#because it's short form content that is easily consumable
What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
Hmm, there's a few one-shots I'm surprised didn't receive more reception than I expected but I'm not too bothered by it.
I would name Heard No More as one I'd love to receive more response on but in my experience, 1-5k one-shots tend to gain a lot of traction on tumblr over multi-chapter/10k+ fics.
Like I was happily surprised at the response Gibbous got on AO3 when I posted the most recent chapter, but then like. It's tumblr version only received like 5 notes. Part of that is because I didn't reblog it as much/add it to my pinned fic list, but even so.
My plans, however, with Heard No More is to finish the overall AU (By The Pricking of My Thumbs), edit it and then release it onto AO3 serially
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kiaxet · 1 year
Once again, the latest update from @somerandomdudelmao has left me fully in my feelings, and so I come to you with ~900 words of emotion.
(This one is a rough one: content warnings for death, sibling death, self-sacrifice, and just general despair. Y'all have read the update. You know what we're doing here.)
It's supposed to be over.
Master Michelangelo-
(No, no, he's never thought of himself that way. No matter how many times he's been called Master Michelangelo, in his own head he's still just Mikey.)
-Mikey has given everything. He'd opened the portal, watched his own mystic energy - grown larger and stronger with each battle even as it consumed his youth and his very life as its fuel - tear through his arms, cracks traveling up his body until the force of it shattered his form, consuming everything that kept him bound to the physical plane in order to form one last-ditch attempt at setting things right.
He'd managed a wink and a smile, and then he'd died.
And yet he's still here. Why-
The promise. The caveat to the plan. Leo.
Leo had refused to leave him alone at the end, and Mikey will be damned before he refuses to return the favor.
Not that there'll be anything left to damn. The family's Ninpo is what connected them to the Hamato afterlife, and Mikey's is shattered, expended to give Casey a better chance at life. At this point, he's held together with the metaphysical equivalent of duct tape and spite - Donnie's favorite building materials when supplies ran short.
(Donnie's gone. Mikey failed him - failed to catch the infection, failed to cure it, failed to find his spirit amongst the Hamato ancestors. The Krang had obliterated him, and Mikey had failed to help until it was too late.)
(He can't find Raph among the ancestors, either. One more big brother failed.)
(He knows there won't be much left of Leo - not after Leo spent so long being Mikey's living shield, letting the Krang tear into his Ninpo time and time again in order to keep Mikey's intact - but he won't fail Leo. He can't. He can't.)
He's still here, for now, and that has to be good enough. He levitates, surveying a battlefield gone cold in the wake of an overwhelming Krang victory, and goes in search of his last remaining brother.
Leo's corpse isn't far - Mikey spots it near where the portal had been, face down in rock that had been blasted smooth and clean. Krang laser. There's no surviving those.
His gaze flickers upwards across the horizon, and he sees something glow near the corpse, a white outline coming into being before the color follows after, taking a familiar shape. It's-
It's Casey-
It's Casey, but he looks different. Better. His clothes are intact and clean - brand new, from the looks of it. His hair is washed and fluffy. His face and arms have filled out and his shoulders broadened, like he'd been getting good food and enough of it. He doesn't look like the Casey Mikey had made a portal for minutes ago; he looks like how they'd all wanted Casey to look, like he's finally getting what they would have killed to have been able to provide for him. He looks like a dream.
And that's how Mikey knows it's a lie.
It's the Krang. The Krang have done something, made one final twist of the knife that's been stuck in Leo's heart since the night they lost the Key - for all Mikey knows, they're going to use it to desecrate his brother's body, and he is not letting that happen. He zooms closer to Leo's corpse-
"We did it, Mikey, we got him out-"
-and feels the world tilt.
That's not Leo's corpse, because Leo's not dead. He's clinging to life, muttering nonstop in a voice barely above a whisper - he's not long for this world, but he's still here-
The lie cries out in Casey's voice and makes for his brother-
And Mikey lashes out, magic coming to his hands as easily as it ever did. It's not enough to incinerate the lie - the thing is too smart, too quick, and pulls back with only an injury to its arm. That's enough of an opening for Mikey to land in front of Leo, snarling at the lie wearing his nephew's face. "Don't. Touch. Him!" That's his brother. That's his brother. That's the only brother he has left, and he won't have him for long, but that doesn't mean the Krang can take him! "Whatever Krang trick you are-"
Spite, while fun, is no substitute for engineering. Donnie had told him that once.
The spite - and whatever else is holding him together at this point - gives out, the collapse manifesting as pain, and Mikey folds in on himself with a groan. He can fight - he will fight - but if the lie forces combat, then fighting will be the last thing he'll ever do, and Leo will die alone.
He can't. He just…he can't.
He drops to his knees, laying a spectral hand on Leo's head. Leo doesn't react - his Ninpo is shattered to begin with, and Mikey wouldn't be surprised if death's door has robbed Leo of his senses as it is - and just keeps talking.
"We got Casey through the portal, he'll be okay, he'll get to grow up without all of this, we did it, we- we- we did it, Mikey-"
Mikey kneels there, one hand on his inert brother's head as Leo's life slowly sputters out. Eventually he'll die, and what fragments are left of his spirit will disintegrate, too shattered by years of warfare to persist after death, and Mikey will let himself fade along with them. Together until the rapidly approaching end, like they'd promised.
He kneels, and waits for oblivion to come.
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I'm feeling a bit conflicted about the whole self-diagnosis topic. Like I would say I generally lean towards being pro self-diagnosis, a diagnosis can be expensive, really difficult to get, having it on paper can have negative legal consequences and so on. Besides, coming from an anti-psychiatry perspective I think it's generally good to take the authority of psychiatrists down a notch, to recognize them as being flawed and biased humans too who frankly don't have as much access to a person's whole being as they themselves have, and then of course being critical of the conceptual validity of 'mental illness' as well. But I feel like being anti-psychiatry leads me to think that we need to keep the same critical eye on self-diagnosis that we have on formal diagnosis. Really it might be a little bit misleading to even call it 'self-diagnosis' in the first place, as if we're talking about the self-evaluation of a completely separated self, and not a self that exists in the context of peer-assessment, a social network of information and a culture (whether online or offline) with an increased vigilance towards psychiatric diagnoses. And these communities - despite not being institutional or professional - sometimes kinda do the work of the psychiatric industrial complex for it, by validating, legitimizing and expanding these categories to such a huge degree, which is how we get people talking about every little behavior in the language of 'symptoms'. What I'm saying is that while I think self-diagnosis is fine, it matters how it's done. It matters where you get your information from, for what purpose you want to label yourself with this category, how you come to understand it as well. Labeling yourself with a diagnostic category if it generally fits your experience can be somewhat helpful in coming to understand yourself better, but building an illness identity can also come with a load of negative consequences; like limiting yourself way more than needed, or to understand what might just be fleeting reactions to environmental pressures as eternal 'symptoms'. I saw someone on TikTok saying that it shouldn't be surprising that there are so many people with autism and ADHD on TikTok with it being a dopamine machine and having an algorithm that caters to your special interest. But then I could say that the reason I personally don't use TikTok is because I find the app really overstimulating and too fast-paced for my processing capabilities. I could easily frame this as a result of 'my autism' and make a sort of generalized statement about autists' relationship to this app and thus the legitimacy of 'believing' the people on it. But I really don't feel like making everything about symptoms and generalizing huge groups of people based on my personal experiences. So why does this person do that? I think what these kinds of discussions sort of miss is that whether or not the people on these social media communities are 'valid' is way less important than 'what do these platforms want with them?' TikTok has an audience that's trained on short-form fast-paced content that probably lowers their attention span somewhat. Could such an audience be more likely to identify with ADHD? Does TikTok have an interest in 'selling' the identity of ADHD to this audience? To give them a community that keeps them attached to the app, that keeps them engaged, maybe even instills a sense of pride in using the app and consuming this form of content? After all, it's a 'symptom'.
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Bad Takes
So a number of you on here probably know who Asmongold is. And for the most part even when he is off the mark I can understand where he is coming from. Except for on 2 points that I will not concede.
The first is a bit from this video early on that happens in the first 3 min of the vid. Feel free to watch it but I'm going to go on a tangent. Here's the video however for reference.
Asmon here says that "If you threaten someone you should get a ban 100%" And my stance is that NO you should not. And I can articulate why easily.
If you receive a threat, you report it to the police. In the recent case of the guy saying, "Would you like to be r***d", yeah he was being an obnoxious shit. But she muted him earlier on in the game and was talking MAD shit prior to her video. Several people also confirmed that she unmuted him for content and to try to go viral. Which she did. And she baited the entire thing. And I might hear you say, "That's not an excuse" and you are correct. It's not. But if you have a threat levied against you, and you are REALLY that bothered by it, no matter how BS it is, then go through the legal applications of the law.
Now why do I say no to a ban? Simple reason? Theft isn't ok. Now I'm not going to get to specifics because people will argues the semantics but if a game bans you, or you get console banned, a company has effectively deprived you of a product that YOU purchased in a legal manner. IE: If they take away your ability to play the game at all that IS THEFT! I will not be convinced otherwise. And if we open up that avenue as that "Allowed option" more companies can exploit that. What's the extreme version?
Imagine that you buy this fridge.
Tumblr media
When you purchase it, you unknowingly (by purchasing it) "sign" a TOS that says that this fridge can be taken back at any time if the company feels you do not "Stand for their values". For a person like Asmon, that might not mean much, because he's loaded. But for the rest of you, You can't just go out and buy a new fridge on the fly. But that's the logical result of this line of thinking. You OWNING NOTHING. Fun fact. People will argue that "Well it's in the TOS" yeah I'm aware. But I also know that the legal system is FUCKED and that when software cases have been ruled on often it's in favor of the consumers. Even against Apple. Who are known to have tried to put people in jail for jailbreaking their own phones.
Fact is if a person well funded actually went to court over this most TOS's for games would be overruled by a judge as illegal and not legally binding. What's more, terms like "Purchase" and "Buy" imply ownership after the transfer of the funds takes place. These companies in fact SELL games for PURCHASE. Not for lease. The only issue we have faced with this not having precedent put to it is because these companies have A LOT of money and will often pay a person off just to settle the case. Because they can't afford to have it ruled on the merits. I will stand by the fact that if you get banned from a game, no matter what the reason why, it is theft.
Having said that, I will say that I can ultimatum. I'm pro, "Mute the people you don't like or block them". And contrary to what the lady said in the video it's not victim blaming. Reality is a harsh and cruel place. You will NEVER sanitize it enough for the Puritan cult on either side of the isle. EVER. Should the world be an unsafe place? Not a question I can answer because I live in reality. And short of living in the injustice universe at the moral whims of a tyrant dictator in the form of Superman and Wonderwoman, the world will NEVER be "Safe". Whatever that means to whoever you ask.
The next clip is this one. Around the 7:30 mark.
More or less it's a short statement of, " the outcome of this election won't affect you".
Eggs are insanely up in costs
Gas is only down a LITTLE bit because Biden is selling off ALL of our reserves to try to win over voters
Biden has imported over 400,000 illegals from countries that do not care about us and have lost track of a LARGE number of terrorists that the found had crossed the border
Rent has skyrocketed since Biden took office
Biden has only managed to RAISE inflation because he can't actually get it down do to insane ECO policies that are based on BUNK "science".
People are living paycheck to paycheck more now than the years under trump
We are facing actual fears of WWIII
Biden, the day this "verdict" was announced approved Ukrainians to use US firearms in their fight against Russia. A fight they have been losing, all the while we burn money sending it to them.
So this bullshit of, "This election won't affect you" is a crock of shit. Normally Asmon is good about keeping his takes grounded because he started out from relatively humble beginnings. But this trial was a fucking sham. Every single trial has been a sham. And every single step of the way everything has been unprecedented. Up to and including the instructions to the jury that stated, "It doesn't matter what crime you think he is guilty of so long as you think he is. With a veiled threat from the prosecution, and a trial by a judge whose daughter is funding democrats off the trails meaning it was a conflict of interest, and the instructions to say, "It does not have to be unanimous so long as you think he's guilty of something".
If this was happening to literally anyone else, ESPECIALLY a non-white democrat, the media would be demanding action by the national guard and antifa to burn down the courthouse because of this GRIEVOUS abuse of the law.
Fact is we are poorer as a country than we have been in decades. Our money is losing it's worth by the day, and Asmon is to blinded by his wealth to understand what the stakes are. Which makes me honestly pretty sad.
His other points in the videos are off and on but those are the two I wanted to cover the most.
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saxamophone · 2 years
I’m feeling a certain way about how people on the dreaded short form video app are treating fandom creators. I wanted to get my thoughts out here before I make a video about it. If I do make a video about it.
I spent a lot of this year writing a long Drarry fic, which meant I wasn’t reading much Drarry and stopped posting recommendations . When I did start to comment on fandom again, I noticed that every video always gets at least a handful of people commenting ‘rec’ / ‘fic?’/ ‘fic rec?’ on videos where I’m literally recommending something. Most recently on a video where I provided a literal list of about twenty Drarry authors and said ‘you cannot go wrong if you read anything by these lovely authors.’ Um, hello? I just gave you actual recommendations, why do you need more?
I don’t think these people realize they’re asking for unpaid labor, but that’s what they’re doing. Fandom has always been about creating community and sharing experiences and lately, over there, it’s starting to feel more like a consumerist model where nothing is ever enough for people, they just want more content spoon fed to them. They don’t want to delight in discovering amazing fanworks for themselves. They just want someone to tell them what to consume, and they have no idea what work goes into creating recommendations. You have to read! Take notes! Form them into coherent sentences which can be difficult sometimes! Figure out how to best position the story in a short amount of time. It! Is! Work!
This sort of came to a breaking point for me the other day when I posted a quick vid to let ppl know I completed the fic I’ve been working on most of the year. It’s the longest story I’ve ever written and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull it off. It’s about grief, and I poured myself into it because my dad passed unexpectedly while I was writing it. And then my company merged and I lost all my coworkers. I’m grateful I still have a job, but the guilt of still being employed isn’t something people prepare you for. And then my aunt died two days after I completed the fic. This has been the most difficult seven months of my life, and writing is the only thing that managed to help, even a little.
So when people started to ask for fic recs —very specific fic recs that can be easily found by searching the tags on AO3 — on the video of me posting about my own story, I kind of… lost it? Not really. But I was more annoyed than I usually am.
And when I’ve pointed out that ‘hey, asking for recs on this particular video of me posting something I’m proud of is insensitive,’ I’ve been met with defensiveness. It’s like… I can’t anymore. It used to be fun! It’s becoming tiresome. And trying to educate people on fandom etiquette over there is a Sisyphean task.
And while I know people don’t know how hard this year has been for me, I’m still aggravated by the seemingly endless demands. Fandom can be a lovely place if people care about participating over consuming. But it’s something they have to discover for themselves. And I’m just kinda sad.
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japhgura · 10 months
TOUSEN CURSE WOUND SNIPPET HELLO CAN I SEE PLASE??? (Even if it's not AEIWAM -specific I am *starved* for content of my blorbos)
Ok I see you I and I raise you Archive obsessed Captain finds something weird in the files and decides to undergo a temporary career change to Detective Captain - It is very much AEIWAM specific because I consumed your Kaname stuff and my inner child was healed fr (aka the pouting one that Kaname was such a wasted character in og bleach) So that was also kinda why I was tentative about posting it, I didn't want to rudely intrude in your world So this isn't the curse snippet... yet. But in contrast to the curse wound snippet this is Kaname POV so here you go buddy, blorbo supreme, giving back some of the joy that AEIWAM has brought me hopefully haha
1.4k Wordles The sound of quick controlled brush strokes and page after page being moved rivalled Hisagi’s. Tōsen had gotten used to the rhythm and speed his lieutenant worked at. ..With this new revelation, he was sure what he had noticed in the files in the archives hadn’t just been a weird feeling. His third seated officer was handling complex report and security forms at a speed no one should be capable of. At least not when seeing them for the first time. And according to the files this should be her first time doing lieutenant paperwork. Something was off.
The sound of the brush subsided and a few moments later Tōsen heard the sound of ink stone and water. Maegawa had seemingly taken a break from filling out forms to grind herself new ink. After a few strokes of grinding stone and gently sloshing water, the woman sighed and laid down her ink stone. 
“Captain, why are you staring at me?”, third seat Maegawa finally asked, the subtle irritation in her voice easy to hear for someone like Kaname. 
“Stare at you?”, the Captain of the 9th asked incredulously, pointing at himself.  
“Well- You know what I mean-”, she fumbled. “The tension in the air is so thick you could cut it with a Zanpakutō. If you have a problem with me Sir, just tell me please”, the blonde Shinigami sighed, a tad annoyed. 
Interesting. Maegawa Asahi easily had her feathers ruffled it seemed. Well, as long as a Captain was involved. Tōsen had long noticed his subordinate didn’t particularly take a liking to him. But well enough, he preferred being direct. 
“I wanted to work with you because you’ve been bothering me”, Kaname stated honestly, laying down his brush.  
“Huh??”, apparently Asahi hadn’t expected him to be _quite_ that honest. 
“Hisagi’s sick leave gave me a perfect opportunity to observe you for a while- “ 
“Observe? You’re blind, sir” 
“I know, let me live a little”, Kaname retorted after being interrupted. “Besides, it’s not like I need to see to realize something is bothering you. What’s bothering _me_ is that you refuse to vocalize your concerns. Especially now that I’ve found something... unusual”, Tōsen listened to the floorboards creaking under Maegawa. She was shifting her weight; he had apparently hit the nail on the head. Well then, time to go on the offensive. 
“As you know from our last excursion into Boolean algorithms - that you dozed off in midway through mind you - I quite enjoy archiving. Since I inherited the 9th, I’ve been striving to get our archives and database immaculately sorted and organized. And while doing that I couldn’t help but notice an oddity in the files from a short time, maybe a few decades, before Kensei became Captain. ...I noticed that same oddity in your personal files, Maegawa”, Captain Tōsen’s tone was factual, if not suspicious. This issue had been bothering him for a while and he was going to get to the bottom of it. However, he wasn’t someone who would declare his underling guilty without even giving them a chance to defend themselves. 
As he started talking about the odd files, Maegawa inhaled sharply. Bingo. Even if she wasn’t the perpetrator, she most definitely knew something about the oddity. He could hear fabric straining. She was gripping her shihakusho. This was almost too easy, Maegawa’s body language was quite literally very loud. At least to him. Usually that was a sign for someone very honest.  
What an unusual case he had inherited from his former Captain. Kensei had managed to win her favour back then. Kaname still remembered the flusteredness in her voice. She used to be a very caring and humorous colleague. How times had changed, huh. Shūhei and the other members of the 9th still had a good relationship to her. As far as he knew, no complaints. Well, Hisagi tended to flusteredly complain about teasing, but that in turn was good fun for Kaname, so he hadn’t felt the need to bother his suddenly distant subordinate until now. Kempt files on the other hand were a more serious matter. 
“You’re my third seated officer and yet I rarely encounter you. We both know that’s because you’re avoiding me. I know you adored Captain Kensei, but I’m well aware that is not the reason for your disdain toward me. I served under him as well. With you. I remember how much you disliked our former captain in the beginning too. I conclude it’s not me ‘replacing’ Kensei then. No.. You have a disdain and innate distrust toward everyone in the position of Captain in the 9th division. And having found those files I’m starting to put things together”, Tōsen shared his deductions. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk, interlacing his fingers as he continued: “And that scar.. That spot of shattered spiritual pressure-” 
He was cut off before he could continue: “How do you know about that-”, Asahi’s voice was strained, the tension in her body was audible through it. Apparently, he had hit a sore spot there. Quite literally. 
“Well, you would have to be blind not to see it”, a hint of a bemused smirk curled the corner of Tōsen’s lips. “Or, I suppose, in this case you would have to be blind _to_ see it”, he hummed. “There’s a distinct disconnect in the flow of your spiritual pressure. I’m aware you’re trying to hide it, but the sever is too severe to erase it completely. ...And a sever so clean... If you were wounded, well, scarred this way by a fellow Shinigami and the files have been erased then-” 
“I’m fine!”, the table clattered as Asahi got up too fast. The sound of paper scattering resounded soon after. “If you don’t need me here for paperwork then-“, the tremble in her voice was almost pitiful. She was about to storm out, when Tōsen spoke back up: 
“...I had a sister once. We were nearly inseparable. ..She was murdered” 
“...I’m.. sorry for your loss. ..But that won’t keep me from leaving now, Sir”, Asahi clenched her fists audibly, but he didn’t yet hear a footstep. 
“...Her murderer still runs free. They were never convicted. I have to live with that... Rage... With that _injustice_ every day. Maegawa, if there was a Captain before Kensei.. a captain you trusted.. and they betrayed you.... ...I would rather add another burden to my own shoulders than having my third seat officer have to live with such grave injustice as well. I’m saying that not only as your Captain, but as Kaname Tōsen”, Maegawa’s Captain stated honestly. 
For a moment, there was silence. Then, a deep, shaky sigh, followed by two or three barely audible dripping noises. 
“Spirit’s Sake, what do you _not_ know? I thought I could bury this by avoiding you. ….But you see far more than I realized”, Asahi sat down and leaned against the backrest, audible by the creak it made. It was a sound of defeat for all he knew. The tension fading from her body enough to make her lean back meant she was mostly likely ready to finally talk to him. 
“I will always be there for my division. And you’re part of it. You can start relying on your Captain a little. We may not always see eye to eye, but people tell me I’m a great listener”, Kaname chuckled, his joke earning him a snort from Asahi. 
...Why had she repeated the same mistake again? First him, then Kensei and now even Tōsen. Again she had put her trust in her Captain and in the end she was left standing alone. Another headstone added to her graveyard of treasured connections. Maegawa felt her eyes sting. Betrayal. Was that all she was ever going to get? 
“Asahi.”, a calm voice resounded within her head. She could hear the concern in his voice. Just hearing it was enough to relax her again. ..She wasn’t alone in her grief anymore. 
“...It’s fine”, a small, relieved smile crept onto her lips as Maegawa dabbed at the corners of her eyes. 
“Let her wallow, she does that a lot when it comes to captains”, a feminine voice spoke up inside her head. “She usually doesn’t cheer up as quick. Maybe worry about her some more and this inner world will finally stop raining. There’s not a lot of shelter in here, you know?”, the voice huffed. 
Asahi’s lips curled into a smile. “...Right. Well, let me join you in the rain at least”, she chuckled, sword meditation always calmed her, perhaps she’ll take a break to indulge her treasured Zanpakutō. Maegawa put the stack of paperwork Shūhei had asked for on the captain’s desk.  
Her hand lingered on the wood. As with Kensei and the first, all that was going through her head when thinking of the Captain’s betrayal was...  
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ladylynse · 1 year
Hi Lynse! If you don't mind sharing, I'm curious to know your thoughts on comments along the lines of "write more of this." Like every writer, I thrive on comments, but I have mixed feelings about those. I'm happy that the commenter likes the story enough to want more and to tell me so, but it also stings when it's the only thing the comment says (especially on longer fics!). I've received them on shorter fics (<2k) and longer ones (>9k), and I never know how to feel! What are your thoughts?
I know exactly where you're coming from, Anon.
Long story short, they're not my favourite, especially if they're on their own, especially if it's on a longer fic.
If that's all that is said--in whatever form, since I've gotten everything from "more" or "MOAR" to "update pls" and "UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE" (ad nauseum) and various iterations in between--then on one hand, you know the 'I liked this' part of the comment is implied, but on the other hand, it reads like a demand. It's not quite as bad if it's with something, because hey, actual interaction with someone, but often those types of comments seem to be on their own.
"Looking forward to more!" or "Hope you're able to update soon!" doesn't read the same way to me as "write more." Those aren't demands for content, which "write more of this" can very easily read like even if the commentator didn't think it would read that way. The first examples read to me as more encouraging and understanding of the fact that I have a life beyond sitting at home all day writing fics and that, even when I do have time that could be designated as writing time, I might be too tired to spend that time writing. To be fair, though, when I get a comment like the first examples, it usually includes something like 'good chapter' or 'nice work' or 'great job' or something a bit longer that otherwise provides a bit of positive feedback, so that might be a bit of bias coming through on the differences in framing there.
I'll be honest here. I know it's unfair, but my brain has never read "write more of this" as anything other than a demand. It's discouraging, because if someone didn't have a single thing to say about the fic itself, then my brain also likes to assume that they're curious enough to want to see where it goes but not invested enough to add a general 'I liked this' to the comment (even if they aren't up for specifics, and not everyone is) and the commenters are simply looking for content to kill the time and just want to see me churning out more content to be consumed and forgotten and never engaged with again beyond another demand for more.
Like I said, logically, I know that's not a fair assumption, but that's what it feels like, and feelings aren't hindered by logic. And sometimes it feels like people think you're a machine that will write on demand. It's even more discouraging when you get 'more' instead of any actual positive feedback that can act as encouragement (I count a couple of heart emojis or "extra kudos" as encouragement, not just specific comments, though of course specific comments are appreciated) or translate to excitement when writing because, look, it's more than just you who's invested in this fic! It's worth the time and effort of writing it down, editing it, and sharing it with others!
To be fair, "write more of this" is better than someone complaining about a narrative choice or a background pairing that was included which they didn't like. I'm personally happy to know about typos and minor little oversights on my part so I can fix them--I know not everyone is--but I'm also firmly of the belief that if you don't like a story, you just stop reading it and look elsewhere and don't complain to the person writing it because you're more likely to drive them away from the fandom (or sharing their fics at all, regardless of fandom) than to convince them to write something to your exact taste. But a demand is only a step above a complaint, and I know some people who are very open about the fact that they either lose the motivation to work on a particular story or deliberately shift it to the back of their 'to write' list when they get comments like that.
Most comments give me that warm fuzzy feeling inside--or reduce me to gleeful cackling when I see some reactions--but while the demands don't cut the same way flames can, something still feels like it twists inside me, and it's not painful, but it's not warm. For me, it's, I dunno, almost like disappointment that you weren't able to write a single thing they could actually bother commenting on? Mixed with the sinking feeling that, to them, you aren't someone who's there to share a story and gleefully talk about it with others, you're just someone who's supposed to give them Consumable Content as if it doesn't take any effort on your part? I've gotten a few comments that were along the lines of "I'm glad you finally updated because I was getting bored and needed something new to read" which does not lessen that feeling.
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devsgames · 1 year
What You Should Know Before Promoting Your Game On TikTok
I'll assume you, reader, know about what I did of Tiktok going into it:
- It's a social media website for short form video
- Apparently the algorithm is good for content creators and discoverability, moreso than other platforms
Checking out numerous "how to market your game" talks, articles, social media posts, etc. etc. this was generally the consensus from everyone. If you want people to see your game, Tiktok is the place to start. Now, after adopting it, I've had numerous problems with the platform and how it works which I genuinely wasn't aware of going into it, and which I personally believe people who advocate for using Tiktok didn't properly advertise as part of that.
The Engagement is Good (I don't know why)
I will say that the engagement on Tiktok is good. I've had a couple posts 'blow up' and apart from me trying to structure them as any other Tiktok you'd come across on the platform I couldn't tell you why it happened (as is the nature of social media). I wouldn't continue using Tiktok if it wasn't at least making people *aware* of my game, so that's saying something.
There's zero depth
Since it's, well, short-form video, don't expect to be able to adequately answer anything
The Userbase is very lazy
Tiktok is a platform that thrives on minimum effort for a user. You open the app and there's already a video in front of you, and you are expected to just start scrolling and consume as many of these videos as possible. This is a problem for content creators in that you as a creator are expected to pick up the slack.
For example, I made a Tiktok showing off some of the painting in Bombing!! 2: A Graffiti Paradise and posted the game name in my profile, expecting people to - like I tend to do on any social media thing I see that looks cool - click a profile and seek out more info if they want to know more.
Instead I got a LOT of comments from people saying "What's the game name?" or "When's it coming out?". Despite the fact it was information that was a Google search away, it wasn't easy enough because the UX doesn't expect you as a user to actually do the work to find information like that out yourself, and the chance of someone looking at your other videos to see if you've already given a similar answer is slim to none.
Expect to spend a fair amount of time replying to very simple questions that viewers could easily discover by Googling (or be like me and give up outright).
In-Profile Links are locked until 1000 followers
Anyone will tell you that when marketing on social media the key to getting people to take action on your game is to give them a path of least resistance - make it foolproof and stupid easy for them to take action and they'll be more likely to do it. 
With my game, my goal is to get as many people to add it to their Wishlist on Steam. However trying to promote a game and not being able to simply provide a link to your store page feels detrimental in this respect as people are now expected to search for the game online and add it to their Wishlist thereafter (and remember how I said lots of people won't even put in effort to check your profile to find out what your game is called..).
If you're just starting out on the platform then you'll have to spend quite a bit of time building up content and a following to unlock access to the feature, and potentially miss out on opportunity to have people take action on your game in the interim.
The Userbase is activelytoxic
This is my #1 complaint about Tiktok. Among everyone who says 'use Tiktok to promote your game', none of them mentioned how much work is involved in comment moderation or trying to ensure that people generally aren't just bashing you and your work in the comments.
While content about your game might be getting engagement, a lot of that engagement will be people trolling or being rude. Like, I'm a queer creator posting queer content online. I have a baseline expectation to get hate for my work, and I'm not new to social media on the whole so this really isn't my first rodeo, but the amount and speed of the hate has certainly been surprising and overwhelming to even myself.
To take an example, I had a Tiktok where I painted on a wall with a spray can in Bombing!! 2 that took off a while ago. Probably half the comments on that video have been fine, innocuous people asking questions about the game and engaging earnestly, while the other half was filled with people saying "looks like shit" and variations of "piss".
I think this speaks to how the userbase of Tiktok is probably riddled with fourteen year olds who haven't developed the whole "don't be mean for no reason" part of their brains yet, but it's still a lot to deal with.
So from there you have some options:
1) Prevent all comments on your videos (not great for a platform that probably prioritizes discoverability based on engagement)
2) Moderate all comments coming in through the Comment Filter feature ([Privacy -> Comments -> Filter Comments] on the site)
3) Read every comment yourself and delete all the nasty ones (uhhhh no thanks?)
4) Give up
Obviously, none of these options are very good.
I'm currently attempting to moderate all comments via #2, but even then I'm not convinced it's necessarily going to stop comments from getting on my nerves. I imagine I'll eventually just resort to #1 or to giving up entirely as in #4. We'll have to see.
The point here is that the Tiktok community is astoundingly hostile towards creators and I'm genuinely shocked no one has ever mentioned this as part of the whole "you should use Tiktok to promote your game" spiel. If you're planning on using Tiktok be prepared mentally and emotionally for the fanbase to be toxic as hell, as it's certainly an inevitability.
I've not seen great responses from Support
I value a platform a lot based on how reliable it seems to follow up on reports about hate comments, and so far my experience on this front from Tiktok is so weak.
On one of my videos I received a comment saying "I'm going to paint so many swastikas [in your game]". I reported it as a hate comment (because uhhh it is) only for support to reply that it didn't violate community guidelines. Naturally, this doesn't convince me that the Tiktok support team would step in if something even more severe were to be sent my way, which has me on my guard.
It's incredibly time consuming without a dedicated marketing person
My final complaint is that all this work has you performing the role of a comment moderator and content creator, all on a social media platform in a format that can't easily be cross-posted to other platforms like say, an image or text could be. A screenshot takes maybe fifteen minutes to capture and post on Twitter and Tumblr and Instagram respectively.
A Tiktok however, requires recording a video in a specific vertical resolution (or editing it to be that way), sending it to your phone, editing it using Tiktok's proprietary editor for Text-To-Speech or caption capabitility. In my experience depending on the Tiktok this usually takes about an hour for one video. On top of this, I'm not posting Tiktoks to Tumblr or Twitter or even Instagram because the platform and what users want from it is so intensely specific to its case that it doesn't feel like something that's super applicable elsewhere.
I'm not a marketing person (or maybe I'm just stupid and old now), but at the end of the day all this is a lot of work to expect a developer to do alongside building a damn video game.
I like Tumblr or Twitter because you don't often have to do crazy elaborate amounts of work to find return, you just need to be consistent. I can maybe see the argument if you have someone on your team who just manages and promotes on Tiktok all day, but for someone like me asking me to spend an hour a day making one video for one website is...quite frankly absurd. I suspect this is another case of people aiming their game dev advice of "well-rounded and fleshed out teams of people with time money and resources" and not "one or two people already stretched thin on everything".
Anyway yeah, this is all stuff I wish I knew before I picked up Tiktok expecting a very different experience, and I'd advise anyone considering adopting the platform to promote their work to be aware of this before doing so.
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laurenzsjourney · 11 months
Week 3: Video Capture
In this week's lecture, we focused solely on videos - what is the purpose of them and what different types are there? Well, the first thing to discuss is what exactly is a video? Wikipedia states the official definition as: "Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media." This definition can be expanded on depending on the type of video you are trying to record. For example, you can make a video in a presentation style format with a voiceover over it with still images, or you can have a silent film with no sound whatsoever but tells a story through an actor performing the actions that have been previously planned using a storyboard.
Videos can also be differentiated based on their purpose and the target audience they are trying to appeal to. For example, we looked at multiple different versions of (previously mentioned in this blog's timeline) HQ Studios' promotional material. We first analysed their short-form TikTok advert. We noted how the video was short and succinct, in a 9:16 aspect ratio - perfect for TikTok, and gave a very brief and shallow brief of the services they provide. The video is essentially comprised of the following: They offer producing, mixing and mastering services, they have members of staff that can cater to your language and where they are located.
This is all surface-level information that can be easily ingested by people scrolling on a platform that promotes the use of short-form content.
We then looked at the second example, which was a very cinematic tour of their premises.
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Things we noticed about the video was that it was shot all in one take so you could really see and explore the entire operation. Additionally, it has been heavily edited with slow motion and captions so you can observe and learn the team. This is because the audience for this, are people who are interested in the services HQ studios provide and before they indulge, they get to see what they are potentially paying for.
Distinguishing who your video is for, is very important in the world of promotion especially as an artist as you need to engage the consumer. Younger people tend to have shorter attention spans so short-form content is very popular with that demographic. If a customer is genuinely interested in your product, the need to specifically choose a style of video gradually decreases.
Before this lecture, I did not think it necessary to know anything about video capture as I specialise solely in music. However, this topic has opened my eyes that there is more to promotion than just posters and word of mouth.
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mahnoor-habib · 1 year
Which Type of Sales Channel Is Best for You, a Simple or Complex One?
Sales funnels are crucial in the realm of digital marketing because they help direct potential buyers towards a successful transaction. You need to decide if you want a basic or sophisticated funnel when you're constructing one. This post will compare and contrast the two possibilities so you can make the best decision for your company.
The Difference and How to Make It Simple Funnels:
As their name implies, simple funnels are brief and to the point. They are straightforward and easy to navigate, with few options and a straightforward path for visitors to take. The aim is to make everything as easy and quick as possible.
Intricate Flowcharts:
On the other hand, complex funnels include many moving parts and provide several chances for interaction and choice. In order to nurture leads, they may use a multi-step process that includes a series of emails, upsells, downsells, and different forms of content.
When a Basic Funnel Is the Best Option Constrained means: You should go with a basic funnel if your team is tiny, your budget is short, or you don't have much time to devote to developing and maintaining your funnel. It's less complicated to implement and control, letting you make better use of your available resources.
You can get great results using a basic sales funnel if your product or service has a clear value proposition that doesn't need much in the way of explanation. Visitors will easily understand the deal and take advantage of it.
Simple sales funnels work well for fast-moving products and services where consumers can make educated selections quickly. It keeps the procedure as simple as possible and eliminates extra processes.
Capturing leads is a more long-term objective than generating an instant sale, and a basic funnel is a wonderful tool for doing just that.
High-Value Products or Services: If your products or services are more expensive or more involved, a complicated sales funnel with plenty of informational content and careful nurturing of leads may be the best way to win them over.
Complex sales funnels provide a systematic method for guiding clients through the many stages of a multi-step sales process, such as upselling, cross-selling, and post-purchase follow-ups.
Complex sales funnels are more suited for segmentation and personalisation, making them useful for organisations that serve a wide variety of customers with varying interests, requirements, and preferences.
If you plan to include content, such as blog posts, videos, webinars, and email campaigns, in your marketing strategy, a complicated funnel will be able to accommodate all of these elements.
Striking a Balance When deciding between a basic and sophisticated sales funnel, there is no universal rule. Consider your business's objectives, available resources, and target demographic before making a call. The fact that many companies utilise both types should also be taken into account.
Maintaining clarity and efficiency while adapting to more complicated scenarios calls for a hybrid approach, one that incorporates basic and sophisticated features in your funnel strategy. This flexibility will be invaluable as your company develops and your target market shifts its priorities.
Conclusion The decision between a basic and complicated sales funnel should be based on the specifics of your organisation. You may choose the best sort of funnel for your business by taking a close look at your resources, audience, product, and sales process. The trick is to make sure your funnels, whether simple or sophisticated, are always in sync with your ever-evolving company objectives.
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jessicavansack · 2 years
What does a potential #TikTok ban mean for brands?
Banning TikTok would make short-form video MORE important for brands. Here’s why:
TikTok demonstrated the power of authentic short-form vertical video for brand discovery, but no platform has an exclusive claim to this form of content.
YouTube Shorts, Facebook Reels and Instagram Reels are the competition’s answer to TikTok. Even Pinterest has a short-form video component in story posts.
Short-form video is an increasing part of how people consume content because it is …
-Shareable (DM, text etc)
-Aligned with dwindling attention spans
-Corresponds to all learning styles (visual/auditory etc )
-Possible to create it on-the-go
-Closer to in-person interaction and how we see one another (authenticity)
-Easily repurposed to other types of content and platforms (one 30-second video can be the foundation for dozens of posts)
Resharing of Reels doubled on both Facebook and Instagram in six months as of September 2022.
Users across Facebook and Instagram now play more than 140 billion Reels daily.
On Instagram alone, people reshare Reels one billion times a day through DMs.
Right now, TikTok is keeping the biggest consumers and creators of short-form video siloed. If you think of it like an election, then TikTok has split the ticket.
If consumers and creators no longer have a functioning TikTok, they will soon realize that all that old content has a second life in YouTube Shorts. The growth potential in Shorts is impossible to exaggerate because it’s backed by the worlds’s largest search platform.
And with that new pressure, expect Meta to respond. Meta may spin off Reels as its own app — in addition to continuing to favor short-form vertical video on Facebook and Instagram.
At Yellow House we are ruthlessly platform agnostic — platforms come and go, and they have no loyalty to you. Invest in audience. Invest in community. Invest in content. But be sure to diversify that content investment across several platforms.
Short-form video has the highest multi platform payoff and is the best way for brands to tell their story. TikTok doesn’t own short-form content, creators do.
If you’re interested in adding short-form video to your content strategy, hit us up: [email protected]
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psablog · 2 years
PSA: Shape yourself through self-writing online
How do we come to understand ourselves? In Theresa Sauter’s article, “‘What’s on your mind?’ Writing on Facebook as a tool for self-formation,” she talks about how self-formation practices can help shape our perception of ourselves and establish guidelines to live by. Sauter refers to Foucault, who argues that the self is fluid, ever-changing, and intertwined with other entities.
What do diaries and status updates have in common? Self-writing is a practice of self-formation that has been around forever. Something like journal writing is fully private, allowing me to organize my thoughts with the comfort of knowing that no one will ever see what I write except for me. However, self-writing can be public, too (anyone can start a blog like this one). Foucault states that "Online self-writers... write to “show [themselves],” to project [themselves] into view, to make [their] own face appear in the other’s presence." Philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin, paraphrased by Abeba Birhane, offers a similar take, declaring that we need others in order to construct a solid self-image. Thus, social interaction and validation are necessary to our existence.
Sauter looks at self-writing on social networking sites (SNSs), and specifically Facebook status updates. Although her article was written in 2014, her arguments are still relevant today. She notes how communication styles in modern times have shifted, causing a lot of self-writing content online to become much shorter in length. I think Foucault and Bakhtin’s points can be used as an explanation here. Short pieces of writing, like status updates or Tweets, are easy for people to consume. Readers can immediately form an opinion and leave likes or comments. Sauter quotes Marwick and boyd, who note, "people are rewarded with jobs, dates, and attention for displaying themselves in an easily-consumed public way." We are always re-shaping ourselves based on the feedback of others; we know that the faster someone can read through a post we make, the faster we can receive that feedback.
Exposed!! Reddit is a hub for advice-seeking and confessionals online, which I was reminded of when reading Sauter’s article. I used Reddit obsessively while completing university applications a couple years ago, spending hours scrolling through “Should I study Business or Arts?” and “Thoughts on School A?” threads. Platforms like Reddit allow anyone on the internet to give you advice, though this makes it hard to differentiate between the helpful and the trolls.
Asking for advice is one thing, but it surprises me that people can admit to their mistakes (and often embarrassing or serious ones at that) online among all the trolls. I think Gen Z kids especially have a tendency to overshare on social media because, growing up with screens, we’ve gotten too comfortable online. Nevertheless, self-exposure can be a good thing for people. Users can “reveal their faults to others, engage with their conduct and thus establish ways of guiding future behaviour,” according to Sauter.
A great example of this is the “Am I the Asshole?” (r/AITA) subreddit, with over 6.3 million members. Users post about a conflict they were involved in and others let them know if they were in the right or if they were, in fact, the asshole. I guess people want feedback and opinions from people who won’t just tell them what they want to hear; I can see how that brutal honesty can be valuable and refreshing. On the other hand, when we know we're right, we might be motivated to post on a page like r/AITA to get reassurance from as many people as we can get, even strangers.
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Overall, regardless of the platform we write on, Sauter states that we “form relations to self and others by exposing [ourselves] to others and obtaining their feedback.” Once we know what people like about us or what we did wrong, we are able to make the corresponding changes to our lives and continuously pick out the aspects of ourselves that we want to stand out.
So… what did you think of this blog article? Asking for a friend.
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angelayag · 2 years
3 a.m. Doomscrolling
It was 3 a.m. in the morning, and she was in a dark, cold place with only her phone lighting the room. She was lying comfortably in her bed, snuggling with her body pillow, and feeling the warmth of her soft blanket wrapped around her. Before this, she made a promise to herself that she would fix her sleeping schedule as her online class starts at 7 a.m. and she didn’t want to feel droopy for the entirety of her class, but here we are again repeating the same cycle that she always does, scrolling through social media without noticing or even caring how much time has passed. It seems like the internet has consumed her life, from sunrise to sunset. She couldn’t even eat without some sort of entertainment video to watch; now, it even devours her time of rest.
Despite her being on her phone the entire day, you would think that she would eventually get bored and tired of web surfing, but no, it seems like her scrolling through the internet never stops. She had fallen into the rabbit hole of doomscrolling, and that "she" was me. 
Yeah, I know that I have a serious problem, as is evident from how I relate to the meme that I am looking at right now, which is a clown looking at the mirror and telling themselves that they are "definitely" going to fix their sleeping schedule. I just had to share this post with the caption "literally me rn" because the timing of this meme is just impeccable. Now, on to scrolling through Facebook once again. 
Facebook is a platform with multigenerational users, as people from all walks of life have gathered in this app. We have boomer folks who post inspirational quotes about not judging a book by its cover, along with a sketchy article of a supposed rumor about a celeb. We have younger pals who questionably may have violated Facebook’s terms of service due to the age limit, but here they are posting about their love life struggles at a very young age but also gullible enough to believe that Slender Man actually exists. We sure have wildcard characters that we can encounter on this app. 
As I scroll through Facebook, I see memes, photos of my FB friends, with whom I haven't even shared a word or two in real life, and fake news articles about politicians. I’m not even going to look at the comments, as it will surpass my low expectations about their comprehension. Through these seas of posts, something caught my eye, and that was Donalyn Bartolme’s birthday party with a "kalye" theme.
A rich person cosplaying as poor as a theme for a birthday party is definitely a controversial move and a guarantee of cancellation, at least to some. She claimed that she only did that to commemorate her past struggles before fame. Scrolling through comments, it seems like I share the same sentiment as people outside of Donalyn’s fanbase. Her action was incredibly tone deaf, as the hardships of poor people aren’t just decorations that only stay on certain occasions; they have to live with that struggle every single day. I presume, one of the side effects of being an influencer is losing a grasp of reality. 
This made me lose hope for humanity. Nevermind, I just saw a post about the COVID-19 case numbers going up. I mean, this isn’t necessarily new, as everyday COVID patients keep multiplying, but this made my frustration about the birthday thing insignificant. Weirdly enough, this realization did stop me from scrolling through Facebook. However, determined to make myself feel better, a quick scroll through Tiktok might do the trick. 
Tiktok is a haven for short-form video content. But even if the videos there take seconds to watch, it sure takes hours of your time as it easily spews out personal feeds for you to keep entertained. You can encounter various creators there from every genre or hobby imaginable as it tries to appeal to audiences with certain niches.
As I’m scrolling through Tiktok, I come across videos of comedy skits, fun facts, thirst traps, fan edits of my favorite fictional characters, interesting talents such as puppeteers and magicians, and tarot card reading, which I’m not a believer in yet still find intriguing. It seems like all is well; I am here having a good time until I came across this video of a guy, mad that the upcoming game Grand Theft Auto VI is becoming "woke" by adding a female character as a protagonist of their game.
Imagine boycotting a game just because it didn’t align with your wrapped-up view of society. The comments only ignite the fire even more as they make sexist comments, changing the way they look at the game franchise when the game is literally just about recklessly committing crimes.
But it only got worse from there, as my feed recommended a clip from one of those "alpha" male podcasts and introduced me to Andrew Tate. The clip in question is him talking about how men are allowed to cheat but women aren’t. I went to his profile, perplexed by his comment, only to find video after video of his misogyny, such as saying that the value of women decreases the more men she sleeps with or that women's only purpose is to serve men. His words were regarded as scripture in his fanbase, which is alarming considering that most of his fans are just teenage boys. Even with this, I was still invested in him, even as far as knowing information that wasn’t necessary to know, like how he used to be a professional kickboxer or that he was arrested for human trafficking.
Baffled by the negativity I’ve inflicted upon myself, why not add more fuel to the fire by visiting twitter next. 
Twitter is essentially microblogging, where you're free to post what’s on your mind, opinions you want to share, or just what is currently happening in your life with a 280-character limit. Your text, known as a "tweet," is broadcast across the platform and can be found by the masses, who can add their own comment about the thing you just tweeted in the form of quote tweeting or by simply replying under the post.
Twitter is a platform for free speech. As I scroll through it, various tweets pop up, some of which are from my friends but primarily from online strangers. What do we have here? Funny jokes, rants, social happenings, and of course horrible takes. 
I have yet again found myself spiraling over a post. It started with one user's post on how they have finally gotten better in terms of their mental health. This was quote tweeted by another user, who stated that their post was offensive due to the “poor” timing of the tweet since the war between Russia and Ukraine was happening simultaneously. This created a public discourse whether the initial tweet was distasteful or not.  
Reading the comments on these posts has exposed me to one dubious take after another. Some replies might have been satirical, but since when did having stable mental health make you lose empathy? Stable mental health simply means that you can handle your well-being better, but it doesn't prevent you from showing concern for others. Thankfully, most people share the same sentiment as me. I'm not sure why this argument was brought up in the first place. And why do I still keep engaging with it despite its obviously dumb take?
At this moment, you may begin to notice a pattern of deliberately consuming negative posts and aimlessly migrating from one social media platform to another. It all starts when the mind goes into autopilot mode, making you scroll out of habit, triggered by negativity bias, making you notice a baffling post more than a positive one, diving deeper into the said post, facing the possibility of disregarding or ignoring relevant information that does not back up how you feel, feeling frustrated afterwards, going through another social media app in the hopes of lifting your mood up, thus starting the vicious cycle once again.
This phenomenon, referred to as "doomsurfing," but more commonly known as "doomscrolling," has arisen during the pandemic as more and more people have been experiencing the compulsive urge to endlessly scroll through their social media feeds and heavily focus on the upsetting or generally negative information. This can be caused by FOMO (fear of missing out), negativity bias, uncertainty, and a lack of self-control.
“Doomscrolling occurs when you realize you’ve landed on a story and have no idea how you got there. You can’t remember why you even got on your phone in the first place, but now you’re reading hundreds of comments or retweets of someone you don’t even follow,” is how Tess Brigman, a psychotherapist and coach, describe this phenomenon, which perfectly encapsulates the authentic experience and meaning of doomscrolling.
Due to the discrepancy that doomscrolling brings, it can definitely have its effects, such as apprehension, fear, and distress, which lead to burnout and damage the general mood and well-being of a person. Taking it to the extreme takes a toll on mental health, which triggers anxiety and depression, which in turn affects sleep, appetite, and motivation and disrupts work, time with family and friends, and lastly, passion.
Holding social media companies responsible is a way of calling out action to doomscrolling, one article suggests, as their business model is an algorithm designed to catch the attention of users, thus increasing engagement. This means that the more you click on dumb or concerning posts, the more likely it is that you’ll receive the same kind of content the next time you visit the app. Legal monitoring and regulation of social media businesses may improve platform accountability, boost the transparency of their algorithmic processes, and enable users to reject personalization and profiling.
With all this, the most effective way to cut back on doomscrolling is to improve oneself. You can start by setting a time limit for yourself to monitor and minimize the hours of your screen time. You can do this by setting it up yourself, or for those with a lack of self-control, download apps that do similar functions. Unfollowing accounts that cause stress will help you declutter your feed from negativity. Setting the phone to send fewer notifications might also lessen the constant need to check our phones. If online, actively seek positive stories to balance out the negative ones. Ultimately, the most effective way to stray away from doomscrolling is to have leisure activities outside of social media, such as exercising, hanging out with friends and family, and doing what you're passionate about. Feeling overwhelmed by everything on the internet? Remember to refocus on the present moment.
Speaking of the present moment, my alarm just went off for 6 a.m. in the morning, one hour before my class. I didn’t sleep a wink last night; I have fallen down the rabbit hole of doomscrolling once again. Give it up to the author who can’t apply what she writes! She was blinded by the ray of sunlight as she opened the curtains, but she couldn't be blinded by the phone screen brightness that was on her face the entire time. This is the reality we both share, you and I. We’ve scrolled the internet up to the brink of oblivion; are you going to let it doom us all?
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cgvtgc · 7 days
Trends and Techniques in Content Marketing for 2024( Digital Marketing in Pitampura with Gradig Media )
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Digital Marketing in Pitampura with Gradig Media
One of the latest mainstays of digital marketing tactics is still content marketing, which gives brands a channel to engage consumers, foster credibility, and promote conversions. But, as the content market continues to change, businesses must keep up with the times to be competitive. A number of significant patterns and approaches are influencing the direction of social media marketing as we approach 2024. We'll examine these patterns in this blog and offer doable solutions to make sure your company succeeds in the upcoming year.
Digital Marketing in Pitampura with Gradig Media
1. The rise of automation and AI-generated content
Artificial intelligence ( or AI ) is rapidly changing the way material is developed and accessed; it is no longer a space opera idea. The sophistication of AI technologies such as ChatGPT, Jasper's, and Copy.ai is growing, making it possible for marketers to produce content more quickly and effectively. These resources can be employed for creating video scripts, blog entries, social media updates, and even customisable emails.
Strategy: While artificial intelligence (AI) can improve content production, it's important to balance automation with human innovation. When using AI for content brainstorming, draughting, or optimisation, make sure that human touch is still present in the finished product. Establishing trust and fostering interaction with your audience requires authenticity and innovation.
2. Give Short-Form Video Content Priority
On social media sites like YouTube clips, Instagram Reels, and TikTok, video shorts are king. Due to viewers' increasing desire for brief, easily absorbed material and their shortening attention span, short-form videos have emerged as a potent engagement strategy. These videos are very easy to watch, share, and have a great potential for virality.
Plan: Make an investment in brief, powerful videos that convey your brand's message in a mere few seconds. To draw in attention, emphasize humor, emotional appeal, and storytelling. To increase exposure and engagement across several media, repurpose current posts into shorter versions.
3. A focus on experiences with personalized content
Although personalisation has always been important to content marketing, its importance will only increase in 2024. Customers want experiences that are specifically catered to their wants and needs. From dynamic website material to tailored marketing emails, deeper personalisation is now possible thanks to advanced data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
Strategy: Make use of data to comprehend the actions, passions, and preferences of your audience. Provide individualized content that speaks to certain interests, pain points, or phases of the buyer's journey. To provide a more tailored experience, think about utilizing technologies like segmented email lists, interactive material blocks, and personalized landing pages.
4. Immersion Experiences and Interactive Content
Because it encourages mutual interaction between visitors instead of just one-way information intake, engaging content—such as polls, surveys, quizzes, and interactive infographics—is proving more and more popular. In a similar vein, immersive experiences such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are becoming easier to access and can produce interesting, memorable encounters.
Strategy: To increase engagement and dwell time, use interactive components in your content strategy. Use augmented reality (AR) to allow customers to digitally "try on" things or develop quizzes that direct users to product recommendations. These kinds of content not simply keep users interested, but they also give useful information about their preferences and actions.
5. Quality Above Quantity: "Less is More"s Ascent
The days of creating a lot of stuff all the time just to be visible are passing. With content abundance at an all-time high, enterprises are refocusing on producing authoritative, well-researched, and high-quality content that offers the audience genuine value. Additionally, search engines are favoring information that exhibits expertise, authority, and credibility (E-A-T) over content that is more quantitative.
Strategy: Invest in fewer, however more thorough and in-depth articles rather than releasing low-quality content frequently. Perform in-depth analysis, incorporate unique facts, and offer practical recommendations. Research reports, pillar pages, and comprehensive guides are examples of long-form content that can build authority and increase organic traffic.
6. Content Repurposing and Distribution Throughout Channels
Although the idea of repurposing resources is not new, it will be more crucial than at any point in 2024. Repurposing enables you to optimize the value of just one item of information by converting it into several versions, especially with so many channels and sites at your disposal. This increases the reach of what you share while also saving time and resources.
Strategy: Create fundamental content elements that are easily repurposed in order to approach content development holistically. Consider creating a podcast episode, a movie, plus a series of web visuals out of a blog piece. To meet the needs of diverse audience segments, use a variety of forms.
7. SEO and content optimization's ongoing significance
SEO (search engine optimization) is still a key component of content marketing. But as search engines like Google prioritize user experience, content relevancy, and authority, SEO continues to grow more sophisticated. Keywords are becoming less important in favor of subjects, semantic search, and intent from consumers.
To learn content marketing contact us at Gradig media 
Located in Pitampura.
Strategy: Use user intent, topic clusters, and long-tail keywords to optimize content for search engines. Make sure your material is mobile-friendly, well-structured, and easy to read. Implement analytical tools such as Ahrefs and SEMrush, and Google Analytics to evaluate progress and take data-driven adjustments.
8. Making Use of Social Proof and User-Generated Content (UGC)
Because user-generated content (UGC) has been generated by fans and shoppers, it is one of the most genuine types of material. UGC will still be important for establishing reputation and trust in 2024. Customers' involvement and brand loyalty can be increased by inviting them to share their knowledge and promoting them on your platforms.
Plan of action: Launch initiatives that inspire users to provide content—such as product or service evaluations, endorsements, or social media posts—by way of campaigns. Utilize competitions, rewards, and hashtags to promote UGC. To create social proof, feature this content prominently on your website, email campaigns, and social media accounts.
9. Conversational content and voice search optimisation
Content optimization for voice search is getting increasingly important due to the growing use of speech-activated technology involving Alexa, Siri, and Google's Assistant. Since voice search enquiries are frequently longer and more interactive than text searches, creating content for them needs a different strategy.
Strategy: Concentrate on producing material that is natural language optimized and responds to particular queries. A conversational tone, FAQs, and succinct responses that match natural speech patterns should all be used. By doing this, you may improve user experience and attract traffic from voice searches.
In summary & to learn content marketing contact us at Gradig media 
Located in Pitampura.
The field of content marketing has evolved as we approach 2024 to become more customer-focused, personalized, interactive, and data-driven. Maintaining a close eye on these trends and modifying your approach appropriately will help your company expand sustainably, stay competitive, and cultivate closer ties with your target market. Accept these trends, try out new forms, and never lose sight of the importance of providing your audience with real value.
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airinwife · 8 days
VidMake Review || Bonuses – Should I Get This Software?
Welcome to my VidMake Review! Have you ever wanted to create high-quality, professional videos without dealing with cameras, hiring actors, or investing in costly equipment? Prepare to be amazed because VidMake is about to revolutionize video creation.
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Picture this: You simply type out a script, and a realistic AI-powered spokesperson delivers it seamlessly in any language you desire. It may sound like something straight out of science fiction, but with VidMake, this cutting-edge technology is now a reality and available at your fingertips.
For more details, please keep reading my VidMake Review.
VidMake is a cutting-edge platform that introduces the world’s first “AI-Human” spokesperson video creator. It utilizes advanced artificial intelligence to generate highly realistic virtual humans that can deliver any message you input, in any language.
Powered by the latest GPT-4 technology and neural machine learning, VidMake revolutionizes video production by simplifying the process and enhancing realism in spokesperson videos.
However, VidMake goes beyond just spokespersons. This versatile tool allows you to create various types of video content, including:
•Spokesperson videos
•3D animated avatar videos
•Viral, celebrity-style content
•Webinars and presentations
•Sales and promotional videos
•Educational content
•Social media advertisements
•YouTube videos
•Children’s stories
•Product demonstrations
Video courses and training materials
•Short-form content for TikTok and Instagram Reels
•Essentially, if you can envision it, VidMake can bring it to life.
VidMake Review – How Does VidMake Work?
VidMake’s user-friendly platform makes the process incredibly simple with just three steps:
•Access the platform.
•Generate your AI spokesperson.
•Publish your completed video.
There’s no need for technical expertise or prior experience in video production. All you have to do is input your desired script, select from a range of AI-generated faces and voices, and let VidMake handle the rest. In just a few minutes, you’ll have a professional-quality video ready to share.
Why VidMake is a Game Changer
Traditional video production can be time-consuming and expensive, requiring actors, equipment, and extensive editing. VidMake eliminates these barriers, offering a more affordable, efficient solution for creating high-quality video content.
With VidMake, you no longer need to hire actors or rent expensive gear. Your entire video production studio is now digital and easily accessible from any device.
Beyond just convenience, VidMake also unlocks creative possibilities. You can produce videos in languages you don’t speak and feature people of diverse ages, ethnicities, and styles, thanks to the platform’s vast library of AI-generated avatars.
The applications are limitless. Marketers can quickly generate multi-language ads, educators can create engaging lessons without the need to appear on camera, and content creators can release new material more frequently than ever before.
VidMake democratizes video production, making it possible for anyone to create high-quality content that was previously out of reach.
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♦ Vendor:  Seun Ogundele
♦ Product:  VidMake
♦ Launch Date:  2024-Sep-17
♦ Launch Time:  11:00 EDT
♦ Front-End Price:  $17
♦Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
♦Product Type: Spokesperson video creator
♦Support: Effective Response
♦Operating System: Web App
♦Recommended: Highly Recommended
♦Skill Level Needed: All Levels
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Seun Ogundele has established himself as a leading vendor and expert affiliate marketer, recognized for producing high-quality products at accessible prices that offer genuine value to users.
Some of his notable releases include AvaTalk, AI Cash Machine, and Voixr, which have enabled many customers to achieve significant success in their online ventures.
In this VidMake review, we’ll dive into Ogundele’s latest product, examining its standout features and why it might be a valuable addition to your business toolkit.
VidMake offers an impressive array of features designed to simplify video creation and enhance your content:
✅ AI-Powered Digital Spokespersons: VidMake uses advanced AI to create ultra-realistic digital humans who can speak any text you input, supporting over 144 languages and dialects.
✅ High-Quality 3D Animation: Bring your videos to life with Pixar-level 3D avatars that move, speak, and interact just like real people, providing an engaging and immersive viewing experience.
✅ Wide Range of Video Styles: Whether you need sales videos, webinars, educational content, YouTube clips, eCommerce ads, or even animated children’s stories, VidMake can handle it all.
✅ AI-Driven Voiceovers: Choose from a collection of over 1,600 voices that sound convincingly human, each with different emotional tones and suitable for any language or message delivery.
✅ User-Friendly Drag-and-Drop Editor: VidMake’s easy-to-use interface makes video creation and customization accessible to everyone, regardless of technical expertise.
✅ Extensive AI Stock Media Library: Gain access to 1.5 million AI-generated images, backgrounds, music tracks, and GIFs to enhance your videos with just a few clicks.
✅ Speech-to-Text Transcription: Automatically transcribe any spoken dialogue in your videos, allowing for easy repurposing of content into articles, blog posts, or other formats.
✅ Photo-to-Animated Human Conversion: Turn static images into dynamic, animated characters that can talk, providing a unique and engaging way to share stories or present information.
✅ Pre-Built Video Templates: With over 1,000 professionally designed templates, VidMake speeds up the video creation process, helping you craft high-quality videos in no time.
After several weeks of using VidMake, I'm excited to share my hands-on experience with this innovative software.
VidMake's onboarding process was refreshingly simple. After logging in, I was welcomed by an intuitive dashboard that quickly guided me through the main features.
The user interface is clean and well-organized, making it easy to navigate even for those who may not be very tech-savvy.
To create my first video, I followed three straightforward steps:
• Access the platform
• Generate an AI spokesperson
• Publish the finished video
The entire process took under 10 minutes, which was impressive given the high quality of the final product.
VidMake’s real strength lies in its AI technology. It integrates advanced models like GPT-4 alongside neural machine learning algorithms to create hyper-realistic virtual humans that can speak any text you input, across 144 languages.
I tested it by creating videos in English, Spanish, and Mandarin. Each time, I was impressed by the natural-sounding voices and precise lip-syncing. The AI spokespersons looked realistic, avoiding the unsettling "uncanny valley" effect that often accompanies digital avatars.
While there was a rare occurrence of slight stuttering in longer videos, it didn’t detract from the overall quality of the content.
VidMake supports a broad range of video types, including:
• Spokesperson videos
• 3D animated avatar videos
• Viral celebrity-style videos
• Webinars and presentations
• Educational content
• Social media ads
• Sales videos
• YouTube-optimized content
• Kids’ story videos
• E-commerce product showcases
• Video courses
• Training materials
• Short-form content (Reels/TikToks)
• Affiliate marketing and review videos
I found VidMake’s variety of templates incredibly useful, offering excellent starting points for different projects. The customization options made it easy to maintain brand consistency across my video content.
As a content creator, one of my primary interests was exploring VidMake’s potential for revenue generation. I created affiliate marketing videos and product reviews, which I then uploaded to YouTube and shared on my blog.
To my surprise, the engagement on these AI-generated videos was significantly higher than my previous content. In just one month, my click-through rates increased by 35%, resulting in an additional $1,200 in commissions.
While this was my personal experience and results may vary, it shows VidMake’s potential as a tool for boosting online income.
To evaluate VidMake’s performance, I tracked several key metrics:
• Video generation speed: On average, a 2-minute video took about 3-5 minutes to generate, depending on the complexity.
• Output quality: 8/10 – The videos looked polished and professional.
• Voice naturalness: 7.5/10 – The AI voices were impressively human-like.
• Language accuracy: 8.5/10 – Pronunciation and intonation in multiple languages were spot-on.
• Customization options: 7/10 – Good range of choices, though more granular control would be helpful.
These metrics demonstrate that VidMake delivers on its promise of speed, quality, and versatility.
VidMake’s developers have clearly prioritized ease of use without sacrificing powerful features. The drag-and-drop video editor allowed me to make quick adjustments without needing to learn complex software.
I appreciated the thoughtful design choices, such as the built-in AI stock media library, which saved me a lot of time searching for visuals.
One standout feature is the ability to create custom AI spokespersons based on specific criteria. This sets VidMake apart from its competitors.
During my testing, I used VidMake for various real-world projects:
• Creating product explainer videos for an e-commerce client
• Developing a mini-course on digital marketing
• Producing weekly news update videos for my blog
• Crafting ads for social media campaigns
Each project saw reduced production time and costs. My e-commerce client even reported a 22% increase in conversion rates after incorporating the new product videos, underscoring VidMake's business potential.
While my overall experience with VidMake was overwhelmingly positive, there are a few areas where the software could improve:
• Advanced editing features: For more complex projects, I sometimes wished for more advanced tools.
• Collaborative features: The option to collaborate with team members on video projects would be useful.
• Integration with other marketing tools: Integration with email marketing or CRM platforms could streamline workflows further.
Despite these minor shortcomings, VidMake has become an essential tool in my content creation process.
VidMake is a video creation platform that has gained attention for its innovative features, but is it truly worth your investment? Let’s explore what sets VidMake apart and why it could be a game-changer for your video creation needs.
VidMake’s success is built on its advanced AI technology, combining GPT-4 and Neural ML Generative AI. This powerful duo enables VidMake to produce hyper-realistic virtual humans that can speak any text in over 144 languages. This opens up endless possibilities for content creators, allowing them to create videos with impressive lifelike quality.
Whether you need spokesperson videos, animated explainers, or even viral celebrity-style clips, VidMake delivers high-quality, engaging content. The realism of the AI-generated characters makes it a stand out among competitors in the video creation industry.
VidMake’s versatility is one of its strongest features. It supports various video types, making it ideal for:
• Spokesperson videos
• 3D animated avatar videos
• Viral celebrity-style clips
• Webinars and presentations
• Sales videos
• Educational content
• Social media ads
• YouTube videos
• Product demos
• Training materials
This broad range makes it suitable for businesses, marketers, educators, and content creators from different fields.
What’s even more remarkable is its ease of use. VidMake’s drag-and-drop interface simplifies the video creation process, so even beginners with no prior video editing experience can produce professional-grade content quickly. This user-friendly platform removes the barrier of needing expensive equipment or technical expertise, making high-quality video production accessible to all.
Compared to traditional video production or other AI tools, VidMake is highly cost-effective. By eliminating the need for expensive cameras, studios, or hiring actors, users can save thousands. You can either create custom AI spokespersons or choose from an extensive library of pre-made avatars, significantly cutting production costs.
Additionally, VidMake stands out with its one-time payment model, as opposed to the recurring fees typical of many SaaS products. For businesses or individuals who create videos regularly, this pricing approach offers excellent value for money.
After thorough research and hands-on use, VidMake has proven to be a legitimate tool that delivers as promised. Many users have shared success stories highlighting increased engagement and improved marketing outcomes after using VidMake in their campaigns.
For example, one user reported earning $97,000 from TikTok Shop affiliates using VidMake-generated videos. Another user saw their YouTube channel explode with over 892,000 views and $27,400 in revenue from a single AI-generated video.
While these results are impressive, they should be viewed as potential outcomes rather than guarantees. However, they do underscore VidMake’s capability to create engaging and high-converting content when used effectively.
VidMake competes strongly with other AI-powered video creation platforms like Synthesia, Veed, and HeyGen. It often surpasses them in key areas:
• AI Technology: The combination of GPT-4 and Neural ML Generative AI results in more realistic and engaging virtual humans.
• Versatility: VidMake’s wide range of video types outpaces many competitors.
• Ease of Use: Its intuitive interface makes it accessible to users of all experience levels.
• Cost-Effectiveness: The one-time payment model offers superior long-term value compared to subscription-based competitors.
• Customization: VidMake allows for a high degree of personalization, from creating unique AI spokespersons to fine-tuning video elements.
Based on my personal experience and feedback from other users, VidMake is definitely worth considering for anyone serious about improving their video content. Its ability to produce high-quality videos quickly and affordably can result in a strong return on investment, particularly for businesses that regularly generate video content.
However, like any tool, VidMake’s value depends on how effectively you use it. While it simplifies video creation, producing impactful content still requires creativity, strategic planning, and an understanding of your audience.
For a limited time, you can take advantage of the early bird discount for VidMake with the options listed below. Select the option that fits your needs before this special offer expires!
• OTO 1: UNLIMITED – $67 / $47
• OTO 2: DONE FOR YOU – $297/ $197
• OTO 3: AUTOMATION – $47/$27
• OTO 4: PROFIT MAXIMIZER – $47 /$27
• OTO 7: MOBILE PAYDAY – $47/ $27
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VidMake marks a major advancement in AI-driven video production, offering the ability to create lifelike human presenters and high-quality animated videos with remarkable ease. Its innovative approach simplifies video creation, making it a game-changer for those seeking fast, professional-quality results.
While it may not fully replace traditional video production for premium projects, VidMake serves as a cost-effective and accessible alternative for businesses, marketers, and content creators. Its capabilities allow users to produce polished videos without the need for extensive equipment or expertise.
As with any cutting-edge technology, it's important to approach VidMake with both enthusiasm and caution. While its features are impressive, users should be thoughtful in how they leverage this powerful tool.
In summary, VidMake offers a promising solution that could democratize video production, opening the doors to a wider audience and enabling more people to create high-quality video content with ease.
If you're looking to elevate your video content without breaking the bank on equipment or technical know-how, VidMake could be the perfect solution for you.
Thank you for reading this VidMake review! I hope it has helped you make an informed decision. Be sure to act fast—early adopters can enjoy special bonuses as part of the limited-time offer.
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ontogen1 · 19 days
Welcome to the New Era of Social Proof for High Engagement, Where It's More Than Just Customer Testimonials.
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We are constantly observing sales and marketing in today’s digital marketing world. Consumers are more hyper aware of what’s happening around them. They have become more skeptical, they make informed decisions and even call out the business if there is any spam. They are more cautious about their purchasing decisions. In short, they need more than just validation from the company’s word, they also need confirmation from other sources before committing to a purchase. This is where a new era of marketing enters, called social proof. This is not just where a simple testimonial stands, its power goes far beyond that. Let’s see how social proof has taken businesses to a whole new level of marketing, where people will easily trust the business, and improve sales.
What is Social Proof?
As humans are social beings, they tend to believe in a word of testimony from known people. Social proof is a psychological event where people believe in the actions and beliefs of other people, coming under the impression that they are right. When it comes to sales, social proof can be a powerful tool. It persuades people to believe in other people’s opinions, behaviors, and actions. It's a form of validation that makes buyers trust the business and the services they’re promoting, with some positive reviews posted on their website or on any other platform. With the abundance of digital platforms and social networks, social proof has evolved into various forms. Sure, word of mouth works in this modern generation as well. But we no longer see direct endorsements from previous customers. Instead, we see it in a lot of analytics type features, such as user-generated content and social media metrics, as well as expert opinions and peer reviews.
Types of Social Proof:
User Generated Content:
UGC is a useful tool for businesses to get a rock solid testimonial. In this way, people voluntarily post any form of content reviewing the product, and the business can gain immense profit from that content. It is entirely created by customers rather than the brand itself. Now, UGC has become a cornerstone of social proof because it is authentic. It provided relatable content as it was done by fellow people and not by any businesses. It is easy to trust because common people who have used the product demonstrate how it is used, as well as review the content, especially in the form of video content. Whereas in traditional testimonials, the advertisement of the product can be staged, it actually provides a genuine glimpse into how the products are used in real life. For example, GoPro is a camera brand that excels in UGC by showcasing breathtaking videos captured by its users. This approach made people aware of the product's capabilities and also built a vibrant community of users. UGC is a breeding ground for content since it is solely created by users. It provides a continuous stream of fresh content if your product is doing well and people are happy with your product.
Influencer testimonials:
When you take an influencer word for a product, it is a way how social proof has entered. Influencers have a major following and have accounts for specific niches. With their particular niche in hand, they can take the purchasing decisions into their own hands and provide testimonials or reviews of the product. These are people with a more human-like and intimate bond with their audience compared to businesses. As a result, their followers tend to find their suggestions very credible. For example, Samsung or Sony corporations work hand in hand with technology influencers who assess and market their most recent devices. They are respected by technology enthusiasts due to their detailed reviews as well as the visuals they offer. This detailed review gives potential customers a thorough understanding of the product's features and benefits. Understanding what customers need allows you to deliver a great customer experience at every step of the buyer journey. The rise of micro-influencers is also a thing now. Individuals who have less than 100,000 followers can have a highly engaged audience due to their low follower count. Collaborating with these types of influencers will create enough leads, as the followers will have ease of trust with their favorite influencers.
Customer Reviews and Ratings:
Client testimonials and ratings act as an important form of social validation, with sites like Amazon, YelpYelp, and TripAdvisor playing a major role in what people will eventually purchase. Through testimonials, customers may be given a selection of curated responses, but when it comes to reviews, there’s something more real about them. Because they do not filter out anything. They point out the mistakes and even post negative reviews if they’re not satisfied with the product. Therefore, it’s important to have a lot of reviews so that the product can improve with constructive criticism. For example, when Amazon customers leave in depth feedback and ratings regarding different items, they are in essence helping others who might want such items develop a good understanding after reading their reviews. Ratings that are high with commendable reviews can make products appear desirable and popular. Detailed feedback speaking to particular issues can help potential buyers identify their own and could desire clarification. In addition, brands like Amazon add features like verified purchase badges, which help customers find their reviews trustworthy and add layers of authenticity and engagement. These are some of the types of social proof I’ve mentioned, along with others that exist. If you need any assistance regarding improving your metrics on social media so that you can have social proof, you can connect with us at [email protected]. Subscribe to us for more blogs.
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