#bean bags chairs for adult
tj-crochets · 2 years
I only knew jellycat plushies as the like cute weird food plushies I didn’t realize they had so so many other plushies  I might have a new favorite monster plushie???
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im-tempted · 1 year
This shit sucks
I have to go capitalism
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sanjanaopstech · 1 year
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homelanderbutbig · 6 months
A Sweet Weird, Kinda Like You (G/T Homelander x Reader)
1080 words. Pure fluff. Homelander is 8 feet tall. Reader is non-descriptive. Established relationship.
You sneak into The Seven's meeting room for early morning smooches.
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It's an early morning at the Vought Tower, and the employees are just starting to pour in.
Deciding to take advantage of the early hours, you ride the elevator up to the 99th floor to visit Homelander. You don't have to start your shift for 15 minutes, and you know he would appreciate seeing you before you have to slave away at your desk job.
The Seven's meeting room is quite a sight to behold, with the table and chairs built taller to accommodate Homelander's height, so he doesn't have to feel like an adult sitting at the kid's table. His chair was also made custom just for him, which he is grateful for as no one else can reach that high to sit on his 'throne'.
As expected, you find Homelander alone, arms behind his back while he stands by the windows to survey the city. Although he doesn't turn around to acknowledge you as you walk up to him, you're pretty sure there's a smile on his face right now.
"Morning big guy," you say, leaning up against his leg. At long last you look up at him, getting to see him beaming down at you and showing off his pretty canines.
"You're here early," he chuckles softly, lowering one of his large hands to your shoulder. He uses his long fingers to stroke your shoulder while his thumb splays across your back.
"I wanted to see my favourite supe before I started work," you remark, tilting your head into his hip.
"Oh? I'm your favourite am I?" he taunts cheekily, giving your shoulder a playful squeeze. You can't uphold your unimpressed frown for long as your expression causes him to laugh, and you giggle along with him.
Homelander bends down to lift you up to his chest, rubbing his nose against yours. His big eyes sparkle like two flawless sapphires, completely taken in by the sight of you. With his face so close to yours, you can feel the slightest quivering of his lips and you know what he is waiting for permission for. Even though he takes what he wants from everyone else, he would never dare to do that to you.
When you finally give him a nod he kisses you, doing his best not to let your love consume him lest he not be able to listen for approaching footsteps. However, he finds himself getting lost in your adoration, especially feeling one of your hands caressing his cheek. He strains himself trying not to keen too loudly into your mouth, appreciative that you aren't using your wicked fingers to scratch along his undercut.
Carefully, he walks backwards to sit down into his oversized chair, keeping you seated in his lap. He can't help but treasure how your body fits so perfectly on his thighs, like you were meant to be there. During the kiss he moves his hands to your hips, loving how impeccably his palms conform to them.
After breaking from your kiss, Homelander belatedly notices the little brown bag you've been holding onto this entire time. He decides not to use his X-ray vision to look at what's inside, but he can't help but notice the sickeningly sweet smell emanating from within.
"What… is that?" he asks, furrowing his brow at your questionable breakfast.
"I got a couple cake pops from Jitter Bean before I came into work," you explain, cracking up at his confused expression.
"I bought one for you and one for me," you tell him, pulling them out of the bag. He feels accosted looking at these little dough balls on lollipop sticks, coated in pink chocolate and dusted with rainbow sprinkles.
"It's good, trust me. Just try it," you proclaim, holding one out for him. He glares at you like you've told him you shot JFK, just utterly dumbfounded at what you're requesting of him. You, a mere human, are asking… nay, ordering the world's greatest superhero to eat something so childish? But his faux outrage doesn't scare you, and you simply wiggle one of the cake pops in front of his mouth.
With a heavy exhale and a hard swallow, Homelander succumbs to your fiendish demands. Painstakingly, he takes the cake pop in between his teeth, chewing it hesitantly like he's unsure if you're really just trying to poison him. You eat your cake pop as you watch him go through this assault to his taste buds, snickering at his overly dramatic theatrics.
"Well? What do you think?" you inquire as he finishes his diabolical breakfast.
"It's… weird," he utters, his face scrunched up like he just ate a whole lemon.
"A good weird?" you ponder, seeing his lips twitch from your question as he shoots you a sly smirk.
"It's a sweet weird … kinda like you," he chuckles, leaning back close for another kiss. The sugary taste of the cake pops mingles in with both of your lips. As much as he would rather never eat one of those death balls again, the fact that you thought of him when you bought two is enough to set his heart aflame. More than anything, he wishes this precious morning would never end.
Suddenly, Homelander lets out a deep sigh from his nose. He hears movement closing in on the meeting room. Unfortunately, your time is up.
"My team's on their way," he grumbles, rolling his eyes. "Five minutes late, as usual. Like they don't think I notice."
"I should get going too," you note. "I have to start my shift."
"Promise you'll stop by the penthouse later?" he asks, unable to hide his subtle concern. Even though you never would, he can never fully mask that voice in his head that makes him worry you won't want to see him anymore.
"Of course I will. Try and stop me," you declare, giving him one last kiss. A relieved smile spreads across his face; the disaster has been averted. You always know just what to say to calm his anxieties.
He lets you down off his lap and you quickly shuffle out of the meeting room, giving Homelander a wave goodbye before heading off for the elevator.
Standing back up, he returns to his position solemnly gazing out the windows.
Homelander holds onto the faint taste of cake pop on his lips, the little reminder of how you like to include him in your basic human rituals. The little reminder of how you make him human too.
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suzukiblu · 10 months
More Billy adopting Conner please!!! It's sooo goood
Two days after the post-Cadmus Justice League meeting, Billy is standing in the middle of a shiny new apartment with very big windows in both his Captain Marvel form and also a set of magically-made civilian clothes, which feels pretty weird but he’d figured would be more . . . he doesn’t know, dad-ly. 
He’s really happy about the windows; they’re the really big floor-to-ceiling kind that take up most of the wall. He hopes Superboy will like them. Batman asked him what he’d want in a living space, and he’d figured good windows with a location that’d get a lot of light was a good start. And like, a kitchen big enough for both of them to be in at once, and nice comfy overstuffed furniture. But mostly the windows. 
Though Batman did get them some of those cool bean bag chairs for the living room when Billy asked, so that was nice. The place is still pretty plain, but it’s got good . . . bones? Is that what adults say about places without much stuff in them? 
Billy thinks that’s what adults say, yeah. 
The civilian clothes he’s a little more iffy on than the apartment, but hopefully they’re good. He doesn’t actually know how to dress like a “dad” so he kind of just let the magic handle it, and it came up with kind of a Mr. Rogers look. Billy doesn’t know if that’s his fault or the magic’s, but he’s just gonna blame the magic for right now. So he’s wearing slacks and a button-down sweater and freaking argyle socks, and also like . . . house slippers? 
Billy secretly thinks the magic kinda went more “grandpa” than “dad”, but as long as Superboy doesn’t take one look at him and decide he’s totally lame it’ll be fine, he figures.
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noteriii · 1 year
Hewoo~! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ I would like to request a touch starved gn!reader x Shxtou~ 🌸
The lack of Shxtou x reader is a crime! (ง'̀-'́)ง
I'm really touch starved, like... All the time!! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ So i would love some kisses and hugs from my beloved dog boy~ ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
as summer began to die down, a cool autumn breeze wafted through your open apartment window. you were restless these days, working hours upon hours by taking extra unwanted summer shifts that teenagers started to drop the closer it came to the school year. you worked at a small cafe in the city and, though you loved your job, there was nothing you craved more than to spend time with your boyfriend. unfortunately, as all odds seemed to be against you currently, your work shifts had overlapped and you had felt as if you never saw him anymore despite living under the same roof and sharing a bed at night. the lack of his presence left you feeling drained and lonely even if he was just in the other room.
today was a strange day, as you were not needed at work. this meant you could do nothing but stay home and be with your lover all day, right? wrong. your beloved purple haired partner had unintentionally scheduled a gaming marathon stream for the whole day you were free. it was no one’s fault, really, for the overlapped schedules and you were both adults who could figure things out along the way.
thats what led you to this situation. on a small, yet very comfy snorlax shaped bean bag chair with a thin blanket draped over your figure as your boyfriend continues his stream right in front of you. you were still in the same room, yes. occasionally the two of you would converse or the chat would ask about you as well, but you didn’t mind too much. you just wanted to spend time with your boyfriend by your side. as he gamed, you idly scroll through your phone, sending a few videos to his phone for him to watch later. this was enough, you thought. you were content with simply being at his side, warm and cozy doing your own thing.. yet your body craved his. not in a sexual way, not then at least. you craved his touch and the way his warm skin felt against yours. you missed the cuddles and the ghost kisses that would be littered all over your face. you missed your lover, who was mere inches away from you.
as shouto took a break from the stream, he glances down to you curled up in the bean bag chair. a small smile crawls onto his features as he sees you had fallen asleep while on your phone which was still displaying whatever you had last seen. excusing himself from the stream for a moment, he takes off his headset and approaches you, gently taking your phone to turn it off. before he could do so, he notices what you had been looking at last. it was the photo album you had been keeping of you two since you had started dating all those years ago. it warmed his heart, seeing how cute you looked asleep in the chair. although you looked comfy now, he knew how you’d be complaining about the back pain of the uncomfortable position you were in hours after your nap. so, shouto gently picks you up and carries you to bed. once in his arms, your sleeping figure practically melts into him, melding together like two marshmallows in a pit. he sets you down in bed, carefully tucking you in before making his way back to his gaming room until you stop him. “wait..” you say in a half asleep daze “come cuddle me..” you call out to your boyfriend who looks at you tenderly. “i’ve got a stream going on, baby.. you know this” he replies, his heart fighting between crawling into bed with you or going back to work.
in the end, he lost the battle of logic and ended up telling his audience that something had come up. you, however, had won your boyfriend’s attention for the rest of the day successfully.
super short, slightly sweet.
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tachiharastanacc · 4 months
More Tachi angst ig
Tachihara groaned, rolling over.
“Past, Tachihara!”
Squeezing his eyes shut tighter, he pulled the pillow over his head.
There was blissful silence for a moment. Before…
“Tachihara, you idiot! I’m talking to you! Get up, get up, get up!”
The teenager let out an oof as he was jumped on. He covered his face with his arms as the small girl snatched his pillow and started whacking him with it.
With another dramatic groan, he sat up, picking Teruko up and depositing her on the ground next to his bed.
“I’m bored! Play with me!”
Yeah. That was about what he expected.
“Can’t it wait until morning? I was training with Tecchou all day. And it’s like three in the morning.”
This information didn’t seem to phase the pink-haired girl, who was already climbing back onto his bed to harass him.
“No! We have to go now!”
She was already tugging on his arm again, trying to drag him out of bed. With one final pull, she managed, accidentally flinging him to the floor.
“You’ll get over it! Now c’mon!”
With a deep, suffering sigh, he very slowly stood up.
“Gah, you’re taking forever!”
She morphed into her adult form, easily scooping him up.
“Shhh! We gotta be sneaky! This is a stealth mission!”
“Somehow I doubt this is an actual mission.”
“Lighten up! You’re no fun!”
Teruko continued to carry him until they emerged from the base.
“Seriously, what are we doing? I don’t wanna get in trouble.”
“We’re not gonna get in trouble unless your whining gives us away! And stop pouting!”
“I’m not pouting. And I definitely don’t whine,” he mumbled, clearly whining.
“Just pipe down! I have to show you something!”
She set him down on the ground, morphing back to her usual age. Tachihara begrudgingly followed her. The sight of two young kids, one of whom was dressed in a military uniform, walking through the city at night unattended probably would’ve been concerning if it were anywhere but Yokohama.
The two trekked across the city streets. Though he wouldn’t admit it, Tachihara was enjoying feeling the warm night breeze in his hair. It’d been a while since he’d actually left the base. Ever since he’d started pestering the higher ups to let him overtake the mafia infiltration mission, he’d been busier than ever with training.
Finally, they arrived at…
“An abandoned shed?”
Teruko shoved him. “Nuh-uh. It’s your surprise.”
“I didn’t know I was getting a surprise.”
“That’s what makes it a surprise, dummy.”
She gestured for him to unlock it with his ability, which he did, though not without a roll of his eyes.
The girl was practically vibrating with excitement as she shoved him inside.
“I don’t get it, what’s…”
He trailed off, looking around. The interior of the shed was decorated with string lights. A few posters hung on the walls. Two deflated bean bag chairs were placed on the dusty floor in front of a small table, on which sat a vase of hyacinths.
“This is…”
“Ta-da! The Teruko and Tachihara secret base! So that way we can meet up, even when you’re away with the mafia!”
Tachihara was silent for a moment, taking it in. It was a bit of a mess, and definitely assembled from random piece of furniture Teruko had found lying around, but…
He felt his eyes starting to water.
Teruko practically deflates.
“You could just say you don’t like it…”
He kneels down, pulling her into a tight hug. After a confused moment, she hugs him back.
“I’m gonna miss you so much…”
“Tachihara, you dolt. That’s why we have this place! Didn’t you listen to a word I said!?”
“Yeah…and we can hang out plenty when I come back for my surgeries.”
“And we can go on missions and save the world together.”
“Yeah. And save Jouno from dealing with the captain’s stench.”
“I like his stench!”
“You would.”
Passersby that night would see a small shed, a bit worn down and broken, but still cozy and full of love on the inside. Curled up inside were two kids, siblings in this cruel world, peacefully sleeping. Looking at them, it was almost possible to believe everything would turn out alright.
“You could just say you don’t like it.”
“I don’t dislike it. It’s just…”
Tecchou looked around, taking in the clutter amassed over the past six years. He glanced down at the pile of stale chips his foot was buried in.
“We didn’t really have time to clean it before everything went down.”
Tachihara was sitting on one of the beanbags, knees tucked up to his chest. He was poking at one of the lights that was dangling from where the tape had fallen off.
“…I’m sorry. If I was there…”
“I said I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“…right. I just mean that-“
One of the nails ripped out of the wall, curling and bending unnaturally as Tachihara clenched his fists. He glared at Tecchou with those cloudy eyes that reminded the older hunting dog so much of Jouno.
Unsure of how to respond, Tecchou awkwardly ducked past a few handmade decorations and plopped down on the other beanbag chair. He did his best to ignore the cloud of dust that flew up as he sat.
“I know you don’t want to talk. We don’t have to.”
He looked down at his once-shiny boots, now smeared with crumbs and dust.
“…I miss them.”
“Me too.”
“…I wish I was there. I wish it was me who died instead.”
Tecchou closed his eyes. The words hurt to hear, but…
“I understand. I feel the same way.”
If he had listened to Tachihara that day. If he had followed Jouno in the airport. If he hadn’t been so blinded that he’d left Teruko and the captain alone…
Tecchou shuffled a bit closer, wincing at the sound of the beanbag squelching under his weight. He wrapped one arm around the younger hunting dog’s shoulders, pulling him into a half hug.
“…what are you doing?”
“Comforting you. Is it working?”
After a moment, Tachihara nodded, leaning into the hug.
“…I wanna fix this place up. Not that I’d be able to see it, but…it’s what Teruko would’ve wanted.”
“I’ll help you. But not now. Right now, you should rest.”
Tachihara curled closer, pulling Tecchou’s cloak around himself.
They stayed like that for a while, the last remaining soldiers of a unit doomed and almost forgotten by the rest of the world.
Still, despite how it seemed on the outside, inside the small shed, it was possible that people could heal. And things would be alright.
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greyauras · 8 months
This is like 600 words.
Everyone headcanons Ghost and Soap's living conditions like Ghost is a frequent visitor of r/malelivingspace and Soap has like a slightly cozy, filled just enough with furniture type of place. I think that's cute and hilarious, but I'm just thinking about the opposite.
That Ghost actually has this REALLY nice place somewhere near the base that Price *legally* finances for him but pays out of pocket for. King sized bed, some cacti, has an elderly neighbor that waters them for him if he's gone for too long and everything. I'm pretty sure Ghost was canonically a butcher (I hc him that way anyway) so he probably can make a good steak, and eventually learned how to cook for himself and it's become a hobby. He grew up without, so now that he has the money and the luxury to have a quiet space of his own, he takes full advantage of it.
I believe he likes stability, and while the base is where he feels the most like himself, the bustle of it all irritates him. Sometimes it's nice to drink your weird ass flavored tea with your pink cacti. Best date you'll ever have if you squint past the red flags Tom Cardy style.
And Soap? Pretty big, concrete, studio loft. Completely empty save necessary appliances and the fullest place being his art space with easels and canvases in front of the large windows, a cot with boxes of his shit next to it. And a bean bag chair begging for life. The only thing he knows how to cook is ramen and MRE tuna packets. He tries family recipes, but fucks it up so badly he hopes his nan doesn't see it beyond the grave. Growing up, he took care of himself while his parents worked constantly and could have been away for days at the time. It's easier to take care of yourself when your only obligations are feeding yourself, doing homework, and going to bed before midnight. Being an adult has similar rules but for some reason it's much worse.
Being in the military, it's an automatic rule to take care of yourself (physically). You stink, you'll get a bath one way or another. He doesn't buy anything because why need a bed if you'll only sleep on it for a month or so? Why a couch and TV when paying for a streaming service would be a waste? (Laptop disc player kind of guy, got a box of classic movies too, “THIS IS SPARTA!”) Really shouldn't even invest in a flat, he doesn't really celebrate holidays with his family anymore since they're the vacation on Christmas type. The only time he's there is when injured, forced or both.
But since Simon moves to Scotland and brings all his stuff with him, the big place gets filled a lot quicker. John gets some shelf racks and finally unpacks his boxes. I would say and maybe vice versa since Soap doesn't have a lot of stuff, but Price is glad to get that freeloader’s lease off his name.
Extra: They're all hanging out in the base’s living area.
Gaz: Does anybody need a couch? My sister's selling one, might even give it away if I ask.
Soap perks up from his spot on the floor: I do! I've been sleeping on the floor for 3 years!
Ghost: Johnny, I thought you said you had a cot?
Soap: I did. The legs broke, now it's just a framed mat.
Gaz: Bruv, what the fuck.
Soap: Does it have a stench?
Gaz: No?
Soap: I'll take it.
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Lightning Bug - Chapter 12
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Master list of Lighning Bug 
Warning: kidnapping, mention of human trafficking, character injury, mention of death, guilt, drinking 
Word count: 6.5k
“Who are you?” You stared at the man who had an eye patch over his left eye. He was wearing all black with a trench coat over the top. You couldn’t imagine wearing that in the summer. 
“The name is Nick Fury,” he walked over to you. His hands were behind his back. You weren’t sure if he was a threat but FRIDAY would have alerted you if there was danger, right? “Got any more of that?” He pointed to the bowl of mac and cheese you were eating. 
“Uh yeah,” you said stunned. It was an odd sight, watching the man get himself a bowl of mac and cheese from the pot on the stove. “Wait, they didn’t adopt me. They-” You paused. You had to admit what they did sounded like adaptation minus going to court. “Anyways, what are you doing here?” He put his bowl on the counter and took a bit of his food. 
“Romanoff asked me to keep an eye on you while everyone is away,” he shrugged. “I owe her a few favors.” You frowned. 
“I don’t need a babysitter,” you said. “I can take care of myself.” 
“Not a babysitter, kid,” you gave him a pointed look, you didn’t believe him. He sighed. “I do feel like a babysitter with this group.” You smiled as he put his empty bowl into the sink. “Come with me,” he said, heading back to the elevator. 
“You couldn’t add a please,” you said. He glared at you over his shoulder. You sighed, picked up your bowl, and followed him to the elevator. The metal doors opened and you both stepped in. When the doors closed, he pulled out a white badge. 
“Welcome Director Fury, shall I bring you to Overwatch?” The AI asked. 
“Yes FRIDAY,” Overwatch? You didn’t remember an Overwatch floor. But you kept your mouth shut as the elevator began to rise. Soon the elevator stopped and the doors opened. “Don’t touch anything,” he said, stepping into the room. You followed him. There were two desks. A wooden one pushed to the wall facing a wall that had a counter with a chair and a keyboard. There were other sitting options; a couch and bean bags. A small fridge in the corner with a coffee station. You walked over to the wooden desk and picked up a stress ball. “And I told you not to touch anything,” you looked at him and his back was to you as he typed on a keyboard. 
“How did -?” you looked around. “What is this place anyways?” You asked. 
“This is Overwatch,” he said, the monitors turned on. They were dark but each screen had a name on the corner. You found Natasha’s and Wanda’s names right away; labeled N. Romanoff and W. Maximoff. “This command center allows myself or other Avengers that aren’t on a mission to provide support.” You walked over to where he was standing. “It is only used when all of them get called away or on big-scale operations.” Wanda said something similar when you asked if it was normal for everyone to be called out on a mission; ‘On a scale this big, yes.’ 
“Who are they after?” Fury looked away from the keyboard to look at you. You weren’t sure if he was going to tell you but he held out his hand, looking down at the stress ball in your hand. You sighed, rolling your eyes, and handing him the ball. 
“Romanoff and Bishop’s primary mission was to follow Andre Orlov,” he clicked a few buttons and a hologram of a man appeared. He couldn’t be more than 20 years old. His head was shaved and he had a tattoo on his neck. “He is working with an organization that is kidnapping kids and young adults.” Your mind was transported back to when you were promised a better life but you woke up in a cell forced to torture people. 
“Is it HYDRA?” You asked. He didn’t seem surprised that you knew that organization. He shook his head. 
“We weren’t sure what group was behind it. But they found out,” the hologram disappeared. “Meet Petya and Zenya Samarian,” Peta was taller. His head wasn’t shaved but his hair was cut short. But Zeyna had hair past her shoulders. They looked older, in their mid to late 30s or early 40s. “They call themself Sem’ya or the Family. They targeted low-income families or kids who were homeless. But they made a mistake and attempted to kidnap the daughter of a mayor. Local authorities weren’t sure if it was HYDRA or a copycat of the Red Room so we were called in.” The holograms disappeared. “The team is attempting to bring them in and save the kids they’ve taken.” He moved his sleeve up to look at his watch. “Phase 1 should be at 0930.” 
“Why did you bring me here?” Instead of answering, he pulled another white card and handed it to you. 
“This room is only accessible by one of these key cards,” you took it, twirling the cards in between your fingers. It was completely blank. “I’ll be around.” He walked over to the elevator. You spun around to look at him. 
“You still didn’t answer my question,” you said. “Why did you bring me here?” He stopped before pressing the button to the elevator. 
“The worst part of being here is when they go on missions and you are left in the dark unable to know if they are hurt,” he turned around to face you. “This room allows you to keep your mind at ease.” You looked down at the card in your hand and back at the monitors. 
“How can I help them?” You asked. 
“What?” You rolled your eyes. 
“You said this room provides support when they are on a mission,” you looked at Yelena, America, and Kate’s names. “So, how do I provide support?”
“You aren’t an Avenger, kid,” you threw your hands to the side. You couldn’t just sit here and do nothing while your fingers were risking their lives to save the world. “Look, with missions like this the best thing you can do is be there for them when they get back.” He pressed the button to call the elevator. 
“Nick,” he didn’t turn around to look at you. “Thank you.”
“The name is Fury, kid,” he stepped into the elevator and faced you. “I’ll see you around.” He threw the stress ball at you as the metal doors closed. 
You looked around the room and then back to the card in your hand. He wouldn’t have given you this card if he didn’t want you to be here tomorrow morning. You smiled and headed back to your floor. You walked into your room, placed your backpack on your bed, and began to pack it. You didn’t bring much; the walkman with your headphones and a few tapes, a book, and some copy paper Steve gave you. You grabbed a pillow, put the backpack on, and went to the kitchen. You opened a drawer that had a few snacks in it and found a note attached to a candy bar. 
‘Just in case you need it - Yelena.’ You smiled at the note Yelena wrote and placed it in your backpack along with a few cereal bars and gummies. Before you headed back to Overwatch you stopped. 
“Hey FRIDAY, are there any extra blankets?” 
“Miss. Maximoff keeps all extra blankets in the hall closet.” You thanked the AI and walked over to the closet. It seemed appropriate that Wanda had a collection of pillows. You picked a crochet one, the colors were red, black, and white, and it was soft. You smiled, picked up the blanket, and headed back to the elevator. When you stepped into the metal box, you pulled out the white card. 
“Shall I take you to Overwatch?” You nodded. 
“Yes FRIDAY,” you smiled. You had to admit you felt important as the elevator began to rise, it was like you were part of the team. The metal doors opened and you stepped out, talking straight over to the wooden desk. It had a little cubby underneath that was perfect. You placed the pillow down and laid the blanket on the floor then placed your backpack down. You saw your half-eaten bowl of mac and cheese that you left and stood up to grab it. You sat back down in your little makeshift fort and finished your dinner looking at the screens. You couldn’t be there physically but in this room, you could be with them.  
You arrived back in Overwatch the following morning at 8. You weren’t surprised to see Nick, standing in front of the screens wearing his trench coat. Did he own any other clothes? “You're late,” he said, not looking at you. 
“Late?” You questioned, walking over to him. “You said it starts at 9:30, I’m an hour and a half early.” He finally glanced at you.   
“Still late,” you rolled your eyes, looking at the screen he was looking at. It was a transcript of a phone call between Peta and Andre. It was mostly in Russian but you caught a line in Spanish that you understood. ‘La luna está alta en el cielo’ which meant ‘the moon is high in the sky.’ You felt Nick’s eyes watching you. 
“If this group is located in Russian, why are they speaking in Spanish?” You asked. 
“Why do you think so?” You looked at the line again, reading it over and over again in your head. 
“To send a message,” you said. “If they used a different language then they could send a message easily without drawing attention,” you pointed to the ‘es’ in the sentence. “The sentence is wrong. They should have used esta not es.” 
“Why would they use ‘es’?” You sighed, biting your bottom lip as you thought. 
“I’m not sure,” you said, looking at him. “The only thing I can think of is direction but it would be southeast, not east-south.” Nick smiled, it was small but a smile nonetheless. 
“Not a bad kid,” he pulled up a map. A small building was circled in the southwest part of the town. “Maybe you could be an Avenger. Do you want to be one?” You smiled, sitting down on the blanket. 
“I’m not sure about the Avenger lifestyle, Nick.” He sighed, his shoulders moving up and down. 
“Name is Fury,” you put your headphones on. 
“Whatever you say,” you made sure to leave one ear uncovered so you could hear Nick. You became lost in your music and the sketch you were doing. You were drawing the scene in front of you, Nick standing in front of a wall of screens. It wasn’t good but you weren’t drawing it to be perfect. 
“This is Fury from Overwatch,” you paused the song and rested your headphones around your neck. “Turn on your communication devices.” It was like clockwork as all the monitors turned on showing what each Avenger was looking at. 
“Woah,” you mumbled. You noticed the groups. Sam was with Kate and Steve. Rhodey, America, and Bucky were together. Tony was standing next to Natasha and Maria. Then it was Vision, Yelena, and Wanda. You found yourself walking closer to Nick. 
“Are we all set to engage?”
“Roger, that eye in the sky,” Tony said. You and Nick rolled your eyes at the billionaire. You giggled. They were at two different locations; Sam and Vision’s group were together while Tony and Rhodney were at a different one. 
“On my mark,” he pulled up two hologram blueprints. “3,2,1. Avengers engage.” There was so much to look at as they breached their building. Each group did the same plan, those who could fly provided air support outside while the others dealt with the enemies inside. Nick’s job was to stay quiet, observe, and call out things they may have missed. It was so different from watching them in training compared to a mission. There was an extra intensity, which made sense but it was still cool to witness. 
You were watching Natasha’s screen when she passed a tall wardrobe. It was for a brief second but something caught your eye. “Nick,” you said. “I think someone is in that wardrobe Natasha just passed.” 
“Romanoff,” Natasha stopped. “Go back and check that wardrobe on your right.” She did it without question and you held your breath as she opened it. There was a little girl, sitting down with her knees to her chest. Her eyes were wide with fear. Natasha put her gun away. 
“Privet malysh (hey little one),” she said. “Vash seyf (You’re safe).” She held out her hand. “Vash seyf (You’re safe).” She repeated. The girl took the Black Widow’s and pulled her into a hug. You let out a breath you were holding as you watched the girl shake in Natasha’s arms. “Gde tvoi druz'ya (Where are your friends?)” You didn’t hear what the girl said. 
“The rest of them are in the basement,” Natasha said, over her coms. “I found one and I’m taking her to Bruce.” You smiled at the interaction. 
“Good spot, kid,” Nick said. It was a spot you liked to hide in if the nose became too much and you were scared. You sat back down and continued to watch. The mission was a success. Each group managed to save the kids that were behind held capture. A part of you wished the Avengers found you when HYDRA threw you in a cell. But you were happy for them, they were safe. 
“Good work team,” Nick said. “Get these kids to safety.” The screens went dark. Nick turned to face you. “My offer still stands if you want to join them, you're good.” 
“I’m not a hero, Nick.” You pulled out the candy bar Yelena left for you. He frowned.
“They didn’t see themselves as heroes either,” you took a bite of the bar. “Just let me know.” 
“Do you think Natasha and Wanda would let me become an Avenger?” He shrugged, walking over to the elevator. 
“Not really up to them,” he stepped into the elevator. “Good job today.” The metal doors closed. You sighed, laying down. What a weird dude. 
Some of the screens turned back on. It was only Maria, Yelena, Natasha, and Bucky. You were surprised that Nick wasn’t back. So you pulled up a chair where he was standing and sat down. They were near water, it looked like a shipyard. They were taking cover next to a shipping container. Natasha was standing in front of Yelena. The blonde looked anxious, an emotion you were surprised to see. She let out a shaky breath and nodded. Natasha put her thumb up. They moved wordlessly around different shipping containers and avoided the people on the dock. You weren’t sure where they were headed but they moved with a purpose. 
Bucky held up his arm to stop the other three as a guard walked by. You blinked and Bucky took the man down. Finally, they stopped in front of a container and Maria used bolt cutters to cut the lock. As the doors swung open, you saw the horror inside. There had to be 10 - 15 people inside. 
“Vash seyf (You’re safe),” was the same statement Natasha said to the young girl. “My vytashchim tebya otsyuda (We are going to get out of here).” They split up in pairs; Natasha and Yelena and Bucky and Maria. Each pair took part in the group. A small gunfight broke out and you squeezed the arm of the chair you were sitting in. Soon the gunfight ended and they arrived at two vans; Sam was driving one and Steve was in the other. As they got everyone in, the screens went black. 
You fell back in your chair, trying to calm your racing heart. Nick said this room would help but the anxiety was racing through your veins. But they were okay. More people were saved and they made it out alive.
“There you are!” Pepper’s sudden voice made you jump and hit your head on the desk you were laying underneath. You rubbed your head and looked at the CEO, her arms crossed and she seemed upset. 
“Hi,” you said softly, waving your hand. 
“When was the last time you left this room?” She asked. “Wait, how did you even get access to this room?” She followed up with the second question before you could answer the first. 
“Uh Nick gave me a key,” you said. Pepper sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. 
“Come with me,” she said. “Please.” You scrambled to her feet, looking one more time at the monitors. They were gearing up to raid the last known house. With a sigh, you tore your eyes away and followed the CEO to the elevator. The ride was tense and quiet. You assumed this was feeling when the character you read was sent to the principal office. You knew she was upset with you but you weren’t sure why. The elevator opened to her and Tony’s floor. You wordlessly followed her to the kitchen and sat in the seat she pointed to. Still, she said nothing as she placed a chicken salad in front of you. Your stomach turned into knots as you stared at the food. When was the last time you ate real food? “I’m sorry,” she finally said. She got her salad and began to eat. “Work got busy and I wasn’t available as I should be to look after you.”
“It’s fine,” you told her. “I don’t need a babysitter.” It was the same thing you said to Nick. Pepper didn’t look like she believed you. 
“Then why did FRIDAY tell me you haven’t left that room in 2 days,” 2 days?!? That couldn’t be right. During your time there, Nick would join you but a majority of the time you found yourself alone. She held out her hand. “Give me the key card.” It felt heavy in your pocket. You thought about lying, it would be so easy. “I don’t want you going back in that room.”
“What?” You questioned. “No-I have to go back in there. What if something happens and I’m not there?” She lowered her hand. 
“And what are you going to do if something does?” You didn’t know what to say. You looked down at your salad and played with your food. Pepper sighed. “Look, I get it. Every time Tony goes away I get worried. There have been times Happy has had to pull me out of there,” You glanced up at her. “It’s not healthy to stress about them like that. It can lead to further damage.” You didn’t say anything as you slowly ate a piece of chicken. 
“You don’t understand,” you said, looking up at her fully. “You guys are all I have. If I lose you, any of you, I’ll have nothing. For once in my life I have something I don’t want to lose,” you clenched your jaw to keep your emotions in cheek. “I don’t want to go back to nothing.” Pepper’s gaze softened but she held out her hand again. 
“I still don’t want you to go back into that room,” you sighed, pulling the card out of her pocket and putting it in her hand. 
“What am I supposed to do till they get back?” You asked. She put the key in her pocket. 
“Live,” she said. “Because thinking about the ‘what ifs’ are going to drive you insane.” 
“Miss. Y/n,” FRIDAY said as you stepped out of the bathroom after a shower. You listened to Pepper and went on a walk while listening to music, did some much-needed laundry, and took a shower. It was 5 hours since Pepper had that talk with you. “The team has returned.” You put your gloves back on.  
“How are they?” You asked. 
“Miss. Romanoff was injured,” you felt your stomach drop. “She’s in med bay.” You took the stairs, not wanting to waste time on the elevator. FRIDAY instructed you on what floor to get off of. You threw open the doors as you saw Natasha being rolled in on a hospital bed with Wanda and Yelena right beside her. Your feet become cemented to the spot. You weren’t sure if people came up to talk to you, it was all white noise. 
“Hey,” you shook your head and America was standing in front of you. She had bandages on her face; one on her forehead and another on her chin. Her right wrist was wrapped. “Are-” 
“Are you okay?” You cut her off. She laughed, rubbing the back of her head. 
“I’m okay,” she wasn’t. “I got it a lot better than some of the others.” 
“Some of the others?” You questioned. “What happened?” America sat down in an empty chair and you followed her. 
“It was the last house we were clearing out, saving some kids that were kidnapped,” she said. “They were our age,” she looked down at the white floor. “The last house was a trap. It blew up, killing Peta and Zenya and the kids inside.” She angrily whipped her eyes as tears fell. “Something hit Sam that knocked him out of the air; he broke his leg. Bucky got a piece of shrapnel stuck in his side and Natasha,” she sighed. “Natasha was in the building when the bomb went off. She had Steve’s shield a lot of the damage. But she was trying to save those kids,” you looked back at the room they brought Natasha in. Yelena and Wanda were standing against the wall as doctors, you didn’t recognize, worked on the Black Widow. She was far too still for your liking. “I should have done more. I could have portaled in there or contained the blast or-”
“Stop,” you whispered. America looked up at you, tears in her eyes. Sometimes you forgot America was just a kid herself. “You did everything you could. Thinking about the million ‘what ifs’ is going to drive you insane.” 
“You're right,” she nodded. “I’m sorry. You are here to check on Nat not listening to me rant.” 
“No,” she looked at you confused. “I mean yes,” she smiled. “But I’m here for you too.” You remembered what Nick said, be there for them when they get back. You swallowed the pit growing in your throat and tried to keep your hand steady as you raised it. America looked at your hand and then back to you, searching for any indication of what you were doing. You simply nodded your head and she slowly took your gloved hand in hers. “We’re friends.” Your voice was shaky. 
“Yeah,” she said, looking at your connected hands and then back at you. “Friends.” You dropped her hand as Kate came and sat down next to you in the empty chair. She had an ice pack resting on her shoulder. 
“Has Cho come out and said anything?” America shook her head, leaning back with her arms crossed. 
“Nothing yet,” you looked at the archer sitting next to you. Her eye was bruised and she had a cut on her lip. 
“How are you, Kate?” You asked. She sighed, her shoulders sagging slightly. 
“Ready for a shower and to sleep till I’m 4o.” You smiled and looked forward. The three of you sat in silence waiting for someone to emerge from the room to give you an update. Soon a doctor walked over to you. Kate and America stood up but you remained sitting. 
“Her vitals are good,” she said. “It’s just a waiting game when she wakes up. You can go see her just try to keep it calm.”
“Thank you, Helen,” Kate said. The doctor glared at the archer. 
“I didn’t clear you for active missions,” the archer looked down at her feet. “We’ll discuss that at another time.” 
“Yes ma’am,” Helen walked in the direction of another room. 
“Oooo,” America said, sitting back down with a smile. “Someone is in trouble.” Kate flipped her off and walked into Natasha’s room. The sound of America laughing made you smile. “Go see her,” she said once she calmed down. 
“What? No, you should be in there,” America shook her head. 
“Go, I’ll get my turn,” you looked into the room and saw Kate standing behind Yelena with her arms around her. Wanda was holding onto Natasha’s hand. You didn’t want to intrude. You felt America take your hand in hers. You could feel the warmth through your gloves. She gently squeezed your hand. “You are part of their family.” You smiled at her, squeezing her hand back. You sighed and stood up, walking over to Natasha’s door. You stood in the doorway, your heart rattling in your rib cage. You were surprised how fin Natasha looked. If you weren’t told she survived a bomb exploding, you would have thought she was sleeping, minus the bruise on her head. 
Wanda saw you standing there. She gave you a tired smile. “You can come in,” you nodded, unable to trust your voice, and sat in an extra chair in the corner. 
“She’s going to be okay, right?” You finally asked. Yelena nodded. 
“Cho is worried about her lungs and the hit on her head,” Yelena said. “But Black Widows were given a version of the super soldier serum, that is healing a lot of her internal injuries.” You nodded, resting your elbows on your knees as you leaned forward. She promised she would come home safe. She promised. You folded your hands together and squeezed. She promised. 
It was just you and Wanda in her room. Kate and Yelena left to shower and get some sleep. America came in to see how everyone was doing but she also returned to the floor. The rest of the team came and went, Sam even asked you to sign his cast. You paid no mind to any of them, your eyes were trained on the Black Widow as you sat in the chair. Maria brought you and Wanda food and you picked at it as they both talked, not making heads or tails of what they were saying. “How much did you see?” Wanda finally asked. You didn’t answer right away, opting to play with your gloves. 
“Pepper found me before you guys went into the last house,” you finally said. “I didn’t see you guys attacked.” Wanda nodded. You stood up and sat down in the chair Yelena was sitting in. “Are you mad at me?” You asked. Wanda smiled, shaking her head. 
“No, I just didn’t want you to see it,” she sighed, pushing hair out of Natasha’s face. “She was trying to talk Peta down but it did not work.” You looked at the witch sitting in front of you.
“Why don’t you go get some sleep,” you said. “I’ll stay with her and have FRIDAY alert you if anything changes. She looked exhausted, they all were, and she was still wearing the clothes she wore during the mission. Wanda sighed, taking Natasha’s hand in hers. 
“I’m not sure if I’ll be able to sleep,” she said. You nodded. 
“She’s going to be okay,” you told her. “But you need to make sure you're okay too,” she didn’t look away from her girlfriend. “Are you okay?” Wanda nodded.
“Yeah,” she said softly. “Just tired.” 
“Go get some sleep, Wanda. I’ll make sure she’s safe.” The witch stood up and kissed Natasha on her forehead. She whispered something in her ear that you didn’t hear. Wanda thanked you and told you to get some sleep as well. You nodded and watched her leave. Finally, it was just you and Natasha. You wanted to be alone with the Black Widow since she got back. “I don’t like this feeling,” you said to her, unsure if she could hear you. “I just got you, Wanda, and Yelena, and I know you are Avengers and do risky things to keep others safe. But I need you to be safe,” you sighed. “Just wake up, please.”
It was quiet in the room, the only sound was the heart machine that Natasha was hooked up to. With careful fingers, you hovered over the IV in her arm and outlined each of her fingers. You wondered what her hands would feel like against yours if you held onto them. You imagined they would be rough, her fingers covered in calluses. You stood up and grabbed a bag Pepper brought down to you of the stuff you left in Overwatch. You sat back down, pulled out a book, and began to read out loud. 
Wanda stood in the doorway watching the young girl read with a fond expression on her face. She was grateful that she got a few hours of sleep but it was still hard knowing Natasha was down here. “Good morning,” she said. The girl jumped slightly, closing the book. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I brought food.” She walked into the room and handed her a bowl of yogurt and strawberries. 
“Thank you,” Wanda sat down and watched her eat. She was eating slowly, picking at the food mostly instead of eating it. Pepper texted them that she found her in Overwatch watching their mission. Wanda was a little upset with Fury but she knew that man did everything for a reason. But the teen sitting in front of her looked exhausted. 
“Why don’t I take over and you get some sleep?” Her head shut up from looking at her bowl of yogurt. 
“I’m fine,” she wasn’t. Wanda could feel the guilt running through her. 
“You couldn’t have done anything,” her jaw clenched and she angrily scooped yogurt from her bowl and ate it. “Why are you feeling guilty?” 
“I don’t know!” She yelled. The outburst startled both of them. Wanda saw the lights flicker. “I don’t know but I do and I hate it,” she looked at Natasha. “I didn’t want this to happen.”
“Didn’t want what to happen?” Wanda asked. She looked away from Natasha and back at her. Her eyes were glossy with tears. 
“I didn’t want to get attached to you as I did,” she whispered. “Bad things happen to me. I don’t want them to happen to you.” Wanda’s gaze softened. 
“Dorogoy,” she closed her eyes at the Russian endearment and a few tears rolled down her cheeks. “Nat getting hurt isn’t your fault. It comes with the job,” she put her bowl down and whipped her tears with the back of her hand. 
“It’s not-” she sighed, clearly frustrated with herself. “I’m gonna go shower.” She stood up, grabbed her gloves, and left. Wanda called after her but she kept walking. 
You moved in a blur, taking the stairs two at a time. Each step echoed in the quiet stairwell. Your hand rested on the handle of your floor. You let out a shaky breath and had half the mind to go apologies to Wanda but you needed to calm down. You quickly opened the door and ignored America and Kate in the kitchen. They said your name but you opened the door to your room and laid down in your bed, face buried in your pillow. You weren’t sure why guilt ran through your veins. 
The other missions you watched and were present but in the one raid you missed, Natasha, Bucky, and Sam got hurt. You weren’t bad at Pepper for dragging you away, just with yourself. You flopped over to your back and stared up at the ceiling. 
‘And if something did happen, what are you going to do?’ 
They were right. You looked at your right hand and twirled your fingers around, mirroring the way a pianist plays the piano. You collected the electricity in the air and watched it dance along your fingers. This power. This gift. You used it to hurt and kill people. You weren’t a hero or an Avenger. Just a monster.   
Everything hurt as Natasha slowly opened her eyes. It was far too bright in the room and her throat was incredibly dry. “Moya lyubov' (my love),” she heard Wanda’s voice. She turned her head to look at her girlfriend. “Gave us quite a scare.”
“Sorry, dorogoy,” she winced as she sat up. “Are we back at the tower?” Her head was throbbing. She remembered the bomb going off and she held up the shield to protect herself. 
“Yes,” Yelena said. Natasha didn’t realize her sister was there. She looked at the blonde. “You’ve been out for a little less than 12 hours.” She rubbed her head. 
“Those kids,” she said, looking between her sister and her girlfriend. “Did they get out?” They didn’t answer right away. 
“Some of them did,” Wanda said. “But some of them didn’t make it.” Natasha sighed, closing her eyes and putting her head back. She saw herself standing there with Peta and Zenya. She convinced them to let some of the kids go with Steve and Bucky but there were still others. She tried every trick in the book; appealing to their better nature and turning them against one another. But it didn’t work. Peta hit the button, setting the bomb off. Thankfully, Steve left behind his shield before he took the kids out. She heard Yelena stand up and leave. She opened her eyes and Wanda took her hand. “Don't,” she whispered. “Don’t blame yourself.” 
“Too late,” Natasha chuckled. The Sokovian smiled and kissed Natasha softly. She knew she worried Wanda and everyone. It wasn’t her intention.  
“Oh,” Natasha pulled away from her girlfriend and saw Y/n standing in the doorway. She had paper in her hand and a pencil. “You're up.” She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “That’s good.”
“Yeah, kid. Sorry I didn’t keep my promise.” Her smile faltered slightly. 
“Comes with the job, right?” She stepped out of the way when Yelena came back with Helen. “I’ll see you around. I’m glad you’re okay,” she left as quickly as she appeared. Helen suspended her from the field missions for 2 weeks. She had to be mindful of working out because of her ribs and lungs from the smoke she inhaled. The doctor gave her pain medication and told her not to mix them with alcohol.
“Can I sleep in my bed tonight?” Natasha pleaded. Helen sighed. 
 “Yes, but I want to evaluate you in 3 days, and if there are any issues come back.” Natasha thanked her and she felt. 
“That was weird, right?” Natasha asked, referring to the young girl. Wanda sighed, taking her hand in hers. 
“She had a little bit of an episode,” she said ‘episode’ slowly as if she wasn’t sure what to call it. “Don’t stress about her. Focus on recovering.” 
You opted out of the team dinner as America invited you but you turned her down. You were tired, mentally and emotionally exhausted. But your stomach was growling. It was a disadvantage of living with the Avengers, your body was growing () to eating. You sighed, getting out of bed and stretching. You walked out of your room with your gloves in your hand and saw Natasha sitting in the kitchen, pouring vodka into a glass. “I don’t think that will help with your physical injuries,” you said, putting on your gloves and walking to the fridge. You pulled the leftovers America brought up for you. Natasha smiled. 
“Trying to soothe the metal ones,” you hummed, throwing the taco salad into the microwave to warm it up and leaning against the island. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked. Natasha didn’t hide her surprise well as the microwave beeped
“I’m okay,” you nodded, taking the hot bowl. You let it cool before taking a bite.  
“My father wasn’t much of a drinker,” you said, taking another bite. “He was a child of the Lord,” you rolled your eyes as Natasha chuckled. “But there were certain occasions when we found him staring down an empty bottle of whiskey or rum or whatever,” you looked at the Black Widow. “He was trying to soothe those mental scars. It never seemed to work like he wanted, causing more damage.” Natasha stared into the clear liquid she had in her glass. 
“Did your father hit you?” She asked. Your heart didn’t skip at the question.
“All the time,” you admitted. “He didn’t have to be drunk to do it,” you moved to pull up a chair so you could sit across from Natasha. “You did everything you could to save those kids.” Natasha finished the glass but didn’t pour herself another. 
“It wasn’t enough,” she said. 
“You can’t save everyone, Nat,” you whispered. “But even though they did die in their final moments they knew someone cared about them so much they risked their own life to try to save them,” Natasha let out a shaky breath. 
“I see myself in these kids,” she confessed. “These scared kids are looking and waiting for someone to save them. I know we saved a lot and every life saved is amazing but I keep thinking about the ones we didn’t.” 
“Those ‘what ifs’ are going to drive you insane,” Natasha laughed. “From what I saw, you guys did good.” She raised her eyebrows. 
“Fury took you into Overwatch,” you smiled, rolling your eyes. 
“You entrusted a man who cosplays as a pirate to watch over a 15-year-old, what did you expect?” Your smile grew as Natasha laughed, throwing her head back. “But seriously does that man own other clothes?” 
“I’m telling him you said that,” you shrugged, placing your dirty dish in the sink. 
“Somehow he probably knows,” Natasha smiled. “Can I ask you something?” She nodded. “When you saw me at Java House did you see yourself in me?” The Black Widow nodded. 
“But not for the reasons you think,” she put the cap back on the bottle. “I saw a girl who wanted a chance to prove she is more than the horrible names thrown at her. I saw a girl who was given a certain fate but wanted a chance to rewrite it. I saw a girl who had to grow up far too quickly and just wanted to be a kid.” You smiled, looking down at the counter. “Are you okay? Wanda said you were pretty upset when I was hurt.” You nodded. 
“I’m good,” she gave you a look. “I promise.”
“Promise?” You nodded. “And you’d come to me if you weren’t.” You nodded again. Without thinking you held up your pinky. She hesitated for a second and linked her pinky around yours. 
“Now,” you let go of her hand. “I think it's time we both go to bed. I’m surprised Wanda hasn’t dragged you back to bed.” Natasha smiled, washing her glass and putting the bottle away. 
“You and me both,” you walked back to your room. “Thank you for tonight. I needed that. Goodnight Y/n.”
“Goodnight Natasha,” you watched the Black Widow open her door and go inside. “Thank you,” you whispered and went to bed. You were surprised by how fast you fell asleep.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 6 months
hi! I loved the crow anon story thing so much it was so great! I was wondering if it was possible if you could do one with like a Honduran bat hybrid reader (magic choice up to you but I thought potion magic would be cute) who overworks themselves a lot and the platonic yans are like ‘>:0’
Aaaawwwww! Honduran bats are so cute!!! I'll see what we can cook up! And potions, yes! May I call you Bat Anon? Let's do it like this:
• You tended to be a busy bee (well, bat). Always cooking up a new potion, picking out ingredients and charms, writing instructions and symptoms for each one, selling the latest in helpful potions and magical ones, such as ones for mental wellness, emotional-filling, and mini good-lucks and warm-feelings, along with fairy-wings and plant-growing and rain-making and so many, many more... It kept your hands and wings busy all night and all day long, overworking your wings and hands trying to make enough!
• Your newest patrons were animal hybrids. Ones who were always asking which ingredients you used and buying any potions that caught their eye. They always complimented you and your craft, and happily told you where to find the best ingredients and which vendors were nice. They always payed well, leaving tips, too. And with the sudden increase in customers and demand of your wares, you had to work extra hours just to keep up with the demands...
• By the next month, you're exhausted. Only two or three hours a sleep per day/night, drinking enough caffeine-filled beverages to wake up a snoozing dragon, and underweight due to neglecting to eat, all in the name of keeping your business running and ahead of the competition. You've almost fallen asleep on customers a few times, only to chug a potion that happened to be a mix of coffee, adrenaline, and lightning, to keep yourself awake. Your newest friends, those odd patrons of yours, took offense to that.
• The moment you tell then how you've been able to keep your small store stocked and the customers happy and with their potions, you're met with hands dragging you to the back and pushing you onto the nearest sofa or chair or bean bag. Next thing you know, heavily-scented tea is shoved into your hands, and you're ordered to drink every last drop. Any protest is met with a firm no, and you're told theyll handle your store when you need to rest. Starting now.
• The moment the tea hits your tongue, you're relaxing into the plush surface beneath you, sighing contentedly. A warm mix of lavender, honey, and caramel fills your tastebuds, and you quickly down the rest of the cup. Once you finished, a wave of calm, relaxed sleepiness tugs at you, then you're lying down, snuggled under a blanket that had been tucked around you. The background noise of clinking bottles and stirring liquids send you off into a fuzzy slumber, for once your body and mind getting the rest it needs since you opened up shop...
• The platonic yans keep the shop afloat, those who excel at potions mixing up the ones that were written down on a list, while those who are able to refill samples and clean up do so. They care about their little baby bat, and they shouldn't have to run themself into the ground just to please others and to keep themself in business. So they'll help as much as Reader needs, all while making sure they rest and eat and take breaks. If they have to set a day where their shop stays closed, so be it. Their little bat bud needs rest and relaxation, which they'll happily supply them with!
• If any rude customers or bigots try to start something or insist to speak speak Reader or try to break anything, the adults will happily deal with them (setting Wolverine and/or Sabretooth and/or even Erik on them). The teens can keep the shop tidy and make sure Reader gets their scheduled sleep, as well as takes any tea they make them and eats their meals. And if Reader is a little cold, no worries. They can happily volunteer one of themselves to cuddle with them while they rest...
• The platonic yanderes all care about Reader, and while they love their potions, they'll make sure Reader is well-rested and fed and feeling well before they let them go back to making them. And if they maybe start to offer to work with Reader, or join their businesses together (or maybe slip them into their coven by "accident"), well... Whatever helps keep them warm and and feeling well, right?
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revryebread · 5 months
yadda yadda everyone else is out getting donuts or something this aint about them
“I wasn’t born under a rock!” He tried protesting, but was only greeted with jeers and a shove backwards. Alphonse Elric reaches back with one arm to brace himself and bumps soundly into a beanbag chair. 
Rachel was standing above him and shaking her head. “It’s worse than a rock, you were born in like- 1890 or something.”  She stood over him like a large playful dog cornering something much smaller. There was no ill will, but Al could tell he did not have an advantage here. 
“It’s not- I was born in 1910.” Factual accuracy did not win him any points, and a prolonged raised eyebrow was used against him like a torch. He backed down- “Fine. I’m uncultured.” Rachel nodded sagely. “We agree. Make room.”
It was the arts and crafts car again, Rachel had wheeled out a black box on a trolley- Al had been around long enough now to understand a TV. Not how it worked, necessarily, but that it would show images and sound. He had seen them in the Casino, and a shopping mall car that he had visited with Rachel and the gang earlier.
Occasionally, there were times when the- was it an age difference? No, they were both the same age, it’s just the time between them, the worlds they’re from. Those things were so different it made him feel ancient compared to Rachel. But he tried to roll with the punches of new technology, especially when others seemed so confident about it.
He scooted in the beanbag, which was its own feat of strength and contortion, and Rachel plopped down next to him with the remote and turned on the TV. He could hear a loud click, and a thrum. An image slowly lit up the screen- green text on a forest background, and the kind of music he imagined Shigeo would listen to started to play.
“They didn’t have much in here but I got what I could.” Rachel explained, not looking at Al but the TV. She gesticulated with the remote and Al watched her as she talked. Until her gaze moves from the television to him, and she holds his eyeline for a moment. In a moment of what is read as irritation, Rachel makes a motion with her shoulders and eyebrows that makes Al flinch, and she nods at the TV like she’s chiding him. “You need to watch. I am not going to sit through Shrek by myself.”
Sheepish- he turns his head back towards the screen. There was something impressive about the technology at play, and the scientific part of his brain was trying to understand it. Eventually though, he just gave way to actually watching the story play out infront of him.
It was about thirty minutes in when an intrusive thought wormed it’s way into Al’s head and out of his mouth.
“Do you think he’s here?” Al asked, Rachel’s head jerked up from the resting position it was drifting towards and she looked at him. “Michael Meyers?” Incredulous. Absurd. 
“No, no- Shrek. That guy.” Al pointed at the ogre on the screen freeing fairy tale animals.. “He’s troubled. We’ve seen adults. This is a story, right? We’re from stories. Is he on the train?” His brain was  Rachel looked between him and the screen, mouth agape. “That’s ridiculous. He- He can’t be right?” It was clearly enough to break her cool demeanor, and she looked off into the distance for a moment to mouth the words, deciding they tasted foul in her mouth. Is Shrek on the train…
The two of them sat there in silence for a moment- the sounds of Shrek and Donkey arguing about whether or not waffles will be made filling the space between them, and they both start to laugh. 
“He makes it out of this better- but Donkey, I think he’s on the train.” Rachel speaks in a voice that offers no chance for questions, Al responds with giggles. 
“Could you turn into Donkey?” 
“I could turn into a Donkey right now.”
“It wouldn’t be an animated Donkey though it would be a donkey like you.” 
“Do you think I can differentiate between animated and not?”
The two of them cackle and push each other on the bean bag,  and the way they watch this movie changes for the rest of it. Lord Farquad is definitely in the Apex. Fiona got on the train right when she goes Ogre for the first time. They switch to another movie after that and the same thing goes, slow piles of popcorn containers and soda cans growing around them as the night moves on.
Eventually, Rachel is on the beanbag alone and Al is looking through DvD’s on a shelf behind her calling out titles to get her opinions. 
“Jurassic World?”
“What do you mean world? It’s a park.”
“Star Wars?”
“That’s for nerds- I am not going to lower myself to that.”
“So-” Al pauses, reading the box of a blue dvd and squinting at it. Rachel notes the cut off- “So what? What’s the title?” She turns around to see Al holding the case. “Sonic 2.” He looks at the blue little hedgehog on the front and looks to Rachel. “Shadow knew this guy.” He said softly. Carrying it over and sitting back down.
“Is he in it?”
Al looks at the back of the box, “I don’t… I don’t think so? He’s not on here at least. He would have made them give him top billing.” He smiles a bit thinking about it. 
Rachel can tell he’s getting in his head, and so asks the obvious question. “Want to watch it?” He sighs, flipping the box back over again. “It’s weird when it’s someone I know, right? Or I mean- It’s his life, kind of.”
Rachel shrugs and sinks into the cushion, looking up at the ceiling. “I mean, it could just be an interpretation of his life, right? He said he was from a video game.” Al nods, as if he’s just choosing to accept this. “Hmm. This is a movie. You’re right. I think.”
They choose to watch it,  and during the credits scene Al is on his feet and yelling.
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hidefdoritos · 4 months
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Dumpster diving report:
It was move-out weekend at college. They brought out an extra dumpster. Local people were coming by and diving for shower caddies, rugs, and bean-bag chairs. My dad heard someone holler, "Look! New towels!" to the driver of their truck. I deeply deeply hope that many people found many things they could use.
When I drove to college, it all fit in one sedan. In the past four years, I've gained weight, muscled up, hit my adult size, and found my style (almost 100% different from the clothing I went to college with). I also got serious about crocheting and took on sewing as an entirely new skill, which comes with notions and fabric and a machine and a bag of mending commissions. I mended a beanbag, salvaged a duffel, and was given an entire tote of fabric to try to dispose of. Suffice to say, I have more than enough, and it no longer all fits in one car. I need to go through it and pass along a good number of things. I couldn't transport all the things in the dumpster.
The one thing I was able to salvage was this. Huge bottle of laundry detergent, obviously didn't fit in someone's suitcase, was tossed out. It has enough for maybe 6 loads of laundry in it. I'll go through it in a week (washing and storing bedding, towels, etc).
But it's one less thing gone completely to waste.
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sanjanaopstech · 1 year
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Bean Chair Manufacturers & Suppliers in PCMC, Pune
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papasmoke · 1 year
The area i live in now is such a shithole i just went to 4 stores and none of them sell adult sized beanbag chairs, who can live like this? Weed is legal here but the stoner lifestyle is being eradicated. Gas stations should have bean bag chairs for sale for 10 dollars
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robinyourcreator · 24 days
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Mobley is in agreement that the adult sized bean bag chair is the best $50 we've ever spent.
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enbysaurus-rex · 8 months
So maybe life is hard sometimes
and it would be nice if it were easier. It might not be any one thing, but maybe there are a lot of little problems that add up or thinks that are just exhausting? Disability/executive dysfunction/life/burnout maybe has you down, that’s all, and you know you can make your space yours to make it better, but what does that mean???
An incomplete list in no particular order about the Weird Shit I do to make my life less fucking exhausting, sometimes. I’m a certified adult, I promise.
More garbage cans! Put them everywhere! Next to your bed and your chair and your couch and both ends of your counter and your litter boxes and-
Hair ties, everywhere! If you have tie-back-able hair! Brushes, maybe, or combs! I keep them in my desk and in my kitchen and my bathroom and my car and my floor (I have cats) and my trunk and my bag and-
Toothbrushes and toothpaste! Gum! Those weird little single use toothbrush fuckers! Everywhere! I keep a toothbrush and kids toothpaste in my car cup holder! I brushed my teeth at 3pm while running an errand for my boss! I use kids toothpaste bc my hands hate me and it’s easier to squeeze! Big packs at the dollar store for the toothbrushes, and you can get cheap toothpaste! Hell, even if you just use the brush it’s better than nothing!! I keep another set in my shower and in my kitchen and in my bag
Loads of chairs! Seating! Everywhere! Stools in the kitchen, chairs by your vanity, shower chairs, literally??? There’s no law that says you have to stand up??? Sit on the goddamn floor if you’ve been standing in line for too long? I do it all the time? Live your best life!
Pre-chopped/cooked/peeled/whatevered food!! Whatever makes food edible for you, fckn do that! No need for extra steps! I throw a handful of craisins in my jar of peanut butter and then eat them out of the jar with a plastic spoon! There’s a food truck out there where they get worried if I don’t show up every day! I eat beans straight out of the jar if I’m not up to cooking! (I like cooking and I love my slow cooker but??? If you’re not up to it? Who gives a shit??? Get you some minute rice and some beans and microwave that shit!)
Disposable! Dishes! Fuck! Throw them away! Dishes are the WORST?? Buy some plastic bowls and some utensils and just!!! Yeet em!!! (Meal prep containers are great if u can bc you can keep reusing them if u want but u don’t have to? You can put them in the fridge if you don’t finish, take it to lunch the next day, rinse, repeat!)
Changing clothes totally depends on your work wardrobe? But fckn sleep in the next days clothes if you have to/can? Or sleep in some of it and leave the rest laid out next to you? Sometimes getting all the way dressed and undressed is too goddamn much?? Fuck knows I can’t!
Cleaning!! Clorox wipes are the love of my life and I would kill for them! Leave a box of those fucks everywhere! Esp the back of the toilet, where you bathe, and near where you meal prep, cuz that’s where you’re gonna have Waiting Time! Which means your bored little gremlin hands could clean!
Put things close to the floor if u gotta! I used to keep all my appliances (my slow cooker, my microwave, tea kettle, etc) on the floor bc I was too tired to stand up very often? So I propped myself up on walls and did my veggie chopping on the floor
If u gotta crawl, crawl. Butt scooch? Do that. Lean on walls, hang onto counters, do whatever. I’m usually dragging myself around the apartment like a shitty legless zombie extra and my cats love it. Maybe put extra pillows around for yourself if you’re a spontaneous napper
If keeping food fresh/using food before it goes bad is hard, buy frozen or canned or eat out. I sure as hell have no idea when the things in my fridge got there, and I’m lucky I’ve only gotten food poisoning like once that way lol, so just?? Yeah
Medicine bottles can come with easy open caps! You have to promise there aren’t kids in the house, but if u ever have grip strength issues or even if it’s a reason you sometimes don’t take your meds (CVS bottles, I’m looking at you), just ask your pharmacist to switch them out. They’ll do it so fast!
Charge cords everywhere! None of that ‘idk where I put my cord 😭’ shit cuz I have like? So many? All of them cheap? But they do the job
Please add more if you have them? These are ones I can think of from bed because someone reminded me that I Do Things Like This Now and it might be useful to someone
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