#at least theres snow outside
owlchen · 5 months
I hate german trains.
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sanchoyoscribbles · 5 months
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one of the color illustrations from Mahou Rainbow! I’ll be releasing the color pages from it over the next few months but the lineart/coloring pages will remain zine exclusives. It’s a magical girl zine and coloring book!
If you’d like to grab a copy and color this page yourself, you can see the links here, it’s still only $5 for the full zine. The theme for this page was ‘seasons’! I've always liked the idea of a magical girl who changes costumes to match the weather/seasons, and this isn't my first time drawing the concept, but I really tried to embody the seasons with these! ✨
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the-kipsabian · 7 months
i do not recall the last time we had this much snow in november and tbh its kinda freaking me out
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opens-up-4-nobody · 11 months
#it's so weird trying to describe yourself when u really aren't something u used to be#like until i was probably 21 or so id say i was shy. very very shy. but now im like was that even true? was i ever shy bc im not now#maybe i was just quiet and anxious. maybe thats just what being shy is. but im still both of those things but im not shy#im sorta like a hermit. i dont really go around ppl if i can avoid it but i dont hate being around ppl. its just that im less anxious when#im alone. but if u put me around ppl i like to talk to them so im not shy. ill say whatever. i dont really give a fuck#but if u throw me in a group i go back to being a non entity. i guess thats just being an introvert with an asocial streak#thats a thing i noticed while i was at the grad weekend i attended in march. the group would gather and do things while i kinda just#wandered away from them to poke at trees and sit in the snow. i dunno i just feel better away from ppl. my brain gets a lot louder if ive#been too social. which is a shame bc its interesting to watch ppl and understand how thry work#my friend came over to day goodbye before i leave next week. which was nice. i wish we would have hung out more in person but so it goes#and i think in my head im a lot more contained thst i actually am. like if u set me a task that becomes my focus but im also sorta all over#the place. partly bc i think my brain works on like a lag. and also my mood is a little elevated rn so im sorta like *jazz hands* and#talking too fast and too much and oversharing. yesterday i was instrucing an undergrad and felt so bad bc my brain was all over the place.#could not b made linear. im tired now tho bc theres nothing more draining than being emotionally honest and talking for like 2hrs. woof. it#so hot. like fucking so hot bc the monsoons have started and humidity is up so my swamp cooler is fucked and its gotta b at least 80 degree#inside my apartment. holy christ. and the temp has been over 100 degrees for like at least 2 weeks. its so hot its kinda alarming. and im#glad my friend was also freaked out by how hot its been bc oh god its hot. and i cant focus. ive done fuck all today. but i did get rid of#couch which is so so so great. ugh. someone make the sun stop making it so hot#unrelated#its been over 100 degrees outside for like 2 weeks. not on my apartment#and when i say i wish i spent more time with my friend irl. i mean it in a distant sort of way. like thats how im supposed to feel. like i#dont kno if thats actually what i feel or i kno im supposed to b social but idk if i actually mean it
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thelooniemoonie · 3 months
incredibly homophobic for my university to host pride week on the week i have midterms and conferences
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my extremely disorganized welcome home theory!!!
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this may sound crazy but please hear me out
there are three main points to this, all of which ill elaborate on under the cut!
one of the companies, either marlo or playfellow workshop, clearly tried to make a lot of changes to the show. this includes heavy merchandising, forcing julie/frank to be read as a couple, and cutting eddie from the show.
i think that once a character no longer appears on the air, they are forced into a sort of subliminal bond with their own home, isolating them and making them essentially unable to leave. we see this with eddie's situation.
if all of this is true, i may have a very good idea for the direction in which the story of welcome home will lead.
quick disclaimer beforehand : obviously, our knowledge on this is constantly growing and expanding! this is not my "entire opinion" on the story nor do i think this is the cold hard truth. these are simply my ideas!
in general, i think the idea of the offness coming from anything internal of the show , like the characters or home, is a far stretch .. more likely, it's coming from the people making the show itself.
my theory is that either playfellow workshop or marlo was taking control of the show , probably towards the end of its run, and making massive changes in the interest of maximizing profit. first of all the commercials clips feel off in and of themselves to me, because we can see that they literally partnered with anything in order to sell it. this is most clearly Weird in the sleeping pills wally clip, but also all over - of course this could just be that it was a popular show and wanted to make bank, but personally i think it was one of the companies pushing for more brand deals and more merchandise and more money.
this, of course, leads directly into the eddie/frank situation. as many different people have stated, this was the 1970s, and if there was any ability in the show for them to be read as a couple this could get a ton of backlash. i'm willing to bet that the company tried first of all to push julie/frank to be more easily read as a couple, then later deciding on either diminishing eddie's role a TON or deleting him completely.
and like, think about it. unfortunately, most of the characters don't really harbor any huge friendship towards him, at least not in the clips we've seen. while having positive relations with poppy, julie, frank and wally, he doesn't have as much as an outright "gimmick" or thing to sell as the others.
julie's excitable, sally's theatrical, frank's stubborn, howdy's charismatic, barnaby's funny, poppy's sweet, wally's reserved but polite, and eddie. "talks a lot". if you're an executive and you're going to cut one character from a show, especially in the interest of Not looking like theres Anything gay in your show, which would you choose?
NOW for the second part:
my believe about home, and furthermore all the homes in the series - but more directly Home - is that i think they act as sort of devices that the company can use to manipulate the characters. my theory about the eddie situation in the recent update is that it takes place in the midst of when the company was attempting to cut him from the show.
and when we see eddie in the midst of his breakdown, he's VERY tied to the post office (his home basically). he's isolated and literally states at a point during it that he assumes everyone's outside and playing in the snow, but never makes any attempt to go out and check - as if it doesn't even cross his mind. he expresses some kind of paranoid need to stay at the post office and not leave, even for a moment, which he also talks about in the videos.
when he finally DOES leave for the party, (which, btw, he only does because sally literally grabbed him and brought him there) , he starts seeing all the awful shit he sees (as we know) . INCLUDING HOME. and towards the end of it, all he says to frank is that he wants to go [ to his ] home.
what does all this mean??? im so glad u asked. basically i think that creators' actions upon the show affect the world of welcome home in subliminal ways that the characters aren't directly aware of happening (until, of course, they are.) in this case, if a character is cut from the show or their screen time is limited, they experience being subliminally forced to stay in their own home. if they try to leave, they start witnessing visceral, terrifying things that they can't explain, persuading them to return back home. back where it's "safe".
wally's home in particular, i think, enforces this the most. home is sentient so the company can probably carry out their desires more directly with him than any of the other houses (which are just structures, pretty much). i DON'T think home harbors any ill will themselves, but moreso is just carrying out what "needs to be done."
more evidence for this:
this theory is also entwined with how wally interacts with us, the people on the site, because he mentions in places like the guestbook, etc that he hasn't seen other members of the neighborhood in so long. but that doesn't mean they're not there.
so if a singular being cut from the show means that they are forced to stay in their own home and not go outside, then the show being taken off the air would, in theory, mean that everyone would be forced to stay in their own homes. for decades. wally reaching out to us could very likely be a cry for help and/or last try after years of isolation. (it would also explain why he's so much more off putting/tired/different than his in-show appearances.)
one last thing!!!! i think if that's what's going, on it could explain this sentence from the summary, unchanged since the beginning. i've never really understood this line or what it could mean, but -
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this is a HUGE far cry. but i think it's possible that, if i'm right, at some point down the line the characters (still in the neighborhood) will actually try to leave their homes, or they have already, which would cause the "distortion/nightmarish memory". i mean we definitely could describe eddie's hallucination(?) as that so .
yeah i hope you enjoyed 20 minutes of me rambling ... please ask questions if some (or all) of this didn't make sense cuz im not rly sure if this is coherent lol. this also isnt all the thoughts i have about this theory but this post is too long as is lol. thanks so much for reading this far if you have!!!
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
hi!! could you do a tangerine fic where you have known each other a long time and you are working together on a mission and you bicker and fight the whole time and then when you get back to the hotel or house you’re laying next to him in bed (one bed ofc ofc) and you end up cuddling :) maybe it’s a regular unspoken thing when you’re on missions together, maybe not! i’ll let you decide :))
I love this request thank you!!
Is this a thing friends do?
No warnings, very fluffy 🙈
This is before the bullet train
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You and the twins usually got partnered together, you guys fit perfectly. And you would admit, you had feelings for Tangerine. But you didn’t tell him, because you were scared he wouldn’t feel the same.
“Look, all I’m saying is that you don’t have to be an asshole about everything.” You shrugged your shoulder, as Tangerine rolled his eyes.
“Thank you! Someone had to say it.”
“Whatever. I just wanna leave this damn place.” Tangerine sighed, looking for a hotel.
“Well, we’re just gonna have to suck it up for one more night and we’re out of here. Everyone says that New York is fun, but all I’m seeing is rats and homeless people.” You stated, as you looked at your phone for directions to the hotel.
“What hotel did they give us this time?”
“They didn’t give us any. Budget cuts. But there’s one hotel we could stay at, I’ll pay, but it’s just Some small shitty one, all the others are taken up. Some convention opens tomorrow so everyone’s there.”
“Great. Just what I needed after a long hard week of work.” Tangerine groaned.
“Oh shut up. It’s only for one night, we’ll live.” Lemon said.
You snickered as you finally made it to the hotel. It was small, but it would work.
“Hello. May I h….” The older man started, but stopped as he saw the three bloodied and bruised individuals with snow on their heads.
“We need a room. Any room with at least two bedrooms is fine.” You stated quickly.
“Right.. Uh sorry, but we only have some one bedrooms. The convention is really popular.”
“Well, I suppose it’s fine… we don’t have anywhere else.”
“It’s fine with me.”
“Fine by me. I just wanna sleep.” Tangerine yawned.
“Here.” You said, sliding your card to the man, he still was confused but he didn’t wanna say anything. He opened a drawer and handed them a key.
“Thanks… you’re room 102. Anything else?” He asked nervously.
“Nope, that’s it. Thank you.” You said, as you all left.
“What the fuck was wrong with that guy?” Tangerine scoffed.
“What do you mean? I’d be scared if I randomly saw three people in suits walked in with blood and bruises and dragged in a bunch of snow.”
“I don’t like the way he was looking at you.” Tangerine narrowed his eyes.
“Im sensing a lovers quarrel.” Lemon sung, and laughing when tangerine hit him in the arm.
“Please, he looked like he was gonna shit his pants.” You said, unlocking and opening the door.
“Wow. You were not kidding when you said small.” Lemon snorted.
“Theres only one couch, and only one bed. Well what the fuck do we do now?!” You sighed.
“Well, the lady can take the bed, and I will sleep on the couch. I don’t know what tangerine wants to do.”
“Well, how big is the bed?” He asked. You felt excited at the idea of sharing a bed with him.
You went in the room to check. It was a queen.
“It’s a queen. So.. I mean I could share- if- if that’s fine with you.”
“Yeah, sure, I just wanna go to bed already.”
“Well, Goodnight guys. And if I hear any banging and I mean any-“
“Lemon!” You both groaned.
“Sorry.” He said and jumped onto the couch.
You and tangerine made your way to the room. It was awkward but you guys were friends, you’ve known each other since you were kids, so it shouldn’t be too awkward… right?
You got under the covers, and so did tangerine. You both just stared up at the ceiling. It was freezing, and it was snowing outside too.
“I’m freezing my bollocks off.”
You laughed quietly. It was uncomfortable to sleep in your work clothes, and the snow on your heads and clothes. had melted so it was just water now.
“I can’t go to sleep.” You muttered, turning to look at him.
“Me neither.”
You guys sat in silence for a little before making a decision to be brave.
“I have an idea.”
“Hm?” He looked at you again.
You moved closer to him, he looked confused but he wasn’t going to complain.
You looked at him.
“Is this.. okay?” You asked quietly.
He stared at you and blinked. ‘Fuck it.’ He thought, and went in to kiss you. You were shocked, but you kissed back. It was passionate and loving.
Your lips disconnected after a little bit, and you smiled.
“It’s more than okay.” He said, as he put and arm over you.
You wouldn’t be upset if this happened all the time, you thought.
“Hey, T?”
“For what?”
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correctproseka · 9 months
Toyafuyu and their parallels:
I did say I wanted to make this post. And Toya and Mafuyu have similar issues at home with a similar way to deal with them, so let's start.
Problems at home:
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Both of them have similar problems at home, mainly with their parents.
While we dont actually know what toyamom and mafudad are doing, for barely being even mentioned, Mafumom and Toyadad are extremely similar on their behavior towards their kids.
- Toya's dad wants Toya to practice and practice piano, making him practice the entire day, even as a child, with the consequences of that, Toya didn't have hobbies, barely had any friends before (besides the Tenmas) and barely even knew what he liked.
- Mafuyu's mom wants Mafuyu to study and study the whole day, trying to make her quit archery and music so she can focus on her studies. As a consequence of that, Mafuyu didn't have any hobbies, no real friends outside if niigo and doesn't know what she likes.
Toya's dad wants Toya to be a classical musician, Mafuyu's mom wants Mafuyu to be a doctor. Both of them push their children in places they don't want to go in and have said they dont.
Both of them already had their confrontation, as of jp right now, both of their parents still disagree with what they're doing, but the difference in the acting because of it comes later.
Their mental health:
Because of their parents being both suffocating, they have similar issues.
Toya's only real friends were the Tenmas, and that was because his dad knew them, possibly he knows other people from his dad, but only the Tenmas actually became friends with him.
Mafuyu didn't have any real friends before niigo.
That made one of their differences, also will explain later.
None of them had any hobbies before music.. you could possibly count Archery as a hobby point for Mafuyu, but at least at the start she didn't feel much about it and it was probably just a small escape, a tiny start of a rebellion.
They both felt stuck, but they describe it in different ways.
Toya felt stuck inside a bird cage, forced to sing like birds.
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In which he finally managed to open.
Mafuyu felt like a Marionette, making what her mom/the person in the strings asks
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One that she also managed to escape
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Both of them only managed to escape with the help of music and real friends (vbs and niigo).
Main differences
On how they're treated by the parents theres only a few.
Toya was able to rebel earlier, by influence of Tsukasa, not only that but he has more.. freedom to rebel than Mafuyu ever had.
Mafuyu's first rebelling influences were niigo, mainly Ena and Mizuki on this part, and even then she barely could do it without her mom taking away everything she had.
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The differences in how they're treated on here may be because of the rest of the family.
Toya is the youngest of 3 songs, both of the older ones are already at classical music, so his dad can afford to have one Black Sheep, his legacy is already being fulfilled, so even if he disagrees with the style, he doesn't need to outright stop it.
Mafuyu is an only child, there's no one else to follow mafumom's dreams and expectations but her, this puts her under a tighter leash than Toya has.
And without friends, she couldn't do that first step out of that house.
Their real family
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The people who help them be themselves, who let them have a break from their house, their real family and home
Mafuena and Akitoya bonus:
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Imagine an akitoya image here i already did 10 images
Nothing much, just both like how lively the shinonomes are with each other, because of how cold their house are.
There is a reason both Toya and Mafuyu are associated with snow.
Bonus 2: event
Imagine an event with them, they start talking about their family to each other and bonding with similar rules and expectations, maybe Mafuyu also meets Ken as an image of a better dad. Maybe someone else is with them, someone with good parents stopping and going: that is not normal.
Just so they can grow a little bit together, find reliance on each other from their issues.
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terribletoad · 7 months
Within Reach and Far Beyond
In another world you are an elven princess, sent off to take part in your arranged marriage, traveling the country side with Konig as your knight in shining armor. As you come closer to your destination you realize that you are not ready for your adventure with the giant beside you to end.
No real warnings yet unless theres something I should add.
Hope y’all like it! I’ll get part two done when I can!
In the far East, past the plentiful farmland outside the Capitol, beyond the lush, rolling hillside that grows into treacherous, snow capped mountain peaks; even further, deep in the valley that dips below and bleeds into a vast wetland, lies a growing city belonging to the elves. While the elven people closer to the Capitol would still disparagingly call it a settlement, it had seen a handful of human generations pass and become long forgotten to the elves who rooted themselves there.
Nearly centered within the city walls, behind a barrier of its own, was the estate in which you lived. The stark white home stood out, surrounded by a large, perfectly manicured courtyard, of which its perimeter you had nearly never been allowed to cross. Certainly never alone. You were very rarely alone anymore, now that you were old enough to cause trouble. These days you were often doted upon to the point of annoyance to keep you compliant, and compliant you stayed.
Mostly, it didn't cross your mind that you were truly imprisoned here. Not until you were under your covers at night, mind racing from one thing to another as you tried to allow sleep to take you. Every so often a memory from several years ago comes creeping into your mind, causing your heart to race. A memory of you, walking along the stone wall that was at least a foot taller than you, broken every few feet or so by a small aperture that allowed you just enough room to reach an arm through.
As you made your way to the back of the estate, exploring in the orchard full of fruit bearing trees that blocked you from view of your home, you saw it. A tree. Toppled over from the storm that had occurred only a few days before; it had knocked out a section of the wall and gone unnoticed. You glanced around wildly, to see if anyone was watching you, before taking timid steps toward the newly opened portal. Beyond the wall that held you captive was a cobblestone street where common elves were passing each other with polite greetings. Purchasing goods, rushing to their next destination, completely unaware of the girl watching them on the other side of the wall.
You take another step forward, close enough now that you could just climb through and be free. For a moment you wonder how long it would take for the guards to realize you were missing, how much of a head start you would have.
Your fantasy was cut short swiftly. A knight patrolling the grounds shouted your name followed by a demand to step back, walk away from the wall, and continue on with your stroll. He followed it with no threat but you knew the rules and for this you would be brought before your father, made to explain yourself and accept a punishment for your transgressions that you have now long forgotten.
Now, that hole had been repaired and you never had another chance that came so close. As you come of age, the alluring pull of freedom has long become a fleeting memory. Until the news came. Gossip that you had been made privy to, coming second hand from your handmaiden, giddy with misplaced excitement.
Your father had accepted a dowry for your hand in marriage.
It took three days before your father finally called for you to stand before him while he sat on his throne. The room was void of others besides a couple maids bumbling around, finding things needing to be dusted and shined. Hoping to catch a bit more of the news, no doubt. You waited patiently, listening as he read aloud the letter sent to him by your suitor, the man who reigns over the Capitol, your fathers eyes meeting yours every so often, watching as you barely uphold your facade of normality. Three days of bottled up resentment and anger bubbling inside you, while you tried to conceal your rage.
It’s silent between the two of you for a moment before your father speaks up again.
“This is a considerable offer for your hand,” He states simply, knowing it’s not your choice to make. “Considerable,” He mumbles to himself again. He glances back down to the letter in his hands, eyes flickering over the page, before rolling it back up and tucking it beside his thigh. His eyes settle on you for a moment. Then, just as you're about to protest, he looks past you, furrowing his brow.
“Ah, Ser Konig. You’re late,” Your father says simply, standing to greet him. You feel a scowl form on your face, just a flash before you correct yourself, staying ever pleasant.
Konig, you thought to yourself, disgusted. You were not particularly fond of Konig, and you could never understand why your father held him in such high regard, going so far as to give him command over his own battalion of elven soldiers.
His clothing was often dirty and unkempt, and he belched without restraint in your presence. His lingering, lecherous gaze, often taking an extra moment when passing by your breast, averting his eyes quickly when he notices you looking in his direction, displeased. You feel he is too opinionated, poking his nose where it doesn’t belong. Too human. You couldn't fathom how he had found a place here. The human realm was separated from yours by a vast and treacherous sea, and outsiders were seldom welcomed here. Elves are above the turmoil and barbarism that man brings and from inside the walls of your home. You believed this to be true.
You plaster a pleasant smile on your face, turning to the ogre of a man behind you, raising your head to meet the piercing eyes, exaggerated by the darkness of the hood that covers his face, and already locked with yours. His gaze rests heavy upon you.
“My Lady,” He greets you, dipping his head in a halfhearted bow. He looks to your father without another word.
While anyone else would have faced punishment for giving you both such a lackluster greeting your father doesn’t seem to notice, instead grabbing for the rolled up letter he had tucked at his side, handing it to Konig to speak to him as though you had already departed. Invisible to the men beside you.
“You will leave in two days. The two of you will set out on horseback, scant, after our festivities. I wish not to draw attention to her. My caravan will leave four days after you and my daughter,” Your father procures a map from beside the throne, unrolling it and handing it to Konig, “You’ll travel to the capitol, stopping here,” The map rustles under the tapping of the kings’ finger, “Where we will meet and she will continue her journey with the caravan, under our protection.”
“Festivities?” You interrupted after some thought, looking to your father.
“In celebration of your coming marriage, and to wish you well for your going away,” He replied curtly, quickly returning his focus in favor of the imposing figure who stood beside you. You knew this was the final word he will hear from you on this issue.
Leaving in just two days… You think to yourself. How long has he had this proposal and not told me? He’s already planned the banquet… You ponder for a moment, if the common people outside of the estate learned of your own marriage before you, and perhaps that is how the news came to your handmaiden. You feel your anger bubbling, nearly uncontrollable and you waste no time beelining past the men, out of the throne room and toward your chambers.
Konig turns his head watching you longingly as you leave, the look going unnoticed by you and your father.
During the night, long after the sun had set, Konig was patrolling the perimeter of the estate. He heard you first, sniffling. Crying. On a stone bench in the orchard with your head in your hands. He is unsure what to say and watches you from afar for a moment before moving closer.
“Princess…” His accented voice cuts into the silence as he rests a large gloved hand lightly on your shoulder.
You jump at the sudden company, flinch away at his touch. Konig does not let it deter him and moves to sit beside you on the stone bench. For as large as he was, he had barely made a noise before he was within range to touch you, giving you no time to gather yourself. After wiping your tears away and straightening up, you allow that familiar stoic look to wash over your face.
“Ser Konig,” You say finally, greeting him. Your voice is soft and polite. If he hadn’t heard you crying, had made himself known sooner, he is sure he wouldn’t have been any the wiser that you were upset.
“I am…” he trails off for a moment too long, unsure of what to say. He can see you out of the corner of his eye, head turned toward him now. “I am sorry to see you go,” He mumbles quietly.
He turns to meet yours. His blue eyes stare intensely into yours, lit by the moonlight, exaggerated by the darkness of his hood. Hard to read, but you felt like prey under the scrutiny of his gaze. Your eyes widen, and you can feel your heart racing as you snap your head forward, choosing instead to look out toward the orchard, where the fireflies dance and blink playfully in the shrubbery. Just beyond, somewhere in the darkness, was the stone wall that had kept you trapped here for so long, but felt like solace now.
Konig does not often sit like this, unmoving and in silence, with no drink in his hand. Certainly not with a woman. Even before he had come deep into elven country, he did not make a habit of finding human women who wanted to share his comfort, only their bed. The princess, he thinks, is worthy of an exception. He is still for as long as he can manage, watching the fireflies perform, before speaking again.
“The path we’re taking, it will be a long one,” He says, as though he’s talking to himself, “If something happens to you, I’m told I’ll lose my head,” He shifts beside you, uncomfortable. He takes up much of the bench and you’re stiff, leaning away, not allowing your arm to touch his, “He’s never made that threat before, your father. He allows many of my transgressions to go unnoticed, but he would kill for you.”
“You know nothing,” You bark at Konig and the heat of shame bites at your face, knowing better than to lose your temper, “He cares for what he will gain by marrying me off. Considerable, if you haven't heard,” You speak with a sour tone.
Abruptly, you stand and turn to face Konig, he wastes no time taking you in, and you watch as his eyes crawl over the silhouette of your skirts, over your hips and to your waist, narrowed by your corset; jumping quickly, to meet your tired, tear filled eyes. He is nearly eye to eye with you, his sitting height almost matching the full height of your smaller form.
“Like my mother, and her mother before her, I will be used for sons. I am nothing but a vessel in which to provide a worthy king,” You pause for a moment, “I wonder if all women must live this life, or if my fortune is also my curse.”
Konig’s gaze is fire upon you. It burns you as he watches every microexpression of fear and anger pass your face as you speak and he takes a moment before deciding what to say next, before he is truthful to you.
“It seems all women live in the same prison, häschen,” He doesnt let the comment rest for long before he speaks again, “Now, allow me walk you to your room? It is quite late.”
The truth breaks you, but you keep it bottled up, complacent as always; keeping your face emotionless as you turn and walk away from Konig. You make no complaints as you hear him stand. It would be fruitless anyway, in only a few strides he has caught up to you.
Konig is silent behind you, deep in thought, as he realized that he had climbed these old stone steps toward your room more times than he could count in the handful of years since he had been here. Just a small fraction of the times you had. It should feel familiar, but now it seemed so foreign to him. They would be the same old stone steps without you walking up them, and the door that you used to sleep behind would remain the same door, but without you here, it would no longer be the same home to him that he had known.
You allow him to follow you to your room and offer you a wish for good sleep as you shut your door in his face without another word.
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
I'm just imagining Wukong being extremely excited and jumping into snowdrifts and stuff while the Pilgrims watch on in amusement until one of them, probably Ao Lie, remembers that Wukong is a tropical monkey and suddenly its a mad dash form all the Pilgrims to try the catch the hyper monkey and force him to bundle up the way soemone would do a toddler because they don't want him catching a cold or something. Little do they know macaques and macaque-like demons are very adaptable to cold climates. On a side not I wouldn't count the mountain either since, at least in LMK, Wukong is portrayed as being inside the mountain and therefore not key experiencing the outside elements
Referencing Wukong's first snow.
Wild irl macaque do love playing in snow! Its why theres an entire species named for it.
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Wukong's jumping into the snow like a cat or fox, and the rest of the Pilgrims are just watching on with amusement.
Zhu Bajie hates the cold (man's tiddies are out 24), but quickly gets drawn into a snowball fight when the monkey throws on straight at his snout.
Tripitaka canonically is very homesick at this point, so a rogue snowball thrown by either Zhu Bajie or Wukong (they pointed at one another) helps snap him out of his funk. He def has vibes of someone unexpectedly deadly in a snowball fight.
Sha Wujing is inside bundled next to a fire. Fish dont like it too cold or they go hibernate. He sleepy.
Ao Lie's better at the cold than most dragons cus the Western Clan are closer to snowy mountains. He's wrapped up like a buritto, and suddenly realises that Wukong (like his more tropical cousins) is at serious risk of hypothermia/frostbite. Wukong finds himself drapped in like five different scarfs, with an absolute puzzled look on his face. Otherwise, Ao Lie and Wukong are running to the tops of hills and sleding down using the dragon-horse's saddle as a board.
Wukong loves himself a winter wonderland :3
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wooahaes · 1 year
the look of being in love
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pairing: non-idol!husband!joshua x gn!reader
prompt: holiday cards
word count: ~0.5k
warnings: sexual implications between a married couple lol. reader is fuckin COLD bc its cold outside.
daisy’s notes: ok but theres a lot of cute holiday cards w like. penguins n bears n stuff and those r like... so cute.
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As much as you loved the love of your life, you were starting to hate his choice of photo location.
Joshua had been the one to suggest pictures of yourselves on your holiday cards this year, and you suspected it was his way of subtly showing off how comfortable your married life was.Not that you were complaining too much about it: you liked getting the chance to show off your dashing husband every now and then. You’d assumed something warm and cozy by a fireplace, not... standing outside in snow while one of his friends (Mingyu--who, to be fair, did photography as a side-gig) tried to direct the two of you while his assistants (aka the friends who volunteered to help, partially for a portion that sweet, sweet doctor-money paycheck that Joshua was writing despite Mingyu’s insistence that he didn’t need it) were keeping things set up. The two of you were in matching outfits, the bright red scarves around your necks chosen because they’d pop well in the picture...
And you, despite not having any actual ideas until the day-of, were freezing your ass off. That was why you stayed snuggled close to Joshua, who kept his arms wrapped around you. He was fully aware that you were cold, at least, even if he kept his mouth shut while Mingyu talked to his friends.
“Just be patient,” he mumbled against the side of your face, “and I’ll make it up to you tonight. Sound good?”
You pouted a little, just to hear him chuckle before you let go of the sour expression. “I just want these to be good,” you said, turning around to face Joshua. You trusted Mingyu and the process, as much as you hated the cold. You wrapped your arms around his neck. “We’re paying to be able to show off how in love we are.”
Another airy chuckle, followed by a quick peck against your lips “We’ll pick somewhere warmer next year,” he said. “And take them earlier.”
Both sounded like heaven. “So... About making it up to me tonight--”
Joshua smiled. “You’ll just have to wait and see,” his hands fell to rest at your hips, “but I promise you’ll like it since that thing got delivered the other day--”
“Hold that pose!”
Despite the urge to look up, you settled for gazing lovingly into Joshua’s eyes. The two of you could pick that conversation up later. For now, you were just hoping that this was the shot Mingyu’d been hoping to get.
(And when he showed it to you, raw and unedited, you saw his vision. The two of you so clearly in love and in one anothers embrace... the cold was worth it in the end for both the picture and the way Joshua would spoil you that night.)
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taglist: @twancingyunhao​ @wonuziex​ @synthetickitsune​
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
zenyatta brainrot is real... can you do a fic with zenyatta/male reader where zenyatta finds out reader likes them because he can see 'heat signatures' if that makes sense? like, everytime reader blushes or gets flustered etc etc he can tell
Heat Signatures
Wahoo!! I can't do a proper fic since, admittedly, I'm not at all confident in terms of writing actual stories + I'm on mobile
But! To compensate I'll be doing more detailed headcannons and scenarios than what I usually do!! I know it's not what you asked for but I'd rather give you something I can be confident in than something that's totally dog water <\3
Quick warning for a very brief and implied suggestive theme; its not the main focus but I'd rather there still be a warning even if it's only a single vague sentence
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It never really crossed your mind that Zenyatta had some form of telling temperatures outside of visual indicators..
I.E. You knew that he knew that "if theres snow it's cold" and other things... you didn't ever think of the possibility that he can pin point the exact temperature of any given thing, *by segments*
So anytime you caught him staring back at you, you'd brush it off as him processing something or getting lost in thought.
Unbeknownst to you; no matter how hard you tried to cover you reddened face and ears he'd still see the shift in temperature even before the color visibly changed.
And Zenyatta wasn't fully oblivious to this... given the fact he's interacted with dozens of people, and really works to understand, he's seen what a crush looks like in several different forms
So regardless of if you're a shy admirer or an aggressive giver of service, he knows
And he returns the affections
The only reason he hasn't yet acted yet isn't because he likes seeing you suffer like this, but rather he is waiting for the right moment to spill everything
He doesn't want there to be an audience, as he doesn't want you to feel pressured to answer in a certain way
A part of him wanted to confirm he was the target of your feelings; he didn't want to risk embarrassment for you if he ended up being wrong
And also... when he confided in Genji, the cyborg provided some tips and above all else; a pick up line of sorts
That's right we're going there
So when the time finally came, and it was just the two of you and his suspicions confirmed; he used the line
Poor guy, he didn't think of the double meaning as he said it; "if you're overheating, I could help cool you off," he said so casually after picking up the temperature in your face rising... but he didn't expect to see it spring up in..
Immediately tries to rectify it by putting his cold hands to your face; which.. were quickly warmed due to your flushed skin
So much for cooling off
Thankfully, it serves as a cute inside joke between the two of you that you can both laugh at later on down the line; now as a couple
You still curse his sensors to this day; you were so close to plotting the perfect confession! ..ah well, at least it all worked out
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the-kipsabian · 2 months
well today sucks :)
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aubreysheadspace · 1 year
Hi again!! Tysm for doing my last request, it was so good as usual!! I hope you dont mind me asking another one but, it was snowing today!! So could i request a sunny x reader like, warming up after being out in the cold w the others ? Like drinking hot chocolate and cuddling by a fire or something yk. Thank you sm !! Make sure to take breaks too btw, and have a great day <3 !!
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SUNNY probably has a naturally cold body, perfect for the hot weather in summer, but worse for the cold weather in winter. that doesn’t stop him from going outside to play in the snow with you and his friends!
he likes the snow, he’s not sure why, but something about it makes him feel.. comfortable. he guesses he just finds comfort in it because of how pretty it is.
SUNNY wouldn’t participate in snowball fights, or at least until you throw a snowball at him. he’d immediately fight back and then a snowball fight happens.. to which he loses in.
he likes to build snowmen, though! he remembers that he, BASIL and MARI made a snowman together and wants to do it with you this year!
he lets you do all the decorating and even naming the snowman, and he loves how it turns out. he knows he’ll remember this memory for as long as he lives and will definitely cherish the snowman.
after playing in the snow for who knows how long, you both decided it was time to go inside and warm up. SUNNY practically liked everything about snow, from the games to even warming up inside after playing in it.
he’s not one for romance, but knows that couples usually warm up each other together… so it’s okay if you both warm up together, right?
making hot chocolate is easy, so SUNNY would make it without an issue. he hands over yours as you both sit in front of the fireplace together with all of his friends watching the fire.. be fire.
he loves the warmth actually, something about being in cold to now being in warmth makes it comforting to him, he isn’t sure why. he does enjoy this special moment with you, even if his friends are also there.
he wouldn’t suggest anything like warming each others hands or cuddling because it either hasn’t crosses his mind yet, or he’s just shy. you would have to suggest the idea instead of make the first move.
after hours of playing outside in the cold yet beautiful snow, you and your boyfriend, along with his friends, have decided to go to his house to get warm. while it was the best time ever playing outside, your bodies couldn’t handle the cold temperature anymore.
now in SUNNY’s house, all of you were huddled in blankets and near the fireplace. you took a quick glance at the big family photo next to the fireplace, and gushed to yourself how cute SUNNY was as a baby. you didn’t notice that he was side eyeing you, feeling his ears go red.
everything felt perfect, the hot cocoa was just the right temperature for you as you took a sip. SUNNY followed right after by pure coincidence. without thinking, you rested his head on his shoulder and yawned, the exhaustion finally comes to you. you were very peacefully right now, cuddling against your boyfriend as the two of you stared at the fire.
although, you haven’t noticed the fact that SUNNY was currently panicking internally. his ears and cheeks were turning red without hesitation, and he wasn’t sure what to do in this situation. should he move? should he say anything? he wasn’t sure, so he stayed really still and stiff. slowly but surely, he’s getting more relaxed.
silently, he rests your head next to yours, officially cuddling against each other. without the two of you realizing it as well, you were warming each others hands. for SUNNY, it felt nice, it felt relaxing, it felt comforting, and it especially felt romantic. with a silent sigh, you heard him whisper, most likely to himself, in a hushed yet gentle voice,
"…this is… nice.. i want to stay like this forever with them.."
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skwistokgetalongshirt · 8 months
Kloktober Day 25
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Uhh hi! This is my first contribution to the fandom. I only got into mtl recently so I'm jumping in hoping to attempt to contribute to the tail end of kloktober
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Campfire or Left in the cold
Toki didn’t realize how cold it had gotten out here… his body was shivering, but his lips stayed locked with the bottle of vodka hoping to keep his insides warm. He had been drinking so much more than usual lately - he didn’t want to have time to think. When he was sober all these thoughts swirled around in his head and it became overwhelming to him. There were so many things he wanted to forget about - especially all this death that seemed to surround him lately. It wasn’t fair. He understood people had to die everyday, but why was it that people in his life were dying more and more often around him lately? Even when he knew his dad was sick it brought up complicated feelings. Sure, the guy beat him but that was still his father - half of the pair who brought him into this world. Even if his relationship with his parents had been strained he was glad to be born and to be able to be in the world’s greatest band - Dethklok. 
The vodka bottle was nearly empty but his lips remained on the bottle… He just wanted to feel something, anything else than the cold that was covering his body and the emptiness that was in his heart. 
“No…I needs more!” Toki whined now throwing the empty bottle out into the distance.
“Hey watchs it! You almost hitteds me!” A familiar voice called out.
Toki thought maybe he had been seeing things. He rubbed his eyes a bit. The figure before him still remained a bit blurry out in the snow but he began to focus and made out a tall, blond silhouette. 
“Skwisgaar?” Toki questioned - he wasn’t sure himself.
“Who else, ya dildos?” Skwisgaar sounded offended, but it was merely a way to try to cover up his concern.
“What ams you doing here, Skwisgaar? It’s cold out.” 
“Pfft. This is nothings. You though… You gotta get yourself back insides. You’ve had a lots of alcohols.” 
“No! Leaves me here. I don’t want to bring the moods down.” “Moods is alreadys down without yous there.” Skwisgaar reluctantly admitted. He was shivering a bit. 
Surprisingly he hadn’t been drinking much lately… Mostly because he wanted to make sure to take care of Toki. With the lack of alcohol in his system his body actually felt colder, especially since he had come outside in his tank top. 
“Yous shiverings.” Toki stumbled his way over to Skwisgaar nearly falling face first into the snow. He rested his hand on Skwisgaar’s shoulder. 
Toki’s hand was cold, but once he rested his hand on Skwisgaar’s skin he did begin to feel a bit warmer at least. Normally Skwisgaar would shake him off but he decided against it right now. It was too fucking cold. 
“No shits! I came out here to get yous… Can we go backs insides now?” Skwisgaar was practically pulling Toki by the arm now to try to get him to budge.
“…No. Just leave me heres. I just needs to be alone for awhiles…” Toki freed himself from Skwisgaar's attempt to pull him and turned his back to him.
“If you’re staying out heres, then I guess I gotta stays here with you but if I freeze to deaths it’s your fault.” 
“Go backs insides. I saids I wanted to be alone.”
"No... I'm stayings out heres if you won't go back inside."
“I tolds yous no.” Toki sounded serious about this - it was a rare tone to hear from him.
“Tokis…” Skwisgaar sighed. “You rans out of alcohols didn’t yous? Insides there’s more so…” it wasn’t the approach he wanted to take, but if it would at least get Toki back inside then it was worth a shot.
“This ams true…You’re right Skwisgaar! I’ll be theres in a little bits. I’ll catch ups.” Toki hoped this answer would suffice. He’d still prefer to be left alone for a little while longer. 
“Yeah, Okays. Just don’t stay outs for too longs…” Skwisgaar decided to head back inside. 
He did all he could do - or rather all he would allow himself to do. If stupid Toki wanted to stay out in the cold then he wasn’t going to force him back inside. Stupid Toki. Why should he allow himself to worry over someone who just wanted to take that path of self-destruction? He shouldn’t care. Toki was grown he could take care of himself. Still Skwisgaar found himself looking back once more at Toki who sat in the snow looking up at the sky. 
“Oh Tokis… What ams we goings to do with yous?” Skwisgaar shook his head. Although he was heading back inside, he still sat near a window where he could at least keep an eye on Toki. If he stayed out there for too much longer then he’d definitely ask Nathan to carry him back inside. 
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kylejsugarman · 4 months
16 and 21 for Baby, 6 for Demi, and I forget what their brother's name was i'msosorry but 4 for him!
thank u ro!!! 🥺 although 40 lashes for not remembering mason's name
16. What does your OC's childhood bedroom look like?
when baby is still living in the ayuluk house, she sleeps in the bedroom that was converted from a closet back when mason was born, which did its job but wasnt anything special. once jesse and demi decided to move in together, he got really excited by the prospect of turning the spare room into baby's new bedroom. he built her a trundle bed with drawers underneath to store her toys and books and a desk while demi painted the walls light blue. there's thick blue curtains over the window to keep out bright sunlight on snow light that have graphics of kelp and coral along the bottom half and fish to make it look like the ocean floor. one corner has all her doll stuff and is padded with a rug so she can comfortably play on her knees. it's a little eclectic and theres definitely a lot of blue, but baby LOVES it. her room is her favorite place in the world.
21. If your OC could speak to their childhood self, what would they say?
man. "we're kind of weird, but that's ok. we don't have to change that part or anything. but please don't think ur wrong or not supposed to be loved. ur going to be so happy. people will like u for real and u will like urself :)"
6. Did your OC have a teacher or a mentor growing up? What was your OC's relationship with them like?
demi definitely looked up to her mom and had a lot of love for her, but it was difficult to like. fully learn from and trust her because demi Was the lightning rod for sam henry's abuse and everyone Knew it, including her mom. she was really polite to adults, but didnt really trust most of them or expect them to understand her until her eighth grade science teacher. initially, her teacher was just impressed by demi's intellect and performance in the class, but she soon realized that demi was not being nurtured quite the way she deserved to be. this was a smart, sweet kid who didnt recognize those traits in herself. she gets to know demi and invites her to read or do homework in her classroom before and after school so demi doesnt have to wait outside. she's the one who encourages demi to start volunteering at the animal shelter once demi admits that she'd like to go into a caretaking profession and likes animals more than people. it wasn't anything like Monumental, but demi really needed this kind of encouragement and just attention from an adult and it set her on her career path. they're facebook friends and demi agonizes at least once a month over whether she should send a message to her to express her gratitude or if it would be Weird.
4. What was your OC's childhood dream? Is that still their dream? If it has changed, why did it change and what's their new dream?
mason was the kind of kid who wanted to do Only Cool Shit when he grew up. like he did Not want to be a doctor or a police officer, he wanted to be a BMX racer or helicopter pilot or just like. guy who drives monster trucks for a living. his dream was basically to live to the extreme and never, ever have a boring life. now as an adult, this isnt quite his dream anymore, but he still aspires to not live a boring life. working at the docks and manning industrial fishing boats injects some excitement into his life while also providing a pretty good wage for first his family, then himself. he and his buddies will do fun, risky shit—snowboarding, axe-throwing, jumping ice floes—just for the sake of having fun. mason has a little more self-awareness now and concern for his wellbeing since he had to take on a lot of responsibility before he was even an adult and currently wants to stay at least somewhat safe to be there for his sister and her family, but he's sticking to his dream of never letting tedium and fear win.
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