catfindr · 1 year
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solarpunkani · 1 year
I have once again given tomatoes to my neighbors
Shout out to @omg-physics and @modern-solarpunk for giving things to their neighbors and reminding me that I also have things I could give to my neighbors (read: the aforementioned tomatoes)
The tomatoes weren’t as big as they were last time, I don’t think, but people still liked them!
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One of the tomatoes was rotting a little and I didn’t realize until the very end when someone pointed it out so OOF but!!!! It was fun
- People recognized me from last time, I think I’m becoming Tomato Girl
- Some people who didn’t get tomatoes last time got tomatoes this time! One family wasn’t home last time, one family wasn’t home and had actually just moved in a few months ago, so I was actually the first neighbor they’ve talked to!
- Third family I didn’t ring their doorbell last time because they had a ‘baby sleeping don’t knock or ring doorbell’ sign on their door. But they saw me on their Ring camera and hurried out to catch me before I got to the next house!! The ‘Baby’ is now 5 years old, they just keep the note on the door because it deters solicitors. But I, as a Neighbor and The Tomato Girl, am allowed to ring the doorbell whenever! They were sad they missed me and my dad last time lol
It was hot outside and I was sweating like crazy, but seeing how excited everyone got about the tomatoes made it sooo worth it!!
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columboscreens · 1 year
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mushroomgay · 11 months
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London, UK, October 2023
Beefsteak fungus (Fistulina hepatica)
Found a couple of little beefsteak fungi yesterday right at the end of their season - I suspect trying to grow because of the unseasonably warm October we were having until very recently, which might also have caused the strange, long growth on the first one.
This mushroom is remarkably like raw meat when sliced, and even 'bleeds' a red liquid. Its taste is firm, chewy, and rich, although not much like meat. I find them delicious though - I simmer in butter with onions and garlic (sometimes I'll add herbs or red wine too). I had it as a little side dish to my udon soup.
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madsciencepottery · 1 year
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You have been visited by the twomato. May you receive juicy double luck in the coming days
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rodolfo9999 · 9 months
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vegan-nom-noms · 5 months
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Vegan Filipino Beefsteak
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mycoblogg · 1 year
FOTD #110 : beefsteak polypore! (fistulina hepatica)
the beefsteak polypore (also poor man’s steak, ox tongue, or tongue mushroom) is a bracket fungus in the family fistulinaceae. it can be found in europe, north america, australia, north africa & southern africa :-)
the big question : can i bite it?? yes !! it is edible when young, but may require long cooking.
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f. hepatica description :
"the cap is 7–30 cm wide & 2–6 cm thick. is shape resembles a large tongue, & it is rough-surfaced with a reddish-brown colour."
[images : source, source & source] [fungus description : source]
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heymrspatel · 1 year
jujubee, i come with Very Important Discourse regarding ian “is not an ally” gallagher!
we all know he’s gay dude, not queer, & takes that distinction incredibly seriously. BUT have you thought about him being at best a kink questioner, but at worst, a kink shamer?! that’s right. i’m talking about when his sleepover inviting, courageously smooching boyfriend shared his Big Ass Beads with him & he said:
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not cool, ian baby, not cool… 🙃
also thank you to @mickeygifs for the screengrab of a scene that is very hard to find online with captions because of all the trauma that happens just after this moment! bah!
bee in my inbox! with Very Important Discourse and an evidence screenshot to boot, just like old times 🥰
look, this baby orange did not know a thing. he thought he did, but he did not. he's gaaay not queer, what is this rosary for giaaaants mick, play what chiiiiill, what is a quiiiinoa, etccc... so, i can't blame the tiny tangerine as he was missing critical information and life experience. "why sex if not selfish?" oh mini satsuma 😓... but i know he got there, i'm positive of it!
i sleep soundly at night knowing that ian found the fun in wrecking mickey within an inch of his life with any fucking toy he's feeling that day! i know he had a big epiphany all caps bold italicized OH moment in finding how much fun that can be! he's a fucking beefsteak tomato now. mickey's fun is HIS fun, and shit do they have the best time! 😌
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mattzerella-sticks · 1 year
Zepp and Garp have a 'broke up horribly 50 years ago so they've learned to laugh about it by now' kind of vibe to them...
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ketrinadrawsalot · 7 months
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We interrupt these penguins to bring a correction to Fungi February! It turns out maitake (Grifola frondosa) doesn't grow in California, but what does is the magnificent beefsteak mushroom! Despite looking like meat (even in cross section!), they have a sour taste due to the presence of several acids, including oxalic acid. They're not common, but they are unmisteakable :P
Thanks to fascinatedbyfungi on Instagram for the correction and suggestion!
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The poster's been updated accordingly on Redbubble
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catfindr · 1 year
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gameraboy2 · 2 years
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1979 McDonald’s Chopped Beefsteak Sandwich ad
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foodshowxyz · 6 months
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Garlic Beefsteak with Mushrooms and Béchamel Sauce
2 beef steaks (such as ribeye or sirloin), about 1-inch thick
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Fresh rosemary sprigs (for garnish)
1 cup mushrooms, sliced (such as cremini or button)
1 tablespoon butter
1 clove garlic, minced
Salt to taste
Béchamel Sauce:
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups milk
Salt and white pepper to taste
A pinch of nutmeg (optional)
Prepare the Steak:
Season the steaks generously with salt and black pepper.
In a skillet over medium-high heat, warm the olive oil and add the minced garlic. Sauté for about 1 minute until fragrant.
Add the steaks to the skillet and cook to your desired doneness, about 3-4 minutes per side for medium-rare, depending on thickness.
Remove steaks from the skillet and let them rest.
Cook the Mushrooms:
In the same skillet, melt butter over medium heat.
Add the sliced mushrooms and the second clove of minced garlic, sautéing until the mushrooms are golden and tender.
Season with salt to taste. Remove from heat and set aside.
Make the Béchamel Sauce:
In a saucepan, melt 2 tablespoons of butter over medium heat.
Whisk in the flour and cook for about 2 minutes without letting it brown.
Gradually add the milk, whisking constantly to prevent any lumps from forming.
Continue to cook and stir until the sauce thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon.
Season with salt, white pepper, and a pinch of nutmeg if desired. Remove from heat.
Assemble the Dish:
Place the rested steaks on a warm plate.
Top the steaks with the sautéed mushrooms.
Pour the warm béchamel sauce over the steaks and mushrooms.
Garnish with fresh rosemary sprigs.
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solarpunkani · 1 year
"Holy Shit, did Ani just do a Praxis?"
Kinda I guess!
So if you know me, you know that I really like gardening. I also may have mentioned in the past that one of my dreams is to grow so much food that I can just give it away to neighbors. And. Well. Sure did manage it today!
So between last week's tomato and pepper harvest...
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...and TODAY's tomato and pepper harvest (which, holy shit)
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We have now reached the point that my dad is running out of recipes he can use to cook and eat all these tomatoes. And while he's determined to learn more, for now, we gotta do something with them, right?
So we washed everything down and put them in some of the biggest bowls we've got so we could tour the cul-de-sac and offer them to our neighbors! All of them! Including ones we've never talked to before!
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We've got 15 houses total on our street (not including ours), but one of them is unoccupied (they moved out and no one has moved in yet). We stopped at every single one. Five of them weren't home, one family didn't want any. Everyone else took at least four or more tomatoes and/or peppers.
This is what we had left when we got back home.
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So I'd say it was a success! I'd also say that we're probably gonna have to do this again.
This is wild to me. In all our previous years of growing tomatoes, we've never gotten this many at once. I think we've never even gotten this many before in a season. And I hope we get to do this a lot more!
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ghettogardener · 4 months
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Very proud of myself. I got all of my gardening goals met for my days off this week.
I cleaned up a bunch of the mess that was piled up all over. I found ot all homes, or I got rid of it.
I spray painted almost all of those random planters black, so it's looking a bit neater where the plants are grouped together.
I planted 3 different lemon grass pots, 12 Marigolds (some in-ground, some container) for companions to the three different types of tomatoes that I got planted in the first raised bed.
I planted, Black Krim, Beefsteak, and Brandywine varieties of toms next to those Marigolds.
I also got my dill, oregano, and cherry toms potted in more permanent containers.
I had a bunch of flowers grown from seed, but I put them outside too soon and they died. I learned from them to expose my baby plants more slowly to the garden.
Anyway, I have been picking up some flowers sporadically over the last 3 weeks from nurseries and home improvement stores.
Portulaca, pansies, blue cone flowers, Marigolds, and not pictured I also potted up primroses, snapdragons, 2 artichoke plants, wild flowers from seed, and a pretty purple bell plant.
Stage 2 will be getting the peppers (mixed, Sweet, Serrano, Hot) into their larger and more permanent containers.
Also, getting the cucumbers planted into the second raised bed.
Anyway. I worked hard today, and I'm so happy right now! Can't wait until it all becomes more full and mature.
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