#because a safe space isn't very safe when you're always worried about what they might say about your ethicity/race/gender yk?
cheollipop · 1 year
I'm a desitiny and it was just out of ignorance. You're allowed to feel however you want to feel but let's not pretend like none of us have done things that have unintentionally offended others. Kq has already put out a statement and I'm ok with it. I don't really understand why we need to go this far when intent is an important factor to thing like this. This song is not seen negative in korea and people will sing it without thinking. I get that. But I trust they will be more thoughtful moving forward. Being ignorant is not the same as being racist and i hope people understand that. You just need to politely inform them. My English is not the best so I'm sorry
to start, I'm sorry this whole thing happened to begin with. no one should have to feel disrespected because of their ethnicity, race, gender, etc.
I wasn't going to comment on this anymore, but i'll just say this. it's true that no one is perfect and we all make mistakes. personally, I was born and raised in my native country and much like korea, a lot of racist ideologies and mindsets were instilled in me growing up, and I most definitely have acted in a way that was unacceptable. however, gaining access to the internet and then moving to australia a couple years ago, I made friends of diverse backgrounds who taught me that certain things were not okay (usually when people were disrespectful to me and I didn't see it as such). things that I thought were just 'funny' turned out to be harmful to certain cultures/ethnicities. if I had outwardly offended someone with my behaviour, no matter what my intent was, I would've still apologized and did my best to learn from what had happened.
that being said, no one is a saint and we all make mistakes. I'm really happy (most) atiny handled the situation the way they did (by not attacking them and calling them names), and I'm glad the issue got acknowledged quickly. however, the majority of desi atinys I've seen have expressed wanting to hear from the members themselves, and putting myself in their shoes, I understand and respect that. one of my closest friends is desi and seeing her so upset over this was very difficult, and she told me that she would like to hear the members address this themselves. while I'm sure they did it out of ignorance (and not to directly mock a certain culture), desi atinys were still hurt and affected by this, and deserve the apology they want.
I'm not trying to invalidate your feelings, I respect your thoughts and I'm very glad you've gotten closure over this situation. but others haven't, and considering they're affected greatly by this, I don't think we should label their protests as an overreaction.
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lavender-jukebox · 1 year
How about parental decepticon stuff? I like the episodes where Tarantulas and Starscream end up as mentor figures
I love this idea...I hope I did it right-
Characters are Starscream, Soundwave, Tarantulas, Shockwave, Breakdown
(Reader is human btw-)
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Will gladly answer any questions you have about himself or about the history of Cybertron
He's protective of you weither you're bot or human.
he'll take you for flights in his cockpit when you've had a bad day and let's you vent whatever you need to.
He tries his best to be a role model for you but thinks because he was a decepticon he isn't good at it
You two have deep talks about the past and listen to eachother
Seems like he doesn't care for platonic cuddles but actually loves them
Likes to praise you for things you've done
Gives headpats
If you ever do anything that could involve you getting hurt, get ready for a stern lecture and a shit tone of scolds when you explain your reasoning
He just wants you to be safe and happy :)
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Probably the most parental decepticon out of them all
NEVER let's you out of his sight and insists you either stay beside him or sit on his shoulder
Gets a little worried if you and Frenzy ever rough house (cause you is a fleshie)
If you wanted, he would teach you how to hack
Has unlimited patience and you test this. All the damn time.
He always knows when's somethings up, but won't force you to tell him if you don't want to
If you want any affection he'll give it to you
VERY PROTECTIVE and will kick someone's ass if they lay a atom on you
He can be stern in more serious situations but doesn't intend to make you upset
If you're ever hurt he goes into mom mode and patches your injuries no matter what size
Likes it when you sit on his shoulder and blabber nonsense. He's all ears to hear what you have to say, no matter how stupid it seems
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Questions himself how he "adopted" a human but goes with it
Always keeps you within a distance where he can pluck you up if he senses danger
If you're energetic he'll let you climb and swing from his extra limbs
Some days you can convince him to play hide and seek
If he sense someone coming, he has a tiny burrow hole your size and hides you in there
A little paranoid if you leave the lab that G.H.O.S.T might find you so you have a little living space
Likes to poke you with his extra legs to make you giggle
Will teach you new things and walk you through whatever inventions he's making
Is happy if you offer to help him
More than happy to comfort you in a situation and has many limbs to hug you better
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He's like the strict dad who has eyes on the back of his head
Ironic for someone with only one eye but-
When you try and sneak out the lab or go for a walk, he'll ask where you're going or what you're doing without even turning
If you give him sass, he'll sass you back and you guys have a lot of playful bickers
Basically "home schools" you but not really
Just teaches you something new every day
Seems like he hates affection but will hold you in his hand or let you fall asleep on him as he works in the lab
Listens to every word you say and gives suggestions to help
You stump him all the time with shower thoughts
He makes sure you're healthy and makes you drink 8 cups of water a day as well as eating meals
Does not take no for an answer
Doesn't matter if you're 10 or a grown ass adult, he'll put you in a corner for time out
Oh he knows you're too old he just does it cause he's petty like that
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Not the best influence but definitely one of the more fun ones
He'll take you on energon runs as he explains to you not to turn out like him
Takes you to an empty street or raceway to absolutely speed
He cracks dad jokes all the time.
If you have a bad day he'll try to make you laugh by jokes or something
He's protective of you to the point where when he knows the littlest thing of G.H.O.S.T in the area, yall are gone
Teaches you how to fight in case of an event where he cannot be there for you
Doesn't mind carrying you or letting you sit on his shoulder
He might be a douche sometimes and moves the shoulder you're on to catch you off guard
Laughs when you swear
I wouldn't say he's like a parent but more so a parent / big brother type of guy
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sluttysissyslave · 11 months
For Sissies and Alike!
This is a very long post so bear with me, do with it what you wish, forget it if you want to, but maybe, just maybe consider it. So, let me tell you why and how you all became what you are today, and how to go forward. If you feel you relate to it then let it sit, if it doesn't, forget about it.
Most of you developed these feelings when you were alone and sad, your standards dropped lower and lower without you even realizing it, and next thing you know you're fantasizing about being a slut for women, or maybe even men. But what you forgot about, was that originally, you were just searching for female affection, the touch of that girl you really liked but were too afraid to go up to. You became so desperate for love, for some sort of connection that you started modifying things... "Maybe if I submit myself to a woman she will finally love me" you degraded yourself for love you didn't try hard enough to get. And now, behind a digital screen you've found what you call your little safe space, you don't feel like you're alone in this anymore, it's your coping mechanism. You seek validation in a place designed for men to be degraded, not validated. If you started cross-dressing when you were young. Ask yourself: did you get a lot of human connection? Did your parents pay attention to you? You realised that girls receive all the attention, the love you so desperately wanted that no-one gave you when you were young. So you subconsciously realised the being a girl could get you that. When you wore the girly clothes and finally felt warm, and embraced, you just manifested that for yourself over time and when it happened you actually believed it, which is only natural, that's what manifestation does. Your mind tricked you into believing that you found what you were looking for. 
So, we've established that doing sexually feminine things is because submissive thoughts in a gay way is because you crave the love and affection you've been missing in your life. 
Some people call this mental illness, I think that's disrespectful and inaccurate, I say these traits are mental coping mechanisms, and you know what? They feel good, they feel great in fact, but they aren't what you were meant to be, you find solace and comfort in those rushes of endorphins and other feel-good chemicals. But let me remind you, this isn't a long-term solution, you will realize this as time goes on, so you'll go even more extreme to cope, to get an even bigger rush. You need to reconsider, the withdrawal will feel terrible, but the way you are currently going won't get you to the desires you were always meant to have, not the ones you might think you're currently suppressing.
Arguably you are truly the victims, but no-one is coming to save you but yourself. You will always be tested, from all sides, it's up to you whether you give in or not. Be strong, don't give in, stand your ground. Trust that there's always a better way, a better option, one that's more rewarding than the path you're on now.
So why are you the victims? Well in modern western society it is being slowly programmed into people from a very young age, as soon as they can absorb information. Ideologies that men are worthless, good for nothing, and that women are superior. I don't want to go into the details of why this is the case because then you'll be reading this until tomorrow, but trust me that it's the case, and let me prove it with an adequate example. Most submissive men (and all woke and other LGBT people are all located in the "rich" west), almost none in eastern and conservative countries. Why is that? They don't have exposure to these things from a young age, it's not that sissies and alike don't exist there, they aren't created. Also they are often poorer than you are, with lots of social security, peace and plentiful resources, people get lazy and weak, those people living in let's say, Moldova, have other things to worry about than putting on makeup and sticking a butt plug up their bum. They aren't suppressing any femininity (sexually), they never had any to begin with.
Let's talk about how you and your thoughts are being manipulated.
Origins in modern pop culture:
Tv shows - the man is always the idiot and the woman is always the smart, reasonable one. That wasn't always the case in civilized history, both men and women were smart and reasonable, their combined traits completed each other's and they could be a strong couple. Let's look at some examples… It starts with Friends - Joey, Chandler, are portrayed as a bit dumb, and the girls generally smarter. The Simpsons - Homer is an idiot, his wife is the real boss. Family Guy - Peter is an absolute idiot and Louis is the brains of the family, a voice of reason. And it's even in shows for little children, in Peppa pig The father is hardly a figure to look up to. The disrespect towards men has been going on for decades, and it really started, rather perhaps interestingly, after the fall of the Soviet Union, but I once again don't want to get into politics or else this post will never end. We are at a stage now where especially if you're white you are almost persecuted for it. You can't disagree when I say all people should be treated equally right? So why doesn't that apply to race. A fitting quote to go by for this would be: "Don't humiliate yourself before anyone, and don't haughty yourself over anyone"
I actually feel terrible for the genuine, kind, trans women who have done so much for themselves and still don't maybe feel good and satisfied. You've had to overcome a lot in pursuit of happiness, and whether you made you right or wrong choice is now irrelevant. Try to live your best life with what you have, and don't look back, it's too late for that anyway, it would only make things worse now. Look towards the future and never look back, do things which make YOU happy, and not someone else.
For dominant women: Don't see this as a threat, there will always be guys who are more submissive, everyone is definitely and spread out all across the scale, you'll find who you're looking for, only men with with low self-esteem want a weak-minded woman who they can control in all aspects of life. Most men like a strong-minded woman, I also want a strong woman. But don't confuse this for sexual submissiveness/dominance, those aren't the same thing. Feminine doesn't mean weak! 
General statement: The world is all butterflies and fairy tales now, enjoy it while you can, it will get worse, wars are coming, political and ideological changes are going to happen and if you are unprepared then, I have news, it won't end well. You are living in a digital jail right now, you are getting affected/manipulated, but at the end of the day you are the one who holds your own phone or opens your computer. Give yourself the power to control yourself, and free yourself of this jail.
Become the type man you'd want to serve: Often I see people with slight or fully gay fantasies about men, or being outperformed by certain men (women want them and not you. Become that man. It's going to be hard, in fact it's going to be the hardest thing you will ever do in your life, and it won't even come close. Try it, a person should be adventurous in life so why wouldn't you like to feel what it's like being that person? And the best part is, if you don't like it, you can go back to what you were before and say that you've tried it all and found what you really are, but you can't say that without actually experiencing it, not even a discussion. It'll be a process for a minimum of 1-2 years, and will require discipline and self-control, hey that's similar to serving and/or being locked in chastity, both of those require discipline and self-control too. You can do it.
Find yourself: People love talking about finding themselves, I read it here every now and again, "I found my true self here". You cannot find yourself behind a digital screen, you will find yourself by putting yourself in difficult situations, the easiest way to do that is by going into nature. Take a large backpack with only your essentials and survive in the forest for a week. If that's too much, then just go out in the morning, spend the night and come back, walking through terrain and getting to some destination. Maybe you live in a cold climate, in winter go out into the snow and walk around the forests all day. Remember to bring an emergency phone if going to places you don't know too well. 
Estrogen vs Testosterone: Estrogen makes you girly, and Testosterone manly, we know that right? To increase your estrogen naturally you can drink soy product, live an unhealthy lifestyle, and mentally stimulate yourself. You cannot produce as much estrogen naturally as a woman does, you'd have to take supplements. A healthy lifestyle in women increases their estrogen, and a healthy lifestyle in men increases their testosterone. You can increase your testosterone by exercising, eating meat (protein), onion, dark chocolate, a Mediterranean diet is pretty good, and of course getting high quality sleep, (here I am at 3am writing this post - hypocrite, I'm ashamed and I'll work on it).
Reward yourself. When you achieved a goal to becoming your new masculine life, treat yourself to something fulfilling. Whether it's some sort of food or an experience. We all need positive affirmations. You can reflect on what you've done well and what you've done poorly. Like me who wanted to s few important things and instead procrastinated for 3 days, hence, no reward, but as double self motivation I'll do a super big reward after putting myself together and getting all I wanted done (this post was no. 5 priority).
Belief. Believe in yourself that you can do it, your mind is extremely powerful, you give it less credit than it deserves, if you channel it the right way then it was serve you as a great tool.
Energy. Energy is another real, powerful, but invisible thing. Have you ever entered a historical religious place of worship? Like an ancient church in Europe or a mosque in the old Ottoman Empire like Turkey or even spain, a Buddhist or Hindu temple in Asia… they all have energy which you can feel, you absorb things differently with various energies. Or maybe more relatable, you're having fun at an outgoing fun party, you feel good right, smiling and enjoying life. That's positive energy. If you put yourself in environments with the type of energy you are currently looking for, it will help, a lot. I don't mean to say you should be religious or anything, but there's nothing wrong if you are or want to, it gives you hope and a sense of safety and security in its own ways.
Stand up for yourself. Have some morals and beliefs which you like and stand by. Don't be afraid to defend them in an argument.
This is my first authentic post on this website and I was very hesitant to make it, after all no-one might even read what I spent so much time on, but if at least one person is somehow positively influenced then it was worth it. I know that I will probably be reported by someone simply because they didn't agree with what I wrote, and my account will be taken down. If you don't agree with the things I said then ignore them, I made this for people who can resonate with something I wrote (not at all necessarily all of it), people who don't even know why they like the things they like, know it's not what they always wanted but find pleasure in it now. Hence please reblog if you like what you read, it won't be here forever.
If you are unsure or want to discuss anything feel free to DM.
If you want to do some research yourself, start with researching "Subliminal perception". It's absolutely everywhere and affects everyone, like it or not.
I might start positive things with a little political subcontext explaining my points further.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
chuuya, kunikida, and dazai with an s/o who would hide under the bed for no reason besides its nice down there and would sometimes grab their ankle to scare them
i would love to hang out under my bed tbh but i keep all my stuff under there lol. good deterrent for demons because then they can't fit under there
S/O who hides under the bed
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♡ pairing: Chuuya Nakahara, Doppo Kunikida, Dazai Osamu x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How are these guys with an S/O who likes hanging out under the bed?
♡ cw: Swearing, teensy tiny bit of NSFW in Dazai's part.
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Seriously though. Thank you guys for all your sweet comments and messages I really appreciated all of them very much (and yes each one made me cry). I might not say it very much but I love all of you guys and I'm thankful for your support. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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He's just kinda like...wha...? He's so confused at first lol
Even if you grab his ankle and try to scare him, he's just like...why'd you do that babygirl (gender neutral term). He'd also find it kind of adorable how frustrated you get that it didn't work, but what were you expecting? He's a mafia executive babygirl (again, gender neutral term)
Chuuya is little amused by your under-the-bed habit and lowkey thinks it's pretty cute. At first though he was kinda worried as to what caused it, but if it makes you feel better then he doesn't care
If he wants you out of there he will coax you out with your favourite food or something like you're a puppy (he's getting his yearning for a pet dog out of his system don't worry)
Probably wouldn't go under the bed with you super often, but you guys would have a lot of conversations while he's laying on the bed and you're laying under it. It's surprisingly easy to do!
Would start leaving you little gifts/snacks down there sometimes as a surprise
Probably wouldn't encourage you to sleep under there though. Spinal health and all
As always Chuuya is very supportive and all he wants is for you to feel happy and safe <3
Worried about this habit at first. He assumes that it's some kind of trauma response. Whether it is or it isn't he'll learn to accept it don't worry
That being said he doesn't really love it. If you wanna relax he'd rather that you do it in a more comfortable space. If you're under there because you don't feel great then he'd rather you just talk to him. He'd do (almost) anything to make you feel better :')
If you grabbed his ankle one time to scare him he might never recover. Like he'd be genuinely terrified. Might faint or burst into tears or scream or something idk
Absolutely would chide you for your "childish behaviour". In all honesty he just feels like it's something Dazai would do and he suffers enough from this kind of thing at work
But yes in the end he would forgive you if you apologised to him. Might not be so kind if you continued trying to scare him though
Leaves you a pillow and a blanket down there just in case you get cold. He won't leave any food though because he's worried about ants and mould and stuff
Wouldn't go under there with you though. Sorry but he just doesn't wanna 😪
Honestly? As long as you're getting your shit done, he doesn't mind where you spend your free time
He literally doesn't even question it. Sometimes small spaces are just cosy y'know?
Dazai literally lived in a shipping container (at least I think? I haven't read Stormbringer yet T-T). He'd be all up for hanging out under the bed whether or not you were with him lol
The first time you grab his ankle to scare him, if you're lucky, you'll catch him off guard. But you're never getting his ass again, ever
I mean sometimes he might play along to humour you, but you'll literally never actually scare him again. Like he just walks into your bedroom under the assumption that you're under the bed and prepared to scare him.
Straight up if he can't find you when he wakes up or something he'll just guess that you're under the bed and won't bother you.
That being said if you straight up disappeared or something he'd obviously worry about you. But he gives you space when you need it, and will only come under the bed with you if you say he can
Also he would definitely start doing it to you. Both as revenge and just because he thinks it's funny, but he'll stop if you ask him to (you don't. It straight up becomes a war)
He straight up might try to get it on with you under the bed, as if there's room or something. Damnit Dazai
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fedyushka, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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vimook · 2 months
first thoughts are about how really comfortable and warmed up rak has become to mut's innate affection. he quite literally scootches closer and closer to mut, the more he feels the consistent tender care radiating from him like a moth is attracted to light (and this is not derogatory at all, i love moths). mut is quite literally the star that rak orbits around and is drawn to. the fact that we're able to witness the gradual development of that shift is top tier writing and directing.
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i also want to highlight how mut keeps letting him know that he can indeed lean on him and rak does like it's the most natural thing in the world, in his world at that. as someone who has always had to rely on solemnly himself, it is quite a feat how easily he allowed himself to break that mold.
he says it himself,
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just like the characters that will end up being each other's shelter in one way or another, and that last part is very important for me because rak is beginning to realize that the love he thought was only in his imagination, in the very same characters he now relates to, might actually be a reality. what he doesn't realize yet is that the moment that he's in right now, is one of the many calms before a storm. and that he's going to have to choose that shelter, that safe place, that strength every single day. just like he did that night when, in the face of his greatest terror, he chose to give that coldness, a strong embrace and warmth, rather than feed it. he chose to stay. he chose that some things can be held. he chose that he doesn't have to be alone.
sidenote: the color grading and lighting in the bed scene are excellence because the warmth and the cold meet all at once
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that he doesn't have to leave.
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that he can be and is loved.
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that he matters.
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that he isn't taken for granted.
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that his presence in people's lives has meaning and is cherished.
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and that he must and can hold that in.
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that he knows how to love better than he thinks, and that will be the challenge. entering mahasamut, who wants to be helpful. who worries. who wants to love. who stays. who is the calm before the storm but who will soon start to feel like the most terrifying and beautiful storm in rak's life. that often means regressing to self-sabotage and old habits. freeze in your fears. be hesitant about being surprised and unfolding something new.
i think i have spoken a lot on how i feel about mut's selflessness and each time he chooses to love someone, there is a little boy still hoping he can receive an ounce of what he gives, though he never really asks for anything back. but he's human. you can work on your trauma all your life and there will still be moments where you're the one who needs to be chosen and embraced. you can be love and still want to feel loved. sometimes you just would like to take some for yourself. so, question is whether you can love in chaos. because for me, mahasamut is so used to navigating other people's chaos that he doesn't give space for his own so each time he asks something of tongrak, reminds him of something. he might want an actual answer back. he might want to be asked about how much he holds on to people, about how much he doesn't want to disappoint them, about how much he doesn't want someone to leave. how much he doesn't like to not find someone he loves next to him in bed after holding them.
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Hello!!! =D
This follows from Part 1
Warning: long post 😊😅
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Oh you're still here 😶
Honestly, I was really liking his character right up till he said this. He was nice, friendly, and yes, a little invasive, but as long as Peem didn't mind, I was okay. But we all know how a love rival saying these words go in BLs, so when he said this, alarms went off in my head. And he continued flirting. Which is not okay. I know Peem doesn't really mind, but still. Kluen, you are a mostly decent human, but please take a rejection as it's supposed to be taken.
Also, when he says he's handsome and rich, and Peem jokes about how much he's willing to "invest", Peem says "Phum is handsome, too." No mention of his money. If Phum heard this, he'd be jumping and squealing, but it also tells us that Peem cares fuck all about how rich Phum is. Which will probably help Phum gain more confidence in this love.
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Who the fuck cares. 🙂
Listen, as I said in my previous post, I'd decided to ignore the parents because they didn't deserve any attention, but when he stopped Fang from going after Phum, I was furious. That is nothing compared to what I felt in this scene. You ruined his childhood, gave him trauma that he'll never be able to fully leave behind, gave Fang trauma too, and then you dare to ask him why he doesn't talk to you? You have the audacity to keep pestering him even after he says he has something to do? And now you're ruining his adult life too. With all due respect, which is absolutely none: fuck. off.
@almayver I'm really thinking of writing that fic. 🙂
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I love this friend group so much.
The moment Q says Peem is sad they all barge into his house to cheer him up, no hesitation. They don't demand to know the whys and hows (Q does, but he already knows), just settle in comfortable and loudly, and be their chaotic selves. This reminds us that despite all the flirting and cheesy lines and hugging and kissies, friendship will always be a priority for these group of friends.
And let's be honest, Peem expected Aunt Pui, and we all expected Phum. This was a very nice surprise.
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All this time, Peem wasn't upset Phum was late. He was worried about Phum.
This was the scene that made me cry. We Are was supposed to be a simple romcom. WHAT IS THIS THEN.
I just- I really have nothing to say here, they said it all.
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They both did what they did and are feeling what they are because they're important to each other.
Phum did it because he didn't want to ruin Peem's big day again. And Peem is upset and worried because he thinks he might not be Phum's safe space anymore.
Peem's reaction tells me that maybe he was over the moon last episode when he could provide comfort to Phum. And he's very very glad that at least with him, Phum can be himself. This incident makes him question that, which leads him to questioning their entire relationship. Phum himself said (many times in various ways) that Peem makes him feel good and warm and comfortable, and he's not lonely anymore. But... if Peem isn't that to Phum anymore, then what is he?
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This is one of the best love confessions Thai BL has ever given me.
I have nothing else to say. This has already given us all enough emotional damage.
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This reminds me of that textpost: "Caught giving a fuck. Embarrassing."
Love that Q has already accepted Phum hehe. You know your man is good when he's bestie-approved.
Love even more how he's giving the cold shoulder to Phum and then defending him to Peem 😭
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Well he did, but apparently your ears were "muffled".
Also- love this scene.
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I mean, I get him though, who the hell would be able to say no to Phum's "please? 🥺"
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Just putting this here 'cause I happened to pause at the right moment and this scene is beautiful and very pretty. <3
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I missed Matt (JJ) and his impeccable sense of humour so bad
Every group is incomplete without a Matt hehe
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If I had a rupee for every time a couple kissed at this booth, I'd have two rupees, which is nothing, but it's strange it happened twice.
Another very beautiful scene. <33
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He says that as if he isn't squealing and giggling inside. But. FINALLY. OUR PATIENCE HAS BEEN REWARDED, THEY'RE FINALLY DATING!!!!
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OOH flower bouquet kiss hehe
Reminds me of QToey tote bag kiss
Next ep:
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Portrait drawing?!!
Anyways, that's all for this week, see you next ep!
If you got this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have some ice cream 🍨
My We Are posts.
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stranger-opinions · 11 days
maybe it's not a writers-block; maybe you just need a break
creativity is a muscle, right?
you need to exercise it to keep it in good shape, to have it ready when you need it and don't we all love those hyperfocused sprints of writing where the words just spill out of our fingertips...
but muscles get sore when you overuse them, will strain when you force them past their limits, they need nourishment to stay healthy and in shape
fandom today has a competitive atmosphere. many wouldn't admit that; it's supposed to be fun after all. just vibing with our mutuals, playing with the blorbos having a fun time online to scratch a few itches.
but the truth is that it can become a lot of pressure rather fast.
putting out several k of (edited) writing a month, setting up painstakingly formatted posts with the right tags and a fun header we spent hours on to look effortlessly cool and eye-catching just to hit post and then feel... nervous. excited too, sure...
but damn, when will the next chapter be finished? or the next one shot? will there be enough time to put a few blubs in between so that the few people who actually seem to care won't forget about us and move on?
writing for writing's sake is a nice notion. the myth of the self-sustaining artist who needs nothing more than a passion and their tools of choice.
but shit isn't just created out of nothing.
what has that all to do with the title of this post do you ask?
very few people can just keep going and going making art like that without needing any breaks and a good portion of those people very likely have very different conditions than most of us have with full-time jobs, families, school and so on.
For many of us writing is a main outlet, an important hobby and a safe space but that still doesn't change that it is a creative hobby, an outlet that demands energy: emotional, mental and physical (typing for hours is hard work if you want to believe it or not) and that sometimes makes it impossible to accept that we just need a fucking break.
"writers-block", in my own experience, is my brain telling me that something is off and that it's on strike until I fucking fix that.
and sometimes it's just that I need a break.
that I need to recharge my creative batteries, take in things that inspire me, that make me happy and get me excited without having to make anything myself. to just be. take some walks amongst trees, watch a new series, read a new book, go into a deep dive of some random topic on wikipedia until I don't know where the fuck I started from.
sometimes I just need to log out, cut the overstimulation of a never ending dashboard, turn off what everybody else on tumblr is doing, how much everbody is putting out, get away from my frustration about "my flopped fic" or the latest fandom drama and reconnect with the real reason I am doing this.
the love for stories and the source material.
for some people those breaks can be as short as two days, for other is might be weeks or months and that is not only okay but totally normal.
sometimes you might realize that the reason you are not writing is that you actually don't want to. sometimes you just want to daydream without the extra work sometimes you're just not in a writing mood and it's not much deeper than that.
that doesn't have to mean you're done with your blorbos. it just means that there are more valid and fun ways to play with them.
don't worry, the fandom will still be there when you decide to pick up the keyboard again. maybe with less people, maybe with many different people but you will always find someone who cares. those who have moved on to different things not come back wouldn't likely have stayed if you had powered through.
fandom shouldn't be a you're in or you're out thing but a place you come to when you want to.
contentification of fandom has had a lot of negative effects on the way we create and so many people fade from their hobby because they simply burn themselves out to a point where it leaves a scar.
so. find something that makes you happy that does not require you to invest too much creational energy. rest those muscles as long as it takes.
nothing you can get on tumblr or ao3 is worth the sore brain, the frustration with yourself and the stress you add onto your mental health ontop of everything else in your life.
recharge, reevaluate, reconnect
have fun
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mysadcorner · 1 year
Hiii!!!! First of all I love your headcanons and I was wondering if you could do protective Jason Todd headcanons, please?
Protective!Jason Todd x Reader Headcanons
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-Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests
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Jason is typically very protective of you no matter how much you reassure him that you're safe and he has nothing to worry about. His protectiveness gets incorporated into everything he does and he's constantly on the look out for things that might bother you or annoy you, even if they aren't threatening you with violence.
He isn't typically protective because of the people around him that he knows (because he is sure of who he trusts and lets people know when he doesn't want them to be around). He's more so protective when you're in crowded places together as something may happen that he can't exactly see coming right in front of you, or you may get separated from him and something back could happen that way.
He's always worrying about you when you're not around and what you may be up to. He doesn't worry about you getting yourself into trouble as he knows that you know how to keep yourself safe, but he is worried about anyone trying to get to you or doing something towards you that he wouldn't approve of or let happen if he was around.
If you're going to be going out with your friends, especially at night time, then he will be pretty overbearing. He'll be calling you pretty often and may even go out to keep an eye on you from a distance if he isn't busy. Because of this you will have to talk to him about giving you some space to be with friends, and although he will be unwilling he will eventually realise that the way he's behaving is a bit obsessive and overboard before he gives you the space you're asking for.
If you're a vigilante then he'll be constantly hovering over you and keeping you away from the direct threat. He knows that the people you both go up against can be a lot larger than you, and may be able to overpower you easily during a fight, so he's always trying to take over for you and keep you away from the danger no matter how much that annoys you.
If someone does try to directly hurt you physically (and seriously in an emotional way) then Jason will deal with them through violence, although he doesn't want you to see that side of him. He's blinded by his protectiveness and seeing someone think that they can harm you in any way with him around send him into a frenzy of pure rage before he softens up again and makes sure that you're not hurt or upset by what he and the other person did.
He'll definitely go after people, or at least send someone else in his place, without telling you before hand. Jason is able to access a lot of information before anyone is aware that he's got it, so most of the time this will happen when someone is out to get you in order to get to him whilst stopping you from worrying. To him, what you don't know won't hurt you.
Jason's protectiveness does make him pretty clingy towards you, even if he doesn't realise it at first. He wants to constantly be with you and this includes him missing out on important things just to be with you more often even if he might get into a bit of trouble for it.
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Ooookay (please once again bare with me for the request and I'm half asleep so it might not make sense) anyway another Hope x hybrid female reader (secret little). So like reader is normal this tough and independent girl who isn't afraid to speak her mind. As for the plot (?) the reader gets super stressed out over family issues or school (Alaric) and she hides in her room to regress because she's embarrassed or maybe even ashamed to tell Hope since Hope's only ever seen her as tough. (When reader regresses, she's into like coloring and stuffed animals and cuddling) anyway, while the reader is coloring, Hope walks into her dorm (she never knocks) and it catches bothbof them off guard but Hope quickly regains her composer. The reader is rather quiet when she regresses as well like she's always scared to talk.
Anywho, thank you for your time in reading this and thank you for you patience with me 😄 (please let me know if it's too demanding or detailed or anything you don't like🙏🏽)
Hiding No More
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Little hybrid female reader x Hope Mikaelson
Warnings: swearing, very brief and not detailed mentions of past trauma, but the rest is fluff!
A/n: Don't worry about anything babe!!! I love detailed requests 💛
Hope watches as you storm out of the room, hands acting as if you're trying to strangle someone. Doctor Saltzman she assumes, considering you were obviously trying not to kick his ass.
She wants to go after you, but she thinks it's best to let you cool and calm down a bit.
You want to smash everything in your path on your way to your room. After you slam the door closed, you lean against it, eyes turning amber. You slide down the door, crouching into a half fetal position.
Taking deep breaths, you start calming yourself down. There's still a want to smash Alaric's head into his desk, over and over and over again in the back of your head, but that's always there. What you want to do is just slip into your safe spot.
Its the only thing you've never told your girlfriend. You don't know how she'd react to you having a little space. She already has so much on her plate and you don't want to add to it with your own problem. Thanks a lot mom and dad, you thought, considering they were absolutely horrible parents and how you researched age regression after they abandoned you for good.
Fuck this, you think to yourself and slowly start getting up off the ground. You kick your combat boots off beside your mirror on your way to your opened closet.
You pull out a Disney fairies coloring book and a pack of 24 crayons from one of the shoe boxes you have. Walking over to the soft rug beside your bed, you lay your things down and sit down on it as well, legs crossed.
You turn to a page with Faun and Iridessa and start coloring it in.
After twenty minutes, Hope goes over to your room. She walks opens your door and walks in without knocking, just like she always has since you guys became friends when you first came to the school a couple years back. You guys bonded over both being part werewolf and vampire/soon-to-be vampire, and you told her stories about her dad since he's the one who turned you. After shutting the door behind her, she turns back to look in the room. Her eyes immediately widen, meeting yours, where you're sitting on the ground, yellow crayon in hand.
Your eyes also widen, but there's a sprinkle of fear in them. Your girlfriend just walked in on you coloring a little kid colouring book. You'd think that surprise and fear in one would jump you out of your headspace, but you're wrong. Sitting on the ground, you're still deep in your toddler headspace, it's not as young as you could be but it's not exactly great at the moment.
Hope snaps out of her staring, and makes her way over to you. She notices a half-drunken sippy cup of apple juice sitting beside you.
You start curling into yourself, not wanting Hope to see you like this.
"Hey, you don't need to be afraid y/n/n" Hope says gently, crouching down beside you. You look up at her, vulnerability shining through your eyes. Hope can see why you'd want to hide, you're not one to easily show being vulnerable.
She tries to rack her brain for why your behavior seems so familiar until she realizes it. Your parents sucked and were horrible to you, creating trauma for you, and you needed some way to cope with it, so your mind found comfort in your headspace regressing from a teenager to a kid. Age regression. She read about it in one of the books she has a couple months ago for one of her classes, not thinking anything of it and why it seemed familiar, until now.
She sits, legs crossed. "Your mind is different right now, isn't it? younger?" She asks with a comforting small smile on her face. Hesitating, you slowly nod your head. "Can you tell me how old you are sweetie?" she asks.
"Th-three" you speak quietly, not used to ever speaking in little space since you had no one to speak to. "...Are you mad?" you squeak out next, wanting to get it over with in the sense that she is most likely going to break up with you.
"Of course I'm not mad, baby. I love you so much, I want to take care of you," she tells you and kisses your forehead.
A second later, she feels you crash into her, head nuzzling into her neck. She wraps her arms around your torso and holds you close. "I'm always here for you, baby girl, no need to hide anymore" she whispers, eyes closed.
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nullbutler · 11 months
because it's impossible to truly get into the depths of a very hyper specific situation, here's a checklist of 'am I being groomed' [specifically for ONLINE SPACES]
keep in mind that grooming, in this sense, could not be seen as inherently rigged for sexual exploitation. there are a lot of different examples. this also works as a checklist of the intrusive worry of 'am I accidentally grooming someone.' as long as you aren't doing any of that, there's no reason you'd think you would be a groomer. this isn't even age specific. it can happen to anyone at any time if they are susceptible.
none of these specifically mean anything, but together/if added together, they should be cause for alarm
any victim of this sort of behavior should know: it's not your fault, you can always recover, you deserve better friends, you deserve to be happy, you don't deserve to be isolated
I honest to god felt the same way about a year ago. And, now, while I'm still coming to terms with it, I have never been more happy and sure of myself now that I'm out of the situation. and I want the same for you, genuinely. it's isolating and bizarre.
and here: the checklist
are they showing you pornography or explicit content that makes you uncomfortable?
are they encouraging you to seek out specific pornography?
is that pornography in a moral sense illegal?
are they encouraging you to do illegal things or things that might put you in danger?
do you wonder if they ever actually care about you?
do they only talk to you when you're emotionally vulnerable?
do you feel like you need to act outside of how you'd typically act to please them?
do you feel like you need to expose yourself to things you wouldn't normally want to to please them?
do you feel isolated from people outside of the opinions they hold?
do you feel like 'if everyone knew who I really was, they'd hate me?"
do you feel like you're secretly a bad person
do you feel like you can't hold any moral stance on issues because your morals are too far gone?
do you feel like you can defend heinous actions because you (and specifically this other person) are just as guilty your selves
are they telling you that they're the only person/group of people who can 'fix' an issue you have?
are they telling you that looking at upsetting and triggering material is the only way to fix yourself?
are they making you feel as though you don't have a choice about something about yourself?
are they telling you to disregard belief systems that are in place to keep you safe?
are they desensitizing you to things (showing you something bad, showing you something bad, showing you something worse; you don't perceive it as worse)
do you feel like their values are more important than your own morals?
do you feel like you're beyond saving because of what they've told you?
The best course of action to this kind of thing isn't even legal based because that's impossible to determine/prove; it's : please leave. please find somewhere safe to go.
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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You were in class 1a and you met Mei at the sports festival. Now, Mei might be calm and collected and sane, but when she saw you.... she went insane with love, something she NEVER bothered till she saw how PERFECT and innocent and adorable you were. It's your typical 'love at first sight' scenario
You didn't make the first move. SHE did. She was so excited being around you, she started squealing how cute you were every five minutes. You were a bit shy and asked her to quite down and she agreed though secretly, she wanted to show the world that you both were soulmates and were meant to be together. She wanted to show everyone that you were hers, ALONE
She's the type of yandere who's clingy, delusional and POSSESSIVE ASF! Not to mention creepy too
She'll just stalk you if you've injured yourself that day or something like that. What!? She, just wants you to be safe, that's all. But other than that, she'll insert some of her gadgets around your room and around your house just for her to know that you're safe
She just LOVES spoiling you and showering you with lots and lots of love and affection. Like I said, her clinginess is TOO MUCH, there won't be single second of the day when she won't be hovering around you like your shadow
If anyone tries bullying you? Oh, what a shocker: A BODY HAS BEEN DISCOVERED!!!
She won't kill anyone if they flirt with you though... she'll just let her 'babies' do the job FOR HER (aka, her many gadgets). She might tamper with some of her inventions and hand it over to the guy who flirted with you asking them to hold it for a sec... and BOOM! They'll get a few broken bones and injuries and NONE of them are gonna be from her side. At the very least, if they STILL continue to do so, she might 'accidentally' make one of the gadgets malfunction and kill them and make it look like an accident that no one has the answer for 
Very sneaky and secretive when it comes to killing people. She isn't the most patient yandere on the block so if anyone tries their nonsense with you... well, let's see how good they'll look with a burned and scorched face for the rest of their life
She won't invade your privacy like watching you shower and all that. She isn't THAT much of a creep. She'll give you space at least for that
Now for the million dollar question: Will she kidnap you? A 10000000000% YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, let's face it. She thinks you're a gift to HER from the heavens above and she WORSHIPS you like some god/goddess. She wants to be in your presence for the rest of her life (And yours too). So, when it comes to kidnapping you, she'll try her best not to use drugs on you. She'll just invent something that'll release a gas that'll knock you out and don't be surprised when you wake up in a room that'll look like this
If you refuse eating anything she gives you, she's obviously gonna start worrying her head off. Of course, machines were much easier than humans but she's willing to let you adjust. When you kept on refusing ALL your meals, she started getting really worried. Do you want something else? Are you allergic to the food? Are you sick? She'll try giving you your favorite food and even THEN you still won't eat it. Instead of losing her temper, she'll become really gentle and soft with you like a mother trying to feed her child. She'd grow really soft and patient with you. Mei would hold your hand, sit you down and ask what's wrong. And when you FINALLY start to eat something, be it a cracker or even a caramel, she'll act like she won the lottery for a million bucks (lol, delusional yanderes. Always living in their own fantasies)
She's the 'I'm gentle with you but Satan to others' type of yandere
Sometime during her gentle care of you, you'd realize that she actually cares about you and the reason you think so is because she never yelled at you or guilt tripped you or even raised her hand at you. True she released some waterworks when you were trying to adjust to your new lifestyle, but.... deep down she is still a person who has endless and infinite patience with you no matter how many times you act up or kick around or scream
Mei is NOT a sadistic yandere. She absolutely HATES seeing you get hurt and that's why she baby proofed the entire place and YES, even the FREAKING WASHROOM since she worried that you'll slip and fall and crack your skull open or something 
She will never punish you either. She doesn't believe in locking you up or starving you for days together. She thinks her love and affection isn't enough for you and while you're having a fit, she'll just hug you and let you calm down and not let go of you which usually results in you breaking down in tears while she comforts you and pampers you 
She won't kill someone unless ABSOLUTELY necessary
Overall, she isn't some psychopath and she'll treat you well. Just don't touch one of her gadgets or inventions or she'll make you wear SLIPPERS around the house 24/7
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love-toxin · 2 years
As someone who is on both the ADHD and autism spectrums, but wishes to remain anonymous....
Would the fruity four still... like me? Even if I'm weird and stim with my hands? Or if I say weird things and curse creatively? It's been a massive self esteem battle for me, because both of the people that I dated previously left me when I confided in them that I was on both the ADHD and autism spectrums....
first of all, im so sorry that happened my love! nobody deserves that, especially not such a sweet person <3 ty for sending me this ask not only bc you're giving me a reason to self-indulgently write about the fruity four with an autistic angel, but also bc!!! we're really alike!!! i love knowing there's somebody i can relate to out there 🥺🥺
I'll start off by saying; yes, of course! The fruity four are strong personalities and people, they have a bond with you that couldn't be broken by something like that, because it's part of what makes you you–and that's exactly what they love! The very thought of giving up on their true love because of a label is just bonkers, it makes no sense and they would be echoing that to you whenever you feel insecure about it. Also, let it be known that I'm totally on the train of headcanoning both Eddie and Robin as being on the spectrum. I like to think Eddie's stronger on the autistic side, whereas Robin is more adhd with her social skills being more pronouncedly autistic. So with this in mind, I think they'd already be very sensitive to whatever your personal experiences are on either spectrum! And they can relate to you inherently a lot better than most people, including both Nancy and Steve.
Not to say that those two are oblivious or apathetic, however, because they certainly are not! They just don't have the same experiences to empathize with you, so they've gotta put a little more work in to help themselves understand how you operate. Your boundaries are a relatively easy thing to start off with; they're something they've probably already gone over, just not as in-depth as they're used to. You might sit there shy and a little teary-eyed even, worrying yourself to death that they're going to laugh at you or make fun of the things that you say you need or that bother you, but Nancy and Steve will be so patient in listening and Robin and Eddie will encourage you to say everything that comes to mind. Your shared space is always a safe space, there's no fear of abandonment or rejection that you need to worry about here, and they'll do as much reassuring as it takes until you really feel comfortable and secure in knowing that. No moment of irritation or frustration or any meltdown will scare them away, no matter how big it gets. And they'll never think of you as childish for anything that you do or anything you get upset about.
Nancy's probably one of the easiest people to confide in about being on the spectrum, as a person who isn't perceivably on it herself. Even though she doesn't experience life in the same way you do, she's a fantastic listener and she treats your explanations and understanding your neurodivergency almost like a hobby in itself. When you mention some term or new behavior that you can't put a name to, she's off to the library to research anything and everything that has to do with autism and adhd–and soon she's the one coming to you not just with questions, but new information she picked up and surveys she wants to do to compare your personal experience to the studies she reads, to see if what's been published is accurate to the real-life experience. And you can damn well bet she's committing a bit of library graffiti in her chosen books if she comes across insensitive articles or tampered studies, or really anything that suggests that autism is some kind of disease or that it's a walking death sentence to any poor parent that finds their child is diagnosed with. She'll scratch out those horrid comments and outright false statements and write the corrections in the margins so long as she has the evidence, to the point that she pouts when she gets banned from borrowing any books for a month when she gets caught. "It was worth it," she insists, more concerned with getting the truth out there than being lectured by the crotchety old librarian–and you can bet she'll stand by her opinions even in public, even with strangers and ill-mannered people, because knowing you feel safe and wanted matters more to her than smiling and nodding along.
The only one that might be put off is Steve, but not in a bad way, and only at first. He's not as used to the way you and Eddie socialize, primarily because he's grown up and has gotten adjusted to the ways that neurotypical kids interact with each other. The way he carries himself and how he speaks to people is what he thinks is normal, so while he sees bluntness or awkward wording or seemingly oblivious social cues as abnormal, he doesn't think it's a bad thing at all. Clearly by the way he and Eddie exchanged conversation when they first met, he's more endeared by it than anything else, even though it takes him more time to understand it. He's used to picking between the lines of conversation to pick up cues and body language of whatever the other person isn't saying out loud, but luckily he's quick to realize that you don't necessarily speak the same way, and he just has to listen to you to know what you're trying to say. And once he learns about masking and sees you slowly become more comfortable with not doing it around him, he gets soooooo excited because he really feels like you're bonding, then, and that you trust him enough to stim or chatter on around him!
And with Eddie and Robin? They're so tuned in it's honestly hilarious. Eddie's constantly on the hunt for things he knows are part of your special interests–he finds little pieces of merch from bands or shows or movies you like, or things that are your favourite colour that he thinks you'll like. And he knows what your favourite animals are and what fabrics and textures you like, and pretty much anything and everything that has to do with your interests is noted down so he can use the information to his advantage. Robin's the same way, although you and her can talk for hours about the things you're passionate about, to the point that you both might forget to eat or sleep until exhaustion finally takes over, and you pass out in her bed or on the couch together.
Also, stimming? It's a normal thing in the household, and they will absolutely make sure that you feel like it's normal. Eddie tugs on his hair and plays with his watch, flaps his hands, claps, cracks his knuckles–and Robin has a few vocal stims like humming or making other little sounds through her teeth, aside from spinning her rings around and sometimes pacing around in circles with music or a movie on in the background. If you're restless and you move around a lot while they're cuddling with you, they get used to it quickly, and if you have days where you just absolutely do not want to be touched, they know that it's not personal and don't get offended if that goes on for awhile. It's the nice thing about having multiple partners, none of you really need to worry about feeling lonely or not having someone to confide in when someone isn't able to.
It's just a good time all around, really. They love you, you make them happy, and there's too much bad in this world for them to toss aside someone that really cares for them. Besides, how different are you from them, really? Each of them have things to deal with that frustrate them sometimes, or make them feel like they're a burden themselves. It's just a matter of accepting it, coping with it, and moving along, and letting the cycle repeat as many times as it needs to to let you enjoy life with the people you love.
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marigoldwitch · 1 year
Witchcraft | Dirt
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There are tons of different dirt, from different places, that can all hold different energies and properties. Firstly, a lot of these are my own personal correspondences. So, if something doesn't resonate with you, don't worry just try to figure out what does. Hopefully this list will at least give you an idea of where to start or maybe help you think outside the box when it comes to this specific popular tool in witchcraft.
Graveyard or Cemetery Dirt
I feel as if this is probably one of the most popular dirt, that a lot of witches have experience using. This dirt is great for lots of different work like ancestral, spirit, protection, healing, and lucky are some of the most popular uses for this dirt. Some witches believe that graveyard dirt is only useful if it's collected from an actual grave. Personally, I believe any dirt collected from a graveyard (whether it be an actual grave or just somewhere on the property) can be just as powerful. If you're doing ancestral work, it's obviously suggested that you get dirt directly from an ancestor's grave. And it's advised that you don't take dirt from the grave of someone you don't know. And don't forget to always leave an offering, even if you don't take from any specific grave (and just take it from the property) still be sure to leave an offering for the spirits that rest there.
Here's another post I made about graveyard dirt alternatives
Church or Holy Dirt
I don't see this one talked about as often as other dirt, but I think church dirt can be a very powerful tool in spells and rituals related to cleansing, healing and protection. Depending on the type of church the dirt is collected from it can also be used for other purposes too. For example, I consider catholic church dirt to be most useful in workings related to keeping secrets or helping me undercover secrets. Church dirt is powerful because the grounds are believed to be "holy ground." Also, depending on how long the church has been there, the amount of energy that has built up over the years can contribute too. Of course, I would suggest doing your research on whatever church you're thinking about getting dirt from. Just because something is considered "holy" and old, doesn't mean it's good. Plenty of churches hold bad and dark energy too. So be mindful.
An alternative for church dirt could be altar or sacred space dirt. If you practice a lot outside, in a specific spot, the ground beneath you holds that energy too. In my opinion, I'd consider that to be holy or sacred energy.
Crossroads Dirt
A crossroads is an intersection of two or more roads. I kind of bend this definition just a little bit because finding a dirt road isn't always easy. Finding a dirt path however, those are easier to come by. So, I consider cross paths to hold similar energy and properties. This dirt is great for spells and rituals related to travel (specifically astral or spiritual traveling), decision making, and manifesting opportunities. There are a ton of interesting lore around crossroads too. Most popularly known (in western cultures) as a place to summon the devil or demons that one can make a deal with for riches, fame, health etc.
Forest or Woods Dirt
Commonly a place someone might go to escape, and sometimes even get lost, forest dirt (or dirt from the woods, or a heavily wooded area) would be great for spells and rituals associated with lost things, adventurous travel, and astral work.
Dirt From Your Home
This dirt is best used in spells or rituals that directly involve or affect your physical home. Protection and banishing mostly. It's a great way to represent your home and it's energy in spells and rituals too. If you live in an apartment home, or you live in a city, you can use your own house plant's dirt as an alternative. If you're planning on traveling, you can carry a little dirt from your home as a "return home safely" charm as well.
Garden Dirt
Surprisingly this dirt can be one of the hardest to get your hands on because not everyone just has a garden, they can scoop some dirt from. Also, most gardens usually are on private property. But if you can sneak a little bit of dirt from a park garden or community garden, without ruining anything or disturbing any of the plants in the garden, I say go for it. Garden dirt is great for manifesting, growing, fertility, and abundance. Be sure to leave an offering though.
I also consider indoor herb gardens to be garden dirt too, and I believe they hold the same energy. Or even if you just have a small balcony garden at your apartment or townhome, that counts too.
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Bank Dirt
Hear me out, this dirt holds lots of energy related to money, luck, and finances. This dirt is powerful in spells related to these things too. A little bank dirt in a spells jar for financial stability is very powerful.
Railroad Dirt
This dirt is perfect for spells and rituals related to traveling, exploration, and new adventures.
Park Dirt
Perfect in spells and rituals associated with community and bounding. Local parks are known for being places that people can spend time together, go to community events, and build new friendships.
Courthouse, Jail, and Prison Dirt
This dirt is great for spells and rituals related to justices and protection. It could also be used in hexes for the same reasons.
Playground Dirt
Associated with innocence and wonder, this dirt would work great in workings related to childhood or your inner child work.
Hospital Dirt
Obviously, this dirt can be powerful in spells related to healing and health. Be really mindful of the type of hospital this dirt is from. The energy at a mental health facility is going to be different than at an ER or a maternity hospital. This could theoretically be used in cursing and hexing too. So keep that in mind as well.
School or Library Dirt
Great for spells and rituals associated with education and learning in general.
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Why dirt though?
Dirt is most commonly used to represent the element Earth in witchcraft and magical practices. It's not only believed that dirt holds energy related to the earth element, but that dirt itself can absorb and hold onto the energy around it. It helps plants grow, which is why a lot of witches believe burying manifestation spells will help our spells work better and faster; it'll help our manifestation grow.
Since dirt is believed to absorb and hold onto energy, it makes since that dirt in specific locations would correspond with specific energies. If hundreds and thousands of people have used a specific location for one similar purpose those grounds would be overflowing with that energy. Bank = Money. Courthouse = Justice. Graveyard = Death or Spirits. Crossroads = Travel. Church = Sacred.
How do I collect dirt?
Be very mindful of where you're taking dirt from. Don't go digging through some random person's yard or garden for dirt lol. Don't forget to leave an offering, when necessary, too. I try to be as discreet as possible when I'm collecting dirt from a more crowded public place like a courthouse or bank. Other times it's a little easier to collect dirt without many weird stares, like in the woods, at an empty church, a graveyard, old railroad tracks etc. Make sure you have something to store your dirt in (a small jar or pouch) and be sure to properly label it when you get a chance.
So how do I use it?
There are so many different ways to actually incorporate dirt into your spells and rituals, that there is no possible way I would be able to list them all in one post. But get creative with it and don't be afraid to get your hands dirty. It's not just an ingredient for a spell jar!
I'll try my best to share different ways I've used dirt in my practice in a future post, that way I can hopefully give you some ideas on what you could do in your practice.
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burning-academia-if · 11 months
just a stray thought, (got alot of space in my mind during the holidays and the ROs cant help but occupy it HAHAHAHA) anyways, how would each of them react to a drunk text from MC asking to pick them up? hihihi
btw, the lars portrait was a real treat!! <33
Rook: One of the things about Rook is he's always been there when you asked. You'd get a response back almost instantly asking for your location, and before you know it he'd be there quick (was he speeding or not, who knows). He'd play it off like he was already in the area, and escort you back. Depending on the kind of drunk you are, he'd probably even be lightly amused lol
Beck: He's similar in that he'll always be there when you ask. There's probably a faint feeling of worry/relief, but as long as you're fine it eases away. He'll take you home, make sure you're ok before he leaves, and probably sets a bottle of Advil on the table just in case.
Rhea: Faintly exasperated LOL she doesn't really drink so she's used to be designated driver or the one that gets texts from friends to pick them up, especially because she'd never say no. At the very least, it's you, and she'll take any excuse to see you, even if you are drunk.
Zoe: They're so awkward about it, I fear they don't have much experience with drunk people either. I think they're also surprised they were the ones you texted first and not any of your other friends, and in a weird way it's almost like a realization that you trust them enough to be there for you. They'll still be overwhelmed when they go to pick you up, though aha.
Lars: In earlier stages, his first thought is to leave you there lmfaO his second thought is he can use this against you later in a 'I helped you out, now you need to help me out.' Crush/relationship stage he is still Annoyed, but he obviously isn't about to leave you there. As much as he hates it, your safety is now his biggest concern.
???: Honestly, they'd probably just ask permission to take you home and possess you to do it. Possession circumnavigates any state of your brain/body, and it might be wild to other people seeing someone go from drunk to sober again (unless you're someone who doesn't outwardly appear drunk). They wouldn't have any feelings about it, and since they're always with you, it's inevitable you'd be safe no matter what. They'd make sure of it.
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9leaguesofmirrors · 1 year
Dating Jed Hunter Headcanons
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Got this from a screenshot of an edit, credits to @mltvd on Instagram
I told y'all I'd do this! And I am a woman of my word! This is mainly for giggles, so I might not make another one (unless... /hj), but I was surprised by how well my Jed appreciation post did so I decided to make this for all the Jed Hunter fans and appreciators out there
This man puts the gentlemen in League Of Gentlemen. He'll always offer to pay, but won't push if you want to because he respects your right to choose. He'll offer to walk/drive you home and makes sure you get in safely. And he'll always compliment you whenever he gets the chance
He's the King of really bad dad jokes that he knows are awful
He also LOVES telling you dumb pick-up lines to make you both laugh. He'll come up behind you while you're doing something, wrap his arms around your waist, kiss your cheek, then say some corny line as he tries to hold his giggles in. Or he'll text you one without context occasionally
Whenever he struggles with casting, he'll show you audition footage and asks for your opinions - no matter how much acting experience you have, he truly appreciates your feedback
Cinema and drive-in theatre dates are an absolute guarentee. He likes discussing the film afterwards and hearing what you thought of it, even if your opinions differ. In fact, that makes it fun!
He's also down to watch something at home with snacks, he isn't fussed either way - time spent with you is time well spent
He could listen to you talk for ages. No matter what the subject is, even if he has no clue what you're on about, he loves seeing you get excited when you talk about things you're passionate about. He just thinks you're 👌🏻 kewl 👌🏻
This guy gives the best hugs. Seriously, they're warm and strong without crushing your bones. And he'll always give you one when you need it
Sometimes he worries that his worklife means he ends up neglecting you since being in the entertainment industry is very time-consuming ("so is eating a clock" would be his response) and it's too important to him to give it up. He sometimes fears that you might think he loves his job more than you, which is not true, so he'll try and make it up to you by getting you involved in projects he does. Backstage jobs, small roles in the background, he'll always offer if there's a space for you - but of course, he'll never push the point. His logic is, rather than having to choose between the two things he loves, why not blend them together?
But make no mistake, he's always up for getting stuck in with your hobbies too! No matter what it is, he's always up to try something new. Even if it's super niche, Jed is open for it
Although he always prioritises treating everyone equally... he's not opposed to giving you discounts to any shows/films he puts on - and they just happen to be the best seats in the house
Dating Jed is like dating your best friend: fun and completely relaxed
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pidges-lost-robot · 1 year
I see a lot of fanfic about the trope of the team meeting a planet of empaths but it's always just been in the pushing Keith and Lance's relationship way but like I want an episode where they go a planet of empaths who very much revere the concept of love and are in the middle of a holiday celebrating it and the team presumes its gonna be like a valentines thing but it turns out that the celebration of every kind of positive love and explores some of the Paladins dynamics as well as exploring what would happen if you put these space traumatised weirdos on a planet where they feel pressured to make a good impression full of citizens that can just read all of their feelings.
Like Shiro really struggling and trying to not seem like he's avoiding the people reading his emotions cause he's got such a complex about not putting those feelings onto anyone he doesn't have to. He tries to get around being read and has to come to terms with the idea that sometimes there just isn't a way to constantly protect others from the things about you that might be difficult to understand and that in certain situations you may even find yourself safe to just breathe and let that worry go for a while.
Pidge kind of coming to terms with the idea that yes she loves and misses her family after she's found them out in space but finding out from the empaths that she loves the paladins now similarly, she's come to kind of love the Paladins as her found family too and how this fits into place with her family, if it fits in. Many types of people can be important to you throughout your life and feeling guilty or like you're prioritising the love of some of them over others isn't worth the stress.
Hunk kind of worrying about how much of his worry is coming across to these people and trying to hide that he's anxious, thinking he play it off to them all as like jittery excitement and finding that to avoid it passing along, he has to actually deal with it and work on it. Anxiety is difficult to come to terms with but the best way to reduce it is to find ways you can manage it, you can build up that control.
Lance having to deal with when the planet is attacked whether they can feel what he's feeling when he's trying to protect them and being so used to hiding his darker feelings that he doesn't know what to do when they're just on display regardless of whether he wants them to be and worrying that it'll make them distrust him for feeling that way. Sometimes it's inevitable that you'll have darker thoughts, but they don't make up all you are, and having them does not make you scary or incapable of relating to others.
And yes some Keith having feelings for Lance and not knowing how to cope with it because to him it just feels so heavy and worrying to carry around in their situation and having one of the inhabitants reassure him that yes it can be heavy, but some times you can just enjoy love as a good feeling you can have about a good person and that if he wishes for right now, than that's all it has to be.
I also just love the idea that initially they're all like "yeah I mean it's not telepathy what harm could it do" but internally they're all shitting themselves with nerves
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