#avatar distorted reality
roththeprimordial · 2 years
Avatar: Distorted Reality (Reunion) [Spoiler] (Fanart)
(WARNING! This is a spoiler for the fanfiction 'Avatar: Distorted Reality' by Baithin! If you don't want spoilers, I suggest you stop where you are and read the story before going any further. Thank you, here's the link to the story: Distorted Reality )
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(Chapter 61: The Red Lotus Blooms) The prison made no visual when it appeared back in the mortal world, becoming part of the landscape when it manifested under the earth and snow. Even here, in the South Pole, it would be their secret base. He ascended to the outside and like everyone else was eager to put their perilous journey into the Spirit World behind them. Aang climbed up the latter ahead of Toph and Nagi, opening the earthen lid that once concealed one of the entrances under the lake.
Sunlight flooded in. Wind brushed against the layer of powdery snow on top of the ice. He squinted against the light and the crisp air. Looking out over the vast expanse, the distant mountains, and the otter-penguins sliding across the ice. A rocky outcropping jutted from the ground not far from the Laogai prison, an igloo sheltering underneath it from the wind.
Figures emerged from the igloo, perhaps to investigate the disturbance of the prison appearing beneath the snow and Earth. Three people - first - two with weapons drawn - and his heart swelled when he recognized Sokka, Zuko, and Sangmu even from this distance. Aang jumped straight up and made his way towards them with a laugh and a dance in his footsteps.
A fourth figure emerged from the igloo, one that nearly made Aang stop in his tracks. It didn’t feel real to see her after so long, and he had seen her so briefly in Water Tribe clothes that he almost didn’t recognize her in them. But it was unmistakably Azula.
He didn’t even notice that he had started moving again. They met in the middle between the igloo and the prison. His hands found hers. He’d never known her to be so warm.
She spoke first. “Are… Are you real?”
“I think so,” he said, and then he couldn’t help but chuckle. He’d been about to ask her the same thing.
Azula looked down at their joined hands and he thought back to the night under the plum blossom tree when she had confessed everything to him. The pain that was in her eyes that night was written all over her face again. “Aang, I… I’m so sorry. For everything that’s happened, and…”
“That doesn't matter,” he said, catching her gaze again. Her words trailed off. “I’m waiting so long to tell you that I love you, too.”
Her mouth parted in surprise as Aang closed the little bit of distance between them by pressing his lips to hers. When her arms wrapped around his shoulders, Aang fell into the kiss and didn’t want to trade it for the world.
The awesome artpiece was created by Ctreuse109
Based on the story "Avatar: Distorted Reality" by Baithin
I tried to be as accurate as possible when making this commission. I know I miss some stuff here and there, but I still think it looks beyond spectacular. I am in love with this story, and I can't wait until it's finally completed. Thanks for the story, Baithin.
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geekinclara · 5 months
Hi, I've become consumed by a fic of ATLA. Distorted Reality, I'm currently reading chapter 15 and IT'S SO GOOD!!!!!
Anyway, new pfp from this video:
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Am I the only one who would love to see a what if- like animated series for ATLA? Like, what if something small was different and everything changed as a result? There’s so many AUs out there that I absolutely love, and they would be sick to watch in 40 minutes long episodes.
Here’s a list of all the AUs I’d love to see.
- what if Zuko was the prodigy, and Azula the banished princess?
- what if Iroh was the evil brother between him and Ozai?
- what if it was the Water Tribe who attacked, instead of the fire nation?
- what if Yue was the Avatar?
- what if Azula was the Avatar?
- what if the water benders were those exterminated by Sozin?
- what if the whole story was genderbent?
- what if Sokka was the last waterbender, and Katara was a nonbender?
- what if Roku killed Sozin?
- what if Toph wasn’t blind?
- what if Azula killed Ozai after he burned Zuko?
- what if Azula was a nonbender, and Mai and Ty Lee were benders?
- what if Zuko never joined the Avatar?
- what if Mai was killed at the boiling rock? And what if she and Ty Lee were rescued by Sokka and Zuko instead?
- what if Katara was the Avatar, but Aang was still the last living airbender?
- what if Aang was an adult when he met Katara and Sokka, but still needed to learn all bendings?
There’s so many what ifs I could keep listing, but these are by far the most intriguing for me.
Let me know if you have headcanons for any of these AUs!
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venleaf · 1 year
bestie i acidentally wrote an almost complete statement for my the magnus archive avatar sona (spiral go brrrr)
i have gone way to far with scheming now i lowkey wanna make it real but like as in animatic style but with different people also for the other voices (the archivist +.the statement giver)
it takes up already 3 pages of my sketchbook ..skskjsks and it is not finished yet lol
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one-of-many-mothmen · 4 months
Avatar headcanons bc they dont get enough love :
Jude LOVES jazz music and listened to blues a lot when Agnes died
Oliver is interested in symbolic meanings behind everything, after becoming an avatar he is mostly interested in the death symbols in different cultures
Micheal recalls "being" Micheal Shelley but the memories are entirely distorted, it cant trust if what it is remembering is something Real or a lie or something inbetween, it hates remembering Micheal Shelley
Mike Crew wears very dull clothes because he doesn't want to look anything like the Spiral
Agnes used to try to find different ways to read books without touching them because she adored stories where she could imagine herself as the characters but didnt want to be brought back to reality when the book burned in her hands
Micheal leaves people with imposter symdrome and identity issues alone because it can relate to not truly knowing who or what you are
Space avatars dont get mentioned very often in TMA bc they are all chilling in space and Eating from aliens who fear the Vast
Gerry hated books when he got older and only was interested in them when they were Lietners(and thought abt how that exactly how his mother acted)
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nights-legacy · 8 months
Gift from Eywa Pt. 1 - Neteyam
Main Masterlist ~ Avatar Masterlist
Spoilers, if you have not seen Avatar The Way Of Water!!!!
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1912 words
Part 2
Warnings: anxiety attack, mentions of Neteyam's Death.
+ Losing Neteyam was hard on everyone. Especially his family and soon to be mate, you. Near the anniversary of his death, you start to see things. Like hallucinations of Neteyam being there. You think you're going crazy but in reality, it is something very different.
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It had been about a year since the battle at Three Brothers Rock. Nearly a year since I lost Neteyam. It still hurts and I still cry every now and then but I've grown to accept his absence. I had followed him here when his family fled and I stayed even after his death. He was my mate to be and they were my family, I would never abandon them.
I rolled my eyes as Lo'ak tripped over the edge of the walkway, falling into the water. Tsireya and I kept walking, laughing as he sputtered in the water. I could hear Ao'nung teasing him before another splash turned our attention.
"How?" I asked Upon seeing both boys in the water with a net over their heads.
"Gotcha!" I jumped and saw Tuk jump out doing a happy dance. I laughed and looked at Tsireya.
"Your brother and future mate." I teased.
"Oh you!" She lightly hit my shoulder. She went to help the boys.
"I'd help but I really need to get these meals out to the fisherman out past the East shores. I'll see you later!" I called.
"Bye!" She waved. I nearly made it to the sand when Tuk came running up.
"Can I go with you?" She asked, holding her hands together with a pout.
"Oh, I guess. Here carry this one for me." I motioned to the small basket on top of the other one I was carrying.
"Yay!" She cheered before grabbing the basket. She skipped ahead while singing some tune. It was a bit of a walk to where the fishermen were at. 
We were just about there and Tuk ran ahead. I chuckled and called out for her to be careful. Movement in the corner of my eye pulled my attention. On a sandbar, just a little ways off shore was a Navi male. I shielded my eyes from the sun to get a closer look at who it could be. I stilled, not believing my eyes. If I didn't know any better, I would say it was for sure Neteyam.
"Nete..." I whispered. The Navi turned toward me as if he heard me. A heat wave distorted his appearance for a second and then my heart fluttered at the familiar sight.
"Hey, sweetheart!" I quickly looked to see Jake atop a sand dune with Tuk, waving me over. "Come on."
"Coming!" I called. I looked back to the sand bar and saw no one. I looked around confused. The water wasn't disturbed around the area and the sand itself was smooth as if no one had been standing there. I jogged over to Jake and he took the basket from me.
"You alright, sweetheart?" He set a hand on my shoulder, looking at me worried.
"Yes. Just a bit hot." I assured him.
"Okay. If you're sure?" He asked. I nodded. "Alright. Go sit in the shade before heading back, both of you. Cool off for a bit."
"Okay." I agreed. He kissed Tuk's head before walking off. I sent one last toward the sand bar before heading towards the shade.
The Sully's decided to have a family day and invited Tonowari and his family as well. We were all at a small private cove after a leisurely fly. My ikran was playing with the others and the ilus a little farther offshore. The adults were lounging in the shallow water while the rest of us were out in deeper water.
"Catch me if you can!" Lo'ak yelled before splashing us. He drove down and swam away. We chased after Him for a bit. I veered off after a little bit to venture through the reef. I giggled as I was visited and nuzzled by some small fish.
Ahead of me just a bit, a small school of fish were scared off by something. A hand reached out from behind some plants and pulled themselves forward slightly. Before me was Neteyam again. I was in disbelief as he cocked his head to the side and smiled at me.
Neteyam? I signed and he nodded. He waved me over before backing out of sight. I quickly swam forward and rounded the corner... there was nothing there. I swam around a bit and found no sign of him. A hand was placed on my shoulder and jumped back into the reef. I flinched as I was cut up a bit. I turned to see Kiri.
Are you okay? She signed. I looked around and nodded. She came over and inspected my shoulder and pointed toward the shore. I went reluctantly.
A feast was being held for the anniversary of the defeat of the Sky people and a memorial for the lost in the battle. I was sitting in a hammock off to the side and just watching the festivities. I was nibbling on a sweet treat that Tseriya insisted I have when Neytiri came over to pull me to dance.
"Neytiri!" I whined but followed nonetheless. After a long, tiring dance I retreated to the side again. 
It was late and I decided to turn in. After saying my goodbyes and goodnights I slipped away. I headed towards my marui but as I got there, there was someone standing in the entrance. I paused midstep, squinted at the figure.
"Who's there?" I called out and moved forward slowly. I thought about going back to get Jake or Lo'ak when the person responded back.
"Welcome home, Yawne." They said, The familiar voice struck a chord in my heart. Neteyam looked over his shoulder with a smirk before walking further in. I ran in after him only to find the space empty, There was a subtle trace of his scent in the air.
"No... why... I don't under..." I was so confused at what was happening. Why was I seeing Neteyam everywhere? So many emotions hit me all at once and a sob escaped my throat. Wails and sobs forced their way out as I cried and let out the frustration from all this.
I dropped to my knees as I cried. I doubled over on myself and wrapped my arms tightly around myself. I began to cry so hard that my breathing became irregular. I began to hyperventilate when I heard someone yelling behind me.
"Hey! Hey! Breath. What's wrong, sweetheart?" Jake appeared in my vision. He looked scared. I couldn't answer him as I began to choke. He helped me sit up. "Shit. Come on. I need you to breathe. Please!"
"Cc-can't." I was able to force out as the corners of my vision blurred. He said something else but it was muffled. Before anything else, I promptly passed out.
A cold sensation on my forehead woke me up from my dreamless slumber. I reached up and batted at the cold sensation.
"Yawne She's awake!" Someone called softly. I pried my eyes open and saw the ceiling of the tsahik's marui above me. I looked off to my left and saw Tonowari kneeling next to me. Ronal came in quickly and took his spot.
"How are you feeling?" She asks, brushing a hand over my head.
"Alright. A bit groggy but okay." I answered honestly. She nodded and began to check me over. Not long after, Jake & Kiri came running in.
"How are you feeling sweetheart?" Jake asked, kneeling on the other side of me. Kiri sat at my feet.
"Okay. What happened?"
"You passed out. Dad found you crying hysterically and you began to hyperventilate before passing out." She ran a comforting hand over my ankle.
"Sit up child." Ronal instructed. Jake helped me up and Ronal began to check my head. "Has anything strange happened recently?"
"Well actually..." I sighed.
"What is going on?" Kiri asked.
"Well, lately I've been having I don't know how to describe it... hallucinations maybe? Visions?"
"Of what?" Ronal set a hand on my shoulder. I didn't answer right away.
"Of Neteyam." I said softly. "It's like I'm seeing him everywhere. On the beach, on the reef, in my home... but everytime I see him he disappears just as quickly. It feels like he's actually there. I even could smell his scent this last time and and... I feel like I'm going crazy."
"No, child. There has to be an explanation. It could be due to the anniversary of his death and stress of the memory that comes with it. Grief has been known to play many tricks on the mind."
"I don't know..." I sniffled and leant into Kiri's side as she moved up next to me. She began to run her hands through my hair.
"We'll figure it out. Don't worry." Jake said. He squeezed my hand in comfort with a smile. I nodded my head and closed my eyes.
Later that day, I was walking down the beach with Ao'noug and Tsireya. I held my wrap around my shoulders as they argued about something. I hardly paid attention to them. I let the sea air calm me as I walked along wading in the shallow water.
"Shit..." I heard a voice speak faintly from somewhere followed by faint coughing. I looked back at the siblings to see if it was them or if they noticed but they were still arguing. I continued on until the sound of the cough happened again. I looked around and found nothing. Afraid someone may be hurt, I walked out of the water to look more. I paused when a figure entered my vision.
"Oh no. Not again." I saw Neteyam on his hands and knees across a bit of foliage on another piece of shore. I sighed, letting my shoulders fall. This was getting ridiculous.
"What is wrong? Do you see something?" Tsireya called out to me.
"No" I turned to look at her. "Nothing. I..." I turned back fully expecting the specter to be gone but he was still there, only trying to stand now. He coughed loudly.
"What was that? Was that someone coughing?" I looked at Ao'noug in disbelief. He had heard him. That must mean...
"Impossible." I turned back yet again to see him still there. "Neteyam... Neteyam!" I took off running for the boy. I ignored the calls from Tsireya and Ao'nong. He looked up when he heard me.
"Yawne..." He said before coughing again. He began to collapse just as I reached him. I caught him before he hit the ground, laying him in my lap.
"Nete... Oh my... you're here." Tears clouded my vision as I brushed my hand across his forehead. The two came running up but skidded to a halt when they saw Neteyam.
"Oh my Eywa. Neteyam?" Tsireya knelt next to us. Neteyam's eyes never left mine. I traced my fingers across his face, taking in the markings I missed so much and down to his chest to where the bullet wound should be but there was nothing.
"Go. Go get your father, mother, Jake, Neytiri. Someone! Quickly." They both took off and dove in the water towards the village.
"Yawne... I'm so tired. What happened? Where were you?" Neteyam asked.
"All in due time, love. For now, just rest. Yes?" I adjusted him to be leaning with his head against my shoulder. He reached up and held my bicep tightly.
"Yeah, yeah. Rest." He mumbled before closing his eyes. I refused to take my eyes off him even as everyone arrived, afraid he would disappear from me again.
Part 2
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endomentendo · 2 months
Which of the circus members have the assigned avatars in your the magnus circus au?
Caine: the spiral
Caine in the show is basically screaming the spiral to me. He’s hiding secrets, possibly lying most of the time, warps reality to his whim, and his tent reminds me of the distortions hallway.
Pomni: the hunt
She fell into this role because of her actions in the first episode. She’s actively hunting for a way out of the circus, and she keeps going and going when she went into the liminal office. Plus I felt giving her the job as hunter would move her into plots in meeting these other avatars that Caine hired her for.
Bubble: the stranger manifestation
I didn’t have much ideas besides being a minion under the thumb of Caine. But I hope to write more about them in future works.
Ragatha: the web
A quote from Annabel from the podcast as she was talking to Martin. Talking about how he would’ve been perfect for the web: “you always managed to get what you wanted through smiles and shrugs and stammerings that weren’t nearly as awkward as they seemed.” This quote is what gave me the idea that she would be perfect for the web in a storytelling sense.
Jax: the slaughter
Come on, you know why
Gangle: the lonely/ the stranger
Gangle as the lonely actually tackles a concept I wanna explore. After becoming a big star in the circus, she’s adored, but that’s all she’s given. No real connections or real friends to vent to. And her fans only like her as her role, only her mask. A real life struggle many idols and stars suffer through.
But she can also fit the role of the stranger. Someone who hides behind many identities that are given to her. Since, she literally has no face behind those masks.
Zooble: the flesh/ the lonely
I’m having trouble with this idea. A friend of mine recommended the flesh and made points how fitting it can be, think of it like a perfectionist. But I don’t know since it’s too similar to a character in the magnus archives: Gerard.
Initially she was assigned as the lonely due to her isolating herself most of the time in the show. I like to think she was a teen who felt so alone in their previous life. Still workshopping.
Kinger: the corruption
If it wasn’t for his insect obsession, he would’ve fallen into the spiral instead. But the corruption fits and I love the name: Lord of the Flies. And it also gives a romantic backstory with queenie and how his obsession in this rare species of insect he found, drove his marriage into a *corrupted* one.
Able: the eye
You’ll have to wait and see 👁️
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magpod-confessions · 4 months
(look at me go, not asking anonymously for once lol)
“the web is underrated” “the buried is underrated” “the dark is the most underrated” 
yes. you are right, i agree. but they are all underrated. none of the fears get the attention they deserve.
-the dark and the end are almost completely forgotten about due to their perceived simplicity.
-the buried, the flesh, the hunt, etc are so unexplored, no one bothers to look any deeper into them.
-the desolation is not just fire, but no one ever tries to represent it some other way.
-don’t get me started on the whole spiral-distortion thing (perhaps i will make this a future confession bc oh boy do i have a lot to say).
with all of them people seem to be scared of diverging from the explicit canon representations.
no one seems to care about the fears anymore. THE fears. you know, the one thing that makes tma so special? i’ve lost count of the number of times i’ve seen someone say “after listening to tma i can never look at things the same. i always categorise them by the entities”
that’s all they are treated as, categories. perhaps this is an odd way to describe horrific manifestations of our deepest fears, but i think they are beautiful concepts. i could spend hours thinking about each one and the ways they bleed into one another, i probably have. 
yeah, at this point smirke’s 14 are old news, but there are always new angles to explore. we saw that in season 5 of tma, and we are seeing it now in tmagp (though the fears are of course different). why did we stop talking about that? (i wasn’t actually on tumblr when tma was happening so idk. maybe no one ever cared) 
talk about the fears, put your ideas for unconventional statements or avatar or whatever out there, there’s an audience (me at least). say stuff about how different fears crossover, or some new aspect of one. “but surely people would have already said this at some point” respectfully, i don’t give a shit. if i come across mutliple posts analysing a similar aspect of the vast, i’m going to be fucking overjoyed. because much of the fears is up to intepretation, they have slightly different meanings to different people, so every single person’s interpretation adds value and adds something unique. i see a little of this, but not enough.
we should keep discussing the fears. i don’t know why we ever stopped.
(sorry this is so long and rambling, i hope you can see the points i’m trying to make.)
🗣️ i’d love to hear your thoughts on this
Literally this. Agree with all of it
Some things:
The Desolation can be natural disasters, including floods, storms and earthquakes. Water is just as destructive as fire
The Dark can be not knowing something. It overlaps with the eye yes, but it still counts
The Corruption is shown to be a response to loneliness, not the opposite of it. Its being so lonely you seek out community, no matter how dangerous it may be. Every single corruption statement has references to loneliness
The Spiral says its a liar, but its never done that, only changing your perception of reality to make what it says true. It is delusion not manipulation
The Slaughter is never portrayed outside of war, which is strange because sheer unhinged violence has so much variety
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punkpandapatrixk · 1 year
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☕️Soul Story with Your Divine Counterpart ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
A long, long, long time ago, in the harmonic realms of Pure Bliss, there was nothing but Dharma. Bored as whoa from a lack of strife, our Souls began to yearn for Drama. In the theatre of the Universe, Game Masters joined forces to create the most hyper-realistic Game of Polarity—of opposites and contrasts. We were told, we would understand Unity better if we could master Duality.
Divine Pairs were invited for the launch of the Game as the unbreakable bond between them was deemed the most powerful, enough to withstand the chaotic nature of Duality and Polarity. In time, we all jumped into the Game expecting all kinds of immersive experiences of playing knaves and heroes, destroyers and builders, enemies and lovers, et cetera, et cetera.
In the beginning, we played amongst many of our own Kind but eventually met those from other harmonics who had later been invited to the Game, too. In a world of illusions… we were dreaming all kinds of events and adventures with our cosmic avatars, and in time, all kinds of storylines intertwined to weave an even bigger cosmic narrative.
We all played for so long we were beginning to forget our true form. Many of us could no longer recognise each other’s Divine Counterparts. A multitude of shape-shifting had caused a distortion in reconnecting to our Original Memory. The game world had now become a second Reality.
🎧Alone Again, Wonderful World by Plastic Tree
🎧I Love You by Off Course
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 3]
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Pile 1 – Finally, Happily Ever After with You♥︎
MOVIE: Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
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your Home World – Page of Swords
I have a feeling your Home World (at least one of them that is significant in your current stage of soul evolution) was a relatively new world. You’ve come from a civilisation that prized intellectual pursuits more than anything. Your Kind loved to study; you enjoyed improving your environment and society. Researching plants—understanding them and making chemicals and potions with them—was a pastime of your people. You were working to understand your Planet.
Your Home World had many large, expansive libraries of all the things your people had come to learn. Many people loved to visit the library and read and just have fun studying. You were such big-brained folks. There was no school like we know on Earth. There were academies and laboratories for children to partake in research and new inventions. The weather on your Home World was always pleasantly sunny and you could see buildings that are similar to hot houses on Earth. There were gardens and open fields, of course. Vegs and herbs were your main interest and food was aplenty.
People had roles in society but nobody had any semblance of a concept of what we call ‘jobs’ on Earth. People didn’t work for money. People lived with the joy of knowing that they were alive and that the Planet had provided for them. Your people loved the Planet so much—you appreciated and cherished this new world you were beginning to understand. But… this also meant you didn’t have any concept of conflict, power struggle, and war… You didn’t have a military—never crossed your mind the necessity for such a thing.
And so, when warmongering space invaders attacked your Home World you couldn’t protect yourself.
a promise before birth – 4 of Swords Rx
From the moment the space invaders arrived, it was clear that there was no way your civilisation could stand a chance against the enemy’s warships. The imbalance of military power was too overbearing. You didn’t even have an army, not even a fighter. All you could do was try your best to evacuate your people and escape the Planet. Homes and gardens were destroyed and families were torn apart. Friends and lovers calling out names of lost loved ones. Sisters and mothers shielding children and escaping. Brothers and fathers staying behind to buy time.
This horror was etched in your Soul Memory for a long time. Your heartbreak became a default setting when you chose to be born on Earth. As if, you’d forgotten how it feels like to have peace. But you craved it from the deepest unseen well of your subconscious, and at one point in your soul evolution, you prayed to Infinite Intelligence. You prayed that you could be saved from the looping horror of being trapped in the same scenario of sorrows. You had come to resent the Game.
‘Please, salvage my heart from betrayals, isolation and loneliness.’ Infinite Intelligence heard your plea and whispered: ‘If you could remember your Divine Counterpart, they will remember you, too, and you will be calling out for one another. If you could remember your true form, you will remember what your Divine Counterpart feels (looks) like. And all will be fine in all of the worlds again when you meet.’ And you fell back into slumber to find yourself awake on Earth.
finding each other – 5 of Swords Rx
Earth is a world that is just as war-torn as your Home World, if not a lot worse out here. Being born into a world so reminiscent of all your traumas, navigating Life here has not been easy. As if Infinite Intelligence had played a cruel joke on you. But the truth is, Earth is the perfect place for you right now because by being here you resolve your traumas a lot faster than if you had been born somewhere comparatively better. You are in the midst of recovering from bad dreams of lives lost in wars.
Did it cross your mind that your Divine Counterpart has also been doing the same? You’re not alone. You’re working really hard to purify yourself from all of these bad dreams, bad memories, all so you wouldn’t mistakenly destroy each other when you meet. Infinite Intelligence had arranged for you to face your traumas head on so you wouldn’t have to show your ugly healing to each other. That scenario isn’t for you. Isn’t it so graceful?
Although it’s hard to face your challenges feeling like you’re all alone in the wild wide world, trust me, it’s better to have those quarrels and separations with people who mean little. I can hear a soft voice from the aether saying: ‘You’re… the only reason I’m still breathing… We will meet. When I’m good, I can make everything in your world good!’ So confident. So loving, indeed.
story behind your Union – Gold Physician (Hippocrates)
the rest of your days – Priestess of Ambition
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Pile 2 – True Calm That Comes Only After the Storms
MOVIE: Grave of the Fireflies & My Neighbor Totoro (both 1988)
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your Home World – 8 of Cups
Quite similar to Pile 1, you still carry deep sadness and heavy regrets in your heart that are, truthfully, only remnants of memories from your Home World. Your Home World was quite advanced technologically. Your civilisation depended on the Masculine energy—Yang energy. Societies were run on varying degrees of strictness but the modus operandi was clear: the masculine form and structural ways of running things were favoured.
Obviously, not everybody was happy about that though for a long time, peace was maintained. However, influences from visitors and ambassadors from other civilisations (by comparison they were freer; more fluid) eventually seeped into the consciousness of the main populace, and in time, underground rebellion groups were formed. These alliances were made amongst multiple races of beings that felt they weren’t accepted (or respected enough) by the main races.
Friction began to tear apart the establishment and government officials tried their utmost to crack down dissents. Many went to prison or got killed in the numerous conflicts that were becoming a plague in your Home World. In a last attempt to preserve the codes of freedom, many elders told their young warriors to flee and find refuge in other Worlds that were, hopefully, more balanced in their operation of Yin and Yang.
a promise before birth – 3 of Cups
You left your Home World carrying a promise to come back and make everything better after you’ve learnt enough about the ways of other Worlds. Tears were inevitable but the determination in your heart was solid. You were a new legion of Ambassadors from your own Home World. You didn’t really want to think of yourselves as refugees, after all, many of your Soul Family members were still living alright in your Home World though things were just… a little too unpleasantly unjust.
When you departed your Home World, you created a mirror image of yourself to accompany you across the Multiverse—a divinely ordained Counterpart. This was possible by the grace of the Infinite Intelligence, of course. In the beginning, you went to the same places and learnt similar things. Over time, your understanding of each other’s capabilities became clearer and, with confidence, you decided you would travel separately from now on.
You had this unbreakable bond and an immense capacity for telepathy, so you weren’t the slightest bit worried about losing contact with your Counterpart. You believed that it would be just as easy to call upon each other and reunite as you deemed fit. Alas, your travels brought you to Earth, finally, and things over here were just… slightly over-the-top chaotic for even you to handle. The level of evil on this new World was… NEXT LEVEL.
finding each other – 7 of Pentacles Rx
Crash landing on Earth! Coming here felt like a major accident. Your whole world upside down. The reason being something related to betrayal trauma. To find a World that’s even more polarised than your own; to see a World that operates on the highest level of toxic masculinity; to be in a World this corrupted by its own leaders; needless to say the whole being born thing was traumatising.
The shocks of being born on Earth made it difficult to reconnect with the essence of who you are on a Soul level. Thus you forgot how to contact your Divine Counterpart. You’ve felt like you have so little guidance living Life on Earth. But deep in your psyche, you’ve always known you’re here for something greater than the mundane. You know you don’t belong to this Earth. You’re here on a mission. You want to build something with someone… Someone dear, but you can’t remember.
Can you believe that you and your Divine Counterpart are meant to inspire the dissolution of anger? Yes, this World so deep in the clutches of aggression. You are special Souls who have been ordained to meet on Earth when the time is right to help inspire peace—after all, it is what you seek and Infinite Intelligence is arranging every couple’s rendezvous in the most magnificently mysterious ways. I think your finding each other is just gonna happen naturally by virtue of matching vibrations. So~ Keep focusing on your Life’s mission and just like that~ BOOM! There they are.
story behind your Union – Green Historian (Herodotus)
the rest of your days – Priestess of Inspiration
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Pile 3 – ‘Kiss You Better; I’m Your Only Other’
MOVIE: Princess Mononoke (1997)
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your Home World – 6 of Wands
The Home World that’s currently significant in your soul evolution was a world of glory and magnificence. Your Home World looked nothing like what we know of abundance and celebration on Earth; it was such a rich and happy World. It emanated so much pink, gold, blue, turquoise and soft violet. Back in your Home World, people didn’t even look… humanoid, per se. Your Home World was… fluid. It was a different type of consciousness. Life itself was fluid. Existence was simply flowing with the sweet symphony of the Cosmos.
Your Home World operated on the basis of Love. People were very kind and jolly most of the time. Your people didn’t really understand this whole concept of non-Love. Suffering and terror… what the heck are those? Manipulation and lies… for what? Taking advantage of someone else, murder and theft… but… why? All of those concepts were so foreign yet so fascinating to your people.
When you heard that Earth needed some high-vibe volunteers to ‘raise her vibrations’, actually, not that many people from your Home World were interested LMAO The risks of being separated and forgetting Love sounded not worth a good dime. Your World was so peaceful, loving and fulfilling. But the call from Earth felt a little too urgent! So… Some curious and courageous Souls finally decided to take a test drive. Just a preview. It couldn’t be that bad, you thought.
a promise before birth – King of Wands
With gleeful optimism, you promised people back Home that you would be back with grand stories! Off you and your Soul Mates went to a big academy (on another World) to study and prepare for a reincarnation on Earth. Yup, unlike the other Piles in which they couldn’t help but arrive on Earth, you chose to come here out of genuine curiosity. You were expecting dramatic fun!
You and your Divine Counterpart were giggling with anticipation as you prepared yourselves to dive into the Earth Matrix. You and your Divine Counterpart are powerful Souls; you were confident this Game would be between easy to medium difficulty, although you had been told Earth Game’s level of easy is the equivalent of extra hard anywhere else! Your optimism deafened you to that piece of information🤷🏻‍♀️
You kissed your Divine Counterpart and said, ‘I love you. Let’s find each other quickly in this Game. Let’s have fun and then go back to tell everyone what we’ve seen! It’ll be great!’ Your Divine Counterpart nodded in agreement and waved to all members of your Soul Family and they did the same. With great determination to serve your collective consciousness back Home, you dove into the illusions of Life on Earth🌎
finding each other – 5 of Pentacles
Arriving here, from the moment you were born as a child the world was already chaos. The reality of Earth was too shocking to bear alone. Who would’ve thought the density of Earth would cause you this much pain? Physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, everythingally. You thought, ‘Damn, my training at the academy told me nothing, NOTHING, of this!’ Literally you didn’t expect Earth’s negative polarisation would be THIS fucked up.
For you’ve come from a world of nothing but Love, Life on Earth was soul-shattering to say the least. Many moments you’ve thought it impossible to go back to the frequencies of Love and you became dejected as fuck. But you’ve only forgotten that YOU are Love. You carry the memories of all your collective consciousness that supports your coming here. As long as you tap into this Love deep within yourself, so shall you be reconnected to the essence of who you are on a profound Soul level. There, as well, you will feel the heartbeat of your Divine Counterpart.
For you’ve come from Love, it’s as if your Divine Counterpart had left a piece of their Heart in yours so you never feel alone. You are both a complete whole carrying a piece of each other’s essence everywhere you go—a perfect personification of the Yin-Yang symbolism. You are literally inseparable and have never truly been separated. A piece of your Heart in theirs is always reminding them of their ultimate goal in this incarnation: to find each other, weave stories together, and infuse a piece of yourselves into the collective conscious of Mankind as a token of gratitude—for all the experiences.
story behind your Union – Red Astronomer (Johannes Kepler)
the rest of your days – Priestess of Illumination
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roththeprimordial · 2 years
Distorted Reality: The Puppet Show
A/N: So, in case you don't know, this is a short fic based off of the fanfiction 'Distorted Reality' by Baithin/Orgo. This fic is an alternate take of Chapter 64: The Puppetmaster. Baithin/Orgo stated how he was thinking about making that chapter based on the Ember Island Players in the original ATLA show. But ultimately he wrote something different. This fic will have Hama put on a puppet show and portray Flanderized DR!Gaang with the characters reacting to it. Like the original Ember Island Players episode.
This should also go without saying, but if you haven't read Distorted Reality or at last up to Ch. 64 of the story, this will be confusing for you. So go read the original fic first. If you already read it, then enjoy.
Aang mirrored Sokka's movements. Even though Aang wasn't a master yet at waterbending, his muscle memory from his original world assisted him greatly in his attempts to relearn it. Sokka moved fluidly, much like the water he wielded. Both moved their arms, torso, and hips gently with a rhythm to them as the snow and water around them moved and danced all around their bodies, as if they were alive.
Aang thought back at the days before Sozin's comet when Zuko was training with Aang in a very similar fashion. He missed those days. The days where he was far more hopeful and naive. Where he actually had a world to fight for. But Aang has to remind himself that he is still fighting, he's still fighting for this world, for his friends, and for Azula... He also must remember that he will return home, to continue to fight no matter what.
As the two proceeded with their bending forms, their movements accelerated as they moved faster and faster, along with their very movements becoming more complicated within a matter of seconds. As they moved faster, they bent more ice and water. Morphing it in mid-air from water to ice, to rock-like ice objects to daggers and blades, and far mo more.
The two eventually ended their series of complex moves with the two performing a mid-air spin kick that morphed the water into daggers of ice. Sending them flying away several feet as each shard of ice imbedded itself into the ground.
The two teenagers soon stood straight, turned to each other, and bowed respectfully.
"How was that? Better?" Asked Aang as he rose his head up to meet Sokka's stoic one-eyed expression. Aang was surprised to see a small smirk crawl on the Water Prince's normally aggravated face.
"Yeah, much better. Your proceeding very well. I wouldn't exactly call you a MASTER yet, but still not bad." Said Sokka as he placed his hands on his hips.
Moments like this is what Aang cherished. Even though this wasn't HIS Sokka, he has come to view this distorted Sokka as an entirely different person. Still, a person who he very much considered a friend none the less.
"Do... Uhh, you think I'm ready for... Bloodbending yet?" Asked Aang. The very action of saying 'Bloodbending' made Aang feel sick to his stomach. It made him feel like something slimey crawl out of his mouth.
"Normally, I'd say no. But, with how fast your understanding the waterbending material and how we only have a few days left before the invasion where you'll face my father, I'd say your ready." Stated Sokka as Aang took a deep breath.
".. Okay, I'll do whatever it takes."
"No offense, Grandson. But I'd say he should learn from someone more experienced in the art of bloodbending." Aang and Sokka looked over to see Kanna hobble over towards them.
"Yeah, your right. My bloodbending isn't really the best. Gran is way more skilled in that department. But, I'll help out whenever I can." Said Sokka as he stepped aside and allowed his grandma to stand beside him.
"Okay... So let's get started." Aang stated with a grim expression.
"Very well... As you know, water is an element that can exist almost anywhere. The seas, lakes, rivers, streams, deep in the Earth, the air, and especially within all living things. Waterbenders have learned how to be as resourceful as possible when drawing water from different sources to fight. However, despite all living things being mostly made of water, the art... or should I say 'dark art' of bloodbending is fairly recent. Since water is seen as the source of all life, healers have learned how to use it to heal devastating wounds. After decades and centuries of practice and learning, Waterbenders have learned a great deal about the human body. But like all knowledge, it will eventually be weaponized. As you probably know at this point, Hama invented bloodbending. But originally, she didn't invent bloodbending as a way to fight, she invented it as a way to help others." With this statement, Aang's eyes widened in surprise.
"W-Wait, bloodbending was originally meant to HELP people?" Asked Aang. To Aang, he only saw the dark side of bloodbending. The taboo waterbending technique of reaching into another human's body and controlling them from the inside. However, now that Aang thought about it, it can be used to stop bleeding in someone who is severely injured and help people in several different ways.
"But, as you can probably guess, the invention of bloodbending didn't go as planned. Originally when my Gran and Hama were young, they were both healers. Helping injured soldiers in any way they could. Hama tried to assist a patient of hers that was already on death's door. Nothing she did helped, so... She became desperate and decided to bend the blood in his body. Suffice to say, it didn't help. The human body can be extremely fragile, especially from the inside. Hama used to much energy, she didn't bend the blood in the right way and sure enough... I guess you can use your imagination for what happened to the patient. Anyway, Hama saw a potential in this new form of bending. She taught it to others who used it. The art was soon past along to Gran-Gran, my dad, Katara, and me." Said Sokka with a serious look as he crossed his arms.
"Indeed. Bloodbending is a volatile art. Bloodbending is reaching into another living thing and controlling them from the inside out. As you probably already know, whenever the victim is being bloodbent they loose all control of their body. They experience severe pain and are under the complete control of their opponent. I used the term 'victim' and not 'enemy' because that is what they are. There is a darkness to bloodbending, to all who use it, there is a seductive quality to it. A dark quality that can transform a waterbender into something destructive and evil. When you learn this art, you must be vigilant and possess self-control, Young Avatar. Even you can fall down that dark hole if your not careful enough... I've seen it happen to many times to too many people..." Said Kanna as she and Sokka looked away with sour expressions of their own.
"I-I don't believe that... Don't get me wrong, I'm not really excited to learn something as dark and taboo as this. But I don't think learning something like this will instantly turn someone evil. You two know it, and both of you are helping me to train to face off against the Water Emperor." Aang stated with a slightly unsure expression.
"I'm guessing you were also referring to Katara too... Weren't you?" Asked Sokka as Aang solemnly nodded his head.
"Alright, enough dilly dallying... Let's get started..." However, as Kanna pulled moisture from the air and approached Aang, they were immediately stopped once one of Ozai's soldiers ran up to the trio. Huffing and puffing like he ran a marathon.
"What is it?" Asked Sokka and Kanna's attention was pulled away from Aang.
"*Pant!* *Pant!* It's... It's The Crab-Spider Clan. They're here and they want to speak with us." Said the soldier as Sokka's and Kanna's eyes widened in recognition. Leaving Aang to guess who this mysterious clan was.
"Crab-Spider Clan?" Asked Aang in confusion.
"Hama." Uttered Kanna in disgust.
"Please, there's no need for hostility... We have only arrived for peaceful intentions." Said Hama with a wrikly old smile.
"The day a clan like yours approaches us with 'peaceful intentions' is the day Hog-Monkey's fly!" Yelled General Zhu Zhang.
Everyone was huddled together in a large igloo with a hearth fire in the middle. Which Aang kept alive by dropping more wood into the fire and using his firebending.
"How did you even find us?" Asked Sokka with his arms crossed.
"This is Crab-Spider land, and this is Crab-Spider territory. We know EVERYTHING that's going on here. We know every rock, every stone, every frozen puddle, every stream, every tree, and especially any trespassers that camp on our land uninvited. Besides, if we really had hostile intentions, do you honestly think we wouldn't have a plan to ambush you and take you down while you were least expecting it? After all, this is OUR environment." Stated Hama with a slight cackle.
"Then how do we know your not allied with Water Emperor Hakoda? Maybe luring us into some kind of trap?" Asked Azula with her hands on her hips.
"The scouts that reported back to me stated they had no contact with Aniak'to. More then likely your not aligned with the Water Nation." Stated Wu as Hama nodded her head.
"That still isn't any kind of confirmation that your not here to attack us." Said Aang, after lightly blasting the hearth fire in the middle of the room with more fire.
"As I stated before, if we wanted to attack you, we would've already razed this entire camp to the ground. But, we are not here to fight. Instead, we are here to propose an alliance. Between the Crab-Spider Clan and you. All we want to do is assist you, nothing more, nothing less." Stated Hama with a slight bow of her head as Sokka, Aang, and Azula exchanged surprised and unsure expressions with one another. Out of everything they thought Hama would say, this was certainly the last.
But before anyone responded, the entrance to the igloo bustled with more activity. As everyone looked up, they saw two large burly men step in, they looked almost identical. And lastly, another figure entered the igloo. But unlike the two men, this figure was sitting down on what appeared to be a hybrid between a wheelchair and a sled. The individual's legs were wrapped up in animal skins as everyone's eyes widened in surprise at the new arrival.
"Katara?! You're alive?" Asked Sokka in shock as Katara turned her icy gaze towards him.
"Yes, brother. I am in fact, 'alive'... Despite what happened to me..." Katara turned her icy hateful gaze towards Azula who stared back at the Water Princess. The two stared at each other for what felt like hours. Azula attempted to hide her guilt ridden face and hide it with her usual smug poker face.
"Anyway, I consider myself more like the dead walking amongst the living rather then being 'okay'. The lightning your little friend shot at me paralyzed my legs. I can't move them any more, can't even feel them. And I'm in constant pain from what the Avatar's little girlfriend did to me. I don't know if I'll ever walk again... And it's all because of HER..." Hissed Katara with absolute venom in her tone.
Aang looked over to see Azula's usual poker face mask starting to slip away more and more, as it was replaced with a face of guilt instead. Aang expressed a sympathetic look of his own, before turning away and looking back at Katara.
"Katara... I'm happy to see that you're still alive. Have... Have you been getting healing sessions?" Asked Kanna as she tried to muster up the most sympathetic smile she could manage.
"Yes... However, all it's doing is numbing some of the constant pain I'm in. Thanks for your sympathy grandmother, however, it doesn't really mean as much when your on the same side as the psychotic firebender who crippled me in the first place." Growled Katara with just as much venom, as Kanna looked away in shame.
"Okay then... How do we know we can even trust you? For all we know, you could've sent a message to Hakoda before you came here." Said Aang with his arms crossed.
"Oh please, Avatar... I might be many things, but a straight up LIAR isn't one of them. Kanna can vouch for me in that aspect." Said Hama as he gestured her old wrikley hand towards Kanna.
"As much as I hate to admit it, she's right. Despite what she's done, I know here well. And she is telling the truth." Stated Kanna, nodding her head.
"But why come to us?" Asked Sokka.
"Lets be honest, the Empire is falling apart. There is too much distrust among the united chiefs, the forces of the Water Nation are too spread out. Not to mention, the constant attacks from the Wolverine-Skunk Clan on Aniak'to. The Empire will eventually fall, and they're at their weakest. So, we might as well join the winning side." Stated Hama as she held her arms out to emphasize her point.
Aang, Azula, Sokka, Kanna, Wu, General Zhu Zhang, and several other Invasion force soldiers in the room glanced at one another, unsure if they could really trust Hama.
"Alright then, so out of curiosity... What if we refuse?" Asked Azula.
"Than we'll have no choice but to turn around and join the other side. Tell Water Emperor Hakoda about your little Invasion plans and the location of your base." Stated Hama with brutal honesty.
"... Aang, what do you think?" Asked Sokka as Aang looked over the members of the Crab-Spider Clan once more. Seconds felt like hours as he attempted to go over the pros and cons in his head about allowing Hama, Katara, and the rest of the Crab-Spider Clan join them.
"... *Sigh*, Honestly, I don't think we have much of a choice." Stated Aang with an unsure tone as Hama smiled at the young man with her hands together.
"A wise decision, Avatar." Hama replied as Aang still shot her an untrusting glance.
"We're still going to keep our eyes on you, if there is any sign that you'll jeopardize the mission. We will deal with you accordingly." Aang stated in a firm tone.
"You have my word, Young Avatar." Said Hama as she bowed her head. Aang glanced at Katara, who continued to stare daggers at everyone. Especially Azula.
Aang shifted his gaze behind him to see his allies possessed the same uneasy expressions as he did.
"This won't end well..." Muttered Sokka under his voice.
The Invasion Force marched through the Howling Canyon. It lived up to it's name with the canyon itself being cold, dark, and the howling of wind sounding like the wailing of angry spirits and ghosts that continue to haunt the canyon. Haunting ice sculptures were carved from the icy walls of the canyon, mostly of human figures that either possessed blank stares or hateful glares that unnerved many of the soldiers.
After a while of marching, the party decided to rest on the path. The party set up tents for the night, several having the Fire Nation symbol on it, several having the Earth Kingdom symbol on it, some having the White Lotus Society symbol on them, and a very scant few having the Crab-Spider Clan symbol on them. It appeared like they were combining several of their smaller tents into one larger tent.
Aang, Azula, and Sokka walked through the snow and the chilling winter air in order to make it to Katara's tent.
As the three made it through the tent flaps, they saw Katara sitting down on her sled contraption as she still attempted to heal her legs with water. On the other side of the tent, Zuko was sitting down on a crate looking at the ground with a bored expression. As Zuko heard the trio come in, he glanced up with a smile on his face.
"So, I guess this means my shift for watching Katara is over?" Asked Zuko as Aang nodded.
"Yeah, it's Azula's turn." Said Aang, gesturing to Azula as Katara looked back at Aang with a fierce death glare of her own.
"Of course, leave the lightning-happy psychopath who crippled me in the first place to watch me. Smart, Avatar. Very smart..." Hissed Katara as Aang, Zuko, Sokka, and Azula all shared looks of guilt between one another. With Azula being the most guilt ridden.
"Look, Katara... I know your still mad about what happened, but that wasn't Azula who did it. Everyone here has been being tormented by spirits, and she's no different." Said Aang, trying to defend Azula as Katara glared at him.
"Of course, what was I thinking? I shouldn't blame Azula for crippling me, I should blame an invisible spirit for FORCING her to do it. I guess that makes everything alright now. Thank you, Avatar, for sharing from your well of infinate wisdom." Katara said sarcastically as she turned back to continue to heal her legs.
"Thanks for the help, Aang. But I don't need you to fight my battles for me." Said Azula as she placed a warm hand on Aang's shoulder as he nodded his head in understanding.
"Katara... What Aang says it true, I have been dealing with an... entity, that has been influencing my actions. I understand that's no excuse for what happened, but I just want to say that I'm sor-" Azula was cut off by Katara's yells of anger that instantly silenced the firebender.
"SHUT UP! THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME! Do you have any idea how humiliating it is to sit in this sled? To have nightmares and jolts of pain randomly appear out of nowhere!? Do you!?" Yelled Katara as Azula opened her mouth to reply, only to shut it again and look away with a shameful expression on her face.
"Hey, don't act like your a victim here, Katara! You tried to kill us more times then I could count!" Yelled Zuko in his attempt to defend his sister.
"So did Sokka... If that's the logic you have, then surely Azula should strike him with lightning too... Wouldn't that 'be fair', Sokka?" Asked Katara with a cruel smile as she turned over to look at Sokka who stared down at his sister with a stern expression.
"... I'm sorry this happened to you, Katara. Really, I am. But the entire world is in chaos. Both on the physical landscape, and in the mental one. One of Ozai's top men, Zhao, has been driven nearly completely insane by the entity tormenting him. Let's focus on taking down Dad and the Empire first, and then we'll deal with all of this." Said Sokka, trying to defuse the situation as best his ability will allow.
Katara shot all four members of the group an icy hateful glare, before pulling the water she was using to heal her legs away as she placed the animal furs back on her previously bare legs.
"Happy to see that my own flesh and blood tosses his own sister aside the moment it becomes convenient for him." Hissed Katara, as she used waterbending to manipulate the snow beneath his sled. Turning her around as she started to make her way out of the tent. But before she could get out, Zuko jumped in front of her sled to stop her.
"Woah, woah, woah, where do you think your going? Your not going anywhere without an escort!" Stated Zuko, as Katara rolled her eyes in annoyance as she flicked her wrist and manipulated the snow under Zuko's feet. Making him instantly slide to the side as she proceeded to leave the tent.
"I'm not going to be 'unsupervised' I'm going to Hama's puppet show... Something to distract me from the immense pain I'm going through..." Growled Katara as Aang, Azula, Zuko, and Sokka looked at her as she left with confused looks.
"Wait, a puppet show? What puppet show?" Asked Azula as all four figures left the tent and followed Katara through the camp of several tents.
"*Sigh* Seriously, don't you people ever stay in the loop of what's going on? Yes, Hama is putting up a puppet show. She's calling it 'The Boy in the Volcano'. She wanted to celebrate the Crab-Spider Clan being accepted into the Invasion Alliance. Even your Dai Li friend and the Earth Kingdom Mud-Slug heard of it. It's about your little adventures, since you returned to the world, Avatar." Stated Katara in a cold tone as Aang's eyes widened in realization... A show that was about the Avatar's journey's, that sounded very similar to the Avatar play by the Ember Island Players back in his world.
"What a shocker, the creepy old lady has a creepy hobby." Said Sokka sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.
"Puppetry isn't 'creepy', ever since she became my master, she has been entertaining me and everyone else aboard my ship when we were chasing the Avatar. They are quite entertaining." Stated Katara, with the end of her sentence being the only part of her statement that wasn't delivered with an ice-cold tone.
"That explains a lot..." Muttered Zuko under his breath.
"So... Wait, if this is going to be a play about our journey's, how did she get the info to properly represent it?" Asked Azula.
"Ugh... When we were chasing you down, Hama acquired bits of information from every town and area you visited. Including singing nomads, prisoners of war, pirates, merchants, and a very surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage. There, are you happy now?" Asked Katara with her usual amount of venom injected into her tone to express her annoyance and anger.
'Oh no... At the very least whatever Hama plans to do, it can't be any worse than portraying me as being a flying bald lady...' Thought Aang with an annoyed expression.
"I mean... At least it's something to do, right? We've been marching through snow for days and fighting for our lives non-stop... I kinda miss this kind of wacky time wasting none sense we used to indulge in. Like back in the Fire Nation." Said Zuko with a smile, making Azula and Aang smile in return. If only a bit.
"I have to agree with you, Zuzu, this could be fun. As long as that old hag doesn't depict me in a negative light or anything." Said Azula, as she flipped the Water Tribe braids her hair was in.
Aang quietly giggled to himself. Even though he learned his lesson that not everything from this world was exactly like his world back at home, he couldn't help but imagine an Azula puppet with extremely exaggerated personality traits like his friends had back in his world by the Ember Island Players.
"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to give it a try..." Admitted Sokka with a shrug of his shoulders. "But I just know that creepy old lady is going to depict me as an idiot or something."
Sokka rolled his one eye in annoyance as Katara turned back towards Sokka and replied.
"Oh don't worry... I don't think Hama could possibly portray you as being any more of a buffoon then you've already proven to be." Stated Katara with a hint of spite as Sokka developed an annoyed expression.
In the main Crab-Spider tent, Katara, Aang, Azula, Zuko, and Sokka made their way through the entrance, only to see to their surprise, besides Katara, that the tent was much bigger on the inside then it appeared on the outside. Seats were made out of ice that reached nearly ten rows. In the middle of the tent was a hearth fire with a small hole at the top of the tent to allow the excess heat to escape. Along with that, there were also several fire lamp posts that ran down the rows of seats on opposite sides of the tent. At the end of the tent was a large mobile puppet theater. It almost looked like the same kind of theater Aang saw many years back when him, Katara, and Sokka wore disguises and walked into a Fire Nation Carnival. Where he saw a puppet of Firelord Ozai that was entertaining children and breathed fire on an Earth Kingdom Soldier puppet.
However, the theater was blue and Water Tribe in theme rather then Fire Nation. The group of five looked around to see that almost the entire camp was there. Including Earth Kingdom Soldiers, Ozai's soldiers, Bumi, Wu, General Zhu Zhang, The Astronomist, Spriggy, Iroh, Kanna, Jeong Jeong, Pakku, and even Ozai were there. As the group of five continued to scan the crowd, their eyes stopped when they saw Nagi and Teo sitting in the front row. Nagi and Teo looked back and saw them as they both gestured for them to come sit next to them with several empty spots to their right.
"Hey guys, I'm guessing you guys finished up with setting up all the supplies, right?" Asked Zuko as he sat down next to her.
"Yup. We actually finished up around twenty minutes ago. We've already gone over the invasion plan so many times, that there's nothing else to do but just stand around and talk or train." Said Nagi was a gesture of her hand.
"Besides, might as well have one more night of fun before the big attack, right?" Asked Teo as he smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
"I'm surprise father is letting his soldiers actually take a break to watch a puppet show." Said Azula as she glanced back at Ozai who was sitting in the middle aisle before sitting down herself next to Aang who sat next to Zuko.
"I guess even father might need a break from time to time. That, or Uncle Iroh convinced him." Said Zuko with a smile as he imitated his uncle "'Ozai, even a great warrior like yourself must relax and have fun from time to time. That way, you may become whole and save yourself from your other self...'"
Nagi, Teo, Aang, Azula, Sokka, and even Katara who was sitting on the other end of the front row.
"Um... Hehe, I guess I'm not that good at impressions, aren't I?" Asked Zuko as he rubbed the back of his neck with a slightly embarrassed blush.
"Unfortunately brother, it isn't. Not to me at least. Maybe this will remind me a little bit of home, I was always a fan of the plays put on back in me and Zuzu's old village." Said Azula with a confident smirk.
"You mean the plays lead and produced by exclusively you?" Asked Zuko with a small smirk on his face.
"Obviously." Said Azula as she crossed her legs with a smirk.
Aang smiled at her, remembering how she told him that she always had a passion for the theatre and acting. He couldn't help but wonder another possible world where she made a successful career out of that passion and became a lead actress or a play director.
"I would've loved to see your plays, Azula..." Said Aang as Azula turned towards him and kissed him on the cheek.
"Thanks, Aang."
"Oh, please... I think I'm going to puke..." Groaned Katara with a roll of her eyes at the sight of affection.
"Shh! I think it's about to start!" Hushed Sokka as the fire on the light poles died down, with only the large hearth fire in front of the puppet theater illuminating the theater box.
The twin-doors to the side of the puppet show opened up to show what appeared to be a barren rocky landscape, a series of bare mountains, the oceanside, and a towering pair of twin volcanos. Zuko and Azula leaned forward to see each other as they shot each other smiles as Azula gestured her finger towards herself and Zuko before gesturing it towards the theatre. Signaling that this was their home island and their first appearance.
A pair of puppets on strings make their way into the center of the theatre before stopping. The pair of puppets look almost exactly like Zuko and Azula while they were still living in their little village.
"Zuko, my brother, you foolish FOOL! You let the Rabbit-Fowl get away again! Are you THAT PATHETIC!?" Hissed Hama's voice that was doing an impressive impression of Azula.
"I know... I'm pathetic... Why can't I do anything right?" The puppet Zuko fell on his knees and held his head down in shame. Hama managed to pull of an equally impressive Zuko impression as the crowd chuckled. All except Zuko and Azula who's smile's faded away as they glanced back at each other with confused looks.
"Is crying all your good for, brother? Grow some backbone already!" Ordered the Azula puppet.
"Oh gee... I guess I'll try to stand up for myself." However, the Zuko puppet immediately fell back down. "No, I guess I can't... Why me?"
"Are you kidding me!? I'm not like that!" Whispered Zuko in anger as he looked back at Aang and Azula.
"I am sick and tired of living in this tiny village! I will become the greatest firebender in the world and DOMINATE ALL WHO STAND AGAINST ME! I WILL BECOME THE GREATEST WARRIOR WHO EVER LIVED AND BECOME KNOWN AS SUPREME OVERLORD AZULA!" Exclaimed the puppet of Azula as the real Azula gave a disgruntled look as her friends started to slightly chuckle to themselves.
"Well, that's just ridiculous. I'm not like that!" Whispered Azula in an annoyed tone.
"I don't know... That is pretty in character for you, Azula." Whispered Sokka as Azula shot him an annoyed glare.
However, that's when suddenly the scene background changed to a rocky cliff where a large transparent lava-stone orb was stuck on the side of the mountain. It glowed with a red hue as Aang leaned in with a cautious expression with a bit of hope. Will Hama dipict him as being overly joyful and cheery as Aang was depicted last time? Or will he be depicted as something else entirely?
"What is that? It looks like someone stuck in a block of volcanic rock. Perhaps for a hundred years..." Said the Azula puppet in astonishment.
"Goodness gracious, Azula... What if he's dangerous? I'm so scared!" Mumbled puppet Zuko in a cowardly voice.
"Enough of your prattling, brother! Perhaps I can free this stranger from his lava crystal prison! And then DEFEAT him in an Agni Kai to prove my supremacy!" Proclaimed Puppet Azula.
"Fingers crossed..." Mumbled Aang under his voice as the puppet Azula threw her arms forward.
"FIREBENDING ATTACK!" A small puff of flame appeared from a mechanical device out of sight as a figure ripped through the flimsy paper lava-rock effect. Followed by a bit of mist.
Aang got a good look at his puppet, it definitely wasn't feminine like he was dreading. But it definitely looked much different from what he was hoping. The puppet looked like him with his regular Air Nomad attire, but the facial expression on the puppet was angry, dour, and a little bit stoic as well. Aang developed a confused look as he saw the puppet show proceed.
"Who might you be, stranger?" Asked Puppet Azula as the puppet turned to her.
Only for Puppet Aang to unleash a gust of wind that nearly blasted the Puppet Azula off the mountain.
"You're annoying, back off..." Hissed Puppet Aang as Real Aang continued to look on with a confused look on his face.
"I am the Avatar, and I'm here to defeat the Water Emperor and save the world. I guess..." Uttered Puppet Aang with a roll of his eyes.
Puppet Azula crawled back up the side of the mountain and joined the other two puppets again.
"The Avatar!? Excellent! After you defeat the Water Emperor, I can become the new Empress of the World! With the Avatar by my side! Nobody can stop me! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Yelled Puppet Azula, followed shortly by an evil laugh. It was only slightly more exaggerated then the evil speeches of Azula from Aang's world.
"Pff, whatever..." Uttered Puppet Aang as real Aang leaned forward with an annoyed expression.
"That's not me! I'm not like that! I'm not angry and gloomy all the time!... Am I?" Asked Aang as he turned back to his friends who looked away from him, trying to avoid answering Aang.
Aang knew his personality has vastly changed from the happy kid he was three years ago and into the battle hardened and stoic young man he became. But he never really paid that much attention to how his personality made others think about him. It was always his action that made people judge him, not his personality.
That's when a puppet version of Appa showed up, and started flying all around the other puppets.
"At last, the Avatar is here to save us! Spirits above know that I certainly can't! I can't even lift my flimsy swords with my thin noodle-like arms! I can't to anything right!" Exclaimed Puppet Zuko as he fell on his knees.
"Where the heck has Hama been getting this info about us!?" Whispered Zuko in anger as he glared over at Katara all the way on the other side of the isle. She glanced back at Zuko with a soft, yet mocking smile.
"As I said, Hama mostly got information of you and your little adventures from multiple sources... However, I might have told her a few slightly exaggerated personality traits of some of you..." Shrugged Katara as Zuko glared daggers at the water princess.
"Show me the way to your sad little village... I wanna get this whole journey over with as soon as possible..." Growled Puppet Aang as he walked off.
"Yes! On our way to conquest and victory!" Cheered Puppet Azula as she followed Aang.
"*Sigh*... I should probably stay here and let the flowing lava consume me... But, maybe I'll TRY to help the Avatar on his journey. Hopefully I don't fail at it like I do everything else in my life..." Groaned the Puppet Zuko sadly as he slowly followed the other two puppets out of the scene.
"They depict me as being an overly serious jerk! I'm not like that!" Aang exclaimed in annoyance.
"At least that old hag didn't depict you as a power-hungry psychopath!" Growled Azula as she turned her head away from the play with her eyes closed and her nose up.
The scene soon changed to the bay of Zuko and Azula's home island to Sokka's ship. There the scene depicts a stern puppet Sokka looking through a telescope on the front of the ship with a puppet of Kanna standing in the middle of it.
"Prince Sokka, you must try my new try of seal biscuits! My new recipe is to DIE for!" Uttered the elderly puppet.
"I don't have time to eat your dumb seal biscuits! I must capture the Avatar and regain my pride and manhood!" Yelled the angry puppet as he looked away from his telescope to glare at the puppet Kanna. And just like Sokka, the puppet had a nasty scar on one side of his face. However, it was on the right side, rather then the left.
"Very well then! More for me and the crew!" Cheered puppet Kanna.
"You're beyond annoying, grandmother! Go away!" Growled Puppet Sokka before looking through the telescope yet again.
"I should've expected this from that old crone, she makes me look stiff and humorless. A real buzzkill." Growled Sokka as he crossed his arms.
"Are you blind in both eyes? That is the perfect depiction of you. 'Stiff and humorless' suits you perfectly." Azula stated when she turned to him with a smile.
"How could you say such a thing?!" Whispered back Sokka in anger.
"Let's forget about chasing the Avatar, and get foot massages." Proclaimed puppet Kanna.
"How could you say such a thing?!" Yelled back puppet Sokka as the real Sokka slouched back in his seat with a defeated look. As Azula continued to look over at him with her trademark 'I told you so' look.
In a later scene, the puppet trio of Team Avatar were at the Western Air Temple. Which Aang had to admit, looked spot on to the real thing. The trio were standing around a fire, until what appeared to be a hat with a stripped tail sticking out of the bottom of it was zipping all around the camp site. That is until the Aang puppet grabbed the tail and forcefully picked it up. Revealing it to be a puppet version of Sabashi.
"Oh, so that's what's been eating our food... An annoying flying rabbit-monkey." Uttered puppet Aang in annoyance.
"Do you think we should bring her along?" Asked Puppet Zuko timidly.
"I guess... We'll keep her as emergency food." Puppet Aang dropped the puppet lemur with a roll of his lifeless eyes. "I guess we'll just call her Sabashi, it's about a good a name as any..."
Real Aang leaned back in his seat with an annoyed expression as he rubbed his temples. To him, it was incredible. The puppet version of him was almost the complete opposite of the Ember Island version of himself, which depicted him as being overly cheery and feminine. This one was way too stoic and self-righteous. He acted like a mix of his Zuko, this world's Azula, and Mai. But with the worst aspects of all three of them.
As the puppet show went on, it moved onto Team Avatar's arrival to Crescent Island. Where the team first met Mai and the Roku Warriors.
A puppet Mai quickly and stealthily moved around with black covering her entire body, except for her eyes as she moved like a ninja. That was until puppet Zuko stumbled into the scene as he accidentally dropped his swords, kunai, and other throwing weapons as he pathetically tripped over himself.
"Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah-!" That was until puppet Zuko fell on his face.
"Oh my Agni! I had razor sharp throwing knives loose in my pocket!" Yelled Puppet Zuko in shock as Zuko blushed and threw his hood over his head as everyone laughed. Especially Azula.
Later in the play, it depicted Puppet Mai running up to Puppet Aang who stood next to Puppet Zuko and Azula and yelled at them.
"Avatar! Prince Sokka of the Water Empire is here!" Yelled Puppet Mai
"Oh yeah, I led him here." Replied Puppet Aang nonchalantly.
"What!? Why?!" Yelled Puppet Mai.
"Because he's been on our backs for a while now. I need to rest. You fight for the Avatar, right? So hold him off while me and my team make an escape! Besides, I'm the Avatar. I can do whatever I want." Growled the Puppet Aang in an arrogant manner as real Aang expressed an annoyed look as he saw the scene unfold.
Moving on, the Puppet Gaang was in Jie Duan where the three were talking to a puppet version of King Long Feng.
"Destroy King Kuei, Avatar. And you are free to leave this place!" Offered Puppet Long Feng as Puppet Azula stepped forward.
"You can't tell me what to do!" Yelled Puppet Aang in response with his arms crossed.
But as it seemed like the Puppet Long Feng was about to respond, the Azula Puppet started laughing manically and dashed forward. She pumped her wooden fists out as orange thread that represented flames burst out of them. Puppet Long Feng was knocked back by the attack as Puppet Azula stopped her assault and continued with her villainous laugh.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! That foolish king let his guard down, now that I have defeated him, I will conquer Jie Duan and become the NEW UNQUESTIONABLE QUEEN AND MISTRESS OF JIE DUAN!" Yelled out Puppet Azula with an evil laugh as Puppet Aang and Zuko responded accordingly.
"Golly!" Exclaimed Puppet Zuko with shaking legs.
"Whatever..." Muttered Puppet Aang with a roll of his eyes.
The real Azula rolled her eyes in annoyance in a very similar fashion as the Puppet Aang.
The show soon moved onto a scene where Puppet Aang, Azula, and Zuko were all standing close together with Aang holding a red scroll that had the Fire Nation insignia on it. Puppets of pirates surrounded the trio from both sides as they surrounded them and started swinging their weapons at them. However, the trio managed to slip away without the pirates noticing as they started tip-toing away.
"Well, gosh darn it, Aang! Why did you have to steal that firebending scroll?" Asked Puppet Zuko in his normal trembling and cowardly voice.
"Because I want to learn firebending! I want to learn it and get this all over with as soon as possible! Besides, I'm the Avatar! I can do whatever I want!" Replied Puppet Aang with a growl as real Aang groaned in annoyance.
The show continued on as in a later scene, it showed Puppet Azula being held captive with her arms tied up in chains as she stood on a platform. Water Nation Soldiers surrounded her as Puppet Sokka paced back and forth in front of Azula.
"Excellent! Now that I have kidnapped the Avatar's alley, he will have no choice but to show up to rescue her!" Proclaimed Puppet Sokka, before stopping and looking over to something off scene on the right side of the theater.
"Wait a moment! Who are you!?" Asked Puppet Sokka as a puppet covered in black wearing the familiar blue oni mask ran in.
"I am the Blue Spirit! The scourge of the Water Empire!" The Blue Spirit ran into the center of the scene as it tossed blue threads at Puppet Sokka and the Puppet Water Nation Soldiers. Knocking them all over and defeating them as Puppet Azula freed herself and swooned over the Blue Spirit.
"My hero!" Exclaimed puppet Azula as she jumped off of her platform and into the arms of the puppet Blue Spirit as the puppet dashed off the scene. Carrying Puppet Azula bridal style.
Azula and Katara both side-eyed each other with looks that were a mix of uncomfortable and awkward.
"I'm going to kill you, Hama..." Hissed Katara under her voice that was so low that luckily nobody heard her.
As the puppet show continued, it proceeded to the Sword Fighting Tournament. Which depicted Puppet Zuko just barely winning the competition to train with Master Piandao by beating all of his opponents purely by accident and clumsiness. Either by rolling up into a ball and crying, causing his opponents to trip over him, or Puppet Zuko accidentally forcing his opponent out of bounds out of sheer dumb luck and clumsiness.
It later proceeded to a scene where Puppet Aang and Zuko were training under Piandao with training swords. Puppet Aang instantly dashed up to Puppet Zuko and used his wooden training sword to smack the training sword out of Zuko's hands as Puppet Zuko began cowering away.
"No! Please! Don't hurt me!" Cried out Puppet Zuko in fear.
"You're too pathetic to kill, I just wanna watch you SQUIRM!" Growled Puppet Aang with an evil smile on his face.
"Oh, Okay! How about this?" Asked Puppet Zuko as she started squirming around in fear.
Real Zuko rubbed his head in anger and annoyance at how he was constantly depicted as being as weak and cowardly as humanly possible.
Meanwhile, Aang looked on with a mix of annoyance and self-reflection. He knew this play was obviously inaccurate and a total over exaggeration of him and his friends personalities, but it made him think if he really was that much of a jerk. Or at least he was in the first few months he arrived into this distorted reality.
Later on, puppet versions of Zuko, Azula, and Ty Lee were standing around Appa.
"I love the color pink!" Cheered out Ty Lee.
"Yes, we know that, Ty Lee. Thank you. Because you've been saying it NON-STOP EVERY FIVE MINUTES!" Roared Puppet Azula in anger.
"Wow! You're REALLY perceptive, Azula!" Puppet Ty Lee responded in a very airheaded way.
But as it seemed like Puppet Azula was about to respond, Puppet Aang ran onto the scene with a black sword in his hands.
"Aang, where wer-" Puppet Zuko was cut off.
"Shut up! Get on the Bison, NOW! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!" Yelled Puppet Aang as everyone got on Appa as the puppet of Piandao ran onto the scene, swinging around another sword.
"Thief! Give me my sword back!" That's when Appa took off into the sky and flew away.
"Well, golly gee, Aang. Did you steal that from Mater Piandao? Because that is wrong..." Uttered Puppet Zuko.
"Shut it, Zuko! I took the sword because it looks cool. Besides, who cares? I'm the Avatar... I can do WHATEVER, I, WANT..." Replied Puppet Aang as real Aang's look of annoyance transformed into one that was a mix of anger and guilt.
He already told his friends the truth, and gave them context for every questionable thing he did on their journey. But here, it still gave Aang a stab of guilt for what he did. Even if he had good intentions.
He glanced over to see Azula giving him a small smile in response. She must've sensed how this Puppet Show was starting to get to him. He smiled back and grabbed her hand, as she grabbed back. As moments like this, he seriously appreciated her company and loyalty.
The first act of the play finally started to reach it's climax as the scene moved onto the siege of the Golden City. Puppet Aang, Zuko, Kanna, Azula, and Ty Lee stood around a dead and bleeding blue dragon.
"I can't believe it... The spirit of fire is dead..." Uttered Puppet Kanna in sadness.
"But wait, there is another way... I have the spirits life force in me! I need to sacrifice myself for my people!" Said Puppet Ty Lee as she started to walk towards the dragon. Only to be stopped and pulled back by Puppet Zuko.
"Don't do it, Ty Lee! You're the only girl who didn't think I was totally cowardly and pathetic!" Begged Puppet Zuko.
"Ugh, I guess I'll have to save the day... AGAIN..." Groaned Puppet Aang in annoyance as he stepped forward and with water Hama bent from behind the theater, water came to life and glowed a bright white. Healing the dead blue puppet dragon as it came back to life and flew away.
"I guess the Avatar is back... Yippie, are we done yet?" Asked Puppet Aang the second he exited the Avatar State.
In the next scene, a Puppet Bato tried to run away, only for Puppet Katara wearing a black body suit stood in his way and took a stance. But before the two could fight, the red dragon, Ran flew down into the scene. Instantly snatching up Bato in it's mouth, before swallowing the man with one quick gulp and flew away. Team Avatar looked on with confused expressions.
"Uhh... Did Bato just-... Die?" Asked Sokka with a confused expression.
"Yes." Replied Katara bluntly as Azula smirked.
"Hmm, I actually feel sorry for the dragon. I bet he tasted like sh-"
"Azula!" Interrupted Zuko with the best authoritative big brother voice he could muster.
The doors to the theater soon closed as Hama's voice rang out from behind the puppet theater.
"That is the end of act one. Return in a little while to see act two."
Everyone besides Team Avatar, gave a round of applause, while Aang, Sokka, Azula, Zuko, and Katara groaned in annoyance. All the while Teo and Nagi attempted to contain their laughter.
Outside of Hama's main tent, many of the soldiers, generals, and other fighters in the Invasion Force sat around several pit fires that were scattered around the camp. Waiting until act two of the puppet show starts up. Aang, Azula, Sokka, Zuko, Katara, Nagi, and Teo sat around a blazing fire pit themselves. Nagi bending a limited amount of Earth around the fire pit to block the flurry of snow and wind going on outside to now extinguish the fire.
"I can't believe it! Apparently, Hama thinks I'm a weak cowardly idiot who's afraid of his own shadow!" Groaned Zuko angrily.
"Oh, don't be like that, Zuzu... There are plenty of OTHER things your afraid of, Mantis-Spiders, enclosed spaces, social interactions... Rabbit-Fowl..." Said Azula with a smirk.
"Uhh, Rabbit-Fowl?" Asked Teo.
"It jumped out at me from the bushes ONE TIME!" Growled Zuko to his sister in annoyance.
"Just be happy your puppet version has a moral compass," Uttered Aang as Zuko turned to him. "That version of me is nothing but a grumpy, egotistical, sociopath who thinks he can do whatever he wants."
"So what? It's just a dumb puppet show. It's not accurate. It's not like I'm some maniac who only cares about fighting and conquest." Said Azula with a confident smirk with her eyes closed. However when she opened them, she saw everyone silently staring at her.
"... Why are you all staring at me like that?"
"Yeah, that's not you at all..." Uttered an unsure and deflated Aang.
"Personally, I've only known you guys for a little while. But from what I saw, your nothing like those puppets. From what I learned, different events from history are seen and distributed in different ways to different people. Nobody will paint a 100% accurate portrayal of a real person or event. Don't let it eat you up." Said Nagi with a confident smile.
Back in the tent, everyone sat in their original spots as the doors to the puppet theater opened up again. The scene shifted to Appa who was flying along the sky with Aang, Zuko, Azula, and Sokka sitting in his saddle.
"Uhh, Aang... Do you really think it's a good idea to bring Sokka along with us? He keeps shooting us death glares and it's scaring me..." Uttered Puppet Zuko pathetically.
"Ugh! You are the most PATHETIC MAN ALIVE!" Growled Puppet Azula in annoyance.
"Will you knock it off, Zuko? We need a man servant to carry our stuff anyway. Besides, maybe he'll accept his new position. Right, Prince Sokka?" Asked Puppet Aang with a mocking tone.
"See? He's fine." Replied Puppet Aang as he continued to ride Appa.
The scene proceeded into the next one where Team Avatar and Sokka walked through the dark forest.
"What are we doing here?! There's nobody around for me to assert my dominance over!" Yelled Puppet Azula.
"Just calm down, would you? I just need to find an Earthbending teacher." Replied Puppet Aang as a prop rock nearby them lifted off the ground as a puppet of Toph lifted it up over her head and tossed it.
"What were ya'll city folk doing here in our neck of the woods? We don't take to kindly to OUTSIDERS around here!" Yelled Puppet Toph in a tone of voice and style of speaking that reminded Aang of the Swampbenders from his world. Except Toph here was far more exaggerated with her accent.
Aang and the rest of the Gaang couldn't help but laugh and chuckle to themselves after hearing Puppet Toph's voice. As Aang remembered back to the big tough burly man who played as Toph in the Ember Island Players, he wondered how Toph was going to be portrayed by Hama.
"Who are these guys?" Asked Puppet Jet coolly.
"I don't rightly know. But I's knows that if they'll be trouble, we'll have them for dinner..." Said Puppet Toph stupidly before spitting off to the side in her usual Tom Boy fashion.
"Oh, well that's nice of you to offer us dinner." Said Puppet Zuko with a smile.
"Offer you? Nah, you'll be the one to BE dinner..." Replied Puppet Toph as Puppet Zuko backed away slowly.
"Well, your an Earthbender. I guess you'll be my new teacher." Said Puppet Aang bluntly as Puppet Azula walked up to him.
"Are you serious?! Why are we bringing along this inbred country bumpkin!? She's an idiot!" Yelled Puppet Azula.
"Hey now, girly-girl! I'm one tough gosh darn Earthbender! And I be real intellomagent too! Except that time where I was beaten in tic-tac-toe by a chicken..." Uttered Puppet Toph as the Gaang continued to laugh.
"Hahaha! Oh, what I would GIVE to see Toph react to this! Hahahaha!" Laughed Azula as Aang started to think how Toph would actually react to this.
Either Toph would laugh hysterically at it, love it like in his world and his Toph with the Ember Island Players. Or bury the entire Puppet theater and Hama in an avalanche.
"Wait a second, can you even see?" Asked asked Puppet Aang as he waved his hand in front of Puppet Toph's face.
"I can see ya'll doin' that. I went blind after drinkin' sum moonshine. Now I don't see too well no more. I see a different way though, after bein' left in a cave and bein' raised by Bat-Wolves, I can smell ya'll real well..." Said Puppet Toph before taking a deep sniff of the air in front of Puppet Gaang, before stopping.
"There. Gotta good look at ya'll..."
The show continued as Puppet Team Avatar proceeded to the ruins of Omashu where Team Avatar was confronted by Puppet Kana and Piandao.
"Please, Avatar, find some mercy in your heart and return my grandson to me!" Begged Puppet Kana.
"Along with my sword!" Added Puppet Piandao as Puppet Aang seemed like he had a thoughtful look, before responding.
"No, this is MY sword, and MY slave... Azula, get rid of them!" Ordered Puppet Aang as Puppet Azula sprung into action with a smile and started throwing blue ribbons at Kana and Piandao that represented blue fire.
"Appa, lets get outta here!" Yelled Puppet Aang as Azula hopped on Appa with the rest of the Gaang as they flew away.
Aang looked to his side with a guilty expression on his face.
The scene eventually moved on. In a later scene, Puppet Aang was confronted with Puppet Katara.
"Why aren't you fighting, Avatar!?" Growled Puppet Katara in anger.
"It's because I don't wanna scratch that perfect face of yours, baby!" Said Puppet Aang smoothly as he pointed his fingers towards her. Azula's frown started to deepen as she watched the puppet show unfold.
"Are you hitting on me!? News flash! I'm the one who's trying to KILL YOU!" Growled Puppet Katara.
Azula glanced back at Aang and Katara, before looking back at the theater.
"I don't know... I can be SUPER perseuasive... Just let me firebend a bit, and maybe I can melt that icy heart of yours." Puppet Aang said with a wink as real Aang covered his eyes with his hands as he groaned in agony.
"Oh man, tell me when it's over..."
"So, your interested in me, huh?" Asked Puppet Katara as Puppet Aang walked closer to her.
"Of course... I love you, Katara. Always have." Said Puppet Aang as the two puppets interlocked their fingers and affectionately pressed their faces up against each other.
Azula looked down at her lap, with a slightly saddened expression on her face. As Katara side-eyed her with a smirk and Aang glanced at her with a look of slight guilt on his face.
The scene soon progressed to the Puppet Gaang, Puppet Kana, and Puppet Piandao showing up and surrounding Puppet Katara.
"Ahh, Sokka. My brother. You're traveling with the Avatar now? Come with me and you will receive your pride and manhood you desired so badly. Or, stay with Avatar and Gran-Gran and be a traitor." Said Puppet Katara as Puppet Sokka glanced over at Puppet Kana.
"Choose treachery, it's more FUN!" Puppet Kana said with a thumbs up.
Puppet Sokka walked over to her before pushing her over and walking away from her.
"Your a weak and pathetic old woman, Grandmother! And I HATE YOU FOR ALL TIME!" Yelled Puppet Sokka as he joined Puppet Katara, as both hopped on Panthers and quickly escaped the scene.
"... You didn't really say that to your grandma, did you?" Asked Nagi as she leaned forward and whispered it towards Sokka who looked down at his lap with a shameful look on his face.
"I might as well have..."
The scene proceeded to Ba Sing Se in chaos as Water Nation Soldiers, Wa Shi Tong, and other corrupted spirits started to attack the city. Fighting Earth Kingdom Soldiers and each other. It was honestly impressive how Hama was able to orchestrate a scene with so many different puppets interacting with each other.
That's when the scene proceeded to Puppet Toph, Nagi, and Yue standing still and looking on in fear as Koh The Face Stealer hovered over them all.
"Don't make any facial expressions!" Yelled Puppet Yue in a neutral tone of voice.
"I ain't scared of some dumb centipede man! I be the best dang earthbender in the world! And ya'll best GEEEEET OUT!" Yelled Puppet Toph stupidly as Koh just looked down at all three girls with a natural expression on his face.
"... I'm going to take you to the spirit world now."
Before suddenly diving forward. All three of the female puppets and the elaborate Koh puppet vanished, with all four of them being transported back to the spirit world.
The scene soon shifted to Puppet Aang, Azula, and Zuko overlooking the destruction of the city, before Puppet Sokka suddenly dashed on to the scene as the trio quickly turned to him with defensive positions.
"What are you doing here?" Asked Puppet Aang.
"I want to join you!" Replied Puppet Sokka as Puppet Aang and the Gaang looked on blankly.
"... Good, I've been missing our pack mule." Said Puppet Aang with his hands placed on his hips with a smirk, as Puppet Sokka glared back at them before they all ran off.
The scene soon proceeded to Puppet Aang walking into a dry tent where Puppet Princess Katara had her wrists tied to the post above her.
"Oh... So you decided to return?" Asked Puppet Katara.
"Yes, and I was hoping you would join us on our next mission. We can always use a pretty face on our mission." Said Puppet Aang with a flirtatious wink.
"Wait a minute, I thought you were in love with that firebending savage!" Replied Puppet Katara as Azula subconsciously nodded her head.
"Really? That psychopath? Hahaha, don't make me laugh. I think the only thing on earth that maniac would ever match up with is a crocodile-shark. Besides, she's more of a tool for me. Her firebending is useful, and that's it." Said Puppet Aang as Azula's expression of worry and uncertainty deepened even more.
"So... Can Air Nomads have girlfriends?" Asked Puppet Katara with a flirtatious smirk.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Asked Puppet Aang as he walked over to Puppet Katara, as the two brought their faces close together and kissed.
As Aang looked on, he couldn't help but compare this to the Ember Island Players yet again. He would've loved to see this happen in the play back home, back when he was in love with his Katara. Heck, a few months or even weeks ago, he would've loved to see this. But now, he knew he moved on. He couldn't lie to himself, there would ALWAYS be a part of him that would love Katara, HIS Katara... However, he's found someone new he truly loves. Someone beautiful, brave, strong, and fiercely loyal to him
'Oh no...' But that's when it his Aang like a ton of bricks, looking over, he saw Azula watch the scene of the two puppets in front of her. And to his shock, he saw how Azula wiped her face. Trying to hide her eyes that began to water.
As Aang was about to speak up, she instantly stood up and made her way out of the front row of the seats and left the tent.
"Aww... don't you wanna see the lovebirds in action, Azula?" Asked Princess Katara with a mocking smile and tone of voice as Azula passed her. Not even giving her a glance as she left. Aang glared at the princess, as the princess merely smirked back at him with an equally mocking smirk.
Aang stood up and followed Azula out of the tent without a moments hesitation.
"So far, the only good thing about this play is the intermission." Muttered Sokka as he, Zuko, Teo, Nagi, and Katara sat around a fire outside of Hama's tent. Waiting until the third act of the play starts.
"I just realized something, you guys seem to lose a lot. With most of the situations you get yourselves in, you just BARELY make it out alive..." Mocked Katara with a devilish smirk as Zuko turned to her with an annoyed look.
"You're one to talk, Katara. Didn't Azula strike you with LIGHTNING? And now because of that you can't even move your legs any more? Oh wait, yeah. She did!" Growled Zuko as he glared at Katara. Only for his eyes to widen at his realization as Katara gave him an icy stare that was so cold and hateful, Zuko and Sokka were shocked that it didn't freeze the young man solid.
"... Do you WANT me to kill you?" Asked Katara. And to everyone's surprise, she didn't try to bloodbend him.
"Hey, look... I'm just saying, don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house." Said Zuko as he held up his hands in a defensive position.
"Hey guys, it looks like the fire's starting to die out. We need some wood." Said Teo as he used a stick to poke at the dying remaining embers of the fire pit.
"I'll get some more fire wood." Said Sokka as he stood up, just wanting to get away from everyone to think for a moment.
"I'll help." Said Nagi as she stood up and followed Sokka, to Sokka's own suprise. However, the young man simply shrugged his shoulders and went to get more fire wood with the young Dai Li Agent.
"You know, everyone seems like they're letting this silly puppet show get to them. Even you seem more down then usual." Said Nagi with a comforting smile as Sokka turned his one eye away from her.
"You don't understand... Everyone's upset because of they're mischaracterization in the story. How everyone is made to look like a fool, and your character is one of the only characters that seem NORMAL. For me, it's more then that. My Grandma, she was there for me my entire life. I failed my Ice Dodging test, I was scarred and partially blinded by my own father... And for so long, a part of me blamed my grandma. And ever since, I've been treating her horribly. She came with me on my journey to capture the Avatar so I could prove myself to my people and my family that I wasn't a waste of space and a failure... She stuck with me, from thick and thin, and no matter how horribly I treated her, she still did everything she could to help me... I even betrayed her at one point when I reunited with my sister..." Sokka stated with a grim tone.
"But, haven't you already reunited with your grandma? And the two of you are on the same side?" Asked Nagi in a confused tone.
"... Yeah, but... I still haven't actually apologized for what I did and said to her. And until now... I haven't realized how I've still been treating her... And I'm afraid that, she might be disappointed in me..." Said Sokka in a dejected tone as Nagi giggled behind her palm.
"Look, from what I learned on my own adventures, is that family means everything. I... Never really had the best relationship with my brother and father. We were never exactly close. However, after my adventures in Ba Sing Se, the Spirit World, and beyond, it made me realize how much I truly treasure my brother and father. We may not always see eye to eye or agree on everything. But what I know for sure is that I love them, and they love me. In our lives, we can have so many friends... But when it comes to family, you'll only have one of those. From how you talked about your grandma, it seems like she loved you to death. You said it yourself, she wants the best for you. And I'm a hundred percent sure that she isn't mad at you one bit..." Said Nagi as Sokka raised his eyebrow.
"How are you so sure?"
"Because of how YOU talk about her. She sounds like a smart and wise old lady, by your description. You're helping the Avatar fight against her tyrannical son to save the world from the Water Empire. It just seems like all she wanted was for you to find your own path, and I think she couldn't possibly be more proud of you then she is right now." Stated Nagi as Sokka peered over at her with his cool blue eye and smiled.
"Thank you, Nagi... I guess it's nice to know that Yue has someone as truthful and kind as you by her side..." Said Sokka with a smile as Nagi tried to hide her blush behind one of her robes.
"Thank you, Sokka..."
Elsewhere in the canyon, Azula stood on a cliff that overlooked a dark chasm of the howling canyon. Cold air blew on her from all sides as she simply looked up at the dark clouds overhead.
"Azula?" Azula shifted her gaze away from the sky as she heard a familiar voice from behind her. "Azula, is there anything you want to talk about?"
Azula continued to remain silent and face away from Aang. However, that's when Aang walked up to Azula and stood right beside her. Overlooking the dark chasm below the two benders.
"No... It's just silly... You'll laugh at me..." Said Azula with a unamused chuckle.
"... It's the scenes of me and Katara that's bothering you, isn't it?" Asked Aang bluntly as Azula turned to him with her fierce golden eyes that he has come to love.
"It's not just that... It's also how I'm depicted. I'm depicted as being a madwoman who's obsessed with domination, conquest, and destruction. It's more like... Firelord Azula that's depicted in the puppet show... Not me." Said Azula as she looked down at her hands with saddened eyes.
"Aang, be honest with me... Am I... Really that much like her?" Asked Azula as Aang took a deep breath and pause before answering.
"... She's haughty, smart, powerful, and very perspective. Just like you. But you have a heart, unlike her. She's a monster who enjoys what she does, you aren't. You love your friends and family, she doesn't. And you have a heart. Something she doesn't. It's not the kind of power you have that makes you bad, it's what you DO with that power that defines you..." Admitted Aang as Azula looked down at the dark chasm once more with a shameful look on her face.
"... I'm afraid that... Even without that monster's influence, I'm just like her."
"Azula, I won't like to you... You're too smart for that... You and her may have many similarities... But you ARE different from her. Different where it truly matters..." Azula turned to Aang, who smiled and pressed his pointer and index fingers to Azula's chest. "Right here."
Azula looked on at Aang in slight awe as he continued.
"You are not a bad person by any stretch of the imagination, Azula. You ARE a good person, you care for your brother, your father, all the friends we made along the way... And you care about me. I couldn't even count all the times you stayed loyal to me and stuck by my side, even when I lied or acted like an idiot. Firelord Azula is NOTHING like that... You may like to challenge people and fight to be the best, but that's who you are. Wanting to improve yourself and get stronger is not a negative trait. It's an admirable one. You may act haughty a bit and wear a mask to hide your true feelings... Like Toph. But, just like Toph, you are an incredibly strong person and you sinserely care about everyone around you, Azula. You are NOT Firelord Azula, you're BETTER. And you always will be..." Said Aang with an honest smile as Azula let out a few sniffs before rubbing at her eyes with her gloved hands.
"*Sniff* *Sniff*... Don't get all mushy on me now, Airboy..."
"Also... You already know what I said about Katara, right? My Katara..." Said Aang as he looked straight into Azula's burning ember eyes. "There will always be a part of me that loves her. And I don't think that part of me will ever change. But, I realized I need to move on from that. You are without a doubt, the best part of this world, Azula. You're powerful, strong, brave, loyal, heroic, and beautiful... I love you with all my heart, Azula. Please, never forget that." Said Aang as Azula gave him a loving genuine smile in return.
"Hehehe, you really know how to make a girl feel special, don't you?" Asked Azula as Aang nodded in response.
"Well... Let's not waste any more time, what's bothering you?" Asked Azula bluntly as Aang's eyes slightly widened in surprise. Before letting out a slight chuckle.
"Hehe, nothing get's past you... Does it, Azula?" Asked Aang with a smirk.
"You said it yourself, Aang. I'm too smart for that. Now spit it out!" Ordered Azula with a smirk of her own.
"Well... It's just, how the play portrayed me. It portrayed me as being a complete jerk. And honestly, kind of a sociopath... I'm a liar, a cheater, disobedient, violent, and someone who only cares about himself. So many years ago, I was NOTHING like that. But when I came to your world, I was a lot different... I DID steal, I DID lie, and I DID do so many selfish and terrible things... I lead Sokka to Crescent Island just to see him again... I brought Sokka with us when we left the Golden City due to my own selfishness of wanting him to join us... I brought Katara along on our mission to the South Pole because a part of me still wanted to be with her... And then there's his catchphrase, 'I'm the Avatar. I can do whatever I want'... I hate to say it, but I think that puppet paints a pretty good picture of me..." Said Aang with a saddened look on his face.
"Oh PLEASE, give me a break with that little self-pity routine of yours!" Yelled Azula as she rolled her eyes in annoyance.
"Yes, you have performed... Some questionable acts when you first got here. But you had good REASON for them! You had a whole other world that was DESTROYED by war, your family became your enemies and your enemies became your friends. You were confused and angry. But despite that, you were NOTHING but strong, brave, and noble. You saved people without a SECONDS hesitation! You were fierce and determined to make sure nobody got hurt or died! And you did, you airhead! Remember Ty Lee and Jet? Jet died in your world, but he's still breathing in ours. And Ty Lee? She would've died if it wasn't for YOU! Besides, you told us the TRUTH about your world anyway... You are a brave warrior and a hero, Aang. Don't let ANYBODY, especially some old hag's dumb puppet show tell you any different! Got it?" Asked Azula as Aang smiled back at Azula.
"Got it... You really know how to give encouraging speeches, Azula."
"Hmph, well... What can I say? It's just apart of my irresistible charm!" Azula and Aang didn't even know that their hands held one another, as the combined warmth between the two teenagers made the cold biting air of the Howling Canyon seem unnoticeable.
The two instantly leaned forward and shared a loving kiss as their lips connected once more. The kiss seemed to have lasted for an eternity, before the two ended it and moved their heads away from one another. However, both stood with each other in silence.
"Umm, I suppose we should get back before the final act of that stupid puppet show ends... Wouldn't you say?" Asked Azula with a blush that crawled up her face.
"Yeah, I think that's a good idea..." Replied Aang with an equally strong blush, as he rubbed the back of his head with his free hand.
And just like clockwork, Aang couldn't help but compare this very same moment with the one he had with Katara years ago on Ember Island. However, he noted that the second time around in this new universe isn't all terrible. As he walked back to the camp with his girlfriend Azula by his side.
Aang and Azula walked back into Hama's tent before they found the first row of seats and sat down next to their friends. Minus Katara, who still sat at the end of the row in her sled.
As the two sat back down, Sokka turned to them and spoke.
"Hey, where were you two?"
"Oh, uhh... We just to get some fresh air. Nothing big." Said Aang nonchalantly as both he and Azula shot each other caring smiles.
"Alright, I get it..." Said Sokka with a knowing smirk. "Anyway, here's everything you guys missed; We left Chameleon Bay with me and Katara, Aang and I brought back the Unagi to Kyoshi Island, Azula ran away with Katara, Azula killed the patriarchs of the Snowy Poisonous Wolverine-Skunk Clan, and I think Koh The Face-Stealer died."
As Aang and Azula turned their attention back to the theater where they saw the Water Emperor's throne room where a puppet version of Hakoda sat atop his colossal and elaborate ice sculpture. And just as Azula, Sokka, and Katara remembered the Water Emperor from the last time they saw him, the puppet version of him was wearing the same kind of fierce white pelt/spiked armor that made the real Water Emperor seem fierce. However here, it was far less threatening and rather much more humorous.
That's when a Water Tribe soldier ran into the room and kneeled before the puppet emperor in a frantic fashion.
"Water Emperor Hakoda! The Avatar and his invasion force has just breached the city walls and have entered the palace! The Avatar is looking for you!" Explained the puppet as the Water Emperor puppet glanced over at him with a calm expression before standing up from his ice throne.
"No matter... With Siryu's Moon bright in the sky, my waterbending will be more then powerful enough to eliminate the Avatar! Once and for all!" Stated Puppet Hakoda triumphantly with his fist in the air.
However, before the puppet soldier could respond, the flimsy paper doors to the puppet Emperor's throne room were knocked off of their hinges as Puppet Aang dashed into the room. As the soldier looked over at the Avatar, he fearfully turned around and ran away.
"You're here, good. I've been expecting you, Avatar... However, I regret to inform you that it's TOO LATE! The second moon has already arrived! And with it, I shall DESTROY YOU!" Proclaimed the puppet emperor as he leaped off of his ice throne and landed in front of Puppet Aang.
"Did you forget? I can bend water too! And with Earth, Fire, and Air on my side as well, you won't stand a chance!" Proclaimed Puppet Aang as without warning, lunged forward as Puppet Aang tossed red flowing paper forward, representing fire, as the Puppet Emperor leapt over it and started shooting blue threat of his own at Aang. With the blue thread representing Hakoda's waterbending.
Even with several of the Gaang finding Hama's puppet's creepy. Especially Sokka, even he could admit that the fights between the puppets were impressive to say the least. The use of red thread for fire, blue for water, brown for Earth, and white for air was all very creative and eye catching. Unlike any puppet show they've seen in the past. Except for Katara who spent the most time with the puppeteer herself, knowing Hama's tricks and sat through several of Hama's puppet shows herself.
Puppet Aang used all the elements in his disposal, fire, water, air, and Earth. But despite that, the Puppet Water Emperor seemed to hold the upper hand in the battle with his superior waterbending. But as it seemed like Puppet Hakoda was about to unleash a devastating waterbending attack, he launched a massive tidal wave of water straight at Puppet Aang.
However, Puppet Aang moved around with such accurate waterbending movements, that he caught the incoming tidal wave the changed it's direction to shoot straight back at Puppet Hakoda. Puppet Hakoda didn't have enough time to react as the blue piece of paper that was meant to represent the wave his Puppet Hakoda. Knocking him back and defeating him at last.
"Rip in piece, old man..." Uttered Puppet Aang in discontent as he looked down at Hakoda's defeated still form as the rest of the Gaang showed up. Including Puppet Azula, Zuko, Toph, Sokka, and even Katara.
"Wait... If that feller ain't the Water Emperor anymore, who is the new emperor?" Asked Puppet Toph dumbly as she scratched her head like a confused ape.
"That new leader, is ME..." Proclaimed Puppet Katara who walked up to the throne that used to belong to Water Emperor Hakoda as she sat down in it.
"The Water Tribes need a new strong and determined leader... And that leader shall be me! I will unite all tribes in the north and the south and obliterate old and obsolete traditions that serve nothing but to harm our community..." Puppet Katara stated sternly as she turned her attention to Aang and the rest of Team Avatar.
"You have helped give the throne back to it's rightful ruler, Avatar... Therefore, I promise to pull all Water Nation forces out of the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom. The war, is over..." Uttered Puppet Water Empress Katara as Puppet Aang looked away with an annoyed look on his face.
"Whatever... I'm just glad I'm finally done with this stupid adventure"
"As the new ruler of the Southern and Northern Water Tribes, I, Water Empress Katara, shall create a new era of peace and harmony among the Water Tribes! Eliminating old and obsolete traditions that did nothing but hold the Water Tribe back from progress as a society! We shall share our knowledge in science, astronomy, alchemy, and much more. They days of my father and my forefathers warmongering is OVER! So say, Water Empress Katara!" Proclaimed Puppet Katara with her arms in the air in a victorious stance.
Suddenly, the main cast of puppets stood up and stood in a straight line, all facing the audience before bowing in unision. Signaling the end of the play.
Members of the invasion force, including Ozai's soldiers, the Earth Kingdom forces, the White Lotus, and other factions looked on and clapped hesitantly with a slow and uneven motion of clapping.
On the other hand, all the members of the Crab-Spider Clan were ecstatic, as they stood up and gave a rousing round of applause for Hama's puppet show. Like it was the best piece of entertainment that they ever witnessed.
As the blue curtains to the stage began to close, Katara looked on at the puppets, as her eyes drifted up to the top of the stage where the strings continued on off stage. Where the puppetmaster, Hama, and more then likely several other puppetmasters were maneuvering the puppets, resided.
In particular, Katara laid her eyes on her own puppet and thought about the ending Hama decided to give the play. Seeing her as the new undisputed leader of the Water Tribes that will not only end the war, but bring a new era of prosperity and progress to the Water Tribes as a whole. She locked her eyes on the nearly invisible thin strings that were attached to her puppet.
Thinking how similar that appeared to the uncomfortable feeling that ran up her spine. As the blue curtains finally closed completely and the play ended.
"Well... That was certainly something..." Said Sangmu as she pulled her knees close to her chest, sitting before a fire along with Sokka, Zuko, Teo, Azula, Aang, and Katara.
"Certainly the most silly piece of Water Tribe propaganda I've ever seen..." Said Azula with a shrug.
"I mean, to be fair... The ending could've been a lot more discouraging..." Stated Zuko as Aang looked into the fire, and thought back to the massively discouraging ending in the Ember Island's Player's interpretation of Aang and his friends story.
"You said it." Agreed Teo.
"Heh... Zuko, you have no idea..." Replied Aang with a slight grim chuckle as Azula shot him a curious look with a raised eyebrow.
"The effects were decent." Said Sokka with a shrug of his shoulders.
As the friends discussed what they thought of the play, Katara looked off into the distance. At Hama's tent as she thought about the ending of the play. She thought about many things at that point. Her father who tried to control her, the chiefs, her grandmother... And Hama... They all had a significant impact on Katara and what her goals were. What she truly wanted. However, she realized that all those people in her life wanted what was best for them... Not her. Each one pulling her strings and trying to manipulate her for their own ends.
'... They all tried to control me. To attach strings to me and pull them, making me dance like a good little puppet for them. It was never about me... About my future, about what I wanted... It was about what they wanted me to be... I'm ending it...'
"What do you think, Katara?" Katara snapped out of her trance and turned her attention to the voice that came from Sokka. She didn't here his original question, but assumed it was about the play. She simply gave him a cold look before using her bending to turn her sleigh around and start moving in the direction of Hama's tent.
"I don't care... Have your little idiotic conversation without me. I have more important matters to attend to..."
As Katara made her way to Hama's tent, she grabbed the fold to the enterence and was about to let herself in, when a familiar voice stopped her in her tracks.
"Katara, how nice to see you..." Said the old voice of Hama from behind Katara as Katara turned her sled around to face the old woman.
"Hello, Hama... That was an ambisious little puppet show you put on back there. More puppets, well-done backgrounds, and improved effects..." Said Katara as Hama let out her witch-like chuckle.
"Hehehe, oh, you're too kind, Katara... I'm happy that you were able to find joy out of my work."
"Yes... Except for the part with the Blue Spirit and Azula..." Said Katara with an embarrassed and angered look. As Hama responded with a raspy laugh as the old woman grabbed at her own stomach to try to get ahold of herself.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh yes, but what can I say? I'm just an old woman who likes to joke around..."
"Hama, do you mind if we talk in private?" Asked Katara with a straight face as Hama nodded with a wrinkley old smile.
"Of course, child... Anything you wish..." Stated Hama, as the two turned around and walked away from the camp.
"Hey, the fire's starting to die out..." Noted Sokka who still sat around the fire with the others as Zuko stood up.
"I'll grab some more firewood." Said Zuko as he turned to walk away.
As Zuko walked through the camp and over to the piles of dry twigs and branches that were tied together in twine, he grabbed one and turned around. Only to stop once he saw none other then his father, Ozai, standing before him.
"Zuko... I hope this isn't a bad time... I was hoping I could speak with you for a moment." Stated Ozai in his normal stoic mannerism.
"Yes, of course." Replied Zuko as he placed the firewood back on the pile and followed Ozai out of the camp.
The two made it a few feet out of the camp and stood over a cliff that overlocked the snowy mountainous range, which was still consumed by the howling blizzard all around them.
The two remained silent for a while as they looked over the white view, before Zuko finally spoke.
"So, umm... What did you want to speak to me about?" Asked Zuko in a slightly awkward fashion.
Despite reuniting with his father and spending his time planning the invasion with him and working alongside him, Zuko still felt like the two were strangers.
"The play, what did you think of it?" Asked Ozai who still stared into the distance without looking at his son, as Zuko glanced over at the man with a confused look before speaking.
"Uhh... Well, to be honest... I thought it was ridiculous, everyone was greatly mischaracterized and the way the story was presented was ridiculous!" Said Zuko in anger. Yet, still tried his best not to accidentally offend his father.
Zuko glanced up at Ozai who was surprised to see had a smirk on his face.
"Heh, yes... It was pretty awful. Your sister might be a bit haughty, but never an overly aggressive maniac. And from my last interaction with Avatar Aang, he didn't seem like the spoiled, cynical, or wrathful type... A bit distant and calculating, but, a boy with a good heart and an impressive sense of justice." Stated Ozai.
"Yeah, I guess so..." Replied Zuko.
"And what did you think of your portrayal?" Asked Ozai as he glanced down at Zuko once more, who tensed up in suspense.
"Well... I hated it. They portrayed me as being a pathetic coward. A boy who cries and whines about being pathetic, a clumsy moron who just makes a fool out of himself. It's just-... it's completely inaccurate. And stupid." Stated Zuko as Ozai gave him a thoughtful look.
"... Zuko, be honest with me. Can you do that?" Asked Ozai with a more serious look on his face, as Zuko glanced at him with a look of suprise and confusion.
"Uhh... I-... Of course, father."
"Hmm... Did you, honestly think I see you like that?"
"Cowardly and clumsy... Do you really think that's how I saw you?" Asked Ozai who shot Zuko a face of slight hurt. A look Zuko NEVER saw his father make. He was always so stoic.
"... To be honest, you never really wanted me to help out around the village... You always wanted me to do menial jobs and tasks while you left the big stuff to Azula. I was never a bender until a few months ago, I always thought you favored her more then me. That you saw more potential in her, and you wanted me to stay out of the way while she helps protect the village or when you tried to find her a firebending master. I thought you just wanted me out of the way..." Said Zuko as Ozai sighed and turned his attention back to the mountain range.
"Zuko, ever since your mother died, I greatly feared for you and your sister. This war... It changes people, times of war can harden people and change people. Sometimes for the better, and sometimes for the worst. Our village has been attacked more then once by the Water Tribe. The pain of losing your mother was horrible enough for me... It was pure agony for you and your sister, loosing your mother like that. That is why I keep my distance from you two. Because spirits forbid if I ever got hurt or killed during battle on the frontlines I would never-... I would never forgive myself if you two were close to me and learned that. I always believed that if I kept my distance from you and your sister, you wouldn't be as heartbroken if you fell in battle. As for back at the village, I'm sorry if I ever made you feel worthless, Zuko. I wanted your sister to have a firebending master so she could protect herself, you, and the rest of the village. With her being the only firebender, we couldn't afford for her not to be trained. As for you... what you lacked in firebending, you made up for in will. Besides Lu Ten, you are the greatest swordsman I know. You always took care of the villagers and your sister. You cooked, cleaned, and made sure everyone was doing well. You even made sure to protect your sister when she tried to do something bullheaded and possibly dangerous."
"Hehe... I guess..." Said Zuko as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
"Zuko, you are the best son I could ask for. You and your sister mean the world to me. It scares me that you two are involved in this war, it scares me that you might get hurt or worse... I am happy you two managed to get stronger and make powerful and brave friends... Especially the Avatar, who cares for you two greatly. I know I don't say this enough Zuko... But I love you and your sister with all my heart. That statement, I assure you is true." Said Ozai as he turned to his son, who he was surprised to see had his eyes closed and looked down. He had tears running down his cheeks and tried his best to hold back his sobs.
As Ozai looked down at his son, it was a massive reminder that Zuko, Azula, and all of the friends they made along the way are just kids. Thrown into a harsh war environment. Zuko must've been holding that in for such a long time.
Before Ozai could respond, Zuko lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Ozai. Burying his face in the older man's chest as he started sobbing.
Ozai was taken aback for a moment, and remained surprised. Before he returned the hug and hugged his son back.
"I am proud of you, Zuko... Never forget that..."
"So, may I ask what's on your mind, Princess Katara?" Asked Hama as she and Katara stood several dozen feet away from the camp and next to the canyon ice well. Where a ghoulish warrior sculpture made of ice stared down at the two Water Tribe women with a ferocious glare.
"After watching your play, I had a revelations" Stated Katara as she looked off into the distance as Hama raised an eyebrow.
"Really now?" She asked through wrinkled lips.
"All this time I nothing more then a blind naive woman feeling her way through a cave. Ever since I was a child, I always wanted to be seen as an equal amongst my peers, I'm the Princess of the Water Empire for crying out loud, and everyone still saw me as being inefficient and weak. That is the main reason why all those above me decided to toy with my fate. Even as a helpless child, the elders in my fathers court and my own family members were going to sacrifice me to the spirits. My fate was never my own... I was never my own master. For my entire life, I was lead around on a leash like a dog. By my father, by my grandmother, by my old masters, and by other members of the Water Tribes military force... My circle of trust shrunk every day, to the point where there was only a handful of people I actually trust; Suki and Yue..." Uttered Katara as Hama continued to stare at the princess with a confused look on her face.
"What are you talking about, dear? Your father and grandmother may have lost your trust, but you still have many allies... Myself and the Spider-Crab Clan are here to serve you. I recgonize a rightful ruler when I see one, and I would love nothing more then to see Princess Katara take her place as being the rightful ruler of the Water Tribes... Bringing a new era of peace and harmony to the world..." Stated Hama with a wrinkled old smile that attempted to look honest. However, Katara could see right through it.
"Yes... You made that statement very obvious in your little play." Said Katara as she crossed her arms and Hama shrugged.
"What can I say, I'm a very blunt old woman. We all know you are the true heir to the throne, right? From your tone of voice, you sound UPSET that I would even state that you should become the new Water Empress. Why is that?" Asked Hama.
"The empire would never accept a woman as their leader... Whether I'm actually royalty or not. There would be conflict, a possible civil war, and it will do nothing but put a big fat target on my head for any number of assassins or usurpers. That is why I want my brother to become Emperor, he may not be accepted instantly by the Water Tribe public and other leaders, however, he will be accepted far more easily then myself. I can stay in the shadows and influence him, it will be a much easier way to rule. Plus, he has something I don't have... Compassion. He feels for those beneath him, he has a big fat dumb heart. That will make his rule move smoothly and allow people to accept him better. Something that would be very hard for me to do. This is the better course of action..." Explained Katara, as Hama burst into laughter.
"Hahahahaha! Your foolish oaf of a brother!? Surely you jest, Princess Katara. You believe the same fool who got two fishing hooks stuck in his thumb is capable of ruling? Even if you do stand in the shadows and influence his rule, do you honestly believe he is the best person to rule?" Asked Hama as she wiped away a tear of laughter. Katara only gave the old woman a cold stare.
"Yes... Because I KNOW how to manipulate him, and see through whatever manipulations he may have in store for me... I need an environment I can control, with people I can trust and control... People who won't attach strings to me and make me dance like a puppet." Said Katara with a tone of pure venom as Hama's old smile disappeared.
"What are you saying exactly, Princess Katara?" Asked Hama.
"You were a bit TOO blunt with your little 'Puppet Show', Hama. The last scene of the show, the one that showed me sitting on the throne... You were there. A puppet of you was lingering in the shadows behind me. It seemed like the TRUE puppet master of the story..." Growled Katara as Hama gave Katara an expression of confusion and shock.
"Princess Katara, how could you say such a thing? All I wanted was to help you, why do you think I spent all that time training you? I saw potential in you, the potential in a NEW and BETTER Water Tribe! One where traditions don't rule our lives!... It's what your mother would've wanted." The very second Hama finished her sentence, Katara flayed her hands in a claw-like desplay as she bloodbent Hama and sent her flying back into the canyon ice wall behind her.
"STOP LYING TO ME!" Screamed Katara as Hama looked back. But as she was about to open her mouth to reason or plead with Katara, she developed a look of horror, as she saw Katara moving her arms around as he legs shakily stood her up. She took several uneasy and shaky steps forward, as she continued to move her hands around.
"And don't EVER mention my mothers name in your filthy lying mouth..." Hissed Katara as Hama stood back up.
"Katara! What are you doing!? Are you bloodbending your own legs!? You can't do that! That pain... That pain is UNBEARABLE!" Yelled Hama.
"I can't even FEEL my legs... So, the pain isn't a factor at this point. This WHOLE time, you were just toying with me... MANIPULATING me into being your little puppet Empress And I was stupid enough to believe you actually wanted to help me. But now I know, your no better then my grandmother..." Hissed Katara as she jutted her hands forward and sent the snow around her straight at Hama. Morphing them into ice shards that flew straight at the old woman.
However, Hama lifted her hand and gestured them. Transforming the snow beneath her into water and swinging the glob of water like a whip. Smacking all the shards aside as they all imbedded themselves in the ground around her.
"I wanted to HELP you, Katara! I never wanted to hurt you! I just wanted you to be strong!"
"For your own personal gain!" Roared Katara. But before she could send another attack Hama's way, the young Princess heard the sound of a pair of rapid moving footsteps in the snow behind her. As Katara looked behind her, she saw the two burley men who were the sons of Hama running straight towards the two women. Each one holding a Water Tribe weapon of some kind.
"MOTHER! ARE YOU OKAY!?" Yelled one of the men as Katara lifted one of her hands in another claw-like position that bloodbent the two men and lifted them off the ground with an invisible force.
Katara then speared her hand forward and sent the two men flying back into the snow. Knocking both men out instantly.
"Katara! Enough!" Katara and Hama soon both paused and looked over to see that Kanna has joined the fray.
"How nice of you to join us, Kanna." Said Hama with a mocking smirk on her old lips.
"You know what? I'm happy to see you here, Gran. I was about to dispose of Hama for manipulating me... This means, I don't have to go looking for you for payback later. Kill two birds with one stone..." Stated Katara as she held her hands out in a defensive stance, constantly shifting her eyes towards both women to make sure neither one tries to catch her by surprise.
"Katara! Please stop this! I never meant to hurt you! This decision will only end in tragedy! All I ever wanted was for you to find your own path, your strength and headstrong nature can bring so much good into thr world! I ask you, I beg of you, please calm down! And I will explain everything..." Pleaded Kanna as Katara merely silently glared at her grandma.
"You have manipulated me long enough, Gran. Now, your going to PAY for what you did to ME and my MOTHER!" Katara yelled in fury, but as she was about to attack, she, Kanna, and Hama all heard the sounds of dozens of different footsteps running up to them.
Katara looked back to see Ozai's men, Dai Li agents, and other members of the invasion force running up to them.
With a flick of her hand, Katara lifted a thick and solid wall of ice around her, Kanna, and Hama, blocking all of the invasion force members from stopping them. Most of Ozai's men had no firebending and the Dai Li agents had no Earth to work with. They just had to wait for the arrival of the Avatar and his friends to break up the battle.
"When will you understand, Kanna... Katara is MY student! She picked ME over YOU! And she will follow ME! And if you try to steal her away... I'll have no choice but to dispose of you..." Growled Hama as she created a pair of water whips on he hands, with the ends of them being tipped off with solid scythe-like ice blades.
"I guess I have no choice... This is the way things must be..." Said Kanna as she quickly lifted a glob of water from the snow and shot it directly at Hama.
Hama merely spun around and took the glob of water, throwing it straight back at Kanna. Transforming it into one large ice spike in mid-air. In response, Kana lifted a massive thick wall of ice from the snow before her. Causing both the massive shard of ice and the ice wall to shatter upon impact with each other.
As the two ran straight at each other, a series of massive ice spikes erupted from the ground between them. Forcing both old women to leap back and look over to see an angry Katara holding out her hands.
"STOP IGNORING ME AND ACTING LIKE I'M NOT EVEN HERE!" She yelled as she gestured her hands once again, slowly forcing them down as Kanna and Hama both felt the ground beneath them rumbling and the sound of ice cracking reverberating from above them.
As both women looked up, they saw the massive ice statue on the side of the canyon wall was cracking and breaking. Soon shattering as pieces of it fell down.
Kanna and Hama both ran out of the way as the statue crash landed in the snow and causing a massive tremor to occur.
Kanna and Hama regained their stances as Katara dashed forward on a wave of water as she shot several spears of water at Kanna. Who jumped back and caught the spears of water, spinning around and throwing the spears of water straight at Hama. However, instead of Hama redirecting the attack yet again, she used the water whips on her hands to attach to the side of the icy canyon wall as the spears of water struck the ground she was standing on.
"Katara! That's enough!" Yelled Kanna as she leaped to the side and dodged another one of Katara's spouts of water. Several more spouts of water flew Kanna's way, only for her to despure them with quick and direct movements.
Kanna soon carefully raised a giant ice spike from the ground that cut through Katara's wave that she was riding on. Causing the girl to fly forward and crash into the snow. However, Katara got up more angry then hurt as she continued to use bloodbending to stand herself back up.
Before Katara could respond, she saw her grandmother's hands move upwards as several dull chunks of ice rose out of the ground all around Katara. Not to hurt her, but to trap her as the ice wrapped all around her and contained her. Keeping her in a standing position and trapping her arms so she couldn't waterbend.
Katara growled once more as she tried to break free of her icy prison.
"Katara, just listen to me! I'm not asking you to forgive me, I have been a horrible grandmother and family member for many reasons... All I want is to tell you the truth of what happened... I used bloodbending to kill Kvichak, I killed him because he planned to sacrifice you to the spirits! Your father and Bato planned together to secure his spot on the throne and become the new Water Emperor. Your mother was forced to take responsibility for the crime I committed, all to protect you. I have regretted many things in my long life... However, the one thing I regret the most is not speaking against my son. I'm so sorry... to both you AND Sokka..." Said Kanna as Katara paused in her ice prison and looked at Kanna with an expression of confusion and anger. Not knowing what to say to what her grandmother just said.
However, the moment was soon interrupted as several shards of ice, rained down from above as Kanna was forced to hop back and avoid the falling shards of ice. The source of the falling ice was soon revealed as Hama landed in between the two, still possessing her water whips.
"Katara, this is our chance... Your grandmother is trying to manipulate you! Join with me and help me stop her!" Exclaimed Hama with a dark smile as she gestured her hand and shattered the ice that contained Katara.
Before Katara fell, she splayed her hands out once more, forcing them to keep the girl standing as she shakily stood straight up.
"Do you honestly think I'm THAT stupid?" Asked Katara as she glared at Hama, as she bloodbent both her and her grandma. Glaring at them both as the two old women hovered over the snow and frozen ground as they were lifted up.
"You... You arrogant little girl! I freed you! And now you turn on me! Not only that... But your using the art that I created to try and immobilize me!? How dare you!" Growled Hama through clentched teeth as she continued to hover over the ground.
"Katara! It's bad enough that your bloodbending your own immobilized legs! That will already tear you apart... But bloodbending your legs AND two opponents at the same time!? That's madness! It will destroy you!" Begged Kanna as Katara still looked on with a mixed expression of defiance, confusion, betrayal, sadness, and anger.
"I am stronger then you can even imagine! I can handle it!" Replied Katara as she continued to bend and contort the bodies of Kanna and Hama. Kanna and Hama raised their hands in similar splayed positions, as Katara's body contorted and her legs started to bend and falter.
Kanna and Hama landed back on the ground, as Kanna's face instantly turned into one of guilt and fear as she saw what she was doing to her granddaughter. She stopped her bloodbending of Katara, and turned that power on Hama. Katara still attempted to bloodbend both Kanna and Hama, however, as she glanced as Kanna and Hama once more. Her face shifted from anger to confliction and sympathy.
Katara soon turned her attention back to Hama, as she bloodbent her old master and the original progenitor of the dark art. Hama attempted to fight back and bloodbent the other two waterbenders, but it was too much for her as she was lifted into the air and her body bent and distorted in all sorts of different ways.
Katara and Kanna pressed on as Hama started to groan in pain, as blood started to leak from her nose and even her eyes. She developed a look of pure horror, and she knew, along with Katara and Kanna, if the two waterbending masters continued to focus all their energy on Hama, they would kill her.
The two unanimously dropped their bloodbending poses and dropped the old woman as she fell back to the ground. Hama fell on her knees as she started to cough up blood and attempt to regain her figure.
Katara and Kanna both glanced at one another, as a large portion of the ice wall melted. Aang, Sokka, and other members of the invasion force showed their faces as they started to walk into the waterbending battlefield.
"Gran! Are you okay!? Did you tell Katara about..." Sokka paused as he glanced over at Katara who already dropped her stance, and sat in the snow with her feet straight in front of her.
"Yes, I told her everything... And, I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you. Both of you..." Said Kanna as she changed her glances from Sokka to Katara, who still stared down at her legs with an unsure expression.
"You have nothing to apologize for, Gran..." Responded Sokka with a smile on his face.
"Mother!" Yelled a pair of male voices as everyone looked over to see Hama's sons who regained consciousness, dashed past Kanna, Katara, Aang, and Sokka, as they dashed towards their wounded mother.
"Don't worry ma, we got you." Said one of the men as they each took one of Hama's arms and helped the weakened old woman to her feet, and started to walk away with her.
Katara watched on as Hama was taken away by her sons, still very angry and confused. She still had to deal with the massive amount of pain that flowed through her body from being bloodbent by two masters, her legs were the only part of her that was still numb. Except for several of her toes.
Katara's eyes widened in utter shock as she looked down at her foot, and saw the tip move back and forth when she moved her toes. She could feel her toes again, she could move them. Katara tried to hold back tears of joy as she grabbed at her leg and closed her eyes.
"Katara..." Katara's looked of relief paused as she stopped and looked over at Kanna who walked up to her.
"... It seems like, I finally understand you. After witnessing your capability to be ruthless, I believe you... I'm just, still processing everything that just happened. It's... It's a lot to take in..." Said Katara as Kanna nodded in understanding before walking over to her granddaughter.
"I saw your foot move, Katara. I assume that progress is going well?" Asked Kanna as Katara stared back at the old woman, not knowing what to say.
"If you want, I can assist in your healing..." Said Kanna with a hopeful smile, as her granddaughter seemed to consider it for a moment. Before turning back to her grandmother and nodding.
Later, Hama took shelter in her tent. She bent an orb of water over her arm. It glowed with it's trademark hum that meant it was healing her body. After everything that happened, Hama decided to get some alone time, and think about the events that just transpired. What was next for her? What will happen? Will the Avatar and the rest of the invasion leaders decide to kick her and her clan out, despite her original threat?
As Hama continued to focus on healing her arm with the orb of water, she heard the flaps to her tent move. As she looked up, she saw none other then Katara herself move into the tent. Still sitting on her toboggan as she made her way towards Hama. Hama looked away from Katara with a hateful expression on her face.
"Why are you here? Finally decided to finish the job?" Asked Hama, barely glancing at Katara. All the while, Katara kept a reserved look on her face as she took in a deep breath before speaking.
"After recent revelations, I have finally made up my mind on what I want... Peace."
"Yes, I change my original plan. I will root out the violent clan leaders in the Water Tribe, they will die. There's no question about that. They must die in order for the Water Tribe's future to be free of violence and war. Next, is my father. Originally, I served my father. Believing he was nothing like the other leader, that he would've been a better ruler. But now I see that he is just as bad. He will die as well, I'll kill him myself if I have to." Stated Katara, as Hama's expression turned from one of hate, to a dark smile as she glanced back at Katara.
"Hmm... Interesting, establishing peace through the death of all who oppose you. I like it..." Said Hama with a smirk.
"After I take my place as Water Empress, I will end the one hundred year war. Once and for all. After that, after the world is finally at peace, there will no longer be a place for me in Water Empire politics... I can't lead a peaceful nation. I will leave that in the hands of Sokka." Stated Katara as Hama raised an eyebrow at her.
"What? Originally you said you were going to use that fool as a puppet, now your just going to let him take full control of the Water Tribes?" Asked Hama as Katara glanced at her and nodded her head.
"He is not like the other leaders, he is not like my father... He's not like me. He's grown far faster then any other member of the Water Tribe I've known. At first, I was just going to use his compassion to get the trust of the people, but now... I see that is what makes him better then me. After I accomplished my goal by killing the clan leaders, he will become the new leader of the Water Empire. With the Avatar on his side, true peace is guaranteed." Katara stated firmly as Hama finally fully turned to face her.
"Really? And why have you come to me to tell me this?" Asked Hama as Katara took another deep breath.
"Because you don't have a place in this new world..."
"What are you talking about?"
"I, Princess Katara, daughter of Water Emperor Hakoda and Kya, declare you a taboo-breaker. You will leave this camp before sunrise, and I never want to see your face ever again."
"What?! No! You have no authority to-"
"You broke my trust! And you seem to forget, I am still the Princess of the Water Empire! Goodbye, Hama." Said Katara as she turned her toboggan around and left Hama's tent.
A/N: Well, that took longer then I expected. If you already read the original chapter, you probably noticed that I took several scenes from the original chapter and put them in here. It was just meant to be a smooth transition, and still establish important plot points and tie up loose ends. As for the play, I had fun basically making fun portraying the puppets personalities and the reaction of the main cast. And, if you didn't get the joke behind Puppet Toph, she was basically supposed to have a hillbilly/redneck motif. Kind of like the accents of the Swampbenders. I also added the Zuko and Ozai scene because I feel like there was a bit of a missed opportunity in the original DR fanfic to flush out this version of Ozai. Especially his relationship with Zuko in this universe. That moment between the two is modeled after the scene in ATLA where Zuko reunites with Iroh and the two hug. This was still a pretty fun fanfic to write. A fanfic of a fanfic. Please comment and let me know what you think of it. Thanks a lot. Bye.
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i’m currently relistening to the early episodes of the podcast, when some of the chapters hadn’t been edited yet. were you guys still planning on rerecording newly edited chapters?
(also, just want to say that i love this project, it’s incredible!)
Hi anon! That remains to be seen. At the moment we are actually recording the finale chapters, which are intending to be released before the new year. We’ve gone through some life changes since this project started- M^3 is in law school and C has a full time job- so if we do end up editing the revised chapters, it will not be something we rush into. While we arent saying its off the table, we are currently spinning other plates, so dont be surprised if the finale is the last content we record for a bit. We are so glad you listen to the show, and we really hope you enjoy the updates to come!
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y-rhywbeth2 · 1 month
I have too many theories going to really nail one down, but: oh thank god, a reason for Durge defaulting to Storm Sorcerer to (sort of) make sense if I reach a bit even though I don't use the class it bugs me:
'Wisps of thoughts, lost memories, forgotten ideas, minor musings, subconscious fears, important concepts - these things are drawn to the Astral from the planes it touches. Psychic energies generated by thinking creatures drift unbidden onto the Astral Plane every moment, where they gather and collect. 'As mental energy swirls, congeals, and interacts, it forms what planewalkers have always called the psychic wind. The wind moves through the Astral, but it doesn't really feel like wind to a traveller. One planewalker (whose name is now forgotten) described it aptly as the plane itself rebelling against the thoughts that make up the wind. The moving, active mental energy disrupts the normal fabric of the plane, itself primarily a construct of the mind. ' When the psychic wind strikes, it occurs in an area stretching anywhere from 3-300 miles in diameter, or at least what passes for such in the nonspace of the Astral. From the outside, this affected area looks much like a storm on the Prime Material Plane — dark, roiling skies, punctuated by occasional flashes of energy. Within the storm, everything grows dark (travelers can use fire or magic to create light, but infravision does not work). It remains dark but calm for two to three minutes, after which everything in the area begins to vibrate, warp, and distort.
Storms appear like literal storms, although they instead overload the minds of those caught with them with whatever they are made of - which may be active thoughts, emotions or dreams. So you know you could (amongst numerous other possibilities) be overwhelming people with thoughts of death, hate, homicide ideation...
'As dangerous as a normal encounter with the psychic wind is, a psychic storm is much more horrible. These very rare occurrences result directly from an influx of dangerous thoughts from some other plane. “Dangerous thoughts,’’ in this case, are those of strong fear, hatred, or other emotion found in great amounts. When a great disaster strikes, a huge battle occurs, or some unique event results from belief (like the passing of a gate-town from the Outlands to another plane) [or hey, what if a prophecy came to pass and mass death and war and chaos due to a certain god was wrecking a continent, or if an entire forest of elves and an avatar of their god was being spiritually torn apart also by that god...], the ripple of thought carries to the Astral and forms a true storm of psychic wind. 'When this occurs, a huge, almost immeasurable section of the Astral is affected. The storm carries with it the same threats as those detailed above (adding 20 to the location and mental effects rolls), as well as the ability to literally tear the Astral asunder. If a psychic storm strikes, there’s a 10% chance that it rips a hole in the plane itself. This causes everything within 10-1,000 yards to be thrust from the Astral to a random plane that touches it and tears a like amount of matter from the other plane and deposits it on the Astral. If no matter is near enough to be moved (on either or both sides of the hole), the hole remains open for 1-4 days, functioning as a gateway between the two planes. The Astral repairs this rent by forming a color pool that leads to the affected plane.'
Heeyy what if a chunk of Bhaal's 'flesh' ended up on Toril, where there's enough ambient faith and leftover divine essence to work with...? Like that might not be my final theory but it is now a factor.
Me: Durge being born on the Astral from Bhaal's corpse makes sense, but how did they leave?
Planescape: What if they were born from a massive storm of pain, rage, death and hate that tore the fabric of reality asunder?
And if you want your Durge in this theory to be older or younger than certain events:
'Because the Astral Plane exists outside of time, the thoughts and memories that form psychic winds don’t always have to be from a time concurrent to those experiencing them. That is to say, thoughts from the distant past or the future (relative to the traveller in the storm) can buffet a victim caught by the psychic wind. This facet of psychic wind does not actually change the effects of a normal encounter, but it does open up the possibility of gaining images or ideas from’ the distant past or those that haven’t even yet been conceived.'
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kaisntbreathing · 7 months
A call out to him - obey me Brothers EX reader
Disclaimer this collection of writing contains a very dark and sensitive subjects such as reality distortion, ptsd, panic attacks, denial, and mentions of threats and or violence so if any of that triggers you or makes you uncomfortable I suggest you swipe away now or scroll past this post and if you are still here reading it thank you very much for reading this.
I didn't include Belphie for this because well he killed us in lession 16 so I'm still mad at him.
Summary: MC seeking out Brothers after having a nightmare of their death
You couldn't breathe you felt like you were being suffocated in sand but you're being drowned or choked you felt his hands wrap around his throat like it was a handle until I felt nothing. You shut up up right almost flying out of your bed your bed sheets and blanket is now elsewhere in the corner of the room currently your mind was set on one thing and one thing only getting to Lucifer.
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You could barely send you felt like you wanted to throw up your legs barely were able to take your way underneath your shaking knees you leaned on the wall for support slowly making your way over to the Avatar of pride everything was so dizzy your head was spinning your vision was spinning you didn't even know if you were actually in front of the door two feet away from you you swiftly open the door flying inside the room with a panic settling over you making you unable to walk or stand collapsing onto your knees you began hysterically sobbing holding your head in your hands
"MC what's wrong? Are you okay what's the matter?"
You exclaimed loudly here making you hallucinate seeing things trying to grab you from every sort of angle who thrashed around unable to tell what was real and what wasn't Lucifer now who was in a panic frenzy as well his demon form fully showing out his six black raven like wings spread out his and his horns with their appearance and he was in The stance like he was ready to fight someone.
You couldn't speak not even a small whisper all you could do was shake like a leaf and hyperventilating as you shivered and shook, you weren't a very emotionally open person and he'd never seen you like this before so he was very unsure of what to do.
"It's ok MC, I'm protecting you now, your safe"
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He happened peacefully sleeping in his room he's a little bit of a light sleeper but not just any noise can wake him up but when you came tumbling down the stairs panting and crying out his name he jolted awake.
"M-mammon help!"
Almost instantly he was by your side as you shook and cried as you legs gave out on you as you shook and looked up at him, he remembered that look from that today it was the same look in your of fear in your eyes that you had while he was holding your body while the life slowly drained from you, he'd never forget that day nor would he ever fully forgive Belphie for it.
"I saw that dream again"
"It's 'kay now I'm here ok? Your safe with me I promise"
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For his entire existence thousands of years of existing he had only felt rage he had never felt despair since he wasn't close to Lilith he didn't really mourn her death but he respected her.
He was a deep sleeper, that is whenever he slept (which was very rare since he doesn't need much sleep anyways) but regardless of he's sleeping or not if you call his name he's there, tail wrapping around you as he pulled you closer to him protectively.
"Mc? Mc what? Where?"
"I died again in my dream"
He remembered that day he remembered not being there soon enough to help you having to feel his back with you fading as his own brother took your life he fully didn't understand how they managed to bring you back from the dead aside from he knew that it was something to do with Barbatos.
He remembered the feeling of his and your back sizzling back to life as they brought you back from the grave he didn't show it at the time but he was very grateful that they managed to do so it wasn't the same without you around.
"Will you keep me safe?"
"I swear I will"
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She was their sister after all and his little sister.
He knew from the beginning that you were related to Lilith very distantly but I'll be it you were still related to her by some means.
So he would protect you with his life he promised when he made The pact with you, but he failed he couldn't protect you he remembers the day clear he wished she didn't but he did.
He remembered coming too late and seeing your dead limb body in Mammon's arms, cold and unmoving as the colour had drain from your face.
He jolted out of thought as he heard your cry as you sounded so terrified as you bolted down the narrow and dimly lit hallway towards his room.
Seconds later he was there grabbing you as his tail wrapped around you as his true form leaked through.
You clung onto him as you trembled violently as you sobbed.
"Please...I don't want to die again"
"I swear I won't let that ever happen to you again"
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He usually would be pissed if you woke him up in the middle of the night but when you're the one in needing of his help he's there.
He felt the urgency in your voice as he rushed to his door opening it pulling you in his room as he looked down at you, he saw those fat tears rolling down your cheeks and you are disheveled look and you're terrified expression he couldn't help but not be mad.
"I've got you sweetie...oh you poor thing, I've got you"
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You didn't think as you had woken up from your vivid nightmare of your own death the traumatic scene that had replayed in your head so many times it would haunt you late at night and wouldn't let you sleep so you didn't think much when running to the twins room knowing that Belphie wasn't there.
As you rush down the hallways you called out to him hoping you hear you as you frantically voice to your fear.
"Beel! I need help!"
He remembers how he felt when he failed to protect Lilith and he had the same exact feeling when he saw that he failed to protect you, and what made it worse is it was his own twin brother that killed you.
But he couldn't hate Belphie for it, he just couldn't.
But he promised after that he would never fail to protect you again.
"I've got you Mc."
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acronym-chaos · 1 month
The Spiral Inspired ID Pack
[PT: The Spiral Inspired ID Pack].
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Aidan, Alaric, Amara, Asher, Axiom, Azura, Calypso, Callen, Celia, Chaos, Cipher, Colette, Dante, Delirium, Dorian, Echo, Elara, Elio, Emery, Escher, Etherea, Fallon, Faye, Fragment, Gideon, Glitch, Inez, Jareth, Jinx, Kieran, Lira, Lorelei, Lucian, Lucid, Maren, Maze, Memento, Mira, Moriah, Nadia, Nebula, Niko, Obscura, Ophelia, Paradox, Phantasm, Prism, Riddle, Ripple, Selene, Shade, Shimmer, Silas, Sine, Solstice, Soren, Static, Tamsin, Tangent, Tempest, Tetra, Thalia, Valen, Vera, Zander, Zinnia
[PT: Pronouns].
Be / Bend / Bends; Blu / Blur / Blurs; Coi / Coil / Coils; Con / Tort / Torts [Contort]; Cur / Curve / Curves; Dist / Distort / Distorts; Echo / Echo / Echoes; Fog / Fog / Fogs; Fra / Ctal / Ctals [Fractal]; Loo / Loop / Loops; Maze / Maze / Mazes; Mirr / Ror / Mirrors; Para / Dox / Doxes [Paradox]; Puzz / Puzzle / Puzzles; Re / Ref / Refs [Reflect]; Spi / Spiral / Spirals; Swi / Swirl / Swirls; Tan / Tangle / Tangles; Twis / Twist / Twists; Warp / Warp / Warps; Whi / Whirl / Whirls; Zig / Zag / Zigzags; Zag / Zag / Zags; Zig / Zig / Zigs
[PT: Titles].
Avatar of Insanity, The Bringer of Madness, The Corrupter of Minds, The Distorted Visionary, The Endless Maze, The Illusion Weaver, The Labyrinthine Trickster, The Master of Chaos, The Mind Bender, The Paradoxical Phantom, The Reality Twister, The Shadow of Confusion, The Spiral Architect, The Vortex Voyager, [Pronoun] Who Distorts Reality, [Pronoun] Who Lurks in Loops, [Pronoun] Who Reflects Madness, [Pronoun] Who Twists Perceptions, [Pronoun] Who Warps the Mind
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, end ID]
Requested by @mxtaroo!
Also tagging: @pronoun-arc @id-pack-archive
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mammoneygirl · 1 year
When Mammon falls for you
I wrote my first Obey Me! fic today I want to share it with all of you because I crave for more Mammon content (I'm so obsessed with him).
The link of Ao3 is right here if you wanna leave some kudos ~
Like a lot of Mammon's stan I think my perfect boi didn't receive the love he deserved. While playing, Obey Me! I was always waiting the moment when we can stand on his side like the good fangirls we are, so I decide to create this moment myself. My boy deserved all the support ! T^T
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(He's so cute, I'm dying!)
Mammon remembers the exact moment when he falls for y/n. Every detail was inscribed is his memory. The smell of wood crackling in the fire in the living room, the softness of the plaid on the sofa, the low luminosity of the lights that marked this end of the ordinary day… the voices of his bothers which resonated on some mean words, maybe deserved, maybe not, and the color of her eyes who roamed the page of an old century book… 
Mammon didn’t remember the subject of the argument he has with his brothers, neither why they were so mean against to him. “ Pain in the ass ”, “ Moron, capricious kid ”, “ Dumb ”... So many unpleasant nicknames to talk about his person. Mammon has the habit. He always responded to these acerbic jabs with humor and a casual, comic attitude. Still, it was frequent enough to be painful. Frequent enough for sometimes, alone in his room, he ends up believing that the words of his brothers had a basis of truth. Maybe he was stupid. Maybe he was horrible to live with. Maybe his brothers will be happier if he wasn’t here.
How long had his brothers' relentlessness lasted? Mammon didn’t know anymore. Time seemed to get distorted when this kind of moment happened. He was there without being there, he answered without really listening, staring at a fixed point in the room and plastering a stupid smile on his face. Letting his brothers see that even one of their words could reach him was out of the question. It was necessary to maintain confidence to safeguard a share of pride. 
Frequently, Mammon had hoped that someone would take his side. Just a phrase, an exclamation of someone. No need for a long monologue, only an " It's unfair " would have been enough... but no voice had ever come up… 
“ Maybe because they are all right. ” 
Suddenly, Mammon was brought back to reality by a book violently thrown between him and these brothers. Lucifer had almost taken it in the face. The projectile came from the sofa in front of which sat Lucifer, Asmo, Satan and Mammon. On the other, the twins and y/n. The sudden throwing movement of the young woman had suddenly awakened Belphie who was sleeping on her knees, and Beel jumped, almost choking on his handful of chips.
“ THAT’S ENOUGHT! ” y/n's voice resonated with a power that was uncharacteristic. As if she had pronounced a collective order, everyone looked at her without saying anything, their eyes wide open. Even Lucifer couldn't seem to compel himself to this angry summons. 
Everyone could only wait for the rest of her words and at the sight of the human's angry gaze, she seemed to have a lot to say. Mammon could feel the heat emanating from the mark of Satan the young woman wore in her left palm. In truth, they could all smell it. It was the first time that so much heat had come out of it. Alice seemed to be pumping the power of the Avatar of Anger at full speed. Burning ashes enveloped her body and swirled around her in irregular waves. Y/n embodied the expression “ Fulfilling with rage ” perfectly at this moment.
“ What high, unwarranted esteem of yourselves you can have to dare speak in this manner of your own brother? Are you stupid or just a huge bunch of pieces of trash? ! As far as I know, you are not exempt from all defaults. On the contrary, you are full of them, each with your own annoying and problematic little quirkiness! ” This first sentence had been transmitted with the top of her lungs. Her strong voice was drawn with rage and oscillated between depth and stridency.
Nobody says anything. It would have been easy to think it was because they had nothing to say, but it would have been known to them wrong. The reality is that they couldn't say anything. Y/n was an easy-going, teasing, but never mean person. Anger was not an emotion that often showed on her face. Even less when she looked at the seven brothers.
A few seconds passed, seconds where everyone understood that y/n was making a superhuman effort to contain an explosion of her powers. With the amount of power she was drawing from Satan to fuel her rage, the damage would have been expensive.
Once calm enough to not cause any damage, y/n pointed an accusing finger at Lucifer.
“ Lucifer, your closed-mindedness and your sadism make us suffer. Your way of protecting us is suffocating, and you expect too much of us. You fuel your pride with each of our successes, but you never take the time to tell us how proud of us you are! You said Mammon is a pain in the ass, but YOU are a pain in the ass for all of us, all the time! ” 
“Asmo, you are superficial and self-centered. For you, beauty matter more than anything. So ugly peoples did not deserve to be listened. You said Mammon is dumb, but you are the dumbest in this place! Life is not only about being the most popular or the most longed for! At least, Mammon see peoples for who they really are! ” 
“Satan, you like giving the impression you are calm and collected, but we all know you are capricious. How much furniture in this place you have destroyed with your incessant tantrum ? Living with you is like walking on eggs! You said Mammon is a moron, capricious kid, but at least HE controls his emotions better than you! And emotional control is a proof of intelligence, so watch your words when you talk to your older brother ! Calling him a moron while he can brainwash people for his own benefit is a huge proof of stupidity and disrespect ! ” 
Y/n was the kind of person who know how to hurt someone’s feelings. She also was too kind to not do it, but kindness has no place at this moment. 
She turned her attention to the twins watching the scene, dumbfounded.
“ You Belphie, you didn’t say anything this time, but you are not ousted of reproaches either. You know, I heard all the mean words you threw at Mammon’s face the rare moments you do not sleep. What was it the last time? “ A stupid, lazy ass ”? How cheeky! Did you know Mammon was the person who take notes for you in class? Just for you not being bother despite YOUR laziness! And you never say thank you! Learn how to be grateful and not project your defaults on others! ” 
“Beel, you are the most measured of all this piece of trash. However, you do not defend your brother the way he deserved it. If you were protective with Mammon like you are with Belphie, the others wouldn't allow themselves to be so comfortable. You say nothing, but your silence makes you a follower and that make you guilty just like everybody else! ” 
Her angry tirades had left her breathless, and she took a few seconds to catch her breath. Seconds when she glared at the assembly with a look that suggested that her rage was not extinguished at all and that she was far from finished. No retort would be tolerated. The fire that had formed in her hand was a clear and visible threat. At the first word, it would explode, and the mansion would be in a mess.
“��You know what all of you are? A bunch of ungrateful ! Without Mammon, you would still be just fallen angels in the eyes of all the Devildom. You would be no better than the most pathetic of lesser demons. You constantly mock and belittle Mammon's plans and ideas, but I remind you that it was one of those plans that gave you the position you all hold today. Learn to be grateful. There is an obvious line between joking and meanness. Don't tell me you're all too stupid to not recognize her? No, the truth is that you enjoy being mean to him! You don't deserve a thousandth of what Mammon gives you. He is far more deserving than any of you. ” 
She returns her attention again to each of them in turn.
“ Asmo, who is the person who stood in line for hours in the rain, in a line full of annoying and superficial demons, just to bring you back that limited edition makeup palette you love so much and bragged about for weeks on FabSnap? It's Mammon! "
“ Satan, who bought you, with all his savings, that curse book you still use to annoy Lucifer? It's Mammon! And he worked for months to get enough money to buy it for you. I know it, I was there! And I assure you that it’s cost more than any of his “ useless cars ” that you like to criticize so much for their flashy styles. ”
“Beel, who is the person who always give you his part at restaurant ? Who is the person who always planned an Akuber command for your midnight cravings? It’s Mammon ! And trust me, feed you cost A LOT !” 
“Belphie, beside the notes Mammon takes for you in class, he always makes sure nobody disturbs your sleep or wake you up. He also covers you among the teachers for you not being caught. Have you ever wondered why Lucifer didn't know how often you're unconscious in class? Because Mammon ensures your impunity! ”
She turned her gaze to Lucifer, her rage seemed to increase even more.
“And you, Lucifer, you are the most ungrateful ! When YOU decide to go against your Father, when YOU decide to cause the Celestial War, who was the person who was the first to go on your side? Who was the person who abandon all to go on your side? Without a second of doubt ? Ready to sacrifice his life, all his possessions, his rank and his magnificent wings? IT’S MAMMON! No matter how much money he spends with your bank card, it will never be a big enough reward for what he lost by placing his destiny in your hands!” 
Nobody said anything, everyone had lowered their heads in turn with flagrant shame plastered on their faces. Even the so proud Morning Star looked at the ground, on which he couldn't even find a crumb of repartee. Y/n's words had the effect of a club with which they had been knocked out without any ceremony. Seeing the effects of her words, y/n calmed down a bit, the surrounding fire was gone, but no regrets were visible on her face. Quite the contrary. Her gaze was still authoritative and accusatory.
“Yes, Mammon is greedy. He also is selfish, most of the time. He is materialist and ready to do the most awful things to obtain what he wants. His plans are ridiculous and foolish, most of the time. He always causes a lot of problems. Yes, he has defaults. But he also has a lot of qualities. Just like all of you. He is generous, kind, honest, determined, talented and loved all of you immensely. You will surely never be able to love him as much as he loves you. So the bare minimum you can do is to treat him with respect and be grateful for the things he does for you. No words or apologies can fix your pathetic behavior towards him and all the horrible things you may have said to him. I dare to hope for all of you that everything I have just told you will make you change your behavior. Because otherwise, I don't know if I will still be able to love you as I do now. Because in my eyes, you will no longer deserve my love.”
On his words, she started to leave the room and just before going through the door, stopped in the frame to add a last sentence, which had the effect of a punch in the face.
“ And before I hear anybody complain about how much I was hurtful, remember the pain I inflict you is just a firm of the pain Mammon’s feel when he heard you talk about him like you did. ”
With that, she slammed the door behind her and stomped out of her remaining anger to go to Levi's room and quell her remaining rage over some fighting games and surely lecture him too.
Mammon remembers everything about that special moment. The scent of wood crackling in the fire in the living room, the softness of the plaid on the sofa, the low luminosity of the lights that marked the end of this ordinary day... And all the emotions that had crossed him deep within himself : joy, euphoria, pride, gratitude… and this feeling, this very specific feeling that appeared to him clearer than any light he had ever seen when he was still an angel. 
“ Y/n was meant to be his. ”
It was a once-in-a-lifetime feeling, even for someone with an eternal life. The feeling that everything had lined up for this person to appear. From the moment Mammon had seen y/n for the very first time, a strange feeling had gripped his insides. He had never been able to put this feeling into words, but at this moment he knew. Y/n had been born to be his .
Lucifer turned his head towards his brother, anyone could have felt the guilt deep in his eyes. Yet the only thing his eyes met when looking at his brother was a bright smile.
“ Mammon ? ” 
“ Mh? ” Mammon turned his attention to him, but even the heavy atmosphere of the room couldn't take away his smile and the joy in the back of his pupils.
“ Mammon, we are- ” He didn't give him time to finish, answering simply.
“ Oh this? Don’t worry! It’s not important ! I need to go! ” 
And he left like that. No one understood. His aura of happiness and bliss was the biggest anomaly of this evening rich in emotion. Probably the power of y/n's words had fried some neurons in his brain. Probably it was the backlash of having someone come to his defense for the first time. Or maybe, his brothers' remorse was far less important than the thing he’s feeling right now.
The happiness of knowing that he had the most fervent of admirers.
I hope you enjoy it! Maybe I will do something more kinky the other time ~
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