#bad reaction from arthur
onceandfutureclotpoll · 4 months
Title: Green Thumb
Author: supercalvin
Rating: Teen and up Audiences
Summary: Arthur came into the nursery to look for some plants to liven up the house he had inherited. He had expected to look at some grass, leave, and then buy plants at a local store instead. What he hadn’t expected was a garden that made him feel like he entered a magical land, with a quaint run-down house and a clever green-thumbed owner.
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thisisnotthenerd · 5 months
The Last Stand Exam
This file documents the questions administered to the adventuring party known as the Bad Kids during their Last Standard Exam, in their junior year at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy. This assessment was produced from a variety of class materials relevant to the curriculum of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy, as submitted to the principal Arthur Aguefort prior to the start of the school year. This list is accompanied by documentation of the creatures the party known as the Bad Kids was required to face as part of the exam.
The exam is graded out of 100 points; the scoring involves the students correctly answering the questions in the appropriate time interval as well as their heroic last stands. The students are expected to simultaneously fight off a horde of creatures and participate in the examination equally; each student in this party must answer two of the twelve questions.
Neither exam aids, nor outside interference are permitted during the examination period--this excludes clerical divine intervention, as appropriately performed by a member of the party in question. By standard, the proctor must be protected--death of the proctor results in a 30 point score reduction regardless of circumstance.
By Solisian School District Standards, this party reports excellent grades and a high level of competency with regard to independent adventuring.* They were allotted a grace period prior to exam initiation for preparatory spellcasting and review of the exam parameters. Based on prior academic achievement**, the students were allowed two chances to defer a question or utilize previous materials in their response. Questions where these materials were used will be marked with a **.
Exam Proctor: Gavin Pundle
Assisting Cleric: Buddy Dawn
Party Members:
Adaine Abernant | Wizard
Kristen Applebees | Cleric
Figueroth Faeth | Bard / Paladin / Warlock / "Barbarian"
Riz Gukgak | Rogue
Fabian Aramais Seacaster | Fighter / Bard
Gorgug Thistlespring | Barbarian / Artificer
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Exam Questions
These will be listed with the appropriate subject as well as the allotted time, and prospective solutions. This is ordered with respect to how the students answered the questions, with the primary respondent indicated.
Investigation: (2 min)
Question: BONY GIRTH
Solution: NIGHT YORB
Primary Respondent: Riz Gukgak
Athletics: (1 min)
Question: What rival Bloodrush team do our beloved Owlbears most often compete against?
A) Buccaneers
B) Hellions
C) Grapplers
D) Scoundrels
Solution: B) Hudol Hellions
Primary Respondent: Fabian Aramais Seacaster
Religion: (1 min)
Question: Which rad Dwarven deity holds dominion over the art of Shredding?
A) Orrie
B) Ollie
C) Ormry
D) Oggie
Solution: B) Ollie
Primary Respondent: Kristen Applebees
Performance: (3 min)
Question: Please compose a limerick, sonnet, or haiku expressing your feelings and emotions relating to the exam you are currently taking.
There was an exam that was hard
But luckily, I am a bard
The demons are slayed
'Cause of how we played
They're hoisted by their own petard
Primary Respondent: Figueroth Faeth
Elven: (1 min)
Question: Please translate the following phrase into Common:
"Pedo Mellon a Minno"
Extra Credit: The word "Mellon" is the root word for which extremely weak form of magic?
Solution: "Speak friends and enter"
Extra Credit Solution: Friendship
Primary Respondent: Adaine Abernant
History: (2 min)
Question: 225 immaculate conceptions occurred on the same day in Solace in reaction to the first public performance of which instrument?
A) The octocord
B) The electric lute
C) The astral piano
D) The hurdy-gurdy
Extra Credit: Nine months later, the newborns were discovered to have been wearing vests in utero. What material were the vests made out of?
Solution: B) The electric lute
Extra Credit Solution: Denim
Primary Respondent: Riz Gukgak
Common: (5 min)
Question: Please write a 300 word essay arguing for a proposed improvement at the aguefort Adventuring Academy in the space provided below.
Solution: We believe a greater amount of our grade should come from the actual good we do in the world. Given the number of times our adventuring party have been put in a situation where the actual fate of our very existence has hung in the balance, it seems only fitting that the result of our efforts impact our academic study. Considering the ultimate goal is to become adventurers, it makes the most sense that actual application of our skills would be most important. If actual adventuring doesn't show our skills, what will? No matter how many class I take, it won't make me a better bard or fighter. I, Fabian Seacaster, son of the great Bill Seacaster, privateer, not pirate... (108)**
Primary Respondent: Fabian Aramais Seacaster
Driver's Ed: (1 min)
Question: What is the proper way to reverse a vehicle's orientation 180 degrees while driving at top speed?
A) Signal the turn correctly
B) Slowly decrease acceleration
C) Engage the emergency brake
D) Rebuild the car facing the other way while driving
Solution: C) Engage the emergency brake
Primary Respondent: Figueroth Faeth
Medicine: (1 min)
Question: What is the most certain way for a wounded adventurer to make a full recovery from even the most grievous injuries?
A) Be healed by a powerful cleric
B) Drink an artifact-level healing potion
C) Receive a greater restoration from a celestial
D) Lie down for eight hours
Solution: D) Lie down for eight hours
Primary Respondent: Kristen Applebees
Arcana: (1 min)
Question: What is the most powerful form of magic?
Extra Credit: What is the easiest object in which to magically trap an opponent?
Solution: Chronomancy
Extra Credit Solution: A Gem
Primary Respondent: Adaine Abernant
Mathematics: (2 min)
Question: Two trains are driving toward one another on the same track. The first train leaves Elmville at 5:05 AM traveling at 60 miles per hour. The second train leaves Bastion City, 135 miles away, at 5:30 AM traveling at 70 miles per hour. What is the exact time that the collision will occur?
Solution: 6:20:46 AM**
Primary Respondent: Gorgug Thistlespring
Biology: (45 sec)
Question: Of the following creatures, which cannot turn its prey into stone?
A) Basilisk
B) Cockatrice
C) Gorgon
D) Manticore
Solution: D) Manticore
Primary Respondent: Gorgug Thistlespring
Written Portion of Exam: Passed (100% + 2 points extra credit)
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Last Stand Monsters
This table documents the monsters faced by the party within the duration of the Last Standard Examination. Note the indicated modifiers for the quantity of enemy combatants and the exam questions.
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Format: Monster - Killing Blow
Otyugh - Fireball from Figueroth Faeth
Ochre Jellies - Fireball from Figueroth Faeth, Word of Radiance from Kristen Applebees
Gorgon - Sneak attack with arquebus from Riz Gukgak
Hydra - Attack with Fandrangor from Fabian Aramais Seacaster + Fire Breath from Hangman
Skeletons - Turn Undead from Kristen Applebees
Mimic - Green Flame Blade from Figueroth Faeth
Manticore - Banishment from Kristen Applebees
Shrimp Dragon - Hellish Rebuke from Figueroth Faeth
Roper - Sneak attack with arquebus from Riz Gukgak
Stirges - Spirit Guardians from Figueroth Faeth
Umber Hulk - Sneak attack with arquebus from Riz Gukgak
Wyvern - Spirit Guardians & Booming Blade from Figueroth Faeth
Crab Man - Attack with Fandrangor from Fabian Aramais Seacaster + Bite Attack from Hangman
Rust Monsters - Spirit Guardians from Figueroth Faeth, Erupting Earth from Adaine Abernant, Fire Breath from Hangman
Pentacorn - Green Flame Blade + Divine Smite from Figueroth Faeth
Purple Worm - Soloed by Gorgug Thistlespring
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Proctor Notes:
Party bard Figueroth Faeth used Disguise Self to assume form of proctor
Proctor attacked by Gorgon, not killed
Significant critical hits throughout combat from Gorgug Thistlespring.
Attendant Cleric Buddy Dawn was killed during the exam by unknown assailants; clarification on this event obtained post-exam and reported to the superintendent.
This party is on record as the first party to complete the Last Standard exam without perishing, thereby understanding Arthur Aguefort's intent for the assessment.
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*Reference files for evaluating adventuring party competency: AAA-BKQ-01-KVX, AAA-BKQ-02-CNK, AAA-BKQ-03-CNY
**This was awarded to Gorgug Thistlespring, for exemplary work as a triple-year artificer student, in addition to the junior year barbarian curriculum
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bitin-and-barkin · 3 months
Come Back To Me
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Currently imagining Arthur Morgans reaction to seeing you again after you supposedly died.
Warnings: Angst, mentions/descriptions of blood/injuries + torture, eventual fluff, no smut (yet), Arthur Morgan x reader, gender neutral reader, religious talk, probably out of character, but he just really loves you okay, so he gets emotional
Let's say when Dutch was going to meet up with Colm, you offered yourself to act as backup instead, not wanting to make Arthur work any harder than he had.
Infact, seeing how exhausted your husband was, you were about to tear Dutch a new one for trying to make him work even more.
But they needed a sniper. And sure, you were tired. You had just gotten back from another solo job, where you scored a pretty penny for the gang. But you knew Arthur deserved a break. And so you said you'd help instead.
But while waiting on that mountain top for Colm to try something, you got distracted. You were tired, and you got sloppy. You weren't expecting his men to come for you. They snuck up behind you and wrangled you to the ground, with it taking four, maybe five men to keep you pinned down before they finally knocked you out.
When Dutch returned without you, Arthur knew something was wrong. Dutch claimed that you were probably out just doing another job, running off like you always did. Your horse was even gone from where you hitched it. And foolishly, Arthur believed him.
Now, it had been 5, maybe, 6 months after your disappearance. One month in Dutch stopped sending out search parties after they found your hat bloodied in an abandoned house, along with your ring finger.
They knew it was your ring finger, as it still had the wedding band Arthur bought for you on it.
Charles and Javier searched the area for any trails, but all of them were ruined past the point of tracking.
They arrived back to camp, bearing the bad news, that no trail could be found. Dutch pronounced you dead and had a honorary funeral. Swearing they would all eventually get revenge on Colm for this.
Revenge hadn't come.
It became even more of a common sight to see Arthur come back to camp covered in blood that wasn't his. He obsessively picked off O'Driscolls, killing and torturing every camp he found. Questioning every single one; Where were you? Where was Colm? What had Colm done to you? Were you even still alive?
Screaming that if he ever found Colm, he would rip him apart. Telling Dutch he should've killed him when he had the chance.
The image of your severed finger was engraved into his mind. They hadn't even sold the ring. They left it on just to rub it in his face.
He almost collapsed to the floor when he first saw it. He felt like he was dying. Who knew emotional pain could be so physical?
Even after the camp had sat him down and told him you were probably dead, and that he needed to accept that, he had never stopped searching. In fact, he punched Dutch in the face after he told him that.
He drew away from the gang, isolating himself. Dutch, Tilly, Hosea, Marybeth, Charles. Nobody could get through to him. He shut them all out, trying to act like everything was fine.
But nothing was fine. He knew that. He hated the world for moving on without you.
Every night he was drinking himself into a stupor, it was the only thing that let him sleep. He stopped talking or eating much, he was obviously losing weight. Always working, bringing in cash but never staying for too long.
He stopped sleeping at camp. He stopped sleeping much in general. He had nightmares whenever he did.
Your tent reminded him of you. Whenever he did sleep, it was always in your tent. It made him feel less alone.
Nobody ever took it over or moved your things because they all knew Arthur would gut whoever did.
He always thought of you, and whenever he did, he couldn't help but blame himself.
Why did he let you take his place? Why hadn't he searched for you the second Dutch came home without you? He couldn't do anything right. The same thing that happened to Eliza and Issac had happened to you. And all he did was sit around like a fool and let it happen.
How many days, weeks, had they tortured you before you died? Months, even? God, did they even wait for you to die before they took your finger off? Could you still be alive? You've always been a fighter, he knows that. If anybody was to survive being at Colm's mercy, it would be you. Could you still be waiting? In some basement, some hole in the ground, some old shack for Arthur? For the gang? For anybody to come save you? He knew what type of man Colm was. He knows Colm would do worse just to spite Dutch.
Was this punishment? For everything he had done? Was this hell? He wasn't religious, but every night where he went to bed without your presence next to his, it sure felt like it.
He was losing Dutch to his insanity. He was losing his way of life to the passing time.
And now he had lost you.
Why did it have to be you?
Why couldn't it have been him? Why did it have to be you? Why couldn't he have at least died with you? He would spend an eternity in hell if he could spend his eternity with you.
But what could he do about it?
What was he doing about it?
Riding into Valentine to drink himself half dead. Alone. Riding into an endless nightmare alone without you.
As he was hitching his horse outside the saloon, he saw your distinct mare hitched right next to his.
For a moment he was happy. Happy for the first time in a long time. As this was proof that maybe, just maybe you were alive. And then, he realized what had actually happened.
Some bastard after killing you had taken your horse. Like some sort of trophy.
He stomped inside the saloon. He bought that horse for you. Saw it at Strawberry while going to free Micah and just knew that you had to have it after your last one died in Blackwater.
The girl was so sweet, and obedient too. He had hunted down a panther in Lemoyne and sold it to the trapper to make a saddle for you. He made sure to fill up the saddle bags with everything you'd need to care for it, along with a couple of other gifts for you sprinkled in. When he shyly brought the whole ensemble to you, you jumped into his arms like you two were young again.
And now some selfish bastard was making a mockery of it.
He walked up to the Bartender and slammed his hands on the bar, grabbing the man by the collar of his shirt. Demanding to know who rode in with that horse.
The bartender nervously said they had rented a room. Were still upstairs as they spoke. He walked upstairs, unholstering his knife.
He was gonna make this slow.
Treading carefully towards the bedroom, turning the handle. It was locked. He backed up and kicked the door open, pointing his gun at whoever was inside, ready to shoot them in the leg if they tried to escape. No way was he gonna give them an easy death with a headshot.
And then?
He saw you.
Standing near the bed, bruises and cuts, scars new and old littering your body. Wrapped in bandages soaked in blood. Leaning against a bedpost, barely able to stand, pointing a shaky gun at the intruder.
Time stood still as your eyes met.
He dropped his gun. You lowered yours.
He whispered your name, almost like a prayer. Praying this was real.
You said his back.
Then, he ran towards you. Wrapping you in a hug, holding onto you for dear life.
Praying that if this was a dream, he would never have to wake up.
Running his fingers through your hair, gripping onto your shirt, he felt your chest heave. Your tears falling onto his shoulder, wetting his jacket.
You were crying- no, you were apologizing.
To him.
For worrying him.
And then he started crying too.
Crying into the crook of your neck like a little boy.
Arthur never really cried. He hadn't cried in so long. After your death, he never let himself cry. He felt like he didn't deserve it.
But you?
You were alive.
Your hands wrapped around his back, the distinct pressure of your ring finger missing.
Feeling your missing ring burn a hole through his pocket. Remembering the sight of your severed finger.
And the hell you must've gone through to stay alive.
He felt sick, as he sobbed into your shoulder.
What kind of man was he? Needing you to comfort him after you were tortured?
He dropped to the floor, his knees couldn't hold him anymore. Still holding onto your body, now just your legs, for dear christ. Like you might fade away if he let go. He wouldn't let you go.
He missed you more than anything.
You slowly bent down, running your fingers through his hair.
He began wondering if you were real. Was this real?
You got down to his level, sitting on your knees. Kissing him on the forehead and putting your hand on the back of his head. Pushing him into your chest, as he only sobbed louder, blubbering and crying like a fool.
About how he thought he lost you. How the whole gang thought you had died. How he never stopped looking for you. How he thought he was dying after you didn't show up back home. How he never stopped wearing his wedding ring. How he always kept yours in his pocket. How he cradled a photo of you the first time he slept after you died.
How he wanted to bleed the world for killing you.
How he wanted to shoot everything to ashes.
How he missed you every waking moment.
How he dreamed of you every night.
How he would've given anything just to hold you one more time.
Crying into your arms,
Begging you not to leave him.
You rubbed circles onto the back of his head as you comforted him. Whispering that they only tortured you, that you eventually managed to get out, that you were fine. That you're alive. That you're here with him. That you're here for him. That you weren't going anywhere.
The months that he thought you were dead melted away as he felt your fingers run through his hair,
As you promised you weren't leaving him.
You're alive.
You're with him.
You're here.
And he swore to fucking God,
He was never letting you go again.
Okay, so should I do a smutty pt2 where he REALLY shows you how much he missed you, or should I do one who he goes fucking yandere esque from the prospect of almost losing you?? Or should I do both??
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immajustvibehere · 1 year
Touch Starved Arthur x fem!touchy Reader
Pairing: hh!Arthur Morgan x fem!Reader (fluffly)
summary: Arthur wonders why you, the most touchy person who doesn't mind hugging and being close to everyone in the gang, avoids him. Then you catch him alone one night and he finds solace in your closeness.
warning: Mentioning of Micah's abuse, it's platonic now but maybe second part for some lover action if y'all want?
2400 words, about 10-13 minutes reading time
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Arthur didn't understand how you could be so open, giggly, and affectionate with anyone in the gang but him. Your willingness to engage in physical touch made no difference of man, woman or child. He had started to observe your interactions with others more closely, ever since he had found out that they gave him a bitter feeling of jealousy. You held hands with the girls, play-wrestled with Jack, leaned into Hosea's hugs at the camp-fire or happily jumped on Sean's back for some piggyback rides. Even when talking to someone, you'd stand unusually close, a hand on the arm of whoever you were conversing with.
Everyone came to you with their problems, because they knew they could expect hugs or soft caressing. Your role as source of comfort and support within the gang was truly valued, but you weren't stupid or overly naive when it came to intimacy. When you found it not appreciated or uncomfortable, you'd soon let it be. After Micah had joined the gang, Arthur had kept a close eye on how you proceeded around him. For a couple of weeks, until he had settled in, you had kept your distance before approaching him. Arthur almost boiled when he saw how gently you rested your hand on his arm and he almost intervened when he saw Micah's prudish reaction of pulling you closer, groping you and asking if you were the camp's whore. After this encounter with Micah, you wisely chose to keep your distance.
Arthur wondered if he had done something wrong, but he coulnd’t remember any occasion where he would have abused your trust. You had been closer to him before, but it seemed a long time ago. You'd lean into him during story times or greet him with a hug after coming back from a big score…but eventually, it had stopped. Had he given an unintentional signal that he didn't want to be touched?
Those were Arthur’s thoughts as he sat opposite of you at the campfire. You were seated on the log which Javier used as backrest. You sat exactly behind him, your arm and head resting on his shoulder. Sometimes, Javier would snuggle his cheek against your arm. A lover's touch, Arthur thought. He wondered about certain situations that felt needlessly…loving. Keeping in mind that you weren't as restrained and conservative when it came to touches, he thought that some people tended to abuse that. Dutch, especially. You'd sit on his lap and while Arthur was sure your thoughts were naive and you'd just figured out that Dutch likes the attention and you saw nothing more behind it than similar physical intimacy you granted the others, Arthur was convinced that Dutch's thoughts weren't as pure. It was he who had picked you up from a saloon one day, praising your carefree and happy character, warning everyone to respect you. But when he pulled you onto his lap, Arthur swore it was a patronizing move with afterthoughts. Not that he thought either one of you would act upon it.
But it riled Arthur. You'd hold Lenny's hand when he had a bad day and even massage Uncle's back if he asked kindly enough…but Arthur had been ignored for a while now. Arthur had been starring at you and Javier, at your arm that rested so comfortably on him, but as Arthur's eyes wandered up with the intent of studying your face, he found you staring back at him. Slowly, you receded your arm and sat up straight, no longer in contact with the man in front of you. Arthur felt like you had caught him daydreaming. Then you nodded towards the outer rims of camp, standing up and signalling Arthur to follow. He waited a few moments and gave you a head start, before following you into the darkness, away from the group and the campfire.
Arthur had soon caught up with you, as you headed straight for the little patch of woods.
"What're ya up to?", he asked, watching you curiously as you made your way through the forest.
"Nothing specifically, will you join me for a walk though?", you invited with a kind smile.
"Sure. Ain't exactly safe to wander away from camp in the middle of the night", Arthur commented and stomped through the dry leaves on the ground, right at your side.
"How have you been recently?", you asked, your eyes trying to catch his.
"Jus' fine."
"Mh, don't you lie to me, Mr. Morgan. I can tell you have something on your mind."
"Yer that good at reading people?", Arthur said surprised.
You giggled: "Not particularly. But you always have something on your mind, so that wasn't a far-reaching guess."
"Suppose not", Arthur chuckled warmly.
Arthur shrugged and caringly extended his arm for you to hold onto, as you climbed over a fallen dead tree. For a moment, he was very focused on your warm and soft hand that had a tight grip on his arm as you tried not to lose balance. Though as soon as the obstacle had been crossed, your touched ceased from his arm, only its memory remained a while longer.
"I don't like 'round here. The way we are foolin' with both of 'em families. I don't think it'll work out,” Arthur said truthfully, "Besides, I don't like the stifling weather."
"I understand", you answered. You never argued when someone was confiding in you, neither did you come up with solutions, if not requested. But you listened, and this was enough.
By now, you had crossed the woods and had reached the meadow with some old ruins of houses and fences. You strolled towards a wall barely higher than a log and watched as Arthur sat down on it. You stood in front of him, carefully inching closer between his legs. Then you reached out and fixed his collar: "Has been annoying me all night..."
Arthur blushed profusely at this domestic gesture, but you barely noticed as you sat down next to him.
"You saw Mary Linton back in Valentine, didn't you?"
"I did", Arthur admitted briefly.
"So tell me more! I bet it's been on your mind", you said.
"I don't know,” Arthur sighed, “I think I miss what we had, but I'm no idiot. It didn't work before, and it wouldn't work now… Maybe I am an idiot, 'cause I keep entertaining those thoughts."
"Why wouldn't it work?"
"Ain't the best time to go off and stay away from camp. There's always something happening, I'd feel like a fool if I pursued her. Besides, her daddy never liked me and that for sure didn't change."
"What would make you happy, though?", you asked and looked at him. Arthur looked you in the eye.
"I think I just miss having a woman by my side. Marston is a damn fool to behave so cold around Abigail and little Jack,” Arthur complained. His gaze wandered off in the distance, searching for a landmark to focus on.
"He'll come around eventually", you smiled, knowing a lot more about John's situation after he had confided in you only a few weeks prior.
"I hope. I just want him to do right by her and the boy,” Arthur said.
"There it is,” you smiled and bumped your legs into his, "big, bad outlaw – lovingly caring for his friend’s wife and kid."
"Yer a damn tease, don't know how they all flock to you talking about their problems", Arthur quipped, now bumping his shoulder into yours. To his surprise, you stayed leaned against it, sighing happily and watching as he lit himself a cigarette.
Suddenly, your hand now rested on his arm, very lovingly and gently.
"All of a sudden, huh?", Arthur commented.
"All of a sudden what?"
"The touchin' and listenin' and stuff. Thought you'd keep ignoring me."
"What? Ignoring you? I'm sorry if I gave you this impression...I thought you didn't like that with other people around."
Your hand had disappeared from his arm, which pained Arthur.
You were right, of course you were. Arthur wasn't too big of a fan of showing that he needed loving attention as much as anyone, but you had figured it out. And now he realised why you had stopped, because you always felt him tensing up, shutting down and avoiding your gaze when you initiated some intimacy.
"Oh", Arthur mouthed. Now he took your hand and placed it on his thigh, squeezing it lightly, "I'm a moron, Miss y/n. I didn't realize you had picked up on that."
You smiled, satisfied that you'd been right, and leaned your head against his shoulder.
"I feared I had said something improper to scare you away", Arthur admitted in a quiet voice.
Of course not, you thought, if anyone in the gang was as gentle, pure and seemes the revel in those little touches, it was Arthur. And it was rewarding to see him soak up those little attentions like a sponge.
"Then you're right about being a fool. You haven't done anything wrong, Arthur", you said and squeezed his hand to emphasize those words. Hearing his first name roll from your lips had something very comforting. Arthur felt right at home, though he was sitting in a field.
"Yer a good person", Arthur said, "I'm damn sure you're the person holding this gang together. We'd have crumbled if it wasn't for you."
"You're giving me too much credit. You work way harder to keep us on track", you admitted and snuggled your face on his shoulder. Your thumb was slowly stroking his arm, Arthur watched shyly how the finger disturbed the hair that was growing on his forearm.
He had forgotten how much he needed that.
You heard the shaky breath the man next to you took.
"'s it dumb that I enjoy that?"
"No. Not at all", you honestly answered.
"What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever done for one of the fellers?", Arthur asked, feeling slightly embarrassed about asking you for something, even though all it would have been is if he could wrap an arm around you. After all, you had initiated all touch.
"Mh, well Micah-"
"No that", Arthur scoffed, "Could have beaten this rat's head in when he called you names, but i felt like you could handle the situation."
"Yes, I had", you said, squeezing his arm.
"I meant more like...did any of the man ever request something funny?"
You giggled: "Oh, you'd be surprised. But I won't tell you. Their secrets are as save with me as yours would, so don't feel bad about asking. I've heard that I give brilliant head-massages."
"That so?", Arthur said.
But he kindly refused the offer to lie his head in your lap, but when he offered this service in return, he was surprised when you readily agreed. "Thought you'd never ask!"
With your head resting on his thigh and looking up into the night sky, you could feel his muscles flex and tense under the weight of your head. Arthur took a while until he relaxed, even longer until he leisurely started to play with strands of your hair. He was very gentle, barely daring to touch your head and only letting few strands of hair run through his fingers.
Arthur closed his eyes and could imagine things that he normally would never let himself indulge in. A family, a cabin out west, a wife and a kid. Boy or girl or both, it didn't matter. A time where he didn't have to worry about the law chasing him down. Maybe, also a dog.
Lost in thoughts and thinking about what could have been, Arthur lost sense of time. It was your voice that brought him back to reality after a while.
"Arthur, dear? I'm getting a little tired. Could we head back?", your voice was soft and whispery. It didn't quite shake him up from his dreams. It's as if his wife called him back inside. But of course, you weren't his wife. And there was no "inside", only back to camp, back to the others.
"Of course, sorry. I didn't want to keep ya from sleepin'", Arthur apologized and waited until you had risen, before standing up himself with a stifled groan.
"I enjoyed this a lot, you know", you admitted. Even though neither of you had spoken, you felt like you had been part of Arthur's imaginations. And maybe found some solace in the same little dreams that he had.
"Me too. Thank you", Arthur said, and still was surprised when you hugged him gently. He hesitated for a moment, before putting his hand in the small of your back. Arthur felt good. It was a feeling that he hadn’t felt in a while. Having confided in you, the intimacy…there was this warm sensation in his chest. It had been a energizing experience, to say the least, dreaming without being judged.
You walked back with your arm intertwined with Arthur's. So not to "trip" on branches in the darkness, but also because it felt right. Arthur didn't dare to ask if that could become a regular thing. You only said good night when you had reached camp and he watched as you walked off to your bedroll.
Something had changed though, because the hugs after coming back from a long day of robbing and killing came back. Suddenly, when you handed him a plate of stew, your fingers would briefly touch. Whenever you found the opportunity, and Arthur gave you plenty, you fixed his collar or suspenders. With time, he lost the hesitation and would pull you closer when you were busy with dusting off his shirt.
Yet, you were occupied most of the nights. Arthur would see you at the jetty, talking with Lenny or deep in concentration while playing a game of Dominoes with Bill. You’d help Kieran with the horses and most of all, you’d always take time for Jack. It was you that put Jack to bed most nights, Abigail exchanged a few words with Arthur one morning on what a great help you’d been. From this point onwards, Arthur loved watching from a distance when you interacted with Jack. Slowly, an idea started to form. Maybe, if he worked up the courage, he could ask you to spend a night or two away from camp. Take Jack with them, as a kind gesture towards Abigail and to give the boy some distraction from his daily life in camp. Hell, you spent more time with him than John did anyways, and Arthur doubted that Abigail would have trouble entrusting you with him for a few nights. But it involved asking you…out, sort of. It wasn’t such a selfless action, though Jack would benefit, Arthur craved some time with you alone. And Arthur wasn’t sure if asking for this was overstepping a line.
Second part with Arthur taking out reader and Jack? Anyone interested? Wanna be tagged?
Second Part here!
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larluce · 7 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
A little reminder that Merlin was a tree for over a decade before travelling back in time, though he doesn't remember it and also Arthur's traumas of that time.
In Gaius's tower
Gaius: (checking Merlin, after Arthur insisted something was wrong with him) No sickness or injuries. He's perfectly fine, sire.
Merlin: (to Arthur) See? I told you it was nothing.
Arthur: It was not NOTHING. Merlin, you fainted.
Merlin: I just tripped.
Arthur: Because you fainted! And before that you were in pain.
Merlin: I was not!
Arthur: Yes, you were! Everytime we go hunting or camping you have headaches and pains. Don't you dare lie!
Merlin: (sighs) Alright, fine. It's true. I don't know why it happens, but it's not unbearable. And you heard Gaius, there’s nothing fisically wrong with me.
Arthur: As far as we know. (To Gaius) Check him again.
Merlin rolls his eyes. He loves that this Athur is more caring and protective of him, but sometimes it was too much, honestly. He even carried him all the way here like he was some maid in distress.
Gaius: Perhaps is an external factor that it’s causing this. Like some particular smell of a flower, for example?
Merlin: (shakes his head) I don't think so. We're never in the same place. The flora and fauna changes from one place to another.
Gaius: There must be a common factor. When do you feel this pains and headaches exactly?
Merlin: (purses his lips, not wanting to say)
Arthur: Merlin.
Merlin: I don't think is related.
Arthur: Merlin.
Merlin: (sighs) when a living thing dies. Like a bird, or a plant.
Arthur: When a living thing- (between horrified and mad) Merlin, I've been killing animals in your face for WEEKS! And you tell me this NOW?!
Merlin: I'm telling you I don't think it's related! I mean, it can't be related. It's ridiculous. And it never happened to me before.
That's not entirely true but not entirely a lie either. He has always been sensitive to nature. That's why he always hated when Arthur hunted animals just for fun. But he has never been THIS sensitive to the point he almost feel the same pain these creatures feel. Not until he came back in time. Maybe this is another price he has to pay for his deal with the sidhes or it's just a time travel side effect. The pains could be random as far as he knows.
Gaius: Well, there’s only one way to find out.
Later in the forest. Gaius is next to a tree with a chicken in one arm and an ax in the other. Merlin and Arthur look at him, insecure.
Merlin: Is this really necessary?
Gaius: I'm sorry, my boy, but we won't know for sure until we test it. (Apologetic smile) If it makes you feel better, it was going to die anyways for today's dinner.
Merlin: And you're going to cut down these flowers too? 🥺
Gaius: Not in vain. They’re medicine and they'll grow up again.
Merlin: Okay (takes a deep breath) I'm ready.
Arthur: (worried, holding his hand and stroking it comfortingly) Are you sure?
Merlin: (Nods and smiles) I just want to get this over with.
Gaius: Very well. Merlin, turn your back to me. Arthur, hold him in place and look his reaction closely.
They both do as told, Arthur holding Merlin by the shoulders, firmly but gently, his fingers caressing Merlin's neck under the neckerchief.
Arthur: (his face inches from Merlin's) Just look at me, alright?
Merlin: (blushes and just nods)
Gaius: (Kills the chicken)
Merlin: (his face flinches)
Arthur: Are you okay?
Merlin: (nods) It did hurt. But not as bad as I thought it would.
Gaius: We can check animals then. (Makes some notes and then cuts some flowers)
Merlin: (whimpers a little)
Arthur: (concern) Merlin.
Merlin: It's fine. But it hurt a little more for some reason.
Gaius: Interesting... (takes notes) "plants hurt more than animals"
Merlin: (sighs. To Arthur) You can say it.
Arthur: (confused) What?
Merlin: That I'm a petticoat... or a freak... For being like this.
Arthur: That's not true. You just have a... (looking for the right words) an unusual medical condition. Like Morgana with her nightmares.
Merlin: (snorts) At least her condition is useful. How am I supposse to accompany you in your hunting trips if I get like this all the time?
Arthur: Oh, there won't be more hunting trips. They’re cancel. Forever.
Merlin: What?! 😨 But you love hunting trips!
Arthur: (shrugs) It was never really that fun anyways.
Merlin knows that's not true, but doesn't say anything, to moved with Arthur's action he wants to cry. Arthur's holding him close still, their foreheads touching. They lose into each others eyes. But just as they’re leaning closer-
Gaius: (sticks the ax in a tree)
Merlin: AAAAAAARGH! (Screams and curls in pain)
Arthur: (Hugs him in distress) Merlin! (To Gaius furiously) What did you do?!
Gaius: Merlin! (Running to them) My boy, I'm so sorry! I've been cutting other plants and killing some bugs and you didn't seem to feel it. I just thought-
Merlin: (cries histerically) NOOO! (pushes Arthur and Gaius aside and runs to the tree) YOU HAD NO RIGHT! NO RIGHT TO HURT HER LIKE THIS! (Looks at Gaius, face contort in fury but with tears running down his eyes. Then he turns to the tree and takes the ax out of the trunk desperatly. When he finishes he sees the hole in the trunk and falls to his knees, sobing)
Gaius: ... It seems that trees trigger him more than anything. I've never heard of any sickness like this. Perhaps someone put a spell on him. Or a curse.
Arthur: (completely pale)
Gaius: Sire?
Athur: (murmuring, very scared) It... it can't be...
Gaius: Sire, are you alright? You're pale.
Arthur: I have to go. I'm sorry.(runs off)
Gaius: Sire! Sire! (Sighs and sits next to Merlin, who is now just sniffing quietly. He pats his backs, full of guilt) I'm so sorry, Merlin. Does it still hurt?
Merlin: (shakes his head) Not anymore. (caress the bark of the tree with a sad smile) She says she forgives you. She understands why you did it.
Gaius: (surprised) You're talking about the tree? You can speak to it-I mean, her?
Merlin: (nods, just as surprised at his new discovered ability) It's kind of like mind speak. But there is no voice in my head or really words. Just feelings.
Gaius: Incredible!
Merlin: Don't tell Arthur any of this though. He'll realise I have magic for sure. Or just think I'm insane.
Gaius: He seemed very torned up before leaving.
Merlin: (worried) You think he figured it out?
Gaius: I don't think so. I'll have a fake diagnosis for you in the afternoon just in case.
Merlin: (sighs) I can't believe my magic is doing this to me. Maybe I am cursed. (Thinking) What the hell did the sidhes do to me?!
Gaius: You just discover a new power, my boy. Once you know how to control it, it'll be more an advantage than a disadvatage.
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boiohboii · 1 year
That went well? (Lando Norris x Leclerc! Reader)
N.B: this had been in my drafts for a while, I hope you like it.
You didn't know how they managed to convince you, honestly it was a suicide mission, but still you could see the fun in your brothers' reactions, which is why you decided that inviting your brothers and their partners over would be a good way to do the prank.
Setting everything up, you started to get extremely nervous, you didn't know what to expect, all three Leclerc males are very unpredictable even if you grew up together your whole lives.
You knew there was no going back once you heard Carla's (Aurthur's girlfriend) scream from the bathroom, where you had set up the pregnancy test in the bin- hidden but visible enough for someone who would throw something away to see.
Meeting Lando's eyes from across the table, the same thought ran through your heads- well, there's no going back now.
While Arthur rushed to see Carla, followed by Lorenzo and his girlfriend, Charles spotted your nervous expression, your bouncing leg and your nails picking at the opposite thumb tearing off the skin. It was the last action that stopped the middle Leclerc boy dead in his tract, you only did that when you think whatever you did or said was downright bad- should stay away and isolate myself bad.
"YOU FUCKING BRITISH BREADSTICK," a strong, enraged voice echoed through the entire building "I WILL MAKE YOU CHEW ON YOUR OWN COCK YOU DICKHEAD."
Now, the Leclerc brothers have heard Lorenzo cursing up a storm before, but he had always been very careful around YN, installing into Charles and Arthur that yes you can swear and joke around with such words and insults around your friends, but not around girls and most certainly not their baby, innocent sister.
Was YN scared? Yes, she had never heard her brother sound so furious. Was Lando shaking in his non existent boots? Absolutely. The young driver started to sweat as soon as he heard the loud cry of his girlfriend's oldest brother.
Flared nostrils, red face and steam coming out of his ears, Lorenzo appeared at the end of the hall looking like he had fought his way out of an amusement park's death train seat.
Now, it was Charles' turn to follow his older brother's footsteps, "YOU FUCKING TOOL BOX! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!"
"YOU WANKER!" now Landk did not expect Arthur to insult him with his own language- the British, but you can't always know what life's gonna throw at you.
Just like how he did not expect to be running around town at 7 PM trying to avoid Lorenzo's shoe that seemed to always re-appear in the eldest male's hands, along with trying to not get anymore bruises from the broken stick in Chales' hands (it broke as the older F1 racer smacked it on his back) all while trying not to question how Arthur even knows that many british insults.
"I feel like we should tell them that it's a prank." YN uttered softly, wincing as Charles has managed yet again to hit Lando, as if it was his birthday and Lando was his pinada.
"No no," Carla giggled as she watched Lorenzo's dress shoe fly across the street "this is fun."
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gem-likes-rdr · 2 months
Something I think about relating to Arthur and John's deaths in 1 and 2 at least to me give different reactions.
With Arthur why his death impacts us so much is we know it's coming and we can't stop it. And regardless of the ending he dies fighting. We see him grow as a man and we never get to see him enjoy the fruits of his labor. He never sees John's farm, never reads Mary-Beth's book, and never meets Tilly's child and husband. It leaves us feeling empty and hollow. The world in the epilogue reflects that. The mark Arthur made never leaves. People remember him, good or bad. But it hurts knowing it was his loyalty to Dutch is what really killed him in the end.
As for John, there's that betrayal and anger. We see him, for YEARS work so hard to be a good family man. He LOVES his family so much. He's willing to do anything for his family. We see him in RDR2's main story and epilogue he's trying. Especially in the epilogue. He feels lost without Arthur's guidance. But he's still trying. And he finally succeeds in that peaceful life he worked SO DAMN hard for. For it to be torn away, he FIGHTS tooth and nail, being retraumatized from his outlaw life. And for it to be ripped from him once more in his death. Given one last chance to fight and it meant NOTHING. His death leaves you angry and betrayed by the Pinkertons. Especially by Agent FUCKING Ross.
I get the meaning of RDR at least to me, is you start redemption by facing your darkest fears. But fuck me dude.
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sunny44 · 11 months
All these years (Part 1)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Ex girlfriend! Reader
Warnings: anxiety attack, fights, brake ups and maybe other things.
Summary: Separated by a disagreement, Charles and Y/n meet again after years apart and all the feelings they had repressed come flooding back.
Next Chapter
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Having to go back to Monaco was certainly not in my plans.
I had sworn to myself the day I left that I would never go back, but I had never actually kept that promise.
His family lives there and I've never been able to stop seeing them. Of course, I made them promise never tell him that I was still visiting them and they kept their promise.
I know this because I never received a call or an angry message.
Charles Marc Harvé Perceval Leclerc.
My first everything.
And I mean that in the literal sense of the word.
My first friend, my first kiss, my first boyfriend, the guy I had my first time with.
But most importantly.
My first and only true love.
When I moved to the house next to them, we connected as soon as we were introduced to each other.
We never had many friends because we knew we had everything we needed in each other.
He was the best boyfriend a girl could ask for.
But one thing about him was wrong.
His lack of understanding at times.
Charles was always a calm, fun guy who could make my shitty day 100% better.
But in March 10th, 2018.
That was the day everything we had went down the drain.
Charles was focused on getting his first year in Formula 1 off to a good start and I was focused on getting a job since I had just graduated from architecture school.
And I received the best offer a recent graduate could get.
It was an internship at an architecture firm.
The problem was that it was in Milan and Charles and I lived in Monaco and because of Formula 1 he wasn't going to leave.
I remember exactly the day I went to tell him excitedly that I'd got one of the best jobs I could ever want.
But Charles, contrary to what I thought, didn't have the best reaction, in fact he was very upset that the job wasn't in Monaco.
That's when our fights started, me because he didn't understand how important he was to me and an offer I couldn't refuse.
And him for saying that I'd ruined all our plans.
That day we'd had a bad fight, but the next day when I went to talk to him to try and sort it out, we fought again.
He said that I was the worst person he had ever met, that I would be a horrible wife and that our children would be ashamed to have a mother like me.
That day I cried so much that I had a horrible anxiety attack and had to go to hospital because of shortness of breath.
And he never showed up.
From that day on we never saw each other again, five years passed and here I was returning to Monaco for the wedding of Arthur, Charles' younger brother.
He and Carla were getting married after a year of being engaged and I remember how happy I was when he called to tell me that she had accepted and thanked me for helping him choose the ring.
I knew I would meet him there, I just didn't know if I was ready to see him.
Even more so in a situation like this.
"So, are you ready to see Charles?" Kika sits on the bed while I pack the last of my clothes.
"Certainly not, but what choice do I have?"
"You could have chosen not to go."
"I couldn't do that to Arthur, he was the only one who always supported me in everything, unlike his brother." I sighed, remembering him. "And I want to go, I want to see him marry the love of his life."
"I understand, and I know he'll love that you're going."
"But one day it would happen, we have so many things and people that keep us connected, so it took a while to happen."
"But you'll be fine."
"I know."
"Why are you getting so many clothes?"
"Because I don't know how long I'll have to stay there."
"What do you mean?" she asks confused.
"Because my father always convinces me to stay longer than I want to."
"I see."
"Well, I have to go soon, it's a long drive to get there."
We said goodbye and I got straight into the car and started driving there.
It was going to be a long trip.
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername Instagram stories
“Road tripping to Monaco”
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Who wants to be on the tag list of these new story? I've already got it all written so I plan to post a chapter a day until it's finished.
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live-laugh-lenney · 7 months
A little bit of smut please🫣
Lingerie reaction for Arthur and George
i don't think i've done any kind of mature content for either of them yet so... jeez, i hope this is okay... i'm gonna write this for arthur, right now, and then maybe we can discuss george and his missus in lingerie...
arthur loves lingerie.
for someone that portrays himself as awkward and shy and almost completely innocent and practically virginal, he had a side to him that always sprung out whenever he was home alone with his girlfriend. a side that only came when he knew she had something special that she wanted to show him. a side that made him seem like a menace, almost like he was a horny teenage boy who had been left alone with his female celebrity crush, becoming touchy and needy.
she teases him.
she'll wear the lingerie beneath an article of his clothing that she had chosen to wear for the evening as they wound down from their busy days. whether it be his adidas jumper (which she loves and definitely stole from his wardrobe) or one of his baggy tees, it would be all she used as a cover up... stretching the neck so it showed her bra strap to tease him a touch when they were sat on the sofa and having it rolled up at the hem so her knickers were on show as she reached up high for the snacks on the top shelf in his kitchen... and she could hear his breath hitching in his throat when he realised just what she was upto.
"can you come and grab the biscuits from the top shelf?"
"you can get them," he hums from the sofa and he really didn't want to stand to his feet because the bulge in his pants had become even more prominent than he had hoped it would be, "i like the view from here."
"you're just a little pervert," she rolled her eyes and she's glad she has her back to him so he can't see the smirk that's sitting on her lips, "i just need some help from my very tall, very handsome man who just has the advantage."
"what do i get out of it?"
"a happy girlfriend," she retorts and he scoffs and rolls his eyes, his gaze barely leaving the plump cheeks of her bum and the floral lace that clung to her flesh, "please?"
she can hear him stand up, she can hear his feet padding across the open plan living room slash kitchen and she shudders at the feeling of his hands cupping her waist as she regained her normal height and stood back on flat feet rather than her tiptoes, teasingly brushing her behind against his crotch and feeling the result that she expected.
"you knew what you were doing," he whispers lowly, almost growling in her ear, and he traps her between the kitchen counter and his body and she makes no attempt at making a move away from him, "you're just a tease. a bloody tease."
"it worked though," she states, his fingers digging into her hips as he held her figure still, his hips slowly rocking back and forth and she could feel the friction of their clothes rubbing together, "what are you going to do?"
he turns her around and she takes a look at his face; his cheeks are pink, his eyes are darker, his jaw is tense and his lips are damp and wet from his tongue. hoisting her up on the kitchen counter and she needed no encouragement in undoing the knot of his bottoms and using her heels to push them to the floor, pooling at his ankles. his boxers stretching to accommodate the boner he was sporting. his fingers slide across the crotch of her knickers and she feels the chill in the air against her damp folds and he wastes no time in teasing at the bundle of nerves between her thighs... enough to make his cock twitch in his pants and she felt bad for keeping him restrained... her own fingers hooking into the elastic of his boxer shorts and pulling them down to his knees, freeing him and letting the cool air hit his exposed skin.
"where did you get this from?" he asks, lips brushing against hers as he leaned in for a kiss, his warm breath washing over her face and her own catches in her throat, his fingers collecting the moisture that was forming and coating his digits, "it's a shame you couldn't show me the whole thing."
"you were just too eager," she informs him, arms wrapping around his shoulders and her fingers digging into his hair, tugging at the tufts at the nape of his neck, "too eager. that was the plan."
"the plan on being fucked on the counter?" he questions and she can feel her cheeks flushing at the words rolling off of his tongue, "that was what you wanted, huh?"
"need to leave a memory in every room for you to remember," she grins and his lips greet hers with a hungry smooch that involved his tongue leaving his mouth and fighting against hers, her arms pulling him close and his hands gripping at her waist, pulling her closer and allowing the glistening tip of his cock to brush against her inner thigh and silently informing her just how needy he was, "it's all yours, baby."
and he doesn't need coaxing. he gave himself a couple of pumps with the fingers he used to spread her juices across the heat between her legs and lines himself up, gulping thickly and maintaining deep eye contact with her as he pushes his hips forward and fills her up with his entirety. her head rolling back and a deep, guttural groan rolling of her tongue from deep within her, matching the whimper that left his mouth as he pauses for a moment to let her adjust around his girth.
her sleeve-covered hands remain on his shoulders, her fingers still holding onto his hair with a tight grip in each fist, and she shudders and the goosebumps rise upon her skin as he attaches his lips to her neck and covers her skin with the softest kisses, his hips rocking back and forth and back and forth as he filled her with pleasure. her begs for him to go deeper filling the room, their heavy breathing and their heavy panting filling the gaps, her name escaping his mouth as she cries out from the thrill happening in that moment.
"let me know when," he insists, his hands trailing underneath the hem of the jumper on her body, his fingertips brushing over her bare skin, "let me know."
she nods and he drops his forehead to hers, eyes looking deeply into hers, and she can feel her toes beginning to curl. her thighs clench and she brings him closer by digging her heels into the base of his back, her hands cupping his cheeks and her mouth drop further and further open with each thrust he pushes into her, twitching between her walls and she swears, every single time, that he always knows the right spot and hits it every time.
"so good," she pants and she can feel the ache beginning to form in her belly, a burning sensation as she feels herself getting closer and closer to a release, "i'm so close, baby."
"so close," he repeats for himself and the sounds of his thrust start sounding sloppy and wet and he grunts out with a rasp in his throat and feels himself start to get weak at the knees, "c'mon, lovie. cum for me."
and it's all she needs to feel herself tense and clench down on his cock, their releases mixing together, and his rhythm becomes almost unrhythmic and each thrust is sporadic and almost like a burst of energy urges his hips forward. his head dropping to her shoulder, slowing his hips down, as she drops her cheek to the top of his head and squeezes her eyes shut.
"you're the best," he whispers into the cotton, sniffling before he lifts his head to look at her. his entire face glistening with sweat, his lips swollen from their kisses, his cheeks pink and his eyes no longer dark but full of lust and post-sex that always made him look heavenly, "the best."
he slowly pulls himself from within her and reaches down to pull his boxers back to his hips, followed by his bottoms, and she covers up by adjusting her knickers, knowing everything they were wearing was going to need to go in the next days wash. his arms wrap around her waist and her legs hook around his, her arms sitting on his shoulders, and he lifts her from the counter. koala-clinging to his front as he makes his way back to the sofa, making a mental reminder to give the kitchen counter a proper deep-clean before they went to bed... before anyone came back from their saturday night on the town... before george and arthur and chris had any inclination as to what had just happened.
"you'll wear that for me again, right?" he asks her and she yawns, nodding softly, "good."
"what did you think of it?"
"it's the sexiest one yet," he hums into her hair, pressing a kiss to her head before he closed his eyes, the feeling of her tucking the blanket around them making him feel cosy, "you can choose the movie. i'm too knackered to even think about those decisions right now."
"how about we just... go to bed?"
"i can't go again," he laughs softly and she scoffs and pushes his chest with her hands, "it's only half nine. we've got ages before the lads are back." xx
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fallingforyouforeverr · 4 months
hey I’ve just found your account and I loooove your writing!! could you do some arthur tv with a singer gf hcs?
𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐓𝐕 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐦𝐮���𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐟:
summary: how arthur would react to his partner being a singer
author's note: hey guys! sorry that I kinda disappeared for a while but I'm back now and I've got some ideas im working on rn so hopefully I can finish those soon. tysm for the request anon, hope you enjoy reading :)
please consider checking out my masterlist
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-> he's your biggest fan
-> goes to all your important shows/events to cheer you on, and brings along as many of his/your friends and family as he can
-> would seriously contemplate wearing a shirt with a massive picture of your face on it just to see your reaction
-> one of the rare occasions that he refuses to take photos with fans because he doesn't want to take the attention off you. instead, he just tells them to 'take photos of the real star of the show'
-> as soon as you finish your last song, this man is sprinting backstage so he can meet you as soon as you come off
-> genuinely in awe of your voice. god forbid someone lets arthur choose the playlist for a party because it would be 90% your music, 10% songs george or chris forced him to include
-> drives his housemates crazy by having your music playing constantly. if anyone tries to tell him to shut up, he just turns it up louder
-> whenever you release new songs, arthur promotes them all over his socials, and replies to every comment praising you, giving his own opinions on each of your songs
-> always uses your music in the background of his videos or his instagram. he just loves to show off how talented his wonderful girlfriend is!
-> wears your merch all the time, even more than his friends' or even his own merch; he loves having something that represents you on him, even when you can't be there
-> besides, sometimes people ask him about the merch he is wearing, which means he can do his favourite thing – talk about you
-> fans have made so many cute compilations of him rambling about you and always point out his adorable reaction every time someone mentions your name or one of your songs
-> arthur would be honoured if you ever mentioned him in your music, and if you were to write a whole song about him, the poor guy would almost faint from happiness
-> he also loves it when you sing for him. you may sing in front of people all the time, but when it's just the two of you late at night, it feels so much more intimate and special
-> always asks you to sing when he can't sleep or has had a bad day, your voice seems to relax him like nothing else
-> also, you and arthur hill would be instant besties as you both understand each other in a way that your non-musician friends can't. you guys would totally be each other's opening acts for basically every show, and the fans and arthur absolutely adore it
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drac-kool-aid · 1 year
Seward's bone deep desire to run away from the asylum is not exactly surprising. There have been a lot of really good meta posts about how the return of Van Helsing into his life is the turning point where we see the caring and good side of him and how we can interpret his life as a student in Amersterdam as one of freedom and happiness. How he is part of the tragedy of manners, how strict social expectations allow Dracula to persist, and how they only exacerbate the unhappiness of the characters.
And I think the tragedy of Seward is that, really, he should not be the head of an asylum. It's a job that brings him no joy, and he's BAD at it. We can all recognize that if your first reaction to going back to work is "What if I just leave it all." That isn't a healthy work environment.
Now, in the modern day, the ability to pick and choose a work environment, even to leave one that is damaging your mental health, is a privilege. (IT SHOULDNT BE, but it is). And, although it is definitely reaching crisis levels in modern times, major changes in your career have almost always been difficult (unless you are really rich, or a particular brand of academic in the 17th-18th century, or both).
Seward can't just leave and become a surgeon. To give up the lofty position of "Head of an Asylum" would be unthinkable in the 1890s, especially for a reason like "Being here is basically turning me into the Joker." Like, how would Seward explain that in polite society? Would they accept that reasoning? Would they create salacious gossip if they didn't? Can Seward leave his position without losing a great amount of social capital?
Probably not.
His rise to head of an asylum, as many have pointed out, was meteoric, to say the least. It has afforded him status and respect and also left him deeply, deeply fucked up. And he can't leave!
I think his desperate attempts to quantify Renfield's behaviors into a new mental illness are telling in this regard. Maybe he is too used to having to meet some sort of expectation, and now he thinks this is the logical next step (It's NOT, but I digress). The feeling of having to keep performing above expectations, grasping at straws to do so, and subsequently burning oneself out (as well as others around you) and engaging in unethical practices? Idk. It sounds like something that would happen today. (tbh there are probably a ton of Sewards out there today, as there are still systemic problems within the mental health system that allow for the dehumanizing and abuse of patients).
It doesn't excuse his behavior. Nothing he does to Renfield is excusable, but I think it does explain some of the *why*. He isn't just cruel for cruelty's sake.
So, tldr I guess: I think reading Seward as someone who got stuck on a career path that he realized was unfufilling and that he ends up hating. Social conventions restrict him from just quitting without and a (socially acceptable) good reason to do so, and a lifetime of being regarded as one of the smartest people in the room means he can not allow himself to fail. Unfortunately, this also means he can not admit when his actions or his ideas are wrong when it comes to his job.
(But he can show that uncertainty FOR Lucy, and TO Arthur and Van Helsing, which speaks his trust and love for them)
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WIP Wednesday
Arthur had spent all morning looking for Merlin, only to find out he’d spent all day in the tavern.
Gwaine, who had shown up to training drunk, said Merlin hadn’t been to the tavern in months. And so he had no idea where his wayward servant was, but training had been exhausting and Arthur was about ready to collapse into a bath.
As he got to his chambers, he didn’t expect to hear George, panicking. The man wasn’t supposed to have reactions to anything, whatever was making him raise his voice had to be bad. Arthur pressed himself close to the door and listened for the threat.
“There is a knife in your leg!” George cried, there were pacing footsteps and an ill sounding groan, then Merlin’s voice sounding completely calm if not a little pained.
“It’s not your leg, and I know for a fact it’s not your knife.”
The footsteps stopped, “what does that mean?”
“It means,” Merlin huffed, “it’s not your business so stay out of it. Hand me the honey?”
An astonished gasp from George. “You can’t be considering treating- oh dear lord, that’s a lot of blood!” The servant sounded distinctly ill.
I hate this, but I’m sleep deprived and have *looks at the 61 drafts* nothing else to post.
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toorumlk · 5 months
Hi I'm so freaking obsessed with your twitter.
Also what's your favorite Romione moment in the books and why?
ohohoho thank you, friend, i’m quite proud of some of the stuff i’ve posted on there B)
and as for my favourite romione moment in the books, when i read the question i first blanked out for a couple minutes, thinking of a bunch of smaller, sillier scenes. but then i remembered that i do have a favourite and it’s from chapter 11 of DH, when remus visited the trio at grimmauld place and filled them in on he goings on of the war -including the implementation of the muggle-born registry. ron’s response upon hearing this (after his immediate outrage) was
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and it’s not just the hand holding and the “‘you won’t have a choice’ said Ron fiercely” that played out so vividly in my head like this:
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but this scene demonstrates so perfectly the political weight of this pairing (muggleborn/blood traitor) which i think is the immovable narrative foundation of romione. all of their silly moments and idiosyncrasies aside, there is genuine narrative purpose behind this love. ron has always had an astute understanding of the blood supremacist politics of the wizarding world (need i remind that he was ready to curse shitco at the ripe age of 12 for calling hermione the in-universe slur) and just how wrong it is. ron is a pure-blood wizard and by design has so much privilege in this society bc of it, but by virtue of having parents like arthur and molly, he’s grown up knowing the importance of fighting against blood supremacist ideology. always.
so, after hearing about the completely horrifying muggleborn registry ("People won't let this happen," said Ron. "It is happening, Ron," said Lupin.), he immediately turns to his muggleborn best friend and love of his life and says “i’m making you a family member, i’m going to use the protection my family-name has and use it to protect you from the awful injustice of our situation, no you won’t have a choice but to let me help you”
i remember having such a… visceral reaction while reading this scene like holy shit .. these kids, THESE KIDS!!!!! this is the bone-marrow-deep love that makes me feel insane. this dynamic of the blood traitor/muggleborn always there, from CoS all the way to the epilogue. We get to see that romione is the story’s pure blood/muggleborn that finally made it (rip jily and tedromeda :(). we see it in hermione keeping her muggle last name after they get married (oh my god these two actually got married) and we also see it in the hyphenated Granger-Weasley (granger being first!) in their kids’ last names (oh my gof these two had TWO kids). they are a true symbol of change and progress in their world.
also this is one of those moments where i’m so glad that our only window to romiones relationship development is through harry’s narration because it so brilliantly shows the readers this blossoming love story instead of just telling us about it because harry obviously doesn’t have access to the inner thoughts of his two best friends, he can only witness them fall deeper in love. showing the audience acts of love is always more powerful and my god is this an act of showing your love to your beloved.
(and not to go on an unrelated tangent, but this is exactly why i could never ship my girl hermione w any DE or DE-adjacent character. no fucking way. not when the concept of a muggle-born registry exists in this universe, not when the antagonists in this story wish to eradicate people like her from their society. idk about the rest of y’all but im going to keep taking the narrative seriously bc the worldbuilding obviously has real world ties/implications and i like engaging with the canon. tangently to the tangent, i saw someone (a ron basher) on twitter say that ron, OUR RON FROM THE ABOVE EXCERPT, was “one bad day away from becoming a death eater” ohhhh ohhh i ought to beat you with sticks bc HUH? this is the same kid who said he would’ve boarded the train back to kings cross if he got sorted to slytherin, the house notorious for birthing DEs, at the tender age of 11)
anyways, all this to say is that romione is incredibly, realistically, materially romantic and i love them and i love their love <3
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zilabee · 4 months
Tony Bramwell, on Yoko
- gradually, inch by inch she intruded into our lives
- It was hardly surprising that John felt some kind of electricity; but it was probably the air crackling with Yoko’s desperation
- If I were standing about with him, Yoko would come up to me and say something in her high little girl’s voice, perhaps hoping to get John to notice her [...]. John would walk off to talk to someone else, while she stared after him. In those days, Yoko was always staring after John.
- She wanted to possess John and she was the one who was exceptionally jealous. She could not cope with the fact that John could love three other guys.
- her piece de resistance, the much-reprised performance of “Cut Piece.”  The scissors were wired for sound, so every cut had a horrific, almost animal sound, like a beast crunching into its human prey.
- did Yoko do her hypnotism thing, as some of John’s friends thought she had, or did she have a powerful new drug in her arsenal? Nobody really believed that John fell in love overnight, because why hadn’t he done so before? He’d been kicking Yoko in and out of his life for over a year. Mostly, he had given the impression that he resented and despised her. [...] Perhaps it was that he really was mentally ill and like many schizoid personalities, got religious mania.
- Overnight, he no longer had a will of his own.
- ...an attempt to use Primal Scream Therapy under Arthur Janov by telephone, to free him from his heroin addiction...
- Sir Joe said he didn’t think the pictures were obscene, he had seen much worse, an opinion which confused John and Yoko. They wanted to be seen as avant-garde and enfants terribles.
- Yoko had no sense of humour at all and she loathed Phil as much as Phil hated her. Each of them was implacable and paranoid.
- I used to dread taking John and Yoko’s arty stuff into radio stations and asking them to play it. For me, it was a bad experience because it was unplayable and unlistenable. [...] The reaction was a bored, “Why are you bringing this crap to us?” At first I argued with radio producers about it, though not on a very artistic level. I even heard myself saying, “Because he pays my wages. That’s why!” It was so embarrassing.
- As far as Yoko was concerned, if you spout all this magical, healing, antiwar, be kind to everybody, all-seeing, all-caring, all-macrobiotic stuff, being pregnant on heroin would seem to be the last thing she would need. And how does all that stuff equate with shooting up smack? How does all that spiritual pontificating gel with the teaspoon and the needle, unless you’re a fraud?
- According to John, Yoko snorted [heroin], but I had no doubt that if she had used a needle, she would probably have said it was acupuncture.
- John used to like life. He used to like to get on a roll. Laugh, eat and drink. [...] proper breakfasts, an old-fashioned fry-up, pie and chips, fish and chips, fried chicken, a roast dinner on a Sunday, Chinese food, curry, spaghetti Bolognese. Everything. Then he met Yoko, grew his beard, and [...] from Irish navvy’s food, he went to heroin and macrobiotics. I think if Yoko had said it was spiritual to snort bean curd instead of eat it John would have done it.
- She and John used to whisper away in their corner, with a completely different, us-against-the-world perspective to everyone. I know they did, because filming quietly on the sidelines, I heard.
- Having discussed life and its ins and outs and meanings, and worked out that it all means nothing, John and Yoko didn’t want to, couldn’t possibly, give the edifice of the Beatles any credit, or indeed any respect.
- doubt set in because some critics and reviewers gave her favourable reviews in the press and on TV. You’d find yourself wondering if you were an intellectual failure, unable to spot the hidden value in Yoko’s art and music. [...] somehow it became important to judge Yoko as impartially as possible, mostly out of regard for John. The problem was we couldn’t accept that he could be so blinded.
- [Dan Richter] was a close confidant of [Yoko and Tony Cox]. He said he heard all their hopes and schemes to hook John, at first as a financial “angel,” then, with dawning excitement, as a lover.
- According to Dan, Tony Cox actively encouraged the affair between John and Yoko as a means of survival. He said that Cox would tell Yoko to “go get Lennon.” When John proved elusive, as he was at first, Cox told Yoko she wasn’t trying hard enough. For her part, when she saw how close she was to capturing their prey, Yoko told Dan that they’d soon be rich beyond their wildest dreams.
- Cox began to feel fragile, thinking he might get cut out. In all seriousness, he drew up an agreement that he insisted Yoko sign. This single-page document—which was drawn up and signed at Dan’s kitchen table—stated that when Yoko hooked John, they would split any cash she got from the endeavour.
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cieloclercs · 1 year
what would you say (if i told you i love you)? — charles leclerc
PART: 6/? (read part 5 here)
summary. in which childhood best friends blur the lines between what they’ve always known, and something more
warnings. yet more angst, you guys asked for more suffering and i’m here to (hopefully) deliver 🫡, y/n is lowkey a bad bitch in this one, i would say you might start feeling sorry for charles but y’all are evil so i really don’t know 😭
pairing. charles leclerc x artsy!reader
face claim. tara michelle
author’s note. OK I LIED it’s not the last part… originally it was supposed to be but you all asked for more charles suffering and i didn’t feel like there was quite enough in the first draft so… here we are !! 😃 just a side note tho, this IS going to have a happy ending for y/n and charles (bc i’m weak like that) so if that’s not what you guys wanted i’m sorry i tried i just can’t do it 😭
four weeks later…
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liked by pierregasly and 2,736,936 others
charles_leclerc 26 with ma famille 🤍
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arthur_leclerc tu es vieux 😨 / you’re old
lorenzotl Joyeux anniversaire petit frère ❤️
*charles_leclerc liked this comment
leclerc_pascale 😍❤️
*charles_leclerc liked this comment
pierregasly joyeux anniversaire calamar ❤️
*charles_leclerc liked this comment
carlossainz55 feliz cumple cabrón 😘
*charles_leclerc liked this comment
scuderiaferrari Happy birthday, il Predestinato! ❤️
*charles_leclerc liked this comment
joris_trouche joyeux anniversaire 🫶
*charles_leclerc liked this comment
username charles is so dry just liking all these comments and not replying 😭
username he’s probably depressed y/n’s not forgiven him yet
*arthur_leclerc liked this comment
username not even an y/n like? yikes 😬
username i genuinely think it’s over like, y/n’s not even here?? and she’s not with the leclercs either?? she ALWAYS spends his birthday with the leclercs 😭
username i really don’t want it to be true but i think you’re right 🥲
username the irony of charles abandoning y/n for a girl and then when he comes crawling back she just straight up ignores him 😭😭
username she’s truly an icon
username i wish i was as strong as y/n 😔
username i want to know what went down at the club tho?? what did he say to her to make her miss HIS BIRTHDAY??
username idk but whatever it is it must have been bad 😭
username whoever said ‘the eyes are the window to the soul’ was so real because look at charles’ eyes the man is CRUSHED 😫
username i want to be at this family gathering
username i can literally feel the tension through the screen lmaooo
username hahah i can just imagine what pascale has said to him 😭
username confirmation she likes y/n more than charles 😌
username as she should !!
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seen by charles_leclerc and 14,726 others
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liked by f1gossip and 8,637 others
formula1updates Anyone else getting deja vu? 👀 Charles Leclerc crashes out of Q1 for the United States GP — he’ll start tomorrow’s race from P17 on the grid 😬
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username i don’t even know what to say anymore
username i want to keep defending him because i know this is all because of the y/n situation, but he really needs to learn to put his personal problems aside when it comes to racing 😭
username normally i’d tell you to shut up and let the drivers do their jobs but in this instance you’re totally right 🥲
username well his reaction says it all doesn’t it?
username can we please just forget this season ever happened 🫠
username it started so well though 😭 just these last few races have been an absolute shitshow :(
username he’s never going to learn is he
username this is genuinely getting embarrassing now. y/n’s moving on with her life, yet charles is so hung up on his mistakes that he’s always going to let them get in the way of racing 🙄
username if he wants to be world champion he really needs to start changing his mentality 😔
username did you guys see him in the post quali interviews? i think he was crying ☹️
username WHAT no i feel so bad 😨
username i want to say he deserves it but this feels kind of cruel now…
username he’s literally brought this upon himself. it’s just karma. if you can’t deal with it, go cry somewhere else 😒
username in that shitbox he’ll be lucky to even get in the points :(
username am i the only one that has a really bad feeling about tomorrow?
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liked by charles_leclerc and 68,735 others
y/nsart i can’t believe i’m saying this, but my exhibition ‘flow’ is now being shown in the fine art gallery of monaco! i want to take the time to thank every single one of you who has supported me over the years 🤍 i’ve been working to achieve this dream since i was a little girl, but it’s YOU guys that have helped make it happen !! 😘 thank you all once again from the bottom of my heart x
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leclerc_pascale Personne ne le mérite plus que toi, ma fille ❤️ / no one deserves this more, my girl
y/nsart je t’aime maman 🥹 merci d'avoir toujours été là pour moi / thank you for always being there for me
username omfg their relationship is so wholesome
username i love them 🥹
username the way she literally loves y/n more than charles lmaooo
arthur_leclerc SI FIÈRE DE TOI 🫶 / so proud of you
y/nsart arth stop you’re making me cry 😭
username the switch up is INSANE 😭
arthur_leclerc just showing some appreciation for my favourite sibling 😌
username he’s truly picked his side 😭
lorenzotl @arthur_leclerc excuse moi
y/nsart @/lorenzotl the truth hurts 😘
username crying they’re so iconic
yourfriend can’t believe i get to call this absolute GODDESS my best friend 🥹
y/nsart 🥹🥹 je t’aime tellement
username the most talented girl 💗
*y/nsart liked this comment
username so proud of the growth you’ve shown in the past couple of months ❤️ you deserve all the happiness and success in the world, my love !!
y/nsart thank you so much i love you 🥹🥹
username this girl really has no haters huh
username why should she? y/n has already proven she’s one of the nicest, most talented people on the damn earth, EVERYONE should be a fan
username say it louder for the people in the back !!📢📢📢
username when i say i would sacrifice my SOUL for y/n’s happiness i’m not joking this woman is the love of my LIFE
y/nsart aww i love you 🥹🥹 but please don’t actually do that 😭
charles_leclerc proud of you, amour
username ugh not this bitch again 🙄
username excuse me AMOUR?? charles PLEASE you’re embarrassing yourself 🥴
username charles bffr y/n doesn’t want you here 😭
username he’s not giving up is he?
username this is just getting embarrassing now
username charles is taking grovelling to a whole new level 😂
yourunifriend si belle ❤️ / so beautiful
y/nsart ☺️☺️
username HELLO??
username wait wait guys is this the dude that was on her story? 🤔
username omg it might be
username i can HEAR charles sobbing rn 😭😭
username there is SO MUCH going on in this comments section like 😭😭 charles is back AGAIN basically grovelling at y/n’s feet??? y/n’s (potential?) bf has appeared out of the blue??? plus that adorable arthur x y/n sibling moment??? i am LIVING FOR IT
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liked by yourusername and 2,647,936 others
charles_leclerc COTA23, streaming now on all platforms 🖤
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username oh shit he’s depressed
username we all know y/n did the post friendship break up depression better but slay ig
username y/n liked… 🫢
username make up coming soon? 🤷‍♀️
username girl bffr
joris_trouche on repeat 🔁🖤
username we love supportive bf joris 🥹🫶
username joris >> any other wag
arthur_leclerc i wonder who the muse is 🤔
username ARTHUR STOP 😭😭😭
username pls he’s so unserious 😭
username charles will never get any peace as long as arthur’s around to remind him who’s fault all of this is 😔
*arthur_leclerc and charles_leclerc liked this comment
username i can’t figure out if this is another round of grovelling or accepting defeat
username hope it’s the first 🤞🤞🤞 i need my otp together
username nooo charles doesn’t deserve y/n
username i mean charles’ songs have always been a little bit depressing but this is taking it to another level 😭😭
username he’s in his obligatory heartbreak era and i hope it never ends 😈😈😈
username stoppp the funniest thing is the majority of people saying shit like this ^ are actually charles fans im dead 😭
username we wouldn’t be true fans if we didn’t wish him a little suffering when he fucks up 🫶🫶
username i don’t think that’s how being a fan works but you do you i guess 😭
leclerc_pascale 🖤 Vous savez ce qu'il vous reste à faire, Cha / you know what you need to do, cha
*charles_leclerc liked this comment
username uhm excuse me?? 🤨🤨🤨
username mama leclerc coming in with the cryptic comment…i’m sensing drama…
username @/leclerc_pascale WHAT DOES IT MEAN??? 😫😫😫
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➜ part 7
taglist: @cxcewg @incoherenciass @formula1mount @allywthsr @meabhcavanagh @driveswiftly13 @zzblooda @gaslysainz @be-your-coffee-pot @siovhanroy @hwienv @xoxozoedagyal @alireads27 @glow-ish @eviethetheatrefreak @nmw-am @buendiabebeta @laneyspaulding19 @imthebadguyyy @marialovesf1 @f1wintermoon13 @topaz125
if there’s something wrong with your url please let me know!
ps if you’d like to be added to the taglist, just leave a comment asking on this post!
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moonastroellie · 4 months
can you write some sfw trans ellie headcannons?? :) just stuff about her trans identity and discovery
Warnings: transgender!ellie, weed and alcohol usage, slightly depressing but not too sad, Ellie is a silly girl in this :3
Trans!Ellie who came out to everybody and was surprised by their reactions, she was expecting more tears and possible rejection but that didn't happen, of course it wouldn't happen, Ellie was only surrounded by people who genuinely love her.
Trans!Ellie who started going to therapy to understand herself better, she had a lovely therapist called Rita.
"okay so, I came out to everyone! It was NOT the responses I was expecting" she says excitedly "were they bad or-?"
"No, it was amazing they all thought of me the exact same and I genuinely feel so... Happy? Different? I thought they would feel differently of me"
Trans!Ellie who's mental health got 30x better than before, she was happier, you'd see her more often, she'd hang out with you, Jesse and Dina more often and would actually enjoy herself.
Trans!Ellie who has defiantly had a few mental breakdowns about being trans and just in general having a hard time, even with therapy because that's just how it was sometimes, you'd hug her from behind as she sobs into your arm.
"Sometimes I just forget you don't care and that you don't see me any different" she sobs and you chuckle, slowly massaging her scalp and just letting her cry it all out and immediately after she'd feel embarrassed
"bro, it's okay, we all have our bad days- now shut the fuck up and listen" she shuts up and looks at you with a smile on her face "let's go get maccas, get stoned and play video games" she agrees fast
Trans!Ellie who is stoned off her tits and playing video games with you, before saying some of the most unhinged shit while playing the last of us "if Arthur was real.... Ohhh man" you chuckle out a 'what?'
"If he was real, I'd let him do me, I mean I'm lesbian but I don't care something about him" you laugh out loud, trying to contain yourself "ellie what the fuck?" she looks at you with red tinted eyes and laughs with you.
Trans!Ellie who goes to a party with you and her other friends, and gets a little bit too drunk and just starts yapping about the most random shit
"you wanna know how I found out I was trans?" she mumbles into your shoulder as Jesse drives Ellie and the rest of you guys home, you hum at her "drugs" Dina laughs so hard she thinks she pissed herself, "Oh babe, you're fucking funny" Dina chokes out between laughs
"you didn't think of me differently? I love you for that!" her voice is slurred and you massage her scalp as she laughs, "idiot" you mumble.
Trans!Ellie who was at a family event one time and announces to everybody in her family that she is trans and everyone congratulated her, hell, even Seth did.
"i'm glad you came out kiddo" tommy says, patting her shoulder.
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