odinsblog · 6 months
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During her arrest, Ayesh was subjected to assault, threats, and insults by Israeli soldiers, according to the Addameer human rights organisation. She was transferred to Israel’s Hasharon Prison before being later taken to Damon Prison, where she is now being held.
Ayesh’s work as a human rights defender rose to the fore during her time at the Ramallah-based Lawyers for Justice, representing Palestinian political detainees in PA prisons. In July, she attended a session on behalf of the group at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.
Tala Nasser, from the Addameer prisoners’ rights group, explained that Ayesh’s arrest comes amid a “violent mass arrest campaign” carried out by Israel since October 7.
The fact that the vast majority of the more than 6,900 Palestinians arrested in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem since October 7 have been transferred to administrative detention highlights the arbitrariness of Israel’s arrests, she said.
“This campaign includes activists, human rights defenders and political leaders,” Nassar told Al Jazeera, noting that it is “an attempt to silence them and prevent the exposure of the occupation’s crimes across the whole country”.
In December, Israeli forces also arrested political and civil society leader Khalida Jarrar, who was similarly transferred to administrative detention.
Despite releasing all but three Palestinian female detainees during the latest prisoner exchange with Hamas at the end of 2023, the Israeli army rearrested dozens. Some 80 female prisoners are being held today, all of whom are in the Damon Prison.
Among the 80 are dozens of women from the besieged Gaza Strip, but lawyers are forbidden from visiting them or knowing anything about them.
Several reports have emerged of female detainees from Gaza being physically beaten and abused, including an unknown number of them being held at Israeli military bases and not in prison.
Lawyers say conditions for all Palestinian detainees, including women, are unprecedentedly difficult. Eight Palestinian male prisoners have also died or were killed in Israeli custody since October 7, most of them in the days and weeks after their arrest.
Over the past few months, many videos have emerged of Israeli soldiers stripping, torturing and abusing male prisoners from both the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
“It is important to note that every female that is arrested is violated in one way or another,” said Nasser. “They are all facing threats, intensive strip searches, verbal assault and physical violence.”
(continue reading)
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itcars · 11 months
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Ferrari SF90 XX Stradale
Images by Claire and Ayesh || IG
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garadinervi · 8 months
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«Administrative detention (AD) is a procedure that allows Israeli occupation forces to hold prisoners indefinitely on secret information without charging them or allowing them to stand trial. The secret information or evidence cannot be accessed by the detainee nor his lawyer, and can according to Israeli military orders, an administrative detention order can be renewed for an unlimited time. The court issues an administrative detention order for a maximum period of six months, subject to renewal.» – Administrative Detainees, Addameer – Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, 2018 – November 2023
(image: On Thursday, January 25, 2024, Diala Ayesh, activist lawyer and human rights defender from al-Bireh / Ramallah, was put in administrative detention for four months. Addameer, Front Line Defenders)
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chronophotographic-gun · 11 months
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Naila and the Uprising (2017)
➥ the 1987 Intifada in Gaza
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tieflingkisser · 7 months
Israel holds female Palestinian rights lawyer without trial or charge
Human rights defender Diala Ayesh, 28, has been held in administrative detention since January 17.
On January 17, Israeli forces arrested Ayesh at a checkpoint near Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank at about 2pm. One week later, Israeli authorities issued an “administrative detention” order against her, meaning she will be held without trial or charge for four months. News of Ayesh’s arrest spread quickly across the occupied West Bank. She has worked for years – often pro bono – defending Palestinian political detainees in both Israeli or Palestinian Authority (PA) prisons. Her family are still in shock over her arrest. “We feel that it is getting harder every day. The feeling of loss and of missing someone only increases – it doesn’t get easier,” her 26-year-old sister, Aseel, told Al Jazeera. “Whenever I cry at night in bed, or feel like I miss her, I try to remember how extremely strong she is,” continued Aseel, sobbing. “We feel that we are the ones who are weak, and she is the strong one. We derive our strength from her.”
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rouphicc · 11 months
People say that in life, this is necessary, that is necessary, but in reality, nothing is essential in life – not wealth, not children, not status, and not even the love of people. You just need to exist, and have a growing connection with Allah at every moment.
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-- Halima from Jannat k Pattay
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buttercuparry · 5 months
Reblog the fundraisers you mfs!!!!! I don't know why you all skip those to reblog some pic of a banner saying "FREE PALESTINE" or of news from Columbia University! Literally these people from Gaza have made an account on Tumblr and is writing in english to communicate what they need and you all are coming onto my blog or on the tag and not reblogging their posts. We have people both Palestinian and non Palestinian vetting the fundraisers! I mean more the reblogs, more the chance of the fundraisers gaining momemtum, the more there would be a chance of a donation. Please donate if you can and reblog!!! and follow them if it is possible.
@/mohammedayesh has posted about getting leaflets, telling them to evacuate Rafah. They are very low on funds. Go follow them and reblog their posts and donate if possible.
We have @/haneenatya too whose mother is suffering from eye stroke and need to evacuate. Please I have been following them for some days and it doesn't seem their own posts are getting much attention.
Follow them! They are on tumblr. Reblog their posts and donate. The protests in universities are being done on account of them. They should be our focus.
(EDIT: on re-reading my post it seems as if I am dismissing all that the students of universities are doing. I am not. I just meant, since all of it is to help Palestinians, we must not ignore them when they ask for help).
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Please donate & reblog for Mohammed Ayesh
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valkyries-things · 4 months
“She was a Palestinian activist. After criminalizing her political activities, Occupation forces arrested her while she was pregnant in 1987, and the torture she endured culminated in her miscarriage. In 1988, her husband was deported from Gaza to Cairo for his political activities, mere days before Ayesh gave birth to their first child. She joined forces with women in Gaza to build parallel institutions to upend Israel's military control of daily life.”
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thearabtimes · 3 years
بعد 13 عاماً من التقاضي وانسحاب الخبراء.. تطور جديد في فضيحة أكبر قضية احتيال في الإمارات
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أحالت محكمة الاستئناف في الإمارات قضية رجل الأعمال الكندي عمر عايش ضد وزير العمل السعودي أحمد الراجحي إلى ديوان حاكم دبي، وجاء ذلك، بعد صدور حكم في نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني 2020 لصالح عمر عايش بتغريم وزير العمل السعودي 600 مليون دولار “2.2 مليار درهم” في قضية “تعمير” المصنفة كأكبر قضية احتيال عقاري في الشرق الأوسط.
واستأنف الراجي على حكم المحكمة بدعوى أن خبراء المحكمة منحازون لرجل الأعمال، ومع قبول القاضي لطعن الراجحي تم إرجاء الخبراء، وتعيين 5 جدد، استقال 4 منهم متحفظين.
وأرجع الأربعة المستقيلين ذلك لما قالوا إنها “تهديدات من بعض أطراف الدعوى”، وعليه تم تعيين خبراء من ديوان حاكم دبي لإصدار “تقرير الخبرة”، وهو القرار النهائي الذي ستستند إليه المحكمة في حكمها في قضية تعمير.
أعوام طويلة من التقاضي
بقرار المحكمة، يكون النزاع في قضية تعمير قد دخل عامه الثالث عشر، وقد تجاوز عدد الخبراء الذين عملوا على القضية 25 خبيراً توزعوا على سبع لجان خبرة، أصدرت ثلاث منها تقاريرها لصالح عمر عايش، فيما لم تتمكن أربع لجان من إنجاز تقاريرها حول القضية بسبب رفض الراجحي التعاون معها، وامتناعه عن تقديم الميزانيات والمستندات المطلوبة.
وفي وقتٍ طالب فيه عايش بـ٩,٩ مليار درهم إماراتي قيمة لحصته في شركة تعمير، قدرت لجان الخبرة التي عينت من محاكم دبي تعويضات عايش على النحو التالي: اللجنة الأولى: ٤,٢٥٧ مليار درهم إماراتي، اللجنة الثانية ٦,٨ مليار درهم إماراتي، أما اللجنة الثالثة فقد قدرت حصة عايش بـ ١,٦ مليار درهم إماراتي مع تعويض عن الأضرار المعنوية قدره عشرة ملايين درهم، بالإضافة إلى فائدة بواقع ٩% تبدأ من تاريخ الحكم وحتى تمام السداد، أي بحدود ٢,٢ مليار درهم إماراتي.
بداية القضة
البداية كانت عام 2004، كانت شركة تعمير حينها مصنفة ضمن أكبر الشركات نمواً في الشرق الأوسط، وتشرف على استثمارات بـ11 مليار دولار، حينها طلب أبناء الراجحي من عمر عايش شراء حصة 50% من أسهم الشركة.
وبعد مفاوضات طويلة تمت الصفقة، وبالفعل أصبحوا شركاء بالنصف، لم تمر سوى أشهر حتى طلبوا شراء 25% أخرى من أسهم الشركة، وحين رفض عايش تعرض للتهديد، حسب تصريحات كان قد أدلى بها مسبقاً لـ”عربي بوست”.
وأضاف: “وثَّقت عملية السرقة كاملة، وحصلت على كل المستندات التي توضح المخطط الذي رسموه، وبالفعل اكتشفت أنهم زوَّروا أوراقاً ووثائق ليتصرفوا في أصول الشركة دون علم منِّي، واستعانوا بخبراء ومحامين على أعلى مستوى لإتمام الصفقة، وحين عرضت الوثائق التي حصلت عليها على كبار الخبراء العالميين فوجئوا كيف استطعت أن أوثق جريمة الاستيلاء عليّ بهذه الدقة”.
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dormimi-zzz · 4 months
I see so many posts of Palestinian art and the Palestinian flag get reblogged far more than the actual fundraisers and it has me concerned.
Please, artists of tumblr who want to support Palestine, help us with their gofundmes by linking them with your art. It would help spread them out so much more so they can be seen by possible donors. I have seen some artists do this, and it has been very effective. This is where art has power.
🌸Here are some fundraisers you can help support.
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itcars · 3 days
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Ferrari 12Cilindri
Images by Claire and Ayesh || IG
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stil-lindigo · 4 months
Support Muhammad Saeed Ayesh to escape Gaza - €8,851 / 10,000
2. Help Nesma's and her family evacuate - $53,040/ 60,000
3. Help Leena and her Family to evacuate from Gaza - €10,597 / 15,000
4. SUPPORT RASHAD TO BEAT CANCER - $$31,500 / $35,000
5. Help Ruaa And Her Siblings Evacuate Gaza - $23,830 / 30,000
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sayruq · 7 months
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three-croissants · 4 months
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Hello everyone! <3
If you like my art pieces, I highly encourage you to donate to my friend Mohammed Ayesh. I made these pieces to promote his campaign. The situation is urgent. Whenever I text him I worry that the bombs hitting their surroundings will fall on his family next. If you cannot donate, then I urge you to reblog so we reach people who can.
At the moment, his campaign is at 5,722 euros out of his 10,000 euros goal.
He needs less than 5,000 left, and I'm sure that we can reach that goal soon if we all give everything we can.
I know we may all feel overwhelmed with the present situation. But always remember:
If we feel pained and exhausted from seeing their reality, then imagine how they feel living that reality! We cannot allow this continue any further.
We cannot falter in our efforts. Do what you can!
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suetravelblog · 2 years
Cairo and Giza Egypt
Pyramids at Dawn Giza in Forefront – World Pilgrimage Guide The trip from Marrakech to Cairo via Casablanca was confusing and tiring but relatively easy. It was another all-night trip. The short flight from Marrakech to Casablanca was supposed to be on a small commuter airplane, but at the last minute, it was changed to a large aircraft, so there were about 10 people on a huge airplane. The…
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