#because girl like i almost fell down the stairs last night
baejax-the-great · 1 year
cannot even explain the frustration of being 90% of the way through editing a chapter and having a fucking fever??? come out of nowhere?? and sap my brain of the ability to do *anything*
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luveline · 6 months
hello my love!! could you maybe show us what bedtime is like in the kbd universe? thank you, you’re incredible <3
kbd —dad!steve and mom!reader get their small family ready for bed. 3k
“She looks so pretty,” Avery whispers. 
Steve struggles to pull the hem of his sock over his ankle, crossing his legs to match her as she snaps an apple slice in half with her fingers, the juice wetting her pyjama top, her torso swaying as his knee bumps into hers. “Who?” Steve asks, blinking. 
“Wren,” Avery says, leaning back to let Steve see the baby where she’s napping in her bouncer. Avery shoves a chunk of apple in her mouth. “She’s pw-ery.” 
“Try not to talk with your mouth full, you might choke.” 
Avery nods, closing her mouth to chew up the rest of her food with chipmunk cheeks. 
Steve draws a little heart into her knee. She has a bruise from falling up the stairs a few days ago like a purple ink blot just under her kneecap, but she hasn’t complained. She didn’t cry when she fell, she just got back up and asked for a Capri-Sun. Steve’s surprised she’s so hardy, but she’s getting older. He’d sort of been hoping she’d want him to kiss it better.
“She’s pretty like her big sister,” he says. 
“I’m glad she’s stopped crying all the time.” 
“Me too.” He takes one of the smaller slices from her plate to eat, wiping juice from her cheek as he does. 
She grins. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome. You all done?” 
“Not hungry anymore?” 
“Nope.” She grabs her plate before he can. “I’ll put it in the sink.” 
“Thanks, beautiful.” 
She jumps up with her empty plate and does a spin, saying, “Who, me?” 
Steve laughs like an idiot, still chuckling to himself as the sound of her plate hitting the kitchen sink reaches his ears. Wren, finally out of her sleep regression (for now), doesn’t wake. All good signs of a good night. 
Steve lets his head fall back onto little legs. “What about you?” he asks Dove, the second youngest daughter, where she sits behind him on the couch. 
She hums under her breath, her hands quick to weave into his hair, petting it away from his face. He waits for an answer he doesn’t get, closing his eyes and turning his face into her knee. Her giggles are treacle sweet. “Don’t sleep,” she protests. 
“I’m tired.” 
“It’s not bed time.” 
She’s not gonna like what Steve’s about to tell her, if that’s the case. She had a screaming tantrum last night about bed time where she threw herself on the floor and whacked her hands until her palms turned bright red. He’s not wanting a repeat. 
“It is bed time,” he says gently, though it’s not for another half an hour, “but, I was thinking, because you’ve been so good today you’d stay up extra. Maybe even have hot cocoa before bed.” Steve turns to meet her eyes. “How’s that sound?” 
“Really?” she asks, her eyes blowing wide with excitement. Steve is starting to wonder if she’s not as mini-me as he used to think, growing into sweeter features as she leaves the baby-toddler stage and starts to look like a kid. He loves it. 
“That sound fun or what?” 
She dives at him. He has enough sense to have twisted and catches her before she can break any of his teeth. “You are the best daddy ever!” she declares seriously, almost tipping over his shoulder. 
He lets her dangle for a second, then yanks her back topside. “You’re my best girl, that’s why. Let’s go make the drinks. Actually, we better go see who else wants some.” 
You and Bethie are attempting some last minute crafts at the dining table, and you’re very interested in hot chocolate but Beth doesn’t like it and so, doesn’t want any. She does seem interested in a glass of milk with a couple of chocolate chip cookies, so it’s nearly the same thing. “Careful,” he says, putting the half a pint of milk down in front of her birdhouse cautiously, “you don’t wanna spill that, baby.” 
“Who says she’s gonna spill it?” you ask. 
“Don’t start with me,” Steve warns. 
You smile to yourself. You’ve a spatula for PVA glue in your hand, skins of glue dried to your fingertips flecked with splinters of wood. Lollipop crafts felt like a good idea when he’d suggested it, but then he didn’t actually want to do it, and you’d been kind enough to step in. I’m sick of mess, he’d confided. 
Well, you’d said, somewhere between a quick kiss pressed to his shoulder and your hand rubbing it away, you probably shouldn’t have asked me to have so many kids. 
I love mess, he’d corrected immediately. Love to make more of it someday. 
“We’re nearly done in time for bed,” you assure him now. 
“I told Dove she could have an extra half an hour.” He winks at you clumsily. 
“Oh, really? Well, maybe Beth and Avery should get some extra time too.” 
Beth dunks her cookie into the top of her cup. “No thanks. I’m tired. Can I sleep with Avery again?” she asks, milk dribbling down the sides of the glass to darken the coaster underneath. 
“You’ll have to ask her yourself,” Steve says. “Wait, where is she? I thought she was in here.” Something grabs him by the legs, a sudden clutching that activates a heat in his eyes and spine he can’t explain. He flinches sideways into a cabinet and almost steps on a rather small limb. “What the fuck.” 
“Boo!” Avery says, laughing brightly as Steve rights himself on the counter. 
“Avery! Did I step on you? I’m sorry,” he says, immediately bending down. “What were you thinking? I could’ve really hurt you!” 
“Daaad, I was just pulling a prank,” she says. 
He checks over the arm he was so sure he’d stepped on. “You okay?” 
“She’s fine,” you say. “Yeah?” 
“I’m fine!” She hugs his legs again. “You said a super bad word.” 
He was hoping everybody missed that. “Dove–”
“Dad,” Dove interrupts, kicking her little feet exactly where he left her sitting on the dinner table by your left, “bad words make me cry.” She says it all clunky and clumsy, having heard it enough times. Her Aunt Robin has a potty-mouthed girlfriend, and Steve can’t do damage control quick enough sometimes.
“No, it’s when you say bad words daddy cries,” Avery says. 
“I didn’t say one!” 
“I know! I just mean it’s not when dad says it.” 
“What?” Dove asks. “He did says it.”
You’re grinning. You love when Dove confuses herself, all kids go through it, where half the time they don’t know what they’re saying until you help them along, but you love Dove’s new phase especially because she’s always been so serious. “What Avery is telling you, baby, is that daddy doesn’t get upset when he says bad words because he’s a grown up.” 
“So when we’re older we can cuss too?” Bethie asks. 
Steve’s jaw drops. “No, Beth! No, none of you need to say bad words, and I don’t either, and I’m really sorry. Can we forget about it?” 
Steve makes hot chocolate and helps you clean the sorry mess you’ve made on the table, and, after some light teasing, everybody forgets he’d reacted so violently to Avery’s surprise. Well, almost. Dove is the first to succumb to a case of the sleepies despite being otherwise reluctant to give in, sitting on his thigh, marshmallows still whole in her drink. She’d barely managed four sips. 
Steve cuddles her to his chest, covering her ear where she nuzzles against him from the sounds of your and Avery’s giggling. “He went pale,” you’re saying. 
Beth offers Steve half of one of her cookies. “You didn’t,” she says. 
If he didn’t have his arms full of Dove he’d scoop her up. “Thank you, Beth. I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
“Alright,” you say, twining your fingers and sliding them behind your head, your neck and back clicking audibly in the quiet of the Harrington house winding down, “I think it’s bedtime. Are you done with your drink?” 
You rinse the cups. Steve ferries Dove upstairs, has her down and tucked in in record time, soon enough to catch you as you and the rest of the girls make your way upstairs. Beth and Avery are beautifully silent, weary of their sensitive baby sister where she’s cradled to your chest. 
You attempt to put her down in her crib in your room, but Steve gets the feeling you aren’t successful when a crackly cry breaks out. 
“Oh, no,” Avery says. 
“It’s fine. Let’s go brush our teeth, okay? Mommy has it.” 
They brush their teeth. Steve wipes their faces down with a damp hand towel and has a moment of gratitude just touching their faces. They both look so loved, the way their eyes crinkle, the way they lift their chins, all too happy for Steve to do it. He loves these moments of being a dad most, he might say, second only to getting to talk to them, especially now they’re both holding conversation. They talk to each other none stop; Beth talks to Avery ten times as much as she does anyone else. 
“Are you having a sleepover again?” Steve asks. 
Beth turns to Avery pleasingly. “Can I? Please, please, please.” 
“Yes!” Avery says, big sister extraordinaire. She wraps her arms around Beth’s shoulders, taller, more aware of herself as she presses her cheek to Beth’s and mumbles, “Of course you can. I love you. I want us to have sleepovers every night.” 
You emerge from the bedroom victorious, heading into the bathroom as he and the girls come out. “I’m just gonna brush my teeth,” you say. 
“Gonna get Beth changed.” 
“Okay, I put her nightie on the foot of her bed earlier.” 
It’s routine but not without enjoyment. He makes sure they’re both comfortable in the night's sleepwear and takes care of their hair, before giving Avery’s room a quick half-clean and shaking out the sheets on her bed. Avery has the second biggest bedroom, though Bethie’s is nothing to turn your nose up at, and it gets Steve thinking as they climb up into Avery’s single bed. 
“I think it’s good for you guys to keep your separate rooms for now,” Steve says tentatively, “but what do you think about sharing?” 
The plan was that Dove and Wren would share, but if Avery and Beth are getting along so well, it might not hurt to ask. 
Beth gasps. “Our bedrooms?” 
“Like, you and Avery could both sleep in here. You have a bunk bed, or we could get you a big one to share, and you could share teddies.” 
“I don’t want to share my teddies,” Avery says. 
“Well, you don’t have to. I’m not gonna make you.” Steve squints at them both. “Bad idea?” 
“I want to share,” Beth says immediately. 
Avery has a better understanding of what that will mean. “Maybe.” 
“You don’t have to,” Steve says. “Your rooms are yours, okay? Maybe we can just get you a bigger bed anyways, Ave. You’re so tall now, in a couple of years you’ll be ten feet tall and we’ll have to bend you in half to get you to school.” 
This is the funniest thing a man could say, apparently —both Beth and Avery burst into girly giggles that ring down the landing. Beth sounds like she might be sick. She laughs so much, falling into Avery’s side as her big sister says, “Dad, that’s silly!” 
“I can show you, if you want. We’ll practise making you into an Avery flavour pretzel, c’mere.” 
She squeals and climbs over Beth’s legs to huddle in the corner of her bed. Steve doesn’t so much as touch her legs and she’s laughing again, panicked, hyper laughter like she can’t decide if she wants to be folded or not. He presses his finger over his smile. “Shh, shh, we can’t wake the babies.” 
“Sorry,” she laughs. 
“My fault. Don’t be sorry.” He gives her leg a squeeze. “How about we start to tuck you in, girls? Do we have everything we need?” 
Beth wants a few things from her own bed, but besides that, they’re ready. Well, they’re supposed to be ready, but Steve wound them up and it’s his own fault, he can’t even complain when they beg him to watch a movie. What’s the harm? he decides, turning on Avery’s TV and pushing their favourite tape into the VHS player. 
“The effect FernGully has on the new generation is amazing,” you say, wiping your eyes. You’ve changed into pyjama pants Steve’s sure you’ve had since you met him and a tank top with straps falling down your shoulders. He wants to pull them back over the curve of your shoulder, but he’s trying to be less smothering.
He fluffs the pillows behind the girls’ backs. “It’s the boy. What’s his name? Dennis? Daniel?” 
“Neither.” You put a fallen teddy back on the bed and turn on Avery’s star-shaped night light before flicking off the big light above. The TV glows green on their legs. 
“Gonna lie down?” Steve says, gentler now, easing them in. 
Avery flops back. Beth curls in on her side, and it reminds Steve of you and him. He can sleep any which way. You’re slightly more particular, but you’re happier curled on to him. He really loves how close they are as sisters, and he has to give Avery some credit, because while Beth is exceedingly easy to love, she’s a clinger, she worships her big sister, which must get heavy from time to time. 
Avery pulls the blankets up over them before Steve can do it himself. He sighs, tucking them both in. Blankets pushed gently under their sides, hair brushed back from their little faces, he says, “Love you, Ave. Love you, Beth,” kissing their foreheads in swift succession. “I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” 
“Love you, daddy,” they say at the same time. 
You touch his arm gently before leaning in for your own kisses. You’re slower than he’d been, turning their faces in your hand one after the other to place identical kisses on their cheeks. “Love you, sweetheart,” you say to Avery, and, “Love you, baby,” you say to Beth. Steve holds your back as you do. “Have good dreams, okay? And don’t mess with the TV. One movie tonight is enough, you’ll wake up with sore eyes.” 
He steals another kiss from both of them and then you’re closing the door behind you, the house much darker and quieter than it had been only ten minutes previous. 
“You want a glass of water?” Steve says. 
You catch his hand. “I got you one.” 
Neither you nor Steve bother with anything but bed. He draws back the blankets and you climb in, only stopping momentarily to make sure that Wren’s alright in her crib. You curl in the middle of the bed and wait for Steve to force his way beneath you, which he does, your face resting on his shoulder, your leg stretched across his. Your hip is a lump in the blankets. He lets his hand fall atop it, whistling a tired breath through his teeth. 
“Mm,” you agree, stretching out, curling in tighter. 
“I know,” he says. Can’t forget his best girl, can’t not think about how much he loves you when it’s you and him alone. Mostly. “You alright?” 
“Fine. Tireder than I thought.” Your eyes close, lashes brushing his chest. “H?” 
“You okay?”
“Fine, honey. Was just asking you,” he mumbles. His pillow feels like a cloud beneath his head, the mattress even better, and the sheets are a brushed cotton that’s amazingly soft on his skin. 
He turns his nose down onto you for a not so secret sniff. 
“Feels too good to be true.” 
“My turn tonight,” he says. 
“No, baby, it’s my turn.” 
“That’s fine.” He’s not as tired as you, or at least not half as achy. If Wren wakes up crying (not definitely going to happen) or Dove has a late night startle (even less likely, though not impossible), he’ll take the burden tonight. “I wanted babies and I got ‘em.”
“I want them too,” you say. 
“Of course you do,” he says, rubbing your forehead with the tip of his nose affectionately. “That’s not what I meant.” 
“Less when they wake me up,” you joke. 
Steve feels up your side to your shoulder for a sleepy cuddle. You don’t realise how soft you can be, how warm you are pressed against him like this, how grateful he is to hold you. Maybe you can read his mind, or maybe as just pure evidence of such a feat, you cup his upper arm in your hand and begin to draw shapes over his skin, breaking the pattern with fleeting scratches. “Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, honey. I’m sure. You go to sleep now, okay? It’s Saturday tomorrow,” he whispers tenderly. “You don’t have anywhere to be.” 
“‘Cept here,” you whisper back. 
“Love you.” A brush of his lips to your eyebrow. “Goodnight, sweetheart.” 
“I love you.”
“I love you,” he says. He swears he’s gonna stay up for a bit and count your eyelashes or something, maybe pen you a love poem, write a note about your lips and how they pout when you’re nearly sleeping, but he forgets to when you press your face into the curve of his neck and kiss it clumsily. You fall asleep at the same time, the girls laughing in whispers just a few feet away behind the wall.  
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miaoua3 · 29 days
hey!! popping in to say stay the morning was just 🧎‍♀️perfect. cld i request for some boyfriend ceo cheol hcs? <3 cant get enough of that trope omg.
heya! thank you so much for the nice words! and sure i can, it would be my pleasure🫶
CEO! Seungcheol Boyfriend Headcanons:
• (sfw headcanons)
met you at some fancy dinner that you were accompanying your friend to, literally saw you across the room and couldn’t look away, literally stopped listening to whoever it was that he was talking to, said a brief “excuse me” before he immediately approached you to ask you for your name, the rest is history❤️
boyfriend or a sugar daddy? well- both actually. he literally gets mad if you even dare to think about paying for something with your own money, his black card has its first and foremost place in your wallet so you better be using it
although he indulges in buying you expensive and extravagant presents, cheol is actually all about small actions of affection. randomly ordering you food while you are at work, sending you flowers, tying your shoes when they come undone, holding your hand while you walk down the stairs in heels to make sure you don’t fall-he does it all and does it without even having to think twice about it, that’s how much he loves and adores you
has his kitchen filled to the brim with all the sweets and treats that you absolutely love, you definitely will put on a bit of a healthy relationship weight when you start dating him
never lets you drive to his place, always either picks you up himself or has his driver pick you up, not because he thinks you can’t but because he’d rather not risk it and just because he thinks it isn’t necessary, his princess shouldn’t be doing anything except look pretty and give him tons of kisses❤️
definitely books and pays for all the activities you have always wanted to try like your dream concerts, sky diving (if you are into dying like that lol💀) etc- just anything to make his girl happy
didn’t even ask you to move in officially, he just hung an extra key to your keychains, started insisting that you stay the night (every night actually) and eventually…your place was empty and his place was filled with your things and that made him so so happy❤️
behind the cold and moody persona he puts up as a cover is the clingiest, babiest boyfie seungcheolie ever :(( will text you all the time, asking when you will be back so you can cuddle him, “its been so long since you cuddled him last :(“ (its been 3 hours….)
is absolutely miserable when he has to go away for some business trips, literally counts the days until he comes back home to you❤️
• (nsfw! headcanons)
definitely provider both in and outside the bedroom, he will always put your pleasure first, refuses for his bedroom life to be just something quick and simple, will always spend hours just making love to you until he knows that you are 100% satisfied
LOVES spending his money on lingerie and expensive jewellery for you to wear in bed, he thinks there’s nothing hotter than you clad in red lacy lingerie and with rubies hanging from your ears and neck, he finds it so hot that HE was the one to buy all of that and finds it even hotter that HE is the only one who has the privilege to take it all off (read: rip it all off)
possessive as fuck, is always asking you “who is my good girl?, on nights where he is jealous and feeling pissed might even let the words “who do you belong to?” slip out, but like not in a misogynistic and egotistical way, but more so in a “i can’t live without you in my life so i need you to remind me that you will want to be with me forever :(“ way
doesn’t want to risk it with shower sex because you almost slipped and fell one time and gave him a mini heart attack, bathtub sex however? lets just say he always has to clean up the water that has splashed outside the bathtub while you rode him to the point he saw heaven
not really into bondage but loves to restrict your movement with his hands alone, gets him off knowing he’s strong enough to manhandle you in ways he desires
loves your ass more than anything else in the world, his favourite position is 100% doggy or fucking you in front of a mirror with your back turned towards him so he can see both your face and your ass
big on leaving hickeys all over your body, he just wants to mark what is his so everyone can know to back. the fuck. off. of his girl (loves it when you do it to him too, he just wants the whole world to know that you two are each other’s person, even if it’s because of the hickeys littered all over his collarbones
low-key into voyeurism, likes the danger of being discovered (and getting into a scandal apparently smh bro doesn’t care about his public image he’s just thinking with his dick)
i said it once and i will say it again- my man has a praise kink and that’s the end of it, he just loves reassuring you and praising you how good you are doing and how good of a girl you are being for him, would never call you the b-word, you are his princess, his baby, not…that word :(( (well unless you insist to-)
thats all i got for now😭 hope that you like it! love you mwah💋
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dwindlinghaze · 1 year
(remus lupin x fem!reader)
summary: remus lupin is a sleepyhead
contents: small blurb, fluff, fluff, sleepy remus is just so :(
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
somedays, things just take way to much energy. looked up; then the whole room's spinning.
that's what remus lupin is going through right now.
he was not able to sleep with james and sirius' loud voices last night. they were playing around until late at night.
remus wouldn't want to be the killjoy. he lets them have their fun just for tonight.
with that being said, the lack of sleep he had was torturing him.
he can feel his blood running and the sky's falling.
he almost fell in asleep in transfiguration this morning, earning a disappointed stare from professor mcgonagal.
he couldn't take it anymore; his lids were super heavy. even if he tried to open them, he still wouldn't be aware of his surroundings because his mind is slowly shutting off.
he wanted a comfortable place to sleep. someplace that he feels the best. then it came to his mind; your bed.
he once heard the spell sirius used to charm the stairs' to the girl's dormitory. though he never tried it, he's going to now.
he arrived in your bed and completely buried himself in your sheets. it smelled like you- which brings more comfort to him. he's one hundred percent sure that this will be the best sleep he's going to have in weeks.
you didn't see him after your third class, you wonder where he is. you had asked james about his whereabouts but james said he didn't know.
so after your last class, you head to your dorm to change to a more comfortable clothes and in hopes of finding your boyfriend in the way.
you creaked open the door to your dorm and made a bee line towards your part of the room.
you almost lost your breath when you heard shuffling from inside. you were sure nobody's in there.
"hello?" you croaked, eyebrows knitting.
"mhhm," was the only response. your heart slowed down its pace when you heard the voice. you knew who it belonged to.
you saw remus sleeping on your bed. one of your pillows under his head and the other he hugged. you almost melt at the sight. you knew from this morning that the poor boy didn't get enough sleep last night. you were glad he found his way up here.
"hi angel," remus mumbled, fluttering his eyes open. his hair was messy and his face was so adorable.
"hi rem, sorry i woke you up. go back to bed," you kissed his forehead.
remus tugged your hand, "stay with me?" he said- almost like a mumble.
"let me change to a more comfy clothes okay?"
you went back to him after changing and he instantly rest his head over your chest. sighing in contentment. "love you."
you chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck because you found that he loves it. "love you too. sweet dreams," you said it so softly, almost afraid if you got any tune louder, remus wouldn't be able to go and find his way back up into the clouds.
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rafedaddy01 · 10 months
I think you should do a “my bestfriends dad trope with a age gap,” example -> rafe has a daughter reader her bestfriend (last name can be Thornton) (smutt) mix with it
Daddy’s Girl
A/n: I absolutely love this idea!!
“Your dad is soo hot” you spin around on the island chair and face your best friend.
“Ew, y/n, stop it!” Jaylin, Rafes daughter, says.
The two of you have been friends since diapers. Your dad, topper Thornton, is best friends with Rafe. So you grew up with the girl.
“What? I’m serious, I don’t know why he’s single” you roll your eyes as you watch Rafe exercise through the glass window.
“Your dads a total dilf” you laugh as your best friends face turns in disgust.
“Come on. Let’s go upstairs and do our homework” she rolls her eyes and grabs her water bottle off the counter as she makes her way toward the stairs.
“Where are you girls off too” Rafe comes out of the home gym with a towel around his neck and the beads of sweat deliciously falling off his body.
Over the years you’ve given Rafe subtle hints about your little ‘crush’. You’d never actually act on it, or would you..
As Rafe stood in the hallway awaiting a response the two of you lock eyes. “We have homework to do Mr. Cameron” you flutter your eyelashes at him as you say the last bit a little flirty.
Your best friend finger gags her mouth as she turns and grabs your arm, pulling you up the stairs.
Rafe isn’t fazed by your behavior, he was used to it. Sometimes he would play along.
“You stayin the night again y/n?” He cocks and eyebrow at you as you turn your head a grin. “Yes sir” you wink at him as you follow jaylin to her room.
Rafes eyes never leave your figure until it disappears into the dark hallway.
The night fell and as you stirred in bed next to your friend you wondered if anyone would hear you go down for a glass of water.
You quietly pulled the sheets off your body and slipped your slippers on as you tip toed out the door.
Careful to not make the stairs creak, you walked down them and headed into the kitchen.
There was a small light in the living room and as you passed by you heard a noise, almost like someone in pain.
You stopped and peared into the room and saw Rafe sitting on the couch, all you could see was the back of his head but it was pretty clear what he was doing. The noises he was making made it obvious.
You felt like you shouldn’t be watching but at the same time you could look away.
“Oh fuck” he groan under his breath as his movements picked up.
“Oh y/n, fuck! Right there”
Your eyes widened as you listened to your best friends dad masturbate to the thought of you.
A smirk tugged your lips as an idea came to mind.
Rafe couldn’t see you because of the way the couch was set up, his back was to the entrance.
So you slowly walked over and peeked over the back of the couch, watching his strokes speed up.
His eyes were closed and his head dipped back slightly.
You reached out and placed both hands on his shoulder making him jump a little and cover himself with a nearby blanket.
“Anything I can help with, Mr. Cameron?” You ask innocently as his cheeks flush and he looks up at you.
You start massaging his shoulders and lean your mouth down to his neck, peppering kisses up to his ear and nibbling on the lobe.
“Uh- fuck- y/n.. w-what are you doi-doing?” His voice is more of a groan as he leans back to your touch.
“Shh, wouldn’t want to wake jaylin would we?” You come around to the front of the couch.
He watches your every move as you strip out of your pajama shirt and step out of your shorts, leaving you naked
“Holy s-“ Rafe moans as he looks over your body.
“You know..” you say as you start to straddle him, intertwining your fingers behind his neck.
“I always wondered what it would be like to fuck an older man” you bit your bottom lip as you slowly grind on his cock over the blanket, your core dripping with arousal and leaving a stain.
“We shouldn’t do this. It’s wrong”
You prop yourself up a little and remove the blanket, watching his thick, lengthy cock spring up.
“He doesn’t think so” you smile as Rafes eyes lock into your.
“Please fuck me?” You plead as you rub the tip of his cock with your hand.
“Your a naughty naughty girl, y/n” Rafe grins as he holds back a groan.
“Only for you” you say before positioning yourself over his massive length and pushing down.
You both moan quietly as you start moving.
Rocking your hips back and forward before bouncing up and down.
“Oh fuck! Your so big, daddy”
“Oh shit. Call me that again”
“Yeah? You like when I call you daddy?” You tease him as you start moving faster and faster.
“Fuck!” He picks you up like you weigh nothing and turns you over, ramming your knees to your chest and thrusting into you.
He gets much deeper in his angle and you try to hold back your moans but it feels too good.
You scream out and Rafe quickly covers your mouth.
“Shut the fuck up”
He slams harder into you while suppressing your moans with his big, muscular hand.
“Does daddy need to discipline his little girl?”
@f4ll-for-you @v21sstuff @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @eventualoptimism @drewstarkeysbae @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx @spencerreidsrealgf
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rosanna-writer · 2 months
Karma Is My Boyfriend (3/6)
Tumblr media
Summary: Elain Archeron saved countless lives by vanquishing Graysen Nolan, her literal demon of a fiancé. She's a hero, but it's just not fair that being a good witch destined to rid the world of evil has left her tragically, painfully single. Enter Lucien Vanserra, the best cupid in the business, who's been sent by the universe to balance the karmic scales and find Elain the perfect new partner…
Another update for @elucienweekofficial!!!
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2
The third chapter can be found Here on AO3 or under the cut.
Archeron family dinners were a chaotic affair. That night, Nesta was using her telekinesis to move Rhys's wineglass another half-inch to the left every time he stopped paying attention, and Cassian was tossing grapes in the air to see if he could catch them with his mouth before Feyre turned them to mist. And when they weren't terrorizing their siblings-in-law, both married couples were holding hands under the table and making eyes at each other over their plates.
Elain loved them all—as individuals. But she hated feeling like a fifth wheel in her own home.
And she had to admit, it was better with Lucien there. Partially just because it was a relief that for once, she wasn't the only one with table manners. But also, because things felt…balanced with him there. Like he'd filled in a spot that none of them knew was vacant.
Elain could almost fool herself into believing that Lucien was a permanent addition to the household. But when the plates were cleared and Lucien stood to go, the illusion was broken, and she felt a strange sense of disappointment.
He held out a hand for her and said, "I have something to show you."
"Now?" Elain said.
"No time like the present. And I think unclogging that block is going to be quite the undertaking."
Elain wondered if he was really so eager to be rid of her that quickly. Perhaps as a cupid, he really did think of her as nothing more than a particularly nasty drain in need of a good plunging.
She took his hand and tried not to look hurt.
There was a flash of red light, and they found themselves in a crowded basement at a Halloween party. As Elain blinked and took in their new surroundings, a girl in cat ears walked straight through her and Lucien. And there was a strange, dreamy haze over everything.
They were watching a memory.
A version of herself from the past came down the stairs, wearing a headband with a halo on a spring and a pair of cheap plastic wings. She'd scrounged up the costume at the last minute, less worried about how she looked and just wanting one night of non-magical, normal fun.
As she made her way to one of the coolers full of drinks, one of the wings knocked into someone. "Sorry!" Elain said in the memory, turning to see who she'd bumped into.
It was the man she'd been hearing about all night. He wore a headband of his own, one with bright red horns, and carried a cartoonish pitchfork—no wonder Elain had been getting such strange looks when mentioned that she'd come here alone. Everyone had assumed they'd planned a couple's costume.
Graysen Nolan was even more handsome than she remembered.
Elain found herself clutching Lucien's hand as she watched herself flirt her way through her first interaction with her future ex-fiancé.
Their costumes, his cheesy line about whether or not it hurt when she fell from heaven—all of it was so much more painful in hindsight. She'd been so stupid and naive, starting with this very first night when she went home with him.
Tears pricked at her eyes, and her grip on Lucien's hand became painfully tight. "Why did you show me this?" she said, and the memory around them paused.
"You loved him, didn't you?" Lucien said gently.
"He was just another demon." One in a very long line of them—Elain had vanquished more than she could count.
"In the end, yes. But I brought you to this moment because none of that had happened yet. I won't deny that Graysen ruined it all later. But beginnings—when there's nothing but a spark and infinite possibilities—those are pure. You're blocked because you stopped believing in that."
Elain wiped at her eyes with the hand that wasn't entwined with Lucien's. "It was doomed from the start."
As a seer, she knew all about fate and inevitable sad endings. Her gift was meant to help her find innocents in need of protection—she never had visions of her own life. But still, a part of her thought that with all that experience, she should have predicted where things would end with Graysen anyway.
Lucien wasn't looking at her like she'd been silly or naive, though. There was a deep well of understanding in his eyes as he said, "Perhaps. But if that's the case, it makes you even braver for trying."
Before Elain could even begin to figure out what to say to that, there was another flash of light. This time, they appeared in a rooftop garden. The place where Graysen had proposed.
And the place where Elain had killed him.
He'd gotten paranoid, in the end. Elain had known something was wrong when he tried to isolate her from her sisters—urging her to move out of the manor, complaining that they stifled her, refusing to even be around them. After they'd discovered he'd lied about no longer killing innocents, Nesta or Feyre would have gladly been the ones to land the killing blow, but it was too difficult for them to get close enough. It had to be Elain.
To make a potion strong enough to vanquish him, they'd needed to brew it together, imbuing it with their combined power. Elain had dipped a dagger in it, then packed the blade along with snacks for a picnic and told her fiancé she'd planned a surprise for their anniversary.
The memory played, and Elain watched herself kiss Graysen hello for the last time. Even though it had been a risk—he might have found the dagger—she hadn't pulled it on him right away. To the very end, she'd been stupid and sentimental, and they'd reminisced about their first meeting in the place they'd gotten engaged.
Graysen hadn't known it, but it had been her way of saying goodbye.
Lucien wrapped an arm around her shoulders as Elain watched the memory. She leaned into him, grateful for the support as they watched the version of her from the past pull out the dagger. Graysen hadn't tried to fight her off; instead, he'd tried pleading with her, promising he wouldn't hurt another innocent again if Elain just let him go. He'd even cried.
Just for a moment, she'd considered it. He'd smiled when he saw the hesitation in her eyes, and that was when Elain plunged the blade into his heart.
Without thinking, she turned her head, burying her face in Lucien's chest as Graysen began to scream. The memory stopped, but they stood there in silence for a long moment, and Lucien's thumbs rubbed soothing circles onto her upper arms.
Safe. Elain felt so safe with him. He rested his chin on the top of her head, and she let out an involuntary sigh. They might have been standing right in the middle of the worst memory of her life, but she'd want to stay there forever if it meant Lucien kept holding her.
"I know this one was painful to watch," he said eventually, "but I hope you can come away knowing how strong you are. You have every reason in the world to be afraid of finding love again, but I fully believe you can master that fear."
"Thank you," she said, voice tight.
There was another flash of light, and this time, a forest emerged around them. A gentle breeze was sending autumn leaves tumbling to the ground, and the air felt crisp as Elain breathed it in.
It was beautiful, but…completely unfamiliar. This memory wasn't hers.
Before Elain could ask where they were, she caught a glimpse of auburn hair gleaming in the sun. This was Lucien's memory, one old enough that there was no mechanical eye or scar on his face.
He looked contented enough, hiking a trail alone. And it seemed like he might have been the only person around for miles, but the sound of a dog barking shattered that illusion.
A woman Elain had never seen before came around a bend, her excited little dog wagging his tail and straining at his leash to get closer to Lucien. They stopped to talk. Lucien scratched the dog on his head, and somewhere in the middle of the conversation, the dog's happy bobbing and weaving between their legs resulted in the leash tangling together Lucien and the dog's owner.
They both nearly fell over, but at the last minute, Lucien grabbed her and pulled her flush against him. The woman giggled and blushed prettily.
"Her name was Jesminda," Lucien said quietly. Past tense.
He'd said that dating wasn't in the cards for him anymore. Perhaps it was rude to ask, but Elain supposed he'd shown her this for a reason. "What happened to her?"
"My stepfather was a demon, and she was one of the many innocents he killed before he was vanquished."
"I'm sorry." The words had never seemed so pathetically small, but there was nothing else she could think of to say.
"I became a cupid to honor her memory. After everything we shared, it seemed fitting to connect people with their true love so they could experience the same blessing that I did."
Elain turned to face him fully. By bringing her here, Lucien had bared a part of his soul to her. It was far more vulnerability than he needed to show in order to fix her block.
There was something more he was trying to tell her than just that she needed to believe in herself. "What makes you think you couldn't experience it again?" she said.
"It's exceedingly rare for lightning to strike the same place twice."
"But not impossible."
Lucien's smile didn't meet his eyes. "Not impossible. But close to it."
Elain couldn't help but wonder if she wasn't the only one whose past had left them blocked. But she wasn't a cupid whose expertise was matching people up with their happy endings.
Maybe…this had been Lucien's way of letting her down gently. If he wasn't ready to try again, she understood.
"Thank you for this," she said, taking another step away from him. "Really. It was all quite…illuminating. I think I might be closer to moving on."
"That's good to hear," he said, voice tight.
One last flash of light, and Elain was back at the Archeron manor, with Lucien nowhere to be found. She'd see him again—after all, she hadn't actually found true love yet—but with a pang, she realized she wished she could have bid him goodnight.
After everything she'd seen…Elain didn't want to be alone. The kitchen light was on, so she headed that way and found Cassian washing dishes. They did have a dishwasher, but it was out of commission. And since Cassian's job as a handyman repairing the manor was revealed to be a ruse that allowed him to keep an eye on his charges, nothing in the Archeron manor got fixed quickly anymore.
Ducking around one of his massive, feathery wings, Elain grabbed a clean towel and started drying plates. Might as well make herself useful.
"So what did you and Lucien fight about?" Cassian said, not even bothering with a greeting.
Elain nearly dropped the plate in surprise. "What are you talking about?"
"You left to go unclog yourself or whatever and came back looking like you might cry."
"Nothing happened," she said quickly. Cassian just dropped the sponge, raised his brows, and waited. Elain sighed. "Nothing important happened."
"If it involves one of my charges, it's important."
Elain bit back another sigh—it wasn't fair of him to play the guardian angel card. She wouldn't be surprised if Nesta put him up to this. "Lucien's not a threat."
Cassian raised both hands in a conciliatory gesture, then went back to scrubbing a pan. "Good. Because if I need to give anyone the break-her-heart-and-I-break-your-face speech, I'd rather not find out last minute. And since you're dating again…"
He let the implication hang in the air. And despite herself, Elain's cheeks went pink. "It's too early for that."
"I'm just saying, since I'm banned from Adriata and all, I'll need extra advance notice with Tarquin."
Right. The wrecked building that he'd refused to share any further details about, no matter how many times she and Feyre asked about it. Elain found herself cracking a smile.
"You'll be the first to know. I promise."
"This is why you're my favorite charge. So much easier to keep track of than the other two," Cassian said, knocking a wing against her arm affectionately. Dropping his voice to a stage whisper he added, "Don't tell Feyre and Nesta I said that."
By the time the last of the dishes were dried and put away, Elain was feeling just a bit better. It helped that Cassian gave the best hugs of anyone she knew, wrapping her in both his massive arms and cocooning her with his wings, too. Once she was alone in her room, she sent a quick text message.
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But somehow, once that was done, Elain was unable to shake the feeling that she'd just made a wrong choice.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Hi can u do one where trevor comes home in middle of the night from being on the road and when yn wakes up she really happy and they hang out something like that???
(idk if this was for penalty box but it is now lmao) note: i don’t own nhl23 so idk who’s available to play as
Trevor had been gone for almost a week on a long roadie. It was great hanging out with Jamie and everything, but you were gravely missing your boyfriend.
“Alright, I’m beat,” Jamie announced after Catching Fire ended. “We can watch the other two movies tomorrow once Z gets home.”
“Okay. Goodnight, J! I love you!” you smiled up at him with your head leaning back against the back of the couch to look up at him.
“I love you, too,” he laughed and kissed your forehead before he left to go to his room.
You cleaned up the living room a bit before heading upstairs to the bedroom you and Trevor share. It was always a bit lonely without him there, and you know it’ll get worse next season when Jamie is back with the team all the time. You tried not to dwell on it too much, because it’s not like you haven’t done it before. Plus, with facetime sleepovers being a thing, Trevor made sure you were always okay. Tonight, however, Trevor said he was going out with some of the team after the game, so you only got your post game facetime.
You surprisingly fell asleep easily. You knew it was only because your boyfriend was due home in the early afternoon, but you didn’t mind. You were excited.
The sleep didn’t last long because you were being shaken awake an hour later, “Jamie Baby, I love you so much, but unless you got a call that Trevor is gravely injured, politely get the fuck out of my room.”
“Wrong baby,” you heard Trevor laugh. You shot up in bed quick to the sweet sight of your smiling boyfriend, “Trevor!”
“Shhhh,” Trevor shushed you, still laughing. “You’ll wake up Jimmy and I just want me and you time. Wanna play chel?”
“Yes, oh my god! Jamie is so bad at it; he gives me zero challenge that it gets boring after a while,” you accepted his offer eagerly.
“He really does suck,” Trevor agreed, taking your hand to guide you down the stairs to the living room. He quickly got out the controllers and popped in the game. He then sat down in the middle of the couch and opened his legs a bit and motioned for you to sit in between them. “You’re going down, sweet girl.”
“You wish, Zegras,” you fired back.
“Oh yeah? Well, I call dibs on Quinn,” Trevor smirked.
You gasped, “Oh, you dick! Fine. I’ll be Robo.”
“Stop liking the Stars!”
“Make me!”
Trevor dropped his controller and swiftly flipped you down on the couch and climbed on top of you.
“Don’t you dare, Zegras,” you warned. “I’ll cut you off.”
Trevor scoffed, “yeah right, you missed me too much for that.”
“I wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow; I can wait a few more days,” you smiled deviously.
“Can we kiss and make up?” Trevor quirked an eyebrow.
You rolled your eyes and pulled him down for a kiss. Trevor was deepening the kiss and started to trail kisses across your jaw and down your neck when you shoved him away, granting you a frown from your boyfriend.
“I wanna play chel!” you smiled as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Trevor’s pout turned into another smile, “Fine. But you can’t play as Robo.”
“That’s okay,” you smirked. “I’ll play as Roope.”
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veeluvss · 1 year
bed time
jj x autistic!daughter
some words
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“i don’t know what to do em,” JJ sighed, running her hands through her hair. “every night, even when i’m not home she sleeps in my bed-“
“she’s been sleeping in your bed for 16years?”
“yeah! we did it when she was little and it’s just a way to keep her anxiety low at night. i never, ever imagined myself getting with someone, nevermind in a long term relationship,” jj explained. she put her head on the jet’s table and groaned loudly.
“how long have you and will been seeing each other?”
“almost 10 months now.”
“and he’s still not met her?”
“no! and he’s coming this weekend and she’s going to sleep in my bed but so is he and that’s not going to work!”
for the last 16 years, you’d slept in your mums bed. you took naps in your own bed, you played in your own room, hung out in your own room but at 10pm every evening, you climbed under the covers of your mums bed and snuggled up on the right side.
sometimes, she’d snuggle up with you, wrapping an arm around your waist and holding you close but sometimes she didn’t. she wasn’t always home but that was okay because regardless, you felt safe in mums bed.
“hey sweetie,” she mumbled, snuggling closer to you on the friday morning. you hummed, still tired from your mums tossing and turning but you settled when you felt her begin to play with your hair - the only thing you really let your mum do.
“can we talk about something?” she asked next and you rolled over, alarmed.
“what?” suddenly you were wide awake - concern flooding your mind.
“it’s okay, it’s okay,” she reassured, sitting up and grabbing hold on your hands. “i just need to discuss something with you.”
“what is it?”
“how do you feel about sleeping in your own bed tonight? and tomorrow too? maybe we start a habit of it-“
your mouth opened. “no mum,” you told her simply. “why?”
“because i think it’s time you started sleeping in your own bed at night baby. you’re 16, you can’t live with mum forever,” jj whispered softly but you shook your head.
“no you’re wrong. i don’t need to.”
“baby id like you to,” jj pleaded.
“why?” you asked, feeling yourself getting more and more worked up. “this is where i sleep! every night! mum you can’t kick me out, why don’t you want me anymore?” those words shattered jj but she knew that’s what her girl was really thinking.
“hey,” jj whispered, wrapping her arms around you. “i want you more than anything darling but sometimes, i need some grow up time without my daughter here too,” she said softly.
“mum,” you sobbed, unable to keep the upset back anymore.
you headed off to school, shaken up and upset at what your mum had proposed but you tried to let it settle to the back of your mind. you knew your mums boyfriend was coming over today and staying for the weekend, it had been planned for weeks but you didn’t think she’d kick you out !
that’s your bed, where you slept! not some strangers, you couldn’t comprehend why your mum would want to sleep with strangers anyway.
the day ended and you headed out to your mums car. she sat waiting in her usual spot and you climbed in the front.
“hi baby, good day?” she asked, starting the car. you only nodded, far too overwhelmed to speak, you knew what was waiting for you at home.
“wills at home, you just need to say hi and then you can go do your own thing, okay?” jj said softly. you nodded once again and the car fell silent.
you walked into your house and was instantly overwhelmed. will smelt different and he brought this smell into your home and he’s going to put it in your bed.
“hi! you must be y/n!” will said with a smile; walking over to you with his hand out to shake.
you didn’t reply, or shake his hand. you weren’t a hand shaker.
“y/n, will. will, y/n,” jj greeted you both and you nodded before heading off to your room. you couldn’t help but feel sick. who was this person in your home making you feel so horrid?
you trudged down stairs at the smell of your favourite, lasagne. you peeked your head around the corner of the kitchen and saw them laughing and joking together. will was funny, he made your mum laugh which you liked. you studied him from the doorway. you watched his body language, the way he moved himself when speaking. he would stare at your mum, completely stare and that made you uncomfortable just thinking about the prolonged eye contact.
“oh hey mouse,” your mum said quickly, noticing you. you waved at her slightly and then will turned to you.
“i wondered when you would reappear,” he said softly. you walked over to your mum, wrapping your arms around her tightly.
she wrapped her arms around tou, holding you close in the silent comfort.
it was 930 and you climbed out the shower. you felt nervous, sick. you couldn’t sleep on your own. not without her. you headed to your own room and got into your comfort pjs - hello kitty shorts and a top before plaiting your hair the way you did every night. but then you saw the time and audibly whined.
9:50, time for bed. how did you do this? how was you going to do this?
shaking, you climbed into your own bed and almost immediately, JJ turned up at your door.
“do you want me to join you?” she asked and you nodded frantically. she slid into your bed, holding you close and although you settled slightly - it still wasn’t right.
you never fell asleep, no matter how much she played with your hair, no matter how much she tried to coax you to sleep. but you pretended to be and she left the room silently, making sure you were tucked in before turning on your night light.
at around 230, you headed to the toilet and you walked past your mums room. she was in her bed with will beside her, both sound asleep and you had an idea.
after washing your hands, you grabbed your blanket and slid in behind your mum. you made sure you were comfy but not taking up too much room before falling asleep quickly.
this happened for the rest of the weekend. they’d fall asleep without you but wake up with you. your mum knew you were trying though and that’s all that mattered to her. will went home on the monday and mum dropped you off at school on her way to work.
when you arrived home, you were exhausted- with hardly any sleep all weekend you weren’t surprised. you headed up to your room, expecting your mum to be at work but when opening your door, you were greeted by the team - re decorating your bedroom.
“your home early!” JJ gasped.
“i skipped last lesson. what are you doing?” you asked.
“we’re moving jj’s bed into here so you can sleep!” derek told you.
“without you?” you whispered, turning to your mum and letting your lip wobble.
“i’ll sleep with you ever opportunity i get baby but now; you can sleep in this bed whenever you like.” she replied. she wrapped her arms securely around you and you sighed, soaking up her love.
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elcpsstuff · 1 year
The Summer I Remembered You (C.F) (Part 2)
Summary: the first bonfire of the summer doesn’t go as planned when Belly and Yn decide to crash it.
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Last Summer
“Why can’t we go to the bonfire?” Me and Belly were sandwiched between Susannah, Laurel, and my mother.
“You guys are only fourteen, maybe next year.” My mom ruffled my hair and I huffed.
Belly rolled her eyes, obviously sharing the same annoyance as me. “It’s not fair. Me and Yn sit around doing literally nothing all day.”
“That’s not true.” Laurel piped in, “You hang out with us, and we’re the best company.”
“And to be clear,” I looked at my mom pointedly, “I turn fifteen in like, two days.”
“And and I turned fifteen a couple of weeks ago!”
“who’s up for 10 things I hate about you?” My mother says, knowing how to sidetrack me, and that movie is my weakness.
I signed, leaning back and I could tell Belly had given up too. “I hate that you know me.” I murmured as my mom turned the movie on.
She kissed my forehead, “You secretly love it.”
Present Day:
“Are you seriously gonna let my mom rope you into the deb ball?” A voice says from behind me. I fell out of my trance and turned around to see Conrad sitting down next to me, dipping his ankles in the pool.
I shrug, “I don’t know.” But I did know, I didn’t wanna do it. It was my mom’s dream and I might have been motivated to do it if she was here, but she’s obviously not.
“You don’t have to do it, my mom will understand.” He pulls out a joint and I almost gag. He was so different, Belly was right about that.
“I can do what I want.” I say, the words going like knives to his chest.
“Yn, you forget that I know you. Don’t do this because you feel obliged to make my mom happy and yours. I know—”
“Fuck you, Conrad.” I almost spit on him while saying this. His face dropped a little and he reached out for my wrist before I could leave.
“I wasn’t trying to be mean.”
I scoff, “Well you are.”
“The deb ball is a fucking joke, Yn. Don’t do it. I’m just trying to save you the pain, okay?”
I couldn’t believe him. Acting like he knows me, he knows nothing about me. Not anymore.
“Stop acting like you know me, Conrad. You don’t fucking know me at all.” I say and yank my hand away from him. But he did know me, he knew my heart and soul inside and out.
Sometimes I felt like I was more Susannah’s daughter than Laurels. Like Laurel thought I was some sort of curse to her family. John didn’t think so though.
The light poured through my window, and I knew with that I needed to get up. I could hear noises from downstairs, and I checked my phone to see it was already nearing 11. What the fuck? I never slept that late.
I put my hair in a low ponytail, lose strands falling into the front. I put on a cousins shirt because walking down in a tank top wouldn’t end well, and it matched my plaid shorts anyways.
I made my way down the stairs to see Conrad on the couch and Belly sitting at the island beside Laurel.
Belly smirks, “You slept in, dreaming about someone?”
I laugh, “Yeah, yeah.” but I was distressed, I mean after the talk with Conrad last night which won’t leave my mind.
I sat next to Belly and my body felt like it was being lifted to heaven when I saw the box of muffins in front of me. I grabbed the blueberry one, securing it as mine.
“Jeremiah made sure to save that one for you.” I felt my heart swell. He does that for everyone. Stop it.
“I can’t believe it! My girl Is going to be a debutante!” Susannah says, running into the room and grabbing everyone’s attention. Conrad is now fully standing and i’m just as curious as he is.
“What? Belly your doing it?” I looked towards Belly who could only mouth me a “sorry” before going to hug Susannah.
I knew where this was going, and I attempted to get up but Susannah grabbed my arm.
“Y/N, please. It will be better this time.”
I could feel Conrad’s eyes on me. Almost begging me not to do it. Then, I looked at Belly. Her face was full of life, and how could I disappoint her? I wish I could look at the world like Belly does. To her, nothing is impossible. She was the sun that shined on this house, and I just felt like the rain that drowned everything out.
“I- I mean—” I stumbled on my words, before looking at Belly.
“Okay. I’ll do it.” I could see Conrad’s eyes widen at my answer.
“Yay!” Susannah squeals while writing my name down on the card. “Now we just have to find you two dates, but we have plenty of time!”
Maybe I shouldn’t have signed up for this.
I sat in my room, looking at my closet with no thoughts. The first bonfire of the season is always the best. I was hoping it was this year. Last year was the first year I went and opted out of me and Belly’s tradition with Susannah and Laurel. I remember the look on Belly’s face when I fled.
June, Last Summer.
Laurel was nervous because the boys always went to the Bonfire, but this was the first year I was going. She felt safe though because Conrad was going, always the protector.
“Are you excited?” Conrad said to me. I smiled at him as we walked ahead of Jeremiah and Steven to his car.
“I’m happy i’m not sitting at home and doing nothing.” Conrad smiles at me and shoves my shoulder a little.
“Yo! I’m driving!” Jeremiah says while rushing to the drivers seat. I couldn’t help but blush at his demand. I think it was obvious because Conrad was staring at me.
Jeremiah turned to me and smirked, “Shotgun?”
“Always.” I say before Conrad can object. He slowly gets in the back seat.
“Poor Belly.” I said, not realizing my thoughts were being spoken aloud.
“Don’t feel bad for her, she’s still a baby in my eyes.” Steven blurts out and a laugh comes from Jeremiah’s face.
“Seriously, Y/N, you’ll have the best time.” Jeremiah puts a hand around my shoulder and redness succumbed to my face.
“Just don’t fuck anyone.” Steven starts rambling on how i’m too young and Conrad was laughing in the back.
That night, I had never felt so young. I mean, I was almost 16 but still 15. That didn’t stop me from attempting to flirt. I thought about running back to the house and begging to be forgiven and watch movies with the girls.
I grabbed a shot and chugged it down. I had dranken before, but Steven said he wouldn’t cover for me until this fall, going into Junior year. I could never drink too much. Now, I could do whatever. I could get fucking drunk.
I saw Jeremiah getting cozy with a group of girls and I felt my heart jump. He was always so mixed. He would almost kiss me one day but then act like nothing happened. Even though I never told Conrad, because that’s awkward, he always knew what was on my mind.
He caught wind of me and walked over to me, making me feel kinda happy.
“Hey! How you doing?”
I looked around to realize he probably came over to make me look normal. Nobody was talking to me. I was a loner.
“Better now.”
He smiled and put an arm around me. “How many of those have you had?”
I smirked, “mmm, I can handle it Fisher.”
“I know you can.”
For a split second I swore he was about to kiss me, like the sun and the moon were finally merging to make an eclipse. Everything would be worth it.
“I’ll see you around, Y/N.” He let’s go of me and then rushes back to the group of girls that had been calling him. What the fuck.
I grabbed the nearest drink and downed it. Suddenly I really missed Conrad.
Present Day:
“Y/N! Come on!” I heard Belly scream from downstairs. This was her first year at the bonfire, and i didn’t wanna ruin it for her. I wore a pretty blue tube top with white jean shorts.
Once I got downstairs, I was brought to se Steven and Belly yelling. Once she saw me, her eyes lit up, like I was her savior.
“Y/N! Tell Steven how I should go to the bonfire?”
“Steven, she’s 15. It’s not a big deal.” Why was Steven overreacting?
“You were more mature than Belly was. Besides, mom won’t even let you.” This wasn’t true, all belly had to do was ask.
Laurel and Susannah come running into the room, with a bunch of snacks. “Who’s ready for movie night?”
Belly sighs, knowing she’s lost this fight. I pat her on the back, “sorry bells, if you need anything text me.” She sticks her tongue out at me and smiles.
The bonfire was packed, way more than I remembered last year. Maybe it was just my bad memory. Jeremiah disbursed into the crowd of people who already knew him. Typical Jeremiah. I lost track of Conrad and Steven was talking to some chick.
I walked around, trying to gauge someone I knew. I felt so stupid, out of place. I was shy, but I knew these people. Why did I feel this way?
After tons of walking around, I decided I needed a drink, or two or three. However many my heart wanted.
I chugged the first two drinks down easily, already trying to feel the buzz.
“Don’t choke.” I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around to see a guy. He was hot. Brown, fluffy, blue eyes from what I could see.
“I know what I’m doing.” I say, with a playful tone.
“I just would hate to see a girl like you choke.”
“What’s your name?”
“Josh. You?”
He smirks which made me blush a little bit. He was no Jeremiah, or Conrad for that fact but he was something.
“Well, Y/N. Would you like another drink?” I giggled a little and took the cup from his hands, drinking whatever was in his cup. It was strong, stronger.
We talked about a lot of things. He played football, I played volleyball. It kinda just went on from there. I couldn’t help but hear voices that were too familiar to me not to turn around. It was Belly.
“I’ll be right back.” I say, before giving him one last smile and making my way over to Belly.
“Bellsssssss!” I say, slurring my words. I hadn’t moved much, and the drinks were finally starting to get to me.
“Hey, are you.. drunk?” She says.
“No! What are you doing here?” She smiles shyly. I didn’t even have to hear her answer to know she snuck out. Something else had caught my attention.
Conrad. Making out with a girl. I knew her. I knew her all too well. I felt his eyes linger to mine, as well as the girls.
“Y/N? Is that you?” She says and I’m forced to show her a smile. She gets up from Conrad and hugs me. I could feel his eyes, burning into mine as if the sun was right next to me.
“Hey, Nicole.”
“I saw Susannah pick up two sheets for the ball, are you gonna debb this year?”
I felt my body heat up and I knew Conrad noticed it too.
“Susannah wants me to try again, but—”
“You totally should! Paige is still kinda mad about last year, you can make it up to her.” I cringed at her words.
“Yeah i’ll think about it, I— i didn’t know you and Conrad?” I make a gesture between her and Conrad.
“It’s none of your business.” Conrad says, only making my anger burn so much more. Nicole rolls her eyes and sits back down next to Conrad, “Don’t be mean.”
I walked away before any of them could say something else. This night was a shit show. I looked around for the guy Josh but everything was just blurry. I grabbed the nearest drink and downed that as well. I didn’t want to feel. Not anymore.
Shit. I couldn’t really see much but I heard people screaming and saw blue and red lights. I felt a hand tug on mine and looked at them, seeing their beautiful blue eyes. It was Jeremiah.
“Come on. Let’s go.”
I followed his lead, not letting go of his hand. If only he had grabbed it just because, not because the stupid cops came. Then my night would be fine.
I was stuck in a car with Conrad. Belly and Steven were no where to be found and Jeremiah left to go find them. The air was thick. I felt like I was climbing Mount Everest.
“How much did you drink tonight?” I hear him say. His words shoot like lasers through my ears for reasons I’ll never know.
“It’s none of your business.” I mock him.
“You shouldn’t drink that much.” I hated him. How could he say that when he’s drunk?
“Your drunk, Conrad. Don’t tell me what to do.”
He didn’t say anything else.
There was a knock on the door and we both turned to see a police officer, and I knew we were fucked.
“You kids been drinking?”
wooohooo!! end of chapter 2!! These Chapters might be a little slow because in order to get to the main plot I gotta give some background lol. Enjoy!!
tag list: @callsignwidow @kkrenae
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rippersz · 1 year
(A Larissa Weems x Reader oneshot) (DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT) (Darkfic; Larissa has a very skewed vision of love.)
Larissa Weems had lost so much in her life.
She lost her innocence due to her mother’s anger. She lost her father to a workplace fire. She lost her inheritance to her brother. She lost her virginity to a girl who was too rough. She lost her family name due to her preference for said girl. She lost the one-who-got-away to a man named Gomez. She lost her friends due to time and distance. She lost her free time because of work. She lost her spark because of age
and she lost her mind because of you.
Oh you…
So sweet… so caring… you looked at her as if she painted Saturn into the sky. As if she aligned the constellations. As if she made the Earth spin.
As if she alone could save you.
And she could, she realized. She could. Yes, Larissa Weems was entirely capable of saving you. Saving you from the world… from the hatred that spilled out of Pandora’s box… from the ardor of others that would never- could never- appreciate you like she did.
Love you, even, like she did.
And she did love you. She did love you. She loved you very much. She loved you so much that she’d do anything for you. She’d conquer the world for you. She’d give up Nevermore for you… but thank goodness she didn’t have to. Thank goodness you’d come in on a rainy night, seeking shelter, stumbling far from Jericho, eyes bright and smile wobbly. Knocking on the main entrance, using the door knockers and pounding as loudly as you could, waking the groundskeeper who alerted her after he figured that you weren’t there to cause harm. And you weren’t of course. You would never harm them… you would never harm Larissa. Especially after she nearly fell down the stairs in her haste to get to the entrance; throwing on a wine red robe over her nightie and showing up with a silk head-wrap around her platinum hair, keeping it in place while she looked over you with a critical eye. Almost immediately she found you to be utterly glorious. Terribly beautiful in your shivering disheveled state, with your hoodie thrown over your head and your leggings soaked through and your sneakers making squeaking sounds on the linoleum as soon as she beckoned you inside. You were suitably questioned… and that soft voice of yours flipped a switch in Larissa’s usually crowded brain; quieting her thoughts, dispelling them for as long as you spoke.
And she had to hear it again. She had to hear you again. She had to listen to you speak for hours - hours on end! - about anything and everything. Not because she really cared about what you had to say but because your lips were so soft and so perfect when they formed those delightful words. And she too, quite liked the blush that ran over your cheeks when she offered a set of dry clothing to you. Though despite your enchanting features and nervous laughter, the last straw was your unexpected love of the outcasts. So curious you were. Asking if they all had different routines… asking if they were protected there… asking if they ever preyed on normies… asking if she was going to prey on you. What a silly little joke, you sweet thing. And what an adorable giggle you let out as soon as she responded - as soon as she told you the truth. ‘Goodness, no’ Larissa had expressed with a wry smile, ‘never unless asked.’ Your sudden hush wrote everything in stone for her.
‘I need her. This woman. She’s mine. She has to be. She’s too precious to be scorned by these monsters.’
And by monsters she meant others. Anyone who wasn’t herself. Anyone who wasn’t Larissa bloody Weems, headmistress of Nevermore academy, seasoned shapeshifter, kind and loving and humorous. For no one else understood things like Larissa. And that meant no one else understood you. Not like she did. Ever.
Such a sentiment, thank the gods, came to fruition quite quickly. And once the time came that you were to be protected, right after a harsh day in which some of the students whispered a bit too much about your presence (being that you weren’t a student or a teacher or anything in between), you’d only put up the smallest fight. ‘It’s for your own good, Y/n. These children are ruthless. Others are ruthless! I cannot risk you getting hurt.’ Larissa was worried when she said those words but as soon as you were settled down in your new home, in the delightful little crawl space between the walls within one of the corners of her room, her anxiety settled. You looked oh so sweet there, resting against the soft blankets and pillows she laid out - shimmering eyes looking up at the fairy lights that she oh so graciously hung some feet above you.
And those tears… why she understood them, too. Her painted lips formed a small ‘o’ as she cooed and shushed you, running her soft thumbs beneath your eyes and catching each tear that fell. ‘Please don’t cry my sweet girl… I’ll be back soon. This key,’ she presented it to you and pushed it into your shaking palm, ‘will allow you to enter my quarters. But it should only be used in case of an emergency. Am I clear, dearest?’ You’d only nodded then, looking at her blankly. Poor thing… her darling was tired. But still - that was never an excuse for bad manners. Larissa’s tongue clicked harshly against the backs of her teeth. ‘Am. I. Clear?’ She said louder, only wishing for you to properly acknowledge her. And you did. Such a good girl for listening! Your little confirmation, your little ‘Yes, Larissa.’ was enough for her.
You, in general, were enough for her.
You read the books she leant you. You colored and sketched and drew in the sketchbooks she bought you. You wrote in the notebooks she gave to you too, always looking away when you had to hand them over at the end of each day - just so she could read through your writing and make sure you weren’t feeling anything less than grateful and comfortable. And when she returned to her quarters after the working day, making sure to enter her bedroom at 4:30 on the dot, she donned more comfortable clothing and unlocked your little home - beckoning for you to join her for the evening. Such sublime memories were made each night; ones she cherished constantly. Sitting in front of the fire together, with your head resting against her calf as she read aloud from a certain novel; watching a TV show with you in her lap, allowing her to braid your hair mindlessly as she lost herself in your gaze, delighting in the little flickers of light she saw flash across your eyes; falling asleep on the couch with her arms wrapped strongly around your midsection and your feet nearly always touching the floor, dangling over the side. Silly girl, she always assumed you were uncomfortable in that position, but you reassured her with a smile and a thumbs up.
That was just another thing she loved about you. Your kindness - your care - your ability to make her feel as though she was doing a good job. Leaving pre-packed meals in your little home before she departed for the work day, sticking a sticky note to each tupperware lid so that you could memorize the shape of each drawn heart. Her affirmations were soft and purposeful. ‘Be good for me, little one. I shall be back soon - before you know it <3’ ‘Remember what that key is for, darling. No, it’s not the one to my heart - you already had that long before the one you have now <3’ ‘Draw a beautiful picture for me today, my sweet. I’ll keep it in the little folder I’ve dedicated to your gorgeous art <3’ And each time you gave the tupperware back to her, she noticed the sticky notes were gone. You were collecting them?! Adorable! But for fear of you stopping your little sneaky operation, Larissa didn’t bring it up. She merely watched the notes disappear day after day.
Though… as time went on… she noticed something.
She noticed everything, so of course it wouldn’t escape her, but there was… there was something. Because along with the notes, along with their vanishing, that glorious familiar spark in your eye began to die out.
It… it faded. Slowly but surely.
Like something was wrong.
But nothing could have been wrong. You were with her for- for years! You were her- her- well. She used so many pet names for you that your actual one slipped her mind from time to time, but even so… she still loved you. She still loved you no matter what. Spark or no spark! You were hers!
…Even as you got greyer… …And sadder… …And even as your smile seemed more and more forced each time she saw it… …You were still beautiful to her… …You were still lovely to her… …She would still rather die than ever leave you… …Her darling… …Hers.
And no one would know because it was none of their business.
Just yours and hers. As it would always be.
As it was meant to be.
(Strange upload, I know, but I wanted to try something different. If I'm to be a psychological horror girl, I gotta get the writing down as best I can. So this was just an exercise; though I may do other things similar in future. Thanks for reading, if you did. - Ripley x)
(P.S. Heat III already has over 6K words and is very much in the works. Should be out within the next few weeks. Thx lots.)
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yungchaeng · 1 year
you, and them (twice: sana & jihyo)
genre: smut - word count:858
content warning: voyeurism, mention of alcohol
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the first time you heard them, you held your breath. in the heat of the moment, you were both in awe and utter confusion as you heard a small "...you feel so good." tremble over sana's lips.
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the morning after, you could barely look them in the eye. you held your breath, sharply, as you heard them come down the stairs.
was it a dream? you felt bad, and so so inappropriate. because if it was..you liked it. a lot.
though the dark red mark on jihyo's neck answered the question for you. that, along with the smug smiles on their faces, told you all you needed to know. they fucked last night...and they know you know.
"goodmorning." sana's fingers dragged along your back as she passed you in the kitchen. you shuddered. "slept well?"
clearing your throat, trying to conceil what you actually want to say, you managed "i didn't do much sleeping...but i don't mind."
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the evening started off like it always did. time moved fast whenever you were with those two. even faster when there was one, maybe two bottles of wine involved.
night had come now, but the story was just beginning.
you had caught a few glimpses between the women before, and those only seemed to be more frequent now. sana's eyes, drawn to jihyo's lips as she spoke as she seemed to try contain the most primal urge. and then jihyo's smirk, right after wetting her lips for sana.
the first time you saw it, your heart skipped a beat. you looked away with a quickness, and your mind was racing just as quick.
after the first bottle, the quick glances between them turned into shameless stares. after the second, came the touchiness. jihyo pulling sana closer, as the other woman fawned - and so did you.
then the hands started disappearing under the table, and you let your fantasies run wild...staring, and trapping your lip between your teeth. you were shameless, and so were they.
if it wasn't for the tiredness taking over you, you could have stayed with them forever - basking in the mere thickness in the air. that tension between them...between all of you even.
but although you enjoyed your view more than anything, your eyes felt heavy and fell shut. and just like that, the fantasy was over for you.
then the two of them were left alone, and so hungry for each other.
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"kiss me."
almost the instant you nodded off, sana's voice lowered and she uttered what she had been craving for too long. "i need you, jihyo. come on, kiss me."
jihyo chuckled as she looked down into sana's eager eyes. the pout on the woman's lip almost got to her, but she managed some restraint. "yeah? with her right over there?"
"she's asleep." sana tried to plead with her further, but her breath hitched in her throat when she felt jihyo's fingers play at her inner thigh. they danced around, and then finally dragged along higher and higher until a whimper escaped the girl under their touch.
"we both know you can't stay quiet when you're with me." the tone of jihyo's voice, along with that sexy playfulness always made sana's head spin. in a swift motion, sana's panties were moved to the side and those expert fingers found their way to where they needed to be. "can you, princess?"
bordering on a strangled moan, sana pleaded. "i- i can try."
"you promise?" with every word jihyo spoke, with every breath she took even, she moved over sana faster, and harder. she knew exactly what she was doing, but how could she help herself? with sana so needy, and so ready for her...how could she deny her of what she wanted - especially when jihyo wanted it just as much.
"ah, y-yes, i promise."
you stirred then. but you could have woken up a hundred times, at this point, jihyo and sana were far past the point of noticing. far past the point of caring.
jihyo gave sana what she needed. in every way her eager lips, and hungry hands could manage. she could barely keep count of the amount of times, sana trembled under her touch..breathless and dazed as another wave of euphoria took over her.
and although sana had vowed to stay quiet, she couldn't withhold all of her praises for how good jihyo made her feel and how she was so, so close, time after time.
jihyo wished sana could moan. with how pretty sana looked like this, jihyo could barely withhold some moans of her own. jihyo wished she could hear how much pleasure she was giving her in all it's glory, but alas. although with every time she told the other girl to quiet down, she would knowingly touch her deeper, pull her closer, bite her harder, make her weaker.
"...you feel so good." the words escaped sana louder than she intended, but she couldn't hold back anymore.
and when in the corner of their eyes they saw yours flutter open slightly, it didn't halt them. instead, with a low groan jihyo countered "tell me more."
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raina-at · 1 year
There’s a few things in life theoretical knowledge can’t prepare you for. On top of the list, or very near it, is the actual experience of raising a child. The daily, hourly experience of living with a child isn’t comparable to anything else, and it can’t be properly described in words.
Sherlock loves Rosie to distraction. But, it has to be said, if there was a world championship of accidental cockblocking, she would medal without breaking a sweat. 
That adorable, wonderful, funny, smart little girl can ruin the mood so quickly Sherlock would honestly be impressed if he wasn’t simultaneously so frustrated he can barely see straight.
John lovingly calls her the world’s most effective chastity belt, and Sherlock agrees wholeheartedly.
Sherlock thinks this might be the reason most couples wait a few years before having children. 
Unfortunately, he and John never did anything in the right order. They fell in love pretty much on sight, then spent ten years being stupid. In between Sherlock pretend died, then (almost) died for real, John got married, had a kid, the wife died, John moved back in, Sherlock became a second father, and then, finally, they started shagging. 
Only they never had a sex holiday, because they have a Gremlin they can’t inflict on anyone for a week to just bugger off and shag each other’s brains out. Not yet, anyway. Molly’s offered, but their schedules have not aligned yet. Sherlock hopes it will happen soon.
The last few weeks were especially harrowing. Sherlock was in Cardiff for a week for a boring case, and when he came back, he was busily snogging John against the refrigerator when Rosie came down from her room and vomited all over the sitting room carpet. 
If there’s anything that kills the mood faster than a vomiting four-year-old, Sherlock never wants to encounter it.
Of course they both got sick as well, and for the better part of a week, even the thought of anyone touching any part of Sherlock that wasn’t his forehead or his hand was frankly revolting.
Then Rosie dislocated her shoulder and had to stay home from daycare for a solid week. They were both so exhausted every evening that whoever had bedtime duty that night routinely fell asleep in Rosie’s bed before Rosie did. 
But now. 
Now Rosie’s at Molly’s. They had a lovely date night, with dinner at Angelo’s and a walk through Regent’s Park in the moonshine, and Sherlock is a tiny bit tipsy from the wine and from banked arousal. He’s got John backed against the sitting room door, and they’re snogging leisurely. John’s hands have found their way into his clothes, one hand is caressing his arse, the other trailing up his spine. 
“The things I want to do to you,” John mutters, grinning at Sherlock, wicked and full of promise.
“Oh, I have a list as well,” Sherlock replies, biting at John’s throat.
John moans, letting his head fall back against the door, exposing more of his skin to Sherlock’s hungry mouth. “I hope getting me out of my clothes before I go completely crazy is on that list,” he breathes, the hand on Sherlock’s arse pulling their hips together. He’s got a leg slung around Sherlock’s and is dreamily rubbing his erection against Sherlock’s thigh. 
“In a minute,” Sherlock mutters, going back to biting at John’s neck. John smells delicious there, like fresh air and a bit of sweat and his cologne.
The door to 221 opens, closes and someone ascends the stairs.
Sherlock sighs. “Fuck off, Lestrade,” he yells through the closed door.
John giggles a bit, hiding his face in Sherlock’s shirt. Sherlock smiles. That’s his favourite thing in the world, a happy, aroused, giggly John Watson, all his to do with as he pleases. He kisses the laugh from John’s lips.
There’s a knock at the door. Right behind John’s shoulder blades. 
“He said fuck off, Lestrade,” John says, freeing his lips briefly from Sherlock’s before diving right back again for another deep, dirty, single-minded kiss. 
“Listen, chaps, I get it, but the Lambeth strangler’s resurfaced. We need to move on this now.”
Sherlock draws back from the kiss. “How do you know it’s him?” he asks, holding John in place as he makes a move to withdraw his hands from their various places on Sherlock’s person. 
“Red string, candles, the works. It’s the same man, Sherlock. It’s not a copycat, we’re sure.”
Sherlock sighs. They’ve been after the strangler for years. Sherlock has never had the opportunity to see a fresh crime scene. 
“It’s okay,” John says, quietly, so Lestrade won’t hear through the door. “I understand. This is important.”
Sherlock meets John’s eyes. John looks disappointed, but he knows ending a date with chasing a serial killer is as traditional for them as sex is for other couples.
The case is alluring. Surely at least an eight. It’s important.
But so is John.
“Lestrade,” Sherlock says, leaning in and nosing along John’s neck while speaking, “walk away now, no questions asked, and give us one hour, no questions asked, and I’ll take the next five cases you’re offering, no questions asked.”
There’s a noticeable pause, then Lestrade says, quietly, “One hour.”
They hear him walk down the stairs and the door to 221 closes behind him.
“Delaying a serial killer crime scene for a whole hour, for me?” John mutters, grinning at Sherlock, bright and happy. “Now I know you love me.”
“Some people need a lot of convincing,” Sherlock mutters, sinking his teeth into John’s neck.
“Take me to bed,” John says, winding his hands into Sherlock’s hair. “And convince me some more.”
Here. Fluff and sexytimes like I promised!
Thank you so much @calaisreno for the tag and the prompt.
Tagging a few people: @jrow @keirgreeneyes @helloliriels @meetinginsamarra @lisbeth-kk @khorazir @discordantwords @thetimemoves @the-reading-lemon @7-percent and anyone else who wants to play.
Also, I'm collecting all my ficlets on AO3 here.
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sturn1olo-ffics · 11 months
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- HIDDEN (a series) -
pt. 1 | pt. 2
- Matt Sturniolo x Fem Reader (she/her pronouns used)
- Warnings: angst, Matt and reader high key hate each other, making out, use of y/n, profanity, alcohol use, I think that’s it??; NOT PROOFREAD
- About: Y/n and Matt aren’t very fond of each other on the outside, but on the inside, what really are they?
- Note: orange text=Chris, purple text=Nick, blue text=Matt, pink text=you
(Y/N’s POV):
I look down at my phone to a text from Chris.
“Hey did you happen to see Matt earlier?”
“Yeah, he stopped by to get something. Why what’s up?”
“Oh don’t worry about it, I was just wondering fr.”
Chris had always been suspicious about Matt and I. He had always been confused why we hated each other so much even though it seems like we’d get along so well.
I ignored Chris’ text and continued on talking to my friends at the party.
I soon grew tired but I couldn’t drive home because I had a few drinks, so I called Larray to Uber over because I trusted him to drive my car home for me.
Upon arriving to my house, I thanked Larray and walked in.
Then, I started to feel my phone buzz in my pocket.
It was Nick calling me.
“Hey girl I was just on the phone with Larray when you called and wanted to make sure you got home alright.”
“Yeah! I did. Thank you for checking on me. How was filming the car video? Any fights between you and Chris this time?”
“What? Oh no we didn’t have a video planned to film tonight, we did it last night. But I can’t spoil it, you’ll have to wait to watch.”
“Oh- well Imma go. I need sleep really bad.”
“Alright, good night y/n”
Why would Matt lie and tell me they were filming a video? I mean it’s not like it was even that big of a deal, he could have just said he didn’t want to go with me.
I turned my playlist on and hopped in the shower, still intoxicated. I managed to take a quick shower, take off my makeup, and brush my teeth before clocking out in my bed for the night.
Four knocks on my window.
I knew it was Matt. Only Matt knocked 4 times in that pattern.
I opened my curtain to reveal his tired expression and signaled for him to come in.
If I were sober and in my right mind right then, I would not have let him in, but I wasn’t.
“Hi” he said, opening the window.
Almost immediately I pressed my lips to his, forming an unspoken language between us.
His hands roamed my body as he kicked his shoes off, allowing them to fall on the floor.
The cool, fall breeze filled the air as the window was left at a crack, leaving chill bumps across my skin.
Not a word was said between us, but the deepened kiss was all that was needed.
“Matt-” I mustered out.
“Shh baby.” He whispered, closing the gap between our lips once more.
His cologne filled my nose as he placed soft and rough kisses to my neck.
“You’re so beautiful.” He said between kisses.
A soft smile spread across my lips before meeting his again.
I must have blacked out or fallen asleep because next thing I know, I was woken up next to Matt in his bed at their house.
“Matt” I said, lightly tapping his shoulder.
“Hm?” He questioned softly.
“What happened?” I sat up, feeling sick.
“When I went down stairs to get you some medicine, you blacked out from the amount of alcohol you drank, so I brought you here to take care of you.” He turned his body toward me.
“Take care of me?” I looked down and giggled.
“I know, I know.” He giggled back.
“You could have done that at my house though-” I continued laughing.
“Shhh I wasn’t thinking.” He whispered with a smile.
“I should actually really get home before Nick and Chris realize I’m here.” I stood up, immediately falling back down onto the bed.
“No no baby, they won’t even know, I’ll get you home without them seeing. Just lay back down.” He whined and pulled me into him.
I fell back asleep to Matt rubbing my back with one hand and brushing my hair with the other.
I could stay like that forever. That is, until Chris unexpectedly walked in the room at 7:00 in the morning.
A/N: I kinda hate this part but whatever, it’s really just filler. Love you guys 😭
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poisonedbywine · 8 months
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Leon S. Kennedy x female reader
Warnings: Bullying, Violence, swearing, strong words
Notes: I had this in my head for a while... Today is so cold and I love writing in the cold, even with my fingers frozen.
English is not my native language, Translator may have made a spelling error.
I had a best friend.
His name was Leon, he was in his first year of elementary school.
-"Can you swing me?" Leon pulled me to the swing.
-"I push you!" I gave a big smile with my eyes almost closed and I started to push the swing, seeing it fly in the sky.
-"I'M FLYING!" Leon shouted, which made me laugh and shake as hard as I could.
And when I least expected it, Leon fell off the swing.
There I was, sitting in the uncomfortable chair in the hospital waiting room.
Everyone looking at me.
-"What's a kid supposed to be doing here?" A girl whispered.
The nurse told me that Leon's uncles they asked me to go home, as it was already dark.
I smiled and agreed, handing them a small drawing as an apology for the broken arm.
I shouldn't have stood by and watched
I was supposed to help my friend.
The next day, Leon was sitting on the stool.
I wasn't excited to play today
Mom fought with me, because I had broken Leon's arm.
I just stayed quiet, receiving the scolding
-"Bad girl! No one told you to do that to your only best friend, at least he accepts you the way you are."- Mom's words echoed in my head.
Leon hugged me.
Like a bear, squeezing me really tight.
I want to know why he's hugging me
But even so, I hugged him back and smiled.
-" Do not worry, everything is fine."-
-"I was the one swinging the swing, Lee."- I take a sigh
Leon said everything was fine, and that he would let me sign his cast with my markers.
I smiled and said goodbye to him, heading to my classroom.
A little ball of paper was thrown at me
I opened it, and on it was a drawing of a whale with my name on top.
I heard my classmates laughing behind me
I wanted to cry.
So I lay down on my little table and I laid my head on my arms, which were on top of the wood, hiding my eyes.
And I cried
My eyes wet everything, especially my pillows and my teddy bears at night.
The bell had rung
Snack time!!
I ran down the stairs and sat on the stool where Leon and I were.
I waited for him, like every day
There he was, with his Iron Man lunch box and his arm and cast full of drawings that his classmates had made, running to me.
I smiled, moving to the side so he could sit down.
-"I brought the pen." - I said quietly
-"I saved your place here"- Leon pointed to a small blank patch on the plaster.
I made a colorful drawing of me and him holding hands.
-" What did they do today?"-
I didn't want Leon to know they were mean to me again today, even though he always found out the truth.
That's why I said nothing unusual happened
-"You are cool, my star. Don't let them say otherwise."- Leon he put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me into a hug.
-" I'm already seven years old, I already know how to take care of myself very well."-
Leon laughed, but soon the bell rang and I had to say goodbye.
I got home and ran up the stairs to my room
I covered my ears with my hands and curled up on the bed
I hated when mom and dad fought
Mom always came out crying and with a black eye
He took his anger out on everything, including me
But they're the only people who love me
I don't blame them for anything.
I love them very much, because they have not abandoned me.
The next day, I didn't want to go to school.
It was physical education and I hated it
But, unfortunately, daddy made me go
Daddy was bad sometimes
Including the times he made me go to school
When I arrived, Leon wasn't there
One of his friends told me that he missed his wake-up time, and ended up missing
I would be alone today
When the bell rang, I would jump over the wall and run to my bed
I entered the sports court and sat down on the floor
I was the last to be chosen.
I was on a good team!
I liked football, so I managed to score a goal, I was so happy with myself.
But when I went to get the ball, one of the boys on my team pushed me to the ground
-"GET OUT OF MY WAY"- The boy screamed and kicked my stomach on purpose, he walked away and joined the other boys.
I screamed in pain and lay on the floor, some girls on my team laughed.
I had the strength to get up from the floor and scream as loud as I could
Everyone looked at me
"So the whale can talk?" One of the bad boys spoke
"Shut up! SHUT UP!!"
"Let's teach this girl a lesson."
Both teams came running towards me with their fists closed, and I covered my face with my hands.
Punches, kicks, slaps, were received against my body on the floor, curled up on the green grass of the football field.
"Let's throw harder punches!"
"Whale, obese."
"You are a backstop."
"I hope you die."
I no longer had the strength to fight all this
When I woke up I was in my bed
My body hurt, my face was hurting, and my lips were swollen and bleeding.
I only remembered the boys hitting me and the teacher separating everyone
I also remember my mother's face when she saw me
Dad was disappointed in me
I wanted to see Leon
He would know what to say to me at these times
Despite being hurt, I limped downstairs and asked to go to Leon's house.
Mom left, which made me feel a little better inside
I fought the pain and walked to Leon's house
I rang the doorbell and waited
A tall figure appeared
-"How can I help?" - I looked up and saw the unexpected
What happened in the two weeks I was home?
Leon's parents were there
I asked where Leon was
He looks at me with a serious face, saying that I shouldn't bother.
I sighed and lowered my head, heading back home while kicking the poor rocks along the way.
2 months passed and I never spoke to Leon again
He knew everything that happened to me that terrible day
He apologized and hugged me
That was the last time he hugged me since then.
Tomorrow is my birthday and mom made me invite everyone in my class.
I did as she ordered.
And I invited Leon
Today was the big day, I was excited!
Since mom and dad were fighting, mom is the only one who will stay at the party, I believe.
I helped with the decoration and I decorated my cake myself, it was so beautiful.
And now I'm alone waiting for someone to ring the doorbell
Mom came out and said she was going to invite Dad to my party
Nobody showed up
Much less Leon
Tears came down from my eyes exactly when it was 10 o'clock at night.
My cake was whole
Then the doorbell rings
I wiped the tears and quickly hugged Leon
I explained to him what happened
And he explained to me what had happened to him
Leon would move
His parents have decided to take care of him, but he will go to another country
Today was your last day
I begged and asked him not to leave
But he didn't do it
Leon hugged me and said goodbye, saying his last words
"Will we ever meet again, Lee?"
"Yes... one day."
"When I turn 18, then we can do a lot of things together."
"Okay, can we meet at the same playground as usual?"
"In the same playground as always."
"I love you, Lee."
"I love you too, my little star."
Life has never been this difficult since Leon left
Separation from parents, changes, rejection... What a beautiful life
I had few friends, just 2, but college separated us
Life was never wonderful
That promise I made with Leon when I was 8 years old is complete today and I honestly don't want to go to the park.
He promised me and I promised, promises shouldn't be broken, right?
I ran to the park
All the memories were running through my mind
Maybe he doesn't even remember me
All the moments together were the best memories I had
So I arrived at the park
I was late, but I was there
I sat on the bench and waited
Three hours have passed since then
The moon was coming little by little, the sun was waving goodbye behind the mountains
I found myself alone in the park now, waiting for someone who would never come
Leon never kept his promise, that was clear... But I'll still stay here
I know he's somewhere, somewhere far away.
That's one of the worst feelings
I gave up waiting for Leon
"All these years... I waited for you..."
"Are you just my imagination playing tricks?"
"I was so alone, Leon... Why did you leave?"
"It was all a big, painful illusion."
I turned my back and went home.
They were soulmates that could have worked
Leon remembered his promise
He caught the first flight into town
He arrived early, but it was for a good reason, he wanted to see you so much
But it was too soon
Leon waited until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, there was no longer any reason for him to stay there
You had forgotten him, and it hurt.
Leon collected his things and went to the taxi, there was an hour until the next flight back to his city.
He left a letter in the bank, leaving some of his last hope
Fate didn't understand
It was a windy day and in a few seconds, the letter flew away.
You came running to the park
But Leon was already getting into the taxi
Meanwhile, you were waiting for him. Without hope and with a disturbed life
The two went their separate ways
But what if it had happened? What if you had arrived seconds earlier at the park?
And if...
But the past is the past.
They are connected to invisible wires.
No matter how stretched and tangled this thread is, it will never break.
Even if it takes centuries and lives, you will meet again
Can finally join together as one
And like all the stories we heard as a child
Be happy forever.
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wicked-lady · 27 days
august 26 2024
tonight I am feeling okay. finally, after a week of what the fuck, I am ok I spent the beginning of my week completely happened, ecstatic about starting my new job as a body rub practitioner.
for the ones who know, yes that means sex work.
I was at a friend's drinking and smoking practically nonstop until Wednesday. I went home Wednesday night. not because I came to my senses and decided maybe I should quit acting the way I do. it was because I had broken down.
on Monday night I spent the early evening having a few drinks and talking about different guys we were talking to and wanted to talk to. we swapped different pictures and Snapchat users of the men the other girl wanted to talk to. then one of the other women gave me the details to message Derrin.
Derrin had been someone she had known a few years back but hadn't seen or talked to in years. he had randomly messaged her the other day and she considered him as someone she didn't want to sleep with. On the other hand, I thought he was very attractive. he was tall, 30, and had dark hair, and a nicely cut beard.so I messaged him and texted him throughout the evening into the night. then I got invited to his place.
Lettie brought me to his house in town. I ended up having some of the hottest sex I have had in my entire life. and almost from the minute I got there I started to do some blow. and let me say, I have missed that shit so damn much. it's been a few months since I hadn't done it and used it last 2 weeks after that. we had both finished our session of sex and drugs. I then went back to Lettie's trailer.
I told them about my night, how it went, what I did, and what I thought of him. they were extremely happy and gitty at the fact that i really liked DErrin. they then asked if I had done blow. they knew it was going to be around as they were already aware of Derrin; 's use. I told them that I did. and I got a lecture from Lettie, the one who introduced me to him.
the next night was Tuesday, that's the night that really caused me to spiral. I started to think about things a little too hard. mainly about the past. we were sitting on an open deck in the trailer park. that night the music had switched from the usual upbeat bullshit to sad country songs. i dont know if you understand what that entails.
I ended up sitting and depressed drinking, and listening to country songs. my two friends I was with kept singing and telling stories about past memories and laughing their asses off . and there I was sitting quietly and completely in my head for the rest of the night.
it may be because no matter how much I have detested it growing up. I am a Saskatchewan girl. or maybe it's just because I have been trying to pretend nothing bothers me for so long.
I went home on Wednesday, I walked there. I listened to my own music walking with my head up just trying to make it home. the second I unlocked the door to my old apartment building I started crying. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could trying not to break out into a complete sobbing fit.
I got home and fell to the ground crying. about everything. about my financial situation. my friendships I knew weren't good for me, and some of the insane shit I have done and continue to do just because I hate myself.
I spent the rest of Wednesday crying. thursday I slept and stayed in bed all day. around 11pm I was up texting Derrin, we were discussing the hot topic of how much we absolutely needed to fuck again soon. I proceeded to invite him over to my place. he showed up 15 minutes later. we had another night of absolutely amazing sex. we went from the bedroom, the living room, and the bathroom until 4 in the morning.
something else care with Derrin that night. a nice bit of the powdery substance that I was a little too fond of, the two of us took turns railing a bit before going back at it again. Once we started running on the lower side he made 12 snowy piles for us to do quick bumps while switching positions.
as expected i spent the rest of the day asleep.
friday evening. I had been sitting in my thoughts and bathing in self-loathing. and that night, I decided I was going to end it. I planned out what I was going to do and how I was going to do it. I spent the whole day fighting those thoughts, but what was the point. I am just this pathetic 21-year-old, with no direction in life and no purpose. im not good at things. im not really pretty. im one of the stupidest people I know.
I texted my dad goodbye, and that I love him. he called before I started with my plan, and he talked to me while I was a complete sobbing mess. I told him about all the awful things I think about myself. he talked to me a bit but mainly just listened. he also said that he was going to be in the area for a concert so bes going to visit me.
my dad kept coming by and stopping in the next couple of days. hanging out talking, changing my lightbulbs, fixing my vacuum. it was nice seeing him and talking to him. he really helped make me feel a bit better, it was nice.
but here I am again tonight, sitting at letties. I am lying on her couch watching ghost adventures and writing this, I know I should be at home. and at this point, I do want to go home. but lettie asked me to stay the night again so I can help with her daughter in the morning. so here I am, helping others again instead of myself.
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allamericanb-tch · 2 months
philippines recap !!
@vbbaby-girl still no pics yet. also hoping and praying no one from my trip sees this because multiple people told me i seemed like i was like batman (in the sense that i am leading a secret double life) and i don’t need them finding this blog
stuff we did:
13 hour flight, then a 3 hour flight (they took our phones before we left but the plane had little tv’s so it was okay) (watched la la land, played plants vs zombies, journaled, read the secret history, talked to the guy (also on the trip) who sat next to me, slept a bit, and didn’t get up once.)
we skipped wednesday basically
met my twin (sat by him on both plane rides actually) (literally he looked exactly like me. it was so strange.)
went to the beach (SO FUN. except, there were sea urchins. i only saw one and it was already dead.) (we also played ultimate football. it was fun but also scary because i was worried about sea urchins.)
swam with whale sharks (not in captivity guys i’m not a monster) (it was scary but also cool. i am actually terrified of fish. but it was cool.) (the boat we took was like the ones in moana)
went zip lining (SO FUN so beautiful)
saw tarsiers (so creepy. so off putting. yet so cute? their hands were so.. human. but mini. it was so creepy. but cool.)
saw the chocolate hills (they looked like regular hills. i thought we were getting chocolate there and we did not. disappointing but  also it was cool.)
went snorkeling (took another moana boat and the shorts i was wearing got SOAKED) (me and my cousin and one other girl on the trip were together and taken away really far from the rest of the group so we lowkey thought we were getting kidnapped) (part of our group came by us a little bit later and we were in fact not kidnapped and actually had the coolest guide ever. most of the guides wouldn’t let you take pictures of the fish and turtles and stuff but our guide took my cousin’s gopro and got AMAZING pictures.) (i had a wee panic attack bc fish are literally my biggest fear and there were SO MANY FISH. it was okay though.)
had the weirdest dream. (the words directly from my journal: “i was at a gas station and this lady got in my car and threatened me with a knife and i drove us to this warehouse where this massive guy and his kid were. then i woke up.” it was so weird and lowkey scary.)
worksite! moved a bunch of chairs and desk and stuff to the basement. so many spiders. so many cockroaches. also moved a lot of trash. so many spiders. we also bended rebarb, mixed cement, chiseled, and painted a mural. lowkey we did nothing except like odd jobs on the site. fun but like. meh. (most of the time we spent was at the worksite. 9 am to 4 pm monday-friday.)
had another crazy dream. “i was with [cousin] and [1] (the same 1 in the later story) and i left and went to this rinky dink circus. it was a big concrete pit with painted horses. then one of the horses got out and started running at us. i was freaking out and i was getting out of the way and pushed 1 off the circus pit thing and she fell down the stairs and her face got all busted up.” so basically i almost killed her in my dream.
canyoneering!!! so cool. so fun. lowkey scary, but i did all the cliff jumps and the rope swing.
mall! so fun.
free time!!!! it was so needed. a chill day that was not planned but the best day ever.
had another CRAZY dream. i was basically reading a fan fiction about me and my friend who i used to have a crush on.
saw an overview of the city. so beautiful.
had one last fun night with the locals. so sad but did lots of fun things. 
had a meeting with my trip leaders. they got me ice cream.
fun goodbye ceremony at the school (the worksite) 
- we ate two meals on the plane. what meals those were? i have no idea. it was lowkey nasty and i did not eat it. also, im only writing down the meals i wrote down. i also mixed up the order so much in my journaling so it doesn’t really match up with the days.
dinner: pizza with mango and parmesan cheese. it was weird but good. mostly good.
breakfast: toast (untoasted bread), egg-beans (gross. i don’t know why i ate it. i hate eggs and beans.), mango (AMAZING. the mangoes in the philippines were the best ever.), and sausage (yummy)
lunch: floating restaurant (a boat) buffet. i do not remember what it was and i did not write it down :( OH WAIT this was the peppers!! we had these super tiny peppers and they were SO SPICY and we took a couple back with us and snuck them into each others pockets.)
breakfast: (we had a snack instead of breakfast because we ate breakfast at the snorkeling place) mango juice, this cake thing, and fake oreos
brunch: fried eggs (i gave mine away since i don’t like eggs), rice, chicken adobo, watermelon, and cucumbers
lunch: family style. lowkey i forgot what we had. we also got ice cream! but my stummy was hurting so i didn’t have any.
breakfast: pancakes (i put nutella on mine) with fruit cocktail
lunch: rice and this tomato chicken with pineapple
dinner: the most DELICIOUS potatoes i’ve ever eaten and chicken and rice 
lunch: chicken adobo and rice
dinner: spaghetti
second dinner: we were at a members house and had dinner there too. we had pasta with a creamy sauce, pizza, and this filipino drink thing. it was cream with mangoes and green jello. it lowkey made my stummy hurt but it was SO GOOD
breakfast: waffles (with nutella)
breakfast: eggs (did not eat), hash browns, and grapes
lunch: rice, orange chicken, and pineapple. (SO GOOD. top 3 meals.)
breakfast/lunch/dinner: i only ate crackers because i was sick oops
breakfast: nutella sandwich. so yummy. mango juice, but it was lowkey bad. 
snack: granola bar thing. so yummy. also this fried banana thing. so yummy. 
lunch: vegetable rice and grilled chicken. i only ate the rice.
dinner: mall stromboli. so good. 
breakfast: hash browns, eggs (did not eat) bacon, grapes.
lunch: chicken, rice, and the delicious potatoes.
breakfast: chicken nuggets (did not eat), pancakes, and mangoes. i put nutella on my pancakes of course.
lunch: rice, rice noodles, orange chicken, and oranges
ice cream! so yummy. i got strawberry.
dinner: spaghetti with chicken parm
had the most delicious chocolate cookies. 
breakfast: hot ham and cheese with oranges
lunch: rice and beef stroganoff 
dinner: tacos (i slept through this and lowkey i was so sad about it)
breakfast: waffles (with nutella) and mangoes and one pop tart
lunch: sweet n sour pork, rice, rice noodles, and cinnamon rolls. SO GOOD
dinner: chicken, rice, and rice noodles 
breakfast: french toast and mangoes
lunch: this one i wrote so much about. “holy moly i just had the most scrumptious meal i have ever eaten. we had rice, potatoes, pasta salad, this fried meat thing, and red velvet cake.” and then i wrote about how delicious it was.
dinner: pizza and fries. then we got ice cream and cake for a birthday.
bonus things
so many bug bites.
was so sick for 5 ish days
got my ears pierced at the mall for 250 pesos with all but two of the girls in my group (the company office called all of our parents because it is “against the rules” even though there was no official rule (we checked) and the trip leaders both knew and were okay with it)
cried on my cousins shoulder and she thought i was drooling on her (i was sick, literally so nauseous, but i still was at the evening activity (going to a basilica and then going to get halohalo (which i did not eat because i was so nauseous. this was the day i only ate crackers.) because i didn’t want to be left out again because we were pushing day 4 of me being sick at home.) and i felt SO sick and i felt like no one really wanted to be around me and everyone was getting close without me and like i was just on the outside of everything. we were on the bus and i was laying on her shoulder and then i was crying and my tears were rolling down my face onto her shoulder and she thought i was asleep and drooling on her.
learned 2 card tricks
filled up 44 pages in my journal (so far.. i haven’t done today yet.)
did karaoke (love story) (with 4 other people)
played a filipino game (we passed a spoon and a fork around and said “this is a spoon/fork” and “ah spoon/fork” and if you messed up or had both at the same time you had to do a talent)
played john the baptist (the person in the middle had a cup of water and a spoon and was thinking of something in a category. everyone in the circle had to say a thing from the category and if they said what the middle person was thinking of or repeated something that was already said they got water poured on them and became the new middle person) 
made a list of all the foods i won’t eat (will share later upon request)
“[name] is a quiet girl with strong opinions. such as her love for taylor swift and dislike of many foods.” (we did a spotlight every day and at the end of the day we went around in a circle and said what we like about them. one guy wrote a little paragraph for each person and that was the first thing he said about me. i did in fact cry, but it was when i was saying what i like about the other spotlights.)
we couldn’t flush the toilet paper. i am not used to flushing it now.
we also couldn’t use the tap water to rinse our toothbrush. it feels weird to do it now.
left someone at home (the drive was an hour because of traffic and then we realized we forgot him. the drive back was only 15 minutes.) (we are always supposed to be in a group of three and we left him by himself at home. it was so silly because the guy we left behind was high key everyone’s favorite person in the group.)
tried balut! it wasn’t bad. i was lowkey terrified to eat it but i ate the whole thing. the soup just tasted like chicken broth and the duck tasted like a bite of chicken and the egg tasted like a hard boiled egg. all of it with no flavor except salt really. not bad but mostly likely would not eat again. 
strap in for this story guys. so this girl (1) shared a room with this other girl (2). 1 had seen this towel in the bathroom and had been wiping her butt on it after showering or using the bidet (they ran out of toilet paper a lot) or whatever. so basically 1 had been wiping her but with this towel for three days. THEN 1 sees 2 wiping her face with the towel. as it turns out, the towel is 2’s face towel. 1 steals the towel and hides it in another group of girl’s room. 2 has no idea where the face towel went and has no idea that it was being used to wipe 1’s butt for three days. 1 tells everyone in the group (including the trip leaders and trip parents) so we ALL know except 2. then a few days later, the girls are all together in one room and the boys are all together in another. the adults are all having a meeting. the boys pass the girls a note under the door saying “pooker is coming” and the girls respond “do you want the towel” and the boys respond “yes”. so, they take the towel and throw it in the boys room. the towel lands on the pillow of the trip dad. he finds out and is PISSED. he strips all the sheets with everything on them off of the bed and leaves them in the living room. the sheets and towel end up in my closet and were still there when we left at the end of the trip. 
i haven’t pooped in like 5 days
passed around my copy of the outsiders between 4 people (they each finished it completely on the trip)
had the most delicious strawberry oreos. i have thought about them every day. 
pillows!!! my favorite filipino snack. my love. my everything.
so many mango flavored things.
everyone was so friendly. they always waved at us and smiled at us. one time i was on the bus and we were stopped for a bit because of traffic and i played rock paper scissors through the window with a filipino kid on a different bus.
used a bidet for the first time. lowkey scary and did not feel like i was clean. but there was no toilet paper. 
went to church for 5 hours 
counted how many times my trip leader said “like” during one sitting (84)
did the cube ladder field test. i think i messed it up lowkey. 
took so many naps. (i am not a napper ever)
played 4 kings. so fun. so basically each king is a dare. you decide the dares before the game starts. each card is spread out on the table and everyone takes turns picking the cards. the other cards decide who picks and there’s like mini games and stuff. so fun. 
was deemed the third flattest person in the group (i mean. it was true.)
had a super in depth conversation about harry potter lore with my trip leader
for some reason i could not wash my hair. the back was greasy every day. 
all the girls did nightly debriefs.
lived the same day twice. my flight landed two hours before it left because of the time difference, so we time traveled basically.
SO MUCH MORE STUFF HAPPENED but i can’t write it all out
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