#bad quality gifs ik ik ik.
titanic-1997 · 11 months
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Jack Dawson + accepting his fate in Titanic (1997)
After Jack fails to stay on the wooden paneling with Rose, his expression indicates that he's accepted his fate. He knows he is going to die so she can live.
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sonsationals · 4 months
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munkustance · 3 months
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Oh hey look, it's my poor attempt at making gifs of my favourite Tantometer moment!
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yunogf · 2 years
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Forever Only | JAEHYUN
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soul-wanderer · 1 year
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14x12//Criminal Hatred
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skyland2703 · 6 months
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Same energy 🤌🏻✨
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luffyvace · 18 days
Vinsmoke Sanji x reader who fights his royal treatment~
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@starrymiko suggested/requested these!! This a fun idea I’ve never seen before, because most people ik wouldn’t reject royal treatment from a hot guy—turns out I have a lot to learn (😂💗)
I really don’t how to explain this as a short title so here’s the post where they explain it better than me: Vinsmoke Sanji with reader who rejects his royal treatement
also going to link the posts they got inspired by/read to give them this idea:
Dating ~ Sanji Vinsmoke ~ headcanons & Dating ~ Sanji Vinsmoke ~ headcanons pt2
Sanji loves hard when he loves
And he certainly loves you!
He’s also a very expressive man!
whether he despises you or wants to marry you, he expresses how he feels!
usually verbally too
But he also has practically all love languages, and he tones them to your favorites
but one trait that definitely sticks is his need to take care for who he loves!
so when you reject it?! “But my ethereal and whimsically attractive darling?! What do you mean??”
you explain that you don’t want his coddling and that you can do things on your own, as you prefer your independence
even though that’s not the full story, technically
Pushing him away is pretty darn hard as we see in the anime with Nami and Robin. He’s been trying and failing for 2 years..So if your his s/o this simps’ definitely not just gonna be like “ok 👍” and simply walk away 🤷‍♀️
Alr I apologize for that dad joke.
he’s gonna try every love language in the book to try and get you to open up, you two are dating after all, so maybe your just shy? Awww so cute! His dearest is embarrassed~ Physical Touch is probably the first thing he’d try and the first thing you’d say no to. Mainly since he’s a simp and touching is too direct for you. You guys are a really ironic couple since you’re almost scared of love and he’s all about it.
He tried to initiate contact of all types and got rejected each and every time. Let me carry you for a romantic walk as I hold your bags! 💥💥 “I said got it! 💨 🎒😑” Well at least let me carry the bag to your room! It’s really heavy! “No! I can do it on my own!” But darling- “NO!”
tbh you can hit him as much as you want but he won’t hit you back. So whenever you argue or fight about these kinds of things you usually end up winning the argument
for acts of service literally everything is a no- I washed your laundry for you! “What! Don’t touch my clothes! I’ve got it!!” I got that thing you’ve been searching for! “I wanted to find it myself! Now it’s not as rewarding! I could do it on my own! Stop doing things for me!” Darling, let me help~ 😞 “no way!”
tbh the only thing you let him do is cook for you because he is the cook, and even so, if you want to fix a snack you prefer to do it by yourself. It makes his love for cooking grow even more and he looks forward to daily meals because he can finally take care of you! 🩷
receiving gifts is probably another thing you’d reject seeing as though you’d figure you can get it yourself. But words of affirmation and quality time? May or may not be so bad for you! I’ll let you decide :) if you allow him to display his love in these ways he’d be overjoyed and just assume this is your preferred way of display of affection, and that the other 3 aren’t your forte 💗💗
when he finds out he’s truly scaring you away simply by treating you right and respecting you, he figures somethin’s up.
he’s gonna get to the bottom of it too, whether you like it or not because you, need. it. He knows what it feels like to bottle up your past and smile at the future, despite the fact that the past is still hurting you inside, and it’s like a ticking time bomb before you implode.
He knows he doesn’t want that for you. (Especially after whole cake)
So he’ll gently pry as much as he can with out upsetting you too much. It’s also helpful if you visit your home land, because then he can learn what it was like for you growing up.
if he finds out a person did this to you? They’re cooked.
LOL- literally tho, he’s going Infrit Jambe and lighting’ ‘‘em up! 🔥
if they’re a women he’ll explain the situation to Robin and Nami who’ll certainly want to help you, and they’ll beat up that trifling tramp! 💥
(even if you don’t visit your homeland this still applies ⬇️)
after that Sanji would want to ease you into being used to respect especially and his care too
now if your just naturally independent he’ll try and let it go as best as he can, but he does want you to command respect, because if you let others disrespect you, that proves you have no respect for yourself.
and it’s essential to be able to at least stand up for yourself on the grand line.
but don’t worry! If you won’t do it, he will for you! 😏 No? Well then stand up for yourself dear! 😊
🔥🔥🔥🔥 Let. Me. COOK.
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onskepa · 11 months
Hello, could i get a neteyam x human fem reader one? Neteyam and reader were together for a short amount of time and they didn't have time to cuddle or stay together. One day Neteyam comes at the lab to meet with reader and forgets how small she really is. She's a rly short girl, maybe 4'11 (148 cm) so she smaller than all the humans from the lab. He takes advantage of it and corners her to the wall knwoing she can't escape or manhandles her like a doll. OML I WANT A NETEYAM IN MY LIFE SO BAD
Sorry if this was already asked but i don't remember if i requested this. Like ik i requested this but don't remember who i requested. Thank you
Hellooooooooo~!! You're the first to ask for a short reader! Which is refreshing to see XD Anyways! Hope you enjoyed this one~!!
A little tug here, a little pull there
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The humans are very different from each other. Some are tall, others are shorter, some have facial hair, others have short hair, different skin tomes, different accents, etc.
How humans look like has always peaked the sully children's interest. Norm is a funny looking human, tall, lanky, scrawny, and very smart.
But there is one human that never fails to catch interest of neteyam. That is Hi'i. Neteyam and hi'i have known each other for almost their entire lives. Know each others secrets, habits, hobbies, likes, dislikes, evertthing.
But if there is anything that always gets neteyam by surprise, is just how small hi'i is.
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Comparing all the humans height together. hi'i is the last in line, as being the shortest of them all. And neteyam likes it. Its not secret to everyone that neteyam likes to tease hi'i about her height.
It doesnt help since all na'vi are very tall, so when hi'i is next to tuk. Hi'i is very baby. So neteyam cant help it! He enjoys carrying her around , can easily pick her up as she weight less than a leaf.
So when they began to officially date, oh Eywa did the teasing turn up 10X more.
So every time neteyam goes to the lab to see his little lover, he really means little lover. Standing at 4'10 ft tall. So small. So little. So cute.
As the son of the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik, he has many responsibilities to do and a face to uphold. So unfortunately he doesn't get to see his little lover as much as he liked. But if there is one benefit to it all. It is that he will be NOT be constantly surprised how small his little lover is. He forgets most of the time but enjoys being reminded.
Like right now. Standing before him was his cute, small, little lover. "I see you came with big anticipation" hi'i smiles as she tells him. He nods in agreement, "of course, whenever I have the chance, I will always come see you".
Both sat in hi'i bedroom floor, just spending some quality time by listening to music and talking about each others days. But one thing that is consistent, is neteyam having the need to touch hi'i everywhere.
"neteyam, I think you have my body mapped out by now" hi'i giggled as neteyam's hands roam on her legs. Gently kissing her on the cheek, neteyam replies "ma'yawntutsyip, even if I know every inch of your body, my hands will never be away from you. You are just too cute to not handle".
Every praise, every comment neteyam says, hi'i cant help but be a blushing mess. It will never get old no matter how many times he says it.
"still, at some point you will have to stop" hi'i says, that only made neteyam want to explore more. From her legs to her arms, neteyam buries his face at the crook of hi'i neck. She gently placed her hand on his cheek.
"I don't wanna..." hi'i giggles at his childish act. Was a cute sight to see him pout and be clingy. Not everyday he can act like his age or more childlike.
"neteyam, give me a moment I need to get something from another room" hi'i says as she tries to wiggle out of neteyam's grasp. "no, I want you to stay like this. Whatever it is, you can get it later".
Hi'i slightly groans. "No because then I will forget about it, I will be back, it will only take two minutes I promise". Finally out of his grasp, she makes her way to the door only for neteyam's shadow loom over her.
"its just two minutes, not very-EEP!" hi'i almost fell down when neteyam cornered her. Placing his two long arms beside her body as means to refrain her from escaping. His golden eyes narrowing down at her, smirking a bit, giving a glimpse to his sharp fangs.
Seeing his fangs always make hi'i go weak on the knees. One of her many weaknesses.
"If I said no, then it is no. Now come here, let me hold you" effortlessly, as though he is holding a kitten. Neteyam picks up hi'i in his arms and sits back down with her being cuddled. Hi'i doesn't say anything since she is too busy blushing red and her mind is a puddle.
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And that is it for this one! Hope you liked this one! Until next time! see ya!
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hi'i = small
yawntutsyip = little beloved
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hashtagboykisser · 1 year
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characters included: mirabell madrigal, camilo madrigal, luisa madrigal, dolores madrigal, isabela madrigal
this is in terms of RECEIVING, not GIVING, if this is liked enough i might do another :)
most may think mirabell’s love language would be words of affirmation - considering her family didn’t give her that for most of the movie,
but imo she puts her family and lover into two separate categories, and she doesn’t expect the same thing from each.
and plus, she does like affirmations like “i’m proud of you” not so much “you’re stunning” (as much as she does appreciate it, she would just explode lmfao)
she likes living in the moment with her partner, and it doesn’t matter what they’re talking about, or what they’re doing. it’s a breathe of fresh air - and she needs a lot of it sometimes - especially when she’s stressed.
she loves any kind of love her partner gives, but quality time means the most to her :)
overall rating:
quality time: 10/10
words of affirmation: 9.5/10
gift giving: 7.5/10
acts of service: 6/10
physical touch: 5.5/10
CAMILO MADRIGAL: physical touch
i think the main reason camilo is so into physical touch is becuz this boy CANNOT keep his hands to himself (well, he can, but only if he has to.)
i feel like he’s not a huge fan of words of affirmation and acts of service, he’ll enjoy them coming from u, but there not his favorites.
he doesn’t need words of affirmations becuz he already thinks he’s amazing lol. like you’d go “camilo, ur awesome.” and he’d be like “ik sweetheart, ty for the reminder.”
he also wants to show you how manly he is so he is big on doing acts of service for u, but not so much the other way around. XD
gift giving (or ig receiving in this case) and quality time are something he loves, but physical touch still is at the top.
this bitch is a damn love machine, so he’ll take from u and give anything to u.
overall rating:
quality time: 8.5/10
words of affirmation: 7/10
gift giving: 9/10
acts of service: 6/10
physical touch: 10/10
LUSIA MADRIGAL: words of affirmation
lusia goes through a lot of stress - even after the events of the movie (imo.)
so hearing a simple “your doing great today!” or a “i’m proud of you” makes her cheeks swell from smiling.
she also really appreciated acts of service becuz of this!
she loves gifts, but she feels bad about u spending money on her😭🥹
on top of all this, she loooves physical touch. she loves giving headpats lol. and she loves receiving hugs and kisses, hand kisses will be the death of her heheheheheh
overall rating:
quality time: 7.5/10
words of affirmation: 11/10 !! lol
gift giving: 7/10
acts of service: 10/10
physical touch: 9/10
DOLORES MADRIGAL: receiving gifts
gifts - big or small, mean the absolute world to dolores! to her, it shows you cared enough to 1: buy her something and 2: pay attention to what she likes. and she’s all for it!
your family doesn’t have much money? no biggie! she love’s physical touch too. hand kisses, holding her hips, and playing with her hair are her favorites :) are this things small? yes. but does she love small gestures? also yes.
words of affirmation she also loves, but the appearance based one’s rllyyyy get to her. “you look like stunning today.” or “i love your smile.” are the kind of things she loves :)
quality time doesn’t mean to much to her - as she can always hear her partner anyway. but don’t take that as she doesn’t wanna see you at all, because it’s quite the opposite!
she likes doing acts of service for her partner, and not so much the other way around, just becuz she likes having the feeling of doing something and crossing it off a list.
overall rating:
quality time: 6.5/10
words of affirmation: 9.5/10
gift giving: 10/10
acts of service: 5/10
physical touch: 9/10
ISABELA MADRIGAL: acts of service
home girl can get stressed out - just like the rest of her family, and she really appreciates when it’s taken off of her shoulders.
she really enjoys massages - so physical touch is smth she enjoys.
words of affirmation are sorta different for her, she wants to hear “you’re not perfect, but that’s what i love about u.” or “trying your best is all u can do, don’t push urself.” yk?
isabela enjoys receiving gifts, but it’s not always the way she likes to feel loved, but she cherishes everything u can give her like a diamond🫶
she likes quality time as well - but i can imagine her being busy a lot so sometimes it isn’t always so easy.
overall rating:
quality time: 7/10
words of affirmation: 8.5/10
gift giving: 6.5/10
acts of service: 10/10
physical touch: 8/10
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hey heyyy
i hope y’all enjoyed!
if u wanna request smth go for it!!
if there’s anything offensive/inaccurate here feel free to lmk🫶
love yaaa!! <3
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booquip · 1 month
Hiii uhmm im still super new to tumblr so sorry if the format is wonky. This is kind of my first dabble into fan fiction but I had this idea for quite a while so enjoy!! ( feed back & constructive criticism is always appreciated 😋)
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x fem!Reader x Geto Suguru
Summary: (Set in Highschool) Although looking back on it they realize both had fallen for you the moment they had met you. ( ik this seems pretty Suguru centric right now but trust me we get our moment with Satoru during the hangout)
Word Count: 710
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The boys had fallen for you ever since you walked… well ran into the classroom doors.
The fast paced stomping of your feet could be heard from a mile away as you slammed the door open and ever so rudely interrupted Yaga Sensei’s class. “Excuse me, young la-!” You huffed each word you spoke trying and failing to catch your breath. “ Ahh… my.. a-apologies Yaga Sensei.. Ah sir! You see I was …initially going to arrive early but saw a stray cat and I … just had to feed it. Again apologies sir! ”You bow while still huffing. Yaga sensei sighs before speaking “The least you could do is introduce yourself before so rudely barging in.” You smile before going on your breath finally stabilizing “Oh my apologies sir! My name is L/N Y/N pleasure to meet you all!” As you look back at the three pairs of eyes before you, it’s only then you feel utterly embarrassed blood streaming right up to your face as you notice a boy with sparkling blue eyes and hair that rivaled the color of the clouds (not the ones you’d see on a thunder storm but those that appear biggest and brightest on a beautiful sunny day), along with a beautiful brunette woman.
Both were laughing making no attempts at all to mask their amusement at the spectacle bestowed upon them. While the raven haired boy tried to spare you some dignity by hiding his horrible kept chuckles in his hand ( it had no effect but you appreciated the effort nonetheless).
You sit in the farthest seat possible trying to make yourself unnoticeable for the duration of the class, you look outside the widow and get lost in the breathtaking view of the trees blowing in the beautiful summer wind. The months had just begun to get warmer and the world was looking so bright.
As you were so engrossed in the view Suguru however couldn’t help but spare glances at you all throughout the duration of class. He noticed your lack of attention to the lesson but also the way the sun had hugged your face, highlighting you in such a sensational way, you had looked so peaceful as if the world was crafted with you and you alone in mind. Suguru felt like you were drawing him in, he just had to talk to you, get to know you. So when the bell rang he all but sprinted to your desk, leaving Satoru a bit dazed. He felt bad for interrupting your thoughts but class did end so maybe he was doing you a favor, he tried to reason with himself.
Captivated by the view you didn’t hear the ring of the bell and were nudged by someone. Turning to look you noticed it was the raven haired man, he was much more handsome up close it’s difficult to describe as you think not even the highest quality camera could begin to compose the essence of his beauty. You notice his lips move to speak but your to engrossed in his presence to really notice that he had said something. It’s not until he nudges you again that you finally come back to earth. “ oh my apologies is there something you needed…” It’s only then when you realize you hadn’t captured his- He cuts your thought off.
“ Suguru. Suguru Geto.”
The name suits him you think as beautiful and elegant as the setting sun, ending the day and welcoming the next. He continues his sentence with a hearty chuckle “ I just wanted to inform you class ended about 10 minutes ago, what is it that you are so intensely thinking about?” He hadn’t realized what he blurted out before he quickly tried to save himself. Heat rose to your cheeks once again. How did you not notice? You don’t have time to internally beat yourself up for your lack of awareness before he goes on. “ If you’re not doing anything would you like to come have lunch with us? It’s not everyday we get a transfer student especially so late.”
Who would have thought that a simple invitation such as this one would lead to such a strong and beautiful bond amongst you four…
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zenderstorm · 5 months
i remembered i havent posted this yet here, so have this !
concept & headcanons !
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ive read some of those ideas which another “boss” clone is formed when a clone besides sekido absorbs the rest. this is my take on it ^^
all four of them are “zohakuten”, and they represent different ways one can show and feel hatred. [I didn’t go with “evolved emotions” like anger -> hatred or sadness -> depression because 1. you can feel hatred without anger and 2. its funnier with more haters on the team]
i made it so that all their abilities are related to music (?) like how the OG uses drums. [ik zohakuten’s drums are based on a japanese thunder god’s drums or something but i only remembered that after i finished this 😭] all of them have around the same levels of strength, but have different techniques.
theoretically it’s impossible to manifest them all at once.
any clone can absorb the rest to form zohakuten. but the clone with the final say is often sekido, because he’s more aggressive and dominant compared to the rest. so they form the OG (who has a personality similar to sekido.) however there’s a chance that another clone gains control, creating the variations.
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fusion probability 7%, formed from karaku, finds pleasure in hating
extends fights for over weeks on end, because he gets a bit relaxed with attacks. his defence is really high though so u can’t really take advantage of his relaxation.
fights with explosions. his explosions have the qualities of each emotion clone like sonar screech explosion, weeping spears explosion, etc. the explosions are triggered landmine-style and when you step on it it plays a piano-like sound. different notes represent different attacks. he’s immune to the explosions.
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fusion probability 0.5%, formed from aizetsu, hates those who make him sad
most likely to spare victims. if you don’t make him feel miserable you can probably get away. but like he won’t let you win, he’ll just let you escape.
fights with wires. the wires are strong & thin enough to cut flesh, and spread further out the longer you fight him. they sprout out of trees, an even if they look organic up close, are electrically charged. he strums them to control them (wrap around victims, strengthen electrical current) and is unharmed by the wires.
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fusion probability 90%, he OG formed from sekido, we know how this works, he hates those he sees as villains.
his probability is the highest cuz the other clones kinda let sekido form him, since this zohakuten is the hardest to fight and won’t play around.
we know how this pookie fights. however I headcanon he can transform surrounding trees into even more wooden dragons.
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fusion probability 2.5%, formed from urogi, hates those who he thinks are happier than him, so don’t you dare show him a smile.
quickest to eat his victims. like he wants to chow down so bad. sometimes even if he hasn’t killed them yet he’ll just start biting.
hearing him sing causes small figs to sprout in your ears, which can grow into full on trees. he can hide & sprout his wings (i let him do this cus of that one scene where tanjiro cut urogi’s wings!! so this zohakuten can hide his to prevent it from getting cut) he can also use the emotion clones’ techniques while singing.
maybe i’ll draw them fully one day 😭 idk. thank you for reading my yapping this far here are his beans
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Hi!! I just wanted to say first off that this is such a cute idea! I don’t usually do a lot of requests/asks but i could not pass this up!
-My name is Lara Lowry, I use she/her pronouns!
-I’m short (like 5’1”) and I have dark brown curly hair. i’m half irish and half nigerian so i look kinda mixed. i have really dark brown eyes that kinda just look black unless you’re really close or in the sunlight lol. i have olive skin, im kind of pale rn cause it’s winter!
- I am an ENFP-A and my enneagram is 2 if i remember correctly. i love very hard and get attached very quickly! my love languages are quality time and physical touch i think. I am somewhat outgoing but i love to be at home a lot too. I’m a cancer so im very emotionally charged and i wear my heart on my sleeve.
-i play the flute and piano, im in the wind symphony and orchestra at my university and i love it, but i also love to draw so im an art major! i enjoy theatre and singing. i love to write as well, i just wish i could be more motivated to do so. one of my dreams is to be a mother honestly and make a beautiful/loving home for my family!
-i really love a partner that is sort of grounding for me, like someone who can be my rock. (i am very codependent which is bad ik but definitely one of my flaws.) i love someone who is classy and gentleman like! i think chivalry is very attractive! i can be a little crazy sometimes cause i have ADHD so i also like someone who can be my calm counterpart but also be fun and crazy with me sometimes! ok this is very telling but i LUV gingers, they’ve always been my type. i also love me some scrawny white men lol.
-my b.o.b faves are definitely winters, liebgott, guarnere, webster… in that order :) so i would love to be shipped with any of them but honestly i love them all so i don’t mind!
i’m so excited for this and thanks! :D
Aaaaaa thank you so much for the request love!! 😁🥰
I ship you with…
Joe Liebgott!
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A song from my liked songs that reminds me of y’all - I Was Born to Love You by Queen
How y’all met
Ok so you were in Paris studying art and one day you were just vibing in an outdoor cafe doing some sketching
Liebgott was out with Luz and Webster just vibing on their weekend passes
Turns out they were at the same cafe!!
So you noticed the three of them hanging out and being Adorable so of course it’s sketchy sketchy time
You do this gorgeous picture of the three of them that just really captures the playful energy and happy vibes they were giving off
But Joe noticed you looking over and immediately is like wow she’s heckin cute
So he tries to catch your eyes every time you look up and he does a couple of times and just gives you THAT SMIRK YOU KNOW WHICH ONE and he can see you blush from his table and just thinks you’re SO CUTE
Joe decides to excuse himself for a second and saunters over to you, like, he needs to talk to you or else he’s gonna explode
“Couldn’t help but notice your pretty eyes kept looking over” he smooth talks as he takes the empty seat at your table
Before you can respond he sees your drawing and is just like
Jaw drop
Joe just drops all of his flirty smooth talking and in a sweet, honest voice, “you drew that? …that's how you saw me?”
Sweet boy just goes kinda quiet while staring at your drawing but he quickly snaps back to his senses, albeit a little frazzled
“Um, I’m Joe,” he says politely, stretching out a hand to you
Long story short he got a weekend pass to Paris any time he could and wrote to you every day
Lowkey you’d always put a little doodle on your letters back to him and he’d never admit it but all week he’d be looking forward to your letter and see what you drew this time
How he knew he loves you
So it’s one of the times when he got a weekend pass and y’all are having a picnic in the park just vibing and having a lovely time
All of a sudden a baseball comes rolling over to y’all and you notice a couple of itty bitty kids have started running over
You pick up the baseball and hand it to them and they start to apologize but you’re so sweet and they’re so stinking cute they just laugh and say thank you before running back to their game
Joe was sitting back watching the interaction and all he could see was you with a bunch of little Liebgotts
It just kind of hit him, he doesn’t want anybody else, you’re his person
As you’re coming back to sit down he takes your hand and just pulls you into his lap
Before you can protest he plants a soft, sweet kiss on your lips
“I’m in love with you, doll”
You can barely hear it but it still brings tears to your eyes
And you knew you found your person
A conflict and how y’all resolved it
So it’s after the war and you were back at home doing some sketches
It’s around the time Joe is supposed to be home but he’s still not home??
Finally you’re about to go to bed and Joe walks in the door
“Hey love! Long day at work?” you say, trying to mask your worry/relief as you give him a welcome home hug
“Yeah, something like that,” he replies half-heartedly as y’all go back and get ready for bed
This happens three more times in the week
You never get to see Joe, and when you do see him he’s too tired to talk
Not to mention the Intrusive Thoughts start happening
He can’t be seeing someone else…right?
So it’s finally the weekend and Joe has the day off
Or so you thought
You’re up and making coffee when Joe makes his way out
“Hey babydoll I’m gonna go try and get a few fares in,” he says casually, about to give you a goodbye peck on the cheek
Except all the worry and loneliness just kinda boils out of you
“Joey I haven’t seen you all week and now you’re picking up cab shifts on Saturday!?”
“Well I was just trying to make us some extra cash…”
“We’ve already paid our bills this month! Besides you could at least take today to be at home!”
The air is heavy while the two of you just stand there quietly
Joe has an anxious look in his eyes, looking everywhere but you as his hand comes up to the back of his neck
You notice and tears start welling up
“Tell me there isn’t someone else,” you’re barely able to make out without a sob accompanying your words
Suddenly Joe’s expression completely changes
His eyes immediately meet yours with shock and concern
“Baby is that why you think I’ve been out every night?”
You stay quiet and look down at the floor, unsure if you feel silly, embarrassed, frustrated, or some combination of the three
“Oh sweetheart…” Joe immediately comes over and wraps you up in a warm, tight hug
You let a few sobs escape as you melt into his embrace, wrapping your arms around him
“You know I’d never do that to you love, shit there’s no one out there that even begins to compare to you,” Joe tells you in a quiet, sincere voice
“Then why have you been going out so much?”
Joe pulls away from the hug and looks down at the floor, almost appearing embarrassed
“I wanted to surprise you… I’m saving up for your birthday present.”
And you just ???? “What could you be getting that could need you to work so much?”
“I just always saw how you looked at pictures of Ireland and how you always say you’d like to go somewhere on a vacation…”
“Joey, are you saving up to take me there?”
“... I was saving up so we could fly first class and get a nice fancy hotel, you deserve the best…”
Now you start sobbing again but for a whole new reason
Joe looks at you again with concern when he hears you start crying again but you just take his face in your hands and give him the biggest kiss ever
“You’re the sweetest man I’ve ever met, you know that?”
He winds up staying home that day ❤️
Your Happily Ever After
So y’all get married after the war and you move to San Francisco with your mans
You have twin girls who you both love to the moon and back
Your family is just as you pictured it and so much more - like it's so clear to everyone how much all four of you love each other
Every weekend you, Joe, and your girls are in the park trying something new
One weekend Joe is teaching them to ride bikes and helping them up when they fall
The next weekend they’re showing you the flowers that they drew cuz they wanna be artists like you
At the end of each day after you put the girls to bed you just sit on your couch with Joe and lean your head on his shoulder and life couldn’t be more perfect
A silly headcanon about your relationship
Y’all always do family costumes for Halloween and it’s the best thing ever
One year you were superheroes
You and Joe were Superman and Wonder Woman and the twins were Batman and Robin
Another year you were Cruella and the three of them dressed as dalmatians
Nothing compares though to when the Easy Company Reunion fell on Halloween Weekend
So, unbeknownst to Joe, the three of you dressed as his friends for Halloween
Of course you dressed up as Webster
And the girls just begged to go as Uncle George and Uncle Joe
The only ones smiling bigger than Joe were Luz and Toye when they saw their mini me's
Joe keeps the picture from that Halloween in his wallet and another copy in his cab visor
aaaaaaaa this was so much fun to write!!! Thank you again for the ask Lara and for your patience 🫠 !!!!
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yuwumeniji · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if u could do how it's like living with luxiem as their s/o? Ty, also have a nice day
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Life with Luxiem
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
EXTRA NOTES: you ask, and i shall provide! thank you sm for the ask ^^
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established relationships lmao
overall fluff - at least what i hope having a roomie is like aha
is this what chaos is??
midway through the draft i realized you asked about a romantic relationship LMAO but then i decided 'fuck it, we're roomies that give each other a lil smooch sometimes' so i hope that's ok
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this is that meme where a guy takes a photo with his girlfriend hugging a huge $200 teddy bear instead of snuggling together in bed except it's you on the isolated side of the bed and ike snuggling with a $799.99 jumbo hatsune miku plush (i even googled the price because i also wanted one too)
he spends a lot of time cooped up in his room too - from personal projects to novel manuscripts, sometimes you just peak inside and clean if he isn't paying attention to what's around him (he's the type to keep everywhere else in the house clean except his own room, but doesn't think much of it since he's usually the only one inside anyways)
despite that, he does his chores and he expects you to do yours as well - he's a very fair novelist. even if he's busy with different manuscripts or worshipping miku, he would do it all without missing a day
he's relatively good at cooking - not restaurant quality but certainly not burn water somehow, even though he thinks the peak of his culinary career is microwaving a 2-day old burger (it's really not that bad)
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he's just really clean ??? like there's literally no issue with being his roomie except maybe the rare intruder cases or the odd packages he buys (he once bought a cardboard cutout of a political politician for a meme and you guys had to eat with it for at least 2 weeks before he begrudgingly throws it out)
at the end of the day, luca's still the big boss for a mafia family, so it really isn't a surprise to be carrying at least some kind of weapon around the house
lots of large dinners with friends, mafia members, etc. but dinners with just you and luca are both calming and entertaining - he's the kind to just spill everything that has happened in the day if he stepped out of your shared home
outside of cleaning (he insists on doing the cleaning and even does so without telling you - sometimes you would wake up and the house would be sparkling), you guys would always play something like rock-paper-scissors to decide who does what set of chores; in a sense, one of the fairest people to split household duties with
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Rooming with Mysta - thoughts? and prayers bestie (skull emoji)
he actually does try to do all the chores - partly because he wants to get better at it and partly so that he could prove to everyone he's capable of taking care of another living being (aka you) ; on multiple occasions when you said you were cleaning, he's like 'DON'T WORRY BABE I GOT THIS'
he's managed to turn the place into a bubble bath once when doing the laundry - you had soap everywhere for at least a week
the kind to randomly invite you to watch something with him - i'd like to think he watches whatever is on and uses it as an excuse to fall asleep on you and use you as a pillow (but he's warm, so it's like having a blanket for you too)
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the best out of all of the members because he's clean, efficent and requires the least amount of care (as far as chores and other daily things go)
why am i talking about him like he's some sort of housepet - idk???? but he's really independent, you don't really have to worry too much about household stuff
he's still very loving and affectionate - the kind to split chores but would still do yours if asked (reasonably at least)
ok the one downside to rooming with shu is that sometimes he would make very practical but impulsive purchases - sometimes, you would wonder if you were the one who impulsively bought something like a toilet seat warmer (for my winter toilet seat dislikers LMAO), but then you would see the package reciever's name
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you guys definitely split cooking duties ; even if you are a kitchen disaster, vox would love to eat any and all of your creations
despite being culinary geniuses, vox orders a LOT of take out to the point it became a tradition between you guys to find a new restaurant/take-out place at 3 am to order from
he's pretty solid with the advice too; if you're having a bad day with school/work/whatever or you had an argument with someone you're close to, he's the kind of roomie that would immediately help you cheer up in some way or another
the only issue you would have with vox is maybe he'll get the occasional fanmail in your letter box or gift standing at your door and you would always wonder - where do these come from and why are they addressed to him? he's a mysterious guy after all and he doesn't share too much about himself and often teases you when you ask about him (unless he's like... drunk or something, they do say drunkards say the truth after all)
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cakiette · 8 months
🎀🦴 moar fmfs fanart for @mothytheghost muhuahua- >:3 ur au is great asf
☆ object ocs r not mine ^_^
☆ fmfs au belongs to @mothytheghost ^w^
☆ characters: mecintosh, smol bebe cobs
notes : mothy i have more fanart 4 u but like my social anxiety is telling me “NO” but err yeah hope u lieky it ☆ btw srry for tagging u sm ik this is the damn 2nd time but still
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❝ 'Cause I just had a dream I was dead. And I only cared 'cause I was taken from you.❞
yeah mecintosh had a bad dream ik robots dont dream but like
its for the drama ok
btw the quote thingy is from pinkpantheress’s new song “Mosquito”
i jammed to that song while drawing other things and i went like what if i do this thingy and thats how i made it
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★ — i love these new dividers i found!!!
( o'ω')o hugs for whoever made the dividers ((those arent mine btw)
★— Omgg,, thats a lotta tags 🏷️
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ssreeder · 3 months
Instead of sleeping I read chapter 17 and as always GIRL IT WAS SOOO GOODDD. EVERY TIME I THINK I KNOW WHATS GOING ON YOU DO LIKE A 360 TURN.
I love Jee and Bato so much actually. Ik it’s really probable that one of them will die cause you hint it all the time so I’m scared.
Im also glad the boys are finally doing a little healing (apparently Zuko’s not doing very well According to you but shhhhh he’s fine).
When I saw the suicide tag I did a little guessing game on who it would be and I did a little preview of the chapter and as soon as I saw Ara had a POV I knew it was gonna be her. I’m glad she finally is doing something with her life and not stalking her victims!! (I have a love hate relationship with her) She’s also friends with Katara now, oh god Sokka is gonna take this so well!!!
Also random question, i think I was just reading to into everything but I’ve always wondered did people brush their teeth at torture murder prison? The general quality of life there was not so good so idk if they would even supply toothbrushes??? Like Ik they have way more pressing issues but imagine if all those people dying at the prison weren’t cause of torture murder but like of a gum infection. There’s no way Zuko and Sokka don’t have hella cavities. Watch Zuko’s gonna live through all this shit and die of a tooth infection at 20.
Have a good day!!!!
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always great to hear from you & im happy my fic continues to surprise you haha.
as for Jeeto awwww our little babies I do hope nothing bad happens to them <3
Hahaha Ara 5 minutes after deciding she was going to live: Now I will find a way to make this Sokkas problem. *befriends katara*
as for your tooth question haha, Ara did mention she’s pulled a buckets worth of teeth so I am assuming most people don’t brush their teeth but Sokka was given a prison “welcome kit” that I think had a toothbrush in it… hopefully. THANKS FOR THE ASK FRIEND
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creativewhizkid · 9 months
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redrew a screenshot from loo loo land with my friends @nicolas-cross oc, nicolas!! they both deserve a friend
also IK THE PHOTO QUALITY IS SHIT. i'm trying to fix it but tumblr won't work with me. tap the photo for better quality!!! please!!! it doesn't actually look that bad!!!
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original screenshot under cut
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