#they have baggage yea
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Okay seriously why.
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pollyanna-nana · 2 months
I think a lot about what exactly Thistle was doing for those 1000 years. I mean, his increased monitoring of the dungeon was explicitly caused by Delgal going “missing” and a bunch of adventurers pouring in, but Yaad says that he’s “always been like this” and “not one for reasonable conversation.” I can see that being true for the rest of the golden kingdom members since he seems to not gaf about them beyond being part of Delgal’s kingdom, but what about Delgal himself?
How often did they speak and what did they talk about? Did Delgal ever beg Thistle to release them from his spell? Did Thistle ever threaten him, or would he never dare to? Could he tell Delgal was deeply miserable, or could he just not see it at that point?
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He looks incredibly unwell here. How did Thistle feel about this? Did he feel anything at all, or was that nibbled out of him, too?
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aria0fgold · 4 months
Also the idea of Kaito possibly having a Palace is spinning in my head. But I'm also a lil bit unsure of it cuz how distorted for one's desires to be for a Palace to manifest? Like, I feel like Kaito is nearly there, maybe. He'll be in a similar position to Futaba.
For the people that doesn't know much bout Kaito lore, basically an accident happened in one of his dad's magic shows (his dad a magician) and has been presumed to be dead for years then Kaito found a secret area in his house and turns out his dad was actually Kaito KID and then Kaito decided to take up his mantle to be the new Kaito KID to find out what really happened with his dad and then later found out that a secret organization is after him.
That secret org is looking for a special powerful gemstone called "Pandora" which is hidden inside another gemstone that no one knows which and the only way to know if Pandora is in a gemstone is by holding up that gem to the moonlight. If there's a red dot in the gem then that means Pandora is in there. And now Kaito puts on heists to steal gems when the moon is out to get to Pandora first before that organization.
Which is also why after he does his heists he'd leave the gemstone somewhere the cops can see or just anonymously mail it back to em if it isn't the right one. And like Kaito KID is an international criminal (the reason why it's KID too is cuz the number 1412 which was the number assigned by authorities was read as KID and it just stuck).
What was I talking bout again? Anyway this post just became an infodump with what else I know bout Kaito KID. Also like, imagine being 16/17 later learning that your dad was an international criminal, decided to take on the Kaito KID persona cuz you're still skeptical bout his disappearance, then later found out that a dangerous secret organization was after your dad, that you thought had died years ago but then later found ANOTHER person that has a similar outfit scheme as you but it's Black instead and now there's actually a possibility that your dad is still alive somewhere. How insane is that? I wouldn't even be surprised if Kaito did end up having a Palace at this point.
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3-aem · 1 year
Sitting down to do art and my brain is like oh?? Is it time??? So do you ever feel insecure about how your coworker is great at their job and then do you get bitter that at times it feels they're using you to further their career like even when you ask them not to do something bc you got it, they'll do it anyway and then humble brag about doing it to show off to the rest of the team? But they've made it so you Have to be there for them whenever they're feeling down so basically you can't be mad at them for doing this or they'll be upset at you for it.
Me:...k i just wanted to draw my little boy???
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rascheln · 7 months
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The Monster Falls Apart & The Monster Exposed: forehead kisses and touches
#the monster falls apart#the monster exposed#ogeretsu tanaka#hadakeru kaibutsu#revisted this series because it's both hot AND heartbreaking AND fulfilling (and idc for her more recent series sdfhfnf)#anyways I really love kan-chan. I love the way his story is told from multiple POVs and how his character changed over time#I love how his story with Yumi is not just a black and white 'this person is evil this person is a helpless victim' story because it's more#complicated than that. it's about the cycle of abuse and about trauma and about how both of them were not right for each other.#sometimes loving someone isn't enough and you can't magically make them go back to the person they used to.#like I think Yumi stayed out of guilt and a false sense of pride even when he was for all intents and purposes emotionally cheating#and I think the biggest act of love Kan-chan was still capable of at that time was letting Yumi go and breaking up with him.#And then there's Shuuna. ah man. I like that he's sooo out of his depth lol#he's soo in love and he has no idea how to tackle the whole mess that an older Kan-chan is but like#the love they have for each other and the way they DO manage to get through to each other? yea.#you can really feel the difference in maturity at times and that's also a really well done characterization!!#I liked the one author's comment where it's said about him that he went through love on easy mode until he met Kan-chan haha#also the flashbacks... that's a lotta baggage. like I don't blame Yumi for not knowing and it makes sense Kan-chan won't forgive himself#but still. he was never just some evil guy who did that shit out of pure malice when he was experiencing so much abuse and pressure.#(which doesn't make his actions any more okay but it makes his character more complicated and tragic.)#oh and one final thing I love about this series and the connected stories: the thing about life is that it goes on and the people who leave#our lives still continue living in this world. and you may choose or just happen to never meet again.#and no matter who hurt who the memories of each other will remain. the bad. but also the good.#and hopefully you get to continue on making new- making good memories.
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uraniumglassgirl · 1 year
theres this thing i don’t understand abt the binding of isaac. the story is isaac confronting his own religious trauma and familial abuse in the form of a story he can understand as he suffocates to death. right? like the plot itself is fairly simple all the gameplay is just to serve as metaphors for his abuse and sort of analyze him as a character.
but theres this between floor transition scene where it shows the lost speaking to his mom from the attic and i assume hes acting as the god we hear in the opening cutscene right? why is that there. we know the “your son has become corrupt!” thing is not literally happening its just a story isaac has made up but why would he include his own dead soul commanding his mother to kill him in his story? maybe its just kids being creative and strange
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gojos-nightmare-box · 10 months
i got choice words for whoever designed the slc airport
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illicit-astrology · 4 months
What does Pluto in Aquarius Mean for You?
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Aquarius Rising: Pluto is in your first house. You will immediately notice the powerful influence you have on people and the polarizing responses you elicit in others. You are about to birth a totally different YOU in the next decade(s). Expect to undergo a slow but sure glow-up over the next two decades.
Capricorn Rising: Pluto is in your second house. Your finances and self-worth will be under a constant growth cycle. The ways you generate or manage your income will forever be changed, as well as where you place your values.
Sagittarius Rising: Pluto is in your 3rd house. Your mindset most importantly, will be forever changed and transformed. You will be able to gain more insights and develop new ways to unlock your full brain power.
Scorpio Rising: Pluto is in your 4th house. Your emotional state and security is about to be put to the test. You will find out what's holding you back from achieving emotional vulnerability and security. Your ideas about where you want to settle and how you want to create a family will completely change too.
Libra RIsing: Pluto is in your 5th house. Your idea of romance and what brings you happiness will change. Your hobbies and creative endeavors will undergo transformation too. You will outgrow most of the things that used to bring you pleasure or happiness.
Virgo Rising: Pluto is in your 6th house. Pluto is here to push you to be serious about your health, habits, and work. You will experience the drawbacks of bad habits or addictions. You will outgrow certain routines, habits, and even work responsibilities.
Leo Rising: Pluto is in your 7th house. Relationships and interaction with people won't be a walk in the park anymore. They will carry a lot of psychological undertones, challenging you to relinquish control, and clear any emotional baggage and outgrow what doesn't work for you anymore.
Cancer Rising: Pluto is in your 8th house. This will be an exclusive invitation from Pluto to dive into its dungeon; your inner psyche. This will mark a heavy introspective but healing period in your life, wherein no action will go unnoticed or uninspected. Your subconscious is alert and is pointing out all your wounds that require healing.
Gemini Rising: Pluto is in your 9th house. This period will bring a lot of esoteric experiences that will change your perspective on life and death. Expect the unexpected. Your religious beliefs will change or you will outgrow certain parts of your moral values and opt for totally different ones. Traveling will be deemed transformational.
Taurus Rising: Pluto is in your 10th house. Saddle up! The career path and how you wanted to come across, no matter how sure you were about it? Yea, that will change. Pluto is here to challenge the parts of you that want to fit into the status quo. Are they real? If not, expect a total 180° change in career path and how you want to relate to the public.
Aries Rising: Pluto is in your 11th house. Your friendships and aspirations will be challenged and changed forever. As well as society's response to you. Be ready to be the outcast in your society or among your friends. This will help you remain true to yourself while attracting those who align with your authentic self.
Pisces Rising: Pluto is in your 12th house. This will be a VIP invitation from Pluto himself to look inward. Periods of solitude will be deemed essential and transformative during this time. If you don't carve enough time for yourself to heal your subconscious and self-sabotaging patterns, Pluto will force you to!
I hope this helps, and as a pluto dominant, please don't fear Pluto, but fear living life UNauthentically! So stay authentic, stay sexy!
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nyancrimew · 1 year
fucked up sorta intoxicated long vent
cw: uuh mental health, drugs, suicide mentions, very much is just an existential crisis put into post form
this is not a suicide note or anything, im about to go cuddle up with my wife and go to sleep i just had to get my fucked up thoughts out, i might delete this tomorrow
it's so hard to find meaning in life anymore. i live for those around me, for those i love, those who love me back. yet i keep hurting them, everything keeps falling apart. i live out of spite, i cant let authority win. yet im slowly giving up my cause. i live to prove a point. ive long forgotten what point it even is anymore.
there hasnt really been any new compelling reason to keep going in over 10 years now. i honestly wonder how much it even really takes anymore to drive me to suicide. it can't be that much, im already always living on edge.
i just barely know who i even am anymore, ive largely forgotten the first 20 years of my life, and the last 3 are mostly just fog as well. forced to live in the moment, carrying all the baggage of all the previous moments i dont even have memories of anymore.
how are people just like able to keep living, regularly finding joy. how are people able to deal with bad times without immediately pondering all the ways in which they could kill themselves in?
god i need therapy so fucking bad. i keep dragging down everyone around me. how can i fix all the damage ive done, a sorry won't do. how can i fix all the damage done to me, no sorry will ever do.
why are the only options to just keep going, ignoring all the pain, or ending it all forever. where is the restart button, where can i reset, rewind, apply what ive learned to the situations where i fucked up. how do i go back and undo all the trauma. the trauma i experienced myself and the trauma i put on others.
we're all just lost children in a world not made for us. where is our world. where is the place in which we can find solace. your arms make me feel safe, and at home. but i know you feel the same way i do.
it pains me to know we're in this together, god if only i could bear your pain, if only i could bear everyone elses pain. it hurts me to know you feel this way too. no one should have to know how this feels. i wanna take on all the pain in this world so i can leave and turn the world around.
am i just failing at being a part of this society or is society failing me. i am like one bureaucratic fuck up away from dying alone on the street with no roof over my head. i cannot be self dependent, why does this society fully expect such a thing of me.
is this all worth it for the few moments of bliss, for sparing the people around me from the pain of losing me. would the pain of losing me be greater than the pain i cause every day?
i am lost. i dont know anymore. fuck i need therapy. or just anything that can fix me. the drugs certainly haven't yet, but at least i also have dependency to fight with now i guess.
yea fuck man idk
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pepperpixel · 10 months
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“Can't remember when we walked past the O.R. sign!
Can't remember passing out with her hand in mine!
I remember waking up with my mind repaired.
(A-OK! ^^)
I remember when I realized, she wasn't there...”
Amnesia was her name….. is. so. horrifically. sadly fitting for these two in literally every single line. And I’m gonna NEED ALL OF U GUYS TO GO LISTEN TO IT NOW OK… THIS ISNT A DRILL GO GO GO GO!!!
Anyway… uhh. the fact Betty “blessed” this guy to like. An eternally long lifespan w THIS FUCKED UP OF A MENTAL STATE IS SO SCREWED UP GHGH- Like poor Simon god damn…! u kno he’d rather just keep on not sorting out his baggage and trauma forever too cuz it’d be too complicated… too much… force him to admit things about himself and about BETTY that he really really doesn’t want to… better to just leave it all unexamined.. pack it all into lil boxes so he can just try to ignore it and pretend it doesn’t exist… HE GOTTA LIVE FOREVER W IT THO… *ME BANGING ON SIMONS DOOR AT 3 IN THE MORNING*: “SIMON U GOTTA ACCEPT URSELF!!!! LOVE URSELF!!!! ACKNOWLEDGE N ACCEPT EVEN THE “BAD” PARTS OF URSELF!!!! SIMON PLEASE!!!!! SIMON EVEN PPL WHO LOVE YOU AND WHO YOU LOVE CAN HURT YOU!!!! ACKNOWLEDGE IT!!! ACKNOWLEDGE THE HURT AND ACKNOWLEDGE UR FEELINGS!!!! AND URSELF!!!!! SIMON!!!!” anyway… gGHGH YEA, SRRY. SIMON PETRIKOVS MENTAL ILLNESSES MAKE ME FEEL LIKE IM GONNA EXPLODE. ANYWAY HAVE SOME ART. W a bunch of diff versions cuz I’m indecisive!
#adventure time#simon petrikov#betty grof#petrigrof#doodles#lol at tagging this petrigroff but nah I stand by it man!!!!#being a petrigroff shipper is understanding that I’m actually canon these two need som fuckin COUPLES COUNSELING. OR TO JUST BREAKUP.#like….. gGHG I LOVE BETTY BUT ALSO. ALSO… also…. these 2 have some issues… seperate and together issues. lmao#ANYWAY THO. ANYWAY THO. IM SO FUCKING EXCITED. I SAW THE NEW TRAILER. IM GONNA DIE. MY WIFE I GOT TO SEE MY WIFE#AND WERE ACTUSLLY GONNA GET SIMON MENTAL STATE SHIT YEAHHHHH!!!!#HELL FUCKING YEAH!!!!!!!!!#FIONNA AND CAKE DO NOT LET THIS NERD KEEP RUNNING AWAY FROM HIS FEELINGS FUCKING GET HIS ASS!!! MAKE HIM FACE IT AND WORK THRU IT!!!#pls!!!! if even Simon Petrikovs can start working thru his mental traumas there might be hope for all of us ghghg#uh but anyway yeah. AMBESIA IS HER NAME IS SO THEM.. STRAIGHT UP I FELT THE URGE TO EVEN LIKE. make an animatic for it!! it was so fitting!#im not gonna make an animatic cuz I don’t feel like it but!!! I saw it… I saw the animatic in my brain ghghg-#there’s a lot of typos in these tags but. just do me a favor… and pretend like there aren’t lol#fionna and cake#am I…. possibly…. projecting more mental trauma and issues on Simon. then he ACTUALLY has…#probably. yes. but!!!! he def still DOES have issues. I feel like I’m probably exaggerating the Betty ones cuz he#never really outright expresses feeling hurt by her. but also I feel like!!!! he’s the sorta guy!!! WHO WOULDNT EXPRESS THAT!#cuz he loves her!!!!! sO MUCH!! and she did so much and pushed herself so far and was trying so hard… and also she’s fucking basically d#dead now!!!! it’d be like. disrespectful of her memory…. to feel that. also what’s even the point of expressing that pain she’s gone!!!!!#she did all of that.. for him… how could he…. just. spit in the face of that#im writing those last few tags in the he perspective of simons mind btw… the things he tells himself….#anyway gGHG MAYBE I AM PROBABLY PROJECTING MORE ISSUES ON HIM THEN HE ACTUALLY HAS BUT WHO CARES MAN#I’m allowed ghghgh-#I wanna draw art of Simon having a traumatic flashback to the ‘Dont worry ull be obliterated soon!’ line and hating himself for it#ice king isn’t him!!! it isn’t him! it’s not him!!! why does that hurt it shouldn’t hurt she wasn’t talking to HIM#BUT SHE WAS#SHE WAS… she didn’t think of the ice king as Simon but he IS… HE IS AND JUST. URGHGH
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onnoffwrites · 8 months
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I have been losing my shit over this damn panel for the past THREE DAYS (more or less) and I need to yell somewhere so it's gonna go here.
It all began when I was writing my fic (I think this was for My Immortal), and I needed to recap significant hakukai moments. And I remembered "hey, I should include this one thing saguru said during sunset manor that was stupidly super gay for no fucking reason" bc like, yea hakukai not canon, but if canon was gonna give me a whole ass confession then I might as well use it. So, like always, I head to mangadex to look for this panel... Except... It's not there... The line... The line's not there... But I remember... I remember something about "the only one to disrupt/disturb my thinking/mind"... Where... I didn't imagine that right? I mean I read a lot of google translated Chinese fanfics but... I REMEMBERED reading that line... In a manga... In English... ON mangadex...
This is where I should mentioned, that if you weren't around for the Great Collapse of Mangadex. Then... Well, so there was this period of time where mangadex just DIDNT EXIST. Bc there was some cyber?? Attack??? On the site??? I can't fully remember. But it like wiped out most of the site. The mangas r just, gone. So mangadex fixed it. It took a while bc they figured "might as well revamp our site and system". And they did. And it's great. And it looks beautiful now, even more than before.
But see. The line I remembered? Yea... Yea that was from before The Collapse. And mangadex let multiple translation groups submit their translations. So u can read diff translations of diff group, see how things are interpreted differently... And... I remembered this one, that I posted here up top, but I remembered there was another. One that had The Line.
And it was driving crazy so, like usual, I asked my cn friend. But my cn friend (why am I still saying that, it's @beingvv , that's the friend) has A Life, and isn't always online, and we love that for ppl. So. I'm still crazy. I can't trust my own damn mind and memory bc why tf do I remember something that isn't there (happened before btw, but that has nothing to do with this).
Luckily, I have a friend who knows jp. UNLUCKILY, I don't have the jp raws and it's from chapter 300 and we are in the thousands. So, I went back to losing my mind. Until I found it again, and realized. Heyyyyyyy there's a whole ass ANIME. So like the baggage my dear friend had the misfortune to be saddled with, I went to find the ep, timestamped it, yelled begged them for help.
This is where I lose my damn mind the first time in the recent weeks.
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(thank you my dear piglet, u don't even go here but u tolerate my insanity)
So, I feel a little more sane (bc my mind didn't fabricate a memory again) and also A LOT more insane bc WHY WOULD U SAY THAT, HAKUBA SAGURU 😭😭😭 WHY WOULD U SAY IT LIKE THAT 😭😭😭
In any case I feel validated. Told beingvv about my discoveries (for whenever they come back) not that they need it cn fandom already got the correct translation. And finished writing my fic.
And then Saguru's comeback was announced.
So I've been losing my shit for 3 days on twitter, looking at all my fave KR and JP accounts and the things they say.
And then someone dug up and old tweet thread that talked about this panel. Specifically, op talked about the nuance in the word choice used.
Here's the og thread if anyone wants to read or Google translate it urself.
(mkppyong my love, bless you)
Bc mkppyong talked to a jp acquaintance about ??? Uh I dunno just language I guess. POINT IS. They pointed out that gosho used specific words/phrases that really wasn't needed if all he wanted to say was "the only one who drives me crazy/mad." But he did used them. It's specifically "his thoughts/mind" that's being driven crazy. And that if he wants to just talk about Saguru's mind being disrupted/confused, then there's rly no need to use the words "go crazy"
And then they wrote out a whole symbolism about clocks and saguru and being broken down/disrupted and I lost my shit over the clock symbolism, sue me 😭😭😭
I don't think I'm making sense anymore bUT WAIT, THERES MORE, THE FINAL BLOW
This is where I expose myself more than I ever want to, but here's a fact. I'm thai
Here's a second fact. I'm SHIT at Thai. I've been bad at this language before I got good at English. My Thais as good as an elementary student. Every time I understand difficult words I get confused bc where did I know THAT from???
In any case, point is, I saw that tweet, read the text, immediately understood it and began losing my shit all over again... And then I doubted... Bc like, I'm not good with this lang anymore... Maybe im understanding it wrong? So I look up Google.
Google: คลุ้มคลั่ง just means go crazy
So I was like, damn guess I'm wrong, read too much into this. BUT SEE BC I LIVE HERE I HAVE FRIENDS WHO ARENT A DISGRACE. And so my friend said:
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So. Here we are. At the end. I have no idea how tf I'm supposed to end this post. I'VE been obsessed for 3 days straight. I don't have a lot of braincell left in me (there weren't any to begin with). I don't have a statement to wrap this post up in a nice little bow. Go make ur own conclusion I dunno.
But I would not have been losing my shit over this stupid panel for a month if it wasn't for the fact that eng translation was missing a pretty crutial thing in what Saguru said. I don't know if this was a mistranslation or a misunderstanding or something, but the English translation was lacking. And I love and have always been thankful and grateful to the ppl who worked hard to translate mangas in their free time, and do it all for free, bc I haven't had any real way to rent/borrow mangas from renting shops/libraries in years. So this was one of the only ways I can read mangas. But, even as I checked the raw panel with Google lens just now, even google translate it as "the only one to make my thoughts go round." No where was there any mention of "case" and "solving." So that's just, multiple accounts of ppl who knows jp, including native jp speakers, all saying that this panel is Saguru saying "the only one to drive me crazy". And man I rly hope this doesn't make me come off as ungrateful or like shitting on the translation team, I'm rly not. But yea. Uh. The translation was wrong. And I remembered that there used to be a diff eng translation. And it led me to go to all this trouble and journey to find out what was actually said. And here we are, at the end.
The only one who could disrupt Saguru's thinking.
The only one who could disturb Saguru's mind.
The one whose sole existence drives him mad.
The only one to make his mind obsess over till he's driven to madness.
Or to use the symbolism mkppyong wrote: the only one to break down the clock, the precise and accurate mechanism, that is Hakuba Saguru.
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Y'know its fun to compare Lumity with Sashannarcy.
On side hand you have pure fantasy romance with an eventual side of highschool sweethearts.
And on the other the most baggage filled (like you need an airport team to sort through it, complete with broken or lost things in transit) yet deeply loving relationship ever.
Yea, the dynamic between the ships makes interactions with them interesting and potentially funny. It’s often y I and others tend to have them interact and fight over who’s wife/wives are better, lol
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Built for Love Part 5 (MBJ x Black Famous OC
A/N: just a really long chapter lol also realized I should start giving like dates so this is like late July 2015, one week after part 4. Enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of trauma, sex talk, healthy amount of fluff and angst
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“So where are y'all going again?” Charlotte heard her brother ask.
She continued with her extensive makeup routine as she called back, “You know that nigga refuses to tell me?” 
She studied her makeup in the mirror. She gave herself an encouraging nod. Despite the extensive effort it took, her beat looked natural and effortless. Michael always complimented her, from when she was fresh off a run and sweaty to when she was full glam. But she still wanted to look her best.
“Well, surprises are usually nice,” Lauren, their resident optimist, interjected. 
Charlotte paused her visual survey of her look to poke her head out of her bathroom to throw Lo a side eye and eye roll. 
“You know that bitch hates surprises,” Jazzmine, Charlotte and Jackson’s childhood best friend, chimed in.
Her friends were keeping her company and her anxieties in check as she got ready for her and Michael’s first date. 
She questioned if they could even really classify it as a first date. After all, looking back, they went on a million dates before this one when they lived in Philly. But she supposed neither of them considered those dates at the time. So this was their first official date experience, where the intention was to start something fresh and new. Michael gladly took on the task of planning the evening, which both increased and decreased Charlotte’s anxieties for the night. On one hand, she did not have the worries of planning it and making sure it was fun. But on the other, she had all the anxieties about what the night would hold. 
“I do!” And it was true, she did. However, she could tell Michael was the type of man who enjoyed surprises, giving and receiving them. But because Michael was so attentive by nature, he also struck her as a man who made surprises worth the anxiety. “But I trust him. So I know he isn’t taking us anywhere stupid. I just hope this outfit works,” she grumbled as she studied her body in the mirror. 
With the precious little he told her, he let her know she did not have to be particularly dressed up. And that she should be prepared for some walking. That let her know it was not a standard dinner date, which she appreciated. So she opted for a bodysuit and black jeans. It showed off the right assets but would work for most activities that were not dinner. She pulled her tried and tested favorite chunky heels out for the night, knowing she could walk a few miles in those before her feet gave out on her. 
“I don’t know though, Charlie. He always seemed like the sweet, romantic nigga. So, he’s gonna do this type of shit all the time.” 
She nodded, though no one could see her. “Yea I get that vibe too.”
“But Charlie is a hopeless romantic at heart, underneath all that,” Lauren waved her hand in the air to signify all the baggage. “She just needs the right guy to be romantic to her.” 
“Fair. And she’s soft too so they are perfect for each other,” Jazz agreed, Charlotte letting out a gasp of annoyance from the bathroom. “I give it two weeks and you’ll be in love with all that romantic sappy surprise shit.” 
“Y’all don’t know me as well as you think!” Charlotte called to them as she rounded the corner of her bathroom. She did a spin for the group. “What do we think?” 
“Your ass looks amazing. He’s definitely gonna want to fuck when the night’s over.” 
All of the girls busted out laughing at Jazz’s vulgarness, Jackson’s face immediately twisting up in disgust. 
“Sometimes I think y’all forget I’m her brother and that I’m here too. I don’t want to hear that shit.” 
“Close your ears then!” Jazz shot back. “Operation ‘Finally Get Charlie Girl Slutted Out’ finally commences.” 
Charlotte put a hand over her face in embarrassment, her cheeks blushing slightly at her vulgarness. It was not a surprise that sex was her first thought. One thing Jazz was always going to do is take it there. 
“That is not a real thing!” Charlotte shook her head. “We are not giving my sex life an Operation name like it’s a fuckin secret mission.” 
Jazz scoffed. “Sorry boo. Too late. LoLo and I started this mission like six months ago.” 
Lauren’s shoulders shrugged empathetically as she mouthed sorry.
“But seriously… when you gon’ let him fuck you senseless?” 
“Jazz! My brother is right there.” 
“I turned off my ears. Not listening!” 
“Aint nobody worried bout that nigga. Stop avoiding the question.” 
Charlotte’s shoulder leaned against the door frame. She picked at her nails as she thought about it. 
“I dunno. We almost did it the other night. But he said he felt like it was too haphazard, which I didn’t disagree with. But now I kinda wish we had just done it then.”
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean I think I’m gonna lose my nerve! Like the more I think about it and what it’ll be like, the more freaked out I get and the more I wanna just push it off. I dunno, don’t think he’s the type of nigga whose ever been made to wait long though.” 
“That nigga will wait as long as you need him,” Jazz corrected her firmly. 
“Don’t tell me you on some stupid Steve Harvey 90-day shit?? Cause nigga definitely ain’t gon’ stick around for that shit,” Jackson finally interrupted their girls chat with his own opinion. 
“I thought you weren’t listening??” Lauren asked her husband, all the women laughing at how truly nosey he was.
Charlotte’s face twisted up at the idea. “No, no! Not 90 days. Hell, I don’t think I even have that much self control. I just don’t think I’m ready tonight. I think I’m just too in my head about it? Like how he’ll be, how I’ll be? And… before, sex was just something to get through? Something to endure because I didn’t really have an option or it would just make things worse. I don’t want that to be Bakari and I. But that’s all I know a-and I’m worried that inexperience is gonna show? I mean I’ve never even had an or-” She stopped herself, immediately cringing as she saw the shocked looks on her friends faces. “No. No.” She immediately started to say. “Please pretend I never said that.” 
“Absolutely the fuck not, bitch. Please tell me you were about to say some weird position no one has heard of and not that you’ve never had an orgasm??” 
“J, baby, girl time. Get out,” Lauren instructed, Jackson happily excusing himself to Charlotte’s living room. Once he was gone, she turned her attention back to Charlotte. “Never?? Like not even once??” 
Charlotte shrugged as she picked at her cuticles. “Don’t shame me about it! It’s so embarrassing. And I don’t really know? I don’t think so??” 
“If you have to think about it then you most definitely haven’t,” Jazz shook her head. She glanced at Lauren. “Another thing to add to the list.” 
“The list?” 
“List of reasons we have to murder that dumb ass nigga if we ever see him again.” 
“You know some women can’t even orgasm… it’s not as uncommon or weird as you’d think,” Charlotte offered. 
“Are you gonna tell Michael about all this??” 
Charlotte let out a humorless laugh. “So he can find out another way in which I’m irreversibly damaged?? No thank you. I already dropped so much on him just last weekend. Not trying to give him more reasons to run for the hills.” 
Lauren sighed, “Look, sex is as much about communication as it is just about following your desires and wants. You can just go with the flow and see what happens. It could be amazing without any conversation. Or you can put your big girl panties on and make it clear what you want out of the experience and why to ensure he really knows you.” 
“And sex with every guy is different,” Jazz offered as she flipped through a magazine. “I’ve been with niggas where I hated one thing until a new nigga came along and made me love it. Don’t let how it was in the past make you think it can’t be fun and enjoyable. And with the right guy, life changing.” 
“So your life must’ve been changed a couple times?” Lauren asked, shading her best friend. 
“Yes and what about it?? My point is, that’s how it was supposed to be the entire time. I know it’s hard for you but have fun. That’s what dating and sex and all of this is supposed to be anyway - fun. And enjoy the moment with him. And if it happens tonight, great. If it’s 90 days from now, also great.” 
“Yea, you’re right. It’s j-” Her cell phone rang interrupting their conversation. “Oh, it's the front desk. He must be here.” She instructed the front desk attendant of her building to let him up. “Ok friends, y’all gotta go before he gets up here.” 
“We can’t meet him???” 
“No cause y’all are just gonna embarrass me. Out.” She playfully herded them out of her bedroom and toward the front door. She could tell they were all wasting as much time as possible, taking their sweet time grabbing their belongings and jackets. 
These niggas, she thought to herself. She was not surprised when the knock at the door made all of them grin like they just won the lottery. 
“Don’t embarrass me,” she warned before she checked her hair and makeup in the mirror in the foyer. She opened the door to find Michael with a bouquet of pink roses in his hand. 
He let out a low whistle as she gave him a hug and kiss. 
“These are for you. You look beautiful,” he offered as he handed her the bouquet. 
She watched him for a moment, part of her waiting for the backhanded part of his compliment to come. ‘You look beautiful, but…’ however, it never did. 
“T-thank you,” she answered quickly, ushering him inside. “I’m ready, just let me put these in water.” 
Michael’s eyes immediately started to take in her apartment, this was his first time there since they started dating. His visual sweep and catalog of things to store away was cut short when his eyes landed on a group of people awkwardly lingering in her living room, staring at him expectantly. He walked in further and started to greet them. 
“What’s up? I’m Michael.” He dapped Jackson up and gave Jazz and Lauren brief hugs. 
“That’s Jackson, Jazzmine and Lauren and they were just leaving,” Charlotte said as she came up behind them. 
“I’m sure we could stay a few minutes and get to know Michael?” Jazz asked innocently. 
“Yea I’d love that,” Jackson offered, his serious and intimidating face on. Charlotte rolled her eyes, this is exactly what she hoped to avoid. “Get to know the guy, learn about him and shit.” 
“No, no I think y’all should be headed out. Michael has a whole evening planned, I’m sure.” Charlotte narrowed her eyes at her friends. 
“Charlie’s right. Out. Both of you. Sorry,” Lauren offered the couple, pushing her husband and their best friend out the door. 
“Night guys.” She gave them all hugs before pushing them out of her house. 
“Sorry… they wanted a glimpse of you so bad,” she laughed. Michael merely grinned and waved his hand dismissively. 
“No worries. It was cute. They are clearly protective of you, it’s sweet. How’d you meet Lauren and Jazzmine?” 
Charlotte settled on the edge of the couch as she sat to fasten the ankle straps of her heels. 
“Oh, Jazz grew up with Jackson and I. Met her in freshman English homeroom in the 9th grade. Inseparable ever since. Jackson was a year older but we were kinda a package deal at the time. So they became good friends. And I met Lauren at Juilliard. She’s a dancer. Teaches at a ballerina studio in the city. Lo and Jackson met when he came to visit one weekend and it was love at first sight. And thankfully Lo and Jazz hit it off when they finally met too. And we all ended up out here.” 
“So that’s your crew?” 
“Yep. I would die without those three. Then Lo and I have a couple of other friends we are close to. My eldest sister and brother live on the east coast so it’s harder to spend time with them. But anywho,” she held her arms out as she stood up. “This suitable for where we’re headed?” 
“It’s perfect. You look perfect. You ready?” 
At her nods, Michael slid his hand into hers and led her out of her apartment and to her car. The car ride was not long, Michael allowing Charlotte to DJ so he could learn more about her musical taste. She definitely was an R&B fan, specifically 90s R&B. But she seemed to have an appreciation for the whole genre. And the activity reminded him of how limitless her own talent for music truly was. She was not just a good singer, she was a student of music. Michael could’ve just sat in the car for hours and listened to her dissect every song, provide her insight to specific choices, highlight samples he did not even recognize. He was kind of sad to end the conversation when they arrived at their destination. 
He helped Charlotte out of the car and walked her to a building across the street. It was full of people and bustling with activity.
“Aight, so. I remembered you saying you haven’t seen much of LA yet, even though you’ve been here for a while. So I thought I’d take you somewhere that highlights the best LA has to offer.” He held out his hands. “It’s an art walk. One of the biggest in all of California and the most popular. One weekend in August every year. New and upcoming artists, world-renowned LA natives. If the artist is from LA, they are in here somewhere. This year, they chose to feature only artists of color.” 
Charlotte’s eyes grew wide as she took in the scene. It was clearly extremely popular, artists and vendors seemed to pack the half indoor/outdoor space. There were food trucks and other vendors lining the street with a live jazz band playing to create the perfect mood. 
“Oh I love this… definitely an A for execution, Mr. Jordan. Perfect first date.” 
“I aim to please. And then I got a reservation at your favorite spot.” 
“Saffron??” She squealed, an upscale Indian restaurant that Charlotte lived and died by in the city. It was the only restaurant she missed when she was traveling. 
“Of course.” 
“Wow, if there was a grade higher than A, you’d most certainly get it. This is really nice, thank you.” 
The pair laughed and joked as they walked through the exhibits. Charlotte felt pulled in a thousand directions as everything caught her eye. Michael enjoyed watching her. Whether it was sharing their commentary about the different pieces of art and installations or being mesmerized by her passion and interest in each piece, Michael was utterly enthralled by her. And thankful that he had decided to go this route. He knew she would not mind a stuffy, normal dinner date. But he felt as if they had plenty of time for normal dinner dates. He wanted to create memories with her, live out loud, and have a good time. And this felt just right. 
The only thing that was, perhaps, odd for them was that they did not hold hands. Or show any type of physical affection. It was not for a lack of desire or want. They both found it fairly difficult to keep their hands off each other. But they had not decided how or when they would go public yet. Charlotte had reservations about coming out as dating her co star in her first major film and Michael was Michael, he knew any woman tied to him romantically would receive scrutiny. They knew they could not keep it hidden forever, especially with the press tour quickly approaching. But they wanted to come out in their own time. So even though they kept close to each other, they hoped that if someone did snag a photo, they would just seem like two friends at an art show, not boyfriend and girlfriend.
“Oh my god,” Charlotte stopped in front of an easel. “I’ve seen this before,” she pointed at a painting of a black woman standing in the mirror. “Rashad Brooks,” she muttered. 
“You know this guy?” 
“No not personally. But I’ve seen this painting before, at an art show in New York. This was the centerpiece. His whole series was portraits on perspective. How we don’t see ourselves as others see us. Each piece told a story until you got to this one, the one where she finally sees herself as, not just what she is, but what she wants to be. She sees more for herself and in herself than before. The way her reflection back is a Goddess instead of the negative things she focused on before. And she doesn’t just see it, she materializes it and chooses to act on it. To radiate it outward to the world. See the way the soft gold glow extends in the mirror and around her in real life.”
“What do you like about it?” 
Charlotte tilted her head, her eyes drinking the piece in again. It still hit her the same as the first time she saw it. 
“I dunno. I always felt it was kinda calling to me in some way? Like it was the message I needed at the time to remember to see more for myself? See it and act on it? If she could see more, why couldn’t I?” She chuckled and gave him an embarrassing smile. “It’s silly, I know.” 
“Definitely not silly,” a voice interjected, a man stepping from behind another easel. “It is great to hear someone talk about the piece with such passion. And so accurately. I should take you to my next show. I’m Rashad, the artist.” 
Charlotte shook his hand. “So great to meet you. I love your work, it's so realistic and flawless. It is like looking at a photo, so detailed. You’re amazing.” 
“I appreciate that. If you are interested in ever coming to a gallery to see more,” he handed her his card. “My website and information is on it.”  
Charlotte tucked it into her pocket. She would definitely keep the artist in mind for the day when she was so booked and busy, she did not mind dropping thousands of dollars on a painting. Being forever frugal and anxious that her bookings would dry up or become inconsistent, that just wasn’t her yet. 
Charlotte threw another longing glance at the painting before they said goodbye and continued walking toward the next booth. “Ok that was the best thing I’ve seen since we got here.” 
“And that’s saying somethin’ cause you’ve said that about almost every artists since we walked in.” 
Charlotte laughed and bowed her head. “Sorry, I just love seeing people live in their passions, especially us. All these Black artists taking space and doing what they love day in and day out.” She shrugged. “I guess I miss that energy a lot? It’s just nice to be in a space with that. Thank you for this.” She nudged him with her shoulder. “Easily the best and most creative first date I’ve ever been on.”  
“Maybe one day, you’ll get back to your passions. And of course, that’s what I was aimin’ for.”
“It would take an act from God, but maybe.”
“Wanna check out that section over there and then head to dinner?” 
“Oh. We couldn’t sta-” Charlotte’s smile faltered a bit and she bit her lip, a question on whether they could stay a bit longer starting to fall from her lips before she stopped herself. She realized it was late, the sun had come and gone since they arrived. However, she just did not want to leave yet and she was having so much fun with him, she desperately wanted to prolong the evening as long as possible. However, an instinct stole the words right out of her mouth and she quickly course corrected, he was ready to go so that meant it was time to go. She forced her smile to grow again, “Y-Yea, that sounds great. Whatever you want, babe.” 
“You sure? We can stay longer. We can hang out longer and do Saffron another night?” Michael offered to adjust. He truthfully did not care what they did or where they ended up for dinner. He just made the reservation to ensure they had somewhere nice to go if they wanted to. 
“No, no. I want to do the night you planned. Let’s go,” she smiled, gesturing for him to lead the way. 
Michael merely nodded and continued walking, biting down his own confusion at her sudden switch up. However, she still seemed like herself, happy and engaged. So, he tried not to harbor on it for too long. They walked around for another 15 minutes or so before getting in his car and heading to dinner. 
By the time dinner concluded, Charlotte was more than a little sad to be headed home. She knew the date was going to go well but she had not imagined Michael would put in as much effort as he did to ensure it was something she would like and enjoy. 
“I had an amazing time, thank you.” Charlotte offered as Michael walked her to her door. 
“So I earned a second date?” He asked playfully. 
Charlotte smiled. “You earned a second date before I stepped in the car tonight. And a third one too.” 
“Ah so I gotta start earning them again for the fourth one?”
“Yea. Can’t have you thinking I’m easy…” she winked at him. “Call me when you get home?” 
“Of course, baby.” 
One arm snaked around her waist as he pulled her in for a kiss. They lingered in it for a moment, however, Charlotte knew if she lingered too long, she would invite him in. 
“I s-should call it a night,” she muttered against his lips. 
Michael nodded, he knew that wasn’t happening tonight but he would be lying if he had not been hoping he was wrong. It wasn’t an issue, he would wait as long as it took. But that did not mean the waiting was easy for him. Especially when she looked like this, perfectly edible and delicious. 
“Night, Els.” 
Michael lingered for a moment until her door closed shut and he heard the faintest lock of her door. The moment he got in his car, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the business card from Rashad that he swiped from her pocket. It was a crafty bit of thievery on his part, he was thankful she had been too distracted in his embrace to notice. He dialed the number, not shocked to get his voicemail. 
“Hey man, this is Michael B. Jordan. I was at the Art Walk tonight and the woman I was with loved one of your paintings. I’d like to buy it if it's still available. And I have a proposition for you. Hit me back when you have a chance. Thanks.” 
Charlotte hummed quietly to herself, her body wrapped tightly in a blanket on her couch as she wrote on sheet music. A lazy Saturday in the apartment meant songwriting. She just did it for fun and most of the songs were not even good in her opinion. But it got her thoughts out of her head and onto the page, which is often what she needed. And she spent the majority of the day curled up on her couch, her music piling up next to her. 
She glanced at her folder of recent songs. Most reflected her melancholy attitude and past, filled with shoes of heartbreak and pain. But today, this song was the exact opposite. It was filled with hope and excitement. It was the first love song she had written in years and she loved it. 
Her groove was only interrupted by her cell phone ringing, the front desk number buzzing across her phone.
“Hey Rick, what’s up?” 
“Hi Ms. Bennett, sorry to bother you so late but you have a package down here. Can I send the courier up?”
“I didn’t order anything? Who is it from?” 
“Umm the courier said the sender’s name is Bakari?” 
Charlotte bit her lip and smiled to herself. “Yep, you can send it up.” 
She paced up and down the soft rug by her couch as she waited for bated breath for whatever this delivery was. Aside from flowers, she could not even imagine what it could be. She could not recall mentioning wanting anything specific, much less anything she expected her boyfriend of a week to buy her. She did not really expect Michael to buy her anything, preferred it actually. Her experiences made her fiercely independent. She and Michael almost got into showdowns about who would buy dinner. Their date yesterday was the first time she let him pay without an argument beforehand. 
A knock at the door pulled her out of her thoughts. She opened to find two men carrying a wide and tall box. 
“Hi ma’am. We are gonna unwrap it and if you need help mounting it, we can assist with that.” 
She nodded and ushered the two men in. She watched as they ripped all the packaging off. She let out an audible gasp as she took in the painting from her and Michael’s date the night before. 
“He included a note.” One of the men handed her a card. Charlotte ripped it open and read it silently. 
You said this inspired you to see more. I hope every day you look at this, you are reminded of what I already know: you don’t just deserve more. You deserve everything. And every day is an opportunity to seize it. 
“Where would you like it?” 
Charlotte glanced up, her hand quickly wiping a stray tear. “O-Oh um…” she glanced around her living room. She glanced at the dreaded bare wall behind her couch that she could never quite figure out what to do with. She painted it to give an accent wall but could never find the right piece to hang there. “There,” She pointed to it. “Right in the center.”
She watched patiently as the two men hung the painting for her and then left her apartment. The moment they were gone, she called Bakari. 
“Hey baby, painting get there?” 
“Yes… Thank you, it is stunning and amazing… and it’s too much, babe,” she rambled. It was not that she did not like it, she loved it and adored it. But she did not know if she could or should accept such an extravagant gift when they had only been dating for mere days. “It’s amazing and beautiful and you’re amazing for buying it. But it is too much, you gotta let me pay you back for it.” 
Michael immediately laughed at the absurdity of her statement. “That ain’t how gifts work, baby girl.” 
“But it’s too…” 
“Too what?” 
“Extravagant. I saw the price for this last night. It was thousands of dollars.” 
“Yes and getting you something that made you as happy as this painting did was worth every penny.” 
Charlotte’s voice grew small. “You sure?? I-I just don’t want to feel like I owe you.” 
“Els. Baby, it’s just a painting. One that didn’t break the bank or anything close to it. I saw how happy it made you and how much you connected with it and I thought you’d like it. I just want you to enjoy it. It’s a gift, no strings attached. You don’t owe me anything and I wouldn’t accept anything if you tried. I promise. Just enjoy it, babe.” 
Charlotte stared at the painting as he spoke, her heart swelling at having the piece in her home. It felt like a full circle moment. She felt as if this piece of art spoke to the fundamental reason she wanted to go into the arts herself, because it has the power to change the course of someone’s life. This painting, this beautiful piece of art, was one of several things that saved her life. 
“Ok, I’m sorry. I’m ruining it, aren’t I?” 
“You could never ruin anything. I just want you to know when I give you something, there ain’t no ulterior motives. I just want to see you smile. You smilin’? Cause it feels like you aren’t?” 
“I am… truly. This is just the nicest thing anyone has ever bought me. I’ll send you a picture, it looks perfect here.” 
“You hung it in the living room?” 
“Good, I thought that’d be a good spot for it. Alright love, I just got home so let me call you when I get out of the shower? Enjoy the painting.” 
She sat in one of her arm chairs so she could stare at it, her feet tucked up underneath her. 
You deserve more, she thought to herself. This is most certainly more. Embrace it. 
“I will. You’re amazing. Thank you.” 
The couple hung up the phone, Charlotte grabbing her glass of wine and sheet music from across the table and setting her eyes on the painting. She just sat there for over an hour and stared at it. She found the longer she looked, the more details she found, the more beautiful it became to her. She sighed and pulled out her phone. She snapped a photo and sent it to the group chat that contained her best friends and brother with a simple message: 
The romantic surprise king strikes again
The chime of a text immediately filled the room.
Jazz: See? Not even a day and she already loves that shit. Alright Lo, get ready to fight over maid of honor
Charlotte knew the group chat was about to dissolve into madness at that so she put them on mute and tossed the phone on the table as she went to her baby grand piano in her living room. Her song was unfinished but new inspiration had struck in the form of an unexpected but perfect gift. And where inspiration struck, she had to follow. 
“Can you believe that shit??” Michael grinned as Charlotte doubled over in her seat, tears springing to her eyes as she laughed. “It’s not that funny, Els.” 
“Y-Yes, it is,” she hiccuped, clutching her chest. “Like how’d they make that mistake??” She shook her head. “These white folks… they really can’t tell us apart at all.” 
“I know! Same name but Michael and I don’t look alike at all. Just googled a nigga named Michael and took the first photo they saw.” The pair were sharing a laugh about E News’ latest article on Michael, which included a picture of Michael Ealy instead. They submitted a correction but she and Michael could not help but laugh at the jokes on social as Black Twitter dragged the publication for such an obvious mistake. 
“I know! He’s wayyyy cuter,” she winked and smirked at him as she took a sip of her wine. 
“Ha. ha. So you got jokes??” 
She raised her hands in surrender. “Now you know there is no one as handsome as you, babe. Promise.” 
“Nice save, baby.” A vibrating noise against their dinner table interrupted their banter, Michael immediately picking up his phone. “Oh shoot. I gotta take this. It’s my agent. Sorry, baby.” He quickly removed himself from the table, but not before bestowing a soft kiss to Charlotte’s head before he navigated to the front of the restaurant. They were tucked away in the back, prayerful no one noticed them. 
Charlotte twisted in her seat to watch him retreat for a moment, a dopey smile painted on her face as she basked in how well things had been going so far. The two months since their first date had flown by so fast, she almost wished time would slow down a bit. She wanted to savor every single moment with him, holding tightly to these memories they were creating. Every compliment, every joke, every deep conversation, every dream and aspiration they shared with one another. She did not want them to be washed away by the swiftness of time. And she did not want the sweetness of the honeymoon phase to end. She wanted to bask in how he allowed her to just be herself around him. Michael felt like the rarest of fresh air and now that she had taken a breath of it, she just wanted to soak it up and never be without it again.
"Excuse me? Are you Charlotte Bennett?" 
Charlotte glanced up from her menu to find a young man from the wait staff staring at her expectantly. She still had not grown accustomed to people recognizing her. Typically when they were out, Michael would get recognized by one or two people. But she still enjoyed a life under the radar. It did not happen enough for it to sink in just yet that people in the world were remotely interested in meeting her. 
"I thought so!” She watched as his entire being lit up, his voice flooding with excitement and joy. He appeared to exude a whole new energy that made Charlotte’s heart happy. “Sorry, I am just a huge fan. I saw you the first night you had to understudy for the actress playing Roxie in Chicago. I still have the playbill from that night in my apartment. First performance I ever saw and you… you made me want to be an actor. Not a singer though, my family says I'm dreadful.”
Charlotte’s hand went to her heart as she took in his words. “I doubt that! But thank you so much.” She still remembered that night, the biggest night of her career up until that point, and another moment overshadowed by the chaos that was her personal life. That performance had catapulted her into a new, albeit short-lived, fame in the theater world. It was a wave she had hoped to ride right off into the sunset of Broadway legends but instead, she had to detour, something she never fully recovered from. However, it was healing in some fashion to know that, however short it had been and even if it didn’t look as she had wanted, it had meant something to someone. “You honestly have no idea how much that means to me.”
"Of course! I just love you. I try to watch every single thing you're in." 
"It's not a lot, I'm afraid. But I’m getting there.” 
He merely waved his hand to dismiss her self-deprecation. “Please, you’re gonna take this city by storm. Just know you got at least one fan who’ll be front row for it all.” His eyes left Charlotte’s to scan the restaurant. “I better go before my boss sees me chatting. Struggling actor gig. I'm saving up so I can audition for Juilliard next year and move to New York. Been acting in local plays while I'm at community college." 
She gestured toward his pen and notepad. She knew it was for his work but she did not carry around paper and pens so this was the only thing available. “Can I?” She almost wanted to laugh at how quickly he relinquished his work materials. She scribbled her name and personal email on the pad. I won't claim to be able to open many or really any doors but if there's anything I can do, let me know?" 
The young man looked like he was about to go faint. "Really??" 
"Yea... us penguins, future and alumni, gotta stick together, right? What’s your name?” She tore off the sheet and handed it to him, which he quickly folded and stuffed in his pocket.
“Jamal. A-and thank you so much! You are amazing. I really appreciate it. Sir.” Charlotte glanced behind her to find Michael returning to the table, the young man giving him a polite and professional smile. 
"Hey man, how you doing?" Michael asked as he sat down. 
Charlotte suddenly felt this wave of deja vu hit her, which was immediately followed by a panic she imagined beginner surfers actually felt when they crashed into an actual wave. She immediately cleared her throat and straightened up from her relaxed position. Her natural smile was gone, a tighter forced one took its place, filled with the tension that spread rapidly through her body like a virus. 
"Oh shoot, that's my manager. You're amazing, thank you." 
"O-of course," she offered as he returned to his work, barely hearing his words over the pounding of her own heart. 
She tried to hide it, the fact that she felt like she was drowning in her own panic. She did not know where it came from, could not pinpoint what caused it because nothing in the room had changed. But she felt it, sucked deeper and deeper down into this black hole of terror. And every time she tried to swim back to the top, free herself from it, flashes of pain and pangs of fear rained down on top of her again, forcing her body back under. And she did not see a clear way to fight herself out of it. She started to reach for her glass but immediately retracted her hand when she noticed the slight tremble. She slid them under her thighs, hopeful Michael would not notice. That was one thing she had never gotten good at, hiding her fear. She imagined it read so clearly across her face. 
She glanced up at him every few minutes as they both tried to decide what to order. Charlotte was not even hungry anymore but she went through the motions, pretending to study the menu while she really studied him. Every quick glance was intended to size him up, search his usually warm eyes for any hint of anger or annoyance. However, he did not give anything away. She found nothing except his usual kind and playful look as he scanned the menu. He muttered to himself as he decided between two items. And despite that, she felt no reassurance and the tight claws fear had in her chest did not loosen or budge. 
"You decide what you want to get?” When his question was met with no response, he tried again. "Els... baby?" 
It was Michael’s turn to examine her from across the table, bewildered to find a completely different demeanor than when he left the table a few minutes prior.  He knew her well enough to pick up on certain subtleties that showed her true emotions. The way her shoulders hiked up to her ears with tension, the way her eyes avoided his, the tightness in her jaw as if she were bracing for something, the way her whole body seemed to shake, the sheer panic painted in her eyes that she was so clearly trying to hide with a neutral expression but failed at. 
“Els!” He called out a bit louder, the young woman finally looking at him. “You good?”
She merely nodded, forcing a fake smile on her face. 
Michael would not claim to be an expert on Charlotte just yet. Though he felt like he was close. If this were a degree program, he, at least, had a bachelors and was getting to work on his masters. However, he definitely knew when she was and was not ok. And this was far from ok. 
“Nah, none of that shit. What’s wrong?” He immediately realized where he went wrong just a few minutes ago and sighed. “I know… our rule. No phones on date night. Sorry about that. This deal is just supposed to be wrapped up tonight and the last pieces are just…” he shook his head and let out another sigh. “Also no work talk. Sorry. Everything is sorted so no more phones.” He emphasized his words by turning his phone off and sliding it into his jacket pocket. 
Charlotte felt as if her brain short circuited every time Michael apologized unprompted for something. Often, like right now, he did not even need to apologize but when he did, she could always tell he was sincere. Accountability from a man was a new one, another thing she was not fully used to yet. 
"O-Oh no, no. D-don't... don't apologize. No biggie." 
"Then why do you seem upset?"
"Umm…” She chewed her lip as she considered her words carefully, hopeful that she would not make the situation worse. Her hands twisted the white napkin in her lap, turning the fabric over and over to release some of her tension. “T-that waiter.” She pointed back toward the direction the young man went when he left their table. “He's an actor, wants to go to Juilliard. Saw me once in a show, said he was a fan. I was j-just giving him my email in case I could be useful.” 
"That's really sweet of you, love.” When her panicked expression did not change, Michael stared at her expectantly, figuring there must be more to the story or something he missed. Because he did not understand how that explained why she was upset. "That... it? Or is something else wrong?” 
"N-No, no. I-I just want you to know there wasn't a-anything else to it." She paused, her eyes bouncing anxiously from her hands to him. "Y-You believe me, don't you?"  
Her words cycled through Michael’s head several times as he searched and searched like an investigator for the issue, why she would question whether he believed her, why she looked so terrified. However, it was not until he reviewed the whole conversation over again that the realization hit him. The first story she ever told him about her ex floating to his mind, how he gave her a concussion because she dared speak to another man. Michael bowed his head, exhaling a bit of the anger that simmered beneath the surface every time this happened, which was far more often than he would have anticipated. 
Michael knew he needed to do more to address this sort of behavior but he was not sure what to do. For the most part, the last three months of their relationship was everything Michael wanted and could’ve hoped for. He knew he made the right choice in pursuing Charlotte, she felt like the person he had been waiting for his whole life. However, there were moments when he was harshly reminded that the beautiful field that was Charlotte was filled with gorgeous flowers and the occasional well-hidden landmine. And he never knew exactly when he would accidentally step on one and she did not seem to know where exactly they were buried. He knew there had to be more he could do to be proactive, to see these triggers before he accidentally stomped on them. But they still caught him off guard every single time. 
They never discussed it, her panic or reactions that seemed so natural that he questioned whether she even noticed the overreactions sometimes. Each time, he would merely assure her they were ok and they moved on, kept walking until the next explosion. It was not sustainable.  
And he hated it, hated the way her eyes searched for his permission sometimes, how she profusely apologized for simple mistakes or miscommunications, how her entire being would become paralyzed with fear like right now. She was still herself, the Charlotte he fell madly in love with. But all the pieces she said were broken were slowly being revealed. And while he did not see them as ‘broken,’ they were mending, he also was at a loss on how to help that process and not accidentally make it worse. 
He held out his hand, a nonverbal request to touch her, which she accepted. 
Good sign, he thought to himself. At least she didn’t hesitate to let me touch her. 
His thumb rubbed the inside of her wrist gently for a few moments. He felt more at ease as he watched her relax a bit. It was not a lot and she likely did not even notice, but he could see some of the tension leave her body slowly but surely. 
“One, of course, I believe you, Els. I trust you completely. And two, you know you don’t owe me an explanation of the conversations you have or people you talk to right?” 
She scratched her head with her free hand. “Y-yea, I know.” Though her tone was not fully convincing to him. “I j-just felt like… I just didn’t want you to think it was something it wasn’t… or whatever. Or feel disrespected or something? S-so we’re good?” Her voice was still small and timid, her fear still evident in every syllable. “You aren’t angry with me?” 
He could tell that she was waiting for him to flip the script on her, to finally showcase anger she thought he was hiding. But the only anger he had was directed at a person not at the dinner table with them, a person who lived on another coast, which meant Michael could not find him and use his face as a punching bag. 
“I would never be mad over some shit like that, Charlotte. You did a nice thing for an up and coming actor and I think that shit’s great. We’re good.” 
“T-thanks, babe. S-sorry, I just didn’t want-” 
“Charlotte. Baby.” He cut her off. “Relax. No more explaining or apologizing cause you ain’t got shit to apologize for. We’re good, I swear.” 
Charlotte chose to give Michael the final word and take his word for it. Charlotte shook her shoulders out a bit, forcing her body to relax. Their evening progressed without incident, though there was a dark cloud that loomed over them now, neither one of them fully themselves. But neither said anything about it either. They just progressed through dinner as if nothing had happened, making conversation about meaningless topics while both of their brains ran amuck with their own individual insecurities. Charlotte worried that she soured the mood and he truly was mad at her, just waiting for a private place to unleash it, and Michael obsessed over how he could convince her that the reaction she feared would never come. 
After he dropped Charlotte off at home, with several more assurances that he was not mad at her at all, he went home and pulled out his laptop. 
The wee hours of the morning found Michael still in front of that screen, a notebook filled with notes, best practices, resources, and information on how to support someone with PTSD. But given everything he read about abuse that night, things that made his stomach turn and his anger increase to unfathomable levels, he felt that could be the only explanation. And his research helped him understand her a bit better. By the time he closed his laptop, his human need for sleep outweighing his active brain’s desire to unpack his Els and understand her, he did feel he was armed with some tools, or at least more than he had before. He knew he could not heal her, only time and work could do that. But he could be more supportive, more assuring, prioritize ensuring she knew she had choice and agency with him and could create boundaries that he would respect.
He wondered if it would be enough but he was resolved to try. Because she was worth every effort he could give to make her feel safe and loved, and to show her something she had not experienced before: real love. He was different and he would do whatever it took to show her that because she deserved everything he had to give. She deserved his very best.
Tag List: @certifiedlesbianbaddie @bangtanxmegan @reelwriter19 @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @hi888888sworld @msniaimani @destinio1 @lynaye1993 @cawi00 @chaoticevilbakugo
A/N: Thanks for reading!
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red1culous · 1 year
Stupid Moth part 1
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Chapter: 1, 2.
“I’m sorry, I’m not being thick but you need to start from the beginning,” Wanda fills up your glass then swiftly tips back her own, downing the remainder of her fruity drink. 
You sigh cradling your glass until the liquid stills before taking a few swigs of the liquid feeling it burn as it travels down my throat. “Again?” you question buying yourself some time. “I’ve repeated myself twice now.”
The look she gives you is one of pity and love. “Babe I’m sorry it’s just that you and Nat have always been together. So this…” she gestures to the space in between the two of you, “…is very hard for me to understand right now.”
“Yea same” you groan. 
Wanda watches tension tighten your forehead. She reaches over to smooth the frown lines appearing there. Her smile is soft as she loops her arm over your shoulder and pulls you into a side hug. 
“There’s too much baggage for breaking up” she whispers into the space you are both staring blankly at. “You two dated for what? 3 years?”
You hum. “Four if you include the Jane Austen styled excessively over dramatic pining period.”
“You know,” she laughs and separates from you to look into your eyes. “Some people are meant to be together. Sometimes they get it right on the first try, and sometimes it takes years. You and Nat, you’re that some people.”
Your smile is a sad one. “And some people, when they break up, that’s it” you sigh. “They’re done.”
“It can’t be that bad” she says placing a hand on your knee, her thumb drawing comforting circles on the skin peeking through the hole in your jeans. 
You chuckle softly and duck your head in order to hide the tears that have started to well up despite your attempts to stop them. 
She knows. She always knows. She pulls you into her and you can no longer contain the tears that fall. You cry into her shoulder like you’ve done so many times before. 
“It’s going to be ok” she mumbles into your hair. “You’re going to be ok”.
“I wish I could blame this on Hydra but I can’t. I know that she can love. And it hurts so much more because I know she just can’t love me the way that I love her” you sob. 
Wanda just hums running her hand soothingly up and down your back. 
“Am I that unlovable? Because she made me feel that I was everything and then one day she got bored of me and just left me hanging out to dry” your words are a little hard to understand but Wanda knows enough to make out what you mean. 
“She still loves you” her voice is small as if she is trying to convince herself.
Your sadness morphs into anger as you ball your hands into fists holding Wanda even closer as a means of grounding yourself. “Yea I guess then her love language is leaving me on read for days on end and spending more time with everyone else and treating me like I have the plague or something” you spit out.
Wanda waits as you rant and spew into her shoulder. She holds you tight rocking you slowly side to side. She lets out intermittent little hums of acknowledgment letting you know she’s still listening to your tear drenched monologue. And then it’s over. The catarrh is out. She waits a few more seconds listening to your quite sniffles.
“So,” her voice is a mere whisper. She breaks the silence, “what do you want to do now?”
You sniffle adjusting your head to sit more comfortably in the crook of her neck. “Spend my days watching sad movies, crying, eating tubs of chocolate ice cream and only showering when I can’t stand my own stink,” you wipe your nose with the back of your hand before continuing. “How’s that for a plan?”
“Sounds like a plan to me, sweetie” she says while prying you away from her and wiping your eyes with the pads of her thumbs. She softly kisses your forehead and leans back against the sofa pulling you into her side. 
“You pick the movies and I’ll get the snacks.” 
Two movies in and the both of you are heavily debating something from When Harry Met Sally. You are animatedly waving your arms around as Wanda keeps interrupting you where she thinks your argument is weak. She laughs at your (very obviously flawed) theories and you cringe-gag-laugh at her impression of Sally’s public orgasm scene in the cafe. 
“Listen, all that doesn’t matter right now because, Y/N, I’d totally date you and take care of you” she says not missing a beat. 
Your face turns bright red and you’ve already forgotten what you had wanted to say before she blindsided you with her statement. “…what?” you manage.
“Only for a day” she adds a smile teasing on the corner of her lips.
“Excuse me, what?” now you’re offended. What did she mean a day.
“OK five working days, tops.”
You sputter unable to say anything. Your face feels hot as if the frown, eye-blinking and mouth opening and closing were working overtime. 
Its then you notice the full blown smile plastered on her face. A laugh erupts. A full-bodied-body-shaking laugh. It is surprisingly deep and bubbly like an expensive bottle of wine. You can’t help but chuckle too. 
Apparently something you had said was the funniest thing Wanda had heard all week. She continues to shake for what felt like forever.
Her quaking finally starts to recede and she wipes tears from the corners of her eyes. 
“I’m sorry baby. I promise I wasn’t laughing at you” she manages while trying to catch her breath.
“I swear if you say, ‘I was laughing with you’…”
“You gotta admit it’s sorta funny” she slaps you on the shoulder then takes your hand and laces her fingers through yours.
You pout at her mumble something incoherent which sets her off into another bout of giggles. You wouldn’t admit it, not now at least, but it did feel good to laugh and smile. 
Just then, you let her slip into your mind for a minute. You see her green eyes and red hair and catch a phantom whiff of her perfume. It hurts.
It hurt that you could never love each other in a physical way. But that was like the tides, the change of seasons. Something immutable, an immovable destiny that could never be altered. No matter how cleverly you might want to shelter it, whatever it is you had with Nat wasn't going to last forever. Not when it was so lopsided. You were both bound to reach a dead end. That was painfully clear.
Wanda throws a piece of popcorn at you without taking her eyes off the movie playing on the TV screen. She must have heard your thoughts. You snuggle closer into her and push Nat to the back of your mind. For now. 
For now.
A/N: For @imnotasuperhero I hope you enjoy this. It's not as angsty as I would have liked but I didn't want to keep sitting on it.
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boo8008 · 9 months
Three Months - Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x Fem!Reader Chapter 01: Quadriller
Prologue | Chapter 01: Quadriller | Chapter 02: Mince
Series Summery: Its been one year since The Bear's soft open, and with everything running smoothly, Carmen's lost in his thoughts, until the final table of the night is seated.
Warnings: angst | fluff | ghosting mention | mentions of suicide | language | mental health | pining | unrequited love????? | substances (alc & weed) | overdose | yelling | grief | descriptions of panic attacks | eventual smut | new writer trying to write good
Chapter Summery: Carmen arrives in New York, happy to get away from the disaster of one Berzatto Family Christmas. You and carmen however both seem to be too nervous to talk to each other…for now. 
Quadriller (v.) to make criss-cross lines on the surface of food, as part of food presentation
Word Count: 2,821
My Notes bb: I’m sorry its so late tonight but I kept going down rabbit holes on information about actual food journalism and I also noticed I have a habit of explaining a lot and putting in random details that I think are important or cool but again this is my first Fanfiction I'm actually sharing so feedback is welcome. I will tell you now that nothing much happens this chapter save for reader and Carmy being introduced, but I do have a plan on that front its just again I'm overthinking stuff lol. Anyways I hope you all enjoy!
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2019 (January) 
It was peaceful in the kitchen as Donna cooked over the stove, flipping pancakes and frying bacon as she smoked. Carmen, Natalie, and Mikey were sitting at the table as they all joked and talked about something or another. Donna placed the food on the table and they all dug in, each getting a small stack of pancakes and some bacon. Carmen was looking up at Mikey as he poured the syrup, laughing at whatever he was saying. 
As he looked down he was confused, written in syrup, “Fuck You Carmen” was on top of the pancakes. 
Carmen looked up feeling panicked, only to see the fork stuck atop the plate of cannoli. He looked around to see the far end of the table flipped over and a car that had crashed through the front room. Mikey was yelling at his mom and a horn was blaring, not loud enough to cover the infinite sounds of a million timers going off behind him, along with a smoke alarm. When he turned around to make them stop all he saw was black billowing smoke coming from the kitchen. 
Carmen jumped back to reality as the stewardess lightly shook him. Almost as soon as the plane lifted off the tarmac at Chicago O’Hare International Airport he was out like a light. He spent every second sense Christmas Eve beyond stressed and anxious. He was thankful Michelle and Stevie had agreed to let him come stay with them in New York after the new year. 
He hoped they hadn't changed their mind as he crossed into the baggage claim area, only to be greeted by Michelle and Stevie, who was holding a sign saying “BEAR-zatto” with a poorly done drawing of what Carmen thinks is a bear. He chuckled at the gaudy neon pink and glittery sign, happy they went so far as to let him come, let alone pick him up and make a sign.
“Oh there he is, Carmen!” Michelle called, waving him over after finally seeing him. “We were starting to think you bailed on us. How are you? How was your flight? Everything go okay?” She asked, now hugging him before pulling back to look at his face.
“Good, yea, fine, the flight was-the flight was good I slept through most of it,” Carmen said, still hazy with sleep as he rubbed the side of his face. 
“Glad to hear it! Beats our flight back. It felt like it was just crying babies and turbulence; couldn't sleep once,” Stevie chimed in, pulling Carm into an awkward side hug thanks to the just-barely-too-big-to-be-comfortable sign and Carmen’s duffle bag and backpack. An affirmative ‘hm’ was all Carmen could manage, unsure how to respond. Lucky for him, Michelle loves to talk and knew how to keep the conversation going.
“So which of these bags is yours?” she asked as the carousel began spinning and (somewhat violently) ejecting bags. “And how do you like your sign? Stevie’s friend made it; she's kinda like his family's Richie but a bit more-”
“Normal?” Stevie finished. 
“Exactly, yea, she thinks of that type of shit a lot,” Michelle continued. “She thought it would be a cute thing I guess, said something about how helpful it would be to find us sense we’d stick out and more welcoming than that one.” She gestured in the direction Carmy came from, where he passed a sign with standard corporate text that read ‘WELCOME TO NEW YORK’ and a flat drawing of the city. 
Carm was only half listening as Michelle raved on about how the girl did cutesy homemade things all the time and began to ponder why with Stevie, the two knowing the chatter didn’t really interest Carmy as more than background noise. He was on the lookout for his bag which held his prized knifes and chefs whites, just about everything else fit in his beat up duffle and backpack. He would have preferred to keep them with him at all times in an airport just to know they didn't get ruined or damaged in anyway during their transport. But he could also understand why the TSA would say to not bring knifes on a crowded, compact tube that floats in the sky. As soon as he spotted the black metallic cased bag carmen stepped and forward and grabbed it, checking the lock on the side as he stood next to his cousin. 
“Jesus Carmen what do you have in there, fucking launch codes?” Michelle asked, seeing the overprotective suitcase. 
“My knifes,” was all Carmen mumbled in response hoping it would do. Michelle just shook her head while Stevie nodded, both in disbelief at how weird he was about his tools.
“Anyways, as I was saying,” Michelle began, turning to lead the trio out to their car. “She's nice, and she's making us dinner tonight so don't be a dick. She's not a chef but god damn does she make a good baked chicken parm.”
Waking up already today felt nervous. You only had work and dinner with Stevie and Michelle and whoever-the-fuck that you couldn’t remember the name of right now but the thought of work was mixing with it. Having to meet new people was one thing that you saw as dreadful and anxiety inducing; who else could you need to talk to outside of work besides Stevie and Michelle? And having to schedule and deal with interviews with busy high end chefs was another thing. A thing where the problem mostly came when you tried to get things explained in simpler terms than the hoity-toity French or Italian words they chose. Sure you knew what quadriller was but not everyone knew what it meant. 
You could understand where they were coming from though in some cases. Mainly the Michelin star worthy ones who put so much pressure on themselves and the chefs under them to deliver perfection for an expensive dish made with the best ingredients. From what you could tell they mainly did it for the people that truly and deeply loved and enjoyed food and would save up to eat at such high end restaurants. It all led to them feeling drained at the end of the day, when the last thing they wanted to do was to explain something they knew so well they’d forgotten it was a name for something. 
Luckily today all you had to do was schedule and write a few more paragraphs on your Top Food Trends of 2018 article for your editor to see. You were still working on it and it needed a better name but that wasn't a priority right now, it was mainly getting the bulk of it done and written in words that were more than bullet points and shortened words. And you got off early enough that you had time to run home and hop through the shower before headed to the grocery store on your way to Stevie and Michelle’s. It was the first meal for the new year of your bi-weekly dinners and you knew they probably didn't have much to cook with sense getting back from their Chicago Christmas Trip. Normally Michelle would have stories about someone named Donna doing something crazy and while it was a little funny, when you gave it a seconds thought it made you sad for her family and her that she ended up the way she did. It was something you gotten drunk and emotional talking about with her and she could see your point but that's as much as you could remember of that conversation, besides asking her what the fuck seven fishes had to do with Christmas. 
You picked up all the ingredients you would need for chicken parmesan, garlic bread and a tub of gelato, Michelle always had some wine that would go perfectly with whatever pasta so you didn't worry about that. Hopefully the sign you made had gotten Michelle’s cousin’s attention and gotten them out of the airport in a timely manner before traffic hit so you could get a start on dinner as soon as you got there. They had given you a key a year ago so you could get in and start on dinner on days when they were running late, which was often, but you didn't mind as long as you got your fill on non-work related human interaction for the next two weeks. 
As you brought in your load of groceries, you saw you were right as far as the low-stocked kitchen. You connected to their bluetooth speakers and started a podcast you'd been meaning to catch up on and got to work. You'd comment on some parts to yourself and got lost in thought on the topic they were discussing and in no time you were putting almost everything in the oven, the bread could wait until 8 minuets before so it was al ready at the same time and the gelato was already in the freezer. 
It all seemed perfectly timed as your podcast ended and you were about to start another episode as you heard the front door open.
“God it smells so good!” you could hear Michelle call from the front door. You heard Stevie talking to someone and the sound of suitcase wheels and baggage moving through the front door. Michelle rounded the corner still in her coat and pulled you into a hug. “How are you? How was your week?”
“Fine, not a lot happening in the office so…” you trailed off as you hugged her back. “Got off early enough to shower before I got here.” She pulled back, finally taking off her coat as she headed towards the wine cabinet and Stevie rounded the corner with a beat up duffle bag slung over his shoulder and the neon pink sign you made. 
“Hey,” he greeted happily, followed by your name and as best a wave he could manage with a heavy duffle bag on him. “Let me put these down in the guest room and we’ll come actually say hi.” He jet pass the kitchen eager to get the bag off his shoulder and get his coat off and was quickly followed by the third person you still couldn't remember the name of. Cameron? Cory? Conner? Either way he gave you a vague nod of acknowledgement as he rushed pass you seemingly faster than Stevie. He had on a thick wool coat and a baseball cap, but besides that you didn't get a good look at him.
“So should we do the chianti or the pinot noir?” Michelle asked using her mocking tone on the fancy words, bringing your attention back to her as she held up the two bottles. 
“Chianti,” you chose. “I like the label more, its prettier.”
“That's one way to choose wine.” she said. She came back over to your side and pulled out the bottle opener as you grabbed the glasses. “Also I'm apologizing now if Carmen’s an asshole about dinner but it runs in the family.”
“Its cool, can’t be worse than Stephen…or you.”
“Oh fuck off,” she said with a smile, pouring the wine. “Who was he again?”
“The guy who wanted to be a ‘chef’ and narrated the whole time I made dinner and couldn't tell me what was wrong with the food besides ‘you just didn't do it right’,” you mocked his dumb voice as you remembered the date. “I mean I know I’m no Gordon Ramsey but I know what I’m doing in general.”
“Right that guy, Jesus your taste in people sucks,” she smiled as she slid the glass to you. 
“Yea yea,” you said, taking a sip of your wine as you looked at the timer on the oven and went to put the bread in the oven. “I’d rather have actual input from someone than that shit though.”
“What shit?” Stevie asked walking back into the kitchen, finally relieved of the duffle.
“Vague shit,” Michelle said, vaguely. 
“The best kind of shit,” Stevie pulled you into a hug as he finally said a proper hello to you. He turned some to the guy who entered earlier, Carmen you now knew. “This is Carmen, he's a chef, the one I was telling you about with the Noma and stuff.”
“Right, yea, hi,” you greeted, introducing yourself even though Stevie just did it for you, you'd cringe about it later. This is why you don't like meeting new people.
“Hi, your-your the journalist right?” Carmen stuck his hand out to shake yours, and now that he was right in front of you you got a good look at him. Crystalline blue eyes and dirty blonde hair that was all mess and curls, he looked tired and anxious. Even his clothing said so; a long sleeve white shirt pushed up to his elbows and jeans both of which seemed rumpled from the flight. You did take note of his tattoos, a snail on his forearm, and a Pyrex measuring cup with the world on the other, you saw on the hand shaking yours the SOU on his fingers.
“Yea food and stuff,” you said, bringing your attention back to his face. All around he was handsome but you could sense the same nerves you had on him. It was a relief when Stevie came back from putting his coat away asking how your Christmas was, saving you both from an awkward conversation. 
“Not bad,” you responded. “My parents went to Arkansas for family or whatever and said their sending me some stuff and I got to buy myself a nice dress and no one bothered me over the holiday, an all round a success in my book.”
Just then the oven went off, and you took up Carmen's mumbled offer to get the heavier pan with the chicken and pasta while you grabbed the bread and plates, deciding to come back for the utensils and cheese. Michelle took charge of hers and Carmen's glasses sitting them across from each other as Stevie took his own and the bottle. You had to admit, it felt nice with everyone helping. You came back to the table before realizing you left you own glass, and that you would be sitting next to Carmen and would definitely need it to talk to the stranger. 
Finally returning and looking to the table before sitting down you did one last check that everything was there; napkins, plates, forks all checked. The other three were already digging in as Michelle whispered something to carmen that sounded a lot like ‘don't be a dick’. You took one last second and turned on a relaxing playlist for the meal on a low volume and sat down.
“So,” you started. “How was your guys’s Christmas?”
Stevie just frowned and shook his head in response as the other two responded in unison.
“That bad, huh?” you asked, finally serving yourself. Michelle avoided by chugging her wine and Carmen did the same by stuffing his mouth. 
“I think its better if we don't talk about it,” Stevie said breaking the silence.
The rest of the meal passed well enough though and everyone seemed to like the gelato with the meal. Carmen didn't talk much, too stuck in his own head thinking about how he had to start looking for a job ASAP. What didn't help were the thoughts of how pretty you looked when he walked in, and especially now that he was closer seated next to you. Your hair and dress styled perfectly with some better suited shoes for the slippery winter weather outside. He quickly talked himself out of pursuing anything with you though, having the small bit of sense to not bring you into his fucked up personal life full of anxiety and stress and pepto. He didn't even know what to say to you now. How would he know what to say on a date? He knew you knew something about food but wasn't sure what exactly it was you knew. What if it was just something to pay the bills and you didn't actually like being a journalist on food? There were too many unknowns for him to be comfortable with anything other than small agreements and answers that were as short as possible whenever he was asked something, and he noticed you doing the same thing. 
You did your best to not be awkward with Carmen but you both had a wall put up to keep the newcomer out. If it weren't for Stevie and Michelle talking about their plane rides and new years eve stories your pretty sure it would be silent between the two of you. They tried to get you both involved but it was clear enough that wasn't going to happen… not tonight at least.
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alexyskinnerstories · 2 months
Bella's Aunt - Ch. 1
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( Airport Outfit)
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I've arrived in Forks Washington from New York it was a long flight everyone got off the plane and headed inside to airport building I walked to the baggage area and got all my luggage I left the area and headed to the front of the airport I made it to the outside I look for my brother I couldn't find him I grab my phone and was about to call him when I heard my name being shouted I turned and see my big brother I smiled while tearing up I ran over to him leaving my luggage behind once I got close I jumped in his arms hugging him tightly he does the same we both were sobbing I hear some people saying sweet things about us Charlie tries to put me down but I hold on tighter and shook my head he just sighed and left me to cling on him he walked over to my luggage and started walking back to his cruiser I don't know how he managed to do that but he did got me in the front seat of the cruiser then he put the luggage in the back of the cruiser he drove from the airport to his home once we've arrived a sigh fells from his mouth I was confused on why he suddenly became upset I was about to ask what was wrong but he spoke first
Charlie: Bella isn't here I was hoping she would so I could surprise her with you being home I guess she's with her boyfriend and his family
Me: It's alright Charlie we can still surprise her call her and tell her that she needs to be home by dinner time and that's something important
Charlie: That's a great idea sissy I do it when we've got you relax how you're boys doing why didn't they come with you?
Me: Their mother wanted to spend one more with them and I allowed it for two more days or if they want to come earlier or for more time the house I bought here is being finished being renovated it should be done in a few days and then I'll move in
Charlie: Oh How are things going like in the co- parenting I haven't heard any updates about it not after you won full custody of them
Me: Yea sorry about that it was busy after that I had to move my apartment I had got to live at the time then I had to deal with the move them to a different high school and then also doing my online course after that I had graduated with my third degree and the boys are in their last year so when they come they may go to Forks High School or Quileute Tribal School I don't know yet
Charlie: That was a lot maybe you should send them to forks high Carson and Camron with be with Bella she's gonna start her senior year next month and they can watch over her
Me: Alright I'll think about it but why would  they need to watch over her
Charlie sighed and breathed in deeply speaking with venom about is Cullen boy that Bella is with currently
Charlie: It's her boyfriend I don't trust him one bit he doesn't give off any good vibes he is always at the house or taking Bella her and I don't spend much time together his always interrupting our time together and taking her away and she changing like her personality and style it seems like he manipulating her she becoming more like his sister Rosalie it all just seems weird and she's been wearing makeup and it not only on her face
Me: So you're telling me you believe that he's manipulating her, abusing her, and molding her to be like his sister
Charlie: Yes that's what I believe is happening.
Me: Alright I'll get them into Forks High and have them watch over her and I'll get them to come here in a week in a half
Charlie: Thanks sis I appreciate it
Me: No problem brother family is forever and always
We made it to Charlie's house and brought my stuff into the house Charlie put my thing in the attic where my room is he came back down the stairs and told me that he's gonna call Bella to come home at dinner time and make sure he says Edward couldn't stay he sent me to freshen up before dinner come around I nodded and headed upstairs to my bathroom
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* Tiny time Skip *
I finished my shower and walked out of my bathroom I walk to my closet and pick out some clothes I text Charlie to say am cooking dinner and that I need him to the grocery store and get the ingredients I gonna make Salmon stuffed with spinach and parmesan cheese with shrimp and spinach alfredo I got dressed and went downstairs I see Charlie about to leave
Me: Hey Charlie do you have any AB here
Charlie: Yeah there's some in the very back of my closet in the safe the code is momma's birthday
Me: Thanks Char I make sure to depose of them before Bella gets home
Charlie: I'll be back as soon as I can sissy
Me: Alright Char see when you come home
Charlie leaves out of the door and drove off I immediately ran to his room and go to his closet and open the safe I grab three bags and down the first two I go to the living room and watch Netflix I watched a show called Charmed I start the show and slowly drink the last bag
* Time skip*
I was on the twelfth episode when I heard a car pull up I could hear two voices I quickly set the bag on fire and coated the scent because I could only hear one heartbeat I walked outside and leaned against the door frame I looked in the car see Bella talking to her boyfriend
* Bella Pov *
Edward just pulled into my dad's driveway and began to tell me that he'll be coming to see me at night I nodded and looked down gathering my stuff suddenly he spoke again
Edward: Bella who is that
I was confused I looked up and turned my gaze to where he was looking I gasped and quickly got out of the car and yelled for my auntie Annabeth I ran to her screaming her name I finally made it to her and crash into her crying into her chest she hugged me tightly rocked us left and right we pulled from each when we heard someone clear their throat.
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^ Fake Blood I Repeat Fake blood^
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