#ayato kirishima one shot
imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Ayato Kirishima With A Wolf Shifter S/O
Ayato Kirishima X Fem!Reader
Requested: @the-letter-horror-lover
Request: Please may I have a Tokyo ghoul request headcanons Ayato Kirishima with a wolf female S/O..basically to help you with it better..she is the last of her Japanese wolf kind which is rumoured to have gone extinct years ago (no thanks to the CCG investigaters) and even though she is human..she has the ability to change into her wolf form, even partially with the ears and tail because that was her ability..it was difficult for her sometimes because having the ability of shape-shifting into her wolf form meant like for example, whenever she's sick..she couldn't take any ordinary medication like the other humans because it could potentially be toxic for her and she had to be careful while in wolf form too..because sadly there are potential causes of actually being killed accidentally by a hunter. S/O is more than capable of fighting for herself..she isn't a damsel in distress..and that would explain why she is a skilled fighter in her own right..
S/O accepted Ayato for who he is considering her own secrets too..and he wasn't the only one who felt differently..
Touka's relationship with Ayato's girlfriend too..
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🐇 Ayato met you because he was sent to grab you, Aogiri Tree wanted you, you were a rare breed and they loved their collectables. 🐇 Eto figured that she had a common enemy, she’d offer you safety if you offered her your strength, she knew that you’d be one of the pieces that would help her win the war she had started. 🐇 Ayato honestly hated you at first but let's be honest he doesn’t like anyone on first impression. 🐇 The more he’s forced to work with you, the more he learns to tolerate you, tolerating you turns to liking you when you become the only person who seems to understand survival. 🐇 He never really asked about your wolf form until the first time that he saw a part transformation, when you explained that it was all to do with the fact that you were sick he rolled his eyes and told you to suck it up and take some medicine. When you told him that you can’t because some of it was poisonous. 🐇 He feels bad after that and actually helps you get better, takes you somewhere quiet, might even be his room considering no one dares to bother him when he’s in there. 🐇 Once you're better there’s a new unspoken bond between you both, not that either of you commented on it.
You had been sent out on yet another mission with Ayato, the CCG had caught onto you very quickly and now you stood face to face with a kid who seemed a little too enthusiastic about killing you. “Woah you have a tail and ears like a wolf!” The kid said. “Yeah and you look like a terrible patch work project, your point?” You asked as you got down into a defensive position, even with your reflexes you could only block the scythe that was aimed for your neck, the blade lipped over your forearm where he dragged it back to cut deep into your arm and lose your balance, you fell forward rolling to the side when he struck again. You were up a second later, you kicked the kid away from you, the growl that ripped from you would have scared a normal person but it only made the kid more excited. “You're so cool!” He cheered as he dove forward again this time, he swung at the same time that he threw a dagger drawing you into the place that he wanted you cutting straight down from your left shoulder to your right hip, luckily the wound wasn’t as deep as it could have been but it still hurt. “I have to take you back with me!” “I’m not a pet.” You growled out through gritted teeth, your teeth elongating and nails sharpened into claws, you dove forward dodging his scythe and daggers knocking him back and scratching straight down his arm in the process, he screamed and as if calling in protection an Quinque came down out of nowhere you just managed to clear it “Juuzou I told you to be careful.” “I was, she just caught me by surprise.” He pouted, both of them drawn to you when a feral noise somewhere between a growl and a grunt slipped from your mouth. “Come on, it's time to go.” The new arrival ordered as Ayato landed next to you, surveying your injuries, though he didn’t show it, he was impressed that you were still standing but he’d tell you that later for now he stood at his full height Ukaku spread wide behind him, he knew that you’d cover any attacks that came lower than his range, with how low you were to the ground, eyes trained on the investigators in front of you, when they fell back he could see that you were ready to chase them so he moved in front of you. “We need to get back, we got what we came for.” He said, he watched as it seemed that his voice snapped you out of whatever state you were in. “Right, let's go.” You mumbled as you stood he could see that your wounds were healing, he unzipped and shrugged off the leather jacket that he was wearing, putting it over your shoulder. “Make sure those assholes back at the base can’t see anythin’ you don’t want them to.” He mumbled before you both headed back.
🐇 Ayato notices your quiet nature when something is bothering you. He doesn't ever bother you about it though because he knows what he’s like when something bothers him. 🐇 Your wolf senses can make you sensitive to sounds and smells, Ayato is careful of that but sometimes he yells, he apologises offhandedly afterwards though. 🐇 When you guys actually get together it’s more of a promise than asking you to be his girlfriend, you tell him what happened to others of your kind and promise you that he’d never let anything happen to you as long as you stick with him. 🐇 Once you're his though he’s protective as hell, doesn’t matter that he knows that you can look after yourself, doesn’t matter if the enemy is one you’ve beaten 100 times He’ll keep his promise and protect you from everything. 🐇 He isn’t big on PDA but that doesn’t mean that he won’t sit there with his arm around your shoulder or your knees touching to remind you that he’s there if you need him.
You had been sitting with Ayato, you were talking about nothing in particular when Yakumo Oomori took a seat next to you, you didn’t actually look at him but you did stiffen slightly, they both felt it and you were sure that Oomori took pride in it while Ayato wrapped his arm around you a little tighter putting his hand between you and the notorious killer. “Well aren’t you two cute?” He sneered as Ayato glared at him. “What do you want, Oomori?” Ayato asked, he looked relaxed as they came but the snappy way that he spoke gave him away. “We’ve got a mission, to retrieve the one eyed ghoul.” He answered. “She doesn’t want you to bring your little pet, it's just the two of us.” “Fine.” Ayato waved him off “and don’t call her that, she’s not a pet, her name is (Y/N) use it.” “You should be careful people might catch on to the fact that you're a real softy.” Oomori smirked as he stood up walking away, you somehow found him even more unnerving with the mask off but your attention was drawn from the retreating figure back to a more calming presence. “Don’t worry about him.” Ayato said “I won’t let him do anything and if he does, I’ll put him down for it.” “I don’t think that Eto would like that very much.” You mumbled and he scoffed. “I don’t care what they would like, I care about you.” He said, pressing an uncharacteristically soft kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry I froze.” You finally said. “Don’t worry.” He said again, he’d always be there.
🐇 Now when you finally got to meet Touka, it was when Ayato finally decided to change sides after Kaneki left, he obviously asked you to come with him and honestly there was nothing that you couldn’t do together, you were a dangerous team. 🐇 Touka could see how happy you made Ayato, now that he felt safe to do so PDA was more frequent though he still didn’t do it all the time. 🐇 Touka took some time to trust you still, it’ll probably take seeing you take a hit for Ayato or sticking up for him that will assure her that you are trustworthy. 🐇 Once she does trust you, you are the best of friends, you do all the things that normal friends do within your limitations, you still have to be careful given your own physical drawbacks. 🐇 Control came easier in a safe environment so Touka hardly saw you in partial or full wolf form but if you ever ended up having kids with Ayato then seeing your kids in wolf forms is common for her. 🐇 Seeing your wolf form for the first time did scare her but Ayato was the one to assure her that there was nothing to worry about. 🐇 Sticks up for you where people bully or become aggressive against you, fear or not it’s not acceptable to her (or Ayato for that matter), she’s more likely to talk to someone about it though, her brother will just straight up punch them.
It had been years since everything had settled and the fighting had ended, it seemed like everyone was finally happy, you were out with Touka but there were still situations that caused an uncomfortable stress response, your ears and tail popping out and causing people to stare which only seemed to make it worse. Touka noticed but not before a group of men came over one of them grabbing your tail and tugging on it. “Wow they were right when they said that your kind can grow tails and ears.” He smirked “can you feel it?” “Stop.” You ordered, Touka could see that if this continued there would be a few very injured men. “I’d listen to her.” Touka said as she crossed her arms. “If you want to keep that hand.” “You think that you two can take all of us?” He asked “even if she is from some special shapeshifter family, there’s still too many of us.” “I’m warning you, it’s not just her you have to worry about.” Touka smirked as she stepped forward. “Oh really?” He asked. “Touka don’t you have kids to go home too, let me punch him in the face.” You said as you stepped forward. “You think you can?” He teased, you smiled before pulling back and strike in less than a second, the man touched his nose noting the blood on his hand “you are going to regret that.” “She really won’t.” The voice behind you made your heart sing as he came to stand behind you, his scent relaxing you “leave before I change my mind about stopping her.” The man grit his teeth as he turned and left, Ayato turned you to face him, mumbling words of reassurance and asking what had caused you to panic in the first place while Touka watched with a small smile, she was so happy that he found you because he looked happier with you than she had seen him in a long time almost as happier than when they were kids before everything had ruined them and she only hoped that lasted forever for the both of you.
Request Here!!
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warning: yandere themes. Violence
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He couldn't help himself. He wanted you. He needed you. Right beside him. He wanted you attention. Only on him. He doesn't want it on anyone else. Only him. You only needed him. Only him. No one else.
Then why are you talking with him. Couldn't you tell that you belong to him and him only and not that guy. You shouldn't be talking to anyone only him.
He tighten his fists. He wanted to punch the guy in the face. Or to do anything to get you away from the guy. He wanted to pull you away and show you who you belong to. To do anything but instead he was just watching.
Finally the guy left. You waves goodbye to him. He then marches his way to you and grabs your arm. "Were going home" he says through gritting teeth.
As he drags you back to your guys place you don't say anything. You didn't know what to say. Was there anything to say?
Once you both got to your guys place he opens the door and drags you inside before closing it and locking it. He then dragged you to the couch. He then makes you sit down before he flops himself onto your lap and lays there.
He wasn't going to let you do. He was going to keep you here with him forever and ever. You won't be able to do anything about it either.
Your his and only his.
Majiro/Mikey, Sanzu, Sully, Jeff the killer, Jason the toymaker, Shinsou, kaneki, ayato, Bakugou, baji, kazutora, sanemi, obanai, karma, ciel
sorry if some of these don't seem like they would do all of this but this was just their general feel to them. Hope you like have a good day!
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locketsvault · 4 months
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pairing: ayato kirishima x gender neutral reader
tags: gender neutral reader, established relationship, first person, no pronouns/afab gender used, fluff
warnings: canon angst, discrimination mentioned, fluff, sfw “nudity”, back massage with no shirt on, kissing, strictly sfw I promise
request: Hii, can i request some fluff with Ayato (tokyo ghoul) with (an investigator) gn reader? (original request found here.)
word count: 835
a/n: this was honestly quite a hard topic to write about, trying to balance a character who’s angsty, usually mows down investigators happily, with an investigator partner and make it fluffy. I hope it’s to your liking, I did my best to make it fluffy!
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You two are a match made in… I can’t say Heaven, that’s a stretch. But you’re definitely a match. How it came to be? That’s a little secret. Some rumors say that you rescued him from being executed, while others say he saved you from being eaten by another ghoul. No matter how though, it was hard to deny you two were a wonderful match.
It was like looking at the black cat and golden retriever trope. It didn’t matter if you were a black cat too, being an investigator made you seem much more lively than a certain emo.
Sadly you two had to keep your relationship a secret from everyone around you, of course with the treat of death on both sides. But after the events of :re you were able to see each other without that threat lingering over your head. And it only made you two closer. You were finally able to move in together, just the two of you in your small apartment near his sisters coffee shop. It was home.
“You’re late.” Ayato stated the second you walked through a door, a false look of annoyance gracing his features.
“Paperwork,” you whined as you took off your coat and shoes. “He’s the worse boss ever, I swear. He makes me write the dumbest reports up, and he always tells me to do it right before I come home.”
“Then quit.” His tone was dead serious, you knew it, and you shot him a light hearted glare for it.
You knew you couldn’t though, you worked so hard to get where you were. He knew how important your job was to you. And he appreciated an open minded investigator among all the well… close minded humans. But he still sometimes wished you quit, for your safety. He also feared having to fight you or accidentally killing you without realizing it was you. That wasn’t fair though, he knew your scent by heart.
You dragged your body to the couch and collapsed onto him with a soft groan. His fake annoyance disappeared, instead replaced with a look of amusement. He can feel your body tense against his, and one touch down your back answered to him exactly why.
“… you were dualing again weren’t you.”
“Yes, but, I didn’t expect to today so I didn’t properly stretch.” You answered as you gave him a guilty smile.
This time he actually gave you a look of annoyance. “Sit up.” He commanded, quiet but affirmative.
“Noooo, I just laid down.” You whined, burying your face into his neck.
All you needed right now was him, to be in his arms, and all the pain would go away. However, that did not work. He huffed and made you both sit up before turning you so your back was facing him. A few sputter and whines later, your shirt was removed and thrown haphazardly on the ground.
“I can practically feel how tense your body is as if it’s my own. No fighting me on this.” The words “let me take care of you” left unspoken but was clearly there.
And how could you say no? So with a faux pout you stayed still as he grabbed some muscle relaxer and started to work it into your soft skin. You couldn’t help but release a hard sigh at the feeling. Your job could be so physical demanding and it wasn’t always easy to take care of your body. Your eyes closed as you took in his touch and warmth. You always cherished soft moments like this with him. He had changed so much since you first met, he had changed for you. You needed this, and you needed some unwinding with him.
“Thank you…” you whispered, breaking the soft silence between you.
You could feel his touch hesitate a bit, still not used to hearing such words in a genuine way. You could hear the almost silent huff and could practically feel the smile he was trying to keep in.
“All done, feel better?” He asked, wiping off his hands before getting up.
You rolled your shoulders and moved around a little. You couldn’t deny, you were feeling much better now. He came back and handed you one of his own shirts, much to your pleasure. You happily put it on and wiggled out of your work pants.
“Thank you my love.” You reached out, pulling him down for a soft kiss.
“You already said that,” he mumbled against your lips before picking you up, “come on, time for bed.”
“Man, my night was just getting started.” You grumbled, rolling your head back.
He rolled his eyes and laid you down, turning off the lights before laying down with you. He pulled you close and caressed your cheek, before kissing you again. It was gentle, more gentle than you were used to from him. He must been feeling extra domestic. You weren’t going to point it out though, it was cute and you loved it.
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mythicalmyles · 1 year
Thinking of bully x male reader
Like :
Bully & reader get each other as partners for a project.
They go to reader's house to do the project & bully tries to find something abt reader to embarrass em and actually finds a lingerie or skirt idek lol
Hope ayato kirishimas okay 😭 im testing somethings oke, kind of an au Ayato’s still a ghoul but like hes in school for some reason (we love an educated king)
18+ dubcon, humiliation, sub/bottom reader, primal(?), blackmail,
Disappointment shot through your stomach as your name was called alongside Ayato’s. You had hoped that with being 18 and in your last year that things would change, it would seem that wasnt the case.
Ayato’s cold eyes glared into yours, he seemed pretty mad about it. You exhaled through your nose as you nervously stood and gathered up your stuff, shoving books into your backpack as you quickly zipped around and made your way over to Ayato.
Fear flooded you as you shyly made your way to the seat next to him, anxiety flowing through your veins like a winter spring. You barely lifted your head the entire way, looking at your legs as you sat next to Ayato. it was the most uncomfortable experience for thirty minutes neither of you spoke, yet you could feel those lifeless blue eyes glaring holes into you.
Once you were dismissed you both stood up, Ayato close behind you and causing goosebumps to run over your body. “We’re going to your house.” You couldn’t find the words so you nodded your head, you didn’t know why he wanted to go to your place. But it was a fight you knew you’d lose, so instead you guided him all the way to your home.
The fact he walked a few steps behind you unnerved you, almost feeling as if you were being hunted down. Like a little mouse blind to the cat right behind him, ready to pounce.
You swallowed a thick chunk of air as you pushed your door open, already knowing the house to be empty. You threw the keys onto the side table, the metal clanking harshly against the wood a drawing a wince from you. “Uhm, feel free to si-sit anywhere.” You managed to force out, shaking words Ayato did not miss. “Do you… want anything?” Despite asking a question Ayato’s deep voice threw you off, staring dumbly at him mouth gaped. A smirk took over his face. “Coffee.” He repeated, your head nodding as you turned and quickly made your way into the kitchen.
Your lips parted as you sucked in air, almost gasping with the suffocating air around you and Ayato. He wasn’t as bad as he had been when you were younger but being around him kept you on edge, body tense and nervous. The sound of the kettle boiling drowned any sound as you mindlessly carried on with the task at hand.
You carried the steaming cups back through to the livingroom, brain blanking as you processed the fact Ayato was gone. You quickly dropped the mugs onto the table and bolted upstairs, eyes widening as you noticed your bedroom door wide open.
You quickly made your way to it, mouth dropping in horror as Ayato rifled through your drawers. He had a mean smirk and a quirked brow when he turned to you, your skirt dangling from his fingers. Flight kicked in but before you could blink Ayato’s arm had wrapped around your waist, easily throwing you across the room and onto your bed.
A loud gasp left you, flinched as Ayato threw the skirt at you. “Put it on. Wouldn’t want everyone knowing about your little secret.” His voice was rough and sent shivers running up your spine, teeth gnawing on your lip as your hands almost too eagerly began yanking your jeans off. Ayato’s eye’s barely left you, bar a moment to grab thigh highs and throw them next to you. It took you a moment before you could fumble your socks on, ayato grabbing the last one and yanking it up your leg. He grinned down at you, hands running up your thighs.
You stared at eachother for a moment before Ayato shot forwards, connecting your lips as his tongue push into your moth. You couldn’t help but whimper under him, his body pressing you to the bed and the sound of his ragged breathing filling your ears.
It felt intoxicating kissing Ayato, one of his hands wrapped around your neck while the other roamed your body. You pulled away from him, world pausing as (e/c) eyes met red and black. Ayato panted as he stared you down, eyes pinning you in place.
You couldn’t find it in you to be surprised, it almost felt hotter, knowing the hands currently wrapped around your neck and playing with your nipple. Knowing he’d definitely hurt someone before sent heat to your cock, his own sliding against yours, jeans causing friction as your hips messily ground against eachother.
Ayato’s lips made their way to your neck, his hands moving to your hips and sliding to pull your ass cheeks apart. Your body felt hot and overwhelmed, mind swirling as Ayato slid two fingers into you, a strangled moan tearing from your lips as your back arched. Eyes cocking as he slammed his digits into you. “Fuck, so tight. Bet you’d taste delicious.” All you could do was stare at him slack jawed, your socked thighs gripped his hips like a lifeline.
“No idea how long ive wanted to stick my cock into you, fuck you stupid.” Ayato growled his words out, long fingers hitting deep enough to send your eyes rolling and cock twitching. Ayato didn’t last long before ripping his fingers out, hands quick to flip you over and line his cock up.
“Be a good boy and swallow me up, huh?” You choked as he began sliding his cock in, stretching you out and making your inside seize up. “Fuck relax, too tight.” Ayato groaned out, thumbs rubbing gently against your hips. It took a moment to relax, Ayato wasting no time in burying as deep as he could. You screamed out his name as he began thrusting deep, head throwing back as he railed against your prostate. “Fuh-fuck Ayato, so good.” You moaned out, arching letting him slide deeper.
Ayato’s groans filled your ears along with your own pitched moans, mind blanking as he took you at an inhuman pace. It wasn’t long before your toes curled, body curling in as your orgasm fast approached. Ayato let out a growl, his teeth clamping down on your shoulder. His body weight pinned you to the bed, a scream leaving your throat as your vision whited out. One of Ayato’s hands entwined with yours, his other wrapping around your waist and keeping you pinned as he filled you with his load.
Both of you fell apart panting, you shut your eyes as you tried to calm your breathing, mind still reeling from the earth shattering orgasm that just wracked your bones. “You tell anyone, i mean anyone and i will kill you.” You let out a breathy chuckle, Ayato’s words full of heat and yet unaffecting.
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harleyquilt · 3 months
Touken age gap hc (Kingneki × tg!Touka) 
Notes: Touka is 18 in this scenario. This is also an au of sorts, with some details being canon compliant, and others going off-canon. Main focus here is to make a scenario for the ship, so don't sweat the small stuff. Been a while since I've seen this hc so I thought I'd feed myself.
Touka meets Kaneki after he proclaims himself the One-Eyed King and is introduced to him through Yomo. She's unimpressed, seeing how miserable he looks – his face gaunt, his body much smaller compared to other ghouls, and more concerningly, there is a distinct hollowness in his eyes. It is an emptiness that Touka decides is unfitting for the leader of ghoulkind, a title Touka immediately thought was obnoxious. 
That is until she sees him in combat. She joins Yomo, who joins Kaneki, in fending off some CCG investigators in the city, and it is then that she sees him unleash his kagune. The dense, dark tendrils slay the investigators with ease, blocking attacks and lashing back with twice the power of any regular rinkaku. Distracted, she's almost shot by a hidden Dove, but Kaneki, catching sight of him, shoves Touka out of the way and blocks the attack. Touka shakes away her surprise and shoots a finishing blow, killing the investigator. Kaneki thanks her and moves on, and Touka finds herself looking at him for a little too long…
A few days later, she's making coffee for Yomo, but when she enters his room, she sees that Kaneki is also there, discussing logistics. She gives Yomo his coffee and just as she turns to leave, Kaneki calls her name and praises her for her work in battle. She tries to come off as uninterested, but her heart flutters still. Something about his smile feels incredibly sincere to her…
The next day, she makes coffee for Kaneki. She struggles to suppress her immense embarrassment when she offers him the cup, insisting that she made this because he took a blow for her. He's touched, truly, and again, his smiles leaves her feeling warm and giddy. She curses under her breath and storms out, much to Kaneki's confusion. 
They start to talk more – not often, with how busy Kaneki is, but whenever they come across one another, they chat briefly. Every now and again, she even makes him coffee, and it seems to surprise him every time. Touka, meanwhile, tries to convince herself that she is merely being polite, that he's too soft with all of his subordinates, that she doesn't see him as anything more than a wannabe-leader…
One day, Kaneki and the others ready themselves to head out, having heard some alarming intel. Touka begins to prepare herself too, but, to her dismay, Kaneki orders her to stay. She demands a reason from him and Kaneki claims it's to keep her safe, telling her nothing more. Confused and angry, she follows them in secret, wanting to prove herself in some way. They must see her as weak, if they're keeping her in onr place. It's an insulting thought, one that spurs on her disobedience. Having followed behind, they eventually come across her brother, Ayato, being held hostage by Akira Mado. She's readying his, along with a few others, executions.
To keep things brief, Touka loses her cool and goes straight for the kill. As strong as she is, Akira has more experience, and is quick to strike Touka right in her abdomen. Kaneki and the others react swiftly, reaching Touka and holding off Akira and her team long enough to retrieve the Kirishima siblings and the other hostages. There are minimal losses. Touka is mostly ok, but with the food shortage, her healing is slow and painful. 
She's tended to by Yomo and Banjou, though she still needs time and rest to heal fully. Ayato, in the midst of the battle, is also wounded, and as much as it pains her, they'll have to wait a little longer for their reunion. Kaneki decides to visit once the others leave, entering her room with an apologetic expression. Touka stops him, telling him Yomo has already scolded her enough, and Kaneki sits by her bed, assuring her that it is his responsibility to keep her safe. She mutters that she doesn't need him to stay safe, and Kaneki is quiet for a moment, his eyes downcast. 
He then asks to see her wound. She's taken aback, at first, but eventually nods, pulling her shirt away from her bandaged stomach. Avoiding his eyes, she can't tell what expression he's making, but she does feel his fingers lightly touch the edge of the bandage – now red with blood. Now watching him, she can see that he looks pained, unusually so. He apologises again, confessing that, for a moment, he was worried that he was too late. She's confused, and without thinking, she scoffs and asks why he would care. Concerned, he meets her eyes, placing a hand over hers. He then tells her "I'd be sad if you died, Touka-chan." It's a simple, innocent statement, yet it reduces her to a squirmish mess. She pulls her hand away and thanks him, Kaneki leaving soon after reminding her to rely on him if she needs anything.
And that's when Touka begins to wonder…does she have feelings for him?
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blueparadis · 2 years
❝ REFLECTIONS ❞ + ( kishou arima, kaneki ken, uta, ayato kirishima, juuzou suzuya, amon koutarou )
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+. CWs —» gn!reader, $mut,oral acts, s&d dynamics, bd$m elements, $ex toys, overstimulation, orgasm control ; specific details for respective characters utc!
+. PRECIS —» n$fw headcanons “ he hit it so hard that I saw my reflections in his eyes ”
+. NOTES —» i renovated my blog, used tokyo ghoul mangacaps and this was the result :> reblogs are appreciated; find more of my works here ( tag index ).
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KISHOU ARIMA [ fingering + praise k!nk ]
KISHOU likes to finger you a lot. The moment you sit on his lip his hands keep slipping inside your underwear even if you are repeatedly shoving them away. Whether your back is pressed against his chest or you are sitting on one of his thighs or you are sprawled out on bed with your legs spread apart, he is swift enough to thin out your control with sloppy and messy kisses, until he hears you, moaning, “please touch me more.” And the moment he sees the lovesick glossy look in your eyes through his glasses he gives you exactly what you want. Having his fingers rashly moving in and out while he occasionally shuts you up with kisses leaving you breathless is one of his favorite things to do when you are alone with him. You could see his cock grow hard yet you are so needy, so eager to chase your high that you forget, he can stop anytime. And he does. He does it with so much precision that your toes curl, and palms form into fists but you never beg since you are painfully aware of how beautifully insatiable he looks while licking his fingers that are soaked with your arousal before he finger-fucks you again and again till you cum on his hands, staining his pants and sheets. “You did better than the last time, babe. good job.”, he is not easily impressed but when he is he does not hesitate to show you.
KANEKI KEN [ blood play ( blood k!nk ) + scent marking]
KANEKI is a great fan of back-shots, of all the positions he prefers you to be on all fours while his cock is sheathed inside you. He thrusts his hips slow yet strong picks up his pace and then drops it because you have the prettiest moans or so he claims. He considers you, a lot actually and that is why he never leaves marks where on your body that people can see otherwise he loves to see his hard work all over you when he is in the bath with you or ready to hit the shower; rather he uses his kagune. Having such a unique kagune sometimes comes in handy. His toned muscular arms wrap around your collar bones as his teeth dig into the nook of your shoulders as he hits your g-spot with deep calculated thrusts, your eyes rolling white chasing the high while he empties his balls in you. And when he is done he does not pull out, instead, he waits, he waits for you to catch your breath while he places soft kisses on your back till you tilt your head to kiss him, his blood-smeared lips so as to have a tasted what he is so addicted to.
UTA [ thigh riding + use of vibrator ]
UTA likes it when he can see you while you moan. Your facial contours when you are just about to cum and all because of his hard work. W Hence, he prefers sex toys, sometimes, when he has to leave for work yet all he wants to do is to see you beg and cry for a release. Sometimes it backfires, sometimes it does not. Whether you are fingering yourself or thigh-riding him he wants to see your pretty face. Having your hands on his shoulder as you glide against his thighs makes his head all dizzy. At first, slow and steady but he can be a bit restless. So, he holds a Hitachi wand at the core of your groin to make you lose your sanity just like him. He has perfected this so much that he does not mind touching himself while you ride his thighs, completely giving in to your lustful urges. “Finally I've your eyes on me.”, he blurts followed by a cheeky grin as you manage to lock eyes with him while cumming on his thighs. “so proud of you baby”, he adds as your sweaty body slumps over his and his hands rubbing your back to soothe your breathing.
AYATO KIRISHIMA [ cockwarming +branding ]
AYATO loves it when you take the lead and hates it when you avert his advances. On some days, when he is tired , tired enough to fuck you he lets you blow him just because he likes when you are so drunk on his cock, sucking him with so much groaning and gagging that tears start to stream down your face. But if he was in charge he would rather have you cockwarm him. Just cockwarming, no fucking only sitting on his lap with his cock inside you as his back grazes yours. He likes to play with your nipples while something is the tv is on, sucking and licking a trail up your neck and deliberately refuses to put his teeth to use. And just that, no movements just having you still while he tests the limits of your patience. But it is different when you are facing him, he rubs and massages your ass cheeks so soothe the ache in your numbing muscles but can not really say no when you touch your body all over glistening with sweat, making small movements so that you do not end up bobbing on his cock in an animalistic way. “Oh!c’mon, do something more, something to impress me.”,he says as you plead to him,ask for his permission to fuck him but he clearly loses his calm when you jock down to suckle on his nipple when he demands more show.
JUUZOU SUZUYA [ hand bondage + nipple play ]
SUZUYA prepares you all full and well before having the pleasure of fucking you. He eats you until you cum at least three to four times on his tongue so that he can push his cock easily without having to hurt you, with having you pleading for his cock. He ties your hands so that he can eat you without any interruption, without you distracting him with soft strokes through his hair only relishing the feeling of your soft inner thighs that fold in and out everytime he lays flat his tongue and laps over your juices. And when he is done, his lips and chin soaked with your slick he towers above you, his cock hard and strong laying over your flat belly as he takes your tied-hands to place over his nape. With that closeness, with that intimacy and his cock buried inside you he cums within a few minutes and all into you, filling his insatiable hunger and you to the brim.
AMON KOUTAROU [ 69 + impact play ]
Amon eats you as you eat him, no other way. That is how he prepares you. It is the fastest way or so he claims. He does not like to waste time but whenever he is eating you out he just cannot help but land some slaps on your ass. His slaps are hard and strong, as he expected, yet they are very unpredictable. You never know when he is gonna slap you next, his grip on you grows stronger when laps all of your cum and asks you if he can cum in his mouth beforehand, might you do otherwise he keeps slapping your ass and denying your orgasm until you apologize. He is not asking for much, is he now? Just that you cum only in his mouth and only when he asks you to. You are free to have fun with his fat cock while he specifically demands his share of pleasure. “why I must discipline you every time?”, he remarks before placing a kiss on your ass. He gets a little soft when you are not being a brat and obeys his commands like a good practical subordinate should.
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fairy-writes · 1 month
1600 Followers Event!
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Hello everyone! While it wasn’t that long ago that we celebrated 1500, here we are at 1600! Thank you all so much for supporting my silly little blog with my silly little writing! Here’s to hopefully many more!
Anyway! Onto the event! I’m doing a thing where I’ll write a little reader-insert thing (ranging from drabbles to full-on one-shots) based on a character and a prompt that you send me! I have a list of 20 angsty dialogue prompts for you to choose from!
So pick one and a character from one of the fandoms listed, and I’ll write a little blurb or a one-shot based on the request! 
Just be warned: I will cross off the prompt once it’s chosen TWICE. That way, I won’t have a million requests for the same prompt. 
The event will be open for two weeks starting August 13th and will run to August 25th!
The Rules Are: 
All orders are written as character x reader!
Everything is gender neutral reader unless specifically stated otherwise (e.g., you request a female reader)
Please send them in separately so I can keep track of everything!
Any orders that do not follow the rules will be deleted. 
All requests will be tagged under #fairy1.6kfollowers
“I loved you first.” (1/2)
“I was alone.” (0/2)
“I should have been there.” (0/2)
“Don’t leave me. Please.” (1/2)
“I wanted you to fight for me.” (0/2)
“You meant nothing to me.” (1/2)
“Keep breathing, you’re doing great.” (1/2)
“You know, they say crying has all these health benefits.” (1/2)
“Oh, excuse me for freaking out. I only thought you were dead!”
“I can’t find a pulse!” (0/2)
“No, don’t go to sleep. Hey! Eyes open!” (1/2)
“Can you please come and get me?” (1/2)
“Because nobody cares about me!” (0/2)
“You don’t need to do this!” (1/2)
“I thought you were my friend!” (1/2)
“I’m tired… So so tired.” (1/2)
“You don’t have to fight anymore!” (0/2)
“Tell me to stay, and I will be here for as long as you'll have me.” (1/2)
“It’s funny. Nowadays, people always expect a gun, but never a knife.” (1/2)
“Tell me, my Dear, can a heart still be broken even when it stopped beating?” (from The Corpse Bride) (1/2)
I Will Write for the Following People: 
Arcane: League of Legends: Viktor, Silco, Jayce Talis, Vander
Bungou Stray Dogs: Nakajima Atsushi, Nakahara Chuuya, Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Saigiku Jouno, Suehiro Tecchou
The Case Study of Vanitas: Vanitas, Noé Archiviste, Roland Fortise
Demon Slayer: All the Hashira, Akaza, Kokushibo, Douma, Kamado Tanjiro (aged up), Agatsuma Zenitsu (aged up), Hashibira Inosuke (aged up)
Doctor Who: The Doctor (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th), Jack Harkness
Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy Mustang, Greed (not Greedling), Alex Louis Armstrong, Edward Elric (post-FMAB), Alphonse Elric (post-FMAB), Ling Yao (post-FMAB)
Grimm (NBC): Nick Burkhardt, Hank Griffin, Sean Renard, Drew Wu, Monroe
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Toji, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuuji (aged up), Fushiguro Megumi (aged up)
Kaiju No. 8: Hibino Kafka, Ichikawa Reno, Hoshina Soshiro, Narumi Gen, Furuhashi Iharu
Moriarty the Patriot: William James Moriarty, Albert James Moriarty, Louis James Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Fred Porlock, Sebastian Moran, James Bonde
Tokyo Ghoul: Uta, Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka, Kirishima Ayato (re: age), Nishio Nishiki, Tsukiyama Shuu
Trigun Stampede: Vash the Stampede, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Millions Knives
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northernsamurai · 2 years
Hello everyone, my name is Arawyn, and I am a male reader fiction writer. I mostly write one-shots for my own entertainment, but i do take requests as well.
For those that ever feel like wanting to request, here are the following anime’s and characters I will write for:
- Bakugou Katsuki
- Todoroki Shoto
- Midoriya Izuku
- Kirishima Eijiro
- Aizawa Shōta
- Himiko Toga
- Kayami Nemuri
- Todoroki Touya
- Shigaraki Tomura
»Seraph of the End
- Yuichiro Hyakya
- Mikaela Hyakya
- Saotome Yoichi
- Hiragi Shinoa
- Bathory Ferid
- Ichinose Guren
- Hajime Iwaizumi
- Kageyama Tobio
- Sugawara Koshi
- Sawamura Daichi
- Tanaka Ryuu
- Shimizu Kioko
- Oikawa Tōru
- Akashi Keiji
- Bokuto Koutaro
- Tetsuro Kuroo
- Kozume Kenma
- Haiba Lev
- Morisuke Yaku
»Demon Slayer
- Tomioka Giyu
- Kocho Shinobu
- Kanroji Mitsuri
- Rengoku Kyojuro
- Himejima Gyomei
- Shinazugawa Sanemi
- Obanai Iguro
- Uzui Tengen
- Tsugikuni Michikatsu
- Tsugikuni Yoriichi
- Kibutsuji Muzan
- Hakuji
- Doma
- Ume
- Gyotaro
- Kaigaku
»Jujutsu Kaisen
- Satoru Gojo
- Itadori Yuuji
- Sukuna Ryomen
- Suguru Geto
- Fushiguro Megumi
- Kugisaki Nobara
»Genshin Impact
- Ragnvindr Diluc
- Zhongli
- Xiao
- Wanderer
- Tighnari
- Cyno
- Gorou
- Thoma
- Kamisato Ayato
- Kamisato Ayaka
- Lumine
- Aether
- Raiden Ei
- Yae Miko
- Jean
- Al Haitham
- Kaveh
- Beidou
- Kaedehara Kazuha
- Ningguang
- Arataki Itto
- Ajax/Childe/Tartaglia
- Alberich Kaeya
»Seven Deadly Sins
- Ban
- Diane
- Simon
- Gillthunder
- King
- Arthur
- Merlin
»Heaven Official’s Blessing
- Xian Le
- Nan Feng
- Fu Yao
If there are any other anime’s I watch throughout the year, I’ll write them down, as well as new characters!
<Please keep in mind>
I am a High schooler and have to study for exams and projects
Don’t rush me, or expect me to post something everyday
If you potentially request, please include the anime, character, an AU if you want one, a plot if you want a specific one, and if it’s either Fluff/Angst. [Will only write NSFW content if I’m comfortable with it]
If you spam, criticize, or being generally rude, you will be blocked. If it comes to insults and talks which include sexism and racism, you will be reported.
I would love to wish you all a wonderful 2023, and may your efforts be worth it.
[FYI: if you're gonna follow me eventually, please don't be a blank account. I won't be able to see if you're a NSFW bot or not. Thank you!]
[it can even be a blank blog; just anything to prove you're a real person]
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bookishgalaxies · 2 years
request rules ⚠︎︎
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requests are open | closed
what i do ::
mood boards/GIF boards: really just give me anything color x character, character x (whatever)!reader, character x aesthetic. You can ask for headcannons with it if you want !
hc’s (headcannons): short prompt with a character(s) - I can do up to four characters in one post :)
one shots: give me an idea for a scenario / a handful of prompts (I’m a sucker for an AU)
text au’s: give me a prompt for a text conversation and a character to have it with.
Characters I write for:
my favs are in purple
characters ::
hp: harry potter, hermione granger, fred/george weasley, neville longbottom, luna lovegood
riordanverse:: percy jackson, annabeth chase, piper mclean, jason grace, leo valdez, hazel levesque, frank zhang, thalia grace, grover underwood, sadie kane, carter kane, magnus chase, lester papadopolous,
stranger things: mike wheeler, lucas sinclair, dudtin henderson, max mayfield, jane/el hopper, steve harrington, robin buckley, nancy wheeler, eddie munson
the umbrella academy: five hargreeves, victor hargreeves (platonic), allison hargreeves (platonic), diego hargreeves (platonic), klaus hargreeves (platonic), ben hargreeves (platonic)
grishaverse: kaz brekker, inej ghafa, nina zenick, nikolai lantslov
atla: katara, zuko, toph, aang, sokka, suki
criminal minds: spencer reiid
marvel: america chavez, peter parker, kate bishop,
mha: mina ashido, izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki, ochaco uraraka, tenya iida, eijiro kirishima, momo yaoyorozu, denki kaminari, hitoshi shinsou
the owl house: amity blight, luz noceda, gus porter, willow park, hunter
genshin impact: kaeya alberich, diluc ragnvindr, jean gunnhildr, lisa minci, eula lawrence, bennett, albedo, lumine, ayaka kamisato, ayato kamisato, yoimiya naganohara, ei, miko yae, thoma, kokomi sangonomiya, kazuha kaedehara, itto arataki, alhaitham, kaveh (platonic), nahida (platonic), and wanderer/scaramouche
my rules ::
NO SMUT - i’m a minor and i am an asexual who doesn’t feel comfortable with sexual related things.
No male x reader - I will gladly write for a gender neutral reader though!
no queer characters with people they aren’t attracted to - example no lesbians x men
No intense dark things - (like cannibalism, torture, ect)
Feel free to ask, and if I respond and say I’m not comfortable or I don’t want to do it please don’t take it to offense.
Most of the time it is just because I don’t want to mess it up or my inspiration just wasn’t sparked.
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Ayato Kirishima x Reader
I'm so in love with him. He pretty much ties with Shig. Yes thats right. I want him to fuck me till I can't speak.
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Ayato found you one night while he sat atop the roof to your apartment. Well more like hunted. Watching you as you walked home. So weak, so innocent, so helpless.
Your scent made him drunk with desire. An Uncontrollably urge to make you his. A lowly pathetic human, he hated humans but you, you drove him insane.
But he couldn't deny his hungry for your flesh. His need to devour you but not by feeding on you. Oh but he would eat you in, dine between those creamy thighs of yours. Taste the nectar that pools from your sex.
It was time for him to take you. Teach you how to please him, how to be his perfect pet. You will look so beautiful in the collar he had made for you, his soon to be little human slut. Oh he would have fun with you.
He looked forward to training your tight cunt to take him. He would have you in everyway. His tongue would trace every part of you. He licked his lips just thinking how delicious your sex would be, dripping just for him as you withered underneath him.
The best part would be when his fat cock dips past your puffy, slick coated folds. Stretching you so very wide, his lenght twitched just thinking about it. Reaching down to palm himself as his mind continued playing out his plans.
Driving himself in to you inch by inch, hearing you whimper as he buries himself to the hilt in your pretty little pussy. If you are a good girl he might even give you time to adjust to his overwhelming size before thrusting violently into you.
They way your needy walls grip his rutting shaft, pulling him in brings his ghoul out. His eyes bleeding to veiny red, his kagune emerges from his back as he pounds into your heat. His hands leaving bruises on your hips as he holds you in place.
You feel so tight and warm, the way you clamp and flutter around his throbbing manhood makes his hips stutter. He is so close just a few more pumps and he is empty everything he has in you. Quickly flooding your pussy with his thick hot cum.
A smirk tugged at his lips as he jumped from the roof to land in front of you as you approached your apartment, you were so unaware that you now belong to the SSS ghoul known as the Black Rabbit.
You jumped, dropping the bags you were carrying, your heart pounding in your chest as you looked at the man who stood before you. His eyes red and wings adorning his back, a ghoul. He was surely gonna eat you. You saw a sadistic grin play at his lips. Before you could scream or run his hands shot out, one closing over your mouth, the other wrapping around your waist bringing your body crashing against his.
"Hello my little human toy, your mine now. I'm gonna have fun with you my pretty human, when I'm done with you you won't be able to walk" he growled leaving no doubt what he wanted as he pressed his erection against you, a preview of what you would be getting tonight
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sleepdeprivedqueer · 3 years
I like to write for fun because I'm bored, so Imma make x reader content, I will write for these people these will be one-shots, but if not then I'll add like 1/ how many numbers it will go on for
Levi Ackerman
Hange Zoe
Miche Zacharius
Jean Kirstein
Erwin Smith
Pieck Finger
Portgas D. Ace
Marco the Phoenix
Trafalgar Law
Nico Robin
Roronoa Zoro
Vinsmoke Sanji
Yomo Renji
Ayato Kirishima
Javier Escuella
Arthur Morgan
Sadie Adler
John Marston
Leon Scott Kennedy
Carlos Oliveira
Lover To Enemies
Enemies To Lovers
Friends To Lovers
Pedo like stuff
Teacher and Student
THINGS I WILL WRITE FOR NSFW (when I get used to Tumblr and feel comfortable enough to write NSFW)
7 Minutes In Heaven
Anger release
A Little Pet Play (like a collar, that's it)
Lazy Morning
No Consent
Force Pregnacy
Anal (NO)
Actually Doing It In Public (for everyone to see)
Under age
That's about it, I may add on to it later on, if you do request something I will try my up best to make it as you want it. I also like to write stories with my ocs there will also be those, I'm not used to digital art. I'm more of pen/pencil and paper kind of drawer. But I'll try my best to draw any of my ocs.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Tokyo Ghoul - Meeting Someone Like Tanjiro
Ken Kaneki X Reader, Nishiki Nishio X Reader, Haise Sasaki X Reader, Koutarou Amon X Reader, Juuzou Suzuya X Reader, Ayato Kirishima X Reader, Uta X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Hello!!! Can I request how would the Tokyo ghoul characters would react to a so/ tanjiro like his backstory and his skill all that.
I'm quite curious what would there be reaction for all the shit she when throu and still act sane (cuz let's be honest all of them needs therapy) and her being a pure soul♥️ and just the biggest sunshine ball of hope that can kill your ass
And you can add anything else to the plot just a so/ that is like tanjiro(I love him🤭♥️👹)
Your siblings name - (Y/S/N)
You openly explained the reason that you were there, you told him about you going on a trip, you came back to find your family had been killed by a ghoul and your sister barely alive, you took her to the hospital and they used the ‘only’ matching organs they had.
You wanted to protect your sibling so you trained everyday and even stole a weapon, the CCG, the Quinque resembled a katana and had an affinity for water.
No one knew who you or your sister were only that you aligned with no one at the time that your code names were assigned.
You were named Dragonfly and your sibling named Scorpion.
You became known for your fierce protectiveness of each other and the mercy you showed even the fiercest of enemies.
You learned that your sisters Kagune resembled a scorpion and when he blood touched any enemies it tended to burn them.
You yourself have always had a good nose, you always seemed to be able to tell what people were and how they felt just from their scent alone.
Ken Kaneki
☕ Pre-trauma Kaneki was surprised to find that there were any humans in Anteiku, however finding your sibling attached to your leg he could tell immediately that they were a ghoul and that must have been the reason that you were there. ☕ You had ended up wandering into the Anteiku cafe one day and the boss figured out what had happened to you sibling and offered you both a place to stay. ☕ Kaneki felt that you were the closest that he would get to anyone understanding him and you were understanding as well as quick to explain everything and help him understand. ☕ You were nicer than most and your sibling was a breath of fresh air in the world that he seemed to have been thrust into.
You were the first one to get to Kaneki when he stumbled into The Serpent’s hunting ground, your weapon was drawn in seconds as you took the front line “keep him safe (Y/S/N)!” You ordered as you watched The Serpent circle you, you never let him get behind you as you turned to be facing him. “What does this gain you?” “Just a little fun.” He smirked as he dove forward, you knocked him away with the blunt side of your sword. “Fight me!” “I have no reason to fight you.” You declared as you knocked him away again, it was surprising that you had the strength to fight a Ghoul that had been feeding constantly with no help, Kaneki watched in awe as you kept him at bay while not landing a single damaging blow.
It was later that evening when you were sitting with (Y/S/N) they had just fallen asleep and you seemed to be reading something. “Can I ask you something?” Kaneki asked as he stood in front of you. “Course, take a seat.” You prompted as you gestured to the sofa opposite you. “Earlier with Nishiki, you didn’t hurt him, wouldn’t it have been easier if you had fought him properly?” Kaneki asked. “Probably.” You nodded. “Then why didn’t you?” He asked. “He’s hurting too.” You explained. “What?” He asked. “Every person has something in their life worth living for, it’s why they are still breathing, why they keep going, it could be a person, an idea, a dream, a place, it doesn’t matter what it is to them it’s worth fighting for, should I kill someone for doing the same as me?” You asked. “Well I guess not but wouldn’t they just do the same?” Kaneki asked. “To justify by saying they would do the same, is cowardly and selfish, if you don’t believe that it is the right option don’t do it.” You shrugged “look for a different option, it will present itself.” “And when deadly force is the only option?” Kaneki asked. “There will always be times where it’s deserved but even when death is the kindest option it doesn’t have to be painful.” You explained and you looked at him and smiled. “You will be forced to fight but you will learn with experience. And if you even need help I’ll be here to lead you back.”
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Nishiki Nishio
🐍 Nishiki is probably one of the most untrusting Ghouls that you will ever meet, through no fault of his own. 🐍 You were the one that Nishiki didn’t trust, your sibling was the ghoul and honestly given the fact that they were relatively new to the whole thing at the time that you met him he was willing to take them under his wing but he wanted nothing to do with you. 🐍 Obviously they weren’t going to leave you so the offer was never taken but he did tell you about the coffee trick to help you sibling through the day. 🐍 As you started making more of a name for yourselves, he silently rooted for you both, hoping that you would succeed in a place that he had only seen failure.
Nishiki had assumed that you and (Y/S/N) had left the area, he hadn’t seen you in a long time and reports on you had dwindled, he continued as he normally would, it wasn’t like you being there was anything that he worried about, these were his hunting grounds anyway. That is until he stumbles on Kaneki feeding in his ground and attempts to attack and kill him, ultimately leading to a fight that he didn’t know that he couldn’t win. It seemed however that there was someone on his side, that someone was you. Your control with the Qinque had improved since he last saw you, using the water that you manipulated to push away the attacker rather than the blade itself. “Leave Rabbit.” You ordered. “I don’t want to hurt you but your next actions will decide mine.” “He started this fight.” The ghoul known as Rabbit answered. “Maybe but now you're going to walk away.” You ordered as you lifted your katana into a defensive stance, however the Rabbit seemed ready for a fight, she dove forward prompting you to do the same, your Quinque clashed with her Kagune however she was the one who came off injured with the water around you Quinque sharpening to cut into her wings, you saw the flash to your right just before your sibling Kagune clashed with the one that struck at your side, their blood landing on and burning the ghoul causing the Rabbit to fall back to his side. “I’ll give you one last chance to leave.” “Let’s go.” She ordered.
“Why did you help me?” Nishiki asked as you looped his arm over your shoulder and helped him stand. “Why wouldn’t I help you, (Y/S/N) appreciated your help.” You answered as you positioned himself better. “Where do you want me to take you?” “Home is fine.” He answered and you nodded as you started on your way, as he told you which direction to go, by the time that you got there, your sibling was standing at the door with a covered tupperware in their hand. “What is that?” “They’ve brought you a little snack.” You said as he opened the door to the apartment, you helped him in before your sibling placed the tupperware in front of him. “Thank you.” He said softly. “You seem like the kind of person who doesn’t say that very often.” You teased and he rolled his eyes. “How’d you get this?” He asked. “We break into places where there are donor bodies, we take the things that others won’t need.” You explained “I keep some of the small stuff for them to snack on but they’ll have one huge feed every couple of months.” “That works?” He asked. “With the help of the coffee, yeah.” You nodded and looked at your sibling who was standing quietly behind you. “They’re okay?” He asked. “Mmm.” You hummed. “You seem to be doing well.” He finally said. “Yeah, we’re doing well.” You confirmed “just maybe keep yourself out of trouble yeah?” “Yeah, yeah.” He muttered and you smiled before heading out of the door, he didn’t know why you were so nice or even if you were going to extend the kindness again but for now he could be thankful that you extended the help.
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Haise Sasaki
💼 Haise was probably the one that was closest to your through process on the other side of the field, most ghouls held some kind of contempt for humans so you guys would often be on the same page. 💼 You were very rarely called in for missions with him, given your position however you did always come by to see him and make sure that he and the rest of his team were okay. 💼 Haise always worried that his team would upset you in some way but you always made sure that they were okay and protected them all. 💼 Even if Haise did think a lot like you, there were some things that he didn’t understand, he knew of your past and he often wondered how that had led the person that you were.
The CCG found you and your sibling about a week after everything happened. They were surprised that you were even still alive, and that they hadn’t killed you yet. They wanted your skills but at first they had no use for your sibling, you refused to work for them unless they came with you and while you didn’t like it, you agreed for them to have some of their blood to test.
You both became the poster children for the CCG’s new Quinx programme, it took a little while for them to find others that were suitable for the same programme but as more half ghouls were added, you were phased out, you and (Y/S/N) only going on mission where you were needed, you two were the best at your job, you got thing done quickly and quietly in most cases.
Haise and his squad had been called to take out a small group of Ghouls that had been hunting and killing in the city, they had managed to track down and kill most of the group however the very last and most powerful ghoul seemed to be posing a problem after taking out half the squad only Haise and Urie remained in fighting condition and that was when you were called in, you appearance was quiet almost unnoticed until you cut the achilles tendons of the ghoul forcing him to a kneeling position “Why would you kill all of those people, they did not deserve any of the pain that you brought on them.” You glared at the ghoul kneeling in front of you. “They were weak, they should have killed us before we killed them.” He sneered. “They couldn’t have, even if they wanted to.” You said through gritted teeth as you crouched in front of him. “You should suffer for what you did to them.” “And you are going to make m-?” He never finished the question, your Quinque severing his head from his shoulders. “There would be no point in that.” You muttered, flicking his blood off of your Quinque. “Are you sure he deserved such a merciful end?” Urie asked as you looked at him. “No one is given a choice in the way that they are born and I don’t know what led him here but I doubt it was good based on the scent of his emotion, the least I can do is give him a peaceful end.” You answered. “His scent?” Haise asked. “Mmm.” You hummed as you looked at the dead ghoul. “He smelled like fear. I doubt that they were doing it for themselves, it seems like they were giving most of what they got to someone else.” “They still killed people.” Urie argued. “So have we.” You answered as you crouched next to the ghoul “find your family and rest easy. Come on, it's time to get out of here, the rest of your team needs medical attention or at the very least something to eat.”
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Koutarou Amon
🔍 He could not deny that there had been less investigator deaths when they convinced you to join. 🔍 Amon was confused as to why they ever bothered to keep your sibling around, he could not deny that you were a skilled investigator but he saw no use for keeping a pet ghoul. 🔍 That changed after he was spared by Kaneki though, in fact you were the person that he came to after it had happened. 🔍 You were the only person that he felt comfortable asking, hoping that you weren’t going to judge him for his sudden interest and possible change of heart.
You had been given your own office as to keep you sibling away from all the other investigators, most for their safety, you had full confidence in your sibling but most the time they took an attack from the other investigators with no fight back at all, you demanded a place that was safe for them if you were to continue to work with the CCG.
Amon took a deep breath before knocking on the door “Come in Amon!” You called, when he walked in he saw that you were sitting on a sofa in the office, your sibling laying across the rest with their head resting on your lap. “How can I help you?” “I wanted to ask you something.” He said. “Mm.” You hummed, gesturing to one of the other seats in the room. “How did you know that (Y/S/N) could be saved?” He asked. “On the night that I found them, they were hungry, they did jump on me, but they were crying, they recognised me and they didn’t want to hurt me, that was when the CCG found us, it took a lot to get away from the the first time but it’s never happened again.” You explained “there was a place that helped us to figure out some things that could help with hunger and their better now.” “Better?” He asked. “Well they’ve never hurt anyone here have they?” You asked. “I don't think they’ll ever be the same as before but we can get to a better time where we can live together. Why do you ask?” “I had an encounter with a ghoul on my most recent mission.” He started. “Are you okay?” You asked. “I’m fine, actually he didn’t hurt me, my Quinque was broken but he spared me, he could have killed me but he spared me.” He explained. “And you want to know why?” You asked, he was silent and you looked at him and smiled softly. “I don’t know why he did it but I can only assume like you he was fighting to protect someone else, some of them are just trying to live and the moment that we knock down their doors, living turns to surviving. The next time that you see him you’ll have to ask him.” “Ask him?” He asked. “Can we even talk to them?” “Have you tried?” You asked. “I guess not.” He mumbled. “Not all of them will answer but the ones worth saving, protecting they will.” You said softly running your fingers through your siblings' hair with a small smile on your face.
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Juuzou Suzuya
🪡 Juuzou is probably the human that you would have the worst time with considering his view on ghouls and their existence. 🪡 He is very much hit now and asks questions later so you’d find it hard to protect your sibling if you weren’t fighting to kill him. 🪡 He is unlikely to understand anything of the values that you live by and wouldn’t take a second to think about them either, might even mistake you for a ghoul as well. 🪡 You’ve never been one to give in easily and the fact that you kept getting back up was bothering Juuzou to no end.
“(Y/S/N) run!” You yelled, they turned for the exit of alley and you dove into Juuzou’s path to stop him from getting to them, knocking his scythe away and allowing the knife he had thrown to hit your shoulder instead of continuing the path to your siblings head. “Why would you do that?” Juuzou whined “it’s a ghoul, it’ll only end up killing you.” “That’s not true.” You mumbled as you pushed him away, his back hitting the wall as you created some distance, lifting your Quinque, he frowned. “Where did you get that?” He asked. “Stole it, I would do anything to protect them.” You answered as he dove forward swinging the scythe with practised precision, you dodged not once using your Quinque for anything other that blocking a hit you were fast enough to dodge. “I have to get back to them.” You stood steading yourself when you realised that they were not going to be able to convince him that you weren’t here to hurt anyone. You swung your Quinque the water that wrapped around the blade branching out in an attack, Juuzou dodge most of the attacks but a few landed, you lifted the Quinque ready for the finishing blow “I understand that you were only doing your job but would you let me go if I turned away from you now?” “Never.” Juuzou sneered. “As I thought.” You sighed, you pulled back the blade taking in a deep breath. “Stop!” You turned to another CCG officer who was holding your sibling as they kicked and tried to get away, you took the dagger from your shoulder and threw it at the officer. In that second Juuzou kicked your feet out from underneath you using another dagger to stab straight through your hands. The scorpion tail that you had come to know very well made itself known at that moment, easily separating (Y/S/N) from the officer holding her. “Shinohara!” Juuzou yelled as (Y/S/N) took the place in front of you standing with their arm out Kagune at the ready to protect you. You pushed yourself up from your position on the floor, hands still pinned together with the dagger. “Just leave us alone… Please.” You pleaded. “Juuzou it’s time to leave.” The man, Shinohara said. “But-” “Now Juuzou let’s go.” He ordered.
Juuzou met you again later when the CCG took you both in as the first of the Quinx programme “your still alive?” He asked. “No thanks to you.” You said holding your hands to show the scars from your previous encounter. “I’m impressed your pet hasn’t bitten you yet.” He smirked and you glared at me. “They aren’t a pet, they’re my family.” You corrected him. “I don’t understand you.” He murmured as he looked at your sibling who’s Kagune lashed protectively. “I’m more than willing to help you understand if you give us a chance.” You explained. “Well you're here anyway.” He mumbled with a shrug and even if it wasn't an open answer you were looking for it was better than nothing.
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Ayato Kirishima
🐇 Ayato understood the need to protect your sibling, he had done a lot to keep his sister safe after all. 🐇 You both did it in different ways but you both wanted the same result, you however seemed to disregard your own health quite a lot if it meant that your sibling was going to be okay. 🐇 Aogiri Tree wanted your sibling but they didn’t want you, they had been trying to split you both up since learning of their existence. 🐇 When all of the other failed they sent Ayato however he didn’t succeed on the first attempt either.
“Who are you?” You asked. “Me? None of your business, no one needs to get hurt if you just give them over.” Ayato jutted his head in the direction of your sibling. “Would you give over your brother or sister if they asked?” You asked. “What does that matter?” He asked. “You wouldn’t would you?” You shook your head “I can tell.” “What the hell are you talking about?” He asked, you saw his centre of mass shift he was getting ready to attack. “You have a sibling don’t you? You’ve kept them away.” You said and he moved forward you blocked his kick with the flat of your arm, slipping back only slightly as you looked at him. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt them, I just thought that we could be friends, you know, since we share an interest.” You explained. “Friends? You want to be friends with someone who was sent to kill you?” He asked. “You don’t want to kill me though, do you?” You asked. “How can you be so sure of that?” He asked. “I’ve seen your work, I’d be dead by now if you wanted me dead.” You explained as you pushed him away from you. “I’m not letting you get away from me.” Ayato informed you and you looked at him and nodded. “We know.” You said at the same time that your siblings leg came into contact with the side of his face, knocking him out. You sighed as you crouched in front of him lifting him onto the sofa in the abandoned building, you wrote a quick note before grabbing some of you clothes and leaving with your sibling.
Ayato groaned as he woke up rubbing at his temple, his eyes landing on the note on the table:
I really hope we can be friends, come find me if you change your mind.
He had no idea why you thought that you, a human, thought that you could be friends with him, a ghoul but he wouldn’t be entertaining you… Or so he thought.
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Hideyoshi Nagachika
🚲 Hide loved you both, he saw you as hope for the future that he wanted, for him and Kaneki, you were how he proved to Kaneki that it could work. 🚲 He found out about you when he was working for the CCG but the challenge was finding you, you were very good at hiding yourself and your sibling when the time called for it. 🚲 When he finally found you he pleaded his case with you and you were fast friends especially after he and your sibling became friends. 🚲 You kept a close eye on him where you could and you were there when he needed someone to help him.
You would have been able to smell the blood even if you didn’t have an exceptional sense of smell, you walked into the old sewer system and found Hide and the boy you assumed was Kaneki, you ignored the Ghoul you could tell that he was already healing, your crouching in front of Hide “you're too kind for this world.” You said softly as you lifted him from the floor. “Kaneki…” He said, you looked back at the Ghoul. “He’s not ready to come back yet.” You said “he’ll come home, I know he will but we have to focus on making sure that you are there when he does.” “He’s okay?” Kaneki asked. “He’s healing, he will be fine, what you have done for him will bring him back I promise.” You said as you turned away from the Ghoul to get Hide to someone that you knew could help him.
You waited for him to wake up, he took a while to come around given the injuries no one was surprised “you're still here?” Hide asked. “I remember you saying we were friends, you make sure that your friends are okay, I can leave if you want me to.” You said. “No, that's not what I meant.” He said “it’s just I don’t expect that I look pretty.” “I thought you were cute before and you still are, but past that it doesn’t matter what your body is, it matters what your soul is.” You explained. “I don’t know what to do next.” He admitted. “Well, we’ll be here until you know and I’ll help you wherever I can.” You promised. “You… You will?” He asked. “You believe in me and (Y/S/N), we believe in you and Kaneki and we’re all going to make a world that we can live in together.” You promised, putting your pinky finger out. “Good plan?” “Yeah.” He said, choking out a laugh and you nodded “good then get some rest, you have healing to do so we can get to work changing the world.”
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🎭 You were the one that found Uta, you needed masks for you and your sibling, with the code names that you were given you knew it was only a matter of time before the CCG came looking for you. 🎭 You entered the shop and asked him about the masks while your sibling looked around the room, you were sure that he knew they were a Ghoul and you weren't. He was watching you carefully. 🎭 He had heard about you by now, so he knew about your family and your unique abilities. 🎭 He was convinced that you gained something from keeping your ghoul sibling around, he wasn’t sure what but couldn’t simply believe that you were together for familial love.
“What do you earn from this?” Uta asked as he looked at you. “Um, the CCG doesn’t see my face.” You answered frowning at the question. “Not the mask, keeping your sibling around.” He jutted his head to your sibling who was looking at one of the masks on the shelf. “Gain?” You asked “nothing, they're my family so I’ll protect them with everything that I have.” “Even though they aren’t human anymore and they could kill because they had a bad day?” He asked. “Anyone could kill me for a bad day, we’ve been living like this for months.” You shrugged “I trust them and they trust me.” “Trust them?” He asked with a smirk as he stepped forward his tall stature crowding you, it only took a second for your siblings Kagune to wrap around your shoulder poised to stab him should he move in a way that concerned them. “They protect you the same way that you protect them?” He asked as he turned his attention to your sibling. “You know all it takes is one wrong move and suddenly you won’t have a sister, you’ll be all on your own with no one.” Uta said and you narrowed your eyes, hand falling the Quinque on your hip and he smirked. “You are interesting. You’ll be the talk of the town soon.” “Are you going to make the masks or not?” You asked, “Of course, come back next week the same day, they’ll be ready.” He promised, you stepped away from him. “Come on.” You put your hand out to your younger sibling and as he watched you.
“You came back…” He smiled as he turned his chair so that he was looking at you. “How much do I owe you?” You asked. “On the house.” He waved you off. “Change of heart?” You asked. “Investment in entertainment.” He answered as he handed you the two masks that he had made. “Entertainment?” You asked. “I don’t believe that what you are trying to do will work.” He answered honestly. “The world is too far gone for that but I want to see you try.” “You want to see me fail.” You grumbled. “How about I give you a job here?” He suggested. “Why would you do that?” You asked. “What other job is going to allow you to bring your ghoul to work?” He asked, you both looked over at your sibling and he waved. “I’m sure I can teach her some things about surviving too, make it easier for both of you.” He suggested. “Fine.” You answered “thank you.” “Why are you thanking me? It’s not like it did this out of the goodness of my heart.” He reminded you. “Well you didn’t have to do it at all, so a thank you is due.” You answered “when do I start?” “How about right now?” He asked.
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Request Here!!
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super-predictable98 · 3 years
Masterlist of Masterlists
The Girl From Night Raven (Twisted Wonderland AU)
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Her Hero Academia (BNHA/MHA AU)
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(Not) My Dream Girl (Princess Jellyfish/Kuragehime AU)
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Killin’ It (Assassination Classroom AU)
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One Shots and HCs:
- Teach Me a Lesson (Aizawa x F! Reader) 18+
- Yuri's Sweet Tooth (Yuri Ayato x F! Reader) 18+
- Yuri Ayato x Reader - panic attack comfort (fluffy)
- Distraction (Kirishima x F! Reader) 18+
- The Plus Ultra Holiday Special (OC collab with @myherokatsuki​) 18+: Part I and Part II
- The Therapists From Music Room 3 - Host Club x Reader
- Make You Feel my Love (BNHA OC crossover - Friendiversary 2022)
- Turning the Tables (Yuri Ayato x F! Reader) 18+
- Worth Your Time (Aizawa x Reader - A Familiar Face collab) 18+
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sionnachoir · 4 years
Big Bad Wolf (Ayato Kirishima x Male!Reader)
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(Waitor!Reader x Mafia Boss Ayato yandere themes)
You tried to keep a nonchalant face while serving the customers their drinks and food, although knowing one of the most feared men in all of japan was sitting not too far had you on edge.
You had always known your boss was a seedy guy but never would you have expected him to have mafia connections, yet here you were serving some of the biggest boys in the game.
The waste coat you wore over your white shirt suddenly felt way too small and constricting, but you didn’t want to show fear. You were pretty sure most of them got off on it.
Your attention was caught as the Black Rabbit raised his hand, you mentally screamed. He was one of your tables. You bit your lip and mustered everything in you to remain calm and steady.
You had no idea what anyone looked like as they all wore masks, you guessed that was the point, the Black Rabbit wore a mask that was almost like a muzzle. It only covered his mouth and nose and left his hardened blue eyes exposed. His hair was unruly and a wonderful dark blue, he wore a black worn down jumper along with some ripped up jeans and big black steel toed boots.
You walked over to him with a smile on your face. “How may I help you sir?” You didn’t get paid enough for this, you just wanted something to help you get through college. His smirk had shivers running down your spine.
“Beer for me and my colleagues and your strongest shots.” The last thing you wanted was drunk power hungry men on your hands, you swallowed the bitter taste it left and smiled again. “Of course sir, right away.”
You turned and made your way to the bar, quickly working on pouring the pints and shots. Occasionally your gaze would shoot over to the Rabbits only to catch him staring right at you. You had an awful feeling about this.
You stacked the drinks onto a tray and carried them over to the table, you gave everyone their drinks before turning around, intending to run and hide in the kitchen for a bit.
“Your name?” The Rabbit suddenly called, your attention quickly shot back to him. He was clearly staring at you, your reply came weaker than you had expected, and he grinned.
He seemed to mouth your name, as he said nothing else you chose to break the intense eye contact and quickly make your escape. Once you were back in the kitchen you finally let out the breath you had been holding in.
“You okay?” The chef asked, you just nodded. “I’d be careful not to piss off anyone out there.” He warned, you weren’t dumb enough to do anything other than your job. “I know.” Came your shaky voice. He threw you a look but didn’t bother pressing.
“(Name) Take these to twenty-four.” You quickly nodded and grabbed the plates, rushing back out the doors and delivering them to the table.
The rest of the night seemed to pass without much hassle, thankfully. You had just finished cleaning up, waiting for your manager to finish counting the cash so you could finally go home. You were exhausted and could finally feel the hours catch up to you.
Your back was going to hurt tomorrow, not like it didn't hurt now. You wanted to kick off the stupid fancy shoes they made you wear and curl up under a blanket and forget about today.
"You can go, I got this." Your eyebrow raised, she rolled her eyes. "Alex is still here." You shrugged, if anyone could protect her it would be the seven foot body builder that guarded the door.
You grabbed your coat and shouted a goodbye as you exited the door, feeling the cold night air slam into your body. You hugged yourself as a violent shiver ran through your body. Luckily you only had a twenty minute walk to your apartment, as much as you loved autumn you hated the icy nights.
You walked along the road rather quickly, hoping to cut down the time spent outside in the cold. You watched a black car with blacked out windows pass, your eyebrows furrowed. That was weird but surely it wasn't anything, you shook the thoughts out of your head.
After another five minutes you jumped when a car came to a screeching halt in front of you, your expression turning fear full as two men bigger then you hopped out of the car. You could barely even think before one stuck a bag over your head, quickly tying it around your neck.
The other caught your flailing hands and tied them behind your back, you kept screaming out hoping someone would hear and help. It just seemed to piss off the men more, the next thing you knew you were getting thrown into the back of a car, head hitting against the passenger door.
A weak whine fell from your lips, your head throbbing. One of the guys yanked you up and shoved you against the door, you assumed they had both gotten in. The car quickly started up and sped off. "Where are we-" A sudden punch had your head flying back into the window, causing the car to be filled with a cracking sound.
A cry fell from your lips before the men told you to shut up. Your body couldn't stop shaking, you wanted nothing more than to cry. The ache in your head growing by the second. You didn't bother trying to fight against your eyes closing, instead leaning your head against the window.
You let out small whines as you started coming around, your head burst and you could feel something wrapped around your mouth, stopping you from speaking. 
Feeling slightly panicked you tried to take it off, unfortunately your hands didn’t make it very far due to the rope that currently held them to the bed frame. You felt sick, what had you done to deserve this?
“Your finally awake, huh?” Came a deep voice, your head quickly shooting towards a dark silhouette. They stepped in further and you could tell it was the Black Rabbit due to the mask and the hair. 
Your mind raced through everything you could’ve done wrong to him, nothing standing out. He came and sat down next to you on the bed, his smirk was twisted and full of malice.
His hand came up to move some hair from your face. “Don’t worry little prince, I’ll take care of you.” It felt as though you had just been frozen, eyes widening and face dropping. 
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mynameseri · 4 years
🌸✨TG Masterlist  ✨🌸
🌶 = N/SFW
❥Akira Mado
Shy S/O HCs
🌶  HCs
F!Reader who loves to sing HCs
slight 🌶 Drabble
❥Ayato Kirishima
Relationship HCs 🌶
Having a middle sibling HCs
❥Eto Yoshimura
🌶 HCs
Sleepy S/O scenario
Dirty talk Drabble
❥Ginshi Shirazu
Shirazu and his teeth 🌶 HCs
❥Hairu Ihei
 Early morning Fluff!Scenario
Comforting the reader Scenario
❥Haise Sasaki
Haise x Reader Drabble
Reader w Over Protective Sister HCs
Ice skating Scenario
Haise has feelings for the same person as Juuzou HCs
Cuddling crying reader scenario
❥Juuzou Suzuya
S/O goes missing scenario
🌶  HCs
Teasing Reader Drabble 🌶
Owl Mission Drabble
Scars OneShot
Near-Death experience Scenario
Juuzou has feelings for the same person as Haise HCs
Reacting to someone having feelings for his S/O scenario
Reader gets him in the mood 🌶 
❥Karren/Kanae von Rosewald
General & 🌶 HCs
Karren x Reader as Moms HCs
❥Ken Kaneki 
Almost bites human S/O scenario 
❥Kishou Arima
Relationship & 🌶 HCs
❥Koutarou Amon
Prank Drabble
❥Kuki Urie
🌶 HCs
🌶 HCs
❥Renji Yomo
SFW & slight 🌶 relationship HCs
First time 🌶 HCs
Coffeehouse Smut 🌶
Reader in danger scenario
❥Seidou Takizawa
Seidou Takizawa x Reader Scenario 🌶
Reunited w Reader Scenario 
❥Shuu Tsukiyama
With antisocial S/O HCs
Relationship HCs🌶
❥Tooru Mutsuki
Mutsuki has a nightmare (one shot)
Mutsuki x Reader Drabble
❥Touka Kirishima
Angst Drabble
Having a middle sibling HCs
Relationship HCS 🌶
With antisocial S/O HCs
❥Yakumo Oomori (Yamori/Jason)
General & Romantic HCs
Updated: 03/13/2021
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by season_Rayne
Just a collection of NSFW one-shots (some may have a couple parts) and NSFW and SFW ABC’s, of characters from Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, Naruto, and Tokyo ghoul. I may add more later on.
- If you are uncomfortable with NSFW/18+ content please do NOT read.
- Also these stories and head cannons are 18+ so if you are not 18+ please do not read.
Words: 174, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Naruto, Tokyo Ghoul, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Toji, Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman, Annie Leonhart, Jean Kirstein, Sasha Blouse, Levi Ackerman, Gaara (Naruto), Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Sasori (Naruto), Namikaze Minato, Haruno Sakura, Sai (Naruto), Yamanaka Ino, Kaneki Ken | Sasaki Haise, Kirishima Touka, Kirishima Ayato, Hyuuga Hinata, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Additional Tags: NFSW, Explicit Sexual Content, NSFW ABC’s, Sexual Content, Implied Sexual Content, One Shot
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