#battle ego Bones
chickensoupleg · 3 months
Stupid idea but Pokemon AU where Billy and Steve met as children but not really. Like, they were in the same area somehow as kids and there was this person who was giving away their Nidoqueen's babies (It had a LITTER) because why not and both of them were there. Steve picks a Nidoran♀ and Billy a Nidoran♂, and then depart. Perhaps they even talked a little bit, but not enough that they'd form a bond by any means.
Then they grew up, and cross paths again. They don't recognise each other.
But their Nidoking and Nidoqueen do.
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red-balloon12 · 1 month
So….everyone else is making their own headcanons on the battle egos. And I was thinking about making my own…but be warned that my headcanons are a bit different than everyone else’s.
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spookysweet-heart · 2 years
All or Nothing
Request: No
Fandom: Battle Egos
Parings: Battle Egos x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: This is Part Three! Part One and Two can be found here and here! This is a Julie and The Phantoms AU, with the Holloway Sisters (battle ego OCs) and Battle Boys! I hope you like it! The songs featured throughout the series are by their respective bands and artists, I’ll link each song that’s featured so you all can listen along. Each song I chose has significance to the story, so I hope you pay attention to them! The collage was made by me! Edited by @semiproeagle​!
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     Back at the club, Phantom is watching one of the performers running a soundcheck. He looks over at Natemare who’s standing by. “What do you think of an all-girl band?”
“Interesting, but how would you fit another band in when you’re fully booked?”  Natemare looks down at his brother curiously.
“Well, I’ll just have to make some sacrifices, won’t I?” Phantom stands up and pats Natemare’s shoulder as he passes by him. “Tell our girls I need to see them in my office, will you?”
Natemare only nods as he watches his brother head down the hall and disappear into a room. He looks at his wrist where a red symbol could be seen before disappearing into his skin. “What the fuck are you planning this time…”
“Hey!” Bones walks over to Mare. His smile turns into worry when he sees Mare looking at his wrist. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Natemare shakes off his thoughts and looks around. “Have you seen Lexi and Kimberly?”
“Uh, yeah, actually. They just got back. Why?” Bones raises an eyebrow, but before Mare can answer, the two girls walk into the room. 
“Hey! What's up, you two?” Lexi smiles up at them.
“Nothing really, how was the thing you two went to see?” Mare smiles back and hugs them both after Bones does.
“It was a lot of fun! Got to see the girl Lexi wouldn’t stop talking about. She’s unbelievably pretty.” Kimberly pokes at Lexi’s cheek playfully.
“Shut up. Besides, did you see how her sisters were looking at you?”
“Shut up…” Kimberly playfully elbows her arm, making Bones giggle. Nervously laughing away her embarrassment, she looks over at Mare who’s staring off into space. “Smokey boy, you good?” She waves her hand in front of his face to get his attention.
Mare blinks before taking a step back. “What? Oh, yeah no, I’m fine. Uh, Phantom wanted to see you two in his office, by the way.”
“Right now?” Lexi looks over at him.
“Yeah, but hey, when you guys come out of there, can you find us and tell us what he says?”
“Sure thing. But are you sure you’re okay? You seem more off than usual.” Lexi gently squeezes his shoulder reassuringly. 
“I’m fine, I’ll tell you two why when I know what he wants.”
“Alright, well, see you guys soon, then!” Lexi took Kimberly’s hand, leading her away from them and down the hall to Phantom’s office. 
Knocking on the door, they hear Phantom tell them to come in. 
“You wanted to see us, sir?” Both girls step inside, closing the door behind them.
“There you two are! My precious little gems!” Phantom brings them both into a hug. They feel a little awkward with how friendly their boss is being. “I was thinking,” He lets go of them and gestures to the two to take a seat by his desk. Picking up a flier, he hands it to Lexi. “Why don’t we welcome those newcomers? The sisters you told me about?” 
He points to the flier that had an invitation to the club for their Friday night showcase. “Wouldn’t it be nice to introduce them to a place where they could come and relax when they want to take a break from things?” Phantom smiles as he pet and smoothes out Kimberly's hair. “I’m sure they’d love to see my leading lady perform on one of her biggest nights of the week.”
“This is for next week, it feels too late to say anything…” Lexi looks over the flier one more time before she looks up at him. 
“It shouldn’t be an issue, it’s not like they have a schedule to uphold. They’re dead. What could they possibly have to do?” Phantom sits down in his chair. He rests his arms on his desk, looking up at them.
“Well no, they don’t really have much to do, but we can ask if they’d like to come. You know it’s up to them in the end.” Kimberly speaks up when she sees her boss grow more irritated by the second.
“You’re right. It's up to them in the end. Just make sure their decision is to come.”
“Yes, sir...we’ll do our best.” Lexi folds up the flier and puts it in her pocket. “Let’s go.” The girls make their way to the door, but are stopped before they can reach the doorknob. They hear Phantom speak again.
“Don’t forget! You two have a soundcheck bright and early tomorrow.” Phantom leans into the back of his chair, watching them leave his office.
Marie and Raven are sitting on the couch in the studio watching Anne pace back and forth. “Will you sit down? What’s up with you?”
“What’s up with me?! You guys know I don’t deal with change well.” Anne’s voice raises, almost becoming squeaky. “When you guys almost moved to go to college, when our puppy ran away, the fact that we died and came back?!” She looks at them on the brink of tears. “Then there’s the fact we can only be seen by this one girl until we find out we can actually be seen by everyone else when we perform with her?!”
Marie stands up, placing her hands on Anne’s shoulders squeezing them. “I know it’s a lot to take in, but can’t you see that this is an amazing opportunity? Anne, we can be the band we were always meant to be with (Y/n)’s help.”
“I know, you’re right, but- I just….it’s all too much to handle right now… how are you this calm?” Anne leans into Marie’s chest, letting herself cry.
“I’m the oldest, remember? My job is to worry about all of you first.” Marie gently pets Anne’s hair, kissing the top of her head and bringing Anne in closer to hold her against her chest.
Raven looks up at them feeling the same confusion as Anne. “You’re both right. It’s too much, but it’s what we have to work with. This could be a clue for our unfinished business.”
“A clue?” Marie looks over at Raven. “Maybe, but right now we gotta focus on what we can do to help (Y/n) before we help ourselves.” 
Anne wipes her tears away with her sleeves. Taking a deep breath in, she nods. “Yeah, you’re right. She just ignored us when we got back to her…I think she was crying too…”
Raven glances at the door before she picks up her old stuffed animal. “We should go check on her. She just ran up to her room and didn’t say anything to us when we got back.”
“Alright, we’ll go check on her. Hopefully we can help in any way we can.” Marie looks at both of her sisters before they all disappear from the studio and reappear in your room.
When they look around, they immediately notice that your room used to be Anne’s room. The only thing that stayed the same was the yellow wallpaper with flowers on it. Everything else was yours.
“What are you guys doing here?”
The three girls look over to see you sitting in the middle of your bed with a bunch of papers in front of you. Anne is the first one to take a step forward when she sees your eyes are red from crying. 
“We wanted to see if you were okay and maybe we could help cheer you up.” She looks down at you, giving you a warm smile. 
You don’t know what it is about Anne, but she has a way making you feel safe around her. “I know you guys want to help, but Erica already made it clear she doesn’t want to be friends anymore. Even if I tell her the truth about you, there’s no way she’d believe me. I mean, who would believe I joined a ghost band? Erica would think I’ve gone off the deep end if I told her that.”
Anne looks around at the papers and picks one up when it catches her attention. “What are these?”
“They’re just notes and things we wrote to each other during middle school and high school. Like silly promises and stuff like that.”
Anne shows Raven and Marie the note giving them a look they both know very well. Anne definitely has an idea brewing in her head. Turning back to you, she grins. “What if you showed her we’re real? Ask her to come over to explain everything and bring her back to the studio. We can show her you weren’t trying to mislead her.”
“Okay, but exactly what are we going to do?”
“We’re going to use these notes and turn them into a song you can sing to her and we can perform with you!”
“Do you think this would work?”
“It’s worth a try, right?”
“I guess you’re right. Okay, I’ll text her and then we’ll get started on this song.”
After sending Erica a text asking her to come over in two hours, you and the girls head back into the studio, getting to work.
Back at the club, Lexi and Kimberly are walking out into the lobby when Bones and Mare spot them. 
“Hey! So what happened?” Both boys look worried when their friends stay silent.
“Let’s get out here for a while. It’s our day off, let’s enjoy it.” Kimberly smiles, taking the lead and making her way out the front doors with the other three following behind.
“We should probably go to the park or anywhere else to talk about this.” Lexi looks around at the group.
They all agree and head to the park. It isn’t long until Mare starts asking questions again once they arrive at an empty table. 
Pulling out the flier from her pocket, Lexi starts to explain the situation as much as she can. The boys stay silent, listening to every word, but still staying that way even after everything is said and done.
“I don’t trust it for a second, but maybe Phantom isn’t going to do anything at first. He’s evil, but smart. He’s not going to outright take them. He’d try to warm them up and convince them to come back again before he tries anything.” Bones looks determined, but a bit frightful at the thought of getting in Phantom’s way.
Mare looks at Lexi like an idea that popped into his head. “You’re friends with them, right? Why not go along with it? Convince them to stop by. Make it seem like everything is going his way, but we need to give them warnings. We can’t just flat out tell them everything, or else we’ll be put in orbs and on the shelf.”
“I don’t like that, it feels gross, honestly. I’d feel horrible.” Lexi frowns at the thought of actually going through with this plan.
“Try to do this. You want to help them, don’t you?”
“Yeah, of course I do.”
“Then we have to play the game and try to get a step further. Kimberly, why not talk to one of the other sisters? If one of them is a little hesitant about coming, the other one could probably convince the rest to come along.”
“Maybe I could try. I can’t guarantee anything.”
Bones smiles reassuringly, hoping the girls’ nerves will calm down a little. “We’ll give Phantom any updates he wants while you two are busy. We only have rehearsal tomorrow morning and you’re both free for the weekend. Use the time to talk to those sisters. We got this, okay?”
“Okay.” They both nod, still not completely agreeing with this plan.
“You guys should go right now, set up a time to meet up over the weekend and get this thing in motion.”
The girls look at each other and nod before disappearing.
Bones looks over at Mare, very concerned. “Do you think we’ll be able to do this?”
“Honestly? I have no idea.”
Standing outside of the studio, Lexi and Kimberly can hear someone talking. Peeking inside, they see (Y/n) and another girl sitting on the couch. Lexi looks around and spots the girls by their instruments. 
Raven looks up and locks eyes with Lexi. Immediately grinning, she gestures for them to come in. Stepping inside, Kimberly waves at Marie and Anne, smiling at them. Raven points to a few chairs that are in the room. “Take a seat! We’ll only be a few.” She tilts her head over to you and Erica on the couch.
“I don’t know (Y/n), ghosts? If you’re not going to tell me the truth, you shouldn’t have called me over. Seriously, this isn’t funny. I’ve been trying to get you to play music again after what happened to your dad, but the thing that got you out of your block was a ghost band? I don’t believe it.”
“Erica, I know it sounds completely insane, but just sit here and I’ll prove to you I’m not lying. Please, you obviously still trust me since you haven’t given up at this point.”
Rolling her eyes, Erica crosses her arms over her chest. “Fine, but after this, I’m calling your mom and telling her everything because this is seriously concerning.”
You grin, nodding and standing up from the couch. “Alright, that’s fair enough for me. The girls helped me write this when I was looking over those notes and letters we wrote each other over the years. It’s simply called Best Friend.” Walking over to the mic you look at the girls and nod, signaling that you're ready to start.
Marie smiles as she starts playing her guitar leading the song. The other two join in soon after.
You smile looking at Erica when you start singing. “Remember when you broke up with your fucking ex? God, I'm glad you've finally gotten over them. Only took about a hundred million texts. God, I swear that bitch was such a narcissist. Everybody knows I love you so, so, so, so much'Cause every time they ask, I always tell, tell, tell, tell them.“  Seeing Erica’s eyes widen a bit when she’s able to see the girls again while they're playing with you.
“That's my fuckin' best friend, that's my fuckin' right hand. That's my fuckin' throw-up-in-the-bathroom-but-still-love-them. That's my fuckin' best friend, best friend. That's my fuckin' best friend, best friend. That's my fuckin' lifeline, that's my ride or die like. That's my fuckin' hate-you-but-you-know-that-that's-a-damn-lie. Baby, you're my best friend, best friend. Baby, you're my best friend, best friend” Taking the mic off the stand you walk over to Erica and pull her up to her feet, guiding her over to the group. 
“Made a promise that I'm gonna marry you. If we're both still single by, like, thirty-two. And that shit is gonna end up bein' true 'Cause I hate, like, everyone except for you. Who else is gonna grocery shop with me at 2 AM? Who else will take that picture for you just to get revenge? You're just as psycho as me, just as sick inside the head So when they ask, I've always said” 
Wrapping arm around her shoulders you pull her into your side as you finish the song. “That's my fuckin' best friend, that's my fuckin' right hand. That's my fuckin' throw-up-in-the-bathroom-but-still-love-them. That's my fuckin' best friend, best friend. That's my fuckin' best friend, best friend. That's my fuckin' lifeline, that's my ride or die like. That's my fuckin' hate-you-but-you-know-that-that's-a-damn-lie. Baby, you're my best friend, best friend/ Baby, you're my best friend, best friend.” 
Looking around at the sisters, Erica reaches out her hand to touch Raven’s arm, but it phases right through her. ”Holy shit, you were telling the truth!”
The girls disappear from Erica’s sight, but they’re still in the studio with everyone.
“I told you I was being honest. I’m sorry for not telling you the truth before, but you said it yourself. You couldn’t believe it, so I had to prove it to you instead. Forgive me?”
“You’re forgiven, but no more secrets, okay?”
“I promise. No more secrets.” Erica laughs and hugs you tightly. 
“You’re free this weekend, right? Let’s have a movie night!”
Nodding in excitement, you take her hand and almost bolt out of the studio. Anne hears about the movie night and shouts out to you “Wait, I wanna join! What movie are you going to watch!?” Instantly, she disappears, following you two into the house.
Raven walks over to Lexi, taking her hand and helping her to her feet. “So, what's with the surprise visit?” She leads Lexi to sit on the couch with her.
“I wanted to see you, again in all honesty. We’re only working tomorrow morning for the weekend, so I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with me while I have the time. It’s really nice talking to you, Raven.”
Raven giggles when she sees a faint blush on her cheeks. “I’d love to! It’s been really fun to have you to talk to, and, well, not just for advice, but I actually really love spending time with you, Lexi.”
Lexi grins, trying her hardest not to freak out. “I feel the same way. I um, I was thinking we could hang out at the park for a bit before going anywhere else. I just like going around there before and after work, just to clear my head.”
Raven nods excitedly. “That's understandable. Would you like to meet in the afternoon?”
“Yeah, sounds perfect!”
Marie smiles as she takes the empty seat next to Kimberly. “Hey, you. Didn’t think I would get to see you again so soon.”
“Ah, well, we're just at the club we work at and we were told that we only have morning rehearsals with most of the weekend off. Lexi wanted to see if Raven wanted to hang out with her and, um, I kinda wanted to see if you maybe wanted to hang out with me?”
Marie smiles and giggles, seeing the girl in front of her become a bit flustered. “That sounds fun, I’d love to! Plus if it gets me more time with a cutie like you, I’m definitely not skipping this chance.”
Giggling, Kimberly shakes her head. “I bet you say that to all the ghost girls.”
“Only the cute ones, and so far, it’s only been you.”
“Oh my gosh.”
Marie only grins, seeing her face get redder. “So when and where, sweetheart?”
Kimberly looks at her shoes for a moment before looking back up at Marie “Um, I was thinking we could walk around Hollywood for a while and just see where the day takes us. Maybe we can meet by the walk of fame around two?”
“Oh! It’s been literally years since I’ve visited Hollywood! I’d love to!” Marie grins and dances excitedly in her seat.
“Great! So I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“It’s a date! See you tomorrow!”
Kimberly grins and stands up, walking over to Lexi who’s getting up from the couch.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” She smiles at Raven as she stands up with her. 
“Yeah, see you tomorrow!”
Lexi and Kimberly wave goodbye to the sisters before they disappear, heading back to the club.
Raven and Marie look at each other in silence for a few seconds before they both get goofy grins on their faces, getting excited for the next day.
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starlightiing · 1 year
Me, trying not to be a feral animal and write battle ego drabbles. 😤
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ceilidho · 5 months
Condescending lieutenant Price bending you over and growling in your ear abt how you should be home (at his house he means) keeping the bed warm, house clean, etc. waiting for him to come home and fuck you stupid, all while he gets more of an ego boost each time you whimper his name knowing it’ll take a few good fucks for you to finally cave and admit you like the sound of that
i was originally thinking of an AU where you're a reporter that's on the ground covering the war/battle/whatever's currently going on and Lieutenant Price keeps seeing you hustling around, lugging these heavy cameras and working yourself to the bone and it slowly starts to tick him off because he thinks you'd be far better suited to keeping his bed warm until he comes home :\\ such a waste that you're out here, exhausted and dishevelled from working nonstop.
the first time you get to talk to him, hoping to get some good soundbites for your article, you're shocked and outraged when he hooks a knuckle under your chin to tilt your head up and murmurs that if you've got anyone back home, they sure as shit aren't doing their job well enough if you keep trying to find excitement like this. and you're even more pissed off when all of your yelling does nothing other than elicit an amused smirk from him.
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ozzgin · 10 months
Hi, first i wanted to thank you for doing my first request, it's amazing 😍. Since you did it so fast i wanted to ask for something else.
Could you do something with a Prehistoric reader. She's from the Jurassic like Pickle, she was frozen and brought back to life like him. However she's less agressive and a bit smarter than him. I kinda saw her like a big ( dangerous ) mama Bear, who likes those tiny humans.
I trust you for the rest, you can choose if you want to write about first meeting with fighters (which i find funny in the anime by the way ), how she was during Pickle's fight or what's her interactions with the fighters ...
Thank you for reading this , bye.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! The speed may vary depending on how easily I can visualize the prompt, since I need a solid movie in my head before putting it into words. Not very efficient but so far it’s been working haha. :’)
Baki Characters x Prehistoric! Fem Reader
Featuring Pickle’s challengers: Kaiou Retsu, Katsumi Orochi, Jack Hanma and Baki Hanma.
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A million thoughts raced the scientists’ minds upon discovering not just one, but two subjects perfectly maintained within the saline block. Were you partners? Would it be possible or expected that you continue your ancient lineage? While the idea was incredibly tempting from a researcher’s perspective, it was equally dangerous. They considered separating the two of you in order to avoid the risk, but they soon discovered that your help was needed to protect everyone else from the enraged prehistoric man.
The female specimen seemed to have a much more docile and cooperative temperament, with strong maternal instincts. Could it be that she viewed the much smaller modern humans as children? (Y/N) wasn’t that dumb. She could very well tell that these new forms of her own image are matured, but she could also easily asses how fragile they are based on their extreme fear and helplessness against Pickle. They haven’t showed any intent to attack her or Pickle, so she had no reason to be hostile. Pickle was rather frustrated by her frequent scolding, but his expressions seemed to indicate that (Y/N) always had a kind heart towards weaker creatures and it wasn’t his first time having to satisfy her pity. He begrudgingly accepted it.
The Meeting
Truth be told, most of the men had gathered in order to measure up Pickle’s strength. And he was eager to prove it after his quick encounter with Yuujirou’s mysterious techniques. It was only when you stood up and let out a warning growl that they realized the faint beads of sweat forming on their foreheads. Pickle had immediately cleared the way and even the Ogre himself grounded his stance, ready for anything. What a majestic creature, they all thought. Feminine beauty carefully chiseled into a powerful physique, adorned with muscles that would put any bodybuilder today to shame. The same arms that lovingly cradle infants with motherly devotion could easily crush bones and twist frail bodies.
The smell of fear lingered for aggravatingly long moments. You gently placed your large hand on Yuujirou’s shoulder and used the other one to point behind him. Only then did they notice the bright helicopter lights and pleading voices asking them to evacuate. You were looking out for them.
Kaiou Retsu
He’d love to challenge you. Truly. But not only are you a woman, you’ve also never shown Pickle’s excitement for battle. He respects your decision and would never impose his wishes on you.
After his fight with Pickle, he wakes up intact and notices you standing over his wounded body. A miserable smile spreads over his face as the realization hits him: you just don’t want to harm them. That’s why you never fight.
He’s not sure what hurts most. The damage Pickle has done, or his ego after realizing that all you have for them is pity. He’s going to need to find other ways to impress you.
Retsu later catches you trying to reproduce some of his moves and wonders if he’d be allowed to teach you martial arts. Or would that make you too dangerous?
Katsumi Orochi
Unlike Retsu, the damage he’s done to his arm couldn’t be prevented. You allow Pickle to remove the limb given the extensive injury.
Like a father that just played too hard with his children, Pickle follows you around apologetically, as if explaining he had no fault in this.
Katsumi is a little shocked to find you in his hospital room. Embarrassed to be seen in such a vulnerable state by someone like you, he waves his arm frantically and rattles the sheets, mumbling explanations and reassurances. You just stare in confusion. He forgot you can’t understand language.
You wonder if he can survive with one missing limb, as back in your day this handicap could’ve proven fatal in the long run. Should you provide the food for him? The hospital staff entrusts you to deliver Katsumi his meals after they noticed you hunting in the guest garden.
You insist on helping with grooming duties like hair brushing, though Katsumi had to thoroughly gesticulate he’s not as open to being naked in front of you. Please don’t assist him when he’s changing his clothes. Let him have the last remaining bit of manliness.
Jack Hanma
How stubborn! Jack is the first one to feel your mama bear anger. After the fight with Pickle he kept coming back for more, despite being barely conscious. Pickle was becoming increasingly afraid of upsetting you and would throw you worried looks, unsure how to proceed. Eventually you put Jack in a headlock and dragged him back to the hospital yourself.
The next time Jack wakes up, he notices you standing in the door frame, arms folded and flexed in a threatening manner. He can’t help but chuckle at the view. To think that a woman would have such an iron grip on him. Well, you’re no ordinary woman.
As before, you’re unsure of his recovering abilities. You attempt to feed him yourself several times and Jack has to politely suggest that he’s not as frail as you might think. Though somewhere deep down he might secretly enjoy being spoiled like this. He’d never, ever admit it.
Baki Hanma
Baki took you through a rollercoaster of emotions; from being worried that such a tiny, young boy insists on challenging the prehistoric man to squealing in shock at his unexpected strength. You couldn’t help but wonder if you’d be able to defeat him if you were standing there instead of Pickle.
Unlike the others, Baki has no issue relying on you. In fact, he’s almost shameless about it. Absolutely he is too injured to walk! You can go ahead and carry him. He’ll quickly wrap his arms around your neck and cling to you, grinning.
I think he’d really love the idea that someone as strong as you is also kind and likable. He doesn’t have to worry about proving himself or that you’d look down on him. He’s really craving this newly fond protectiveness of a mother.
He likes teasing Pickle by holding onto you whenever he sees you. The Jurassic man has been on the edge ever since you’ve started becoming attached to these tiny humans. He almost can’t get a moment alone with you. Which makes him extra irritable. You sigh at the two menaces that find new ways to mess with you.
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portgasdwrld · 9 months
Strawhat reactions to a chiropractor or massage therapist joining their crew? (Sfw) I know they get injured and could use it.
I love those random ideas lately 😭helps me out if my writer block💕
📂Strawhat + chiropractor/massage therapist reader joining their crew
Mostly them reacting to you proposing them a session
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He’s so fucking excited. He’s jumping everywhere, begging to be your first client. He’s already laying down in your office to have his body cracked, but then you realize as you do it that his body is literally made of rubber and it’s impossible for you to work on him. When you tell him the news, he’s whining and tells you to try again😭 He’s all pouty so you decide to massage him and that put him out to sleep real quick. He went from sulking to sleeping. When he woke up, he commented about how good this was and truly he never felt this alive in a while.
He would totally refuse at first and complain about how he doesn’t need it and how he only needs to rest a little (a good nap), and he will be fine. But then you actually try to convince him to do it, as you saw how much his body had to go through with his training, the battles, his poor sleep position… He finally agrees only after Chopper tells him how it can better his performance and make him feel more relaxed. He barely admits that it did in fact made him feel better, but now he jumps to the occasion whenever you propose it 🚶🏻‍♀️
Nami & Robin
The girls are so freaking happy especially Nami. She pretty much asks you for a session whenever she feels sore after working hard on maps or when she had to fight. She chats to you about life and tell you some gossips. She loves to make conversation and treat it a bit like a spa day.
Robin was down to try it, but she usually use her devil fruit if she feels sore somewhere and need to release some built up tension, because of stress or battles. Basically, she never needed someone for that, but after Nami told her how amazing you were, she gave it a try. She’s mostly silent and take this time to relax her body and empty her thoughts.
He’s a bit scared at first because he heard some people talk about horror stories at the chiropractor. He heard some people got their bones cracked with no going back to normal or how some doctor were secretly psychopath 💀💀💀 To say the least, he really didn’t see the appeal to risk his life like this 😔 If you poke fun at his ego, he might do it just to prove it to you that he isn’t scared (his legs are shaking the moment he enters your office). He has difficulty relaxing which put you off , You have to wait for couple minutes, make him sips some relaxing tea. When it finally happens, he’s bragging about how cool it is and how everyone should do it🙄 there is legit nothing to be scared off pfff???
I don’t know why, but I get the feel Sanji would somewhat be shy 😭 When you ask him if he wanna have a session to help with his stress, he would just look at you like 😳?? He would try to make analogy to food, like it’s a bit like how he hit(?) the meat before cooking it so it’s tender, but in that case it’s gonna make him relaxed. You kinda just stare and nod because whut 😭 He honestly could use it with all the cooking he does and the fights. He loved it but he got flustered a lot. He was red-shy when he left 🚶🏻‍♀️
He’s a skeleton.
Finally FRANKYYY, this man was BORN for this. He is so excited and is so talkative. He asks you when you started and why did it became your profession. He pretty much tell you to only focus on the back of his body because it’s less solid than the rest of his cyborg body. So you went in for a massage and he’s really vocal through it. As it ends, he tells you he’s happy you joined and he will be a regular which makes you laugh because you two are literally on the same boat lol 😭
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my-love-is-sunlight · 3 months
The bird’s call
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Zoro x bird!reader
Warnings: fem reader, yes reader turns into a bird, pure fluff idiots in love and confessions
Word count: 2.2k
Summary: In which it finally dawns on Zoro that he loves you, whatever he shall do?
Notes: yes this is the same reader from my other writings that can turn into a bird can be read as a stand alone but recommend this one!
᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃
“You’re sloppy” The swordsman blurted as he adjusted your position harshly, you rolled your eyes at the comment
“I am an archer I had never touched a sword in my life”
You were a mighty warrior, although a lot of people failed to see it, you were glad the ones that count did, between them happened to be Luffy who offered you a place in his crew, and surprisingly Zoro, having this unspoken respect and admiration
“If you can hit a far away target, you can draw a sword”
You both shared an amazing bond when it came to battle. When he was strong, aggressive and always acting on instinct, you were precise, agile and light on your feet. Together you were unstoppable, you were the hand that wilded Zoro’s sharp sword, as he would hit recklessly, you’ll guide it and made sure to hit targets that may approach at the long run. The chemistry you both exuded was something never seen before, it made battle feel like a vigorous dance, a fun sport.
Training together on the other hand… was tough, at least for you. The swordsman had practically begged for you to start sword training, you were hesitant as how good of a teacher he would be, and oh god he worked you to the bone, always stumbling back to your room muscles aching and ego deflated. Your styles as good as they worked together, they were completely opposites.
“First position” the green haired man ordered which made you move back immediately, losing your balance as you adjusted to the awkward stance
“Wrong again” He said as he kicked your leg slightly which made it shake “You’re a warrior, look the part”
You let out a loud sarcastic scoff “It would be easier if you stopped being so mean”
“I’d be nicer if you listened”
You had spend half your life burning yourself out to be seen, to make people notice you were capable, always working twice as hard as everyone else in your stupid island so they would even let you grasp a weapon.
To be a warrior and to be a woman, didn’t go hand in hand
That’s why you didn’t hesitate to join Luffys crew, you knew he valued your place but most importantly it didn’t matter who you were or how you looked. It was the perfect path for you to leave your island behind and finally allow yourself for grow at your own pace. Having Zoro hovering over you and correcting every move and breath wasn’t appealing, it reminded you to all those times you spend swallowing the disrespect from others, of course you knew your crew-mate was doing this in good heart, it almost felt like a favor, but it troubled you non the less
“This is stupid” you whispered between pants as you catch your breath
You knew if you kept going at this, it would eventually end on you harvesting a hatred for Zoro, which funnily enough it had happened before and it wasn’t quite nice, but maybe it was better than being blinded by the love you had for him and only him
“It is only if you allow it to be” he weirdly tries inviting you to continue as he fixes your stance, one hand steady yet soft on your arms other in your hip, you can feel the scars on them but it doesn’t bother you, it feels weirdly familiar. You glance at him as your heart jumps around threatening to escape at any given moment
What Zoro would never admit, not even to himself, is that this was the reason he wanted to train you. He did not care even a little that you didn’t knew anything about swords, or that your stances were always wrong.
This were the only moments he’d allow himself to indulge in the best pleasures life could offer, you
Zoro was not only strong in body but also in mind, always disciplined and forever only focus in achieving his dream, until you appeared. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t just be without you, he would catch himself staring, looking for you, attentive and basking in you, confused on why even tough his heart would pump crazily, felt unarmed and nervous, he had to be near you in any way possible
You were intoxicating as sake, addicted to every part of you, eager to know and trace all edges of your soul. A walking contradiction you were for him, the sword he pointed directly to his heart, finding himself dreaming, seeking and yearning for you
But he kept everything close to his heart, at least until he understood, until he could control it
Impossible, not even the greatest swordsman in the wide world could tame love
Zoro holds your stare as you study his features, even though he could feel every inch of him shaking, he could not look away. He drowns in your sent as his eyes travel to your lips wondering how soft would they be?
It had been long ago that you had come to terms with the torturous feelings you had for the swordsman, but you promised yourself to never instigate.
It would only bring you trouble because obviously he would never reciprocate, right? There was no space for you in his mind or heart, you were a distraction, just his crew-mate, a friend at most
Sure you wore your heart on your sleeve and it was painfully obvious how head over heels you were for that man, but you thanked whatever force in the universe had made him so oblivious. If only you knew he was too busy figuring you out to notice…
So you held yourself back even if everything in you screamed that you closed the tiny gap between you both and kissed, for your own sake
You take a step back, or you try before Zoro’s grip on your waist tightness afraid you’ll fly away, not wanting the moment to fade. Your eyes widen but before you can question him he clears his throat and lets go, hands running towards the grip of the sword
“Just uh… hold it up like this” he directs you red splattered all over his cheeks eyes adverting from yours
It finally dawns on him, he doesn’t just like you, he loves you, like romantically. Having you that close had left him wanting more, as vulnerable he had felt, he was obsessed with the feeling of your bodies at such proximity, the intimacy of your eyes meeting while rose tinted your faces, the revolution on his heart that you had started only by glancing at him. Maybe he despised the power you held, but at the same time he was glad it was you, you the kindest sweetest yet strongest person he had the honor of meeting, the perfect match, most suitable to hold his heart, to own him.
But what was he to do now?
Time slipped through his fingers as he drowned in questions and feelings, ending in just a back and fort of brushes, gazes and long talks that both of you enjoyed of course, but the unspoken feelings that hanged in the air left you both breathless and awake at night.
“Just tell her Zoro is not that hard” As his last resort, Zoro found himself seeking advice for Nami, but he started to regret his decision
“Easy for you to say”
The navigator rolled her eyes, this whole situation had her, no scratch that, everyone on the ship amused and annoyed. How could both of you be so blind to notice how far you had fallen for one another
“Ugh c’mon, you’re practically always together and if not you’re staring back at each other! You’re both ridiculous” the statement took Zoro aback, red creeping from his neck as he bickered back at Nami
“Thought you would’ve notice by now” she giggled still amused by his lack of expertise “All you gotta do is go and talk to her and be honest”
Zoro’s eyes wondered to where your laugh sprung, Luffy and Usopp were throwing grapes as far as they could for you to catch up in the air morphed into your bird form, sometimes indulging them in some flying tricks as you fly back down. As much as it pained him Nami was right, there was no way around it, for him to bottle up everything he felt would end up in nothing good and he would rather die of embarrassment than to hurt you. Still the thought of you liking someone as devilish as him haunted the swordsman, he had to trust the navigators words for this one which wasn’t ideal but at least he felt reassured.
Nami read the panic that settled on her friend’s features, which was comical to her considering how painfully obvious you were
“She likes you man, I promise, and I don’t go throwing that word around” the woman squished his shoulder as the last drop of motivation she could offer before leaving
Another laugh escaped your mouth that had Zoro fawning all over the deck. You were so lively, kind and driven, but also strong, how could you ever give your time of day to a man that spent his days doing nothing but working, sweating and drinking. Zoro was a man that had walked through this world with an iron will, while you also had to step your ground, you managed to remain soft and sweet which was deemed impossible to the swordsman but still, you were the living proof that there was a way to own the softness in your strength which always impressed him.
That evening as you finished your personal training which consisted of the longest cardio session Zoro had ever witnessed someone do, some yoga and target practice, he silently waited, sun sharing its last drops of sunlight as it disappeared behind the ocean
“Hey~” Zoro spoke as he saw you walking back to your quarters, which made you jump and thug at the dagger wrapped around your thigh, when your eyes met his, you let out the a breath as he snickered at your reaction
“Don’t do that again” a smiled formed in your lips as you heard Zoro’s laugh, it was a sound that you rarely got to listen but so loved to
“So jumpy” he joked before turning to the sea leaning his strong figure on the railing, you followed beside him, gaze fixed in the watercolors that painted the scenery. Usually whenever you and Zoro shared silence it was comfortable and inviting, but today you could sense tension and doubtfulness hanging around the green haired man, nevertheless you don’t break it
A shaky heavy hand travels from the railing to yours which makes you flinch, you turn to him, to find his grey eyes dissecting you completely, again, you don’t say anything you stay still as to not scare him away. His breath becomes uneven, all the words he had rehearsed washed away at your touch, melting in each other instantly
“Zoro?” You finally whisper after a long staring contest between you two, his face turns back at the ocean making his earrings chime together, your face looks for his once again, a hand holding his cheek coaxing him to speak up
The light kisses you just right, you look angelic in his eyes, hair falling perfectly framing your face and your skin soft like a pillow, how could he word any thought about you that has crossed his mind without tripping? He slowly removes the hand that rest on his cheek and with all the courage he could gather he kisses it, eyes closing drinking all of you he could take
You are the one at lost of breath now, heart drumming strong in both of your chests
“Be mine” as blunt and more of an statement than a question as it sounded, it was the first thing that he had found himself thinking of you since meeting, a giggle makes its way trough his ears as his eyes widen thinking you were making fun of him, before even registering anything else you pull yourself closer, noses lightly touching
“Please…” a whisper could be described as something louder compared on the way he plead for you, it melted you completely to see the strong stoic swordsman like this, guard down and honest
“I’ve always been yours”
You listen to your heart for once and kiss him, softly and tender just like he imagined. You held his neck to keep you closer as he finally realized whats happening and welcomes you instantly, holding your waist capturing you under his big figure. Nothing exists anymore, just you and him under the sunset lulled by the so familiar waves of the ocean that seemed to have softened just for the tow of you.
You let go as much as you could, not being able to step back as he held you strongly, catching both of your breaths as they mixed together
“Good, would’ve been awkward if you didn’t say yes” you roll your eyes and smile ear to ear as he follows your head to rest his forehead on yours
“I love you, Zoro”
᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃
I love them sm *holds them close* I’ll be writing more about these two. Feel free to request and correct me, english is not my first language
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lucidicer · 7 months
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rules: write up a blurb or make a visual collage of the people or characters (from books, TV shows, movies, etc.) that inspired your story and/or OC, either visually, personality wise, or just a general vibe
thank u @literalite for the tag this is the most fun ive had working on something in forever gah. i'm gonna tag @wldestluv-rs @yersea @wasabichips @barbieaiden @mattodore <3 feel free to ignore but also i wanna see your oc's soul >:3
was gonna do more but it is very time consuming so 4 is fine
media: (+ other mentions that i couldn't fit into the final product)
SOLITUDE: lilya 4-ever (2002) / battle royale (2000) / the purge: anarchy (2014) / oldboy (2003) / soapghost (art) / military / cyberpunk / hoshima island / chernobyl disaster / love is a riot! / 2030 - lexie liu / txt post
DITH: brokeback mountain (2005) / the ritual (2017) / bone tomahawk (2015) / rotting / heart rot / tree pod burial / the wind will howl your name / the queen of death valley / the book of isaiah / environmental catastrophe / if i was dead - brooke bentham / unreal earth - hozier / txt post
TANG DUYI: a prayer before dawn (2017) / warrior (2011) / burning / eisoptrophobia / catholicism / guilt / wolves / i'm drowning me / angel - river styx / family tree (intro) - ethel cain / meta ego - lexie liu / txt post
SIÓAR HJORT-COLDING: raw (2016) / yellowjackets (2021-) / dog motif / deer / insatiable / wolves / antlerlock / hedgehog's dilemma / sensation is everything / the aggression sessions / moon song - phoebe bridgers / txt post
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spookysweet-heart · 2 years
Requests are Open!
All Requests will be SFW I will not write NSFW, angst, Oc x Character, Character x Character. I only write reader inserts.
Please include what the relationship is between the reader and the character. Romantic: Boyfriend/Girlfriend Husband/Wife 
Platonic: Friends, siblings.
Your preferred pronouns. If you do not tell me what pronouns you’d like I will write it as gender-neutral by default.
Feel free to send me a prompt or AU with a little summary of what you want the fic to be about!
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
Chrissy Cunningham
Nancy Wheeler
Battle Egos:
Resident Evil:
Leon S. Kennedy 
Ashley Graham
Luis Sera
Claire Redfield
Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine
Carlos Oliveira
Alcina Dimitrescu
Bela Dimitrescu
Daniela Dimitrescu
Cassandra Dimistrescu
Lydia Deetz
Sidney Prescott
Billy Loomis
Tatum Riley
Stu Macher 
Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter
Chad Meeks-Martin
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Julie and The Phantoms
Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
Alex Mercer
Reggie Peters
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sulieykte · 1 year
(📸 anon here…. this is after that scene i mentioned earlier, readers hurt and teyam is uncontrollably angry bc of it AGGHHHH i cant stop thinking about it.)
“what the fuck were you thinking?” he’s seething, eyes darting across your body as if memorizing every new imprint and scar. chest heaving, eyebrows scrunched, teeth bared. animalistic. the bags under his eyes, his untended wounds…how long had he been there? jake is about to step in, but neytiri grabs his arm—inquisitive about the exchange. jake looks at her in confusion, but complies.
you move to get up, grunting the new angle pressing your bandaged wound. you grab onto the nearest ledge, trying to steady yourself. “i’m a warrior. it is my duty.” you try and match his scowl, but it resembles a wince more.
“i am not your duty.” his tail is whipping back and forth, and lo’ak is trying to step up and play damage control—but he’s quickly stopped by the heat of your glare when you glance over at him. “this was not honorable. it was stupid.” his voice contains more anger than you’ve ever heard from him—surprising. his fists are clenched at his sides, and you can almost spot the crescent shaped indent his nails would leave in its wake.
“stop with the hero act,” you hiss out, eyes narrowing as you scan over his own wounds. anger clenches at your heart at his disheveled state. you remember, the chaos of the battle field. all the screams. and yet, your eyes were only searching for him. his limp body, the way you reacted and shielded him before you could even comprehend the situation. “i saved your life.”
“you shouldn’t have.” hes sizing you up now, voice laced with venom as he spat the words out. like he’s disgusted. his chest is against yours, towering over you as if proximity would prove his point. “i do not need you to protect me.”
“then who will?” your eyes narrow, face tilting up as you meet his gaze with an equally fiery one. he falters for a second at your words, eyebrows clinching together. “you know, i don’t think you care about me getting hurt. i think you’re just mad it was me who saved you.” you puff your chest out, matching his stature. “your ego can’t take it.” you can’t hide the hurt, the way you’re gritting out your words and trying to disguise it with a humorless laugh.
“and you know what?” your shoulders slump a little, averting your eyes to his scraped up knuckles, the dirt encrusting his fingernails. you barely manage to drag your eyes up again, guard falling down as your head tilts to the side. you take in his face, the way his inky eyelashes brush against his cheek bone, the curve of his nose, the plush of his scarred lips. you almost take the time to count each bioluminescent freckle gracing his face, if it wasn’t for his pressing, hooded gaze.
“i’d do it again.” you manage to push out, inhaling as you try and convey everything you felt within those four words. the terror of losing him, the pain of how he draws you in only to push you away; the agonizing, overwhelming hold he has on you. you didn’t mean for your voice to be such a weak, vulnerable whisper; didn’t mean for a glossy sheen to consume your eyes as you admit it. you push past him, clutching your wound before you could see his reaction.
I'm so happy that my nonnie has asked me to share this with you guys, I keep coming back and re-reading. I just think they're so talented and I'm already hooked on their writing.
Adding a cheeky poll to this bc we got to convince them to write more
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thisblogisaboutabook · 6 months
Cowboy Like Me - Part 2
Azriel x Reader
Part two of my fic inspired by the queens of my heart, Taylor Swift and Sarah J. Maas.
Part 1 Part 3
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Warnings: Language and suggestive language
I shrugged. “Alright, when do we start?”
The Spymaster raised an eyebrow. “Do you not have questions about the prospect?”
I examined my nails. “I assume you’ll divulge the details when you’re prepared.”
“Huh.” Azriel mused. Leaning back and crossing his arms, half a smirk turning up one side of his full lips. “I had hoped to have an opportunity to use this.” He unsheathed a dagger from his side, mirroring me as he examined his own nails - picking them with the tip of it.
Smug bastard.
Beautiful smug bastard.
Questions began forming on my tongue but I held them in, refusing to allow him victory in this unspoken battle of wills.
Fortunately for Azriel’s ego, a knock broke the silence, sparing him the embarrassment of losing as the High Lord entered the room.
He nodded his head in greeting. “Ahh, Y/N. Azriel tells me that you have agreed to work with him.”
I may be one to test patience but in the name of self-preservation, I knew better than to test the High Lord’s power. Besides, as a spy with no allegiances - perhaps he could become a lucrative client.
“I don’t suppose I have a choice.” I replied sweetly.
“There’s always a choice, Y/N.” The High Lord stated his tone implying enough about what was left unsaid.
Work for me.
Torture. Dungeon. Execution. Worse.
Some choices I had.
I shook off the thought. “I assume you’ll notify me once you’re ready for the assignment to begin.”
The High Lord smirked, “Consider this your notice. Your work begins now.”
I puzzled, brows furrowing. “and where will I be staying?”
There was a pause. Azriel and Rhys looked to eachother, expressions unreadable. The silence went on for some time, Rhyand’s face shifting to something like amusement as Azriel’s twisted into annoyance.
Letting out a dramatic sigh, I impatiently waved my hands. “Hello?? I’m right here??”
Finally Azriel’s face returned to its mask of cool indifference as he flatly stated, “You’ll stay with me.”
My jaw dropped. “Interesting.”
“This place is….” My words cut off, the awed expression on my face speaking the rest. The Moonstone Palace was absolutely stunning.
I looked around marveling at the palace as Azriel walked me through it giving a very detailed tour consisting of “Bedroom. Bedroom. Kitchen. Dining Room. Formal Dining Room.” And the list of rooms went on, and on, and on until he stopped in front of a door where he motioned his hand, said “your room”, and stalked off.
Very well, then.
I stepped a foot into the room before turning,
“Azriel?” I asked.
He halted his steps without turning back to face me, “Yes?”
“How is it so warm in here when there are no windows?”
He turned his head to me and I could have sworn a slight hint of amusement crossed his face. “Magic.”
I rolled my eyes, stepping the rest of the way into the room. Pure wonder filled my eyes as my temporary sleeping arrangement was unveiled to me. The room was grand - far more so than the accommodation I expected from my ominous hosts of the Night Court.
Stripping out of my dress, I padded over to the enormous bath tub overlooking the surrounding mountains. This place, it was exquisite. The intricate details and numerous amenities were incomparable to anything I’d ever experienced - and the view, it felt unreal, otherworldly. I sighed as I submerged myself into the bath - its water greeting me like a lovers heated embrace. My body reveled in the warmth of the water as it seeped deeply into my bones. I soaked in fragrant oils and lathered myself in expensive soaps for an hour, nearly falling asleep before my stomach rumbled in protest. When was the last time I’d eaten?
I sauntered into the kitchen wearing a cobalt blue cropped top and matching pants, cuffing at the ankles - both pieces embellished with silver thread.
I had to admit, this fashion suited me.
The palace was empty with just Azriel and I currently occupying it - which was strange enough in itself. Had someone told me this morning that I’d be falling asleep in a castle with only the Night Court’s spymaster for company, well, I would have hoped it would be for more… salacious reasons, preferably in the same bed.
Tired of my fantasizing, my stomach rumbled again.
“Fine.” I muttered under my breath. “So impatient.”
I searched through the cabinets, pantries, and ice box. I had no desire to actually cook anything and settled for a platter of meats and cheeses.
Considering I was to be a guest in this house and the day I’d had… wine. Surely there was a wine cabinet in here somewhere. Pulling out a chair, I stepped up to search the higher cabinets - to which I found a wine rack hidden within one.
A deep voice rumbled behind me. “What are-“
“AHH!” I let out an embarrassing squeal. Stumbling backward on the chair, I planted a foot behind me as my other leg knocked into it, throwing me back off the chair.
Right into a shirtless Shadowsinger’s arms.
“What the hell, Az!? You scared the sh-“ my breath hitched. Gods, he was so beautiful. His sharp hazel gaze bore into me, looking up and down my torso and lingering momentarily on the deep cut of my cobalt blue top before scanning back up to my eyes.
Was he as affected by me as I was by him?
Ugh, get yourself together, girl.
I returned his stare. “Um, can you set me down?”
Azriel did as I asked and I almost regretted having him do so, missing the warmth of his strong grip.
“You know.” He said, ruffling scarred fingers through his hair. “For a spy, you’re not particularly aware of your surroundings.”
“Excuse me? I’m perfectly capable of monitoring who and what lay around me. It’s not every day a Shadowsinger sneaks up on you. Twice.”
Before he could reply, I snatched a baguette from behind my back and hit him over the head with it.
For a second fury crossed his face before realizing what I’d hit him with. I busted out laughing and could have sworn amusement lit those hazel eyes.
He shook his head before stating, “No wine. We begin training early in the morning. Get some rest.”
As the mature lady I was, I waited until *after* he’d turned to walk away before throwing a vulgar gesture in his direction.
“Saw that.” He stated without so much as turning back toward me.
Damn. He was good.
The following morning Azriel trained me on various spy and combat techniques. Some of which I knew already. The ones that I had already mastered he had added additional maneuvers in with.
He didn’t look down upon me or become too handsy. If he did put his hands on me, he’d ask me beforehand. A courtesy I’d not often been granted by males who trained me.
I wondered if he had a sister or a female partner that he had trained with.
“Do you have a partner?” I asked during our cool down.
He lifted an eyebrow teasingly. “Why do you ask?”
I rolled my eyes. “Not like that. A sister even? You’re just, not like most males, I… You’ve made me feel like an equal today, like I’m more than just tits and an ass that you can grope under the guise of training.”
His eyes softened. “I like to think of myself as professional, Y/N. While I don’t have a sister or a partner, I do have basic decency. Any male who touches a woman against her will deserves to have their hands cut off.”
I opened my mouth to reply but was interrupted by the High Lord winnowing in unexpectedly.
���Azriel, Y/N, I hope training is going well.”
“It is.” I stated. “Azriel has been respectful and informative. We were just finishing up.”
The High Lord looked to Azriel and then back to me. “I may need you to work overtime today. Rest assured, you will be compensated accordingly. How familiar are you with ballroom dancing?”
Azriel and I both puzzled, replying “What?” in unison.
Rhysand smirked. “Nesta will come instruct you both over the next few days.” He paused, smirk becoming more fiendish.
“We have a ball to attend.”
Thank you so much for reading! Stay tuned for part 3.
Tags: @fxckmiup
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mayhem-things · 1 year
protective, jealous Euronymous x reader (Rory Culkin)
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(828 words)
Øystein and Y/N record his guitar solo in a studio as another , unknown, perfomer joins them in the room. Jealousy gets the better of Euronymous and consumes him completely as a fight between the two men enflames.
Euronymous, the renowned musician and mastermind behind Mayhem, sat in the dimly lit rehearsal room, strumming his guitar as his girlfriend listened intently. The air crackled with creative energy, their shared passion for music binding them together. Their love had flourished amidst the chaotic and dark world of black metal, where Euronymous reigned as a true icon in her mind.
But on this fateful night, a rival musician entered the scene. Tall, brooding, and mysterious, he was known for his mesmerizing guitar skills and a captivating stage presence. In comparison to him, Euronymous looked like a total poser as he was smaller and not as buff built like the stranger. His eyes lingered on Y/N, her ethereal beauty drawing his attention like a moth to flame. The infamous rival wasn't the first guy who found himself oddly attracted to her yet he was the most outstanding.
Euronymous, ever the possessive lover, felt a pang of jealousy ignite within him. He watched as The tall massive metalhead approached Y/N, his charming smile concealing a hidden agenda. He introduced himself to her while his words dripped with insincere charm, Euronymous tightened his grip on his guitar, his knuckles turning white.
Y/N, though flattered by the attention, remained loyal to Euronymous. She admired Øystein's rivals talent but recognized that her heart belonged to the man whose music had touched her soul from the very first moment. Yet, the intensity of Euronymous' jealousy grew, threatening to consume him.
Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Euronymous stormed over, his eyes ablaze with a mix of fury and insecurity. He grabbed Y/N's hand, pulling her possessively towards him. The tension in the room was palpable as the two musicians locked eyes, a battle of wills silently raging between them. The thick atmosphere was so tense  that could cut through air.
"Euronymous, you're hurting me" Y/N whispered, her voice filled with concern as he grabbed her with such a force it shocked her.
Euronymous took a deep breath, his fingers relaxing their grip. He realized that his insecurities were unfounded, that her devotion was unwavering. He nodded, his eyes softening as he embraced the weak, almost scared voice of hers.
"We go" Øystein uttered to deescalate the atmosphere, ending their session for the day. As the two of them wanted to exit the studio, the stranger raised his voice.
"You're not man enough to satisfy her like i could" The tall blonde brought out to provoke the situation further, in success. Y/N eyed her boyfriend with a concerned look as she knew those words wouldn't leave him untouched.
"Don't" she begged but Øystein just couldn't let anyone talk to him like that as it fueled his burning rage even further. Without a warning, he lunges forward, throwing a powerful punch at his rival's jaw. The stranger then swiftly ducks under the blow, countering with a lightning-fast kick to Euronymous midsection. The impact sent him stumbling backward, but he quickly regains his footing. It was clearly visible that the tall blonde guy knew how to fight. Nonetheless Øystein didn't care as anger controlled him. They continue their fierce dance, trading blows with calculated precision. Each strike lands with bone-crushing force, their grunts and heavy breaths echoing through the rehearsal room.
Euronymous manages to land a solid punch to his rivals ribs, causing him to wince in pain. However, he retaliates with a series of rapid strikes, hitting Øystein. The both of them had bruises cover their faces yet they were so hurt in their ego and tough image of the evil bad guy, they wouldn't budge to accept defeat. 
"Are you two children?! God stop already" Y/N hissed in disbelief of them fighting over nothing, which left the two unbothered as they were focused on each other.
In a final, desperate move, Øystein launches himself at the buff blonde, tackling him to the ground. They grapple with each other, rolling and twisting, each struggling for the upper hand. 
Just as he thought he had the chance they got distracted by the door being swung open. 
In the end the owner heard their sounds of Y/N cursing, questioning their intelligence, and the fighting noises. He wasn't amused about seeing small splatters of blood on his rug and such inappropriate behavior at his place so he kicked the three of them out. The tall metalhead nod with a hint of acknowledgement in addition of him quietly exiting the room, leaving Euronymous and Y/N alone. Together they shared a sigh before packing their stuff and also exiting the studio.
"You're such a jerk why would you even sink to that level?" Y/N brought out as it was a useless fight in her opinion.
"I'm man enough for you, now he knows that too"
(maybe to be continued with another one-shot of her treating his wounds?)
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bonefall · 8 months
So I decided to read through Bramblestar's leader ceremony from the original Ultimate Guide today- and I had a thought: have you chosen what cats give him his lives in Better Bones already? Granted, I'm sure you'll gut some of the canon placements for not knowing him in life (Lionheart) or being alive by the time he becomes leader (Goldenflower, Ferncloud, Mousefur) but Bluestar imparting clear judgement is a fun virtue considering his actions are anything but. Plus, Jayfeather could always gripe about it when he argues with Bramblestar. 'Wow Bramblestar, you sure displayed clear judgement when you asked me to let Sunrise BLEED OUT IN CAMP!'
I hadn't picked yet actually! I also haven't read his leader ceremony in aaaages. I never really liked it, felt full of TPB fanservice and didn't really say a lot about Bramblestar as a leader.
(But tbf that is probably because the writers have no idea what they're doing with him. He's generically noble and they have a double standard against female characters, so they just use his man pain to make the girls in his life feel wretched without examining WHY having defiant women in his life bruises his ego so easily)
But anyway, I don't have a FINALIZED thing yet, but here's a rough draft. It's a total overhaul. A big difference in BB and Canon is that Bramblestar is leader BEFORE the reveal, and long before the Battle of the True Eclipse. So all of these picks have to be from Po3 and before.
(BB context: Firestar was killed offscreen during the Fire Scene in an assassination, Ashfur took advantage of the situation to attack the Three. It was an arson set by Whiskernose and carried out by Thornclaw, Breezepelt, and possibly Harespring. Ashfur is still on the run, suspected of killing Firestar to hurt Squilf because he failed to hurt her kits)
(also if you want FULL full context go look at BB!Hollyleaf's character summary)
Gorseclaw -- Righteousness. His progenitor ancestor who set history into motion by betraying his siblings during Ripplestar's Rot, and whose curse continues down through the generations. He tells him he's proud. He SEES how much he's struggled. He's had to make hard choices that everyone else thought would be easy, and he understands. But he's done the right thing... and he tells him to keep doing it. Bramble briefly feels hot with shame-- did he really have so many ancestors in the Dark Forest that he had to hear from someone so ancient? Tigerstar, Pinestar, Oakstar... this life unsettles him and sets the tone for the rest of the ceremony
Snowcarve (Snowkit) -- Opportunity. The last time Brambleclaw saw his little uncle, he was carried off by a hawk after shoving one of them out of the way. He stands as a proud, starry adult before him: the age he would have been. He "speaks" through unfamiliar glyphs that form beside his head, and Brambleclaw knows somehow that this is the writing that he had been working on before his death. Snowcarve commands that he watch for that which he would have missed, to listen to those who are different and have new ideas, for opportunity is silent and tender. If your mind and heart are closed to what could have been, you will miss your chance and never know what you could have had. Brambleclaw tries to bring up that he's sorry he didn't save him-- Snowcarve taps his ear and shakes his head, giving him a stern glare. The words say, "you did not need forgiveness. It was my choice and I have never regretted it." In fact, he can wave his tail and welcome the next life;
Yellowfang -- Judgement. She asks him, "Would you ever blame a kitten for what someone else did?" Bramble is confused, "Of course not?" "Then stop blaming yourself for what others have done for you. I ran back into that fire to save my herbs and leeches. I put myself there, and Firestar knew that. Stop confusing blame for experience, guilt is not wisdom, pain is not good judgement."
Feathertail -- Kindness. A little bit of understanding goes a long way. When you get wrapped up in your anger, or your fear, slow down and consider the feelings and intentions of others. You'll find that most people are good. (He accepts the life but stops himself from arguing with her-- ok, sure, but what about everyone who isn't? He has a bit of a thought spiral wondering if the wise cat he'd travelled with had changed or if she was ever wise at all)
(Idk which elder is dying in Po3 yet, if it's Frostfur or Mousefur, but one of them gives a life) -- Confidence. There was a time where their own judgement lapsed, and they pinned their anger on him. They apologize for it, and tell him that this life is for living in spite of that. The strength to mind that you can't control what other people think of you, and the firmness to commit to what he believes is right.
Brackenfur -- Negotiation. To remember that every action sends a message, to understand that you must remain calm and make the right concessions to accomplish greater things. Don't let emotions like anger, offense, and spite cause you to ruin something you may have worked hard to build. (Brambleclaw is by the halfway point totally missing the point that these cats are trying to teach him nuance and mindfulness, and mostly feels betrayed and confused. He knows most of these things... and did the elder not just tell him to have confidence in himself in spite of people who hate him?)
Speckletail -- Courage. When everyone runs away, you run TOWARDS. People will rely on you now, and StarClan will give you the power to protect them. No storm, no beast, and no tyrant will find its way through you. When he takes the life he feels the rage and FEAR she did when she ran towards the bulldozer, the pride in her power as she attacked the human, and learns that Thornclaw was wrong when he told them she looked satisfied on the way down. After kicking him out she was terrified, but overwhelmed by relief and LOVE that her grandson was safe. It makes him collapse, and as he gets back up he's in tears, asking "i thought this was a life for courage, you were afraid!!" And Speckletail puffs her chest up proudly, "Courage is being terrified and doing it anyway."
Swiftpaw -- Acceptance. He has no warrior name. He has no adult form. When Brambleclaw asks him for his title, he simply says, "I give you this life to know when to accept what you cannot change, and the wisdom to see what you can't control." Brambleclaw can't help himself, this ceremony has been a horrible experience, "what a terrible life!" Swiftpaw dips his head solemnly, "yet without it, what a terrible death." But Swiftpaw also reminds him, this is not a part of his life that he cannot change. He can move on with only eight lives, and he will understand. But Brambleclaw says no, "I have a clan to protect. This is one of the things I can't control." He is surprised by how soothing the life is when he gets it though. He doesn't feel any of Swiftpaw's pain as he died. It's not about that. It's the quiet embrace of the void, the shouting as the patrol finds him and Brightpaw, falling away into silence, accepting that he is dying, and that it's okay to let go.
Firestar -- Trust. It HAS to come at the end.
Firestar opens up by asking Brambleclaw what's wrong, seeing how exhausted he is. He responds, his voice trembling, "I hoped it would be reassuring, but I feel more lost and powerless than ever. How can I be responsible for so many people? How will I protect them all? I will be blamed for everything that goes wrong and never know if I made the right choice!" Firestar goes hm, genuinely and sympthetically, "Those are very heavy and legitimate doubts for a new leader to have. I felt the same things when I was in your paws. He waves his tail, "So, I will give you the value that it took me many years to learn, something you were not given and so feel you cannot give. With this life I give you TRUST. You will face many trials in the near future, Brambleclaw. Your truth will crumble. Secrets will be revealed, friends will turn out to be foes, those you think are enemies may be allies, but you must not lose the ability to find the good in all of them. Remember that trust is a choice and an honor. Apply it wisely, but bestow it generously."
Bitterly, but with what dignity he can have in this situation, Bramblestar murmurs sadly, "So there will be betrayal, but I must still trust? I had hoped that you, of all ancestors, would not speak in riddles"
Though the world is blurring and the spirits of StarClan are fading away, he catches something pained and complex in Firestar's expression. Like he has so much to say, doesn't have the exact words to express it, and he's running out of time to find them.
"There were no riddles," he shouts already sounding far away, "Listen to what we have told you and you will find the way!"
(Basically he's shouting "WE WERE VERY STRAIGHTFORWARD ACTUALLY!!!")
We wouldn't get to see this happen in Cruel Season though, since it would be offscreen and not important to the plot of that book. I'd rather get it into Bramblestar's Thorns, which is about Alderheart, Sparkpelt, and the ways that they've been impacted by him as a toxic father.
The ceremony is written to highlight his major flaws. Especially the way that he's bursting with doubt, pain, and immediately tends to make things about himself without realizing. Bramblestar is a very unhappy person, and he often extends that misery to other people.
he's a tragedy to me, man. All these people turning out to tell him that love and faith exists for him and he can't even see it.
Anyway, bonus, some other thoughts for possible lives; (still possible some of these guys get swapped out)
Lionheart, his uncle, who died before he was born. He'd give a good life for wisdom but I think these others are a lot stronger.
Birchface, one of his Tigerkin ancestors in StarClan. Decided against him in favor of Gorseclaw; I think Gorse's both more interesting AND his distance is a good point of doubt for Bramble. They had to go back 4 generations to find a direct ancestor who isn't damned to hell. Birch would have just waffled about admitting mistakes anyway, still too fearful to admit that he is responsible for getting Frecklewish and Oakstar damned.
Bluestar, a leader who contributed to the death of his brother and mistrusted him when he was young... but honestly I feel she is kinda irrelevant. He didn't know her well.
Elderberry, one of his apprenticehood friends and the twin of Ferncloud/older sister of Ashfur. It could be cool for her to give a life of mercy and ask him to be rational about Ashfur's crimes (starclan won't say outright that Ashfur didn't do it because they're not entirely sure he was uninvolved until after his death in a few chapters, Dark Forest influence hiding the assassins), but it's actually a lot more important that StarClan is trying to warn him about the LEADER he will be and fatal flaws he will display for arcs and arcs, not waste a life on teasing the plot of a single book.
Cinderpelt, his cousin who died tragically. There's no reincarnation thing so she could be here to give a life, but I think the current list is a lot stronger.
Lynxkit, his oldest sister. Strongly considered her for acceptance but I think Swiftpaw's WAAAY stronger and I don't need both of them.
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queseraone · 5 months
Leading up to Season 6, your top 5 Chenford episodes so far—
(Yes they need to be in order. Honorable mentions are also acceptable 😉)
Wow, you really chose violence with this one...
I very much didn't just spend half of my work day spiraling and struggling to answer this. Ahhhhhh!!!! To a certain extent, it's easy. My top two? No problem. BUT THE REST???? WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO MEEEEEEEEEE?!?!?!!?
Okay, here I go. Wait I lied, first I'm going to explain my ranking a bit. One of the big distinguishing factors for me between the top 5 and the honorable mentions is scenes vs. overall episode. Some of the mentions include one AMAZING scene, but that alone doesn't merit a top spot for me.
I don't know, this was insanely hard. Ask me again tomorrow and some of these will probably change, but as of this moment, I'm going with—
Top Five Episodes:
Day of Death (2x11) - Do I really need to explain this one? This episode was everything. Perfect. Fantastic. Emotional. Intense. Beautifully acted and shot and scored. Truly one of my favourite episodes of TV ever. HE PULLED HER OUT OF THE FUCKING GROUND PEOPLE.
Double Down (5x01) - I am obsessed with this episode. OBSESSED. Lucy dreamed about their kiss! The conversations with Angela and Tamara (and the teasing)! How damn easy it is for them to touch and flirt and ahhhhh! Tim grabbing Lucy's hand when they find out Rosalind escaped! I REPEAT: TIM GRABBING LUCY'S HAND WHEN THEY FIND OUT ROSALIND ESCAPED!!!!! THE AIRPLANE BATHROOM!!!!!!!! *screams like a banshee* So hot, so unnecessary, so amazing. Battle couple! "Do you want to come in?" DO YOU TIMOTHY????? "I shouldn't." THAT IS NOT A NO MY FRIEND. SHE OPENED THE DOOR FOR HIM AND HE FOLLOWED HER IN UJAELGFJMAWELGHEAILKFGELAWGHEWAILGEWALR
Life and Death (4x01) - That damn hug at his place, ugh. SHE IS WEARING HIS CLOTHES! SHE WAS GOING TO HIS ROOM! The total married vibes when he's in Guatemala. It's delightful (bonus honorable mention for Tim's Guatemala Look, mmhmmm).
Now and Then (2x12) - The scene at the end, of course, but also for their individual stories (seeing Lucy grappling with the aftermath of it all, Tim's concern, the way he sets his ego aside and concedes to let Harper train Lucy) and the way they come together in some interactions with Abigail, "you got a time machine?" "I wish I did."
Going Under (5x21) - I loved the UC aspect, the phone calls that, let's be real, are straight out of a romantic comedy, the laundry room, seeing their concern for each other, Lucy being a badass, Tim's vulnerability, "I can't lose you the way I lost her" — all of it.
Please note that I honestly swapped a few of these in and out of the top five approximately 2194725 times before hitting post. (I still can't believe you did this to me.)
Honorable Mentions (in chronological order):
Season 1:
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1x03) - I feel like this episode maybe isn't a popular choice for "favourite Chenford episodes," but I've always included it on my list. The scene(s) outside Isabel's apartment are so powerful. The way Lucy stands up to Tim, doesn't back down, goes into the apartment, and then the conversation they have in the shop after. The vulnerability of Tim opening up about Isabel, the way he blames himself for letting it get so far - and more importantly, the way Lucy senses what he needs and throws him a bone ("her apartment is pretty decent"). I just love the support shown in this episode.
The Hawke (1x06) - I love the way we're actually seeing Tim teaching Lucy things (D.E.A.R. Method, etc.), and the way he smacks Eye Patch upside the head for staring at Lucy's ass? And of course the money clip thing at the end. The way Tim tries so damn hard to be annoyed with her, but he can't hide the amusement on his face.
Standoff (1x09) - I love this episode so much. The teamwork they display in that apartment?? Obsessed with this battle couple.
Redwood (1x11) - "Thanks." "For what, doing my job?"
Plain Clothes Day (1x14) - Mostly for the sheer hotness of Tim Bradford in plain clothes (rolling up his sleeves? HELP), but I absolutely love how he refuses to let her wash out over her actions with that murderous asshole.
Free Fall (1x20) - Separated by a wall??? AHHHHHH
Season 2:
The Night General (2x02) - AUDIOBOOK, enough said.
The Bet (2x03) - They did not need to stand so close together, but I thank them for it. Seriously they were so damn flirty.
Control (2x17) - Their conversation during the stakeout is easily one of my favourite scenes ever. The way she reassures him and herself that it wasn't either of their fault? MY HEART. And then the delightful bits of humour that throw in some much-needed levity. I can honestly see his face and hear his voice saying "Hello." when he's calling her out over the fake call with Rachel. It's just a wonderful showcase of their dynamic.
Season 3:
Revelations (3x06) - Love seeing the starting point of Lucy be a total badass UC officer. And equally love seeing Tim's reaction to it. He acts the same way he did when Isabel was going in as a CI. Let me just repeat that - he acts the same about his rookie going undercover as he did about his wife being an informant. HELLO?
Amber (3x09) - The whole "I have feelings for you" scene? I would have lost it if I watched live back then, but I absolutely die laughing at it. Eric killed it with his reaction, pure gold. And just the general dynamic of their last shift, particularly Lucy with her checklist and knowing Tim will throw it out. THEY KNOW EACH OTHER SO WELL (too well).
Threshold (3x14) - Tim in a tux! The green dress! THE ELEVATOR EYES!! "Save me a dance." HELPPPPPPPPP
Season 4:
Breakdown (4x09) - Eric acted the hell out of this episode, and it was wonderful (in a super depressing way) to peek into Tim's background a bit more. The way he trusts her with this case, and more importantly, the way he feels safe enough with Lucy to be vulnerable with her! "You're nothing like him." *sobs forever*
Backstabbers (4x18) - DANCE DANCE DANCE
Day in the Hole (4x22) - This episode is absolutely absurd. Doppelgängers? REALLY? But it got these fools to kiss so victory to 4x22! The scene in Lucy's apartment is pure gold, from Tim's broken brain to them kissing (obviously), to the awkwardness when Tamara catches them, to the look on Tim's face in the hallway.
Season 5:
The List (5x10) - The cold open of them getting ready for their date was a perfect showcase of their dynamic and their relationship. Trying on everything in their closets? The best friend energy of calling each other? Tim's face when she mentions the green dress?!?!?! It's absolute perfection. And then their first real date was so perfectly them!
Death Notice (5x12) - "This is the most amazing relationship I've been in since... ever" !!!!!!!!!!!! The hands outside the precinct. THE HANDSSSS!!! Their last shift riding together. Battle couple! LUCY LESSONS. "It's you." And, duh, THEY BANG!
Under Siege (5x22) - BATTLE COUPLE!!!!! And that hug/forehead kiss. The fact that we see over and over how these two strong people let themselves be vulnerable around each other, how they are each other's safe place. I am forever not okay.
What are YOUR top episodes?? I love talking about this stuff, and to be honest, I actually surprised myself with some of my choices!
Okay, hitting post before I change my mind again...
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a-killer-obsession · 1 month
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Wavelengths [Killer x Reader, Heat x Reader]
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
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Chapter 2 - Initiation
Woe, backstory be upon yee
Mild Egghead Island spoilers (I'm talking like, episode 2 of the anime arc, super early)
WC: ~13k (sorry, I promise they won't usually be this long!)
Day 0
You were already exhausted by the time you made it to the secluded back end of the island where the Victoria Punk was anchored. It wasn't docked since there was no dock in the area, just anchored a little ways off shore as close as the pirates could get it without running it into the sand bank, but several small dinghy were pulled up on the sandy shore waiting for the pirates to use. Even from the beach though, you could judge the size and style of the ship, appreciating what looked like a large dinosaur skull mounted at the front in lieu of a figurehead, the matching rib bones lining the sides and the large black flag that hung from the main mast, painted with a jollyroger that resembled Kid. Humble.
Several trips back and forth had already been made with the supplies looted from the marine compound, the ship bursting at the seams with loot. With the last of it finally set on the boats, the pirates began pulling them out to the water, paddles in hand to make the short trip to the main ship.
You weren't exactly keen on being tied to the mast of the ship for a week, but you figured it was better than some of the hazing you'd heard other pirates go through, and it sure beat the various cold dark cells you'd spent the last several years in. Considering you were a woman, about to board a ship full of men, it could always be much, much worse. You'd managed to at least down four (and a half, you still mourned your dropped one) apples and a banana you'd scavenged from some of the crates being moved after the battle, getting as much food in as you could on the walk to the ship. It at least meant you had a small reset to work with after being near starved for longer than you could recall. It was only a week you'd be starved at the mast, barely anything compared to what you’d been through, and once it was over, you would be free.
You'd spent most of your life under the firm, possessive thumb of the world government, moved from marine base to marine base, constantly under the guidance of abusers who got a kick out of controlling someone they knew to be more powerful than themselves. It boosted their ego, even if you were a scrawny woman, they knew the power you held, and it swelled their pride to dominate you. They never really cared about you as a person, only your ability to kill, and when you'd failed to become the obedient dog they wanted you’d been discarded without a second thought. You knew Kid was the same, the only leverage you had with him was as a weapon, but at the very least he had promised not to touch you, and you’d put herself in a strong position right from the get go to prove to him that you weren't to be messed with. It was a fresh start for you, you would finally have a taste of freedom, away from the people who had beaten and abused you.
The fact that it came under the guise of being a pirate was no bother to you - you enjoyed killing, but you were also undoubtedly lazy. If you followed the Kid Pirates you could kill all you wanted without having to deal with the repercussions or figuring out how to escape on your own, and you'd have the added benefit of a protective buffer between you and the marines who would no doubt come looking for you when they learned of your escape. This crew had a reputation for being bloodthirsty and ruthless, and they knew what you could do, so you knew you would find no judgment here. And if pirates were known for anything, it was hating the marines and the world government, a sentiment you wholeheartedly shared. You would fit right in here.
As you approached the water's edge you adjusted the dial on your helmet, the visor shifting from a dark purple to a more vibrant, richer blue. You scanned the ocean with your eyes, now able to see under the dark waves with your enhanced vision, and once you were happy with the lack of seakings visible you shifted it back to the purple. Killer quirked an eyebrow at you, not that you could see it under his mask, watching you with curiosity before returning his attention to pulling the boat nearest to your group out to the water. He made a mental note to ask you about the mask's functions later.
Once the dinghy was floating in the water, the last stragglers of the crew began to jump in, and you hesitantly waded into the water behind them, feeling herself grow weaker as the water raised above your knees and soaked the ends of your marine issue shorts, before Kid, growing impatient, grabbed you under the arms and lifted you into the small boat. You made a small huff but settled yourself on the thin seat between him and Killer. You were somewhat squished between the large men, it was just as well you were skinny, and you leaned forward to ensure your mask would not be damaged as they began to row away from the shore.
It was funny, as you watched the marine base sink away from view, you wondered how long she had even been here. Well, not here specifically, you knew you'd only been at this base a few weeks. More like, how long you'd been a prisoner. It was hard to tell the passing of time when you'd spent so much time in windowless cells, when they never consistently gave you meals, and with the lack of nutrition even your period was inconsistent, so that was no help in keeping track of time either. The commodore having you brought to his office was the only real signifier of time passed that you had to go off, guessing he probably sent for you every couple of days, sometimes more often.
They usually moved you between bases on a monthly basis, but sometimes it seemed like you spent only weeks at a base, sometimes multiple months. It'd been so long since they discarded you that you weren't even sure how old you were anymore. If you had to guess, you'd say 25, but really you didn't know for sure. You weren't even sure when your birthday was, you'd been really young when you got your devil fruit and it had destroyed any cognitive power you had for a long time.
The boat you were on was the last to pull up alongside the Victoria Punk, with the other ones already in the process of being unloaded and hauled up to the deck for storage. You had no intention of climbing the rope ladder that had been thrown down, given your arms were currently so weak, so you stood and quickly moon stepped the short distance up to the main deck. Exhausted, you laid down and sprawled out on the wooden surface like a starfish, taking advantage of the ability to lay flat while it lasted before you were inevitably tied to the mast, enjoying the warm sunlight you had been so direly missing. At least that was one advantage to being tied to the mast, you hadn't had fresh air in so long that you probably would have spent the next few nights out on the deck by choice anyway. you were looking forward to seeing the stars.
A shadow loomed over you, and you grumbled at the sudden lack of warmth as you opened your eyes. Kid was standing over her head, upside down from her point of view, looking down at her with an annoying smirk on his painted lips. You let out a deep sigh and sat up, before standing with a huff and walking to the main mast. You didn't have to be told, you knew what was coming. You slid down against it, landing on your ass with a pout as one of the commanders, Heat, you recognized from his bounty poster, brought over a heavy reel of thick rope.
Most of the crew watched with curiosity as Heat tied you to the mast, wrapping the rope around you and the thick wooden pole several times, pinning your torso and arms against it before knotting it well out of your reach. The crew knew well what that meant, that you were on trial to become a new crewmate, and you would be there for seven days just as they all had. If you were just a prisoner you would have been taken straight to the brig, and definitely bound with seastone. If you were a guest, you'd likely have been taken straight to Kid's room. The fact that you put up no fight also made it obvious that this was by choice. They'd never inducted a woman before and an excited, slightly confused buzz of conversation arose from the crew as they watched you wiggle, testing the limitations of your restraints, before finally settling in and stilling.
“Seven days, little one,” Kid told you, crouching so his face was close to yours. He gave you a smug grin, and you returned it with your own playful smile, ready and willing for what would be an easy ordeal for you. He knew it too, given it was clear you were used to being starved, but it wouldn't be fair to the rest of his crew if he didn't at least put on a show of initiating you, and it would ultimately help you earn the respect of his crew. Before standing upright again he unhooked the holster from your thigh, pocketing the dagger. You growled a warning at him when his touch lingered on your skin, before he smirked and finally stood.
“See you in seven days then, Captain,” you yawned, squirming a little to get comfortable then closing your eyes, resting your head back against the mast to sleep. You were desperate for a nap after using what little strength you had left on your meteor wave, and it's not like there was anything else for you to do now that you were tied to the mast. You had all the time in the world to take in your surroundings and eye up the crew, for now what you wanted was some rest.
“Alright pussies,” Kid announced to his crew, standing tall and proud at a successful day, to which they all silenced their gossiping and turned to attention, “this here is Yin. She's the reason we came to this island, and will be a powerful asset for us in the future. She's agreed to join the crew, under some annoying conditions, but I don't want to hear a single complaint about it from you assholes. She's worth the strength of a thousand men, so you will treat her with respect. And under no circumstances will you touch her without her permission. Keep your tiny dicks in your pants or I'll cut them off and feed ‘em to you. Do I make myself clear?”
There was a murmur of aye aye captain’s before Kid dismissed them to finish their preparations to leave the island. There were still a few tasks left for him to do, like checking what his crew had looted and getting the report on how many men were injured or killed during the battle. You were already deep asleep by the time the anchor was raised, long since fallen victim to your exhaustion. Kid and Killer watched you sleep from a distance, a million questions in their heads, but most of all both confused that; one, this scrawny, irritating thing was the powerful weapon they'd been hunting for, and; two, this outwardly innocent, sweet looking girl was sleeping without a care in the world, like you weren't tied to the mast of the notorious Kid pirates, and like they hadn't just watched you massacre hundreds of strong men and laugh about it. Not to mention the commodore, that was a whole other bag of worms.
They of course realized you had some sort of devil fruit, and they could guess by your tattered marine uniform that you had at some point been a government dog, but the fact that they'd found you half starved in a dark cell raised a multitude of questions. The government had been careful to move you often, likely to keep you from people like Kid, but you had clearly been discarded by them at some point. Their best guess was that the fruit itself was too dangerous to bring back into circulation, so they'd kept you alive to keep that power from becoming available to anyone else. Killer was also sure that ‘Yin’ wasn't your real name, but that didn't seem of much consequence right now. He guessed you must be close to his age, though it was hard to tell under the layers of grime and blood, your cheeks and eye sockets hollowed from emancipation.
Neither of them brought up what you'd done to them after the battle, and as soon as it seemed like it had been long enough to not raise suspicions from the crew, they both left the deck to retreat to their rooms, anxious to shower and change into clean clothes.
Day 1
You slept for what you assumed was likely around fifteen hours, it seemed like it was about late afternoon the next day when you were woken by a splash of water on your bare thigh. A cabin boy startled near you as he noticed your head raising, apologizing profusely and scampering away with his bucket and mop before you could even register what had happened. You blinked the sleep from your eyes, thankful for the tinting effect of your visor in the bright afternoon sun.
It didn't take long for you to notice the masked blonde sitting across from you, resting against a wall with crossed arms and crossed legs, watching you carefully. You cocked your head at him, and he stood, closing the space between you with just a few long strides, and standing over you. The ominous looming was probably supposed to be intimidating, but you couldn't help but blush at the fact that you were eye level with his dick. You did your best to crane your head to look up at him anyway.
“The captain has some questions for you,” he said plainly. His long blonde hair flitted gently in the wind behind him, and you wondered how a pirate kept so much hair so well maintained.
“Okay…” you mumbled blearily, looking around and noticing a distinct lack of said captain, “is he going to ask them then or…?”
“He's busy,” Killer snapped, “so I'll be asking them”
“Yesh, okay mister grumpy-mask,” you grumbled, pulling up your legs so they were crossed in front of you, “go ahead then”
Killer looked away for a moment to catch the eye of a passing henchman, giving him a quick nod that the man clearly understood. The henchman quickly brought over a chair, positioning it a meter or so in front of you before scurrying away. Killer took a seat and leant back on the chair, crossing his arms and scanning you with his eyes.
“What sort of devil fruit do you have?” was his first question. You weren't surprised, it seemed like the most obvious question.
“Ah, straight into the complicated questions,” you sighed. You closed her eyes for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to explain it, “it's called the wave-wave fruit. As in, wavelengths. Not like… ocean waves. It's more microscopic than that. How much do you know about physics?”
“Some, enough probably, what sort of wavelengths?” he asked.
“All of them, I think,” you replied, a little confused at her own answer, and quickly working on rephrasing it, “I mean everything I know of that's measured in wavelengths I've been able to manipulate to some degree. Some are harder than others, but I have some control nonetheless. Vibrations are easiest, I can use them at a smaller scale, like molecules, speeding up or slowing the vibrations to increase or decrease temperature. Or at a larger scale, like what you saw me do on the battlefield, creating shockwaves of vibrations”
“And that's what you did to the commodore? Heated and cooled him?” Killer inquired, starting to piece things together.
“His blood, specifically, but yeah. The wall I used to keep us clean was also vibrations, it wasn't actually solid, it's just that the air was vibrating so fast that nothing could get past it. Like a really strong wind.”
Killer nodded, stroking the scruffy goatee that poked out from under his mask. “Okay, so what else? You said there were others.”
“Yeah, the others I don't use as much because they're either more difficult or not as useful. Sound is easy, I can replicate sounds with relative ease. Single sounds like replicating a lone instrument or a voice or animal call are easier than replicating a whole song. Light is tricky but doable. Every colour you see is a different wavelength of light, so by manipulating the wavelength I can change the colours. Not super useful but it makes for a fun lightshow when I'm drunk. Before I was locked up I was working on using it to create mirages of myself, but it's early days for sure.”
To emphasize your point you closed your eyes in concentration, and a life sized version of you appeared in the space between you and Killer. It was faint, and wobbling, like a broken hologram. You weren't able to hold it for long before you let out a heavy exhale and the clone disappeared.
“The last thing I know I can control is electromagnetic waves, but I can only do it at a very small scale,” you continued, “it's enough to manipulate the electricity that sends messages through a person's nerves, but not enough to power anything or manipulate the magnetism of an object”
“Is that… what you did to Kid and I?” Killer asked, under his breath so as not to let any curious henchmen hear.
“Yeah,” you giggled, “sorry about that, but it was in self defense”
Killer made a low grumble under his mask, not offering up any sort of forgiveness in exchange for your apology. At least now he understood what you'd done, it put him slightly more at ease. Not that he was happy about his nerves being messed with. You yawned and rolled your head to stretch out your stiff neck, the questioning was starting to grate at you. Using your fruit to create a mirage when you were already so weak was probably not the smartest thing you’d ever done.
“Is that it? I'm tired,” you grumbled.
“One more and I'll leave you be for now,” he said, leaning forward to examine her closer, “what's with the mask?”
You chuckled to yourself, not at all surprised by the question considering his own mask. “What's with yours?” you retorted.
He sat in silence, unwavering and unimpressed. You rolled your eyes and huffed, it was clear you weren't getting an answer today, so you'd just have to continue making up your own theories about it. Given the state of Kid's horribly scarred face, your best guess right now was that he was unbelievably mangled under the mask. Blown up by a grenade or something. Maybe he didn't even have a nose. You wrinkled your own nose at the thought before deciding to answer his question, if anything to pull your mind away from imagining what awful features he had under his mask.
“Like I said earlier, I can manipulate light and sound,” you started your explanation, pausing for a moment as he sat back in his chair and resumed his previous position, “unfortunately I can also see and hear a larger spectrum because of it. You know how they say mantis shrimp can see more colours than we can? It's like that, I've got shrimp colours. And sounds I guess. Well not shrimp sounds but… you know what I mean. Anyway it sounds fucking cool, but I can tell you right now that constantly being able to hear every atom moving and being able to see everyone's bones and organs is not cool, and I can't control it on my own. It's a default setting that I can't seem to manipulate, and it's extremely overwhelming. If I spend more than a few minutes without the mask I usually have a panic attack. The mask filters it all out so I just see and hear what a normal person would. I can adjust it though, to tune in to different levels of the sound or light spectrum, for example if I need to see if someone has a broken bone, or hear the small changes in the air.”
“That's why you carried the seastone cuffs after killing the commodore? To mute the ability?”
“Exactly. Seastone deactivates devil fruits, as I assume you know, so I can use it to stop myself from becoming overwhelmed when I don't have the mask. Obviously though, seastone also makes me weak and tired. It's why I'm inseparable from my mask. I'm guessing you understand better than anyone what it means to me,” you said, scanning his striped mask with your pupil-less eyes.
“Hmmph,” he replied neutrally, standing from the chair and dragging it till it rested against a wall, “that'll do for now then, but there's more questions we'd like to ask tomorrow”
“Mmm,” you replied, straightening your legs out and shifting in your spot to get comfortable again. Your arms would have gone to sleep long ago if you hadn't been using your devil fruit to keep the blood flowing in them, “I'm guessing the captain wants to know what intel I have on the marines and world government. You can tell him I'm more than happy to share with him everything I know about those cunts, I have no love or loyalty for them. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, or whatever it is they say.”
“Right,” he replied, a little taken aback that you were so willing to part with information without even being prompted. ‘They must have really done a number on her’ he thought to himself, “he'll be happy to hear that. I'll have someone bring you water, and I'll be back with more questions tomorrow.”
“Pleasure doing business with you, Massacre Soldier,” you said in her best obedient subordinate voice, before closing your eyes to nap.
“It's Killer,” he replied with a huff, walking away.
Day 2
You woke up at what must have been the middle of the night. It was clear out, the stars were in full display, but you hadn't noticed them yet due to the fact that you were full on hyperventilating after a particularly graphic dream. You'd think someone who enjoyed violence as much as you wouldn't experience bad dreams, but there were other kinds of horrors from your past that plagued you and often woke you in a panic. You went through the familiar motions of calming yourself, five things you can see, four things you can feel, three things you can smell… eventually your breathing started to even out and the world came back into few. It was then you noticed the vibrations of the warm body above you. If you concentrated enough you could make out the vague shape, and it was clear they were watching you from the crow's nest above. On night watch, presumably, and distracted by your very audible panic attack.
“You can stop gawking at me now, Killer,” you mumbled without turning to look at him, stretching your legs back out from the fetal position you'd subconsciously pulled them into. The distinct difference in vibrations around his mask made it easy to tell who was watching you.
“You good?” he asked, he was trying to hide the genuine concern in his voice but you picked up on its subtlety, and it annoyed you to no end. You weren't some feeble thing, and you wondered if he was only treating you with kindness because you were a woman. You had no doubt it was going to be a common struggle aboard the Victoria Punk.
“Just peachy, so fuck off,” you huffed. There was a quiet shifting of fabric as he turned away to give you privacy, returning to watching the still horizon and the small, calm clouds that were settled over it.
Resigning yourself to ignoring him, and titling your eyes to the sky you finally noticed the dazzling scattering of twinkling stars, too far from any island to be hindered by light pollution. Your mask may have had a purple tint, but it didn't apply to your vision like it would like wearing sunglasses. Sure, it kept the sun from being too bright by filtering out some of its harsher light waves, but other than that it was a mere filter, allowing you to see the way a normal person would, maybe even slightly better than a normal person. For you, it was no different to wearing clear prescription glasses.
You were certainly far from colourblind, having seen a much wider spectrum of colours than any other person, you could pick up the subtle differences between colours like nobody else could. The faint yellows, blues and reds of the faraway stars were clear to you, each star being a different colour depending on how hot they were. You knew other people could tell the difference, but you could pick out the smallest changes, you could probably guess the exact temperature of each star if you tried based on the colour.
You could also see planets in far more detail than the normal human eye, picking out the quiet blues and warm browns of the different planets that were close enough and in the right position to see. To the naked eye they would have been simple sparkles hidden between the stars. They were still tiny, but the colours were clear to you.
You admired the full display of nature's majesty with wide eyes. It had been years since you'd seen the stars. You would have liked to adjust your mask to see the ultraviolet light, to see the beautiful blues and purples radiating off distant galaxies, but your arms were firmly pinned to the mast. You sighed, deciding to continue stargazing anyway, reminding yourself that you would have all the time in the world to look at the stars under every spectrum of light imaginable as soon as you were done with your time on the mast.
At some point you fell back asleep, lulled by the soft rocking of the ship and Killer's quiet rhythmic breathing above you.
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You grumbled and pulled your leg away as someone kicked it, wishing you could rub the sore spot the kick had left but unable to reach with your arms tied. You opened your eyes to find Killer standing over you once again, his leg pulled back to repeat the kick if you didn't wake up. He wasn't doing it hard enough to properly injure, but enough that it'd no doubt leave a bruise on someone like you. Before he could swing you stopped his foot with your own, crossing one leg over the other to press your black, standard issue marine boots against his ankle.
“What the fuck Killer?” you spat, pushing his leg away before returning your foot to the ground, bent at the knee so you could quickly raise it again if you had to.
“About fucking time, fuck you sleep like the dead,” he replied, pulling the chair from yesterday back towards you, leaving it a little further away to account for your stretched out leg before sitting, “and you snore worse than most of the men here.” It was a lie, but he felt like seeing if he could get a rise out of you.
“I do the fuck NOT,” you yelled, trying to slide down in your restraints so you could reach him with your foot to kick him, which resulted in your leg flapping awkwardly in the air mere inches away from him while you made little grunts of excursion. He couldn't help but smile under his mask, you really could be childish, it was amusing, and he would definitely find more ways to rile you up in the future. You could have full well used your devil fruit to maim or kill him, but it was clear you weren't going to hurt him. Finally you gave up and let your leg fall to the wooden deck with a heavy ‘thunk’ and a pout on the only visible part of your face.
“What do you want, Killer?” you said with an exasperated sigh.
“We have more questions,” he replied.
“Of course you do, couldn't it wait till I was awake though?” you grumbled.
“It's almost noon, you've slept more than enough,” he replied in a bored tone.
You looked around, a little confused. Had you really slept that long? The men around you were bustling around, already several hours deep into their various chores, the occasional curious glance thrown your way. You turned back to Killer with a sigh, “Fine, what does our apparently very busy captain want to know today?”
“You knew I was watching you last night, do you have haki?”
“Armament, yes. It's strong, by normal standards, though I barely use it. I'm guessing you're asking specifically about observation haki though. I don't, I can just sense vibrations around me because of my devil fruit. If I concentrate enough I can make out the contours of people, see their faces and expressions, sense if their heart is beating faster if they're lying. Which by the way, I know I don't snore, and you're a filthy liar.” you gave him a coy smile, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, turning away from you. His heart was racing, and it didn't take a psychic to figure out why.
“I can't see your face,” you reassured softly. His head snapped in your direction and he was starting to wonder if you could read minds, “your mask is solid metal, it's blocking a lot of the vibrations and making them bounce back. All I can sense under it is a blur. It would be the same if I used my mask functions, metal is a good insulator against a lot of types of wavelengths, so it's a bit of a weak spot for me”
His heart rate lowered slightly, his own observation haki telling him you weren't lying about your ability. He cleared his throat, a little flustered that you'd read him and his insecurities so easily.
“Our intel tells us you have ties to Vegapunk,” he said, trying to move the conversation along, “we assumed the weapon, you I guess, were built by him but obviously that's not the case, so where is that information coming from?”
“Oh, that would be the mask,” you explained, “I spent a short while on Egghead Island with a few of his satellites while they ran tests on my fruit and manufactured the mask. As much as the government wanted me to be their weapon, I was useless before the mask. Like I told you yesterday, it's overwhelming. I was always on the edge of a panic attack, struggling to navigate the world. I had to be practically guided everywhere and spoon fed because I was seeing straight through everything, I would always walk into shit and over or under reach for things because I couldn't make out surfaces. Not to mention the sounds. I may as well have been deaf because I couldn't pick out voices between everything else. I was an anxious, over-stimulated mess and completely useless as a weapon, as a person even, so they commissioned Vegapunk to make the mask to help me control it. I often had bouts of being completely feral before the mask, when my brain would finally snap and go completely instinctual just to have any sort of control. A lot of people have bite shaped scars from me”
“What the fuck is a satellite,” Killer asked. Your answer had raised many more questions, but that one confused him the most.
“Ah, kind of a complicated question,” you mused, “they're… Vegapunk? But not? I'm not sure how to explain it. He like, split his personality up into clones or some shit. They don't look like him though, or what I've seen of pictures of him anyway. I've never actually met him”
“Right, okay,” Killer did not at all understand but he figured it didn't really matter anyway, he had more important questions to ask, “how long were you a marine?”
“Another complicated question,” you groaned, “you just love those don't you? Can't you just ask me my favourite colour or something?”
There was an awkward silence while he waited for you to answer the question, before you groaned again and relented. “Finnneeee. And it's yellow, by the way. Do you want the long version or the short version?”
“Long version, I've got all day,” he replied.
“Alright then,” you shrugged, or as best you could in the restraints anyway, “it's not like I'm going anywhere. I ate my devil fruit when I was about four. Daddy dearest was never in the picture, it was just me and my mother, so I was left alone for long bouts during the day while she worked, that was when I found it. Obviously it fucked me up, my mum came home one day to find me completely out of it, screaming, feral. She didn't know it was a devil fruit, obviously, so she took me to the hospital. Doctors took months to realise it was a devil fruit and put a seastone cuff on me, but not before I blew a nurse's brains out in my panic. Life went relatively back to normal for a while till the government caught wind of me. Mum kept me hidden away, given what I'd done to the nurse, but kept her eye out for a way to get me off the island so we could start fresh somewhere else. Eventually she was able to save enough money to buy us passage to another island, but the ship was attacked by slavers during the journey.”
You paused for a moment, watching a news coo fly overhead and drop the daily newspaper, something you hadn't seen in a very long time, before continuing on with your story. “I was about six when I was sent to a slave house on Sabody. The government had tracked my movements and were quick to buy me, and I haven't seen my mother since. They sent me to the marines to be secretly trained, only a select few knew about me. I think the plan was to make me a CP agent, they seemed pretty set on training me for some sort of elite time. Physical training was going fine, I learnt how to fight and how to shoot and how to be stealthy, but every time they took the seastone off though I'd go straight back to being out of control, and eventually they gave up on me. At some point they started abusing me, since I wasn't good for anything else. It was just inappropriate touches at first, and then… well. I'm sure you can put two and two together.” Killer’s mask moved to point away from you, clearly unnerved with the topic, and you cleared your throat uncomfortably before continuing.
“Anyway the government wasn't happy about my lack of progress controlling my fruit, so they shipped me off to Egghead in the hopes that Vegapunk could ‘fix’ me. I had two beautiful, abuse-free years on that island while they made the mask and helped me learn to control my fruit, before the government pulled me back to hell. I spent the next four years training, honing in on my devil fruit, learning haki and moon stepping, learning advanced combat. I was a quick learner, so they put me in active service when I turned sixteen, when it was no longer suspicious for me to be in the marines. I did what they asked like an obedient dog, for a while,, but then they stuck me with a vice admiral who liked to play with pretty things. The more he abused me, the more I lashed out on the battlefield. At some point I started enjoying killing, using it as an outlet for my anger, and the more blood thirsty I became the less they could control me. Eventually I started killing marines and civilians, so they benched me. They couldn't let my fruit go back in rotation though, so they just kept moving me from base to base to keep me hidden. I must have been twenty when they benched me. I'm not sure how long it's been since then, years definitely, but I'm not sure. Anyway that's it, that's the full story”
It was a lot for Killer to process. Your shit past was somehow worse than his, and he couldn't help but feel sorry for you. He'd been young the first time he killed, but four years old? That was a lot for a kid to carry, not to mention being raped for the first time before even hitting puberty, and so many times since. It was no wonder you were so fucked up, why you laughed so maniacally after killing the commodore, why you enjoyed killing as much as he did. He wondered if you'd been branded at the slave house, or when the last time someone had treated you as a human was.
With a heavy exhale he stood, dragging the chair back to the wall without a word, and decided to leave it be for now.
“What, that's it? No snide remarks about being a warm hole or some shit?” you spat. It was clear you were angry, residual anger not really directed at him but at your memories. It sent a shiver down his spine to hear you imply that it was a common occurrence for men to just call her a ‘warm hole’.
“I'll have someone bring your water, we're done for now,” he said flatly as he walked away. You huffed in outward annoyance, but inwardly you wished he hadn't left, so you didn't have to be alone with your own thoughts.
Day 3
Day three was of not much note. You watched the crew do their chores, trying to overhear their names as they talked so you could figure out who was who. Usually around midday some nervous cabin boy would bring you a single glass of water, shaking as he held it to your lips, but to your surprise today it was brought by someone else. Heat knelt in front of you, holding up the glass of water.
“No cabin boy today?” you mused.
“They're scared of you,” he laughed, holding the glass to your mouth so you could drink. You chugged the water greedily, one glass a day was nowhere near enough under the constant sunlight, “apparently they heard about what you did at the marine base, so I offered to bring you your water instead of having to smell them pissing their pants”
You laughed as she swallowed the last bit of water, almost choking on it. “You good?” Heat asked, his eyes were soft with concern but it didn't seem to annoy you as much as it had when Killer had shown sympathy.
“Yeah,” you coughed, “wrong pipe. Anyway, that's fucking hilarious. Cabin boys are just pups, I wouldn't hurt them”
“Yeah good luck convincing them of that, pussies the lot of them,” he laughed, putting down the glass and sitting on the deck in front of you. His pale blue hair billowed in the wind behind him, a tone not too far from your own lilac coloured hair. His face was covered in stitch-like scars that ran from his mouth over his cheeks and his body was lined with tattoos that looked like barbed vines that wrapped around his neck and over his arms, you traced them with her eyes.
“I like your tattoos,” you mused.
“Thanks,” he smiled, somehow still looking sad at the same time, “you got any?”
“Not any by choice,” you frowned, “just a marines tattoo, it's more like a tag of ownership really. And a slave mark, if you can count that”
“We can get them covered, if you want,” he offered, “well I don't think you can tattoo over scars actually, but the marine tat we could cover”
“You think we can turn it into a set of tits?” you gave him a coy smile.
“Abso-fucking-lutely,” he laughed, standing up, “I should probably go, we're not supposed to talk to you till initiation is done, but I think you're going to fit right in here”
“Thanks Heat,” you replied softly, glad to have had some genuine company, if only for a short while.
You pulled your knees up to your chest as soon as he left. Your didn't want to show weakness in front of Heat but a sharp pain was beginning to form in your gut, assumedly from hunger. It didn't feel like your normal hunger pains but then again, you weren't usually tied to a mast. You'd only asked to use the bathroom once since getting here, maybe you were constipated or something. Not that the source of the pain mattered, you still had another four days to go before you were released and you doubted they'd allow you any painkillers till it was over, so you just pulled your knees in as close as you could to put pressure on the dull pain.
Day 4
It was almost noon when Heat came out to the deck to bring you your water. You'd been quiet, as always, save for a few questions Killer had for you about the marines. You'd spent most of the last 24 hours with your knees up at your chest, your head buried between them as the sharp pain continued to grow in your gut.
Heat was in a good mood today, he had high hopes for you as a new crewmate. His conversation with you yesterday had been short, but you were pleasant to talk to, had no problem making crude jokes, and by your work on the battlefield it was clear you were bloodthirsty. You would fit right in here. Three more days, then he could properly get to know you. Not to mention that Kid had said the crew just couldn't touch you ‘without her consent’, that wasn't a full ban, right? If he played his cards right maybe he could score himself a girlfriend. The thought of not having to wait between islands to get laid made him near giddy. Kid hadn't bothered to talk to you since you'd come on board, Killer didn't seem to have any interest outside of the questions he was tasked with asking you, and Wire certainly couldn't care less. The henchmen would probably try their luck, but Heat knew they were far beneath a woman of your caliber. That left you wide open for him to try his hand at wooing you, so he was setting himself up to always try his best to be nice to you. Of course, he preferred women with a little more plush to them, with soft curves and tummies and breasts he could practically sink into, and you were basically a walking bag of bones, but he wondered if in time, with proper nutrition, whether you'd fill out. It didn't make a whole load of difference at the end of the day though, a thin woman was still a better companion than ol’ righty.
He almost dropped the glass he was carrying when he spotted you though, his grin quickly wiped from his face. Your knees were at your chin, as they had been since yesterday, and between your legs was a small puddle of blood, your navy coloured uniform shorts clearly darkened with it. Without hesitation he spun on his heel and ran for the navigation room, where he knew he'd find Kid and Killer.
The two of them were indeed there, along with Wire, scouring over maps of the nearby islands and comparing them to the log pose, trying to figure out their next move now that they were done with the months of run around you had given them. Their heads all shot up as the door flung open, a flustered Heat standing in the doorway, glass of water still in hand (though somewhat empty now, given most of it had spilt out in his hurry).
“What the fucks got your panties in a twist?” Kid grumbled, settling down the map he'd been holding.
“The girl, she's bleeding,” he huffed out between heavy breaths.
Killer was the first to move, shoving Heat out of the doorway so he could pass him, making long, fast strides to the mast where you were bound. Kid followed quickly after, already jumping to conclusions and feeling a rage brewing. The only way in his mind that you could be bleeding is if someone had attacked you, and he would torture everyone on this ship to find out who touched his new toy.
The stampede of heavy footsteps, which slightly vibrated the deck under you, woke you from your nap. You groaned a little, stretching your legs out in front of you, your knees clicking a little at motion. The pain in your gut had definitely increased since you'd fallen asleep a few hours ago, and you wondered how much worse it was going to get. Any more and you wouldn't be able to keep up the brave face anymore. Your eyes widened in confusion as you watched Kid, Killer and the other commanders racing towards you, and you ran a montage through your mind of everything that you'd done and said since coming aboard to try and figure out what you'd done wrong to piss them off.
“Uh, hello boys?” you offered as they came to an abrupt stop in front of you.
“Heat, where's the blood?” Kid scowled, as far as he could see, you were perfectly fine.
“Uh, under her ass,” Heat replied sheepishly, hoping the others wouldn't take notice of the fact that it meant he'd been looking at your ass.
You lifted your knees in confusion and spread them, trying to look down as best you could with the restraints to see what Heat had seen. Your groin was dark with blood, and a small puddle had formed underneath you. The cogs in your brain immediately clicked into place and you groaned at the inconvenient timing.
“Relax, it's just my period,” you told them, closing her legs again, a little embarrassed. The statement only seemed to anger Kid more.
“Why the fuck would you do that now?” he growled and pointed at the blood with an accusing finger, “you're getting your gross fucking pussy blood on my deck.”
You blinked slowly and looked at Killer, thus far it was clear he was the brains of the operation, definitely not the captain who was entirely brawn, and brawn only. “He's not serious, right?”
Killer ran a hand down his mask and groaned. Kid could be smart sometimes, in his own way, but fuck could he also be dumb as hell, especially when it came to women. Kid knew where to stick his dick, and that was about the limits of his knowledge.
“She didn't do it on purpose,” Killer offered, trying to calm his captain down.
“Like hell she didn't,” he spat back.
“Women don't choose when their period happens, it just happens,” Killer tried to explain with a heavy sigh.
“Well, really, most healthy women know when to expect it, but I haven't had enough nutrition to keep it regular. I really didn't expect it, sorry,” you were trying her best to not be ashamed of this entirely natural thing, and laid your legs back down to hide the blood from Kid who was still staring at you with a confused frown.
“Can't you just hold it in or something at least?” Kid asked with a scowl.
“Not really how it works,” you sighed, “its gonna continue till my entire uterus lining is shed”
“I'm not even going to ask what the fuck you mean by that,” Kid knew a ‘uterus’ was for making babies, right? What kind of fucking horror show was this shit? She had to shed it? The whole lining? What the fuck.
“Do you need something for it?” Killer asked you.
“She's not getting shit. Besides, we don't have any of that girly shit on board,” Kid cut in before you could answer. You groaned and wished you could reach your face so you could pinch the base of your nose, with the headache that was quickly forming.
“Look, you have three options,” you said plainly, “one - you leave me here, I continue bleeding on to the deck, the blood goes rancid, I start to stink like a dead fish, then I get an infection and die. Very cool. Two - you provide me clean, dry rags and let me switch them out every four hours until we reach land, because it's going to take at least another five days to be done. Or three - you let me have a longer bathroom break, I use my devil fruit to hurry it up, I have a quick shower to clean up, and everyone goes on like nothing happened”
Kid scowled, his hands on his hips, staring down at you. His body was casting a shadow over you, and you shivered a little at the lack of warm sunlight - definitely not at how big and intimidating he was from this angle. He thought about the options, but it was clear which one was the most convenient.
“Killer, take her to your bathroom, don't let her out of your sight,” he huffed, before turning and stomping away. Wire followed him, having quickly lost interest, and Heat gave you a sympathetic smile before leaving as well. Killer quickly scanned the small crowd of henchmen and cabin boys that had stopped their chores to watch the commotion, one look from Killer was all it took to clear them off.
Without a word he knelt at the back of the mast, untying the thick ropes that held you. You used the mast to support herself as you stood, careful to avoid stepping in the blood your unexpectedly heavy flow had left, it wasn't really that much but it would be gross to step in anyway. You ran vibrations through your body to loosen up your stiff joints, stretching your arms out above your head and rolling your sore shoulders with small popping sounds. You looked down at the blood with a flush, then back at Killer, who was quick to notice your embarrassment. He grabbed the collar of a passing cabin boy, who squeaked at the sudden forcefulness.
“Oi, clean this up,” he told the boy, pointing at the blood, before letting him go with a small shove and watching the boy scurry away to find a mop. On the bright side, the Kid Pirates were probably experts at getting blood out of the deck, given their profession. It was probably the first thing new cabin boys were taught.
Killer turned and walked away, annoyed that it was his bathroom being sacrificed, but he wasn't going to go against the captain's orders. At least he knew his room was clean, as it always was. He always kept his room tidy with militant level spotlessness, you could probably eat off any surface in his room. He took great pride in it.
You took the hint and followed close behind him, not sure what to say but thankful you would get your first shower in months. You hadn't had a tour of the ship yet, so you had no choice but to follow behind him, having no idea where the bathroom even was. You hoped they had hot water on this ship but you weren't about to get picky.
You were expecting a grody communal bathroom, something with one of those shower rooms without separations and toilet cubicles with questionable stains on the seats, so you were certainly surprised when you were led to a large, private bedroom. In the middle was a king sized bed, made up with navy sheets and royal blue blankets and pillowcases, the matching set embossed with a diamond pattern that was more matte compared to the shine of the base fabric. A lush, navy, fluffy blanket ran over the end of the bed, folded to form a tidy, decorative strip like something out of a magazine. The bed frame looked to be made out of a dark, ebony wood, and the headboard was ornately engraved with what looked like a battle scene, with the endboard similarly engraved to match. On either side sat a heavy looking side table with matching wood - all of the furniture in the room looked like part of the same, probably very expensive, set.
Hanging on the wall on either side of the bed were brass, antique looking lamps with sharp details that looked like they could injure you if you fell against them. Further out from the lamps were small porthole windows, one on either side of the bed, framed with short, navy, velvet curtains on brass rods. The room also had a large wardrobe to one side, and a short, wide set of drawers on the other, all with brass knobs that matched the side tables. Above the dresser hung an oval mirror, trimmed with an ornate brass frame that matched the lamps. The mirror was cracked and missing shards, like someone had punched it. It seemed out of place in an otherwise immaculately tidy room.
The walls of the room were painted in a calm, pale blue, the lower half shiplapped with dark wood, and on one wall, beside the wardrobe, hung several antique weapons, ranging from katanas to scimitars to daggers, all beautifully crafted and well maintained. There were no other signs of personalization in the room - no trinkets, books, stray laundry - it felt like a hotel room, not somewhere that was lived in full time. Above all, it was not what she expected to find on a pirate ship.
After several moments of gawking from the doorway, Killer gave you a shove further into the room, slamming the door behind the two of you. He strode across the room, opening a door beside the dresser, before sitting on the edge of the bed facing the open door, his arms crossed in displeasure.
“Bathroom is in there, towels under the sink,” he nodded towards the door, “hurry the fuck up, I haven't got all day”
You walked past him hesitantly, into the simple bathroom, and started to close the door, only to be met with an annoyed tut from Killer.
“Door stays open,” he told her flatly.
“Oh come onnnn,” you moaned, “you're really going to sit there and watch me? What kind of fucked up pervert are you?”
“Captain's orders,” he replied with a shrug, “he told me not to take my eyes off you, so that's what I'm doing. Don't make it weird”
“You're the one making it weird,” you mumbled, sliding off your boots, shorts and blood soaked panties down. They were nothing fancy, just boring, standard issue tightey-whiteys. You threw your jacket over the sink and sat down on the toilet the wrong way round, facing the wall, and set a hand to your stomach.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Killer grumbled, “did those marine pigs not teach you how to use a toilet?”
“Mind your business, asshole,” you grumbled, shimmying a little to get comfortable on the seat, “I'm about to strip the lining of an organ, something that should take days, in only a few minutes. Sometimes I pass out from the pain, and I'd rather not go face first into the tile.”
Killer certainly shut the fuck up at your unexpected reply, watching you with anxious concern now. There was an audible vibration as you used your devil fruit, and the trickling of blood hitting the toilet water as your uterus lining began to dislodge. You groaned in pain, white knuckling the toilet tank. Under your mask tears were starting to stream, dripping down your face and landing on the long sleeve of your shirt where you were supporting your weight on the tank. You tried your best not to scream, but it felt like you were being ripped in half as you forcibly shed the lining and contracted your muscles to push it out. Several minutes had passed, interrupted by the occasional heavy splash in the toilet as larger clots of blood exited you, before finally you gave one last grunt and a large splash below announced the bulk of your uterus lining landing in the toilet.
Immediately you passed out, the visor of your mask hitting the wall hard, and Killer rushed to keep you upright as your body began to slide sideways. There was still a quiet trickling below you, and out of morbid curiosity he looked down past your ass into the toilet. It was a bloodbath, scattered with thicker chunks that would have made a normal man gag. He couldn't help but feel sad for you that you had to force herself to do that. He wondered how many times you'd done it before, you knew you’d pass out so clearly this wasn't your first time.
When he was sure your body was stable against the toilet, he turned away and started to run the bath, one arm still reaching towards you in case you started slipping again. There was no way he was about to let you shower when you'd just passed out, the risk of it happening again and you getting injured in the process was too high, you'd be safer in a bath, even if it wasn't part of the deal. You still weren't awake when he felt the water was deep enough to submerge your lower half, so he lifted you from the toilet and set you down in the water, your shirt getting wet in the process. He wondered whether he should start washing you, but that felt like an intrusion, so he let you be, holding you upright so you wouldn't slip into the water and drown.
Slowly, after five or so minutes, you finally came to. you weren't sure what surprised you more, the fact that you were in a bath, or Killer's arms firmly around you. You gently pushed him away, confused and embarrassed. He stood up quickly, flustered at his own impulsive actions, and grabbed a towel and hand cloth from under the sink, throwing the hand cloth at you unceremoniously and hanging the towel on the hook next to the bath before quickly leaving, closing the door behind him. Not the whole way, but enough to give you privacy.
As soon as you regained your wits you pulled off your shirt, careful to avoid pulling off her mask, and sunk into the water. You would give herself just a few moments to compose your thoughts before you set yourself to cleaning. You looked around, observing the simple bathroom. It was entirely set with white, from the floors to the walls to the furnishings. There was a simple toilet, a cabinet sink with a mirror above it, not smashed this time, and the combination bath-shower you were currently sat in, which was deep and wider than a normal tub to accommodate a large body. The only signs that a person used this room were the single toothbrush and toothpaste sitting in a clear, blue glass cup on the sink, and the inset shelf next to the tub, which contained various toiletries.
Careful to not take too long, lest you be dragged out, you carefully cleaned yourself with the handcloth, using a small amount of the body wash that sat perfectly straightened on the shelf next to the bath. The water quickly turned pink as the blood was shifted from your skin, and you took care to pay special attention to between your legs. There would be a few spots of blood left, but not more than what a small wad of toilet paper in your underwear could handle. You were glad too for the warm water which served to soothe your sore abdomen.
Once you were done you pulled the plug, running the water for a moment to wash away any clots of blood that threatened to remain, pushing the swirling water around with your foot. You stood awkwardly in the middle of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around you, avoiding the mirror, and trying to decide what to do about dressing. Your pants and underwear were a no-go, there was no way you were putting those back on, and your shirt was soaked from the tub. Only your socks and boots were really usable. You cleared your throat hesitantly to get Killer's attention.
“Killer?” you paused, “can I um.. could I borrow a shirt? And maybe some underwear? Briefs, preferably”
Killer kicked himself for not being more prepared - of course you needed a change of clothes, you couldn't just go back to sitting around in your own blood for another three days. He grumbled and rummaged through his drawers, pulling out a simple blue t-shirt and a pair of black briefs. He scowled at the idea of you wearing his underwear, but it was better than leaving you exposed on a ship full of men. You were standing in the doorway, wrapped in the towel, when he turned back to you. He shoved the clothes into your arms, pushing you back into the bathroom before sitting back on the bed awkwardly. ‘Fuck Kid and his stupid fucking orders’ he huffed to himself.
You quickly dressed - the shirt was extremely oversized on you, just as you had hoped, it was basically a dress. The briefs barely stayed up, but they would do to hold the small wad of neatly folded toilet paper against your center. You bundled up your wet, dirty clothes in your arms, not sure what to do with them, before exiting the bathroom.
Killer stood as you entered, observing how his shirt came midway down your calves. Till now you'd been fairly covered, but now he noticed how thin your arms and legs were, and the gentle scattering of lilac freckles that covered them, matching your hair. On your left arm, barely visible below the sleeve of the oversized shirt, was a marines tattoo. It was clear too that your wrists bore now healing rings of injury from your many years wearing seastone cuffs. They looked red and tender, but thankfully not infected.
“Um, I'm not sure what to do with these,” you said quietly, interrupting his silent examination of you. .
“Give em here,” he said, taking them from her, “we'll burn them when you're done with your initiation, its tradition for ex-marines who become pirates”
“Oh, okay,” you replied, a little hopeful. Burning them sounded cathartic. Fun, even. There was a short, awkward silence before Killer cleared his throat.
“Back to the mast, then,” he said, dumping the clothes in a laundry basket in the corner of the bathroom and walking back out to where the main deck was. You followed obediently, albeit still a little sore from what you'd just done, but it was better than drawing it out or dealing with it while you were still tied to the mast.
Day 5
By the time your bathroom break came around the next day, your period was more than over with, the last few straggler drops flushed down the toilet with the wad of toilet paper you’d kept in your briefs. Well, Killer's briefs. The weather so far had been warm and pleasant, but not overly hot, since the calm spring weather from the marine base island had extended most of the way into the journey so far. Today though, the winds were shifting, turning cooler and harsher as they entered the radius of an autumn island. In hindsight, not asking Killer for pants was probably a mistake, but it was too late now. Your legs were bare to the wind, and you did your best to hold down the oversized shirt with your pinned hands to keep the wandering eyes of the crew from seeing too much. You weren’t usually shy, but the near constant attention was starting to become a bit much, and you were feeling a lot like a piece of meat dangling on a string in front of a pack of hungry wolves. You hoped the next island was close so the men could vent their frustrations on land instead of gawking at you.
Heat brought you water around noon as always, apologizing profusely for overreacting yesterday. His concern was sweet, he genuinely thought you’d been hurt and it was nice to feel cared for, you couldn’t remember the last time someone had given a shit about you being hurt. Heat seemed like a nice guy, past that perpetually sad exterior, someone you could grow to trust here, definitely. Maybe even a friend. That would be nice, you hadn’t had friends since Egghead Island. You rubbed her nose against the soft, thick collar of your puffy jacket. Atlas, one of Vegapunk’s satellites, had gotten you the jacket as a leaving gift; it was one of your only possessions, one of the few things in this world you cared about. Somehow, even after all this time, it still looked and felt like new - one of the Vegapunk wonders, you guessed. You were especially thankful for it now as the wind began to chill you to the bone. You could use her devil fruit to warm yourself, but you were conserving your energy for now, since it looked like it was going to rain soon, and you’d need your limited energy more to shield herself from it. For now, you would grin and bear it, watching the dark clouds slowly growing on the horizon ahead.
Day 6
As predicted, it began to bucket down shortly before sunrise. Killer was woken up by the thunderous sound of hail pelting against his windows, and sat up with a tired grumble, running a hand through his messy blonde bangs. It was cold, even by his standards, and he worried about you out on the deck in nothing but a thin shirt and a jacket. you were a scrawny thing, the cold probably ran right through you. Fair was fair though, you’d been warned you wouldn’t be released from the mast if a storm hit, but he wondered how mad Kid would be if his new toy died of hypothermia. With a sigh he stood up, pulling a spare blanket from the wardrobe. It was a thick wool, scratchy to the touch, but it would act as a decent barrier against the wet weather, given wool's natural hydrophobic properties. He threw on a jacket and his mask before heading out, pulling up the hood to keep the water from trickling in the holes of his mask, he fucking hated when that happened.
He wasn’t surprised to find you awake on the deck, he doubted anyone could sleep in these conditions, but he was surprised to find you completely dry. Shivering from the cold, but shielded by a small protective wall of vibrations, forming what looked like an invisible umbrella over you. You looked tired, the bags under your eyes were dark and deep, you were putting all of what little energy you had into keeping yourself dry. Your head perked up as he approached, walking slightly bent to try and keep the blanket and himself dry at the near horizontal rain.
Neither of you said a word as he looped the blanket over your shoulders, covering your head to form a makeshift hood and letting the rest pool over your front to protect your exposed legs, which were pulled up to your chest in an effort to keep yourself warm. You released the shield with a heavy exhale, nuzzling your head into the blanket and getting comfortable as your shivering finally started to come under control. The blanket was extremely insulating, and you used what tiny energy you had left to warm herself up a little before trying to fall asleep, exhausted from using your powers for the last several hours. Content that you would be dry and warm enough, he let you be, hoping Kid wouldn’t be too mad at him in the morning when he discovered the blanket.
The rain and hail lasted the better part of the day, but thanks to the thick wool you stayed safe and dry, cocooned in the blanket. It smelled a little like musk and something spicy, a cinnamon scented shampoo maybe, and you wondered if it was Killer’s scent you were smelling on the fabric. Kid was quick to take it away as soon as the rain stopped, but otherwise didn’t reprimand Killer - he was right, Kid would be pissed if his new toy had died from exposure.
Day 7
You were downright giddy when Heat didn’t come to you with a glass of water on the seventh day, instead coming with empty hands to untie you. You squirmed excitedly as he worked at the tight knots, and when they finally released you immediately sprung up, then just as quickly fell back down, face planting right into the deck.
“Fuck, calm down girl, freedom ain’t going anywhere,” Heat laughed, pulling you up to your feet.
“Sorry,” you grinned, rubbing your sore nose under the mask where it had collided with the visor, “just excited. It's been a long time since I had any free will”
“Well, I’m happy for you,” Heat smiled as he hooked your arm around his, leading you like an old fashioned gentleman would, “come on, lets get some food in you, then I’ll give you the tour”
“I thought Kid would be the one to release me, or Killer even,” you mused.
“Usually with a new crewmate Kid would, but we’re due to reach land with a town tomorrow,” he explained, “everyone's busy finalizing plans and stock lists”
“Not you though?” you asked curiously. He was a commander after all, surely he was privy to important plan making.
“Nah,” he laughed, poking you in the side playfully, “I get to skip school to hang out with your cute ass”
“Oh, you think I’m cute do you?” you giggled, skipping ahead and posing, sticking your non-existent butt out a little and holding a finger to your chin in a coy fashion.
“You’d be cuter if you weren’t so damn skinny,” he replied, motioning to you body. You pouted and came back to his side, hooking your arm back around his and letting him lead again. “You’re nothing but skin and bones, those marine cunts really fed you crumbs huh?”
“Yeah, crumbs would be too much by their standards,” you frowned.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore,” he promised, holding open the galley door for you and letting you pass him, before hooking your arm again and leading you over to where the henchmen on cooking duty had spread out the lunch options, “Kid keeps us well feed, you can’t maintain muscle without decent intake. Grab whatever you want”
He handed you a metal tray and grabbed his own, sliding it along the cafeteria style tray slide and grabbing several items. You observed the spread with hungry eyes, your mouth almost watering, before picking out a bowl of a hearty looking stew, several slices of thick bread, and a small slice of chocolate cake. Towards the end of the tray slide was a fridge with glass doors, and he pulled out two beers, offering one to you. You gave a little enthusiastic nod and he placed it on your tray before picking up both his tray and yours and carrying them to a slightly raised area. It was almost like a stage, with a single heavy mahogany table sitting across it, perpendicular to the rest of the room, surrounded by three matching chairs on either long side, and one particularly throne-like chair at one end facing the bulk of the room. The stage was awkwardly empty on either side of the table, with just a few decorative standing candelabras on it, made of delicate swirls black metal. The rest of the galley had plain, utilitarian metal tables with attached benches, with henchmen and cabin boys spread out across them in small cliques as they ate. It seemed like the raised table was for the top dogs, and Heat placed your tray down to the left of the throne.
“Kid wants you to sit here for your meals, don’t forget it,” he told you, placing his tray down next to yours and sitting to eat. You slid into your assigned seat and started shoveling food into your face in what could only be described as an extremely unladylike fashion, and Heat laughed to himself as he watched you tear the bread and dip it in the stew, using it like a spoon, before letting out a somewhat impressive burp that had the rest of the room turn and stare in surprise. ‘Yeah, she’ll fit right in here’ he thought to himself in amusement.
You were on your second tray of food when Kid, Killer and Wire finally arrived. Kid settled into his throne, and Killer sat at his right hand, directly across from you. A henchman hurriedly placed trays of food in front of each of them, while Wire served himself and sat down next to Killer. You didn’t slow down your eating when they arrived, and they watched you with morbid fascination as you tore into a drumstick of thick meat, the juices splashing on your visor, before chugging half a bottle of beer and slamming it down, going straight back to the meat. You took notice though of Killer’s straw in his drink, and the way he cut his food into small portions so he could slide them under his mask, surprised that he didn't remove the mask even for meals.
When you were full and content, your second set of plates practically licked clean, you leaned back against your chair and sighed sleepily, patting your bloated tummy. Kid watched you with an amused smile as he ripped into his own drumstick of meat, his sharp canines making quick work of it.
“Feel better?” he laughed. You replied with a bleary nod and a quiet, happy hum.
“We’re hitting land tomorrow, Heat will take you in to town to grab whatever you need to get yourself setup here,” Kid told you, switching from his meat to his beer, “we’ll have a bonfire tomorrow night for you to burn your shit”
“Yay, shopping date with Heat!” you yelled, smacking him over the shoulder with surprising strength.
“Alright, don’t go too fucking crazy,” Kid grumbled, “whatever you spend is coming out of your share of future loot, I’m not your sugar daddy”
“That’s a shame,” you toyed, “I would have made such a good sugar baby”
Heat almost choked on his drink and started hitting himself in the chest with a closed fist to clear the blockage, and Kid shot him an unimpressed look. “I think Heat wants the position,” Wire noted.
“I’m sure Heat wants plenty of positions,” Kid laughed. To his surprise, you laughed too at the crude joke, which only made Kid laugh harder since it was all at Heat’s expense. The man in question was now blushing a bright pink, and doing his best to hide under his long blue hair.
“Aw, don’t pick on my poor, sweet Heat,” you cooed, wrapping your arms around Heat’s shoulders and nuzzling him, which only made him flush redder, “besides, he’s the only lucky one who's going to get me help pick out panties. Though I do take requests. A red lace number for you, Captain? Something blue for Killer? Maybe a classy chocolate brown set for Wire? What do you think Heat, what colour panties will suit me best? Ohh I could get a mixed pack of granny knickers for the henchmen!”
Kid was fully roaring with laughter now, and even Killer’s shoulders were moving up and down with a silent chuckle as they all laughed at Heat’s bright red face.
“Man, if I’d known a chick would be Heat’s weakness I would have brought one on board ages ago” Kid barked.
“Alright, very funny, are you done eating?” Heat huffed, pointing at your empty tray, “I have shit to do after showing you around”
“Aww Heatie baby don’t be like that,” you purred, standing up and giving him a hug around the shoulders from behind, shaking him side to side, which he allowed like a ragdoll, “come give me your grand tour then”
Heat grumbled and stood up, and you, still hugging him around the shoulders, committed to the bit and dangled down his back. He was significantly taller than you, so you were far from touching the floor. He shrugged his shoulders a few times to try and get you off, but when you didn't budge he decided to just accept his fate, stacking the empty plates and cutlery from your tray on top of his and carrying the collective pile to the serving counter for the cabin boys to clean. You barely weighed anything, so for Heat it was like wearing a backpack full of feathers. Kid continued to roar with laughter as the two of you left, giggling as you continued to dangle, half hidden against Heat's long blue hair, while Wire shouted at the two of you to use protection.
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