#be careful where you put up glue traps or don't put them at all!
berryicet · 1 year
Oh gosh
Like. The glue trap drawings are funny as hell, but actually, glue traps are real dangerous if you have kittens that like to sneak in through walls and attics (if that's where you put the traps)
One time one of my kittens got caught in those glue traps, the poor thing couldn't move an inch, and it was so hard to get him off it because I was scared I'd rip off his skin.
Washing him thoroughly with sunflower cooking oil works amazingly for getting the glue off btw!!! Please don't try anything else, especially no weird chemicals ppl tell u to use, it might kill the kitten!! Just cooking oil and patience and it will get it off
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evilminji · 3 months
You know what's my JAM?
Extremes being treated as the Serious Dangers they ARE, even when they aren't "oooh its a spooky Grey morality and BADness!" Extreme.
Like? No, people. ALL of them are bad. They are ALL face melting dangerous. The void may crush your soul, but look upon the Face Of GOD? Not gonna be having a fun time! Doesn't MATTER if he's a cool dude! Face melting!
We are creatures of BALANCE. Tiny, fragile, little motes of dust. That can only exsist in the careful, blended, dances of territories and powers that be. We squishy.
Ghosts? Less squishy.
Poor impulse control, too. Especially ones with Fenton genetics. ABSOLUTELY ones with Fenton genetics and a trauma based aversion to therapy. That one? Pretty hardy. Made pretty tough, what with being Fates third favorite chew toy. But? Still gets the Sads, you know? The slightly longer then just seasonal depression.
Would medicine and some therapy help? Oh like a dream!
If medicine WORKED on his Ectoplasmicly contaminated ass. And he TRUSTED therapists.
But... surely, Danny thinks, as he sits grossly in his Depression sweatpants and eats suspect pizza on the floor of his moldering shoebox of an apartment, there must be SOME way to address his Depression? He should... he should DO something about it. Take a break maybe. Look up some ghost doctors or something.
Oooooooooor..... >.>
He could break out that OMENIOUS af, bound in suspect leather, Big Book Of Forbidden Knowledge(TM) that he got from Pariah's.... what, fourth? Fifth? Library? Fuck that Lair is huge. He's STILL cleaning it out and it's been over half a decade. He swears it spawns more floors just to mock him. Bastard. Don't know HOW a building can be a Bastard, but it sure found A WAY.
Book it is! *horrifying Eldritch light as he opens it* huh. Neat. Comes with its own visual effects. *another bite of suspect pizza* Funky.
And so! Danny, the depressed King Of The Zone... fucks of to go cheer himself up in the Fields Of Bliss(TM), an area of Absolute Bliss. Which! Sounds GREAT in theory, now don't it? Lovely even.
Remember that little comment about extremes?
You can ENTER those fields. But no one leaves. No one CAN. The deeper you go? The more doomed you become. Less will to do anything at all. Eat, talk, move. So much as think. Like ALL extreme "Goods", it sounds lovely, but the reality is no gentle little thing.
It's a glue trap.
But how could Danny have known? Honestly, who would have TAUGHT him? Textbooks can only go so far, after all. And placing blame will not rescue the young monarch.
I imagine it's one of his helpers that pieces together what's happened. Come for further clarification on WHERE exactly he wants certain statues moved. Only? Your Majesty? Your Majesty...? Where ever could he BE? Oh? He's left out some of his books. Well, I'll just assist by putting them away for-.....
But! What can the poor man DO? Ghosts are Beings of Will, Emotion, and Obsession. Were it some sort of Holy Blade or Sentient Tree, you know, something INDIVIDUAL with a will they could FIGHT? Oh no problem. But an area of effect? Especially an EMOTIONAL area of effect!? Ooooooh, this is bad. The Zone can't AFFORD to lose ANOTHER King!
Wait. He's heard that there's an organization for this! That loudly cursing fellow who got violently thrown back into the Zone. "Ruined his fun" and all that! Perfect! He'll just hire THEM!
Smashcut? To a nice, peaceful, everybody's screaming Justice League Meeting. John's cursing life, extremely hungover. Zatana still has three cracked ribs. Wonder Woman is enjoying the new sword she... liberated... mid battle. Truely stunning craftsmanship. When?
Knock Knock!
Heads swivel. There... is a glowing green... accountant? Dandy? Dandy accountant. With an equally radioactive day glow green Actual Pirate's Chest Of Treasures, floating next to him. In the void of space; Just beyond the glass. What, the, fuuuuuu-
He seems to be under the impression they are some sort of Heroic mercenaries. And has come to request the retrieve-
"NNNNNOPE! Pariah can SHOVE it!" Snarls a suddenly very awake John Constantine, sitting up straight for the first time in hours. The rest of Dark grimly nod in agreement. Let the fucker rot. It's a kinder fate then he deserves.
No, no, NO! King PHANTOM! Pariah's SUCCESSOR by right of combat! They are not, and were never, allied in any way!
Well, all right then. Road trip to save a young idiot then.
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @hypewinter @lolottes @mutable-manifestation @nerdpoe
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just-jordie-things · 7 months
Headcanon request: jjk characters (dudes & ladies) with an s/o who is a kindhearted animal lover. They won't kill the bugs, just put them in a cup and bring them outside. Their s/o is kind to basically every little non-curse critter out there, including the kind most would find gross (i.e. bugs, reptiles, amphibians, rats, etc )
Inspired by something that happened to me at work where I helped a little field/house mouse.
gojo satoru
as we saw with the ant scene, i don't think he tends to kill bugs either. but he obviously has the means to do so with ease
but now when he comes across a little bug, he's gotten into the habit of picking them up and putting them outside.
just because you're always adamant on making him watch the spot where that spider was while you grab a cup to safely transport him in.
you catch him picking up a ladybug one day and setting it outside by some plants and your heart is so warmmm how sweet and adorable is he?
fushiguro megumi
is probably a bug squasher himself tbh but it's not personal. he just doesn't think about it the way you do.
but you're walking home on a gloomy day and it had rained earlier, leaving dozens of worms scattered homeless across the sidewalk, and he changes his mind completely as you begin to scoop them up and carefully place them back in the grass before the sun could come out and dry them up
he might think it's sort of silly and he might tease you, but after that, megumi is always considerate of the little bugs he finds. he'll even help you the next time some worms need re-homing
kugisaki nobara
is grateful that you'll take care of any little bugs or creatures because she's definitely terrified to
i don't think she'd want them to die, but either way she definitely isn't going near it
lucky she has big strong and brave you to handle any and all creepy crawlies that try to disturb her!!
inumaki toge
thinks it's so sweet how considerate you are of all life big and small
after finding a poor mouse in a glue trap you'd made it your personal mission to free the little guy, no matter how long you'd have to spend soaking it up in dawn dish soap
you're worried sick about the little rodent but as soon as it's free and safely in a little box, you're eagerly taking it outside to release it, and toge's never seen you look happier
he definitely goes to yaga after that and together you both replace all the outdated traps on the grounds with safer, live traps, so no more little creatures could get hurt in the future
okkotsu yuuta
i think what would be funniest is if his introduction to you was through a mission, where he sees how ruthless you can really be XD
only to have you stop him in his tracks one day because there's a bumblebee with a damaged wing on the ground.
suddenly you're cooing and fussing over the poor thing, all sad doe eyes and pouty lips as you ask it how it got hurt.
he watches as you carefully get it to crawl on a small sheet of paper before sliding it into a smaller box to keep it safe while you carry it inside.
the care with which you make a little dish of sugar water for it to drink from and the softness of your voice as you sweet talk it has him swooning but also very alarmed by how many sides to your personality there is
zen'in maki
was definitely a bug killer before she met you. she probably killed bugs for mai back at the zen'in compound, and would probably assume that you'd want her to do the same for you
but as her hand is flying down to smack a bug on the table, you're grabbing her wrist to stop her, a wild and frantic look in your eye as you assure the little guy shouldn't die
she's probably all "heh? little guy?" at first
but it's so cute that you scoop the tiny ant into your palm and carefully set it in the grass, away from your food and back to where it belongs
it might take her a while, but she tries not to kill bugs on instinct anymore. you fall in love with her the day you see her grabbing a cup to let a spider out.
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pandorapanther · 1 year
Comedy and Tragedy chapter 1
A DCA AU where Sun and Moon used to be from a theater. Loosely based on the clip from the next tales of the Pizzaplex book. I haven't written a story in like 10 years so please be patient with me as I relearn and don't be afraid to leave honest critique to help me improve.
TW: Mild blood and violence. Not a lot nor is it too descriptive as I work on relearning but it's there Ao3 link here: Comedy And Tragedy
Sun was quickly ushered into his new daycare. The brightly colored space jarring from his normal well lit yet subtly colored theater space. He took the time exploring the surroundings, listening to the tune that played through the daycare, observing each possible craft and every toy, the possibilities for play seemed endless. It may be a drastic change but he was excited for it. He didn’t need to play a part here he could just be joyous, caring for children seemed simple enough, the idea of it all seemed freeing. He couldn’t help but smile as he bounced around getting ready for the day with the help of a Pizzaplex staff member who was there to settle him into his new role.
Finally it came time to open. As the doors opened he gave a gleeful wave introducing himself to all his new friends. The parents seemed apprehensive about a new attendant who isn’t human. The Staff assured the parents that Sun had the best coding done for the best child care possible. When the parents finally relented Sun was able to bring all the children into the daycare. He needed very little help from the staff member, playing with the children came naturally to him. They made paper dolls with plenty of glitter glue, played games like tag, had snacks, and more. Sun felt at home where he was. That was until the staff member called for a naptime.
Sun felt panicked as she walked towards the light switch. Fast as a flash he ran over and blocked her from it. She looked at him a little startled. After a moment though she huffed at him and spoke.
“Stand down Sun, it’s naptime whether you like it or not the lights go off.”
He eyed her hesitant but firm in his choices.
“No ma’am! The lights stay on! I don’t like the dark and you shouldn’t either.”
The staff attempted to move around him at the switch but he caught her and continued.
“He should never be let out. He is a dangerous villain and should stay put where he is trapped by the light.”
The staff continued to go for the switch as she spoke.
“Both your codes got an upgrade, it'll be fine. Moon is programmed to care for children now too during naptime. You have no naptime programming and wouldn’t do well at it with how loud you are.”
She finally pushed Sun out of the way causing him to stumble and fall. He turned in another attempt to stop her mouth open to say more, too late. The switch was flicked. The lights went off. Sun stared at them for a moment his rays brought in in fear. He took one last look at the staff member as she walked over to help him up. Then it went dark.
The staff member watched as the rays pulled in the bright colors on the animatronics body darking to nightly shades as if made like a mood ring or color changing cup. The bright blue eyes of Sun switched to dark red. The eyes quickly focused on the staff member as a nightcap slipped out of its compartment and onto his head. She felt a wave of danger as the gaze met hers but she steeled herself, crossing her arms over her chest to hide her nerves, and spoke.
“Finally you’re up, it’s time to put the kids down for a nap they’re already getting fussy. Get to it, you’ve already stalled long enough.”
Moon blinked at her, a menacing grin on his face. He didn’t like being talked to like a tool, he’s had enough of that from Sun and other theater staff. He eyed her, taking notice of the unfamiliar staff uniform, he finally looked up. This wasn’t the theater, this was someplace new. The bright colors assaulted his eyes in the darkened room. He noticed the huddle of kids waiting off to the side holding various plushies and blankets. This was a daycare, both his and Sun’s daycare. His code told him his new role. After a moment of processing an annoyed voice broke his train of thought.
“Well? What are you waiting for? Do what you were programmed for already so I can go to lunch.”
Moon tilted his head at her moving close, the grin never leaving his face. She hesitated, her confidence wavering. She briefly wondered how such a creepy bot would ever handle daycare duties but she shook that off. She pointed towards the kids before speaking.
“Stop focusing on me and do your damn job already you stupid robot.”
Finally, Moon snapped into action at these words. His eyes glowed a bit and he let out a menacing, dark chuckle. He lunged forward at the woman. His attack was swift and effective. Clawed hands plunging right into her. Her face widened in surprise as she stretched her arm out reaching for the switch. She fell short as Moon pulled his claws free letting her blood splash on him. He gave another creepy chuckle speaking in his dark rough voice.
“Nighty Night~”
He dropped the staff member to the floor feeling a tug on his leg. He let out a growl of annoyance as he turned to be face to face with the child who tugged on his pants. This caused the small girl to squeak and surprise and tremble. For a moment he felt angered by the fear she showed before, suddenly being caught off guard when the child held a toy towards him. She spoke, her voice small and nervous.
“Mister Moon, why were you two arguing?” 
she asked looking up at him slowly calming her voice evening out as she continued. 
“People shouldn’t fight! When she wakes up you two should apologize to each other and then hug lemme show you!” 
In the darkness of the room the child couldn't see the truth of what went down. She looked up into his red eyes with innocence as she hugged his leg. After a moment of startled hesitation Moon finally spoke, kneeling down to be closer to the girl’s height.
“You….aren’t scared of me? I’m the villain of every story. How do you not run away from me?”
The girl tilted her head curiously. She thought about her answer for a moment before speaking.
“The night shouldn’t be scary! Mommy and daddy taught me to be brave in the dark and love the night sky! Especially the Moon! You’re not scary to me! You’re a new friend, just like Mister Sun!”
Moon went silent and after a moment scooped up the girl into his clean arm. He walked over to the group of children carefully corralling them into their nap spaces. Once they were all settled he sat on top of a play structure overlooking them. Noticing the silence he started to sing a soft soothing tune in his deep voice. The silence was soon replaced with gentle snoring. Stopping his song he stood up and wandered the daycare exploring it quietly. He noticed the cable and grabbed it. They used these sometimes in the theater to fly around on stage. It was a forced path controlled by the theater crew but it was often more freeing allowing him to see past the ring of light that kept him on the stage.
He messed with the daycares cable a bit looking around for any staff that might control it. After a moment he slipped it on his hook with a small excited grin. Finally he was able to take off and control his own path. It felt so freeing, flying around the daycare without a care. Eventually he settled perching on a play structure looking down at the kids. He let out a gentle sigh. They didn’t see him as a villain. It was a new feeling, to be looked at with care and innocence from a child’s eyes. Maybe the daycare wouldn’t be so bad.
He was shocked to his senses soon enough with the creak of an opening door and a scream from a staff member who came searching for their missing lunch buddy. His eyes glowed as she lunged off the playset at the staff. Landing in front of the newcomer he growled out.
“Naughty, naughty. Nap time isn’t over yet and you just woke the children.”
Moon loomed over the man menacingly. The man was trembling, clutching a flashlight. He flashed it on it immediately being trained on the blood over Moon's body. Moon growled low, swatting the light away, his clawed fingers dragging into the man’s skin in the same movement. The man finally snapping into action ran for the lightswitch. Moon gave chase lunging for the man. Moon grabbed onto the man’s arm digging his claws in as the man strained for the lightswitch. Moon growled into the man’s ear.
“The lights stay off”
Moon’s warning fell on deaf ears as the man still straining managed to flick the switch to on. Moon winced as it all went bright. He released his claws looking at the children who, though still sleepy, looked at him in horror as they could finally see the red on his body as well as the terrified and injured staff. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off when he was forced back into his dormant prison.
Moon’s cap slipped back into its compartment as Sun’s rays slipped out, the colors of his body brightening back to their cheery yellow, his eyes returning to their bright blue. He gave a hearty laugh as he waved to the children relieved to see them alright. He thought for a moment that maybe the staff was right and Moon’s code was okay. Until he heard a panicked voice behind him calling for emergency services. He hesitated, he didn’t wanna turn around, he knew what he’d find having seen it before. After a moment he relented, turning to face the injured staff 
member desperately trying to save his friend. Sun knew it was in vain though. A quick scan of her body showed no signs of life. He took a step forward to try and give the man first aid and comfort but the man snapped his head up with a hateful glare. He grabbed a flashlight from the floor, throwing it at Sun while yelling at him to go away. He tried to explain about the warnings but the man wouldn’t hear it. He just wanted Sun gone.
With a deep sigh, Sun looked around. Above the ballpit there lay a balcony with a hole in the wall. That must be where they are meant to recharge. He grabbed the cable quickly hooking it to himself and pulling himself up onto the balcony and into the room. The staff would take care of the kids and he knew it. All he needed to do was clean himself off and wait for the staff to call for him to give him consequences for Moon’s actions. Once again he would be the one to clean up after Moon. He knew it would happen eventually; he had just wished he could have felt free for just a bit longer. Once again though through Moon’s actions he’d be trapped somehow, he was sure of it.
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rin-and-jade · 11 months
hey it's pop again, I already technically posted this in a comment section on a YouTube video but I just need to tell you too.
when I was little, I used to get yelled at a lot. I never did go to school, so I never did have that time away from home other kids got, I never was social. I was holed up In our house, for most of my life. still am, the only sense if actual no strings attached freedom I get is from the internet.
I am able to be who I want on here without the anger, and yelling. or the "why are you just sitting there? you could be doing anything!" or "you stupid kid, you know you can do better" or "DO BETTER" or "GET UP AND OUT DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE!" or just anything.
I just don't like the feelings, I feel so guilty about nothing! I wanna vomit and cry and scream for no reason!
I feel like anything I do is judged and if I make a slight mistake I'm ridiculed. they all still get angry about my past mistakes.
it wasn't even anything bad! everything I've done has ended up okay, no one has groomed me, no one has verbally abused me on here, they actually like what I have to say. they give me space and time to talk.
my stutter came back, I didn't realise at first. but now it's just in my head, I stutter and go over my words again and again. and I don't know why.
I've been doing the best I possibly can, I clean, I cook, I do my chores and fold the clothes, I take care of my siblings, I take care of the dog I don't want to take care of. (I love her, but we literally agreed that I wouldn't have to do any dog chores since it gives me hives and asthma and I just can't deal with it.)
I try so FUNKING HARD, and I barely get any credit for it. if I truly moved out, they would be so lost without me.
I want to move out, and see the world and just BE something. I want to DO something that's not just staying confined in my room or only going out when they go out.
I want that smidgeon of freedom, I just can't grasp. so here I am, again. on the internet the only "safe" place I know these days. I can't read a book and distract myself from my parents arguments, I don't have the space to play music without headphones, I can't watch tv or the sort because the TV is in the places where they argue.
so all I have is this, this little text. to quench my thirst of being "abused" or "mistreated" I don't even know anymore.
I love them, dearly. but I just can't spend the rest of my life stuck to them like glue, I know my siblings will be confused and sad. but I just NEED to free myself, I need to be in charge of where and when I can go.
I want to do walks, I want to aimlessly walk malls, I want to work a job or just maybe die.
it's just overwhelming, I want that freedom. and I want to go to my own home, meet people. fall in love, make something of myself. 
make mistakes I'm proud of, and funk up bad. go to THERAPY, god I just want that.
but I'm just stuck in a cycle I can't escape, maybe one day I will. and I'll cry many tears and walk my small stupid apartment, and put up posters and play online games. and talk with people I don't know, and just exist in the way I want to.
find people like me, and go to arcades and spend my pocket money on it. I wander the world, learn a language! I want to do so much and yet I'm trapped.
but one day I'll leave, one day I'll be on my own and it will be so nice.
Wanna add that never do i have the privilege to express my anger as its always fought back with more anger, like goddamnit how can you be mad and i listen when you can't accept a tinge??
Anyway, as you're independent, you'll do good living alone and working alone one day,, do all the things you want and meet anyone you want. Just remember going as a lone wolf will also have it's troubles so atleast find/have someone to trust along the way.
An absolute survivor, go slay sir/maam.
- j
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O Titan, Where Art Thou
aka pain, confusion, dread, and ultimately, hope. I felt like this episode ended so fast but also it had a LOT going on huh, this'll be long
King's strange dream seems to take place in that weird in between. Interesting that Luz was able to make it in there, kinda, through the unfinished door
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Looks like the Collector is trapped there, in that weird orb thingy
remembering from Hollow Mind, to me who's trapped beneath these bones hmm how does the Titan's body connect to this place?
And he doesn't seem to have noticed the weird connection created between them and King back when he lit the Round Boi on fire (yes I'll keep calling it that, sue me). they were surprised to hear someone else there
He sounded so desperate... I won't be alone, don't leave, come back. huh, how long you been there you little chaos goblin?
(EDIT because I wonder if the Round Boi being a reflective surface is connected to Luz being able to see through mirrors/glass when she was in there)
god, poor King. he's supposed to grow to a gigantic size, and how long does a titan even live??? will he outlive everyone. depressing thoughts, too much, he is just a little kid why must we hurt him
Luz and King are siblings!!! she is concerned about him!!
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I want all of these posters on my wall asap
"I still haven't recovered from that tea party, ugh" amazing callback, Hooty you absolute menace
heartbreaking to see the Owl House all broken and messy. Well, messier than usual
Loving Lily's winter look work it girl
I support putting snorse glue in Belos' shampoo!
"someone had to bury our bones" LILITH NO
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Perfect merch opportunity
everyone's got a lot to process, especially King. wait til they remember the titan blood oh boy
oh Lily, once again trying to treat King like some deity. I think by the end she understood but old habits die hard
"I'm a god's aunt!" her dialogue is killing me this episode I swear
Luz wants to get him his bunny back Imma go cry
I liked the parallel of Eda lying to Luz, wanting to keep her safe but ultimately harming her and their relationship, and Raine doing the same to Eda. thank god we had honesty at the end
"I wanna go on a heist" "of course you do"
"I'd kill for you. please ask me to kill for you" _ Lilith at King, probably
"wouldn't you rather have a beach day?" "maybe if we had time for 20 more adventures, but we don't!" (oh man it's almost like our 20 episodes third season was unexpectedly shortened to just 3 specials so now we get no time for beach filler episodes, DISNEY)
everyone ominously marching to the Head *shudders*
obsessed with the shitty bootleg coven scout uniforms
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why is he lowkey cool as hell. chillest dude ever. the voice of reason. wisest man alive. questioning authority and his beliefs. shoulder pats for Steve
Steve and King bonding on a soul searching motorcycle adventure helping people all over the Isles was not what I expected but it is what I NEEDED
Hooty consistently being Lilith's common sense is the funniest thing ever
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I'm cackling
and he made a little origami demon with the pages later he is perfect
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bro he is just a little kid who wanted to know where he came from and have his Owl Family meet his Demon Family don't touch me
Helihooty? Hootycopter? whatever
I too, cry when I see old sapphics in love, Steve
"this. is for my kids" GOD
and Raine has such a kind heart too, and they're a quick thinker!
no YOU look like a pile of compost, Terra!
this whole part was heartbreaking. Eda just wants them to get away, to be safe, she doesn't care what happens to her and has no plan to stop the Day of Unity from happening, and Luz is so sad and feels betrayed, after all they've been through, after how much she's grown, she refuses to give up without a fight
shout out to the acting, the music, the boarding, the colors, the everything this whole episode
remembering season 1 King wanting to be seen as a huge powerful demon and now it terrifies him, he has grown a lot. poor little guy
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STEVE FACE REVEAL oh I love his design he is just a Guy with a gentle face and a mismatched horn. best boy
"hey girl, I've been there. I can recommend a good therapist" I love him your honor
also therapy coven confirmed? is it a branch of the healing coven? lmao
also also maybe give the therapist contact to uh. everyone else too. they need it
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help him
I support Darius insulting Alador any chance he gets because his abomatrons keep hurting my children
"please try not to bite anybody" reluctant dad energy
Raine meeting Luz made me extremely happy thanks for the serotonin Owl Crew
I ADORE this Raine-Darius friendship they are so funny. gay on gay violence (affectionate)
"I'm starting to think I wasn't very good at my job" I think you were probably better than Kiki if that's any consolation
"PLEASE tell me you have a cool rebel name!" my brain immediately: " gasp, the LGBTs"
so many callbacks this episode we really are in the endgame now
Hopefully next week the Hexside team can reunite with the CATS (meowmeow!!) so we can all work together in the season finale
Also I'd like for Darius to have an honest chat with Hunter about the previous guard...
THE PALISTROM WOOD I love Eda so much
so by next week we will get to see Luz's palisman at last. I suspected she'd carve it during this season
I think a bat is still my favorite option at the moment. Amity already has a cat so I don't think they'd repeat that, and a bat is not a bird but can fly, she is a Clawthorne but also comes from somewhere else, she is between worlds!
a snake and a bird are also popular guesses. whatever it is, can't wait to see! and learn their name of course
Wonderful episode, packed with feelings, character relationships and plot development. it really hit me hard that we don't have a lot of the Owl House left... let's enjoy what we can together
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deadlynyghtshayde · 2 years
Kai had a rough night last night. She found a glue trap in the back of the cupboard. Something I explicitly told my grandfather not to buy and, if he had any, to damn well get rid of them. The only thing that has worked at all has been humane traps that I bought. I, obviously, didn't knownit was there.
So she slips into the cupboard, as she often does when I go in to get something, and I leave the door open for her to come back out. After a minute suddenly I hear a bang and a yowl and more banging, and out of the cupboard like a bat out of hell comes my cat. Terrified, fast and clattering.
I think shit maybe she's found a rat or a big mouse? Did she get bit? And then I realize the clattering is coming from her, and she's doing circuits around me. Banging into chairs and the counter and I see thay she's attached to something. I was terrified she'd gotten snapped in a mouse trap - again something I explicitly told nonno to get out of this house because cats go EVERYWHERE and you can't guarantee safety with that shit around.
Until I see the size and shape of it. A big, black piece of plastic the size of my forearm. But she's still running trying to get it off and won't stop. She goes up the stairs, comes back down and then goes back up. This time I got to the bottom before she could come down and she gives up, I think the glue must have stuck to a step and it held her for a second, long enough for her to see me coming to help. She goes limp and lets me take her, pulling the sticky trap from her foot, and just leans into me. Her tail is three inches wide and she's panting.
I take her down, use oil to dissolve the glue and soap to clean the oil, give her some treats and keep an eye on her for the next few hours. She's fine, but stressed.
Eventually we go upstairs. My first instinct was to put the trap in front of his door this morning so he stepped on it when he came out of his room, but that would make me the problem. So I put a couple of bounty towels on the table and put it in front of where he sits so he could see her fur still on it.
I was livid. Furious. And I said as much to her when I saw what was on her foot. "I told him to get rid of this shit. I told him this would happen."
I guess she was listening.
We came down today, and she kept her distance from him. I told him what happened and how distressed she was, he jokingly tried to blame her. "She shouldn't go in there, it was far down! She never goes there with me."
"The thing with cats," I explain in my quiet rage, "is that you don't know where they go or what they get in to. So it's best to be careful. I told you that, I asked you not to use glue traps and I explained why when I did so. And exactly what I said would happen happened."
He gave her turkey at lunch, as soon as she had enough she left. She hasn't talked to him, she's not acknowledging him. She usually pokes at him and asks for food, rubs against his legs. She brought me back upstairs after I was finished eating and asked for treats instead of eating downstairs.
She is PISSED. And I can't say I blame her
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lazywonderlvnd · 4 years
*hesitantly steps in the box* Umm.. soo.. I was listening to Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift again and that song (is awesome btw if you haven't listened to it already) just gives me such MAJOR drarry vibes .. like -
" And I screamed, 'for whatever it's worth I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?' He looks up grinning like a devil. "
Like if that's not drarry I'd chomp my pillows. So .. *twiddling thumbs* could you pls write something with that line as a prompt?? Pretty please 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️ maybe use the song as inspiration.. idk? Whatever you like. ALSO, don't forget I STILL LOVE YOU that ain't changing yet and you haven't seen the last of me! Imma tail after you for eternity and you better take that as the threat it is! *throws love at you* BYE!! ❤️❤️ *vaults outside the box*
my sweetest most loved angel!! thank u so much for this prompt based on a BOP i was obsessed w when the album first came out. it got sm longer than it was meant to be, so it can be found on ao3 as well!! i hope u like it ilysm ❤️❤️❤️❤️
warnings for minor drug use (weed) and implied suicide of a minor character (lucius, extremely vague reference but pls be aware!)
rating: e word count: ~5k
When Pansy asked him how it started, Draco discovered that he didn’t know what to tell her.
Technically, though, it had started at Ernie Macmillan’s party in the beginning of summer, with the cloying scent of Freesias and Freedom Roses (“Imported from the States,” Ernie told Draco pompously, when he asked) and all those string-lights dangling from the cedar pergola, perennial balls of fire inside their clear bubbles like tiny trapped suns. Cheap beer in plastic cups, Marlboro cigarettes, and some stupid Muggle game ... darts.
* * * 
“Get off me, Potter,” Draco says in a failed whisper. He’s laughing and drunk and fuzzy warm under a sprawling summer’s night sky that looks like black paint. Potter tastes like Guinness every time he kisses him, and his hands are surprisingly soft. In direct opposition to his own command he pulls Potter in by the face and glues their mouths back together ravenously. The alcohol makes him sloppy (he likes it, though — the sloppiness of it) and Potter’s skin is warm where Draco slides his hand under an ugly Muggle band T-shirt to touch. 
Around the corner, he can hear music coming from the patio where nearly every single one of their former classmates are gathered, drinking and laughing and getting along famously with a much-needed buffer of five years between them and their Hogwarts days.
Much-needed for himself and Potter as well. Apparently.
He sees him sometimes, at get-togethers like this or around the Ministry, once or twice at a dinner party thrown by a mutual friend. They’re always cordial. He hasn’t insulted Potter to his face in five years.
Except for tonight, when he couldn’t help himself loudly drawing attention to the similarities between Potter’s hair and one of the shrubs in the garden. But they’re kissing now round the side of the house and because of that he’s quite glad for his slip. And it’s their five-year reunion, so. What would it be without some bickering between the two of them?
Potter presses him into the bricks and snogs him breathless, only he keeps grinning and laughing and ruining everything just when Draco starts losing himself in it.
“Quit laughing,” he scolds him. “You’re the worst, Potter. No etiquette at all.”
“That’s rude,” Potter says. His breath wafts across Draco’s mouth. His eyes are excessively green behind their round frames, which have not changed since their school days. The scar is mostly hidden beneath his wild fringe, save for the very bottom where it slashes neatly through a dark eyebrow and touches his eyelid. “I can’t help it, I’m pissed good and proper.”
His hand moves to Draco’s hip and even through the thickness of the alcohol coating his brain like a muffler he feels that touch clear and ripe as daybreak.
“So  that’s  why you’ve decided to snog me rather than …” He waves a hand vaguely, in lieu of the proper witticism with which he might normally have trounced Potter. “You know. Beat me to a pulp.”
“I only did that one time,” Potter says, grinning. Grinning and moving his thumb in circles on Draco’s hip. “And it was because you were being a twat. And I didn’t beat you to a pulp. You’re so dramatic.”
“Semantics,” Draco says. “I had a bloody nose.”
“And you deserved it.”
“Now who’s being rude?”
Potter kisses him again.
Guinness and Freesias.
* * * 
“Macmillan’s party,” he told Pansy. “He kissed me.”
“So that’s where you disappeared to.” She looked smug. Her inch-long nails were sharpened to a point and painted a glossy black, and she drummed them against her cheek, the way a cat flicks its tail. “I’m surprised you kept it from me this whole time.”
“Well,” said Draco, lowering his gaze to his glass of wine and watching it flirt dangerously with the lip as he swirled it. His cheeks felt warm, but he wasn’t embarrassed. “We snuck around.”
Right, maybe a little embarrassed. Mostly conflicted.
“Oh?” For a single syllable the laughter underneath was remarkably transparent.
He looked up, eyebrows lifted. “Yes,” he said a little defensively. “For obvious reasons. At first it was just sex. A lot of it, so he usually came here. Apparently Granger and the Weasel are notorious for popping round his place unexpectedly.”
* * *
He feels opened up all over again every time Potter fucks into him, unhurried and so careful. His hand is hot on Draco’s thigh, both of them sticky with sweat and come. This has to be their third round at least, and Draco’s sluggish brain insists it might actually be four.
An open window lets in the late afternoon air, humid and drowsy and perfumed heavily with flowers (a la Macmillan, Draco planted Freesias and Freedom Roses outside his bedroom window and helped them along to full bloom with some careful magic). Potter’s hair is damp with sweat — from exertion and the relentless heat of July — and Draco slides his fingers into it, tangles them and pulls the way he’s learned Potter likes. If he’s honest, he’s harboured a very secret and  very  desperate yearning to touch Potter’s hair since he was quite young. He doesn’t know why.
Well, maybe he knows why.
Potter makes a quiet, whimpered noise that curls Draco’s toes. He speeds up his hips, closing in on his orgasm and putting his face in Draco’s neck even though it’s too fucking hot for it.
“Fuck,” Draco whines. He tries to lift his leg higher, wrap it around Potter’s waist to get that perfect angle, but they’re too slick with sweat and he lets out a frustrated noise when it falls back to the bed. “Potter,” he says helplessly, arching into each thrust and shaking with the effort. This third (fourth?) orgasm is building too slowly, sitting there hard and stubborn and heavy in his gut and refusing to be coaxed to completion. He’s dripping with the effort, muscles quivering. “Please — I need —”
But he seems to have figured it out for himself. He scoots forward, lifting Draco’s arse higher off the bed and bending him nearly in half. The angle helps him go deeper and he’s suddenly nudging Draco’s oversensitive prostate every time he fucks back in.
“Right there,” Draco gasps, tensing as this new angle lights a fire under his elusive orgasm. His cock is leaking but he doesn’t have the strength or energy to get a hand around it. Potter’s grunting with the effort of fucking him, sweat dripping down his temples and making his neck and torso gleam. “Right there, god, right there, please, I’m so close —”
Potter braces himself and redoubles his efforts, and it’s like he’s reached inside Draco and sunk his claws into that building storm in his belly because suddenly it’s ripped right out of him in a colossal wave of euphoria that approaches too much, cock spurting untouched between them  .  Potter keeps moving inside him while he rides it out, and at some point he feels the warm, wet explosion of Potter emptying in him, mumbling incoherent things that include Draco’s name.
They come down together too. Draco is clutching Potter’s arms and trying to catch his breath and Potter is trembling and clutching him back like an anchor in a veritable ocean of sensation. 
It’s like this every time. 
When Potter drops down onto the bed beside him Draco rolls over and kisses him, long and deep and satisfying, and Potter reciprocates with the kind of intensity that is completely unique to him as a person.
“That one was particularly good,” says Potter, and Draco laughs.
When he feels like moving, he knows that Potter will get up and go to Draco’s kitchen and make tea for both of them, and he won’t need to ask what Draco likes, because he remembered after the first time. They’ll drink it naked in bed as the sun sets on another endless summer day and transforms before their eyes into a humid and pungent summer night, in the midst of which they will fuck at least three more times, and Potter will keep smelling like sweat and bergamot and boy, and Draco will keep feeling starved for him.
And they won’t talk about it.
* * *
“And?” Pansy said.
“And what?”
“You said ‘at first,’” she pointed out, and arched a groomed eyebrow. “When did it turn into more than just sex?”
Draco tamped down on a smile, because that would have been more emotion than he cared to show at the moment. To Pansy or to himself.
He swirled his wine again and took a long sip, stalling. He wanted — needed, really — to talk this out with her, but he was becoming aware of an uncomfortable heaviness in his chest which was suggesting to him that he didn’t want to share everything. Not because he was embarrassed, but, well … it was private. It was between him and Harry.
“There was this one night he came over later than he was supposed to because of work,” Draco said. The memory stirred some emotion. He hadn’t thought of it in a while. “He had this bloody huge takeout bag of Thai food.”
 * * *
He sets it down on Draco’s desk, takes out a container, and after toeing off his shoes drops sideways onto Draco’s bed with it and uses chopsticks to shovel in a mouthful of noodles. Draco watches this in awe.
“Want some?” Harry asks once he’s swallowed (small blessings). There’s grease around his mouth. “There’s a million other things in the bag but you have to get it yourself. I’m dead tired.”
Draco thinks of asking what the hell is going on, because they’re supposed to be fucking by now, but something stops him. Harry really does look exhausted but quite content eating his Thai food on Draco’s bed, and he doesn’t have the heart to berate him for it or remind him that they’re fuck buddies, not friends, and that if he’d wanted to eat and lounge about perhaps he should’ve stayed at home.
And the food really does smell good.
He gets up and fishes another container out of the bag that turns out to be some sort of heavenly-smelling marinated beef, which he brings back to the bed. Harry’s rolled onto his back and has the container of noodles balanced on his stomach.
“They thought they found a Horcrux on a raid,” he says. His voice is perfectly casual, but Draco thinks he can see something troubled in his eyes. He has one foot crossed over the other and  it’s bouncing anxiously; he doesn’t think Harry’s aware of doing it. “Wasn’t. Obviously.” 
“But they needed your expert advice to be sure.”
“Yeah.” Harry looks at him, then his food. “Is that the beef?”
“Yes it is.”
“Haven’t tried it yet.”
He opens the container and chooses a piece, but instead of lifting it to his mouth he follows some crazy impulse and hovers it over Harry’s instead.
“Open, Scarhead,” he says. Harry blinks but does it, and Draco drops it in. He smiles, then chews.
* * *
“We ate it instead of fucking. It was the first time I realised something had shifted.”
“And you let it shift?”
The question gave him pause. He didn’t answer right away, mulling it over. It made it sound as if he’d had a choice, and that wasn’t quite right.
“It already had,” he said finally. “It wasn’t a matter of letting it; by the time I noticed, it had already happened. Otherwise he wouldn’t have come over with the food.”
“But you did let it continue,” said Pansy. She wasn’t antagonising him, nor accusing him of anything. She looked amused, but not in a way that was at his expense. Pansy was both a twat and a fiercely good friend, the combination of which meant she would do nothing more or less than hold up a mirror and force you to look at yourself, gruesome as the experience inevitably wound up being. “Even after you realised he had feelings for you.”
Draco swallowed. He’d not heard it said aloud before now.
“Yes,” he said. “It felt good. Knowing he fancied me.”
* * *
Harry’s shameless in his staring.
He stands in the doorway of the ensuite bathroom and watches Draco like he’s been invited to do so. Draco pretends not to notice, stretched out in a tub full of bubbles facing the opposite way. There’s incense burning, and candles. Harry is completely silent, but Draco could feel those eyes on him from across a crowded hall.
They fucked a few hours ago and fell asleep afterwards. Draco pretended not to think about it, but had actually made the conscious decision to let Harry continue sleeping when he woke up and decided he wanted a bath.
When he can’t take it anymore he opens his eyes and tilts his head back and a little to the side, just enough that he gets Potter in his peripherals.
“Well?” he says. 
“Well what?”
“Join me, won’t you?”
Harry snorts. Then there’s a quiver of magic in the air, and a small, utilitarian chair appears out of thin air beside the tub. Harry sits down in it. He’s holding the joint they’d only gotten halfway through earlier. 
He’s in his jeans and nothing else, all limbs and sparse chest hair, and when he crosses a leg over the other one, elbow resting on his knee as he hits the joint, Draco feels a bone-deep attraction to him that’s beyond physical.
“May I?” Draco asks. Harry hands it over and Draco inhales deeply before returning it. The humidity of the room mixes with the smoke and the smell of marijuana, pungent and cloying like the flowers. 
After a length of silence, Draco says, “Will you read me something?”
“Will I what?”
He takes his wand from the floor and Summons a book from the shelf in his room — one of his poetry collections comes sweeping in through the cracked door and into Harry’s lap. Harry sticks the joint between his lips and starts rifling through it with his glasses all fogged up. 
When he starts reading Byron (“I had a dream, which was not all a dream”) Draco smiles and sinks deeper into the hot water and bubbles, letting Harry’s voice lull him into a pleasant stupor. 
 * * *
“So you led him on,” said Pansy. “Because you liked his attention.”
He stared at her, then let his gaze drop to his wine again. Had he?
“It sounds bad when you say it like that.”
“Well,” she said, smiling wryly, “I’m only saying it as you’ve told it to me. Maybe if it sounds bad, it is bad. Some things are that simple, darling. Unless there’s more to it.”
“Like what?” he said, not looking at her. There was a touch of pouty defiance in his voice he knew Pansy would detect instantly. He heard her sigh.
“What exactly happened yesterday, Draco? You didn’t give me any context.”
“What context do you need?” he muttered. “He told me he loved me.”
* * *
They’ve finished an entire bottle of wine between them. He’s not drunk, but he’s pleasantly buzzed. Harry’s sprawled on his back, T-shirt rucked up just below his navel so Draco can see the dark trail of hair leading below his jeans. There’s something implicitly erotic about the movement of his chest when he breathes, his hands folded behind his head, one leg stretched the length of the bed and the other bent at the knee.
He opens his eyes suddenly and grins when he sees Draco looking at him. 
“That wine just made me tired,” he says.
“So go to sleep,” says Draco. He takes a last swig, emptying it, and sets the bottle aside on his night table. He stretches his arms over his head and arches his back, yawning widely, thinking perhaps he’ll give into the tempting allure of sleep as well when Harry says, “I told Hermione about us.”
So he’s not sleeping, then. His stomach clenches hard and a completely irrational sense of panic rises in his throat.
“Us?” he says slowly, sitting up straighter. “What ‘us’?”
Harry looks at him upside-down, then rolls over and rises to his knees. He stares at Draco blankly.
“‘What us?’” he repeats.
“Yes,” says Draco. “What ‘us’?”
“Us,” Harry says. His voice is lower than usual. The word is starting to sound weird and lose meaning. “You and me, Draco.”
“‘You and me?’ Harry, there’s no you and me. We’re just fucking. What do you … what do you mean, you told Granger? Told her what?”
Harry looks … well, he looks fucking crushed. And angry. Draco forces himself not to look away.
“I told her I’d been seeing you,” he says quietly. There’s something … not threatening, but close to it, in his voice.
“Sure,” says Draco. “I see you three times a week, sometimes four. I s’pose if you feel the need to fill Granger in on everything you do with every second of your day —”
“Shut up, Draco,” Harry says. “You know what I meant.”
Draco glares at him. He gets off the bed, slightly lightheaded from the wine, horrified by the emotions welling up inside him right behind the panic, and he points at his bedroom door.
“Get out,” he says. 
“Are you serious?”
“Go!” he says loudly, voice rising. “If you’re gonna start turning this into something it definitely is not then get out of my flat, Potter.” As usual the window is open, but it’s the third of September and getting chilly finally and Draco’s Freesias and Freedom Roses started wilting last week. There’s a chilly breeze coming into that room that is utterly barren of the sweet smells of summer he associates with Harry these days. “It’s time we ended this anyway,” he says. “Summer’s over.”
“So?” From his position kneeling on Draco’s bed Harry shouldn’t feel imposing at all, but he does. There’s no sparkle of humour in his eyes, none of the softness Draco’s gotten used to seeing there. He looks like someone who’s realised they’ve been betrayed.
Worse than that. Someone who’s been betrayed and realises they should have seen it coming.
“What the fuck does summer have to do with anything?”
“Ever heard of a summer fling, Potter? We’re not ‘seeing each other’.”
Harry finally gets off the bed. Draco’s stomach clenches again, more painfully this time. He doesn’t feel bad, he tells himself — this is Harry’s fault. His fault for making a big deal out of something easy and fun and, most of all, temporary. For ruining this with feelings. 
 “That’s not what this was,” Harry says. It’s not an argumentative tone; rather, he sounds disappointed. Devastated, and disappointed. And that look of betrayal, like he’s surprised but not …  that  surprised.
That hurts. 
“This was as real as it gets, Draco,” he says matter-of-factly. “You and I don’t have the capability of doing anything as shallow as a fling.”
“Well, Potter,” says Draco, straining to maintain his level voice, “congratulations, because that is the most disgusting, romanticised, Gryffindorian piece of shit I’ve ever heard.”
“Yeah?” He grabs up his wand from the bedside table and stuffs it into his jeans pocket. “Well here’s another: I love you. You complete fucking prick.”
Draco stares after him as he leaves the room, cowed for the moment. He hears Harry take the Floo powder off his mantle, hears the fire start, and then the sound of Potter disappearing. 
And he feels hollow suddenly.
* * *
“And he said it completely out of the blue?” 
Draco set his wine aside. He was suddenly feeling too sick to put anything else in his body.
“Sort of,” he said quietly, avoiding her eyes. “He was trying to make something out of nothing. He was just making a point, trying to guilt me, I don’t even think he meant it.”
Pansy said nothing for so long that Draco finally looked up. She had an eyebrow raised.
“Do you really believe that?” she said.
Draco didn’t answer right away. He glanced at the bottle of wine on the table and thought about the way it always tasted a little sweeter on Harry’s lips.
“I don’t know,” he said. “No. But it doesn’t change anything. It was a summer thing, not a … a relationship, for crying out loud. Like I’d date Potter.”
“Why not?”
Draco scoffed. “Why not? Pansy, please. He’s a …”
“A …?”
“He’s an idiot! He’s Potter!  He’s …” He couldn’t think of the right word, something bad enough to express the audacity, the gall , for Potter to think even for a second  that they could …
“Draco Malfoy,” said Pansy. She was smirking. “You love him too.”
Had he felt sick before?  Now he was going to be sick.
“I never would’ve imagined it,” she went on, seeming to take pleasure from his outrage and humiliation. The bint. “Look at you, you’re blushing! Oh my god,” she laughed. And then she stopped laughing, and instead the weight of her own words appeared to descend on her. “Oh my god. You do, don’t you? You are arse over tits for Harry Potter —”
He was up and out of his chair before she’d finished the last word, absurdly,  embarrassingly on the verge of tears all of a sudden. 
“Draco —”
“I’m glad this can serve as your entertainment for the week, Pansy,” he said. A tear rolled down his cheek — could he be any more histrionic? — and he brushed it away furiously. 
“Draco, no —”
“Call Blaise, tell him!” he shouted. “You two can have a good laugh over it —”
“Draco  —”
“Poor Draco’s  fucked himself over again, what a stupid wanker!” 
Pansy got up. He slapped her hand away when she reached for him, but she only came at him again and grabbed it this time when he swatted at her, enfolding it in both of hers. He closed his eyes and hiccoughed and two more tears came.
“Darling, will you please listen to me?” she said softly. It sounded eerily like his mother, which only made him feel young and childish. He tugged his arm away and she let him go, but he didn’t move any farther away. “I am  not  laughing at you,” she told him. “Blaise might, but that’s because Blaise has a black hole for a heart, Draco, the only emotion he’s ever felt is disdain.” Against his will, Draco chuckled wetly. Pansy smiled and took his hand again, tentatively. He allowed it. “ I think it’s lovely that you have feelings for him. I don’t understand what’s got you so upset, I mean … I know it’s Potter, but we’re not teenagers anymore, right? Who cares?”
Draco exhaled a long sigh.
“He let my father go to Azkaban,” he said softly, looking into her eyes. He saw comprehension dawning. “How can I be with someone who could’ve saved my father’s life and chose not to, Pansy?”
“No one could have saved your father, Draco,” said Pansy gravely. His throat was tight, swollen. He hated that he was hanging on her words, looking for truth in them,  wanting to hear something that would make this okay. “He would have done the same thing if they’d let him go back to the manor. It’s not your fault or your mum’s or Potter’s.”
“But —”
“But what?” she cut him off sharply. “Draco, please don’t let your father keep controlling your life from the grave! My god, you deserve happiness, don’t you see that? Even if it’s Potter! In fact, I … I think that could be really good.”
“What, being with Potter?”
“Yes, being with Potter,” she said. “Darling, I say this because I love you: you need to grow a pair of bollocks and start taking control of your own life. I’m not finished!” she added when he opened his mouth to retort. “I understand that it feels like a betrayal of your father, I do, and I’m not saying you can’t have your cherished memories of him, but Draco … you cannot live your life in his shadow, doing things because it’s what he’d want or wouldn’t want. I think that choosing to explore these feelings you have for Potter is the bravest and healthiest thing you could possibly do for yourself.”
He stared at her for a long moment, eyes wet though the tears had stopped falling. 
“What if it doesn’t last?” he said finally. “What if next week he realises it was a huge mistake?”
“First of all, I doubt that,” said Pansy with a roll of her eyes that was clearly meant to be teasing. “You said you’ve been seeing him all summer, that’s plenty of time to have gotten sick of you. And, even if that did happen, I still think it would be entirely worth that week of being disgustingly in love.”
“Do you?” he drawled.
“Yes! I do!” She picked up his discarded wine glass from before and held it up. “Does the effect of alcohol last forever?”
“No …”
“Of course not! And we don’t expect it to. We expect to have fun while we’re drunk and it’ll last as long as it lasts.”
“Dating someone isn’t like being drunk, Pansy,” Draco said sourly.
“Oh, that’s not the point ,” she huffed. “We don’t do things because we know they’ll last forever, we do them because we want to. In the moment.”
“Sounds irresponsible.”
“Well, of course it is,” she scoffed. “Love is completely irresponsible, that’s the fun of it, Draco. Now take this,” she shoved the glass of wine into his hand, almost spilling it. “Drink up, and then get your arse over to his flat and fix this.”
* * *
Granger opened the door. Draco sighed.
“Hello, Granger,” he said lamely. Her raised eyebrows said she was surprised and thoroughly unimpressed by his appearance.
“Malfoy,” she said.
“Is Potter in?”
“I guess that depends.”
She looked at him, dark brown eyes impenetrable. Then she closed the front door behind her.
“What do you want?” she asked.
“To talk to him,” he said tightly. As if this whole thing wasn’t bad enough, now he had to pass a test to get past Granger the bridge troll. “I thought he told you —”
“He did,” she said flatly. “And about yesterday.”
“Well I’m here to apologise,” said Draco. Granger’s eyebrows lifted again. Still unimpressed. “And to tell him …” He sighed again and broke eye contact, willing himself not to give up, not to take this as a sign he should just go home and ream into Pansy for giving him such bad advice.
“Malfoy.” He looked up. Her voice was softer now, and her eyes seemed a little less hard. “What are you doing? You really hurt him, you know.”
“I know,” he said stiffly. “I said I’m here to apologise.”
“Well he doesn’t need an apology,” she said. “If you’re only going to let him down again —”
“I’m not.” He rubbed his forehead and looked at her again, exasperated, defeated. “I’ve … had some sense talked into me.”
She looked like it was the last thing she’d been expecting. 
“Have you?”
“Yes,” he said. “So would you please get him for me before I lose my nerve?”
It was the right thing to say. Her expression melted into something much softer and he fancied he even saw the beginnings of a smile.
“Can I ask who affected this change of heart?”
“Pansy,” he said. And, when Granger seemed taken aback, “She’s very wise when she feels like it.”
“I see. Well …” She still looked a bit conflicted, eyeing him and then putting her hand on the doorknob. “All right. I’ll tell him you’re here, anyway, but he was really hurt, Malfoy. I don’t know if he’ll want to hear it.”
“I’ll take my chances,” he said.
Granger eyed him another moment and then went back inside, shutting the door behind her. Draco only had to wait a minute before it was opening again, and this time Harry came out. The sight of him made Draco’s heart feel tender and sore.
“Hi,” he said.
“Hi, Potter.”
He waited to see if Harry would say anything else but he didn’t. He only stared at Draco expectantly, arms folded, in all ways closed off.
“I came to apologise,” said Draco.
“Well you can keep it,” said Harry. “I don’t need an apology because you told me the truth.”
“It wasn’t the truth, Potter,” Draco said quietly. “Opposite, really.”
Harry was silent. Then, “You made me feel like shit, Draco.”
“I know. I’m sorry. You freaked me out, springing it on me like that.”
A beat, then two, and then suddenly Harry was dropping his arms and sighing and he looked at Draco with so much vulnerability he nearly had to turn away from it.
“I didn’t mean to tell you …” He licked his lips, scratched his arm. It reminded Draco that beneath everything, Harry was still the same awkward dorky leader-of-the-losers he’d always been, just with a bit more confidence now and the title of Official Saviour of the Wizarding World. “I wouldn’t have said that if … I was just angry.”
He didn’t need to ask what Harry was referring to.
“I know.”
“Not that I didn’t … I mean, I … I do —”
“Please don’t say it again,” Draco said. Harry laughed.
“Right. I just meant … I really do have feelings for you, Draco. Like … mad, crazy feelings, y’know? I don’t want it to be a fling.”
“It wasn’t a fling,” he said. He moved a little closer and Harry watched him carefully, eyes flickering once down to Draco’s mouth. “I didn’t even sleep with anyone else the whole time.”
“Well that’s good to know,” said Harry sardonically. But he was smiling, so Draco found himself smiling tentatively as well.
“I wanna be with you, Potter. Properly. I thought …” But he shakes his head, deciding that now isn’t the time to explain about his father. “I thought it was a stupid idea. Now I realise that it probably is, but that I don’t really care much. I’ve decided to ignore my better judgment this one time.”
“That’s quite Gryffindor of you,” Harry commented drily.
“Yes, well.”
“So I go against your better judgment, then?”
“Potter,” Draco sighed. “Please, I don’t mean it like —”
“I’m taking the piss, Draco,” Harry cut him off. He reached for Draco’s waist and pulled him close, and before Draco could get his breath back from a short, surprised intake of breath Harry’s mouth was on his, warm and familiar and soothing. He brought his hands to Harry’s face and kissed back without bothering to hide his overwhelming relief.
Harry chased his mouth when he pulled away and Draco breathed out a laugh, holding him at bay with a hand on his chest. 
“We have plenty of time,” he said. “D’you wanna come over later tonight, after your friends leave?”
“What? No, come in.” He took Draco’s hand and gestured with his head towards the door. “Please. It’s just Ron and Hermione. They know everything.”
“Really?” Draco drawled. “And you think Weasley won’t try to kill me?”
“I promise not to let him,” Harry grinned. “Please, Draco. You said you wanted to do this properly, right?”
He thought of what Pansy said about being irresponsible, and decided it was worth a try at least.
“Okay,” he said. Harry beamed and tugged him inside.
Towards his ultimate downfall or towards the beginning of the rest of his life, he didn’t know. That, as Pansy would have said, was the fun of it.
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yesttoheaven · 3 years
I SEE YOU – chapter IV
pairing – arthur fleck x female!reader
wc – 2.3k
warnings – idk... misty being a b*tch with arthur?
a/n – hi everyone! I hope you are well because I'm brazilian and I cannot say the same lol the president is a piece of shit and he can't rule the country in the middle of a pandemic (not even without the pandemic, in fact)
anyway enjoy the chapter!
English is not my first language. I am getting help from google translator and he is not always a good ally, so I apologize for any typos or grammar errors.
Y/N – your name
chapter one. chapter two.
chapter three. chapter four.
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"What are you doing here, Misty?" The surprise was notable in Y/N's words.
Many people could walk through that door, but Misty was definitely not one of them.
"I should ask you the same question..." The woman came over and put her hands on the actress' shoulders, smiling amiably. "But we don't have time for that right now. You have a dinner to go! And it is not right to keep a man like Charles waiting."
"Charles?" Arthur asked, trying to find a way to join the conversation. "Is he also an actor?"
After these simple words, the redhead burst out laughing and Arthur didn't understand what he had done wrong this time. He was just curious and a little interested to know who was the man who had a date with Y/N that night.
"Actor? God, have you never heard of Charles Lewis Tiffany?" Misty questioned how if the fact that Arthur didn’t know the man was an offense to humanity and Arthur just shook his head, too embarrassed to say anything else.
Who the hell was this man? The Pope? And why did Y/N have a dinner with Pope?
"It's okay, Arthur." Always so graceful, the actress reassured him and left Misty's side to be close to him. "Charles owns Tiffany & Co., the one that appears in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's... Have you watched this movie before?"
"Oh, oftentimes!"
"Me either! And now Charles wants me to be the face of his new collection! I'm so excited, he came to Gotham just to follow it up in person!" The happiness shining in her eyes was contagious, but Misty didn’t like seeing Y/N squeeze the man’s arm gently.
"I hate to have to do this... the conversation is so pleasant, but we have to go, mon cher." With a smile, Y/N's manager adjusted the bag on her shoulder. She wanted to take the actress away from this freak as soon as possible.
"You cannot go without the VHS tape." Arthur objected, receiving a death glare from Misty, but the only thing that mattered to him was Y/N. "I'll get this for you." After these words, the man left the living room with a reason to make her stay a little longer in his apartment.
"Well, I think we're going to have to wait." Y/N shrugged, but inside she was beaming.
Feeling her mouth dry, she picked up the glass of water on the table, but that was her worst mistake.
"What are you doing? Don't drink this! That dirty glass is full of germs!" The glass was snatched from her hand and Y/N looked at Misty in disbelief.
"That glass is not dirty, Misty."
"How can you be sure of that? I heard that the Narrows sewer is one of the worst in Gotham!"
"Thanks for the lesson, but that didn’t come from the Narrows sewer. This water is from the kitchen tap."
"Oh my God..." The actress could have sworn that the woman's face turned green and she would vomit at any moment. "Why did you drink this? You'll be sick!"
Before Y/N had a chance to respond to these insanities, someone called her. She ran over to the bag and took out her cell phone. It was Charles.
"Hey, Charles! It's good to talk to you." On the other side, all she received were strange noises. The man's voice was being cut off and it was difficult to understand. "The connection is awful..."
"Why am I not surprised? Narrows is the end of the world!" Misty commented, rolling her eyes.
Without time for this discussion, Y/N said:
"Maybe in the corridor I will get a better signal."
"Be careful, you don't know what kind of neighbors there are in this place." She warned, listening to the door open and close, but Y/N said nothing.
Alone in the living room, Misty had the same disgusted look as when she arrived. For her this apartment is small even for an ant and this wallpaper is ridiculous, but in the midst of so much poverty, something on the couch attracted her attention.
"What do we have right here? I don't believe he has a diary..." The woman whispers to herself, laughing, after picking up Arthur's journal. She knew it was wrong, but she was bored.
The first few pages were OK, he had a shitty life like any other unfortunate person, but what came next scared the hell out of her. Misty knew there was something wrong with this man. The instant she saw him, she knew, but that... those words... were from a sick person. Arthur was a disgusting pervert. The redhead needed a moment to breathe and then she saw the magazines on the table and an scissors...
Oh no. He intends to include Y/N in this depravity show!
"I finally found." With bright eyes, Arthur looked for Y/N in the living room, but all he found was Misty... and his journal. "W-What... What are you d-doing?"
"Stay away from me!" She exclaimed, backing away for fear that he would do something against her. "I swear, if you get close I'll scream so loud and when Y/N comes through that door, I will tell her your little secret. She will be so disappointed, but she will finally find out who you really are... A perv!"
"N-No, please... You got it wrong." He tried, his voice taking on a desperate tone. Arthur didn't want to lose the actress's friendship. She was too important for him. "I c-can explain."
"Oh, can you explain? You will glue Y/N's head to a cat's body and then you will sit on that old sofa and touch yourself? You should be in Arkham! You're a sick person! I can't believe Y/N was alone with you..."
Arthur felt his stomach churning.
"You're wrong... I have a lot of respect for her. Y/N is special to me and I would never do something like that."
"I don't want to hear your excuses!" The woman threw the journal at him and Arthur cringed like a frightened dog. After hitting him on the back, the journal fell to the floor and when he saw those collages, he felt ashamed of himself. "Listen to me... I will say this only once: Stay away from her. It doesn’t matter what kind of fantasies you’ve created in your sick head, Y/N will not be a part of that. If I know that after today you keep talking to her, I'll call the police and when they find out you're a fucking perv, you will spend the rest of your days in Arkham." She warned with all the letters and threats, now it was up to him to choose to cooperate or not. This man is too old to play being a teenager. These images of naked women, these cats and those sad quotes in his journal prove just one thing. Maybe he's a sexual predator, but Misty wouldn't be here to find that out either. "Enjoy your pornography and leave Y/N alone. I hope I never see you again."
Arthur saw his world fall apart as soon as the redhead left his apartment with the worst assumptions about him. He was not a perverted monster. He would never touch Y/N without her consent and would never endanger her life. Never ever. Y/N was the only good thing about Gotham; she was a light at the end of the tunnel. So angelic and peaceful. Whenever she smiles, butterflies appear in his stomach and Arthur knows what these famous butterflies mean, but he doesn't know what those collages mean... If Y/N knew, she would probably be afraid of him.
In the corridor, the actress was trapped in a bubble, talking animatedly with Charles. The call had no specific reason, the man just wanted to make sure everything was fine for dinner that night.
"Okay... This is one of Gotham's best restaurants. Trust me, you will love the place!" She assured him, intending to make a good impression. It wasn't every day that she got a chance to dine with the genius behind Tiffany & Co. and represent that brand. This was an important step in her career. "Now I need to go, Charles. See you soon, bye!" Y/N hummed the ending, watching Misty approach where she was. "Why are you here?"
"It's just your friend's mom. She's not feeling very well..."
"Isn't Penny okay?" Concern crossed Y/N's face and she tried to get back to apartment 8J, but Misty took her arm, lying again:
"Y/N, don't be indiscreet. This is a family problem and Arthur is taking care of it." With those words, she guided the actress to the elevator, but Y/N kept looking at the door to Arthur's apartment. "You need to prepare for dinner... I chose a beautiful dress for you."
"Put red on her lips... Don't forget the mascara... and on the cheeks use this blush... Not this one! The peach blush!"
It was possible to say that Charles Lewis Tiffany was taking the place of the makeup artist. The woman was losing patience, Y/N realized this, but he wanted to participate in every second of it. When she finished, Charles smiled, admiring Y/N's beauty through the mirror.
"You see? You're genuinely beautiful... I think I finally found my muse." The actress was flattered by the compliments and that reflected in her smile when Charles took a blue box, but this was not a simple blue box. This is the famous Tiffany Blue Box. "I want you to meet my new creation..." He opened the box, stealing Y/N's breath instantly. "Dramatically plunging down the decolletage, an incredible emerald-cut bicolor zoisite that shifts from violet-blue to purplish-red, depending on the angle. The pendant is over 48 carats and it's wrapped in a halo of baguette diamonds and suspended from a diamond rondelle chain of over 37 total carats."
"Oh Charles, this is absolutely beautiful. I'm speechless..." She confessed, watching him take the necklace and offer to put it around her neck. Y/N accepted immediately and when the pendant touched the white fabric of the dress, she smiled at the mirror.
"Diamonds are a girl's best friend" Charles whispered, eliciting a giggle from her. "Now I need to speak to the photographer, but take a few minutes to prepare yourself." The man smiled one last time and Y/N walked to the door, opening it for him. She took the opportunity to spy on what was happening on the other side and it was possible to say that there was a little sadness in her eyes.
"What are you looking for?" Misty's voice echoed and she closed the door quickly.
"Huh... nothing!"
The woman was checking the contract – something about image authorization – and when she took her eyes off the papers, she found Y/N with a half-hearted smile.
"Go ahead... Spill the tea."
Brian was probably smoking, so Misty was her only option.
"Arthur was busy these days, but he called me this morning... He looked nervous and said he would like to talk to me, so I invited him to accompany the photoshoot, but..."
"You did what?!" Misty left the chair, interrupting her. Not wanting to start a scene, the redhead looked at Dariela, the makeup artist, and said: "Get out." The woman immediately stopped organizing her makeup and ran out of the dressing room.
"Was that necessary?" Y/N asked, crossing her arms.
"And was it necessary to invite that maniac to come here too?"
"Jesus, Misty!" She walked to the other side of the dressing room. "Manic? Really?"
"I'm just telling the truth."
"Based on what? His bank account?"
"Based on his journal." Misty replied and the actress looked in her direction with a frown. Shaking her head, the redhead let out a bitter laugh before confessing: "He doesn't use it just to write jokes... I found a lot of pornography on those pages."
Y/N felt a little uncomfortable with that. Certain things do not need to be exposed... She didn't need to know about that part of Arthur's life and Misty just invaded his privacy.
"Well... many men consume pornography daily."
"Y/N, pornography is not the point here. He makes some weird collages... women with cat heads... skulls... one of these women was tied up in a compromising position... Can you see how problematic this is?" Misty was trying to open her eyes and consequently was scaring the actress, but that was not all. "I saw the magazines. That man will probably do the same to you... your face on the body of these naked women or on a cat's body! You have always been uncomfortable with the way men see you only as a sex symbol... and now Arthur is using you as a sex toy!"
"Stop! Just stop, okay?" Y/N demanded, using an edgy tone of voice. That was too much for her to assimilate. "You're saying this because you do not accept the idea of ​​Arthur being my friend! All that matters to you is status, but it doesn't matter to me! When are you going to let me live my own life?"
"This is not about social classes, this man is a pervert! I'm trying to protect you!"
"Enough, Misty!" That was enough to make the redhead shut up and Y/N found her way back to the mirror.
To complete the look, inside the blue box was a beautiful diamond ring and a pair of shiny round diamond earrings, just waiting for her. Putting on the ring was an easy task, but she couldn’t say the same about earrings; her hands were shaking and this is all the fault of the stress.
"Let me help you." The manager approached and at first Y/N refused her help, but after another failed attempt, she handed the earrings to the woman. "I know I can be a bitch sometimes..."
Misty just sighed, shaking her head.
a/n – likes and reblogs are appreciated but honestly I’d love to know what you all think of this one. really hope you enjoy it and thank you soooo much for reading ♡
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jezy · 3 years
My Ben 10 Reboot/Grim Dawn OC-- Libra Renov! :D
Warning! Some of these parts have uncomfortable stuff, so if you don't like it. Might wanna either scroll down faster or endure it if you still wanna read it.
Libra has a lot of expertise with being a Sage of Illusions but she's also a healer and wild card in case missions go south. Which is about 50/50 percent most of the time.
She's also one of the smartest sages there is. But she sometimes focuses on the puzzles way too much so she doesn't notices anything going on around her.
Libra has a few friends but they're just a bunch of royal jerks. Except Hex, she liked him when they've met. Disa and Libra are friends too, but she trusts Hex more than anyone.
Before Libra died, she was a human with wavy chocolate brown hair with deep blue eyes and fair skin. Now, she's an aetherial with messy black charcoal hair with glowing green eyes and her skin's pale white.
She is an adopted royal, let me elaborate : Her real parents' kingdom got dethroned by another kingdom in ledgerdomain. The king and queen who has a tomboy daughter which they don't like, and resulting for said daughter to left them with no heir. So when they dethroned Libra's parents, they took toddler!Libra under their wings and taught her how to be a girly-girl princess.
At first, Libra loved it but when she grew older she became a rebellious child (in secret) and would often read her adopted father's books about magic without permission.
When she met Hex (when she first sneaked out for the first time), she realized she can be so much more than just be a useless princess in her kingdom. She could help people on the front instead of doing it behind the walls of the castle.
So ever since then, whenever she gets the chance to do something rebellious, she would do it using illusions as distraction then she helps the people in need with a disguise. (Like Robin Hood).
Her adopted parents didn't liked it obviously and were trying to figure out who would do such a thing. They still haven't found out it was her.
Libra & Hex are the "friends to lovers" couple. They're glue you can't easily separate and will hurt you if you hurt one of them.
When she found out that she's getting arranged marriage to Hex's younger brother, she didn't liked it. Yes, she knew about Hex's younger brother, Spellbinder, but she didn't liked him like that.
So when Libra & Hex became 18 years old, they eloped to Cairn and became Sages since then. They're not exactly married in legal standards, but they don't mind it one bit.
When Hex gets pissed at someone, its Libra's job to calm him down.
Since she's the only thing that stands between Hex and his anger to the whole multiverses. That is, when she died in the first cataclysmic war.
Libra deeply cares about Hex and is deeply hurt whenever Hex does something he regrets. Like, cursing his brother when Spellbinder forcefully kissed her lips.
Of course, Hex hid away from her for a few years because of the fear he'll hurt her too.
This made her depressed and longed for him, even to the point on not eating or sleeping because she misses him too much. Till Disa slaps her from her depression and yells at her to get a grip.
Libra was slightly thankful for her, even though it hurts like hell. She now learned a lesson that Hex would come back. Which he did, and Libra basically sprung out to crush him with her hug.
Libra cried rivers when Hex came back, as well as him.
After that, they now have more love to each other. Which is a blessing for the other sages since they now feared/despised Hex because of what he did.
They were peaceful, until the cataclysmic war....
Now, the cataclysmic war isn't just some war, it was a war between The Gods of Cairn and The Aetherial. (I'll probably make a post about the Aetherials and Gods of Cairn, since I can't explain everything in here)
It affected everyone even The Sages, half of the faction died including Libra. Who got trapped inside the spell of the Handmaiden Shield and burned alive by the aetherfire the aetherials had caused.
When she died, her soul got flung down deep into where the aetherials (now just spirits) had now reside. When they noticed her and found out she wasn't one of them, they tortured her for eons till they came back to take over the world. But she held it together for as long as she can take.
That was until... Theodin Marcell, The Master of Flesh, had began experimenting & reanimating the bodies of humans. He searched for test subjects (alive and/or dead) and found Libra's corpse in an ancient graveyard, and decided they will make her their most perfect masterpiece.
And so he did, first they forced Libra's soul to go into an aether crystal (a sort of physical form of aetherials). Then, he sliced open Libra's body's chest and planted the crystal inside her heart. Then he started reanimating her.
When she first came back to life, she was strapped naked in an electric chair. She tried to get out obviously until she saw Theodin Marcell coming down.
"Ah, so you're awake..."
"What do you want with me?!"
"The higher ups of the Aetherhold has accepted my request to test on you, Miss Libra Renov..."
"That still doesn't my question bastard!"
"The higher ups also want you to join our army. A special soldier, if you will."
"I'll never join you! Not after what your kind has done many eons ago!"
"Of course, I know you won't accept, so we'll do it the hard way instead..."
"Wha--" Then she screamed. Theodin had activated a switch that activated the electric chair. There were iron nails, nailed through her hands, and seemingly connected to the wires up to the switch. Making her feel the pain through her nerves system.
It hurts like hell, it felt like she was on fire. Her organs felt on fire, her brain-- Everything felt like on fire.
Theodin kept doing this to her till she threw up bile onto herself. Coughing up the remaining bile in her throat.
"Hmm, interesting, a human body can take so much of electricity before they perish. But you however, since you were blessed by the gods, you can take so much more..."
"What the hell does that mean?!"
"That means, I have to do more experiments on you. But since you just woke up, I'll let you rest. Tomorrow, we will continue, and by then... You will sooner or later become a masterpiece....."
She only glared daggers at the possessed man as she was dragged away to a cell. They threw her and pinned her down, then they chained her up against the wall to make sure she doesn't escape.
Her hands felt numb from the electrocution, her body was shivering from the cold and shaking from the electricity. Her brain felt dizzy, if she focuses too much on an area, she would throw up.
Whatever the hell Theodin has in store for her, she'll endure it. She won't break from him. She'll get out and escape as soon as she finds a way how.
Besides, how worse can it get?....
Surely it won't be too much for her? Right? She's seen disturbing things, she has the confidence that she won't break.
Oh how wrong she was...
How very wrong she was...
The next day, when she was being escorted to the experimentation room. She tried to escape.
There were many aetherial possessed soldiers and once they saw her, they started shooting at her. Unfortunately, she was hit multiple times and died.
But that wasn't the worse part, the worse part was when she started to wake up. What she saw was scarring.
Her body's opened up like some frog in a science class, she could see her organs and everything from her perspective. Bloody equipment on a table, her beating heart, and Theodin poking and putting something inside her. It was enough to make her nauseous.
"Oh? Awake already?"
She was freaking out and started to squirm a lot.
"I suggest you don't squirm, unless you want an important organ to get cut from your recklessness."
She immediately froze from his words.
"Good pet." She growled at that nickname, she was very disgusted by him.
She tried to look around for any places where she can run, or anything nearby that she can use to break out of her confinement.
But she couldn't do anything, she knows that. She can't escape and she'll just bleed out if she somehow miraculously did. She was trapped.
She had no choice but to stare at what Theodin's doing to her for hours, mortified. And when he finished stitching up the slices he made, he did one more thing.
"Oh, and since you tried to escape. A little torture will be necessary."
And so he did, by stabbing her leg unexpectedly, in which she screamed. He kept doing this to different parts of her body until she began crying and whimpering.
Her face was covered in cuts and limbs that have stabs all over them. There were a few close calls to her neck making it look like scratches.
"Oh, you're crying? That's pathetic."
"Still not answering?"
"Whatever, because of your recklessness you got shot down by our troops. So I suggest you stop being stubborn and just accept it. You can't escape. And if you do, we'll be coming after you."
Those words slowly drilled down into her brain, she tried to ignore it but couldn't. In the next few days of those horrible electrocutions and mortifying tests that include getting her shoulders dislocated in the process, she was beginning to starve.
Theodin doesn't cares though so he just ignores Libra's whimpers of starvation and continued on the experiment. Even if it means Libra gets slammed like a bruised ragdoll.
There's more, more worse than that. When Theodin realized he couldn't do more experiments on Libra due to her lack of energy. He feeds her near-expired food, by literally shoving it down her throat till she chokes on it.
She absolutely doesn't likes it and tried to escape once after that. But she got stabbed from behind her and died once more.
Everytime she tried to escape, she keeps dying. And everytime she was brought back to life, she was punished. Either it was electrocution, beating her up, stabbing her randomly, or really painful whips in the back.
Her brown hair became darker until it was charcoal black due to getting electrocuted many times, her skin was so pale that you would barely see the cuts in her face. She has spots of burns on her skin when aetherfire was shot at her, body that has stitches everywhere, and her hands was beginning to glow bright green due to prolonged exposure to electricity.
Her head hurts, a lot and her chest feels funny every time she exhausts herself.
She cries in her sleep everytime, she can't take it anymore. She is in so much pain, so much stress. That she didn't even saw the worst part that happened to her.
"Fuck you..."
"Oh my, how dirty your mouth is."
"Screw. You. I can tell whatever I want to say."
"Oh my... Don't tell me you've forgotten one of the rules of your faction... That would be very disrespectful of you."
"Wait, the rules??"
"Yes, don't you remember the faction you joined and its rules?"
"My faction? Yes, my faction!... The err... S..So...The Sorcerers!"
"You meant 'The Sages'?"
"Wait, 'Sages'??? I thought--"
"Oh don't tell me you don't remember, The Sages of Cairn? The faction you dedicated your whole life into."
"Of course I remember! Its just err..."
"You seem to have forgotten your faction."
"N-No I don't! I do remember them!"
"Oh then please, tell me all about it."
"Its..erm, ugh! Why can't I remember?!"
"So you don't remember anything? Anything in particular. Your friends, your family, even your lover?"
"I...I don't remember....." Then laughter erupted from the man, as she tried to remember.
That was the worst part, she couldn't remember anything. Her memories full of holes, fuzzy dreams with no meaning to her, and sometimes nightmares would crawl into her mind. The only thing that she held onto was her name and the name of her lover, Hex, but memories of them being together was long gone.
And soon, Theodin had managed to succumb Libra in her weakest point. Where she was easily manipulated by the aetherial....
After a couple more years of experiments, torturing, etc. She was empty both inside and out. Her eyes were dull of life, her vision (sometimes) was such a haze but she didn't really cared.
Theodin had turned the once stubborn Sage into one of his mindless (very scarred soldier) soldiers for battle.
She couldn't feel pain no longer. After what she went through, she slowly became numb to pain. Which was good for Theodin Marcell, as they now have a perfect masterpiece, ready to go and do their bidding.
But the downside is that she became a masochist so every wounds inflicted to her, was a pleasure for her instead of pain. So she had to wear a mask, so people won't find out she loved the pain on herself.
She became a Mage Hunter, a mixture of an Inquisitor and an Arcanist. She disguised herself using illusions (that she vaguely remembers) and infiltrated the barracks of The Black Legion.
She then proceeded what Theodin tells her to do, smuggle the aetherial spirits to people who are the weakess mentally and with most negative emotions.
After Malmouth had fallen she continues hunting down humans for Theodin to "make a masterpiece" out of them. That was until Hex arrived.
One day, she received a mission to protect Warden Krieg in his home. So she used a rift to get there quickly, and when she did...
She saw none other than Hex who's fighting aetherials at the moment.
She stood there staring at him, thinking about how familiar Hex is to her. Though, she didn't know it was him. Until she decided to call out for him when he was finished with killing the aetherials.
That immediately caught Hex's attention and saw Libra standing there, shock mixed with confusion.
"How do you know my name?"
"I..I don't know, but I remember someone named Hex.... I'm not sure.... I just called out to you..."
"Well people don't know my name unless--"
"I'm Libra..."
That made Hex shut up quickly and come up to her with widened eyes before hugging Libra. Her mask was quickly swept to the side as Hex kissed her.
The hug and kiss really made her feel nice and warm. Like, they've been doing this for who knows how long.
But soon, the warm feeling disappeared when he let go, "How can I know you're Libra??? She died eons ago..." He said with sadness in his voice. That was a good choice, being skeptical was a good choice.
"I don't know either.... I can't remember anything, my memories are filled with holes..."
"Can you remember maybe a little bit?"
"Well, I've been getting nightmares more recently... My dreams were always different but I think I remember burning in one of them..."
"So it really is you... What happened?"
"I'll tell you, but first, we need to go somewhere and then we can talk."
Hex only nodded and followed her to a hidden place. That was when she told him everything she remembers so far, after the end of her talking Hex looked like he was going to rip Theodin Marcell into two. Which makes her scared.
She doesn't want to lose the only warmth that she has now, she needs to protect him. That was how she betrayed the aetherials and helped Hex with his missions.
This doesn't please Theodin though....
But she doesn't care, she's obsessed with Hex's warm feeling and she doesn't want to lose it.
Even though her memories is filled with holes, Libra felt like she belongs to Hex.
And since Hex is now together with Libra again, he can help her with those hole-filled memories.
And maybe now she can slowly remember what they used to be...
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Here's the current gacha design for Reboot!Hex and Libra (Since I can't draw, lel)
Hope you enjoyed it!
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langstforthesoul · 3 years
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Happiest Year (Kangst + Hurt/Comfort, Character Injury, Klance)
A/N: So I’m gonna try a different writing style then What I’ve been doing, let me know if you prefer this or the other style. More notes are going to be at the end of this too so stay tuned!
They were in the middle of battle, the others were yelling over the comms while Shiro barked orders out over them the best he could but no one could understand over the panic. The only reason they were panicking was that their sharpshooter, their lover boy, Their Rock/Glue of the team was injured and the wound seemed worse than what they all initially thought.
“Guys I might be on the ropes this time,” the brunette rasped, his breathing coming out wheezy and in a short puff. “And I want you guys that I’ve been fighting this war for you, so you guys can go home too…” Keith, who was holding Lance tight in his arms, began to shake his eyes filled with unshod tears. “Baby, quit talking like you’re going to die! You’re not leaving us!” A single tear slipped down his dirtied cheek, leaving a clean streak of clear skin in its wake. “You can’t leave me..!” Hunk and the others were fighting Galra soldiers and sentries, trying to make a path so Keith could carry Lance to Red to try and get him back to the Castle ship and into an awaiting healing pod Coran had set up. “Keith-“ “You should never have to say goodbye!” Keith yelled over the fighting, leaning Lance against his body so he could use his cannon to help clear the path faster. “Maybe that's just what stupid people do, buddy..” Lance tried to joke, letting out a pained chuckle. “Hang in there, Hermano! We’ll get you into that Healing pod, so please..” Hunk called from where he was, Shooting sentries one after the next. “Please just hang on!” His cries sounded a mixture of pure desperation but determined, he attacked the next sentry that came after him with a look of such Rage it scared Lance a little. When the path was clear enough, Keith Picked Lance up once again, jostling his wound to the point where he cried out in an agonized scream. He gave the Cuban an apologetic look before sprinting across the battlefield and into red. Keith turned on the comms channel and he saw a panicked-looking Coran. “Is the pod ready, cause he has to get in there as soon as we land Coran,” Keith said, already having red fly off the planet they had landed on for this mission. “It is ready and waiting! How is he?” The boy in question groaned, looking paler by the second as the blood from the wound in his chest continued to flow. “Doing great, Coran-“ He tried to say but ended up coughing in the end, blood slipping from his lips. “We’re almost there, just hold on Baby!” Keith yelled, seeing Lance’s eyes flutter shut. “Keep your eyes open Lance, stay awake! You have to stay awake!” Lance let out another pained groan, squinting his eyes open once more and giving his lover a soft smile. “Y’know…” he sucked in a sharp breath. “You gave me peace, and I think I might have wasted it…” The look that adorned Lance's face was filled with love but scrunched up in pain when red jostled a bit. “You know this is hard to admit, but Keith you were my medicine.” His eyes started to flood with the tears he had been trying to hold in the whole time, beginning to tremble in pain. “I don’t wanna die Keith…” He mumbled, feeling himself grow weaker as the tears streamed down his face like a slow-flowing river. “And you won’t, I won’t let you.” Keith, trying to stay strong for Lance, pushed red to fly faster seeing the Castle ship just mere meters away. “We’re almost there Lance!”
As soon as Keith landed red into the ship's hangar, he ran down her ramp and out with Lance unconscious in his arms. Coran was waiting just outside, running after the red paladin, his eyebrows creased and worry lines showing. “Quickly, we don’t have time to take off his armor to put him in a suit!” He said, going directly to the controls to quickly type in the info the machine needed. Keith gently placed Lance into the healing pod, watching it close and fog over. He released the breath he had been holding in since he got out of red, collapsing onto his knees in front of the pod. His body began to tremble from the overexertion, tears slipping from his eyes as he stared down at his hands covered in Lance’s blood. He tried to wipe it on his armor, letting out a choked sob. Coran stepped forward, kneeling next to the younger and placing a hand on his shoulder. “Keith-“ “Coran please, I’m down on my knees again! I’m asking,” His head whipped up to give the older man a look of pure despair. “Is he going to make it?” His voice cracked, thick with the tears that still fell vigorously. Coran what at a loss of words, he looked up at Lance who’s face looked eerily peaceful. “He will be…” He turned back to face the ravenette, his eyes sad but filled with hope. “Now, let's get you cleaned up yeah? The others will be back soon and they shouldn’t see you like this.” He chirped, though it was faked for Keith’s sake. The ladder shook his head, he wanted to stay with his lover but paused, looking back down at himself. “Ok..” he mumbled, standing with the help of The older Altean.
Time Skip (Everyone is back from the Fighting and it's at least 2-3 days later):
Keith, now in a clean set of clothes and holding Lance’s hoodie close to his chest, sat in the med-bay next to the pod. The others came in to check on him a few times, Shiro even tried to get him to go and get some rest in his and Lance’s shared room but… “Lance, please come back to me…” He mumbled, burying his face into the fabric and letting out a shaky breath. He looked back up and moved to sit in front of the healing pod, studying Lance’s face, his figure, the way the blood on his armor was a darker shade of red morphing into brown. “You know I never really thanked you,” He ran a hand through his hair. “So I guess Thank you for the happiest year of my life…” He let out a sad chuckle, tears flooding his eyes when he looked back up at the pod with his vision now blurry. “Thank you for the happiest year of my life, Lance.” His chuckle turned into a sob, his hold on his lover's jacket tightening as he shook. “I don’t think I could forgive myself, I’m so sorry for the ways I couldn’t protect you.”
Flashback (Before the battle started.)
Everyone landed onto the planet's surface, scanning to see where exactly the distress signal was coming from. “Are you sure a distress signal came from here, Pidge?” Shiro asked, exiting his lion and looking around the surrounding area. Judging from the information, or what little they had in the castle, the planet they were on was occupied by Nomadic people who were anything but violent. “For the thousandth time, yes I’m Sure oh captain my captain,” Pidge said, their voice filled with sarcasm towards the end of the sentence. That got a chuckle from Lance as he exited his lion, making sure to keep an eye out for any enemy soldiers or hostile movement. “C’mon Pidgeon, he’s just making sure in case this could be a trap.” Lance chirped, trying to keep the mood light and aloof. Keith came out of his lion cautiously, getting a bad feeling about the whole thing. “Something seems off here..” He muttered, walking up to stand next to Lance and staying on guard. “I know, shouldn’t there be people here..” Lance mumbled under his breath, grabbing his bayard. “Exactly, stay on guard sharpshooter..” “You to samurai..”
“If you two are done being lovey-dovey, we have a mission to get done,” Pidge said from their lion, pushing up their glasses as they look at their scanner one more time. Their face morphed into pure confusion while quickly looking up and around. “What the hell..?” The muttered, looking back down at their scanner. “What’s wrong?” Hunk said, moving over to stand next to them. “This doesn’t make any sense, there should be people here! Even the heat scanner…” Their eyes widen with realization, their head jerking up to look at Shiro. Shiro’s made a grim face before shouting. “Get back in your lions-“ But they were too late, they were all surprised attacked by Galaran soldiers all racing forward with war cries that could shake your very core. Lance pulled out his bayard to give Keith cover as the Ladder ran forward with Shiro and Pidge. The strategy was simple enough, close-range weapons go first while the long-range cover them. That should’ve been how it went… Until Hunk was about to get stabbed from behind but a Galran general sneaking up on the Yellow Paladin. Lance noticed him just as he was going for it and jumped in to take the hit. “¡Dios, Mierda! That Hurts!” Lance yelled, causing the others to whip around only to see their blue paladin impaled by a sword. “Lance!” They all shouted in unison, hunk shooting the general and the sentries approaching. “I’m fine! Focus on your opponents!” He yelled back, shooting any enemy soldiers that came near Keith and Pidge. “We don't need any more injuries, besides it's just a scratch!” He joked, biting down a cry of pain. The others begrudgingly went back to fighting but Keith went to Lance’s side immediately, now having a closer look at the injury that's befallen his lover. “Lance that isn’t a minor injury-“ “I know, but it’s the least of our worries right now!” He growled, his knees giving way but he played it off by pretending to kneel to get a better shot of the never-ending hoard of sentries. “And honestly I could care less right now! Besides, they could hurt you pretty good too if you don't start paying attention, Samurai..” Keith shook his head, and kneeled next to the other, clicking his tongue at the sight of the blood that was oozing out. The Cuban though, his vision filling with black spots, felt his grip loosening on his bayard. “Ok maybe it’s worse than a scratch-“ He mumbled, collapsing against Keith’s chest.
Back to the Present:
Keith winced at the memory, letting out a shaky breath as he curled in on himself. “Yeah, they had made you bleed,” his hands clenched into tight fists. “And we tasted it.” He looked up at the pod once more, his tears long since dried but the feeling of guilt still ever-present in his mind. “I’m here to admit, Lance…” He stood up from his spot, still holding his lover's jacket in his arms as he walked forward placing his palm flat on the healing pod. “That you were my medicine... Oh, love, I couldn’t quit,” He slid down to the floor on his knees, just as he did when they first put Lance into the pod. “And I’m down on my knees again! Lance please…!”
Lance and Keith were cuddled up in their shared room, laying there in silence until Lance spoke. “You know I really should say Thank you.” He spoke softly, trying to keep the mood soft. Keith looked down at the Cuban laying on his chest with a confused look. “What for?” He asked, trying to remember if he had done anything to warrant gratitude. “For giving me the happiest year of my life..” The other mumbled into the Ravenettes chest, holding a fist full of the man's v5 sweater in a tight grip. Keith froze, he hadn’t exactly expected that from Lance, even though the ladder was a huge sap. “Lance-“ Lance sat up on his elbow and looked at Keith with an adoring look. “Thank you for the happiest year of my life..”
Back to the Present (Again):
Keith smiled to himself, the memory leaving a warm feeling in his heart. His eyes began to droop, the exhaustion finally catching up with him as he leaned against the pod. “Wake me up when they build a time machine, I wanna go back..” He mumbled, his voice sounding thoughtful. “Maybe I could have protected you from getting hurt like that..” His eyes soon shut but sleep was still a bit away from his grasp. “Wake me up when I have you sleeping next to me..” he wrapped Lance’s jacket over him, using it as a blanket somewhat. “Cause I really love you…”
Keith jerked up as soon as he heard the pod door hiss open, frantically getting to his feet to catch Lance as he fell out. “Lance! Baby!” He said, pulling back to look at his lover's face, sleepy-looking as it may be. “Keith..?” The Cuban mumbled confused, recognition soon reaching his eyes as they widened. “What happened? Is everyone ok? How long have I been in the pod? Why do you look so exhausted?” One question shot of Lance’s mouth after the other but Keith could only stare. He couldn’t believe it, Lance was more worried about others rather than himself. His eyes filled with tears once more, pulling the other into a tight embrace. “You almost died and you're worried about everyone else?! Lance I-“ he released a choked sob. “I c-could have l-lost you forever!” That's when Lance felt his heart shatter, that exact moment, as he wrapped his arms around the trembling man he loved. “Hey, I’m ok now though. Everything’s ok, mi amor! I would never leave you! Not ever-“ “You nearly DID THOUGH!” Keith shouted, his voice cracking as another sob wracked through him. “And I never got to say Thank you for giving me the happiest year of my life or that I loved you or-Or-“ He grabbed the back of Lance’s armor, the dried blood flaking off as he held him. “I-I love you too but Keith you need to breathe for me,” he rubbed Keith’s back soothingly, trying to keep his voice even and soothing. “You’re starting to hyperventilate, sweetheart.” Keith shook in his arms, taking deep breaths as he started to calm down while listening to lance.
After a few minutes of calming down and holding each other’s, Keith looked at Lance and planted a soft kiss on his lips before quickly pulling away. “I love you…” He mumbled, meeting the other's eyes. “I love you too, but can I go shower and change, I don't think it would be comfortable for either of us if I cuddle you with my armor on.” That drew a chuckle out of Keith as he pulled away from Lance, gently grabbing his hand to drag him out of the med-bay. “Let's go, Sharpshooter, we can take a quick shower together and then go get some rest.”
A/n: ANd with that it OVER, this took at least 3 ½ hours to write but it’s worth it honestly I’m proud of this! I hope you enjoyed it, feel free to point out any mistakes you see, and if you see a way I could Improve my writing just let me know! I hope you all have an amazing day/morning/evening/night and please stay safe out there!
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hankwritten · 3 years
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Demoman/Soldier, 2k
Request for ImSorry, College
“How do you even know this guy anyway?” Jeremy asked, leaning over Jane’s back in such a intrusive distillation of his character that this particular instant could have come from any singular moment throughout the semester, right down to the mortal threat to Jane’s class project.
“Watch it, Buster! You are dangerously close to causing the greatest second dolphin extinction event since the invention of the six-pack!”
Trying to dislodge his suitemate, Jane threw his shoulder, pushing Jeremy and his grasping arms backwards and away from the fragile, pseudo-aquatic diorama.
Jeremy slid down Jane’s spine. “Fine, jeez, I wasn’t going to squish your bath toys.” He went boneless just long enough to reach the floor, then promptly popped to his feet and began looking at the aquarium from the other side. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“I don't know what you mean by ‘this guy’,” Jane grumbled. “This is clearly a diorama. Not a guy.”
“The guy, man,” Scout nagged, and Jane could already feel the migraine coming on. Jeremy was actually the human embodiment of head pains, to the point where sometimes Jane wondered if he had escaped from a lab that had been trying to bio-engineer the most aggravating person in existence. “This guy that’s making you go wackadoo and put like ten times more effort into a freaking GED project than anyone ever should.”
“This has nothing to do with him.” Jane put an aggressive amount of glue on his last dolphin.
“Right, sure,” Jeremy snickered. “But as soon as I said ‘guy you have a weird rivalry with’ you immediately jumped to him.” When Jane grit his teeth, Jeremy laughed again. “So what is it with you two? You didn’t get the urge to start tearing each other’s intellectual dicks off just because of some Economics of Marine Biology class, right?”
“Applied Oceanography,” Jane corrected, pointedly not looking up.
“C’mon pally, you know what I meant-”
“Hrrn nn brrdaa”
The voice of their third and final suitemate spoke up from a nearby beanbag chair, where its owner was trying to ignite a textbook with a lighter.
Jeremy looked to them, then to Jane. “Really? He plays for the Brawlers too?”
“Yes,” Jane snarled. “Mystery solved. The new power guard is in my oceanography class, and now you will shut your trap, shortstop, so that I can proceed to kick his ass in diorama making and prove that I am the superior guard.”
“That ain’t exactly a perfect chain of events, but you do you pally.” Jeremy pulled to the far end of the couch, drawing his legs into a fold. “Ain’t like, you supposed to develop deep-seated rivalries with players from other schools? Not your own?”
“If you met him, you would understand.” Jane placed some cherry bombs at the bottom of the glass tank. “Plus, he-...” Swallowing his fury, he said, “he got me moved to small guard.”
“To- what?”
“Hurmm umma,” their third put in helpfully.
Jeremy absorbed this for a moment, then burst out laughing. “Oh, oh man. There’s literally a position called small guard? That’s- that’s fucking hilarious you gotta admit.”
“I have to admit no such thing!” Jane rounded on him, diverting his attention from his precious project for the first time in over three hours. “I used to be power guard! Then some one-eyed, Scottish, lay-about, freshman comes in and thinks he can take my spot? This is betrayal of the highest order! A perversion of our constitution!”
“Mrra hudda.”
“I do not care if small guard is ‘technically a step up’,” Jane huffed. “Power guard is further to the front. That makes it better.”
“Basketball’s for chumps anyway,” Jeremy said, apparently having derived all the entertainment he’d wanted from the conversation, laying until he could reach his arms behind his head and dropping his legs in Jane’s lap. “You should try out for a real sport. But hey! Hope your little fish tank fills your inadequacy or whatever.”
“Oh it will.” Jane lowered his face to the glass, breath fogging and obscuring the magnum opus within. “It will.”
“And here you will see what happens when America finally colonizes the ocean!” Jane said to the drooling, glassy eyes of an 8am class.
They were significantly less slumberous when he threw a final cherry bomb into his demonstration, causing a chain reaction as dozens of ‘fireworks’ went off under the ocean, celebrating America’s eventual conquest. To really send the message home, he pulled the ripcord in the back, dropping a miniature stars and stripes behind the tank.
“Oorah!” he concluded.
“...Thank you Mister Doe,” the professor said. “Your time allotted for presenting is up.”
He turned and gave her a big thumbs up.
While some staff at Teufort U insisted you call them by their first names, this professor was not one of them, and it was rumored that the TA who had once dared to call her ‘Helen’ in front of her students was never seen again. However, no one could be that much of a hardass all the time; Jane was confident his project had just blown her out of the water (pun intended.)
She eyed his thumbs up with her perpetually sour face. “...That means return to your seat, Mister Doe.”
Jane picked up his aquarium and strolled jauntily back to his desk.
His good mood dissipated as soon as Tavish was announced as the next presenter. The usurper pulled his aquarium in on a cart, a sheet draped over to allow for a dramatic reveal. Dammit. Jane should have thought about dramatic reveals.
Tavish grinned at his audience, whisking away the blanket with a flourish.
“Behold!” he declared. “You’ve heard of desalination to deal with the oncoming global water shortages, but my proposal is this: a complete and total refinement. Salt water? Pah! Whiskey oceans are where it’s at.”
The tanked sloshed, full of something clearly scrumpy or scrumpy adjacent. Within the alcohol floated an awfully realistic looking octopus, expertly crafted and swishing with the tank’s movements. An eyepatch covered its left side.
“With the addition of boozed-based life forms of course, for an entirely new ecosystem.”
Jane curled his lip. Damn. He was good.
“...Mister DeGroot,” the professor said, “might I remind you that this is an alcohol free campus, regardless of any student’s legal status to drink? And, even without that, you are not currently twenty-one years of age?”
“Drinking age is sixteen in Scotland, Ma’am.”
“Sit, DeGroot.”
Tavish sat. He shot Jane a smug grin. Jane scowled.
“That concludes our presentations for today.” If the professor’s voice got any more disappointed, she could have been a ringer for a Badlands Brawlers fan. “As you know, the diorama that scores the highest marks will receive extra credit toward our upcoming final exam. I use the remainder of the class time to grade, and announce the winner shortly. Please return on the bell if you wish to receive those extra credits.”
The ‘bell’, unlike those rinky dinky little red bowl things they had in high school, was actually a proper bell tower, situated over the science building and able to be heard anywhere on campus. This was where Jane retreated to wait out his nerves, pacing around the semi-enclosed area and mulling over his chances. Fine, Tavish’s had been good. He was used to Tavish being good, the bastard, but Jane’s was better, and this time he was going to mop the floor with him.
“I am going to mop the floor with you!” he declared to the heavens.
“Not with that sad display you won’t.”
Jane jumped. A quiet moment of solitude foiled, besieged by his mortal enemy who’d somehow snuck up on him in order to lean cockily against the door to the stairs.
“My display was anything but sad.” Jane shook his fist. “It was joyous! Victorious! Other words that mean not sad!” When Tavish continued to smirk at him, he added, “plus, your idea is bad anyway.”
“Aye?” Tavish challenged. “How so?”
Dammit. Jane hadn’t thought this far. Replacing the oceans with whiskey really did seem foolproof...except…
“If there is no more water, then you can’t make other type of booze either!” he declared triumphantly.
Tavish jaw clenched. Ha! Good. Let him get angry for once.
He walked over and got right in Jane’s face. “Well what about you? How are you going to light off the fireworks underwater?”
“Oil, salt, and various temperature and pressure difference!” Jane didn’t like the other man in his space, and gave him a shove. They were always doing that to each other during practice, blocking and shoulder-checking harder than necessary, doing things that would certainly be penalties in an actual game.
“Who cares?” Tavish shoved him back. “No one’s going to see them anyway.”
Jane grabbed him by the front of the shirt and shouted, “the dolphins will! You would know that if YOU HAD BEEN PAYING ATTENTION.”
One, dangling, aggravating second stretched on, catching friction as they pressed noses and breathed heavy with the effort. Then they reacted simultaneously, lunging forward and attacking each other in mouth to mouth combat.
Jane growled furiously, trying to gain the upper hand, but Tavish was just as motivated not to let him get it. The pair of them sucked at each other’s faces, mastication muscles competing for this year’s WWE championship belt, crashing against the nearest half-wall surrounding the roof. A more wary observer might have worried about them careening over the edge, but Tavish and Jane had more pressing things on their minds. (And ‘more pressing’ was exactly how they were going to resolve it.) Just a whole mismatched ball of absolute frustration as they worked out several months of pent-up attraction.
Their combined rage might have carried them to hell and back, had the bell not struck 9am at that exact moment.
They both screamed, trying desperately to cover their ears as they hundred and fifty year old bell GONGED above them, rattling teeth inside skulls and causing tears to spring to their eyes.
“God! Why don’t they have a warning sign up? Bloody hell!” Tavish moaned, having found his way to the floor and using his beanie to futilely cover his head.
“What???” Jane, who already didn’t have a good ear at the best of times, worried briefly that he’d finally gone deaf.
“What?” Tavish asked. “I can’t hear a thing you’re saying.”
This went on for several minutes, the two men lying on the floor of the bell tower.
When they finally staggered down to class, it was in a terribly haggard state, and new bruises around their mouths.
“Hello professor,” Tavish, the least winded of them, declared. “It’s alright, you can tell us which one was the winner now. We’ve worked out our differences, and determined to let the best man win.”
“The best man will be me, but yeah what he said!” Jane put in.
“If you’re going for flashy, maybe, but on sheer sustainability-”
“No one’s going to eat alcohol-based sushi, cyclops-”
“Enough,” the professor cut in. “Neither of you won the extra credit points.”
“What?” Tavish gaped. “But ours were the best out of anyone’s! How could we possibly lose?”
“The assignment,” she said in a clipped voice that spoke of years of dealing with the exact idiots that Teufort tended to attract, “was to create a physical display of algae chemical reactions at different levels of light and pressure as found in the oceanic zones. Not only did you not win, you have failed this project. Now, since I have a lecture in Hale Hall in fifteen minutes, I suggest you both move out of my way, otherwise you will not have the chance to recuperate those points on the final exam. Goodbye gentleman.”
She stripped the last of the grading notes off her desk, shoved them into a manila folder, and disappeared out the door.
Tavish and Jane watched her go. The minutes ticked by on the wall mounted analog clock, which probably could have told them the time just as well as the giant bell that had nearly deafened them.
“Hey,” Tavish said, elbowing Jane in the side. “I got to take Basic Intergluteal Numismatics next semester.”
“...Yeah? And?”
“Bet I can solve systematic inflation before you can.”
“Oh, you’re on son.”
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shadyufo · 5 years
I have a mouse with me who was injured by a mouse trap, and although I'm doing what I can to keep him alive I'm afraid he's not going to make it :( I've followed the vulture culture community for awhile and was wondering, if he doesn't make it, what would be the best way to preserve his skeleton? I read beetles work, which I don't have, and that maceration wouldn't keep everything intact. I wouldn't mind if just the skull was intact, but I'm hoping to keep most of him together, if possible?
Hey Anon! That’s very awesome of you to care for him. I hope he recovers but if not please know you are a sweet soul and did all you could do.
There are three main ways to go about cleaning specimens—dermestid beetles, maceration, or ‘nature cleaning.’ There are lots of variations of these three but they are the main methods for cleaning bones. Dermestid beetles are definitely the best option for cleaning small specimens you plan to articulate. With all the other options the skeleton will come apart during the cleaning process and you’ll have to do some work to reattach it. For that matter, skeletons often come apart during beetle-ing too and require repairs. But that’s perfectly doable, ever for something as small as a mouse! Just collect plenty of reference photos to work from, use fast-drying super glue (or plain white Elmer’s if you’d prefer!) and tweezers to reattach the bones, and have plenty of patience and you can do it! Maceration can cause the skull to come apart, especially if it’s a younger animal, but there is a risk of that with whatever method you use unfortunately. But again, it can be repaired!
If you don’t want to try maceration I’d definitely recommend nature cleaning. You can make a small cage out of very fine wire mesh and put the specimen in that. Put the cage on top of a shallow tray if there is a chance of any tiny bones fitting through the wire. Then cover the cage with an overturned flower pot, bucket, etc. Be sure to weigh down whatever container you use to keep any nosy scavengers from tipping it over and stealing your specimen. Then just let nature do it’s thing! If the weather is warm and damp a mouse will most likely be down to bones within a couple of weeks or less. If the weather is cold where you are then it’s going to take longer and you might just want to save the specimen in the freezer until the weather warms up again.
Once you are down to bones give them a gentle bath in warm, soapy water to remove any dirt or debris. Then whiten and sterilize with hydrogen peroxide. You can let the bones soak in an open container of peroxide or if the skeleton is mostly intact after being cleaning then just lay it out on some paper towels (in direct sunlight if possible) and put some peroxide in spray bottle. Spray the specimen several times throughout the day for at least a day or two or until it’s as white as you want it to be.
Hope that gives you some ideas on how to proceed! Best of luck, Anon!! Let me know if you have any other questions!
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hi! could you see if this would be a good session? there's a rogue of light, page of void, prince of time, and heir of space. thank you, if it's too much to analyze don't worry about it :)
Hey, I can look the session over for you. Been looking forward to sburb session asks, and don’t worry, 4 should be easy enough. It’s like, probably the smallest “regular” session you can get without major complications and I want to try larger ones eventually so it’s a good place to start.
Let’s start with listing out the classpects you gave me, and put them side by side with my current definitions.
Rogue of Light - One who takes Light or takes using Light for others
Page of Void - One who gathers service for Void or gathers service using Void
Prince of Time - One who destroys Time or destroys using Time
Heir of Space - One who causes Space to change or causes things to change through Space
So you have a space player, required to create a genesis frog. You have a time player, required to initiate a scratch. You have a void and light player which is an interesting combination. Class combos are curious too, as pages tend to be relaxed players and heirs aren’t usually too aggressive either when it comes down to it, leaving the prince as possibly leading the charge way ahead of everyone else. Depending of course on how active the rogue ends up personalty wise, as classpect only tells a portion of someone’s personalty.
Now that we’ve got the generals out of the way, I’ll go over strengths and weaknesses for the classpects individually, and then combined.
A rogue of light takes knowledge, fortune, and brightness in order to help others. This is helpful in a session devoid of a “Know” class, making the rogue the main information gathering player. Raiding libraries, stealing documents and talking with informants from prospit and derse. Rogues may have a problem of not keeping enough for themselves, so they might not keep themselves fortunate enough for the perils of sburb. Make sure to have someone check in on the rogue every now and then, without the luck of their own aspect they might need backup.
A page of void gathers secrets, nothingness and nullification for the purposes of service. Getting help from everything that is unknown could be beneficial. Underground resistances on derse, cults from the shadows, horrorterrors out of nowhere, all coming at the page’s request to propel the session to victory. One of the big issues could come from if the other players understand what the page brings to the table, as pages tend to get undervalued even when their aspect isn’t hiding itself like void does. The page themselves might have problems seeing what they’re doing at times, so understanding their classpect and being there to support page to bring them to potential is key. That and not getting involved with secrets too dangerous that’ll backlash more than it helps.
A prince of time destroys sequence, history, and fate. While having a destruction class player for such an important aspect sounds bad at first there’s a lot of upsides too. The prince would be great at erasing the mistakes of the past which in sburb helps avoid doomed timelines. If there’s not some major force controlling the flow of time they could even destroy some of the undesirable parts of the alpha timeline that would otherwise seem unavoidable. They would need an eye kept on them and a friend nearby to keep them on the right path, and not go berserk destroying the flow of time. Left unchecked they could either break time so that events no longer flowed forward, or destroy it so there would be no more time left in your session.
An heir of space causes changes in creation, beginnings, and celestial bodies. Creating change to the creative flow of the session means the heir will be a huge help when it comes to what you have available. They’ll probably inspire a new idea for how to use alchemizing often enough so the other players have a stockpile of useful items and weapons. You won’t have to worry about stale strategies either. The change to the planets, moons, and even genesis frog could be either very helpful or hurtful depending on how they change. Heirs tend to go with the flow and change with it as much as they cause change, and if those flows come from derse arch agents you could be looking at more doomed timelines. So, I guess make sure someone filters out sabotage away from the heir.
The rogue of light might run into problems because of the page of void. In many ways they are opposing aspects, and gathering large amounts of void could possibly obscure and hide the light away. But one crossover the two aspects have is information, so it’s possible the rogue could find the knowledge out of the page’s gathered secrets instead of it being hidden. Mostly the prince would be a problem to the rogue, erasing and changing history makes getting correct information harder and shortening how much time is available gives less time to steal. Rogue of light combining efforts with the heir opens a lot of doors though. When you have someone who can steal every hidden tidbit of information about how sburb’s systems works side by side with someone who keeps everyone looking at things from new angles you’ve got a pair who are capable of abusing the systems to it’s limit and beyond. They’d be the strong driving force behind the session’s alchemized supplies.
Page of void and rogue of light don’t mix well from the page’s point of view either. Even with the slight overlap the aspects share for the most part they’re opposite and the page won’t have as much use for the rogue’s stolen things compared to the others. The gifts from the rogue might counteract the page’s void gathering and it could even lead to antagonism between the two. On the other hand, this makes the prince a decent combination for the page. Causing unknown consequences of changing the past and making the future uncertain gives the page tons of unknown possibilities to gather up. The heir’s aspect is another opposite to the page’s but in a less antagonistic way, more of a “have and have not” situation. I feel like their classpects would be neutral in how they mix up, which means they could learn how to help each other very well.
Prince of time and rogue of light synergy actually works well in reverse. The rogue could find out exactly what things caused other things, giving the prince perfect targets of events to stop from ever happening. As long as the prince doesn’t destroy too many things this partnership of classpects could work out, but it’s a thin line between a good combination and the prince stepping all over the rogue’s work. Now the reversal works in reverse as the page would make things harder for the prince. Where the page benefits from the prince’s work, the prince suffers if he gets trapped up in one of the clouds of void gathered by the page. He either won’t be able to see what points of time need broken and ends up breaking the wrong things, or doesn’t think anything else needs broken and becomes complacent. These two shouldn’t stay near each other for long, have the page trail the prince’s wake of destruction but avoid him getting in the prince’s way. The heir of space would probably help give the prince ideas on how to destroy time better by helping him figure out different ways to define “destroying time”. If there’s anyone that can lead the prince from making the session too short to getting everyone stuck in frozen time and it’ll be the heir giving the suggestion.
The heir of space would probably get the most help from the rogue of light based on classpect alone. If the prince volunteers it’ll either be good or bad based on if they’re breaking time in the right way. There’s a danger that between breaking time and causing change to space that the fabric of reality could be in major danger when these two combine. The page might send service the heir’s way but since they send it in the form of void there’s a danger of the creative potential of the heir getting clouded in the haze that is void’s secret and unknowable quality. As long as the rogue keeps the heir, and others informed enough, the frog breeding has a decent chance in my opinion.
I’ll be honest there are a lot of classpect conflicts in this session for a 4 person sburb game. The rogue, prince, and page make some weird triangle of  good/bad combinations with each other. This kind of makes their classpect interaction that puzzle with the chicken, fox, and bag of seeds you need to get across the river, they’ll have to be very careful how they interact with each other if they want to make it out of paradox space alive. Make sure the heir doesn’t die, not just because they’re the space player but because they’re the glue holding the session together. The only synergy that isn’t a double edged sword comes from the heir, and even then that isn’t perfect considering combining with the prince could distort all of paradox space.
This session is an interesting one for sure and I would love to see what happens in it, particularly for creative potential. I would say this session has a poor chance of successful completion. Breeding the genesis frog would probably be relatively easy but it’s everything else that goes into beating a sburb session that’s on thin ice with these four. Most sessions, including this one are still possible of course, but I’d suggest they get some outside help if they don’t want to risk tripping over each other’s feet into endless doomed timelines. If the players get along and use their classpect in a healthy way there’s a good shot for them but it’s still a little concerning.
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finsterhund · 4 years
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Look at this. Tell me this wasn't specifically designed, hand tailored, to kill me.
The actual medical stuff is invasive but fine. I get it. Glue things to my skin and wrap an elastic band around my chest. Sure. You're measuring my vitals. It makes sense I guess. Infrared cameras and shit too makes sense. My paranoid brain HATES the idea with a passion but it also will determine what I'm doing in sleep. So its inclusion makes sense. I could work around it. I'm brave and resilient and can deal with stupid cameras if the rest of my environment is safe. It's fine.
But right at the bottom of the first set of bullet points is where it all starts turning into a terrifying nightmare.
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What, and I cannot say this enough, the fuck.
You have some NERVE saying lights out but then saying that "despite all this the beds and rooms are comfortable and you'll be able to sleep"
You liar.
That's written in a way that makes my fucking blood run cold. They know it's not comfortable. They know I won't be able to sleep. It's all just a sick game to them. They think telling me that it will is going to put my mind at ease but I'm not stupid I can see through it.
Also, an aside, the phrase "lights out" all on its own can set me off. I just freeze up and the hard drive of my brain gets grinded by the reader head smashing back down against it. You say it to me and I am washed with panic. I hate it.
Absolutely horrific. I wouldn't be able to sleep. Nope. The dark is a FUCK NO on its own but do you know how fucked up it's going to be for me trapped in a dark room with shit squeezing my body and shit? Dark and physical restraint and cameras are THE TRIGGERS TO END ALL TRIGGERS.
Well, there's nothing else they could possibly throw at me right? They've already completely destroyed any chance of me actually being able to sleep during this thing right?
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How dare you. You can't say "pack a small bag with all the items you will need for an overnight stay away from home" and then say that I can't have stuffed animals.
What the fuck is wrong with you? What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck.
They are actively trying to kill me.
These are the exact circumstances that will cause me to have a serious mental breakdown. Just like in the old house. I can't go back to that again. I never will again. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever. Fucking adults can't force me to suffer like that anymore. Fuck every last one of you.
This is a form of torture. This is how I was psychologically abused as a toddler. Locked in a damn fucking room no light no stuffed animals. If you actually cared about figuring out what was wrong with my sleeping you would actually let me sleep instead of fucking torturing me.
There's no fucking reason why I can't have light or stuffed animals. Those are the most important things for feeling safe enough to sleep and you intend to rob them from me.
No light, and no stuffed animals awakens the deepest primal terror in me. It's a sickening nauseating dread. I will NEVER let it happen again. Over my dead body. If you back me into a corner I will fucking bite.
What next? Are they going to force me to sleep on my back so I have sleep paralysis too???? On top of everything else? See I can't trust them at all now. No more trust. Trust removed.
Apparently they'll charge a cancellation fee if I cancel my appointment. Of course they only tell me this AFTER it's been set and I find their evil PDF of torture methods. Just why!? Why are they like this!?
I don't know if they have a home version that you can take home that I can do at home if not I legitimately don't know what I am going to do.
I am actually so fucking terrified right now. I'm just sitting in bed shaking and crying and wishing someone was up so I could sit next to them and they could be there.
This has got me so upset that I can't sleep now. Even though I'm safe. Because thinking about this I don't feel safe.
I just keep thinking about THEN. ALWAYS THEN. These horrible things bring me back to then.
I just want peace and people caring about me and not doing horrible shit like this.
I have gotten a lot stronger over the past five or so years but this is absolutely NOT something you can just mess with.
They might not even let me take my prazosin for the test. That's going to be so physically and emotionally taxing on me. I know I only just got it less than a year ago but it has already made me sleep better. No bruises and only regular nightmares every week or so like how normal people have them.
These places have an empathy problem. They have a not being respectful of the fact that I am psychologically fragile problem.
I wonder if a pediatric clinic for the same damn test would torture me like this too?
There is no excuse for these awful rules. None at all.
Why did I look into their testing tonight
Why couldn't I leave well enough alone
I need a real life puppy to kiss away my fears and let me know that everything is going to be okay and they'll be there to keep me safe
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