#cryptid writes
kindasleepywriter · 5 months
Loving Comfort - Nesta x Reader
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Link to my masterlist
Summary: A fae's cycle is a rare event, but it comes with a long list of discomforts. Luckily for you, your mate is by your side to make things better. (Word count: 1k)
Warnings: Menstrual pain, implied blood, smut.
Note: Inspired by this request! Thank you so much for the ask, sorry it took so long!
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Everything hurt. Pain radiated through your abdomen, starting just below your ribs, reaching down and through your body with occasional lashes in your lower back. Cramps and aches like nothing you’d ever felt.
Never felt since your last cycle, you corrected yourself.
Every time, it caught you by surprise. You would think that, after decades experiencing it, you would be better at managing it, but that was certainly not the case. Fae cycles were irregular and much less frequent than humans’ and other species, but nature balanced it out by making them worse. Much, much worse.
You felt like an idiot for not having seen it coming. For weeks you had felt more tired than usual, and in the last few days you had started to feel a dull ache right below your stomach and occasional headaches. You had simply brushed it aside as stress.
All of the signs added up in your head in a single second when, in the middle of training with the Valkyries, you felt the unfortunate moisture underneath your leathers and pants. You had let out a swear and finished the fight quickly, excusing yourself rapidly, mourning the plans you had for the next few days. Once the bleeding started, the excruciating pain wasn’t far behind.
All of it had resulted in your current position, curled in bed like a cat, clinging on to a pillow like your life depended on it, silently cursing the Mother for this supposed blessing. You had skipped training for the second day in a row and, despite the pain, you were also bored out of your mind.
A quick knock at your door shook you from your queasy state.
“There’s no one here” you groaned; the barely audible words nonetheless making your head throb even worse.
The door opened slowly, Nesta’s familiar figure striding into the room unbothered by your comment. She tried to give you a reassuring smile but winced nonetheless when you let out another long whine.
“I would suggest that you train with me to lessen the pain,” she said, “but I rather like the world of the living, so I will abstain.”
“Wise decision.” You groaned. “Anyone who tries to remove me from this room will lose a limb.”
As if in support of your words, another blanket appeared around you. The house understood your pain, at least. The cup of herbal tea on your bedside had kept its perfect temperature all day, and new books appeared at your bedside at regular intervals.
Nesta sighed fondly at your empty threat as she stripped of her leathers. “Hm, no exceptions?” she taunted.
“Even when it would help lessen your suffering?”
You looked up from your nest of blankets with narrowed eyes. You wouldn’t put it past Nesta to find some ruse to force you out of bed. “I’m listening.” you mumbled, as she leaned in the doorway leading to the washroom, arms crossed. She had completely stripped down, and you couldn’t help but lowly whistle. Your mate looked stunning despite her workout, her face slightly flushed and her untied hair falling over her shoulders in waves, leading your eyes down to her slim body.
She rolled her eyes at you, but you felt the golden thread between you tugging with love. “Your mate is standing completely bare in front of a running bath,” she said, “I believe you might be able to come to a conclusion yourself.”
Oh. You flushed as you realized, and Nesta smirked, probably sensing the warmth that rushed through you. The idea of standing up though…
“But walking hurts…” you whined again. Truly, you were almost embarrassed at your behavior, but the pain really was that bad.
She pushed off the doorframe and stepped towards you quickly. Before you even realized what was happening, she had scooped you out of the bed and stripped you of your shirt and shorts. You yelped as the fresh air hit your ass as she carried you towards the washroom, kicking the door closed behind the two of you.
She lowered you in a gentler manner, setting you on the edge of the bath. You sighed when she pulled away, your body instinctively searching for more of her comforting warmth, but she returned quickly with a damp cloth. She softly wiped it over your lower body, discarded it and then focused on you again.
You tested the water with a finger and, as always, felt it was the perfect temperature. You stood to step into it, but Nesta swiftly held you up again, pulling your back against her chest and lowering you both into the water without you moving a muscle.
The water enveloped your body and you fully relaxed against your mate, a relieved groan escaping you. “Thank you, my love.” you murmured, raising a hand to run it through her locks. She chuckled, her breath tickling your ears.
“Don’t fall asleep on me now,” she said, “this isn’t all I have planned.”
You nodded absentmindedly, distracted by the relief and the pleasant feeling of her fingers dancing on your skin. Her fingers went lower and lower, innocently caressing your outer thigh, but changed direction to stroke at the apex of your thighs. You startled at the touch and tried to turn around to reciprocate, but Nesta held you firm against her.
“Just enjoy it,” she whispered, “don’t worry about me tonight.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but the only thing that came out was a moan as she expertly stroked you. You bucked slightly against her hand, searching for more friction, but her free hand kept you from moving too much. She knew what you liked most, and it didn’t take long for you to reach your peak.
You gasped when her lithe fingers entered you and pressed up at just the right spot. You writhed, begging for your release. She only kept you at the edge for a few moments, softly kissing your neck.
“Come for me.” she finally instructed, nipping at your ear.
Your entire body shook as you moaned loudly, calling Nesta’s name like a prayer. She laughed softly as you settled back, satisfied and completely exhausted.
Maybe your cycle wasn’t all bad after all.
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I really am back! This req threw me for a loop because I haven't experienced a period in almost a decade lol but I really enjoyed writing it, it's my first time writing any WLW in general, a first of many i hope.
Banner created by the amazing @saradika!
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canadiancryptid · 2 years
Training with a Reality Warper can be weird. It can be a dangerous power, but they're slowly beginning to learn how to control it. Sometimes they seem a little lost, but things have been pretty smooth so far.
Today, they came to you in distress, sobbing and begging for forgiveness. They didn't mean to hurt anyone, it was an accident!
Confused, you asked them what they were talking about, only to be met with a tearful list of names.
You don't recognize a single one of them.
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khajiithaswitchywares · 11 months
Go hiking. Fake your death. Become one with the forest. Elevate to forest god. The simple things.
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arggghhhsstuff · 10 months
forever obsessed with percy being weird. off-putting. strange even. a cryptid maybe. an urban legend if I may. my boy is the son of one of the oldest, most powerful gods, has been in FBI's records since the age of twelve, fought and won two wars against immortal beings, went to hell and back. I think he's allowed to be a little odd.
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whereserpentswalk · 4 months
Reblog to receive the transformation. Like to upgrade your power.
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posting this with absolutely no context
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There should be more Justice League/Superbat fics where most heros arent really sure if Batman is even real or only know him as
"Supermans Demon Boyfriend Who Hangs Around And Can Be Convinced to Help The League Sometimes"
with like full weird off putting batman who sticks to the shadows and moves with all the wicked grace of an executioners axe and definitely an alien comforting but to bright to look at for too long Superman
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starry-songs-canvas · 4 months
Take Care of Him
The boy, who had Damian’s face, couldn’t be more different than Dick’s (alive?) baby brother.
Aside from his Snow White hair, he smiled and laughed freely, making puns on top of his embarrassing story about his supposed twin brother.  
(“Clones don’t have childhood memories right?  So if I have an embarrassing story or two, that’ll give you a way to check that I’m not a clone AND give you ammunition for teasing!”)
“—And that’s how his face—and his pride—was forever wounded by Sparta the warrior cat!”  Danny finished his story with a flourish, cracking up immediately after.
“Huh, and to think he left it at “training”, obviously he didn’t think anyone would let the cat out of the bag.”  Dick said, laughing even as he eyed the lookalike.
Danny snorted.  “Yeah, I doubt he thought anything as Cat-astropic as that would happen.”
They sat in silence for a moment, overlooking the buildings below, with the Dalv. Co. Labs smoking in the distance and the breeze blowing past the two, yet only seeming to affect Nightwing and not the phantom beside him.
“Is he safe?  Is he happy?” Danny murmurs as he looks up at the stars, looking every bit the forlorn ghost he claimed to be.
“…We keep each other safe.  And I’d say once he got past the stabbing faze, he’s pretty happy in Gotham.”
“But I’m sure it’d make him happy to see you again.”  Dick thought back to the comments the vampire-ghost they’d fought earlier.  It didn’t sound exactly, “happy” or “safe” for Danny.  Or anyone else involved.
Danny shook his head.  “Nah.  He’s… moved on.  And with how crazy my after-life is?  I’m already dealing with ghosts, ghost-hunters, and my—err—that frootloop from earlier.  I do not need to add furries and murder-ninjas to the mix.”
Danny sighed as he floated into a standing position.  “Speaking of which, if you could just, maybe not tell him you saw me?  Better to let dead dogs lie.”
Danny’s piercing Lazarus green eyes looked at Dick and he saw the exact same expression B had on whenever he “had to do it alone”.
“Just, take care of him, Kay?  Or I’ll haunt you to the ends of the universe!”  He said, throwing up a peace sign as he turned invisible.
Dick snorted, “Yeah, sure kid.”
Dick got up and started off toward the bat-plane.  He had a brother to interrogate, and another brother/clone of his brother to find.
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deadsetobsessions · 9 months
DCxDP Writing Prompt: (I wrote some myself but yk)
Ghost was Gotham’s first cryptid. That’s right. Even before Batman. He’d established himself in the city as someone who takes care of things, helps the weak, aid some of the strong trying to do good. His information network sprawled the expanse of the city. In between the day the Waynes died and Batman’s reappearance, Ghost set up shop and slowly began to remove the sludge clinging to Gotham’s spirit.
Danny thought the name was a little bit on the nose but as someone who used to go by Invis-o-bill, he definitely wasn’t complaining.
Besides, people had accidentally aligned with ghost culture when they began calling Gotham his haunt. It was, and having people recognize that helped to boost his core. It was his haunt, and while he was taking down mob bosses, they were also considered his to take care of.
Which meant Danny felt it the moment Batman stepped into his haunt. He stayed his immediate violent reaction only because Gotham herself materialized to stop him from scalping the guy. She whispered to him how his parents died on these streets, how she wanted to choose him as her Knight. The Lady Gotham looked at her King, and asked him to withhold his judgement, bowed her head and pleaded.
Danny, eyes glowing a toxic green, stared at her until the rage from Batman’s presence- invader! trying to steal his haunt!- had calmed.
And he agreed, probationally.
The Ghost stood back and watched, commanding his network of people to assess and judge the Bat as a possible asset. A possible ally.
And so the Ghost’s continent of people, from prostitutes to white collar workers, from street kids to socialites, watched.
And Lady Gotham’s knight proved himself. And he found one of Ghost’s informants. And Danny?
Danny tilted his head back and laughed, glad he allowed Bruce Wayne to live despite his unknowing transgression.
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bluerosefox · 9 months
A Fair Warning
It was only a matter of time, and a long awaited and well deserved comeuppance, when Joker tried to hurt the wrong person or people.
Not everyone was going to play his games like 'Batsy' does. Not everyone will hesitate or let him live should he put his hands on someone to hurt them. Not everyone will believe Arkham could 'fix' him, he just needed more time and help.
This time Joker bit off more than he could chew when he kidnapped the newly hired Arkham psychiatrist Jasmine Fenton (and he had plans, so many plans, for her. With her mixture of Harley's mind and her looks matching Gordon's daughter would sure to cause some chaos and pain in memories) and the girl's visiting sister Danielle 'Ellie' (and did he laugh when he noticed the 'Wayne' adoptive looks the girl had, on the fun he'll have, maybe he'll beat her the way he beat the second Robin just for funzie's, it'll no doubt upset Batman) from Jasmine's apartment.
He had plans to keep the Bats guessing where he was and by the time they reach him it'll be far to late for them to save either of the two girls, he had just sent the little video he taped to the Bats and the police to get the ball rolling...
So why did a shiver run down his spine for the first time in years when they both looked unafraid (it was their eyes that made him shiver, a look of already dead yet somehow alive, something he never seen before. He's seen the light fade from people's eyes before yes, he's even laughed as he watch people desperately cling onto life only for it to fade into nothing as they took a final breath but never have he seen someone, something alive yet dead at the same time before. It, their eyes, held a natural yet unnatural sense as they stared at him, stared at everything that made him Joker and it unnerved him), honestly they looked very bored, and one of them (the youngest of the two, and the one with more of the look of death than life in their eyes) said with a chill tune in their tone.
"Last chance to back out of this Freakshows Reject. You wont like what'll be waiting for you."
The tone alone was enough to send another bone deep chill down Joker's spine.
But instead of listening to his natural instincts, the deep inkling of run blaring at him, Joker merely placed a grin on his face, ignoring the strain he felt from doing so, and said as nastily as he could in order to scare the two girls (BOTH OF THEM STILL LOOKED BORED WITH HIM?!?! Not even a twitch of fear!)
"OH? And pray tell what is awaiting little ol' me hum?"
His mocking question got a wide feral grin from the smaller girl, a grin with sharp teeth and iris eyes beginning to bleed slowly from sky blue to neon green with each second he stared at her and he barely stopped himself from jumping in his spot when Jasmine answered his question.
"Your end."
By the time the Bats get to the warehouse Joker had taken Dr. Jasmine 'Jazz' Fenton and Danielle 'Ellie' Fenton they were prepared for anything and everything to go wrong. As much as they held the tiniest bit of hope that the two young women were still okay they knew better than to really do, this was the Joker that had them after all.
They had manged to narrow down his location much quicker than normal when they gotten Joker's first video and his little 'game' he was setting the Bats on, most locations he gave them were going to be red herrings or traps to keep them busy and it would had worked. Batman and the others would had been searching for hours for even a hint of the clue of where the Joker and his hostages were actually being kept.
It was nearly, not really, a shame all of Joker's plans went to waste when Red Hood had stumbled onto something when scooping out Jasmine's apartment with Red Robin.
You see, not only were they looking for clues at first but something about the apartment Jasmine rented seemed off, Red Robin noticed it first and called in back up encase there was more to oldest Fenton than what they could dig up (oldest daughter of Dr's. Jackson and Madeline Fenton, grew up in a small Illinois town, straight A student and a goal to become a psychologist, has two younger siblings, etc etc) and their suspension raised up more when the moment Red Hood entered the apartment and seemed to freeze for a moment.
Red Hood couldn't really explain it but he said it felt like something was... strange. Not evil bad danger strange but it felt familiar? Like he was a kid again on the streets and had walked into someone else's territory but knew the person wouldn't be too much of a hardass about it as long as he didn't stur up trouble or disrespect. A kind of... as long as you don't fuck around you won't find out feeling.
It was because of this feeling that Jason had manged to stumble across something in the room, his instincts telling him there was more to it, and they had discovered a clunky old custom PDA hidden away in a false floorboard in the office room. Thankfully Red Robin, was there in person because the old thing apparently had a rather ingenious firewall to keep others (aka Hackers) OUT but it did nothing against someone who held the main thing.
But still it took Red Robin almost frying the damn thing to get to open up, turns out the ghost and star stickers on the PDA was a rather large hint of the pass code. Once Red Robin was in the PDA he noticed some rather interesting files, one of them labeled "Gremlin Tracking" with a tiny green blob with red eyes and a green outlined star as the icons.
Curiosity taking a hold on the most curious of the Bats he opened it up, hoping it would need another password, and watched as the screen split into two maps, one was... strange, there was no land marks or anything but the star icon seemed to be right in the middle of wherever it was and the only hint of anything was the name "baby brother" and the map labeled as IR.
The other one showed an above map of Gotham, before zooming into the city, heading towards some abandoned warehouses Red Robin knew of and stopped right at one. This was the green blob icon, the short abbreviation for Gotham in the corner of the map, and the name for the icon was 'baby sister'
Red Robin immediately got onto coms to tell the others of what apparently was a tracker for Jasmine's younger siblings. Some questioned why the young woman had trackers on her siblings, though some of the others snarked back that "oh didn't know keeping trackers on each other wasn't normal. Mind if I loose the one you got on me than?"
After a quick sweep into the warehouses camera feeds, the very few up that could be accessed, done by Oracle they quickly discovered that yes the tracking on the younger girl of the two, Danielle Fenton, was correct and that was where they and Joker were at.
Despite this, Batman decided that in order to make sure Joker didn't have suspicion that they already know his actual location he made sure to send a few of the others to the fake locations.
So here they were now, staking out the warehouse where they could see a few of the Jokers goons walking around and looking for a way into the building without alerting any of them. As they talked low into coms, Robin mentioning a possible way in for Red Robin by how small it was, Red Robin hissing back a "just because you got a growth spurt doesn't mean you can poke fun at my height you little-"
"Wait!" Red Hood suddenly hissed shouted, his tone startling the rest of them and they all turned their heads to him. Batman made a quick and harsh grunt as a way to say "report."
Under his helmet Jason's eyes were wide and wild. He could feel something, something huge was on the rise, like something was out of sight but the energy of it was felt.
And if Jason could feel it from his spot, the Jokers goons all felt the same thing from the way they all dropped their weapons, turned toward the warehouse and looked ready to bolt like scared animals.
Jason opened his mouth to explain but fell silent when the feeling suddenly popped. Whatever was causing the feeling was here and like the calm before the storm he could only watch as the first drop of rain fall.
The next thing they know, was the noise and the screaming.
It was inhuman, a mixture of noise and sounds to hard to explain. The closest they could explain was a thousand voices coming in all at once mixing with radio static that kept changing volume so only few words could be even hinted at, and the angry cawing of crows along with the flapping of their wings as they took flight. The noise was so bad that many who heard it nearly ripped their coms out, or covered their ears. Thankfully it only lasted a few seconds.
Then, the air itself shifted. It felt like the coldest of winter nights and bone chilling shivers ran down their bodies for a moment. The air was suddenly that sharp cold that hurt to breathe sometimes.
The goons surrounding the warehouse fled in fear. Many scrambling to get far, far away from whatever was happening. If they felt even a fraction of what Jason could feel, he could understand. He honestly felt like a small animal cornered by a predator and there was no escape.
Then just as suddenly as it happened, everything shifted again. The noise of Gotham returned to normal, cars honking, a stray cat hissing or a dog barking, police sirens in the distance, hissing steam from a nearby factory. The air went from winter cold to a chill mid winter harbor feel now.
Once everyone registered what had just happened and not wanting to waste anymore time they bolted towards the warehouse, cautious and alert in case they needed to fight. Batman went in first, quickly making his way to the area he knew Joker would be with the Fenton sisters and wondered just what the fuck was that? Did Joker do something? Was he messing with things outside of his usual MO?!
He walked into the room and stopped.
There was nothing.
The room was in fact the room Joker had used to record his first message to them, the layout was correct and the evidence of two people who had been tied up were still there as well, ropes that weren't cut sitting on them, a lone lamp light above shining down from above no doubt to emphasize the two girls were meant to be the 'stars' of Jokers latest show. Thing was, the two weren't there despite the fact Oracle swore she could see them a few mins ago from a camera set up in the room, she would later explain that she heard the noise as well and that all her tech had glitched hard.
The only other thing in the room was, sitting innocently on one of the chairs was a green sticky note and on a tiny pillow was a tiny sickly green orb with hints of purple, white, and red swirling in it.
A note they would later read the following message written on it after carefully examining it over.
'Joker learned not to touch what is mine to protect. Sorry not sorry, but hey one less killer clown and he was warned not my fault he didn't take it seriously... The massive amount of souls wanting to rip apart the Joker's soul into nothing was quite a sight to be honest.
They were so ruthless. Best not mess with the vengeful dead am I right?
PS. I left a tiny gift for Jason Todd aka Robin Two. It's the tiniest piece of Joker's soul left over after everyone else got done. He can finish it off since he's a reverent and all, and well they need their revenge filled in order to peacefully move on later or else they'll be stuck forever in a loop of madness and revenge. So yeah. Hope he likes the gift.'
It took Jason less than a second after those words were spoken out to reach for the orb, ignoring the cautious and alarmed cries of the others, and could feel deep, deep, deep in his own soul the absolute pure weeping joy as he threw the orb onto the floor, the bottom shattering thus it didn't roll away and stomped hard with his reinforced boots. Crushing the broken orb into more pieces and if one listened closely they could hear the pure screaming terror that came from it.
And Jason for the first time in years felt his rage finally leave him.
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uncertain-tay · 2 months
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The hunter brought his rifle to rest on the edge of the deer blind's window. Two young does stood frozen in the floodlight's beam, framed by tangled oak and kudzu... Wait, was it two, or three? There were three pairs of eyes. But what was... Was he seeing things?
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squidinu · 2 years
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theghostkingisdead · 1 year
when he's really tired, danny sometimes slips up and starts talking in ghost speak. the only ones who can understand him when he gets like this are tucker, sam, and jazz (because they're Liminal). of course, none of them realize this until danny slips up in public
Tucker hated English. The whole language was a confusing, contradictory mess. Honestly, the world would be a much better place if everyone just stopped talking and writing and only communicated using Timerio, preferably with several screens between them.
The blank word document stared back at him, mockingly. The sounds of his classmates typing away at their own projects – typing, normally his favorite sound in the world, how dare the project turn it against him! – filled the room. The clock in the corner of his screen told him they had twenty more minutes left in class; twenty more minutes until lunch, where he could at least enlist Sam’s help.
He wished she shared this period with him and Danny, but she was taking AP Lit this year. Tucker glanced over at his other best friend. His best friend, who was staring off into space, not even bothering to pretend to be focusing on the assignment.
Glancing up to make sure Mr. Lancer wasn’t looking, he risked asking, “Hey Danny, what are the odds of a ghost attack happening in the next thirty-five seconds or so?”
Danny barely moved, but Tucker watched him squint, like he was trying to read something far off and blurry.
“Pretty unlikely. Unless we’re still counting blob ghosts as threats.”
Somewhere in the background, the sound of typing stopped.
Tucker hummed, “yeah, that’s about what I figured.” That was ghosts for you, never there when you needed them, never gone when you didn’t. “What if you, ya know,” Tucker raised his eyebrows repeatedly, staring intently at his best friend.
“Aw, come on!”
Danny rolled his eyes, leaning back into his chair. “Dude, if I attacked the school just to get out of the last quarter of English, I’d never hear the end of it from Sam and Jazz.”
Tucker opened his mouth, about to present the very reasonable argument that what Sam and Jazz didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them, when he felt someone tap his shoulder. Turning around in his seat, he met the wide, terrified eyes of Star. She was glancing between Tucker and Danny, face pale.
“Um, I don’t mean to be rude, but uh…” Her voice trailed off, and in the pause Tucker was suddenly aware of how quiet the room had become.
Glancing around, he saw that everyone – including Lancer – was staring at him and Danny with varying levels of confusion and fear. Tucker considered himself to be pretty smart in most areas, maybe even a genius when it came to tech. But it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he’d missed something important.
Danny, the absolute dick, had slumped forward onto his desk. He was out cold. Dead to the world, and definitely not available for backup.
Kwan cleared his throat, and Tucker saw that his face was ashen.
“What are you two fucking talking about?”
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whereserpentswalk · 7 months
Warning: we are not responsible for any bodily transformations, loss of humanity, powers beyond human control or comprehension, witnessing of unfathomable horrors, or sexual/romantic relationships between the horrors and those who make pacts with them that may occur.
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analviel · 11 months
Cryptid batfam.
Robin playing with a baby while Batman deals with the criminals because they got injured and need to take it lightly: *making faces, quiet chirps, and soft growls*
Random nice citizen: Aw, goochikoochi baby~ you wike our Wobin fwiend yes~ Aren't they so bwight~ Wellow so nice yes~
Baby: *laughs*
Robin playing with a baby while Batman deals with the criminals because they got injured and need to take it lightly, bored:....... Aw, goochikoochi baby~ you wike our Wobin fwiend yes~ Aren't they so bwight~ Wellow so nice yes~
Random nice citizen:....
Baby: *laughs*
Robin, no longer bored, still in the same voice as the random nice citizen, secretly preening at the videos being taken of the first ever recorded instance of Robin speaking: Borrow. Thank you.
Random nice citizen:..........haha
Random nice citizen:......... That doesn't come with my soul, right, haha?
Robin, no longer bored: Just for a week.
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The people of Gotham both fear and revere The Signal. As they do the rest of the Batfam but for Signal it's a bit different.
For starters, he's the only daytime hero. The other Bats usually only come out at night when the city is quieter. And while it's far from asleep, they prioritize stopping the numerous crimes that occur in the shadows. Civilian interactions far and few. Most pictures of them online seemed more like cryptid sightings than heroes soaring through Gotham skies.
The Signal on the other hand was the people's Bat. They got to see him soar through the sky, or ride his bike in all his golden glory. He gave autographs, took photos, and joined them on their daily commutes. He was a regular at mom-and-pop shops, made sure the troubled kids made it to school, and checked in on the sick and elderly. And while he did work with them when necessary, he mostly liked to fuck with the police, like a true Gothamite would.
All in all, he was the sweet sunshine that Gotham needed. He was far more human than the others. Not that he was human, oh heck no! NONE of the bats were human! But it felt that way. Until you were reminded that he was INDEED a Bat.
The way he merged and appeared out of the shadows despite his bright yellow suit, and moved without a sound. He knew about people and things before they happened. And had an intelligence that was absolutely terrifying when thought about. And the way he took care of crimes?
The Signal is cold, borderline brutal, and efficient (with commentary that leaves you agape and a chill down your spine) when dealing with criminals. It was always jarring to witness the sudden change from Gotham's sunshine boy to stone-cold Bat, and back again. It almost gave you whiplash to realize that this was the vigilante that you were talking to about your puppies a few moments ago. And it really instilled the Fear™ that that bats were known for.
The other Bats were terrifying, shadowy demons that moved through the night. Stopping crime in the darkness. Gotham knew and appreciated this. But the Signal? He was the bright light at the end of the tunnel and the warmth of the brilliant sun. But he was also...
'Gotham's Darkest Angel'
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