#back to the college grind for me folks
fried-oignon · 6 months
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I want to study their dynamic under a microscope
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once-upon-a-thigh · 1 year
Summary: You’ve been at college for 3 years. Now it’s time to return home to old friends, and old(er) lovers. PERFECT LITTLE SECRET P3 18+
Pairings: Fem! Reader x Milf! Wanda Maximoff, Fem! Reader x Carol Danvers (brief), Reader x Yelena x Kate (platonic).
Warnings: Angst, fluff, smut, fingering, clothed sex, masturbation, large age gap, swearing, lords name in vain?? Couldn’t find my laptop charger so shitty phone format.
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Lips crashed against each other as your bodies desperately ground against the other, aimlessly searching around for any bit of friction among the bedsheets in your dorm that will settle the pulsing of your core.
The hot frenzy was interrupted by the blaring of your ringtone. Ignoring it, you flipped the blonde over with all your strength, grinding down on the crotch of her jeans. The shrill ring didn’t seize however, so pushing yourself up and blowing the hair out of your face with an exasperated sigh, you picked up the device and put it to your ear, shushing the blonde that grabbed at your ass with a frustrated grunt.
“Bout time you picked up.” Drawled the Russian.
Your annoyance almost disappeared at the sound of Yelena’s voice, your friend from high school. You didn’t get to see her often, seeing as you had attended different universities for the last 3 years.
“Well I’m a little preoccupied.” You quirked, breathe still heavy.
“You better not be hooking up with Danvers again.”
You glanced down at the athlete you’re straddling, relieved that she can’t hear the disapproving voice down the line. “So what if I was?” You said through gritted teeth.
“Oh come on Y/N/N!” She exasperated, “she ruined your life!”
The guilt returns as it always did. Did she ruin your life? You still haven’t made up your mind. For a long time you thought so, but with every ignored text and voicemail message to Wanda, you started to convince yourself that maybe the older woman wasn’t the love of your life, that just maybe, Carol did the right thing by telling your parents that day. Still, you can’t help but hold some resentment towards her, hence why despite the fuck-buddy situation you have going on with her, you still refuse to have a full on relationship with the blonde no matter how much she asks.
Yelena took your silence as a sign to change the subject. “Anyway, I’ve called to invite you to a wedding.”
“It’s not yours and Kate’s is it?” You chuckled.
“Ew, as if.” She scoffed. “It’s Nat’s, she’s finally popped the question to Maria.”
“I don’t know Lena, I’m kinda disappointed that your sister’s off the market.” You teased, shuffling when you felt Carol tense under you.
“Fuck off.” You can practically hear her eyes rolling through the phone. “It’s this weekend.”
“This weekend? Christ, they hardly have given me any time to think about it.”
“What can I say? Lesbians.”
You shrugged at her short explanation. To be fair, it’s completely Natasha’s style to plan such an important event with such little time to prepare.
“Listen,” she continues, “I know you don’t like coming back home after everything that happened with your folks, but I miss you, or whatever.”
You rolled your eyes, but smiled anyway. “I’ll be there.”
If you knew that the invite Yelena presented you with would lead you to having a breakdown in your parents’ drive-way… well actually, you’re not all that surprised. Sure, the long drive to your home town had sent plenty of stressful thoughts and scenarios through your head, but the sight of the red Buick you knew all too well parked in the drive across the road confirmed them all. She was still here. She exists, she’s alive, and she still lives here.
You’re not sure how long you sat in your car just watching, waiting for any sign of movement behind the drawn curtains of the house. Her house.
You weren’t sure really how to feel. Wanda Maximoff dropped you the minute your parents threatened her that fateful night.
She didn’t answer the door no matter how much you knocked, and she didn’t answer the phone no matter how much you called. Still, she never blocked you, and your sent messages still remain on “read.” It sickens you how much hope that word fuelled you with, reminding you of the days you just sat there waiting for her to send a response, a response devoting herself to you and confessing her love all over again.
Stop it. You force your gaze to leave the car as you finally make the move to enter your childhood home. You’re over her.. Right?
The sound of silverware scraping dinner plates was the only sound breaking the thick tension of the dining room. Your parents are happy that you’re back, sure, and you were happy to see them. Still, your relationship with them hasn’t been the same since the exposure of your endeavours with Wanda. You fought hard with them for a while before you eventually up and moved for college, leaving a strained relationship with them behind.
Your time away from home (and a heck load of time in therapy) gave you enough time to process everything that happened, and even gave you the strength to forgive your parents. At the end of the day they were only doing what they believed was right in order to protect you, and you couldn’t help but love them for it now that you’ve matured.
Buzz, buzz
You glanced at your phone. Carol.
Buzz, buzz
“Those your college friends honey?” Your father spoke through a mouthful of potato.
“It’s just Carol” you muttered, turning it on do not disturb for an hour.
“Oh Carol!” Your mother tuned in. “I’m glad you’re still seeing her sweetheart, she’s a lovely girl.”
“Yeah.” You stated through gritted teeth.
“Why aren’t you bringing her to the wedding?”
You wiped your mouth with a napkin, stalling an answer to your mum’s nosiness. “I don’t have a plus one, I’m just going with Lena and Kate.”
“Oh,” you can see her cringe physically cringe, “those two.”
The doorbell rang. Speak of the devils.
“Gotta go!” The chair scraped as you got up from the table hastily, silverware clashing with plates as your knees bumped the table on your way up.
“Y/n!” You ignored the scolding as you sprinted to the door, flinging it open and throwing yourself at the two awaiting bodies.
The three of you clung on to each other, giggling when you caught your elbow on Kate’s chin. And just like that things felt normal, the three of you were just hanging out after school, and you hadn’t met Wanda yet.
“Dude! I just saw your ex milf peering through the window. She’s still hot.” Kate laughed, and silence followed.
“Kate, what the fuck?” Yelena looked at her dumbly, luckily not catching your eyes flickering to the quiet house across the street.
“Shit, sorry Y/n/n.” The tall girl pursed her lips.
“It’s alright.” You let out a half real/half fake chuckle, reaching up to throw an arm over her shoulder and steering her inside, the blonde closely following.
The girls ignored your parents, as they have been doing for the past three years, and followed you straight up to your room. For the next hour you laze around on your bed, gossiping, catching up and discussing Nat’s big day tomorrow.
“And she didn’t invite me to her hen night? Can you believe that?” Yelena is mid-rant about her sister (again) when your phone comes off do not disturb.
Buzz buzz
“I mean I’m so fun! Right? You agree with that right? I’m so fun?”
“You’re so fun!” Kate chimes in, sipping on the bottle of rum you had been passing around.
Buzz buzz
“Jesus, who the fuck is that y/n? I’m trying to be pathetic in peace here.” Yelena paused her rant, picking up your phone before you could grab it yourself.
“Oh, my, god.”
“Yelena-“ she pulls the phone away from you, standing up before you can grab it back and begins reading out the messages whilst pacing back and forth.
“I miss tasting you!” She reads, walking around the room as you follow her, making attempts at getting your phone back.
“Woah!” Kate exclaims, looking at you with a dropped jaw. Her mouth hangs open more little by little as Yelena continues to read the messages coming through.
“Why didn’t you invite me to the wedding, I mean I was right there”
“Y/n, pick up the phone.”
“I miss you.”
“You’re with her again aren’t you?”
“I love you, you know I do.”
“-For fucks sake Y/n, she’s mental!” Yelena is exclaims, concern painting her brow as she looks through the messages.
“Who’s this?” Kate leans over the bed, peering over Yelena’s shoulder to get a look at the phone. “Ugh, ‘Captain’? I thought you were done with her.”
“I’m trying to be!” You exasperate, star-fish collapsing on your bed. “It’s just hard, despite everything I know she’s at least going to be there when I need her, you know?”
“Yeah, cause she left you no other choice.” Yelena scoffed. “She’s getting weird babe, it’s time you drop her. For real.”
“Alright.” You roll your eyes. She was getting pretty needy to be fair.
“Oh here we go- oh, fuck.” Sitting up, you see the pair looking at each other in shock.
“What is it?” You take your phone back, but not before Yelena gets a final swipe in. Looking at the screen, you see nothing but needy messages from Carol.
“Nothing,” Lena shrugs, shooting Kate a suspicious look. “Just Danvers being a freak.”
Soon the girls left, leaving you alone in your room. It had gone dark outside now, the moon illuminating the parts of your childhood bedroom that the dim bedside lamp could not reach. Your parents had long gone to bed, and there you stood, standing in front of the window and finally letting yourself take in reality. The curtains of her window were closed, but you could see a smidge of light seeping out of the slight gap in the curtain. It was too far away to see in the gap, but the light was enough. You knew she was there, and just the thought left you absolutely soaked.
It seemed like just yesterday your breath was fogging up that very window, chest pressed against the glass, heaving with every pump of her hips. Suddenly you were hot, so very hot. It had been a while since you thought of her like this- actually, that’s a lie. You thought of her like this a lot. What you hadn’t done in a while, is touched yourself whilst thinking of her like this. You usually had distractions, you had Carol. But this time you were alone, and so with the curtains wide open, you began to strip. You took your clothes off slow and sultry, like you used to knowing she was looking. You closed your eyes and pretended, you pretended it was three years ago and the woman you pine for is watching from the window across the street and you show her what’s hers.
Goosebumps followed every brush of your hands as you shred the clothes from your body, breath getting heavier, pussy getting wetter. Before you knew it you were throwing yourself on to your bed, reaching over for the vibrator that had been long forgotten in your bedside table. You let out a sigh of relief as it came to life with a click of the button, the batteries still work. You teased it over the hard peaks of your nipples as you lowered it to your aching core, gasping when it was finally pressed against your pulsing clit.
Fantasies and memories alike flood through your mind as you rubbed the vibrator against your aching bud with one hand, two fingers from the other entering your hole. There was always one common factor with these thoughts, Wanda. You fucked yourself vigorously as you thought of her, of what she might do to you if she was here. Fuck, you missed her. You came with her name slipping past your lips, and with that you knew you weren’t over her, you never could be.
Feeling relief, and some slight self-judgement over what you had just done, you switched the light off before turning over to sleep. Had you been facing the window, maybe you would have seen the slight twitch of her curtains, and her light switching off soon after yours.
Pulling your pencil knee length dress down as you stood, you clapped as the beautiful newlyweds began to make their way down the aisle “I can’t believe they pulled it off,” you muttered to the sobbing brunette beside you.
“T-that was so beautiful.” Kate managed to comment through sobs.
“Oh for god’s sake Bishop keep it together” Yelena elbowed her on her other side.
Nat and Maria’s ceremony was beautiful. Despite it being planned so last minute, it was well put together. They managed to host the wedding at their friend’s hotel. It was quiet and small, only close family and friends attended the ceremony. Now, more people were slowly migrating through the doors as the reception went full swing.
You were just getting in to the ABBA song playing over the speakers, politely sipping on your martini when you were aggressively turned around by your friends that had been acting weird all evening.
“Hey! Heyyy Y/n” Kate grinned weirdly at you.
“Uh, hi Kate?” You looked between the two of them, getting weirded out by how they were smiling awkwardly and constantly glancing over your shoulder. You turned to see what they were looking at, but was immediately pulled back by Yelena’s hand on your face.
“Y/n we have to tell you something!” Kate suddenly screeched.
“No we don’t!” Lena glared at her.
“Oh come on Yel! We can’t avoid her all night.” She groaned, loosening her purple tie.
The blonde ran her fingers through her hair in frustration. “Fine! Y/n, Kate has to tell you something.”
“Oh fuck off Yelena!” Rebutted the brunette.
“Fine! I have to tell you something..”
You began to get nervous. “Uh, okay?”
“Last night, when I was looking at Carol’s messages.. another one came through..”
“Okay? And?” You tried to catch her gaze, but her eyes kept darting between you and whatever it was that was happening behind you.
“It was Wanda.” She winced.
“She wanted to let you know she was coming to the wedding..”
“I had no idea she knew Nat or Maria I swear!”
“Why didn’t I see the message?” You questionably muttered, your brain feeling completely frazzled.
“I deleted it.” She physically winced.
“What? Why?” You yelled over the music.
“Because I knew you’d freak out!”
“And THIS is better? Oh my god! I’ve got to go! I’ve gotta get out, KATE HELP ME GET OUT!” You shook the brunette by her shoulders.
“It’s too late Y/n!” She pointed behind you.
Finally you turned around, and your heart skipped a beat when your eyes met the green of hers.
Her name dusted your lips on instinct, a name you found yourself missing saying, missing moaning. She looked different, not bad different, just different. Her hair was longer and brighter, combating the dullness in her orbs. Her jaw and cheekbones are more strongly defined than the supple skin you used to kiss. She was slimmer, she almost looked taller. But she was still Wanda. Your Wanda.
Once you came to you finally realised the two of you had just been stood staring at each other from across the room, both taking the other in. You knew you looked different too, and you found yourself hoping she still saw the girl she once loved in you.
“I should, um..” You didn’t even finish whatever your excuse was going to be before your feet were carrying you towards her. She stayed rooted in place, but didn’t break her stare once.
The walk towards her felt like it was forever, though it was only maybe ten seconds. Ten seconds that you spend trying to come up with something to say. Though when you stop just a foot in front of her, you’ve got nothing.
You stood with your mouth open like a fish out of water before you managed to slip out a shy “Hi-”
“-You are so beautiful.” She said at the same time as your pathetic greeting with a sweet delicacy.
“Oh..” Was all you could get your stupid mouth to say.
She looked at you with the same gentleness she usually did, with soft eyes and a tender smile. “How is it possible for you to be even more beautiful than you were then?”
“Well I guess I grew up.” Finally your brain remembered to form sentences.
“I guess you did.” She glanced at the floor, breaking the stare off you didn’t even realise you were having. “Y/n,” your breath hitched hearing her say your name, “will you walk with me?”
You looked at the hand she was offering to you, unsure one what your next move should be.
“I completely understand if you want to go back to your friends and pretend I was never here,” she said strongly, “but I would really like the opportunity to explain myself to you.”
You’re not sure if this explanation was going to make or break you, but god you know you wanted to hear it. So for the first time in 3 years, you took her hand, and followed.
She led you out the doors and through the busy end of the garden until you came across a still, lonely pond. Forgetting about your nice dress that you did not intend to get dirty tonight, you plonked yourself onto the grass, freezing up when she sat next to you.
You broke the silence. “What are you even doing here?”
Wanda thought for a few seconds before she answered. “When what happened, happened.. I guess your friend told Natasha about everything. A week later Maria shows up at my door, and I’m thinking your parents have actually done it, you know? Told everyone? But she sat me down and she just.. let me talk about you, and she supported me. She helped me through everything and if it wasn’t for her I.. I don’t know. She became my friend when I really needed one. Anyway of course she invited me to her wedding and she was kind enough to warn me you were going to be here. I figured I should probably reach out..”
“Yeah I didn’t exactly get that message.” You laughed, “Yelena panicked and deleted it before I could see it.”
She chuckled, “those friends of yours, I always liked them.”
“I thought they annoyed you.” I teased.
“They were slightly annoying,” she laughed, nodding her head. “But they care for you, and they’ve been good friends to you.”
Bitterness swelled when you recalled one of the main reasons as to why you needed their care in the first place. “Yeah well, god knows I needed it.”
She swallowed, slowly nodding. “I’m sorry.”
You scoffed.
“I am Y/n, you have no idea how much.” She faced you, grabbing your hands in hers. You couldn’t bring yourself to pull away. Any measly contact from her sends you in to a secret euphoria. “I swear you have no idea how much I wanted to reach out to you, how many times I picked up the phone without pressing accept, how many times I stood on the other side of the door without opening it-“
“And that’s supposed to make me feel better?” You ripped your hands away from here, but she immediately grabbed them back.
“No! I’m just-“ her lip quivered, you could see her eyes getting watery just as yours were. “I’m just trying to tell you that what I said that day, after your parents caught us, I meant it. I have never wanted anyone like I have wanted you, which is why it was so hard to let you go.”
“So why did you?” You asked calmly.
“Because as real as we were your parents were kind of right too. I’m old, Y/n, and you were, are, so young. I have two kids, an ex-husband, I spend my Friday nights baking and my Saturdays at book club! What business did someone like me have being with someone like you?” She cried.
“Because you loved me! You love me.” Salty tears rolled over the corners of your lips, swollen from how much you had been biting them without even realising.
“I did,” she nodded “I do.”
Your wet doe eyes dropped to her red lips as she drew nearer, tilting back at her eyes again which had gone darker in just a second. They were harrowing and loving, as she wondered what the hell she had been doing those years without you.
“Three years without you was everything and nothing all at once.” She spat out passionately before quickly pressing her lips against yours. You immediately kissed back, the thought of pushing her way not even gracing your mind for a millisecond. Subconsciously, you had been waiting for this moment for a long time.
“I never stopped thinking about you.” She whispered between desperate kisses. Oh, how you missed this.
“Me neither.” You replied, grasping at her suit jacket with selfish hands, falling back on to the grass and pulling her half on top of you. You quivered as her ringed fingers explored your matured curves, slowly moving on from soft grazes to rough grips of the flesh of your thighs and ass.
“I fucking love you detka, you’re never leaving me again. You belong with me, understand?” She spoke in to your neck after she kissed her way down your jaw. You whimpered at the pet name, this being the first time you’ve heard it in so long. You could feel your lace getting uncomfortably wet as you soaked in her possessive talk.
She pinched your thigh when you didn’t respond. “Understand?”
“Yes mommy I understand!” You squealed.
She moaned against your mouth at the term, she missed hearing you whimper it, moan it, scream it.
It has been quite some time since you said it too, and just like that you were snapped back in to the space you once were, forever and always hers.
“Touch me, please mommy, touch my pussy.” You begged through a whisper, looping your fingers in the belt loops by her hips, pulling her in to you until you could feel the gyrating of her hips against your thigh.
She groaned, dropping her head to leave open, wet kisses on your exposed cleavage as she got lost in the feeling of her heat grinding against the muscle of your thigh. She slipped a warm hand up the skirt of your dress, not wasting a second before she was pushing your panties aside and gathering your wetness among her fingers.
She withdrew her hand and traced her slick fingers over your bottom lip. “Can anyone other than mommy make you this wet?”
You shook your head rigorously, tongue reaching out to taste yourself. You didn’t get the chance as she was already sticking them in her own mouth, moaning at the taste. “Mm I’ve missed your taste baby, but I can take my time with that later. For now, you need your cute little cunt fucked don’t you?”
You barely had time to respond before you were throwing your head back, moaning out her name as she plunged two long fingers in to you, curling them in a come hither motion with every thrust. You could only imagine the grass stains your dress would be covered in after this, your back rubbed and wriggled against the green blades with every thrust of her wrist. She put all her body in to fucking you, getting herself off on your thigh at the same time.
You grabbed and scratched at every part of the older woman that you could reach as your body grew rigid as it reached its release.
Wanda chuckled darkly against your sweat-shined skin. “Already detka? It’s a good thing we’ve got all night.”
You came hard on her fingers, harder than you have in the last three years. She was right, no one else could possibly make you feel like this. She ground her hips in to you harder, moaning lowly as the friction against her clit brought her to her climax not long after your own. She collapsed on your still body, breathing heavily as she rolled on to her back, pulling you in to her side.
You still couldn’t believe this was real, who knew this is where you’d end up upon returning home. Part of you wished you had come back sooner. A quiet whisper slipped past your lips, but she heard it. “I missed you.”
Pulling you closer, she pressed her puffy lips to your forehead in a firm kiss. “I missed you too darling.” She brushed her nose against yours, gazing in to your eyes. “I was serious you know, I’m not letting you go.”
“I know,” you smiled, “I’m not going anywhere.”
I finally did it! Aaaah! Thank you to whoever stuck around long enough to read the third instalment of Perfect Little Secret, I hope you liked it.
I proof read this in between reps at the gym so you can only imagine how that was, sorry if there’s any mistakes.
Meg 😘
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yooglefics · 2 months
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The casual type: 04 . The plans change
Pairing: Min Yoongi x fem!reader Wordcount: 4,832 words Genre ( for the whole series ): AU. College!verse. Strangers to friends with benefits to ???. Eventual smut. Hurt / comfort at times. Fluff for cute friends. Summary:  ( Series ) • Hobi and his girlfriend set you up with a friend of hers to help with whatever happened months back. However, no one really expected things to end the way they did. ( Ep. 04 ) • The night wasn't supposed to go like this, but there's nothing to complain about. Well, maybe a little. Warnings under read more.
Warnings ( for this ep ): The squad being annoying ( I <3 them ). Pet names ( princess , baby , doll ). Flirting. Making out. Grinding. Fingering. ( wash your hands, folks ). Yoongi's hands should be a warning. 1,1714 words of just smut and I literally don’t know how that happened lol. Author's note: The plans for this chapter also changed a lot because I only had like three notes for it lmao. Nevertheless, I'm excited to share it with all of you, thank you for sticking around and I hope you like this ep. Remember to leave a comment, send an ask, with your thoughts and also maybe reblog, and what not. As always, thank you for reading! <3
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“No, the thing is, she doesn't want to share space. That's why,” Jimin accuses you from his position on the couch. Not being good at sharing himself since his whole body is on it.
“That's not true! I just don't want to be around sweaty boys.” 
“As if you don't sweat,” Jungkook argues.
“I don't.”
“She doesn't, she is a princess,” Is Yoongi's turn to pick on you. He called you that before at the club but this time surprises you since is in front of your friends and your relationship with each other has changed. And actually, you're supposed to be keeping that a secret from them.
“I love how she didn't argue that one,” says Jimin, chuckling.
“Because I am, duh.” You do an exaggerated flip of your ponytail while turning around, carrying another box of kitchenware to put away.
The guys finally decided to rent a house all together, and to make up for the fact that you refused to leave your dorm and follow them, you offered to help organize and decorate because, at the end of everything, you'd probably be spending a lot of time here. 
“You should have moved in with us,” You hear Hobi tell Yoongi after bringing more boxes inside the house. “Did you find a place?” 
“Yes, one of my classmates and his roommates were looking for someone. Is not too far away from here, actually.”
“That's cool. You guys can come over whenever.”
“You should come to the party tonight!” Taehyung says excitedly.
“Tonight?!” You walk out of the kitchen, a couple of glasses in your hands. “You're not even done downloading the truck. Jimin is not even moving!”
“I withdraw my offer for you to move in with us,” says your friend. “She is more like an evil step-sister,” he murmurs to Yoongi and he laughs along with everyone else.
“I hate you all.” 
Storming back into the kitchen, you decide to focus on putting everything away. Not a single thing that can be broken in sight of future drunk guests, that's why you are struggling to put mugs on cupboards you can barely reach.
“Do you need help, princess?” 
The nickname makes you almost drop Tae's last birthday present, and Yoongi is right there to catch you both. “Careful,” he says.
“Is your fault.”
“Did I scare you?” he chuckles, “Sorry.”
“You keep scaring me when you call me that,” you whisper.
“What? You don't like it?” Confused look on his face when he turns to you after putting the mug in place.
“I–why do you call me that?”
“Because sometimes you get kinda grumpy and you're cute, like a princess.”
It makes you smile, and it matches the one on his face.
“I'm going to ignore the fact that you called me grumpy,” you pretend to be upset about it, scrunching up your lips in fake dislike.
“Yeah, focus on the fact that you're cute.” you blush and he uses the excuse of grabbing another mug to get closer, making it so if you lean in a little you could steal a peck. 
But you still aren't sure about how the whole friends with benefits thing works. Nor confident enough to make a decision before Jungkook announces through the house: “the truck is empty, told you we could do it!”
And soon enough Yoongi is out of the room, helping move boxes here and there, and after everything that doesn't belong in the living room is out of it, he finally sits with you and Jimin on the sofa, you in the middle of the two.
“Are you really having a party today?” Yoongi asks.
“Of course! We have to baptize the place.”
“That sounds gross.” You say, noise scrunched.
“You're gross. That's not very princess-y of you,” says Jimin and Yoongi laughs.
“I feel gross, I'm going home to change. Do you want me to give you a ride to the dorms?”
“Yes, please!” 
You have thought about going alone, but after your failed kiss in the kitchen you wanted at least some time alone, and a car drive should be just enough. 
Or perhaps not. 
Because Yoongi drops you at your dorm and goes home to change, refusing to get close to you when he is all sweaty. 
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You hit send with one hand and with the other make sure your door is open before sitting once again on the bed, grabbing your mirror and eyeliner to continue your routine.
“Hello?” He knocks a few times and you tell him to come in, all concentration on the task at hand. And that gives him time to look around a little, taking in your space. 
Is a large room, just looking a bit cramped thanks to the big pieces of furniture ( two beds, two dressers, and two desks ) but your method of putting everything against the walls definitely helps. That, and the fact that your roommate hasn't moved in yet. “Now I understand why you didn't want to move in with them. You have a room all for yourself?”
You laugh, “Their office was gonna be my room, actually. And no, this year I'm supposed to share it.”
“You didn't last year?”
“At the beginning I did. But then she paired with someone else.” You shrug, not sure about the details since you've only known her for a couple of weeks. “But it's not as cool as everyone thinks, sometimes it gets lonely, mostly on exam weeks when everyone is busy studying.”
“Well, you can invite me anytime.” He only partially jokes.
“Deal. But you've to bring snacks.” 
Yoongi sits on your bed while waiting, scrolling on his phone and every now and then looking up to watch you apply the rest of your makeup, then perfume and pick a jacket, until you are standing in front of him with a smile as you announce you're ready. 
“That was faster than I thought,” he says, standing up. “Your eyes do look cute with the sparkle eyeshadow. Bogum was right.” 
“Oh, don't remember me that. I think that's the last time he is going to talk to me,” a sigh follows the exaggeration. 
“If he is really interested he is going to try again.”
“And if he is not?”
“Then he's not worth it.” The confidence in his voice is as contagious as his smile, and you match it.
For a second you wonder if it should be weird to talk about this with the guy you made out with just yesterday. If this is just normal encouragement because you are becoming friends or do all friends with benefits have this type of conversation?. Either way, you are glad to have someone to talk to about your little crush, and so, decide to not give it too much thought if Yoongi doesn't seem to do it either.
When he first asked you about it on Wednesday it was out of curiosity and you returned the phrase about the cat's tragic ending, receiving a “Well, I guess we are confidants now, kitten.”
You gave him a rundown of the situation and confessed about having a little bit of hope for his now teammate to invite you out again. He wished you the best and told you to let him know if something does happen because, according to him, Bo doesn't seem like the guy to be into sharing, and so, Yoongi doesn't want to be in the way.
“Maybe you should talk to him tonight. He is going, isn't he?”
“Uh, not sure. I asked Kook but I don't think he saw my text.” you turn to grab your phone and check.
But before you can open the app, Yoongi grabs your shoulders and guides you out the door, “Or we can just drive there and see.” 
You're surprised to see the motorcycle in the parking lot, thinking it had been just a thing of last week since you haven't seen him use it since then. You even wondered if it was his in the first place.
“What? Are you scared now?” He teases when you don't take the helmet he is holding in your direction. Just standing there without any movement. “You know I'm a good driver.”
“Yeah, I just… didn't expect it.”
He laughs at your genuine shock before explaining, “I always take it to parties because it's easier to find parking and get out of there whenever I want to.” 
“And I'm sure girls love it, too.”
“That's a plus,” He nods with a smirk, “but don't worry, baby, I’m not making you share tonight.”
“Shut up,” with your nose scrunched for good measure, you finally take the helmet from him. But instead of grabbing his own and getting ready, he gets closer to you, brushing your fingers with his when you're going to secure it and doing it for you instead.
“You tell me that a lot, you know.”
“You talk too much,” you defend, “it's your own fault.”
“Or… you just want to kiss me.”
Glad your smile is hidden by the helmet,  you push him a bit as you answer, "Actually, shut up.”
He laughs, and then goes on to put on and secure his helmet before claiming on the motorcycle and waiting for you. 
The shock about the vehicle wasn't only pure confusion, it was also the realization that your outfit was probably not the best choice. The fabric of your skirt was flowier than the one you used last time, and you aren't sure it would do well at a fast speed.
“Don't go too fast,” you ask him, hands on his shoulders to help you get on and sit behind him.
“I don't get that a lot,” he jokes, and you roll your eyes still fussing with your clothes. “You ready?” he waits for your signal before revving up the engine. 
He drives faster than last time. Or maybe you're just sober and more scared about it all. Your legs tighten on his sides, and your arms around his middle, all the while telling yourself is only to protect the wind from stealing your dignity. When he stops, you have to open your eyes to realize it is because of a red light and your body relaxes. 
Left hand leaves the throttle and goes to your tight, closer to your knee, the coldness of his fingers makes you jump and you feel him chuckle before caressing your skin. “You okay?” he asks loud enough to be heard through the street noises and your covered ears. You nod between his shoulder blades, even if your heart is racing. 
Remembering you had felt your phone ringing in your jacket pocket indicating a few texts, you figure there's enough time to check them before the light changes.
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You show Yoongi and he gives you a thumbs down, making you laugh. Oh, well. Maybe it just wasn't made to be.
Thinking he would just drive you back to your dorm, you're surprised when he doesn't take the next turn back — is he driving to another party?
The answer comes only when he takes a turn before entering the highway. Right to the top of The Hill. Every teenager destination to run away from their problems. Every horny couple with a low budget looking for privacy, which yes, in itself destroys that very purpose. But, this is not a place to think about too much, even if there are also people who come here to think, like Yoongi.
He turns the engine off, puts down the stand, and takes off his helmet. You follow behind, curious.
“I figured we should make something out of being outside right now, the sun is about to set.” He looks at his watch and then to the front, at the view. From here you can see the city from above, at least a big part of it. Including the mountains and skylines.
“C’mon,” he pats your tight twice, asking you to get down. Complying, you use his shoulders for support again and get closer to the barricade at the edge. 
“C'mon,” you throw back to him when he doesn't follow you.
“I can see it from here.”
You frown at him, “really?” He nods. Your head tilts slightly to the side, “reeeally?” 
“Let a guy be.”
He looks… weird. 
And, suddenly, it clicks.
“I can't believe it.” You walk back to him, “Are you afraid of heights?!” 
“Don't make fun of me.” 
“I'm not!” But in fact you're fighting back a smile, “is just… unexpected.”
“Yeah. Unlike the death from falling from here to who knows where.” He reasons and you can't really argue with that.
But you can argue with him moving closer.
Grabbing his hand and pulling, amazed when you manage a few steps without problem, but soon he puts strength into it. The abrupt stop of his body pulls yours back, bringing you close to his chest, making a surprise noise cross your lips and your triumphant smile is gone.
“Don't make me leave you here,” and for a second you wonder if he really would. Wonder how much you can push before he actually gets mad. “Look!”
Your eyes stop scanning his face, following the direction he is looking at and you catch the sky changing colors for the next few minutes. Blue. Orange. Pink. Purple. Dark blue, because the lights of the city start to appear avoiding the complete darkness. But from here, you can see more stars than from your room's window and everything seems kind of infinity.
“Wow…” is a bit lame and predictable, but what else is there to say?
“Yeah. Is beautiful.” He agrees, hand finally letting go of yours and moving to your shoulder, “and you didn't have to stand at the line of death to see it.”
“So dramatic.” With an eye roll you turn to him. He appears calmer, with a smile playing on his lips as he keeps looking at the sky.
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“What?” he asks.
You're in his room now, sitting on the bed Yoongi just told you he had to buy a mattress for because he used to dorm at his last university and didn't own one. You make no promises of not spilling any of your slushie on it and he laughs, tells you he will not forgive you and both of you know it’s not true. 
Going back to your room isn't a priority right now, you're having a good time talking about random things and siping your sugary drinks with a big bag of chips between the two. You were nervous about his roommates because apparently they are older and that scares you for some reason, but he reassures you they are busy with their own thing and he can drive you back before they arrive.
“Nothing.” But your eyes are still on his lips, on the color they are tinted thanks to the red drinks, “do you like it?”
“Is not bad. I prefer blueberry, though.” 
“I think this one is better,” you said that before at the store when you stopped for gas, convincing him to try it.
“Of course you think so, you love cherry things. I'd not be surprised if your favorite color is red just because of it.”
“How do you know that?” is surprising he says it with such security.
“It is?”
“No. I mean, yes,” you backtrack, “but how do you know that I love cherry things? Did the matchmakers tell you that?”
“Mai and Hobi?
You nod, too curious of his answer you miss the way his eyes are following your lips as they wrap around the straw.
“No. But you always have cherry candy with you. You gave us cherry lollipops on tuesday. I asked you for gum the other day and you gave me cherry. Jungkook gets you cherry cola specifically, from the vending machine at our building. And,” he pauses his list, the corner of his lip curving up, “like four out of the five times we've kissed, you either test or smell like cherry. Or both.”
“Well,” you answer after a couple seconds of silence, “I'm conscious now.”
He laughs, and you drink again.
“Don't be. Is like… your touch.”
“Ew,” noise scrunched up, “I don't know if I want that. Am I going to be known as the cherry girl?”
Again he laughs, your horrified expression making it impossible not to. 
“Do I smell like it right now?” Bringing your arm to your nose, you try smelling your clothes. Then your hair. 
“Stop,” he asks, reaching to put strains of hair back into place. “You smell good. Forget I said anything.”
“No, I can't. Now it’s in my head.” You try smelling your other arm, almost spilling your drink.
“Okay,” he catches it in time, tilting your hand back completely upright, “that way you really are going to taste like cherry and leave a trace behind.” 
“Wait. Do I really taste like it? When you kiss me, does it bother you?” 
“Why are you freaking out about this?” And seeing your seriousness, he bites back his chuckles.
“Just answer the question.”
“Okay, okay. Let's see,” and before you can process it, his lips are on yours, and he hums. “Can’t tell.” And he goes in again, free hand to the back of your head to bring you forward, to really capture your lips with his.
Running his tongue over your bottom lip sends shivers through your body since it’s warmer, softer. And a small moan escapes your lips, separating them and letting his tongue in. 
You're scared to move. Not because of him. But because you have been wanting to kiss him since sitting down — heck, since this morning — but didn't know how. All this feels so complicated in your head, with rules you have to follow and what not, but in practice, he makes it look so much easier. 
Of course you can't pull him for a kiss in your friends’ house, that is too risky. But when he kisses you like this, it gives you confidence to at least ask him to do it whenever you're alone and feel like it.
Somehow your hand is on his neck, fingers running through the hair at his nape as your mouths keep their rhythm going. And you decide to take the risk, kneeling on the bed and moving closer to him. You separate for a second only to make sure you're not making a mess and he smiles at you, “give me that.” Sipping one last time at the slushie, you give it to him to be secured and abandoned on his nightstand, bag of chips moves next and now his hands are free to pull you into his lap by your waist.
“You haven't answered the question,” you tell him, hands cupping his face, “Or you just wanted to kiss me?”
“Stop stealing my lines.”
“Is that a no?” You pretend to pull back and his hold tightness.
“You want me to say it?” a nod is your answer, and is a bit surprising when he obeys. “Yes. I wanted to kiss you,” and he does, making his point clear. “And also yes, you test like cherry sometimes,” another peck, “is sweeter now, but not so much like when is from your candies,” his voice gets lower each time, practically a whisper, “and your lips look amazing tinted red, I want to kiss you every time.”
And you make it happen. Kissing him softer this time, setting your own peace. Yoongi goes with it at first, but those thoughts he doesn't share with you are hard to keep on track when your hips grind against his. Not helping with the situation in his jeans. 
His hands hold you firmly, stopping your movements, and his lips move faster, fighting for dominance. He wants you and you know it and it gives you the confidence to move again. At first it was involuntarily, your body's own reaction to him, but then you put force into it, mostly to go against his hold. He groans into your mouth, feeling it rumble against your chest. 
Pushing his shoulders back, Yoongi finally gives in and lets go of your hips in order to help himself up with an arm behind him, other hand on your thigh. His eyes travel from there to your chest, moving as fast as his with your breathing, to your face, bottom lip between your teeth and his tongue touches his own in the same place. You just sit there, looking at each other for a few seconds until his hand moves up your leg, dragging the fabric of the skirt along. But he stops mid way, going back down. He chuckles at your reaction of puffing air as a sign of deception, “what's that?”
Prying your eyes from his hand is difficult, but you look at his face, smirk in place as he moves again, fingertips glassing over soft skin. “I should make you do it too,” he teases, “make you tell me what you think and what you want.”
The idea is both terrifying and a turn on at the same time. You have never vocally asked for anything like that, but the tone of his voice, the raspiness, it intoxicates you so much you may be willing to try.
“But I'm not mean like you, baby.” In one swift movement his hand is up your leg again, grabbing your butt and making your skirt rail up, exposing more of your thigh and you gasp as he bucks his hips upward.
“I’m not mean,” you breathe. 
“No?” Head tilts to the side, that playful smile of his should be a crime. “Are you a good girl?”
“I hate you.”
“So we are dirty talking,” he nods and you roll your eyes with a chuckle.
It hasn't been long, but you really like what you guys have. Is easy. Without drama or feelings being hurt. And, being completely honest, the way he kisses you is enough to know you make the right decision.
Do you still believe in soulmates and want to meet yours and live happily ever after like all the love stories you have consumed throughout your life? Yes. But maybe your story can also include an arc of exploring your sexuality with someone who is just a friend. Someone who gets your jokes and trusts you too. Someone who kisses you sooo good it takes your breath away without having to be scared of the future and what-ifs. 
Someone whose fingertips brush the top of your inner thighs, so close to their goal, but nothing more because he is waiting for you. Although it’s hard because of the little sounds that keep flowing out of your throat as you start moving your hips on his lap, grinding on his hardening erection.
He is kissing your neck, sucking here and there but not hard enough to leave marks, and his other hand has made its way down your t-shirt, looking for that skin to skin contact, glad both of your guys' jackets were abandoned way before at his bedroom’s entrance. 
“Tell me to stop and I'll,” Yoongi reminds against your skin and you nod, the hand under your skirt finally moving from its place and you miss the warmth it provided. But his fingers reach for the waistband of your panties and your breath hatch a little as they move south, thumb brushing over your clothed pussy. “Fuck.” 
You moan. At the touch, at his reaction to feeling you're wet. And before you can feel conscious about it, he is rubbing circles over it. “Ahh…”
“So responsive,” he groans, “Does it feel good?” 
You nod, unable to form words as he pushes gently over on your center, making your body move towards him, looking for more. And he gives it to you by sneaking his hand under your panties, ring finger sliding between your folds, a groan of his own accompanying your whimpers as he truly feels how wet you're.
“F-fuck. You feel so soft,” Yoongi points out and it makes a shiver run down your body, while he keeps rubbing expertly, cupping your pussy when even without realizing your hips start moving again, looking for more friction.
“Y-yoongi,” you call, asking for more. 
For a second you think he doesn't get it because he takes his hand out, however is only to bring his ring and middle finger to his mouth, humming around them without breaking eye contact. Brown irises over taken by desire and you could've gotten lost on that look alone, but soon his hand goes back to its place between your legs, “Breathe,” he instructs, “tell me if it hurts.”
And it does, a little. Because you're not used to it and every touch is a bit overwhelming, all the same, he is gentle, one finger pushing in slowly and not all the way before going back. Your eyes close under his gaze, inspecting your reaction as he pushes in again, letting you get used to the feeling. 
“Is it good?” his lips go back to your neck, kissing his way up to your lips. 
“S-so good,” you smile against his mouth, “you can go on.”
And he moans against yours before adding another one, two digits inside you.
The thing about Yoongi is: he is a pleaser. He likes making his partners feel good and the way your lips part as he pushes into your pussy makes him weak. He knows that if you asked him to finger you all night he would, no questions asked.
But he also knows you don't have much time. That's why you are still sitting on his lap and not laying on his bed, and why he kept your clothes on even if is now regretting it.
His eyes travel down your body, to your hand in a fist with the fabric of your clothes. “Pull it up, doll.” Yoongi requests. “Your skirt. Let me see you.” 
You do, the carmine color on your cheeks even deeper as your sight is filled with his hand movements. 
“...so hot, taking my fingers so good.” He murmurs, hand on your lower back holding you in place as he picks up the peace. Feeling how your walls tighten around him every time he pushes in and his dick requests attention at the thought of fucking you properly. If only he had time.
“Fuck, fuck, fuc-” is your new mantra as his fingers move expertly, breaking into incohesive moans when they touch the bundle of muscle that makes you see stars. 
“I got you,” he says, “f-fuck, so pretty, baby.” Yoongi's voice is so gentle and still filled with lust as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, getting you closer and closer to the end. “C’mon, let me see you cum, y/n.”
And that's all you need, hear your name so out of breath, to practically hit your orgasm on command. Head tilted back and lip between your teeth to suppress any noises, ignoring the voice of reason in your head that tells you is a bit late for that.
When you open your eyes again Yoongi's fingers are back in his mouth, sucking yourself off of them, and even if you just reached your high, you can't help the way your pussy reacts to that.
Catching you staring, he winks at you. 
And before you can decide the next move, your ringtone fills the silence, almost making you jump out of his lap. He chuckles, “Careful,” freeing you from his hands as you reach for your phone.
“Yes?” You answer, free hand fixing your clothes and putting black strains in place, trying to shake the feeling of being caught.
“Hi. Sorry about the time, my flight got canceled and then the next one took hours and—” taking the phone away from your ear, you realize that in the heat of the moment you didn't even notice it was an unknown number and not one of the guys. You're about to say they probably got the wrong number but the person keeps talking and it feels rude to just cut them off. “...but I'll have to wait until tomorrow. So apparently you're the only one with a key now and they said you were here but I knocked and well, I don't know if you were sleeping or…?” 
It takes you a second to process they do want you to talk now. “Sorry. I don't think I'm who you're looking for.”
“Are you not y/n?”
“Yes…” you turn to Yoongi, confused expression matching yours. “Who are you?”
“Oh, shit. I forgot to introduce myself, didn't I?” You nod even if it can't be seen through the phone, “I'm Subin. Your new roommate.”
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A/N: AAAAAAHHHHHH pls don't call Subin a cockblocker ㅠ^ㅠ even if she would call herself that if she knew hahah. A/N 2: ALSO, I decided to try something new with the format of showing the texting, so please tell me your opinion, do you like it as screenshots or prefer it to be typed down? or is the same either way? Send a tip on ko-fi?? ( Only if you can and don't feel pressured to do it! )
♡ Tag list: @n33mesis , @mggv97 , @wobblewobble822 , @bbou-doir , @m00njinnie , @nariee02 , @sexytholland , @itsmina29 , @ktownshizzle , @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d , @kimtaehussy .
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➪ 01 ・ 02  ・  03 | ➪ Tag for TCT verse | ♡ Tag list ➪ Main masterlist. | ➪ Pinned | ➪ Ko-fi
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axailslink · 2 years
22 going on 23
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Riri Williams x poc FEM reader
Love that song ^°^
Summary: you and Riri always joked that if you both were still single by thirty you'd date each other. Riri just turned 23 and you can't wait for 30.
Snippet from the fic:
Warning: ⚠️ mentions of weed and cursing
Riri has been your girl from day one so what did you do when she asked for a crazy ass birthday party? You delivered. You've got friends everywhere and who isn't willing to take a little time out of their day for Riri? All it took was a bit of blackmailing about all those A assignments folks turned in and you had yourself a party, DJ, and a caterer. When Riri walks down the stairs she can't help but smile at you knowing, as usual, you always pull through "damn" you nod as you hand her a red solo cup "what's this?" You smile "just drink it" Riri glances into the cup she can smell the alcohol when she does but for once Riri isn't going to let that stop her she has no classes she's graduated college early (not surprising) and she's grown.
Riri sips the drink and kisses your cheek "thank you baby" you nod "you know I always pull through for you plus we've got to get shit-faced tonight so we can have an excuse to leave your family dinner party early tomorrow." Riri laughs "my mother is not that bad" you take a turn to sip Riri's drink now "ha she's always like "ah my baby she's growing up and becoming the finest young woman known to man" she be right though because Riri you are just getting finer with time" Riri smiles and hums "really?" You nod "mhm my bestie" Riri's smile drops a bit but you don't notice because you're both interrupted by the sound of Riri's favorite party song…
Girl, you looks good, won't you back that azz up
You'se a fine motherfucker, won't you back that azz up
Riri's running you're running. You're supposed to be a good friend tonight and watch the party but how can you resist this chance right now? You can't. You're quick to kick your heels off and get right in the middle of the dance floor dragging a way more than willing Riri with you. She keeps her cup in her mouth held in between her teeth as her hands are quick to grab your waist as you act up. You leave Riri no time for preparation but being her friend since her first year of college yeah she already knows how this goes you gone act up and get all touchy then you gone want a blunt and go home.
Girl, you looks good, won't you back that azz up
You'se a fine motherfucker, won't you back that azz up
Call me Big Daddy when you back that azz up
Girl, who is you playin wit? Back that azz up
Riri can't help but laugh at how happy you are to be throwing it back on your best friend. Truly in your opinion, it's been way too damn long you don't know if it was classes or knowing that you might be crushing on her but something put a little distance between you two however that ain't got shit to do with tonight. You continue to whine and grind against Riri as her hands guide your dress up just a bit just showing the thighs. Riri loves being the center of attention, especially on her day but she's never been opposed to sharing said attention with you so while friends are recording and the guys are leaning Riri back while you continue to act a damn fool she's just smiling. She couldn't be happier. Truly.
When the song's done you are wrapped lazily around Riri and her hands are planted on your waist "you okay?" Riri asks, keeping her gaze locked on her surroundings "mhm I've just drained myself give me five more minutes of this" Riri nods "of course." For the longest time you both just stay in each other's arms, your face planted into her shoulder and hers looking past you seemingly avoiding viewing your current state. This is the longest five minutes ever for Riri and that's probably because it's been more like ten minutes. Finally, she gives in and glances down at you who looks tired even though she knows this is only a break for you.
As the night continues many twerking songs are played and each time you and Riri are up for the challenge but now that it's nearing twelve it's almost time for her to lock in her good year. It's tradition. To lock in a good year of age you kiss your significant other when the clock strikes twelve.
"23 huh?" Riri laughs and nods as 22 by Jayo plays in the background "hell yeah" you smile and hug her "go lock in that kiss for good luck" you give her a thumbs up ready to turn on your heel but Riri grabs you by your arm pulling you back to her. "I can't get that kiss if my dance partner leaves me" you laugh nervously unsure of what she's asking right now "what?" Riri smiles at your obliviousness right now before gently placing her lips on your own. She's quick to pull away and you aren't surprised Riri's always been shy. Unlike Riri, you are not shy so you grab Riri by her shirt and pull her to you placing a firm long kiss on her lips one that causes the others to stare yet you don't stop you continue now grabbing her jaw and forcing her mouth open anyone watching can see just how weak in the knees this makes Riri as she whimpers into the kiss once you pull away.
You continue dancing to the music but Riri's struck licking her lips over and over again trying to get the same taste of that kiss she just experienced. "Y/n" you hum in response "what the hell?" You laugh at her confused face "when we were 19 we made a promise that if we weren't married or in a relationship by 30 we'd become a couple... I know 23 is nowhere near 30 but I just couldn't wait and lose my chance. Especially to the type of chicks you like" Riri smiles to herself "you remember that?" You nod and laugh "hell yeah I remember that how could I not? It was the first time I had thought about kissing you." Riri nods as she holds her cup "it's been four years, how many times have you thought about kissing me since?" For once you're not willing to answer but Riri's smile forces you to.
"I've lost count."
A/n: ah yes another friends to lovers. Gotta love em.
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stargirlforevah · 2 years
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*•.¸♡ MAN OF THE HOUR♡¸.•*
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it folks) piv sex, oral(male!receiving), tit play, grinding/dry humping
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: MDNI! DENKI AND READER ARE IN 2nd YEAR OF COLLEGE!! Also this is one of my first longer “fics” so if you like, please interact so I can write more. Also PRETTY PLEASEE send in requests, I wanna write what ya’ll wanna see! Okay enjoy ya nasties!
★·.·´¯`·.·★ ★·.·´¯`·.·★ ★·.·´¯`·.·★ ★·.·´¯`·.·★ ★·.·´¯`·.·
You stood in the mirror, holding up two mini skirts to your body. Red or black? You tossed your head back in frustration. Fashion was full of trails and tribulations.
“Minaaa!” You yelled. “Red or black mini skirt?”
“Black,” Mina called back, standing in your bathroom mirror trying desperately to shove a second pair of earrings through her piercing that closed months ago.
“Mins, lets just get it re-pierced,” you winced.
“NO! I literally got this!”
“Whatever you say,” you said with a sigh.
The soccer team at your Uni had won Regionals and was hosting a celebration at the frat. The star player who scored the winning goal, Denki Kaminari, was apart of the frat, so of course the party would be go big or go home.
You were mutual friends with Denki, although not as close as you’d like to be. Though he was incredibly attractive, a star soccer player and had a charming personality, you heard enough talk to believe he has yet to touch a woman. How interesting.
“Okay slut,” Mina said, grinning as she stepped out of your bathroom. “Let’s go.”
Giggling as you walked up the frat steps to the pounding base of Heartless by The Weeknd, you inhaled the party scene. Alcohol, sweat and cheap cologne. Lovely.
Mina quickly went off to find Momo Yaoyorozu, who she had been crushing on for weeks and who was unlikely to be found at a scene as vulgar as this. You can’t blame a girl for trying though.
You refrained from ingesting the punch bowl mix some random boy had told you was “jungle juice.” Sounded more like a trip to the emergency room to get your stomach pumped. You settled with a coke and rum instead.
Scanning the room for someone you could talk to, you saw a flash of blond hair with a lightning strike streak. Denki! He was leaning against the doorframe of his room, completely alone. Odd.
“Hey!” You called out. “If it isn’t the man of the hour!”
“Hey Y/N!” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Glad you could make it.”
“Me too,” you smirked at him. He was nervous. How cute. “How’s the star player life treating you?”
“Oh same as always,” he laughed nervously.
“Oh don’t be modest, Kami. You put our soccer team on the map. You have to have a whole fanclub by now.”
“Nope,” he sighed.
“More for me, I guess,” you sipped your drink and looked up at him.
Denki nearly choked on air. A girl like you? Coming onto him? It seemed unfathomable. Sure, girls had hit on him before, but he had never had the courage to take it past harmless flirting. Maybe a kiss if he was feeling bold.
You stepped closer to him, smirking. “It’s a shame you aren’t getting the star treatment you deserve.”
“Y-yeah,” he felt his dick stir. “A real shame.”
“I can fix that,” you whispered, running your hand along his v-line.
“Yes, Kami. Let me take care of you.”
You pushed him into his room and kicked the door shut. Shoving him on his bed, you straddled his lap.
“Y-you’re so beautiful Y/N,” he said breathlessly.
“And you’re adorable, Kami.”
You began to slowly grind your hips onto his half hard dick. He whimpered softly and squeezed his eyes shut, causing you to smirk.
“Has anyone ever touched your dick before?”
“N-no one but me.”
You began to play with the zipper of his jeans, continuing to ride his thigh. You began to moan softly at the pressure on your clit.
“F-fuck, do you like grinding on me?” Denki said nervously.
“Mhm..” you nodded slowly. Unsure of how to help, Denki began to bounce his thigh slowly to meet your movements.
“Shit Denki, that feels so fucking good.”
“Mhm, I’m close pretty, but I wanna cum on your cock.”
Denki moaned at your words.
“But first, I wanna suck you off. Can I Kami, pretty please?” You batted your eyelashes at him.
“Fuck, okay.” He whined.
You unzipped his pants, pulling down his boxers. His cock sprung free, leaking pre all the way down his tip. Your eyes widened, and Denki covered his face in embarrassment.
“Uncover your face, Denki. Wanna see the faces you make when I suck your cock.”
Denki looked down at you as you began to lick around his tip, eliciting whimpers from the blonde boy. Licking up the pre and moaning at the salty taste, you began your ministrations.
“Oh shit, Y/N. I-I fuck..I can’t…” Denki whined.
You took his whole cock in your mouth and began bobbing your head. His moans grew louder as you began to play with his balls.
“N-not gonna last long,” Denki choked out. “M, sorry.”
You batted your eyelashes at him, eager to please and continued the bobbing of your head. Denki’s legs began to shake and his cock began to twitch, signaling he was close to his release. His hands found purchase in your hair, grabbing at anything he could grasp.
“F-FUCK,” he moaned out. “C-cumming, CUMMING!”
You popped his dick out of your mouth and hastily threw off your shirt.
“On my tits,” you moaned. “Please Kami.”
That elicited an incredibly loud whine from Denki as he spilled his hot seed all over you perky tits. Breathless and starstruck, he just stared. How did he get this lucky? As if scoring the winning goal wasn’t lucky enough.
You straddled him once more, and held up a tit to his face.
“Suck.” You commanded.
“Y-yes, anything,” he said eager to please. He took your tit into his mouth and began to suck on your pert nipple.
Moaning, you began grinding yourself on his leg once more.
“Fuck Kami baby, so good to me.”
He began to swirl his tongue around your nipple, producing more and more moans and whines from your lips. Suddenly, he unleashed your nipple with a loud POP!
“P-please,” he whined. “Can’t take it anymore. Please ride me.”
You smirked and grabbed his dick, which was hard again.
“Anything for my star player,” you grinned and sank down onto him, eliciting loud whines from you AND him.
“So big, Kami,” you whined. “Why have you been hiding this from me?”
You began to bounce slowly up and down, as his cock began to ram into your G-spot.
“F-fuck Y/N..you feel so good.. such a pretty pussy.”
You began to go harder, eager to please him and draw more whimpers from his mouth. The lewd squelch of you pussy and skin slapping sounds filled the room.
“So good, Kami..So wet for you and only you.”
“Y-yeah.. you don’t know how long I’ve thought about this.”
His cock repeatedly rammed your G-spot, making your vision blurry and speech slurred.
“M close Kami,” you slurred.
“M-me too.”
“Cum inside, please. Make me yours.”
Denki couldn’t hold on much longer. You came with an obscene moan, the one’s in the adult films that seem fake. But yours was so, incredibly real.
“F-fuck..F-uck..shit.. cumming…” Denki stuttered as he desperately thrusted his hips up into you.
“Please Kami,” you begged. “Make me yours. Fill me up please!!”
“FUCK!” Denki screamed as he filled you with his hot load.
Laughing and giddy from the pleasure, you laid next to him, his cum seeping in between your legs.
“Next time,” he stated. “You’re riding my face.”
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purity-town · 6 months
Ask responses are typed up & under the cut!
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I'm happy I was able to work in some more of the NPCs even if it was just into the background, so I'm glad you're liking seeing them. And yes! I don't have specific measurements on anyone's heights beyond a vague “X is taller than Y,” but she's the tallest member of the cast, all divinity and ancient magics and humanoid-but-not-human. And thanks for reading; I'm glad you're excited for the next chapter!
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Andrew much prefers to deflect over lying outright, but if pressed claims to be 26 with a summer birthday (putting him as “29” in the comic now as he's lived in town for 3 years). Mid-twenties roughly aligns with his physical age, as he slowed and eventually stopped aging around that point, so people don't have any obvious reason not to believe it.
In the past, Andrew usually just moved around every long while, assuming things were otherwise peaceful. The jump from “this guy is weird and aging gracefully” to “this is an immortal being inextricably tied to this world and its fate” is quite large, especially since Andrew mostly kept to himself.
Living in Purity Town is a first in many ways for him, particularly in that he's serving an actual purpose to the town and has to both interact with people and stick around for the foreseeable future. Under normal circumstances he would absolutely gracefully arrange his leave, but then once you throw the hero being present into the mix things just get messy.
Honestly, with enough time he probably would come clean to the townsfolk. If he explained it to Chris delicately enough initially, Chris (and Alalia!) would eventually back him up and that'd likely do a lot to sway folks. Between their input and him having just…been around town long enough to show that he’s not a bad person and actually form some relationships, I think it would go okay.
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Thank you!!! I'm glad you're liking the comic so much!
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Honestly, I have no idea! It's probably a combination of factors in my art style (like my tendency to use solid/clean lines and keep painted portions to the background) playing nice with however Tumblr crunches images. I know that Webtoons struggles a good bit more with my pages due to color/resolution limitations, but Tumblr’s always been pretty good with it. That's all just a rough guess though; I couldn't find your art on your blog to examine so I'm just throwing out ideas!
Possibly relevant, each page is 2320x3587 pixels (350 dpi) after I trim the edges and export it as a .png. Downloading pages from Tumblr saves them as a 1987x3072 (72 dpi) jpeg, but preserves the fine details pretty well. So that’s what we’re working with here!
(Interestingly, after some testing I found that Reddit preserves the higher resolution of pages, but crunches their colors around areas of shading, while Tumblr smoothly fuzzes them when it downscales.)
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I'm happy to see more folks caught what I was going for there! I didn't draw much of her shimmered design since she's mostly covered and under some heavy effects, but it was cool to work with. Here's a snippet of her shimmered design in that panel without the effects, since I had it on hand already from a comment a while back.
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Thank you!! It feels crazy to me that it's been going on so long, but I'm really happy to have continued with the comic for so long. I'm also happy to be done with college, haha -- I’m liking my new job a lot more than the school grind!
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Thank you so much for this!! It’s super touching that you’ve stuck around so long -- I definitely recognize the folks I’ve seen popping up in my notifications over the years, and I’m really glad that people are liking being along for the ride. I’ve learned so much through working on this comic and I’m really really happy that other people are enjoying it too, because I love these characters and this world and this game so so much.
I’m not articulating this well but- thank you for this! I hope that whoever you are, you’re doing well, too :)
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Go right ahead! Though this serves as a reminder to myself to make sure that all of the pages on the various sites are all updated, since I usually go back through after a chapter is done to correct little errors, haha.
I totally understand if you want to remain anonymous, but if you need files or anything give a shout here or on Discord (@ariibees)! Purity Town is somewhat formatted for print by virtue of having pages instead of vertical-scrolling but I know that the chapters are kinda short and pages would probably need to be re-formatted around the edges to fit book binding.
All that said -- if you end up going through with it it'd be insanely cool to see how it turns out, if you're comfortable with sharing!
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Chapter titles are done in Albertus Medium (with the exception of the "Purity Town" text and character intro bubbles, which is in the Terraria font Andy Bold). Speech bubbles use Segoe Print. There's not really any concrete reasoning behind the fonts I picked (beyond the obvious choice to use the Terraria font), I just chose ones that looked good enough, haha.
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ink-stained-clouds · 1 year
A studyblr (re)introduction
It's hard to believe, but I started this blog in high school and I just graduated college. Since then, a lot has changed so I thought it might be time for an updated introduction
✨ The Basics ✨
Name: Inky (not really, but my legal name is very uncommon)
Pronouns: she/her
Program of study: PhD in Sociology (I'll be starting in August!)
Academic interests: political extremism, online interaction, identity, sociological and psychological theories of identity and group processes
Non-academic interests: reading (these days mostly mysteries/thrillers, AsAm lit, occasionally fantasy), cooking, and painting
A little more about me :)
As far as academics go, I've mostly done qualitative research but am starting to learn STATA and how to scrape data from social media sources. In the future, I want to work in research and I'd love to teach but the academic job market sure is icky so we will see lmao
Outside of academics, I used to be a lot more creative than I am these days but I am slowly trying to change that. I took up painting this year and am trying to get back into creative writing. I come from a big city and currently live in a much smaller area so I also like finding new places to go/things to do in my area like local fairs and mom and pop antique shops to explore
You can also find me here, on the book/studygram my friends roped me into (and that I have come to enjoy making silly little videos for)
If you're new to my blog hi, hello :) it's nice to meet you. on this blog you will find your average study content with some anti-grind culture seasoning (we are not about working ourselves to death here, folks). outside of academic content, you may also find yourself subjected to my study break tag, political posts, and my occasional musings (under inky speaks)
Come fall, you'll start hearing about my adventures in grad school. I am also slowly learning to manage my chronic health problems on top to school/work and those experiences may make it into the mix too
I am always looking for new blogs to follow, especially if you're a fellow social science person or a gradblr so please don't hesitate to say hi!
- Inky
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babyjoysdiary · 1 month
Weed no longer soothes me
And all food, even good food taste like paste/glue/mush
More and more life experiences I am having are indescribable
The goal post for college just got pushed further back
At this point the loans are gonna have me in a chokehold until I die…
It’s hard af tryna get a student job…probably gonna end up in the lunchroom giving 1950s servant
I have tried to kill myself three separate times because college isn’t for me and no one in my family cares and just keeps further disowning me the longer it takes to graduate…anytime I run into racism, transphobia, or just overt objectification my mom is like…”tell them you’re a student!” Like that’s the only thing that gives me value.
Neither one of my parents cares about Palestine…but they admit to seeing themselves as more worthy than the folks in our neighborhood so why the fuck am I surprised?like how fucking delusional do you have to be to exist in the hood and tell yourself you are better just because you have a masters or doctorate…you’re still in the hood living oat check to pay check…with a boss who does not see you as a being outside of what you can do for them…
After two near death experiences this week…where I am including just potential rape from a potential John (there is something so dehumanizing about having a panic attack or psychosis in public and having a man soliciting you for sex that just grinds my gears)
My back pain only continues to grow
My one in city friend is planning on moving
My father is an ass
My mother is a pick me
My chest/heart exists at a level 7/10 pain 24/7
I fucked up some art opportunities 
I’m convinced the flaws of my father are not just present but worse in me…
I don’t want to “succeed” any more or save myself or others. I don’t actually care any longer of my writing or artwork gaining notoriety, or fame. I just want a partner, a two bedroom cottage home with a sizeable garden, a job that allows me to pay the mortgage and bills with even just $200/month extra for savings.
That’s it. Have enough time in the day to feel safe and gain life skills. Feel safe, loved, and protected.
I don’t give a fuck about a degree or academic accomplishments. Fuck gallery and museum cashé. Fuck a “good job”. If it requires more than 40 hours a week…it’s not for me dog.
I want a home, a lover, a life outside of work or even activism or even art.
Obviously my Black Native ass will never turn my back on my people or stop educating or stop protesting or resisting oppression…
I just wish… I just crave
Love and sovereignty
0 notes
thatnostalgiccarp · 5 months
Well folks, I have officially fallen a bit more than knee deep into the TMA rabbit hole. So,anyways, I humbly present this statement, created as a backstory for an OC I'm working on! :3
"Statement of Samuel Warner regarding a series of strange events after a close call in a lake. Statement begins."
  "Soo... Where do I start? The beginning, I suppose? I'm not used to this kind of stuff, y'know.  
Anyway, if it matters, I was raised by my uncle for as long as I can remember. I know I had parents, that's for sure, but I can barely remember their existence, let alone their faces. I presume they left when I was really young. My uncle treated me well; we never had any large issues. But he always seemed a bit off. He didn't have many friends from what I knew, and he spent most of his days at home in his office. As to what he did in there, I have no idea, and I don't intend on changing that.
School was quite a drag for me. I had decent grades and wasn't a trouble in class. But I was never able to make many friends. I got close with a few kids, but they all moved away only a few weeks after I got to know them. After a while, I didn't mind the isolation as much. I seemed comfortable, in a way. In a way, you have a lot of freedom in being alone, in my opinion.
In college, I decided to study to be an ichthyologist. I put almost all of my time into doing schoolwork or grinding at my job. I had managed to snag some work stocking shelves. Back on the topic of school, fish have always fascinated me with the way they can adapt to the harshest environments and their extreme determination. That's why I specialize in oceanic fish, you see? Mainly anadromous ones. Salmon and the like.
I graduated with flying colors and all that. Yadda yadda. *tired sigh* 
My first job was at a dam. I was monitoring how it affected the migrations of local fish. I quite enjoyed the job! I got to work with my favorite fish out in the woods!! I was all alone most of the time, which, now that I think back on it, was oh so blissful. I often had dreams of going deeper into the woods when I went home. After a few weeks, fog started to feature in them.
After about a year of working at the dam, I messed up. I was down by the lake and wanted to get a closer look at the torrent of green and red fins and scales that lay before me. So, I took a step in.It was about a minute before the water caught me. Even if I could call for help, it wouldn't be much use out here. I struggled, squirmed, and kicked as the water claimed me. Then it all went black. 
I'm not sure how long I was out for. All I know is that I somehow survived. When I checked the bank, there were no footprints or tire marks. There was nothing to show that anyone had been there. Now I know that river inside and out, and I know for a fact that there would be at least a sign someone was there. But no. In the end, I decided I must have been washed up and went on with my day. 
The weird dreams continued and involved fog on a nearly daily basis. This time, however, I did go into the woods. I would explore the forest for hours in my dreams, not finding a single soul—animal or human—besides my own.
 I, despite all the weirdness from earlier, continued on relatively normally. I did notice I had a larger urge to avoid people, but I so rarely interacted with them that this didn't prove an issue for a long while. Someone came by the dam to pick up some specimens, and I did my best to ignore them. However, as they left, they offered me a handshake. I reluctantly shook it, and as they walked off, I noticed something odd about my wrist. The air seemed to have gotten hazy. When I looked down at my hand, I noticed fog. Dreary, billowing fog rushed out from where I had been touched. I was shocked, and I just sat there watching for a minute as rolls and rolls of fog emitted from my skin as naturally as sweat would. After what must have been at least ten minutes, I went home for the day. 
Afterwards, I went home. I logged onto my home computer and did some searching on the internet. Looking back, I probably should have gone to the doctor or some other professional, but I doubted that would help. Even if someone could help me, I don't think there's medication for something like this.
After doing a bit of googling around supernatural events and places that deal with them, I found the contact information for your institution. I wrote it down on a sticky note and stuck it to my fridge, in case of further incidents.
As I'm sure you can guess by my presence here, there were indeed further incidents. It happened time and time again, most of it accidental. As time went on, it started to feel almost natural. It felt like this was what I was meant to be. But all of that wasn't what drove me here. The worst part of it was the disappearance. Just two weeks ago, I was traveling with a young fisherman who had asked me where the best place to fish was. Now, despite the isolation streak I was on, I was still quite passionate about my craft and thus decided to lead him to the best spot I could find. There's a large section of the lake about 4 miles away from the dam where fish often stop. I presumed the man didn't really have a target species, so I decided to lead him there. But, along the way, something seemed to overtake me. Don't get me wrong; what I did was definitely my decision. But it was like a part of me overtook the rest of me. Something deep inside, something wretched. When the fisherman arrived at the spot, I offered to shake his hand. He accepted. As the fog spilled forth from my hands, I found within me a new ability. I brought it forth from myself, the area becoming thick with it. In only a matter of minutes, anyone within a quarter-mile radius would be lucky to be able to see their own hands. I climbed the highest point I could find and watched. Watched as the young man attempted to find his way.
He found it eventually, of course; otherwise, I'd likely be in a jail cell and not here. There was something satisfying about the whole ordeal. It was quite similar to the feeling one would get after eating a large meal. I'm not proud of what I did. I'm disturbed, but it felt... right in a way. I think I'll stop now. I don't want to discuss this any further."  
"Statement ends."  
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bekoobove · 1 year
Fazbear Fears #19: Cretaceous Land
…Sawyer has been away from home for a long time, and hopes to reconnect with his younger sister…
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 Sawyer tapped the steering wheel in beat with the music. Some pop song he’d never heard before, but he’d found it on the radio and it was catchy. It came to a close just as he pulled into his destination. He loved it when that happened.
 He stepped out of the car and headed towards the front entrance, but before he even made it to the porch the door slammed open and two figures ran at him.
 His mom and dad wrapped their arms around him, tears of joy streaming down their cheeks. “It’s been so long!” Mom weeped.
 Sawyer grinned and kissed her on the cheek. “Sorry, I know I was supposed to come back for spring break, but some of the other guys invited me and Jessie on their trip to Myrtle Beach. I just figured after two years at college, I’d earned that kind of vacation.”
 His dad sighed. “Oh, I get it. You prefer being around your fancy new friends and your pretty girlfriend rather than visiting your folks.” At this, Sawyer frowned, guilty. Then his dad chuckled. “Just messing with you, kiddo. I’m glad you’re getting out there and doing your own thing.”
 Sawyer looked around as they walked inside. “Where’s Alexis?”
 His parents frowned. Dad eventually spoke up. “She…was a little more mad about you not coming home. I think she’s trying to give you the cold shoulder.”
 Seeing the look of guilt fall over Sawyer’s face again, Dad smacked him on the back affectionately. “But there’s still the surprise! I’m sure after you take her there today she’ll forgive you. You have the passes?”
 Sawyer fished them out of his pocket and showed them to him.
 “Great! She’s just…in her room.”
 “I’ll get her.” Sawyer said. “And remember we’re meeting back up at the Ye Olde Steakhouse after for dinner.”
 Sawyer slowly traipsed up the stairs, tracing his fingers along the wooden railing. He just couldn’t get over it, how weird it felt to be back. He had so many memories of this place- Christmases, summer breaks, even the normal, boring grind of school felt nostalgic and warm. Most valuable of all was the time he had spent with his little sister, Alexis.
 She was much younger than him- he was 10 when she was born. He had always been by her side, like a third parent to her. They loved each other. But ever since Sawyer had left for college, things had been different. They’d been growing further apart. Sawyer had to admit that was probably his fault, but what was he supposed to do? College was his chance to assert independence; he couldn’t stay here and be her best friend forever.
 Maybe today would help. He arrived at her door and knocked.
 There was no answer.
 “Alexis? Hey, it’s me.”
 A voice sounded from inside. “Go away. I don’t want to see you.”
 “Come on, sis. I know you’re mad at me, but I’m here now. Let’s at least talk it out.”
 There was the sound of footsteps, and the door cracked open. Through it, Sawyer could see a sliver of Alexis’ scowling face framed by curly red hair.
 “Well? How’s college?” She growled. “Hope it’s pretty good, since you chose it over me.”
 “Alexis, I know I should have come home sooner, but you need to understand that I have a life outside of this family. I’m an adult now.”
 “Then why come back at all? Just stick with your new family.”
 She moved to close the door, but Sawyer stuck his shoe in the crack, holding it open.
 “Look, Mom and Dad want us to go and bond. And it just so happens that I got us tickets to a very special place.”
 Her eyebrow raised. “To where?”
 “Guess you’ll never know if you just stay in your room. Maybe I’ll just go by myself, if you’re not interested.”
 Sawyer whistled as he began walking away. As expected, the door creaked open behind him.
 “Ugh, fine. I’ll go.” Alexis muttered as she caught up to him.
 “Great. By the way…” He reached into his pocket again and pulled out a blindfold. “Put this one when we get in the car.”
 “Are you trying to kidnap me or something?”
 “It’s so you can’t guess before we can get there. That’s sort of the point of a surprise after all.”
 She sighed, and snatched it from his hand. “This better be good…”
 “Alright, we’re here! You can take it off now.”
 “Finally!” Alexis groaned, loosening the cloth strip from around her face. “I’ve been wearing this for like half an hour!”
 “I promise, this surprise is worth it.”
 “Come on, what could be so…” The blindfold fell in Alexis’ lap, as she dropped it, stunned.
 In front of their car, across the packed parking lot stood a large concrete building. It was a rather dull structure that must have been a warehouse at some point. But since then the outside had been painted with elaborate dioramas of a tropical, prehistoric landscape populated with dinosaurs. And above the entrance a large statue of a t-rex’s upper body protruded from the wall. In its little arms it held a sign: CRETACEOUS LAND.
 The new attraction had made a big splash when it was announced. Sawyer’s city definitely had a few tourist-trap-type attractions, but nothing on this scale. It was a large indoor jungle filled with animatronic dinosaurs. These robots were the main attraction, and justifiably. From a few advertisements that had been released, they were as realistic as scientifically possible, and some of the smaller models could even roam freely rather than repeating the same movements in one place. Sawyer had been amazed, and he’d never even had much of a dinosaur phase.
 Alexis, on the other hand, had had one for her whole life.
 Alexis continued, barely stopping for breath. Sawyer chuckled. She was normally a relatively quiet girl, but when she was excited about something she would not shut up.
 “Worth the wait?” He asked somewhat smugly.
 Alexis instantly calmed herself, trying to keep up her cold front as she stuffed the blindfold in her pocket. “Oh, yeah, I guess it’s alright.”
 They quickly made their way to the entrance and passed through the sleek double doors.
 It was even more amazing on the inside. They had gone all out on the jungle theme- dozens of tall fake trees with thick canopies and long vines dangling from them. The floor was covered with exotic looking flora interspersed with large plastic rocks. A purveyor of smoke machines must have had a very profitable day recently, because there had to be dozens of them pumping out a warm mist throughout the building. Sawyer could hear interesting noises as well- the cascading thunder of an artificial waterfall, the squeaking and rustling of small, hiding creatures playing over the speakers, and, most excitingly, the roars of dinosaurs big and small.
 A bored-looking teenage girl took their tickets and waved them into the main area. A crowd was gathered there, listening to an energetic man of about thirty speak. Sawyer recognized him from the commercials- it was Garret Lowry, the owner and founder of Cretaceous Land.
 Sawyer and Alexis both paid close attention as he continued.
 “...for years I wanted to create robots like the ones you’ll see today. Advanced machine capable of bringing unique, incredible entertainment. You will be the first of many- I hope, at least.”
 This got a laugh from the group.
 “It’s for that reason that I’ll be your tour guide today.” Garret said enthusiastically. “It looks like we have enough people for a tour, so I suppose we can-”
 Another employee rushed up to Garret and tapped him on the shoulder, and whispered something.
 “Oh- sorry, folks. I just got a call from our sponsor. Gotta go answer it, it shouldn't take more than a few minutes.”
 Garret walked away.
 “Yeah, we opened about half an hour ago. Just got a crowd big enough for a tour.”
 Garret paced around his office as he held the phone to his ear.
 There was a pause, then an answer.
 “Fantastic.” Ms Armstrong replied. “I speak for everyone here at Fazbear Entertainment who was involved in this deal that you did not disappoint.”
  “Well, that’s thanks to you. You sure you don’t want me to put up some kind of advertisement or something? It feels weird that you’re sponsoring me and I’m not giving anything in return.”
 “The attraction itself is all the return we need, Mr Lowry.”
 That had been the deal after all. Fazbear Entertainment had sent its engineers to help make his somewhat-impressive models into some of the most advanced animatronics in the world, with smooth movements, realistic designs, and even security features like facial recognition for criminals. Apparently it went even beyond that, but Garret was interested in making entertainers, not bodyguards, so he’d let Fazbear Entertainment’s people cover it. All Garret had to in return was monitor their behaviors and see how they interacted with guests, so when the company utilized the technology for their own animatronics, they could better understand what made them tick.
 “Fair enough.” He responded. “Guess ol’ Fazbear doesn’t exactly need advertising from a tourist trap like mine.”
 “Actually, there is one request we wish to make of you.”
 “Alright, shoot.”
 “We wish to see how the robots will react to being with only one or two guests. Some of the higher ups are worried about how this could affect their behavior.”
 Garret raised an eyebrow. “Are you saying they may turn aggressive or something? Ms Armstrong, I can’t in good conscience force a guest to play guinea pig with stakes like that.”
 Ms Armstrong laughed. “You’ve been watching too many sci-fi movies or something. It’s unlikely anything worse will happen than they stop performing.”
 “Eh, if you say so.”
 “Keep a close eye and write down anything unusual. Good luck with your first day, Mr Lowry.”
 The line went dead.
 Alexis was beginning to grow impatient, so Sawyer was relieved when Garret returned.
 “Again, sorry about that folks! Let’s get started, ok?”
 He pointed to the beginning of a concrete path, which snaked through the forest. “This way!”
 With that, the tour began.
 Only a few steps in, Sawyer felt like he was in a different world. They first passed a small lake. A long, scaly neck leaned down from above and placidly sipped from the water. It was an alamosaurus, who soon retreated back into the jungle thicket. A little further, they could see an oviraptor slink towards a nest, ignoring the crowd snapping pictures, and snatch an egg from the stick structure. And eventually, they came to a lowering guardpost with a large yellow sign with the silhouette of a triceratops which read CERATOPSIAN CROSSING. A large, hulking triceratops lumbered across the path, to the oohs and aahs of the tour group.
 “That was amazing!” Alexis yelled, running up to Garret and tugging his shirt as the post rose back up. “How do you get them to do that?”
 “Alexis!” Sawyer pulled her back. “Sorry, sir, she’s just really excited about all this.”
 “Oh, no. I don’t mind. In fact, we’re coming up on the answer to that question. Come on, everyone!”
 The group followed him for another minute, then essentially gasped in unison.
 They seemed to be against the back wall. The jungle scene sloped upwards into a small hill, which was topped with a leafy mass of green. Leaning over the bushes was the biggest robot they’d seen yet- a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex.
 It was coated in a scaly green rubber with no gaps, completely hiding its animatronic elements. The only machinery exposed was inside the mouth, but it was well obscured by the leathery tongue and sharp yellow teeth. It really seemed like a T-Rex had leaped out of prehistory for tourists to enjoy. One thing did seem off, though- its eyes glowed green, and they seemed to be constantly glancing around, never focusing on one spot.
 “This is our residential king of the dinos, or as we call him, Tyrone O’Saurus!”
 The joke was met with equal amounts of chuckles and groans.
 “Aside from being a beauty in his own right, Tyrone is connected to the mainframe. From his vantage point, he can observe the entire attraction and where guests are in it. Thus, he can relay information to all the other dinos like where to look, and- for some of more advanced models- when and where to walk. And that,” he looked pointedly at Alexis, “is how we ‘get them to do that’.”
 Content with this answer, Alexis returned to Sawyer’s side. The group continued onwards, passing more dinosaurs each step of the way.
 Finally they exited the jungle. Sawyer saw a gift shop, proving this was the exit.
 Garret grinned. “Alright, everyone, I hope you enjoyed your adventure through the primordial forests of…Cretaceous World! Now, we have lovely t-shirts, plushies, posters…”
 His pitch for the shop was interrupted by a flash of concern on his face, like he just realized he’d forgotten something important.
 “Oh! Uh…” He stammered as he thought. “Oh- oh wait!” Garret patted his pockets. “Darn it, I must have set my phone down near the exhibit with the spinosaurus! Would any of you be kind enough to run over and retrieve it?”
 Alexis jumped. “Me and my brother! We can get it!”
 “Wait, why are you volunteering us for this?” Sawyer growled quietly.
 “We can look at the dinosaurs more on the way.” she muttered.
 “If you two would go, I’d really appreciate that.” Garret prodded.
 “Alright, fine. We’ll do it. C’mon, Alexis.” She skipped off into the woods excitedly. Sawyer, a little exasperated, followed.
 About five minutes of walking along the path, the siblings reached the small clearing that the spinosaurus stood next to. It roared at them, and Alexis giggled.
 “Come on, we’ve wasted enough time already. If we don’t hurry, we’ll be late for dinner!” Sawyer scanned the area. “Huh, no tables or anything. Where would he have set it down?”
 “Maybe it’s not here.” Alexis suggested.
 “Maybe, but where else would it be?”
 In Garret’s hand, held to his ear, as it turned out.
 “It’s done, Ms Armstrong. I sent a brother and a sister back into the attraction alone. I’m heading to the security room now to monitor the results.”
 “Excellent. Call back if anything unusual happens.”
 The call ended and Garret finished walking up the steps. The security room was located up a flight of stairs, with windows that gazed out into the attraction. He could see most of it from up here, though some of the denser parts of the forest required cameras.
 He quickly began monitoring those. If he’d been looking out the windows, he may have caught a glance of Tyrone O’Saurus, in the distance, staring towards the spinosaurus exhibit with a distinctly predatorial look in its eye…
 There was a slight, mechanical grinding noise from behind Sawyer. He turned to see a set of long, skinny jaws lunging at him.
 Sawyer screamed. He grabbed Alexis by her collar and pulled her down to the ground as he did the same. The spinosaurus’ bite mostly missed them, but a tooth did scrape his arm.
 Alexis, now aware of the situation, also began screaming. The pair scurried away, and stumbled to their feet when out of range of its toothy maw.
 “What’s going on?!” Alexis panicked.
  Sawyer stared at the cut on his arm, which was bleeding. “I don’t know…” he whispered, “but these things have actual sharp teeth.”
 The spinosaurus maneuvered its body, leaning out to block the exit path.
 “Crud.” Sawyer grumbled, his mind racing. “Ok, we can’t come out the way we came in. Let’s just go all the way around to the main entrance.”
 “But what about all the other robots?”
 “This is probably some weird glitch unique to this one. There’s no way they’re supposed to do this.” Sayer said reassuringly, though he wasn’t sure he believed that.
 “Let’s just hurry. It’s best to keep moving.”
 Alexis and Sawyer dashed down the path, hoping things were better in the other direction.
 They weren’t.
 Though they didn’t have any calls as close, both siblings could tell this was not a problem affecting only the spinosaurus. All the dinosaurs which were immobile glared at them with a fierce, hungry look in their plastic eyes. The free roaming triceratops came for them, but it was quite easy to outrun the sluggish beast. They were safe for now, but Sawyer had a feeling that might not last.
 “Any ideas?” Alexis asked nervously.
 “No.” Sawyer said sharply. “Why are you looking to me for this, why should I know?”
 “You’re older.” She answered. “And you’ve been to college.”
 “Well if there was a course in how to deal with rogue robot dinosaurs, I must have missed it.” Sawyer perked up, though, at a familiar scaly face- the alamosaurus. “This is near where we came in! We’re almost out.”
 The dino growled at them, but was unable to do anything more. The siblings dashed past it, ready to exit and for this nightmare to be over…
 But were stopped by a large, metal roll-down gate.
 “Wh-what?” Sawyer stammered, slamming his fists in confusion and anger on the gate. “The attraction hasn’t closed yet! And why is this at the entrance to the jungle instead of the outside of the building?”
 “Maybe to keep the animatronics from wandering out.” Alexis suggested. She froze, then added shakily, “Or to keep people in…”
 “What are you saying?”
 “Mr Lowry told us to go to the spinosaurus for his phone, but we never found it. What if he wanted to be trapped alone with the dinosaurs?”
 Sawyer gasped. “Woah, I may not know Garret that well, but he doesn’t seem like he wants to kill people. Besides, he clearly loves this place. Would he throw that all away just to become a murderer?”
 “The robots are designed to be dangerous and this whole place is built like a maze! It’s a perfect death trap.”
 Sawyer couldn’t argue with that. He tried to think of a new plan of escape, but was interrupted by a growl only a dozen feet away.
 The pair turned to see two robotic raptors creeping up towards them. Their claws tapped along the ground as they stepped forward lightly. Weirdly, Sawyer didn’t remember seeing them on the initial tour, though that was likely because the animatronics were missing patches of their coverings, and looked to be incomplete. Nevertheless, they looked very capable of tearing their throats out.
 “RUN!” Sawyer yelled.
 “Where?” Alexis protested.
 “Into the forest, come on!”
 Sawyer sprinted into the thick woods. Alexis followed, hesitantly but quickly, and the raptors did as well.
 Garret absentmindedly looked out the window, then did a double take. “Wait, why are the security doors down?”
 He began frantically checking the cameras. He had tried this before to watch the robot’s reactions to the people he’d sent in, but to no avail: the spinosaurus cam had fuzzed out, as well as seemingly random other ones as he flipped through. It was almost like they malfunctioned when looking at where the people were, but that made no sense. Still, he searched. If those people hadn’t left, then they were locked in and needed to be let back out.
 He was unable to find anything. “Ok, don’t panic.” Garret whispered to himself. “I’ll just open the gate. They'll find their own way out.”
 He leaned over and slapped the large red button, designed to open the doors in case of emergency. But nothing happened. A message popped up on his computer which read UNKNOWN ERROR.
 Garret racked his mind for a solution. “Oh, maybe I could go in through the maintenance hallway. I’ll just find them and lead them out.”
 Confident in this new plan and unaware of the danger he was entering, Garret left the office and entered into a discreet door painted to blend with the wall. The door slammed behind him, trapping him in utter darkness.
 “This isn’t right.” He muttered. “The lights should turn on automatically.” He reached into his belt and pulled out his flashlight. Clicking it on, he advanced, only able to see a few feet in from of him.
 As creepy as the environment was, and as concerned about what trapping two customers in his attraction could mean for his business, he couldn’t help but feel a little nostalgia as his light flashed over the artifacts of Cretaceous Land’s past. Some fake trees leaned against the wall, with cobwebs stringing between them. Old robotic parts littered the floor, some as simple as a piston, others whole animatronic skulls. Those got to Garret more than anything- remnants of his failed attempts.
 The simple fact was, Garret was good, but he was simply not good enough to create an attraction of this scale full of realistic dinosaurs, let alone some that would wander about. As much as he hated to admit it to himself, his role in Cretaceous Land’s creation- his dream’s creation- was minimal at best. Fazbear Entertainment was responsible for everything.
 That’s why he had to cater to their needs, even odd requests like the one that had kicked this whole situation off. It hurt enough being barely more than a spectator in the birth of this place- he didn’t want to lose it all if he upset the company.
 Something odd caught his eye. There had been three deinonychus models scattered around a workbench- the only Fazbear Entertainment animatronics to be currently unused, as they had not been functioning properly. But now, only one remained.
 “Did the staff move them? I told ‘em not to mess with the robots…” Garret grumbled. There were bigger fish to fry, though, so he turned to move onward. However, the noise of movement and machinery caused him to turn back. What he saw shocked him.
 The raptor had gotten up, and attempted to sneak up on him. There was a crazed look in its mechanical eyes.
 With no hesitation, the robot charged towards him.
 Garret leaped out of the way, and the robot charged forward into the wall. This shook the shelf above, sending tools and spray paint cans raining down on it, but it remained undeterred. It backed up to see Garret running away. It quickly began its pursuit.
 Garret panicked as he ran. “You’re not supposed to be able to do this!” He yelled at the bot, as if upon hearing this it would start behaving as it should. Finally, he reached the door, and slammed it in the deinonychus’ face.
 He locked it, but the animatronic continued to bang against the door. He grabbed hold of a large prop rock in the path and used it to barricade the door.
 “Guess I can’t go back that way…” Garret groaned. The full weight of what just occurred hit him, and he sat down on the rock, trying to regain his bearings. “Did…did Fazbear Entertainment do this?”
 The thought was ridiculous at first, but he had to admit the company had always been a bit shady- going to such lengths to conceal their involvement with the attraction, and the strange order given by Miss Armstrong. He also didn’t know what scared him more- the idea that Fazbear’s robots could so easily be glitched into attacking people, or the idea that they were working exactly as intended.
 From his left, the trees rustled. Garret stiffened, certain the other deinonychuses were stampeding towards him, with intent to kill. Sure enough, two figures came charging out of the thicket…
 “I think we lost them.” Sawyer panted, looking back into the woods. Alexis didn’t respond.
 “Alexis?” Sawyer turned. He saw her staring gaped-mouthed at Mr Lowry, sitting on a rock against the wall.
 “You!” He growled. “You’re the one behind all this, aren’t you?”
 Mr Lowry raised his arms defensively. “Woah, woah, wait! I can explain!”
 “Bro, hear him out.” Alexis suggested.
 “I didn’t design these robots.” Mr Lowry admitted, somewhat embarrassed. “I got help from an outside investor. They’re the ones who ordered me to send someone back here, to see how the animatronics would react. I had no idea anything like this would happen, I swear!”
 Sawyer read his face. He didn’t seem to be lying. He also noticed the door behind him.
 “Could we leave through there?”
 “Afraid not. I was chased by one of the deinonychus robots. The hall’s too narrow for us to dodge past it.”
 “I told you there would be deinonychuses!” Alexis cheered, smirking at Sawyer.
 “Well, I think I’d prefer it if they weren’t trying to kill us.” Sawyer snarled. “Can’t you ever shut up about your stupid dinosaur obsession?”
 Alexis froze, and stepped backwards, looking frightened. In a moment, Sawyer realized he’d gone too far.
 Mr Lowry, somewhat oblivious, continued. “No, I think the only way to get out of here is to deactivate the security system. I couldn’t open the main doors from my office, so I don’t think we can do it through any ordinary measures.”
 “What do you suggest?” Sawyer asked, trying to move past his harsh response.
 “Well, like I said earlier, Tyrone O’Saurus controls the dinos. Maybe if we could decommission him somehow, it could cause the security systems and robots to deactivate.”
 Alexis, making a point to look away from Sawyer, spoke up. “Wait, Tyrone controls the security doors too?”
 Mr Lowry sighed. “Yeah. Maybe these animatronics and the deal were fishy from the start.” He tried to brighten up. “Anyway, come on, it’s this way!”
 “We know, it’s just the one path.” Sawyer commented.
 “Sorry, it’s hard to turn off Tour Guide Mode.”
 The trio stood in front of the dinosaur, which glared down at them from its hill. It was unnerving- all of the other robots’ glint of intellect and malice in their eyes were a place shadow of Tyrone’s- its uncanny plastic orbs, once forced to scan the attraction for tourists, now laser-focused on its prey.
 “Uh, what now?” Alexis asked nervously.
 “Er- guess I didn’t think that far ahead.” Mr Lowry admitted sheepishly. He looked around, contemplating. “Aha!”
 He pointed into a patch of undergrowth. “In there!”
 Upon closer observation, Sawyer and Alexis could both see a concealed metal ladder.
 “There’s some catwalks above for lights and stuff. Go up there; someone may have left something heavy. You could drop it and it would smash right through that stupid robot’s skull.”
 “What about you?” Sawyer inquired, confused.
 Only about twenty feet away, the sound of mechanical footfalls and rustling fauna could be heard. Mr Lowry rolled up his sleeves. “Tyrone’s calling his friends. I can hold them off, I used to box in college.”
 “Did you box robot dinosaurs?”
 “Nah, but how different could it be? Now go!”
 The siblings didn’t need much more convincing. They skittered up the ladder, as a battle began below.
 Garret started with one clean punch to the first deinonychus’ maw. He scratched his fist as he drove it in, but it resulted in a satisfying CRUNCH! The robot’s face, already partially gone from the attempted repairs, fully broke off, showing its skull deeply dented. It attempted to retaliate, swiping its claws at Garret’s head. Garret sidestepped it and tripped it, causing the reptilian robot to tumble to the ground.
 The other bot ran at him, catching him a bit by surprise. It tackled him, taking him down to the ground. Its jaws rocketed towards his neck, ready to chomp on his jugular- and then stopped.
 Garret was confused, but quickly snapped out of it, attempting to slide out from under its grasp. It still held firmly to him. After a moment of struggling, Garret heard a strange noise from inside its mouth. It was radio static, but it quickly dispersed, allowing him to hear a voice- the voice of Miss Armstrong.
 “Hello, Garret. You shouldn’t be here.”
 Garret gasped. “M-miss Armstrong? How?”
 “We never needed you to survey results, Mr Lowry. Tyrone relays everything he sees to us, at all times. When we saw you poking your nose where it didn’t belong, we decided to speak with you directly. We have access to this place’s files, so communicating through the deinonychus’ speaker is rather simple.”
 Any hope Garret had- that this was all some massive misunderstanding or coincidence, that his sponsor wasn’t just using him as part of some bizarre murder plot- melted away in an instant. “Why’d you stop the robot? Why not just kill me?” He said, trying not to sound dejected.
 “You can still be useful to us, Mr Lowry. We never intended to keep the attraction’s true nature and purpose from you forever- that’d be a bit impossible.” Miss Armstrong laughed, amused. “We merely wanted to wait until we had something to show, to help you to understand why we were doing this.”
 “Nothing is worth killing people like this!” Garret barked, angry.
 “Some things very much are. But now the truth is out. So here’s your choice. We’ll take away our sponsorship. Everything we’ve given you- the building, the robots, all of it. We both know you’ll never be able to create anything a hundredth this impressive on your own, and who else would want to sponsor you? Stick with us, and you keep Cretaceous Land and gain more than you could dream of. Leave us, and be left with nothing.”
 Garret was silent.
 “Nah, go screw yourself.”
 Garret reached up quickly and grabbed the robot’s head, smashing it against his knee. It stumbled backwards.
 “You’ll regret this…” Miss Armstrong growled, her rage palpable even through the tinny speaker.
 Without another word, Garret punched it in its mouth, cracking the speaker and silencing her. The deinonychus was still functioning, as was the one Garret had knocked down. Even now it climbed to its clawed feet. Garret raised his fists, ready for the battle to continue. As long as they couldn’t get to the ladder, the others could destroy Tyrone and stop Miss Armstrong.
 What he didn’t remember, so caught up in the moment, is that there was catwalk access via the maintenance hallway…
 “I didn’t mean it.” Sawyer protested as he scanned the catwalks. There didn’t appear to be anything heavy enough nearby to smash the T-Rex’s head in.
 “You said my hobby is stupid.” Alexis muttered.
 “First off, I called it an obsession, not a hobby, and rightfully so. If you hadn’t been so driven by having five more minutes in this place, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”
 “But someone else would probably be. Maybe they wouldn’t have even made it this far.”
 Sawyer couldn’t argue with that. “I guess. Maybe I went too far, this is just a stressful situation.”
 “Or maybe it’s just more of you not caring about me!” Alexis yelled, angry. “I mean, I haven’t seen you since last summer! You’ve been too busy with Jessie and Mark and Lucas and everyone else at college. Why can’t you make time for me?”
 “That’s just the way things are, Alexis. People grow apart. In a few years, I’m gonna have to get a job, get a house…I won’t be able to visit very often.”
 Alexis looked down at her shoes. “I know.” She said quietly. “I want to enjoy it while I can.”
 Sawyer was silent. What else was he supposed to say?
 A snarl pierced the silence. Sawyer spun around to see a deinonychus charging out of a door connected to the catwalk, with its hungry eyes focused on his sister.
 “Alexis!” Sawyer shouted. He ran in front of her, unsure of what to do but knowing he had to keep her safe. The robot opened its jaws and Sawyer grabbed them instinctually, holding them open. The sharp teeth dug into his palms, drawing blood.
 Sawyer growled. “Enough!” With all his strength, he twisted his arms, sending the animatronic crashing into the railing. The railing didn’t hold, and the deinonychus tumbled off.
 With the horrific sound of smashing metal and sparking electronics, the bot fell straight through the T-rex’s head, leaving an enormous hole. What remained of the skull crumbled to the ground in mechanical debris, which Mr Lowry below barely dodged. At the same time, the deinonychuses he’d been fighting fell to the floor, dormant, and the sound of angered roars from throughout the attraction faded as the robots returned to their regular mode.
 “Sawyer!” Alexis cried, grabbing his shoulder. “Are your hands ok?”
 Sawyer looked down at his hands in a daze. They were more cut up than he’d thought- he could see exposed tissue, and they continued bleeding.
 “N-no…” Sawyer stuttered, falling to his knees. “We need some kind of bandage.”
 “Oh, geez…” Alexis whispered. “Wait, I know!” She reached into her pocket and pulled out the blindfold.
 She grabbed Sawyer's wrist. “This might sting, but it’ll stop the bleeding for now.”
 Sawyer braced himself for what he was certain would be a rather clumsy job, but to his surprise Alexis delicately wrapped the cloth around his hand, with careful precision. By the time she was done, the makeshift compression bandage held tightly to his hand. It still hurt, but Sawyer could tell the bleeding was slowing.
 “How did you do that?” Sawyer asked, bewildered.
 “I took a first aid course over the spring. They taught us how to properly bandage wounds.”
 “I didn’t know you were into that stuff.”
 “Well, yeah. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.”
 “Huh.” Sawyer considered this. “You know, maybe you’re right. I probably should be more involved with your life. I’m sorry I've been kind of dismissive of you.”
 Alexis stared, surprised. “Th-thanks, big bro. Now, we should probably get you to a doctor. You probably shouldn’t be driving in with your hand in that condition, so let’s ask Mr Lowry for a ride.”
 They asked and he provided, his pickup truck pulling up in front of Glendale Hospital.
 “Alright, guys. Here you go.”
 “Thanks, Mr Lowry.” Sawyer said as he hopped out.
 “No problem, and please, call me Garret. If anything can get people on a first-name basis, it’s fighting robot dinosaurs.” He sighed, a tired look on his face. “I’m sorry your only trip to Cretaceous Land ended so poorly.”
 “Wait, what do you mean by only?” Alexis asked.
 “It’s closing.”
 “Garret, you don’t have to do that.” Sawyer proclaimed. “Look, as long as you promise to make the bots safer, we won’t tell anyone what happened.”
 “The bots will never be safe.” Garret grumbled sadly. “And besides, it’s out of my hands.”
 Sawyer and Alexis exchanged a glance, then Alexis spoke up. “Well…thanks Garret. For what it’s worth, I did like Cretaceous Land.”
 “Nice to hear.” Garret gave a small smile. “Good luck with your hand.”
 “And good luck with whatever comes next for you.” Sawyer said encouragingly.
 Garret nodded, then drove off. His truck pulled out of the lot, and out of sight.
 “Anyway, does super-strong big brother need help getting inside?” Alexis teased.
 “Not really. But I am glad you’re here with me.”
 The siblings walked into the hospital, side by side.
 As the workers loaded everything onto their truck, Garret couldn’t help but feel unsure. Was he happy these dangerous animatronics were being taken far away from his city (and hopeful away from the public), or was he heartbroken that his dream was ruined?
 Probably both, but Garret was lifted slightly by what Sawyer had said- Good luck with whatever comes next. He was already thinking of some ideas for what he could put his talents to. He wouldn’t be able to create anything a tenth as impressive as Cretaceous Land, but at least he would truly be the one creating it.
 Ultimately, what bugged him most was Miss Armstrong. Her plans with his attraction had been thwarted, but what else was she planning?
 Suddenly, he realized- why not call Fazbear Entertainment and report her?
 It was so obvious, he immediately felt stupid for not thinking of it earlier. The company was trying to rebuild its reputation- surely if he reported a sinister conspiracy lurking within itself, the higher-ups would do something.
 He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed the number for- well, he wasn’t exactly sure who to call in this situation. Eventually he just settled on customer service.
 “Hi, my name’s Garret, uh, Garret Lowry. I’m calling to report one of your employees for something.”
 “Alright, what pizzeria location?”
 “No, not like that. She’s some sort of sponsorship-giving-person, or some kind of boss…” Garret couldn’t quite describe it.
 “Ok, do you have this…boss’s name?”
 “Her last name is Armstrong. She’s a Miss, if that helps.”
 There were a few moments of silence.
 “Well, Mr Lowry, I’m sorry, but there aren’t any female employees named Armstrong in our database. None in any sort of major managerial position, at least.”
 “What?! Come on, she gave my attraction technology, surely that must sound familiar.”
 “You’re completely right actually. Any sponsorships involving the distribution of any sort of company tech would be a big deal, but I haven’t heard anything like that. The system would have to be actively hiding this stuff for there not to be any records. I’m sorry, Mr Lowry, but there’s nothing else I can help you with. Goodbye.”
 “But-” The line went dead before Garret could get another word out. Not only that, but he realized the truck had driven off- another possible lead to what was going on, solved.
 Garret groaned. “Guess you get away with it, Armstrong.” Without another word, he traipsed into his office to retrieve his belongings.
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binniesthighs · 3 years
coax the cold | reader x chan
Pairing: self insert, female reader x bang chan 
Genre: smut, lil bit of fluff 
Tags: softsub!chan, softdom!reader, virgin!chan, shyyyy!chan, lowkey awkward chan hehe, tinder hookup au, college au (very US college haha--or at least how I know it), guided sex, cowgirl, reader has nipple piercings sooo nipple play (my new kink) , hair pulling, use of petnames, praising, protected sex, fingering (f), someone’s impatient ;) 
Word count: 4.2k 
Recommended listening: bite by troye sivan 
*photocreds to OP! 
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you are messaging: chan 
me: i’m here by the bike locks? is this the right place? i don’t see a door anywhere? 
Buzzing above your head, a streetlight flickered from the erratic flying of moths to the addictive yellow glow. You were never really a squeamish person, but when it came to moths, there was only so much that you could take in the uncomfortable silence of the parking lot. 
A group of girls with their cropped shorts and bralettes came barreling out from a pair of doors farther down the building with music screeching from the phone speakers shoved in their tiny pockets. 
“You’ve got the addy right? You didn’t hear anything about it getting shut down? Becs was telling me that they were doing ratios so it looks like we can’t bring the guys--” 
You tapped on your phone screen to see if you had received a reply or if the little flame icon would flash while you watched the minutes tick by. 
You had a little shame about the position that you were in, and you started to care less and less after seeing this guy’s pictures. He was somewhat illusive from what you could tell. The way that he texted in all lowercase made him seem approachable but he still wasn’t one ask for pictures of your tits or send the odd drunk text asking for you to come over. 
You had send the message at this hour. It was likely that you were impatient from “playing the game” but he seemed intriguing enough. 
The Friday night was filled with energy from the other side of the street across from the apartment complex. His place was situated right on the edge of campus next to a couple run down houses with windows lit by multicolored string lights and creaking doors which let out vibrating trap songs every time someone opened them. You had left a house similar to that before coming here right when it was getting boring and the boys were getting a bit handsier than you would’ve liked. You were done making out with randoms in hallways who tasted like watery beer and bad decisions. 
“Um, hey!  Are you y/n?” The stranger’s voice called from a fire escape door. 
He was dressed simply, sort of like someone who didn’t care, or someone who hadn’t left their room since the morning. In this lighting, his hair seemed to be some kind of dark burgundy brown which was a bit different from his caramel blonde hair from the photos. You would’ve felt lied to on another occasion, but the simple trait wasn’t a game changer. 
“Uh-yeah, that's me.” You smiled bluntly, not really sure even what to say in a situation like this. 
Up close you saw what the pictures really didn’t give him justice: a faint press of dimples and stretching veins on his hands. You assumed that he was a bit smaller under the giant black hoodie that he wore, but he had that same kind of coziness that was just a little too dangerous for a hookup. 
“I live on the third floor.” He informed you while leading up the hollow sounding cement staircase. 
“Mm. Okay.” 
The stranger turned his head briefly to smile back at you, “I-Its nice to meet you.” 
“Nice to meet you too.” You nodded, even though he didn’t see. 
This young man’s room was nearly exactly as you had pictured it to be element by element. Like every other boy his age, he had a gaming set up with color changing LEDs on the side of his machine and a smaller TV that was hooked up to some console you didn’t care to know the name of. The floors were nearly clean and the bed made--almost like he had planned for it to be that way; you could see the dirty clothes peeping from under his bed. 
The banged up beige walls were decorated with posters of indie bands that you had heard of once or twice. He had somewhat of an organized open closet that held types of CDs and vinyl too--the room itself smelled a bit dusty like the protective covers of those albums that you associated with a record store. 
“You can...we can sit down if you’d like.” He rather awkwardly gestured to his full sized bed. You prayed that once you pulled the covers back later there would be no white stains. 
“I could-um, turn on some music maybe? If you would like?” 
“Sure!” You piped trying to sound as confident and in control as possible--it was clear he wasn’t. 
He fidgeted with his phone and a bluetooth speaker which startled him when he turned it on. Just like the posters on his walls, he picked some soft sounding acoustic song with a crooning folk singer that sounded like he was singing with the exclusive use of his head voice. 
The stranger sat next to you clasping his hands in front of him and eyes glued to the floor. 
“Sorry...this is my first time doing this.” 
He smoothed back his dark locks, “You know...meeting up with someone like this after meeting through an app. Um...what do you study?” 
“Biochem with a graphic design minor. You?” 
You weren’t sure if this was a hook up or an interview. 
“Poli Sci Human Rights stuff and sound engineering on the side.” 
Both of you nodded your heads in the silence to which he cleared his throat loudly to feel the space. 
“C-can I get you anything? You thirsty or something? I can steal some of my roommate’s Smirnoff Ice--” 
“--No. I’m fine. Thank you though.” 
He smiled sweetly to hid the fact that he was rubbing his sweating hands against his pants. 
“But...how this usually starts off, you could lay down and maybe, I could get on top?” 
“Oh!” He squeaked, “Sure! I can do that.” 
The bed groaned out with the shuffling of bodies and your hookup sighed out with a shaky breath and squirming legs. “Like this?” 
Rather than saying more, you crawled carefully over to him to the tune of his quickening chest and widened eyes. The shier he got, the harder it was for you to keep it in--he was ridiculously cute and your mind could only run wilder thinking about how he would react to everything you were about to show him. Your hands crept to the hem of his hoodie where you teased cold thumbs to his torso. 
“I’m gonna take this off you, okay?” 
Chan nodded eagerly with hair fluffing once you pulled it over his head. 
“Take mine off?” You hushed into his ear to which he smacked dry lips to obey you. 
He took his time pulling it off you; he savored the way that your bare body looked in front of him with glossy eyes that shone with the soft pastel glow from his computer in the opposite corner of his room. His chest heaved with his excitement which only held even more shallow breaths once your top hit the floor. 
“I-I can touch you?” 
“You can touch me anywhere you want to, baby.” You followed his head back to the pillow where you parted his quivering lips with your own. You could feel his shock get caught in his throat, then snake out hotly from his mouth to yours. He kissed you carefully, but growing in greed once you ran the tip of your tongue over his bottom lip. His curious hands wrapped around your back where he rubbed lightly at your sides, then traversed to your chest. You sunk deeper onto him to the tune of the music skipping to the next song which sounded nearly like a chilled out pairing of twangy guitars. As far as you could tell, it sounded something like Grateful Dead. 
As your hips melded into his, Chan’s whole body jerked feeling the sudden contact of your pussy grind against him. As you had expected, he had hardened instantly, and his length bobbed and tented the thick fabric of his sweats. You kissed him deeper, exploring the corners of his mouth and the inside of his lower lip while tugged at the plush skin gently. 
You should have guessed, but this boy didn’t have a clue how to take a bra off, so you did the job for him, sure to give him a display at the same time just for the dramatic effect of your surprise. 
“H-holy shit.” Chan oggled your breasts from below. You were certain that he didn’t notice the way that he slicked his tongue slowly over his lip at the sight of you. 
“You can touch them too.” You purred back into his ear, and he eagerly brought thrilled hands to your nipples. 
“They’re really...um, pretty.” He said with fluttering eyes from your breasts to your eyes. What a gentleman he was being. 
You toyed with your delightfully hardened bud in your hand while he played with the other. You pulled lightly at the sliver stud piercing there to show him that he could do the same and wetted your fingertips with your tongue to bring the wet to your skin. He kneaded at your breast firmly at first, cupping it in his hand, then moved his attention to your sensitive skin aroused just from the softest touches. 
Your tiny moans was all the validation that he needed to squeeze harder and pull rougher. It was as if you could see his cute pent up fantasies unfolding right before you in his sparkling brown eyes. 
“Mm, that feels so good.” You coaxed him further, going to grind you ass harder into his own lap and indulging in the way that even in your shorts, your folds could part around the thick imprint of his dick. 
You collapsed over his face to align your nipples nearest his tongue which he gave no more thought. Chan kissed at them with trailing breathy moans of his own that melted into you and vibrated against the metal made one with your hardened buds. He sucked too with a flicking tongue that sent heat straight down to your clit. Each time his flattened tongue would return with the wet of his spit, you felt weaker and weaker for this boy becoming more tantalizing by the second. 
“Want to--want to take off even more?” The phrase barely escaped your lips. 
“Mmhm.” He agreed, then took to shimming off his pants quickly and watching you do the same, revealing your sky blue panties that always soaked in the way that you liked them to. 
Your show continued on, and you took two of our fingers to rub over your clit while facing him. He too had wetted a spot into his boxers that adorably bunched around the upper parts of his thighs. With your free hand, you slithered to his erection and traced the outline, leaving him on a teasing squeeze. 
“B-before we do anything else...I have to tell you something?” The young man hesitated, causing you to draw your hand back. 
“What is it?” 
“This is like my, first time, first time. You know?” 
“You’ve never--” 
“--I know. It’s...kinda embarassing...and the fact that it’s happening this way...” 
“You don’t want it to happen this way?” 
Chan stammered, but shook his head vehemently, “That's not it. I just don’t want you to be dissapointed...since I don’t really...know what I’m doing too well.” 
He cracked with a hopeful smile, and you couldn’t stand it any more. 
“Babyboy, you’ve got nothing to worry about, I don’t mind.” 
“You don’t?”
“No,” You scooched next to him to twist a couple of his deeply cherry red strands into your fingers, “In fact, the fact that you haven’t done this before...really turns me on. Got it?” 
Chan gulped, “S-so...what-what can I do for you? I’ll do anything?” 
You pressed a light kiss into his forehead with a hand trailing up his thigh and back to his dick which still throbbed with his excitement. 
“How about, you show me how you jerk off this cock of yours, angel? And I can show you how I do the same? For starters?” 
He licked his lips once more, hooking his hands under his waistband and freeing his cock pink, and even thicker than you had imagined. You slid yourself unto his arm to cuddle up close to him, one of your legs swung over his so he could see exactly how you played with your clit. 
He wrapped his hand around his dick with a tug which elicited a tiny “ah!” from his mouth. 
“That’s it...jerk your cute cock for me...just like that.” 
His eyes devoured the circles made by your hand between your legs--you strung together your slick between your fingers to him to see. The clear stringy cum shone on your fingers, making the other boy whimper out seeing how it coated them. 
“I want to touch you too...down there, so bad.” He pleaded after pumping faster at himself. 
“Oh? Pretty boy would like to feel what it’s like to touch my dripping cunt, hm? You know that watching you makes me like this...?” 
Chan gasped out at the thought, letting out an “mmhm.” that cracked in his throat. 
“C-can I?” 
The heat of your naked bodies intermingled and turned the air of his small room dense, and each of your senses became hyper aware in your own arousal: every hair that stood on end, every flinch of his muscles beside you, you could feel it all. 
“Of course you can.” 
Chan shifted, leaving his dripping cock to pulse on your thigh where he flipped on his side to dip his hand between your folds and against your swollen clit. 
“Rub in circles baby, or whatever feels right to you...you’ll know if it feels good for me.”
He nodded with hands trickling down to your pussy heated between your legs. 
There’s something different about him, it could be the fact that you know next to nothing about him, or how he makes you bothered. 
Slowly, his fingers dip between your folds slicked from your teasing--and the way that there mere sight of him teases you. Your back arches from the press of his fingers, and your bud throbs under each and every swipe of his fingers. 
“Feels good?” He whispers into your ear, tickling it. 
“Mm-yes.” With your free hand, you tangle your fingers into his hair to pull right at the roots. You bite a kiss into his lip while drawing him closer to you. His lips are plush and quivering like they can’t decide what to do with all the simulation at once. 
“Harder...you can press harder,” The words were airy on your tongue while your hips writhed. 
“Like this?” He circled harder, wider with his digits mixing with your cum. 
The room appeared to blur in your euphoria. Coupled with the gentle music playing there was a kind of peace to this boy and everything about his little space. The further he continued, the more you longed for him fully--to feel every inch of his length inside of you as you fucked him for the first time. 
Your hand grabbed at his hair even tighter: a symbol that he took as a good sign. He laughed out a little at your response. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He coos. Against your thigh, his dick bobs with a flared tip, begging for more attention. 
You moan out for him as you dig your heels into his bed, and watch the way that your nipples harden around the metal piercings just from his touch. 
“Just you wait baby, we haven’t even gotten to the good part yet.” Your kisses pull at his lower lip as you fill his mouth with more moans. “You don’t even know how fucking tight it is, how it feels when I pull you inside of me and how the friction feels when you’ll fuck me.” 
Chan shivers from your words with a gulp and lets his fingers fall down to your entrance where is curiosity gets the best of him. You wince feeling his fingers fill your pussy with the wonderful way that you desperately close around his digits. 
“Are you ready?” You ask him permission before trailing a hand down his torso. 
“--Yes,” He nods quickly, “Please. God--I want to feel it. Show me.” 
You twitch from the lack of contact to your pussy when you swing your leg to straddle him. Your hips meet his, and he struggles for a moment over where to put his hands. In one motion you grind your dripping folds over his bare dick, slicking him up and down with the light grind of your hips. A broken gasp escapes from his lips which you catch with your own mouth in a kiss. His closed eyes flutter from the feeling of having you so close...but not completely yet. 
“Got a condom, angel?” You caress down his cheek and let your thumb linger over his bottom lip. 
Chan gives you a grunt in response before contorting his body to the side table where he fumbles for the plastic wrapper. His curtains dance a little with a breeze caught in them, likely from the window being open. The air smells a bit like water, and it’s cool and crisp in your lungs. It cools the surging heat that your body succumbs to. 
You move for him to roll the condom on, tracing the muscles of his chest. His skin is untouched, unmarked, and suddenly all you crave is to see him bruised and scraped in pink. You dig your nails into his chest seeing the way he jerks at himself just a bit more while looking up at you in awe. 
“H-how do we do this?” He asks. 
“Just...do as I say...’kay?” 
Your date nods, letting you take complete control over his body. You start at his neck with kisses that turn heavier and heavier then darker and darker. He busies his hands by cupping into your breasts and tweaking with the hardened buds. 
“Just lay still, I can put in the work pup, okay?” You reach for his erection further down his body, and he finds handles in your hips and ass. 
“I can do that.” He sighs out with a little groan feeling your hand squeeze at him. 
At first, you tease your entrance with his head, barely letting him feel anything besides your clit against his pink tip. His skin grows dewy in his anticipation, and he licks at his lips which dry from each breathy exhale he uses to steady himself. You take your cum to wet at his dick with your hand, and push harder at his sides with your thighs. 
“Tell me if you ever want me to stop, got it?” 
Chan hastily nods, digging deeper into your sides. 
“Fuck, just--fuck me already...I can’t...it’s really...hurts to wait--” 
“Getting demanding now are you?” You tap a light slap to his face. “You’re doing what I say, not the other way around.” 
“S-sorry...” He whines. 
You resume, sitting properly on his length: all the way down, all the way to your cervix which screams in ecstasy from feeling him fill you so deeply. 
“Fuck.” He groans, but his curse is intertwined with a beautiful giddy smile. “Its really tight. Oh god--” 
You lean over him to attach your lips with his once more--a tiny distraction from the way that you start to roll your hips over his length. Chan freely lets his moans tickle your lips, each of them more gruff than the last as he looses himself in you and your rhythm. He’s dizzied: lightheaded--even you can tell. The new sensation takes him over, and he’s left a mess for you: hips trembling while you work your pussy up and down his length and his fingers claw into your shoulder blades. 
Chan’s Adam’s apple bounces as he gulps dry, forming praises the best that he can. “Feels...amazing...” 
You sit back, allowing his full length to tease your g-spot as you fuck him rougher, indulging yourself to all the pleasure that he can give you when you let him in as deeply as possible. He notices the change, and supports your body up with hands running up and down your chest, and down your arms where he pulls at the skin with his short nails. 
“You like this?” You gasp between each roll of your hips. “How my cunt feels on your cock? How I can use you like this? Use your words Channie.” 
“Yes. Fuck yes. Yo-You look...mm--” 
You giggle a little at the light pink blush to his cheeks and the way that he stumbles over his words. 
“Think you can last a little longer, baby?” Your fingers creep to his throat where you tease at squeezing his neck.  
He pauses, loosing himself in it again before giving you a rushed answer: “I think? It’s just...really intense I think that I’m c-close already.” 
You permit him only a couple more seconds of you, then glide off him carefully to which he whines out in confusion. 
“Your turn to fuck me now. Come on, behind me.” 
Chan looks bewildered and breathless, but he does as he’s told and tosses aside stray pieces of clothing on the bed to get to you. You hoist up your hips for him after burying your face into the mattress. To guide him further, you fuck your fingers for him too at this angle, only stopping once you feel the pressure of his cock once more. He slides himself in agonizingly slow until he bottom’s out with a choked moan. 
“Fuck me baby boy. You know what do to.” 
Your date’s hand finds your hips once more which he firmly grasps, then begins screwing into your pussy already blazing with heat and your orgasm building from before. He finds his pace after a while and fills the room with the fleshy sound of skin on skin. Your own fingers find their own way back to your clit where you rub in tandem with his thrusts. 
“Oh,” He gasps quietly. 
Your nails bury into the comforter of the bed, and your teeth clench harder as he milks himself into you and grows in pace. 
“Fuck yes baby, fuck me just like that. You’re doing so good; fucking my pussy just like you should...” 
Your orgasm quickens hearing the praises come from the bottom of your heart and the way that he grunts out hearing them. For someone who’s never done this before, it’s unbelievable how good he is at it all. 
He shudders, and you feel yourself tighten around him further, sensing both of your release coming near. Your hookup doubles over your back, burning you with the heat from his body as he fucks into you with reckless thrusts. 
“Shit, I’m so, so close.” He admits though clenched teeth. 
“Me too baby, finish me off, cum inside until you’re throbbing and you can’t take any-anymore.” 
A switches flips within this once innocent man, and you feel the bed creak as he kneels on one leg, then lifts one to stamp upon the bed to better his angle. The new position directly sends your g-spot into flames, and you shake from limb to limb feeling your orgasm right on the brink. 
He growls upon his release, finishing it off with shallow breaths once he nearly collapses over your back to feel each drop of his cum release inside of your pussy. You rub your orgasm out until you see lightning behind your eyelids and it’s heightened by the way that he twitches with his cum against your deepest spot. 
“A-are you okay?” Your adorable date immediately asks once you gasp and writhe under him. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine...fuck,” You laugh out, “That felt unreal Channie.” 
He shakes once his softening dick leaves your hole, and you get a good look at this stranger: chest flushed and hair messed over his forehead. He falls down to his side on the bed still breathless and letting out happy little laughs. 
“I’m sorry if that was like, really fast. It just all felt...so good, and, I couldn’t really control it--” 
“Mm, don’t you worry.” You sweep down to kiss his gasping mouth. Silently, you thank whoever it was in the universe that let you meet this boy on this night, and whoever willed you to leave that party. 
“What do we do now?” Chan asks, still bare for you to take in wholly. You wanted to tell him, but couldn’t find the words. He was kind of beautiful. 
“Whatever we want. I could go, or I could stay. Really anything goes.” 
His chest is peppered with your purple love bites, and you wish then to give him even more if you have the chance--whenever that might be. 
Chan tilts his head, “Stay?” 
“Well, we still need to get to know eachother don’t we?” 
The handsome stranger grins, and lets his hand trace the side of your face. The cool of the room feels addictive against you, and it weaves around your neck and against the little hairs of your arms. 
“You’re right.” He nods, “There's only so much you can tell about a person from these kind of dating apps.” 
“That’s true.” Your hand discovers his collarbones, which you trace lightly. “It’s nothing like the real thing.” 
Bunch of (Ro)ses!
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @lunarskzzz  @yourdaddychan @bubblelixie @spnobsessedmemes  @lmhmins @eunaeiekim
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Stress relief
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mind your bisnuess I’m working through some shit 
Atsumu x reader
warnings: smut, just- so much smut, Oral, car sex, fingering, Daddy kink, degradation, marking, ass play, dirty talk,Brat taming, slut shaming AND virgin shaming (we got it all folks), hair pulling, cum play, creampie, breading kink, drinking/ Drunk sex, angst annnnnd swearing. 
word count: 4,800 (about) (yes really get off my back)
summary: Atsumu is a dick, but he’s got a good dick at least you have no idea how mad I am I’ve already used the title Enemy with Benifits. 
“Are- Are you fucking kidding me?” you asked, Atsumu just shrugged. 
“No, I’m not fucking kidding you what’s your deal?” he said casually. You took a deep breath. You had been trying to work on your anger issues, Not blowing up on people over nothing. But this really felt like something worth blowing up over. 
“Myia, be honest with me, do you think I’m stupid?” you asked. He smirked.
“I think you’re a lot of things babe-” you stood up getting in his face jabbing your finger in his chest cutting off his no doubt horrendous flirting. 
“You fucking ripped off you’re entire part of the project! How the fuck did you think no one would notice?” you shouted. You had known this was going to be a train wreck the moment Atsumu was assigned as your partner. He was such a fucking moron, he’d only gotten into this College because of his sports scholarship. You would have been better working on your own.
“I cited the article I copied, what's the deal?” he snapped, the volume of your voice irking him. 
“That’s not how this fucking works you can’t just hit copy-paste and call it a day the point is you come up with your own ideas, although in your defense I’m not sure you’re brain could manage something like that,” you shouted. He sneared. 
“I’ll rewrite it just stop being a bitch alright?” he scoffed, turning to leave your dorm room. You wanted to hit him, how dare he call you a bitch when you were just looking out for his dumb ass. Even high schoolers knew you’d be expelled for plagiarising. Once Atsumu left you slumped back in your seat looking at the presentation open on your laptop. You were already so busy but somehow you’d have to find enough time to do half of the project unless you wanted to fail that was.
“Hey, you’re working with (y/n) on your project right?” Osamu asked, setting his volleyball up in the air over and over again. 
“Yeah, they totally blew up on me today so now I gotta redo the whole thing,” Atsumu sighed 
“They’re hot though,” his brother said. Atsumu smiled to himself, remembering your angry face as you chewed him out.
“Really hot,” he agreed. 
“Are you gonna fuck them?” 
“Of course, they might an asshole but they want me,”
“Hey (y/n),” you looked up at the sound of your name only to groan seeing Atsumu run towards you. He had clearly just come from practice, he was still in his jersey. Fucking jocks. 
He probably thought he looked hot, with a light sheen of sweat that made his skin glow and tousled hair. He did look hot, it made you want to kick his shins. 
“If you aren’t going to tell me that you finished your half of the presentation I don’t want to hear it,” you snapped.
“Well then you aren’t going to be happy then but there’s a game this weekend, you should come, cheer for me,” he said winking. You rolled your eyes. 
“I was already planning on going, but you’re nuts if you think I’m gonna cheer for you,” you snapped, still a little heated about your last encounter with him. 
“And why not?” he asked, smirking, it pissed you off. You just knew he thought he looked so cute smiling at you like that. 
“I cheer for winners,”
You and Atsumu were at each other’s throats for the rest of the year. Atsumu Gave up on his plan to sleep with you and you gave up on your anger management, at least around him. If other people were in this situation they might stay away from their sworn enemy, but not you two. 
You made it to every volleyball game just to tell Osamu how great he did and how handsome he was looking today. Atsumu sat next to you in every class you shared talking your ear off making sure that you didn’t learn a damn thing. 
It was annoying as hell, you wanted to strangle him, but it was nice in a kind of way. If you were stressed or pissed off you could drag Atsumu as a little fun. And even if nothing else in your life was going right. You could always count on this blonde dick to be the worst to you. 
“Damn we had the exterminator here last week but there’s a roach right here,” Atsumu sneered over the thumping music at the party. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. 
“You need to look up more insults you’ve already used that one,” you barked back, normally seeing Atsumu would be enough to dampen your mood but the booze must have been doing its job because you still felt all light and buzzed. 
“Beer?” he asked, holding up a bottle for you, ever the gracious host. 
“I’m good,” you said holding up the can of seltzer you’d been drinking out of it was fruity and only had a little bite to it, you were already on your third one. 
“Right I forgot that a baby like you couldn’t handle the taste of beer,” he scoffed, he was closer now, towering over you and pressing one of his forearms to the wall by your head as he leaned over you, shielding you from the rest of the party. You never realized before how big he was. Tall and wide. Muscular too, it was no wonder half the people at the Volleyball games creamed themselves just seeing him. 
“You’re such a dick, why do you always have to be so mean?” you asked before even realizing the words that you’d spoken.
“You aren’t exactly nice either princess, besides that’s how this works, that’s our dynamic,” he said. He must be pretty drunk too. Nothing he was saying was making any sense. 
“Still, how do you expect anyone to put up with you when you’re such a douche bag all the time?” you said the anger you associated with Atsumu finally setting in. 
“If it works it works, I mean you’re obsessed with me,” he said. You gagged and shoved his chest, he didn’t move, god how strong was he?
“Fuck off I hate you, why would I be obsessed with you? God you think that the world fucking revolves around you. How could any-”
His lips met yours effectively shutting you up. His hand came up cupping the back of your head and you couldn’t help but melt into the kiss, pressing your body against his and dropping your drink so your hands would be free to rake through his hair. You weren’t nice about the kiss either, your teeth gnashed against his when he tried to push his tongue into your mouth. You bit his lower lip and tugged at his hair, moaning against his mouth when he did the same to you. 
He broke away breathlessly, still holding you close to his body while you caught your breath. He was so pretty his cheeks flushed his lips wet and glossy. God, you wanted to kiss him again, even if he tasted like beer and he had been right in his assessment that you weren’t a big fan of the taste. 
“Good to know theirs one way to shut you the fuck up,” he teased. You groaned in frustration pulling him back down into another kiss. This one was just as passionate and fierce as the first. He pushed you against the wall and pulled up one of your legs and forced it around his waist so he could grind against you. You shuddered feeling him rut the seam of your jeans against your clit. 
“Woulda fucked you a lot sooner if i'd known you made such pretty noises when you were touched,” he muttered reaching up and palming your breast through your shirt. Atsumu started kissing, or maybe biting was a better word. The top part of your neck even pays some attention to your jaw and earlobe while he humped and groped you. 
“I knew you were a pervert but I never knew you were filthy enough to fuck me out in the open like this,” you gasped, tugging at his hair. You could feel your panties get sticky with your arousal and you wanted him to take you out of here and fuck you already. 
“You’re gonna let me fuck you?” he asked, pulling back so he could look at you and smirk. You smiled back, the fight wasn’t out of you yet. 
“Why would I do that? I’d rather sleep with someone who could make me cum,” you spat and his grin quickly fell, there was a competitive fire in his eyes that you normally only saw when he was playing.
“Oh Daddy’s gonna make you cum you fucking brat, I’ll make you squirt, you’re gonna cry with how good my dick feels,” he growled in a low voice you’d never heard before and suddenly you were regretting your comment. 
“Daddy?” you snorted
Atsumu detangled himself from you and grabbed you by the wrist tugging you out of the frat house and to his car. You shook your head and broke free of his iron-clad grasp. 
“I know you’re stupid but this is a new low, both of us are way too drunk to drive,” you shouted. Atsumu just laughed at you, opening the back door to his car. 
“We aren’t driving dumbass now get in,” he said. You bit your lip and slid into the back seat shortly followed by Atsumu who locked the door behind him. 
The seat wasn’t large but it was big enough to move around in. He pressed you onto the leather upholstery, your legs bent and splayed out at an awkward angle to fit him between them. He went back to kissing you sloppily while his hands went to work taking off your shirt and bra. 
Your nipples hardened once the cold night air touched you. “Wanted to suck on your pretty tits for the longest time,” he groaned quickly lowering his head, sucking one of your nipples into his mouth while he fingered the other twisting and pinching it. You yelped when his teeth grazed over the bud. His eyes flicked up to yours and he let go of the spit-soaked nipple blowing on it lightly making you shiver. 
“How long has it been since you’ve been fucked huh? So many guys want to fuck this sweet little pussy but you’re too stuck up to let that happen.” he snears sucking the other nipple into his mouth. 
“Bet you’re still a fucking virgin,” he said speaking around your mouth. 
“ I a-am not,” you whined, you’d lost your virginity in high school, but you really hadn’t gotten fucked since then. 
“Oh listen to you whine you totally are,” he scoffed 
“No I’m Not!” you protested he let go of your nipple and kissed you again threading his fingers through your hair and pressing your face to his. 
“Shut up you fucking virgin,” he said sweetly, before pulling off his shirt, and before you could admire his chiseled chest he distracted you by biting your neck again. You pressed your hand to the center console to keep from slipping off with one hand and clinging to his shoulders with the other. 
Atsumu deftly unbuttoned your jeans and shoved his hands in your pants touching your through your soaked underwear. You felt him smirk against your neck but he didn’t make any remark about it. Good thing for him too because you could feel his hard prick pressing up against your thigh and you were ready to drag him for it if he commented on your own arousal. 
God, you could feel his cock. It was big, heavy, and hard, pressed against your leg. You wanted to see it, touch it, feel it inside of you. He’d pushed your panties to the side now so he could push his large fingers inside brushing against your velvet walls. 
“A-Atsumu,” you said, pitching your leg up to rub against his dick.  “I want to suck your cock,” you whimpered. You felt him twitch. 
“Here I thought you were a virgin but you’re just a slutty whore aren't cha?” he growled against your neck picking your hips up and yanking your pants down your legs leaving them pooled around your ankles leaving you to kick your jeans off completely. You felt a little stupid naked except for your shoes but Atsumu quickly distracted you by folding you in half pressing your knees to your chest and leaving your pussy completely exposed. 
“I’ll fuck your throat later, right now I gotta make you cum remember?” he said playing his hands over your thighs keeping g you folded before lowering his head and diving into your folds like a man starved. 
Just like he kissed you, he was mean about it, sucking so harshly that you cried out and spanking your cunt just to make you jump. The only time he pulled back was to spit on your asshole lubing it up enough to slip a finger inside. 
“Sumu please,” you cried out as he filled you with his tongue pressing against your G-spot over and over again while he pinched your clit. You weren’t even sure what you were begging for. He just hummed in acknowledgment, whatever you were begging for he wasn’t going to have it. 
“Daddy,” you pleaded, finally caving. Atsumu smiled to himself. He wasn’t nice but he did reward good behavior. 
He switched it up sucking your clit into your mouth and plunging the fingers of his clean hand, the one that hadn’t just been your ass, inside of you curling up and pressing against your g-pot over and over again until you came screaming so loud that you were sure people back at the house could hear you. 
“See didn’t that feel good slut?” he cooed condescendingly. There was a pool of cum beneath you soaking into the leather seats. Good thing this was Osamus’s car. Now all he had to do was make you cry. 
“I-I’m not a slut,” you whined. 
“Oh? Which is it? Are you not a virgin or are you not a slut?” he asked, squeezing your cheeks. You didn’t know how to respond. 
“Well I think you’re a slut, Daddy’s little slut,” he snapped. 
There was a dark stain of precum staining his jeans where the head of his cock was leaking he quickly shoved down his pants and boxers before sitting down and pulling you into his lap. You hovered above him as he pumped his cock in his hand running the head of his cock through your soaked folds and bumping your clit. 
“You’re gonna be a good whore and ride Daddy’s cock right?” he asked, lining the head of his dick up with your entrance. You bit your lip and nodded, shakily lowering yourself down on him. Atsumu hissed feeling your tight heat wrap around him. 
You gripped his shoulders feeling how well he filled you up, the tip pressing against your cervix. You took a minute to adjust before lifting yourself up on your knees and started to fuck yourself onto him. 
Atsumu brought you close and kissed you again, one of his hands slipping between your bodies to stroke your clit while you bounced up and down on his cock.  You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as he touched you. He filled you up so well, you had teased him about not being able to get you off but even you couldn’t deny how good it felt to have him so deep inside of you. 
“You feel that baby? You feel Daddy pressing up against your Cervix, I’m going to blow my fat load right into your slutty little womb,” he snarled his hips snapping up to meet yours. You whined, throwing your head back in pleasure, almost hitting your head on the headrest. 
“Gonna knock you up, gonna stuff this slutty pussy with cum,” he growled, he was talking more to himself but you couldn’t help but shudder at his words. You were on birth control but you desperately wanted him to fill you up. 
“Are you gonna cum princess?” He asked, “I can feel your cunt squeezing my cock like that, you’re gonna cum.” He was right, you could feel a second orgasm welling up in your core as his cock pulsed inside of you. 
“Atsumu-Daddy, I’m gonna cum,” you moaned kissing him sloppily, your hips faltered when you came but Atsumu’s hands went to your hips moving your body for you as he chased his own high, true to his word he came deep inside of you filling you up and pressing his cock against your cervix. 
You collapsed against his chest gasping for breath. He ran his hand soothingly over your back. 
“You look tired, you wanna crash somewhere babe?” he asked. 
“We’re still too drunk to drive,” you murmured. 
“I have a buddy in the frat house, I’m sure he’ll let me steal his bed for the night, especially for a cutie like you,” he said. You pulled back to look at him.
“You had a bed here this whole time and you still made me fuck you in the car?” 
When you woke up your whole body hurt. Your head ached your eyes stung and your body was littered with bruises. You didn’t even want to check in with the lower half of your body. You groaned sitting up in bed clutching your head. Then you felt the bed beside you shift, you froze remembering how you’d ended last night. 
Atsumu cracked one eye open and his face split into a huge grin. “I had the best dream last night-” he teased you and moved to hit him but he caught your wrist and flipped you on your back pinning you to the bed. 
He hovered above you his breath hitting your face in soft puffs. You leaned up and kissed him, suddenly you were a mess of limbs and hands trying to tear each other’s clothes off while you kissed. You hissed as his fingers grazed the bite marks on your neck. 
“Go easy on me I’m still sore,” you complained. Atsumu smirked.
“Did I wreck you that badly baby?” he asked, teasingly grinding his morning wood on your leg. You shuddered. 
“Shut up and fuck me asshole,” you demand. He tugged off your underwear and hooked your legs over his shoulders. 
“As you wish your majesty,” he scoffed and slowly pushed two of his fingers into you
Your cunt ached and it hurt to feel his fingers prod you open, but soon the pain dissolved into pleasure as he continued to finger you. 
“Such a pretty wet little cunt, so wet and sticky for me,” he purred, “you like this slut? You like getting fingered first thing in the morning?” he asked. 
“Do you like humping my ass like a fucking dog first thing in the morning?” you spat back. He grunted and roughly jerked his finger up hitting your G-spot making you cry out your back arching off the bed. 
“That’s what I thought,” he scoffed before completely pulling his fingers out and sticking them into his mouth sucking on your juices. 
“I’m not gonna fuck you if you keep being mean,” he said shoving down his own clothes 
“Shut up, I bet I’m the only one you know who lets you get your dick wet,” you growled. He snapped into you in one swift motion. You cried out your nails digging into his shoulders. It hurt but the pain sent a rush of endorphins making you moan. 
“Really you think that I could fuck you like this without any practice dollface? Don’t forget you’re the virgin here,” he teased drawing his hips back before ramming back into you. This pace was much harsher than what you’d set last night. You were helpless, and entirely at his mercy, he had you folded in half, and you could only moan and scratch at his back. 
“Imna fill this cunt with cum, nothing better than emptying my balls in your warm cunt first thing in the morning,” he muttered to himself as he continued to fuck you. 
“Already?” you teased.
“Fuck off or I’ll fuck you until you pass out,” he threatened. 
“Hurry up and make me cum, I’ve got shit to do today,” you snapped. 
“God do you ever stop being a bitch?” he asked, pulling out of you and flipping you over, jerking your hips up and sliding back into you. you moaned feeling his cock hit new sweet spots. You arched your back pressing your hips to his and burying your face into the pillows. 
The bed creaked with the force of his thrusts, the headboard hitting the wall with a loud bang. Atsumu brought his hand down on your ass making you jump, it stung and you were reminded of his killer serves that you had seen so many times. 
“There, no more bitchy comebacks? Have you gone braindead on my cock?” he mocked spanking you again. 
“Daddy!” you pleaded. Your thighs trembling as wetness dripped down your legs. 
“Awe theirs my sweet little slut, ready to be good now?” 
“Y-yes,” you whined desperate to cum.  Atsumu grunted and finally went easy on you, rubbing your clit and easing into you in slow, deep thrusts until he felt your pussy cream around him. 
“There you go baby,” he said pulling out of you, his hard cock dripping in your juices. “You still want to suck on my cock?” he asked. You bit your lower lip, embarrassed at the memory. You shifted on the bed settling in between his legs taking the head of his cock into your mouth and wrapping your hands around the rest of his dick. 
You licked softly at the slit in the head picking up the bitter precum with your tongue.  You slowly took more of his cock in your mouth hollowing your cheeks out around him. His dick was just too big for you to fit completely into your mouth so you moved your hands up and down his shaft while you took as much of him as you could, swirling your tongue around the head. 
“You’re doing so well baby,” he moaned, smoothing your hair back from your face. “I didn’t think a virgin like you’d be so good,” he teased. You glared up at him as you continued to suck his dick but you resolved to bite him if he made a comment like that again. 
“I think I like you better like this you’re so pretty when you shut the- OW watch the teeth,” 
You could taste it as the precum dribbled out of his cock smearing over your tongue, you were getting used to the bitter taste and it wasn’t that bad. You pushed your head down pressing his cock to the back of your throat suppressing your gag reflex. 
“Fuck, baby just like that i’m going to cum down your thoat,” he groaned his hips stuttering upwards pushing his dick down your throat deaper making you choke. Atsumu didn’t care,he was moaning loudly as his hips spasmed up into your mouth. 
You choked when his semen flooded your mouth. “Fuuck,” he sighed, pulling out of your mouth. You sluptered trying to catch the mess that bubbled out of your mouth. 
“Ah, swallow what you can baby,” Atsumu said, whipping your chin with his thumb. You did as he asked, choking down what you could. He pushed you back on the bed kissing your neck, his lips running over your bruises, 
“I like you like this, we should fuck more often he teased,” you shoved his chest, but weakly, it was clearly just for show. You didn’t want to admit it but you agreed with him. 
You kept seeing Atsumu after that. He was a little nicer with you normally. Or at least, he saved his mean side for the bedroom and was a little sweeter to you. If you were a little more naive you might have even started to fall for him a little bit. 
That was the Chliche right? You start out hating someone but then after a few nights of passion you were in love?  Bullshit, it was all Bullshit. 
you knew Atsumu hadn’t changed, and he wasn’t exactly saving himself for you. You couldn’t count how many times you’d walked in on him making out with some random chick, you’d even walked in on him while he’d been balls deep in some other girl. 
That being said, you hadn’t changed either. you still had a temper like no other and were quick to snap, especially at Atsumu. You didn’t have many friends who put up with your bullshit so why would He even fall in love with you?
You shouldn’t be in love with him. He was an asshole, a heartless fuck boy. So why did you like him so much? why did it sting when you thought about how hopless your whole situation. 
It sucked, this whole thing was just awful. That being said, you still jumped at the chance to see him everytime he called, you really were hopless. 
“Where are we going?” you asked as Atsumu drove. You didn’t recognize this street and you knew you weren’t going to his place. 
“It’s a surprise,” he said. You scoffed and crossed your arms. He pulled into a parking lot and you were surprised to see you were at a park. 
“What are you going to fuck me on the slide?” you asked, following him out of the car and into the park. 
“I used to come here all the time when I was a kid, me and my brother would play here,” he said, ignoring you and walking to the swings, you followed. 
“And I still come here a lot, it’s a good place to think and it’s just a really special place for me,” he said sitting on the swing and gesturing for you to sit on his lap. 
You did, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. “I don’t like where this conversation is going,” you said furrowing your eyebrows. It was almost the middle of the night so it was dark but you could still see the dopey lovestruck look on his face. 
“Stumu, you’re not supposed to call me for stuff like this,” you said unwrapping your arms around his neck, you were going to get off his lap but he wrapped his arms around his waist keeping you there. 
The two of you had agreed only to call each other when you wanted sex, this mushy romantic shit was defently not sex. 
“You’re so pretty baby, let me be nice to you,” he said kissing you and you melted into him, just like every time he kissed you. 
“You’re never nice to me,” you protested. He reached under your shirt groping you. 
“Because you never let me,” he protested. 
“What’s with you?” you asked, grabbing his wrist and shoving him away from you. 
“I love you,” he said. You couldn’t deal with this right now, you got off his lap and started walking back to the car
“Take me home,” you demanded.  “I don’t want to talk about this,” you said. 
“(y/n)-” he said running in front of you stopping you. 
“Please, I know you hate this shit, but please can we talk,” he pleaded taking your hands in his, 
“You can’t just say shit like that Tsumu! We’re not supposed to love each other we’re supposed to fuck and get under eachother’s skin and fight that’s how this works!” you shouted.
Atsumu kissed your knuckles, seeming to ignore your yelling. 
“We didn’t used to fuck either, we used to just get under eachother’s skin,” he pointed out. He wrapped you in his arms. You pressed your face to his chest and you felt your cheeks get wet with tears. You hiccupped and sobbed,  trying to keep your emotions bottled up was hard.  
“I love you,” he said again.  You shoved him and whipped your face. 
“I don’t want to do this Atsumu, take me home,” you demanded. He deflated. 
“Okay baby, let's go home, I’ll be waiting, when you’re ready,” he said rubbing your shoulders and taking you back to his car. 
You drove in silence. You hated this. Yout hated him. Atsumu was a playboy, an idiot and an asshole who only cared about Volleyball. You just wanted to insult him and fuck him to blow off steam. You weren’t supposed to fall for him. You weren’t supposed to love his cocky smile and his stupid jokes. His stupid flirty remarks weren’t supposed to make you blush. 
“Baby?” he prompted you blinked and saw you were sitting in front of your dorm building. “Hey,” he purred, wiping the tears off your cheeks. You didn’t need him to tell you that he loved you, you could tell every time  he did something like this. You couldn’t help but lean into his touch. 
“I really wished we’d had sex tonight,” you whispered. He laughed. 
“fuck am I really that ireaistable doll?” he teased, pinching your cheek as he pulled away. 
“I do love you Atsumu, I just- I just don’t know what to do about it,” you admitted. Atsumu smiled lazily. 
you meant it too, you loved him so much. but it was impossible to get the image of the time you walked in on him sleeping with another girl out of your mind. Was that what it meant to be in a relationship with him? If so then you weren’t going to do it, you weren’t signing yourself up for that kind of heartbreak. Maybe you should just give up on him and block him. 
“Like I said. I’ll wait for you, and next time I promise we’ll have the best sex of your life-Not that’s a hard bar to clear you virigin,” he teased. You smiled and playfully hit him in the arm. You got out of his car and walked into your building as he drove away, and at least for tonight. That was enough. 
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prouvaireafterdark · 3 years
Casual Affair
AKA the “Anti-Forlex Smut”
Technically not a cheating fic, but it kind of has that vibe for a while so if that’s a dealbreaker for you then you might want to skip this one. If you’re looking for unrepentant filth, though, I’ve, uh, got you covered.
Also on AO3!
Open Mic Night at the Wild Pony tends to draw a crowd of all sorts: rowdy undergrads from the local community college, older folks trying to recapture their youth with some spirited karaoke, and even soulful academic types like Forrest looking to share their angsty emo poetry. Tonight, as Alex soon discovers, it’s also drawn in Michael Guerin.
Alex doesn’t need to look to know Michael’s staring at him. He can feel his eyes on him like a caress, heavy on the side of his neck before it slides hot down the length of his chest to settle low above his belt buckle. If it wasn’t for the blue-haired historian sitting next to him he’d already have done something about it.
He takes a deep swallow of the beer he’s been nursing for the last ten minutes and tries to ignore him. Maybe if he pretends the restless energy thrumming through his whole body isn’t there, it’ll go away. 
Luckily, he’s got a decent enough distraction; A pair of tone deaf townies are currently massacring “Under Pressure” on stage, a spectacle awful enough to hold his attention like a six car pile up. Alex takes another drink and tries not to laugh behind the rim of his bottle. 
The performance—if one can even call it that—is over in minutes and as the next musician takes the stage, Alex’s gaze finally wanders over toward the bar. Through the crowd of people drinking and laughing with their friends and partners, he catches sight of Michael immediately.
He’s sitting at the bar, but he’s facing out toward the crowd and Alex can’t help but notice how good he looks. With the way his elbows are tucked behind him and resting on the bar top, his chest hair is on proud display through his indecently buttoned flannel and the worn denim of his jeans is pulled tight over his spread thighs. He’s even got his fingers wrapped suggestively around the neck of the beer bottle in his hand—non-alcoholic, Alex registers with no small amount of pride as he catches sight of the label. However messy and complicated things are between them now, he’s glad to see that Michael is making some better choices these days.
Michael notices him staring, because of course he does. He cocks his head and smirks, not subtle at all about what he wants. That look cuts right through him, sending heat down Alex’s spine.
Alex takes a deep breath and turns to face the stage, desperately hoping whatever top 40 hit the new girl on stage is singing will calm his growing erection. Its mindless beat helps him relax, but not enough that Forrest doesn’t notice something’s up.
“You okay?” he asks him, moving his hand off the table to rest his arm along the back of Alex’s chair. Alex tries not to flinch when his fingers comb through the hair that curls along the base of his neck, long enough now that it’s not quite regulation anymore.
“Yeah,” Alex smiles encouragingly, hoping Forrest doesn’t see through him. He shifts in his seat, leaning forward until Forrest’s fingers slip away from his collar. “You want something to drink?”
“Uh,” Forrest starts, looking at his half-empty beer before shrugging. “Yeah, I’ll have another.”
“Great,” Alex says, already standing. “Be right back.”
He makes his way across the bar, trying his best to ignore the way Michael smirks and spreads his thighs a little wider where he sits perched on the edge of his barstool.  
“You’ve gotta stop looking at me like that,” Alex chastises him once he’s close enough. He slides into the space at the bar beside him, facing forward with his elbows on the bar top. He catches Michael’s easy smile out of the corner of his eye, and he’s relieved he isn’t hit with the full force of it.
“I’ve been looking at you like this for over ten years, Alex,” Michael replies. “I’m not gonna stop now.”
Alex tries to ignore the way that makes his heart feel somehow light and heavy at the same time where it beats frantically behind his ribs.
“Why are you even here?” Alex asks, chancing a glance at Michael’s face. 
Like the demon that he is, Michael chooses that moment to bring his non-alcoholic beer to his lips and take a long sip. Alex watches his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows and tries desperately not to think about how fucking tight his throat had felt the last time he’d gotten Michael on his knees. 
He doesn’t quite manage it and either it’s written all over his face or Isobel’s taught Michael some new tricks because he can see smug satisfaction in the way his eyes sparkle in the neon glow coming from behind the bar. 
Alex shifts his stance, dutifully ignoring the tightness in his jeans, and tries again. “You hate Open Mic Night.”
“You don’t,” Michael shrugs, like that explains anything. 
Alex kind of hates that it does.
“I’m not performing tonight,” Alex tells him. 
“No, you’re not,” Michael agrees, and then adds a beat later, “but your boyfriend is.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” Alex bristles. Sure, he and Forrest have been hooking up now and then, but he isn’t—he’s not—
“Does he know that?” Michael asks skeptically, interrupting his thoughts. 
Alex rolls his eyes, uninterested in explaining the intricacies of his not-relationship with Forrest. He doesn’t really see how it matters now, after everything they’ve gotten up to in the last few weeks.
Michael just licks his lips and gives him that infuriatingly sexy grin before he leans in and says, “Well, if he’s not your boyfriend, then why don’t you meet me in the bathroom in five?”
Heat once again rushes through Alex at Michael’s proposition, pooling low in his gut. He turns to look at him in disbelief, but Michael’s smile just grows more smug.
“See you soon,” he whispers, and stands up from his seat, his drink left abandoned on the bar.
Alex resolutely does not stare at Michael’s ass as he saunters off toward the bathroom. It’s a good thing too—the bartender steps in front of him not two seconds later.
“What can I get you?” he asks, drying off a clean pint glass with a checkered dishtowel.
Alex clears his throat before he places his order and fishes a twenty out of his wallet. 
He lays it on the bar with every intention that this time he will stand his ground, get his drinks, and rejoin Forrest at their table, but the next thing Alex knows, he’s pushing his way through the crowd and into the small, dimly-lit bathroom. 
He finds Michael leaning against the sink, arms folded across his chest. He smirks when he sees Alex enter, but Alex doesn’t give him long to gloat before he’s crossed the distance between them and has the front of Michael’s soft flannel bunched up in his fists.
Michael’s eyes flash to Alex’s mouth, his tongue peeking out to wet his own lips in anticipation, but he doesn’t make a move to kiss him. He won’t—not while Alex is obviously out with someone else. It’s an absurd line to draw at a moment like this, but Michael told him once that if Alex wants him, he can come and get him, so it’s Alex’s move now. 
Alex thinks it’s more complicated than that, that they still have a lot to talk about before they try to do this thing for real, but what he thinks more is that he wants to remind himself what Michael’s mouth tastes like.
He surges forward to kiss him, slotting their lips together easily. Michael pulls him closer the moment Alex lets him know he can, blunt nails biting softly into his skin as he slides his fingers under the edges of Alex’s shirt. Alex deepens the kiss almost immediately, Michael’s teasing leaving him desperate and wanting. Michael opens for him so sweetly when he licks along the seam of his lips, just as eager for more as Alex slides his tongue into his mouth.
They kiss like that for what feels like ages but can’t be longer than a minute, Alex losing himself for the moment to the scent of petrichor in the air around him and the taste of it on his tongue. He isn’t sure who pulls away first, but the next thing he knows both of their chests are heaving as they gasp into the narrow space between their mouths. 
He opens his eyes to see Michael looking back at him, his pupils blown wide, lips red and wet. He’s so fucking beautiful Alex’s heart aches in ways he can’t describe.
“Mm,” Michael hums low in his throat, nudging his nose against Alex’s cheek. “What would Forrest say if he knew what you were up to?”
“Fuck you,” Alex grumbles, more on principle than anything else.
“Not tonight, baby,” Michael drawls. “It’s your turn.”
With that, Michael spins them around so it’s Alex with his back against the sink and Alex is fairly certain that it’s only by the grace of Michael’s telekinesis that he doesn’t trip over his own feet. He groans when Michael presses in close, as his thigh nudges its way between Alex’s legs for him to grind his hard cock against.
Michael watches him with singleminded focus, his hands on Alex’s hips encouraging him to keep moving against him, until Alex threads his fingers into Michael’s riotous curls and pulls him in for a kiss. It’s desperate and hungry, filled with every ounce of longing he’s felt for Michael just about every fucking day for the last eleven years. 
Michael meets him in the middle, his hands on Alex’s hips tightening their grip hard enough to bruise, and in that moment Alex doesn’t even care if Michael leaves a mark so long as he doesn’t stop touching him. Michael rocks against him as they kiss, grinding their hips together through the rough denim of their jeans until the tease is too much to bear. 
“Fuck, I want you,” Alex gasps when they part, wishing he was steadier on his feet so he could wrap a leg around Michael’s body and pull him in closer. 
“Good thing I have lube then,” Michael says, dipping down to mouth along the sensitive skin of Alex’s neck, careful not to leave a mark. He reaches into his front pocket and pulls out two single-use packets of lube.
Alex’s cock throbs as he stands there, consumed by the thought of Michael working him open in a goddamn public bathroom where anyone—including Forrest, fuck, he’s a terrible person—could hear them. 
Alex is turning around in Michael’s arms and grinding his ass back against the bulge in his jeans before the part of his brain still capable of higher reasoning registers that there’s something missing from Michael’s hand.
“Wait—condom?” Alex asks, eyebrow raised at Michael’s reflection in the mirror in front of him—not that Michael can see it where he’s reattached himself to Alex’s neck, his hands dipping low on his belly now that he’s left the lube on the edge of the sink.
Michael shakes his head with a low hum. “All out. We used my last one yesterday.”
“Already? Fuck,” Alex whines, unable to hide his disappointment. Michael just keeps kissing his neck, seemingly unperturbed by this revelation. “We really need to stop doing this.”
That gets a reaction from him. 
Michael’s grip on Alex’s hips tightens instinctually, but his voice is carefully light as he retorts, “You don’t mean that.” 
God help him, he doesn’t.
“Well then you need to learn to stop at fucking CVS before you make a promise you can’t keep,” Alex argues.
“Who says I can’t keep my promise?” Michael purrs in his ear.
Alex’s breath catches in his throat as he realizes what Michael is suggesting and Michael’s grin widens as he watches Alex start to flush in the mirror.
“You sure seemed to enjoy yourself the last time I fucked you raw,” he continues, voice low and rough as gravel. “You remember?”
Alex huffs an incredulous laugh. Of course he fucking remembers—He’d been twenty two, fresh off his first tour, and just impatient enough to say fuck it after Michael told him he was out of condoms when he showed up at his Airstream unannounced. He came three times that night; twice on Michael’s cock and once more on his tongue when Michael decided he wanted to clean up the mess he’d made himself. 
Alex wouldn’t necessarily call it his finest moment of judgment, but it had been terribly, unspeakably hot.
“So, what do you say, Alex?” Michael asks him when he doesn’t respond right away, grinding his hips suggestively forward. “You gonna let me fuck you?”
It’s a terrible idea. Alex knows this. Michael knows this. It’ll be messy for one thing—What’s Alex supposed to do when they’re done, go back to sit with Forrest while Michael’s come leaks into his underwear?—not to mention unsafe, even with how regularly he gets tested and that Michael’s alien biology makes it extremely unlikely that he could catch or transmit anything.
But even in the face of all the reasons Alex should say no, he would be lying if he said he wasn’t fucking desperate for it.
In the end, he lets out a shuddering breath and nods, “Yeah, fuck, do it.”
“That’s my boy,” Michael whispers, and Alex tries not to whimper as Michael dips down once more to press a tender kiss to the edge of his jaw. 
Without another word, Michael’s hands slide that little bit further down Alex’s front to find his belt. He makes quick work of the buckle and drags the fabric down his hips to the middle of his thigh. 
Michael’s hands are surprisingly gentle as they encourage Alex to turn around to face him, and once he does, Alex rests his lower back against the sink, hands braced on either side of it. Michael presses a soft kiss to his mouth before he drops to his knees, and when he looks up at him through that thick mop of curls, Alex wishes he didn’t look so goddamn pretty down there. 
His eyes stay on Michael’s flushed mouth as he leans in toward his bare cock. He watches Michael roll his tongue over the head, already sticky with precome, watches his eyes flutter closed as he groans at the taste. There’s a rapturous look on his face as he softly begins to suck him, the way there always is when Michael goes down on him, but, as good as it feels, they don’t exactly have the time to indulge Michael’s oral fixation right now.
Alex releases his hold on the sink to thread his fingers through Michael’s curls, gripping just tight enough to tug gently on the loose strands.  
“We have to hurry,” Alex reminds him. “Forrest’s set starts soon.”
Michael rolls his eyes. He looks like he’s about to complain, but then he’s opening his mouth wider to take him deeper and Alex sort of loses the plot after that. 
Lost in the wet, sucking heat of Michael’s mouth, Alex distantly hears the crinkling of a wrapper as Michael tears open the packet of lube and spills some onto his fingers. He doesn’t waste time warming it before he nudges Alex’s legs as far apart as he can and slips his hand between his cheeks.
Alex jumps at the chill as slick fingers find his hole and the corners of Michael’s mouth curl upward around his cock. Alex tightens his grip on his hair just a little in retaliation.
Michael rubs his finger over Alex’s hole, massaging it gently before he tries to breach it with his finger. He slips one inside him as he works his throat around his cock, and it’s not long before Alex’s rim is stretched tight over three of Michael’s fingers. 
“Fuck,” Alex keens as Michael crooks his fingers just enough to brush his prostate, his cock throbbing where it sits on Michael’s tongue. 
Michael hums and sucks him harder, sending Alex’s eyes rolling back into his skull.
“Michael, stop,” Alex whines, fingers tightening in his curls again. As much as he would love to chase his orgasm in the heat of Michael’s mouth, he’d rather do it on his cock. “M’ready, come on.”
Michael pulls off of Alex with a pop and gently removes his fingers from his ass before he gets up off his knees.
“Turn around,” he says, voice low as he fumbles for the other packet of lube on the sink without taking his eyes off Alex’s face. The intensity of Michael’s attention makes Alex’s heart race with anticipation and he’s helpless against the impulse to surge forward and kiss him again, quick and dirty—just long enough for him to get a taste of his own precome on Michael’s tongue before he’s turning around on unsteady legs and bracing himself against the edge of the sink.
Michael doesn’t make him wait for it. In seconds, he feels the insistent press of Michael’s cock against his hole, slick with lube and precome. Alex bears down on it, gasping as the thick head of it finally works its way passed his rim. 
“That’s it, baby, let me in,” Michael murmurs against his ear as he pushes in deeper, his palm charting a soothing path along his flank as Alex tries to relax into the stretch. 
Michael’s cock feels so hot inside him without a barrier of latex dulling the sensation, and Alex can’t help but let out the whimper building in his throat as he presses back against it, encouraging Michael to sink in deeper.
“Fuck, ‘Lex,” Michael moans into his neck as he bottoms out, his hips flush against Alex’s ass. “You always feel so fucking good.”
Michael lets Alex adjust for a moment, dotting his skin with soft, wet kisses until he feels him start to shift his hips restlessly. Taking the cue from Alex, he pulls out halfway and snaps his hips forward in one quick movement. 
Alex gasps again, pleasure lighting up his spine, and arches his back for more. Michael is all too eager to give it to him, increasing his thrusts in power and speed until Alex is a panting mess, bent over and mewling quietly as his hips bump against the edges of the sink.
Alex doesn’t even realize his eyes have slipped closed until he hears Michael whisper, “God, look at you.”
Alex opens his eyes and catches sight of his reflection in the mirror. He can see every ounce of pleasure he’s feeling reflected back at himself, his brow drawn tight and beaded with sweat, his eyes nearly black with how blown his pupils are. A sudden, sharp moan bursts from his parted lips as the thick head of Michael’s bare cock brushes over his prostate and his eyes jump to Michael’s face in time to watch his mouth spread into a smug grin.
“Right there, huh?” Michael teases, angling his hips to hit that spot again a little more intentionally. Alex groans, his white-knuckle grip on the sink tightening even more. “Bet that feels good, doesn’t it? You want more?”
Alex nods his head, not trusting his voice as he pushes back to meet him thrust for thrust. He’s so close already, and when Michael starts moving faster, his hips slapping against the swell of his ass, Alex has to bite down on his bottom lip to keep from crying out. 
“Your boyfriend fuck you this good, ‘Lex?” Michael asks him suddenly, something harsh and maybe a little bitter creeping into his tone. When Alex doesn’t dignify that with a response, he continues, “I bet he doesn’t. You wanna know how I know?”
“Michael,” Alex warns, not wanting to hash this out now, but Michael doesn’t listen, only leans in close until Alex can feel his breath puff against his cheek.
“‘Cause that All American Reject is out there on stage right now,” Michael pants into his ear, “and you’re in here, fucking yourself on my cock like you’re dying for it.”
Alex feels a heady mix of shame and arousal as the garbled sound of Forrest’s spoken word registers distantly in his ears, but he can’t bring himself to care, not when Michael is reaching between his legs and wrapping his hand around his cock. He slowly drags his thumb over the sensitive head, through the precome dripping steadily from his slit. It’s a dizzying counterpoint to Michael’s frantic thrusts and Alex finds himself on the edge in a matter of seconds. 
“Oh god,” he moans, the back of his head connecting with Michael’s shoulder as he throws his head backward. He can feel it building inside him, his gut coiling tight with pleasure. “Shit, I’m gonna come.”
“Me too,” Michael gasps, the rhythm of his hips growing less coordinated as he desperately chases his own release. “Where do you want it?”
“In me, fuck, Michael, don’t stop,” he replies, too strung out to give a fuck about the consequences. 
“Fuck, ‘Lex, I—“ Michael cuts off suddenly as he comes, and it’s the feeling of Michael spilling hot inside him, groaning low in his ear, that sets Alex off, whimpering as he makes a mess of the cracked tile beneath their feet. 
As he’s coming down, Alex slumps forward and tries to catch his breath, his forearms braced on the sink in front of him the only thing keeping him from melting into a puddle on the floor. Michael stays a warm weight against his back, as if reluctant to put even an inch of space between them, and Alex can’t say he minds one bit.
Just as Alex is admiring Michael’s sated reflection in the mirror, applause suddenly breaks out from beyond the bathroom door, signaling the end of Forrest’s performance. The two of them flinch back into reality, the spell around them bursting like a bubble. 
Alex feels the brush of Michael’s lips against his temple before he stands up straight and slowly begins to pull out. With the high of his orgasm now dissipated, the sensation of Michael’s come leaking out of him when he does is deeply unpleasant and Alex is quick to clean himself up.
By the time Alex refastens his belt around his hips and turns around to face him, Michael is still trying to tame his chaotic curls—a futile effort after all the tugging Alex did when Michael was blowing him. Alex can’t find it in himself to be anything other than charmed.
Michael catches him looking and abandons his work with a smile as he pulls Alex into a kiss, soft and sweeter than Alex is expecting. 
Alex sighs into it, his fingers catching Michael’s jaw to keep him there a heartbeat longer, even as he murmurs, “I should go,” when they part, his face still a scant few inches from Michael’s.
Michael lets out a deep, ponderous sigh that Alex feels against his mouth. “You don’t sound like you want to.”
“Do I ever?” he asks before he can stop himself.
Michael pulls back enough to look at Alex’s face. He stares at him for a long moment, eyes searching for something, and Alex feels exposed, like Michael is looking right through him. 
“What are we doing, Alex?” he asks at last, voice no louder than a whisper.
Alex looks away, cowed by the question. 
He was trying to give Michael and himself space while they figured out who they were now and what they really wanted from each other, but that went out the window weeks ago now, the second a narrow escape from a Project Shepard black site drove Alex to Michael’s doorstep, a USB full of classified research on alien technology held tight between his shaking fingers. 
One moment of weakness had turned into many, many more, but with Michael still on the road to sobriety and Alex still running himself ragged trying to take apart the rest of Project Shepard, it just didn’t feel like the right time to try to chart out their future together. They agreed that keeping things casual and non-exclusive was the safer option for now, that they could give each other something of the closeness they craved without adding in the pressure of being in a real, committed relationship just yet. 
But even as he has that thought, Alex can’t help but hear how ridiculous it sounds. There’s nothing casual about the way Alex brings Michael dinner when he knows he’s too wrapped up in an experiment to remember to feed himself, or the way Michael fixed the automatic setting on Alex’s temperamental espresso machine last week so he could get a few extra minutes of sleep in the morning. They might have told themselves they weren’t ready for a relationship, but, if he’s being really honest with himself, they’re already halfway there. 
And as Alex looks at Michael once more and sees the twin hope and trepidation in his whiskey-toned eyes, he can’t help but think, What the hell are we waiting for?
“Alex?” Michael asks again, head cocked to the side, still waiting for his answer.
“I don’t know,” Alex tells him honestly. “But… I think I’m ready to have that talk now.”
Michael takes his meaning immediately. “Really?” he asks, his eyes lighting up. 
“Yeah,” Alex answers, and the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth is quickly smothered when Michael surges forward to kiss him again. Alex is happy to let him, his heart swelling in his chest with emotions he’s no longer afraid of feeling. 
“Just not here, okay?” Alex continues when they part. Public bathrooms really aren’t the best place for long overdue love confessions and Alex is pretty sure he’s got an angry not-boyfriend to deal with outside. “Meet me at my place in an hour.” 
“An hour?” Michael pouts dramatically. It’s unfairly adorable.
Alex laughs in spite of himself before pulling Michael closer. “We’ve waited eleven years for this,” he reminds him. “I think we can make it another sixty minutes.”
“If you insist,” he sighs, but he’s smiling as he presses another kiss to Alex’s cheek. “I’ll see you there.”
Alex watches him leave, nerves buzzing in his stomach as he anticipates the conversation he’s about to have with Forrest.
His worrying turns out to be for nothing, though—When Alex finally exits the bathroom, Forrest is nowhere to be found. A little asking around tells him he put his drinks on Alex’s tab and left as soon as his performance was over. 
Alex can’t help but feel a little bad about hurting him, but as he pulls up to his house twenty minutes later to see Michael’s truck already parked in his driveway, the man himself perched on the edge of his tailgate with his feet kicking restlessly at the air, he knows he’s made the right choice.
Because so what if he wakes up in the morning to a few angry texts from Forrest? He’ll also have the love of his life snoring softly beside him and another thirty minutes to kill before his coffee is ready, and Alex is determined to never take either of those things for granted ever again.
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shorkbrian · 4 years
OOOOO okok.... kirishima with a darling who’s his study partner by chance (college) and he just like,,, falls in love with them! but she have a boyfriend so :(((( but he decides the best idea is the take her by the hair and “lovingly” fuck his new little girlfriend, even though the cries pouring out her mouth are anything but... and he just. forces her to be his girlfriend and you’re just miserable babey
Bro bro bror bror b rorr bor rbro rbo
Prelude - He’s like a stereotypical jock, but is super kind and friendly and just a big HIMBO lololol.
Pairing - Kirishima X Reader
Prompt - At the top
Warnings -  NSFW, full non-con here folks. Kirishima doesn’t let reader tell him no. That is NOT cool y’all. Consent is always required.
Music -  https://youtu.be/2k5w6eTxGXk 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You’re good at most subjects but this one just really flies over your head. When you went to the teacher, she paired you up with the only other person in the class that seemed to be having trouble, Kirishima. The teacher figured that the two of you could work through the material together.
You didn’t mind. Kirishima seemed like a decent guy, even though he was very physically intimidating. He was on the football team, built like a literal brick wall, but his personality was sunshine and rainbows. The man always greeted you with the brightest smile when you showed up to study.
For the most part, the two of you struggled to get work done. Kirishima could do no more than three problems before getting frustrated or bored, and he’d start making funny faces at you, maybe kick your shins underneath the table to get you to pay attention to him. When you finally looked up to see him with his face contorted in the weirdest way possible, you’d burst out laughing. That’s how the two of you got kicked out the library for a month, had to meet at a coffeeshop to study.
Kirishima liked coffee so sweet that it made you sick, almost gagging after taking a sip of his drink when he offered. Likewise, Kirishima couldn’t stand your tea, said it tasted like “old lady water” and needed sugar. You learned a lot about each other, and eventually reached the point were you would consider the two of you to be friends.
You were friends. Until he decided you weren’t`
Today you two are in the library, both of you struggling over your worksheets. A tapping on your shoulder alerted you to the presence of your boyfriend, and you were promptly hopping to your feet, smiling and hugging your boyfriend. He wanted to come see you, spend his lunch break together, so you had told him to meet you in the library, where you and Kiri had rented a study room.
“Midoriya! Hi baby.”
With a kiss on the cheek, your boyfriend was b lushing, pulling out a chair at the table so he could sit down. “Hey, who’s this?”
He was gesturing to Kirishima, who was glaring at your boyfriend. That was odd. Usually the redhead had no problem meeting new people, maybe he was just grumpy because he was trying to study?
“Oh, this is my study buddy, Kiri. Kiri, this is my boyfriend, Midoriya!” Midoriya nodded at Kirishima, and Kiri gave a flick of his head in return, before hunching over to scribble furiously at his paper. Yeah, he was definitely irritated at having his studying interrupted. Unusual, but you figured you should be supportive of the redhead taking his studies seriously.
“Hey babe, let’s go eat out in the courtyard - I don’t wanna make Kiri uncomfortable.”
Your boyfriend nodded, getting up from the seat he had just plopped down in, before giving a sheepish wave to the as the two of you exited the room.
“I’ll be back, sorry!”
you whisper-yelled to Kirishima before the door swung shut.
There was small talk as you and your boyfriend made your way to the pretty courtyard of the college, filled with flowering trees and cozy benches for couples (like yourselves) to sit on.
It was peaceful, sitting there, chatting with your boyfriend while he shared his sandwich with you. He was working as an intern for a big engineering company, and you could tell he was happy about his work as he animatedly recounted what he had done so far that day, pausing every now and then to gulp down a bite of sandwich.
But as all good things must end, your boyfriend had to leave after his lunch break was up, checking the time on his watch and gasping as he realized he had spent way too much time talking to you.
He apologized profusely for his abrupt exit, giving you a brief, slightly messy press of his lips against yours before he gathered his bag, shoving the rest of his sandwich into his mouth. Midoriya waved, skipping backwards, making you chuckle when he tripped and almost fell.
You loved your boyfriend, thought of yourself as the luckiest girl for getting together with the kindest, sweetest man you had ever met.
Returning to the private study room, You were surprised to see Kirishima still hunched over his paper, still scratching out numbers. His grip was white-knuckled on the pencil.
“Uh, Kiri? You okay dude?”
“Yeah, it’s whatever, I’m fine.” He didn’t sound fine. The man sounded angry.
Figuring he just maybe needed some space, you shrugged “... I need to go get a book real quick. Need anything?”
“No.”  Was his short reply.
Kirishima was normally a bubbly, friendly person. Why was he so irritated all of a sudden? Did this have something to do with your boyfriend interrupting the study session? 
You pondered over this as you walked through the shelves, partly glad that you weren’t having to dodge other students. You and Kiri usually choose times that the library was relatively empty, just in case the redhead made you choke in laughter again. 
Finding the aisle your book should be in, you meandered slowly to the end, scanning the shelves. Ah! There it was, on one of the higher shelves - but luckily you could still reach if you went on your tippy-toes.
A  big hand slipped around your waist, and suddenly you felt cool air on your backside, as if someone had flipped up the edge of your skirt. You tried to whirl around, smack whichever dumb idiot thought it’d be funny to feel you up, but you were pushed up against the bookshelf before you had the chance, shelf almost rattling with the force.
“Hey—!” Another hand clamped over your mouth, smothering your rather loud protest. The giant hand covered more than half of your face, and you couldn’t help but gasp. Was this really happening? Were you really about to get groped by some meathead senior?
“I’m really disappointed (Y/N).”
“I thought what we had was special, thought that I was the only one you looked at like that. That hurts.”
The hand on your waist dipped lower, and yup - he had flipped your skirt up, was running his hand the top of your panties, feeling the fabric between his fingers. You struggled - tried to kick back, headbutt him, twist out of his grip - but the man was too big. He slipped a finger underneath the elastic waistband of your panties, pulled it back, let it go so it could snap against your skin; make you flinch.
“Newsflash (Y/N), your ‘boyfriend’ doesn’t actually love you. You could do so much better than a little Twink like him. You need a real man, someone who can take care of you and give you what you need, give you anything you want.” What was he talking about? The hand at your mouth was clamping your jaw shut, putting so much pressure against the lower half of your face that you couldn’t even open your mouth, just let out angry whines.  When his other hand traveled around to the front of your body, dancing over the flesh of your hip,  you wiggled, trying to put up a fight. It was useless.
Kirishima shoved his hand down your panties, groaning lowly into your ear when his fingers grazed the tuft of curls above your pussy, before dipping further down to stroke gently over your folds. You shivered, angry whines giving way to distressed whimpers, wanting to yell, scream for the librarian that you knew was at their desk. 
You were hanging on his arm, trying to pull his giant hand away from your face, but there was no point. The man spent hours in the gym, building up his muscles to make him better at football, and it coincidentally made him better at holding you against his body while he slipped a finger into your now-wet cunt.
The side of his thumb was flicking at your clit, his middle finger slowly dragging across your walls. You held back a groan when it thrusted in deeper, passing by your g-spot on the way in. Kirishima noticed.
“Did you get tired of waiting for me to make a move? So needy for a cock to fill you up that you ran and got a boyfriend?” What? You shook your head no, but his fingers clenched down tighter over your face, and you froze in pain.  “I was gonna be so romantic for you, get a bunch of flowers and one of those big stuffed bears. Ask you to be my girlfriend.  But you just couldn’t wait, could you? Had to go and ruin everything.”
His voice was low, his breath tickling your ear and making you shiver as he whispered, practically growling. You had never seem him irritated, let alone angry. You were scared. Another finger slipped into your pussy, and you keened, scrabbling at his arm at the sudden stretch. Kiri snickered.
“Gonna have to take a few more to get you ready for me babe, I’m not a little stick like your stupid excuse for a ’boyfriend’.”
Tears sprang to your eyes. You loved Midoriya, had ever since you met him. He was shy and nervous, but he was also sweet. Midoriya would never treat you like this, would always ask if you wanted to make each other feel good, ask before he so much as looked at you. Kirishima was a brute.
Another finger entered you, and while the stretch stung, you also felt pleasantly full. His thumb was still moving over your clit, and with a muffled wail your hips twitched in the air, grinding down on his thumb as you suddenly came.
Kirishima didn’t stop. He huffed out a quiet laugh, gave your a wet kiss against your neck. “See? Knew you were meant for me. I love you baby, gonna make you feel so good.”
Blinking, you were trying to come down from the height of your pleasure, flinching away from Kiri as his fingers slipped out of you. Oh god, you didn’t want him to keep going. Muffled cries left your lips, desperately trying to get Kirishima to stop, slow down, please wait, but the man was determined. Your panties were pulled to the side, and something big nudged against your entrance. 
“Sorry baby-“ Kiri grunted, beginning to inch his way inside your tight pussy. “You’re just so sexy ’n pretty, can’t hold myself back.”
The mushroom head of his cock popped past your opening, and you squealed in pain. You were wailing behind his hand, and the man could feel the tears dripping onto his fingers as he held your mouth shut, could feel your lips moving as you cried “Stop, stop! Hurts, oh god Kiri it hurts.“
“Shit, baby I’m sorry, ‘m sorry.”  Without moving, you heard the sound of him spitting, and then felt his hand bump against where he was connected to you. He had spit in his palm, and was the rest of his girthy cock with the slickness, practically jerking himself off into your cunt. You cried harder.
“Shh, shhh it’s okay. I’m gonna take care of you. You’ll get to cum again, don’t worry. Bet your shrimpy little bitchboy never had you cumming twice, did he?” His voice turned sour at the end of his sentence, filled with venom at the mere mention of your boyfriend. 
Kirishima moaned, wet hand coming to rest on your hip as he slowly, slowly began inching forward, forcing his cock into your body. It still hurt, but not as much as it had at first - the slide easier with the addition of the man’s spit. It felt like he was pushing himself in forever, his cock could’ve been in your throat by the time his balls pressed flush against you
. He was bottomed out, and you were gasping, struggling to suck in air around your sobs and his giant hand. The redhead stilled, allowing the two of you to adjust to the sensation. While he waited, Kiri brought his hand up to your hair, sweeping it away from your neck so he could kiss the tender flesh their, hair still in his fist.
“You’re so good for me, look at you takin’ all of my cock. Fuck, fuck - you feel so warm.” He whined between kisses, pulling your hair to tilt your head back as he kissed towards the front of your neck. You shivered as the pain zinged through your scalp, sharp and prickly.
The man pressed up behind you had waited long enough. With no warning, he drew back his hips - cock sliding out of you. He was so /big/.  You wished he had prepared you more, at least then you wouldn’t be sore as he pressed back into you, setting up a rhythm of slow, long thrusts.
He was pulling your head back by your hair, making your head rest against his shoulder against your will, your hands still clutching desperately at his arm. Shoved against the bookshelf like this wasn’t very comfortable, but neither was getting your pussy wrecked by a man twice your size. 
Gradually, Kiri’s pace increased, your pussy working to lubricate itself and making each rapid thrust end with a squelching sound and the slap of his plump balls against the top of your clit.  Truthfully, Midoriya had never fucked you this good, but you were fine with the young man’s sexual ability. He would finish inside you, then lick out his cum until you were squirming and writhing on his tongue, and then Midoriya suck at your clit, shove his fingers into you and fuck you fast until you squirted, leaving the both of you in bliss.
Kirishima had carnal desire, sucking dark marks into the column of your throat, accidentally tugging your hair on each thrust, making you climb further onto your tiptoes to try and alleviate the pressure. He was getting rougher, throaty moans being punched out of him on each thrust - the man tried to quiet himself down by burying his face into the crook of your neck, biting down onto your skin. It just made you sob harder, the pain and pleasure mixing and sending you hurtling towards another orgasm.
And then he slammed into you so hard that your feet lifted off the ground, your body held up by his hand in your hair and the cock filling your pussy. A wail escaped you, his hand silencing it, and you came, twitching in the big man’s hold. 
“Oh, fuck, oh my god baby you’re so amazing oh my god, oh my god-“ Your toes brushed against the ground again. Kirishima was slouching his back so he could pummel into your smaller form even harder, babbling into your shoulder as his hips stuttered when he reached his own orgasm.
You sobbed as you felt his warmth filling your insides. 
Kirishima stayed there, leaning his head against your shoulder while he sucked in air, breathing raggedly. On every sob, you could feel his length inside you, and you were so disgusted.
His breathing evened out. Your sobbing quieted down into measly sniffles. Kiri let go of your hair, scratching at your scalp to alleviate the stinging sensation that he knew he must’ve caused by pulling on the strands.
“I’m gonna take my hand off your mouth now, can you be quiet for me?” You nodded, and the brushing grip was released from your face. 
You stayed silent, hand coming up to massage at your jaw where his big fingers had dug into the tender flesh.
“Good. Wanna go back to my dorm to clean up?”
Shaking your head, you barely choking out a panicked “N-no!”, almost forgetting to be quiet in your haste to respond.  Kirishima sighed behind you, pressing his chest against your back as he did so.
“Baby, I said I was gonna take care of you. I wanna take care of you. We’re going back to my dorm.”
He slowly slipped out of you, wincing as the air hit his dick.  With his length leaving you empty, Kiri smoothed your panties back into pale, then wiped his cock on the underside of your skirt before tucking it back into his pants. You wished you hadn’t chosen a skirt that morning when you were getting dressed.
Without another word, Kiri gently turned you around to face him, his eyes filled with a warmth that they always seemed to hold whenever the two of you locked eyes during a study session. His big arms encircled you, pulling you into his broad chest as he squeezed, the hug surprisingly gentle, almost calming. It would have been an amazing hug, if only the man hadn’t raped you beforehand.
  A jacket was being wrapped around  the bottom half of your legs, Kiri securing it so that you wouldn’t flash anyone when he picked you up in his arms, carrying you bridal-style. You rubbed at your eyes, trying to scrub away the tears as your ex-friend carried you towards the library exit, smiling down at you fondly.
“I love you, you know that? I’m gonna take such good care of you baby.” You ignored him.
“And don’t worry about your old boyfriend, I’m going to talk to him and break the news that you aren’t interested in him anymore. You’ve got something much better now.”
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rurpleplayssims · 3 years
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Tyler took a very long and deep breath before he spoke.
"My dad was in the military, and he was a deeply proud man. He had an image to uphold and he would do anything to get to it.
"He married my mum fresh out of college and quite soon afterwards, I was born. At first my dad appeared to be decent, he was home often and he took great care of me and my mum.
"But then he got promoted, and it all went to shit."
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"He got promoted and his behaviour got worse?" Althea asked gently when Tyler paused to compose himself.
"Yes" Tyler sighed, his mind full of grim memories.
"He got promoted and he was assigned at an outpost in the middle of the desert of all places. It was a chore to go visit him, and my mum wasn't made of money. Her folks died when Dad was out there, and he didn't come back on his leave which devastated her. Mum was still madly in love with him, and his behaviour only worsened when he came back a couple of months later than he should've."
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"How was he when he came back?"
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"He...he was different" Tyler said hesitantly.
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"It was hard to tell at first because I was still quite young but I was old enough to sense his tone when he was about to get angry, and the last thing we wanted to do was upset him in any shape or form."
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"His work was very demanding, and required a lot of long hours, poor accommodation and just above average food."
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"It was a tough grind but that still did not excuse his behaviour. Mum spoke to him about how she felt let down that he couldn't have got his leave for her parent's funerals."
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"She told him that he should've come back, his role was a good one and he was of an officer-grade that he could've chosen when to take his leave. He just chose to not, and she told him he'd disappointed her."
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"And that was the last straw for him."
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curious-menace · 4 years
The rogues: 15 their biggest pet peeve headcanon, please?
gotham rouges Biggest pet peeve?
penguin hates tardy people. he runs a tight ship around here...well no he doesnt. the final offer has more holes in it than a swiss chees factory but still! he cant be having people showing up whenever they damn well please! Hes got a business to run, if his drivers show up 5 minutes late then it has a knock on effect to the rest of his schedule and that could cost him money. and if you cost penguin money he’s going to cost you some body parts. 
harvey hates people who go to hard on handshakes. He had to shake a lot of hands during his campaign for DA . he hated how some people, particularly the old men whose positions he would be taking , tried to crush his hand as a way to assert dominance. he has to write with that hand! just get the photo op over with and stop trying to break his bones. he’s not about to complain about people with limp hand shakes, he’s very gentle himself usually but hand crushers tick him off.
Twoface hates left hand drive cars. when he’s running the show, he finds it hard to change gears in an automatic because that's harvey’s side of the body. in the heat of the moment he just cant wrap his head around it. He mostly leaves the driving to harvey since they can both agree arguing over who's driving this time isnt worth getting caught. He’s got a few right hand drive cars just for him sitting in their hideouts but he rarely gets to use them. 
people who throw their trash on the ground when there's a bin right beside them. its not just the littering that bothers her, its the entitlement, the laziness the whole “oh someone else will take care of it “ mind set that really her goat. she’s gotten arrested before because she stopped mid chase to throw someones garbage back into the window of their car when they just tipped it into the street. they tried it again and she did something with her vines that the perpetrator refuses to speak about. she could be heard shouting “it was worth it” while the poor sap was being taken to the nearest proctologist. 
Coffee snobs and people who complain at baristas. just fuck off outta his sight and clear the starbucks line. he doesn't have time to listen to anyone complain to the poor college student behind the till that their venti iced mocha frappe with caramel drizzle and 4 pumps of syrup is too sugary. and he REALLY doesn't want a lecture on why arabica beans are superior to robusto from someone with more neckbeard than common sense. just give him his coffee and get out of his road, he’s got work to do. he just wants a strong black coffee with 2 sugars, thats it. oddly enough, the baristas love him because hes no fuss and he tips well. and maybe because he’s gassed a few rude customers but they pretend like that doesnt happen if the cops ask. 
He cant stand folks with a lack of manners. i dont mean mean people, the rogues arent the nicest bunch around lets be real. what i mean is people who let the door close in peoples faces, people who disrespect others homes, critique their appearance or choices . he might let things like the occasional display of bad table manners slide, not everyone was socialised like him. but flat out rudeness? forgetting your pleases and thank yous? it REALLY grinds his gears. manners cost absolutely nothing but they really affect how other people view you.
people who think mental illnesses are made up or that people with mental illnesses are faking it for attention. i dont think that needs much explanation. she was a psychiatrist for long enough and a good one at that. having family members of her patients stand in the way of their treatment, undermine or belittle their attempts to get better or seek help made Dr Quinzel see red. But  as harely? she doesnt get mad, she gets her hammer. 
i am all of these guys lol. well except twoface. i cant drive and i dont wana hah. 
Got something you Wana talk about? Send me an ask or a DM! 💜💙💛🧡💚❤️
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