#because i just like to be difficult i guess
luckykiwiii101 · 2 days
girllll when i 👏🏼 tell 👏🏼 YOU! 👏🏼
i be like "literally, everything that is happening in the 3d is bcuz i persisted in a state, and didn't switch to/persist in my desired state" becuz ik the law, and often i forget to apply it 😭😭 well gurll‼️
(btw my acc got deleted 😭😭, but im back 💗, was simply focusing on life a bit, cuz life isn't tht bad ngl ☺️)
two success stories 💞
firstly, i tapped into the void state about......10 times inna row?? (it was WAYYY too simple!!) i was listening to an aff tape and my intention was to sleep while listening to it, but my mind was soo awake, so i tried to sleep by relaxing.
instead, i tapped into the void state randomly then be like "the vid ended already??", then i gradually gained my physical senses out of the state, then i was like.... "was my reality dippin?? 😭😭" it reoccurred about a few more times (each time within seconds) until i realised i was effortlessly tapping into and out of the void state 💅🏽💅🏽
the last three times, i kept forgetting to affirm cuz i didn't feel any "pre void symptoms" for me to realise when i tap into the void state, and i always try to feel my legs 🤦🏽‍♀️😭🙏🏽 but nxt time 😌
second success story: i manifested a text from my sp 🤭
gurlll, when i felt my phone vibrate... I THOUGHT IT WAS THIS GURL WHO USUALLY MSG ME 😭😭
so i was like "omgg why this chile txtin me at this time of da day 🤦🏽‍♀️" when i opened my phone, and saw who txted me.... GURLLLL 😭😭 IT WAS MY SPPP 🤭😭🥳 took 2 nights of persisting in my desired state 💅🏽 when i tell u, i lowk didn't expect the 3d to conform dis fast, but like cmon 🤷🏽‍♀️ everyone is a master manifester, but not everyone know their potential, cuz they keep spiralling (nrml reactions ofc, but sumtimes we gotta realise tht we gonna b stuck here if we dont actually apply the law 🤷🏽‍♀️🤍)
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e-blast #100
SPOTTED: @b4ddprincess, I’ve wondered where you’ve been. But you’ve been sitting at the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Guess some certain people reading this have their heads so far up unmentionable places, that the rainbow after the rain is just something they aren’t willing to see. Maybe if they come up for air they’ll notice. But it’s been a while. Anyway back to you.
Once upon a time, entering the void state was difficult, until you realised it wasn’t. Because that would be equivalent to saying that breathing is difficult. And unless you’re a hysterical smoker, I don’t think many of us here can relate. And if you are a smoker, I know something that will kill you faster than a cigarette will, and it’s hope.
It’s easy when it’s natural. Naturalness really is the key to everything. The key to a luxurious hotel room. The key to a lavish car, and even the key to somebody’s heart. 2 days? No so fast B, you might scare the lower east siders who can’t keep up!!! And you know what happens when they get mad. XOXO
- gossip girl
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gale-dekarios · 3 days
Favorite thing about Gale Dekarios?
it's embarrassing how long i spent sitting with this trying to think about my all time favourite thing about gale, because there's so much. i like that he's a dork, and sickeningly sincere, and i like that he's a cook, that he loves his not-a-cat, and that all he'd need to complete the ultimate wizard stereotype is a pointy hat and long grey beard.
but when it all boils down to it, i love that he's willing to try, after all of it. he, out of all the companions, probably fucked up the most. and i dont necessarily mean hes in the most fucked up position, i dont think you can really compare what the companions are going through as individuals like that, what i mean is that to go from the lover of mystra, an archmage, quite possibly one of the most powerful people in the sword coast if not the whole of toril, to a dude you have to pull out of a malfunctioning portal, an embarrassing footnote in a goddess's history, about to die, from the orb, or ceremorphosis, or just generally being out in the wilderness as a level one wizard likely for the first time in his life ever, well, it's a lot isn't it?
the only person who could come close to understanding that level of a drop is perhaps wyll, but then again, wyll didn't so much as fall as he took a leap that he knew would end poorly for him, not to mention that wyll was seventeen. not that he'd likely make another choice now that he's older bc he's wyll, but gale, at least from his perspective, can't hide behind the greater good, or youth, from what he did.
gale's at rock bottom, and he doesn't have karlach's cheer to make up for the fact that he's dying, tadpole or no.
there's no way i would be able to keep going after all of that. id find a large field in the middle of nowhere and wait until the end comes for me. but gale doesn't. he keeps going, even though he's pretty sure he's going to die and it's all futile anyway, he keeps going. and he makes connections, despite the fact it could all be snuffed out in an instant. he goes through what's possibly the world's most messiest break up, one that quite literally is going to kill him, and yet when he's told he can redeem himself, to make the embarrassing footnote into a noble one, all it takes is you asking him to live for him to throw all of that aside, his entire past, everything he ever worked for, for the idea of a future that might not ever come. and he doesn't even need to be in love with you for him to agree to that.
he wants to live anyway. no matter how much more difficult is. no matter how unsure he is that he's actually got anything to go back to. he has a tara, and wine, and food, and books, and quite possibly the weirdest band of people he's ever met, and he decides THAT'S enough. sure, the ideas of something greater never fully leave the edge of his psyche, but again, if you ask him to, if you show him life's worth living, he'll then give up actual godhood just so he can keep tara curled in his lap, the taste of good food and wine in his mouth, the feeling of paper under his fingertips, and a room full of love and laughter, in whatever capacity that may be.
it's hard to condense all of that into one word, into one attribute, so i guess what i'm trying to say is that my favourite thing about gale is that he's alive.
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misc-obeyme · 7 hours
Sigh. Okay. Here's the Levi demon form smut. I don't think it turned out very good, but I'm tired of messing with it. And I spent time writing it, so I figure I might as well post it. I'm sorry, Levi, I swear I'll do you justice one day~
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GN!MC x Leviathan
Warnings: penetration (reader receiving), Levi being silly and blushy and anxious, demon form, tail stuff (I'm struggling with how to label this - the tail wraps around MC, MC sucks on the end of it, and it also stimulates MC but doesn't penetrate... okay that'll have to do I guess), sexy potion (briefly mentioned and Levi drank it lol), cockwarming, biting, man I hope that's it
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Leviathan was already bright red. He kept his eyes squeezed shut, but the blush covering his face was so sweet. He was in his bathtub, back against several pillows and you in his lap. Two piles of clothes were on the floor nearby. He'd been nervous from the start, even though you had done this before. You tried to get him to relax, but it was clear that most of the things you did only made it worse.
You ran your hands over his chest as you pushed back against his erection.
You put your hand on his cheek. “Please, Levi?”
“M-MC!” he protested.
You had asked him if he would shift into demon form and the idea of it flustered him so bad he couldn’t look at you.
You kissed his warm cheeks. “I just wanna see you,” you said as you trailed your lips down his neck.
Levi shivered at the light touch, but he still couldn’t open his eyes.
You sighed and sat up a bit, so you could cup his face with both hands. You rubbed your thumbs across his skin. “Look at me, Levi.”
Obediently, Levi opened his eyes, but it was still difficult for him. He turned his face away, like he was trying to only see you in his periphery. You turned him back to face you.
"Whatever you think about yourself doesn't matter," you said. "I want to see all of you. You can do that for me, can't you?"
Something seemed to shine in Levi’s eyes. Not tears, but a confidence you knew he often didn't feel. And then he was in demon form, confirming that your words had boosted him enough to feel comfortable granting your request.
You watched as the complex horns emerged and the black and indigo coloring splayed across his neck and shoulder. You could feel the tail wrap around your waist. You shifted slightly so the scales rubbed gently across your skin.
You traced your fingertips across the pattern on his neck and the way he whined in response filled you with satisfaction. You leaned back down to press kisses along where your fingers had touched, enjoying the way he began to squirm beneath you.
You rolled your hips, grinding yourself down on his erection, making him cry out.
“A-ah!” Levi’s fingers were suddenly digging into your arms, a sensation you found you liked. His tail tightened around your waist. “MC! Please!”
You smirked and looked down at him. “Please what?”
But Levi couldn’t say it. You knew he would be too embarrassed to. He squeezed his eyes shut again, pressing his lips together and shaking his head.
You laughed a little because his reaction was so cute. You ran your hands through his hair, letting them slide gently up his horns, enjoying the way he shuddered in response. Then you kissed him, running your tongue along those tightly clamped lips in an attempt to get him to relax. It worked. He opened his mouth for you, letting out a little gasp as your tongue slipped inside.
Your kiss became sloppy fast, your hips occasionally rolling languidly downward. Every time you did this, the tail around your waist twitched and tightened just a little.
You pulled away to look down at him again and while his expression was a little more open, the anxiety was still clearly written there.
You pressed kisses across his face, pausing by his ear to whisper, “You’re safe with me. It’s okay to let go a little.”
It was like you had unlocked a secret level. Levi’s hands moved from your arms to your hips and he bucked up into you, letting out a whine that was so needy you couldn’t help but smile.
You rearranged yourself a bit, then sat snugly on his cock. You went slowly, inching down bit by bit so you could hear his noises.
As you went, Levi’s tail wrapped even more circles around you until the tip was brushing against your cheek. You smiled as it edged along your lips then opened your mouth to let it inside.
As soon as the tip of Levi’s tail was inside your mouth, you clamped your lips closed and sucked. You were rewarded by the sight of Levi’s eyes rolling back into his head as he moaned and bucked beneath you.
You steadied yourself with your hands on his chest as you moved your hips, setting a decent pace. Every time his cock was fully inside you, it sent spikes of pleasure through your gut. You moaned around his tail, but didn’t let it out of your mouth. Your tongue was too busy exploring the unusual feeling of his scales.
Levi was a mess beneath you, his hands gripping your hips so tightly you knew there’d be marks later. He couldn’t stop himself from meeting your movements and the lower part of his tail that was wrapped around you seemed to be moving you, too. You found you barely had to do any of the work yourself. You still maintained the pace and position, though, and Levi seemed to be content to let you.
Your heavy breathing filled the room along with the sound of skin smacking against skin and Levi’s soft whines. You decided you wanted to hear a little more, reaching out to pinch one of his nipples.
Levi cried out and you laughed softly around the tail in your mouth. Levi pulled his tail out as it squeezed around you even more. It was almost painful but not quite. You knew he didn’t even realize what he was doing and that made it all the more enjoyable.
“Sorry,” you said between heaving panting now that your mouth was free. “Did that hurt?”
Levi whined. “D-do it again-“
He didn’t have to ask twice. But you decided this time it would be more satisfactory to use your teeth. The tail around you slackened just a bit as you moved your body forward and bit down on the sensitive skin.
Levi was squirming hard beneath you now and you knew it was only a matter of time before he came. You increased your pace, letting your arms rest on his shoulders, pulling him into your body as you focused on your movement.
Everything around you tightened - Levi’s tail, his hands, even his eyes squeezing shut - as he came inside of you.
Levi cried out your name so beautifully as his tail went limp, falling into a heap around you.
Levi kept his eyes closed tight as your pace slackened. You were about to stop when you felt the tip of his tail, still wet from your mouth, finding its way between your legs, just barely touching your most sensitive spot.
It was so unexpected, you gasped.
Levi peeked at you, opening one eye just enough to register the look of surprise on your face. “D-don’t stop,” he said. And his hands gripped your hips hard again, keeping you moving.
“But-!” you protested. “How are you still-?”
The blush that alighted on Levi’s face made you smile. You were about to ask him how he was still hard after he came only seconds ago. There was something going on there, but you felt too good in that moment to pursue it further.
The tail between your legs seemed to have a mind of its own. It was only moments before you weren’t able to form full sentences anyway. You barely registered the look of adorable determination on Levi’s face before you felt that tightening in your gut.
You ended up leaving light scratch marks across his chest as you came, his tail continuing its ministrations as you rode out your orgasm.
You drew in some heavy breaths as you collapsed against Levi, letting your head settle in the crook of his neck. His arms moved to wrap around you, hugging you close to him, and his tail did the same, but not too tightly.
“You’re still hard,” you said, pressing light kisses to his neck.
Levi groaned. “Asmo gave me this potion…”
You laughed softly against his skin. “Oh, was it more potent than you thought it’d be?”
“D-don’t laugh, MC!” he said even as his grip on you tightened.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “Do you want me to help you out?”
Levi was quiet for a long time before he finally said. “A-actually, if you could just… stay like this…”
You were more than content to stay in Levi’s arms and cockwarm him all night if that’s what he wanted. You both fell asleep soon enough, though it would take some time for the potion to fade.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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winstonsns · 3 days
hello!!! I was wondering if I could request a Dallas Winston x reader story based off of the song "she's a fool" by Lesley Gore. The song reminds me a lot of Sylvia and Dallas and so maybe the story can be based around how reader is a better gf than Sylvia and such. Hopefully this makes sense LOL
she’s a fool (request)
authors note: this was super fun to write so i hope you like it 💗
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dally x reader
word count: 2.0k
warnings: cussing, slightly suggestive, joking threats
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you and your boyfriend, dally, are in your kitchen, both of you sitting on the barstools made for the island. the two of you are talking when you decide to take some cherries out of the fridge, you wanted a little snack to satisfy your hunger.
as you get up from the stool and walk to the fridge, dally asks, “heard that new elvis movie’s out, you wanna come see it with me? it’d be jus’ the two of us.” giving you a certain look and winking at the end.
you blushed, rolling your eyes and stating, “i want to go but i’m gonna ask my parents first. don’t wanna make them worried when they don’t see me at home.” you open up the fridge and take the cherry bag out, turning around and taking a bowl out of the cupboard.
you then take some cherries out of the bag and head towards the sink, rinsing them. dally gives you a confused look, “what— why are you rinsing them?”
looking back at him, you answer, “i dunno, my mom always told me to rinse fruits and vegetables because you never know what kind of bugs can be on them. just tryin’ to stay safe.” your boyfriend finally understands your answer and shrugs it off.
once you were done rinsing them, you put them in a bowl and put it in front of you and dally. your dad then comes down the stairs and says, “almost late for work, honey. i’ll be back around… probably six.”
you nod, grabbing his lunch out of the fridge while he thanks you, you ask, “hey, dad, do you think i could go to the drive in with dally today? it’d probably be around… um…”
looking to your boyfriend for the answer, he looks back at you then to your dad, finishing, “oh, probably around seven or so. we’d be back around nine, i’m guessing. right, baby?”
you blush and look at him, nodding. you stand next to him while he’s sitting, your dad eyes him suspiciously. you put your arms around dally’s shoulder, your chest to his back as you look over his shoulder.
“please, dad? we’ll be safe, dally can protect me, you know him! so strong, so good at fighting and so amazing…” you look at dally, dropping your arm to his bicep, smiling at him sweetly as he eats a cherry, a wide grin on his face.
your dad sighs, “fine. you better keep her safe, winston. and you better not,” he paused, “and i mean better not do anything bad or inappropriate.” you tried to hold back a laugh, a smile evident on both you and your boyfriends faces. your dad made a serious face at you, crossing his arms.
you walked over to your dad and thanked him, “thank you dad! i think you should be heading to work now though, love you!” while you’re giving him a hug, he glares at dally, causing your boyfriend to put his hands up in a mocking surrendering pose.
when you let go of the hug, your dad replies, “love you, kid.” and walks out of the door, you walk behind him to lock the door. you then go back to dally, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and once again kissing him.
after pulling away, he looks at you with so much love in his eyes, anyone would know you are the only one he loves if someone saw him like this. he knows he loves you although it’s difficult for him to express it, he doesn’t directly voice it to you.
the two of you stay at your house for the next nine hours, consisting of you talking, sleeping or reading while he looks around your room. by the time it’s 6:30, the both of you decide to drive to the drive in.
when you get into the drivers seat and your boyfriend is in the passengers seat, he asks, “why ain’t i drivin’?” you chuckle, looking at him to see if he was serious.
you answer, “i love you, dal, but i am not lettin’ you drive my car.” he rolls his eyes as you begin to drive, “i’m a perfectly good driver, don’t know what you’re talkin’ ‘bout…” he mumbles.
you laugh, the only laugh he loves so much, the one he’d notice even if so many others were laughing at the same time. he grins, looking back at your concentrated face, focusing on the road.
when you both arrive at the drive in, you find a good place to park before getting out and sitting on the hood. dally sits next to you, you then hear a loud scream in your ear, causing you to lean towards your boyfriend and look to him for help as you scream back.
you look behind you to see two-bit laughing his ass off, a bottle of alcohol in his hands as you give him a pissed off look. your boyfriend laughs as your side is pressed into his, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and kissing your forehead.
“i’m gonna get us some snacks. you want anything?” you stated, asking your boyfriend too. he thought for a moment before responding, “just a coke, thanks doll.”
as you walk away, he grabs a cigarette from the box in hispocket, he got into the habit of avoiding smoking near you. he grabs a lighter from his pocket, lighting the cigarette and putting it in his mouth.
your boyfriend and two-bit are both talking when keith interrupts, “looks like you got company, dallas. you’re so fucked, i’ll be back when sylvia’s gone.”
dally groans, hearing sylvia’s voice behind him, “hey, dal, you wanna come back to my place after the movie’s done?” the nickname feels so wrong coming from her. he doesn’t even look at her, doesn’t turn around and focuses on the car, your car.
“get the fuck away, i have a girlfriend.” he responds, clearly agitated as he doesn’t want you to see him angry. he doesn’t look to see where you are, he knows you’ll be back soon.
she responds, “so? she doesn’t have to know…” as she puts her hand on his arm, he loses his temper.
“god, don’t you ever know when to fucking stop, sylvia? we broke up because you fucking cheated on me while i was in the cooler, man. there’s no way i could even be with you after that. you’re a piece of shit, you’re a bad person and you deserve nothing but the worst for the rest of your life. i have a girlfriend, she never treats me how you did. she’s way better than you, better than all the girls i’ve dated, and you can go cry about it to someone else for all i care. she treats me like she actually loves me, she treats me like she knows my fucking worth. she does more than you ever could, and she is the one i want. you can piss off, sylvia, you’re dead to me, you fucking get that?” he pauses, still angry as he sees tears in her eyes, “oh, now you’re crying, huh? maybe you should’ve thought first before cheating on me, before treated me like shit! get fucking lost.”
she runs away at the last sentence, dally rolling his eyes and leaning against the car, going back to smoking. two-bit walks back to him, asking, “damn, you do care about y/n. never heard you talk about her like that, is it true?”
your boyfriend stares at him, nodding slightly and taking the cigarette out of his mouth, “you tell anyone about this, i’ll cut your damn head off.” his friend chuckles at the threat, stating, “your girl’s back, put it out before she sees.” referring to the cigarette.
he drops it and puts it out with his heel, walking over to you and putting his arm around your shoulder, taking his soda out of your hands, thanking you.
the both of you sat down on the hood of your car, you scoot closer to him and give him a kiss on the cheek. he smiles at you, returning the favor except on your forehead.
as the movie plays, the soda cups begin to become less filled, the chip bags only being filled with crumbs. the silence of you and dally are occasionally interrupted with little comments about the movie.
once the movie is done, the two of you look at each other and smile. you grab his trash and walk to a trash can, him following you, for protection, he says. he then follows you back to the car, grabbing your hand and staying close to you.
the both of you get into the car, driving in the direction of your house. the drive there is filled with silence, dally looks at you, not being able to see your face well because of the dark. he places his hand on your thigh, looking out the window once you turn your head to him.
when you arrive at your house, you open the door to see your dad in the living room, sitting on the couch. he reads the newspaper and looks up, asking, “how was the movie, you two?”
you respond, “oh, it was good!” and summarize the whole movie for him, as he wasn’t planning to see it anytime soon.
you then look nervously at the ground, your boyfriend still behind you at the entrance, standing awkwardly. you ask, “hey, um, dad?”
he sighs, putting down his newspaper as you smile, “can dally stay over tonight? he’s already here and it would take him a while to get back to his own place…”
your dad sighs once again as your boyfriend is silent, “yeah. go to bed.” you exclaim and walk to your dad, hugging him and thanking him.
you then walk to your boyfriend, leading him upstairs as he grabs your hand once again. you notice and ask, “dal, you seem awfully close today, did something happen? i’m not complaining, just wondering.”
he looks at you, stating, “sylvia came up to me at the drive in. asked me if i wanted to go back to her place, i said no and told her i gotta girlfriend, that you’re way better than her and i’d never want her again, not even to save my life. told her to piss off.”
as the two of you walk into your bedroom and you close the door, you beam, “aww, that’s so cute, dal! thank you for telling her to piss off and stuff.”
“yeah, no problem, doll.” he replies, letting go of your hand for a brief moment to take his shirt off, changing his pants into more comfortable ones he had left at your house.
you walked into your bathroom, doing your nightly routine before changing into your pajamas. you pull the sheets down, curling up as you look at your boyfriend.
he smiles, scoffing and pulling down the sheets on the other side of the bed, laying down. you cuddle up next to him as he puts his arm around your waist in a protective manner.
“love you, dal… thanks for being the best boyfriend ever…” you mumble into his chest, falling asleep quickly after.
he pauses before kissing your forehead gently, your head on his chest. he realizes he wants to be cherished, to be loved, you make him feel that way. he can’t find a single flaw in you, and realizes he should treat you like he loves you. you are a better girlfriend than sylvia ever was, than all of his girlfriends combined. you make him feel like someone, make him feel like he has someone to live for.
“sweet dreams, baby.” he mumbles into your hair, falling asleep not long after. your dad quietly opens the door, light coming in as he saw you and your boyfriend cuddling.
he chuckles softly, closing the door and walking into his own bedroom, knowing you were truly loved by dallas winston.
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 2 days
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Kazutora Hanemiya as your brother.
You'd have to protect him from your father sometimes, because he couldn't stand up for himself and go against him.
He definitely would need an emotional support, so I guess he'd rely on you.
When your father would beat him up, he'd accidentally lash out at you because he needs to get that rage out somehow. Of course he'd apologise to you after that.
He also would try to be your emotional support but he's just not good at it. He doesn't know how to comfort you when you're crying because of family fights, so he'd just hold you close to him.
I feel like he would be overprotective as a brother. Maybe he's mentally unstable but he definitely cares about you and your safety.
He was so excitedly telling you about his tiger tattoo to the point you questioned his obsession with tigers.
You'd give him dirty looks because of mostly naked women's posters in his room. In the end, he'd throw them away.
He'd definitely introduce you to Baji. (He would feel jealous if you'd be more open with Baji than him).
You were one and only member from Hanemiya family that he was sending letters to from juvie. He'd update you about how he was doing, how he was feeling and etc.
When he was back from juvie, you almost didn't recognise him because he really changed, not by looks.
He hide the fact that he was in Valhala from you, because he knows he'll only get scolded and make you worry for nothing.
Okey, when he went to actual jail, atp you were going to beat his ass right in his cell.
He'd apologise countless times to you, because he knows how difficult it is for you to stay in that cursed house and he, as your brother, is supposed to protect you but you have always ended up protecting him. (which made him feel kinda useless)
He wasn't the great brother you'd wish for, so he would try to take care of you when he'd out of jail and spend more time with you and finally properly act as a brother.
He'd definitely get you out of that house.
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entertext · 7 hours
HGSN 28-1
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the Japanese chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Rie: Sorry, Kayo-chan
Rie: Yes, I'm sorry to bother you, but
Rie: Please look after my mother-in-law and daughter
(sfx: tick tock tick tock)
(sfx: message notif)
(txt: Tsujinaka)
Rie: I guess they'll be reaching the train station soon
(sfx: ga-thunk ga-thunk)
(sfx: whoosh)
Rie: A hole, huh...
Hikaru: What on earth were they?
Hikaru: I can't see those bands in the sky from before any more
Rie: It's probably...a sign of dispersion.
Yoshiki: "dispersion"?
Rie: The hole in Kubitachi isn't just one big hole, but it's probably split up into several holes
Rie: The holes are connected to each other, and tons of impurities travel between them like a road
Rie: That was what we were able to see for just a moment, I think
Yoshiki: Huh? That was all impurities...?
Hikaru: Why all of a sudden?
Rie: All of a sudden? No, it was always there. It just couldn't be seen before.
Rie: The hole would have ended up like this sooner or later
(Tanaka: At this rate, it'll cause a disaster any time now.
Tanaka: So I'd really like to get that thing closed somehow.)
Yoshiki: If a "disaster" occurs...what's actually going to happen?
Yoshiki: You said a ton of people will die...
Rie: If it's left alone, it's certain that "something" will occur. There's...not much time left.
Hikaru: So if the holes are closed, those bands will disappear too and there won't be as many impurities?
(sfx: engine rumble)
(sfx: ga-thunk)
Rie: That's right...
Rie: By now, the entire town has become warped. If the holes are closed, I'm sure it will go back to normal
Yoshiki: Kurebayashi-san, you really seem to know a lot about all this... Thank you so much
Rie: ...I've actually secretly been looking into it myself! Ahaha!
(sfx: ga-thunk)
Hikaru: Hmmm, but why does the hole divide itself?
Rie: I'm not sure...but if it hadn't divided itself, things would have ended up like this much sooner...
Rie: Ah! Of course! It was because it was divided that things lasted for so long.
Rie: By the looks of those bands
Rie: The impurities split into 3 streams coming out of the main source in Kubitachi.
Rie: There are probably 3 other holes outside of Kubitachi
Rie: The bands extended in the direction of Ashidori, Udekari, and somewhere in Kibougayama
Rie: Thanks to that, the widening of the original hole in Kubitachi must have been slowed
Rie: since the impurities were dispersed to the other three holes
Yoshiki: Heads were offered to the hole in Kubitachi...
Yoshiki: and the rest of the body...
Hikaru: ..."had to be dismembered and buried as far apart as possible"
Hikaru: Right?
Yoshiki: Oh
Yoshiki: Was that to make the hole disperse...?
Yoshiki: I don't know if they knew about the hole or not, but maybe what they were doing ended up being something that was necessary
Rie: The shape of this region...
Rie: You said it looks like a person right?
Yoshiki: Yes
Rie: It might be like a sacrificial doll*...
* a katashiro - a doll used as a substitute for a human in Shinto rituals. See wiki.
Rie: Having the land itself bear their sins and their spiritual impurities in their place...
Rie: That might have been their intent.
Hikaru: So that's what splitting the village was for...huh....But why three?
Yoshiki: That's right, the abandoned regions of Udeiri and the southern region of Kibougayama don't have holes, right?
Rie: I wonder why? It's true that the impurities appear near places where people live
Rie: So even if there are holes, I don't think they'd come out...
Hikaru: Hmm...
Hikaru: So, in the end...
Next chapter: 2024/07/02
Twitter Extras:
1 (link):
History of Kubitachi
Life was difficult due to the impurities coming out of the hole, but unaware of this, people continued to settle there out of the desire for mercury
With mercury-based abortion pills as the origin, worship of "Unuki-sama" started.
With an incident where a farmer's head disappeared as the start, the head-sacrificing religion of "Nounuki-sama" was founded. The village was divided into 5, and many people were murdered.
In 1749, a "Spawn" appeared on the mountain. The Indou ancestor made a wish believing it to be "Nounuki-sama" resulting in the mass deaths.
Villagers: Who should we believe in now?...
Thinking "Nounuki-sama has become a tatarigami", the villagers believed that the god needed to be appeased, and the Indou family was assigned the duty of carrying out the ritual for generations.
Missionaries arrived, and many villagers converted, causing "Nounuki-sama" to gradually be forgotten, but in Kubitachi where the ritual continued to be practiced, that wasn't the case.
Fast forward to the present.
While in the middle of the ritual, Indou Hikaru falls down the mountain, and wishes on the "Spawn" at the moment of his death, thus starting the main story.
2 (link):
Bad End Routes that Yoshiki Avoided
If he didn't accept 'Hikaru'
Yoshiki: Uwah! A monster!
Hikaru: I should have just done this!
If he continued to treat 'Hikaru' as Hikaru
Yoshiki: You're Hikaru, so there's no way you would do something like that.
Hikaru: Did I do something wrong?
Yoshiki: ...
Villagers, friends, ALL DEAD
If 'Hikaru' returned to the mountain
Hikaru: I'm going back
Yoshiki: ...
Continues to dwell on it in the village for the rest of his life
If he took advantage of 'Hikaru'
Yoshiki: You just have to listen to what I say.
Hikaru: ?
Hikaru: This is "love", right?
3 (link): (art only)
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optimisticartistic · 7 hours
so here's a fun thought for everyone
Why the FUCK doesn't Kayne want Arthur to know anything about the King in Yellow?
It's tricky to spot over the course of Malevolent as an ongoing canon, but when you look back at the pieces there's a very interesting pattern forming.
First and foremost, the King is (functionally) dead. John's memories of the King's actual life are inconsequential to the point of nonexistent, and Yellow doesn't have any. Given that we know now that Kayne can travel freely between the Dark World and other realities, something no other god is suggested to be able to just yet, we can infer that Kayne put Yellow in the Dark Place explicitly to remove his memories. So there's no longer any first-hand accounts of what the King's motives were/are.
Any humans who could explain the King's motives are dead, and the ones who might have had a reasonable guess is removed. Emily is dead. Amanda is dead.
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Anna is dead.
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The Butcher, who has been previously involved with Eldritch Bullshit and may have even held clues as to what was happening with the overall state of the gods, is dead.
Larson, who was an active researcher of eldritch deities, was put in too much pain to function and removed from the scenario entirely. Yellow, who was still sympathetic to Arthur and may have been able to be swung around as an ally, is likewise removed.
(Charlie, who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and knows nothing, gets yote for funsies.)
So, the only person Arthur has to rely on about information on the other gods becomes Kayne.
Every time Arthur meets Kayne in person, he is in a compromised position and unable to follow up on his own questions
The first time is 20, right after the prison pits, immediately off-kilter because of Faroe's music box and her song, and Kayne immediately distracts him with his own agenda, pushing the idea of Arthur being special, of the King winning, and he gives Arthur the knife - while prompting him on how to use it, as well as how to summon him again.
The second time is Coda, where Arthur is actively dying, and not only does Kayne continue to keep him off-balance by forcing him to beg for John, he keeps Arthur even further off-balance by forcing him to take the entirely unnecessary deal to get "John without his memories" back. And then he spends all of S3 obsessing about John and too distracted to care further than Larson.
The third time is 40 and Intermezzo, where he is witness to Everything Going To Shit, and at this point has actually developed some learned helplessness around Kayne: he no longer pushes back, except to ask relevant questions.
Kayne constantly undermines John, making it difficult for Arthur to feel like he can rely on him in Kayne's presence. He insults John, makes it difficult to describe him and drops references that John can't understand to put his intelligence into question, putting John on the back foot and into compromised social positions. Revealing the cruel things John has done in unflattering lights (forcing John to perform them in the Dark World and making him sound proud of them in 40) and outright orchestrating the divorce in Intermezzo with the entire 'I'll remove his memories for you' debacle. He puts John in a position where Arthur has legitimate reason to doubt his honesty and intentions, and uses that to further undermine John in Arthur's eyes.
I had more points but I lost my train of thought. anyway i am fucking frothing at the mouth about this, what are we missing about the King??
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azulcrescent · 15 hours
Hiiii, i am here again becoz i forgor to add something to my last question, i guess i have to pay more attention wuen i ask haha, sorry
The question is: i want to start uploading my paper drawings too, but i am a little scared, any tips to find the bravery to upload something? Or at least a little motivational word uwu
Oh and another silly little question, does it make you uncomfortable if i take a screenshot of your response to my last question i print it and i put it in my wall as my inspiration and to always be able to admire your response?? OwO
(oh my gosh every time i send a question i look more and more crazy)(i am sorry) (your comics got me trough some stuff so i genuinely adore you and your work) (sorryyyy)
Is ok. I have ADHD brain too so i understand.
As for uploading.... try to be aware of *why* you're uploading it. If you're uploading it to show this fanart of a character you like to the particular discord of that fanbase, etc, that can be a great way to just have fun showing the art you've done even as a beginner. because there's not that expectation to perform. It's just a fan showing their appreciation and love for the character among other fans. (if anyone flames you everyone will recognize that they're an asshat) Example, posting your lil sketches of the characters in Stardew valley on the stardew valley discord's art channel or owl house fanart in the discord etc.
But if you're trying to get a following, it can be quite difficult while you're honing your skills. Still, uploading your work to your page can be a very good thing just for the purposes of keeping track of your own progress, and the drawings you've done (because paper drawings get lost over time. but if you do wanna get a following, linking to your socials after you post your work is a good way to start.
I'm fine with that ^^ Anything that helps you is a good thing.
Is okie is fun to see your asks haha. And thank you o7
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nerves-nebula · 3 days
so like logically i know that most ppl dont know shit about mental illnesses but im a recluse so its still a shock to learn JUST HOW LITTLE people know. when i was in the psych ward one of my friends had a roommate with OCD who kept annoying him and the way he and my other friends talked about it, it became pretty clear to me that none of them understood the compulsion part of OCD. like they seemed to think he was just doing things to be annoying and blaming it on OCD because their idea of OCD was that he should be trying to like, idk, line things up in a perfect row or wash his hands or something? instead of flipping the light switch on and off a bunch at night.
and like i guess i know enough to know that I don't understand everything about every mental health issue but it was still surprising to hear them parrot very stereotypical and incorrect information when we were all in there for like self harm and addiction and psychosis and depression and stuff like that.
like idk everything about OCD but i do know that the compulsions make sense and have a logic to the person doing them. I know that they often dont make sense to outside viewers. I know that what they're based on is difficult to tell, sometimes even for the person who has OCD, cuz it might just be a feeling of "this isn't right and i need to mess with it until it is or bad things will happen" or somethin. sometimes "perfect" to a person with OCD doesnt line up with our idea of what "perfect" should mean.
IDK ITS JUST SAD. IT MAKES ME SAD that even in mental health spaces things as common as OCD are still so misunderstood. Like I know you're annoyed and in a lot of pain man but I really doubt your roommate WANTS to make you hate him and think he's annoying. he's probably not doing this on purposeeee
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I saw something on TV once, I think it was a National Geographic show, where they mentioned that theory that Basque is perhaps the only surviving language from when Neanderthals were alive. Do you mind me asking why you mentioned in that recent post you didn’t want to comment on the theory?
Is it because most people use it as a racist attack? Deplorable, and those people deserve to be smacked.
The show did like a 15 minute segment on the theory and went over how the language is an isolate and compared to other languages, while it is evolving, it hasn’t really been changed/impacted by other languages. So ultimately the current language and older forms of it aren’t drastically different, unlike how something like modern English and Old English are basically two different languages at this point. They then said it’s likely that if any writing existed from the Neanderthal period anyone who knew Basque would probably be able to read it and speak whatever was written without much difficulty.
I just thought it was so cool something could be so well taken care of and respected that it basically hasn’t changed. Fascinating to think someone today could hold a conversation with someone else from so long ago! Lord knows I’d be screwed if you dropped me into the Middle Ages and told me to go speak to King Alfred.
Even Latin! We have no idea how it was actually spoken and how anything was pronounced. We’re just guessing.
Sorry if other people toss that theory at you to insult you!
Kaixo anon!
Thanks for your message!
I have to clarify the post you mentioned was a reblog and I just added the last pic, so you'd have to ask OP about why they don't wanna comment on that theory ^_~.
That said, no: I don't care what that documentary said, Basque is not the language of the Neanderthals. They're believed to have appeared around 200,000 years ago and disappeared 40,000 years ago; even if we consider that Basque was a descendant of their language - and that's assuming Neanderthals spoke a single language, from Europe to Asia - it's completely impossible that a 21st-century Basque speaker could understand this presumed original Neanderthal language.
The Hand of Irulegi - an artifact around 3,500 years old - displays a Vasconic text and nobody knows what it says, and that's knowing that Vasconic was an ancestor of nowadays Euskara. Even nowadays, a Spanish speaker can't understand Latin - except maybe a couple of words - and Spanish diverged from Latin not too long ago, around the 10-11th century. Can you imagine a 40,000 years gap between two languages??
And of course Basque have been impacted by the surrounding languages. Basque people haven't lived isolated in an island with no contact whatsoever with other peoples, quite on the contrary, we've lived with many cultures thoughout our history, from Iberians to Romans, to Franks, to Berbers and Arabs, to Spaniards. Basque has influences of all of them, be it loanwords or more technical remains. As you say, it's an evolving language that hasn't started evolving now, it's been doing it for millennia!
Regarding the theory being thrown as a racist attack, don't worry, it isn't! It all comes from genetics and genetic studies that show some very little differences in Basque people. In some of these studies it was concluded that Basque and Asturians, probably due to the difficult geography of our regions, were left more isolated from the Iron Age on, and hence we have the oldest lineage in Iberia. This is explained by guessing that these populations were less multiethnic and probably more endogamic. Given this situation, the DNA is slightly different - slightly! - and we have more DNA that comes directly from prehistory than the rest. Period.
But there's this obstinacy to take Basque people - just like Aztecs or Ancient Egyptians - as a mystery because there are many gaps in our history and language that science hasn't still explained and some people feel the need to fill them with crazy theories. Like the one that said that Neanderthals didn't go extinct but that nowadays they're known as.. Basques! When we already know that Neanderthals were a completely different species from Homo Sapiens: so if modern Basques are Homo Sapiens now as we know we are, I'm sorry, but we're no longer Neanderthals if we ever were.
Sorry for the long answer!
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mameeta · 22 hours
In regards to Lestat's apology to Louis, I commend Sam Reid because he really dug deep. What I saw going on in Lestat was something I saw happen to a friend of mine.
My friend grew up in an abusive household with a father that beat him and his mom to hell and gone and my friend, who had a temper, absolutely refused to become physically abusive with their partners, no matter how difficult they treated him. His biggest fear was becoming his father.
I think back to the dinner scene in season 1 where Paul asked Lestat about his relationship with Jesus. I remember what he said. Do you know what that kind of upbringing can do to a person? Then I remembered Lestat talking about how he was turned. Again a very traumatic thing. In fear for his life, then only to be left alone, neglected. He didn't want anything to do with being a vampire. What does this do to a person?
Fuck being a Lestat apologist. He apologized without making excuses and owned up to it. But what he really had to face is that he, in that act of violence against his lover, became like his father. He broke Louie like his father broke him.
So yeah that was amazing on Sam Reid part because in that moment, during that confession, I didn't see the adult sexy vampire man. I saw an upset boy.
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I love that Claudia was there to slap away his words. One must never forget what happened, and as we all saw by now Louis will wallpaper over the worst of things to give it a better look and that would have done no one any good. Not him or Lestat.
And it's good that he understands that forgiveness for that is undeserved even if it was to be given anyway. He had that throat slit coming and he knew it. I guess he just wished it took.
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afraidparade · 9 hours
I am coming so close to making a theory video on your characters, specifically Theo, Gabe, Lam(ashtu) and I guess Pazu (If anything he’s the Co-Star from what I plan).
Why? Why go through all the effort of making a theory video about these characters? It’s a fair question that you might be asking, Uncle Cas. BECAUSE THEY WON’T LEAVE MY BRAIN. Infective Parasitics, I need an exorcism on my brain.
But as for the other reason, it’s cause I don’t think I’ve been THIS invested in lore for a decent year or two! I need to let my theories out, Uncle Cas. The day of reckoning for either me or you is approaching, and that terrifies me more than it will for you.
But anywho! I hope you keep creating cool stuff and expanding these world of yours, and even if my theories fall flat, which odds are that they most definitely will.. then so be it, I’ll just try again, again and again till I strike Gold and Diamond …or die from black lung.- Let’s just see what’ll happen.
So ciao, Uncle Cas, and sorry for the long ask, I am just vibrating at lethal speeds with all sorts of theories. (Free tidbit of lore Mayhaps? :3/j)
WAH- this is so cool and flattering?? i knew a few of you paid attention to the lore but i wouldn’t have guessed anybody followed it to this extent 🥹🥹 this is a good motivator for me to actually put out more lore, sometimes i get too in my own head and think like “nobody actually reads this stuff, why are ya putting so much effort into it”
but i’m very honored and grateful! i do try to drop lots of subtle hints about the characters for inquisitive people to pick up and piece together, and it’s SO HARD to not blab spoilers all the time but it’s very worth it. i honestly can’t tell if you were joking or not about making a theory video but i am always delighted to read peoples’ theories (it’s extra fun when they’re right and i can’t say anything 🤭)
i will reward you for your efforts with an excerpt from the exorcist-focused lore update that WOULD HAVE BEEN FINISHED AGES AGO IF ONLY I WERE NOT ALLERGIC TO WRITING :,) here is a breakdown of the exorcist magic system:
There are three main school of exorcist magic: ritual, runes, and sealing. The three are often used in tandem with each other in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Each of the three major clans specializes in one school; Oath in ritual, Pact in rune, Vow (while active) in sealing.
Ritual Magic:
Powerful techniques that can only be activated under a very specific set of circumstances, hence the rituals. Ritual magic is among the most difficult exorcism techniques to master due to its precise and intricate nature. There are a wide variety of uses for ritual magic, some of which are so miraculous that they are speculated to be mere legend; soul memory retrieval, astral projection, and fate foresight are among the confirmed uses of the technique. The moon and its phases are a key factor for many exorcist rituals, some requiring a specific phase in the lunar cycle in order to take effect. Due to this extreme limitation, ritual magic’s drawback is that it is the least efficient technique among exorcists.
Rune Magic:
While being tethered to the physical plane may appear to be a disadvantage when fighting spectral opponents, exorcists have found a way to use it in their favor. Runes are a complex written language imbued with a magic that is purely physical. It is incompatible with the metaphysical, making it very effective against beings composed entirely of soul energy. Runes are often used to bolster an exorcist’s physical attributes, such as enhancing their senses, strength, or natural ability to heal. They are also useful in both offense and defense against ghosts, as prolonged exposure to rune magic can cause a spirit’s spectral makeup to disperse completely — also known as a complete exorcism. Defense runes tend to be installed in places of safety that are intended to be entirely ghost-free, while offense runes will be etched into weapons or other battle accessories.
Sealing Magic:
A somewhat controversial technique, due to its disregard of cosmic balance by prolonging the presence of excess soul energy trapped in the physical plane. Sealing magic involves binding a disembodied spirit to a physical object, which is effective in both enhancing the spectral properties of an otherwise average object and in detaining dangerous ghosts that are resistant to other exorcism techniques. The most common application of this technique is with weapons; since ghosts appear to suffer the most damage when the attack is inflicted by a fellow ghost, imbuing a weapon with this power is an innovative way to emulate spectral combat. Although it is a significantly slower process, sealing magic is still technically a viable exorcism technique; if a soul is forced to expend its energy either against its will or in efforts to escape confinement, and cannot replenish this energy by feeding, it will eventually die out and extinguish completely — also known as a complete exorcism. However, this process can take years, decades, or even centuries. In addition to the controversies regarding imbalance, sealing magic can also be quite dangerous, furthering its unfavorable reputation. If done incorrectly, a weak seal could create what is essentially a spectral time-bomb, resulting in a volatile ghost erupting from imprisonment and catching anyone in the immediate area by deadly surprise. Additionally, weak seals risk converting entrapment into possession, allowing a ghost to take control of the object it is bound to and corrupt any human that wields it. In an effort to avoid either catastrophe, sealed ghosts that are deemed too powerful are not to be utilized in any way, and are instead left to deteriorate in isolation.
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ajjpng · 2 days
Good Omens - Angel Clothes
So I'm rewatching season 2 for the millionth time and I just noticed something that I haven't seen anyone talking about before.
I noticed this in Season 2, Episode 1, scene 1: Before the Beginning
To preface:
- "I mean, I couldn't open it if I wanted to. I don't have clearance. You'd have to be a Throne or a Dominion, or above." - "I haven't always been a demon, and they never change their passwords."
[Season one, episode six, 7:29-7:43, between Muriel and Crowley]
And yes, this has already been pointed out, the fact is that Crowley was canonically kind of very high up in the Heavenly corporate ladder.
Now, back to season two. In the first scene, we see an Angel (to be Crowley), who is currently creating Nebulas and is very involved in space stuff. And Aziraphale, who knows about humans. They are both in angel clothes in the same time period- but we already know that Crowley is ranked higher than Aziraphale.
What I noticed is that the edge of their sleeves are different.
Crowley has a line of gold around the collar and a line of gold a bit further up his sleeve.
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Meanwhile, Aziraphale's has the gold around the neck BUT a line of gold right at the end of his sleeve.
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So I'm just wondering if there are different uniforms amongst angels that show their ranks and if I can figure them out.
This isn't really conclusive thus far but I will certainly be checking angel outfits in as many scenes as possible from here on out. What I'm hoping is that I'll be able to assign differences like this to Heaven's hierarchy and be able to get a better estimate on Crowley's exact rank and therefore a better guess at who he was.
Although I know it will be difficult due to different time periods and suchlike but I digress. At the end of the day this is really just a fun thing to geek out about.
REREADING THIS AND I JUST REMEMBERED: during Gabriel's trial they tell him that he needs to change his clothes because they are no longer appropriate. So that confirms that there are different uniforms for different ranks and everything. (+will look more closely at Muriel at some point because her outfit is notably different)
OH, also, this is unrelated to the clothes, but I find it super interesting that Crowley had no idea about Earth or humans. Like he's so high above and exclusively in the space/universe stuff that he might've never been intended to have anything to do with Earth, which (I feel) places his rank above Archangels as they have some business with humans (ex. Gabriel and Eve's birth).
EDIT: rereading this now and I change my mind lol. I realize now that the stars wouldn’t necessarily rank him higher- I just find it super interesting that he has absolutely no knowledge of humans meanwhile Aziraphale knows all about them and earth. Oh and I realize now that if anything, humans might be more important than stars tbh, because them and earth are such a huge part of the Great Plan- it would make sense for someone of higher rank (ie Archangel) to help orchestrate that.
OK LAST EDIT I SWEAR BUT we know that Crowley was known for asking questions (“Always asking damn fool questions.” - Metatron s2e6) and now I’m just wondering if he was left out of big plans on purpose, regardless of his rank, because they were annoyed with him 😭 Like he was a THRONE OR DOMINION OR ABOVE and Aziraphale is a principality, he should probably at least vaguely know about humans.
Lastly, I wanted to organize some of this in a Heaven hierarchy chart, because I'd seen a Good Omens one before but I cannot find it for the life of me- if anyone could drop it below or in a reblog or something that would be greatly appreciated!
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amorgansgal · 2 days
Of Bears and Bees and Fish
Day 3: A fun time in wild shape
Well I figured I needed some cute times with Halsin and his little bear cub. So here we have it, Halsin teaches his daughter to fish while in bear wildshape. There's a vague reference to Halsin having a partner, but I kept it neutral so it could be anyone!
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Halsin smiled as his daughter desperately ran through the churning waters and tried to capture a salmon with her little bear paws. Her deep brown fur was drenched, her muzzle snorted bubbles in the cold thundering water. Thessalia clasped her paws together, but the fish slipped through and leapt upstream. His daughter growled in frustration and slapped the water impatiently. 
‘You’ll scare away all the fish if you make a lot of noise,’ he warned her. He was in his own bear form and truth be told this was his favourite part of the week, taking his oldest daughter to the woods and teaching her what he knew, what he had learned in his own wild shape. His partner had teased him that their daughter took after him both with her own elven appearance - she had soft brown hair, hazel eyes admittedly (though at the centre was a ring of gold green) and she was far taller than her peers - and that her favoured wild shape seemed to be that of a bear. 
‘I can’t do it, father! I can’t, they’re too slippery!’ 
‘You are thinking like you would in your usual form, you must use your teeth as well as your claws.’
Thessalia harrumphed, sat down heavily on the dry river bank and if bears had facial expressions he was sure most could guess she was pouting and sulking. He padded over and sat next to her. ‘It is difficult, little cub. It takes practice and patience and time.’
‘I’m never going to be good at it,’ she lamented.
‘You thought the same about digging honey from a beehive, and yet you managed it a week ago.’ 
‘I still got stung.’
He playfully gave her a gentle push with one of his paws, making her growl and jump to her feet. ‘You did, but wasn’t the sweet reward of the honey worth a little pain from the sting?’ he asked.
‘No!’ she said, though he could hear the smile in her voice. He curled around her and smiled as the little cub climbed up his back, he made for a good mountain. 
‘You are getting better at controlling your form,’ he said. For a time his daughter had struggled with the initial beginning telltale signs of wildshape, she’d had little tufts of fur, sometimes her nails were sharp and long and it had upset her, until he had explained all and taught her how to control it and shift between her elven form and her wildshape and she could now do so without much thought. At eight she was a fast learner.
He noticed her bright, keen eyes and knew what was coming next, before he even felt her tense up. She lunged for his ear and he batted her off with a laugh. ‘Yes, use your teeth like that and we’ll have a dozen fish!’
She rolled off his back and landed onto the soft grass, then curled up next to him. ‘Father, why do we have to catch fish like this? Why can’t we just use a fishing pole or something? Uncle Gale told me he could just magic the fish out of the water, so how come we can’t do that?’
He smiled and nuzzled her with his nose. ‘It would be easier, we could just sit there, enjoy the quiet morn and catch something.’
‘So why don’t we do that?’
‘Well, you do have to sit there for a very long time and be very quiet, so what may appear easier and more straightforward may not be. But also because I think learning something difficult has its own benefits. It may not be the easiest or quickest way to do something but we can learn much from overcoming a trial.’
‘But why?’ his daughter demanded.
‘When you overcome this trial, if you face other trials then you can think back to this time and see what you learned from it. It isn’t just learning how to fish, Thessie, it’s learning a great deal more about who you are and what you will do when face with a challenge.’
‘Hmm,’ his daughter said, her golden gaze fixed on the fast flowing river, glaring at it as though she could will the fish from it. ‘If Lae’zel was here I bet she would just shoot the fish out the river with her bow.’
He chuckled. ‘I doubt it not, but alas, they are not here. So come, let us see if we can catch that fish together.’
‘Fiiiiiiiiiiinnne,’ his daughter muttered, but she trotted back over to the river and focused intently once more on the running water. He stepped into the lower rapids, pushing the fish forward, so hopefully one would make a mistake and Thessalia could-
A fish leapt up from the stream, the glistening silver of its flapping tail glimmered in the sunlight and Thessalia bolted forward, her teeth snapping close on the fish. Her eyes widened with delight and she smashed the fish onto the shore, where it flopped about trying to get back to the river. 
‘I did it!’ Thessalia cried.
‘You did! Now whack it again, so it doesn’t slip back into the water,’ he told her, though evidently she was too excited to actually do any damage and Halsin rushed over, giving the fish one slap to end its suffering. ‘Very well done, my little cub,’ he said to his daughter, who capered around the woodland glade.
‘I did it! I did it! I’m going to tell everyone!’
Halsin laughed warmly, watching the bear cub bounce around, before she scampered back over to him and growled fiercely over her dinner. ‘I bested you!’ she told the fish.
‘That you did, now the hunter gets to eat their prize.’
She apprehensively sniffed the fish, but then took a hearty bite from the middle and beamed up at Halsin as she chewed. ‘It’s good,’ she said through her mouthful. His heart blossomed with all the pride and love he had for her, and then melted as she pushed the fish towards him with her nose.
‘You have to eat some too, father,’ she insisted. 
‘It’s kind of you to offer me some, but I’m content for you to-’
‘No, you have to, you helped me catch it.’
So obediently he ate some and sighed happily as he chewed the smaller bite of fish he had taken, while Thessalia finished the rest and he simply got to sit in the woods with his daughter, listening to birdsong over head and the roar of the river. This was good, this was a better life than any he could’ve dreamt of or hoped for.
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bismuth-209 · 3 days
thoughts on the series 14 finale?
oh man. i loved this season. i really did. and for it to just end like this..
i think there's a good chance the Doctor is lying about some things because not everything adds up
like. Death times Death equals life was corny and i didn't love it but i'm willing to accept that's how it genuinely resolved. i have some doubts about the effectiveness of death by time vortex when that didn't kill him before.
but whatever. keep the option open for Sutekh 3 if you want and otherwise maintain that killed him
okay. so. Sutekh pretty much instakilled the whole earth. i'm guessing by the scene on that other planet that it doesn't have to affect a whole planet at once but considering everyone we saw in London died pretty instantly and the tardis has landed in the UK around the 2020s a LOT i . i think Louise Miller dead as a doornail OR he's kept her alive / she managed to not die because people were,, curious about her? and in that case. i feel he would've been able to tell who she was .
they imply Ruby's bio mum is alive right? SO WHY DOESN'T HE KNOW WHO SHE IS . why does he keep the doctor and ruby alive to figure it out
other things that make NO fucking sense if Louise Miller, regular human woman, is Ruby's mum:
her walking straight and upright and all of that when dropping Ruby off as a FIFTEEN year old who probably had zero medical assistance GIVING BIRTH about 10 hours prior
her having a cape instead of like. a regular hoodie or whatever. maybe she was going through a goth phase
the doctor was THERE when she was pointing. they do like a line about "well why was she pointing at you" "she wasn't pointing at me, she was pointing at the sign" okay but like. it's not like he was invisible though
YOU KNOW WHAT WASN'T THERE IN ANY OF THE PREVIOUS SHOTS OF THE SCENE? the fucking sign!! it MATERIALISED when the doctor said it was there
there is, of course, no way for anyone, save for maybe the Doctor, who was there, to know that she "pointed at the sign" to name her baby Ruby. and the Doctor clearly didn't catch on
the snow!! the snow materializing
the song in Ruby's heart thing that the Maestro is confused by
the memory changing
the doctor crying in the opening scene to church on ruby road when he knows who the mum is, but later not crying when he doesn't know who she is
the ambulance being unable to find any relatives for Ruby even though her parents did give DNA samples in 2046 (although maybe the ambulance was looking for currently alive relatives in which case, fair)
other things that make no sense that aren't directly related to Ruby's mum situation
"the one who waits is almost here" says the maestro. yea he's on a street a couple blocks away. kinda just sitting there though
metal becoming rare and precious in a post-death world. like, i would understand if wood and wool and such were deteriorating on account of having been alive or something . but metal? why would it be difficult to find metal?? the scene slapped though
why was the time window only responsive to Ruby, as well as colonel Chidozie only responding to her
the tardis being there at the church a second time but invisible?
Sutekh letting himself be dragged along with the rope
the stuff with Mrs Flood didn't make sense either but that's forgiven on account of they didn't pretend that made sense
i really hope there's more to some of what was "resolved" this episode because this ending felt cheap and kinda like .
so i like the message of "it's actually the unimportant that are important" but it felt kinda insulting to pull that after the whole season has been saying Ruby's bio mum and Ruby were important and unique, not just like. in the minds of the Doctor and Ruby but also tangibly in the world around them, like with the snow.
the reunion scene with Ruby and Louise was adorable though. it almost made me okay with the whole thing
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laurelwinchester · 2 years
man i hate summer
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