#basics of trading
egberts · 1 year
A haunted herse Pokémon called ‘cardaver’
anon, this idea spoke to me when i first got this ask a few months ago, and after a lot of procrastination and a little bit of drawing, I present to you:
hauntwheel, cardaver, and vanslaughter
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they look like cars but they are pokemon
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hayden-christensen · 9 months
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#Hayden 'It’s also kinda fun to be in on the secret too' Christensen
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carrotkicks · 1 year
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basically girl skk but specifically before 22
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hisui-dreamer · 6 months
thinking about taisho era jade born into a merchant family and he's schemey and sly as usual but really he just loves purchasing strange flora and fungi from the west. and then he meets you, an orphan who makes a living by selling flowers that you grow by yourself, not knowing how difficult it actually for other people to grow said plants because you were born with an insane green thumb and so all plants thrive under your care hehehe. he's so intrigued by you he basically hires you as his greenhouse assistant and loves spoiling you with new flora and eventually accessories that remind him of your plants (giving someone a hairpiece = marriage proposal)
he's supposed to be marrying someone with a stronger family backing so he can increase his business relations but nope. he's dead set on marrying the person who made his heart bloom♡
more thoughts continuing here!✧Masterlist
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queenlucythevaliant · 8 months
Okay gang, here's a silly little game. I've assembled six teams of blended Narnia and Tolkien/LotR characters. Here they are:
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For bonus points, tell me in the tags where you're going on your road trip, who has what role (driving, snacks, aux) on the road, and what you'll stop off and see along the way
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tekatonic · 7 months
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the end of 2023 is nigh so i guess it's time to post the MS Paint Guy Collections
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 7 months
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YAYYYY A!SNATCHER REFS (and prince ig too ugh what a loser I hope he dies and— hey wait)
ily a characters design changing over time as symbolism <333
Close ups :3
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hellspawnmotel · 1 year
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terranigma, a cool game
#terranigma#terranigma ark#terranigma elle#terranigma meilin#art tag#im going to write a little review in the tags bear with me#first the negative:#the magic system is weird to use and basically useless apart from one boss thats almost impossible without magic#it has some weird racism like most old games where you travel around the world. a little more egregious since its supposed to be real earth#i found the main character to be slightly insufferable for about 3/4ths of the game. i came around on him by the end tho. he grows up a lot#and i found whats by far the largest section of the game (chapter 3) to be the least interesting#im not really into helping cities develop and trade quests tho so it might just be me#oh also it is STUPID easy to permanently lock yourself out of like 15 sidequests#and theres a lot of mandatory things that are really hard to figure out. you need to use a walkthrough for this#anyway thats what i didnt like#what i DID like tho. i dont want to get into too much detail but#its a genuinely beautiful game for so much of it#there were so many moments that left me speechless#its high-concept and thoughtful and fun to play#you dont really need to do much grinding either#at its worst its obtuse and cliche but at its best its breathtaking#and i really recommend more people check it out#special shoutout to my friend seona who modded my 3DS and downloaded a bunch of roms including this one#so in conclusion. terranigma is an underrated gem. play it if youre a 90s jrpg junkie like me#just have a walkthrough open also lol
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unicornpopcorn14 · 12 days
Wild thought, but I don't think skk's relationship was ever truly substantial until corruption got into the mix.
I don't think they even spent that much time working together prior to the events SB.
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Yes, they were still a powerful duo. They still maintained their relationship with bickering and teasing. But it was all a little shallow, never something deeper going on.
Which made way for so much misunderstanding and miscommunication to occur between them. They couldn't read each other well- Dazai didn't always predict Chuuya's wild actions, and Chuuya never saw Dazai past the manipulative demeanor/playful facade, so he never truly trusted his words on things.
That can also be proven by Chuuya's dynamic with the Flags, his doubt and anger and mistrust. While you can chalk his behavior to what happened between him and the sheep, a part of me is confident that his surface-relationship with Dazai played a part in that as well.
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Dazai and Mori were Chuuya's first impression of what the mafia world is, so anyone in the mafia should be like them, correct? That is what he was sure it was like: constant demeaning and manipulation, nothing genuine or real. So the flags' actions were always fake in his eyes, till the day they showed him a photo and he realized... Maybe they weren't.
But that deters us from the main point.
Skk's dynamic continued to be that of shallowness, which I imagine made way for many serious arguments between them when they were 15 for how differently they viewed things. They never really sat down, never had a moment of peace to just... talk or dwell or communicate. Never even bothered knowing the other past what they already know. Chuuya was simply Dazai's dumb and loud dog. Dazai was simply a suicidal freak and a bastard to Chuuya.
Until SB's events happened...
Specifically, this scene:
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Clearly, this was the first time Dazai has shown that he cares about Chuuya without any filters or connotation. This was the first time Chuuya has seen Dazai being directly genuine with him.
And as mentioned, this was the first time Dazai was ever completely serious with Chuuya.
All because of Corruption.
And it would remain a trend from then on. Dazai's tone would always shift at the mention of using Arahabaki, of Chuuya's free will, of turning to Corruption as a last resort (see: corruption analysis).
These moments were raw. These moments were real.
And Chuuya would witness those moments that disprove his initial thoughts of Dazai simply being a heartless, soulless and twisted person. With confusion the first few times, then comprehension so deep it shifts his worldviews entirely.
Corruption forced soukoku to work along for more missions, forced them to see each other at their worst, lowest instances. Forced Dazai to witness Chuuya's quiet moments, forced Chuuya to experience qualities of care Dazai only reserves for special, special people...
Forced them to intensely understand one another, whether they liked it or not.
And ever so slowly, the trust that was built was something no one can ever shatter, no matter how many years of separation urged them to...
"What's with you, asking something like that?"
It's that moment. The moment sokouku's relationship became something so, so much more...
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sincerely-sofie · 1 month
Ohhhh, Anon's perfect apple ask is now giving me blessed imagery of Dusknoir cutting apple slices into bunny shapes. Maybe for Opal, maybe for him to show off, either way.
The soft, the dexterity, the GENTLENESS after such a prolonged period of violence he had undergone. Opal called him her gramps for a reason, after all.
(Referencing this post)
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Hey how does it feel to have given me a prompt that had me tearing up all throughout the process of drawing it because of how unbearably heartfelt and endearing it is?
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theladyofbloodshed · 7 months
it's so weird to me that horses aren't utilised more in acotar or carriages or ships??? like mortals seem to use them and eris rode into battle on a horse, but how are regular fae getting around if they can't fly or winnow or do they just exist and not go anywhere else
can they visit other courts? are there relationships strictly limited to the court they reside in?
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gammija · 9 days
musing about what a translation of the silt verses would sound like and immediately running headfirst into the problem of whether and how to translate 'Sister Carpenter'
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the NPCs holding off on having their plot relevant conversation until I'm done selling 500lbs of tableware to the merchant:
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nordickies · 8 days
What were Sweden, Norway and Denmark like during the Viking era? I'm just curious what your thoughts are on that, as someone who is more familiar with the England-side of that period of time.
I have personally started to lean towards the idea that maybe they didn't do that much in the Viking Age! I think there was a "generation" before them who played the role during that time. Norway, Sweden, and Denmark were perhaps born once the petty kingdoms started to be unified, so the 8th-10th century. That means they would have been children by the late Viking Age, spending most of their time in their respective countries rather than living the "Viking lifestyle" we associate with the period. Perhaps their elders took them on journeys every now and then, but they were still just literal children
I don't know if anyone else agrees with this, but to me, it's a fascinating idea. Also, there is potential for some angst; imagine what a hell of a standard that must be to live up to. Their elders were notorious and highly feared Vikings, who ruled many parts of Europe and traveled half the planet. When the state structure and power dynamics between their countries started to change, it was the youths' time to take over. All three were probably clueless as to what they should do. And the growing influence of the Papacy probably affected them a lot, they were gullible youngsters seeking any sort of mentor in their lives, after all. I think the fact that they weren't running things during the Viking Age gives them interesting motivation to try and find their place later on, and live up to the past glory of their elders (or the supposed glory they have imagined in their head)
But that's just my thought experiment, I think there's so much interesting stuff regarding the Viking Age, that you could easily write an essay! I don't really know where to start with the introduction; the time period lasts for centuries, after all. I can't help but recommend @ifindus blog regarding this topic specifically. Their takes are top-tier and helpful if you seek to learn more about the Viking Age and how that could affect the Scandi personifications! I feel like I'd be just repeating the same points here because I basically agree with it all. But if you have specific questions or ideas you'd like to explore, feel free to ask more!
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filmgecs · 6 months
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more baseball sketches bc my art blocks been so bad <3
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marclef · 6 months
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art trade for @eskariolis-con-salsa! i feel an immense amount of joy every time i look at this boy
i found out that this is a thing though and i think Gnocchi would really like it.
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