#audio worker
chiliger · 1 year
Happy Fox Day 10/10
Basic translation: “Fuck this job, I’m fucking fed up with this shit, go to hell, and shove it up your ass…. See you tomorrow.”
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meredoubt · 6 months
I just think the world would be better if there was more nurse/paramedic Milo content. Like can him taking volunteer courses be the next arc for him? He's very good at it, and tbh the shifter stuff really has taken a backseat
Also his mother would be vindicated, and Marie rules with an iron fist as far as I'm concerned.
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allgremlinart · 1 year
hm... made it to the episode where they rub talcum powder on their faces and harass an underpaid service worker (Looking For Kryptonite, 1945)
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thescentofrainonstone · 7 months
It's the voice. It's what He says YOU and only YOU directly into your ears.
Or "fanfics, audios and self esteem building"
Let me explain.
There's an addendum to be had on the matter of where we go for escapism, when it's stories or fanfics that then become books if that experience of disappointment in current life, frustration and longing is shared enough (like in the case of twilight and fifth shades).
I seem the only one vocally noticing when one writes a self insert is because of their need ultimately to feel special, chosen by the character for whatever reason is desirable to them (usually tall, dark, handsome, immortal or thereabout and wealthy but not ostentatiously because money exists as preventative from problems).
But what hit me recently, and admitedly late, relates to audio. And the baldur's gate 3 people who fell hook line and sinker for Astarion might probably back me up on this because from what I understand, as someone who hasn't played and doesn't even know the game but got still hit by the way the pale elf got into the zeitgeist (at least of nerdy people whl play d&d old fashionably around a table monthly) is that most of the heavy lifting and heart throbbing is due to the work of Astarion's voice actor Neil Newbon.
Now, audio is a peculiar thing, go check out GoneWildAudio on Reddit and see for yourself the quite literal mind🦆it can be to have someone, speaking in your ear, addressing YOU and then go convince your brain that is *not* an actual human referring, adoring, and talking to YOU.
First: audio recordings have been around a little over 150 years. So in a way you'd think we haven't evolved to understand the difference between a recording and someone there who really whispers in your own ear.
But then again, film shocked the first time they saw the locomotive but nowadays no one would dream what's in their TV is actually part of their surroundings. And to that I argue: audio has no frame. Nothing physically breaks the illusion like the screen and its separation from your actual surroundings.
Audio doesn't have that. Put on headphones, close your eyes and with a good quality equipment (or binaural) it's freaky what audio can give the impression to your brain that's going on.
Now personal vulnerability moment: years ago I went into a rabbit hole that led me to the work of a certain GWA Voice Artist. I was writing a paper and supposedly "researching and studying" like a good observer of the human condition when I suddenly found myself nothing short of addicted to sound in the form of their very unique specific voice. to the point I took it upon myself to try and understand what kind of ton of bricks hit a performer when they share something seemingly personal and vulnerable... Via audio. Which as said above, doesn't have a defined frame that separates it from how our brains differentiate everything else that affects any of our other senses in reality. Let's just say that I realised the experience of someone whose voice presented male is vastly different from someone like me whose voice was coded femme. And that's because cishet men don't know how to respectfully interact with the subject of their porn. At least that's what I saw in my brief but intense experience as a virtual sex worker, basically.
But beside the point: voice and sound create such a good illusion because of how many more human facets come through with timbre, every breath intake, every exhale, all those imperfection that communicate "human".
Now here's where it gets tricky: there is an agreement on the swoon-worthiness of words spoken to YOU about YOU in Your ear. How "unique, amazing, exceptional, beyond whatever he dared to imagine You are, how You affect his entire world and way to see at every human after you who doesn't hold a candle to your being". Which reflects in the popularity of audio and I suspect justifies the success of Astarion beyond the video game world like, to my knowledge, no character had breached before.
What struck me is one specific effect Audio has on people, and I mean beyond the physical effect of the rightfully horniness. I refer to:
Please consider this an invitation to confirm or deny, but after spending days, listening to a voice telling you how amazing, and special, and sexy you are, how crazy you drive him/her/them and how they only have eyes for you, don't you start to walk a little bit taller? Head a little bit higher? Hips a little bit swayer?
And this is to say: I don't think most people have the ability to do that for themselves, to write themselves into self inserts and yet being able to praise themselves like they clearly yearn to. And audio then becomes I guess like you're masturbating with someone else's hand voice?
Btw: again kudos to fanfic writers in the Astarion realm because at least they are a step ahead the last fandom I checked and if not praising their self insert enough (ever for me, but maybe I'm just a praise slut) they definitely spend more time in the pale elf's head than I ever witnessed in the last twenty or so years I've read (and occasionally written but I will forever deny under torture) Fanfiction
In this air, if you are looking to disconnect from reality with amazing heartfelt smut go check our @again-please and @fangswbenefits ❤️❤️❤️
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rjalker · 1 year
[ID: A video clip of Adam Conover speaking to his phone, walking down the sidewalk wearing a black shirt and holding a protest sign, saying:
"So this morning, the CEO of Disney went on TV and said that what writers and actors are asking for is not realistic because they just don't have enough money to pay us." The subtitles for this sentence are followed by an exaggerated sad emoji with large shining eyes.
At the top of the video are screenshots of an article reading: "Disney CEO Bib Iger Says Writers and Actors Are Not Being 'Realistic' With Strikes: 'It's Very Disturbing to Me'", with the article written by Ellise Shafer.
The next screenshot is from "Variety" and reads, "Iger said that while he respects the right of the unions to 'get as much as they possibly can in compensation for their people', they must 'be realistic about the buisness environment, and what this buisness can deliver'. Iger continued, 'It will have a very, very". The screenshot cuts off mid sentence.
Adam continues:
"But he said this at a billionaire retreat, where he was hanging out with Mark Zuckerberg and David Zaslav, that they all flew to on their private jets. And you know what? I don't think that's fucking realistic.
"Here's a dose of reality for you, Bob: Writers cannot afford to pay their mortgages. Actors are not able to make a living in Los Angeles anymore. That is reality to us, not flying around on private jets.
"And until you accept that reality, we are gonna be out here on the picket lines, withholding our labor, depriving you of your product, and you will not make another dollar off of us until you come back to the table and face reality and negotiate with us as you have refused to do. And until you do that, there will be no acting, and no writing."
The subtitles for "no acting" and "no writing" are in large red text for emphasis.
End ID.]
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shinyshade8026 · 3 months
*V and Asmi walking through the bunker when she's still a little kid*
Asmi: "They look so angry..."
Asmi: "Why does everyone always look at you that way?"
V: *Gives her a sad look before looking to the side.*
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benevolenterrancy · 1 year
Ianto in this? And maybe Tosh in a tux to play on Dinner and a Show?
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Would love to know what undercover mission requires this get-up and how Ianto drew the short straw
(Owen isn't pictured as he immediately laughed himself sick upon seeing Ianto and had to be sent for a lie down)
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So we all know Angel organised a group trip for the pack to see the Barbie movie right?
You know Angel was so hyped for this movie, they started to plan their outfit as soon as the trailer dropped.
And most of the pack was on board - Asher, Baabe, Milo, Sweetheart, and Sam were so excited. Tank was internally jumping up and down in excitement while keeping their stoic facade. They dressed up in pink like everyone else, but chucked a leather jacket on top so they were still cool.
But David? Absolutely did not want to go. Not in a bad way, just in a "this is a movie that I will not enjoy as I am not the target audience" kind of way. They were happy for Angel and gave his opinion on the several outfits Angel made to pick from.
However, one day at the den, he heard Christian (cause it's always Christian) go on a misogynist, alpha male, 'the barbie movie is what is wrong with society', Ben Shapiro-type rant about the movie. Talking about how offensive it is that Barbie was portrayed as the protaganist, when she is obviously the villian for opressing Ken's masculinity.
Next minute, David's dying his hair blonde, letting Angel paint his nails, buying pink jeans, and telling Christian he can either join the pack in going to the Barbie movie, or he can fuck all the way off outta Dahlia.
The rest of the pack is happy with this turn of events because, David with his natural hair - hot, David with blonde hair - panty-dropping, jaw dropping, eye bulging 'AOOOGA!' hot
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smolmight97 · 1 year
I recently ordered some stuff from fangamer and put in the things for the mailroom slot “can you draw Mettaton? He’s my favorite :>”
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I received this paper with my stuff lol
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birdo-is-here · 1 year
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That one audio from Severance but with the jashlings because i need to post more
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wontonnerd · 10 months
two best friend cops… who definitely haven’t had sex… and do NOT want to be probed by ‘aliens’…
Fyi i wasn’t joking… spoilers for bare man ass btw
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indiesellersguild · 1 year
An audio version of our blog post "Can we Build an Etsy Alternative Marketplace?" is now available! Listen on our website via the link below.
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bratty-telepath · 2 years
Out Another Night, Out On Another Road
Ok so I know we have like a whole thing where a good bit of us think Alexis and Darlin wouldn't like each other BUT, may I suggest that Darlin used to work for Alexis at one point before they met Sam? I think it could work. Just hear me out and see!
Forewarning! Darlin is named Darren Lancer and goes by he/they. This is also a fic that references the bite from Shattered Glass Makes a Good Weapon and runs from Alexis' perspective in the time that she knew Darren as her employee. Additionally, this fic does not aim to paint Alexis turning Sam as a good thing. In it, she admits she has hurt Sam and reminisces on the thought about why she really did it that night and how it connects to Darren.
To say Alexis Solaire and Darren Lancer are friends…is a stretch. They aren't. They've only worked together and under that pretense you've probably come to the understanding that they're not very sociable towards each other.
You're also wrong in that regard.
The first time Alexis met Darren was when she needed a job done. As hellion of the Solaire Clan, she had a reputation for being a defender where William was a leader and that meant being the one who took care of the dirty work that came with upholding a vampiric clan. Of course, she didn't like doing it all the time. There were some jobs that she could do but chose not to simply because she could be doing more important things and whether anyone believed it or not, even she didn't feel like starting or ending fights all the time.
Introducing Darren Lancer, the Shaw pack outlier whom she managed to find after getting into a fight at a club. The wolf with something to prove had anger management skills so poor that attempting to manage anything would likely end up with someone getting mauled. By all accounts, this was the perfect person to contract because she just had to point them at her problems and they'd go at it before solving it for her.
That's the agreement they came to initially anyways and it worked out well that way for a while. She gave them a time & place, they'd meet her in a designated spot where she gave them details and after the job was done, she'd pay Darren and he'd fuck off. It should've stayed that way…except it didn't.
It changed when Darren asked her how she was after briefing her on how the job went. The Solaire princess could've told him to mind his business but decided to lean into it, getting the shifter on more friendly terms meant she could rely on them more for future jobs and would also mean avoiding having to worry about sour work relations.
Interested, wanna see more? 💫Check here💫
Anyways, later–byeeeeee✌️
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girlwarlock · 2 years
feeling a lil hopeless re art being used w/o permission for ai training sets
one of the things that kind of makes me despair a bit [and i have to consciously push that feeling down] with regard to people scraping vast swaths of media to train machine learning algorithms to make digital art or to imitate voices or churn out trash-tier derivative fiction or whatever is like...
how do you stop it? strengthening IP law is the kneejerk response but any kind of ''IP owners can dictate what kind of transformative works can be based on their IP'' regulations will immediately be used by eg disney to banhammer fanart they don't like, and would be too expensive for the majority of individual artists to engage with if they wanted to use it.
you can try to exert pressure on consumer preference but a lot of the pressure driving development of ai art [and the theft of artists' works to fuel it] comes from businesses that don't want to pay already-underpaid artists in order to get their cover art or ad images or whatever--what the average person online wants matters less than what publishers and ad agencies and whatever want.
a universal basic income would allow artists to be creative full time even when large customers refuse to use them, but that would make rich people's money slightly sad, so it's forbidden under capitalism.
i just- what do you do?
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letmeliedown · 1 year
there are so many things i keep putting off for very real reasons that sound like complete bullshit if i say them in words
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By Ang R. Bennett
(Ang's Links)
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