#because this is what gives vocalists bad names
simplydannie · 16 days
Poisoned (Velvets Version #1)
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I haven’t touched on the Poison AU and what ifs in a while. This was inspired by a picture I saw on TikTok here.
Jealousy begins to overtake Velvet. Suddenly, she finds her brother in the spotlight. Does this means she’d be forgotten? A blind uncontrollable rage takes over her… one she can’t protect her own brother from.
The cameras flashed, the voices of fans were heard all around. Velvet smiled and waved, blowing kisses left and right.
“Velvet! Over here!” She’d heard them call. She’d pose for pictures and sign autographs. Yes, this was the life she’s always wanted since she was a girl…. To be somebody. For too long she put this life aside all for her brother… now it was her turn.
Veneer never minded that his sister took the spotlight over him. After all the years she protected him from bullies, she deserved it. He’d take every moment to make sure the spotlight was on her.
“Thank you! Oh, thank you!” She gushed as they took her picture…But something began to change…
Was it her, was she being crazy? She began noticing the camera’s focusing on her brother more, his name being called more often. A twinge of jealousy began to overcome her.
“Veneer, we love hearing your voice in the background? But any thoughts on leading a song in the future.” One interview went. Veneer grew nervous, he side eyed his sister.
“Uh, no, no. I’m more of a background vocalist. Vels has always had the talent to sing lead. It’s just in her nature.” Veneer did is best to redirect the conversation.
“Of course she is! But that’s to bad, fans would really love to hear your voice. I’m I right folks!” The audience applauded and cheered. A curiousness began o grew inside Velvet…what was happening? But it would only get worse from there.
Why him? He was a nobody, always was and always would be. He was a nerd who would get bullied at in school…If it was for her, he wouldn’t even be here. And this is how he repays her. She sat at her vanity and looked herself in the mirror. What does that little weasel have that I don’t, she thought to herself. Why is all the attention on him now? A voice kept repeating and repeating inside her head…You’re not good enough. You’re not good enough.
“Stop it.” She said aloud.
Even with the Troll…You’re still not good enough.
“Shut up! Shut up!” She told the voice…The more she tried to stop it, the more it came back with vengeance.
He was always the favorite. Mom and dad would give him everything.
“He was sick. Of course they did.”
He even had you playing into his little trap…You even gave him everything. Even gave up having friends, being popular, homecoming, prom…
“He’s my brother. He’d do the same for me.”
Would he?
Knock. Knock.
“Vels?” Veneer popped his head through her door. “Vels, are you okay? I heard you talking with someone?”
“I’m fine Ven. I’m just tired.” She replied crossly.
“Oh.” He walked over and sat on her bed, his hands balled into fists on his knees. He kept biting his lower lip, “Sooo, do you want to maybe watch a movie?”
She turned him, giving him a questionable look, “What?”
“We haven’t really hung out or do anything like that in a while. That new movie we talked about is streaming. Maybe we could cook up some popcorn and-…”
“No.” She replied coldly turning back around.
“Oh come on Vels. OH! I know, maybe we can watch that new season of that reality show you love-…”
“I SAID NO! GET OUT!” She screamed. A sense of pain crept into her brother’s heart…She’d change…She didn’t want to do anything they loved doing anymore. He could see how consumed she was with this fame…but it’s what made her happy, who was he to question it? She sacrificed a lot for him, why not sacrifice this much for her…
“Oh…Okay…” With that he left her….She wanted to call him back, because once he left, the voices began to creep back in..
Immature. Freak. And they want him to solo?
“They never said anything about soloing…” She told the voice.
Oh but they did! Imagine when they see the potential he has…Why, it will no longer be Velvet and Veneer…Maybe your name won’t even be included anymore…
“Shut up! That’s not true! He wouldn’t do that to me.”
Oh but he would…It seems that he’s growing tired of you already…You have to do something…
Velvet’s eyes began to glow with a tint of pink hue, what was real and wasn’t began to mix, her mind growing in confusion and rage…She was starting to loose control.
You have to do something…He’ll betray you…He’ll take over, grab that attention of love YOU deserve…and keep it all for him…
“….That backstabber….” She said.
They love him. Adore him. They want HIM, not you…You’re irrelevant now.
“Not I’m not! I made us what we are!” She screamed looking at the mirror, her glowing brighter and brighter. “WE ARE HERE BECAUSE OF ME!”
Does he think that? He think’s you’re irrelevant. You have to show him who’s boss…Rid him, before he rids you….
The last words echoed in her mind. Her breathing grew heavy as the pink hue around her eyes grew brighter…Her body felt hot, she began to sweat…
“….Rid him…” She repeated and walked out the door.
Floyd sat in his diamond, hugging his knees….How did it come to this? Why? He did nothing but care for them, or at least try to… but then again…He did threaten to leave them because he couldn’t follow this path they were on. Instead of trying to help, he just watch change little by little…but the change he saw was, scary…as if little by little they were being replaced by something different. by an entirely different being… especially Velvet… he worried for her… His thoughts were broken as he heard the door open. Floyd looked round to see Veneer walking in, a sad look in his eyes.
The teen looked at Floyd….why did he do this to him? He walked up and sat on the chair, “Something… is wrong with Velvet…”
The small Troll glanced at Veneer, he had seen something into make him notice this, “I’ve been thinking the same thing for a while now bud.”
“But what? Why is she acting like this?….This isn’t Velvet, my Velvet… the one who was always there for me…” A sadness crossed his face, “What’s happening to her?”
“I…I don’t know…” Was all Floyd could say. There was silence between them. Veneer looked at the Troll, he grabbed the diamond. The two looked at each for a moment…Veneer then began to open the diamond.
“Ven?” Floyd said, but his name echoed in a voice behind him.
“Ven. What are you doing?” He turned to find Velvet staring at him… her eyes glowing pink.
“V-Vels.” He stuttered.
“Why do you have the Troll?”
“I was just… talking to him.”
“Nothing else?” She saw how his hand was over the lid.
“Y-yes.” Was all he mustered to say. He caught a glint of metal in his sister’s right hand….a knife? “W-why do you h-have that?”
“…Be honest with me Ven, do you ever think about a solo career?”
“N-no of course not!”
He’s lying.
“All this fame isn’t getting into your head. Making you feel that you’re too good for me.” Velvet continued.
“No. Vels what’s going on? You know I’m doing this for you.” He replied setting down the diamond. Floyd watched helplessly as the next events unfolded… she crept closer to him.
He’s doing it for himself. No one else. He’s such a freaking liar.
“Don’t you dare lie to me Ven! All these questions they’ve been asking you. All the attention you’re getting. It’s all part of your plan isn’t it.” She said, the dark circles under her eyes growing deeper.
“Velvet no of course not! I don’t know what they’re saying that! But… I’d never do that to you.” He walked closer to her, “It’s us against all of them right…” Floyd couldn’t warn Veneer in time, he had gotten to close, to comfortable, she was his sister… so he’d never imagine her doing what she did then…
Reaching up with her left hand, she tightened her hand around his throat. Veneer gasped for air “…V-Vels…”
“No… no it’s not is against them anymore….” The pink hue still around her eyes, a redness glinting across them. “It’s just me.”
“Velvet no!” Floyd screamed….Taking the knife she had, she stabbed her own brother on the neck. Floyd turned away, he couldn’t bear the sight. The shock in Veneers face turned to hurt, to betrayal…
“Why?” He gagged as tears rolled down his face.
“You can’t betray me… You won’t now..” Velvet replied as she dug the knife deeper. He winced and cried with every inch it dug…
“….youre…. My sister….. I…. love….” But nothing else came out, his body grew limp. She released him letting his body fall with a thump on the floor.
Good. There’s only room for one superstar now. The voice told her… then it was gone. Her head spun, she wobbled on her feet…
“What the heck…” she began to say. Velvet then noticed the knife in her hand. She gasped and let it drop to the floor… “Why, why do I have that. Vennie?” She noticed her brother’s limp body on floor.
“Vennie?” She noticed his eyes halfway open, the last of his tears falling to the floor…. A pool of blood forming around him. “….oh my god…” She knelt next to him. “Vennie!?” Picking him she shook him.
No answer…. His body beginning to grow cold. She looked at the knife she had dropped on the floor…. The knife that was in her hand..
“No….no…..no…” She looked up to see Floyd. His little head was leaning against the diamond, tears staining his cheeks, “What happened?….Floyd! What happened!” She saw the look of sadness in his eyes as he stared at her..
“Tell me I didn’t do this. PLEASE TELL ME I DIDNT DO THIS!” She began to cry. Velvet picked up her brother’s body and hugged it tightly, hoping it would bring him back… his blood staining her clothes. “PLEASE TELL ME I DIDN’T DO THIS!!” She cried again.
“Velvet…. Something’s happening to you…. Something bad…”
But she couldn’t hear him… she let the pain in her cries fill the air, her eerie cries and screams. She had always protected him… but in the end… she couldn’t protect him from herself…
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sweet-evie · 7 months
Satoru, Suguru, Sukuna, and Choso in a Rock Band AU... I need my brain to shut up about this and I need to quell my thirst!
✨ masterlist ✨
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I could have used J-Rock artists as prime reference, but... listening to my own playlist got me into this mess.
The band lineup in my head:
Sukuna on Drums
Choso on Bass Guitar
Suguru as Lead Guitarist & Main Backup Vocalist
Satoru as Rhythm Guitarist & Lead Vocalist
All of them can scream sing and growl, but...
Sukuna is the best at death growling + gutturals. Think Nergal from Behemoth.
Choso is a false chord scream king. Plus, for some reason, he sings like Corey Taylor in my head.
Suguru is 100% a pro at fry screaming. Also sings like Alex Varkatzas probably.
Satoru probably screams and growls like Andy Biersack or sings like M. Shadows or David Draiman... I can't decide. Although, can 100% picture him belting out The Vengeful One.
Satoru and Suguru are power duo lyricists... Like, they're so good at writing songs together. The themes in each album always defer, but they're really good at hammering in a message (subtle or overt) into every song.
Also also, picture Satoru and Suguru singing into a mic onstage, taking the entire crowd hostage with those never-declining face cards, fingers flawlessly gliding over the frets, pressing on the strings, playing their guitars in perfect harmony. 😩 LAWRD HELP ME, I WANT THEIR TONGUES IN MY MOUTH. 😭
Them playing these guitar solos on 3:21 - 3:55... Satoru doing rhythms at 3:21 and Suguru comes in at 3:36...
From debut, Satoru became extremely popular for never showing people his full face. The fans have never seen his eyes. Yes, he performs with a blindfold on, and during interviews, his eyes are always covered by his signature dark sunglasses.
His eye reveal was in a music video. It played a part skyrocketing the band's fame. And when the band performed live after that music video, Satoru is playing onstage without a blindfold or sunglasses on. Cue the infinite rizz.
Fans always rave that Satoru looks so innocent and cute when his eyes are on full-display (man belongs in a romcom movie) and he's not performing or screaming like a demon into the microphone.
Even after the eye reveal, Satoru still performs with a blindfold on most of the time, and he takes it off with extra flair and drama when the fans ask for it during a concert.
Satoru is very playful when interacting with fans -- a far cry from his onstage persona.
Also, fans are so tickled and pleased that for all his screaming and growling in songs and concerts, Suguru is actually very soft-spoken when he's just talking normally.
Suguru has a tongue piercing and the sexiest dragon tattoo sprawled across his back.
Need I mention the fans love the way Suguru says Satoru's name? Even in this AU, the fans ship SatoSugu. 😝
Suguru is also the one band member who gives insightful answers during interviews. Like, it's always deep with him, much to Choso and Satoru's amusement, and Sukuna's irritation.
Speaking of Sukuna...
Sukuna never wears a shirt during concerts. He has tattoos and he's showing them off like no one's business. Imagine him pounding at those drums, tattooed face, chest, and arms in full display, eyes blazing, tongue out and everything. [DON'T YOU WANT TO LICK HIM? 😜]
Sukuna's the drummer, but he has a microphone too, because he's the best at death growling and they have songs where they get into that.
No one plays drums like Sukuna can. It's a running gag in their fandom that Sukuna had four arms in another life because how in the fuck can he do what he do?
Sukuna is also famous for getting shit-faced before an onstage performance. For some reason, he plays perfectly fine even when he's inebriated or high. It's a flex! 😩
By contrast, Choso and Suguru eat super healthy.
Satoru is always on a sugar-high. Did we expect anything less?
Satoru and Suguru will write really dark songs and they will hand over the vocals to Sukuna, because it fits him so well. Kinda like this:
Satoru may be lead vocalist on paper, but all the boys in this band can sing, and they're all hot when they do it. 😝
The fans love it when Choso goes apeshit on the microphone. I imagine him singing this and it's a treat every fucking time!
Choso is baby. 😝 He's so cute and always looks out for everyone behind the scenes. The band has filmed backstage documentaries before, and the fans who've seen those love Choso so much because he takes care of all the members.
Choso plays bass and each time he has a solo in the song, it's a guaranteed eargasm. 😩🙏 Can he finger me the way he fingers that bass please?
Choso is so sweet to the fans... Always gives them attention even when he's not supposed to. (e.g., when he leaves his house and he finds them outside the gate). He just can't be mean!
Satoru and Suguru are fan service kings! Like during concerts, they don't shy away from getting super close to the crowd. They're also multi-tasking kings, because imagine playing an instrumental solo, singing, and doing crowd work at the same time.
The four of them are trolls! Satoru and Sukuna are the biggest trolls and menaces. Suguru goes along with whatever Satoru wants, and Choso tries and fails to be responsible.
They are well aware of the baseless rumors around their songs and performances (that they're spawns of hell, they worship the devil, etc.), and they play into it to annoy the haters some more and give them fodder. Hate comments are free publicity apparently.
Dating any one of them will either be fun and chill, or just outright chaos. No in-between.
I don't think Sukuna would date anyone though. He strikes me as a pump-and-dump type of man. Hooking up with him means a grand time in the sheets, but it's only good until he gets bored. After he gets bored, it's done. Bye!
Choso would treat you right, no questions. He makes time and does whatever you want to do. You want to workout with him? Okay! You want your own personal concert? Why, of course! You want time for private getaways? He's booking first class plane tickets to a vacation destination of your choice. You want to learn how to play bass guitar? "Come here, Darling. Let me show you."
With Satoru and Suguru, it's a toss up. Mostly because I think it will have to take someone super special (a person who isn't easily cowed and who loves either of them so much) to get either of them to fall in love. When they fall in love with their S/Os though, they're all in.
Dating Satoru or Suguru in this situation means having rock songs written about you. It's one of their love languages in this AU.
I also don't know what their band would be called. 😝
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 month
Since you drew En playing the electric guitar do you have any headcannons for an OFA band AU? Like what user plays/does what?
I love the OFA logo that's on electric guitarist En's shirt btw! 💓
Not only am I going to give you a list of who's doing what, I'm going to give you 1.4k of a ficlet from Bruce's POV because I've been doing everything but my final papers!
Yoichi: Lead vocalist, ex-bass guitar
Kudou: Drummer
Bruce: Band manager, does travel and concert arrangements; ex-electric guitar
Shinomori: Equipment manager, helps with logistics; ex-electric guitar
Banjo: Electric guitar 1, ex-keyboardist, percussionist when necessary
En: Electric guitar 2 + Smoke effects
Nana: Bass guitar, female vocalist when necessary
Toshinori: Nana’s ward, roadie, learning bass guitar
+ Sorahiko: Full-time roadie, electric guitar when necessary
Izuku: Not here yet, but he's probably part of a One for All revival era
OFA Band AU in my hands still has Quirks, and the majority of the group practices vigilantism when they're not playing music. AFO is less demon of the underworld evil, and more capitalist/the guy funding industry plants evil. He's a music executive. He and Yoichi used to play music together, but when AFO went to college to be a business major, Yoichi doubled down on music and was recruited by Kudou and Bruce. OFA developed from there.
Pairings are Trio Holders, FourthFifth, and who knows what's going with Sorahiko. (This is a no Husbando Shimura/no Kotarou AU.)
Read the ficlet below!
“Banjo,” Shinomori says with a tone more indulgent than scolding, “stop bullying En with Blackwhip. He’s going to trip and fall on his face mid-performance, and then where will you be?”
“Laughing, probably,” Bruce cuts in before Banjo can say something flirtatious. He needs their equipment manager present and sharp-eyed. Shimura’s friend does a passable job at rounding up stray amps and cords, but only when he’s not herding Toshinori away from chatting up the crowds who want to stalk One for All members backstage. “Pack the instruments in the bus, would you? We’re cutting it close.”
Banjo winks at Shinomori and strums a quick, humorous cue anyway. “Yeah, no problem, Sandaime. We going out after?”
“Depends on Kudou.”
“Ah, gotcha. See you in a bit.” Banjo tips his chin up and obligingly, Shinomori bends his neck and plants a chaste kiss to the carefully maintained stubble on the electric guitarist’s cheek. The roguish grin softens. Bruce manfully restrains himself from being a hypocrite about PDA, and goes to find Shimura.
She’s a little further backstage, and her bass guitar is already locked away. Set beside her bedazzled monstrosity of a case is En’s unassuming one. When Bruce chances upon them, Shimura is in the middle of fussing with her cousin’s jacket. She straightens the high collar, notices Bruce, and says a cheerful hello.
En echoes her, but he adds a respectful, “Sandaime.”
God. Bruce is going to strangle Banjo for starting that up, especially as it’s been picked up by not just the band but also the media. The more impressionable members of the band—En and Toshinori—treat the titles with more respect than a bad joke should get, and the journalists have started using them in place of their names.
“Everyone packed? Where’s Torino and Toshinori?”
“Sorahiko had a phone call,” En volunteers. “I think Toshinori headed back to the bus early because he had homework to finish.”
“What? Did he tell you that? It’s a week to the deadline!” Shimura scoops up her case and En’s, inclines her head at Bruce, and starts booking it. Her decision to apprentice Toshinori still strikes Bruce as a shortsighted one, but it remains one of the few times Bruce actually remembers her performing some kind of paperwork magic to ensure the application was filled to perfection. Usually, Shimura procrastinates to the point of Torino needing to swoop in and forge her signature.
En peers up at Bruce like he’s expecting something.
“What,” says Bruce. The junior electric guitar player shrugs in deliberate carelessness.
“Are we heading out after?”
“Have you been talking to Banjo?” Bruce asks, dry, and shakes his head. “It depends on Kudou. Where’s our illustrious leader?”
“Necking with Nidaime in the dressing room.”
Wordlessly, Bruce digs into his pocket and hands over the carton of candy cigarettes. En isn’t actually capable of eating tobacco, much less real cigarettes, but he has a sweet tooth and a sly sense of humor. Moreover, he is amenable to being bribed.
Clever fingers pop open the carton and slide one white chalky stick of sugar out. En sticks it into his mouth with a pleased hum and chirps a half-garbled, “I’ll get Banjo-senpai to the bus. Is Yondaime driving?”
“Torino knows the city streets better. He’ll get us to the inn, and after that, we’ll figure out carpools back.” Bruce rubs the back of his neck and sighs. “Hey. You did good with the bridge for ‘Residual Mayhem’ tonight. Make sure to do the hand exercises later.”
“Okay!” Thusly flattered, spoiled with sweets, and charged with malicious intent to put a (temporary) damper on Banjo’s evening, En darts off to pester his senior into hurrying the hell up. For his part, Bruce double-checks the area for stray litter, then ventures to the dressing rooms.
He finds a nondescript black sock slipped onto the doorknob. Bruce raps his knuckles against the wood, ignores the muffled “OCCUPIED!”, and uses the skeleton key to break in.
The door gets closed immediately behind him.
“We’re going to be late,” he manages to snap, before his brain fully processes the sight of Kudou’s legs hooked ‘round Yoichi’s skinny hips. The dressing room is equipped with a single chaise longue, and Yoichi has Kudou pressed down against the entire length of the single-armed sofa. Thank god, they’re both still in jeans.
“Mrrmph,” Kudou says, and Yoichi chimes in, “Hi, Bruce!”
“The set wasn’t that horny,” Bruce says, nonplussed.
Yoichi grins. “Well, I know tonight’s a fight night, so I thought I’d give Kudou incentive to not make you guys stay out so late.”
“Really effective,” Kudou reports, sounding dazed. He has clearly been kissed stupid. Is it irresponsible of Bruce to want to trade places with Kudou? For a brief moment, Bruce thinks about Kudou taking the role of band manager. In that projection of an alternate universe, One for All loses all access to professional recording studios, and not only are their songs recorded with a shitty boombox, but their concerts are held at last-minute reservations.
Also, in that universe, Kudou is cursed to never find a replacement drummer he approves of for more than three months. Yes. This is the right timeline.
Bruce approaches the sofa as Yoichi sits up and pulls Kudou upright with him. “You don’t think I need any?”
“You’re way more responsible,” Yoichi asserts, but makes a ‘come here’ gesture with his long slender fingers. Obligingly, Bruce bends at the waist. Yoichi cradles Bruce’s jaw with one hand and kisses him squarely on the mouth, nips his bottom lip, and breaks it off first. He smiles as he says, “Thanks for coming to get us.”
Kudou slips two fingers down the collar of Bruce’s shirt and tugs him in for his own kiss. That too is brief, and sharp, and it’s possible Bruce is going a little kiss-stupid as well, especially when he can hear the rumble of Kudou’s groan building at the base of his throat.
“Wait,” he gasps, “wait, time, time. Our inn’s not taking late check-ins, and Shimura’s going to murder one of us if her ward sleeps overnight in the bus again.”
“Toshinori-kun thinks it’s cool to sleep in the bus,” Yoichi protests. “Did Shimura-kun say that?”
“She implied it,” Bruce says.
“Up we go then,” Kudou says, and manhandles Yoichi off his lap. Bruce straightens up and does a cursory once-over at the dressing room. Any hairbrushes? Hair ties? Stray math homework sheets that Toshinori will swear he lost to Torino’s cutthroat corrections? Distracted, Bruce helps Yoichi to his feet, then Kudou.
“Shinomori got your drumset loaded,” he tells Kudou. “Yoichi, did you take your guitar out for an impromptu vibes session with Toshinori?”
“Still in the bus,” Yoichi answers, and before Bruce can fend him off, Yoichi is fussing with the folds of his headband. Kudou is too busy shrugging into his windbreaker and shaking out the wrinkles in Yoichi’s. “Ah, Bruce, you should really think about hemming this…”
“Ragged edges are punk,” Bruce says blankly.
There’s a knock at the door. It creaks open, because even though Bruce kicked it shut the instant he saw his boyfriends making out, he forgot to lock it. Torino pokes his head in warily. “Bus is loaded up,” he reports, eyes cast to the ceiling. “En said I’m driving?”
“Yup,” says Kudou. Finished with his doting, Yoichi gratefully accepts his windbreaker and zips it right up to the top. He combs his bangs back and ties his distinctive white hair into a low ponytail; Kudou fetches a cap and plops it on Yoichi’s head before tugging the hood over. “I’m your co-pilot. Bruce, where’s your jacket?”
“The bus. Torino, we’ll be right out.”
“Gotcha.” The door clicks shut.
“Hey, is the sock on the door yours or Yoichi’s?”
“One of mine,” Yoichi confirms. He hooks his hand at the crook of Bruce’s elbow, leans into him. “Bruce, stop worrying, we haven’t left anything. Kudou, you’d better run ahead before Toshinori-kun gets the idea that he can sit co-pilot again.”
“That kid,” Kudou curses, and bolts out. It’s a reasonable response.
The last time Toshinori had wheedled his way to the front, Shinomori had been at the wheel, and between the both of them—Shinomori, possessed of a sick sense of humor that included entertaining the whims of a preteen, and Toshinori, too proud to admit that he couldn’t understand the traffic navigation app—One for All had wandered off-route and wasted three-quarters of the gas tank just to arrive at a three-star aquarium. Not that Torino would get them lost. 
No, it’s more likely that Torino would reach the limits of his Toshinori Tolerance and put pedal to the metal, and then get caught speeding (in a bus) by a cop.
Yoichi hums the opening lyrics to ‘Daisy Days’, and it sounds too sad on its own, so Bruce obligingly provides the guitar riff as they follow after Kudou.
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thegreatsinnamonroll · 8 months
I am immensely enjoying new people getting into HypMic (mostly on this hellsite fuck Twitter) but you poor babies. Oh my god. You have zero knowledge coming into contact with BAT and Dotsuhon. So here is, admittedly rather condensed, a lore drop and why BAT and DH are important:
Bad Ass Temple
Starting with Nagoya's fiercest, Bad Ass Temple represents courage, standing for what's right, and never backing down.
Their leader, Kuko Harai, is a Buddhist monk (in training), and despite his unconventional appearance and punk-like personality, he's devoted to his faith and friends. Before he was part of BAT, he made friends with Ichiro Yamada after an aggressive fist fight where they were evenly matched. They gained respect for each other and made a team called Naughty Busters. Kuko was eventually brainwashed into leaving Ichiro, after which he went back to school and got in trouble for fighting off bullies from a friend of his.
Jyushi Aimono is a visual kei vocalist for the band Argo Orchestra as well as chunni (like his seiyuu!). He had a deeply troubled past, his parents often ignoring him. Jyushi became extremely close to his grandmother, who made him a small toy pig he named Amanda. He took Amanda everywhere with him, even to school, but a former friend motivated by jealousy relentlessly bullied him and encouraged others to do the same. Eventually Jyushi's grandmother was killed as a result of their hazing, sending Jyushi into a massive spiral.
Hitoya Amaguni is a lawyer who's seemingly only motivated by money, however his true colors shine when he takes on bullying cases. His brother was bullied until it caused his death, and since then Hitoya has been hunting down the people who did it. He has an intense sympathy for Jyushi and Kuko, despite trying to appear as if he doesn't care. He took on Jyushi's case and landed his bullies in prison, as well as clearing Kuko of the charges put against him. Because of their connection, the three of them were able to form Bad Ass Temple under Kuko's guidance.
Dotsuitare Hompo
Dotsuitare Hompo, or Dotsuhon, is a team that always gets back up when they're knocked down, a team that keeps fighting to make their place even if the world is against them. They're fun and engaging, bringing the joys of Osaka to HypMic.
Sasara Nurude may not seem like a leader to the untrained eye, but digging deeper into the comedian's backstory reveals an odd intensity for someone who never stops smiling. Due to his parents' rocky marriage and messy divorce, young Sasara found comfort in comedy and making people laugh. That carried with him to college, where he met his then comedy partner, Rosho. The two took Japan by storm, but a nasty breakup shattered all of Sasara's dreams. He wasn't about to give up, going to Tokyo to get a new outlook, and meeting up with Samatoki Aohitsugi, who, at the time, reminded Sasara of Rosho. A second nasty breakup occurred when Sasara was brainwashed, and the comedian resurfaced later on as the leader of Dotsuhon.
Rosho Tsutsujimori both blends in and stands out. He suffers from intense gifted kid burnout from his parents pushing him in grade school, resulting in him gaining a violent streak that persists to this day. He entered comedy school and formed Dotsuitare Hompo with Sasara until his stage fright and mutual miscommunication broke them apart. Since then, Rosho found a career in not just being a teacher, but being someone who supports and nurtures young talent. Sasara returned to him to have him join the new Dotsuhon, though at first Rosho declined.
Rei is the lore holder here, being the man who developed the Hypnosis Mics and Ramuda Clones. His past is shrouded in mystery, but we know that he only works with the government because they are holding his wife hostage. He calls himself a conman, wickedly intelligent and crafty. He was able to get Dotsuhon together by scamming one of Rosho's students, provoking the teacher enough to get him and Sasara to admit they missed the other.
I tried to make this as basic as possible but feel free to ask about other tidbits, there's a LOT that goes on outside of the anime but it can be hard to find. Anyway I'm Emmet, your local lore keeper!
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ghostsbimbo · 7 months
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the boys & hearing a song from your phone on shuffle a/n: nsfw songs ahead <3 ur welcome. tw: some songs contain heavy subjects such as rape.
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simon "ghost" riley - good lookin' by dixon dallas
He's bouncing off my booty cheeks, I love the way he rides I can hardly breathe when he's pumping deep inside I kiss him on his neck and then he kisses on my bussy Call him "Daddy" while I holler Man, that boy so damn good looking (looking, looking)
He has a thousand yard stare as you try to contain your laughter at the song. you love this song, and the artist in general. You originally found him when he was just doing rap, his name being iamjakehill. you completely embraced both the pop punk (ur pretty) project & the country project of his. and now, you're showing your lieutenant one of his very gay masterpieces, despite the artist being a very straight man.
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könig - dana dan by bloodywood
Not all men, yes, all men Need all men for what we're solvin' Can't be what it's been but we're evolvin' You see for yourself now get involved in Talking all in, do more, boy, it's a war Chainsaw to the dead weight, leave it raw Bloody galore as we clean out the core Yeah, we do it for her, so we kick in the door
he definitely looked up the lyrics, meaning behind the song, and translation as soon as it was over, and with that he found a new band to listen to. listen, the dude may basically be a war criminal [ they all fuckin are, lets admit it ] but he sure as hell would fucking destroy a rapist as soon as he had the opportunity. all of them would.
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john price - i threw glass at my friend's eyes and now I'm on probation by destroy boys
But fuck you! You're so old, dude! Like seriously, what do you think you're doing? Your hands are so big and you're so tall, wow! You know, I kinda wish I had let you do that one thing that one time But in retrospect, it would've been a bad idea 'cause You don't care about me like I care about you so I feel bad
man, this dude felt this song was a personal attack on him. yes, y'all had an age gap, but you needed to assure him he was perfectly fine, and you just liked the song because of trauma prior to meeting him. being a kid/teenager with unmonitered internet access really fucked you up, buddy.
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keegan p. russ - chokehold by sleep token [ cover by will ramos ]
So show me that which I cannot see Even if it hurts me Even if I can't sleep Oh, and though we act out of our holy duty to be constantly awake
to say he loved the dudes voice would be an understatement, and then to figure out it was a cover of a song and he heard the original? the man was offended you kept will ramos, his band lorna shore, and the band sleep token from him. his phone would end up being filled with both bands discography.
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kyle "gaz" garrick - to the hellfire by lorna shore
Accept this descent into the night Releasing your grasp to induce separation Plunged into the shadows Lost in sensation, we're free falling down into the everblack Can you feel it? These pins and needles
He got scared. He also wondered how you could understand what the guy was saying the whole time. He got VERY confused when the pig squeals started - confused enough to ask if they had a pig in studio. You laughed and explained that no, the vocalist that was screaming - Will - did it all himself. It then lead to you info dumping on the genre of music as a whole.
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johnny "soap" mactavish - pisces by JINJER
No promises I ever give Don't rely on me and I won't deceive The beginning or the end you can't tell When I wave my fin and shake my tail I grew in different normality With unblamable morality Hooks and nets are there for me But I'm skittish
The soft voice is what got to him, his eyes going wide when he heard the screaming. He didn't believe you at first when you told him the woman singing was also the one screaming, too. - "No fuckin' way is that a bonnie doin' that." - so you pulled up the song on youtube, and then also pulled up a few live videos of the band, too. He believed you after a few videos, and may have gotten a little jealous when you said she causes you to have a MAJOR gay panic. You also state you wish you had the same amount of talent as her, especially with the screaming.
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sichore · 5 months
Ok! A follow-up headcanon to my pre/earlyklok headcacon: SNAKES 'N' BARRELS
Pickles was recruited after filling in for the vocalist and guitarist for a Cheap Trick cover band. Initially, the execs were just going to use his vocals for the albums and have someone else be the face on SnB since he was just a kid – but Pickles did turn 17 not long after and turns out he's kind of a musical genius.
So the guys took him in, showed him the good life – as well as the bad. Pickles had already been exposed to some rough things on the streets, and the SnB guys are the ones who really got him onto hard drugs. And the more Pickles grew into his role as frontman, and grew increasingly stressed with the constant touring, recording, *and* seeing that the guys just did as they were told but didn't really work at the music like he did – it got really bad. And with no one to quell his habits, Pickles became just as much of an addict as the others. He was just functional enough to perform.
But there were some good points, like getting to meet all kinds of other celebrities and do some collabs and features, like the one with Shayla Puss. With glam rock dying off, SnB had started to display a darker image and a heavier sound to match their heavier lyrics – the philosophy of which Pickles would take with him when the band fell apart.
It was during this time in the late 80s - early 90s that he drifted around and remade himself, giving up the svelte twink look for someone a bit harder for the growing hard rock, metal, thrash and grunge scene. He met Magnus during this time as they were at similar points in their careers, and we all know what happened after that.
A lot of his loneliness came back even after Dethklok got big when it started to feel the same – he had literally everything, but also nothing at all. This desire to feel on top of his game and in control of something was part of his driving factor behind doing the SnB reunion, which, of course, was a disaster. Again, he had to carry the whole project, which is why he tried to sue for the name, because it's his band.
Except legally, it isn't. Those bad contracts he made as a kid who didn't know any better came back to bite him, so especially after the stint with Rikki Kixx, SnB is in legal hell and possibly indefinite hiatus, as much as Pickles would still like to continue it with fresh talent.
I personally have SnB's active years from 1985-1989, to overlap a bit with the rise of Guns N Roses, and also mirror the time of the latter band's most active and chaotic years.
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lunarifie · 4 months
Infinight Interns Modern Band Au:
(Because I cant stop thinking about it / send me asks!!!)
Bart the Guitarist
- Main vocalist/guitarist. (Need I say why?)
- Prefers acoustic over electric because he has fidgety hands and acoustic requires more strumming and energy.
- Has a wide vocal range.
- Can play multiple instruments but mostly plays guitar.
- Switches between acoustic and electric depending on shows, songs, or how much energy he has.
- Basically the person who formed the band. Thought of the idea and convinced everyone else.
- Gives tips and tricks to his band members for performing on stage. (He’s the most used to stage performing and would often sign up at music venues soloing)
- He tries to motivate them to try new things, like singing or flashy tricks.
- Organizes and schedules all their shows. “Guys we got a gig!”
- He’s the main song writer, though he makes sure that everyone contributes and gives input. Everyone has their own individual songs that Bart’s helped with too.
- Bart and Gum Gum have pages and pages of made up/half assed songs they’ve written together.
Gum Gum and his Drum Drums
- The bands drummer. (He has drums in his inventory in tftsd)
- It wasn’t hard for Bart to convince Gum Gum to start a band with him. (He immediately agreed)
- Puts so much hype into his drumming that everyone else has to pump up their volume a bit.
- Mostly did drumming for fun, not really caring for how it sounded until Bart taught him some techniques.
- Likes to do stick spins (spinning his drumstick in his hand), at one practice/rehearsal it flew out of his hand and knocked Mudd in the back of the head.
- If you ask him how he drums so well he’d just say “I just play when it sounds good.”
- Gets sad whenever his bandmates argue or get frustrated. He tries to mediate. “Cmon guys, don’t fight…”
- He’s the youngest in the band and still in high school. He stayed back a grade and also looks older than his actual age. He gets bullied and teased for it. (Bart is often the one who comes running when this happens)
Kyborg the Keytarist
- Doesn’t let ANYONE touch his Keytar.
- Named it Chrystaliana after his mother (privately, his friends don’t know of its name.)
- His mother taught him piano at a young age, after she died he practiced relentlessly.
- His mother was a well-known pianist and he dreams to be as good as her someday.
- Was thrown into the foster care system but continuously ran away from each and every foster family.
- He has an ever-lasting Cool Kid act so whenever he mentions he plays the piano/keytar proudly and people slightly chuckle in disbelief “really?” he’s EXTREMELY defensive “Yeah? And what of it?!”
- Bart introduces Kyborg to the Keytar and he instantly thinks its the coolest thing ever.
- Tries to do Keytar solo riffs whenever he can.
Mudd the Bassist
- Mudd was the very last person to join the band, which required much persuading from Bart. “Cmon Mudd! You’re the only guy I know who plays that good!”
- Mudd isn’t much in it for the showmanship (Kyborg), or the money (Bart), or the fame (Kyborg/Bart) He’s more like Gum Gum, simply there for the fun of it.
- Mudd likes the low strumming of the bass, he finds it soothing.
- He has sensitive ears and often wears earplugs to their own shows. Kyborg also has sensitive ears but refuses to wear earplugs. “Just wear the earplugs, you’ll regret it later.” Eventually he gifts him a nice expensive pair that Kyborg can’t refuse (or else he’ll feel bad)
- Has the loudest laugh, this man CRIES, everyone was shocked the first time they heard it.
- Lots of deadpan jokes, gets goofier and sillier the closer he gets with his bandmates.
- Mudd hates the piano. His parents forced him to learn with a private tutor a few years back and he’s despised it since.
- This is kinda how him and Kyborgs first conversation went:
“and IM this bands beloved keytarist, formerly known pianist.”
“I hate the piano.”
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mmc-veronica · 4 months
NeverEnding Story - A' English Translation
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wow. its been a while. here's the final part to A''s Unlimited drama cd! this is not proofread and i'm a bit sick right now so sorry if some of the translation is inaccurate! translation is under the cut!
Well? How is it?
Right?! And on top of that, did you notice anything?
Wow! As expected of my Honey! This… I didn’t know which part I should spoil! Ermm… well as you heard, I tried to make a song based off of a day in the life with my Honey! Well you see, as the leader, I have to spread around a charged up happiness and doesn't turning a day filled with happiness into a song kind of sound perfect for that? Well to be honest I think I made it too personal, but I think the beauty of the E-tan world kind of drowns it out! Well either way, with the power of the happiness of this song, the Girls that will listen to this will have a freeing and indulgent type of happiness that’ll rain down on them, there’s no doubt…well?!
Right? Right? That’s the type of song that I wanted! How do you say… a song that makes you have fun just by listening to it! Well… putting aside the fact that the other members were drunk as hell while finishing up the song, it turned out the way I wanted so for now it’s okay! More than anything, I got to see my Honey’s smile, so it’s no problem and there’s still tens of millions of points worth of appeal! 
Ehehe, what’s with that? But! But! With that included, it’s all going to my plan! As the Ambassador of Happiness, the most important thing is my own happiness, I’ve told you before!
Well of course I’ll let you listen to it! Um… but I’ll say this first, it’s not a sad song or anything, so don’t get any wrong ideas, okay?
Well to those who don’t know anything, probably. I think they’ll just think “oh lalala what a nice song,” I think even my own members think that but… I’ve already told you a lot so I’d feel bad if you read too much into it. On that note, if you listen to it until the very end, I believe you’ll know what kind of song it is.
Yay! Then I’m looking forward to it even more now! With that being said, the curtain is rising on the stage of A’, spreading happiness even further! 
[Mirror House starts playing]
I would’ve changed it without being told!
Agh!!! Don’t bring my Honey into this conversation!
What’s some masked guy like you going to do about this?!
Ahh.. ugh! We’ve just unveiled our new songs and I wanted to have some fun with my Honey but that fucking bastard is so extreme! Ah, Honey-san, there’s a step right here so watch your step~
Fuck! I didn’t hear anything about an equipment inspection for the studio, give me a break!
Um… well… I guess I do want people to listen to our new song’s first performance in a good atmosphere. I guess that’d be a good thing! 
Gasp Really?! If you say that my usual self confidence goes up exponentially! 
Ehehe, that’s natural, though! If it’s not like that then there’d be no meaning to it, right? It has meaning because I’m the one singing it. It’s a song for me, right? But… the reason I wrote that song… is because I have you by my side. 
Hehe! There you go again, saying things like that! You’re always so modest~ Well, even so my love for you is exploding
Heh! Just as I thought, you understand it properly! That song’s true meaning, I mean. 
Well I wonder, where is it? But… I think that I should try to go everywhere that I can, as NSFW’s Charisma Vocalist and Ambassador of Happiness E-tan, or A’. I say all that, but of course you’ll be by my side, too. From now on, and on, and on, and on~! Yes! Thank you~ Kiss
Mmhmmhmm! This is it! The flavor that can make me the happiest in the world! It’s name is Honey~! How should I put it… I’m in the mood right now to pin you down right now but this is the staff entrance to the agency so there someone could come at any moment like another guy or another guy or a Momo-san who’s on his way to take a smoke break! What we need right now is a private place to escape to, I know~! So with that being said, Honey-san, let’s set forth to the Yamanote line to my place, of course! And with no delay, let's go!
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finallydelight · 1 year
Always The Fool | Ming Chapter
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January 25, 2023 
''I'm not a bitch for doing this, right?'' Ming looked over at Seungkwan, who sat next to an eating Vernon at the kitchen counter. 
The main vocalist shook his head. ''Of course not! Yerimie, we're talking about your feelings here. If you want to stay friends with the guy, you are in your full right to do so.'' Seungkwan assured her, almost angrily wanting to get his point across. 
Ming nodded to herself, knowing he was right. ''Yeah, I feel kinda bad, though.'' 
''Why?'' Vernon looked up from his bowl of ramen. 
''Because I'm rejecting him, nobody likes to be rejected, Vernon.'' Ming said, matter-of-factly. She was a little surprised by his question, the man had been sitting quietly eating his food with his headphones on ever since Ming came to talk to Seungkwan. 
He made a face that translated to ''that's fair'' and went back to his ramen, his head slightly bopping to the music in his ears. 
''Don't listen to him, Yerimie. He's an airhead.'' Seungkwan dismissed Vernon's words, knocking on the rapper's head as if knocking on a door. Vernon confusingly glanced up at his friend. ''You hear anything? There's nothing in there, just air.'' 
Vernon slapped Seungkwan's hand away, but had a small grin on his face, seemingly enjoying the teasing. ''Shut up.'' 
''When are you meeting him again?'' Seungkwan focused himself back on the woman in front of him. 
''Tonight, after his practice at the company.'' 
Seungkwan simply nodded. He seemed to have a thought on his mind as a mischievous smile slowly made its way on his face, a puzzled Ming looking at him. ''What? I don't like that smirk on your face.'' 
''You're rejecting Yeonjun, does that mean you want to be with someone else? Someone named Mark perhaps?'' He grinned at her, conveying his words in an innocent way. 
Ming had an unimpressed expression. ''That's none of your business, oppa.'' 
''Oh, come on! Why won't you tell me?'' He groaned, frustratedly. 
''So you can tell it to Jungwoo again?'' 
Her comment seemed to shut him up as he scoffed before looking away, pretending to be busy observing the kitchen. In contrast to the offended Seungkwan, an amused Vernon smiled up at her. ''Hehe, good one, Yer.'' He laughed in that monotone voice of his. 
''Eat your damn ramen.'' Seungkwan slapped the back of his head. 
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''Hello, Noo-nim.'' Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai greeted her as they walked out of the practice room, bowing their heads. 
Ming respectfully greeted them back, laughing to herself as the four younger guys still hadn't worked up the courage to use an informal tone with her. ''Hey, guys.'' 
She walked into the room and a sweaty Yeonjun occupied the center of the room, sitting down on the floor. Ming grabbed a cold water bottle from the mini fridge and walked over to him, standing over him while handing him the drink. ''I think you need this.'' 
''Thanks, Yer.'' Yeonjun chuckled up at her, gently grabbing it from her hands. 
She sat down in front of him, watching him chug the water until there was nothing left. ''Yeah, I really needed that.'' He laughed, putting the empty bottle down on the floor, 
''I guess you really gave it your all today, huh?'' Ming took in his sweaty form, looking him up and down. 
He nodded. ''Comeback is getting close, everything needs to be perfect,'' he breathed out, leaning on his arms, ''you wanted to talk?'' 
''Yeah…'' On the entire way to the building she had tried to suppress the nerves she was feeling in her stomach, feeling guilty for what she was about to do. ''You see, I've been thinking a lot these past weeks about, uh, us,'' Yeonjun sat up straight at the words 'us', realizing this was a serious matter, ''and I- you know, it's not fair to you that I-''
''I really tried to give it a chance, I really did-''
''But it's just hard-''
''Yerim!'' Yeonjun exclaimed, stopping the woman from finishing her nervous ramble of rejection. 
Ming looked at him wide-eyed, taken aback by the interruption. ''What?'' 
''You want to stay friends with me?'' The sentence almost made her cry. His voice wasn't accusatory or offending, it was gentle. His face carried a soft smile, not his signature smirk that would make her flustered on any other given day. He expressed no anger, hurt or disappointment. 
It was acceptance. 
Yeonjun nodded, still carrying his painfully beautiful smile. ''It's okay, I understand.'' 
''You-you don't want an explanation?'' Ming was caught off guard, this wasn't how she had replayed it in her head 100 times the past weeks. 
''What is there to explain? You don't feel that kinda way about me, it's as simple as that.'' It felt almost concerning to her how well he was taking this. 
Ming frowned. ''Aren't you supposed to be like angry at me or something?'' She nervously laughed, a horrible habit that she showed when in uncomfortable situations. 
''Why would I be angry at you?'' He chuckled, shuffling so he was sitting closer to her. ''If that's how you feel, I can't change anything about that. Am I a little sad? Sure, but I respect you and your choice.'' 
''I would rather have you yelling and screaming at me,'' Ming mumbled, looking down at the ground, ''I kinda deserve it.'' 
Yeonjun put his arm around her. ''Hey, don't feel bad for doing this. I'm happy to stay friends with you, it might be a little weird for a while now, but that's just how it is.'' 
''Aren't I supposed to comfort you?'' She glanced at him, a smile coming through on her face. 
He laughed at her words, relieved to see her lose some tension in her body. ''Maybe, but I don't want to see you upset over this.'' 
Ming laid her head against his shoulder. ''I'm sorry that it took me this long to figure out, I mean you're an attractive guy, maybe I just misunderstood my feelings for a while.'' 
''It's okay, Yer. I'm just glad you're being honest with me, I appreciate that a lot.'' He put his head on top of hers, reveling in the comfort it brought to them both. Silence overtook them, each taking in the words they exchanged with one another. 
Ming's guilt was lightly consoled by Yeonjun's assuredness that her feelings were valid and that he understood her. Meanwhile, Yeonjun's mind was clouded by one simple question. 
''Yer, would you answer something for me?'' 
''Of course.''
''Did you choose him?'' 
She was taken aback by the question, not expecting him to know about the other guy that she still hadn't talked with in over a week. ''What?'' 
''Mark.'' The name quickly made its way off his lips. Her expression must have asked the question for her as Yeonjun quickly followed up. ''Don't worry about how I know, I'm just asking as a friend.'' 
''Minhyung isn't responding to me, he thinks you're my boyfriend.'' Ming revealed to him, a big sigh leaving her mouth. 
It was Yeonjun's turn to be puzzled. ''Why does he think that?'' 
''Seungkwan told one of his members that you were, because our Chan said I was on a date with you.'' She explained, rolling her eyes at the memory. 
''What date?''
''The one you canceled last minute.'' 
Ming chuckled at his realization. ''Anyway, he's on tour now, so I'll probably talk to him when he gets back.'' 
''What are you gonna tell him?'' Yeonjun didn't mean to come off as gossipy as he did, but his curiosity got the best of him. 
''I'm gonna explain to him that it was a misunderstanding, that we did go on a few dates with each other and about our, uh, kiss,'' she nervously scratched her voice, ''but that you're not my boyfriend.'' 
Ming gave him a confusing glance. ''What and?'' 
''Are you gonna confess your feelings for him or what?'' His straightforwardness caused a wide-eyed reaction on Ming's part. ''What are you saying?'' 
''Oh, come on, Yer! You've just broken my heart, can I at least know whether you love the guy or not.'' Ming was baffled, while Yeonjun's smirk had made a return. 
She stared at him for a few seconds. ''I mean- I'm not, uh, I'm-''
''Oh my god, you're in love with him.'' 
''I'm not!''
''Yes, you are!'' The female idol remained quiet, looking away from him. 
In love with Mark? Is she in love with Mark? She hadn't thought about that question too much for whatever reason. Maybe it was the heartbreak that was usually followed by the realization of being in love with someone. Maybe it had been the avoidance of her feelings so as to not be smacked in the face by them. 
A hand on her shoulder brought her out of her thoughts. ''You should tell him, Yer. From what I've heard of this guy, he feels the exact same about you, maybe even more.'' 
''Why are you telling me this? You should be telling me to go fuck myself or something.'' Out of all the people that she thought would advise her to confess to Mark, Yeonjun would be the last one on her list. 
''Because I want you to be happy, you deserve to be happy.'' 
The two didn't share much else, both content with the conversation that had taken place. They had embraced one last time, before Ming bid him goodbye and left the practice room. The walk back to her car wasn't as agonizing as she imagined it would have been when she woke up that morning. It was sort of freeing. 
She momentarily opted to go back to her own room, but there was someone she needed to talk to first, before disappearing in the comfort of her own space. 
It seemed as if the apartment was empty, but an opening door proved it not to be. ''Yes?'' Her friend's voice echoed through the hallway. 
''Can you come here for a second?'' She called out for him, taking off her shoes and dropping her bag on their couch. 
He walked into the living room, wearing his usual gym attire. ''What's up?'' 
The moment he stood in front of her, she lifted her and flicked his forehead. ''OW! What was that for?'' Chan yelled out, his hand covering the spot where she hurt him. 
''That's for telling Yeonjun about my business with Mark.'' Ming told him, taking a seat on the couch. 
He watched her sitting down, rubbing his forehead. ''W-what? His caught face brought her much amusement. 
''I'm not mad at you, Channie. I just spoke with Yeonjun.'' She tells him as he sits down next to her. 
''You did?'' He looked surprised at her words. ''And? What did you guys talk about?'' 
''Me and Yeonjun are staying friends, Chan.'' Ming admitted to him, pouting at her brother's sad face. 
Chan looked down at the ground. ''Really? I thought you two would be good together.'' He told her, mirroring her pout. 
''I'm assuming you did your best, but you can stop with the matchmaking now, okay?'' Her head found its way on his shoulder, showing him she wasn't upset of any sorts. 
He chuckled, nodding his head. ''I guess, I only did it with good intentions, though.'' Chan grabbed her hand, rubbing his thumb. 
''I know, I know that.'' Ming embraced her best friend, somehow touched by his scheming that she assumed had been going on for quite some time. Chan's arm rested on her lower back, his face tucked in her neck. 
''So, you-''
''I'm not telling you anything until I've talked to Minhyung, you idiot.'' 
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January 29, 2023 
''Is Myungho here?'' Ming opened the door to Universe Factory, curiously glancing around the studio. 
Jihoon shook his head. ''No, he left like an hour ago.'' He replied, his focus on his computer.
Ming sighed at his answer, that wasn't what she was hoping for. ''Oh, okay… bye then.'' 
''Hey, Yerim!'' Jihoon's voice stopped her from fully closing the door, peeking her head through. ''Yes?'' 
He was looking at her now, his full attention on her. ''Can I help you?'' The producer took off his headphone, willing to put his work aside to help the young woman out. 
''Uh, I don't know.'' She nervously chuckled, not sure whether Jihoon was going to be able to be any kind of aid to her. 
''What's it about?''
''Uh, my situation.''
''You're on your period?'' 
''No, not my period, you dumbass.'' Ming groaned, cringing at her member suggesting that that was her ''situation''. 
Jihoon frowned. ''What situation then?'' As the words left his lips, he realized what or for better words, who she was referring to. ''Aaah~ Canada.'' 
Ming stepped into the studio again and sat down on his couch, letting her head fall back. ''He has a name, you know.'' She sighed. 
''Yeah, sorry. It's become a habit.'' He mumbled that last part, not planning on revealing to Ming about the nickname some of the members had been calling the NCT rapper. ''So, you need advice or something? About guys?'' 
''It's just that… he's coming back soon and I want to talk to him, but he's been ghosting me since that whole incident and I don't really know what I should do.'' She explains her worry to him, looking up at the decorated ceiling. 
Jihoon stood up from his chair and moved to the couch, sitting side-by-side with her. ''Well, I'm not really the best at the whole love advice and everything, but, uh, maybe you can find a way to talk to him? I know you don't like getting other people involved, but asking his members or something? Or one of our members?'' 
''I don't want to involve the members again, oppa. They'll say something to one of his members and then they'll say something to Mark and then there'll be a misunderstanding again, and I want to avoid all of that.'' Ming was adamant on not having the guys meddle with her business, they had done enough damage already in her opinion. 
He nodded, understanding her apprehensiveness. ''Just do what feels right to you, okay? I don't really know what to tell you, but I trust you. I know you'll do the right thing, whatever that may be.'' Despite the countless love and heartbreak songs he had written, he didn't have much to say to her regarding Mark. 
''Thanks, I appreciate it.'' Ming offered a weak smile, still grateful that Jihoon was a listening ear. 
He patted her back and got up, making his way back to his chair and keyboard. Ming stayed seated on the couch, her position being quite too comfortable to immediately get up. Jihoon eyed her from his keyboard, trying to subtly stare at her. 
Ming turned her head towards him, feeling his eyes on her. ''You want me to leave, right?'' She said, a hint of amusement in her voice. 
''It was nice to see you, Ming-ah.'' He confirmed her suspicion and gave her a little wave. ''Close the door on your way out, please.'' 
She laughed at his words, but still granted his wish. ''Yes, chef!'' 
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January 31, 2023
Two knocks on her bedroom door moved her attention from her computer screen to Minghao coming into her room. ''Hey, angel.'' 
''Hi.'' Ming put her computer aside on her bedside table, her eyes following the man taking a seat on her bed. ''What is it?'' 
''127 is back at their dorm, Jaehyun texted us.'' He told her, his eyebrows slightly raised as if there was a bigger meaning behind his words. 
The young woman simply nodded, glancing at her hands. ''Okay, are you gonna hang out with him?'' She asked, her voice coming out small. 
''No, it was more of an announcement than an invitation.'' Minghao answered, still an expectant look in his eyes. ''I thought I would let you know.'' 
''Why would I want to know?'' 
''So you can go and tell Mark you're in love with him.'' He said, matter-of-factly. ''Don't even try to tell me that you're not, because you are and you know it.'' 
Ming stayed quiet, just like when Yeonjun told her the same words. 
At her silence, he continued. ''Yerimie, I know your feelings scare you, because of what happened last time. Trust me, he feels the exact same way! He literally said it in a song and Chenle hasn't been able to stop complaining to us about how much Mark talks about you. If your worry is that he's gonna reject you, because he doesn't feel the same way, you are horribly wrong, honey.'' 
''He really wrote his part in 'Designer' about me?'' Ming slowly looked up at him, a soft smile appearing. Minghao's face mirrored hers, relieved he had gotten through to her. ''Yes, also that 'Take My Breath' song on Dream's latest album.'' 
''Okay, I'll talk to him tomorr-''
''No! Not tomorrow, now! Get your ass over there!'' Minghao pointed at the door, not wanting her to stall any longer. ''You've waited long enough!'' 
Ming nodded to herself. He was right, she had waited long enough to confess her feelings. She quickly got up from her bed, checking her appearance in the mirror. ''This will do, right?'' She glimpsed at Minghao, who vividly nodded and held his thumb up. ''That's great, now go!'' 
''Yes! I'll, uh, see you later! Thank you, oppa!'' Ming cruised down the dorm to the entrance, fastly putting on her shoes and jacket, before grabbing her keys and making her way downstairs. 
On her way to the NCT dorm, she tried rehearsing what she was going to say, but the adrenaline going through her body made that a difficult task. Ming knew the way to their dorm as she had once had to accompany their manager when he picked up Mingyu and Dokyeom from their dorm after a hang out with Jaehyun. 
Once inside the building, due to one of their neighbors having incredible timing of walking out the entrance door, she took the elevator. Ming would take the stairs, but due to the adrenaline rush, she was scared she might take a tumble. 
In the elevator, she calmed down. She made a little list in her head of what she had to say and went over that over and over again, praying she wouldn't forget anything. 
Her heartbeat picked up as she walked out the elevator, making her way to their front door and taking a few deep breaths before ringing the doorbell. It took a while for someone to answer, it was ultimately Yuta who opened the door. 
''Yes? Can I help you?'' The Japanese man had looked surprised to see her, but was quickly reminded of the circumstances that had probably brought her there. 
Ming was a little stunned, but quickly recovered. ''I, uh- Is Minhyung here?'' It was hard to maintain eye-contact with the man in front of her, who looked like he was ready to kill her. 
''He is, let me get him for you.'' Ming anxiously played with her fingers, looking down at the ground while waiting. 
The door opened again and a tired Mark appeared, messy hair and wearing his signature specs that Ming though looked really cute on him. 
''Yerim, hey.'' When Yuta told him she was waiting for him, he almost didn't believe it. A large part of him is still upset about her not telling him she already has someone else, but another part of him wants to see her and talk with her. He had missed her, even if it hurt him. 
Ming let out a sad smile. ''Hey,'' the pair stared at each other, both seemingly not knowing what to say after that much time apart, ''can I, uh, talk to you?'' She managed to stutter out. 
''Uh, yeah, come in.'' He motioned for her to enter the apartment, awkwardly standing in front of each other in the hallway. Mark scratched his voice, her sign for her to start talking. 
''I, uh, wanted to talk to you about Yeonjun,'' a flash of hurt went through his eyes at the mention of his name, ''this whole thing is a misunderstanding. He's not my boyfriend or was my boyfriend, or will be my boyfriend.'' 
''We did go on a few dates while you and I were still meeting each other outside of schedules. About a month ago, I was really upset. I ran into someone who once hurt me a lot and I started sobbing in one of the practice rooms at our company. Yeonjun found me and he comforted me, and there was a moment and we kissed.'' 
Ming carefully looked at Mark, ready to cry at the pain evident on his face. ''I know I shouldn't have done that, it wasn't a good thing for me to do. However, afterwards I realized something. I should have realized it way sooner and that's on me. I don't want to kiss anyone else, if it isn't you. I don't want to go on walks in the winter with anyone else, if it isn't you. Minhyung, I don't want to be with anyone else if it isn't you.'' The love she felt while looking at the man in front of her was overwhelming in that moment.
''The date with Yeonjun, that Jungwoo probably told you about, wasn't a date. I was gonna meet up with him to tell him that I wanted to stop our hang outs and stay friends. I know I shouldn't have started seeing him in the first place while we were still kinda seeing each other, but I was confused about my feelings. When Chenle said that thing about you being in love with me and you said it was a joke, I thought you couldn't possibly want to be with me. I'm not blaming you in any way, but I was just confused. You were very reserved about your feelings, meanwhile Yeonjun was very open about them.'' 
''I- I'm in love with you,'' an emotional Mark gaped at her, ''and I know you're in love with me too. I don't know what to do with that, but you should know that. If you want, we can start again and this time, I'll do it well. It will only be you, cause it's always been you.'' Ming finished her ramble, out of breath and hands shaking. 
She couldn't read what Mark was thinking, he was looking at the ground and deep in thought about everything she just told him. 
A sigh left his mouth, his eyes meeting hers again. ''Yerim, I-'' He breathed out, his chest heavily going up and down. 
''I don't think we should see each other anymore.'' 
Her heart dropped to her stomach, her mind became blank. ''W-w-what?'' The words took a while to come out, her entire body seemingly paralyzed by what he just told her. 
''I really appreciate everything you just told me, I really do and I'm happy you clarified everything, but uh, I just, I can't- I can't do this.'' Mark wiped the tears away that had managed to escape his eyes, while Ming's let hers flow down her cheek. ''Yer, please don't cry, I don't wanna see you cry.'' He wanted nothing more than to reach down and wipe her tears away, but he held himself in. 
''Uh, s-ssory, I'll just leave then. I'm really sorry, Minhyung.'' Ming quickly turned around and opened the door. ''Good luck with the comeback, I hope everything goes well.'' She closed it and swiftly walked to the elevators. 
Ming held it all in, in the elevators, in the building and in her car. It was once she was inside the dorm again that all the emotions downed on her. The realization that the one person she cared about the most didn't want to see her anymore, hit her in the face. Ming slid against their front door all the way to the ground, like some scene out of a romcom movie. 
Then the sobs started, heart-wrenching sobs that echoed through the entire dorm. The sound alerted a napping Joshua and made Minghao hang up a call with his dad. They slowly approached the hallway, not prepared to be met with what they saw. 
The heartbreak they experienced simply by the sigh of their little sister crying her eyes out, didn't even halfway match the heartbreak Ming felt in that moment. 
She looked up at them, her teary eyes meeting Minghao's. ''You told me he loved me, why would you tell me that! I look like a fucking fool, Myungho! I'm always the fucking fool!'' She yelled at him, not caring about their neighbors' hearing. 
''Why do I keep listening to you? You said the same thing about Jihyun and now you said it about Mark, guess what? Same fucking thing over and over again!'' 
Joshua crouched down, taking her in his arms and letting her cry out to him. While Minghao stood still in front of them, the guilt slowly creeped up on him. 
''I'm sorry.''
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Taglist: @seolboba @cosmicwintr @mythicalamphitrite @billboard-singer @stopeatread @still-astray @sakuurra @multiplums @giverosespls @seongwhaffels @kimhyejin3108 @smoooore @smh-anon @cixrosie @allthings-fandoms @themalipirate
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hello everynyan :3 /ref
4 the redacted match-ups ! not sure if you're still doing these or not bc i'll be damned i'd give up after the first 3 🙌🙌🙌 power 2 ya ! (if you ARE, in fact, not doing these anymore pls ignore this. this never happened. kay.)
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
this was the hardest question bc i LOVEEMUSIC so bad i can never really pick ONE fav bc it changes every 2 seconds but !!! gun to my head as of rn i'd say -- "but not kiss" - faye webster
'i want to see you in my dreams,
but then forget.
we're meant to be,
but not yet.
you're all that i have,
but can't get.'
i chose this song primarily because of the aesthetics & instrumental,, + the feels - i love how the piano carries and portrays every feeling (dread? maybe?) alongside the vocalist ugh sick to my stomach /pos
as for the verses i've chosen i just. really like the way she sings them HA i guess depending on my current mood i might relate to the lyrics for .5 seconds due to a past relationship of mine that had me fuckedd anyway.
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
i WISH i could enjoy these as much as others but i have the attention spam of a fucking goldfish i need to be stimulated 24/7. i cannot stare at the same face and occasional photo/clip for over 10 mins.
i might watch more of em if they had like a satisfying slime video in the corner or smth. i find i only watch ones that have a topic/interest of mine that i am actively curious about/into????if that makes sense??
for instance, the only one that comes to mind rn is "in defense of chat noir" by toon ruins UGH ITS SO GOOD i used to be a huge fan of miraculous so that defffinitely takes part in why i rewatch it every few months.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
on my stomach. arms under pillows. one leg up. yo i bought these headphones made specifically for sleeping while listening to relaxing noises or smth & i kid you not i use them shits to listen to asmr/rp audios. sometimes it puts me to sleep other times i'm up all night tryna figure out what position the listener and 'character' are in. anyway!!!
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
first thing that comes 2 mindd for whatever reason is 'may' ?? possibly bc i really like my birth name already and 'may' is somewhat close to it already? also because i'd love writing it over and over in my handwriting . probably just an excuse to write the letter 'y' actually.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
fav character changes ALLL THE TIMEE for no reason my fav is all of them rlly i just wanna love and be loved BUT when i reaaaally think about it ?? hudson. even though he's like. an easter egg. i cant have anything. wanna "D D D D DDDJJJ ANXIETY" into his pants. what. who said that. just got hacked wtff
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
a know a LOTT of ppl love david but i am sorry i just cannot. angel better than me idk how they do it. srry. my momma raised a bitch. i've never ever gotten to finishing any of his videos so maybe im the problem but from the get-go THIS BITCH IS SCARY BRO he's so damn intimidating . the fact that his voice is rlly deep doesn't help either :C ..& don't even get me started on early david.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
this is such a good question rlly makin me think . hmm . OK I FEEL LIKE A BASIC BlTCH BC PPL HAVE BEEN SAYIN THIS ALREADY BUT . hux. we like this 🤞 . as for why?? i feel like i need and would . honestly really appreciate more,, warmth and positivity in my life - and i def get that sorta 'aura' from him. & i know damn well he'd give the best hugs. and we could go to the gym together. it'd be so fun. so precious.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
ok first of all #relationshipgoals that is so sweet awe :((
i wouldn't say i really 'ramble' per say -- i just talk. to myself. like a normal person. mhm. i struggle with sleep in general, so i'm usually up till like 5am. typically endlessly scrolling through my phone, or talking to the abyss about something personal that's been on my mind for a while. if it's really bad, i cry in my voice memos. if i just need to - refresh? get smth off my mind so i can sleep? i write songs.
...and then i record them on my $15 wireless headphones. onto that very same voice memos app.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
if im being honest,, depends on my mood . but god could i fuck up some strawberry milk and mini oreos right about now. . mind you i've had strawberry milk like once but it changed my life u dont understand
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment.
i mean i don't listen to it 24/7 but man i outdid myself w this one. it's called "insanity" and every single song matches the vibe of . just straight up 'otherworldly' ?? if u catching what im throwin?? all songs r pretty 'out-there' - in terms of the vibes - at least i like to think so. for reference it has songs like "goth - sidewalks and skeletons" and "eternal youth - růde" . IDK i guess it makes me happy when songs from a playlist actually match up with one other
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
i listen to this japanese-kawaii-metal-based group called BABYMETAL and i loveee them soso much. a few "metal enthusiasts" go out and call their work 'not real metal' , which is why i guess you can technically call their music a pleasure media -- as well as the fact that whenever i put on one of their songs mfs r like ... what is this - cause its three young japanese girls talking abt bubblegum with the the most insane guitar riff in the back. their newer stuff is incredible. womanhood at it's finest. give them a shot plspls /nf
ALL DONE !! ty 4 reading & have a lovely day/night, wherever you may be <3
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Oh, this one is perfect and required, like, no thought. Vibes-wise? Given your energy? It’s just gotta be Guy.
Building on that, I love that you write songs and he writes screenplays(?). I think it’s so cute to pair writers together so that you might inspire one another and be each other's biggest fans. I also like Guy for you because he strikes me as one of those people who calls themselves “polyjamorous”, listening to basically anything and everything. He loves all your songs and all your playlists, vibing along to all of it even if there’s no words or words in another language. He doesn’t care: he’s with you, so he’s having a good time.
I would predict a fun, artistic life for the two of you like parallel-playing co-writing sessions with the two of you having individual headphones on, making funny faces at one another when you catch the other staring. You take turns showing each what you’ve created and hyping each other up, offering critique. When the writer's clock keeps y’all up till 3 AM, he’s got leftover pizza and any snacks you could possibly want. (He strikes me as the sort of guy who always has junk food caches.)
It was just two lovers/ Sittin' in the car, listening to Blonde/ Fallin' for each other/ Pink and orange skies, feelin' super childish/ No Donald Glover/ Missed call from my mother/ Like, "Where you at tonight?" Got no alibi/ I was all alone with the love of my life
Given your passion for music, I tried to pick a love song for y’all that was emotionally evocative to the mind and the ear. I chose this one because I thought the piano instrumental and how it evokes that mental imagery of sitting with someone during the golden hour might resonate with you. I also like it for y’all because this song got really popular on tiktok, and Guy would probably know it from there.
Obviously, we have to have Hudson as a runner-up. As a DJ, he’d be so loving and so supportive of your craft, hyping you up on air all the time and playing your work whenever he can. He’d also make you really bomb-ass playlists. A less obvious runner-up would be Anton, but I really like this one. You’d be more of an opposites attract sort of pair, but I think it’d be cute, and listening to music would remind Anton of you while he’s away~
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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polyamorouspunk · 1 month
Omg fav metal bands???
(I’m trying to get into metal, so plzzz give me good recommendations!)
I’m assuming you like pop music since you mentioned Beyonce before, and are okay with NSFW topics based on your blog, which is what I’m going to be working with. There’s a lot that goes into metal music, but I think the main thing that everyone thinks of when they imagine metal music is the vocals, which is why I’m going to be splitting up songs by color based on color to dictate fully/mostly clean vocals, 50/50ish vocals, and heavy vocals. All of these songs still have elements of what makes them metal in the instrumentals though. Not only that, but I’ll be focusing mainly on metalcore, as it’s one of the more accessible and popular metal genres, especially on tumblr and people in my demographic (gender, sexuality, age range, country, etc.)
What Scene Queen might lack in lyrical prose she makes up for in topic. I swear every song is either about lesbian sex or misogyny. Come get you some girl metal to go with your girl dinner and girl math.
Pink Panther
Pink Rover
Pink Push-up Bra
Electic Callboy, originally known by a different name, rose to popularity after the introduction of their new clean vocalist Nico and dropping some songs with really fun and quirky videos over the past few years.
Hypa Hypa
We Got The Moves
Pump It
Every Time We Touch (TEKNO Version)
Bring Me The Horizon was a staple in every emo kid’s playlist. If any band in the genre has not only stood the test of time but come out better than ever, it’s Bring Me. While they went through an experimental phase a few years ago that wasn’t really a lot of fan’s things, including mine, I think taking what was going on in that era and mixing it with their older sounds have produced an updated version of the band’s music that is reflective of the times, and honestly the best stuff they’ve ever put out.
Dance Gavin Dance has literally been a meme for years due to their alarming history of kicking shitty vocalists out of their bands only to let them back in only to kick them out again… the only era of DGD I listened to was the Tillian era, which has come to an end officially this time. While DGD isn’t going to be for everyone not just because of their strangish music but also because there’s debate about separating the art (the weird music) from the artist (the numerous shitty vocalists) at one point they were my favorite band, and I still stand by them musically, and at least they have kicked out their shitty band members, unlike a lot of other bands in the scene.
Summertime Gladness
Blood Wolf
Young Robot
Death of the Robot with Human Hair
Feels Bad Man
Something New
Pop Off!
It is impossible to capture DGD’s vibe in only 4 songs
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murmurmurl · 4 months
i need u to tell me everything about your unit so when ill be writing once i have time, i can put them in it too
hohoheheoehehehoheoe,,,,,,, I'm gonna use this as an opportunity to shove all of the most important info into one place. Everything is a little all over the place tho, but it's always like that wjkhkskh
Helianthus is the genus which includes sunflowers. Fumi and Seina suggested this part of the name, since Fumi loves flowers and the flower language/symbolism behind them, and Seina knows the more,, biological/scientific stuffs. The "Light" part is both because it also has to do with sunflowers, and Toshiro suggested that they're "reaching for light", because they chose the name at the end of their main story and they were feeling very hopeful,, it's not like they're not hopeful now, idk why I phrased it like that ANYWAYS.
I'm kind of not sure what type of music they play (mainly because I don't know ANYTHING about music genres lol), but it's definitely something warm, nostalgic, maybe a bit echo-y, somewhat soft, and their cover arts definitely include a lot of nature stuff,,,,, I haven't designed their virtual singers yet, but they're probably gonna be Rin and Luka (and Miku obv)
Unit members!
Toshiro Hasegawa (they/he)
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178 cm tall, unit leader, probably main vocalist?, class 2-B (post-3rd anni), class 1-C (pre-3rd anni). Pretty energetic and outgoing, straight-A student, very afraid of failure and tends to try to earn love and affection through exceeding at everything because family problems, yay. Has an older brother (Hiroto Hasegawa, he/him), who is a part of ANOTHER unit,, The two are pretty distant. The whole family actually is, woops. Toshiro is also VERY into crystals and spirituality. It gives a sense of certainty. Also has an orange cat named Surfer. They're a big MMJ fan, specifically Airi fan. Friends with Ichika and An. Always braids/does everyone's hair.
Matsu Kimura (he/him)
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162 cm, probably also vocals, but mainly deals with the uhm technical musical stuff that I know nothing about?? class 3-C (post-3rd anni), class 2-B (pre-3rd anni). Very bubbly, energetic, affectionate, super-uber-extra autism (sea-flavoured), very average grades because he only really does what he's interested in, but he does it rlly good. Used to get bullied in middle school, struggles with people's expectations and trying to fit in. Very-very silly. Only child. Keeps pet fish. Friends with Emu. Very tactile, loves tackling people.
Fumi Hatanaka (she/they)
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169 cm, loves musical instruments and plays guitar, class 2-A (post-3rd anni), class 1-B (pre-3rd anni). A surprisingly bad student, doesn't care about school. She's pretty reserved and a bit grumpy most of the time but tends to easily get angry and even a little aggressive. Cares a lot about her friends, even though she doesn't really know how to show it. Also doesn't want to show "weakness". Blames herself for being too soft in middle school and not being able to help Matsu. Her family owns and runs a small flower shop. Friends with Shiho, dislikes Tsukasa and Rui (thinks they're too obnoxious and chaotic lmao). Also an only child. Doesn't have pets, but feeds strays that often hang out around the shop. Friends with Shiho and pretty much all of leo/need, as well as Toya. Can be pretty distant physically, but likes subtle physical gestures of affection.
Seina Amari (she/her)
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175 cm, writes lyrics for their songs, loves writing in general, the only one in the group who goes to Miya girls', class 3-B (post-3rd anni), class 2-B (pre-3rd anni). Does VERY good at school, super responsible, helps everyone, though isn't actually all that interested in most subjects except literature. She's very calm and caring, always tries to help everyone, has a very gentle energy about her. This mostly comes from the fact that she had hurt a dear friend in the past, which was actually genuinly her fault, but also some shit happened, and she ended up dealing with this by being overly-caring and not letting her loved ones see when she's struggling. Doesn't mean she doesn't ACTUALLY care though. She very much does. Has a younger sibling (Taru Amari, they/them), who's also part of the same unit Hiroto is! Also has a pet bunny named Puddle, who's very similar to her, which I think is funny,, not exactly friends with Mafuyu, but just a little bit closer than regular acquaintances. Close friends with Shizuku and pretty much the rest of MMJ too (Toshiro nearly fainted when they found out). Has a part-time job at a local coffee shop, where she met and became friends with Ena. Often shows affection/compassion by something like placing a hand on someone's shoulder.
I decided that they all should have emojis because,, idk,,,, it's fun,,,,,, so:
Toshiro – 🍑
Matsu – 🦈 (or jellyfish, but I don't have this one and don't want to have to copy-paste it every time,,)
Fumi – 🍊
Seina – 🍃 or ✒️ (but here I mostly use ✒️)
How all of them know each other!
(Because I wanted ALL of them to have some kind of connection to each other before the unit was formed. I think it's fun.)
🦈🍊 Matsu and Fumi are childhood friends and went to the same middle school. It was very awkward and tense at first when they met again in high-school, because back then Fumi felt extremely guilty and ended up distancing herself, eventually kind of abandoning Matsu when he needed support most.
🍑🍊 (fucking fruits /j) Toshiro's brother visits Fumi's family's flower shop very frequently, that's how Toshiro and Fumi met, since she often helps out with the shop in the evenings. Though they didn't become close until the main story started and the unit was firmed.
🍑✒️ Toshiro and Seina know each other because their siblings, Hiroto and Taru, are friends! So they kinda met through Seina accompanying Taru whenever they wanted to visit Hiroto.
🍊✒️ Fumi loves coffee and met Seina when going to the coffee shop Seina works part-time at. Because Fumi ended up being a regular customer there, even with their tough personality the two became acquaintances, but also didn't become very close until the events of the main story.
🍑🦈 Toshiro and Matsu just kinda bumped into each other at school. They became friends before the events of the main story.
🦈✒️ I think Matsu and Seina are the only exception though. They've only met when the main story started.
[also, side note – none of them canonically have labels, but the pronouns are canon]
🍑🍊 They bicker and argue a lot, but not, like, SERIOUSLY. They're both aware they're joking and most of the time it's affectionate. Fumi isn't as big of a fan of physical affection as it seems the rest of the unit is, so Toshiro doesn't get the chance to braid her hair that often. But when he does, it's very nice and relaxing for both. Surprisingly, Toshiro might be the closest to Fumi, after Matsu, that is.
🍑✒️ Toshiro loves braiding/doing everyone's hair, as I've mentioned already, and his favorite to do this to is Seina. They especially like braiding these tail-like longer parts of her hair. Overall, they're pretty close because of their siblings, and Toshiro might be one of the first people Seina eventually opens up to. Also, I keep forgetting that Toshiro is actually taller. Most of the time, Seina just. FEELS taller, idk.
🍑🦈 These two are very close. They both kinda admire Rui and Tsukasa, which worsens their already chaotic behavior. They're actually two menaces together and no one is safe. Matsu loves tackling Toshiro more than everyone else and Toshiro might sometimes jokingly complain, but loves the attention. Matsu's hair is also his second favorite to braid. Also they drag Matsu to MMJ concerts and keep trying to convert him into being an MMJ fan,,,,,,
🍊✒️ Seina has a surprising way of calming Fumi down better than anyone else. Sometimes, maybe if they're waiting for something or riding a train somewhere, Fumi even allows herself to rest on Seina's shoulder. She's less harsh with Seina (even if her harshness isn't malicious with her friends). Seina sometimes has to stop Fumi from getting into fights. Even if she struggles to show it, Fumi tries her best and appreciates Seina a lot.
🍊🦈 As I mentioned before, Matsu and Fumi are childhood friends. At the beginning of the unit story things are still pretty awkward and Fumi is very tense around Matsu, as she still feels guilty, but isn't sure how to properly express any of it, while Matsu still feels a little hiet over her abandoning him. Though as the story goes on, this conflict pretty much gets resolved, even though it will still take a lot of time for any awkwardness to disappear completely. After the unit is formed, they're pretty close again, despite, uh, all of what I just said. They need some time to get used to each other again, but ARGHHH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, they care about each other A LOT, even if Fumi isn't the best at expressing it. The whole reason she became so mean and harsh is to be able to protect Matsu.
✒️🦈 Seina kinda feels like an older sister figure to Matsu, I think? At least, for me,, She worries about him a lot, maybe even more than with the others, helps in overwhelming situations, all that. He's still very affectionate, but it's kinda like his affection is more calm with her (basically, he doesn't tackle her as hard as everyone else /hj)
SEKAI description!!!
(I just copy-pasted this from the post where I first described it. I'm NOT typing all that ever again)
I mentioned that I call it the overgrown sekai. Because it's, well, overgrown. As you could hopefully guess. The main part of it is an old stone structure, with some intricate carvings still remaining visible and even discernable, although everything does look like it's at least.. a few centuries old, no less. However, taking into account that it's a sekai, it probably isn't that ancient. Almost everything is pretty much overrun by plants – ivy spreading across the grey stone walls, grass (and most importantly flowers) breaking their way through the floor that seems to be made of marble, but it's too old, overgrown and at times dirty to be completely sure. The said flowers are a strange mix of forget-me-nots and sunflowers that may not quite make sense, but it *is* a whole ass other dimension, after all. There's plenty of light, despite practically no windows in sight, save for a few small ones. The reason for that being the roof, shaped like a dome, with holes in it that clearly weren't here by the first design, having appeared because of the stone collapsing over time. Unsurprisingly, the flowers are concentrated in the areas where the most light seeps through those holes. And speaking of light, the time here is always the same – late afternoon, with the season always remaining a comfortable sunny summer.
There's some furniture in the building, mostly along the walls, with the center looking almost like a flowerbed. That furniture seems to represent each of the owners of the sekai – an old desk made of dark wood with a quil and some paper thrown around it, almost giving it an impression that the owner left in a hurry. The paper has become a light yellow color over what may or may not be a rather long amount of time. Next to it – a somewhat fancy wooden chair. There are mirrors hung around this part of the space – some broken, some have the glass taken out entirely. Just a little further – a shelf and an armchair. Both items' materials and overall look fit that of nearly very other piece of furniture here. The shelf is filled with items that seem to have some spiritualistic significance – amulets, crystals and stones, all of them hand-made and hand-carved, yet seeming to lack in accuracy and having been made in a hurry. The armchair strangely has a few long chains hanging on its back. One of the more noticeable pieces of furniture is... a fish tank. It has no fish. In fact, it doesn't even have water, though it's probably not intended to be that way – the tank is spacious and has pretty much almost everything a fish would need to be happy and content in captivity. But it's old and worn out – the driftwood rotting away, whatever plants used to be inside have withered and everything is covered in a thin layer of... dust..? The tank itself stands on top of something of a dresser. If you care to open its doors, you will see rows upon rows of books – as many as could fit in the little space there is inside. Most of them have to do with marine life, but there are also some journals full of incomprehensible messy writing, as if whoever was filling them either didn't have much time, or was feeling too much emotion to care. Perhaps the strangest item in the building is a cage. It's designed just like one of those small restricting bird cages, glistening with gold in the light from above, but for some reason, the cage could easily fit a human. If you decide to step in, you might notice an unexpected aroma. It's vague and subtle, but... it almost seems like fresh black coffee mixed with something citrusy. Outside, the building is surrounded by a dense forest. The light can't penetrate the abundance of trees, but somehow, it doesn't feel eerie or threatening. It feels familiar in an unexplainable way. Have you already seen these woods somewhere..?
I think that's pretty much all the important stuff..? I ramble A LOT about small details pretty often, but uhm. Explodes.
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panoralis · 10 months
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❝  I  CAN’T  SEE  MYSELF  THROUGH  YOUR  EYES  ˒  𝐢.  astre’s  anatomy
STAGE  NAME  :  chiara  ❪  키아라  ❫
BIRTH  NAME  :  yoo  hyejin  ❪  유혜진  ❫  ,  legalized  to  chiara  ainsworth
ENGLISH  NAME  :  chiara
BIRTHDAY  :  december  22  ,  2000  ❪  capricorn  ❫
BIRTH  PLACE  :  london  ,  united  kingdom
ETHNICITY  :  korean
KNOWN  FAMILY  :  adoptive  parents
LANGUAGES  :  english  ,  korean  ,  french  
⸻  𝐚.  darling  ,  how  do  i  LOOK ?
FACE  CLAIM  :  lee  gahyeon  of  dreamcatcher
HEIGHT  :  one  hundred  seventy  point  eighteen  or  five  feet  seven  inches
BODY  MODIFICATION(S)  :  standard  lobes  ,  stacked  lobe  ,  orbital  and  helix on left ear &  forward  helix  and  inner  conch  on  right  ear
⸻  𝐛.  watch  myself  bloom  through  the  DOWNPOUR .  
FLOWERS  :  one  of  the  most  prominent  mood makers  ,  she’s  capable  of  lighting  up  the  room  with  her  bubbly  persona  .  she’s  the  type  of  person  you  can  depend  on  during  sticky  situations  ,  even  if  you  can’t  give  her  anything  in  return  .  girl’s  got  too  big  of  a  heart  for  this  world  .  late  arrival  ?  she’s  never  heard  of  it  —  always  be  worried  if  she’s  either  not  on  time  or  early  .  
SHOWERS  :  misinterpreted  as  attention-seeking  due  to  how  she  leans  on  her  members  in  front  of  cameras  .  she’s  terrified  of  confrontations  so  she’ll  fold  easily  ,  even  if  she’s  not  the  one  at  fault  .  and  while  not  obvious  to  outsiders  ,  she  has  a  bad  habit  of  picking  out  her  flaws  ,  lowering  her  self  -  confidence  .  the  third  workaholic  of  the  group  ,  she  pushes  herself  too  much  so  she  can  be  “  on  par  ”  with  the  others  . 
⸻  𝐜.  you  will  always  be  my  CELEBRITY !
LABEL(S)  :  jyp  entertainment  ❪  2013  -  2017  ❫  &  astre  entertainment  ❪  2017  -  present  ❫
PROFESSION  :  idol  &  actress
GROUP  :  pandora
POSITION  :  vocalist  &  rapper
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YET  YOU  NEVER  FAIL  TO  WEAR  MY  SMILE  ˒  𝐢𝐢.  and  her  history  ❞
❪  tw  :  bullying  ,  insecurities  ,  possible  abandonment  ❫
VINTAGE.  an  adopted  daughter  ,  chiara  knows  that’s  who  she  is  .  while  thankful  that  her  parents  were  transparent  with  her  about  this  matter  ,  especially  due  to  the  glaring  fact  that  she  looked  different  ,  sometimes  she  wishes  they  weren’t  .  kids  can  be  very  curious  ,  and  that’s  what  led  the  little  girl  to  wonder  things  like  why  did  her  biological  parents  give  her  up  ?  did  they  take  a  look  at  her  then  decide  they  don’t  want  her  ?
and  why  were  other  kids  so  ruthless  about  things  they  don’t  understand  ?
CURRENT.  in  terms  of  dreams  ,  she’s  a  late  bloomer  .  she  didn’t  even  think  about  becoming  an  idol  until  she  came  across  k-pop  artists  like  wonder  girls  ,  2ne1  and  girls’  generation  .  it  was  getting  scouted  by  an  agent  under  jyp  entertainment  that  pushed  the  envelope  for  her  .  the  eleventh  and  final  member  introduced  to  the  public  ,  chiara  was  terrified  yet  excited  to  see  where  this  could  lead  her  .  she’s  fondly  known  as  one  half  of  the  cherubies  because  of  her  squishy  cheeks  and  doll  eyes  .  more  often  than  not  ,  those  mochis  have  fallen  victim  to  her  members’  hands  .
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corroded coffin setlist
also known as songs that give me 'corroded coffin wrote this for you' vibes
Mentions of: sex, smoking
Rebel Yell (Billy Idol) Eddie wrote this one for you literally the night after you had sex for the very first time, you know exactly what it's about when you hear him play it for the first time. Coincidentally, the first time he plays it is on stage at The Hideout, so you literally choke on your drink in front of the whole group, and now the kids now exactly what you and Eddie get up to in the wee hours of night. (His suggestive dance moves make that even worse.)
Sex on Fire (Kings of Leon) Another one Eddie wrote for you, he actually got up and started writing it somewhere between five seconds to five minutes after the two of you were done horsing around in bed one night, one that he will forever call the greatest night of his life. This time, he asked your permission to bring the song to the rest of the band and play it live, but everyone who knows you still knows it's about you. It's one of the band's greatest hits, even years after its release.
Killer Queen (Queen) The entire band co-wrote this one for your birthday once, then surprised you with it by playing it on your birthday in a "private show" as Eddie called it, which was really just them practicing in Gareth's garage with you listening with your eyes closed, which made it that much easier to surprise you. Since then, every time they're touring on your birthday, they make it a point to play the song for you, both to honor you and apologize for stealing Eddie away from you on your birthday, if you haven't joined them for that particular show/tour.
(You Make Me) Rock Hard (KISS) Like Rebel Yell, this one is so on the nose it hurts. Eddie wrote this one after a particular night where you'd been teasing him at a publicity event for Corroded Coffin, then put it on the next album they released. It's one of those songs he does not want to explain to his children and grandchildren. (And he doesn't, because the lyrics are obvious, so he's just gonna not talk about it instead, as if that will make it go away.)
You Give Love A Bad Name (Bon Jovi) This was released on the first ever Corroded Coffin album, written secretly about you before you and Eddie started dating. You were still dating Steve at the time, but Eddie was absolutely obsessed with you. He wrote this song as a result, an ode to his jealousy and his obsession. You have your suspicions about its meaning, but Eddie's always very vague when you ask him about it, years later.
When You Were Young (The Killers) Gareth wrote this one and kept it secret for a long ass time. He started to write it back when he had a crush on you on high school, shortly after you met all the guys in the band. It became more of a jealous song when you started dating Eddie and Gareth had gotten a it petulant, absolutely convinced he wasn't the right guy for you. He only finished it after he grew out of his crush on you, but he refused to tell Eddie what it was about. He's the lead vocalist on this one.
Smokin' in the Boys Room (Mötley Crüe) This one came out of a running joke from high school, when you would always tease him for taking too long in the bathroom—noticeably—because he was going for a smoke with the rest of the band. While that wasn't always true (he always teased you that he had other 'man's business' to attend to), it was 90% of the time. So he wrote you a teasing song about it that accidentally became a fan favorite.
Any Way You Want It (Journey) You actually helped Gareth, Jeff, and Grant write this one for Eddie. It describes a little bit of your relationship with Eddie. He likes to surprise the fans with it, because he only ever sings it with you, so you make a guest appearance with the band. In the recorded song itself, it's you playing Eddie's guitar, because he taught you for this specific song. You'll also sing it to Eddie when it's just the two of you to cheer him up.
Mr. Brightside (The Killers) Another pre-relationship song! Eddie wrote this one after supplying a party with weed, and you and Steve were there. He saw the two of you dancing and kissing and having fun, the resentment started to build, and by the time he left, Steve was sneaking you into a bedroom. He caught a glimpse of what was happening through the curtains as he left, so he went home, had a breakdown, and called Gareth. They co-wrote this one pretty quickly. You know exactly what it's about, and so does Steve, and embarrasses the hell out of both of you, so this gets played very rarely. It literally takes upwards of ten minutes of the fans screaming for it to Eddie to agree to play it. (He's still very proud of it, just overly sensitive to your emotions.)
Use Somebody (Kings of Leon) Eddie wrote this when the two of you were going through a really rough patch. You were both feeling a little unsteady in your relationship, and Eddie was terrified of losing you, so he sat down and wrote everything down. Everything he was feeling, everything he was thinking, the best moments of his life with you, the worst moments. He put it in a letter originally, and then took some of his lines from that letter (which he thinks, to this day, saved your relationship) to write this song. He didn't release it for a very long time, not until you were both out of that rough patch and solid in yourselves and each other.
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (AC/DC) The band wrote this one as a group in Gareth's garage about their high school experience. For years afterward, you poke fun at them and how they took pride in causing mischief, no matter how much trouble it causes them. Every time it comes on, Hopper will tell you another embarrassing story about them (especially Eddie) getting caught doing something totally illegal. He's never told you the same story once.
Bijou (Queen) This one is mostly a guitar solo. Eddie could hear the guitar in his head but never think of words to go along with the whole thing, so it remained 90% guitar and 10% lyrics that he came up with and actually liked. It took him years to figure out that he'd rather keep it as it was than try to perfect it with lyrics, so you heard it almost nightly for a very long time, usually post-sex before you could convince Eddie to actually sleep, before he finally released it.
I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE (Måneskin) When the "Satanic cult" accusations first started getting thrown around, the boys were pretty young, and the songs they wrote were a mix of anger and rebellion over those accusations. Add in the fact that Eddie and Gareth were both crushing on you, and the result was songs like this, which were a mix of everything the media was claiming, their own acceptance of themselves, and raging teenage horniness. You like to quote some of these lines back at Eddie all the time, and the fans loving catching Eddie's reaction to it.
Hysteria (Def Leppard) More pre-relationship pining! Gareth and Eddie co-wrote this one as well, Gareth claimed it was to help Eddie get a feel for the song, but this is when Eddie suspected he liked you as well. However, this one was written shortly after it became common knowledge that you and Steve broke up, but nobody knew why. If they wouldn't have gotten murdered by your parents and everyone in your neighborhood, they would have played this one outside your window. You found that hilarious when Eddie first told you, but the idea grew on you the longer the two of you were together.
Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 1 (Pink Floyd) This one Eddie wrote by himself, mostly as a form of therapy, when he was new to playing the guitar. He wrote it on acoustic and Jeff helped him add the electric guitar years later, after he'd finally gotten comfortable enough to open up and show it to the band. He doesn't play it often, as it's based on a part of his childhood that still feels like an open wound, and you know when you hear him playing the chords of the guitar solo he's stuck in his head and needs some affection. Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2 (Pink Floyd) The band wrote this one together about their high school experience. They got in trouble for playing it at the talent show, but they didn't care, because the extended guitar solo got a lot of praise from people who they never would have expected it from (including you and Steve). The crowd goes wild whenever this one is played, and the band are incredibly proud of it. You always say that your initial reaction to it was just a sign of what was to come for the boys. Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 3 (Pink Floyd) Yet another therapy-ish one, except this one is more about how Eddie retook control of his life. It's short, so Eddie usually adds more of a guitar solo during live performances, and the crowd is always excited when he does, because he never does the same thing twice. He has pages and pages of sheet music for what he could do for this song, and sometimes he just makes it up as he goes. On the album he initially recorded this song for, the song is dedicated to the band, to you, and to Dustin.
Bad Reputation (Joan Jett & the Blackhearts) This one went through multiple rewrites. It started out as a song for the band to sing, but it ended up being one that you took the lead on. They rewrote it a couple times to fit your voice as the lead vocalist and to have the boys be your backup. You have a lot of fun with this one, both just in singing it and playing around with Eddie on stage, because the two of you are always goofing off together when you're up there with him. You kiss him on stage, make him sing with you, dance around with him—and he does it all, because he's obsessed with you, and the fans go absolutely wild for your interactions on stage. (They even started petitioning for Corroded Coffin to include you in more music. Eddie has no problem with this.)
The Final Countdown (Europe) This started as a joke, when they were goofing off and singing 'it's the final countdown' in a weird tune before their first tour performance after being signed with a record label. After the show, just about to pass out on the tour bus, Grant sang it again and said, "Guys, I think we can make a song out of that," so, naturally, they did. Grant wrote the guitar solo on this one first, then Gareth added the drums, and Eddie started coming up with lyrics. Some of it was nonsense, some of it wasn't, and the end result was a smash hit they brought to you for a second ear before they gave it to the record. You helped them polish it a little and were very proud when they released it as a single.
here they all are in a {spotify playlist} ☞ runtime: 1 hr 9 min
This list will be updated regularly!
Some of these might get full fics about them, let me know if you're interested in specific ones!
Taglist: {comment and let me know if you'd like to be added to the E.M. taglist!} @ohatropa @lilylilyyyyyy@spencestyles@r-royce@theshiresposts@kaitebugg03@the-chocoholic-writer@noiralei@kennedyraye@yourdailymemedelivery@squidscottjeans@cannonize@sebastianstvn@corrodedcoffn
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hoonieswhore · 1 year
VI. One of the Drunks
Previous / Masterlist / Next
Word count: 1,2k.
Warnings: mentions of drinking, usual bickering, cursing, kinda suggestive, mentions of perv!Hoon
Friday night was good for everyone, especially for the Untitled band since they always played in a local bar. Today was a special day because Heeseung's childhood friend went to see them. In the backstage, the band was preparing the instruments and equipment while asking their guitarist about his friend. “We basically grew up together and then we parted ways, like everyone does, but we're still in contact and we always tell eachother everything.” Heeseung replied as he was tuning his guitar. The younger members nodded before Jake asked again, “BUT HE'S LIKE A STAR, you think he might want to be friends with us?” The Aussie boy smiled brightly as he played with his drumstick. “Sure, he's pretty cool,” Heeseung made a small pause as he took a quick glance at their vocalist, “well, I don't know if he'd be friends with everyone in this room… Especially if they looked at him like they were about to stab him on every fucking meal.” YN let out a sigh, looking at Heeseung through the mirror in front of her as she continued fixing her hair. “I didn't do that.”
The girl tried to defend herself but Jay interrupted her, “Do you even know him or he just gives you bad vibes?” YN rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed since it was the 10th time that the boys asked her if she knew the figure skater. “This is the last time I'll say it: I DO know him, I want him thirty miles away from me cause I can't stand him, end of the fucking conversation.” She said, grabbing her mic and turning around to face the boys, “Now I want you guys to shut up and hurry up with the last details, we only have two minutes before the show starts.” The boys nodded, grabbing their stuff and walking out of the room towards the stage.
Sunghoon was sitting alone on the table, he was already on his second drink when the show started. He took his time admiring every member doing their thing and he recognised they were very good at it, no doubt they had a contract with the bar and a good time to perform. The figure skater also noticed how the band already had a good public since people were enjoying the show and others were screaming their names. Yn's voice was better than he remembered and she definitely knew what she was doing on stage.
After three songs, Sunghoon found himself mesmerized by her, he wanted to look at the rest of the band but he couldn't take his eyes off of the pretty vocalist, especially when she was wearing such a hot outfit. The boy wanted to punch himself when he noticed that she was looking right into his eyes as she sang a pretty suggestive song, but that wasn't the only problem. The other problem was that his own body was betraying him and pumping all the blood in his veins to a specific part of his body and that made him feel like a teenager. The boy looked away quickly and chugged the rest of his glass, hoping that the alcohol would help with his growing bulge.
After forty-five minutes, the show was done, everyone was cheering and clapping as the band left the stage. Sunghoon was now slightly drunk but his plan worked since he was no longer hard. Heeseung and his friends approached the table, Heeseung and Jay sat next to each other in front of the model while Jake pushed Yn to sit next to Sunghoon before sitting next to her. Now Sunghoon was squished against the wall next to him as YN was trying to sit comfortably but that was getting impossible with the two boys manspreading. The girl sighed and punched her friend's leg as she said "Close your legs a bit, Jake, there's literally no space." The drummer rubbed his leg as he dramatically hissed "YN that hurts!" Everyone in the table laughed as they called Jake a drama king and shook their heads. Before they could continue with their bickering, Sunghoon started speaking, "Guys, that was SO amazing, you're really good! I thought you guys couldn't sing though, your voices are really good!" The boys smiled at him and thanked him before they kept talking about random things.
Two hours passed between drinks and laughs, despite the fact that Yn and Sunghoon couldn't be around each other, they realized that it wasn't that bad. Not until Sunghoon pulled his phone out of his pocket, grazing her thigh from how close they were and noticing how she slightly shivered because of his cold fingers. The older girl looked at him briefly before she kept talking with the rest of the guys. That light touch made Sunghoon look down for a bit and consequently, he ended up taking a glimpse of YN's cleavage. The boy unlocked his phone and started tweeting his feelings. He needed to talk about it somehow, especially when he felt that he was getting slightly hard again.
“Hoon? Everything okay?” He was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice that his friend was calling his name for at least one minute. “Huh? Yeah!” he smiled at him and nodded, “I was just spacing out haha, what were you guys talking about?” Sunghoon locked his phone and left it on the table as he paid attention to his new friends again. “Well, we wanted to play rock-paper-scissors to see who's getting more drinks, wanna play?” Jay explained as he took his hand to the middle of the table, followed by the rest of the band, including Sunghoon. They played until Heeseung and Jake were too drunk, leaving the tipsy ones to decide that it was time to go home.
Sunghoon and Jay helped Heeseung to walk through the parking lot, the older one didn't drink too much but he was a lightweight. YN and Jake were walking two meters behind them, both of them laughing at Jake's drunk state. “Hey darling, new guy has a crush on you~” Jake giggled, slightly pushing her in a teasing way, the girl held onto his arm since she felt like she was going to fall. “You idiot! Don't push me like that, I wasn't ready!” she laughed, trying to push her friend back, “and what you mean he has a crush on me?” She took a quick glance at the three boys in front of them, focusing on the youngest. “Girl?? You gotta be kidding me, he's been staring at you the whole night,” he started, “please, he even stared at your ass when you got up to get more drinks and let me tell you that it was SO obvious. I'm kinda surprised that you didn't jump on him, he seems like your type.” Yn punched his arm, annoyed by Jake's words, he was right but she would never admit it. “Jake, what the fuck? How would I like a pervert like him? You're drunk bro.” She shook her head as she frowned. “Please… you can't play dumb with me and you know that, plus he tweeted some interesting stuff~” Jake cooed before jogging to the boys, opening the door of Jay's car as the others helped Heeseung to sit in the car.
YN stared at them, still confused at Jake's words as she started to get flashbacks from her last time with the model…
Taglist: @donghoonie-3 @venusssmoon @moonlighthoon (if you want to be added, send an ask<3)
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kuwdora · 4 months
I received THREE GIFT VIDS for this festivids season!!
Northwest Passage. For All Mankind. Molly Cobb. This is a really great cover and looks at Molly’s journey on the way to the moon. Epic vid is epic and I loved the way the intensity of the journey built with each new backing instrument section. BAMF Molly Cobb! What a great vid! Also ahah the vidder used “Anony Moon” as their channel name.
Bad Reputation. For All Mankind. Molly Cobb. "I say here's to selfish pricks. 'Cause we move the ball forward for mankind." Molly Cobb gives no fucks. Joan Jett is PERFECT for her character oh my god. Also I don’t mention this enough because I don’t post enough but Molly is very gender feelings for me. This is all so fantastic and fun and rock and roll.
Body Terror Song. Nimona. A painful Nimona vid!! This is so achey because how people treat Nimona because of shapeshifting body! The lyrics are great and I love the way the the sound of the vocalist shifts right into a synth-y growl when Nimona shifts into the big trauma monster. And then by the end — oh, it’s all so hurty. Great editing to the guitar’s musicality.
Check out the whole 2023 collection here, 160 vids in 144 fandoms. More recs to slowly come.
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