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lilith-of-stardust · 20 days
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Mrs Chapman's Boarding House is a venerable Fallen London institution where Londoners of all walks of life come and partake of the soup and lounge in the numerous parlors. That, however, was only after the Fall. Here stands Mrs Chapman's circa 1862, significantly more Euclidean in nature.
There were some poetic liberties taken to make the canon appearance of the house play nice with the physical limitations of the Sims (The attic room was at least two hours of my life...). The bottom four photos are the parlor, Archie's bedroom, Griz's desk, and the kitchen.
Mrs Chapman's Boarding House on the gallery or search user CrownedCorvine
Some other liberties & Easter eggs (& some spoilers!):
The canon appearance of the building is a triple decker; but in-game there's mention of how few rooms are currently available. Given that the attic room is very much not a part of the triple-decker setup, the building has been shortened to two full stories + attic. There is, however, an extra room, which begs the question: why did Moss need to take Archie's room...? I guess we'll never know. Perhaps Horatia had someone in mind she was keeping it open for.
As the heart of the house - in a manner of speaking - it stands to reason that Horatia would keep the room off of the kitchen for herself, though initially intended as a the servants' room.
Horatia strikes me as someone who would be at the vanguard of health and shell out for indoor plumbing the moment it was readily available; cleanliness is next to Godliness, after all. The main bathroom on the first floor has been expanded and had a soaking tub installed in recent years.
With the rest of the house heavily decorated and cozy, Horatia's bedroom is her space to reflect and clear her head, and therefore is sparse, save for a tin-type photo of her father above her bed.
There are no directly biblical art pieces in the Sims so instead of the lion and the lamb on the mantelpiece, I went with the rooster, which historically has been used as a symbol of recognizing one's own sins and seeking redemption in Christianity. I hope Horatia doesn't mind the replacement.
The mannequin is dressed in what I usually purchase for my MCs to wear in MotR: the taupe gentleman's greatcoat and top hat.
On the desk in the attic, there's a book from which a Sim can learn the spell "inferniate" - this is as close as I could get to a Sim being able to write sigils, which burn when written on normal paper.
Griz's grew up around tenant farmers and specifically mentions horses when you ask her about her childhood; the horse statue on her desk helps stave off the homesickness for greener pastures back on the estate, though it seldom strikes.
There are glasses on Archie's bedside table, referencing the fact if you pursue the manifesto plotline, he'll reward you with the dark posing spectacles.
Horatia is known for her cooking, and, when she can, she leaves baked goods in the parlor. Here, there are some Yorkshire puddings... or, if you're a nasty American like me, some popovers.
Of course, the Sims doesn't allow for strange sprawling and recursive architectury (yet) so I will not be attempting later iterations of Mrs Chapman's humble abode. :)
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socialkid · 1 year
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The door of your apartment shook as the doorknob turned, keys jingling on the other side. The person on the other end struggled to open the door for a couple seconds before cussing loudly and blasting the door open. Only one person was capable of this.
“Y/N! YOU BETTER ME SH—TING ME RIGHT NOW!” your boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugou shouted at the top of his lungs. Nothing the neighbors or the people on the next two floors wern’t used to by now.
Bakugou looked around the apartment for any trace of you. You weren’t in the kitchen. He checked the bathroom, no sign of you. He made his way to your room. Upon opening the door he stepped on a item that made a jingle noise below his feet. He bent down to pick it up only to be met with a dog collar. His eyes widened in shock before he practically kicked down the door.
“Y/N I KNOW YOU DIDN’T GET THAT PU-” Bakugou found you calmly stroking the back of a tiny dog on the bed, giving him a judgy look.
“Shh! Your gonna wake the puppy!” You hushed him, annoyed. “Ha? Oh no. YOU don’t get to be the one mad at ME! I’M THE MAD ONE!” he shouted again causing the dog to whine in its sleep. “Yeah, no kidding.” You replied trying to calm the puppy.
“Get that mutt out of here!” Bakugou said pointing to the door, at this you gave him sad eyes. “What? No! She’s apart of our family now!” You said at him.
“No it’s not, get it out of here!” He said. “It’s a she!” You said picking up the dog who was now awake from all the commotion, “Now look what you did, you woke her up!” You hissed at him.
“Good, now she can run back to the place she came from.” Bakugou said.
“Katsuki, what do I have to do to get you to let her stay?” You almost begged.
“Nothing. Cause she’s not staying here.” Bakugou said again causing you to get even more fustrated. “Why not?!” You asked him.
“Because we already have one low attention span, creature living in this house.” “Oh go to hell Katsuki.” You looked down at the sweet eyed little puppy who was looking back up at you. You felt your eyes water a little as you rubbed her belly. You looked back up at Bakugou, him squirming as the dog did the same.
Katsuki couldn’t stand it. Not only was his baby sad but now he had a sad dog looking up at him. And he wouldn’t want to deal with you after. You’d already gotten so attached to the little thing, you would’ve never talked to him again. Probably would’ve given him a hard time; sleeping on the couch every night, getting the silent treatment, cold stares.
Bakugou groaned aloud and dramaticly, “Fineeeee keep the damn dog.” He said, half interrupted by you screaming your ‘thank yous’ as the dog went just about as insane.
“Yea yea, calm down. What kind of dog is that anyway?” He asked you.
“A Yorkshire Terrier! She’s only a couple weeks old and weighs 6 pounds!” You said picking her up and walking over to your boyfriend. “Woah woah, just sit her down on the bed! I’ll sit down.” He said as you shrugged.
Bakugou hesitantly sat down on the bed before looking up at you, almost glaring as you sat the puppy down on the bed. Immediately the puppy became curious. She pawed around for a second before looking up at your boyfriend. You watched as she struggled a bit to climb his lap, she got half way on before Bakugou helped lift her lower half up.
Immediately the dog tried to climb up Bakugou’s chest as if to get to his face. “Oi ya dumb dog, you can’t climb up me.” He said, he held out his finger to greet the dog. Immediately the dog went to town licking his finger. “Aww she likes you!” You smiled as Bakugou smiled at you sarcastically. “I guess she’s not so bad…what’d you name her?”
“Maddy. With two d’s and a y.” You replied. “Why?”
“Because the lady I got her from said she was sweet, and sassy and had a attitude sometimes. And she loved a good fight but she’s harmless to the people she loves.” Bakugou looked up at you confused, “Ok…?”
“Well you know how I like Euphoria right and-”
“Enough said, I get the point.” Bakugou quickly interrupted you. He remembers the time that you introduced the show to him for the first time. You figured he knew about it just as well as every body else did, turns out his second home is under a rock. Because when you watched it with him and gave him no warning, let’s just say it caught him off guard.
“Also she has a sister!” “Uh uh. Nope. No more of these things.” He said now scratching her belly. “No no I don’t have her, buttttttt…” Bakugou sighed as you picked up your phone. You opened your contacts and face timed your best friend in the whole world.
“Hiiiiiii!” The girl said over the phone.
“Don’t tell me that’s-”
“Mina does!” You finished your sentence. Mina had been showing off her almost identical puppy. “Her name is Rosie!” Mina squealed. And off you two went giggling away. Katsuki rolled his eyes, put Maddy down, and got off the bed to enter the living room. About to close the door behind him, out came Maddy hot on his trail.
“Oi, you must be tired of the squealing too? You’ll get used to it.” He smirked picking up the puppy who barked softly in response.
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emeritusemeritus · 8 months
No Good Deeds [George Weasley x Reader]
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Part 4
Part 1 2 3 4
Pairing: {George Weasley x Reader} mentions of previous Fred Weasley x Reader.
Timeline: Set a few years after DH, loosely following Canon.
Summary: A few years after Fred’s death, the investors of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes demand changes to the name. All it would take is two years of a fake marriage to fix the issues, but no good deed goes unpunished.
Warnings: Fake marriage trope because we love the cliché. Mentions of death (Fred). Friends to lovers. Slow burn but mentions of kissing and eventual smut. Swearing. George calls us Angel. Drinking. Angst, sadness, grief. Smut. Tags will be updated with each chapter.
This one got a little spicy 🌹
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You took a deep breath as you looked up at the clock on the wall, seeing that it was nearly 6pm, already feeling a little drained by your busy and productive day.
You'd woken early and had noticed that George had already left for work by the time you'd gotten up and so you got ready and walked to the cafe on the corner, grabbed a quick coffee and a pastry to go before walking towards the Friday market in the centre of town, shopping bag and grocery list in hand. You walked around the little market and picked up some fresh vegetables and a handmade apple pie that looked delicious, deciding to buy that rather than make your own from scratch. You'd decided on cooking a Sunday roast lamb dinner, though it was Friday, and had chosen to present it using a giant Yorkshire pudding, something you'd seen creeping up in popularity within the muggle world that you were certain Arthur would greatly enjoy.
You bought fresh carrots, parsnips and a fresh mint plant that you needed to make your own mint sauce and some flowers for the table before walking to the supermarket and purchasing a lamb joint from the butcher section and a few more essentials, including wine, before walking home with your purchases. You'd listened to muggle radio stations as you washed and prepped the veg, bouncing around as you sang along to the songs that you knew, intermittently stopping to grab a sip of your tea in between tasks. Around 12 you stopped what you were doing, happy with the progress you'd made and fixed your hair and clothes briefly before apparating to the shop to take George some lunch. The shop was busy but not unmanageable and you could see that Ron had stepped in to help him, working the till. George noticed you immediately and gave you a wide smile, finishing up with the customer he was helping before walking over to you, gesturing for you both to go to the office.
"I didn't know if you had any lunch," you said, handing him a little bag of stuff you'd picked up from the shop, "thought I could take some of your stuff back with me, give you a bit more time tonight."
"You're too good to me," George says with a wink, enthusiastically pulling out the food from the bag, looking as if he was almost salivating at the sight.
You'd spent his lunch break together, preparing yourselves for tonight as he ate and then you'd apparated back with a bundle of his things that he had pulled earlier that morning, stuff that he knew would make it seem that he was living with you completely.
You checked the lamb and made the mint sauce quickly, peeled some more potatoes just in case and then set to cleaning. Once everywhere was clean, you went into George's room and brought out all of his things and moved them into your bedroom. His books went on the side of your bed, a pair of pyjamas were laid out on the dresser and you'd moved some of your girlier accessories into the spare bedroom so make it seem like you'd decorated up a guest bedroom. You stripped George's bed, throwing the bedding in the wash and replaced the sheet with a set of your own spare sets, so it again looked like a guest bedroom. You set up a little decorative area in your bedroom with some of George's things, adding them into the shelves and then had placed more of his things into the bathroom, along with placing his aftershave next to your perfume on the dresser.
Once you were happy with the flat, you took a minute to sit with a drink before finishing up the meal prep. You then took a shower, did your hair and makeup and got dressed, ready for the actual cooking, seeing that it was late afternoon already.
At 6:17pm, George apparated into the living room and his eyebrows immediately shot up, looking around.
"Wow Angel, looks like I've moved in," he says, reaching out for your hand as he pulls you close.
"I'd say so," you laughed, allowing him to pull you in. When his thumb caught on the stones of your engagement ring, he smiled and focused his gaze on the ring, seeing it on your finger.
"Looks great," he says, gesturing around you, "as do you."
"Oh Mr Weasley, you charm me," you joked, pulling away from him with a laugh as you smoothed out your skirt.
"Well future Mrs Weasley, that is my job," he smirks, twirling your around in his arms, making a quiet squeal fall from your lips at the unexpected motion.
"I thought you owned a joke shop?" You retorted, causing him to snort.
"I do, yet it appears you are the one with all the jokes tonight."
"Then perhaps you should make me a business partner," you jest, seeing George's smile growing.
"I intend to my love," he says smoothly, with a wiggle of his eyebrows as he stops spinning you, both of you looking at each other with a smile.
"You should get ready, they'll be here soon," you saw quietly, unable to look away from George's smiling face.
Fifteen minutes later and George is showered, dried and dressed, both of you waiting in the kitchen for his parents to arrive. Molly preferred not to apparate, having mentioned before that it left her feeling horribly nauseous no matter how many times she'd tried and so Arthur had offered to drive them in the car, muggle style.
"I'll go," George says, placing a hand onto your shoulder to calm you as he walks past you to open the door, having heard the telltale knock moments earlier.
"Oh y/n dear, how wonderful to see you!" She says, bounding over to you with a wide smile on her face, pulling you in for a hug as soon as she could reach you.
"Hello Mrs Weasley," you say warmly, holding on to her tightly. She looked very pretty with a flower beret in her hair, clearly having made an effort tonight in her beautifully crafted green crochet shawl and dress.
"Oh please, I've told you to call me Molly for years!" She laughs, stepping aside and looking around, "what a lovely place you have!"
"We have," George corrects her, stepping through into the lounge with you, Arthur following behind. You embrace and greet each other warmly as George explains to Molly that you two are living together.
"Oh well that is wonderful news!" She says, clapping her hands together, "you didn't tell me you were an item!" She says, smacking George on the arm as she looks between your both. He doesn't even flinch and simply laughs, shrugging his shoulders.
"Oh well done son!" Arthur says, clapping George on the shoulder warmly before sending you a special smile.
"Would anyone like a drink?" You offer, listing off a few things you have on hand. You go and fetch them both a drink and quickly check on the food before diving into conversation, listening to Molly's explanation of what her oldest children were up to.
"Well I have to say, that was absolutely delicious," Arthur says, placing down his cutlery and sitting back in his chair, rubbing his hand over his full stomach, "amazing what these muggles come up with isn't it, a giant Yorkshire pudding!"
You can't help but smile at his reaction, pleased that the novelty had gone down a treat. You catch George's eye as Molly compliments your cooking and he looks proud, a gentle, honest smile tugging at his lips.
"So how long have you been together, very sneaky of you both!" Molly says with a warm smile, pointing a playful accusatory finger between you and George.
"About six months," George says effortlessly, sticking to the little story you'd both created. He clears his throat and looks at you with a determined glance before turning back to his parents.
"We were going to wait until after dinner but now seems as good'a time as any," George says smoothly before reaching for your left hand, which you place in his, ring side up.
The sparkle immediately catches Molly's eye and she gasps loudly, causing Arthur to jump up in his seat.
"I've asked her to marry me," he says, looking into your eyes with a smile that you reciprocate.
"And I said yes," you replied, smiling warmly at him.
Molly let's out an animated squeal and rushes from her chair to envelope you both into a hug, her body bouncing in elation as Arthur beams with pride, his hands raising into the air in celebration.
"Oh how wonderful!"
"We must celebrate, now, everyone raise your glasses!" Arthur says proudly, raising his own glass of daisyroot. Molly scrambles to reach for her glass and you and George take hold of your own, raising and clinking them together in a round of cheers. The moment feels real and you don't even question it, allowing yourself to enjoy the moment with your smile beaming across your face.
Molly immediately bursts out into wedding planning, mentioning that her own dress was put aside for Ginny but she had a beautiful hair beret that you could use as your something borrowed and she could always try and convince Muriel to let you borrow her tiara even though she'd been rude about it with Fleur. You laughed and nodded the whole way through the conversation as George and Arthur had broken off into their own as Arthur proudly tapped George on the back, telling him outright how proud he was of him.
You cleared away with plates with a flick of your wand and then brought out the warm apple pie with a selection of custard and icecream, depending on everyone's preference. More drinks were had and by the end of the pudding you were beginning to feel a little tipsy, especially when George pulled out a bottle of fire whiskey to celebrate with.
You all congregated back into the lounge after the meal had finishes, laughing and drinking as Molly told stories of the kids when they were younger. Fred was mentioned a few times and initially it had felt like a kick to your gut but you pushed through and as the drinks flowed, so did the conversation.
"Goodness gracious look at the time! Arthur, we'd better get home," Molly says, tapping Arthur on the chest. He nods dutifully, sinking the last of his fire whiskey and begins to stand, immediately wobbling until he falls back onto the sofa. George turns to cast a look at you and you immediately understand what he's trying to communicate; there's no possibility he'd be able to drive home having drank so much and apparating would be incredibly dangerous for him due to his intoxication, which meant they would have to stay with you for the foreseeable.
George had managed to convince his parents to stay after their lengthy protests and you'd gladly offered them the 'guest bedroom' to sleep in.
George apparated back to the Burrow to collect a few things they might need after a lengthy list that Molly had reeled off with clear instructions on where everything way and exactly what he'd be looking for.
Whilst George was gone you made a cup of tea for everyone and began prepping their room for the night, ensuring that everything was neat and clean, with no hint of George's things being crammed into the room. George arrived back not too long after with their things and helped to get his parents settled into their room, mainly helping Molly get Arthur into something comfier and then into bed.
You'd had a fabulous night and it had gone so much better than you'd hoped, feeling firmly included and welcomed into the family even more than you already had been, even if it wasn't technically real. George came out of their room a few minutes later and you both couldn't help but giggle at the turn of events, never having seen Arthur so inebriated before. He was a joyful drunk, telling stories and little quips that we're actually rather interesting and the new side you'd seen of him only greatened your fondness for him. George came and sat next to you on the sofa now that it was just you and him and he immediately placed his arm around your back, pulling you into him.
"Well, complete success I'd say," he says quietly, keeping hold of you as you melt into his side, keeping his voice low just incase his parents were still awake. He reached for the television remote and flicked it on to a random channel, not really paying attention though it was nice to have a little background noise.
"Such a good night," you said fondly with a small smile, trying to suppress a yawn as you cuddled into him, watching the screen.
"That meal was delicious," he says, beginning to stroke your shoulder where his hand rests, "I'd marry you tomorrow now I know what your roast dinners taste like."
"Well lucky you," you say with a cheeky smile, "maybe not tomorrow though, I'm rather busy."
"Oh really?" He says with a playful tone, playing along.
"Yes, you see I'm head potioneer for this little joke shop in Diagon Alley, you've probably never heard of it," you say, "well their stores of potion products are low and it's my wonderful job to brew more, all day tomorrow. So I'm very sorry but I can't marry you tomorrow, much too busy."
"Well isn't that a shame," he says quickly, "perhaps I should have a word with this boss of yours, he sounds tyrannical, working you as he is."
"Oh absolutely, he's a menace, Mussolini in brown tweed."
George immediately lunges for you with your last comment and you can't help but laugh, trying your hardest to keep quiet as he grabs you and rolls you about on the sofa. Only when you pull apart does he pause and smile at you widely, his face lighting up with his smile.
"Want to go to bed?"
The very words make your stomach roll a little in nervous excitement, though you try desperately not to show it on your face. You simply nod and offer a warm but mildly fake smile before you stand and ensure everything is locked and switched off.
Though you and George had shared a bed only a few nights ago, this was entirely different and a nervous anticipation consumed you, knowing you'd both be heading to bed at the same time, both of you aware that this was happening.
"Need the toilet? I'm going to get undressed," he says, gesturing with a nod towards the en-suite in your bedroom.
"No, you go on," you said with a smile, walking over to the dresser to grab some pyjamas. You heard the door close and as you pulled open the drawer, an immediate dilemma faced you. What would you wear to bed?
You looked down at the various pyjamas in your drawer and felt frozen with choice, not knowing how to proceed as the different materials stared back at you, each of them seeming to convey something. There were a few pairs of oversized, frumpy sets that you mainly wore in winter or when you were needing comfort but they weren't exactly 'nice' nor would they look very attractive on, most of them having some sort of embarrassing pattern or cheesy slogan printed on the front. You didn't want George to see you in something so frumpy and shapeless, looking like you'd made absolutely no effort on yourself but the alternative seemed much too drastic too. There were a few nicer sets of lace and silk in sensual colours that you used to wear for Fred but wearing one of those would send a clear message to George that you didn't feel was appropriate, or it would look like you were trying too hard. You dig through the drawer, thankfully still hearing the water running in the bathroom and tried to find a compromise. Should you wear a bra? Everything felt so confusing.
You realised that you could no longer hear the water running and reached for a cotton set at the bottom, trying to make it seem like you hadn't spent his entire shower agonising over this simple choice. It was a simple camisole top with long bottoms, dark red and black check with just a little lace on the neckline, comfy but attractive.
You passed him on his way out of the shower, seeing the tips of his hair still damp and his pyjamas clinging to his slightly moist skin, hugging the wider parts of his chest and shoulders deliciously.
You washed off your makeup, splashing cold water on your face for good measure as you tried to calm your racing thoughts, knowing that you were being ridiculous. He probably wouldn't even see you if it was dark. You put on your pyjamas, throwing your dress in the hamper and took one look at yourself before turning off the light and stepping out into the bedroom. The lamp was on, dimly illuminating the room and you could see George reading in bed, covers pushed up to his hips as he concentrates on the page he's reading. He looks up at you though you don't look back at him as you take off your jewellery, leaving your engagement ring on, feeling his gaze burning into your side.
It feels more than awkward, peeling back the covers and slipping into your own bed now that George was already settled on one side.
"Is this okay?" George asks and it takes you a moment to realise he means the lamp.
"Yeah of course," you reply absently but politely as you sink down in bed, pulling the covers up to your waist. There's a few moments of silence that feels in between awkward and comfortable, knowing that your awkwardness stemmed from your own anxiety whereas George probably found the silence comforting as he read his book.
"Okay sorry," George says with a bit of a huff, marking his page with whatever he was using as a bookmark, a chocolate frog card by the looks of it, and placed the book into his lap, turning to you. You gazed up at him, leaning forward a little in concern at his sudden outburst. "How do you look so good in pyjamas?"
Your mind is completely empty, astounded by his words. His face had softened significantly as he looked upon your shocked face, a gentle chuckle passing his lips. "Sorry, it's just, no ones going to believe you're married to me when you're so hot."
You were hallucinating, you were almost certain of it. Those words had never come from George Weasley before and your mind started to spiral whilst your face remained blank, heart racing in excitement. You knew that the only way to reply was to fight it with humour, not able to believe that he was being serious.
"Shove off, I'm comfy," you replied, though your words felt hollow, almost like they weren't actually coming out of your own mouth.
"I'm being serious," he says chuckling with a shake of his head. "Only you could make pyjamas look yule ball worthy."
"How much have you had to drink?" You laugh, playfully nudging him, still trying to deflect his words.
He simply smiles at you in return, "very little actually, dad drank most of it." You both giggle a little at the thought of Arthur snoring away in the spare room, George's room.
"Well you're not so bad yourself Weasley," you tease, your gaze flicking to his bulging arms for just a second, seeing that the T-shirt was just slightly too tight around his biceps.
There's a brief moment when everything seems to pause and as if in slow motion, George leans over and presses his lips to yours, only hesitating for a moment as he looks as your face, searching for any hesitation, in which he finds none. Your lips meet his and its like an electric current is passing between you both, igniting something inside you that has you pressing into him and fuelling the kiss. The clattering of the book is a distant noise to you as the kiss deepens, George's hand wrapping around your jaw line as he pulls you in, his tongue slipping out and caressing your own. You feel weightless, breathless, like you're floating, hardly even aware of your hands as they reach out for him, feeling the soft material of his T-shirt under your fingertips as you seek purchase on his shoulders, a fire burning between you.
Clothes are shed with desperation, either of you able to fight the blistering urge to feel the other completely. His lips are all over you, his touch only fuelling the desire that consumes you, leaving you unable to think clearly as you seek out his touch. It's raw and primal, no time for thinking or hesitation as you melt into each other, passion and arousal overwhelming everyone of your senses. He's hot to the touch and in the back of your mind you can feel your own heat coursing through your body, feeling more out of control than you ever hand but at the same time, feeling completely safe and right. When he slips inside you for the first time, it's all you can do not to cry out, the pleasant stretch and overwhelming relief of the sensation is the only thing you can think of. Your glad that he'd been quick to cast a silencing charm around the room as you mom out, unable to hold back any longer as your hips meet his, desperate to keep him inside of you. He groans out again, moaning with abandon as his hips only increase in pace, seeing your own body contorting in pleasure, working with his movements to create the most sensual scene and feeling he could fathom. When his hand slips to your exposed breasts, fingers plucking as your hardened nipples, you cry out his name ecstasy and are blessed with an almost whimpering moan from him as his thrusts get harder, watching as your breasts bounce in time with his thrusts, your body working to double your efforts chasing after the fullness he provides. Your walls begin to clench as the pleasure rises, white hot heat of bliss overtaking you, feeling his long and skilful fingers toying with your breasts, your pussy stretched around his perfect cock that hits every pleasure filled spot inside you and your throbbing clit rubbing sinfully against his happy trail with every deep thrust. It's too much and not enough all at the same time and you cry out his name over and over as your orgasm washes over you, hardly noticing his own climax until you slowly come down from your high, no longer feeling the force of his thrusts as he lazily slips in and out of you slowly in the come down. There's a warmth from deep inside you that is both intoxicating and comforting, knowing that the evidence of his pleasure had coated your insides, as if he'd claimed you as his own.
You're both breathless, panting against each other as your sweat covered bodies meld together, George's arms barely holding him up anymore as he slowly sinks down, putting more of his weight on to you that you welcome. You're still connected in every sense, your arms clutched around his shoulders, legs linked over hip hips and his now softened cock still inside of you. You reach up just enough to kiss his forehead where it is nestled into your neck, trying to prevent any awkwardness from slipping in to the blissful moment. His head turns downwards and he presses fluttering kisses over your chest, kissing each breast and trailing upwards until he kisses you on the lips with a sweetness that is a stark contrast to the burning passion of before. When he looks up at you, you feel breathless all over again. His eyes are so filled with emotion that it truly makes your heart flutter, seeing yourself reflected in his eyes, a look that you'd never seen crossing his gorgeous features.
With one last kiss, he slowly pulls away as your limbs disconnect from him and though you feel truly satisfied, you can't help but feel a little empty as his soft cock slowly slips out of you, no longer bringing you warmth or fullness. There's nothing said, no words needed as he pulls you into his still sweaty chest, unfazed at his nudity as his arms wrap around you, a kiss pressed to your hair as you lie there in utter contentment.
You realise George had fallen asleep a little while later and you attempt to slip out of his arms undetected as you make your way to the en-suite, careful not to wake him. You pee for good measure and consider showering but don't quite feel up to it right now. When you look in the mirror, you see a beaming smile greeting you in your reflection, not having noticed that you were doing so. You realised then how utterly happy you were, feeling more content than you had in so long.
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davycoquette · 3 months
the summer of our discontent
June, 1996
Ruck took the stairs slowly with his cigarette clenched between his teeth. At the bottom, he shifted his gig bag and backpack on his shoulder and stared into the wet morning fog. 
His life unfurled ahead of him; a flat, unbending, and featureless road.
There was no sidewalk, so he walked in the overgrown bluegrass. He headed west, toward the Styx River, because why the fuck not? It felt as if he had been borne into this world just then, disconnected from the brief and meaningless past before Decatur. He had nothing now but his baggage, which guided him like a migratory instinct toward one of the last places he had been besides home.
The fog simmered away in the heat and he sat on the curb at Crossroads eating a cold gas station breakfast pizza between sips of Grapico. The sun tanned the back of his neck and drops of sweat fell from his jaw onto the sandy asphalt.
At the intersection a man in a sweat-yellowed undershirt that clung to his ribs stopped him to ask for something. His voice was a copperhead hiss and Ruck eyed the calluses on his upturned palms.
“I cain’t understand you,” he said, and left the man mumbling where the four paths met.
In Hurricane he reached the edge of the earth and the air was heavy with salt and damp. He watched the Spanish moss on the cypress trees swing over the Tensaw River then on impulse thumbed his way into the back of a pickup that came shuddering down Bayou Road.
The driver was an old man with eyes as yellow as his few teeth, and his wife, aged indeterminably between forty and seventy, asked Ruck if he didn’t want out before they merged onto 65. He addressed her through the open back glass, and told her no, he’d better sit tight.
At sunset he tilted his head back to gaze up at the weathering steel arches of the Dolly Parton Bridge, then closed his eyes and breathed in the cloying wetland stench.
It was dark when they let him off at the edge of Creola, and he walked south to the La Quinta to book a room with his lawn-keeping money.
His clothes peeled audibly off his skin and he scrubbed them with a bar of handsoap in the bathroom sink after a long shower. He draped them over the rusted balcony railing and smoked a cigarette while he watched one treefrog fuck another one on the fake stucco wall. Voices carried down from the balcony above his, and Ruck left the sliding door open when he went in to drop his towel and fall into bed.
Close to nine in the morning he woke, removed a treefrog from the curtain, fetched his clothes from the balcony, and crushed Adderall on the little table next to the TV set. He got dressed and headed down to the lobby, where he fixed himself coffee and a waffle while his teeth chattered and the blood threatened to burst out of his veins.
Inspired, he walked down to the truck stop after breakfast with the previous day’s clothes souring in his backpack. He wandered the lot in the heatwaves and an old trucker leaned his head out his cab window and said, “You’re ‘bout the meanest lookin’ lizard I ever seen.”
Ruck hauled himself up on the passenger side step to goad the man into a fight, but the Yorkshire terrier in the seat jumped up and bit him the moment his fingers hooked over the edge of the window and the fire was doused from his blood. He dropped a few coins in the payphone outside and summoned a cab while sucking the joint of his finger.
Mobile was a short ride south of the truck stop, but the fare was twenty bucks he couldn’t afford to spend. Outside a musty music store at the fringe of the business district, he set up in the shadow of a live oak growing from the sidewalk and earned a couple bucks playing some Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash. A kid from the University wanted Freebird and Ruck played and sang a while, but the young man rode off on his bike half the song in and the street cleared out.Ruck picked up a late lunch from a mom and pop oyster bar, and sat reading the free classifieds he picked up from a stand outside. There wasn’t much of anything — except that the Greater Gulf State Fair was hiring. On closer inspection, they wanted interns from the college — but he couldn’t see the harm in paying a visit, anyway. Surely the damn fair didn’t intend to run a background check, and anyway, his attention had been good and grabbed by the logo of the cowboy astride a bronc printed in the ad.
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dromexa · 1 year
so i went to the ladies races day with the work girls yesterday, and while they were in the bathroom i started talking to this woman whose name i have completely forgotten cause honestly i’m still drunk now
now with ladies race days most of the women are dressed up to the absolute nines and this woman was serving absolute cunt, absolutely goregous which is probably how i started this conversation with her in the first place. she was really nice and we started chatting, she introduced me to her boyfriend (who i immedieatly told ‘you best treat her right you’re a lucky man’ lmao) anyway then the conversation has steered to ‘what do you do on a normal day when we’re not all dressed like we’re attending the yorkshire equivelent of the met gala’, and she said to me
‘you will never guess what i do for a living’
now, i’m not typically a serious person. i like to joke and laugh, and most of the time when someone says to me ‘you’ll never guess what happened’ i say things like; you’ve bought a farm and are going to adopt a bunch of dogs a la 101 dalmations, etc. but sometimes i take that question very seriously (like one time in third year of uni a friend of a friend at a party, who was a foreign student, said ‘you’ll never guess which country i’m from’ because literally nobody had ever guessed it in three years, and everyone said ‘nah she’ll never get it its impossible’ and after much consideration i said ‘vietnam’ bang on the money and got so many fucking free drinks that night good times)
so yesterday, i’m hammered already from the three bottles of presecco we drank in the hour long taxi ride to get here, so i’m very much in the ‘no filter’ stage, and not feeling particularly serious. i think the best answer to give right now is ‘scientist’ cause, hey, wouldn’t it be cool if there was a fucking particle physicist or some shit at the damn ladies race day.
but the bset part!!! SHE FUCKING WAS A SCIENTIST
and not only that, but I was the one who said it! SHE WAS SO HAPPY THAT SOMEONE LOOKED AT HER AND THOUGHT ‘yeah she’s definitely a scientist’ !!!!!!!!!!idk it was just this genuine moment of human connection and even though i may never see her again, she is my bestie and i hope that she and her boyfriend and their three year old kid have a good happy life <3
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brightlybound · 2 years
Accidental hand touching -Hinny!
(This took me far too long.)
Read below or HERE.
Fancying Ginny Weasley was becoming increasingly harder to hide. 
While he should have been far more focused on the team as a whole seeing as it was the last practice before the Quidditch Cup tomorrow, Harry was far too busy being entranced by Ginny, bent over her broomstick with her face set in fierce determination, to do little more than shout a few plays at the Chasers and direct the Beaters to do some swinging exercises. Even the speech he gave at the end of the evening was aimed solely at her.
“I have faith in you all,” he’d said while staring right at her. “You’ll smash it. I know you will.”
Eagerly, he sought her out after the showers, emerging from the girls' changing rooms with glowing skin and hair hanging down her back in wet, scarlet ropes. Even with Ron dutifully at his side and complaining of hunger pains, Harry enjoyed her chatter about the drills he'd had her perform, her voice so vibrant and full of enthusiasm that he could not hold back the large grin that threatened to consume his whole face.
He knew he should feel miserable, but it wasn’t high on his list of priorities when Ginny was giving the jeering Ravenclaw table a two-fingered salute as they entered The Great Hall. She made everything smooth, easy, fun, like he was in a perfect dream, and the guilt that had been clawing at his insides since the fiasco in the bathroom with Draco Malfoy was extinguished by sweet, flower-scented air. 
He didn’t have to think with her, just be.
He mirrored her movements when they settled together at the table, tipping sausages onto his plate after she’d set the platter down, taking the tongs she’d passed him for the Yorkshire pudding, drenching it in onion gravy as soon as she’d set down the silver gravy boat. He was so preoccupied with placing the shades of her hair–he decided on copper-gold and glittering like a summer sunset–that he was too quick, or perhaps she was too slow, and his hand landed over hers on the pumpkin juice pitcher.
His eyes snapped up to meet hers, his brain short-circuiting at the smoothness of her skin. It took him several seconds to pull his hand away.
“Sorry,” he said.
Ginny blinked quickly and looked away. 
“It’s alright,” she said softly. “Here.” 
She poured him a glass, leaning into his side so that the soft fabric of her butter-yellow cardigan grazed his arm. Goosebumps erupted down the entire right side of his body, and Harry tried not to be obvious that he wanted her closer, gripping at the bench so he wouldn’t do something foolish with his hands, his face turned deliberately away from the arch of her pretty neck. 
Before he could thank her, Ginny spoke again, “I know what you’re thinking.”
With a skittering heart, Harry raised his eyebrows at her and said, “I hope not.”
She laughed, tilting her head slightly in question. 
“It’s not, ‘blimey, how can they possibly win tomorrow without me?’.”
Wrong. So wrong.
Still, he humored her.
“Ah, you’ve got me.” He speared a sausage with his fork and sighed. “Even though practice went really well and you’ve been trained by me, the greatest Seeker there ever was–” Ginny snorted, and Harry rejoiced at the crinkle of her nose. “–you all couldn't possibly win without me.”
“Your sarcasm is most impressive.” Ginny’s eyes were twinkling. 
“But sarcasm aside,” she continued, “you do know we’ll be okay, right?”
“I wasn’t lying earlier," he said, thinking about the speech and the look of longing he was sure she’d sent him from across the Pitch. "I have faith in you.”
“Just me?”
He pretended to think. “Hmm, no. The rest of the team, too, I guess.”
Another brilliant grin, this time with a flush to her cheeks, and the space between Harry’s lungs grew impossibly warm and soft.
“Anyway,” said Ginny, turning to her food and cutting into her pudding, “I’m glad you won’t be there.”
“Ouch,” he said through a wince, “tell me how you really feel.”
“You know what I mean!” cried Ginny, driving her elbow into his arm.
Harry laughed. “I don’t, actually.”
“I just mean," said Ginny with great emphasis, "that the alternative is much worse.”
"The alternative?" he said. "You mean, actually playing?"
Ginny rolled her eyes, but her face went a little bit pink. "No, you git! I'm glad you're safe, not… you know… in hospital, bleeding out."
"Cheers." Harry grinned as she shook her head at him despairingly. "Although, it seems you've absolutely no faith in me."
"What?” said Ginny, giving him a confused look. “How d’you figure that?"
“You think I'd lose in a duel to Malfoy?"
"Right, of course.” Ginny huffed out a laugh. “That was so silly of me to suggest."
They ate in companionable silence, listening in to Ron and Hermione’s conversation across the table, about the merits of studying before physical activity versus after. Harry could feel a hard stare from the direction of Dean’s seat further down the table, a gaze he would have met if Ginny had not spoken up again.
"At the end of the day,” she said, “you do know it's just Quidditch, right?"
Harry saw right through her. "That was painful to say, wasn't it?"
Ginny playfully hung her head and groaned, “I’m dying as we speak.”
Harry burst into laughter.
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eyra · 1 year
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screaming at this review. girl I’ve lived in Yorkshire for 30 years and I wouldn’t know America if I met it in a bathroom.
just say you’ve never been to the north and move on. x
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lulublack90 · 8 months
Prompt 18 - Empty
@wolfstarmicrofic January 18, word count 259
Opposite - Full
Sirius couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten. His stomach was completely empty. The only thing that kept him going was the thought that he’d see Remus again soon. 
He’d been on assignment for nearly a week and had had to lay low because death eaters were scouring the area for him. If he apparated they’d know he was there, and it was imperative that they didn’t figure out an order member had seen what was going on. So he’d had to wait for them to stop looking. 
Finally, he saw his chance to escape and took it. Before he knew it, he was racing across the Yorkshire countryside in his dog form.
Once he was far enough away, he transformed back and apparated to three random locations before he aimed for home, just in case he was followed. Moody would have his balls if he didn’t. 
He opened the front door, a flood of relief washing over him. 
“Remus?” He called out as he made his way through the house to the kitchen. But he got no answer. “Remus?” He called again. He looked into the bedroom and found the sandy-haired man fast asleep. Quietly he shut the door and went to the bathroom to enjoy a much-needed hot bath. 
He could have woken Remus but he’d looked so peaceful he couldn’t bring himself to disturb him. It would be morning soon and he could surprise him with breakfast in bed. He liked this idea a lot and so did his stomach as it gurgled hungrily at him.
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salvador-daley · 2 years
A Klaus Hargreeves murder mystery
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A/N: Not me making you wait two months for an update. Sorry folks, my personal life has been kinda nuts lately and I’ve not had the time or brain capacity to focus on writing as much as I’d like. However, I am still chipping away at this story and the result is this fully loaded chapter which is CHOCKFULL of clues.
Many thanks to @ramblingluna aka @helunar1 for the absolutely glorious artwork, which I have been saving especially for this chapter. And thanks as always to @allisoooon for the patient beta read and unbending support. 😘😘
Thanks so much for reading and remember: your comments and kudos mean the world to me (and help to keep the writer’s block at bay) so please do lemme know your thoughts and theories.
Snippet from Chapter 28 Nancy Drew:
Klaus returns the glare for a moment longer, remembering the time he won a staring contest with a particularly pugnacious Yorkshire terrier that time he attempted to steal meds from a vet’s office and somehow ended up in the quarantine kennel.
But then the discomfort becomes unbearable and he can hold it in no longer. “Can I help you with something, Inspector Clouseau?”
Wesson nods, mostly to herself. “That’s a great question, Mr Hargreeves. A great question.” She reaches into a leather messenger bag by her side and pulls out a white spray bottle, placing it on the table in front of them. “Do you know what this is for, Mr Hargreeves?”
Klaus looks at it. The bottle has a label. Red writing, lots of warnings. Something scientific. Although he can’t make out the whole name from this angle, it looks like surface spray. He shrugs. “Cleaning your bathroom?”
Wesson reaches forward and wraps her hand around the bottle, squeezing it in her big fist. “This,” she says, “is a chemical called luminol.” She holds the bottle up to her face and admires it, turning it in her hand as she speaks. “Great little invention. It allows us to see traces of blood, even when it’s been cleaned up.”
Klaus gulps.
Ben looks at him.
Wesson continues. “We used this all over Mr Templeton’s house and do you know what we found, Mr Hargreeves?”
He knows what she found. He can’t let her know that though. He tucks his arms even tighter around his body and slouches against the red leather of the booth, cocking his chin at her in a way he hopes comes across as confident and defiant and not at all guilty as sin. “No? Surprise me.”
“Bloody footprints. All the way down the stairs. In the hallway, in the bathroom. Traces of blood all over his shower. We found blood on the door handle, on the nightstand. We even found it in the sink.”
Klaus decides to switch to his preferred tactic; feigned idiocy.
It works every time.
Well, it works some of the time.
It works about 30 per cent of the time, if he’s being honest.
“And what the hell is that supposed to mean to me, hmmn?”
Wesson lowers the bottle and leans in, penetrating him with her stare now.
He thinks of the dog at the vet’s office. How Klaus had poked his head through the doggie door and the beast had bared its teeth at him, its tiny body shaking all over with unchecked rage.
“It means,” she growls, “that someone was in the room when Mr Templeton died. That they were there when his throat was cut. That they got all covered in his blood and that afterwards they attempted to clean it up.”
Klaus freezes.
Ben’s eyes dart from Klaus to Wesson to Klaus again.
Wesson is still holding his gaze, attempting to snap him open, to break him like a dry twig.
He waits a beat.
“Have you ever seen Heat?” he asks. “Amazing film. Robert deNiro at his best.”
Read the rest on AO3
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Tagging in the hopes you might reblog please pretty please: @badsext @softforklave @anglophile-rin @neist @purblzart @maerenee930 @firstpersonnarrator @allisoooon @cemeteryklaus @super-unpredictable98 @courtneytarynofficial @mokolataddict @pickledbeefwastaken @love-is-dirty-baby @rina-cydonia @inspiremeandsetmefree @jender123 @vonkimmeren @sylvertyger @merrilark @rob-private @pietro-t1me @not-oscar-wilde @squishitude
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princesspuresarahk · 6 months
The Batman Au: Riddler’s Reform
Chapter: 5 Shopping and a date?
Warning before read for a sexual mature scene (mustbe18+) hints of heavy Riddlebat
The morning sun was slowly peeking through Edward’s window softly hitting his eyes as Eddie slowly awoke smiling happily as the warm rays kissed his face he gently rubbed his eyes getting the sleep out of them and checked the clock on the wall. It was 7:00 in the morning oh well might as well get up. mind still fuzzy Edward gave his limbs a good stretch before crawling out of bed giving his back a nice satisfied pop, went to the bathroom to relieve himself and splash some cool water on his face to wake himself up more, and made his way downstairs where he could smell fresh coffee brewing following the smell he found the kitchen where Scarlet was sitting by the table still in her PJs too in a violet grey nightgown with rose designs on it with a kimono-like roll tied loosely around her waist "good morning Eddie you're up early just in time I just made a fresh pot." She greeted cheerily handing him a porcelain coffee cup just like her own decorated with little flowers and birds on it "In a little bit do you want some breakfast? I can make some porridge or some bagels?" Scarlet asked as Edward put in that good amount of cream and sugar into his cup making his coffee into a creamy sweetness. “Good morning Scarlet. Yes, some breakfast sounds nice” said Edward who couldn’t help but feel drowsy. He couldn’t help but still feel tired from yesterday. It was as if everything happened at once. Edward was released from Arkham, but Edward escaped only seconds before he was to be let out. Edward was worried his early departure would land him back in Arkham, and all his credibility of working hard to get better would be tarnished. However, Edward knew his life depended on escaping; especially when Joker and Penguin had placed a number on his head. “Should I tell Scarlet this? Does she even know that she’s sheltering a potential fugitive?” Edward asked himself. Edward knew that Scarlet’s heart was so big and would do everything she could to help him out. When Edward came to her last night, he was tired and soaked; he felt happier at least to know his cousin helped make him feel better. Edward smiled as he felt the lovely and soft fabric of the night dress he was wearing, the uniform he wore at Arkham didn’t feel as comfortable. But wait as he thought again. I was at the bus stop I'm not far after I was released so maybe that doesn't make me a fugitive at all. So the only fugitive somewhere out was that psycho clown and bird brain darn it what was I thinking? Scarlet would go to Hades and back to protect him and his foes have no idea where he's at so all should be good as long as he keeps his head low and stays out of Gotham for a while today is a new day for you Edward remember that. He told himself as he took a sip of his coffee letting out a happy sigh at the taste of Irish cream and a little bit of hazelnut as Scarlet brought them breakfast nice hot porridge with nuts and fresh berries."I have some clothes you can have while we go shopping once we're done we'll be heading out to Stygainville." Interesting Edward heard of it, it was a small town out of Gotham City's limits known for its nickname Little Gotham except it doesn't have a lot of crime not a trace of it and looks more like a village with old Gothic architecture but it did have a lot of amazing little boutiques and little cultural shops from French, Spanish, Korean, Yorkshire and Irish. Making it a cute small place to explore for tourists while on their way to explore the big dark city.
After breakfast, Edward was led by Scarlet to her room to show him the outfit she picked for him. “So… how does it look?” asked Edward as he walked out wearing a turquoise cotton sundress with a v-neck, he also wore a pair of small white heels. Edward smiled, he almost forgot how it felt to wear a cute dress instead of that tight green costume he’d worn back when he was the Riddler. It seemed like ever since he came to Scarlet, Edward felt like he was on the path to becoming a law-abiding citizen. However, Edward was fearful that the authorities could be looking for him; especially his so-called friends from Arkham Asylum.
“Edward, Darling! You look absolutely stunning! Oooh, it’s as if that dress was made for you. I must say that for a man, your taste in women’s wear is very nice!” said Scarlett as she walked out wearing a white button-down shirt with a red leather jacket over it, a plaid pencil skirt and a pair of small off-lime colored heels. The two cousins held hands and walked towards Scarlet’s car as she drove them to Little Gotham. Little did they know that keeping tabs on them was Batman who was staking out their house from the top of a nearby church as Scarlet pulled off from the driveway and onto the road, Batman fired a small magnetic tracker onto the back of their car. This tiny tracker was linked to the Batwave and was able to interface with satellites in space to provide up-to-date information about Riddler’s whereabouts at all times. Seeing Riddler in that dress, Batman couldn’t help but get a boner in his tights; he tried to get rid of it as he was worried his concentration might be disrupted now that his thoughts were on the effeminate Edward.
Right now he needs to focus and Batman needs to be back in the City at least he knows for now Edward is safe away from harm's way knowing he's in good hands silent as a ghost he made his way back down from the church to one of his batcycles riding out back into Gotham where just in time got a report of Clue Master up to old tricks again and Batman heads out to the situation. In the meantime a classic 1958 hot cherry red Cadillac gently cruised down the road towards Little Gotham as the song Born This Way by Orville Peck gently played on the radio Eddie took a deep breath enjoying the cool morning breeze gently blowing on his face and dark raven hair watching the scenery with a lazy smile as apple and peach blossom trees bloomed soaking up the fresh rain from last night "it's such a beautiful morning isn't it Scarlet?" He asked as the song finished a song by Elvis Presley began to play "Indeed it’s gorgeous Eddie baby today is a brand new day for you it's going to be absolutely fun by the time we're done shopping you'll have enough clothes it can make you come up with a riddle for it," she joked causing the both of them to giggle in glee after another hour of driving they soon made it to the sun village a cute sign in French design saying 'Welcome To Stygainville' on it and Edward got to admit it was a cute little town everything was in a traditional and aesthetic design some buildings built with dark colored bricks and stones(hence its nickname little Gotham) covered with flowers in celebration of spring in the center of the town square a small garden area where people could rest in its center stood a beautiful natural fountain in gothic design that looked like it came out of a fairytale an idea that came from the founder of the little town who had a deep love for fairy tales and the Grimm Brothers. Like Gotham has its legend about Solomon Grundy its little sister has her tales for there is a little legend where some of the settlers in the 1840s from Ireland and Yorkshire unknowingly brought fairies and fae with them who couldn't depart from them thus so secretly follow them all the way to America to continue their mischief and magic in the New World there is even a little museum that talks about its history something that Eddie thought interesting and would love to check out sometime.
After finding a parking spot they headed to the nearest boutique for fun shopping Stygainville was one of the few suburban towns outside of the greater Gotham City. Being a working-class and slightly more liberal town, this part of Gotham had a low crime rate and was known to be one of the best towns in America to raise a family. Aside from the town’s history, it was home to several of Gotham’s Anglican, Irish, and Eastern European immigrants who have built the town and its many achievements to Gotham. Presently, tourism is what brings in the money; the town boasts the largest outlet mall in Gotham. There were so many lovely clothing stores ranging from Mexx, Jones: New York, Polo: Ralph Lauren, and Victoria’s Secret, just to name a few wonderful shopping destinations. “These stores are wonderful, oooh it’s too difficult to decide where to start first. Perhaps we can check out the Polo: Ralph Lauren” Edward said excitedly as he and Scarlet held hands as they both walked into the nice clothing store. The racks were lined with so many things to choose from.
“Perhaps something like this?” asked Edward as he pulled out a dark green polo shirt dress with a long skirt that was believed to be knee length. " you and your color scheme Eddie always look fabulous in green it's cute," Scarlet commented as she helped him pick out some more clothes including some dresses with miniskirts a black cotton dress with grey black lace high-thigh stockings and a red slick dress with a flowy skirt that gives a cute twirl when he spins “I really need to expand my wardrobe, and all of these cute clothes are just the ticket~” said Edward as he kept picking out more cute clothes for himself, after adding more items into a bunch that he wanted to try on; Edward flagged down a saleswoman. “Could we please have two change rooms for us?” asked Edward, who was overly keen on trying on his items. As Edward was looking forward to wearing his things, he thought of Batman. Edward couldn’t believe that Batman was going through all this trouble to protect him when some years ago the two were on opposite sides of the law.
After a few minutes of changing Edward came out wearing a white dress covered in lilac and lavender flowers with a light pink sweater, Scarlet came out wearing a knee-length green dress with white sleeves the bottom of the sleeves covering in colorful flowers a pink peony flower attached to her breast “It looks so cute on you, Scarlet. Let’s these outfits, I have a few other places in mind that we should shop at. There’s the Mexx store that has some really classy clothes… oh and there’s the Victoria’s Secret too, we should definitely treat each other to some new lingerie~” said Edward before he and Scarlet went back to their respective change rooms to change back in their regular clothes. The two went to then pay for their items before they left. Little did they know that Batgirl or Barbara Gordon was there buying some new polo shirts while also informing Batman on the scene when she heard Edward and Scarlet having fun together on their shopping trip.
“Awwww they’re having fun. I wish I could have a cool sibling like Scarlet to shop with~” said Barbara as she tried on a violet polo shirt dress, she took some selfies of herself with her phone. Bringing back old memories from a certain ex-friend. “Did you and Ivy use to?” asked Bruce as Batman who was in the city with Robin and trying to find both the Joker and Penguin.
“We used to… but yeah… that was a long time ago,” said Barbara in her changing room, the mention of her old friend turned supervillain made the girl shed a tear. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to bring up old wounds. Umm, I’ve done a complete scan of Gotham, Joker and Penguin aren’t here anywhere. I’ve concluded that they’d try to blend in, which I’m willing to doubt” said Batman as he kept looking around for any sign of these bad guys. “I also wanted to ask Edward on a date, I’m going to drop by where he’s living later to ask him,” said Bruce whispered to himself whose chest was pounding at the excitement of wining and dining Edward, he was especially excited at the possibility of spending another night together in bed. Throughout the morning Edward and Scarlet shopped at every store they could walk to buy Edward's brand new wardrobe, their hands getting so full of shopping bags they had to take a break and put them in the car before heading out again by then they just gotten him some new footwear some lovely ballerina flats, boots, a couple of heels some cute rain boots and sandals along with a couple of cute stockings and socks for his cute Cinderella feet, then they went to get Edward a new phone getting special security on it to keep him safe whenever he's out on his own and a cute green Anushka Embroidered Leather Zipper crossbody with a regal peacock design on it by then it was entering afternoon and both were ready for some lunch stopping by a cute little cafe called The Little Black Cat known for its tea party foods and ambiance serving tea of all kinds either it be a hot teapot or fresh cold picture they even have known for their fresh spring pink lemonade "This has been quite a day huh Scarlet I think I have so many clothes to last me a lifetime," Edward smiled picking up a cucumber sandwich after their food arrived "Indeed Eddie you got everything to settle in our home now," Scarlet replied with a wink.
A little after noon, the two happy cousins returned home. With their purchases in tow, Edward and Scarlett walked inside excitedly. As Scarlet volunteered to put their things away upstairs, Edward heard the revving of an engine outside. Stepping out of the charcoal grey Lamborghini was a tall well-built man with white porcelain skin, piercing blue eyes, and well-groomed hair on his head. He wore a black suit with a blue button-down shirt that was open halfway. Wearing a pair of black shades over his eyes, he walked away from the sports car towards the womanly-looking man with a bouquet of roses in one hand. “Hello there Edward, remember me? Bruce Wayne, CEO and co-owner of Wayne-(soon to be) Saddler Industries. Anyways, we met once and well… I just couldn’t stop thinking about that pretty face of yours~” said Bruce with a charming smile on his face, he hoped Edward wasn’t too startled by how the prince of Gotham had come near to Stygainville just to win his heart. “Ohh umm, Mr. Wayne… yes, how do you do? It’s been a while since our last confrontation- ah encounter~” said Edward who blushed a deep shade of red as he was charmed by the billionaire playboy’s charisma. “I came here to ask you on a date, there’s something we both did before that was unfortunately cut short… and besides, a cute creature like you needs to get out with a guy. So what do you say?~” said Bruce as he had to save himself from feeling the effeminate Edward. Out of sight, Robin was up in a tree maintaining surveillance. Robin couldn’t help but cringe at Bruce’s Prince Charming act, but he was trying to be happy for Bruce since being the billionaire playboy by day and a highly intelligent crime fighter by night rarely awarded any sweethearts.
“Ooh well… I’m not doing anything else…. Sooo well… um y-yes~” said Edward, who had never been so tongue-tied in his life. Edward wasn’t sure what Bruce meant by “what they both did together before”, however, Edward still couldn’t piece together that Bruce Wayne and Batman were indeed the same man. Bruce’s intentions of course were very determined, he wanted to sleep with Edward. The last time they were together, the last time they were engaged in sex was beautiful, erotic, honest, and was something they wanted. Bruce slept with Edward as Batman, but he decided that if they were going to have an honest relationship together; Bruce wanted to include the reveal of his secret in the date. Bruce wanted to come out slowly as Batman for Edward, during their night of burning passion together. Edward's blush lightly faded as Bruce handed him the bouquet "That's great how does next Friday sound at 6:30? I'll let you choose the place," he suggested knowing Edward’s long day from yesterday and getting settled at his cousin's so would want to give Edward time to fully settle down and didn't want to rush things for him. As for Eddie (hmm well he suggested next Friday that's two weeks from now so yeah I guess that's not so bad and getting to choose the place and I know that I am not ready to go near Gotham for a long time) "the.. that's sounds alright to me ah thank you, Mr. Wayne, I..I'd like that," he whispered shyly his hair cutely covering his face and bringing the roses closer to smell them trying to shyly hide his blush.
“Until we meet again, Beautiful. See you later, Edward~” said Bruce with a smile before he kissed Edward’s cheek and whispered something along the lines of “There will be more than you think coming the Friday after next~” whispered Bruce before he smiled, waved at Scarlet and got back into his car to head back home. As Bruce drove away, Edward smiled as he felt a strange feeling forming inside his panties. Edward remembered this feeling, it was so familiar; similar to how Bruce felt.
“You like him a lot, don’t you?” asked Scarlet, she saw his growing blush she knew just how he felt. Edward blushed as it was rather inappropriate for his cousin to see the heat forming underneath his skirt crossing his legs to hide it but pretended not to so as not to embarrass Eddie.
“I do… I can’t stop thinking about him. He treats me the same as you do, he likes me as a woman… he sees me as a feminine~” smiled Edward as he crossed his arms, pretending he was being hugged by him.
“He’s a nice guy, and he truly cares for you. You really should go on that date, I don’t know Bruce Wayne that well… but he looked like he cares a lot about you… and besides, I always support queer relationships~” smiled Scarlet as she hugged her cousin, showing him that he deserved a relationship of this kind. At the same time, Robin disappeared from his tree and was back on his bike bound for Gotham.
credit to the lovely https://www.tumblr.com/theivylinerart for being part of this story!
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 8 months
dreamt that me n slimbo had hiked up a mountain then had to walk back down at night. i was scared of wild animals but nothing gappened. at the bottom was this seaside town i always dream of. we went into a restaurant to use the bathroom & gordon ramsay was working there cooking in front of evryone. i walked up to him and said "excuse me gordon rAmsay sir i wanted to say that i admire you." and he was like "tysm dahling, would you like some of my percocets?" i said yes so he grabbed a bottle from the kitchen n poured a pile of them into my hand. i put them in my pocket, i was wearing a black american apparel tennis skirt (my whole outfit was black). slimbo was drinking and i talked to chef ramsay about the lobster yorkshire pudding he was making.
then me n slimbo were driving along the coast to catch a ferry home. we turned onto a narrow floating dock that lead far out into the sea & had no barriers on the sides. slimbo was saying how chef ramsay was kinda disappointing cus he's not as mean irl but i disagreed that his mean-ness wouldnt translate the same if he wasnt actually a sweetheart deep down. we were about to drive onto a connecting dock when it suddenly began pulling away from us as if a boat was tugging it. slimbo didnt stop in time so we drove off the dock into the turbulent grey ocean depths & sank while staring at each other in complete terror. The End❤️
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wishicouldcrossthesea · 4 months
Inside the bathroom, I took a mirror selfie and pulled a face, then rounded the corner to peer into what was once his bedroom. “Assia and Shura’s ashes were there, in a closet, for years, in a plastic bag,” my friend told me, and I felt nothing but a rising anxiety, like the woman in a horror movie who, as the house hisses, Get out, fingers the crown molding with loving care
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stressedlawsecretary · 3 months
Today's Focus
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ft hometown hero Daniel Garcia
07.02.24 - Fashion challenge day 2: an outfit you feel confident in. I love this dress; I didn't think it'd look this nice but it does and I always get compliments on it - which of course makes me feel more confident wearing it!
Work - I need to make sure that I set up a deposition for CSB, and that I get a couple of videos uploaded to our secure cloud.
Yesterday, as usual, I was told that my timeline for redacting was shorter than planned and so I primarily spent my day fighting with Adobe doing that.
Background Noise - In the office so binging YT and trying to keep up. I have like four different goals but it's mostly just adding longer and longer videos lmao.
I did nine videos yesterday, but one of them was almost an hr and a half, and the rest were pretty much all over 30 min long.
Study - Tuesday is article day, and I may not go my usual route with reading (even though I should); this is because I have a LOT of 'temporary' bookmarks I haven't gone back to and like. I should clear those out.
Yesterday was good! Read a press release, the decisions for the US Acierno v. New Castle County and the UK Alcock v. Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police. I also read an assurance of discontinuance in a housing dispute the OAG handled.
Extras - Back to cleaning the bathroom; dinner is not beef today but pork, since we're doing burgers on the 4th. Also back to Kamen Rider Build and then Kyuranger; honestly I think I like Sentai better than Riders. Then silly shows!
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feverinfeveroutfic · 4 months
”touch too much”
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It wasn't the first time, and I would be surprised if it wouldn't be the last, either.
At some point after dinner, Alex had passed out there on the couch with one arm up on the top of the cushions and his feet up on the arm. A few locks of his hair spread over his face and neck to make it look as though he had fallen asleep on the beach. He had undone his pants but he barely had a little belly poking up from his body; he eaten so much that evening that I was surprised that he hadn't passed out into a food coma an hour before.
I stood there at the recliner chair, right over Lou's head, whereby he had leaned it back and put his hands behind his head. All three of us had eaten our fair share of it all, but Alex had in particular. He rolled his head over the top of the pillow and parted his lips to give us a soft little groan: at least he was a clean eater and he had licked off all of the crumbs around the rim of his mouth and his fingers. But it was still so adorable to see him lounging there on his back, sound asleep, like that of a young boy who had eaten too much and fallen asleep at his grandparents' house during Hanukkah.
“You know at some point, he's gonna wake up and have the absolute worst indigestion,” Lou said in a low voice.
“I don't know, he was scarfing down a lot of veggies,” I recalled. “A lot of veggies as well as everything else. I do have plenty of antacids in the bathroom, though, just in case.”
“I still can't believe he ate the whole thing,” he chuckled. “I remember thinking at one point, 'where in the world did this come from?'”
“He really is a little piggy, he just doesn't want to admit it,” I pointed out. “I remember him once telling me that he'd get the worst munchies when he'd take an extra hit from a joint.”
“Well, well, well, that explains everything, now doesn't it?”
“Right? And apparently, it's carried over, too. Remember he was complaining earlier today about being so damn hungry that he could eat an entire buffet table?”
Lou snickered at that, and then he peered up at me with a mischievous look on his face.
“How could I forget?” But then he locked eyes with me, even with his head turned back all the way like that to look on at me.
“What're you thinking about?” I asked him.
“Thinking about going out and getting him a little 'present',” he replied with a wink.
“I'm gonna have to get something for breakfast tomorrow, though,” I told him with a shrug. “Knowing how he wakes up all famished and what have you.”
“Don't you have some stuff to make cinnamon rolls, though?”
“Yeah, but you know how he is, though,” I pointed out. “We could enjoy some rolls ourselves, but he's going to want more than that.” I lifted my gaze to his porky little belly: I couldn't explain how he could be such a big eater and not have a big protuding potbelly on him, but there he was, laying there on my couch with his little gut hanging out in the open.
“I'll make him a full English breakfast,” I suggested. “That'll not only fill him up but us, too.”
“English breakfast, that's got things like eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, and a bunch of fruit, right?”
“Yeah. They also have black pudding along with it, but I don't have the gumption for that. I'll make us little Yorkshires instead.”
Lou then ran his fingers through his hair and gingerly stood to his feet, even though I knew an earthquake wouldn't wake Alex, let alone the squeaking of a leather chair. We slipped our shoes back on, and then I picked up the apartment key as well as my jacket from the spot next to the front door.
“You think he'll be okay by himself here?” Lou asked me in a low voice.
“Oh, yeah. There was another time he fell into a food coma like this, and he didn't wake up until I put a pot of coffee on. Lou, I'm not even kidding, I tried banging on a pot with a wooden spoon and he didn't budge.”
He chuckled at that as we headed on out to the cool night: a marine layer had come in for us, such that Lou huddled closer to me.
“I told you to wear a heavier jacket!” I declared as we reached the sidewalk and the mostly deserted street. We lived in the Bay Area, and yet the sidewalks rolled up at around seven o'clock in the evening. We kept on walking until we reached the supermarket doors, and I started thinking about what I wanted to make for the morning after. We had just eaten dinner, so I was already in no mood to see anything as all that appetizing. But it was for the day after, though: I had to keep on thinking ahead about it all.
Lou lingered back by the bread while I took my time at the produce. I chuckled to myself when I thought about Alex scarfing up all of that lush fruit and veggies that I had served for him: silly boy, doesn't he know that it still counts as overeating?
I picked up a small bunch of strawberries for a quick look to see if they were ripe enough. He sure loved his berries: the plumper and more ripe the berry, the plumper and more ripe the boy. I followed it up with some bananas, followed by blueberries and raspberries, and I was also eyeing the mint leaves and the gooseberries. We were looking at some hearty smoothies to go with our English breakfast in the morning when I noticed Lou had gone off somewhere. Probably to the bathrooms.
Nevertheless, I carried on with some milk and heavy cream, followed by bacon and breakfast sausage. I had plenty of eggs in my fridge, which meant I could make us some sunny side up eggs as well as the Yorkshire puddings; but if I remembered correctly, there were some beans and mushrooms to go with it all, too. Given it was Sunday, and the load was just starting to come in and the clerks were all in the back, I could pick out from the utter cornucopia before me without anyone getting in my way. When I doubled back to the produce section to look for any good-looking button mushrooms, I spotted Lou coming back to me with a sly little smirk on his face.
“What's up?” I asked him as I picked out a small bunch of mushrooms and put it in the basket.
“I was just in the bathroom,” he replied.
“But what's that look for?”
“I just got the dumbest idea,” he began again, that time in a lower voice.
“What's that?”
“When I was in the bathroom, I saw a hole in the wall of the stall next to me,” he said. “It looked fresh and clean, too, like whoever did that never had it fixed but it was cleaned, though. It got me thinking.”
I gaped at him.
“Oh, no, Lou, not here!” I hissed at him.
“It's Sunday, Eric. Sunday night, which means there's no one else here but us and the fresh new loads coming in for the night. It's a crazy idea, but I doubt anyone is going to walk in on us.”
“Elle's not here, either,” I muttered aloud, and my eyes wandered to the rest of the produce department, to which I found myself looking on at the bags of carrots on display, followed by the meat department before us.
“Besides, we haven't really had a moment together,” he confessed, much to my bewilderment.
“Lou... really?”
And he bowed his head and shyly nodded.
“I have to confess to you, Eric,” he continued, and I could tell that this was a big deal for him; “I do think about it from time to time. You and I are friends, but something like that shouldn't take anything away from our friendship.”
I swallowed at that, and I had no clue as to how to respond to him. This was all happening so quickly, perhaps more so than the whole thing with Alex because at least he and I eased into that, and I managed to wake something up in him.
“And I kind of feel bad for fessing that to you, too, simply because it feels like I'm putting pressure on you,” he continued in a single breath.
“No, no,” I promised him with a shake of my head, and I rested a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me and locked eyes with me. “No, Lou. I promise you there's no pressure whatsoever. It's just... out of the blue, is all. But I probably should've known that you had some feelings for me, though...”
It felt so appropriate that I had to really fixate on whether or not I wanted it. I sighed through my nose and held the basket down by my side. We were alone in the market, and I had to think on my feet.
“Yeah, I think we can do a quick one,” I told him. “I have get some baked beans, and that's about it.”
“The beans can wait,” he assured me in a low voice.
“The beans can in fact wait,” I echoed him, and he led me back to the men's room, which smelled of lemons, which told me it was in fact clean in there. I set the basket down on the counter next to the sinks, and Lou gestured for me to take the stall on the right. I bowed in there and spotted it, the hole right next to the toilet paper rolls. It looked to be going the other way, which meant I was going to give myself to him.
I unzipped my pants and let them glide down my legs a bit. Even while standing up, I could see him bowing down below the hole to prepare himself. It was so strange to have it happen as is, but I knew that we would take our friendship to a different level. If anything, it could possibly add another dimension to it.
“Okay... hold still,” I told him in a hushed whisper; I dropped my shorts and revealed myself to him.
“I am holding still,” he assured me as he put his mouth up to the hole.
“Okay... I am putting my dick through the hole... can you see it?”
“I do, yeah,” he replied with a slight grunt.
“Okay... try it out.”
I bent my knees enough for him to see me all the way through the hole. I had to be careful not to move too much as I did have a ring of metal around my dick; I pressed my hands to the wall of the stall right before me as he put his lips around me. It was something that I never expected that I would like before, but he moved in as deep as he could even with the metallic wall right before his face and even with the fact that we couldn't see one another, either. I could still feel him, and I could still feel the edges of his teeth against my skin. Something about it all made my spine straighten up a bit more, and something about it made me think of Alex. The way that he would gorge himself and then he would be in such a tender enough spot to warrant something like this.
I was in the tender spot at that point. Lou was the one in control.
Lou was the one in control and I couldn't help but let myself relax to the very feeling of his lips, his teeth, and his tongue.
A metal wall between us and it was enough touch. It was more than enough. It was everything. It was everything I never believed I would ever imagine happening to me before.
Lou let go of me and coughed.
“Are you alright?” I asked him.
“Yeah. I was just... kind of gagging on you a bit.”
“Have a gag!” I declared as I pressed my body to the wall, just so could have more. His lips back on my flesh again and I wished I could see his face. I wished I could see him closing his eyes in utter bliss, and I wished he could see me giving my body up to him, my best friend.
I was coming fast and hard, even as I still tried to keep myself from scraping against the metal rim of the hole. I still scraped against it anyway, and it only made me rise more.
Lou let go of me again, and that time, I could hear something dripping onto the floor on the other side of the wall.
“They just cleaned, too!” he laughed, and I couldn't help but laugh as well. With my dick still out in the open, we both barreled out of the stalls and for the sinks.
“Wow,” he muttered, and he placed his hands on the brim of the sink basin next to my grocery basket.
“That was... that was something,” I breathed out as I reached for the paper towels at the dispenser. “Something I never thought I would like.”
“Then I'm glad we did that,” he confessed as he scrubbed his hands with that soft-smelling soap.
“Stupid idea wasn't so stupid after all,” I assured him with a smile, and I wiped myself down lest anyone ask any questions the next day.
Once we were cleaned up, I picked up the basket and we headed out of there and back to the corridor. It was right then I noticed the blush to his face: if any of the clerks asked, he had been on the toilet a bit too long.
“What'd you say you needed next, baked beans?” he asked me.
“Yeah. Baked beans for the boy with his bulging little belly out in the bodacious open.” And he laughed at that.
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