#babs jason and duke having bitching sessions about the joker??
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Okay seriously why.
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femcel404 · 5 years
Batfam headcannons
These are random, enjoy.
Tim cannot sing for shit, he sounds like a dying pig. Unless he's singing in a Florence Whelch-type voice, because then he sounds absolutely amazing. Not even he understands it.
Stephanie loves heavy rock music and recent pop music equally, and likes to play it loud.
Damian once called Harper "practically useless" while she could hear him, to which she replied "Choke on it" almost instantly. Earned instant respect from Jason, Tim and Steph.
Babs has turned off Tim's computer remotely more times than she can count, and each time is equally hilarious.
Jason starts his facts with "it is a truth universally acknowledged" in a British accent. Every time. He loves Jane Austen.
Tim gets along REALLY well with John Constantine, because disaster bi TM, and Tim just thinks John is super cool (John called Tim "son" once but ssshhhh).
When Dick first brought Wally to the manor, Damian didn't like him one bit. When Dami caught them kissing on the couch though, he was frustrated because West makes Grayson happy so I can't eliminate him, but I still don't trust him!
Bruce gets annoyed when Dick Brings Wally on patrol with him, only because they flirt over the coms and it's REALLY cheesy. He has cringed one too many times.
Cassandra absolutely adores vintage dresses, and has over 40 of them.
Helena and Damian get along. They put salt in Tim's coffee together and it makes Jason laugh.
Steph can speak in a variety of different accents, including German, Irish, British, Australian, Indian, London, and more. When she and Tim first met John Constantine, she greeted him in an accent the same as his own, and he burst out laughing. She calls it her great victory.
Babs puts whoopie cushions under the seats of the bat-mobile. Hysterically hilarious every single time.
Harper and Duke can say "what the fuck you trickass bitch" is absolute PERFECT unison, and they use is regularly.
Tim can walk in heels. No one knows why or how.
Dick can also walk in heels, because even though he is now fully grown, Wally is still a good 10 inches taller than him. So Dick adapted.
Jason, Cassandra and Donna Troy have a book club. They meet on Sundays. Only 4 people know, and that 4th person is Rita Farr/Elasti-girl, who joins them when they read books from the 1930s.
Jason and Rita Farr have a friendship built on their mutual love for old books. They actually recognised each other from league database photos at a secluded book shop.
Damian get anxiety if he leaves something behind, like his mobile phone on the coffee table, or something as simple as his drawing in another room. This annoys him on patrol, because he gets twitchy and anxious if he doesn't retrieve a batarang.
Alfred doesn't swear when Bruce is around. When Bruce is not around, the occasional "shit" can be heard. Occasionally. No one says anything about it.
Wally once pranked Jason by vibrating at such a frequency that he was able to walk through Jason without hurting him. It scared Jason so much he squealed.
Tim is asexual and proud. He takes approximately zero shit.
Tim doesn't actually talk much unless he is spoken to. He's kind of a happy loner.
Cass communicates through morse code when she can't be bothered signing or forming words.
Dick tried joining the JL for all of one week, but Wally kept slipping their inside jokes into conversation and Dick essentially got kicked off for laughing.
Tim and Steph are strangely close friends for people who used to date. They say they look past that though. They believe they are healthier as best friends.
Steph loves being single because she enjoys not having the pressure of a relationship with this lifestyle. Although, she would like a small family one day.
Tim, the disaster bi TM that he is, has yet to find himself a partner. (Though there is this guy in his physics lecture at university, Jesse, who Tim thinks is a literal angel.)
Kate , Tim, Dick, Wally, Harper and maybe sometimes even the disaster bi magic duo (Constantine and Zatanna) go to the Gotham pride parade. Tim hacks the speakers and plays lady Gaga.
Kate also teaches Tim how to fight without needing to use much physical strength, bc we all know Tim is Smol TM.
Tim can mimic the joker's laugh perfectly, and for that, the joker has expressed respect for Tim. Though it was pretty funny when the joker started laughing only to be joined by Tim who then proceeded to beat him up. Even Bruce laughed a bit.
Jason and Cass have "emotion sessions" in one of Jason's safehouses once a month, where they share their frustrations and sorrows, and smash cheap mugs of the walls.
Steph makes waffles out of chocolate mud cake mix. Not even Alfred can master the art of it.
Damian sometimes wishes the role of Robin wasn't as important to him as it is. He never acts upon those wishes.
Tim has a Tumblr and posts fanfic, headcannons, gif sets, and legendary shitposts. (One of us, One of us, One of us!!)
Stephanie and Barbra both donate at least 12 inches of their hair to charity every 3-4 years.
Both Stephanie and Barbra totally rock neck-length super-choppy hair for the first 2 months after the donation. They also seem to somehow pull off the awkward length where their hair falls in their face, but it's still not long enough to fit into a pony tail. (Also the both DEFENANTLY rock swishy between ears and shoulders, then between shoulders and back lengths. These girls look stunning in anything!)
Dick still owns his discowing suit, and he wears it to Halloween parties. Wally likes it.
Duke once had to get Bruce's help as batman during the day, and joined the villain they were fighting in laughing at how stupid the batman costume looks during the day.
Jason sounds like darth Vader cross iron man when he has his helmet on, and Dick, Wally and Roy all tease him about it.
Tim stands in corners at charity balls and galas. Partly because he doesn't like talking to strangers, but mostly because no one will catch him drinking coffee and champagne mixed together like a madman.
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