#basic bitch tarot tip
infernalwitxhcraft · 2 years
Basic Bitch Tarot Tip - Tarot Timing
Let's talk timing predictions...which means this will be a longer tip with some info, more on the traditional side. First and foremost, do not let your readings cause self-fulfilling prophecies if you don't like what you see. Tarot shows the path you are on and the most likely outcome. You can make different decisions to change this. Tarot is a tool that alerts us to where we are going - it is not a definitive answer.
With that in mind, let's talk timing. Everyone has different associations, but these are mine, mainly influenced by traditional schools of thought:
Wands - Spring
Cups - Summer
Swords - Autumn
Pentacles - Winter
I take wands as days, swords as weeks, cups as months, and pentacles as years. The number on the card is the amount of time (ex., two of swords = two weeks; five of cups = five months).
Now what happens with the majors? Well, you can use their zodiac sign to give you a time period (ex., The Emperor is Aries associated so timeline is from March 21-April 20). For the cards that don't have a zodiac sign associated with it:
• The Fool: will happen unexpectedly
• The Magician: Mercury is the planet of this card, so think of it as the timing will move quickly
• The High Priestess: timing is hidden/secret
• The Empress: nine months; on a full moon or Friday
• Wheel of Fortune: will happen in it's own time; usually within a year
• The Hanged Man: delayed; may need a new perspective to speed it up
• The Tower: will happen with force and is unavoidable
• The Sun: daytime or summer
• Judgement: possibly on a Tuesday; may involve more than one factor so a decision will have to be made
• The World: not fixed in time, may take some work to get there
Court cards are an entirely different thing: look at the decans of the associated zodiac signs. Some choose to omit court cards for timing due to it being more complex. I won't get into it in this post, but there are other resources to find this information until I make one dedicated for them!
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melodiccudgels · 6 years
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The High Priestess is the guardian of the subconscious mind, and the teacher of sacred knowledge and hidden mysteries. Sitting at the threshold of the conscious and subconscious mind, the High Priestess has an innate ability to travel between these realms easily and effortlessly. She teaches you that the world is not always as it seems and there are often deeper influences at play. 
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theantarwitch · 2 years
Tarot Beginners Tips
There are things I would liked to know when I first started with Tarot, things I know now and I would like to share to any one who's starting fresh new with this. So here are some tips:
- Study. Learn about symbols, elements, planets, zodiac, etc. Study as a madman. There is no easy way, you had to.
- Start with a easy oracle. To put you in context, tarot are based in the same cards (Major and Minor Arcanes) with some sutil variations. A oracle can be any lenght, any meaning, any difficulty. Usually are based in simple words like Happines, Night, Sun, House, etc. So are way better to start with these, to get used to how read them, how spread them, which way to shuffle you are more confortable. Have in mind that is a temporal step, just to make the curve of learning less overwhelmed. Have very little info so readings will be pretty empty with this.
Example of easy Oracle (Also called Oracle Mini)
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- Think in made your own personalized, easy, temporary oracle cards, just to experiment a little with your inner symbology. I started once, I end with a deck of 164 cards, accurate as heck.
Example of Medium Oracle
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- When you feel comfortable, pass to a Major Arcana set. They are 22, so, less to learn.
- Pick a EASY SET. I saw Major Arcanas that give more info than a newspaper, so take some super basic, specially a minimalistic one.
Example of easy Major Arcana
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- Then you can pass to a more advanced set.
Example of Advanced Major Arcana
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- Have in mind that Tematic Sets can be more attractive and aesthetic, but usually are also harder to read because they had a ton more of info.
Example, this pretty Pokemon Set
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Is pretty? Yes, but now you also have in mind that each pokemon have a Type, and that even their number in the Pokedex have to be interpreted by numerology.
- Then you can start with the Minor Arcana (56 cards) with the same idea than the Mayor ones. Start easy.
- Think seriously in made your own Tarot, copy from internet, mostly because you don't want to buy 735682375698 different sets and find out that is not your thing. If you have the money, well, go ahead. But don't feel obligated in buy anything that you can do with pen and paper. Is not the same, I know. But if you are starting and you want to try things and you don't have the money, will be pretty much the best way.
- Use apps like Labyrinthos or similar to compensate, practice and learn. (The website is https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/tarot-card-meanings-list )
- You don’t have to memorize EACH CARD ASAP. You are not less tarotist by using your notes.
- Don't fall in the 654785 myths of tarot. Between them:
You can't buy you cards, must be giften or stolen (I wonder how everyone else can do accurate readings then)
Cards must rest in a wooden box/ suede fabric bag apart of any electrical thing (my oracle is inside a origami paper box lol)
You must sleep with them the first night (Well, it will not hurt anyone but wtf)
You need to recharge them each time you use them (The energy come from you, you charge them BY using them, they rest when you don't use them but, okay, sure, do t, why not yolo)
They need be spreaded over a silk clothe of the color linked to the user (Bitch, I spread them over my cat once)
And pretty much any weird rule.
- Have in mind that each set can grow their own personality, so you can have a sassy deck that will spit unwanted facts to your face. Don't be mad at them. They do their job.
- Mostly of all, have fun, learn, and well, thank them from time to time, be polite cost nothing.
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littlenymphie · 3 years
hi athia! i’ve been very interested in getting into paganism and witchcraft and i wanted to know if you had any resources that you’d recommend to get information from. i’ve had such a hard time trying to find resources and i really don’t know where to start so i just wanted to ask you in case you might know any. hope you've had an amazing day! 🤍
hi nonnie, so sorry for the long wait. you caught me at a busy time with my uni transfer and school starting but better late than never, right?!! 💕
-ˋˏ ༻notes༺ ˎˊ-
ok, yes finding info about this is kinda hard because a) new wave spiritualism has kinda marketed witchcraft and spirituality and now you have people trying to sell you fake quartz and how you have to “balance” your chakras, b) there are SO many pagan practices, and some interlap, while others are closed or restricted, and c) people lie on the internet so you’re just like umm what???
i try to weed it out by a judge of character most of the time and if whatever said makes sense and resonates with me. i also try to see if they do have credentials and a rapport among the community like they’ve published books or have given out readings. most importantly they don’t preach like “this is the only way to practice witchcraft” ykno? however? when it comes to like a pagan religion, and they’re like a credited authority figure (priest or leader of some kind) then yes they can say “this is how you practice this witchcraft with this pagan religion in mind” and you should definitely follow what they say. however, i still see a red flag if they insist it must be to the T.
i hope i’m getting my message across. basically like find what resonates with you, see if that person who is giving out information has good rapport and respects other’s way of practicing and some experience under their belt.
all that said, i kind of have a small resource pool. right now i’m more drawn to tarot and astrology, so that’s what i’ve been researching about. that’s another thing. there’s so much to witchcraft it can get suuuuper overwhelming real fast. i suggest just to find what you’re drawn to and stick with it for a bit and just skim the rest, until you’re drawn to it too, and then use the tip to weed out the fake bitches <3
ok lets go to the actual resources fmsmmfsm
-ˋˏ ༻resources༺ ˎˊ-
biddy tarot
astrofuture (app)
astrology: using the wisdom of the stars in your everyday life (book)
chaotic witch aunt
harmony nice (more wiccan centric but still good source for general witchcraft)
-ˋˏ ༻outro༺ ˎˊ-
i hope these helped!!! these are the places i go to right now when i want info. i don’t really have a source for spells right now, i kind of just reblog posts or save pics when i stumble upon one that i like. i mean im still new so still searching for more resources for my witchcraft journey but rn not really a priority. thus, these are enough. maybe one day i’ll make a masterpost hehe. ☺️🕯💖
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hey makenzie! how did you first get into tarot and do you have any tips for just starting out?
I got into tarot because I had friends who were into tarot and thought “hey, that seems neat,” so I bought myself a basic bitch Rider-Waite deck on ebay and got crackin. 
the very wise and generous @lucky-annie-squees kindly sent me a copy of Courtney Weber’s “Tarot for One,” which I found was very helpful for learning the basic symbolism and motifs associated with each card, and I keep a journal with a page for each individual card in the deck to help keep track of different interpretations and meanings that crop up across different readings.
but also I have friends who have started out by buying decks that have wildly different art and even different cards altogether from the Rider-Waite deck and just pull a card at random to see what kind of vibe they get and are perfectly happy with that, so do whatever works for you my peep. 
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arpwrites · 5 years
[Arpwrites] Tarot Commissions
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If you’re seeing this, maybe its the universe saying it’s time you got a reading 🌝From Three Cats in a Trenchcoat to @Cupid Watch Out Sweaty, I’m sure there’s a spread for your needs 🌷
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Commissions are currently OPEN!
The Process
Read my legal notices here, particularly the sections pertaining to tarot and commissions. You officially agree to these terms upon payment for my services.
Contact me via the Tumblr messaging system. If you’d like to keep your blog anonymous, contact me from a new sideblog. Mains are preferred though because it helps me get a better sense of your energy.
I will confirm the booking based on the requested reading and my status. Your written confirmation that you have read and are fully aware of my legal notices is required as well. 
Fill out the form I provide you. It’ll have questions that’ll help me connect to your energy. If that doesn’t work, we may have to try something else like chatting for a bit or maybe you can send me your instagram. We'll think of something.
Send in the payment on Ko-fi if I confirm I am able to connect to your energy and you are comfortable with the level of it.
You will get your reading within three days. I will privately post it to my blog and share the link with only you.
Feedback and/or reviews are much appreciated.
What Will the Reading Include?
Here’s a sample reading using Three Cats in a Trenchcoat. Basically:
Commission details like your username, reference number etc.
Screenshots of your confirmation that you have read my legal notices as well as receipt of payment
Any special questions you may have asked as part of the request.
An image of the spread. I will be using the Prisma Visions deck by @jamesreads​. It is gorgeous and I highly recommend it.
As much detail as I am able to glean from the cards.
An overall accuracy rating and notes.
A conversation to debrief about whether the reading resonated with you, any clarifications you might need, next steps, your satisfaction, and whether I can help you with anything else.
Why Me?
I'm truthful to a fault, a lot of times to my own detriment. I won’t hesitate to tell you if I feel like I’m making up things or if the accuracy feels low. I wouldn’t claim to have a gift for tarot if I didn’t mean it. You can trust me with your personal questions, I won’t judge.
I will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. I won’t sugarcoat what my cards say but I also won’t leave you feeling hopeless or worse than before. Tarot is meant to raise people’s vibrations and do good, and that is exactly what I will help you with.
Here’s what other people have to say.
How Does Tarot Work?
Tarot cards are a system of ‘divination,’ i.e., inference, based on the yet unproven concept that everything in the universe has a vibrational signature and that these vibrations obey the universal law of like attracting like. ‘Everything’ extends beyond the physical dimension and includes thoughtforms and energetic complexes. Similar in principle to how horary astrology works, the idea is that the vibration of your question will attract right vibration of cards for that moment based on energies at the time. Free will exists and there are several possible perspectives and futures, so readings only hold true while factors are in stasis and depend on the ability of the reader to strengthen and tune into these energies.
Tarot interpretation is personal, intuitive and nuanced. Don’t compare card draws from one reader to another because meanings of cards are subjectively assigned by the deck user. Do not research your tarot reader’s card draws on your own and infer your own meaning, it will likely lead you to wrong assumptions. Only do so if your tarot reader recommends it because what matters most is their meaning of the card. 
Do not use tarot as your sole decision making tool – it is advice, not fact. Tarot is not well suited for precise, close-ended questions. It works best when the intent is for one’s highest good, and the questions are open-ended and introspective in nature.
It is best to enquire about events that will occur soon since tarot readings pick up on current energies. It will be a waste to enquire about far off events since there are a multitude of factors at play and the reading will most likely be void by the time it happens.
Please Note
I cannot do readings about subjects in which I have no knowledge. So for example, I can’t do questions on financial investments because I have no idea how that system works so I can’t overlay it onto my cards to read them. 
I tend to ask for more detail about their situation while I read. This is because every card has thousands of meanings based on the context so I’ll need clarification to ensure I’m communicating the message correctly. Sometimes the extra detail doesn’t help. In that case, I’ll offer all possible interpretations and ask which one resonates best.
My deck spits out as many cards as it wants regardless of the actual spread. I don’t draw specific cards, I shuffle till cards fall out on their own. So, your reading will likely have more cards than advertised.
Offered Readings
These include but are not limited to the below mentioned spreads. Let me know if what you want isn’t on this list and I can make a custom reading for your needs in the same price range. 
Three Cats in a Trenchcoat for $3. As the name gives away, a minimum of 3 cards are drawn for a short insight or to gain an overview or get direction regarding a multitude of topics. Note that the relationship spreads work for platonic, familial, romantic, destined, and karmic bonds. 
General: Past | Present | Future
General: Current Situation | Obstacle | Advice
General: Situation | Action | Outcome
General: Beginning | Middle | End
General: Start | Growth | Decay
Self-discovery: Mind | Body | Spirit
Self-discovery: You | Current Path | Potential
Self-discovery: Life Purpose | What Qualities | Action
Self-discovery: Needs | Wants | Fears
Self-discovery: Past Self | Present Self | Future Self
Self-discovery: Lesson You Need | Why | Action
Past: What Worked | What Didn’t | Key Lessons
Healing: Cords to Cut | Heal your Heart | Nurture Yourself
Healing: Be Aware | Remember | Let Go
Future: Aspiration | Obstacle | Solution
Future: What Helps | What Hinders | Unrealized Potential
Relationship: Intentions | Trustworthy? | Advice
Relationship: Teach Me | Need from Me | Relationship
Relationship: You | The Other Person | Nature of Relationship
Relationship: Soulmate? | Need to Know | Will it Last?
Relationship: Your Wants | Their Wants | Where It’s Heading
Relationship: Strength | Weakness | Obstacle
Relationship: Pulls Together | Pushes Apart | Needs Attention
Relationship: Conflict | Areas of Agreement | Resolution
Relationship: Outer Conflict | Inner Conflict | Relationship
Relationship: Real Issue | Next Action | Ultimate Destination
Conflict: The Nature of a Problem | The Cause | The Solution
Conflict: False Issue | Real Issue | Your Role
Conflict: Why | What | Resolution
Decision-making: Strengths | Weaknesses | Advice
Decision-making: Opportunities | Challenges | Outcome
Decision-making: Yes Outcome | No Outcome | Maybe Outcome
Decision-making: Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3
Decision-making: Solution 1 | Solution 2 | How to Choose
Decision-making: Best Case | Worst Case | Probable Outcome
Decision-making: Choice | Pros | Cons
Career: Hobby | Possible Career Development | First Step
Career: Opportunities | Distractions | Action
Career: Job Positives | Job Negatives | Change - to +
Career: Pros of Quitting | Cons | Advice
Career: New Career Suggestion | Advice | Outcome of Quitting
The Monster Inside for $6. A minimum of 6 cards are drawn to identify the darkest aspect of your self, the area of your life it most affects, your inner demon, how you understand/accept/heal from it, what actions you can take to overcome it and grow, and the possible outcome.
Love Me, Love Me Not for $9. A minimum of 6 cards are drawn to see how your crush feels about you, whether a relationship would work, how to attract them, how dating them would be, whether you should confess, and whether they’ll play a special role in your life.
Knock Knock. It’s the Universe, Asshole for $9. As many cards as required will be drawn to know what the universe thinks you need to know at this moment. What does it want to tell you? What advice does it have for you? 
I’m BTS’s XXX for $9. This reading is strictly for fun and entertainment purposes! As many cards as required will be drawn to see what kind of relationship you’d have which your chosen member of BTS and how you’d meet if your paths were to cross. 
Yoda on the Loose for $12. A minimum of 10 cards are drawn for general advice about yourself, your mind, body, spirit, friends and family, romance, hobbies, career, finances, and challenges.
It’s My Year, Bitches for $15. A minimum of 12 cards are drawn for your previous year in summary, what you’ve learned from the past year, what you aspire to in the next twelve months, what empowers you to reach it, what may stand in your way, relationships and emotions in the upcoming year, career and work and finances, health and well-being, spiritual energy and inner fulfillment, what you need to focus on for the year ahead, most important lesson in the upcoming year, and where you’re headed overall in the coming twelve months. Well suited for birthdays and New Year’s.
Know Thyself to Know the Universe for $21. A minimum of 15 cards are drawn to find out your best and worst qualities, what makes you attractive, your needs and wants, how you love and how you need to receive love, the type of partner that would best fit you, the key lesson you’re supposed to learn in this lifetime, and your purpose of existence.
@Cupid Watch Out Sweaty for $30. A minimum of 20 cards are drawn for an in-depth relationship spread about the true you in context of your role in the relationship, the true them, how they see you, how you see them, the past of the relationship if applicable, where it stands now, what lies in store for the future, what brings you together, what pulls you apart, your wants, their needs, challenges, how to love each other etc.
Let me know if you have any questions! I look forward to reading for you :^)
Sources: Several spreads are by Biddy Tarot, My Wandering Fool, Lunar Cafe, Self Tarot while others are my own. Do not steal my spreads, ask me for permission first.
Note: Do not use the copy from this post for personal or commercial purposes. Use it as a guideline to write your own with visible, explicit credit that has a working link back to this blog.
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smudging-sage · 6 years
This is by no means completed, up-to-date, or the only way you can view or perceive witchcraft. These are just some posts, found on my blog, put together in a list for easier access.
This is also being updated as I go through my archives, and whats on the list as of [Sept 22nd, 2018] is from start - August 2018. This list will be updated as often and as quick as I can possibly manage.
This isn’t really as organized as I would like it, but I broke it down into categories and alphabetical order such as:
Moon Shit:
2017 Lunar Calendar 
August 2018 Lunar Schedule
Full Moons Of The Year
Lunar Eclipse Dates
Lunar Phases
Magick Of The Moon Phases
Moon Magic 
Moon Magic Grimoire 
Moon Phase Runes
Top Stargazing Events of 2018
Herb Shit:
5 Herbs Every Witch Should Have In Their Garden
Anti-Anxiety Herbs
Big Witchy Guide On Herbs And Flowers
Dangerous Herbs
Gardens  Of The Witches
Herb Masterpost
Herbs For Hexing
Herbs For Protection
Indoor Plants For The Space Conscious Witch
Poisonous Herbs
Reasons Herbs May Not Work
Sacred Herbs Of The Gods 
Top 10 Magical Herbs
Crystal Shit:
Crystals Every Witch Should Have
Gems For Depression
Taking Care Of Your Crystals
Emoji Spells Shit:
Easy Sleep
Spells Shit:
4 Free Spells
A Method To Cleanse And Ward After Unsavory People Leave
Anti-Anxiety Charm
Anti-Anxiety Jar
Bad Habits Tarot Spread
Bad Luck
Bandage Sigils
Banishing Nightmares
Bath For Sunburns
Belladonna’s Spell Page
Celestial Nail Polish Magic
Change Your Luck
Crow Bone Hex
Curse A Bitch
Dreams and Nightmare Protection
Easy Cleansing Ritual
Elemental Ideas
Forest With Me
From My Grimoire
Glamour Enchanted Jewelry
Hail The Glow Cloud
Hex For 2017
Icelandic Staves
Increasing Emotional Tolerance
Lavender Self Love Jar
Love Enhancer
Love / Protection 
Memory Aid
Mermaid’s Breath
New Year Purification Bath
Peppermint Spell
Return To Sender
Ritual For Positive Thoughts 
Ritual Of Gratitude
Self Love And Healing Jar
Seven Useful Powder Spells For Every Occasion
Sew Closed Your Heart
Simple Protection 
Sleep Spells And Sigils
Steps To Strengthen A Romantic Relationship
Stop Nightmares
Using Glitter In Spells
Ward Types and Components
Warmth In Winter
Advice Shit:
10 Common Misconceptions of Baby Witches
10 Daily Witch Things
10 Plants To Survive A Zero Sunlight Bedroom
10 Terms Every New Witch Should Know
26 Activities To Help Your Mind, Body, And Soul
A Collection Of Witch Tips
A Long List Of Ways To Spiritually Protect Yourself
Astral Temple Meditation
Aura / Energy Colors & Meanings
A Secret Witches Guide To Concealing Your Craft
Back To School Magic
Basics Of Kitchen And Cottage Witchcraft
Beginner Masterlist
Beginner Witchcraft 
Being A Witch
Blood Magic
Breaking Astrology Down
Candle Uses & Meanings
Charging/Activating Sigils
Cosmic Witch Masterpost
Daily Witchcraft
Discreet Little Witchy Things
Discreet Witchcraft
Earth Element Correspondents 
Enchanting Items
Everyday Magic Is Easy
Faerie List
Fire Safety
Hearthandhold Reading List 
How I Draw My Sigils
How Runes Work
How To Learn Witchcraft
How To Make Your Own Sigil
How To Use A Sigil Wheel
Incense Uses
Inexpensive/Free Witchcraft
Jarring Tips
Keeping Yourself Protected
Knot, Thread, and Cord Magic
Little Tips For The College Witch
Low Energy Tips
Magic For School/Education
Magical Herb
Modern Polytheism
Modern Witches
Modern Witches
My Advice For Baby Witches 
New Witch Budget Tips
Nik’s Tips For Discreet Witchcraft
Reading Tea Leaves
Rose Water Is My Religion
Salt & Witchcraft
School / Work Grounding
Some Things To Track
So You Want To Talk To Spirits?
Spell Books
Stoner Witch Tips
Tarot Cheat Sheet
Tech Witches
The Wiccan’s Glossery
There Comes A Time When You Need To Stop Researching And Just Practice 
Tips For Discreet College Witches
Tips For Writing Incantations 
Types Of Witches
Types Of Witches And Witchcraft
Understanding Concepts In Witchcraft
Urban Witch 101: House and Home
Violets Witchcraft Masterpost
Ways To Start Feeling Again
Water Magic
Witchcraft In The Shadows
Witchcraft PSA
Witch Resources
Witch Tips For City Witches
Witches With Depression
Witchling Endeavors
Witchy Grimiore Ideas
Witchy Podcasts
Witchy Tips
Recipe Shit:
Anti-Nightmare Pouch
Apple Cider Love Bringing
Black Salt
Budget Witch DIY
Calming Sugar Scrub
Charming Lip Balm
Cleansing And Calming Salt
DIY Gemstone Necklace
Drawing Out A Latent Talent Pouch
Drying Out Roses
Infused Water Magic
Milkshake Magic
Moon Spell Cakes
Moon Water
Peaceful Sleep Sachet
Potion For Sleep
Rose Water
Smoothie Potions 
Soothing Dreams Sachet
Communication Shit:
Crystal Hand Of Prosperity
Dead Dash
Earth Witches Reblog...
Hey There
Like/Reblog if you...
Looking To Follow
Money Bear
Money Pentacle
Witchcraft Asks
Witches reblog if...
Witches Reblog If...
Witchy Asks
Wonderful Weekend
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executionair · 5 years
Hi my dude! That gay hero reading seems fun! May I have a gay super hero reading? My name is Raul and I'm 24. Thanks for your time!!!
Gay Superhero Tarot Reading
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Note that this reading has no meaningful symbolism behind it. It's simply for fun.
Hello, Raul.
You have the power to drain other people's energy. Like the sexy bitch that you are, people are naturally drawn to you... And that's how they meet their downfall. You attract them and then you suck them dry! Um yes, you do suck them dry. Oh you're wondering what kind of "suck them dry" we're talking about here, huh... I mean every kind of "sucking them dry" there is. You're a bottom and you really want to have a good time. And you want to give these people a good time too before they meet their demise. So yeah, maybe you're not that bad. You're a neutral character.
Your same sex love interest is your husband, who's very loving and sensitive. They're amazing but you still have the audacity to cheat on him. Damn.
Your straight sidekick is a very lazy person. They're not that powerful and they don't do anything really, but you like to keep them around because they can offer comfort when you need it. When you find yourself troubled, you know where to go and who to talk to.
Your weakness is your lack of patience. You could do wonders with the powers that you have, but you're too impulsive. You don't take the time to plan.
Your archnemesis is your own child. They're growing up to be the bitch that you are. You two are very similar. It's like they're a younger version of you. This child is very powerful too, even though they can't control their powers yet. Like I said, they're growing up to be the bitch that you are, so basically you're not fighting your child; you're fighting a younger version of yourself to prevent them to become who you are now. Because you hate yourself. That's pretty much it!
Much love,
Vini. 🏳️‍🌈
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encrucijada · 5 years
hi, hello, sorry but I couldn't help but notice how utterly fantastic you are at picking names for your projects and I just wanted to ask if you have any tips?
First of all, thank you💖💖
Second of all, 
I don’t really have a process that I follow when I name a project. It’s a combination of factors including The Aesthetic(tm), its relevance to the story, and me being a pretentious bitch. The one constant is that they either come really easily or they don’t. Sometimes when the title makes sense only to me or I like it too much to let it go I will try to work my project around it to bring some relevance. An advice I can give you is to keep a list of words you like or even possible titles you like! Every single pretty combination of things you can think of. Don’t be afraid to get weird, you can get away with anything if you do it with enough confidence. Find interesting way to refer to basic things. If you do it the title first story second way, trust me you’ll find plenty symbolism for that title as you write.
Maybe telling you how I titled my projects will help:
Chance of Serendipity: I am actually considering this a working title since I am open to new options. With this one I put together words I thought were interesting or pretty and worked out a title from there. It does have some relevance in-story because tarot aka Chance is a big symbol and Serendipity also kinda works but I am only on chapter 6 and I can already feel the story going down a darker park where I don’t feel Serendipity will quite cut it.
In The Wild Life Garden: Going from Tulip Fields to a trilogy titled This Is About Flowers (instalments: 1. Hospital for the Flowers, 2. Funeral for the Flowers, 3. Requiem for the Trees)... to where we are now! I always knew I needed a nature-y sounding title because the aesthetic I put together for the story is heavy on that imagery. I changed This Is About Flowers to In The Wild Life Garden because one of my main characters a tree nymph, not a flower nymph, and needed something neutral. It also sounds kinda poetic??? Again, I’m a pretentious bitch. This is an example of finding interesting ways to refer to basic things, wild animals and plants are constantly present in the story: wild life + garden. It also teaches us it’s okay to change titles as you see fit.
Coughing Roses: This one is a direct reference to the main character and it is literal. It used to be a working title but I wrapped symbolism around it and now that the story has gone from contemporary to surrealism apocalyptic it became a whole lot more relevant. It centres around a group of disaster young adults choosing how they are going to die now that the world is ending, can’t expand beyond that.
Of Eurydice & Orpheus: Both titles are straight story references. The Walk of Eurydice, in this retelling Eurydice is the one alive and not Orpheus so she is doing the walk to and from the Underworld. The Voice of Orpheus, as a ghost Orpheus can’t talk.
Astral Convergence: Artemis is the goddess of the moon and Apollo the god of the sun. Moon + Sun = Eclipse, an astral convergence! Another example of finding interesting ways to refer to basic things.
Fantasybane: Inspired by the word wolfbane. In Spanish wolfbane is translated as “matalobo” which literally means “kill wolf”, I wanted a wordplay with “fantasy”. The story is about human experiments meant to prove fantasy a reality.
Anatomy of Shadows: The shadows are alive in this high fantasy world, so they are able to have anatomy. This one is simply thought-provoking because shadows aren’t supposed to have anatomy.
There are other little things, like Ursa Lupus that is just a combination of “bear” and “wolf” that makes it look like a scientific name. Aurum Complex, that I chose because it looked cool and basically means “complexion of gold” and is relevant theme-wise. Warlock Incarnate, main character is the reincarnation of Merlin. Life Makes Life came from when I was studying the cell in highschool and the whole “life generates life” gist, it is literal. Do The Universe A Favour, this one just feels like it’s talking to the narrator and has that whimsical atmosphere of a fairytale. Two of Empresses, I wanted it to sound like when drawing a poker card like “three of hearts”.
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caveangelascendant · 5 years
tarot questions. :)
the fool: do you have any nicknames?
yep! light, hal, and a few ppl have called me violet
the magician: have you ever written a poem or song about somebody else?
nope, but i kinda want to,,
the high priestess: what is your dream date?
exploring the city all day and then going out to the country to stargaze :3
the empress: do you think you will ever get married?
hm... maybe? it’ll really depend on my life circumstances, mental health, etc etc but marriage sounds really nice
the emperor: what are some names that you like?
finn, bea, ada, rowan, miles, atticus, and kells. i have an entire google doc of names i like
the hierophant: do you believe in ghosts?
hell yes
the lovers: do you have a crush?
does being in love count?
the chariot: thoughts on astrology?
me: yeah i dont believe in the zodiac. it’s all a bunch of superstitious nonsense.my horoscope: you’re going to breathe todayme: IT SAID I WAS GOING TO BREATHE... AND I BREATHED..........
strength: what is your dream occupation? 
librarian or interior designer
the hermit: what is your favorite soda pop?
hit me w that cherry vanilla coke
wheel of fortune: first three songs that come on shuffle?
feeling good by michael bublegenghis khan by miike snowtip toes by half-alive
justice: favorite color of rose?
the hanged man: favorite movie soundtrack?
call me a basic bitch but spiderverse
death: what are three things you want to do before you die?
i wanna go to a national park, make an animated movie, and release an album
temperance: can you describe a strange dream you’ve had?
one time i had a dream that i died and to go to heaven, you had to win a card game at a giant table against dozens of other people in a dark room. i went in and sat next to dave strider. nobody would tell us how to play the fucking game, so we tried to work together to help each other. we still lost, but we got to try again. while i was waiting for the next round to start, he walked in and we high-fived each other. i woke up feeling really rested and at peace
the devil: do you enjoy thunderstorms?
not really. my dog goes ape every time the thunder cracks and i get scared for no reason
the tower: favorite colors to wear?
white and holographic. holographic is a color now because i say so
the star: have you ever seen a psychic?
the moon: have you ever written a love letter?
no but i NEED TO
the sun: do you believe in magic?
kinda? theres something otherworldly at the hear tof this world
judgement: do you enjoy school?
yes until i have homework or i have to wake up
the world: do you like waking up early?
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infernalwitxhcraft · 2 years
Basic bitch tarot tip of the week: feeling stagnant? Shuffle your deck, setting the intentions for this quick one card reading. Find the four of cups in your deck. The card behind it is what opportunity you are not seeing. If you want to add to it, the card before the four of cups is the root cause of the stagnation.
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Deck: Tarot Mucha
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Playing with Fire {biadore} -imafuckinglibra
Hello boys, girls, those undecided and yes even you Caitlyn Jenner, I see you. Again I have many other fics I could continue but um nope. Let’s write some weird shit ft magic, smut and bottoming Roy. Enjoy peoples and let me know what you think in the notes. k bye.
“Pretty please.”
“Pretty please with a gaint cherry on top?”
“Daniela. I’m not training you.” Shane patted the head of the younger, brunette boy sitting across from him at the cafe’s table.
Danny shook the hand of his head, causing some loose strands of unruly dark brown hair to fall into his eyes.
“I hate you.” He scoffed leaning back in his seat again so he could glare at the Australian as he popped the last bite of his greasy veggie burger into his mouth.
Shane, a new friend he made at the drag club he recently started working at, had mentioned in passing that he had to ability to perform magic.
Not the cheesy Vegas kind with boxes and girls in bikinis and all that bullshit but the legit kind. The kind where he could snap his fingers and make various colored sparks appear.
Danny had yet to see it for himself but according to the other girls at the club he regularly used it in his shows as the extravagant Courtney Act.
Wether or not Shane could do any more than that was still a mystery however and the older queen wouldn’t tell him the extent of his abilities only making Danny about 10 times more curious.
He had grown up cursing himself for not being lucky enough to be one of the handful of people born with such powers. Especially since his mom was one of those few.
Magic didn’t exactly work like it did in the movies, you couldn’t just wake up one day with the ability to transport yourself or talk to animals or anything like that. If you were born with it you had to study it like any other talent or it would waste away.
It was hereditary most of the time but often skipped a few generations, like in Danny’s case. His mom could read people’s energies, he could too but it was more intuition based from things he learned from her, and she could read peoples pasts or sometimes conjure up certain things if she used tarot cards.
Danny had tried doing the same in his teen years but she immediately removed the cards from the house when she found out and they never spoke of them again.
“If I showed you a trick would you stop pouting?” Shane asked tilting his head to try and look him in the eyes.
“Maybe.” Danny budged and flicked his eyes up.
Shane gave him a small, sincere smile and began swirling what was left of the cocktail in front of him with the thin red straw.
Danny’s eyes grew wider as the translucent liquor swirling in circles began hypnotizing him, with his other hand’s index finger Shane gave the glass a small tap and the liquid began filling with glowing neon pink sparks.
He lifted the straw and a few drops followed. Danny watched, completely entranced now, as clear bubbles floated into the air with what looked like the little sparks trying to escape as they bounced off the edges of each bubble.
Shane gave a little blow on them and the sparks ignited inside each bubble making the alcohol drops rain down like a tiny parade fireworks of dancing onto the table.
“Tada.” The blonde flicked his hands up after placing the straw back in his drink.
“I want to do that! Show me! Show me!”
Before Shane could respond to Danny’s whining the tall cute waiter with the combed back blonde hair came back and of course flirting ensued.
While the men were exchanging numbers Danny’s mind began fixating on the sparks Shane had just conjured. It was such a small simple trick that he could probably do in his sleep but still Danny would give anything to be able to do that.
He began repeating Shane’s earlier actions and swirled what remained of his cocktail with his straw. Concentrating as hard as possible on the little pink sparks he saw earlier he took a deep breath and tapped his finger against the glass.
“You know it doesn’t work that way.” Shane broke his concentration when he placed his hand on his shoulder. “Time to go anyway, c’mon.”
Danny’s heart dropped as he eyed his unchanged drink when they got up to leave. “I can’t even make a little spark. I’m so useless.”
“Hey.” Shane threw his arm around the lanky boy’s waist as they walked to pull him in for a side hug. “It’s not your fault if you can’t, some people just aren’t born to do it.”
“My mom can.” Danny begrudgingly mumbled under his breath. “When I was a kid I set a doll on fire but she made me quit practicing, said it was a fluke and to try again would just be a waste of time. She was right couldn’t do anything like that again.”
“You set a doll on fire?” Shane stopped to frown at him.
“Yeah, not on purpose it just…happened.” He pulled up his shoulders. “Why?”
“I had a childhood friend who set one of my dolls on fire once.”
“Yep. He’s from New Orleans though, practically everyone there can do something like that but they mainly specialize in voodoo type stuff. It’s a pretty scary place.”
“I’ve heard.” Danny shivered.
The rest of the week he could think of nothing else but magic, from the time he woke up to when he went to bed he researched everything and anything he could find about the topic.
He even went down a hole on the deep web, not advised, about magic originating from New Orleans. He had to admit some of it gave him the heeby jeebies.
Like the axe man who killed a bunch of people in New Orleans using spells to conjure up multiple versions of himself to avoid police finding him, or how he manifested axes sometimes out of nowhere to murder his victims.
Even messing with their perceptions to make them believe it was their own axes when in reality half of them never even owned one.
Even more so when he started looking into everything hoodoo, voodoo and basically anything else originating from New Orleans.
But before he knew it the week had passed and Saturday night after painting his face and before any of the performances started he went to sit down in his usual smoking spot outside the club’s back door by the parking lot.
“Daniela!” He looked up when a familiar high pitched voice called him from behind a strange car that pulled up.
Danny’s heard started racing when a second figure appeared next to Shane, a slightly shorter man with gorgeous tan skin and slicked back dark black hair.
As the pair began making their way over to him Danny could feel the man’s energy radiating hotter and hotter as he approached him. Sending chills down his spine even from halfway across the lot.
He exuded this inhumanly intense presence. Intimidating and clearly something, or someone, to be feared. Almost as if you’d be burned if you approached him to closely.
“Adore Delano, this is Bianca del Rio.” Shane introduced them as Danny fished for his lighter in the pocket of his make up stained black hoodie.
“Hi.” Danny greeted with a blushing smile, the best one he could muster under the man’s intimidating glare.
“Adore’s the one I told you about, she set her doll on fire.”
“Oh my god.” Danny laughed removing the cigarette between his cherry red lips for a moment so he could continue searching for his missing lighter. “That’s so fucking embarrassing you bitch, don’t tell people that!”
“It’s all good it happens to the best of us.” The older queen laughed at his nervousness. “Need a light?”
“Yes please.” Danny gave up and held his palm out.
He waited for this Bianca to hand him something when he took his hand out of his jean pocket but instead he simply held his hand up in front of his face.
Everything moved in slow motion as if the earth had stood still and Danny could see every millisecond of what was happening.
He pressed his middle finger and thumb together and as soon as he gave a quick snap a spark ignited from the tip of his thumb down following the direction of his middle finger and index finger trailing behind, sliding up onto his index finger and then it was gone.
Danny’s heart stopped and with wide eyes he looked down at the smoke beginning to escape the tip of his cigarette.
“I…” He tried thinking of literally any words to form but his brain had seemingly stopped working, still fixated on the casual way the man across from him had conjured a spark of fire out of thin air. “How did you…”
“How did you set that doll on fire?” Bianca asked raising a brow.
“I, I don’t know. I didn’t think about it it just happened accidentally.”
“Exactly.” Bianca took a step closer with her foot on the curb next to Danny’s, just the close proximity to her making his heart beat faster. “Don’t think about it.”
“Show me.” Danny blurted out unintentionally.
“Danny, I told you…” Shane tried interjecting but Bianca raised his hand to stop him.
“Pay attention, I’ll do it slowly.” The queen closed the distance between them with her feet planted firmly in front of Danny’s.
Even though their bodies weren’t even close to touching he could feel the heat, the fire, being exuded from Bianca’s body against his skin.
She held her hand up taking Danny’s hand holding the cigarette in her other one. “Use this to help you.”
She touched the tip of the burning cigarette with her index finger causing another small spark followed by an almost sticky, string like trail of fire to follow her finger pulling away.
“Don’t overthink it, don’t be scared of getting burned and don’t fucking touch it directly. Just hold it close enough to feel it and think of it as dipping your finger in syrup or some shit.”
Danny hesitantly brought his index finger up to the cigarette but before he could get anywhere near close the heat got to him.
“Shit.” He gasped dropping the cigarette, quickly popping the tip of his finger into his mouth trying to cool the already blistering skin.
“Told you he wouldn’t be able to do shit.” Bianca scoffed coldly in Shane’s direction, walking away from Danny as she snarled at him.
“Danny.” Shane sympathetically brought his hand to Danny’s shoulder, gently running it up and down his bicep with the signature motherly touch he often gave him.
“He’s right.” Danny smiled despite the foggy droplets forming at the corners of his eyes. “It’s okay, I knew I couldn’t do it anyway.”
After the pretty uncomfortable first meeting with Bianca Danny, or Adore now complete in her messy pink wig and 90’s grungey princess dress, made an effort to avoid her at all costs throughout the rest of the night.
However when she got on stage for her act the young queen couldn’t resist sneaking a peak through the curtains at her.
Just like seemingly everything else she did, or everything else about her, when on stage she’d exude this cocky energy as if she was above everyone else and wanted you to know she was.
Not that she didn’t have a reason to be confident though, every joke she made, every quick read or lighting fast snap at a drunk or straight audience member landed without fail and left even the queens backstage in stitches.
Even Adore couldn’t help but giggle along, maybe she was actually warming up to this bully? Could she?
Bianca certainly wasn’t unattractive out of drag so it wasn’t very unlikely. Earlier while Adore was talking to Jinkx, another queen who performed with them, she kept a strict watch from the corner of he eye over the older queen’s every move as she got ready.
She watched the effortless way she expertly transformed herself into the gorgeous erotic clown, as she called herself. And once she took off her clothes to put on her gown Adore’s ‘subtle’ staring wasn’t so subtle anymore.
She shook the images of toned pecs and caramel nipples from her head quickly when the sounds of an erupting crowd brought her back from her daydream.
“Hey.” Adore heard behind her followed by a warm hand being unexpectedly placed on the small of her back.
She turned her head slightly but as soon as she spotted Bianca next to her she snapped her head away again and pouted. “What?”
“Calm the fuck down there, alright princess?” Bianca snarled holding up her hands in defense. “I brought a piece offering.”
Adore titled her head just enough to see the orange tinted drink dancing in front of her face. “It poison?”
“Depends how fucked up your liver is.” Bianca laughed. Her laugh was harsh, loud and gravely just like her voice but somehow it warmed Adore’s heart almost as much as the hand on her back was heating up the rest of her body.
“Please don’t melt my dress.” Adore asked through the corner of her mouth as she took a sip from the mystery drink. “Woah, this is good.”
“It is.” Bianca nodded, Adore could swear she saw some blushing on her cheeks but decided to just write it off as the heavy make up. “And I won’t melt your dress don’t worry.”
“Are your hands always that warm? Is that how you…um.” For some reason halfway through her question Adore felt like she was asking something deeply personal and almost got embarrassed actually saying the words.
“No, they’re not. To be completely honest sometimes if I can’t control my emotions then my powers just sort of come out.”
“Were you always like that?” Adore had registered the way Bianca’s voice had lowered as she was explaining and began feeling worried. Maybe her questions were too personal. “Sorry, I’m just…”
“Hm-mh.” Bianca shook her head after taking another sip. “It’s good. And no I wasn’t, I couldn’t control anything as a kid and it didn’t help that out of 5 kids I was the the only one who was…different.”
Despite softly laughing under her breath Adore felt something similar to sadness but not quite that straight forward radiating out of the queen next to her. Out of habit, much like a child trying to soothe a friend who just got hurt, her fingertips nudged at the hand next to her.
Surprising even herself Bianca’s hand reached back, she could feel her hands cooling down to avoid hurting Adore despite the rest of her burning hotter than ever before.
What was this queen doing? How did she get so close so easily? And wasn’t she afraid of getting burned?
Literally and figuratively.
“How did you learn to control it? Did you…did someone show you?” Adore finally asked after a few minutes of silence.
Before answering Bianca pulled on the hand she was holding and lead her backstage to take a break from all the chaos of drunk gays cheering.
“I dont know. I just somehow did one day and then when I did wigs for shows in my youth my boss, who could do it too, saw I couldn’t fully control anything. I mean I use to light wigs on fire if I sneezed too hard it wasn’t very difficult to figure it out, so she just offered to become my master and she basically taught me everything.” She answered nonchalantly as they sat down on one of the tables backstage. Still holding hands somehow.
“Your master? You had one?” Adore’s eyes widened.
Much like any talent or gift even as mundane as painting or playing an instrument it wasn’t uncommon for those with abilities to get a tutor of sorts - a master.
Even Shane apparently had a master, his drag mother. Or drag sister as the aussie queen, Vanity, had asked to be referred to when Shane introduced everyone one night.
One of the pro’s of have a master to teach you how to control or grow your magic was you’d seal an informal contract, binding your abilities to theirs through said seal.
It would temporarily enhance any abilities you had whenever you were near your master but once they’d finished training you the seal would be broken leaving you on your own again.
“Yeah.” Bianca nodded while her thumb began absentmindedly trailing a triangle pointing up, the alchemy sign for fire, over Adore’s hand.
“How did you seal it?” Adore whispered watching her finger move.
“I have this scar by the base of my eyebrow.” Bianca pointed with her drink to her glued down brows beneath the make up. “We made a blood seal. She cut me there out of the fucking blue without ever even asking. Nasty fucking bitch.”
“Will you be my master?” Adore said the words before her brain had time to process them.
“No fucking way.” Bianca choked on her drink letting go of her hand.
“Just show me something? Anything, please?”
The older queen sighed heavily and looked down at the ground to avoid her big puppy dog eyes. “Look I tried and you couldn’t.”
“I did it once.”
“When? A decade ago? More? Listen if you’re not cut out for it thats it. Move on.”
“I know.” Adore dropped her gaze to her drink.
She was right. She couldn’t do it before why would she ever be able to do it again? Her mom was probably right when she called it a fluke after all.
Bianca groaned annoyingly rubbing her temples with her index finger and thumb. “Take a sip.”
Adore did as asked and after taking a big slurp through the thin straw Bianca tapped her cheek. “Open your mouth.”
Adore furrowed her brows very worryingly, shaking her head no but Bianca simply repeated the order. She hesitantly parted her lips expecting her drink to fall onto her lap but instead a puff of smoke began floating out.
She blew out the remaining mysterious smoke and as she did it ignited, bursting into a big orange flame that lasted only for a second
“Woah! Holy shit! How?”
“Born with it, master, blah blah blah you know the story.” Bianca rolled her eyes but she couldn’t hide the small smile creeping into the corners of her painted lips at Adore’s idiotic expression.
“Adore, they need you. Your set’s next.” Jinkx came out from behind one of the curtains, cocking her head in the stage’s direction.
“Coming.” Adore hopped off the table but before she left she rested her hands of Bianca’s thighs over the rhinestoned dressed and leaned forward to look her in the eyes. “Be my master.”
“No.” Bianca stood her ground.
“Do it. Please? Be my master.”
“You need to go, they’re calling you.” The older tried shaking her off but Adore firmly stood her ground as well.
If she really wanted to she could easily push her off simply by focusing on the air around her but figured showing this annoying child any more of her abilities would only fuel her on.
“Be. My. Master. Pretty, pretty please?” Adore begged in a hushed voice again, this time sliding her hands up the dress till she got dangerously close to Bianca’s tuck.
Bianca turned her head to the stage where they were calling Adore’s name and debated once again to just push her away.
“I’m not leaving till you say yes.” Adore purred.
Bianca sighed cursing herself first before she gave in. “Fine, fine! Whatever. Go do your shit, whore.”
Adore gave her a quick peck on the cheek and victoriously skipped off towards the stage while Bianca stayed put, hitting her forehead with the palm of her hand repeatedly for saying yes.
“Ready to go?” A unfamiliar face jumped up from their seat on the ground when Bianca, still in drag, opened the door to the parking lot.
“I, oh, it’s you.” Bianca snarled realizing it was Adore who had already dedragged.
It was her first time seeing the young queen out of drag and she had to admit he was beautiful.
His long gangly legs shown off in his skin tight black jeans, the turned back pink hat causing dark brown hair to push down over his doe like hazel eyes.
He looked gorgeous and not in the least like someone who had been sweating under heavy club lights and thick layers of make up all night.
“You said you’d be my master so you know, let’s go. Let’s seal this. How do you want to do it?”
“I don’t.” Bianca very annoyingly rolled her eyes at his enthusiasm.
“But you said?”
“I lied, people do that sometimes.” She coldly stated as she began walking to her car.
Clearly Danny didn’t take no for an answer though and kept following her like a tail she couldn’t shake.
“But you said you’d be my master?”
“What?” Bianca snapped turning around on her heels to face him, pushing him away from her in a burst of rage. “What? You gonna’ follow me home now till I say yes again?”
“Pretty much.” Danny nodded folding his arms, disregarding the fact that his feet had slid back without her ever even touching him.
“Ugh.” She growled. “Just get in the fucking car.”
Danny smiled victoriously and followed her to the pitch black Mercedes where he got in the passenger seat.
“Thank you.” He turned to face her but she pushed his grinning cheeks away.
“Say anything again and I’m throwing you out on the streets.”
“Aye aye.” Danny whispered making a zipper motion across his lips.
When they got to the small apartment, and after greeting 2 very eager small dogs, Bianca made a beeline straight to the bathroom to wash her face off.
Danny stayed put playing with the dogs but when he heard the shower turn on he knew he would probably be waiting a while and made his way to the grey sofas.
Cuddling up with the smaller of the two dogs to admire the endless shelves lined with fashion and magic books alike.
“You need to…” Roy, now clean faced and smelling like some form of floral shampoo, came out pointing to the bathroom behind him.
“Nope.” Danny shook his head assuming what he meant with even acknowledging him.
Once he did however his heart began racing at the sight of Roy in nothing but a fluffy white towel. He eyed the man’s glistening skin up and down trying to formulate an appropriate way to react but his mind went blank.
“Okay.” Roy nodded disappearing behind the wall he was leaning against into the bedroom. “There’s wine in the fridge help yourself.”
“I’m, uh, I’m okay.” He stuttered looking down at his fidgeting hands. Suddenly he was more nervous than he’d ever been in his whole life.
He was intimidating as hell when he wore clothes but fuck it about 20 times more when he was naked. Danny dropped his head into his palms trying to rub away the image of the towel clinging tightly around a thin, toned waist.
All that did though was remind him of what was right above said towel. A thin strip of hair trailing down to what appeared to be just above the base of his dick.
“Alright.” Roy came back into the living room. Danny looked up hoping he’d be completely naked this time but was sorely disappointed to find him in a long grey tank top and black joggers. “Follow me.”
Danny jumped up from his seat and made his way over to where Roy was waiting with an extended hand.
Roy took Danny’s hand in his and lead him to the the dimly lit bedroom where he closed the door behind them to give them privacy from the nosey pups.
Danny stood still and unsure for a second by the foot of the neatly made up bed while Roy was fetching something from his drawers by the door.
When the older made his way back to him he took both hands in his again and looked him square in the eyes. “If I become your master you must obey, we have to form a seal and above all else you need to tell me when anything gets too out of hand. Understood?”
Danny nodded and Roy let go of one of his hands, he held his now free hand up in front of Danny’s face and with a snap of his fingers he conjured fire once again.
“If this hurts you, you need to tell me, but you have to remember everything I do is to help you. If you’re going to waste my time at least tell me when I’m wasting my time.” He raised a brow waiting for Danny’s response but the younger was still to petrified to answer so he simply nodded again. Once he did Roy closed his fist and the flame disappeared.
Roy pushed him back onto the bed where he followed, climbing onto it next to him where both men stood on their knees facing one another.
“I can do this. Show me.” Danny finally spoke in a whisper as his eyes flicked between Roy’s.
“Take off your shirt.”
Danny quickly removed his hoodie and the white runaways shirt beneath it, discarding them on the side of the bed as ordered.
“Do you want to make a contract with me? I need permission.” Roy asked brushing the back of his hand over Danny’s cheeks
“Yes please.”
As soon as he had his conformation Roy cupped Danny’s cheek and eaned in, his lips momentarily brushing over Danny’s.
“We can do this anyway you like?”
“I want you to choose.” Danny tilted his head up to close the distance and finally kiss him.
Both men’s breathing became broken and unsure, the tension between them growing unbearable as they slowly continued kissing till Danny suddenly felt a searing pain against his sternum and pulled away gasping for air as if someone had gut punched him.
“What the fuck?” He yelled clawing at his chest looking for any marks where he thought Roy burned him.
“Never even touched you.” Roy pulled up his shoulders showing his hands. “That’s what making a contract feels like. Do you still want to go through with this? Because I can’t train someone who…”
“I do. I can do this.” Danny snapped, lunging at him with his hands either side of his face as he pulled him in for another deep kiss.
Their kissing intensified as the searing pain returned, burning through his chest, his very soul even it felt like.
But he didn’t have to worry about it for very much long as Roy pulled him closer to his body as if he was trying to elevate his pain by taking some of it onto himself. His breathing growing strained from sharing the burning.
Danny couldn’t hold back any longer and began grinding his hardening erection into Roy’s leg while the older kissed his neck, sucking pieces of skin into his heated mouth every so often.
Roy leaned back to take off his shirt and as soon as he did Danny waisted no time to take one of his nipples into his mouth.
He reached down between them to palm Roy’s semi through his pants making his lover moan as he their eyes met. He watched Roy carefully to access every minuscule reaction as the older ran his fingers through his hair, pulling him up for a desperate, hungry kiss.
“On your stomach.” Danny breathed into his mouth scooting over so Roy could lay down.
He threw his leg over Roy’s thighs and quickly undid his jeans. After bending down to nibble on the shell of the older’s ear he began sliding his erection stretching the fabric of his underwear against his ass, watching the skin around Roy’s neck flare up a bright red with arousal.
With a quick tug at his hips he lifted Roy’s ass up enough to pull his joggers and underwear off in one quick go.
He gave his ass a hard slap hearing the man beneath him moan faintly when he resumed sliding his dick between his cheeks and against his asshole.
“Fuck.” Roy groaned lowly looking back at him and from the hunger in his eyes Danny knew he had him in the palm of his hands.
He slid down off the bed, massaging his asshole with 2 of his fingers as he went when Roy pulled his cheeks apart to allow him better access in anticipation of what’s to come.
When Danny took each cheek in hand and sunk his tongue into his entrance a loud moan escaped through Roy’s puffy lipstick stained lips.
“Fuck yeah.” He whimpered gripping the sheets into his fists and lifting his ass further into Danny’s tongue.
Danny gave his backside another slap before kneading the firm muscles of his beautiful ass as he licked with a pointed tongue around the muscles of Roy’s entrance.
“Let me fuck you.” Danny whispered moving up to sink his teeth into his ass earning a hiss from Roy.
“No.” Roy nervously laughed dropping his head.
“No?” Danny kissed the bright purple teeth marks that he had left on the tan skin.
“Fuck no.”
“You sure?” He asked tongue in cheek standing back to pull his underwear off despite Roy’s protest.
While he had the chance Roy sat up and wrapped his arm around Danny’s waist to quickly and efficiently spin him around and sit between his legs.
“You know that expression ‘I’m fucking this cat you just hold the legs?’” Roy nipped at his jaw as he took hold of his cock in a tight grip, torturously slowly jerking him off.
Danny nodded licking the top of his lip, lifting his hips into the hand around him. “Meow?”
“Well I’m fucking this cat.”
“I think I love sealing contracts.” Danny moaned into the pillow his face was buried in as Roy slapped his dick against his entrance after having squirted a very generous amount of cold lube onto his asshole.
“It’s not bad. Come here.” Roy snorted sitting back on his knees to let Danny take over the pace at which he wanted to lower back down onto him.
Danny sat back slowly at first, arching his back when the tip of Roy’s thick cock entered him, stretching him the lower he went.
As soon as he his ass hit Roy’s v-line his mouth dropped open and his head fell back as he tried to breathe through everything going on in both his body and mind.
“That’s it. Atta’ boy.” Roy praised scratching down his thighs, leaving pale red stripes all along his trembling legs.
He sat back on his ankles, resting up on his elbows when Danny had pushed him down to straddle him in reverse. Holding onto the thighs in front of him as he slowly began rolling his hips onto his cock.
The same burning sensation from earlier had returned but this time felt like it was igniting every single organ in his body. Although instead of hurting like before it felt incredibly euphoric, like every high he’d ever been on couldn’t even compare.
This had to be the seal, it had to be Roy’s powers he could feel flowing through him. It felt like the fire he so easily produced before was now setting every hair on his body on fire and he couldn’t get enough.
He closed his eyes when he reached down to jack himself off, too overcome with ecstasy as his ass bounced faster and faster onto Roy.
The older watched his ass engulfing him, bouncing against his v line as the same heat rushed through his veins. But it couldn’t have just been that, it had to be Danny.
The energy he was exuding was electric and exciting, too dangerous to touch but too irresistible to avoid.
“God that’s the best ass. Fuck” Roy groaned slapping Danny’s backside before he dug his nails into the tender flesh as he guided his hips.
“Yeah?” Danny blushed looking over his shoulder.
“Fuck yeah.” Roy sat up, puling danny towards his body with a hand on his neck and the other squeezing his balls.
“Oh fu…don’t do that, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum so fucking fast.” Danny warned when Roy’s hands gave another hard squeeze to his balls.
To be completely honest he didn’t even care if it was embarrassing that he would finish so soon. After the excruciating 20 minute of foreplay where Roy had edged him so close but refused to let him climax, and now alternating between swift hard thrusts and slow smooth ones as he fucked him everything was becoming too much for him.
With his torso pressed against Danny’s back the younger could finally tell that the source of the intoxicating heat was Roy himself.
It was like he could feel every fibre of his being being ignited by his lover. He was additive almost scary at times but gave him an intoxicating rush of adrenaline like no other.
Danny’s eyes slowly shut as Roy’s pounding grew more frantic, more rough.
“Oh fuck, fuck!” Danny screeched in a very high pitched desperate tone. His ass bounced back in rhythm with Roy as best he could but he could feel his limbs growing weak.
“Shit.” Roy growled. “I’m gonna cum too.”
Despite his rushed warnings Roy’s hold on his neck or hand massaging his balls never let up as he hammered into him faster, desperate to get closer to his orgasm as well.
Danny’s body eventually gave up, falling limply back against Roy and letting him take over control fully as his climax washed over him.
“Roy…” He whimpered clinging for dear life onto the wrist of the hand crushing his throat. His cum shot down onto the bed in front of him before it dribbled down onto Roy’s knuckles. “Oh…go…”
“Open.” The older ordered lifting his hand up to Danny’s mouth.
He shoved the 3 fingers covered in cum between his lips, holding onto his jaw as he continued grunting and cursing under his breath every time he forcefully slammed into the young ass.
Roy’s loud primitive grunts dimmed as he muffled his cries of ecstasy by biting into the muscle of Danny’s shoulder and soon the room filled with only the frantic slaps of their bodies when he finally shot his load into Danny’s ass.
The hands holding onto him began shaking as Danny felt the warm liquid pouring into the condom with every pulse of his cock.
Despite cumming Roy’s hips didn’t cease their erratic pounding deeper and deeper into his ass till Danny pulled him back from his trance like state by turning Roy’s face to his.
“Shit, did I hurt you?” Roy softly asked with concern very evident in his voice.
Danny gasped for air when Roy finally removed the hold around his neck revealing the faint purple and red finger lines from where he squeezed too hard.
“No.” Danny smiled pulling the back of his head in for a tender kiss. “I want…I want to fuck you.”
“Fine.” Roy panted relieved that he didn’t hurt him but he did gave the shell if his ear a small bite just for good measure. “Only because your dick is so cute.”
He pulled slowly out of Danny and discarded the condom to one side while the younger reached for a fresh one for himself.
Danny ordered Roy on all fours as he proceeded to lube his fingers up, kissing his neck first as he slid the condom down over his already erect again cock.
He took hold of Roy’s cheek, caressing the smooth flustered skin with his thumb and pulling his face further back towards him for a quick kiss as he reached down to insert one of his lanky fingers.
“Ah, sh…” Roy groaned dropping his head into the pillow beneath him. “One more.”
Danny nodded impressed that Roy could so easily be willing to let him stretch him out before he slid a second one in.
“Oh fuck.” Roy bit into the sheets. Regretting his decision to be the smug asshole he always was but not wanting to show any weakness and turn back now.
“You okay?” Danny asked worryingly.
“Yeah. Let’s just get this shit over with.”
Danny could tell that despite not admitting it or the strain of slipping the second digit in that Roy was enjoying himself.
His fingers began sliding in with ease as he peppered kisses along his reddened shoulders blades, biting at the flesh till Roy relaxed enough that he could move his ass back in rhythm with Danny.
“On your back.” Danny ordered sliding his fingers out to lube himself up while the older flipped around.
While Danny positioned himself by his asshole Roy’s lifted his legs to rest them over his thighs, watching Danny’s every move intently.
The younger penetrated him gently at first, not rushing him like he did with his fingers but once he Roy pulled him down for a kiss he couldn’t resist the temptation to repay his lover for the bruises around his neck.
He pulled his hips back slowly like before but while Roy was distracted by his tongue dancing over his he thrusted up aggressively, slamming himself fully into him so hard the bed jumped forward hitting the wall.
“Fuck!” Roy yelped contorting his face into a silent scream when a second hard slap followed into his poor ass. He kept panting through the motions every time Danny would repeat this, scowling at him as he did.
“You fucking bitch.” Roy chuckled when Danny unexpectedly hooked his legs over his shoulders and flipped him further up to push deeper into his ass.
“You know, you’re pretty cute at this angle.” Danny grinned a huge goofy grin as he continued teasing Roy with every pound of his hips.
“Shut up.” Roy snapped, a slight hint of chuckling still coming through under his trembling breathe. “Don’t speak and just fuck me.”
Roy pulled him down to resume their earlier make out session again with his hands either side of Danny’s neck.
Meanwhile Danny’s hips continued pounding into him swiftly, their sweaty bodies slapping loudly together as his long thin cock hit just the right spot perfectly turning the bossy queen beneath him into mere putty.
Danny grabbed the hands either side of his face and pinned them securely above Roy’s messy bed head as he picked up his pace.
His second orgasm of the night building up even faster than the first as Roy’s tight asshole squeezed around him.
“Shit.” He hissed resting his sticky forehead against Roy’s when he felt the familiar tight coil in his lower abdomen.
“Going to cum for me again?” Roy whispered tilting his head up bite onto his bottom lip.
When Danny nodded whispering a barely audible “yeah” through his panting Roy told him to let go of his hands.
The older pulled his face towards his, looking into his eyes with such severe intensity Danny felt the burning in his chest scorching hotter than before.
“A contract is made.” Roy whispered as if in pain, lifting his head up to seal their contract with a deep kiss.
As soon as his lips touched Danny’s the younger collapsed in a disheveled mess on top of him, whimpering softly and trembling as his second load shot into his ass filling the condom.
“Fu…fuck.” He panted lifting himself up with shakey arms to look into Roy’s eyes. “Fuck me. What was that?”
“That,” Roy sighed wiping a drop if sweat from Danny’s temple. “Was sealing a fucking contract.”
“Is that burning what you feel all the time?”
“Only when I’m making fire.”
Danny nodded contemplating what that must be like to deal with every time he snapped his fingers but before he could ask another question he noticed Roy smiling at him oddly sincerely, almost sweetly which made his cheeks grow a noticeably bright red.
“What?” He nervously asked.
“You’re pretty cute at this angle.” Roy joked making Danny blush even more before giving his chest a shove. “Now get the fuck.”
Danny pulled out and fell back in a spread out pose onto the bed as Roy rolled off the bed. “Did your sealing feel like that?”
“No. We had a blood seal so she touched my cut on my forehead with hers on her finger and I…well I passed out.” He laughed turning to walk away.
Danny couldn’t help biting his lip to hide the goofy grin as he watched the purple teeth marks on his right ass cheek jiggling with each step.
When Roy returned a few minutes later with 2 bottles of water he spotted Danny with his crop top already on, scurrying around to look for something else.
“What are you doing?” Roy asked sitting down on edge of the bed after handing the still searching Danny a bottle of water.
“Getting dressed?”
“So you’re leaving then?”
“Yeah? Figured you wouldn’t want me to stay since you hate me or whatever.” He pulled up his shoulders slipping his briefs on but realized quickly enough that they were on backwards. “Goddammit.”
“Wait,” Roy grabbed Danny’s hand when he took his briefs off again. “I dont…hate you.”
“Then um, mind if I stay?”
“I mean do whatever you want I’m not your mother.” Roy coldly stated rolling over to climb in under the covers.
Danny stared at the ground debating what to do before he took his shirt off again and hesitantly followed Roy to climb in under the covers with him.
“I’ll stay then.” He whispered smiling at Roy.
“Hm.” He nodded turning his back to Danny.
What Danny couldn’t see was despite Roy’s cold nature once he turned around a bright relieved smiled flashed across his face as he closed his eyes ready to drift off.
Danny rolled over after spotting the time on the clock sitting on Roy’s bedside table and decided since the sun would be up soon and he couldn’t sleep he’d go sit by the big window next to Roy’s bed and watch it.
The morning sky already looked on fire in various painted red hues and soon his mind began wandering to the casual fashion in which Roy had lit his cigarette earlier.
He replayed the moment in his mind a few times and thought since he’d sealed his contract with his new master he might as well give recreating it a shot.
“Can’t sleep?” Roy asked when Danny snapped his fingers. He rolled over and tilted his head to get a better look at the naked boy through the glare coming in from the open window.
“Uh uh.” Danny shook his head defeatedly.
Roy shifted a bit and sat up against his headboard rubbing his exhausted eyes.
“Can I smoke?” Danny unexpectedly asked. “I’ll blow it out the window?”
“Yeah, fine.” He sighed raising a hand when Danny tried getting up from his seat on the small vanity. “Where’s your backpack? I’ll get it.”
“Um, living room.”
Roy yawned stretching his arms over his head before he gave the side where Danny had gotten up from a minute ago a tap.
As Danny made his way back into the bed Roy clapped his hands together in front of his chest and when he pulled them apart the red and white pack of cigarettes fell onto the sheets in front of him.
He took one out disregarding Danny’s bewildered open mouth staring and put it between his teeth. Again with a quick snap of his fingers he lit the cigarette with ease and after blowing out the puff of smoke he held it up to the confused boy next to him. “You can smoke in bed, trust me I’ve set a lot worse on fire in here.”
“How do you do that. How did you know you can do that?” Danny asked taking the cigarette from him.
“Like I’ve told you before, I just did. If I know where something is I can focus on it and make it appear.” “Why are you sad?” Danny asked as if he’d already forgotten the first question he asked him while he threw his leg over Roy’s thighs so he could sit on his lap. He placed his hand on his jaw and gently began caressing up and down his cheek to soothe him.
“How do you know I’m sad?”
“I can just tell. Your energy’s really low.”
“My energy? You can read that?” Roy frowned.
“Yeah but just because my mom can and she taught me how to read people’s moods based on how they act.”
“So she taught you magic?” Roy took the hand on his cheek in his, trailing a small circle repeatedly in the pale palm of it.
“That’s not how magic works.” Danny annoyingly rolled his eyes. Even Roy said it wasn’t that easy why would he change his mind now? To mess with him?
“That so?” Roy tilted his head looking into Danny’s eyes shimmering in the light of the morning sun. “How did you learn how to do make up then?”
“Someone showed me and I practiced.”
“Magic’s the same.” Roy shrugged.
“Doubt it, otherwise I’d be able to do it.” Danny defeatedly sighed taking a drag from his cigarette.
“What are you thinking about right now?” Roy asked switching from trailing a circle to the same triangle as before.
“How toasty you are.” Danny smiled contently biting his lip. He doubted Roy could ever be cold if his skin radiated this much delicious heat.
“Think of a color.”
“Hm.” Danny pursed his lips to one side thinking it over.
“Green?” Roy asked after a few seconds of silence, letting go of Danny’s hand to snake his arms around his waist.
“Yeah? How did you know?”
“Danny.” Roy smiled. “Look down, baby.”
Danny furrowed his brows in confusion but when Roy raised his, flicking his eyes to his abdomen where Danny’s hand still rested the younger looked down reluctantly.
His mouth dropped open when he saw a small, green triangular fire burning in the palm of his hand where Roy had been outlining shapes a few seconds ago.
“Did you do that?” He looked back at the still proudly grinning Roy.
“No.” He shook his head giving Danny a quick peck on the cheek. “You did.”
“I made magic?”
“You made magic.”
Just as the words left his lips Danny squealed in delight throwing his arms around Roy’s shoulders giggling uncontrollably as he did.
“I made magic!”
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witchescompendium · 6 years
WITCHES AND WICCA 101 Sunday School week 1
As promised, from our first Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School week 1
Witches are not the supernatural creatures we have come to think of from movies, films and books. Witches don’t sell their souls to Satan, ride broomsticks, conjure otherworldly entities to wreak havoc on their enemies and cook little children. Witches are everyday people who live everyday lives who happen to know how to tap into the universe and try to live lives as one with the universe and the energies around them.
To be a witch does not mean you have to be a Wiccan, conversely, to be a Wiccan does not make you a witch. However these two titles, these two words have become interchangeable and often one is used in the place of the other. However many witches hold the same principles as Wiccans, respecting the earth and honoring the seasons, the gods and forces of the universe and nature. (as they are different I will refer to them as separate things unless otherwise stated in the following texts.)
Wearing a pentacle doesn’t make you a witch or Wiccan, calling yourself a witch or Wiccan doesn’t make you one either.  Wearing black and cloaks and pointed hats, another thing that doesn’t make you one. Attending rituals, sabbats and esbats, reading books, and internet posts and sites, or casting spells, none of these make you a witch or Wiccan. To be one (both or the other) you have to live the life. You have to understand what it means, what the responsibilities are of such actions.
The first rule most anyone practicing will tell you is Harm None. Self explanatory, Do what you want, but harm no one in the process, this includes yourself. Keep in mind, what you send out, comes back to you three fold. This isn’t limited to magical acts or spells; this is something to keep in mind for daily life. Act like a bitch you’ll get treated just the same but worse. All actions have consequences. And all magic comes with a price. Our thoughts, our words our actions, all of them have power and all of them come back to us. So think about that before you act hastily, or harshly. Remember that part of the responsibility that lies in your actions, can also affect other people as well, not just the one who is your aim.
Not everyone is perfect; we are all going to learn at different times and in different ways. Anyone who tells you they are perfectly in tune that they have studied for 20 30, 40 years and are masters and yet can’t cast a basic circle, or cleanse a ritual area, should tell you something. The effort you put into it is what the result will be. You can’t be a wayfarer studying when you want and expecting the world to bend at your knee. Reading only what serves your purpose and not understanding why you still can’t perform the simplest actions.
The other thing that many practitioner fall victim to is what I like to call “the Curse of want” This is where you believe and want all the items listed on the Tool list in a book. So you begin buying right away and suddenly you have 30 decks of tarot cards, 14 athames, 6 wands 45 quartz crystals, 8 cauldrons of various sizes and material,  mortar and pestles and  cabinets of herbs which you aren’t even quite sure what over ¾ of them actually are. I will admit that in the beginning I thought I had to have it all, but I didn’t rush out to get it. I took my time and let the objects and items find me. I will also admit I am one who loves to collect oracle decks and tools, but there are only a few of them that I use on a regular basis. Unless the others call to me, then usually I don’t even bother to bring them out or show them off.
What will follow over the course of the next little while will be a series of lessons and studies to not only inform but help guide through the process of deepening ones devotion and journey into the craft. This will include many different lessons, from basic etiquette in the circle, working with a coven, tools, timing, potions, spells, basic astrology, and more. We have already covered Dedication and the Altar, as well as Circles. Although I may touch on those things again as we continue, and re-share those hand outs.  
So what are the basics a witch or Wiccan needs to begin? That’s simple, their will, a general working understanding of what they are about to venture into and the dedication to achieve it. Focus, Silence, and understanding, which coincide with the four fundamentals of a witch, To Know, To Will, To Dare, and to Be Silent. I strongly believe that these “tools” will get your further in your journey than anything. So our first lesson is: Understanding what it is to be a witch, what that responsibility entails and how exactly these four things play a part in your everyday life.
Did you turn to the craft to gain phenomenal cosmic powers, to bend others to your will, to gain the ability to master the dark arts and conjure up spectral entities to avenge you when you have been wronged? Did you  come to the craft thinking you would sell your soul because you were seeking the ability to bend time and space to your will, to harness the supernatural abilities of the universe, to strike fear in the hearts of your enemies when your eyes change colors and you wield the power of lightening from your finger tips? Or did you come  with the hopes to fly on your broom stick to the dark reaches of the planet and gather the most mystical and unusual ingredients to whip up a powerful potion, physic or draught to bewitch and ensnare?
If you responded to YES for any of these, then you need to have a harsh dose of reality and a side or of grow up, super sized with a shake to wash it down. The truth is, that though many of these things are believed to be part of what a real witch is, none of them are the truth. Witches don’t fly on brooms, harness dark energy or use their powers or knowledge to strike fear into anyone. Witch don’t sell their souls or wield any sort of supernatural powers.
Witch is a name given to many, in old times it was given to pagans ore any of  those who still held the “old ways” of worshiping nature and the universe, as well as a God and Goddess, by the Christians because they wanted to convert the masses, and to demonize the faith and belief of one race or nation, was a great way to boost your religions supremacy. Over time the word Witch became associated with Women and Warlock with men. However a Warlock is not a male witch, they are a traitor to the kind, “an oath breaker” as the title translates.
Witches were knowledgeable on the universe and the energies of the world around them. They knew how to use this energy, and their own energy to bring about change, to heal and to grow. In the eyes of those seeking to destroy them they were doing the bidding of Satan and were evil creatures. The funny thing is, the Devil is a concept created by Christianity when it demonized other nation’s gods. When they call witches devil worshippers, it never strikes them that in order to be a devil worshipper, you have to first believe in the devil, which is a Christian concept, so thusly; wouldn’t it stand to reason that only Christians could be devil worshippers since they believe so strongly in him?
To Know, To Dare To Will and To Be Silent:
To Know: Know your craft, but mostly know yourself. You may not fully know yourself, there are plenty of us who don’t know who we are, but know who you are at this point and time. Know what your limits are, know where you stand. You are going to be the greatest mystery you will ever have to learn. Magic, ritual, these are things that can be taught, that can become easier with practice and repetition, but you change as you grow, as you evolve and learn. As you become aware of yourself you begin to leave behind values and morals which no longer serve or suit the you who you have become.
Knowledge is power, so it is obvious I think why To Know is one of the “greatest powers” of a witch. But to simply read, and commit things to knowledge, if you don’t know what you have read, and practice it. Knowledge is a great thing, but you have to have the Will to make things happen, but you have to first Dare to do them.
To Dare: To Dare I think is one of those things that can be interpreted in many ways. To Dare, to dare to be yourself, to dare to be different, dare to start living the life you were meant to, dare to see the possibilities before you, dare to embrace the life of a witch. Dare to be! To dare is to shuck off those feelings of doubt and hindrance, to step out from behind the curtains, to embrace those things that are taboo, or scare you. It is about not being afraid to do something. Being a witch is a life that can carry fear, because witches have a stereotype and we live in a society that generally Christian controlled. Anything that goes against the grain is wrong, evil and ridiculed, at the same time not daring to realize or recognize that so many of their own traditions started as Pagan traditions, yet still shun them. At the same time, our family and friends may not understand; either because they live with a mentality as many do, that Wicca or Witchcraft is a bad thing, or not completely understand what it is. By accepting that not everyone is going to understand but that is a path for you and you alone to tread, then you are already making leaps and bounds, and the Dare has begun.
To Will: Now that you know and you are daring, you have to have the will to bring it all together. The will is one of the most important parts. Because you can have knowledge, you can have the mentality to say you want to do something, but if you don’t have the will to follow through, then you have nothing. The will really is the guiding force behind your actions. Without it you really won’t achieve much. You have to be able to see what you want and go for it. The Will is the part that makes things happen taking that knowledge and making it into something almost tangible.  Think of it like this, you made a grocery list, and you know you have to go, but you don’t have the drive or motivation to go so you end up staying home and missing out on those things on your list that you want or need. With the will it’s the same thing, making the list, but you get up go to the store get what you need and come home and put those things to use. The will really is the most basic yet one of the most important of these 4.
To Be Silent: Silence is golden. Silence is a virtue. Silence can be deafening. Some people fear the silence. But few truly understand what silence is. And even fewer understand what Silence is as it pertains to, To B Silent.  To be silent doesn’t mean taking a vow of silence, it means quieting yourself, your mind. Listening to what is around you. If your mouth never stops how will you hear what the universe is trying to say? If your mind never quiets how are you ever going to understand what the universe is saying?  
To be silent also means to not go running your mouth to everyone about your practice. Some people feel extremely comfortable telling people they’re a witch (Wiccan) while others have to be more discrete. Some people use it as a way to boost their ego and to intimidate others by informing them of the fact. To some it is a title and that is it, for they feel saying they are a witch makes them one, and that if someone believes they are a witch then they will be less likely to mess with that person, or will perhaps be more likely to bend to that persons will. The Silence in this situation is especially important when you are a part of a Coven, for silence is a requirement. Again this goes back to privacy and in the old days it was a matter of safety.
Another thing, is silence is a vital part of your magic. If you go around boasting and bragging about your magic, you are going to weaken its charm. The rule is once you have cast the spell, don’t talk about it. Just let it go and do its job and rest assure it is doing what it is suppose to be. Talking about it weakens the magic, the more you dwell the more the expectations are built up to what we want to happen in lo of what the universe will let happen. (more on magic and how it works later).
Silence, will, daring, and knowing, our intentions, the fundamentals of a witch.
When you begin to know yourself, you know that you have truly begun your journey into becoming a true witch.
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asthesluthumps · 3 years
Cast Of Characters
Professor Dionysus “Dion” Bacchus:  New guy on campus.  Professor of  Viticulture and Enology Department.  Actually a god.  Currently hooking up with Kitty.  Calls her Sparkles. Submissive, cooks Mediterranean food. Loves wine and to party. Now in a relationship with Kitty and Bucky.
Professor Bucky Barnes: Was in a poly relationship with Kitty and Steve but that is donzo.  Professor of Chemistry.  The bottom to Steve’s top.  Does not want to settle down with Steve which causes friction and not the good kind.  Was formerly dominated by both Natasha and Kitty. Sweet guy, bad at relationships. Now in a relationship with Dion and Kitty.
Professor Ben:  Old school friend of Will, going to start teaching philosophy.  Kinky AF like Will.
Professor James Conrad:  Associate Chair of the Biology Department. Big believer in “relaxation techniques” that use pressure points to relieve tension.  And excuse to fuck the students.  Heart of gold but kind of a himbo. In an non-exclusive relationship with Moonbeam. He doesn’t believe in such stifling terms as “love”.  Has a katana. 
Professor William Hiddleston:  aka Professor Hoe. Professor of English Literature. Not a god. Gives good grades in exchange for oral sex and your panties.  Then sniffs those panties.  Was previously in a serious, but non-exclusive relationship with Professor Laufeyson, they have made amends. Boyfriend/Girlfriend with student Maddie. Favorite movie Princess Bride.   Has a twin brother Father Thomas Hiddleston.  
Professor Loki Laufeyson: Professor of History. Also actually a god. Currently in a non-exclusive, living together relationship with JTH. In a prior serious, live in, non-exclusive relationship with Professor Hiddleston. They have made amends. Has a sex dungeon in his office. Like deflowering the students.  Likes ice cream. Oh he created this whole universe.  
Professor Magnus Martinsson:  Professor of Criminal Justice. Currently hooking up seriously but not exclusively with Spoons. Dominant but definitely would be submissive for the right person. Loves bacon cheeseburgers.  Might have a temper.  Has an amazing metabolism.  Has an idiot cousin named Bill at the school.  Also has skills in mediation and negotiation.
Professor Topaz Mills: Works in the Registrar office.  
Professor Steve Rogers: Professor of Biochemistry. Formerly in a poly relationship with Bucky and Kitty. The top to Bucky’s bottom. Wants to settle down with Buck and be exclusive. Formerly dommed by Natasha and Kitty. Apparently gives blowjob lessons. FUCKING DICKWAD. Currently exploiting and preying on Annalissa.
Professor Natasha Romanov: Professor of Political Science. Bisexual. Former domme of Steve and Bucky but left them.  Has something going on with student Miss Quartz. Hooked up with Hannah at When in Rome. Mostly keeps to herself.
Dr. Ruth: Professor of Communication.  Also a couples therapist.  They need it.
Professor Thomas Sharpe: not much is known.  
Bill: He is funny, he is pretty, he is an idiot. Manages to get on the wrong side of Professor Hoe. His cousin is Magnus. Has no gag reflex and gives amazing head.
Hannah:  soccer player extraordinaire. Gets injured often. Got her cherry popped by Loki. REALLY hates Annalissa. Currently dating Escapo
Indie:  desperately horny Catholic girl. Involved with Father Hiddleston. Popped each other’s cherries. It is both filthy and wholesome. Good figure. 
JTH: Senior and sorority girl. Just changed major from interdisciplinary studies to Marketing with a minor in History.  Currently in a non-exclusive, living with Professor Laufeyson. Can be possessive and petty with little regard for the wake she leaves behind but has good intentions. Very loyal to those close to her. High school friends with Spoons. Generally game for anything. Currently hates Professor Rogers.  
Kitty:  Science major, but will welcome any credit in any area. Formerly in a poly relationship with Professor Barnes and Rogers. Currently in a relationship with Bacchus and Bucky. Is a domme. Has “punished” Father Hiddleston in the past for his sins as his requests. Punched Annalissa. Will fight anyone who tries to hurt Moonbeam. 
Miss Quartz: ( female, bisexual): Political Science major. Junior. A new student to SLUT. Transferred from another school but she rarely talks about why. Very studious, Type A perfectionist, teacher's pet. Is easily flustered and blushes quickly. Is currently crushing on Natasha Romanov (Black Quartz). Lost panties to Prof. Hoe.
Moonbeam: (female, pansexual, polyamorous): Xenobiology major. Sophomore. A very new age, open minded, spiritual person, guided by the energies she feels and the suggestions of her spirit guides. Reads Tarot at the coffee shop upon request. Is involved with Professor Conrad (MoonRad), Tanya (Moonya), Conrad AND Tayna (MoodRadya), Kitty (MoonKitty), Kitty AND Steven AND Bucky (MoonStukitty). Real name is Doris Mulvaney, but no one except Conrad knows that.
Sibyl:  New hot girl.  Wears designer chic. Is going to rush. Hangs out with JTH a lot.  Total party girl.  Loves being naked.  
Spoons:  (female, pansexual): theater major, has a Shakespeare kink, prefers to be a sub but will switch sometimes. Best friends with JTH. Is secretly a bit shy about initiating anything with anyone, but she's at SLUT for a reason and is down to fuck basically anybody, men or women.
Tanya Markova:  a quirky, new student from overseas; bi-racial, bisexual, and all bi herself. Taking biochem. (wow, we are heavy on the bi here. Anyway...) Is in SLUT's rowing team. Actually a nerd. Her distinct feature is her short, silver-grey, curly hair.
Other Adults
Father Thomas Hiddleston:  in the theology dep. He doesn't fuck casue celibacy, but will forgive your sins if you let him watch you masturbate and then will masturbate himself. That is until he met Indie, and now he fucks her. Regularly. Vows, what vows? Has since been fired, but plans to come back.  
Annalissa Grace:  (female, straight): Religious studies major, a nun-in-training. Huge bitch - tries to "save" the sinners on campus but is just a real asshole about it. Has no relationships; "relieved some pressure" with Prof Hoe one time, but now she's pretty sure that was a sin even though Father Hiddleston almost convinced her otherwise. Straight up bitch. Currently being manipulated by Professor Rogers.
The Great Escapo:  Former prisoner of the Gulag, Is out on parole now.  Current janitor (it is a thankless job around here.)  Enjoys soccer.  Dating Hannah.
Vinne the Hitman:  JTH’s cousin.  Yes he is a hitman.  Also bakes killer zucchini bread.  Plans to open a bakery and retire. Closest thing to a good role model JTH ever had.
Oakley the Bartender:  Full time bartender and budding porn star.  Has an OnlyFans page.  Loves shaking that ass for the tips.  Fucks in the bathroom at the bar.  And anywhere else.  Cousin to Bill and Magnus.  
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lunefrog · 8 years
🌸 Lunefrog’s Witchcraft Masterpost 🌸
These posts are from reblogs on my main blog, because for some reason whenever i linked them back to the original blog they either didn’t work or the posts were unavailable. There’s so many. please enjoy
 Practicing safe hex :
🌸 Curse reversals 🌟 The Guard Dog warding powder 🌸 Ash writing  🌟 Restraining Order Bottle 🌸 “Bitch, Be Gone” powder 🌟 Misfired curses & how to avoid them 🌸 Enemies have no power here sigil 🌟 Bury 2016 spell 🌸 Ward types and components  🌟 Spell to give protection to a loved one 🌸 Quick protection ward 🌟 Jiji’s protection spell 🌸 Deep cleanse shower spell 🌟 Patronus ward 🌸 Sigil cancelling
Getting nasty : 
🌸 Submit to the soil curse 🌟 Curse sigils 🌸 Spell to make someone understand the pain 🌟 A curse on white pride 🌸 Curse the perv
Getting spacey : 
🌸 Astral travel 🌟 Star grounding 🌸 Making each finger into a constellation - spell idea 🌟 Hedgecraft - a guide to astral work 🌸 Galaxy classification sigils 🌟 Garnet future vision 🌸 Dreaming with tarot 🌟 Meditation method 🌸 Constellation sigil code 🌟 Unique astral projection techniques
Spirits, beasts, monsters : 
🌸 Wikipedia monster compilation 🌟 Simple spell to call the spirits 🌸 Calling a familiar spell 🌟 Communication with spirits 🌸 How to contact nymphs 🌟 Spirit drive out 🌸 Spirits and dangers of spiritwork 🌟 General offerings for spirits 🌸 House rules 🌟 Why you shouldn’t use imprecise language 🌸 Thoughts on conjuring spirits 🌟 Spirit do’s and don’ts 🌸 Faeries
Pokemagick : 
🌸 Victini spell for energy and victory 🌟 Geeky idea / type stuff 🌸 Shaymin spell 🌟 Klefki “where’s my stuff?” spell 🌸 Working with pokemon spirits 🌟 Pokemon spirits and objects 🌸 Meowth’s payday spell
Correspondences, seasonal witchery, & misc  : 
🌸 Properties of sands 🌟 Times of day 🌸 Winter witchcraft 🌟 Winter witchy things to do 🌸 Spells and the moon 🌟 One word spells 🌸 The importance of salt 🌟 Salts - magickal properties 🌸 Cleansing crystals 🌟 Music genres
Guides and tips : 
🌸 Witch bottles - explained! 🌟 Cleansing in witchcraft 🌸 Gem sigil code 🌟 Other witches and you 🌸 Spell loopholes 🌟 Low effort witchcraft 🌸 Baby witch tips 🌟 Witchy tips for artists 🌸 Cool site for learning ancient languages 🌟 Some basic terms 🌸 Tips for writing spells 🌟 Methods for spells 🌸 Grimoire organization tips 🌟 Candle magic 🌸 Actions in witchcraft
Green witchery : 
🌸 Flower crown magic  🌟 Useful plant sigils 🌸 Two more sigils for plants 🌟 A beginner’s guide to growing 🌸 Plant protection magic 🌟 To those considering buying plants
Technowitchery :
🌸 Thoughtforms  🌟 Piskel!
Kitchen witchery : 
🌸 Soups and broths 🌟 A word to kitchen witches 🌸 Witch tip - draw sigils in oil 🌟 Magic coffee 🌸 Kitchen witch items for beginners 🌟 Food magic tips 🌸 Veggie correspondences  🌟 Gingerbread poppets 🌸 Fruit correspondences 🌟 Chai tea recipe from a wonderful human 🌸 Sugar, spice, and everything nice cookies 🌟 Hot ponyo recipe 🌸 Clarity hot chocolate
Emoji magick : 
🌸 Emoji curses 🌟 Ways to give emoji spells power
Feeling good and looking better : 
🌸 Soap magic 🌟 Banish dysphoria / encourage self love 🌸 On glamours 🌟 Rose quartz healing tears 🌸 Hair magic 🌟 Self care sigils 🌸 Celestial nail polish magic
Energy work : 
🌸 Energy sensing exercise 
Tarot and divination : 
🌸 Things to consider (when reading tarot) 🌟 Sentence/passage generator 🌸 Spirit companion communication spread 🌟 The yearly spread 🌸 Mermaid’s song spread 🌟 Seashell divination 🌸 Monthly forecast 🌟 Garden divination 🌸 Tarot questions 🌟 Runes 🌸 Tarot in magic use 🌟 Non-gendered suit associations 🌸 D20 divination 🌟 Dragon’s flight spread
Other masterposts : 
🌸 Spirit and energy work masterpost 🌟 Resources for wands and wand making 🌸 Fun ways to divine 🌟 Orriculum’s spell masterpost 🌸 Weather magic page 🌟 Protection masterpost 🌸 Spirit worker’s holy grail 🌟 Updated resource masterpost 🌸 Blood magic resources 🌟 Spellbook masterpost 🌸 Youtube divination masterpost 🌟 Emory’s back to school witchpack 🌸 Useful witch stuff
Edit: the links are now fixed!
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greenflamedwriter · 3 years
(Sixteen) teen woof;
My take on nogitsune.
Possession. Stiles gets posseed and then disapears. He’s mentally in a psych ward but he’s not there the nogitsune is like a weeping angel getting closer and closer.
Psych Ward [Not Real] Summer vacation when he’s home with the threat of an alpha pack [Real]
Lydia takes them to a basment shere the dead vessiln originally is.
Stiles see’s evidence of him doing things at the school (Cheminacls and bad pranks and threats, uses a camera and finds himself sleep walking. Figures out the ward is a fake since lydia takes him there and see’s it’s desolate and run down.
[This is fake as Lydia turns into nogitusne and it’s in his face, [
This place was never real, you’ve been asleep for a while,
Stiles wakes up harshly to see his pack before him and saying he’s been missing for two weeks.
They find stiles but he admits hes possesed. Peter tells them with Lydia and scott to go inside Stiles mind to combat it.
[Fake reality with scott lydia and Stiles at the school]
Fox chasing Stiles and Lydia then Stiles sacrifices himself and they all wake up back in the real world.
Stiles is currently playing Chess. In stiles mind their in the school and it has a golden glow of sunset once the sun goes down in stiles mind thats when the nogitsune takes over. Stiles wins and suddenly its noght and they find themselves at the real school and hear police sirens, ‘stiles’ laughs “Oh, oh he’s smart-” nogitsune lost his powers “ he sacrificed himself for you. Aha but trapped me in his place!”
Stiles was cold with a harsh air of amusment as he raised his hands “Sorry, Stiles is gone. And he’s never coming back.”
Next day, Noah drops of Stiles at Dereks and tells him to watch him, since the demon is weak as a human just not his son and can’t stand to look it him.
Derek takes in the imposter and as soon rises ‘stiles wakes up.’
Swarm chapter (Tails) Void finds the tails and reclaims each one reminiscing that he was close to eight tails until the oni killed him.
Knight takes Rook. (Possess boyd)
Checkmate. Finally all the pieces where in place everyone stiles had ever loved was taken hostage by an oni,
Scott, noah, dereck, mellisa, kira lydia, Alison Issac deaton,
Pawn, queen, king bishop bishop rook rook knight knight
he placed his hand onto the oak tree and placed the knifes of the oni by each point.
Then he suddenly uses mountain ash trapping himself inside. And talks of the japanise folklore and reveals that the nogitsune cant leave unless the body is changed.
Asks his family to snap the knives as the chest pieces to absorb the tails unti himself they obviously dint tryst him until.
“Do it, if you snap them I’ll bite of my own tongue and make you watch him die.” He slat clawing against the barrier pushing against it.
“Give them to me, and I wont kill him. “ it looked panicked until Derek remembered what peter said before.
“Chess is Stiles game,”
“It could be a trick-”
”no, the nogitsune always llays something else- I trust you.”
They snap it and the nogitsube splits apart like ink and tar fetting ripoed of stiles body Stiles falls away and yelps as he slips back of the tree stump with a roll and the black fox with intricate white lines and red eyes disapears into a puff of snoke, Stiles warily dtabds up and leads at te log to see the inage of the fix imprinted into the oak.
“We’re not done yet.”
“Hey spoilers for the ending this is basically ferngully”.
Absorbing the tails within himself does that. Stiles then devoits himself to the inari fox and becomes a kitsune himself changing his body it wasnt enough hence the tails turning into chess pieces.
The oni along woth Stiles at the god Kanima
“And thats, checkmate.” It burns out the Nogitsune like smoky tar pooling out of his chest it skitters and tries to escape the mountain ash but the chess pieces intercept and it explodes in a flash of light the inky picture of a inverted fix with red eye painted in the centre if the (tree).
Stiles panted staring down at the image, it alnost looked like the horryfying black rabbit from watership down.
“H-Asks deaton to trap the inky nogitsune into the tree. It grows leaves with japanise paper and red threads hanging through the tree branches the leaves blossoming.
Then stiles wins the last game.
Void is empty is sadness what feeds it?
He’s still a void kitsune but instead of anger chaos and strife its love peace family.
“But how is that a bad thing?”
“I need constant emotions of it or I’ll die.”
“Needy bitch arent you.”
Tarot structure. Exposition: The world Card. false sense of security, for now a repreive a sense of accompkishment and achievment and started the ball rolling of his next quest without realisung it. Prepares to take the first step of his next adventure.
Rising Climax :becoming himself like pinochio hes becoming a real boy. His transformation is complete and yet isnt. He wants to do something more serve somthing greater than himself he wants to share his gifts with others,
Like posses boyd cora etc
Climax do it yourself, turn trash into treasures create as much comfort and beauty in the world and pay attention to the smallest details.
Reciding carefully assess your work and invest wisely value good work but dont purchase above your means.
ending small but heartfelt acys of kindness can change the situation, accept the gift without suspicion
Stiles can see threads. And he is freaking out.
The nogitsune possesion affected his eyes.
He touches his dads thread of fate and Noah starts crying Stiles feels terrible but Kira’s mother (Forgot her name) Tells him his gift and it might fade with time. Instead it became stronger he became a kitsune like Kira but his ability is the void he can take things away and make them his own. But the nogitsune took away strife horror and agony. (Nogitsune only wanted angst) while stiles slowly figures out that love and trust and re tying his connections with the others. Erica Boyd Issac (Hell he even sorted their drama out tha hey scott issac was abused and now you’re flinging him around FU.) And finally goes to see Allison in hospital.
Everything was going great then Derek arrived with a red string attatched to stiles finger...Shit....along with the alphas.
Blue:Trust Green:Family Red: Soulmate Yellow: friendship White: New beggining : Black: Ill intent (Palm)
Plot story for both: Druid teacher lady did the sacrifices but wasn’t revealed yet for everyone to find the nemeton and she escaped to the other town with her magic to defeat the alpha’s both weren’t in beacon. Stiles deals with the nogitsune which happens faster than the series promised. Stiles switches through dreams and realty while both Scott and Allison deal with their own problems, the eichan house ward is not real it’s the (crying angel) Nogitsune that comes closer and closer it symbolises how close he is to posses styles the eissary deatons sister is the only one who can reach out to stiles in the ward along with lydia who founds him in the basement trapped alone.
Hotel translyvania.
Jhonny and Dracula get togetsr based on the first movie.
Everythings the same except
Mavis meets the vampire hunter vanhellsimg (who is teblling) at hawaii.
They adopt dennis while fighting against vladmir who is unaccpeting of Jhonny and the hunter.
And of the grandfather who fights against mavis for being a vampire
Nineteen: Little Mermaid.
Ursula (image of her holding up ariels chin with her finger telling her the deal)
Ariel starry eyed “On second thought) her finger stroking ursula's palm “Forget about Eric, I’d rather spend some time with you.”
Ursula + flotsam and jetsum (huh?)
Its like a beauty and the beast type deal.
Ariel goes out with her, but ursula said no- then yelled at her to leave. when flitsom and jetsum go with ariel and tell her how amazing ursula is (though she’s not)
“Instead of having these guys sitting there being useless and grabby how about you turn then back to normal send them to antlantica and have them be spys and report back.”
Ursual opens her mouth… then closed it. She did have her crystal ball to do that though.
Ariel waved her hand “Sure you can only watch one thing at a time on this though.”
Ariel talks to couple from song “You liked her before she changed.” He nodded “Yeah, i just thought if I wasn’t so wimpy and scrawny looking-”
“I like how you look.” The woman said her eyes tearing.
Ariel smiles l think you’re both beauitful. Everyone in atlantica is ‘perfect’. But there the same… you guys are different but beautiful.
The mermaid that saw beauty in everything.
Ursual takes ariel up top for a date the sailors watch these strange beautfiul sisters arrive Ariel and Vannesa.
Ariel has the vouce if an angel but ursual.
“Cannit two legs!” She snaps sounding the same making the sailors go nope. One had the voice of an angel alright but the other had the voice of a hag.
Ariels legs hurt from dancing and walking and vannessa sighs and tends to her legs. (Kisses her leg and Ariel flushes as scarlet as her hair)
Then they talk by the lake and ariel admits how her father destroyed her grotto and urusala. Is. Pissed.
“How dare he do that!?” She scowled “How would he like it if i came into his palace and destroyed his shit- fuck it we’re going right now!” Ariel stared then gasped “What no- Ursula you’e rocking the boat! It’s fine it’s okay!”
“Its not okay!”
She seethed her tenticles coming out and ursula saw ariel stare her mouth opened in shock.
Ursula reeled back in horror “Sorry- do they scare you?” Ariel’s face flushed bright “No-” she sounded breathless “No- I...like them.” Ursula blinked oh...oh!
She leaned forward on the boat “You like them?” Ariel leaned back “Yea-ah!” The boat tipped and they fell into the lake.
Ursula changed back from vanessa her form growing larger and saw Ariels face, Ursula looked away she never thought anything about her looks before, she was comfortable the way she was...but seeing ariel she felt rotten.
Ursula sighed with ariel cuddled against her in the lair.
“I’m sorry.”
“Hmm what?”
“I know you prefer my other form- that I’m not perfect.”
Ursula was fat and ugly and how Ariel was here had to be some joke from Tritan.
Ariel snuggles closer “Nonsense, your other form is nice but this is better- youre big and can hold me like this and your arms are so,” ariel breath leaning her head back “So big and your-” she flushed thinking of ursuala backside how it moved fluidly and her low cut back.
“My what?”
“Your ass.” Flotsum said snickering ariel flinched “No-”
“You’ve been staring at it everytime she turned around.”
Urusla only stared as ariel covered her face with her hands.
Ursula smirked holding ariel tighter “So you only like me for my body- i see how it is.”
Stiles and his dad have been moving alot since he was a teen and stiles had to mature a bit quicker because of it since he was smart he was able to keep up in class and managed moving around fine.
The only issue was both he and his father noah having to ask permission to te head alpha of the area for permission to stay there but thankfully that wasnt the case of beacon hills since there was no alpha to ask.
Being a werewolf was another thing stiles adapted to like a duck to water but then he met laura hale and saved her life from peter and now he has to deal with scott who was hitten as leter sees laura and derek as pack since stiles as an omega he doesnt count now stiles is helping scott with being a werewolf freaking out over allison helping derek who got shot pretending hes a hunter with the argents trying to stop gerard from sniffiing out the place while nervously asking lydia to the prom only to find his past catching up with him but this time he finally has a strong back including argents a fox and a banshee to help him and a druid, hi ms blake.
Derek slanned stioes against the wall and distrusts him and stiles is like itsyour uncle! If anyone should be slamming people into Walls it should be me wait- thats not right laura helps him out.
Stiles goes to peters alartment and asks to join his pack and stiles tells him his plan.
Sees noah get get shot by gerard and completely wolfs out and becomes a true allha to save him stiles went from omega beta to alpha now deucaln has his trail and stiles has a pack to follow him now as peter loses the allha power. Malia comes out the fold so now peter is chill they make erica issac and boyd into werewolves derek is naive to think that they were sick or alone and needed help stiles says its because if they disapear or die no one would care about them.
Exposition: hierophant
Rising emporer
Climx empress
Descending high priestess
Ending magician
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