#batwoman tv feelings
sugaredoleander · 1 year
on the death of the arrowverse & what we owe to each other
gonnae say something potentially controversial bc it's exam season & i have all my notifications off so if people get mad at me i won't even know (& most likely no one will see this anyway, my longposts tend to go unnoticed)
in honour of the flash season 9 premiering in february, here's my opinion:
not lending any of their screentime to the cancelled arrowverse shows is a selfish move.
we don't know that they don't have cameos because the season isn't out yet, but i'm going off things the showrunner has said.
i'm not calling them bad people but i am saying it would be a selfish move, and i am saying that as an artist and creator myself.
because as an artist, it is my first impulse to sympathise. i get having a creative vision, wanting to stick to it.
but Also, as a Queer artist, i value solidarity in art. i want to uplift the work of my more marginalised contemporaries. i want to stand with other artists.
the flash got a last season in a move that wasn't survival of the fittest but was corporate fuckery, this is proven, and then, as for the thing we don't have solid proof of - who are we fucking kidding?
like are we really going to pretend that just because we don't have solid proof of something that would be a PR disaster to admit out loud, but that, if you've been paying attention, you Know happens and not infrequently, that just because we don't have solid proof it's not the case?
like wow, what a complete and utter coincidence. the only arrowverse shows with leads that were straight, white and male survived the cull, whereas the show that, as of its next season, wouldn't have a single straight white man in its ensemble, and the show with a Black lesbian protagonist, got cut.
both shows with Ridiculously passionate fanbases as evidenced by the fallout (there were billboards. there were planes. there was even Beebo.) legends was the Only show on the entire god damn CW. with ratings going up.
are we really going to act like that has nothing to do with it?
the fact is, queer shows are always up against unfair odds because a lot of people don't want to see us on screen. because a lot of people don't want us to exist. we're inherently a minority & from a capitalist marketing perspective, that often means our stories don't matter. but we defy the odds, because that's part of being queer. but also, as an inherent minority, it's damn near impossible to do it without outside support.
it's a unique opportunity. on most networks with most shows this wouldn't even be an option for the creators, even if they did disagree with other shows getting cancelled, there really is nothing they can do about it.
but the arrowverse is Full of crossovers, it exists in this larger world. a world they didn't build alone.
so taking your final season & running with it when the people you really built this great big world with, the people you worked with on crossovers - the people who decided to tell more diverse stories - telling your story while theirs are left to end on cliffhangers? idk. as an artist i want to be understanding, as a fan i don't want to act entitled, but especially as an artist i feel that is a selfish move.
a unique opportunity is presented here, to make a move of solidarity & give their stories the endings they deserve.
and if would be a shame not to take that.
i get needing to wrap up your own story, needing to prioritise that. but let's be fucking for real, they get to do that anyway, it's a full final season. a last season is generally a place to bring back old characters & guest stars anyway, especially the flash and legends are pretty tightly woven together, with crossovers and swapped characters over the seasons.
idk. at the very least, like. the very least they could do is consult the writers of the other shows on the endings they Would have wanted their shows to have & mention them in passing (which wouldn't be anything new on the flash, they've mentioned other shows before). a few lines of dialogue, & it wouldn't be Worthy of the shows we lost but it would be. a nice gesture of solidarity, and some closure for the fans at least.
like as a fan, it really is my strongest feeling that i'm not entitled to much. i mean, what are we entitled to in this world, not fucking much. but the question is more, what do we owe to others? when i twist it around and think about it as an artist, if i was put in that position, then i'd feel real selfish doing nothing
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flowers-poetry-poc · 2 years
You know what’s the saddest part about this? That black queer girls have lost yet another form of representation. Black lightning? Cancelled. Batwoman? Cancelled. Naomi? Cancelled. I know what it’s like to be a young black lesbian and all I see on tv are white gays and feeling like there was no community for me. We shouldn’t have to dig, scrape and pull for representation. As always Black Lesbians deserve better.
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thecsquirrel · 2 years
Holding my Black queer girls real close today.
Representation really does matter and the fact of the matter is that it's just so nice to be able to see yourself on the screen- big or small. Yes, Black and POC folks understand the point of universal themes and how you can find parallels in stories that often lack us, but sometimes it's just nice to look at a screen and see someone that looks like you and sounds like you.
Personally, I have been waiting basically 84 years to see a badass Black Vampire/Monster-slaying woman on screen, ever since Rona showed up on season 7 of Buffy. Heck, I just knew we were going to get a spinoff about the Hellmouth in Cleveland and Rona was going to be leading the charge! Obviously, that didn't happen, but some 20 years later (holy crap!) in comes Ms. Calliope Burns/Imani Lewis and the possibilities were endless. The potential was there! I didn't need First Kill to be perfect, nor should it have to be. It was a fun premise that was focused on the characters who would otherwise be sidelined in other shows. And damn it, it was just fun.
The most hurtful thing of course is the very loss of a character like Calliope Burns, and the Burns family for that matter. The last few years of superhero films/tv shows have both given and taken away. Yes, we got the women of Black of Panther, Misty Knight, Monica Rambeau, Maria Rambeau, Ryan Wilder, Sophie Moore, Anissa, and Jennifer Pierce. That list has gotten a bit smaller and other than the BP women, the Rambeaus remain and even then Maria may just be a memory. (Ugh it hurts to write that.) I won't pretend that the entertainment business is easy, but it certainly seems like the stories and characters that are expendable, more often than not, belong to those of us often pushed to the margins. We cannot and we must not overlook the fact that First Kill had a dark-skinned Black co-lead, a Black woman showrunner, and a crew/staff full of women and queer people. Additionally, we cannot overlook that the folks making decisions about these shows tend to be cis white heterosexual men. It is really hard to make/keep diverse content if BIPOC arent' even in the room.
Anyway, deep sigh. I'm doing all this rambling to say that it sucks to lose this show in general. It sucks to lose this over-the-top, enemies to lovers to enemies fated love story. And it is extra awful to lose a young Black QUEER/LESBIAN character with so much potential. To get a character with agency and vulnerability. A character with some flaws but also with such strength. (And obviously, the accolades should go to Imani, Felicia, and the writers for not just creating some stereotype.) We deserve all the things. The great characters and even the crappy ones. We deserve camp and frivolity. We deserve to be superheroes and super villains. And again, we deserve all the things because our stories matter. And we should be allowed to escape into fantasy and build worlds upon worlds.
So, yes, I'm going to be cranky for a bit on this one because it feels like one after another. And to make matters worse, it feels like there's no place to go. HBO sure as hell ain't saving Batwoman, because they won't even let Batgirl (what in thee whole frak is that! I'm sorry to Leslie Grace.) see the light of day and Disney is too busy running paperbag tests (I will be mad about America Chavez's casting forever!) to be bothered. Although, crazier things have happened and maybe Netflix will be financially bothered enough to either sell the rights or give it a proper series finale. Give me a freaking 2hr movie at this point.
So, to my queer babies who feel like they are going through it right now, be easy with yourself. Kick and scream and fight and rage. Write and create and keep putting it out there in the world. And if no one has said it today: You Matter. Your stories Matter. You belong. And You have something to say.
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newgenog · 10 months
Notes: This is NOT part one of chapter seven. As a reminder, we've switched to weekly teasers for each chapter.
If you're just stumbling across this, and haven't already done so, please stop and start by reading chapter one. 
This #Batwoman AU is based on the ABC tv series #Revenge. Ryan Wilder had just about everything taken from her when we met her, and she was doing her best to get it back. In this version of the story, that means taking some people down along the way. And, she's definitely no hero.
Hopefully you're recovered from chapter 6, and ready for our season finale. I'll try to hold you over with out of sequence and context teasers while I wrap this up. See you next Friday for teaser 2 for chapter 7.
Ryan made it through her second day back to work after the holiday that became a regressive spiral into feelings she thought she’d buried, after Angelique put a Crow in a coma, after Luke was attacked by another Crow and hospitalized, and of course after Sophie found out who she was and Ryan crushed her when she admitted she never intended to tell her the truth. In reality, going to work was probably Ryan’s best option, because being left to her own devices at a time like this could result in literal bombs being placed and set everywhere her enemies frequented. But that kind of quick ending wouldn’t be nearly as satisfying as ensuring the plan she’d spent years devising came to fruition, nor would it be fitting enough justice for them. They didn’t deserve quick endings. They needed to experience complete loss and total destruction. They needed to see her thriving in spite of everything they took from her. The only way that would happen was if she got her house in order. 
Fortunately, Sophie did still help, as she'd promised, and at least a couple of Ryan’s obstacles were now less threatening. She hadn’t spoken to Angelique in almost two days, and figured she too was barely keeping it together, wondering when the next Crow would jump out and try to take her down. So, Ryan goes to The Hold Up to give Angelique the news that Sophie had shared with her earlier that morning. She can’t deny that knowing with confidence Sophie won’t be there, because she’s currently on her shift with Luke, has influenced her timing. 
She walks up to the bar and a very worried Jordan greets her. 
Jordan: “Hey, Robyn…how are you holding up?” 
Ryan: “I’ve definitely been a lot better than this, but I’ve also been worse. So…”
Jordan: “I hear that. Well, have you eaten anything?”
Ryan: “A little…earlier…haven’t been super hungry.” 
Jordan: “Not surprising, considering. Why don’t I at least put some of your favorite fries in front of you, and we can see what happens?” 
Ryan: “Look at you, taking care of me…”
Jordan: “I might be concerned about Luke, but you were there…I can’t even imagine what that was like. And, I’m going to guess you’re not leaning on my sister right now… So, yeah, anything I can do.” 
Ryan: “That obvious, huh?” 
Jordan: “Oh yeah…but I’m not worried about you two.”
Jordan winks at Ryan, and she smiles back gingerly, appreciating the hope.
Ryan: “Are you here alone?” 
Jordan: “My mom’s in the kitchen, even though she should probably be heading home soon. But, it’s our TikTok queen’s night off, and with Soph so occupied right now…I mean, it’s hella dead in here, anyway. So it's not like she’s working hard.” 
Ryan: “Wait, who’s your TikTok queen?”
Jordan: “Oh, you didn’t see…?”
Ryan: “I’m not really on socials like that…” 
Jordan grabs her phone, taps it a few times, and then slides it over.
Jordan: “I’m going to go put your order in. Enjoy the show!”
As Jordan walks away, Ryan watches Angelique and another woman feed each other shots, what looks like for the third time based on the empty glasses nearby them. Then she tongues the girl down. As she pulls away, she snatches a panda hat off of her lipstick lover's head, placing it atop her own, and dances away to loud hip-hop music playing throughout the bar. The clip, taken on a customer's phone, has over fifty thousand likes, which is a lot for Gotham. The Hold Up is tagged as the location.
Ryan puts the phone down on the bar, completely furious. What about that was laying low or sticking to her routine? 
Ryan: “Hey, Jordan! Can I get those fries to go? Think I’m just going to head to bed early.” 
Ryan's night is actually about to get a lot longer.
To be continued…
We finish season one and chapter seven in August. Let's do this!
Follow #SaveBatwoman on all socials please! Support the Writer and Actor strikes.
#wgastrike #sagaftrastrike #StopCancellingDiverseShows
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zorilleerrant · 3 months
Tumblr media
This year I'm offering fics for DC, Murderbot Diaries, and The Magicians for Fandom Trumps Hate.
I have listed for DC fandoms:
DC Comics (many different comics)
Batman (most canons)
My Adventures with Superman
Peacemaker (show or comics)
Teen Titans (show, but I'll also do the comics)
Titans (TV)
Wayne Family Adventures
Monkey Prince
Spirit World
Constantine (any canon basically)
Lucifer (show or comics)
Shazam (movies or many different comics)
Black Adam (comics)
Gotham Academy
Static Shock
Static (comics)
Harley Quinn Show
Batwoman (show)
The Sandman (show or comics)
but this is not an exhaustive list and if you have other DC things I might know how to write a fic about, reach out!
Ask me about ships; I promise I'll be nice even if it's one of my NoTPs. There are a lot I won't write for, but there are even more that I will, so if you have a rarepair, ask me!
I'm happy to incorporate your headcanons about a character's identity and background, I'm very open on plot, and I'll use experimental styles if that's what you're feeling.
If you want a fic from me, you should look through my listings! And if you want a different fic, art, fan labor, etc. then you should look through the other listings. And you can always just make a donation as part of this event!
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archtroop · 1 year
The more and more Jason Todd/Red Hood I read of, be it elseworlds, webtoons, main books what have you. Titans TV. I mean it, anything.
I just always read him as /not straight. It's an accumulative weird thing.
When webtoons pose him in identical posture and expression with Batwoman with their emblems being literally the same red bat chest to chest. Brains thinks, "same".
When he juxtaposed as "the other girl in the girl team" in that same comic.
When the Gotham Knights comicbook from back in the day had Barbara and Jason flashback, where he as a tiny wet Robin, smokes menthols on the docks.
When his character is forced into a relationship, that is colored romantic, and it just feels forced.
When the cover featuring him has him in a distinct female woman power pose.
I can't even label it right.
Many like to headcanon him as what have you from aroace to gay to bi to anything on the spectrum, and it always feels more accurate than whatever him and Artemis in RHATO or Webtoons Outlaws have.
His character is coded in text and in meta IRL shenanigans as a female character. Like, heavily so.
Still, it's not a sole and only reason for this reading?? Cannot be. Something else tingling this spider sense that I usually absolutely lack.
I dunno I dunno, something something Tim Drake inherited all that was supposed to be Jason's. Weird huh?
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I’m just curious but which versions of jervis do you like ranked from most favorite to lease? I assume you like Gotham jervis a lot but I’m curious how you feel about the other versions if that’s okay.
okay so ill only rank the ones I’m super familiar with cause ill admit it i don’t know much about some of his earlier comic appearances but that was also when he was still kidnapping teen girls so.. ill stick with the more modern versions
Secret Six (2006) Comics
Batman the Animated Series
The New Batman Adventures
ive been wanting to check out his appearance in the batwoman tv show but I realllly don’t wanna watch it it really doesn’t interest me, but he looks like a cutie patootie in that
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talkingtea · 11 months
I’m glad javicia got to talk about batwoman on the Jennifer Hudson show 4 months ago . I still feel bad she had to talk about her show after it was canceled . Because that could of got more people to tune in if the network knew how to promote . Maybe it could of got more attention to other people to be able to try to save it . The only ones that were able to do multiple tv interviews while their show was still on was riverdale cast .
It was a shame Javicia wasn’t given more of a platform. The odds were stacked against her so it’s really not a surprise that BW got screwed over the way it did
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warriorbard2012 · 1 year
Hey, got any tips/starting points for people who want to get into the DC comics with Maggie? Happy pride btw!
Hello Anon! Happy Pride to you as well! This is the first time anyone has asked me about comics, so I'm very excited to answer this!
So bear with me because this is a long answer, and I'm going to start by saying that the Maggie in the comics and the Maggie in the Supergirl TV Show are different characters. And while they have similar characteristics and values, they also have a lot of differences. So if you are looking for comics that deal with the familiar Maggie from the TV series, you will be disappointed because there are none. (But there is a lot of fanfiction of the TV Show Maggie, which helps with that disappointment, I've found. *wink*)
But if you can put aside the TV show version and want to understand where the character of Maggie Sawyer comes from, then there are several places that you can start.
The first one is at the very beginning. Which is Superman Vol 2 #4 (1987), where Maggie was first introduced. She was a frequent reoccurring character in the Superman series and was his primary police contact for a while. Her back story is explained chiefly during her Superman run, including her coming out story.
Maggie also became the main character in a four-issue series called Metropolis SCU, which won a GLAAD award in 1997. And then she was the main character in another four-part series called: MAGGIE SAWYER, SPECIAL CRIMES UNIT. This series was the first time a major comic book publisher (DC Comics) had a heroine that was an out lesbian. (A fact I didn't know until I was researching this answer... I thought Kate Kane or Renee Montoya held that title, oops.)
Then, in the mid-2000s, Maggie was transferred to Gotham and became a significant character in the Gotham Central series, along with Renee Montoya. And she is featured in a few other significant Batman storylines, such as Batman: No Man's Land, Infinite Crisis, and 52.
This brings me to option two; you can skip everything I mentioned before and start with Detective Comics #856 (part of the Batwoman Origin Comic Elegy), where Maggie meets Kate Kane. Maggie then becomes a significant part of 2011 The New 52 Batwoman Series. This is where I first met the character and fell in love with her. There is enough of her backstory here explaining that I felt safe understanding who she was. I enjoyed her story with Kate, even if the ending of that particular run is a bit controversial (but that's a topic for another day.)
The last option I give you is to start with DC's Bombshells, a four-volume series, and Bombshells United, a 3 volume series, which is an alternate reality where female superheroes guard the homefront during WWII. Not only is Maggie a character, but all of your favorite DC female characters are there, and this comic is very queer and features a host of Sapphic love between various heroes. (I highly recommend this series in general, because it's so good. )
In conclusion, I sincerely hope that this list helps you find a starting point that helps you dive deeper into the character of Maggie Sawyer. Feel free to message me back and let me know what you think! Happy Reading! :)
Also, here are a few articles(which do contain spoilers) that I used as references in writing this list: https://www.dc.com/blog/2022/06/24/sapphic-planet-the-many-loves-of-d-cs-bombshells
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redheadbigshoes · 2 years
“Lipstick sapphic” trope (a feminine sapphic) and the movies/shows books about it
*Reminder that all the media included here does not necessarily portray the characters as something positive, this is just about which media has this trope.
*Pls check parental rating if you’re a minor.
Lesbian characters: 88 Minutes, 100 Girls, Alto, Bit, Breaking The Girls, But I’m a Cheerleader, Jack & Diane, Life Blood, Life Partners, Margarita, Margarita with a Straw, The Roommate, She’s Gotta Have It, Dear White People.
Sapphics: Alena, Carmen Y Lola, Compulsion, The Duke Of Burgundy, Elena Undone, Gia, Girls Like Magic, The Guest House, Kaboom!, Loving Annabelle, The Perfection, Princess Cyd, Room in Rome, Rough Night, Saving Face, She Hate Me, Side Effects, Steam, Summerland, Thelma, We Are the Night, When Night is Falling, With a Kiss I Die.
Trans characters: Bit.
Bisexual characters: Chasing Amy, Colette, The Haunting, Jennifer’s Body, Kiss of the Damned, Kissing Jessica Stein, Love Is Not Perfect, Sappho, Sweet Sweet Lonely Girl, The White Orchid.
Lesbian characters: Last Night at the Telegraph Club, Manifestation, Odd Girl Out, Rollerskater, Tell Me How You Really Feel.
Bisexual characters: Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating.
Sapphics: Just Juliet, Of Fire and Stars, Zara Hossain Is Here.
Lesbian characters: American Horror Story (Asylum), Batwoman (2019), Chasing Life, Dark Desire, Das Boot, Degrassi: Next Class, A Discovery of Witches, ER, Nancy Drew (2019), Riverdale, Supergirl, The Owl House.
Bisexual characters: All Rise, The Boys, Heroes (season 4), Pandora, Spartacus: Blood and Sand.
Sapphics: Almost Family, The Baby-Sitters Club, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Burden of Truth, Cold Case, Control Z, Cursed, Dickinson, Don’t Look Deeper, Dracula (2013), Euphoria, The L Word, The Magicians, Orphan Black, Pretty Little Liars, Sense8, The Sex Lives of College Girls, Shadowhunters.
Trans characters: Euphoria, Sense8.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Honestly the funniest part in all of this is watching both fandom and Jackles understand the death of WB-CW is, in fact, a GOOD thing. Some months back he mentioned "hoping he can still make the type of content he wants to make" (queer, etc). That's mostly because the misinformation factory punched out a bunch of slanted chicken little panic and like, that's all Jensen had to go by at the time too.
So now it's all settled that all they want is 18-49 live and digital, as is normal for TV in primetime to be profitable, as they say their primary target is.
There's a difference here. Virtue signaling Woke businesses are, internally, filthy as shit. They're fake as shit. It's how you get characters that are INTENDED to sound woke by bringing up keywords like toxic masculinity, and THINK they're representing the audience, but it often has an undercurrent where we're still gay, rash, kind of intolerable in context, et cetera. This Rowan Ellis video covers it pretty well.
It's a bunch of disconnected assholes--or sometimes even decent writers--being told from higher tiers to make it Woker For The Teens. Something they can slap an LGBTQ label on, and wave that at that demo, to segregate and Other them from the rest of the audience, with their non-gay shows. If it ain't labeled and marketed exploitatively, WB and CBS wanted nothing to do with it as giant studios.
Thing is, as long as it his 18-49, Nexstar don't care. And despite the homophobic dogwhistles applied by 2po and the other spnscripthunt admins, in 2022, it's actually like, not that outlandish to have gay stuff on TV anymore. Even a few years back it was. But the same people that pearl clutched over Carlos smoking weed are the EXACT "think of the children" puritanical teenage mindsets CW was ~worried about ~offending the parents of and ~losing. So only Socially Approved Gays get to be there. Somewhere. But the checkbox is hit.
Same as them waving around A Black Batwoman. Cool, you got a show with a whole black lead. What about the all black atlanta cast you cancelled on twitter before telling them, what about the dozens of black sitcoms mostly from Atlanta that the installation of CW to begin with murdered that used to own this airspace as a DEFAULT? But yeah, keep selling me how special you are for letting a black person on TV, pat yourself on the back harder, WB.
This has always been the issue with CW. Content bulk generated for minimum offensibility to teens and parents, including in consideration of the international market, like when Russia temporarily pulled the show for being too gay, and WB couldn't let that happen again, because that's their most valuable international market in the old show.
And now? Now WB doesn't care. Zaslav cut the red tape and gave execs prods creative freedom unless their numbers suffer. And Roth gave him advice on SPN's potential anyway. Now? Nexstar doesn't care, it just wants you to perform like an adult show. An adult show where people might even smoke weed, and sometimes people are gay, Janet, and it's only a big deal if you make it a big deal.
CW is growing up, and the misinformation trolls in all lanes just can't face the reality of what that means, and keep trying to make it mean anything else. Jensen now knows he can make EXACTLY the kind of content he wants to make, and that's about to explode on the back half of Winchesters season with returns of the old and, frankly, the finale.
It means this special snowflake padded universe of relativity and all feelings and opinions, all interpretations being equal, that dies. It means your precious puritanical pearl clutching of offense doesn't matter, act your FUCKING age, and if you ARE that young, learn how to talk to adults, and how to engage media with adults.
It means this precious slanted bubble of badly marketed propaganda is ending, of bad marketing pushes, of market segregation, it's all dying, because they don't care, they're not here trying to exploit us. They're making their own black talent hunts themselves without giving themselves trumpets for it, they're letting creatives do gay things on shows and keeping their fingers out until the 18-49 fails, the way TV works when it ISNT about bulk trash content. Pedowitz's CW was proxy the netflix deal and bulk licensing tactics, something now dead, and another reason the boycott worked.
It just means creatives are allowed to Just Be, and that creatives with visions and ingenuity to know how to make great shows on slimmer budgets shine. If you ain't tried to shoot a high concept scifi concept trailer on 40K before, you don't understand what I'm talking about.
It's not hard. Nexstar gives shows money to make shows, Nexstar expects to see that money, and extra money, back for the investment. Nexstar gets no benefit from WB/CBS bulk licensing and aftermarket games, so the shows need to work NOW, LIVE AND IN THE PROPRIETARY APP, in the MONEY MAKING BRACKET OF PRIMETIME. Which is, of course, 18-49.
All it really means is, the muzzle stays off as long as the show is good. lmfao. all that chicken little bs for nothing. I'm curious, what did people PICTURE the resolution of the boycott looking like? Like, did they picture a comet coming down to take out CW like the dinosaurs?
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ao3feed-supercorp · 1 year
feel the love of wind on the sky
by Pastelglitchesxx
The air always felt extra wet when she was breezing away from a long-distance partner. She knew she couldn’t stay forever; she usually couldn’t even stay for the full time they planned. That didn’t stop her heart from breaking each time, though.
Or, the one where Kara makes the best out of having to leave Central City early.
Words: 3417, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 55 of take me to your best friend’s house (I loved you then and I love you now)
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), The Flash (TV 2014), Arrow (TV 2012), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Batwoman (TV 2019)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lucy Lane (DCU), Lena Luthor, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Kate Kane (DCU), Samantha "Sam" Arias, Querl Dox, Nia Nal, Alex Danvers, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015), Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Iris West, Felicity Smoak, Caitlin Snow, Leslie Willis, Siobhan Smythe, Ryan Wilder, Sara Lance
Relationships: Barry Allen/Kara Danvers/Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak/Iris West/Sara Lance, Kara Danvers/Siobhan Smythe/Leslie Willis, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers/Lucy Lane, Kara Danvers/Mon-El, Kara Danvers/Caitlin Snow, Kara Danvers/Kate Kane, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen, Lucy Lane/James "Jimmy" Olsen
Additional Tags: Polyamory, Multiamory March, Multiamory March 2023, Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Canon-Typical Violence, Monster of the Week, Post-Season/Series 06, Post-Season/Series Finale, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Kissing, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Unexpected Visitors, Flying, Crime Fighting, Kara Danvers-centric, Long-Distance Relationship
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/hxwbu9k via IFTTT https://ift.tt/hxwbu9k
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clay-cuttlefish · 8 months
Rebirth time, all the way to Event Leviathan. Already bracing myself for some of these, but there's some decent stuff in here too, just gotta pick through the sludge.
Renee spends 2016-2018 bouncing around various Bat comics with a handful of lines an issue like she did pre-character-development, but she mostly works with Kate, which is a bit of a silver lining.
Batwoman #17-18
Kate and Renee get back together and it's cute enough I'm willing to stop being annoyed while I read it.
Almost all their previous romantic moments are immediately followed by divorce so it's nice to see them just being goofy and adorable.
Is this trying too hard? Maybe. Am I charmed anyways? Yes.
Action Comics #1005
Vic's back! Running around Metropolis and not explaining anything!
Genuinely this is such a fun way to reintroduce him, it feels fitting that it's unceremonious. You get no context for who he is, no explanation for why he's here, he's just Doing Things.
Doomsday Clock #9
I feel like I have to mention: Geoff Johns was the one that suggested Renee become the Question. He's also specifically credited with a couple good moments in 52, so clearly he's capable of understanding Vic, he's just chosen not to here for the sake of putting more Watchmen references in his Watchmen crossover.
God Doomsday Clock is so stupid.
Vic does get to save Ted for a panel so that's nice I guess.
Batman #66
The idea that Bruce is so unbelievably bad at processing his emotions that he had to dream up Vic as the fucking Divorce Understander is hysterical.
They haven't been in a comic together in nearly 20 years, Vic just lives rent free in his head that much.
Terrible comic but remembering it makes me laugh.
Action Comics #1009
Back in Metropolis, Vic's chilling out investigating Leviathan.
I'm not a big fan of this look, it's a little too Rorschach for me, but hey it's nice that he's here.
Also not super into his dialogue but it works alright as deadpan snark.
Lois Lane #1
You would think a character who's been around for this long would have multiple good writers but nope Rucka is singlehandedly carrying her.
Critically: it's about journalism! That's pretty much the ideal way to smack some characterization back into Renee. So much of O'Neil's Question is about that rift between Vic the reporter and Question the vigilante, and about the ways in which those roles can do good, so drawing on those themes grounds this progression even as it's a sharp course correction.
I'm not a big Superman guy, he's neat but doesn't grab me, but the bits of Clark from Lois' perspective do more to sell me on him than any event I've read. They remind me of my parents and that's 100% a good thing. It's adorable.
The snippets of other news stories about how heroes impact the political landscape do more to create a world that feels alive than, like, 90% of comics I've ever read.
Lois Lane, dyslexic icon.
It's got everything. Intrigue. Drama. Worldbuilding through trashy TV. Renee breaking and entering. Lesbian flirting. Compelling mysteries. DC's best het couple. Comic books are good, actually.
The only thing better than one Question? TWO OF THEM.
Looking at them hugging is not enough I need to eat the panel.
The long silent sequence into the action scene into them hugging is perfectly paced.
Somehow, despite how unwell Vic and Renee make me, Clark and Lois are nearly as good here.
"You were my best friend, you saved my life. And then you died." "I know who you are. You're my friend, you're Renee Montoya, and you're my legacy." They are everything.
It's so good that them catching up is a strange, quiet moment. Yeah, the cause of this is cosmic weirdness, but the effects are so personal.
I can't help but read Lois' "Sage. You're off your beat." to Vic as exasperated. Respectable. He's exasperating.
Vic and Renee both crushing on Lois is cute.
I love how self-assured Renee is here. She's the Question, and she knows exactly how cool that is... but "being the Question with fresh eyes" means having to relearn the limits on violence. Beating people up is one thing, interrogation is another.
Event Leviathan
I've put this all in one chunk instead of trying to interlace it with Lois Lane, since it ends right before issue 6 and there aren't any great ways to spread it out more.
The event so pointless Jimmy Olsen spoiled the reveal.
None of the plot is interesting to me, but Vic's fun, I always like Lois Lane, it could be worse.
I like this characterization for Vic. He's chilled out since he's came back from the dead, and he's got less of a personal stake than most of the others so he's decent at staying on track, but he's also quick to play into whatever dumb banter's going on.
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isagrimorie · 2 years
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Feels like an end of an era.
Yeah, by the end of it some of the Arrowverse shows were not fun but Batwoman and Legends of Tomorrow were still amazing. And this was the network that gave us Jane the Virgin and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
And yeah, I'm mourning The Vampire Diaries 'verse too for all my love and hate for that franchise.
Veronica Mars, Smallville...
I doubt we'll get the likes of these again, I don't even know if Nancy Drew is going to last under the new owners when it killed Tom Swift dead-- I didn't even know Tom Swift aired, and that was a spinoff of Nancy Drew.
But it sure will have the Walker, Texas Ranger show and its spinoff, and whatever Supernatural's doing.
I also highly doubt Babylon 5 will push through.
CW's death knell started on the day WB and Paramount Plus/CBS forced CW to end its contract with Netflix -- CW's money-maker deal so HBO Max and Paramount Plus (TBH I don't know which shows went there from CW) can cannibalize CW's TV shows for itself.
CW, I knew you as WB with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel the Series, Dawson's Creek, and Charmed. And then you did that weird thing with UPN and BtVS moved to UPN. And then UPN and WB merged and became CW.
You were a weird network that beat to your own drum and survived through content deals around the world and Netflix. And then Zaslav / DiscoveryBros took over and refused to renew leases for studios thus unceremoniously ending several shows in a fell swoop.
Sources say Pedowitz wanted to bring back the Greg Berlanti-produced DC Comics dramas Batwoman and Legends of Tomorrow but Warners no longer wanted to pay the leases on the studio space, which expired May 1, and prompted April 29 cancellations. Plec’s Legacies was also said to be a financial decision made by the studio.
(This is why when I saw petitions started appearing hoping HBO Max will come in to save Batwoman, LoT, and Legacies I knew it won't happen because I've already read how little Zaslav thought of HBO Max. And that Zaslav was the likely culprit for deciding against renewing the leases on the studios shared by LoT and Batwoman).
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newgenog · 11 months
Notes: This is STILL NOT part one of chapter six. This is another teaser from chapter six.
If you're just stumbling across this, and haven't already done so, please stop and start by reading part one of chapter one.
This #Batwoman AU is based on the ABC tv series #Revenge. Ryan Wilder had just about everything taken from her when we met her, and she was doing her best to get it back. In this version of the story, that means taking some people down along the way. And, she's definitely no hero.
Y'all know why this is taking so long, so I'll spare you the broken record. I promise to keep trying to get you something more complete by next week. For now, here's another out of sequence and context snippet from part six.
Sophie's sitting by herself with Selly, speculating that the cat's mama must have gotten sick and stayed home from school. She promises to call and check on her when she gets home, and then she shares her plan. If she's still not well enough to return to school, Sophie will go to her classes to collect her homework. She knows Ryan will fuss about having to do schoolwork on her day off, but she'll help her get it done, so she doesn't fall behind. 
It's a Tuesday in December, and it's cold. They'd borrowed a small generator from shop class, and a heat lamp that was used in biology for plants. They'd rigged a heating system to keep their fur baby's cabinet warm while they were away. And, Ryan had hooked her mama's electric heating pad to the generator, and stuffed it under Selly's blankets to recreate the sense of body heat she got from them. Even for Sophie, it feels colder without Ryan nearby. For both of their sakes, she hopes whatever’s keeping Ryan out of school doesn’t last long.
Sophie does as she promised their cat, and tries to call Ryan at home, but no one answers the phone. No one answers the door when Sophie stops by her apartment the next day either. They'd never hung out off campus, but Sophie had made them exchange all their important information, just in case anything ever happened to one of them. She knows Ryan's mom plans to move them to a nicer area, but she hasn't gotten that address yet. By Thursday morning, Sophie starts to regret not asking more questions. Ryan never mentioned the possibility of switching schools, and there was absolutely no way she’d disappear on Sophie without notice, even if her mom wanted to take her out of GHS. So Sophie doesn't let herself get bogged down by that idea. Instead, she stops by the school’s office and chats with her favorite administrative assistant, hoping she'll clue her in. 
What she finds out is a shock, and it’s devastating. Somehow, the story was kept out of the news at first, but Mrs. Johnson's sister works at Gotham General, and when Cora Lewis was brought into the E.R., already deceased, the other Johnson remembered her from church. She knew her daughter Ryan went to Gotham High School, so she told her sister everything. With enough gentle prodding, Sophie hears everything too...most of which she can't make sense of.
Friday morning, Ryan’s case becomes newsworthy, and there's finally some coverage of the trial because of the Kanes' involvement and their status. The officials are rushing through the trial, because they want a decision on this before the Christmas break. On top of that, Ryan doesn’t have much support in the courtroom and her defense lawyer seems like she’s hardly trying to protect her. It's still big news for the school, and all her classmates can talk about. Even her mom discusses it at home over the weekend, highly critical. Her little sister asks questions that her mom gives judgemental answers to. 
Sophie stops watching the news the next week, unable to sit through what her gut tells her is incredibly wrong while feeling so helpless. She wants to defend Ryan - no one knows or understands her better – and to hold her while she mourns the only family she had left. It’s so unfair that she should have to be persecuted when she just lost her mom.  
When Ryan is sentenced, Sophie’s heart shatters. Yes, because her best friend just lost everything, but because she knows that includes Sophie. She asks her mom to take her to visit, and she's forbidden from seeing her. Diane believes a detention center is no place for her daughter, and a delinquent is no one she should be concerned with. Diane also knows her daughter; Sophie is resourceful, and stubborn. So she threatens her with everything under the sun if she ever finds out Sophie disobeyed these rules. She’d raised a good daughter who wouldn’t be influenced by someone like ‘that girl.’ And she wouldn’t have her daughter known for having a friend like that either. 
In an act of rebellion, Sophie brings their cat home, and carries it around with her everywhere, especially whenever her mom is home, both to ensure its safety, but also as the only ounce of comfort she can cling to. The loss is greater than Sophie can comprehend or articulate. She spends most of the Christmas break in her room, sleeping during the day, because she's up all night. Her sister tries to be there for her, but she's too young to really understand everything that's happening. Her mom thinks she’s being dramatic losing sleep over some little girl from school, because she doesn’t keep in touch with any of her friends from her youth. Sophie knows better than to try to explain that Ryan isn’t just some ‘friend…’ 
When Sophie returns to school, everyone has moved on, because they didn't really know Ryan, anyway. She's sad but also somewhat relieved, because she doesn’t need anymore reminders than the ones that flash in her mind. She throws herself into her classwork, goes out for cross country to stay busy in the afternoons, and to keep moving. She finds that running hard and fast for long distances is a good way to feel a different kind of ache, one that’s more productive and tangible. Mostly, she does everything possible to prepare to get far away from Gotham, as soon as she can. All the city has done is let her down. 
The only good thing to come out of the suffering is her mom's decision to open a restaurant and bar in the same place that Cora Lewis meant to. Diane was impressed that a single parent and Black woman, like herself, was doing something so entrepreneurial, and felt inspired to see Cora’s vision through in her honor. She named it The Hold Up as a safe haven for their community to ‘hold up’ and support each other. She’d say she wished she’d been able to know Cora before she’d lost her life from her daughter’s poor decisions, ignoring Sophie anytime she tried to argue with her, saying the evidence was clear from the trial, but that maybe the mothers could have looked out for each other. Her mom’s choice to pursue this goal is as much a gift as it is a curse.
Sophie’s solace is that she has to leave for Point Rock almost immediately after graduating high school. She's spent the last year and a half training herself not to think about Ryan more than she absolutely has to, and she prays that the distance will help with that. She chooses to treat Ryan’s memory like one of a best friend moving to a different state, where they’d simply lost touch, which often happens in those situations. It’s better than the truth: that she was tragically forced to let go of someone she loved, without ever getting to say how she really felt, or goodbye. As a final pursuit of closure, she leaves her closest companion with her sister, asking Jordan and Selina to take care of each other.
To be continued...
I felt like it was important to give a little more background on why and how Sophie could repress so much of Ryan's memory. There's a lot she's repressing, all at once.
Y'all on the new Thread app? SaveBatwoman created an account on there, in case you want to follow!
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lylethewaterguy · 2 years
That last post I reblogged has given me thoughts so I’m about to go on a rant. Forgive me if this doesn’t make sense, my brain isn’t working.
I feel like one of the biggest issues of modern live action (and to a certain extent animated) Batman is a fundamental misunderstanding of the character. So many people who mostly know Batman through movies and tv shows, including writers, seem to think he’s ‘the grounded one’, he’s ‘the realistic one’. Which just makes me feel like y’all have him and Green Arrow confused.
Removing the more eccentric elements there to make it more entertaining, Green Arrow fights ‘realistic’ criminals. Assassins, cops, bankers and CEOs, etc. All issues we have in real life. Batman fights super terrorists with silly costumes and weirdly specific gimmicks. And even when they’re more realistic, like Abyss, they’re still way different from anything we would or could have in real life.
Batman isn’t in the ‘could exist in our universe’ group with Green Arrow, Black Canary, Batwoman, etc. He’s in the ‘larger than life fantasy’ group with Superman, Green Lantern, and the Flash. When he’s with the Justice League going up against gods and aliens he’s not out of place at all. It doesn’t feel like a group of super-powered gods and just some guy, it just feels like a group of super-powered gods including one who’s power comes from intelligence and technology.
He basically has superpowers, it’s just that his powers are his brains, money, connections, and completely unrealistic gadgets. Anyone could put a boxing glove on an arrow. But what the fuck is shark repellent? How would that even work? In a relatively recent comic Batman casually just has a helmet that lets Ghostmaker enter his mind (which of course has a bat logo on it) and it isn’t seen as weird or out of character at all. Yet movie writers still think he’s supposed to be grounded in reality.
One of my favourite Batman moments ever is from Batman Universe #2 when he and Green Arrow are talking to the Riddler. And they’re just having a casual conversation as if they aren’t a grown man in a bat themed leather gimp suit, a billionaire with a weapon that’s been outdated for about 400 years, and a domestic terrorist with a bowler hat and an unhealthy fixation with riddles. It’s so weird and funny and, whilst not realistic for us, so grounded in their fucked up reality.
And I just feel like movie Batman would be so much more entertaining if, instead of trying to make him more grounded to appeal to some alpha male power fantasy, they just stuck to the source material and made him as larger than life as Superman and the rest.
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