#bamon drabble
tophsazulas · 2 years
Just posted another! Didn't really add that many edits because I mostly like the way it is rn. Anyways, enjoy!!! ilyasm <3333
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backandimbamon · 4 months
inspired by @klonnieshippersclub 💋💋
“Bonnie Mikaelson.” Damon has the urge to do something with his hands. They were occupied before, too busy warming his glass of dark red O-positive and bourbon cocktail but he’s lost his appetite. “That doesn’t even sound right.”
“I think it does,” Elena’s viewing, no admiring Bonnie’s fancy wedding invitation on the weighted paper specifically destined for special occasions. There’s a picture of witchy and her fiancé together, so possessed by one another that their eyes are on each other instead of breaking the fourth wall and smiling at the camera.
The Niklaus Mikaelson is staring at Bonnie like nothing else matters and her face is a reflection of his. It’s unsettling; two of the most guarded individuals he’s encountered in his lifetime have dropped every defense with their wide, honest smiles and knowing gazes.
Is this a practical joke, Damon wants to ask but Elena is here- if he even gives life to the words, there is a strong possibility that she will deny the absurdity of this unfortunate event, blindly in favor of whatever decision Bonnie makes even when it’s the wrong one.
For now, he chooses silence. On the inside, he is shouting.
Damon sidles up next to his girlfriend, not because he’s feeling romantic, but because he must investigate this picture. He’s already stared for an indefinite amount of time, yet the urge to pick apart and criticize hasn’t left. It’s stronger than ever.
The picture is intimate, as if they are laughing at some joke no one else hears, or speaking telepathically the way couples do. They’re both saying the same thing: I love you.
And Damon thinks it’s deplorable.
Still, there’s a tug inside of him because he could’ve sworn she looked at him just like that, after he’d said something completely inappropriate, and Bonnie, she doesn’t want to laugh, yet he always seems to strangle the sound out of her without much effort on his part.
And sure, they might’ve been living the same day eternally and, yes they might’ve been the last two people on Earth, (or so they thought,) but it still counts for something… right?
“Right about what?” Elena’s brown eyes are on him, a small glimmer of concern.
He’s beside himself so much so that he’s talking without his own permission. This event to bear witness to, this marriage might just be the thing that makes him… Insane, probably.
“She looks so happy,” Elena sighs in content, staring at the Save the Date affectionately. “I can’t help but feel the same way. Her smile is infectious, isn’t it?”
He’s not even hearing her.
The date of the wedding is a year from now, give or take a few days, on Sunday, May 5th.
Why they would choose a destination such as hot, stinky, swampy, bad roads, boisterous streets Louisiana, is beyond him- they’ll have to plan in advance to attend. He’s been looking so intently that Damon can recite the RSVP number in reverse.
The colors for the wedding are complicated and impractical, but Klaus, Bonnie’s soon-to-be-husband knows about color theory…apparently when he isn’t being a terrorist, or getting on one knee for Bennett witches after a measly eight months of dating, he dabbles in art.
Yeah, well, so did Hitler.
“What alternate universe are we in?” He speaks again, unable to hold his peace. “I mean, how in the hell does someone like him get to marry Bonnie? It’s Klaus.” He shrugs. And then he snorts, rolls his eyes to the ceiling, “That’s like me proposing to her.”
“Is it?” Elena is using her therapist voice, a tone she’s returning to more often than not when Damon mentions anything concerning their best friend. Before, she used this tone of voice sparingly, mostly to help comprehend the shift in their relationship dynamic when Bonnie returned from the prison world, but now, it’s all he hears.
Damon shrugs again, going out on a limb to say, “Maybe it’s worse.”
“Or maybe you’re just bias. You know, a lot of people didn’t understand how we worked either, once upon a time.” She lifts the invitation, her index finger extended. “But these two obviously adore each other. Klaus accepts nothing less than her being up under him at all times, and Bonnie is more than happy there. She barely comes out for drinks anymore.” Elena giggles at what she’s just remembered. “Now that I think of it, the last time I called her, I was interrupting. Apparently they were very…busy.”
“Busy?” He shudders. (It isn’t jealousy that runs down his spine.)
Her brown eyes are on him again, gentle, imploring as if she’s reminding herself she’s not chatting with Caroline. “I know you’re super protective over Bonnie, I get it, me too, but Klaus is perfect for her. She probably hasn’t been this happy since…since….” at first Elena thinks, then it turns into a full on falter and he realizes she’s about to say since before the Salvatores came into town and ruined her bubbly little Sabrina-the-teenaged-witch life.
Elena abandons the sentence altogether.
Damon clenches his jaw. His mind is on the wedding invitation again, a wiry impulse to do everything he’s capable of to prevent such an on occurrence, for fear that bearing witness to it might unleash an ancient curse.
Something like indignation moves through him because yes, he looks closer with squinted eyes, a year ago, he was on the receiving end of Bonnie’s bleeding heart stare.
He wonders how could he have been dense enough to not notice that she was whispering her love without moving her mouth for so long.
He wonders why it’s so clear now that she isn’t looking at him.
“Just look at them,” Elena gushes, she’s been sold since the script typography, “We have to find a frame. ”
(more here)
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everything-y-nothing · 10 months
below the cut is a catalog of the moodboards i've created. they're primarily kanthony and bamon related, and inspired by my favorite fics. list of fic recs is also included. i own nothing, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera
+ kathony (bridgerton)
Charlotte Bridgerton faceclaim (drabble) Modern-day Kate Sharma Bridgerton | boy mum (drabble) Modern-day Kate Sharma Bridgerton | mama + minis (drabble)
june, after dark i can't find the words, so i guess it's time immalleable beings something good
NEWTONSHEFFIELD you might have some bruises (and a few scars) Like a Hurricane Woman Taken by the Wind Nights Like This In Bloom (i feel) a lavender haze creeping up on me (i feel) a lavender haze creeping up on me (manip) Nothing Good Starts Across the Molly-verse: Edwina + Josie (non-kanthony) Mile High Hard Time Late Night (manip) blushing all the way home
FIC RECS (moodboard tbd 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Indecent Proposal Missing Connections Short and Sweet (oneshot series) Crickets at Midnight (oneshot) Wedlock hunt you, unmake you I Never Got Used to Watching Horses Die potential, probable, impossible
+ bamon (tvd)
Storm + Gambit (X-men AU) Captain Salvatore + Sea Witch (sailor/mermaid au)
a cup of coffee Back to You: Chapter 3, Pretence Bitter Dispositions
DARWINQUARK six mornings after | damon + stefan six mornings after | bonnie + caroline six mornings after | kai parker
SARCASTICFINA You Know I Will Adore You (‘Til Eternity) If You Love Me (Don't Let Go), Epilogue Part II
PAINTEDWITHWORDS Dormiente Protagonista (no harm ever came from reading a book)
FIC RECS (moodboard tbd 🤷🏻‍♀️)
less awake (untitled drabble) aka "little blondie bennett" Until the End of Time i wanna live with you (even when we're ghosts)
+ bonnie bennett (tvd)
BBHC Week 2021, Day 6: Hair (drabble) BBHC Week 2021, Day 4: Tattoos (drabble) BBWeek 2021, Bonnie moves to Berkeley (ficlet)
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freddieslater · 2 years
Hey! How are you? I was just wondering if you could write a forwood au drabble where they’re both married and have twins just like in the books. (With some stelena bamon endgames but I don’t wanna be too demanding)
I am so much better after having received this request. You are truly after my heart, this is the au that I LIVE for. So, I only did the drabble, no moodboard but if you DO want a moodboard for this au, feel free to just ask and I will be more than happy to make one because, again, this au is EVERYTHING to me. And now, for some domestic Forwood with some mentions of Stelena and Bamon:
“Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?” Tyler asks sceptically. He sets the plate down on the table and then rests his hands on the back of the chair in front of him. “Don’t you think it’ll be… weird?”
Caroline breathes out a laugh, saying, “No,” then stops, whips around, and stares at him with wide-eyed alarm and a plate still in her hand. “Why? Do you think it’ll be weird? Oh god, it’s weird, isn’t it? This is insane! What was I thinking?”
Like a switch flipped, she dove right into the deepest end of the pool and sunk right to the bottom. Tyler’s gotten used to it over the years, but truth be told, he hasn’t quite adjusted to just how heightened she’s been since having the twins. 
“No, Care, that’s not what I said,” Tyler quickly soothes, moving over to stand in front of her. He reaches out and gently strokes her forearms. “You’re not insane. I was just thinking about you. You know, what with everything that’s gone down with Stefan and… with Damon. Are you going to be okay in a room with both of them?”
She looks him dead in the eyes like a startled little chipmunk for a good second or two. Then, with a sigh, she deflates like someone’s popped open the little seal on the back of her neck and let out all of the air that was filling her to bursting point. 
To his surprise, she flings her arms around his neck and hugs him tightly. The forks in her hand jab a little uncomfortably into his right shoulderblade but he chooses to ignore it for the moment. He instead chuckles lightly into her hair as she takes a deep breath into his shoulder. 
“Hey, you okay?” he asks softly, stroking a hand up and down her back. He wonders if he should go and get the twins for her to focus her attention on; it calms her emotions right down to have them in her sights and be looking after them. 
“I just…” She pulls back to look at him with startlingly crystal-clear eyes, full of clarity and sincerity as she holds him at arms-length and smiles at him like he’s the only other person in the world. “God. I just love you so much. You know that, don’t you?” 
“Yeah, of course I do,” Tyler says with a twinge in his chest. He knows it, and he hears it often enough that it shouldn’t still make him feel like the romantic interest in a cheesy teen movie, but here he is anyway. “And I love you, Care.” 
Her smile stretches until her eyes crinkle like a joyful kitten, then she continues, “And I love that you care so much about me, and how I feel, if I’m okay. I really do. I promise you that I am going to be okay tonight. It’s all in the past now, and we are moving forward with our new life. We have the twins, we have our home. We have each other, and I could not be happier about that.” 
Tyler’s cheeks positively ache from trying to bite back the full extent of his smile. “Yeah?” 
“Yes, you dummy! This is everything I’ve always wanted.” She rolls her eyes. “I know it may have seemed like I wasn’t really one for the domestic, settling down… white picket fence life when we were at school, but… deep down, I wanted it. I hoped that I could have it, that I could actually do it and be good at it. Being a mother and… a partner.” 
There’s some emphasis on the last word, Tyler notices. He’s not stupid. But he’ll let her continue to think he is for another hour or so, just until they have the appropriate audience and dessert is about to be served with a particular piece of silver included. 
“You are amazing,” Tyler tells her fiercely, sliding his hands up the side of her neck. She leans into his touch, her bottom lip pushing out a little. “And, I totally believe you when you say that you’re all good about this dinner party idea. But be totally honest with me: how do you actually feel it?”
“Oh, I’m a nervous wreck,” Caroline says without missing a beat, confirming what he’s been observing for the last twenty-four hours. “Mainly just because I’m worried about a fight breaking out between either Stefan and Damon or you and them, but also because both Elena an Bonnie have confided some news in me that they’re planning on sharing tonight with each other and I’m not totally sure how they’re both going to react.”
Eyebrows raised, Tyler takes a step back, going back to setting the table as he prompts her with a simple, “Oh? Why? What’s their news?” 
She groans loudly, head thrown back, hands out at her sides. “Okay, so, technically I’m not supposed to say anything because I promised both of them that I wouldn’t, but you don’t count. I know for a fact that Elena tells Stefan everything, and the same for Bonnie with Damon, which, frankly, I think is even more insane than this dinner party because I wouldn’t trust him to keep a surprise party a secret, never mind anything of any importance.
“But anyway. Get this, would you believe, Elena and Stefan eloped.” 
Tyler’s eyebrows are practically off his forehead. “Wait, seriously? Wow.”
“I know! I mean, they’re married now! Which is totally crazy, right?” 
Biting hard on his cheek to keep a straight face, he nods with furrowed brows, and swallows hard before speaking. “Yeah, no, it’s crazy.”
He catches Caroline side-eyeing him, but he makes sure to give nothing away as he adjusts the last plate and she sets out the last of the cutlery. 
“And Bonnie’s news?” he asks, steering her back on track. 
It’s successful, too. Her eyes immediately widen and she’s talking a mile a minute, saying, “Oh god, that’s even crazier. I don’t think it’s even fully sunk in for me yet, I mean, I just can’t even picture it – I don’t want to, either, to be frank. Right, yeah. So… Bonnie’s pregnant.”
Tyler whistles through his teeth. “What? And it’s–”
“Definitely Damon’s, she says,” Caroline confirms, nodding.
“I can see why you’re nervous,” he says faintly, to her passionate agreement. 
He’s still processing that piece of information when the baby monitor crackles – not that they really need it when they both have hearing better than anything that requires a battery. 
Caroline’s head perks up like a dog’s ears. “Oh, is it five already? I need to feed them again.” She rubs her temples. “Do you think it’s worrying that Brianna is drinking more than Lucas is? Maybe it’s me. Maybe my milk is making him sick or something, do you think that’s possible?” 
“I think that they’re both perfectly fine,” Tyler says calmly, “but if you’re really worried, we can check in with the midwife again with any questions. I’m sure it’s just because Cas was a bit later than Bri. There’s always the formula stuff, see if it makes a difference for him.”
“True. I might try it,” she muses, biting her lip. 
There’s another groggy cry from upstairs. Seeing Caroline’s obvious need for a minute to go over her thoughts, he kisses her cheek and says, “I’ll get them.”
“Thank you, you’re the best, I love you!” she calls after him. 
“I know!”
#bonniesdamons#ask away earthlings!#the vampire diaries#forwood#caroline forbes#tyler lockwood#stelena#bamon#tvd#tvd au#no I will not go into detail about how they are all alive nor how any of them conceived without any cure involved#this is the way it is and you will all LIKE it#also I couldn't resist using the names of their twins from the books#I love that their boy was actually called 'lucas' because that was the name I gave to parkwood's son in my twin au for them#and 'brianna' is such a pretty name I love them for that#I imagine that their full named in this au are 'brianna carol lockwood-forbes' and 'lucas william mason lockwood-forbes'#because you can never have too many middles names right? especially when you have so many deceased relatives#I almost wish that their canonical book son's name WASN'T lucas because it almost feels weird considering everything with luke#but hey it is what it is even if I do think that forwood in tvd would have named their kids#'elizabeth carol lockwood-forbes' and 'william mason lockwood-forbes'#so we would then have lizzie and will#OR it could be 'carol elizabeth lockwood-forbes' and then we would have carrie and will#just to you know not have the same name as lizzie from actual tvd canon#I may need to make some forwood twins gifsets like I did for stefanie and for parkwood's twins#BUT ANYWAY#I hope this was okay and if you ever want more from this au just let me know I will be more than happy to oblige#I JUST HAD ANOTHER THOUGHT their kids nicknames if they had been elizabeth and william could have been lizzie and billy#or carrie and billy I'm not fussy#or even ‘thomas mason’ which could be shortened to ‘tommy’ because I feel like caroline remembers tom#suggestions for what any of you think they would name their twins are welcome!
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lightning-writes · 1 year
Master List
Hi, so I've mainly written for the Vampire Diaries, and I am now working on an MCU Bucky Barnes x OFC fic.
See under the cut!
good heart (faulty machine of a man) - in progress - bucky x ofc, post-endgame, pre-tfatws
Marvel (Netflix)
something (yeah, definitely something) - series - frank x amy from Punisher (2017), (one more part is left, but it kinda abandoned at this point)
Vampire Diaries
Angels and Demons - one shot - demon!bonnie x angel!damon au
Odd One Out - one shot - jealous!Elena, bamon S6 au
Roms-Coms - one shot - valentines day bamon au
drink with a serial killer - one shot - detective!bonnie x serial killer!damon au/ah
blood and bourbon (revamped) - multi-chapter - rockstar!damon x law student!bonnie au/ah, abandoned
blood and bourbon (old) - multi-chapter - rockstar!damon x law student! bonnie au/ah, abandoned (but longer than revamped)
one thing, every day - multi-chapter- damon x ofc, canon-divergent from S7, abandoned
not everything is bolts & wires - one shot - missing scene, don x judy from lost in space (2018)
I've written companion pieces for @darwinquark 's fics, so I'll add that here too:
For her fic those kinds of friends:
companion piece for chapter 7
For her fic six mornings after: (@sixmorningsafter)
a steroline wedding - one shot - sma steroline wedding
did she really love me - one shot - sma stefonnie moment
plus-one - one shot - sma bamon at a wedding
a belvafore drabble of sorts - one shot - sma quad babysit
a sma!kol x sma!damon headcanon
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perpetualimaginings · 4 years
Idiot, he scolds himself. Then again. Idiot. All these years, and it’s only dawned on him now? Sure, there was all the Elena stuff. Near death, half-death... and it wasn’t as if he was thinking about her in the breathing space between.
Liar. You always think about her.
‘Is there a reason you’re looking at me like that?’ She asks him, her cheek dimpling as her mouth fights the smile.
She knows, doesn’t she?
Damon tries to look beyond her face but it’s entirely distracting tonight - this whole damned realisation is distracting - and his gaze pings right back to her expectant one.
Fine, you win.
‘You er... you look beautiful, Bon.’
She laughs; he kisses her. It surprises them both... kinda (Damon’s not exactly impartial to impulsivity and he’s been an idiot for too long to let another moment pass not touching her).
They part and she pulls on the scrunchie holding her ponytail taught. Her bunny slippers push against his thigh as she wriggles down the couch, head propped on the pillows.
‘Press play, idiot.’
Damon doesn’t hear her: he’s thinking about kissing her again.
(Felt like writing a little Drabble! Requests are always welcome - my ask box is open ❤️ P.S. at first I was imagining Bonnie all dressed up at a party or something, but Damon realising on a simple movie night...that’s love)
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Here's another one. Well, when inspiration hits, what's a woman to do but write. 😋
Industrial sounds of a too technological city, whirring and shuffling and the occasinal bops and grinds of metal hitting metal, scraping and echoing like a bang in a too big room. It was dark too, shades of white and grey matter barely glimpsed through the black scenary, lights only on the top most level, splattered in like an aftertought, like paint hitting a canvas, like blood from a bullet wound. One there, and one here and one further back, but not for 3 more flats, or one level below. And the lights were too difuse, too soft to pierce more than maybe a few inches around them. Still, he didn't mind. The dark was like molases, true enough, but he could deal with that, he got used to it.
He was walking below today, on the lowest part of the sidewalks, looking up at the level he usually stalked through. The Below was made up of far narrower corridors, with a much bigger car lane, not that many even used that anymore. But it was still asphalt and concrete and yellow traffic lines drawn in paint. Irregular, crooked. He could see where they drew the first line then began the next as there was a breakage, shifted slightly to the right, intertwined wrong. He didn't mind this either.
He walked a lot nowadays, his car long ago a wreak he still held onto like it was his arm, the only keepsake he had left of his only family. So he walked now, the long maze of corridors that used to be pavewalks, down to the corner, down further to the intersection and onwards out to the edge of the city.
The cemetary greeted him slowly, the upturned earth of an abandoned grave, until the groundskeep returned, the slow peppering of headstones and the occasional cross here and there, so much fewer nowadays. All graves were fewer nowadays. There was no need for them, there were other ways to bury someone, that is if they died at all. Midday now, the dark held on though, it held on forever these days. He didn't mind that too.
He paused. It was just up ahead, where her gravestone stood. He'd wanted a masoleum, she'd deserved something big, something to take up space, because she should take up space after all she'd done for this too dark, too winding world. She'd kept it spinning, kept it going for so long. But she'd fought back with all her might, and so did her children, later, when coffins were being chosen and gravestones and mausoleums were being picked. He knelt, head high, eyes skyward, a deep breath in before he looked at the etching. It was a date, so very many years ago, her birth, her end. It read friend and mother and saviour and the best of this whole wide universe. He lowered his head, eyes darted to the damp ground, to the flowers in his hand, her favourite this time. He'd finally gotten it right. His mind shifted, suddenly aware that his brother was burried mere feet away as well. His heart still ached for him, but he'd lived a long and happy life. His brother hadn't minded death, not like he did.
"Still as melodramatic as always, Damon?" Her voice rang through the silence of his part of the city, too far away for the noise to pierce through. His eyes remained fixed on the gravestone, the name smiling up to him. He smiled back. Bonnie Bennett.
"Well, don't you look wood witch chic, Bon Bon?" Bonnie smiled. "I still think a mausoleum would've been better, you'd at least have a bed, no one would be the wiser." He argued, standing up, flower still in hand. He gave them to her and she smiled softly.
"Finally remembered my favourite did you? And no, people were already shapening their pitchforks, a grave was better."
"Alright, but I still don't get why you won't join me in the city. No one even remembers who you were anymore, it's been a century. Why the woods?" He argued back, smile turning into grin. He'd missed her, her voice, her eyes, her face. She'd been away for too long this time, a month had been torture.
"Having second thoughts?" Her answering grin was wild like the woods woods she'd chosen as home, her tone as snarky as it has always been. He shook his head, "never", and took her hand. They dissappeard into the trees, hand in hand, a trail of footprints in the damp ground that vanished with a flourish of her hand, leaving behind the city, and the grave, and the remanants of the past they'd shared for so long, stepping into the future. He'd just turned 300 years old, she'd just stepped into her second century. Their lives finally entwined deep in the woods that'd kept her alive with it's magic for so long, and would do so for far longer still, together.
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pugetprincess · 3 years
an old bonnie/damon drabble written for the prompt:  ‘Last year at the 60s dance Damon asked Bonnie to dance and she turned him down, so he tries again at the Masquerade Party.’  
Mystic Falls always came out for a party.  
They were good distractions from the undercurrent of murder and mayhem that people tried to bury and hide.  And a masquerade was very fitting for a town that wore its own mask.
The Lockwood property was lavishly decorated, the grounds and mansion twinkled and spooked.  Everyone was there, lost in the sea of black tuxedoes and silky gowns.  Laughter echoed across the gardens and down the halls, drowning out the gossip and chatter.
Inside, Bonnie stood vigilant in the ballroom.  
It was easy to tell everyone apart.  The small butterfly masks, decorated in lace and sequins, didn’t work very well as a disguise.  But that wasn’t really the point, anyway.  She casually skirted around the dance floor, trying to blend in but keep an eye out for trouble.  Katherine was there, after all.
She was hoping to find Jeremy again.  She’d lost track of him somewhere between the punch bowl and restroom, and wondered if maybe he’d run into Tyler.
And if this party wasn’t a drag already…
“Leopard print is an interesting choice.”
There was no mistaking that sarcastic lilt.  With a tight set to her jaw, Bonnie braced herself and looked over her shoulder at Damon.
“Just leave me alone,” her tone slightly exasperated, “I’m really not in the mood-”
“Are you ever in the mood?”  His thin grin didn’t quite reach his eyes.  His tense gaze flickered away from her, over to where Katherine and Stefan were dancing.
“For you?  No.”  Bonnie looked them over too, noting the tense line of Stefan’s back.
“How about a dance?”
Her eyes narrowed, jumping to Damon’s.  “Could you concentrate, please?  You know, stay on point.”  She looked down at his black shirt and dark jeans.  “You didn’t even follow the dress code.  Don’t you think the chaperones will get suspicious?”
“Alaric’s got my back.  And besides,” he smirked, “It’s called compulsion, honey, and not everyone is immune to it.”
She straightened her shoulders, “Well, at least there are a few people in Mystic Falls who you can’t compel.”
He frowned, “It’s a good thing for you too.  You have no idea what I’d get you to do if I could.”  He stared down at her, his eyes hard and flashing.
Side-stepping that very unpleasant thought, Bonnie stood straight and narrowed her eyes on him with concentration.
Eyes widening, he hissed, “Don’t - ” just as pain began to bloom across his face and his hands came up to claw at his temples.  Genuine agony wrinkled across his forehead and down the sharp set of his jaw.
Just as his shoulders began to crumple, Bonnie suddenly relaxed and retracted the spell.  Slowly Damon straightened, arms curled at his sides.  He glared furiously at her.
“That, little witch,” he growled in her face, “is why we can never be friends.”
“It’s not the only reason, Damon.”  She returned his glare, feeling only a little guilty for the aneurism.
He scowled, eyes flicking up and down her with a threat.  Then he turned sharply away towards the dancers.
Hoping this little moment with Damon was over, Bonnie started moving away and looked back over the sea of masks, trying to spot Stefan and Katherine again.  She had no clue where Caroline disappeared to and she should probably really figure out where Jeremy went…
“You know, all this animosity,” Damon spoke up, his eyes staying on the dancers but his hand gesturing between her and him, “It could make for some very interesting late night fun.”
She spun around just as he crossed his arms tightly, biting his lip and trying to hide a smirk.
“What?” Her face screwed up, “Ew.  That’s disgusting, Damon.”
“Disgusting?” He took in her appalled expression, knitting his brows together.  He was truly offended.  “Excuse me?  Do you know how many girls in this town have slept with me?  And they loved it.”
“Yeah right.  Caroline hates you.”
“Oh, but the others don’t.  They let me stay over whenever I want.”  Damon faced her, his condescending smile staring her down.
“Sure, because you compel them,” Bonnie frowned, disapproval cutting across her face.
“No.  It’s because they really like it when I stay over,” he licked his lips, “And you would too.”
“Have you been drinking or something?  Because your hold on reality is totally gone.”  She raised her eyebrows.  “Remember me?  Girl who hates you?”
The muscles in his throat ticked and Damon made a show of rolling his eyes.  “Whatever, Judgy.  So –” a sincerely fake smile etched up along his face, making him look slightly maniacal, “Wanna dance?”
“NO.”  Bonnie looked him over suspiciously.    
Damon’s poker smile melted down into a very real and annoyed frown.  “Come on, Bonnie.  Can’t we be friends?”
Bonnie stopped and stared blankly up at him.  He had sincerely misunderstood something at some point.  
“Listen, just because I helped you out with Mason Lockwood – it doesn’t mean I’m on your side or that I excuse all the terrible things you’ve done to this town,” she stared unflinchingly into his scowling face, “What I said before still stands.  If you kill a single innocent person, I’m taking you down.”
Damon’s face twisted furiously and his lips clenched together.  Just as he opened his mouth to reply, someone cleared their throat behind them.
“What?” Damon barked, rounding on Stefan.  He was standing right next to them with his ‘serious face’.  Katherine stood at his side, her red lips twisted in a smile and her black eyes twinkling behind her mask.
“How interesting,” she looked snidely between Bonnie and Damon.
Bonnie blanched and Damon narrowed his eyes on the vampire, “Hello, Katherine.”
She smiled gleefully up at him, delighted at their discomfort.  Her eyes darted to Bonnie.
“Hi, Bonnie.  How’s the Harry Potter act coming?” 
Bonnie only frowned in response and Katherine smirked, twirling towards Stefan again.  With one arm angled arrogantly on her hip, her other hand waited impatiently in the air, “Shall we?”
Stefan offered her his arm with a stony expression, sending a pointed look at Damon as he guided Katherine away.
Bonnie exhaled, annoyed and embarrassed.  Damon stood still, glowering at Katherine’s back.  Bonnie finally walked away.
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lady-salvatore · 4 years
By the Light of Dying Flames
Pairing: Bonnie Bennett x Damon Salvatore
Desc.: Set in the Prison World.
Notes: Bamon fluff,,,,, that is all.
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Damon always thought that love was supposed to be an all-consuming fire.
He’d loved Katherine until it destroyed him, and he loved Elena until he destroyed everything he touched.
Every love Damon ever had— even the love for his family and friends— had ended in disaster, with Damon consuming everything.
He lamented this to Bonnie, bourbon in hand and his head lying on the back of the couch.
“Love is like that,” Damon finished. “It takes, and it takes, and it takes. Just like fire.”
Bonnie pursed her lips and snatched the bourbon out of his hand. “You’re drunk.”
He turned his head to look at her. “But I’m right.”
Bonnie shook her head. “No, you’re not. Love isn’t like that at all.”
Damon scoffed. “I’m about a hundred and fifty years older than you, and you think you know more than me?”
“Yes,” Bonnie said plainly. “Love isn’t about taking. Love isn’t consuming. It’s different. Softer.”
Damon thought about that.
Maybe, just maybe, love wasn’t meant to consume you. Maybe it was meant to grow on you softly.
Maybe love was... sitting by the fire and drinking together. And talking.
Maybe love was grocery shopping together everyday, trying on all the sunglasses and making faces at each other.
Maybe love was making pancakes every morning for the girl you’re stuck in a lonely prison with.
Maybe love... was this.
She looked down at the glass in her hand. “Maybe I’m the drunk one.”
“No, Bon Bon,” Damon said quietly. “I think you’re onto something.”
Bonnie smiled at him. That was all it took for him to realize.
Oh. Oh. He was in love, in a way he’d never thought.
Love wasn’t fire. Love wasn’t raging and hurting.
Love was what comes after— staying by the fire with someone, even though the fire was dying and both of you were tired.
Damon moved a little closer to Bonnie. She moved a little closer to him.
“Fire,” Bonnie whispered, watching the last of the embers burn in the fireplace.
Damon cocked his head. “No, it’s not like that at all.”
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finnicks · 3 years
( drabble ) shotgun shuts his cakehole
shotgun shuts his cakehole the vampire diaries | bonnie/damon 100, pg. Damon needs to stop touching her radio.
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tophsazulas · 2 years
In the mood to write a post-breakup Bamon drabble au
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backandimbamon · 3 years
Are you still taking Halloween requests for Bamon? If so, would you be willing to write a fic about Damon watching Bonnie having fun with her magic on Halloween or throughout the season? Like, making things float for trick-or-treaters, lighting candles, making lights flicker to spook kiddos. It's fluffy, but it can be spookier or hotter if you're inclined! If you're not taking requests, that's okay too! Happy Halloween! <:
ughhhhh you’re hitting me right in the feeeeels 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i love this idea. this is a pureeee Bamon fluff moment <33333
Damon had a chat with Bonnie- well, vent session really- about how he didn’t give a damn about Halloween. After a century and a half of witnessing angels and devils, he’d seen enough red and white polyester for a lifetime. Halloween was just gimmicky and trite and without any kids, what did it matter?
That was the end of September, and while Bonnie didn’t say much during his rambling, she’d hum her concession at every spare sentence distractedly.
By October first, Bonnie came over with puppy dog eyes and pumpkins, suggesting, (begging,) that they carve out “spooky” faces and hide the seeds in moist soil and well, he couldn’t deny her. Especially not after the puppy dog eyes.
“For someone who didn’t want to do this, you’re pretty amazing at carving pumpkins.”
You’re one to speak, Damon thought to himself as he watched Bonnie use the knife like a floating stylus, you’re carving without using hands.
“I’m brilliant at everything I do.” He stated confidently.
“Can I take my compliment back?”
When they finished, Bonnie magically lit small tea candles and sat them in the pumpkin heads as lanterns during the nighttime.
“Show off,” Damon mumbled.
The light in her eyes made him think that this Halloween might not be so bad after all.
Damon realized very quickly what this whole ordeal was about.
Bonnie was no longer eighteen, or twenty-two, or even twenty-five; she was twenty-eight so it wasn’t far-fetched for him to assume that she was having a severe case of baby fever.
She was just coooing and awwwing a little too much at the kid’s costumes and took it upon herself to use her witchy powers as entertainment, and though she was fooling the stupid kids, Damon knew no “magician” could juggle blow pops in mid air.
“If you really want to use your powers, why not scare the living shit out of them?” He pointed a rigid thumb at the adorable kids behind his back as one dressed as Batman covered his mouth in surprise at Damon’s foul language.
“Ooo, he said a bad word,” one kid whispered to the next and quickly the gang of mini comic book heroes decided they preferred the “magician” over the vampire.
“Damon, please.” Bonnie sighed, then addressed the kids with a big smile as she extended a hand to send candy dropping into their bags out of their own accord.
“Oh wow, that looks so real!” A parent exclaimed.
“It is. She’s a witch.” The dad shook his head and laughed.
“It’s true. And I’m a vampire.” Damon extended his fangs and hissed for added drama. The kids, now fully terrified, ran off noisily and the beloved father only shook his head again and pointed a finger.
“You really almost got me there,” then he walked off to the next house.
Vampires and witches didn’t go bump in the night, only animal attacks did. Damon sighed.
“I might just stab myself and see what explanation they come up with when my body sews itself back together.”
“Please don’t.”
“You wanna talk about it?”
“About what?”
“I don’t know- I can practically hear your ovaries about to burst when you see a baby in an idiotic costume.”
“That’s not true!”
“Bonnie you’ve got a whole side magic show…Care to explain?”
“I want to entertain them, Damon, is that so wrong? It’s Halloween for Christ’s sake,” he cut his eyes up to the ceiling, “get into the spirit.”
It was easier for him to be a little more festive when she really started scaring the older kids who were unimpressed with floating candy and making plants grow in front of their eyes.
They insisted it was special effects or hypnotism or this or that so when Bonnie made them hear a voice whispering in one ear and then the other, Damon finally developed a genuine smile on his face.
He could always advocate for a good punishment.
“Try not to enjoy this so much,” Bonnie teased.
“You first.”
They had just settled in, down to one bag of candy, The Nightmare Before Christmas on the television screen when Damon heard the last knock.
“I got it!” He called out to Bonnie who was in the kitchen of the boarding house throwing away the empty packages of sweets.
Damon’s breath caught in his throat when he opened the door to a pale little vampire with raven black hair. He looked up at him with crystal blue eyes and a smile missing his two front teeth.
“Trick or treat.” He declared, holding his bag out and open. By his side was a little brown-skinned girl with a black pointy hat and a broom.
“Bonnie this isn’t funny.” He called out.
“What do you mean?” And when she saw them she lost her breath too.
“No more candy, huh?” The little vampire asked with his left brow raised critically.
“You can’t just ask that, manners are important, Bennie.”
“Manners, shmanners. You’re not the boss of me, Dana. Who doesn’t have candy on Halloween?”
Bonnie looked over at Damon and mouthed, Bennie?
Dana? He mouthed back.
Before they could leave, she handed them the rest of the candy and Dana, ever so polite, thanked them graciously while Bennie trekked over to the next house.
Only when they sat on the couch with their bowl of popcorn did Damon speak again.
“Did we just enter the twilight zone?”
“Ya know, I think we did.”
For what it was worth, Damon felt a lot warmer than he had in years.
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scorpio-karma · 5 years
Bk 2
A/N: Yeah, I know this is beyond late and I still have more to go, but I hope it was worth it. Enjoy.
2. "Stay here tonight."
“Stay here tonight.” he whispered as she was picking up her clothes.
"You know I can't Kai."
"Just this once."
"You can't keep doing this to me. You know I have to get back to them."
"Leave him."
"You know it's more complicated than that. We have a daughter together."
"And you think it's better for her if you stay with him in an unhappy marriage?"
"No. I think it's more complicated than that. I can't just send her life into an upheaval."
"If it keeps going like this it's going to happen anyway."
"I know," she whispered walking out the door.
She was waiting in the dining room when he got home. It was well after midnight, but that didn't surprise her. Damon had a habit of "staying late" at work.
"What's the point of sneaking in if we both know where you were."
"Jesue, Bonnie!" he shouted startled.
"Shh," she demanded. "Violet's asleep."
"Why aren't you?"
"Because we need to talk."
"Don't play dumb. I've been doing it far too long and I deserve some answers now."
"What do you want to know?"
"Why do you keep coming back? Why do you come back just to hurt me? Are you too cowardly to end it or do you just get some sick satisfaction out of humiliating me?"
"You know that's not why. I love you more than anyone on the planet. Those women they mean nothing to me," he pleaded. He tried to brush her hair away from her face but she flinched away.
"Then why risk it? Why risk losing me over some floozy?"
"I don't know why I'm like this? I just ruin everything I touch."
She held in the rage inside her that wanted to slap him. Typical Damon, it's never his fault. Although she knew that when they got married, she just hoped he'd grow out of it. They were teenagers after all, they were supposed to grow up. It seemed only she did and got stuck raising two babies instead of the one she signed up for.
"Sign this," she said coldly shoving papers toward him.
"What are these?"
"Divorce papers. I want a divorce."
"You don't have to do this! I promise I'll do better."
"It doesn't matter. What's done is done, and I don't love you anymore. If you want to get better do it for yourself, but not for me because I'm moving on."
"I can't lose you," he pleaded.
"You already have."
"Stay here tonight," he whispered before kissing her jaw.
"I am," she said smiling.
"Wait, really?" Kai held back his excitement not knowing if what she was saying was real.
"Yes, really." She had never seen a grown man more excited at her declaration of two words. She wondered how much more of that she could get in the future.
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freddieslater · 4 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Bamon | Bonnie Bennett x Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries)
Requested by anonymous
"You know, for someone who says she hates pancakes, you're stealing an awful lot of them off my plate."
Damon raises an eyebrow at Bonnie pointedly as she momentarily stops chewing the bite she just took out of her fifth one.
She shrugs, slow and innocent in the most guilty way. "They have chocolate chips. And you didn't do a weird vampire face on them for once."
"So, when you said you don't like pancakes, you were totally lying."
Bonnie swallows, scoffs, rolling her eyes.
"No. I just don't like blueberries in my pancakes, or to have dumb little smiley faces with fangs on them. I already see one of those every day."
"Ignoring." Damon points a finger at the plate of now two pancakes in his lap with feigned confusion. "But you like chocolate chip hearts? You know how easy that would have been to just... I don't know, tell me that?"
Bonnie shrugs again, finishing off the piece in her hand. "More fun this way."
Damon just stares at her, narrowing his eyes. It lasts all of three seconds as she swipes another off of his plate, taking a sip of her coffee, her own eyes fixed on the TV. He smiles to himself and just takes the last one, focusing back on the show they're watching.
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Addicted to you
“I loved you.”
“Love. You love me and I love you.”
“No, loved, and you never loved me, you loved the booze and the sex. There’s a difference.”
"Whatever you tell yourself."
“You know what, fuck you!”
“In case you forgot, I already did.”
“You have never loved anyone or anything in your entire life, and it took way too long for me to figure that out.”
“I love you.”
“Stop saying that! I know you don’t mean it!”
“But I do, Bon. I love you. My life’s shit without you.”
“Your life was shit with me.”
“Yeah, but it was better. Everything was better with you, so much better that I didn’t even notice the shit.”
“What do you want Damon?”
“You, Bon.”
“I don’t believe you.”
She wanted to forget about the alcohol fueled years of her life, but she mostly wanted to forget him. When he comes back into her life old feelings and old habits come back. Will she be able to kick this? Will she be able to give him up a second time or is there a future where they can be together, sober?
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Damon makes another (better) choice
I'm back guys! Sorry for the lond wait, it's been crazy for me and hella tiring, hence no stories. Requests are back, random little drabble are back too. Enjoy this little Bamon-y nugget!
Fog fell all around her as she stood at the pier docks, her lithe form shivering as the wind blew through her thin jacket and jeans. Her hair got in her eyes and mouth and hit her skin with enough force to sting, but the warm tears still fallling down her cheeks were the only thing she could focus on. It was maddening in a way, how much he meant to her, how much this hurt.
Bonnie pulled her jacket closer to her body, and turned her face heaven-ward. The tears had dried in the meantime, only rivulets of mascara remaining as proof of her ache. It had been half an hour now, she thought, of waiting on this pier to no avail. Damon truly was gone. A sob cocked her next breath, stuttering in her chest like a spasm, but she bit down on it, refusing to allow him that much. He didn't deserve her sobs, he'd promised he'd be with her, he'd told her 'you're stuck with me too', he reassured her. And he lied.
"You drive a hard bargain, Bonnie Bennett."
Her breath stopped and her heart picked up rhythm suddenly, his voice so very recognizable to her, like her own at this point. She was afraid to turn around though. Afraid it was all her mind making it up. Footsteps behind her further proved it had to be real, but still she was frozen in place. She let the tears dry on her cheeks and the ache in her chest dull to an echo.
"And you are an idiot." She murmurs, voice barely a whisper, but he hears it, and the smile in her voice. Damon comes to stand beside her, watching the waves crassh into the pillons of the pier as wind picks up speed. They're quiet, pensive. Bonnie isn't sure whether what she feels is the anger or relief but it grabs hold of her heart and stays.
"What changed your mind? You seemed very sure of yourself just now."
"I was. I still am. But you wanna know why, Bon? Have you wondered about that before you made up ur mind about how selfish I'm being?" He could've sounded snide, or angry, or arrogant, she thought. He didn't. He sounded hurt. But she also knew that a hurt Damon was the wordt Damon so the lack of ire in his tone only served to confuse her further. What did he mean, he'd already made it clear why, for Elena.
"It's for Stefan, for you, hell even for Blondie and deputy Dumbass" she let out a short laugh, but the confusion remained.
"What?" He was looking at her now, a wry smile slowly making its way onto his lips. She wanted to smack him. She wanted to laugh and cheer because she still could smack him. He lets his hands fall to his side, knuckles frushing her still clenched fists. She relaxed incrementally as the wind brushed her skin just as softly as his hand brushed hers.
"I hurt you when I'm around. This way you'd get to live your lives Bon. I wouldn't be holding you back with my bullshit." She looked at him, shock evident in the widening of her eyes, the slight give in her jaw, but the murkiness of her gaze, the confusion stayed. His hands launched up to chest level, prepared to rant in defense of his point, but she pushed through.
"That's more dumb than most anything else you've said before. You leaving hurts us! And what are you talking about? This year you've been more focused on everyone than... ever!"
"But you still got hurt, you almost died Bon, Stefan got trapped in the Phoenix Stone! I almost kill Barbie and her little pies in the oven with my own hands!"
"You just got out of the Stone yourself, come on! And me and Stefan got hurt because of choices WE made, Damon, respect that. You've healed Care, you've rushed me to the hospital, and I've got Stefan out quickly enough. And no! I see you trying to argue. It wasn't your fault what happened with Stefan, that was him being boneheaded and going for Julian alone ans underprepared. And I chose to help you, cuz I love you! You've become my closest friend, of course I'd help you, you moron!"
Her arms had gripped his shoulders as she grew more confident in her words, understanding what had possessed him to make such a stupid decision as soon as he began talking. She was gripping his wrists and shaking him soon after, trying to drill the point in his mind. They were holding hands by the time she'd finished, his palms surprisingly warm.
"Do you trust me, Damon?"
"Of course."
"Then let's go home."
One word seeled their fate. Whispered and reverent. And with a tug on his hands, they went, the sea turbulent behind them.
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