#bc the Refuge is on an island
a-dime-a-day · 6 months
the attention to detail in this movie is literally so insane
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I’m caught up on the Lazarus Planet stuff through February and like. DC literally didn’t have to do any of that lol
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ganondoodle · 8 months
totk cataclysm event wasnt just a great (but utterly missed) opportunity to change the map in techincally little ways that has drastic consequences both in stakes and in gameplay (like i mentioned before, flooding the gerudo desert would have meant devastating consequences for its ecosystem- like imagine little islands of sand still poking out, acting as a sort of last doomed refuge for sandseals- but also cahnged the entire gameplay of it, good chance to introduce some neat new ways to surf on water like a new ridable creature or an ice shield freezing a path while you surf on it, the gerudo being forced to save the city from drowing in various means or now living on the roofs, trying to adapt by building boats ect - also call back to older games?? since totk loves that so much ..-, vah naboris serving as the savest refuge being high above the water, even if non functional; similarly takign away ALL water from the zora region, gaving it all dry out would imemdiately turn into something way different and could mean death for the zora- forcing them to move to the lower parts of akkala for example- maybe vah ruta is still halfway functioning bc the faith the zora have to mipha, dorephan and sidon is, while not enough to keep it fully functional, but enough to generate some water so the most stubborn or brave zora set up around it like a last oasis; i know its somewhat done with death mountain but the gorons dont really suffer from it bc their only problem is a drugged rock that makes them mean and lazy ..- what about collapsing or exploding it, leaving a large crater that over the course of the game could start to grow with plant life since vulcanic earth is so fertile- some never seen before ones that was dormant in the lava and now that its cooled off is springing to life, which might seem good at first but for the area and its wildlife means loss of their habitat; the rito freezing over, but actually having to move, maybe into the tabantha canyon, building their new makeshift homes in between the walls of it- generally just switiching things around a bit would have done so much wihtout having to edit every last detail ((seriously tho, how did this game take so long given that botw took similar but they did that ENTIRE main map as detailed as it is AND made it all coherent with itself and its themes- im ranting again ..)
-but it ALSO would have been the perfect opportunity to introduce new weather types created by the sudden change in environment, somethign like a super strong wind that slows you when walking agaisnt and lets you jump much farther when with it- a darkness thing that clouds the world in utter darkness with only little light getting through anything that is caused by mushrooms from the udnerground invading the surface and their spores snuffs out all light (which could explain the weird darkness in the ruins from botw too!!), or just simply mist! making everything misty changes the entire feel of any environment drastically- you could make vertain enemies spawn only in certain weather conditions, lessening the repetive overuse of them; and that is only on the surface- what if the sky had sunbeams so strong it sets anything on fire if you dare to leave the shadows- to comabt it get a armor with a giant hat!! the underground could have been filled with different environments in the first place, but then of course thered be those dark spores of mushrooms, an entire forest you have to carefully travers other wise making them release their spores and make it all more difficult, glowy mushrooms, MORE glowy mushroms, theres so many weird ass shrooms IRL you could take inspo from!! maybe soemthing like a forest of kelp, long flowy plants obstructing view and making you anxious by any movement- there could be one thats a mimic or infected with miasma, slightly off color and its knobs are malice eyes that open only if it thinks you cant see it
(also for the idea of taking botws stuff and recontextualizing it, the guardians or shrines, now non fucntional, could be infected my miasma sometimes, maybe randomly to keep you guessing- an overgrown shrine suddenly lifting itself up with hands clawing at you when you get too close or do sth wrong to distrub it- similar with guardians tho the effect might be less since you know them as a threat already- or sth i mentioned in another post, a tower being used as a weapon by a gigatic miasma monster- the one in the gerudo region with the bottomless pit for example, perfect for an arena for you to run around in the spiral while its swinging at you etc etc)
JUST taking what botw had and mixing it up, expanding on it, even if technically little change, it could do so much but in the actual game death mountain and rito is the only ones that saw anything of a change like it, and it largely .. didnt change anything or was reversible easily, and had no actual consquences that meant anything, neither stakes nor environmental or narratively (the gerudo felt like it at first but its also largely reversible, its just kinda .. adding a bit of city)
i hhhhhhhhhhhhhh have so many thoughts still, i am just better at holding them back .... also dont wanna annoy lmao
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normspellsman · 2 years
Hard For
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pairing: ao’nung x fem!sully!reader
genre: drama, miscommunication, confrontation, slight angst, comfort, suggestive themes, reassurance, & slight fluff
word count: 2.1k+
warning(s): rumor about ao’nung cheating reaches readers ears, mentions of sex + struggles of getting aroused by others, talks of sex, brief mention of an oc!na’vi (na’tari) for the sake of drama + the plot, gossiping, spreading lies (not from reader), reader being insecure / having insecure thoughts, & ao’nung being pussy whipped for reader (as he should)
taglist: @aonungsmate @dearstell @optimisticblazetrash @universal-s1ut @goodiesinthecloset21 @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @liyahsocorro @amortencjja
word bank: eywa / great mother — goddess deity that the na’vi believe in, yawntu — beloved, txe’lan — heart, skxawng — idiot; moron, & sa’nok — mother
note: based on the song “hard for” by kevin gates. i literally thought of this while in the shower lol. i wrote this within an hour & it’s only been proofread twice, you’ve been warned (this is all over the place imo 😭). as a reminder, all characters are aged up in this work for the sake of the plot & mentions of intercourse (don’t call me out for not establishing it). i had to get this out before “forever” part three bc i’m at a stump with that fic atm & was itching to write something. it should be out in a couple of days, i promise just hang in there for me <3
You had Ao’nung wrapped around your finger from the minute you arrived on the remote island with your family, seeking refuge within his clan, the Metkayina.
From the minute you two locked eyes, Ao’nung knew he was a goner. He didn’t try to fight it either. Poor boy didn’t stand a chance.
The future Olo’eyktan couldn’t put his finger on what drew him to you. It could’ve been the way you looked ethereal doing literally anything. Or the way you held yourself with so much grace and strength that it made him want to crumble to his knees and worship you right then and there. Or it could’ve been how your voice sounded like Eywa herself speaking, so light and harmonic, like music to his ears. Or the way you looked stunning wearing the clothes Tsireya had made for you in hopes of making you feel better about not being able to fit in. Or it could’ve been just you, your whole being that was enticing to Ao’nung. Once he had you in his arms and was able to officially call you his, he knew that he’d never let go of you. Once he got you, it was game over. No one else could compare to you.
He thought that he expressed that opinion to you many, many times before, late into the night as the both of you tried to catch your breaths in small gasps and convey your feelings through your actions and lingering touches. But, apparently, he hadn’t done it enough to get it through your pretty little head that you were the only one he desired and the only one he could ever get hard for.
You had been hanging out with Tsireya and Kiri when you heard loud, hushed whispers from a few feet away from you three’s secret hang out spot. It was quite well hidden and hard to find if you weren’t looking for it, so to hear voices from just feet away from your hideout made all of you suspicious. Kiri was going to open her mouth to tell you guys that you should probably move somewhere else when his name fell from anothers mouth.
Tsireya and Kiri’s eyes fell onto you once the stranger's words had spilled from their lips.
“It was so good! Like, he was so good in bed. No wonder Ao’nung’s so cocky. He’s packing!” she giggled out, chest puffing with pride as her friends bombarded her with questions.
Ao’nung and you were in a secret relationship that was only known amongst your sister, Kiri, and Tsireya, the sister of your boyfriend. So no one knew of what you did being closed doors or how you deeply cared for one another. A girl talking about your boyfriend would always catch your attention.
Of course you had known of your lover's previous experience with the opposite sex but he reassured you that he was done with that once his gaze fell upon you the day you arrived. Had he been seeing others behind your back? No, he wouldn’t. He would never dare touch another woman the way he touched you. But the girl's words seemed accurate enough to get your mind reeling. You’d admit it. Ao’nung was extremely good in bed and he was, in fact, packing.
“Oh my Eywa!” another voice shrieked, “When did you guys do it?”.
“It wasn’t just once. It happened multiple times.”.
“You lucky bitch! I wish. I would totally jump his bones with no hesitation.”.
“It’s hard not to.”.
“How long?”
“Since he became of age.”.
“Nearly a year? Na’tari, you lucky swine!”
Their continued conversation began to drown out and became muffled as everything around you slowed.
Tsireya and Kiri desperately, and quietly, tried to get your attention, calling your name and saying how absolutely untrue the girls' words were. They both knew that Ao’nung was only loyal to you. And Tsireya knew that Ao’nung had trouble engaging in sexual activities with other girls before you arrived, overhearing his mumbles of frustration towards Rotxo one night. She didn’t exactly know what was wrong, nor did she want to know, but she knew that it prevented him from going all the way with those he kissed and experimented with.
The whole situation wouldn’t have bothered you if it weren’t for the timeline. You didn’t mind that Ao’nung had more experience than you nor did you mind finding that out from someone else but what disturbed you greatly was that you have been in Awa’atlu for exactly a year. So, if you were correct, Ao’nung had begun engaging in sexual activities with “Na’tari” since you two got together and before you two had sex for the first time.
Your heart couldn’t help but shatter at the realization.
Your feet worked faster than your brain, carrying you to Ao’nung’s marui. You didn’t have time to comprehend where your feet were taking you until the familiar figure of your boyfriend peered out from his closed curtained archway.
A wide smile etched itself onto Ao’nung’s face once he saw you, warmth spreading itself across his chest and into his heart. But it was quickly replaced by a confused frown when he saw the heartbroken look on your face.
“What is wrong, my yawntu?” he asked, meeting you halfway at the steps leading to his area of the family pod.
“Is it true?” you whispered, trying desperately not to cry.
You knew that you should not trust the words of some stranger you had never met before, but her words struck at your insecurities.
He was your first boyfriend, first kiss, first makeout, first time, first everything. You felt insecure that you lacked a lot of experience while your boyfriend had already dipped his toe into the water multiple times and gained some experience along the way. You never really asked him about the kinds of things he did with others, not really wanting to know. But Ao’nung always reassured you that the things he did with others never went too far and wasn’t very eventful or exciting as his other friends talked about. That fact made you feel a little bit better. Finding comfort that he struggled in some way as well. When you had decided that you were ready to take it to the next step, Ao’nung continuously reassured that he too was new in that department. But looking back on it and with that girl's voice echoing in your head, you weren't too sure.
“Is what true my love?” he asked again, now getting more worried and concerned.
“Na’tari or whatever her name is. Is it true? Is it true that you slept with her multiple times?” you muttered out, fists tightly clenched at your sides.
Ao’nungs eyes widened to the size of a yovo fruit, shocked and taken aback at your accusation. Did you really think that he would sleep with someone other than you? The thought alone made Ao’nung want to throw up his supper.
“No! That is outrageous. Where did you hear that from?” he asked, now angry. He’ll find whoever spread that rumor about him and some girl he didn’t even know and make them answer.
“I overheard some girls gossiping about it. About how good you are in bed and how much they want to jump your bones. About how you’ve been seeing her since you got together with me,” you replied, everything on autopilot. You had a tendency to just word vomit whenever you felt overwhelmed or stressed, telling whoever was listening every little detail about whatever came to mind.
“I don’t care that you’ve had sex with other girls. But I care about how you lied to me and went behind my back to do it,” you continued, words just spilling out from your lips at this point. You had no idea why you said that or what prompted it to form into a thought in your brain and then come out of your mouth.
Ao’nung seemed taken aback at your words once more. Didn’t he tell you that he was a virgin when the two of you got together and had sex for the first time? Didn’t he spend all night reassuring you that he was in the same boat as you? Knowing nothing about the act or where to put his hands at first.
“Baby, I have no clue what you’re saying. I was a virgin when we first got together. I told you my struggles with getting turned on by other women. How no matter what they did, nothing worked. Didn’t I tell you that you were the only one to make me hard in all my times of trying?” he responded, grasping your face in his large hands. “I have never seen or thought of another woman that is not you since we’ve been together. You are what consumes my mind and body every night and day. I desire you all the time, my txe’lan. I would never betray your trust like that,” he continued, frowning at the thought of you believing he touched another woman the way he touched you in private.
His words were truthful. Ao’nung had tried multiple times to have intercourse with other women before meeting you but he never was hard enough or turned on to the point of getting an erection. He gave up trying to do it way before you came along, accepting that something was wrong with him and that he may never find a mate with his situation. But he came to find out that it wasn’t him that was the problem but the women. Albeit they all tried their best to arouse the boy but nothing worked and soon enough, many of them stopped trying. He came to find out that none of the women were you. You were his kryptonite. A simple glance your way and he was already hard. Everything about you was just so attractive to Ao’nung, what wasn’t there to be aroused by? He never understood why he tried so hard to engage in sex with other women when you were the only one to cure the seemingly impossible feat. He just had to wait until that fateful morning you and your family landed on the sand of his home. He’d wait a thousand life times for you.
“Why do you believe her vile words?” he softly asked, genuinely wanting to know why you believed what she said. He wasn’t mad, just curious.
You only shrugged, all doubt now washed away from your mind as you lowered your head to stare at your bare feet. God, why am I so naive? I’m such a skxawng, you thought to yourself, disappointed in yourself for being so quick to accuse Ao’nung of such things.
“I’m sorry, Nung,” you sniffled, guilt seeping itself into your being, “I’m so stupid to believe her words. I know you would never. I just…I just got insecure and freaked out at her words.”.
Ao’nung understood your train of thought and feelings. He tried his best to put himself in your shoes and see the situation as you did during it.
“There’s no need to apologize, my love,” he quickly responded, grabbing your face once again so you could look up at him, “I am sorry her words impacted you the way they did. I know that you’ve expressed your insecurities to me before. But you have no reason to be insecure about anything. You are the only one I see. You are the light in my darkest times and make me the best possible version of myself I could ever imagine being. You are my future mate, my future Tsahìk, and the future Sa’nok to my children. You have no need to worry,” he continued, gently rubbing his nose against yours in hopes it’d bring you some solace of comfort.
“But,” he smirked, moving his hands from your cheeks to your waist, pulling you into him, “I can spend the rest of the night reminding you just what you do to me. Remind you who you are to me.”.
The suggestive nature of his tone made you wildly blush, biting your bottom lip in response. You simply only nodded after, already wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around his slim waist as you jumped up. He caught you with ease and happily led you to his secluded bedroom, taking his time in showing just what you did to him.
There was no way that Na’tari and her friend did not hear the noises you made that night. It was safe to say that she no longer lied about sleeping with Ao’nung after that.
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piganatur · 1 year
the eighth sense ep7-8 thoughts and impressions:
- those seniors did not give two shits about the club disbanding, they could go on a trip in their private time any day, but the prospect of blaming ‘some freshman’, and as a result, jaewon, for causing a mess got them so excited they almost pissed their panties. they are sad little creatures barking amongst themselves barely able to wait to tear into jaewon at the first opportunity they get
- yoonwon yelling at eunji to get out felt so satisfying
- actually what jaewon said in the photography shop cut x1000000 times deeper than the english translation of it
- jaewon all bundled up in his therapist’s office 😭😭😭😭😭
- jihyun my beloved, i never doubted u bae
- he tries so hard to be strong, truly a man who makes u believe he has no fear
- jaewon has shut down, he’s done w/ performing and now i feel like jihyun kinda puts on this overly confident idgaf act to seem more unbothered and brave than he actually feels ????????????? (another kind of parallel, of jihyun and jaewon swapping places in a sense) ((but then again, after what jihyun went through, his idgaf attitude is so valid))
- this constant mention of someone dying and the duality of its usage is sure interesting
- sajangnim ily 💞
- aeri ily 💞
- joonpyo ily 💞
- eunji is so embarrassing she’s kinda pitiful actually
- i get what they wanted to say w/ the presentation scene but i don’t get why they had to say it that way though
- some1 pls give park taehyung his daesang my lil meow meow has worked so hard (he feels so good to stand on the moral high ground, to be the victim it’s ridiculous)
- i just love that after 6 years of sincere friendship, he’s still ‘park taehyung’ in jaewon’s phone meanwhile i bet my two cents (so everything i have) that jihyun was just ‘jihyun’ from the get-go
- im in love with the disciplinary hearing scene’s blocking and colours, jaewon surrounded by deep blue from all sides and jihyun standing before him, standing up for him. he is the watershed, smack in the middle, being a buffer between jaewon and taehyung (from the side) but also between jaewon and the committee (from the front). jihyun wears earth colours, he’s like an island in that scene, a refuge and a destination for jaewon currently being tossed around in the middle of the sea
- the translation of jihyun saying he wants to fix jaewon’s wounds seemed off to me bc when does he even say wounds???? so i went back and checked it again and what he says can actually be interpreted differently: what jihyun wants to fix is jaewon always trying to look like a strong person (even when he’s hurting) and that makes much more sense than the i want to fix him kinda line in the translation
- joonpyo my boy 😚🦄🌸🌺💐🌈🎀💞💗💝💘💖
- everything about this shot
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miirohs · 1 year
rats [u.s.p]
pairing: OPLA!Usopp x GN!Reader wc: 0.6k cw: spoilers for opla eps 5-7 but ive forgot which eps exactly so proceed with caution an: if i had a dime for every time i felt uncomfortable writing kisses id have a shit ton of dimes bc i dont want to write kisses but if it calls for it i must answer.
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"Usopp, i need help!" You snapped, broom clutched precariously in your hands as you stood on the hanging table.
As your eyes scanned the floor, the small rat you had seen earlier darted across the floor, causing you to yelp and stumble back a little.
You had been stuck in the kitchen for a while, at a stalemate with the critter. You weren't sure anyone had heard your cries for help.
"Hey Y/n, i thought i hear you calling- What the hell?!" He jumped as the rat scuttled around his feet, moving back faster than you had ever seen him move before. It might have been comedically funny if it weren't for that fact that it was a rat, on deck of all things.
"Usopp you coward! Now's not the time to move away!" Usopp stared at you, looking down at the floor before looking back up with a hint of guilt in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, i might have left some snacks out, and i think... it might have attracted the little guy. But don't worry, I'll take care of it!" He offered, and you sighed in exasperation.
"Just... just be quiet for a moment. Let me handle this." With a deep breath, you steadied yourself on the table and lowered the broom cautiously towards the rat.
With a quick lunge, making a dangerous swipe at the critter.
"Gotcha! Wait whoa-" You lunged too far, dangerously far off the edge of the table.
Usopp's eyes widened in alarm, and he sprang into action, reaching out to grab you as your arms flailed, trying and failing to regain the balance.
Your breaths came in ragged gasps, and you looked up at him, your eyes wide.
"Rats," you muttered, warmth spreading across your face as you leaned slightly into his arms. "I'm sorry. Thank you for catching me, though."
He smiled, his dark eyes softening with concern. "Of course, I've got your back. It was a close call, though. Are you okay?"
You nodded, feeling grateful but also a little embarrassed. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."
Usopp chuckled, his hand still lingering on your waist. "Well, I guess I owe you one now."
As he let go, you couldn't help but notice the warmth in his eyes and the gentle smile on his face.
You continued to watch the rat scuttle about the room, eyes wandering from his, broom clutched firmly in your hands.
The little creature had found a temporary refuge beneath the table, and you beckoned to Usopp. Whispering, you said, "I think we need a more strategic plan."
Usopp nodded in agreement, strange look in his eye as he watched the animal alongside you. "You're right. Let's not scare it too much. I have an idea. You stay here and keep an eye on the rat, and I'll try to guide it toward you."
Grabbing a jar, he quickly set up a contraption, fiddling with it before eventually placing a piece of cheese under it.
"Where did you get the cheese?" You whispered as he joined you, crouching next to you behind the island.
Usopp grinned smugly. "I always have a secret stash of snacks. Just in case of emergencies, you know."
"Dude, in what case would we ever need cheese?" You laughed, hushing as Usopp landed a smack to the back, pointing to the jar.
The two of you watched as the rat slowly approached the jar, lured by the scent of the cheese. Its tiny nose twitched, and it cautiously entered the opening, pawing its way in.
With a deft movement, he slid a thin piece of cardboard under the jar, trapping the rat inside. It squeaked in surprise, causing you to jump a little.
"We got it!" Usopp exclaimed, a triumphant grin on his face. "Well done, (Y/N)!"
You couldn't help but laugh in relief, "You're a hero Usopp."
He grinned, his chest puffing out a little with pride. "Well, it's all in a day's work for the brave captain of the Straw Hat Pirates."
"Well, i don't think the actual captain would take very nicely to that," You smirked, taking the jar from him.
"Hey-" He said, looking at you seriously before breaking into a smile, "-there's no telling. It can just be our little secret."
"Well, i'm going to have to charge you for that... How about a kiss?" You smiled at him, putting down the jar.
He glanced around the room before leaning in closer to you, a mischievous glimmer in his eye.
"Well, I suppose I could consider it as payment for saving you from that rat," he replied, his voice teasing.
The two of you shared a brief, sweet kiss. Warmth spread, goosebumps running down your arms as the chaos of the kitchen seem to melt away.
When you finally pulled away, Usopp had a satisfied grin on his face. "Consider us even now."
A crash interrupted you, and you turned around, smashed jar now on the floor instead of the counter, without a rat to hold.
"Rats. Not again."
"Rats indeed. Better not let Sanji see that," He said, scurrying away as you flushed.
"You better get your ass back here Usopp!"
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randxmthxughts · 2 years
Neteyam x Ta'unui ! Female! Y/N (water clan that was attacked by Quaritch) fic bits
upd: full fic is posted
I am currently writing a long ass fic but because I'm impatient, I want to share a few spicy bits with you. I will be posting the full fic in the upcoming few days, so lmk if you want to be added to the taglist.
For the context, the reader is the younger sister of Tsahik at the Ta'unui clan. It's the clan that the Quaritch attacks looking for Jake. In the movies, thanks to Spider, they avoid casualties, but in this fic, everything happens way more brutally: many Na'vi get killed, and basically the whole village burns down. Y/N escapes before she gets killed, and seeks refuge at the Awa’atlu village, where the Sully's happened to be.
Knowing that the only reason sky demons attacked her village was Jake Sully, Y/N develops hatred towards him. She thinks he's a coward for hiding and causing so much damage to the innocent clans.
Now, at Awa’atlu, she starts to develop relationships with the Sully kids before she finds out that their father is the Jake Sully. Things get complicated, because her and Neteyam truly start seeing each other as enemies. Of course, there's lots of drama bc he protects his father, blah blah, you get it. But hatred is a form of love, and well, I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers, so
Tropes: enemies to lovers, friends to lovers
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“What do you want?” you ask, squinting to make out his features. His eyes and freckles glow in the dark and you notice the slightest flatter of his ears. Like he’s excited.
“It’s Neteyam,” he gestures. 
“I know,” you’re annoyed. You know who he is, does he think you can’t see him?
“Oh,” it surprises him? “Right, I just didn’t want to scare you, so I…”
“Shouldn’t you be checking on your brother anyway?”
“Technically, I can’t do anything except wait. When it gets suspiciously long, then I follow him,” he smirks like it’s the funniest thing.
“Sorry if we woke you up,” he scratches his head, “I was going to check on you anyway, just not at this hour.”
“Why would you check on me?” you frown.
“I thought you might like someone to talk to you, about moving and stuff.”
“I talk to Tsireya, I’m fine.”
“I know, she’s nice,” Neteyam crouches down, to bring himself on your eye level. He sighs, slightly embarrassed, “But she thought it would be a good idea for me to talk to you.”
“I get what you’re going through.”
This frustrates you. You and he had nothing in common. You were forced out of your home; you had given up everything without a choice. How can he relate to you? He has his family. You have no one.
“Just because we’re both outlanders doesn’t mean that you have to pretend to be like me, Neteyam. We’re not the same,” it comes out more aggressive than you intended. You notice his ears lower, along with his gaze, “I don’t need a forest boy teaching me the way of water. You’re not my savior.”
Neteyam’s face gets quickly covered with guilt. It’s like you hit a cord with your last words. He didn’t mean to offend you.
“Not trying to be a savior, just a friend,” he mumbles, standing up.
“What do they want? The islands?” Ao'nung asks.
“They’re looking for him, they think that he’s hiding in another clan,” you answer, noticing how everyone’s ears perk up.
“Who are you talking about? Who’s he?” Lo’ak suddenly gets suspicious.
“Jake Sully,” you reply, “I’m not sure what he did to them, but they were set on killing him. And killing anyone who’s protecting him,” you add with anger in your voice.
You’re met with a dead silence, like they know something they’re not telling you. The foresters hang their heads, and you notice as Tsireya touches Lo’ak's hand. 
“Wait, so they’re looking for your dad?” Roxto turns to Kiri, “They’re looking for you.”
“Your dad?” you turn to Kiri, “Is he your dad?”
Kiri nods, almost ashamed. You feel your throat hurting, as realization washes over you.
“It’s your dad!” you feel anger building up. You stand up, “They set my village on fire because of him! They thought we were hiding him but he was here all this time!”
“Y/N, it’s not anyone’s fault but the demons’,” Tsireya stands up too, trying to calm you down, “He wanted to keep his family safe, he doesn’t want war.”
“My father has done nothing wrong,” Neteyam stands up as well, his tone now serious.
“He should be facing them by himself, not putting other clans at risk!” you throw your hands in the air in frustration.
“That’s unfair, I’m not losing my dad,” he growls.
“I lost my home!”
The two of you hiss at each other, and as you struggle to free your arms, he flips you over. Your back hits the sand with a painful ache but it gives you enough room to kick him with your leg. Right in the stomach. Neteyam winces in pain, but pins you down, this time paying special attention to have your knees locked together.
“Skxawng,” you growl. 
“Why aren’t you angry at me?” you turn to Lo'ak.
“Why aren’t you?” he asks in return, “You’re angry at Neteyam but not at me.”
You pause. You’re not really sure why Lo’ak joining you didn’t affect you, as much as Neteyam’s presence did. Maybe it’s because Lo’ak seemed guilty earlier. He didn’t stand up for his dad, so there must be something both of you can agree on.
“I don’t like when people pretend to care. Because once something threatens their peace, they really show how they don’t give a shit about you.”
“Neteyam doesn’t pretend about caring,” Lo’ak disagrees, “Sure, he pretends all the time but not when it comes to caring. He cares.”
“Not about me anyway,” you scoff. 
Lo’ak falls silent. You got him there.
Distracted, you fall a little behind the group, and find yourself next to Neteyam. He was not a bad swimmer, but he was definitely slow compared to you. 
You watch him. It’s almost entertaining how greedily he admires the surroundings, oblivious to your presence. His yellow eyes seem almost golden in this light, and you can’t help but smile.
When his eyes meet yours, you feel tightness in your throat, and your smile falls. Why is he staring? What is he thinking? 
“Dad?” Neteyam’s voice grabs both of your attention. He leans against the entrance of the marui, looking between the two of you.
“I’ll be right there,” Jake says, standing up, “Do you want to join, Y/N?”
You nod in appreciation and follow him into the room. You exchange another look with Neteyam but this time he looks troubled. Like he’s trying to figure out what the hell you and his father were talking about.
Bang. All of a sudden someone throws you off your feet, your back hitting the ground, and you see a familiar face hang above you. So close, you can feel his braids touching your skin. Neteyam. You growl.
“What the hell?” you slap his chest angrily, but he won’t budge. His arms are by your both sides, knee rests between your thighs, restricting your movement.
“This is a familiar pose,” he smirks, and you roll your eyes at him, “Why aren’t you asleep?”
“I was trying to clear my head. Why aren’t you?”
“I’m guarding,” he smiles.
“You’re a guardian?” you snort.
Neteyam shakes his head amused, swaying his braids over your skin.
His fingers start tickling your stomach and your neck. You squirm underneath him, trying to get away.
“Neteyam, stop!” you squeak through your giggling.
“Then say you’re sorry!” he pauses for a second, to give you a chance to save yourself.
“Why would I lie?” your voice catches in your throat, as he continues tickling you, “I’m sorry! I give up!”
“Sorry for what?”
“Sorry for not telling you sooner!”
“And who am I?”
You feel out of breath, smiling like a fool. You know exactly what he wants to hear.
“The mighty warrior,” you let out with a giggle. His face immediately lightens up.
“Smart girl,” he lowers his face towards you, nuzzling your forehead. 
“You called me stupid two seconds ago,” you try to protest but he shuts you up with a gentle kiss.
In this moment, when his lips touch yours, and his hand cups your cheek, as you play with his braids, it’s impossible to remember why you hated him so much. Your grandmother used to say that hate is a form of love. 
Okaaay, I hope I did not just spoiled the whole fic with these bits lol, and I hope that you'd be interested in reading the whole thing, once I post it.
I'm finally writing the fluffy scenes, and I'm swaying my feet and giggling and shi, at how cute it's going to be. What you think about these bits? Do they make sense to you pulled out of context?
Again, lmk if you want to be added to the taglist. I will be posting the whole fic in a few days, and it's going to be extra long, extra angsty and fluffy
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rnp5324 · 4 months
❖-Corps | Head full of thoughts
Actual story stuff -Magneto governs over the island nation of Genosha, a safe haven for all Mutants, even the ❖-Corps members are welcome here. Currently, he is opposing the rising Fellowship of Humanity organization in the United States, a branch group of the Friends of Humanity with more of a theocratic agenda—based off the Moral Majority in a sense. His focus rests on the politicians like Allison’s father, who wish to push extreme legislation against Mutants in Montana, threatening to take action with his acolytes to put a stop to the impending oppression. -That and, due to Allison being a spokesperson for her dad’s campaign, gets a big stink eye from Magneto after she disappeared; When she manifested her X-Gene. -The Fellowship works in the interests of a broader organization known as Armageddon. They are a terrorist group with the desires of ‘purifying’ humanity on a global scale, but of course, they intend to do this by making imperial forces work in their favor. -Magneto is seeking Allison to make a bargain with Richard Natus: Her safe return in exchange for eliminating his Anti-Mutant legislation, or to be met with forced resistance and Allison kept as a political prisoner. -Yeah, the US/UN ain’t too happy about it. They step up to say they’ll fire on Genosha if Magneto even tries to lay a finger on Richard. -Charles Xavier is in a race against time to reach Allison before Magneto does. He is able to locate her through Cerebro in order to warn her and guide the youth, and Logan is not too happy about being found by Charles after requesting the team leaves him alone in the fallout of his major incident. Ya know, to create more tension. -Logan and Allison had taken refuge in the Canadian wilderness since that’s where Logan was staying inside of his RV. The two butt heads due to their clashing ideologies, but eventually have to suck it up and work together to help her control her new powers, without being disgusted. -Kikyo Mikage works under Magneto as one of his acolytes, but only kills if there is honor in the task he’s assigned. Kikyo is willing to use violence to deliver justice and that’s something he really values in Magneto. Kikyo can finally live as himself in Genosha instead of living in the shadows of Japan’s society. Though he finds it incredibly dishonorable that Magneto would weaponize the wellbeing of a child to achieve his objectives, which ultimately leads him to join Logan. -Oh yeah should mention that Armageddon is running science experiments to artificially create an Omega Class Mutant as a weapon to take down the world’s strongest Mutants, basically what they were trying to do with Deadpool in X-Men Origins Wolverine, but actually cool. The Mutant is called Magnum Opus. I’m a fan of puns, you see.
Side notes -If Wanda and Pietro get involved in this, they are both going to be Mutants and brown skinned. I MAKE THE RULES!!! -Anyway uh still working on who else I want as Magneto’s acolytes lol -Sometimes I refer to Allison as “Allen”. It’s her self-imposed disguise name which Logan makes a joke about it being a boy’s name. -Genosha is definitely stockpiling on weapons, no doubt. -Allison borrows one of Logan’s shrunken down suits to help with her Mutation! It’s blue in contrast to his red. Logan gets his own category -He refers to large sections of Canada as Sectors. It’s likely this stems from his time working under Alpha Flight, and the Canadian Government before joining the ❖-Corps. -He’s managed to keep a majority of his old suits with him, as he believes that it’s the only solid part of his history he can look back on. Perhaps not as himself, but as Wolverine. -Anyway the reason Logan is at a low point in his career is bc the last mission he was on involved him unwillingly going on a Berserker Rage that resulted in a destructive rampage and the stabbing of his teammate and Girlfriend, Storm. During his rage, she took charge of the situation to lure Logan away from civilians and attempt to subdue him with the other ❖-Corps on duty. It worked at a cost. -The best way to protect those he cares about is at a distance, though that doesn’t mean he’s not going through an extreme heartache with likely losing Ororo. -Maybe she shouldn’t have told Logan that if he’s going to use his claws on anyone to them on her. Bad oversight. /HJHJ -I didn’t want her to just be Logan’s love interest in this, she’s a hero too ya know! She was doing her damn best to save whoever she could in the onslaught and even put her own life on the line. -Logan has nightmares about killing the rest of the team, and hates that they don’t put up much of a fight to stop him. -As you can imagine, he’s not too happy to be stuck with some teenager off the side of the road. Worse is that Logan knows exactly who she is as a political figure, and how dangerous he is. The initial thought was to find her somewhere safe and tell her to scram, but outside intervention damns him. -So funny thing, turns out he and Allen have a lot more in common with their struggles than they thought; Runaways who’ve done awful things they can’t take back, while struggling to understand their true nature.
Uh yeah well that ended up being a lot lolol Feel free to leave suggestions, I’d love some outside feedback!!
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
( 🥐 anon )
hiii !! i have two ideas! you can choose whichever!
fairy and eddie making flower crowns
mermen steve and eddie making shell bracelets
Aaand another one, yaaay! okay so idk if you know the song mermaid bar by maya hawke but that heavily inspired this thing. Go listen to it if you don't bc her music is *chef's kiss*
TW for mention of death / suicide (if you're reading this and have issues in that area, please talk about it with a safe person in your environment or call your country's suicide prevention line if necessary)
It had been days since Eddie had last eaten. He was preparing himself to never eat again because that beast-like feeling had terrified him right to his bones. It had been more instinct than anything else, something primal and desperate trying to keep his weakened, hungry body alive. His sharp teeth cutting into the diamondback terrapin, its raw flesh dropping into his stomach and awakening something awful deep inside of him.
Eddie used to love turtles, before he fell into the Hudson river and his ribs separated to make space for gills; before his legs turned into black and silver scales shimmering in the light that filtered through the waves; before webs sprouted between his fingers.
He had left the Long Island winter beaches behind him now, coursing to the open seas and wondering how long he would last on his empty stomach, half hoping he would get caught in a fishnet or encounter a ship. But no such thing happened. He was all alone with the fishes down here.
Until he saw something that weirdly looked like... a building. Like a house, a human house, or maybe a shed. His curiosity suddenly kicked in again – a familiar feeling, finally, thank whoever caused this whole predicament – and he purposefully started swimming closer.
It didn't take long before he could distinguish that it was a wooden building, decorated with all kinds of shells and half overgrown with corals. Sardine Dream Mermaid Bar was written right above the front door, in uneven and slightly wobbly letters. The door was open and since Eddie's curiosity was growing by the second, he swam inside without even thinking about it.
And holy shit. Behind the counter of what was unmistakably a very real, actual bar, was possibly the most beautiful creature Eddie had ever encountered. His brown hair was dancing around his face in graceful waves, his toned arms were covered in all kinds of shell bracelets, and his bare chest... Well. Eddie was pretty sure he'd lose his consciousness again if he were to keep looking at that chest.
'You can talk!' Eddie thought out loud, and hey, apparently, he could talk too. 'I can talk!'
The creature – mermaid – boy – person – smiled a smile that was ridiculously beautiful despite his scary sharp teeth.
'Yeah, we can talk.'
'There's more like you?'
He kept smiling. 'Way more. You can hear them singing, if you listen closely.'
Eddie froze in his place as he listened intently; and sure enough, very faintly, he could hear some kind of ethereal song carrying through the water.
'I'm Steve.'
The stranger held out his webbed hand and Eddie hesitantly shook it while telling him his own name.
'So I take it you're new?'
Eddie nodded dumbly.
'Alright, I bet you're hungry, then. I'll get you something to eat. What do you want? Oysters, caviar, scallops?'
'Um, scallops is fine, I guess.' Eddie's empty belly started twisting nauseatingly at the promise of something to eat – something he wouldn't have to kill between his own teeth. Or at least, he hoped that was what Steve was going to serve him. He didn't exactly know the rules of whatever this was.
'What is this place?' Eddie asked while Steve turned around to prepare a plate for him. He caught a glimpse of the golden fishtail that had been hiding behind the counter and – wow. He had never seen colors like that before in his life.
'It's um... A refuge, I guess,' Steve told him. 'I opened it when I ended up here. It's a place where people can come if they're in trouble, or if they feel like they don't belong anywhere, you know.'
And oh, Eddie could relate to that. He took the plate that Steve held out to him and gratefully dug in.
'Jesus Christ this is good,' he murmured around his full mouth, gaining himself another smile from Steve before he closed his eyes to properly revel in the rich taste on his tongue.
'So how did you get here?' Steve asked.
'Fell in the goddamn river,' Eddie managed to say between two bites. 'Fuckin' stupid really. Partying in New York. Drunk, high, you know how it goes. Slipped, hit my head, and that was it. Or, well, that was supposed to be it.' He dropped the mussel he had been holding to make jazz-hands. 'Yet here we are.' He swallowed another bite. 'What about you, how did you get here?'
'I jumped.'
'You jumped in the –' But before Eddie could finish his question, understanding dawned over him. 'Oh.'
'I'm sorry.'
'It's okay,' Steve said. 'I'm happy to be here, actually. Things are much better now. Not everyone is lucky enough to land in bubbles when they fall.'
'Yeah, I guess,' Eddie mumbled quietly, thinking about his mother and how she had fallen, back when he was little. There certainly had been no bubbles to catch her.
'Hey.' It sounded soft and Steve tilted his head a little bit, staring at Eddie as if he was trying to figure him out. 'You can stay here for as long as you need to,' he continued. 'I'll teach you everything you should know. We have this – this ritual.' He gestured to a tall jar that was standing on the counter between them, filled with all kinds of shells in various shades of white. 'This is our tip jar. Everyone leaves some shells when they come here, and we use them to bind ourselves to each other. I'll make you a bracelet right now, to make you part of the community. And when you feel that the time has come – when you feel at home here, when you're ready to navigate this world without me – you can return the favor.'
Eddie let his gaze wander to Steve's forearms, both covered in bracelets.
'So these are all from people you helped?'
The sudden bashful look on Steve's face didn't escape Eddie's notice.
'Yeah, I guess I did,' he said, almost like it surprised himself.
With his belly filled and his human instincts finally returning to him, Eddie felt brave enough to stretch out his hand and gently trace the bracelets on Steve's left arm with his index finger.
'It'd be an honor to give you a bracelet of my own someday, Steve,' he said softly.
And when he saw the look in Steve's soft brown eyes, it suddenly didn't seem so bad to Eddie anymore that he had fallen into the river.
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jacquesthepigeon · 4 months
Like my mom, siblings, and myself were lucky enough to secure passage off the island about two weeks after the hurricane but two weeks after that my sister and I had to come back bc it was too difficult finding refuge for four people and my mom was crying the whole time my sister and I were preparing to board the plane back and it was just. Anyway. Even more absurd was how everyone else that was coming back to the island was doing so with bags full of batteries, gas, and salchichas carmela but upon landing discovered that the feds removed half of their supplies. Like I get that transporting canisters of gas isn’t allowed but holy fuck.
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apompkwrites · 2 years
The way of the new chapter of Draconia sibling, or the very least the forgotten child , the way how their wings and horns been literally ripped off them givens me bit of an idea or two maybe three
1. They just ran away of what they have in person, maybe walked for days and somehow since the island of woe have technology and maybe have their own strange way of going out and getting in to the island, one of the dots finds them in a unknown location and taken them in as a new experiment as they have less knowledge about faes and this is their potential
With the memory erasing tech they have they possibly erased maybe parts or majority of their memories and replace them and Draconian child is a guard for the Shrouds for good some hundreds of years ( since Faes do live long, and with tech n sutch they have a new identity yet maybe someone might recognize them, Lilia maybe? )
2. They are half dead but humans finds them from a neighboring country and actually showed them genuine kindness and also teaching them modern things and they adapted to be liked a normal human as they cut part of their pointed ear off to blend in, or, very least as we don't know if there any other species in TW, they pretend to be an elf and thinking faes and elves have a very long rivalry let alone tension that even longer then faes and humans
As elf's willing to see humans as equals and perhaps even helped each other
3. I remember this story as a kind where a elf is an outcast and been attack by unknown means, and bunch of weak river and flower nymph helps the elf to be one of them and also help them get revenge as the outcast elf home they been harming the nymps for long time to the point that they are resentful
Idk, what you think?
ooh okok i like the idea of them somehow finding refuge in the island of woe (totally not bc i love the shrouds idk what you're talking about) and them becoming a part of styx's security? maybe they get experimented on a lot in terms of physical enhancements? like styx tries to see how tech can be used for fae who may have lost their wings since its such a big part of transportation in briar valley.
and maybe they start to get along really well with ortho and idia? idk maybe bc ortho introduces them to idia and they get really interested in all of the tech bc they've never seen that stuff before?
and then the idea that humans actually take them in is really interesting, esp bc i feel like this would be the first time that lil draconia feels love? and now that they basically lost their identity as a member of the draconia family, they feel more at ease with not having wings? like they don't stand out for not having any :)
and and maybe they just live a cute cottagecore life with elves and nymphs!! sure they have some trauma with the woods, but maybe they end up living in a clearing instead :DD
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theharrowing · 2 years
The Ghost of You on My Skin
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Jungkook and Jimin travel to a remote island in hopes that the trip will allow them to unwind and reconnect. When their plans turn on them and they wind up lost in the woods, they seek refuge with a mysterious stranger who opens their eyes to a world of desire beyond anything they have experienced before.
🐍 Jungkook x Jimin x Yoongi 🐍 word count: 11k 🐍 established relationship, strangers to lovers, monster fucker au, a hint of angst, smut, pwp, fluff, poly, slash, nsfw, 21+ 🐍 warnings: 🕊 dead dove! fear kink! slight pain kink! vore simulation! shapeshifting, vampire biting & sucking, werewolf attacking & fucking, snake swallowing & double-dick fucking, tentacle fucking. top yoongi, bottom jungkook & jimin, being overwhelmed and overstimulated, oral & anal sex, spit-roasting, subspace, threesome, mild dubcon bc yoongi uses magic to calm them, jungkook & jimin bicker a bit to set up the incredibly flimsy plot. 🐍 notes: the monster fucking in this fic gets intense at times, but it is all an illusion, and everyone comes out of it safely. nobody's blood is drained, and the vore is completely simulated. still, if topics like blood and claustrophobia make you uncomfortable, feel free to skip this one. it's tagged as dead dove so the warnings are taken seriously, but this is pretty tame compared to other fics i have with that warning. 🐍 written for the YoonMinKook Fest! 🐍 thanks to @neoneunnajimin for beta reading!   🐍 posted jan. 2023; nov. 2022 on ao3 | read on ao3
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"Are you sure this is the right way?" Jimin asks sheepishly.
The crunch of dry leaves and twigs falls silent as Jeongguk stops in his tracks and glances around, then back at his map—nothing looks familiar or correct. Beside him, Jimin shivers with the neck of his sweater pulled up to his ears. A wave of frustration washes over Jeongguk, and he lets out a heavy sigh.
"No," Jeongguk says simply. "The map the guide gave us said to go down this path—the same path we walked earlier—but nothing looks right."
"It's already getting late," Jimin mutters beside him, and Jeongguk bites his tongue. He knows it is getting late—he can see with his own two eyes that the sun has set and it is getting dark. He hates himself for feeling adventurous enough to return to the secluded part of the sea that he and Jimin had found earlier in the morning. He is not a teenager anymore; he should know better than to go trampling off into the woods at night. Although the guide wouldn't stop talking about how the moon looks reflected on the sea, from where they are, there may as well not be a moon at all. 
Feeling resolved to call this excursion a wash and turn back to their hotel, Jeongguk sighs and lets his arms drop to his sides. "Let's just go back," he mutters, defeated.
So go back they do, down the winding forest path, the exact way they came. Only, as they reach what should be the end of the forest line, Jeongguk slowly passes the flashlight from left to right, realizing they are not where they should be. The trees are just as dense, and nothing looks familiar. Panic rises, but he breathes through it and attempts to get his bearings. 
"Something is wrong, isn't it?" Jimin asks meekly from beside him.
"I don't...quite know..." Jeongguk mutters, words fading to ash as he glances ahead and notices, in the near distance, a rectangular light shining between trees. A house. Jeongguk has spotted a house. 
Jeongguk knows that the clearing should be to the right, but the house is just off to the left. As if pulled by some invisible string, Jeongguk begins to walk in the direction of the light.
"Wait," Jimin says as Jeongguk feels one of Jimin's hands wrap around his wrist. "That house wasn't there before, was it? Or have we gone the wrong way?"
Jeongguk sighs, feeling his patience wearing thin. It is cold and dark and he just wants to lie down in a bed. "There is only one path, Jimin," he says between his teeth. "How could we have gone the wrong way?"
"I—" Jimin begins, and Jeongguk turns to him, pulling in a slow, deep breath, feeling a fire blaze in his eyes—he is ready to absolutely explode. But then Jimin shrugs and continues, "I don't know. You're right. I don't understand what's going on."
Another sigh, and Jeongguk continues down the path toward the house. If they truly are lost in the woods, then the house is their best bet. Jeongguk feels a strange sense of calm as they get closer—as if suddenly, they are safe, and all the worries they had moments ago have been lifted, inviting them to take shelter. 
Jeongguk steps on a particularly large stick, and the loud snap pulls him from his reverie, making Jimin squeak a high-pitched sound. 
"Fuck," Jimin mutters under his breath. "I hate this. This is how horror films start."
"This is how they start?" Jeongguk responds with a chuckle. "We came to vacation on a remote island where we are forced to speak in broken English. We were already traversing the realm of how horror movies start."
Jimin giggles beside Jeongguk—a sound that Jeongguk is surprised to hear. It is light and sweet and makes him smile. Despite his frustration, Jeongguk does not mean to have a short fuse with Jimin. Jimin is simply there, in the wake of the storm that is Jeongguk's ebbing and flowing moods. In fact, Jimin's presence is helping to keep Jeongguk grounded, if only a little. 
"Let's just see who lives in the house," Jeongguk suggests, turning to Jimin, who gazes at him with wide, loving eyes. 
"Sounds good."
"If they seem creepy or weird, we'll get the hell out of there and just...I don't know..." Jeongguk glances around at the seemingly never-ending forest, "...run."
Jimin nods, and Jeongguk leads the way. The hand on Jeongguk's wrist slides down to his hand, and they lock fingers, holding one another tightly as they traverse uneven ground, despite the path laid before them. Jeongguk wonders when the last time the occupant of the house has come out to clear the brush. 
A sound causes them to halt in their paths. A deep woman's voice, sad sounding and drawling out something long and loud, which Jeongguk can't quite make out—anguished cries. Then, the sound of a guitar joins the voice, and Jeongguk realizes it's music. Jeongguk does not understand the voice—surmises that it must be in Spanish—and worries, suddenly, that the person in the house may not understand them at all. 
Still, onward, they trudge, and Jeongguk feels hope bloom in his chest. Something about this just seems to be right, like this is precisely where they are meant to be. Which, Jeongguk realizes, is an absolutely ridiculous way to feel. He reasons that he is still jet-lagged and exhausted, and desperate for warmth. 
They approach the front of the small house—which, now that they are closer, seems more like a cabin. Jeongguk hesitates before walking up the short wooden steps to the front door. When he knocks, the door gives and creeks open, and Jeongguk is met with an enticing smell of baked pastries—possibly an apple pie—and the scent of burning logs. 
A deep, raspy voice calls, "Por favor, pasen adelante. Están en su casa."
Jeongguk pauses, fist still raised from knocking, but arm feeling weak as it hovers in the air. He does not understand what the occupant of the house is saying, and fear rises as he turns to Jimin. 
"I didn't understand."
Jimin shakes his head. "I didn't either."
"Please, come in," the voice calls again, this time in perfect Korean. Jeongguk gasps and turns back to the ajar door with wide eyes as the voice continues, "This is your home."
Jeongguk swallows a lump in his throat, feeling uncertain. "I—"
Just then, a cold gust of wind blows, chilling Jeongguk to the bone. Instinctively, he steps forward, past the threshold, seeking shelter. Jimin follows behind him, and as they shuffle into the entrance, the door closes. 
The light is dim, and although there is still music playing in the background, it is far quieter than it was when they approached from outside. There is a warmth coming from a crackling hearth to the right, and to the left, standing near a small wooden table just barely large enough to seat four, is a man. 
Jeongguk feels stunned, gazing upon the man, who simply stands and smiles back at them. His skin is pale as a sheet, and his long, tousled curly black hair rests in his eyes, falling to his ears and to his shoulders. Despite being obstructed by a tangle of hair, the man's eyes are dark and piercing, resembling those of a wild feline. His nose is small and round, and his lips—full and soft—are turned up into a grin. 
"Welcome, friends," the man says. "My name is Yoongi. I hope you haven't been lost for too long."
Yoongi wears all black, and the fabric is flowing and light, hanging loosely and not of any style that Jeongguk is familiar with. It is almost as if fabric is simply draped over his form with nary a rhyme or reason, in strips and swathes. 
"What language were you speaking earlier?" Jimin asks.
Jeongguk turns to find Jimin looking just as mesmerized by Yoongi as he is. There is something about the man. An aura of sorts, perhaps—Jeongguk can't put his finger on it. When he turns back to Yoongi, the man takes a seat at the small, square wooden table. In the center of the table is a large bottle of soju and warm hand pies that smell like apples and cinnamon. Jeongguk blinks heavily and looks around. 
"I don't remember those being there when we came in," Jeongguk mutters, mostly to himself.
"It's what you wanted, no?" Yoongi asks sweetly, with a cock of his head. 
Jeongguk licks his lips and swallows. It is what he wanted—soju to take the edge off and help him relax after whatever the fuck has just transpired, leading them to this home, and warm apple pie, a comfort food that has calmed Jeongguk since he was a child. The pies are more like pancakes with a rich, warm filling, reminiscent of the very ones he ate growing up, and Jeongguk resists the urge to reach for one. 
"Please," Yoongi says, motioning to the items on the table. "Help yourselves." 
Jimin wastes no time grabbing the soju and pouring a glass, and something inside Jeongguk lurches, causing him to reach out for Jimin's arm and stop him mid-pour. Jimin angles the bottle upward to stop the flow of liquid, splashing some on the table.
"Jimin, wait. What are you doing?"
"I'm thirsty," Jimin states, eyebrows raised and annoyed. "We've had a long fucking day, I've had you barking at me as if I'm a child, and now I want a drink."
Jimin yanks his arm from Jeongguk's grasp, which Jeongguk loosens to prevent more of a mess from being made, and he stares at Jimin's profile as he returns to pouring himself a glass. Then, Jimin pours a second glass, sets the bottle down, and shoves it toward Jeongguk.
"I didn't mean to talk to you like you're a child," Jeongguk mutters, feeling guilty and defeated. He has been copping an attitude with Jimin, lately, but he can't admit the fault so easily. 
"Just drink," Jimin says, holding his glass out to Jeongguk, who sighs and picks his up, tapping it gently on Jimin's in a silent toast—something they always do. 
"Sorry," Jimin says, turning to Yoongi, still holding his glass toward Jeongguk. "I'm so rude! I didn't offer you any!"
Yoongi shakes his head and waves his hands in the air. "I don't drink."
Jimin nods and gulps back his soju, but Jeongguk hesitates. Why does Yoongi have soju if he doesn't drink? And how does Yoongi speak perfect Korean and Spanish, and live in a cabin in the middle of fucking nowhere? Jeongguk turns to Yoongi with the intent to ask him one of a myriad of questions that flood him at once, but Yoongi crosses his arms over his chest and winks at Jeongguk, and suddenly, his mind is clear, and he doesn't feel like inquiring. 
Sure, the circumstances are strange—to say the least—but he is warm and safe, and he shouldn't worry so much. He can get to know Yoongi in due time; he has all the time in the world. Jeongguk knows this thought process, and the sudden sense of calm is strange, but he sits at the table and drinks back the soju. 
The flavor is slightly sweet, and the chill is just right. Jeongguk glances at the label on the bottle, which looks vaguely familiar but not like any brand he can place. He nearly reaches for it, when Yoongi sets plates of hand pies in front of the two of them.
"Eat. You'll need your strength."
Again, Jimin doesn't hesitate. 
Jeongguk feels a sense of trepidation, but as he gazes back at Yoongi, it all washes away. It feels as if he is put under some spell—still able to have free will, but with a loss of the fight or flight instincts necessary to make rational, wise decisions. Another glance at Jimin shows him sitting back in his chair with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. He hums happily, then opens his eyes to gaze lovingly at Yoongi.
"It tastes just like mother makes. You're incredible."
A pang of jealousy hits Jeongguk in the gut, and he reaches for his hand pie, feeling a bit sullen. There was a time when the stars in Jimin's eyes shone that brightly for him. When did they begin to dim? He supposes that is the way of relationships; you get comfortable, and you stop feeling all the heart stopping, raw emotions you once felt. 
That is, after all, what this vacation is for. To reconnect. To remember why they fell in love in the first place. This trip is meant to bring the two of them back together. Jeongguk wonders if the chance has already passed, entirely. 
Distantly, whatever song is on breaks Jeongguk out of his thoughts, and he realizes that the voice is singing in Korean. He wonders when it changed. 
Jeongguk barely registers that he has picked up the pie until he takes a bite, breaking the warm, soft dough to reveal a sweet, slightly bitter baked apple inside. He closes his eyes to revel in the moment, taking in a deep breath as he slowly chews, savoring the flavors. It does taste just like his mother used to make. 
"What brings the two of you here?" Yoongi asks, and Jeongguk looks up from the pie in his hands—which is, at present, shoved in his mouth. He huffs out air as if to speak, but stops himself when he realizes no words can make it past the pastry.
"A couples retreat," Jimin supplies, sounding much more cheery than he had when he was pouring soju. "We needed a break from the real world to reconnect, and one of Jeongguk's coworkers recommended the resort on this island."
Yoongi smiles and sits forward, resting his elbows on the table and his chin on his hands. "And you found yourselves here."
Jeongguk swallows and takes a sip of soju, then nods. "The man working at the resort gave us a map and told us to venture through the forest to find a deserted beach. We had done so earlier in the day, but when we came back at night, everything seemed...different."
"Shifted," Yoongi says, and Jeongguk nods, feeling a hint of unease that quickly dissipates. "Yes, it does that."
Jeongguk's arms drop, wrists hitting the wooden table. "It...does that?"
Yoongi hums. "It was searching for me; recalibrating until it led you here."
Jeongguk's mouth forms the word what, but no sound comes out. After all, the woods did change around them. The path shifted and brought them straight to this house. It doesn't make any sense at all, but he knows that it is the truth, because there is no other way to explain them getting lost on such a short, easy-to-navigate route. 
"Why?" Jimin asks sweetly. 
A smirk tugs on Yoongi's lips as he cocks an eyebrow, glancing from Jimin to Jeongguk. "Perhaps the woods felt like you needed me."
Jeongguk's breath hitches. "N-need you?"
Yoongi hums. "I am an ancient being. A harbinger of desire. And tonight, if you let me, I can open your eyes to things you could never possibly experience in the human realm. Once I am finished with you, your bond with one another will be tighter than you could ever imagine."
Despite the urge to chuckle and dismiss what Yoongi is saying, there is an earnestness in his voice that Jeongguk trusts. Or, perhaps, he really is under a spell. 
"You've done something to us," Jeongguk manages to blurt, lilting at the end as if to beg a question.
"I have," Yoongi responds. "It's faint, and it doesn't fully take away your free will, but you are charmed to feel calm, and to not be afraid."
"I like it," Jimin says, and Jeongguk turns to find Jimin's cheeks rosy and his soju cup empty. 
Jeongguk faintly nods his head—a slow, shallow motion. He likes it, too. Despite wanting to feel upset about having his instincts dulled, he enjoys the lightness it brings him. 
"So," Jeongguk says, setting his half-eaten pie onto the plate before him. He picks up his soju and takes a sip, swallowing slowly enough to detect minute changes in the taste, as if it is adjusting itself to taste like every flavor Jeongguk likes most. "You're a god of desire. What does that mean, exactly?"
"It means I can shift objects and the environment inside this cabin into precise things which you desire," Yoongi says simply. He nibbles on his lower lip, adding, "Including myself."
"That's how you speak Korean," Jimin mutters, and Yoongi nods. 
"And that's why you look like...that," Jeongguk says. 
There is no doubt that Yoongi is the perfect blend of an ideal man for both Jimin and Jeongguk. His height and stature are similar to Jimin's, and he has an almost feminine beauty to him that draws Jeongguk. And he is muscular, with large hands and piercing eyes—traits Jeongguk has no doubt Jimin is fawning over. 
"Yes," Yoongi responds. "The desire from the two of you combined created—" Yoongi motions at himself with both hands moving from beside his head, to his hips, and back up. "—this."
"And you expect us to fuck you," Jeongguk responds as his eyes wander over Yoongi's form. 
Yoongi stands and places his palms down on the table, and although he is not that tall, Jeongguk feels small—towered over. "I don't expect anything. But you will fuck me. I can feel how badly you want it." Yoongi's eyes flit to Jimin as he adds, "Especially him."
"Can you shift into a werewolf?" Jimin blurts out, and Yoongi snickers as he says, "I can."
Jeongguk feels taken aback and turns to his boyfriend with his mouth agape. "A werewolf?"
Jimin simply shrugs, looking intoxicated and blissful. "I read a lot of fanfic, okay. I don't want to be scented and all that; not like a/b/o. I just want to hear him growl like a monster and feel the knot when he cums."
Stunned and speechless, and completely lost to any of what Jimin just said, Jeongguk stares at him in disbelief. Then, he snaps out of it and drinks back the rest of his soju, feeling resolute. "If you get a werewolf, then I want a vampire."
Jimin gasps and turns to Jeongguk with wide eyes. "Let him drink your blood!"
Perhaps Jeongguk should be embarrassed by the quickness at which arousal floods his senses and rushes to his cock from the thought of vampire Yoongi drinking his blood, but he feels at peace with his kink. Jeongguk looks up at Yoongi, whose upper cuspid teeth sharpen and elongate before his eyes, and he lets out a very horny sigh. Never has he wanted something so badly in his life. 
Yoongi turns his attention to Jimin and looks over him with his eyes, and—as if his gaze could physically touch someone—Jimin swoons and runs his hands through his dark brown hair. When Yoongi turns his attention back to Jeongguk, his eyes are shining bright red.
"You can't even begin to imagine how badly he wants to watch me fuck you," Yoongi says as he rounds the table, toward Jeongguk. 
Yoongi's clothing seems to have shifted into a ruffled satin shirt tucked into black trousers that are tight around the waist and ankles but loose around the legs. A stereotypical vampire costume, Jeongguk surmises, and he is thrilled with how the trousers hug Yoongi's hips and groin, accentuating a very impressive package. But, of course, it is, Jeongguk thinks, because Yoongi is built to the specifications that the two of them desire. 
Jeongguk turns to Jimin and is surprised by how blown out his pupils are—by how his mouth hangs open and he breathes heavily. Jeongguk knows this look; he can practically feel the lust coming from Jimin, himself. 
Slowly, Jimin saunters over, hips swishing teasingly. He wears a hoodie and sweatpants because that is what they decided would be appropriate attire for trudging to a beach at which they planned to skinny dip under the full moon, late at night. Still, beneath the bulky black cotton is a taut, muscular frame that brings Jeongguk to his knees, and as he watches Jimin sink down to the hardwood floor on his, Jeongguk breathes in a shaky inhale.
Jimin's small hands rub up Jeongguk's thighs, and his fingers tuck beneath the waistband of his matching black sweatpants, and Jimin slowly begins to tug the garment free. Jeongguk stares down into Jimin's eyes and feels affection burst and bloom in his chest, and all at once, he feels enveloped by love.
In a flash, Yoongi is in Jeongguk's immediate periphery, and suddenly, Yoongi's hands are on Jeongguk's shoulder and neck, drawing him close. Terror quakes through Jeongguk, and he flinches and attempts to step back, but Yoongi mutters, "Not so fast," and Jeongguk feels paralyzed. 
Before him, Jimin pulls Jeongguk's pants lower, past his cock, and lower, still, to his knees. Jeongguk attempts to open his hands—tries flexing his fingers—but aside from faint, minute movements, he is stuck in place.
"I have to allow you to feel a little fear if this vampire fantasy is to be believed," Yoongi rasps, lips dragging over Jeongguk's ear and sending a shiver down his spine. "I need your blood to pump quickly, so that when I feast, it will take no time at all to drain you bone-dry."
There is a part of Jeongguk that wants to scream and beg for mercy—demand a new fantasy. But the rest of him shivers with anticipation and need, dizzying him with adrenaline. Jimin's warm, wet tongue slides from the base of Jeongguk's cock, up to the tip, and a shiver quakes up Jeongguk's spine, forcing him to whimper. 
"Wh-why me?" Jeongguk asks desperately, playing the part of the distressed damsel. 
Plush lips engulf Jeongguk's cock at the same time Yoongi drags his nose across Jeongguk's neck, ghosting warm breath over his skin. Each word punctuates and becomes more insidious as Yoongi growls, "Because you smell...so...good."
Two sharp fangs pierce Jeongguk's neck, and he screams bloody murder. The pain is agonizing—beyond anything Jeongguk has ever felt before—hot and intense and persistent. Jeongguk's knees buckle, but he cannot fall while under Yoongi's spell, and instead hangs in the balance of paralysis while Yoongi continues to slowly sink his fangs deeper. 
In one swift movement, Jimin deepthroats Jeongguk's cock, and somehow the pleasure feels so elevated, Jeongguk wonders if his brain might snap and crumble to dust. Yoongi retracts his fangs and sucks at the wound while Jimin slurps Jeongguk's length loudly, and Jeongguk trembles—overwhelmed and dragged to hell from pleasure—as he cums down Jimin's throat with a desperate, broken groan.
"That fast?" Yoongi teases as his tongue flicks over the puncture wounds. Jeongguk shudders, and this time his knees do buckle, and he falls to the floor, caught haphazardly by Jimin, who smiles brightly with spit-slick lips. 
Jeongguk looks up at Yoongi, whose chin is covered in blood, then brings a hand quickly to his neck. Although the skin feels damp, the moisture doesn't feel thick like blood, and Jeongguk holds his hand in front of his face, shocked to find there is only saliva. When he looks back at Yoongi, the man is grinning and shifting—his limbs becoming longer, thicker, hairier. He is turning into a werewolf, just for Jimin. 
Jimin is on his feet quickly, backing away from where they sat. A feeling of horror surges through Jeongguk as Yoongi surges toward Jimin, and he scrambles to his feet, shedding his pants from around his ankles and pulling his sweater over his head in one swift movement as werewolf Yoongi traps Jimin. Jeongguk can barely make out the look on Jimin's face, but his eyes and posture say he is afraid.
"My, darling what big teeth I have," Yoongi growls—deep and ferocious, like a wild beast.
Jimin's voice cracks as he says, "All the b-better to eat me with," and Yoongi chuckles.
"That's right, little one."
All at once, Jimin is screaming at the top of his lungs while shreds of black fabric are flying in all directions. Jeongguk knows that this is all part of the game—that Jimin is in no real danger, but the sound of his voice sets off alarm bells, causing Jeongguk to hop up onto one of the chairs to get a better look. 
Jimin stands with what was once a sweatshirt and pants hanging in tatters from his neck and hips, and Yoongi spins Jimin around, shoving him into a corner that sticks out into the room, while crouching on his hands and knees behind him. Without a word, Yoongi takes Jimin's ass in his massive, hairy hands and spreads his cheeks wide, then licks a stripe over his hole. A loud, desperate moan falls from Jimin's lips, and he trembles as he leans into the edge of the wall. 
"Naughty boy isn't wearing any panties," Yoongi growls between lapping his tongue over Jimin's entrance. 
"Ahh—easy access," Jimin whimpers as Jeongguk watches Yoongi's long, beastly tongue plunge deep into Jimin's hole. 
Jeongguk crawls down from the chair slowly, wanting to be part of the action but still afraid of Yoongi in werewolf form, despite knowing the man is just trying to fulfill their fantasies. As he approaches, Yoongi morphs one hand from the monstrous, sharp-nailed hairy hands to one that looks just like his own. He removes his tongue and presses one long, knobby finger into Jimin's ass, and as Jimin's back bows and he lets out a delicious strangled sob, Jeongguk nearly melts to the floor.
"F-fuck," Jimin whimpers, "how did you—I didn't hear a lube bottle."
Yoongi sucks a dark hickey into Jimin's asscheek and lets the skin go with a pop. "I'm an ancient being, brought here to become anything you desire. You didn't think I wouldn't have self-lubricating fingers, did you?"
Jeongguk drops to his knees and crawls toward Jimin, who lets a hand slide from the wall, which he holds out to Jeongguk. "Here to suck my dick, Ggukie?" he asks in a deep, breathy tone.
"Of course I am, baby," Jeongguk mutters as he opens his mouth wide and lets Jimin shove two fingers down his throat, pressing on his tongue to make his muscles contract and his eyes water. 
Jimin pulls his spit-coated fingers from Jeongguks lips and adjusts against the wall just enough to stick his cock out and slap Jeongguk across the lips as he gets into position. Yoongi must be working magic on Jimin because he lets out another deep whine and his legs tremble.
"Open up, Ggukie," Jimin groans, and Jeongguk does as he's told, laying his tongue flat. 
Jimin's cock has a heady, salty taste from the precum that dribbles from its tip, and Jeongguk sucks it deep into his throat, swallowing around it with a moan. Jimin whimpers and gasps, rutting into Jeongguk's mouth, and Jeongguk adjusts to the desire to gag and breathes slowly through his nose. 
"Do you want to watch as I fuck your pretty boyfriend?" Yoongi asks with a deep growl. 
And Jeongguk does—he really does—but Jimin grips onto his hair tightly and shoves his cock so far into Jeongguk's throat that all he can do is focus on keeping a flow of oxygen in his lungs and blood. 
"Don't stop, Ggukie," Jimin whines, and Jeongguk does as he is told, relaxing his throat as best as he can—anything to be a good boy.
Fingers come into view on Jimin's hip—long, hair fingers with thick yellowed nails that dig into Jimin's soft skin—and Jimin throws his head back and moans loudly as his body begins to tremble against the wall. Jeongguk can't see what is happening with Jimin's cock lodged in his throat, but he can feel how Jimin quakes from being entered by the monster behind him. 
One thing Jeongguk knows is that Jimin will not last. Granted, Jimin likely won't cum in a heartbeat the way he did, but he tends to cum fast the first time, then take a while chasing his second high, which is usually quite euphoric. Jimin's hips have stilled completely, hand tight around Jeongguk's hair but more as a means to keep himself steady than to keep Jeongguk's mouth in place. 
"Your boyfriend is so tight, holy fuck," Yoongi growls.
Jeongguk curses Yoongi for being in tune with what he desires, because of course the humiliation of being told how good his boyfriend feels by the stranger whose cock is buried inside him is definitely making the blood rush to his erection. 
"Don't you wish it was you fucking him," Yoongi continues to tease. 
Jeongguk sucks in hard, pulling a deep, strangled moan from Jimin's throat, and then he pulls his head back, letting Jimin's cock slip from between his lips, covered in saliva that connects in streaks from the tip to Jeongguk's lips. 
"Nah," Jeongguk rasps, "I've fucked him plenty. He's all yours."
"Shut the fuck up," Jimin whines as he grips Jeongguk's hair harder and yanks him close, face colliding with his spit-slick length. This is another thing that gets them both going—playing indifference to make the other become mean. "Suck this fucking dick," Jimin groans, and Jeongguk allows him to grind his face against his cock.
"If you insist," Yoongi groans, and he must pull out, because Jimin's hips rock, following the movement. "I'll take him, then; I'll make him all...mine."
Jeongguk turns his face in time for Yoongi to rut into Jimin hard enough to slam his erection into Jeongguk's cheek. It stings a bit, but the scream that Jimin lets out more than makes up for the discomfort, and Jeongguk reaches for Jimin's thighs and attempts to hold them in place as Yoongi sets a rough pace fucking him. 
Jimin wails like a banshee, and Yoongi growls, low, deep sounds that make Jeongguk's heart pound. The lewd slap of skin against skin echoes through the room, along with loud squelches, making Jeongguk wish he could see how wet Yoongi has made them. 
"W-won't last long," Jimin sobs between moans, and Jeongguk sits high on his knees and takes Jimin's length in one hand, slowly stroking from base to tip and making Jimin moan even louder—soft whimpers punctuated with moans that edge on screams.
"Let me know when you want my knot, little one," Yoongi growls.
Jeongguk wishes he were the one getting knotted—whatever the fuck that even means—but he has something else in mind, and he cannot wait for Jimin to cum so they can chase their next high together. 
"Please," Jimin whimpers, tugging on Jeongguk's hair. "Please, Ggukie."
Although Jeongguk would like nothing more than to taste the precum that leaks from his boyfriend's pretty dick, he knows that the second his lips are around it, it's over, and he wants Jimin to savor the feeling of being fucked into the wall by a werewolf a little while longer. Yoongi's hips are brutal, but he has both hands holding Jimin in place, making it easier for Jeongguk to eventually suck his dick without risking a broken nose. 
"C-close," Jimin whimpers as his cock slaps against his tummy, creating a sticky patch below his belly button. 
"How close, baby?" Jeongguk asks as he leans forward and nudges Jimin's cock with his nose.
Jimin whimpers and lets his forehead fall into the edge of the wall, which tells Jeongguk everything he needs to know. Jimin is overcome with lust but not so much that he is ready to beg. Jeongguk continues to nuzzle his nose against Jimin's length, letting out deep breaths against his skin, listening as Jimin's whines become pitchier and more broken—more desperate. 
"Please," Jimin finally whimpers. "Please, please."
Jeongguk licks from base to tip and smiles as he feels pleasure quake through Jimin, who continues to whimper desperate pleas, gripping Jeongguk's hair tightly in his fist while his forehead rubs against the wall. 
Yoongi slows his thrusts, and Jeongguk takes the opportunity to sit higher on his knees and suck Jimin into his throat nice and slow, pulling deep moans from him. 
"Please, please," Jimin continues to sob, over and over like a prayer.
"Does little one wish to cum?" Yoongi growls.
Jimin continues to beg—a record stuck on repeat—and Jeongguk bobs his head and sucks his cheeks in tight. Jimin quakes, voice broken, with moans coming out in pitchy sobs. Jeongguk wonders if Yoongi is knotting—or whatever the fuck Jimin said—and if it’s overwhelming. 
“Fu—aaah!” Jimin sobs as he tugs Jeongguk’s hair and cum bursts down his throat. Jeongguk gags at first, not prepared for the onslaught of rope after rope of viscous liquid hitting his tongue and the roof of his mouth, cock poking him deep enough to tickle. 
Jimin's body seems to stiffen, then he screams, “Oh fuck!” as his limb flail frantically. “It’s too much! I can’t take it, oh god, it hurts!”
Jeongguk swallows Jimin's cum and releases his cock as he looks up in surprise, assessing the situation and finding everything to look normal. He wonders if whatever is happening could have to do with Yoongi's cock, but Yoongi's hands open, fingers letting up on Jimin's hips, and Jimin sighs with relief.
"I wasn't really ripping your skin open, baby," Yoongi groans into Jimin's neck. "It's okay, you're safe." Jimin's moans become much more steady, and his eyes roll back. “What do you need, little one? No knot, or a new form?”
Jimin may as well be speaking tongues; nothing comes out that is remotely coherent. Jeongguk wonders if Yoongi’s monster cock has, in fact, expanded inside Jimin, and he rasps, voice wrecked from his throat being fucked, “He gets too sensitive after he cums; might need to stop for a bit. What about a snake-human hybrid?”
With a pleased grown, Jimin nods, cheek smooshed against the wall as he mutters, “Wrap me in a tight hug, Yoonie.”
“Anything for you, little one," Yoongi groans as his form begins to shift, hair disappearing from his skin and becoming more human-like, despite the hint of scales that begin to cover him.
Yoongi's legs become a thick tail, which wraps around Jimin's legs, lifting him away from the wall and turning him so that his body is against Yoongi's in a protective hug. 
"You too, darling," Yoongi says as his tail wraps around Jeongguk and pulls him close. 
The scale of the cabin has shifted, and Yoongi and Jimin loom tall over Jeongguk as they move into the center of the space, which is clear of all furnishings but a large mattress, that is covered in pillows and blankets. 
The feeling of Yoongi's undulating body and smooth scales is so unlike anything Jeongguk has ever felt, and he struggles to fully comprehend it, watching with wide eyes as the tail ensnares him. They settle on the mattress with Yoongi's upper half leaning against the wall and Jimin cradled against his chest, and they stay a while, silent as the warmth radiating from Yoongi's gentle but firm hold soothes them.
For a split moment, Jeongguk wonders if Yoongi is actually just some weirdo in the woods who has drugged them, and this is nothing but a strange trip. But, then again, that would not explain how they came to find this shapeshifting cabin in the first place. Somehow, the only explanation that makes sense is that Yoongi truly is some deity with otherworldly powers.
"How are you feeling, little one?" Yoongi asks as he nuzzles his gorgeous, snake-like face into Jimin's neck.
"Good," Jimin groans, and Jeongguk can hear the smile on his voice.
"Why don't you lay down and catch your breath while I fuck your pretty boyfriend, hmm?"
Jimin turns and looks down at Jeongguk with a soft smile, then nods and says, "Okay."
Jeongguk's body is shifted into place as Yoongi moves to bend and lay Jimin down on the bed. He can feel himself get coiled down Yoongi's tail, toward the tip of it. Then, he is lifted and held in the air, with his arms pinned to his sides and his feet sticking out from the bottom of Yoongi's tight grasp. 
"You're s-so pretty, I could s-s-s-swallow you whole," Yoongi hisses as he pulls Jeongguk close. Jeongguk feels his breath hitch and, suddenly, he wants nothing more. 
"Don't tease me," Jeongguk whines, jutting out his lip into a pout. 
Yoongi grins, his slit pupils turning into large disks against bright green irises, which sends a chill down Jeongguk's back. A flick of Yoongi's long, forked tongue has Jeongguk's heart pounding and his mind wandering, and he wonders if Yoongi meant it. He wonders if he will have to beg. 
Slowly, Yoongi lifts Jeongguk into the air, up above his head, then angles Jeongguk's feet toward his mouth as he flicks his tongue out to tickle the bottoms of his feet. Jeongguk flexes his toes and attempts to kick away, but Yoongi's hold is so tight, all he can do is whimper and giggle. 
"Please," Jeongguk whines. 
"Pleas-s-se, what?"
Jeongguk closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and says, "Swallow me whole."
"Oh my god," Jimin groans from the bed, "you can't say shit about me wanting werewolf dick now that I know you're into vore!"
Jeongguk groans. Vore is not something he is into; he has literally never even considered the possibility until this very moment. But, of course, Jimin will never let him live it down. 
"I'm not—it's not something I'm into, I just—leave me alone."
Jimin giggles—the light but maniacal laugh that indicates that he is up to no good, and Jeongguk does his best to relax, eyes still squeezed close as he hovers over his captor. Yoongi's tail slithers over Jeongguk's body until more of his legs are sticking out, and Yoongi's tongue travels over Jeongguk's feet and ankles, leaving moist spots of spit behind. 
"Open your eyes-s-s," Yoongi hisses. "I want you to watch while I eat you."
Jeongguk swallows a lump of nervousness as he slowly opens his eyes and angles his head to peer down at Yoongi. Even as a monster who is threatening to literally swallow him whole, Yoongi is the prettiest being Jeongguk has ever seen, and he feels himself relax and accept his fate.
Despite watching nature documentaries and knowing how snake mouths work, Jeongguk is still shocked when Yoongi opens his mouth, stretching his jaw far and wide enough to fit Jeongguk's entire body. Two large fangs stick out from Yoongi's top gums, glistening and sharp, and Jeongguk decides that—here and now—this is by far the strangest erection he has ever gotten. 
Jeongguk's toes are the first to make it into Yoongi's mouth—warm, wet and soft—and Yoongi pauses and cocks an eyebrow to Jeongguk as if to ask if this is still something he wants to do. Jeongguk nods his head despite the inkling of fear he feels. He wonders if, once again, Yoongi has lowered his spell in order to make the experience feel real. 
With each inch of Jeongguk's body that enters Yoongi's mouth, his tail slithers away, coiling and rippling against Jeongguk's skin. Once he is up to his thighs, Yoongi stops swallowing to flick his tongue out at Jeongguk's cock, sending a wave of pleasure coursing through him.
"Oh, fuck," Jeongguk whimpers as the flicks become slow, precise laves, up and down from base to tip, teasing the slit to gather the precum that dribbles out. It feels amazing, but it's not enough, and Jeongguk groans and whines from the tease. 
Somewhere, in the recesses of Jeongguk's mind, a tiny voice tells him that he will soon be dying—that this is the last thing he is ever going to experience. The faint ringing of alarm bells tells Jeongguk he should be panicking—that he should be screaming and begging for Yoongi to stop. But he feels relaxed and serene as the teasing ends, and Yoongi begins to slowly ease him into his throat. 
"Is this s-s-still something you want, pretty?" Jeongguk hears Yoongi ask, possibly inside his head, or perhaps echoing around the entire cabin.
"Yes," Jeongguk whimpers softly. "Please."
Jeongguk is eased down, to his pecs, and down further, to his shoulders. With his head sticking out and his arms pinned to his sides, Yoongi's tail falls away, and Jeongguk gazes out of the monster's mouth to his boyfriend, who lays propped on his elbows, cock resting half-hard against his tummy, and eyes wide and round.
With one more swallow, all the world does dark, and Jeongguk holds his breath on instinct as he sinks down, down, down. 
The light that comes in from Yoongi's open mouth allows Jeongguk to see the tan lining of his trachea. Jeongguk tries to breathe through his nose, and upon finding out that he can, lets out a shaky exhale. A battle rages inside Jeongguk—every nerve attempting to convince him that he is both safe from harm and in imminent danger. 
Yoongi swallows once more, sending Jeongguk further into his body, and the slide of his esophageal lining rubs against Jeongguk's cock, punching a loud moan from him as pleasure bursts. He wants to touch himself so badly—wants to chase another high and this time enjoy it for more than a few minutes—but he is stuck in position in the narrow passageway.
And now that Jeongguk is here, he realizes he has not considered a savory way out. Does he travel all the way through and get shat out, or will Yoongi vomit him up—back the way he came?
"S-s-so delicious-s," Yoongi's voice calls to Jeongguk. "What would my pretty dinner like, now?"
"Snakes have two dicks, right?" Jeongguk mutters.
Yoongi hums a sound that sounds like an agreement.
"Fuck us both," Jeongguk suggests. "A-after getting me out of here, of course."
"Do you want to come out now?" Yoongi asks. "Or would you like to feel the crushing weight of death a little more?"
"Crush me," Jeongguk responds without giving it any thought.
"S-s-slap me when you want to come out," Yoongi hisses, voice echoing around the chamber, which begins undulating up and down, sinking Jeongguk further into the tight squeeze. 
The walls of the snake's tract are wet with a texture that Jeongguk can only compare to the inside of his boyfriend's ass when he's fingering him open. Blood rushes to Jeongguk's cock, which twitches as a reminder that he is, in fact, a little freak who gets hard from the thought of being swallowed whole. Perhaps, he thinks, he would feel embarrassed if it didn't turn him on so fucking much. Or, if Yoongi weren't so non-judgmental and accommodating.
As he slides further into the belly of the beast, everything becomes too dark to see, but Jeongguk keeps his eyes open, eager not to miss something if it does come into view. His shoulders begin to ache as the walls of the snake's insides squeeze him. Somehow, still, his hands have room to move, down by his hips. Yoongi really is the master of illusion and comfort. 
The air begins to feel difficult to breathe in adequately—or, perhaps the constant pressure on his shoulders is making him panic. Jeongguk's hands flex and begin to feel around, rubbing against the slick walls that close in on him. He whimpers against his will and squeezes his eyes shut, despite finding the same darkness behind his lids. 
A rumble comes from above, much like a groan or a growl, and Jeongguk panics, sucking in his breath quickly, feeling as if his lungs might burst at any moment. He spreads his hands open and squeezes them shut, considering whether to tap out. 
But rather than trying to break free, Jeongguk first rolls his hips forward, rubbing his cock against the warm, moist, flesh. Another groan echoes around him, and Jeongguk ruts a little harder in the confined space. He wonders if Yoongi likes how it feels or if he is just playing with his food. 
Jeongguk lets his head roll back as he continues to slowly thrust against the fleshy tissues surrounding him. It feels good—far better than he imagined it might, and despite the sinking feeling that he is only sliding deeper and deeper into the never-ending beast, he continues to lazily masturbate. 
“S-s-so naughty, using me for your pleas-s-sure,” Yoongi’s voice teases. 
“Feels good,” Jeongguk groans. 
The flesh around Jeongguk quakes, vibrating against him so perfectly, and it punches a moan from inside him. But it is still not enough, and he is beginning to worry that he is leaving Jimin alone for too long. Luckily, Yoongi decides to begin squeezing and swallowing him harder and further, and the arousal is quickly replaced with panic as the flesh begins to close in around his chest and neck.
At first, Jeongguk cannot adequately move his hand, and he panics, intaking a sharp breath that feels too weak to fill his lungs. Then, he does his best to flail his arms, missing several times until finally, the flesh pulsates out and away just far enough that Jeongguk can slap the back of his hand against Yoongi's insides.
"Please!" Jeongguk croaks as his chest begins to ache from a lack of sufficient air. "Yoongi, please!" 
In a flash, light floods through Jeongguk's eyelids, and he inhales deeply, gasping loudly as the sting of oxygen works its way into his blood. He opens his eyes to find Jimin laying on his side, propped up on one elbow with his head resting in his hand and a devious grin on his face.
"Did you cum inside the snake?" Jimin asks with a hint of tease.
"No," Jeongguk rasps, throat still sore from being fucked, and even sorer from near-suffocation. 
"Ah," Jimin says, glancing down at Jeongguk's crotch. "I guess not, since your dick is still rock hard."
Jeongguk glances down to find his erection pressed against his stomach. He also notices that the tail of the snake-hybrid Yoongi is still around him, tensing and relaxing in a loose coil that circles his form. He sits on his hip with his legs bent beneath him and his arms anchoring him against the large mattress. As soon as he seems aware of his surroundings, the tail begins to tighten around him, and he turns to find the beast looming over him. 
Yoongi bends at the torso, which is human-like and pale, covered in scales that are fainter on his belly, chest and throat but darker with hints of green on his sides and arms, and along his neck and cheeks. His tongue pokes out and flicks toward Jeongguk as he bends and gazes at him with wide, bright green eyes. 
"Did my pretty dinner like the crus-s-shing feeling of being s-s-swallowed whole?" Yoongi hisses brightly, lips curving into a smirk.
"I did," Jeongguk admits. 
"You were s-s-so delicious, but there is more I want to tas-s-ste."
"Oh?" Jeongguk asks, feeling his pulse quicken. 
Without further preamble, Yoongi's tail shifts Jeongguk around, lifting him and turning him. He stumbles forward on his hands and knees, and before he can correct himself, the long, forked tongue flicks against Jeongguk's asshole, sending a burst of pleasure through him.
Jeongguk whimpers as he falls forward more, arms trembling beneath him as Yoongi continues to tongue at his hole. The quickness of the movements is little more than a tease, but the feeling is unfamiliar enough that Jeongguk keeps himself presented for more. 
Small hands push Jeongguk's hair back and lift his head, and he gasps as Jimin's beautiful face comes into view. He wears a mischievous look, and opens his mouth to speak, but Jeongguk feels suddenly so overcome with emotion, that he raises a hand to gently take Jimin by the head and pull him close. 
"Baby," Jeongguk mutters, "kiss me."
Whatever words were coming from between Jimin's perfect lips die there as Jimin leans forward and grins, giving Jeongguk access to suck and lick and moan against him. Jimin tastes like heaven—faintly sweet and perfectly like him, and Jeongguk cannot remember the last time they kissed. Maybe while they were on the beach earlier—the first time, when they made it there and back without the woods shifting around them. But certainly not during their last trudge out. And certainly not with so much passion, for quite a while.
Instead, Jeongguk has been grumpy and impatient, letting himself easily become upset with Jimin. Sweet, kind, beautiful Jimin, who never does anything but patiently allow Jeongguk to cool down and gather his thoughts. Jeongguk feels like an asshole as he pulls Jimin closer and licks against his tongue with a little more hunger. 
Yoongi's snake tongue presses inside Jeongguk, long and eager and becoming something much thicker—something that gives Jeongguk's rim a bit of a stretch. Jeongguk breaks from the kiss and moans as Yoongi tongue-fucks him. 
"You like that, baby?" Jimin asks as he nips and sucks at Jeongguk's bottom lip. "Does Yoongi make you feel good?"
Jeongguk nods in short, languid movements as Yoongi's tongue seems to expand inside him, leaking saliva—or whatever Yoongi has secreting from it—down his balls to drip on the many layers of snake tail that coil around him. 
"F-fuck us, please," Jeongguk whimpers, knowing damn well he is not stretched far enough to take a cock. 
"S-s-so impatient," Yoongi teases, voice sounding far too clear for his tongue to be working Jeongguk open—Jeongguk has to remind himself that Yoongi is, in fact, not human.
"Please," Jeongguk begs as Jimin's lips travel down his chin, to his throat and neck. "Please fuck me."
The tongue slowly pulls out of Jeongguk, and he whines, clenching around nothing and suddenly feeling so empty. The tail beneath him shifts and trails away, leaving him on his hands and knees in front of Jimin, and Jimin's lips leave ghosts of barely wet kiss marks along Jeongguk's neck, down to his clavicle, and back up. 
"Lay down beneath me, baby," Jeongguk mutters to Jimin, still in a daze from everything he has experienced. "He's a snake hybrid, so he has two dicks. I want him to fuck us both while I kiss you until your lips are swollen like raspberries."
Jimin hums, soft and sweet with a curious lilt, then repositions himself until his legs are between Jeongguk's arms and he is sliding himself beneath him. Jimin is so beautiful—angelic, almost—that Jeongguk cannot look away. How Jeongguk could ever lose his temper with someone so kind and perfect, he will never know. 
Two warm, large hands grab Jeongguk's hips and tug him back until he is in just the right position. Then slowly, gently, he feels the soft press of a blunt, lubricated cock against his ass. One of Yoongi's hands rubs up Jeongguk's back and down again, while the other gropes his ass and spreads him open. Beneath him, Jimin reaches up to gently pinch at his nipples, making Jeongguk shiver with anticipation. He can't help but wonder how he got so lucky. 
Yoongi presses forward just enough to breach Jeongguk's rim with the tip of his cock. From what he can tell, it feels human, and Jeongguk's mind attempts to wonder what snake dicks might look like before deciding it is probably horrifying, and he does not need to know. Luckily, the pain from the stretch is just present enough that Jeongguk could not, for the life of him, hold onto a fully formed, coherent thought if he tried. 
Jeongguk's head falls forward, and he leans down to nuzzle into Jimin's neck as Yoongi slowly pulls out and presses back in. Choked, broken sobs escape from between his lips with each movement, sending shockwaves of pain and pleasure through his body.
Jimin's voice is playful as he says, "You sound so pretty when he hurts you, Ggukie."
Jeongguk cannot respond—can only cry out as Yoongi presses forward again, this time much deeper than the last. His breath is hot and damp against Jimin's skin as he pants and whimpers, burying his face and resisting the urge to bite. 
"S-s-so fucking tight," Yoongi hisses as he slowly rolls his hips, dragging his cock along Jeongguk's tight walls, past each ring of muscle. "Am I hurting you, pretty human?"
Yes, Jeongguk thinks, you are. But everything feels so good, he cannot bring himself to admit it, instead moving his lips from Jimin's skin just enough to grit, "Don't stop," between his teeth. 
"Here, little one," Yoongi says, and Jimin moves his head to look at Yoongi, then reaches for something. 
Jeongguk feels as Jimin angles his hips upward, then settles, and he assumes that he just wedged a pillow beneath his ass. At this angle, their cocks are touching, and as Jeongguk begins to adjust to the stretch, his mind starts to wander to them rutting against each other while Yoongi fucks them in tandem. 
"Can you lift your legs, little one?" Yoongi asks, and Jimin hums while he wraps his legs around Jeongguk's hips and smiles brightly with wide, eager eyes. 
Yoongi adjusts behind them with one cock still inside Jeongguk, and then, as he presses forward, burying himself deeper, Jeongguk watches with delight as Jimin's face twists and contorts into pained pleasure that matches how he felt just moments ago.
"Oh, god," Jimin whimpers as his eyes squeeze shut, and Jeongguk leans forward to suck a mark against his neck, pulling even sweeter sounds from him as Yoongi's hips slowly roll to a languid but steady pace.
"Feel good, baby?" Jeongguk barely manages to ask, each syllable strained as Yoongi's cock completely intoxicates him.
Jimin hums and whines a breathy, "Uh-huh," as he grips the comforter below him tightly. 
"Hold me," Jeongguk commands, and Jimin opens his eyes and wraps his arms around Jeongguk, still appearing absolutely fucking gone but attempting to ground himself and adjust to the feeling. 
Jeongguk begins to push his hips back against Yoongi's thrusts and pull forward when Yoongi ruts back, fucking himself on Yoongi while frotting against Jimin's cock. Jimin's hips tremble and jolt with each thrust, and he whimpers and writhes beneath Jeongguk so perfectly.
"Fuck, you're amazing," Jeongguk groans as he rubs a hand over Jimin's pec and shoulder, giving his soft skin gentle squeezes. "You feel so good."
Jimin nods and whimpers, and attempts to pick his head up, muttering, "Wanna kiss you," but he appears too lost to pleasure to expend any energy. Yoongi's tail slithers beneath Jimin, lifting his head and torso, and Jimin throws his arms over Jeongguk's neck and pulls him close to slot their lips together. 
Yoongi's pace begins to quicken, but his thrusts don't slam, making it easy for Jeongguk to stay connected to Jimin's plush lips, which he sucks and kisses, just as he promised to. The feeling of being fucked while their cocks slided beside one another and Jimin holds him close with all limbs wrapped around him, is surreal, and Jeongguk feels his pleasure building quickly, threatening to devour him. He wants to cum—wants to feel Jimin cum with him—but he worries that once he does, he might not have anything left in him. He doesn't want this experience to end.
As Jeongguk nibbles and sucks on Jimin's lips, Jimin falls pliant beneath him, muttering nonsense while his grasp on Jeongguk's neck begins to loosen and fall away. Jimin slips into subspace so easily, and ordinarily, Jeongguk has to watch for cues that he needs more or less to keep him floating without overwhelming him. He has the urge to make sure Yoongi knows this—that he can take care of Jimin just as well—but he remembers that Yoongi already knows what they desire, so he tries to let go, too. 
The pace of Yoongi's thrusts slow—languid and deep—and Jeongguk gently falls forward against Jimin, burying his face in his neck to suck and kiss while he, too, begins to float off into the clouds. Jeongguk is always too hesitant to let go and experience what Jimin does—always afraid of sub-drop, never wanting to be someone else's to take care of and worry about. He wants to feel it, and, as everything becomes foggy and far away while also being intense and so close he feels enveloped by the thick, damp air, he reminds himself that Yoongi did not harm him while swallowing him alive, and he will not harm him now.
Jeongguk has no idea how long it takes before he cums, but suddenly, Jimin is whimpering and shouting beneath him, and he is pulled back to reality—if he can call whatever is happening in this cabin real at all—just in time to feel the slick of Jimin's release against his cock, making the slide of their lengths together push Jeongguk over the edge. He kisses along Jimin's neck and shoulder, head too heavy to pick up and chase after his lips, muttering nonsense about love and forever and perfect while his cock pulsates with an insane amount of cum. 
"Want you to cum too," Jimin moans with his head fallen to the side and a hand lazily reaching for Yoongi, against Jeongguk's side.
"Please," Jeongguk adds, suddenly desperate to feel Yoongi fill him. "Please, I want you to cum in me, too."
An arm wraps around Jeongguk's shoulder and pulls him up, onto his knees, and Jeongguk trembles and moans as Yoongi's cock is buried deeper, and moans again when Yoongi's face nuzzles against his. 
"You want me to fill you up, pretty one?" Yoongi groans, and Jeongguk feels every inch of his skin prickle with goosebumps. 
Yoongi picks up his pace, fucking Jeongguk hard and fast while reaching past Jeongguk to grope at Jimin's chest and gently squeeze his neck. Jimin writhes and moans, eyes glazed over and far away with a smile tugging on his lips, and Jeongguk wants to taste those lips so badly, but Yoongi's grip on him is firm.
Fucking a deity that is built to know what you desire feels like a dangerous game, Jeongguk thinks, as Yoongi's hand palms at his nipple and he begins to moan loudly in his ear. Another hand tugs at his hair, and one gently squeezes his throat, and Jeongguk tries not to dwell on what this multi-armed beast must look like behind him, closing his eyes to fully embrace each sensation. 
When Yoongi finally does cum, Jeongguk's cock is already hard again. He has no idea how such a thing could be possible—has no clue if he could possibly reach another orgasm. As Yoongi thrusts slow and deep and trembles while his release fills Jeongguk, he cannot possibly fathom another form Yoongi could possibly take that would top what just happened. 
Jimin must be able to visualize another form, however, because slowly, the arms that wrap around them and the tail that holds Jimin up, begin to shift. Deep purple tentacles slowly take solid form and coil around both Jimin and Jeongguk's bodies and limbs and lift them until they are hovering above the bed, in upright positions, facing one another. 
"You imagined a tentacle monster?" Jeongguk teases, watching the dopey smile on Jimin's lips upturn.
"You like creatures with fangs too much," Jimin mutters in response, making Jeongguk chuckle and say, "I suppose you're right."
Yoongi comes into view beside the two of them, hovering nude, in his human form, with his cock hard and heavy against his tummy and his tentacles pale at the base and becoming a deep purple toward the ends. Tentacles continue to slowly fuck Jimin and Jeongguk, but the feeling of the appendages cradling and slithering like snake tails is so mesmerizing, Jeongguk cannot quite focus on his own pleasure. 
"My pretty, perfect boys," Yoongi rasps, voice nearly human once more, though there is a supernatural echo to it that fills the room. "So good for me. Everything I could ever need."
Tentacles cradle Jeongguk and fuck him, slow and steady and so perfectly. Before him, Jimin is in the same position—head lolled back, and mouth agape as a tentacle fucks him while another slowly strokes his cock. He looks absolutely gone, blinking heavily as if at any moment, he might wake up to a different reality. Jeongguk's lids suddenly feel heavy, and he fears that he, too, might suddenly appear well-rested elsewhere. Yoongi tucks some hair behind his ear and gives him a genuine, sad smile. 
"You're so good for me," Yoongi repeats, rubbing Jeongguk's cheek gently. "Absolutely perfect."
Jeongguk feels the urge to nod off—body exhausted and fucked out and ready to retire. He fights the feeling and attempts to reach out to Yoongi, frowning when his heavy arms don't go too far.
"Please don't let me forget you," Jeongguk pleads, feeling himself succumb to the ensnaring desire to rest. "Please. I can't forget this."
"You've been so perfect for me," Yoongi mutters with sad eyes, as if stuck on repeat. "Thank you, baby."
"No matter what," Jeongguk insists as his eyelids droop and the world spins into darkness, "you can't make me forget."
"So good for me," Yoongi groans. "So, so perfect."
Jeongguk reaches out, but his hand grasps onto nothing. It's as if he's falling down, down, down into darkness until suddenly—
Jeongguk jolts awake, gasping for air as he sits up in bed. He doesn't get too far, held back by Jimin's arm, which is slung over his chest. A cursory glance shows Jeongguk that he is in his hotel room, in bed, nude with his boyfriend. At the tip of his tongue are words left unspoken, but for the life of him, he cannot remember what they are, nor can he remember who they are for. 
Jimin holds Jeongguk tight and grumbles, pulling on him as if beckoning him to return to sleep, and Jeongguk allows himself to be pulled into Jimin and nuzzles against his head, breathing in his slightly floral scent as he returns to sleep. Whatever it is Jeongguk dreamt of, he hopes he might return to it.
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With a huff, Jeongguk allows Jimin to take him by the hand and lead him back through the woods. They have been traversing the area for a while now, going off-path rather than returning to the resort, despite how late in the evening it is becoming. Jimin drags him along, and Jeongguk feels amused by Jimin's excitement with nowhere else to be—patient and serene, as long as he is with the man he loves. 
Somewhere, in the back of his mind, Jeongguk feels a longing that nags at him. A nostalgia that the trees seem to encourage despite providing no answers. Jeongguk thinks perhaps this is the place they visited in his dreams. He considers telling Jimin, but wonders if some things are better left unsaid.
With the resort just past the clearing to the right, Jimin stops abruptly and turns to the left. He squeezes Jeongguk's hand tightly, and in that moment, Jeongguk remembers bits of the dream he had. He remembers warm apple pie and sharp fangs and everything beyond his wildest imagination.
"Do you miss him too?" Jimin asks, and Jeongguk's breath hitches.
Him. Dark, wild hair, pale, pretty skin, and a deep, raspy voice. Fangs and nails and scales and of course Jeongguk misses him. Suddenly, every moment spent with him is clear as day, as if Jeongguk had never left and his entire body aches for him. Suddenly, Jeongguk remembers the way he felt in the man's hold, alive for the first time in years, and in love again with the most beautiful man in the world.
"Yeah," is all Jeongguk can bring himself to say as he stares ahead at the clearing that should be a cabin. He misses him too—aching and deep, more than he has ever missed someone before. It is as if he can still feel the ghost of him on his skin, and although he is so grateful to have Jimin by his side, there is a nostalgia he fears will never leave him. "Yeah, I miss him, too."
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tag list: @codeinebelle @dasexydevitt13  @giriiboyy  @moonleeai  @m1sss1mp  @spookyminyunki
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The Ghost of You On My Skin is copyright 2022-2023 theharrowing, all rights reserved.
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okay i can't stop about this movie. I need to talk about Gwen.
Spoilers under cut.
Okay. Gwen's story was so fucking heartbreaking. i can't get over it. There more i think about it the worse it gets.
(It's great. I love it. I love her. It's very much ouch in the feelings department.)
Like. She fucked up real bad, she did, but her story is so tragic and it makes so much sense for her to react like she did. Lost her best friend, watched him die in an attempt to be like her because of injuries she was parly at fault for (what a fucking nightmare of it's own) watched her own father try to catch spider-women for his murder, like that gotta fuck with you so bad. And then? Finally she made a friend again. And then this friend is across another fucking dimension. And more fucked up shit starts to happen. Her own father, that we get showed how much he means to her, how he was her light and pulled her out of her spiralling, he was ready to call her in. She told him who she was and he decided on calling her in. It broke him, that much was clear but she pleaded with him and he just. Called her in. Like. Her last resort, her last island proved to her that he couldn't be safe for her. (fuck the scene broke my heart)
And then more and more happens and she doesn't even can go home anymore because the worst thing that all Spiderpeople fear happened to her - her identity got leaked (or so she thinks). There's a reason why she was so ready to abandon her own world and flee. There was, in that moment, nothing left for her. She's a teenager, a wanted criminal.
(the whole sending her back was super hard to watch, back to a world that had not a single thread of safety for her anymore. Where she couldn't escape, neither in her hero nor her civilian persona. Nightmare)
She appearntly found a refuge with Hobie that took her under his wing (Hobie is the best, whole different thing) and then.
Then she's getting told she has to let her father die??? And has to let the one friend she really made, she really trusted, she had to let him suffer because otherwise the multiverse would explode? Wasn't allowed to tell him anything? She has to betray him? Like. Every new thing about her story just makes it more tragic. She doesn't have the room for failure anymore and yeah. I think what Miles did to save the Captain was right. But for how desperate Gwen was? That was her new reality. Canon events. She needed to let them happen. That was what she was told, what her safety and her new life depended on. Those were the rules, there was no way around it. What everyone around her, the Spiderpeople that were the only ones around her, believed.
(Again. Hobie. Different story. Have i mentioned that i love him?)
(Fuck the talk with her father? Where she directly said 'you thaught to do things by the book'? It made so much more sense for me why she was so ready to follow those new rules. Because that's what she thought was the way to make it right. And her father then telling her 'I quit'? Essentially telling her 'don't mind those rules'? ugh.)
She's trying so hard and it does something to me to watch her struggle so desperately with everything. She's torn between what she needs to do with no idea what right or wrong even is anymore, and it was so plain how desperate she was to prove herself. How confident she was infront of Miles, how different she was with the elder spiderfolks just a minute later, how much she hides herself behind the mask (hehe get it? Sorry). The way it cracked when she thought Miles had gotten himself killed? My girl abandoned all pretenses, you can hear the panic in her voice.
Like. Among all of the main spiderpeople we interact with? She's also just a kid. With no one in her corner (I'm not starting about Hobie, bc i won't stop lol, that's his own post), she can't even go home. The new people she has, their love is in a way very much conditional.
And yeah i think that if she'd really talked to her friends, talked to Miles about what was going on, much could've been better. But then - what in her life would've told her that to be a good idea? Every experience so far had taught her the exact opposite.
So her last scene there? Where she finally admitted that she did have people in her corner, that there were folks that would help her, when she realized what her arc the whole movie was about?
'I always wanted to join a band. I created my own.'
That was so satisfying.
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I feel like info dumping about my MCD OC and her family lore etc
Quick pronunciations: Eserty (es-er-it) Yrva (ear-vuh) Björn (byorn or byern) Aerdna (air-d-nuh) Lihcem (lie-chem) Zerimar (zair-i-mar)
Ok so her FULL name is Eseryt Yrva Björndotter of Barton. She is the long lost bio sister of Cadenza. They were separated when Zerimar was attacked, and they stayed that way for 13 years, until Eseryt was guided by the sentient forest to Phoenix Drop. Eseryt is a siren (though she doesn’t know until later) who’s name means ‘to perceive.’ She is able to read people like a book, but is practically impossible to read herself. If you manage to get a good read on her, it’s either because she let you or because its how she wants you to see her.
Cadenza’s full name started as Cadenza Yrva, but became Cadenza Yrva Zvahl when she was adopted by Jo and Hayden. Cadenza is a siren who’s name means ‘beautiful voice’. Her given magicks is an advanced version of her siren abilities. Not only is her voice literally beautiful, but she also has a way of making other do as she says, without needing to sing.
Their parent’s names were Aerdna and Lihcem Yrva, mother and father respectively.
Aerdna was a siren who’s given magicks was her beauty (I know how original, she didn’t pick it), and she was a teacher and nurse. She was a kind and loving person, though sensitive and self sacrificing.
Lihcem was Second in Command Guard of Zerimar, who’s name meant power. His given magicks was his great strength: physical, mental, and emotional. He was a strong and smart man, but selfish and arrogant.
Björn is a turned werewolf who found Eseryt the night Zerimar was attacked, just after she’d lost Cadenza. He took her to Barton and adopted her as his own. He had just lost his wife and son, and had she not been there he might have lost himself. His wife Amelia, had always wanted a daughter. He felt like he was meant to protect her, that he’d found Eseryt for a reason. She was with him from ages 5-18, never allowed to leave Barton for her own safety. Björn tried to explain to her that the rest of the world wasn’t as peaceful and loving as Barton, but Eseryt felt pulled towards the forest and has the need to explore and wander.
One night she waited for him to fall asleep and left into the forest, where she was guided to Phoenix Drop and reunited with her sister. Es didn’t return for nearly 20 years, 15 of those years not being of her own choice, seeing as she was quite literally in another dimension. When she did return, she was different, Björn could tell. She was a shadow night, and in danger.
In my rewrite’s conclusion, the Island of the Phoenix Alliance becomes comprised, so Eseryt takes everyone to Barton for refuge. Shad eventually tracks them there and that’s where to final battle is: Just outside the village.
Now this is where it gets extra angsty and whumpy:
Travis, who is in love with Eseryt and vice versa, is injured pretty badly during the battle. Eseryt stops what she’s doing to get him to the village so he can be treated. After the battle is won, and Shad is killed once and for all, Es goes to see Travis. He’s barely conscious, mostly from blood loss. She steps outside to talk to Lucinda, who’s taken over his treatment as well as most of the other injured people. As she’s telling Es that he’ll be fine, Eseryt suddenly collapses. Absolutely no sign she was going to whatsoever. She’s freezing cold, more so than a shadow night should be. She goes to alert the others only to find them panicking because Laurance and Vylad have also suddenly collapsed, at the exact same time no less. Everything had been fine moments before, they were laughing and celebrating.
They’re all brought to the inn, the one that Björn runs. It’s determined that this is bc Shad is dead, and he was somehow keeping them alive. It’s hard to live with only half a soul, so they’re bodies shut down. When Travis is finally healed enough to be conscious, he asks for Es, and is informed by none other than Björn of what’s happened.
Oooookay that’s enough of that
I could talk about my OCs for literal hours but that’s not what you’re here for
I just had to let some out before I exploded… just like Aaron… hehe
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leafstem · 1 month
i know nothing about fallout or about your ocs so! i wanna hear about them please tell :]
:DD ok! most of it is heavily basd on the lore of the are in fallout but ill try explain
ill put it under a cut bc long
so heres the far harbor lore (spoilers for both the dlc and fallout 4 base game):
[pt: (spoilers for both the dlc and fallout 4 base game) ]
so its on the area called far harbor (fallout 4 dlc) where theres a few factions and a really heavy radioactive fog. theres the harbormen (town of the island residents considered 'normal') who are forced into a small town on the coast since most of the island is covered in fog. theyre not very accepting of outsiders and people considered different. then the fog. its considered to turn people 'strange' and 'crazy' from the radiation and maybe a supernatural/mythical element (at least in the beliefs of the residents). theres people who live in there who are considered 'crazy' and are cannibals. theyre called trappers and hunt and eat almost anything. no one likes them. (which. is reasonable). they live in ruins and camps in the wilderness and abandonded areas in the fog part of the island theres also acadia. its an old observatory that has been turned into a refuge for synths (robotic/articifial people created by evil science organisation called the institute to spy on people by replacing them. these guys are fighting for their freedom to not be slaves to the institute. almost everyone hates them because theyre a symbol of the istiture and are the ones replacing their loved ones.) these guys are running from the institute to not have their minds wiped and turned back into slaves basically. theyre hiding on the island and have neutral to bad relations with the town. they mostly stick to themselves. then theres the Children Of Atom (CoA). basically a cult around radiation. like actual cult not the joke version. they believe that radiation is sentient and they need to return to it. theyre isolated and go through strange rituals to prove they are a part of the religion/cult seriously. they try recruit the player when you first see them. town/harbormen hate them, think theyre crazy. they also kinda want to kill everyone for their religion to make 'atom' (radiation) happy and worship the fog of the island. oh and basic stuff: fallout is post apocalyptic after a nuclear war 2 centuries before the games. most things are dead. everything is still rebuilding (shacks made of rubble, very few towns/cities, mostly farms and small homes sparsely.) most animals that survived are horribly mutated and aggresive and dangerous. mutated humans that are basically zombies are called Ghouls. some havent lost sentience and are basically human minus appearance and immunity to radiation and aging. they are discriminated agaisnt a lot.
Now the OC (finally lmao):
so their name is Pine and theyre a hunter/fisher on the island and they live in the wilderness mostly. they are nonbinary (agender) and aroace. Theyre dad's side of the family who they live with past their toddler years are all trappers. their mum was a harbourman who ended up joining the cult CoA. they lived with the harbourmen untill they were a young child and ended up leaving to their dad after they were old enough to be taken care of by them. theyre considered an outcast by the town and they dont really like them but they still are allowed in and hang around there soemtimes. their dad and family cares about them and is as caring as a trapper can be. they live with cousins and uncles and their dad (cant remember if they had siblings (theres a family tree we made years ago somewhere but i cant be bothered getting up to find it now)
so they just keep going between their dad/family, the town, camping out on their own and visting their mum. the cult lets them in the area but they dont really like Pine (kinda like the harbour).
they end up meeting a synth around their age and getting into a QPR. the two then travel together.
oh yeah and pine has a pet rabbit that follows them around a bunch.
their appearance is short messy brown hair and tanned skin. they have a bunch of scars from fighting the wildlife and hunting. they also have heterochromia. their right eye is green and left is brown. usually they wear a beanie and jumper or t-shirt and overalls.
thats all i remember right now. might get up soon to find actual info/refernce sheets we made like 2/3 years ago
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annwrites · 2 months
I know I'm about to disappoint a number of people with this, but I'd rather just put it out there, instead of leaving my readers waiting for something I've now decided isn't going to happen.
I will not be doing the Aemond x SG (reader) happily-ever-after AU.
Reasons why under the cut:
I want to preface by saying I have started a draft of it, which I will be keeping saved on my Google Drive, incase I ever change my mind one day and/or find a way to edit it that will please me.
Now, for the reasons why I've chosen to abandon the one-shot:
There is no feasible way for me to write it which will keep canon events in-place, or keep SG & Aemond both in-character.
I initially wanted the HEA myself, but, at this point, I feel like if I published it, it would be solely for fan-service. Something I myself detest. I hated when GoT did it, & I've hated when HotD has done it.
SG would never be happy in any of the Free Cities, due to slavery. The only one she would ever find a modicum of contentment in would be Braavos—a place most unfit for a dragon to reside, due to most of it being under water.
And please don't suggest I send them to Sothoryos or Yi-To or Leng or something. Bc, just... No.
Aemond is not going to abandon Vhagar so they can go live on a floating island somewhere. Which leaves them with little other possibilities of where to relocate.
And, say I went with my one anon's idea of having them make a pact with the Price of Pentos like Daemon did (he gives them refuge in exchange for Vhagar's protection against the Triarchy). SG would be forced to make slaves answer to her & Aemond would live out his days doing naught. Riding Vhagar, taking long walks on the beach, etc. He'd feel, effectively, useless.
And once the Dance broke out? He'd be chomping at the fucking bit to return to Westeros to go to war. And for him to fight against SG's half of the family? It'd rip them apart.
If he stayed just to make her happy, he'd come to resent her, bc he would feel gelded. Having his dragon, his knowledge of battle-planning, skills with a sword all for nothing.
Say I make it so the Dance never happens. I'm just abandoning canon in such a major way that I don't feel comfortable with. Like. Aemond exists in ASoIaF bc of the Dance—not the other way around.
And I don't see their families not coming after them in some form. Whether that's Jace flying to Essos to try & retrieve his twin, or Aegon or Otto sending men after Aemond, they'd never live in peace. Not for the first few years there, at least.
And Aemond is just... Not a healthy match for her. I'm sorry. I myself have tried to change a toxic male partner & the shit cannot be done. He is obsessed with his niece. If she put a toe too far out of line, he would come to show his true colors & she would permanently live in fear of him for the rest of her days.
And that fear would only further embolden his efforts to keep her. He would see it as her not loving him as she's "meant" to, which, must, by extension, mean she may leave him. Time to batten down the hatches & ensure she has no place left to run.
The phrase "if I can't have you, no one can" comes to mind.
So, that brings me to what I may still eventually write: the tragic ending fic for the two of them.
The events of Sons & Daughters chapters 1-8 would be canon, as well as all of the outtakes, minus perhaps the Cregan pregnant sex one—I'd have to figure that one out. But it would start immediately after the Harrenhal outtake ended. It's why that chapter ended so abruptly: I was setting up for this potential fic.
Make NO mistake: this AU would NOT be canon. Chapter 9 is what is canon.
This fic would simply exist to explore a terribly dark "what if" version of my story. And it will include many triggering scenes. Posts will be tagged accordingly when/if the time comes.
Well, that's all I really had to say about this lol. Feel free to still send me your thoughts/commentary. I'd be surprised if a couple people didn't try to talk me back into the happy fic & out of the dark one, but I think my mind is pretty-well made up about it. Sorry!
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