistant!reader, power play tbh, hyunjae is an asshole (for what he thinks is good reason), another jacob bae appearance, juyeon is also mentioned, there’s a rain scene bc i love my rain scenes <3, hyunjae is a stupid idiot, making out (aggressively), nipple play, no foreplay lol, unprotected sex, sex on a desk x2 — but one is missionary & one is doggy? style?, overstimulation, degradation, brat taming?, creampie lol, the aftercare is there i promise
SUMMARY who really cared that you supposedly hated your boss?
MORE HELLAURRRRR FAWNTOBER DAY 4!!! im hoping i have no delays with the rest of the fics but idk bc the burnout is starting to kick in….. someone pls help…. it’s bc my brain is making me write more than i planned 😭 anyways! pls reblog if u enjoyed!
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri
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“Look at you, rutting against me like a fucking bitch in heat,” Hyunjae growls, lips beside your ear as he pounds into you from behind, your hair wrapped tightly around his fist. “Thought you hated me, sweetheart.”
“I— fuck— I do,” you whine, back arching off of the desk and into his chest. “I hate you s-so goddamn much.”
Okay, let’s rewind for a bit of context.
Truly, you hated Lee Hyunjae. He was such a pretentious prick, always dead set on being right about everything. He couldn’t stand those who he felt were inferior to him, those who he thought were incompetent. If he felt you couldn’t do your job to his standards, he’d fire you on the spot.
Despite not being the CEO of the company himself, he practically carried all of the perks that came with the position. That was only because he was the actual CEO’s son and the future heir to the conglomerate his father owned.
You had the unfortunate pleasure of being his assistant, tied to doing his bidding until your contract with the company timed out. You originally applied for the job for two reasons. The first was due to the fact that you genuinely loved the initial purpose pushed forward by the CEO. He shared a lot of similar ideals with you and had spectacular visions for bettering the business world. The second was because at the time of your application, you wanted to be the CEO’s assistant. And that was what you’d gotten hired for.
It paid more than well enough and it was your dream job. You loved what you did for at least the first year and a half. Until he announced that he’d be retiring within the next couple years and his son would be taking over as a form of practice for being in charge when he inherited the entire conglomerate.
You’d never met him in person before, only hearing the high praises Mr. Lee had for his precious son. So on his first day, you had extremely raised expectations for the male. You dressed your best (not that you didn’t put effort in before) and put on your sweetest personality, wanting to make a good impression on your new boss.
Imagine the disappointment you felt when you realized he was nothing but an entitled asshole.
He made you feel stupid, as if you didn’t know how to do your own job. What started as sitting in on important meetings and going over different documents with Mr. Lee, turned into running errands for Hyunjae and cleaning up his messes. If you weren’t out buying his coffee or grabbing his dry cleaning, you were sorting his paperwork for him and making sure he was prepared for his upcoming conferences, as if he wasn’t capable of doing so himself. You felt like a fucking babysitter rather than an assistant; like an errand boy rather than an employee.
You were so incredibly tired and it had only been four months. A few, tortuous months of you being treated like you hadn’t already given an arm and a leg for this company. Half of you wanted to just throw in the towel, rip up the damn contract right in front of the fucker and walk out of those gold plated double doors for good.
“Just push through, Y/N,” Jacob sighs over the video call. “Your contract ends at the end of the year, and if you still feel like quitting, then that’s that. You don’t have to worry about renewing or trying to reinstate your job.”
You were on your lunch break, holed away in one of the many unused conference rooms on the top floor. Hyunjae was being extra irritating today and if you didn’t speak with a voice of reason, you thought you’d make a drastic decision that would alter the course of your life forever. Whether that was tossing your employee contract in the shredder, or committing premeditated murder, the world may never know. Shout out to Jacob Bae.
“What if I push him out of the floor-to-ceiling window in his office? I could make it look like an accident. Everyone would probably rejoice instead of mourning him, because we would all be so much happier.” You throw the back of your hand over your forehead. Well, that answers that.
“You’re not killing anyone. If you got caught, you wouldn’t look good in a prison jumpsuit. Orange isn’t your color.” Jacob shakes his head, rolling his eyes playfully.
You gasp scandalously, sitting upright to gape at him. “What the hell? Yes, I so would! I would make that prison jumpsuit my bitch—“
Someone clears their throat behind you, causing you to flinch, whipping around in your swivel chair to find the culprit. When it’s none other than Lee Hyunjae staring back at you, you feel like your life has just flashed before your eyes. You wonder just how much of that conversation he heard before making his presence known.
“Um, Cobie, I’m gonna have to call you back…” You don’t allow your friend time to respond, ending the call before he can incriminate you more than you already have.
Hyunjae leans against the doorframe, arms crossed over his absurdly broad chest. Did this guy have to wear the tightest dress shirts possible? Maybe it was time for him to update his wardrobe. You tuck your hair behind your ear, slowly standing up from the chair. His expression is unreadable, not that you ever had it easy when it came to understanding the many faces of Lee Hyunjae.
“Mr. Lee, what— uh— what can I do for you?” You ask with a slight waver in your tone. So much for not incriminating yourself. He purses his lips, taking a step closer to you.
“Juyeon can no longer accompany me on the trip to Tokyo next week. Which means you’re second on the totem pole,” he says simply, loosening his tie. “Better pack your bags, ‘cause I’m not taking no for an answer.”
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This was horrible.
You were mentally cursing Lee Juyeon over and over. Why did he have to back out at the last minute? This was the one part of the job that you couldn’t allow yourself to do. You’d much rather drive in circles around Seoul and grab iced Americanos than be in a completely different country, with no other company aside from Lee Hyunjae himself.
When he gave you your demise, you immediately tried to get out of it. Your excuse was valid; you didn’t have a passport and that’s kind of essential when traveling to another country. But even then, it wasn’t enough to get you out of this predicament. Being the rich, influential man he was, Hyunjae had your passport expedited and sent to your mailbox within a couple days. You gave up after that.
There was nothing he couldn’t do.
Except maybe being tolerable. You think that was most likely his only fault. He could’ve been the complete package had he mastered the art of bedside manner. His father was one of the kindest, selfless men you’d ever met. You were often curious why those same traits didn’t translate to his son. Then again, he had probably been raised as a spoiled brat who got everything his heart desired.
To make matters worse, you had one of those suites with a Jack and Jill bathroom, meaning he could enter yours without difficulty if he wanted. You supposed that was because the rooms were reserved with him and Juyeon in mind. Perhaps the case would be different if you were the first pick for this trip.
You let out a deep exhale, waiting outside of the conference room that Hyunjae was currently in. This was meeting number seven, and the last of the day before you could finally go back to the hotel and relax. You’d be flying back to South Korea the following day on the Lees’ private jet. All of your time in Japan had been spent both sitting in and sitting out of board meetings, so much talk about business plans that you felt dizzy.
All you yearned for was a nice warm bath and some room service, wanting to call it an early night because of your flight in the morning. You were exhausted, eyes growing heavier and heavier the longer Hyunjae sat in that room full of old men that came from bloodlines of money. Even though it was your job to be here, you felt so out of place. There were moments you found yourself contemplating your career path. You were surrounded by people who could just sign a check to get rid of their life problems. That wasn’t you.
Before you can fall down a rabbit hole, the door to the conference room is swinging open and Hyunjae is storming out, some of the other board members calling after him. Your eyes widen and your eyebrows furrow, your body springing up to follow after him. Wearing some flats instead of heels was probably the smartest choice you’d made today, making it less of a struggle to chase after your boss.
“Mr. Lee!” You cup a hand around your mouth, trailing him like a lost puppy to the elevator. It closes before you can get on and you groan, running a hand through your hair frustratedly. As you wait for the next one down, you call the driver so the car is waiting out front. According to the recent weather notification on your phone, it was pouring outside.
The elevator dings when it arrives back at the floor you were on and you hurry to get on, pressing the lobby level aggressively in hopes it would move faster. Even the soothing music playing over the speakers isn’t enough to calm your nerves, picking at your nails as the numbers transition to the corresponding floors you pass. This was one of the numerous occasions you wished your boss wasn’t so impulsive. What did they even say to him in that meeting to cause such a reaction?
The doors open and you’re rushing out, frantically searching for Hyunjae in the lobby. You spot the driver parked under the carport, waiting. Your feet carry you to the car, knocking on the window to get his attention. He rolls it down with a confused look.
“Have you seen Mr. Lee?” You ask, a bit winded by all of the running you’d been doing.
“I thought I saw him walk that way,” he points ahead, though it hardly answers your question. “I didn’t realize you weren’t with him.”
Just fucking peachy. He was making you chase him into the rain now? You needed a pay raise.
Thankfully, it’s a breeze to spot him, since he’s the only person in the crowd without an umbrella. You pinch the bridge of your nose, forcing yourself to walk out into the cold rain, weaving through pedestrians to get to him faster. He’s not much further from you, but you’d rather drag his ass back to the car sooner rather than later, the precipitation seeping through your dress shirt and pants, chilling you to the bone.
“Mr. Lee!”
You reach for his wrist and wrap your fingers around it, yanking slightly to yield his focus. He turns around with hardened features, but they soften just enough for you to notice when he realizes that it’s you. Your lips form a flat line, eyelashes coated with a mixture of mascara and rain water, obscuring your vision.
“I don’t know what happened in there, but I don’t have it in me to ask. Please, can we just go back to the hotel?” You ask almost desperately, teeth beginning to chatter. He frowns, but nods nonetheless, letting you pull him to the safety of the carport— where you’re free from the unrelenting pelts against your body— and into the car.
You don’t say anything the whole drive to the hotel you’re staying at, biting your tongue because you were afraid you might blow up on him over his stupidity and get yourself fired. Your bottom lip quivers and you hug yourself for warmth, the car’s heater failing to bring back the color in your cheeks. In spite of hating nearly everything about him, you thought the one good thing Hyunjae had going for him was his wits. He might’ve been stuck up, but he was smart as hell. Except right now. In your books, he was the biggest idiot in the history of idiots.
The silence continues even after you’ve arrived at your hotel, shadowing you into the elevator and to your respective rooms. You don’t acknowledge him, unlocking your suite and entering to avoid any conversation. The remainder of your energy for the day was used when you were attempting to save him from getting fucking hypothermia.
You stand in the shower until your fingers have pruned, resting your forehead against the frosted glass as the scorching water battered your back, easing the tension in your muscles. While changing into your pajamas, your phone buzzes with a text message.
[9:23pm] mr. lee (DNI): i don’t know if u’ve eaten already, but i ordered a lot of food if u’d like to have some of it.
[9:24pm] mr. lee (DNI): left my bathroom door unlocked so u can just let urself in
Your lips purse as you mull over his offer. It wasn’t exactly an olive branch, but even if it was, you wouldn’t take it as such. You had too much pride for that. Instead you viewed this as him just feeling guilty for having you pursue him in the rain. That was definitely not in your job description. Perhaps he wasn’t as heartless as he made himself out to be, and he just didn’t know how to extend an apology without being awkward about it.
Reluctantly, you give in.
[9:27pm] you: sure. be right there
You slide your feet into your slippers and shuffle through the four doors between the two of you that lead to his suite. It takes everything in you to not visibly react to the difference between your rooms. His is so much more spacious, with enough room for a table and couches, aside from the usual desk. Even he looks expensive, a silk pajama set adorning his body— the first few buttons undone to give you a glimpse of his chest, though it hardly leaves room for the imagination.
Hyunjae sits at the table, various sushi roll platters in front of him. He holds up his chopsticks as he scrolls through his phone mindlessly, glancing up when your slippers shuffle against the floor. He takes in your appearance as quickly as he can without making it obvious, the corner of his lips curling up when he sees the teddy bears on your feet.
“You know, I didn’t think you’d come,” he starts after a few minutes of eating in an awkward quietness. “Not just here, to my room, but on the trip in general. I thought you’d put up a bigger fight to get out of it.”
“It’s part of my job, Mr. Lee.” You say flatly, taking away as much emotion from the statement as you could to avoid getting in an unnecessary argument.
“We’re not at work and it’s outside of working hours, Y/N. You can call me Hyunjae.” He tries to meet your eyes but they’re focused on picking at the skin around your nails, legs criss-crossed on your seat.
“Why do you go by Hyunjae?” You decide to ask, glancing up at him finally. “Your dad said your birth name was Jaehyun.”
“I don’t remember when exactly it was, but when I was in grade school, a classmate called me Hyunjae by accident and it just stuck. I’ve never really liked the name Jaehyun, if I’m being honest. It was a common name, and well, you of all people should know that I’m all about my individuality.” He leans back in his chair a bit, folding his arms over his chest. You ignore how it makes his pectorals squish together. God, you were no better than man…
“Is that why you’re nothing like your father?” You don’t mean to say that out loud. The thought popped into your head, as it always does, and for some reason this time it just shimmies its way through your mouth. You press your lips together, shifting uncomfortably at the sudden tension that arises in the room.
“I’m well aware of what you think of me, Y/N,” he chides, tapping his fingers against his biceps. “You may think you’re good at hiding it, but I’m very perceptive. And I also overheard that conversation with your friend— the one where you were plotting my assassination and whatnot.”
“Are you open to rebuttal?” Perhaps you should just stop talking, maybe pause the hole you were digging yourself into. Did you want to keep your job? Sure this was all off the record, but be fucking for real, it was Hyunjae you were speaking with.
He shrugs. “Shoot. Let’s hear it.”
“You’re kind of a narcissist,” you kick off strong, hitting him right where you think it may hurt. “You don’t take in the consideration of others, and you always have to be correct. If someone even slightly disagrees with you, you lose your shit. You’re condescending, you’re a perfectionist, you’re hot headed, and after the stunt you pulled today, you’ve exhibited that you’re also really fucking irrational. I’ve done so much in the time I’ve been with the company prior to you, I’ve given so much of myself for the improvement that your father was aiming for and you took all that hard work and crushed it between your fingers, just to have me running around like I’m your maid.”
Hyunjae wears an amused smirk on his lips, like he couldn’t be bothered with your grievances. Your eye practically twitches, irritation boiling up like water ready for a pasta dinner. You stab your chopsticks into a piece of sushi with a raised eyebrow.
“You’re cute when you get worked up,” he hums, carding a hand through his hair. “I almost want to keep my thoughts to myself.”
You choke on your saliva, smacking yourself on the chest to regain control of your breathing. Whatever you were expecting him to say wasn’t that. Should he even be calling you that? He was your boss. Not just that, but you sort of hated everything there was to hate about him. The tiny compliment shouldn’t make both of your heartbeats quicken.
“W-What are you talking about?”
Hyunjae stands from his chair, walking around the table to sit on the edge of the desk in the room, not much further away but enough distance to keep you calm. He rolls his neck, scratching at the nape to relieve some of the awkwardness seeping into the suite. “My father has done nothing but sing your praises since he hired you. I know how capable you are of this job, Y/N. I know that you’ve accomplished more than individuals who have been with the company even longer than you. Trust me, I know.”
“Then why do you discard me the way you do? Why do you treat me like I don’t know what I’m doing?” This time you don’t stop the emotions from creeping beneath your words, your voice cracking just slightly. If Hyunjae heard, he makes no effort to show it.
“Because, I had to keep myself as far from you as possible,” he admits, finally making eye contact. “From the moment I laid eyes on you, I was fucked. I knew I wouldn’t be able to control myself around you and as your boss, I couldn’t do that. As my father’s son, I couldn’t do that. So I resorted to the next best thing, making you hate me and having you do shitty side tasks to separate myself from you. I thought, ‘If she thinks I’m the worst boss ever, she’ll want nothing to do with me’. And that’s exactly what my goal was. But now you’re here in Tokyo, alone with me in my hotel room and I’m starting to rethink that decision.”
You stare at him— mouth agape, heart in your throat. Once upon a time, you believed Lee Hyunjae was one of the brightest, smartest businessmen of your generation. It seemed that he just wanted to go and prove you wrong on that today, in multiple instances. How could someone be so fucking stupid? You were genuinely curious what went through his head.
“You’re unbelievable,” you scoff, a laugh devoid of humor sneaking in along with it as you stand from your own chair. “Actually unbelievable. What made you think that was a good idea? You made me feel like I wasn’t good enough to be in this position because you didn’t think you could keep it in your pants around me?”
And just as you’re about to leave, he wraps his fingers around your wrist to stop you. You were getting a weird sense of déjà vu. He pulls you into his chest, your body sandwiched between his legs as he holds you close to him. Your eyes are wide and your lips are parted. (Though you don’t know if it’s out of shock, sudden arousal, or both.)
In this proximity, you can see every small detail of his face. From the freckle on the bridge of his nose to the thick eyelashes framing dark eyes to the softness of his lips. You’ve never had the opportunity to properly look at Hyunjae, always too pissed off to even be within ten feet of him. But standing here— face-to-face, eye-to-eye— you’re starting to wish the object of your hatred and many complaints wasn't so handsome.
“If you push me away now, I’ll leave you alone forever,” he breathes, hands fisting the material of your pajama top, as if that would ground him. “If you tell me there’s absolutely no possibility of you wanting me back, I’ll let you go back to your room like none of this happened.”
You don’t respond. The words are right there. They’re perched on the tip of your tongue, just anticipating to climb out of your mouth and put him in his place. It’s been months of constantly feeling like you were meaningless to the company you’ve given so many sleepless nights to— months of second guessing just how much you’ve actually contributed. But with one glance down to your lips with eyes resembling the night sky, Hyunjae has managed to wipe all of that from your memory.
So instead of turning around— instead of walking through the four doors that divide your hotel rooms— you stay planted between his thighs, grabbing the sides of his face and pulling his lips onto your own.
He groans into the kiss, tightening his grip on your shirt and bringing you closer to him. You feel him against your stomach, hard and ready for you, ready for any contact you’re willing to give him. It’s so much and too little at the same time, fingers slipping beneath your top and searing your skin.
He nips at your bottom lip, as if asking for permission to permeate your mouth with his tongue. You welcome the wet muscle with gratitude, moaning when it tangles with yours. The blunt edges of his nails dig into your lower back when the sound hits his ears. You tug at the hairs on the base of his neck, one hand sliding down the front of his body to feel him up.
Through the thin silk of his pajamas you can make out the outline of his sculpted torso. If Hyunjae was more coherent and less intoxicated by your lips on his, he’d tease you for your desperation. But because he's neither of those, he, too, finds himself clawing at every bit of fabric of your clothing he can, longing to touch anything he can get his hands on. You feel drunk, and you wonder if he makes you feel like this with his lips alone, what else can he do?
The straps of your top fall off your shoulders the longer you stand there, making out like it was second nature to both of you. When you take a step back to catch your breath, lips swollen and glistening with a mixture of both yours and his saliva. Your chests are heaving up and down, foreheads resting on the other’s.
“Can I take that as a yes?” Hyunjae rasps, pushing your straps further down your arms. You whine, connecting your mouths again. This was embarrassing enough, you didn’t want to have to say the words out loud. Saying it out loud made this real, and you didn’t want to accept the fact that you were about to fuck your boss.
He chuckles against your lips, undoing the buttons of his shirt without parting from your kiss. You help him toss it somewhere in the room, your hands groping his arms and squeezing his biceps. He spins the two of you around so you’re the one with the edge of the desk on your back. His arms hook under your thighs, placing you on the surface so it’s less strain on his neck as he leans down.
You instinctively spread your legs to make room for him, throwing your head back with a drawn out sigh when he presses two fingers to your core. Even with your panties and your flimsy pajama shorts in the way, the pressure relieves some of the ache you feel in your gut. Your top slips off enough that your bare breasts are now on full display for Hyunjae. He keeps circling your clit through your clothes, mouth enveloping one of your peaked nipples and tongue swirling around the sensitive bud.
“C-Can’t hold on anymore,” you whimper. “Need to cum on your cock.”
Something shifts in Hyunjae when he hears you beg. You’d always been so set in stone when it came to standing your ground, so for you to surrender yourself to him, in spite of reiterating how much you despise him, it did a number on his sanity. You have no idea what you’ve just done to him.
“No foreplay? Think you can handle it, sweetheart?” He goads, but his fingers dip into the waistband of both your underwear and your shorts to pull them down your legs anyway.
“You’re talking a whole lot for someone who’s still wearing their pants.” You bite back, but almost immediately retract your words when he rids them, revealing that he wasn’t wearing anything underneath them. No fucking wonder you could feel him so much.
He’s huge, like so huge you kind of regret skipping the foreplay. But it was too late to go back now, your pride as big as his dick. One of your hands reaches to wrap around his length, your teeth finding purchase on your lip as you stroke him gently. Every pulse and every vein beneath your touch has you curling your toes in excitement. He hisses when your thumb swipes over his tip, collecting the precum that’s formed there.
Hyunjae drags you closer to the edge, prying your legs wider so he fits perfectly between them. You guide him to your entrance, a moan ripping from your throat when he presses into you. He’s not even fully sheathed inside of you, but the stretch is so fucking delicious, stinging just enough that it provides pleasure rather than pain. He pulls out to drive back in and repeats, a little deeper each time he does.
When he bottoms out, his hips snap into yours, large hands keeping your thighs apart as he begins to thrust into you. His cock is snug within your warm walls, kissing so deep inside that you start to see stars well before the coil in your abdomen has begun to wind up. The noises leaving your mouth are insane, loud and echoing throughout the hotel room. It made shame bubble up in your chest, because why couldn’t your detestation overpower the urge to crumble at his fingertips?
“Fuck you’re so tight,” Hyunjae groans, eyes concentrated on where his cock slips in and out of you. “You needed this, huh? Needed me to fuck you real good? Like a filthy slut?”
You’ve never thought you’d be into degradation. In fact, a man calling you demeaning names actually pissed you off. So you felt like you’d end up picking a fight if ever in the situation where someone tried to degrade you. However, the words falling from Hyunjae’s lips have the opposite effect on you. They have you clenching around him and mewling like a goddamn pornstar.
His pace is relentless, inching you closer and closer to your breaking point. He lays you flat on the desk, one hand gripping your hip and the other sneaking to your clit. His thumb rubs ovular motions into the engorged skin, his body folding over yours to capture your lips with his. He swallows your cries when your climax washes over you suddenly, your walls fluttering around his cock.
Hyunjae pulls out before he can follow suit, flipping you onto your stomach like you were a fucking pancake. He bends you over the edge of the desk as his thumb continues to circle your clit slowly, languidly just to ride out your high. He propels forward, his dick still so hard as it breaches your hole once again. He curses, extra sensitive after depriving himself of his own orgasm.
You push back on him, wanting to feel him even deeper. Your whole body burns beneath him, his chest slick with sweat as it presses you flat to the desk. You need him everywhere, God you want him everywhere. It’s not enough to have him buried inside of you. You need to be one with him; one body, one mind, one soul. You need him filling your senses— blinding your sight, obstructing your scent, stealing your touch, invading your taste, muting your hearing.
Okay, now let’s resume.
“Look at you, rutting against me like a fucking bitch in heat,” Hyunjae growls, lips beside your ear as he pounds into you from behind, your hair wrapped tightly around his fist. “Thought you hated me, sweetheart.”
“I— fuck— I do,” you whine, back arching off of the desk and into his chest. “I hate you s-so goddamn much.”
“Yeah? I’m sure you do. You hate me so much, yet you want me to fuck you full of my cum, don’t you? Gonna let me finish inside you?” His voice is exerted, and you can tell he’s close. But you are too, so you’re not above pleading for your sweet release. Not when it rewards you so well.
“Mhm,” you whimper, cheek smushed to the surface under you. “Please, Jae… Need it so— oh my god— need it s-o bad.”
Hyunjae hikes one of your knees onto the desk, allowing him to plunge extensively. Your clit bumps the edge, that coil in your stomach fracturing little by little until it’s busted completely and you’re a babbling, incomprehensible mess. The sight of you fucked absolutely stupid tips Hyunjae into his own spiral, painting your velvety walls with thick ropes of his cum. He lets his forehead fall on your shoulder, rocking into you with delayed groans as he spills all he has to offer you. It’s so much that even his cock plugging you up isn’t sufficient to keep it from dribbling along your thighs.
You’re both too winded to move, much less fathom what just happened. You feel him panting on your back, eyes shut as you also attempt to regain your bearings. Where the hell do you go from here?
“H-Hyunjae…” You wince when he stirs inside of you. “Can— uh— can you pull out?”
He grunts as he carefully does what you’ve asked, running a hand down his face when more of his release trickles out of you. He knew you couldn’t afford another round. Just by looking at you he can see how spent you are. What you needed was another bath and some good rest. Without skipping a beat, he reaches out to tuck some strands of your hair that were stuck to your face behind your ear, wiping away the sweat that glued itself there.
“We have a lot to talk about,” he says, grasping your hands and caressing the backs with his thumbs. “But that can wait until tomorrow. For now, just let me take care of you, okay?”
“Okay.” You agree, tone no more voluminous than a whisper.
You did have a lot to discuss pertaining to tonight, but that wasn’t a priority at the moment. Who really cared that you supposedly hated your boss? All you could focus on was how gentle his fingers were as he washed your body for you, massaging your muscles so delicately you might as well have melted in the palms of his hands. And all you could pay attention to was the hushed sound of his voice as he kissed your temple and lulled you to sleep, within the comfort of his arms.
Yeah. You could revisit the whole Lee Hyunjae hatred train another day.
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
397 notes · View notes
justice-maul · 1 year
Hello! I was hoping if you could do a rivalry fanfic about tony stark x dom male reader maybe? Like if Tony gets into a big fight with male reader and (this might sound a bit basic but whatever 😅) he pins him to the wall and they start a messy make out that might turn into smut? And maybe tony tells male reader that he been having odd dreams like this? ( I’ve never really requested before soo heh😀)
«Hateful Lust» Tony Stark x Dom Rival Male Reader
Word Count: 2,432
Author Note: I… I love you guys so much, I’m not a fan of porn without plot I fucking love plot gives it more character
Btw I literally know nothing about the business world so don’t check me on this and remember English isn’t my first language!!
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Warning(s)⚠: Bottom Tony, rough hate sex, porn with plot, blowjob, butt plug,
Tony Stark was the most annoying human being you’ve ever known. While Tony had grown up into the business world, you had built your way to the top and Tony and his entitled personality always managed to get on your nerves.
When you met, it was at a simple business meeting between companies, but it was enough to make you dislike the man.
The entire time he wasn’t taking anything seriously, he kept making jokes and annoying quips, and he wasn’t even paying attention most of the time he just kept flirting with every girl he found attractive enough to his standards… so pretty much every girl in the room.
The worst part is that because of his status in the business world, no one could tell him off or saying anything disrespectful to him, but that didn’t stop your comments about his behavior, you didn’t care what he was capable of you always spoke your mind and criticized him when he needed to be
That was what made him dislike you and that’s where te rivalry all began, it started from petty little comments that were disguised behind your professionalism and only escalated to literally cussing each other out each and every time you were in the same room
As usual, you were invited to a Stark party (probably because Pepper usually wrote the invitations) and although you hated going, you knew it was always a good business opportunity so you decided to go ahead to the party and avoid and ignore Tony Stark as much as possible
But of course, Tony always had this way of making sure that everybody in the room noticed him and it always worked managing to piss you off, you huffed and just decided to walk off and go cool down.
Walking into a random room that looked like an unused office as you were looking around and finally feeling somewhat calm, Tony Stark obviously had to ruin that.
“Hey buddy, long time no see!”
He said in a sarcastic tone and closed the office door behind him and walked up to you
“Hi… Tony.”
You said with an exasperated sigh through your nose, clearly trying and not bite his head off
“Aww, what’s the matter hun? Don’t like me much?” He said teasingly making you grit your teeth, “Who would? Other then the girls you sleep with.” You said coldly to him making him roll his eyes while still smiling
“Well at least all those girls have money to spare,”
Now that made you upset, everyone was aware of your background but you never cared cause you were just as wealthy and powerful in the business world as them and they couldn’t say anything to you but for Tony to say it? It just pissed you off
“At least I earned my own money instead having my daddy help me.” You retorted mockingly
“Why is it that I’m able to get under your skin so easily?” He said smiling, he knew exactly what he was doing
“Cause your so goddamn annoying,” you said with a growl in your voice making him smirk in response as he got even cockier
“Why don’t you just admit it? You wanna kiss me.”
“Excuse you? Why the hell would I want to kiss you?” You scowled in disgust and turned to face him waiting for an answer but you could see that he was clearly enjoying this interaction
“Because your secretly in love with me. Why else would you be so mad?” He said trying to push you further, with that smirk still plastered on his face making you rolls your eyes and scoff,
“Oh fuck off Tony, I doubt anyone could genuinely be in love with you if it wasn’t for your money or looks.” You replied coldly
“So you think I’m attractive?” He asked teasingly looking smug as he spoke, moving closer to you and leaning forward “I bet you think about me before bed, don’t you?” He whispered into your ear, putting his hand flat on your chest and slowly dragging it down your body
“I know I do,” he said in a low voice still whispering to you as his hands moved to your belt gently tugging it before moving it further down to your length
“What do you think your doing?” You said grabbing his hand “Oh be real, we both know you wanna sleep with me.” He said pulling his head away grinning, and a part of you knew he wasn’t wrong
Your mind drifted to all those dreams you’ve had of fucking him so rough into the bed so he could finally learn some manners, when he would interrupt meetings and make those snarky comments you wished you could shut him up by making him deep throat your cock slurring and mumbling the words “I’m sorry,” over and over again
As you were thinking Tony’s hand firmly squeezed your softened cock rubbing it from the outside of your dress pants.
“Your thinking about it, aren’t you? I know you are,” He whispered softly near your lips as he watched your expression shift from him stroking your now hardening length
Having had enough of him teasing you, you pushed him up against the wall smashing your lips against his and kissing him, hard.
Tony kissed back, wrapping his arms around you and pressing his body against yours, his length grinding down on yours.
You lifted Tony up by his thighs making him instinctively wrap his legs around your waist as you slipped your tongue in his mouth, the kiss turning sloppy and messy as your arousal increased.
You don’t even know how long you two were making out when Tony pulled away to catch his breath, resting his head against the wall exposing his neck
You gave him no time to rest as you immediately began marking it all over focusing on his pulse points in a way that left him panting, letting out soft breathy moans, his legs started to shake and get slightly weak.
He was completely lost in the moment, wrapping his arms around you for support as his knees weakened at your increasingly aggressive movements. You set him down only for him to button your shirt and kiss down your chest
“I want to taste you,” he whispered, his voice low and sultry to which you responded with a simple nod, With a swift motion, Tony dropped to his knees before you, his eyes locked on your now erect length.
His hands gripped your hips as his tongue flicked out to trace along the length of your shaft his mouth enveloped you, his lips forming a tight seal around your cock as he began to suck and bob his head with a rhythm
His tongue danced along your sensitive skin, his warm breath caressing your most intimate area, sensations intensified and the wet heat of his mouth and the suction of his lips was driving you closer to the edge and eagerly taking you deeper into his mouth
As the waves of pleasure crashed over you, Tony maintained his relentless pace, eager to milk every last drop. He moaned around you, the vibrations sending shockwaves of pleasure through you
feeling the heat pooling inside you burst, you threw your head back as Tony eagerly swallowed, savoring the taste of your essence, sucking and licking to prolong your pleasure until the very last sensation of ecstasy subsided
“Fuck, at least your mouth is good for something when it’s not spitting out absolute filth,” you said in spite making him let out a breathy chuckle as he got back up from his knees “Oh you love it when I’m talking dirty, it’s get you riled up so bad…” he teased rubbing his hands up your chest as he batted the most innocent doe eyes at you
“Oh shut up already,” you said with a groan and pushed him against the wall so his rear end was facing you, he assisted you in removing his pants kicking them off to the side
“Well aren’t you inpatient?” He said cheekily, you dipped your hand down his back and spread his cheeks with your hand, ready to push your fingers in only to find a cold flat surface pressed against his hole, you didn’t even need to look to know exactly what it was
“Seriously Tony?”
He laughed “What? A guy’s gotta be prepared, right?” He said sarcastically and reached his hand around, his fingers gently tracing the edges of the butt plug making you grunt in response as you reached out grabbing the rim and yanked it out in a sudden, rough motion making him let out a startled gasp
His eyes widened a mixture of surprise and pleasure evident on his face “Fuck, I love it when you get all riled up, it’s such a turn-on” he said with a hint of breathlessness evident in his voice and turned around to face you, wrapping his arms around your neck
You lifted him up again like before and pulled Tony down on your cock making his body tense and moan softly, his lips parting in a silent plea for more as his hands moved to grip your shoulders for support and adjusted to your size his body gradually relaxing before he began slowly rocking his hips
You fucked into his sloppy hole, his eyes locked on yours, the desire shining in them as you moved your bodies in sync, each thrust bringing you both closer to a crescendo of pleasure
“Oh come on, at least fuck me like you mean it, don’t tell me your a virgin,” He said cockily even though his body responded eagerly to every thrust, riding the waves of pleasure.
“Says the one clenching around my dick like a needy whore.” You said with malice. The intensity of the moment was only increased by the roughness, the lust, the desire, and the hate between you two creating a powerful intimate bond
Your hands stayed on his ass, using it as leverage to fuck into him further. He arched his back, pressing his ass furthermore against your hands as he moaned
“Is this what you wanted? Is that why you’ve been such a brat?” You could only chuckle as his nails dig into your shoulder and he could barely respond, only throwing his head back “If you could’ve just asked me to put you in your place, I would’ve been happy to give it to you the way I know you’ve thought of,” you whispered in his ear, amplifying your words with deep, sharp, thrusts
He let out a guttural moan and buried his head into the crook of your neck “I’ve been having so many weird dreams about this, about you fucking me just like this…” he admitted, his voice filled with a mix of pleasure and desire which ultimately surprised you but only made you cockier
“Yeah? Is that why you always invite me to these parties that you know I hate? Were you really that desperate for me? Wearing tight fitting clothes all. The. Fucking. Time.” You punctuated every word with a sharp thrust, and he only responded with breathy whimpers into your neck which wasn’t something you’d ever expect from Tony Starj but man did it really boost your fucking ego
You laughed at his reaction and angled your thrusts against his prostate, making sure to hit it roughly and even grind against it which made him let out the throatiest moans you’ve ever heard as you pounded him
He pulled away from your neck to breath but he could barely even catch his breath as you fucked him into an oblivion making his brain fog his thighs trembling around your waist as he did his best to hold on
You, just plain old you, finally defeated the great fucking Tony Stark with your dick, knowing this entire time this is what he wanted, that he’s been dreaming of this, enticing you on purpose, he wanted you to hate him enough to the point where you felt the need to put him in his place, and there was only one more thing for you to do in order to have him completely under your hand
You fucked him purely to chase your release, not caring for his as your hips snapped against his ass relentlessly, making him scream out strings of moans with every sharp thrust before slowing down and finally spilling your load inside his messy puckered hole leaving him an almost adorable drooling mess
You pulled out watching as cum trickled out with your satisfied smile only widening from the look of him completely dazed with drool dripping down down his chin, as much as you hated him and thought he was the most annoying guy in the universe, your not an asshole
You left him on an office chair for a quick second and came back with tissues and water cleaning him up to the best of your abilities and offering him the water until he got back to his normal state and he was able to get back to his own party
“You really fucked my brains out, huh?” He said, still a bit out of it with a dumb smile plastered on his face as you only scoffed and rolled your eyes at him
“Yeah, yeah, this was only a one time thing, your a real pain in my ass Tony,” you said and he only snickered
“A lot of people say that to me, but we both know eventually you’ll come back for more,” you couldn’t say he was wrong per say, after already fucking him once you wanted to do it again and wipe that cocky ass smirk off of his face but you would never admit that to him
“Whatever, see you at work Tony, and not a word about his to anyone.” You said sternly and he made a locking his mouth gesture and throwing away the fake key and you shook your head at his childish behavior and left he called out after you Nanking sure your the only one who heard over the loud music
“Cal me when you want round two, sweetheart!”
You continued walking off but had to admit you couldn’t actually wait until you fucked him again even wait to bf a bit to see him leave the room a minute later and going back to mingling and flirting at his own party, his own cocky-self restored and although you wanted to again, you decided to go back to your own place… for now.
(Lol, sorry I didn’t know how to end this but I hoped you guys enjoyed! Eat, drink some water, and get some rest my lovelies!)
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sarcasticsoldier · 4 months
Chapter 1
Batman needs a Robin
Ina was a street rat. A dirty, malnourished, eleven year old from Crime Alley. She couldn’t fight well and didn’t even steal, because mama would be mad. Samantha Reilly was a victim of abuse and bad luck all her life, but she refused to subject her daughter to the same fate. The day Ina gets caught stealing something from the wrong person will be her last and Samantha much prefers to prevent it altogether. So, while she was never very skilled in street fights, she could at least throw a punch. She was smart and incredibly fast on her feet. That sufficed. They can survive a little longer, if Ina doesn't cause trouble.
Contrary to popular belief, Red Hood was a kind man. He cared for the children of Crime Alley in a way no one else usually did. Ina spent her day running around and playing with other kids unfortunate enough to live in Park Row. Many of those children, much like herself, more often than not went to bed hungry. But never when Red Hood was around. Gotham City as a whole may have Batman, but they have their own hero. The man was in his thirties (even though there was a visible grey streak in his hair) and always brought food for the kids. That evening wasn't different. Little children and teenagers alike ran to him cheering loudly. The anti-hero only laughed and set down the bag for them to rummage through. Ina's mom wasn't home that day at all. Weekends were very busy days at her work, but in all her stress she forgot to leave something to eat for her daughter. The girl couldn't blame her mama for making mistakes like that, seeing her mother's state every time she came back home. Samantha's boss was the definition of what could only be described as a "motherfucker". With that thought, Ina took out a cheeseburger and murmured a shy thank you before biting into it happily. She felt Red Hood's large hand rest on the top of her head, before ruffling her dark brown hair. The girl grimaced out of habit, but didn't swat his hand away.
In the end, the vigilante vanished as quickly as he appeared, but the kids knew he would be back. Hopefully with more food and some stories from his missions. The sky started to darken and Ina decided it was her que to leave. She said goodbyes to her friends and marched quickly, almost soundlessly home.
Crime Alley, per it's name, was usually full of very shady people, but as Ina hurried through she didn't spot anyone at all. Now that sparked trouble. She thought about running, but immediately decided against it. Suddenly, she heard labored breathing coming from around the corner. It was a sound of a dying man, she knew. Slowly, minding her own safety first, she peaked at the wounded person. Her blood ran cold. Leaning against the wall, in a pool of his own blood was the goddamn Batman. He clutched his chest, probably trying to stop the bleeding. Not very successfully. Ina crouched next to him in panic.
'Sir? Hello? I will call the ambulance.'
He gripped her arm with much force, before she could take out the phone. The cheapest one there was, but it was all she needed.
'No. They can't know who I am. I have to go to the Batcave' the vigilante's voice was strained with pain. He reached to his belt and took out a small device. Car keys - she realised. 'The Batmobile should be on it's way. Just help me get to it.'
He was right, after a few moments Ina saw a big and probably very expensive vehicle roll onto the road right outside of the dark alley. The girl was so high on adrenaline and focused on not letting the Batman die that she coudn't even bring herself to be amazed by it. She "helped" him stand or rather supported his balance as he leaned on the brick wall, colouring it red with his blood. They somehow got to the Batmobile - as the man called it - and he collapsed onto the drivers seat with a sigh of absolute suffering. Ina didn't know what came over her in that moment, but she quickly sat on the only passenger seat available. Batman eyed her in shock and looked like he wanted to argue, but before he could waste his breath any further, she cut in.
'I'm sorry, but there's no way I will let you go home like that all alone. You're barely conscious!'
He didn't respond, instead opting to relax into his seat. He typed in the destination on a bright panel and felt his eyes close involuntarily. He shouldn't have gone to patrol tonight. His previous injury hasn't fully recovered yet and went out against Alfred's stern discouragement, not putting on his com link for good measure. How foolish of him. Now, he was basically dying with a little, scared girl by his side after getting stabbed between ribs. All because of mild pain making him hesitate and allowing his opponent to take advantage. Father is going to kill him. Unless, of course, Pennyworth doesn't beat him to it.
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goshdangronpa · 3 days
Opinion/ view on despair tsumioda? I feel like everyone's sleeping on the potential! And I also feel like I understand them too little to do something about it alone
Thanks for the ask, talking bat! Curiously, tsumioda is not my go-to ship for either char as Remnants of Despair. Ibuki seems to have a good thing going with Hiyoko in that DR3 flashback bit, getting audiences in their worst possible feels with the dark power of music. Mikan, of course, is quite content under the high heels of her beloved, and I also have this grand AU narrative in mind of her and Mukuro falling for each other and escaping from Junko together. Separating my fave DR ship - how despairing for me personally! (Lighthearted. I'm an adult, I can multiship)
But here's an idea ... or rather, in my typical fashion, here's a whole story thing. Not a fic. More like, uh, a concept of a fic.
Goddamn, Mikan is needy.
Starved for affection her entire life, the girl's gotten greedy for her "beloved's" attention. Being worshipped like that is fun, but Junko isn't actually a god. She can't literally be everywhere and do everything. Supervising the ongoing downfall of all civilization and mobilizing worldwide forces against the organized opposition takes up a ton of time and energy - more than even the former Ultimate Analyst can give to her increasingly annoying girlfriend.
So when Mikan gets a little too demanding one day, Junko gets it. She still puts the little bitch in her place, with the kind of punishment that's not meant to be enjoyed, but she gets it. Like Gundham would say (y'know, before he got all cheerless and boring), an understimulated cat will scream all night and tear up the sofa. Maybe Mikan just needs something she can play with when Junko's not around. Maybe her pet needs a pet. Or prey. Who cares.
It's gotta be someone who's stupid and proud of it. Someone who overflows with energy, enough to tire Mikan out. And, importantly, someone with so little will of their own that they'd obey even the wimpiest and least threatening of their number. Someone like ...
No, not really. But Junko would never tell her that, and she needs her toy soldier for more important things than bimbositting. So, Ibuki it is.
Ibuki was tough to crack at first. Junko thought she'd be all in for some rock 'n' roll rebellion with a fellow rule-breaking icon, but this pesky empathetic core held her back. A couple uninterrupted days in a sensory deprivation tank cured her of that. Now she parties hard to drown out the madness, obeys every command so she doesn't get punished again, abandons her own free will so she can say she was just following orders. Good enough for Junko's purposes, including this one.
So Ibuki's staying with Mikan while Junko goes on a trip (partly to take care of business, partly to get some space). She doesn't expect the needy brat to appreciate the arrangement. She doesn't care. "Just don't break her too badly," she says before leaving.
You know how one big perk of nursing for Mikan is wielding the power of life and death over her patients? While she may be giddily submissive for her beloved, she has her dominant side as well. That's the side she shows Ibuki to express her unhappiness with being left behind.
Get your head out of the gutter: this filthy, burnt, airhead musician hasn't earned anything like that from Junko's Girlfriend. The sadist makes the girl massage her, taking all the pleasure and teasing her with what she can't have (okay, maybe keep your head a little in the gutter). She makes the girl humiliate herself, commanding her to do things that even beasts might find beneath them. She pushes the girl's boundaries, testing if she even has any left after all this time.
That first day together is a good day to be Mikan Tsumiki and no one else ...
But then comes the first night.
The next day is easier for Ibuki - a surprise, and one she knows not to point out. (She's much quieter these days, at least offstage.) Mikan doesn't have as much energy for her games. A few half-hearted commands, not barked but sighed, draw only fleeting pleasure. She curls up on the couch, swirling a glass of wine, and beckons Ibuki to join. (On the floor, not on the cushions.)
Last night was Mikan's first night without Junko. No matter what they do, she always waits for her beloved to join her in bed. Sometimes she waits all night, hurting herself to jolt her body awake. After a lifetime of loneliness, she couldn't sleep well without her anymore. Doesn't Junko know that? Doesn't Junko care?
Mikan's slumped on the sofa now, cup lazily tumbling to the floor, spilling. She's so tired. She misses the weight of another body against her back, the arms possessively squeezing her even in slumber, the hot breath that penetrates her purple tangles until the little hairs on her neck bristle.
Last night, Ibuki slept as ordered: in the hall, on the bare wooden floor, like an animal, too afraid of Mikan's wrath to even use the restroom. Now, she takes a liberty.
Junko's Girlfriend gasps as someone else wraps around her from behind. There is timidity in this touch - the trace of terror Mikan had spent all yesterday instilling. Yet even daring to touch her master unbidden is an audacity. More shocking still is that in this touch, there is also tenderness. These arms are not her beloved's ... they're so slender and weak in comparison ...
But they're there. Even after everything Mikan did to her yesterday, they're there. And to their mutual shock, they're not unwelcome.
For a long moment, Mikan doesn't move. Punishment is warranted, even mandatory, lest Ibuki get any uppity notions of free will. No pets on the sofa, she should shout. But she doesn't, and she hates herself for it. As if her new, happier self had fled with the person who shaped that self, as if she were once again that pathetic child who let bullies cut her hair and mark her skin, hopeless and joyless and friendless.
Except, she had friends, didn't she? She at least had Ibuki. Fleeting moments with her come to mind for the first time in a long time, moments of joy. And if she's wrong about being friendless, and wrong about being joyless, then maybe once, at that school, she did have ...
A stronger force blocks her mind from finishing that thought. She was the first of her class to join Junko in Despair, and it won't be overcome with such ridiculous ease. But when she finally stirs, making all of Ibuki's muscles tense, it's to bring her hand over the other girl's, not interlacing or clasping but touching, resting, assuring that this is, indeed, welcome. And just like this, Mikan and Ibuki fall asleep together. When they wake up ...
Well, this has gone on long enough, don't you think?
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evilwickedme · 2 years
Ooh, do you have any good Jason fic recs?
anon I cannot tell you how long I've been waiting to see those words!!!! yes I have good Jason fic recs in fact I have so many good Jason fic recs that after narrowing it down I still have fifteen links for you
I have read more fanfic for Jason Todd than maybe any other character ever. I do not understand the hold this man has on me but it's simply the situation we're in. anyway
Jason comes home fics
Make a Little Birdhouse In Your Soul is hands down my favorite. I'm talking favorite DC fic, top fics of all time period, not just from this list. I love this fic series. It is actively and regularly updating, thank fuck, because that little boost of serotonin is everything keeping me going I swear
The 70 Days After Groundhog Day is technically from Dick's POV, but it's about the aftermath of a timeloop that Jason was stuck in. it's. oh my god it's so good. just trust me on this one.
Emotional Motion Sickness is the "bruce goes to therapy" fic series we all want. canon get on this level
Retrograde Motion - I never used to like de-aging fics; not for any particular reason, I just never vibed with them. Recently I decided to see what all the fuss was about (bc there's so goddamn many in this fandom) and I'm glad, because I opened this fic and it's just. oh my god. the use of the de-aging trope here is truly incredible. after a whole week of dipping my feet into the trope I never need to do so again, because this fic made me fucking lose it. this is not going where you think it's going. also, for some reason there's not that much rebirth outlaws fic, and I really like what this author did with that team
matching wounds haha just gonna sneak my fic series on here and pretend that it was an accident, wait how did that get there (some jayroy later in the timeline too which can be read on its own if Jason coming home fics aren't for you)
other non-ship
Too Much Fucking Salt deals with the straw that broke the camel's back. I've read all 22k words of this in one sitting more than once. this is the anti "Jason Todd comes home" fic (this is in itself a whole genre of fic too honestly).
take his name out of your mouth (you don't deserve to mourn) is about Jason mourning himself, which he fucking deserves to. also he smokes a joint with Dick
Sown in Winter is about Jason pulling himself out of a depressive episode partially through the power of Stardew Valley. also technically jayroy, but it's honestly incidental to the story for the most part imo
I do read other ships for Jason but unabashedly this is my favorite, so
A Solid Resume - competency kink. that's all I have to say.
Tenderize is a series of oneshots all of which slowly build Jason and Roy's life together and coparenting lian and I just !!! could also double as a Jason coming home au but honestly that's mostly in the first fic. also a lot of discussion of various chain grocery stores in the united states that I will probably never actually step foot in
Dick Grayson and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Two to Three Weeks (But Who's Counting) is so fucking funny I die every time I reread this. there's a scene early on in a coffee shop that just. I don't even know what to say everything about this is perfect. I AM the girl sticking her nose in their business, at least spiritually.
dust devils on the horizon isn't even the only western au I've bookmarked for these two. something about jayroy and horses, man
unity of time: april 27th, 2020 is just,,,, super sad, man, idk what to tell you. it's f!jayroy, but happens after Roy died in sanctuary during the 24h of Jason's death day, so all of it is very fucking depressing. It's also fucking beautiful. I want to reread it now.
Promise After That I'll Let You Go is a poisonivory fic. I was introduced to poisonivory through the daredevil fandom earlier this year and may I tell you when I found out that this author writes for jayroy I lost my goddamn mind. this is my personal favorite, but I almost recommended at least two more aus. Their jayroy sugar daddy au is one of the only sugar daddy aus I've ever truly enjoyed. also really like the one where roy has had feelings for dick since their teen titans days but still starts a fwb thing with Jason. poisonivory can make me into kinks I'm not even into I s2g. anyway this one has lian literally dragging roy back into jason's life
finally, Reciprocation (or: Sex as Violence) shouldn't even really count as a jayroy fic but I feel weird putting it in the other category since it is sort of a jayroy fic. it's ace-aro!jason, which is one of my personal favorite interpretations of Jason (with so much textual evidence wtf), but there's still like... a lot of sex in this. Jason does not have a healthy relationship with sex in this fic. I would describe this as ending in a QPP for jayroy and lian.
honestly there's a lot of good jason and roy and lian fic out there I didn't rec cause this is already long enough
so yeah this is my very VERY pared down fic rec list for Jason Todd let me know if you want more and thank you so much for asking
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hisui555 · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel Thoughts : Foils 6
Masterpost here
On that one, I've been honored to receive a request. Which, despite my best attempts at playing it off with coolness and apathy, brightened up my day like nobody's business. Even my cynism shut up. Well played, @phoenixlionme, well-played. I see your dastardly plan is working.
So as per said request, we'll be perusing Vaggie VS Lute as foils, with maybe a sidedash of Charlie VS Vaggie as well, and sprinkled over with the teams Charlie & Vaggie VS Lute & Adam.
Starting with the beginning, both Vaggie and Lute are angels, both were in the Exorcist ranks, with quite the similar haircut and haircolor - white, short-cut in a straight bob, and both were under Adam's command, and noticed by him : Lute is clearly Adam's bestie of sorts (given the lot of fistbumps, also they're always seen together, and while she calls him "Sir", that little smile he has to her at the end implies the friendship is genuine) at the very least - while Vaggie was noted by Adam to be "one of my top girls", and so skilled at skewering people apparently that he named her "after the best thing ever". Sadly, it wasn't "lasagna".
However, their paths diverge completely the moment then-Exorcist Vaggie spares a demon child (a kid from Cannibal Town) and the two find out : Lute is even the one to personally mutilate Vaggie, ripping out one eye and her wings (by hand for the last one instead of with angel steel) while Adam takes her halo, making her a Fallen angel by definition. Even as an angel, Vaggie showed compassion, despite an apparently very high kill-score, while Lute is a complete zealot fanatic hellbent (...hah) on killing every demon she can - she has sheer, pure hatred for them, and is very bigoted towards them : her comment on Charlie and Vaggie's love being "vile and blasphemous" ? While it does echo homophobia, it's also, from Lute's POV, an angel in love with a demon. Miss Monochromatic over there is discriminating in either case, be it on gender or species, if not both. And a hypocrite to boot : angels don't make mistakes and shouldn't be killed by demons ? They literally left Vaggie to die in Hell, either by her injuries or getting offed by a demon at her weakest state.
Also, how in the hell didn't they manage to clock in that their own weapons can harm themselves at that moment ? Lute literally slashed and tore Vaggie's eye out with her goddamn angel steeled SWORD, and it didn't grew back. Boy when smarts rained upon the world these guys were the only ones with an umbrella.
But Vaggie ? From the get-go, she's more open-minded, and while her flinching at Charlie's glowing red eyes in the shadow - which all but spells "demon" - was out of fear and having just been hurt, yet immediately accepted her compassion and kindness (and even more, given their body languages at that moment. Awww). Her having been an Exorcist might have been more out of a sense of duty and thinking protecting Heavenbound souls against Hell was her job, instead of Lute who does it out of absolute zealotry and Adam doing that for shit and giggles. It's possible that (warning, speculating here) Lute might have been the very first Exorcist, or at least in the first wave of them, given her golden eyes - like Adam, who's the first human soul in Heaven but has been confirmed human, I mean, duh - while Vaggie might have been a more recent arrival and given her supposed backstory, might also have been an ascended human : she is Hispanic (supposedly Salvadoran) and speaks Spanish both in the pilot and in Ep 5 when the Loan Sharks attack the Hotel, also hinted by the afterlife-grey skin she and another Hispanic character, Carmilla, sport. Which would mean that as a human, she had more sympathy for others than a possibly-born angel, Lute.
Vaggie meets Charlie, and from then on, is heavily implied to be the sole person in Hell at that moment that actually took Charlie's ideas about redemption seriously. She just has been disgraced, Fallen (a common point with Lucifer), but seeing the Princess of Hell having plans and devotion to save her own people, the ones Vaggie used to participate in killing every year ? While there might be guilt and a will to pay back the favor attached to this, she genuinely believed in and supported Charlie's project, even playing bodyguard, advisor, and manager, as well as being her partner and girlfriend. She's Charlie's steady support at her side, just like Lute is Adam's : both teams genuinely care about each other, but unlike Lute who lets Adam be his fratbro cretin self, Charlie and Vaggie both communicate, exchange (well, on almost everything), on equal grounds. Which is why Vaggie not telling Charlie her secret deeply hurt the latter, and to boot, given that absolutely NO ONE gave Vaggie any shit for having been an angel or an Exorcist as demonstrated in Ep 7 (the worst they do is mocking her chest-size), Charlie's feelings are quite founded : Miss Understanding and all that. Not to invalidate Vaggie's either, she must not have been proud of what she did, and needed time.
But funnily enough, they both act as the hype-woman to someone with proefficiency in singing : Charlie is known to randomly burst into song and literally uses that to pitch her Hotel (also per lore her mother's singing empowers demonkind), Adam is a flat-out rocker that mentions also playing in a band. However Lute acts like a stern, stone-faced groupie enabling Adam's worst traits and relishing in living them too, while Vaggie is more of a safety net for Charlie and will tell her what she thinks is doing wrong ("Life isn't a musical hon." Jokes on you sweetheart, the show you live in pretty much is.), and actually be there as an equal and partner, a crutch, a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear when Charlie needs it (Ep 5 when she calls Lucifer for help), which Charlie is more than happy to reciprocate (Ep 3 when Vaggie feels bad about her trust exercise failing). Their reprise of "More Than Anything" pretty much spells it out.
Lute and Vaggie also play the sterner, more down to earth one to their respective partner's sillier personality. An interesting thing is that Vaggie also knows how to accept mercy, and kindness, having picked herself up with Charlie's help three years ago, and steadfastly been on her side ever since. Lute however reacts to mercy with total disgust, and her answer is to literally tell her assailant to finish her off, or ripping her arm out in an attempt to fight back. Adam when shown mercy has a full blown tantrum about how better he is than anyone. I mean, true, Lucifer and Vaggie both spared them to 1 : hammer the nail down (Lucifer : "How does mercy taste you little bitch ?" Vaggie : "Live and remember it's only because I've let you.") and 2 : because someone else intervened in Lucifer's case (Charlie : "Wow, dad. He's had enough.") but fact is, it's two people - funnily enough fallen angels - on the supposedly wrong side of the cosmic existential afterlife elevator doing it to actual angels. I repeat, ANGELS. From Heaven. Seriously these guys couldn't pour water out of a boot even with the instructions glued to the heel.
Lute shows what Vaggie could have been if she had let the murderous tendencies get to her - both are surprisingly quick to resort to violence, but Vaggie does it out of wariness and annoyance, and a will to protect her loved ones. Lute is flat-out self-righteous and bloodthirsty. Lute could've been Vaggie in a less toxic and holier-than-thou environment. Vaggie has always been humble from the start, seemingly taking no pleasure in the annual killings, and saw it as a duty in a different way than Lute : possibly without hatred, and without all-consuming rage and want for violence. They're both utterly loyal to their loved ones, but Lute is the darker side of that loyalty - letting it happen, enjoying the carnage. They have lots of qualities and flaws that makes them mirrors to each other.
On Charlie VS Vaggie, it's kinda obvious, but hey, might as well while we're at it : one is the dreamer, the other the down to earth one. Charlie is very energetic, highly dynamic, basically a big friendly dog in the shape of a demonic young woman acting like a Disney princess with the very wrong kind of kingdom, also a literal fire user and affiliated to fire in general. But her usual anger is restrained, colder (especially in Ep 7 at Vaggie), with semi-controlled bursts : she may turn into her demon form, but it takes a LOT to make her pass on the actual offensive - Valentino is lucky Angel was there to deviate it, and even when Pentious got vaporized, Charlie may have entered her demon form, and skewered Adam's shoulder with her pitchfork, but she's still holding back, as seen when she transforms her arm further to protect her dad from Adam's sneak punch. Vaggie on her side is calmer, sterner, pragmatic, more no-nonsense though she does know how to have fun ("this is gonna be your whole day !" [clap]), yet is more hot-blooded and quicker to anger (given the shenanigans around her, I'm not blaming her). It's also amusing to see them in combat (cute as they are) : Vaggie wields the spear, the more powerful Charlie wields the shield - up to when she decides some KFC rejects should get hurt for killing her friends and that's when she pulls out the pitchfork.
Vaggie has also sharper features in her design (the eye, the chin, the nose and facial structure, her hair is mostly sharp angles) while Charlie's are rounder (down to the bubble braid), despite being respectively angel and demon. Lute and Adam in their uniforms look more demonic than both of them, to boot, with their masks on. This also shows how they complete each other very well, underscoring how their personalities are a nice match, but also how much work they both put in their relationship - they are actively seen talking to each other, exchanging ideas, telling what happens (again, mostly) and most of all caring about each other, both in a giving and a taking way, mutually. Is it any wonder they're one of the sweetest and most functional couples in Hell ? (We have Ozzie & Fizz and Millie & Moxxie on the same list, so, yeah).
I hope you enjoyed, especially you @phoenixlionme, hope this filled what you wanted to read. If you have any requests, I'll be happy to see what I can do with them !
Again, Masterpost here.
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the-cult-of-russo · 2 years
Such a Softer Sin (Part 4)
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
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Warnings: I’m not specifically tagging this one, if you’ve seen the show, nothing will shock you. Smut will happen eventually so minors DNI, thanks.
A/N: I appreciate all the love for this story so far. I love you guys.
Billy’s finger restlessly tapped on the table, his eyes glued to the door. He felt like a tightly wound coil about to snap.
“Relax, Bill,” Frank murmured, giving him a worried look.
“You really gonna tell me to relax right now, Frankie? I finally found my mate and she doesn't seem to feel a goddamn thing,” he huffed, his eyes cutting to his best friend who sighed before Billy glanced back at the door. The Council wasn’t here yet so he didn’t mind talking so freely. He was sitting at the long dining table, at the head of it of course. Usually, his friends had their own seats around it near him, the Council sitting on the other end if he needed them to join him. Most of the time, he didn’t. This time though, he’d switched up the seating and he knew it was for one reason. You. Frank was to his left but the seat to his right was left vacant. Next to Frank was Karen and then Curtis. Micro, his Delta, wouldn't be attending as he was busy with the guards. At first, he’d intended on Komos sitting at the head of the table at the other end as a show of respect as the Alpha. But when his personal maid Azalea had overheard his plans of splitting you up with you next to him, she’d gently advised him that you were incredibly close to your Alpha and Gamma, that you probably wouldn't like being away from them. So he’d left the seats near you open for them as well and the Council would sit on the other end of the table, Viktor no doubt sitting at the head of the table. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about you since he’d seen you. He’d never been in the castle when you and your pack had come for meetings, he was always busy, always had something to do. But this time he’d been in his room and he’d felt it. It was a pull so strong he hadn’t been able to ignore it and his wolf had been yapping away in his head. So he’d gotten up and followed it, to see what was tugging at him so hard. Faint wisps of vanilla and peach had wrapped around him, a woodsy undertone and he’d felt like he was being called by your scent like a siren call. He’d come to the grand hallway, the one with the stained glass window, and there you were. He’d been in awe of your beauty and he knew instantly who you were, what you were. His wolf had been chanting mate over and over in his head. He’d watched you as you looked at the window, looking enraptured with the story it told with your wide curious eyes. And then he’d seen you knock the vase right over. He’d found your reaction adorable but you were worried and he wanted to put you at ease. His feet had carried him over without him even realizing. He’d expected some recognition from you, yet he’d gotten nothing. Not because he was King, he liked the fact you had no idea just who he was, it meant you spoke to him freely. But you were his mate. He’d felt it so strongly yet you’d looked at him like any other wolf and he didn’t know how to feel about it. Karen had carefully reminded him all of what you’d been through. The Council had vetted the Nomad pack thoroughly before he agreed to make them an official pack so he knew about you and the Alpha and Gamma, the three founding members and what led you to be together. Your entire pack had been massacred at the hands of rogues. As a small child, you’d seen your own parents ripped limb from limb by those savages. He thought he couldn't possibly hate rogues any more than he already did but he was wrong. Knowing how much they’d hurt you, how they traumatized you, he wanted them all dead. But Karen had suggested that maybe that trauma had damaged you somewhat. That maybe you didn't feel the bond, at least not yet. Maybe it would take time. It didn’t help that because he was more than just a wolf, he felt the bond ten times stronger than what was normal. The idea that you felt nothing at all was so painful to him that he didn’t know how to handle it. He could just tell you but you could easily reject him. If you felt nothing, why would you believe him or care? He couldn't take that pain, he wouldn't be able to handle it, so instead, he’d just wait and see if your wolf recognised his as her mate. He had to trust his mother with this, had to trust it would work out and that all this waiting wasn't for nothing. 
The door opened and he tensed, his body deflating when he saw the Council walk in. If he was honest, he didn’t really want them here. They weren’t fond of the Nomad pack and he could tell from how Viktor behaved with you after the vase that you didn’t like them either. They bowed their heads and he waved them off, gesturing to the seats as Azalea showed them where to sit. 
“Azalea, could you please go and see if the Nomad pack are ready?” he asked softly. She looked at him with a shy smile before nodding, giving him a curtsy he’d told her too many times she didn’t need to give before she scurried from the room. 
“I’m not surprised they’re late,” Frederik muttered, turning his nose up as he huffed. Billy pushed down the snarl that almost ripped from him and he could feel Curt and Frank’s nervous eyes flit to him.
“Watch your tongue, Frederik or I might have to rip it out,” he smirked darkly and the man paled, looking shocked as his eyes drifted to the other Councilmen before down at the table. 
“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I just mean to say that they follow their own rules,” he said quickly, not looking at him.
“They’re here, they’ve agreed to help us with the war. What more do you want? They’re uprootin’ their entire lives, their pack, to help us. Bein’ five fuckin’ minutes late for dinner ain’t the end of the world,” he seethed as his eyes darkened. He knew he was overreacting at the small comment and he could have ignored it, should have ignored it. Yet his wolf was clawing away at his insides over the dig at his mate and he couldn't let it go. While the Council made their distaste known right to your faces, he knew they wouldn't outright be so disrespectful to you, mostly because you’d take them down in a heartbeat if it ever came to it. When he realized who you were back in that hallway, he’d been awestruck. He’d heard stories of the Beta of the Nomad pack, he knew just how lethal you could be. You were known for your grace, and stealth out there and you could take on a bunch of wolves all by yourself with no problems. You weren't the Alpha but you were the one everyone feared the most. The Dancer Of Death.
‘Chill out, brother,’ Curtis mindlinked him and he rolled his shoulder, blowing out a breath. 
‘I’m fine’, he answered, trying to get himself in check. The only people to know he’d found his mate were those closest to him. He didn’t want everyone knowing before you did, it wasn’t right. He knew the Council were nosey fuckers and he didn’t want them in his business. He’d given them power to do what they do and they were good at it, taking some of the stress away from him by dealing with things. But it didn’t mean he wanted them to know about you, not yet. The door opened again and Azalea walked in, standing off to the side as Kosmos walked inside. Billy respected the man for what he’d done, pulling together a pack like he had and he knew he cared about his people. He was a good Alpha. Behind him was his Gamma, Atticus and then you walked in. You had a little frown on your face and you tugged on your dress. He felt how uncomfortable you were a mile away and it made his stomach sink. The full extent of the mate bond wouldn't be felt until the mating ritual was complete. This would create a mindlink and you’d feel each other's emotions as if they were your own. With him being different, with things being more intense for him, he could already feel your emotions, even if only faintly. He wanted to smack himself. He should have known you didn't want to wear a dress but he hadn't really put too much thought into it, he’d made the choice before he’d met you. But he remembered comments from the Council, remembered how Alaric had spoken about how you never wore dresses and how unladylike it was. He thought it was bullshit. Some of his warriors were women and while they’d wear dresses for certain occasions, they mostly wore pants. But now he was watching you looking uncomfortable and out of place as Azaela led you into the room. He noticed how you gave the girl a smile, looking right to her eyes which most wolves never bothered to do with the staff. Despite how much you clearly hated the dress, you looked amazing, like a Goddess and he couldn't take his eyes off you. He knew in his heart that he'd never seen anyone more beautiful than you.
“Your Majesty,” Kosmos said as he bowed his head, Atticus and you following suit. 
“Kosmos, welcome. Take a seat,” he smiled warmly, trying to put you all at ease. He might be King but he didnt want you to be too cordial with him. This was supposed to be a celebration after all. Azalea showed Kosmos where he was sitting, gesturing next to him for Atticus before the chair next to Billy for you. He watched with rapt attention as you blinked at the chair, eyes briefly flitting to him before back to the girl. He couldn't get a full read on you, your emotions like a faint whisper in the breeze now. You moved over to the chair, sitting down with your hands in your lap. You looked so different to the girl he’d met earlier but he’d seen the change in you the second you knew who he was. He didn't like it. Didn't like the idea that you really thought he’d hurt you over as something as stupid as breaking something. When he’d found out his statue had been decapitated, he’d found it hilarious. He’d hated that thing. 
“Thank you for joinin’ me today. As the Council have already told you, this is a celebration. I’m honored to have your pack here to help with what's coming,” Billy said sincerely, looking at Kosmos before Atticus and then at you. When your eyes met his, he felt like he couldn't breathe. He couldn't tear his eyes away as you just blinked at him and Frank cleared his throat. 
“I’m Frank, King William’s Beta, and this is my mate Karen,” Frank piped up, trying his best to give them a friendly smile even though he always looked a little mean. 
“I’m Curtis, the Gamma,” Curtis said, an easy smile on his lips.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Kosmos said with a nod, still looking a little tense. It didn’t escape Billy how all of your eyes kept flitting to the Council and the urge to kick them out was gnawing at him. He wondered how relaxed you’d all be if they weren't here.
“You already know who we are, but it’s nice to see you out of the meeting room,” Viktor smiled but he knew it wasn't really genuine. He saw you roll your eyes and as Azalea poured out the wine, you snatched your glass and drank it in one. Karen being Karen tried to ease the tense atmosphere by asking questions and keeping conversation going even though it was only Kosmos that seemed to answer her. She was asking him about the pack, stuff she probably already knew but he knew she was doing it to try and settle things down. 
“So, Your Majesty… Y/N told me she broke your vase,” Atticus piped up after a while. He had an amused smile on his face and you scowled at him.
“She definitely broke it but it wasn’t mine so I’m not upset about it,” he answered with a chuckle, still wanting to put you at ease about it. 
“She does that a lot, she’s a bit of a clutz someti-” his words were cut off by a loud thump and he yelped. He was pretty sure you just kicked him and Kosmos lowered his head as he shook it, rubbing between his brows. You and Atticus tensed, eyes darting to Kosmos and Billy mused he’d mindlinked you both, no doubt telling you off if your faces were anything to go by. 
“How inappropriate,” Frederik muttered into his glass but everyone heard it and the three of you tensed up.
‘Don’t’, Frank mindlinked him urgently, feeling the rage that swept through Billy’s body. He blew out a breath, clutching his glass so tight he was surprised it didn’t shatter. 
“So, I heard you have a pack member who’s pregnant? We have a really good medical care facility here,” Karen said quickly, trying to divert the conversation. 
“My apologies, Your Majesty, but shouldn't we be talking about more important matters? Like the impending war?” Alaric asked sourly, looking at him briefly but not able to keep eye contact.
“I thought this was a celebration dinner? Surely depressing topics like war are inappropriate,” you remarked with a sardonic smile aimed at the Council and Billy couldn’t suppress his smirk even if he tried. The man looked shocked to be spoken to so out of turn and his eyes darted to Billy as if waiting for him to say something about it.
“She’s right, Alaric. This isn't the time nor place to discuss such things,” he shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. He noticed how the three men looked to one another, clearly unhappy and confused by what was going on. 
“If you’d excuse us, Your Majesty. We’re finished and we have things to tend to,” Viktor muttered, bowing his head.
“You’re excused,” Billy replied with a nod and the men all got up, leaving their empty plates behind and Azalea hurried to take them away. All three of you relaxed instantly and Billy was glad they were gone. 
“Thank the Gods for that,” Atticus muttered and you looked at him with wide eyes before glancing quickly at Billy. He hated how you still seemed so fearful of him now, he wanted you to look at him how you had before you knew he was the King.
“I’m sorry for Atticus, Your Majesty. It seems he’s forgotten how to behave,” Kosmos bit out, giving the boy a look that made him lower his head.
“Don’t be sorry. I know the Council can be a little intense but you don’t needa worry about them,” he said firmly and Kosmos nodded.
“We were told that our pack needs to be moved in by the end of the week.  I was hoping to be able to go and tell them the news personally rather than have your men do it. I’m unsure how they might take the news and I don’t usually make decisions without taking a vote,” Kosmos looked at him unwavering, not scared or cowering under his gaze and Billy respected him for that. He was also the only Alpha he knew of that took votes in a pack rather than just make all the decisions himself. 
“That won’t be a problem,” he answered with an easy smile and he saw Kosmos relax a little like he thought he might say no.
“I was thinking we could head out in the morning. The quicker we get out there, the quicker we can come back and get set up,” Kosmos suggested. Billy felt a pang in his chest at the idea of you leaving so soon, even if you would be back not long after. He couldn't help it. Now he’d found his mate, he didn’t want you out of his sight. 
“Works for me. Feel free to take some of my men if you need to and some transport. You're welcome to use as many horses and carriages as you need to make the move happen,” Billy nodded as he tried to stuff his feelings down. 
“Actually, I was hoping Y/N could stay,” Karen piped up, her tone calm yet firm.
“What?” you squeaked out, glass half to your mouth after Azalea had filled it back up. Billy’s eyes whipped to Karen, narrowing slightly as he wondered just what she was playing at. When he looked back at you, your eyes were wide as you stared at Karen. 
“With the Alpha gone to take care of pack business, you as Beta would fill his role here. I need to show you the medical facilities so we can arrange care for your pregnant pack member and I could use your help to get the house ready for everyone,” Karen smiled warmly and you did little else but blink at her. He could feel how uncomfortable you were as you shifted in your seat and tugged at your dress again. 
“I can stay too,” Atticus piped up, glancing between you and Karen. You shook your head slowly, sitting up a little straighter.
“No, it’s fine. Kosmos could use your help getting everyone together. It's going to be a lot, telling them we’re all moving and there's a war coming,” you murmured, giving him a meaningful look. Once again, Billy could tell you were talking through the mindlink before Atticus sighed and nodded. 
“You don’t haveta stay if you don't want to. You can always deal with all this when you get back,” Billy suggested as he gazed at you. While he didn’t really want you to leave, your discomfort was bringing him discomfort and he didn’t like it. He wanted you to be happy. You looked taken aback by his words and you gave him a smile. It was small but it filled his chest with so much warmth that he felt like he might burst into flames.
“It’s okay, thank you, Your Majesty,” you said softly. The urge to tell you to call him Billy clawed at him but he ignored it, knowing it wasn’t quite appropriate, not yet. While none of his friends would mind, they had to be professional here for now. There was always time for that later. 
“Thank you for your time, Your Majesty but I think we should retire for the night. We need to be up early in the morning,” Kosmos said politely and Billy nodded, already missing you before you’d left to your room.
“Thank you for comin’ here and thank you for agreein’ to help with this,” he murmured sincerely, his eyes landing on each of you but definitely lingering on you. You averted your eyes quickly and he didn’t like it. The three of you stood, bowing your heads before Kosmos made his way to the door with you and Atticus trailing behind him. He couldn't take his eyes off you the whole time, part of him hoping maybe you’d look back at him. One sign that maybe you felt something. But nothing happened as you slipped out of the door and he felt his chest burn.
“What the hell was that about?” Billy asked blandly as he turned his eyes to Karen. There was no real malice in his voice though, more exasperation at his friend. She leveled a look at him that only she could get away with giving the King.
“What was what?” she asked defiantly and his eyes narrowed a little.
“You know damn well what. Gettin’ her to stay here like that… They coulda sorted that shit out when they got back, there’s no need in her bein’ here,” he muttered and she rolled her eyes at him.
“You’re family, Billy and she’s your mate. That means she’s family too even if she doesn't know it yet. I want to get to know her, I want to bond with her. Is that such a bad thing? She's been through so much and I don’t need a connection with her to see how uncomfortable she was here. I don’t want her feeling that way. I want her to like us, to accept us. So excuse me for caring,” she huffed, her eyes ablaze. It made him lower his eyes, guilt burrowing in his chest. 
“Look… I get that, I do, but… She has no idea right now and I don't want her overwhelmed. I don’t want her runnin’ away because it’s all too much. You want her here and you wanna bond? That's fine. But don’t smother her and don’t tell her,” he sighed, giving her a pleading look. Her eyes softened a little and she nodded.
“I’m not interfering, okay? I just want to get to know her,” she murmured and he felt himself relax. The last thing he needed were his friends thinking they were doing him a favor by trying to rush things along. But he should have known Karen wouldn't do that, she was the one to point out all of the trauma you’d been through. She knew better than that. 
“Maybe you could spend some time with her once she’s done with Karen. She likes fightin’, right? Maybe you could get her to watch the trainin’ and shit, see the kinda stuff she’s gonna learn,” Frank suggested with a shrug. He felt nerves bloom in his stomach and it was ridiculous. It wasn't supposed to be like this with mates, they were supposed to recognise one another and connect right away. He hated this uncertainty. 
“Yeah… maybe,” he answered with a frown. He wasn't sure how to proceed with all of this, not when you clearly had your reservations about being here, about him. You feared him, thought he was cold and heartless, just like the stories. He didn’t want you to think that was all he was.
“It’d be good for you, man. The more time you spend with her, the more likely the bond will wake up with her,” Curtis pointed out carefully, an apprehensive look on his face. Billy knew he was right, if he just avoided you then you might never feel anything. He didn't want to avoid you but he was scared of being too much. 
After dinner, Billy was in his office. If he wasn’t seeing people in person, he was pouring over letters he got from all over the world from wolves who needed help. Wolves who were asking him to put in a word with his mother. He really didn’t like it, didn’t like that sometimes he had to write a letter back saying he couldn't help them. There were just some things that were meant to be and nothing could change that. He knew that himself. Maria and the kids were taken away cruelly and no matter how hard he begged his mother, no matter how much he cried, they couldn't come back. He knew that and yet he still tried. It made him think of you and the impending war. If you had the mating ceremony before it got bad, you could do the ritual to be immortal and he wouldn't have to worry so much. You could still be hurt, badly wounded, but not die. But that couldn't happen unless you realized you were mates. He heaved a sigh, rubbing between his brows as he set down a letter asking for a child to be healed when his door knocked.
“Enter,” he called out and the door opened, revealing Viktor as he bowed his head.
“Your Majesty,” he muttered as he stood in front of his desk.
“You can sit,” BIlly replied, waving his hand to the seat opposite him. Viktor sat and Billy could sense something was on his mind. He was nervous.
“What brings you here at this hour, Viktor?” he asked after a long drawn out silence. He still wasn't happy with the Council and how they’d behaved at dinner, but he had to remind himself that they had no idea the future Queen had been in their presence. 
“Your Majesty… The Council… we…” he trailed off, his eyes darting everywhere but at Billy and he grew impatient.
“Spit it out, Viktor,” he huffed, giving him a firm look that had the man squirming in his seat.
“We worry you made a mistake inviting the Nomad clan here to help us,” he admitted, finally meeting his eyes. Billy’s tongue swiped over his lower lip as he leaned back in his chair, staring at the man. It felt like rage swept through his entire being as his wolf snarled viciously and he did his best to keep it in check. He wasn't ready to tell the world he’d found his mate yet.
“And why’s that?” he drawled, raising a brow with his face stony. Viktor sat forward in his chair, a deep inhale seeming to steady him a little as he finally locked eyes with him.
“You saw how they behaved at dinner. They’re… uncivilized. Maybe they're good warriors but do we need them to live here? To be with our people? They’re rogues-” the man rambled and Billy slammed his hand on his desk so hard that a picture of him and Frank fell off with a clatter and the man jumped.
“They’re not rogues and if I have to tell you that again, we're gonna have a real big fuckin’ problem. You think they’re uncivilized? Why? Because they were jokin’ around at dinner? Because they weren't scared of me?” he asked darkly, his eyes flashing silver briefly and he had to quickly try and stuff the wolf back down before things got deadly. In the back of his mind, he reminded himself that the syringe was in the top drawer of his desk if he needed it. Seeing the shift in his eyes, the man sat back, eyes wide and he bowed his head. He could smell his fear, it filled the whole room and his wolf was practically purring over it. 
“We-We-We just want what's best for the Kingdom, Your Majesty. The castle is the most secure place and our Elite Warriors need to be safe. I don’t want anything to compromise that,” he muttered shakily. Billy blew out a breath, rolling his shoulder as he sat back in his chair. 
“And how would they comprise the castle? You think they’re workin’ for the vampires too? I put you in The Council ‘cause I thought you were smart. Rogues had a hand in most of the Nomad pack members bein’ alone, they hate them as much as we do. I’ve decided to have ‘em stay here and that’s final. If you have any problems with that, you keep them to yourself or you’ll have me to deal with. They’re guests here and you won't be makin’ them feel unwelcome. Are we clear?” he asked with a low and menacing tone. The man nodded, still averting his eyes as he trembled slightly.
“Good. Now leave,” he growled. Viktor didn’t need to be told twice, he jumped to his feet and scurried out of the door. It had been a while since Billy had to put any of the Council members in their place. It happened occasionally when they thought they knew better than him but he hadn't had to do it in a long while.
He knew he needed to get his shit together. He couldn't almost wolf out every time someone said something about you he didn't like, this shit was ridiculous. He was already so protective of you and you had no fucking clue about it. It wasn't even like you needed his protection, he knew you could handle yourself. When he’d been longing for his mate, he didn’t care what her status was. Didn’t care if she was a fighter or a healer or a lover. None of that mattered to him, he just wanted his mate. But it felt fitting somehow that it was you. All the tales he’d heard of you had earned his respect. He’d been in awe of all the stuff you’d done. It just felt right that you were made for him just as he was made for you, he just needed you to see it. Having blind faith in his mother was terrifying sometimes but he couldn't let it waver. He couldn't start to think his mother was so cruel to give him a mate who could never love him back, not when he’d spent so damn long yearning for love. He knew eventually you had to feel the bond, there was no other option. He couldn't live for all of eternity alone, couldn’t watch you die of old age or in battle because he’d never mated you. He shook his head as he pushed away from his desk, standing up and leaving his office. He really needed to clear his head, go for a run or something. All this overthinking was wiring him up and that was the last thing he needed. He just needed to let shit run its course and hope it worked out in the end. It was bad enough dealing with all the shit with the impending war, especially now the rogues and vampires were working together. The only other time this had happened was during the last war and the whole thing was so familiar, so reminiscent, that it made his bones ache. The rogues had killed his family and his hatred for them seeped into every pore of him, but while they had been the ones to physically kill them, it had been the Vampire King that had been pulling the strings. His hatred for that piece of shit knew no bounds, far worse than anything he might have felt for the rogues. It worried him. It worried him because he’d finally found his mate, who didn’t feel a damn thing for him, and it was right on the cusp of a war. He’d lost so much in the last war, so much that even though they technically won, it really didn’t feel like they won at all. But now he found you, he had far more to lose and it scared the shit out of him.
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some-little-infamy · 4 months
Missing Signs
(Read on AO3) “I'm worried about you.” It takes every ounce of willpower Buck has to say the words. He knows that Eddie's been better lately, since his last bout of panic attacks - he's been more open, more honest about admitting when things were weighing on his mind. At least, Buck thought he was.
Maybe Eddie truly didn't see it as a problem. He came to Buck with his Marisol concerns about the whole nun thing, after all. It isn't like Eddie’s shutting him out entirely. It's just this one thing… this one really big thing.
Maybe Buck's getting ahead of himself. Maybe Eddie told Bobby, or Frank, or Hen… anyone else at all about this whole Kim thing. He knows that should be reassuring, but considering it only manages to make Buck feel worse somehow. He's supposed to be the one Eddie goes to for things like this.
“Yeah, I'm worried about me, too,” Eddie admits, so quietly Buck almost thinks he imagined it.
That’s when it hits him - Eddie does know how bad this is. He knows how deep he’s in under his head, and not only has he acknowledged it, he’s thought about it enough to be worried about it.
And Buck missed it.
How many signs were there? Has Eddie been quieter than usual around the firehouse, or during their chatter over the comms to and from jobs? What about outside of work… God, Buck can’t remember the last time he and Eddie spent time outside of work besides the bachelor party. They used to get together multiple times a week, and now…
…now Buck spends all of his free time with Tommy. It’s where he was headed before he intercepted the brownies from Kim. It’s where he was the night before, and the one before that. Hell, he would’ve spent more time with Tommy than Eddie at the Bachelor party if Tommy didn’t have to leave.
Buck’s been so wrapped up in the changes of his own life, too distracted by chasing his own happiness, that he absolutely failed to see the spiral Eddie must’ve been in since he first met Kim. There’s no way this hasn’t been on Eddie’s mind, eating away at him. There’s no way he hasn’t questioned every single second he’s kept this from Christopher, or even Marisol.
And Buck wasn’t there for him.
If Buck only paid a little more attention, or been around more often, maybe he would’ve noticed sooner. Almost immediately Buck feels like he’s living through Maddie’s secret all over again - missing all the signs because he was too busy doing things for himself, too busy being so goddamn happy that he wasn’t around to see the obvious signs. The revelation hits him hard, his breath catching in his throat, every muscle in his body tensing instinctively.
Eddie didn’t want to ruin Buck’s happiness by unloading his own issues. Buck gets that… but If he’d known, maybe he could’ve helped, or at least talked this through before Eddie took things too far.
Maybe there’s still time for that. Eddie and Kim haven’t done anything besides go out a few times, if Eddie’s telling Buck the truth.
“Do you want to talk about-”
“No,” Eddie cuts off Buck’s offer before he can get the offer out. “No. It’s fine. Thanks for, uh… for this. And not saying anything to her.”
It’s obvious that Eddie wants to shut any talk of this down, but Buck isn’t so easily deterred. Buck wants to make up for not being here for Eddie sooner. He wants to know that Eddie still trusts him. Buck needs to know that he hasn’t managed to accidentally edge out the person in his life who knows him best, and who he thought he knew best in return.
“Eddie-” Buck begins. “I’m fine,” Eddie says, more forcefully this time. “I know I have some stuff to work out, I just… need time. Okay?”
“Yeah,” Buck says, trying his best not to sound hurt. “Yeah. It’s… I’ll just…” Buck flounders, unsure of what he should say when it’s obvious Eddie doesn’t want him to say or do anything. It all feels too little, too late now. “Enjoy the brownies.” Buck doesn’t look behind him as he leaves, not sure what would hurt more - to see pain in Eddie’s expression as he goes, or to see nothing at all.
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writingcold · 1 year
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Hi.  Welcome to Chapter 22.  Hanging in there??  
If you are just joining us, you can find the Master List to the series here
Hugs to the ever lovely @lvnterninthenight, @gardensgatedaisy and @whitesuitjake.  Thank you once more for your assistance, patience and talents.
This is a work of fiction, and is totally mine.  Please do not take it for your own personal use.  I’ve put in hours of research, hours upon hours of writing, re-writing, screaming, yelling and vomiting over this epic of a story.  But it is mine.
Content warning:  Violence, arrests, angst, more angst, uh - yeah.  More angst.  But there is some much needed kindness, too.
Word count: approx. 5800
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Chapter Twenty Two Pt. 1:  Arrests, Anger, Kindness, Sabotage - Cora
     Cora was pouring a glass of water for herself in the back parlor when she heard the receiver slam into the cradle of the phone.  Josh let out a frustrated snarl.  A crash brought her to peek into the office that was just off the parlor.  Everything that had been on the desk was scattering to the floor.  Josh wore a look of fury as he paced back and forth, hands buried in his hair.
     “Joshua?”  she asked, mindful to keep her tone soft and low.
     The anger in his eyes blazed across her frame.  She debated retreating until he flopped into his chair with an exasperated huff and a brash curse on his lips.  Business had to be resumed.  Though it had only been four days since the attack on the family, Jacob was already out on the road with Henry as his second.  They had to move Danny  from the house to the hospital due to signs of infection.  Molly remained at his side, refusing to leave him even to attend to her own needs.  Doctor Boone had to acquiesce and allowed her to stay.  Samuel was still limited to bed rest.  Cora and Mrs. Woods aided through the day, leaving Josh to tend to him at night, though the air between the brothers had grown tight.
      Cora edged into the room, feeling much like a mouse cornered by the cat.  She kept her hands behind her in an effort to stay small as Josh’s eyes latched onto her once more.
     “Joshua?”  she asked again, his name tumbling out of her slowly.
     “Jake’s been arrested,”  he seethed with a hand slap on the desk.  
     Cora froze.  With wide eyes she scarcely could breath in the heated emotion that Josh was sending out across the desk.  Her knees locked her into place while her stomach swirled.  
     “He’s fucking stuck in Manistee!  He’s in holding there,”  he continued as he lit a smoke.  “He never even made it to the goddamned staging.”
     Cora shook her head.  She was already missing something important and in the heat of his anger, it seemed only to further provoke Joshua.
     “His car was empty.  It’s not even for distribution that they have him.  It’s something stupid like reckless driving, excessive speed, disorderly conduct, and whatever else they can tack on him at the moment,”  he growled before covering his face.
     “They won’t hold him for that, will they?”  she asked quietly.
     He rolled his eyes at her.  “No.  But it’ll set him back a few hours.  He won’t make it to the staging before the trucks roll out, which leaves the real possibility that at least a few of them will be caught.  It’s not good.  It’d be enough of a needle that I’m sure Bell set it up.”
     “Jacob will be okay, won’t he?”  
     “Not the first time he’s been caught, but sure as fuck is the first time they are holding him.”
     The weight of the air threatened to crush them both.  Cora folded herself into a chair unable to picture the situation.  “Where’s Henry?”
     Josh shrugged.  “It was Henry who called.  He’s got the Moon waiting outside the courthouse.”
      “That doesn’t make sense,”  she said quietly.  “How much trouble are we talking here?”
      “It’s inconsequential.  Eventually they’ll give him a ticket and be on with it, I’m sure,”  Josh remarked harshly as he reached for his cigarette case.  
      “But he will be alright, won’t he?”  she asked quietly, trying to hide the fact that she was burning a hole in the arm of the chair as she rubbed her fingers back and forth across the crushed velvet over and over in an effort to find calm.
     Josh nodded as he took a long drag of his smoke.  “He will be well.  Holding is just that - they have him in a cell but not in jail.”
     Cora felt a shift as Josh straightened.  A whispered curse drifted from his lips as he met her gaze.
      “I guess it’s a good thing that it was Henry that was with him and not Marcus like I originally wanted.”
      “Why’s that?”  she asked, confused by the statement.
      Josh wiped his hands over his hair with a grimace.  “Marcus, as you are probably aware, is more than a bouncer for our club.”
      “If you mean he’s from the Chicago family, yes,”  she said with a shrug.
      He bit the corner of his lip with a shake of his head.  “I’m not sure how much you know about Beatrice.”
      “Jacob told me about her.  And about what happened.”  She tried to not show the coolness that swept over her frame as he looked at her.  His dark eyes gathered in the understanding.
      Josh nodded once.  “Marcus was sent here as protection from Bea’s father, Sastrato Torello.  He has a skill set that up until now, has been left – unused.”
      “If he was here for Beatrice, why did he stay?”
      “Kind of funny to say a man like that can take a shine to anyone, but I suppose he took a liking to us boys,”  he said with a small grin.  “Torello left him here as an extension of courtesy.  If Marcus was ever crossed by the law, they would catch a very valuable fish, indeed.”
      Her eyes fell down to her fingers as they fidgeted in her lap.  To think that her friend Marcus was anything but the kind man she accepted him to be, made her stomach sour.  She knew he was a hard man.  She knew he was there to protect, but she did not accept that he chose to do harm for liking to do harm.
      She looked up, meeting the warm caramel of Josh’s gaze.  She had not realized that she had fallen silent.
      “Will you be well?”
      She nodded, unable to look past the corner of the desk.
      “The friend you know as Marcus is still the same man, you know,”  he said quietly.  “He might like the four of us, but his softest spot is for you.”
       She closed her eyes as her breath caught.  “I - uh.  I think I’m going to work here throughout the day, if you don’t mind.  I -”
       Josh grinned with a nod.  “How about this - be my lunch date.  You work here this afternoon.  I’ll take care of the bank and shops tonight.  But then you’re with me tonight in the Lantern.”
       She nodded in agreement. “How about I meet you over at the diner.  Rosemary needs me to stop in.  She has offered to help Molly with her business.”
      “That’s very kind of her,”  Josh replied as they started to clean up the scrambled items from the desk.
      Cora looked in on Samuel with Josh at her side, informing him about Jacob being stuck in Manistee.  The notion that there was nothing she could do other than wait was troublesome.  The reality that this was not the first time was news.  Sam pointed out that it was a new police chief in Manistee who was probably looking for either a buy-in to their business or to make a name for himself by being tough on criminal acts. 
      Rosemary was ready by the time she reached the house.  Cora watched as her mother tugged her coat on across her plain dress.  Her face was peaceful as she tucked her handbag under her arm.  
      “I appreciate this, Mother,”  she said before opening the door.
      Rosemary walked at her side around the block to the Wagner home on 6th.  Cora unlocked the door and showed her mother upstairs.  The house was nearly identical to their own with different touches of paint and paper here and there, but the rooms were the same.  She noticed that her mother seemed to take note of it as they went from one room to the other.
      “Molly is a much more serious seamstress than I will ever be,”  Rosemary sighed as her fingers touched the Singer sewing machine with its black paint and bright red flowers with gold trim.  “I hope I don’t mess anything up for her.”
      “She appreciated this offering more than I could ever convey,”  Cora said as she pulled out a stack of suit pants.  
      Cora set out what Molly needed finished quickly that she knew Rosemary could tackle.  She rummaged through the rack of dresses while her mother situated herself.
      “What is the speakeasy like?”  she asked as she set to threading the machine.
      Cora froze.  “Pardon?”
      “Please.  I know you’ve been there.  I hear the ladies at church talk.”
      “I don’t do anything that warrants ‘talk’, Mama,”  she huffed, looking at her over her shoulder.
      “That is true.  But…”
      Cora’s eyes widened.  “What are you insinuating?”
      Rosemary laughed.  Truly laughed as she sat down at Molly’s sewing machine.  “Nothing that young love hasn’t been guilty of in the past, Cora Rosemarie.”
      She pulled a soft gray chiffon from the wardrobe and held it up to study.  The simple neckline and modest length drew her attention, but it was the beadwork that scrolled across the waistline and dripped in delicate tassels that made her nod.  She held it out and her mother grinned in approval.
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Chapter Twenty Two Pt. 2: Molly
     Molly’s routine had been upended.  She had not realized how much she depended on a certain set of marks to pull, trudge, and crawl through her day until Danny landed in the hospital.  There was no force, natural or otherwise, that would pry her from his side.  Not after… that.  The nurses called her rude names out in the hallway, she was sure, but she did not care.  She had shoved a second bed next to her husband’s so that she would not have to leave for any reason.  
      In the basement of the building, her sister lay on a marble slab.  Molly could swear that she could feel Susannah’s presence when the air grew quiet and still.  The stark pain that echoed each heartbeat certainly would never be cured.  The way they had to leave her behind was a sin that she could never amend.  Danny tried to soothe her, despite his injury, despite the lack of strength in his right side, despite his own pain.  She was trying to not be selfish.  She was trying to be supportive of her husband.  But in truth, she could not leave either of her greatest loves who happen to be in different parts of a place that was sheathed in such sorrow.
      A softness entered the room that barely disrupted the tension of the air.  Molly was busy folding her nightdress and trying to put herself back together as Rosemary practically tiptoed into the ward.  Molly was sure she looked a fright in her worn through dress and hair sticking every which way as the woman walked towards them with a bag.
      “Mrs. Janas,”  Daniel said with a quiet greeting.
      She had the same shy smile that Cora would get when she was unsure about a situation.  “Good afternoon.  I hope I am not too forward in my visit,”  she said as she drew closer.
      “I am very happy to see you,”  Molly said as she pointed to a chair to sit.  “I cannot thank you enough for helping me with my accounts, Mrs. Janas.”
      Rosemary blushed as she sat down with the bag in her lap.  “It is the least I can do, Molly.  I wish you would call me Rosemary.”
      Molly felt Danny’s hand brush against her arm with a gentleness that she missed.  “I wish I could offer you -”
      “Actually, I’m here with something for you,”  she said with a smile.  “Cora and I wanted to put together some essentials for you while you’re here.”
      Rosemary held up the bag.  Molly was eager to look inside to find her personal things, fresh linens, a change of dress.  The breath of relief she pushed out came from her toes.  Danny wrapped his hand around her wrist calling her attention.  His dark eyes traced back to their visitor.  It was obvious that there was more, but Rosemary’s straight back and unreadable expression bothered her.
      “I understand that Susannah is here,”  she said quietly so as not to be heard by others in the room.  “Is there no family to care for her?”
      Molly shook her head.  “I’m afraid there’s no other family than us.  And Josh-”
      “Molly,”  Danny spoke up, cutting her off.
      Samuel should have been there the first day he was conscious to claim her, care for her properly.  Joshua would not allow him to leave the house.  Indeed, he had yet to come to the hospital to call on his greatest friend.  Susannah could no longer damage the Kiszka’s fragile reputation any more than having two of the members shot to shit.  She wondered how the eldest brother was indeed spinning the attack on his own family. 
     “Cora told me of the situation.”  Rosemary shifted on her chair, leaning forward so she could be heard.  “Molly, with your blessing, I would like to take responsibility.  I will see to it that she is not in the pauper’s field.  She’ll have her name and be marked proper.”
      “You’d do that for us?”  Molly’s voice wavered and crackled across the few words.
      “It is a kindness that I need to give to her and you all,”  she returned.  “You have meant so much to my family.  So much so that I consider you part of it.”
      “Mrs. Janas… Rosemary, we have some funds, as does Samuel, to put towards the cost.  We just couldn’t-”
      Rosemary smiled gently at Daniel.  “Between us, we’ll make it right.  I’ll go get the process started.”
      Molly plopped down in the chair as Rosemary walked away.  Daniel held her hand through her surprise.  “I’ll be damned.”
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Chapter Twenty Two Pt. 3: Jacob
    He stared at the Moon as she sat parked outside the city hall, sure they had done something to her.  Glaring at the building as if he could burn it down, he slid behind the wheel.  Henry was already sitting in the passenger seat, his thin face blank as he stared out the front window.  Sucking in his bottom lip, Jake shook his head disapprovingly.  There would be no time to truly comb over the bitch to ensure she was not tampered with while the bulls were searching it.  Instead, he shifted hard and raced out of Manistee with a curse on his mouth and venom in his eyes.  
      Henry was stone silent as they raced towards Pickford.  The fuck up in Manistee would be enough to argue over having more drivers to distract from the trucks.  The heat of his anger roiled beneath his facade.  No doubt that Bell had something to do with his delay.  That also meant there was a leak somewhere.  Someone had gummed about the run.  Someone close.
      The best that he was going to be able to do was meet up with one truck - perhaps catch it by Trout Lake and move back from there.  He cursed Danny’s absence.  He could put his friend on a map and know down to the minute of where he could be at any given time.  Henry was a good pistol man, but a map reader he was not.  He settled himself behind the wheel, making sure he squealed out of the city as fast as he could with a giant middle finger and fuck you to the police chief.
     The day had exponentially grown longer.  He caught sight of trucks with officers trailing behind.  He caught sight of marshals that had caught the scent of their booze.  He skittered and stretched and all the while, Henry kept his hand on his exposed gun while Jake worked the Moon back and forth in rapid succession in order to keep the trail of their trucks clear.
     Exhausted.  He knew the word.  Had felt the word.  Even lived the word several times before.  This time however, Jake felt it right down to his bones.  Henry offered little help.  He was not a driver like Danny.  He rode the passenger side the entire way with little to offer other than a hard fist and fast, sure nature when it came to fighting.  He had been able to catch the bulk of the trucks, discovering three of them had been captured, their cargo destroyed publicly and drained down into the sewer in Gulliver, a few miles from the second staging area where everyone would regroup for the night.  Jake had even ventured into the town to watch the spectacle.  
      “I wonder if these folks realize that their leaders have kept a dozen of those cases back,”  Jake said with a hard tone.
     “Fuckers,”  Henry said as he breathed out a plume of smoke.  
     It was close to two in the morning on day eleven of the run when Jake maneuvered the Moon into the garage at home in Kingsford.  Henry tipped his hat before silently leaving him to collect his things and head for home.  He had reservations about walking into the house after being gone for so many days.  The notion of something happening to the family in his absence had echoed through his thoughts the entirety of the run.  A look at his wrist watch told him that Josh would most likely still be at the Lantern.  He debated with himself as he tugged the garage door closed.
      “Told you, lovely, he’d be back tonight,”  Josh’s voice drifted behind him.
      He turned to find Cora on Josh’s arm.  The moonlight and flicker of the gas lamps ghosted across her skin in a manner that gave him a peace he found that he was more than ready for.  His fingers jittered at his sides as she seemed to tighten her hold on his brother’s hand.  
      “All is well, Jacob.  I assure you,”  Josh said before looking at her with a smile.  “Isn’t it, Cora?”
      She nodded.  “We’ve kept each other safe and sound.”
      “How about we walk your fella home and I’ll get you home after -”
      “Thank you, but no,”  he finally said, reaching for his girl with a firm hand.  “I got this, Joshua.”
      His twin grinned as he waved at them to be off then.  Jake could not help but to wrap his hand around Cora’s hip and tugging in her close.  He released a breath that he was sure he had been holding for nearly twelve days.  The notion that Bell would strike at any time, perhaps while he was on a run to lessen the load was a possibility that chilled him.  The threat to his brothers was enough to put him on alert.  But the threat to Cora placed a fear in his skin that he could not tolerate.  
     “Are you well?”  she asked as they walked towards Park street.
     He nodded.  “It was a long stretch.”
     “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Joshua so angry.”
     “I don’t think I’ve ever been so angry,”  he remarked, tightening his hold on her hip to bring her flush against his side.  “And then to watch a couple thousand dollars be dumped down the gutter like it was a party was just stupid.”
      The sight of the absolute show of pride in their leaders for capturing ‘evil’ on their roads and making a grand moment of it made Jake sick to his stomach.  Even sicker than watching those few kids at the end of the gutter row that were scooping up the dirty liquor to put into cups to sell later on.  
      “Mama has decided to take care of Susannah.  We’re going to have services on Saturday,”  she said quietly as they drew in close to her house.  
       Jacob smiled sadly.  “That is terribly kind.”
      Cora turned against him.  “It’s what Josh should have allowed Samuel to do.”
      “You are right in that manner.  It has bruised Sam a bit because of it.”
      Coming to her front door, Jake caught a shadow down the street of a car that did not belong.  The inkyness left him unsettled.  He could see the bright red glow of a cigarette for a moment before disappearing out the driver’s window.  His stomach twisted as she leaned into him.
      “Get inside and lock the door,”  he whispered as he moved away from her.
      She paused but did as she was told when he waved his hand back at her.  His steps were measured as he walked towards the foreign vehicle.  It was a T-Model, but it was not the Lizzie that Bell drove.  As he drew closer, he realized it was one of the sheriff deputies.  
      “Jake,”  Sheriff Moore called.
      “Sheriff,”  he said as the man walked towards him.  “Trouble?”
      “That Tin Lizzie you told me about was in town tonight,”  he said, leaning against the car. 
      “How many in it?”  Jake asked before lighting a smoke.
      “Four,”  Martin Moore answered as his deputy held out a paper for him to read over.  “Beckett here saw the pistols, didn’t you?”
      The driver nodded.  “I think they had a tommy gun in there as well.  They were pretty shifty when I was talking with them but they left town after,”  the deputy explained.
      “You followed them out?”  Jake asked, eyes hard on the sheriff.
      “Yes, sir.  I followed them all the way to Granite Bluff.”
      Jake ran his tongue along the corner of his lips.  “Mrs. Janas has decided to have burial services for Susannah on Saturday.  There’s no way that I can ask for assistance, but the four of us will be wide open…”
      “I’ll have Beckett here be at the cemetery.  Richardson, too,”  Martin said with a pat on his arm.  “You think they’re comin’?”
      Jake nodded as he took a long drag.  “It’s going to be soon, too.  I better go tell Cora it’s fine.  Can’t have that woman thinking you’re out here beating the tar out of me.” 
     He barely tapped on her door before it flew open and she was in his arms.  He breathed her in as her frame melted against him.  He could see Rosemary in the shadows with a slow wave.  Cora didn’t even bother with decorum and kissed him in front of her mother and the men down the street.  He smiled against her heat and settled for drifting away slowly.
      “Stay?”  she whispered as his hands drifted down her arms.  
      It was difficult to tell her ‘no’, so he didn’t.  Rosemary was already back in their shared bedroom with the door clicking closed.  Cora immediately went to the kitchen to make tea for them to settle into the night.  Jake hung his coat and hat, all the while making sure the house was secure.   His brain was taking stock in what needed to be finished before Bell arrived back in town once more.  When Cresci did make their presence known to them, it would be more than just Bell.  It would be a storm consisting of the U.S. Marshals and Sheriff Porter.  Porter, according to rumor, was newly added to the federal payroll as a special consultant to the agents in the region.  It was going to be a hard rock to crawl out from under. 
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 Chapter Twenty Two Pt. 4: Cora 
      Friday morning Cora found herself sliding the key into the heavy lock on the shop door.  She had told Joshua that she would take care of opening so that he could figure out the damage that the last run had incurred on the expectations of the family down south.  The sound of her shoe heels tapped solidly across the floor as she headed towards the office.  The squeak of the front floorboard captured her attention before she could unlock her next task.  Cora turned to find Renee standing in the doorway, her eyes full of something that she did not quite understand.
     “Hello, friend,”  she called as she pushed open the office door.
     “I wasn’t expecting you this morning,”  Renee replied, her voice stiff.
     Cora opened the safe and pulled out the money pouch and ledgers for the register.  Ducking back into the main space, she smiled wide.  “Oh, Mr. Kiszka had some meetings this morning, so I volunteered to be here.  It’s been a while, Renee.  I’ve been so busy with the bank accounts that I’ve been missing you.  How are you?”
      She settled in to setting up the register, glancing at the shop girl when she did not immediately answer.  “Are you well, Renee?  I heard some nice things floating around town about a certain Mr. George Winchell.”
      It was rumored that Renee was engaged to the butcher’s son.  Cora had had intentions of talking to her friend, but with all of life happening, there just had not been the time to really stop.  She halted in her count of the coins to look - really look at Renee.  The woman who was only older than her by two years, stood with scared eyes and trembling hands.
      “Renee?”  Cora asked, shifting her attention from her work and walking closer.  
     She could not identify the tightness that shimmered between them, but something was definitely off with her friend.  The smile was absent.  The work minded eyes were not present.  The woman swallowed hard and made to move away but instead her shoulders slumped and her face paled.  She reached out, touching Renee’s arm gently in search of capturing her gaze.  Cora felt her heart slosh around as tears prickled in her friend’s eyes.
      “Renee,”  she said softly, tightening her fingers in reassurance.  “You are safe here.  Talk to me.”
      Renee released a fractured breath that left her frightened.  “Cora, I’m so sorry,”  she started, her flesh quivering under Cora’s hold.  “I’m so, so very sorry.  I misstepped.  I…”
      Cora’s skin began to crawl with panic.  She shoved the emotions down to the depths of her belly to keep her calm.  The poor woman before her was falling apart and did not need anything that could startle and harm.  “Let’s go sit in the office-”
       She shook her head hard as her eyes flared.  
      “Fine.  It’s fine, Renee.”  She blew out a breath before rubbing the woman’s arm.  “Tell me what has you so jumbled up.  Is it your engagement?”
      She shook her head again as she wiped at her cheeks.  “Cora, a man came to me months ago.”
      Cora froze, eyes turning hard as she took into account the words.
      “A man came to me, and at first I thought he was a friend to George.  He was so familiar.  He knew things.”  Fat tears leaked from her gray eyes.  Remorse mixed and blended with her fear.  “Lord, Cora, he knew things that he shouldn’t have and he twisted them.  He said that he would hurt George, that he’d hurt me in ways that would make the Devil seem like a friend.  He said if I didn’t tell him the comings and goings of Mr. Kiszka and the others, he would end everything.  He said if I said anything to anyone, he would take off George’s skin-”
      She choked out a rough sob as she bent forward.  Cora did her best to hold on, allowing the woman to use her body for support.  Her brain was already running ahead.  If it had been weeks, if Renee was telling this man information for months…  A shiver in her lungs bled through and up her throat.  
     The bell on the door startled both of them.  Jacob’s face instantly reflected his concern as the two women cowered together.  Right behind him, Mrs. Anthony stepped in.  He turned to her and quietly told her to start right away getting the shop opened.  
      “Cora,”  he said gently, waving her to bring Renee to the office.
      Renee would not move.  She wrapped her arm across the woman’s shoulders.  “It will be well.  Let’s get this sorted.  Trust in me.  It will be well.”
     He stopped her with a touch as Renee walked before them.  Cora caught him up, ignoring how his eyes hardened with an anger that she knew would be fast to pass.  It was obvious that Renee had been the source of…
     Susannah.  Her friend’s face drifted through her mind as Renee repeated what she had already said, her voice trembling in jagged, fearful bursts.  Jacob, though his eyes were intense on the words, his body was soft, lending a supportive touch to coax more out of the shop clerk.  
      “My fault,”  she strained with both hands over her face.  “I’m so, so sorry.  I was so afraid and when she was in the shop that morning talking about a picnic with Mr. Samuel and Mr. Daniel, it made me sick to have to tell him.”
      Cora turned away to hide her emotions.  She listened as Jacob tried to soothe, but Renee’s cries intensified.  Her apologies came heavy with remorse and her words were laced with helplessness.  There was no true way to believe that mal intent was present.  Clearing her throat, she gathered her wits up from the floor and put her emotions to the side.  The girl was in need of help.  She did not need harshness and blame.
      Jacob was chewing the inside of his cheek as Renee continued to talk about being pressed, even within the store with demands of information.  She said that most of it was just whether Mr. Kiszka was at the bank, or if Mr. Daniel and Mr. Samuel were in the dancehall.  But then there were times, like when she overheard that Mr. Jacob was heading out on the state road 12 east for his trip that flooded Cora with a burn she did not want to feel towards her friend.  Her eyes flicked to him.  Bell had alluded to being in the Lantern.  He had alluded he had known things about them.  Inside, her brain wanted to scream and yell and gnash teeth across words that did not come easily from her mouth.  And yet, he was calm.  No storm was gathering at his fringes.  Instead her Jacob was exuding an empathy.
      “Renee,”  he said with a firm voice, “I want you to go and gather a few weeks worth of things for yourself.  I will go and find George.  I think some time away from here will aid in keeping things safe for you.”
      Renee was shaking her head.  “It doesn’t matter where we go, they will find us.”
      “I do not want you to worry about that.  Just go and get a bag.  I’ll have George to you at the station in an hour,”  Jacob said calmly, his eyes full of strength.
      “But what about work?”  she sniffled, her face blotchy with grief.  “I can’t leave Mrs. Anthony alone.”
      “I will see to business, Renee.  Worry not about this place,”  Cora said with a nod.  “It’s more important to get you and George someplace safe.”
      Renee seemed to allow relief to sweep through her.  She stood and Jacob smiled warmly at her as she made for the office door.  Cora was about to follow her out, but he caught her hand tugging to make her wait.  He waited until the bell on the door dinged to pull her closer still.
      “I will have Marcus in this office the entire day,”  he said quietly, each word firm with his resolve.  
      She swallowed hard.  “You think whoever Renee was talking to is still in town?”
      He nodded.  “In all likelihood, this little interaction was watched.  The best thing that we can do is pretend that it was nothing.  We’ll plant the word that the two ran off to elope.  End of story.”
      He stepped closer to her, his fingers folding within her own as he brushed his lips against her cheek.  “Stay behind that register.  Let Mrs. Anthony do all the floor work.  Do you understand?  I’ll get Renee and George out of here and then get to Josh.”
      She nodded as she breathed in some of his strength.  He smiled before he kissed her at the hairline.  Cora watched as he left as if nothing had just transpired.  She went back to the register with an explanation that Renee decided to begin her life with George right away.  Mrs. Anthony looked at her with a dour flick of her eyebrow.  Cora shrugged and remarked that they would begin looking to hire a new shop clerk in the coming days.
      Cora was busy with customers as Marcus walked through the front door.  He nodded to her as he walked towards the office.  She ignored Mrs. Anthony’s suspicious glance in her direction as the man disappeared into the private space of the Kiszka/Wagner’s business.  The hard man’s steady presence offered a ghostly support to last through the day in a web of safety that she clung to.  At the noon hour, she realized that Henry was speaking to a man across the street, their faces taut with awareness.  Jacob was placing a perimeter around her, protecting her, watching over her.  The rest of the day held a tension that was just beyond the glass of the shop windows.  
      Mrs. Anthony was brisk as she was gathering her things to leave the shop when Jacob and Joshua finally appeared.  
     “Oh, Mrs. Anthony,”  Joshua remarked with a wave of his hand.  “I’ll be looking for a new shop clerk starting tomorrow.  If you know of anyone…”
     Jacob stopped before her, his fingers looping around her own.  For the first time that day, she felt like her lungs finally took in a full breath.  She could hear Marcus talking but her whole focus was before her.  Her Jacob.  The warmth of his body leached into her as he wrapped around her with words of comfort.  The pending day was beginning to weigh heavily, made all the more so with Renee’s admission.  She breathed in his scent as her eyes rolled closed.
      “I have you, Finch,”  he whispered.  “I got Renee and George on their way to Toronto.  She’ll be safe.  He has family there to start fresh.”
      “She didn’t mean to betray.”  The words were so fragile they were falling apart against her tongue.
      Jacob looked down at her.  The corner of his mouth stretched a fraction as he traced the line of her bottom lip.  “We know.  It’s on us that we didn’t think that they would be so bold.  I won’t make that mistake again.”
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Whew.  Three more chapters and an epilogue to go.  I do hope you are enjoying this fast ride.
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khaleesiofalicante · 11 months
also rwrb au snippy please pleaseplease please pleaseeeee
It's Diwali dani please
It's not available in my region yet 😭 (but yall know I'm gonna watch it every day once it's out there hehe)
A snippy from one of their many late-night phone conversations...
“You’re in the tabloids again.”
“When am I not?” Max scoffs, pouring milk into his cereal, like a normal person. 
His phone pings and Max checks his messages to find a link from David. He reads the headline and scoffs louder this time. 
MAX LIGHTWOOD-BANE SHOCKER: America's First Son Goes Daddylicious!  – Who's the Mystery Mom?
“I see one of these at least once a month,” Max informs as he pours honey into his cereal. 
“You’ve been busy, I see,” David hums from the other end. 
“Jealous I’m getting more action than you?” Max asks with a grin. 
He can literally feel David’s eye-rolling all the way across the Pacific Ocean. “Your parents don’t mind?”
“I don’t think so,” Max shrugs as he gets settled on the couch and turns down the volume of the TV. “My dad probably has a big meeting coming up. The press is just trying to stir drama so they can distract people from real issues. You know, sometimes the White House releases our own rumours when we need to distract people. Last term when everyone was criticizing my dad's decision about the whole North Korea thing, the White House released a rumour that I'm joining the army.”
“Does it bother you?” David asks him. “That both sides are using you like that?”
“No,” Max replies after giving it some thought. No one’s ever asked him that before. “If it’s not me, then it’s Rafael. I’d rather it be me.”
David is quiet for a moment. 
Max clears his throat. “If it wasn’t clear, I like the attention.”
“Yes, that has been abundantly clear,” David chuckles. “Still, news like this can’t be good for your anxiety.”
Right. Max forgot he kind of blabbered about that to the other man. He really needs to stop bearing out his soul in the middle of the night. Practice some goddamn self-control! 
Thankfully, David signed the NDA. So, it’s not like he’s gonna tell anyone else about it. 
“My anxiety is fine,” Max reassures, more confidently than he’d like. "Shit like this doesn't faze me at all."
“So, you’re not worried that you’ve gotten some pool girl pregnant?” David asks curiously.
“I can’t get anyone pregnant, actually,” Max says before he can help himself. So much for self-control. “It’s, uh, it’s a medical thing.”
David is quiet again. 
Max checks the phone to see if the call is still connected. 
He wonders if David’s confused or if he’s just looking for the right response. It’s usually the second thing with David. He’s always so careful with his words. Maybe Max should get some lessons from him. 
“I’m sorry to hear that, Max,” David says gently and eventually.
“Meh, my babies were gonna be too hot to handle anyway,” Max says with a mouthful of cereal so his voice doesn’t sound weird and wobbly. “How about you, your majesty? Everything working alright down there?”
David coughs at that. “Yes. It’s all fine.”
“I bet it is,” Max snickers. “You probably have a dozen fucking doctors hovering over your junk to make sure all the family jewels are intact.”
“You vocabulary, as always, is a wonder to behold.”
“Am I wrong though?”
“Not exactly,” David replies after a moment. “Producing an heir is part of the job description after all.”
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