#band ghost x reader
thatoddgent · 1 year
💫🌸🐸helloooooooo could I request some ghoul reader who is scared of the thunder and lightning? Some fluff comfort of the ghouls, each ghoul finding them cowering in fear and how each one’s reacts and what they do? Ghoul reader is newly summons and they are still sensitive to it and it’s There first storm?!
Calm In the Storm (Nameless Ghoul[ettes] x Gn! Ghoul Reader)
A/N: Finally feeling better, so time to get this out, thank you so much for requesting and even more for waiting. I really appreciate the love I've gotten on my work so far, and it's people like you that give me this outlet and the ability to share my work. I went with the approach of setting the scene and then splitting the scenario, I hope you like it! :)
Genre: Fluff/Comfort
Warnings: None! Pure comfort, unless you count mentions of overstimulation, or fear of storms.
The room was so quiet, but so loud, your head was so full but there was nothing all at once. A new life, surrounded by people you don't know, the looks and the sounds that greeted you, it was all too much.
Just a few hours earlier, you were surrounded by strangers, the stinging chill that filled your lungs being ripped from you in the commotion. They had summoned many before you, but how were you to know the pain you would feel by being called upon, by being created?
They had escorted you to the ghouls den, tossing you into a room that was set up in preparation for your arrival, but they didn't quit care enough to prepare you for this new life along with it. New sights, new smells, new feelings, they came in waves that washed over you harshly and now you felt stranded.
The cold stone walls, meant to shut out the outside world, trapped it and its noise inside with you, drilling it into your already aching head. It pounded at your skull, and the sharp night air pricked at your nose, which had also shared the abuse of your senses. Tears were stinging the corners of your eyes, and your heart yearned for something that wasn't there, and there was no denying that you were scared out of your mind.
A strange smell began to take over, the earth outside and the stone of thee building mixed together almost beautifully, almost blessing you with some sense of comfort. But, naive as you were, so young and so new, had no idea what the smell of rain meant. A small rumbling caused your ears to perk up, followed by the soft drip of rain on the ground.
You pried yourself up from the floor you were curled up on, moving the curtain hanging on the window just a tad, and looked out to the night sky. The glass began to wet, droplets gliding down the surface and pooling at the base of it, even if you were a bit on edge you couldn't help but be curious. Your eyes continued looking outside, and you swear you caught a glimpse of light in the distance, just for a moment.
Another rumble rang through your ears, followed by a loud crashing sound. It bellowed against the walls and you could almost feel the ground beneath you shaking, your body immediately falling to the floor. You wrapped your arms around your head, trying to block out the noise, but the only thing you were met with was the growing wet sensation on your cheeks. The sobs were soft at first, but they slowly grew until you felt like you couldn't breath, and soon you were left a shaking pile on the floor.
As soon as the rain began, she started making her way to your room. Being the more nurturing one of the bunch, she always tried to look out for any of the new summons and ensure they were safe. She knew all too well what it was like, and for you to be the poor soul that was welcomed into the world with a storm this heavy, she was sure you weren't doing too good.
The closer she got to your door, the stronger your scent became, sopping with a feeling of despair and fear. Her pace quickened from a walk into a run, and she couldn't help but to open the door as soon as she got there.
Her head peeked around the wood door, searching for you in the room, and that's when she saw you huddled up on the floor at the end of the bed, so caught up in your panic you didn't notice she was even there.
She stepped in quietly, walking deeper into the room until she was a few feet away from you. Not wanting to scare you anymore, she knelt down on the floor, letting one of her hands reach out and press down on the floor in front of you.
You barely saw it from under your arms, but your head snapped up and your body flinched, not knowing who on earth could be in front of you.
Your gaze met hers, and through your blurred vision you began to make out her features. She had kind eyes, and the look on her face was worried. She was like you as well, sharp horns emerged from the top of her head.
"It's alright sugar, I know it's scary outside but you're gonna be just fine."
Her voice was smooth and comforting, it put you a little at ease. The hand that she had on the floor moved closer as she reached out for one of your own.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, honest."
You had no reason to trust her, but the first person to treat you with such kindness, you had a gut feeling that you could, so you rested you hand in her own and let her stand you up. She led you to your bed and sat you down, finding a seat just next to you.
"You know," Her voice was soft. "I always loved the rain, me and my daddy use to sit out on our porch and watch it fall, he would tell me the thunder was my mama saying hello."
A glimmer of sadness flashed in her eyes, and you wondered why she was sharing such a personal memory with you.
"I'm named after them, the clouds that grow all big and make it rain. I like to think of it as my way of telling my daddy I'm okay, 'course he probably thinks I'm up in heaven or something."
Your muscles relaxed and your head fell to rest on her shoulder, and she let out a sweet chuckle in response.
"How about you close those little eyes of your and listen in, focus on the sounds."
You obliged, your eyes drifting shut while you focused on the rhythmic pitter patter of drops on stone. You grew tired and you started to relax in Cumulus' touch, letting her hold you while you started drifting to sleep.
"Whenever it rains, you just think of me, I'll keep you good and safe."
A gentle rumble interrupted her, and she laughed again before laying the both of you down.
"And mama will too."
She was never a fan of storms either, pacing the halls trying to calm herself down, walks at night always did a good job at cooling her nerves. No one else was supposed to be awake, but she could hear, and smell, the lone soul who resided in the room at the end of the hall.
She was headed there anyways, and she couldn't just leave someone to fight those emotions on their own, that's when she saw that the room belonged to you, the newest ghoul in the ministry.
She opened the door hastily and made her way in front of you, in a bit of a panic to make sure you were alright.
"Hey hey, it's okay, can you talk?"
Your head snapped up to see who it is, but with the emotions spilling out of you, you couldn't bring yourself to care. You tried to choke out a few words, but the attempt was beyond feeble as another sob erupted from you.
"Poor thing... You stay right here for me okay?"
She stood from in front of you and rushed out of the room, she seemed to be on a mission because she barged through the halls in a direct path to what she needed.
When she returned to the room, she had a few things in her hands, and as she made her way back over to you a few murmurs were heard from under her breath.
"First day here and they couldn't even make sure you're okay? What a shithole."
She sat back down in front of you and laid the things in her hands on the floor. She obviously had no way on knowing what you like, so she brought a small variety of things to give to you to ease the stress. She picked up a set of headphones and placed it on your head, careful not to startle you too much.
The noise outside became nothing but a soft whisper, and your ears could finally rest without the constant assault of noise.
Cirrus offered you a smile, and you finally calmed down enough to get a good look at her. She spoke gently, you assume she probably had experience with stuff like this, but it was comforting for a stranger to care like this for you.
"That's better, huh? I hate this weather, I can only imagine how scared you must be..."
Your voice was still lost somewhere in the mess of feelings, but you found it in you to nod in response.
"You're probably a little too startled to sleep, so I brought a few things to keep you busy, and I can stay with you if you'd want."
Her hands gestured to the pile of items she brought, a book, notepad and a small handheld console waited for you. She didn't have a lot of time to pick stuff out, but she tried her best to hit all the bases for things you might want to distract yourself with.
You carefully picked your item and held it close, and Cirrus carefully guided you onto your bed. You two didn't talk much, but the silence was comforting, and needed, it gave both of you a chance to relax and focus on keeping calm. She stayed beside you for hours, until you finally found yourself drifting to sleep.
Her eyes rested on you for a while, making sure you were comfortable and didn’t startle in your sleep. In that moment you were her main priority, of course sleep does come for us all in due time, and she dozed off eventually, laying beside you under the covers.
She loved to stay up and listen to the rain, even if it meant that she didn't get enough sleep that night, it just always fascinated her.
There was something different tonight though, along with the smell of petrichor that seeped in through the windows, a new scent made its way to her nose, one she couldn't quite place.
Being the curious little thing she was, she decided to sneak out of her bedroom and try to find the source, puzzling on what it could be, and as she made her way through the halls the smell grew stronger and stronger until she was face to face with your door.
Her eyes flickered to the tag on the door, a name she didn't recognize, paired with the smell, it didn't sit right with her. A hand made its way to meet with the old wooden door, given it a soft knock. She waited anxiously for a respond but heard nothing, but just as she was about to come to terms with the fact she seemingly wouldn't find an answer, she heard it, or rather, you.
It was so quiet and frail, she thought she might have made it up, but a small voice behind the door spoke a single word.
"Please." You muttered, fighting through your sobs and shallow breaths.
A pit formed in her stomach and she opened the door, trying to find the source of such a sad plea. You were already looking towards the door, and when your eyes met hers she almost teared up at the sight of you.
"What's got such a thing like you shaken up?"
Her voice was spilling with worry, and her body practically flew towards you. Though, before she could press you any further, another bout of thunder echoed in the distance, and the way your body jumped gave her the answer she was looking for.
She took your hands in her own, squeezing them lightly, her mind stumbling while she looked for an answer, anything that could help you calm down a bit.
"Would you like to see something special?"
The question did peak your interest, but you were still skeptical at such an offer, and from someone you didn't know, though you guess you didn't exactly know anyone here. You nodded your head weakly while you tried to slow your breathing a bit, Stratus massaging the palms of your hands while you did so.
When you were calmed down enough to stand, she helped you to your feet, wiping a few stray tears on the way up.
"There ya go! You just follow me, I promise, you're gonna love this."
You could almost feel a smile cracking at your face, the warmth she radiated was contagious. Your steps followed quietly behind hers, as you two made your way through a series of halls and stairs, all the way until you were met with a tall spiral staircase that lead to hell knows where. She assured you that it wouldn't be much longer, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't a bit exhausted by now, be it from the crying or the walking. The both of you made your way up the steps, and as she opened a raggedy old door, you were met with a breathtaking sight.
There you stood, on the bell tower of the chapel, gazing out across the night sky. The rain cascaded beautifully across the horizon, and you finally got a look at the abbey grounds in its entirety. You could see so much from there, from the blooming gardens to a long, winding road that made its way to town, it almost completely distracted you from your prior fear.
"It's crazy, right? I see this old place every day, but whenever I come up here it's like the first time all over again."
She stands next to you, her small frame leaning over the balcony rail, taking in every sight and smell she can.
"You know," Her gaze turns to you. "You're kinda like me. I was scared when I was first summoned, I never knew what to expect."
You listened, curious to see where she was going with this.
"You're not alone is what I mean. This is your home now, and were gonna make sure that you feel safe."
Your eyes began to sting with new tears, though the smile that faded onto your lips let her know that you weren't scared anymore. You scooted closer into her, carefully wrapping your arms around her frame, and she did the same, holding you in the most loving hug.
"Thank you." You spoke softly, finally letting her hear your voice.
You could practically hear the smile on her face when she responded.
"You don't need to, we're family now."
Slow, heavy steps made their way down the hall. Aether had spent the day running around in preparation for the summoning, seeing as he was the biggest of some of the ghouls, they didn’t question having him do any of the heavy lifting of equipment. He enjoyed helping, and would be lying if he said he didn’t like having people rely on him, but he didn’t love the strain it put on his back some days.
He was just happy it was done with, and he could finally get a chance to relax in his room, but on his way he got the idea to check up on you. He knew sometimes new summons had a difficult time adjusting, not to mention that on occasion they brought no memories with them, so he was prepared to protect himself if need be.
A loud rumble erupted through the building, and with it, the smell of absolute dread. Aether’s face dropped and he picked up his pace, following the smell to your bedroom. He placed a few firm knocks on the door before opening it, letting you know someone was there. A frown spread across his face when he saw you.
Body shaking, you looked up at him, eyes screaming for some kind of help in the way you couldn’t muster up in words. He walked over slowly, kneeling on one knee in front of you.
“Hey now, it’s okay, I’m here.”
His large hands found their way to your face, gently wiping at the tears that glided across your cheeks. With your vision clearing up, you began to recognize him from the ritual, he had been standing next to the man they called Papa.
You couldn’t tell if you liked that he was a part of the summoning, though, you were glad anyone was here with you at this point.
“Let’s get you off this floor, you gotta be comfortable so we can get you calmed down.”
It was a little amusing how he talked, it was almost father-like with the ‘we’ and ‘let’s’.
Aether was always incredibly empathetic as well, since his power often used emotions and such, so he picked up a trick or two when it came to helping people in distress. His tone was soft, and his voice low, offering a break from the overbearing sounds that had attacked your senses before.
He guided you to the bed, tucking you under the covers. He stepped away to pour you a glass of water from the pitcher on the table, and carefully placed it in your hands.
“So many tears, we don’t want you getting sick, small sips.”
The water met with your tongue, you hadn’t noticed how dry your mouth had become. The cool feeling washed down your throat, soothing the scratched feeling from coughing.
You were still shaken up, but you had started to come down from your emotion filled high, and he could tell.
“Would you like a hug? People says mine are the best, you know.”
You smile weakly, and nod your head, causing with to make his way into the bed as well. His arms make their way around your torso, holding you in a warm embrace. The supposed rumors were true, he hugged you tight enough to offer a comfortable weight, and his body heat soothed you, you weren’t sure if you’d ever want to move.
You laughed into his chest, eyes looking up to meet his.
“Yes, thank you.”
Your voice is beyond quiet, but he knows how exhausted you must be.
“If you’d want,” his hug loosens a bit. “I could stay with you tonight. I’d hate it if you woke up feeling like this again.”
Your smile widens and you lean into him, already getting comfortable under the cover of your blankets.
“I would love that.”
The rolling thunder was nothing new to this ghoul, he adored the sound of it paired with the humming strings of his acoustic.
He sat propped back against the headboard of his bed, plucking lazily at the strings in search of a new melody, but something about tonight was different, and he just couldn’t get into his usual zone.
He brought the guitar to his side, placing down on the bed with a sigh. Tonight would be a long night, he was nowhere near tired either, so he would have to find something else to occupy his time.
Palms rubbing against his eyes, he began to pick up on a strange scent from outside of his bedroom, maybe that was what had been throwing him off? Whatever it was, he had to find the source, whether it be due to his frustrations or curiosity. He threw the strap of his guitar over his shoulder and made his way into the hall, following the trail until he was face to face with your door.
He knocked on the door, he wasn’t sure what he would say when you opened it, but he wasn’t one for planning ahead. When there was no answer though, he grew a bit concerned.
His hands met with the wood again, and he listened intently for any sort of response, that’s when he heard the muffle sound of sobbing from behind it. He opened the door slowly, head peeking around to scan the room, and then he saw you in the corner.
He walked into the room and shut the door behind him, pulling his guitar from his back and placing it against the bed. He stood in front of you, studying you for a moment before kneeling down to your level.
“You alright, kid?” His voice was low and smooth.
You couldn’t even bother to look up, just shaking your head hastily in response. His lips twisted into a small frown, he wasn’t usually the one people went to for this kind of thing so he wasn’t too sure how to help.
He remembered his guitar and plucked it from its spot, and he sat down in front of you, holding it loosely in his lap.
“Hey, you ever see a guitar like this?”
Your head lifted a bit, looking at the black instrument in his hands, you shook your head and he let out a small chuckle.
“She’s a ‘beaut isn’t she? She sounds a whole lot prettier with this rain, you wanna hear?”
He could tell that you were hesitant, tears were still pouring from your eyes and your body was shaking. You weren’t sure how to answer, and he was racking his mind for a solution.
“How ‘bout we start of slow,” He moved to sit beside you. “Pluck one of the strings, you can be as gentle as you want.”
One of your hands left it’s place on your head, reaching for one of the strings and pulling at it softly. The noise startled you at first, put it did peak your curiosity a bit. You looked up to him through teary eyes, only to be met with a warm, toothy smile.
“Good, now if you put your hand-” He guides your hand to the body of the guitar. “Here, focus on what you feel.”
Your eyes close and you try to zero in as he begins to play a simple melody, the gentle vibrations tickling the tips of your fingers. You leans into it, your whole hand pressed against the smooth wood, taking in the waves of sound. The tears finally stop, though your eyes still sting a bit, it’s all an afterthought now.
You hardly notice the clapping thunder outside, senses full of the smooth singing of strings that echoes through the room. Swiss leans into you, letting you rest your head of his shoulder while he plays, there’s something intimate about it, just the two of you and his playing.
He doesn’t stop until soft snoring joins the chorus of sounds, and he looks to see your head hanging low against him. He sets his guitar to the side and carefully shimmies from your touch, picking you up from the floor. You begin to stir in his arms, but quickly fall back to sleep when he places you into the plush mattress on your bed. He goes to grab his guitar and leave, but when he looks back to you under the covers, gets struck with a bit of inspiration.
He sits in a chair in the corner of the room and his fingers once again start to dance along the strings, as he finally finds himself able to piece together the tune that was stuck in his head before. And now, as his eyes begin to feel heavy with sleep, he silently dedicates it to you.
He laid in his bed, hands covering his ears trying to block out the noise, though it didn’t work as well as he hoped. After a day of running around all he wanted to do was go to sleep, but being such a light sleeper the thunder was keeping him awake.
The blanket covering him was thrown angrily across the bed, his temper getting the best of him for a moment. A sigh left his lips and a hand traveled up to his temple, rubbing small circles in a feeble attempt to sooth himself. Kicking his feet off the bed, the only thing he could think of was to take a little stroll through the corridors and try to walk the frustration off.
The smell of rain was a whisper against the stone, barely there, but still present as ever. Sodo would be lying if he said there wasn’t a part of him that still yearned for it, the cool sensation of the water against his skin, droplets and waves alike. Maybe that was the real reason he hated this weather so much, his old life just just outside, taunting him with an embrace that was just out of reach.His eyes were beginning to tingle, but he’d be damned if he’d let someone catch him out here like this, so he took a deep breath and continued walking.
He wasn’t the only one though, because despite him calming down, the feelings and sorrow only grew stronger.
When he finally reached the door where it felt strongest, he could practically feel the emotion dripping from it, puddling at his feet. Despite his better judgement he opened the door, be it out of curiosity or worry, he couldn’t tell you.
The room was seemingly empty, perfectly made sheets on the bed and furniture that remained undisturbed, until his eyes wandered to the small bundle of a ghoul that rested at the foot of the bed. His eyes widened, what should he do? What could he do? It wasn’t like he knew you, let alone how to help, but the sight of someone so helpless had him act on instinct.
His feet gently padded against the floor as he made his way over to you, and he sat right next to your spot on the floor. A hand wandered to yours, giving warning that someone was there.
You flinched at the touch, but we’re so desperate for comfort or relief, you didn’t care where from anymore.
Sodo wrapped a thin arm around your body, pulling you to lay against his chest, never letting go of your hand. His eyes shut, and he tools a moment to focus on everything around him.
You felt his body warming under your touch, it startled you at first, but as the heat grew stronger you began to find it pleasant. Sodo’s free hand made its way to your face, and just like he had done before, he began to work little circles against you temple.
Your crying finally began to stop and your breathing slowed, allowing you to relax your senses just a bit. You looked up at the ghoul that was holding you, his eyes were still shut and his hair had fallen in his face, it almost looked like he had fallen asleep he was so at peace.
A gentle squeeze met your hand, and his eyes opened just a tad, letting the beautiful orange color of them seep out to greet you.
“You can’t tell anyone about this,” he said with a dumb smile. “It would ruin my reputation.”
You laughed hoarsely at the joke, your throat still a bit scratchy from the crying.
He smiled down at you, but his hold didn’t falter, instead, he pulled you closer.
“I don’t think either of us are doing too hot tonight…” His voiced trailed off, his lack of confidence beginning to show just a tad.
“You could stay, if you’d like to I mean. I think we both could use the company.”
He was stunned at the invitation, but he was also relieved that you were the one to ask. You both found a spot on the bed to relax on, and you continued to enjoy his gentle warmth until you drifted off to sleep.
He could care less about the weather, this time at night was precious to him, a moment to himself to breath. And that's what he did, ever night, like clockwork, he headed to the kitchen to make a small cup of tea, something to warm his body and ease his mind, before he made his way to the usual spot. The kettle boiled, steam rolling almost beautifully from the spout. He poured some out into a large mug, with a fancy tea bag placed delicately inside, the earthy scent wafting straight into his nose and filling his senses. He sighed, rubbing his temples gingerly with his fingers, finally cooling off after a long day. It wasn't that he was stressed, per se, but he definitely kept himself busy, so having some time for himself to detox and wash off the days work was nice.
He picked the mug up from the counter, holding it firmly as he began to walk towards the balcony doors. He always found himself making his way there when he had the time, it was a perfect spot to take in the scenery and breath. His bare feet padded softly against the stone floor, his long tail trailing behind him, softly sway from side to side. On his way, just down the stairs from his destination, he found himself stopping almost subconsciously. He stood, feet planted in front a door that belong to someone he couldn't quite remember, no matter how much he racked his brain. It sounded familiar, the name on the small wooden plaque, but he couldn't match a face to the memory. And then it clicked. Mountain always tried to be in the know, monitoring everyone's schedules to ensure things were on track, it was just the way his mind worked, things done on time and done correctly. He had heard about the ritual, rumors spread fast when the people of the ministry have nothing better to do, and that name had fallen from people's lips a number of times. He stood still, listening to the sound of crying that could just barely be hear through the door, he had been so distracted by his own thoughts he hadn't even noticed your distress. He wasn't entirely sure why, but his body began to move on it's own, one of his hands leaving the warm cup and twisting the doorknob. He was almost surprised to see such a small, timid creature sitting on the floor, maybe he had been expecting some large beast, or someone more tall and lanky such as himself. Regardless, he stepped carefully into the room, his steps light and soft. His smell, or maybe the scent of the tea in his hands, must have set you off, the sudden change in your senses making you head snap up to look at him. He wasn't typically one to show a lot of empathy at face value, usually more of the person you go to for logical advice rather than comfort. But, something about the way your face was ridden with tears, the way your eyes were puffed up and your lips quivering, the intense fear that rested on your face, it made the corners of his lips drop ever so slightly. Closer and closer, you eyes locked onto him as he moved, until he stood just in front of you. Your arms dropped to your sides, hands pressed against the floor as though you were ready to retreat at a moments notice, your eyes looking up to him with nothing but distrust. He knelt down slowly, sitting on his knees, as much as it ached against his joints. He brought the large mug up towards you, offering it carefully. "It will make you feel better, if you'll trust me." His voice was soft, with a slight tired rasp behind it. Your ears perked up slightly, your eyes flickering between him and the peace offering, as it seemed to be. Your hands move from the floor, shakily making their way to meet his hands and take the drink into your own. The scent was pleasant enough, a soothing mix of herbs and petals that the ghoul had made himself. You sniffed at it, the smell drifting into your nose, as your eyes softened. The cup made its way to your lips, the warm liquid soothing the dryness in your throat almost immediately, the taste was somewhat floral, with a very earthy undertone, it made your body begin to relax into the hard floor. Mountain just watched quietly, his body unmoving to avoid alarming you further. You continued to drink the tea slowly, ever sip helping to ease your nerves more and more, until it seemed as though you had almost forgotten about the storm outside. It was a strangely comfortable silence, just the two of you together. Even though you didn't speak a word, you began to learn about each other through body language, the way that you both enjoyed the peaceful chill of the night air telling you almost everything you needed to know.
It wasn't until your eyes began to feel heavy, and your grip on the mug began to loosen, that the tall ghoul in front of you made any sort of move. He carefully pulled the drink from your grasp, placing it on a table nearby before turning back to you. It was a bit sweet, the way that you were slowly starting to drift to sleep, but he couldn't just leave you there on the floor.
So, he nestles his arms under you, slowly and carefully pulling you into his chest and carrying you over to your untouched bed. His body was warm, his scent reminiscent of the tea you had been drinking, it saddened you when he placed you into your bed, his scent drifting away as his body pulled from yours. He tucked you into your blankets, his body turning to leave the room as he felt a small hand tug timidly against his sleeve. Eyes wide, he looked behind him, your half lidded eyes gazing up to him. "Thank you..." You said with a quiet yawn, the need for sleep obvious on your face. He smiled gently down at you, pulling the hand from his shirt into his own, rubbing a few gentle circles with his thumb as you finally fell into the clutches of your slumber. "Of course."
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
3 Times No One Believed Dewdrop Has A Partner and The One Time They Couldn't Deny It
Dew: This is my partner, we've been dating for a year Everyone else: No its not, how much is he paying you? Dew: well well well, if it isn't the consequences to my own actions
Some notes: So while it might seem like the ghouls are being harsh on him, it is because Dew has joked about having a partner enough times that they figure he's doing it again. There are ways Dew could have been like "No this is actually my partner" and the ghouls would have believed him but he didn't. The ghouls also know him well enough to know the limits of what they could tease. Dew just really wanted the dramatic, "I told you they were actually my partner." (He got it)
crossposted from my ao3
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            Silence had never been so loud. Dew had just introduced you to the other ghouls and none of them seemed to know how to handle it, you weren’t sure why exactly as Dew had told you he had talked about you before. 
            “No.” Aether, or the one you assumed was Aether based off of the descriptions Dew had given you. “There's no way you actually have a partner.” The rest of the ghouls nodded in agreement while Dew sputtered next to you.
            “Look Dew, we love you. But there’s no way you managed to get a partner as pretty as them in a year. It would take at least two for them to look past your spontaneous combustions, much less the pranks you pull.” 
            So Dew was right when he said he didn’t think they believed him. Dew argued back and forth with them, the other ghouls teasing him with reasons your relationship couldn’t be true using reasons that wouldn’t bother anyone who spent enough time around the fire ghoul. 
            “Nope. You’re too ticklish for a partner.” 
            “What the fuck does that mean?” After a few minutes of the teasing with no sign of it stopping, you moved to one of the couches. It provided some comfort as you watched Dew fight for his life in the argument you knew would leave all of them in a good mood. A mug of tea was handed to you by Mountain.
            “You can go if you want, we know you're not actually dating. Dew’s claimed to have a partner before. You are however the first person he’s brought in to prove it.” He spoke softly while Aether was in a screaming match with Dew over pizza rolls? You took a sip of the tea, it was decent.
            Eventually the ghouls couldn’t hold it together anymore and broke down into a giggling mess. Dew glanced back at you and grinned. At the end of the day all that mattered is that you were in a happy stable relationship, not that people believed you were. Besides, Dew had already predicted this would happen. 
            Despite all of them thinking Dew paid you to be there you were invited to stay for movie night. Dew gladly gave up some of his space for you and watching the ghouls react to some classic movies was quite entertaining. 
            Copia had heard from the other ghouls Dew had brought his “partner” to meet them. So when Dew inevitably dragged you to practice to watch he was somewhat prepared. He greeted you just as politely as all the other ghouls and was a little more subtle then the ghouls about his disbelief.
            Dew ignored it. You had had a conversation with him after meeting the ghouls to make sure it really didn’t bother him. He had confirmed that it really didn’t and their disbelief was the consequences of his own actions so he didn’t blame them for not believing him. He assured you that eventually they would believe it.
            You didn’t let it bother you as Dew said it was a waste of energy to care. They were his pack and he had no doubt that if it weren’t for all the times he joked or made up a partner they would be denying it. 
            “I don’t mean to pry, but how did you meet?” Copia asked you when the group was taking a break. You could tell the other ghouls were listening in. Dew just smiled from his spot next to you. 
            “He just kinda appeared next to me when I was walking down the hall in the middle of the night so I kicked him in the balls and then punched him in the face which is apparently not normal behavior for being scared by a ghoul so he started to do it every night until it didn’t phase me anymore.” 
            “It hurt too.” Dew piped up. “Can’t imagine how bad it would feel if I was human.” Copia paled and you snorted. 
            “It was just an adrenaline rush.” No one seemed to believe you, it was really becoming a common theme especially since no one believed you had been dating Dewdrop for almost a year.
            You didn’t mind the ghouls or Copia not believing you because they had a reason and they were nice about it. The other siblings of sin were an entirely different thing. They were rude, constantly making comments where you could hear them. 
            “There’s no way he would date them. He probably just likes them in bed.”
            “He could be dating anyone in the Clergy and he chose them? I don’t believe it.”
            Most of the time you could ignore their comments and you always tried to let them roll off your back, at the very least make sure you pulled yourself together before you saw Dew. You weren’t sure what he would do if he found out about the comments.
            No one had ever said anything to your face but you were sure that wouldn’t last. Eventually one of the siblings would get brave enough to approach you and talk like they knew everything about you and berate you for trying to lie to the whole Ministry. You had seen it happen multiple times.
           “You're the one that claims to be dating Dew right?” There it was. You ignored her and kept working, Dew had asked you to meet him in the gardens at dinner so you were trying to finish all your chores so you would have time to clean up a bit before going to see him. Ignoring her only seemed to make her yelling louder. "Fine if you won't speak to me I'll just make your life miserable." She kicked over the bucket of dirty mop water, you sighed as you realized you would probably be late to whatever Dew planned. Her grin was wiped off her face when someone behind you cleared their throat. 
            "Actually, you just made your own life miserable." Sister Imperator has seen the whole thing. "You'll be doing all their chores for the rest of the week. I could hear your yelling in my office. As for you-" she turned and looked at you. "You're free for the rest of the week. I'll be sure to send both of your instructions to the heads of your departments."
            Word about her stunt and Sister Imperators involvement spread like wildfire and while you were left alone, the rumors spread even more, the comments not addressed to you but said where you could hear them got more intense.
            “I bet they're just a common whore he's using.”
            “Whore? That’s rude to group them in with the whores. They’re so much worse.”
            “Obviously, i was just trying to be nice.” the mocking tone seemed to echo through the halls more then most things did.
~Plus One~
            The ministry had decided to throw a formal event for everyone as a way to try and “Unify” all the members. Dew had asked for you to be able to sit with him at the table for the ghoul, making you the only human at the long table. It was your first time meeting most of the ghouls. All of them were with the others in agreement that you weren’t actually his partner but Dew just ignored it. He wanted to have a nice night with you.
            Towards the end of the night, you and Dew had disappeared and so they went to look for you. Eventually they heard Dew’s voice coming from the gardens. Standing on a partially hidden balcony they realized they were wrong.
           Dew was spinning you around in the gardens, talking and laughing with you about who knows what. It looked so intimate and it was obvious you were in love. Dew was practically glowing in the moonlight and no one had ever seen him smile that big for that long.
            When the imaginary music to your dance stopped, they watched as Dew leaned closer to you. Seeming to whisper something to you he rested his forehead against yours just standing there in silence before they noticed your lips moving. It was such a soft moment, softer than anything else they had seen in the ministry. Eventually Dew closed the distance, but flipped off the ghouls and the papa’s on the balcony. When he managed to pull himself away from your lips he sent a glare to the watching party.
            Stepping away, he pulled you with him. Sprinting through the gardens laughing as you ignored the protests coming from the crowd behind you. 
            They started believing Dew a little more after that.
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Check out my ao3!
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ghostinvenus · 2 years
CRUCIFIED | aether x reader
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ・・・・☆・・・・
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synopsis: as a novice in a convent, you have yet to take your chastity vows. but when you are send to spread the word of your savior in a satanic church, some events with a certain ghoul might change your mind about becoming a nun
pairing: aether x female!reader
warnings: smut, corruption kink, size kink, a lot of mention of religion, maybe religion trauma but only if you squint, god might hate me after writing this
author's note: thanks @dexthtoyounglings for helping me out on choosing the ghoul for this, and also for inspiring me to write something for the ghost fandom. also, @vpyre asked to be tagged so yeah. sorry it took too long tho. its my first fanfic of ghost and my first smut too, so pls be kind
words count: 5,2k
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ・・・・☆・・・・
The first thing you noticed was how the architecture of the church was very well made. Even better than the one from the convent you were used to.
The second was how much your hands were trembling with fear. The flyers that were carefully made were already kneaded from how much your fingers were moving.
But of course, you couldn't give up just now. To give up, was to acknowledge defeat, and even worse than this, was to face Reverend Mother and admit to her that you were not able to complete a simple task
The other sisters who had already taken their vows were not eager to take the responsability for the duty, so they had all pushed to you, a novice, so you could go in their places. And you, being the young one that you are, were obligated to turn the other cheek and obey your superiors.
Which brings you back to the present mission: enter a satanic church, spread the word of God, leave some flyers, and try to bring back as many "sisters" (even though the Reverand Mother did not count them as sisters) as possible
Knocking slightly in the wooden door, the sound reached your ears and your nerves making the noise sound louder, creating the feeling of reverberating in your bones. The dark clouds that were gathering in the sky made it seems like God was very angry at you for even thinking about stepping inside a building that had sinful things happening inside. Was this really a good idea after all? The woman here had already made their choices, and it was not like–
"Hello, little one" Your inner thoughts were interrupted by a elderly woman opening the door. You were pretty sure no one would had heard the small knock you did, but it was like she was awaiting for your presence to arrive. The thought send shivers down your spine. "How can I help you?"
Was this the right church? How could such a kind looking woman be involved in Lucifer worship and a life of sin? If you didn't knew better, you could swear that the woman could have been a Reverand Mother much like the one who was waiting for you to come back in the convent
"Is this..." You paused, trying to ignore the way your voice cracked under the pressure of the old woman eyes. She took notice of this, but made no comment. "Is this The Clergy? I am sent here by the Convent of..."
"Another one of you? I've told your superior sister a million times that you are not welcome here." The lack of respect for the title of your Reverand Mother surprised you. No one dared to call her something as simply as 'superior sister' "Sister Imperator will have a stroke if she sees this and I do not have time for this. You better leave."
The woman was ready to close the door, but being stubborn and feeling a little revolted with the tone that was used with you, your body was fueled with confidence and you decided to put your foot in the space left before the door was closed.
This was the worst decision you could have made. The woman did not took notice of your foot and closed the heavy door on it, only to become aware of why the door wasn't closing when you left a yelp of pain escape your mouth
"Oh my Satan! Your foot!" The woman opened the door quickly, now alarmed by what she had done to cause you pain
"It's okay! It's okay" You replied, while holding your foot with one hand "It's not broken, or smashed, is just hurting. I'll be okay, Sister!" You put the foot down, close to her, trying to calm the old woman's nerves, showing her that everything was fine, and for a few seconds it seemed to work. Until both of you heard what sounded like a more mature woman voice coming towards your way
"Sister Imperator!" The woman jerked from the door, cloosing it again. On your foot. Again.
This time, you opened the door yourself, swallowing down the scream that threatened to escape your mouth. Your foot that was just hurt before, now was causing you a lot of pain just by putting weight on it
"Ma'am, you did it again. And this time, I think you really hurt me!" You spoke quite loudly, trying to find the woman without having to actually step inside the... church, as one would call it. "How an old lady can walk so fast?" Murmuring to yourself, you decided that was best to go inside, complete your personal mission, and leave as fast as you could
Muttering a quick prayer before entering, you stepped inside the church, trying not to pay attention to the demonic figures that were staring you down in the hallways, as if mocking your holy robes that were now dirty with the unholy. You could feel their stone eyes burning you down, as if wanting to see how long you could resist their sins
"God, forgive me for I have sinned, but I hope Reverend Mother chokes on her food tonight"
You started by passing some flyers by the small space under the doors, and even went as far as leaving some of them hidden behind some plants and on the armchairs that were scattered around the hallway. You were feeling as if you were getting some revenge from the old lady that almost smashed your foot, spreading so many flyers with the words "God is giving you a chance to change", until you heard her voice. Accompanied by the other woman's voice who had made her so nervous before. It was as if God replied to your thoughts with "Turn the other cheek!"
You first thought was to hide, but there was no way you could do it in such an unfamiliar place. It was as if putting a sheep inside a slaughterhouse and waiting for her to find a way through the knives. And even if you were able to hide, as soon as they found you, they would serve your head for dinner and your body for sacrifice. At least thay was what the older sisters told you.
The voices were getting louder, coming near the place where your body was frozen in fear. You could now make some words out of the conversation, mostly something about the need to adopt a cat to eat rats, but all stopped as soon as the womans came down the hall and saw you
You could not have been more out of place. Holding a flyer with a painted image of Jesus, a crucifix hanging from your necklace and your long habit as opposed to the short ones the other women were seen wearing at the Clergy
The silence was loud in your mind, and you said the first thing that came to your mind
"Would you like to hear the word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?"
"What is this girl..." The woman who you didn't recognized started speaking, looking you up and down, definitely taking in the details of your holy habit "Doing here? Is she one of them?"
"I am so sorry, Sister Imperator. I tried to warn her to stay away but..."
So this was Sister Imperator. And judging by the way she spoke about you, she was not happy to see you. The feeling wasn't mutual, as you felt as if you were meeting a celebrity; even with her advanced age, she still seemed to hold a halo of respect around her, presenting herself with pride and elegance. You could only pray that you would become half as mesmerizing as her one day
The rain that started pouring outside was able to get you off your train of thoughts, and you quickly started paying attention to the conversation that was taking place in front of your eyes
"...and then I heard your voice and I know how much those nuns annoy you, so I went back and she probably took the opportunity to rummage through our clergy"
"Sister Jezebel, go call one of the ghouls to arrange a room for our sister. I won't be sending her back in this rain, as much as I would enjoy it" Sister Imperator said with a wave of her hand, looking back at you with something more than the initial disgust
"Sister?!" Both you and Jezebel replied at the same time, stunned by the fact that the head of the satanic church was acknowledging you, a novice from a catholic convent, as a sister
"Is that a wise decision, Sister Imperator? The convent is far away but I bet she can make the way herse-" Jezebel asked, fidgeting with her hands
"You won't dare to disobey a superior, will you, Sister Jezebel? I won't let a woman walk alone in the dark of the night, specially when it's raining, and specially when she does not have the protect of Lucifer" Sister Imperator only needed a look in Jezebel directions to have her scurrying off, in search of one of the mentioned 'ghouls'. It surprised you how considerate the woman was, and made you think that if it was the other way around, your church wouldn't accept her kind to be sleeping under the convent's roofs
"Is her name really Jezebel? As, Jezebel the queen who provided the worshipping of fake gods?" You asked, turning to Sister Imperator once you saw that Jezebel was out of ear range and couldn't hear your question
"Someone have been doing their homework. You know, sister..." There was that word again, mocking you "...We also give our women new names after they take their vows, just like your fellow catholics"
You tried to answer, but was interrupted again by the old woman
"I wonder where sister Immaculata found you" You gasped at the sound of the Reverand Mother's name. No one dared to call her something else than her superior title "Is too hard to find young ladies like yourself, eager to learn and ready to devote their lifes to something. But I bet is easier to find people ready to give their souls to your God, rather than giving their souls to Lucifer"
At the mention of the demon name, you did a quick sign of the cross, which earned a laugh from the old woman
"I will make sure that soon you will be saying His name without making a sign of the cross. Just give it some time" Before you could ask what she meant by that, Sister Imperator turned around and clapped her hands in surprise "Here is the ghoul who will accompany you to your chambers. Try not to scare her... too much"
Curiosity won over you, and looking behind the woman, you saw a man wearing a mask that ressembled one that could had been used during more industrial victorian times, and dark clothes, completed with dark boots. His height made difficult for you to stare him in his eyes – or where they should be –, but you could sense that they were staring you down. In curiosity, perhaps? The man only gave you a wide smile, showing his sharp teeth
Then it hit you.
Ghouls, you heard the term in One Thousand and One Nights. You also briefly studied about them when reading about arabic religions. But this was only a nickname giving to him, right? There was no way the satanic church was able to summon demons while your prayers to God went unanswered... right? You were starting to think that the hit you took on your foot was strong enough to have messed up with your head
"This is Aether. Be gentle with him, he is one of our kindest ghouls and you are lucky to have him by your side during your stay here" Sister Imperator said, as if the mention of demons that ate human flesh was no big deal to her. It probably wasn't.
"I d-don't think is necessary for me to stay the night, Sister Imp.." As if mocking you, the heavens sent a thunder down the earth, the sound making your ears hurt momentarily, and the lights shining down the dark hallway of the Clergy. The rain having not stopped for a single minute was only one more proof of how wrong you were. Trying again, you started speaking again "Reverand Mother will be worried and..."
"I will speak to her. Do not worry your pretty head. Ghoul, take her" She replied, as if you were the silly one for not thinking that the satanic church wouldn't have connections with your convent.
As if finally awake, Aether offered a hand to you. Looking back at the exit door that now seemed so distant, you weighted your options; the convent was certainly distant, and the bicycle that you have been riding to the Clergy wouldn't do much to help protect you from the rain. You could be eaten alive, kidnapped and turned into a demon here? Yes. But you were sure stepping inside the convent with dirty shoes would be a worst fate. So you made your choice
You took the ghoul's hand and started following him as soon as he started walking towards the end of the dark hallway. You didn't notice the proud look in the Sister Imperator face, neither did you heard her muttering about a new sister entering the ministry soon
"So... Aether, right?" You tried to start a conversation with the man who still was holding your hand tightly, as if afraid of losing sight of you and being reprimanded by his superior. Not so different from you
A low hum of agreement was all you received, but it didn't discouraged you
"Are you a satanist too? I am a novice nun, if you haven't noticed. I didn't thought Sister Imperator would take me in, but is very kind of her to do so!" At the mention of your status, Aether stopped in his tracks, making you hit his back with your body "Sorry! Sorry! You stopped so abruptly that.."
"A novice? I haven't had one of them in decades" Aether finally spoke, his voice surprising you, and his words even more
"Had? What do you mean by had?" Wrinkles appeared in your forehead as you furrowed your brows. He was starting to scare you
"I can feel your hearbeat increase, but do not be scared. It's just hard for us demons to behave near something so fun to corrupt"
If you weren't scared before, you certainly were now. Trying to push your hand away from his grip, you discovered that he was stronger than he appeared, as even being caught by surprise wouldn't make him let you make a escape
"I don't like this, Aether! I can find the room myself, just please let go of my hand"
As if a spell was broken, Aether released your hand
"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to scare you" He lowered his head, as if ashamed of his actions. The way he behaved made you feel sorry for the way you reacted to his words. He didn't really meant to scare you, that was clear now. But if he was really something summoned from the deep pits of hell, wouldn't you be feeling something different rather than the weird feeling in your stomach that couldn't compare to anything you felt before?
"Are you really a... demon?" You asked, fearing the answer that he might give
"Does it matter?" Aether answered, head still hanging low, showing his insecurity
"Kind of... with the whole nun thing, I have to be sure that I am not committing any sin, you see?" You let your hand rest in his shoulder, giving him soft pats to try to give him some reassurance
"Kind of..." He mimicked your expression, which earned a smile from you. That seemed to steal a smile from him too
"I'll give you the chance to show me my room, then" You answered, already forgetting your question and walking in front of Aether, confidence in your step at the thought of the new friend you were about to make
"This is the wrong way" The voice from behind you called, and now its your turn to feel ashamed.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ・・・・☆・・・・
You didn't thought that The Clergy could have so much money to invest in guest rooms. In the way to your room, you counted at least another thirteen doors, which now made it clear why you needed a company to guide the way for you. Another thing you noticed was the women dressed like you, but with far shorter habits and not hiding their hair like you. They were also seen kissing, gossiping, applying makeup and talking in the corridors. Most of them stopped what they were doing to look at you, either blowing kisses as a mockery, pondering about reaching to ask what you were doing there, or with a shocked face to see such a pure thing like you in a place like that, or the three of the options. The older ones were the ones that most seemed to care about your presence, and that made you feel intimidated
Of course, not all the looks were directioned to you (though Aether made sure to point out how beautiful you were and how he was sure some of them wanted to take you to bed, and then received a slap in his arms and a remind that you were soon to be married to God). Some of the more audacious would try to get Aether's attention, which didn't seemed to work
"And here we are!" You were taken from your thoughts to the sound of a door opening. You finally arrived at your destination, and curiously enough, you didn't wanted to end the conversation with Aether yet
"Thank you for guiding me, Aether" You said, stepping inside the room and analyzing. It contained a double bed, with an bedside lamp positioned on the nightstand. There was also a shelf with some books that you highly doubted would suit your taste or your studies. There was a small two door wardrobe, and a carpet adorning the floor. It was oddly comfortable, and the thought of feeling so relaxed in a satanic church made you feel a bit nervous. You would have a lot to confess in the morning to Reverand Mother
Looking behind you, you saw that Aether was still standing in the doorframe, as if waiting something. Fidgeting with your crucifix, you decided to make a decision
"Would you like to come in?"
"I thought you would never invite me" Aether said, quickly entering and closing the door behind him. Approaching the bed, he sat down and started to unbuckle his belt. You quickly turned to face the wall in front of you and covered your eyes, hearing the sound of leather
"Aether! This is not what I meant! I have vows to take, you know that!" You squealed, scared of seeing something you shouldn't
"Wait, you are serious about being a nun?"
"Of course I am! Why would I joke about something like th-" You turned around to face him, being met by the sight of Aether without pants, staring you down. With a scream, you turned back to facing your wall "Put your pants back on, Aether!"
"Why? Is so comfortable like this! And I thought you were joking because there was no way someone like you could talk to a demon like me!"
"So you ARE a demon!" You turned back, not caring about the state the ghoul was in "How can they summon you? Why did they summon you? Why can they summon you but when I pray to God that Reverand Mother to not send me here, he won't comply?"
"Woah, slow down there, little lamb" Aether raised his hands in defense, and just then you saw the bulge that was forming in his underwear
"And you get excited at the thoughts of nun? You dirty... dirty... ugh!" Not being able to find something to insult a literal demon, you turned back to your wall, that was now becoming almost a friend, and put your hands over your eyes again
"Not all nuns, though. Is just you!"
"That doesn't make it better"
"Why would you waste something so beautiful like your body on some vows of chastity?" You heard the bed squeaking, meaning that Aether had gotten up from his seat
"My two sisters, who my father is very proud of, are nuns too" You felt yourself talking before even being able to register "My mother was... well, in very sinful paths, so is something that is not explicitly said, but everyone understands. We can't be like her!"
"So you have to lose all the fun in life just to make someone proud?" You could feel his presence near you, and you left your arms go down, embracing yourself instead and closing your eyes
"It's not just to make my dad proud. I grew up with God and He is my destiny, so I will become a nun and take my vows" You answered, opening your eyes slowly when you felt a pair of arms around you
"You haven't taken your vows yet, then?" Aether spoke near your ear, sending shivers down your spine
"And you are still a virgin?" His lips were almost touching your earlobe, and you felt something heat inside you. A low groan from the ghoul made you think if he could feel it too
"Yes" You answered quickly, embarassed
"You know that you should first try the fun things, and then choose if you wanted to waste your life away in that convent, right?"
You were so hypnotized in Aether's touch that you almost answered yes to his question, but quickly took a hold of yourself
"Aether..." Your low voice surprised even yourself. You never felt like this before, not even for the magazines of male models you used to read hidden from your father. You never wanted to feel the touch of lips against yours so badly, but you never felt so hot from just a presence before either. It was as if you wanted Aether both close and far away from your body. It was too little and too much at the same time
"Let me show you tonight how it feels to be alive, would you? I will not force you to anything, but once you agree, I won't be able to stop myself" For some reason, the thought of having this kind of power over a demon made you even more excited "I can smell how wet you are, and I can show you how good it feels. You haven't taken your vows yet, there will be no punishment if you want to get out of that place. And there will be no punishment if you want me to go away"
"Please..." You whispered, not being able to hold any longer your urges
"Please what, little lamb?"
"Please, touch me, Aether"
That was all it needed for the ghoul to turn you around in your arms. You saw the opening in his mask, the smile he gave you, and then his lips were already into yours, kissing you fervently, as if his almost immortal life was dependent on the feeling of your mouth against his. You started to feel his tongue against your lips, and parted your lips slightly, letting him go even deeper in the kiss
His hands were roaming down your habit, holding a handful of your ass. You felt yourself moving your body to get closer to him, and his strong hands ripped your tunic open, leaving you fully naked in front of him. You had never showed your body to another person, being taught how that would guarantee you a place in the eternal suffering that is hell, but in that moment, you didn't cared enough. The punishment could come later, now all you wanted was to feel Aether more and more
"You are so dirty, not even caring that tomorrow you might have to roam around naked, showing the marks that I will leave in your skin for everyone" Aether said, throwing the now poor excuse of a tunic to the side "Take your scarf off too, I don't want to be too rough with you, little lamb"
"Why you call me this?" You asked, while undoing your scarf and throwing it to the side. You didn't failed to notice how Aether tilded his head to the side. He was eager to hold your hair while pounding inside you
"Because you were lost, like a little lamb..." Aether closed the distance once more, kissing you deeply before retreating and showing a wide smile, proud of the state he left you "And I've found you"
Taking a hold of your arms, he guided you to the bed, laying you down with more gentleness than you thought he would be able to. When you smiled at the though, Aether only smiled back, murmuring a 'First time, gotta be gentle, eh?' before dipping down with kisses on your neck
You could feel his canines biting down your skin, his tongue licking around your skin, one of his hands grabbing one of your breasts, playing with your hardened nipple, while the other found its way down your thighs. When you tried to close it, Aether left his work on your breasts to hold both your thighs open with his hands. Admiring your body, you felt all the heat go to your cheeks
"Don't be shy. I am very happy to be your first. And your only one. After I'm done with you, you won't want another one, anyways"
Before you could ask what he meant, Aether lowered his head to meet your sex, and started caressing with his tongue. You could feel the warmth of it, his spit making a mess in your pussy, and his movements going from cautious to direct. When you felt his tongue entering you, though, it was an out of body experience. Never had you felt something like this, and upon closing your eyes from the excessive pleasure, you could swear you saw stars at the darkness of your eyelids. Moans filled the bedroom walls, and you put a hand against your mouth to try to muffle them, but Aether only laid his head even more down in your pussy and retreating his hands from your thighs, pushed your arms down and pinned them together
He was eating you like a starving man, and you felt like coming closer and closer to an invisible edge. As if sensing it, Aether let go of one of your hands, opening your thighs that were closing unconsciously, and started playing with your clit. After a few strokes, it was enough to push you over that edge and you only saw white, pleasure taking over your body instantly.
Aether head finally showed up from between your legs, his mask covering only his upper face now, his chin dripping down in what you believed to be the sign of your pleasure. You could now see his full smile, and you feel a warm feeling in your chest, opposed to the one in your lower belly
"You came really fast, little lamb" His voice sounded different without the mask. More clear "I really like when this happen, just makes me proud of myself" With a low chuckle, Aether grabbed his underwear and took it off, moving slightly to throw it to the side in the growing mountain of clothes
You looked down, and your surpised face made Aether laugh again, a low laugh that reverberated in your sex. To say he was huge would be an understatement. His cock definetely felt demoniac from its size. His hands gave few quick strokes, gathering some precum before positioning himself between your legs
"Are you ready, little lamb?"
"Oh God, yes"
"I will be your new god from now on" With a smirk, Aether slowly pushed his cock inside of you, but the malicious smile soon left his face as soon as less than the half of his cock was inside "Fuck, so warm... Give me a few seconds... Too tight"
Breathing deeply, you tried to get accustomed to something so big getting inside of you. You felt full and you were not even halfway done with getting every inch of him inside. The pain was telling you that it wouldn't fit, but when you looked at Aether, he was pushing more of his cock slowly, and when following his eyes, you saw the bulge that was forming in your lower belly from the size of his cock. The view gave you shivers
You felt when his cock finally fit all inside of you, his pelvis touching your pussy in a way that made you feel the heat emitting from him
"Can I move, please?" You opened your eyes to see Aether staring at you, and you felt that he was like just a lost puppy, waiting for your orders, and that after all that talk from his dominant side, only a say from you would be able to put the demon on his knees. You felt truly important in his hold
"Yes, please, move Aether" You moaned his name, feeling his cock twitching inside you. Before you could think about it, he started to move it slowly. In and out of you. You could feel the heat coming in and out, the wetness that followed his cock in and out, and the feeling of fullness coming at you every second. This was a true bless to you, the pain mixing with pleasure making everything more enjoyable
"Is it worth to vow this feeling away?" Aether started speaking, his voice trembling from pleasure. With your mind fogged with pleasure, your only responde was broken no's mixed with moans "Then stay here, little lamb. I can talk to Papa and make you become a part of this" Aether started to move in a more fast speed, hitting your insides quickly. He grabbed one of your legs and held it up until his shoulder, letting it rest there. The new position only made him go deeper and deeper inside you
You could feel that edge again, and your moans started to get louder and louder, as to warn Aether of what you were feeling. His thrusts became erratic, unpredictable. He was going fast, deep and slow, with shallow thrusts, all seemed the same to you. When Aether left his thumb wander around your clit, that was when you felt that explosion in your lower belly again. It only took a few more thrusts and a few more movements from his thumb and you were already feeling the warmth wash over you
"Fuck, you became even more thight around my cock. I'm gonna cum inside. Fuck, fuck, fuck" Aether became more vocal the more he was close to reaching his orgasm "Say you will stay, say it, please" He sounded almost like crying, his moans breaking out loudly
"I am staying with you, Aether" You moaned his name, and that was all it took for one final thrust and the feeling of wetness filling you. Both your breathings were erratic, with sweat covering your bodies
The ghoul laid down on your side after taking a moment inside of you, and taking his cock out, and pulled you closer to his chest. You could now smell the what they called 'after-sex', and the results certainly were something you were learning to enjoy.
"Did you really meant that?" Aether broke the silence, looking down at you "I know it was sudden, and I know that you can't just give up everything you know for someone who defies everything you ever believed on. But I need to feel your body again, and again, and again every night. I feel that just the thought of losing you, someone I barely know yet, will make me go crazy"
Looking up, you took a hold of his face with both of your hands "I will give up everything to be able to feel you by my side again, and again, Aether" You sealed your confession with a kiss on his lips, and you could feel his hands caressing your hips
You couldn't care less about the what had become just a past decision of becoming a nun. The only thing in your mind was how you wouldn't be able to live without this feeling after taking your vows. So it was decided. Your vows would not be taken. Not now, neither soon, or ever.
The only vow you were bound to make was to belong to Aether. Forever.
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chaosandmarigolds · 5 months
My favorite thing about Simon Riley (at least how he is in my head ya know) is that he's either on top of it like he knows you better than anyone else-
It was just a regular Friday night, you had been out with some friends and probably drank a bit too much for anyone's comfort, so with a sigh of defeat you called your boyfriend (who you had pinkie promised you wouldn't need to call, because you are a mature, well adjusted, adult) It was late but not very so the phone only rang once before he picked up.
"Good evenin princess."
"Si?" your voice was a bit rasped and the lingering sob in the back of your throat didn't help your case, a cryer is what your friends called your more drunken state, "I...Lil too much."
A pause and you hear the jingle of his keys, "Ten minutes. Stay on the phone with me, yeah?"
"Mkay, is' cold outside."
"Why are you outside, baby?"
"Ji-Jill got an uber- said-said I couldn't come. an-and the bar sai-said I can't go back inside...they were so mean."
"Fuckin Jillian-" You hear him mutter and then his voice goes back to its regular level, "Baby I want you to go back to the bar and tell them that I'm gonna be there to pick you up in a minute, is's snowin out here."
A short pause, "And I know the guy at the door scares you but I need you to be my strong girl and go back inside, yeah?"
Or its just, he's oblivious until the very end-
You were currently running a hundred-and-two fever, your muscles ached and everything in you screamed at you to sit down and take a nap. However, your boyfriend just got back from deployment and you were determined to make sure everything was perfect for him. And, thus far, it was- you put on some makeup to make yourself look alive and you just resigned to not speaking a lot, or eating. He didn't seem to notice, about forty hours back into being home and everything was perfect! Aside from the lingering feeling you may just drop dead at any moment.
So at that moment, you sat on the sofa with him, his arm wrapped around your shoulders, your hot skin covered by your hoodie and the hood of it pulled over to hide your face as you had aptly nuzzled into his side. You felt like death.
Yet in Simon's mind he thought you were just being a blushing school girl, excited about his return and a bit flustered by it. Until he dipped his head down to press a kiss against your forehead.
"The fuck?" He muttered as he moved his hand to your forehead and tugged down the hood to look at you, "Why're so hot?"
You gulp down and shrug your shoulders, "Jus little sick. 'M okay."
"Girly- your skin is burnin up." "Okay?" "How...have you bee' sick this 'tire time?"
"Really feel fine-"
A pause and you look down, "Only little bit."
(annnyway thats it <333 comments and all that jazz make my day)
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quaildoodle · 7 months
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dew doodles by quaildoodle :3
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dodgemaxson · 1 month
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ilovelosermen69 · 1 year
Girls when they see a man in uniform
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simon--ghost--riley · 11 months
Where's. The. Damn. Dog.
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ghostchems · 3 months
longing - papa emeritus iv x f!reader
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at a certain moment during a performance, copia thinks of you.
a/n: the mic holder fingering will always be in my thoughts. 1.1k words. fingering, obviously. 18+! mdni! ao3 link.
He had done it again.
Every night he loses himself, a brief moment where his mind wanders off beyond the crowd, beyond the crushing responsibility of furthering the the Clergy agenda. Copia thinks of you. He closes his eyes and feels the music, drawing in a sharp gasp as his hand drifts up the mic stand. You’re so far away back at headquarters with your own duties. It hurts for him to be away this long. He misses how soft you feel in his arms, how you laugh at his really dumb jokes and the more suggestive sounds you make when he touches you in just the right spot.
Copia’s finger pushes into the mic holder and fingers it, eyes squeezed shut and lips parting at the thought of it being between your legs. The roar of the crowd brings him back down to earth, back down to the moment. Eyes shoot open and he wrenches his finger from the mic stand, a mix of shock and disgust on his face. He’s learned to play it up because of how often it happens. He thrives in front of a crowd but after being away so long he yearns to be back in your bed, buried under the covers with an old movie on the tv. A quick turn and he’s marching back off stage with the ghouls wrapping up the song.
Long, slow exhale as he walks up to the golden mirror, taking a moment to regard himself. He smoothes out his jacket and fidgets with his cravat when he’s distracted by a figure in the mirror behind him. A gasp! And then he gives noises that can only be described a Copia noises when he realizes it’s you. Oh, it’s you. He’s on you so quickly, boney arms wrapped around you and pulling you in close. Heart is pounding in his chest as he continues making excited noises until the words finally come out.
“I was just thinking of you.” Copia is breathless, burying his face in your hair to drink in your scent. How he missed you so. He’s nearly trembling, overcome with deep love and affection for you.
“You’re doing so great, Copia.” You whisper and hug him back just as tight. “I… I don’t want to distract you, though. I can wait in the wings until you’re done for the night.” He feels you start to move away from him but he tightens his grip to keep you firmly in place.
“Nononono. Stay here.” Copia runs a gloved hand through your hair. “I eh, have some time.” He leans back to look at you and my god, does it stir something primal and deep inside of him. Thoughts flit back to the mic stand. “I have something to show you, actually.” He hums and takes you by the arms and pulls you off into a dark corner of backstage. His heart pounds in his chest. There’s not much time but he can’t let this moment with you slip away. Once he has you out of view his mouth finds your earlobe, catching it with his teeth as his hands desperately paw at your clothes.
“P-papa!” You squeal as his lips travel down your neck.
“Shhh-shhh, amore. They mustn’t hear us.” Copia huffs and nips just below your jaw. You gasp as his hand slips down the front of your pants and he takes a breath to lean back, taking in your wide eyes and how your breath quickens with a groan. You are so delicious he can hardly stand it. “I’ve longed for you. Every night I think of you, wishing I could touch you again.” His voice cracks and he presses his forehead to yours. You’re speechless. Copia’s fingers toy with the hem of your underwear, humming in approval at the wetness that pools through the thin fabric. He pushes the fabric aside and slips a finger inside your slick folds.
Your mouth drops open in a low groan that Copia quickly swallows with his own lips. Both sighing together, with him peppering you with slow, deliberate kisses as he works another finger inside. He stretches you open and sinks his fingers as deep as he can, languid strokes that make your toes curl in your shoes. You want to cry out, to moan and huff but you can’t — you can see some movement behind him, the stage crew doing their jobs of moving equipment and instruments. Copia’s other hand snatches you by the chin and forced you to look into his eyes.
“Stay with me, amore.” He hisses against your lips before claiming them with a fiery, possessive kiss. Tongue invades your mouth, drinking in all of your sighs and moans. He thrusts his fingers inside of you at a rough pace, curling them once they’ve sank in as far as they’ll go. Your knees start to buckle, core impossibly tense from how he tears you into pieces. Nails dig into his black jacket, gasping into his mouth while half-lidded eyes meet his mismatched gaze. A growl rumbles up from Copia’s throat. He loves seeing you like this, utterly under the spell of his skillful fingers.
“I-I’m here.” You choke out, breaking away from the kiss but tugging him in closer so that your noses touch.
"Va bene." Copia whispers back, his voice a soothing balm over your senses. His fingers continue their relentless rhythm, drawing you ever closer to the precipice. Your breath hitches, body trembling as he coaxes you towards a shattering release. The world narrows down to just the two of you, lost in each other, hidden in the chaos backstage. Heat rushes to your face and spreads throughout your body until it’s too much to take. Your body convulses and a shattered cry falls from your lips, your climax overtaking you. He groans in approval, pressing slow kisses to your temple and then down your cheek before ending with one unbelievably tender kiss to your lips.
“I must return to the stage, amore.” Copia muses as he pulls his fingers from you. He brings them to his nose, taking a long whiff of the heady scent before licking the slick off his gloves. “I am… so happy you are here.” You see that twinkle in his eyes that made you fall hard for him in the first place. He cups your face, thumbs stroking along your cheekbones to soothe you from your high. You take him by the wrist, a shuddered breath leaving your lips.
“Burgers after?” You manage to crack a smile between huffs. His face lights up and he pulls you in for a warm hug.
“Burgers and fries, baby.” Copia plants one last kiss to your cheek and gives you a squeeze before skipping off to back to the stage.
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writingjourney · 4 months
Late Night Reading
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Your Papa spends his evening reading about Roman cults – perhaps you can tempt him to offer you some of his attention instead.
pairing: Papa Emeritus IV x female!reader || rated: E
content: 3.6k words, (mostly soft) dom!copia, thigh riding, finger sucking, cockwarming, praise, p in v, riding, teasing, orgasm denial, unprotected, coming inside, suggestive use of a history book, 18+ only
Shoutout to @ghelullu for the historical expertise and to @foxybouquet for drawing reading glasses Copia for me that definitely helped inspire this fic!!
Masterlist – Ao3 link
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The sheets feel soft against your skin as you stretch out on the bed like a lazy cat. You run your fingers over the fabric, a deep blue cotton that hugs your body as you roll from your belly onto your back. His side still carries his smell and the sigh that leaves you at this discovery is filled with a longing that has the sound vibrating in your throat.
Copia pays you no mind.
For an hour now he’s been sitting comfortably in an armchair, book in his lap and reading glasses perched on his strong nose. He is lost in the story, his eyes moving along the lines rapidly and with visible interest. The glass of red wine he’s been drinking tonight sits abandoned on a table by the side and the vinyl record hasn’t been flipped in quite some time; only the static noise of the record player fills the room.
You rise from the sheets and walk over to the music station on naked feet, slipping the record back into its sleeve to pick another. Copia has a vast collection and you take your time, glancing at him from the corner of your eye in hopes that your half-naked body, clad in just your sleeping shirt, will catch his attention. However, even as you place the needle on the record and soft 80s rock tunes fill the room his eyes stay on the pages of his book.
He looks handsome, you note. The glasses almost slip from his nose with how low he wears them, smudging the white paint where they sit tight by his nostrils. His hair is a bit messier now at the end of the day. A loose strand has fallen over his forehead and tickles his brow, the curve casting a small shadow on his skin under the light of his reading lamp. You fight the urge to brush it back and kiss the spot, lingering by the shelf to assess whether you can finally justify disturbing him.
Copia turns the page. You tiptoe over, hip pushing against the armrest by his side. He must notice you but he gives no indication of it as you trail your fingers over his shoulder, then down his arm. His black shirt stands open at the collar and you get a glimpse of his thick greying chest hair as well as the curve of his firm pectorals underneath the fabric. You want to kiss him there, too.
“Papa,” you try.
He does not look up, even though the use of his title is enough information as to your intent. With your heart hammering you sink down and kneel beside him, resting your head on his thigh. The fabric of his pants feels rough against your soft cheek. Even so Copia continues to read, his eyes never straying from the page, ignoring your puppy-eyed face right next to the book. You can’t help but pout. Impatient fingers run down his calf, then up to his knee on the other side but your touch lures no reaction from him either.
You move to stand, let your fingers run down his forearm and grasp his wrist, lifting it out of the way so you can place yourself in his lap, once more the image of a needy cat vying for attention. Copia hardly reacts, only lifts the book out of the way while still fixated on the page. You shift until you’re sitting more comfortably, feeling his thighs flex underneath your weight until they press firmly against your ass. You feel his cock too, half-hard beneath the lacings of his pants.
“What are you reading?” you ask this time, nestling against him. Your head rests on his shoulder as you try to get a glimpse of his book.
“It is a book on the Mithraic Mysteries,” he explains, his voice steady and calm. “A very fascinating read. Not much of the Cult of Mithra survived, no written texts anyway.”
“Who is Mithra?” you inquire, only half-focussing on his words now that you finally feel him against you.
“An old Indo-European deity, worshipped by Roman soldiers. Some surviving depictions show him killing a bull, sacrificing the blood and seed to replenish the world and life itself.” His free hand moves to rest on your thigh, the black glove soft on your bare skin. “However, the cultists were persecuted by Christians and ultimately eliminated. Their places of worship, the mithraea, were destroyed.”
“That does sound interesting… and sad,” you conclude, taking in his scent with a deep inhale before you press a kiss to his neck. “Is it more interesting than me?”
“Oh, amore. Of course it is not.” His hand moves further up your leg until it rests on your ass, pushing your shirt up a little higher to squeeze the soft meat there. “Have I not given you enough attention, tonight, my baby?”
You shake your head, pressing your face against his neck as you hug him closer.
“Amore, if you want something you have to ask for it,” he says. “You know this.”
“I did not wish to disturb you. You were so engrossed in your read.”
“And yet here you are, no? Disturbing me.”
You break away to look at him, his face betraying nothing even though you swear you can see the hint of a teasing smile playing at his lips. Encouraged, you reach for his free hand and drag it into your lap, running your thumb over his wrist where his pulse starts to beat a little faster against your fingertip. You lift his hand to your lips, pressing kisses to the tender skin just where his glove ends.
Copia finally reacts, his fingers curling around your cheek and tilting your chin up. His eyebrows are pulled together, giving him a stern expression with the glasses still sitting so low on his nose. You giggle, the image of a teacher who glances at his students in irritation as they interrupt him popping into your head. Perhaps you will be rebuked now.
“Funny, hm?” he asks.
Before you can reply he pushes his index finger into your mouth, gently pressing down on your tongue until you obediently start to suck. The leather is smooth, making your mouth water, and you swirl your tongue around him languidly. Copia holds your gaze as he adds a second finger, his thumb resting on your chin where he wipes away the drool that dribbles from the corner of your mouth. After a moment of indulgence he withdraws them as well as his gaze and uses the wetted digits to turn the page without another word.
His attention is on the book again.
You release a sigh of discontent but he’s ignoring it just like he’s ignoring how you squirm in his lap. You can feel how wet you are between your thighs, your underwear soaked by now.
“Papa,” you whine. “Please.”
“Please what?”
“I need you.”
“You have me, demonietta, now that you wiggled your naughty little butt into my lap.” He glances at you from the corner of his eyes, no doubt taking in your desperate expression and unable to keep up his austerity for much longer. “Va bene. You have permission to use me as long as you do not disturb my reading. If you do, there will be consequences.”
“I won’t. I promise, Papa.”
He nods and his eyes land on the book again, his upper body angled in the direction of the lamp on his side table away from you. You reposition yourself until you can feel his thigh firm against your core, using his chest as leverage. Not a single one of his muscles moves to help you. Once you’re settled you have to readjust his free hand on your hip to make more room, smooth leather once more on your heated skin. As you slowly start to grind on his leg you feel his fingers tightening but he does not look, does not stir.
It feels incredible. The fabric of his jeans is rough against your inner thighs, the friction so needed that you can’t help but close your eyes and moan at the pressure against your clit. You repeat the same movement, slow drags of your hips to the rhythm of the music playing in the background. Hands planted firmly on his chest you feel his muscles against your palm and every time you push yourself back they flex underneath your fingertips.
You’re approaching your release fast after that – more confident movements, the perfect angle to ignite a fire deep inside your belly. The rolls of your hips become sloppy, your knee pushing forward into his crotch as you release a needy whimper, and then suddenly Copia’s fingers dig into your hips, effectively stopping you.
“Ah ah.” He tuts, his eyes snapping in your direction with a frown. “No, no, no, amore. Not like this. What did I fucking tell you, eh?”
A painful sob rips from your throat, your pussy throbbing desperately at the sudden lack of stimulation. “Papa?”
“Do you think I can read when you are dripping all over my leg? When you are moaning into my ear with the voice of a temptress?”
“I’m sorry, Papa. You just feel so good.”
His expression softens, his fingers unclenching. “Gentle now, hm? We are not in a hurry.”
You shake your head, your breathing still fast as you try to recover. “Will you help me, Papa?”
“Help? But you interrupted me,” he says with indignation. “What did I tell you happens when you interrupt me, amore?”
“There will be consequences.”
“Brava ragazza, listening so well to my words. If only you would heed them, hm?” He rubs his hand along your thigh, soothing, comforting. “Now unlace me, demonietta, so I can decide how to proceed with you.”
His cock strains against the fabric and you fiddle with the laces, your fingers still shaky from the almost-peak that he robbed you of. Once you finally loosen them, the pressure does the rest and you can free him easily even with your tremor. He’s achingly hard, dripping precome into your waiting hand. You want to lean down and taste him but you know he is in charge now and it thrills you to comply, to be good for him.
“Take off your underwear,” he orders. “Then you will keep me nice and warm for as long as it takes me to finish this chapter, hm? You want to please your Papa, do you not?”
 “Always,” you say as you slip from his lap, driven by the anticipation of finally feeling him inside of you.
The fabric is drenched as you remove it from your core and throw it aside. Copia’s arms remain open, hips slotted forward to allow you some more room, and you hover above him for a moment. You take his cock into your hand and slide it back and forth between your folds, wetting his tip with your arousal. Copia moans lowly at the contact, the pages of the book fluttering as his body trembles underneath yours with suppressed desire.
“So wet and needy,” he chides. “You want your Papa so bad it makes you forget that he is a very busy man, amore. I only have so much time to do my reading.”
“Perhaps you should read to me in the future, Papa,” you suggest, slowly sinking down on him. The stretch knocks the air right out of your lungs, his girth a welcome intrusion after so much time you spent waiting. A groan slips from his throat once he is fully sheathed, betraying the way he is affected as well.
“Hm, no, dolcezza, if anything you should read to me,” he says through gritted teeth. “So your Papa can rest his weary eyes. I am not so young anymore.”
“You are in your best years, my Papa,” you correct and begin to rock your hips.
Copia’s hand shoots out to grab you, digging roughly into the softness with the strength it takes him to stop you. “Ah ah ah,” he chides with a shake of his head, the glasses now crooked on his nose. “You stay still while I finish this chapter or I will remove you, amore. You know the rules, eh?”
You whimper, clenching around him not just in frustration but in arousal at his tone. With one hand you adjust his reading glasses, the other one rests on the soft curve of his belly underneath his shirt, trying to keep still. Every breath is laborious, every second too long.
“Very good, amore,” Copia praises and then his eyes are back on his book.
His cock pulses inside of you or maybe you are pulsing around him, the need to move so overwhelming you can’t stop the occasional whimper from slipping out, nor can you control the way your hips buck ever so slightly on their own accord. You’re not sure how he can focus, if he focuses at all or tortures you for his own enjoyment. His eyes do move along the lines and you spend a good amount of time studying them, green and white, slightly enlarged by his glasses. No matter how well he plays his part as the stern Papa, the mischievous, loving glint in them never leaves.
You can’t fight the urge to fix his hair, finally combing the loose strand back and massaging his temple. Copia lets out an appreciative hum, pressing his head into your hand. You take the hint and move your fingers along his scalp, gentle pressure to remove the tension of a long day. His hair is soft as you trace the silver streaks that become more and more prominent the longer you two are together.
His hand leaves your hip then to flip the page. You can’t help but squirm, the movement sending a wave of pleasure through your body that makes you keen and clench around him. It’s too much, you are too aware of his cock buried so deep inside of you to keep still. All you want to do is lose yourself in him, to have his undivided attention.
Copia inhales sharply at your fidgeting, in irritation or arousal you cannot tell. His hand reaches for your jaw, tilting it so that your eyes meet his. Instead of anger you find compassion in his gaze, even though there is a hint of complacency as well. “My poor amore,” he says, his tone only partly mocking. “I am not quite done yet. But I think you will have to read the next page for me. My eyes are so tired.”
“You are so good for me, dolcezza,” he interrupts, leaning in to nuzzle your nose. “If you do well now your Papa will reward you for your patience.”
Before you can close the gap for a kiss he leans back again and hands you the book, pointing to a line at the top of the page. You try to catch your bearings, especially when you feel his cock twitching inside of you as he shifts to remove his reading glasses. A whimper turns into a croak, your throat suddenly tight and dry.
“In the– the–” You struggle as he once again stirs underneath you, settling comfortably in the armchair with both hands on the armrests. He is enjoying your struggle, a barely concealed grin on his lips. You clear your throat, take a deep breath and relax your muscles. “In the ancient world, the term mysteries was used to refer to secret cults throughout the period from the seventh century BC to the fourth century AD.”
“Very good, amore,” Copia says, voice smooth and sensual. “The next line now, hm? You are doing so well.”
“A-all shared two basic features: the injunction to silence, intended to… intended to prohibit ritual details reaching the outside world, and the…” Suddenly his hips buck, both of his hands settling on your sides to keep you steady as he pushes up into you with one hard thrust. Your eyes flutter closed, the book slipping from your fingers as you hold onto his shoulders.
“Go on,” he orders. “Finish the line. I know you can do it, amore.”
You open your eyes, trying to find the page again and holding the book open with one hand. It takes you a moment to find the right line. You’re trembling and dizzy. “The-the injunction to silence, intended to prohibit ritual details reaching the outside world, and the promise of… the promise of salvation...”
“Mhm, salvation,” he agrees, another thrust that finally has the book falling shut between your bodies and sliding into the gap between his thighs and the armrest. “Everyone wants salvation, ragazza mia, everyone wants release. Do you?”
“Yes, please, Papa.”
Copia grabs the book and sets it aside, feet braced against the floor and hips canted in a way that allows you to fully straddle him. You rest your hands on his chest and stare down at where your bodies join, the sliver of skin and dark body hair between his shirt and waistband glistening wetly with your arousal. Impatient now, you rip at the buttons of his shirt to tear it open, trying to find purchase on his bare skin, anything to feel more of him. His warmth radiates into your palms and then his hands curl around your buttocks as he lifts you just enough to shallowly fuck up into you. You moan, falling forward from the impact until your fronts are squished together.
“Papa,” you whine.
“Hmmmm, sei perfetta, amore mio,” he whispers, lips parted in concentration as he keeps up his pace. “I am proud of you, eh? So patient, waiting all night for your busy old Papa.”
You lean in, stealing his breath as you desperately press your mouth to his. The armchair creaks just as your lips connect and the wet sounds of your hips meeting over and over fill the room, drowning out the soft music. You follow his rhythm instead, pushing down and taking him ever deeper, controlling the angle with which he burrows into you.
“Fuck, Papa,” you whine, the orgasm you lost now building back up fast and violently.
One of Copia’s hands slides up to the back of your head, keeping it down for more wet kisses that smear his face paint all over your chin. His tongue enters your mouth, licking against yours desperately as though he suddenly can’t get enough of your taste. You comply eagerly, carding your hands through his chest hair, leaving trails of red as your nails scrape over his skin. Copia groans at the sensation, a deep sound that vibrates within you and has you clenching around his cock.
“That’s it, amore, ahhh–” He picks up his pace, chasing his own pleasure now just as much as yours. “So fucking good.”
“I’m s-so close,” you whisper.
“Let go for me,” he encourages, bringing his hands between your bodies in search of your clit. “Show your Papa how f-fucking good he makes you feel.”
He finds your sensitive spot, grazing the swollen nub with his gloved finger, and you fall apart in an instant. Your muscles tense, voice high-pitched as you moan and whimper at your release. When your mouth slips from his Copia grabs your chin and forces it back up, urging you to hold his gaze as he continues to fuck up into your clenched cunt. You struggle to hold yourself upright, your whole body turning into jelly as pleasure makes way for exhaustion. With one hand on his throat you trace the line of his Adam’s apple, feel him swallowing hard as he finally follows you and comes inside of you with a groan. His eyes turn glassy, losing their focus, and you finally allow yourself to sink against him, feeling his slightly sweaty chest.
For a long moment neither of you speaks, trying to breathe the air back into your lungs.
“It was okay, amore?” Copia finally asks, his voice barely above a whisper. “Not too much teasing?”
“It was amazing,” you say, your body still numb and tingly from the exertions. “Maybe we can wait a few minutes, though, before we get cleaned up.”
Copia hums and wraps his arms around you, keeping you pressed closely together. He begins to caress your back, fingers then sliding up to your neck where he massages the tight muscles for a moment but stops when it gets too exhausting to maintain. You sigh into his neck, face hidden underneath the curve of his jaw where you snugly fit against him. After a moment of reprieve you lean back up and look at him – ruined face, his paint smeared into grey streaks that run down his neck and reveal his skin. You press a kiss to the small scar on his jaw, then to the dip where it transitions into his plump lips, the corner of his mouth next.
“I’m sorry I interrupted your reading,” you mumble, breathing more kisses to his exposed face to give him the gentleness he always craves after being intimate like that. It’s a ritual by now, comfort and affection that make up for all the teasing.
“Ah, I was just waiting for you to come over,” he admits, returning the favour by pressing his lips to your cheek. “The book is interesting… but not that interesting, eh?”
“I will worship you, my Papa,” you whisper with a smile. “I call it the Cult of Copia.”
He chuckles, tightening his arms around you again to pull you flush against him. “Watch out, amore, I think I could get used to that.”
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Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed – kudos, comments, rbs etc are as always much appreciated ♡ The quotes I used in here are from this book, sorry for the blasphemous use of an actual academic book haha.
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thatoddgent · 2 years
Personal Heater (Sodo x Gn!Reader)
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A/N: So no one really requested this, but I wanted to get a quick little drabble done while I work on something someone DID request. This is just a quick little comfort thing, I have chronic pain and have been a little down about it lately, and figured someone else may be too!
Genre: Fluff and comfort (touch of angst?)
Warnings: Reader has chronic pain (non specified), depression/negative thinking.
The winter months were coming to a close, and you couldn’t be happier. Sure, the festivities were always a joy to be a part of, but the aching that came along with the cold weather was less than desirable.
The last few weeks had been especially rough, the bitter chill causing your joints to flare up, it was exhausting. You couldn’t seem to catch a break either, your chores had seemingly doubled since you just can’t say no to anyone who says please to you, even if it meant cover them for the night.
You could already feel your hands locking up when you started, but despite knowing better you pushed through, now it’s late at night and you’re almost tearing up at the pain. By the time you finally make it to your bedroom you look completely disheveled, your hair wrecked with flyaways and the bags under your eyes more prominent than ever.
The worst part of it all isn’t the pain, or the aches, or the cramps, it’s that you feel alone.
Everyone had gone on tour, and even though you grew used to your empty bed, you can’t help but yearn for the warm touch that would massage your worries away. Sodo always helped when you got bad, dropping any snark or sass to focus solely on you, but he couldn’t do that now.
Your body practically fell into the mattress, knees finally giving in under you. A long, drawn out breath filled your lungs, and you couldn’t help but let the tears that threatened your eyes finally fall. You hated it, not being able to feel normal, no matter how hard you tried. You couldn’t jump around, you couldn’t lift heavy things, you couldn’t even dance around with your friends without feeling the consequences later that night, you were hopeless.
Tears turned into crying, crying to sobs. You wanted nothing more but for your ghoul to be here, to make that feeling go away just like he always did. Maybe it’s your bad for relying on him, but he was the only somewhat constant thing in your life.
You mustered the last of your strength to peel your clothes off from your body, the feeling of the seams of the fabric and the way your sweat made it cling to you was sickening, and you really just needed any relief you could get.
There was a growing commotion in the halls, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to get back out there and see what was going on, as much as you wanted to. Instead, you crawled deeper into your bed, cowering under the blanket as you tried to calm your crying and save yourself a headache.
Quick steps were heard in the hall, stopping in front of your door for just a moment before it opened quickly.
“I’m home, doll! Kinda rude to keep me wait-”
Sodo’s voiced faded as soon as he walked in the room, he already knew what was wrong once he saw you huddled under the covers, though he scolded himself for not picking up on your discomfort when he arrived.
His bag dropped to the floor and he closed the door behind him and slipped his shoes off from his feet. He was quick to make his way to you, climbing into the bed and pulling you close, careful not to squeeze you too tight
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m here. It’s real bad today ain’t it?”
You nodded your head and turned your body to face his, your eyes red from crying. His face dropped at the sight of you, a guilt set in, knowing that you had to deal with this all alone.
His thumbs moved to wipe away your tears, your face was burning up from the stress along with overworking yourself all day. You leaned into his touch, the chill from the night air lingered on him and offered relief to your cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I guess I’m the one that kept you waiting. Let’s get you taken care of, yeah?”
Before you could even respond, he was already starting your routine. He warmed his hands and began rubbing small circles at your joints, starting from your shoulders and working towards your feet. He frowned when he reached your hands, which had newly forming callouses and marks from lifting working so much, but he knew not to push it until you were better.
The stress almost melted away from you, the heat that radiated off of him soothing the deep aches all throughout your body. Your eyes fluttered shut, and you left out a groan of relief, it didn’t make the pain stop completely, but you didn’t care, this was heavenly compared to how you felt before.
When he was done, he moved back up to meet your gaze, kissing your body on the way. An almost obnoxious smile was glued to his face.
His tone was cocky, he knew how good you felt after this and he loved that he was the only one that could do it for you.
“You know it, blondie.”
You laugh and lean into each other, finally sharing the kiss he’d been waiting all tour to feel again. The heat of his body grew, and his tail flicked around like a small puppy.
When you finally pulled away, he finished getting you ready for bed, brushing out your hair and getting himself undressed. He would put his things away in the morning, because to him, he had something more important to take care of.
And that important thing was already starting to doze off in his warm arms, with a kiss planted on their forehead.
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lilspacewolfie · 3 months
I Will Hold You For The Minute
I have a lot of feelings about this movie, too many to express, so please take this even though I'm sure it is not at all coherent <3
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Content: 1.1k words, Copia x gn!reader, soft and angsty, idk i have too many feelings right now, ghovie related, Copia stresses a lot, lots of kisses, sweetness, that new fit oh my fucking satan its so hot, no beta.
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It is so late that the Ministry halls are deathly silent, with only the rodents out of their hunts. It’ll probably be morning soon, you haven’t looked at a clock for hours, but the world outside remains cool and black. 
Today has been… a lot. That is the only way you can think of describing it. Overwhelming, emotional—like a tornado has ripped through the halls… and yet everything is the same, untouched. 
The man you love, standing before the mirror in his room and studying his reflection, is still here. He’s still Copia. 
Alive and breathing. 
You watch him from the doorway of his bathroom, having just slipped the last of his paint pots into the cabinets, stored away, wondering if they’ll ever be used again. Probably, most likely not. Melancholy has been a familiar friend for you today, and you cannot even begin to imagine how Copia is feeling. 
Copia, now Frater Imperator. 
It is surreal. 
Copia’s got an appraising face on. You watch his gloved hands touch the black glittering clerical collar, smoothing down the front of his new, stunning jacket. It is beautiful, tailor-made and spun from the finest wool with twisted, peak lapels made of the softest, shiniest satin. Attached to the lapels and edged with black gemstones, two precious rubies are pinned with a chain connecting in the centre from which a black grucifix swings. It sparkles under the lamplight, like stars against a black sky at the bottom of which, a ruby red tear-drop gem dangles. It’s ridiculous, maybe even a little bit impractical, but it's certainly Copia. And he looks damn good.
He fiddles with the collar and adjusts his cuffs for the hundredth time that night, and you watch his shoulders visibly slump when he meets your eyes in the mirror. You can't help but smile. How can you not? You love him, adore him with everything you are. 
“Hey,” you whisper, stepping into the room, “the bath is ready…”
Copia nods, his eyes back on his reflection. You pad up to him, barefoot and wrapped in his robe that hangs off your body, sliding an arm through his elbow. You lean against his shoulder, squeezing his bicep. The material creases under your touch, cool and crisp.
“Are you ready to get all this off?” You say again, softly, stroking up his arm tenderly. 
The stiffness that grips him is telling enough. When you find his gaze again, his unblinking and wide eyes are glassy, a little of his paint starting to smear down his cheek with a single tear. You can’t help when your own eyes start to burn. The emotions of the day are finally coming to a head. You’ve both been as strong as you can, an unspoken rule that matters not behind closed doors.
“You did so well,” you whisper, sliding a hand down to his tense one. When you lace your fingers through his, his grip is vice.
“Amore…” The way his voice falters on the term is too much for you.
“I’m so proud of you,” you sniffle, your own tears falling. You grip him tighter, leaning into him, watching your pictures in the mirror. “I’m so fucking proud of you, Copia. My Copia…”
When his face crumbles, you pull each other in a tight, suffocating embrace. Copia buries his head in your shoulder and finally, finally, a sob breaks from him. His grip on you is tense, gloved fingers grasping at you desperately, like he’s afraid if he loosens his hold for a moment you’ll slip through his fingers like smoke. He wets your neck with tears, trembling as you stroke a hand through his soft hair and nuzzle into him. 
You kiss the soft, secret space of skin just under his ear, forever marked by your mouth as you hush him. You whisper words of affection and love, pouring everything you have into him, filling his cup with your light while you replace yours with his dark in the hopes he can find some relief. 
“I’m so proud of you,” you tell him again, softly, half-choked. “Everyone will be… so proud of you.” 
“I—I hope I did good for them. I hope I—I was good enough,” he whimpers on a shaky breath.
“Oh, you did so well,” you cradle the back of his neck and press your cheek to his before you nudge him back. The paint around his eyes is a messy smear down his cheeks, his top lip mashed and smeared into his bottom.
You cradle his handsome face, stroking bare thumbs over his cheeks, catching tears and smears of black paint. His eyes are bloodshot, the white iris starker in the centre of its red rim. The wrinkles of his face are deeper somehow with the stress, with all the loss and heartache, but it doesn’t detract from his beauty—from your Copia.
Leaning up on your tip-toes, you press your forehead to his and close your eyes. His hands stay around you, keeping you close. He’s still tense, but softening as the emotions are finally allowed out of the floodgates. 
“You did so well, my baby. My beautiful, sweet man,” you reaffirm again, smiling bittersweet, pulling back to kiss his cheek. Copia closes his eyes and sniffles again. 
“You will always be Copia. Nothing will ever change that.” You kiss his opposite cheek, speaking between sweet pecks. Copia starts to sway with you, slow, ample movements as you speak. “No matter your title,” another kiss, “no matter your appearance or your dress.” You kiss his forehead. “Papa Emeritus. Frater Imperator Copia.” You kiss his wet lids and the tip of his nose. “You will always be loved and treasured, forever. By your fans, by me, by everyone, my sweet boy. I know we are all so proud of you even if it all feels shit right now.” Your smile is bittersweet when he cracks his eyes open. They’re less watery than before. And you chuckle, quietly, nuzzling your nose to his. He lets out a heavy sigh.
Finally, after a few more bittersweet tears, you kiss him on the mouth. You melt into each other, gripping his lapels, his hand on the back of your neck, everything so soft, solid and shaky all at once. It’s strange, to finally watch the balloon that's been inflating beneath his ribs finally pop. 
“Ti amo,” Copia crokes roughly. “I don’t know what I would ever do without you, amore.”
You bring your hands up once more, caressing his temples and stroking through his soft, mousy hair and greys. He purrs, mismatched eyes fluttering. He pulls you in for another deep kiss, humming into our mouth when you part your lips.
It will take time to accept the changes, you know, neither of you will ever get used to such a huge shift… You’ve both always been afraid of the future and talked about your fears and anxieties in the late morning hours when neither of you could sleep. But you’ve done it before, and you will do it again, together as one.
You know that with him, the future doesn’t look so foreign.
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deakyjoe · 3 months
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Pairing: Cardinal Copia x Reader (afab)
Category: smut, fluff
Summary: After a long day, Copia gets a little too excited at finally seeing you.
Warnings: 18+, smut, dry humping, premature ejaculation, kissing, groping, cum eating, shower sex, p in v sex, unprotected sex, f receiving oral, cream pie, established relationship, stressed Copia, needy Copia, hurt/comfort, praise kink, fluff
Word count: 2.5k
A/N: Every horny thought I had previously about Copia that had been pushed to the back of my mind with the insistence of “I don’t need to write that” came back in full swing after RHRN and manifested into this. Title comes from the song of the same name by Queen.
Consider buying me a coffee :)
The day had been long and stressful. Like most days were. And there was nothing Copia wanted more than to be back in his room, in bed, with you underneath him or his face buried between your legs. It was the only suitable way to unwind after a difficult day in his opinion. Fucking you.
As soon as his last meeting was done, and he'd managed to convince Sister Imperator that the latest pile of paperwork she'd dumped on his desk could wait for tomorrow, he was out the door and practically running to go and find you. Thankfully, you were exactly where you always were at the end of the day. You were waiting for him back in his rooms, ready to do whatever he needed to feel better.
The door swung open with an unceremonious thwack against the wall, door handle banging into the paint and contributing to the dent that already existed there. It slammed back into its frame behind Copia, all cares about possibly disturbing his neighbours gone. He just needed you.
At the clattering sounds of him appearing, you looked up from the book you were reading and immediately stood to greet him. "Hello, my love. How was your day?"
Copia dismissed your question with a wave of his hand, instead marching towards you with purpose. "No time. Need you."
You didn't have much time to react but the page of the book you were on was forgotten as the item fell to the seat of the chair you were previously situated on, and you prepared yourself to be met with his hands that were already outstretched towards you.
His pace was fast. So fast in fact that when he collided against you, mouth slanting over yours with the slightest clash of teeth, you stumbled back a couple of paces. Luckily, his arms were tightly wound around you in time to steady you and prevent you from falling.
The kiss was messy and desperate, the low whine he let out at the relief of finally touching you telling you everything you needed to know about the state of his day. It obviously hadn't been a good one. But you knew how to solve that.
For Copia, no amount of contact was enough. He was glad that he'd forgone his Cardinal vestments for the day, one less layer between the two of you. One of his hands pushed into the small of your back to draw your body as close as possible to his. The other was on the back of your head to keep your lips firmly pressed against his. On top of that he was leaning forward, almost bending you backwards and making your spine arch in a slightly uncomfortable position, to make sure you didn't leave his embrace for even a second.
His tongue licked hotly and urgently into your mouth and it wasn't long before you could feel him growing hard between you. It didn't take much on days like this. So without breaking away from him, because you knew that would make his day even worse, you slowly started to guide him back towards his bed.
Copia hadn't realised that the two of you were moving, too distracted by the feeling of you, until the backs of his legs hit the wooden frame. He hummed against your mouth in appreciation, you always knew what he needed. Not like it was difficult to tell when he was being like this.
He whimpered when you had to break apart in order to get on the bed, hands not leaving you for a second as you crawled on and collapsed against the pillows and he climbed on top of you. Not a second was wasted as he went back to kissing you, pushing your thighs apart so he could slot himself between them and rest almost the entirety of his body weight on you.
One of his hands roamed you, sliding up underneath the hem of your shirt to gain access to your skin. Even if he couldn't feel it because of his gloves, knowing that the leather was on your bare flesh was enough for him. Your own hands were tangled in his hair, letting the strands run a little looser after being pristine for the day, and pulling him as impossibly closer as you could. You knew he liked it when you showed how you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
It didn't take long before his lustful impulses took over and the friction of your bodies against each other had him pushing his pelvis into yours with a snap of his hips.
"Fuck." He hissed against your mouth, hips rutting forward again. "I'm sorry. I can't- I can't stop, it feels so good."
You slid your hands down to cup his face in your palms, thumbs swiping across his cheeks to calm him down. "Copia, my love, if it feels good then don't stop."
His mouth fell open, a protest dying on his lips when he saw how genuine you were being about the idea, brows scrunching together in pleasure as he let himself rut against you again. After that, all control was lost.
His mouth crashed back over yours, desperate to feel as much of you as possible. He chased the feeling that was steadily building, convinced that he could do this for just a little while longer before he took your clothes off and actually fucked you.
But you knew better.
You could tell he was getting close by the whines he was letting out into your mouth getting higher in both pitch and frequency. His hips were also rutting against you at a much faster rate, almost frantic. Then suddenly he stilled, limbs going rigid and jaw falling open around a long groan of elated satisfaction.
He collapsed on top of you, face buried in the side of your neck and heavy pants tickling your skin. You let your hands slide around to his back, tracing patterns with your finger tips along his clothes.
Copia sighed suddenly, mumbling against your ear. "I'm so sorry. I, eh, I don't know what happened."
"It's okay." You replied, a content smile gracing your lips. He didn't need to apologise, there was nothing you loved more than his happiness. And if that was caused by him coming in his pants just through some dry humping? Then you were all too pleased for him. You let him rest for a couple more minutes, allowing his breathing rate to slow down, before suggesting something that always made him feel better. "Let's go get you cleaned up, hm? Shower?"
The smile in his voice was evident. "Okey dokey."
He slowly pushed himself up, hands running down the lengths of your legs to keep in contact with you as you yourself also sat up. You took his hands in yours as you started to lead him towards his en suite bathroom, letting him wind his arms around your waist and push his face into the side of your neck to keep you close.
When you got to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror, you found that the black paint he applied to his top lip every day was now smeared around your mouth. This was a common occurrence.
You pointed it out to him anyway. "Look, we're matching."
And Copia smiled like he always did. "It suits you."
You rolled your eyes at the same line he always gave you, biting down on your bottom lip to smother the grin it always brought to your face. After switching the shower on, you gave it a minute to warm up as you started to help Copia remove his clothes. He let you do it, a fond smile on his face as he noticed your eyebrows pinch in concentration.
His thighs were sticky from your previous activities and your eyes lit up at the sight. Copia's own eyes practically popped out of his head as he watched you swipe a finger through the mess and then suck it off into your mouth with a pleased hum.
That was all it took for him to start ripping your clothes off and then push you into the shower whilst you giggled at his new found energy.
"Slow down, my love. We have time and you could probably use a minute." You glanced down to where he was hanging soft and pulled him under the hot stream of water with you to start cleaning him off.
Copia's head rested on your shoulder, his hair dripping into his eyes and making his black eye makeup start running, as you lathered him up with soap and got to work gently washing the day's stress away. Once he was spotless you pressed a kiss against his neck to tell him you were done and he stood up straight to look at you.
An adoring smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he cupped your face in a bare palm and ran his thumb over your bottom lip. He kissed you quickly, softly, and then sank down onto his knees. He gazed up at you, mismatched eyes wide and almost vulnerable, black paint cascading from his eyes. You used your thumbs to wipe the mess away before giving him the go ahead with a small nod.
Copia dived in between your thighs, enthusiastically licking at every inch he could reach. His eyes closed in pleasure, moans rumbling through his chest and out of his mouth against you. The fingers of one of your hands threaded through his hair, encouraging him, the other steadying you against the wall to hold yourself up. He was always so keen to please, so desperate to know he was doing well, so that's exactly what you gave him.
"Mhm, just like that." You sighed, meeting his opened eyes. "Good boy."
He whined against you, somehow pushing his face further into you and bumping his nose against your clit. One of his large hands splayed across the plains of your thigh, tips of his fingers pressing into the soft flesh and pushing your leg up to hook your knee over his shoulder. That only gave him better access and a new angle. As much as you wanted to stay composed for him, to keep praising him, the new sensation had a choked cry leaving your mouth and your head dropping backwards in pleasure.
Copia licked and sucked with determination, working towards the goal of getting you to orgasm against his face. He kept a close watch on every reaction you gave, making sure to keep his eyes open now so he didn’t miss a single response you gave to anything he did. Water rained down onto his head, beating against his face and making it harder to see, but he didn’t care. He only cared about making you feel good. Because you always made him feel good. He loved to return the favour.
Your toes curled, thighs clenching around him and drawing him closer against you. Copia knew then that the end goal was arriving soon and this only motivated him further, his rapid motions only picking up further like a man starved. The fingers carded in his hair tightened, tugging on the roots harshly, and Copia groaned loudly, sending vibrations rippling through you. That tipped you over the edge.
A smile spread across his face as you rocked your hips against it, chasing the high that he’d given you. Once it had eased out to a warm glow Copia stood again, wincing as his knees cracked.
“You need to be more careful, my love. Your joints can’t handle positions like those anymore.” You hummed, cupping his face in your hands.
“For you I will bear the pain and get on my knees any day.” He retorted as he leaned in to kiss you.
The proximity alerted you to the fact that he was hard again and you pulled away from him with a startled squeak and looked down to where he was pressing against your stomach.
“Bad days make you like a horny teenager.” You chuckled, not complaining in the slightest.
“No, you make me like a horny teenager.” He countered and kissed you again, tongue lapping into your mouth so you could taste yourself on him.
Steam from the hot shower had clouded the room but neither of you cared as Copia pushed you against the wall and slid into you. You both gasped lowly into each other’s mouths in gratification at the feeling, him lifting one of your legs to give him better access.
He fucked you slowly and lovingly, a strong contrast to the way he’d been rutting against you earlier. But that had been for relief. This was for comfort. He took his time with it, letting the sensation build slowly as to not rush it this time. And you were all too happy to let him have you anyway he wanted you.
Water cascaded between you, causing his body to slip against yours with ease and making it difficult to breathe between kisses. But neither of you cared, not being able to bear being too far away from each other for even a fraction of a second.
It didn’t take long for you to reach your second orgasm, despite the slow pace. And the feeling of you clenching around him meant Copia wasn’t far behind. He stilled as he came inside you, pumping a few more times to make sure he filled you.
After a few more kisses, he slid out of you with a hiss and it was his turn to wash you. He babbled about how much he loved you, a mix of English and Italian and what you thought to be some Latin leaving his mouth in hushed tones. You could only smile back, knowing he knew how much you loved him too.
Once the shower was done, and the steam started to clear, you dried each other off and giggled about meaningless things. You pointed out how much you adored the greys in his hair as you ruffled his head with a towel. He pointed out the bite mark he’d left on your thigh that you hadn’t even noticed he’d given you in the shower as he wiped water droplets off of your skin.
When you returned to the bedroom and started searching for some pyjamas for you to wear, one of his fingers tracing up and down the line of your spine, he informed you that he wanted to sleep naked. To feel you as close to him as possible. You agreed with a simple nod of your head. And when you crawled into bed, you told Copia how much he meant to you. He only blushed and returned the sentiment.
With the lights off, mumbles of affectionate praises, promises of eternal love, and soft kisses were exchanged until the two of you fell into a peaceful sleep wrapped in each other's arms.
A/N: this started out as something meant to be strictly horny and then turned all sweet at the end?? Anyway, hope you enjoyed my first dive into Copia fanfic!
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ramblingoak · 3 months
Naps With Copia
Nap #11: An Interesting Nap
*This does contain a very very very very mild spoiler for Rite Here Rite Now but it's not something that effected the plot of the movie*
For @angellayercake 💙
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Papa Emeritus IV x Reader
These are all stand alone chapters so you do not have to read one before the other! This series came from my post about wanting to nap with Copia all around the abbey. The stories will all have gender neutral readers and soft Copia naps.
Warnings: again just a very very very mild spoiler for the movie, it's based on a brief moment in it! No other warnings, just Copia being loving and soft, sfw, 980 words, not beta read sorry (thank you to @gothdaddyissues for the dividers and @foxybouquet for the Italian help!!)
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“Ah, so that’s where it disappeared to.”
Copia’s voice had you blinking awake, squinting against the lights that were backstage.  Your cheeks heated up and you shuffled further under your makeshift blanket to hide them.  Thankfully your Papa looked more amused than anything, a smile pulling at his lips as he dropped down to his knees next to the couch you had claimed.
“Sorry, Papa.”
“Sorry for what, corvetto mio?”  He chuckled when you glanced down at what was covering you, the gem-encrusted robe he wore during rituals.  “Well, it does look lovely on you I must say.”
You burrowed deeper at his complement, until just your eyes were visible.  Copia looked behind him when there was the clatter of boots, the ghouls chasing each other off the stage and then scrambling around to put their instruments away.
“Ai!  No running!”  
He groaned in exasperation when they ignored him, banging the metal doors open and going off to do Satan knows what.  When he mumbled something about gray hairs you reached a hand out from under his robe so you could cup his cheek and get him to meet your eyes.
“I love your gray hair, Papa.”  Copia bit his lip, tilting his head to the side to press against your hand a little harder.  Some of those lovely gray hairs of his tumbled across his forehead and he just looked so lovely you had to tug him close so you could kiss him.  His forehead was first, followed by his precious nose and finally those irresistible lips for a brief moment before you pulled away.  “I love you.  I’m so proud of you, have I told you that yet?”
“Maybe once or twice.”  He grinned and then lifted up his robe to climb onto the couch with you.  “Scootch over, let me join you for a little nap, eh?” 
After a few unfortunately placed knees and elbows the both of you found a comfortable position, one of Copia’s legs shoved in between yours and his arms wrapped around your back.  Your face was pressed against his neck, your lips hovering over where his pulse was strongest.  Another spot you loved to kiss so you did just that, letting your lips linger so you could feel the steady beat against them.  It was too much to resist to poke your tongue out, tasting the sweat and paint that had run down his neck during practice.
“Corvetto mio, if you don’t stop–ah,”  He hissed when you nipped his skin, his voice a little shaky when he continued.  “This nap will get very interesting if you keep that up.”
“Maybe I want an interesting nap, Papa.”
He groaned when you nipped at him again but he didn’t pull away, instead his hands slid down your back stopping when he could slip one of them just beneath the hem of your shirt.  You shivered as the leather of his gloves touched your bare skin.  Copia’s chest vibrated against you when he laughed at your reaction.
The bastard knew you had a thing for his gloves.
In retaliation you grabbed his sparkly scarf, tugging it out of the way so your mouth could reach more of his neck.  He stroked up and down your back as you left more marks on his skin.  Marks you’d have to remember to cover back up with makeup after you both left the safety of the couch.  Your fingers began to fiddle with the buttons of his shirt, opening up a handful of them before Copia let out a frustrated moan, removing his hands from under your shirt so he could stop you.    
“I don’t think this is the best spot for an…interesting nap, corvetto mio.”
“Ugh fine, have it your way.”
A little yelp escaped you when he wrapped an arm around you once more and tugged you as close as he could.  Your face was tucked against his neck again, his own face lowered so his lips brushed against your ear when he spoke in a low voice.
“Oh I will have it my way later, I promise you that.”  You shivered against him, pleased when he rubbed your back again and then tugged the robe back up over your shoulders.  “Besides, I know how rambunctious you get and we don’t want to damage this damned thing.”
“Whatever you say, Papa.”  You giggled when he pressed a noisy kiss to your cheek before settling along his body more comfortably.  “What do you keep calling me?”
“Hmm?”  Copia’s voice was sleepy, the poor man already drifting off.  No doubt exhausted from working so hard during the tour so far.  “You mean ‘corvetto’?”
“Crow.”  You frowned before lifting your head to look at him.  He was giving you the special smile only you ever saw.  The one where you could see all his love and fondness for you.  “You are like a little crow, stealing my sparkly things.  Like my robe.”
“I was tired!”  His smile grew at your grumpy look, a leather encased finger tapping the pout you were giving him.  “And cold.”
“I didn’t say anything, amore.”
“Yes but you were thinking something.”
“The only thing I was thinking about was how much I adore you, corvetto mio.  And how happy I am that you are here.  With me.”
He quietly wiped at your cheeks with his scarf.  Brushing the few tears away that escaped your eyes.  
“I think after this tour is over I’ll be able to afford even more sparkly things for you to steal.”
“I don’t need sparkly things, Copia.”  You lifted your head up so you could kiss him, moving your lips gently against his and pulling away before the kiss deepened as it inevitably would.  “I just need you.”
“Then you’re in luck, amore.”  He pressed against the top of your head before continuing,  “Because that’s something I can always give you.”
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~ Naps With Copia series masterpost ~
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quaildoodle · 9 months
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I just really like the theory of copia becomeing more and more unhinged and paranoid bc he fears his inevitable demise :3c
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dodgemaxson · 1 month
Pictures of Copia That make me 🤭🤭🤭
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I want to bit him
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