#been too normal lately had to say something wack But True
rggo arakawa drip is the epitome of foxy grandpa sorry <- is not sorry
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fictionalfics · 4 years
I had an idea. Could you do a crossover thingy where Aizawa has a daughter and she goes missing and he comes in the next day looking worse than normal and then the broadcast gets sent out and Aizawa sees his daughter in it and he gets either happy she’s alive or sad because she’s in a war?
This is s great idea! I’ve never written a parent fic before, so this is quite a challenge. Hope it came out okay!
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Title: Not This Time
Pairing: Dad!Aizawa x Daughter!Reader
(Gifs not mine)
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“Aizawa-sensei’s been sleeping a lot more than usual, have you noticed Iida-kun?” Midoriya looks at his classmate expectantly as they make their way to the dining hall.
It was true, their rugged teacher had been sleeping in class a lot more lately. He had barely greeted his class before the yellow sleeping bag made its appearance. 
“I’m sure its nothing, Deku,” Ochako chimes in, “This is the first time in a while he’s taught a full class. Besides, you know who he has to deal with.“
Midoriya chuckles as his friend gestures to Kaminari, Bakugo and Kirishima - they didn’t mean to be, but they were one of the main sources of trouble in class 1-A.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
Back kick. Block. Jump, kick, dodge. Bend the knees, feet to the floor. Breathe, start again. 
The thick material of your scarf is tight around your palms as you dodge attack after attack. You hold your hand out and erase the enemy’s quirk, before landing a swift chop to the neck. Another one down. You handcuff them as fast as you can before dodging a beam of light. It just catches you ear, the scent of burnt hair becoming more intense as you roll to the side.
A stakeout operation gone wrong. A local gang that turned out to be something much bigger. You were fighting a war that had nearly run its course, and this mission was meant to be one of the last. That was, until your stakeout partner revealed she was working for the other team, a double agent. 
That left you in this mess. You wished your dad was there with you right now, but he wasn’t. He’d taught you to cope on your own, you told yourself. You’d manage.
Three days. No text, no call, no you. Shouta had waited in the living room all night, sipping coffee to stay awake. It had been three days since you walked out the door with a great big smile on your face, saying goodbye as you left for work.
Ten years ago, the seemingly heartless man had taken you into his care after saving you from your burning orphanage. The hero saw himself in you, especially since your quirks were so similar. He trained you himself, teaching how to use the capture rope alongside your fists.
You had enrolled in Shiketsu High, in order to separate yourself from your dad, and started your work studies with a mid-ranked but successful pro in your second year. 
Shouta was extremely proud of you, and made sure you knew it every single day.
But it was unlike you to stay out for days at a time without contact. The first night wasn’t so bad - maybe she’s at the bar with friends, I’ll see her in the morning, he thought to himself.
You weren’t there in the morning. He put it down to you staying over a friend’s house - he was up pretty early after all, so you’d be home later.
Nope. Nothing. He continued to make excuses up for you all night, and all the way into the morning too, only grabbing an hour’s sleep before leaving for work.
When he came home to an empty house for the third day in a row, he started to panic for real. Texted you every hour, on the hour. Called a couple of times. Called your workplace, to no avail.
6:30 on the clock. Shouta chugged the rest of his coffee and slung his work bag over his shoulder as he noted it was day four now. Work was going to be a long one.
Your ears rang as your former partner delivered another slap to your face.
“This would be over so much quicker if you told me where the boss is being held hostage, Y/N. You’re making this so hard for yourself!”
“Go to hell.”
A scream held back in your throat, your teeth grind together as you fight through the pain. The edges of your vision began to go black, and you almost considered telling the gang everything.
Shouta’s thumb was over the send button when he heard your name on the local news. 
Y/N Aizawa missing in action. Something about a fight against a gang, an ambush they said. No other details could be released for citizen safety.
The hero didn’t even realise he’d slid off the couch to kneel in front of the TV. Missing in action. He rested his forehead on the box, his hair sticking to the screen due to static.
Missing. You were missing.
His legs carried him to the agency you worked with. His voice demanded to see your boss, begged for the details of your whereabouts.
They wouldn’t tell him. “We cannot release details to the public, its for her safety as well as theirs,” your boss told him.
Shouta argued that he wasn’t the public, that he was a hero like you.
“There’s nothing more we can do, I’m afraid.”
The ropes had begun to bite into your wrists as you hung from the ceiling. After deciding the initial interrogation was obsolete, the gang had taken you to a new building and strung you up. Your feet could almost touch the floor, but had given up trying to get free an hour ago. Possibly. You didn’t know how long you’d been there. You were sure you’d stayed awake, but even blinking felt like it took days in that dark room.
You strained your ears from information.
Move........found.....kill her.......risk? No......stupid.....
There wasn’t enough for you to piece together the crumbs of information. You were sure you were going to die at this point. So much potential, a great future ahead of you.
No, you can’t think like that! What would Dad do in this situation?
You couldn’t answer that one. Instead, you hummed a lullaby to yourself - your favourite that he used to sing to you if you’d had a nightmare. This entire situation was a bit of a nightmare, so you thought it was appropriate.
The door opened before you, the bright light bringing tears to your eyes.
“She’s gotta be alright Shou, she’s tough! Besides, didn’t you go MIA all the time?” 
Hizashi did his best to comfort his friend, handing him a small glass of whiskey, which Shouta drank in one. He slammed the glass to the table with a dull thud.
“That’s different Yamada. I knew where I was, and I was never gone for long. I don’t know where she is, and it’s been nearly a week.”
The blond runs his palm down his face, not wanting to admit the he feared the worst too.
“She’s a hero Shou, bad things happen. You know the dangers and she does too, she’s not dumb.”
“Another whiskey please.”
Hizashi refilled Shouta’s glass, and the liquid disappeared as quickly as he’d poured it.
“She’ll be okay Shou.” 
Your arms were freed of their painful restraints as your friends occupied the gang and, summoning as much strength as you could, dragged yourself to your feet, using your peer as a crutch. Your head turned to watch your team take on the four or five people that had taken you hostage, silently celebrating as you limped to the exit.
“Sorry we took so long Y/N, it took us a while to figure out where they’d taken ya!”
A tired chuckle escaped you as your co-worker apologised. “At least you’re here now.” Your response wasn’t completely a joke, but you couldn’t blame them. This gang was good at hiding.
“The whole operation is gonna be extended, thanks to the newbie. We had no idea she was a double agent- it’s gonna set us back to square one!”
Double agent. You scolded yourself for not catching on in time. “I’m sorry, I should have figured out sooner. Now the entire mission’s been compromised.”
Your peer sat you in the back of an ambulance that had come along with the police.
“Don’t beat yourself up silly! Even us pros didn’t know, there was no way a student could have guessed!”
The fight was over relatively quickly, thankfully. After the criminals were handed over to the police for interrogation, you were escorted back to the agency to be patched up, and report to the higher-ups.
Eraser didn’t immediately jump up when the front door creaked open. He was a hundred miles away, trying to convince you to take a day off instead of going to work. You’d be home with him that way, smiling as you cooked your favourite meal in the kitchen. That smile... How badly he missed it.
He felt the couch sink next to him.
“Sorry I’m late Dad, I had one hell of a day at work!”
Dad? He snapped back to reality as the words sunk in. He looked to where the voice came from - his eyes traced it back to you. Covered in cuts and bruises, dark circles adorning your eyes, but you all the same.
“Y/N!” The dark haired man jumped up and lifted you into his arms. You giggled and squeezed him back, giddy with relief.
“Y/N Aizawa, you are grounded forever! What the hell happened to you?”
He set you down on the couch as you began to explain as much as you could, without giving away classified information.
“But I’m here now! I’ve got about a week to recover, because I wasn’t injured too badly, plus they did hold me in the recovery room for a day.”
“A week?” His shoulders slumped at the thought of you fighting. “They’re sending you back out there?”
“Yeah. The mission isn’t over yet, we have to dismantle them completely.”
Shouta ran a hand through his hair, and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Promise me you won’t go missing again.”
“I can’t. You of all people should know that.”
“Humour me.”
Breaking eye contact, you sighed, before looking back at your father and smiling as wide as you could. “I won’t go missing this time Dad. I promise.”
“Good.” Shouta patted your head before standing up and making a beeline for the kitchen. “You’re still grounded forever.”
“But Dad!”
“No buts!”
“Even if I make you some coffee? Maybe cook some yakitori?”
“I may reconsider,” he chuckled. You always knew your way to his heart.
He loved his daughter so damn much.
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Keigo Takami/Hawks x Reader
Summary: You meet Hawks one day at your store and you and him strike of a friendship that turns romantic....but the paparazzi manage to get it to the rest of the world not even 24 hours later
This shit is long, sorry not sorry
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Crushes were just....well.... crushes, right? Especially celebrity crushes or crushes on fictional characters. Usually the average person will develop one or more crushes on celebrity or fictional beings, it was just the way the human brain (or something like the human brain for some people) worked. You yourself grew up with many celebrity and fictional crushes. The walls of your childhood room were (and probably still filled) with the posters of the heroes you adored growing up, the bands, singers, and artist you admired, and personal favorite characters from the shows or movies you’ve had seen and fell in love within the span of your teenage lifetime. Even now you admired celebrities and the such, but now it was mostly just giving them a like and follow on their tiktok or Instagram or admiring a picture or two when you came upon it, that’s it. Being an adult now and owning your own little grocery store, inherited from your parents of course, in the middle of the busy life of the city was enough to squelch your once childish habits, but sometimes you would allow yourself to flip through the gossip magazines you had set up to see the new and old faces of celebrities and heroes to see which one was hot or not, but that really wasn’t weird for such a mundane person to do.
All that crushing business would stay in the fantasy portion of your brain however, to never once think that you would have one of the fantasies you would once dream about as a teenager about a celebrity or fictional crush sweeping you away on your feet. Just thinking that something like that could happen was laughable really, it almost made you laugh now as you perused the magazine rack you had finally finished setting up, the hours of the day now almost bordering the parent’s definition of ‘its getting late’, which honestly meant that it was 7:30, as your employee hummed behind the cash register, fiddling with the pens and note pads scattered about at the counter.
“Hey, toss me one of those magazines.” Called out the cashier, you handing over the magazine, watching their hands drag towards them to let their eyes scan the bold headings on the front page and soon the face that was the eye catcher of it all. “Pro Hero Hawks is always on the front of the magazines....isn’t he so dreamy looking...” hummed out the younger girl, you only gave a snort as your hand went back to fidgeting the flimsy magazines and puzzle books that seemed only the elderly would purchase.
“Yeah, he’s handsome alright, but I don’t get my hopes up about that fantasy coming true.” You joked, the girl only giving a sad nod in agreement. With a laugh, you bent over to pick up the empty box that once held the new issues of magazines, starting to unfold it from its shape.
“Yeah I know, but still, just imagine it though....what if he just came sauntering in here now? To sweep one of us off our feet?” She said with her young, dreamy little look. You only rolled your eyes, shoving the unfolded ripped up box in the recycling bin, grabbing the magazine and giving a gentle and playful wack to the young girl’s head before placing it back on the rack.
“Yeah? Well the day that happens is the day I’ll believe anything to be possible.” You spoke with a laugh as you leaned against the counter, though the bell hanging upon the glass door gave off its soft chime to signify a new patron had entered your humble grocery store. You head automatically moved to see who had just walked in out of habit, but you probably should have already known who had entered inside your shop just by the look upon the cashier’s face. Hawks stood there at the entrance, those eyes of his glancing back and forth between you and the cashier. The shock was probably evident upon your faces.
“Um....is this like a bad time or something?” He soon questioned which you quickly shook your head at his word, finally snapping yourself out of your dumbfounded haze. Honestly there was no reason to be so shocked over another person, he was just a normal human being that was idolized who just happened to do amazing things for the safety of the society you lived in, but the coincidence of your previous conversation set your body in a rage of jitters.
“No! Not at all! Sorry if we seemed shocked, we don’t usually get sidekicks in here let alone heroes.” You spoke out with a laugh, hand sliding over the counter to give the young girl a little nudge on her shoulder to snap her out of her daze of the handsome hero before her. At that a bright blush crawled onto her face as she set her gaze down to the plastic keys of the cashier.
“Alright...cool...” he said with a shrug of his shoulders, already beginning to make his slow walk to the many things you had on display. The chips, candy, drinks, the instant ramen, the food that sat in the freezer ready to be eaten right away for the late night student or the person craving a bite or to be heated in the microwave station with running water off to the side next to the few tables you had for them to sit down and rest while they ate. The silence almost seemed to suffocate you as you listened to his shuffling and tried not to really stare. Though he seemed to hesitate a bit before finally turning around in his path, making his way up to the counter where you and the cashier still stood at.
“Sorry to bother you, but do you have any chicken ramen? Or anything that just has chicken in it or something?” He asked, hands pushing up the glasses that sat over his eyes and up upon his head. You looked to your cashier, expecting her to speak up, but that embarrassed look upon her face spoke volumes to you as you looked back to Hawks, that costumer service smile already plastered upon your face as you waved him to follow.
“Of course! I really need to take the time to organize all those products, costumers and tourist come in and always swap everything around.” You spoke up, leading him down the isles of your small store expertly before moving to the coolers of food that was ready to go/heated and the ramen. “This is our chicken selection in ramen, after you pay you can either leave and fix it at home or use our water and microwave station to eat here...then in the coolers we have onigiri with chicken....um....we carry egg and chicken Sandos...the information on how it should be consumed is on the label, so make sure your careful about reading and following the directions....” you muttered out as you pointed to all the things, which he nodded his head.
“Sorry if that question was dumb...it’s been a long day.” He said as he scratched the back of his neck. He had to admit, he felt kind of stupid asking that question now with now knowing the fact everything was honestly right in front of his face.
“We all have those days, I hope you can find something you like though, if there’s anything else I’ll be upfront.” You said as you were already heading back up to the front counter, casting a ‘pull yourself together women!’ look to your employee who only mouthed out an apology as she facepalmed and cringed at her own behavior. Hawks was soon rummaging through the ramen, arms soon filled with containers and a lonesome cup ramen, walking up to the counter to gently let everything slip onto the surface.
“Hold on, I got one more thing.” He muttered out as he stepped up to the magazine rack, shamelessly grabbing the one that had his face smack dab in the middle, tossing it onto the counter. “I swear, that’s it.” He joked, but that joke received radio silence from the cashier as her hands shakily went to begin ringing up his things. You couldn’t help but cringe for her, you didn’t blame her either, if it were you a few years ago behind that counter it would have been the same scenario.
“You want it bagged?” You asked, hand already grabbing one of the paper bags you had off to the side, ready to be used, though he only brought up a hand to politely halt your actions.
“Nah, I’ll eat here, enjoy the scenery.” He said with a little wink, already handed over the money, of course he said to not worry about the change as he scooped up everything back into his arms, whistling away to the eating area, beginning to already prepare his food, phone lazily in his hand as he did so.
“Are you ok? It seemed like you were about to drop dead any moment.” You whispered out as you leaned over the counter to your employee, she only shoving her face in her hands.
“Oh don’t even bring it up! He’s not even gone yet...” she whispered back, grabbing the paper bag that was still within your hands, placing it back, though she seemed hesitant to say something. “Could you....get his autograph for me?” She soon whispered out.
“What?!” You whispered back, casting a quick glance over your shoulder and to the hero who now lounged back at the seating area, magazine now clutched within one hand, the other feeding himself. “I don’t want to bother him, I-“ though your whispers were cut off by her own.
“Come on! Please? I’m a mess and when am I ever going to get it again?” She said, hands clasped before her as she begged to you with her whispers. You stood there, only being able to stare at her before finally nodding your head vigorously.
“Fine...fine...gimme a pen and paper...” you muttered out lowly, the girl quietly brought up a fist to the air lowly to show her victory before she scrambled around, hand clutching onto a pen, though her eyes landed on the magazines, which she gestured for you to grab one, which you did, placing it before her as she skillfully brought a pair of scissors to the cover, cutting out the front cover neatly of Hawks’ face, handing it to you along with the pen.
“Take the magazine out my pay check and I’ll owe you one too, thank you so much.” She whispered out, you only taking the pen and picture with the feeling of embarrassment already eating away at your stomach. Though you began to walk towards the eating area, almost painfully slow, trying to prolong the encounter with the hero you knew was going to be probably awkward.
“Hey...um...can I get your autograph?” You asked, handing over the pen and paper to him. You tried to seem nonchalant about it, but the minute shake in your hands almost blew your cover as he looked up from the gossip columns he was reading, swallowing the food that was in his mouth.
“Yeah, sure!” He said, that same charming smile that graced the covers of every magazine now plastered upon his face and it honestly has you in a trance. You didn’t even notice he took the pen and paper from your hands if it weren’t for the soft brush of his fingers against yours that sent your body into a mess of tingles from the sensation. “What’s you name sweetheart? I bet it’s something that sounds pretty, you know, to match you.” He said with a smirk, pen already scribbling down his signature.
“What?” You dumbly said, though a soft blush had risen to your cheeks as you shook your head. “Sorry, the autograph isn’t for me, it’s for my employee.” You cleared up, leaning up against the table that was adjacent to the one he sat in.
“Oh, gotcha.” He said as he capped the pen, soon handing it back to you along with the autograph of the improvised photo. He had to admit, he was kind of disappointed that it didn’t seem like you were his fan. “Whose signature would you like anyway? I could probably get it for you though, to even the score between you and your employee over there.” He said, looking past you and raising his hand to give a teasingly flirtatious wave to her, amused to see the young girl turn into a blushing mess as she hid behind her hair.
“Well you know, I like All Might, who doesn’t, you, Endeavor, you know, the ones I see most often on those magazines.” You said as you motioned to the magazine that was now left open and off to the side of where he had stopped reading. “But maybe if I was younger I would have died and resurrected to get any of those autographs. Now? I got more important things to worry about.” You said with a little laugh as you motioned to the establishment around you.
“An independent business gal? Hm, I like it.” He said with another one of those borderline flirtatious smirks, leaving your insides a frenzy upon a single glance, but only if you knew those soft chimes of your voice were seemingly tugging at his own heart gently. “I’ll be sure to keep supporting the business then.” He said as he soon stood up, almost looming over you for a second before he had moved to toss away his trash in it’s respected trash can, the magazine now tucked under his arm, wings ruffling a bit as he made his way to that glass door smudged with the many fingerprints off that day’s patrons “Catch ya on the flip side!” He said with a laugh before casting another amusing wink to the cashier, the door shutting with another chime, living the store in a silence until it was filled with your employer’s squeals.
“He winked at me! He smirked at me! He smiled at me!!! But did you even hear what he told you!” She gushed out as you were now back up to the front, handing her the autograph, pen set back aside. “He was totally making googly eyes at you and flirting with you!” She said as she hugged the autograph close to her chest, though stopped soon to smooth out the paper.
You only brushed it off as just her fantasies gone haywire within her head, but only if you could tell the future. He had become a regular costumer. He’d saunter in right at the same time ever night, get the same things every time. It came to the point where you or the cashier working would gather everything right before he would enter, which it always seemed to brighten his face up when everything would already be waiting for him to pay at the counter. Then he would chat up a storm with you. About what? Anything! Your favorite color? He wanted to know what it was and why. Favorite food? How was your day? He always kept a conversation going with you, always managed to squeeze out a blush and get you to laugh that laugh that was contagious, at least it was for himself. It was all like a really strange dream that you couldn’t wake up from, because who would have ever thought that this is how you spent some of the hours of your day doing?
“Hawks? What is that?” You questioned as you were stocking the magazines for your usual late hour routine, watching him carry in a box carefully through the door way, setting it gently down on the sales counter.
“Come on, look.” He said, you placing the stack of magazines that were once balanced in your arms back in the box at your feet, now free to move beside him, eyes trained on him and soon to the box. “Well go on, it’s not gonna bite you....I hope.” He teased, you only giving a roll of your eyes as you pushed back the flaps, eyes soon peering in.
“What?!” You exclaimed as you soon reached in, pulling out the contents of the box carefully. It seemed like it was never ending with framed pictures of almost every pro hero worth mentioning in Japan. “What in the world? Why-?” Though he only gave a smug smile as he coolly leaned his back up against the counter.
“Oh you know....to hang them up somewhere around here, give a little spice you know.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders. “People will come in and see them, then they’ll tell others that this is probably getting a lot of attention from the pros so then it will get others to come and blah blah blah...” he said, crossing his arms before casting a glance down at you as you admired the many signatures before you. “Plus I had some free time to bother them all for their autographs and I just really wanted you to one up this little gal here.” He said, motioning to the girl at the cash register who had become all too familiar now with pro hero now thanks to seeing him every night, but that didn’t stop her from still almost dying of embarrassment.
You only responded to his words with an embrace, arms thrown around his neck as you let out your amused giggles at his explanation, that grin upon your face all the validation he needed to answer whether or not you liked it.
“Thank you, Hawks, that was thoughtful of you....even if your attentions were only to be competitive.” You mumbled out, feel the soft rumble of your voice against his chest as he returned the hug back. The contact with you was satisfying, but you pulled away even if he honestly could just have spent an eternity like that.
He was right though, once those bad boys were up on display, your business got more traction. Tourist would come, fans would come to admire the neatly framed autographs and munch away at the eating area and geek away and other heroes had begun to visit your humble store as well. Your store hours had soon turned into 24/7, the place becoming a hot spot for heroes and sidekicks in the area during their patrol hours. People like Fatgum would come during the day for a quick fix and Eraserhead, who had also become a regular costumer in the late night patrols, would come to get a pick me up for the rest of his late patrols. Heck, you now even had superhero merchandise now on that you could barely keep stocked!
“Hawks! You missed it! Endeavor was in here! The Endeavor!” Called out the cashier as Hawks had stepped through the door, seeming to forget the painful embarrassment she would usually feel with interacting with him.
“Endeavor? Really? I’m actually even shocked at that.” He said with a grin as he leaned against the counter, a hand reaching up to absentmindedly twist the messy strands of his hair, wings giving a quick stretch before folding themselves back, one of his feathers placing the money for his usual purchase down on the counter as his free hand slid all of the food he would buy toward himself.
“Yeah, he’s scarier in person.” You called out with a laugh as you appeared from the storage room, a hand reaching up to push back the frizzy strands of hair that had escaped from your hairdo. “But yes, he did stop by to buy one of those cheap jumbo sized bottled water.” You recalled as you soon stood beside him, hands on your hips as you looked quizzically out to your store, trying to see if you missed anything. Hawks took that moment to look over to you, eyes adoring the scrunch of your eyebrows that formed when you were stressful thinking about something.
“Hey, you know, I did get that pretty name from you, but how about a number....and possibly a date?” He soon spoke, fingertips tapping against the counter top, you snapping out of your train of thought to look at him, eyebrows raised.
“Excuse me?” You asked, a little lost for words at his own that he spoke out. He seemed to not be affected though as he now stood up straight, a hand still rested on the counter’s surface.
“I’m asking you out on a date and I also want you number.” He bluntly said with his phone already in his hands with a smirk as he watched in amusement to see you physically try and let yourself process what he had just said. You were honestly trying to make sure your brain wasn’t really just playing a lucid fantasy before your eyes. Though finally you grabbed his phone, thumbs tapping down your number before handing it back to him.
“Great, I’ll pick you up at what, 7:30 tomorrow? Dress nice, I’ll get your address later.” He said as he was already backing out of the store, food forgotten on the counter, leaving you a numbed mess of nerves, your cashier in a frenzy at what she had just witnessed. He was true to his word too, he got your address from you and he showed up to the front door of your apartment with a knocked right on time the next day, handsome in his smart clothes, it was strange to see him out of his hero costume, a pair of shades over his eyes.
“Hey, you think these glasses are a good disguise?” He asked with a grin as he reached a hand up to straighten them out as you opened the door, though you only snorted as you leaned against the door frame.
“I would say so....if it weren’t for those.” You said as you motioned to his wings, which he only let out a laugh as he watched you slip on your shoes and retrieve you purse.
“Shit, you’re right, but first let me just say that you simply take my breath away.” He said as he admired you, you only rolling eyes as you nudged forward into order to step out into the hall to close and lock your door. The date, was nice, a little more intimate than the conversations you had at your business, but still, they felt like they could go on for hours and hours. It was those kinds of conversations that just made you feel...complete? It was the type of conversation that by the end would make your throat and mouth dry, but in a good way from all the talking and laughing that would be exchange. It was the type of conversation that made you feel energetic and your face hurt from the bashful smiles and grins he would grow upon your lips. They would have went for hours and hours if it weren’t for the servers starting to get antsy about the need for the two of you to leave in a timely manner for the next reservation. The car ride home was quiet between the two of you with only ambiance from the rain that had begun to fall, the fellow traveling cars, and the soft low music that purred from his radio. Though there didn’t need to be any conversations to be spoken as his hand rested upon your thigh over the dress you wore, your pinky hooked with his. That was all the conversation you needed as he helped you out of the vehicle, the two of you making your way quickly through the downpour of rain and inside of the apartment complex and up to your floor where you soon stood before him at your door, your fingers gently hooked to his as you looked up to him.
“I...enjoyed tonight.” You soon spoke up, letting go of his hand to reach your own hand up to push back the pieces of your hair that managed to get soaked and stick to the side of your face. Another bit of silence lifted as all Hawks felt he could do was just be mesmerized by you before him. Those lips came upon yours finally, the both of you caught in a passionate kiss that you enjoyed every second of until he pulled away.
“Open that door...” he softly spoke out, nodding his head to the locked door that stood beside the two of you. The jingle of your keys was a melody that sent goosebumps up his arms and jitters to his hands that rested upon your hips as he listened to the keys slide into the lock and jiggle around before that damned door was open.
“Keigo Takami....that is who I am...” he softly spoke out behind the privacy of the closed door and also against the smooth skin of your face that he was currently peppering many soft and gentle kisses upon.
The next morning you were the first to awake, stretching as you sat up at the side of the bed, eyes staring to the early hours of morning beyond the window. The confirmation of last night snoring beside you, wings jutting out in awkward angles, feathers ruffled from sleep. You let a soft smile crawl onto your lips as a hand reached to gently smooth over his hair before getting up, getting dressed, and leaving the apartment with a single note behind.
“Gone to work....lock door when you leave, key is at front door...” he groggily mumbled out as he scratched his head, fingertips gently holding up the sticky note that was stuck to the reflective surface of the fridge. He only shrugged his shoulders as he rummaged through the pantries, finally accumulating cereal, a bowl and spoon, and milk, soon getting his fixing and placing everything away, now lazily lounging on the couch, bowl of cereal in hand as he turned on the tv to munch away at his breakfast.
“Now that the weather and national news is out the way, we have some pretty hot topics on our top heroes!” Chipped out the upbeat women on the tv screen, which Keigo only rolled his eyes at.
“Hot you say? Yeah sure, bring it on sister...” he muttered out as he only continued to shovel the cereal into his mouth as he continued to listen, that bored look etched onto his face.
“Now today we are faced with the conundrum of if our beloved Hawks has found love or turned player.” Came out the voice again, though Keigo only froze, gulping down the cereal that was in his mouth.
“What?!” He shouted, now at the edge of his seat as he glared down to the tv screen through his groggy eyes.
“Our team managed to capture pictures of Hawks and this mystery woman and from what eye witness say, he and the mystery woman entered the apartment after their date at....” though the words were drowned out by the blaring of his phone ringing, which he was quick to answer it.
“Shit....yeah I know.....damage control, what? No, I’m not just screwing around with her!” he shouted into the phone as he shoveled the rest of the cereal into his mouth, placing the bowl in the sink before beginning to pace around your kitchen.
“Hey! The new issues of magazines came in early!” Called out the morning hour worker as you stepped in, raising a brow as you stepped up to the delivery that was already waiting for you at the rack of magazines.
“Really? That’s odd...” you mumbled out as you bent down, starting to rip off the tape and pull back the flaps, reaching a hand in to grab one of the magazines to pull it out, eyes looking to the bold headlines on the cover.
‘Hawks Turned lover? Or player?’
Your hands viciously opened up the magazine, flipping to the page that the story was advertised to be on, your jaw dropping upon seeing the paparazzi photos of you and Keigo of him picking you up, of the two of you on your date , and the kiss shared between the two of you and of him entering your apartment. It was like your body was frozen as you stared down to the photos in front of you, your life now on blast to the whole world.
“Shit..” you finally managed out as as you roughly closed the magazine, shoving it back into the box, your employee staring at you with a raised eyebrow.
“What’s wrong with them?” They asked, watching you lift the box up from the ground, maneuvering behind the counter to set them behind it, pushing the box far under.
“Just...don’t touch them, I’m not putting those on display.” You spoke out nervously, standing up and wiping off the sweat that had begun to accumulate on the palms of your hands, though the gasp of your employee caught your attention as they looked down at their phone.
“Pictures have just surfaced of Hawks chilling around almost butt ass naked in some mystery girl’s apartment.” He spoke out, flipping the phone to your wide eyes. Sure enough, there he was, bowl of cereal within his hands as he sat on your couch in his boxers through the windows of your apartment. “Hell yeah, Hawks got himself a lady friend.” The morning’s cashier joked, but no laughter was going to be heard from you as you were quick to make an excuse to leave the store.
“I don’t care how it’s done! I just need a statement saying that the woman is my fucking girlfriend and that legal actions will be taken because geez, I don’t know, they showed off where she lived to everyone who doesn’t live under a rock in Japan!” He said as he leaned his elbows against the counter top in your kitchen, hand burying itself in his bed hair, fingers tugging and pulling at tangles that would try to trap around his fingers. The front door of the apartment opening caught his attention as he looked to see you standing there rigidly, door quickly closed behind you as you stared at him.
“I don’t know what those people were thinking, they doxxed the shit out of her, yes we are gonna have to move her....yeah..” he spoke into the phone, you finally removing your shoes and calmly seating yourself at the kitchen counter, looking to the feathers on his wings that were still ruffled from sleep. Finally he hung up, phone placed on the counter top, a silence falling between the two of you before he spoke up. “That was quite the scare....you sure you still wanna be with me?” He said jokingly as he rubbed his face, already feeling his insides cringing from the embarrassment that seemingly felt like it was trying to swallow him whole. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh as you shook your head at his words.
“Keigo....lets not ask stupid questions....”
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alyasgf · 3 years
Part 5 of Everything’s Gonna Be Okay || Masterlist
Word Count- 2615
Notes- Crazy how I’ve had this chapter drafted for the longest. I went through a spout of hating all of my writing so I wasn’t really motivated. I pretty much just wrote Alyanette until I felt confident enough to continue this so,, yay here we are a couple months later, sorry for the wait.
She’d never say it aloud, but she adored her partner. She admired him for his optimism, loyalty, and how stupidly brave he could be during battles.
As she detransformed on her bed her mind also wandered to Adrien. It did that a lot recently, flipping back and forth between both blonde boys. It confused her heart, but still she knew it belonged to Adrien, as it always had, as it always would. With his soft laughs and softer smiles, Marinette couldn’t believe she was lucky enough to have him.
She laid there, staring up dreamily toward the night sky and holding her hands to her heart until a shadow obscured her view.
She heard a small knock and smiled. Did this stray ever go home?
She opened her sky light and stuck her head out.
“To what do I owe the pleasure savior of Paris?”
In the dim moonlight she could see Chat’s eyes crinkle as he smiled.
“I request your company, and perhaps some sustenance?” He said in an overly formal tone as he kneeled before her.
She laughed before inviting him in.
As he climbed down into her room she could see the glow in his eyes. Something about him was different, he seemed happier.
Most of the times that he would come Marinette could see a lonely sad look break through when he thought she wasn’t looking. It’s not that she minded of course, if she could be a form of comfort for Chat like he was for her she’d take it in a heartbeat.
“I have some chocolate pastries here, although they aren’t too fresh.” She offered him as he crossed the room over to her desktop. She didn’t normally make a habit of keeping food in her room, but Tikki had been snacking. Hopefully she wouldn’t mind too much if Chat stole a few.
“Sounds great Marinette.” He called over his shoulder as he sat in her desk chair and sat in front of her computer.
“What do you say we find some two player game on here and- oh.” Chat stopped mid-sentence and Marinette turned around from grabbing a pastry to see what had happened.
Apparently she forgot to close out the folder of Adrien’s ad photos she had saved on her computer.
She turned bright red as she ran over to the computer and quickly closed it out.
“That’s uh... research! Yeah research on some Gabriel designs!” She lied, facing her back towards Chat so he wouldn’t notice the blush now spreading down her neck.
“Right, well if it were research on Gabriel designs, why only have pictures of Adrien? Other models wear Gabriel brand clothes.” She could practically hear the teasing smirk on his face.
She turned to wack him softly on the shoulder. “Keep on this topic and I’ll make you watch me eat the pastries right here!” She threatened.
Chat held his hands up in mock surrender. “Woah so sorry Adrien Agreste fan #1.” He teased again.
In response Marinette took a large bite out of the pastry she had planned to give him. She made sure to make a show of it, with accompanying sound effects and an exaggerated sigh after she finished chewing.
“Marinette you wound me!” Chat whined, crossing his arms in a dramatic childlike fashion.
Marinette stopped to think about how adorable his pout was before she laughed and went to grab the second pastry.
“Test me again and there will be no more sweets when you come over.” She bluffed.
Chat practically snatched the snack from her hands.
“Then I’d have no reason to come back.” He said through a stuffed mouth.
“No, I think you enjoy my company too much.” She gloated before pulling up a chair beside him. “Now what game did you want to play?”
They spent the next two hours playing fireboy and watergirl, where Marinette was shocked to find they made an incredible team.
The akuma was hard, there was no denying that. The akuma called itself Obedience. Anyone struck with its ray was forced to do what ever it said, as though playing a game of simon says with dire stakes.
Marinette regretted staying up so late with Chat the night before. How he managed to have the amount of energy he did was astounding.
Chat had already used his cataclysm and Ladybug had used her lucky charm to set up a trap, all they had to do was lead Obedience into it.
Unfortunately, they needed to charge up before that, seeing as the beeping of their miraculous was giving its final warning before it was going to give up.
They landed on a distant building and de-transformed behind opposite sides of a pillar.
“M’lady do you have any extra snacks? Plagg ate up all his cheese before the battle and I didn’t have time to restock.” Chat called from the other side of the stone divider.
Ladybug giggled. “Looks like you need to learn how to control your friend Chaton. Here.” She reached out with a macaroon for Chat to take.
Her curiosity got the best of her and she couldn’t help but admire his hand as he reached over to take the sweet.
Soft and flawless, other than the messy blue nail polish that glowed in the sunlight. At first she didn’t think anything of it.
“Going for a new look kitty?” She asked lightheartedly as Tikki refueled.
“What? Oh you mean my nails. Well, I had someone paint them for me yesterday and I guess I distracted them too much and they made a mess.” He replied absentmindedly.
Wheels began to turn in Marinette’s brain, but unsure as to why, she didn’t try to make them stop.
“Oh, someone painted them? They look cute, did someone finally take in this alley cat?”
“For someone who hates puns, you really do use a lot of cat related metaphors toward me bug. And as a matter of fact I do, and she’s my girlfriend.” He bragged. “Plagg claws out!”
Ladybug transformed as well and was going to make a joke before a few dot connected before her. Messy blue nails. A girlfriend who painted them the day before. That nail polish looked all too familiar. She tried to push it down, but the dots were already connected.
Suddenly she flashed back to Chat Noir seeing her folder of Adrien photos last night and she felt sick to her stomach.
“Hey bug? You ready to kick this akuma Chat style?”
Ladybug snapped out of her trance. Even if everything that she just thought of was true, there was still an enemy to defeat. She could fully panic later.
“I think you mean Ladybug style. Now let’s go.”
They only just managed to get to the Eiffel Tower before they heard her again.
“Where are you Ladybug and Chat Noir? Don’t you know good children come when they’re called?” Obedience sang from a few streets over.
Chat strode over to lure her to the trap.
“Well maybe this kitty needs to be put in time out.” He replied leaning on his baton juvenilely.
“Oh no sweet boy, bad children must be taught better!” She pointed cane at him and an array of vegetables began to shoot out at him.
“Oh no! I’m afraid already perfectly healthy ma’am!” He leapt and dodged as he lead her straight to Ladybug.
As he turned the corner, there she stood, hands defiantly on her hips a couple of feet away. He scampered around a very large pool of a certain substance that was hardly noticeable unless you knew what you were looking for.
He took his side beside his lady as Obedience followed behind him.
“I’ve got you now tomcat!” Obedience turned the corner too fast and slipped straight into the street filled with a ridiculous amount of oil.
She screamed as she slid, and in her fall her cane flew from her fingers. It’s momentum led it straight toward them. Ladybug stopped it with the bottom of her shoe, and stomped on it with a satisfied grin.
Once she let the akuma go and threw the now empty bottle of oil to reverse the effects of the akuma, she turned to Chat.
“Pound it!” She said it with her usual confidence, but Chat could see something else lingering in her eyes.
But he was supposed to be practicing piano at the moment so he didn’t exactly have too much time to question her about it.
“Pound it.” He replied, touching his fist to hers.
“Tikki spots off.”
Ladybug de-transformed in her room and immediately began pacing.
“Crap crap crap crap! Tikki I accidentally figured out his identity! How could I be so careless as to look at his hands? Why did I care that much.”
Tikki sighed as she sat on Marinette’s desk. Sometimes it was best to let her get it all out.
“Well obviously I cared that much because Chat Noir is my recently established boyfriend! God he’s going to get such an ego boost when he finds out we’re dating.” Marinette threw herself face first into her chaise.
“So you’re going to tell him?” Tikki zipped over to hove beside her holder’s head.
There was a muffled response from the chair.
“What was that Marinette?”
“No, not yet. First I want to see how much he knows, if he knows anything at all.” Marinette rolled over on the chaise, laying as though she were at a therapists appointment.
“Tikki do you think this will effect our relationship? Will it put us in danger?”
Tikki’s little heart warmed.
“Marinette, you guys will be fine. If anything I think this would bring you closer together. If it puts you in any more danger you’ll handle it together, like you always do.” Tikki flew closer to hug Marinette’s cheek and Marinette let out a deep sigh as she brought a hand up to hug Tikki back.
“Thanks Tikki. You’re the best kwamii anyone could ask for.” Marinette said as the stress melted off of her.
“And you’re the best Ladybug I’ve ever known.” She replied warmly.
Of course things would work out. This was Chat she was talking about, Adrien. There wasn’t a problem he couldn’t help her solve, with or without the masks.
After going over Tikki’s advice for what felt like hours, Marinette came to a conclusion.
She would tell Chat Noir (Adrien?) who she was. It was only fair, considering she knew his identity. She wouldn’t have came to this on her own, so for the millionth time in her life she thanked Tikki.
But first, she needed to have a little fun. She noticed how Adrien would tease her lately for how flustered she got around him, so she figured the least she could do was use this moment to get revenge.
Too excited to sit still, she transformed to confront her boyfriend.
Adrien was laying in bed reading manga when he heard a tapping at his window. He looked over in shock to see his lady waiting outside.
“Ladybug?” He nearly stuttered out.
She was glowing in the moonlight, backlit in all her glory. She had a playful grin in her lips that made Adrien uneasy.
“Hey pretty boy, mind if I pop in?” She asked casually, as if it were totally normal for Adrien Agreste to have a spotted heroine outside of his window.
He calmed his heart, remembering this was his dorky girlfriend and invited her in. He had to remember to act friendly, not like he would with Marinette, nor like he would as Chat Noir. This wouldn’t be easy.
“Your nails look cute.” She offered casually as she sauntered over to sit in his desk chair.
Adrien froze. Ladybug had noticed Chat Noir’s earlier too.
He quickly pushed that thought away. Marinette had been oblivious of his identity up until this point, even after the thousands of clues he’d managed to drop. He wasn’t exactly concerned anymore.
He decided to take advantage of the chance to compliment his girlfriend without her being able to completely reject it.
“Yeah my girlfriend painted them! She’s so cute and sweet and pretty.” He replied dreamily.
He could see Ladybug’s eyes widen and her blush grow. This was going great.
“Did you need something?” He asked innocently.
“I- uh-“ Adrien laughed, his girlfriend really wasn’t too different outside of the suit. Flustered and flushed, she was still Marinette.
Suddenly something in her eyes changed. One second they were wide and almost panicked, the next they were full of suspicion.
“You know don’t you!” She accused more than asked. She stalked over and jabbed a finger lightly into his chest.
Now it was Adrien’s turn to panic.
“Know what?” He asked, hoping to play dumb.
“You do!”
So much for feigning innocence. Instead he opted for begging for forgiveness.
“Marinette, i’m so sorry! It’s just I knew you’d panic if I told you when I found out and it’s not like I tried to figure out your identity! It’s just that you put so much effort into the whole kwamiibuster scheme-“
“You’ve known since kwamiibuster?!” She practically shouted.
“-and you looked so cute.” Adrien added still trying to lighten the blow. “I didn’t tell anyone and I’ve known for a while and nothing bad happened so I figured-“
Ladybug cut off his rambling with a kiss.
Adrien was stunned at first but then ultimately sighed into the kiss as he leaned into her touch. His arms looped around her waist as he pulled her close, hands tracing patterns into her spandex covered back.
He pulled pack slightly, noses still touching. He could feel her breath ghost his lips.
“So we’re okay?” He asked hopefully, eyes looking deep into hers as they caught their breath.
“Of course, minou. I just wish you would’ve told me before you saw that embarrassing folder on my computer.” She blushed.
“Oh? But then I wouldn’t be able to tease you about it. Tell me, which one was your favorite? Do you think the greens really brought out my eyes?”
“You’re the worst!” She exclaimed, attempting to pull from his embrace. Adrien’s arms held her fast in place.
“You love me!” He announced proudly as he pulled her into a tight hug. “Ladybug is dating Chat Noir!”
“Would you be quiet! I don’t want to have to explain to Nathalie why Paris’ superhero is standing in your room.” She giggled into Adrien’s shoulder.
“Ladybug is dating Chat Noir” He whispered, this time softer as he nuzzled her neck.
“Yes she is.” Ladybug sighed, resigning to Adrien’s touch.
“Now,” He released the girl as he turned and clasped his hands together. “de-transform. We’ve had plenty of date night in your room-“
“Those weren’t technically dates” She interjected.
“-And not enough in mine.” He gave her a pointed look as he continued. “Of course, since it’s my room, I have full say in what we watch.” He could hear Marinette’s pout as she de-transformed. “But I’ll take suggestions.”
Marinette crossed over to where Adrien was pacing in anticipation and threw her arms around his shoulders from behind. She placed a quick kiss on the base of his neck.
“New Girl again!” She said excitedly.
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threeletterslife · 4 years
→ summary: your college art final prompt is so unbelievably broad that you might just flunk it because you have no idea what you’re gonna draw. luckily, there’s a cute guy who’s totally into you that might just help you out. even better: he’s a merman.
→ pairing/rating: taehyung x reader | PG-13
→ genre: 80% crack, 20% fluff | mermaid!au & bullet point fic
→ warnings: profanity
→ wordcount: 9.4k
Tumblr media
this is just
you are a creative person
you are a creative person
you ARE a creative person
ok maybe if you keep saying that in your head, it’ll come true
but fat chance
because you're still drawing a blank
your university professor JUST released the art final prompt
and it is the most broadest and vaguest prompt you've seen in your whole entire nineteen years of life
it sucks!!
like what the fuck?
how are you supposed to draw something that "calls to you"
what's that supposed to mean???
your best friend yoongi tries to help you interpret the wack prompt
but you really shouldn’t be trusting a guy who uses art sketchbooks as scratch paper to solve batshit crazy math problems for fun
it’s a no brainer that yoongi’s a no-nonsense chemical engineering major
in conclusion, he wouldn’t know aRT
not like you do anyways
he can barely draw a stickman. and he even has shitty handwriting (that’s so barely legible that he always gets called back after finals to translate his writing for the prof)
enough roasting your best friend though
especially when he’s actually trying to lend you a hand
“what calls to you…” yoongi trails off thoughtfully
he lets out a snort
“ha!” he says triumphantly. “y/n, i got it!”
“just draw a phone with your mother coming out of it!”
you frown. “i don’t get it”
yoongi sighs, shaking his head disdainfully
“because your mother literally calls you on the phone, y/n”
“i hate you”
yoongi is no help
“prof would flunk me if i turned a drawing like that in”
yoongi snorts. “or she’ll give you extra points for thinking literally. artists these days are so into thinking outside of the box. maybe you’ll be unique for being literal”
god no
being literal won’t fly with your professor
she’s the fucking queen of abstract art
if you hand her a painting of your mother coming out of a fucking phone, she might just burn the piece in front of your face
besides, you can’t draw something that doesn’t stir some sort of inspiration in you
no offense to your mother (but she’s also a no-nonsense physician)
yoongi’s just back at it again with his nonsensical advice
you’d expect better from the dude who does math for fun
“you know what?” you huff. “i can’t trust a guy who uses a freaking sketchbook to solve advanced calculus problems”
yoongi grins. “just tryna help, y/n”
“my god”
“wanna help me since i helped you?” yoongi teases
he holds up a stack of paper riddled with numbers with one too many digits and foreign symbols from the greek alphabet
you feel like you’re gonna puke
“aaaaand goodbye!” you say, standing up from your seat at the campus cafe. “i’m gonna go to the beach!”
“right now??”
“yeah why not?” you laugh, shrugging. “i need some inspiration!”
“but then i’m gonna look like a loner sitting here all by myself,” yoongi pouts
“then come with me, duh”
yoongi gives you a look of repulsion
“i hate the beach,” he grumbles
“fine,” you snort. “just call hoseok or something. i don’t know. but i’m leaving! bYe!!”
you can hear yoongi cursing at you under his breath and you laugh
he’s got such a mouth of a sailor that he honestly belongs on the beach—if not, the ocean
you pay his cursing no mind as you rush out the cafe and across the school campus
the literal reason you chose to attend this university was its close proximity to the beach
you’ve always been drawn to the waters
yoongi, on the other hand, only came here because of a scholarship
smart bastard
but he’s a good friend
it’s kinda sad you’re always hanging on the beach alone though
you don’t particularly fit in with the rowdy party crowds on the sand
and you don’t go there to flaunt your summer body in a bikini
you just go for
by the time you reach the beach, it’s nearly empty
when it’s nearing finals, no one dares to step foot on the warm sand because once you go in, there’s no way in hell you’re going back
some students learn the hard way
and then end up flunking their finals
it’s you
you’re ‘some students’
(to be fair, that was freshman year and you’re a sophomore now, so you won’t make the same mistake again!!)
okay… maybe
you’re on the beach and it’s nearing finals so maybe you haven’t learned your lesson
but in your defense, you’re only here for
the salty ocean breeze caressing your face
the smell of open waters
the brisk air
you would live on the beach if you could
there’s a small little rocky ledge at the far side of the beach that serves as your little private area you’ve been using since you got here
no one ever comes this far
so you just claimed the rocky ledge as yours
it’s where there are cute little crabs roaming about
where the bright orange starfish and sea anemones attach themselves to the rocks in the shallow tide pool and (maybe) watch you watch them
(you don’t exactly have extensive knowledge about ocean life lol)
omg there was even this one time when you saw a fish in the tide pool
granted, it was dEaD so you had to make yoongi carry it in a plastic bag and give it a proper burial ceremony
you love sea animals and plants!!
for a brief second as you crawl onto the rocky ledge you contemplate if you should draw a fucking fish for your art final
technically, it calls to you… right?
the late afternoon sun warms up your cheeks and you sigh, out, leaning back to admire the waves of the ocean lapping at the wet sand on the beach
if you just lie like this, basking in the sun… you’ll come up with an idea… right?
two hours later, you’re still stumped
“well, fuck,” you curse
the tide’s starting to come in and your feet are already underwater
it looks like you should just go back to your dorm at this point
you’ll find your ~inspiration~ tomorrow
you sigh
why can’t you think of a cool idea for fuck’s sake
what calls to me??
the only thing you can think of is a flobbering fish and your mom coming out of a phone (a tribute to yoongi)
you end up accidentally staying until the moon’s high in the sky
the waters have turned into a black oblivion and the tide’s so high, you have to shift up the rock to avoid making it look like you wet your pants
if you were a werewolf, you could draw the moon
because haha, get it? the moon calls to them!
but unfortunately, you are not a werewolf
“this sucks,” you huff
usually, you’re quick to come up with good ideas and it’s frustrating that for finals you can’t do the same
right when things actually matter
you look down from the sky to stare at your feet
maybe you’ll just stay here until you can come up with an idea
you aren’t gonna give up so soon
besides, the quiet sound of the undulating waves is so soothing
you stay a little longer, gazing at the twinkling stars and daydreaming of simpler times when your art teachers would tell you exactly what to draw without giving you vague-ass prompts to interpret
that’s when something catches your eye in the dark waters
illuminated by the starlight… you see… a…
“hey!” you shriek
okay now you’re 1000% sure there’s someone in the ocean right now
they have a head of bright turquoise hair and pale but toned arms
yet the person has their back turned to you so you can’t quite see their face (though you assume they’re attractive just based on the back of their head)
“hey!” you shout again
come to think of it,,,
are they skinny dipping in the fucking ocean???
freshmen these days!! they’re nuts!
“you’re gonna die of hypothermia!” you yell. “or a shark’s gonna bite your limbs off!”
very slowly
the kid turns around
and you nearly choke on your breath
because he is beautiful
not in a conventional tiktok boy way but in a mysterious manner
his alabaster skin glows in the starlight
his turquoise-colored hair is styled perfectly on his head, just swept gracefully across his forehead
his deep sea-green eyes sparkle as he cocks his head and stares at you
oh god
he’s definitely shirtless
“h-hey!” you call again, hoping you don’t sound desperate. “what are you doing??”
the boy doesn’t answer though
he just stares at you curiously, eyes glancing back and forth at your bare legs and your shocked face
normally, you’d be creeped out if a random guy decided to check out your legs, but for some reason, the boy doesn’t stare at you like he’s a predator
he just looks… curious
you gasp when he suddenly disappears underwater
“hey!!” you shriek
damn. maybe he just wanted to be alone
no biggie
you’ll just sit on the rock or something until he decides to talk?
or you can be like any other sane person and just go back to your dorm
a sudden splash of water jumps you out of your thoughts
you nearly fall back when the strange boy stares up at you from the ledge of the rock
he’s still submerged under the water up to his shoulders, but he leans against the rock and smiles at you
it’s as if he’s saying ‘hey, loud person, who won’t shut up. how are you today? nice to meet you’
at least you think that’s what he’s trying to convey to you
“hi?” you say, raising your eyebrows. “isn’t the water cold?”
the boy shrugs his shoulders then shakes his head
he seems friendly enough that you decide to continue talking to him
he has a strange alluring aura that makes you want to get to know him
before you know it, you’re scooting closer to the stranger
he doesn’t flinch when you’re close enough to touch his strangely dry head of beautiful hair
“woah,” you deadpan. “how’s your hair dry?”
the boy shrugs again, smiling mischievously
can he even talk??
or maybe he’s just being polite and he wants you to leave
maybe he’s naked?? and he actually is a skinny dipper
and he wants you to get the hell away from him so he can get into his clothes??
“do you want me to leave…?” you ask cautiously
the boy shakes his head
“oh… it’s just that you’re not talking to me so i just thought…” you trail off, uncertain
the boy laughs and it’s the only kind of sound you’ve heard from him since you first saw him in the waters a few minutes ago
and his laugh is just like the rest of him—beautiful
the boy touches his throat with one hand and shakes his head
you frown
the boy repeats the motion again and again until it finally clicks in your head
“wait, you can’t speak?” you say. “i’m sorry… i didn’t know!”
the boy smiles as if saying ‘it’s all right. you’re fine’
“i haven’t seen you around campus…” you start. “do you live around here?”
the boy shakes his head
“you just like late-night swims, huh?” you giggle. “i’d swim too but something about swimming in the ocean at night is super scary for me”
the boy laughs good-heartily. he points at you curiously, then gestures at the surroundings
“oh, why am i here?” you say
the boy nods his head
“i’m just trying to get inspiration,” you say. “i’m an artist”
the boy smiles widely. he raises his eyebrows and points at you
“yes, really!” you laugh. “wanna sit on the rock with me?” you say, patting the spot next to you. “you don’t have to be stuck in the ocean to talk to me”
the boy hesitates
he looks at you through his beautiful eyes and parts his pink lips
it’s as if he’s asking, ‘can i really sit next to you?’
“i don’t bite!” you laugh. “at least, the last time i checked”
the boy giggles
he reaches out and lightly touches your hand
you’re shocked when you realize his hands aren’t wet from the water
come to think of it, you are covered in more water droplets than the boy
something is a bit fishy around here
you slowly look up at the boy’s face
he shrugs but a mischievous, all-knowing smile plays on his lips
“what are you, a mermaid?” you snort
the boy looks offended, placing a hand against his chest and letting out a silent scoff
“sorry. i meant merman,” you roll your eyes. “better?”
you were only half-joking
but when the boy waves what looks like a fucking tail towards you, you nearly fall back
“WAIT!” you shriek
that better be a fucking costume
the boy laughs and he swims a bit away from the rock, only to do a backflip
that’s when you see that this boy is not really a boy
he’s a mythical mermaid???
with a sparkling turquoise tail and everything?? (on a side note, you have to appreciate the way it matches his hair)
deep breath in
deep breath out
you were never one to say that mermaids existed
but you weren’t one to say that they didn’t exist either
either you’re still dreaming or you just kinda befriended a mermaid—er, merman
“please tell me this is real!” you squeal, scooting closer to the waters so that your knees are submerged
when you were a kid and adults asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up, you said a mermaid
as you grew older, society drilled in your head that mermaids only existed in disneyland
so that was that
until now, of course
the boy pops up from the ocean again and he hoists himself up on the rock right next to you
he’s shirtless as mermen go, but that’s the least of your interests now
his tail comes up with him and he gestures towards it, allowing you to touch the shiny scales
“it’s beautiful!” you breathe, running your hands over the surprisingly silky tail. “i better not be dreaming right now”
the boy laughs. he points at your legs curiously in response as if to say, ‘i better not be dreaming too’
“you’ve never met a human??”
the boy shakes his head. he looks at you like you’re the most special person on the planet. and it makes sense too because you’re the only human he’s probably communicated with in his life
“wow… i guess there’s a first time for everything…”
the boy nods enthusiastically
“are you even allowed to approach people?”
the boy grins as if to say, ‘mAyBe’
“poseidon or some dude with a trident’s not gonna zap me with lightning for talking to you right??”
just a safety precaution!!
the boy laughs boisterously, head thrown back and eyes squinted
“well… i guess not,” you smile
you’ve never really been friends with someone… not human…
if yoongi heard you talking about this merman, he might call the psych ward on you
or you’re just batshit crazy and you’ve been imagining this in your head
the boy points at you politely, cocking his head
“my name?”
he nods vigorously
“i’m y/n!” you tell him
‘y/n…’ he mouths with his lips but you can’t hear it
“what’s your name?”
the boy presses his lips together, then as if a light bulb went off in his head, he grins
he mouths his name to you, lips pursing and parting with exaggerated movements
you squint
“daeyoung??” you guess
the boy snorts, shaking his head
he mouths his name again but this time with more emphasis in the beginning
“ohhhh! i got it!” you say excitedly. “taeyoung!”
the merman holds up a number one and nods but shakes his head when he holds up two fingers
“the second part’s wrong??”
he nods
“uhhhhhh, tae… young… young… something that rhymes with young…”
“oh!!” you shriek, “TAEHYUNG!!”
the merman claps his hands together gleefully
“am i good or what??”
taehyung pats you on the back as if to congratulate you for figuring out his name
“thanks,” you grin. “hey do you come here often? you know, on this rocky ledge”
‘yup,’ taehyung mouths. ‘i’ve seen you before,’ he mouths slowly so you can understand him
“woah. you watched me?”
taehyung bashfully looks away
“it’s okay! it’s okay!” you say. “i just hope i wasn’t doing anything embarrassing… like picking my nose or something. i’m always alone here”
taehyung grins, wiggling his eyebrows. it’s as if he’s saying that yes, he did see you picking your nose that one time
“well it’s a human thing,” you argue. “you wouldn’t understand!”
taehyung giggles. ‘sure, sure,’ he seems like he’s saying
you huff. “in my defense, i didn’t know anyone was watching!”
taehyung gives you a look as if telling you that was the lamest excuse ever
“whatever, tae,” you scoff. “i’m just flattered that you thought i looked interesting in the first place”
the merman grins wildly, making it quite obvious he likes the new nickname you had given him. he shrugs his shoulders and pokes your arm playfully. ‘friend!’ he mouths enthusiastically
“you wanna be my friend?”
taehyung rapidly nods his head
“hmmMm…” you pretend to think. “i’m a bit swamped with friends at the moment…” you fib. in reality, you only have like two best friends (yoongi and yoongi’s bestie, hoseok). but it doesn’t hurt to lie a little to tease tae
the merman’s lips pull down in a slight frown
but you snort and slap his bare shoulder
“kidding!” you giggle. “why would i say no to being your friend?”
taehyung rolls his eyes but he grins happily. he looks at you expectantly, almost as if he’s asking when he can see you next time
you’re starting to get the hang of reading taehyung’s expressions
“when can you see me next time?” you ask
taehyung nods
“well… finals are coming up… i reckon you don’t have mermaid school or whatever?”
taehyung shakes his head, grinning. ‘no school!’
“lucky,” you sigh. “but fuck finals!” you pump your fist in the air. “i’ll see you tomorrow!”
‘same time?’ taehyung inquires
the two of you shake hands to seal the deal
you would’ve spent hours on end talking to taehyung but he’s the one who points to the direction of the beach and mouths ‘you should sleep’
“i don’t need sleep!” you declare but unfortunately, that follows with an embarrassing yawn
taehyung gives you the look
“okay… maybe i do need sleep…”
taehyung giggles. he pushes your shoulder slightly, nudging you away from him
“and i can visit you tomorrow…” you reason
taehyung nods
“so maybe i should get sleep”
‘that’s it!” the merman laughs
so you say your lasting goodbyes and watch as taehyung dives away from the rock
when he’s gone, shining tail and all, you’re left dazed and confused
maybe you’ve been hallucinating???
if you were hallucinating, you’ll figure it out tomorrow when a cute merman doesn’t come to meet you at night
for now, you just need sleep to digest everything that had just happened
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you just woke up
and now you’re more unsure than ever that this… taehyung exists
what if you were so stressed out yesterday
that you were literally… seeings things
yoongi keeps asking you if you’re okay because you spaced out TEN times in ONE conversation
you keep trying to convince him that you’re fine
but yoongi knows you so well that he knows you’re definitely NOT fine
“i’m just tired!!” you tell your best friend
yoongi sCOFFS “so am i but you don’t see me spacing out like i saw a unicorn last night”
how do you tell yoongi that technically you did see something like a unicorn last night???
you won’t
because yoongi is a no-nonsense-old-fashioned-traditional-by-the-textbook-chemical-engineering-loving-student
he would never believe you
“wEll i’m sensitive!” you protest, crossing yours arms. “plus i’m still stressed about my art final”
“i thought you went to the beach to get inspiration!” yoongi points out
“errrrr…” you scratch your head. “i got distracted”
yoongi sighs. “aRt mAjOrs”
“excuse me, how dAre you???”
but yoongi just laughs it off, patting you on the back before announcing that he had to go study for his finals
you should be studying for your other finals too
but you end up doodling all over your notes
doodles of tAeHyuNg
every ten minutes, you force yourself to sTOP doodling to actually read your notes
but it never works
by night time, you’ve gotten nowhere
oh well
now you can go meet taehyung!!
if he exists…
what if your brain was actually playing games on you??
regardless, you swallow all sense of doubt and march out to the ocean
the beach is completely empty and you make use of the privacy, skipping along the sand and towards the rocky ledge
and sure enough, there’s no one there
maybe taehyung’s late
no, wait you’re early
so you’re gonna wait for the merman
and if he doesn’t come in… ten minutes, you’ll just leave and deem yourself absolutely bonkers
waiting is really boring
you keep thinking at least five minutes passed every time you look at your phone for the time
but, in reality, it’s always been less than forty seconds
you go back and forth between looking at the time to looking at the dark waters
you’re starting to get ANTSY
and doubt starts to settle in
if yoongi knew what you were doing right now, he’d laugh at you
oh god…
should you just… leave?
THAT’S when you see a familiar bob of turquoise hair in the waters
you let out a little shriek, scooting closer to the edge of the rock
“taehyung??” you call out
the figure leaps in the air like a gracious dolphin and dives back down into the opaque waters
two seconds later, the familiar merman leans against the rocky ledge and grins up at you
‘hey,’ he seems to say with his sparkling eyes. ‘missed me?’
“UM, YES!” you say. “i was starting to think i was going crazy”
taehyung chuckles deeply, the sound reverberating against the calm ocean waves
“i was worried you wouldn’t be here”
taehyung raises his eyebrows as if to say, ‘why wouldn’t i be here??’
“i don’t know! self doubt? maybe you have some underground castle you wanna hang around with your friends and family rather than come up to the surface to hang with me!”
taehyung shakes his head, laughing. he points to himself and mouths the word, ‘solo’
“really?” you raise your eyebrows. “no family or friends?”
taehyung nods. ‘SOLO!’ he declares silently, grinning
“are all merfolk like that??”
the merman shrugs. ‘never seen another’
“oh gosh, you must be lonely,” you say. “here.” you pat the place next to you. “sit on the rock with me”
taehyung obliges but he protests he’s not lonely by shaking his head
“what do you do by yourself all the time, then?”
taehyung grins mischievously
out of the corner of your eye, you see bubbles of water rising up from the surface of the waves. you gasp as they begin to float in the air
“bubbles!” you reach out to pop one, laughing when the remnants of the water splash against your cheek
the merman nudges you as if to say, ‘but wait! there’s more!’
the next thing you know, a huge floating water bubble splashes above your head, drenching you from head to toe
“vEry funny!” you scoff, trying to shake the water off yourself
taehyung gives you another one of his cheeky grins. ‘sorry,’ he mouths, but he does not look apologetic at all
‘but look! i can dry it!’
he waves his fingers at you and instantly, your sopping wet hair and clothes are dried. there’s even a ocean breeze smell that lingers on you now
“do you go around splashing people with water bubbles and drying them right after?” you accuse taehyung teasingly
he laughs boisterously, shrugging his shoulders. ‘mAybE’ is his answer
“you spend a lot of time on the surface, huh?”
taehyung shrugs. ‘maybe’
“not much of a fish dude?”
‘they’re creepy,’ taehyung answers
you howl with laughter. “and scary! like sharks, viperfish, hatchetfish… oh god,” you shiver. “i hate them. i can’t swim in the ocean. and i know most of the scary-looking ones don’t even live in the same ocean zone”
taehyung pokes at you. ‘scaredy-cat,’ he mouths
“am not!! how are you creeped out by fish when you’re half fish??”
taehyung scoffs. ‘my tail…’ he gestures majestically at his sparkling tail, ‘is not a fish tail’
“sure… fishboy”
taehyung raises his eyebrows and raises his hand as if to threaten to splash you with a water bubble again
“i was only joking”
taehyung laughs, poking at you then pointing to the waters. ‘wanna swim, though?’
“are you serious? i just told you i’m terrified!”
taehyung pouts, his pink lips pulling down into a sad frown
“that’s not gonna make me change my mind, tae”
‘just for a little bit!’ he protests
“i don’t even have my goggles, i can’t swim without them! and i’m not going in water that’s pitch black”
taehyung sighs. ‘fine!’
“i’m really good at swimming in the pool though,” you say. “i mean, they used to call me a mermaid. because i was really good at dolphin kicking. but then i watched a few underwater documentaries… and nope. never again. i am not going in the same waters that goblin sharks live in”
to your surprise, taehyung teasingly pokes your cheek. ‘cute,’ he mouths. ‘scaredy-cat,’ he adds
“show anyone a goblin shark and they wouldn’t be able to get in the water for a year!” you huff in response
‘never seen one,’ tae sings—if you could hear him, you imagine his voice would sound as soft as lavender with just a drizzle of rich honey
“doesn’t mean they don’t exist!” you argue. “maybe one day i’ll swim with you. but definitely not today”
technically, you just met the man—er, merman
you’re not so sure if you can trust him to console you of your great fear of the ocean
maybe once you get to know him a little better
you see
you’re very quick to make friends
you probably have a lot of acquaintances
they all know your name and you know theirs
but you probably could not name three facts about any of them. and they probably couldn’t think of three facts about you either
so yes, you tend to have shallow relationships with many
but if you find people you like, you cling to them
like yoongi and hoseok
you just hope taehyung won’t be one of your acquaintances
he better be one of your best friends
how cool is it to say your best friend is a merman????
very cool
‘cool’ is just not a word to describe you as yoongi often likes to point out
but you’ll show him
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you visit taehyung every day
for seven days
it’s been a full week
finals is closer than ever
you have like… five days to get your art final done
and you still haven’t gotten an idea
okay well you have an excuse
actually, you have excuses. plural.
because 1) you’ve forced yourself to fOrget about finals and 2) taehyung is wAy more interesting than any final you will ever take in your life
besides, all the time you spend on the beach is absolutely worth it
you and taehyung sometimes even meet before night falls, just before the sun’s setting so the two of you can prank the seagulls
(tae hates those little monsters-with-wings so he enjoys it a whole lot to dump water bubbles on their heads)
you help him prank the stupid birds by giving him moral support! that includes cheering him on when he successfully attacks an unsuspecting seagull and feeding him some cookies from your school cafeteria to keep him well-nourished
taehyung loves human food
he says he has to live off of clams and seaweed
which, isn’t all that bad (you love salted seaweed chips and clams), but imagine having a diet solely composed of seafood
so you bake kale chips for tae one day (nearly burning down the communal kitchen) and he enjoys it so much, for five days, you bring all sorts of good human food for him
by the end of the week, taehyung’s put on some pounds
you think he looks even more adorable with a bit of meat on his bones
taehyung just complains that his abs are starting to disappear
so one day, you bring a yoga mat and the two of you do some ab exercises off of youtube
of course, that led taehyung down the youtube rabbit hole
and once down that rabbit hole, it is very hard to resurface
after tae got ahold of gordon ramsay’s youtube channel, it’s all he watches when you come to the beach
in the end, you have to ban him from youtube because he almost took your phone underwater when you tried to get him to stop drooling over gordon ramsay and his incredible cooking skills
but taehyung prefers talking to you over watching youtube
at least you think
you hope
there is never a day you meet taehyung and it isn’t eventful
there’s always something to do with the fun-loving merman!
which makes it very, very easy to lose sight of iMporTAnt things… like, uh finals
so, today, five days before your art final is due, yoongi sits you down on your desk chair and sighs. “have you figured out your art final yet?”
it is a question that catches you off guard
“er… no”
“iSn’t it due in FIVE days???” yoongi shakes his head disapprovingly at you. “c’mon, y/n, don’t some artists take over a week to finish a painting??”
“well i can take uh, three days without sleeping if it really comes to that”
yoongi sighs. “you’ve been going to the beach every day. still no inspiration?”
“err… i got… distracted”
“do you want me to come with you today or something? so i can whip you back into shape and make sure you get properly inspired?” yoongi offers
“no!” you shout
yoongi raises his eyebrows
“i mean, um, no thank you, yoongs,” you stand up and pat yoongi’s head
he scowls at you
“i’ve got it all figured out!” you tell him very convincingly
but it is a lie
“rEally?” yoongi raises his eyebrows at you
“yes. don’t you worry, my friend.” you pat his head again
yoongi rolls his eyes. “okay, well, worse comes to worst, you can always use my terrific idea”
“never in a million years”
“oh well. wanna skip the beach today? i’m inviting hoseok over to watch a movie. you can come too, if you want”
“no can do,” you say, shaking your head. “i’m going swimming!” you hang your swim goggles in front of yoongi’s face
“in the dark?? in the ocean?? i thought you were afraid of gobbler sharks!”
“goblin sharks. not gobbler. and no. not anymore. i trust the waters now”
er, or, you trust taehyung
he’s been trying to convince you every day to swim with him
and every day you declined or made up some stupid excuse
but today is the day you will accept
you even prepared by wearing a bathing suit under your clothes
and you’re gonna bring your swim goggles
you’re so ready!!
you trust that taehyung won’t let the fish get to you
he promised and swore on his own beautiful tail
so he can’t possibly be lying
“oOokAyyyy…” yoongi says, giving you a strange look. “if you drown, can i have your comforter?”
“oh, shut up. i’m not gonna drown”
you huff. “whatever, yoongs. have fun watching that movie with hoseok. i’m gonna get going”
“i will. just don’t drown or something”
“i won’t”
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five minutes later, you’re terrified you’re going to drown
as you walk across the beach, you worry that you’re only walking to your death
what if you actually drown???
and taehyung can’t save you because the water’s so dark, he can’t even see you???
what if a jellyfish comes out of nOwHerE and stings you so hard you’re gonna be paralyzed forever????????
you think you might die
taehyung’s waiting for you on the rocky ledge as he always does
but today, he has a shit-eating grin on his face
he looks at your goggles and nods. ‘today’s the day!!’
you grumble. “this is not helping my stress”
taehyung cocks his head
“i’m stressed because of college, tae. lucky you. you wouldn’t understand”
the handsome merman snorts. ‘i wouldn’t’
he pokes at you as if to say, ‘tell me what’s wrong’
you sigh, plopping yourself down on the rock and looking down at your feet
“i have a really important painting i have to finish in five days…” you groan. “and my professor gave me an art prompt, you know, something i need to interpret and draw. but i can’t, for the life of me, figure out what i wanna paint”
‘hMmm,’ taehyung hums. ‘what’s the prompt?’ he mouths
“what calls to me”
‘what calls to you?’
“ugh. yeah. horribly vague, isn’t it? my friend suggested i draw my mother coming out of a phone”
taehyung cocks his head, curiously
“yeah, it’s stupid. so i’m stuck. and the final’s due in five days. but i was totally forgetting about it until yoongi decided to bring it up. and now i’m stressed”
the merman giggles
“this isn’t funny!!” you protest
but the merman giggles again
when you give him a disdainful look, taehyung dives into the ocean and pops his head out, waving at you to come in
you sigh, staring at your goggles. reluctantly, you put them on
once you strip down to your swimsuit, you stare hesitantly at the opaque ocean. you crouch down just before the water, contemplating and contemplating
suddenly, something grabs your arm and you’re tugged into the ocean
you sCreAm bloody murder and voila, now salt and fish feces water is up your noise
how wonderful
but two strong hands hold your waist and you’re able to resurface
the water’s cold, but not freezing cold at least. and taehyung’s actually really warm against your skin
“you fucking dragged me in!!!” you shriek after coughing the water out of your lungs
you hit tae’s bare chest in agitation
the little shit just shrugs and grins at you
you huff, wrapping your legs tightly around taehyung’s hips. “if you let me go, my friends are going to find you and roast you. literally”
taehyung chuckles. ‘i won’t let you go,’ he seems to tell you with a meaningful look on his face
“you better not!” you tell him
he laughs at you, softly touching your forehead with the back of his hand. instantly, you feel much, much warmer. even cozier in the supposedly freezing waters
even the water weighing down the hair on your head feels lighter. when you reach out to touch it, you realize it’s completely dry
“woah,” you breathe. “that’s so cool…”
you forget that you’re even supposed to be mad at the merman
taehyung grins at you, petting your hair. ‘i know, right?’ he seems to say with his twinkling eyes
he motions at you to take your goggles off
“what?? are you crazy? i can’t survive without these! i am not opening my eyes in salt water, tae”
the merman shakes his head, laughing. ‘it won’t sting your eyes’
“why? did you put a magical charm on me or something?”
taehyung shrugs. ‘mAyBe’
you sigh, skeptical
‘i’m trying to help,’ tae mouths. ‘it’s for your art final’
you raise your eyebrows doubtfully
‘i’m serious’
“why, is there something cool underwater?”
taehyung nods. ‘you need your eyes open’
you wrap your legs tighter around the merman. “so… you’re gonna show me… something underwater… that will help me with my art final??”
the merman nods enthusiastically
he ruffles your hair and pinches your cheek. ‘trust me’
ohhHHhhh if you didn’t trust him, you wouldn’t be clinging onto him for life right now
“promise you won’t let me go??”
you hold out your pinky for taehyung
he cocks his head. ‘what is that for?’
“pinky promise??”
oh man
that might just be a human thing
silly you
“oH uh, nEver mInd th—”
you try to retract your pinky but taehyung stops you
he slowly pulls up his own hand, his pinky jutting out awkwardly
‘like this?’ he questions, poking at your pinky with his
you have to stifle a laUgh
“um, not quite,” you say. “you have to wrap your pinky around mine. yeahh, like that. and then it’s a pinky promise! it’s practically illegal to break a pinky promise”
taehyung nods. ‘i won’t break it’
“okay good! uh…” you look warily at the dark waters. “what is it that you wanted to show me?”
taehyung grins. suddenly, you’re submerged underwater again and you let out a scream
but you can’t hear yourself
not because you’re choking on the water, no
it seems like… you can breathe????? UNDER THE WATER????
you hug taehyung tighter and try to scream at him to stop plunging you in the ocean without a warning
but no sound comes out of your lips
‘taehyung!” you shriek soundlessly
“open your eyes, y/n…” a deep, resonate voice tells you
you nearly gasp in shock
was that… was that taehyung’s voice? his speaking voice????????
“it’s okay… you’re protected under a charm,” his mellifluous tone soothes you. “you’re able to breathe underwater, y/n. but you won’t be able to speak.” he laughs, which sounds very familiar to your ears. “how the tables have turned!”
“how good it feels to finally speak to you!!” taehyung laughs. “you don’t have to hold me in a vice grip anymore,” he snorts. “i won’t let you go. we pinky promised, remember?”
you groan in your head. ‘i-i can’t. i can’t do it, tae’
“aww, y/n…” you hear taehyung softly pet your hair. “take your time”
‘i can’t open my eyes. i-i’m sorry’
you can see the blackness through your eyelids. and there is no way in hell you’re going to open them
fine, you trust taehyung. and sure, the water may not sting your eyes
and on top of all that, you can fucking breathe underwater thanks to tae, but no
you’re still scared
you’re scared of what you’re gonna see
or what you won’t see because the ocean is probably pitch black
you just try to focus on taehyung’s beautiful, deep voice. it seems to reverberate through the ocean waves even after the sound hits your ears
“it’s okay,” he says. “don’t be sorry.” he holds you tighter against his bare chest. “you don’t have to see what i wanna show you anyway”
you make a confused grunt sound in the back of your throat
“you can hear it”
but of course taehyung can’t hear you. nor can he see you with your chin resting on his shoulder
“what calls to you, huh?” taehyung says in his syrupy voice. “i have a good idea”
then, to your utmost shock, he begins to sing
“where the sea breeze whispers
past your listening ears
and gently caresses your lips
there lies a great ocean
the waves undulate under the dark sky
under these waters
is a lonely merman
he longs, waits for a friend
a lover,
anyone who will save him
from his solitude
where the sea breeze whispers
where the great ocean lies
where the waves undulate under the dark sky
where the lonely merman waits
under these dark waters”
your insides melt
taehyung’s honey voice entrances you and you squeeze you eyes shut even tighter
a rush of inspiration washes over you
you shiver
oh god
you didn’t have to open your eyes after all
you don’t have to see it to feel the immense amount of emotion, love, sincerity interwoven to taehyung’s song
it’s the most beautiful music you’ve heard in your life
and it pains you that taehyung’s stopped singing
you’re speechless, pulling away from taehyung so he can read your lips. ‘that… that was so beautiful…’
“thanks,” taehyung chuckles deeply. “i sing that song a lot when i’m bored”
‘your voice…’
“i know. too bad i can only sing underwater, right? if i could do this on the surface, i’d serenade you all day every day”
‘i’ll come underwater with you,’ you mouth before you can stop yourself
then you pause
you suppose being underwater isn’t so bad
it’s just dark since your eyes are closed
but you’re warm in taehyung’s arms
and you can even breathe too
if you can hear taehyung’s voice and hear him sing, then surely, that is a tiny sacrifice you can make
“you’re gonna come underwater with me?? again??” taehyung seems in disbelief. “you already seem uncomfortable now!”
‘no i’m not!’
and to prove it, you force your eyes open
immediately, you’re so taken aback, your grip on taehyung loosens
the merman catches you before you slip away
‘o-oh…’ you breathe
the ocean is not as dark as you had imagined it
in fact, there is a halo-like light that surrounds taehyung
it illuminates his face, his hair, his whole body
he is like a walking—er, swimming—star
the light shines further out into the dark seas, making the water sparkle
‘oh…’ you breathe again
“nothing to be scared about right?” taehyung snorts. “scaredy-cat”
he bops you on the nose
you’re so in awe, you don’t even mind
“are you inspired now?”
oh!! right!! your art final!!
you were almost distracted again (even after taehyung just dangled the answer in front of your face!!)
your fingers feel tingly
and your head whirls with ideas
taehyung’s voice, his song, his whole being…
it calls to you
he just saved your ass
in one single song!!!
‘god, i’m so happy i could kiss you!’
and you’re not even joking
“kiss me??” taehyung seems taken aback, but he grins. “kiss?”
the way he seems curious about it, you’re not quite sure he even knows what that is
‘do you… do uh, merfolk kiss?’ you ask cautiously
taehyung smiles. “let’s find out”
his eyes sparkle as both of you begin to lean into each other
you take it slowly, admiring his alabaster skin, pink cheeks and rosy lips
he stares into your eyes and gently tucks your hair behind your ear
right before you move in to kiss his lips, he leans in to rest his forehead against yours
taehyung’s eyes flutter close and he sighs as you stay still in his arms, confused
but you decide to go with the flow, keeping your foreheads together as you close your eyes too
it’s an intimate moment
you, resting your forehead against his while under the same ocean you were once so scared of
you, feeling emotionally attached to a merman
you, dreaming of kissing taehyung. properly. you know, on the lips and whatnot
when taehyung finally pulls away, he grins
“wasn’t that a nice kiss?” he whispers, touching your cheeks and giggling just at the thought of it
how do you break it to him
that forehead touching is not really… the kissing you were thinking of
‘well…’ you giggle. ‘in the human world… um…’
“in the human world…?”
‘we kiss with our lips’
“oh!” taehyung exclaims. he scratches his head. “lips????”
‘like this!’
with that, you tug him into a kiss. a proper one this time
he melts in your arms, sighing as he leans forward and instinctively closes his eyes
you let yourself relax too
and god what the fuck
his lips feel so soft
is there a special ocean chapstick he uses???
does he use some special sand as a lip scrub??????
and even though he probably hasn’t kissed the human way before,,,
man he knows what he’s doing
it makes you think for a hot second
you’re making out with a merman
… under the sea
this is what your life has become
and honestly, you can’t complain
taehyung’s the first to pull away, panting slowly. “i didn’t think my breath could ever be taken away,” he grins cheesily
‘you’re welcome,’ you grin back, slightly breathless yourself
“so… now that i’ve given you amazing inspiration… don’t you need to write it down somewhere?”
‘oh!’ you gasp. ‘right!’
you need to get started on painting as soon as possible!!! you can’t ever forget the feeling of taehyung… singing for you. but something about painting it when the memory’s fresh promises the best results
what calls to you…
you smile
a goddamn merman!!
you’re so gonna ace this art final
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you paint nonstop for four days
although you want to, you can’t even visit the beach
because you absolutely HATE it when your workflow is stopped
so you have to keep on painting until you finish
you force yoongi to go out on the beach and lay some cookies on your special rocky ledge. he frowns at your strange directions
“i dOn’T thInK yOu sHouLd fEeD tHe sEaGuLlS, y/N. iT’s gOnNa iNtErRuPt tHe eCoLoGicAl bAlaNce,” yoongi says very knowledgeably
oh god
you tell him to shut up
he pats your head and walks out toward the beach with the cookies
at least he doesn’t ask questions
you just hope taehyung takes the cookies as an apology
you don’t want him to think after you kissed him, you ditched him!! you’re just busy with your art final!!!
so you also make yoongi sneak in a note and a slice of cake the next time
except yoongi comes back in ten minutes and aSks: “WHO’S TAEHYUNG???”
you gulp
but you pretend you can’t hear yoongi as you continue painting on your canvas
the perfect, bright turquoise color was very hard to recreate with paints, but you somehow managed. you just need to add some finishing touches and your beautiful painting of your merman friend will be finished
you know yoongi secretly admires your art skills, but he laUghs when he sees you painting a merman
“is that a siren???”
“a mermaid, then?”
“a merman,” you say. “and he’s singing the most beautiful song in the history of songs”
yoongi laughs. “sure, sure. looks nice, though.” he steps closer to the canvas. “really like what you did with his facial structure or whatever. and his hair color. pretty tail too. i did not know you had the capacity to imagine that hard”
you huff. well, technically… you didn’t imagine that. but you’re not going to admit it with yoongi
“i’m more talented than you think,” you snort, stretching back and picking at the paint dried to your fingers. “if i close my eyes, i can almost hear him sing to me”
“um, i think you fell in love with your own painting,” yoongi snorts
“oh, leave me alone”
yoongi raises up two hands in defense. “okay, well, the final’s due tomorrow, right? are you done?”
“well…” technically, yes. but… “i’m gonna go to the beach”
“wait a minute, with your painting??? dude, what if a seagull snatches it away? what if the paint chips? leave your painting! that’s your final”
“i’ll be careful!”
“your idea of careful is reckless”
you sigh. “well, i’ll be extra careful!”
yoongi can’t argue with you after that. 1) because he knows you’re stubborn and won’t give up and 2) because when you say you’re gonna be extra with anything, you go all out
you take nearly twenty minutes getting to the beach because you walk very slowly with your painting in both hands. you hold the painting above your head so sand won’t fly onto it
and you check out for those nasty seagulls because sometimes they decide to shit on people’s heads
if they decide it’s a good day to shit on your final, it’s over
nevertheless, you need to show your masterpiece to taehyung
when you get to the rocky ledge, you call for the merman
in just a few seconds, taehyung pops up his head from under the water
“were you waiting for me?” you laugh. “did you get the cookies and cake i sent?”
taehyung nods, grinning as he begins to swim toward you. he points curiously at the canvas in your hands
“it’s my art final,” you explain to him. you turn it around so taehyung can see it
he gasps
‘that’s me???’
‘you didn’t draw my abs!!’
“well, can’t draw what you don’t have,” you giggle, teasing the pouting merman. he huffs
‘i like it, though’
“reallY??” you gush. “that’s all i wanted to hear!!”
you set the painting down carefully to the side and scoot closer to the rocky ledge
taehyung rests his hand on your forehead before cupping your cheek. he grins before cocking his eyebrows and pulling your head underwater
‘taehyung!!!’ you shriek
“i just wanted to tell you how beautifully you drew me,” taehyung laughs, booping your nose. “i mean, i’m much, much better looking in real life, but the colors. you’re very talented, y/n”
you smile. ‘well, i did try really har—”
taehyung interrupts you by kissing you. he misses your lips the first time and gets the corner of your mouth, but the second time, his lips meet yours perfectly
the heavenly moment would’ve lasted wayyy longer if it weren’t for the:
you let out a silent shriek and taehyung’s eyes widen. both of you break apart from the kiss and taehyung suddenly dives deep down into the ocean
and right when the merman is out of your range, you can’t breathe nor see clearly in the ocean anymore
when you get your head out of the waters, you’re a choking, coughing mess
you wipe away the droplets of water streaming down your face before you look up to see yoongi
“are you bobbing for fish in the ocean?” yoongi snorts. “for fuck’s sake, y/n, you can’t just leave your art final around like this!”
your best friend picks up your precious painting of taehyung and sighs. “what were you doing?”
“i, uh…” you touch your lips. “i was… uh… i dropped my ring in the water”
yoongi narrows his eyes. “you don’t even wear jewelry”
“okay fine. i was just trying to meet the merman of my dreams underwater”
at that, yoongi raises his eyebrows. “cool,” he says
“cool??” is that all he had to say?
“well, yeah. mermaids are cool”
yoongi’s so chill with it that you’re unchill
“are you sure??” you say.
“am i sure that it’s whatever?” yoongi snorts. “yes? c’mon, let’s go watch a ocean life documentary with hoseok or something. finals is gonna be over soon, so we should celebrate starting now”
okay well
this is chill then
yoongi is chill
you suspect he doesn’t believe you, even though you told him the truth
you could probably tell him that you kissed taehyung, a merman, but he would probably laugh it off
your best friend is quite strange. no-nonsense. sensible. rational.
but you love those things about him
yoongi helps you carry your art final back to the dorms. but just before you step off the rocky ledge, you turn around
taehyung’s waving at you very discreetly, so you smile and wave back
yoongi never notices a single thing
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it’s over now
finals is over
which means,,, IT’S BEACH TIME
unfortunately, everyone in the whole fucking school think’s it’s beach time too
even late at night, there are still a few idiots on the beach drinking the last of the beer they stashed away
it’s hard to meet taehyung just because the lack of privacy
you wait and wait and wait on the rocky ledge, but you know, with so many people, taehyung probably wouldn’t want to come out of hiding
it’s one thing for a merman to trust one girl
it’s another for a merman to trust fifty rowdy college students
but you have a feeling taehyung is always close by
you visit the rocky ledge every day, singing some of your own little songs (though you’re not a very good singer, you try)
you even talk to taehyung like he’s there, listening to you
but it starts to get lonely
there are so many people on the beach, but the one being you want isn’t here
you sigh, wiggling your toes that have become pruned due to the salty water. “i never thought i’d be saying this,” you say. “but i miss finals week”
taehyung would have laughed if he was with you now
god, you miss him
“or maybe you’re in the water right now, waiting for me to jump in…”
you sigh again. “or maybe you’ve migrated or something. do you even have to migrate? i have no idea…” you trail off, looking at the blue waters lapping at the sides of the rock
cautiously, you dip one foot in
the water’s cool, but not completely freezing
you dip the other foot in
you can do this
you’ll just…
jump in
and if taehyung’s not underwater, you’ll just… leave for the day
you’re supposed to hang out at a computer cafe with yoongi and hoseok anyway
okay deep breath in
deep breath out
goblin sharks don’t even live near the shallow part of the ocean… right?????
so you’re safe, right????
unless there’s a lemon shark or something
oh fucking god
you shouldn’t have watched that ocean documentary with your friends
but the need to see taehyung surpasses everything
you close your eyes
pinch your nose with your fingers
and you JUMP
and immediately you gasp because fuck the water’s cold
lowkey, your heart nearly stops because of the sudden rush of cool water surrounding your whole body
and right when you think you should swim back to the surface, a pair of strong arms hold you, and a soft hand taps at your forehead
“hello, you”
‘TAEHYUNG!’ you open your eyes and see your favorite merman staring at you
“the beach is crowded these days, isn’t it?” he grins
‘i know! pesky people!’
taehyung laughs. “i made another song while you were gone. nice singing, by the way. i heard you a couple days ago”
you flush. ‘i can’t sing! but um, can i hear your new song?’
taehyung nods, clearing his throat
he holds your hands to his chest and begins to sing
“where the sea breeze whispers
past your waiting ears
and gently kisses your lips
there lies a beautiful ocean
the waves ripple beneath the awakened sky
under these waters
is a happy merman
he’s found his friend,
his lover,
his treasure that has saved him
from his solitude
where the sea breeze whispers
where the beautiful ocean rests
where the waters ripple beneath the awakened sky
where the happy merman lives
under these sparkling waters”
‘you changed the lyrics!!’
taehyung nods. “i think it’s much more fitting, don’t you think?”
the two of your resurface from the waters, gripping each other tightly
your hair is completely dry and it blows in the light breeze
the sunlight warms your face and turns taehyung’s cheeks even rosier
oh god
your heart skips a beat
but you try to calm down before you wrap your arms around taehyung’s neck and pull him close
the moment your forehead touches his, you close your eyes and it feels like there’s nothing else in the ocean, on the beach, except you and taehyung
the two of you may never speak out loud in the same place as you’re kept silent in the ocean and taehyung’s kept silent on land
sometimes, you don’t even need words
gazes, actions, little touches here and there
they speak in louder volume than words
you don’t even have to say you love taehyung. he doesn’t have to say it either
it’s as if both of your hearts, your actions proved it
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calypsoff · 4 years
Eight. Part 5
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Who would have thought Chris’ bed was comfy, I think it’s just the fact I know he has slept in this “mhmm” laying onto my back, then again I bet he has had sex with her in this, now I am angry and want to get out of this bed, see now I have set myself up to be angry all day with him and he won’t even know why but honestly, I need to get out of this bed. Jay Brown and I had a little argument for ditching him the way I did so I do need to go back today and finish off my album, but to have seen Chris and to know he is stable, I can rest easy to know this. I do not ever regret coming here, I would rather delay a whole album and miss out on money, I am happy I did. When Chris was saying all those things to me, I just felt myself defrosting, I put this cold barrier up because I was so angry with him, I was angry at him so much that he did what he did to me, it hurt. But when he spoke to me, to see him breakdown slowly by slowly, like that barrier he put up came down and I didn’t expect him to say sorry to me about the sex the night before we left, I wasn’t expect an apology for it but he was so sincere and he felt bad about it, I think it happened and I am not angry at him but because we was not getting along anyways, that happened but I am just happy he spoke to me, and he’s made me feel love again, and I just get all giddy inside when he says he loves me, I just didn’t expect it from him. I came here just to see him because he is my friend no matter what, but I got more then I wanted from this, I just need to think about him. Chris is very sensitive, he’s very big on being the man of the house and I don’t ever want to take that away from him. I need to think carefully but taking it slow will help him. Pushing the covers off of my body, swinging my legs around to get out of bed.
I had to clean the mess I made, I had to also clean the mess Rich decided to make because he made breakfast, which was sweet of him but still, I had to clean that mess. Now it’s the afternoon and it’s getting late, but I have finally finished the clean-up, thank god “I never want to share a bathroom with you again, don’t ever tell anyone this happened” Rich laughed, he laughed so hard “am I that bad?” shaking my head “no, I am joking but you sure do make a mess cooking, don’t ever try to cook again” I pointed at him “got you, so we going to the hospital and then going to Miami?” nodding my head “yes, hold this” holding the book Chris has been drawing in “we taking it?” he took it from me “yes, I want him to know I know” I winked twirling around “also I want to take him some food before I go, take him something nice so he can eat. I mean he is already skinny and hairy, well on the face but I need to make sure he eats” putting my coat on “so you want to mother him?” Rich isn’t wrong “possibly but he’s my friend, you look after friends” zipping my coat up “is he your friend or lover?” Rich is pushing today “he is my friend first, because no matter what happens to us I know that foundation is there. If we don’t end up being anything, we will always be friends and I love that about us” I smirked at Rich “good answer, let’s go then. Also this apartment is dope you know, for him” nodding in agreement, it is nice.
I have every part of my face covered, I look crazy as hell, but I can’t be too relaxed, I do not want to be pointed out and for news headlines to hit that I am here, then exposing Chris to that mess that he isn’t ready for. I get where he is coming from, I get what he means because being famous is not fun. I mean it has its perks but being harassed by the things you do, I know my manager is going to lose his mind to know I want to be with Chris, an ex convict. They will bring up his past and I don’t want that for him but it’s going to happen, if we do actually be together. I want to keep him a secret for as long as I can “aye, turn here” Rich said, I was here walking straight ahead “his room is here, just wait here. I will check first” nodding my as I looked up to see where I will stand, looking back down “won’t be a minute” resting against the wall as I waited out for Rich to come and get me, I hope he is alone. I mean I have no issues with his friends, but we can’t say or do anything without them teasing him and then Chris gets all shy with me, he kind of plays it all off because they are teasing him “clear” Rich said to me, thank god “is it empty?” I have to ask “it is” moving my hood back walking into the room, the cutest smile on Chris’ face, I haven’t seen this kind of smile before.
I am so glad to be taking my coat off “I was thinking where you were at? Took your time” placing my coat on the chair “miss me huh?” he shook his head “I was bored, so my apartment is ok yeah? You slept well” I won’t be telling tell him how I got angry at the thought some other girl slept there, I will keep that to myself “it was nice, thank you. I changed your bed covers and cleaned. Your mom never cleaned it like she said, I took time because I cleaned your place after sleeping in your bed. I noticed though, you had one bar of soap in the shower. What the fuck is that all about?” Chris busted out laughing and then winced in pain “ok, don’t make me laugh. Ah god, you know what. When you left, Barry said why you let Rihanna, a multi-millionaire in your wack apartment that doesn’t have a working heater in the living room, I was like oh shit. But I got the little portable thing. And yeah, I mean. That soap has been places, hope you ain’t use it? I am used to being locked up. I am a simple man Robyn. But to me, you’re Robyn. Like I should have let you gone to a hotel, so you use it?” he grinned looking up at me, he needs to fix himself “well we aren’t in jail now, I am not going to ask what else you washed with that but it ends now, yeah?” I pointed at him, he shook his head “it’s soap?” he is nasty “Chris, it ends here. You can’t be using a bar of soap for everything, but anyways. I bought you food, how nice am I?” he cooed out as I put the Chick fil a on the table “oh wow, thank you. Like I legit feel ill just eating this food” I snorted laughing “I think you can handle anything with the fact you use one bar of soap for everything” I said pushing the table to him “you not going to drop that, are you?” shaking my head “you nosey, shouldn’t be looking at that” opening the bag for him “I cleaned ok, and even then you barely had products” Chris will regret letting me go there, I won’t drop it until he fixes that.
Chris is hard work “nigga you broke two fingers, your other hand works!” I spat, placing the two pieces of burger down having had to break it in two with my hands “got food in my nails” licking my fingers, he is a pain. Like I love he treats me normal, but I think it’s going to scare him that out there I am something else, I am not a different person but to them I am “I think I am hard” he has been laying there watching me “don’t watch me lick my fingers then, will you eat please. I even got you a fruit cup, to be nice a healthy” I think he is purposely being a pain in the ass “I swear Chris, I am going to beat your ass” watching half of the salad fall out of the burger and onto himself “I am disabled!” he said with a mouth full of food “I quit, I ain’t being your carer” he placed the burger down and then proceeded to not lick his fingers but lick his whole hand “oh my god” I breathed, I don’t know what I saw in him “you have big tongue” he looked over at me smirking “mhmm I do, it’s good for a lot of things. Even licking my hand, can you feed me? Man this is not working, no wonder these white folks giving me soup” he is hard work.
I won’t ever give him food again, I decided “are you full now?” he looks pleased “I am, I need to sleep now” he can wait for that “I am going Chris, well I will be soon if you can keep your eyes open for me, please” he looked a little sad that I said that “damn, that quick?” walking over to the chair to sit down “yeah, work calling. It’s not all fun and games, looks it but they are working me. Working me hard, I just want to talk to you before I go” sitting down slowly “sure, I am listening” he is a cutie “so I just want to say thank you for apologising, like I didn’t think you would have apologised for what happened that night. I mean it’s nothing I am holding against you, but to hear you even think about saying sorry for that, it shows me you do care and it makes me happy. The conversation was hard for you, I felt you in every way and I just really want to say that you have made me coming here even more worth it, I am happy. It’s funny because Rich was asking me are we lover or friends and I said friends because I don’t ever want that to change, because once we put that before a relationship if that happens, and anything happens then we will end up bitter. To know how you feel, to hear you speak on things from the past, you remember so much but it’s scary for you, for me. For both of us and I think we just need to take it slow and build on that” I just wanted to say that, probably wasn’t that informative “yeah, yeah. I mean it’s hard, feelings are difficult, emotions can get high. It can make you do things, stupid things a long the way” nodding in agreement “I don’t want you to see me like the rest do, I like that peace with you. For you to see me as me, you’re my peace here in America. I go to Barbados and I get peace there but with you, I want you to remain the same” I hope he does “always, you my Barbadian cherry” he is cute “so where does that exactly leave us, I mean like in terms of what we are. I mean does this mean we friends and for example, have sex elsewhere or is it we friends and don’t fuck with anyone else?” he is up front “what do you think?” let him answer this “what do you want? Like you said the two options because it’s true, least we can decide and then we can’t be angry at one another about it?” Chris chewed on his bottom lip, I am making him decide now “I don’t want another man to touch your body or to even see the beauty spot on your back, we friends but I don’t think we should bring anyone else into this, I am not like that, I am not a guy to be playing one girl to another girl” if I could hug him I would, that is the best answer because I would have said the same “I agree” I said in a whisper.
Reaching into my bag, picking out the book. Chris’ eyes widened “how you get that!?” he spat “Rich found it in your living room, he said a picture of me dropped out. Then I saw” opening the page “this” holding the book up “you drew me?” Chris got shy and put his head down “that is a real old book, did you look through it all? I never finished it before I got locked away, that book I took from school and never gave it back but look in the back of it, you see why it’s old” turning the book back to me, now I am scared on what he has drawn. Turning the book to the back “don’t you remember the book Robyn, this is the book I would open on lunch and you would think I was doing homework” seeing various both pen and pencil drawn images “that is our hands, pinkie promise. Oh my god yes, you wrote it here” I chuckled “Chris, wow. These are like” I drifted off, he has drawn different parts of me, like there is many on this page but it’s details and it’s all me “what?” I said looking up at him “so because lunch wasn’t long, it took me a while to do it so every day or when I can would pick out things of you, so that is why it’s like weird random face features but it’s so I can always know how to draw you, so when I did draw you, it looked amazing” I am so speechless, placing my hand over my mouth in shock “life has been pretty shit for me Robyn, so I can only apologise for not being me” I am speechless “no man has ever, god I can’t speak” I am in shock.
He has stunned me, I am in shock “you have always been so talented Chris, and I want to help you excel that. And I am not looking down on you, I am not doing it because we are together or whatever but because you are my friend. I would do this for any of my friends but when you want me to help you, then I am here for you. I just know you can do so much with this talent, and besides. The long hours in Amazon doesn’t fit with your talent but this is down to you, but right now. I love this book, but I ill give it back because I want you to add to it” placing the book on the table “next will be our kids in that book” I laughed lightly “kids? Not for a while but yes, why not” he needs to not be stubborn, I don’t want to sound pushy or seem like it’s my way if you want to be with me but his life will change if we do end up being together, I won’t have him working like a dog while I am sat relaxing, it will not happen and I won’t let it.
Chris and I have been so engrossed in the little conversations we have had, we have spoke on a lot things and stupid things that it is now night fall “oh by the way, why has nobody come to see you?” I am confused “I asked them not too, I knew you would be coming, and I didn’t want them to interrupt us, I didn’t want any family members coming and seeing you, I don’t want people to harass you for being Rihanna, you know. Just got to be careful” he is going to be the man that takes care of my sanity, I need this “thank you” getting up from the chair “I have had a good time here, Virginia always bringing me some joy buy it’s time I go, like it’s late already too” I stretched out “man, that is wack so we going to concentrate on us yeah?” grabbing my coat from the chair “just us yes, but I will be a little busy but I will text you as I do, let you know what I am doing” don’t want him to think I am ignoring him “ok, you going to give me a kiss?” he asked, very bold of him “uhm, after seeing that soap and to think what you do, no” Chris groaned out “you not going to leave it alone” zipping my coat up “do better then, I want better for you” shuffling over to the bed “please be safe, I won’t harass you now but soon I will” leaning over and pressing a kiss to his forehead, placing my hands at the side of his face feeling the beard between my fingers “call me when you want too” pressing a kiss to his lips.
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mini-cryptid · 5 years
Who Are You, Really?
Chapter One - Rebel
Word count: 5,428
First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Warnings: Non-graphic character death, vomiting
[81 Years Ago, 1920
Richie had been residing in the neibolt house the day he had met him, he had been quietly watching from his favourite spot up in one of the higher windows of the house, it was were he frequented the most, reading something that humans had made, a ‘comic book’ was what the human at the market place had called it those many years ago when Richie had first gotten it.
This one kind of reminded Richie a bit of himself, the character in the pictures had abilities to that of the creature humans had named ‘spiders’. Richie supposed that's what he was- well at least partly considering Richie had a very much more human appearance than a spider, the only parts of him not being human being the extra set of limbs and the more sharpened teeth- to the point where they were almost like fangs. 
Richie blinked looking at the extra set of limbs that he had currently curled around himself in a sort of protective- and comforting matter, blowing a soft sigh as his gaze went from the comic book down to the street, basking in the idea of what it would be like had Richie been born human, just another clueless one who could live out a limited but happy life.
It was an odd thought to occur to him but the more he dwelled on it the more he wished it was true, he wasn’t entirely sure why he thought this way, all he knew was that he did not enjoy his current life and ways one bit at all, but what can you do when it's all your made for? All he can do is dream.
Richies eyebrow quirked up as he looked below to see an alone someone enter the house, he had been so caught up in his thoughts he hadn’t even noticed them walk up to the house until now, closing the comic book and putting it to the side for later Richie allowed his extra limbs to deform, crunching and folding up into his back and he allowed his eyes to return to a normal deep brown rather than the black sclera and bright orange pupils they naturally sat at.
Flicking his eyes back down towards the street to see that the human was no longer standing out the front and instead must have entered the house, Richie huffed getting off from his seat at the window and begrudgingly shuffling down the stairs, from where he was he could hear the young boy mumbling to himself something about “a stupid dare” and “if I die I’m sueing those fuckers.” which caused Richie to relax a bit, just some stupid kids doing stupid stuff.
It probably caused him to relax a bit to much as he wasn’t focusing on where the kid probably was in the house anymore, so when he rounded the corner at the bottom of the stairs, the last thing he expected was to hear an ear-piercing shriek and a sudden blow to the side of his head, and with an “Ow! Fuck!” He fell to the ground, his glasses being knocked off his face.
His hand moved up to rub at the side of his head as he looked up to see the same young boy standing over him with a baseball bat in hand and a horrified look on his face as he quickly dropped it in favor of kneeling down next to Richie, his hand scrambling for the others fallen glasses, “Holy shit dude, I’m so fucking sorry- you scared the crap out of me!”
Richie gratefully took back his glasses as they were offered to him, blinking as he turned to them as they offered a hand which Richie cautiously took, “I’m Finn Tozier,” He said as their hands shook, “And you are?” He inquired as their hands separated, Richie frowned, narrowing his eyes at the human,
“Richie,” He finally grunted as a response as the both of them stumbled back up to their feet, Richie using the currently peeling wall beside him as support as he looked towards the boy to take in more features of him, the first and most confronting thing was that this was not a kid, rather he looked more in his mid-to-late teenage years. The second was that he was at least 6ft tall, causing him to practically tower over Richie, but he wasn’t tall in a threatening way, he was scrawny, and his limbs were lanky and he looked rather uncomfortable with himself.
He had pale skin, light brown eyes and hair and there was slight stubble growing back on his chin, he was a generic awkward teen Richie quickly realised, he sighed reaching his hand up to touch as his head where the bat had struck, Richie didn’t feel pain so much as to the extent that humans did however there was still an uncomfortable throbbing there and he grimaced a bit as he pulled his hand back away to find blood lightly staining his fingertips.
“Oh shit, you’re fuckin’ bleeding, here let me-” The boy- or Finn cut himself off in favour of moving closer to Richie and using his hands to brush Richie’s curls out of the way to see where he had hit, in response to this Richie hissed- yes literally hissed at him batting him away quickly, “I’m fine.” He huffed.
Finn shook his head, “Nope you’re not,” He said, grabbing Richie’s wrist “C’mon my house isn’t too far away, I’ll help you clean the wound.” He said and before Richie could react he was being tugged out of the house, frowning, It had told him to never leave the house unguarded, to always be there in the years It wasn’t active, just in case.
In this case Richie hadn’t left the house in twenty-six years with It due to come back in roughly six months, he pouted a bit in thought as he was steered towards the front door by the human before thinking fuck it, after all every cycle nothing bad had ever happened when he was at the house so what were the chances that this one time he left that something bad would happen?
Besides, maybe this will help Richie to further understand the humans and the way they lived throughout their day to day lives, because despite the interest and curiosity of himself being discouraged by Pennywise he couldn’t help the ever growing inquisitiveness that expanded in his chest with each day that passes in this boring house.
So Richie let himself be steered down the street and away from the house he was currently meant to be protecting, away and into town by this kid, this kid who didn’t even know who Richie was but wanted to help him, this kid that took him by surprise and hit him over the head with a bat, this kid who- was very talkative Richie was finding as they made their way down the street.
“I mean like, it was completely accidental but also dude what were you doing at that house?” Finn had asked, giving him a sideways smirk to which Richie responded by sticking his tongue out at the other, an action that caught himself by surprise as usually when he was befriending the humans he would take on a more serious persona, he would have his shoulders squared but also in a nervous hunch, however currently his shoulders were relaxed at his sides and he found himself in general relaxed in the presence of Finn despite only knowing him for a few minutes, it was strange- and it was different, but a good different, one that made an unfamiliar warm feeling well up in Richie’s chest.
Finn just replied with a soft chuckle which in turn made a ghost of a smile appear toy on Richie’s own face, “Hey man, I’m just saying, it’s kinda creepy you were just stalking around the house alone!” 
Richie just scoffed, “You were doing the exact same thing!” He shot back quickly, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Can’t prove it!” Finn said, smiling stupidly when Richie made an incoherent splutter of mixed noises, and he continued, feigning an innocent voice as he held his hand to his chest, the other one remaining with its light grip on the bat that he had picked up on the way out of the house, “My dearest Richie, are you suffering a concussion?” He asked, his voice progressively going high pitched as he spoke, for this, Richie shoved him swallowing his own laughter he could feel wanting to bubble out.
This only made Finn continue his act out but more passionately as his hand moved up to his forehead in faux horror, “He’s getting violent! Oh dear we must fix him up as quickly as we can!” He cried, grabbing Richie’s wrist and dragging him into the house they had taken to stopping outside the front of.
Richie let out a soft “Oh,” as he was tugged through the front door, so this is what a human's house is actually meant to look like on the other side, because despite frequently talking to others younger humans he had never been inside one of their houses, the closest thing he came into was the marketplace that he liked to frequent when It was active and didn’t need him.
“Sit on the couch,” Finn instructed, pointing to the large piece of furniture, he had dropped the voice now and was now rummaging around underneath the countertop in the kitchen as Richie sat down, fumbling with his own hands as he tried not to make his observations of the house clear
It was clean, really clean inside, no dust or dirt was trekked inside, no cobwebs or overgrowth in sight, everything was neat and looked in properly in place- it was nice.
Finn suddenly plopped down next to him, a blue square looking thing in hand, he held it out to Richie who cautiously took it with furrowed eyebrows- it was cold? He looked back to Finn who was looking at him with an expectant gaze, maybe it was like that medicine stuff one of the others always had to take? 
Hesitantly, Richie rose it up towards his mouth and when not protest came from Finn he bit down on it to which he let out a soft “Ow!” As Finn let out a shout of surprise wacking it away from Richie’s mouth.
“Did you just-” Finn had to cut himself off as he burst out laughing and Richie felt his cheeks heat up with embarrassment, “Did you just try to-” He tried again but couldn’t and doubled over clutching his stomach, “try to eat the ice pack?” He finally got out.
Richie just blushed harder.
Richie had intended for it to be a one time thing, for them to only meet that once and then Richie would go back to living at the house on Neibolt on street, he would continue to stay on guard and on watch until It came back once again, and It would be soon, It could come back anytime now which meant it was not a good idea whatsoever for Richie to be anywhere outside of the house.
But yet he still found himself constantly hanging out with Finn frequently still, they often would catch up whenever Richie got bored at the house which he found he did more often than he ever used to recently, ever since becoming well, friends with Finn. He found himself wanting more, wanting to make more memories, learn more about the humans lives, more than he ever had, he wanted to feel and experience life like they do, he wanted more of a purpose.
Finn helped give him that. 
Richie had learned a lot in the last few months of him spending time with Finn, he learnt that kids often frequented places called the ‘movies’ where they would watch people inside large screens act out storylines and interesting actions, Richie had been incredibly confused the first time Finn had taken him there and he was pretty sure that’s also when Finn started becoming suspicious of Richie’s origins.
He never outwardly said it but Richie got the vibe from him sometimes that he wanted to know more, he wanted to learn more about Richie and why Richie was so strange and didn’t know basic human things, Richie however always brushed him off.
He would sound insane, and frankly, he found himself not wanting to even tell Finn, it would probably scare him off and Richie felt a heavy feeling in his chest whenever he thought about how he had scared so many others like Finn but hadn’t known them.
How could he do that?
With each day passing Richie found himself hating himself even more, regretting everything he had ever done, his chest tightening and a weight that hadn’t felt heavier on his shoulders felt like he could crumble under it any second and be crushed.
Richie didn’t understand why he felt this way, he felt all these terrible feelings over the very thing he was made to do, something he shouldn’t think twice about doing, was he broken?
Richie in the past had always tried to push these feelings away whenever they grew strong in his mind, and he usually could with effort, he was able to take his mind off what he was actually doing and get his job- his purpose done. 
But it was like his life so far had been a spiral staircase and Finn had been a small pebble scattered on one of the stairs that Richie had accidentally tripped on and he was now falling in the downward spiral of the staircase and he couldn’t stop. 
Currently Richie was sitting on a swing attached to a tree in the barrens and Finn was a couple metres away sitting on the ground, both of them weren’t talking as they were both too busy indulging themselves in comics, after Richie had found out that Finn had a much larger comic collection compared to Richie’s which in reality, only consisted of two he had practically spent the night reading all of them whilst Finn slept, afterall, Richie didn’t need much sleep, two or three hours could typically last him a fortnight. However, he often did follow humans sleeping patterns of sleeping at night and waking up when the sun rises again, anything to learn more about them and how they live, he supposed.
They were both sitting in a comfortable silence, aside from the noise of animals such as bird, the occasional rumble of passing cars and the even more frequent of pages turning as they both read.
That’s when Richie felt it, the deep tug on his gut, one that only ever happened when It resurfaced, when It was waking up. he found himself quickly throwing the comic book to the ground and jumping off the tire swing he collapsed onto the dirt ground, not even reacting as a few stray pebbles dug into his palms as he retched violently onto the leaf-littered floor. 
Vaguely hearing Finn’s “Holy shit,” before feeling his hand on Richie’s shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze of comfort as Richie continued for another couple of minutes before leaning backward, Finn carefully moving to sit down next to him with crossed legs, “Want to tell me what that was?” He asked, giving a small chuckle, “See something too gorey wussy?” He asked, nodding towards the discarded comic book, chuckling lightly.
Richie shoved him away, a small smirk playing at his lips despite the despair expanding quickly in his chest and tightening in his throat because he couldn’t avoid it now- he couldn’t avoid the fact that he can’t go back to doing that. It’s stupid- he knows its stupid, he shouldn’t have a problem with doing it, its something he’s told himself so many times, thats just how it works, its how life works, some live, some die. 
So why wouldn’t he be able to do it this time? It’s what he’s always done but even that thought now makes him feel sick to the point where he might as well start vomiting again.
Richie staggered to his feet, ignoring the offered hand from Finn, It had probably already noticed that he wasn’t at the house and that very thought made him want to vomit at the idea of the wrath it was probably in over that fact.
“I needa go,” He mumbled to Finn, adjusting his glasses as he looked up at the other who had concern flickering in their gaze which Richie made a point of ignoring, he needed to leave now before It found out the reason he hadn;t been at the house was because he had been hanging out with a human.
But with that thought Finn suddenly grabbed his wrist in apparent panic to which Richie just looked up at him with a confused gaze, but Finn just pointed a little further away into the woods and when Richie looked in the direction he felt his stomach drop.
It was there, its basic clown form, and he was looking directly at Richie, a knowing look in his malicious expression, eyes dark and a menacing grin forming on It’s face accompanying Its sharpened teeth. 
It didn’t have to speak words for Richie to see the wrath and bloodlust that shone so clearly in darkened eyes.
Then It started advancing towards them, “Shit, shit, shit! Go, go go!” Richie screeched, his voice shrill and piercing as Finn stumbled backwards, his hand still on Richie’s wrist as he did causing Richie to follow back with him. 
It was only when It let out a loud guttural growl that Finn swept his bat up off the ground- something Richie had found out he took everywhere with him after hanging out with Finn a few times and asking him- for protection Finn had told him.
Not like it was going to do much now, Richie thought bitterly to himself.
They were sprinting through the forest now, their shoes thuds against the ground were practically silent compared to the blood roaring in Richie’s ears. 
Finn was repeating the same chain of three words, which consisted of, “What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck.” Over and over again 
Richie stumbled a bit as his foot got caught in the branch but yet Finn still wasn’t letting go of his wrist and continued to tug Richie along and the action made Richie want to cry, this was happening because of him, Finn could die because of him, yet Finn refused to leave him behind. 
Somewhere, although Richie would deny it, as they ran, in the back of his mind, he knew it was hopeless.
And indeed it was as no more than mere moments later that there were sudden and loud, skittering thuds coming from behind them and Richie didn;t even need to look over his shoulder to know what he would see, Finn however did and he let out an ear-piercing shriek that made Richie wince and anything that hadn’t already fled in the general area were probably well on their way now.
Richie gasped as a large weight from behind sent both him and Finn sprawling and he let out a hacking cough as all the breath was knocked out of his lungs, turning around and scrambling back, his breath hitching as Pennywise had taken on its large true spider form and was looking down at Finn with hungry eyes.
Richie scrambled to his feet, throwing himself between Pennywise and Finn, his eyes narrowing as Its gaze landed down on him, “Richie, Richie, Richie,” It said, low, menacing and mocking, “Oh! How I didn’t expect to come to not only find you not where I told you to stay,” It said, in its disgusting giddy and raspy voice, “But you’re also befriending!”  It continued, giving a laugh that sent chills down Richie’s spine, “Befriending a human!”
“R-Richie, w-what is it talking about?” Finn spoke up from behind him, and Richie wanted to cry at the fear quivering through Finn’s, however he forced himself to ignore him, taking a step backwards as It took one forward, “Stay away from him!” Richie spat fiercely, although he doubted he looked even remotely threatening.
“Oh!” It laughed, eyes shining before a mocking pout appeared on Its face, a fake sort of sadness running through its next words, “You didn’t tell your friend what you really are?” It said, spitting the word ‘friend’ as if it were an insult.
A few months ago Richie would have thought it was too. 
It took another step forward, but this time Richie held his ground, his eyes turning a bright glowing orange as his deadlights flared to life and his sclera darkened, “I said stay away!” Richie snarled, spider legs unfolding and snapping into place in a quick moment as It took another step forward and Richie pretended to not hear Finn’s voice hitch with fear from behind him, it sounded further away than what it had before though which Richie took as a good sign, the further away Finn was the better. 
It only glared down at him, Richie bent his knees a little bit, baring fangs that grew out in a matter of seconds, ready to attack if he needed too to which It just laughed at him, “You don’t scare me, child.” It grinned as they began moving around in a circle, and Richie winced a bit, because it was true, sure for a human’s lifespan he would have been considered old, however in perspective compared to Its age of billions of years he was yet but still a child, a younger replica, a broken replica he thought to himself.
Still, he continued to stand his ground, he wasn’t going to let himself or Finn die without a fight, however the idea of the latter dying because of Richie’s own selfish faults made him shiver a bit at the prospect.
It hardly seemed impressed with Richie’s attempts to make it back down, instead grinning the spider claws connected to its arms grew in length and were suddenly coming for Richie to which his eyes narrowed and he quickly leapt out of their way as they cemented themselves into the ground where he had just been standing.
He landed perched on top of one of them, wobbling a little bit at first as he gained his balance in a few moments before looking up to look at It, but It just grinned, like It was expecting that to happen, like it knew it would and Richie wouldn’t be surprised if It had.
Richie, breathed out heavily through his nose as he leapt towards It’s face before letting out a ‘whumph’ noise as It rose its other arm to block him halfway through the leap and his chest collided with the side of It’s claw, letting out a small wheeze as he scrambled to hold onto it as It tried flinging him off, waving the claw wildly and Richie only let go when It swung the claw up into the air, limbs spreading out as Richie became airborne, looking down as he began falling back down, arms extended as he landed with an impact on Its face, sinking his own spider limbs into each side, ignoring the way It screeched and threw its head back, gritting his teeth as he allowed his limbs to pierce further. 
It stumbled back a bit on large spider appendages as Richie furthered his attack before it let out a screech and before Richie knew it he was being thrown across the clearing before thumping into the tree, knocking all the breath out of him as he fell to the ground sputtering and spitting up droplets of blood onto the forest floor, chest heaving as he desperately tried to get air back into his lungs.
His gaze snapped up from where he lay against the forest floor as the familiar loud and thudding skittering noise approached him and he blinked, slightly disoriented as he noticed that It was coming towards him again, and he swallowed as they locked eyes in a way that was eerily familiar, but then both of their attentions were distracted as It was hit in the side of the head with what appeared to be a small rock, both of their gazes travelling to see Finn standing there, huffing and a beyond furious expression across his face. 
“Finn.” Richie breathed out softly, still unable to gain enough air in his lungs as he watched with wide eyes as It abandoned Its focus from Richie entirely to move towards Finn who in return stumbled back and Finn could see the way he stiffened and fearfully swallowed, as if he hadn’t expected It to abandon Richie for him.
Richie clutched his chest as he tried to push himself up, “Run, you idiot!” He yelled horsley as but Finn however seemed frozen, like a deer in the headlights and the sight of him so afraid made Richie’s blood run cold like a lake in winter. 
And then within mere and unpredictable moments, moments that seemed to move too slowly to be real, one of Its arms extended and stretched,
And in one quick movement It had impaled Finn Tozier right through the middle with a sickening squelsh noise.
Richie screamed.
[Present Time, 2001]
Richie let out an incredibly manly yelp as a hand landed on his shoulder, he had been so caught up in his thoughts as he walked down the street, his eyes darting this way and that in sign of any movement
In any sign of It,
he hadn’t noticed Bill and Stanely follow him out of the house and on instinct Richie snapped his hand up to grab the one on his shoulder, using it to spin himself around and drew his fist back, ready to punch whichever asshole thought messing with him would be a good idea but it soon went slack when he looked up to see it was just Stanely who had immediately let go of Richie and put his hands up in a surrendering manner. 
Richie wanted to scream at them for following him, because they didn’t know, they didn’t know what was happening, they didn’t know what was going to start happening to the kids of the town soon, they didn’t know it wasn’t safe for them to be around Richie.
How was he meant to explain that to them?
He couldn’t.
So instead he let out a forced laugh, “You scared the shit out of me Staniel.” He said, only giving them half his attention as whilst his eyes remained trained on the two losers in front of him, he was still actively hearing and focusing on the surroundings, making sure, needing to know, if It was here or not.
“Yeah well you scared the shit out of all of us!” He hissed, before shivering a bit, only just realising the cold of the night, but he ignored it as he continued “Storming out on all of us like that?” He asked, before grabbing Richie’s wrist, “What’s going on with you ‘Chee, you can trust us.” He said and for the first time Richie made eye contact with Bill who was staring at him, concern in his gaze.
Richie’s gaze dropped back down to the ground, “I’m fine Stan.” He said, “I just think I should be getting back to my place now, my parents are probably worried because I didn’t tell them I was going out tonight.” 
That was a lie, Richie had no parents, Richie had no home, when he wasn’t with the losers club he was either wandering the town or living in the clubhouse Ben had built two summers ago, Richie had been grateful ever since Ben had made it, he loved the little puffball and now Richie had a proper place to sleep that wasn’t at any of the losers houses.
Richie knew they talked about it, the fact that they had never met or seen his parents, the fact that none of their own parents knew any adults in town with the same last name as Richie, the fact that he has never dropped a single hint about where he lived.
They rarely brought it up with him though, ever making offhand comments about it whenever the topic accidentally came up and it would be quickly forgotten after Richie dismissed it. 
“We-well thu-then we’ll w-walk you.” Bill said, stepping forward so he was next to Stan, Richie just shrugged, “I’m good thanks for the offer.” He said, taking a step back and for the first time allowing his eyes to do a sweep of the surroundings nervously.
“C’mon Richie, we’ve never been to your house.” Stan argued, “and it's freezing out.” He added after a few moments as he brought his hands up to rub at his bare arms. 
Richie narrowed his eyes, trying not to get mad, because he loved them, but why couldn’t they just leave him alone when he needed them too, “Nah, my house is on the other side of town,” He lied smoothly, “I’ll be good, you guys go back inside.”
Stanley let out a frustrated sign and Richie winced because he knew he was pushing it, however he had relaxed a bit, maybe It wasn’t going to seek him out, after all, It didn’t during its last cycle either, whilst it had reawoken and fed on kids as it normally did, It hadn’t contacted Richie at all. 
“Wuh-Well then none of us ar-are going,” Bill stuttered, frowning a bit, “I-Im not luh-letting you walk a-across tow-wn alu-alone.” He said grabbing Richie’s wrist and dragging him back towards the house, leaving no room for complaint as he ignored Richie’s stutterd out protests.
Richie didn’t sleep, it had been three hours since Bill dragged him back inside and Richie had since refused to speak to any of the losers whenever they asked him if he was okay or what that entire ordeal had been.
He however had made a point of ignoring the questions and anytime one of them shot him a concerned glance, or shrugged them off whenever they tried to place a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
But he was too busy focusing on listening, and making off-sided glances at the windows, looking for any signs of movement, he had made a few off-hand comments throughout the night to try and seem normal, but he couldn’t help the anxiety and fear expanding in his chest with each moment that passed.
He had thought it was enough, that they would have dropped the situation, in his mind he had acted relatively normal the rest of the evening, at least enough to the point where the others would forge by the morning.
He was the opposite of right, as despite the fact that he had still cracked jokes throughout the night whenever he could, Eddie could still tell something was up with him which is why when he woke up a few hours after all the losers had fallen asleep he wasn’t as surprised when he woke up to find that Richie was still awake.
However, what was strange was that he wasn’t doing anything to entertain himself, he was rather perched on the edge of the armchair in the living room and the more Eddie watched the more he realised Richie’s eyes were darting between the windows, they would stay on one for a few seconds before moving to the next, and after he watched the windows for a while his eyes would glance down to each of the losers, moving from one another.
He was stiff and upright, it was clear he was wide awake and alert.
“What you doin’ Rich?” He asked softly and Richie’s neck might as well have nearly snapped with how quickly he turned to face Eddie, eyes wide for a second before softening and his body relaxed, but even in the dark Eddie could tell it was forced.
“Couldn’t sleep.” Richie shrugged, as he sunk back from his perched position to lean back in the arm chair.
“Right…” Eddie said softly, his brows furrowing in concern.
“Go back to sleep Eds.” Richie said quietly, “I’ll go to sleep soon.”
“Don’t call me that.” Eddie huffed, but rolled back over anyways. 
Eddie however, didn’t fall back asleep, and Richie did not go back to sleep. 
Author notes: 
Okay, woo, here we go, I'm officially gonna be writing/finishing this :D
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! I promise in the next one theres gonna be more of the losers club, I just kinda need to flesh out the backstory before I can continue with the story making sense, you get me? Heck yeah you do!
Also yes, the character is named after Finn Wolfhard because I do what I want and I like irony.
Posting schedule for this will probably be posted on Saturdays or Sundays, each chapter will (hopefully) consist of roughly 5,000 words as I try to spit out 1,000 a day from Monday to Thursday
Due to medical reason I also get two free periods at school instead of doing sport (scoliosis gang where you at?) so if I don't have it done by those period I'll probably use them to write so it's almost guaranteed it should be updated on the weekend unless its a week where I'm truly not motivated to do anything
Also yes since posting the first chapter the timeline has changed a bit, I pushed it back too 2001 instead of having it in 2017 in case I ever wanna maybe take on what would happen in It chapter two in this universe.
I don't care that spider-man wasn't invented until the 1960's you can fight me I just wanted ti have them reading comic books and needed something to compare what Richie is in this, because yeah the idea of him having spider-legs coming out of his back was inspired by the Iron Spider suit
Anygay, thats all from me this week and let me know what you think or just tell me how your day has been :D
Bye guys!!
6 notes · View notes
dadweebking · 6 years
Black Heron Returns: Part 1 (DuckTales)
On a late summer night in Duckburg, Scrooge was sitting in his study looking over financial records for McDuck enterprises the past few months, with his cup of nutmeg tea next to him. While reading with a unamused expression, Beakley opens the door. “Hope you don’t mind, McDuck, I’m just gonna clean for a bit.” “Ah, don’t worry, just try not to make too much noise.” She nods as she begins to dust off the room. It seemed like a normal day so far, with Scrooge going about his business, Beakley cleaning around with the occasional sound of the kids playing around the mansion. Yep, totally normal.
But then, a screen suddenly popped down from the ceiling, scaring both occupants. The screen fizzed until a clear image of an elderly duck with a lab coat appeared on the screen. “Professor?!” “Good evening, Scrooge. Agent 22.” Both had a concerned look as it’s been so long since the professor called them in this manner, and when he said Beakley’s S.H.U.S.H code name, they both knew what was happening. Another assignment. “Sir, it’s been so long since we’ve been given any assignment from S.H.U.S.H directly.” “Maybe so, 22, but i do think you and Scrooge had a run in with Black Heron fairly recently, yes?” Beakley blinked. She had completely forgotten about being kidnapped by Black Heron, and having to be rescued by Scrooge and her granddaughter, Webby. “Yes, sir, we did.” “Well, that’s the reason why i called you both tonight. We believe she’s back.” This got their attention, as they both had wide eyes, and listened intently to the professors details for this new mission. He’s given them coordinates to what could be her new base, what they believe she’s up to, which is she may be trying to create the bouncing potion again from the lost page of “The Great Book.” “Heron was in hiding until she attacked you, and since you and Scrooge have recent experience, we believe you two are our best bet. Any questions?” “We-“ “Good! You’ll leave tomorrow morning, ok? Ok. Bye.” The Tv quickly shut off and retracted back into the ceiling. Scrooge sighed and sat back down in his seat, with Beakley still standing where she stood, looking at him. “Well. Guess we better get set for tomorrow, 22. We’re back in business.” She nodded, and exited his study as Scrooge began looking for his action cane. Unbeknownst to them, they were being eavesdropped by 2 ducklings, one in the vents, the other just outside the room.
In the submarine, Scrooge and Beakley are talking over what to expect while Launchpad is driving the sub. They’ve been driving for about 4 hours already, as the coordinates have them going all the way to the other side of the country. It would’ve been a lot faster if they took the plane, but didn’t want to risk getting seen while approaching, so they decided it would be better for this to be a stealth mission rather than a full blown assault. 
“These new coordinates Drake gave us leads to a different location than her previous base we infiltrated. We’ll have to ready for something new, then.” “Indeed, 22. I’m sure whatever lies ahead wouldn’t be enough to stop the Great Scrooge McDuck.” He said proudly, as Beakley sighed and rolled her eyes. “And Agent 22, of course.” He added. He then moved back a little before he heard a shuffle in the lifejacket chest. He looked at it, and soon had an unamused expression as he began to dig through until he lifted a life jacket to reveal the smiling face of Webby, laughing sheepishly. Scrooge pulls her out of the chest, and set her down next to him. “Beakley, we got a guest.” He says, dejected. Beakley turns to see Webby shyly wave with that sheepish grin, and then goes to confront her granddaughter. “Again, Webby?” “I know, but i overheard you and Scrooge get a briefing from that old professor guy from S.H.U.S.H in the vents...” “I really gotta seal that vent shut.” Scrooge mumbled. “...and since i was able to stand a chance against Black Heron, i figured you could use an extra pair of hands.” “Webbigail, that’s very thoughtful of you, but i think you’re grandmother would’ve preferred you to stay at home.” “I know. That’s why i snuck on.” She said with a big smile on her face. This cause Scrooge to chuckle, earning them both a small glare from Beakley. She then sighed. “I guess you did prove yourself worthy going against Black Heron on your own.” This caused Webby to gasp, and her smile widened even more, which both adults thought her smile couldnt get any wider than it just was. Guess they were wrong. “YES!” “Just as long as you stick close, and not jump in blindly.” “Yes ma’am.” She saluted. Webby then joined Scrooge and Beakley towards the back of the sub, and they began to go over the plan again. “Right, now that we have 3 people, we should be able to-“ Scrooge was interrupted by a group of luggages fell from the storage compartment, and a grunt was heard upon impact with the floor. Thinking they were infiltrated, Launchpad cut the engine and Beakley and Webby readied themselves for a fight should one occur as Scrooge grabbed his cane, and held it over his head as he slowly moved towards the mess. As he got closer, he could hear the tiny breaths of a person towards the middle of the pile, and he grabbed a luggage and quickly pulled it up and was about to wack the stowaway until he saw who it was, and quickly stopped himself. Staring at him was the blue colored, mischievous triplet. He waved slowly, emitting a nervous “Hey” as Scrooge looked unamused, and walked away from him. “We got another one. Curse me kilts, these kids.” Dewey then stood up and dusted himself off. “Dewey?!” “DEWEY!” He was then engulfed in a big hug from Launchpad, as he picked him up, and sung him around in his arms, obviously elated by the fact that Dewey was with them. “How...you-ack-doing...Launchpad?” Dewey strained as he felt like he couldn’t breath. “Even better now that my best friend is here.” He said as he set him down on the ground gently, and went to pilot the sub again. Dewey had a hand on his chest as he tried to get himself to breathe nice and steady again, and when he turned around, he was face to face with Webby. “What are you doing here?!” Webby whispered. “I could ask you the same thing. Seems like you snuck on as well.” He answered smugly. Webby then stammered a bit before she pouted. “Ok, thats true, but why are you here?” “I overheard Scrooge and Beakley talking about this mission in the study, and this seemed like such a cool adventure not to take part of. If they didn’t tell us, then it’s obviously gonna be amazing.” “They didn’t tell you for a reason because this a secret operation from granny’s agency. And it could be super dangerous. Scrooge would’ve wanted you to stay home.” “I still do.” Scrooge called out. “But we’re too far away to turn back now, and like last time, i don’t think you two would be better off in the sub.” “Why not?” Dewey asked. Just as he asks that, the sub collides with a reef, causing everyone to lunge forward. “Sorry, everyone, my blindfold began to slip.” “Has he had that on this whole trip?” “Unfortunately. Just when he’s driving tho.” “Oh.” Scrooge then sighed, as he walked towards the back of the sub. “Come on, then, lad. I guess you’re a part of out mission now.” “WHOO-“ “Just as long as you stay close, and not do anything reckless. This is your first time doing something like this, so please, just listen to us when we say something, alright?” “Ok.” Dewey then went to group with everyone else, but Scrooge turned to inform him again. “Where are your brothers?” “They’re back at home. Today is one of the days where they have to go clean the money bin.” “Oh right.” “Why do you ask?” “Well, since they’re not here, i need to tell you that once this assignment is over, you’ll need to keep quiet, and nothing goes beyond us, because this is a confidential assignment that both you and Webby weren’t supposed to know about.” “Oh, ok then. I am pretty good at secret keeping.” Dewey smiled proudly. “Don’t i know it.” Webby mumbled to herself. They then went over the plan, again, until they got to the island. Once they got there, they got out, Scrooge telling Launchpad to stay in the sub, incase they need to make a quick getaway. “Alright, now that that’s done, we’ll need to search the area, because this doesn’t look like a base. Everyone stay close, and Webby, keep an eye on Dewey.” She nodded as she then looked to Dewey, who was looking around the island. “Look, Dewey, i know that you love adventure and all, but this is entirely something different.” “I know, but i just couldn’t pass this opportunity up. You know i barely say no to a new adventure.” “Yea, but this isn’t a normal adventure.” “Kids, don’t fall behind!” Scrooge called out to them, and motioned for them to come along. Webby sighed, as she and Dewey began walking, Webby looking back at Dewey as they did so. “Look, just don’t do anything crazy, and just follow my lead. 
Part 2 (x)
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Meet My Wife: Ch 20
A/N: Getting close to the end, there is a little bit more to go!
Read it all on AO3: Meet My Wife
The flat is still and Sherlock wonders how long he’s been sitting, lost in thought. He knows he has to address what John has said to you, but for the first time in a long time, he feels at a loss for words.
John was right, of course. He knew it and he also know that you knew it. But what to do?
Deny it and lose whatever chance he still had at saving his marriage. Confess to it and scare you away. He was running out of options and Sherlock Holmes was not used to being a man without several courses of action at his disposal.
He had grown accustomed to the solitude he’d surrounded himself with over the past few years. Sure, he’d acquiesced a bit by letting John Watson into his life, then, of course, Mary and even Molly, Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade, to an extent. But even then, even after he’d allowed himself to indulge in all those funny little relationships, he was still alone. He had almost forgotten what it was like to share himself with someone they way he had when he was with you.
The way he does when he is with you.
The way he would, if he could stay with you.
Going back to that life, the same life that until a few weeks ago he had found more than satisfactory, seems almost like a death sentence now.
Glancing at his watch, he sighs and reaches for his phone. It’s late but he has a feeling you aren’t yet asleep.
--Had an interesting chat with John.
You know he is trying to be cryptic, in case Ethan was home, but since you are alone you tap the screen and dial his number.
“John told me what he said to you,” Sherlock starts, and you can picture him, sitting in his chair, rubbing his temple as he speaks.
“I know that he and Mary both know what’s going on,” you sigh, “But knowing that they know makes it more real. And the fact that it’s real means that I am really an awful person…”
“You are not an awful person,” Sherlock says and the tone of his voice makes you wish that you were with him. He’d draw you close to him and make you believe these words.
“I can’t keep doing this,” you tell him, your throat beginning to ache with emotion.
“Come back,” Sherlock murmurs, his deep voice smooth as silk. “Please.” You squeeze the phone so tightly, your knuckles start to ache.
“I can’t,” you sniff. “I can’t.”
“I will come there,” he offers.
“No, it’s too risky,” you say, shaking your head even though he can’t see you.
“Can I see you tomorrow?” he asks. You close your eyes and think hard about how to answer that.
“Yes,” you say, finally.
“Alright then, I will see you tomorrow,” he says, telling you good night before he hangs up. Setting your phone down, you grind the heels of your hands into your eyeballs. You reach for the paper sitting on the couch beside you and even though you’ve read it four or five times, you scan it again. Amidsts the formal wording and legal jargon is a date. On that day, you will cease being married to Sherlock and you will be free to marry Ethan. And even though you haven't really been Mrs. Y/N Holmes for a long, long time, knowing that part of your life will be truly over makes you feel a sense of loss that you never expected.
Back at home, Sherlock is attentive and doting, the two of you working together to navigate the grief surrounding your loss. True partners in all things, you each take turns being the strong one when the other breaks down.
You’ve been given a doctor’s note to take the rest of the semester off. You need to contact your professors to reschedule your final exams, but the past few days have been hard and you’ve barely gotten out of bed.
You are seated at your kitchen table with your planner closed in front of you, your hand on beside the telephone, tears running down your face. Your hormones are out of wack and the sad, empty feeling hits you at random times and at times you have difficulty keeping it together. Sherlock hears your tell-tale sniffling from the other room and comes running.
You know he understands and you know this is all normal, but every break down feels like you are disappointing him further. He pulls you from the chair and wraps you in his arms, stroking your hair and whispering gently to you. You continue to shake quietly in his embrace and as the tears subside he leads you to the bathroom and draws you a bath. You smile as you watch him, thinking for the one millionth time since you left the hospital how truly lucky you are.
“Have a soak,” he says, tugging at your clothes. “I will make the calls for you.”
“Thank you,” you murmur, feeling as if you might cry again. “All the names, dates and numbers are in my planner.”
“Just relax,” he says, as he ducks out the door. You shed your clothes and slip into the steamy water, the heat soothing your tired muscles and you close your eyes.
The soak in the bath seems to be just what you needed and as you dry and tug on your robe, you marvel at how well Sherlock knows you and always knows exactly what you need.
You pad down the hall into the bedroom and find Sherlock sitting on your bed. He doesn’t look up at you as you enter, his eyes focused on your leather planner that he is clutching in his hand. Something was very wrong, but you had no idea what.
“I…” he began, his voice faltering. He cleared his throat and started again. “I called all your professors and rescheduled your exams.” He opened the planner and winced, as if something on the page was causing him pain. “I saw you had a line through this appointment, but I wanted to double check that whatever it was had been cancelled… I didn’t want to assume…” You took a few steps forward and saw the appointment he was referring to. It was the appointment with the clinic that you’d made to end your pregnancy. Your heart fell to your toes.
“Sherlock…” you breathed.
“It’s your body, I respect that, but this is our life,” he says, finally meeting your eyes. The pain you see there is so staggering, you have to take a step back.
“It was only a second of doubt,” you stammer.
“Your second of doubt just confirmed my biggest doubt,” he said, closing the planner and tossing on the bed beside him.
“Sherlock, please,” you beg, but he strides past you. You follow after him and watch as he tugs on his jacket. “Where are you going?”
“I need some air to clear my head,” he said. “We will talk when I get back.”
“Sherlock, I love you,” you sniffed. He blinked at you for a second and then, he was gone, the door shutting loudly behind him.
Your legs give out and you collapse on the floor, the relaxed feeling from your bath long gone. You’d failed so many times over the past few weeks. You’d fallen short as a friend, a wife and a mother. You doubted the only person who loved you and as a result, you’d made him doubt himself. You almost aborted the pregnancy, which you then hid from him and then you denied him the opportunity to try again.
Your vision swam as tears filled your eyes. This wasn’t the type of wife you wanted to be and you weren’t the wife Sherlock deserved. You gazed around the small, dumpy apartment that you’d both turned into a home. It felt so empty without Sherlock here and suddenly the silence was deafening.
You were up off the floor and moving before you even realized what you were doing. You shed your robe, hastily dressing in jeans and a sweater and shove your feet into your boots. You pull your wet hair up into a low ponytail and grab your coat and purse off the hook. You hand pauses, hovering above the dish where the motorbike keys reside and you realize your trembling. With a deep breath, you grab them and jot down a note to Sherlock.
“Just a quick ride,” you mutter, repeating the same words you’d scribbled on the notepad inside as you kick start the bike, the loud engine almost drowning out all the terrible thoughts in your head. Almost, but not quite.
TAGS:  @thebookisbtr @cutie1365 @undiscoveries @shimmerybutt @fangirl-who-dreams @cele715 @theofficialbritish @tongueofareadywriter @hanzas01 @lazilysaltysweets @nerd-gal-4-ever @thefaultinourstudying @hpfan0324
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aquabrie · 7 years
The Truth Behind His Blue Eyes Part 7
[A TJ Hammond and male reader story]
Warnings: (Throughout the series) violence, flashbacks, anxiety attacks, depressing thoughts, angst, males making out, language, implied smut, emotional rollercoaster of a chapter, smidgen of fluff
Plot:TJ plans on asking Sky something… Sky takes it the wrong way, before TJ gets to say anything
Words: 1510
(images not mine)
<-Part 6
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The night at the white house was interesting.  You were able to stay a few nights with TJ and you had joined his brother and wife for a family dinner.  
Seeing your father threw everything out of wack.  Why did he give a shit?  Why now?
TJ’s father had been the one who had invited all three family members.  Your father was acting weird, but it had been a few years since you had seen anyone.  Nana is the only one who you’ve seen in the past year.  She always worries about you, and makes sure you are eating enough.  Don’t all grandmothers do that? 
A week and a half later… Shaun came home to find you on the couch… SOMETHING was off about you. He set his briefcase down quietly and watched you. You were huddled on the couch in the corner, hugging your knees to your chest. Your face was blotchy like you had been crying. Shaun frowned and finally spoke up as he got closer to you.
 "Sky, you’re home early… I thought you had…“
You interrupt him: "I was let go today. The secretary claimed I tried to fuck her at work. Dude I’m fucking gay and in love with TJ… why would I want to bang that lying bitch?!” You don’t look at Shaun as your eyes are on the floor.
Shaun sits down on the couch. He cannot think of what to say to make you feel better.
 "I was also late this morning… and damnit. I guess TJ has had enough of me too. He called and left a voice mail saying we need to talk. I knew stuff was too good to be true. I… I really thought I finally deserved to be happy! I’m never good enough. I don’t want to…“ You lose your train of thought and take a big gulp of the bottle of liquor that is in your lap.
 "Whoa… Wait a sec. What do you mean about TJ? We need to talk could mean something else.”
 You glare at Shaun and swig some more of the liquid. 
 "Damnit Sky. How much have you drank? When did we even get moonshine?“  You shrug and stare at the floor. You pop something in your mouth from your pocket. You swallow it and drink more. Shaun stares at you. His stomach turns.  
"Shit… fucking shit. What the fuck was that? What did you just take?” It had been in a tiny bag and looked like 2-3 pills. You shrug and ignore his questions.
“That wasn’t… it wasn’t… Sky? Are you even listening? You’re such a fucking idiot!” He rushes to you and yanks the liquor bottle out of your death grip. He feels horrible for yelling, but you’re not making any sense.
Your eyes are glazed over from the drunkenness and the crying.  Shaun frantically tries to think of what to do.  He can’t believe this is happening again. 
You were fine... you were better... right? 
 —what happened earlier—
 You lay your head back on the couch and look up at the ceiling. Finally you feel good. Today had been a horrible day and you had a headache all day.
 Nothing could help. It seemed that crying was a natural state for you to be in. It made you feel weak, but you always felt a little bit better after a long cry.  Nothing had seemed to go right today.  First your alarm never went off so you were running late.  The hot water in the shower didn’t seem to exist.  You were half an hour late for work.  The bitchy secretary who seemed to always hate your guts had said you tried to take advantage of her. 
Today was just a shit day.  After the secretary told her blatant lie, the boss of course believed her, even though you knew they were both ‘together’.  You were fired.
As you gathered your items from your desk, you received a voicemail from TJ. He had said, “I need to see you soon Sky. We need to talk…”  No other explanation.  Of course the only thing you could think of was that you must’ve fucked up again.  TJ deserved the best and you were too broken.  He deserved better.  No one would ever want you or need you.
You arrived home at about 2:30.  You had gotten moon shine from the nearest liquor store.  After getting the liquor you had gotten a hold of someone you hadn’t seen in a while.  He used to help you feel numb, high, something other than useless.  Luckily he was straight so there was no chance of him taking advantage of you.
Thinking back on Trent and how things had gone… you knew TJ was feeling the same way. He felt trapped.  Who were you to blame him?  You were a mess, too fucked up to be helped.  No one would ever love you and TJ just was someone who liked you, pretended to love you.
The shady man smiles at you.
“Long time no see, Sky.  You want what you used to get?”
You nod and show him the cash.  He glances and grins.  He hands you the paper bag.
You glance into the bag and bite your lip.
“Strong stuff right?”
“Yep.  Only the best for ya kid.  I miss having ya around here.  Where you been?  Is it true you been with the president’s son?”
“Yeah.  um… I’ll just go now.  Thanks.”
“Call me if you need another fix.”
“Yeah, yeah.”  You hand him the cash and he shakes your hand.
You take the bag and put it inside your jacket.  Shaun never knew of this, he wouldn’t need to know.  This was something you had to do. 
 Tonight he was to be going on a date with his girlfriend… you just needed to forget everything.
TJ had been worried that maybe it was too early in the relationship to ask you to move in with him.  He had made plans for today to go to the one restaurant you both had gone to a couple times.  All his plans were in place.  He was nervous but extremely excited.  You already had a few things at his place that were there when you slept over.  He never wanted to be without you.  It made him feel bad that he felt so clingy towards you.
He kept on thinking of how much better his life had been since he met you. TJ had called you and had gotten your voicemail.  He figured you were busy at work and so he left a message for you to talk with him.
Little did he know, that you had thought differently.  The words he said on the voicemail weren’t with any malice, they were normal, happy words, but you took it the wrong way.
TJ bit his lip as he started to get ready to pick you up from your place.  He was practically bouncing on his feet.
Shaun sighed heavily and watched you in your drunken state.  You were acting weird.  It was truely strange that TJ would call it quits out of the blue like that.  He also wasn’t too pissed about you losing your job.  They seemed to treat you like shit and you were a hard worker who even worked from home if you really were needed.
He wrapped a blanket around your body as you slept.  He took off your shoes and tried to straighten you out on the couch.  Maybe you just needed to sleep it off and you’d feel better afterwards?  Probably will have a horrid hangover but you’ll be sober.
Shaun takes the moonshine out of your hands and shakes his head.  He also checks your pocket to find what you took… if you had more, than he would know what he should do, but how much did you take?  Did you take some before he arrived home?
He found a paper bag that had a few small bags of white pills…  His heart sank.
“Shit.”  He had to find out what this was.  His girlfriend was in pharmacy school, so she might be able to find out what the pills were.
He continued to watch you sleep, as he called his girlfriend.
“Change of plans… can you come over… it’s Sky, he took something and right now he’s sleeping it off, but I want to make sure he’s going to be okay.  He… he did this another time and it was… I thought he was okay…”  His voice starts to crack as he tries to compose himself.
She answers him and says she would be there as soon as possible.
Ten minutes later she arrives at the door.  
TJ walks down the hallway to your apartment and tries to think of how to ask you to move in with him.
There was nothing more TJ wanted than to be with you. He was excited and slightly nervous. What were you going to say? Would Shaun let you stay with TJ or would he not let you leave?
PART 8->
(Please comment it gives me life.  I am sorry for the slow updates. Thanks for reading and let me know if you would like to be tagged!)
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angelguk · 7 years
get to know me tag
RULES: ANSWER THESE 88 QUESTIONS (mae you cant call it 92 when it’s 88) AND TAG 20 PEOPLE (mini rant: why do these thing always request 20 people to tag. i dont even know ten people pls let me breathe) 
tagged by the literal angel @stormae
tagging: @jseokks / @taeyongbelviso / @floral-misfortune / @angelikidel99 / and who ever wants to do this
1. DRINK: bitter af lemon tea
2. PHONE CALL: My friend Wanjiru
3. TEXT MESSAGE: there’s no school you think i’ll be outchea at 8
4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Don’t Know You by Heize ( i love talent)
5. THE TIME YOU CRIED: like last week wednesday. some shit happened
8. BEEN CHEATED ON: everything here is going to be a no
9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: ??? I don’t know
11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: no nope never i don’t leave the house
12. lilac
13. rose gold
14. dusty pink (or millennial pink if you must)
15. MADE NEW FRIENDS: I have which is a YAY
17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: All my friends are leaving/ moving to different schools because we finished year 11 now so yes I have. I’ve made so much memories with those uglies I’m going to miss them
19. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: ? I’ve been cooped up in my house so no I guess
20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: lmao that was last year and that whole scenario was a mess
22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: all of them I don’t add people I don’t know
23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: I had pets!!! Two dogs but we left them in South Africa and two cats but they both passed away :(((
24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: yes (my real name is wack hhh)
25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOU LAST BIRTHDAY: had a lunch/ dinner thing with my family
26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: eight o’ clock 
27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: finding out tea/gossip i love having late night calls which involve drama
28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: my fucking results for IGCSES 
29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: this morning before she left for work
30. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE: my motivation because i’m lazy af and i would love the ability to interact with other people without wanting to literally combust into fucking flames
32. HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: i have actually never talked to a Tom. there’s no Toms in Africa
33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: personal stuff about my family
34. MOLE(S): i have one on my left ear lobe, one on my chin on the right of my face, another on my hip and one on my right wrist
35. MARK(S): none
36. CHILDHOOD DREAM: ironically it was to be a writer, my parents were really busy while i was growing up so i learnt to read so i could amuse myself. i started writing at 8 i think on my dad’s laptop and he was like “wowww!!!1!! that’s so good!” (it was a piece of shit i couldn’t form actual sentences) so yeah there’s that
37. HAIR COLOR: black as midnight (this is how i was writing in the above ^^ story like i introduced a character with the line: her skin was as white as snow)
38. LONG OR SHORT HAIR: short and i might go shorter because i want to big chop it
39. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: *laughs* what’s a crush
40. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: i’m pretty straight forward (sometimes insensitive i know bUT i can’t be everything pls) so i don’t really lie, when i put effort into something i really do do my absolute best, my work ethic (when im not a lazy bitch)
41. PIERCINGS: just the normal ear ring piercing but i want a double helix and an industrial 
42. BLOODTYPE: i really dont know?? not even my mom knows
43. NICKNAME(S): fish (dont ask), fetoes (dont ask), feth (dont ask)
45. ZODIAC: aquarius (i think im more superior to all the other signs and yes im correct aquarians are the best dont @ me)
46. PRONOUNS: she/her
47. FAVORITE TV SHOW: SKAM SKAM SKAM SKAM IM CRYING WHY DID THAT SHOW HAVE TO END I LOWKEY HATE JULIA IM SAD I LOVE SKAM. also skins but i don’t like it as much as skam the only good character is tony and that’s because he’s wild af also effy buts she’s too edgy for me 
48. TATTOOS: i have like 3 planned for when i bounce outta my parents house
50. SURGERY: i have all my bones and organs in perfect condition thanks
52. SPORT: tennis
53. VACATION: The one time my parents drove us to Durban for a family holiday!! tHE BEST!! i love sharks and beaches. but most of the time we just came back to kenya because my entire family is here. we haven’t gone on a overseas vacation in a while because my parents wanted to show us the wonders of kenyan tourist attractions (masai mara is really awesome i really saw a lion full up and zebras are gorgeous in real life like them stripes and they are thicc af) 
55. EATING: haven’t eaten since i woke up probably won’t eat until noon
56. DRINKING: bitter lemon tea
57. I’M ABOUT TO: finish writing a fic i hope i can put up soon. let’s see if my lazy ass cooperates 
59. WANT: to rewatch skam so i can cry again 
60. GET MARRIED: actually no. i was with my new baby cousins the other day and i realized marriage and kids are just not for me
61. CAREER: i want to be a forensic psychologist but i might skip that and do something with international relations so i can work with the UN. 
 62. HUGS OR KISSES: HUGS (i have this need to constantly hug everyone i know all the damn time because my nursery teacher Jennifer - a truly wonderful woman i still love her to this day - used to hug me all the damn time and it was one of those tight squeezing hugs. by the all the damn time i mean 24/7)
63. LIPS OR EYES: eyes
65. OLDER OR YOUNGER: older. talking to people younger than me makes me feel like i have to be responsible example or some shit 
67. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: loud people because i am quiet and reserved so yeah
68. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship
69. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: troublemakers i’m a true stick to the rules person so i need to be shaken up every once in a while
75. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: nope (may be idk sometimes i say shit i really shouldn’t)
(wow look @ my ass i really can’t)
80. YOURSELF: *starts laughing really loudly*
81. MIRACLES: i mean miracles? not really? 
82. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: attraction? yes. love? no
83. SANTA CLAUS: i figured out santa wasn’t real when i was four okay
85. ANGELS: yes! not really angels but rather spirits but if fucking Michelangelo came down from the heavens and visited me i wouldn’t be surprised (i also believe in demons or evil spirits you can’t think one is real without acknowledging the other) (advice: don’t summon/provoke/fuck with spirits they DON’T CARE and they will HARM YOU) 
86. CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME(S): amy, awrad, maryan and wanjeri (i see you looking wanjeri as of now we’re best friends)
87. EYECOLOR: my irises are the tone of deep dark mahogany, with swirls of coffee and chestnut dancing within the infinite sea of brown. flickers of gold catch the sunlight within their grasps and make my eyes glow like firelight orbs. (my eyes r fucking brown)
88. FAVORITE MOVIE: Perks of being a Wallflower (i cry every single damn fucking time) Easy A (best chick flick of this generation) Love, Rosie (this damn movie fucked me up i really didn’t expect that) 
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phoenixryzing · 8 years
Freshuary Day Nine: Who do you ship Fresh with?
Well that one’s easy- @alainaprana​! 
“Daaaaddy! Daadddyy Fresh!” a little voice called. A cute human in a rainbow shirt, hat, and blue jeans looked up when she heard it. The girl- Alaina- got up from her sewing to see what was wrong. She soon saw a little skeleton in a blue-and-red striped shirt and blue jeans running around the house, calling for his papa. Alaina was concerned at what was troubling her son- Zigzag- but before she could walk over to him, Fresh popped in.
He was dressed in his usual neon outfit- pink shirt, crayola-styled blue-and-purple jacket, and neon sports shorts. Like the rest of them, he had a pair of glasess, but unlike the others they were actually over his eyes.
Fresh quickly walked over to Zig, kneeling down to be at eye-level with him. “Hey broseph, what’s got you in a widdly-wobbly mess, huh?” His voice was soft, despite the cheery words, and Zig just started sniffling when he heard it.
“S-some of the kids at the park... they were.... “ Zig started, but trailed off. 
“Hey little bro, you can tell me. What did they say?”
“They said... that.... I couldn’t be Mom’s kid... cause I was a skeleton... and...” Zig trailed off again, not looking at Fresh anymore, but studying the orange-and-purple carpet. Alaina just watched the scene, wanting to comfort zig but deciding to let Fresh continue to handle it.
Fresh sighed, and placed his hands of Ziggy’s shoulders. “Brah. Listen to me. Folks... they can get some wacked ideas, cause they just don’t know better, you know? They just a bit ignorant. You can’t let those sick ideas bug you. You know they’re not true, right?” He said, his tone changing to be more serious. “You’re my radtastic little son, and sweetheart’s fluffy little boy.” Zig and Alaina blushed a little at that, but Zig then drooped his head some more.
“But... I’m not like you... either of you....” he said quietly.
“Brah, I’m not like anyone. Nor are you. Or Alaina, or Jojo. We’re all different- all got our own special little things, you dig? ‘Sides, that isn’t what makes a family connected.”
“It’s not?” Zig asked, honestly curious. “...Families are supposed to be alike, aren’t they?”
“Dude if all families were alike it’d be pretty boringly monochrome, and that’s totes unfresh. Listen,” he said, gently guiding Zig’s gaze back to him. “What makes us a family ain’t our similarities or differences. It’s our connection, little brah. We’re all here for eahc other, you dig? If you need help, I’m here for ya. If Sweetheart needs help, we’d be there for her, you know? And if jojo gets hurt, you’re always right there, defending her like the rad big bro you are.” Zig nodded slowly, but he didn’t look fully convinced. Fresh continued.
“That’s what makes us a family brah. Not our looks or what creature we are. We’re always there for each other, defending and helping the other, you know? That bond... that love for the other.... that’s what makes us a family. And no matter what no sick unrad kid says, that won’t change. We’ll stay together, and be the raddest family eva. Okay?”
Zigzag slowly nodded, and wiped his eyes. “Ya... ya. We’re always together. One big rad family.” Zig smiled, and started to turn back to his normal hyper self. “Okay then. Thanks daddy Fresh! You’re the coolest dad ‘round,” and with that, he collapsed on Fresh in a huge hug. Fresh just smiled and hugged back.
  “Anytime broseph,” he said, rubbing Zig’s head a little. Zig halfheartedly whined, then pushed himself up.
“Imma go play with sis, okay?” Zig said, starting to run off.
“Kay brah, have fun!” Fresh called after the rapidly-dissappearing Zig. Then he looked over at Alaina. “Hey there sweetheart. Been listenin’?”
Alaina walked out of the hallway and over to Fresh. “I heard Zig yelling and went to check on him. Seems you had it all under control,” she said, smiling. 
Fresh smiled back, then pulled her into a hug. He loved hugs, and Alaina never objected. “Little man just needed some reassurance, ya know? No biggie.”
Alaina looked up a bit and nodded. “Zig’s a strong kid, and we’ll always be here. No sense dwelling on it.”
“Nah, none at all.” Fresh replied. After a minute of hugging, he reluctantly pulled back. “Okay sweetheart, whatcha working on today?”
“Plushies- stocking up for the con next month. You?”
“Nothin’ really. ‘s playing with jojo earlier, but ziggies doin’ that now. Want some help?”
“Hmm...” Alaina said, thinking. “Could you cut out some of the fabric? Then I could focus on sewing.”
“Sure thing sweetheart,” Fresh said, before heading towards the craft room. 
Alaina and Fresh worked on the plushies for an hour or so, before shouts could be heard from the bedroom. Alaina got up to see what was up.
She peeked in the room, and saw Zig and Jojo immersed in a Mario Kart match. They kept the Wii in there for safety’s sake, but the kid’s were pretty careful with it. Right now they laughing and cheering as they finished a race, loud but happy. Alaina told them to quiet down a bit, but seeing them happy made her smile.
The rest of the afternoon, she worked on her various crafts, and Fresh went to working on his comics. Every now and again one of them would get up to check on the kids, or to see what the other was doing. Whenever Fresh went over, he rested his skull on Alaina’s head, making sure not to distract her but still letting her know he was there. They’d occasionally tease each other, in a playful way, but for the most part they concentrated on their work, content to simply be in the room together.
Eventually Fresh left to take care of the kids and do some work on his own. He and the kids made a game of tidying up the house a bit, and Alaina could hear the quiet shouts as they all tried to be “the best sickest raddest cleaners eva”. She had to smile, but mostly she just concentrated on her art, lost in her own little world.
As it got dark, Fresh waltzed back into the craft room, and hugged a very-zoned-out Alaina from behind. He planted a kiss on her startled head, and whispered, “Hey sweetie, it’s getting a bit late. How ‘bout we make somethin’ together? Or would ya rather I grab some food?”
Alaina leaned her head back into him, and looked up and replied, “Making something sounds fun. How about stir-fry? And something sweet for dessert?”
“You’re all the sweetness I need,” Fresh said, kissing her again. Alaina giggled, then Fresh said, “Anything’s good for me sweetie, whichever you like.” 
“Stir-fry then,” Alaina said. They stayed hugging for a minute, before Alaina wiggled out of it and stood up. They walked to the kitchen and started prepping.
Fresh couldn’t taste, but he could prep food really well. He sliced and diced the veggies while Alaina prepped ingredients for cookies, then they swapped and Alaina fried the vegetables while Fresh finished the cookies and set them in the oven. He set the timer for the cookies, and Alaina called to the kids, “Dinner’s almost done!”
Jojo and Zig had been playing some imaginary game, but they broke up and bounded over. They quickly got the table set for dinner, and sat down, waiting eagerly. Fresh and Alaina dished out the food, and sat down themselves. After a moment, they all plowed in.
“Yummy! This is really good!” Zig said.
“Tasty food!” Jojo chimed in.
The parents just smiled and Alaina said, “We make a good team cooking is all.”
“Teach us?” Jojo asked. “Ya, it looks like fun!” Zig added.
Fresh chuckled and said, “Maybe sometime homeslices. ‘Long as everyones careful, kay? Cookin’s fun but ya gotta watch yourself.”
“We know,” the kids said simultaniously, then started chuckling. 
The conversation drifted after that- what everyone did, a funny story someone remembered, a new hobby they had discovered. Everyone smiled and laughed, so much they took forever finishing their food. Fresh got up halfway through and pulled the cookies out of the oven, setting them on a rack to cool.
After dinner, everyone pitched in with cleaning up- the parents packing up the food and starting the dishes, while the kids put everything away. Then came the fun part.
They had made icing earlier, and now pulled out the icing and sprinkles. With a firm reminder to not make too big a mess, everyone got started on decorating the cookies.
Everyone had a particular style. Fresh drowned his cookies in sprinkles- “sprinkles are little rainbow pieces, and the more the radder”-, Zigzag made little patterns on his- “Stripes are so cool!”-, JoJo made hers as colorful as possible- “Look at all the pretty colors!”-, and Alaina did little abstract designs in hers- “It’s a sunflower with a pink scarf, see?”
Everyone laughed and oohed and aahed over the other’s designs, occasionally saying how they looked too good to eat. They got some icing on themselves, but nothing a quick clean-up couldn’t fix. 
After the finished, they just sat back and admired all the colorful cookies. Zig eventually said, “This is what families about, huh? Just hanging out, having fun, and being together.”
“You got it broseph,” Fresh said, smiling. “This is the best yo.”
Eventually they had to get up and clean everything up again, and by then the kids were yawning (and trying to hide it). The parents ushered them to their rooms, the kids halfheartedly protesting. They tucked the kids in, then quietly crept away.
“They’re good kids,” Alaina said quietly, watching them through a crack in the door.
“Well ‘f course they are, they’re ours,” Fresh replied. “’Sides. The amazing one’s you,” he said, pulling Alaina back into another hug.
Alaina hummed a little, and said, “You’re amazing too, hubby. We’e pretty lucky,” she said.
Fresh nodded, and said, “Totally. Now come on- it’s time to go to sleep.” He took Alaina’s hand, and they walked back to their room. One rad day had ended, and there would be many more to come.
Fresh by @loverofpiggies 
Freshuary by @feth
(Kid!)Zigzag, Jojo, and herself by @alainaprana
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dreamsapphire28 · 3 years
So... most of my Tokyo after school summoners fanfics until now have featured my Mc1 Akemi, so I think it's due time for me to write something with my other Mcs, after all I went through all the trouble of naming them and giving them all individual personalities, besides really like the other Mcs but just intensely imagining things about them won't write stories about them, I know shocker. So for this one I'll be using my Mc5 Yamato. Since I already have a werewolf Mc fanfic I thought I might as well do a vampire Mc one.
Yamato had been careless, as if walking alone at night in the Kabuckicho district was not enough of a bad idea, as luck would have it a group of thugs tried to jump him, 'because at this point why wouldn't it happen' he thought before starting the app. Beating them proved no issue for Yamato, what he didn't expect was one of them coming at him with a knife, an actual knife, the moment the battle zone disengaged. So now Yamato found himself laying on the floor of an alley in a pool of his own blood as the guy who stabbed him leered down at him.
A gasp from one of the other thugs quickly followed by a crashing sound ripped away the gaze of the guy staring down at Yamato, from his place on the floor he couldn't see who was the newcomer but if the expression on the thug's face was anything to go by, it was someone scary, terrifying even. Yamato wasn't sure if he should be glad about this new development, on one hand they were fighting with the people who attacked him on the other hand he had no way of knowing if they were on his side after dealing with everyone Yamato's supposed savior leaned over him, it was no other than the queen of Kabukicho herself, Ellie, "The moment I heard you were here I knew you were going to get yourself in some trouble" Ellie chuckled as she knelt down next to him but even in his current Yamato could hear the concern lacing her normally confident tone. "Well it's not like I'm looking for trouble" Yamato rasped his voice hoarse "While taking a night stroll in Kabukicho? Could have fooled me" Ellie retorted. Yamato could already feel his consciousness slipping away, he had loss a lot of blood before Ellie could arrive, there was not a lot to do and Yamato knew it, they weren't near any hospital, they were too out of the way for an ambulance to get there on time "So this is it for this loop" Yamato said dryly "Have to admit not the way I thought this one would go" He continued.
Ellie stared at him the underlying seriousness of her gaze now in the forefront of her expression instead of the alluring yet mischievous look that normally adorned her features "Yamato you understand the amount of events that have coincided in this loop, right?" Ellie said somberly, Yamato could barely hold onto her words as she spoke and Ellie could tell "Yamato stay with me" She urged before continuing "It is unlikely that everything that has happened here would repeat itself, so you know we can't afford to lose this loop?" Ellie continued talking looking conflicted, it was getting more and more difficult for Yamato to keep up with what Ellie was saying, and not only because of the blood loss "Yamato I'm really sorry I am not giving you a choice in this, but the stakes are too high" Ellie concluded as she rolled the sleeve of Yamato's jacket to expose his wrist, the searing pain yanked Yamato's consciousness back into his body as he watched Ellie biting down on his right wrist, the bite hurt a lot more than a wound like that should it almost felt as if molten iron was running up his arm, if not for his current debilitated state Yamato might have pushed Ellie off just from the sheer pain the bite was causing him, then everything went black Yamato could have sworn it was him dying.
Yamato was actually surprised when he woke up in a remarkably comfortable bed, as he sat up and looked around he noticed that all the lights were off but he could barely tell, Yamato continued confusedly looking around the rather lavish room he found himself in "We're in one of the rooms of Tsukuyomi's club" pipped up Ellie's voice, Yamato turned to see her sitting on a window sill staring out at the crescent moon in the sky. Ellie stood up and walked over to the bed where Yamato was resting "Are you feeling well? The change can be very painful and disorienting believe me I know" Ellie said as she gave Yamato a once over "You turned me into a vampire Ellie?" Yamato asked tentatively "There I knew you were a smart one" Ellie praised Yamato condescendingly as she leaned over to pat his head, he promptly swatted her had away which made Ellie chuckle. "So what now?" Yamato inquired after a moment of silence "What now?" Ellie returned Yamato's question "What does this mean for me?. So now I can't go out in the sun or eat regular food?" Yamato queried making Ellie snicker "You have seen me eating sweets before, did you forget?" Ellie answered with barely contained laughter "Oh, right" Yamato manged to hide his embarrassment as he spoke "You have got a lot to learn don't you?" Ellie giggled, then continued speaking "But you have nothing to worry about I will generously take you under my wing until you can fend for yourself my adorable little fledgling" Ellie cooed as she moved her hand to pinch Yamato's face, he again swatted her hand away which only served to amuse her further.
Ellie was now sitting on the edge of Yamato's bed. Then Yamato decided to interrupt the brief moment of silence with a question "Why?" Yamato asked flatly, Ellie gave him a confused look "Why would you take it upon you to teach me?" Yamato elaborated " I did turned you into a vampire so I might as well" Ellie answered "You feel guilty about turning me into a vampire" Yamato stated, Ellie let out a chuckle "You make it sound like being a vampire is awful" Ellie said smirking, Yamato suddenly felt like he had said something offensive and was about to apologize when Ellie continued "It's not that I feel guilty, is more like I feel responsible for you, I made you into a vampire without you having any say in it so the least I could do is help you through it" Ellie admitted, Yamato was speechless for a moment he couldn't understand why Ellie felt that way "Ellie you saved my life, there is no reason for you to feel like you have to compensate me" Yamato could swear he saw something like relief flicker on Ellie's face for a second when he said that "Who says I'm trying to make it up to you? I just could not bring myself to leave such a defenseless little thing like you without any guidance" Ellie joked her usual confidence back in her tone Yamato rolled his eyes looking annoyed but didn't say anything.
True to her word for the next few months Ellie helped Yamato with learning the basics of being a vampire, which places were good for looking for prey, what things he should avoid, that the sun is more of a nuisance and less of a death sentence for him and just generally getting him accustomed to things, like how his sleep cycle would be thrown completely out of wack, to her surprise he got used to everything quite fast. Some things did prove difficult at first for Yamato mainly sneaking out of the dorms at night, but by now he's gotten pretty used to it.
Now was one of such times he and Ellie were taking a night stroll "You have something on your mind don't you?" Ellie asked "Why would you think that?" Yamato responded without turning to look at her "You have been very quite tonight, I mean you barely talk on a good day, but this is bordering on extreme" Ellie answered "So come on, tell big sis Ellie what is bothering you" Ellie urged him "Don't call yourself that" Yamato protested "Stop being fussy and start talking" Ellie pestered, Yamato sighed before speaking "It's about the Summoners, I haven't told them that I'm a vampire" Yamato conceded "So? That is hardly news for me" Ellie interjected "I'm getting there, it's about Shiro" Yamato continued "The cute nerdy boy with glasses?" Ellie inquired "Yes him" Yamato confirmed "He's been getting suspicious of me, I don't think he knows precisely what but he's smart he is at least aware that something is happening" Yamato concluded "What makes you think he knows something?" Ellie asked "Well he's been commenting a lot on how I seem tired lately, that I I have not been eating well, he's always asking me to keep in touch with him when I go out alone and he's been checking in with me a lot" Yamato listed off the things Shiro had been doing.
Ellie gave Yamato an amused look "That's cute" Ellie giggled "What do you mean?" Yamato asked confused, Ellie rolled her eyes "Yamato do I need to call you out on being such a boy?" Ellie deadpanned "What are you talking about?" the confusion in Yamato's voice was almost palpable "Yamato you are smart, please don't tell me that you can't see that Shiro is clearly just concerned about you and by the looks of it I dare say he is very concerned" Ellie sounded very amused "Well, yeah maybe that could be it" Yamato mumbled "Yamato is clear that he is just worried about you and to be as worried as he is I could also say he likes you quite a bit" Ellie snickered Yamato adverted his gaze, which made Ellie smirk " But you already knew that did you not?" Ellie was now smiling from ear to ear "Maybe I had thought of that as a possibility" Yamato muttered "And you like him too, am I right" Ellie kept smiling as she continued probing Yamato, who stayed silent with his gaze glued to the floor, Yamato's reaction was everything Ellie could have hoped for seeing the normally stone faced guildmaster of the Summoners not being able to meet her gaze with a faint dusting of pink on his face was just too adorable, but as cute as it was she did wanted to help Yamato "Well it is not my place to tell you how you should handle this but telling him does not seem like a bad idea" Ellie suggested "You really think I should? if I do I'll have to tell him about me being a vampire" Yamato's tone carried an uncharacteristic shyness in it, 'This is just too cute' Ellie thought to herself "I mean he clearly cares about you a lot so if does not like you in that way I am sure he will at least let you off gently and being a vampire surely for someone like him it would play in your favor" Ellie reasured Yamato "But you don't have to feel like you need to rush into things, take your time to think it over" Ellie advised, Yamato made a humming noise in acknowledgement.
A few nights later Yamato was laying on his bed looking at the ceiling it was not as if he was going to sleep anytime soon, sleeping at night was very uncommon for him now, he had been thinking about his conversation with Ellie, he did want to tell Shiro how he felt but he wondered even if that what they both wanted, would it be fair for Shiro? Yamato felt like wherever he went disaster followed soon after, not to mention being the center of so many conflicts Shiro was of course already involved with most of it, but even still being in a relationship wouldn't make things easier for either of them. Having pondered things for a while Yamato decided to go out and find something to eat, he was not particularly hungry but Ellie had advised him to not go for too long without feeding himself. Yamato stood up and quietly exited his dorm just as he had done many times before in the past months. As he was exiting the dorm building however he didn't notice a person who was on their way back from the school library. When Shiro saw Yamato leaving the school so late at night his first instinct was to call after him and prevent him for leaving, but then again Yamato's behavior had been strange lately and Shiro was very curious to know why Yamato was acting in such a way just so he could know that he wasn't doing anything particularly more dangerous than the other things he normally did, at least in past occasions Yamato would tell him what he was doing but now he avoided all question regarding his nightly outings, which Shiro had been aware of for a while, so against his better judgment Shiro decided to follow Yamato to see what he was up to.
Keeping up with Yamato proved to be quite difficult and the current conditions were not playing in Shiro's favor with it being very dark and him trying to keep a reasonable distance from Yamato so he wouldn't be noticed he had a hard time tracking him. Shiro walked into an alley he was sure Yamato had gone into. The sight that greeted him was nowhere near what he expected. Yamato's figure loomed over person laying the ground, as blood trickled down from his mouth. Shiro was feeling conflicted, he wasn't sure if he should approach Yamato at the moment, he then felt something cold and sharp pressed against his neck. Shiro let out a gasp in surprise which apparently was enough to catch Yamato's attention as he looked his way the second he made a sound. Yamato's eyes widened as saw what was the source of the noise not only was Shiro being held by someone wielding a knife it was also the guy who stabbed him a few months back, at the sight Yamato's eyes became a deep crimson as they filled with fury. "I saw this one following you like a lost puppy and judging by your reaction I was right to assume he was your friend" the man sneered, Yamato took a step forward but the man pressed the tip of the knife harder into Shiro's neck making a small rivulet of blood drip down "You so much as twitch and I'll kill him" the thug warned, Yamato gritted his teeth then he noticed a small figure waddling up behind the man threatening Shiro.
The D-evil creeping up behind them let out a piercing screech "What th-" the man could not finish the though as Shiro elbowed him in the stomach, Shiro ducked forward just in time to feel a rush of air beside him and hear the sound of metal clanking on the floor of the alley, he turned to see Yamato slamming the thug to the wall his sharp fangs bared. Shiro was stunned both from the man almost trying to kill him and seeing Yamato like this, Yamato barely if ever showed much emotion but now he looked absolutely furious, it was actually kind of scary, Yamato glanced back at Shiro who seemed to be a bit perturbed. Yamato tightened his grip on the man's throat before throwing him aside, he landed on his arm with an almost audible crack Yamato walked up to him, his crimson glare frigid "It would be in your best interest that I not see you again, you won't walk away with your life a third time" Yamato's tone was low and dangerous. The man scrambled to his feet a ran clutching his arm.
Yamato turned to walk up to Shiro, he kneeled down next to him"Are you hurt" the question was simple but Yamato's voice was laced with worry and his eyes were filled with concern as he looked at the wound on Shiro's neck "Yes it's not deep" Shiro answered but Yamato didn't look any less troubled. Yamato didn't bother to ask why Shiro was here, he already knew Shiro had come looking for him and that made him feel all the more guilty for what happened. Yamato reached for Shiro's neck to feel the wound there when he felt Shiro flinch at his touch his heart sank "Shiro I'm sorry, you just wanted to make sure I was safe, if I had told you before this wouldn't have happened" Yamato's voice was soft with a twinge of sadness as he apologized " Yamato it's not you fault, you are in your right if you want to keep secrets, besides I was the one who made the decision to follow you" Shiro stated "But-" Yamato started "Yamato I won't argue this with you it's not your fault" Shiro said with surprising firmness to his tone "Or at the very least I don't blame you" Shiro added with a gently, Yamato was taken aback for a moment before giving a Shiro a small warm smile, Shiro could feel his heart skip a beat, it was rare to see Yamato smiling like that and to think Yamato was smiling at him "We should get back now, I'll explain everything to you later" Yamato said while still smiling softly "It's okay you don't have to" Shiro interjected "I want to do it, I don't want more secrets between us" Shiro couldn't help getting a bit red when Yamato said that.
Yamato helped Shiro stand up, when they started walking he noticed Shiro was a bit unsteady on his feet, so he reached for Shiro's hand taking it in his own as he stepped closer to Shiro "It's okay Shiro, as long as I'm here I won't let anything happen to you, I promise" Yamato told Shiro confidently but the blush on his face was completely apparent, Shiro felt relieved both that Yamato was as flustered as he was and at the promise that was made to him. So the both of them kept walking hand in hand with the light of the moon guiding their way.
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My dad says that if I buy a new car my insurance will double or even more than my insurance on my used car. Is that true?
What is going on car insurance ?
i had a crash over a year ago, my car insurance took it to court last week due to the other party not having any evidence or produce thier side of events etc. the Judge told them they had a week to comply and they should settle 80-20 in my favour but they still are playing hard ball by saying they think i know my witness, so they should have it 80-20 in their favour , of which i dont. so why are they still not showing their side of the crash etc, and dragging this out. also is this legal?""
What is the cheapest car insurance company for dr10 convicts ?
I have a dr10
So whats the best car insurance company for a teenager?
Im a 17 year old boy and I just got my driver's license in maryland yay!!! only problem is that I'm the very first licensed driver out of everyone in my family. That means NOBODY in my family drives, not even my parents; I'm the very first licensed driver. So how would I get car insurance? how do I start an account or something? I drive a bright red 1999 for taurus. what would be the cheapest insurance company for me and how much should I expect to pay? thanx""
Driving without insurance?
I got pulled over today and i got a ticket for not having insurance. I been trying to get insurance but since im a young driver its not that cheap for the insurance so i cant afford it. Im planning to get insurance before my court date. Will that help if i get insurance before my court date? I dont really have the money to pay for that ticket. The surcharge is like $725
Do car insurance pay for flood damage?
my daughter got caught in floods yesterday and her car is knakered do car insurance companys pay for flood damage ,when she rang them they told her it sounded mechanical but RAC said ...show more""
Do i need to have a insurance to get my car inspection?
do i need to have a insurance to get my car inspection?
Tateville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42558
Tateville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42558
Car insurance for a 17 year old?
what is the cheapest car insurance company for a 17 year old. (people with recent experience would be very help full) also what car would be cheapest to insure. (would an old car e.g 1980s early 90s be cheaper than a newer car) i am looking at third party insurance and not comprehensive
What is the best car for cheap insurance?
im 17 and i was wondering what will be the best car for cheap car insurance and around how much will it be.
Low-cost health insurance company?
I have been trying to do research on the state of health insurance in the US and am not getting much informative stuff. What is stopping a private, non- or for-profit company setting up a lower-premium health insurance company? these are the possible problems i have come up with so far: - the insurance claims will far exhaust the float (is this true?) - the demand will be overwhelming (but this shouldn't be too bad considering the insurance business is not heavy on capital expenditures?) - it would be difficult to cover the high costs of drugs and specialist medical costs with lower premiums - getting hands on enough and reliable data in order to calculate proper costs, probabilities of claims against a potential pool of funds, etc. possible solutions would of course begin with restricting the pool of people granted insurance (restrict by probability of claiming insurance) until more data can be gathered to offer insurance to less healthy candidates.""
How long does it take to get your auto insurance back after policy been cancled?
How long does it take to get your auto insurance back after policy been cancled?
Who provides no-inspection home owners insurance?
My house is basically a shell, but we've been conditionally approved for a line of credit to fix the house. We need to have home insurance, but if we go with any of the local insurers we'll be turned down because of the condition of our house. It was built in 1897. Are there reputable online providers of insurance that don't do inspections prior to approval? If so, recommend some.""
17 year old girl insurance?
My dad is a mechanic and will only buy me a 1.0 for insurance and cost. I want to know how much would it cost me to insure a Citroen Saxo when i have my full liscence in 6 monts?? I was told it is also possible to be a name driver on one of my parents insurance. How much would that cost??
Car insurance question.?
I'm working on transferring my current car insurance to Geico and am filling out the electronic form to get a quote. My car is brand new, and I have had it for like eight months. I don't know much car insurance; in the electronic form, what coverage do I pick for full insurance instead of liability? Thanks.""
Does the Affordable Health Care law really prevent insurance companies from denying pre-existing conditions?
They say that now, insurance companies can no longer deny insurance to people with pre -existing conditions. So what was HIPAA passed in 1996 for? This law states that insurance companies CAN NOT deny people with pre -existing conditions. The only change I see is it gets rid of the 12 month exclusion period. I had two aunts with lupus, both lived in California and had insurance, until they moved to Texas. If they could have kept their insurance, they would have, but for some odd reason liberals are against insurance across state lines. They had no problem finding insurance, they just had to be out of pocket for 12 months. HIPAA also states that if you can go six months without any medical visits, advice/procedures, insurance companies are not allowed to look further than that and must not apply the exclusion period. So did the Affordable Care Act really stop insurance companies from denying coverage for pre existing conditions, or was it ALREADY a law? http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq_consumer_hipaa.html""
Homeowners insurance not renewed?
any insurance underwriters out there....our dog bit an adult neighbor who entered our yard...medical claim filed....agent tells us we wont be renewed....is this typical.....
Can I get auto insurance through another company if I owe on another insurance company money?
I lapsed on my old insurance policy and do not have the money to pay it off. My registration expires tomorrow and I need insurance in my state to register my vehicle. Will another company insure my vehicle if I still owe money to another insurance company?
What insurance is available for those who are between ages 18-24 and can't qualify for Medicaid?
Any low cost health insurances out there?
What happens to your health insurance if you get sick & can't work?
What if you have health insurance and something happens where you get so sick you can't work, so you can't pay your health insurance bill each month since you can't go to work anymore. Will your health insurance be active while your sick and out of a job? Or will it shut off since you stopped paying the monthly bill since you weren't able to work? I don't get it, why would someone buy health insurance if when they actually get sick, the health insurance will be canceled? What if I break my leg, and can't work...and in 3 months of not working my health insurance gets cancelled...but it takes 6 months to heal your leg. I don't get it.""
What state has cheaper car insurance?
I'm in California right now and will be moving to Florida next year. Which of the two has cheaper car insurance rates?
Does anyone know about whether or not you are required to have car insurance in California?
or does the DMV get to know and suspend your car if you do not?
How much would my tickets be?
I was driving 60 in a 45 and didn't have a copy of my insurance in the car (it was expired). I do have legal insurance but it's at home. So I got two pieces of paper. One for insurance and one for speeding. What can the costs be? I'm 19 and this is the first time I have gotten a ticket/citation (And I get two together, how lucky?). All I need to know is that how much are they worth?""
Any reasonable way to get car insurance as a young person?
I'm 18 now, and I've just passed my car test, and bought myself a 2000 Toyota yaris 1Litre (998cc) And have been toying with finding myself some cheap insurance. So far the cheapest I have com accross for me to own my own policy is 2,100 a year, on a car I bought for 600! Obviously I'm doing something wrong. I'm not so keen on having a parent own the policy, as this then results in a loss of building up no claims bonus. I have tried every insurer under the sun, including the co-op smartbox insurance, which still yields unreasonable results.If anyone has any suggestions, I would be thankful Alex""
What is the average price (without insurance) for a root canal?
What is the average price (without insurance) for a root canal?
Can I refuse health insurance from my employer?
I am already insured under my husband and in the past having 2 insurances has caused a nightmare of paperwork. I am about to accept a job from a non-profit, so would me refusing insurance save them money?""
What sporty car can i get which is under insurance group 11?
I am only 19 years old so it cant be higher or insurance will cost a bomb. I like the Honda Civic type s although they might be slightly over my budget at 9000. I also like the Fiat Bravo 2007 T-Jet sport, but a bit worried about the Fiat reliability. The Ford fiesta ST is okay i suppose. Can you give me some sporty car suggestions please. I prefer hatchbacks. Thanks in advance.""
Insurance sells up or down?
This is a question addressed to current ly licensed Insurance agents abroad; therefore, my question is concerning the economy crisis we Americans are facing right now and with that, is Life & health Insurance coverage on the fall or rise? I have been waiting to start this career but not too assured that right now is the best time for this.""
How does auto insurance work? is it cheaper if a buy new car or an old one?
How does auto insurance work? is it cheaper if a buy new car or an old one?
Car insurance for 17 year olds - UK?
Im about to turn 17 and wanted to start driving, how much would car insurance be for a Ford Ka? Are there any cheaper companies to go to and any ways of bringing down the price like installing trackers etc. Would it be much cheaper to be put onto parents insurance, even if they are really bad drivers!?""
Important question regarding auto insurance while renting a vehicle?
Does anyone have any idea about how much a person is liable for if they rent a car from a place such as Avis, Hertz or Thrifty without paying for the insurance coverage they offer? A friend of mine doesn't have her own car so therefore she doesn't have any insurance. She is renting a car for the weekend and wasn't sure about her liability with or without purchasing the insurance coverage thru the rental agency. Any answers would be great as we all know that those rental insurance programs offered by car rental agencies can be quite expensive:-)""
Its about car Insurance?
hi guys i was wondering ive recently looked at a car ad the cars insurance saids 15E its and 2003 ex police car 'volvo s80' at the age of 21 is that going to be expensive. ??????????
What happens if to my insurance if i get married?
My parents pay for my insurance and ill have it till I'm 19 if I get married would I no longer have insurance?
Tateville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42558
Tateville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42558
How much will previous drink driving ban cost company insurance?
Hi, hope someone can help. I had a drink driving ban about 2 years ago. I am now applying for a job which would like a clean driving license (dont they all). What i want to know is how much extra money would it cost the company insurance to put someone on their books with a previous d/d ban. The job im applying for would require me to drive their vehicles, would it cost the company alot ? Thanks for any answers""
Classic car ownership in the UK; apparantly there's an advantage over other cars such as cheaper insurance or
tax, or MOT, but I can't remember what...anyone know?""
Need of car insurance web service?
I am doing project in car insurance.For that i want web services for car insurance. Please anyone list car insurance web service available
Types of car insurances?
types of car insurances available?
Is the more smaller the car engine size the cheaper the car insurance will be?
Is the more smaller the car engine size the cheaper the car insurance will be?
Do you have to have insurance to drive a car if you dont own one?
My friend has been stopped by the police for driving an uninsured car. He borrowed the car from his friend while his friend was away, and his friend is an uninsured driver, my friend did not realise he was driving an uninsured vehicle as he believed his friend had insurance. He does not own a car, do you have to have insurance to drive a car and the police are telling him he has to go to court and pay fines,-is this right?""
Motorcycle insurance and licensing.?
I'm going to get a motorcycle, I'm wondering how much it will cost me to get a Class 6 license in BC, Canada, while I don't have one for cars. And also, how much do you think I will pay for insurance? Just the bare minimum, to keep me legal? Thanks...""
How soon do I need auto insurance after getting my Driver's License?
I'm going to be getting my Drivers License for the first time in a week (I am 16), and I was wondering how soon after I get my license do I need to have auto insurance to drive legally? I'd like to be able to drive the day I get my license, but my parents don't want to add me to their insurance plan beforehand with the possibility of me failing the exam. Is their any kind of grace period that allows me to drive the day I get my license so I can wait until after I complete the test to purchase insurance?""
Is minimum coverage car insurance the same as an SR22?
In Tennessee, is minimum coverage car insurance the same as an SR22? I already have minimum coverage but am now required to get an SR22. Is this something that needs to be added on or will minimum coverage suffice? Thanks.""
Health insruance for the umemployed?
I'm actually employed but theres no insurance....Are there any insurance companies that I could get with, keeping in mind that I already have health problems......You know most insurance companies wont even write because you have problems already, are there any that will???""
What car insurance company has the policy that you insure on person but anyone can drive it and be insured?
What car insurance company has the policy that you insure on person but anyone can drive it and be insured?
""I don't have health insurance, should I get AFLAC?
My company sent an AFLAC representative to us today. I heard it was supplemental health insurance and it costs $35/month for accidents and sickness. I don't have any insurance at ...show more
Cheapest car insurance for a newly qualified driver?
I can add mom/dad/anyone.. small car, who is the cheapest? can get it for 2.5k but thats just ridiculous....""
Low car insurance for new driver age 37 who has just passed. I live in the U.K.?
Can anyone give me advice where to get the cheapest car insurance in the U.K. I have just past my test and I am 37 years of age. I am looking to get a 1.3 engine. The chaepest quote I have recieved is 789.
Do i need car insurance?
i am turning 16 soon and i am wanting to buy a cheap truck that's about $1500. I wont be able to afford insurance since i will have to be on my own insurance plan and it would be about $200 a month. since i wont care about the truck if it gets damaged and since its so cheap i didn't know if their is a way i could just get like liability or something? also I live in missouri. Thanks
""Can I drive without insurance, if the car itself is insured?""
It's my dad's car. The car is insured but i am not, as in. I use to be on the same policy as my dad, but now i am off of it due to money problems. But the car I drive is insured under my dad. Is it legal to drive it? (CA)""
Uninsured Motorcycle Driver Question?
Recently a friend of mine wanted to purchase a motorcycle that he found a super great deal on. Because his credit is very average he asked me to purchase the cycle and he would make me payments plus interest. I agreed and took out a loan for the bike. However a few weeks later he decided it would be ok to take the bike out for a spin UNINSURED. He had a run in with several trick or treaters and their parents. Since it was an unlit road, they were in the middle, and he was going under the speed limit. The cops ruled it not his fault. However now two insurance companies are coming after me to subrogate the liabilities. Since he was the driver but I am the owner. What are my rights? Can they still blame him? Am I liable?""
Insurance would cost for 21 male?
how much would it cost me if i get liability not full coverage ... i havnt bought a car as yet but im thinking of buying 95 accord 4 dr or 96 maxima ... just curious to know what my insurance would be...
How much does it really cost to own a Porsche 911 Carrera 4S in California? MSRP is...?
...$88,400. What other costs are there? http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am trying to own one of these. Just wondering what's is in store for me (i.e. tax, ...show more""
The least expensive type of life insurance is _____.?
whole-life insurance term insurance endowment life insurance limited-payment life insurance
Which is the cheapest & best car insurance co for skoda fabia car in India?
Which is the cheapest & best car insurance co for skoda fabia car in India?
Where can I get the best Auto Insurance Quotes?
My semi-annual auto insurance renewal is coming up. I've shopped before and I think I'm already getting a damn good rate, but still I'd like to try to get an even better rate. I've tried both Geico and Progressive, and both quoted me over $200 higher per year than I already pay. Any other good suggestions? This would be for coverage in California.""
We have dog insurance on the brain!?
So our precious Pit Bull has gone to the vet more times than I can imagine, since we brought him home. I don't even get to visit my doctor as much! Recently, we've decided to look into pet insurance for him. We do live on somewhat of a tight budget, so anything crazy in numbers wouldn't work. We need affordable insurance, if it's possible. And, is there any insurance that deals with pre-existing issues? Any personal experiences/advise would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!!!""
Do you NEED insurance for a motorcycle?
meaning can you get arrested with no insurance?
Car insurance away at college?
A friend of mine who is away at school with me (200 miles from home) said he gets reduced insurance because he is away at school without a car. However, he is always driving his girlfriends car. He claims that its OK for him to do this. This sounds a little fishy to me. He is getting the discount because his insurance company thinks he isn't driving, right? If he wrecks his girlfriends car is he covered? I am worried about being in the car with him. I don't want anything defaulted onto my insurance in the case of an accident if its just him and I in the girlfriend's car. Let me know what you guys think!""
Tateville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42558
Tateville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42558
What Dog breeds lower home owners insurance?
My hubby and I just bought our 1st home and heard that owning a certain type of breed of dog such as a German shepherd will lower homeowners insurance because its considered a good guard dog that can protect the home. I'm wondering if they're any more breeds that we can choose from since we're looking to add a dogie addition to our family. Thank you in advance!!
How can I buy life insurance policy on people?
I have a friend at work that was telling me that here in Texas it is legal to buy a life insurance policy on anyone you want. He says when the person you have insurance on dies you get a lot of money. I was just wondering if anyone on here knows how this works? Do I need the persons permission or what information do I need from them? I was thinking of getting insurance on old people that live in a retirement home a block from where I live and get rich out of it. I know some of you will think I am sick but I wouldn't mind if someone had insurance on me when I am older. So how can I go about doing this and what information do I need on the person?
Totally outrageous car insurance quote?
I had some issues paying my car insurance and it was cancelled. I called by ins company today to renew it. They told me they couldn't renew my policy but they have a buddy company that can give me an insurance policy. So they get all my info and they quoted me 730 dollars a month! I understand I have bad driving history and I let my insurance get cancelled, but that doesn't seem right at all, I was paying 100 dollars a month before. That doesn't even seem like a real number to charge someone for car insurance, it's more than I pay for rent!""
""Hit a mailbox, will cost $2,500 to fix, how much will my insurance go up?""
The other night i crashed into a mailbox. It was completely my fault and it will cost $2,500 to fix it. I was wondering how much my insurance premium will go up per year about? I am 20 years old and have gotten 1 ticket before.""
Insurance when buying a used car?
I'm going to buy a used car next week from a private seller and I am concerned about the insurance. I've heard that you need to have insurance to drive it but what should I do? I am 20 years old and I've looked up temporary insurance and most of them you have to be 21 years or older and some are around 200 for 1 day cover but you have to have a Full UK Driving Licence for at least 6 months when in my case, I've only had it since yesterday as I passed my test yesterday. So what should I do? Get the full insurance and tell them this cars registration number or not get insurance at all and assume I get 7 days free insurance when buying this used car from the private seller?""
Do i need insurance to title car?
do i need insurance in order to title the car to my name so i can sell it?
Has anyone had to show proof of their grades to get this discount. I know one of my friends did not. Do I have to send a transcript? an official one? Will the take my word on it? Which insurance company did you have that did require it?
Car Insurance?
I am planning to buy a used 1992 Honda Prelude for $2,700.00. How does the insurance work? Does the price of the car that I paid or the retail price, plays as a factor of how much I would have to pay monthly for insurance. What insurance company would be the best for a new driver with her G2 only? Does anybody have an idea of how much it will cost me (approximately monthly) for the insurance? What other fees or cost will I have to pay for?""
Should we keep health insurance or get rid of it?
anyone know the pros and cons of either getting rid of health insurance or to keep it?
How much would I pay for my yearly motorcycle insurance?
Thank you for your time. I am a 18 year old freshman university student living in Canada and I am really interested in buying a new motorcycle. I recently got my M1 and I will be going for my M2 next, so I am still kinda inexperienced. I looked at a few motorcycle websites and a couple of them read that motorcycle insurance is affected by age, experience, driving record, bike engine, etc. I figured that a medium sized engine probably wouldn't cost too much so I looked at a bike with 600cc. I am not worried about the initial cost of the bike since my scholarship money out-pays my tuition and housing by an excess of $4000. Also, I have had no history of accidents in cars or anything. I was wondering, based on my history and my status, what would be a good approximation of the yearly insurance I would have to pay given that I am a student and I am looking at a 600cc bike? Any input is appreciated.""
How do I find affordable health insurance that covers sterilization?
My job doesn't provide benefits, but I'm tired of waiting to get Essure or a tubal ligation. Where can I find information about reputable insurance companies (that I can afford) that cover sterilization procedures?""
""My fathers paying car insurance for the car I drive, now moving?
My father pays car insurance but I'm moving will the payment go to me once I move with my car? How can I switch to my name
Someone hit my totalled car what will their insurance do to figure out how much to give me?
Someone hit my totalled car what will their insurance do to figure out how much to give me?
State auto insurance vs. state of registration?
I am currently working a temporary job away from home in another state not my permanent residence (I am living there for the term of the employment). While there I bought another vehicle and registered it in that state and when insuring it moved my other car to the policy not realizing this could cause a problem. Now on my first vehicle, which was registered in my home state, the home state has refused to renew the registration because it carries out of state insurance. However, I also don't own the first vehicle, it is owned by my parents who are a resident of my home state, I just use it and pay the insurance. So unless I am missing anything, It looks like I am basically going to be forced to register that vehicle in a state where I do not have residence or cancel my insurance policy and get insurance for only that vehicle through a provider in my home state. Is this it or are there other options? I'm confused because they let me renew last year even though I had the out of state insurance, but I had switched during that year so maybe they considered me part-time or something. I would like to avoid changing any state registrations for the time being, because this process is expensive and complicated between the two states in question. Someone told me the cheapest option might be to get a minimum liability policy on the car in my home state so they will give me registration, but I have never heard of that and I'm not sure if that is ok (having two insurance policies on the same vehicle)? I am not trying to play tricks or loophole anything here, I just want to figure out my options and get this done without costing me a lot of money or time.""
How do I get affordable health insurance for my son?
I was in between jobs last year so I had to put my son on medicaid. As soon as I found a job I let them know but they kicked him off of it anyways. The problem I am having is that my insurance at work don't kick in until November and he has to have insurance by then for doctors appointments, etc. I tried to get MC+ for kids but they make it almost impossible to get. I just was wondering if anyone knew of a place where I can get affordable health insurance for my son?""
Insurance for a 17 year old male?!?
Ill be turning 17 soon and ill be taking driving lessons. Ive been looking at car insurance for a 1.2 renault clio ( cheapest quote 5000) 1.1 citroen saxo(couldnt get a quote but when i did 14,000. Whats the best ways to get it cheaper. I also tried a 1.1 peugot 206 and still its around 7000. Thats for 3rd party fire and theft.""
Do i need car insurance?
well basically i cracked my sideview mirror and the plastic holding it is a little lifted from normal place.. if i went to an auto shop to fix it, would i need car insurance or could i just get it done and pay with cash?""
Do I have to have car insurance in wis?
I have a car that is old, ( a VW Fox to be exact) and i was wondering if i need to have car insurance for it? i use the car for nothing more than to drive to work and back, because of the amazing gas milage, but i was woundering if im going to get into trouble if im ever pulled over and dont have insurance. I live in WIS so keep that in mind. Any help would be welcome. thx ahead of time.""
Insurance for a 3 series BMW Convertable?
Does anybody know a good/cheap insurance company for a BMW 3 Series Convertable. I don't have any no claims as i have always driven a company car! Please please help!!!!
What's the average insurance coast monthly for a Lambo convertible?
What's the average insurance coast monthly for a Lambo convertible?
Is it true that you MUST purchase health insurance?
So, President Obama says you MUST purchase health insurance or face fines by federal government. How do you feel about that? (Also, wondering how many actually care about their rights being trampled on by Obamacare.)""
How much content insurance do i need?
my insurance company needs an answer asap. we close in 2 days. small bungalow with finished basement, approx 2300 square feet in total. Master bedroom spare bedroom, office, rec room, kitchen, dining room, great room, full bath, 2pc & 3pc bath, 3 flat screen tvs, usual appliances, all rooms furnished modestly. Would $50,000 be enough?""
After a DUI how much does it cost for new car insurance if you are dropped by your old insurance company?
After a DUI how much does it cost for new car insurance if you are dropped by your old insurance company?
Insurance premium increase of 50%?
I had an accident with my RV that was about $1,200.00 on my side and very minor on the other vehicle. The accident was considered my fault and being 1 point and my first ever in over 32 years of driving. My insurance company now has increased my premium about 50%. I am in California and would like to understand the criteria for this increase. It looks like the company will recover the full amount paid in the next premiums. Where can one go to understand this? Thanks""
Car accident medical bills: Car insurance or health insurance?
I was in a car accident and went to an urgent care to get myself and son checked out. I used my health insurance to cover the medical costs. Is my car insurance supposed to reimburse my BCBS(Blue Cross Blue Sheild) health insurance? Or does my health insurance cover it? The car insurance company (progressive) totaled my vehicle and paid me $350 for our medical bills. Am I supposed to give that money to BCBS? I just dont want medical bills to come back to me later on down the road after settling. Also, what do I do if I am still in pain from whiplash? Should I go to a chiropractor, a doctor? Should I send Progressive the bill or use my BCBS? Any advice would be helpful.""
Tateville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42558
Tateville Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42558
0 notes
zamstrom · 7 years
Drug Dependency, a 911 call, and Pulmonary Embolism, oh my!
So its currently 1:40, and I have been wanting to type this out for a wee minute. Tumblr continues to be my place where I do my personal diary-like entries where I can place my personal thoughts as well as things that have happened that are big events. And let me tell you, things have been big as of late. Its been personally charged with all sorts of different emotions as life has been going on. I’ve been through a lot since the end of May, and to say I am still alive now is an understatement. I’m truly blessed, truly lucky, just..here. So, lets start with the fact that I totally admitted to my mom that I wanted to kill myself and that I was scared to go back home because of all the sharp untensils around the houe. Yeah, I was not in a stable bit of mind at all. I just had my heart ripped out of my chest the day before due to finally telling the girl I like how I feel- and she didnt feel the same. God damn. That was a stab to every pore into me. My mother didnt know what to do so we went through the pain tasking of getting into norwood. But honestly, getting my heart broken was not what triggered me to be suicidal. It was a calamity of factors all rushed together which caused it to be.
Norwood is the psych-ward of Wood County, pretty much.
After umteen hours of having to sit around in an emergency room, I was finally allowed to head over to the psych-ward. In the ER though, they were doing all sorts of fancy tests left and right. I had no idea what in the living hell was going on to be honest with you. It was like as if that day was all an entire blur.  Right before I went in, I had like three double cheeseburgers from Burgerking because I was damn well starving.
Once I got to the Psych-ward we had to go through the usuaul spcheel of papers and insurance talk. I'd glance at my mother whom was very worried about me. I could see the tears swelling up in her eyes, wondering what her boy was going to do, how to live, the racing thoughts in her eyes. I know she was going to be okay. I needed "help", big time.
Well, that help turned into a disaster. Trust me when you read more into the story why I say that. Thankfully I am here typing this out and alive for people to know what happened.
So I got admitted. Had to wear a bracelet. number 12964. Took drugs within the facility. Couldnt wear my jewelry, nor my piercings.  Ate their horrible food but also along the way meant some amazing people that I never expected. We'd play board games like apple to apples, which is like a safe version of a inappropriate group card game.  Constantly was bored to the point I poored all my thoughts into writing in a notebook. Spoke with the main psychiatrist and he was a hardass and could barely understand me as a person. Shoved a cocktail of drugs in my direction and my mother noticed right away how said pills were making me into a zombie. Boy, how true that is. Thats when the slurred speech was starting to happen and it all fell into place from there. I even told the main psychiatrist that I was having side effects but all he did was switch the times I take it. Completly idiotic. As people have told me, I was taking far too much instead of being weaned into it.
However, I do give credit where its due. The therapy side of things when I was in there was worth while, and gave me a bit of an eye opener to what I need to work on in life and then some. So kudos to the wonderful ladies in there, (especially the hella attractive blonde I'd always eye on and make her try to blush).
Well, I made it out of there alive and well. I remember the first day coming back and crying tears of joy but also concern because of the gabapentin. I also remember I believe that I got pizza hut for lunch because I didnt have pizza for like 9 days straight. You know how that can get to a man, not to be able to have pizza?! Its maddening! I went to the nut farm only to go more crazy..for pizza! I also remember my sister giving me a pink shirt when I was in there and now look, I have two hot pink shirts in my collection- hell I'm wearing it right now! Who would of thought!.  It was good to lay in bed with my own pillow- as if the world shut off and bliss took over.
Everything went back to normal somewhat. I started to go back to work regularly- only for Chris to immediatly go on his national guard dutie which was going to be for 2 weeks straight. At first, I thought it would be nothing. I've worked a month straight in the past with no problems but the other problem was tatiana going on her California trip, so there was mistakes and stuff being done and could not be fixed right away because she is the higher-up that speaks with Jesse. Tara took over her shift while she was gone for vacation, I took over  Chris and Eileen and Sheree did their thang.
Well, this is when the withdrawl and side effects began. The first week was okay! I was following suit on the pills, but they were causing issues because I was taking them as if I was a daytime person and I'm not- I'm a night time person due to my life-style and job. So what am I suppose to do! I didnt notice really anything going on except this naggingness going on with my mouth. I thought it was just my back out of wack causing the weirdness but I was wrong. I was able to throw like normal, in fact I was doing nearly a trickcircle a day. Just had a fresh new haircut happen..life was normal until...
All of a sudden, the effects started to effect me. I started to have muscle rigidity/stiffness. My mouth was constantly being dry and muscus would collect. My breathing was shallow. I could barely walk to the point I was shuffling my feet. I was profusely sweating to the point my shirts were getting drenched with sweat. I was panicky and constantly worrieing about stuff. Insomnia was striking me to the core. My decision making was flawed. My vision was getting blurry. My speech was slurrying because my left side of my face was going numb. My left arm was getting weak. The panic tremors. I'd break down to random tears over basic things that I couldnt too.
The one thing that bothered me was the pity look I'd get from guests when they saw that I was struggling hard. I'll never forget the looks I'd get from my coworkers too.
So that is what I was dealing with the past five weeks. It wasn't pretty. It wasnt fun. It was FUCKING HELL. In that time frame June 17th I did go to the emergency room because we were trying to figure out what was going on. I couldn't see my shrink until July 18th because he decided to take a mini vacation out of the blue. Neither michelle the nurse of Dr Shein nor the main dude I met at the ER could help, merely to state that I needed to wean off the gabapetin completely. There was no hope in sight at all. The Doc outright told us they do not handle with medications that involved psychiatric care. On June 19th, My mother couldn't take it anymore and went through the hospital at the information desk to file a complaint against behavior health due to their malcontent on not giving us any answers at all. To file through the customer resolution center., to which they were fairly nice on the phone when she spoke with them. Magically, all of a sudden a opening happen with Doctor Shein and I got to see him. My mother had spoke most of the time because at that point my mouth was too numb for me to be understood. He planned to go after this aggressively, where I was cut off the bentzprine and Ambilify that day. and reduced down to just 1 pill for the gabapetin. Thank god I spoke with him because I had no idea what was going on. He was convinced I had Akathisia due to the depenedency on the pills which is true.
Akathisia is when your body has a feeling of wanting to be in constant motion. This would make sense considering I could barely be able to relax and sleep, barely be able to sit still and be in a zen like quality. It was like there was an innner restlessness.
And then the last day, 17 days straight of working, on June 27th during the night I had to check in a guest after audit around 1am. Not too big of an issue except for the fact I could barely think and my only thoughts were to stay awake and keep moving. I could barly do the pillowcases let alone stand but I was striving. I checked her in and even she knew something was wrong with me. I kept repeatedly telling her I will go as fast as I can and she understood. She was really nice to me. So, a couple hours go by, and two men in a silver van show up around 2:30 asking for this specific lady. I call down the room to ask her if I could send them down and she said it as okay.
At around 3 a 911 call showed up on the console phone. So as my job I have to immediatly see what is going on and to see what I can do to help. I was already panicking because I wasn't getting my work done fast enough. There was things to be done but due to my muscles crunching up I could barely move. Well, I trenched on to the room- all the while sweating more and more, and not being able to breathe the best. By the time I got down there, they had the door open and all three were yelling at eachother accusing eachother of stuff. Well, she said she called the cops against these two so I started to walk back towards the frontdesk. Well, she started yelling at them to leave, so they agreed and started following me- well as I was walking up there I saw the cops coming in and they were looking for me so I had to run back. I have ashma so that started to kick in even more.
Once I got to the frontdesk I was sweating bullets, the cops were speaking with the lady and two men to figure out what was all going on. Pam popped in to see what the hell is going on only to see me sitting in the corner trying to regain my air which I wasn't. After awhile the cops switched to their attention to me asking if I'm okay, asking if I looked like I needed to go to the emergency room, asking if I needed an ambulence. All the while, Pam is trying to get a hold of my mother whom was out in the kitchen feeding the cat but eventually did get her after I agreed to going to the Emergency room. They had the paramedics come in and do various tests to which they all agreed to ask me to go, so they propped me on the board as I am asking "Can you guys even lift me?" to which then all of a sudden I heard a hydralic sound. So that answered that. They popped me in the ambulence all the while Pam is trying to get in touch with Tara to come in due to all that is happening. She eventually did.
From 4 something in the morning until god knowns how long I was in the emergency room. Just like before it felt like forever in an umcomfortable bed. I got poked and prodded like a human pin cushion and had my blood pressure taken a few million times. They did various tests, I had a CT Scan, X-rays in various parts of my body, even was asked to do a piss test in a container which I couldnt not do. I can never do piss tests it seems, especially while sitting down. Eventually did though when they moved me but still. My blood pressure during my time there was through the roof because I was so anxiety filled.  Anyways, we spoke with the main doctor that was on board about the muscle stiffness and everything and he outright told us Gabapetin would not be doing these kinds of side effects that he would know of. But he did suspect Amblify might, he was looking into everything he could and was a bit dumbfounded. We even suggested to do lymes disease test due to that notion.
Well, they still wanted me for tests and told me that I had to stay overnight. I was so damn tired, with the run of insomnia and the constant sweating being overly abundant. I remember at one point I made the comment "If I wanted to kill myself, this would be the moment instead of what I said to you.". Only made my mother more in agnony but it was the truth in all damn honestly. After all I have been through, I really did want to die. I was taken off my bupropion meds, and then being tapered off the Gabapetin. I tried to eat the shitty food my mother ordered for me from the cafeteria, but
That night, they told me of some of the things going on. I was barely able to comprehend though and admittly didnt remember when I spoke with the main doctor. But, I was told I had blood clots in my legs, the serious kind. And then something even more scarey- pulmonary embolism. Bloodclots in the lungs. This was some serious shit that I was in. I was put on warfarin immediatly, a blood thinner pill. I had heard of this pill because my grandma is currently on it. They spoke of the risk factors of blood clots and a plethora of other things. All I could do this sit there and take it in that my life has changed in a way I could not put into mere words.
I couldnt sleep a blink as of how umcomfortable I was. I just wanted to get up to walk, but at the same time trapped into a bed. I just laid there blinking my eyes trying to rest but sleep would not come to me. Nearly every two hours they would come in to do some form of tests whether blood pressure or stealing my blood. It was hell just sitting there being a pin cushion and bruising more and more. I think I may of got sleep but could not remember.
I did eventually get out. I had a little together with the physical theraphy side and they tested out my strengths to see if I needed it. At the time I firmly believe I needed it but they said no. I passed the various tests they gave like walking. At that point my mother was going to give me my dads old walker due to my walking. All I could do was shuffle my feet and walk short distances. They gave me various physical theraphy papers for me to do, which at the time I was serious about- I'd dot them all. and I was finally out. Took me a little while to finally get out of the emergency room, hell it took forever to even get my clothes on but I did eventually. I was also told I had two weeks off medical leave from work- which I was super worried because no one else could do the auditing. But whats a guy to do if they say you can work? I finally got to go home, what a relief! But that was only half the battle.
When I got home, it felt like relief but really that was a disguise. Because now I knew I had to do the physical therapy, I had to put the work in somehow. The next two weeks were brutal because here is me- not had that length amount of time off with the condition I was in. I couldnt yoyo, could barely sit, sweating all the time and the other issues at hand- it was hell. I was truly fearing that I could never be able to play yoyo ever again, that was a nightmare to me. My body was absorbing energy from me, because my stomach shrunk so small I could barely eat like I used to. I eat a lot, I'm a big boy and to go from eating like 4000 calories down to just 500 a day, that REALLY makes a dent in your system.. Over the course of five weeks I had lost over 50 LBS and that is truly not a joke.
My mother was my rock through it all as well as my drill sargent. She'd make me go out and do the walkin I desperately needed to wake my muscles. She helped me with my arm exercises and drilled it in to me about the water. I thank my all for her because I constantly was asking for hugs, annoying her because I couldnt sit still in my room and always panicking which she would come in to make me calm down my breathing.
Everyday I was chipping away at the meds to get out of my system, to flush out.  I even went out to see my family at Dexterville campsite for the 4th of July for a little bit and due to my walking and stature, I could only be out there a little bit. The weather was not agreeing with me and sweating so much was a hassle. We even stopped at the dexter drive in to get ice-cream, and due to my mouth being numb it was hard to eat the icecream which was getting all over my face. Certain parts of my body would get better before other spots. Everyday was the same literally- Zelda Breath The Wild was my muse- my only thing I could really do but even then games were difficult because my fingers would not work functionally.
Went to see a check up with my regular doctor- and we discussed about the fact due to my family history with bloodclots how I will probably be on Warfarin for the rest of my life. Talked about my detoxing and also had a few other questions. There was confusion about my work release that we needed to get settled so the following monday June 10th, we made a trip back to Doctor Hameime to get it settled.
When it came time to finally go back to work- most of the detoxication happened. My body was freeing itself from the clutches of the drugs. All of those things I mentioned that happened to me was finally coming off of me except for the weakness in my left arm which as of this moment of typing this, is back to normal. Since last Wednesday, I've been throwing yoyo like mad which has brought back the muscle memory. Tatiana was certainly happy to see me, as the girls were running ragged due to it just being Tara, Sheree, and Eileen. They did it, and I am so proud of them. I still feel bad for having this all happen, I wish my body would of continued and we would of never had issues, but things dont always work that way.
I've just had my first work week and on Sunday I finally got to see Tara. We were discussing all that happened with my life and such and even she noticed. She outright told me "Dan, I could tell something was wrong and I really wanted to tell you to just go back home because you are in no shape to work but I didn't". Its true, due to not being able to speak properly, my eyes being in a glaze, and not walking or moving properly- I should of got released but I'm too stubborn for that plus due to no back up relief..whats a guy to do?
Tuesday I had back to back appointments. I got to see my therapist plus I got to see my psychiatrist all rolled into one. For the therapy side one of the first things Mr Bauss said was "You're glowing today, you are a completely different person since I saw you", which is true. I was feeling pretty damn good to be honest with you, I was calm and collected and could articulate and speak my thoughts properly this time versus two weeks ago when I could barely even sit down. We spoke for an hour of the homework I recieved from him, and he would add in little things that opened up my eyes that made me feel good about myself. Seeing Dr Shein the psychiatrist was also good, because he had seen all the improvement I had versus the last I spoke with him. I had to speak with him about about what happened at work with the 911 call, and eventually that call was for me and had to go to the emergency room, being diagnosed with bloodclots in the legs and lungs and going through detox. It was tough to speak of but I was feeling damned good that it was coming out smoothly, even with the attractive student he had there. In the end, he was right. and with that said...
Sometimes, miracles really do  work in mysterious ways.
End. Until next time.
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calypsoff · 4 years
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This is why I picked Texas, this is the third apartment we have come too, and this is already my favourite. The fact it is gated and the price of it, I am shocked. If I had money, well some money I could do it on my own but when I saw it advertised I thought it was too good to be true with the price but it’s legit, it’s gated. We had to get buzzed in to check this shit out, if we are splitting this shit between us three it’s like six hundred between us and that is cheap for what it is, it looks so nice “you look happy as hell Chris, you already sold on this?” Barry asked, he knows. He can see it “man, I am hype. Where is this dude bro, I want to see the apartment. Like you can’t get this in Virginia, shit is expensive. Texas is dope, I like it here. You see how happy I am” clapping my hands together “I do like it here, it’s dope. Already met some chicks with good pussy and then met some niggas I think we will get on with. Shit, we really doing this” I didn’t really expect these niggas to come with me, but they did, I am hype to not be alone either “sorry, I am Jacob. Which one is Christopher” turning around to this white guy “that is me sir” getting my hand out to him “welcome to The Opal, you all new to Texas?” nodding my head “yes sir, we looking to move here. So we need three bedrooms and I saw this, I was like this is too good to be true, but I am shocked. I am already in love” dead ass really am “you want to sign the papers now?” he said, I laughed “I will but I just want to see it first” Jacob made his way around to TJ and Barry “three friends wanting to move to Texas, well welcome to Texas first and foremost, I would say for property Texas is it. You are paying for that, I don’t see it for places like New York and California, I couldn’t see me there wasting money so Texas is it, so shall go to your apartment?” I am excited as hell so can he hurry up.
I am impressed, I assumed it was going to be dope and it is “I like the whole patio and then balcony, shit we have a pool just there” I pointed “the parties too, I mean the very quiet ones” TJ said, Jacob laughed “yes quiet parties so that is it, how about if you decide to sign right now I will throw in a month free rent. These are brand new apartments, just been built so at the moment it’s quiet but we want people to move to Texas so if you sign today we will throw that in” he is making it hard to say I will think about it “can I speak to these two and then we can discuss?” Jacob nodded his head walking off, I like it. I like the whole gates thing, and the price is great “what you thinking then? It will be fine for us, we got parking here, we got the pool. Tell me” I need to hear them “I am speechless, not going to lie. Because I was unsure about Texas anyways but coming here, it’s dope. It’s got a mall two miles from here, the people are dope. I see us being here long term too. I like the whole open plan living, dining thing. The bedrooms are huge too, so we have our own space. If we bring chicks over we got our own room and space, I am for it” looking at TJ “you?” I need them to be in “I want in, I have never had so much fun since being here. No gang shit, just normal people” clapping my hands together “dope, bring it in!” opening my arms, I want this group hug.
Looking around the placing smiling, this shit is dope as fuck “man, I feel rich. Look at this place. I am so proud of this place already, man I feel happy” Barry laughed “you look so happy bro” he knows it, we are waiting for the agent to come back with the paperwork so we can sign this shit, this is a major thing in my life “I am back boys, one thing we do need three hundred and seventy five dollars as deposit? Remember you get the one month free so you do not need to worry about the month rent” I don’t have no money on me for that “I got it, I got it in cash” TJ came up, he didn’t even blink or even think about “Thank you” that was nice of him “don’t, I got you niggas. We eating” nodding my head stepping back “I can take cash, so I just need some signatures and go through some things. So how many cars are you looking to bring?” I don’t even have a car “uh one bro, that is Barry’ car” I pointed out “that is fine, you can also have pets here. So if you want you can bring some” that is dope “so can we move in now?” I asked “you could if you want too, are you all going back to Virginia first?” I would move in now “yeah bro, doing that first” I am so happy.
Jacob shook my hand “congratulations on your new apartment, it was very nice to meet all of you boys. It’s been a pleasure, it’s nice to see such good friends. These are the keys, one copy so you will need to make a few for the rest” taking the key from the guy “look at this boys” holding the keys up “don’t do anything I wouldn’t” Jacob left “how quick was that! My nigga, we did this! We done it” dapping Barry and then hugging him “oh my man, I love you boy! We out here” I am so happy, this means a new life for me, a new hope of something different. I needed this more then they assume so, I don’t have to look over my shoulder anymore. I can just be me; I can make friends out here, I can go out late at night without looking over my shoulder. I will miss my mom my parents so much, but I need this, I need to be free and I will see them when I can. My mom wanted me to move actually, she was scared for me “ayo, take a picture of me over here” I pointed at the balcony, I am out here taking pictures. I am just feeling confident about shit now “this place is crazy nice, like I don’t even want to wear my sneakers in this bitch” this patio and balcony spot is dope, I am in love “I will send you the picture, I will take it” TJ said “come on bro” looking at the pool situated just in front of us, turning around to face them. Barry stood next to me, holding the keys up “ayo, I forgot to tell you. Gabby couldn’t stop speaking on you, she was like he is the most beautiful man I have seen, his aura. His face, I love his hair. I really want him; I goes he is taken. He is very happy with her, and she goes, what did she say TJ” Barry pointed at him “Oh yeah, this bitch goes. Let’s take him out, some drink and dancing. He will be over her, she called me and I goes oh nah. Chris isn’t interested. At all, you for real going to get the bitches” maybe Robyn should be worried, that makes me laugh to think because I have been hiding away from life because of Virginia.
Man I am hype as hell, posting the picture eon Instagram and adding the caption ‘New beginnings, Texas!’ pressing send on the post “we lit bro, what we going to do tonight?” I asked locking my phone, it started to ring straight off “probably go out, last day here and all that” nodding my head “afternoon, you seem to always ring when I post something? Stalker much” walking back into the apartment “I was just looking at Instagram and your notification came up, and I assumed you would be done. You know with me being busy and you, I just thought I would call if you are free” Robyn has been busy, but her busy is celebrating her birthday over several days, she has been drinking all that time “yeah I can for a while, but I got an apartment. It’s so nice, I am so excited. I can’t wait for you to see, you will be impressed because it’s gated too, man I can’t wait!” I am so excited “I can tell how happy you are, you know” Robyn paused “I been busy so I haven’t had the chance to check up on you as I would and things, what have you been doing? You never really explained how that party went?” she is acting like it’s my fault I couldn’t explain “you was partying, I just went to the club and then I left early and then them niggas went to some home. I came back to look at apartments” sitting on the counter top “oh right yeah, that is ok. I got to go, manager ringing. I will call you back” I assumed she wanted to speak “ok cool, I love you Robyn” I was hype on my own, the phone disconnected “women” sighing out.
I have no idea what her problem be sometimes, I think its mixed emotions with her but it’s whatever “shall we go then?” I jumped off the counter “yeah, we might as well get ready for tonight, I can’t wait to move into this place. It’s going to be dope as fuck” nodding my head watching TJ walk back inside “got the plug, we need new weed you see” he is right we do, looking down at my phone as it pinged and then pinged again, again also. I will check it later, it’s Robyn sending me something, if I look now she will then know I checked. I rather she sees I didn’t yet “when you thinking of moving out here then?” Barry asked “uhm as soon as my apartment is sold. I thin kit will be sold quick anyways, because the neighbourhood is nice you know, it’s good for a couple so it will sell good, but I will be here quick so y’all be ready, even though. I may come out here first and just set up, I have set up the Instagram page for Black Pyramid, we that shit started. We move forward from now on, fuck Virginia. I want to play niggas faces, I ain’t going to let them get the better of me, they still gangbanging and we going to be living the high life, but I don’t see myself move from this place, like Cali ain’t me so I don’t know what Robyn will do, she knows I am stubborn so I will not move, Cali is full of fakes and expensive for nothing” Barry shook his head laughing “women will get their way” he patted my arm walking off.
Resting my legs across the backseat, TJ hired a car so we can move without getting an uber which was wack. Let me check Robyn’ messages now, unlocking my phone and tapping on my messages and then onto Robyn’. Seeing three screenshots, scrolling down and tapping on the first one “oh shit” I said staring at this picture, tapping off it and going down to the text.
Robyn: Club huh?
Rubbing my face, how the fuck did she get these and how. Tapping on the first picture again, I am literally sat on the couch innocently, but I am there, sliding to the second picture I am looking straight at the phone, man I look so dumb. Sliding to the third, my hair looks a mess but that is when I mislaid my snapback “niggas!” I spat, she knows, and she asked, and I fucking lied “what?” TJ turned the volume down, dragging myself forward “look” showing Barry “oh yeah she tagged us in these” Barry knew “then why the fuck didn’t anyone tell me!?” I shouted, “because you literally get a notification why?” sitting back “Robyn sent me this and put club huh” I mumbled, Barry turned in his seat looking at me all wide eyed “no fucking way!? She got time to be checking on you, oh fuck” he is saying oh fuck, imagine how I feel “she asked me too, she goes oh about the club and I continued it too, she wanted me to admit it, what do I do!? She sent this twenty minutes ago” I look like a liar “oh shit, you left her thinking. And now she will think you are making up lies, uhm. Oh fuck. I think maybe just text her, yeah. And say yeah I meant house sorry?” I groaned out “no, I said to her. Went to the club and you niggas went to a girls house, the fucking house I am in with these pictures so it look I did the same! I made it worse” Barry let out an oh “tell her the truth, just hope for the best” hope for the best he says.
Chris: I didn’t tell you get together because yu would say no and I just wanted to be there, I didn’t do anything. I didn’t even know these picture were taken!
I can only hope for this text, but she is going to be pissed off, of course this would happen to me but what made her check my tagged pictures. Robyn is really keeping an eye on me, like deadass she is. Maybe that is why she has been quiet with me.
Robyn: You didn’t tell me because I might say no? How stupid does that fucking sound, you lied to me you stupid asshole. I literally fucking told you I would be really watching your behaviour; I just so fucking happen to check that! Is this the fun you are speaking on.
Chris: Not exactly…. You acting stupid
Robyn: I am acting like how any woman would, you fucking lied!
Chris: Sorry
Robyn didn’t text me back, so I know she is very upset with me “I am going to let y’all go to the room, I am going to speak to Robyn on the phone in the bar here. Some space” TJ and Barry didn’t know what to say but smile, I mean I fucked up but it’s not like I did anything I know her answer because she was acting goofy when she said yes the first time I asked to go out. Tapping on Robyn’ name and let it ring out as I went to find a seat here, I don’t want her upset with me so I will let her rant and not say a word “what do you want?” as expected “can we talk or you just going to leave as that? You can see from those pictures Robyn I did nothing wrong. I was sat there on my own, I look odd as fuck. Yes you saw the pictures, but I have nothing to hide, I didn’t even know that was tagged in the first place, I have nothing to hide Robyn, I promise you” I thought I would put that forward “why lie in the first place, I have been sitting on this since yesterday. Why not tell me Chris? I told you I have more to lose because I can barely find anything, with me I could never cheat. The whole world would know” sitting down on the chair “because you were so angry that you said yes that time, so I don’t know. TJ said to not say it, I didn’t, and it was stupid of me. Robyn, I wouldn’t ever cheat on you! I am not crazy, I am sorry. I apologise, I hold my hands up about it” I don’t know what else she wants me to say “tell me Chris, I need you to interact with me about everything, shit. Tell me the time you had your morning pee. We currently on a long distant relationship Chris, I believe you, I do. But don’t do me like that, I get needy Chris. But just because I am busy doesn’t mean I am not watching you, because I am. Even your behaviour now, I love you and I miss you so much” I feel bad that I did “I love you more, when can you see my new place” I mumbled “I will try and see if I can make a little visit, won’t b long, just a quick visit. You know I am not angry at you, I am more angry that you lied, men are fickle. You can have any beautiful person they will still cheat and you are a very good looking man but I know you Chris and I know you are telling me the truth” she does know me but I guess that did annoy her.
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