#batb fan fiction
amplifyme · 11 months
I have an update on Acquainted With the Night! :DDD
Finished Part I (of III); and Nan's writing is stunning. Only watched the Pilot episode of the show (will watch more when I get my hands on the series), but she nails the atmosphere and ALL of the character voices and motivations and is so beautifully, intelligently capable of so many things on so many levels. Incredible. (Glad you sent me the wikipedia link to catch up-- never would have seen those plot twists and turns coming from a mile away.)
I love Diana, love her to death. It's interesting approaching her character through a (I presume) post-series lens as opposed to seeing and growing attached to Catherine's love story. She's already firmly attached to Vincent; but the love really blooms after slowly getting used to his life Below. And him and sunlight...???? Beauuuuuuuuuuuuutiful, uhhh.
I love the quiet, the dark, theatrical fairytale mixed with the brash-in-check, empathetic street smarts of an on-the-ground, workaholic cop. Mouse's backstory (I understand now why you love his character so much), Vincent's teen years (Winslow and Pascal-- Nan's writing made me remember their character names within paragraphs of meeting them) Diana's loft, the computer, the fire, the roses, the danger and injuries, the tunnels, the wedding, the Bowry... but most of all, Vincent and Diana's completely in-sync communication that doesn't require them to "speak" the same and yet understand each other's language: ex. she calls him babe and yet he never asks why until halfway through; she defines rape and sits, watching him come to his own conclusions for over an hour; she cops out his motives yet misses the nuances, but understands his flowery interpretations and translates them with her playful and crudely simple analogies; etc. His trauma and gradual acceptance of and outreach for touch was... touching (heh.)
I'm so hooked on this series. Aaaaaaaaaaand I found "To every craft, its proper mystery"! What a surprise~~~~. (I tried to type the phrase into my search engine to see if it was a quote from somewhere else, too; and thus far nothing-- the only search results that come up are your blog, unprompted, and a few other assorted sites.) There are so many quotable lines that happen every other sentence... and all of them are beautiful.
Again, I am delighted that you posted the excerpts you did; otherwise, I would have missed out on a brilliant, brilliant story.
Responding under the cut...
You have no idea how happy this makes me! One of my favorite things in the world is being able to share this magical world of BATB and Nan's AWTN series. I've long considered it one of the best pieces of fiction ever written - fan or otherwise. I have to pull out the zines every couple years or so for a re-read, just because it's that good. I just wish there were scans of the zines themselves so you could experience all the fan art, too.
Your presumption is right: this is written through a post-series lens, often referred to as 4th Season fanfic. I love that you loved Mouse's origin story! Cat and Mouse is one of my very favorites in the series.
Oh, I was gonna warn you about You, Darkness, since it's a rather dark (but truthful) portrayal of Vincent's otherness and drives home the fact that he's not just a man who looks like a lion, he is a beast, too. So many of the Classic fans (those who ignore or deny the 3rd season and only accept Vincent with Catherine) prefer to overlook that beastly aspect of Vincent and don't seem to understand the terrible toll all the killings he committed in Cathy's defense had on the part of him that is a man. In the episode The Outsiders, Cathy tells him that there are dark places in all of us. His response sums it up well: "But part of me feeds in that darkness, and I am lost in it."
The S2 ending trilogy of What Rough Beast, Ceremony of Innocence and The Rest Is Silence examines the damage that darkness did to Vincent. Nan novelized those eps in the official book Beyond Words, Beyond Silence, which is my second favorite of her works. It's on the web page I linked you to and well worth reading to get a better understanding of Vincent. One of my favorites in AWTN 1 is Dialogues, because it really drives home how damaged he is post-Catherine. It also explains why I came to love Diana so. She never wanted a watchdog or Vincent's protection. All she ever wanted was him, in all his aspects, no apologies, no excuses.
The entire 3rd season is set up as a sort of flip-side to the V & C story. In it, Diana is the one to find an injured V and bring him to her home to heal and grow stronger. She's his protector. And I love that about her.
"To every craft, its proper mystery." ❤️ That's the single line of Nan's that's stuck with me all these years. It just really struck a chord with me. Such a short phrase, but it packs a punch.
Anyway, I'll stop before this becomes novel-length. Enjoy your journey, and keep me updated. You get to meet Devin, Vincent's brother, in AWTN 2. Oh, and As On a Darkling Plain is so, so good! I'll give you the backstory on that one once you get through it. I sure hope you're able to find a way to watch the entire series soon!
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redrascal1 · 2 years
Okay, all reylos and Kylo fans know how toxic and vile the JCF is towards us...
.....but they have NO RIGHT to use Kasiopeia's beautiful art as a 'rock to beat us with'.
They got their own way; DLF catered to the haters and the 'reylo is an abusive ship' brigade'.....we lost our favourite character, we also lost Rey - because I don't recognise the creature she became in TROS. And we lost our BatB romance, which thanks to Jerrio is now dead in the water.
But we are entitled to our fan fiction, thank you very much.
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ginnyweatherby · 5 years
What’s this?  A new Beauty and the Beast writing challenge?  Could it be?
As usual, I’ve been ridiculously nostalgic for this fandom, so it was a no-brainer that I would participate... unfortunately, it came out at a time when my writing inspiration has been at an all-time low.  Nevertheless, I will try my hardest to contribute, even if the stories aren’t my finest, and/or if it takes me longer than fourteen days.
I decided to start off with a little Maurice, because he’s underrated and deserves some recognition, darn it.
Day 1:  Bread
Maurice was frightened.
Frightened, confused, and heartbroken.
How was he supposed to go on living without the woman he loved?  The mother to his child?  The one person who believed in him, when so many others called him crazy?
This wasn't how things were supposed to go.
Over the years, he’d often found himself daydreaming about the future they would share.  They could move out of their tiny loft - into a big house with space for his paintings, and for Belle to run and play in... or perhaps with a library for his wife’s countless literatures.  Maybe they would move to a farm with an expansive property for Phillipe to graze.  He even toyed with the idea of a few more anklebiters at their feet.  The possibilities were endless!
But no matter the fantasy, he had always been accompanied by his wife.  As long as they had each other, they could have anything.
... He never once imagined he would be clutching their baby girl in his arms, running off anywhere safe he could take her.  He never imagined he would leave the love of his life on her deathbed, as he loaded the horse's cart with any belongings he and Belle might need.  He never imagined his daughter grow up without her mother.
He didn't have a chance to say goodbye.  His wife was going to die without even a proper farewell.
Belle fussed, she was probably getting hungry.  How was he supposed to feed her on his own?
“It's alright, darling,”  Maurice cooed softly, as he urged their horse to move faster.  “We're nearly there.”
Where “there” was, he didn't know.  Paris had always been home.  He rarely left the city's limits, and was now wandering aimlessly.  He was disoriented and lost… but, could he truly be lost if he didn't know where he was headed in the first place?
He knew they would have to stop soon.  He was also getting hungry, the sky was darkening, and the air smelled strongly of rain.
Phillipe brayed, and charged ahead.  Maurice was confused for a moment, until a small village came into view.  There were no people around, the threat of a storm surely keeping everyone indoors.  Shop windows were closed, and candles lit up the nearby cottages.
Phillipe slowed to stop in front of a bucket of water, pausing to take a drink.
“Well, Belle,”  Maurice climbed off from the horse's cart, his shoes clacking on the cobblestone ground.  “Welcome home.”
“You're new.”
Maurice spun around to find a woman, somewhat haggard, a dirty face, prematurely graying hair peeking out of her hood.
“Uh, yes,”  Maurice attempted to straighten his hair, still bouncing Belle in his opposite arm.  “I'm afraid we just rolled into town.”
“We don't get many travelers through here,”  The woman said.  She spoke softly, her voice hoarse.  It was almost as if she was unused to speaking.
“My horse was thirsty,”  Maurice explained, nodding towards Phillipe, who was shaking water from his nose.  “And my daughter and I are rather hungry, as well.  You wouldn't happen to know where we could find something to eat at this time of night…?”
The woman said nothing for a moment.  She eyed Maurice up and down, pausing to gaze upon Belle's small, round face peering out of her blanket.  The infant had settled down, those big eyes of hers looking all around.
Just when Maurice was about to speak again, the woman reached into her bag, retrieving a loaf of bread, and a small vial of milk.  “This is all I have for now,”  She said.  “The market will open again in the morning.”
Maurice took the bread.  It felt stale to the touch, but would be edible.  “Thank you for your kindness.  May I repay you?”  He reached into a coat pocket, realizing his coins were still in the cart.
“No need,”  The woman said, adjusting her hood.  “Save your money for the market.  I know you two will be staying for some time.”
Maurice didn't know what she meant, or how she might know that.  He didn't know where they'd be staying, he wasn't even sure where he was, but before he could ask this mysterious - yet kind - stranger, the woman had disappeared.  Almost as if by magic.
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lumiereswig · 2 years
Shane wanting to bang the feather duster just NAILS HOME to me that this man has a hidden Lumiere complex and absolutely nothing can change that
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writerfreak001 · 4 years
Please send me FFN prompts!
I have fallen out of the course of writing due to business at work, and need some prompt ideas to help me fall back into the saddle, so to speak.
I will write FFN stories on the following pairings:
VinCat (BATB)
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Waige (Scorpion)
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Karamel (Supergirl)
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Hiccstrid (HTTYD)
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Jiang Chen & Xiao Xi (A Love So Beautiful / 致我们单纯的小美好)
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Yususke & Keiko (YYH)
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I am open to writing ffn for more pairings if I am familiar with them. I know a bunch of other Asian dramas (see @sweet-asian-paradise for reference) too so if you have a request, either reply to this post or send me a PM. ❤️
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sunnystark · 7 years
There are four different eras of Lefou’s relationship with Gaston.
The first era is when they first meet, twelve years old and neighbors to each other. There is the initial meeting where Lefou is stricken in the face of Gaston’s confidence and boldness. It wasn’t exactly narcissism. It was sureness, practiced precision. It was gorgeous, and in the face of it, Lefou fell in love.
The second era is the war. There, the war, where Gaston is heavier, stronger, brutish and untamed. It’s as if something about the war brings purity and purpose to Gaston. No longer was there gray area. There is the enemy. There is the friend. Lefou remembers this era most distinctly, for it was this era they grew closest. They spoke more. They slept within inches of each other, waiting for the morning call in a few hours. They fought together, bled together, grew together.
Then there is the era they both return to the village. Gaston is seen as a hero, brave for having fought, and Lefou walked in his shadow. He didn’t mind, in fact he preferred it. Lefou wouldn’t know what to do if he had such attention directed at him, how to live up to expectations Gaston lives up to.
It is in this era their relationship becomes strained, though, because Gaston says something so detrimental to Lefou’s ideation of them both: that he is going to make Belle his wife.
And it’s ridiculous for Lefou to have thought that Gaston and he would be together for the rest of their lives, just as they had until that point. It’s unthinkable, unbelievable, ludicrous, laughable, meritless.
And yet Lefou finds himself yearning for it. And hates himself for it. He truly does feel like the fool.
And the final era Gaston falls deeper into obsession with the idea of a wife, something the people around him urged him to undertake, and if Gaston were societally forced to wed a woman, it would surely be objectively the best woman he finds. And driven with this idea, it deteriorates the Gaston that Lefou fell for in the first place. The Gaston that was brave, strong-willed, blunt, but not unkind. The Gaston that Lefou knew and loved called him dearest friend, grabbed his shoulder and leaned closer to hear his words, smiled at him. Laugh with him.
But the Gaston of the fourth era left him in the midst of battle, and Lefou, in that moment, felt the sting and the sinking of his heart.
The Gaston Lefou had fallen in love with was gone. He understands that now. Sitting among the rubble of the castle, Lefou understands.
The guests invited to the ballroom had long since gone home. Belle and Adam are in bed, sleeping. The moon is high in the sky. Lefou is alone for the first time since he was twelve years old.
But then he hears: “Lefou,” his name on a familiar tongue.
Lefou stands, looking out past the broken castle. He searches with his eyes- and sees him. He sees Gaston.
“Gaston,” the word rushes out of his mouth like short breath of air. He runs to discover Gaston bloodied, a familiar sight, and weak, an unfamiliar sight. He is overwhelmed with the idea of Gaston not being in control of a situation. It feels wrong. Lefou doesn’t like it at all.
He tries to remember: Gaston of eras one two and three are gone, but then Gaston says, “Lefou, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left you.”
“Stop,” Lefou admonishes. “Stop talking.”
He isn’t sure if he’s saying it because he doesn’t want Gaston to strain himself or if he doesn’t want to let himself believe Gaston cares for him. Not again.
But Gaston continues, “I might not make it. I need you to know,” he takes a breath. “I was wrong. In the castle, I was wrong to do that to you.”
There’s a spell of silence. It covers them like a blanket.
“We fought together,” Gaston says quieter, not exactly gently because very little about Gaston could ever be gentle. No. He was strong, but quiet. “I’ve never abandoned you before, and I can’t believe I did it then. I need you to know that.”
It’s everything Lefou had ever wanted to hear. Though, against his better intuition, Lefou found himself brushing the words off. “You were confused. You get like that when you’re angry, you know? I’m usually able to calm you down, talk sense into you, something. It’s nothing.”
Gaston reaches out. His hand is a heavy, weak weight on his knee. “Don’t defend my actions,” he said simply, and nothing more.
Lefou’s throat feels tight. He feels like he wants to cry, and he’s never cried for as long as he can remember. He swallows, and stands up. He grabs Gaston by the forearm, and then the waist, and hoists him up.
“Let’s see if we can find anyone to help.”
Lefou carries Gaston back to the village, and in his heart, feels another era beginning. So in fact, there were not four eras to his relationship with Gaston. There is the beginning of confidence, the second of bravery and the third of maturity. There is the fourth of obsession, misdirection, and confusion.
And then there is today. The fifth era where Gaston learns to love what has always been in front of him.
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License My Roving Hands
A movie!verse Belle x Adam fic by @tinydooms on ao3.
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Rating: Mature  |  Word Count: 3532  |  Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Belle, Adam, and lessons in pleasure.
“What are you reading?”
Belle looked at her book and Adam watched her make up her mind about something. “Erotic poetry by John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester.”
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tubofskippy · 6 years
The BATB content has been so dry lately - do you think you can write something for it?
I knowww. I’m still working on a Stanfou fic (it’s actually been a whole year since I started it, oh my god, what happened, I’m so sorry) but I’ll hit you with the prologue:
Lefou’s head was sent whirling like the ballroom walls around him. He suddenly found himself holding broad shoulders, breeches brushing against breeches as feet moved, staring into the eyes of another man. Without knowing how it happened, he was now waltzing around the floor with…
“Állo,” he winked. Incredibly flustered, Lefou looked around. They were quite surely the only same sex dancing partners in the room.
“There must’ve been a mistake, I’m sorry I ran into you—”
“Mistake?” Stanley smiled. Lefou’s cheeks turned pink. The two seemed to be caught going in an awkward circle, both trying to pull the same moves.
“Who’s leading here?” Lefou giggled, trying not to step on his toes. Stanley lifted the arm that was grasping Lefou’s hand and without thinking, Lefou twirled. It was almost instinctive. “You, then?” The words came out breathy. Stanley laughed.
The two continued to dance together through the night. They could feel the ballroom’s eyes on them, but it didn’t matter. With each song they became more comfortable with each other, familiarizing each other’s rhythm and moves. The castle wasn’t staring at them only because they were both male. They were incredible dancers. A crescendo began to build towards the end of the song, and so did Stanley’s confidence. He slid his hand behind Lefou’s lower back and closed the space between them.
“What’s happening?” Lefou asked, addled. By this time, they had everyone’s attention.
“Trust me.”
Stanley suddenly swept over him and dipped Lefou so low to the ground that his ponytail graced the floor, just as the song finished. They held the pose for a good twenty seconds while the audience applauded. Lefou’s face was priceless; his mouth left hanging in the shape of an O. He had been impressed by surprise moves before, but this one might’ve taken the cake. It felt good to be applauded. The last time Lefou had been on the spot in front of the village was a degrading wrestling match… but now, he felt entirely the opposite way. Butterflies filled his stomach as Stanley pulled him back onto his feet.
An hour or so later, slower songs began to play, turning the mood hazy and tender. Stanley and Lefou were tired. They sat on the sidelines and watched couples sway, bodies against bodies. After a few drinks, Stanley grabbed Lefou by the hand and whispered into his ear, “let’s get out of here.” Lefou’s skin tingled. The way Stanley executed the sentence felt more scampish than whatever he had planned.
“Where will we go?”
“Somewhere quiet. And comfortable.” Stanley led him out of the room. “You hungry?”
“You want to take me out to dinner? Stanley, this is beginning to sound romantic,” Lefou mumbled half-jokingly, flattered only if he wasn’t mistaken.
“Really?” Stanley looked shocked. Lefou closed his eyes tight in embarrassment. He should have kept his gay mouth shut. “We were only dancing for what, two and a half hours, and it’s just now beginning to sound romantic?” Stanley continued. Lefou let out the breath he had been holding. Stanley was… serious. Was this really happening?
The two pushed their ways through the doors and ran into the night, hand in hand, without even thinking about who would serve food at this hour.
A date, they called it, and there were many more to follow.
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scalesandredroses · 3 years
Dammit CW, I cannot deal with serious stakes in my angsty sci-fi romance!
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Chapters: 9/16 Fandom: The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, The Mortal Instruments (Movies), Shadowhunters (TV), The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Simon Lewis & Isabelle Lightwood, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Maryse Lightwood/Robert Lightwood Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Simon Lewis, Isabelle Lightwood, Max Lightwood, Clary Fray, Jace Wayland, Maryse Lightwood, Robert Lightwood, Lydia Branwell, Raphael Santiago, Camille Belcourt, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Original Characters Additional Tags: Beauty and the Beast AU, Beauty and the Beast, Beauty! Magnus, Beast! Alec, Lumiere! Simon, Cogsworth! Jace, Plumette! Isabelle, No sudden musical numbers, Abuse, Child Abuse, Physical Abuse, Love, Romance, Adventure, google translate french, French, no sudden beheadings, Mentions of Catarina, Madzie - Freeform, Mentions of Jonathan/Sebastian, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Not Beta Read Series: Part 1 of Disney Tales: Retold Summary:
Once upon a time, in the hidden heart of France, in a beautiful castle, lived a prince who hardened his heart. One night, an old woman shows up at the castle asking for shelter from the bitter cold. Disgusted by her appearance, the prince sneers and turns away the woman. In return, the woman transforms into a beautiful enchantress and places a curse upon the castle and everyone who lived in it. She swore that if he could not learn to love someone, and earn their love in return before the last petal fell, then he was doomed to remain a beast forever. As the days melted into years, the castle and its inhabitants were forgotten by the rest of the world - as the enchantress made it so. The prince hardened his cold heart and lost all hope of redemption.
For who could ever learn to love a beast?
Magnus Bane, a young man in the neighboring village, wants more the poor provincial life that was given to him the moment he moved there. When his mother suddenly goes missing, Magnus must run to rescue her - even if that means giving his life up in order to do so.
The two must learn from one another as they face a tale full of adventure, love, and tragic endings.
New chapter posted!
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You walked out of the library, book in hand. You were reading as you rounded the corner. You heard bubbling laughter coming from down the stairs. A smile formed on your face. You went down and saw exactly as you expected. "What on earth are you doing to him?" You asked your husband, eyebrow raised, albeit the smile from earlier still plastered on your face. They both straightened up at once. "Oh....just...." Adam began, but he was cut off. "Daddy was teaching me how to fight, Mama!" Your five year old little boy came running up to you. "Was he now? Who won?" You glanced between both of your boys. "Me, of course" they both answered. They shared a glance of disbelief that the other would claim victory. "Well, then!" Adam stated. "I declare a rematch!" Both of the boys laughed and went back to wrestling on the floor. You sat down in your chair with the book in your hand. You smiled at the scene before you. Suddenly, your son stopped and looked up at you, an excited look on his face. "Mama...what book is that?" He asked, eyes gleaming. You grinned, glancing at your husband. "Romeo and Juliet." You smiled down at him. Adam groaned. "Oh not that one again. You've read it to him twice already! The whole way through!" You chuckled at his tantrum. "Yes, and, perhaps i'm wrong, but I do believe that the last time I read it, I saw you smiling." You smirked at Adam as he huffed. "I did no such thing." You grinned at him before turning to your son. "Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean." You didn't comment when you saw the corners of Adam's lips turn up ever so slightly.
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ginnyweatherby · 5 years
Well.  It’s February.  I may have failed on completing the January challenge, but I hope you’ll accept this anyway.  It’s a slightly longer one, so I hope that makes up for the wait.  Just a cutesy Christmas story with all the canon couples minus Cogsworth and Clothilde because yikes and lots of mistletoe.
Day 6:  Christmas
Lumiere thought he was being sly.
The corridors and ballroom were beautifully decorated in red and white, tall trees stood proudly in corners, decked with shimmering glass balls.  The air was filled with enticing scents of peppermint and fresh pastry, the windows were frostbitten, displaying swirling images of snowflakes on the panes, and bringing a certain chill to the air that just felt like the holidays.
The patrons of the castle were bustling with enthusiasm, preparing for the first Christmas Eve ball since the curse had been broken and freed them of their chains.  They had so much to celebrate this year, they couldn't wait.
Mrs. Potts made dozens of trips from the kitchens to the ballroom, piling tables with enough sweets to last well into the New Year.  Cogsworth kept an eye on his watch, counting down the minutes until guests would arrive.  Chapeau held his post at the front door, waiting for the first visitor to walk through.
Plumette brushed her hands together, a proud smile on her lips.  “There!  Now everything is perfect.”  She had spent the past week tweaking the holiday decor, ensuring every tree stood tall with symmetrical ornaments, each gift was wrapped with a fine bow.  She hadn’t properly slept in days, often scurrying out of bed to adjust something that occurred to her in the middle of the night.
“It looks wonderful, darling,”  Lumiere said, holding his hands behind his back.  “But I do believe you've forgotten an important detail.”
Plumette’s grin wavered.  “What is it?  It's the star on that tree, isn't it?  I knew it looked crooked!  Quick, before the guests arrive, get me the stepladder-”
“No, no,”  Lumiere chuckled at her panicked expression.  She was so cute when she fretted… scratch that, she was always cute.  “Not the star, love… this.”
He reached behind his back and retrieved a small sprig of mistletoe, three small berries nestled in the leaves.
Plumette gasped, her cheeks reddening only slightly.  “Now, how could I forget that?”  She tugged at the lapels of his fine coat - specially made for the holiday - pulling him down to her height.  “Seems like an unfortunate oversight on my part, doesn't it?”
Lumiere held the mistletoe over their heads, his face breaking out in a grin of his own.  He never could resist that minxy look in her eye.
Not that he would ever want to, of course.
“Do you see what I see, Madame?”  Cadenza approached his wife, handing her a tall flute of champagne.  As much as they loved to perform, even the most talented musicians needed to take an intermission.
“Hmm, and what’s that?”  Garderobe’s voice was slightly hoarse from her long set of arias.  She sounded equally as beautiful as when she sang, at least in his opinion.
He wordlessly pointed above them, and could see the moment she recognized the piece of greenery hanging over the door frame.
“Ah, I do see,”  She said, a smirk appearing on her lips.  “Looks like someone was feeling sneaky with the decorating this morning.”
“It wasn’t me,”  Cadenza said innocently, as he wrapped an arm around her waist.  The party had grown quiet, and he knew she was due back on stage in any moment… but the party could wait.  There were more important matters to attend to.
She treasured her son with her whole heart, but there was something to be said about the late hours after Chip went to bed and it was simply Mrs. Potts and her love.
The party was still in full swing (although she had convinced Chip it was winding down so he would be willing to sleep), and everyone was in high spirits.  Tipsy, happy, and full of holiday cheer.
“May I have this dance, my dear?”  Her doting husband extended an arm in a formal show, as if she had ever been one to deny such a request.
“It would be my pleasure,”  She said, taking his arm, feeling so much like all those years ago when their courtship first began, blushing and giggling.
The music was an upbeat number, and their feet moved freely over the marble floor, her dress lightly brushing her slippers with a sort of elegance she hadn’t felt in some time.  She didn’t know what it was about Christmas, but it always made her feel like a girl again, young and carefree.
Mr. Potts twirled her, dipped her, fully wooed her until the song faded out, and they came to a halt next to the wall, pausing for breath.  Perhaps they weren’t so young, after all.
“We haven’t danced like that in years,”  Mr. Potts panted, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead.
“It felt nice, didn’t it?”  Mrs. Potts asked, as she focused on evening out her winded breaths.
He opened his mouth to reply, before his eyes flitted upwards, down to meet hers, and back up again.
“You know what else we haven’t done in years?”
“Kissed underneath a mistletoe.”
Although never an item, Gaston and Lefou were a unit.  A party of two that were seldom seen apart, with a special bond even a stranger could see.  When Gaston died, Lefou was convinced he would never find love again.
It just wasn’t in the cards for him, and he learned to accept it.  He could be happy alone, he had friends, he had family, he had a cat.  He would be okay.
Which is why he was so surprised when Stanley asked him to dance.  Why he was so surprised when Stanley brought him a drink.  Why he was so surprised when Stanley kissed him underneath the mistletoe.
Perhaps there was something there that wasn’t there before.
“That was some party, wasn’t it?”  Belle asked, as her husband twirled her around the now-empty ballroom.
“It was,”  He agreed.  “You’ve certainly breathed that long-lost holiday spirit back into these walls.”
“Christmas just makes everything feel a little more special,”  Belle said, her skirts wrapping delicately around her legs as she spun.
“I’d almost forgotten how it felt,”  The prince said, placing a hand on her back, gently dipping her.  “It’s a shame we missed so many Christmases here at the castle.”
“There’s no use focusing on the past,”  Belle said, waving a dismissive hand.  “That’s all over now, and this is the first of many Christmases here.  Do you have any holiday traditions?  Papa and I do, and I want to share them with everyone!”
“I can’t wait to celebrate them all with you,”  He said honestly.  “Perhaps we could start a few new traditions of our own…”
“Hmm, what might you suggest?”  She asked, raising an eyebrow, as if she knew what he was thinking.  Then again, she always did.
“Well, we could start with this...”  He twirled her across the floor until they were underneath the door frame he’d caught a number of his friends beneath over the course of the evening.  He took her hands in his, pulled her close and -
“As nice as this is,”  Belle said, just before their lips met.  “Do you think Lumiere realizes he’s hung a piece of holly instead of mistletoe?”
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gch1995 · 3 years
WARNING! Please, stay away from Brigitte Hales upcoming Disney romantic anthology "Epic"
on ABC, which Kitsowitz are the executive producers
The only reasons why Once Upon A Time was such a hit to begin with at all was because Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis had everything that made the show watchable and enjoyable for the first two-and-a-half seasons planned out for them by their mentor Damon Lindlelof, who they worked for as executive producers as when LOST was running, and because they had an amazing cast of actors and actresses with amazing chemistry, particularly those of Robert Carlyle, Lana Parilla, and Emilie De Ravin.
However, that still does not change the fact that the show went straight to shit after they finished off Damon Lindleof's original plans. That still does not That still does not change the fact that Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis are ignorant, overprivileged, ableist, biased, classist, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, mean-spirited, and mocking hacks, who filled their show with consent issues at every corner, who destroyed all of our beloved childhood Disney fairytales with their twists after the first two-and-a-half seasons, and who deliberately sold out and/or ruined everything that originally made it great for their self-insert Captain Fuckboy to take over.
That does not change the fact that they gleefully and deliberately spent roughly three years assassinating their Beauty and the Beast, both individually and as a couple, (Rumbelle: Rumplestiltskin X Belle) out of nowhere, so that they could make Captain Fuckboy (Gaston) into the "hero" after just the first two-and-a-half seasons of the series. Sure, they tacked on a half-assed "happy ending" and "redemption arc" for Rumple and Belle again at the end of the series, but as a very embittered Dearie, Beauty, and Rumbelle fan, I'm never going to forgive Kitsowitz and their team of hacks for ruining Rumple, Belle, Emma, Snow, David, and even Henry on this show for roughly three seasons, so that they could retread their storylines, shoehorn Hookinto the "hero" role by shoehorning him into the role of Emma's original love interest Neal, and so they could shoehorn Rumple into the flanderdized on-and-off-again tragic "big bad" role to make Hook look better by comparison, even after starting Rumple off as the most consistently complex, redemptive, and sympathetic main anti-villain on this show for the first two-and-a-half seasons beforehand, and even though none of it made any fucking sense.
Don't get me started on what they did to Snowing (Snow White and Prince David/Charming). They started out as complex, kindhearted, morally gray, merciful, but essentially well-meaning people and rulers. Then, they sidelined them after the first three seasons, and turned them into cruel, hypocritical, and selfish rulers, who kidnapped and harmed a baby for stupid and wildly ooc selfish reasons that made no sense.
Brigitte Hales is also one of those hacks that Kitsowitz and these writers hired on their team for OUAT, who shares all of their fucked up opinions and views. Keep that in mind!
Let me guess how they are going to write Beauty and the Beast on "Epic..." They will pull a 180 cheaply shocking character assassinating twist out of their asses by suddenly turning the anti heroic/anti-villainous, complex, redemptive, and sympathetic Beast into a wildly ooc one-note cartoon villain, who is now being a cruel, controlling, deceptive, scary, and/or selfish jackass with uncharacteristically unsympathetic and/or vague motives "just because" out of nowhere, so they can make Gaston look like the "hero."
Likewise, they will probably suddenly character assassinate the originally brave, kindhearted, intelligent, morally gray, non-judgmental, and perceptive Belle with strong values into a wildly ooc, cruel, cowardly, judgmental, self-righteous, selfish, stupid, and triggering bitch with annoyingly hypocriticalblack-and-white beliefs in regards to just the Beast, even though she now contradicts those values she imposes on him herself whenever it is convenient for her to hurt and/or vilify the Beast, even though she now let's Gaston and everyone else get away with breaking said values to vilify the Beast, and even though she now mistreats the Beast and/or leaves him herself when he actually is actually trying to be brave, kindhearted, honest, and/or selfless for her, anyway when he’s not convenient for her.
Sure, Brigitte Hales and these writers will probably still give BATB their happy ending in their show Epic because they are owned by ABC/Disney since they are basing them off of the Disney movie version of the fairytale after all, but mark my words, they will do something to deliberately character assassinate Belle and the Beast out of nowhere to make Gaston look like less of a dick and/or even “heroic” because they like romanticizing misogynistic fuckboys and elitist bullies with no truly redeeming qualities by destroying complex and relatable ones.
And they will pull similar disgusting character assassinating twists for other beloved Disney couples in one way or another, too, such as with Eugene and Rapunzel, Aladdin and Jasmine, Hercules and Meg (Megara), Aurora and Prince Philip, Snow White and Prince Charming, Prince Naveen and Tiana, Ariel and Eric, Anna and Kristoff, and so on...
Fuck, they would probably deliberately fuck up Lady and the Tramp for “fun” by making Lady ditch the Tramp for some purebread OC arrogant Cocker Spaniel male dog from a wealthy family like her because the Tramp is a stray mutt dog, and she comes from a relatively wealthy family. Then, they would demonize the Tramp as a dog who suddenly was always just an asshole all along, rather than a jerk with a heart of gold because Kitsowitz and Hales are classist as fuck, and actually prefer to redeem elitist bullies by making those who they bullied that are/were less wealthy and less powerful than them out to be the worst™️, so they can make the elitist bully look better without putting in any sort of effort to make them be better people.
That’s right, Kitsowitz and Hales would deliberately fuck up a romance between two fictional dogs from one of your favorite Disney animated movies with their character destroying “twists” because they just fucking suck that much.
In general, Kitsowitz and their team of hacks idea of “fun” is often going to be deliberately ruining your favorite childhood fairytales with their cheaply shocking, wildly ooc, stupid, and fucked up “twists.” Brigitte Hales is one of those hacks they hired, so I wouldn’t trust her as a show-runner. Sure, they will tack on a “happy ending” and/or “redemption arc” for the Disney version of your favorite childhood fairytales because they are obligated to by the network, but don’t expect for those sentiments to still feel worth it anymore after they deliberately destroy your favorite Disney fairytales in cheaply shocking, painful, and nonsensical ways that will piss you off for “fun.”
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myeverydayescapism · 7 years
Fic: A Light in the East
One of my own fics:
A Light in the East by BeansEtc (AO3 or FFN)
Summary: Breath and space and a light in dark places. Two imperfect people learning how to live with one another, how to grow, and how to give what the other needs. (Beast / Belle) Rating: General Words: 9,360 Fandom: Beauty and the Beast
The Beast is looking for Belle.
It feels like he has always been looking for her, even before he knew her, long before she arrived at the castle and with her brought a rejuvenating breath of fresh air to his lungs that had been drowning for so long and so deep that he’d almost forgotten how to breathe.
Yet now that she is here it feels like he is still always searching for her — out of not only a yearning desire for her company, but a paranoid, deeply seated compulsion to know she’s still there.  It is this fear that sometimes grips his feet and steers him down corridor after corridor; driven by an irrational, needling voice that whispers in his ear that any day she will break her promise and leave, vanishing away without a word nor trace from the castle and him forever.  The thought leaves him so cold at times that he cannot bring himself to even trust the magic mirror, needing to see her with his own eyes.
But recently, more and more it seems, he’s begun having trouble finding her.  There are long stretches of time throughout the day where none of the servants can report seeing her pass by, and it’s at those times that he can feel something in his chest clench and his breaths seem to come in shorter bursts, as if the very walls themselves are closing in on him.
It has been several hours since anyone has seen her today, and he has felt that fist increasingly tightening in his chest for at least half as long.  Unfortunately, seeking her out is no small undertaking.  The castle is enormous — a fact that was never really pressed upon him until suddenly there was someone in it he actually wanted to find.  The dark halls and gothic confines of the stone and marble walls that at one time had felt small and suffocating seem to now be filled with light and go on forever.  How much bigger the castle feels for two than it ever did for him alone.
He has checked all of her favorite places [. . .]
(Read the rest on Archive of Our Own or FanFiction net)
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beiteversohumble · 7 years
Everyone is talking about Beasts sexy little growl at the end but I’m not seeing any fan fics….? 👀👀👀
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tubofskippy · 6 years
Winter ficlet #3 - Did I actually sleep through Christmas/New years/ Hanukkah?” With Lefou. Requested by anon
(I went with new years since Hanukkah and Christmas are over. Happy 2018!)
Lefou knew it was a bad idea to try and take a nap a few hours before midnight. But he’d been up all night the day before making preparations. It took a lot longer than it should have just to buy the champagne, since everyone wanted to get their hands on it. It was his turn this year to host the party on new year’s eve, and it took him hours to get everything ready for everyone. Clean the house, prepare dinner, set up decorations… It was very tiresome to do alone. (At least at midnight, it would be worth it, because he might get a kiss out of it all!) Once everything was all set, Lefou crashed. It wouldn’t hurt to snooze for an hour or two, would it?
Apparently it would. When Lefou woke up, the sun was shining so brightly it hurt his eyes. He leaped out of bed and into the living room. The place was trashed. There were ribbons and empty glasses everywhere. They’d had all the fun without him! In his own home! He spent all that time setting up a party and he missed it. He missed out on the 12 rings of the bell, missed out on his new year’s kiss… Lefou felt that he’d been robbed. And on top of it all, he had a massive headache. Probably due to frustration. He hadn’t been this upset in a while. He wandered into the kitchen. To his surprise, Gaston was sitting there, drinking a glass of water.
“Lefou! You’re up!"
“What are you still doing here?” He snapped, picking napkins up off of the floor.
“I, uh… I accidentally stayed the night. I would’ve left before you got up, but… I don’t know what happened to my horse,” he said,  obviously embarrassed.
“What the hell happened last night?” Lefou shouted. They both held their heads. The volume level was too high this early in the morning. “This place is a mess.”
Gaston gave him a sympathetic laugh.
“You don’t know? Boy, you really were out like a light, weren’t you?”
Lefou sighed. It was his turn to be embarrassed. “Yeah… God, did I actually sleep through New Years?”
Gaston’s smile widened.
“Hell no! You were the life of the party!”
“You chugged a whole bottle of champagne, yelling ‘I WAITED THREE HOURS IN LINE FOR THIS SHIT AND I’M GONNA FINISH IT IN THREE MINUTES!’ then got the hiccups so badly that the guys used them to count off the new year.”
Lefou’s face turned bright red. He definitely had no memory of that.
“You were telling us all kinds of jokes, we were in stitches from laughing so hard. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you past tipsy, it was quite entertaining.”
“Well… that explains the headache,” Lefou said, amusedly. “When did I black out? I made it past the bells, didn’t I?”
“Oh, yeah.”
“And uh… Did I uh… kiss? Anyone?”
“Ah, that’s where it gets blurry for me. But why don’t you take a look in the mirror?”
Lefou rushed over to see his reflection. Lipstick marks were smeared all around his mouth and cheeks. He pulled his hair back to reveal hickeys on his neck, and gasped.
“You must’ve gotten very friendly with a girl!” Gaston snorted, trying to contain his jealousy.
Lefou smiled. That was the thing. He hadn’t invited any girls.
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