#because a similar glitch to this has happened before
dontmindme2600 · 1 year
Idk if it’s just my game but every time I go to Girdershade to see the Nuka cola girl (I forget her real name lmao), some weird glitch happens where she’ll always be running frantically into the wall as if there’s an enemy nearby. The game will say she’s “fleeing.” This will happen for like a few seconds then she’ll suddenly stop and be normal again. But even stranger, I’ve noticed that if I bring a companion into her house, the companion will suddenly turn hostile towards her??? Like, while she’s fleeing. I brought Star Paladin into her house and she started shooting the nuka cola girl so I had to make her wait outside like a misbehaving child 😭 I think the game keeps acting as if there’s some sort of enemy outside even though there isn’t?? I can’t explain why my companions will just start shootings civilians though. And I’m on good terms with the other npc that lives in Girdershade too so I don’t see why the game would think he’s the nearby enemy. I just need to trade some quantum for some caps man
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toffeebrew · 3 months
Any errink headcanons? :D
Tumblr hates me so I had to rewrite this, anyway... [Note: all my hcs ofc nothing is canon but some may be based of canon information! Sometimes I may refer to non-canon past rps :P]
Error and ink do dumb rps with his puppets together, they've made a super dramatic soap opera plot.
I think Ink realizes Error would never change and he's content with that (sigh as much as I would love to say he would).
Ink finds error's six tongues fascinating, rather than gross. In a similar way, error is fascinated by ink's star eyes (I wonder what that hc came from).
If they ever kissed it would be the most disgusting revoltingly thing ever because error doesn't know how to kiss at all and he also has 6 tongues.
If you asked them how they became friends they would just look at you and shrug. Not even they know how to happened. All they can say is they "get eachother." Error deep down has always wanted a friend and Ink gives him that. Ink is willing to deal with error's bs and error is willing to deal with ink's. Ink can feel a little lonely in his own role and among a world that is fake and Error being an outcode like hin understands him a way others wouldn't. Not even mentioning their story parallels but I gotta stop my self before I start rambling. They're some of the only people who know some of other's deep insecurities.
Ink found Error's crashes funny before he knew how absolutely painful they were. Although not sure if he would ever trigger them on purpose even before he knew ngl.
more yapping under the cut
I would define them as whatever happens when you cross a friend an enemy and a partner.
Ink loves all of his shipkids and error... feels very conflicted about all of them.
They also think the other is a freaky than them when in reality they're both freaks.
Error still thinks about when Ink proposed to him at loveball, ink doesn't think about it at all. Ink also proposed to him with a ring pop that he found in the candy bowl in my head LOL.
Ink doesn't mention his dads to him .. maybe out of fear
Other people still make fun of Ink for proposing to error at loveball and ink always goes "IT WAS ONE TIME!"
Error and Ink are both quite short, Error is only a few inches taller than Ink.
Due to loveball, Error is always scared (in a playful way) when Ink starts drinking.
Error does feel guilty for the time he left ink in the antivoid. Not all of the time, but at times when hes sitting with Ink in the anti-void he can't help but reflect on it. If he would ever admit it? Probably not.
Error and ink's dancing at loveball was a beautiful disaster. Ink is actually an okay dancer but because Error was really nervous it threw him off and it was so off beat. It was really cute though, regardless.
Ink finds errorink ship art very amusing and he shows it to error just to freak him out sometimes.
Error always kills ink first in among us. Error also always blames ink as the imposter even if he isn't.
They have a "close but not too close" rule just close enough to feel the warmth of the other person but not enough to touch. (do skeletons give off warmth?). They do hold pinkies though fr fr. Also Error does lay his head in Ink's lap sometimes, typically when they're watching something. Ink may also give Error forehead or hand kisses.
I like to think Error runs quite hot, because he crashes all the time, so hes warm like a computer LOL. Ink who in my hc has a lessen sense of touch and runs sorta cold due to be soulless lovess sitting around him because of it.
Crack headcanon, when error's eyes glitch up or hes about to crash if you really listen you can hear the sound of computer fans going ham.
Ink will often just... walk up to error and put him a different outfit. Something about his being "too basic" and "his outfit has an ugly color palette".
If you know my pinkie sense ink hc Error doesn't know HOW it works but he fully believes him every single time. Even when ink is trolling, LOL!
Error and Ink call eachother "Ruru" and "Kiki" but only to annoy the other. Specifically if ink is pleading for something he'll do it to annoy him "please ruru :(" They also call eachother glitch and squid in a movking as well LOL.
They have friendship rings? platonic rings? idk if those are a thing made from blue string.
In my own error design, he has a big tooth. Because of it ink calls him a "big kitty" to make fun of him.
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modernsuperhero · 10 months
Tbh as much as i love seablings i like the idea that lizzie's death has nothing to do with jimmy's curse more. Lizzie's death was her own. If we want to talk about jimmy's curse, instead of lizzie's tragedy, then let's talk about how it was broken on accident.
Consider this: every game has been the same except this one. Certain "curses" are attached to certain people - Jimmy the canary, Skizz the boogey, etc. But not this time - or, well.
Last game was the first time, according to martyn's canon, that two players were so damaged from the watchers' overfeeding on their significant traumas (pearl witnessing scott's suicide, cleo's own traumatic death) that the listeners were able to intervene and temporarily swap their souls out with, ofc, lizzie and gem, to give them reprieve to recover.
I like the perspective that instead of there being one death loop that restarts over and over, there are multiple happening all the time. They overlap. The watchers are of course constantly feeding - and perhaps this is why the members of each loop vary slightly over time. Adding ingredients, removing others, as time wears on. Lizzie was not actively in a loop during limited life - but that does not mean she hasn't been in death games in the meantime. Perhaps even gem has, too, though i believe possessing cleo was her first time.
Also last season, grian was yanked out of his body by the watchers, attempting to remove him from stunting the growth of their anguish farm (making it a game instead of a saw trap, as @stalarys so aptly put it). But he managed to keep his claws in the game, even going so far as to break beyond the literal borders of the game - "we're already dead," as he said, leading the nosy neighbors beyond the veil - because grian is nothing in any universe if not stubborn in the face of authority.
We know from last season that the games are already unstable. The listeners' influence is growing, and grian is proving to be more and more of a problem. (He definitely doesn't know about the listeners' existence, but he's likely unaware of how he may be helping them, and they him.)
Jimmy is not dead first. But he dies so soon after - the second body to fall.
The game, the watchers, the farm - it course corrects when things go wrong.
Grian, who has broken the rules this season not once but thrice - allowing an exception for scar to reroll, even allowing breaking of his own rule on helmets (for both scar and mumbo), and falsely rolling a success last session, is given a chaotic impossible task. (Grian tends to doom his allies - curse or simply bad choices, he is teamed with etho, and their rerolls are entwined. They seem personal, don't they? Etho ran from grian's wither once before. Grian died leading out a warden.) He succeeds, on one heart despite everything, only to be slain on top of the button itself.
He's stuck in spectator. Isn't that perfect? The game, HIS game, GLITCHED. His grip on his in-game body, the part of him he wedged into the mechanics of this death loop, slipped. He regained it, sure, but now he is forced to course correct: he comes back green when he should be yellow.
And grian has just seen the price of breaking too many rules. Jimmy's funeral was too soon. He switches back to yellow, rerolls for his deserved prizes at the cost of his own chances of victory.
(Because victory, while still a goal, is not the point. The point is to break the game.)
(Last season, tango watched one of his closest and most common allies sacrifice himself for his team. This season, he allies with him again. It's ironic that they're giving away their hearts to others - similar to giving away their time. Maybe skizz's death impacted tango too harshly. Maybe his pain fed a bit too much.)
(This is the first season since skizz, an angel, died so full of divine bloodlust that it manifested as the boogey curse, that he has been here and his curse has not. Two curses now, tentatively broken.)
(Martyn feeds the watchers more when he is an unguided hand, wandering and hurting, so ren has not been in this particular loop for a while now. He is available to replace tango, just for a bit, just like how gem and lizzie replaced cleo and pearl.)
Last season, the games finally started to break.
This season, we get to see the cracks.
(The watchers are more obvious this season. The keeper's symbol, grian's lack of achievement entering the end... They're grappling for control as it is slowly but surely dragged away from them.)
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eyesthecolorofarson · 8 months
Lower Lifeforms
Someone has broken into The Batcave. They don’t know how, but suddenly two lifeforms were detected in the middle of the Batmobiles runway. Lifeforms, Tim noted, not humans. They all rushed into the cave, and were met with two Damian’s.
They could tell who their Damian was by the Robin costume so not a shapeshifter, but he was wearing a black suit with white gloves, boots and cape with a pulled down hood. His hair took the form of a flame, and his eyes were glowing red. Despite this his facial features were identical to Damian’s, even the scowl directed at them looked to be pulled right off of Damian’s face.
He heard Jason shout and turned to see a girl, also identical to Damian and more so with the other one, fighting Jason and Dick at the same time. She was wearing a suit similar to the other, just the top was cropped and half was white and the other half black. Tim joined the fray, but they were quickly defeated. Ice was wrapped around their arms and legs, and Damian was already iced to the floor. The girl whooped and jumped over them playfully.
“Great,” he heard Jason mutter, “more demon brats.” The girl paused and turned, as did the boy. They tilted their heads in sync, the boy looking far more annoyed and the girl amused. “‘Demon brat’,” she repeated thoughtfully, “Is that a new slur humans are callin us?” The boy scoffed so much like Damian and walked towards the Batcomputer. “Wouldn’t surprise me.” He turned towards them and glared.
“It’s just as uncreative as the other ones.” He turned back to the Batcomputer and started typing. Ok, Tim thought, let’s recap. There were two kids who looked identical to Damian in the Batcave. These kids were a different species that had interacted with humans before, and all these interactions had been bad enough and gone on long enough that there were human slurs for their species. These Damian-lookalikes wanted information on all the meta laws and extraterrestrial species laws in place on earth, from what he could see the boy looking up on the Batcomputer.
“It’s not! Really it’s not! It’s just that—“ Dick didn’t get to continue. The ice around his arms extended to cover his mouth, stopping just below his nose. The same happened to them. “Hey!” The girl whined, “I wanted to hear what he’d say!” The boy scoffed. “Humans don’t have anything good to say about us, so I don’t understand why you always want to hear them talk.” The girl huffed and went to the boys side.
“It’s history! We can put it in the books ‘humans called us this for this reason, and it meant this’,” she mimed reading from a book, and the boy huffed. “We already know why they call us names. It’s not any important as the other ones.” It was silent as he typed quickly, and more information came up. Earths relationship with the Martians, the Tamaraneans, Kryptonions, magic users and ultraterrestrials. So they were from off planet.
“What if they’re nice?” The girl asked, and the boy sighed. “Have you ever met a nice human?” The girl answered no. “Have you ever heard of a nice human?” The girl thought, then answered no. “Has any human even pretended to be nice to you?” The girl answered no again. “Humans aren’t capable of being what we know as ‘nice’ or ‘kind’; kindness is a form of higher cognitive ability and empathy, something human brains haven’t developed over the hundreds of years they’ve had the chances to. What they instead developed is a higher level of aggression.”
The boy touched screen, and the Batcomputer glitched as something green spread into the boys hand. He pulled his hand away, and turned towards them. The ice around their mouths and Damian melted away, leaving no water behind. “What are you?” Damian hissed, and was easily knocked to the ground. “If you hate us so much, why not kill us?” The boys scoffed and leaned in close.
“Because we are better than you. The only thing humans see as an answer is war, is blood and death. We’re capable of more than the senseless violence you’ve built your societies on.” He stood smoothly and walked down the way they’d appeared. “Da⃠nella,” he called, “let’s go.” Da⃠nella waved and the rest of the ice melted, and they scrambled to follow.
The last they saw of Da⃠nella and the boy they were walking into a bright green portal.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
I’ve read through some of your old posts and I gotta say…I love me some angst. May I kindly, pretty please with a plastic cherry on top, ask for TADC gang with an S/O who abstracted a while back, but then they ‘respawn’ one day with a glitch affect about them, and their memory was totally wiped? Like it was their first day in the digital world? The glitch affect doesn’t hurt them or anyone like what happened to Ragetha and Pomni btw.
TADC cast x mended!reader
so funny story i was about to sit down and work on this about 4 hours ago but then my parents said they were going to watch the fnaf movie in the garage and i literally dropped everything and watched it so uh uh. the reason the grind stopped was because of fnaf movie and now im kinda tempted to pick up my fnaf fic again anyways! i did a similar post, here! jax and caines parts here will be short, really only focusing on the glitch aspect for them in this post, since the other half has already been written!
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just got flashed with an image but you know that scene where the iron giant is trying to pick the boy up but hes like limp or something and the giant pulls back (ive never watched iron giant i just know this clip from a meme) i think it would be like that if he tried to poof your glitching away; but like. in an emotional way, if that makes sense. like its the same kind of carefulness and worry, i think... bonus if he does more damage than not
honestly a little too scared to even touch you out of the deep seeded fear of getting all glitchy as well. like he knows it wont spread to him, but you know...
similar to jax i think she would instinctively avoid touching you even though she knows its fine... the whole hand thing making her overly cautious for future scenarios, you know? i think she would slip up and accidentally bring up something you and her did before you abstracted, or call you an endearing name before abruptly stopping herself and trailing off, sad stuff. grief makes her tear between wanting to find an exit faster and trying to make you remember/stay for you
poor girl :( i think she would genuinely try to make an effort to re/befriend you and try not to have her hopes too high for the two of you to get back together. if you hear about your past relationship and want to learn more about it, shell tell you what you want to know, but i doubt she would instantly start dating you again if you suggest the two of you trying to give the relationship a second shot... i think that would need some time
bro is gonna be going through it, first he loses his possible wife to abstraction and now he lost you.. got you back, but you dont remember anything. on top of that you look.. off.. sure it doesnt hurt you but it still looks like it would be uncomfortable, even if it isnt
stuck between longing to rekindle your old relationship and letting you go in order to allow himself to process this grief; the third option is potential abstraction for himself
tries not to care. they want to forget everything like you did, they were finally starting to be normal after your abstraction. but now your back in a clean slate, mind wiped and memories gone. how does someone cope with that? as much as it hurts them they think it would be best for them to pretend you were a stranger again
saying it again, poor girl. mix of pomni and ragatha here i think, like she keeps messing up and verbally reminiscing before realizing you cant relate to what shes saying anymore. will tell you anything you want to know about the past, but i think it would take a lot longer for her to consider getting with you again than ragatha. for both its kind of a "i dont want them to feel obligated to try because we were together once" type deal
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pockethep · 5 months
TADC Theory...One of the Characters could be an NPC.
Even before episode 2 dropped people were theorizing that one of the main cast could be an NPC. With episode 2 having come out yesterday a very specific line said by Caine only fuels that theory....
"I know you guys love your NPCs but if I start losing track of who's a human and who's an NPC, who knows what could happen..."
I LOVE this idea for the drama. If the main goal is everyone escaping from the circus, there’s a lot of potential for a scene where everyone leaves but one of them physically can’t make it out because they aren’t a real person. (Very Wreck It Ralph like.)
Just based off what we know from two episodes I'm trying to decide who is most and least likely.
We know it probably isn't Pomni or Ragatha, they both glitched out in the pilot plus Pomni has outside game knowledge. She's been saying "collision" and "glitch" and "we're somewhere under the map", these are video game specific terms. And although NPCs can glitch as well (The Gloinks glitched in the pilot) Kinger remembers Ragathas arrival and how hard it was.
Jax can be ruled out in a similar way for the same reason as Pomni. He referenced Augustus Gloop, the child from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, this episode. This is real world knowledge that would be a very specific reference for an NPC to know let alone make.
I can somewhat rule out Kinger just based on the fact that Queenie was a character who (presumably) abstracted. Based on naming conventions and design alone (weak defense but there's only two episodes out) they could have come to the digital circus together. With all the characters having such random designs it feels intentional for two characters look similar. If this is just a coincidence it would be cool for his erratic and paranoid personality to be a result of being an NPC. His spontaneity comes from the fact that he's in an area he isn't supposed to be in. Also he's been at he circus for so long and hasn't abstracted which is very very interesting.
My bets are on Zooble and Gangle. Although mainly because we don't know much about Zooble and the mask gimmick with Gangle is both something no other character has and feels like something from an actual game. Gangle is cheerful with the happy mask and more emotional and depressed with the tragedy mask while the other characters are more permitted to show emotion without something actively filtering them. Also my own bias thinks it would be cool for Gangle to snap, it'd be fun to watch the characters try to avoid getting grabbed by the ribbons while hiding around the circus.
HOWEVER we could look at what Caine said in a different way. Mainly the "who knows what could happen...". What if it was a warning about an actual event that happened? He actually couldn't tell the difference. What if him not being able to tell a human and an NPC apart led to the death of an actual character?
Gummigoo looked very distinct from all the other characters in the circus. He was more gelatinous, had an accent, and was very much from the candy world that Caine had created. It was easy to rule him out from the main group design-wise.
But Kinger and Queenie who look VERY similar...
It would be interesting if the real reason Queenie disappeared was because Caine mixed up the two because of similar designs and blasted the wrong one.
Probably more in tags but TL;DR someone in the main cast could be an NPC and Caine could have accidentally killed a human because he couldn't tell them apart from an NPC. RIP Gummigoo
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picturejasper20 · 5 months
Analysis of Danny and Vlad's relationship in A Glitch in Time
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I have noticed that for some reason i never wrote a proper analysis of Vlad and Danny's interactions in A Glitch in Time in spite of talking about their dynamic a lot in my blog. I think in part because the graphic novel doesn't have much of that, at least not until the third act when they are fighting against Dan Phantom. However, i still want to try to talk about the interactions Danny and Vlad had through the story and how it changes by the end of it.
This is probably going to be a somewhat long post, so let's start.
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The first interaction that Danny and Vlad have in A Glitch in Time is when Vlad arrives through the ghost portal in the Fentons's lab. This... doesn't end well as it leads to Danny to transform into Phantom and attack Vlad the moment he asks for his help and tells him he can explain (and also being in a weak beaten state). Not unexpected since Danny believes that Vlad went missing or probably died after the events of Phantom Planet-and with the time glitches happening to him he probably very quickly jumped to the conclusion that Vlad was behind them and was here to fight him. It isn't rare for Danny to sometimes attack Vlad for him just showing up too. So this reaction isn't that unexpected either.
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However, after he gets some repressed anger out of his system and they trap Vlad, Danny gives him the opportunity to explain himself, as he wants to know why he happened to suddenly show up in his house.
One thing that's interesting about Vlad's line here is that he shows certain self awareness of how much Danny hates him because of his past selfish actions -something he mainly seemed to lack before Phantom Planet. He knows that he is ¨the last person Danny wants to see right now¨. In past it was pretty unlikely for Vlad to reconsider his actions, as he usually thought he was justified in doing them.
Danny also leaves clear his deep hatred for Vlad and for how he has messed with his life and others in the time they have been enemies. He is willing to listen to Vlad but he doesn't hide how angry he is at Vlad.
Vlad later adds that he didn't know who else to ask for help because it is heavily implied he didn't have any ally left after Phantom Planet events and Danny was the only person that he could think of that would help him. I interpret him as him assuming that Danny would help him since Dan told him that he is half Phantom and Danny would listen to him because of that.
After telling his story about how Dan got accidentally free when he was fighting against Clockwork, Danny, in shock that Clockwork is gone and Dan is free again, doesn't initially believe him and thinks it is a trap. Tucker proves that Vlad is saying is true by checking the ghost portal scanners.
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Danny yells at Vlad for putting the reality itself in danger again thanks to his actions. Surprisingly Vlad acknowledges he was responsible for that happening, similar to how earlier he admitted that he knew Danny hates him, but still refuses to admit it was his fault, trying to say that it ¨wasn't only him¨, which in part isn't incorrect since Dan is the one causing the time glitches. Danny is left frustrated with Vlad's lack of taking responsibility for his actions and him having to be involved in fixing the mess he causes (again).
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After Vlad tells the team Phantom about how he has been looking for the source of ghost power energy for decades and suggests they could search for it, Danny and Vlad have a moment that resembles their typical dynamic in the series.
Danny quickly picks up that Vlad in part is trying to trick him and the others into looking for the source of ghost power so he could probably keep it for himself after they defeat Dan. Vlad tries passing it off as this is for Danny to fix his ghost powers, correcting himself to not fully reveal his true intentions. Danny quickly points out that when Vlad had the Infi-map, he could have easily found the power source-but the map very likely it didn't want to take him there or it just doesn't exist. Vlad praises Danny for realizing this, indicating that while he wasn't taken to the source, Danny could be taken there if the map wishes him to.
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Feeling like they don't have much of a choice, the team decides to team up with Vlad to look for the source of ghost power. For precaution, Danny puts the Specter Deflecter on Vlad so he can't use his ghost powers while they are working with him, just in case he plans on doing anything suspicious. This is a detail that is worth of mentioning since it comes back later on.
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In what would be a twisted funny moment, when the characters are inside Vlad's lab, the novel reminds us that there was a time Vlad tried cloning Danny and not only that, he kept doing that even after the events of ¨Kindred Spirits¨.
Vlad tells Danny to ¨ignore the clones¨ and Danny tells him that ¨they are going to have a serious talk about boundaries¨ after they are done with dealing the whole situation. What it is interesting about most of their interactions in the story is that Vlad never taunts Danny with making him become his pupil or son. He doesn't make comments about Jack nor trying to get Maddie for himself.
This could be seen in two ways: A) He doesn't say any of this since they are working together in stopping Dan or B) At this point he had realized how wrong his obsession with the Fenton family, specially Danny, was. This could explain why he didn't seem to have an interest in Danny becoming his son in the novel.
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When they are fighting against the Fright Knight, Vlad tries using his ghost powers, only to get zapped by the Specter Deflecter. Because of this Danny orders Tucker to take it off since ¨they need all hand on deck¨ to fight, specially considering that Danny can't use his powers properly. I bring this up since it was Danny the one who put the Specter Deflecter on Vlad in first place and it is himself here who is ordering Tucker to deactivate it. I assume he does it because he knows that Fright Knight is quite powerful and they need Vlad's ghost powers to beat him.
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Moments later the sarcophagus where Pariah is trapped begans to wobble and falls to the ground. In a rare moment Danny and Vlad manage to work together to catch the sarcophagus before it can hit the floor with full force and then drop it over Fright Knight when they find the secret room they were looking for.
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Getting angry that the secret room they found doesn't give them any power ups, Danny blames Vlad for making them waste their time, accusing him of lying about the the power source's existence. This evolves into a short fight between the two and Tucker trying to stop them before there is another time glitch.
This is the closest Danny and Vlad get to fighting each other in the novel, with the rest of the time clashing or Danny taking jabs at Vlad. However, it is never enough for the two of them to attack each other. Even Vlad looks very surprised at Danny's outburst at first. The fight itself isn't anything serious but there is a chance it could gotten worse if they hadn't been interrupted by the time glitch.
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When they are dealing with the Hero Twins, Vlad suggests to Danny to take advantage of the ghosts being distracted and attack them. Danny points out that the Hero Twins just want to play a game, to which Vlad calls Danny ¨naive child¨ for thinking that they want that since they are ¨ghosts¨. Danny answers that with bringing up that Vlad is also half ghost and he is obsessed with the Packers.
I have talked about this before that Danny has a more friendly relationship towards ghosts that Vlad does. At least enough to understand that not of them are evil and they can be friendly, like Wolf or Dora. In contrast Vlad shows to have a more limited view of them. Considering it is naive of Danny to think the Hero Twins want to play. He sees them more as ¨mindless¨, since his first choice was suggesting attacking them instead of paying attention to their intentions.
I'm going to discuss this later on, but Vlad has a huge issue when it comes to understanding emotions and empathy. This is something Danny is better at in comparison.
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Another thing about the novel is that there are hints that Vlad is somewhat jealous of Danny having friends and people who care about him. He is sometimes seen irritated or confused when seeing the Team Phantom celebrating together. It isn't out of place to believe that he is probably reminded of the time he was part of a friend trio with Jack and Maddie and how part of him misses that based on his dialogue later in the story.
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The point their relationship begans to change is around the time they learn about the ghosts being powered by emotions. After they read the message that is in runes from the secret garden, Vlad has a quite of a mental breakdown, believing he spent years searching for the ¨ulimate power¨ only to find nothing. He dismisses the runes legend as simple ¨story time¨, not seeing the value in them.
I have discussed this before in my Vlad AGIT character analysis that Vlad isn't just good at anything that comes with understanding or processing emotions. He is mostly logical driven and is overall very disconnected of his own emotional side. That is one main aspect that separates him from Danny, who thinks better about the consequences of his actions and his relationships with others.
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Once Danny is able to find a new emotional drive and get his ghost powers back, Vlad appears to have a change of mind in the way he sees Danny. It could be said that he has a new found respect for him, since he was able to quickly understand what the message of runes was about while he wrote it off as a ridiculous fairy tale.
Vlad has always seen himself as a superior to Danny and someone the teen should learn from, specially when it comes to ghost powers. In the series he is usually condescending towards Danny, believing himself to be better than him in almost every way and dismissing him as a reckless teenager. Earlier in the novel he called Danny ¨naive child¨ for thinking that the Hero Twins wanted to play, only to be proven wrong minutes after his statement.
By observing that Danny manages to get the ¨ultimate power¨ before him makes Vlad reconsider all these things and probably start to see Danny more of an equal and/or having more respect for him overall. This moment also inspires to rethink of his goals and priorities that he has been trying to avoid until this point of the story.
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During the battle against Dan, Vlad shows to care about Danny's safety multiple times, often interfering or attacking to defend Danny from Dan's attacks. He tries checking on him, even helping him to stand and asking him if he is alright.
It is likely that this caring side he has for Danny comes from him seeing Danny as the son he wished he could have had, a side that probably he always had in him and now he is showing it because he is trying to change for the better.
During his speech about recognizing the mistakes he has made and wishing to make amends, he recognizes that his obsession with control terribly hurt and pushed Danny away, along with other people. At the start of the story he acknowledged that he was aware that Danny hated him but here he admits why that happened and he has only himself to blame for that.
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Once he helps Danny by blasting Dan off, the two decide to attack him together at the same time on on count of three. A small detail is that Vlad is seen smiling briefly when working together with Danny. When the two hit Dan, their mix of powers ends up somewhat breaking dimensions and going through different parts of the Ghost Zone, until they are able to separate Clockwork from Dan and the four ghosts fall to the ground exhausted.
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When Dan is starting to destabilize because of being part of a timeline that doesn't exist anymore and says that he doesn't want to going inside the thermos afraid of being alone again, Vlad answers with ¨you don't have to be¨. He transforms into Plasmius and gently pushes Danny behind him. Danny asks him what he is about to do, to which Vlad answers ¨The right thing, for once¨, still showing that he wants to start making things right with the people he hurt.
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While talking to Dan, Vlad not only apologizes to Dan for how he was hurt by Vlad from his timeline, he also apologizes to Danny for his past villainous actions and how they affected him. He also asks Danny if he can give him a second chance to make amends for what he has done, something that surprises Danny a lot.
An important distinction to notice is that Vlad isn't asking Danny to forgive him. He is asking to be given a second chance. He understands that he pushed Danny away a long time ago and he doesn't expect that to be fixed any time soon.
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After Dan uses Vlad's body as temporal host, Danny shows to be worried about seeing Vlad hurt/exhausted. A different contrast to how reacted at seeing him the same way at the start of the story. It is a moment that demonstrates that even though Danny still doesn't like Vlad, he still worries about him.
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Danny also takes the time to ask Clockwork to wait for a second before he takes Vlad and Dan elsewhere. He leaves clear that even though he still hates Vlad and can't still forgive him for what he has done, he is thankful for helping them during the battle against Dan and offering himself to help Dan as well. Vlad simply returns a soft smile to Danny before he gets taken by Clockwork and Danny is left staring at the spot the portal disappeared.
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This sentiment is followed again when Sam, Tucker and Jazz come in to check on Danny. He highlights that ¨they couldn't have done it without Vlad¨. He appears to be both confused and suprised for what Vlad did, since he wasn't expecting him to help them like that. He realizes that Vlad is more ¨complicated¨ than he thought, seeing now that he is more than just the villain he used to fight against and he had more going on in him than he assumed all this time.
In the end, Vlad and Danny start as enemies who are working together for an urgent common goal. Although it rarely escalates to a real fight, the two still clash with each other for good part of the story. Vlad doesn't show to be interested in making Danny his pupil, indicating that he was in his way to changing or regretting his past actions.
While working together, the two gain a better understading of each other, specially from Vlad in how he sees Danny. He begins to have a new found respect for the teen, not just seeing him as a ¨naive child¨ for his hero worldview. After the battle against Dan, the two end up in way better terms, as somewhat allies, with Vlad apologizing for his antagonism and manipulation and Danny, while rather unsure how to feel about Vlad, he gives him a second chance to start things over.
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starryalpacasstuff · 7 months
Indian BL? FROM 2017????
There's an Indian BL from 2017 that I just watched. And I have incoherent thoughts
Before I continue, massive thanks to my bestie @anixknowsnothin for telling me about this show and proofreading the post for me. You don't even watch bl so I have no idea how you found this, but I'm incredibly grateful nonetheless
Here's the link to where I watched the show from, there's a glitch in the first episode subs where the subs seem to be from another show entirely, but it's only for the first ep and about 50% of the dialogue is in English anyways, so it shouldn't be hard to follow.(My ask box is also always open if there's a specific dialogue/scene in Hindi that you want the translation of)
Edit: The link seems to be region locked, so to watch it you can use a vpn and set your region to India, otherwise the episodes are available on youtube, albeit without subs
Note:- this post is going to have a few mild spoilers throughout, but I'll flag major spoilers in red
It's no secret that India is fairly behind when it comes to queer love shows if we compare it to other Asian countries. While it has a handful of great queer shows and movies, it's still quite a small quantity. Additionally, before this, I'd never watched an Indian show that felt like I was watching a bl (if you have recs, please send them my way!!). I'm not going to get into the technicalities of what feels like a bl and doesn't, because honestly, I'm not completely sure myself. For now, I'm just going based off of vibes and feelings, and this show felt like a bl through and through.
Titled 'Romil and Jugal' after its main characters, the story is a modern, desi, bl remake of the classic story...
Romeo and Juliet
Well, Bad Buddy was the first Thai bl I ever watched, so Romil and Jugal being the first Indian BL I watched just feels right, no?
I didn't actually know that the story was based off of Romeo and Juliet till the second episode, because I didn't bother looking for a synopsis, and jumped right in. However, it's links to Romeo and Juliet quickly became apparent, around the same time I started to see similarities between this show and Bad Buddy. I also did not know that this show came out in 2017 before I googled it, having already watched the entire thing, which was a pretty huge shock, because this BL is progressive by 2024 India standards.
Alright, enough of my rambling. Here's a synopsis of the show in case you haven't heard of it. (I couldn't find an official one, so I did my best to write a spoiler free synopsis)
Ramya happens to start talking to a slightly older woman at an airport, who believes that there is no romance in the younger generation. To prove her wrong, Ramya decides to tell the older woman her brother's love story. The story from the past is shown to us as Ramya narrates it to the woman in the present. Jugal is a closeted 19-year-old who lives with his parents. One day, a family moves into the house next door, and Jugal immediately falls for the son, Romil. The two of them attend the same college, and eventually become friends. The two of them eventually get together, but have to face the challenges of a homophobic society and having parents that hate each other.
I was a little skeptical of the show going in, but the show surpassed all of my expectations in the best way possible. It's no masterpiece, and it has its flaws, but it was far better than what I expected. It had both comical elements and darker themes, and it did not shy away from exploring the darker themes at all. Oh, and it has a few musical numbers. What did you expect? This is India after all.
The show is 10 episodes long, with 20 minutes per episode, and so it does unfortunately fall into some of the pitfalls that shorter shows tend to fall into, namely underdeveloped relationships and rushed endings. I did end up feeling a little bit like it didn't make sense for the pair to sacrifice and suffer as much as they did because they hadn't known each other for very long, and I felt like they should have been given more time to fall in love with each other. But it also could be argued that the show stays true to the play, and Romil and Jugal are dumb teenagers who make mistakes and stick with each other through them. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it.
One thing that I loved the show for was that it showed us that the relationship is not all sunshine and rainbows. They argue, they break up, they get back together, and they do argue even after that. But every time, they eventually work through the issue and reconcile. The show even depicts Romil dealing with internalized homophobia and struggling to reconcile with the fact that he will never be who his family wants him to be. Although I do wish they'd have had more time to explore this, I'd say it was decently depicted and handled. The show really delves into how children are forced to uphold their family's wishes and are constantly put under pressure to make them proud. Although it clearly affects both of them, it's more obvious with Romil, who is expected by his family to date and marry the daughter of his father's boss, whom they think he is dating. There's a metaphor along this theme too, where Romil pretends to like the mango shake that his mom has been making for him since he was a kid, even though he hates it, and when he tries to tell her, he has to act like it was a joke to spare her feelings. The show also goes into the communal mindset of basing your actions off "what will people think?", and you can see how a lot of the characters' actions throughout the show are haunted by this question. Some of Romil and Jugal's earlier disagreements are due to this very mindset.
The show also very candidly depicts the extreme homophobia of society in India. Romil and Jugal had to constantly hide who they were, always having to keep up a mask and I felt that reach somewhere deep inside me. When the pair come out, the show really shows how ugly homophobia can be in India. Their parents immediately disown them. They're mocked in college and wrongfully suspended for a fight that was provoked by other students. Very, very few people stand with them, and the pair very quickly realize that now that they are out, they simply cannot live in the city anymore. So with the help of Jugal's best friend and her mother, they flee to Mumbai, where they get jobs and live as paying guests with a friend of the aforementioned mother. But, even in Mumbai, the masks stay up. They have to act like cousins, for fear of being persecuted. The series depicted the worst-case scenario that so many of us live in fear of, so watching it was something of a cathartic experience for me.
Another thing that the show did quite well is showing how different people and their mindsets can be. Jugal's best friend, Ahalya, and her mom are very supportive, and they help the pair out quite a bit. Ahalya's mother provided a safe house for the pair and helped them find a fresh start. Meanwhile, Romil and Jugal's parents are incredibly homophobic. There was a scene that really stuck with me, (mild spoiler ahead, skip to the last sentence of the paragraph) where Ahalya's mother came across Jugal's mother, who prided herself on being educated and well-read, searching up how to cure homosexuality. Ahalya's mother then tells her off for calling herself educated yet believing that homosexuality is an illness. It is so important to me that the show depicted both the violent homophobia that permeates Indian society and the surprising, warm acceptance that one can find.
One final thing that I loved about this show so, so much is just how authentically Indian it feels. Asian cultures share a lot in common, but they also have their differences, so seeing a show where I can imagine encountering the characters in real life is really amazing. Rather than something big, it was little things sprinkled throughout the story that warmed my heart. The story felt like something I could hear the local aunties gossiping about. The way it depicts queerness in India hits incredibly close to home.
One thing I've learned watching Asian bls is that the ending of a show can make it or break it, but with this one, I'm stuck. The best way I can describe the ending is absolutely insane and incredibly Bollywood.
I believe this show was supposed to get a second season because the last two minutes of the show leave us with a massive cliffhanger. Now, it's been 7 years, so a second season is unlikely, so I'm simply pretending that the last two minutes of the show never happened. But the ending has so much more to it than just this (Major spoilers for the ending up ahead. I mean it when I say major, this is like going into Bad Buddy knowing that they're going to trick their parents in the end).
About halfway through the show, I remembered what play it was based upon and realized that there was a very real possibility that Romil and Jugal would die. The first half of the last episode leads up to this, telling us that they died when reconciling after an argument in the middle of the road when they were hit by a truck. We get a super emotional scene (yes, I cried) where the two families somewhat reconcile in their grief as they go to the police station to identify the bodies. Except... they're not dead, which is revealed when Romil's father hugs Romil's (not) dead body. They reveal that they planned this to show their family that they still loved their sons. I did say it was like PatPran tricking their parents in the end, didn't I? So the families reunite, Romil and Jugal get jobs in New Zealand and get married, and return to India for a wedding celebration (yes, I cried. again). The ending does feel slightly rushed, but if I'm being honest, it wasn't as terrible as it could have been. Believing that your child is dead for a bit is a somewhat justifiable reason for a sudden change of heart. There's a part where Romil and Jugal tell their parents that if they choose acceptance, they can reconcile, but if they choose to remain prejudiced, Romil and Jugal can simply get back on the stretchers, because they'll be as good as dead to their families anyways and it is *chef's kiss*.
All in all, the show was surprisingly heartfelt and poignant. It had me laughing, kicking my feet and even crying. There's a lot more about this show that I could talk about, but I'm going to stop here for now, and I'll try to write more on it later. This show really does deserve more recognition than it has, and I'm almost mad at myself for not knowing about it before. Am I being really biased when talking about this show? Absolutely. But I do think that this show is a worthwhile watch, and I'd really like to see what other people on here think of the show, especially because I'm aware that I am biased towards this show.
I'm tagging a few people who I know might be interested/have some thoughts about the show because this is a show that I really want to hear other people's opinions on and have conversations about, so I hope you guys don't mind!
@waitmyturtles @lurkingshan @bengiyo @neuroticbookworm
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danisha-tdh · 1 month
Wreck-it ralph sequel: the Rewritten
For the past months I kept in mind wanna make the rewritten sequel, and this one is very the trick of twist ;]
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[Long text]
So here's one of my summary:
The story begins with the same day as before, but there is a slightly different details after the years. As all characters getting to do their job as the same as usual. Ralph, wanted to pay a visit to see Vanellope when after the shift is done, as included with Felix and Calhoun. Meanwhile at the Sugar Rush where the player is playing as Vanellope, the same as she is about to get win once again. But not for long, for a second she saw a red glitch for a moment, she felt something off but she's distracted to take focus to get the finish line. Then suddenly, when she almost at the finish line, A familiar racer just appeared out of nowhere, the two were screams especially with the player. She hits the brake and goes around to the finish line as she stops, the familiar racer was dissappear after a few seconds. Vanellope was shocked as she recognize that familiar racer was Turbø. The player felt fear of what they saw, they call Mr. Litwak to tell the situation of how it happened. After the explanation, Mr. Litwak was shocked and seems to recognise by the name "Turbø" the player they mentioned. Everyone from the arcade overheard that too. After the shift is done, the characters from different arcade overheard that Mr. Litwak will be retire because he has been too old for taking care of his own arcade game. Most of them are worried that who would be someone taking Mr. Litwak's replacement, or perhaps it will be abandoned as the place would be shutting down if no one's taking that job. Meanwhile, Ralph, Felix, and Calhoun goes to Sugar Rush as they promise to pay a visit Vanellope. At the castle, she tells the group about what she saw earlier, the group felt confused and questioning that it's impossible how Turbø is alive. As soon Sour bill needs Ralph to bringing him as he follow a candy string that leads somewhere secrets. Then, as they walks through hallway, Ralph goes passing by as he notice a familiar racer that is similar to Turbo. But when he turns around, it dissappear. While Ralph and Sour bill follows a candy string, it leads to the coderoom where Turbo used to go there. Ralph goes into the coderoom, as soon he saw a big box of KC memory. As he go closer, there is someone who is trying to something with it, but realise that someone is actually Turbø. Ralph shouted Turbø's name as he turns around in a little fear. He goes like:
"Oh hi there, Ralph.. it's been a long time since we haven't seen each other for like m-many years. Ya probably wondering how I'm still alive, right..?"
"Turbo.. how did you- and what are you even doing here exactly? Just to erased Vanellope's memory once again?"
"Ohhohonononono, I just here not because erased memories here.. look, I- I can explain everything and I need something important in here or-"
"Or what? Like ruling this game for once? I know what's your plotting, Candy cane. But this is over for now on!"
Ralph quickly goes to Turbo as he tries to reach of what something important to him. While both got into a fight, as soon Vanellope goes to the Coderoom as quick to stop them. The three fights over as Turbo reach a small box that has his face on it. But, as Vanellope hands reach Turbo's arm, the glitch effect from Vanellope that goes to the small box. The small box itself felt glitching and shaking as the three goes in silent as Turbo says:
"... uh oh."
It exploded soundwave as the three goes through the door where they entered, it is also feels the rumbling outside of the Sugar Rush. The small box didn't actually exploded, it's still there on Turbo's hand. Felix and Calhoun heard the soundwave from the coderoom as both shocked the three was down. Ralph and Vanellope is alive and felt a bit unwell, but Turbo hasn't woken up as he glitches.
Later, Turbo opens his eyes as he wakes up and being tied up at the "Fungeon". He is confused what is going on, as there is Ralph right in front of him. But, he glitch like Turbo himself. Vanellope no longer has a glitch ability as she is now like what she used to be before Turbo taken over happened. Ralph wants Turbo to explain everything what he was planning about taling something important from the coderoom.
"Alright, I'll tell you big guy..."
"The reason why I'm alive it is because of that small box that I tried to keep it safe from something that could worst happen. That thing is called "the memory soul", it is where we brings ourself alive that is inside of us. That is why I put my memory in there to see if I can regenerate myself. Though, it is quite possible now that I can regenerate as I feel alive once again. But I'm kinda miss those sweet wings, talons, and even become the big of me. That was a great moment, as thanks to you, big guy. You ruined my dream from now on. Anyway speaking of sweet revenge, where's is it now?"
"What is it?"
"My- wait..."
As Turbo tries to look everything, realised his memory soul was... gone. He freaked out as the glitch, panicking as he corrupted. Ralph calm him down, as he make a deal with him to find his memory soul back before the worst. Turbo take a deep breath to calm himself and a little giggles.
"Okay, easy now Turbo. Me and the gang WILL find your memory soul, but you need to along with us. And the after we found tour memory thingy, you promise not to "go turbo". So, it's a deal..?"
"Well... A deal is a deal, old friend.."
Both starts to shakes hand, but the goes glitches as a little pain. Both quickly takes their hands off from handshakes as it stops glitching.
"Let's just.. not do that again."
Welp there is this, that's where the story start. And yes, mostly the arcade characters goes to another place for a living, kinda like the internet but as a good one. Though, this takes focus to find Turbo's memory soul and find a cure to bring both he and Ralph to stop their glitch affects, as well brings Vanellope wanted her glitch power back. And also, Yesss will be in this story as an important character ;]
What do you think? Go replies and reblog or whatever you interested with it, add some details you like in the plot! ^^
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queen0fm0nsterz · 10 months
What do you think are glitches remains?
This question is so simple on the surface but the second you start looking into it... the implications carried are certainly intriguing.
So. The Glitching Remains are, by definition (and presumed by their name), remnants of the past. They are what's left of someone who has been long gone. If you want a direct comparison somewhere else in the games, the Nomes and the Shadow Children are similar to what the Glitching Remains are supposed to rappresent.
The Nomes are a more... "universal" kind of remain. They are what is left of the body after it is ridden of its identity. They are still the result of death - see as the Lady cracks RK's bones and twists his neck during his transformation - but rather than being spiritual, they are the physical manifestation of it. Nomes have been around for a long time, predating even the Lady herself, so you could use this to point at the fact that this practice of creating/leaving remnants behind has been around for a long time.
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(Concept art of RK and the Nomes in the Maw and a screenshot of the Nome in the Necropolis.)
Considering how they are treated in the Maw, I would not be surprised if they were also created to be workers elsewhere. Their number is quite elevated in the Nest - place which is implied to have held large numbers of children in the past - and wa have reason to believe that the Necropolis might have had some Nomes as well.
The Shadow Children are, however, a much more direct comparison to the Glitching Remains. Officially referred to as "the Masked Remains" in their theme, they are a spiritual counterpart of the Nomes: they are what happens when you force a remnant to live outside its body.
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(A Masked Remain being blasted away. They are oddly adorable.)
I say "force" because they are not born spontaneously: unlike the Glitching Remains, they need to attach to a physical object to survive even as shadows. Once their mask is destroyed, they don't reform. This is what makes me think that they are not naturally formed, but rather created.
(I also have an ounce as to what their masks are made of... but this is not the time. Still, ever since I saw that petrified child in a cage in the Residence, I have not known peace.)
A parallel is drawn between the Nomes and the S.K. in Very Little Nightmares, where their Jack-In-The-Box can be found next to some Nomes mourning in front of pictures of children - considering the context, presumably their former selves before they got transformed.
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(Tears. Many tears.)
The Glitching Remains are similar in spirit, but different in practice. Nothing sways them: they are not weak to light like the Masked Remains are, and they don't need to have a physical object to attach to in order to persist in the physical plane. That being said, they are devoid of freedom: none of the remains we meet walk away from places and some even appear to be "trapped".
Taking this into account: I think the Glitching Remains are the physical manifestation of the strong emotional distress one feels before or during death. Or even a strong emotion in general. I say this because of the many places where the kids are found, implying their untimely deaths, but some of these kids are seen repeating actions which have nothing to do with that. Either way, I think that in nature, they are similar to what the Thin Man is: a "ghost" made of static which carries on thanks to emotion alone. They are not on the same due to the difference in strength, hence why the Thin Man has a more physical body while the remains don't, but the basic idea is the same.
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(A few example of Remains who I think are in the place of their death/where their body lies. There is many more, but I picked the ones I think are most obvious.)
Earlier I said that I believe these remains to be formed rather than created: this is because, while we do see Thin Man has the ability to create Remains, the fact that he's been locked up for so long, as well as many of these remains hiding in places unreachable to him, has me reason that most of them are most likely not made by his own hand. Rather, I am currently of the assumption that the air of the Pale City (and surroundings) is so strongly plagued by the power of the Transmission that these Glitching Remains can form on their own.
However, when coming in contact with Mono, his first instinct when coming close to them is to "absorb" them (exact opposite of what the Shadow Kids do with RK, might I add!) and they have no reaction whatsoever, which is another reason for me to think that these Glitching Remains are truly the purest form of remnant we've ever encountered in the franchise. They only do one thing, and that's it. They don't move from their spot and they're not aggressive: they're just a fading memory replicating either their last actions, or their last emotions.
((... Kinda like the Thin Man, on a much lesser scale. Again, these are two sides of the same coin here.))
I think Six not reacting to them at all is also quite interesting. There are a few instances where Mono can absorb them right in front of her and she doesn't seem the least spooked. I wonder if she can even see them to begin with?
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wrencatte · 5 months
mini fic 8 ! Fallen Order - Bogano First Visit - Cal & Greez & Cere Cal likes to sleep in...interesting places. Greez POV - 1.6k words
ao3 minific link - chapter 7 (beard)
Cal comes back from exploring more of Bogano limping, but in good spirits. Giddy, even!
Greez would almost be suspicious of it, not quite trusting the kid still, if it weren’t for how…young he looks with his cheeks flushed and his hair wild, holding an animated conversation with that droid that’s apparently sticking around. It takes years off him. Makes him look his age and like he wasn’t – like he wasn’t part of what was a genocide of his people.
Oh…great. Now Greez is sad just from looking at him.
He goes back to focusing on sprucing up the Mantis, determined to ignore his growing fondness for a kid who could scrap his ship for credits in a heartbeat. Scrappy describes the kid in more ways than one and Greez is not getting attached, stop. But he is. Because Cal is serious and jaded, but he also listens to Greez when he talks about the upgrades he’s done to the Mantis, asking intelligent questions and actually interested in the answer. He loves all food, never picky even when Cere’s nose wrinkles just a bit. When he laughs, it sounds like he means it despite all the terrible things he’s gone through. And – he’s just a kid. How could Greez dislike a kid who’s gone through such hardships and yet is still trying to do some good in galaxy?
He wonders vaguely if that’s a Jedi thing or a Cal Kestis thing – and decides maybe it’s a little bit of both. Cere’s a good person too. He can see the similarities in the two of them, raised on the same values and lessons, just trying their best in a galaxy that hates them.
Greez is so good at ignoring his own feelings and everything around him that an hour passes before he realizes…Cal isn’t hanging around anymore. The latero briefly considers being worried, but then dismisses the thought. He’s probably back out exploring Bogano. Sometimes the kid disappears for the entire day, gone before the sun rises and not back until it’s well below the horizon. How he can find so much to explore in this backwater swamp, he has no idea, but he’s not about to go out investigating himself.
Satisfied with that logic, it’s back to buffing out the blaster marks off the Mantis’ exterior. Hm, maybe a new paint job? Cal found something out in one of the workshops, didn’t he? Presented it with a grin and a twinkle in his eyes, laughing when Greez opened it and found an eye-watering pink inside. Pink is a little too distinctive, but Cal handed over another tin of an understated swamp green Greez actually likes. Maybe he’ll tag the kid to help.
He’s distracted by his thoughts by a flash of red-white out of the corner of his eye – BD-1, wandering around and scanning insects that he’s probably scanned a dozen times before.
….with no ginger-haired Jedi in tow.
Where BD is, Cal should also be. It’s a new rule of the galaxy. Never one without the other. The last time that happened, turns out Cal got tangled up in some rope and was hanging over a drop so high Greez couldn’t see the ground.
“Where is he?” he asks the little droid. He gets a simple beep in response which Greez totally understands. Completely. Yeah.
 – Greez stares blankly, not understanding at all. BD does a little head waggle, making a noise that sounds suspiciously like a droid’s version of laughter. That little shit.
“Hey! We can’t all be fluent in fifty billion languages. Give me a break.”
He may be over-estimating that number by a tad, but it’s definitely a high number. The translation matrix in the Mantis isn’t exactly top notch, but it has a pretty decent database and it still glitches when Cal gets worked up and switches to a new language he hadn’t used before.
The question is how does he know so many and the answer gives Greez a headache every time.
He will never understand the Force.
“Just…where is he? If he fell in a hole and broke is leg somewhere Cere’s gonna to kill me.”
Or ran into another, what did he call it? An oggdo? According to Cal, he barely escaped with his life. Still injured from their escape from Bracca and caught by surprise, the kid lost a good chunk of his poncho and had to be hosed down before being let back onto the ship, covered in toad gunk and mud. Now that he’s healed, he’s supposed to be figuring out their next move concerning the Vault, but maybe he’s decided to throw himself into a fight with an oggdo again – and lost, and that’s why BD’s here, looking for help.
BD-1 would be more frantic if that was the case, right?
“Where’s Cal?”
Ah, speak and she shall appear. The galaxy really is just out to get him.
Greez face-palms as he turns to see Cere standing on the Mantis’ ramp, looking a little sleep ruffled but getting more and more awake as her gaze bounces from Greez to BD-1 and never to Cal because Call isn’t here. The fact that she’s stopped long enough to fall asleep, let alone actually slept, is a kriffin’ miracle. She’s been non-stop ever since they picked up Imperial communications of a Jedi on Bracca and said Jedi turned out to be a teenager who decided to immediately pass out from his injuries once they entered hyperspace.
And that was nearly three weeks ago.
“Heeyy, Cere. Have a nice nap?”
She raises an unimpressed eyebrow. “I did, actually. Now, where’s Cal?”
Greez waves a hand. “Oh, you know him. He’s probably getting distracted by some new thing to explore.”
Cere crosses his arms, eyes flickering down to where BD-1 is watching them. “And I’m sure he made a conscious decision to do that without BD-1, didn’t he?”
“Maybe. You never know.” Greez feels oddly defensive, and he wonders if that’s a Jedi Master ability, making him feel like a kid who stole from the sweets jar when it reality it was his brother.
BD bwoops, it almost sounds like he’s laughing, hopping from foot to foot before he takes off, disappearing behind the ship’s ramp quick as a blink. Greez and Cere exchange bewildered looks. All they can do is follow. Where BD is, Cal will also be. And in turn, where Cal is, BD will be there. This they’ve learned – Cere when she nearly tripped over the droid sitting patiently as Cal meditated. Greez when he went to the second level of the Mantis for storage and found BD standing guard as Cal quietly had some sort of panic attack.
Kindred spirits, Cere had called them with a sad sort of smile on her face.
When they make their way under the Mantis – Cere having to duck – what greets them is, quite frankly, an adorable sight.
Cal is curled up in the shadows, poncho pulled tight around him, head cradled on his arm.
Deeply asleep. He’s not even talking like he sometimes does. His expression is relaxed, content even. A few of the brown, bouncing critters that dig burrow – boglings? – are piled up around him like a lump of dozing akk dogs. Ears twitch. Legs kick out as they dream. They’re snoring. These little sounds that Greez will never admit out loud he finds cute. If he listens closely enough, he can hear a deeper snore from beneath the pile – Cal.
BD beeps quietly, a job well done in letting them know where Cal is, then skitters over to the kid, picking carefully around various limbs until he can tuck himself under Cal’s arm and snuggle against his chest like he’s a bogling himself. Cal makes a soft sound and curls around the droid, holding him close.
“Would you look at that,” Cere says softly, expression aching.
Cal sleeping -- actually sleeping without nightmares or pain – is something neither of them are familiar with at all. And who can blame him? Greez can’t imagine that the kid’s been through. He’ll be having nightmares himself for a long while thanks to Bracca.
“Do we leave him here?” Greez asks, torn between wanting him to sleep and cringing at the amount of mud that’s gotta be soaking into his clothes.
BD whirls in quiet warning, daring them to try and wake Cal. Cere laughs, shaking her head.
“Do you want to be the one who wakes him up?” she asks, her tone amused. Greez grimaces. No thank you. “I thought so. It’s better if we let him sleep, especially if he’s sleeping so well. It’ll be easier to connect to the Force if he’s well rested.”
“So, we just…walk away? Leave him alone?” Sleeping outside isn’t exactly his idea of a good time.
“Are you planning on going any further from the ship?”
“Well, no.”
Cere gestures to the boglings that have, surprisingly, not run away yet. A couple are looking at the two of them with wide, wary eyes, but they seem too comfortable to move. “He has plenty of guards. We’re not going anywhere. You’re more than welcomed to hose him down before he boards.”
“Oh. Yeah. Good point.” Greez is absolutely hosing him down. Bogano mud stinks.
They leave him there, sleeping soundly with BD on guard, but they don’t go far. Cere disappears for only a couple minutes before she comes back out with a holonovel, a drink, and a chair, setting up right where she can juusstt see a peek of Cal under the ramp. Greez picks up the buffer again, pauses in thought, then hurries to grab the swamp green paint tin – after a nanosecond of hesitation, he scoops up the pink paint as well.
He’s sure there’s a non-obtrusive thing he can paint pink. Maybe it’ll get that one bright, looks-his-age smile from Cal again.
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zipzapzopzoop · 2 months
any angsty Wilbur headcanons? Does he have nightmares from Doris? Does anybody else in the family sympathize?
i saw a really good headcanon once that Wilbur dissociates staring at the garage door and now im on an angst kick
*deep inhale*
*cracks knuckles*
Now, there are a few I can't share yet do to spoiler reasons, but I will share the ones I can! After There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow, I'll make another list of the headcanons I wasn't able to share before.
Also, that headcanon you mentioned is actually one of mine from another post! I'm so glad you like it! :D
Angsty Wilbur Headcanons
Yes, the garage door makes Wilbur uneasy. Especially seeing it cracked open...
Open doorways in general tend to make Wilbur very uneasy.
Wilbur will often get up in the night to make sure the garage door is locked. Once he gets the slightest idea that it's not closed properly, he has to check it. He cannot sleep until he can see with his own eyes that the door is shut and locked with the alarm on.
He'll often check and recheck the door, closing it and locking it over again because it doesn't feel like he did it correctly.
Wilbur's hypersensitive to the idea of not existing. Obviously he does exist, but if he ever gets the faintest idea that he doesn't (Someone doesn't hear/see him, a sensor doesn't sense him there, someone doesn't respond when he's talking, etc.) he tends to panic.
He hates the idea of someone being disappointed in him.
Nightmares? Absolutely. He'll often struggle with nightmares about disappearing into non-existence, or about his family being upset with him. A few he's even had were about being lost beyond time and space.
Bowler hats. Whenever he sees someone wearing a bowler hat, it messes with his head. He isn't the only one...
Ever since disappearing out of existence, Wilbur's picked up a strange glitching effect. It happens in fits and short episodes, and tends to happen when he's upset.
These fits are physically painful, and feel very similar to being electrocuted.
This glitching can spread to others through physical touch. Like an electric current, it only spreads through contact and disappears as soon as said contact breaks.
Does anyone else in the household sympathize? Well as of right now, almost nobody else knows about these things. I say 'almost' because we're at a part of TAGBBT where a couple family members are beginning to catch on that something isn't right. I won't say who, though.
Some of these headcanons as well as the family's reaction to them can be seen in There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow and The Dog and His Boy.
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ms-awesome52 · 1 year
I don't think Jax isn't as big of a jerk as he lets on
Spoilers for THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS! Pilot. It's on YouTube
I've watched Glitch's new pilot and find the character of Jax really interesting. He comes off as a major jerk, and he is, but I feel he cares a lot more and is kinder than he lets on. I'm going to go through his major moments and break down how many of them were kinder or more harmless than many assume.
1: Meeting/interacting with Pomni
When Pomni first joins the circus, it's obvious that she's confused and freaking out. Ragatha attempts to sugar-coat what's happening when Pomni asks about leaving. Jax rips the band-aid off and tells her that they can't leave. At that moment, Pomni is looking for answers, not comfort, and this may be my autism talking, but Jax's bluntness and ability to get straight to the point likely helped Pomni understand the situation and prosses her new reality much quicker than if they just let Ragatha tip-toe around the topic. Later when they're on their way to meet Kaufmo, Jax makes a joke about Pomni trying to pretend this was all a dream. Both of the previous times Pomni claimed it was a dream, he was the only one to react, and he did it in a way that made it obvious that he and the others knew it wasn't a dream, as to not give her false hope, while also not outright making fun of her. Another thing to point out is that Pomni never has a negative reaction to Jax. To a situation Jax pointed out? Yes. To Jax himself? No. While this isn't an indication of how Pomni feels about Jax, it does show that Jax's comments didn't hurt her.
2: His interactions with Zooble
Zooble and Jax seem to have the most similar mindset. When Jax says that they can't leave and stuff, they'll tell him to shut up and then confirm and/or agree with what he said. They're both sarcastic and don't want to bother with meaningless fluff, which is why they both avoid going on the Gloinks quest at first. They both know that the Gloinks aren't a threat and are just an inconvenience. I get major sibling energy from their dynamic.
3: His interactions with Kinger and Gangle
(These are some of the harder ones to explain but here we go) Kinger and Gangle are the least stable of the main cast as far as I can tell. Kinger is a anxious mess that has forgotten human social cues while Gangle's emotions are dictated by her masks, which are easy to break (Caine probably fixes them often since Gangle says that her comedy mask is broken again). Since he knows the Gloinks are harmless and that Zooble is in no real danger, he trusts the day's quest to them. When he learned that Kaufmo abstracted, he ran away to where they were. When there, he says that Kaufmo is fine (sarcastically, but they didn't pick up on that and I get the vide that he didn't expect them to) then he hears the abstracted Kaufmo and pushes them both into the Gloink hole and jumping in himself. He later confesses that he was only down there to avoid Kaufmo. I interpreted this as him being helpful because 1: he got both Kinger and Gangle to safety and 2: He did it without telling them because while Pomni needed his bluntness, they didn't and telling them straight up before it was truly necessary because they needed to finish the quest so Caine would be there to take care of Kaufmo. If they knew, they would have been to panicked to finish the quest and that would have been a much more dangerous situation.
4: His interactions with Ragatha
Ragatha is the character we see him mess with the most, but she and Zooble also are the characters that are able to handle his jabbing the best, which is likely why he focuses on them instead of those who would be more hurt by his words. When they learn that Kaufmo abstracted, he ran and left them behind, but I see no reason why he wouldn't assume they would run as well. I also get sibling vibes here.
5: His reactions/interactions with Caine and the world itself
Jax seems to be the human that understands how the Circus works the best. When Pomni shows up the first thing he mentions is that they're going to need to rework the theme song to work her in. He also understands the formula best, predicting a brand new adventure (implying that Caine reuses adventures sometimes, like replaying a level in a videogame). This is also the reason I think he knew to go finish the quest to bring Caine back. Another thing to consider is the fact that he has keys to everyone's room. How would he get his hands on those if he didn't understand the mechanics of the digital world? At the end he has a debate with Kinger about Kinger feeling the need to explain that they don't need to eat after Jax says that he's hungry.
TL:DR Jax is blunt when he needs to be, but also knows when to hide info, he only goes as far as he knows the others can handle and he understands the world enough to be able to get the others to a safe area if anything serious happens. (please note, I'm explaining, not excusing any of his behavior. There are many situations where I feel he does take it a bit to far)
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 11 months
( "Immoral Immortality" — 1K words )
Immortal au writing made by my sweetheart @sukis-artchive based off this comic while we were chatting on discord
⚠️ Warning for violence and blood
It started off like any other night. Perkeo preferred the night shift. It was dimmer, quieter, and over all just less to handle. Well...
"Goodnight Pear..."
Moon's voice came from behind them, though thus wasn't the first and far from the last. Perkeo didn't jump at the sound or the menacing words. They quite liked the nickname 'pear', and as for 'goodnight' it wasn't meant to sound like a threat. Merely Moon greeting them, as he couldn't say "good day".
"Hey Moon"
Perkeo sounded happy, yet looked a little tired.
"How have you been?"
Moon had been doing well lately, (Perkeo knew this) but that didn't nothing to ease their mind.
His voice box glitches out. Perkeo refrains from sighing. They knew this would happen eventually, but the short peace with Moon doing well felt good. Too good. They were so close to fixing him. If only he could have held out a little longer. Moon isn't to blame though, he doesn't know.
And so Perkeo repeats the process they made, down to a tea. They learned how to buy the most time by doing this over, and over, and over again. Funny how similar that was to their 'life'. They always had a 2nd... or 87th chance to try again. Maybe get better results.
They ask hesitantly, as always.
"Are you alright?
They learned not panicking at his silence results in less of a mess.
His pupils turn to red pinpricks, Perkeo isn't surprised, yet their heartrate still spikes. Some things never change.
A bead of sweat starts to form on their cheek, they know what's to come.
Moon reaches out to caress their face. Perkeo has learnt to accept fate.
"Moon!" Moon snaps their attention to Perkeo.
"Are you even listenin' to me? Geez." they hold a tablet, bangs barely cover what appears to be a small bandage.
"Sorry, Starlight, my mind was over the moon..." He looks around, getting his bearings, trying to remember what was happening... before that.
The noise pulls him out of his thoughts, he doesn't even know what "that" was. Unable to recall it properly. Strange.
"So what were you saying?" He feels bad ignoring his friend, even if it was accidentally. What's wrong with you?
"I said we're done, you doofus, now go charge because we have a long day tomorrow... I'll close everything."
'All done'? Ohhh it must have been maintenance of his software, that's what the tablet was for. And it explains his forgetfulness, he was always like this after 'check ups'. But he trusts Perkeo.
He gets up off the desk, and reaches to grab them. "I'll leave it to you, then~ nighty night, friend. Sleep well."
He mutters a 'see you tomorrow' under his breath, as they bonk heads. His hand gently holding the sides of their face, fingers threading through their fluffy hair. He doesn't register their rigid posture. Or the slight tremor that courses through their whole body. Not even the small frown gracing their lips.
He walks off to charge, just as they had said.
Perkeo sighs, placing the tablet down. They had held the screen cautiously out of view from Moon the entire time. And start to utter Sun's cleanup chant "Clean up, Clean up".
They had luckily knew thought ahead to leave out the disinfectant. They had never been so grateful that the DCA cannot enter behind the desk, as they look down. Even through the curls falling into their eyes, they can see the crimson smear on the side of the furniture.
Their smear.
A bloody handprint slid across the hard surface.
Perkeo shivered as they walked around the desk. Trying not to look at the red mark. It was so painfully obvious among the bright colours of the daycare. The smell of iron becomes stronger as they get closer. Their stomach twists uncomfortably at the scent.
They reach for the disinfectant, grabbing it as a shudder runs through their body. They ignore it and get back to work. Hmmm, they'd get used to it, eventually.
Grabbing a small cloth, they dab it with disinfectant and get to work. Nose scrunching, they slowly build up the courage to touch the blood. Why is this so hard?
not like it's the first time.
Suddenly the feeling of sickness overwhelms them. They crumple a bit. The sight of their hand lining up perfectly with the print made them gag. It wasn't a pleasant sight, they forgot this would happen.
Memories flash back to them. Of all the other times they made the mistake of touching the handprint like this, instead of wiping it clean immediately.
Then, just like every other time, the other Memories come back.
Well if you can even call them that. 'Memories' sounds happy. Perkeo knew that the connotations don't mean anything though. They've been through too much, and learned that the bad experiences are also 'memories' in a sense.
Their body spasms, as their chest rocks with sobs. They'd never get used to extreme pain. Not even with how many 'deaths' they experienced.
It hurt so bad.
Their eyes were swollen and puffy with streaks from their crying. They learned that the only way to live longer was to not fight it. It would toy with them as much as possible, before going for the kill.
It tore into Perkeo like a feast, slicing them with sharp claws. They had been oh so gentle before, Perkeo may never get used to the change.
They didn't want to give it the satisfaction of a scream. It would only make it hurt more then. Perkeo remembers that.
They let it mutilate them. It scratches them, punctures them, drags them by their wounds and hair, pulls them apart. But this was a friend, Perkeo knew it was worth it. It'll all be over soon.
They find some comfort in that, feeling empty otherwise. The small voice of preservation that they thought they long since killed was barely a whisper.
Huh, now that's a surprise. Perkeo thinks, too late. The voice was warning them. Their body even knew what was to come at this point. Oh the irony, the vessel who puts them through this wanting the pain to stop. The only reason Perkeo sticks around here is because of their immortality. If it wasn't for their body, Perkeo wouldn't need to die.
Nothing, not Perkeos experience, nor all the past pain inflicted upon them, could prepare them for what's to come. Perkeo always blocked out this part, it's happened before.
They let out a single cut off screech. Their vocal chords still not fully healed from the last time.
As Moon forces his hand into their socket, violently ripping out their eye.
Blood splatters everywhere, the eyeball bursting in his grip. Perkeo crumbles to the ground.
...should have listened.
The little voice chimed, as Perkeo finally backs away from Moon, for the first time that night. Bad idea, and Perkeo knew it.
Though their immortal side has given them an aloof disposition and immeasurable tolerance. Instinct always found a way to persist.
They knew backing away would make it worse, but it hurt too much now for them to do anything else. They knew this would lead to it ending quicker.
Moon grabs them, claws digging into their flesh. They manage to make it behind the desk, his fingers raking through their skin before losing its grip. They try to pull themselves up, bloodied hands smearing the desk as they use it to push themselves up. They grab the tablet and force a shut down.
Hmmm, this is one of the first times they didn't die...
It takes them hours to fix up themselves and clean the mess, but when they finally do dread starts to well up again. Moon was shut down, but absolutely covered in Perkeos blood. Atleast this time Perkeo remembered to not leave any handprints on Moon. It made this so much harder to clean.
The dread still doesn't subside when they finish, as they pick up the tablet. Connecting it to Moon, they replay the footage. Watching their torture always made it worse.
Deleting the files, they reboot him.
They sigh.
"Hopefully this time we can last a little longer."
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nobody-nexus · 5 months
Random Sinful Circus AU Facts
Because I've been thinking about that AU a lil bit recently and I wish to share things on random :D
-Queenie and Kinger don’t really know one another within this AU. She looks similar due to her originally being his helper
-The items within the shop can be equipped by anyone, even Helpers and Bosses
-There are special events for holidays, giving everyone new outfits and new activities for the cast to do
-The payment within the game looks like tokens from children’s restaurants
-Characters CAN swear freely, however one of the punishments the game master can give IS swearing censorship
-Helpers are usually killed at least once during a sinner form incident
-Every person trapped within the game has a shock collar. If they remember too much, it will shock them
-Whenever Ragatha is over stimmed or under stimmed, her wings will flutter
-Zooble has a genuine compulsive hoarding problem
-Every item in the item shop does NOT belong in the game
-Pomni’s hooves are sensitive to temperature change
-Loolilalu is painfully tolerant of Rags, but refuses to admit it due to being the mini boss for the doll
-Gangle has perfect pitch
-Kaufmo is the worst performer out of the cast cause he’s never performed before
-The most likely to shoot someone is Kinger if he remembered how guns work
-Caine is a sadomasochist, but doesn’t admit to such a thing
-Gangle’s favorite ‘actor’ that isn’t one of her helpers is Kaufmo
-Pomni’s tear stains are always on her face, no matter her emotion. It’s unknown if this was always the case though
-Ragatha has a huge sweet tooth
-Jax will never name any of the animals in his level. If they have a name, one of the helpers named it
-Each level has their own soundtracks depending on the musical preferences of the current boss. Pomni’s is rock, Ragatha’s is jazz, Jax is country, Gangle is broadway/theater, Zooble is techno, Kinger is classical, and Caine is alternative
-None of the characters have bones
-Ragatha has a fear of needles due to her respawning process
-Kinger LOVES bugs, and has them all about his level- mostly as decal designs
-Clipping is a thing that can happen here, and it’s VERY painful whenever it does
-Jax, Gangle, and Caine can all whistle and commonly do so
-Touching glitches can cause someone to pass out due to the electricity
-There’s a playtesting area under the map. It holds everyone’s models/rigs, items, and power ups
-The gamemaster DOES have a player model… but it’s never been seen
-If you put something over Ragatha’s head, she’ll pass out because it felt a bit too safe
-The Fudge Monster is a monster that swims around the circus, eating those who wish to step out of bounds
-Gummigoo could pick up all of the normal formed cast except for Kinger
-Caine has floated everywhere for so long, he’s kinda forgotten how to walk
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dalekofchaos · 11 months
If there could've been any actual benefits to Low Honor
So I've been thinking of what could have been if there were actual differences and perks for Arthur being Low Honor. Here is what I came up with
Special mission with Micah where he helps Arthur rustle a couple of horses and one of them being a horse looking similar to Baylock. Because why be Low Honor if we can't even get the Dark Horse? Plus a free MFT without having to do the Mason method or glitches? Sounds like a good deal
More customization options for weapon parts and outfits
Low Honor outfits similar to how there are High Honor outfits, bit unfair we can't get outfits with the dark coats and such
The ability to bribe the law
The ability to cheat in poker.
Bounties prices doubling because sending one outlaw after the other warrants the price
At least one area like Thieves Landing for RDR2 that lowers prices for Low Honor. I'd say Van Horn, but who wants to be in Van Horn?
The ability to rob banks outside of the two story missions.
Story changes. While I don't think there should've been changes to the story, I feel like there should've been more Low Honor choices -If you're low honor, Arthur suggests after the Grays betrayed them that they should hit Caligula Hall and ransack the place, which Micah is more than happy to oblige. Always thought something should've been done. Why keep Caligula Hall standing while Braithwaite Manor burns? -I remember an encounter my Low Honor John had in RDR1. A young man approached John before they dueled. "You killed my father" "I don't give a damn about your father" I thought something similar could've happened between Arthur and Archie after Thomas dies -A Low Honor Arthur and Micah would've been friends and thick as thieves -Rather than helping people in chapter 6, a Low Honor Arthur should've had a choice to rob them blind -Low Honor Arthur shoots Strauss instead of sending him on his way for causing his sickness -a Low Honor playthrough should've had Arthur loyal to Dutch and damning John. Arthur leaving John to die because the Muneh and surviving his affliction is more important, but this bites Arthur in the ass when John tracks him down and is the first one to die for John to save his family.
I get that they don't want to reward the player for being bad and the point is Redemption. But what's the point of having two sides of the story if one side has nothing but negatives and is just more of the same but being evil for nothing?
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