#because english is hard
thesefallenembers · 7 months
the problem with reading and writing leading to a strong vocabulary is that you tend to know the vibe of words instead of their meanings.
if I used this word in a sentence, would it make sense? absolutely. if you asked me what it meant, could I tell you? absolutely not.
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originalartblog · 1 month
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(continued under the cut ↓)
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did you hear about my amazing propaganda yet
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usefulquotes7 · 11 days
the problem with reading and writing leading to a strong vocabulary is that you tend to know the vibe of words instead of their meanings. if I used this word in a sentence, would it make sense? absolutely. if you asked me what it meant, could I tell you? absolutely not.
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thevalleyisjolly · 1 month
It's a minor detail but I'm so emotional over Doctor Who making the universal human language in the future based on Cantonese.
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otaku553 · 10 months
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Kind of enjoyed his character teaser! :)
I think Lyney will be pretty interesting especially if he’s the main character introducing us to Fontaine (similarly to like collei and tighnari being the first characters for sumeru). The relationship between magic and law to the truth are very counter to each other, because magic presents falsehood as the truth while law is meant to uncover the truth and judge impartially based on it. I think the fact that we’re seeing a family of magicians in our first banner instead of a judge or a lawyer means a lot of fun things are in store for the Fontaine justice system in terms of how it handles falsehoods presented to it and how it judges what it perceives to be truth.
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redysetdare · 6 months
I said it once and i'll say it again the sooner the queer community drops the idea of the straight Boogeyman the better off we will all be. The sooner y'all accept that straight people can also be queer the easier it becomes to accept identities you don't understand.
Straight and queer are not opposite. They aren't contradictory. They aren't mutually exclusive. If you can accept that cis people can still be queer then straight people can to.
Straight trans people exist. Straight aspecs exist. They are all still queer. Grow the fuck up and get over it instead of throwing a fit because things are not about you.
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borzoilover69 · 11 months
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average relationship dynamic
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lastdivantruther · 3 days
A short (!) take on why this goofy ass page is the best introduction to HunterXHunter's characters:
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Or, an alternative title, why Togashi is the best liar in the world and why it makes him the best story-teller.
I've spent my afternoon writing this because I couldn't stop thinking about the ship scene at the start of the story for a month now. Rest is under the cut.
Starting this page, as these three introduce themselves, the speech patterns they use already say something about them:
Kurapika's is polite and to the point, using the gender neutral I, 私 (watashi), while Gon's is simple with casual and more masculine おれ (ore), and Leorio's is more pompous, also using the casual おれ (ore).
When the captain asks about their motives, Gon is first one to answer, that is expected of course. As we know him he is a bright and pure and happy kid who trusts easily, right? Right?
I'll come back to it for another time. Let's look at the others.
Both Kurapika and Leorio refuses the talk about their motivations. That's the first similarity of them which is shown to us. Kurapika giving a more through answer on why, which shows his thought process clearly. He also completely ignores Gon and Leorio until Leorio annoys him.
When he is finally forced to talk, we see a polite but cold boy with an honorable and tragic mission he has to pursue. Or that's the image he wants the audience, and most importantly himself to see. We also take the first hint about Kurapika's relationship with the idea of his death.
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Leorio literally shouts all his motives, and he clearly is only in it for money. This is our first impression on him, and it's what he wants the audience to see.
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This is the second similarity between Leopika the manga shows us. They both lie about who they are, to their audience and to themselves. (Because we already can guess at this point that these two are not of a good actor to pull of such a lie without believing it themselves.)
Next scene shows us how much they care about this image they've drawn to hold. They even put their own, and the opponent's life to a risk for it.
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And then fallowing this one is my favorite scene, where all their lies and personas shatter. It's such a simple scene but it makes us see everyone from a new light. Everyone? You might ask, Gon and Kurapika already showed their altruistic side, right?
Here, let me explain:
They are at the hull on the ship, in the middle of the storm and they both focused at each other, ready to strike.
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Then, a man falls over the ship.
We already know this part. Both forget the fight instantly and run to the guy. Both fall short of reaching him. We see the moment of them realizing that their efforts are useless.
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That's the scene where their true character's shown. For one thing, we see that Leorio, even though he talks like a selfish person, cares enough of another to let go of his pride (a fight he was there to protect his pride). And we see that Kurapika (and Leorio too), even though he is after an honorable mission to an extent he's ready to throw away his life, it isn't extended to things other than his mission. That they still prioritize themselves before the others. Because even though both reached out to the fallen guy to save him, they still hold onto the railings, and stop before their lives can be in danger.
I know I talked a lot but this 2 panels explain a lot about their characterization without telling us a single word.
Then here comes Gon.
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At first this can be accused to Gon's altruism, him being the shounen MC, feelings, talk no jutsu etc. But there is more to that. We know that Gon doesn't care if people puts their lives in danger knowingly. We can deduct it from his attitude to Leopika's fight. No, this scene isn't there to show his altruistic side, it's here to show his single-mindedness and his instinct over people's nature.
That's the first scene he puts his live in danger without even giving a thought, and there is more to come. Rest of the scene also shows that Gon trusts people easily, instinctively, but he's mostly right about it.
Anyway, to finish up this mess of a take, what Togashi did here is to create space where characters can introduce themselves the way they wanted. Then tear it all off by forcing them to act as who they are by putting them in a life-and-death situation. And that's peak writing to me.
Finishing off with a Hot Leorio Panel.
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Sayonara you weebo shits.
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forgettable-au · 6 months
How far are you with the story? Like, how far have you gotten with the dialogue and scenes and comic planning or whatever
Oh also I saw you said you were going to not include scenes you don’t feel are completely necessary towards the story
If the comic ever gets completed would you give us info on some scrapped scenes and whatnot
I want to eat every morsel of this AU it’s so yummy (it’s my favorite flavor)
Hi! First of all,
Thank you sm, I'm so happy u like it so far and find the concept just as interesting as I do:D
So, when it comes to the story
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Most of it is already planned out, but I'm really stuck on figuring out how to make a character do something or be motivated to do that thing that I need them to do... I'm not sure how to make it play out smoothly, but I'm getting there...
I've been stuck on that FOR A WHILE, before I paused this blog
About the scrapped content, sure! That would be fun to share. I changed a lot of stuff during the early development, wich was mostly me making little funny drawing to show my close friends
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Here are some very early design ideas I had for Wingdings:D I have some that were even BEFORE these but those are kind of ehhh, not interesting
I changed him A LOT, things that only I would notice but I think are very important and differentiate him from your typical Gaster design (He's more colorful for starters, not only black and white, and his hands are still perfectly fine), still, events will lead him to the same conclusion anyways. Poor guy's gonna have a self destructive arc and become less "Wingdings" and more "W.D. Gaster"
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transfemyoungblood · 5 months
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Death of a Salesman - Arthur Miller / Roleslaying with Roman
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foursaints · 27 days
was thinking about that voice hcs post & it really struck me that i have never once read anyone besides james as remotely british. whenever barty arrives in the fanfiction like "bloke" my eyes black out for a second... you can't be talking like that croatian baby
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mawrrbid · 2 months
Touchstarved incorrect quotes as shit I and my friends said (without any context) - pt.1 probably
pt.2 - pt.3
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Leander : If you think about it, beer is technically soup. :)
MC : You're a cutie patootie. Vere: Wrong, I'm a slutty putati.
Kuras : There's many things I wanna say but I am not sure church will appreciate it. MC : OOGA BOOGA.
Mhin : I'm a spilled cup of expresso, wasted and bitter.
MC : Why are you on all four on the ground like a slut? Ais : I AM LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO SMOKE!
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ohyka · 2 months
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one more redraw
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gremlins-hotel · 1 year
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drawn while listening exclusively to justin timberlake's sexyback
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yellowocaballero · 9 months
So fucking glad to see someone talk about SSS Class revival hunter 😭 I lived it so much and I feel like no one ever mentions it against more popular titles like ORV or even The Lout of the counts family, so I'm so glad to come here and see your amazing takes :>
Thank you for the ask which lets me talk about SSSCRH (the version I read was titled 'Suicide Hunter', which tbh I like more - no beating around the bush).
It's hard to draw an accurate comparison since I'm going off just the webtoon for SSSCRH, while I'm going off both the webtoon and the webnovel for ORV. And I love ORV, ORV is my media blorbo right now, it hydraulic presses my brain, I am writing ORV fanfic - it's, like, funner to enjoy. But SSSRH is just better. In the vast majority of ways it is is better. It's better than the holy trinity by a wide margin. TW talk of suicide obviously.
I can't believe I'm saying this but you need a basic understanding of Buddhism in order to understand SSSCRH. It's not about Gongja's suicides - he doesn't suicide from depression or lack of self-esteem. SSSCRH is about suffering in the Buddhist sense - dukkha. I don't want to make this an essay, so I might reblog this with more information, but extremely shortly:
The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism is the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering. You've heard that Buddhists say 'life is suffering'. To put it one way that doesn't require defining a lot of words: the cause of suffering is experiencing the world as we percieve it instead of how it truly is. Suffering isn't just being miserable and in pain, and life isn't suffering because life sucks and global warming exists and people voted for Trump. Life is suffering because we can experience beautiful and joyful moments in this world, but we do not exist in the moment of that happiness or place our ego/'self' between us and that happiness. Living in that moment, accepting the moment as it is unconditionally, is freedom from suffering. The Buddha tries to free people from suffering through teaching Buddhism.
"What does this have to do with the webnovel and manwha about a guy murdering himself thousands of times" it has everything to do with it. Because SSSCRH is about suffering, and it is about using suffering as a tool in order to experience a world unfiltered by ego and break down the artificial boundaries between human beings. Suffering in SSSCRH is not a bad thing. Gongja has the unique capability to (reincarnate.) experience a person's suffering in unity with them, which dissolves the delusion of separation between people and puts us in touch with the reality of oneness.
The Murim arc was fucking insane because Gongja pulls a Big Bodhisattva Move and walks through the suffering of the world in order to achieve full understanding of the human experience. He takes all of the suffering of the world into himself and is liberated. You can tell it's Buddhist because death was not presented as a bad thing - death was an aspect of a happy ending for the Heavenly Demon lady, because she was finishing her life according to her own joy, and because her teachings were passed on she did not truly die.
But the purpose of embracing suffering is to discover the ability to fully embrace life, and that's where Heavenly Demon's teachings were incomplete - as the ghost dude said, Gongja hasn't even experienced his own full life and the infinite capability for his own happiness. You can only feel the depths of sadness when you've felt the depths of happiness. Sadness deserves its place in the world and it can strengthen you, but so does happiness.
Gongja is attention-seeking, envious, and unbelievably petty. When he drills down into his own desires and why he wants the things he wants, you see that he has a very strong sense of justice and right and wrong - he realizes he doesn't want to be famous, he wants to be acknowledged, but on an even deeper level he is desperate for love and to be loved. Everything he does is to experience love, and as such he learns to love others. His love for the Flamey Asshole was purely parasocial and ego-filled, with no concern for who he was as a human. Throughout the manwha, he grows to care for people as they truly are and pierce through any delusions or misleading outward appearances. He has released all attachment to life and death, and as such does not fear death, and as such has taken a step on the road towards becoming a Boddhisatva who frees others from the cycle of samsara, and as a result has learned sick sword techniques and is sooo good at beating people up.
I think the only other thing I want to mention here because otherwise this is an essay: in almost every time loop/regression story, only the final regression matters. In stories with dungeon monsters and NPCs, only the humans matter. The regressor exists in a space where there are no consequences for their actions, so they act terribly and do whatever because none of it matters. In Groundhog Day Bill Murray acts like an asshole because he can. That's not the case here. Everything Gongja does matters. The NPCs are fake, but Gongja never treats them as anything less than real people who deserve life. Once he understands a person's life he never treats them as unimportant. No loop is thrown away and no person or life is disregarded. His choices matter, the way he treats others matters, and Gongja never treats anybody as if they don't matter except for himself.
That was not short. There is a lot more. The female characters are so good and so rich. From a craft perspective it is excellently paced and has a wonderful sense of set-up/payoff and balances tone and maintains a lot of momentum, which is really hard in a time loop story. You have to do a few very specific things to write OP characters well and SSSCRH does it very well. There's more to say from a craft perspective and it's hard to judge accurately from a webtoon but it's good. I was so strangely struck the entire time about how sincere and genuine it was, how it said what it said with no trace of irony of confusion, and I think that's what stuck with me the most.
TL;DR: SSS Class Revival Hunter is good for a lot of very normal reasons, such as excellent pacing and set-up/pay off and characters, but it's also so sincerely and genuinely Buddhist that it blew my tits clean off.
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duine-aiteach · 3 months
I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m Irish and used to seeing all sorts of haha jokes about how weird our names are etc but yet I’m always surprised how surprised people are when I say that I find Welsh a pretty easy language to get the gist of. It makes sense! Welsh is something I know very little of but yet I find it easy enough to parse out the pronunciation of. I don’t always know what things mean but I’m not usually that far off in how they should be said.
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