#because I don't want to start anymore books without finishing these first
terr4ance · 6 months
I have a terrible habit of not reading the books I own, so I am going to post here on tumblr to force myself to act. I am like 130 pages from the end of game of thrones, 1/3 of the way through brave new world, halfway through rethinking suicide, and very near the beginning of my late granddad's memoire. I want to finish game of thrones this week, and get further through brave new world. I will do this. this will definitely work. I never make false promises as far as goals are concerned I promise...
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louisa-gc · 5 months
how to start reading again
from someone who was a voracious reader until high school and is now getting back into it in her twenties.
start with an old favourite. even though it felt a little silly, i re-read the harry potter series one christmas and it wiped away my worry that i wasn't capable of reading anymore. they are long books, but i was still able to get completely immersed and to read just as fast as i had years and years ago.
don't be afraid of "easier" books. before high school i was reading the french existentialists, but when getting back into reading, i picked up lucinda riley and sally rooney. not my favourite authors by far, but easier to read while not being totally terrible. i needed to remind myself that only choosing classics would not make me a better or smarter person. if a book requires a slower pace of reading to be understood, it's easier to just drop it, which is exactly what i wanted to avoid at first.
go for essays and short stories. no need to explain this one: the shorter the whole, the less daunting it is. i definitely avoided all books over 350 pages at first and stuck to essay collections until i suddenly devoured donna tartt's goldfinch.
remember it's okay not to finish. i was one of those people who finished every book they started, but not anymore! if i pick up a book at the library and after a few chapters realise i'd rather not read it, i just return it. (another good reason to use your local library! no money spent on books you might end up disliking.)
analyse — or don't. some people enjoy reading more when they take notes or really stop to think about the contents. for me, at first, it was more important to build the habit of reading, and the thought of analysing what i read felt daunting. once i let go of that expectation, i realised i naturally analyse and process what i read anyway.
read when you would usually use your phone. just as i did when i was a child, i try to read when eating, in the bathroom, on public transport, right before sleeping. i even read when i walk, because that's normally a time i stare at my screen anyway. those few pages you read when you brush your teeth and wait for a friend very quickly stack up.
finish the chapter. if you have time, try to finish the part you're reading before closing the book. usually i find i actually don't want to stop reading once i get to the end of a chapter — and if i do, it feels like a good place to pick up again later.
try different languages. i was quickly approaching a reading slump towards the end of my exchange year, until i realised i had only had access to books in english and that, despite my fluency, i was tired of the language. so as soon as i got back home i started picking up books in my native tongue, which made reading feel much easier and more fun again! after some nine months, i'm starting to read in english again without it feeling like a huge task.
forget what's popular. i thought social media would be a fun way to find interesting books to read, but i quickly grew frustrated after hating every single book i picked up on some influencer's recommendation. it's certainly more time-consuming to find new books on your own, but this way i don't despise every novel i pick up.
remember it isn't about quantity. the online book community's endless posts about reading 150 books each year or 6 books in a single day easily make us feel like we're slow, bad readers, but here's the thing: it does not matter at all how many books you read or what your reading pace is. we all lead different lives, just be proud of yourself for reading at all!
stop stressing about it. we all know why reading is important, and since the pandemic reading has become an even more popular hobby than it was before (which is wonderful!). however, there's no need to force yourself to be "a reader". pick up a book every now and then and keep reading if you enjoy it, but not reading regularly doesn't make you any less of a good person. i find the pressure to become "a person who reads" or to rediscover my inner bookworm only distances me from the very act of reading.
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ms-demeanor · 7 months
Hello,Do you have any tips for recovering from internet brain rot? It's like my patience has dried up and if there's a huge amount of text (even about topics I'm very interested in) that I have to read, I get annoyed and just don't interact with the material at all.
I have multiple tips!
TL;DR (Because of course I generated a wall of text): Take a break from the internet, create a schedule for getting yourself used to reading longer texts, take breaks while reading, and perhaps reconsider how you interact with The Internet and the world in general.
Here are the basic "to reduce the brain rot just don't interact" tips:
Take a break. Give yourself time off from The Internet (for these purposes The Internet is the social media industrial complex; clickbait news, recommended videos, social media sites, etc. You don't have to totally check out of email or your local news site, just get away from the huge time sucks). I'd say to take at least one day a week where you're online for less than an hour a day, and to maybe work up to doing a week-long break from whatever the main agents of rot are.
Once you've identified the main agents of rot, give yourself a time limit or set up rules for yourself. I don't let myself look at social media in bed, for instance; no staying up late on my phone, no scrolling before I get up and start my day. I don't give myself a strict time limit anymore, but for a while there I was very firm about "you only get to go online 4 hours a day" with myself.
Don't comment (or at least only share the things you really want to share). If you feel the need to argue, or if you feel pressured into sharing something, don't. Step back, maybe even open the post in a new tab or send it to yourself, and come back later. If you've been thinking about it and have decided it IS something you care enough to talk about, share it. If you look at the tab and feel stressed out or still feel reactive, close the tab and walk away.
Go out and interact with the real world in a non-work capacity for a few hours a week; take walks or go shopping or go out and take pictures of insects. Touch grass so that The Internet is not the only thing you're doing with your downtime.
Here are the "work on reading longer texts specifically" tips:
Set a reading goal for yourself. Maybe you want to read one New Yorker article a week, maybe you want to read all the way through news articles, maybe you want to read novels like you used to in high school. Figure out what your actual goal is and articulate that goal to yourself.
Set up a practice schedule and gradually increase the amount of time you're reading. Don't go from short tumblr posts to a novella, go from short tumblr posts to slightly longer news articles, then to slightly longer essays, then to a novella. You can do this in literal paragraphs if you want to - maybe your goal for your first day is to read five paragraphs in a row, and the second day is seven, and the third day is ten, etc, until you are comfortably reading for longer amounts of time without counting paragraphs. (Try this with books from gutenberg.org; read a classic you haven't read a few paragraphs at a time and if you find yourself going over your paragraph count, let yourself run with it. If you finish a book, good for you, find another one and start again.)
Set up a maintenance schedule. If your goal is to read longer news pieces, try to read a longer piece every week and try to read to the end of every news article you open. If your goal is to read novels or longer nonfiction, try to read a book a month (maybe setting aside dedicated time each week to read, maybe Thursday evenings are book time now). If you find yourself falling back into old habits, take a break from The Internet and do some more rigorous practice for a while.
If you find yourself getting frustrated while you are reading you can also take a break! Read until you get frustrated and then *instead of switching to a different page or closing the article* close your eyes or look out the window or away from the screen for thirty seconds (count 'em! count out the time in your head) and then continue reading. You can also take a longer pause and sit and think about why you're getting frustrated. Is it the subject matter? Is it just looking at this text for longer than a couple minutes (if you are experiencing FOMO because you're reading for another few minutes instead of scrolling, the harder tips at the bottom are going to be important to you)? Are you comfortable? Are you reading this text to procrastinate from something and the procrastination is making you nervous? Are you trying to read to the bottom of your dash and reading a long post is taking up more time than you want while scrolling? Are you bored? Genuinely and very seriously: are your eyes straining and does your head hurt (if this is the case when is the last time you had your eyes checked or your glasses prescription updated)?
Here are the much harder "examine yourself and reassess your reactions to things" tips:
Work on re-training your attention span.
Identify something that you enjoy and find deeply engaging, and schedule some dedicated time for that thing. Set a literal timer (it can be a short amount of time at first) and sit down and do the thing without switching to a different website or opening up an app on your phone. This can be re-reading or watching a couple episodes of a show you like or listening to your favorite album while you sit down and draw. What's important is to spend a longer time focusing on doing something you DO like before attempting to spend a longer time focusing on something you DON'T like.
When you're starting on things you DON'T like, start with things you mildly don't like, or that feel tedious but aren't actually unpleasant. One way I do this is by transcribing poetry; I look up poems that I connect to and I transcribe them into a notebook that I have for that purpose. I enjoy having the finished product, but I don't enjoy the process, so it takes some effort to stick with it. Maybe there is a boring book you have been trying to get through, maybe you need to detail your car, maybe you've been trying to take up embroidery - these are good things to make yourself pay attention to (having music or a podcast on can help, but avoid watching videos or opening social apps)
When you're okay at that kind of thing (doing something not actively unpleasant) work on your attention span for things you ACTIVELY don't like. I don't think you should be a masochist about this, but you should work on being okay with doing unpleasant things for a sustained period of time. All of us have to do unpleasant stuff sometimes, and it's better to be able to pay attention to it for an hour at a time than it is to put it off forever.
This leads into the next Big Tip which is:
Work on being less reactive
Find something that you dislike; I'm going to use conservative talk radio as my example.
Expose yourself to the disliked thing for short periods of time (under ten minutes, maybe under five minutes).
Work on moderating your emotions during the time spent exposed to the disliked thing. If it makes you angry, work on intellectualizing the anger without becoming agitated by it. If it makes you sad, work on accepting that sadness without letting it drag down your mood. This isn't precisely about becoming numb to stimuli, but it is about being more in control of how your emotional reactions impact you.
Analyze the disliked thing. Why does it make you angry? Is that on purpose by the creator of the thing? Would it make someone else angry in the same way? How would you explain the anger to a neutral third party?
Consider responding instead of reacting. Let's say you're seeing a lot of very sad and upsetting things online and it's making you sad and upsetting you. You re-share these things because you don't feel like there's anything else you can do or you get angry when you see people sharing incorrect information, perhaps you argue with people about this. Now try looking at the upsetting things through the lens of point number four. This has upset you; how has it upset you? And once you've thought about how it upset you and have articulated that to yourself, find out what you can DO. I cannot make conservative talk radio go off the air, but I can support the groups harmed by conservative talk radio; thus there is no point in me getting upset and angry about conservative talk radio when I could be helping the people they target instead.
And that gets us to the last big tip which is:
Ask yourself if you are spending your time in a way that is enjoyable and edifying.
We all have limited time in our days and limited time in our lives. If you are finding yourself frequently frustrated online, it's a good time to consider whether you want to be spending so much time online.
If you feel like The Internet has become a rat race in which you can't read more than a few paragraphs without getting frustrated, there's a good chance that not only are you spending too much time on The Internet, but you're also spending it on doing things that you don't particularly like.
A realization like yours, Anon, that you are getting frustrated with any longer texts, can actually be really helpful because it provides a good opportunity to look at what you're engaging with and consider the questions:
Is this something I enjoy?
Do I feel good when I do this thing?
And that's a great way to figure out how to get rid of things that are leading to your background frustration. Maybe that looks like paring down the list of blogs you follow, maybe that looks like unsubscribing from some youtubers and podcasts, maybe that looks like uninstalling apps, maybe that looks like blocking a whole bunch of people and terms on your socials.
I don't think that everything we do has to help us grow as a person or expand our consciousness or anything like that, but I do think it's important to prioritize doing things that you like and doing things that you feel good about.
Like, I'm not doing something *wrong* if I spend an afternoon on Youtube watching drama channels every once in a while, but if I come out of a few afternoons of watching youtube drama channels feeling restless and anxious and like I wasted my time - even if I enjoyed myself while I was watching - it's probably a good idea for me to take a break from drama channels and see if there's something I can do instead that will make me feel better.
You are an animal that requires significant enrichment in your enclosure.
Think about tigers. Tigers in captivity are going to be excited to get high-value treats for any reason. They will eat and enjoy the treats. But if a tiger in captivity is only given the treats and never given any other form of activity to engage with, it is not going to be a happy tiger. If you start putting their treats in a pumpkin or a puzzle feeder or giving them toys to play with, that is going to be a much happier tiger.
Please give your brain things to play with that are more than just treats (though it does need some treats!). Make yourself a happy tiger. Your brain need a puzzle feeder, not a treat button.
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charlotte-zophie · 10 months
Therapy conversation
Dear Fandom, dear Mr. Gaiman,
I hope this isn´t weird but i have something to confess.
Since I watched the second season of Good Omens, I've gone through so many phases that I barely recognize myself anymore.
My first reaction after episode 6 was shock, then I was disturbed because I didn't know that it was possible for a series to have such a strong influence on my psyche, I questioned myself and doubted my sanity. Then I was overcome by an incredible sadness and was really heartbroken. I felt like a pubescent teenager, in my mid-30s. I couldn't sleep properly for several days, had nightmares and my thoughts were with these two ineffable loving idiots the whole time.
And the worst thing about it was that for the first few days I was really ashamed to admit to myself and my husband that I was completely and hopelessly immersed in this world. I did nothing but watch videos, listen to sad songs, and read heartbreaking fanfictions for days. And of course I read the book again and watched the series over and over again. All in the hope that it will ease my heartache a little.
But as is often the case in these situations, after a few days in which no real change occurs, you have the thought that you will be lost in this feeling forever. But since I have 3 children that I need to look after, of course locking myself away for weeks with heartbreak wasn't an option, so I had to find an outlet for myself to channel my pain.
So I started painting a picture. By Aziraphale and Crowley. And stroke by stroke I let my feelings flow out of me and into the picture.
It took over a week until I had a motif in which I could see my thoughts and feelings expressed and then it took another week until I finished the picture. On an old canvas with paints that haven't been used for a long time, with many, many layers of old paint underneath.
But when the picture was finally finished, it really took a load off my mind. It was like I had broken a dam and was finally able to let it all out and convert it into creative energy.
But I think the most important thing was that I uploaded the picture to Tumblr and received such a response that I was incredibly touched and immediately motivated to paint more pictures.
Since that day, hardly a moment goes by when I am not holding a pen in my hand or not thinking about a new picture. I'm in one of the most creative phases in a very long time and I'm really enjoying it.
I am so grateful for the wonderful people here! Here I see that I'm not alone with my strange feelings that I still don't really know how to classify. Here I read thoughts that are so similar to mine, here I see works of art that melt my heart, here I feel understood!
And I am so grateful for the pain that showed me the way back to my creative energy!
Thank you Fandom!
Thank you Neil Gaiman!
I would have been lost without you!
Because I don't know my way around here very well, I didn't think about pinning the picture in question as a link when I created this post, but since many people have asked about it, I've pinned it here. Thank you all, love love love
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ohcorny · 6 months
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so! it's been a year since i put never satisfied on hiatus, and 9 years since i started posting it, and rather than make you read everything if all you want to know is "when's it coming back?" the answer is still: don't know! but the answer has also shifted closer to "it isn't" the longer i've spent on break, and i think it's worth being up front about that.
i talked about it a little here a few weeks ago, but the long and short of it is that between taking on better paying work, writing better stories, and looking back at what i'd already done for never satisfied... i just don't think i want to continue it? the year off has been incredibly good for my mental health, and i can't see myself wanting to go back after the two-three years still ahead of me on my current project. that's not to say i never want to return to the characters or the concept, but if i did, i imagine it would be with something completely new, in a different form. after all, i started this comic when i was 21 years old, a lesbian, and a sophomore in college. i am now just shy of 30, a bi man, and overall a completely different person than i was, back when i was writing without a plan and putting all of my insecurities into the comic--insecurities i don't identify with anymore. lord i'm closer to rothart's age than i am to lucy's. hate that
anyway. you have all been extraordinarily kind for following never satisfied for as long as you have, for supporting it as much as you have, and being as patient as you have. whatever form never satisfied takes in the future (god willing, with a more cohesive story structure and A PLAN FOR THE ENDING, WHICH BY THE WAY I NEVER, EVER HAD) i hope to see you there!
in the meantime, as an update on where i'm at with the thing that made me stop working on NS: i finished it! all the pages for Hunger's Bite (if you remember it with a different title: no you don't) have been turned in and now it's just revisions and covers and then........ waiting a year until it can come out. because that's how it is in traditionally published graphic novels! nothing releases for a full year after you finished it! and you're even getting it earlier than was originally planned, because i'm a creature and finished it like three months ahead of schedule. i've also already started thumbnailing the sequel book which i can't talk about whatsoever and will now be working on that for the next two years and then HOPEFULLY the first book will have done well enough that i can sell a third! so you better buy it when it comes out next february!!!!!!
to ease you all into it, i wanted to do a little crossover to introduce the main characters. we have emery, whose design is fully and unintentionally just Seiji Again down to his color palette (but seiji would bully him if they met. like so hard. he's a wimp). then we have neeta, a girl who dreams of travel and cares deeply about worker's rights, and wick, a vampire agent investigating the mysterious and sinister new owner of the 1910s ocean liner emery and neeta call home. he's also gay. but sorry lucy, you aren't his type. you're not mean enough.
the best place to keep up with me these days is probably here, as this first book gets closer to release, i will probably be posting about it a lot. and i will certainly post about it here when there's an official release date and cover reveal! i hope you'll go read it. i really think if you liked never satisfied and its themes, you'll like hunger's bite!
thank you again for reading!!
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riansdiary · 27 days
Assume it as a fact + Do not accept waiting + Focus your awareness to what you want 🎀
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Dearest Gentle Readers 💎
Rian, yours truly is back with a new epiphany for the law of assumption! If you were ever wondering what the hell I'm doing on my break, I'm just living my life and relaxing. Manifesting left and right. Also a lot of reflecting and thinking deeply about loa and how I can help myself and others to make it easier.
In fact, this just happened today. I thought of these today and I'm so glad I brainstormed about the loa to understand it more and make it easier for myself. It is hella easy, it's only us complicating it because it is truly that simple. I was thinking and finding a way to manifest easier in a relaxing way and to make my mindset better.
Let me break it down to you in three pieces. The things written in the title of this post are basically all I'm doing to use the law of assumption and it has never made sense like this ever before. It made it even easier for me! Let's go!
Oh and yes! I am a huge fan of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder Books and have finished reading the first two books in just four days! Can you believe that? I was hooked! I couldn't put my phone down! Yes, I read the e-book version. I also adore Emma Myers so much! She was the Pip Fitz-Amobi I imagined while I was reading! She's perfect for the role! I watched the first four episodes of the show today and I love how they did almost if not literally the exact same as the book! Anyway, let's get that out of the way now.
This all started this morning when I was eating a snack. The snack was a snack in my country and it's kind of hard to break. It's a big piece, I can't just shove it in my mouth like that. I was trying my best to break it but it just couldn't break. You know what I did? I relaxed and I did this in a second. I assumed that I was very strong and could break this snack easily. All I did was assume it's a fact and believed it. I had this silent confidence as I assumed that. I thought of this once - "I'm so strong I can break this so easily" and that thought came out naturally after I assumed that I'm strong and guess what? I was able to break the snack very easily and effortlessly. I broke that hard piece in half in a freaking second after I assumed and thought that. I then realized that this was the way I used to manifest when I first started learning about the law and I should continue it this way. Starting from that, I started assuming that my desires are a fact, fully believing they're here even without proof and persisting has been a breeze ever since that moment. Every time I manifested in this very simple way, things just materialized way faster so I decided that I will do it this way again which is the best way for me.
This is the meaning of assume:
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Assume good things and assume your desires into being. Assume that your desires are facts now. Simply assume something and shift your mindset to the person who is it or has it. All I did was assume that it's a fact that I'm strong. I embodied the version of me who was always strong and can break that hard snack in two in one second.
I literally was trying so hard before and yet nothing happened but as soon as I assumed and shifted my mindset to the me who's strong then I was able to break it so easily.
Now on to the next point.
Don't accept waiting when you're manifesting.
I learned this one from Indigo Detry's video:
Everything I learned is in here and as soon as I implemented this, I never wavered even once. I fully accepted that I have my desires immediately. Do not accept waiting. Do not make manifesting a process because that just makes it longer when it shouldn't be. Decide that it's instant for you. I'm not waiting for my manifestations anymore, they're here now and I'm focusing on them instead of the old story. Because of that, I now feel fulfilled and consider it done.
Now, the last part.
Focus your awareness on what you want.
This is a little bit more non-duality but I feel like it's also true for manifesting. This was taught to me by my friend @starnightlover and it only sinked in today as I brainstormed about how I can stop looking for my desire in the 3d or how to stop focusing on the old story. I'm doing a combo of all three. It goes hand in hand.
I always say this when I'm answering asks about the 3d. What you focus on grows so don't pay attention to what you don't want. Awareness and Attention are our superpowers. Whatever you are aware of and what you focus on is what will manifest. I was thinking about how to stop looking for my desires in the 3d or how to stop thinking of the old story and this fixed these problems for me.
What you focus on manifests so how do you focus on what you want? I thought as I was doing something in the bathroom. I wanted to manifest having Dove Cameron's lips. Her lips are so gorgeous so I started manifesting that today. So I came up with a way to focus on what I want instead.
1. I made myself a vision board of my desires. The photos I used are in 1st person POV and I just included pictures of me having my desires and I made it the background of my phone, that way I will always see it everyday and it reminds me that I have it and it's already done.
2. I stopped expecting or accepting waiting when I'm manifesting. I decided that starting now, there's no waiting or process when I manifest. I immediately get it.
3. I assumed that my desires are facts now. I stopped feeding myself the old story. I stopped feeding the old story with any attention to let it die off. There's no waiting so that means it's already done. I did not care about what the 3d was showing me. I shifted my awareness from me not having Dove Cameron's lips to me actually having it already and I started to only pay attention to my desires. I also stopped wanting and desiring and instead assumed that my desires are facts and instantly here now. I shifted my mindset to be in my ideal reality. I embodied the version of me who had whatever she wanted just by assuming my desires are facts now, rejecting the waiting process, not forcing anything, focusing my awareness to what I want and using my vision board as the proof of my desires being here.
I also implemented my recent post about the devil's snare scene from Harry Potter and I'm always just relaxed now. Because why would I worry about my desires when I have them now? I also stopped forcing myself to feel things which made it be like act as if for me. It wasn't it.
All I do now is just assume, assume my desires are now facts, reject any waiting or process, change my thoughts and shift my awareness and feed my attention to the new story instead. If ever the old story bothers me which is super rare, I just relax, take a deep breath and either see my desire in my head or look at my vision board. I'm also embodying Hermione and using a sub for her so I'm getting the intelligence boost for sure! I'm embodying how Hermione would learn and apply the law of assumption and I've been seeing some benefits from acting like her!
This has been making it really easy for me and I know this will help a lot of people! I'm assuming so!
Assume your desires are now facts, dismiss and don't feed the old story any attention, reject waiting or anything implying a process, simply change your thoughts, focus your awareness on what you want (make yourself aware of what you want), relax and know it is done. Stop wanting and start relaxing and having! You would relax if you have it now.
I'll try and make an example post for this!
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staarb0y · 1 month
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request: Can u do one where Nick and male top! Reader fuck because male top! Reader kept teasing him and getting Nick worked up while giving him a tattoo. Oh yea also male top! Reader is a tattoo artist and that’s his job.
pairings: nick x male reader
warnings: praise, public if you squint
summary: You tease Nick while giving him a tattoo and then take him to the back and fuck him.
word count: 1,725
a/n: Yay this is the first request I've written and I have two more to do!! I saw Nicks new ig photo which kinda inspired this aswell.
Your day so far had been pretty quiet. You had a couple people call and book appointments for later in the week but that was it. It was just after your lunch break and still no one had come in, that was until one of the finest guys you had ever laid your eyes on walked in.
"Hey, I'm Nick."
"I'm y/n."
He explained what tattoo he wanted and you two discussed placement. He decided on his thigh and your mind instantly went to how you would get to be on your knees in front of him.
You sat him down on one of the chairs, and got your supplies ready. When you start tattooing normally your brain kind of just goes on autopilot, you kind of just zone out. With your years of experience you don't even need to think about what you're doing it just happens. But not this time, this time you can't help but getting repeatedly distracted by the man infront of you. You keep pretending that instead of looking down at his phone he's looking down at you. 'No, I need to focus.' His legs are so hot though. He's so hot. He was wearing these fucking pink shorts. They rode pretty high up his legs and you could see a lot.
You're about halfway through the tattoo when you realize your resting hand has moved up his thigh without you even noticing. But Nick did. Nick looking down at you, suddenly not on his phone anymore did. He puts one of his hands on yours, and just leaves it there, going back on his phone.
You try to drift back into your focused state but you can't. All you can think about is how his hand is on your hand. You continue with the tattoo when you decide to move your hand. You shift it up his leg, so it's resting pretty high up on his inner thigh, close to his dick. You rub your thumb back and forth on his leg when you look up at him, your eyes immediately meet his.
You look back down and see the bulge in his shorts, noticing he's not wearing any boxers. "You need some help with that, Nick?" You ask, looking at him and then back down to his bulge. He just nods at you turning bright red. You spit into your hand, reaching into his shorts and grabbing his dick, slowly rubbing his tip while you continue the tattoo. He's letting out soft pants and swears under his breath while you try to finish your work.
"Almost done Nick, just hold on for me ok?" He's locking eyes with you and you can tell he's worked up. "If you want, after I'm done here I can close up early and we can go to the back?" You look at him while your fingers wrap around his tip, slowly jerking him off. "Yes, please" He says. "Ok, just let me finish." You can feel his dick throbbing in your hand, and by the sounds of his little whimpers you know you're making him feel good.
You go a little faster on his tip, and you can hear him moaning over the sound of the tattoo gun. "That feel good baby?" You look up at him again, and he's looking down at your hand in his shorts, moaning as you tease him. "Please more, actually jerk me off please," he whimpers. "But I like seeing you all worked up when I tease you, it's cute" You look back down and continue with the tattoo, Nick's whimpers filling your ears. "Fuck y/n mmh." You're on the last part of the tattoo when you start thumbing at his slit, slowly rubbing in circles.
"Ah fuck" He moans out. "Yeah I know baby, almost done ok?" "Mh fuck ok." His head is leaned back against the chair, hands gripping the armrest loving every moment of it. "I'm done. Just let me clean you up and we can go to the back ok?" You wipe off the excess ink on his fresh tattoo, before quickly pulling his length out of his shorts. You lick the drops of precum off the tip of his dick, making sure to go slow, teasing him as you wrap your tongue around his tip. "Mh fuck that feels so good."
You stand up, tucking his dick back into his shorts. You grab your supplies to go put away, "Told you I'd clean you up," you say, turning around and walking away to go put your stuff away. You go to the door, flipping the open/closed sign to closed, and turning off the lights.
"Come with me Nick." He quickly gets up and follows you into the back room. You shut the door behind him and pull him into a kiss. "I know we just met but you're so hot and I really wanna fuck you," you say. He looks into your eyes "Then do it," he says before swiftly pulling you back into the kiss. He's grabbing your hair and you're holding his waist, pressing him against you. You can feel his hard dick against yours and it's so hot.
He pulls away from the kiss and gets down onto his knees infront of you. "Can I give you head before you fuck me?" He says looking up at you. "Fuck yes." He reaches for the waistband of your sweatpants pulling them down quickly. "No boxers huh? Not very professional." He says sarcastically before taking your dick into his mouth. He sucks you down harder and faster than anyone has before, taking you down to the base, nose deep in your pubes before bobbing up and down fast.
"Ah fuck Nick your mouth feels so fucking good."
He looks up at you seeing how much you're enjoying him. "Mmh fuck you should stop before I cum Nick." He doesn't. If anything your words make him work harder on your dick trying to make you cum. You moan his name as you reach for his hair, pulling it gently. "You can fuck my mouth if you want," he says, muffled by your dick in his throat. You pull his hair a little harder and start to move his head for him. He grabs your bare thighs for support as you thrust into his mouth. You can feel his tongue sliding up your length and the way his mouth is tightening around you. You look down at his lips around your dick, the way his eyes are half lidded and mostly shut, the tears forming in them from your dick being in his throat. You speed up the movement on his head, going faster making you feel that familiar feeling in your stomach. You can't think as you cum in his mouth, him moaning around your dick trying to swallow every last drop. He sucks you through your high as your grip on his hair loosens. He pulls off, standing up infront of you.
You waste no time flipping him around and pushing him up against the wall, pulling down those hot pink shorts he was wearing. You reach your hand up to his mouth, putting two fingers infront of his lips, "suck." He quickly opens his mouth and you rest your fingers on his tongue. He closes his lips around you and sucks on your fingers leaving plenty of spit on them. You bring them down to his hole and slowly slide them in, curling them at just the right angle, hitting his sweet spot. "Mm fuck right there y/n please," he moans out. You rub quickly with your fingers, trying to simultaneously stretch him so you can fuck him.
He whimpers at the feeling of being empty when you slide your fingers out, but thats quickly replaced with the feeling of being filled and stretched way more than before when you're pushing your dick into him. He moans softly as you thrust all the way into him. You slowly slide out to your tip, and then roughly fuck back into him. You groan as you fuck him, your thrusts speeding up a bit. He's moaning your name and you're groaning softly into his ear, your thrusts maintaining a quick momentum.
"Yes fuck y/n please harder, fuck me hard"
"Oh is that what you want Nick?" You ask as you fulfill his request, thrusting harder than before, going deep inside him. "Fuck Nick you feel so good, such a good boy taking me so well." You reach infront of him for his dick, grabbing it and jerking him off. "Ah fuck please I'm gonna cum."
he says in between moans and heavy breaths. "Yeah Nick be a good boy and cum with me ok?" "Mhm" he replies back in a half moan. You thrust as fast as you can, grabbing his waist with one hand and his dick with the other. You go as fast as you can on his dick, making him cum all over the wall. You cum into him, riding out your high as you fuck your cum deeper into him. You slow down your pace on his dick, letting him thrust into your hand while he whimpers.
You pull out of him and grab some paper towel, cleaning him and the wall off. You clean yourself off while you watch Nick pull up those cute pink shorts. "Wanna clean up the mess you left on my hand?" You say, looking down at him. "Sorry" He says. He licks his cum off your fingers, and then off your palm. "Fuck you're so hot." You pull him into another kiss, this time lightly pressing your tongue against his open mouth. He seems to accept, wrapping his arms around you, lightly sucking on your tongue as it explores the inside of his mouth. You pull off him and look down into his eyes. He's looking back at you, arms around you hugging you before he says, "I should probably go" "Yeah," you say, walking him out. Before he leaves he grabs a pen off the front desk, grabbing your arm and writing a number on your wrist. "Call me, maybe next time you can take me out for dinner before you fuck me." He says with a smirk before walking out of the tattoo shop.
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thosewildcharms · 6 months
Any personal headcanons on Rick and Michonne as a couple? Like their favorite things about the other, what they argue about, love languages ect. lol they’ve set up camp in my brain and I just want more of them 🙇🏻‍♀️
this is so funny because i've been thinking about their love languages ever since danai did that interview with YNB after 1x04! yvette said rick's is words of affirmation and michonne's is acts of services, and I definitely agree but I also think they display pretty much all of them, and quite a bit? rick is obviously into giving gifts and loves quality time (family fun day, begging her to spend just a few more days on the road in 7x12) and to say they both love physical touch is an understatement. this gorgeous gifset highlights it all beautifully.
anyway, some headcanons~
I really don't think they argue about much? they are very in sync most of the time. historically their big arguments are about how to handle major threats (negan, the crm, rick's PTSD) and since nothing bad is ever happening to them ever again because I said so there's no need to fight about those things anymore
michonne's favorite things about rick are how affectionate he is with his family, his strength, his accent, and his hair
rick's favorite thing about michonne is everything
i actually think they talk about books a lot. they're both nerdy as hell in different ways and love that about each other
michonne likes to cook and is very experimental while rick likes to bake (mostly secret family pie recipes) and they love feeding each other and their kids
michonne absentmindedly sings and does little dances when she's doing things around the house and rick stops whatever he's doing to lean against the wall and watch her and smile
that scene we saw in 9x01 where they cuddle up in bed and unpack their day was a ritual they started way back at the prison, even though back then it was obviously platonic (we do actually see them talking when everyone else is asleep several times throughout twd). they would linger and chat before heading to their respective cells at night. in the six years michonne spent without rick, she continued the tradition herself, talking to him out loud alone in their bedroom
rick DEFINITELY teases michonne about being oblivious to his feelings for her before The Couch
michonne hits back by teasing him about Whatever the Fuck He Was Doing With Jessie 💀
you didn't ask for grimes family headcanons but:
after they got home, michonne has a moment like that scene at the end of kill bill vol 2 and has a near silent hysterical laugh-cry of relief by herself in the bathroom before calmly walking back out to join her family. only rick notices
rick on the other hand is afraid to let any of them out of his sight. he spends the first six months he's back home being a total insomniac watching the three of them sleep because he's afraid if he closes his eyes he'll wake up alone back at the CRM
antony azor who plays rj is apparently very shy and reserved but opened up unexpectedly with andrew lincoln and so obviously this is also exactly what happened with rick and rj. father and son bonded INSTANTLY
his first night back, judith asks rick to finish reading the wizard of oz to her because he never got a chance to. it takes a good five minutes for him to compose himself but she does finally get the full story from her dad
rick and michonne do have an actual wedding ceremony, but it's just for them, judith and rj.
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livesworthlivingau · 3 months
Lives Worth Living Chapter 14
ISAT Spoilers below the break!
"It seems I must have finally taught you how to properly steep tea over those decades." (Odile comments with a smirk, watching you carefully pour from the kettle into each of your teacups.)
"It only took me 5 of those years to make a decent cup~."
"... The fact I can't tell if that's a joke or not is more concerning than anything else..." (You let out a heavy chuckle at her somewhat worried look. You stick your tongue out a give an exaggerated wink.)
"And it still doesn't count as a wink if you only have one eye Siffrin..."
"You've been telling me that for 30 years Odile, it never sticks~." (She just rolls her eyes as she adds a bit of honey and milk to her tea.)
"Speaking of… How are you doing Siffrin, truly?"
"… I think you already know the answer to that question, Madame" (You tease with the lightest chuckle, though it's bittersweet.)
"I suppose I do, though it would still be nice to hear you say it properly." (You pause for a second, before letting out a sigh.)
"… I don't really know anymore… I guess I'm better than I was the first time around at this point, the first few weeks were really rough for me… It's nice to make some better memories to replace it… But those bad times were still important too…" (You start to explain, your hand wrapping around your covered forearm, as if for emphasis.)
"Those moments helped get you to where you are now… It may have been a painful journey but it was just as important as the destination." (Odile finishes the thought for you, her arms crossed as she gets lost in her own thoughts.)
"… Yeah… I know you don't want me to apologize again for what I said on that last day… So I'll just say thanks Odile, for trusting me with your oh so sacred backstory~." (You laugh. Your eye starts to blur from the tears welling up in it before you wipe them away. Odile just smirks a bit at your comment before rolling her eyes.)
"Yes yes, that and my fake research. I'm simply too generous for my own good." (She remarks sarcastically.)
"Now let's discuss something else, I'm tired of all these emotions."
"Heh, I couldn't agree more."
"Hey, Odile?" (You ask over your shoulder, fiddling with some thingamajig you found on the shelf. The both of you going on one of your famous 'secret missions' at a little random shop in the town you were passing through.)
"Yes, Siffrin?" (She responded over her shoulder as well, glancing through the various books they had for sale.)
"... There's... I can't stop thinking about something... from, uhh... before." (You begin, trying to dance around the topic without explicitly stating it. She pauses, perking up and waiting, as if telling you to continue.)
"... We all kinda went separate ways eventually, we were still a family of course but... we all had someone else at least... everyone but you Odile..."
"... What is it you're trying to say?"
"I-I'm saying... I don't know if you were happy... It felt like all that you cared about was work, when none of us were left around... You never got a partner, you never talked about friends you made, you..."
"Why are you bringing this up now, Siffrin?"
"... Probably because I never got the chance to before, and I didn't want to let that happen again..."
"I'm not sure how much use there is in talking about something that happens decades from now. What are you proposing anyways?"
"I... I don't know, just... I want you to be happy, I don't want you to be alone..."
"So, what do you intend then? Should I move in with you and Isabeau and stay on the couch forever?" (She asks with a smirk. Your lip curls a bit in response, but quickly falls again.)
"I mean it, Odile..." (She pauses at that, sighing out as she realizes how serious you were.)
"... Very well, Siffrin, I promise I'll keep this in mind... We've got a long road ahead of us until that but maybe things will be different this time around. That's what you're hoping for, yes?"
"In some ways I guess... I mean, these loops have to be for something, right?..."
"Maybe we should be focusing on that right now instead."
"Yeah... I guess you're right." (She suddenly walks over and lifts your hat off, ruffling your hair heavily.)
"You might have some years on me now, but you still overthink just the same." (The both of you laugh the seriousness of the conversation off, finishing up your little trip.)
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natsgrave · 9 months
YOU FORGOT YOUR CLOTHES | scarlett johansson
i'm so chill, but you make me jealous, but i got your heart skippin'. you know i'm not a bad girl but i do bad things with you. Professor!Scarlett x Student!Reader, legal age gap. ( v short one. ) i do not give permission for my work to be copied or translated on other sites. plagiarism is a crime! masterlist
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Me and Scarlett are secretly in a arrange marriage and we managed to keep it hidden from everyone.
It was no surprise that she felt nothing towards me but the cold treatment still hurts me sometimes, because this is not what I dreamt of and expect when I entered the married life.
You might say that I'm stupid but I fell in love with her already, it sucks but what can I do? Being married to her and living under the same roof for over 2 years, it's not impossible anymore.
To my surprise, I woke up first before her. Normally, when I open my eyes, she's already out of bed but not this time.
We might be in a arrange marriage and we— she maybe don't feel any love for me, but we still agreed to sleep on the same bed just like what married couples do.
I carefully climb out of bed and do my routine before heading downstairs and make breakfast.
Halfway through my cooking, I heard her footsteps coming down the stairs.
"Goodmorning, Y/N." She greeted with her morning raspy voice. "Goodmorning." I replied.
"How come you're awake already?" Scarlett asked. "This is what time I usually woke up, you're just really much of an early bird." I said putting the last pancake on the plate before putting it on the table.
"Hmm, you can cook." She said, stating the obvious.
"I do."
We start eating in silence, it wasn't uncomfortable anymore since it was everyday.
We eventually finish eating without much talking and just minding our own business. She took a shower in our room while I use the shower in our guest room. Once I'm done, I change into appropriate clothing, and head downstairs with my things I need.
"I'll see you at school." Scarlett said once she saw me walking down. "Sure." I shortly replied as she walked out of the door.
I made myself a food for lunch and made sure to check my things before leaving the house making sure to lock the door and walked towards the cab. ___
The drive wasn't really that long and before I even notice, the car stopped in front of my school.
I gave the driver my payment before exiting the car and walking directly to my classroom.
When I entered the room, frown instantly forms in my face and my bloods starting to boil.
I saw her flirting with one of the teachers. I know, I shouldn't be feeling like this but I can't stop. I let out a scoff before rolling my eyes and walking towards my seat.
After that seems like forever, the bitc— I mean the teacher finally left and she turned to face us and start her discussion.
I wasn't really paying attention, I don't know what is going on but seeing her flirt just makes me mad. I mean, come on, she's still married to me. I just let out a deep sigh and tried to forget about it, which is failed by the way.
"I want you all to get a partner for your project." I heard her say in a cold tone.
Everyone starts getting their own partners while I still haven't moved an inch when someone coughs beside me.
I look up and saw Gabriel, my suitor, standing there with a smile. For the record, I never entertained him. I'm loyal even though she's not.
"Hey, uhm, would you like to be my partner?" He shyly asked and I was about to say something when we heard a loud bang.
We look forward and there she is, looking at me with stern and cold look, "Sorry, accidentally dropped the book." Professor coldly said and I internally smirk before turning my gaze back to Gabriel. Two can play this game, Johansson.
"Yes, ofcourse! I would love to." I happily replied which made him smile and his face lightened.
Whatever his reply would be got instantly cut off when someone shouted and I know very well who it is.
"Okay! Seems like everyone's have a partner, the deadline will be on Friday and no extensions. That would be all for today, class dismissed." She said and gathered her things, "Oh, and by the way, Y/LN please come to my office after this. You forgot your clothes at my house last night." She casually said with innocent smile on her face while my jaw dropped.
Everyone is in shock too, and I saw her smirk before casually leaving the room like she didn't say anything.
What the fuck?
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juliusxxxxxx · 3 months
How to start your own cult
*this is more or less a crack fic
*au where Scar is trying to use Grian’s watcher power to start a cult
*2000+ words
*probably not a one-shot
Knock knock.
No one’s answering.
Knock knock.
This time Scar banged on the door.
No one’s answering.
“Excuse me?” Said Xelqua. Their face was obscured under the shadow of their ominous purple robe, appearing as a pitch-black void. “What—are you doing?”
“What are WE doing!” Scar corrected the being, then reached forward to pull on their hood. “Take it off. You’re going to make ‘em scared.”
“No! How dare you—” Xelqua clasped tightly onto the inexplicable fabric. It felt cold to the touch and almost weightless in Scar’s hand. “There’s a sacred ritual that needs to be done before we can reveal our faces to mortals—you can't do it right after you just manifested me!”
“You’re here to fulfill my wish, right?”
“Yes…unfortunately! Stop it, mortal!”
But the deed had already been done. After the shadow was lifted, there was a face.
It's just a typical face, belonging to a person who appeared to be male, with blonde hair, black eyes, and some light freckles. Their eyes didn't seem to have pupils. Just black as ink.
“Oh…that’s what you look like.” Scar rested his hand. “I thought you were going to look way cooler. Like a cyclone or something.”
Xelqua rolled their eyes. Two eyes, how disappointing. Scar couldn't help himself but sighed.
“Now, can you tell me why we are here, mortal?” They surveyed the dreadfully dull middle-class neighborhood, under the bright midday sun. All nice houses, with neatly manicured front yards. “You dragged me here without even telling me what your wish was. It is extremely rude, in case you don't know it already.”
“My wish?” Scar puffed out his chest, wearing a bright smile on his face. “I want to start a cult.”
They looked at Scar with clear disgust on their normal-looking face.
“Yeah. Since I had a desire strong enough to summon a literal god, I did my research and…volià, here you are!”
He put his arm around the being's shoulders. There were many things he chose not to mention in the explanation he gave, including the graphic description of too many fresh eyeballs and organs that grossed him out. But it was all worth it in the end, right at the moment this Watcher emerged in the center of the wired rectangle he had made. It was drawn with blood, of course.
Xelqua gave him an unimpressed look.
“You seem to have some doubts,” Scar gave them a tight squeeze. “Alright, picture this: a bright, luxurious convention hall with thousands and thousands of people gathering. I am the super duper charismatic orator, preaching about fighting evil and injustice in the world with the power of true happiness. Someone shouted in the crowd, ‘Scar, how are you going to convince me, a stubborn moron who’s never been scammed in my entire life because I’m so lame and boring?’”
“That’s when you come in, and strike ‘em with the power of thunder! Everyone trembles and kneels, offering me their life savings out of their pure, heartfelt faith.”
Xelqua stuck their tongue out.
“Alright, I’m leaving.” They brushed off his arm. “Have fun with your scam. I don't want to be a part of it.”
“No, Xelqua—but my wish!”
“I don't even want your soul anymore. It’s too…morbid for my liking.”
“Please! You haven't even heard of the amazing books I’ve been planning—”
Before he could finish his wailing, the door in front of them suddenly swung open.
A woman held the door, looking bewildered at the pair.
“Why, hello!”
Scar pulled the being back to the porch and put on his best expression, whether they liked it or not.
“We don't need anything—”
“No, no. We’re not salesmen. Far from them, actually.” He rummaged through his blazer and found a name card, which he handed to the housewife. He was fully prepared for this moment. He had been preparing this day for quite some time, and he was determined not to let it end in vain. “Here, take my card. The first one is for free.”
“Uh…Church of the True Happyness…of the Third Watcher?” She frowned, trying to read the wordy name. “Is this a new religion or something? Why is the ‘happiness’ spelled wrong? And why are there two ‘of’? ”
“I’m not with this lunatic—”
“Yes! A new religion. For true happiness. Just ignore my spelling mistake, please.”
Scar cut them off.
“The two ‘of’ thing is trendy. Just look around the other popular cul—churches, like the one started with an M.” He then reached both of his hands toward the housewife and shook with her eagerly. “Me and this—this—” He quickly lowered his voice and whispered to this extraterrestrial being, “what’s your pronouns?”
“I—I—he him?” The being stuttered.
“This handsome young man,” Scar patted on his back and declared, “are here to help.”
“Uh-huh. The lady who lives down the street mentioned that you have a faulty vacuum cleaner you got from your MLM just weeks ago. How unfortunate.”
“My MLM? Excuse you! What are you talking about? My business is legit—”
“Can I take a look at it?”
He pulled Xelqua toward the doorway and squeezed past the woman.
“This is private property! You can't just come in like this!” She frantically followed them into her own house. “Get out before I call the police!”
Scar began opening each closet in the house, ignoring her warning. It didn't take him long to find the broken house appliance in question, lying lifelessly in the dust.
“Here it is! You are a big beauty.” He pulled it out from the closet and wiped it clean haphazardly. “Xelqua?”
“Wha—you are out of your mind!” Xelqua turned towards the approaching woman and then turned back to face him. “We have to leave! I don't want to deal with your mortals’ cops—they’re notorious, even in my dimension!”
“Come on—” Scar nagged. “You’re here to fulfill my wish, right? Then consider this to be it. Fix this vacuum cleaner then consider we even.”
“…Are you serious right now?” Xelqua dropped his jaw. “You’re going to waste your one and only wish…on this?”
“I don't see any reason why not, since you’re going to leave me anyways.” He said with arms crossed. “Just do it for me.”
“And you’ll let me go?”
The being widened his pupil-less eyes. It was even more eerie than usual.
“Yeah. You are one vacuum cleaner away from freedom.”
“Get out of my house! This is the final warning!”
The woman yelled in fury, rightfully so.
“You came at the right time, ma’am.” Scar turned toward her, putting on his smile again. “We just fixed it. Can you plug it in for me?”
She halted.
“Try it out. If it doesn't work right away then we’ll leave immediately, am I right?” He gave the being a nudge.
Xelqua answered unwillingly.
The housewife knelt down to plug in the vacuum cleaner, grumbling about how absurd everything was. The moment it was turned on, a spark of purple light emitted from its indicator.
It worked.
“Phew—that was close.” Scar wiped the nonexistent sweat from his forehead. He should have just lost his soul a second ago, yet he didn't feel anything. Well, maybe he really was the chosen one who didn't have a soul to begin with.
“It…it worked?” She kept pressing different buttons on the vacuum cleaner, and they all certainly performed their functions. “How—how did you do that? My hubby can't do anything about it!”
“By the power of true happiness and the third Watcher, of course. By the way, the ‘happyness’ is actually spelled with an ‘y’, I just decided it. It’s better for trademark legalization anyway.”
Then, he grabbed Xelqua’s robe as the being tried to dematerialize and slip away from reality. A small part of his body had gone transparent already.
“What more do you want?” Xelqua protested, trying to get rid of him. “I’m leaving.”
“Give me a second,” Scar whispered to him and called the woman, still in awe, admiring her newly reborned cleaner. “Could you please help me with something? As a repayment for our service?”
“Uh…I really don't want to pay you. You seem like a scammer.”
“No—not money, yet.” He shook his head. He was rather frustrated that she would think so lowly of him, but he decided to let it pass. “Do you have the business card I just gave you?”
She began searching for it as she was instructed.
“There’s a line in the back. Can you read it out loud?”
She turned it around and started laughing immediately. “How am I supposed to read this? This is gibberish.”
“Well—I should know it beforehand…” Scar took a deep sigh and scratched his neck. Guess normal people without any knowledge would definitely not be able to read it, but he had no one to test it out for him yet. “Just repeat after me, then.”
He cleared his throat and started reciting.
“Mggoka ya orr'e.”
“Mgg…oka…ya orr’e.”
The being called Xelqua let out a short gasp as soon as the words left her mouth.
“What are you doing, mortal?”
“Ng ya bthnk.”
Scar ignored him but continued the chant.
“Ng ya b…thnk.”
She was trying her best to speak the obscure language that had been long lost in this mortal land. As each forbidden word was spoken, defying all laws of nature, the being trembled by the power of a divine offering.
Right after she finished the chant, the entire room was momentarily illuminated by a cold, purple glow. It happened so quickly, too quick for her to even realize it was emanating from herself.
“Thank you.”
Scar bowed to her, then walked decisively towards the doorway without looking back.
A few moments later, he heard another set of footsteps approaching him.
“How do you know these words?” The being known as Xelqua called as soon as they stepped out of the house.
“I did my research,” he simply said. “I know you’d follow me.”
“Of course I will…you are despicable.”
Xelqua uttered, catching up to him and walking alongside him.
“You sacrificed her soul to me for a…vacuum cleaner?”
“Yeah, I guess?”
Scar raised his shoulders.
“One more soul for you to chew on in the Void. I bet mine tastes awful so—I did you a favor?”
“I don't chew on souls! What do you think I am?”
“But that’s what all you want, am I right?”
Xelqua’s gaze locked on him for a while.
He couldn't read the emotions behind those eyes; it was as if he was staring into the Void itself. They reminded him of the legends he had learned from those ancient books about how the Watcher’s eyes can see through a person's very true self. A self. He often wondered if he even possessed one of his own.
But then, the Watcher laughed.
“What are you trying to do, mortal?”
Perhaps he actually had one after all.
“I want to start a cult!” Said Scar. “I said it from the very beginning. I'm true to my words—well, sometimes.”
“So that is your plan.” Xelqua shook his head. “I get some free souls so that you can start your dream cult.”
“You’re a smart god.” He reached out a hand toward the being. “How’s the deal?
“Sounds fine to me.” Xelqua shook it. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“I know. Doing the world a favor.” Scar released the being’s hand immediately. “Man, I can't wait!”
He didn't appreciate the being's lack of body temperature. He preferred interacting with real humans, especially someone who is willing to accompany him to a vibrant and dramatic apocalypse. Hopefully, cats and trees will be part of the experience.
“I’m thinking—I’m thinking we should go to a college campus next. Those students are so young and impressionable…and stupid.” He started marching down the street in victory, while the being followed him close behind. “Everyone is so anxious about their futures and—whatever the kids are worrying about nowadays. It’s perfect! You can give them some good grades or the body type of an Instagram model—or drugs, I don't care, then they will be your good little lambs.”
“Why do you hate the mortals so much, then?” After listening to his rambling in silence, the being asked.
“I don't?” Scar stopped sharply, turning toward him. “I love humanity! They are so great. So bright. So wishful and always so creative. I love them. Oh, how can I ever hate them!”
“Then why are you doing this, willing to condemn their souls for all of eternity?”
“For the money, I guess.”
“You can simply wish for it,” Xelqua said, slightly confused. “Many mortals wished for money and I granted them more than their wildest dreams.”
“Nah. That’s boring.” Scar waved his hand dismissively. “I’ll be bored to death, and nothing is more scary than that.”
Xelqua looked at him with a tilted head.
“You’re funny.”
“No, tell me I'm charismatic.” Scar continued his walk. “I need to be a cult leader after all.”
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im-getting-help · 6 months
Is so obvious to me that his parents were party at fault for his lack of boundaries. Not because they we're malicious and intentional about it, but because they loved him so much they tend to cross his limits.
(Kinda like what Oliver did with Felix, but less obsessive).
From my experience it's something relatively normal about the relationship between parents and their children. The first time we really understand boundaries is when we enforce them to separate ourselves from our parents expectations. It seems to me that Oliver never learned how to do that. He's constantly molding himself to appease and appeal, and when it becomes to much, he flees.
Let's go back to the little things Paula and Jeff share with us in that brief birthday scene.
"He always wanted to be an only child, always beetling off by himself"
"He was so clever, that's why he found it hard to make friends, they were jealous".
"It's been hard not seeing him. But it must be a lot of pressure being the top scholar and being in the rowing team, and the union, and the plays..."
Let's start with the lies.
How long ago Oliver started lying to his parents to make space for himself?
Cause the lies don't necessarily feel like something he used to impress them. It seems to me like the Quicks already thought Oliver was exceptionally smart "he was always so clever" and he's just keeping appearances.
But the amount of things he said he did. The plays, the rowing team, the union, the work of studying to maintain the "top scholar position" like reading, doing work and essays and projects, assisting to classes, lectures and tutorials, it's a lot!.
"It's been hard not seeing him". How many times Paula called just to be ignored or quickly dismissed? with an excuse like "sorry i have an essay due tomorrow" or "im going to practice for the play". And why Oliver wanted to separate himself so much from his family?
"He always wanted to be an only child, always beetling off by himself" why would Oliver wanted to separate himself not only from his parents but his siblings too?
The Quicks said that "We go to to Mykonos every year. Well, not anymore. Not now that the kids are all grown up". That makes me think that Oliver sisters are older than him. Oliver doesn't seem to have a close relationship with them either. Was it because of the age gap? How much older were her sisters? Maybe they had to babysit and that created a second-mother kind of dynamic?
It sounds like he was being smothered by them. And again, i'm not saying it was intentional, but maybe Oliver needed much more space that what the Quicks were able or willing to give. And he didn't know how to ask.
And maybe (only maybe cause i don't really have good foundation for this) Oliver learned that the best way to get space from them was saying he was occupied, specifically studying. So maybe it started at school, him saying that he had to finish homework or read a book or do project, and maybe these were the only times he'll be left alone. Maybe that was the perfect excuse to explain why he didn't have many friends too.
(and i wonder why a kid with no sense of boundaries would have a hard time making friends 👀)
And why Oliver keeps lying?
After moving to Oxford, he could've just draw back and create that space without making an excuse. But he didn't, because he cares, he likes that his family thinks he's intelligent and capable. But he doesn't care for spending time with them.
I don't think he said all those lies to look especially intresting or important, but he did choose to "be occupied" by being a good student. Not in a "i won an award for best performance" but a "I'm too busy to talk, i have tutorial"
And look at the way the Quicks react to Oliver saying he has to go, is very interesting.
Paula just gives up instantly. She offers a compromise, and when rejected she's obviously frustrated but she just lets it go. On the other hand Jeff tries to reason with his son a little "your mother spent all morning doing lunch" but they seem very accustomed to this situation. It's not the first time Oliver escapes a conversation.
So, to me, is obvious that Oliver's parents knowingly or unknowingly contributed to Oliver's lack of healthy boundaries.
He never really draw the line with them, he just made excuses to avoid and elude and ultimately flee when the situation got out of hand. And they never picked up on it, they kept repeating the same scenarios multiple times without having a conversation about it.
I feel like his parents never really confronted him about anything. Maybe because they didn't sense anything was wrong, maybe because, same as the Cattons, they didn't know how to approach the situation or maybe because they know Oliver gets really fcking upset whenever they tried to have a conversation about it, who knows.
So at the end we have a 20yo dude who never learned how to enforce a boundary or why is healthy to have them and has absolutely no idea how to perceive and not cross others limits.
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scarletwinterxx · 11 days
WE NEED MOREEE Taeyong dad au honestly all ur dad aus r so good liekkkk
a/n: hiiiiiiii ~ honestly i didn't think about writing more abt taeyong dad au, i loved writing the first one and how simple and cute it was. but never say never 😅 so here we areeee. thank you for liking my stories🤍🥺
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
The sight of your husband sneaking around the house to prepare for the twin's birthday. The big 7. It feels like yesterday you were inside the bathroom making Taeyong look at the pregnancy test first because you were too nervous.
As the two kids grow up, they showed more of their individuality which you and Taeyong love watching. Minseo the ever confident one, she took a liking in joining school musicals and performances. She's always been the star in your household and she shines just as bright whenever she goes. Minhyuck, on the other hand, is a big bookworm. As soon as he started to learn how to read, there wasn't a day he didn't have a book on hand. He's also very into drawing much like his dad. You have a collection of his drawings hidden away to keep forever.
If there's one thing you and your husband learned about being parents, it's that time really does fly when you have kids. One day you have to hold their head up for them and the next second they're out making their own marks in the world.
"Do you think they'll like this?" Taeyong asks, looking at the rows of balloons he got for the twins. "They'll love it"
"I got the pink scooter with purple glittery handles Minseo wanted and the orange bike Minhyuck wanted"
"Good job"
"Are we forgetting something?" "Taeyong love, what are you stressed about?" you chuckle
"I just want tomorrow to be perfect and a day they will always remember. They only turn 7 once" he pouts, recalling the days when his babies were younger. Indeed wondering where did the time go.
"Aw love, come here" you open your arms for him, stepping in your embrace and burying his head between your shoulder
"They're going to love all the gifts you give them, we taught them well to appreciate even the little things"
He picks his head up to look at you, "They're not babies anymore"
"I know, I'm sad too but more so excited about they're future. I'm excited to see them explore more, know more about themselves, grow up" you play with the ends of his hear on his neck, looking into his big eyes both your kids inherited. Thank the heavens.
"Does it make you sad, that we never had kids after the twins?" you ask him
"Of course not" he answers without missing a beat, "You, Minseo and Minhyuck are my everything. There isn't a day I felt like there something missing in me the moment I met you" the same words he told you the day you got married.
After the twins birth, it was very stressful for your body to the point you were told by your doctor it was going to be very dangerous when you decide to have another kid. Taeyong is right, the twins are enough and there isn't a day you felt like your family isn't complete. But there are moments, very few, where you wonder what it would be like if you had more kids.
"If we're blessed to have more then that's good, if we're not then that's okay too. Losing you isn't a risk I will ever take. Don't ever feel pressured about that, okay? I love you very much and this life we created together" he tells you, holding your face in his hands
"I love you too" you give him a sweet kiss, finishing the night.
The next morning, very early you get the cake ready for the twins. Waiting for them to wake up. You light up the candles when you hear voices coming down the stairs,
"Gotta keep your eyes closed okay, no peeking" Taeyong appears with one child in each arm, carrying both down the stairs. He puts them down before telling them it's okay to look, "Happy Birthday!" you and Taeyong say at the same time, the two kids immediately smile upon seeing the surprise waiting for them.
The two blow their candles and open the gift you and Taeyong got before you eat breakfast as a family.
It's days like these that makes life worth it, making you excited for the days yet to come and the future you're going to live. You look over your husband, playing with the kids and letting them put icing on his face and think your self how much you love your little life.
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georgie-weasley · 2 years
Shenanigans F.W. x Reader
Warnings: a few swear words, one mention of abducting, and I think that's it (let me know if I missed something)
Word Count: 4.2k
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Summary: You and Fred pair up to get George a partner and along the way you learn your feelings for Fred might not be just friendly
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It was a rather peaceful Saturday morning. It was a nice November morning and the cool chill in the air mixing with the warmth in the castle only made it better. You were sitting by yourself at the table with a book in one hand and eating breakfast with the other. After breakfast you planned to do some more reading and if it warmed up enough, you might even read outside. All you wanted to do was relax.
“I’ve got a plan and I need your help.” As soon as the words came out of Fred’s mouth, you could sense the trouble that was bound to follow it. He squeezed his way into the spot next to you at the table. He had a wild gleam in his eye and a mischievous smirk on his face. This was gonna be a bad one but you were intrigued. Not to mention he completely threw out any plans to relax as soon as he showed up
“Do tell Fred.” You set down your fork and book and turned to face him. It was not uncommon for Fred to come to you with grand schemes. You, Fred, and George were connected at the hip since first year. People started to call you guys the triplets since there was never a time one of you was seen without the others. You spent summers and holidays with the Weasley family and you were thrilled to say that they all loved you. Molly and Arthur saw you as another daughter and they treated you as such. You got a sweater in your favorite color with your initial each Christmas, a birthday cake each year, and you were punished in the same way. If the twins were grounded for terrorizing poor Ron out of his mind, then you were too, if you were found guilty and you usually were.
“We need to get George a girlfriend.” He smiled brightly and threw an arm around your shoulder. “He’s been so sad about the breakup and the perfect thing for him would be a new relationship.” Fred wasn’t wrong about George being heartbroken but setting him up with someone because he’s hurt over a breakup? That’s dumb.
The three of you were 16 and sweet George was a romantic that wore his heart on his sleeve. He fell in love with anyone that looked him in the eyes or was remotely nice to him. Fred was a flirt but he kept real feelings away. He was more cautious and didn’t fall head over heels for just anyone. You, well there were a few people you found attractive but you never dated anyone. No one really stood out to you. George was the only one that had any sort of semi-serious relationship out of the three of you.
“How can you possibly think that this is the right way to help him move on? Your brother could sniff out a prank a mile away.” You rolled your eyes and moved his arm off of you. “Besides, George has an open heart. What if we find someone and it goes wrong and breaks his heart again? What will you do then?”
Fred only shrugged and stole some food off of your plate. “It’s not a prank, it's just… well I don’t know a different way to say it but it’s not a prank. We’re just trying to find him someone that will love him and won’t break his heart. Come on, I know you want to.”
He was right. George had been moping around for weeks and he hardly ate. He didn’t run around causing trouble and his smile never reached his eyes anymore. It was painful to see your best friend become a shell of who he usually was. While getting him a rebound didn’t seem like the best idea, you didn’t have a better one. “I’ll do it on one condition. We don’t force anyone to like him by paying them or anything.”
“Of course not. Even if I wanted to, I don't have nearly enough money to pay someone to deal with George.” Fred smiled and kissed the top of your head. “Finish breakfast and meet me at the lake. Our quest begins in an hour!” He ran off, weaving between the students making their way into the Great Hall.
An hour later, you bundled up and met Fred. It was freezing and even though you were wearing gloves and a thick coat and a scarf, you were certain you were only seconds away from turning into a nice ice sculpture. The freckled redhead waved as he caught sight of you. He was smiling and looked positively thrilled to be starting this plan with you. “Down to business,” Fred started as soon as you stood next to him. “First we need to find out if anyone likes him or if he’s anyone’s type. Then, we can start dropping hints and start finding ways to get them together. George will be happy and then at their wedding we can come forward and tell them all the hard work we did.” It sounded like a pretty solid plan but there wasn’t much to it. Usually Fred was more elaborate, almost too elaborate.
“So what are we supposed to do, just go around and ask people if they fancy George? He’s bound to hear and pick up on it.” You rubbed your shoulders and stepped closer to Fred for warmth. “Couldn’t we have talked about this somewhere inside? I think I’m gonna get frostbite if I’m out here for much longer.”
“No, you’re going to ask people if they fancy George. He’s less likely to suspect you if you ask. He might even think you like him.” Fred laughed and removed his scarf, wrapping it around your neck. “Do you fancy George? If you do then you can just date him and everything will be better.” He wiggled his eyebrows and leaned in, poking your side.
“Absolutely not. George is a brother to me.” It was the truth. Fred was eyeing you like he thought you were lying but he didn’t say anything. You loved George but he was just never someone you saw in a romantic light. He was sweet and kind but he was a little more subdued. He was calm and reminded you of a fireplace. He was warm and comforting and made you feel safe and at home. You preferred someone louder and more outgoing. Someone that was more of a bonfire, big and full of energy and unpredictable. Someone more like Fred.
“Fine, fine, if you say so. Maybe while you’re asking around you can talk George up too. Make him sound appealing.” He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close, tucking you into his side. “Just not too appealing. If they think you like him, no one will go for it.” If Fred wasn’t providing an incredible amount of warmth, you’d have shoved him away.
“What exactly will you be doing then? Sitting around and looking pretty?”
Fred barked out a laugh and it warmed you from within. “While I am pretty fantastic at doing that, I’m gonna start working on George and get him to a more presentable emotional state.”
“You know,” you mumbled as you wrapped your arms around his middle, hiding your hands under his coat, “we can just let him work through his emotions at his own pace and help him in a way he wants us to.”
Fred nodded and sighed. “I know and it would probably be the better idea but I hate seeing him so sad. I just want him to be happy.” Your heart fluttered at his words. Fred was loud and always smiled but he had real emotions under his happy exterior. He wasn’t like George who could be read like a book. Fred was a secret diary kept under lock and key. It was nice to hear him openly show his love for his brother.
“We can start as soon as I let you go. I think I might have frozen myself to you.” Without a warning, Fred shifted and hooked one arm under your arms and the others behind your knees and lifted you up. With a squeal, you wrapped your arms around him and held on for dear life as he walked you back to the castle.
Over the next week, you tried to ask around about George but either no one liked him or no one was willing to admit they liked him. On more than one occasion, people mentioned Fred and you were surprised to feel the jealousy building in your chest. You were asking about George and they kept bringing up his twin. No wonder George felt like he was living in the shadows. That was the reason you were jealous.
Fred apparently had more luck as George was beginning to act more like himself as the days went on. He was smiling more and making jokes and it made everything worth it.
On Friday, almost a week after Fred approached you with his plan, you were walking to class after lunch. Fred caught up to you and grabbed your arm, pulling you to the side of the hallway. “Y/N, I wanted to ask how things have been.”
“Not great. No one likes him or they just aren’t telling me. I’ve tried asking anyone I think might like him and nothing. I’m sure someone likes him but I haven’t found them.” It broke your heart a little to think that no one out there found George handsome or wanted to date him. He was a total catch and he deserved someone good.
“Maybe we need a new approach.” Fred rubbed the back of his head and looked around the hallway. “What about we focus on people that are George’s type and see how they feel. Then we can narrow it down a little bit more. We can start with Angelina.”
“Angelina? From the Quidditch team? Why are we starting with her?”
“She’s smart, funny, athletic, and attractive. She’s perfect.” There was that jealousy again, burning in your chest. He really felt all those things for her?
“No way. She has very clearly expressed to me that she doesn't like you. Besides, she has a thing with some Ravenclaw boy. She doesn’t want you.” You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. What was so great about Angelina anyway? There were plenty of other people that were all that and more.
“This is about George, not me.” Fred smirked and grabbed your cheeks in his hand, squishing them together. “Are you jealous?”
“Of course not. I just mixed you two up. Just give me a list of people to ask and I’ll find out. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get to class.” Jerking your head away from his grasp, you spun around. You didn’t even make it a step away from Fred when some first year came barreling at you, slamming into your side. You stumbled and closed your eyes, preparing for impact when strong arms grabbed you by the waist.
“Watch where you’re going you little gremlin!” Fred yelled after the first year. He steadied you on your feet, his hands resting on your hips as he looked you over for any bumps or bruises. Your eyes landed first on his arms. Has he always been this fit? Your eyes traveled up his arms until they landed on his face. His brown eyes were full of concern as they continued to trail over your body. Freckles decorated his whole face, most of them concentrated around his nose. He had one that was perfectly in the center of the tip of his nose and you found yourself wanting to kiss it. That’s a new feeling. So was catching yourself staring at his lips and finding yourself licking your own. God you would give anything to kiss him, just to see what it was like. As you looked back at his eyes, you jumped a little seeing how intently he was looking into yours. “Are you ok?” His mouth was moving and you were sure he was talking to you but he sounded like he was underwater or across the castle grounds.
The bell signaling the end of the passing period restarted your senses. You scrambled to adjust your bag and nodded. “I’m fine but I really gotta go. Get me that list later.” Without a goodbye, you ran off to class. Your heart was pounding in your chest and it wasn’t because of your run. That was all thanks to Fred. Your friendship with Fred has always been a close one and while this wasn’t the first time he’s saved you from your doom, this one felt weird. Maybe it was because you had been talking about relationships so much or maybe it was because you were 16 and had hormones. Either way, you didn’t like it one bit.
That night at dinner, Fred handed you a sheet of paper after George had left the Great Hall. There were ten names listed and you had talked to almost everyone listed. “These are all the people I know George has found attractive or would be his type. Do any of them look promising?” He sat next to you and you were disappointed that he left an appropriate amount of space between the two of you.
“Not really. I haven’t asked that sixth year Slytherin but I’m pretty sure they aren’t interested. Wait, why do you have Hermione on this list?” She was two years younger than the three of you and she was one of Ron’s best friends, even if he never said that.
“She’s pretty cute and she’s smart. I thought George would go for it. You don’t think so?” Ugh, he called another person attractive. He needed to shut up and keep his opinions to himself.
“Of course not. She’s too young. We graduate next year and then if they did date he would be heartbroken to leave her.” You rolled your eyes and continued scanning the list. “Minerva McGonagall? Fred, are you serious?”
He only shrugged and looked up at the head table where Professor McGonagall was eating dinner. “Maybe he’d like how stern she is.”
“I’m going to kill you. This list is useless. I think we should just give up and let him work through things at his own pace.” You tore up the paper; if anyone saw it they would be extremely confused and probably give it to McGonagall since Fred was dumb enough to really add her to the list.
“No, I have one more plan and if that doesn’t work, then I’ll leave it alone and let George take care of it.” Fred blushed a little and rubbed the back of his neck. He looked almost embarrassed at the thought of his other plan.
“What exactly is this other plan?”
The next day Fred stood in the hallway wearing his brother’s sweater. The ‘G’ on his chest clearly must have been his grand plan. “This is it? You’re just going to pretend to be George?”
Fred smiled sheepishly and shrugged. “I’m also going to flirt with people and try and see how they feel.” Everything was starting to feel more and more stupid as this went on. At this point, you wanted to just stop Fred and tell him to give it up but before you could, he was off talking to a group of sixth years.
You stood back and watched, your heart growing heavy as he laid on the charm. Fred was always a flirt and he knew how to make someone’s knees weak. It never bothered you until now. It was always common to see Fred flirting at least a little. It wasn’t always on purpose as sometimes he was just nice and it came off as flirty but he never cared.
“Hey, how are you guys?” Fred smiled and leaned against the wall. “I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you all. I would never forget such beautiful faces.”
A Hufflepuff girl giggled and blushed, tucking her hair behind her ear. A Ravenclaw boy looked like he was trying not to fall for it but the small smile on his face said it all. “We’re alright. I’m going to take a wild guess that the ‘G’ on your sweater means you’re George?” The Hufflepuff asked.
“That would be me. You’ve heard of me?”
“It’s hard not to hear about you or your brother.” The Ravenclaw shrugged and looked at a Ravenclaw girl that had been standing a little behind him. “What can we do for you George?”
Fred smirked and shrugged, moving closer. “I just saw all of you standing here and I felt myself drawn in.” The Hufflepuff giggled again and seeing how she seemed the most interested, Fred threw his arm around her shoulders. “What are a bunch of pretty people like yourselves doing on this fine day?”
The Hufflepuff, you think her name might have been Christine, glanced over at Fred. “Nothing really. I have a question, is this your real hair?” She reached up and ran her fingers through her hair.
That was a knife right to the heart. Tears started to well up in your eyes and your stomach dropped to your feet. You knew he was just pretending and all he wanted to do was help George but it was all too much. You turned around and sprinted down the hallway. Fred saw you out of the corner of his eye and called after you, ignoring the group to chase you.
You could hear him calling your name and begging you to stop but you couldn’t. How could you face him like this? Here you were breaking down all because he was flirting with some random kids. This was all so stupid. He was your best friend and that was it. He was your funny, stupid, handsome best friend that always got himself into trouble. He was loud and obnoxious and never knew when to quit but he was also so caring and protective and wonderful. He kept you safe and made you smile and made your heart flutter every time he smiled. His laugh warmed you from the inside and the sparkle in his eyes made your brain turn to mush. He was everything you ever wanted.
You were still running with no clue where you were headed when Fred finally caught up and grabbed your arm, effectively stopping your escape. Fred spoke up as soon as his breathing returned to normal. “Y/N, what happened? What’s wrong?”
“Bullshit. You ran off crying and you’re trying to tell me nothing is wrong? Do you think I’m stupid? Tell me what’s wrong.” He took his hand off you and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Nothing happened Fred so just stop asking.” You turned away from him and rubbed your eyes, trying to get the tears to stop flowing. This was all so stupid.
Fred grabbed you by the shoulders and spun you to face him. “Please, tell me. I’m your best friend. What’s wrong?”
Best friend. He was your best friend and that was the problem. He made your stomach twist up in knots and your hands sweaty and your heart race and he was your best friend. It wasn’t like you could even lie to yourself and say you just had a thing for gingers; you never felt this way around George or Ron or any other Weasley, just Fred. You were in love with your best friend. This could ruin everything. Your breathing sped up and your hands started to shake. You had to get out of here.
“I’m done helping you Fred. I can’t do this anymore.” You slowly stepped back and tried to ignore your heart breaking as you looked at his face. Fred was frowning and he looked absolutely devastated by your words. He reached out for you and with great effort, you shook your head and took another step back. “Just, leave me alone.” With that, you ran away.
It was absolute torture to avoid Fred and George but you managed to do so for a couple days. George had done nothing wrong but you couldn’t risk anything. He could be helping Fred or he could be Fred. It was truly horrible to watch Fred try and get close to you. He would slip you notes in class and you threw them away immediately. He tried to catch you in the halls but you would push your way through crowds and lose him. He even tried to sit next to you at meals but everytime he did, you left. This was the best thing you could do. Now that you admitted your feelings toward Fred to yourself, there was no way things could go back to normal. You couldn’t pretend there were no feelings and while you couldn’t stand being away from him, this was the only thing preserving even a small part of your friendship. It was destroying a fair part of it but maybe this way you could still remain acquaintances and see the family. Losing Fred was horrible enough but the thought of losing the whole Weasley family, you couldn’t stand it.
After lunch on Sunday, you headed off to the owlery to send a letter home. You weren’t telling anyone about what was happening but you needed to inform your parents that you likely would not be spending the next break at the Burrow. Halfway there, a hand lunged out from behind a tree and grabbed you, pulling you over. Another hand covered your mouth. What was happening? Thinking fast, you bit the hand covering your mouth.
“Ow! Holy shit! What the hell Y/N?” You spun to see Fred waving his hand around, a bright red mark on his palm where you bit him. “What’s wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? You just tried to abduct me!” You smacked him in the chest and glared but it soon faded as you began laughing. Fred lightly pushed your shoulder and joined in the laughter. God it felt so nice to laugh with him again. After a moment, the laughter faded and your face was serious once more. “What do you want, Fred?”
He swallowed thickly and shoved his hands in his pockets, rocking on the balls of his feet. He chewed on his bottom lip, debating what to say. He was nervous. Fred always bit his lip when he was nervous. “I wanted to talk to you. It's been a couple days of you ignoring me. What did I do wrong?”
“You didn’t do anything.”
“Then why are you taking it out on me?”
“Because it’s your fault.”
Fred’s mouth dropped open. “So I did nothing wrong but this is my fault? What kind of bullshit is that?”
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. “It’s not bullshit, ok? It’s just the truth.” You tried to take a step back, hoping to get out of this situation but you bumped into the tree.
He threw his hands in the air. “Then tell me what I did!”
“God Fred, don't you get it? I love you! I think I’ve been in love with you since I was 13 and it’s killing me because I just noticed it! I thought it was perfectly normal to think about how handsome your best friend is or how much you want to kiss them! I am madly in love with you and I was trying to save our friendship by putting some distance between us because I can't go on like this. I can’t look at you and want to kiss you and just pretend that I don’t. I can’t watch you flirt with other people and pretend like my heart isn’t being shattered every time. I can’t do it Fred. I can’t let my feelings for you ruin my friendship with you or George or Ron or Ginny or anyone else. I would rather have you not at all than watch you fall in love with someone else! I’m sorry I’ve ruined everything but I—”
Fred surged forward and grabbed your face in his hands as he slammed his lips to yours. You stood in complete shock before you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. His lips moved against yours and you moved closer, pressing your body to his. Fred slid his hands to your hips and pushed you against the tree. You both parted for air but he didn’t go far; he kept his forehead pressed to yours. “You talk way too much.”
You rolled your eyes but didn’t dare move. “You don’t hate me?”
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you since I was 12. Of course I don’t hate you.” Fred smiled and ran his thumb over your cheek. “What made you realize you like me?”
You blushed and groaned. “This is going to inflate your ego so much but when you were flirting with that Hufflepuff pretending to be George.” Fred only laughed and gave you a quick peck on the lips.
“You know, I must say I’m a little disappointed we never got George a girlfriend but I’m pretty happy with this outcome.”
“Just happy?”
“Would ecstatic be a better word?” Fred mumbled, leaning back in for another kiss.
“Sounds good to me,” you whispered as your lips met again.
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tmzrkstan · 1 year
nct dream as teen romances.
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★warnings: maybe cursing, relationship between minors (legal).
★genre: fluff, romantic tropes, (kinda of) korean school trope.
•Not just a boyfriend, also a bandmate;
•Beeing raised abroad gave him an advantage to join the band (english speaker), and of course, his ability with music;
•You and your friends found everything that were looking for to complete what became a kinda famous band in the city;
•Don't took long for you two get along and spend some afternoons with his guitar and a composition book: "You did in a few days what the music did in my whole life."
•When the relantionship became official you just couldn't separate from each other;
•The lovely looks during performances, dates in karaokes and make out sessions at the "backstage" were always present;
•"We can't be sure about the band future, but I know we're never splitting up."
• The boy admired you for a long time from afar;
•When he heard from a friend that you were looking for a boyfriend he gained courage;
•He had to miss some afternoons and even morning classes in order to finish a project to win you over;
•That's why you found a drawing of you made by hand, which was noticeable the use of watercolor, and behind it, his initials;
•You soon realized who it was from and decided to text him, which led to a sleepless night with your cell phone;
•Without taking too long to return the feelings, you started dating and he nicknamed you as his "muse";
•You can be sure that your dates would always end with you taking a drawing home, whether on a small canvas or on a napkin from the restaurant you went to;
•"The best part of drawing you is being able to look at you as much as I want."
•If it wasn't for the jock who falls in love with the cheerleader, I'd be lying;
•Despite his popularity, he had to struggle to get the attention of everyone on the team, which led to him crashing several rehearsals;
•He made his interest obvious when he scored a decisive point in the game and dedicate it to you in front of the whole school;
•The minute I became his girlfriend, the whole school would suffer because of you two, like the team being forced to participate in his surprises, the game being stopped for you to kiss each other at each point;
•Despite the masculine and strong exterior, inside he looked like a puppy running after his owner, he was completely passionate and silly. It's visible how he would try to help you with the cheerleading thing;
•"So, the deal is if I win the game tonight, I got a make out session for as long as I want?"
•At first, no one could tell if you were friends or not;
•You competed with everything you could for years now, Hyuck knew how to make you lose and made a point of winning every time, whether in a test, sports or any activity;
•One day you got tired of it all, making it clear to him that you didn't care about it anymore, and that sent him into a fit;
•His friends consoled him that this was his final victory, but he knew well that he wanted to win you instead. Pride made him say nothing 'till the moment;
•He chased you for days and you just ran, until you had no choice when he pinned you to the wall of an empty hallway: "You really are very stupid for not understanding what I wanted all of this time";
•Sure had a lot more drama until yall finally bring fellings out and started dating, a relationship full of silly little fights and a lot of teasing on both sides, this time with some kisses, caresses and loving words in between;
•"I admit you won, look who you made fall in love with you."
•You had your reasons and he had an (toxic) ex he wanted to win back, a little gossip going around and you ended up in a fake relationship;
•The plan was doing great, everyone was getting what they wanted, or at least what you thought that you wanted;
•After weeks of "fake" dates, talking about your lives, sharing secrets and dreams, Jaemin couldn't care less when his ex showed up at his house: "Sorry, but There's no way, I'm completely in love with her."
•When he realized this, appeared the other day at school with a huge bouquet and an even bigger smile stating that dating would no longer be fake;
•You thought he could take it back later, but the kisses and declarations of love he gave you made it clear how right he was about It;
•"In the very first minute of our deal, my feelings already became real, it would be impossible not to."
•It's not like anyone was really forbidding it, like arresting you at home or hiring a security guard to follow you around, but your parents made it clear that they were against it;
•His family, more modest, did not agree with the luxurious way that Chenle lived with his, who preferred that his son was with someone more similar;
•They imagined that this was going to happen, that's why they even took a while to start dating, but when they got together, there was nothing he wouldn't do for you;
•The boy was used to always getting what he wanted, and this time it would be no different, he would just have to change his strategy, like going on hidden dates, finding empty places at school and running away at midnight, it made everything harder, but more exciting;
•"You can't give up on us, it's hard right now, but I promisse I'll make it worth it."
•You two been friends since the first day you can remember;
•Always inseparable, if one wasn't welcome in a group of friends then the other wouldn't even consider staying in it;
•They faced everything together, all the first experiences, like tests, graduations, parties, simply everything. Even first love, which Jisung took a long time to realize when feelings changed;
•He freaked out every time he saw some guy trying to hit on you, or when you seemed interested in another one, but he didn't want to confess and look like a silly teen that ruins the friendship;
•You're the one who had to admit you liked him first, or you'd never start dating. And everyone, including the families, loved it.
•It doesn't changed much in reality, apart from the kissing/toching and your parents no longer letting you stay alone in your bedroom for so long.
•"I can't wait to spend my whole with my best friend."
author: Hope yall like It<3
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wayfayrr · 4 months
The Menace Anon heed your call and you choose "Lone Wolf" so here is something for you to read.
I got this idea from a book on Quotev called "Skipped Cutscene" from MayBeDragon12. And this book has an interesting feature. Reader is a Link, Wild to be specific, but it's not a Yandere Chain x Reader but a normal Chain x Reader. So I thought to myself, why not turn them into Yandere? So here we are. This is Sage!Reader and how I headcanon my TotK Link.
They loath Wild and Twilight.
They are different from Wild like a alternative universe, where Wild was never named Link. Or they are Wild and just said, that they aren't Link anymore.
Twilight was still their guide through the first adventure, though.
Twilight was confused as hell before feeling guilty. He feels guilty because he thinks he abandoned Ruins as they needed him the most, on their second journey, third if we count pre-calamity.
Wild is Pup, they are Pup Cub in his mind.
Ruins' Sword is a fused Master Sword, but to be specific a fusion of Gloom Sword and Master Sword. This Sword Fi doesn't react to the other heroes at all.
It's because of the Gloom Sword and the Gloom and Malice inside of Reader's blood.
Nobody but them can wield this sword properly because of the Gloom.
If you thought Legend took awhile to trust the Chain, he still doesn't trust them completely.
Well Ruins will not trust them for a loooonnnng time maybe even never.
Because I found the nicknames weird, I came with a new one "Ruins" as they literally are surrounded by them.
As for "Sage", it's kinda mean as they got the nickname because of the sages they wield?  So how about "Pilot"?
Their title is "Hero of Ruins" because they deserve one.
Twilight is always near them, he's trying to make amends.
Reader doesn't want that at all.
Reader doesn't want to be a hero anymore just Reader who lives in the outskirts of Tarrey Town.
As the Chain said, that they still are a hero, that they needed them to be the hero once again. Reader wanted to scream and blow up a goddess statue.
If the Chain want's to capture Reader to take them with them? A wild goose chase is going on.
They have a slide for snowy mountains and a makeshift skateboard for the hills and cars. And don't forget, that they can teleport.
It was one hell of a fight.
They would jump of Skyloft, without a care for the world. Twilight is losing it.
They are a savage bastard after all.
The best songs that fit Sage!Reader would be "Link up" the TotK Rap from Austin Simmon.
Now how they met.
Twilight PoV:
We landed in Hyrule again. At first Wild and I thought that we were in his, but his doesn't have any floating islands. So then we thought it was Sky's, which wasn't it either. So we came to the conclusion that it has to be a Hyrule shortly after Sky, maybe like 100 years? So we went to explore it, I had to catch Wild a few times as he tried to run off. He really acted like a pup. We saw a monster camp near us, so Warriors began to formulate a plan to annihilate them.
„Yeah... Forget about that, someone with a robot is going through this.“ We all turned around and looked at the said person which Four mentioned.
They wore a blue tunic with a hylian hood, and brown pants and boots. Finished with the camp, they started to build something, which reminded me of a carriage but it wasn't drawn by any horses, yet. They climbed onto the strange carriage and it drove... Without any horses or rails... They came to our direction and stopped sideways in front of us.
„Do you need help?“
„Do you know, where the next town is?“ Pup asked them.
They looked with the eyes to us before signaled us to come up to them.
„I can drive you to the nearest lookout from there your on your own.“
„That would be very appreciated.“ said the old man.
We climbed onto the vehicle and they drove with us off.
We tried to speak to them but they didn't budge. They kept silent, just looking at the road before them. We could see a wooden wall in the distance with the castle behind it. They stopped at the door and turned the carriage sideways.
„We are here, you're safe in there.“ They sounded annoyed and mumbled under their breaths profanities. So we jumped off and they drove off. I looked at them quite a while. They were so familiar...
"Why do I feel like I know them...?" I thought to myself.
I jumped out of my train of thoughts as Wild laid a hand on my shoulder.
„Twi, you alright?“ I looked at Wild.
„Yeah, everythin' is 'lright, just somethin' is naggin' me about them“
„What bothers you?“ I looked at Hyrule beside me.
„I don't know... It's like I know them, but we aren't anywhere near my Hyrule...“ I told them while we were walking inside the "lookout". We looked around, it was like Ordon a small little village not town or anything. Zora, Hylian, Rito and some Gorons were here and trained. We heard fast footsteps and before we could see, who it was, Wild laid on the ground with a girl with short blonde hair on top of him.
„Reader! Where have you been?! Purah and I were so worried!!!“ She released the Champion from her hug and as she saw her mistake. She stood up abruptly and went red.
„I'm So Sorry!!! I thought, you were someone else! ~But you wear a Champion's Tunic and the hood in your face... I really thought you were them...~ Again I'm sorry...“
„Sorry mylady, but who is that "Reader" and can we help you with them?“ asked Warriors while I helped Wild up.
„Reader is the Hero of Hyrule... They changed after this adventure... After they woke up inside the Shrine of Resurrection they were so openly friendly and curious like a little puppy hehehe... But after this one it was like that they went from the curious puppy to a distrusting lone wolf... They travel around Hyrule to find anything to soothe their pain... I know, I was at fault at that, I even took over their house... I want my best friend back... The only one, who understands me the most...“ She laughed sadly and looked at the ground. She had probably tears in her eyes.
„Do ya want us 'da look for them? Maybe even bringin' them back here?“ I asked her, while the boys looked shocked to me.
„You would do that? Thanks!! Oh... I didn't even asked you for your names. I'm Zelda from Hyrule, the princess and next Queen of Hyrule.“ she bowed down slightly. 
So we bowed down as well, before introducing us.
„Well, our name is Link, so everyone has a nickname. I'm Warriors, that's Time, Legend, Four, Hyrule, Wind, Sky, Twilight and the one you tackled is Wild. We are all heroes of Hyrule but from a different era.“ Wars introduced us by pointing to said person. The said person either bowed or nodded.
She nodded with a sad smile. „So you will take them with you, right? You are definitely not travelling just to have a vacation... They need to be a hero again, right...?“
The Captain nodded with a sad smile.
„The threat we're dealing with isn't easy to slay, we could need any helping hand, that we can find.“ My ancestor told the princess with a stony face, but his eyes reflecting the worry of the soon-to-be new addition to the group.
So we said her we help her and bring the hero here before we depart around Hyrule to find the shadow. We went out of the village and headed the way, that "Reader" drived off to. But they were much faster than we ever could be. So we crossed the bridge and saw a destroyed Talus with bodies of Bokoblins.
„Does that Talus look strange for you too?“ Wind asked as Wild rushed to it's side to investigate it.
„That's awesome! The Bokoblins took the Talus as a walking fortress!!“
„Their called "Battle Talus" and they are a real pain in the ass with the right monsters on it's head.“ We looked up the hill and saw the obvious hero of this Hyrule. They wore the Champion's Tunic with a leather armour over it, they wore the same cape as Wild but their's was more tattered and ripped at some parts. Their pants was a normal beige-brown with a ripped green tunic with Triforce symbols tied to their hip and hanged down sideways and heavy looking travel boots. Their hood hid their face even as they jumped down and slided down the cliff. They stopped before us and stood on the remains of the Talus.
„So what do you want? I heard you guys talking about me. So what is it?“
I looked in-between Wild and the newcomer and noticed something that made me a little dizzy.
"They have the same scent!! That's what's nagging me! That's why I had the feeling I know them!!" I thought and looked at the older copy of Wild, my pup.
They looked at me but they didn't seem happy like Wild always was as I appeared before him as a wolf. They seemed cold and angry and stepped aside as I tried to hug them. They are my pup, after all!
„Don't come near me, you mutt! I will behead you myself, if you try it again! You abandoned me as I needed you the most! As I stumbled around like a newly born fawn and crawled out of the shrine as I woke up, The Second Time! You weren't there! So do me a favour and get the fuck lost!!“ It hurts like hell to hear that from the one I took under my wing but I could understand it. I abandoned them...
„Is this how the old man felt as he heard that he abandoned Wind's time?“ was my first thought.
They acted so feral and snarled at me so I stepped back.
„I'll not tryin' 'da come near ya again, but please hear us out...“ The others looked shocked to my and my second pup.
„Spit it out, I still have things to do!“
„Stop acting like a child! What are you five?! You can't jus...“ Warriors was interrupted as the hero before us stripped off their tunic and hood.
We could see their arm. It wasn't their arm and it's reeking old magic while also reeking dark magic.
„Just what?! I lost my arm and got cursed!! I wander around Hyrule to find shrines to complete them under pain! Normal people would trying to bit their arm off! Under a blood moon I can feel the Gloom and Malice swirling in my blood!! If I could I would do Ganondorf a favour and jump off the next cliff!! Without the glider!!“ They put their clothes back on before walking away.
„Look for someone else to travel with you, I distanced myself from my so called "titel". I'm no hero anymore!“
With that the wild goose chase began and the Chain, especially Twilight, were hunting Sage!Reader like the monster hunted Hyrule on his journey. Reader really thought at first they were puppets but after some "investigation" or "stalking" they new they were the real deal. It didn't make it any better. After Reader is back from their forced fourth adventure, they can fix their house as that got rearranged during their fight against the Chain. During the journey many insults were thrown around, especially on Wild's and Twilight's head but since when is a Link known for giving up? Oh and what Chain tries to do with Reader so they stay? Well, trying to be the most trusted companion obviously. So now please help me stop Sage from beheading Legend with their bare hands.
okay so - I hate to start it like this (and feel a little bad because I did choose this) but I cannot handle sage anymore. There is a reason I stopped writing him, and had to block any tags to do with him - it isn't something I would like to take public though with all due respect. it is the reason why tears exists as a link that I now write for as my preferred totk link. So this was something that took me a bit to read through and I couldn't really read all of it. This is something that I should have made clearer on my blog however, and I'll take responsibility for that. but in the future I will ask to please not send me anything to do with that version of the character for my own sanity.
but the premise is really good! I love the idea of a reader being an alternate link and how it could impact their relationship with the chain
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