#because based on my data
terrainofheartfelt · 6 months
I like to curate my instagram experience by blocking every single account served to me that a) is still making h*rry p*tter content in this the year of our lord 2024 & b) does any gimmick whatsoever with chatgpt
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 months
im curious—keepblr, what’s your favorite book? not your favorite book in the series, but what’s your overall favorite book or book series?
im curious what percentage of peoples favorite is keeper vs not
keeping the options simple--if I missed one, put it in the tags :)
bonus: if you tell me what your favorite book/book series is, I'll give you a good grade in Tumblr Poll, something both normal to want and possible to achieve
*if you are not part of keepblr, please do not vote so as not to skew results. thanks!
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transmascswagpolls · 3 months
Regarding the latest post, I at least use "babygirl" as a gender neutral term (I actually use it only for grown hairy men tbh), and I think a lot of others do too :) Just wanted to mention that, but I also completely understand why it would make people uncomfy too! Also sorry to hear people haven't been going by the rules it always sucks when people don't respect boundaries :( Anyways have a great day!
I think the reason it makes me personally uncomfortable is that I exclusively see it used as a term for 'twinky' (and almost always popularly headcanoned as queer) men. "Why does Serizawa call you babygirl?" says Mob to Reigen Arataka, one time winner of the tumblr sexyman poll. It cannot be a gender neutral term if it's only used specifically to describe men. For me it lends greatly into a research project I've been doing about how fandom treats trans and other 'visibly' queer men (not great, generally) and I personally have seen a lot of correlation between the term and more uncomfortable feminization of queer men (Like, for a very common example, Gojo Satoru is, textually, in love in some manner with Suguru Geto. We see him say visibly- if not audibly- the words 'I love you' to Geto onscreen, after having earlier described love as being "a curse" to his student, Yuta. I have also very commonly seen Gojo described as being a "princess", "babygirl", and it's for some reason common at least on tumblr to see him and Geto called each other's "girlfriends" and "wives". This is a correlation I see in fanart and posts about a lot of popular m/m ships) I'm still far from comfortable actually releasing all the data and research for this project publicly since I think there are going to be a lot of hurt feelings if I don't figure out a way to approach this from an angle of understanding. I know it's common for people to tend to be reactionary about things that upset them, and while I get it, I don't think it's very proactive when you're trying to approach it from a more professional manner, if that makes sense. I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad about trying to have fun on my silly little tournament, that's not what this blog is about. But I wish I didn't have to be resigned about wanting something I'm responsible for to be a safe space for me when I've worked very hard behind the scenes to ensure that it's one for all of you.
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harrington-love · 1 year
Steve and Nancy's story is complex and beautiful...and not everyone will understand it.
I pity the people who cannot, or refuse, to see the beauty in Steve and Nancy’s story. A story about how trauma impacts your relationships and the way in which you cope with traumatic events. A story about how in the beginning, these two teenagers were not compatible but attempted to make their relationship work, only for the shame, guilt, and blame to take over and rupture the relationship. A story about how it is crucial to acknowledge and understand your partner's pain, and be their support, their rock, their shoulder to cry on.
It is a story about a teenage boy’s fall from popularity, and finding his true self as a friend, a protector, a lover. A story about a teenage girl working to make something of herself, to establish an identity that is purely hers. A story about a teenage boy who works to rectify his past mistakes, and learns to give himself grace for being a human. A story about a girl being true to herself, trusting her gut, and believing in her capabilities without bending to everyone else's expectations of who she should be. A story about a boy who's love for a girl was so strong that it helped him change into a person she could trust and depend on. A story of a girl who sees this boy in a new light, and thinks maybe, just maybe, he can offer her a future of partnership, adventure, and love.
It is a story about how these two teenagers have worked to grow and heal (and how they will continue to grow and heal), and are in a better place now where they can be what the other needs in time. A story about a second chance at love, now that they are both in a better place to love the other. They're not perfect. They never were. Healing and growth are not linear. They will always have their faults, their flaws, and like everyone else, they'll hit rough patches along the way. The difference between Steve and Nancy then and Steve and Nancy now is how they handle the hard times, together. How they face them, together.
And the audience can see how Steve has changed, from a boy who was apprehensive of Nancy's drive to get justice for Barb, to a man who trusted her investigative instincts, offered to join her on her exploration, and told her to be careful. From a teenager who utilized avoidance as a coping mechanism, whose "go with the flow" attitude was a mask to hide his pain, to a man who confidently told Nancy that she is what he's always wanted. There was no avoidance. No shame. No fear. There was simply a boy, who has changed, telling the girl he loves that she is it for him.
And the audience can see how Nancy has changed, too, from a girl who pushed a boy away because his presence was a painful reminder of what, rather who she lost, to a woman who is slowly, slowly, learning that this boy is good, and he is safe. She welcomes him back into her life with ease. From a girl who held this boy at gunpoint because she did not want him involved, to a woman who includes him, and trusts him when he volunteers himself in the face of danger, and defends him because he is someone worth defending.
To truly understand Steve and Nancy's story, you have to be willing to see their growth. You have to be willing to acknowledge change and believe characters can and do change. You have to accept that they did change. And therein lies the problem. Many, many people are purposely choosing to ignore their growth, because it does not fit their version of what they want or think should happen. Many people do not trust or believe that these characters know what they want, or know what's best for them. You have to be able to see and accept who they are now, as opposed to who they once were. How their views have changed. Their morals. Their personalities. Their wants, needs, hopes, and dreams. If you're still holding onto who Steve and Nancy were in the earlier seasons, then you are closing yourself off to any potential understanding of who they are now. If you are intentionally misconstruing what these characters say to fit your own narrative, then you are choosing to believe you know these characters better than they know themselves. If you are perfectly content with misunderstanding their relationship and refusing to acknowledge their growth, then you will miss out on not only a delicate and beautiful relationship, but also a lesson: Second chances happen. And sometimes, people do find their way back to each other.
I don't know what season five will bring. I don’t know if we’ll get a happy ending to their story.
But I do know one thing. I pity the people who willfully choose to ignore a beautiful story about two people finding their way back to each other. That is real life. That is love. It's not always simple or easy. Second chances happen every single day. And how beautiful it is for us to witness the rekindling of two ex-lovers. That is Steve and Nancy's story.
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freakystinky · 8 months
the way tumblr talks about medicine makes me wonder how many of us here actually have critical thinking skills
#stop trying to explain shit you know nothing about so you can frame it negatively for clout!!!! literally knock it off!!!#there are so many valid opinions but i don’t understand this and therefore it’s bad “ is NOT one of them actually#fuck it’s far from perfect but seeing people talk about people I work with every day as if they’re monsters is honestly so tiring#it’s just all over my dash#if you read something and it confuses you and that makes you angry#the solution is NOT to make a tumblr post flaming it with all of your misinformation and undereducated opinions#“it is batshit to base dx criteria on statistics “ NO IT IS NOT NO IT IS NOT NO IT IS NOT ARE YOU STUPID???????#THIS IS STEM LITERALLY EVERYTHING IS MATH WHAT THE HELL DO YOU M E A N ?????#literally like!!! 90% of dx criteria involves statistical probability!!!! doctors prescribe statins because you are statistically likely#to develop heart disease or endure a major cardiac event#like they calculate your disease risk based on averages and so so so much data and math and shit THAT YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT!!!!#so why are you complaining about it as if you do!!!!!!!!#sorry. I know it’s in good faith for the most part but. it feels like straight entitlement to constantly complain and dog on doctors#I’m a victim of medical malpractice!!! i still show respect and understand that they’re individuals. people. human beings.#who are largely trying to help others#regardless of my personal experience with others in their field#sorry this is just a vent now#i love research I love science I love medicine please stop hating on every aspect of it and my community ty#delete later#not fandom#stinky speaks
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sylvies-kablooie · 1 year
very scientific work regarding tumblr's population, feel free to rb for sample size
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lbhslefttiddie · 11 months
I haven’t seen you around much here lately, so I just wanted to say I hope you’re doing well ^^ . If you have any life challenges going on right now, I believe in you to conquer them!!!
thank you!!! the life challenges is my phone and computer both had a stroke and died within a month of each other 😔 it was super cursed but im cool im being very brave about it
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 9 months
Tumblr media
chicago snow storm - no power - no heat. goodbye worldt.
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ravenwolfie97 · 4 months
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oh baby we're so back
#so i had. a somewhat cracked idea#so i had made some genshin ocs for fun a few months ago#and ended up getting way too attached to one of them in particular#and i kept thinking like man drawing them is one thing but i would love to see that oc as like an actual character in action#without manipulating the actual game of course. cuz that can get you banned and i don't want that ;3;#but then i was like wait. i could just mock it up in blender#because i've used blender before. i had to use it for a couple years in high school for art and animation stuff#and then promptly never really used it again except once in college for fun and it didn't stick#but now i'm like. super pumped about this#i want my vision to come true and by god i will do it#at first i was gonna use the genshin models for base part and started by looking up how people import them#but then i was like. oh yeah i could just draw it and then plop that into blender and just trace that essentially#which i forgot was a thing a lot of people do kjlkjlkl#but like i still want it to be accurate? or close at least#so like idk this isn't something i'm gonna be finishing in an afternoon this will be like. many months of work#but i'm actually rly excited about it man#this isn't getting into the animation aspect yet cuz that. will truly be tricky. cuz idk if you can import that data or not#from genshin i mean. like just slapping those animations onto the character at first#i think that either isn't possible or is more complicated than i would imagine#like. how many bones Do they have. makes ya think#but anyway i can't animate if i don't have a model so i'll cross that bridge first lol
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asleepinawell · 1 year
at one point the grammar check/suggest thing in gdocs would occasionally be useful and now it's like
me: "The boy walked down the street."
gdocs: lol no it clearly should be "To boys wash dogs on them streets." you fool. you imbecile
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baphofemme · 6 months
not that much has changed but the state of u.s. politics is such a shitshow
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wizardattic · 7 months
reading an m/m fic that i wasn’t really interested in for crumbs of a female character that was barely in the show and i get to the part where she actually has lines and oh my god. i have never seen a worse case of SHE WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT
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need to shell out for a new laptop before the end of the year - for a lot of reasons but mainly bc support ending for win8.1 makes fixing the current beast rather pointless :/ (and. admittedly. there is a lot to fix. she's old and she has suffered.)
but my current beastie is from the last gen of laptops with a disc drive and the thought of using an external/usb disc drive is enough to make me cry tears of blood
#really though it is time to upgrade#and i hate to say it because she /runs/ fine it's all hardware issues w parts that can absolutely be replaced#but if i can't use it to run the programs i need then shelling out the money for those parts would ultimately be a waste#but also the fact that this machine that runs fine is no longer worth fixing bc some google-based bullshit just won't support win8.1 anymor#is ALSO a fucking waste & a pile of planned obsolescence bullshit! and i hate it!#but uh. even though she runs fine and she totally does. she does need. uh.#new keyboard (only 1/3 of keys work; currently use usb keyboard)#new trackpad ribbon cable (trackpad does not currently work; using external usb mouse)#new power button and connecting ribbon cable (turning it on involves opening it up and causing an intentional short-circuit every time.)#(a problem largely solved by simply never turning her completely off- except she also needs)#a new battery (current battery does not charge at all; machine needs to be constantly plugged in or it shuts down immediately)#...ok i might be the 'this is fine' dog about this#but i am still upset! that i will no longer have a disc drive inside my damn laptop.#that's the disc drive's natural habitat; that's where it should be; it's weird and offputting to have it connected via usb!#ack. why do tech companies fuck everything up.#and that's without getting into the way new devices offer less harddrive space so people will use the fucking cloud or whatever???#yeah sorry no i'm not using your goddamn data mining corporate off-site storage i want to keep my shit on my own goddamn machine#go to actual hell if you're trying to sell me a pc with less than at least 500GB of storage i swear to fuck#...in essence you could say the whole process is leaving me rather grumpy
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saltcherry · 1 year
ugh absolutely cursed vibes, wherein I was right about something I was trying to say three months ago, but because I am a bad communicator, it was not received as intended.
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themagical1sa · 2 years
kpop fandom stop calling mave: an "artificial intelligence group" challenge (difficult)
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
i am troubled and ashamed but truth be told. i can't wrap my head around the Stabbening being lxc's conscious choice rather than a gut reaction. :(
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