#bc they weren’t goddesses at all
claudiaeparvier · 7 months
I have so many forspoken thoughts idek where to begin honestly
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jgracie · 6 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ do u think u could write a percy x daughter of psyche reader headcannons, maybe one where shes super emotional bc psyches the goddess of the soul and stuff 🤍🤍 ❞ — anon
in which percy dates a daughter of psyche
pairing percy jackson x psyche!reader
warnings none
on the radio . . . delicate (taylor swift)
“Y/N, can you help with something?” Piper said as she barged in your cabin
Being Psyche’s only child, you got pretty lonely watching everyone else interact with their siblings. Luckily, the Aphrodite cabin decided to ‘adopt’ you, seeing as you had your emotional intuition in common
That’s how you became good friends with Piper, and how you ended up in this position: being dragged out of the comfort of your cabin and all the way to the beach
Proudly presenting you to the boy you recognised to be Percy, son of Poseidon, Piper said, “Y/N's a daughter of Psyche, she can help!”
You looked at Piper, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “I can help with what?” 
Percy answered for her, “this hippocampus is in pain and won’t tell me anything. I inspected it for cuts or anything like that, but she looks fine!” You didn’t need to hear him to tell he was exhausted. His aura had spots of dark red signifying his tiredness
You gave Percy a smile, channelling all of calmness in yourself as you said, “it’ll be okay, I’ll take a look.” You were glad to see it work - the red spots lessening. Using your voice to influence people’s emotions was something you were still working with Piper on 
As soon as you got near the hippocampus, you knew what was up. Once you got it to relax, you told them, “she’s not hurt, she’s pregnant.”
After that day, you started hanging out with Percy more. Well, if you called ‘doing occasional checkups on Sweetie the hippocampus’ hanging out. 
The two of you, along with Will Solace from Apollo, guided the hippocampus through her pregnancy. You read her emotions and Will administered the necessary medical support
Percy was just there because he’s a child of Poseidon and the hippocampi really wanted their lord to be there, as they believed it’d bless the child
When Sweetie finally gave birth, you couldn’t help but be a little disappointed. You really enjoyed spending time with Percy, and now you didn’t have an excuse to
Could you just ask him to hang out? Sure, he’d probably agree. But you wouldn’t do that. Stuff like this is really delicate to you, and needs to be treated with utmost care
Luckily, he did the asking for you
“Y/N!” Percy yelled. It had been a day since Sweetie gave birth, what could Percy possibly need from you?
You turned, “is Sweetie okay?” Ever since that day at the beach, you’d grown really attached to the hippocampus, and would hate to hear that something had gone wong
Much to your relief, Percy said, “Sweetie’s fine, I just wanted to thank you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have even known she was pregnant. Do you wanna get ice cream with me later today? My treat.”
Your smile widened and warmth flooded your heart, “sure, Percy, I’d love that.”
The ice cream broke the ice between you and Percy, and soon enough you were laughing as if you’d been friends your whole lives. For someone who isn’t a child of Psyche or Aphrodite, Percy was pretty good with people
Your issue is that he’s too good. When he’d shoot you one of his handsome grins, or gently pull you into his chest as you’re about to bump into someone, or check you for scrapes after a game of capture the flag, you couldn’t help but fall in love 
However, he was so oblivious. Every time you read his aura, you were disappointed at the lack of pink in it. How could he still see you as a friend? 
Confused, you decided to consult the Aphrodite cabin
Another night, another sleepover at the Aphrodite cabin. From the perfume samples to the face masks, you loved it all
Clapping her hands, Piper sat on the floor next to you, completing the circle. Instantly, all of her siblings stopped talking, “we have something to discuss. Y/N, if you will.”
“So, I like Percy–” you heard squeals from all directions. Piper shushed them, “continue.”
“I like Percy, but I don’t think he likes me back. He does things for me - things that I associate with romance - but every time I read his aura, there’s nothing,” you sighed
The circle was silent as the Aphrodite kids thought of solutions to your issue. After a minute, a girl piped up, “have you done anything to show that you like him?” 
“Oh yeah, I gave him one of my chocolates yesterday.” Instantly, you felt judged, “I don’t do that for anyone,” you added
The girl next to you turned and placed her hands on your shoulders, “that’s the issue, Y/N. Sure, to you that's the epitome of romance, but it's a little too subtle for most people, babe. You’ve got to really show him you like him! If you do, then he’ll start thinking of you romantically, y’know?”
By the morning, you made your decision. You’d show Percy that you liked him
Meanwhile, Percy scarfed down yet another potion, grimacing at the taste
You see, Percy liked you too. But he was smart. He knew you’d be able to tell immediately if he liked you, since his aura would give his feelings away. So, what’d he do? He begged asked the Hecate cabin for a potion that’ll hide his aura
Considering you hadn’t said anything about it so far, he thought it worked
He felt bad lying to you, but he couldn’t have you knowing, not yet. Percy wanted to plan the perfect confession, and he couldn’t do that with your powers at play
With his aura concealed, Percy left his cabin. He was going to head to breakfast when he found you sitting at the steps of Cabin 3
"What’re you doing here?” Percy said, startling you. You were too nervous to knock on his door, so you opted to wait for him to leave his cabin instead
Taking a deep breath, you said, “Percy, there’s this movie I really wanted to see, and I was wondering if you wanted to see it… together?” You took his hand and looked down at your feet, too scared to check his aura
“Sure! Do you wanna come to mine or should I go to yours?” Percy replied, blushing. If this didn’t scream the fact that you liked him, he didn’t know what did
You looked up. His aura was the same - yellow, meaning friendship. You felt yourself tear up and ran, hoping he didn’t get suspicious
He did, of course. Percy chased after you until you got tired and he could finally catch up, “what’s wrong, Y/N?”
You snapped. You were getting sick of all of this, “I’ll tell you what’s wrong, Percy! I’ve been trying to figure you out for weeks! You always do romantic things for me but your aura’s still yellow, and it hurts, Percy, so I’d really appreciate it if you stopped leading me on!”
Percy felt like such an idiot. He explained that he did like you and the yellow aura was just because of the potion he got from the Hecate kids
Since you still had some doubts, he dragged you to the Hecate cabin and asked them to give him a potion that’d reverse the effects of the first one
As soon as he downed that one, his aura turned bright pink
True love
You started dating soon after. That night, you watched the romance movie you’d picked out and Percy held you as you cried about how cute the couple is
You can’t hide your emotions from Percy. Just because he can’t read auras, doesn’t mean he can’t tell when his favourite girl’s feeling down!
Whenever someone even thinks to tease you for being sensitive and emotional, Percy immediately gives them a lecture, telling them he’s sorry they don't have half your emotional complexity
He’s always asking you to read his aura, since he's very curious. It barely changes when he’s around you, almost always mostly pink 
You still tell him though and he gets this super proud look on his face and it’s really cute 
You’re really glad you have Percy because now you have someone to rant to about all the media you consume and how it makes you feel. Sometimes he spaces out because your voice is so soothing, but he makes up for it
You two are PDA central. Percy also has lots of feelings, so you always have to be touching in some way
You told him your mom's sacred animal is the butterfly once and now whenever he sees one he instantly thinks of you
“Oh my Gods Y/N is watching over me!” “Percy that’s a moth” 
Every day Percy thanks Piper and her mother for letting you guys cross paths, because your path and his are forever intertwined now
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thehighladywrites · 8 months
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⋆˙⟡ pairing: ex husband/baby daddy rhysand x fem reader
⋆˙⟡ summary: people who love each other will always find their way back. you and rhys divorced a few years ago, but you will always love each other
⋆˙⟡ warnings: 18+, mdni light angst, hurt to comfort, fluff, smut, violent behavior (not rhysand), misogyny, they’re in love your honor😔
⋆˙⟡ amara’s note: i’m a little iffy about this bc i feel like it could be better but i hope you love it. The smut isn’t really that smutty, it’s more fluffy. Please, let me know what you think; leave a comment😌💗 also english isn’t my first language so if something doesn’t make sense, ignore💀 ALSO LISTEN TO CEILINGS BY LIZZY WHEN YOU GET TO THE RUNNING SCENE PLS IT’S GONNA MAKE SO MUCH SENSE (i hope)
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Getting back into the dating scene after your divorce felt strange. Unbeknownst to you, you found yourself unconsciously comparing every man to Rhys, nitpicking on their behavior. Seated at a beautiful restaurant with a guy quite different from your usual choices, things seemed promising until he gave you some backhanded compliments.
“You say you're a doctor? You?” His words grated on your nerves, and you couldn't fathom why he was so shocked.
“Yes, I am. Is that surprising to you?” you retorted.
He chuckled nervously and shook his head. “No, no. I just pegged you for a nurse or something. You know, something more feminine.”
Your hopes deflated. Turns out, this guy wasn't different at all—he was just like every pompous and misogynistic man out there.
Keeping your cool, you fire back with a smirk,
“Is this coming from the person who just told me they bake for a living? I pegged your for a construction worker, you know, something more masculine.” With a smile you excuse yourself from the table, leaving him puzzled and perhaps questioning his outdated assumptions. Your departure left him to contemplate his lacking dinner date skills.
In the search for someone matching the love you'd known, you found yourself in a loop of comparing every date to Rhys. You shook your head, realizing you needed to stop this habit and maybe, just maybe, find happiness beyond those high standards.
With a dramatic exhale, you frowned, blaming Rhys for your lousy love life. After all, he had treated you like a goddess, setting extremely untouchable standards.
As if the mother herself had heard your wish, you finally met a somewhat decent man who wasn’t giving you any backhanded compliment or was making you feel uncomfortable. Although he was somewhat nice he was a little bland and not something you would typically go for. He was very nice with your daughters but could have a temper.
But beggars can’t be choosers right?
With utmost tenderness, you approached the conversation with your twin daughters, explaining the new man in your life. In soft words, you explained that mommy and daddy weren't together anymore, framing it as a journey of finding happiness even though you deep down weren’t feeling the happiness you portrayed. You emphasized the still-there love between you and their father, assuring them that sometimes people are just better off as friends.
Even though the news initially saddened them, your gentle touch in explaining the complexities of grown-up emotions, coupled with the warmth of your smile, melted their worries away. As they saw the happiness radiating from you, your daughters embraced the idea, understanding that your heart always carried love for them and their father.
Little did you know that your mischievous baby girls spilled the news to Rhysand, sharing every detail about the man you were seeing, your dates, and even telling him that you still loved Daddy. However, being the little dramatists they were, they exaggerated, making it seem like you were head over heels for him.
Despite almost three years of separation and the seemingly agreement to divorce, the twins' confession ignited a flame of jealousy in Rhysand. The mere thought of you going on dates and being entertained by other men stirred an irrational desire within him to claim you as his own. Witnessing other males treating you and touching you made him feel absolutely murderous.
He hates that you’re not together anymore, hates that you don’t wear your wedding ring even tho he wears his, he hates that he’s not by your side. But most of all he hates himself for ever letting your marriage break apart.
Rhys had attempted countless times to mend what was once whole, to win you back and rebuild what had crumbled. However, you always hesitantly turned him down, insisting that you couldn't put each other through that hurt again.
The fact that the girls spoke so highly of the man you were dating only fueled Rhysand's jealousy and he couldn’t help but roll his eyes dramatically. “Oh, he’s so nice, took us out for ice cream and we went to the theater,” they gushed. He couldn't shake the feeling that it should've been him – watching plays with you and your daughters, taking them out for ice cream together. The longing for the life he once had with you remained a persistent ache in his heart.
Of course he doesn’t let it go the next time you come around to drop off the girls
The joyful echoes of your daughters filled Rhysand's new and massive mansion, quickly greeting their father and saying goodbye before dashing inside, leaving you and Rhysand alone. Observing them run to the living room, playing with their new toys, you couldn't help but smile. With their father's violet eyes and dark hair, they were practically clones of Rhysand.
Caught in the moment, you looked up at Rhysand, finding his captivating eyes already fixed on you.
The intensity of his gaze almost made you forget the dinner plans with your boyfriend.
“I heard you were seeing someone,” he remarked, and you froze, feeling an unexpected twinge of embarrassment. It wasn't supposed to be a secret; you just weren't ready to share it yet. Trying to save face, you swallowed back any stutter and inquired,
“Who told you that?”
“My daughters told me all about him.”
That’s what you get for trusting 6 year olds. Your attempt at secrecy shattered, and you found yourself apologizing,
“Ah, sorry for not telling you about it; it's all very new, but the kids seem to like him. And I promise he wouldn’t be around them if i didn’t trust him.”
Rhysand's jaw ticked in frustration. Well, wasn't that just fucking great? Your daughters not only liked but loved the guy, and here you were, agreeing with them.
“So, you two hit it off. How marvelous.”
You sighed and looked away,
“Please, just don’t.”
Silence hung in the air as you both stood there, the weight of unspoken emotions filling the room. Breaking the silence, you sighed, signaling your readiness to leave your old house.
“Okay then, I'll be leaving now. I'll come pick them up later tonight. Thanks for watching them tonight, I know it was last minute. But, um, actually, can I pick them up tomorrow instead?” you asked, and Rhysand felt a flicker of suspicion, silently praying he was wrong.
“ I thought we agreed on tonight. Do you have other plans?” he inquired, hoping for a straightforward answer.
Your face flushed red as you considered explaining the evening's plans, but it felt wrong to share such details with Rhys. Opting for a lie, you hoped he wouldn't catch on.
“Oh, yeah, I've got some things I need to do at the hospital tonight. You know, just some reports on a few patients. Nothing major, but I might be a bit... worn out tonight, and that's why I need to pick them up tomorrow.”
The half-truth hung in the air, and Rhysand's suspicions lingered, creating a subtle tension in the farewell.
“So this has nothing to do with you going on a date with your little friend? Sorry, boyfriend.”
Before you could respond, Rhysand stepped closer, closing the gap until there was almost no room between you. You backed away slowly until your back hit the front door. His towering presence made you look up at him, a shiver running down your spine. Tilting his head, he approached your ear, and the soft words he spoke, combined with the warm breath on your skin, sent a wave of heat through your body.
“It should be us, love. Please come back to me,” he murmured, and your eyes fluttered shut, overwhelmed by the proximity. As his hands came around your waist, turning you around so your back rested against his sturdy chest, it became impossible to leave the embrace of his warmth. Deep down, a part of you didn't want to escape the intoxicating sense of his presence.
He pulls you even closer, wrapping his arms around your middle as his calm heartbeat pounds against your back, his words confessing a truth that breaks your heart twice.
Once, because the vision he paints sounds so ideal – the two of you getting back together, going on dates, playing with your daughters, being a whole family again. It's the life you had once dreamed of, the life you wanted with the man you spent centuries with, the father of your kids, your greatest love.
The second break comes with the painful reminder of why you found yourself in this mess in the first place. Rhysand had been too consumed by his work, constantly holed up in his office, neglecting the precious time with you and your daughters. Despite understanding the importance of his duties, you couldn't help feeling the sting of neglect. It reached a breaking point when your girls tearfully asked for their daddy every night, only to find he wasn't there.
Realizing the toll this dynamic took on your family's well-being, you made the difficult decision to part ways. Telling Rhys that you weren't good for each other at the moment, you emphasized the need for him to work on himself and find a balance between work and family.
As you gather the strength to move out of his grip, facing him becomes the hardest task.
Turning around to meet his gaze, his face reveals the devastation within. His once vibrant features now wear a sad and empty color. You utter words that add another layer to the heartbreak,
“Rhys, please, you know we can't. Someday but not now.”
His eyes gloss over as he whispers,
“Fate was not in our favor, my dear. But I swear on everything I have, I will do my best to earn you back.”
Tears well up as he kisses your forehead, whispering promises of finding a way back to you.
The weight of the unspoken goodbye lingers, and you walk away, hoping that time and healing would pave a path for the future you both yearned for.
Because you did want to be with him, you really fucking did, and you cried the whole way home. Rhys had given you the town house while he lived in the River estate. The tears flowed even more freely as you sat in your empty and silent house.
Each sob intensified as you went to your cold and empty bed, the very one that used to cradle him in – your husband, your heart. The ache of the empty space beside you was a painful reminder of the love that once filled those sheets, now replaced by solitude and the haunting echo of what had been lost.
Your puffy eyes opened slowly, abruptly yanked from a deep slumber by the pounding on your door. Glancing at the clock on your desk, the numbers 1:46 glared back at you – who the hell could it be at this hour? Irritated, you stumbled to the door, ready to chew out whoever dared disturb your sleep.
The door slammed open, revealing Sam standing there, visibly upset. Your still-sleepy brain failed to connect the dots fast enough, and it took a moment to register that you were supposed to be on a date with him tonight. The realization dawned, and you found yourself caught in the awkward aftermath of a missed arrangement, facing Sam with both confusion and exhaustion etched on your face.
“Where the hell have you been? I have been waiting for hours,” he exclaimed, his worried and angry eyes searching yours.
Feeling a twinge of guilt, you pulled him in by his hands, urging him to come inside. Apologizing over and over, you hugged him tightly, saying that you fell asleep over and over until he forgave you.
A part of you knew you did it to calm his potentially violent reaction.
“At least your alive. Next time, let me know so I don't look like a fucking idiot,” he said, his comment irking you despite understanding where he was coming from.
Stepping closer, you wrapped your arms around Sam's neck, pulling him into a distracting kiss that escalated quickly.
Before he could say anything more about the situation and grow even more angry you kissed him again, trying to shift his focus elsewhere, which was easy. He lifted you and walked you toward the bed, the same one you had shared with Rhys.
Suddenly, a wave of panic hit you at the thought of another male's scent mixing with Rhysand's. With huffed breath and panicked words, you interrupted the moment, “No, not the bed. Let's just use the couch instead.”
Your urgency left no room for argument as you pulled him toward the living room, desperate to avoid a mix of past and present that could overwhelm you with regret.
The birds chirping outside stirred you from your sleep as you stretched in your soft bed. Morning got here quicker than you thought. However, the warmth you felt next to you wasn't just the morning sun – it was Sam. Your eyes opened, facing the clock, you saw it was very early in the morning, 3:57. The memories of the previous hours hit you like a brick. A bigger realization followed – Sam's scent now filled the air, replacing the familiar citrusy aroma that had been your husband’s for centuries.
This revelation overwhelmed you, making you want to throw up as tears welled up as panic set in. Crying over this felt foolish, considering your separation from Rhys, but it made everything feel permanent and official, like there was no turning back. The chance to reconcile seemed lost.
As you stood up, the room spun with regret, and you slithered to the bathroom. The sight that greeted you made your stomach churn – bruises covered your neck, arms, and legs. Your hair was a mess, and your lips were swollen. More tears fell as regret, deep sorrow, and the weight of your choices consumed you.
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
It wasn't supposed to be like this at all.
In your panicked state, you stepped into the shower, hoping to wash away not only the physical remnants of the night but also the emotional burden that clung to your every step.
The steaming shower brought no comfort, and as you shut it off and walked up to the mirror, wiping away steam, you saw a hollowness in your own eyes. The water didn't wash away the feel of Sam's hands on you. But you knew you could drink a tonic for the bruises, so you could atleast pretend it never happened.
Frustrated and heartbroken, you couldn't stop the tears from flowing. The one person you needed the most, Rhys, felt impossibly distant, intensifying the ache inside you.
Desperation took over, and wiping away tears, you threw on a robe, downed the healing tonic and quickly ran over to his house. Each step carried regret and a deep yearning to fix what had gone wrong.
Your Rhys, the father of your children, yours.
He was what you needed in the moment, he’d make it all better.
In the midst of irrationality and impulsivity, you could not find it in you to care about the consequences. All you needed was him.
You burst into his estate, slamming open the doors before frantically searching for him.
Your attempt at a yell came out as an ugly cry, tear-stained and choked.
Yet, it was enough to grab his attention.
Rhysand descended the stairs, clad only in pants, his trademark messy bedhead on display as worry etched across his face.
It was so unlike you, and it had him speculating the worst.
Before he could ask you any questions, you ran up to him and broke down in his arms. Rhysand immediately comforted you, picking you up, and hauling you upstairs to his bedroom.
No words were needed as he undressed your sobbing form and put you in his shirt before pulling you closer to him, making you sit in his lap.
Your face buried in his neck, tears dampening his skin. Rhysand, familiar with your ways, sensed you’d open up when ready. He sat, holding you, flooding your mind with love and reassurance without a single word.
Rhysand conjured a glass of water, holding it to your lips, ensuring you didn't exert yourself. As you downed the refreshing water, he gently tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, his hand lingering by your neck. His thumb traced soothing circles on your cheek, a silent gesture of comfort.
“Thank you, Rhysie. M’sorry for showing up like this but I just needed you.”
His gaze intensified, his grip firm yet reassuring as he held your chin, locking eyes with you. With a seriousness that touched deeply, he spoke, his words carrying a sense of unwavering commitment.
“You don’t apologize for it. I’m here for you, no matter what. Do you understand?”
You nod, throat closing up at the wave of emotions,
“I understand.”
He leans forward, kissing your forhead while cradling your head,
“Good girl. You want to tell me what’s going on?”
With teary eyes you look up to him and reveal what’s on your mind.
“I want us back together again. We belong together and I’m tired of pretending we don’t. I miss you so much. You’ve been working on yourself and I’ve been doing the same. I know we’re ready.”
Rhysand remained silent, his eyes studying you carefully. He sensed an emotional storm within you and was hesitant about decisions made in this state.
“I do not disagree. Reuniting our family, especially getting you back, my sweet girl, is my ultimate desire. But, I want you to sleep on it. I want us to discuss this when we're well-rested and more alert. What do you say?”
You knew you were being rash and quick, so you were thankful for Rhysand's guidance. You nodded in agreement.
He kissed your cheek and gently placed you under the sheets, joining you in bed. Rhysand pulled you closer, and soon you were resting on his chest, listening to the steady thudding of his heart.
“I’ve always loved you, Rhys, so much. I hope you know that.”
His heartbeat quickened as he pulled you even closer.
“I know, sweetheart. I love you too.”
The chirping birds and soft sunlight streaming through the window woke you up gently. Your body felt completely relaxed and at ease, knowing you were safe and sound. Stretching lazily, you sighed in contentment before rolling over in bed.
You felt the warmth of something next to you, so you snuggled closer, enjoying the comfort. After a few moments, you felt it stir.
The moving object was Rhysand. Your eyes widened, and for a moment, you almost scrambled away in panic before the events of this early morning flooded back to you.
Despite the fact that you had left your boyfriend alone in your house and now found yourself in your ex's bed, cuddled up to him, you didn't feel any panic. Instead, you felt indifferent. You felt surprisingly good, even better than before. You felt right. Like everything was in it’s place.
“Don't panic,” Rhysand murmured softly, reaching out to gently stroke your back. “We need to have that talk, darling.”
Nodding silently, you agreed to follow him downstairs, your mind racing.
You couldn't help but melt around him. There was no need to even use your brain around him. Rhys made everything feel delightful as he began fussing over you. He did everything from dressing you in the cutest outfits to gently brushing your hair. With his big, warm, comforting hands, he led you downstairs, making every step feel like a new chapter starting.
Once in the kitchen, Rhysand set to work, expertly whipping up breakfast as you watched him, a knot of anticipation forming in your stomach. You knew this conversation was important, but you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort as you observed his familiar movements in the kitchen.
You couldn't help but admire Rhysand as he moved around the kitchen, his muscles flexing with every movement. He had a newfound confidence about him, a certain dad-like aura that only added to his appeal. His masculine energy was buzzing, and combined with his good looks, it was hard not to be drawn to him. Rhys had grown impossibly more majestic and stunningly handsome in the years you were seperated.
Rhysand caught you staring, and a playful smirk tugged at his lips. “Like what you see?” he teased, his voice low and suggestive. The heat rose to your cheeks as you quickly looked away, unable to hide your blush.
“Maybe I do,” you whisper teasingly, a hint of mischief in your voice.
“Careful,” he warns with a playful glint in his eyes, matching your flirtatious tone.
As he handed you a plate filled with nostalgic food, you couldn't help but feel touched by his thoughtfulness. He had even removed the bits you didn’t like, showing that he remembered even the smallest details about you. It warmed your heart to know that he still cared so deeply.
After you finished eating, he cleared his throat with a serious yet excited tone and said, “Let's talk.”
With a nod, you accept and he extends his hand, guiding you to a cozy sitting room.
“Where are the twins?” you ask, curious when you don’t hear or see your daughters.
“They’re with Cassian and Nesta. They came and picked them up earlier this morning,” he responds.
You nod again, then sit down on the cushy couch next to him.
“Rhys, I’ve thought about it for a while, and I think yesterday just cemented it for me. I think I’m ready for us again, and I’ve missed us together. What do you think? I mean, do you want me too?”
He flashed you his most sincere and hidden smile he only showed you and grabbed your chin with his pointer and thumb
“Sweetheart, I’ve missed you more than words can express. Of course, I want us to be together again. You are my everything and I will never again risk you.”
He took a deep breath and looked down, his voice filled with remorse.
“I've hated myself for letting you go so easily. I wasn't there for you or the girls, and it will always be my biggest regret. I vow to never again disappoint you and to do everything in my power to earn back your trust in my presence. Please forgive me.”
As the faint burn of the promising bargain tattoo emerges on both his and your wrists, a soft smile graces your lips. With gentle assurance, you reach out and place your hand on his, your touch offering comfort and calmness.
“Rhys, I forgive,” you say sweetly and hopeful. “I've missed you, and I want us to be together again. Let's leave the past behind us and focus on building a future together, okay?”
Feeling his arms around you, you melt into the hug, wrapping your arms around his neck. His touch is comforting, and you revel in the warmth of his warmth. As he gently squeezes your waist, you giggle, feeling a sense of joy wash over you.
He attacked your cheek with kisses, making him land on top of you on the couch as your back rested on the seats.
“But I think we should take it slow. Maybe start off by going on dates.”
He pulls back and looks at you, his gaze intense yet tender. “Yes. Let's take it slow. We have all the time in the world, no need to rush.”
You both sit there, locked in a silent exchange, the air thick with anticipation as you inch closer to each other.
“We definitely shouldn't kiss, right?” you ask, feeling the heat of his breath mingling with yours.
His arms tighten around you as he speaks softly, his words grazing your lips. “We shouldn't.”
The moment your lips touch, tears prick at the corners of your eyes. It's been so long since you felt the familiar warmth of his kisses, the feeling of home in his embrace. Rhysand, your darling, the love of your life—you've missed him more than words can express.
As the kisses grow more messy and desperate, a soft whimper escapes your lips, causing his eyes to darken with desire.
A sudden panic washed over you at the thought of your now ex-boyfriend waking up to find you gone.
“Rhys, I have to go back and end things with Sam,” you blurted out, your voice raspy and flustered between kisses.
Rhys's expression darkened as he heard about your ex-boyfriend.
“I'll handle it,” he declared, determination lacing his voice.
“What does that mean?” you pressed, curious and a little concerned.
He responded with a secretive smile, kissing you again, his touch making you melt into him.
“Don’t worry your little head about it. I got it covered,” he assured, his tone confident and reassuring.
So you let it go. If he said he had it handled, then you trusted him to take care of it.
His assurance left you feeling cared for, sparking a desire for more. More of him, and more of that comforting reassurance he provided.
Before you could voice your need for him, he beat you to it. With a tender kiss on your forehead, he spoke softly.
“I’m going to take you upstairs and make up for lost time. But before we start, I’m going to feed you a little bit more. Don’t argue, you’re going to need the energy.”
Your mind went blank, slipping into a submissive state, ready to follow his lead without question.
With a nod, you rose from your seat, arms outstretched in silent compliance.
“That’s my girl,” he murmured as he lifted you effortlessly, cradling you in his arms. With each step towards the kitchen, his gentle strokes on your hair and whispered promises of what lay ahead sent shivers down your spine, heightening the anticipation of what was to come.
After quickly eating the food he conjured up, you stood up in a rush and grabbed his hand, urging him to take you upstairs right away.
He chuckled and scooped you up, showering kisses on your lips and neck as he carried you upstairs, your legs instinctively wrapping around his middle.
Your nails dig into his scalp, head thrown back as you whimper with pleasure. Your toes curl as his teeth graze against a sensitive spot, his smirk growing against your skin.
“Tell me, darling. How do you want it today?”
You're only aware that you're inside the bedroom when he sets you down in front of the bed.
You know exactly how you want it. You want him to take charge, dominating your every move, just like he used to. Rhys knew how quickly you submitted to him, and he had a hunch of how tonight would go. It was easy slipping into those roles with him in charge. So you look up at him with a shy smile, fondling with the strings of his dark linen pants, and tell him.
“Can we please do level four?”
Pride spread across him at your good manners. He loved that you still knew what to do even after years of not being together.
He would have sent all his loving emotions through the bond if it existed. The absence of a bond between him and you always seemed abnormal. Both of you questioned the Mother’s decision all the time, hiding the fact that you both were scared of the possibility of your mates popping up and claiming the other.
Shaking away his thoughts, he smiled at your words again and complied.
Step by step, he undressed you, his eyes never leaving yours. Rhysand’s eyes dropped to your pebbled nipples, goosebumps erupting on your skin at the intense attention he gave you.
“You still remember the safe word?” he rasped out, his pupils expanding as you nodded, your lips nervously caught between your teeth.
He pounced on you, eagerly kissing you in a brusing manner as he tightened his arms around you. Rhys slowly made you back, resulting in you falling backwards into the bed before he climbed on top of you.
His hands found your waist amd subtly squeezed before sliding up to your boobs and playing with your hardened nipples.
You whimpered in pleasure, making him smile as he lowered his mouth to attatch to your right breast. His wet, warm tounge swirled around the bud, biting and licking soothingly. He repeated the move on the other side, reveling in the way you were squirming under him.
“Is it too much, sweetheart?”
“Not enough.”
So his hand slid down your body until his thumb brushed over your throbbing clit. Your eyes rolled back when he put pressure on it, rubbing tight circles against you. It was almost mortifying how quick you melted and lost your mind.
A few more circles and you’d be cumming. Almost, almost.
The pleasure was short-lived when he removed his thumb, causing you to pout slightly as your brows furrowed in confusion.
“No teasing. You can play later, I’ve missed you too much.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a heated makeout session.
You also wrapped your legs around his waist and whispered against his lips,
“I need you so bad, please. I need your entire being.”
He slipped one finger in, sliding in all too easily. So he added another finger and felt your walls pulse around him. Rhys pulled them out before shoving them back in, repeating the move, stroking your walls. He curled his fingers inside as he carefully watched your face morph from a begging expression to a fucked out smile.
“I will give you whatever your heart desires,” he murmured against your lips before kissing you again. As he did, he conjured his massive and majestic wings, spreading them proudly behind him, a breathtaking display of power.
Your wobbly smile melted into tears of joy as you whispered, “There you are,” feeling overwhelmed by the rush of emotions at seeing him again.
Rhys didn’t waste a single second, pulling you forward and slowly positioning himself in front of you. He held onto his cock, letting the tip trace your pussy, circling it and letting your wetness drip onto his cock. Stroking the wetness along his cock, he used it as a lubricant before he slid himself inside you.
Rhys pulled out and then in again until his entire cock was stuffed in you. He then leaned forward, putting his forehead in the crook of your neck, gently biting and sucking hickies onto your skin. He began thrusting, harder and harder. The entire room echoing with skin slapping, groans and pornstar-like moans.
Rhysand’s gripped your hips in a brusing manner, rocking them back and forth forth as he moved his own hips.
He lifted his head and gently brought his hand to your face, cupping your chin as he murmured,
“You're mine. Mine to love, to fuck, to have.”
You nod eagerly, your need evident.
“Only yours, baby. Forever and always, yours.”
He growled softly and turned your body around so you were on all fours. Gripping your hair, he pulled it back, causing your back to arch against his chest.
Rhysand put his dick back in and pumped deliciously against that spongy spot that had you acting like a mindless fool.
“You got fucked this good while we were seperated, hm?”
His hand snaked up and held your neck, applying a gentle pressure, a hint of restraint, as he taunted you.
Of course, he already knew the answer. But it was always nice to hear it from you.
“M-right, there, no one compares to you. No one could ever, ah fuck, do me this good. P-please, let me cum.”
“Fuck, yeah that’s right. But I think it’s a little too early for you to cum. I told you I wanted to make up for lost time. We’re nowhere near done.”
You let out a whine at the denial, a little vexed that he didn’t give you permission yet. But you knew he had plans so you decided to wait in hopes of getting something better.
“Good things come for good girls, you know that right?”
“I understand. Just keep going.”
You knew you forgot to add a please and were more than happy when he gave your puffy clit a slap.
“Keep going, please.”
He chuckled at how quick you gave in and kissed your cheek, letting go of your hair and pushing you forward to your elbows and knees. Rhys grabbed your hips and gave you deep, slow and intentional strokes. Almost like he wanted you to cum early.
Rhys kept going for a long time, bringing you to the edge, only to snatch away pleasure in the last second. You were tired but knew all of this was building up into the most intense and powerful orgasm ever.
“Do you know how much I love you? Do you have any idea how deep my love for you goes?”
Cue the waterworks.
Really, his words started making you bawl right there. With concern etched on his face, he gently moved you into missionary, turning the back-breaking backshots into a tender moment. As he pushed in for the last time, he hovered above you, his forearms on either side of your head, kissing your puffy lips.
“I love you too, Rhysie, so, so much. There's really no one I love more than you.”
Your words were raspy and choked, his words were sweet and understanding.
“I know, sweet girl. I know you do.”
Suddenly, a snap felt in your chest. You both locked eyes, breathing heavily as you felt a thread weaving your very souls together. Tears prickled in your eyes at his words.
As the realization of the mating bond sinked in, a warm glow envelops both of you, filling the room with a sense of love and belonging. Rhysand's eyes softened even more, if that's possible, as he gazed into your tear-filled eyes.
“You're my mate,” he whispered, his voice filled with awe and reverence. “My soulmate, my other half.”
You reached up to cup his cheek, feeling the connection between you grow stronger with each passing moment. “And you're mine,” you replied, your voice filled with emotion. “Forever and always.”
Rhysand moved quicker and quicker, finally allowikg you to cum.
You were on the verge of passing out, the only reason there was any sort of fight in you left was because of the charged bond.
Before he pulled out, you locked your legs around him and begged him to stay inside. He did and slumped on top of you, his head resting on your raising and falling chest. You ran your hands through his damp, dark hair and reveled in warmth when he wrapped his wings around the two of you.
You both rest for a while before starting up again. Normally, a session like this would have you knocked out cold but you guessed it was the fresh bond.
The entire day was spent tangled in sheets and fucking in showers, other rooms, hallways, kitchens, roofs. Rhysand also sent a mental message to everyone in the inner circle, breaking the news and asking them not to disturb you for at least a week. He also asked Cassian to keep looking after the girls and warned that anyone who got too close would likely die.
You and Rhys, lay together in a pile of fluffy blankets and pillows on the floor, the bed damaged and broken from the week’s activities.
“Rhys, do you know what I think? I think it’s kind if poetic that we broke up and then became mates. I mean, it sounds very romantic.”
He chuckled and pulled you closer to his chest.
“You know what? I agree. The Mother does work in mysterious ways. I guess we weren’t ready before.”
You smile at him and nod,
“I’m glad we find our way home.”
With a tender look and a sweet kiss, he whispered,
“As am I, darling.”
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🏷️ taglist: @tayswhp @jenjen-0-x @itsinherited @thisblogisaboutabook @luvmoo @se7enteen--black-blog @feyretopia @possiblyphobia @azriels-mate2 @sfhsgrad-blog @readychilledwine @amara-moonlight @tothestarsandwhateverend @blupblupfish @cleverzonkwombatsludge @iloveazrielshadowsinger @cat-or-kitten @dreamlandreader @honeybeeboobaa @queerqueenlynn @rowaelinsdaughter @redbleedingrose @clairebear08 @danikamariewrites @midnight-and-books @ruler-of-hades @annaaaaa88 @thebeautifulmysteriesoflife @stasiereads @harryshoobies69 @itsagrimm @a-dorkier-book-keeper @b0xerdancer @erikan809 @glittervame
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teawiththegods · 8 months
I just saw a post about how Hera, Demeter, and Hestia should be the Big 3 instead of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. And while I understand the sentiment (✨Feminism✨🖕🏻Fuck the Patriarchy 🖕🏻✌🏻Girl Power✌🏻 etc) I personally think Hera, Demeter, and Hestia are not only quite content with their positions, they very likely helped orchestrated it to be that way.
One of the biggest mistakes worshipers, witches, and mythology fans make is thinking the 3 sisters are not powerful enough to take the thrones if they wanted them.
Demeter alone forced 2 out of the 3 Kings (1 of them being THE King) to bend to her will. One of those thrones could have easily been hers if she wanted it.
Hestia paved the way for Athena and Artemis, by CHOOSING her own path. She didn’t ask Zeus, she told him by swearing an oath that she would remain a virgin. And of course, Hestia gets offerings first and last. Pretty sure the one thing all the Gods can agree on is that Hestia is the best and that by itself is power.
As for Hera, she knows her position is actually far better than Zeus’ bc she has more freedom. I always compare them to the King and Queen in chess. The King is important enough to be the entire purpose of the game however he’s extremely limited. The Queen, on the other hand, is limitless which makes her the most dangerous piece on the board. You can see this in action in the Iliad. Hera is able to release her anger and fury for not being chosen by Paris and aids in the destruction of an entire city. Zeus, with all his power as King, can’t even prevent his beloved son’s death because his position of King does not allow it. And it was Hera who reminded Zeus that as their leader, he couldn’t save his son. So she knows the limits that come with that role. Why would she choose a position that only lets her move one space at a time when she can move whenever and however she wants? And she still has a crown on her head.
I get because of how patriarchal Ancient Greece was it’s easy to look at the hierarchy of the Gods as a reflection of that. But personally, I think the structure actually makes sense when you take into account the personalities of the Gods and what each position requires.
And as I said before, if Hera, Demeter, and Hestia weren’t happy with the current structure, it wouldn’t be the current structure. 😂
Also, we haven’t even talked about the wildcard that is, Aphrodite! As if that hot sexy bitch couldn’t take the whole thing down with just one boob.
Like come on, I thought we all already knew that our Goddesses are the ones who truly run the entire show?
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sugugasm · 2 years
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༄ a threesome with your colleagues leads to a very sticky situation.
♱ CW - f! reader, threesomes, big cock nanami and toji, doggy, missionary, double pen, usage of profanity, usage of pet names such as baby/love/sweetheart, use of the word bitch but only once, <> word count - 1.5k <> notes - hi hi, this is a reupload bc there are some opps in the building. pls yall i swear i don’t mean any harm </3 i wrote this in one night & @venusflytrapstar is the one to blame.
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toji and nanami were good at their craft.
saving lives daily wasn’t exactly the dream job for some, but to them— it was. there was no better feeling than finishing up a patient, stitching them good as new and seeing them exit the facility with a smile on their face.
and that’s why you adored your colleagues.
toji and nanami had been there since you first began as a pre-med student, already having their lives set at the hospital when you arrived a few years ago. you adored their dedication, work ethic, and abilities just as much as you adored saturday nights.
the nights where not only toji ruptures your insides, but nanami doing the same right after him.
“god-fuckin’ damn, pussy’s so tight. like havin’ both of us fuck you senseless huh?” toji grunts, his cock plummeting into you slowly but deeply as nanami stuck his tongue down your throat.
every time the weekend rolled around, you wondered if it was a dream. to have two handsome men fucking you whenever you asked while also being professional outside of closed doors really got your tummy fluttering. it was something ravenous and exciting about the mischief of it all.
to be such persistent individuals, they were sloppy in bed— fucking you back to back as you mess up the sheets of whoever’s home you’d decided to get pounded at next; this time being nanami’s. the three of you currently having the time of your lives in his living room, ruining his brown leather couch cushions as your pussy contracts around toji’s cock for the second time tonight.
“she’s so pretty— such a slut for us, all for us,” nanami praises, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat making you gag. they were both fucking huge and shoving their cocks into you as if they weren’t was a mix of pleasure and pain, but you wouldn’t rather be anywhere else.
“nurse y/n, who knew you were such a fuckin’ whore? look at how this pussy’s fuckin’ me back. bet you think about us while you’re with patients, huh?” toji teases, his tip repeatedly hitting your gushy spot. nanami picked up speed while fucking your throat, his hands holding both of your cheeks. the gagging and queefing of your pussy and mouth had them both going insane.
sometimes you wondered if this would ever escalate to more. it was against protocol and way outside of the employee handbook, but the dick was just too good to pass up.
“such a fuckin’ goddess. love fuckin’ you, baby.” nanami says, caressing your cheek when he pushes his cock to the back of your throat— you choke, but you take every inch. with a gag, he pulls out of your mouth completely, leaving a string of saliva connecting from his cock to your bottom lips.
not too much. fuck is he callin’ her that for? he thought. to toji, there was no reason to. you were all just friends who fuck— well, at first.
it was at that moment you could feel toji fucking you harder. his rough hands gripped at your ass and rolls as he fucked you from behind, watching you clap back against his pelvis. he could cum right now, but he couldn’t help but to feel a small bit a jealousy bubbling inside of fim.
after multiple months of getting to know you and stretching you out, both toji and nanami could say that they’d never felt this way with anyone before— no one other than you. but that was the thing, they couldn’t both have you, not unless it was like this.
“i..i’m cumming—fuuuck yes! fuck me like that, oh my god,” you moan, not missing the way toji’s pace went from steady to rough. with a few more thrusts, you began to coat him like glaze on a donut as he guided his dick in and out of your hole.
“good girl. you’re a sexy little bitch aren’t ya’ ?” toji mumbles, his palm meeting your ass cheek leaving a sting. you giggle, averting your attention from nanami’s eyes to looking behind you at toji. you reached back and put a hand on his stomach and clawed at it with your nails.
“c’mon, toji. wanna’ feel it all, daddy,” you encourage, hearing an annoyed sigh come from nanami. you swore they acted like two envious school boys when it came down to you.
“shit, cummin’, i’m cummin’ for you, baby. where do ya’ want it babydoll?” all it took was for you to say the words in me to have toji spurting his cum into your belly. from the corner of your eye, you could see nanami roll his tongue on the inside of his cheek, removing his glasses and making his way behind you.
nanami have toji a tap on the shoulder and uttered, “move,” in a low tone.
“the fuck are you gettin’ mad about?” toji questions, slipping his dick out of your pretty little hole that just aches for more dick. nanami said nothing, he only gave toji a rather unpleasant expression. surprisingly, toji didn’t argue. instead, he moved over to the side and allowed the impatient man to take his position behind you.
“someone’s jealous, eh?”
nanami grunts, flipping you over onto your back so he could see your beautifully fucked out face, “fushiguro don’t start with me—“
“kento, don’t forget who fucked her first,” toji winks, making nanami knit his brows— chest heaving up and down with agitation. before it could get too routty, your soft voice could be heard from under them.
“hello? can you both shut the fuck up and fuck me already? geez, you act like children,” you sigh. nanami sends toji one last glare before readjusting his focus on you— the pretty angel who had no idea she was setting their hearts on fire.
“i’m so sorry, darling. forgive me,” he whispers, kissing at your neck before toji stood before you— cock hovering over your face creating a shadow.
“kiss ass,” toji mutters.
the minor setback only had your attention for a brief moment as nanami entered himself inside you. you loved how different they both felt. toji was on the bigger side, his cock stretching you out in ways you could never imagine, leaving you begging him for more. where as nanami had length. he was able to reach your spot within seconds of thrusting, sending you over the edge rather quickly.
“jesus, you’re so fuckin’ tight sweetheart,” he groans, stray pieces of blond hair sticking to his forehead as he kept a slow and gentle pace. toji on the other hand, gave you a small moment to get use to the feeling between your legs prior to fucking your face.
“open up, sweet thing,” toji says and you oblige. with your mouth stretching as wide as it could, you tried your absolute best to fit him all the way in, gargling on his cock as his balls slapped against your forehead, “aah—shit, love this fuckin’ throat. takin’ us so well, and at the same time too.”
“and this cunt too,” nanami adds, “never get over you. can’t believe you feel this good, love.”
love. you’d be lying if you said their words didn’t make you want to cry and cum all at once but here you were, taking the two men you admired and cherished the most— unable to call them yours. but deep down inside, the three of you knew the connection was endless. no matter how many times they’d remind themselves of the rules created beforehand, the feeling of your pussy around them had the two men drawn to no one other than you.
the familiar sensation in your stomach had you moaning and whimpering as the two men continued to fuck your holes. noticing your change in movement, nanami reached out to intertwine his hand with yours. a few moments after, you could feel toji doing the same, grabbing the hand that nanami hadn’t, both of them holding onto you and letting you know that they were ready for your explosion.
the intimacy and warmth that they were giving you took you there, toji removing his cock from your mouth and nanami picking up speed, “fuck i’m cumming a-again— ooh! please, please, please— it feels so good!”
“you heard the lady nanami, make that pussy cum,” toji chuckles. as if it were on command, you cunt suckled at nanami’s cock, pulling him right along with you as you reach your climax.
“cum baby, cum for me—please, i’m gonna’ cum with you,” he grunts, squeezing your hand a bit tighter. after a few more sloppy thrusts, you and nanami had cum together.
“there you go, good girl,” toji says, kneeling down to kiss your cheeks and neck. your tits jiggled with every breath you took and your mind was fuzzy from the moment. neither of them had let you go yet, both of their hands still holding on to yours and nanami’s cock still keeping warm inside you.
“that was…fuck,” nanami sighs, watching as toji’s thumbs wiped away the tears that’d escaped your eyes earlier tonight.
after cleaning you up and dressing you in one of nanami’s clean shirts, you could be found resting in the bedroom as the two men talked amongst themselves in the kitchen.
“so when are you gonna’ tell her how you feel?” toji asks, breaking the still silence of the room.
“i don’t know…when are you?”
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SUUNMIC 2022 — ©️ all rights reserved to @suunmic. please refrain from copying or reposting as your own.
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once again, special thank you to the lovely @venusflytrapstar !!!!
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themultifanshipper · 4 months
ok hi hello i have a little bit of a switch up ask for u 👉👈 could u mayhaps do a lil oscar thing that's just stupid cute angst where the reader is having some self esteem issues and oscar notices bc he's staying with lando in monaco after the race and them + some friends are planning on going out to what happens to be readers favorite club or bar but reader isn't feeling it. oscar immediately cancels and stays at landos n just. comfort fluffy bullshit please i beg <3
also pls flood my inbox with thots/requests bc i will be flying home from seoul tomorrow and i need shit to do on the plane pls and thank u
Made it a bit smutty at the end bc that’s what I do, yanno?
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Warnings: bit of angst, lil bit of fluff, smut at the end, friends to lovers type shenanigans.
You were excited at first, going out to your favorite club, with your favourite boys, in your favourite city.
You and Oscar were staying at Lando’s flat in Monaco, excitedly getting ready to go out when everything started to go wrong, bit by bit.
Your hair wasn’t laying how you liked it and it frustrated the hell out of you. It had been fine all week and now suddenly, on the night you knew there would probably be cameras around, it was being a bitch.
Then there was the outfit. Oscar had picked it out for you, and it was truly gorgeous, but you weren’t convinced you would do it justice, especially if your damn hair was going to be a catastrophe, along with your skin that had suddenly decided to become oily as fuck.
Then there was the sight of your body as you passed the mirror. It wasn’t ugly by any stretch of the imagination, but you had eaten a big meal earlier so you felt a bit bloated, your mind exaggerating the barely-there bulge that Oscar insisted nobody (including him) would notice. But you weren’t a skinny, hairless, bronze goddess of a model, like most of the women they frequented, and you knew the media would pick you to pieces if you didn’t look perfect for the cameras.
So you started to spiral, and locked yourself in the bathroom.
You had no idea how much time passed until Oscar inevitably came knocking.
“I can’t go out Oscar!” You called out in a shaky voice.
Worried, he tried to open the door and found it locked so he knocked on the door harder.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“It’s too much for me, Osc. Everything is shit! My hair is shit, my body sucks, everyone’s gonna laugh at me because I don’t fit in with you lot” Your voice cracked as tears started clouding your vision.
Oscar started panicking slightly and he tried the door again, with no luck.
“Please open the door, I'm sure everything's fine! I don’t kno-“  he was interrupted by Lando coming around the corner.
“Mate, they’re waiting for us at the club. How long you gonna be?”
“Uhhm…” Oscar said, unhelpfully.
“I’m not going Lando!” You called through the door.
Lando lifted an eyebrow at Oscar in confusion.
“You go, we’ll catch up.”
Lando nodded and sauntered off, leaving Oscar on his own in dead silence. After a while you asked, “Is he gone?” as you got up from where you’d been sitting on the floor and approached the door to listen out for any movement.
“Yeah, please open the door now, it’s just me” Oscar said softly.
You did so and he gasped at the sight of you.
“Sweatheart, you look amazing!” He took your face in his hands, thumbs wiping away the tears “Your eyes are a bit puffy, sure, but your hair looks fine! And that bangin’ bod of yours in that? I knew it would look stunning on you!” He wrapped his arms around you and you giggled wetly into his neck.
“You’re just saying that.”
“I’m really not. You look like a wet dream come true!”
“Awww, Osc. Don’t go sappy on me.”
He laughed as the hug ended, a bit too early for your liking, and you just stood there smiling at each other like idiots.
You broke the tension with a sigh and picked your phone up to check the time.
“I don’t want to go out Osc, I’m really not feeling it tonight.”
“No problem, I’ll stay in with you”
“You don’t have to-”
“But I want to”
“Osc, you got p2, you need to go out and cele-“
He didn’t let you finish as he kissed you gently to shut you up, and when you got over your initial shock, you deepened the kiss, his hand came up to cup the back of your head and the other slid around your waist, pulling you closer as the kiss got more passionate.
You separated, eventually needing air, and panted into each other’s mouths.
“That’s better than a p2, baby. I’ve waited a long time to do that.”
“I love you, Osc”
He grinned and squeezed you tightly as he kissed your forehead “God, I love you too sweetheart.”
You were both sat on the sofa, drinking a glass of probably very expensive wine you found in Lando’s pantry, still in your fancy clothes (although fancy for Oscar meant a white shirt and black jeans), chatting about how the two of you had been dancing around each other for years.
Oscar put his empty glass down on the table. “You know, just because we’re staying in doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun” His hand wandered up your arm, to your neck, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“Oh yeah? What did you have in mind then?” You asked
“Dunno” His expression remained neutral, but his voice betrayed his amusement. “We could take our clothes off and see how we go from there?”
You giggled, putting your own glass down and shuffling closer to him “Sounds like a plan.”
You all but ripped each other’s clothes off in your haste to get naked. He gently prised your legs apart as he sucked two of his fingers into his mouth, getting them wet before testing the waters and sinking one inside you.
You both groaned, you because he could reach deeper than you ever could on your own, him because you were so hot and wet and tight.
It didn’t take long to get to three fingers, stretching you out before he withdrew completely and lined himself up, rubbing his cock through your folds a few times to get it nice and wet.
When he slid into you, it felt like coming home after a long day, like this is where he belonged. He stayed like that for a minute, hips still and head in the crook of your neck, as he tried to concentrate on not coming immediately.
When he was ready, he leaned up to kiss you and mumbled “I love you, so much” against your lips, before pulling out a bit and then giving an experimental thrust, which drove you both wild. He was so thick, his cock stretching you in the most delicious way, that you whined at every movement, and his hips quickly picked up speed.
You could only cling on to him as the pleasure was almost too much, your orgasm building too fast, making you tighten around his cock as he drove it deeper and deeper into you.
You tried to convey something to him, but the only thing that came out was a pathetic whimper.
He got the message anyway, a hand slinking down to rub messy circles into your clit, sending you hurtling over the edge as your vision blacked out.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Come on my cock, fuck-” and with that he reached his own end, pumping you full of him, as he gently ground his hips into yours, bringing you down slowly, the two of you in complete bliss.
Let’s just say, after that day, Lando had to replace his now stained sofa, and he never let you both stay at his place again.
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
hi bestie 🥺👉👈 I saw that your requests are open so… yandere!nomad!Steve falling for someone while on the run, he still wears disguises and stays low profile so it’s easy to follow her around, but he grows tired of the distance and strikes !! me thinks… he has her swooning immediately (after all, he already knows everything about her), and goes full daddy mode during their first time: rough and nasty but sweet, a dash of mean and condescending bc she fell right into his trap 🫶✨
hi, baby! I really hope you like this, and I'm sorry it took so long, I wasn't expecting a literal writing goddess to request something, so I wanted to make it as good as possible!🥺
summary - the moment steve saw you, he knew he needed to have you. so he thought the best way to get to know you... was to stalk you, what happens when he finally makes his move?
warning - stalking, voyeurism, masturbation, semi-public, smut, daddy kink, potential kidnapping.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips and @firefly-graphics
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Steve couldn’t stop. For months, he’s been following you wherever you go, watching you. He’s even gone as far as stalking you to your home, sneaking a peek through the windows. His favourite part was when you slept, well, the second favourite. Nothing could beat watching you shower and lathering your nude form with lotions afterwards or the fact you’d take out your pathetic excuse of a toy and shyly play with your pretty little cunt.
A grunt falls from his lips as he tugs on his throbbing member. Steve’s lust-filled eyes focus on your exposed cotton white knickers, balls tightening as the cloth sticks to your folds. The thought of getting caught excites him even more. Steve watches your soft breasts bounce when you stand, and the sight causes him to pick up the pace. 
When Steve feels his end approach, he stops and tucks his hard cock back into his pants. A dark smile forms on his face as he stands at full height. Steve’s grown tired of just watching you. He wants to feel you under him. He wants to make you moan his name instead of those pathetic ones you let out with your small toy.
The burly man takes long strides toward the naive woman. When he gets close enough, your vanilla perfume fills his senses. His cock twitches, and the excitement of finally talking to you, makes him nearly cum. He clears his throat as he stands behind you, needing your attention.
The squeak that leaves your mouth and how you look up at him with those doe-like eyes as you spin around. Nearly make Steve go feral, he offers a charming smile, hoping not to scare you away. Steve holds back a smirk as you relax under his gaze, “sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I just couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you look and had to come to introduce myself.” He puts a handout, nearly groaning when you slip your small one onto his. “I’m Steve.” 
“I’m Y–Y/n” He brings her hand to his lips and gently kisses her flesh, enjoying how her cheeks turn a rosy pink. 
“That’s a beautiful name, which doesn’t surprise me as you look like a goddess.” A smooth chuckle leaves his lips, his hand still holding yours as he looks down at you. “Would a gorgeous woman like yourself be willing to let me take her out?” A dark smile appears on Steve’s face when you nod, cheeks turning a darker shade of pink.
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“D–Daddy! Too much! Ohhh.” Steve growls, slowly pulling his cock from your tight cunt only to thrust back in roughly. One hand grips your hip while the other pulls the front of your dress down, groaning as your breasts bounce free. Steve leans down and latches onto your nipple, grunting as you pulse around his thick, throbbing member. 
“T–Too much? Is my cock too big for the poor baby?” His large form leans over your tiny body, squashing you further into the bed as his thrusts continue. “Weren’t you just begging me to fuck you, baby? I thought you said you could take me. Were you lying to me, sweetheart?” His cock throbs as you whimper, feeling his cock throb as thick tears roll down your face. You feel so full and split open at the same time your mind begins to go dumb. “C’mon, sweetheart. I know you can answer me. Don’t you want to make daddy happy?”
“I do! I do! I wan’ make daddy happy! F–Feels good, so good!” You babble, drool leaking out of your mouth and eyes rolling to the back of your head, legs tightening around his waist, wanting to feel him deeper. A whine escapes you as his thrusts become more brutal, causing your body to move up the bed. “Daddy! M–my daddy!” 
Steve grunts, his darkened blue eyes glaring down at your sopping cunt, watching his cock pierce in and out of you. “That’s right, sweetheart. All yours, just like you’ll always be mine.” Your hands curl and grip the blankets, biting into your lip as you stare up at the god-like man. Steve deepens his thrusts. “You going to be my good girl and cum? Cover daddy’s cock with your juices?” You nod, whimpering and crying as your walls tighten and spasm around him. Steve groans as it becomes harder for him to pound into you. Using some of his super soldier strength, he pushes through. His eyes roll back as you squeeze his thick member. Juices squirt from your used hole, covering him and the sheets around you. Your body sags into the bed, and exhausted moans leave you when he continues to pound into you, taking his bottom lip between his teeth as his balls tighten and his cock twitches. Steve buries deep inside you, letting go, spurts of his thick cum filling and leaking out of you. 
You whimper when Steve pulls out of you, tiredly watching as he lifts his finger and collects the cum that leaks from your hole and pushes it back in with a curl of his finger. “D–Daddy…” Steve continues to thrust and curl his finger until you twitch and more of your juices coat him.
He takes his finger out and puts it into his mouth, groaning as he tastes you. His eyes roll back, sucking your juices off of his finger. Steve crawls beside you and pulls your used body against his large one, stroking your hair as you slowly drift off to sleep. “It’s okay, sweetheart….” He looks down at you and smirks, “You have no idea how much I have been holding myself back from you.” Steve leans down and presses a kiss on the top of your head whilst whispering. “And now that I’ve finally had you, I’m never letting you go. I love you too much to let you slip from my fingers, my sweet baby doll.”
He lies back, slowly drifting to sleep with you in his arms, smiling as he thinks of the cute little sounds you’ll make as you cry when you wake up and find yourself in an unknown place. Steve found you once and won’t let the last of his happiness disappear. 
You will be Steve’s forever… whether you like it or not.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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scekrex · 3 months
Hi! I hope you’re doing well!!!
I just read your Adam x Lucifer’s son fic and I loved it a lot more than I thought I would going in (that sounded really backhanded but I definitely don’t mean it that way 😭)
I was thinking of a part 2 that takes place literally just a few minutes after the 1st, Lucifer basically gave Adam a few… let’s say corrective love taps. And now the reader is patching up his now bruised face. Reader try’s to make Adam feel better by complimenting him and flirting with him. (I know damn well Adam is such a hoe for genuine affection like-)
Cut to Lucifer sitting across the room eyeing you both, now realizing that his son is in love with THE FIRST MAN and Adam is ALSO in love with his son. To put it simply, he is kinda freaking out. He now refuses to leave them alone together for the rest of the day, and also the unseeable future! He starts listing the reasons why the Reader should very much not being dating Adam. (Would be funny if he also mentioned the age gap as if he didn’t date a newly born woman as a who knows how old Angel LMAO) And Adam is like “Bitch, I’m am literally right the fuck here.”
Lucifer is just really activating his overprotective dad mode. That is… until Charlie really needs his help with something for the hotel. He eventually (albeit reluctantly) agrees to leave to help because he thinks “I’ll be quick, it’s just what? 5 minutes? And I’ll be in the room just a few doors down!”
He leaves and Adam, who for some motherfucking reason, can’t stop thinking about all the things Lucifer said to you about him and starts thinking ‘Maybe he’s right’ and starts just getting in his head about it
Reader finishes up patching his face and can tell he’s thinking about what Luci said. He reassures him that he loves no one else but Adam and that what his dad thinks is irrelevant. Reader gives Adam a kiss before asking. “Anyways, you ready to go?”
“The fuck you mean? Go where?
“I mean… how else are we going to finish what we started?”
And the was one of the first times the reader managed to make Adam flustered. Needless to say, Adam and the reader weren’t there when Lucifer returned. Much to Lucifer’s anger.
Nah man ur good, I wasn't the biggest fan at first too but y'know, it's kinda cute. Also u didn't specify anything about Reader and Adam having sex so I kept this SFW, my inbox is temporarily closed but if ya want a sequel that's basically just smut, lemme know once my inbox is open again!
Part 1
My lover's the sunlight to keep the Goddess on my side
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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“Was that really necessary, dad?” you grumbled as you pressed a ball of cotton against Adam’s lip - Adam’s bleeding lip. Lucifer hadn't been too fond of the view he had been greeted with when entering the room. The brunette’s bottom lip was split open, his nose was bleeding and his eye was slowly turning black again. Adam had just recovered from the stabbing injuries Niffty had caused and now he was covered in bleeding wounds once again. A thing that surely did surprise you and that you wanted to look deeper into once the situation was less tense, was the fact that Adam’s blood was still golden. His blood had remained pure and angelic and while you partly understood why, it did make you curious.
Adam hissed in pain as your fingers gently traced along his nose, checking if it was just bleeding or if it was broken - Adam was lucky because your father had actually managed to break the former angel’s nose.
Lucifer was sitting on an armchair across the room, watching the gentle touches his son offered Adam, he didn’t like that they got along and he hated that they seemed so in love, so all over each other. Lucifer knew Adam, well that wasn’t entirely true. Lucifer had known Adam once, back in Eden when everything had been so new and exciting for pretty much everybody. Back then Adam had been a kind and loving soul, but that soul was no longer comparable to the man that was sitting on his son’s bed, bleeding divine blood onto the covers while his son basically sat in Adam’s lap and took care of the injuries.
“Yes, it was necessary, someone needed to teach him a lesson,” Lucifer answered your question, sounding quite bitter. And partly you were able to understand your father, he had history with Adam - history that did not end well at all but the man whose lap you were sitting on seemed almost innocent. You were very aware that Adam was the last person to describe as innocent and sweet though.
“My poor angel,” you hummed as you leaned in a little closer, carefully stopping the bleeding of Adam’s nose before inspecting the broken bone a little closer - it was nothing you couldn’t fix, that was for sure. It would heal just fine, it just needed time. With gentle hands you cupped Adam’s face and kissed his stubbled chin, causing the brunette to shiver lightly. Adam was not used to gentle touches, yes, he had been spending quite some time with you ever since his people had left him behind, but that didn’t mean he got used to affectionate touches like those you offered him - that didn’t mean he disliked them, quite the opposite was the case, he lived for your gentle touches and soft words. You somehow always found something to praise the brunette for.
Adam hummed in agreement, nodding his head lightly to underline the sound. “Don’t you worry, I’ll fix you up in no time,” you added, satisfied that there was no more blood dripping from Adam’s nose.
Lucifer growled from where he was sitting, not pleased with how close you were to Adam’s face - well, actually he wasn’t pleased that you were close to Adam at all. You shot your father a glare over the brunette’s shoulder. “You’re responsible for his injuries so shut up,” you hissed at the blonde king.
The king of Hell simply rolled his eyes at your words, “Yeah, well you shouldn’t be dating Adam - date whoever you want, I don’t care if they’re female, non-binary or male, just don’t date him.” Lucifer pointed towards Adam who seemed not very happy about how lowly Lucifer spoke about him. Sure, they had their issues with each other, but why was it such a big deal to the blonde that the first man and the prince of Hell had a thing for each other?
“Y’know, first of all he’s a maniac, he literally used to kill our people,” Lucifer started to list reasons why you should stay away from the brunette, you could only raise an eyebrow at your father, “Oh our people? The people you ignored for only God knows how long? Those people you’re supposed to rule but instead of doing so you simply let them rot?” You felt how the first man’s hands came to rest on your hips, gently patting them signaling you that he liked your answer. Lucifer huffed.
“Okay what about the fact that he’s manipulative and controlling?” The blonde king tried again, nodding his head towards Adam. “Dad,” you said, looking at Lucifer, you seemed quite unimpressed by his words, “Mom’s book is trash, Adam was told to keep Lilith on a leash, he was supposed to look out for her and stop her from being absolutely self destructive and reckless.”
The blonde king tried it yet again, his problem was not that Adam was a man, his problem was that Adam was Adam, “Okay but what about the age gap? He’s like so much older than you are, sweety,” you cringed at the nickname your father gave you and playfully slapped Adam’s chest as you felt a chuckle vibrating through his body. “Says the guy who fucked the first woman a couple days after her fucking creation,” Adam huffed, turning his head around to face Lucifer.
The short king was about to argue yet again, but Charlie interrupted him by opening the door without knocking, something that was very unlike her since she valued privacy. Your sister’s eyes watched you and Adam for a moment, she shot you a quick, reassuring smile before heading towards your father, who was still sitting in that stupid armchair, observing you and Adam like the both of you were little children.
“I’m sorry for bursting in without knocking,” Charlie apoligzed, sounding quite stressed about whatever was going on elsewhere in the hotel, it wasn’t that you cared all that much. Not when you were seated in Adam’s lap and Charlie was a great distraction for Lucifer’s sharp eyes. “Don’t sweat it, dollface,” Adam simply responded, shrugging his shoulders as he spoke, “You’re not the fucking first, seems to be a fucking family issue you have there.” Your sister spun around in confusion, frowning at the first man who simply rested his chin on your head and grinned at her. “Uh… yeah… no, what I came here for is actually,” the blonde girl turned back towards the king of Hell, “Dad, I really need your help.”
Lucifer shook his head, nodding towards you and Adam, “I can't leave them alone sweety.” Charlie glanced over at how you were seated in Adam's lap, patching up the wounds your father had caused. The blonde girl sighed, then returned her attention to Lucifer who was still watching you and the brunette very closely. “It's urgent, Valentino-” at the name of the pimp Lucifer perked up, he knew Valentino meant no good and the fact that Charlie was mentioning him in context with the fact that she needed his help with something only made it worse in his eyes. “I think I can spare a few minutes to deal with Valentino,” Lucifer grumbled, not exactly happy leaving you with Adam, yet he knew his daughter wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.
He got up from the armchair, twirled his cane and tapped it on the floor once it was right side up again. “Let's make this quick.”
You watched as your father and your sister left the room to deal with said Valentino problem. As soon as the door fell shut you stopped hiding the grin and looked up at Adam, who seemed to be thinking about something - most likely all the harsh words your father had said. A small sigh left you as you cupped Adam's face once again, looking deeply into struggling golden eyes. “Don't take his words to heart he's… a little overprotective when it comes to his youngest son,” you hummed at Adam, the grin on your lips turned into a soft smile as you caressed Adam's cheek with your thumb. “Besides, we have to get going before he comes back.”
The brunette frowned at your words, his concern about all the things Lucifer had said was replaced by confusion, “Get going? Where the fuck do you wanna go?” You glanced to the door, then back at Adam. The first man followed your eyes and the confusion cleared up rather quickly. “Somewhere where we can continue what we started without dad interrupting us.”
When Lucifer returned to your room only five minutes later the room was empty. Nothing had changed except for the fact that Adam was no longer sitting on your bed with you in his lap. Lucifer cursed under his breath and just as he was about to go seek for you and the first man, he heard moans coming from one of the other rooms, those soft sounds of pleasure caused the devil to stop in his tracks immediately.
The moans echoing through the hotel came from Adam.
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normspellsman · 2 years
Truly & Honestly
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part one | part two | part three | part four (wip)
pairing: ao’nung x fem!sully!reader, lo’ak x twin sister!reader, & jake sully x daughter!reader
genre: angsty, comfort (from jake to reader), fluff, ao’nung being a simp for the reader, & the twins make up (yay!)
word count: 3.9k+
warning(s): jake feeling like he’s not an adequate father, lo’ak still in his self loathing era, lo’ak missing his twin :(, ao’nung growling, the sully twins crying, kissing, & reader + ao’nung being cute af
word bank: kehe — no, skxawng — moron; idiot, sempul — father, sempu — daddy (term of endearment), eywa / great mother — goddess deity that the na’vi believe in, paysyul — water lily, & sayrìp — handsome
taglist: @aonungsmate @dearstell @optimisticblazetrash @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @goodiesinthecloset21 @universal-s1ut @amortencjja @liyahsocorro @minkyungseokie @chshshhshshshshshshshs
note: kinda rushed the end bc i struggled with figuring out what lo’ak should say & the reader should respond with & this is what i came up with. hope i did it justice & well enough. i swear i never read or written the words gently & softly so many times in my life holy shit 🧍🏻. anyway, the long awaited part three is finally here! yayyy! enjoy lovelies <3
It had been days since the last time you talked to Lo’ak, ignoring him everywhere you went.
At first, he avoided you too, trying to gather his thoughts and think of a way to apologize to you. He tried a couple of things that worked back when you both were children. He made you a new armband that matched his, but he didn’t see you wearing it the next day. He then made you a small trinket to add to your ever growing collection of random shit you found, but it was right where he left it the next day. He then tried to talk to you but all he received in return was your silence and Ao’nung’s small growls in warning for him to step away. Lo’ak felt like he was going to circles. He felt utterly hopeless.
It wasn’t long until both of your parents and remaining siblings realized your avoidance towards each other. Neteyam had failed to tell Jake and Neytiri about what happened that fateful night, in turn disregarding telling Kiri and Tuk. He wanted Lo’ak to tell them for himself or at least have you confront them about it and receive comfort from them. But he knew the both of you were too stubborn to ask help from your parents, so one night he asks no one in particular if they knew why you were, yet again, staying over in Tsireya and Ao’nung’s marui pod.
His question made Lo’ak freeze and nearly choke on the food that was halfway down his throat, harshly swallowing in discomfort.
Neytiri was deeply disturbed by your absence. She missed you dearly. She asked you many times as to why you were never around and you never gave her the truth, wanting Lo’ak to do it on his own. You’d always give her an answer of Tsireya is offering me extra breathing lessons, it’s just easier if I stay over for dinner tonight or Tsireya and I wanted a sleep over. Neytiri always frowned at your answers, knowing that you weren’t telling her the truth. But she never pried. She knew that you would tell her the true reason someday so she let you stay with Tsireya as long as you needed.
Jake didn’t realize your distance until nearly a week after the fight. He had been too caught up in his training with Tonowari and making sure that Quaritch was nowhere near Awa’atlu to comprehend your absence from the family for one too many nights. But once he did, he felt uneasy. He knew you like the back of his hand. He had to. You’re his first born daughter, it was expected of him to. He was always the first person you’d run to whenever you had any kind of problem, confiding in him for a solution or aid. It warmed his heart that he was the first person you came to in time of need, made him feel wanted and loved. So when he saw you barely glance at Lo’ak or even say goodbye to them before heading off to wherever you had in mind, he felt unease settle itself on to his chest. He knew something was wrong and wanted to know what it was, but didn’t want to pry it out of you. It wouldn’t work. He felt helpless and wanted to figure out whatever was wrong so you’d stop distancing yourself from the family. He just wanted his little girl back.
The night Neteyam had asked that question, made Neytiri and Jake pop up in interest and repeat the question to their circle of children.
Lo’ak wanted to tear his older brothers head off right then and there. He didn’t need his parents meddling in both of your business. This was something between him and you, not your parents.
Kiri and Tuk had also realized your absence but didn’t give it too much thought. You always hung out with them at your guys spot and interacted with them. Yeah they found it odd that you rarely slept in the family pod and if you did, you were the first person awake and out of the house. So Neteyam’s question piqued their interest.
It took a lot of prying on Neteyam’s part to finally get the truth out of Lo’ak, but once he did, shit hit the fan.
“Kehe!” Neytiri gasped out, truly surprised at her sons words, “You did not!”.
She thought she raised both of her sons to respect all women, especially the ones in their lives. She couldn’t believe that her own son called his own twin a slut. And for what? Seeing the Olo’eyktan’s son and not telling a single soul about it? Neytiri was flabbergasted at the news.
“Boy,” Jake growled, beyond pissed at his sons previous actions and lack of communication about what occurred. He didn’t even need to ask Lo’ak about whether what he said was true or not, it was written on his face that he was guilty.
He found himself disappointed in his son, perhaps even more so than he usually was whenever he heard or caught Lo’ak doing something he wasn’t supposed to do. Jake had made sure to instill how he and Neteyam should treat every woman they came into contact with, continuously reminding them to behave accordingly and treat them with respect no matter what. So to hear that his son had called you, his sister, a slut for seeing a boy, made his blood boil. I’d ought to show that boy how humans would treat him, he thought in response.
“I know,” Lo’ak croaked out, on the verge of tears. His guilt was eating at him everyday, practically being the only emotion he felt for nearly the past two weeks. “I know what I said was completely out of line. I was angry and that isn’t an excuse for what I said. I am desperately trying to make it up to (Y/N), but nothing’s working. I’m going in circles trying to,” he finished, tears running down his cheeks.
Lo’ak knows that he shouldn’t be crying. That he doesn’t deserve to. That he doesn’t deserve anyone's pity for what he did. But the guilt ate away at him and he couldn’t help but cry. He just wanted you to forgive him and be his twin again, his other half. He felt incomplete without you by his side. It physically hurt to have you avoid him and not have you next to him.
Tuk had wiggled her way into Lo’ak’s lap in order to comfort him, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck as he cried into her shoulder.
Every Sully member could see just how much Lo’ak regretted saying what he did. They felt bad that he was feeling the way he did but they also knew that he deserved your avoidance and distance. It was the only way that would allow Lo’ak to see the impact of his words.
You were laying on the soft, warm sand below you when a shadow covered the suns soft rays, blocking them and covering you in its coolness.
You quickly opened your eyes to see who it was and to shoo them away, not in the mood. But your mouth quickly shut itself once you saw your Sempul hover over your relaxed figure, a small smile on his face.
“Sun bathing?” He asked, sitting next to you as you sat yourself up.
You only shrugged in response, wrapping your arms around your legs and pulling them up to your chest.
You felt bad for essentially ignoring all of your family members, but it was the only way to get it through Lo’ak’s thick skull the kind of impact his words had on you.
Your Father hums and looks out to the water line, silence overtaking the moment for a few beats. Until he finally speaks.
“Lo’ak told me,” he starts, “About what happened that night. Don’t worry. I gave him a stern talking to,” he continued, giving you a small smirk at his words.
Jake’s stern talking to’s almost always involved him dragging one of his children somewhere, yelling at them for Eywa knows what they did, and giving them some sort of punishment that will go on for however long Jake deems necessary. You found yourself wondering what punishment your brother got for his actions.
“I figured,” you chuckled, still looking out towards the water line in front of you.
“I’m sorry, babygirl. I know that it shouldn’t be me apologizing, but,” Jake says, tip of his tail swishing back and forth a bit before resting by your siding, curling itself around you gently for comfort, “Your brother is a complete skxawng. And I’m sorry for…not instilling it in Lo’ak’s brain enough to not call anyone, you that.”.
Your head whips towards your Fathers direction at his words.
“There’s nothing for you to apologize for, sempu,” you replied, eyebrows furrowed together, “Lo’ak is a skxawng and said something he shouldn’t have. He knew what he was doing and none of that reflects your teachings.”.
Jake could almost scoff at how wise you sounded. Since when did you become so wise?
Your Father only hummed in response. He wanted the best for his little girls, for you. And to hear that his own son had insulted his daughter and took his words to heart made him feel as if he wasn't adequate enough as a Father. He spent so many years craving for a family of his own before he was sent to Pandora, knowing that it wasn’t possible in his human condition. And once he finally got it, he felt over the moon. He wanted his children to love and respect each other, something that was a struggle for him and Tommy growing up. So being in this current predicament and having you and Lo’ak avoiding each other like the plague, made him feel as if he wasn’t successful in emphasizing how important family was to his children.
“I think you should hear him out,” Jake whispers to you, turning his head to face you, smiling gently down at you, “You don’t have to now. But, soon. Whenever you feel like it,” he reassured.
Your lips pierced together into a thin line, head nodding at his words.
You know that you should give Lo’ak some benefit of the doubt and at least listen to what he has to say, but it’s hard. The last thing your brother said to you were words that caused severe distress to your psyche. To be honest, you were terrified to see what he had to say. To see if he truly meant it or not.
“I’ll try,” you replied.
Your Father continued to look down at you as he smiled, bringing you into his side as he placed a soft kiss on the crown of your head. You laid your head on his shoulder in response.
“So, Ao’nung, huh?” Jake snorts out, teasing you.
“Dad!” You groaned out, covering your face with your hands as you lightly shoved him away, earning a loud cackle from your Father.
You were with Ao’nung when Lo’ak approached you for the first time in nearly two weeks.
Ao’nung had taken you out on a date around the island, as he usually did just to show how much he adored you. It almost always consisted of Ao’nung taking you to one of the many jewelry stands the Metkayina jewelers had out, telling you to pick whichever necklace, bracelet, or armband your heart desired and gently putting it on you once you budged, walking with you hand in hand around the island, twirling you around as you two danced to his light humming and singing, and finally going for a swim to wrap up your time together. Even though the dates were repetitive and always the same, they never failed to make you smile from ear to ear and warm your heart. It was something that you and Ao’nung did together to enjoy each other’s company. It was nice.
The both of you were spinning and dancing around in the warm sand as your boyfriend softly sang a song his Sa’nok used to sing to him when he had trouble sleeping, the melody being gentle and delicate, a perfect song just to waltz or sway to.
Ao’nung pulled you into his chest, slightly leaning down to grasp your hands against his lean chest, dipping his head down so you were face to face. He continued to sing the song as he smiled, rough hands slowly moving from your hands on his chest to your shoulders down towards your back before resting against your hips, pulling you in even closer.
You giggled at the ticklish sensation Ao’nung’s hands left on your skin as they just barely grazed it, moving your arms to wrap them around the back of his neck, fingers making their way into his curly hair. Your fingers gently run through the loose ends of his bun before messaging the scalp underneath his usual hairstyle, elevating some of the pressure from the tightness of it.
The Metkayina boy shivered at your soft and slow touch, nuzzling his forehead against yours as the two of you swayed in the gentle breeze.
“You look so pretty, my paysyul,” Ao’nung whispered out, blue eyes deeply gazing into your amber ones. He loved calling you new pet names, enjoying the soft blush that spread itself across your cheeks and neck once you processed what he called you. You loved the nicknames he gave you as well, making your stomach churn in excitement and never failed to make you smile in adoration. He truly did love you and he expresses that in many different ways, pet names being at the top of the list.
A light purple hue painted itself across your cheeks and down your neck in response to your lovers nickname. “And you look so sayrìp, Ma’Nung,” you whispered back, smiling up at the boy.
The teen boy purred out at your response, softly rubbing his face into the side of your head, kissing the arch of your eyebrow.
Ao’nung halted his singing and humming for a moment, basking in the silence and blissful peace that settled itself into the moment. Everything in his life was so quiet and peaceful the minute you arrived on Awa’atlu. He didn’t know he could feel such peace with a singular person and he was glad that he felt it with you.
But, unfortunately, much like the event that occurred days prior, Lo’ak had to ruin it with the loud clearing of his throat.
A cold chill ran up and down your spine at the sound, stopping all movement you and Ao’nung were doing. A small growl emitted itself from the Metkayina’s throat, grip on your hips getting tighter as he pulled you closer into his embrace. It was a clear warning to Lo’ak to stay away from you and leave the two of you alone.
“Can I talk to you, (Y/N)?” Your brother asked, standing a good couple of feet away from the both of you.
Lo’ak had worked up a lot of nerve to approach your figures once he caught sight of the two of you dancing. He didn’t want to ruin the moment the both of you were sharing but he knew that if he didn’t go to you and try to talk to you now, he never would. So, he gathered up all the courage he could muster and made his way to you, hyping himself up on the way.
“Leave, Lo’ak,” Ao’nung hissed out, angling you away from your twin, “She doesn’t want to speak with you.”.
“I wasn’t speaking to you, fish lips,” Lo’ak argued, growling out. Your boyfriend shouldn’t be speaking for you when he wasn’t the one who decided things for you.
Another growl left Ao’nung’s lips as he glared at the Omatikaya boy, anger creeping up his throat. Your brother shouldn’t be speaking to you if you didn’t want him to, especially after what he said to you.
“Ao’nung,” you mumbled out, hands now on his chest, pushing him back slightly.
Much like your brother, you knew that if you didn’t talk to him at this moment, you most likely never will. You needed to nip this thing in the butt sooner than later.
You nodded at your boyfriend, telling him to stand down and give you and your brother some space, that it was okay to leave you alone with him.
Ao’nung only huffed in response, eyes narrowing at Lo’ak behind you. Before he parted ways with you, he captured your lips into a kiss, running the tip of his tongue across your bottom lip before pulling back, not giving you time to respond to his light teasing.
“Our spot after? Twenty after eclipse?” He softly asked, thumb running over your cheekbone as he grasped your face in his hands. He wasn’t very happy that your brother interrupted your alone time and didn’t want to leave you alone with the one that deeply hurt you, but he trusted your opinion and respected your wishes, no questions asked.
You hummed as a response to Ao’nung’s request. There was no way that you weren’t going to tell your boyfriend how this conversation was going to go. Albeit the tension only being between you and your brother, Ao’nung was very much involved as you were.
Once Ao’nung became only a speck in your eyesight, you finally turned around to face your brother.
“Yes?” You asked, arms folding over your chest in an attempt to protect and hold yourself together. You had no idea where this conversation was going to go and that made you anxious.
Lo’ak took a deep breath in before he breathed it out, quickly gathering and preparing himself before he opened his mouth to speak.
“I know apologizing, no matter how many times I do it, isn’t going to change what I said and the way it affected you. But, I am deeply sorry about what I said to you, about you. There is no excuse. I have no excuse,” he started, tears stinging his waterline, “I was so angry at that moment that common sense was thrown out of the window. I don’t even know why I called you that. I was just so angry that you were with Ao’nung, someone who made it quite clear that we were freaks and were not welcomed here. I know that he had been different after leaving me at the reef, which I could assume is around the time you two got together.”.
You nodded at his guess, confirming.
“But I still didn’t trust him. I thought he somehow managed to manipulate you into falling for him. That he was forcing you. It was the first thought that popped into my head when I saw you two that night. I couldn’t comprehend that someone like you, my sweet and caring sister, could fall for someone like Ao’nung, a mean bully who took pleasure in causing pain to others. Confusion and anger clouded my vision. I just…” he paused, a couple of tears had already dropped down his face, “I know that I am shitty at apologies and can never accurately get out my thoughts, but I am sorry for causing you so much pain from my words. I am such a shit brother and you shouldn’t accept my apology. This past week has been awful. I felt incomplete without you. You felt miles away when in reality, you were only feet away. There was this…emptiness inside of me whenever you weren’t by my side. Everything felt wrong without you there to experience it with me.”.
“I desperately missed you. So much. It physically hurt me to not have you by my side. It made me realize that my words and actions do have consequences and that I wasn’t going to escape this situation scott free. Dad gave me the worst scolding that I’ve ever gotten. He told me that I was really fucking stupid and ignorant with my words. That he and Mom raised me better,” a chuckle escaped from your lips at that sentence, only imagining the type of scolds and hisses Lo’ak received from both of your parents.
“Yeah, you were really stupid to say that,” you replied, arms still crossed against your chest but a small smirk on your lips this time. It was nice to hear from him that he was punished by your Father, solidifying what he had told you earlier. But you still felt somewhat bad for him, knowing how angry and intense your Father can get when dishing out punishments.
Lo’ak chuckled at your acknowledgment, wiping away a couple of tears that continued to run down his face. He wanted for days to hear your voice and for you to acknowledge him. He felt relieved that you were talking to him and actually were listening to what he had to say, even if he didn’t deserve to be heard.
“I’m so sorry. You are not what I said you were. You are not slut. There is no excuse for what I did and I know that I can’t take it back or make it up to you in any way that will undo the damage I did. But I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I will do anything,” he finished, eyes never leaving yours.
The smirk fell off your face after he was done and silence overcame the two of you for a couple of beats.
“What you said really hurt me, Lo’ak,” you started, arms uncrossing from your chest, “It really fucked me up for a while. The intensity of your words made me truly believe your words. I know now that you didn’t mean them but in the moment, it felt like you did. I avoided you to teach you a lesson. To teach you that what you said was not okay. I am sorry for making you feel that kind of pain from my absence. I felt the same too. There were too many times where I wanted to just give up and go and just sit by you to ease it, but I knew that would defeat the purpose of what I was trying to get through your insanely thick skull.”.
The both of you laughed at your childish insult, more tears running down the both of your cheeks.
“But,” you continued, “I forgave you the minute it happened, Lo. I forgive you. I just needed to teach you a lesson and make sure it actually stuck and made an impact,” you finished, hands grasping your brothers.
Lo’ak smiled down at you from his height, lips quivering as he did so. To hear that you forgave him immediately after it happened was relieving but also made him regret his words even more. You were so kind and forgiving to him when he felt like he didn’t even deserve it.
“I love you, sister,” he whispers, bringing you into his warm embrace, one hand going behind your head to pull it into his chest while the other one went around your waist.
“I love you too, brother,” you replied back, accepting his hug and wrapping your arms around his back.
The two of you stayed like that for a couple minutes, hugging as the waves softly lapped against the shore.
It felt good to have your brother back and to finally hug him again after all this time, the emptiness the both of you felt from each other’s absences now replaced with warmth and comfort.
You couldn’t wait to meet up with Ao’nung later and tell him all about your conversation.
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mariahcarreyyy · 8 months
If you were to make this a series, I come bearing the following suggestions;
How did they get into a throuple? Reader being a major flirt with both Lando and Oscar. Oscar gets fed up with it, so he fucks her to work his jealousy off, but Lando walks in. Instead of being hurt… Lando starts jerking off. ORRRR
Reader and Oscar are together, and Lando gets pouty about not being included in things anymore. Then Oscar’s like- you know what, fine. (Could also be Landoscar, or Lando x Reader at first)
Fluffy aftercare blurb/segment
A fic in which Lando and reader are all buddy buddy with Carlos bc they’re friends with him and Oscar is Not Happy™️. They are punished accordingly. Lines that come to mind; “I’ll fuck you so good that you can’t even think about anyone else”, “You brats really like to get me riled up”, “We weren’t doing anything wrong!”, “Say you’re mine or else you don’t get to cum for a month”
Lando and Reader planning an extra slutty surprise for Oscar’s birthday
BUT OFC ONLY IF YOU WANT TO DO ANY OF THEM sksksksk I have been fed by the fic it’s really the best thing I’ve read this year so far you are so talented ok. I am obsessed. A literal goddess.
Ok that’s it I’ll stop rambling now
OMG THESE IDEAS ARE INCREDIBLE CAIT WAS NOT LYING😰😰😰😰 thank you for em bby will def be using them YOU are the goddess🙏🩷🩷
the first one...lando getting caught fucking himself into the circle of his fingers after he lets out a particularly loud groan from behind the extremely thin drivers room...then oscar telling him to join🙈🙈🙈 damn i just got chills
i can totally imagine oscar being so nonchalant about suggesting lando join him and readers relationship
"its like you guys dont love me anymore," lando whines when you and oscar cancel on another plan to do some weird shit like bowling together instead. "Why don't you just join us, then," oscar suggests, scrolling lazily on his phone. Lando smiles and moves to grab his bowling shoes, "Oh, okay." "No, as in a couple." Its nearly comical when both you and lando shriek, surprised but not at all disgusted by the idea, "WHAT?!"
The lines for the jealous!oscar thingy with lando and you😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 will 100% be doing that thank yewwwww!! reader and lando are so oblivious of oscars jealousy, bless them-- they'd be so confused at how oscar's normal grumpyness morphed into a real grumpyness.
They keep asking him whats wrong but he just waves them off until they get back home and he shoves both of you on the bed, ripping off his shirt while incoherently cursing carlos under his breath.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months
ok I got an ideaaaa 🤭🤭
Mitsuri reader as the Goddess of Love from another pantheon and she met Aphrodite? But reader caught the attention of some greek gods? Like she did a kind act(u decide what) and then that caught the [gods] interest. Like bcs they never saw their own Goddess of love do something amazing like that lololol ig
W/ Greek bros, Hermes, Apollo mwah tyyy💕
-You were originally human, living and dying as a human, but you died for another, dying for love and for your sacrifice, several gods allowed you to ascend to Valhalla and you became a love goddess.
-While you weren’t as powerful or well known as goddesses like Aphrodite, you were adored by the gods who knew you.
-You were hardworking, from your time as a Demon Slayer, as you were a powerful warrior even if you didn’t look or act like it, and you had taken to your duties with helping others with love with ease.
-Your diligence and willingness to work is what caught the attention of so many, as you wanted everyone to get love, despite not having it for yourself, but you could tell that those who had come around that they wouldn’t be good matches for you.
-Many reminded you of the men you had marriage meetings with back on earth, ones who told you how odd your hair was, or that your large appetite and inhuman strength was a turn off.
-You let them all down gently, being polite before helping them find the person they were supposed to be with, playing matchmaker, but it made you happy, seeing everyone paired up with others that made them happy.
-You were unaware of a set of eyes that had been watching you from afar, as you were so unlike the goddess of love in his own pantheon, Aphrodite.
-You were always willing to help others, smiling so warmly, and treating everyone, men, women, and children, with such gentle kindness- it was refreshing really.
-It was your physical strength that made him finally get the courage to approach you. A rude god who had interrupted your time with some children who were making flower crowns and adorning your hair with flowers, grabbing your wrist, and demanding you go on a date with him.
-You politely refused, trying to turn him down gently while the kids all hid behind you, scared, but this god didn’t take kindly to your refusal, trying to drag you to go with him.
-This is when (Love) arrived, seeing you being accosted and he went to defend you before you glared up at this cocky god, “Fine, if you can beat me in a test of strength, I’ll go with you.”
-The god just laughed loudly, but agreed, not knowing of your true strength as you both got on either side of a table, for an arm-wrestling contest.
-When the god went flying, after you easily beat him, sending him head over heels and through a nearby wall, the kids all cheered for you as you beamed brightly, your hands on your hips in a victory pose.
-You heard someone else laughing behind you and you turned, seeing (Love) there, approaching you and the children. You smiled, greeting him warmly, unaware of the effect it had on him before he spoke, “Are you all right?”
-You flexed your arm that the asshole had been holding, showing him that you were perfectly fine, “Yes- nothing I couldn’t handle!” he was surprised, giving you a soft smile.
-The children all shared a look before making a quick exit, confusing you as you looked around, wondering why they had rushed off so quickly before (Love) held out a hand towards you, “May I have the pleasure of take you out for tea?”
-Your face quickly flushed red, from your neck to the top of your head, as you could tell, unlike the others who came to you, just for your beauty, his feelings were genuine, and you had only dealt with true feelings of another once before, back on earth.
-Hermes- He smiled softly, seeing you so flustered- you were truly a pure maiden. It was rather adorable, but he felt his heart soar as a smile appeared on his face as you accepted, placing your hand in the hand he held out to you. Hermes was a gentleman, holding the door open for you, pulling out your seat, and ordering a tea set, which included pretty looking cakes. Hermes was unlike any other man you had come across- he was so doting on you; he was so sweet. He would never tell you that he had been hesitant in approaching you, as he found you so perfect that you were intimidating, in his eyes. He wanted to stand by your side and you by his own side for the rest of eternity.
-Apollo- You knew of Apollo and how much of a ladies’ man he was, with the nymphs he usually surrounded himself with, so you were a little hesitant on accepting his invitation. He could see that, but he didn’t berate you or try to convince you otherwise, as that wouldn’t be honest of him, but he was surprised when you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear as you shyly took his hand, “Just tea, right?” You could feel the warmth he was radiating from elation as you at least accepted his invitation. You were willing to give him a chance at least to take you out, but you wanted to be his one and only, selfish of you to say, but you didn’t want to share your love. Apollo was nothing but a gentleman with you, giving you his full, undivided attention, asking about your likes and dislikes, and reciting poetry to you- he was so romantic! He was praying you were willing to give him a chance, and if you did, he would only focus on you. He was willing to wait- to prove himself to you.
-Ares- You were surprised when he approached you, as you knew that he and Aphrodite were an item, on and off again, but still! Ares was so sweet to you, asking you out to tea and when you accepted, he flushed so hard. He wasn’t used to soft affections like this, as Aphrodite was more interested in his body and bed skills, while with you- it was like you wanted his heart, you wanted the real Ares. He adored you and showered you with so much affection and when you returned it, he melted, easily falling even harder for you and it was hard not to fall for him either. The two of you became the cutest couple around, even Poseidon acknowledged how nauseatingly sweet the two of you were together. The only person not happy with you two going out was Aphrodite, who viewed you as a threat to one of her favorite boy toys, but Ares was willing to keep you safe from her, just as long as you kept loving him, which you had no issues doing.
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brianmaysclog · 10 months
Satoru’s Girl
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In a world where you could have suguru geto, but suguru geto couldn’t have you.
a/n: HELLO! i am uh VERY excited about this! there will also be another one of these at the end, bc i obviously cannot say what i want now bc it’ll ruin the fic and we cannot have that. well actually, there are time jumps in the fic, so be prepared for that. anyways, i hope you all enjoy:)
Satoru x AFAB! reader, Suguru X AFAB! reader
word count: 6.3k (woohoo!)
Warnings: cursing, smut (although not really smut but i’m putting the warning anyways), marriage, pregnancy, birth, death, mentions of death, death scene (best way to put it). i would say this is probably pg-13, i think that’s all the warnings, if i forgot any please let me know!
likes and reblogs are appreciated, but not necessary.
“Hey alexa, play Satoru’s Girl.”
Now playing: Satoru’s Girl:
Suguro Geto has been infatuated with you his entire life. The moment he first looked into your eyes, he swore he saw the future with you in it. He could show you his love, give you his love. He could give you the Sun on a cloudy day, the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow; but it wouldn’t matter. Because you weren’t his. You were Satoru Gojo’s. 
Best friends since practically birth, Sugru swore that he would worship you, cherish you, and protect you. 
That's why when you told him you were falling for his best friend, Satoru, he had to do everything in his power to prevent it. Not to hurt you, not to embarrass you, not even to shoot the shot himself. But simply to protect you. 
Gojo was a player. He cared for his best friend, yes, and he also loved his favorite girl and wanted you happy, but being with Satoru would only make you happy for so long. And he couldn’t bear seeing you so sad, especially if he could have prevented it. 
But it was too late, the two of you had declared your feelings for one another before Suguru had a chance to object. He could have prevented this, he should have. Not even now, in the past, he had time after time to confess how he felt, yet he never did, too worried about ruining your friendship or changing your view on him. It would kill him if you thought of him any differently.
If Satoru had known Suguru’s feelings, he never would have gone in, but Suguru is a people pleaser. He could tell for a while that Satoru was developing feelings for you, yet, he had hoped it was just a phase. That it was just one of Satoru’s silly crushes he would get and go away, when gone, he could then respectively get the opportunity to go for you; but.
The phase never ended. It was proven quickly that Satoru’s playboy phase was over, and he was ready to commit, settle, and create. 
“What color?” 
“I asked what color. As in the dress I wear for Satoru and I’s date tonight.” 
“Oh, uh, the blue one. It’ll pair really well with his eyes.” 
“You are so right! What would I do without you Suguru?” 
God, you were so beautiful in Suguru’s eyes. Crafted by the Goddess Aphrodite herself. Chiseled by the hands of Michelangelo directly. You were perfect, you were flawless, you were Satoru’s. He needed to get these thoughts out of his head, he needed to push past these feelings. He needed to get over these pent up feelings, he could no longer think about them and feel good about it; happy. Because you were not his, you were Satoru’s. 
“Suguru, can I please come over?” 
“Uh yeah, sure doll. What’s wrong?” 
You hesitate before you answer, not sure if you want to say anything at all. 
“Satoru and I got into an argument. He left and I don’t want to be here by myself; I can’t. I’m just too frustrated, angry, I can’t stand being here right now.” 
Suguru can feel the clench of his jaw get tighter, almost painful. How dare Satoru hurt his girl. How did he hurt his girl? Did they disagree on something? Did he insult her? Did he lay with anoth… no he wouldn’t. But it is a possibility. 
In fact, it didn’t matter what he did. Suguru was seeing red, and in that moment, he wanted to hurt Satoru and protect you. 
By the time you arrived at Suguru's, you had stopped crying. Your face red and puffy, but also emotionless. Feeling nothing but anger and regret in the moment. 
Suguru welcomed you in with a hug, so warm and comforting. You stay like that for a moment and breathe in his scent. Menthols and cedar, so familiar and pleasing. 
He sends you to the couch and goes to the kitchen to grab two wine glasses and a bottle of the wine brand you really enjoy.
“So doll, tell me what happened.” 
In which you do. You proceed to tell him how the two of you went out to eat with some of Satoru’s coworkers. and how you didn’t appreciate his work wife (her words not yours) hanging all over him, especially in the presence of you. Scooting in real close to him in the booth at the restaurant, causing you to have to sit between two of his coworkers. Then, she would constantly interrupt you every time you had something to say, and would belittle you. The worst part of it all, Satoru let it happen. His coworker, Nanami, said something before he did. Actually, it does get worse, on the way home you bring this up to him, telling him how you didn’t appreciate this, and he brushes it off as her normal behavior, which then, makes you think. If this was how she acted when you’re around, how does she act when you’re not? This stirs the pot even more, makes it reach a boiling point, as you begin pointing accusations towards him and it just got nasty from there. 
You take your final sip of your third glass of wine, signaling Suguru, still on his first glass, for another refill. 
“Of course, I feel bad for accusing him of such things, but do you blame me? They looked like they were the ones in a relationship and I was one of the coworkers!” 
“Don’t feel bad. It’s normal to feel that way, based on what was on display for you tonight and with how you were feeling. You had every right to be upset.” 
“I know Suggy, I just feel so bad about it.” 
“Do you know where Satoru is now? You mentioned he had left.” 
A moment of calm before the storm.
“Wait. What if he’s at that bitchs’ house. What if he’s over there laughing with her about how oblivious I am. What if he’s already fucked her, rolled over and said goodnight-“
“Y/N stop. That’s not happening and you know it. He could be at the gym, even sitting in the car. Have you called him ?” 
“No…I don’t want to talk to him, right now.” 
It sucks. It really does. Being stuck in between the disputes and fights between your best friend and the love of your life. Conflicting on what side to be on, having to choose between your brain and your heart. 
“Okay, maybe I’ll do the talking. I’ll call him and check in to make sure he’s okay. Where’s my phone-“ 
Maybe it was the wine talking, actually it was the wine talking. You would never do this sober. You loved Suguru, but not like this. This was out of spite. Out of anger. Nothing but pure venom behind this. 
Suguru knew this. He dreamed of this moment every night, but not like this. 
Your lips on his. 
He knew this was wrong. He knew you didn’t mean this. He knew he couldn’t enjoy it. You were tipsy, he was not. You were in a relationship with his best friend. He couldn’t. 
He gently pulled away and looked at you, tears now slowly cascading down your face. 
“I know. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that, I don’t know what I was thinking.” 
There’s silence, followed by a knock on the door. A familiar knock. The knock only Satoru does. 
“Suguru. I messed up. Can I come in?” 
The tears fall down your face even more now. Guilt taking over. 
“This never happened, okay?” Suguru speaks up, heading towards the door. He wants it to keep happening. He wants to keep kissing you, properly. He wants to make you feel better, to make you forget the events of the night, ever happened, but he knows he can’t.  
Suguru doesn’t open the door until you respond with a faint “okay,” acknowledging to never speak about what just happened. 
Satoru walks in, explaining, just how you did, what had happened. He then says he wasn’t at the gym, wasn’t at her house, but that he was just out. Walking around, clearing his head, feeling so stupid. Feeling so shitty he hadn’t done anything, feeling like he needed to do something to make it up to you, he just didn’t know what. That’s why he was here at Suguru’s. You, not yet noticed by him. 
When you are, Satoru's eyes pop out of his skull, relieved. He was worried you were at home, alone with nothing but your thoughts and his harsh words. He left you, which was so selfish of him. He should have stayed there and talked it out. Apologized with his words and his mouth….and tongue….and hands…. 
He trusted Suguru with his life. He knew that the two of you had been friends forever. Even before the two of them met in middle school. He had nothing to worry about. He knew you had seen Suguru as a brother, and from what he was told from Suguru, that you were not his type and nothing but a friend to him. He trusted Suguru to comfort you and be there for you when needed, so seeing you at his house wasn’t surprising at all. 
What Satoru didn’t know, though, was that you had kissed Suguru just mere moments before he arrived. 
“Marry me.” 
The statement catching you off guard, you choke on the noodle you were slurping. 
“W-what? "I said, marry me.” 
“Right- Right now?”
“Well obviously not now, the courthouse is closed. Tomorrow we can. We’ll go shopping for our wedding attire then head our way down and officiate our love.” 
“Satoru, I would love to marry you, but don’t you think-” 
“Think what? That this is all too soon, so sudden? That I’m crazy? No darling I don’t think such things. I think that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. That I want you to have my last name, to become mine, officially. I want you to walk around when you’re shopping with Shoko and flaunt off the ring on your finger, showing you belong to me. I think that I want you, forever, and that I am so impatient I simply cannot wait to marry you. I want to see you all dolled up for me, in a beautiful dress, telling me how much you love me in front of whoever comes. I want you, forever-no, I need you forever. So, I’ll say it again. Marry me,” 
“Yes Satoru, I’ll marry you.” 
He places his hands on your face and pulls it closer to him. He then pushes your hair behind your ear and leans in so close, breath fanning on your lips. 
“Perfect. We’ll make it happen, tomorrow.” 
He then ends the sentence by finally capturing your lips with his. Fast paced and sloppy at first, but then slowing down to more sensual, passionate kisses, Before things become to heated, you pull back and confront him: 
“However, in the future, when we are rich, you owe me my dream wedding. A live band, a 10ft tall wedding cake, a beautiful gown,-”
“Deal,” Satoru says, kissing you again. “As long,” kiss, “you marry,” kiss, “me,” kiss, “now.” 
“Yes Satoru?” 
“What did you get y/n for her birthday?” 
Suguru chuckles. The two men sitting on the couch of yours and Satoru’s shared apartment playing Mariokart. You went out with Shoko for the evening so Satoru took his opportunity to discuss birthday ideals. 
“Why? Do you need ideas on what to get your loving girlfriend for her birthday?”
“WHAT! Of course not. She’s just been naming a lot of things she wants for her special day, and I want to make sure you didn’t get her anything I did, because otherwise one of us is gonna have to return it.”
Satoru didn’t like that and attempts to run Suguru off the track, but to no avail, fails. Suguru retorts by throwing a banana peel on the track, which in turns, makes Satoru fall off the track. 
“I’m in third place now you better catch up..” 
“I am……gonna be first, just you watch.” 
Silence consumes the two, the only noises being from the game and a couple of frustrated sighs and groans. 
“How the hell are you first Suguru?” 
“I’m just that good.” 
“Bullshit is what it is.” 
“Oh and would you look at that, I win.” 
“You’re a bitch.” 
“A winner is what I am Satoru.” 
Satoru rolls his eyes and hands his friend a five, the rightful bet for the round. 
“This isn’t over, I got plenty more coming.” 
“And you won’t have anymore coming once the night is over.” 
Satoru gets up and heads towards the kitchen and grabs two cans of that soda they like so much. He throws one to Suguru and the two of them drink it in silence before Suguru speaks up: 
“Oh, and to answer your question, I got y/n that blanket and house slippers she really wanted.” He chose to go a safer route, didn’t want to get anything too intimate, like the perfume you really wanted.
“In her favorite color?”  
“You know it. What did you get her?”
“I got her that perfume she really wanted, as well as some snacks, and drinks she really enjoys. I also got her that huge stuffed animal she wanted, the sweaters, and that dress.” 
“She’s gonna love it.” 
“I hope so. I don’t want her to think I overdid it. She deserves all of it, and I want her to know that, too.” “She will. Don’t overthink it.” 
And the conversation ends with perfect timing, as you walk into the door with multiple bags in hands. “I’m back! Did you miss me?” 
“Always dear,” Satoru greets you, taking your bags in hand and giving you a kiss. “Hey Suguru!” You finally spot the black haired man and give him a hug. He inhales your scent, quickly, and smiles. 
“Hey doll. Did you have fun with Shoko?”
“So much fun. Actually, you two sit down, I’ll give you guys a little shopping haul!” You squeal with excitement. 
And the two men sit down as you take the bags back from Satoru. You then proceed to show them everything you got. From the hair clips, to the graphic tees, to the..
Oh. You managed to purchase everything you wanted for your birthday. 
“Looks like we’re both gonna have to return what we got her,” Satoru whispers into Suguru’s ear, which manages to make him laugh. 
“What’s so funny?” you ask, faking a hurt expression as they interrupted your haul.
“Nothing love, continue.” 
“You heard me.”
Suguru couldn’t believe his ears. He never wanted to imagine this, and even if he did, it happening so soon, while the two of you were still so young. 
“I don’t’... I don’t know how to tell Satoru. I don’t even know if he wants kids, we’ve never talked about it, really, before. What if he’s angry? Or scared? What if he leaves me?” 
Tears begin falling down your face faster than you are able to wipe them off. 
Suguru has always wanted kids. Especially if they were with you. He knew, in that moment, that if Satoru refused it, he would help you. 
Except he knew Satoru wouldn’t refuse it, nor would he leave you. He would be so happy. He loves kids, and he’s wanted to be a dad, probably, much longer than Suguru wanted to be. 
“And, knowing our families, who knows how they’ll react. They could be angry, sad, happy, or  worse, disown us. Oh Suggy, I’m not ready for this, I can’t do this.”
“y/n, relax. Breathe. It’s okay. For starters. Satoru will be beyond happy. I can guarantee you that. I know him just as well as you do, so trust me on that. I know you're scared, and I know it all is happening so fast. But that’s okay.” 
“But our parents-” 
“To hell with them. If they aren’t happy, if they aren’t bursting with joy at the fact that you are carrying their grandbaby, then forget about them. You know that Satoru and you will have mine and Shoko’s support and love. You also know that my family will love that baby like it is their own kin and spoil it more than it needs to. Again, I know it’s all so sudden. I know it’s happening so fast. But, it’s okay. It’ll all come together in the end.” 
“Thanks Suggy, I don’t know what I would do without you.” 
You embrace him in a hug and begin crying softly, but this time with happy tears. You know it’ll be okay. 
“You know I’ll always be here for you doll.” 
“I know, I love you Suggy.” 
“I love you too.” And he really does. But he needs to stop. 
You were, now, carrying the child of his best friend. He needs to overcome these feelings, it isn’t right. It isn’t fair. But he can’t stop. 
“Absolutely no peeking at all. You understand me?” 
  “Yes ma’am,” Suguru and Shoko both say, the pair also doing a little hand salute. 
You and Satoruo had planned a little surprise for the two of them. They knew you were pregnant, they just didn’t with know how many, So once you had left the OBGYN appointment, the two of you began planning your surprise. 
“Can we look yet? I can feel my forehead getting sweaty with this blindfold.” 
“NO Suguru, LEAVE it on.” “Satoru-” 
“NO ifs, ands, or butts. We’re almost done. Be patient.” 
A very long, dramatic, time later, you then announce to your two friends that they can take their blindfolds off. 
There is a moment of silence once they are removed and the two of them look at you and Satoru, confused. 
“Erm doll, what are we supposed to be looking at?” 
Satoru had a sweet tooth, so when he saw the candy bars he had come up with the perfect idea. 
You handed a Hershey’s bar to Shoko, with the HER colored in. 
“It’s a girl?! Ohmygod!” she jumps up and gives you a hug, tight, but not too tight afraid she may hurt the baby. 
“Don’t celebrate just yet,” Satoru says, handing another Hershey's bar to Suguru, this time the HE being colored in. 
“Wait, it’s a boy?” 
“Well yes, technically the both of you are correct,” you say, waiting for the two of them to piece it together. 
It takes a little bit, watching the two of them trying to connect two and two together, but eventually Shoko yells out, “Twins? YOu’re having TWINS?” 
“Ding ding ding!” 
“YES! More babies to spoil!” Shoko then engulfs you and Satoru in a hug, The three of you jumping around in a circle. 
Suguru, although happy for you two, is sat on the couch in shock. His heart aching, He should have been the one announcing along with you that you were having twins. 
“Congratulations you guys. I’m really happy for you.” 
Satoru watches you as you stare at yourself in the mirror. Your hands on your belly, eyes darting back and forth between your growing stomach and your face. 
“Love, what’s wrong?” 
You hesitate, and of course Satoru sees as your face changes between upset to content. 
“Nothing!” you smile.” 
“Don’t lie to me. I know when something is up.” He gets up from the bed and makes his way behind you, snaking his arms around you and his hands, now resting upon your stomach. “Talk to me.” 
“I just-” you begin crying. Tears pouring out slowly. “I feel so different. I look so different. My body is changing and I don’t feel beautiful anymore.” The tears more rapid now
Satoru turns you around, your face now laying directly in his chest. His arms tighten around you, engulfing you.
“Yes?” you ask, lifting your face up to look into Satoru's eyes. They were so beautiful, so captivating. Entrancing you. 
“You are so beautiful, just as beautiful as the day I first laid my eyes on you. Just as beautiful as the first time we made love, when your skin was slick with sweat and hair all matted in a mess. You are just as beautiful as you were the first time you were hungover, sick as hell, throwing up everywhere. And just as beautiful as the day you said ‘I do,’ and we married. You are beautiful, and you always will be. You are growing our children. Do you understand how amazing that is? You are so strong, stronger than me. I could never do something like that. You are nurturing and doing everything you can to ensure that our kiddos are safe, healthy, and well nourished. I don’t understand why you are feeling like this, and I probably never will, but just know, to me; I know you are beautiful. And I love and appreciate the fact that you are doing this, holding our babies everyday.” 
“I love you Satoru.” 
“I love you too, y/n,” and with that, Satoru picks you up, with haste, and carries you to the bed. Where he spends a majority of the evening showing you just how beautiful you are, and how much he appreciates you. 
You answer the phone, taking a break from decorating the nursery. You, Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko had all been painting, putting furniture together, and getting everything ready for your unborn babies. Satoru had left to pick up lunch about an hour or so ago, so the three of you had resumed working until he had returned. 
You were about seven months along at this point. Belly growing bigger everyday as you provided a nurturing environment for your babies to grow and develop in.You were glowing. 
But you always were in Suguru’s eyes. 
You begin looking pale, eyes bubbling with tears. Your hand, banded with a wedding ring, turning white as you are gripping the phone so tight.
No response.
“y/n, what’s wrong?” 
Shoko comes up to your side placing an arm on your stomach, meant to comfort you but it makes you feel sick.
Suguru stands behind you, preparing to catch you in case you collapse. 
“I-, I understand. I’ll be there shortly.” 
In which you hang up the phone and the tears officially fall. Sobs escaping you, and eventually you do fall, not hard, just to your knees. Suguru and Shoko follow suit with you, both pairs of arms are wrapped around you. 
“That-that was the hospital,”  you begin.
Sobs become more uncontrollable as you try to compose yourself and explain what you were just told over the phone.
“Satoru’s there. He-he was in an accident. A bad one. They-” 
You begin sobbing even harder now. Shoko wraps her arms around you, even tighter, lending her shoulder to you, so you can cry on it. 
Suguru’s face is blank. He doesn’t want to assume the worst. He doesn’t want to assume the worse not only for you, as he knows the pain and torture it would cause you, the emptiness you would feel, but he doesn’t want to assume the worst for his best friend. 
He’s known him for years. His brother, his idiot, the love of his girl's life. His comedic relief in the dark points of his life, his moral compass, his Mario Kart partner. 
He knew that if he lost Satoru, he would lose you too. He would lose himself. Things would be different. The stress it would cause you too, wouldn’t be good for the twins. 
Satoru was strong. The strongest he would call himself. He could pull through, he had to. For you, for your babies, for Suguru. He needed his best friend. 
“Let’s get down to the car. We’ll head that way now,” Suguru says, picking you up and carrying you towards the front door. Shoko follows suit, grabbing yours and hers bag, just in case. 
And just like that, the three of you head towards the hospital, as fast and legal as possible. 
He looked so peaceful in the bed, Satoru did. The doctor’s, now, certain that he wouldn’t make it. The injuries from the accident just too severe, they did everything they could, they really did. Satoru just lay in bed. Not being able to do anything. Which leaves all that is left to do is say goodbye. You and Shoko had already said it. You taking a good few hours before you left his side, but the doctors and Shoko both agreed that you should take a break, The stress and pain not being good for the babies. You promised him you would come back. Whether it be when he is gone or not yet, you would come back. 
Now just sits Suguru and Satoru, alone in the room. 
Satoru’s still body is a different atmosphere than Suguru is used to. He’s used to Satoru’s banter, his quick jabs and silly jokes. His video game rage and loud belches. The silence, he didn’t like it. 
“Please, Satoru. Make a miracle happen.” 
Still, nothing. 
“Your babies need you. Y/n needs you. I need you. You’re my best friend. Please. You can make it.” 
This time there is something. A hand twitch. 
He stands from his chair, tears brimming in his eyes. Not yet allowing them to fall, he can’t. If Satoru somehow makes out of this, the tears need to be shed from joy, not sadness. 
“Yes Satoru?” Suguru then places his hands on top of Satoru’s. 
“I.. I need you to promise me something,” his voice raspy. So faint and dry. 
“Pl,,,please take care of my love for me. And our babies. Protect them, make sure they’re okay, like you used to.” 
“Promise me. My babies need a good father figure in their life, and you can fill that roll. Y/n is  strong, so strong. But I need you to be there for her when she needs it. I need you to be there for her when she doesn’t feel beautiful, to be there for her on her birthdays, on our kids’ birthday. I need you to be there for them, because I won’t be able to. Can you please, promise me that you will do that?” 
Suguru couldn’t hold back now, crying full time now. He wasn’t supposed to see his best friend go. He wasn’t supposed to take on the role of his friend. He loved you, yes, but it wasn’t his place. You were Satoru’s, not his. 
“Yes Satoru, I promise.” 
He faintly smiles. 
“Oh and one more thing, before I forget.” 
“What is it?” 
“Don’t let my kids grow up without knowing who I am. Make sure they know how cool, awesome, talented, and amazing at Mario Kart their daddy was.” he attempts a laugh at this, but it turns into a fit of coughs. 
“I would, but I wouldn’t want to lie to your children. If anything you were mediocre at best.” 
Satoru attempts a fist, followed by a “bastard.” 
And for about five more minutes the two of them talk and say their goodbyes, until Satoru takes his last breath, as soon as you walk in too. 
You run to his side and begin crying. Shoko, behind you with a hand on your back, with a few tears falling down her face too. Suguru is on the other side, staring at his best friend. With no more tears left to cry, he just stands there emotionless, in shock that he really was gone. He had a job. A job that he had sworn to for his whole life, but now, it became much bigger. He promised his best friend, and he never intended to break it. 
He opens one eye, trying to make out who, or what was trying to get his attention.
Ever since Satoru’s passing, Suguru had left his apartment to move into yours and Satoru’s, which was the smarter choice since the nursery was already set up. He had moved into the old office, obviously no longer used. 
“Suguru, wake up. It’s important.” 
“What is it?” he sits up, rubbing his eyes and stretching his arms out. He looks to his right to see the alarm clock which reads 4:45AM. 
“My water broke.” 
“Oh.” Suguru says. Yawning and stretching some more. “OH. NOw??? IT’s so Early!? WHy didn’t you start off with that?? WHY didn’t you just bust through the door screaming that?!”
“No time to question that, we need to head to the hospital, like, now.” “Right.” 
In which he hops out of bed and grabs the hospital bag heading towards the car. Following suite, you, carefully, rush down stairs of the complex, and get into the car. Sugru, now much more awake, ensures you have everything and that you are safely strapped in, and that both car seats are in the back seat. Once he completes the internal checklist, he straps in himself and heads towards the hospital, this time, in a not so legal manner. 
On the way there you manage to get ahold of Shoko and she promises to be there the same time as you, so she is there when the babies are born. 
And when they are, it is 6:08 in the morning. Suguru and Shoko being there for you the entire time, a hand to hold each as you pushed each one out. And they were so beautiful.
Although Satoru wasn’t physically there with you in the room, you knew he was there in spirit. You could feel him. Feel his smile, feel his presence, and feel the tears of joy he cried from his babies being born. ______________________________________________________________
“Hey Satoru.” 
It had been about three months since the babies were born, Shoko and Suguru wanting to give you a break for the day, took the twins. You decided since you had the day off you would visit Satoru. “I promise, I’ll bring the twins to meet you. It’s just so cold, I don't want them to get sick. They arrived a bit early. Just so eager to meet us.” 
The rain now turning into a slight drizzle. 
“They are so beautiful Satoru, Megumi and Tsumiki. They both have a mix of our features, however they don’t have your eyes like I hoped they would. But, they have your smile and your nose, and the same attitude you had too. You would have loved them so much. And they would have loved you.” 
The rain picks back up again, but just for a moment, then it turns back into a light fall. 
“Suguru and Shoko have been great, amazing actually. They’re actually watching them today. Shoko insists on watching them a lot, she says it because I need a break and need to rest, but I think we all know it's because she loves being an auntie, and she loves spoiling her niece and nephew.  I swear, they have more clothes than you ever did, and that’s saying something.” There is a bit of silence as you sit there and just stare at his grave. Scattered around the grave are photos, you and him, him and Suguru, group photos of the four of you. Vases of flowers lined around the grave and his favorite pair of sunglasses sit on the very tip of the headstone. It’s as if  he decorated the grave personally. It was him.
“Oh! I brought you something! Or rather, some-things.” 
You reach around behind you and grab the bag filled with goodies for Satoru.
“For starters, this.” It’s a framed photo of you in the hospital bed, just mere seconds after pushing the twins out. You look exhausted, but Satoru would have thought you looked gorgeous. To each side of you is Shoko and Suguru, both of them holding one of your babies, a huge smile plastered on both faces. You take the photo and place it on an empty spot near the headstone.
“I brought these too, just so you can have a piece of them with you.” And you pull out two beanies, the exact ones that were placed on your twins head when staying in the hospital. No need for it anymore since they have grown out of it. You then place those next to the sunglasses. Little weights holding them down so they don’t blow away. 
“And finally, this. I know you will love this.” 
It’s a trophy, one that was found while looking at the flea market with Suguru one day. The two of you saw it, laughed, gasped, and immediately bought it. It was perfect. A trophy that reads “world’s best MarioKart player,” you place it directly in front of the headstone. It was so specific, why it existed, you didn’t know, but you were glad it did. 
As soon as you placed the trophy on the grave, the rain cleared. 
“Well, as much as I don’t want to leave, I have too. I enjoyed my time here today, Satoru. I love you.” 
You get up, dust yourself off and head back towards your car. In the time it takes to get there, you look up towards the sky and see a rainbow, faint, but visible. 
“Oh Satoru, you’re so beautiful.” 
You and Suguru had the apartment to yourselves today. Shoko took the kids to the zoo for the day, and then would keep them for the night as well. She didn’t get to see them that often anymore due to her new job, so she took every opportunity to see the kiddos to the extreme, and would steal them for a few nights. 
It had been about five years since the twins were born and Satoru had passed. They were about to start school, so all of you were trying to get the last bit of fun in before it would be “unknowingly sucked away.” (As Satoru would have said). 
So with the house to yourself, you and Suguru sit on the couch, watching, who knows what movie, while eating takeout and sipping on some wine, except y’all weren’t sipping as you were already on the second bottle.
“This movie is boring, Suggy.” Hiccup. “Let’s watch something else. Or do something else.” 
“Like what doll? Neither of us are in a state to drive.” 
“Hmmm-“ you begin but interrupt yourself with a fit of laughter. 
“Hey you! What’s so funny?” Suguru joins in with you with laughter, jabbing his hands to your side and tickling you. 
“Hey STOP!” Your laughter now becoming more uncontrollable. 
The tickle fight-or rather tickle assault since you haven’t been able to get your hands on Suguru- comes to an abrupt stop as you fall off the couch, bringing Suguru down with. 
You lay on the floor, with Suguru hovering on top of you. His hands holding yours over your head. Breaths are shaky and uneven. The two of you staring into each others souls, not daring to break the contact. 
Heat rises up to your cheeks, but that was because of the wine. Right? Definitely not because you are feeling some way about Suguru, no. You loved Satoru still, you couldn’t. 
But, it had been so long since you felt good. 
And as if he had read your mind, he placed his lips on yours, but in a way that was so soft. It wasn’t sloppy, it was perfect. So passionate, so needy.
Suguru had wanted this forever. An actual kiss. It felt so wrong, but it was so right. He needed this. Satoru told him to take care of you, but he never specified on how. 
Every thought of guilt being pushed further and further into the back of his mind. 
The wine giving him courage? Maybe, however he would have never done this if he had thought you wouldn’t reciprocate it back. He had noticed for a few weeks now the way your stares towards him had become more longing and more sincere. The touches you gave him on his arm or back, even the way you wrapped your arms around his neck, became longer and more heartwarming. Even if this was a one time thing, a moment of selfishness, pleasure, and lust, he was going to make it worth it. Make it the best moment of his life. He was going to make you feel good, gonna make him feel good. 
“Let’s move to my room, doll.” 
The run towards his room is fast. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him move that quick before. Quickly, he lays on the bed and pulls you on top of him, where now, you are straddling him. 
A few more kisses are exchanged before Suguru is pulling your top off, no bra on as the two of you were just lounging around the house. 
He stares, hard, although he doesn’t mean too. The stare now making you feel nervous and small, causing your face to shift. Of course, Suguru notices this.” 
“You are so beautiful, y/n.” 
Suguru did fulfill his duty to make you feel good. It was more than good, it was the best you ever felt…..in a while. 
And in that moment of climax, shared between the two of you, Suguru was yours. You had him. You’ve always had him, but then. You really had him. You had officially seen him when he was most needy.  Seen him in a moment of pleasure, ecstasy. 
But, Suguru didn’t have you. 
No matter what he did, how he made you feel, you would never be his. You were never his. 
You are and always will be, Satoru’s.
a/n: wow! and here it is. i am actually really proud of how this came out. now, onto what i needed to say. i’m thinking of writing a bunch of different side stories about this, like reader telling Gojo they’re pregnant, Gojo and readers first date, Gojo before the fatality, maybe an alternate ending👀 if that is something you guys would be interested in, lmk and i’ll start writing. thanks for reading<3 highly appreciated 🥰 sorry for the pain i may have caused, if it makes anyone feel better i got v emotional writing this!
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lotties-ashwagandha · 11 months
kinktober day whatever the fuck it is — thigh riding and wet dream — lottie matthews x fem!reader bc even tho i try writing gn reader i cant handle not writing “good girl” because it makes me so it so i just i just cant cope — this is possibly my best smut but it’s not proofread
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You lowered down onto her thigh, moaning. Her bare skin on your core sent you almost into hysterics. It felt so good, she was sucking bruises onto your neck, and the string of praises she whispered into your ear every time you moaned was like the blessings of god given over and over in the gentle tone of her voice.
“So good for mommy,” she purred, “you’re so beautiful like this, look at the mess you’re making on mommy’s thigh.”
You moaned, looking down, and—
Your eyes fluttered open, and you were faced with the devil of the sun coming in through the curtains. You were a bit disoriented for a moment, the contents of your dream so real in your mind that it took you a moment to figure out that all of it had been a dream.
“Fuck,” you whispered, barely audible, rolling over from your side onto your back. You wanted it to have been real so bad, it had been so perfect.
You looked beside you. Lottie was still asleep, facing you on her side. You watched her closely, she was so gorgeous even in sleep, her dark hair perfectly splayed over her shoulders. She’d slept naked, both of you had after the night you’d had together before, and your eyes couldn’t help but wander to what was visible of her chest above the blankets.
Her eyes fluttered open and you looked away, feeling your cheeks grow warm as embarrassment crept up your chest. You didn’t have wet dreams often, and when you did you certainly didn’t tell anyone about them, and you knew how guilty you probably looked watching her sleep.
“Morning,” she said softly, and a smile tugged at your lips.
“Morning,” you said, a bit more awkward than you would’ve liked. Visions from your dream kept running through your mind uncontrollably, and you could only imagine how wet you were.
“You okay?” She asked, scooting closer to you and wrapping an arm around your waist. “Were you watching me sleep?” She asked, her tone playful.
“No, just for a second, but no, not really,” you said, stumbling through your answer.
“What were you thinking about?”
You didn’t respond, sighing and shaking your head.
“Tell me,” she said, teasing you, a mischievous smile staining her lips. Her hand ran up and down your bare abdomen, distracting you.
“Lottie,” you protested, still embarrassed.
“What, baby? You weren’t so shy last night, were you?” She asked, trailing her hand over the hickeys covering your neck and chest. “Tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours.”
After a moment you relented. “You were in my dream,” you said quietly, claiming her full attention.
“Yeah? What was I doing?”
You bit your lip, hesitating again.
“Oh,” she said, realizing. She sat up, straddling your hips, and your breath hitched. “So dirty, dreaming about me fucking you. What was I doing to you, gorgeous?”
“I was on your thigh,” you admitted, and while you were still a bit embarrassed there was a morbid satisfaction that came from your humiliation in retelling the dream to her as she straddled you naked, looming over you like a goddess. “You were telling me how good I was, how pretty I was…”
“Yeah? You like being a good little slut for mommy, don’t you?”
You nodded, hands falling to her thighs as she leaned down to kiss you. She was intoxicating, and every time she kissed you it overcame every one of your senses completely. She owned you in every way and you loved it, you lived off it.
She pulled away, suddenly moving off of you. A bit confused, you whined, watching as she sat back against the headboard.
“Come here, baby,” she said, patting her lap.
Your heart did flips in your chest, and the adrenaline of it pooled between your legs, your clit throbbing.
You straddled her lap, pulling her into a kiss, one of her hands weaving into your hair as she adjusted her leg and moved you to hover above her thigh.
“Look at me,” she ordered, and you met her gaze as she grabbed your hips and lowered you down onto her thigh. “Keep your eyes on me, I want to see how pretty you look when you ride my thigh.”
You moaned, eyes trained on her as you began to grind on her thigh. Any thoughts about the dream you’d had disappeared, for this was so much better, and nothing could replicate or replace the feeling of you slipping on her thigh, the friction so perfect but still not quite enough to get you to cum.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so wet,” she purred, flexing her thigh, and you moaned. “Making such a mess for mommy, aren’t you?”
“Mommy, please…” you whined, and quickened your pace, not entirely sure what you were asking for but knowing that you needed something. It wasn’t enough, you needed her to touch you, to fuck you until you were in tears.
“‘Please,’ what, sweet girl?”
“I need you to touch me,” you breathed, “it���s not enough, I can’t…”
Lottie shook her head, hands clamping your hips as she guided you on her thigh. “Yes you can, love. This is what you wanted, hm? You dreamed about it all night, baby, and you woke up so desperate for it, so now you’re going to be a good girl and ride mommy’s thigh until you cum.”
You moaned, nodding. You would always do what she wanted, any will of your own went out the window when she called you her good girl, when she dangled the promise of euphoria just out of your reach.
You rode her harder, trying desperately to catch your release but it evaded you. You whined, your head dropping to the crook of her neck, and her hand came up to your back, holding you against her as you continued to chase your orgasm.
“You’re doing so good for me, princess,” she praised. “Keep going, baby, I know you’re so close.”
You whimpered, keeping your pace but you were tired, and you were so focused on the pleasure overcoming you that the rhythm of your hips became erratic and every time you came close to release you lost it.
Without warning Lottie flipped you over. You gasped when she slipped two fingers into you, the heel of her hand rubbing against your clit. She murmured praises into your ear but you could hardly hear them, the sound of her voice and the feeling of her fingers inside of you getting you to the edge again.
“Cum for me, pretty girl,” she whispered, and you came undone, your back arching off the bed as your orgasm rushed over you in a wave. You moaned, hips jerking into her hand as you rode it out, so much better than anything you could have dreamed up.
When it finally passed, you slumped into the pillows, wrapping your arms around her. Lottie kissed you gently, pulling you to lay on top of her, your head resting on her chest and one of your legs thrown over her hips. You were so tired, you’d only woken up a little while ago, and looking at the clock you hadn’t realized how early it was.
“Get some rest, my darling,” Lottie said softly, and after a moment a mischievous smirk passed over her lips. “In a few hours, maybe you’ll have dreamed up something else for us to try.”
A/N: i really hope i just murdered the sapphics with this one im pretty proud of it lmk what u thought love u my whores
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thrashkink-coven · 5 months
okay I don’t love ranting about Christians on this page because I try to keep this space free of religious shenanigans but I need to rant about this because it’s actually SO irritating. This is coming steaming hot right off the top of the dome so excuse my grammar and all caps.
Lately my instagram page (thrashkink_art check me out I’m awesome) has been getting a lot of attention from Christians for some reason, and I’ve been getting dmd by people wanting desperately to debate and/ or convert me. They all come at me with the assumption that I’m either an extreme atheist that’s just super mad at God or a complete dumbass that’s simply never read the first few pages of Genesis. I must either be angry or stupid. There’s no way I could have read the Bible and known the story of Jesus without subscribing to it. Anyone who isn’t Christian must not know the story! “Have you heard about JESUS? DID YOU 🫵 KNOW He died for your sins? 😃” Whatever
The thing that is so frustrating is that, EVERY SINGLE TIME I share some information with them about the Bible or religion that they didn’t know, they immediately BLOCK ME. EVERY TIME. And it’s like??? If you want to have a debate and go bar for bar then I’ll humor you. Hey, who knows! Maybe I’ll even learn something new and convert! I’m always open to new information! I love learning about religion! But apparently it doesn’t go both ways because the second I present information they can’t grapple with, they IMMEDIATELY BLOCK ME. AAAAAA
Some Christian dude: If you read the Bible you’d know that doing witchcraft will land you in Hell!
Me: well if we’re really going based off of the Bible, the entire concept of Hell doesn’t originate in the Isrealite religion. Actually, there’s no mention of a Hell in the OT at all, Hell is a Greek concept and so is Lucifer.
Christian: What? No?? That can’t be true it completely distorts my worldview
Me: You… don’t have to believe me just look into it yourself
*You can no longer message this person*
Some Christian dude: Women are just naturally subordinate to men, if they weren’t then we would have worshipped a female Goddess alongside YHWH.
Me: Well… They did. The Israelites worshiped Asherah alongside YHWH before her worship was abolished
Christian: This is blasphemy *you can no longer message this person*
RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAA. I have countless examples like this! A dude called me evil because I told him Jesus was Jewish. I’ve been called a degenerate for explaining how YHWH originated in Canaan. Im so tired of ignorant Christians shitting my pants because they’re too lazy to do any research on tHEIR OWN RELIGION!! IF YOU NEED TO HAVE AN EXISTENTIAL CRISIS BECAUSE YOU JUSG LEARNED ABOUT THE HISTOY OF YOUR RELIGION THEN THATS ON YOU BITCH! DONT GET MAD AT ME BC YOUVE BEEN FED A LIE !!!!!! THATS NOT MY PROBLEM !!!!!!!!!!
There have been so many times when I’ve taken the time to go through all this bullshit with people because I really don’t want to be close minded. But holy shit it’s like they’re allergic to conflicting information. They immediately accuse me of trying to push blasphemy onto them. and when i’m like hey dude don’t take my word for it, please I encourage you to do your own research, they’re immediately so offended and appalled. How dare I tell them something about the Bible that they didn’t know.
Listen bro, I’m fully supportive of your Christianity, live your life, worship your God, I honestly do not care. But if you’re going to try to convert me at least be somewhat prepared for an actual discussion. Don’t block me because you can’t handle the reality of the situation mother fucker.
ok. I’m better now. Merry Venus Day! Ave Lucifer! 🔱 💀
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Hi! Not sure if your requests are open but maybe one where Mel and reader both have crushes on each other but think the other wouldn't be interested bc of the age difference
Hi yourself! My requests are indeed open (honestly, I'm flattered to the extreme that people like what I write enough to actually ask for more of it). Sorry this one took a little bit of time but after I got the initial idea from reading your prompt this one took a life of it's own and refused to go down the path I originally started it down. Anyway...I hope you enjoy!
It's Just A Little Crush (Not Like I Faint Every Time We Touch)
It would be easier if she wasn’t nice to you. 
If she wasn’t nice to you, she could just be the untouchable, hot as hell, fiery goddess you admired from afar. 
But no.  She let you sit with her and Barb at lunch.  She even brought you lunch after a few conversations had strayed into discussing cooking and favourite recipes during said lunch breaks.
How were you meant to get over your ridiculous crush when she actually gave you the time of day?  When she smiled like that?  When her whole face lit up and she gestured so animatedly when she got caught up talking about something?
And as if that wasn’t enough, how were you ever meant to recover after seeing her so soft with her students?  Going out of her way to open up to them and help them. 
It was ridiculous, though.  You knew that.  What good was ever going to come of it? 
Kid.  That’s what she calls you.  It’s a constant reminder of the age gap between you.  Of the chasm that you feel you can’t even begin to cross when she sees you as some eager little kid.
You’ve always had a thing for older women.  From those early, confused days of watching your on-screen idols, to realising you didn’t want to be them.  You didn’t want to be friends with them.  You just wanted them. 
You want one in particular, but as you look across at her, her red hair ablaze in the sunshine, you force those feelings down once more.  If friendship is what she’s offering you’re not about to beat her with that olive branch.  You’ll deem yourself lucky and move on.
Even if she has ruined you for anyone else. 
“You know,” drawled Barbara.  “It’s beginning to become a habit.”
“What is?” asked Melissa, turning to face her friend with a frown. 
“Staring at her,” said the older woman, eyebrow raised. 
The red head scoffs.  “As if.  I don’t know what you think you’re seeing but that ain’t it.”
It was all said in jest to begin with.  Gentle teasing about a few wayward glances.  That was until Barb started to see her best friend be genuinely nice to you. 
To begin with, she tolerated you.  You weren’t one of the eager little puppies she so often saw when it came to younger new hires.  That much was evident from the start.  You were an old soul.  You carried a different energy. 
One that Melissa apparently appreciated just as much as the view.  Barb stood beside her the red head as they watched over the kids leaving school, keeping an eye on the them as they left for the day, making their way to busses, rides or parents.  Or rather, Barb was keeping watch over the children.  A quick glance at Melissa confirmed that her attention was directed at you where you stood a little way off, chatting happily with a young girl about the book she was waving at you as she waited for her mother to collect her. 
“Don’t,” sighed Melissa, crossing her arms across her chest. 
That took Barb by surprise.  She had expected the red head to deny it.  “You mean?”
“It’s stupid.  She’s some pretty young thing and I’m…older than I care to admit.”
Turning to look at her friend, her expression sad, the older woman reached out and placed a comforting hand on the other woman’s arm.  “And?  What’s it called?  A Spring, Winter romance?”
“May, December,” corrected Melissa automatically.  “But same thing.”
“Exactly” said Barb.  “There’s a name for it and everything.  It’s a thing.”
“It’s not a thing,” huffed the red head, turning on her heel and heading back into the building.  “It’s stupid and I’ll get over it, just like I do everything else in my life.”
You’re not sure you’re entirely on board for PECSA. 
Out of school, things are different.  Lines are blurred and you’re seeing a whole different side to your colleagues.  You’re not sure if it’s liberating or terrifying.  And that’s before you add in the factor of the other teachers who have also been set free from the constraints of the classroom and are now loose in the wild.
You’re sure your confusion must show on your face, particularly when at the end of one of the breakout sessions you find yourself caught up in conversation with a striking older woman who teaches at another school across town.
You don’t see Melissa at first, who watches the interaction with interest.  She’s not used to seeing you outside of school, and it takes her back to realise that the woman is flirting with you.  Openly and blatantly flirting with you.  She’s touching your arm, leaning into you.  Smiling and laughing. 
In return, you know you’re blushing something terrible, especially when the woman hands you a page from her notebook with her number scrawled across it.  Watching the woman walk away, throwing you a smile over her shoulder to you, you finally see the red head standing in the doorway where she said she’d meet you so you could head for lunch together.
“She not a bit old for you?” she asks as you approach, your blush still heating your cheeks.
You frown.  “If she looks like that and thinks I’m hot enough to give me her number, they’re the numbers I’m interested in,” you reply, heading in the direction of the lunch buffet. 
Barb overhears the comment, unable not to smirk at your flash of sass.  “Jealous?” she asks, leaning into the red head’s space. 
“Of what?” barks Melissa, crossing her arms across her chest as she watches you go.  “Oh leave off!” she snarks at the older woman’s raised eyebrow.
How the day has gone from serious talks and breakout sessions to cocktails by the pool you’re still trying to wrap your head around.  Adjusting your cover up, you head around the side of the pool, heading for the bar.  You hope the day starts to feel a little bit more normal with a drink in your hand. 
Gazing out over the water, you catch sight of Melissa.  Or rather, you catch sight of a lot more of Melissa than you’ve ever had the privilege of seeing before.  Not looking where you’re walking as your eyes drink in the magnificent view there’s no saving yourself as you step forward and your foot finds water instead of concrete.
“Is that?” Melissa asks incredulously at the dramatic splash that comes from the other side of the pool.  She’s up out of her lounger before Barb can comment and the older teacher can only watch on in amusement as the red head takes off in your direction. 
You pull yourself out of the pool, allowing yourself to perch on the edge as you try your best to ignore the chuckles of those around you who have noticed your mishap. 
“What the fuck happened?”
You look up and of course Melissa is there.  Right there, lit up in the sun like an angel, red hair haloed around her head.  It takes a moment to realise that her eyes are roving over you, and not just your face.  You glance down where your cover up now clings to your skin, almost see through. 
Looking up you see Melissa blink rapidly a few times before offering you a hand.  You reach for her, smiling as she helps pull you to your feet.  “Thanks,” you smile sheepishly.  “I guess I should go change.”
“It’s a pool, you’re allowed to be a little wet,” the red head smirks back at you.  “Besides, we’re this close to the bar now, be rude not to take advantage.”
Melissa appears at the bar next to you with a huff, grumbling under her breath.  Her attention is focused on trying to get the attention of the barman.  Mumbling though she is, she’s speaking just loud enough for you to make out what she was saying. 
“He was an ass,” you tell her, watching as her head whips around, finally realising you were there. 
“What?” she asks with a frown, already tipsy. 
“Your ex,” you enlighten her.  You may not have heard the comment that led to her current dip in mood, or ever have met the man, but you know enough.
Her frown only deepens.  “You don’t know a thing about him.”
“I know he didn’t appreciate what he had and left you,” you offer, ordering a drink when the barman appears in front of you, before turning back to Melissa to ask what she wants.  You find her looking at you oddly, her expression unreadable.  She quickly snaps out of it and barks and order at the bartender.
Barb has had more than a few drinks, it would appear as she flags you down to sit with her as you pass her table. 
“Sit, sit,” she smiles, trying to reach for your arm and push the chair out next to her at the same time in an uncoordinated matter. 
Catching her hands, you still her as you slide into the seat beside her to placate her.  Her gaze is a little unfocused, her words edging towards slurred.  You hadn’t quite realised how drunk she was, but then again, looking around the room, it would have been more of a surprise for her to be sober. 
“Don’t call that woman,” she tells you, leaning into your space.
“What woman?” you frown.
“That woman who gave you her number,” says Barbara like it’s obvious. 
You try not to think about the fact that for Barb to know, Melissa must have mentioned it.  That it’s been on her mind enough to mention it to the older woman.  “Why not?”
“She wouldn’t like it.”
“She gave me her number,” you point out.  “I don’t think she would mind.”
Barb shakes her head.  “Not her.  Her,” she says, nodding across the room to where Melissa is standing. 
You cross your arms across your chest.  “What has Melissa got to do with anything?”
Barb raises a single eyebrow, the action still smooth and effective despite her drunkenness and it makes you blush. 
Averting your gaze, you shake your head.  “It doesn’t matter what I feel,” you sigh.  “She’s not…She thinks I’m some stupid kid.”
What you don’t see, is Melissa now standing close enough behind your chair to catch your words.
Somewhere after speaking to Barb you decide that trying to be the sober parent of your little Abbott family just isn’t working.  You’ve lost track of most of them, and honestly, you’ve given up trying to find them.  They’re all adults and can fend for themselves.
You still have eyes on Barb and Melissa though, the former dancing up a storm and the latter apparently winning an ill-advised drinking competition. 
Not that you can judge, of course.  You know you’ve drunk more than you should, feeling pleasantly buzzed from your seat in the corner of the bar.  You should call it a night before you do something you’ll regret, like call the woman Barbara told you not to.  Sober, you wouldn’t.  Drunk, you’re flattered enough and wouldn’t say no to the company. 
With a sigh, you push yourself up out of your seat and head towards the elevators.  Pushing the button, you watch the numbers light up as the lift descends.  You squeak in surprise when a strong pair of hands land on your hips, turning you around as a plump pair of lips meet you own.
“I don’t think you’re some stupid kid.”
You blink slowly a few times, taking in the woman before you.  Melissa.  Melissa Schemmenti just kissed you.  You shouldn’t, but you don’t have it in you to deny yourself the pleasure of feeling her lips against yours once more.  You kiss her back with enthusiasm, not protesting when she backs you into the elevator as it opens and moaning as your back hits the wall of the small metallic box, the weight of Melissa pressed against you. 
You’ve always admired her curves.  Pressed against you they’re a dream. 
The clearing of a throat far to close snaps you out of your living dream and you feel Melissa take a step back, biting her lip as she guiltily throws a glance over her shoulder, registering Barb standing in the elevator, her back to you both as if she hasn’t just witnessed exactly what you were both doing. 
Standing close, you grin at the devious smirk being aimed your way by a certain red head.  There’s a dangerous glimmer of mischief in her eyes.  Smudged lipstick and mussed hair from where you hands couldn’t help but run thought it complete the look.  The woman is a work of art. 
You look up as the elevator doors chime open, realising this is your floor.  Stepping forward, you slip past Barb, who merely raises an eyebrow.  You throw a look back at Melissa, who sways forward as though to follow you, before hesitating. 
The doors slide shut, and honestly, it’s probably for the best.
You miss the dark chuckle Barb lets out as the lift begins to ascend once more.
“What you laughing at?” asks Melissa, scowling.  She’s annoyed with herself for hesitating.  She knows what she wants, and she just let it walk out of the elevator.
“You two think you’re subtle?” the older woman drawls.  “She has more of your lipstick on than you do.”
If PECSA was party central the night before, it was hangover central the morning after.  You’re sitting outside on the low wall, sunglasses firmly in place, your phone in one hand and a bottle of water in the other as you take in the cool morning air. 
“You regret what happened last night?”
You turn to see Melissa, similarly attired.  “What?”
She comes to stand beside the wall on which you’re sat, her gaze wandering anywhere but you as she speaks.  “I came to your room last night.  You didn’t answer.”
“I didn’t hear you,” you admit, watching as her head whips around.  “Too busy throwing up everything I ever drank.”  You feel the blush dusting your cheeks, but continue.  This feels too important to let a little embarrassment stop you.  You take off your sunglasses so she can see your face as you speak,  “I have many regrets about my choices last night, but what happened in the elevator isn’t one of them.”
A slow smile spreads across her lips as she shifts to take a seat next to you.  She slips her own sunglasses off, finally letting you see her eyes.  “Good to know,” she murmurs.  “Me neither.”
You can’t help but smile at that.  You notice her gaze wandering and realise she staring at the phone still clutched in your hand. 
“You planning on using that number you were so interested in yesterday?”
“Honestly?” you ask, seeing the uncertainty in her face as she nods regardless.  “That woman was hot, and while I was more than a little flattered she gave me her number…she isn’t a patch on you.”
Pale cheeks blush adorably pink at your words.  Melissa isn’t used to hearing things like what from you.
“Don’t look so surprised,” you scoff, nudging her shoulder.  “You’ve seen yourself in a mirror, right?  And you needn’t think I go falling in pools over every pretty woman I see.”
“I really distracted you that badly, huh?” she asks, a little of her confidence returning.
You bump her shoulder with yours once more.  “Shut up.”
A gentle hand moves to cup your cheek, turning you to face her as Melissa presses a gentle kiss to your lips.  “For the record,” she says quietly.  “I don’t think you’re some stupid little kid.  I think you’re beautiful.”
You take in a shuddering breath.  It all feels too good to be true.  “What happens at PECSA stays at PECSA?” you ask sadly.
“I’ve never been one for playing by the rules,” she smirks back at you, pressing another quick kiss to your lips before pushing herself to her feet and offering a hand to you.  “Come on, we gotta go find Barb.  Reunite her with her shoes, sobriety and sanity.”
You take the hand being offered like a lifeline, grinning as Melissa starts walking, swinging your joined hands between you.  It’s only as you pass through the front doors to the building that her words even register.  “Wait?  Her shoes?”
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
I think of the quote “tell me every terrible thing you ever did and let me love you anyway” with frank castle at least twice a day😕 can you maybe write anything like that when youre free bc i love your writings so so much you amaze me every time
I wasn't planning on posting this today but it kinda just poured out of me (i'm v deep in my frankie feelings today) so...surprise?
thank you so much nonnie for breaking my heart requesting this. you're amazing & I love you.
angsty/emo blurb below the cut.
let me love you anyway.
Frank had never wanted someone to understand him so badly as he wanted you to. And for the most part, you did. But there was so much that he kept locked away. 
There weren’t just skeletons in his closet. There was enough bloodshed to turn oceans red. There were sins he’d committed that would make the Devil look like an angel. There were sides to him even he was too scared to face in the mirror.
Frank granted you peeks behind the curtain every once in a while, but he never let you see him fully. He knew that you were aware of his past, and his crimes, but anything you read in black and white paled in comparison to what was painted in red. Those letters didn’t hold the weight of the bodies he’d dropped. The summaries reported in the news were a fairytale compared to the nightmare of the details. 
He wanted to let you in. He wanted you to know him, really know him, more than he ever wanted anything. He didn’t want to hide from you. He didn’t want to have to be someone else. He wanted you to love him, the real him.
But could you?
Could you love a man like him? 
Could you make sense of all his broken pieces? Could you forgive sins that even’t God couldn’t? Could you look at him and just see him?
Could you call him by his real name, not the one he was branded? Could you hold his hand without thinking about how many lives he had taken with it? Could you accept the evidence on his body of what he really was?
Could you still think he was your hero if he proved that he was a monster? Could you still look at him if it was all true? Could you stay knowing it was?
He couldn’t look at you. He couldn’t see the disappointment and disgust in your eyes when he took off his mask. Maybe he shouldn’t tell you. Maybe he should just let you go, with an idea of him rather than the truth.
You didn’t give him the choice to avoid your gaze this time. Frank stared down at you solemnly as you kneeled in front of him like he was an altar, taking his face into your soft hands that had never been stained with blood, staring up at him as if he was an answered prayer instead of hellsent. 
“You’re not going to scare me away.”
Frank’s eyes became glossed over with tears at the conviction in your voice. He knew you wanted to mean that as badly as he wanted to believe it. 
“You don’t…you don’t know that. You don’t know…what I’ve done…”
His voice trembled as much as his hands did. It felt like the room was closing in on him, and the only thing keeping him from collapsing was you. 
“Then tell me.”
Frank squeezed his eyes shut, nearly sobbing at the gentle touch of your fingers wiping the tears from his cheeks before they could stain. Sometimes you touched him like he was made of glass, and right now he felt like he was seconds away from shattering. No one had ever treated him as delicately as you had, and it was hard not to crumble under the weight of your kindness.
“Frank, look at me.”
Frank did as you asked, he always did, and he didn’t hesitate to lean into your embrace when you carefully rubbed your thumb across his cheekbone in a soothing manner. There was a tender smile on your lips and a mixture of sympathy and devotion pooling in your eyes.
“Tell me every terrible thing you ever did, and let me love you anyway.”
tags: @day-dreaming-goddess  @neverlandcity @charmedkim @queenofthenoobs @stilldreaming666 @mattymurdock1021 @messymissy @dark-academia-slut @strawberry1042
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