#bc if this IS the forbidden 5 in question
nyaskitten · 4 months
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"The Forbidden Five," "the fifth source," Ninjargon for the number 5 on a book said to contain "dark secrets" by the set designer, and depictions of SOMEONE in that book wielding extreme energy, and seemingly using a scroll to combat a dragon... ooohhhhhhhhh someone fucked up biiiiiiig tiiiiiiime
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lycheedr3ams · 11 months
Death's Angel
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Part 6: Escape
royal!fem!reader x executioner!konig
Summary: It's 1554. You're one of the eight daughters of the Austrian royal family, and your parents do everything they can to ensure their kingdom is prosperous and peaceful. No royal court is complete without their hand-picked executioner, one who stands out against the sea of black, faceless bodies that make up the profession. It just so happens that your family's new executioner, one who has made a name for himself far and wide for his skill with the axe, has caught your eye and ruined you for good.
Warnings: MDNI! smut, mutual pining, forbidden love, death (konig is an executioner duh), mean sisters, mentions of medieval-type violence, overbearing parents, konig is brooding and a perv, some predator/prey dynamics, possessive!konig, maybe dark themes bc reader likes seeing him kill people and bc he's a perv?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 7
IMPORTANT NOTE: the taglist is getting too long for me to manage, so this will be the last post that I will have a taglist for. i appreciate all the support!!! just be sure to check my blog for future updates. if you aren't on the taglist but asked to be here, either i missed you or tumblr won't let me @ you also, we are nearing the end! I think this is gonna have 8 parts. thank you for your support!!!!
series inspired by the art below!
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konig's promise of taking you away at any moment you asked him weighed on you for weeks. the more you grew attached to him, the harder it was to hide your relations with him. you couldn't exactly go on proper dates in his cold, dark room in the castle basement. he couldn't take you on picnics, take you on carriage rides, or anything that any normal couple would do. you weren't a normal couple. you were a princess, and he an executioner. you two were never supposed to even speak with one another.
the one thing, the one romantic thing that you could do in his room, was dance with him. konig didn't know how to dance. he only knew the dance of an axe over the chopping block and how to sharpen its edges with stone. he was hesitant at first, but loved how close to you he could be. he was quite clumsy, and he'd frequently step on your toes every now and then. but each time he did it, you smiled.
"it's okay, konig. you'll get the hang of it," you'd say as you smiled up at him sweetly. he would quietly nod and furrow his brow in concentration as he danced with you.
his hand would be so gently laid on your waist, and his large hand on your shoulder grounded you and kept you in the moment. it didn't matter what mean thing your sisters had said to you, or the fact that you couldn't care less about your provincial duties. when you were with konig, when he was touching you, you were there, and that was all you knew.
but his hood always remained on. you asked him, once, if you could see his face, and all he answered with was a quiet "no" and you never broached the subject again.
"konig," you said to him after you two had danced and then made love. truly, made love. it was so soft, and he pressed so many kisses on your neck and boobs and back. konig always grew a little soft after you two danced.
"ja, liebe?" he asked as he gently stroked your hair.
"do...do you think we could...leave, soon?" you whispered as you gently balled up your fist.
his hand stopped in your hair for a moment, but he quickly resumed his gentle caresses. he breathed deeply. "it's as i said. say the word, and we go."
"i...i want to go soon, konig. i don't know where. just far from here."
"how soon?" he asked.
"next week," you said before he could even finish his question. this had been on your mind for so long. konig changed you, the night he asked what you would do if you weren't a princess. you'd been fantasizing about having your own cottage with him, being able to garden and tend to your animals everyday while he was a blacksmith, maybe, or a mercenary. the cathedral ceilings and polished dinner plates of your castle no longer appealed to you.
konig kept caressing your hair. "and how far?"
you gulped. "could we...leave the country? just go to a neighboring one. right near the border."
konig thought for a moment. "ja, we can. i know of a village just beyond the mountains. you will like it. i will build a house for you."
you smiled against his bare chest. "i'll build it with you, konig."
he shook his head gently as he squeezed you. "nein. i will build a house for you, by myself."
"if you insist," you said as you pressed a gentle kiss to his chest. "a house for us, konig. us."
konig was silent for a little while. you were growing worried, but he finally replied. "a house for us, meine Engel. i will build a house for us."
"i've already begun to stow away some of my savings," you whispered as if you feared the stone walls had ears. "we will be set for life."
"do not worry about that, Engel," konig said confidently. "i will take care of you."
"i know you will," you said gently. "but you'll be giving up your profession for me. i want to repay you in anyway that i can."
"there is no need for that," he said quietly as he held you closer. "you are worth more to me than all the riches in the world."
your heart fluttered as you closed your eyes and relaxed against him. your cheeks grew warm and you smiled.
"i love you, konig," you whispered as if it were the most normal thing in the world to say. once you processed what you just said, your eyes shot open, but your face stayed glued to his chest so that he couldn't see. you held your breath.
"and I love you, meine schatz," he said as he gently pressed a kiss to your head through his hood. you looked up at him with gleaming eyes, and he lifted his hood up slightly to kiss you.
you made love again that night. the words that had lingered in silence for so long had finally been spoken. he put you in missionary, focused entirely on your face as he filled you so gently yet so fully. his hard, smooth cock dragged slowly along your slick walls, and you moaned into his mouth as he kissed you.
"i will do anything for you, Engel," he rasped into your ear as he filled you. "i will take care of you."
"konig!" you moaned. you looked up at him, cock-drunk and in love. "i'm yours. i'm yours." a few tears escaped your eyes.
you kissed him again, and your fate with him was sealed.
a few days had passed since that night. the day you and konig were planning to run away was quickly approaching. you had packed a few things in a spare backpack, including the trinkets he gave you through the course of your relationship. you hid the gold entitled to you interspersed through socks and underwear in your backpack. you looked out the window of your bedroom out over the castle grounds, and felt resolved. you were ready to leave this life behind, and just be. with konig.
you got dressed in your room as normal, and made your way down to the banquet hall for breakfast. but when you reached the banquet hall, you found three of your sisters shouting to your parents. your other sisters sat as still as statues at the dining table. all heads turned towards you as you stepped in.
"what's going on?" you asked nervously.
"you harlot!" one of your sisters exclaimed. your mother and father looked like they had seen a ghost. you looked around, and the room was spinning.
"you've been sleeping with the executioner!" another sister yelled as she held up a black executioner's hood. that was one of konig's gifts to you, and you thought it would be kept it safe in your bedside table.
"you went in my room!?" you yelled.
"guards! get the executioner at once!" your father yelled. time began to move slowly. your sisters were screaming, the guards' metal armor clinked and clacked as they ran down to search for the executioner, your mother hugged you tightly in fear. but all you could think, the one thing that managed to keep you grounded in the ensuing chaos, was konig.
you thrashed out of your mother's embrace and ran faster than you ever had in your life to find him. the guards could run, but not as fast as you in their armor. you ran to the only place he would be at this time in the morning.
you burst through the castle doors and ran, panting, up to konig, who was sharpening his axe in the blacksmith's hut. he looked up at you happily at first, but his expression changed when he saw the tears flowing from your eyes.
"konig! konig! they know! they know!" you yelled as you panted. konig looked over you and saw half a dozen guards running towards him with swords drawn.
you looked up at him, your eyes wet and puffy, your dress wrinkled and heels broken.
"come," he said as he picked you up in one motion. you yelped, but held onto him as he ran towards the stables. the alarm bell was ringing in the castle as all guards now saw the executioner running off carrying a princess towards the only escape. your siblings and parents watched from the great porch with horrified expressions.
"i'm so sorry konig," you cried into his shoulder as he ran.
"shh, shh," he soothed between breaths. "i told you i would take care of you, didn't i?"
you nodded and gently squeezed him. you finally reached the stables, which had been unattended momentarily during the chase, and konig threw you on top of the biggest horse before putting on its bridle and getting on in front of you. there was no time to put on a saddle.
"hold on, Engel!" he yelled before smacking the reins against the horse's neck. you held onto his hard, tree-like torso as he kicked the horse with his heels, and it shot off through the stables. the guards that had made it to the stable doors were swept back as your horse sprinted through.
you looked behind and saw that there were now three mounted guards following you. "konig!"
he spurred the horse on faster, but the main castle grounds gate was already closed. "hold on, this will be bumpy!" konig yelled. he sharply turned the horse around and you flew over the castle grounds as he guided the horse towards the hidden exit behind the grounds, past the gardens. the guards' horses were fast, but no match for the bestial horse konig had chosen.
you buried your face in his back as the wind whipped by you and the ground rolled under your feet like waves. the alarm bells sounded louder over the grounds as panic rose, echoing against the stone walls of the castle, and screaming could be heard from servants out in the fields as you passed.
your horse jumped over the hedge at the edge of the grounds, the guards far behind, and you fled with konig through uncharted wilderness with nothing but the clothes on your backs.
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taglist: @kneelingshadowsalome, @plumdreadful, @dumb-dumb-idiot-girl, @elichisstuff, @konig-breedme, @tr4psta, @cutiecusp, @konigsleftkidney, @local-vampire-s1ut, @ihaveaproblematicbrain, @twice360noscope, @madzeesstuff, @crazy-phan-girl13, @babygirl-panda19, @warrior-of-justice, @eluffi, @mooniesthings, @elowynnlane, @zaxlrza, @red-bed-bug, @alexdoesntlikeyou, @helmipss, @11aplacesange11, @rouge-swears, @pasta-m1lk, @ghostinvenus
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autisticlancemcclain · 7 months
fic rec friday 49
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
it's not enchanted without you by @adelfie
He rolls his shoulders back and shifts into his wolf form. He’s all dark fur and lupine when he raises his head again. Like this, he can match Lance’s height — head to tail. Not that it’s a competition. But still. -- In an enchanted forest, wolf shifter Keith and merperson Lance are best friends. They're not supposed to be. (Or, a cute kid fic in which Keith and Lance both have swishy tails and Shiro is Strict™)
could have sworn i recced this one already. anyways. this is SO CUTE, baby klance always is, but like the whole forbidden friendship trope is so....little keith dragging his friend along in a wagon so they can run together. weeping
2. what the deep night brings by @adelfie
Lance wakes up feeling uneasy and Keith comforts him.
cute klance piece. it's all anyone ever needs. keith being lance's comfort both because lance finds him comforting and keith wants to comfort him. SIGH
3. Gentron Day 2: Childhood Friend by sunshinehime
"Hey! Wanna play with me?" A simple question hangs in the air. The boy in front of him holds out his hand, blue eyes sparkling like the ocean on a sunny day. His wide grin reveals a few gaps where baby teeth used to be. He can barely look him in the eye and his old habit of stuttering his words rears its ugly head again. He expects the boy to get annoyed with him and leave in a huff. But it seems this day is full of surprises.
lance & hunk is so everything to me actually. and lance shamelessly flirting with hunk can be so personal. i just love them having the longest friendship known to man and literally being cosmically connected like they're so
4. fighting the surface by @tomminowrites
“Humans have shown quite the impressive drive for survival,” the Galra commander grins. “I want to see you fight against that. The druids claim drowning is quite the painful way to go." He tips Lance backward over the water, as Keith and Shiro struggle against their bonds. "If you surface, they die.” Lance’s eyes widen and he's pushed backward with a splash. ______ Keith, Shiro, and Lance are taken captive during a mission planet-side. The commander decides he only needs two paladins for interrogation, and decides to have a little fun while they wait for extraction. Lance is thrown into the deep with the threat that if he swims up for air, one of the other two will be shot. Obviously Lance would rather die than allow that. Later chapters will, of course, deal with Keith and Shiro losing their damn minds thinking Lance just drowned himself for them.
now this is a CLASSIC. truly. i remember talking about this fic out loud with a friend bc that was normal back then. god. anyways this fic was like THEE bamf lance fic for a WHILE and like the blue & lance dynamics are AMAZING. remember when water power lance was all the rage?? i do and so does this fic. lance shooting people between the eyes RIGHTS
5. Paladin of Water by SimplyVibing
"Well, say your goodbyes.” The Triq’en laughed and tossed Lance over the edge of the cliff. __________________________ In the middle of battle, the paladins realise two things : 1- Lance is very helpful in a fight. 2- There's more to which lion you pilot than they thought.
i will never ever in my life get tired of lance just absolutely tearing bitches up. power making him glow. just popping up from being half dead and going oh you thought you could actually kill me?? you stupid motherfucker?? try again
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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apollos-olives · 5 months
If I may ask - and this is a question that is genuine and by no means trying to dehumanize of offend you - but what is it like to be queer and Palestinian? Palestine is a majority muslim country, altho I am aware that that does not mean that you are Muslim or belong to any other religion that Palestinians follow but if you do follow a religion, then what is it like to be queer because again, to my knowledge being queer or rather engaging in non-hetero relationships (i apologize for my wording) is forbidden. So how does it work, if you follow a religion. I'm truly sorry if this is in any way rude but my question comes from wanting to know more and not from a place of malice
i've actually talked about queerness in palestine before and honestly it isn't more or less special than any other country. almost every country in the world is homophobic as well. palestine isn't special with it's homophobia just because it's a majority muslim country. i'd get hatecrimed in the america more than i'd get hatecrimed in palestine, i can tell you that.
i am muslim, and i follow what i think is best for myself. i've studied the qur'an and have looked into queerness in relation to islam from the qur'an directly and yk what i found? nothing. the qur'an never mentions homosexuality. the story of prophet lut 3alayhisalam is the only thing the qur'an even gets close to mentioning about queerness. i'm not going to go into the full story but basically god destroyed an entire village for committing "indecent" acts, which were rape, pedophilia, premarital sex, infidelity, and along with that, the people of the village also were having same sex relationships. it's very explicitly clear that rape, pedophilia, infidelity, and premarital sex is not allowed, since those rules are mentioned in the qur'an more than once, but homosexuality was never even mentioned in the qur'an at all. it's only implied outside of the qur'an through passed down stories that the people of the village were homosexuals, and the islamic community decided to basically discard the rest of the story and focus on homosexuality only, so they translated the story into "god crushed a village of homos bc they were bad ppl so being homo is bad" even though the context and the direct translation of the qur'an never even brings up that the act of homosexuality itself is a sin. god didn't punish those people because they were gay, he punished them because they were commiting horrible sins like rape and pedophilia. they were just having same sex relationships on top of that, which god never directly condemned or even mentioned in the qur'an.
god always has rules for a reason. premarital sex is a sin because you may become diseased, and god wants the best for you so he forbids it. eating pig is a sin because pigs carry diseases and are generally unclean, and god wants you to be clean and to be well so he forbids it. etc. etc. etc. god has rules and reasons for everything because he is fair and just. there is simply no rule about homosexuality being wrong, and also no reasons as to why it would be wrong.
and even with all of that, so what if being gay is wrong? why would god create me this way if he didn't love me and accept me for how HE created me? doesn't god love all his creations? doesn't god love me for being true to myself and loving others as well? i don't think it's wrong, in any sense of the way, to love people. because if there is no harm in it, what's wrong with love?
and one thing i love about islam is that doing one sin only counts as one sin. we believe that certain actions and good deeds can count for many times it's weight. praying 5 times a day counts as many good deeds as praying 50 times a day. reading surah al-ikhlas even once counts as reading 1/3rd of the whole qur'an. our good deeds are magnified, while our bad deeds are only singular. while one good deed may count for 50 of them, one sin will only ever count as one sin. a muslim eating pork one time will only be counted as a single sin. a muslim having premarital sex one time will only be counted as a single sin. and IF homosexuality is a sin?? well. that only counts for one single sin. it's so easy to go to heaven. if you're a good person, you'll make it, even if you're gay or trans or whatever else. it doesn't matter. one sin compared to a mountain of good deeds is not going to affect you. that's why i love islam. god is kind to us like that.
and being trans comes into the equation as well. many muslims are against trans people because they believe it's a sin for a "man" to be effeminate and that it's wrong to change your body bc god created you perfectly. but like... there is literal science proving trans people exist. and the topic of dysphoria proves it even. if trans people are so dysphoric and so mentally harmed by not being able to transition or pass that it affects their mental or physical health, isn't it wrong to forbid them to receive treatment?? and what if the only treatment that works is for them to directly transition? god allows any permanent altercation to the body as long as it's for health reasons, and being trans is most definitely a health reason. god wants us to love ourselves, not harm ourselves. and the people who complain that it's "changing how god created us" make no sense because what if someone was born deformed and wouldn't survive without a surgery that changed their appearance? are you going to just let them die because you don't want them to change their appearance because that's disrespectful to gods creation? no, of course not. being trans is a health related thing and god always wants the best for us, especially when it comes to health and wellbeing.
as for me, i have an uncomfortable relationship with my own queerness. i don't like or use labels, and i don't consider myself part of the lgbtq+ community, because i don't feel welcome there. but i'm still queer. i've had queer relationships before and i'm open to having them again, but i'm just very skeptical of actually being in one. i've kind of resigned myself to a point of "semi-celibacy" where i don't actively seek out relationships nor do i imply that i want one, but IF one day, something happens... well 🤷‍♂️ something happens. i don't think i'll ever get married though, because that'd be a whole other religious story, but as much as i'd like to go out and have relationships, i think my safest option is to be celibate until i've decided for myself later what i want to do. not to punish myself but just so i don't get distracted and stray away from god accidentally.
in the end, being queer as a muslim depends on the specific muslim and how they view their relationship with their queerness and their relationship with god. it's different for everyone and it's only up to a persons own self to decide what is best for them and their religion. i've done research about queerness in islam for myself because i simply could not live with myself if i actually knew that being queer was wrong, and it isn't, so i'm alright now.
muslims aren't horrific with their homophobia, just misguided and misinformed. that doesn't mean i hate them or try to convince every muslim i meet to agree with my views abour queerness, no, because it's only up to the person themselves to decide not to be a bigot. the reality is that most muslims are homophobic and that's it 🤷‍♂️ they may be wrong, but it doesn't mean anything in the end.
we as palestinian muslims need to be given our basic human rights to EXIST before we move onto queer liberation. we must be liberated on a humanitarian level before we are liberated on a queer level. palestine simply hasn't had time for queer liberation because we're too busy fighting to survive. and even then, i do believe it's absolutely justified for palestinians to be anti lgbtq when many lgbtq people are actively calling for our genocide. doesn't mean it's right to be a bigot, but you must understand that if my entire family got massacred in front of my eyes and my entire house got bombed with me inside it, and the people who did it were raising a rainbow flag... well. i would hate whoever stands behind that flag as well. bigoted hatred comes from a place of fear and hurt and misinformation. if palestinians haven't had time to unlearn homophobia, of course they will be misinformed about the queer community and fear it. it's only fair.
this was a wonderful question and i'm glad you were curious to learn more :)
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willalove75 · 11 months
Mother witch x fem!witch!reader, she and reader were best friends (secretly in love with each other and in different covens) but after MW used the power spell reader lost trust and stopped hanging out with her. Decades later they reconcile?
Also, what do you think Mother witches real name would be??
Oh I LOVE this!!!!
Thank you so much for the request!!💕💕
A/n: For the sake of making my life easier, I'm going to pretend that witches covens inhabited Salem long before the settlers actually arrived and that you don't need ingredients for the spell hehee
ALSO I'm sorry this got out of hand and I have to make a part 2 bc this was getting longgggg heheh but no fear I'll have part 2 out tomorrow!💕
18+ only minors DNI
Part 2
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Wandering the Forbidden Woods in your cat-form during the large full moon, you feel the power inside of you grow. As the moon ascends into the sky, you look up and stretch out your paws, gently kneading the ground below you. In an instant the fur on your back stands up, an unsettling charge filling the air. As the leader of your coven, it's your duty to investigate any disturbances, especially those with any magical effect to them.
With a quick hiss, displeased about needing to investigate on a night like this, you head off into the direction you feel the magic pulling you towards.
Memories fill your head as you make your way through the forest, knowing every downed tree, every vine, every hill and valley like the back of your hand. You grew up in these woods, ran through the dead leaves, played in the darkness, the forest is your home. Most people, regular humans mostly, are usually terrified of these woods, but here, you thrive.
One of your earliest memories comes to the front of your mind, The Meeting of the Covens, you couldn't have been older than 5 or 6 at the time. Flashes of your parents, the former leaders of your coven, welcoming the surrounding covens into your territory. Hundreds of witches and warlocks gathered from different covens, your coven alone had about 30 or so members, one of the largest covens having nearly double that. Some of the smaller covens had only a few more than a dozen members, but during The Meeting of the Covens, you were all one. The meetings took place every other month or so, so the leaders can discuss important matters, but to also give the opportunity for socialization between the neighboring covens.
It was Midsummer, your favorite time of year. The sun was warm and the sky was blue without a cloud in sight. Your parents had left you with the other few children in your coven to play and you remember watching as the older children from yours and the surrounding covens dancing around the Maypole. Watching in awe, your focus was broken when a little girl with curly blond hair and bright green eyes stood in front of you. With her head tilted to the side, she looked at you with curiosity on her face.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm watching the dance." You replied shyly.
You remember the question confusing you a bit, why wouldn't you watch?
"Um, I- I don't know."
"You're silly. I'm Griselda what's your name?" The little girl asks with a big toothy smile.
"What coven are you from y/n? I'm from the Sisters of Clarity!"
"Coven of the Setting Sun."
Just when you thought the little girls eyes and smile couldn't get any bigger, they widened even more.
"Woowwww! This is your home?!"
Nodding your head, you look around, taking in the scene around you.
"Do you wanna be my friend?!" Griselda asks with excitement in her voice.
You turn back towards her, noticing a spark in her eyes, you could feel that even at such a young age, this little witch has power in her. But her power didn't scare you, knowing you had power in yourself as well, it actually excited you. It dawned on you in that moment that you really didn't have any friends, sure there were other kids in your coven, but none of them were your age. None of them wanted to play with you, so you usually spent time alone, practicing your magic or playing by yourself.
"You, you want to be my friend?"
"Of course I do!"
Griselda grabs your hand and takes off running towards the open field.
"You can call me Zelda!" She shouts as you run.
From then on, the two of you were inseparable. Even though you came from different covens, you later found out that her covens territory backed up to yours, making it easy to meet up and play. Although you didn't see each other every day, you got together at least once a week, sometimes more if you were lucky.
The older the two of you became, the closer you got. Once you both turned sixteen you both began to come into your powers. When your formal training began, you two saw less of each other and you hated it. The two of you begged your parents to send you to train with a sorcerer together, but both of your parents disagreed until you were in more control of your powers. You and Griselda were powerful witches and for the next two years you both trained extensively to control and develop your skills.
On your 18th birthday, your parents agreed to send you both to the same sorcerer for more intense training. It wasn't something that was usually done, but given your closeness and the fact that both yours and her parents were the leaders of their respective covens, they allowed the two of you to train together.
The day you moved in with your mentor was the most excited either of you had been in your lives. Instead of having to plan your next meeting, the two of you would be living under the same roof for the next few years, it was a dream come true for the both of you.
It had been some time since you were able to see each other because of the extensive training, so when Zelda made it to your mentors house, you ran into each others arms. Looking into her eyes, your stomach filled with butterflies, brushing it off as excitement to see your best friend, you didn't think much of it.
As the weeks went on, you caught yourself admiring her beauty more and more. How her beautiful, long, blond curly hair fell around her face, how her green eyes flashed into the most captivating shade of purple when she got excited or would use her magic. You could have sworn you caught her admiring you from afar when you would train, but each time you talked yourself out of it, telling yourself how ridiculous it would be for someone as beautiful as her to feel that way towards you.
The two of you only lived with the sorcerer for two years before having to return back to your covens. With the end of your training rapidly approaching, neither of you wanted to leave the comfort of the other. Knowing it could be months until you two were able to see each other again after you returned home, you spent every waking moment together.
On the very last night, Zelda came into your shared room with a mischievous look on her face.
"Oh no." You say, looking up from your book.
"What?" She asks innocently.
"No, I know that look, what are you up to?"
"Me? Up to something? Y/n I'm offended!"
"Mhm, sureeee."
"Okay maybe I am."
"I don't know why you think for even a second you can get anything past me. I'm in your head." You say, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Oh I know, and you're not even paying rent! Freeloader."
The two of you laugh and she motions for you to scoot over and sits next to you on your bed.
"Actually if you must know, I have a surprise for you."
"Should I be concerned or...?"
"You know I have to ask, last time you had a 'surprise' for me you almost set the forest on fire!"
"Will you ever let that go?! It was one time!"
"Hmm..." You tap your chin pondering for a moment. "Nope, never."
Griselda rolls her eyes at you and pulls a cupcake out of thin air. Flicking her finger over it, a candle appears, with one more flick the candle is lit and she holds it in front of you.
"I couldn't not wish my best friend a happy birthday before she leaves tomorrow."
"Aw, Zel."
"I know it's not until tomorrow, but since we're leaving early I decided it's acceptable to celebrate a little early. Happy birthday, y/n."
Looking at your best friend, your heart feels like it's about to burst, so do the butterflies in your belly. The last two years with her have been the best two years of your life, not only were you able to spend it with your best friend, you realized you were in love with her. Never for a moment thinking she reciprocated the feelings, you never let your feelings for her show, but as long as you had her in your life, you were happy.
"Make a wish!"
You close your eyes and think of what you want more than anything. Immediately, you think of her. All you want, is her. To love her, to care for her, for her to love you back. Opening your eyes, you blow out the candle.
Griselda rips the cupcake in half and hands you one half, shoving her half into her mouth. You can't help but laugh at her while she does it. As regal and dignified as she may come off, you know deep down this is who she really is. After you finish your half you wrap your arms around her, pulling her in for a tight hug.
"Thank you. I'm going to miss you, so much Zel."
"I'm gonna miss you too, y/n."
When you pull away you notice frosting on her cheek.
"You're such a mess, what are you gonna do without me?" You say playfully as you wipe the frosting off of her.
"I'm going to be really sad." Griselda's tone is serious, somber even. As you look into her eyes you can see that they're starting to fill with tears.
"Aw, Zel, don't, you're gonna make me cry." Tears begin to well up in your eyes. A tear rolls down her cheek and you wipe it away, your hand lingering on her cheek. Gazing back into her eyes, you see them flash that beautiful shade of purple you love so much. It confuses you for a moment because you don't know why they did that. A moment later it dawns on you, maybe she does feel the same way.
Her lips cut you off when she presses them into yours. Shocked for just a moment, you melt into the kiss and she wraps her arms around you, pulling you into her. Her lips are soft and warm, the sweet taste of the cupcake lingering on them. A gentle tongue brushes over your bottom lip and you part your lips, letting her in. Her tongue flicks across yours and a moan slips from the back of your throat into her mouth.
Griselda shifts her weight and lowers you onto the bed. Warm lips kiss down your jaw and down your neck. You feel her warm breath on your skin as she peppers your neck with kisses. Her hands grab your sides and she squeezes, your body squirms under her when she hits one of your most ticklish spots and you start laughing. Guiding her face back up to yours, you look into her purple eyes once more.
"I can't believe- I didn't- I-"
"Shh." She says, placing a finger over your lips. "I love you, y/n."
"I love you too Griselda."
The two of you spent the rest of the night in your bed, kissing and cuddling, squeezing in as much time together as possible before the morning came and you both had to go separate ways. The two of you have slept in the same bed countless times before, but this time was different. This time, you spent the night in the arms of the woman you loved, and it was the best nights sleep you ever had.
A few months went by without being able to see each other and you hated it. Both you and Griselda began learning how your covens run, preparing to take over in the next few years when your parents are set to retire as the leaders. Learning how to be the leader of a coven is exhausting, not nearly as much fun as learning to use your magic, but it's still rewarding. Your parents finally allowed you to dive into your covens spellbook, something that only the leaders and those who have successfully harnessed their powers were able to do. The spells both fascinated and terrified you, but you learned about how many of the spells in there could be used to help your coven and most importantly, to protect everyone. There were some spells that were off-limits, ones you briefly reviewed but paid no mind to. There was a reason why they were forbidden, and you didn't dare question why.
To ease the pain of not being able to see each other, you and Griselda wrote letters to each other every week. In your letters you talked about what your training has been like, the different aspects of leading a coven of so many, how it's much different than what you had expected, but that you were pleasantly surprised at how much you've been enjoying it. Griselda also wrote about what her experience was like, although it varied from yours given that her coven was one of the smaller ones with just over a dozen witches and warlocks in it. She expressed interest in trying to grow her coven size, how she wants to expand her powers, do as much as she possibly can to make her coven thrive. Her determination and aspirations always inspired you, she was always so devoted to her coven. In her letters you can tell just how passionate she was about doing everything possible for them.
The time finally came where you were able to be reunited with Griselda once more, every cell in your body vibrated with excitement. Neither of you had mentioned your love to anyone, so when you were able to go visit her, the two of you kept up your appearances as best friends until you made it to her home. It was small, nothing extravagant, but it was hers and she was proud of it. Plus, it was private.
Before you knew it, the two of you were in her bed, tugging at each others clothes and tossing them across the room. Your fingers roamed her body as her lips roamed yours. With an arched back and goosebumps across your skin, your whole body filled with ecstasy as her mouth took you over the edge into bliss. When you finally came back down to earth you laid Griselda down underneath you and worshiped her like you had dreamt of for what felt like so many years. With her hand grasping at your hair, beautiful cries escaped from her lips as you made love to her. Her legs shook around your head, dragging out her release as much as you could before she pulled away.
Laying in each others arms, you confessed your love for one another once more, sealing your love with a passion filled kiss.
"I brought you something." You say as you lean over the edge of the bed and grab your bag.
"You did?"
"Yup, just a little something to remember me by and something to show the alliance between our covens." You pull out a circular pendant of your covens sigil. On the left side, a crescent moon, on the right, the trees of the forest completing the circle. In the middle, a star, with a red ruby sitting in the center.
"Y/n, this is beautiful. Thank you." She says, kissing the side of your head.
"Not as beautiful as you are, my love." Her eyes flash purple once more and her lips find yours again.
When your lips part Griselda traces her fingers across the details of the pendant, deep in thought.
"What are you thinking about? I see those wheels turning in that pretty head of yours." You say, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"I was thinking of a spell I read in our covens spellbook. Magicae Maxima, the Power Spell."
"Why on earth are you thinking of that spell? Zelda that's one of the forbidden spells."
"I know, but think of how much good it could do. How much I could help my people, how much power it could give me."
"Zelda that spell is dangerous. You know how magic works, even just to cast a simple fire spell, you have to give something to get it. The Power Spell, you'd have to sacrifice so much to gain that much power. It's forbidden for a reason-"
"I know, but-"
"No Zel, no buts. Promise me, you won't even think of using that spell. It can be so dangerous. I don't want anything to happen to you. I know you'd use it for good, but it's not worth it. Promise me, you won't ever use it."
Griselda looks down at you and sees the worry on your face, she presses her lips into your forehead and sighs.
"I won't. I promise y/n."
"Good. There are so many other things you can do, to expand your coven, to gain more power, you don't need that spell Zelda. You have it in you to be one of the most powerful witches ever without needing that stupid spell."
"You think so?"
"I know so. I knew the moment I met you that you had more power than either of us were able to understand at the time. You're amazing Zel, it's one of the many things that made me fall so hard for you."
"I love you, y/n."
"I love you too Zelda."
With another shared kiss, the two of you drifted off into a deep, peaceful sleep.
The next time the two of you are able to meet again is a few months later. Training to become the coven leaders have amped up for the both of you, making you both busier than ever before. When you finally see each other again, the first thing that your eyes go to is the pendant you had gifted her, sitting on her chest, replacing the old clasp to her beautifully made cape.
"You like it?" She asks when she see's you eye the pendant.
"I love it."
"I wasn't sure what to do with it at first, but I knew I wanted to wear it every day. Then suddenly this idea popped into my head and I thought it was quite a brilliant idea."
"Well, you are quite a brilliant witch so I'm not surprised." You quip.
Griselda pulls you in for a kiss and you melt into her arms.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too, y/n."
The two of you spend the day together and as far as you're concerned, it's a perfect day. As the two of you walk hand-in-hand towards the boundary between your territories, you feel a nervousness from Griselda you haven't felt before.
Stopping and turning towards her, you ask her "Are you okay? You seem, I don't know, off all of the sudden." Griselda looks you in the eyes and looks away, a worry spreads across her face that makes your stomach twist. You bring your hand to her cheek and caress it with your thumb. "Zelda, what's wrong? You know you can talk to me, about anything."
"I know," she says, with a sigh. "I just, I don't want you to hate me."
"Love how could I ever hate you?"
"I love you, y/n."
"I love you too Zelda. What's wrong? You're starting to worry me."
With a flick of her wrist, Zelda's covens spellbook appears next to her. She takes the book and it opens to a spell. Zelda looks you in the eyes before she turns the book around.
"There's, there's something I need your help with." A fear creeps into your chest. Looking at the book, you see a worry in its eye. "Y/n, I love you, and I want you to do this with me." Turning around the book you see the Magica Maxima spell open.
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K round two :
Invisible cat, tiny horse , aqueous fish or lovecraftian monster
you can’t go wrong with this one it’s literally multiple choice .
(ok first my parks and recs infested brain can only think of lil sebastian but moving on)
imma choose lovecraftian monster bc fuck yeah
also if i have a cat i kinda wanna be able to see the adorablenessnessness ALTHOUGH it would be so cool bc i could be like ‘oh yeah that’s just the resident ghost’ every time they knock something off a shelf hmmmmmm
yeah ok i choose invisible cat (im just a little baffled abt an aqueous fish)
also you say that but i’m very good at getting multiple choice questions wrong as shown by the first 5 mins of agonising pain in english language paper 2s
(two lovers, forbidden from one another, a war divides their people, and a mountain divides them apart, built a path to be together, AND DIE)
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oc-atelier · 1 month
Weird combo but I'd love to know!
(Shhh that's totally okay oh my gosh! I love different types of combos of questions! :D) For this, I'll answer with my main WHA OC Leoht!
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🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Leoht was actually inspired from a, "Create a Witch Hat Atelier OC," meme going around a few years ago! For each question that was on the prompt sheet, one comment on the post would decide what each part of him would end up being! So, it went something to the effect of this:
1.) Brimhat or pointy hat? Pointy hat
2.) Magic specialty? Lightning
3.) Forbidden body mods or occupation? Occupation: Using lightning magic in some form
4.) Where do they live? The Assembly/the Great Hall
5.) Color scheme? They have a dark color scheme with very vibrant details (imagining lightning striking through a dark cloud)
6.) Hat details? Inspired by Sailor Moon's Makoto's oak leaves crown
7.) Robe details? Very clean and elegant robe with decorations related to lightning; basically, the outside is very fancy, but inside has a thunder pattern and more chaotic?
(The final two that needed comments ( 8.) Extras? and 9.) Pen design?) I came up with myself)
And thus Leo's creation was assured thanks to a fun little meme all my friends were participating in at the time JJKLGSKLJGKJ
As for what inspired his personality as a character, even though he's since deviated from his original inspirations and has become his own thing over time, I definitely initially based his personality around really goofy, charismatic, not-a-single-thought-in-that-head and sunshine-y characters such as Flynn Rider and Rapunzel bc I was basically trying to make an OC that encapsulated my favorite character archetypes and mashing them all together
But nowadays he definitely has a nice balance of everything I love in my favorite character types, and I'm really happy with how far he's come in his development since then!
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Oh, absolutely! I'd say his biggest ones that affect him the most would be his fear of water, fear of thunder (ironically) and fear of heights.
His fear of water has been around for about as long as he can remember, though whether that fear is because he's afraid of the idea of drowning or because he's never learned how to swim is unclear even to him, but he has a feeling that the two kind of go hand-in-hand in contributing to his fear. He'll still go around smaller bodies of water like streams and the like, but anything bigger than that and he gets paranoid about tripping and falling in
His fear of thunder is more so due to the loud booming noise of it more than anything. Since he was little, he's always gotten rattled up by loud sudden noises, and thunder was no different. Even when he lived underwater via The Great Hall, the muffled noise of thunder above the surface was still enough to keep him awake at night, and once he moved into his professor's atelier for the first time and had to bare witness to thunder full-throttle without the safety net of the sea above him-- well, it really only further cemented a phobia he already had and cranked it up to an eleven
As for his fear of heights, Leo only really started developing a phobia of it when he was first learning how to fly with his shoes. One wrong glyph drawn on the soles of his shoes was all it really took to make him utterly terrified of flying high in the air like that again, and even though for a bit (after he met his childhood friend Elric, who tried his best to help Leo overcome that phobia) Leo seemed more or less calmer about heights than he used to be, after his and Elric's friendship ended out of nowhere during their youth Leo found his confidence in flying shaken and his ability to do so properly even more so. So, despite trying his hardest to hide his phobia of heights from those around him as an adult, all it takes is looking at his face once to realize he's completely and utterly horrified at the events that are unfolding that led him back into the air after so long spent deliberately avoiding it
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
I've had Leoht living in my brain since January 13th, 2022 (but technically he was starting to exist on the 9th since I was brainstorming him around that time)! He's officially been around for the past two years now, and I'm honestly so beyond happy and proud of how much he's grown and developed as a character; and I'm even happier that I revisited his outfit design last year and gave him a much needed new and improved one since I was learning more about character design and how I wanted to incorporate the different elements I wanted for his character into his clothing; the colors are definitely a massive upgrade bc his old outfit colors were hideous to me JKJLKSJDKLG
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prpfs · 7 months
🕊 20F here, looking for some new partners and plots to reignite my love for writing. gonna try and keep this short and sweet, but i'm currently looking for a couple of oc x oc, adv.lit–novella rps.
currently, my current plot interests lean heavily into darker romantic dynamics, coming of age, college drama, small town mystery, psychological horror, and dark academia. i love darker, character-focused plots! so, if twisted rps are your preference, you're in the right place!! tropes like enemies to lovers, forbidden romance, academic rivals, toxic relationships, twisted childhood friends– i love them!! they are totally up my alley right now, especially with themes of obsession/possessiveness, manipulations, and other morally questionable tropes being mixed in <3.
to explain a little about me, I'm a 20F writer in the gmt tmz, who prefers playing F roles within the MxF pairing, and also prefers to write with other F/nb writers (mdni). by adv.lit-novella, this means i can write multiple discord messages worth of content, up to and beyond 7-10k+ characters. i do reply slowly (once per week-ish), but i'm VERY quick with OOC. i also engage in lots of headcanoning, sharing aesthetics, tiktoks, ideas, and planning for rps, and i love to get that same enthusiasm in return. don't be dry, contribute, and we'll get on well! added note that complex, imperfect, twisted and flawed ocs are my bread and butter— all my girlies are very far from cliche and they're often decently messed-up, so i love when i feel love&worry for your ocs bc that's how you'll feel about my crazy darlings. i am fine with dead-dove & darker themes (my only limits are eating disorders and big age-gaps that exceed 5 years, though i prefer ocs around the same age tbh), other specifics like limits/triggers can be discussed in dms.
like if interested!
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hiddenbeks · 7 months
oc questions tag
tagged by @hibernationsuit !! thank youuuu 💜
tagging @rosykims @aevallare @abetterbeginning @gortash @wrenanigans if u want to do this, no pressure! don't remember who's done this recently so i'm sorry if ur getting spammed with this bc of me hehe
anyway it's celyn time babey.. been thinking abt her a lot lately <3
name: celyn surana
nickname(s): uhhh. cel? i gotta think of some cute descriptive nicknames for her that others would teasingly use but i'm drawing a blank rn. will have to ruminate more.
she only lets Very Close Friends call her by any nickname btw. jowan (being her only friend lol) was the only person in the circle who got to call her cel. only andrale and carver have earned this privilege since (andrale only ever calls her celyn tho). leliana earns it as well ten years later during inquisition lol
gender: cis female
star sign: uhhh she was born on the 27th of firstfall which is the thedas equivalent of november sooo sagittarius??
height: 159 cm. my second shortest oc and the same height as me hehe <3
orientation: bisexual!
nationality: fereldan i guess. she was born in ferelden and raised in ferelden's circle of magi but she doesn't have a strong Fereldan Identity. she's not celyn from ferelden she's just... celyn...
favorite fruit: uuuhh apples
favorite season: i'm tempted to say winter bc her aesthetic is so cold and wintery but i think she would prefer a warmer season. maybe mid to late fall actually. she enjoys the gloom and fall colors and the rainy and stormy weather
favorite flower: i wonder if she's ever even seen a live plant actually. i wonder if there are any indoor greenhouses in the circle. wow i'm suddenly making myself sad thinking abt how she's barely seen any nature in her 19 years of life. anyway uhhh!!! gentians are her favorite actually look at how pretty they are
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favorite scent: ghghjgh i struggle with any scent or smell related questions bc i have anosmia so idk what things smell like lmao. let's say uhhh whatever a spruce forest smells like. nice n fresh i imagine
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: she's a coffee gal... had to check if coffee exists in thedas and apparently it does and is a major export of antiva. fascinating. anyway she drinks coffee to stay awake late at night reading and studying (forbidden) magic. she enjoys the silence of the night and is at her most productive during that time
average hours of sleep: during her time in the circle i guess it was like... 5-6 maybe? as i said she tends to stay up late and i bet circle inhabitants are expected to wake up crazy early like 6am or sth. it doesn't get any better after leaving the circle bc andrale also expects everyone to get up and moving crazy early. and after officially becoming a warden it gets even worse when she starts having Warden Nightmares ahah
dog or cat person: cat person! she's a bit like morrigan when it comes to dogs. thinks they're stupid n gross lol. though she does eventually warm up to the dog (named assan by andrale <3) in dao.
dream trip: honestly anywhere is fine she is full of wanderlust... what living in a tower for 19 years does to a gal... the whole blight adventure is a dream trip to her i bet. yes she has to fight darkspawn and a horrible death is around every corner but consider: she gets to see ancient elven ruins and denerim and orzammar... so many sights to see and so many new experiences! she feels so alive! and she gets to use her powers to their full extent!! she gets to hone her skills beyond what the circle allowed!!! not that the circle's rules stopped her from studying outlawed magic in secret but like. now she doesn't have to do it in secret anymore.
a trip to tevinter would also be interesting from a purely academic standpoint. nevarra as well because it's more liberal with magic than most of thedas but also safer for her than tevinter? so basically she would like to see the whole world but especially places where she gets to expand her knowledge on magic...
favorite fictional character: in a real world au her favorite fictional character would be morgana pendragon from bbc merlin. this is not at all influenced by the fact that one of my inspirations for her was morgana pendragon from bbc merlin,
number of blankets they sleep with: hmmmm one
random fact: i'm sharing two random facts bc i can't decide which one of these is more interesting or whatev:
celyn is basically the toph to andrale's katara. they have somewhat clashing personalities and differing views on teamwork and the sharing of camp chores... andrale expects everyone to contribute while celyn only looks after herself. also despite her excitement she's kinda terrified to be out in the real world but she won't let it show!! so she acts hyper-independent!!! unfortunately for her andrale can see right through this facade and she calls celyn out on it (she tries to be gentle and constructive about it but she's had it with celyn's shit and fails). so. yea. my point is they argue a lot at first lol! but they become great friends once celyn learns teamwork and communication and andrale loosens up a little
whenever she does fire magic she makes the flames hot enough for them to turn blue, purely for the aesthetic. she also enjoys other ways of showing off with her magic and she was Very competitive in the circle. she simply had to be the best in her class and let the other students know that she was above them. most of her fellow students could not stand her because of this <3
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seaofolives · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
@ofdemonsandangels tagged me! I don't get on this site much anymore so idk if this has gone around at all but if you're a writer who's reading this and you have time to burn, pls feel free to answer these questions for yourself!
also i didn't bother linking any stories so just uh here's the link to my portfolio
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
232 but I need to note that at least 31 of those are drabbles (that I couldn't put into one multi-chapter bc of the varied ships)
2. What's your total AO3 wordcount?
2,002,567 (what the fuck) but I also need to note that several of these are stories in at least two languages and that some of these are not written with the Latin alphabet system so the word count would be different in those
3. What fandoms do you write for?
g witch is my homebase rn! but I'd love to be able to write at least one ffxv fic again next year which is the biggest collection of fics in my ao3 rn. briefly I was also active in sk8 and even more briefly in hadesgame (but that's not counting the pre-pandemic years)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
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HUH my ffxv fics have been completely nudged out of place! :ooo this is a surprise but hygge remains unbeatable since I published it uhhhhh 2017? it's a 30-day fic challenge where the brodinsons settle into earth following the events of ragnarok so that's why it's so popular I guess. the next fics are (from most to least) お持て成し omotenashi, weather report (the only hadesgame fic, the others are sk8), 浮世 ukiyo and save the date.
5. Do you respond to comments?
absolutely! they took the time to let me know their thoughts, I need to honor their generosity. THO I did delete some anon hate once bc my friends told me it's not worth it to engage and my friends are much smarter than me so
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
HUH man idk. like I define angst so differently than others (most people: liv why is this so angsty??? me: it's not???) but off the top of my head, the meeting on the turret stairs? mostly bc it's unresolved forbidden love gladnis and I really upped the ante there…i don't remember if it's to match the tone of the original artwork or if it was a client decision
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
there's a lot!!!! I'm not just all bittersweet stuff, I can tell other stories, I swear, but most of them are probably gladnis stuff but uh…if you filter my portfolio to just the fluff category, it's probably all of those there
8. Do you get hate on your fics?
HAHA oh man. so that anon hate, right? it was that time I posted my first guesulemio fic (forget me nots is the title) and I woke up to like 5-7 anon comments who got upset that I tagged it as sulemio (never mind that I also tagged it as polyamory but ehh there's a certain type of ao3 readers, right? we all know this) and like, 1 other anon baby later on in the day when I refused to remove the sulemio tag bc it was a fic where guel, suletta and miorine weren't a closed triad yet. to be fair, that was a fairly educational experience! I read up on some reddit stuff about tagging ot3 fics and while some people don't mind if the all-encompassing ot3 tag was used indiscriminately, other people, especially in the cases of open triads or where one corner of the triangle is missing, would love to know what subship of the ot3 they're going to expect going in. anyway that was the first and only fic I locked away from public bc lord do the anon babies have a lot of time in their hands (not a lot of reading capacity tho)
surprisingly the one before this—not hate, just disappointment—was a fic where gladio married that rando woman (we're talking about ffxv now) he mentioned in the hammerhead camp prior to the insomnia chapter. that's the woman that only exists in the English localization. the ending was that they got married in spite of gladio and ignis' committed relationship so there's basically three of them now. and people apparently hated that even tho one of the points I wanted to make with that fic was how gladio and ignis would always be together no matter what happens 🤷🏻‍♀️
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
what do you mean what kind isn't smut is smut is smut???? I mean yes I do write smut but damn if I know what kind of smut???? it's just smut?????
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
YES I love crossovers!!! of the ones posted on ao3, I think it might be joche in ffxv? mostly bc I couldn't fuse a lot of the lores together (kaoru was a lucian locked out of insomnia when Regis put up the wall, Kojiro was an altissian, that's it) but I do have one fic that I deleted from ao3 which is basically suikoden characters and events in the lore of pacific rim. and it's not on ao3 rn bc you could really tell I was just pulling shit out of my ass, it was all so bad and jarring 😂😂😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
MAN idk like i highly doubt it but I also don't take the time to find out you know?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated
ooh yes, two yeses in fact! mog (and ulan??) have translated some of my filipino fics to english but there was also a stranger who asked if they could translate one of my hadesgame!patrochilles ficlets (patience) into russian! that was very thrilling. and then just recently, I joined a guesule advent calendar project in Japan and the friend who invited me told me to give them a machine translation of my ficlet and they would go over it and clean it up to make it more readable to the jp audience. that ficlet isn't up on ao3 yet (it's on pixiv) but man I gotta remember to ask the project organizer if they would mind if I uploaded it there
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
YEAHHHH we never finished it tho!! it was a friend I made on some final fantasy rpg yahoo group and it was going to be a retelling of ff7 or smth? I don't remember much else, this was during ff.net's heydays.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
clerith. which i have barely written for (I mean i used to write them a lot back when I was still some 13yo anti-cloti lmao) but if we're talking about like based on recent fic counts and productivity and stuff, gladnis.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh man, I got this zares reincarnation au going that I got distracted from with ghost of tsushima and then now g witch (it's the "I'll get back to this after xyz" kinda thing) and I'd LOVE to finish it! I know I will, I have a 99% wip-finishing rate, but I'll need to replay hadesgame to get some voices and inspo back, you know?
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have the brain of a project manager, hence the 99% wip-finishing rate.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I can hardly write or even translate if i hear sounds! whether it's the TV or the radio or if it's someone talking to me, I can't do it bc I can't hear my own words
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
IF IT MAKES SENSE ABSOLUTELY I was soooo happy when I got guel and lauda to speak in my hokkien bc they're Chinese in the Manila au I have but also like, since the pov is guel (or miorine, who's also Chinese in that au), it makes sense to me for him to hear and understand the dialogue in the language. but if it's say like suletta who's filipino through and through? I would just write it like "meanwhile, Guel and Miorine are speaking in Chinese and, though Suletta doesn't understand a word, she can tell from the tension on their jaws that no one is happy". and also like, yes, especially for us multilinguals, I say we should flex our knowledge, but these dialogues need to get translated in the common language, too. if it's just purely flexing without understanding, then it makes no sense to even use a different language in the first place
19. First fandom you wrote for?
it was rpf 💪🏽
20. Favorite fic you've written?
lol pls I have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to my fics. as soon as it's done (and optionally up on ao3), I forget about it as I'm writing a new story. but like…I don't finish or share a story that I made that I don't like. every one of those that I declared finished is bc I was satisfied with them and wouldn't change a thing about them
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sherifftillman · 1 year
okay i posted photos already but i wanna talk about the weekend so here is a summary: (this is a long post bc am on mobile i am so sorry)
1. FUCK showmasters. money-grabbing, delusional, godawful cunts. i'm glad he only had a 2-event contract with them, but i hope it doesn't put him off future UK cons
2. i got to tell him how much luke's character means to me, that he portrayed an autistic person very sensitively and properly which is tough to get right, that his range is phenomenal and i'm glad he's getting the love he deserves. i don't wanna be That Person and say he wanted to hug me but was ~forbidden~ to, but his arms definitely moved out before he looked at the staff member and then instead reached out to take my hand. he said "thank you, love, your words mean the world to me" and holy SHIT his hands are the SOFTEST THINGS IN THE WORLD!!!!!!! this was also day 1 so he was in the cardigan look and he looked So Ralph i couldn't keep it together lmao
3. when i tell you this man was a CONVEYOR BELT for photo ops. we all joked that you could have put a cardboard cutout in there and it would be exactly the same. same face in all of them and everything. he really seemed done with it all then
4. the panel was. well. about the same as any other. same questions as always were asked. same answers were given. i think bc music as a topic is so opinion based he's been actively deflecting questions about his personal music taste but my GOD did people push that anyway. poor man went into hysterics when someone said to say hi to wes, he was so done with the day. and oh my GOD he hates that panel host guy LMAO his face would be so sweet and gentle when he was talking to the fans and then that guy would open his mouth and jq's face would DROP it was so funny
5. i haven't even mentioned!!!! i made so many friends!!! mostly by wearing my djo hoodie everywhere lol. joe squared supremacy <3 but yeah. i've missed the con experience of just telling someone you like something about them and then spending an entire weekend attached to their hips lol
6. day 2 was SOOOO much calmer. i think bc it was announced super late and also he was only there for half a day. HE HAD A LIL SCRUFF OF BEARD 🥰🥰🥰 and he seemed so much happier. like actual "hello! so nice to see you! how have you been?!" like you see how he is at most cons. he wasn't like that yesterday lmao
7. going off that, when i said "oh you know, just pressing on" he frowned and said "well i hope it gets better!" i said "oh it's great! i've had a good weekend, i hope you have too!" and he went "its been... fucking... lovely!" but the "fucking" was said under his breath in a tone that's usually followed by "mental" or "a shitshow" but yeah. THEN HE WINKED AT ME!!!!!! and said "take care now, won't you?" that's the jq i'd been seeing in videos.
8. photos were much the same but i liked my second one better AND he rubbed my back, said "thank you so much for coming, get home safe!" AND HE WINKED AGAIN
9. day 2 panel was fuckin. EMPTY. i asked him a question about how he said in the wonderland interview that he'd love to pursue a music career, i was like "was that for real or were you just saying it to get to the next question" and he was like "i'm just so lazy, it takes a lot of work to be a musician and i'm not one now, but someday i might start a band" aw. also he is a VERY sarcastic man who i think people take way too seriously lol. also x2 his bitchface towards the host was even less subtle LMAO
10. we saw him leaving and the poor man had his cap on and his head down, he REALLY wanted to leave and i don't blame him in the slightest
11. FUCK. showmasters. they deliberately oversold jq and didn't honour refunds, autographs were either included in diamond passes or bought on the day for £75 IN CASH??? and one of my new friends was the only one left when they cut for time from photo ops, she asked if she could just get one, JOE SAID YES BUT THE STAFF SAID NO. we had one staff member talking to us DIRECTLY about what time jq was paid to stay until, said "but it would be nice if he chooses to stay longer" and then started talking about how last year's summer event was so unfairly criticised?? and was like "even joe said he wasn't stressed" ofc he isn't gonna talk shit about a company he was still legally under contract for??? and one tried to tell us not to sit on the floor, 30ft away from the first aid room door, bc there was NO OTHER SEATING, saying that it's our own fault if we got mauled by a stretcher in an emergency. there was no emergency.
12. i have practically bankrupt myself at artist booths and i'm tempted to do it all again in liverpool in a few weeks lmfao
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
Heyhoo lovely😊❤️
I just picked up the mission to brighten your Saturday I hope it works hehe🤣
Soo… my question is why do you specifically enjoy writing Loki?
What are some of his characteristics which are particularly interesting (totally sexy) to you?
Which 5 aspects are absolute headcannon for your Loki AU? Like the top 5 must haves ;)
Which character besides Loki and Thor is relatively easy for you to bring to live?
Dom Loki or Sub Loki? If you had to choose😁
Plus I’ll leave this here for you bc it made me giggle so maybe it helps you too;
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His hands and the cheekbones and the fluffy curls …erm yes where was I?🤣
Helllooooo my love!! Thank you for taking on this mission 😂 I'm actually having a really lovely day so this is making it even better.
Why do I specifically enjoy writing Loki?
He's just such a joy to write. I feel like I have a fairly good understanding of him as a character in my head and how that translates to certain...scenarios. I'm just kind of obsessed with his whole vibe, and I love seeing how my HC Loki will react in various situs I put him in.
Top Five Loki Headcanons (that help me create 'my' Loki)
He exudes confidence and smarm and absolutely knows how alluring he is
As a partner, he's extremely irritating in his self-righteousness, but he's so damn loveable and sexy that it's fine 🤣
In every conversation, he is waiting to make 'the' remark
He's always watching. Absorbing information.
He falls into Norwegian when he's incandescent with pleasure as explored in CF*cks.
He's a screamer, but also enjoys the Clandestine element of forbidden liaisons and having to stay quiet. Common theme 🤣
There are absolutely tonnes more but y'all have things to do.
What other characters do I find easy to bring to life (aside from Loki&Thor)
I suppose that's for others to decide on the effectiveness but I do enjoy the Wanda I seem to have conjured. Sassy BFF energy. I also find Wilson very fun to write, and Satchel! Steve of course.
Dom or Sub Loki if I ✨had✨ to choose?
Soft! Dom Loki all the damn day 😂
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Would be supppper interested to hear anyone else's thoughts on these Qs!
@gigglingtigger @lokischambermaid @holymultiplefandomsbatman @fictive-sl0th @muddyorbs @vbecker10 @michelleleewise @mochie85 @simplyholl @lokikissesmyforehead @holdmytesseract
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darkdoverpseeker · 7 months
🕊 20F here, looking for some new partners and plots to reignite my love for writing. gonna try and keep this short and sweet, but i'm currently looking for a couple of oc x oc, adv.lit–novella rps.
currently, my current plot interests lean heavily into darker romantic dynamics, coming of age, college drama, small town mystery, psychological horror, and dark academia. i love darker, character-focused plots! so, if twisted rps are your preference, you're in the right place!! tropes like enemies to lovers, forbidden romance, academic rivals, toxic relationships, twisted childhood friends– i love them!! they are totally up my alley right now, especially with themes of obsession/possessiveness, manipulations, and other morally questionable tropes being mixed in <3.
to explain a little about me, I'm a 20F writer in the gmt tmz, who prefers playing F roles within the MxF pairing, and also prefers to write with other F/nb writers (mdni). by adv.lit-novella, this means i can write multiple discord messages worth of content, up to and beyond 7-10k+ characters. i do reply slowly (once per week-ish), but i'm VERY quick with OOC. i also engage in lots of headcanoning, sharing aesthetics, tiktoks, ideas, and planning for rps, and i love to get that same enthusiasm in return. don't be dry, contribute, and we'll get on well! added note that complex, imperfect, twisted and flawed ocs are my bread and butter— all my girlies are very far from cliche and they're often decently messed-up, so i love when i feel love&worry for your ocs bc that's how you'll feel about my crazy darlings. i am fine with dead-dove & darker themes (my only limits are eating disorders and big age-gaps that exceed 5 years, though i prefer ocs around the same age tbh), other specifics like limits/triggers can be discussed in dms.
interact if interested!
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findyourrp · 7 months
🕊 20F here, looking for some new partners and plots to reignite my love for writing. gonna try and keep this short and sweet, but i'm currently looking for a couple of oc x oc, adv.lit–novella rps.
currently, my current plot interests lean heavily into darker romantic dynamics, coming of age, college drama, small town mystery, psychological horror, and dark academia. i love darker, character-focused plots! so, if twisted rps are your preference, you're in the right place!! tropes like enemies to lovers, forbidden romance, academic rivals, toxic relationships, twisted childhood friends– i love them!! they are totally up my alley right now, especially with themes of obsession/possessiveness, manipulations, and other morally questionable tropes being mixed in <3.
to explain a little about me, I'm a 20F writer in the gmt tmz, who prefers playing F roles within the MxF pairing, and also prefers to write with other F/nb writers (mdni). by adv.lit-novella, this means i can write multiple discord messages worth of content, up to and beyond 7-10k+ characters. i do reply slowly (once per week-ish), but i'm VERY quick with OOC. i also engage in lots of headcanoning, sharing aesthetics, tiktoks, ideas, and planning for rps, and i love to get that same enthusiasm in return. don't be dry, contribute, and we'll get on well! added note that complex, imperfect, twisted and flawed ocs are my bread and butter— all my girlies are very far from cliche and they're often decently messed-up, so i love when i feel love&worry for your ocs bc that's how you'll feel about my crazy darlings. i am fine with dead-dove & darker themes (my only limits are eating disorders and big age-gaps that exceed 5 years, though i prefer ocs around the same age tbh), other specifics like limits/triggers can be discussed in dms.
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findroleplay · 7 months
🕊 20F here, looking for some new partners and plots to reignite my love for writing. gonna try and keep this short and sweet, but i'm currently looking for a couple of oc x oc, adv.lit–novella rps.
currently, my current plot interests lean heavily into darker romantic dynamics, coming of age, college drama, small town mystery, psychological horror, and dark academia. i love darker, character-focused plots! so, if twisted rps are your preference, you're in the right place!! tropes like enemies to lovers, forbidden romance, academic rivals, toxic relationships, twisted childhood friends– i love them!! they are totally up my alley right now, especially with themes of obsession/possessiveness, manipulations, and other morally questionable tropes being mixed in <3.
to explain a little about me, I'm a 20F writer in the gmt tmz, who prefers playing F roles within the MxF pairing, and also prefers to write with other F/nb writers (mdni). by adv.lit-novella, this means i can write multiple discord messages worth of content, up to and beyond 7-10k+ characters. i do reply slowly (once per week-ish), but i'm VERY quick with OOC. i also engage in lots of headcanoning, sharing aesthetics, tiktoks, ideas, and planning for rps, and i love to get that same enthusiasm in return. don't be dry, contribute, and we'll get on well! added note that complex, imperfect, twisted and flawed ocs are my bread and butter— all my girlies are very far from cliche and they're often decently messed-up, so i love when i feel love&worry for your ocs bc that's how you'll feel about my crazy darlings. i am fine with dead-dove & darker themes (my only limits are eating disorders and big age-gaps that exceed 5 years, though i prefer ocs around the same age tbh), other specifics like limits/triggers can be discussed in dms.
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darkrpfinder · 7 months
🕊 20F here, looking for some new partners and plots to reignite my love for writing. gonna try and keep this short and sweet, but i'm currently looking for a couple of oc x oc, adv.lit–novella rps.
currently, my current plot interests lean heavily into darker romantic dynamics, coming of age, college drama, small town mystery, psychological horror, and dark academia. i love darker, character-focused plots! so, if twisted rps are your preference, you're in the right place!! tropes like enemies to lovers, forbidden romance, academic rivals, toxic relationships, twisted childhood friends– i love them!! they are totally up my alley right now, especially with themes of obsession/possessiveness, manipulations, and other morally questionable tropes being mixed in <3.
to explain a little about me, I'm a 20F writer in the gmt tmz, who prefers playing F roles within the MxF pairing, and also prefers to write with other F/nb writers (mdni). by adv.lit-novella, this means i can write multiple discord messages worth of content, up to and beyond 7-10k+ characters. i do reply slowly (once per week-ish), but i'm VERY quick with OOC. i also engage in lots of headcanoning, sharing aesthetics, tiktoks, ideas, and planning for rps, and i love to get that same enthusiasm in return. don't be dry, contribute, and we'll get on well! added note that complex, imperfect, twisted and flawed ocs are my bread and butter— all my girlies are very far from cliche and they're often decently messed-up, so i love when i feel love&worry for your ocs bc that's how you'll feel about my crazy darlings. i am fine with dead-dove & darker themes (my only limits are eating disorders and big age-gaps that exceed 5 years, though i prefer ocs around the same age tbh), other specifics like limits/triggers can be discussed in dms.
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