#bat headgear
corrodedbisexual · 4 months
Modern-ish Steddie AU where they meet in jail.
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Steve shouldn't even be here; he got arrested for shoplifting, but it was all a misunderstanding. He was actually trying to prevent a shoplifting when he saw a couple of kids stuffing chocolate bars into their jacket pockets. They bolted, and he chased after them; unfortunately, he was still holding a bottle of (rather expensive) wine in hand as he did that, so he ended up the perceived cause of the blaring store alarm while the two shitheads escaped with zero consequences.
The store's got security cameras. So it will probably be fine, right? It will all be resolved soon enough. Steve just has to wait.
What makes him more nervous is the guy he's sharing the cell with.
Wild curly hair, tattoos all over his exposed arms and one peeking out of the collar of his shirt, the man wears orange like he was born in it. He seems to be about Steve's age, in his early 20s, but it's hard to tell. When Steve's brought in, he's lounging carelessly on his bed, trying to fold a piece of toilet paper into what looks like a crane.
The guy looks dangerous; who knows what could provoke him. Steve just settles quietly into the corner of his own bed at the opposite wall, drawing his knees up to his chin and trying to keep his head down. Literally.
Except every time he glances up, the man's rather intense stare is on him. Five minutes into this awkward silence, Steve can't handle it anymore, so he clears his throat and speaks up, still choosing to look at the floor.
"So, uh... what are you in for?"
He cringes immediately. It's probably the worst possible question to ask, and one most likely to get you a punch in the face. But when Steve looks up, he finds his cellmate fully grinning, now busying himself with tearing the toilet paper into little bits.
"Oh, just a bit of murder," he answers casually. "Our lord Satan requires sacrifice, you know."
Steve's almost convinced the guy's fucking with him (because surely, murder suspects are placed in separate cells from the minor offense folk, right?) but he's still a little terrified.
The guy (Eddie, Steve finally learns the name, although that might not be a real one) keeps talking, throwing balls of paper into the toilet by the wall. He keeps missing; there's little bits of white all over the floor already.
He says he's been to prison twice. Grand theft auto and arson. Escaped both times, apparently. He's planning an escape right now, too. Goes on, with a manic grin and wild gestures, about how one of the guards is actually a member of his cult, has got him covered.
It all has to be bullshit. It has to be. Steve doesn't dare comment on it, because at the small chance that it's actually true, he's fucked if he pisses this guy off.
A single paper ball finally lands inside the toilet, and Eddie whoops so loudly that Steve almost jumps.
"Aaaand the crowds cheer, boys'n'girls all going wild screaming his name!" Eddie yells, rapidly drumming his palms on his thighs. "It's the rising star of the new hot game of pottyball, it's Eddieee Munsooon!"
Yeah, so whatever the man was or wasn't lying about, Steve's not about to engage. Eddie's clearly all kinds of insane, he thinks, watching out of the corner of his eye as the guy, seemingly over his silly little game, starts wrapping the toilet paper around his head like a turban.
Except five minutes later, Eddie apparently decides that Steve's much better entertainment than toilet paper. He rolls off the bed and strolls across the tiny cell, stopping right in front of Steve, who in turn is doing his best to become one with the concrete wall behind him. With a shit-eating grin, Eddie strikes a pose, hip jutted out and one hand trying to keep the unsteady headgear in place.
"D'you think I look like a beautiful prince, Stevie?" He asks, batting his eyelashes. (Oh god, why did Steve tell him his real name, what was he thinking.) "Would you go on a magic carpet ride with me?"
Steve can't help it. He bursts out laughing. It almost sounds like Eddie's trying to flirt with him, except Steve stands by his insane conviction, because who the fuck flirts like that?!
The laughter doesn't seem to deter Eddie. He's grinning even wider now, and then he plants both hands on the bed on each side of Steve and leans in, tilting his head.
"Well aren't you pretty when you smile, princess."
Cold sweat runs down the back of Steve's neck as a sudden implication of what might be happening here hits him. He's only heard about it from like, movies and stuff, but does this actually happen? Oh shit. Is Steve gonna become this guy's prison bitch? Jail bitch, technically?
What's worse, a tiny voice in Steve's head suggests that maybe it's not so bad, actually. Eddie's a lunatic, but at least he's hot. (Really hot, if Steve's honest with himself.) And terrifying, so nobody would mess with Steve so long as he's Eddie's... whatever.
Thankfully, Steve's saved from further contemplating his hypothetical future prison life by a key rattling in the cell's lock; Eddie immediately leans back and jumps across the room, so by the time Chief Hopper steps through the door, he's already sitting cross-legged on his bed, hands folded in his lap, a picture of pure innocence.
Hopper turns to Steve first, something apologetic in his voice as he says, "We viewed the security camera footage, you're free to go, Harrington."
With a relieved huff, Steve scrambles to get up. Meanwhile, Hopper turns his attention to Eddie, regards the half-fallen-apart ridiculousness on his head, rolls his eyes and heaves a tired-sounding sigh.
"You too, Munson. Next time someone dares you to streak through a public space, just pick truth instead, would ya?"
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Ten minutes later, they both walk outside in their street clothes. Well, Steve's in his street clothes; Eddie's only garment is a thin grey medical blanket Hopper's helpfully provided him with. Eddie's wrapped it around himself like a toga.
"So..." Steve turns to him and smirks. "How much exactly of what you said in there was total bullshit?"
Eddie cackles at the question. "I'd say about... ninety percent. I clearly am a rising star of pottyball, you know." He waits a beat for Steve to laugh, then adds, "And you do have a very pretty smile."
Steve bites his lip, feeling heat in his cheeks at the compliment. In the light of day, outside the cell, it's like he sees Eddie for the first time, in his silly blanket toga, squinting at the bright sunlight. And he feels ridiculous about ever thinking this man could be dangerous. Insane? Probably. Full of shit? Oh, definitely. Hot? Yes, very much. Dangerous though? Laughable.
And so, Steve finds himself asking, "Wanna get coffee and tell me something real about yourself?"
Eddie looks surprised by the offer, his smile turning a little bashful, and he hides behind a lock of hair before looking down at himself and chuckling.
"I'm probably gonna need some clothes first."
"Nah," Steve teases, briefly checking him out. "You're rocking this outfit."
"And you're absolutely right, I am, but unfortunately this thing is about five seconds from falling apart," Eddie pointedly fixes the half-loosened knot on his shoulder. "And something tells me Hopper won't be so lenient about repeated public indecency."
Steve giggles and finally takes pity on the guy. "Okay, my car's parked, like, two blocks from here. I have some clean gym clothes you can borrow."
"Lead the way, pretty boy," Eddie grins and follows him with a goofy little twirl.
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salmonight · 1 year
DannyMay 2023, Day 15: Full Hazmat AU
Tittle: The Cleaner: First File
Summary: One day green glowing monsters started appearing and attacking cities all over the globe, and with them, arrived 'The Cleaner'. The Justice League has not uncovered any real information about them to this day. Meanwhile, Danny in a full hazmat suit: 'People can't even let me take a friggin nap!!'
One day,  green glowing monsters and people started to appear all along the globe. No one knew where they came from, only that they enjoyed wreaking havoc wherever they showed up. 
With the entities came 'The Cleaner' as they were titled. They always appeared no more than 10 minutes after a villain - from the ‘Green Dimension’, as they named it - showed up, and contained them in ten seconds flat,  immensely helping in keeping the damage to the minimum. 
The only saving grace was that these aliens never got anyone killed. Everyone in the Justice League found this observation extremely bizarre. But even with no casualties,  the repair costs were enormous. 
No matter how much the JL looked, there were never sightings of the figure other than during the fights, when they seemed to appear out of thin air. Internet searches came up blank as well, only filled with excited rants and candid photos taken by civilians. With these, they concluded that “The Cleaner” was either a) a brand new hero previously unknown, or b) from the same dimension the glowing entities came from. The whole League was miffed, with the Bats even more so, collectively losing their shit over having no contingency plans against the unknown figure.
Fully covered in a red and black hazmat suit nobody had a clue about their identity,  even their gender was shrouded in mystery. Somehow their outfit, even without being overly baggy managed to hide any distinguishing bodily characteristics that otherwise would have been visible. 
Until…. one day,  one of the speedsters overheard the ‘Cleaner’s’ rant. 
It went as any of their usual fights with the green monsters did. Not even a few minutes after the beast started to destroy the buildings, their mysterious hero materialized into existence in front of it. Instead of immediately throwing a punch like they expected, ‘The Cleaner’ instead stared at them with the most deadpan expression they could convey with a helmet on. For some reason, the speedster got a huge 'I’m-so-done-with-this-shit' vibe. Or that was just his overactive imagination. It was hard to tell with the headgear on. He must have gotten it right though, because then they tiredly put a palm to their face with one hand, and, without looking, flicked open the lid of a tube and sucked the entity into it with the other.
Surprisingly, The Cleaner didn’t immediately disappear once the monster was gone, so he took a few steps closer as they hung the green, metal tube ( which he could now tell was actually a soup thermos? What? ) back on his belt and pulled out an honest-to-god cellphone.
He didn't even have to strain his ears to listen in on the ensuing phone call since they were talking pretty loudly. And boy, did they sure sound pissed. 
“I swear to the Ancients, Tuck,” the ‘Cleaner’ complained, motioning with their hands aggressively to emphasize their point “If I have to come to fetch another one of these god damned brats I'm gonna treat them the same way they act and build them a time out corner in either the warden’s prison or the palace. I'm pretty sure both Walker and Frightknight would love to teach them a lesson about tact!"
There was a pause as he listened to whoever they were talking to on the other end of the line. “No, I don't care that they’re centuries older than me. If they act like spoiled children they get treated as such!” 
They let out an annoyed harrumph “I was taking a nap, Tuck. A NAP!!! You know I don't take naps! Not to mention I’m retired! What the hell am I? Their nanny? I don’t even get paid to clean up the messes they make! Can't they just keep their ecto ass sitting still in the realm for at least a few centuries to let me take my well deserved break!? But nooooo, these asshats have to make even more paperwork for me to do!" 
“When I told them not to break into Amity anymore I did not mean for them to go to another dimension and terrorize a whole-ass-planet!!!” The ‘Cleaner’ threw up their spare hand in exasperation.
 Their grumbling still could be heard as, with a wave of their hands, a portal opened, made out of a green swirling mass. Ignoring everyone else’s presence they stepped into the portal as it was the most common thing in the world. 
The speedster could only watch and gape at the now empty air. They certainly did not know they could do that. 
Now that he remembers though, they did sound like a male didn't they? He couldn’t estimate their age from the voice as it was very muffled coming through the headgear, but it was definitely not feminine.
And that's how the Justice League got their first ever info about the mysterious ‘Cleaner’.
Finally,  the first real data was entered into the vigilante’s (?) file: 
Alias: “The Cleaner” 
Gender: Male 
Origin: UNKNOWN 
Appearance: UNKNOWN
Power(s): Flight (or hovering,  unconfirmed which), Super strength(?), Teleportation(?), Portal creation (confirmed)
Weakness(es): UNKNOWN 
Costume: A full  black and red hazmat suit. The headgear has a black, unreflective screen that has green orbs (eyes?) shining behind it. Matte black gloves, combat boots and belt. There are compartments added to the belt. Content: UNKNOWN 
Weapon(s): a metal thermos(?) with green accents
Personality: UNKNOWN 
Affiliates: Tuck (?) (no file available)
Takedown plan(s): Impossible to make without further data 
Note:  The entity always deals with the threats quickly and effectively. Their moves speak of prior experience. 
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The one that helped betaing this work once again is the lovely Amateum!
My hands were itching to draw something so in a 'why the fuck not' mode i drew Danny's file.
Except as sequel of this with arts and all fellas cuz am already preparing it!
The sketch:
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fractualized · 9 months
2023 Batjokes Secret Santa Round-Up
Happy holidays! Big thanks to everyone who participated in the exchange this year. Gifts are listed below, split between art and fic, and SFW and NSFW. (Most art titles are unofficial, just text for me to link.)
90% of the gifts are batjokes; nonbatjokes are at the end of each section. I’ve included some other notes and warnings with the links, but as usual it’s on you to check fic tags.
🎄 SFW Art
Summer Selfie [Lego Batman] by arcthie
Lego Meme/Holiday Wrapping/Shark Repellent [Lego Batman, DOTF] by batjokestm
Joker by botoartist
Destined Dance [Telltale] by chokit-pyrus
Team-Up Selfie by clownedcrime
Under the Mistletoe by flurpyz
Gentleman's Arrest by the-hopeless-fanboy
Caught in the Spotlight by kitty-cat-boi
Partners [Telltale] by Koda
Christmas Sweaters [Batman '66] by garrett-strangelove
Cozy Christmas Evening [Telltale] by maple-chuu
Christmas Headgear [Telltale] by m-e-f-y
Rooftop Dance by metionohre
Caught by pipermint8magic
The Joke's On You [Batman '66] by Nex
His Bat and His Clown by occultkings
Playing Cards by pinkopalina
Keeping A Promise by powrbottomjoker
Visiting Room by riddlekid
I Won't Tell [genderbend] by Star
Loving Embrace [TDKR] by stewbud
Snow Globe [Telltale] by stryx123
Knife Dance [BTAS] by vongeist
Eye to Eye [riddlebird] by foolcunting
The Heart Outweighs All [twiddler, mild gore] by Ingo
Well-Trained [Punchline/James Jr] by venombiote
Wallypillar [Welcome Home] by marxtheimpish
Octogoblin Christmas [Spider-Man] by moxis
🎁 SFW Fic
Normal People Things (Rated Mature) by bang-the-smoke
once isn't enough (Rated Mature) by batsyjokes
This Strange Effect (Rated Explicit, but not in chapter 1) by battybrownboo
A Fine Addition To My Collection (Rated Teen and Up) by darkpurpledawn
What to Get for the Man Who Has Everything (Rated Teen and Up) by faygomonkey
kiss me (you animal) (Rated Teen and Up) by luxamea
That Deathless Death (Rated Mature; vampire Bruce) by superherogrl
I’ll Be Your Mirror [Breaking Bad; Mike/Jesse] (Rated Mature) by TheDykeKnight
🎅 NSFW Art
Hello Nurse [bondage] by drones-art
Lazy Morning Breakfast [pregnant Joker] by Emilia
Santa Lingerie by K
Tunnel of Love [TDKR] by Mara's shelter
Threshold by razzbatty
Men of Science [extremely dubious consent, Arkham staff] by Ring
⛄ NSFW Fic
let our bodies be awoken (Rated Explicit; zombies) by distortopia
I want to make you proud and play with your head (Rated Explicit; AU) by fractualized
If I missed your gift, let me know and I’ll add it.
Happy Holidays!
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smallgodseries · 11 months
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[image description: Against the Klieg lights of a dark city, the glowing bright eyes of this sneering night stalker are in direct contrast to his extravagantly silly, er… ‘eccentric’ rubber (or is it leatherette?) headgear. Text reads, “64, The Scowl ~ The Small God: Vigilante Headgear”]
It’s raining in Dark City. 
It’s always raining in Dark City. Urban legend says the clouds cleared once and the sun broke through, on a Thursday afternoon in the middle of July. Men vomited, women wept, non-binary people fled shrieking from the light, and a surprising (not surprising) percentage of the city’s population was revealed to be vampires looking for a safe refuge. 
The streets are silver in the moonlight, barely brightened by the glow of street lamps that haven’t been cleaned since the industrial revolution. People hurry, their coat collars popped high, their hats drawn low, their hands oddly empty of umbrellas. There’s no point in Dark City. Umbrella or no, you always wind up getting wet. 
The sound of screams splits the night, shrill and insistent, and what seemed to be a gargoyle on a nearby rooftop straightens and springs into action, revealing itself to be a lithe, long-limbed man who is inexplicably wearing skin tight gray spandex while he does his evening parkour. No one who sees him bats an eye. He is justice. He is the law. 
He is a private citizen with no legal authority or training in conflict de-escalation. Dark City has never had a police shooting. The police are too busy helping the criminals—many of whom had to be bussed in from other communities; the people of Dark City are smart enough to choose safer professions, like lion-taming or shark-fluffing—through their recovery and rehab. 
Somehow, they never seem to catch The Scowl. Even though he seems like he’d be fairly easy to find, they’re all too scared to put the hours in. Last year he paralyzed a man for tax evasion, and broke another’s legs because he’d been seen jaywalking. 
The people of Dark City are afraid. But when asked why they don’t leave, they shrug and ask, “Have you seen his hat? Cool hat like that, he must be a good guy. 
“He must be on our side.” 
He’s not.
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howlingday · 1 year
Can we see a Bleiss interaction (wholesome if possible) to Rusted Knight Jaune and all the emotional baggage that comes with it?
Wholesome Bleiss? Is such a thing possible? It's about to be.
"Thanks for the save, Rusted Dork, but you mind telling us what the hell happened back there?" Bleiss said, her weapon kept firmly in hand.
"Jabbawocker." He answered, his voice muffled by his helmet. "But... there's not supposed to be that many. Neopolitan somehow became much stronger than before."
"Wait, hold on." Blake said, stepping forward. "How do you know about Neopolitan?"
"How don't I know about her?" Placing both hands on his helmet, he removed the headgear to reveal a familiar face. One Bleiss hadn't seen in what felt like a hundred- no, a thousand years! "But that's not important now, is it?"
"Jaune..." Ruby gasped.
"No way..." Yang's jaw fell slack.
"You're the Rusted Knight?" Blake asked, appalled.
"How did you get so..." Weiss looked him up and down, before shuddering in an excited breath, "mature~?"
The rest of her team looked at her with a mix of emotions. Ruby with confusion, Blake with surprise, and Yang with bemusement. Bleiss probably would have attacked if she wasn't already leaping for Jaune.
"Hey, easy, Bleiss," Jaune chuckled, "I'm still a little sore. Uh, from the fight, I mean, not from, uh-"
"Darling..." Jaune fel silent as he heard her voice. It was small, and it was cracked, but most of all, it was with tears.
"You're alive." Bleiss heaved. "Oh gods, dust, Brothers, or whoever else is responsible for this, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you..." She wept onto his armor, and he pulled her closer to him. For a brief moment, he felt his eyes well up with joy.
"I'm sorry, but," Jaune pushed her away, "we have to get going."
"Go?" Weiss asked. "Go where?"
"There's no time," Jaune waved, "I have to get back to the village."
"Village?" Bleiss asked. "But darling-"
"There's no time." With that, he lept onto his jackalope steed and lightly kicked their haunches. The knight began to ride softly, but swiftly to the next adventure.
"Bleiss, are you-" Weiss' hand was batted away.
"Don't touch me." Bleiss huffed, walking after her beloved. "And don't think I'll ever forget that you just got a daddy kink for my darling, you homewrecker."
As Weiss fumed, Bleiss continued her quickened pace alongside her darling. Glancing to him, she noticed bags under his eyes, an extremely tight grip on the reins, and a fast breathing flaring in and out of his nostrils. Jaune was agitated, and by what she wasn't sure. But whatever it took, she would bring her darling home.
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xxcatzladyxx · 1 year
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Tengen Uzui x Reader | The Sound Pillar
Hello everyone! ^^
Here is the third oneshot. This time with the god of flashiness, Tengen Uzui.
I would like to thank you again for all the likes. I never thought that Giyu would get more likes than Kyojuro. Do not misunderstand. Giyu was my favorite first and foremost. Now it's Kyojuro/Tengen.
I hope you enjoy reading!
"You want me to be what?"
"You'll be my fourth wife!"
"But you have a bird!", you make the appropriate gesture to it. "You already have three wives. Isn't that enough for you?"
You two argue so loudly that by now every other pillar has interrupted its activity and is watching the two of you. But you do not let yourselves be disturbed.
"Yes, I have a bird, a crow to be exact!"
"Very funny, Tengen! Has the worthy gentleman hung up his job as a demon hunter and become a comedian? Or did you just have a clown for breakfast? I have a crow and so does every other pillar here. The only difference is that none of them wear such stupid headgear."
The loud laugh from the Pillar of Flame, Rengoku, rings out.
"You see, even Kyōjurō has to laugh at your comedy already."
"He's more likely to laugh at you than at me, my dear!" grinned the Pillar of Sound to himself.
"Don't call me your love!" you cross your arms in front of your chest and turn away from Tengen.
You snort once, hard, annoyed. Tengen rips your nerves to the core.
"So, what now, my dear? You won't meet a flamboyant man like me a second time.", he emphasized the word 'my love' extra hard to annoy you.
You roll your eyes. You don't understand how you can be so sure of yourself. Healthy self-confidence is good, but you can also overdo it. Just like Tengen.
"Are you deaf? No, I'm not going to be your wife! I won't today! I won't tomorrow! Not in a week let alone a month either! Never! Never in my life! Just get it out of your head!"
You are slowly but surely at the end of your rope. If you continue to argue with him, you won't have a voice tomorrow. You're more than sure of that. You would put your hand in Rengoku's fire. He is still laughing loudly about your quarrel.
Actually you get along with him brilliantly. But right now, you're so pissed off at Tengen's stubbornness that you'd love to shut Rengoku up without batting an eye if he didn't stop his stupid laugh right now.
"Then in one year, my dear!" grinned Tengen victoriously.
Confused, you turn your head in his direction.
"Huh?" you quip wittily.
"You said not today, not tomorrow, not in a week and not in a month, however you never mentioned a year. So, my dear!"
"I know what I said. Are you slow on the uptake? I said never! That goes for all time!"
You want to throw more at him, however, you know that would just be a pure and pointless waste of time. You wave him off and go your way. You need some peace and quiet and decide to go for a walk.
After a while you arrive at a flower meadow. You stop and enjoy the view. Here grow your favorite flowers, lilies. White lilies.
You pick one and turn it back and forth in your hand. White. Snow white. Like the hair from the pillar of sound. Dumbfounded, you stare at the lily. Why does it come to your mind, though you only push it away from you? Does it seem to please you against your own will? You just don't want to see it? And you tell yourself the opposite?
Let's stick to the truth. He's good-looking. He's quite tall. He's got great muscles. His eyes are captivating. And his deep voice. The only thing that bothers you about him is his stupid attitude. Who does he think he is? A god? For a shiny, flamboyant god? God of flashiness? God of festivals?
"So you like, lilies? Very interesting. I'll have to make a note of that."
You give a low shriek and in shock, the flower falls out of your hand and onto the dirty ground. With a scowl, you turn to the troublemaker.
"What do you want here?"
"I have to look after my future wife, don't I?"
"Tengen, how many times do I have to tell you...!...Oh, forget it."
He picks up the flower again and carefully puts it in your hair without breaking eye contact with you. You blush slightly on your cheeks.
"I will bring you a bouquet of white lilies every day until your house is filled with them for good."
"Tengen, no!" you interrupt him. "You must be a great man, or husband, whatever. Your wives may be lucky to have married you, too. But I can't imagine sharing a husband with other women."
"So that means if I wasn't married, you would become my wife?"
"Tengen, don't do anything stupid!"
You can already see the scene before you of the demon slayer breaking up with his wives just so you'll marry him.
"Yes or no?" he ends your head spin.
"Maybe, Tengen, maybe."
You make your way home, leaving him standing there. He doesn't mind, though. Not in the least. He has a plan and he's faster than you anyway. He'll give you a nice homecoming you'll never forget. And with a certain piece of jewelry piece.
I hope you liked it! I am open for any requests. No spoilers, but spoilers! Next time it will be Kyojuro with a Lime/Lemon. I'm still not sure exactly what it is.
See you next time!
Your Wolfi <3
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calciumdeficientt · 19 days
What if I asked for more max headcanons.,., *bats eyelashes*
Ohohohohhoh okay can do. Fuck that weird bitch forreal
Sensitive to light, silver, garlic, holy water and cru- oh no wait. No no no hold on that’s a vampire. My bad. He’s probably just sensitive to light from all the many hours spent trawling the depths of Reddit like some kind of goblin, and maybe has some kind of allergy to silver jewellery. He’ll die if you stake him through the heart but that seems like pretty standard procedure for any living creature. Maybe sprinkle a little bit of holy water on him, or text him a bible verse or something if he’s annoying you and he’ll get out of your hair.
Hunched constantly, unlike Gary its not intentional, he just has bad posture and just a smiiiiidge of scoliosis that never got fixed because he kicked and screamed and bit so much has a kid that his parents, nannies and other caregivers refused to attempt putting the back brace on him. So now he stands at that creepy angle all the time, and probably will for the rest of eternity. The hunch will only get worse as he ages, so when he’s and old man he’ll probably be folded completely in half like a contortionist.
Technically his DAD is the one with the knighthood, he was given it for charity work he did in Africa. Max just uses his title as leverage over the preps. That was actually how he got in, he was asked for a name and as soon as ‘Sir’ left his lips they were rolling out the red carpet for him and preparing a room private room in Harrington House. Likely commandeering one of the other, poorer preps’ rooms. The IV part is real, he was named after his great great grandfather, who had ancestral ties to the East India company but we don’t talk about that… wait what’s that red dot… its moving oh god. No N-
Has a series of lab rats he likes to do tests on. Noting crazily sinister, just little mazes. Although sometimes the mazes are more like labyrinths, equipped with little minotaurs in the form of his pet snake Basil. He likes seeing them work through the puzzles and often doesn’t name them until they’ve succeeded in at least one maze. They have to earn their names, its pointless getting attached to them if they’re completely brainless. Taffy is his oldest and best rat, as well as being his best confidant and just generally the snuggliest.
The phrase ‘say it dont spray it’ was invented the day he got his headgear on by the way. Super cool claim to faim to be honest. He cannot say a single sentence without drooling on himself or others. It’s really incredible how much spittle one boy can produce. Even when he’s just sat there, he produces volumes of saliva that could easily fill an Olympic sized swimming pool, his mouth doesn’t close all the way, so its not really his fault he drools like an old, blind English Bulldog.
Really wants friends and approval. He raised himself from when he was old enough to dress, shower and otherwise exist unattended. Hence why he clings to Gary like a barnacle and much like a barnacle, he’s just as much of a nuisance. Gary gives him praise, approval and guidance, much like his parents were supposed to. So he hangs on his every word and praises him like a god. He has a little shrine in the corner of his rim full of Gary’s stuff. Discarded notebook paper, old yearbook photos, gum. its as creepy as it is wholesome. He just likes to keep the mementos. Very is his first and only humans friend, so its safe to say Max is more than a little obsessed with what he has to say. Because of this sheltered past, it makes Maxwell Gary’s personal errand boy and puppet. He’s more likely to get away with stuff because of the privilege of being rich, and that little weasel knows it.
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mynutpanda · 11 months
A common trope in an art around Jason makes me feel a bit weird (I mean you do you, fanart is for the artist and all that).
It's where Jason is noticeably scarred up or in group images more scarred up than the other members of the bat family/clan or the other Robins.
And it seems to me that it has more to do with him being the bit of rough rather than anything to do with anything in Canon or Fanon.
Like all of the Robins have injuries that should leave them visibly scarred – Dick got shot in the God damn head for fuck's sake. But Jason (excepting Arkham Knight Jason and White Knight Jason et cetera) got a complete reset on his scars when he came back to life and since then has worn or almost full face headgear (and yes I know the Joker managed to get fucking gas into it and god damn Joker war). But what I mean is he's kept himself pretty well covered and protected compared to other members of the group.
For example you never see Stephanie depicted like that despite the fact that she was cut up and tortured by Black Mask or Cassandra despite the fact that her training by David Cain should have left visible scars.
But you will the one character known for being working class (not the one character who is working class, but is known for it), known for growing up incredibly poor in fact, is now built like a tank, has a common Fanon theory of being a bit of a bruiser, he's frequently depicted with way more scars than his counterparts.
It's got to the point that it is now a trope, and one that seems pretty classist to me. Why would Jason and only Jason be the one with visible scars. Well sure you can go with arguments and say well he's got no legal identity (apart from he kind of does now) but that wouldn't mean he wouldn't care about his appearance, wouldn't need to go undercover, and so forth.
In terms of kinda shitty tropes in fanon I certainly don't think it's the worst, but I do think it's worth thinking about why so many fan artists default to making the poor kid covered in scars.
Just to say, I'm not saying I don't like one or two discrete scars. Personally I like to see a couple of small scars on all of the Bat clan. I think there should be evidence of their work, but I think they should all have evidence of their work. I also don't think one should be noticeably more scarred up than the other. But that's my personal taste there
edited because dragon dictation really did a number on what I was saying this time!
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katyspersonal · 1 year
or do you both love him
I forget.
AHAHAHAHA well it is hard to tell... You see, yeah, me and @heraldofcrow are both his fans... But also not fsdhhfdhfds
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(fhsdhfdhfds JHFSDHGFSD OKAY OKAY LOOK Crow sorry idk how to make this meme aroace just imagine that you have a wholesome sleep-over after a night of bad movies and yet you still wish it was Luther LOL fhsdhdfs)
AHAHAHAHAHA okay to the topic now
❤️ Basically, we co-share the headcanons with @val-of-the-north since he learned of the character sooner than I did, yet I was the one who got obsessed xd You can see repetition of a lot of it here: ( x )
❤️ Basically, I think he is having a similar process going on in his body as what Azur and Lusat faced! Only with Blood Glintstone instead of more average "cosmic" one! I see it especially supported by how his headgear looks when altered:
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Like... Just TELL me that his upper half of the head is not turning into a glintstone at this rate fdshfhdsfd But I assume similar process is going all over his body, especially his arms. Again, similar to the brothers!
❤️ I think that he drops not his own tongue upon defeat, but rather, he cut off Ensha's tongue for talking shit about him!! Ensha is stated to not only be an unspeaking character, but also have weird 'golden' bones, whereas Alberich is said to have been driven mad by jeering tongues... The item he drops is called 'taunter's tongue' and it IS golden colored, and there is nothing to say the rest of Ensha's body (especially entrails) could not have turned golden as well... Basically, I think it was Ensha who got screwed up fdshfhd But I also fully support Alberich xd
❤️ Yeah, correct, Val infected me with 'Alberich is Gideon's son' headcanon... Which would mean Alberich is at least half-Nox! ( x )
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That makes me think that in younger years, Alberich used to have yellow irises, that only turned red as the result of his sorcery.... ...until he simply lost his eyes. lol.
❤️ With that said, of course, Alberich can perceive things perfectly without seeing them! Despite upper half of his face growing bloody Glintstones and him losing normal eyesight, he can still perfectly perceive any creature that has blood in it nearby. Think of a "vision" of bats, or more close to home - vision of Choir, Vileblood guards, etc. Naturally, anyone without blood, or more specifically, without red blood cells, would evade him... Basically, Alberich can't "see" crabs.
❤️ He DOES have vampiric behaviour and features. He will gladly not only use blood of the murdered for more Blood Glintstones, but also to add extra flavour to his tea fsdhfhsd However, he doesn't always have to kill someone. Sometimes, drawing their blood suffices.
❤️ Val was right, lol; Alberich fell for the trap of being able to do any sort of atrocity for as long as he could punish himself for doing so with religious self-flagellation -_- If you ever wronged him - it is a MUCH better idea to let him "punish" you for that, than to resist and become his victim. At least, you will survive the punishment. Like Val said and I seconded, he has a twisted idea on sin + punishment.
❤️ I am not actually as sure at the idea of Alberich having hated Nepheli as Val! I do think the two had a slight age gap, so when Nepheli was a child, Alberich was a teen. But I personally see the two as having had some good bonds as involuntarily siblings! Especially since Alberich was yet to discover the Blood Star as even a concept in his teen years! He however already was fascinated with grim, dark, bloody concepts... So when Nepheli would murder a scary monster and bring it's eye/fang/blood/etc as a trophy - Alberich was sure to find a use for it! He was just a slighly-asshole type of an older brother for her, although he could tell Gideon valued her for merely being easier to control -_-" (we also kinda hate Gideon on this blog fhsdhfd /j)
❤️ He DOES have severe daddy issues, though. That I fully accept. Whenever he accomplishes something important, he does think of how stupid Gideon would feel for not having trusted him.
❤️ He will often speak to himself, and they are some creepy things. He gained his nickname thanks to people who'd overhear him doing so.
❤️ Absolutely agreed that his "politeness" is more often than not a mask. You can only learn more of his true personality by talking to him for more than 2 minutes. But Alberich never counts on a long conversation, all too comfortable being by himself and the "revelation" he discovered. He will kiss lady's hand, though, unless she is like Dolores (masculine) or like Nepheli (feral and a warrior).
❤️ He has sharpened fingernails, though, and enjoys stabbing his own palms to extract blood and cast lesser blood briar sorceries. He will, of course, enjoy scratching his "wrongdoers" with them as soon as he could corner them. He is also especially powerful for a few days every month for no reason in particular
❤️ + Cut content headcanon! (is this even a thing...?)
The images of his set pieces picture his blood Glintstones having some green part to them. This made me think of Sellen - another sorcerer notorious for her sacrifices of other people in her pursuit! That made me wonder if notably green Glintstones Sellen has emboldened in her crown are of the same nature as Alberich's bloody sacrifices. More specifically; if Glintstones of Alberich are simply more grim and "progressive" nature of Sellen's green Glintstones.
Checking of Alberich's set on my player character unfortunately proven that 'green' part of Glintstones on Alberich's set is simply a design error... maybe? They show up on item image but not on the character. It made me hesitant on the headcanon, but I decided it was still worth a mention!
Basically, I REALLY love this character, actually!!! I became obsessed with him from the very first day I even learned who he WAS, because the vibe of insanity + blood appeals to me like nothing else! He falls for the trope of a character that witnessed something not meant for humans and went mad that I LOVE, yet he feels so... harmless? So individualistic and genuine? I love that he minds his own business in pursuit, rather than deciding for the rest of the humanity what is good for them. Not counting his unfortunate victims for "bloody sacrifices"... But I feel that he only sacrifices people who were 'bad' and actually committed something evil; Alberich considers his actions as doing them a favour in atoning for their sins. He reminds me of my headcanons on Mic0lash a bit, with my headcanons that Mic0lash believes he is doing his victims a favour, "kindly" letting them be a part of something bigger. Likewise, Alberich believes he is "saving" the sinners. And if he went too far...... right, he simply punishes himself with the briars for that. xd
Thank you for the ask!!
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technofinch · 2 years
Major League Sports Team Bird Logos: Rated
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Toronto Blue Jays
10/10. Extremely polite. Made the honor roll, but doesn't brag about it. Does not know what weed is or how to use it.
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Baltimore Orioles
0/10. The mascot of a children's cereal in hell.
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St. Louis Cardinals
9/10. Handsome, but with shifty eyes. I think he's just anxious that someone is going to hit him with a pitch.
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Baltimore Ravens
3/10. Not what a raven looks like.
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Philadelphia Eagles
8/10. Fierce, dignified, and the malformed beak means that he has friends who love him enough to keep him fed when he can't hunt for himself. A paragon of teamwork.
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Atlanta Falcons
4/10. The newest addition to the DC comics roster: BatHawk.
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Arizona Cardinals
6/10. The St. Louis Cardinal after you hit him with a pitch. Randy Johnson, watch your back.
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Seattle Seahawks
6/10. Gets points for the Kwakwaka'wakw style, but there's no denying the fact that this bird was hydraulically compressed.
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Atlanta Hawks
7/10. Simple, but with personality. Just look at those eyebrows. Points docked for owning a ringlight.
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New Orleans Pelicans
10/10. Now THIS is a fucknig bird, baby.
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Detroit Red Wings
0/10. Not a bird. Just some wings on a tire.
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Philadelphia Flyers
10/10. Also not a bird, but I'm scared of Gritty.
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Pittsburgh Penguins
8/10. This bird is ready to fight. Points deducted for lack of proper headgear and continual leg day neglect.
Chicago Blackhawks
-100/10. Not a bird. Just racist.
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Anaheim Ducks
1/10. Possible proof that a duck passed by this way at some point, but it's long gone now. Disappointing to those of us hoping to see birds.
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Louisville Bats
100/10. A very good boy.
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urapunk · 17 days
(i need him dead) + (mentions of my own ocs)
He's awful. I hate him obsessively. I feel like he likes to bite people. Like, people he only knows a small bit. Bit Bruna's elbow when she (accidentally) almost elbowed him in Mr. Hattricks class.
BEGS his friends for something from the vending machines. Usually stuff he cant have either, like sucker candies or gushers, maybe even caramel candies. His headgear doesn't last more than a year, its ALWAYS being replaced.
Loves to annoy Emery. He watches as she struggles at math til tears prick at her eyes, because its just funny. He says she's dumb and it makes her red, but she still doesnt know how to get him away..... So she solved it by using a fire extinguisher as a baseball bat against the back of his ribcage
Only one was broken.
Galloway is DISGUSTED when max turns in papers, covered in drool from his excited pride at doing good. Somebody duct tape his mouth shut, i beg.
Has been locked in a locker many, many millions of manies times. It doesnt matter which locker room either, but it always seems to be the girls. (He becomes the new mop. Christy is SURPRISINGLY strong.)
Like, 3 people like him. Even Algie doesnt like him, as if drooling is any worse than his 'weak bladder'.
Once got his ass beat by CONSTANTINOS, of all people. He also stole maxes shoes for the hell of it. He found his shoes later in the boys lockerroom stuffed in the toilet. Constantinos really celebrated not getting his ass beat.
His fascination with gary is horrifying. Has made multiple reddit posts about how gary doesnt appreciate him like he should.
Emery starts to REALLY hate him after 4 months. He's always saying something cocky or wrong, and its always confusing her and playing with her sensitive temper.
"No you're doing it wrong!-" and he's met with a scowl that the devil would gawk at.
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lilyofthesword-writes · 2 months
Untitled Alchemy (Batman One-Shot) Follow-Up
Thought I would post a snippet of a WIP I’ve been working on now that I’m trying to write again. It isn’t finished yet. Maybe then, I’ll know what to name it.
This is a follow-up to a Batman One-Shot I had done a while back titled Alchemy. If you like what you read here, try giving Alchemy a shot!
Let me know what you all think!
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A floorboard creak sent you bolting upright in your shared bed. Sometimes being a light sleeper worked in your favor. Did Torrence have another nightmare?
You swung your feet over the side of the bed and stood. The floor lightly squeaked under your weight. Strange. It wasn’t as loud as—
Clomp! CLOMP!
You snatched up the wooden baseball bat near the bed. That was not Torrence. You glanced toward your partner to find them still fast asleep. It was near impossible to wake them up before their alarm. Sucking in a breath through your nose, you steeled yourself with a white knuckled grip on the bat.
Clomp! CLOMP!
There it was, again… You opened the door and peered into the hallway. Nothing.
Clomp! CLOMP!
Was it coming from upstairs? Was it down the hall? It was hard to tell.
Clomp! Creeeeaaak! CLOMP!
That high-pitched groan… The floorboard in the living room had that particular moan.
You sneaked as quickly as possible on your toes, praying it would minimized the noise, down the hall. The relief you felt from your successful silence was short lived as you peered around the corner.
A bulky, tall figure loomed near the window in your living room. The clouds outside parted to let the moonlight fall on them, harshly highlighting headgear with pointed ears ontop and a nearly floor-length cloak clutching to broad shoulders.
Your grip on the bat tightened impossibly further. You were 100% regreting your decision to confront the intruder alone…
Their head twitched toward the hallway, toward you.
Crap. They couldn’t have possibly heard you… Right?
They turned away from the window. The breath caught in your throat.
The cloak (maybe cape would be a better word) parted as they moved, revealing the black and gray clad form underneath of well-formed muscles suitable to a long practicing fighter, presumably male. A gloved hand reached out slowly, shakily, shifting the cape further. The suit was torn and bloodied.
Then, you finally looked up to his face. The headgear was more like a cowl. All it allowed you to see was a bruised jawline and busted lips.
The breath that had been stuck shoved its way into your lungs as a gasp. This man looked like a train wreck. But… how- why was he in your apartment?
One boot clunked lightly toward you, the other followed clumsily.
Clomp. CLOMP.
Any normal person would have bolted by now. Not you. Something stirred in your chest, a familiar flame. You weren’t going anywhere. You would protect your family.
His pummeled mouth parted, hoarsly calling out.
He- It was… It was your name. He was calling out to you.
The wooden weapon wavered in your hands. You retightened your grip. No. You wouldn’t let him best you.
Then, like shutting off an old CRT television, his figure distorted and vanished. In the window, the clouds shrouded the moon once again. Something else cast its light from a far rooftop onto the cottony canopy - a symbol shaped like a bat.
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theminiartblog · 11 months
The Storm Will Be Over Soon
The little drabble I made for the DCAH writing contest~ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
One dark, stormy, Halloween night rolled around at the Pizzaplex. The day had been busy, but the evening hours had been even more hectic. Kids were hopped up on sugar and Fizzy Faz, dressed in their best costumes, and waiting to either go trick or treating, or spending time in the Daycare as they waited for their older sibling to have their fill of pizza and fun. 
The lights in the daycare were dimmed for the night too, not for naptime, but to let the dual daycare animatronic play a game of Jekyll and Hyde, and switch as they pleased. Not too dark, not too bright, just right. It wasn't often that the two were able to do so, as it bugged their sensors just a tad, but they were too happy to get to share time together to mind it much. It was nice, seeing them work together, playing switch-a-roo games and voice swaps, and their quick change skills were top notch. Moon was dressed as a true creature of the night, cloaked as a vampire, while Sun was a happy, perky werewolf, with two fuzzy ears attached to two of his rays. The ears were gray in color, with piercings on the side just like Roxy's. He joked that he could give Roxy a run for her money looking like this. The kids argued however that Roxy was always the best, and they liked him just the way he was. That certainly made him swell with pride.
Meanwhile, you, who were almost always in costume on account of uniform, were able to let loose a little; dressed as a spooky little demon with a silly red horned headband. The rest of the outfit was pretty casual however, with a rare Halloween themed Fazbear shirt, and a comfy pair of slacks. You had allowed the boys to choose the headgear the day before. It was either that or become a kitty cat. Sun joked that he might have to chase you, being a werewolf and all, wiggling his fingers at you menacingly.
“Nooo, anything but that.” You laughed, batting him away, “I don't know how many lives I've got left!”
In the end we already know the winner.
All that fun was about an hour ago though, as the last child was now waiting to go home. Moon was keeping that final kid entertained, and you were taking a bit of a breather, sitting on the playmats, hydrating, and even having a few pieces of leftover candy. All of a sudden however, it had gotten pretty quiet. Peeking an eye open, you looked to where you’d had last seen the naptime attendant, he was much harder to miss than a tiny tot, but he was nowhere to be seen. Slowly you stood. Where had they gone?
The rain had picked back up, and there surely must have been a flash of lightning as the air around you boomed with thunder. Startled, you flinched, and a child yelped from nearly right behind you. Turning around quickly you were suddenly met with not only Moon behind you, but what looked like a big spider too. You let out a screech of your own, quickly jumping back. The child, getting their second wind, jumped forward out from under Moon's cape, and the two little jokesters shouted, ”Boo!“
In Moon’s hand was a dangling toy spider, and your face flushed.
”You guys!“ You whine, taking a few deep breaths. ”That wasn't funny.“ You continue with shaky laughter. You try to look mad, but the sheer embarrassment could only provide a wobbly smile. The child giggled wildly, and Moon gave a giggle of his own.
”I told him not to do it!“ Sun chimed in, with a rotation of their head, rays peeking out as the daytime attendant’s voice took over. “Oh please, it was a harmless prank.” Moon replied, pushing back. You could only shake your head.
A knock at the door, and it seemed that the child's parents had finally come to pick them up. The child hurried over, and Sun quickly took charge to follow them and bid them a safe farewell. You watched the two toddle off, and rolled up your figurative sleeves. While that was being taken care of, now seemed like a good time to start cleaning up. Toys back in their places, candy wrappers and empty snack containers into the trash, and blankets folded nice and neat after some kids just couldn’t last the night and needed a good nap. Sun started to help as well, finishing up with the check-out and that made things all the faster.
“Sorry again!” Sun piped up.
You cock your head to the side. “Sorry for what?”
“The joke! Bad timing is all. We didn't mean to scare you along with the thunder.“
”Oh! That, no it’s fine. It was just a prank. Don't worry I wasn't actually mad.“ You smile. ”But thank you anyway, you're so swee-EEP!” 
Another roar of thunder, and you tensed. Shoot. Don’t be such a baby, you chanted in your head. Sun turned his head towards the sound of thunder, before beginning to reach for you. ”You know if you'd like we can-“
Another big boom, and suddenly the lights went out. You let out a yelp, as pitch darkness took over and something seemed to grab you. You dared to open your eyes, and were met with bright red ones, having been swept off of your feet in an instant.
”M-Moon?“ You croaked out.
It only took a moment before the generators kicked in, and the space was filled with light once more, but Moon stayed back from the direct beams of light before sitting down, cross legged and placing you down in his lap. Removed from his embrace, his hands moved to the sides of your face, covering your ears. You could still hear, but a bit muffled.
A gentle tune began to play, quiet and soothing, their music box. You look up at him confused.
“Don't worry, the storm will be over soon.”
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Find the AO3 OC version here
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whatsbehindthefacade · 4 months
@hatchetfieldgazette asked: ❛ i’m trying to fix your hair, so hold still. ❜ ruth to richie?
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"My hair does not need fixed, it is kawaii." And it had taken him a solid thirty minutes and half a pot of hair gel to get it just right this morning, yet Ruth it seemed was determined to climb up his side to change it. Grimacing, he tried his best to lean his head away from her reaching hands, trying to wriggle out of his friend's grip, with not the best amount of success. Ruth might have been small, but she was deceptively strong and he was arguably not despite being lanky (when he wasn't hunching anyway).
Richie wriggled again. "Ruuuuttthhhh, get offffff..." he whined, trying to shove her off again, while simultaneously trying not to knock off her headgear at the same time. "Ruth, you're gonna ruin it, let go!" He had not put in so much effort for it to get squashed now. And he was proud of it too. Ruth just didn't understand anime, that much was clear to him as he tried to bat her hands away.
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real-life-senshi · 5 months
i'd be super interested in a past life for EoT! (also i think it's impossible to try to write something for SilverMilliennium era stuff without trying to worldbuild your own lore lol)
Thanks for dropping by and letting me know you're interested! I'm glad, coz I have started working on different scenes. Starting writing gets me even more serious with the world-building. lol
Here's where I am at with the Mercury Kingdom:
Mercury - Agua Machyna (temp name)
Aka Aquadom
Most technologically advanced among the kingdoms
Governance and culturally prioritized efficiency; scholarly and technology-focused.
Runs on diarchy, the two highest rulers are titled "Sage", gender doesn't matter.
Sages are selected intentionally seeking the balance between one being elected based on their scholarly passion and knowledge, and the other ruler based on strategical and logistical prowess. Intelligence and communication skills (+ charisma) are two minimum requirements to be elected as Sages.
Culture and vibes: Very scholarly and academia-focused. Not necessarily about looking for the next new thing, but more in the sense of always wanting to find the right answer to things. Disputes and conflicts are settled by... debates and evidence. Rarely violence. Tents and explorations vs towers and building of research and tech labs, libraries, and clinical facilities. Explorers vs historians & scholars vs crazy scientists or inventors, and advanced medical knowledge.
Many underground habitats and full cities were built because of Mercury's temperature given its close distance to Sol (Sun).
Multi-factors on the planet, based on profession/skill. (like no one would bat an eye when they hear an explosion in the Inventor's Corner [City]. But that would scare the crap out of all scholars in their book towers in the Scholar's Cave [City].)
Clothes: Kinda plain, not decorative or extravagant, a mix of futuristic vibes with retro-ancient vibes. Usually just a maximum of 2 colours in any outfit. Focuses on functionality, max 2 layers. The top layer changes depending on climate/temperature. Big hoods! Round-hoods for explorers and archeologists (outdoor exhibitions), pointy-hoods for scholars (library and academy go-ers), and no-hoods for lab workers and doctors, coz they need to wear all sorts of protective or assisting headgear anyway.
Affinity/Superpower: Water. Mercurians have varying degrees of attunement and adaptability to extreme temperatures due to their affinity to water to self-regulate temperate against cold or heat.
Motifs: water, round shapes or raindrop shapes, curved lines (river/water flow imagery), brightness, clean almost sterile.
Lifestyle: chaotic but healthy? There are a bunch of health and safety regulations and also daily reminders to make sure their people are eating and working enough instead of everyone becoming either hunchbacks from reading or blind from overusing their eyes for weeks on end. It's a 24/7 lifestyle though, people just choose when they want a break, when they wanna sleep when they wanna eat and make sure the appropriate personnel/machine/resources are always available when they need it. People are oddly absent-minded when they are not thinking about things that are their area of expertise, that's why they have technological helpers for daily stuff.
Upbringing: talent- and asset-focused; they let children naturally observe and choose what they gravitate towards or show skill in and follow the path of professional schooling and apprenticeship from a very young age. Would be shitty for folks who want to do something just purely as a hobby, or decide later in life they want to change course, but not impossible.
Reference considerations:
The Quen and the Old World from the Horizon series
The Banuk's design from the Horizon series, specifically the glowing wires in their buildings and appearances.
The Zonai technology from LOZ TotK
The Shiekah Researchers/Scholars & Zonai Survey Team from LOZ BotW, AoC and TotK
The Mages from Aspio in Tales of Vesperia.
The Institute's hideout from Fallout 4
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manie-sans-delire-x · 11 months
Sounds like you might benefit from going to a smash room where they give you protective eyewear/headgear and a bat so you can smash plates and stuff
Oh definitely. Ive been wanting to go to one
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